or . INCOME TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, U. S. Internal Revenue. gIRST DisTRI3O4 PENNSYLVANIA. No. CHESTNUT STREET. ' the Bea Arent!? of the First Congressional District af rangiftroania, embracing the Second, Third, nciih• WO, Sixth, and Eleventh Wank; NoTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN, That the Incorie v . : , (including Carriages, Yachts, Billiard Ta -1h6,601d and Silver Plate,) for the year ending D ontler 31, 1864, have been received at this office, payment la hereby demanded Of the came, - - - - _ got paid on or before the FIFTH DAY OF EIDE -51.18ER. 265, a penalty of TEN PER OENTIIM pr:, be Unposed on all delinquents. J. D. S'l'CllminlS, DEPUTY COLLECTO INTERNAL BEIVENWE, ft orRTII COLLECTION DISTRICT, SPRING - GARDEN HALL, ONER THIRTEENTH AND SPRING GARDEN STREETS, THIRD STORY. N o tice is hereby given to all persons residing or Are business in the FOURTH COLLECTION Ut,IRICT, embracing the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, ~ratietb, Twenty-first, Twenty-fourth Wards, the anneal tax for 1865 upon Weenies, licenses, watches, &c., Ts now due, and will be re at this office without penalty until the 4th oefSentember, Inclusive. - BENJ. H. BROWN, Collector. Atli v.,,T 23, 186,5. an23-wfm-tse4 EIIILADELPHIAL SEPT. 2,1865. f y t.fricE OF THE BANKERS' AND BROKERS' CO.. No. 37 South THIRD Street. The oftitTS of this Company will be opened for ,11‘pllie 'W.:4114..5s on 1,101 DAY. Sept. 4th, lust. J. W. DYER, Manager. . _ rar OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA BAIL. W . ' ROM) COMPANY. PIULADELPIOA, August 15, 1865. The Mortgage Bonds of the Connecting Railway i.sumauy, between the station of the Pennsylvania ;3:dread Company in West Philadelphia and Frank .,l, a distance of seven miles, can he obtained at J E office, 1ti0..2:38 South THIRD Street. ih,se bondsi i r i ; in sums of one thousand dollars, Interest 111)011B attached, payable at said lce OD the 11l day of March and September in each , e ar, at the rate of six per centum per annum, and r oaluctpal payable In five equal annual amounts, rule of *200.000 per annum—the first series on pit inter 15, 191)). The principal and interest -.-..-,rured by a mortgage for one million of dollars - all the railway and property of the company. .; , 31 are guaranteed by the rennsylVanla Railroad 4 , l ,any. These bonds arc Inatic free of elate tases Company. railway is being constructed In the most Sub ,- arial manner. and will be completed during the An.: year. This road perfects the connection the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New 1,71, hues via Philadelphia, and becoming, as It :. me main channel of communication between t o , york and the West, as well an to and from the lilnonai Capital, will always obtain large rere .l::l-. sad be one of the most important railways of . 1, onion. ' Uo.hr t contract with the Philadelphia and Tren .N Railroad Company, that company leases the -.,01 of the Connecting Railway Company, and to pay an annual rent for 999 years of six per „oaf upon tile cost of the road, clear of taxes. bona; ars therefore recommended as a drat • , security. Per further information apply at the office of the (..-agar, THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE MA.YOE OF Ttil: CITY OF PHILADELPHIA.. ifncEiS, JAMES I'. MOORE, a citizen of Phi ranw to his death on Saturday, the 19th by stabs indicted on the 15th day Of August, JAME: - ..: MONAGHAN, as appears by the jury and, whereas, the said James Inn fled frees city, now I do hereby offer -um of THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS to any who shall cause the arrest and delivery of 'aid ,Istr.e. Monaghan to the Police authorities 111U:1116phi:4 or rrho shun furnish information ,; shall prueu re sneb arrest. lu MSS whereof I have hereunto set my it t]. and caused the seal of the city of Phi !pal I:ekiplaa to be affixed this 26th dav of An se-4. Is the year of our Lord, one thousand hundred and sixty-five. ALEXANDER HENRY, Mayor of PltiladelVitia. OFFICE OF TILE IL &FOR OF THE CITY OP PHILADELPHIA. V.r.os, HENRY STUART, a respectable colored whilst passing near South and Eighth streets, oveuing of the 16th of August, was assaulted N sharp Instrument, from the wound whereof on Monday last. S.Ny. to the end that the assassin or assassins may punished. I do hereby offer the sum of :TEE HUNDRED DOLLARS for such informs shall lead to the detection or arrest of the 11 or persons by whom such unprovoked murder testimony whereof I have hereunto set my and caused the seal of the city of Philadelphia affixed. this twenty-fourth day of August, in . ..Tear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred :.. ) ALEXANDER 'HENRY, Mayor of Philadelphia. SIRGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON Ciry, D. C., August 17, MI IN ARMY MEDICAL BOARD, to consist or revel Colonel C. S. Tripler, Surgeon U. S. A., rei.nient: Breret Lieutenant Colonel IL R. Wirtz, :seen U. 5. A.: Brevet Lieutenant Colonel An .4)y Heger. Surgeon U. S. A. and Brevet Major Lee, Assistant Shrgeon U. S. A., Recorder, '1:l meet in New York City, on the 20th of Septem : la. - Nt, fur the examination of candidates tor ad lobo the Medical staff of the United States :inr. and of Assistant Surgeons for promotion. 4.plionts must be between 21 antra, years of age, o,ysically sound. ;!Mentions must be addressed to the Surgeon of the army, stating the residence of the :tant. and the date and place of his birth; they be accompanied by respectable testimonials of . rai . vharacter. :f We applicant has been in the service, he will the testimonial lof the chief medical officer r whom he has served, and if in service at the time the application must be sent through to heal Director of the respective Department. allowance is made for the expenses of persons :prgoing the examination, as It is an indispen ,;.: -requisite to appointment. :ere are now twelve vacancies in the Medical J. X. BARNES, Surgeon General D. S. Army. OFFICE OF THE BELL FAUN PETROLEUM AND COAL COMPANY, No. )23,4.11, SEVENTH Street,PlllL`dop y I, b 65. ItcUnguent Stockholders: In accordance with :! , a1516, 17, and 18 of the Act of July 18,1882, notice my given, That unless the assessment called n a meeting of the Directors, held July 11, paid on or before the 21st day of tieptember, s sufficient number of shares will be sold at . . . . . . - . . .t-Lzale on that day, at 10 o'clock, at the office of .-i,meaay, to pay said assessment, with neees :. akil inenlental expenses. By order of the :ir.l. 65131U81., ALLEN, ~ 1 -;;I' Treasurer. ilgr AN ANNUAL MEETING. OF THE 6 torlthohlers'of MONTGOMERY OIL COM. ..;NY. for choice of Directors, and any other bust . win he Lett 52 o'clock M„ on FRIDAY. ,111 dap of botunber, no, at their office, 226 ;:ALNIYI Street. Al order. Via. 11. BILLINGTON, Prest. 2 t. FEW SMITH. Secretary. au2t-thm4t* LTC , " OFFICE OF THE PHILLIPS 111 &I COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 28, 1865. annual, meeting of the Stockholders of the OIL COMPANY will be held at their "'• Nu. 303 WALNUT Street, at 12 o'clock M., ItTiiDAY, September Ith, for the purpose of a Board of Directors, to serve for the en yor, and for such other business as may come the sleeting. WM. J. MALCOLM, Secretary. t".;? EAGLE MINING COMPANY.—A. 31eiling of the 'EAGLE MINING COM min bb held at the Wetherill House, No. , 1 `. 1 55104 Street, on MONDAY, the 4th day of mber. at 3 o'clock PM. Punctual attendance ' - vetted. By order of JOHN S. THACKRAY, Trustee. • r. 1101FICE.-11 11 E PENNWYLVA.. NIA glitE INSURANCE COMPANY. AUOUST 23, 1865. Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the NNsYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY held at their Office on MONDAY, the 4th day •-idensber next, at 10 o'clock A. kf., when an will be held for nine Directors, to serve for -- ` , Aldilg year. WM. CROWELL, Secretary. COTTER FARM OIL COMPANY. The first annual meeting of the Stock of the COTTER FARM OIL COMPANY :held at the office of the Company, Washing- I.:tabling, 274 South THIRD street,on TRURa . September 7tii, at 12 o'clock M., for the elec .:- a Directors for the ensuing year, and any T business. Stockholders are requested to z their receipts for stock to beexchand for %ticates. E. J. HARRISON,o , ca-st Secretary. 171,7". NOTICE—BANK OF PENNSYL -- VA - NlA.—Notice is hereby Wen that the of the Rank of Pennsylvania will be paid In uhon presentation and proof, at the Office of , Asfigeees, No. 407 LIBRARY Street, in the - . la Philadelphia. Parties holding notes of the not yet presented are notified that un ,The same are presented and proved at the As- Office on or before the FIRST DAY OF , OffNR, 1865, they will be debarred from all - zwereon, W. PATTERSON, W. L. SAVAGE, ! }Assignees, J. P. L LOR . mtoel. No. 07 LIBRARY' Street, Plillada. OFFICE OF THE TARR AND SCOTT FAUN 011. COMPANY, No, 205.4 i.LNUT Street. Room No. 2. T 4 ,26th Anion 16,1 rgt. annual meeting Of the Stocaladers of be held at their office, on WED , 6th September next. at 12 cr.olock OEO. 0. BEACH, Secretary. CuDDEDLAND COAL AND ROVENLNT COMPANY. ITAPL STOCK 31,000,000. ZOO,OOO SNAKES AT lts officeso. 212 S South' FOURTH Street. DIRSOTORS: rivester Tatlow Jac Jkson,. Megargee, Price I. Patton, Thomas H. Rickert. ie Smith. it J. MgIaARGEE. •er, A.LBERT R. SOHO aulaif !It'1:1 Lesley, ' 4l . l l.Beatty :',." 1 . 1). 'ward Fi, Faulkner, brL l illll l l 'ltL i calY and Tressur It OFFICE OF FIRE COMMON OIL COMPANY, No. 515 l7f Street. PIitt.ADRLPHIA, Attgun 2.9, 1865. ,4 . ,1,11141, 131ect'ag e_ Stockholders of this C0m ,,111 be had A i MONDAY EVENING, Sep lib. 1866. at 7Y:, P. M„ at the office of the btietneee ofepecfai importance. DAVID B. HILT, Secretary. > OFFICE OF TILE VAN DUSEN An 655 WALNU T Street. 1835. ,t : „, ciji l lk L e ' triro r rttie A Sl4lc u ai g o O lilers Of islit be held at their Oillee on WED ,,-'l,.;•eptetu 6th 1165,_at 3 P. Pe ‘.T - , 4 ttion of a Board of .uireetors, Secretary, .„ (~,urer will be held, to serve for the ensuing I"nit. W. W. WEICiLMY, Secretary. i' ECIAL NOTICE. /Lave iiiadt, arrangements to remain for a SHORT TIME ONLY, peut store, and will continu until , q b aNlTilltE at very low prices,farther GEO. J. HENKEL% Iw 809 and 811 CHESTNUT Street. OP FALL FASHIONS. MRS. ALLEN r espectfully info her customers, and Dub .r,tt 1 1"elni, that she will o➢eu on MONDAY, lri, l %'trl, 1865, a full assortment of TitY-TRIMMED TISSUE PATTERNS, of Ladles' and Children's Patterns of i mportation. _ NHS. ALLEN, BranchDemoreet, n Dress mid Cloak-masing Emporium, 3 , 1 "13 CHESTNUT Street, (over McAllister's.) • 14 / NO 1 44 ,M 0RE UNPLEASANT AND Qui„ a 7e Remedies for unpleasant and danger ., la, ". Use ERLIRROLD'Et EXTRACT EIICRO tt.t,Prored Rose Wash. lAA South TENTH au,l3-Inz FINANCIAL. OFFICE FOR THE BALE OF Go - v - F-ixtrarv" - r LOANS No. 114 B. THIRD STREET. JAY COOMEE & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Offer for site, at toweet market rates, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES., AS FOLLOWS U.S. 7.30 Treasury Notes of date of Aug. 15, 1584 Do. do. do. June 15, 1865 Do. do. do. July 154665 BONDS OF 1581. 5-20 LOAN OF 18821. 5-20 LOAN OF 1.864. 10-40 LOAN OF 1884. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. 'STOCKS OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. „Information given concerning all kilichl Of &CO *lges. Collections on all points made at lowest rates. 0-400.4,tjal A_ND _DRY GOODS JOBBERN ESII GOODS. HILLOWELL I GARDNER, & co., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, ARE NOW OPENING AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, Comprising an extensive and attractive assortment of styles to meet present trade in Elemtnt Designs Foreign. Fancy Fabrics_ AIso—CHOICE MAE IMPORTE ST A PLEAP GOODS, such as will be regn KD ired for AUTUMN SALES, which they R PRICESLO TO CASH BUYERS. 615 Chestnut and 612 Jayne streets, jyal-wwfam JAMES, SENT, SANTEE, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS, Nos. 239 and 241 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Cloths, Prints, Cassimere% Delaines, Sattinette, Alpacas, Jeans, Fancy Drent Goods, CatenadeS, Brown and Blenched Shootings, Denims, . Brown And Bleached Shirtinge, Stripes, Omish Chambras, Checks,Omish Tweeds, Ginghams, Flannels, Diapers, Linens, FURNISHING GOODS, WHITE GOODS, an23.3m NOTIONS, &e., &e. FALL. 1865. EDMUND YARD & CO., 617 Chestnut and 614 Jayne Sts, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, LINENS, WHITE GOODS AND BALMORAL% DEALERS IN AMERICAN DRESS GOODS. GERMANTOWN N , FANCY WOOl4 GOODISt BALMORALS, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. auB-1m CURTAIN GOODS. I . E. WALRAVEN, MASONIC HALL. 719 CHESTNUT STREET, HAS JUST BECSIVXD A FULL LINE OF LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, EWIEBELY NEW AND RICE DES/ONS, AT REDUCED BATES. PINE, WHITE AND BLUE MOSQUITO J 3 &ISI WITH PATENT UISEBIGELLA FRAMES, ALL SIZES, BEADY FOR USE. WINDOW SETILDES. OF TEE LATEST PATTERNS. PIANO • COVERS, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT. i➢22,tL W . HENRY PATTEN, HAVING- ADDED UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES TO HIS SHADE AND CURTAIN BUSINESS, IS PREPARED TO FIT OUT EN'l 4 .lll - E. HOUSES, WITH NO FURTHER TROUBLE TO HIS CUSTOMERS THAN THAT OF LEAVING THE MAR. A full force of workmen always in readiness to be sent out, at 140 S Chestnut Street. MILITARY. 'UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —Wanted for the UNITED STATES MARINE COUPS, able-bodied MEN. Splendid indace mente h.eld out to all entering the Marine Corps; glorious opportunity to visit foreign countries; good pay, excellent accommodations, light and easy duties. For all farther information inquire at the Recruit. tog Rendezvous, No. 311 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia, between 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. every day, except Sunday. CHARLES HAYWOOD. 191 Captain and Remitting Meer. COTTON -WARP CLOTHS, aatICCV - ES, WAVE AND OTHER PATTERNS. ALL-WOOL DOESKINS, AND OTHER FANCY PATTERNS. . For sale by the Manufacturers, BENJ. BULLOCK'S SONS, 40 and 42 South FRONT Street. HELM - BOLD ' S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SUCRE" is the Great Diuretic. HELEBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT. URSA rAttiLta is the Great Blood Purifier. Both are prepared according to rules of Pharma cy and ChonistzT, and are the most active that can be made. 10* Eolith TENTH Street. auZi-lm TO HARDWARE MERCHANTS AND STOVE-DEALERS.—Your attention is respect fully called to our assortment of Shovels, Stades, Galvanised and Japanned Coal Hods, Copper and Metallic bottom Hollers, Pans, Hy. etc. GEO. GRIFFTS, Manufacturer , NO. 1 ATTER Lane, Third street, above Arch, au3l-60 ril - ELMBOLD , SEXTRACT - HITCHD gives health and vigor to the frame, and bloom to the pallid cheek. Debility is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and if no treatment is submitted to, consumption. Insanity, or epileptic fits ensue • 104 South 'Ulan Street. aU24-110 farTAUL DRY GOODS. EDWIN HILL & GO., 26 sorry' SECOND STREET, HAVE NOW ()PEN THEIR FALL' AM) WINTER STOCK OF FANCY SILKS, NOIRE ANTIQUES, PLAIN SILKS, CORDED SILKS, BLACK SILKS, Which for variety, richness of style, and colors, cannot be surpassed, if equalled, by any other House in the city. FOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. It - - H STEEL & SON HAVE JUST • OPENED a large assortment of new One FANCY AND PLAIN SILKS. PLAIN CORDED SILKS. PLAIN POULIT DE SOIES. MOIRE ANTIQUES. sizaKs, iu BROWN, BLACK, STEEL, MODE, GREEN, BLUE, PURPLE, MAUVE, PEARL, BUFF, WHITE, and WINE COLORS. All Colors in Figured Silks, $1.75 to $2.50. Figured Black Silks, $1.40 to $4.25. Extra heavy Black Lyons Silks, $3.50 tosB. Fine qualities French Merinoes, at $1.25. DO. do, do. do. $1.37. Do. do. do. do. $1.50. Do. do. do. Thibet, $2.00. Fine French Empress Cloth Poplins at $1.25. Do. do. do. do. do. $1.37. • Do. do. do. do. do. $1.50. Do. do. do. do. do. $1.75. • Do, do. Corded Poplins at $1.87 to $2.25. Do. Silk and WOOl Rep Poplins at $3.25. Do. do. do. do. $2.50. Do. do. do. do. $2.75. Do. do. do. Empress Poplins, $3.00. - Do. do. do. do. do. $3.25. Do. Irish Poplins, all colors, at $2.50. Do. do. do. do. $3.25. DO. 410. do. do $3.50. Do. French Plaid Poplins at VAS to $3.25. Plain, Mixed, and Plaid English and German Poplins, 75e. to $1.25. A large assortment of the NEWEST and HAND SOMEST FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS that can be found in any market. DAILY BECKMAN, NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS. DARK AMERICAN DELAINES, new styles, 05c. Two bales Russian Crash at 25®31c. 0-3 extra heavy Linen Sheeting at 30c.,worth $1.25. Domestics of all kinds at the linfest prices. Nos, 715 and 715 NORTH TENTH STREET. se4-rowsat NEW FALL AND WINTER DItE,BB GOODS Large purchases at the AUCTION SALES AT NEW YORK enable us to exhibit a splendid line of TRESS GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. Wholesale buyers - are incited to examine our stock. - • FALL. CITRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos, 450, 152„ and 451 North SECOND Street, se4-2t Aboce RTIIIO t. FRENCH MERINOES, OF ALL - 011 AD ES, THE LATE 'AUCTION SALES IN NEW YORK Country Merchants Will find advantages in our stook. CI7RWEIT STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 152, and 451 N. SECOND St., se4-3t above Willow. POWER LOOM TABLE LINENS; Mc, $l, and fr4.123i. ikteavy Unbleached Table Linen, 62,14, 75, and 8734 c. Russia Crash, 23 and 25 cents—cheap. American Crash—a nice assortment. Napkins at all prices. Scotch Diaper, from V to $.5 a piece. Largest and best Honey-comb Very tine Linen Towels and Towelling'. JOHN IL STOKS, se4 702 ARCH Street. VRENCH MERINOS AT $1.25, FROM THE NEW YORK AUCTION SALES; Superior _grades, at greatly reduced prices. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, se+-3t Above Willow. ALL -WOOL BLACK MOUSSEL DE LAINEB. of superior grades, at 50 and 50 cents, FROM THE NEW YORK AUCTION SALES. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 150, 452, and 151 North SECOND Street, 5e4-3t Above Willow. NEAT -FIGURED BLACK AND WHITE MOUSSEL DELAINES, FROM THE LATE NE W YORE AUCTION SALES. CUEWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 North SEC OND Street, se4-8t Above Willow. CHOICE COLORS 6-4 14101788 EL DE LAINES, FROM' THE NEW YORK AUCTION SALES. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER Nos. 450, 452, arid 454 North SECOND Street, sel-3t Above Willow. RICH -COLORED MOIRE ANTIQUE at $3.2.5 per yard. FROM THE LATE AUCTION SALES. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, se4-8t Above Willow. OPENING OF FALL GOODS. French ltierinoes—all prices. French Poplins—all colors. French Plaid ropitna—beautifal. Corded and Neil Poplins—in colors. Melanges—a new article for dresses. A full line of Colored Mohairs and Dregs Goodin every variety. JOHN H. STOKES, sel-tf 702 ARCH Street. TWO BALES OF REAL RUSSIA diIASIL just reeeived. Price. 25 and 31 COMM Damask Table Linens and Napkins. Duck Towellings and Bird-Eye Diapers. Linen and Cotton Meetings. Fine and medium quality Flannels. New York Mills and Williamsville Muslins. English and American Prints. Stripe chintzes for wrappers and bordering. DWIN HALL & AG South SECOND street. - 11ItLANNETS-ENTIRE NEW STOCK, -I- 1 LOW PRICES. Medium and flne - Blankets. Some extra cheap lots, - *9 andslo. Fine crib Blankets; Horse Blankets. • Honey-comb Quilts; wide, heavy Sheetings. Shaker Flannels, Sliest goods; ota and *l.lO. Best'quality•Canton Flannels; -Tlekings. Linen Diapers, *2.25, 0.60, $3, and s3.bo, DBLAINEB. 107 pieces new Delatnes, 35 and 37 ets. 118 pieces new prints, best makes, only 28 to 35 ets. Daily opening new dress goods. Black dress goods stock complete. coOPER & CONARD, _ S. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET Streets: HSTEEL & SON, Nos. 713 & 715 • North TENTH Street, are now offering great bargains in SUMMER DRESS a 001.15. Dress Goods of all kinds at reduced prices. Shawls of all kinds at reduced prices. Domestics of all kinds at reduced prices. Linen Goods of all kinds at reduced prices. yards wide English Cashmeres, Fall colors, $l. SILKS OF ALL KINDS AT LOW PRICES. CHEAPEST BLACK SILKS IN THE CITY. Just opened 1 case of Hoyle's best quality 4-4 Eng lish Chintzes, double purples, at 500. tal2 WALL PAPERS. NEW FALL STYLES PHILADELPHIA WALL PAPERS : HOWELL & BURKE, N. E. Cor. Fourth and Market Streete, MANUFACTURERS OF PAPER HANGINGS WINDOW SHADES. aull-fmw2m TNZIE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -1- CITY-AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.' EStat'a of ANN RUSHTON, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the first and final account of WIL LIAM RITSIITON,Jr., Executor of the will of ANN RUSHTON, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance In the hangs of the accountant, - will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment,On TUESDAY, September 12111.1865, at four o'clock P.M., mills °face 131 South FIFTH Street, futile city of Philadelphia. WILLIAM H. RUDDIMAN, sel-finwst * Auditor. TN THE' ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE I N CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Batate of MARY BROOK (late NEFF.) The auditor appointed by the court to audit, set tle, _ F and adjust the final account of DANIEL. W. NEF, trustee of MARY BROCK, (late Neff ' ) and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties inter ested, for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, September 12th, A. D. 1865, at four o'clock P. M., at his office, No. 006 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. WILLIAM - ERNST, au3o-wfinat* Auditor. ININ THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate 01W. J. BETTINGEE, Deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, set tle. and adiust the account of ANNIE E. BET TING-Eli, Administratrix of W. J. Bettinger, do eeit6eil, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accoaataat, will meet the parttci Interested. for the purposes of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY, September 20, 18&., at 4 o'clock p, 31., at his office, N 0.1.52 South FOURTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. sol-rowfrit WM. C. HANN'S, Auditor. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY UPON A-A the Estate of THOMAS MILLS, late of theo e lg of Philadelphia, Clerk, deceased, having b granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the said de eeasant, are requested to present them for payment, and those indebted to said estate, to make payment to AGNES MILLS, sepiquow* No. 2222 LOMBARD Street. MANHOOD AN. YOUTHFUL VIGOR are regained by_ ERLIABOLD'S EXTRACT EUCIIO. 104 South TEN TU Street. au23-11n THE PRESS.-PIiILADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1885: LEGAL. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. 1865. WHOLESALE. 1865. THOS. W. EVANS & CO., Are daily opening their FALL IMPORTATION, AND HAVE NOW ON Exn xnITI©N A CHOICE LINE OF FINE DRESS GOODS, KID GLOVES, &o. To which the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS IS INVITED 820 CHESTNUT ST4EET, UP STAIRS au3o-12t 180. - FALL. 180. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Invite the attention of Cash Buyers at wholesale to their stock of FRENCH, BRITISH, AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, Which, for extent, variety, and general adapta• tion to the wants of the trade, is unrivalled. SILKS, MERINOES, POPLINS, EFINGLINES, TARTAN PLAIDS. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, BALMORALS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, and BRADFORD GOODS. Package Buyers supplied with scarce and desira ble goods at and under market rates. WHOLESALE BOORS VP STAIRS. au26-tf CARPETS AND OIL-CLOTHS. CARPETINGS ! CAMPETINGS ! 1 J. IC. - No. 37 South SECOND Street, No. 37 ABOVE CHESTNUT. RAS JUST RECEIVED A FULL JANE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETINGS, OF THE BEST MAKES AND NEWEST STYLES. WINDOW SHADES, FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS, DRUGGETS, RAG, LIST, AND COTTAGE CARPETS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. J. T. DELACROIX, 37 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Between Chestnut and Market streets, Fhilada. sel-tf NEW PUBLJCALTIONN. NOW READY, THE GREAT WEST: Travellers'. Miners', and Emigrants' GUIDE AND HAND-BOOK to the Western, Northwestern and Pacific STATES AND TERRITORIES, With a full and accurate account of their Mineral and Agricultural Resources, Climate, Soil, &c., ACCOMPANIED BY A MAP, Showing the best routes to the gold and sirvermines, and a Complete Table of Distances, Fares, &e &c. To which are added copies of the 11. S. Homestead Law, and the Mining Laws of the respective States. Compiled from the Latest Official Sources. BY EDWARD H. HALL, Author of "Ho: For the West," " Western Ga zetteer," etc. Price, paper covers 50 cents; cloth, $l. D. APP LETON & CO.,Publishers, 413 and 415 BROADWAY, N. Y. For sale by all booksellers and News Agents in the United States and Canada. Sent free by mail on receipt of price. set -21 JUST PUBLISHED, • POETICAL TRIBUTES MEMORY OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Comprised of contributions from the pens of many of our most gifted writers. The volume is elegantly, on toned paper, and tastefully bound, with an appropriate design in gold. 12mo, muslin, gilt top, with a stool por trait of President Lincoln. Price *2. PREFACE - _ In the:preparation of this volume it has been the purpose to preserve, in permanent form, the spbn taneous tributes of esteem arid affection tendered to the memory of our late beloved President by the poetical writers of our own and other countries. It seems especially fitting that the tender regard which Mr. Lincoln had won for himself during the four eventful years of his Presidency, and which has found so many and such heartfelt expressions since his untimely death, should have a lasting re cord; and both "f'or the gratification of those who have mingled their tears over the remains of the Illustrious dead, and as an evidence to future gene rations of bow wise, and great, and good we thought him, this volume is now put forth. Will be sent by mail on receipt of the price. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., sel-4t Publisher, 715 and 71eMARKET St NEW MISCELLANEOUS BOORS. WRITING'S OF JAMES MADISON. 4 vote.svo. WATT'S DICTIONARY OF CHEMISTRY. 3 VOIs. Bvo. BEADE'S SAVAGE AFRICA. Bvo. DISCOVERY OF THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. By Captain Sneke. VAmBERM, 7, S CENTRAL ASIA. MILL'S POLITICAL ECONOMY. vols. All New and Standard Hooke. For gale by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, au24 No. 25 South SIXTH Street. VILPA.TRICK AND OUR CAVALRY. - 1 - 11 - With an account of the Cavalry . Raids and En gagements from the beginning of the Rebellion to the surrender of Johnston. 12mo. THE STORY OP GENERAL SHERMAN'S GREAT MARCH THROUGH THE SOUTH. By Ma or Nichols. 12mo. CHRISTIAN'S MISTAKE. By the author of "John Halifax." 12mo. ARNOLD'S ESSAYS AND CRITICISMS. 12mo. PHILIP IN PAL TINE. A Book of Boy Travel. By M. A. EdWard All the new uoiric eaeivea as soon SA published and for sale by JAMES S. CLAXTON, (Successorto W. S. & A. .Martlen, ) aul2 006 CHESTNUT Street. WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT T 7 GENERAL'S OFFICE. WA.,.lllNCtrOtzt, Sent. 1, 1865. In the case of Colonel WILLIAM IL TELFORD, 50th Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers, tried before a General Court Martial, which convened at Wash ington, D. C., duly 27, MS, for "Defrauding the Government of the United States," in appropriat ing to his own use, and sending to las home in Brad ford County. Pennsylvania, one horse and one mule, the property of the United States ; causing to be branded without proper:authority, an "L C." over the "U. 5.," on the left shoulder of a brown mare, the property of the United States; purchasing the same from enlisted men, knowing said animals to be the property of the United States: for con duct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman," in selling one bay mare, the property of the United States, without proper authority, and stating that said mare was his own private property; also, for "conduct to the prejudice of good order and mili tary discipline," in procuring a furlough of ten days for an enlisted man, and causing into be made out in blank, thereby enabling said soldier to be ab sent twenty days, on condition he would take one horse and One Mule to said Telford's house, in said Bradford county. The. Court sentenced hint "to be cashiered, and that he pay to the United States a line of five hundr'ed dollars, and be confined in such prison as the_proper authority may designate until the same is paid; that his crime, name, and place of abode, together with this sentence, be published in the newspapers of the State of Pennsylvania from which lie came which sentence was duly approved and ordered to be executed._ — E. D. TOWNSEis it Assistant Adjutant General: TFEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT -a-a- OF VIRGINIA. RICRROND, _August 2, 1863. I regard the RICHMOND REPUBLIC as a tho roughly loyal neWSpar or. and I believe it 18 exer cising a very salutary influence on the people or this c It y well deserves the support of loyalists in other parts of the country, and I trust that the efforts which its proprietors are now inakinf to secure sub scribers at the North will be success ul. ALFRED IL TERRY, Major General. TO THE BUSINESS MEN OF PHILADEL PHIA.-The subscriber has temporarily established his office, as agent of the DAILY REPUBLIC, OF RICHMOND,NA.. with Messrs JOY, COE & CO., FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, where he will b C pleased to receive subscriptions and advertise ments for that paper. The REPUBLIC has a large and constantly in creasing circulation, and is the pest and most influ ential paper In Richmond. se4-31 C. It. TAYLOR. TEMPLE OF FASHION.—GRAND OPENING THIS DAY, of the most reliable and latest Designs of imported Paper Pattlerns. Mrs. M. A. BINDER returns her sincere thanks to her customers and the ladies of Philadelphia generally, and would respectfully inform them that she has re moved to her New Store and residence, No. 1031 CHESTNUT Street, four doors above the old stand, with greater facilities than heretofore enjoyed. - Extensive and superior arrangements have been completed for fashionable anti elegant Dress making in all its varieties ii in advance of , the pub lished mode. Mrs. M. A. 'ENDER flatters herself that her late novelties will not be surpassed by any. Ladies' Dress Trimmings, Ornaments, Buttons, Velvet - Ribbons and a full assortment of Paris Goods. All kinds of materials doted and gauffred in the French style by band. Particular attention given to Stamping, Braiding and. Embroidering. Madame Demur' st's skirts, Pads: 8111elds, French VOrdeta, Hooks, Eyes, DresS EleVatOrS, Charts and Mirrors of Fashion. Sets Of Patterns for Merchautti and Dressmakers now ready. Importing and Mann facturlng largely, 'I can and will offer superior inducements to every customer. se4-mtuthlrlet A NEW AND INVALUABLE DIS COVERY.DII. DUMAS. 1037 WALNUT Street has discovered remedy whleh positively cures 'Nephrites or Gravel. The Doctor Insdres stant relief In the worst cases of this distressing disease Of the kidneys, which causes such intense suffering, pain in the back, &c. Distant Patients consulted by letter, and remedies forwarded to any address. se4-it BASE BELL CLUBS WILL FIND A A.ll stock of Bases, Balla, Score-Books, Spikes, Shoes, Belts, and Rules of:Caine at PHILIP WILN & CO.'S, se4-I/n 409 CHESTNUT Street, - - • FRUIT JARS-THE EUREKA GLASS - 6 - FRUIT JARS.—The only Jar that can be flood ed, and thereby ejecting .every particle of air, and the only Jar that can be openedliy the simple touch of the finger. For sale hY ALFRED P. rturrs, Sole Agent, " No. 107 North THIRD Street. And at the following places; Nos. 123, 247, 411 N. Second street; Nos. 530, 522, 615 S. Second street; Nos. 613, 1431, 1840, 5400,3626, 5900 Market street; Nos. 1001,1384, 1903 Ridge avenue ; and throughout the city and State. au2o.6t• fin BALES COTTON WICK JUST received. Also, fall stock of Cotton Yarns, Carpet Chain, &c., at lowest market _price. BOWE RUSTON, & CO., num 151 and 159 Forth THIRD Street. VITFIEBLED AND DELICATE CON STITIITIONS, of both sexes, use liBt.tatea-044 EXTRACT litlCutr. It will give brisk and energetic. Peelings, and enable you to sleep well. 104 South TEN= Street. au2.3-lm EDUCATIONAL. IVIIgS KID WILL REOPEN HER DAY SCHOOL, for r a limited number of Young. Ladies, on MONDAY, 'September 18th, N. W. cor ner of WALNUT and SEVENTH. Circulars may be obtained at the Bible House. se4-mwftt MMcMULLIN WILL RESUME THE 11 duties Of her SEMINARY FOR YOUNG CHILDREN on MONDAY, Sep_tember 11t1t, 186 5 , at No. 411 South EIGHTEENTH Street, below Pine. se4-mwrl3t. VLOCUTION TAUGHT AND SWIM -I-A MERINGT CITRED. PHILIP LAWRENCE, Professor of Elocution, 2019 LOCUST St. sca-6t• EDUCATIONAL. -THE MISSES DE CHARMER French and English School, will re- Spen at No. 1616 FILBERT street, on MONDAY, eptember 11, 1805. ' sep44t. THE MISSES DAHRACH WILL RE. OPEN their SCHOOL for Young Ladies at No. 26 South EIGHTEENTH Street, on MONDAY, September 11th, 1865. set-12t• SPRING -GARDEN INSTITUTE FOR Young Ladies. Duties resumed Sept. 4th. sh2B - Bw* OILBERT COMBS, A. M., Principal. THE CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH -a- SCHOOL of the subscriber, B. E. corner of TIIIRTgENTH and LOCUST Streets, will Reopen on MONDAY, Sept. 11. Cau2B-1m 5 3 B. KENDALU. MISS M. K. ASHBURNER WILL RE OPEN her SCHOOL FOR GIRLS at nos South THIRTEP,NTH Street, below Walnut, op MON DAY, September 4th. '0111128.12t" SPRING -GARDEN ACAD Y- A Classical, Mathematical, and English School for Boll; and Young Men corner EIGHTH and BUT TONWOOD Streets,wlll reopen MON DAY, Septem ber 4. J. P. BIRCH... A. m., au2,B-lm Yrlnclpal. nATHARINE M. SHIPLEY WILL RE v OPEN her School, at No. 4 SOUTHWEST PENN Square, on the 11th of Ninth Month, (Sep tember,) 1865. au26-un.r WILLIAM FEWSMITIPS CLASSI CAL and English School, No. 1009 CHEST NUT Street, will reopen on MONDAY, September 4. au2B-Im* SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN will reopen MONDAY, September 18, 186,5, at 1914 Prima VERNON Strt, The y Department isconducted as a Kin dergarten, upon the German (Fnebel's) system, and includes boys and girls under ten years of age. Older pupils will be received. In both departments, Gymnastics (under the sys tem of Dr. Dio Lewis), and Drawing from still fife are taught. GERTRUDE W. FULTON, HARRIET B. DARLINGTON, ants-12t MARY E. SPEAKMAN. A CADEMY FOR BOYS, REAR OF No. 41 North ELEVENTH Street, reopens Ninth Month (Sept.) 4th. W. WI:MAL L. an243-Im. THE CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, DEAN STREET BELOW LOCUST, Will be reopened SEPTEMRER 4th. au.26-2m* J. W. FAMES, D. D., Principal. "FRIENDS' SCHOOL, OSLER AVE .& NUE, north from Noble street, below Sixth street.—Reopen 9th mo., (Sept.) 4th. All Branches Of a good ENGLISH EDUCATION thoroughly taught, auttpartieular attention given to the moral training of the Pordls. All denominations admit ted. TIIOII. SMEDLEY, Principal of Male Dept.; 13. B. SMEDLEY, Prin. of Female Dept. au26-I2t* CUMBERLAND VALLEY INSTI TUTE, FOE YOUNG GENTLEMEN. DIECII.ANIC§BURCr, PA. REV. 0. EGE SON. Duties resume September 1. Charges, *112.50 per five months' session, in ad vance. Send for a Circular. aull-fmwl2t IRVING FEMALE COLLEGE, stEcHsarreffilußG, PA. Rim. T. P. EGE, A.M., PRESIDENT; Assisted by the old corps of teachers, TENTH ANNUAL SESSION begins September & Charges, per live months' seselon, in advance, SI.2S; with music, $l5O. Send for a Circular. anli-fmw-12t ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL ACADE MY, FORTY-FIRST, above HUTTON' Street, Mantua West Philadelphia. A Day end Boarding Sellool 10r bOys. The next term will commence September sth. For circulars, apply to Win. G. Crowell, Esq. 510 WALNUT Street, or to J. W. Pinkerton, A. M., Principal. au9-wfm FRENCH AND ENGLISH DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG CHILDREN.— Miss BYRNES will reopen liar School, No. 1800 CHESTNUT Street, on DIONDAY, September 11th, 1865. au3o-wfm4t AA NNE CHURCHMAN'S SCHOOL will reopen ether new rooms,No. 847 FRANK LIN Street, on MONDAY, Oet. 2. se], finw6t. VOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE, _L. (with Primary and Secondary Depafitments at tached,) S. E. corner of DILLWYN and GREEN Streets. The duties of this institution will be re sumed on MONDAY, Sept. 4, 18.65. au26-12t• MISS BROOKS AND MRS. J. E. HALL will resume the duties of their BOARD ING and DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladles, at 1.4113 WALNUT street, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th inst. au26-2M, ABACHMANN,.TEACHER OF THE • Piano, Organ, Melodeon, and Violin, 922 SPRING GARDEN Street. ADVANCED PUPILS FINISHED. Classes formed In HarinOny. APP.' cations, i 2. to IA. : 6 to 7 r. M. stu3o-Im* MISS V. P. BROWN, No. 1907 PINE Street, Will (on MONDAY, Sept. 4th,) resume the duties of her School for Children, between the ages of 4 and 15. an29-lm* SIRS. E. J. DAVIS WILL REOPEN her SELECT SCHOOL, for Children, on MON DAY. September 4th, at No. 219 South EIGFI TEENTIrStreet. au3o-11t* VrISS A. OORMLEY, TEACHER OF -U- 1 - the PIANO, No. 920 CHESTNUT strbet. Terms moderate. au3o-6t* FRENCH AND AMERICAN INSTI TUTE for Young Ladies. Rev. N. CYR and Mrs. M. G. DAVENPORT, Principals. No. 2953 FRANK - FORD Road Philadelphia. Circulars can be bad, on application, at the Institute and at Messrs. JOHN - PENNINGTON & SONS, No. 127 South SEVENTH Street. au23-11n* SIG. RIZZO 'WILL RESUME MS LES SONS in Vocal Music at his residence, j No. 313 South SIXTEENTH Street, October 1. He may be addressed meantime through the City P. 0.. as above. au29-tf C ENTRAL INSTI UTE, TENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, will reopen September 4th. Boys prepared for any division of the Public Grammar schools, for College, or for business. Special attention given to small boys. Residence, 534 North TENTH Street. au2l-6w g. G. McGUIRE, A. M., Principal. AfARY PrROBESON'S SCHOOL FOR AN-L, YOUNG- LADIES will be Reopened at 1013 FILBERT St., 9th month (Sept. 11th). auao-im• THE CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL of H. D. GREGORY, A. M. No.lloB MARKET Street, will reopen on MONDAY, Sep tember 4th. au2l-ini* PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE , for YOUNG LADIES, N. W. corner of CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets, (for merly at 1530 Arch street.) Circulars at 1= and 183! Chestnut street; Or address P. 0. Box 2611. The next Session will commence on MONDAY, Sep tember 18th. Rev. CHARLES SMITH, D. D., Principal. aulo-1m C G HEGARAY INSTITUTE.-ENGLISH 'Li and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladles, Nos. 1527 and 1529 SPRUCE Street, Phi ladelphia, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, Septem ber 20th• French is the language of the family, and is con stantly spoken in thtlnstitnte. For circulars and particulars apply to aue-am Madame D 7 HERYILLY, Principal. THE ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL of A. B. SHEARER, A.M. North west corner of CHESTNUT and TWELFTH Sts., (second floor,) will reopen on MONDAY, Sept. 4. For terms, references, c. sec Circulars; to be ob tained at Mr. Hai ard's brug Store, or from the Principal, at the bchool Rooms, every morning, he. tweenio and 123¢ o'clock. an2s-Im*- MRS. SCHAFFER'S SCHOOL WILL be REOPENED on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th at 933 SPRUCE Street. Circulars may be obtained at the N. E. corner of Spruce and Tenth streets. au2l.-18t. T HE MISSES CASEY AND MRS. BEEBE will reopen their Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, No. 1703 WALNUT Street; on WEDNESDAY, the 30th ofSept. au2-210 G ERMAN T 0 WN FEMALE EMI NARY, GREEN Street, eolith of Walnut lane will reopen on WEDNESDAY, September 13th. Circulars containing full information as to Terms, course of Instruction, character of the Seminary, &c., &c., may be obtained of Prof. WALTER S. FORTESCUE, au22-tf -Principal. WOODLAND SEMINARY,- NOS, 9 and 10 WOODLAND TERRACE, West fill ladelphia.—A DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL for Yourt_Ladies. Location healthy, airy, and attrac tive. - Fall Session commences Sept. 12. For Circulars apply to Jy2l-2m* REV. HENRY REEVES, Principal. CHESTNUT -HILL ACADEMY WILL REOPEN SEPTEMBER 12, with a limited num ber of BOYS, eacht r upli being taught by the Princi pal, H. W. SCOTT, from Yale College. Recommended by J. E. Mitchell, W. H. Trotter, J. S. Kneedier, and C. Platt. aul7-Im. MISS MARY E. TWIOPP WILL RE OPEN her English and Preach Boarding and Day School for Young Ladles at 1841 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, on thellth of September. For Median., apply at the School. aul7-lin* EST BRANCH BOARDING 11 1 MIO • MALE AND FEMAI2E, JERSEY SHORE,LY6O.OIINZJCOHNTY, PENNA. _ Terms, $l5O per_year. PupiTsrepared for College, Business or ordinary duties Of domestic life, with the comforts of a good Home. Catalogues, with full particulars, of Philip Wilson, 409 Chestnut street, or address as above. anl7-Im# F. DONLE.A.VY LONG, A. M.,Prlnolpal. RUGBY CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH ACADEMY. 1226 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. This Institution is designed to rival the best schools of this country and of England, in its sys tem of instruction and discipline, and in the full ness pt its elatsteal and mathematical course.' Those preparing for college will be fitted to take a high stand in their class p and to graduate with honor. It will be the special aim also to prepare young men for business or professional life. First session commences September 18th. Circulars, with full information. can be bad at 1228 Chestnut street. EDW. CLARENCE SHITH,A. 2d.. Principal. REFIEENGIB.—CaIeb Cope, Esq., Hon. Wm. D. Kelley, Hon. dos. Allison, Alexander Whilldin, Esq., Thomas Potter, Esq.,A. H. Eraneiscus, Esq., 11. P. Birkinbine, Esq. . anl6-Im. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACA DEMY, AT WEST CHESTER. The duties of this Institution will be resumed on THURSDAY, September 7, at 4 P. M. Cadets may pursue either St Classical or Scientific course of study, under experienced and. thorough instructors. In the Primary Department the usual English branches are taught. Military- instruction is given in the three arms of the service. The Aca demy is furnished with horses for Cavalry and Tierce-Artillery exercises. All tile appointments or the Institution are of the first order, and no expense or effort is Spare( 10 advance the education and military training of the Cadets. . The religious instruction of the Cadets is carefully attended to: For Circulars, apply to J. It °RYE, Est], 62115 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, or to Col THEO. HYATT, President of Penns. Mil'y Aca'y.faulo-lm THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH BOARDINO AND DAY SCHOOL of Madame MASSE will reopen on MONDAY, September ISM In this institution instruction is thorough in every department. Competent English teachers are em ployed for all the branches of a good English edu cation. French is the language of the family, and ta constantly spoken in the institute. For circu lars, contag terms and other particulars. ad dress 1342 SPRUCE St.. Fhllada., Pa. auls-21n VAIRMOUNT FEMALE COLLEGE, GREEN Street, west of Twenty-second street, Philadelphia. — This superior Boarding and Day School for Young Ladles, will begin its next term September 13th. A Preparatory Department is pro- Oiled for younger pupils. For circulars, Apply to or address Rey. J . W. BARNHART, A. M., President. YOUNG MEN AND BOYS' SCHOOL.— ..a- Rev. JAS. G. SHIN% A. M., will open an English, Classical, Mathematical, and Scientific School for Young Men and Boys, No. 1906 MOUNT VERNON Street, on the first MONDAY in Septem ber. The instruction Will be particular and tho rough„ such as will prepare young men for business or college. For terms, Ec., apply as alifirc. THE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY JR- AND MILITARY INSTITUTE,' located in the borough of WEST CHESTER, PA., will commence its next Scholastio Year of ten months, on the first WEDNESDAY, the 6th of September. For Catalogues. containing Term and full infer motion, apply to its Principal, Jy2B-6w WILLIAM F. WYERS, A. M. EDUCATIONAL. QUALZB CITY BUSINESS COL LEGE, TENTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. The only Commercial Institution In the city hav ing a Legislative Charter, and the only one in the. United States authorized to confer Degrees of Merit. Diplomas awarded for the Commercial Course under the corporate seal of the College. SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES. As a thorough Practical School of Business, this Institution offers in every respect advantages and facilities of the very bigbegst order. The coarse of instruction combines in the most perfect manner THEORY AND PRACTICE, Giv,ing in the phortest possible time a complete in sUght into the forms, routine and details of ACTUAL BUSINESS, And making the student master or that which can be only imperfectly comprehended by a system of instruction based on theory alone. ACCOMMODATIONS. The Institution has the most extensive accommo dations, and all the rooms are fitted up and fur nished in a style, for convenience and elegance, un equalled. INSTRUCTION IN Book-keeping, Commercial Arithmetic, the Higher Mathematics, Business Forms and Customs, Actual Business Practice, Commercial Law, &c. TELEGRAPHING. With the only facilities for regular office practice in the city or State, without - winch no one can ob tain a situation anywhere, anti will only he wasting his time, and money to attempt to learn the art. New arrangements have been made In this depart ment, and It Is now conducted upon a scale that will defy competition. YOUNG MEN Who wish to avail themselves of the best facilities at their command for a thorough education for bust. nesa, arc tutted to call or scud for a Catalogue. L. FAIRMAXIIS, A. M. se2-M* President. MISS W. L. SANDFORD WILL RE OPEN ber-DAY SCHOOL on September 13th, at No. 1122 WALNUT Street. Applications may be made after ISentember 4th at No. NU b'PRUCE Street. au3o-wrtn9V CALEB S. HALLOWELL'S SELECT High School for young men and boys, No. 110 North TENTH Street, will reopen on the 18th instant. se2.l4t* pROF, KEARNEY RESUMES -I-DU tics MONDAY 4th. Entrance Into College guaranteed. In one year. Schools of both sexes at tended. Terms in classes moderate. 921 -MAR KET Street. 1 se2-2t. TOW IB THE TIME FOR YOUNG A• 1 MEN to enter 111104 a course of study at BRY ANT, STRATTON, 03 B.A.litiLaElt 4 S National Commercial College, ASSEMBLY ETTILDINGS, S. W. corner of CHESTNUT and TERTII Streets. Call or send for a Circular. se2-smw-3t RETURNED AND DISABLED SOL -No. DIEM will Mid the readiest means of honor..- .Wound lucratiV6 employment in ROO GOlTlMereini Education. A full preparation for business can be acquired at little expense, and in.a short period of time, at BRYANT, STRATTON, & BANNISTER'S National Commercial College ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, S. W. corner of CHESTNUT and TE7‘.l - TH Streets. A liberal deduction will be made in all cases worthy of such consideration. 552-smw-St SUSAN HAYHURST WILL OPEN her School in the commodious rooms, Southeast corner of NINTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, (entrance on Ninth,) September 18th. Facilities will be afforded to Young Ladles for receiving a thorough education. A Department for Children, under a competent teacher, will be conducted upon the Kindergarten, or Object System. Reference, former patrons. For further information, apply to Dr.C.N .PEIRCE,SOI North SEVENTH St. Sel-12t* -pp EY. ALBERT HENRY BARNES AA) will reopen his Classical and English School, at 922 CHESTNUT Streetq.on Monday, September 4th. stl-12.t. MARGARET ROBINSON WILL RE the notrie:r her School t ti pit h r . l l 2l It t *CE Street, on F. BMLINGRAM, sel-12t. 1E35 SPRING GARDEN Street. • MISS M. A. BROWN'S SCHOOL FOR Young Ludies, 040 'North EIGHTEENTH St., will re-open MONDAY, September 4. att3l4lt* SELECT SCHOOL, NO. 2023 VINE Street. Duties resumed Sept. 4th. Miss A. yr?' & E. W. WITH. au3l-6t4 EDUCATION FOR BUSINESS LIFE. Young Men who wish to acquire a PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION, have superior advantages for doing so at CRITTENDEN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 037 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, The course of instruction Includes BOOKKEEP ING, as practiced by the best accountants in its dif ferent branches; PENMANSHIP, Mercantile Cal culations, Business Forms, Commercial Law, De tecting Counterfeit Notes, &C.,&C. Students instructed separatly and received at any time. Catalogues containing full particulars, terms, student's names, iirc., seuf gratis on appli cation. au3l-6t5 MRS. GERTRUDE J. CARY WILL re-open her *OIIOOL, i 532 SPRUCE Street. on WEDNESDAY, September 1311, with increased facilities for the comfort and Improvement of her ati3l-12V TtIiENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC IN STITUTE, TROY, N. Y.—The Forty-stoond Annual Session of this well-known School of Engl. necringed Natural Science, will commence Sept. nth, . The New Annual Regigter of 1.865, giving full information, may be obtained by addreSsing Prof. CHARLES DROWN Director, Troy, N. I. ani-40t. CHESTNUT -STREET FEMALE BE MINARY—ENGLISE AND FRENCH BOARD INC,' AND DAY SCHOOL—Principals, Hiss Bon ney and Mks Dillaye.—The Thirty-first Semi-An nual Session will _open WEDNESDAY, September 13th, at 1615 CHESTNUT Street. Particulars from Circulars. sun-toe'. THOMAS BALDWIN'S ENGLISH Mathematical and Classical School for Boys, N. B. corner BROAD and ARCH, will reopen '69- ternber 4. au -1m UNGLISH, CLASSICAL, AND MA THEMATICAL INSTITUTE, No. 2 Southwest PENN SQUARE. Duties resumed Sept. 11th. an-2mMw JOSEPH DAVISON, Principal. G EORGE it BARKER'S ENGLISH and CLASSICAL SCHOOL, PRICE Street,Ger mantown,wlll reopen on MONDAY, Sept. 4th, ISGS. au29-12t* TotEMOVAL.—MISS JAMES HAVING -AA , rented the spacious Hall in the Philadelphia Institute, INE. corner of EIGHTEENTH and OHESTNTIT . Streets, opposite her former location, will open her SCHOOL on the 9th of SEPTEMRER. Residence, No. 831 North Tenth street. au/O-12t VOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE, S. E. -a- corner of MARSHALL and SPRING GARDEN Streets. Duties resumed SEPTEMBER 11. au29-12t• ENOCH 11. SUPPLER, A. 31.1.,PrInclp al. MISS LYMAN'S SCHOOL POR YOUNG LADIES, No. 226 South BROAD treet, will reopen WEDNESDAY, September 13th. au29-litselsmwstoel COURTLAND SAUNDERS INSTI TUTE FOR BOYS AND YOUTH.—Address Prof. B. D.BA.UNDERS, D. D.; Philadelphia. aul9-1m" SCHOOL OF DESIGN FOR WOMEN, corner of FILBERT Street and North PENN Square, re-opens on MONDAY, September 4th. JOSEPH. HARRISON,Es 'resident. WILLIAM RUCKNELL, BK., Vice President, P. P. MORRIS, Esq., Secretary and Treasurer. MILECTORS. W. J. Horstman, David S. Brown, R. F. Warner, Eli K. Price, James L. Claghorn, George Whitney. W. R. Wilstach, James A. Wright. James H. Orne, anls-ISt T. W. B DWOOD, Principal VNGLISH AND CLASSICAL ACADE -5-a MY, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street, (in tile rooms lately occupied by the Y. M. C. A.) ThiS school will open MONDAY, September 11th. It is designed to prepare for any college of the United States or for mercantile life. T. BRANTLY LANG TON, OSWALD BEIDENSTICKER, Principals. . aul,4-1m WILLIAM S. COOLEY, A. M. WILL reopen his CLASSICAL and ENGLISH SCHOOL at No. 11.13 MARKET Street, on MON DAY, September 4. . au29-Im* PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS-IN the Philadelphia City Institute, N. E. corner CHESTNUT and EHHITHENTH Streets. Reopens SEPT. 9,1 885. Entrance on Eighteenth street. L. BARROW S Principals. au29.lm* JOHN . Q. R. AVELROY, r ACADEMY OF THE SACRED HEART, 4-5- No. 1625 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Parents and Guardians are respectfully infOrmed that the "Ladies of the Sacred Heart" intend open ing a DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES on the Second MONDAY of September. The system of education will be the same as•that pursued so successfully in all the Institutes of the Sacred Heart throughout Europe and America. These Ladies, being devoted to the instruction of youth, spare no pains to win the heart to virtue and impart to the mind a solid and relined education. Application can be made for Circulars let Sep tember. aul2-1m B ROAD -STREET ACADEMY, NO. 337 South BROAD Street, ED. ROTH, A. M., Prin. Mimi- School reopens September 4. New Circulars at Mr. E. OUMMISKEYIS,IO37 CHESTNUT Street, at thel Academy, and sent postpaid to any address. au23.16t SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES, PARKES - BURG, Chester county,Pennsylvania, forty miles from Philadelphia. The duties of this School wilt be resumed OCTQ BEIt lit, 1861. Terms-4025 per session. For Circulars, apply to Misses JOHNSTON and NEL LY, Principals. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, 1866-66. bc - LENT krlQ SCHOOL begins September 11th. TECHNICAL , trillOOLS been September lOth. The EXPBRIMTINTAL FARM o 175 acres, near Owynedd. r btontisomery county, Pa., will be opened September 1255 to a.sclect class of students on the Principles and Pritetice of AGRICULTURE, who will reside.andiwork on the Farm, and statedly at tend Lee:hares at the College In the city. ApplieritiollS Or admission should be made to the uniferslgocd, at the College Building. WEST PENN SQUARE. ALFRED L. KENNEDY, M. D., au2s-18t President of Faculty. THE SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, CHESTNUT Street, N. W. cor. Of Twelfth, reopens SEPTEMBER. ttlt. This Is the best providea.Sehool for boys in America, an2o-Im* J. EN11.16, Principal. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY— MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL.—Terms very moderate. Thorough course of stndy to Mathematic. English Classics, &x. SiipplleS the benefits Or a home, surveying and Engineering taught. Boys of all ages received. Begins Septum. ber 9th. Refers to JOHN C. CAPP & SON,_ 23 South THIRD Street; THOS, J. CLAYTON,_Esq., FIFTH and PRUNE ; Mr. GEORGE P. KNOTT, 38 HUDSON Street. Number limited. Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. M., Village Green, Pennsylvania. au4-3m FEMALE COLLEGE, BORDEN TOWN, N. J.—The WINTER SESSION of this INSTITUTION will commence SEPTEMBER the 18th. A few vacancies only remain. For cata logues, containing terms, etc. Address. _ Rev. JOHN H. BRAKELEY, A. M., au2-dw President. PHOTOGRAPHS' TAKEN FOR PAR ties or Individuals, In superior style, of churches,residences and public edifices, and coun try seats, by application to B. F. REIMER, 624 ARCH Street. BEAUTIFUL STYLES PORTRAITS, photographs in IA colors, splendid spe cimens of fine art, executed at IL P. ILEIAIRRIS gallery, 6214 ARCH Street. See specimens of style and finish. CAR T E S -DE VISIT EXECUTED finely in a variety of natural and pleasing styles,_sulting the tastes of all. See specimens at REIMER'S popular gallery, SECOND Street above Citroen. lt. H. GARDEN & CO., MANIIPAC TURERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS GOODS,S CAPS, FURS, BONNETS, STRAW RIBBONS, Am, &c., No. 800 and MI MARKET street. The largest sand most complete stock, the best terms and cheapest prices, Country merchants and the trade supplied. ENCOURAGE DOMESTIC INDUS TRY. HARRISON & BRADFORD STEEL PEN NAND ' FACTURERS, give employment to over ONE HUNDRED AMERICAN NAN AND WOMEN and produce over_ TWENTY-FIVE MILLIONS ANNUALLY of American Steel Pens, stamped with their- name In full, and bearing their label. In quality, finish, selection, and styie Of putting up, these Yens are warranted to surpass any Pens ever offered to the American _public. FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, by MOSS & CO., Stationers and Blank Book 'Manufacturers. 4.3% CHESTNUT Street, and 430 MARKET aul4-1m street, Philadelphia. . FOR NON-RETENTION OR INCON TINENCE Of urine, Irritation, inflammation or ulceration of the bladder, or kidneys, diseases of the prostate glands, stone in the bladder, calculus, gravel or brick-dust deposit, and all diseases of the bladder, kidneys, and dropsical arreilluga, .10A- South TENTH 4treet. au k-lni 1763 linlgnet•D'a FLUID EXTRACT BECLIII% WANI'S. WANTED, IN A NOTION HOUSE, mm or more BAL,ESNALaT Iva° can "Inthmid good trade. Address *M. PHU orne.e, with mq't dame. sd4-3t. WANTED -A SITUATION AS RU,N xgR, or similar employment by a young colored man. who has lost an arm in the U. S. ser vice. Best of references. Apply at Freedmen's Boeiety Rooms, WALNUT2gtree.t. ltf_ WANTED-A FEW PUPILS IN THE Spanish Language, by nu experienced in structor. For terms, Ac., address Press office. itt WANTED, BY AYOtiN G- 31 A N TII from the Cloth district In England. linttrA.- TION in a Woollen or' Cloth store. iins had ten years , experience. Apply 0 or address. J. *. - EMNIEBSONT. care MARKET Son, lt* Street. WA NTED-A STUDENT OP THE University. or a College Graduate, now put.- suinglds professionalsludirn, to teach a lbw hours a day it a Boys' Private School. Address "Teacher," Box 2611 Philadelphia Post Office. so4-2V WANTED -AGENTS TO BELL THE" LINCOLN WATCH, the greatest thing out; looks like silver: weighs 4 ounces, Hunter's shape. This Watch has only been invented about live weeks, and they are now being shipped from Dos ion by the cart loads daily, to all parts of the coun tryy. Samples sent by mall, postagepahl, on receipt ot cents. Great thing to sell at cattle shows and fairs. Send for a circular and price list. Cut this out. BEA & CO., OT WASHINGTON Street, BOSTON, Mass. sc4-4t5 WANTED, IN EVERY CITY AND County of the United States, reliable Agents (of gentlemanly address) to canvass for the most re markable Works of Art ever published. No, I — Nadallion Portrait of WASHINGTON, "being a fac simile of the DedAiditeti of ludo' , pendence, through which, as through a gauze cur tain, the reader perceives the features of the Father of his Country; the light and heavy shadings of the letters forming the outlines of the portrait, which Is after Stuart's admirable painting."—New York Herald. No. 5—A mist perfect portrait of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, effected in the same manner, by a fac simile of the draught of the Emancipation 1 rocla !nation, strikingly correct, both of which are sur rounded with - beautiful suggestive sketches ' as originally drawn with a steel pen, and now en graved fee These engravings bane elicited the highest testi monials ever awarded any Works of Art heretofore published. The original letters from the President and Cabinet; Generals Scott, Grant, Butler, Cad waiader Gvernors Curtin, Penton, Morton, Brough,,Andrew; Et-Gov. Yates, Bayard Taylor, had hundred of others, may be seen at the OM ee of the Association. Parties applying for the exclusive right to can vass will specify dirtioctly the County and State wanted. This is a rare chance for did 6:LIWILSACIIg or discharged soldiers. Send three-cent stamp for further information, with terms to agents, &c. Sample copies $1.50 each; mailed free on receipt of price. Send for circular. Address "Art Publish ing Association. ,, Box 2625 Philadelphia Post Office. se4-mwftit. (dike 406 North TENTH Street. WANTED -A SITUATION /37 AN , active, intelligent Lad In a Wholesale btu- Honors' or Publishing House, to learn the business. Has . bad seven mouths' experience. Address "It. A. 11. ,,, this oillee. set-Bt' WANTE D-LIFE INSURANCE-. For the ci of Pllinidelphia, a responsible and efficient Agent fora first-elan Life Insurance Coin pany. Address Box No. MS New York, giving full name and address, with reference. seg-at WANTED TO RENT-A SMALL Y STABLE, sufficient for three horses and two buggies, between Fifteenth and Nineteenth streets, anti between Locust and south streets. Address Box IWde Philadelphia Post-oftiCe. se2.3t* WANTED -A LAD IN A BILK JOB BING House.' Address Box 761, Philadel phia P. 0. sel-3V. WANTED -A. SALESMAN IN A NO tton and Hosiery house,. To one who can com mand a good trade, a Morel salary will bA paid. Address —Notions, ,, Press Office. sel-st* WANTED -AGENTS--$10 PER DAY AT ROME.—I want an Agent, Male or Fe. male, in every town and neighborhood, to sell The Great Labor Saver." Every faintly wants it, anti agents are making from 353 to 3420 per day. This is the best chance ever offered to agents, as the article is patatitOti, and a capital of but 9Ci to *2O IS required to begin with. Further particulars sent on receipt of two. red stamps for circulars and re turn postage. Address R. WAYVBLL, Box 4781, CHICAGO. autS-Ims A GENTS WANTED FOR THE STANDARD HISTORY OF TIM WAR, com plete in one large royal ociatii Volume of over 1,000 pages. Splendidly illustrated with 127 fine pertain of Lienerals and battle scenes. This is just the book the people want. It presents a rare chance for agents. Teachers, ladles, energetic men, and espe cially returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find it pe culiarly adapted to their condition. Fend for circu lars. Address "JONES„BROS. & Co., ate26-onWit* " Pluladelphi4, Pa." AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR GREAT National Work. the most complete, only au thentic and reliable LIFE OF LINCOLN published. Address JONES, BROTHERS, & CO., Philadel phia, Pa. au29-1,11. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ME MORIAL RECORD OF THE NATION'S TRI BUTE TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Extra Induce ments offered. Address HENRY A. LOVELAND, No. 20 North MERRICK Street, northwest of Penn Square, Phßada.. Pa. nu2.B-I.m. A GENTS WANTED vort "THE SECRET SERVICE, THE FIELD THE DUNGEON, AND TIDE ESCAPE." By A. D. Richardson, New York Tribune Corres pondent. The moat interesting and exciting book ever pub lished embracing Mr. RicharslgglVa unparalleled experience for four years, travelling through the South in the Si eret service of the Tribune, at the outbreak of the war, with our armies andlieets, both East and West, during the first two years of. the Rebellion; his thrilling capture; his confine ment for twenty months in seven different Rebel prisons; his escape, and almost miraculous jour ney, by night, of nearly foul' hundred miles. II will abound in stirring events, and contain inure of the fact, incident, and romance of the war than any other work published. Teachers, ladies, energetic young men, and espe cially returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find it pecu liarly adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing 4175er month, which we will prove to any , doubting applicant. bend for cfreulare. Address JONES, BROTHERS .4. CO.. N. E. corner SIXTH and MINOR Streets, anti-Im* Philadelphia, Pa. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS, ORIGINALLY DOING BUSINESS IN TEXAB,—A reliable gentleman, with a large business experience, and acquainted with the mum= try and people of Texas, is soon to return. there on private business. Collections and other business will be promptly and properly attended to while there, if entrusted to his hands. Address "Loyal," at this Mike. • . au22-6w. TO BANKERS, MANUFACTURERS, -I. and Tilerehants.—A first-class accountant, hay. ing the highest city and country references, 1S now unemployed. Would be pleased to have an Inter view with any 'needing Ids services. Address "D ' 1,204 CHESTNUT Street. set -3t. eft WANTED TO , PURCHASE. OR .Li RENT—A large Store Property or large Dwell ing. not less than '2O feet front, between Arch and Walnut and Fourth and Eighth streets. Address " Publisher," North American office, stating lo- cation, size, price, &c. Possession wanted by No vember 15th next. sel-3tif FOP. SALE AND TO LET. FOR—BALE—HANDSOME REM man DENCE. Stable, and Coach-house and lot a ground, No. 1519 spruce street, 22 feet front by 240 met deep to ItiLper street. Four-story messnage and lot,.situate at the north east corner of Spruce and Seventeenth streets. Three-story britTli messuage and lot, No. 1021 Vtne street; 18 feet front by 120 feet.deep to Pearl street. Four-Story brick messuage and lot t Q. 1705 Fll- • bert street; 20 feet front by He feet accp• to •Out,h bert street. Apply to LEWIS H. REDNER, se4-nraf3t. No. 150 South FOURTH' Street. aff# AT PRIVATE SALE.—A VA.- At AFILLUAKIE PLANTATION, Containing tlfty- - -&.. seven acres of Land,.of the first quality: situated about one-half of a mile east of Jenkintown, ad joining land of Squire Sattorthwalte and others, In Abington Township, Montgomery County, Pa. The buildings consist of a Stone House, Stone Barn, and all other necessary Out-buildings; two Wells of Water, a goodSpringfliouse, with an ex cellent Spring . of Witter, Ale. There arc about nine acres of - Wood, the balance Arable-Ilia high state of improvement. A further description Is deemed unnecessary, as purchasers always view the pre mises, and Ibis will bear examination. For further particulars inquire of se4-fit s WILLIAM FLETCHER. a REAL ESTATE.—SS,OOO,OOO I E 2 WORTH OF CITY AND SUBURBAN PRO , PERTY FOR SALE. No persons wishing to purchase, should fail to call on me first. , New catalogues for September, will be out in a few days and issued at my new oillte, N. W. cor. SIXTH and WALNUT - Streets. GEO. C. MILLER, Practical Real Estate Operator, sep24t 155 N, sixTH Street, gin FOR SALE.—SPLENDID BROWN stone building, North Broad street; built in the best manner, with all modern improvements. It. J. DOBBINS,BuIIder,IOB S.FOURTH St. al23wfm6t* da RARE OPPORTIMTITY.—F - O , R mak SALE—The clearable three-story brick tswell lug, RACE Street, adjoining the National Guards' Hall, suitable for a first-class Restaurant. Imme diate possession. Apply to HORACE' PEITZ, 2109 South SIXTH Street. se2Ats e i FOR SALE—FIRST-CLASS STONE cottit.om, With about EU sores of StiperlOT land, near Oak Lane Station, On the North Penn sylvania Railroad. Excellent stone stable and ear rlage•house, ke-houSe, steam-engine for forcing water to the house, dke. The place is well situated, and the lawn handsomely adorned with evergreen and other trees. Tile buildings are of the most sub- Staptial character, and. veryconrenlently arranged. Immediate Obsession. B. F. eLPIN? set 123 South FOURTH Street. FOR SALE—DWELLING, 1404 MASTER Street possession soon. Dwelling, 1583 Ellsworth street. Dwelling, Mu South Fifteenth. Dwelling, 1650 North Tenth, Dwelling, 8119 North Eighteenth. Dwelling, near Seventh and Green. Dwelling, 522 Franklin. Dwelling, 4013 North Front. Dwellings ' 1918, 1920, 1938, and MO Nielt. Dwelling, 1311 North Twelfth. Dwelling, lam rine street. B. F. OWENN7 12:3 South - FOURTH Street, and . set S. W. corner Seventee tit and Green. in FOR SALE-A VALUABLE FARE near Absecom N. J.. 150 acres; will be ex changed for good city or Atlantic City property, B.' F. GLENN. sea -123 south FOURTH Street. " I sale. Three n rl • b. , 4 N. , . 1908, 1919 and 1912, on the south side of ARCH street west of Nineteenth, built in the most substantial manner, with extensive back bnlldlngs, embracing all the modern improvements And conveniences Apply at No. 1829 ARCH Street. au2s-120 FOR BILE.-ABSECOM,N. J. a ROL The best FARM. and RESIDENCE on the ms.. coast, lAt hours ride from Philadelphia containing 24 Acres, overlooking , bay and ocean. New Rouse, contains 11 rooms and out-buildings. Rare chalice to any onelo buy a beautiful and healthy residence. Load in high state of cultivation, Fruit of all kinds surrounds the house. It will be sold house and three acres, or altogether. Apply to 'au2S-12t 5 No. 411 MARKET St., Philads.. TO RENT SECOND AND THIRD TO STORIES, rear 0f305 Chestnut street; entrance ou Crockett's Court, in Fifth street, above Chest- Nat, ROMs 52 by 52 feet. Also, the fifth stories of 303 sue 507 Ole:eine' street. Anly to wEntaA 111 4, SWAIN, Room 3,3 d story of 505 CHESTNUT .ot. seal-ot* TO LET.-TWO COMMUNICATING TO Parlors, suitable for a first-class Mace. inquire au the premises, No. A7l South THIRD Street, from 1% to '234 O'clock. scp4-9t* TO CAPITALISTS. FOR SALE TO close a partnership concern, over two thousand acres of choice land in Indiana county. A Map can be seen and further information given at 5915 MAU BET Street. (set-lot*J B. WILT. TOEXCHANGE- IMPROVED AND unimproved Property for Oil Stooks. ABRAHAM BECLIVEL, au60.644, 80. 308 WALNUT St.. Room 16. FOR SALE-500 BARRELS.OF FIRST q uality Oak Charcoal. 1,000 bushels of Wood Ashes. 500 bushels of Saw Dust. 200 000fert of superior Ash Lumber, assorted, 2.14, s. and 4 Inchee. "A"ply at Nation:o Wilson Works. Factory, SE' CO D and HUNTINGDON Streets. SIMONS. set-3t HENRY SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RE. 131111BD b nur-stRoLD , 6 EXTRACT B C south TENTLI. Utreat, POE SALE AND TO LET. de FOR SALE—GOOD STORE - AND mm Dwraaase, lIZB Opring fitardell argot, _ BLINSILBNN. 1.33 South FOURTH Streat A se2 S. W. cot. SEVENTEENTH' And Gmß.E.v. dit FURNISHED RESIDENCE ON ass.NORTH BROAD STREET.—For sale, ohs of the most handsomely finished side-yard Residences 011/ ZiOrtil Breed street, Ferillture put i re a t new +" the latestp_attares. /Mmedlate 'possession. tdl sel-at* DORA cD FRITZ, RiOlY South STXTh St. AFOR SALE.—HANDSOME REST_ DENCE, 1226 North FRANKLIN Street, cor-' ner of Titotopsou, 30 feet front, with 30. feet side yard; replete with all the 'modern IMProverklentS, in peace, order Lwith Immediate possession. se2-3t. ALIORtD FITLIi.II, SIXTH he. FOR SAL BUSINESB STAND =IL Four-story Brown Bouse.N o .B24lValnut street. Valuable property. Apply to R. A. J. PANOOAST, No. 3404. BRIDGE Street, Mantuavine, between and B CO6loelt. AMUSEMENTS: MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ,ARCH_ STREET THEATRE. E SECOND N ina OF MRS. JOHN PEEW. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING., Sep_tember 4, 1895, 0LD HEADS AND YOUNG - HEA.MTS. Lady Alice Hawthorn Mrs. John. Drew. Supported by the full CoMpitiik. To conclude with the Comedletta of FAINT HEART NEVER WON FAIR LADY. The Duchess de Torrenueva Miss E. Price. charies the Second Mrs. C. Henri. HUT Gomez MelCee Rankine FRIDAY, BENEFIT OF MIK JOHN DREW. Doors open at 7. Commence at a quarter before,. NEW CHESTNUT-STREET THEA TRE. LAST SIX NIGHTS of the YOttlig, BEAUTIFUL. AND AODOMPLISIIED, THE GREAT COMEDIENNE OF THE AMERICAN STAGE, MISS KATE REIGNOLDS, and the EMINENT COMEDIAN • . MR. W. H. SEDLEY SMITH, .. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, September 4th, will be presented btakepeare's brand Tragedy 1* .flue-acts ROMEO AND JITEIET. Romeo MISS KATE REIGNOLDS. Juliet Miss Cordella Cappelle. To conclude with the Screaming Farce SLASHER AND Oft.flEß. To-morrow Evening CAMILLE, On WEDNESDAY .Evening. Wend Spectacular Drama, THE SEA OF ICE, will be presented with beautiful Scenery Mechanical Effects, etc. SATURDAYAFTERNOON, September 9th,_ FIFTY-SIXTH GRAND FAMILY MATINEE, the CORSICAN BROTHERS, will be presented, WALNUT -STREET THEATRE.— Acting and Stage Manager „W. S. Fredericks Business Manager and Teetisewee. , ...T. J. Hatriphill MONDAI EVENING, September 4, 1885, BENEFIT and LAST APPEARANCE OF MR. .1. S. CLARKE, On which occasion Mr. CLARKE will embrace the opportunity to express to his kind Philadelphia friends his grateful satisfaction for the unprece dented success which has attended his Managerial efforts at die Theatre The performance Will coraniep.ce -6,101 Calmanya Comedy of the POOR GENTLEMAN. Doctor 011apod J S. CLARKS. ' To conclude with the Comic Drama of TOODLES. Timothy Toodlea J. S. Clarke Doors open at VA o'clock; commence at quartet before 8. NEW -A-1 A M S E R et l , Z ab A o N igThH EATRE WXTNUTIDeNARYAETRACTION, THIS EVENING AND ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MISS KATE FISHER, The great equestrian A.etre§§ in the grand speiltaele of JSIAZEPPA; OR, THE WILD HORSE OF TARTARY, Produced with new Scenery, original Music, Ap pointments, Wardrobe, Grand Tournament, Polish and Tartar Ballets, in which GALLETTI, MONS. ANTONIO, and Corps tle.Banet Appear; Characters by a full Dramatic COmpany topt se4-6t FIFTY AUXII.LATHEB, G RAND COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT BY TUB UNKNOWN GLEE CLUB, Assisted by 'MN AMERICAN AND MOZART eLEE CLUBS, • .A.ecanspanled by A FULL ORCIFESTRA. nude` JAB. W. PORTER, Ineludlng the WONDERFUL HERSOU DONSPLITZW/LSON BRO AND SISTER In their amusing comicality, TRODURNEWIPHILINNOSTBAINIAMOMENTO, CONCERT HALL, MONDAY EVENING, Sept. 4. prke adnilsslon.lo eta. TleketS for Ba l e at the music stores, hotels, and nt the Pall, Doors open at 7 o'clock. Concert commences nt 8 precisely, eel-21* fi n ONCI E RP HALL—FOR FIVE NIGHTS 0N L Y—Commeneing Tugsray, Sept, sth.--Owing to ihe unbounded applause and complete success t the CARTER zODAVE TROUPEI and - PROTEUS will exhibit as tIPOYO, which will positively terminate their engagement in this OitY , 0,000 Challenge to any Military Company, or other persons, who will surpass the Carter Zouavea in stacking arms in their Zouttve Drill. . 35 cents. Reserved Seats, 50 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. To commence at 8 o'clock. Reserved Seats at Mr. Clots. W. A. Trampler's Music Store, Seling' and CileWWl , streetst T, B. Pugh's, Sixth and Chestnut streets, and at Riaer Periodical Stand, Continental Hotel. Afternoon Performance every SATURDAY, at half past 2 o'clockJ. HERBAGE CARTER, Pro prietor. L. M. W. STEERE, Agent. se4-6t. SIAMESE TWINS AND CHILDREN. Tliit womEßs OP THE WORLD l MOST roertiVELv THE LAST WEEK, AT THE PHLADELPHIA. MUSEUM, 933 MARKET . _ - - - The Management begs to inform the public, that at the request of numerous families of the surround ing towns that have not had an opportunity of see thOs6 jp.eat wonders,_ intr SIAMESE TWINS AND CHILDSII,N, has, at a great outlay secured them for six days more, which will positively be the only chance the citizens of Philadelphia will ever have of wittiesB - the Twins again on exhibition. In connection with the above, the Museum has added to its collection one of the largest Serpents ever teen in this country, having Just ArrlYud•from Africa. Also,the great freak ofnature, the Double- Headed Calf, which is in perfect health; with the Marble Seal from the Arctic Ocean, and a large Col lection of Living Animals and Birds; and over one hundred Stereopticon Views of the War. Hours of exhibition from 9 to 12, morning; 2 to 5, afternoon; 7 to 9, evening. • Admission, 25 cents. Children under ten years of age. Is cents, JUDUE INUALLS, se4qt* Proprietor, A CADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHEST A- 1 - NUT Street, above Tenth—Open from 9A. X. tin 6P. M. Benjamin West's great picture ci CHRIST REJECTED still on Exhibition. tell BOARDINQ. _ .. TTNITED STATES 110 TEL 413 CHESTNUT Street, is now open for first-class Permanent or Transient BOARDERS, at moderate Charges. Thls house has no bar. One large hand eom6ly ftlrnls►!ed chamber now `avant. audo-7f. DAY BOARD-WITH FIRST-OLASB DINNERS, at No. (SAIL south WASHINGTON &mare. 176-2m*s LOST AND FOUND. 0 ST-POLIO1 7 OF INSITHAMA No. 32,044, issued hy Franklin Firegnsurance Company in the name of Elizabeth Lye. The tinder will return the same to E. T. COXE, 524 WAL NUT Street, application having been made for a new olicv. sel-fm4t EXCURSIONS. ; GRAND .EXCURBION L. B. cOaiw gi•ra L°" nnANC34 ' GRAND EXCURSION TO LONG , BRANCH, ON gATVIIDAY' s September 5th,1864, LeaVilig Camden at 2 F. DI., and returning 94 MO day, arriving in Philadelphia at b A. M. Parties wishing to spend two nights and one day at the Sea-shore, should take advantage of the op portunity. Fare from Camden to Long Branch and return, $2. For information, inquire of set-7t' L. B. COLE, Agent, Camden. B aw e r OR LO }IC( A GRAND PLEASURE EXCURSION FROM PHILADELPHIA AND HADDONFIELD LONG ESRA.IN"Cia And return on WEDNESDAY, September 6th, 1865, leaving VINE-STREET Ferry at 8.30 A. M., ar riving at Long Branch at 11.05 A. M. Returning, leaves hong Branch at 4,60 r, iii,. ar riving at Camden at 8.40 P. Fare for the round trip, $1.60. Tickets for sale at the Office, on the wharf. The subscriber respect fully polleite your patronage. WM. - PLUM. sel-4t asupwi . FOR THE BEA. SHORE, A GRAND EXCURSION. AND PIC-NW TO ATIAANTI- 1 0' FOR COLORED PERSONS, EXOLDSIVELY, WILL TARR. PLAOF. ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER sth, 1883. FARE, WNW AND RETURNINU, $1,25. Children, under ten years of age, ea cents, Tickets for sale at the Railroad Mee, at the wharf, two hours before starting. Last boat leaves VINE Street at 8.30 A. IL This train will slop at Haddonfield and Ashland. COMMITTEE; OF ARRANGEMENTS. JAMS W. Purnell, I Thomas DOrseq, Henry JAnee, Joslitio )howl', A. M. Reilly, A. Burnarw. .1 1 set-3t 0. DAVIS, 4,,,- EXCURSIONS TO LONG BRANCH, _ Trains for Long Branch will leave COOPER'S POINT, Oannien, daily (Blintiay excepted) at %lb A. M. Pare, *2. Excursion Tirlieto, good f6P SIM days, II 5. B. COLE, Agent, sel•dtCamden. . _ aitsmaRA.RITAN AND DELA WARE BAY RAILROAD. TRAINS DISCONTINUED. On and after MO DAY A MMUST 28th, the train leaving Saturday's at 4.30 r. M. and *oat Long Branch Monday morning, will be discontinued. S. B. COLE, Agent, Camden. wq, FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SOAI4F.S, Adapted to every branCh Of business where correct and durable Scale is required. A uniform standard of weights, and a correct system of weighing, are subjects claiming the at tention of every _individual in tile community. A WORD OF CAUTION. Tian WELL-EARNED REPUTATION Or Times SCALES has induced the manufant a tie a rg e Wli o den of Imticyfgut and ciiesP have them as FAIRRANW sEA to I r a l a fi a pse i lk th ite r e o r oo4 a theriefore been sub) s andiWrther, o ther e i e n i anufacturers have Minty as seuerpteMtrifitheantdLlnly l a tt n ll 4 o fo secured rem e . 11 e services of valued from our establish ment. The BllbsCliberslave al u perpetrators I no controversy with honor ablerators of eaninetitors, roger di ng the above muds as pursuing . a. course alike ttilinct and dishonorable, they take. this method to caution the public against their imPOsitions. _ FAIRBANKS & EWR4 MASONIC! FALL, Philadelphia, L $• • $ it A. z "" e —Therefore, the nervous and debilitated should immediately use If.ITRAOT Ducuip. 104 Sottth TENTH Street. au2bitn TO SPORTSMEN.—PHILIP WILSON a CO., No. 409 CHESTNUT Street ffitll the attention of Sportsmen to our stook of FINE. GUMS of our own and best English makers. Also, , Elftes, Pistols, Skates., Cricket and Base-Ball Implements, powder, Shot, Wads, Claps, Flasks, Pouches, 40., at lowest prise& Repairing done In the beet manner. itnl7..tt ITELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUONU is pleasant in taste and odor. tree action. ll injurious properties,. and' immediate M its lAA Sou th TENTH tit se t. au234m BBN.TAMIN F. BLOOD ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, Haring been recently discharged from the arum has resumed the practice of the is and ha .Ing been appointed a COmmissioner of Deeds for the most of the States, by the Governors thereof, it au thorized to take depositions, acknowledgment of deeds, ha. to be used or recorded therein. Office, No. 014 CHESTNUT Street, Philadel phia, unt-tin A READY . AND CONCLUSIVE 'LEST of the properties of HRLAITIOLD , S FLUID EX TRACT BUCIIV WRI be ft COUARATIIIOII with th 011.9 let forth in the United States Ptspeasary. 104 south TraiTlt street.