gt't rtss, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 180 THE CITY. MEM WHITE STAN UNION".—On Sahli . - day last, at 10 A. M., the " White Star Union" held their first annual meeting, at the Na tional Guards' Hall. The President,. Major General Geary, was absent being detained as a member of the Military Commission, trying Wire, hi Washington. General Barnum, the Tice-President, from New York, was called to the chair, and presided throughout. Although, as was expected, the attendance at this meet ing was not very large, yet it was a very spi rited and happy occasion, and the foundation was laid for future meetings and operations on a large scale. An tenendreent to the Con stitution, admitting enlisted men to Member ship, was adopted. During the session., the Association was addressed - by Vice-President Durnum, General Mindil, of the Executive Committee, Secretary Forbes, and others. 'Late in the day the Association adjourned, after resolving to meet in special session, in this env, on the eith of November next, which day is the anniversary of the battle of Lookout Mountain, where the " white star" shone above the clouds, the division flag bearing that emblem, being the first unfurled from the captured summit. For this meeting in Philadelphia, onthe :nth .November, the most extensive arrangements will be made. An oration will be delivered by a distinguished orator, and an entertainment Provided in the evening for the members and their guests. A special committee of Phila delphians, with General Mindil as chairman, have the arrangements for the occasion in band. A CHAPTER OF ACCIDENTS.—JOhn Cl.O - aged twenty years, had his hand badly in jured, by being caught in the machinery at Wilkins' woollen mill, Front and Diamond streets, on Saturday afternoon. On Saturday mOriling, shortly before five o'clock - , Mr. J. J. Dutton, accompanied by his daughter Sophia, thirteen years of age, was driving Ins horses and wagon across the rail road track, on the Gray's Ferry road, above Washington street in the Twenty-sixth. ward. ArriVhlg at Gray's Ferry road, above Vi r. street, where. the Pennsylvania railroad Crosses, a train of cars came along, which Mr. Duttton did not perceive in time to avoid a collision. The wagon was struck and com pletely wrecked. Air. Dutton and the horses cscaped uninjured, but the little girl, Sophia, was instantly killed. Her body, on examina tion, revealed neither bruise nor scratch, and it is supposed she must have died from fright. It is Said that there is no watchman at this in tersection,_ and that the locomotive whistle was not blown, nor the bell rung. The sad affair will be investigated by the coroner. On Friday afternoon two of the workmen engaged in reairing the bridge of the West Chester and Media Railroad, at Wallingford, were instantly killed by having two of the beams of the Bridge fall upon them. James Norton, residing at No. 1155 South Tenth street, fell from a chair, on Saturday morning, near Eighth and Vine streets, and fractured his leg. He was standing on the chair at the time, and it WAS accidentally over turned. Charles,Evans, a conductor employed on the Norristown Railroad, was jammed between cars at Manyunk antleseverely injured. Ile - was taken to his residence at Norristown. FIREICE7I 3 S hr. - ed.—The Niagara Hose Company will house a new hose carriage to-day. It is an elegant one, the prevailing color being white, striped with gold and car mine. In front, between the bells, is an oil painting of “America.” On the side badges is a painting of an Indian sitting on a bank, with the Falls of Niagara in the distance. The Robert Morris Hose Company has also a new carriage. It is built in the most substan tial manner,_ with all the modern improve ments. The body and running-gear is painted green, picked in with gold. The side badges are of solid silver, with the figures "19" raised in old.' The hese Carriage built for the Northern Liberties Association of Washington will be on exhibition to-day in the house of the Fair mount Steam Fire Engine Company, Ridge avenue, above Wood. The Northern Liberties will participate in the October parade. The Good Intent Hose starts foryittSburg next Monday. A NEW TELEGRAPH COMPANY.—The Bankers' and Brokers' Telegraph Company, No. 37 South Third street, announce in another column the completion of their new lines to :New York, Baltimore, Washington, Boston, Springfield rortland, and intermediate points. These lines will be rapidly extended South and West. The company have employed the most skillful engineers in the construction 'of their lines,. which are of the best material, and OIL an entirely new principle of insulation, tibia. Will insure the prompt and instanta neous transmission of business in all kinds of weather. The practical working of these lines has been placed in charge of able and expe rienced electricians, who will use every means to keep them constantly in perfect working ether. Mr. J. W. Dyer is manager. FREMIASONS.—The Masonic temple ill Chestnut street, above Seventh, whiehhasbeen altered, improved, and beautified during the last few weeks. so that it is now the most splendid and convenient edifice of the sort in the world, will be reopened this evening. A stated quarterly meeting or the Grand Lodge Of Pennsylvania will then be opened and held, mare mcyjorum, with the usual ceremonials and religious rites. The Grand Master is Mr. Lu cius H. Scott ; with John L. Goddard, Doputy G. M. ; Hon . Richard Vaux, Senior Grand War den Robert R. Lamberton, Junior Grand War den k Peter Williamson, Grand Treasurer, and William 11. Adams, Grand Secretary. LiNcOLN MONtrumir FEIN - D.—The fol lowing sums have been received by James L. Clagtorn, Treasurer of the Lincoln Monu ment Association at the office, 921 Chestnut street : Union Men e of Marcus Hook per Bev. W.*lo -0 0 Dalrympl Proceeds of a Fair held in Audeuried by Theresa and Theresa Rosa Hamburger. 2 30 From the colored people of Laurel, Dela ware, per J. Hubbard 14 80 Proceeds of a Fair held by Katie L. Far. ran, Mats , J. Farrah i and Mary E. Braker .5.00 Total RESIGNATIoN.—M.r. Frank Erdman, one of the most experienced and attentive Opera• tors of the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph, has resigned that position and accepted that of operator of the Bankers' and Brokers' Tele .graph line, which begins business this morn ans.- Mr. Erdman retires with the best wishes of all with whom he was connected, and espe cially with the newspaper fraternity, with whom he was often brought in contact. SHOOTING CASE.—At an early . hour yes terday morning William Edwards, twenty three years of age, was shot in the head by Thomas Fleming, at a tavern at Seventeenth and Bedford streets. A dispute rose about liquor, with the resultrnentioned. Thewonnd ed man was taken to the hospital. JUNIORS vs. SKIiioRS.—A. convention of members of the Junior Base-Ball Club was held on Saturday evening. A. motion prevailed that three delegates be elected by each club to a convention to concert action so as to prevent Members of senior clubs taking part in any of the games of the Juniors. OPENING OF Tub Pushic ScrtooLs.—The public schools begin their regular sessione to- day. If this fact be not a pleasing one to the boys and girls, it is to many anxious parents. If the weather continues as hot as it has been the past two or three days there will be little inclination to study. FIRES.—An alarm of fire was occasioned, about three o'clock on iiaturday morning, by the burning of bed clothes at a house on Mur ray street, above Twentieth. The alarm at four o'clock on Saturday morn ing was caused by the burning of rubbish at Johnson's ink factory, Tenth, Delow Lombard. No 3.10 RE Music AT THE PARE.—The music has been withdrawn from Fairmount Park, the last day of summer, to which time the music was engaged, having arrived and departed. RELEASE OF CHAS. E. CLARK.---Charles E. Clark, alleged defaulting teller of the Cora. inercial Bank, has been released from confine meat, bail having been entered and accepted. CAPTIIRED CANlNES.—Seventy-six doge were killed, by order of the proper author], ties, last week. Ninety-live were captured, nineteen redeemed. RETIIRNINO REGIMENTS.—The 55th and 74th Regiments, P. V., nave reached Harris burg, and are waiting to be mustered out. TROTTI2I6.—A match will come off this afternoon, at Suffolk Park,between celebrated trotters. ANOTHER BASE-BALL CLUB.—The "Qua ker City" is the name of another base-ball club recently organized in our city. THE POLICE. [Before Mr. Alderman Tlttermary.] nitnOTABEI CAUGHT IN THE ACT. John O'Brian and. James Callahan were ar raigned yesterday morning at the old South wark Hall. on the charge of burglariously en tering a dwelling-house, located - near Eighth stud Emeline streets,Fourth ward, on Saturday night. The family were absent at the time. The burglars were arrested by three of Frank Hampton's men, Messrs. Maxwell, MeCullin, and Cooper. The burglars had forced their - way into the house, and while they were busi ly, engaged in ransacking, the several apart- and packing up things of Value to be carried away, the officers quietly surprised them, and thus the nefarious designs of the despoilers were frustrated. The prisonera were committed to answer. BLOODY FIGHTS 'There seems to have been an unusual number .of fights in certain localities of the city at late hours on Saturday night or early hours yes terday morning. One of an exceedingly San guinary character took place in the vicinity Of Third and Monroe streets, during which several belligerents were severely cut about their heads. Yesterday morning, drops of blood could be traced from the scene of disor der to the Southwark Mall. The police, after more than ordinary trouble, succeeded in locking up a number of the fighters. In the more southern part of the city several men beat their wives, and the residents were appalled by cries of murder and the screams Of women and children. Bad whisky was the principal agent in these scenes of turbulence. It did and will continue to do its shocking work until moral reformation shall take place. (Before Mr. Alderman Better.) riBLF-CONFESSED DISHONEST DOMESTIC Linda Walters was arraigned at the Central Station on Saturday afternoon, on the charge of stealing money, watches, jewelry, and cloth ing (valued in all at sl,loo),:the property of Mr. William Strain, residing at the corner of Twelfth and Fitzwater streets. The evidence set forth the fact that the accused was em ployed as a domestic in the family of Mr. Strain. About two weeks since she suddenly - disappeared, and the stolen articles were miss , Avg. On Friday night she was arrested, in the 'vicinity of Front and St. John streets, by offi cer Lewis. She admitted the charge. Her state ment is that, after havin g committed the theft, sbe proceeded to New - York. In moments of after reflection her conscience checked her, and she resolved to bring the money back. 'While on her return trip she says that some .one picked her pocket of the money. The sum of Pe was found upon her. In regard to her disposal of the wearing apparel and other ar ticles, ber memory was singularly defective. ghe was committed to answer. NICELY CAVORT On the sth of August the thvelling of Mc. James Taylor, on west Chestnut street, ueur Twenty-first, was entered and robbed of one fabusand dollars worth of clothing, bedding, bonnets, shawls, silverware. Ste. Nothing Was heal d °Him thieves nor of any of the stolen coOds, until by mere accident. It seems that Mrs. Taylor stopped at a little shop on west Market street, on Saturday morning, for the purpose of purchasing some candy for the children. A woman stepped. in also, and offer ed a bonnet for sale. M.O told a somewhat plausible tale of poverty, distress, &c., but she i:ccante apparently astounded, when Mrs. T. claimed the bonnet as belonging to one of her children. The imposter was at once handed into the custody of a police officer, alien She burst out crying ' and told the officer that she had obtained the bonnet from a somewhat notorious female known as Martha Purple. The prisoner gave the name of Elizabeth Ross. She was locked up, and the officer proceeded to ferret out Mrs. Purple, and some time on Friday night he succeeded in fintlinF her. She was arraigned at the Cen tral Station on Saturday , afternoon, and Berne evidence was obtained that Mrs. Ross was simply a victim of Airs. Purple, and that the latter had received, with guilty knowledge, goods stolen from the residence of Mr. Taylor. She was committed to await a further hear ing. Elizabeth was detained as a witness. SHARP PRACTICE The farmers, who, as a general thing, arc honest in their transactions, are therefore the more easily victimized by designing men. Se veral instances of petty swindling were re ported at the central station during the past Week. The latest one was on Saturday. It seems that a couple of pretty Well dressed young men stopped at a farmer's wagon neat- Market and Twelfth streets, and purchased fifty pounds of butter, and twenty-two dozen of eggs. A card of the Mount Vernon Hotel was handed the farmer to direct him where to take the articles. The young men were in a hurry, but the farmer could not carry all, con veniently. One of the young men said he would carry the eggs, while the farmer could convey the butter. While on the way to the hotel, the designing swindler with the eggs managed to elope, since which time he nor the eggs have not been heard of. The farmer hav ing entered the hotel with Ms butter, waited a reasonable length of time for the arrival of the purchaser of the eggs, and at least five minutes had elapsed before he realized the important fact that he had been duped to the extent of twenty-two dozen of first-class eggs. The farmer said he didn't believe there was a "bad egg in the hull low , He took his butter back to his wagon, and was of course a wiser, though sadder man. (Before My. Alderman Tolandq THE OLD STORY. Sophia Potter WAS arraigned on Saturday on the charge of robbing a soldier of the sum of fifty dollars. It seems, from the evidence, that the soldier was taken to a. houselon New Mar ket street, near Willow,on Friday night, and becoming oblivious to things terrestrial fell an easy victim to the syren. She was commit ted. TIJE COURTS_ Court of Quarter Sessions—lion. James B. Ludlow, Associate Justice. [William 73. Mann, Esq., Prosecuting Attorney.] TSB AGGRAVATBD ASSAULT. Mr. 013yrne asked the Court to listen to some evidence in the case of McMenamin, con victed of an aggravated assault and battery on an aged colored man. Constable Barton testified that he saw Mc- Menamin take a strawberry from the box of the Colored man, when the latter struck hint with a cane. They elinched, and the colored man turned McMenamin over when they were on the ground. Judge Ludlow said it was idle for any one to tell bun that a man seventy years of age could turn a young athletic man over on the ground. The Constable tried to explain that the white man stnmbled, and the colored man turned him. This ended the case. ABOUT HABEAS CORPUS In the ease of a habeas corpus, Judge Lud low asked If the men were in custody. Coun sel said -they were not. The Court dismissed the writ, saying that they would not permit a man to be turned over to the sheriff for flee minutes, and thus obtain the opinion of the Court. If these men chose to go to jail, a new writ would be issued ; but, as it stood now, the case must be dismissed. STATE ITEMS. —The following are the places and times at which government horses and mules are to be sold in this State during the present month Philadelphia, Thursday of each week, 100 horses each day ; Philadelphia, Saturday, Sep_ tember 2, and Wednesday and Saturday of each week thereafter, 100 mules each day; Pitts burg, Thursday and Friday of each week, to September 12, inclusive, 150 mules each day ; lial , risburg, Tuesday Of each week, 150 mules each day Mauch Chunk, Thursday, Septeen. her 7, 200 mules ; Indiana, Tuesday, September 12,150 horses ; Reading, Thursday, September 14, 200 mules ; Altoona, Thursday, September 22, 150 horses. railrOad " accident" at Titusville, by - which seven persons were killed and many in. jured, has been investigated by a Coroner's jury, and the direct and criminal cause of the collision charged upon the conductor and en gineer. The former has left for parts un known. The Union Bank of Reading having been converted into a National Institution, last week destroyed *258,000 of notes its old issue. The amount, of money thus far subscribed in the Eastern counties for a seddiers, and Sailors' Home is a 18,932.08. 4 ball club has just been organized in Cleveland, composed of a number of the busi ness and professional men there. —The Miners' JOurna/ advises people to lay in their supplies of coal at once, as there is an evident upward tendency in prices. Oil City has now nearly fifteen thousand inhabitants, the population having doubled within the last year. —Hon. Thaddeus Stevens lectures in Lancas ter, Wednesday evening next, on the present condition of natlonai affairs. The barbers of Meadville have made an agreement to close their shops on Sundays. The pickpockets are doing a brisk buSi nem in Titusville. —The Harrisburg ebtton factory is to nom mence operations in about three weeks. -- Blind Torn is in Harrisburg. ROME ITEXP• A member of the signal corps, in reply' to the statement of the Chicago Republican, that the messages were all read by the enemy, says that the chief signal officer under Lee con• reseed that the rebels could not read our sig nals, which were sent in cypher. fle also affirms that during the investment of Peters. burg and Richmond, all the messages sent by the rebels each day were laid before General Meade before 7 o'clock each evening, though duang the -whiter the code was changed four ti s. -At the time of the late collision on the Housatonic Railroad, Timothy Farrell, a young Irishman, was standing on the rear Platform of the car - which was worst shat tered, and, instead of jurnpinfrfrOm the train, as did the other employees, he sprang through the car, seized the brake at the other end, and took two turns on it. That instant the crash came, and his feet were mangled in the ruins. He will be a cripple for life. Clock-making in this country in MO amounted to $1,085,250 in value. There were seventeen establishments in that year in New England, the capital invested being *505,000, the material used costing $110,756, employing 896 male and 40 female hands, .t an aggregate compensation of $372,600. --- Two or three regiments passed through Petersburg on Thursday, en route home from North Carolina. The 3d New York, from Ra leigh, went through several days since, and the 97th Fennsylvania, Colonel Wainwright commanding, came in on the Weldon train on Thursday afternoon. The Vedette newspaper, printed at Salt Lake city, is very severe upon the Mormons— accuses them of all .sorts of erimeS, and Brig_ barn Young as the one who profits most by the iniquity. -- The Raleigh Register learns that Governor Holmes has received a despatch from Presi dent Johnson, in which he states that if he, should visit Richmond he will extend his jour ney to Raleigh, N. C. A recent visitor to Lloyd's Hotel at Su rattaville said be "hoped while a timber stood the house would be the memorial of the mar tyr of America." He did not refer to Presi dent Lincoln, but to Mrs. SWAM The New York bull-frog exhibition is fact, not fancy. Dodworth's Hall has been engaged, and the frogs will compete in size and croak for the coveted prize. • -- A coal-01l vein has been struck at Crest line, 0., and of which the owners indulge " great expectations.), —No signs of snow as our paper went to press this morning. There are 100,000 bales of cotton in New York. About repo cotes were east at the recent election in Tennessee. The comet is only six hundred. millions of miles off. A MerChants' National Bank has been or ganized inorete.rabnrg, Va. The Niagara Falls Gazelle says the Ameri can Hotel is to be immediately rebuilt. Horace Greeley is to deliver the annual address at the Minnesota Agricultural Fair. Business is very good in Newbern, N. C. Five editors in New York are Celts. FOREIGN ITEMS. Another prize light for the championship of Blighty/a is arranged to come off on Wed nesday, the Ist of Novena)6l., between JODI Mace and Joe Wormald. One of the London theatres is still play ing, to enthusiastic audiences, "The Confede rate Daughter ; or, the Tyrant of New Or leans." A skilful photographer is the latest acces sion to the ranks of the French Legion of Honor. It is said that the Empress of the. French is about to publigh a book of pooui written in Spanish. -- The smoking and ;drinking habits of the people give England £24,000,000 sterling per annum. Teresa , s new song in Faris is called ,6 The Venus in Carrots." -- Thirteen letters by Cardinal Richelieu have been found in an old bureau in Paris. Toulon, the celebrated flautist, died re cently at Nantes. Abd•el-Kader costs the French Govern mein $2O per day - They were dying at the rate of 1,500 a day, of cholera, in Constantinople, last month. -- Two thousand dollars , worth of violets are daily sold in Paris. There are seventy lawyers in the new Parliament. The Queen of the Sandwich Islands has helped to - consecrate a church in England. —A gentleman in London announces to the world that be possesses Hogarth , e palnt-box. Deaths from the bite of the carbuncular fly have been common in Paris. Garibaldi's son is studying engineering in London. OHERIFF'S SALES. • ~,,,, ..... ...... SHERIFF'SSALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me direct ed, will be exposed to public sale or vendtte, on MONDAY Evening, September 4, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansotn-street _ . No.l, All that stone factory building, steam en gine, steam boiler, arid lot or piece of ground, situ ate partly in the late borough of Frankford and partly in the late township of Northern Liberties and county of Philadelphia; beginning at a stake for a corner in the middle of Adams street in Frank ford aforesaid, thence along the middle of said Adams street south nineteen degrees twenty-four minutes, east fifteen perches and seventy-four linu dredths of a perch, and south twenty-nine degrees and thirty minutes, Alin seven perches and nye tenths of a perch to a Corner; thence by land form erly of Peter Backins north forty-six degrees and nineteen minutes west, and crossing Frankford creek fifteen perches, to a corner of land formerly of Joseph Potts; thence by said land north fifty-one degrees eleven minutes east one perch, and north forty-two degrees Mid nineteen minutes, west four teen perches to a corner of ground sold to Abraham Abrams; thence partly by said A.brams , land and partly by ground conveyed to Elias Pitting, and crossing Frankford creek, north seventy-one de grees and six minutes, east aboutseven perches, to the east side of said Creek; thence down the said creek about six perches and two-tenths of a perch, tO thc southeasterly line of the next hereinafter de scribed lot; thence by said ground north-seventy one degrees and six minutes, east about ten of and four-tenths of a perch, to the place ot begin ning. (fontainiug about one acre and one-quarter of land,thelutling roads and creek, be the same more or less. No. 2. Also, all those two stone dwellings and lot or piece Of ground, composed of five contiguous lot 9 or pieces of ground. Minute on the southwesterly side of said Adams street: Containing in front on said Adams street one hundred feet, and extending southwestward, between parallel lines at right an gles with said Adams street, in length or depth. about one hundred and thirty feet, more or less, to the side of Frankford creek. Bounded northward by ground conveyed to Samuel Holt,southwestward by said Frankford creek, southeastward by the above-deseribed lot, and northwestward by Adams -street aforesaid. Together with all and singular the ways, waters, water-courses, rights, liberties, pel vileges, improvements, hereditaments, and appur tenances whatsoever thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversions, remain ders, rents, issues, and profits thereof. CD. C.: S., 65. Si. Debt, *541.14. Gowen.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Solomon Wilde. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug. 23,1865. au7ss-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Fierl Facial, tome directed, will be ex posed to public sate or rendue, on MONDAY Even ing, September 9, 1E65, at 4o'clock at Sansom-street Hai, No. 1. All that three-story brick messuage and Mt of ground situate on the west side of Tenth street. sixty-four feet northward from Pine street, In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Tenth sweet twenty-one feet three and a-half inches, and in depth ninety feet. with the privilege of a two feet six Inches - wide alley- [See writ for recital:] No. 2. All that four-story brlek meSsnage and lot of ground situate on the north forty-nine feet Glinton street. one hundred and forty-nine feet eastward from Tei t ih street, in the city of Philadelphia: con taining 1 front on Clinton street fifteen feet, and in depth one hundred and fifteen feet, to Bond street. [Which premises Catharine Stockton, by deed dated July 18. 1865, recorded in Deed Book L. R. 8.. No. 107, page VI, &c., conveyed unto Rouen Fox, In fee.] Subleet to aortgane-debt of 90006, EC, Q.; S. 'O6. 2-1. De m bt, 649.080. Gunitneyo Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Robert Fox. HENRY - C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug. 18,18115. auT2-31 II cIERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of VendltiOni Ea muss, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale or vendee, on MON DAY-Evening, September 4, 1365, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, AU that lot of ground situate on the southwesterly side of Somerset street, 076 feet U inches southeast wardlv from the Trenton Railroad, in the city of Philaaeiublat containin in front on. Somerset street tat; feet 9 inenes in-length southwardly, (mea suring from the middle of Somerset street.) on tile southeasternmost line 3D3 feet 4 inches, and on the nortbwesternmost line 309 feet 7 inches. (Which Jremises Abraham Martin and wife, by deed dated anuary 18.1964. recorded in Deed Rook L. R. B„ No 3, page 243, Sc., couyeyed unto Joseph T. Row ann in rec.] (D.C.; S., '6.5. 28. Debt, $185.40. W.L.Marshall.] Taken in execution and to lie sold as the property of Joseph T. Rowand. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug.= 1865. au2.l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A welt of Venditiont Exponaa, to me directed, will _be exposed to public sale or yendue, on MONDAY - Evening, September 4, 1865, at 4 o'clock,at Sansom street Hall, All that two-story frame messuage, occupied as two dwellings, and lot of ground situate ou the southeasterly side of Chelteu avenue, two hundred and twenty feet seven Inches northeastwardly front the Germantown Railroad, in the city of Phila delphia: containing in front on Mellen avenue thirty feet, and in depth one hundred and eighty feet [D. C.: S. '65. 17. Debt, $1.500. l'axsOn.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George Ityley. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug. ?2, 1865. au24-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levarl Facias, to mes directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evenine, September 4, 1965, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom- Street Hall, All that three story brick rnessuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Marshall street 204 feet 2 Inches nortkward from Tllolllpson street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Marshall street 18 feet, and in depth about 84 feet 10 inches, subject to a ground rent of $1.32. CD..; 5.,"65. 44. Debt, $1.550. Heyer.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Sophie Hickman. HENRI" C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's °Mee, Aug. 21,1865. 8412.1-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levarl Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or reirdue, on MONDAY Evening, September 4, 1835, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Flail, All that brick MCSSIIage and lot of ground situate on the west side of SW3ll6On street, between Al mond and Catharine streets, in the city of Philadel phia: containing In front on Swanson street 21 feet, and in depth about 150 feet. Bounded on the south by a messuage and ground devised by Thomas Pen rose to his son James. (For recital see writ.) CD. Cz; S., '65, 28. Debt, $1.703.50. Cassidy.] Taken lil execution and to be sold as the property of Penrose Ash and 'Rebecca Ash. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff'. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug. 22, 1863. au24-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vend Mont Exponas, to me directed, Will be exposed to public sate or vendue, on DION DAY Evening. September 4, 065, at 4 o'clock, at Sansomqtreet All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the southwest corner of Tenth and Thompson streets. In the city of Philadelphia; containing In front on Tenth street 16 feet, and 6x depth 53 feet 6 Inches. [Which premises Charles G. Evans, et ux„ by deed dated April 26, 1853, recorded In Deed Book. T.No. 86, page 455, &c., conveyed unto Hugh Alexander, in fee.) -ID. C. S., '65. 27. Debt, 5f2.03.68. Law.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the, property of Hugh Alexander. HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug. 21,1865. au24-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni KipOn46, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening. September 4, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Bail, All the right, title, and Interest of Philip Blaess, deceased, in and to all that lot of ground situate on the porth side of Thompson street, 75 feet westward from thirty-second street, tu the city of Ptinadel- Oda; containing in front on Thompson street 23 feet 8 inches, and in depth 218 feet. Submet to one third of a ground rent of 875. (Which premises Charles Theis et ux., by deed dated August 15, 1850, recorded in Deed Book G. W. C. No. 78, page 120, conveyed unto Philip Blaess and Henry . A. Berg man in fee.j CD. C.. S. 45.. 58. Debt. 8d,560. Husbands.] irENRY C. BowELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug. 23,1862. anti-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening, eeptemberl, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at San som-sireet All that three-story brick messuao anti lot of ground., situate on the west side of Seventh strect,be tween Arch and Market streets, in the city Of Phila delphia: containing in front on Seventh street2Ofeet, and in depth 62 feet or thereabouts to a three-feet alley, with the privilege thereof, Rounded north ward by ground now or late of Richard Ware, south ward by ground now or late of Henry S. Sheaff. [Which premises Henry 5. Sheaff, by deed dated May 4th, 1109, recorded in Deed Book .1. C., No. 6, page 197, he., conveyed unto Thomas Wight in fee, reserving a ground rent of $136.60, payable Ist of November and May.] - [C. C. P.; J., '65. 119. Debt, $69.20. Lex.] Taken in eXeetition and to be sold as the property of Thomas Wight. HENRY O. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ofilee,Aug. 12, 1665. SHERIFF'S SA.LE.---BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 4, lass, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom- Street Ball, AD that certain two-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the south side of Lombard street ulnety.nine feet westward from Eleventh strut, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Lombard street nineteen feet, and extend ing in depth southward seventy-eight feet to a four feet alley. [Which said premises Tonathan W.Con dY, by deed dated November 50, 1811, conveyed unto Franels Jamul, in fee, reserving a ground rent of $412.95.1 [C. C. P.; J., , 85. 122. Debt, 9j2l.Pd. Colithan.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Francis Henan. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug. 11,1865. aul4-3t SHERIFFS SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vend Wont Expenas, to rne di rected, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. September 4,1865, at 4 O'ctock, at Sansom-street Hall; All that certain three-story brick mesSuage and lot of ground, situate on , the north side of Wood street, 56 feet 9 inches eastward from Eighteenth street, in the city Of Philadelplda• containing in front on Wood street /2 feet, and in depth north ward 41feet 3 inches to a 2 feet 9 inches wide alley. [Which said lot Morgan Mittelman, et ux., by deed dated June 1, 1841, recorded in Deed Book G. S., No. 28, page 226, etc., conveyed unto John Gateltell, in fee, reserVing a ground rent of PI, payable Ist of Janay: and july. ] ; J., 47.41.'64.114. Debt, E. S. Campbell.] Taken::in execution and to be sold as the property of John Gatchell. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 11, 1865. aul4-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed will be expend to imbue sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 4, 18[4, at 4 o'clock, et &Mann street Hall, All that three-story brick meesuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Wood street, 03 feet a inches eastward from Eighteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Wood street 12 feet, and in depth 41 feet 3 Inches, to a twO-feet nine-inches wide alley. with the pri• Allege of the said alley. [Whieh lot Morgan Hinelt -1110.11, et ex., by deed dated June 10th, 1891, recorded G in Deed Book . S., No. 28, page 223, &c., conveyed unto John Gatchell in fee, reserving a ground rent or pc] [c. c. P.: J.,'65. 124. Debt, 4422.624 Potts.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Gatehell. HENRY C. HOWELL., Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug. 12,1865. au14:31 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vendltioni Exponas, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening. September 4,1862, at 4 o'clock, at San- Km-street IDOL All that three-StOry With incesunge and lot of ground beginning on the north side of Wood street, 80 feet 9 Inches eastward from Eighteenth street, In the do - of Philadelphia. thence northward 41 feet 3 Inches to a 2-feet 9-Inches alley, thence eastward 3 feet, thence northward 2 feet 9 inches. thence east ward 9feet,thence southward 44 feet to Wood street, awl therme westward amok; the same, 12 feet to the . place of heglititing. [ - Being the STUMP lot which Slor gan Dlnehman, et ux., by deed dated June 10, IQII, recorded In Deed-book O. S. No. 28, page 229, conveyed unto John Gatchell, 111 fee, reserving a ground-rent of pl. CC. P.; J. ID. 123. Debt, 4427.82 Potts.] lIENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, SheriirsOffiee, August 12,1895. aOl4-3t SHERIFF'S SALE. —BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to Me directed, will he exposed to public sale or vendue. on MON DAY Evening September 4, 1885, at 4 o'clock, at SanSo)ll - street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the West side of Cadwalader street, 120 feet I inch northward from Oxford street, In the city of Philadelphia; contain ing In front on Cedwalader street 82 fe• t, and ex tending.' in depth westward on the South line 118 feet a% inches. and on the north line 106 feet 296 inches to Fourth street. [Which premises John Dick and wife, by deed dated December 11th, 1852, recorded in Deed Book T. H., N 0.61. page ma. &c., conveyed unto Benjamin J. Crew in fee, reserving a ground rent of sBo.] [D. C ; 5.."65. 211. Debt, $512.24. Zane.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Benjamin J. Crew. HENRY C. HOWELL Sheriff. Philada., Sheriff's Office. August 15 , 1865. aulB-Bt. SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF writorvenationi - Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or venduc, on MON DAY Evening September 4, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at hansom-street ' llali, All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the southeast corner of Twenty third and Brandywine streets, in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on Twenty-third street 15 feet, and in depth along Brandywine street 79 feet 10 inches. (Which premises George Watson et ux., by deed dated 29th March, 18Mi, recorded in Deed Book B. D. W. No. 93, page, 463, &c.', con veyed unto Gel W. Rocker in fee, reserving a n groud rent of -3 EP, 0.; fl., 'B6. 13. Debt, $630.18. Littleton.] Taken in execution and to be geld as the property of tieorge W. Rocker. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Pince, Aug. is, UM. aul9-3t THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1865. SHERIFF'S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to penile sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening September 4, 1885, at 4 o'clock, at Bansom street fall, I.—All that lot of ground, will the brick store houses and Inessuages thereon, situate on the northwest corner of Second and Columbia streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Second street 36 feet, and in depth 121 feet 9 inches to Phillip street: subject to a ground rent of i 85.50. 2.—A1l that lot of ground and improvements situ ate on the west side of Second street 36 feet north ward from Columbia street; containing in front on beyond street 26 feet, and in depth 121 feet 2 Inches to Phillip vtreet; subject to a ground rent of $6l. that lot ot ground and improvements thereon situate on the west side Of Second street 72 feet northward from Columbia street; containing in front on Setrond street 36 feet, and in depth 121 feet 9 Inches to Philip street; subject to a ground rent of 01. [Which bremlses, Nos. 1 and 2. Charles Clark, et by deeds dated August 11.184 G, December 15 1840, recorded in Deed Book A. W. No. 17, page 487, and No. 27, page 141, &IL. conveyed unto Samuel Jackson, in fee: and the premises No. 3, being the saint which Elijah Tyson, by deed dated February 25, A. D. 1847, recorded in Deed Book A. W. M., No. 27, page 130, &c., conveyed unto Samuel Jack son, in Me. Said premises are subject to a mort gage of *1.300.] [D, V.; S., "CO. M. Debt, $1,668. Loved Taken in execution anti to be sold as the property of Samuel Jackson. HENRY C. nowEir., Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff 'sOttlee, Aug. 23, 1865. au24-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Yentlitiont Kimonos. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MON DAY Evening, September 9, lass, at o'clock, at hansom-street Hall, I.—A certain lot of ground situate' on the west side of Fourth street, 213 feet 2 inches northward from Cadwalader street, Nineteenth ward; con taining in front 17 feet, and in depth westward, be tween lines at right angles to Fourth street, on the north line 43 feet um, inches. and on the south line 40 feet OM inches; thence turning and extending wester y, keeping the same breadth at right anktics to t,ttid Cadwalatier street, On the north tine 43 teet inches, and on the south line 40 feet 014 inches to Cadwalader street; subject to a ground rent of $48.45. 2.—A certain lot of ground situate on the west side of Fourth street. 198 feet 234 inches northward from Clatiwalader street. Nineteenth ward; containing in front 17 feet, and in depth westward, between lines at rigid tingles to Fourth street, on the north line 40 fret an Inches, and ou the south line 57 feet 334 inches: thence turning and extending westerly, keeping the same breadth at right angles to Cad walader street, on the north line 40feet OM inches, -and on the south line 37 feet 3% inches to the said Cadwalader street; subject to a ground rent of 547.00. [D. C.; P.,.'65. 8. Debt, $11220.58. Filet) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William C. Jones. HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug. 22,1805. anti-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTIJE OF a writ of Yendittoni nxponss, to Inc difeCted, - will be exposed to public sale or venduc, on AWN DAY Evening September 4, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom Hall. No. reef No. 1. All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Christian street,.si6 feet eastward from Eighteenth street, in tltwelty of, hillidelphia: containing in front on klaristian sti et 10 feet, and in depth 60 feet. No, 2. All tlw,t three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Christian street, 100 feet eastward from Eighteenth street, In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Christian street 16 feel., -and in depth 50 feet. [Which premises Henry Helmuth. by deed dated August 37, le6l, recorded in Deed Book A. C. H., No. 21, page 017, See., conveyed unto John Long, in fee.) Said premises are together subject to a mortgage of SI,MO. CD. C.; S., '65. 49. Debt, 301.56 Thompson.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Long. HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff 's Office, Aug. 21, 1865. au24-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of LevariFacias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vondue, on MONDAY Evening September 4, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom Street , , All that three - story brick messuage, one-story frame 'ban building,wii lot of ground, situate on the northwesterly iilde of Richmond street, 983 feet 2 inches northwardly from Cumberland street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing_ in front on Rich mond street 16 feet, and hi depth of that width 100 feet to Fisher street. (Which premises Catharine edministratrix by deed dated May 8, 1862, conveyed unto Hugh Cain in fee, subject to the pay ment of a ground rent of *3B on the Ist of January And Jul).] CD C.; S., 'B5. 25. Debt, *2,119.33. Quin.] Taken in execution anti to be sold as the property of Hugh Cain. HENRY C. HOWELL, - Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug. 23, 1865. au24-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or yendue, on AfONDAY Evening, September 4,1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hail, • All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the northeast corner of Beaver and Third streets, in the city of Philadelphia; con. taining in front on Third street 20 feet and in depth Cl 50 feet. , [Which premises William eveland and wife, by deed dated November 11, 1856, conveyed unto Fredericka Nenzel in fee.] CB. C.; S., '65. 58. Debt, 4a,547.60. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Frederick Nenzel and Fredericks his wife. HENRY . C. HOWELL, Sheriff. p,llladelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug. 23, 1805. au24-3t P.PIERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIETVE OF 1...) a writ of. Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening. September 4, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the south side of Spring Garden street and east side of Twentieth street, hi the eity of Philadelphia: containing hi front on Spring Garden street /97 feet, and in depth 305 feet 8 Inches to Ear p street. [Which premises Thomas Earp and wife, by deed dated June 15,.1865, conveyed unto Henry. M. Eovd in fee.) [D. C. S., '65. 40. Debt, 5143.72. Diehl.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property Of Henry M. Bald. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, 6fterttre office, Aug. D„ 188& an24.3t. SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or rendue, on MONDAY Evening, september 4, 1665, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street . All that three-story : brick messnage and lot of ground situate on the north sides of Carroll street, St feet eastward from Thirteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Carroll street 14 feet, (including one-half of a two-feet ailey,) and hi depth 63 feet 1 inch, with the privi lege of said alley. [Which premises Amos Ellis, et ux., U deed dated January 20, 1853. recorded in Deed l3ooxT.No. 84, page 233, sm., eauveled unto John Davy cti fee, reserving a ground reat of 04, payable ISt of January and July.] CD. C.; S., '65. 59. Debt, $166.20. Potts.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Davy. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 43, 186.5. au24-3t QHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Yenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening, Sept. 4, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at San som-street Hal All that three-story brick messuage, one-story °Mee and lot of ground, beginning on the northeast corner of Rassyunk road and Reed street, in the city Of Philadelphia ; thence extending northward along rassyunk road 42 feet, thence eastward 39 feet 9 inches. thence southward along a 2 feet wide alley, 13 feet am inches, thencewestward along Reed street 57 feet to the place of beginning, With the privilege of said alley. [Which premises John McCrea, et ux., by deed dated September 15th, 1838, recorded in Deed Deeli, A. D. 8..: N o. so, page 03, &c.. con veyed unto John R. tarhitnCY fee,reserving ground rent of 00, payable Ist of January and July.) EC. C. P.; J. '65. 120. Debt, 892.95 Lex.) Taken in execution anti to be sold as the property of. John B. Whitney. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Ithiladelphia,sheritr Office, Aug. 26,1885. aull-3t SHERIFF'S: BALE.—BY VIRTUE OP a Writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening. Septetuber 4, 1861, at 4 o'clock, at ransom-street Half, All that certain lot of ground and three-story brick messuage thereon, situate on the east side of Eighth street, 202 foot southward from Master Street, In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front oh Eighth street 16 feet, and extending in depth westward of that width 160 feet to Merchant street. [Which said lot John Grfm and others, by decd dated July 3, 1850, recorded In Deed Book G. Mr. C., No. 89, page In, /cc., conveyed unto George Bernard, In fee, reserving . a ground rent of tfa, payable on the first days of January and July.] CC. C. P.; '65. 115. Debt, 300.12. E. S. Campbell.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George Bernard. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug. 11, 1865. au.l4-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OP a writ of Levart Facias, to ins diseeted, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning,Septentber 4, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street Alf that three-story brick messunge and lot of ground situate on the east side of Twelfth street, 07 feet 9 Inches southward from Callowhill street, in the city of Phnadeiphin !, containing In front on Twelfth street le feet, and In depth 50 feet to.a three-feet alley, with the privilege thereof. (Which premises George Earp, Jr., et ux., by deed dated April 17, 1860, recorded in Jr., Book G. W. C., No. 95,page 233, conveyed unto William Y. Coils day in t'ee.l 18. Y. C. has parted with his interest. [D. C. S., '65, 92, Debt, $2,305.3.1. Littleton.) Taken in execution and to he sold as tile property of William Y. Colladay. • - HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug, 18, 1885. au22-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public stile Or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, September 9, 1665, at 4 o'clock, at SanSom street Hall, All that lot of ground beginning on the corner of Orthodox street and Taeony street, in the city of Philadelphia; thence extending westwardly along Tatony street 127 feet 6 inches; thence southwardly 100 feet; thence westwardly 20 feet; thence north wardly 100 feet to Tacony road; thence westwardly by the same 040 feet; thence SOlithwardly 200 feet to Melrose street; thence eastwardly by the same 387 feet 6 inches to Orthodox street, and thence by the same northwardly 200 feet to the place of beginning. [Which lot Charles J. Stine and wife conveyed unto Henry. E. Wallace in fee.] • CD. C.; S. '65. 65. Debt, $2,771.44). Perkins.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry E. Wallace. HENRY C. HOWELL, Merit. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug. 26, ms, Bu 2 -5 -at, - - SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY , VIRTUE OP a writ of Venditioni txponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or 'endue, on MON DAY Evening September 4, 1885, at 4 o'clock, at Sausolu-street Hal, All that lot of ground with the two two-story-And• a-half brick messuages with one-story kitchen on the rear, and four two-story frame tenements in the rear, situate on the northwesterly side of Rich mond street 198 feet 8% inches northeastwardly from Ann street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Richmond street 40 feet, and in depth 290 feet to Salmon Street, MAO premises Borah McCall, by deed dated February 10, 1, recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 87, page 192, conveyed unto James A. Mason in fee, reserving a ground rent Of $lBO, payable Ist of January _and [D. C.; S. 'B5. 10. Debt 14595.62. McCall.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James A. Mason. DERRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, She rlff's (Mice, Anglia 23, 1885. au'rr-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-By VIRTUE OF A writ of Levert Pacias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Even n September 4, 1885, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall, All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Thirteenth street, 120 feet northward from Brandywine street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing In front on Thir teenth street fifteen feet, and lu depth sixty feet, to a three-feet alley, with the privilege thereof. [Which premises ary Ann Street, by deed dated March 28,1860, recorded InDeed Book A.D. 8., No. 111, page 146 4 conveyed unto William R. Baker in fee. Subject to a ground rent of Porty-flue deflated CD. C.; 5.'65. 31. Debt, $1(1,308.46. Littleton.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property Of William It. Baker. HENRY C. ROWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug 18, 1885. aun-It SHERIFF'S SALR-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expeuas, to me &rested, will be exposed to public sale or vendue ' on MON DAY Evening, September 4, 11E5, at . 4 o'clock, at m Banso-street Hall, Ail that certain messuage and lot of ground situ ate on the southerly side ey Green street, in the Twenty-fifth ward, (near Rising Sun,) in the city,of Philadelphia; Colltalning In front on Green street 100 feet,and in depth 240 feet 2 inches. Bounded west erly by Matthias Knorr's laud, southwardly by land formerly of John Welsh, and eastwardly by ground of Jesse C. Norton and George J. Miller. CWlitch said lot John Welsh, by deed - dated April Ist, 1812, recorded In Deed Book. L. It. 8., No. 100, page CC, &e., conveyed unto Martin Indio in fee. reserving a ground rent of twenty'-five dollars gold and silver money, on Ist of April and October. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Martin Ludie. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Oince,Ang 11.18e5; aul4-3t SERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A. writ efLevarl Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to piddle aale or vendue, ou MONDAY Nye u ing, September 4, 1815, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom - stre - t Hall, All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Wallace street, 15 feet 4 Inches eastward from Twenty-third street. In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Wallace street 16 feet 4 Inches, and extending Ds depth 54 feet 835 Males to a 3-feet alley. with the privilege thereof. (Which premises 0. W. Davis et ux.. by deed dated March 19th, 1863, conveyed. unto Charles T. Eh renpfort In fee.] - (D. C.:S., '65. 15. Debt, *1,500. G. W. Biddle.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Charles F. Ehrenpfort. 'HENRY c. HOWAILL, Sheriff, Philadelphia, Sheriff's Of4ce, Aug. 15, Mid. aura-3t SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF' B SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A NI writ of Vend Mont ExponaS, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on 610N -IfAY Evening September 4, 1862, at 4 O'clock, at Sansom-streetHall, No 1. All that lot of ground beginning on the northwest corner of Vine and Fifty-elghtb. streets, in the yof Philadelphia; thence northward along Fifty-eighili street 300 feet; thence westward 252 feet; thence southward 220 feet to Vine street; thence eastward along the same 240 feet to the place of beginning. (Which said lot Charles Stockman, by deed dated October 26th, 1859, conveyed unto Jacob Stockman in fee.] No. 2. All that lot of ground situate on the south side of Vine street, 920 feet westward from Fifty eighth street, in the city o 6 Philadelphia; contain ing, in front on Vine street 80 feet, and in depth on the east line 170 feet. and on the west line 150 feet. [Which lot Charles T. Kite and wife, by deed dated August 17th, 1859, conveyed unto Jacob StOClonall lu fee.] No. 3. All that yearly ground rent of two hundred and twenty-five dollars issuing out of a lot of ground situate on the north side of Vine street, 240 Met weStward from Fifty-eight street, to the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Vine Street 180 feet, and In depth on the east line 22111tiet, and on the west line 170 feet. [Which lot Jacob Stock man et ux.„ by deed dated January 14th, 1856, con veyed unto George F. Knoll in fee, reserviugihere t the said yearly ground rent.] [D. C.: S., 115, 25, Debt, 852,000. J. E. Gowen.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jacob Stockman. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug. 15, 1865. aulB-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Fachis, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, September 4, 15415, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Al that 'two- story stone messuage and lot of ground beginning on the south side of Masters street 18 feet westward from Twenty-eighth street, in the city or Philadelphia; thence westward along Masters street 76 feet 6 inches to a point; thence south 5 degrees 98 minutes, east 166 feet 9 inches to a point; thence north 84 degrees 52 minutes, east 46 feet 2 incites to the west side or. Twenty- et . ghtli street; thence northwardly along the same le feet 3 inches to a point,• thence westwardly at right angles with Twenty-eighth street 18 feet to a point, and th6nee northwardly 130 feet to the plare of begin ning. {Which premises John Hudson, by deed dated May 7,1860, conveyed. unto Barbara Hiegel in iee•] [D. C.; 8., '65. 45. Debt, $1,308.17. Thompson.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Ferdinand Hiegel;and Barbara. his wife. - DENBY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Mice, Aug. 22, 1865. au24-3t SHERIFF'S. SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditiont Exponas, to me directed, will lie exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY EN‘eiting,__September 4, 1800, at 4 o'clock, at Sun sons-street Hall. All that lot of ground situate on the south side of the West Chester road, in the city of Philadelphia; containing hi front on said road 24 feet, and in depth 114 feet; bounded eastward and southward by ground now or Late of Joseph Lehman, westward by g. round of JaCOli S. Cunitz. (Which premises Joseph Leh man CE ux., by deeds dated and August 20th, 1838, conveyed unto Thomas Dine in fee.] CD. C.; 5.,"05. 20. Debt, 44204. Mltchcson.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property Of Thomas Dine, deed. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, Aug. 15,1855. aulB-3t SHERIFF'S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of VenditiOni Expellee, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MON DAY Evening September 4 ,. 1965, at 4 o'cloek, at Sansom-streefHall, All that niessuage, brick stable, and lot of ground situate on the south side of Bedford street, one hundred and fifty-five feet westward from Twelfth street, in the city Of Philadelphia; containing in front on Bedford Street fifteen feet, and in depth sixtpfeet. [Which premises Jacob if. Duncan, by deed dated January 29th, 1664, recorded in Deed Book L. R. 8., No. 9, page 479, &c., conveyed unto James 'Henry in fee, subject to a ground rent of $12.50,) CD. C.; S. '65. 9. Debt, 8280.35. Errickson.] Taken in execution And to be sold as the property of James Henry. • HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's office,, 1585. aula•at p,HERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A. Writ of Venation! Ex - portas, tome directed, will be eximped to public sate or vendae, on MONDAY Even ng, dcptembee 4, 1865, at 4 o'clock, &t situsout street Hall, All that three-story prick mesSuage and lot of ground, situate on the south side of Callon-hilt street, 227 feet westward from Twenty-that street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Callowhill street 17 feet, and in depth 109 feet 3 Inches to Carlton street. Mitch premises James pundits et al., by deed dated August 4th, 1843, re corded In Deed Bonk, R. L. L., No. 10, page 801, &c., conveyed 1101,03'61m McFall. in fee, reserving a ground rent, of $34. CD. C.; S., MS. s. Debt, $132.65. Paul.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John McFall. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's (Mee, Aug. 15, 1885. au.lB-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 4, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall, All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the northeast Corner of Wallace and Twenty-third streets, in the city of Philadel phia; containing in front on 'Wallace street 15 feet 4 Inches, and In depth along Twenty-third street 54 feet Bi,; inches to a three-feet alley. with the mixt , lege thereof. [Which premises 0. W. Davis et ux., by deed dated March 19th, 1863, conveyed unto Charles F. Ehrenpfort in fee. CD. C.. 5.,'&9. 14. Debt, $1,500. G. W. Eltlille.3 Taken'in exeeution and to be sold as the property of Charles F. Ehrenpfort. HENRY C. HOWELL Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office,Aug. 15, 1865. aulB-St gIIERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale or } endue, ou atoNDAY Evening, September 4, WS, at 4 o'clock, at Sansmn street Hall, - All that three-story brick maasuage and lot of ground situate on the north of Wallace street 50 feet 8 incites eastward from Twenty-third sreet, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Wallace street 15 feet 4 inches, and in depth 54 feet 855" inches to a three-feet alley, with the privilege Diener. [Whielt promiseS 0. WDavis et 112 E, deed dated March 19, 1963, conveyed unto Charles Ehrenpfort fee.] C. [D. ' S., '6.5. 18. Debt, $1,500. G. W. Riddle.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Charles F. Ehrenpfort: • HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheritrs Office, 1965. attl9-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facing, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 4, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall, All that three-story brick mesenage and lot of ground situate . On the south side of Coates street, ninety•Oneleet fel/inches eastward from Thirteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Coates street eighteen feet, and in depth one hundred and two feet eight incites to Penn street. CD. C.; S., '65. 63. Debt, $2,230.7.1. Fletcher.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Isaac H. Fennitnore.. HENRY C. IIOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffla Office, Aug. 23, 1865. au2s-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening, Setember 4, 1885, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street sail, All that four-story brick Messuage and lot of ground:situate on the northeast corner of Third and New streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Third street 18 feet 9 inches, and in depth along 56 feet. (Which premises S. S. Jones. by deed dated October 81, 18,44, recorded in Deed Book R. L. L., No. 38., page 231, &c., conveyed unto Osborn Conrad In fee,) . [D.C.; S., , d 5. 62. Debt, $.421.24. 91m1)4011,) Taken in execution and to be sold as the properly of Osborn Conrad. I HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aug. 23, 1865. au2s-3t, kIIERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MON.. DAY Evening. September 4, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, . All that brick stone building (being a beer vault) and lot of ground situate on the east side of Broad street, 80 feet southwardly from Cumberland street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Broad street 80 het, and extending in length east wardly 150 feet. CS. C.; Jan., 11365. No. 1. Debt, 0,219.50. Mullen.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George Burkhardt. HENRY C. HOWELL Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office,Aug. 12, 1885. auls-It p„HERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OP a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening, September 4, 1885, at 4 o'clock, at Ransom-street_ All those three contiguous ilk of ground situate on the southeasterly side of Blow. street, 225 feet southwestward from Foulkrod street, in the Twen ty-third Nord of the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in front on Willow street 60 feet, and in depth DA feet 4 inches. . . [D.C.; 5.,'85, 93. Debt, VW. Woodward.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John A. Brusher. HENRYC. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philetlelrhia. Sheriff's Office, Aug. 21, 1864. al/24-3t SHIPPING. taigk FOR RICHMOND, NORFOLK, AND CITY POINT. PHILADELPHIA: AND RICHMOND STEAM PACKET COMPANY. The tine steamship "VIRGINIA," Will een from the First Wharf above MARKET Et. ON WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 6,1865, AT 12 bL These steamers Insure at lowest rates and sail re gularly every Wednesday and Saturday. For freight or passage, with excellent accomrao - apply to WM. P. CLYDE ea CO., se4-$t No. 14 NORTH WHARVES ME BOSTON AND PHILADEL PHIA STEAMSHIP LINE, sallipg from eackport on SATURDAYS, from first wharf above PIM; g.t3cOt, Philadelphia, and Long Wart, See ton. The steamer SAXON. Captain Matthews, will sail from Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday, Septem ber 9, at 10 A. M., and steamer NORMAN, Captain Baker, from Boston for Philadelphia, same day, at 311, These new and substantial steamships form a regu lar line, galling from each port punctually on Satur days. Insurances effected at one-half the premium charged on the vessels. Freights taken at fair rates. shippers are requested to send Blip Receipts and Bills of Lading with their goods. For Freight or Passage (having fine s.ccommoda- Lions), apply to HENRY WINSOR & "CO.. mh24f. 333 South DELAWARE Avenue. aigatNEW TOW-BOAT LINE A.KE_, —DELAWARE AND CRESAPE STEAM TOW-BOAT COMPANY.-Barges towed to and from Philadelphia, Havre de Grace, Balti more Washington and intermediate points. WM. P. dLYDE cb., Agents, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. jela-taei x id gigt NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEXANDRIA, GEORGETOWN. AND WASHINGTON, via Chesapeake and Dela ware Canal. Steamers leave first Wharf above MARKET Street every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at ft M. For FreWit apply to Agaitta, WM. v.YDE a, 00..14 North and South Wharvee, . rhuadelpblitt J. B. DAVIDSON, Georgetown, D. C.• FLOW ERS & BOWEN, Alexandria, Va. Mlll4-9m irdarat NOTICE.—FOR NEW YORK.—The PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORE EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPA NY, vla Delaware and Raritan Canal. Steamers leave DAILY, first wharf below MAR BET Street, at 12 o'clock M. WM. P. CLYDE & CO, B. WHARVES, Phila. JAMES HAND, 117 WALL Street, zahm-am New York. • FOR HARTFORD, CONN., via Delaware and Raritan Canal.— The Philadelphia Steam Propeller Company's stea mer SARAH, Captain Jones, will leave as above with despatch. Apply on board or . to M. BAIRD & CO.,_Agents. au2S-tf No. 1.32 8. DELAWAR.E Avenue. jSOLDIERS AND OTHERS WILL find It to their Interest to buy Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Travelling Bags, &e., at UAERETT , S, .1 South sEcoND,ab. Chestnut, eastalde.aull-lue t am WILLIAM H. MOORE, GE- N.. s23 l\ R - IE A R C AA L E r y e Ie , Nj , S t tI e IRNIDERT AKER, Sir Personal attention . at all botirsii.t""g3o4ut E. B. EARLEY, PURNISHING UNDERTAKER, PI- I.OOIIIAT TENTH and GREEN streetß. UeR-BIT fTAVANA OIGARS.—A GOOD VA LA-, PIETY constantly In store and bond, at lois. catdl rates. S. FueuET & SOWN. ittyrel-ans 4 No- Vie South . lrigarr Street AUCTION SALES. D - H. BURDETT, MUG JL, TION EBB. U. S. GOVERNMENT VESSELS AT AUCTION. BUIIDETT, JONES, St CO., war, BELL ON TUESDAY, September a, 1885, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Navy Yard, Brooklyn (by order of the Navy Department,) the tottowtog-named vessels: Steamer ADDIISTA. DINSMORE — Length, 199 feet; breadth, 32 feet ID Inches; depth of hold, 9 feet 2 inches; between decks, 7 feet 6 inches; diameter of cylinder, 40inches; stroke, 19 inches; two Ericsson's engines; one boiler with two furnaces. Steamer FORT MORGAN—Length, 209 feet; breadth, 24 feet 8 Inches; depth of hold, 10 feet 2 Inches; between decks, 7 feet 7 Inches; depth of lower bold, 7 feet 6 Ineheswltameter, of cylinder, 36 inebeio, stroke, 36 Inches; two vertical engines; one boiler with three furnaces, Steamer. ll(7lllE—Length, ley feet; breadth, 29 feet 9 inches; depth, 11 feet; depth between deelEs, T feet; diameter of cylinder, 32 'lichee; StrOle, 20 inches; two horizontal. engines; two boilers with four furnaces. Side-wheel SteamerHONDUßAS—Length 150 feet; breadth 27 feet; depth of bold, 10 feet 2 inches; di ameter orcylinder, 36 Inches; length of stroke, 8 feet; one Steam eogiee. Side•wheel Steamer WANDO—Length, 226 feet; breadth, 26 feet; depth of hold, 11 feet :5 inches; di atheter of cylinder, 52 Inches; stroke, 4 feet; two oscillating engines; two tubular boilers, containing eight furnaces. Side-Wheel steamer OLEANDER—Length, 144 feet 10 inches; breadth, 23 feet; depth, 8 feet 4 ladies; diameter of cylinder, 36 inches; stroke, 7 feet; one beam engine; one boiler with two furnaces, Screw Steamer QUEEN—Length, 168 feet niches; breadth, 29 feet; depth of hold, 8 feet; height be tween decks, 6 feet 8 Inches; diameter of cylinder, 42 thanes; strone ' 42, Inches; one vertical engine; oue boiler with three furnaces, Screw Steamer DAYLIUTIT—Length, 175 feet; breadth, 29 feet S inches; depth of hold, 11 feet; height between decks, feet W inches; diameter of cylinder, 44 inches; stroke, 24 inches. Screw Tug-boat DELTA—Length, 61 feet 2 inches: breadth, 12 feet 3 Inches; depth, 6 feet 3 inches; diameter of cylinder, 16 Inches; stroke, le inches; one engine; one boiler. - Screw Tug-boat AMARANTISUB—Length, 109 feet; breadth, 20 feet; depth, 8 feet 3 inches; diame ter of cylinder, 30 Inches; stroke, 30 inches; one engine; one boiler with two furnaces. Screw Tug GAMMA—Length, 35 feet S inches; breadth, 14 feet 3 inches; depth, 5 feet 4 inches; diameter of cylinder, 16 inches; stroke, 16 inches; one engine; one boiler, one furnace. Side;wheel Ferry-boat " COM. HULL" — Length, 131 feet; breadth, 28 feet 10 inches; depth, 11 feet; inclined engine; diameter of cylinder, 56 Inches; stroke, 9 feet; one boiler. Side-wheel Ferry-boat SHOE:OXON—Length, 181 feet 7 Inches; breadth, 32 feet I inch; depth, 13 feet 6 -inches; diameter of cylinder, 44 inches; etroke, 8 feet; one beam engine; one boiler. Schooner GEO. MAN - OHMS—Length, 107 feet: breadth, 28 feet 6 inches; depth, 9 feet 5 inches. Brig BOHlO—Length, 100 feet; breadth, 24 feet 9 inches; depth, 9 feet 4 inches. TERMS — Twenty per cent. on the day of sate; the balance within six days, when the vessels must be removed Mtn the yard. au2B-mvf4t C. H. BELL, Commandant. TO MANUFACTURERS, CITY TRADE GENERALLY, The subscriber is Commission Agent for In faCturers of the following Goods; COTTON YARN, all numbers. COTTON WARPS, all numbers. COTTON, LINEN, AND WOOLLEN CARPET WARP. WADDING, all qualities. WICK, TWINE, BATTS, AND RAV CARPETS. GILLING AND SEINE TWINES. R. T. WHITE, 237 MARKET Street, 226 CHURCH Alley. sel-Zm WADDING NVAREHOIISE. NO. 212 CHURCH ALLEY. The attention of the TRADE is called to the snb scrlbersr large arta Varied assortment of WADDINGS, which be has now in store, and is constantly receiv ing, to wit: CHEAP HEAVY WADDINGS FOR CLOTHIERS. SUPERIOR. QUALITY DO. FOR JOBBERS. HEAVY BLACK AND WHITE PIECE WADDltie*, POE FURRLERS, ALSO, FINE COTTON LAPS AND. TIE YARNS. R. E. EVAN'S, any-erntrlni Manufacturers' Agent, BAGS s BAGS i BAGS I NEW AND SECOND-HAND. SEAMLESS, B B URLAP, AND !SUNNY FLOUR AND SALT BAG S, ALL SIZES, PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JOHN T. BAILEY ec CO., h26-6m wo. na NORTH FRONT STRFAT. 11AZARD HUTCHINSON, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, 110 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, AND 108 READS STREET, NEW YORK. je234m JO. MATHEWSON, GENERAL 00M iv • MISSION PRODUCE BROKER AND FOR WARDING MERCHANT, No. 255 BROAD Street, AUGUSTA, Georgia, at the old stand of the late firms of T. P. Stotitit & Co., littovall, McLaughlin, & Co, and G. H. McLaughlin, & Co., Will give his prompt and personal attention to the purchase and sale of Cotton, Domestic Goods, Sugar, Baton, Lard, Grain, Flour, Rope, Bagging, and merchandise generally. Raving the agency of several first-class Cotton Mills, I gin prepared, at an limes, to supply orders for Yarns, Abetting, Shirtings, Ounahltrgs, Drills, Jeans, &c. With extensive FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES, can furnish secure Storage, and give prompt atten tion to Merchandise and Produce consigned to me for forwarding in any direction. au23-3ni PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR FUEL. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, U. S., WASHINGTON. D. C.,September 1, 1860. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Clerk's Office, House of Representativeb of the United States, until Friday, the 29th day of Sep tember, A. D. 1865. at 12 o'clock H., for furnishing for the use of the House of Representatives 700 tons (2,240 lbs.) of best Anthracite Coal, equal to the Bal timore Company's Coal—No. 1 or large egg-size. .100 cords of best Baker's Pine Wood, (seasoned.) 50 cords of seasoned Oak in lengths of two feet. DO cords of seasoned Hickory Ali lengths of tWO feet. The whole to be delivered into the vaulta at the Capitol by the Ist of November ensuing, under the d. irections of the Chief Engineer, with whom satis factory arrangements must be made for weighing and measuring. Satisfactory security for the per formance of the contract will be required. Proposals should be directed "To the Clerk of the House of Representatives," and endorsed "Propo sals for Ernel.” EDWARD maginitsow, se4. m4t Clerk of the H. It.. U. S. PROPOSALS FOR REPAIRING ORD NANCE STOREHOUSE AT THE NAVY YARD, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. BUREAU OF ORDNANCE, NAVY DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON, August 23, ISO. SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed " Proposals for repairing the Ordnance Storehouse at the Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia," will be received at this office until noon on the 11th September, 1865, for furnishing all the materials and workmanship, and repairing tile building, according to speciiiCatiffile and plans on die in this Bureau. " Plans and specifications for the work are also de posited in the office of the Civil Engineer of the Norfolk Navy Yard, where bidders are referred for information. It is to be understood that the contractor is to furnish all the materials and perform all the work described, and to COMplete the building in all re spects. Bidders will state the price and name the time in which they will engage to complete the work, and the Bureau retains the right to reject any or all bids which It shall not consider reasonilble. au2s-finaw7t WAR DEPARTMENT-OFFICE OF DIRECTOR AND DENErtA.L MANAGER OF MILITARY RAILROADS „_UNITED STATES, WASIIINGTON, D. C. July 31, 1863. FOR SALE—CHATTANOOGA ROLLING MILL. - -Proposals will be received at this Office until twelve o'clock, noon, on 'WEDNESDAY, Septem ber 13, 1885, to purchase the United States Military Railroad Rolling Min at Chattanooga, Tenn., with' , the machinery, tools, buildingo, fixtures, and track connecting the Rolling Mill with the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad. The mill and machinery constructed to re-roll Railroad Iron are entirely new, and of the moat improved character. For full description and details of operation, ca pacity. &e,, apply in person, or by letter, to T . W. YARAE x, Superintendent; Chattanooga, Tenn, All Bids should be endorsed «Proposal to pin. Chase Chattanooga Rolling MM." D. C. IticCALLUDE , Brevet Brig. Gen., Director and General M anager Military Rall au7-rawfffit roads United States. COPARTNERSHIPS, COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-THE undersigned have this day entered into a co partnership, under the name and title of THOMAS Wr, HERSHEY, for the transaction of the general Grocery business, at 136 North THIRD Street. Jr. S. THOMAS. PHILADELPHIA, Septem gA b M er tj alla l t 11811861102EZ. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-T H B Undersigned have this day entered Into a co. WAIL _ Bl lPc"On.dAti.fttl transaction ndt c t f tlie lt h rl at. DAL I. umBER BUSJNE66. atIIiuB o MARKET U. C . WAI4RUNI4 BR". A. DEDINDB., ' ,III. PHILADaLPMA, July 8,1886. Tat BUSINESS WILL BE CONDUCTED IN connection with an old established Lumber Depot at coiombia, Pa., thus giving the yard superior ad vantages.: • 1711411 n. SUMMER RESORTS. LIGHT -HOUSE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The nearest house to the surf. JONAH WOOTTON; aul4-Im s Proprietor pROTOGRAPH ALBUMS. MILLER & BURDOCK, VAN lIPACTUREIL.S oF PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Nos.lloA and 1104 It SANSOM St., Philadelphia, Offer to the triule the most complete and extensive assortment of Photograph Albums, comprising over three hundred varieties of the lateetstyles and most beautiful patterns with a great variety of clasps and ornaments. 'Xhey are unsurpassed In beau and durability by any in the market; and sold a less than the general average prices. Satisfaction guaranteed or the money refunded. A liberal dis count to dealers. Catalogues mailed to any addresd without charge. POCKET BIBLES AND POCKET TESTAMENTS, WITH PSALMS IN METRE. Miller & Burlock's superior and well-known Pearl Bible, also their Pearl Testament, in various styles b f bi n ding, for sale on liberal terms, at Nos. 110% and 1104 SA 'MOM au2-wanstsuim E D. F. MORGAN, - ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COLLECTING AGENT, MEMPHIS, TENN. The Civil Omuta or this District are now in pew tical operation. Having practiced at the MemphS bar for ten (10) years, my acquaintance with the business community greatly facilitates in the speedy collection of claims. jpi-em R. D. P. MORGAN. CABINET FURNITURE, "-/ MOORE & CAMPION, 7161 SOUTH SECOND STREET, are prepared to follow the decline in the market in the price of their Furniture. Purchasers willpleinia call and examine our stock. inyle-/r AUCTION SALES. JOHN B. MYERS & CO. AUCTION EBBS, Nos. ROA and 234 MAKKIET Street. LAIRGR POSITIVE SALE OF FItENOII AND SAXONY DRY GOODS, &C. THIS DAY. A CARD.—We offer this morning, to 41,614peetil attention of jobbing and retail merchants, a supe rior assortment of freshly imported French and Saxony dry goods, &e.,embracing 550 lots of season'" able articles. Sale by catalogue, on four mouths' credit, ep mmencing at 10 o'clock. LARGE rEtiEiVit . FORV !SALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER E TRIP PEAN D INRYG GOODS. 650 , T MORN. September 4th, at 10 o'clock, will be sold by catalogue, on four months' credit, about 000 LOTS of French, India, German, and British dry goods embracing a full assortment fancy and staple articles, in silks, worsteds, woollens, linens, and cottons. N. B,—Goons arranged for exanitnatlon and cata logues ready early On morning of said. LARGE SALE OF FRENCH DREW 00009, SILKS, SHAWLS, KID GLOVES, &c., lncluded in our sale of MONDAY, September4th, will be found in part, the following DRESS GOODS. pieces?-4 black and colored Parts merino cloth. —pieces black and colored Paris mousse lames. pieces silk plaid brilliants and striped Atlantan. pieces Saxony and Parts plaids, melanges, reps. pieces plain arid fancy poplins, alpacas, Mo. hairs. _ . • • ES SIL pieces Lyons blac Dß k taffetas and gros do rit in. nieces Mourning gros grains, armares, Ac. pieces point tic soles, lustrincs, fancy Silks, &e.SHAWLS. Broche, longand square, and Berlin wool shawls. Plaid, woolen, long and square, and merino shawls. Brodie borders, Stella and mows laine shawls, MAISONS. No. 1 to 20, St. Ettlenne, black silk velvet ribbons. Posit de sole. grosgrain and trimming ribbons. PARIS RID GLOVES, &C. 600 dozen gents' and ladles', black and colored, Paris kid gloves, for best city trade. Fresh goods Just landed CLOAKS, SACQUES 6so. Full line silk, beaver, and doeskin, mantles, saccques &c.„ with rich trinunings. TANEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS. Sas. Involte tape cord linen cambric handker chiefs. Also, tho n shirt fronts, head nets, ties, sowings, notions, &c. ALPACAS AND CORMIGS. 500 pieces fine black and colored alpacas and Co burgs. LARGE PEREMPTORYSALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, TRAVELLING BAGS, &c. ON TUESDAY MORNING, September Sth, will be sold at 10 o'clock, by cata logue, on four months' credit, about LAO packages boots shoes, brogans, cavalry boots, .Icc., of city and Eastern manufacture. Open for examination, with catalogues, early on morning of sale. LARGE EGSITI I V A. t m S f i gf i s OF .S, 3OOTS, SHOES, 24OTICE.—Ineludeg our wile of hoots and shoes, . . TUESDAY MORNING; Sept. 5, will be found, in part, the following fresh and desirable assortment, viz: —eases men's, boys', and youths' calf, double sole, and half-welt dress boots. eases men's, boys, and youths' kip and buff leather boots, cases men's fine wain, long.leg cavalry and Napoleon thick boots. cases men's and boys' calf, buff leather (buckle and plain) Congress boots and balmorals. cases men's, boys', and youths' kip, buff, and bolished grain; half.welt, and heavy double-sole rogans. —cases ladies' line kid,goat, morocco, and ena melled patent sewed, buckle, and plain batinorals and Congress gaiters, cases women's, misses, and children's Calf and buff leather balmorals and lace boots. cases children's line kid, sewed, city-made lace boots, fancy-sewed balmorals, and ankle ties. —cases ladies' fine black and colored lasting Con gress and side-lace gaiters. eases women's, misses', and children's goat and morocco copper-Gaited lase boots, cases ladles" fine kid slippers,. metallic over shoes, and sandals, carpet-slippers, travelling bags. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH FRENCH, GERMAN, AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. We will hold a large sale of foreign and domestic dry gouda, by catalogue, on four months' credit and part for cash, ON THURSDAY MORNING, September 7th, at 10 o'clock, embracing about 500 packages and lots Of staple and fancy articles, in woollens, worsteds, linens, silks, and cottons, to which We invite the attention of dealers. N. B.—Catalogues ready andgoods arranged for exhibition earlY on morning of sale. FANCY CAUSIMIIRRS AND BEAVERS. 2 bales all silk and wool fancy eassimeres. i bale blue beavers and Whltneys. To be sold for account of whom it may concern, to close a foreign account. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF CARPETINGS, &C. By Catalogue. ON FRIDAY MORNING, Sept. Bth. at 11 o'clock, on four mouths* credit, 250 pieces of superfine and line ingrain, Venithin, list, hem. cottage, and rag earpetings, which may be examined early on the morning of -sale. M. THOMAS & SONS, NOIL 139 and 141 South FOURTH. Street DISSOLUTION The firm of M. THOMAS & SONS was dissolved on the twenty-fifth day of August, by the death of MOSES THOMAS. The business will be continued under the same name by the surviving partners. THOMAS S. ELLIS, JOHN D. wromAs, au3o-5t N. A. JENNINGS, REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. Public sale of Real Estate and. Stocks, at the lei change, every TUESDAY, at 12 o'clock, during ths business season. In July and August only occasion. al sale& air Sales or furniture at the Auction Store 011•11 THURSDAY. Sale Broad and Poplar streets. HANDSOME FURNITURE—MANTEL AND PIER MIRRORS —VELVET CARPETS OHA.NDE LIERS, FIRE-PRWF. &C. • ON. WEDNESDAY MORNING, At 10 o'clock, at the Northwest corner of Broad and Poplar streets, trycatalogue. the handsome furniture mirrors, carpets, chandeliers, &cr Also, the kitchen furniture. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale. Sale for Account of the United States. DOWITAL ncfitEs, FURNITURE, MAT TRESSES, BLANKETS, BEDDING, lA9N BED STEADS, ON PRIDAY MORNINa, Sth inst, at 10 o'clock, at the southeast corner Broad and Cherry streets, for account of the United States,. by order of C. McDougal, Surgeon and Brevet Colonel U. S. A., Medical - Purveyor, a large quantity of hospital stores, iron bedsteads, bath tubs, ranges, eauldrons, printing presses and ma terials, empty boxes,.c. Full particulars in catalogue three days previous to sale. Terms—Cash; 20 per cent. to be paid at time of sale. Sale for Account og the United States. AT MeCLELLAN HOgPITAL, NICETOWN. HOSPITAL STOBBS. ON MONDAY MORNING, • September Mb, 1865, at 10 o'clock, at the McClel lan Hospital, Nicetown, will be sold, at public sale, by order of C. McDougal , Surgeon and Brevet Colonel U. S. A., Medical Purveyor, a large quan tity of hospital stores, furniture, bedding, &c. till particulars in catalogues. .448' Terma—Cash; twenty-five per cent. to be paid at time of sale. SCOTT, JR., AUCTIONEER, 1020 • CHESTNUT STREET. CARD.—Agreeably to previous notice, the first sale of OIL PAIN TINGS will be held at the. pRIE J ADEWNIA ART GALLERY about the mit of September. All wttost &Aron of contragigng to the collection will do so at once. N. B. Personal attention given to sales of Furni ture at private residences, or removal to our store. For terms, &c., apply at the Gallery. set-tf PALE OF UNITED STATES STEAM ERS AT AUCTION. WM. L. WALL CO., Auctioneers. Will be sold at Public Auction on FRIDAY, Sep telpher 15, 1865 at 12 o'clock Si.„ at the Navy-yard, WASHINGTON', D. C., the following-named ves sels, belonging to the United States Navy Depart ment: Side-wheel. JOHN L. LOCKWOOD.—Length, 114 feet; breadth, 24 feet; depth, 7 feet, I inehes; dia meter of cylinder, 32 inches; 7 feet 8-inch stroke. Propeller ALPHA.—Length, 68 feet 10 Inches ; • breadth,.. 16 feet; depth, 6 feet 1 inch; diameter of cylinder, 18 inches; 24-inch stroke. Propeller FUCHSIA.—Length, 100 feet; breadth, 22 feet; depth, 8 feet 6 inches; diameter Of cylinder, 20 inches; 24-inch stroke. Propeller CURRITIJC K. —Length, 120 feet; breadth, 21 feet; depth, 7 feet 6 incites; diameter of cylinder, 22 inches; .24-inch stroke. Propeller MOCCASIN.—Length,IO6 feet; breadth, 22 feet; depth, 9 feet 6 inches; diameter of cylinder, 32 inches; . 34-Inch stroke. Side-wheel 47-YSTONE STATE.—Length, 220 feet: breadth, Wir feet; depth, 21 feet; diameter of cylinder, 80 inches; feet stroke. bide-wheel YANKEE.—Length, 147 feet; breadth, 25 feet; depth, 30 feet 8 inches; diameter of cylinder, 38 inches; 8 feet stroke. Side-wheel. JACOB BELL.—Length, 145 feet; breadth, 20 feet 9 inelve9: depth, 8 feet; diameter of. cylihder TI inches: 8 feet stroke. Side-wheel ELLA.—Length, 150 feet; breadth. 23 feet; depth,B feet 6 inches; diameter of cylinder, 34 inches; 8 fet Awoke. Side-wheel PHIL ADELPIIIA..—Length, 200 feet; breadth, 30 feet; depth, 10 feet; diameter of cylin der, 43 inches; 11 feet stroke. Propeller VICTORIA.—Length, 113 feet; breadth, 22 feet; depth, re feet s iaehesl diameter of cylinder, 30 inches; 30 inches stroke. Propeller GLADIOLUS.—Length,BO feet; breadth, 18 feet; depth, 7 feet 6 inches; diameter of cylinder, 30 Inches; 26 inches stroke. Propeller EUREKA.—(Maehinery .removed.)— Length, 85 feet; breadth, 12 feet 8 inches; depth, 8 feet 6 Inches, The above-named vessels lie 45 the Navy-yard, Washington, D. C., where they may be 9.931.191919 i. TERMS OF SALE.—Cash, in Government fonds; eight percent. at tile time of sale, and the balance six days thereafter. By order: J. B. MONTGOMERY, sol-mwait Commanding. AUCTION SALE OF WHISKY. OFFICE COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTENCE. 14148 WALNUT Street,_ PnILADELPIITA, September 4, MS. Will be sold at public auction, on account of the 'United States Subsistence Department, at the U. S. Subsistence Storehouse (late Franklin Market}, 71 1 ;NTI1 Street, north of Chestnut street, on FRI DAY, September S, INS, about 700 GALLONS GOOD RYE WHISKY. Packages of the best quality, and newly gauged. Will be sold in lots of not less than one barrel. Terms: , Cash in Government funds at time of sale. Sale to commence at 10 A. M. The Government reserves the right to stop the sale if the prices are not considered satisfactorY. MAC se4-4t Captain and C. S. SPECIAL SALE OF GOVERNMENT MULES In Philadelphia, at the CITY BAZAAR and TATTERS:ALLS, 1126 RACE Street, ONE HUNDRED MULES. win be sold each WEDNES DAY and SATURDAY Orouotiout the month or September, commencing at le oieloelt A. AL, Those Mules are nearly all t-elass, and sold only for want of use. Every opportunity will be given to examine them. Terms cash in Government funds. By order of Captain ALBERT S. ASItMEAD, Assistant Quartermaster. set fintuth-im R. B. CHAMPION Auctioneer, THE UNITED STATES WILL SELL, at Public Auction, on FRIDAY, September 8111, 7865, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at CHAMPION'S BAZAAR, No. 1120 RACE Street: 32 Horses. . 10 Ambulances, (two-horse.) 1 Ambulance, (one-horse.) 6 Wagon% (two horse.) 12 Carta. 76 Wheelbarrows. • 10 double acts Ambulance Harness. 7 double sets Wagon Harness. 3 single sets Lead Harness. 12 sets Cart 11ar116138. 3 Spreaders. • 9 Feed Troughs. 129 pounds Picket Rope, They can be examined at the Uovernment Stables, Twenty-second and Market, and Twenty-third be low Walnut street. ALBERT S. ASMMEAD„ se4-5t Chief Quartermaster District of Pa. SALE OP HOSPITAL BEDDING, FURNITURE, &C, MEDICAL PURVEYOR'S OFFICE, • WASHINGTON, D. C., August 28. 1865. Will be sold at public auction, on THURSDAY, the 7th of September, at Judiciary Square Ware house. FIFTH and E Streets, at 10 o'clock A. M., A LARGE QUANTITY OF SERVICEABLE HOS PITAL ritoryntvz, embracing Blankets. Sheets. Counterpanes, Mat. tresses. Mosquito Bars, Pillows, Chairs Bath Tubs Refrigerators, Tin Basins, Woodenßuckets,. Bedside Tables, &c. At the close of the sale will be sold 3,190 Good and 500 Damaged DI ON BEDSTEAS. Terms—Call, at time of Sale, Successful bidders MUM remove their perelntSoo within forty-eight (48) hours from date of sale. If not removed within that period the articles will be resold at the next subsequent sale, at the risk of the first purchaser. C. SITTHERL AND, auM-et Surgeon U. S. A. and Medical Purveyor. It tU i p ß i ol i t. i Ty SA.LES OF HOSPITAL MEDICAL PuirenvOn'S °Men, WASHINGTON, D. C., August 29. 1855. Will be held until further notice,. in this city, on EVERY THURSDAY MORNINIT, commencing SEPTEMBER 7, pros.,at 10 o'clock A. M. at Ju dianry Square Warehouse ,, FIFTH' and E itreets, au auutiou sale of Hospital louetiiture, Bedding, &c., which have been used In the Government service. These sales will omits:tee Juan,' articles of a ser viceable diameter, and the attention of Motel keepers, Proprietors of Steamboats, and others, is caned to them. Terms—Cash, at the time of sale. Siteecesful bidders mast remove' their purchases within forty-eight OS) hours from date of sale. if not taken away within that time the articles will be resold at the next subsequent sale at the risk of the first nnrdißser. . C. SUIIIF.RLA.NI). anal-tr Surgeon U. S. A., Medical rueveyer. AIICTION SALES. VIIRNESB t _BRINLEY & CO . _ Roe. 613 CHESTNUT and On JA , YNE Street, SALE OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Otrf GOODS. ON TUESDAY, cre Septeibber 6, 1665, St 10 o'clock, or, four mouth% 600 packages and lots Of fancy and staple Llty goods. SPECIAL ATTRACTIVE—SALE OF SAXOVy WOVEN DRESS GOODS OF A OELEltetkrao MANUFACTURE. caseh of w T oNVo E n 3 d p re A S Y s g • Gods of the Mkt desirable and attract GOODS rst DOMESTIC FOR OAS 1, 100 lots of domestic goods. FRENCH IVIERINOEI4 AND WOOL PLAI I ON TUESDAY. 100 pieces extra super French colored merior Jeg, 100 plcees bitch-colored wool plaids. DOMESTIC 01)01/5 FOR Wi.oll. 10 cases plain and pelfited satinets. 50 pieces 6-4 heavy beaver doegklns. SO piers 6-4 super black en ssblie rem. 4.5 pieces 6-4 black beavers. 35 pieces 6-4 tweeds and overcoutlugs. —Sales scarlet, blue, and white flannels. prints, mous. de laines, jeans. ticking's. brown muslins, paddin. kingbalns, cheeks, and shirting St g ripes'. 100 all-wool I.timotals. ALL-WOOL PLAID LONG SHAWLS. 500 lan , c-size wool plaid long shawls. FANCT AND PLAIN BRITISH DRESS Gamy JUST LANDED. •• • Cases 4-4 new style check Neapolitans. Cases 6.1 den lust:res. Cases 6-4 fancy stripe Insite4. Cases 0-4 small cheek Orleans. Cases 6-4 high colored plaid poplins. Cases ex-flue quality colored cashmeres. Cases do. do. black do. Cases brocade reps; mohnirs. Cases black and colored eoburgs; brocade mohairt Cases colored English inerinoes; satin faced do - 110ANCOABT & WARNOCK, ktro . TIONEERS. No. M4O MARKET Stleet. LARGE POSITIVE FALL SALE OF AMERMAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, EMBRowy,K, lES, LINEN AND HOSIERY GOoos, LINERY GOODS. &r., &e., by Catalogue, ON. WEDNEsDAY, - - September fith. 1865. commeeing et 10 o'elOeic. Included will be fauna a rail assortznent. goods, well worthy the attention or buyer- DAVIS & HARVEY, AUCTIONEERS, Mate with 31. l+romas & Sons,) STORE NO. 333 CRESTNTT STREET. CARD.—Persons wishing to dispose of theft. household goods, either at their reobleace remora] to the 'store. will tbetiOO personal' or by atter, tion, and our best exertion to secure satisfactory returns. auts Snle No. 505 North Thirteenth street. NEAT HOITSET-10I,I) FURNITURE, ELEGANT lIPIANO,toy IMPERIAL CARPETS, PEAFEATHEREDO, THIS MORNING _ . September 4th, at 10 o'clock. at N 0.605 North 'Mir. tcenth street, below Spring Garden, the bougehoil furniture, elegant rosewood piano forte, fine I. portal carpets, line feather beds, &c. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning sr the sale, FORD CO.,ATICTIONEERS, A- 525 MARKET and 522 COMMERCE Streets, SALE OF 1,350 OASES BOOTS AND SHOES. THIS MORNING, September 9th, commencing at ten oieloek, 1,330 cases hen ' s, bOys' and youths'elf. kip, and gratu boots, balmoilds, brogana, Congress bang', gm, ete. women's, misses' and children's sewed and pegged boots, shoes, balmorals, aide lace, and Cos, gress balnoorals., &a. SALE OF 1,100 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. We will sell, by catalogue, for cash, on THURS. DAY 111001 , 71...tiia, Sept. 7th, commencing at tee &clock, 1,400 cuts Men's, boys', and youths' calf, ED, Mid grain hoots, shoes, balmerals, brognni, &e, with a desirable assort or =lases , . end children's Neegr. SALE OF CONDEMNED ORDNANCE STORES.—WILL BE SOLD at public auction. at the Watervliet Arsenal, West Troy N. Y.,on the L'ith day or October next, at ten o'elOck A, at., a large quantity of Ordnance Stores (rebid pattent6or inferior quality, consisting ln part of the following articles, viz: 8 Iron Columbiads; two 8 inch and six 10 Inch, 170 Cavalry Sabres and Swords. 43,300 Muskets and Rifles, new and old, U. S. and foreign, of various calibres. 60 North's Carbides, Cu serviceable order, 101 Pistols, U. S. smooth bore, new, 86 Pistols, Revolvers,Starris patent and others, with a large lot of spare parts for repairs of D. S. and foreign small arms of various pat terns. 163 Powder Horns, new. 59 Copper Powder Flaslts new. 293 Bullet Moulds, for musitets and rifles, 2,456 Curb Chains, new. old pattern, 1,438 Infantry Belt Plates. 23 Sets Artillery and Wagon Harness. 10,707 Cannon Primers, permission. 3,970 lbs Powder, damaged. 5,000 Ms Powder. milling. 39 lipare Wheels, for Artillery carriages. 8 Truck Carriages. Percussion caps and £11349, old hose, leather, pistol holsters (Snaffle and belt), and leather accoutre• silents; carpenters' and laborers' tools, shot ant iron castings, and pieces of wrought iron. Samples of the principal lots of small arms may b? seen at the Watervliet Arsenal, or at the U. S. Ord. nsncc Agency, No. 45 Worth street. New York. Terms of Sale—Cash. J. V. HAGNER, _ Motto-Col. Ordnande, Conn:Lauding, se2-6t-ocl-6t-18-6t CLOSING SALES GOVERNMENT HORSES AND MULES QUATEUMASTER GrExiatAt's OFFICE. Auguat 24. lei, Will be sold. at public audion,.dliflng SEPTEMBER to the highest bidder, at the ttati ud places named below viz: NEW' YORK. New York city Tuesday of each week, 100 liersei cli day. New York city, Thursday of each week, 200 Mule eh day, rEiIKSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, Thursday of eaeh'week, 100 HMSO eh day. Philadelphia, Saturday, September 2, and Wednel ay and Saturday of each week thereafter, 100 Mule ch day. Pittsburg,Thursday and Friday of each week, tl eptember inclusive, 150 Mules each day. Harrisburg, Tuesday of each week, 150 Mtilei ay. Mauch Chunk, Thursday, September 7, 200 Mulesi Indiana, Tuesday, September 12, 150 Mules. Greensburg, Thursday, September 14, 150 lioneal Reading, Tliursday, September 19, 200 Mules. Altoona, Thursday, September 28, 150 Horses. INDIANA. Indianapolis, September 11,13,15, 25, 27, and 29, 11 orses each day. Indianapolis, September 12, 14, and 15, 150 Mai( eh day. ILLINOIS Chicago, September 5,7, 9, 19,21, 23, 30, 150 Mule ~I, day. Chicago, Aeptember 4, e, 6, /6, to, =2, as, 150 Horne ch day. DELAWARE. Wilmington, 'Friday of each week, 150 Mules earl rilmington, Tuesday of each week, WI Horn ch day. NEW JERSEY. Trenton, Tuesday, September 5, 150 Mules. Trenton, Tuesdal l September 19, 150 Mules. day September Baltimore, Thursday, September 7, 156 Mlles. Baltimore, Thursday, September 21, 150 Mules. MISSOURI. St. Lords, Thursday, September 7. and Tees& 'id Thursday of each week thereafter, 200 Muli eh day. . KANSAS. Fort Leavoiwartit, commencing Tuesday. Be Tuber 12, and continuing thereafter at such Hail s the Depot Quartermaster may designate, 2,1 DIESBORO, D. C. Tuesday and Thursday of each - week, 100 liars ach day. • No sated of Mules will take aec at WASHINGTON, 1). 0, The animals to be sold in September are supers any heretofore offered to the public. The tuai ty of them are sound and serviceable. It is expected that at this aerie& of Rale* ail the ea lees Government animate Mtn be disposed of. its .1 Should therefore avail s themselves of this Nat 0) ortanity Lb Animals will be sold singly. Sales to commenceat Terms cash, in 'United States currency. JAMES A. MUM, Brevet Brigadier General in charge au2S-30t - First Division, Q. M. G. 0.1 U CTION 511. LE OF lIIDES OFFICE DErow Cold. StiIifISTENCII,, NASHVILLE, Tenn., August 23, 10.1 W se e nNASHVILLE, a Ten i n , a O t L U T HUESD g AI f e 7th day of September, 1655, ,000 GREEN .AND DRY HIDES, (more or les! Terms, cash on delivery. Hides to be remove anedlately after We. We to commence at clock A. M. J. M. BLAIR, au22-6t Captain and C. 0,1 NITED STATES MILITARY RA, ROADS. OPTION Or ASSISTANT QuARTERHAsTEN, WASHINGTON, D, Z 5, MG. AUCTION SALE OF „RODLING 'STOCK. Will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the MOE adder, the following rolling stock: On TUESDAY, September 19, at the Portia' '0.4; Shop In Portland, Maine, SIR (6) Locomoth Inglncs. On THURSDAY, September _2l, at ninkii Shop in BOWS, Xage. Pali' (4) LOCCOMM :metres. On MONDAY, September 25, at Kennett Squat ear Philadelphia, Pa., Fifty (60) Box Freight Cal our feet eight and a half Inch gauge. On WEDNESDAY, September 27, at Wllmlngtd MI. Eight-four (84) Box Freight Cars, five•E The aboo stook is all new, 94113 Qr the Wry nality. • The Engines are flue-feet gauge, Bre-foot MG nd cylinders 16x24 Inches. They can be char o narrow gauge at a trifling expense. Sales to commence at 10 A. 21. Terms : Cash in Government funds. H. L. ROBINSON , Brevet Colonel and A. 42, ARGE BALE OF GOVERNXE ) I CARS, ENGINES, AND RAILROAD IS OA UNITED STATES MILITARY RAILROADS, OFFICE Or ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER. WASHINGTON' D. C. August 11,L Will be sold at CITY POINT, Va., on WEDNI y, octob6, at 11 o'clock A. M bout four thousand (4,000) tons Railroad Iran. At PORTSMOUTH, Va., on FRIDAY, October 112 M.• rive (b) first-class Locomotive Engines. lh C out fifty (50) Freight Cars and One (1) Passed) ar. At NORFOLM, Va.. October 15, at 5 P. M.: ins new Locomotive Engine, o lootu . At ALEXANDRIA , Va., on TUESDAY, Octo 7: Pifty first-class Locomotive EREItIeS, 4.feet inch gauge. lighteen (18) new Platform Cars, five-foot gaol 'wenty-live (25) new Box Cars, flee (5) foot gall Lbout three hundred and fifty (350) Box CUT, 4. tiVdneh gauge. .bout two hundred and thirty (21O) Platform I, feet 8/5-Inch gauge. .bout thirty (30) Stock do., 4-feet 536-inch gauge. 'wenty OA) Passenger do., do., do., do. fle (I) Wrecking do., do., do., do. 'wo (2) new Trucks. taty do., do., framed. ourteen Fiats. Lhout two thousand (2,000) tons Railroad IrOP. Sales to commence at ALEXANDRIA at 10 A. , nd to continue from day to day until all are soa Terms: Cash, in Government funds. H. L. ROBINSON Brevet Colonel and A. Q. N. U. S. Military Rallroadl M 144000 LARGE SALE OF GOVERNML STEAMERS, TUGS, BARGES, &c. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE. DEPOT OF WASIIINOTA, WASHINGTON, D. C., August It, rln Will be sold at panneu° cti under the directl of Ceiitaitl E. S. Allen, A. j 9..„ at ti-street WIO in the city of Washington, . C., on WEGN 08° 1 September 6th, at ten o'clock A. 56., the follow vessels, viz: Stern-wheel Steamer Wawenock, registered tons. Side-wheel Ferry-steamer John Disney, re , tered 360 tons. Kew Propeller Farmer registered 185 tolls. Scrcir Teg'A. S. Ts, registered fl OM' Schuylkill Barge ary E. Emus. Schuylkill Barge James Henry. Schuylkill Barge Quartz. Schuylkill Barge James L. Ellis. Schuylkill Barge Locust Mountain. Schtlylkill Barge Broad Mountain. Canal-boat America. Canal-boat Fr E. Blakeman, Canal-boat Lonaconing, No. I. Ship's Cutter Constitution. Two Yawl.boata. Two Canal Ice-breakers. The furniture and equipage will be sold with o boat. 14 Terms Cash In eovernnlellt told& RUCKER. Brevet Major Gen. and Chief Quartermaste r. BulB-18t Depot of IFashlugt2 LARGE SALE OF GOVERN ME RAILROAD ENGINES AND CABS. VrmiTat. STAVIN; MILITARY RAILROADS , sg OFFICE OP'ASSISTANT QUASTZustAi rf WASHINGTON, D. C. August it. 1.. Will be sold at MANCHESTER, oppoAte Twenty a., on TUESDAY, Oetober 3: live (25) new lirst-class Locomotlye.. glues; five (5) foot gauge, Rye (5) food [ 1:1; cylinders 18x24 Inches; capacity of tank,. ll. lona, feet B Fire (0) Arai-elan LocoollotiTes. • Y - gauhunge. B TWO dred and sixty-five (265) Ow 0 Cars, live (5) foot gauge. Fifteen (5) new Platform Cars, fire 1130 , t g " Ten (10) Freight Cars, 4-feet B,li-t4eb gailnugtfl all The sale to continue from daY to day kold. Sale to commence at le o'clock. Terms: ()ash. Govertimgu,fan„WiliNsos, ".• Brevet Colonel sad ItarY Ul u "' aul4-tocl Yal