o f ,C=ALNOTICES. • TII E NONPAREIL CIIRLINO IRON, w og the heater separated from the Curler, make! ihefatter light for bandliug, and removes all risk of being overheated or roughened by the action of iu ~,e tre . For sale with the regular kinds of curling t,,,' it , by TRUMAN & difiAW , bru • 835 (Eight pirly-tre) MAREET wreck below Ninth. It ( T AR; BOLTS PERMIT CHAMBER OR ~t h er doors to be slightly opened, and thus promote while they are as secure as other bolts. 1 . 300 ,, patterns of iron, for sale by TRUMAN k. cuA ir. No. 835 (Eight Thirty-five) M It ARKET wet, below Ninth. GRAY HAIR, OR WHERE THE HAIR IS P/: , C(WERY CAN costrArta wrrit THE - London Hair Color Restorer and Drefeengt." ,Londen,, "Role liniOr Restorer." Loudon" Discovered , b Hair Color Restorer. 19 .Imadon" "Hair Color Restorer.l , • London" "Hair Color Restorer." London' , Al Last. , 'Hair Color Restorer." 'London" "Hair Color RestorEr." arailAu that contaiiiS nO mineral Mb. A prep l a nces; that w in restore grayhair Without staining nythilig; sure to produce a new growth on hatd uots; cure dandruff, itching, scurf, any scalp "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing" wiled be the hand, same at a dressing, no wash te. preparation of any kind required; keeps the putt and luxuriant, scalp clean, cool, and Sold at DR. SWATNE'B, 330 N. SISTId „ r at, and all the leading Druggists and Fancy dealers. it For. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, THROAT, Ming diseases, Catarrh,Asthma,consult Doctor NOMffiZisEIBE, 1021' WALNUT St. au29•st` CONNUBIAL FELICITY AND BLISS—How ;v1:,: SHOULD BE TREATED.—Nothing Is more ceplible Of harm "from the storms of this rude ~rld.* than the delicate nature Of woman. The :hand remains hearty And robust in Malaita A n the frail and delicate wife droops like a My-handled sensitive plant. "The storm that ,ves the oak Unscathed uproots the flower." if ur wife is ailing, if sickness prostrates her, if ,a.rnal solicitude and care wear upon her, re ,aber you are the licarcn-appointv guardian of health. You should not fail to supply her with :iocies which will assist Nature in restoring her lull rigor. PLANTATI9): BITTERS are just the ,F.ne needs. Their effect in building up the ~;I , a, restoring the life forces to their original cresting new blood and adipose' matter, is lam;ierd. W26-at ITALL'S - HAIR RENEWER IR THE MOST r i,el preparation for the :hair ever offered to the .!,he. It is a vegetable compound, and contains injarions ingredients. It will restore gray hair origival color—will prevent the hair falling .I—and will promote Its growth. It is a splendid ,I*(irt,sing—eleansing the scalp, and making the sort. lustrous, and silken. R. P. HALL tit CO., Nashua. N. H.. Proprietors. ' au26-stuth3t DO YOU WANT A BEAUTIFUL I : 4IAD OF tnirt use RETROUTEY'S TURKISH BANDO- I.NIaN. 1)0 you want handsome Curls, Puffs, and Water- Us.e RETROUVEY'S B ANDOLEICIAN. -'voar flair dry and harsh? Use RETROUVEY'S OJOLENIAN, 1- your Hair turning gray? 1150 BETROVVEIPS - - Mr you troubled with Dandruff and Scurf? Use .ETROUVEY , S BANDOLENIAS. 1, your Hair falling out? Use RETROUVET'S !AN-DOLE-SIAN. tio you want your Whiskers and 'Moustache beau 'at. Oft. Rlld gbaSay? "Use RETROUVEYIS RAN• Po yell want the most exquisite and delightful reparation for the Hair? Ilse the RET/lOUNST ANDOLENIAN. - NETROUVEY , S TURKISH BANDOLENIAN AIT: TONIC AND BEAUTIFIES , cleanses the opens the Pores. stimulates the Scalp to a tA:thy action, thereby producing a healthy growth :An:aural color. it contains no Lead, Iron, Sulphur, or other me substance, which are the components of most otter preparations which profess to color the si It is purely Vegetable, the Extract of many lowen.: and Herbs of delightful perfume, and ,a,i,trady put up, an Indispensable and orna ial addition to the Toilet. F"r ,ale by Druggists and Perfumers everywhere, ,Ibeiesale _ . _ .IMINSTON,HOLLOWAY, 3: COWDEN principal Pepot for United States and Canathis, JAMES PALMER Sc CO., No. 439 MARKET Street, and{-thq u3l Philadelphia. WHY NOVUSE THE BEST ?- r r twenty years' increasing demand has esta .Aca the fact that MATILEWS' VENETLAA :AIR DYE is the best in the world.- It is the cheap the most reliable, and most convenient. Corn -I.U: in one bottle. Does not require any pre . . preparation of the huff. No trouble. No ~vo.fr stain. Does not rub off or make the hair se dusty and dead, but imparts to it new life ;, bdre. Produces a beautiful black or brown, preferred. A child can apply it. Always gives I:,lntiou. Only 71 cents per bottle. Sold every :ere. A. L MATHEWS, Manufacturer. N. Y. I/ERAS BARNES CO...Nevr York, "alastuthum Wholesale Agents. Two BAD CASES OF PILES CURED BY Z. STINGELANIPS PILE REMEDY. Mr. Glass, .lamescille, Wisconsin, writes for tae benefit of , who offer with the Piles, that he has been aided for elghtyears with an agOavated ease of 2r5, and his brother was discharged from the army incurable, (he being quite paralyzed with the t.r..l Both these distressing cases were cured with 7 s.:(atie of Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy. The ~, , ,,n,adation of these gentlemen, WOitiO tile nitimonials received by Dr. Strickland, ongt convince those suffering that the most aggro r.cd chronic cases of Piles are cured by D 1 nekland'S Pile Remedy. It Is sold by Drugglel teryithere." jyl-stuth-3m I EYE, EAR, AND CATARRH SUCCESSEHLTY rated by J. ISAAC'S, M. D., Oculist and Aurist 9 PINE Street. Artificial eyes inserted. N Arze for examination. aitl7-tf ITCH. (WITIZATOIVII) ITCH. ILT RHEUM. (OINTMENT) SALT RHEUM f cure the Itch in forty-eight hours. Also care it Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruption the Skin. Price, BR cents. By sending 60 cents ti tEIIS dt POTTER, BOSTON, Mass., will be for rued tree by mail. For sale by all Druggists. tailut Tr PRICES REDUCED. WANAMAKER Sc BROWN. Popular House, HALL, $. E. cor. SIXTH and IIIARKE' DIED. 11(11ELL.—At his residence, in Montgomer the morning of the 20th inst., - Jame long a resident of this City, aged 6i year; Wednesday morning, 10 o'clOsiti Tn t. train, from Third and Thompson, iii friends to AbingtOn Station,wliere carriage sleet them. ' I.I CIiALL.-00 the 26th instant, Lizzie Ma ve,i daughter of Jeremiah and Mary Quieksall sth year of her age. ttlititeb and friends of the family are rE ;1:11y fuvlted to attend the funeral. from tb : , s , e of her father, J. Quicksall. No. 104 unit h Frankfort, on Tuesaay afternoon, the Dt Etc. td 3 o'clock. To proceed to Cedar -11111 Ct I "Mrol:r .—On the 26th inst., Sarah C. Comfort year of her age. i. ,. .l..:attves and friends of the family are 11 invited to attend the Amoral, withot ?row t.h•• residence of liar hosbane, 4 :w:don - , In ' Bristol, Bucks eouuty, o the 29th'inst. 'Co meet at 10A. X. :.k•i.l;..—tin Friday, inStant, Mrs. Agu( r. au...174 yea Ts. _ . _ _ _ mauves and friends of the family are rt ihvited to attend her funeral, on Tuesda ``'.'Rh inst., at 10 o'clock, from the res ton William Fraser, East Walni , 111.111 W, R.VV . fur I .Y6lllltE.—Suildenly, on the night - of tb >lot. John Derbyshire, in the 44th year of hi %TS and male friends are respectfully i tend foneral, from his late resident Hill, on Third-day afternoon next, 2.9 nt three o'clock. Interment at Lane r, 'WN:IEN I).—On the 25th. inst. 3 Miss Agnes Par " 4,1 4. adopted daughter of the late Samna the 28th year of her age. i , hdions aud friends of the family are n itlyitvil to attend the funeral, from hi • o. 8 Girard avenue, west of Frani on Wudnesday Au oust 20 at 9 o'cloi meters% " 1 "f 'l ' Ce. In proceed to Laurel York and Balthnore papers please copy.] York Sunday, the 27th inst., Ann Igest daughter of Peter and Catharine 3 i , tr. Due notice will be given of the rum 01 113AZINE13.—A NEW STOCK . Lbgn,di and French Bombazines, hist opene. Warp Cashmeres. BESSON & SOI ' r, i l c4 Store, 91.8 CHESTNUT Street. nal LACK KID GLOVES.—"JOUVIN A r'b•." "Widow Jouviall and "Alexandre' best quality Kid Gloves, just received & SON, Mourning Store, 918 CHESTNI ait2 590 YARDS LUPIN'S FRENC: mERINoEs. ; , :aFes dark assortment. ~: u- e s medium aceortment. I ease MA colors. U.Se. all-wool Plaids. I " 4 5 Rep Cashmeres. EY - ILE 86 LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH, OFFICE OF THE CITY TEE , sc ER, PHILADELPHIA, Auguat !'.:11•11LET LAWS OF 1865 are now read ~1 :- 8 6. at this (Mee. HENRY 131111151, City TrelLSUrer. OFFICE OF TUE CONSITMER AIUTUAL COAL COMPANY, Street. a 2. bOUtil . I : L j i •".Y EVENING, 31st luSt., at L :tt uort j rtt of Trade Room, No. OA Cher 24 story. The attemlanee of eve , t , Mter is of the utmost. importance.. Ist' H. W. GRAY, Clxatrman. r COTTER FARR OIL COMPANII , er the SCOTT of the gtec , l or the C'OTTER FARM OIL COMPAN at the office or the Company, WaShini 274 South THIRD street,on THUR. o'clock ~for tp l e d el a e l l "Suites. Stoultbeteters Itre y t i tti r ite ' sted t retsibts for etuuk to be exclouito4 ts Secretary. AT A MEETING OF THE STOCI HOLDERS of the GLOBE OIL COMP AN' ilas day. an Assessment of FIVE CENTS Pk I:E was levied. 'payable on the 30th inst. J. J. Sli ARPLESS, Treasurer. p:st 23, 1865. ate34-tbstu3t* OFFICE OF THE TARR AR] .SCUTT FARM OIL COM2A.NY, No, 205, -NUT Street, Room No. 2, Friu.kmmeirrA, 2fith Amaust,lB6o. !ir;t annual meeting of the Stockholders 'f, 9l nyany wlll he held at their office, on WEI eth September next, at 12 o'clock M. GE°. 0. BEACH, Secretary. DIVIDEND NOTICE. °Frit ?of the MAPLE KRAUT. OIL COMPANI ..4.1 wALNIUT street, PHILADELPUIA, Al 4I- / 08 4.--The Board of Directors have tills da ' I N a dividend of POUR PER CENT. ou CI 1..' st oat payable on and after the 30th, Oleg ,i,i.. taxes. The Transfer Books will close c ~i, at 31 %M., and open on the am. . -6 t THOS. R. SEARLE, Secretary. _ _ _ . N TOCILHOLDERS' MEETING.- blteclal Itleeting of the Stocitholders of ti [11• 1 !TON OIL AND MANDFACTURIN I.:'stlY will be held at their °Mee, No. 4l rg ,•, 1 ' Street, on TUESDAY, August nth, at / 4 • Punctual attendance to reinote ,importance will be presentee. • , 7 4 1 of the Board of Directors. J. V. EQWELLiliecretatr, INOOXX TAX COLLECTOR'S 'OFFICE, S. Internal Revenue, FIRST DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, No. 301 CHESTNUT STREET. To the Residents of the First Cougresatonal District of Pennag/vanta, embracing the second, Third, Fourth , FErth, Sixth, anti Seventh Wards! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the income Lists, (including Carriages, Yachts, Billiard Ts,- bles, Gold and Silver Plate,) for the year ending December 31, 1884, have been received at this office, and payment it hereby demanded of the same. If not paid on or before the FIFTH DAY OP BEP TEMB:ER, MS, a penalty of TEN PEA OENTUDi will be Imposed on all delinquents. J. D. STOKES. DEPUTY COLLECTOR au2B-tocs OFFICE OF THE HABRISBIIEO, PORTSMOtinI i _NOUNT JOY, AND LAN CASTER RAILROAD uOMFANY. PHILADELPH Stockholders' 1865. The Annual Meeting or the of the Company will be beld-on FRIDAY, September 1 1865, at 11 o'clock A. 'M. ' at the corner of THIRD Street and WILLING'S Alley, at which time an Election for Directors will be neld, to serre for the ensuing . ' year. . GEORGE TABER, au2B-9t. Secretary. D COAL AND IM• BIPANY. PROVECUMMEAT C BER 01 LAII CAPITAL STOCA. 200,Q00 SHARE .31 Mee 0. Nl,lB So% DIAN°, 44, IS, AT SS EACHOOO,OOO.. th FOURTH Street'. .1.01 q! 1 y lvegter J. Diegargev, Tatlowjaellson, Price I. Patton, Thomas H. Rickert. ie Smith. Et J. MEHARHEE. •er, A.LBERT R. SOHO auIO-tf Joseph Lesley, Robert H. Beatty, Albert D. Boileau, Edward H. Faulkner, A. Eugen President, BYLVESTE Secretary and Treasur FIELD RO FF AD OI COMPA EO NY. E PNNSYLVANIA RAIL. rar PHILADELPHIA, August 15, 1555. The Mortgage Bonds of the Connecting Railway Company, between the station of the Pennsylvania Railroad Companyin West Philadelphiaand Frank ford, a distance of seven miles, can be obtained at this Office, No. 238 South THIRD Street. These bonds are in sums of one thousand dollars, with interest coupons attached payable at said office on the 15th day of March andSeptemberin each year, at the rate of six per centum per annum, and the principal payable in five equal annual amounts, at the rate of MOOOO pefannum—the first series on September 15, A. 1500. The principal and interest are secured by a mortgage for one million of dollars upon all the railway and property of the company, and are guaranteed by the Pennsylvania Railroad CoMpany. These bonds are made free of State taxes by the Company. The railway is being constructed in the most sub stantial manner, and will be completed during the ensuing year. This road perfects- the connection between the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York lines via Philadelphia, and becoming, as it will, the main channel of communication between New York and the West, as well as to and from the National Capital,. will always obtain large reve nuea, and be one of the most important railways of the Onion. Mader a contract with the Philadelphia and Tren ton - Railroad Company, that company leases the road of the Connecting Railway Company', and agrees to pay an annual rent for sea years of six per centum upon the cost of the road, clear of taxes. These bonds are therefore recommended as a drst class security. For further information apply_at the office of the Company. THOMAS T. FIRTH, aurr-lm Treasurer. 117" OFFICE OF THE LOCIIST MOI7N TAM COAL AND LRON COMPANY, EVILADELPIIIA, August 17, 80. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of this Company, held this day, a Dividend of THREE AND A HALE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, clear of State Tax, was declared, payable to the Stockholders or their legal representatives on and after the 28th inst. The Transfer Books will be closed until Mk 11151. aulS4ot EDWARD ELY, Treasurer. litgr WOTICE.-T II E PENNSYLVA• NIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. AUGUST 28, 1865. The Annual Meetin of the Stockholders of the PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY will hC held at their Odice on MONDAY, the 4th day of September next, at 10 0 4 eloalt A. ltL. when an election will be held for nine Directors, to serve for the ensuing year. WM. G. CROWELL, an2s-tae4 Secretary. FINANCIAL. OFFICE FOR THE SALE OF ter.'. 17414.0kA • Db. IA tat 00074116.1,1 No. 114 a. THIRD STREET. JAY COOKIE St CO., BANKEICS AND BROKERS, Offer for sale, at lowest market rates, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AS FOLLOWS U.S. 7.80 Treasury Notes of date'of Aug. 15, 1861. Do. do. do. June 15, 1865. Do. do. do. July 15,1865. BONDS OF un. 5-20 LOAN OF 1862. 5-20 LOAN OF 1864 . . ' 10-40 LOAN OF 1864. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. STOCKS OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Information given concerning all kinds of Secu rities. Collections on all points made id tweet rates. an24-tial ' CUIitTAIN GOODS. I . E. WALRA,VEN, MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNUT STREET, HAS LUST RECEIVED FULL LINE OF LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, ENTIRELY NEW AND RICH DESIGNS, AT REDUCED RATES PINK, WHITE AND BLUE MOSQUITO BAILS WITH. PATENT UMBRELLA. FRAMES, ALL SIZES, READY FOR USE. WINDOW SEIADE_S. OF THE LATEST PATTERNS. PIANO COVERS, (► CHOICE ASSORTMENT. MILITARY. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —Wanted for the 'UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, able-bodied MEN. Splendid 'lnduce manta held out to all entering the Marine Corm; glorious opportunity to visit foreign countries; good pay, excellent accommodations, light and easy duties. For all further information inquire at the Recruit ing Rendezvous, No. 311 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia, between A . M. and BP. M. every day, except Sunday. CHARLES HEYWOOD, Captain and Recruiting Conies*. COAL. BUY YOUR WINTER SUPPLIES NOW—Lowest Price for the Season.—Genuine i Eagle Vein COAL. equal, LP not superior, to Lehigh. , Egg and Stove sizes, 48; Large Nut, ata. Try ft. i You will be sure to be pleased. Office, 121 South FOURTH Street, below Chestnut. Depot, 1419 • CALLOWHILL Street, above Broad. Jr22-3m ELLIS BRANSON. i R NOWLE B' LEHIGH, HICKORY; " and inn. COAL at reduced prices. es OM and Yard, NINTH and WILLOW MO. jyl4-aje C 0 A L . 7 -SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain, from Schuviltin,nrepared expressly f AV l AAirStr i enr. t 'O 'N flicer4. or a O. SECOND Street. (9.115-tf] J. WALTOwit TO MANUFACTURERS OF eivirmoN, FLAX, AND JVIE• WILLIAM HIGGINS & SONS, filiUF iitaTIREMS OF COTTON, AND Jup.E. MACHINERY, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND. Mit. JAMES HIGGINS (one of the firm) is at present in the States, and would be glad to commu nicate with any iirm requiring Machinery of the above description. Address, "Care of R. GARSED Imo, Frank ford, Plsßadelptda." au2a-6t GARDEN & CO, _MANUFAC- N-i• TUBERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, FURS, BONNETS, STRAW GOODS, RIBBONS', .ke., No. 600. and 602 'MARKET atroot. The largest:and most complete stock, the,best terms and the Dust prices, Country merchants and the trade supplied. auSgati FISHER'S SELF-SEALING FRUIT CANS. Every housekeeper 'ln the city and country should use this excellent Can. It is the most eon. yenlent and reliable Can in use, and gives entire satisfaction wherever Introduced. AM sealed In an instant; by booking and spring. Inns clamping a tin cap over and around the opening. and pressing ii upon a ring of cemented paper. The cement in the paper wells by the beat of the fruit,and as theprees ing continues the fruit cools, and the sealing is per fect. The cap is unfastened by Unhooking the spring and running main knife around under the cemented paper. Please call and examine this Cart, at J. hichIUTVPRIEFP , 8013 SPRING f} DEN Street, jyl2-2mif Philadelphia. A BEADY AND CONCLUSIVE TEST A or tile properties of ERLAIROLD'S FLUID'EX .= TRACT BIICU - o - will be s corn_pariseri *HA thoEle set 'forth in the rutted States Dispensary. 104 Saab TBkra giticctm • - WHIM SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & 00., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY G-0013S, Non. 220 M*d 241 North Third Street. PRILADELPEI/A. Cloths, Prints, Cassimeres, Delaines, Sattinetts, Alpacas, Jeans, Fancy Dress GOOdS, Cottonades, , Brown and /Mooched Meetings, Denims, Brown and /leeched Shirting% Stripes,Omish Chambras, Checks Omish Tweeds, Ginghams, Flannels, Diapers, Linens, FURNISHING GOODS, • wiliTIC GOODS, . • au.23.3m. - NOTIONS, &e., itc. FALL. 1885. EDMUND' YARD .Sr- CO., 617 Chestnut and 614 Jayne Sts,, IMPORTERS AND ; TOSSERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, LINENS, WHITE GOODS AND BALMORALS. DEALERS IN AMERICAN DRESS GOODS, GERMANTOWN VAINCY SV<>ol_. C43013E;. 13ALMORALS, AT THE LOWEST MARKET' RATES. auS4m • WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. 1866. FALL 1865. JAS. B. CAMPBELL & CO., 727 CHESTNUT . STREET, Invite the attention of Cash Buyers at wholesale to their stock of FRENCH, BRITISH, AND AMERICAN DRY tii.003)15, Which, for extent, variety, and general adapta tion'to the Wants'of the trade, is unrivalled. SILKS, MERINOES, POPLINS, EPINGLINES, TARTAN PLAIDS. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, BALMORALS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, and BRADFORD GOODS. Package Buyers supplied with scarce and desira ble goods at and under market rates. WHOLESALE ROOMS VP STAIRS. 5u26-tf RETAIL DRY GOODS. NEW FALL DRY GOODS, FROM LATE IMPORTATIONS AUCTION SALES IN NEW YORE AND PHILADELPHIA, To which tbe attention of Wholesale and Retail buyers is invited. - . CIIRWRX STODDART BROTHER, Nos. 150. 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, FROM LATE AUCTION SALES. CHOICE COLORS FRENCH MERINOS, at SI.SS and $1.50. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 451-North SECOND Street, au29 Above Willow. BL.ANKFATB, BLA.NKETS, BLANHETO, Just from the Mills, of all sizes and grades. 'Hotel keepers, Merchants, and Housekeepers supplied at the lowestprices. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, auD !Above. Willow. SATIN PLAID CHALLIES, Just opened, at moderate prices. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 152, and 451 North SECOND Street, au29 . Above Willow. FATAL GOODS FOR MEN'S AND BOYS' SWEAR.—Broadcloth, Cassimeres, and Vestings—in daily receipt of new and desirable styles. CURVE STODDART ,ft BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, aLW Above Willow. A LL -WOOL CASIIMEIrE PLAIDS, At.Reilueed Priem at CHRWEN STODDART & BROTHER'S, Nos. 450, 4-52, awl 454 North SECOND Street, au29 Above Willow. WE_ARE SELLING THE SAME IBLNKETS for $0.75 a pair that we sold last year for *l2. We are selling the same Blankets for $6.75 per pair that other stores are now selling for ro. We have every make and quality of Blanket made. all at near half last year's prices. We have extra . sizes and qualities of Blankets such as are not usually kept. Also, Cradle and Crib Blankets. Parties wishing Blankets may save $5 per pair by buying of us at once. - Comfortables_, very beam; 44.10, Marseilles quilts, ete. R. D. &W. 11. PBS NELL, 102/ MARE.'II . 2 St.,below,Elerenth. au2B4t BLANKETS. -A FIVE-POUND ELAN NET FOR $5. I ease heavy, all-wool for 0.75. .5 eases extra, heavy large, $9. 3 eases nue extra size, 1410. cases - 6plendid (manor—from $l2 to $l5. STllKWltittnerF. Re CO., Northwest cor. EIGHTH and MARKET. au26-sto that kg, FOR A GOOD WIDE BLACK UP Ao BILK. Neat plaid fancy Silks. $1.75. Double-faced t blank figured, SAM: liandsoinewide Poniards—great bargain—V.sa Irish Poplins—newest style plaids—V.7s. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE .t CO., Northwest con. of EIGHTH' and MARKET. - 5n CTS. FOR LUPIN'S ALL-WOOL ‘..„ DE LAINES. 1 case Lupin's Merinoes, $1.26. / ease 5-fLupiu's Meriuees, &L5O - case superb quality Merinoes, *1.75. 1 case Lupin's flue Rep Poplins ~$1.25. J. C. STRAWBRIDUE is CO., Northwest cor. of EIGHTH and MARKET. RUSSIA GENUINE, CRASH, 25' 28, 31 CENTS. A good table Linen, 6236 and 700., " • ID-4 Linen Sheeting., $1.23. " 10-9 Cotton Sneetinggs, $1 and OAS. New York 2,11115, Wintamsville, Ml'ammtta. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & Northwest cor. EIGHTH and MARKET. $3• 60 FOR HONEY - COMB BRIDAL QUILTS. , • Colored and white Marseilles Quilts. Marseilles crib Quilts, cradle Blankets. Fruit Cloths, wine Cloths, fruit Doylies. Two bales all-wool Flannels, 45c. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., Northwest nor. EIGHTH and MARKET. 7 OH& - gBF.13.8 NO. 810 ARCJH • Street. Novelties in Lace Goods opening Daily. Valencienne Laces; all widths. - Thread Veils, new designs, Thread Collars. ' Empress Collars, ill Pointe de Gaze. rointe Applique, Valenciennq, &c., &e. • (..rochet. Edgings. Cambric Ed - ginign and Insertions. a1124-6t Marseilles for Dresses and Basques. BLANKETS --ENTIRE NEW STOCK, LOW PRICES._ Medium and line Blankets: borne extra cheap lots, go and 4110. Fine Crib Blankets; Horseßlankets. Honeycomb Quilts; wide, heavy Sheetings. Shaker Flannels, finest goods, tit and $l.lO. Best quality Canton Flannels; 'Fickings. D EL Linen Diapers, $2.25, N $2.50, S s3, and $3.50., &C. AIE 107 pieces new Delathes, 35 and 37 etc. lit pieces new prints, best makes, only 28 tc4scts Daily opening new dress goods. Black dress goods stock complete. COO & COWARD, ' S. E. eor. NINTH and MARHAT Streets. H STEEL & SON, Nos. 713 & 715 ALA-• North TENTH Street, are now offering great bargains in KUMMER DRESS GOODS. Dress Goods of all kinds at reduced prices. Shawls of all.kinds at reduced prices. Domestics of all kinds at redlibed prices. Linen Goods of all kinds at reduced prices. Iyards wide English Cashmeres, Fall colors, $l.. SILKS OF ALL KINDS AT LOW PRICES. CHEAPEST BLACK SILKS IN THE CITY. Just opened 1 ease of lloyle's beat quality 4-9 Eng lish Chintzes, double purples, at 505. aul2 PLAIN BUFF, PINK, AND BLUE PEECALLES or French Chintzes. Plainkuff, pink, and blue Jaconets. Pure White Shetland Shawls. White Shirred Muslims. Plaid and gtritlo. Naingooks. Plain Nalll6ooliV 3 Swiss Muslin, Combries, &c. Fine lead-color Linens. Frosted or Crape Poplins for travelling dresses. single and double width plain De Lollies. EDWIN HALL & CO., RS South SECOND.Street. le n of cow.B.- tum. mer A OAS Goods closing, out regard je2o-tf 628 H R0p2.1° , 5 F- (W I M ' AKE OF . 628 HOOP SKIRTS are manufactured of the best woven tapes, finest tempered English Steel Springs, with linen iinielittl etlTring, clasped at the side, all the metallic. fastenings, and secured by improved nt. chinery, which entirely prevents slipping and Pe coming unclasped, rendering them superior to all other Skirts In the market.• AU tile new and desira ble styles, sizes, and lengths for ladies, misses, and children. On hand and made to order, wholesale and retail. Warranted to give satisfaction, at 638 ARCH Street. 3y28-im• p AOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. MILLER & BURLOCK,_ MAN UFAC TUBERS OF PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Nos. 1102 and 1104 SANSOM St., Philadelphia, 011br to the trade the most complete and extensive assortment of Photograph Albums, comprising over three hundred varieties of the latest styles and most beautiful patterns with a great variety of clasps and ornainence, they are unsurpassed in beauty and durabbity by any in the market, and sold at less than the general average prices. Satisfaction guaranteed or the money refunded. A liberal die count to dealers. Catalogues mailed to any address without charge. POCKET BIBLES AND POCKET TESTAMENTS, WITH PSALMS IN METRE. Miller & Buriock's superior and well-known Pearl Bible, also their Pearl Weetament, in various styles uf binding, for sale on liberal terms, at Nos. 11.0R1 and 11104 4S SANS= St.,Phlladelphia. au2.-w&dlm 11)11ORGA.N, ORR,- & CO., STEAM EN- Aza. giammin,DEßS, Iron lErninders. and Gene. Miehinlsts and Boller Mere, No. LU9 1.99111161+ Stott% Ctiliracitiii" teSt4t. THE PRESS.=PHILADELPHIA: THE HERO'S OWN STORY. '6ZIMIAL SHERMAN'S Official Account of his Great March, with a De fence of his Proceedings, &c. Price, 50 cents. THE STORY OF THE GREAT MARCH, by Major Nichols. Illustrated. STANDISH—A Story of Our Day. A'new Novel. Paper covers, 75 eents. TANCHNITZ EDITION of British Atithors. A full supply now receiving. Price, 75 cents volume. Contains all the newest and best novels. Catalogues furnished free. ASELMEAD & EVAN'S, au29-tutlffit No. 724 CHESTNUT Street. NEW MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. - 1 - 1 WRITINGS OFJAMES MADISON. 9vols.Bvo. WATT'S DICTIONARY OF CHEMISTRY. 3 vols. Bvo. BEADEIS SAVAGE AFRICA. aro. DISCOVERYOF THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. By Captain Speke. •StAMBERRY , S CENTRAL ASIA. MILL'S POLITICAL ECONOMY. 2 VolS. All New and Standard Books. For side by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, 104 NO. 35 South SIXTH Street. KILPATRICK AND OUR CAVALRY. With an account of the Cavalry Raids and En gif :mu surrender ta r b ,s egruill" a gf the Rebellion to THE STORY OF GENERAL SHERMAN'S GREAT MARCH THROUGH THE SOUTH. By Maior Nichols. Moo. ottRISTIAN'S MISTAKE. By the author of "John Halifax." 12MO. ARNOLD'S ESSAYS AND CRITICISMS. I2mo. PHILIP IN PALESTINE• A Book of Boy Travel. By M. A. Edwards. All the new books received as soon as published and for sale by JAMES S. CLAXTON, (Successorto W. S. & A. Martien,) aule 606 CHESTNUT Street. FALL. BAGS I BAGS I BAGS I NEW AND SECOND-HAND. EILANizos, BURLAP, AND GUNNY BAG S • FLOUR AND SALT ORD E R LL SIZES, PRINTED TO BY JOHN T. BAILEY ec CO. JI2S-6m Noe-113 NORTH FRONT STREET. HAZARD t 9; HUTCHINSON, AGENTI3 Fon max BALI?. OP 'WILLIAM BROCKIE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 101 WALNUT. Street, Philadelphia, Will continue the Commission business of the late Srm of THOMAS RICHARDSON & CO. Advances made on PRODUCE consigned to RICH ARDSON, SPENCE, & CO., LIVERPOOL and to correspondents in LONDON, BELFAST, and GLASGOW. AtICIIPI t 1885, ant-lmif ir O. MATHEWSON, GENERAL COM- U3IISIION PRODUCE BROKER AND FOR WARDING MERCHANT, No. 285 BROAD Street, AUGUSTA, Georgia, at the old stand of the late Srms of T. P. Stovall & co., Stovall, McLaughlin, & Co.„ and G. B. McLaughlin, & Co., Will give his prompt and personal attention to the purchase and sale of Cotton, Domestic Goods, Sugar, Bacon, Lard, Grain, Flour, Rope, Bagging, and merchandise generally. Having. the agency of several - first-class Cotton Mills I am prepared., at all times, to supply orders for Darns, 011eCtingi Skirtings, Oslimbitrgs, Drills, Jeans, dm. With extensive FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES, can furnish secure Storage, andlgive prompt atten tion to Merchandise and Prod ce consigned to me for forwarding in any direction. au23-3m nu, MINING, COAL AND OTHER •-• COMPAIhES. We are prepared to furnish New Corporations with all the Books they require, at short notice and low prices, of first quality. All styles of Binding. STEEL PLATE CERTIFICATE OF STOOL LITHOGRAPHED 2. TRANSFER BOON. ORDERS OF TRANSFER. STOCK LEDGER. STOCK LEDGER BALANCES. REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOCK. BROKERS , PETTY LEDGER. ACCOUNT OF SALES. DIVIDEND BOOK. MOSS (SG GO BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS AND STATIONERS. se2l-tf 435 CHESTNUT Street. REMOVAL. J. ,TOLLIVET. LADIES' HAIR DRESSER, Formerly at No. 1819 Chestnut street, informs his friends and customers that he has removed to NO. 224 South NINTH Street, (Four doors above Locust street,) Where he intends to keep an extensive assort ment of fine FRENCH FLOWERS, HAIR WORK, PERFUMERY, &c. He would also state that Ike has just received the latest style of Front Curls, 'Plaits, Waterfalls, Svc. au2l.-T2t. ite REMOVAL. P. B. LOFT'S, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, Formerly at No. 140 North Thirteenth street, in• forms his numerous friends and customers that he has removed to where he intends to open with a tine and well se lected assortment of WATCHES and JPAVELRY. Above Willow Everything in his line will be found of a superior quality anil workmanship, and every article war. ranted as represented. Particular attention given to repairing line Watches. Jewelry made to order repaired. He solicits a continuance of the liberale patronage bestowed in his old store by former customers, and asks the favor of the public generally. aul2-lm REMOVAL.—BENEDICT MILLER, UMBRELLA and PARASOL Manufacturer btu removed to 39 North 'SIXTH Street. jy27-emir pEMOVAL.-GEO. W. WATSON '@ AL , . CO. have removed their CARRIAGE, REPOSI TORY to their old place, No. 1219 CRESTNIPI Street (ender Concert 'Hall,) where,they will keep 3 stock of Carriages of their own make, and will re. ceive orders for every description of first-algal work. • JUNE 7.1E86. je7-3tn MT 111 TE PRESERVING BRANDY PURE CIDER AND WINE VINEGA.R. GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD SEED, SPICES, dzo. All the requisitg,s for Preserving and Pickling purposes. an2e-tf Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. ESTATE OF CIIARLtS MASSEY, JR., DECEASED. Letters Testamentary ppon the Estate of CHARLES 'MASSEY, JR., deceased, late of the city of Philadelphia, having been granted to the undersigned, all. persons Innebted to the estate are requested to make payment, anti those having claims or demands topresent them without delay to ANNA E. MASSEY, Executrix. LAMBERT R. - MASSEY, ALEXANDER L. MASSEY, 5 n112941161.* No. 712 ARCH Street. % LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION ON -a-. the Estate of BENJAMIN SUPLEE, deceased, having teen granted to the subscribers by tile Re gister of Whit of the city of Philadelphia, all per sons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment. and those having claims against the same to present them without delay to WM. SIJPLEE, FIFTY-THIRD St. and WASHINGTON Avenue, 29th ward, N. It. SUPLEE No. 3527 ARCH Street, an2RNtuar Administrators. E STATE OF PRESTON W. RUSSELL, M. D. deceased. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY upon the Estate of PRESTON W. RUSSELL, M. D.,_deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all, persons in debted to said estate are requested to make pay nient, and those having claims to present them without Octal- to Rev. JOHN R. DALES. D. D., 1628 FILBERT St.; or to his attorney, SAIIMEL DICKSON, 32 South THIRD St. auB-tu6t* TN THE ORPHANS ' COURT FOR THE I N CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of THOMAS HEWITT, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, set tle and adjust the account Of MARIA DEF. TIERS, Executrix of THEOBALD F. TIERS. who was Ad d. b. n. C. t. a. Of THOMAS HE WlTT,deccaslat, and to make dilstribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant will meet the parties interested fur the purpose of his appointment,- on MONDAY, August 2S. 180.5, at 11 o'clock A. M., at his office, No. LIS S. SIXTH. Street. in the city of Philadelphia. au2R-stuth-5t E. WALLACE, Auditor. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application has been made to the Fire Associa tion for the renewal of POLICY OF INSURANCE No. 20,422. for 62,600, issued June 6,.1353 to CHRIS TIAN SCLINITZEL, which has been LOST OR MIS- J AID. information thereof will be received by aue-tuth.vt* THEIFIRE ASSOCIAT FRUIT JARS-THE EUREKA GLASS - 11 - FRUIT JARS.—The only Jar that can be flood ed, and thereby ejecting every particle of air, and the only Jar that can be opened by the simple touch Of the finger, For sale by ALFRED P. PHIPPS. Sole Agent, No.lol North THIRD 'Street. And at the following places: Nos. 123, 247, 411 N. Second street: Nos. 330, 522, 615 S. Second street; Nos. 613, 1431, 1640, 3100,3026, 3900 Market street; Nos. 1001, 1384, 1403 Ridge avenue; and throughout' the city. and State. - atl29-815 UNITED STATES ANNUAL TAXES •-• ARE NOW DUE. OFFICE DEPUTE COLLECTOR /NT. REVENUE, FIFTH COLLECTION DISTRICT, PA., MALE STREET AND CIIELTON AVENUE GERMANTOWN, Philadelphia. Notice is hereby given,That the Annual Col lection Likts have been T4elYedi end the Taxes are now due and pa able. The Annual List in 'etudes the tax on licenses, incomes, carriages, watches, musical Instruments, plate, and yachts. It is generally known that a personal notice can not begiven to every taxpayer.- The law specially prescribes the mode of 110 the e —viz., by advertise ment In one newspaper, and implications to be post ed up tp four public places. Persons residing to the Twenly-seeond and Taw ty.fifth wards will make payment at this office. Those residing 11l the Twenty-third ward will make payment to THOMAS S. POULKROD„Deputy Col lector, PRANKFORD Street, Frankford. This Annual Talk is by law payable on or before the 30th day of June in each year : but as the Tax Lists for this year were unavoidably delayed, tile day 'fixed for Ibis District as the latest day upon which It may be paid without liability to penalty is the 26th day of August, 1865. WILLIAM H. MILLER, Deputy Collector, Fifth District, Germantown. July 29,1865.:., ly2e-satutlit-ffit BALES COTTON WICK .JUST 500 received. Also, full stock of Cotton Yarns, Carpet Chain, &c., at lowest market price. , • ROWE, EUSTON & CO., 81115 ' 151 and 1.59 North THIRD Street. IIEAD—PARTIES OR INDIVIDUALS have taken photographs of public, buildings, anrebea, and residences; by applying to D. F. NEMER, Photographer. Ciallery,624 ARCH Street.' CARD PHOTOGRAPHS-12 FOR $1.25, tinely executed, anti tastefully finished, on cards Saadi; fQr WIMPS; Plat the thing for seholaneto exenangs with vtifi.smatcs. 111.113rElt.g, RELNI:IND Street, above Green. it* CARTES DE VISITE-LTHOSE BEAU- Wiz I and ever-popular styles of photogra_ph like nesses are executed in tine styles, at B. F. REI.- MEWS, 624 ARCH Street. See specimens at the Gallery. ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CON STITUTIONS, of both sexes, use lIELMROLD'S EXTRACT BCCRG• It will give brisk and ener•etic feelings. and enable you to sleep well. 104 South TENTH Street. 11 R ICE & LONG, FULTON WORN% 1240 REACH STREET, Engineers, Machl7lllo, BOW titn4cr4 , l and Car Builders. Tanks of every description made to order. BOle Agents forLones Marine Salluometers.mylB-ly TTELMBOLD , S .EVITACT BUCHU giVeS health and vigor to the frame, and bloom to the pallid cheek. Debility Is• accompanied by Many alarniiiig symptoms, and ifno treatment Is submitted to, colwanuptlon _ insanity, or epileptic fits ensue. 104 nOuth TENTH Street. au2a4m THE GLORY OF.MAN IBATRENGTH -i-,—Thcfrefore,lhe.nervcids and debilitated should IrlimedlatelpLime 'reactSsobbie EXTRACT OUCTIV. /041 k z I &MINA NEW' PEBIEICATIONN COMMISSION HOUSES. PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, us CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, AND 103 READS STREET, NEW YORK. je23-6m REMOVALS. No. 61 North EIGHTH Street, GROCERIES. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALERS IN. FINE GROCERIES, LEGAL. TUESDAY, ATTGUST 29. 1865: EDUCATIONAL S PRING - GARDEN INSTITUTE 'FOR Li Young Ladies. Duties resumed Sept. 40. au28..3w. HILBERT COMBS, A. M., Principal. rrnE • CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH _it SCHOOL of the subscriber, S. E. corner of THIRTEENTH and LOCUST Streets, will Reo.pen 'on MONDAY, Sept. 11. fau2B-Inin B. KENDALL. MISS M. K. ASHBURNER WILL RE OPEN her SCHOOL FOR GIRLS at 209 South THIRTEENTH Street, below Walnut, on MON DAY, September 4th. aure-mtw SPRING -GARDEN • PRING-GARDEN ACADEMY- A KJ Classical, Mathematical, and English School for Bois and Young Men, corner EIGHTH - and BUT TONWOOD Streets,will reopen MONDAY, S9Pteru ber 4. J. P. BIRCH, A. - aU2B-1m Princial. CATHARINE M. SHIPLEY WILL RE. OPEN her School, at No. 4 SOUTHWEST PENN Square, on the Ilth of Ninth Month, (Sep tember,) 1865. au2B-Im* AxrILLIA.m FEWSMITIPS CLASSI- T CAL and English School, Noy 1008 01-rEsT NUT Street, will reopen on aluDitmi, September 4. utt24-1 in* SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN will reopen MONDAY, September 18, 1865, at 1914 MOUNT VERNON Street. The Primary Department is conducted as a Kin dell'arte», upon the , German (E'rozbel's) system, ana includes boys and girls under ten years of age. Older pupils will be received. In botli departments, Gymnastics (Under the SYs tem pfDr. Dio Lewis), and Drawing from still life are taught. GERTRUDE W. FULTON, HAItRIET.II. DARLINGTON, au2B-121 MARY E. SPEAKMAN. ACADEMY FOR BOYS, REAR OF NO. 41. North riEVEIPPII Street. reopen Ninth Month {Sept.) 4th. W. WHITA.LL. • au26-110 THE CLASSICAL INSTITUTE,_ THE DEAN STREF.T, BELOW LOCUST, Win be reopened SEPTEMBER 9th. auZ6-2m* J. W. FAMES . , D. D., Principal. ATR. GEO. FELIX EMMERT WILL M resume his Piano Lessons September 18th; Ad dress No. 716 CHESTNUT Street. au26-6t5 FRIENDS' SCHOOL, OSLER AVE HUE, north from Noble street, below Sixth street.—heoen eth mo-, (Sept.) 4th. All Branches of a good -ENGLISH EDUCATION thoroughly taught, and particular attention given to the moral training of the Pupils. All denominations admit ted. THOS. SMEDLEY, Principal of Male Dept.; 11. 11. SMEDLEY, Priu. of Female Dept. au26-121. YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE, (with Primary and Secondary Departments at tached,) S. E: corner of DILLIVTN and GREEN Streets. The duties of this institution will be re sumed omMONDAY, Sept. 4, 1885. au26-72t* CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, No. 637 CHESTNUT Street; corner of Seventh. Established 1844. Ineotporated 1855. The course of instruction includes ROOK-AEEP ING in its different branches, PENMANSHIP, Mercantile Calculations, Business Forms, Com mercial Law, &c., &c..,_furnishing a necessary PREPARATION FOR BUSINESS LIFE. NO VACATION. Students instructed separately, and received at any time. Diplomas awarded on graduation. . TELEGRAPHING, on both Sound and Paper In struments, taught by a Practical Operator: Catalogues furnished gratis on application. au264t if CALVARY ACADEMY, AT CALVA RY CHURCH MANTIEIM Street, 0-ERMAN. TOWN.—B. SHOEMAKER, A. Mll.,'Principali as sisted in the different departments 'by experienced teachers. The next Session will commence SEP TEMBER 11th, 1885. Four Boys, between the ages of eight and fourteen years will be received Into the family of the Principal. For Circulars, address R. SHOEMAKER, corner of GERMANTOWN Ave nue and SHOEMAKER'S Lane,Germantown, Phi ladelphia. REPERS.NORS! Rev. R. Newton, P.D.; T. C. Fleury, B. G. Godfrey T. A. Newhall, F. Carroll Brewster, Eau., and hey. G. A. Strong. 15.5-stein* MISS BROOKS AND MRS. J. E. HALL will resume the duties of their BOARD ING and DAY SCHOOL for Yeimg Ladies, at 1218 ;WAIJNITT Street, ou WEDNESDAY, the 20th inst. au2o-2m+ THOMAS BALDWIN'S ENGLISH Mathematical and Classical School for Boys, N. E. corner BROAD and ARCH, will reopen Sep, tembc r 4. BROAD-BTREET ACADEMY, NO. 337 south BROAD Street, ED. ROTH, A.. 111., School reopens Se Member 4. - New Circulars at Mr. E. E Y 8, 1037 CHESTNUT Street, at the] Academy, and sent postpaid to any address. au2.3-16t FRENCH AND AMERICAN INSTI TUTE for YOring Ladles, Rey. N. CYR and Mrs. M. G. DAVEN OUT, Peinetnals_ NO. 21053 FRANKFORD Road Philadelphia. Circulars can be had, on application, at the 'lnstitute, and at Messrs. JOHN PENNINGTON 8 SONS, No. 127 South SEVENTH Street. au23-Im* COURTLAND SAUNDERS INSTI TUTS FOR BOYS AND YOUTlL—Athlress Prof. E. D.SAIINDERS, D. D., Philadelphia. anl9-Im* T'RCILDOUN BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, CHESTER COUNTY, PENNA.., three miles south of. Coatesville, on the Penna. Railroad. Winter terns commences Tenth Month, (October,) 9th, 1865. Terms-900 per session of twenty weeks. Music, vto: Drawing or Painting, each its. Languages not extra. For Circulars, address the Principal, - RICHARD DARLINGTON, anl2-stuth lm Ercildoun, Pa. MANTUA FEMALE SEMINARY, BARING Street, below Thirty-flfth ' West Philadelphia. A Day and Boarding School for Young Ladles. The next Term will open Sept. 4th. For circulars apply to Rev. JOHN MOORE, aul-tutbsat. Principal. ENT RAL INSTITUTE, TENTH ind SPRING GARDEN Streets, will reopen September 4th. Boys prepared for any division of the Public Grammar Schools, for College, or for business. Speelal attention given to small boys. Residence, 53.11 North TENTH' Street. au2l-6w H. G. McGUIRE, A. H., Principal. THE CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH - 1 1- SCHOOL of H. D. GREGORY, A. 1d.,N0.1110S MARKET street, will reopen on MONDAY, Sep texaber 4th. . au2l-ina. THE ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL of A. B. SHEARER, A. M., North west corner of CHESTNUT and TWELFTH Sts., (second floor.) will reopen on MONDAY, Sept. 4. For terms, references, dc. see Circqlars • to be ob tained at 'Dir. Ilassar