tss+ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1665 IFILLIGIOIIS IMPTELIMGENCE. Tar. CITY Returned.—Rev. Richard A. Mallery, pastor - Of the Presbyterian Church, South street, above Eleventh, has 'returned from a toter through the South, improved in health and experience. A New and Important Movement. —A move- Molt for extended Christian work has just been inaugurated in this and other cities. It will find a general expression at Cleveland on the 27th instant. The following circular is sign ed by Francis Wayland, Henry Ward Beecher, S. IT. Tyng, and a large number of prominent Clergymen and laymen: A convention of Evangelical Christians will be beld in the city of GleVeltiffil, at, ten o'clock, on Wednesday, September 27,186 x, to Organize a national society tor evangelization .--a Christian commission for the masses—to carry the religion of Jesus, fn.all its saving efficacy, especially in the great cities, and in the South, to those not reached by effective Christian influences. Extensive correspond ence and consultation have led to the assur ance that the necessity of greater activity in the direction indicated is painfully felt. We have fallen away from the simplicity and entire con.9.oenution of the early Chriatitklis• At first every disciple was a missionarY i and every . church a missionary society. It is simply proposed that earnest Chris tians,whose hearts burn with love and zeal, join hands to do, and promote, this comprehensive work Of direct evangeli zation, for which the primitive Christians lived, suffered and died. The plan proposed is simple, and it is practicable. Churches, City Missionary and Tract Societies, Young illun's Christian Associations, and kindred or ganizations, are requested to apphint dele gates to meet in convention as above desig nated. Where organizations that will appoint delegates do not exist, pastors and brethren, few or many, are requested to meet and name Some two Or more of their number as dele gates. And all interested are invited to at tend and take part in the convention, whether appointed as delegates or not. It is suggested that delegates come prepared to report the names of such as will heartily co-operate. A Tree Story for Boys,—"Arthur Merton; or, Sinning and Sorzowing." It is refreshing now-a-days to get hold of a book of facts for the young. So much pestiferous trash is placed in their hands that their moral and re ligious as well as practical and common sense* are depraved often beyond recovery. Here, however, we find a book intensely interesting, full of praztieal lessons and solemn truth— 'With all the elements of an exciting fiction, and yet a true narrative of facts. Our Sub_ bath-school libraries, we should think, would jump at such a book as a prize, as, indeed, it is. The story is a sad but loud warning , against deception, dishonesty, procrastination, and other vices of youth, and a strong appeal for virtue and religion. Employers are specially interested in its lessons. Parents, teachers, and guardians, should get the book into the hands of their young friends. It is destined to a wide circle of usefulness. J. C. Garrigues tt Co., 118 South Fourth street, are the pub lishers. The Kensington Presbyterian Chureh.—Last Sunday Rev. W. 0. Johnstone, the pastor of this chard), preached his fourteenth anniver sary sermon. During the period of his pasto rate there have been 091 additions to the church, 099 of which were on examination, and 202 on letters from other'churches. The bap tisms have numbered &ZS; the number of fune rals, over 700 3 about 400 marriages have been solemnized. Mr. Johnstone has preached nearly 1,400 sermons, besides about 1,000 lec tures and special addresses. Ile has paid about POO visits a year, making in the whole time about 13,000 visits. About 330,000 have been raised for congregational purposes, and about $12,00D for benevolent causes. AVMNed the Pastorate.—Rev. J. Ford Sutton late of Howell, Mich., has accepted the call V) the pastorate of the Western Church of this city, and is already engaged in the duties of the position. Entignation.—The Rev. Charles W. Shields, D. D., has resigned the charge of the Second Presbyterian Church in this city, late Dr. Cuyler's. E=! In Now 'York there are nine Churches for Colored people, viz : Three Protestant Episco pal, three alethodist, one Presbyterian, and one Congregational. Archbishop Purcell, of Cincinnati, has re ceived from Rome the apostolic. letters making Rt. Rev. ii. J. LaYalle i president of St, Mary , S College, near Louisville, Marion county, Sy., Bishop of Louisville. A new edifice, erected by the Presbyterian Church, Carbondale, Pa., Rev. Oliver Crane, vastor, was dedicated August 31. Cost, with lecture-room in the rear, $15,000, all of which, except $1,600, has been raised. —" In May next the General Eldership of the Church of God? in North : 4 1.merica . , will hold its eighth triennial session in the city of De catur, Macon co., Illinois. —.Where was a convention of colored Bap tists in Richmond, August 11th, composed of representatives of at least seven counties—in all twelve churches, of 8,500 members, sending forty delegates. The largest congregation is the First Baptist Church of Richmond, 1,753 members, anti a Sabbath-school of 311. THE CITY. CAUTION TO GUNNERS.— Thd Press briefly stated yesterday an accident that happened to Mr. nivel, a resident of the Neck., First ward, by the accidental discharge of a gun. It seems that he was in the act of drawing the weapon from a boat, the muzzle being to wards him. The hammer was down on the cap. In pulling the gun towards him the end of the hammer came in contact with an im movable obstacle. Hence the explosion. A similar case happened to a young man named Richard Rutter, who has had conside- Table experience in gunning. While he was in the act of drawing his gun from the boat, the discharge occurred, and he lost that por tion of his right hand that happened 10 be over the muzzle. The hammer was down on the cap in this instance. It is strange that both the above named sufferers, having had much experience in the exciting sport of gun ning, should so far forget the rule of 'propri ety, as to not. place the hammer at a half cock. Now that the marshes are alive with gunners as well as birds, the greatest care should be taken in lianciiing the firearms. FIFTEEN COAL CAMS DEMOLISH:M-0n Thursday afternoon a large train of empty coal cars was on its way to Pottsville. When it approached the bridge over Ridge avenue, a mane was given to stop the train. The brakes were applied. The sudden stoppage broke the couplingbetween cars near the locb motive, and the grade being rather heavy, the succeeding cars jumped the track, and were precipitated upon the turnpike. Fifteen of them fell into the road and were piled one upon the other. Some of Illsm were totally demolished, and the splinters scattered in all directions. The wreck of the cars completely impeded travel along Ridge avenue until a latehour. although a large force of men was employed in removing the debris. That no one was injured on the avenue or ears, is al most miraculous when the amount of 'travel at this imint of the Ridge road is known. VISIT OF A PHILADELPHIA FIRE COMPA NY To PITTSM:II.G.--11C Visit of the Good In tart Bose Hook and Ladder Company No. 2, to the city of Piterlivi-g, lie made to-morrow evening, instead of On Monday, as originally contemplated. Major Wm. A. Delaney will officiate as chief marshal, assisted by Messrs. L. Charman and F. A. Morrell, Esqrs. They take With them their beautifully renovated carrioge, the Jefferson Cornet Band, and a very large turn-out of equipped members. There are also F everal specially invited guests, amongst I hem being Chief Engineer Lyle, Col. Wm. F. Small, Col. Philip S. White, C. W. Greene, Esq., Thomas E. Harking, ESQ., s , Unele 72 Jacob Tripler,ana other well-known gentlemen. The excursionists will be the guests of the Duquesne Fire Company of Pitts burg, and as they are to remain there for lin entire week, a most pleasant time may be ex. peeted. InPNOVEM - ENTS IN CANDEN.—A. MOW- Inent is on foot amongst capitalists in Camden, which, if successsfuily carried out, will add, during the next year, about Ave hundred new TeSidenCCE to the city. The plan proposed is the organization of a company, with a capital Of two hundred thousand dollars, which shall purchase some fifteen or twenty acres of ground within the city limits now unoccupied. Certificates of stock will be issued mid classi fied in such ainanner that anyone may become Shareholder. It is thought - that this company will give impetus to building improvements In Camden. A FURTHER RESPITE.—David Gregory, Who 18 under sentence of death for the mur der of Stephen Viera, a tavern-keeper, has re- Ceived a further respite. He was to have been executed on Friday next, but the execution bas been postponed until the '2oth of October. Dlr. Gregory's condition is almost hopeless. Re eats but little, and Ida mind seems to be affected. When spoken to in reference to the murder he always gives the same reply, that he was under the influence of liquor at the time he committed the act or he would not have done it. ills wife and family call upon him frequently, and theirinterviews are touch ingly sad. A FIiaMETORD COMPANY.—The Wash ington Steam Fire-Engine Company, of Frank fOrd, have elected :heir marshals for the ap proaching parade. as follows Chief Marshal,James A. Thompson. _Assistant Marshal, Daniel W. Gilbert. They have also engaged the Washington Cornet Band, of Boonton, N. J., composed of sixteen silver instruments, said to be a vraelt band. SAD ACCID-ENT.—JOlin Ferguson, aged five years, residing at 609 South Fourth Btre,l3t, was run over yesterday morning by a hay wa gon= on Sixth street, below Sprach. lie wa4 sitting in a milk wagon, and attempted to pull Some ilUy out of the passing wagon, when Dle WAS dragged out and - run Ov6r. Rig jaw. bone was broken and both of his ears cut off. THEIR CONDITION.- - LOUIS Lueytts, who Was stabbed by his brother, on We , inesday evening htiA, wag doing well 'lag, night. ms recovery, though not probable, is thought to be possible. Charles Revel, who was accidentally shot While gunning, is slowly recovering. A N - F,W Bo am.—The Bachelor's Bar Club 'will bring home to-day their new six- Oared shell. The Schuylkill Navy is ordered out to reeeive them This is the only six oared shell this side of Harvard, and it is ex rated to create a sensation among the boat lug iraternite. MABSSALS FOR TIM P.IItADE.—ThB South Penn Steam Forcing Hobe Company have elected for the coming parade : Chief lfarFbal—William S. Neel. Assistants—Thos. S. Davis, George S. Deiss, Geo. Donlan, lie.llTY A SUPPLY OF TAvautlia,—On seventh street, from Pine to . Carpenter, a distance of seven settaret , , there are fifty-IWe houses in which liquor IS SO/do" The proportion is ono tavern out of every lour 11611E101. " THE PERFECTION OUR NATIONAL GARCE.—A fine game of base ban will take place this afternoon be tween two picked nines from the married and single members of the Athletic club, on their grounds, Fifteenth and Columbia avenue. Both nines are very strong, and one of the 1)00 games of the season may be expected. Fully 10,00 D persons will witness this contest. To commence at 2 , /, o'clock. Choice seats re served for ladies. To-night, at 10 o'clock, the Athletics start for Pittsburg. INCENDIARISM IN CAMDEN. —The City Councils of Camden have authorized the Mayor to offer rewards for the apprehension and conviction of every person engaged in destroy ing property by incendiary acts. So bold and frequent of late have attempts been made to destroy property by firing it, that such steps as have 'been taken by councils were believed to be necessary for the security of the property of the Citizens. TIIE NEsnarsoxy.-This United States war steamer is beinf rapidly - prepared at the navy yard, for launelling. Tile bilge-ways are already placed. It is expected that the steamer will be ready to glide into its destined ale• meat on the tld inst. The time, however, is not certain. RELIEF FOE SOLDrEIIe FAIsITLIES IN aklkt- DEN.—During the past month, the Mayor of Camden has paid to families of volunteers 64,500. The State pay is $6 per month for each family, thus making seven hundred and fifty ALARM o' FutE.--The alarm of fire last evening, after eight o'clock was caused by the burning of a window curtain, at 1014 Lombard etre,et, ANOTHER CLlll3.—Ahother base-bail club bas been organized,under the name of " Light. foot," of which P. Hasson is president. THE COURTS. Court of Quarter Sessions—Hon. Names B. Ludlow, Associate Justice. [John A.Wolbert, Esq., Prosecuting AttorneY,] DISTURIIANCE IN A COURT William and Anna McGaergle and James Mc- Cabe were charged with committing an assault and battery on Conrad leader. Johanna Bs der was charged with committing an assault and battery on Henry Hansel. Tile latter'did not appear. The parties are Irish and Ger mans, and reside next to each other in a court. The children got to lighting, and the result was the parents finished it up. The jury con victed the NeGaergles and McCabe, and ac quitted Johanna Bader. The men were sen tenced to pay a fine of $lO and costs, and the woman $5 and costs. 13=! Jas. Boyle Was charged as a bailee with ap propriating to his Own use. Elliott Kelley teStined thane bought a cargo of melons of accused, at $3O for prime, and $l3 for millings, per hundred. It was agreed that the melons should_ be taken out at a certain time, but, that not being done, it was agreed that security be given, and the melons to re main in the vessel until next day. The secu rity was entered, and then the accused went off and sold the melons still on board, and kept the money already paid him to hind the bargain, and also the amount he received for melons sold, the - witness having placed two men there to count the melons, the accused to receive the money. Counsel for accused said there was no lar ceny in the case. The Court said if there was larceny in the case it was just when the defendant was made an employe or clerk of the prosecutor, and authorized to receive the money. Joseph Brady testified that he went security that the melons should be delivered on the se cond day. Mr. Kelley then asked Boyle to give to witnessthe money he had received for Melons already Bold, which he refused to do, but' gave a written agreement to pay the amount. After the security-paper had been signed by witness the defendant refused to take it because he was asked for the money. The defence called James Kelly - , who testi fied that he was a son of the prosecutor and loaned to him $25 to bind the bargain; the prosecutor, after buying the mAlons S3U put them up to $lO, hence the redlibn of their not being taken out of the boat ; Capt. Boyle told the prosecutor the price he put on the melons was too high, and the boat would never be un loaded; at that rate; the defendant then de manded sedurity, and witness became disgust ed and went off. The witness said that Capt. Boyle had but $94, besides the trip; his father ban an empty boat, and could have taken out the melons when he. Drat purchased them. Ver dict not guilty. James. McCausland was charged with the larceny of $lO. Dennis Sheehan was called to the stand, and said he did not want to prose cute the ease. Tie and the defendant both worked together, and the money was missed when on a spree. He had received his money. The case was submitted, and a verdict of not guilty rendered. 00UNTBBYEIT FIFTY. William Daley was charged with attempting to pass a counterfeit note, vurportint , to be a treasury note of the denomination 0f',1,511 Mr. Ancona testified that the accused bought clothing of him to the amount of ten dollars, and gave a fifty-dollar note; the note was taken to the Southwark Bank; Officer Barton was then called, and the defendant made seve ral Contradictory statements as to where he got it, and was arrested. Mr. R. H. Beatty testified that the note was a counterfeit. The defendent said a countryman of his gave him the note to buy clothing; he never had fifty dollars of his own in his life; he had a witness,named John Smith, but he was not present. Verdict not guilty. 11. S. District Court—Ron. John Cad wallader. In consequence of the indisposition of Dis trict Attorney Gilpin, no business was trans acted in this court. THE POLICE. [Before bl r. Alderman Beitler.] AN OIL CASE. Yesterday, at noon, a suit was brought by Austin Scott, Esq., against George H. Ashton, president; Fred. E. Swc.pe, treasurer: and T. R. Serril, E. B. Harper, 0. C. Henszey, and John Y. Barton, offi cers and directors of The Atlas 011 Company, charg ing them with misdemeanor, in making, circula ting, and publishing printed statements in reference to said company, " which they itnew to be false, with intent to induce debonent and others to be come shareholders, and with intent to deceive and defraud deponent and other shareholders." both the prosecution and defence were represent ed by counsel, and considerable interest being felt hr tire ease, the office was overflowing with spec tators. The affidavit of the complainant shows that at various times he bought stock in the Atlas Oil Company, amounting to three thousand five hun dred shares, which he was compelled to dispose of at a loss of one dollar per share. or 83,500. Hearing minors as - to the condition of the oil company he called upon Mr. Swope, the treasurer, informing him of the rumors; said that he had been compelled to dispose of a large quantity of stock at a loss, and insisted that these losses should be reimbursed to him. Some time elapsed, and then he avers that Mr, Swope offered to pay him eight hundred dollars in money and settle all cainit. IJII to the present date, he had only received SISO. The affidavit further states that the three monthly dividends, width had been declared, were paid out of the defendant's own moneys; that their prospectus is false: that they do not own the lands as asserted; and that they are not in receipt of sixty barrels of oil daily as set forth. The first witness called was Mr. Scott, who testi fied that lie first beard of the Atlas Oil Company in November, 1864: saw their advertisement and pro spectus; the office was located at No. 524 Walnut street; on the 23d of November, 1864, he bought two hundred shares, at two and a half dollars per share, from Mr. Isaac Barton; bought two hundred :dimes more, at tyy,o dollars; on December 30th bought one hundred shares for 5187.50; in January last got two hundred shares St $2.15 per share; on the 4th two hundred-shares at $2.10; on the 7th two hundred at 62.75: afterwards bought live hundred shares fora:1,185; 1 was induced to buy by the pro spectus: my loss has been between thirty-five han d; ed ima four thousand dollars; Iliad an interview with Mr. Swope, at the MT, and Riled WA , 194 - cerning a report that the proPertY Of file company was not located on Cherry Run; he stated that the company was all right; Mr. Ashton said the same in answer to questions of mine; I also saw Mr. Henry; lie did not appear to know anything concerning the truth or falsity of the re aerts! when I mode the purchase from Mr, Harper he said they were about to declare a dividend lira tow days; I had a conversation with Mr. Searle about the time: it was stated that tae Jersey Well had given out; he said they had received a telegram at the office of the Maple Shade that it had given out; once 1101 d Mr. Willbank, the secretary, that I had beard a report that the eompany did not own an In terest of one-sixth in the Jersey Well; he appeared to ridicule the idea; I also asked him about the fifty acres of land on Cherry Hon; he said once it was on the Run, and again said it was at a place about six miles above the location given in the prospectus. Cross-examined.-1 am manager of the Ashton Commercial Agency: 1 am not a atoll;-broker, butia member of the open board; I have bought and sold there; 1 commenced the business in November, Mai, and continued until May last: during that time I bought four thousand shares of the stock, andheLd about thirty-eight hundred of them; parties who had ada anced sue money sold part of it; I will not say that I always itud money to pay for the stock when I bought it; I purchaaal on account of the representations made In the prospeetus,• I bought 803n.3 of the stock iron, outside parties, bat never sem any for any officer of the company. John Halsey atirmed.—l houghl four hundred shares of awe:: in Slit Alias Oil Coin pany, from 12.150. Ashton, the preaident; I bought it before the dividend was declared; l saw tile advertisement in the paper; went to the oalee and got a _prospectus: before I bought 1 paid two dollars and a letif fur what I gut irons hint; arteViVardii I bought two thou sand shares from brokers as fifty cents per share, which 1 hare still; I was told that the cOMpanv were getting sixty-are barrels of oil per day, and that the dividends, which bad ceased. would be paid again soon: Mr. Ashton told me that he held a large number of abares,and represented that it was good. A. H. Bookhammer testified that he bought two humped and fifty shares at two dollars and fifty tents,' under the inducements held out by the pro spectus, and got three di vhlenfis oil it; MUM:CMS he called at the oilier, but could get no satisfantiOn. G. N. Jones testified that he bought fOnr hundred shares for a thousand dollars, and afterwards one thousand shares from tile brokers at $1.56; the first purchase was made from Mr. Ashton, on the faith of the prospectus. Dr. Ragleten testified that lie bought one Min dred shares at tia2.so per share.; he had seen the pro spectus, and called at the unite; at first the secretary said that the stock was att sold, lint the next day lie sold the one hundred shares. The ease was held over until Thursday next. ALLEGED LARCENY. Thomas Whitmore, wearing the garb of a soldier, was arraigned, yesterday afternoon, at the Central Station, charged with having stolen a leather hag containing one hundred dollars in notes, besides gold and silver, the property of Jane Lewis. The Larceny is said to have been eommitted about the first of September, The aecilsed was held in $l,OOO ball for court. LOCtrk CASE. James Loa to was up again for a further hearing. witnesses—Charles Seudcrly and C:eor.•e Poole—were examined, but could not identify tic peensed as the person seen descending the stairs at the Hall. The ease was then c.ntinued Until Mon -I.IZIT that further testimony may be obtained. MAINTAINItiCi A NCISANCV, Pritz Pinder was charged with keeping and main taining a nuisance, in the shape of an oyster anti eakt: stand. at Chestnut-street wharf. - The etouiilainant, Wm. Needles, avers that the has a stove th e re. upon which he cooks ykinais, and the smoke from Width is M very annoy ing to Mtn and those frequenting - his counting room, AVIIMI is located close to the stand Ri ques tion. lie had called the attention of Fritr to the matter several times, without success, and now he was compelled to use the present means. Fritz was ordered to Soil bail in too to answer, mid in the meantime to abate the nuisance. ALLEGED GODBEILY Henry Geiger and Isaac Lowden were charged, on the oath of Barney 'McMahon, with the larceny . of a sum of mousy amounting to twenty . dollars. The complainant says that, 4t r rilelrlday ni ght last, he .vas going out to Cierioan town, when he Missed Ids watch. He Saw Geiger, met toll him that it was lost, and offered to give him some looney if he could find It. Geiger Went with him; they went into a tavern, where he took out the money. (totter seized it; witness held him and called for help; an other man canto and rescued Geiger, and they both ran aff ay. There being no evidence againd Lowden he was discharged. Geiger was held In *I,Ot oto answer. COUNTMILIEIT TlOll Yesterday morning a man giving the name of - Michael Costello, was held in $2.000 ball to answer the charge of passing a counterfeit twenty-dollar note upon a grocer, at Fourth and SLippen streets. AssAvvr Will! A gNIFIC . On Thursday night, Charles Bennett and another man, whose in Mlle is not given, got into a quarrel at Fourth and Gashill streets, in the course of which it is alleged that Bennett cut his opponent in the neck with Ihtlietiag a painful wound, bat tchiCh 15 not considered lie was arrested, MECHANISM." and yesterday morning was held in $OO3 bail to an swer at court. ATTEMPT AT EMMERT. During Tinirsday night the counting-house of the lumber-yard of - Messrs. Norcross & Sheets, et Coates-street wharf, was entered by thieves, who made an unsuccessful attempt to blow open the safe. They Old not obtain anything. [Before Mr. Alderman Allen.] LAMCP.NY OP RAILROAD TICKETS George Smith was arrested in West Philadelphia, on Thursday, charged with the larceny of a number of railroad tickets. He was committed to answer. [Before Mr. Alderman Holmes.] VIOLENT ASSAMr• Thomas Busby, James Brag, and George . Garlic were arraigned on a charge of asSault and battery, preferred by Mr. Adam tranbest. The complainant, who is slivery-stable keeper in Frankford, alleges that the defendants hired a horse and wagon from him recently. riot being returned as soon as Was agreed upon, he went to look for It, and. observing it, siezed the horse for the purpose of stepping the team. The men, it is said. jumped out and attacked Mr. Banbest, knocking him down, and injuring him so that helms since been confined to his house. The neeused were. held in $1,500 bail each to answer. GENTS" FURNISHING (A-OOHS. FINE SHIRT MANIMACTORY. 4 . - The Olibscribers would invite attention to their DEPASYYBD OUT VF AIIIRTM, which they make a specialty i their business. Also, constantly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAN. 3. W. SCOTT 83 CO., GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STONE, No. EGA CHESTNUT Street, jag-ly Four doors below the Continental. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. 600ARCM STREET. 600 GLASS JARS AND TIN CANS, KITCIIEN WARES " . iiiIITLERY, WOO PEN-WARE. se7-tf PAGE, SIXTH and ARCM. GROCERIES. WRITE PRESERVING BRANDY. PURE CIDER AND WINE VINEGAR. GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD SEED, SPICES, &c. All the requisites for Preserving mud Pickling Par Poses. ALBERT 0. ROBERTS. DEALERS IN FINE GROCERIES, an26-tf Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE Streets INSURANCES. THE RELIANCE INSURANCE COM a- PANT OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated in 1841. Charter Perpet.uai OFFICE No. 30S WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL, $300,000. Insures against Loss or. Damage by 'Prim gouges, Stores, and other Buildings, limited or perpetual: and on Furniture, Goods, Wares,and Merchandise, in town or country. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. ASSETS, $100,068.11. Invested in the following Securities, via First Mortgages on City Property,well se cured $104,600 03 United States Government Loans 141,066 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans 60,000 00 Pennsylvania 60,060,006 ser cent. Loan.. 15,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first and second Mortgages.... 4 ?IMO 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 per cent. Loan 6,000 00 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany's 6 per cent. Loan 5,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 per cent. Mortgage Bonds 4,05000 COll nor Fire Insurance Company's stock.. 1,050 08 Mechanics , Bank Stocks 4,000 SO Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock.. 10;000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock 880 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadel phia's Stock - Accrued Interest Cash In bank and on band Worth at present market value $414,898 71 DIRECTORS. Clem Tingley, William Stevenson, Win. R. Thompson, Bcnj. W. Tingley, William Musser, Marshall Hall - , Samuel Eispham, Charles Leland, 11. L. Carson, J. Johnson Brown, Robert Steen, Thomas H. Moore. CLEM IIMir'LEY, President. THOMAS C. HILL, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA, lleCeMber 1, 1884. jalo4l THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST AL- COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA, INCORPORATED BY THE STATE OP. PENN- SYLVANIA., 3D MO.. 22. D. 1505. Insures Lives, Allows Interest on Deposits. and Grallts Annuities. CAFITAL, *150,000. DIRECTORS SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY, RICHARD CADBURY, JEREMIAH HACKER, HENRY HAINES. JOSHUA H. MORRIS, T. WISTAR snow -N, DIOILARD WOOD, WM. C. LONGSTBETH, LCH.B.S. F. COFFIN. SAMUEL B. SHIPLEY PRESIDENT. ROWLAND PARRY, ACTUARY. ' TEMPORARY OFFICE, No. 247 SOUTH. THIRD STREET, BASEMENT. jr2S-Vathsly DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PNNSYLVANIA, 1,1333. OFFICE S. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS PHILADLLPHIA. MAEIbIE iNsunexcEs ON VESSELS, CARGO, To all parts of the world. FREIGT, I NL AND INSURANCES On Goode, by River, Canal, Lake,_ and Land Car riage, to all •g. arts of the Uriligh. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, ate. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1, 1884. $llO,OOO United States 5 per cent. 10an,'71.46100,000 00 111,000 " 6 81.. 118,215 00 75,000 " 8 " " 5-205.. 75,562 50 100,000 State of Pennsylvania Five Per CetitLoan- - 93,600 00 es,coo State oi rennsir7ania Six Per Cent- Loan 55,840 00 123,050 C ity of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Loan 122 520 31 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mor tgage Six Per Cent. Bonds 22,000 00 50,060 Pennsylvania Railroad h Seeohd Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds... 53,250 00 15,000,300 Shares - Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest guaranteed by tne city of Phila delphia -15,800 00 5,500,130 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Rail road Company 9,103 00 5,000,010 Shares Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company 8,050 00 50,0001:Jutted States Treasury Certifi cates of Indebtedness 48,425 00 80,100 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan 12,000 110 28,700 Loans on Bonds and Mortgage. amply secured 128,700 00 1868,250 Para C05t5842,100.50. Market va1.5857.627 87 Beal Estate 85,000 00 Bills receivable for insurances B il ls 118,3;30 42 Balances due at Agencies.—Pre miums on Marine Policies Ac• creed Interest, and other debts due the Company 38,793 scrip and Stock of sundry Insur ance and other Companies, $4,- _ 203. Estimated value. Cash on deposit with 11. Crovernment, sub ject to ten days' ca11..100,000 00 Cash In Banks 58,154 93 Cask in Drawer.. . . .... . 537 56 —5158,6E0 49 DIRECTORS: Thomas C. Hand., J. F. Peniston, John C. Davis, Henry Sloan, Edmund A. Solider, William G. BouHon, Theophilus Paulding, Edward Darlington, John - ft, Penrose, H. Jones Brooke, T James raquair, Jacob P. Jones, Henry C. Dollen, Jr., James B DieFarland, James C. Hand, Joshua P. Eyre William C. Ludwig, Spencer Mclivalne, Joseph H. Seal, John D. Taylor, George G. Leiper, Edward Laroureade, Hugh Craig, J H. Semple, Pittsburg, Robert Burton, A. B, Berger, Pittsburg. Samuel B. Moan,. ..rik.M.i.S C. HAND _President, JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President. HnnnT LYI.P.UnN, Secretary. del6-ly ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COM PANY.—Authorlzed Capital, S4.OO,OOO—CHAB TER PERPETUAL. office, No. 31 - 1. WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This COMpallr Wlll Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise generally. Also, Marine Insurances on Vessels. Cargoes, and Freights. inland insurance to all parts of the.union. DIDF.CTORS. William Esher, Davis Pearson, 1). Luther, Peter Seiger, Lewis Auden'.led, J. E. Baum John R. Mickleton, William F.'Dean, Joseph lnamileld. John 'Ketcham. WILLIAM ESHER, President. WM. F. FfITAli, Vice Freuldent.tlx W. AL SMITH, Secretary. apa-tf FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT STREET, YHTLADELPIIIA. • FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRMCTORS. Francis N. Buck, John W. Everman, Charles Richardson, Robert B. Pottcr, Henry Lewis„ John Kessler, Jr.., Samar: Wright, E. D. Woodruff, P. S. Justice Charles Stokes, George A. WecL Joseph D. Ellis. FRANCIS N. ItlTOlC . . s _rresigient. CHAS. RICHARDSON, Vice President. W. I. 'BLANCHARD, Secretary. jal4-tY AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 210 WALNUT Street, above Third Philadelphia. Havinga large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus Invested In sound andavailable Securities, continues to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Mer chandise, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and Other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. Thomas E. Maris, James B. Campbell, John Welsli, Edmund G. Dutilh, Samuel C. Morton, Charles W. Poultney, Patrick Brady Israel Morris. John T. Lewis ,' THOM.A. E. MARIS, President. ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD, Secretary. fe22-tf FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. —THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1525. CHARTER PEI!, PETUAL. No. 510 WALNUT Street, opposite In dependence Square. This Company, favorably known to the commu nity for nearly forty years continues to insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Public or,Pri vate Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, Stocks, Goods, or mer chandise generally, on liberal terms. Their capital, together with a largo Surplus Fund. is invested in the most careful manner, which en ables them to offer to the Insured an undoubted se: entity in the case DIRECTORS. Daniel Smith, Jr., ,lolin Devereux, Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith, Isaac Hazlehurst, Henry Lewis, Thomas Robins, J. Gillingham Fell. DANIEL SMITH, JR., President. WILLIAM O. ChoWSI.L. Secretary. COAL. BUY YOUR WINTER SUPPLIES NOW—Lowest Price for the Season.—Genuine Eagle Vein COAL, equal, if not superior, to Lehigh. Egg and Stove sizes, &950' Large Nut, $5.50. Tryst. You will be sure to be pleased. (Mee, in South FOURTH Street, below Chestnut. Depot, 1419 CALLOWHJLL Street, above Broad. jy2l-3m ELLIS BRANSON. K NO WLE S' LEHIGH, HICKORY, and FISK COAL, at reduced prices. Omcs and Yard. NINTH and WILLOW Sts. )5,16-3ne C 0 A L .-SUGAR LOAF, DEANER 'Li MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain, from Scbuyikill,prepared expressly for family use. Depot, 'N. W. corner EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office, No. 112 S. 'SECOND Street. rape-tfl 5. WALTON & CO. E D. F. MORGAN„ ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COLLECTING AGENT, MEMPHIS, TENN. The Civil Courts of this District are now in pm& Mai operation. Having practiced at the Mempldi bar for ten (10) years, my acquaintance with tiiie business community greatly facilitates in the epeedy Collection or claims. E. D. P. MORCFAN. WILLOOX THE PRESS.-PRILADHLPHIA, SATUBD.A.Y, SEPTEMBER 16, 1865. 'STATE OF RICHARD ENGLE, DE CEASED.—Letters.testamentary on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims against said . estate'are re quested to present the same, and all persons in debted are it questr d to make payment to him. RICHARD EMILE, ,TB., Bunton SEPT. 15, 1865. Cit.l No. 31 boutli Tlilltll Went. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -IL CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate OT BIDDLE EtE.VV.rcreigitia. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, set tle and adjust the account of JOEL uEuv,Es and CHARLEs W. REEVES. Administrators to thO Estate of BIDDLE REEVES, decomed, and to re port distribution of ti e balance in the hands of the accountant, wilt meet the parties Interested t.r the purposes of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY, September 20tb.1865, at 4 o'clock P; M., at his office, No. 435 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadel phia. JOHN B. COLAH AN, se7-thstimt Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND !DOI.J.NTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. Estate of PRANCES-Or. CAMPBELL, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the. first and final account o SAMUEL C. PERKINS, Administrator. ofltlte Es tate of FRANCES O. CAMPBELL, deceased, and to report distribution of.the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties Interested for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, Scnicimtici DM. MC, at 4 °Week P. AL at big Office, No. 4.33 WALNUT Street, in thO' city of rbiladelphia. .10IIN B. COLAHAN, se7-thstuSt , Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE ClTY . ANnemmacpir s I'I.I.I.IADELYFfIA. Estate of MARY ANN RAT Court The Auditor appointed by the to audit, settle, and adjust the account of CHARLES W. BACON, FRANCIS BACON, and HORATIO C. WOOD, Executors of Mary Ann flacon, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accwolitint i will iiieet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointmeni, on TRIMS DAY, September 28th, 1881. at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, Ito. 131 South FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. GEORGE M. CONARROB, Be9-stuthst Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE J - CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. To:state of SAMUEL THOMAS, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the. court to audit, set tle and adjust the account of HARVEY THOMAS, Executor lot lac last will of SAMUEL THOMAS, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, September H. 1865,at 4_e'clock I'. M., at his office No. 1521 South FOURTHAtreet, in the city of Philadelphia. CLEMENT B. 11NROSE, se9-stuth6o Auditor. " " 4 'CO Q I CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of ROBERT M. THOMAS, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the court to audit. set tle, and adjust the account Of HARVEY THO. MAS anti ELM' OOD THOMAS, executors of the last will of SAMUEL THOMAS, deceaseth' and to re port distribution of the balance in the:hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested. for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, Sep tember 20th. 180, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his oface, No. 1.52. South OMIT Street. In the city of Phila delphia. CLEMENT B. nornou, se9-stuthets Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JAMES inmei ;N. Deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, set tle, and adjust the aCCOMIL of HUGH MeILVAIN and BENJAMIN SAGE, Executors of James Hod son, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will trteet the parties interested; for the purposes °This ap pointinent, on TUESDAY afternoon, Wepteinber 24, 1865, at 4 o'clOck, at his office, southwest corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets, in the city of Phila delphia. DANIEL DOUGHERTY, sel4-tbstust Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF I'HILAD,FJLPHIA. The. Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adiust tile account of 'HENRY W. RIDGWAY, Executor of MARY C..> TAYLOR, deceased, and to report distribution :of the ba lance in the hands of Cie accountant, , will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, An WEDNESDAY, Septenlbef 27th, Ift„ at four o'clock P. M.. at his office, 8. E. corner of LIGETTI and LOCUST Streets. in the city of Philadelphia. DANIEL DOUGHERTY, sel4-thstuth ftt Auditor. : I 'Zt , . 13,023 29 $400068 71 TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE I N CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of EMHJY . H. THOMAS, a Minor. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle, and adjust the account of HARVEY and ELWOOD THOMAS, Trustees and • Guardians of EMILY 11. THOMAS, and to report distribution of the balance In the hands of the Accdtmtant. Will meet the parties interested for the purpotes of his appointment, .on TUESDAY. September 1.901,1965, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his Office, No. 152 South 'FOURTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. CLEMENT E. PENROSE, Se9-Milthst * Auditor. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY ON -a-.1 Tim ESTATE OP CHARLES PENEVEYRE, late of the City of Philadelphia, deceased having been granted to the Subscriber by the Register of Wills of the Comity of Philadelphia, altimr- SOUS indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those haying claims Or de mands agaiust tile same. to jyesent them without delay to LEWIS H. REDNER, Executor, see-seta lin South FOURTH Street. FIRST NATIONAL BANK MECHAN ICSBURG, Penna., June 17, 1865. This Bank is calling in, and will redeem in lawful money of the - United States, all the circulating notes of the late DIECHANICSI3URG BANK, when pre sented at our counter. 11. A. STURGEON, Cashier. SUBSISTENCE OFFICE U. S. ARMY, xo. SOUTH - • - - - - - - RA.LTIMORIa. MD., September 12th, .1809. SEALED PROPOSALS. in dupireats, will be re ,ceived at this office until 12 M., noon FRIDAY, September 241 th, 1845, for the purchase of about ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY HEAD OF PRIME BEEF CATTLE in lots of ten and upwards. These Cattle are all in 'prime condltlim, having been on baud several months and fed daily with hay and torn, and are fully equal to any offered in mar ket. So rare an opportunity for the purchase of ex tra fine beef is seldom found. Frei - assails must state the number it is proposed to im,yefamp e d t t o h,e price per pound gross. ne eignecl by the state Weigher on delivery, and tile weights as rendered by him, to be the standard by whigit to ba 1'1.4 - Terms or sale cas overnment rut s. A de posit of fifty (50)per cent. to be made on notification acceptance of bid the balance to be paid when the of Cattle are delivered, Successful bidders to be allowed ten days in which to remove their stock. Tile Cattle can be examined at any time from the date of this advertisement till September2Mh, from 10 A. M. till 4 P. Id. daily, at the United States Cat tle Corral adjoining the Government Hay Scales on the Franklin Road, near Baltimore. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all bids if they are deemed not advantageous to the United States. The lots will be arranged numerically from Nos. 1 to 1,750. and the awards will be made in the same order unless a particular lot may be designated in the hid. lu no case will the skipping of numbers be allowed. Proposals inustbe upon blank forms furnished at this °Bice. Telegrams will not receive attention unless the same are prepaid. Proposals to be endorsed "Proposals for the pur chase of BF of Cattle,' sealed and addressed to the undersigned. By order of Brevet Brigadier General THOMAS WILSON, C. S., U. S. A. W. H. PARKHURST, sel4-ts29 Captain and C. S. .... 2,22(1 00 WAVY DEPARTMENT, BrAF,Au OF CONSTRUCTION AND AIR,REP September SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Bureau for PAINTS, LEAD, tic., described in the following named classes, until one o'clock P. M., of the Id DAY O}' OCTOBER NEXT. Each bid must be for an entire class, delivered in the respective Navy Yards. The contracts will be awarded to the lowest re sponsible bidders who give proper guarantees the right being reserved of rejecting the lowest bid it be deerneo exorbitant. The contracts, which will embrace all -the usual stipulations, will hear (late the day the notifications are given, and sureties in the full amount will be required to sign them. Their responsibility mast be satisfactorily certified and as additional secu rity twenty per centum will be Withheld from each bill until the contract is completed. The bills will be paid by the paymasters of the re spective stations, m funds or certiacates at the option of the Governinent, within ten days after the warrants for the same shall have been passed by the Treasury Department. Upon application to the Bureau, to the command ant of :My navy yard, or to the paymaster of any naval station, the forms of offers, guarantees, and other necessary lnforroatlon will be furnished. The proposals must be directed to the Chief of the Bureau of Construction and Repair, Navy Depart ment, and endorsed 'Proposals," that they may be distifigilkhal from other buthieti 14:ttc , r• The following are the classes required: BROORIMS—COLORED PAINTS, DRYERS, $1,201,684 02 15,000 pounds Blackl'aint. in oil. 10,000 pounds Red Lead, dry. SAO pon nds Litharge, dry. 30,000 pound* W biting., dry. 1,500 pounds Lampblack, dry. • 25 pounds Terra de Sienna, in oil. 25 pounds Terra de Sienna. raw. 750 pounds Chronic Green, dry. 1,000 pounds Verdegris, ground in oil. 40 pounds Chinese Vermillion, dry. 75 pounds Prussian Blue, dry. 1,000 pounds Volition Red, dry. 500 pounds Sugar of Lead. 2,000 pounds Yellow Ochre. 1.0 pounds Chrome Yellow, dry. 50 pounds Brown Manganese. 2,000 pounds - Patent Dryer. To be of the best quality, and deitrered iu tight and suitable vessels. All applications for sample* must be made to the commandant of the yard. One-third part, comprising a due proportion of each kind, to be delivered on or before the Ist of December next, one-third part en or before April ist. and the remaining' third part on or before the 20th of June, ROL unless earlier required, with a notice of twenty days: WOW Mc:TON—LEAD, 3885-50. 200,000 pounds Plg Lead. best quality. All applications for information will be made to the Collllllallliallt of the yard. One-thlrd part to be delivered on or before the lei of Deeetniter next. otte•Ultird part on or before the Ist of April, and the remaining part on or be fore the 30th of June, 1803, unless earlier required, with a notice of twenty days. • se9-s4t NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.—PRO— .I for Grading scetions Nos. 3 and 4 of the Greenwich Branch of the reiiusylvaola 12.1R road, extending from Broad street to the Delaware river, will he received until the 20111 inst. Plans and profiles of the work may be seen at the Engineer's Office, northwest corner THIRTIETH and MARKET Streets. JNO. C. WILSON, oel3 - 6t P. A. Engineer. O FFICE CHIEF COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTENCE, D.EPAIiTMENT OF NORTH CAROLENA,.... RALEIGH, N. 0?., September 5,186 a. SEALED I'IIOPOSALS, in duplicate, will be re ceived at this ollice until 10 o'clock 4, M. on SAT CRDAY the With inst. ' for the pureliase of 770 gal lons BOURBON and 4,575 gallons RECT' EIED WHISKY, now in stork at New Berne and 888 gal lons RECTIFIED WHISKY, now in store at More head City. . Bids will be received for the whale or anypart (not loss than one barrel) of etvdi f the above lots. The right to reject all bids is ki.wtrvi:d. Samples can lie seen by applying 10 Captain W. L. Palmer, C. 5. at New Berne, or Captain G. W. Chandler, C. S., at Morehead City. Successful bidders w ill be required to remove the Whisky be fore the 10th day of October. Terme: cash, on de livery, in Government funds. Proposals will have a copy of this advertisement attnehed and will be endorsed on the envelope, "PrOpOSILLS for the purchase of Wish ky ,, J. W. BARRIGEB, Captain and C. S., U. S. A., Chief C. S., Department N. C. ELECTRICAL OFFICES. No. is North ELEVENTH, below RACE Street; also, CHESTNUT and FORTIETH Streets, West Philadelphia. Patients will be treated at their residences when desired; 3 large number of - testimonials may be seen at the Offices from patients in this city, on gratis. Office hours 9 A. Id. to 5 P. M., in the city. DRS. T. ALLEN and E. HAVERSTICIK, J722-ain Eleetropatkilsts. IRL ECTROPAT RIC ESTABLI3II , A-4 MENT.—DA. A. H. STEVENS, one of the. FIRST "DISCOVERERS of a new systera of treat ing disease by MODIFIED ELECTRICAL APPLI.- CATIONS and who has been so very successful at PENN bgt.TARE for the last three years, has re moved his Office and Residence to MN 'GNI Street, one door below Sev,mteenth. • All persons desiring references, or any particulars with regard to his special mode of treatment, will please call or send for a pamphlet. Consultation or advice gratuitous GRICE SITI.TOIFi WORKS, 1040 TMA.CR STREET, Engineers, Machinists, Boller Makers, and Car Belldere. Tanks of every description made to order. Sole Agents for Lon g's Marine Salinometersortyla-17 & GIBBS' I:IEGAL. TAYLOR, deceased Estateoi DIARY C PROPOSALS. MEDICAL. SEWING MACHINES. FOR SALE AND TO LET. dB FOR SATE—POSSESSION OCTO- Jraber 8, a handsome residence, 10 rooms. with all modern conveniences, on North Twelfth street. Apply _before 8 A. At., and after SP. M., at 1%07 THOMPSON Street. sell.St• do FOR SALE—THE FOUR-STORY .Wibriek buildlna and premises. VOll. 417 Ind 919 Dtilwyn street. above Callowhill street. immediate possession can be given. At ply to W. M. LE VICK, No. 331 North SIXTH Street. sell-6t• del FOR SALE, A BUSINESS STAND— Alau Fon r-story Brown lion se, No. 824 Walnu t street. Valuable property. Apply to R. A. J. PA NCOAST, No. 3101 BWIKIE Street, Mantuavillo, between a and 6 o'clock. au29-lens a IMMEDIATE POSSESSION.-THE desirslde Dwelling, wlll/ modern conveniences 73.5 Spruce •street, for sule by J. H. MORRIS: Conveyancer, 233 North TENT"! Street. seis-st* triTi FOR SALE—THE VALUABLE WHARF Property and Tenements, situated on Catharine and Swanson streets, haying a wharf front of 125 feet, and on Catharine street of 315 feet. Apply to ROBERT IIUDD ELL, 414 South DEL WARE Avenue. Sels-3r f a TO BENT-FOR NINE MONTHS kza. or a Year, a handsomely-furnished house, ex cellent situation. Apply to "1T.," at tills office. sel.s-3t. $1,600.-TITOROUGHLY 0V E nAULED AND PAlNTED—lmmediate pos. session; 2.305 LOMBARD Street; 3-story house, nearly new, double-back buildings, gas, bath, and summer kitchen ;back outlet. Key it 2303. sel4-6t5 al FOR SALE—THE DWELLING, Ma No. 2036 MOUNT VERNON Street; newly Painted, papered, and cleaned; ready' for Immediate Occupation. Apply to H. W. KUHN, 602-6 t. No. 1.52 North TENTH Street. 111 FOR BALE, -A FOUR STORY Mal Bridit Dwelling, with all the modern improve ments, situate No. 1821 'FILBERT Street. Pos session in about thirty days. MO. R. Lll7.lt2Ey, 221 South FIVTH. sepia. w&s2t. im FOR SALE.—THE KENSINGTON O'TEABI SOAP AND CANDLE FACTORY will he offered at Public Sale, WEDNESDAY AF TERNOON, Sept," 27, at 3 o'clock, on the premises, .GRRMANTOWN Road and SECuND Street. The above well-known property; situated on lot 40 feet front on Germant , ,wn road, and extending in depth Micet to Boobla greet. Fronting on Germantown road are two two three-story brick STORM and DWELLINGS, with back buildings and all the modern improvements; also, a brick Stable and Carriage-house. Near the centre of the lot is a three-story brick Factory, 40x32 feet, containing One large steam - boiler, box for condensed steam, soap pens, soda tubs and receivers, rendering and melting pans, coolers. copper-lined tallow tubs, pumps, coils, pipes. &c., wills all tile necessar y anparAns for manufacturing Soap anti Candies in the most approved manner." 'The above property is one of the most desirably located fur business in the city,-and will be sold clear of ineumbrances, If desired, the Dwelling houses and Stores wilt be sold separate from tne factory. Terms at sale. For plan and further information, apply to JAMES A. FEE ErviAN, Auctioneer, sel3-12t 422. WALNUT Street. al MONTGOMERY COUNTY.- MN FOR SALE, BY ORDER OF EXECU TORS, TO CLOSE AN ESTATE—An Old HOME STEAD, 89 acres of land; 2 miles from N. Wales station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, ae miles from Philadelohla. Fine Wine Mansion, recently built by the late owner; 9 rooms, nicely shaded, excellent spring and stream of water: mansion, 40 by 19 feet; ball, open staircase, &c.; large barn, suitable for the farm, and other buildings. This Farm will feed 20 steers; land under fine cultivation. Price, $11.,000. Terms easy, and possession forthwith. if desired. Apply :et onto. JAMES E. CUMMINS, soli-It 501 WALNUT IRreet. ri TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE CECIL COUNTY, MARYLAND. By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for Cecil county, in chancery, therm dersigned, as Tres tees, will Mose at nUld in sale, at the COURT HOUSE, In Elkton, CM TUESDAY, the 10th day of September, 1865, at 3 o'clock P. M., the following described real estate, whereof Benjamin W. Har ris. Esq.. died seized: No. 1 is a very valuable and highly-improved FARM, lylitg near St. Augustine Cecil county, Md., 2.14 miles from ih e Chesapeake mid Delaware Canal. and 8 miles from Die Philadelphia. Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad, and 4 miles from the Debtware Railroad, placing •it in easy communication with Philadelphia and Baltimore, both by rail and water. It contains, by a survey just made, 3B acres, of Width 10 acres or upwards are covered Iv; th valuable Timber, and the remainder is under Miltiration and highly productive. The Voicing is good, and the improvements consist of the Mansion House, which is a handsome frame dwelling, nearly new, 38 by 20 feet, 2% stories high, with portico in front, and back building 20by - 30 feet, attache.. Also a good Barn and all the oter necessary out-buildings. Also, a Rrlek House, now occupied by the tenant, 30 by 21 feet, H 4: stories high, with frame back building, Also another Barn, Carriage-house, Meat-house, &e. There are also twe small houses on this proper ty, suitable for the accommodation of the farm hands and their families. . ..- • •• • This Land is of a very superior quality, and un surpassed productiveness. The sob Is a sandy loam of dark, chocolate color, retaining its natural fer tility under the severest cultivation and with a moderate system of manuring, yielding the most abundant crops of grain and grass. Being in the midst of the peach-growing district of Cecil county— the finest peach-drowing, country in the world — it may be converted into a peach farm, which is the most profitable crop cultivated in this latitude. In addition to those agrieultural advantages. the pro perty is convenient to churches, schools, and mills, with good county roads leading iu all directions. The Farm is well supplied with excellent water, and the neighho,-hood Is of unsurpassed healthfulness, A plot of the property mays )e seep. on or before the day of sale, by application to either of the Un dersigned. No. 2is half an acre of GROUND, in St. Augus tine, improved by a double Brick Dwelling, 00 by 20 feet; two stories high. TERMS OF SALE.—The terms of sale, as pre scribed by the decree, are: One-third of the pur chase money to be paid in cash on the day of sale; one-third In six, and the remainder in twelve months from the day of sale. The credit payments to bear interest from the day-of sale, and to be se cured by the bonds of the pprehaser. with approved security. JAMES T. MCCULLOUGH, FREDERICK STUMP. JAMS, B. GROOME. se -9,12,14,16 4t* Trustees, Elkton, Md. • 12 . TRUSTRE'S SATZ OF YALII-as_ REAL ESTATE. IN NEW CASTLE COUNTY, DELAWARE. 41. FAMILY MANSION AND COUNTRY SEAT, WITH VALUABLE FARM ATTACHED. One mile from the city of Wilmington, Delaware, known as "EDEN PARK." THIS ESTATE, CONSISTING OF 18:5 ACRES of the most productive and desirable land in New Castle county, will be altered at Public Sale, ON WEDNESDAY„ . SEPTEMBER 27th, .1813,5, At the Hotel u. PEARCE, FIFTH and MAR KET Streets, In the city of WILMINGTON, at two o'clock P. It will be sold in two separate par cels. - No. I.—The DIANSION HOUSE, with its Stabling, out-biiildirm•s, dm, complete, with TWELVE ACRES OF THE FINEST LAND, including the GeoVe, Lawns, Nursery; also, large and highly cul tivated VEGETABLE GARDEN, with GARDEN ER'S HOUSE erected theron. The Mansion is a spacious three-storied stone and brick building, rough-flint newly fitted up, with parlor, dining, and smoking-rooms, library, two hails, and conservatory on the first hoer; fourteen bed chambers, besides servants , rooms, and good attics on the upper floors; the whole in exce. , . nt condition. The roof and upper stories were built In 1563, of the best material and workmanship; the rooms are well distributed and proportionate, sup plied with bath, and water-closets, good drainitee, and ample supply of pure water in the house. 'rile kitchen, wash, and ironing - rooms, with cothhouse, &c., all complete. Large, dry, and commodious cellars under the whole building, with heating ap paratus, flues, fee. The stable appurtenant is of brick, new, and well arranged for seven horses, with abundant carriage-room; and adjoining It there is a well constructed ice-house of ample ca pache Gity. TROVE adjoining is composed of the finest old tress, through which avenues are laid out; the grounds surrounding are well stocked with a variety of the choicest fruit trees, also flowers and shrub bery. The entire establishment is of a class rare in this country, and seldom offered for sale, and has been occupied only by.its owners during the present century. No. 2.—THE EDEN PARK FARM. containing 173 acres of land, not surpassed in fer tility and preductiveness by any in the county of New Castle. It is well fenced and watered through out, with complete set of buildings, partly new, and all substantial. The FARM HOUSE is a doable three-storied brick bußffing. There arc three large Barns, with Ire-house, Granary, Tool-house, Out houses. Shedding, Stock Yard, &c., with abundant supply of excellent water from wells, with pumps in goeil order. The property abuts upon the Chris tiana River, with excellent landing for steam or sail ing vessels, the Bank or Levee having lately been renewed and faced with stone so as to be perma nent without further outlay. The location of this Property and the character of its soil 'especially adapt it to the production of vegetables and fruit, for which the adjacent markets of 'Wilmington and Philadelphia create a constant and growing Se maud. A large and profitable vegetable garden is now in operation upon the farm, and the induce ments for its increase is very great. The place is_ perfectly healthyand lies in the midst of a fertile district of well'improvcd farms, intersected with excellent roads, and is within lit:. teen minutes drive of the stations of the Philadel phia and Baltimore and the Delaware Railways, also Steamboats for Philadelphia. Inspection by those det.hing to- purchase can be had by applying to the Tenant at the Farm-house, or to the Coachman in charge of the Mansion and grounds, on or after September Ist. The title is unquestionable, and terms of sale will be favorable. Possession of the Mansion given immediately, and likewise °tithe farm; the latter subject to a tenantey on shares, .(,,‘ Rh a first.class tenant,) expiriag March 250i.1500. For further particulars, address FLORENCIO J. VERMER, Trustee, 615 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, or THOMAS F. BAYARD, Wlhnlngton, Del. N. IL—The landlord's share of the Farm Stock is for sale, and a pair of valuableicarriage horses, with Household Furniture. &c., will be sold on Septem ber 28th, on the premises. au3o-strithl4t TRADE LOCKWOOD'S PAPER COLLARS. . CLOTH LINED, *\//4AAND Zti ITHOUT MA CLOTH LINING. RK. • The Cloth Lined Collars made by theI,OCTCWOOD rAIPO. Co., 555 south tHULD Street, Philadelphia, have been in general use since IBM, and notwith standing the fast that numerous imitations of them have been made they still rank superior to any Col lar in the market. They are the only collars lined throughout with cloth, with a layer of paper on each she, and are shaped upon' formers, or 'moulds, so as to lit the neck and allow a space for the cravat. The peculiar _process "sod in lb manufacture, makes them re sellable linen very closely; When finished the fibres of the cloth are tile appearance of linen to the paper. They are very strong and no not tear at the butt on-holes. and are the only collars made that can be turned and worn on both sides without the but ton-holes giving way and the paper tearing. Parties purchasing collars will be careful to see that tacit V , dlar is stamped upon the inside — r.ock wood Jric. Go., MA Live d, 'edit tJS Trade Murk of the CO. anit date of Patents. Ho not be deceived by the boxes or false representations, but see for your self. If the collar Itself is not stamped upon the in side as above, it it not genuine. The enormous demand for these:goods (largely ex ceeding that of any collar made) ibis kept them sold ahead prodUetion, but with a large amount of C new machinery, this o. Is now able to fill ail orders promptly, either in Philadelphia or at any of the Agencies. In addition to these best standard goods, several lower grades of collars are constantly In stock. The Lockwood Mfg. Co. arc the sole licenses under Hunt's and Lockwood's Patents, (the fire( on Paper coUor,g MrjAptted,) and by purchasing these goods parties avoiT 4n - health:a and lawsuits, which are now being vigorously prosecuted against all dealers - in other makes of paper collars; Willeb infringt. one Or more of these Patents. THE TRADE SUPPLIED DT W_ E. & E. D. LOCKWOOD,I SOLE AGENTS FOR LOCKWOOD MFGr. 00., 255, 257, and 250 Sou* THIRD Street, Philada must thattarr ITN VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES - new French Cosmetic for heautlOing and preserving the complexion. It is the most wonder /in compound of the age. There is neither chalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth, nor talc in its comp°. sition, it being , composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax; hence the extraordinary qualities for pre serving the skin, making it soft, smooth, fair, and transparent. It 'MOWStransparent. Did old appear young, the homely handsome, the handsome more beau - Ural, and the most beautiful divine. Prices, 30 and 60 Cents. Prepared only by HUNT CO., Perfumers, 41 South ElEill.TH Street, two doors above Chest• nut, and 133 South SEVENTH Street, above Wal nut. VI - ORGAN, ORB, & CO., STEAM '4N. 4 -ti- GINE BUILDERS, Iron Foundera, and Gene ral Machinists and BoDerMakera, No. 1219 LOWAILI. Street. Philadelphia. th2o4s THEY ARE AUCTION BALES. AUCTION ITOTIOE• UNITED STATES SALE. MAKERS SANTIAGO DE CUBA, CONNECTI OUT, AND IIIINTSVII:LE, • SAKVEL C. COOK, AUCTIONEER. On Thursday Morning, Sept. 21, 1865, AT 11 O'CLOCK, AT THE PHILADELPHIA NAVY YARD, Will be sold on account of the United States- Go- vernment Tb P. wooden side-wheel steamer 4 ' SANTIAGO DE CUBA "—Length, 232 feet 9 inches; breadth, 35 feet 2 inches; depth of hold, 26 feet 8 Inches, Has one beam engine; diameter of cylinder, 68 inches; length of stroke, 11 feet. Brig rigged. The wooden side-wheel steamer " CONNECTIi• OUT "—Length, 251 feet 6 inches; breadth, 33 feet 2 lushest depth Of hold, 2r feet 72 Inches. kiss one beam engine; diameter of cylinder, 8o inches; length of stroke, 12 feet. Brig rigged. The wooden screw steamer " HUNTSVILLE " Length 196 feet 4 inches; breadth, 29 feet 6 inches; depth of hold, 19 feet 5' inches. Ilas one vertical inverted cylinder engine; diameter of cylinder, 52 Inches; length of stroke, 42 inches. Schooner rigged. Inventories at the Auction Store, No. 124 South FRONT Street, above Walnut.' TERMS.—Twenty per cent. on dap of sale; balance .she daps, when the vessels must be ruined from the yarth 5e8,11,12,16,18,2GGt TIANTEL, H. BURDETT, AUCTION EMI. A GOVERNMEIT VESSELS AT AUCTION. BURDETT, JONES & COMPANY, WILL SELL ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1885, AT 12 O'CLOCK, NOON, AT THE NAVY YARD, BROOKLYN, DY ORDER OF THE NAVY DEPARTMENT, THE FOLLOWING-NAMED VESSELS SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER STATE OF GEORGIA. Length, 203 feet 6 inches; breadth, 32 feet; depth of hold, 13 feet 7 inches; between d ecks, 7 feet 7 inches.; one side lever engine-diameter cylinder, 72 Inches; stroke, a feet; 2 tubular boilers; 8 furnaces; 1 MUM• ary boiler. SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER CERES. Length, 108 feet 4inehes; breadth 22 feet 4 inches; depth, 7 feet 7 inches; one beam engine-diameter of cylinder, 20 inches: stroke, 6 feet 8 inches; - one flue and return tubular boiler; 2 furnaces. SCREW STEAMER GALATIA. Length, 203 feet , 6; breadth,36 feet 4; depth of hold, 12 feet 6: between decks, 7' feet 0; double screw en gine-diameter of ,cylinder, 44 inches; stroke, 36 inches; 2horirontal tubular bailers; 4 furnaces. IRON SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER DONEGAL. Length, 200 feet; breadth, 36 feet; depth of hold, 10 feet 6; between decks, 7 feet 5: one beam engine diameter of cylinder, 44 inches; stroke 11 feet; one, return ilnehoiler; i furnaces. SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER FORT JACKSON. Length, 248 feet 8; breadth, 81 feet 1; depth of hold, 11 feet 7; depth of lower between decks, 7 feet 1; depth of upper between decks, 7 feet 6; one beam engine-diameter of cylinder, 50 inches; stroke, 8 feet; four boilers, horizontal return tubes; 14 fur maces. SCREW STEAMER SWEET BRIAR. Length, 320 feet; breadth, 21 feet 6; depth of hold, 10 feet; one vertical direct acting engine-diameter ' of cylina r, 30 inches; stroke, 30 inches; one due and return tubular boiler; 2 furnaces. PROPELLER CLINTON. Length, 61 feet; breadth, 15 feet 8; depth, 6 feet; one vertical engine -diameter of cylinder, 16 inches; stroke, 16 inches; one flue boiler; 2 furnaces. SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER WANDO. Length, 226 feet; breadth, 26 feet; depth of hold, 11 feet 5 - Inches; diameter of cylinder, 52 inches; stroke, 4 feet; 2 oscillating engines; 2 tubular bon ers, containing 8 furnaces. SIDE-WHEEL FERRY BOAT COOL. HULL. Length, 131 feet; breadth, 28 feet 10 inches; depth, 11 feet; inclined engine-diameter of cylinder, 86 inches; stroke, 9 feet; one boiler. SIDE-WHEEL FERRY BOAT - SHOKOKON. Length, 181 feet 7 inches; breadth, 32 feet 1 inch; depth, 43 feet 5 inches; diameter of cylinder, 44 incises; stroke, 8 feet; 1 beam engine; 1 boiler. SCHOONER GEORGE MANGHAM. Length, 107 feet; breadth, 28 feet 6 inches; depth, 9 feet 5 inches. SCREW STEAMER QUEEN. Length, 168 feet 6 inches; breaoth, 21 feet; depth Of hold, Bfeet; heigiA between decks, 6 feet 8 inches; diameter of cylinder, 42 inchea; stroke, 42 inches; 1 vertical engine; 1 boiler;with three furnaces. SCREW STEAMER DAYLIGHT. Length, 175 feet; breadth, 29 feet 6 inches; dhpth of hold, 11 feet; height between decks, &feet 'Cinches; diameter of cylinder, 44 inches; stroke, 24 inches. SCREW TUG HYDRANGEA. Length, 118 feet; breadth, 20 feet 3; depth, 7 feet; diameter of cylinder, 30 inches; stroke, 30 inches; 1 engine, limner, 2 furnaces, Ie.LIA r Tlle - CATALPA. Length, 105 feet a; breadth, 92r 2; diameter of cylinder, 34 inches; stroke, 30 inches; 1 vertical engine, 1 boiler, 2 furnaces. BRIG BOHIO. Length, 100 feet; breadth, 24 feet 9 inches; depth, 9 feet 4 inches. SCHOONER KITTATINNY. Length, 129 feet; breadth, 29 feet; depth of hold, 11 feet 6. THREE-MASTED SCHOONER J. S. CHAMBErtg. Length, 124 feet 6; breadth, 29 feet 3; depth, 12 feet 2. SCHOONER RACER. Length, 106 feet; breadth, 28feet 10; depth, 9 feet 6 TEVlAS—Twelity per emit. on ay of sale: the ba• lance within six days, when the vessels must be re moved from the yaid. 5e19417 C. H. BELL, Commander. SHIPPING. 4 , 4 , , FOR RICHMOND, NORFOLK, AND CITY POINT. PHILADELPHIA AND RICHMOND STEAM PACKET COMPANY. The flue steamship VIRGINIA Fill sail from the First Wharf above MARKET St., On SATURDAY, September 16, 1865, at 12 M. These steamers Insure at lowest rates and sail re gularly every Wednesday and Saturday. For freight or passage, with excellent accommo dations, apply to Wst. P. CLYDE & Cfl., No. 14 NORTH WHARVES. 4 1=p e rt; U. S. MAIL LINE FROM BAL TIMORE for FORT MONROE, NOR. FOLK, CITY POINT, and RICHMOND, by first- Class steamers and experienced captains. The old established Bay Line, daily. Passengers leaving Baltimore ate P. M. arrive in Richmond the next afternoon at 3 P. M. The Bay Line steamers Louisiana and Greorgians, will leave the Union Dock, foot of Concord street, daily, at 6 o'clock P. M., for Fort Monroe and 'Norfolk, Va., connecting at Fort Monroe with the weli-known, new, fast and splendid Steamers Thomas Collyer and Milton Martin, built for the Hudson River, and finished without regard to ex pense, for City Point and Richmond, Va. Returning, will leave Richmond at 6 A. M. daily, stopping at City Point, and connecting at Norfolk with the Bay Line steamers that leave Norfolk at 356 P. M., and arriving in Baltimore in time ror the Eastern and Western truing, anti for ton City, D. C. The steamers of this line navigate the Jirries river, going and returning entirely In day time, giving passengers ample time to see the fortifications, and all other objects of interest. Fare from Phlladeipnia to Bichmond 811. 73 f t City Point 1676 It aa Norfolk Fortress Monroe.. 876 Through tickets can be Obtained at all the depots of the principal Northern, Eastern, and Western cities, and Washington City, D. O. Be particular to procure tickets by the old-eita. blished Bay Line. State-rooms and Meals extra. The state-room accommodations; are unsurpassed, and the table well supplied. Passengers taking the 1.15 train from Philadel phia will make connection with this line. Passengers taking the 8 A. M. train from New York have =pie time to dine in Baltimore. Passengers taking the 3 P. M. train from Wash. 'noon make connection with this line. Passengers and their baggage transported free between Railroaddepots and Steamers. N. N. FALLS, President. R. D. JAIMA_R, General Passenger Agent. )yl3-ti 4 M , STEAM TO LIVERPOOL—. Ceiling at Queenstown—The Inman Line, sailing Semi -Weekly, carrying the U. S. Malls. CITY OF MANCIIESTER-WEDNESDAY,Sept.I2 CITY OF LONDON SATURDAY._ Seat- 16 CITY OF DUBLIN WEDNESDAY, Sept 20 CITY OF NEW YORK ,13ATURDAY, Sept. 23. At Noon, from Fier 44 "Ninth 'Paver. RATES OF PASSAUE. Payable In Gold. First Cabin $9O OD Steerage PO 00 to London.. 95 001 " to London.. 34 00 " to Paris 105001" to Paris 40 00 P/Aggliffe.l% also forwarded to HMO, Etanrburg, Bremen, &e., &r. at moderate rates. Passage by the Wednesday steamers, cabin, .90; steerage, 635; payable in 13. B. currency s3Steerageo passage from Liverpool or Queenstown, gold persons quivalent. Tickets can De bought herr by sending for their friends. For farther lafOrnlatiOn, apply at the Company's Offices. JOHN' ISALF., Agent, jyn in WALNUT Street, Phila. BOSTON AND PEUILADBIA -40.-: PHIA STEAMSHIP LINE, sailing from each non 6A.TURDAYS, from first wharf above P 1142 Street, Philadelphia, awl Lung Wharf, Boa ton. The steamer NORMAN, Captain Baker, will sail from Philadelrbia for Boston on Saturday, Septem ber 16, at 10 A. 31., and steamer SAXON, Captain Matthews, Irons Boston for Philadelphia, same day, at 4 P. M. These new and substantial steamships form a regu lar line, sailing from each port punctually on Satur days. Insurances effected at one-half the prem ium charged on the vessels. Freights taken at fair rotes. Shippers are requested to send Slip Receipts and Bills of Lading with their goods. For Freight or Passage (having tine aceOmnioda- Cons), apply to HENRY 1,3150 k. A CO., 332 South DELAWARE Avenue. NEW TOW-BOAT —DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAM.M STEAM TOW-BOAT COMPANY.—.Barges towed to and from Philadelphia. Havre de (trade, Bahl .more, Washington, and intermediate points. WM. P. CLIME & C., Agents, No, k 4 SOUTH 'WHARVES. Philadelphia. jeia-tdel g e 0474, NEW EXPRBI3B LINE TO ALF KANDRIA, GEORDETOWN, AND WASHINGTON, yin Chesapeake and Dela ware Canal. Steamers leaVA drat What! gave NARKBT Street every WEDNESDAY and SATIIRDAT, at 12. For Freight apply to Agents, WM. P. CLYDE a. co., 14 Ninth and South Wharves, PhiladelprOal J. B. DAVIDSON. Georgetc•vra, D. 0.• ERB A BOWEN, Alexandria, Va. N. 11,^60ods forwarded to Lynchburg a'Ad all points OR the Orange and Alexandria Itallro - Ad. jar eo t NOTICE—FOR NEW YORK.—The PRILADELP'4Oa. AND NEW YORK EXPRESS STEANROA.T.! COMPA NY, via Delaware and Raritan Canal. Steamers leave DAILY, first 'wharf 'pelage MAR. HET titreet, at n o'clock X, P. CLYDE & CO.. 1* B. ' , OM AItVES, Pillar JAMES HAND, 117 W.ALL St ,sisblS-Rni reef,w . THEY ARE, - 14 g NOISELESS. JOHN B . MYRItEi &CO AUCTION BEM, Nos.Tilati and 234 MARKET Street. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER EUROI'EAN DRY GOODS, &C. ON MONDAY MORNING, SeptemberlB, atlo o'cleck, will be sold by catalogue, on four mouths' credit, about you EATS of French, India, Chimp, and Drltlsb dry goods, embracim a full assortment of fancy and atonic articles, in-eilka, worsteds woollens , linens, and cottons. N. B.—ldoode arranged for examlnatiouand cata logues ready early on morning of snip. LARGE SALE OF:FRENCH AND_OTHER EITRO __ NOTlCE.—lncluded in our &ale of MONDA.Y, ,geptember LS, wit! be found in part the following, viz; DRESS GOODS. pieces 7-4 black anfi colored Paris merino elotb. —pieces black and colored-Paris moussclaines. —pieces Saxony and Parts plaids, melanges, reps. pieces alpnew3. rnollairs, coburgs, silk chteks. —Pleces 7s.niekerbockery Winseys, and figured s " k stripes, for beet trade. pieces poplins. epinglmes, taffeias,enehemeres. DRESS SILKS. pieces Lyons black taffetas and gros du Rhinos, — Pieces gros grains, :imams, lustrines. pieces poillt, dr sole, gros de Naples, fancy silks, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, &c. Paris broehe long and square shawls, Berlin wool plaid, woollen and stella shawls. Tbibet, merino, and brorbe border shawls. Silk, bearer, and doeoiin cloaks and sactines. BALMORAL& _ A largo. Invoice it•; . ici . 01,7411 - ,Oral skits. EIMIROILDEM ES, WHITE GOODS. &C. ANSI Sine 11.. e emt,ikadt.t.ed Inserting's, and 1101111ViDgti. OTAfVF,ti, AC, —cartons poult do sole and velv[•.t ribbon S.— cartons gros grain and trimming ribbons. —cartons gents , and ladies' Paris kidgloves. —cartons bock, califs - it in, and beaver gloves. —cartons silk, lists, Berlin, and cotton gloveS, ALSO, and 3f linen cambric liandkerehiefii, linen shirt fronts. silk ties, tarlatans alpaca braids, lace veils, head nets, trimmings, notions, &c. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOOTS SHOES, TRAVELLING BAGS. LEATHER; &A . TUESDAY MORNING, September lOth, will be sold at 10 o'clock., by cata logue, on four Months , credit, about 1,200 packages boots, shoes, brogans, cavalry boots, &c. of city and Eastern Manufactur- Open for examination, With cataloßNeo, early On morning' of sale. Also, LEATHER, LEATHER. 2,000 pounds offal leather. In good condition. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, J. B. HULL, Commandant iILIVIORA - LS, &C. NOTICE. Included In our sale of boots and shoes, &c., ON TUESDAY MORNING, Sept. 11:1, will be found, in part, the following fresh and desirable assortment, viz: cases ‘ 'onien's, boys', and youths' calf, double sole, and half-welt dress boots. - —cases boys,and youths• kip and buff leaf hes boots. (MSC& men's fine grain, long-leg cavalry and 'Napoleon thick hoots. cases men's and boys' calf, he If leather (buckle and plain) Congress boots and balmorals. —eases men's, boys', and youths' kip, buff, and bolished grain, half-welt, and heavy double-sole rogans. —cases ladies' fine lad, goat, morocco, and ena melled patent sewed, buckle, and plain balmorals and Congress gaiters. - -cases women's, misses, and children's calf and buff leather halmorals and lace boots. CaSes children's fine kid, sewed, eitv-made lace boots, feney.sewed balinorals, and allkit GJeg, cane ladies' line black and colored lasting Con gress and side-lace gaiters. cases - women's, misses', and children's goat and morocco copper-nailed lace boots. cases ladles' tine kid slippers, metallic over shoes, and SalltialeiCarpet-Slippers, travelling bags. LARGE POSITIVE SALE. OF BRITISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. We will hold a large sale of foreign and domestic dry goods, by catalogue, on four months' credit and part for cash, On THURSDAY MORNING, September 21st4 at 10 o'clock, embracing about t3io packages and lots of staple and fancy articles, in woollens, worsteds, linens, silks, an,l cottons, to which we invite the attention of dealers. _ N. B.—Catalogues ready and goods arranged for exhibition early on morning of sale. POSITIVE 5.A . 1.4:, OF pmEurivsi,§, YARN, 6tc. Alb B 6; September 22d, at 11 o'clock, will be sold, by cata logue, on four months' credit, about 209 pieces su perfine and line ingrain, royal damask, Venetian, list, hemp, cottage; and rag cart etings &c., em bracing a choice assortment of superior g oods, which may be examined early on the morning of sale, PHILIP FORD & C • ~AUCTIONEERS, -a- 525 MARKET and 522 fIOMMEROE Streets. SALE OF I, 400 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. ON MONDAY MORNING, September 18th, commencing xi 10 al , elOeir, teP. will sell by catalogue I,4oocases owns', boys', and youths , boots and shoes,brogaus, balmora is, Congress, gum sole boots, f c., &c., with a desirable assortment of woolens', misses, and chlklrens , wear. SALE O 1 1,450 CAS S% ROOTS AND SHOES, ON THITINDAY MORNING, September 21st. commencing at 10 o'clock, we will sell by catalogue 1410 cases m ' ous', boys' and youths , brats and shoes, brogans, balinorals,Con gress, gem-sole boots, &e., &e., with a desirable as sortment of. WOMens', misses, and children's wear. B.ceIIe;vdTJg itE tITCTIONEER, 1020 WißD.—On aceo;int of the extreme - heat of the weather, the opening sale of. Oil Paintings will be pogtponad until Friday, '22d. and Saturday evening, 23d of September, at 7;4 o'clock. IMPORTANT SALE OF AMERICAN AND RITRO- - PE AN. PAINTINGS. On FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS, 22d and 2.1 d instant, at 7?..t o'clock Will be SOK at the Philadelphia Art (japery, 1020 Chestnut street, about 200 of the finest and most exquisite American and European Oil Pain rings ever offered at public sale in this city, comprising specimens by. Van Der Waardeu,:j. W. Changner, De Viegar, and Paul Weber, of Europe, and the rollowingtalented Ame rican artistes Juilliard, G. W, Nicholson, Rensell, C. A. Sommers, U. Reese , Wilson, Fon taine, Baptiste Du Pay C. Daum, Rowland; Paul Ritter, S. P. Dyke, Watson, Hartetick, Woodward, Price, Straitens, &c.; the whole comprising some of the best American and European River anti Moun tain Scenery, Figures, &c., which have been at our disposal for yeast. Open for examination, with catalogue, every:et-e -ning until sale. LARGE SALE OF CONDEMNED 44ITARTERMASTEWS STORES, SCRAP &c. CHIEF QuAnTp.nmA.STER'S OFFICE, DEPOT OP WASHINGTON, WASHINGTON, D. C. September 14, 1515. Will be sold at public auction. under the clime -11011 of lireret Colonel C. D. Tompkins, Q. t., at . 1 W Government Warehonse, tittiatod on the square a nod -rwootitti. onti Twenty-first streets, 11l the city of Washington, 1). C., on 010N DAYti September 25,1865, at 10 o'clock A. AL ' a large lot of condemned Quartermaster's Stores, consist ing of (Amite, DeeltS, Blankets, Bolts, Buckets, Chains, Wagon Covers. Halters, Harries* SaildleS, Tar Pots, Spurs. Whips Wrenches. Anvils, _Bellows, Benches, Chisels. ' Portable Forges, llaullnerS, Squares,Vices, Tongs. Adzes, Augurs, Bevels, 'Broad-axes, Scales, 'Knives and Forks, Lamps, Lanterns, Ovens, Pans, Plates, Saws, Shovels, Grindstones, Wheelbarrows, and a large lot of Leather Scraps, Iron Scraps, Wagon Tire, Horse Shoes, itc. - The stores must be removed within lire days from date of sale. Terms: Cash., hiGoverimentfunds. D. If. RUCKER, Bray. Alai. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, 6e16 - 7t Depot of Washington ROADS! A 6 " L.. Jul2s, ... AUCTION SALE OF 11OLLING TOCK. Will be sold at PuBLIC AUCTION, to the highest bidder, the following rolling stock: On TUESDAY, September 19, at the Portland Co.'s Shop in Portland, Maine, Six (6) Locomotive Engines. On THURSDAY, September 21, at Minkly & Wll - Shop In Boston, Mace„ rOlir ( 4 ) Uccmwtin Engineer On MONDAY, September 25 at Kennett Square, near Philadelphia, Fa., Fifty (50) Box Freight Oars, four feet eight, and a half inch gauge. On WEDNESDAY, September 27, at Wilmington, Del., Eight-four (84) Box Freight Cars, five-fpot gauge. The above stock is all new, and of the very best quality . . The Engines are five-feet gauge, five-footKirtvere, and cylinders 16x24 inches. They can be chlnged to narrow gauge at a trifling expense. Sales to commence at 10 A. M. Terms : Cash in Government funds. 11. L. ROBINSON, J302.0-48t Brevet Colonel and A. Q. M. CLOSING SALES GOVERNMENT HORSES AND MULES. QuirnmEn.mASTEß GENERAL'S OYFICE, WASHINGTON, D.C., August 24, 1551. Will be sold, at public auction, during the month of SEPTEMBER, to the highest bidder, at the time and places named below, viz: NEW YORK. New York city, Tuesday of each week, 100 Horses each day. New York city, Thursday of each week, 200 Mules each day. PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, Thursday of each week, 100 Horses each. day. Philadelphia, Saturday, September 2, and Wednes day and Saturday of each week thereafter, 100 Mules each day. Pittsburg ' , Thursday and Friday of each week, to September 22, inclusive, 150 Myles each any. Harrisburg 'Tuesday of each week, 150 Mules each d such Chunk, Thursday, September 7, 200 Mules. Indiana, Tuesday, September 12, 150 Mules. Greensbmw, Thursday, September 14, 150 Horses. Reading, Thursday, bepternber 14, 200 Mules. Altoona, Thursday , September 2a, tso Horses. INDIANA. Indianapolis, September 11,13,15, 25, 27, and 29, 150 Horses each day. Indianapolis, September 12, 14, and 16, 150 Mules each day. ILLINOIS. Chicago, September 5,7, 9, 19, 21, 25, 50, 110 Mules eac dya. Ch h icago, September 4,6, 8, 18, 20, 22, 29, 150 Horses each clay. DEL AWAIIE. Wilmington, Friday of each week, 150 Mules each dap. Wilmington, Tuesday of each week, 1112 each day. NEW JERSEY. Trenton, Tuesday, September 5, 150 Mules. Trenton, Tuesday, September 19,150 Mules. MARYLAND. lialthuore, Thursday, September 7. 150 Mutes. Baltimore, Thursday ;Sept....Lek 150 Mules, lifthso iißl. St. Louis, Thursday, September 7. and Tuesday and Thursday of each week thereafter, 200 Mules each day. KANSAS. Pert Leavenworth, 60111Meneing Tuesday, Sep tember 12, and continuing thereafter at such tlineil as the Depot Quartermaster may designate, 2,000 Mules. GIESBORO, D. C. Tuesday and Thursday of each week, 100 Horses each day. NO saleS of Mules Will take place at WASHrbteoroN., D. 0. The animals to be sold in September are superior to any heretofore offered to the public. The majo rity of them are sound and serviceable. it is expected that at this series of sales all the aut . - phut Government Miler (I is wilt be disposal of. Buy sea should therefore avail themselves of ate last op path/nit:lJ to purchase. Animals will be sold singly. Sales to commence at 10 A. M. Teruls cash, in United States currency, JAMES A. EXIN. Brevet Brigadier General in charge suZA-30t Fl rat:Division. • G.O. nIiSSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP:- A- , The copartnership heretofore existing_ under the style and title of tiEottElE N. TOWNSEND 85 DO. is this day diSsolvcd big Ilietuill..e o usehß The business will be CORtillliffel by U. hioWN SEND, at 12,3 E. South FOURTH Street. 4IIGO. N. TOWNSEND,. GEO. W. 013Elt. Alf persons. having ela.lins against, the, firm will present them to either et the above, and all persons. indebted. to the Jim NOR:please settle the same. PIIILATINLPHIAI iiIiPLCMD.er 1 0 1 1865' seill-sat (10P.ARtNERBRIP NOTICE,—T 11 E Uzalarsigned haca this day *salaried. 100.. a co partnership under tie name and title of BRUNEIf., w.azatig A Co., fonalie transaction of the GENT.- Olzi . lalN - E , 55, at 1908 al.A.r.s.tr.T . St A, BRUNE% 1374,1 D. C. WAWA. A. BRIINEB, Itaudaprzrust, JnlY3, DEL TH.P. BUSINESS :WILL BB COMM:M. I M IN. scamastlyy. with an old established Lumbor Depot at Columbia, raa, Clang glviag the yard SaporiOr Ad. vsnanyaes. lanahlTara T.ANGHAM HOTEL , PORTLAND - 1 - 4 PLACE, LONDON,,,TIiIa commodious Hotel, `the largest in London," is now °pear; it is sita, ated on the most open and healthy site in the Weal,' end,wlth all modern improvements, Buttes of Awt, went, Salle a Manger 100 by 40 feet, elegant Last Room, a spacious Gentlemen's SITTING AND WRITING ROOM, NW. Within a abort drive of all the Railway Terre" For terms to sc onre acconunadatlon air aea— The Manager. S oll rtatih firft-Stm AUCTION SALES. PEAN 1)R GOODS OFFICE OF ASSISTANT ORITARTEEMASTENL, ____WAsxoNorToN a D, Si :4 ;111y ?5,1885. COPARTNERSMPS. H.OII`ELS. THEY ARE COMPLETE. AVICCTION SALES. FITRNESS t _23RINLEY & co, Nos. 615. cIiaNTNUT and 6/24ATNI:a ra -________ ID. AND Drrvira.,. BALE OF IMPORTF. • ' —,, U'n ON TUESDAY MORNING, '1 Sept. 19, at 10 o'clock, ou' months ersd 11, fit fancy and staple dry guob, 8, comprbitng A, (I,' ssortment. .. ~,,1 - liomEaric FOR CAM', 100 lets demo:tit 1at.61.%, 2I CASES FANCY BRITINI tlOphs, LAN IYED. eases super ettene lust:lees. cases super fancy cheeks. Cases ex super Wattle st rin Cases double groin dress goods, eirSORIVIde enpV a beltide. easel:silk cheek faney do. —cases ex wide pure lalueS. —eases ex brhlhint a belittle. cases pure colored al paces 4, eases ex fine finality blaek. caeeesu per quality pure mnliairs. GLOVEM, GAUNTLETK. Es, AND It CII —rue cloth gloves nod gan . tir.ts, kit do., neek ties. plain and hernstlehed htte ndkerebters. NOTTING.TIAMLACES AND LACE r ttt! Alsol an invoice of rielt Nottingham'', rich Nottingham lacr: curtains. PANCOAST &WARNOCK, g' TIONEERS, No. 240 MAREET Stk.' LARGE POSITIVE I ALL SALE OP 250 T , AMERICAN AND IMPoRTPD Nay LINEN AND HOSIERY tiCODs p DERMA, MILLINERY COEPInt, e t • catalogue, ON WEDNESDAY, Sept. 20th, commencing at SP o'clock, car n y i a genera/ assortment of new and etlilrabhe for present and approaching sales. . THOMAS & SONS, xos. 139 and 141 Son & POMITT-1 REAL ESTATE AND STOCIS. Public aale of Real Estate and Stocks, N at ttp change A every:TUESDAY, at 12 o'clock ON Of furniture al Mb AllOtion Btote et TkILTREIDAY. STOUR'S AND REALESTATE, TUF.s.L.Ay CA1:1).--1'arephlet catalogue new rewly NA full descriptions of all the property to in. .1; 1 ), TUESDAY. next, 19th Inst., W 01.411114 h;w k. resideuees—Green stro L. Sixth street, Square, Spruce street, and Seventh strei • ,- dwellings—Front street. Fifteenth at reel. ehri,i street. hansom st fret, New Market street. Si, ,q street, Tenth street, and seventeen grolu:d to he sold peremptorily, Also, a list of sr!, , September, and 2d, 3d, 4th and 17th Veto bills inaW read y. Sale No. 527 North Seventh street, NEAT ROUSE110I,I) FURNITURE, SlA.'27ltl ES, CARPETS, At. ON. MONDAY MQRNING, At 10 O'ClOCk s at No, 527 North Seventh Ek• e tl,t parlor, tholng.room, and chamber 1)111111Hr,, tresses, china and glassware, carpets, math% i May he examined at 8 o'clock on tht morn's' the site. Sale No. 121 North Nineteenth Street. HANDSOME FURNITURE. MANTLE 11111111 i FS Nr. DINNE n grPg, OIL PAINTIRLib, VELVET CARPETS, it e. ON TUESDAY MORNING, At 10 o'clock, at No. (It North Nlneteenthisfre by catalogue, the handsome walnut furnlturt., dining-room furniture, (toe mantle mirror. t: bandsoine china dinner set. 4 glasswarr, paintings, haiirlSOine %%lea, BruggOlg, alit int,d carnets, .t e.: also, the kitchen ntunsllB, •• • 86P . examinea on the morning of se;p, Sale on Account of the United Statesi at the If I Hall Hospital, Enna mete. HOSPITAL FURNITURE, MATTRE's,;I:A, It! DING CALDRONS, IRON BETzk. COOKI Ds NG STOVES. 8:0. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, Sept. 20. at 11 o'clock, at the White Hall 1104 1 11 Bucks county, a large quantity of furniture, ' ..tc. Fuji particulars, in catalogttel, note rea•lv.. Terms cash.—Twenty-five per cent. to be Nat time of sale. Sale at No.l9lo.Contes street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. MATTRESSES, rh CARPETS, &c. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, September 20, at tit) o'clock, at No. 1010 Cori street, Sp catalogue, the superior . garlor,clul room, Roil chamber furniture, mattresses, fine e$ pets, _ Akie• May be examined at 8 o'clock on the 11101 t the sale AS A. FREEMAN, A.FICTIONERI 422 WALNUT Street. THIRD FALL SALE OF REAL ESTATE, S. TEISIBER 20th. STOCKS•—See Catalogue. Residence, No, tot bottSh Eleventh street. pilaus' Court Sale. Re.t , leknee, No. 204 South Eleventh• street. plins• Court Sale. Residence, No. 1033 Walnut street, Drphat Court Vale. ilcsiqcnce, No. 1037 Walnut street, Orphans , ob Sale. Residence, No. 1039 Walnut street, Orphans' Cal Sale. 434 acres, Mermaid Station, Chestnut HIE. Dwelling. No. 227 Greenwich street, Plat Orphans' Court Sale, Dwelling, No. 229 Greenwich street, Firs! «•at Orphans' Court Bnle. Cottage Dwelling, Darby road. Building lot, Darby rond. 335 acres Greenway avenue, Twentydlairtli Valuable large lots, Allegheny avenue. 3 smaller lots, Allegheny avenue, 20 acres of land, Fisher's lane, Twetty-F. , vn ward. Sale by heirs, Store and dwelling, No, nl2spAng Oar.lttri ~trN litr• Full descriptions tte 9pumpldet rot! logs stela ready. IAYIS & HARVEY, AUCTIONEE (Late with ➢L Thomas &,6mis,) STORE NO. 333 GTIESTNTT STICLET. CARD.—Persons wishing to dispose of tin lousehoid goods, either at their residence, or emoval to the store, will receive personal ath ion, and our nest exertion to secti;e ratter:ire ettirns. Sale No. 1832 Green Street. UPERTOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD MAN , LARGE BOOKCASE, FIRE-PROOF SAFE, &C. ON MONDAY MORNING, 18th Instant, at 10 o'clock, at :No, 1632 GRE _.treet, thr Superior furniture, Ihie, toned 7-octa l thine, very Superler bookcase, lOli by 9Ji l'eet re-proof safe, tapestry carpets, Matting, &r. May be examined at 8 o'clock, on the meriting he sale. Sale N0.:33. T 1t chestnut street. T_TPERIOR FruarrlUßE. ELEGANT NAN. FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS, BRUSSELS CAI VET*, FIRE-PROOF SAFE, &C. ON TI.TESDAy MORNING, . . . - At 10 o'cloefi, at the auction store, a large assort molt of snperlor second-hand furniture, fine-ton , , rosewood piano (7 octaves), mantel, plor au4 mirroes, 0h Bmiggols eimete. Ilvo•vroof salt Evans & Watson), cottage suites, &e. ALsq„. 4,000 shirts, ICO blankets, 100 counterpanes. 100 sheets, 210 hair and feather pillow 200 chairs, &e., in lots to suit purchasers. $l9 k7nrth Ptiith nfMeet. NEAT HOUSEHOLD tarRNITURE t •1. ON Iy_E_DN.ISSD. .11 , 1 , 01 n .( 64 .4 + 1 . S' Will e. DAY, October 11, - n - t - lij ,- CloCk M. Abou PORTSMOUTH.s_4 000) to lleWAY,od Iron', At at 12 M.: Five (5) first-class Locomotive Engines. About fifty (50) Freight Cars and one (1) PaeSengt Car. At NORFOLK, Va. ' October la, at SP. M.: One new Locomotive Engine, 5 foot gauge. At ALEXANDRIA, Va., on TUEnIA - Y, OetObe 17: Fifty (50) first-class Locomotive Engines, 4-feet 8)j inch gauge. Eighteen (IS) new Platform Cars five-foot gauge. Twenty-five (25) new. Box Cars, 13ve.(5) footgo.uge. About three hundted"and 'fifty (350) Box Cara, 9-fee g,..%:.1nch gauge. ALou t two hundred and thirty (230) riatrOlx do., feet 8),l-incit gauge. About thirty (30) Stock do., 4-feet e)¢-inch - gauge. Twenty (20) Passenger do., do., do., do. One (I) Wrecking do., do., do., do. Two (2) new Trucks. • Sixty do., 40, fronted. Fourteen (Fl) Flab , About two 'thousand i2,e6tO toad Sales to cotninence at ALEXANDRIA at 10 A , X and to continue Government until all are sold, Terms; Cash, In funds. 11. L. ROBINSON, Brevet Colonel and A. Q. al , autl-toctO U, S,,lllUltary LARGE SALE OF GOVERIIMEN RAILROAD ENGINES AND CARS. 'UNITED STATES MILITARY RAILROADS, °Prior. OF ASSISTANT QIIARTEIIMASTaft,_ WASIDEGTON D. D. ,_August, ISS6. W Will be S biItI4 , OIIMTE , lt, Opposite Rieb mood, - Va., on TUESDAY, October 3: Twenty-five (25) new nrst-class LOconlaire gines; five (5) foot gauge, live (5) foot drivers cylinders 16x24 inches; capacity of tank, 1,9e0 lone. Five (5) first-class Locomotives, 4 feet gauge. Two hundred and sixty-dye 0.64 neat Bea Irrelgil . _ Cars, flve (5) foot gauge. Fifteen (15) now Platform Cars, tire (5) foot gauge Ten (10) Freight Cars, 4-feet SM-luell gauge'• The sale to continue trout day to day mall all It. 501 d.. Bitle, to el./Maumee at 10 oleloeß. Terms: Cash, in tiovar.r.nowiik reltdc, H. L. R0111.157.Ek. Brevet Colonel and A. Q• )f. aul4.tool U. S. 114111torr Rallroa L a ,j aT ., s ow,a zalw j THE ADAMS "VC azaef 1" RE S B COMPA.N`;,. , Oille 324 CHESTNUT Street, forw ards Pareoo.l'acli ages, .alerehamilse, Bank: Note's, end Siget;i4, by its own lines or In conneor.ition wlin cuter Dress Commies. tO ell the, Drlnelpel OorA 5 " cities in the 'United States. E. B. BANDE:4IO. fe27 fignieral t3UPPriolood..r.t. J. VAUGHAN MERRICK. WILLIAM 11...:4=E1C1i JOHN U. COPE. QOUTILWARK FOUNDRY ; rk-7 FIFTH AND , WASHINGTOMSX.X.SE ADELPHIA. MERRIC-M di SONS. ENGINEERS AND Manufacture High and Low Pressa,re Steam E' glees, for land, rive! t alai inaetne service,. Defiers, elkisonief cis Tanks , Iron , Balm 64 Castings of all kin( either I ron Brass, Iron-frame Boots for Gas Wo•Sia, Works''" Railroad Stations , &o, • Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and ld Unproved construction. EVifily descrip Hon of piantatto Maahhierit,, as Seger. San, and Grtst Mills Vacuum Pans,r Steam Trains ; Defeaators. Filters, nipping , glues, &e. Sole agents for N. Rillieux's Patent SuKar- 4 " lug Apparatus, Nee myth's Vntent Steam Ilse' ea,' and Asphrwall & Wolser al s Patent Ocr' o : , Sugar-Draining/0 achine. TIIOFISON'S LONDON &ITO ENE.% Cat ET3ROPEAN RANGY': for flp lies, Micas, DiLliublie institutions , in TY DIT.`FR - gaNT SIZES. Also, 1 bliss phis Ranges , liotylriPurnaces, Portable He Lowdown GrateeFlreboard Stoves,Bath rot , tcyrbou. go4,,4rcuoth cookinestoyea, eta, vaioteide ett n gteuill, by the'rnenuitillitePi. aD2S-tuvuesm eji , * NO B . '2O ARP Nord, lasonuortkagr'eet ItiTILLDELPRIA. t 31 1.. - IrioNN.'?"-BbviraArtarzaTbuoTTP. ket Q L . 6 l / 4 _ Ev_warre CAIB tvarant; eftehretilmiktituyiesardsitoptra;ll• , Suvnr,c----143_r_ sten,* Graduating. Pressureyr o ficiitT oha . r at ssuseSie Otooklngs, ;moulder Cid" Ladles , apartments eanductet, aPI." • WNW wHALIA.M H. MOORE, rERA L FURNISMEC UNDERT All, I CP amp RACE Street, (late of Arch street./ on „ ffi ersonal attention at all Lours. iI t) ;AIN O t BAKER &CO.'S COD LI TAU AND r a esed in quality and effeeta, being the - SWEETEST AND BEST PRE:PARED, " In Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, 0 01 .‘, it . eiplent Consumption,a immediatefulous ides' it oftentimes produces and oertaln et, when other remedies have been taken with lit no benefit. Sold by_all Druggists lit the elty. anti 1 4 / tS i irletor, 7117 m ARKIFLT Street. nTletoa~, - ~~ OFFICE, No, 72c) CHESTNUT STUE.Kr.