pECIAJE, NOTICES. FOR CORN OYSTERS, CORN FRITTERS, or other preparations of green corn, or for those cam canuot masticate their boiled corn, Potent corn Graters will be found to remove all the nutri tious portion from the Indigestible bull. Sold by & SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty•tiv t oi Malign Street, below Ninth. Ic Picxs, with Iron Heads, ditto with ho yyLignum Vitt heads, riveted on, and several styles of the ordinary articles. Ice Mallets, Axes, ToDialiawlisi and Tongs, for sale by TRUMAN & ,41AW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-ftre) MARKET St., below Ninth. FOR EVERY DAY USE.—TRERE Is NO truer tdazink than that "Prey. atoll Is better than PLANTATiON 111TTERS Should always be used Whenever the first Symptom of disease is felt. Heartburn , Headache, COld Feet, Pain in the Bach, Low piths, and Indigestion, are the sure forerunners of Dyspepsia, and other hor rid nightmare diseases. • For all suc h symptoms Pt ANT A.TION BITTERS are a certain and Beady Relief. Au immediate good . effect Is always felt from the first trial. They are easy to procure, pleasant to- take, and sure to do good. Never Rive up; it is wiser and better Always to hope, than once to despair; PLANTATION BITTERS break entturs fetter, And drive out the demons of sickness and eare. ,, • Fatigued, overworked men, merchants, stn. ents, snd all persons whose occupation wears Mir the posy and racks the brain, nod in PLANTATION :BITTERS EXHAUSTED NATURE'S UAW ItasTOREP,ao, Win' NOT USE TE BEST?-- Over twenty years' increasing demand has esta blished the fact that MATHEWS' VENETIAN .HAIR DYE is the best in the world. It is the cheap est, the most reliable, and most convenient. Coin plete in one bottle. DOSS not require any pre rlolls preparation of the hair. No trouble. NO crock or stain. Does not rub off or make the hair appear dusty and dead, but imparts to it new life lustre. Dr - oduees a beautiful black or brown, as preferred. A child can apply it. Always gives athsetetion. Only 75 cents per bet le. Sold every where. A. I. MATHEWS, Manufacturer. N. Y. - DEMAS BARNES & CO., New York, .ull9-stuttkBm Wholesale Agents TWO BAD CASES OF PILES CUBED BY .DRS STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY, Mr. Wass, of Janesville, Wisconsin, writes for tae benefit of all who suffer with the Piles, that he has been troubled for eight.years with an aggravated case of Tiles, and his brother was discharged from the army as incurable,' (he being quite paralyzed with the Both these distressing cases were cured with Lone bottle of Dr. biricidadad's Pile Remedy. The recommendation of these gentlemen, beside-the daily testimonials received by Dr. Stric kland, ought to convince those suffering that the most aggra vated chronic cases of Piles are cured by Dr. ,-strichland's Pile Remedy. It is sold by Druggists .ever'y'where. jyl-stutil-am EYE, EAR, AND CATARRH SUCCESSFULLY treated by T. ISAACS, M. D., Oculist and Aurtst, .519 PINE Street. Artificial eyes Inserted. No charge for examination. • - aul7-tf /TOIL (WHEATON'S) . ITCH. HALT RHEUM. - (OINTMENT) SALT RHEUM. Will cure the Itch in forty-eight hours. Also Cline Halt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Ereptions of the Skin. - Price, fko cents. By sending 80 cents to WEEKS & POTTER, _BOSTON, Mass., will be for. warded free by mail. For sale by all Druggists. shlS4m tar PRIORS RBDUCED. WANAMAKItIi & BROWN, .1/ir Popular /Kir Clothing tSr Howse, sir OAS HALL, S. E. cor. atzto and Market.- MARRIED. PRILLIPS—STEWARD.—On Monday morning, Nuga,i. 21, at 8 o'clock mass, at the Church of the Ansiuption. by the Rev. C. J. It. Carter, Charles Lacy, pan of Samuel It. nillltos, to Mary Louisa, aimoter of ,TOIM Steward. both Of this city. **, 11.1,—RCATOI3.—On Thor.VION, FoUrnar7 23d, be the Rev. John A. McKean. - Powell E (1111 to Jihsl Mary Itoatch, both of this city. DIED. MARDING.—On Monday', the 2'st lust, at Chest ,nit Hill, after a short illness, Jesper Harding, - in eStli ye 9.1 ., Of his ago. His relatives and male friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late rest 4enee, No. 314 South Third street. on Thursday af ternoon next. at 3 o'clock. Funeral services at St. Peter's Cliurelt. Interment at the Church of St. . . . _ . . ,fames the Less. BETTLB.—On the 21st instant, Ann Bettie, aged ~early 96 years. The relatives and friends of the faintly are invited to attend the funeral, _on riftli-day afternoon, the 1:4111 instant, at 4 o'clock, froin her late residence, N. 26 South Third street, without further notice. totemic= at Friends' Eastern Ground. WOOD.—On the 20th inst., John Wood, in the 86th pear of his age. Funeral from the residence of his nephew, John FH od lL ,Vo PS. o — h on k h n e '2 o ll 1 T n es . d y D at o'clock. ged II Years. His relatives and friends are respectfully incited to attend his funeral from the residence of his father. Mr. -Amos Phillips, MO Marshall street, on Thursday 24111 inst., at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill. IToll.—on the 20th instant, Lillie Irene, dough ter of Edward H. and E. P. Pugh, aged 7 mouths. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from her parents' residence, center of Ttirty-eightb and Baring streets; on Wed ,sday, at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Radnor. BLESMAN.—Suddenly, on Saturday evening, 19111. inst., George J. S. Slesmau, aged 48 years. his friends arMparticularly invited. to attend the funeral, without further notice, from the reSidertec '.ll - Mrs. E. Atkinson, No. 129 South Seventh street, on Tuesda afternoon, 22d inst., at 4 o'clock, To proceed to Woodland Cemetery. BOTTYTON—At Burlington, N. on the morn ing of the 19th inst. William E. Bouiton, in the Axty-ninth year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his tale residence, southeast corner of Broad and St. Mary streets, 'Burlington, on 3d day, of Bth umnth, at 2 O'clock inThe afternoon. MORKY.--On the lath Instant, Frank, son of Hat , ilk I. and the late John E. Morey, in the 17th year fir his age. . The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his mother's residence, 14ermantown, on plank-road, near Wayne station, en Wednesday,tdd instant, at 3 o'clock. To pro ceed to Laurel Hill. Carriages will leave the office of E. S. Early,undertaker, Tenth and Green streets, at half-past 2 o'clock, to convey the friends to the funeral. [Boston papers please copy.] .*** BOMBAZINES. -A NEW STOCK OF -A-P Rugligh and French BOnta 2 lnes. justopened; tso, Silk Warp Cashmeres. BE.SSUII & SON, Mourning Store, 918 CHESTNIIT Street. au2l BLACK KID GLOVES.-" JOUVIN & C 0.," "Widow Jonvin" and "Alexandre's" Ladies' best Quality Kid Gloves, Just received by IIEdSOM & SOM, Mourning store, WS CHESTNUT street. • awn YARDS LUPIN'S FRENCH 45,590 ATER/NOES. 2 eases dark assortment. 2 cases medium assortment. lease high colors. 1 case air-wool Plaids. / case Rep Cashmeres. EYRE .2 LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH. EF. SPIRIT A.LISTS, FOR HAM. 11102 , 7T01T FESTIVAL, leave Vine-street wharf at 73e. o'clock, TO-31.0P1WW MORNING. Tickets for Excursion, $1,50, at the wharf, of Dr. NTOcittIIOLDERSI Special Meeting of the Stoekholilers of the LAmmarrortr OIL AND MANUFACTURING cOMPANY will 'be held at their office, No. 424 WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY, August 29th, at 3 o'clock P. M. Punctual attendance. is reuuested, as business of importance will he presented. 13y order of the Board of Dirsetors. tuf22-8t J, C. POWELL, Secretary. I;rOFFICE OF THE LOCUST fOUN• TAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY, • PHILADELPHIA, August 17, 1865. At a meetinof the Board of Directors of tins Company, held this day, a Dividend of THREE AND A - HALF PER CEI.4 T. on the Capital Stock, , •brar of State Tax, was declared, payable to the , AQviihehlers or their legal representatlves on and alter the Inst. The Transfer lioolia Will be closed until 28th inst. au/8-101 EDWARD ELY, Treasurer. 12rTO THE - UNION CITIZENS OF THE FIFTH. WARL).—Agreeably to the call the City Executive Conintittee,thc Union citizens flit illvitt - ti to assemble at their several PrCeIUCtS, f t First—Corner of Third anti tiashill etreets. LOlnbitlll street. Third—No. 505 South street. Fourth—Front and Union streets. Fiftit—littegler , s Spruce street, below Third. Sixth—Burns - , En. 438 Spruce street. Seventh—Wieg.antl's, Spruce street,ahove Fourth. Eightl.—Eutler House. r. TUESDAY EVENIIier, 325 Inst., betweenl the hours of six and eight o'clock, to elect Delegates to the Dlty,Count y, Legislative, Surveyor's, and Ward Conventions. R. E. KING, President. IL S. GILBERT, Secretaries. H. H. AMON:NELL, It lar' TO TUE 'UNION CITIZENS OF TILE El WARD,-Ag reeably to tile .att of the City Executive Conunittan, the Union Citizens are invited to assemble at their several precincts. TU.: Ist rrecinet, 810 Sansoin street: 2‘.1 4 . Southwest cur. Twelfth and Locust; ad 4 Broad and Locust streets; 4th 4, Southeast cur. Eleventh and Sansom; ath " Twenty-first and Locust streets; . , SatISOM, above Twentieth street; 7th 41 liertheasteer.TwentiethandSpritee, 0» TUESDAY EYE:NI - NO, August T.?„, between the hears or 6 and 8 P. M., to elect Delegates to the City, County, Legislative, and Ward Conventions. A. J. HARPER, President. EDWARD 31. VINTON, Cuas. W. }Secretaries lar OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA. RAIL. ROAD COMPANY. • PHILADELPHIA, August 15, 18E15. The Mortgage Bonds of the Connecting Railway Company, between the station of the Pennsylvania Company In West Philadelphia and Frank ford, a distance of seven miles can be obtained at' this Offic e No. 038 South THIRD Street. These bonds coupons attached thousand doilars, with interest h, payable at said ~ fliee on the 15th day of March and September In each Year, at the rate of six per centum per annum, and the principal payable In five equal annual amounts, at the rate o f voa,ooo per annum—the first styles on *eptember 15, A. D. IWO. The principal and thterest are secured by a mortgage for One million of dollars twin all the railway and property of the company and Companyuaranteed by the madesylvania Ra taxes by These bonds are free of State taxes by tbe Company. The railway is being constructed in the most suO stantlal manner. and will be completed during the ensuing year. This road perfects the connection between the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New YOrk lines via Philadelphia, and becoming, as It the main channel or communication between New York and the West, as well as to and from the National Capital, will always obtain large rue nues and be one of the most Important railways of the Union. Under a contract with the Philadelphia and Tren ton Railroad Company, that company leases the road of the Connecting Railway Company, and agrees to pay an annual rent for Still years of six per Teatom upon the cost of the road, clear of WEDS. hese bonds are therefore recommendd as a first elass security. For further information apply at the office of the Company. niuslAS T. FIRTH, au -lmTreasurer. Ur> NOTICE. THE STOCKHOLD. Elks OF TEE MECCA. OM COMPANY of this city are requested to moat et the offing of the Comnany, No. 134 South FOURTH Street on THURSDAY the 29th inst., at 11 o'clock A. M'., to transact business of great importance to the Com pany. By order of the Board of Directors. auffi-at. GEORGE W: GRIFFIN, Secretary. CVNBEIULA PROVEN - ENT CO uat-'II , A STOOK 200,._000 SHARE N Office o. %SS bout Lesley, -Joseph MB" „ it . poen IL Beatty lbert D. Boileau; auWard H. Eaulliner, is Presldent. SYLE/S u TE; Y4,12:1 11r Y and Tress, D COAL AND HI MPANY. 8 , AT *5 E ACH. 000,000. th FOURTH Street. TORS: Sylvester J. Megargee, 'Patlow Jackson, Price I. Patton. Thomas H. Rickert. e Smith. B J. MEOARGEE, AlagAT U. SOWS autO-tt gr. TUE CITY SOLICITORSHIP— TO THE UN I ON MEN OF PHIL ADEL PHIA.—TIie undersigned being entirely Sa,tisited with the manner in which Mr. F. CARROLL BREWSTER has discharged his duty as City Solici tor, and believing that the best interests of the people of Philadelphia would be promoted by his continuance in office, would hereby earnestly re quest your personal Influence and vote to secure him a renomination: Harris & gtoteshoss; Boyd & Hough, Wm. H. Woodward, IL Geller & Co. Reiff, Howell, 65 , Harvey, E. C. Eniglit4 Co._, Hood, Bonmlght, & Co., Taylor, omesple ' & Co., Thomas Wattson& Sons, Janice (intim & Co., Jay Cooke & CO., Charles Magarge, Geo. Morrison Coates, J. A. Waters & Co., Randolph & Jenks, . J,. Shumway, A. A. Shun] Way I Co., John B. Ellison a Sou, Edmund Yard & Co., C. F. Norton & Co., .Walter, Bros., & Co., Tyler & Co.. Thos. Hull & Co., E. Breda, ti ßl . a mr ck , is li to u n n , t o zl 7 o l;, , l Co., B. Hodfrey & Co., Newnan, Boric, & CO., Lewis Andeurled & a. Felton & Co., Br:niacin:whet &Maxfield W H Gatzmer, Catherwood & Co., Joins Hurtling, Jr-, Batemeng & CO., Pitu.ADELPIIIA, Anna P. S. Peterson & CO., Field ik KeeJanie G. W. Bernadou '& Bro., Ratter - & Pattlson, Ficken & Williams, Edmund A.Somier, & Co., D. Focht & Co., Wm. S. Stewart-& Co., A Cowton & Co., npineott&T cotter L. 0. Levering, N. B. Browne. Kay & Brother, Edward H. Williamson, Davis. Ff., & Banos, John B. Myers & Co., . %Yana make r & Brown, Thomas Roberts, T. Morris Perot & Co., Jsmes H. Orne, Charles W. Bacon, !W. M. Tilghman, John C. Cresson. Cain, Hacker, & Cook, Davis, Pearson, & Was. Banter, Jr., & Co.. John Donaldson, Alan, Wood, & 18. Greenwald. Frishinuth & Brother, Frishinuth Bros., & Co., Jordan & Brother, Win ' M. Wilson, Harrison. Havemeyer, & CO., AM others. 21, 18113. 11417T0 THE FRIENDS OF THE ,_ ;UNION AND THE ADMINISTRATION.— The Delegates elected to the various Surveyors' Conventions on Tuesday evening. August 'ad, 1061. shall meet on WEDNESDAY, August 23d, at 10 o'clock, A. 11. at the following places: FIRST DlSTRlCT—Cotopeslng.that part of the Second, Third; and Fourth {Yards west of the Pas syuuk road. and the Twenty-sixth Ward shall meet at:' the southeast corner of Tenth and Carpenter streets. • SECOND DlSTRlCT—Comprising the First Ward and that part of the Second and Third Wards east of cornerssyunk road shall me streets he southwest Of SiXtii and blekerson. THIRD DlSTRlCT—Comptleing that part Of the Fourth Ward cast of the Passyunk road, and the Fifth Sixth Seventh. Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Warsi shall meet at No. 1619 Market street. FOURTH DISTRICT—The Thirteenth, Four teenth, and Nlf email Wards, shall meet at the northwest corner Ridge avenue and Coates street. FIFTH DISTBICT—The Eleventh, Twelfth, Six teenth, and Seventeenth Wards, shad meet at North Pennsylvania Hall, Third, above Willow street. hIETH DISTRICT—The Eighteenth and Nine teenth Wards, and that part of the Twenty-fifth Ward, formerly the Nineteenth Ward, shall meet at the corner of Amber and Ella streets. . SEVENTH DO ['MGT—The Twentieth Ward Shall meet at the southwest corner of k leYenth and Girard avenue. EIGHTH DISTRICT—The • Twenty-first Ward shall meet at Temperance Hall, Manayunk. NINTH DISTRICT—The, T wenty-second Ward shall meet at Bruner's Hall, Germantown. TENTH DISTRICT—The Twenty-third Ward, and that part of the Twenty-fifth Ward, formerly the Twenty-third Ward, shall meet at the south west cornet. of Frankford and Unity street. ELET ENT 1-1 DISTRICT—EIected last year. TWELFTH DISTRICT—That part of the Twenty fodrth Ward south of Market street snail meet at the Union Headquarters, Market street, below Thirty-fourth street. By order of the City•Executiye Committee of the 'Union Party. WM. ELLIOTT, Chairman. ROBERT T, GILL, WM. R. LEEDS, 3 3ecretarics. aira-21 W:.• AT A WE - Erne OF THE FIF. TEENTH WARD NATIONAL UNION ASSOCIATION, held on the evening of the 15th inst., the following officers were duly elected by the respective precincts, and confirmed by the As sociation, to conduct the Delegate Elections on TUESDAY EVENINfj, the 22d inst., between sls and eight o'eloes First Precinct—George Petty, Judge; Thomas Speer, John Schaut, Inspectors. Place of voting, Tußerk, 1429 Callowhl I street. Second Precinct —Henry Wobensmith, Judge; Charles W. Wilson, Henry Barnes, Inspectors. Place of voting, corner of Eighteenth and Callow bill streets. Third Precinct—John J. Whitney, Judge; Wm; Lowery,Wm. Hughes, Inspectors. Place of voting, southeast corner Fitteenth and Coates streets. Fourth Precinct—Lewis Lampeter, Judge; J. Q. Dyke, Thos. Christy, Inspectors. Place of voting, Mechanic Engine House. Fifth Frecinct—Andrew B. Gilmore, Judge; Sarni. Heins, Edward Hatch, Inspectors. Place of voting, Callowhill, west of Nineteenth street. Sixth Precluet—Robt. J. Magee, Judge: George H. Gardner, Riley Ewell, Inspectors. Place of voting, southwest corner Twenty-second and Cal lowhlll streets. Seventh Precinct—johnston Hughes, Judge: Wm. Miller, Charles Campbell, Inspectors. Place of "voting, Twenty-fifth and Pennsylvania avenue. Eighth Precinct—Albert Slonaker, Judge; Isaac Tustin, J. Emerson Kent, Inspectors. Place of Voting, southwest corner Twenty-second and Coates streets. Ninth. Pre , inet—Charles Wolbcrt, Judge; D. S. Lewis, J. B. McGinley, Inspectors. Place of voting, North street, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth, south side. Tenth-Precinct—Edward Spain, Judge; Richard Millward, George C. Martin, Inspectors. Place of Toting, Christian Gerne's, 2104 Coates street. Eleventh Prbelnet—John Huntley, Judge: Thos. H. Short, George Vber, Inspectors. - Place of voting, northeast corner Shirley and Francis sts. As soon after the polls close as possible the officers are requested to report the result of elec tion at Headquarters, Ridge road and Coates. H. W. GRAY,- President. CHARLES A. MILLER, Secretary. It HAYING BEEN DETAILED BY order of Major Gen, GEO. H. THOMAS as Superintendent of the "SOLDIERS' NATIONAL CEMETERY." on the Stone River Battle-Field, I take this mode of informing the friends of our brave comrades, who fell on that memorable Held, and other battle-tields in this vicinity, that we will dis inter all the bodies, and carefully bury them in the beautiful grounds now being prepared; and if any have determined to remove the remains of their no ble dead tO their homes, they will confer a great favor on me if they will notify me of the feet, by letter or otherwise, giving, name, rank, company, regiment, brigade, and division of the deceased. Task this favor so that they limy be sent home as we end them, and before they are re-interred. Mr. John W. Ewing, of this city, will furnish bu rial eases at the lowest possible price, and by writing him he will have the bodies scut to friends as they may direct. I will say, for the comfort of the friends of these fallen braves, that every effort will be put forth to make this sacred spot beautirtil and attractive. Any information desired I will gladly furnish. All loyal papers will please copy. WILLIAM EARNSHAW, Chaplain U. S. A., and • supterlntendent Soldiers' National Cemetery. Mnltililagnollo, Tents,, Aug. 14, 1885. auJt.3t nr. FAIR FOR THE SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' HOME. TO THE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES. The Ladles' Visiting Committee of the SOL DIERS' HOME pose to open a National Fair at the ACADEMI OF MUSIC, on the twenty-third day of October next, for the purpose of raising a Building and Endow ment Fund for the Institution with which they are connected. The undersigned commend this project to the fa vorable notice of their fellow. citizens 01 the United. States. The Soldiers' Home has been incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania for the relief of Soldiers and Seamen who have been honorably discharged from, and the children Of those Who have died in, the ser vice of the country. The Cooper Shop Soldiers' Bome has been merged in this Institution by Legislative authority, and is now in successful operation. But as the building' now occupied at the corner of Race and Crown streets, is entirely inadequate to the necessities of the Home, the Managers have given their sanction to tile proposed Fair. Although the Home is located in Philadelphia, its benefactions are not limited by State boundaries. Its doors are freely opened to every deserving Sol dier and Sailor of the Republic who seeks admis sion. The management contemplates an Industrial De partment lit the Institution. in which the inmates who are able to work lit their trades may Mid em ployment, and thus be relieved from the position of I mere dependents on public charity t contem plates, also, a department where children of those who have died in the service will be tenderly pro tected, and carefully educated and prepared for suitable vocations. 'While the hearts of the people are overflowing • with gratitude to Cod for his great gift of Victory to our patriot armies, we should not forget our du ties to the brave men who will soon be returning from the fields they have won, disabled by honor able wounds from the active pursuits of their pro fessions. • Tile Orphan children whose fathers have fallen in our great struggle are also specially entitled to the public favor- and protection. Let us provide a Rome worthy of their acceptance, and worthy of , a people whose property they have protected, whose liberty they have secured, whose they have saved, and whose hearts they have gladdened by their splendid achievements. Committees for the organization of the Fair will be announced in due season. Newspaper proprietors will render important ser vice by occasional publications of thismotice, which will be duly acknowledged as contributlouS. to the Fair. PHILADELPHIA, April 14th, 1985. Andrew 0. Curtin. George H. Bolter. Alexander Henry. Lindley Smyth. Simon Cameron. John idaseltine. James Pollock. L. A. Godey. Caleb Cope. E. S. Hall. Henry . C. Carey. James Milliken. E. D. aunders. A. J. Drexel. D. A. Nebinger. Cooper. E. W. Clark. Withal)). D. Kelley. A. Martin. Charles Gibbons. James L. Claghorn. 17. B. Cimmins. Daniel Haddock, Jr. 'lmlay D. Moore. Daniel Smith, Jr. John. Welsh. Edmund A. Solider. William D. Lewis. Robert P. King. J. Edgar Thomson. James H. Ortm Dr. E. Wallace. minuet Fula. A. E. Bolds. Morton MOMieliael. Charles O'Neill. Daniel Dougherty. James C. Hand. Jay Cooke. M. W. Baldwin. Joseph Harrison, Jr. J. B. Lippincott. H. R. Warriner. S. Morris %Valn. N. B. Browne. George H. Stuart. Thomas A. Newhall. E. Spencer Miller. CharifmMaenleSter. S. Bowman. William Struthers. Donations in money for the Fair may be sent tO William Struthers, Treasurer, No. MN Market street. Aid Societies,Hospital and other Committees about disbanding, are earnestly requested to con tribute - whatever funds or articles of u ey may have on band, fm. the benefit Of the Faired for the Soldiers' Rome. Donations in Goods Provisions, &e. may be sent to the SOLDIERS , HOME, corner of RACE and CROWN Streets, Philadelphia, marked to the care of MnS. D. HADDOCK, Jn o President, or Mits. J. HORNER, Secretary. All donations duly acknowledged. CARD. FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES. I will sell toe balance of my large stock of FURNITURE, At very low prices, until SEPMEMBER The assortment Is complete. GEO. J. HENIC.EIiS, 609 and 811 CHESTNUT Street. HIGHEST PRICE WILL BE PAID FOR MERCER COUNTY BONDS, 146 SOUTH THIRD STREET NEW YORK DYING AND PRINT. MG ESTABLISHMENT, STATEN ISLAND. 40 North EIGHTH Street.—This Company, so long and favorably known In New York during the P t{l a grati =ITN= e m d e a n ti s oineea above. and wearing apparel of every kind, dyed and cleansed In the most perfect manner. Stains and spots removed from garments without being ripped. Merchants having goods of 'undesirable colors can have them redycd fn superior style. aulo-thstai39t* { CCANDLESS & SMITH., MALT VINEGAR FACTORS, BROAD AND PRIME STREETS. Constantly on hand and for sale a large stock 01 MALT and WHITE WINE VINEGAR — a nev article of manufacture in this countrY, made by th. celebrated EnAIMI process, and need exclualvell for Pickling In Europe, All sales warranted free from impurities anc chemicals. Orders filled promptly to all parts of the country AGENTS. L. E. CAMBLOS, No. 113 Walnut street, 1 5 hila. PITT WHITE, No. 4- Exchange Place. Bal. Elmore. CHRISTIAN LEE CO., Richmond, Va. E. W. GOULD It CO., Newbern, N. O. THOMAS M'DONOUGH_, EtENERAL BLACKsMITHIN i a. ELR STREET, ABOVE DOE STREET., FRANKLIN, rENI,A. agr , lterinA , tools on lutnd Or made tpo order on short notice. myll dm MILITARY. 'UNITED STATES MARINE CORP. —Wanted for the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, able-bodied =N. Splendid induce• ments held out to all entering the Marine Corps; glorious opportunity to visit foreign countries; good pay, excellent accommodations, light and easy donee. For all further Information in airs at the Recruit. to Rendezvous, No. 311 South FRONT Street. Philadelphia, between A. DI. aud aP. M. every day, except Sunday. CHARLES HEYWOOD, MY/ Cantata and Recruiting Officer, CURTAIN GOODS. I . Z. WALBAVEN, MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNIIIT STREET, ItAft JITST RECEITZD A FULL LINE OF LACE AND NOTTINGMAM CI, ENTIRELY NEW AND RICH DESIGNS% AT REDUCED RATES. PINK, WHITE AND BLUE MOSQUITO BARS WITH PATENT UMBRELLA FRAMES, ALL SIZES, READY FOR ÜBE WINDOW SHADES, OP THE LATEST PATTERNS. PIANO COVERS. A. CHOICE AMORTMENT. iy22-tf SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS EDMUND YARD & 00., 617 Chestnut and 614 Jayne Streets, Have just received from Auction 500 PIECES FRENCII MERINOES, 300 PIECES ALL-WOOL DELAINES, Which they offer to the trade at a smaU advance FALL. M.1:13111..TNI) 'YARD Sc CO., 617 Chestiont and 614 Jayne .Sts., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF smKs AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, LINENS, WHITE GOODS AND BALMORAL& DEALERS IN AMERICAN DRESS GOODS. GERMANT4SWN FANCY WOOL OCIODS, BALMORALS, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. anS-Im RETAIL DRY GOODS. - EDWIN FALL & CO., No. 26 BOUTS SECOND ST., ARE NOW OPENING THEIR FALL AND WINTER IMPORTATION FANCY SILKS, px,,AbiN SILKS, BLACK SILKS, FRENCH, IRISH, 'AND GERMAN POPLINS, FRENCH • IVIERINOES, FANCY AND PLAIN DELAINES, NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS. Or ALL KINDS au2l-6t For Sale Wholesale and Retail BLANKETS. -WE ARE OFFERING A very large stock of blankets, at prices below all competition. A good beavy.Blanket for 110.75 per_ pair; En ?or $0.50 and *lO per pair; extra size Blankets; double extra fine Blankets; every quality of blanket made; Crib Blankets. Persons in want of Blankets may save $5 per pair by buying of us at once. Good heavy Comfortables, $4.50 each; Woollen Quilts,• Roney Comb Quilts; - Marseilles Quilts. R.D. &W. H. PENNELL, 1031 MARKET street. _ . FLANNELS, DfUtiLINS, AND LlN ENS.—Flannel V% cents per yard; do. 45; do. 50; very line yard wide 75 cents • heavy Shaker flan nel 6234 cents; Shawl flannel for infants; red flannel; gray flannel; blue flannel, &c. •Muslins of every make, width, and quality made; lined goods in great variety; Crash, 12% cents per yard; Towels of every kind; hand-loom table linen, 8734; Barnsley wide linen 57341 unbleached table linen 62x; line ta ble linens, *I, *1.25,, and R,2 per yardl linen sheeting • pillow linens; napkins, Ilnen handker chiefs, etc'. It. D. &W. H. PENNELL,IO2I MAR KET street. 5022-46 VOR BLANKETS, GO TO THE BEST PLACE. • Where you can find the leading makes ofENG LISH AND AMERICAN, at the VERY LOW EST PRICES, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. • J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., Northwest cor. of EIGHTH and XIARRET. XTAPEINS, ALL LINEN, AT $2 PER DOZEN. 10-4 Linen Sheeting, 11.25. Russia Crash, 250, 28e, 315. 500 dozen Towels, at $2.4Z, *9.50, and *3 per dozen. Fronting Linen, good, at 50c. J. C. STRAWBRIDDE & CO. Northwest cor. of EIGHTH anti MARKET. GOOD ALL-WOOL CASSIMERE, FOR BOYS, at 4,1.25. Extra heavy Gusainiqre l for men , $ 1 .6 50 . A line assortment of c;oatings. Examine our Cloths for Cloaktngs. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE Sr, CO., Northwest eor. EIGHTH and MARKET. LUPIN'S FINE ALL-WOOL DE LAINES, We. Handoorne Poplin Reps, $1.25. 151ara alp.rod Silks, double-faced, 51.65. 800 Balmoral Skirts, cheap,943.50. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE Sc CO., Northwest cor. EIGHTH and MARKET. 11-4 SHEETINGS, EXTRA. HEAVY, vas. 10-4 Sheeting& *l. 10-4 heavy Unbleached, Slag. 5-4 Pillow Muslin; New York 31111 s, Williamsville, Wamsutta. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., aul9-tf Northwest cor. EIGHTH awl MARKET. H STEEL & SON, Nos. '713 & 715 North TENTH Street, are now offering great bargains in - SIMMER DRESS GOODS. Dress - Goods of all kinds at reduced prices. Shawls of all kinds at reduced prices. Domestics of all kinds at reduced prices. Linen Goods of all kinds at reduced prices. .13.4 yards wide English Cashmeres, Fall colors, 31. su,Ks OF ALL RINDS AT LOW PRICES. CHEAPEST BLACK SILKS IN THE CITY. Just opened lease of Hoyle's best quality 4-4 Eng. lisp Chintzes, double purples, at Soc. anti. PLAIN BUFF, PINK, AND BLUE L PERCALLES or French Chintzes. - Plain buff, pink, and blue Jaconets. Pure white Shetland Shawls. White Shirred-Muslins. Plaid and Stripe Nalnsooks. Plain IT alusoola z Swiss Muslim& Cambria, $O. lead-color Linens. Frosted or Crape Poplins for travelling dresses. Single and double width plain De Laines. EDWIN HALL & CO., 26 South SECOND Street. N.8.-awarder Dress Goods closing out relard , lON Of . CON, jew-tf COOPER & CUNARD, NINTH AND MARKET, have The best Cassimere stock in town. Good Linen Drills, Ducks, Coatings. Tailors' Linings, of every kind. Muslin stock complete, prices right. Family Linens, selling, gold, at . eause, Dotact, and other Flannels. Pearl Wool Delaines, SS and SS cents. Extra tine black Mohair Alacas, Si. Lupin's 6-4 black Wool Delatnes, $l. - Good stock white Nainsook, Swiss. Bird-eye Linen, striped Muslin, finest Cambries snd Jaconets, puffed Marius, Pique, dm. White Barege and other thin Shawls. 'Bilk Sacques and Summer Dusters. Je7-tf 628 HOOP WORTH b. 628 floor SKIRTS are manufactured of the best woven tapes, finest, tehipered English Steel Springs, with linen finished covering, clasped at the side, all the metallic fastenings, and secured by improved ma chinery, which entirely prevents slipping and .be coming unclasped, rendering them superior to all other Skirts in the market. All the new and desira ble styles, sizes, and lengths Tor ladies, misses, and children. On band and made to order, wholesale cud retail. Warranted to give satisfaction; at 659 ARCH Street. . jy26-Im. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. MILLER & IBITRLOCH &lAN UFACTUREES OP PLIOTOURAP'S ALBUMS, Nos. 11021 and 11.0* searßoaf. Si., Philadelphia, Offer to the trade the moat complete and extensive assortment of Photograph Albums, comprising Oyer three hundred varieties of the latest styles and most beautiful patterns, with a great variety of clasps and ornaments. They are unsurpassed in beauty arid durabilit general average market, and sold at less than the prices.. Satisfaction guaranteed or the money refunded. A liberal die eonnt to dealers. Catalogues mailed to any addrest without charge. POCKET BIBLES AND POCKET TESTAMENTS, WITH PSALMS IN METRE. Miller & Burlock's superior and well-known Pearl Bible, also their Pearl Testament, in various styles A binding, for sale on liberal, terms, at Nos. 11OR and 1104 SANSOM ati2.-igfirat&dlin Tirk PRESS.-PITILADELPITIA, -- TVESDAY; AUGUST 22,; DORA DARLING; THE DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT "Tills is one of the most entertaining and in tensely interesting stories which the war has pro duced.. Dora is an original character, placed in circumstances of great novelty and exciting pic turesqueness. • A. tale of the war, romantic and thrilling, with stirring incidents that illustrate the power. of human symrathy, woman's tenderness, and Chris tian effort, It carries tile reader through the battle ' field, among the sick wounded, and dying' and bolds his attention with increasing force until the elose. , --New York Obaerver. "For interest, this is emphatically the book of the war—so intensely interesting that one cannel lay it down after having commented it until the last page is ttu•ned." 3. E. TILTON co., au22-2t PUBLISHERS BRIGHTLY'S PURDON'S DIGEST for 1862-'Bs.—Annsad Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania for the years 1862 to 1845: NainelY, from 21st May, 11161, to 21st June, 1565, together with. some laws of older date, inadvertently omitted in Purdon's Digest, completing Brightly's Pardon's. Digest to the present date. By F. C. Brightly, Esq. Price 51.50. Just published and for sale by KAY ft BROTH - ER, Law Bookseller*, an22-tuths3t* No. 3.10 South SIXTEI Street. AA CARD.--JUST RECEIVED BY THE CHINA, DON QUIXOTE, with 400 illustra tions, by GUSTAVE- DONE, in monthly parts. Price, 40 cents. Specimen on lo i d eomt, an22-tlltbs3t. - 103 CHESTNUT. Street. MITCHELL'S NEW SCHOOL IDEOGRAPHY AND ATLAS. ENTIRELY NEW-MAPS, TEXT, AND ILLUS. TRATIONS. Just Published. Price, $2.50. MITCHELL'S NEW SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY. •A system of Geography, Physical, Political, and. 'Descriptive_ vol.. small 121 no, 456 pages. • Illus trated by 200 Engravings. with Ta,ples of the Prinel pal Cities of the world, and theirloopelatign, and a list of nearly 1400 Geographical words, With their explanation and meaning. e MITCHELL'S NEW SCHOOL ATLAS. A series of 44 copper-plate maps, compiled from the great Atlases of Keith {Johnston , Kiepert, the -Geo graphical Institute of Weimar, from the United States Coast Survey, the Surveys of the War De partment, and of the several States and fromother reliable authorities, drawn and eneaved expressly to illustrate Mitchell's New School cography; with important Geographical Tables and a Pronouncing Vocabulary of 10,M0 Geographical names found in these works. Extract from the Prrface. - 2 GEOGRAPHY i 6 two-roid physical and nolltical. In the present treatise, roll, two elements of the science are combined, and wrought into one con sistent andharmonious whole. In the account that Is given of every part of the earth one uniform order is pursued. First, the Natural features are described, includingithe locality and size; the moan tains. plains, rivers, lakes, seas, and generally whatever Constitutes the surface; the soil and cli mate; the products, or what the soil and climate trodnce, gad the minerals—all these coming under he head of its Physical character. Secondly, the Political features are described, including the popu lation, as to race and descent, as well as to num bers; the manners and customs of the people; the capitals and chief towns; the government and re ligion, and, occasionally, important historical statements--ail these coming uncler the head of Po litical Geography. By following this method uniformly throughout the book, severalimportaitt advantages are secured. 1. Greater clearness and exactness of statement are obtained. 2. A much largeramount of informa tion is given in the same space, without crowding or contusion. 3. It is easier to refer to any par ticular fact that is wanted. 4. The matter, when time presented, Is more readily understood. S. It is more easily learned. 6. It is more easily taught. 7. It remains more permanently fixed in the memo ry. Indeed, methods no science in which a clear and natural is of more importance that it is in Geography, where the facts are so numerous and varied, and where accuracy is of such. vital con sequence. The reader is invited to open the book of any part of it, to sec how thoroughly this method has been carried out. The Atlas accompanying this volume bas the large number of forty-four copper-plate maps, compiled from the great Atlases-of Keith Johnston, liiepert, and the Geographical Institute of Weimar, from the U. S. Coast Survey, the Surveys of the War Department and of the several States, and from other reliable authorities. • Attention is invited also to the Geographical Tables, and to the valuable end extensive Pro nouncing Vocabulary of 10,000 names in the Atlas: to the large number and the excellent character of the engravings in the book, most of which are from original drawings of the objects represented; and, finally, to the evidences ofeenscientbsus care which has been bestowed upon every department of the work—literary artistic, ails mechanical—to make it, if possible, in every way worthy of the present advanced state of geographical knowledge and of .popular education. Teachers, hducational Boards, and others, are Invited to eficamilae this work. For sale by booksellers generally. E. H. BUTLER & CO., au2l-2t 137 South FOURTH Street, Phliada. FALL. E _ XTBAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS! , THE AMERICAN STATESMAN. PRICE REDUCED TO II PER YEAR Making the Best and Cheapest Paper in the World. Our extensive advertising patronage and large circulation enables us to reduce the price of this popular journal to ONLY $1 PER YEAR. DECIDEDLY THE 'CHEAPEST AND. BEST WEEKLY PAPER PUBLISHED. • The Great National Paper of the day for the Ame rican People. Devoted to Reconstruction, Tariff, Duties, Taxes, State and National Policies and Politics, Commerce, Manufacture, Arts, Science, and the News of the day. SEND FOR IT AT ONCE. Published Weekly at One Dollar per year, in ad ranee. A Club of ten or more, an extra copy to the getter -lip Or the Club, Address AMERICAN STATESMAN , Oiree, 05 and 67 NASSAU Street, New York. avl9-3t 5.W4t • VILPATRICK AND OUR CAVALRY. With an account of the Cavalry Raids and En tagements from the beginning of the Rebellion to he surrender of Johnston. lino. THE STORY OF GENERAL SHERMANIS GREAT MARCH THROUGH THE SOUTH. By Major Nichols. Itmo. CHRISTIAN'S MISTAXE. By the author of " John Halifax." 12mo. ARNOLD'S ESSAYS AND CRITICISMS. 12mo. PHILIP IN PALESTINE. A Book of Boy Travel. By H. A. Edwards. Alt the new books received 88 goon as published and for sale by JAMES S. • (Suecessor:to W. S. & A. Martien, aul2 606 CHESTNUT Street. A TTRACTIVE BOOKS FOR THE COUNTRY AND SEA-SIDE. COUNTRY LIVING-.By Galt Hamilton. GALA DAYS—By Gail Hamilton. STUMBLING BLOCKS—By Gail Hamilton. HOUSEHOLD POEMS—ByLongfctlow. NATIONAL ALL SEASONS—By Tennyson. LYRICS—By Whittier. TENNYSON'S POEMS—Farringford edition. ENOCH ARDEN, Illustrated—By Tennyson. HYMNS OF THE AGES—Selections from Wither, Urashow, Southwell ‘ md others. FOLLOWING THE' FLAG—By Carleton. For sale by LINDSAY & BLAXISTON, au9 No. AS South SIXTH Street. LANGR AM HOTEL, PORTLAND T PLACE, LONDON.—This commodious Hotel, " the largest in London," is now oen; is Situ ated on the most open and healthy site in the West end,with all modern improvements, Suites of Apart ment, Salle a Manger 100 by 40 feet, elegant Ladies' Room a spacious - Gentlemen's SITTING AND WRITING ROOM, ETC. Within a short drive of all the Railway Termini. For terms to secure accommodation, address— The Manager, C. SCHAHdANN. aug7-Sm JONES 'MOUSE, MARKET STREET AND MAERET SQUARE; kilialitlSSTlJEter• CHARLES H. MANN, and-lm PROPRIETOR.' AMERICAN ROTEL ! , MAlJell QM:WI, PA. LANA LENTZ, !proprietors, ROBERT KLOTZ, TERMS—go per day. . gII2 week. au3-23t. 64 A MERICAN MERICAN ROUSE," - 1 -A- POTTSVILLE, SCHUYLKILL CO., PA., U. S. NEWCOMER, Pror•rietor. This Haase has recently been reopened, end in such style and character as will merit, Hrst-claes pa tronage. jy27-lm fflpj STILL ANOTHER GREAT SALAMANDER SAFES. From Messrs. Hall & Garrison, whose large four story Picture-Frame Manufactory, Third and I op lar streets, was destroyed by fire on the morning of the 18th instant; ' . PAIL ADZLPIIIA, August 18, 1885. IlfeBBrB. EVANS & WATSON:... GENTLEMEN : We take great pleasure in inform ing you that your make of Safe, which has been USed by us, and was exposed to an intense. heat for several hours at the destruction of bur Factory by Fire early this morning, proved a perfect protect tion t o our Books and Papers, which were found not to have been injured in the least degree: The great security of the Safe was shown by its falling from the third story, and being in uo wise injured by the fall. We take gren4 pleasure Ili recommending your make of Safe to any person desirous of a perfect Fire-Proof Safe. HALL & GARRISON. A large assortment of our FIRE aud-BURGLAR PROOF SAFES on hand and for sale at No. 16 South Fourth Rtreot. au 22 - s t ll EVANS ct WATSON. ANOTHER GREAT TRIUMPH REAP THE FVLLOWING CERTIFICATE From Messrs. HALL & GARRISON, whose large four-story Plcture-Prame Manufactory, Third and Poplar, was destroyed by tire on the morning of the 17thlank • PHILADELPHIA, August 18, 1861. We take great pleasure in vortifying to-Messrs. ES 1111 b & R atsoa that their make of Sare, WlOch has been used by us, and Wag - exposed to an inter.... heat for several hours at Alm destruction of our factory by ere last night, turned out at perfect pro tection to our books and papers, which were found not to torte been injured in the least degree. We take great pleasure In recommending their. snake of Safes to any person desirous of a good Fire-Proof Safe. - MALL "& GARRISON.- A large supply of the above make of Safes on band anti for Kale at 16 South 'FOURTH Street. anio-st FISHER'S SELF-SEALING FRUIT CANS. - "Every housekeeper in the city and country should use this excellent Can. It is the most tom venlent and reliable Can in use, and gives entire satisfaction wherever introduced. Ills sealed in an instant, by hooking and spring, thus clamping a tin cap over and around the opening, and pressing it upon a ring of cemented paper. The cement In the paper welts by the heat of the fruit, and as the press ing continues the fruit cools, and the sealing , Is per. feet. The cap Is unfastened by unhooking the spring and running a thin knife around under the cemented paper. Please call and examine this Can 'at J. MdlitiliTßlES', SOS Oriarie IiAItDMN street Jyl2-2mif Philadelphia. COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, NASH VILLE. TENNESSEE, August nth, 1865. NOTICE TO TENNESSEE RONDHOLDERS. In obedience to a Resolution of the General As sembly of Tennessee passed May =d, 1865 , you are forward hereby requested to to this office a state ment of your name and residence, With the dote and number of each Bond of the State of Tennessee Owned by ' you, and the amount and character of such Bond. Your early compliance is requested. • S. W. HATCHETT, anl6-15t Comptroller. NEWPUBLICATIdNS. PRICE, $1.50. HOTELS. COICNBIC OS TRIUMPH FOR EVANS WATSON'S Read the renewing Certificate EVANS 4 WATSON'S SADAIVIA.NDER EDUCATIONAL, COVRTLAND SAUNDERS INSTI TVTE FOR ROTS AND rotymit-..A4iciress Prof. R. D.S.AIINDRIM, D. D.. Etiladelphta. aul9-Im*•_ `LOCUTION TAUGHT AND MERING CURED. PHILIP 'LAWRENCE. Professor of Elocution 2010 LOCUST St. au2l-3t• MISS C. A. GLOVER WILL REOPEN her Seminary No. 1.529 POPLAR Street, on the first Monday of September, for the reception at pupils of both sexes. (Boys under ten years.) ildiadelphis, August 19. 1865 . att2l-91F 0 C ENTRAL and SPRING GARDEN Streets, will reopen , September 4th.. Boys prepared for any division of the Public Grammer Schools, for Cottage, or for butclness. Special attention given to small boys. Residence, 031 North TENTH Street. auZI-6w H. Ct. MeGITIItE, A. 11f.. Principal. THE, CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH A- SCHOOL of H. D. GREGORY, A. M. ND. 1108 MARKET Street, will reopen on MONDAY, Sep tember Rh. au2l4m MRS. SCHAFFER'S SCHOOL WILL be REOPENED on. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th at 933 SPRUCE Street. Circulars may be obtained at the N. E. corner Of Spruce and Tenth streets. au2l-lot. NOME INSTRUCTION.-A CLERGY MAN of the Protestant Erase,Opal Church, with ten years experience as a Teacher, desires to secure Private Pupils for instruction in Greek or Latin, English Literature, and English Composition. Classes In Schools for Young Ladies also taught In either of these branches of study. Address " Cler gyman" Protestant Episcopal Book Depository, 71824 gat C HESTNUT Street. v.a1.9-6t* MISS MARY E. THROPP .WILL RE OPEN her English and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladles at 1841 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, on the Ilth of September. For Clrenlare, apply at the School. aul7-Im* CHESTNUT -HILL ACADEMY WILL REOPEN SEPTEMBER 32, with a limited num ber of ACTS, each pupil being taught by the Pend. pal, • H. W. SCOTT, from Yale College. Rerommen - ded by J. E. Mitchell, W. H. Trotter, J. B. Hneedler, and C. Platt. aul7-Im* WE s pj o d3RANCH.BOARDIIIG MALE AND 'FEMALE. JERSHT tlIl ItE, LT COMING COUNTY ; PENNA, Terms, $ll5O per year. C Pupils prepared for College Business or ordinary duties of domestic life, with the comforts of a good Home. Catalogues, with full particulars, of. Philip Wilson, 909 Chestnut street, or address as above. aurt-imv F. DONLEAVY LONG, A. H.,Prlnelpal. INSTRUCTION THROUGH 1300, OBJECTS, AND PICTURES. ANN DICKSON will reopen her-SCHOOL for BOYS and GIRLS, at No.loB South EIGHTEENTH Street, on the 11th of September. aul7-thstu-tf SCHO6I. FOR BOYS—SPRING GAR kJ, , DEN INSTITUTE REOPEN 9m o (Senteuncr 4th.), Circulars 1319 MOTINT VEICNON Street. acti7-thstu4St* A CADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, LOCUST AND JU NIPER STREETS.- The autumnal session will open on MONDAY' September 4th, at 9 o'clock A. M. AppUtatlons fora amission may be made during the pry ceding week between El and n o'clock ill the morning. JAMES W. ROBINS, A. M., suls-tuthatta Head Master. FRCILDOUN BOARDING SCHOOL -B-4 FOR GIRLS, CHESTER COUNTY, PENNA., three miles south of Coatesville, on the Penna. Railroad. Winter term commences Tenth Month, (Octolier,) oth, MPS. Terms—sBo per SeSsion of twenty weeks. Music, $l.O 4 Drawing or Pointing, each $5. Languages not extra. For Circulars, address the Principal, . RICHARD DARLINGTON, anl2-stuth lm Ercildonn, Pa. . TREEMOUNT SEMINARY, NORRIS TOWN, Pa.—For Youngxeirana Boya—Twen ty-second year. The Winter Session, of six months, .will commence on TUESDAY, September 19th. For circulars, address JOHN W. LOCH, auS-tuths9t* MANTUA FEMALE A•l-n- BARING Street, below Thirty-fifth, West Philadelphia. A Day and Boarding School for Young Ladies. The next Term will open Sept. 4th. Per circulars apply to Rev. JOUR MOORE, aul-tuthsEts Principal-1g RUGBY CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH ACADEMY. 1226 CHESTNIJINTREET, PHILADELPHIA. This Institution_, which will be established In SEP TEMBER NEXT, is designed to rival the best schools of this country and of England, in its sys tem of instruction. Alid discipline, and in the Mi nces of Its classical and mathematical course. Those preparing for college will be fitted to take a high stand in their class and to graduate with honor. It will be the special aim also to prepare young men for business or professional life. Circu lars, with full Information, can be had at 1226 Chest nut street. _ _ . _ EDW. CLARENCE SMITS, A. IL . Principal. REMENCES. — CaIeb Cope, Esq., lion. Win. D. Kelley, Non. Jos. Allison, Alesander Whi Esq., Thomas Potter, Esq.,A. Franciectis, Esq., H. P. AL Birkinbine, Esq. aOl6-1m _ CALVARY ACADEMY, AT CALVA RP CHURCH MANHEIM Street,. GERMAN. TOWN.—B. SHOkIiIAKER, A. M.Principal; as elated in the different departnients by experienced teachers. The next Session will commence SEP TEMBER 11th, 1865. Four - Boys t between the age of eight and fourteen years will be received into the family of the Principal. For Circulars j _address B. SHOEMAKER, corner of GERMANTOWN Aye nue and SHOEMAKER'S Lane, Germantown, Phi ladelphia. REFERENCES: Rev. R. Newton, D. D.• T. C. Henry, B. U. Godfrey, T. A. Newhall, F. Carroll Brewster, EcCe., and Rev. H. A. Wong. • J313-stuLto PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACA DEMY, AT WEST CHESTER. The duties of this Institution will be resumed on THURSDAY, September 7, at 4 P. M. - Cadets May pursue either a Classical or Scientific course of stu under experienced and thorough d_y, instructors: In the rrilllary Department the usual English branches are taught. Military instruetioll is given in the three arms of the service. The Aca demy is furnished with horses for Cavalry and Horse-Artillery exercises. All the appointments of the Institution are of the first order, and no expense or effort is spared to advance the education and military training of the Cadets. The religiOlni instruction of the Cadets is 'carefully attended to. For Circulars, apply to J. H. OHNE, Esq.. 826 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, or to Col THEO. HYATT, President of Penna. Mil:) , Aca.iy.Cauls-1m THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL of Madame MASSE win reopen on . MONDAY._ September .18th. In this institution instruction is thorough in every department. Competent English teachers are em ployed for all the branches 01 a good English edu cation. French is the language of the family, and Is constantly spoken in the - Institute. For circu lars, containing terms and oilier particulars. ad dress 11.34 g SPRUCE St., Fhnada., Fa. aiiis:2m FAIRMOUNT FEMALE COLLEGE, - 1 - GREEN Street, west of Twenty-second street, Philadelphia.—This superior Boarding and Day. School for Young Ladies, will begin its next term September 13th. A - Preparatory Department is pro vided for younger pupils. 'For circulars, appl to or address Rev. J. W. BARNHART, A.M., PreAdellt. aulS-lm YOUNG MEN AND BOYS' SCHOOL.- Rev. JAS. G. SHINN. A. 111., will open an English, Classical, Mathematical, and Salentine School for Young Mon and Boys, N 0.1906 MOUNT VERNON Street, on the first MONDAY in Septein ber. The instruction will be particular and tho rough, such as will prepare young men for business or college. For terms, die., apply as above. aumant* THE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY AND MILITARY INSTITUTE, located in the borough of WEST CHESTER, PA., will commence its next Scholastic Year of ten- months, on the first WEDNESDAY, the 6th of September. For Catalogues, containing Terms and full Infor mation. apply lo its Frinetpp, j3".28-6iv WIL T,IAM F. WYERS, A. M, WOODLAND SEMINARY.-NOS. 9 and 10 WOODLAND TERRACE, West Phi ladelphia.—A DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL for Young Ladies. Location healthy, airy, anclattrac. 'Nye. Fall Session commences Sept. 12. For Circulars apply to Jy2l-2m 5 REY. HENRY REEVES, Principal. CHESTNUT -STREET FEMALE SE MINARY—ENGLISH AND FRENCH BOARD ING AND DAY SCHOOL—Principals, Miss Bon ney and Miss Dlllaye.—The Thirty-first Semi-An nnal Session will open WEDNESDAY, September 18th, at 1615 CHESTNUT Street. Particulars froni Circulars. • auis-tool SCHOOL .OF DESIGN FOR WOMEN, corner of FILBERT Street and North PENN . Square, re- ens on MONDAY, September 4th. JOSEPH HARRISON, Esq., President. WILLIAM BLICKNELIiEsq., Vice President. P. P. MORRIS, Esq., Secretary and Treasurer. --••• • " . W. J. Horstman t David S. Brown, It. F. Warner t BB R. Wino, James L. Clagliorn, George Whitney. W.ll. Wilstach, James A. Wright. James IL Orne., anls-18t T. W. BRAIDWOOD, Principal T'NGLISFI AND CLASSICAL ACADE NY, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT_ Street, (in ilp the rooms lately oceled the Y. M. C . A.) This school will open MONDAY, Septelnber 7lth. it is designed to prepare for aurcollege of the United States orfor mercantile ilfe. Circulars containing particulars may be obtained of Mr. ROGERS, 1009 Chestnut street. T. BRANTLY LANCTON, OS WALD SEIDENSTICKER, Principals. REFERENCES. —Prof. G. Allen, Rev. G. D. Board man, Rey. James Clark, Rev. G. D. Carrow, C. E. Lcz, Es 1. , .i_ B. Townsend, Log', W. J. Hortsman, Esq., Pliqy E. Chase, Esq. aiii4-lm ACADEMY OF THE SACRED HEART; N 0.1623 WALNUT Street, - - - P.srents and Guardians are respectfully informed that the "Ladies of the Sacred. Heart" intend open ing a DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIE3 on the Second MONDAY of September. The system Of education will be the same as that pursued so successfully in all the Institutes of the Sacred Heart throughout Europe and America. These Ladies, being devoted to the instruction of youth, spare no pains to win the heart to virtue and Impart to the mind a solid and refined education.. Application Can he made for Circulars Ist Sep tember. aal2-inn WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, H I WILDIINGTON, DEL.-The next Annual Session will begin on TURSDAY, September 7,1865. For catalogues or further information, address aull-19t* JOHN WILSON, President. INSTITUTE FOR BOYS, AT FREV 'HOLD, N. J.—The Pall Term will commence SEPTEMBER lath, and continue fourteen weeks. Boys fitted for business or college. Terms—WO per year, of forty-two weeks—one-third at the com mencement of each term. (treat attention will be paid to the morals and manners of pupils, as well as to scientific attainments. Motto—" We reason from what we know." Deduction. thoroughness in flrstprinciples. CYRUS BALDWIN, Principal. References—Rev. R. E. Adams, Seliermerliorn & Bancroft, E. Slmpson,Wka. Musser. null-12t. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN. STITUTE, for TOTING LADIES, N. W. corner of CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets, (for. merry at 1530 Arch street.) Circulars at 1225 and .133( Chestnut street. Or address P. 0. Boa 2811. The next Session will commence On MONDAY, Sep tember 18th. Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D D., Principal. aulo- . im CHEGARAY INSTITUTE.—ENGLISH and French Boarding and Day School for Young Nose 1527 and u rpor UCE Stteet,.Phi ladelphia, will reopen Ott NE6DAY, eptem b er Mtn. French is the language of the family, and is con stantly spoken in the Institute. For circulars and particulars Apply to au9-3m Madame IPHERVILLY, Principal. es . RITTENDEN , B. PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, . • No. 637 CHESTNUT Street, corner or Seventh. Established 1844. Incorporated 1a56. The course of instruction includes BOOK-lIEEP ING in its different branches, PENMANSHIP, Mercantile Calculations, Business Forms, Com mercial Law, &c. &e.,_ furnishing a necessary' PREPARATION FOR BUSINESS LIFE. NO VACATION. Students instructed separately, and received at any time. DipiOniaS awarded on graduation. Catalogues funds-bed gratia on !wit. cation. an9-12t* VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY MILITARY BOARNG SCHOOL.—Terms very moderate. Thorough course of stndy In Mathematics, English Cfassicsotc. Supplies the benefits of a home. Surveying and Engirt ring taught. Boys °foliages reeeived. RIPS Septum ber 9th. Refers to JOHN C. CAPP SON, 213 South THIRD Street; THOS, J. CLAYTON,Esq, FIFTH and PRUNE ; Mr. GEORGE P. KNOTT, 38 HUDSON Street. Number limited. Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. M., Village Green, Pennsylvania. au4.3m -a:E MA L B COLLEGE, BORDEN- Tow N. WINT ER SESSION of this INSTITUTION will commence BB'PTEMP.EI3 the 18th. A few vacancies only remain. Per cata logues, containing terms, etc. Address. - Rev. ICON H. BRAKELEY, A. M., au2.43w President. AA. R BECK'S SCHOOL AT LITIZ, AA.- Lancaster county, 'Penns, intended for a lim ited number of boys between the age, of seven and eleven years. The pupils have the advantage of living in the Principal's family, and being under his constant care. For terms, &c., apply . to Jy29-11n lIRAB.AM H. BECK, Principal. EDUCATIONAL. RM ANT OW N FEMALE 'SEMI NARY, GREEN Street. south of Walnut lane, will reopen on WEDNESDAY. September 13th. Clreularaemitaluingibll InformailOn As to Tering, eottAse of Instruction, character of We Sepituary, &e., &e.,_mat' be obtained of Prof. WALTER S. FORTESUIIE, A. M., au22.4f Principal. MISS WOOLMAN IS PREPARED TO give Lessons on Objects in different Sehool3; site will died Open a Class ror small eliNdren in the afternoon. Apply after Oeptembee 4, nt 7E4 BROWN Street. age 22-20 'MOUNT HOLLY INSTITUTA. AT 'MOUNT HOLLY, N. J. —An Enadsin and Classical BOARIMO-SCHOOL FOE BOX'S; con ducted by the Subervinetc farsome years assoeiated 'with his father, the late Rev. Samuel Aaron. Term Opens September nth, 11:c,ferettecs: Iron. J. C. Ten . I.7th Ea -Senator from N - ew Jereey; Rey. Roiraki 34.,,r0hn, D. D. Rey, Will Y. 'freed, D. D„ rtite c/elphia. Address anit2-tuths9t CIIA S. E. AAII.OIT, A.1)1., Principal. ORPITENDEN'S PHI L A-DELPHIA. 'L./ COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, No. 637 CHESTNUT Street, coirlier'oß SEVENTH. Establithed IIRI, Incorporided The Conran of Instruction includes IMOff-KEEF ING in its different branches, PEN-ICAN'SRlP,Mer eantile Calculations, Business Fortes, Commereial Law, ete.,_furnishing a necessary PREPARATION FOR RUSIIiFEW LIFE. NO VACATIONS.—Students instructed separate ly', and received at any time. Diplomas awarded on Grad-damn. Catalogues for the ,year ending April 15, containing terms, etc., _ sent free on Arndt cation. Six hundred and seventy-nine students in attendance last year: aun-atiff, 'RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC JimIN STITUTE, TROY, N. Y.—The Forty-second Annual Session of this well-known School of Engl.- Deering. and Natural Selenee,• mill commence Sept, 18th, IMS. The New Annual Register of 180, giving full information may ire obtained by addresaina Prof. CHARLBq DROWNE, Director, Troy, N. Y. aul-80t, MILITARY AZTD COLLEGIATE IN= STITUTE, ALLENTOWN, PA., with Oar tared privileges snarler advantages, and a pa tronage of DO Arils the flrat_year, reopens Sept. 5, For circulars, address, Bev. L. . HOFFORD, A, M., President. nul-1M THE MISSES CASEY AND• MRS. BEEBE will reopen their Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, No. 1703 WALNUT Street on WEDXESDAY, the 20th of Sept. au2-2m• WANTS. WANTED—A SITUATION AS 'RUN- T ► DYER, or similar employment, by a young colored man, who has lost an arm in the U. S. ser yiee. Best of references. Apply at Freedmen's Society Rooms, 4214 WALNUT Bt. a1t22401153t* WANTED-ALEFFICIENT SALES MAN, In a Retail Carpet Store, on CHEST NUT Street. Address, with reference, Box 1651, Post-Office. None need - apply except those ac quainted with the business. . an2l-2t TM A N.T E D- AN EXPERIENCED SALESLADY, in a Hosiery and Trimming store. Address, with reference, "A. 8.,' Box 1945, Philadelphia Post-otnce., aul9-3L. WANTED—AGENTS—WI PER DAY AT HOME.--I want an Agent, Male or Fe male, In every town and neg) liborbood, to sell ••The (*teat Labor Saver. ll Every family wants it, and agents are making from $2 to $2O per day. This is the best chance ever offered to agents, as the article is patented, and a capital of but $3 to $lO is required to begin with. Further particulars sent on receipt of two red stamps for circulars and re turn postage. Address R. WAYVELL, Box 4731, - aul9-Im* WANTED -A PAWNER WITH 10,000, in a pleasant and Profitable "Strictly Cash" business. Can be largely ex tended by additional capital. This is a good op portunity to invest in a perfectly safe establish ment. Address "Capital," at this office. PRIL_4_IIELPIIIA, August 16, 1865. aul6-tf A MARKET-STREET DRY GOODS souse will engage a Salesman of some eipe rienee. A liberal compensation given. Address " JOBBER," Pram office. au2l-211f A YOUTH WANTED IN A MAR KET-STREET JOBBING HOUSE—One who is correct at figures and a good penman. Address, in handwriting of applicant, Box 2150 Post Of live. au2l-26•, A GENTS WANTED FOR THE HIS -LA- TORY OF THE WAR; complete in one large royal octavo volume of over 1,000 pages; splendidly illustrated with 127 portraits of Generals and Bai lie-scenes. This is just the book the people want; and St presents a rare chance for Agents to make money. Seild for , circulars. Address JONES BROS. et Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED FOR "THE SECRET SERVICE, THE FIELD, • THE DUNGEON, AND THE ESCAPE." By A. D. Richardson, New York Tribune Corres pondent. The most interesting and exciting lark ever pub lished embracing Mr. Richardson's unparalleled experience for four years, travelling through the South - in the at cret service of the Tribune at the outbreak of the war, with our armies and fleets, both East and West, during the first two years of the Rebellion; his thrilling capture; his confine ment for twenty months in seven different Rebel prisons; his escape, and almost miraculous jour ney,. by night, of nearly four hundred miles, It will abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact, incident, and romance of the war than any other work published. Teachers, ladles, energetic young men, and espe cially returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find it pecu liarly adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing *175 per month, which we will prove to any doubting app leant. Send for circulars. Address JONES, BROTHERS, & CO.. N. E. corner SIXTH and MINOR Streets, anl7-lm* Philadelphia, Pa. lc. LIFE OF ABRAII.&131 ''' ""-To sell Litton," LINCOLN, "People's B B. RUSSELL & CO., A GENTS Address • B. 41 I t. , ' Boston , Mass, WANTED-MALE OR FE- Eu- see ~ auiS-St A GENTS WANTED FOR OUR GREAT National Work.—The most complete, only au thentic and reliable LIFE.OF LINCOLN published. Send for circulars. Address JONES, BROS., & CO., Philadelphia, ?a. jr2l-Im&W4t AGENTS WANTED FOR "THE SE CRET SERVICE, THE FIELD, THE DUN GEON, AND THE ESCAPE," the most interest ing and exciting book ever published. Send for circulars. Address JONES, BROS., & CO., Philo delpbia, Pa. Jr2S-Im* AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ME MORIAL RECORD OF THE NATION'S TRI BUTE TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Extra induce ments offered. Address HENRY A. LOVELAND, No. 20 NorthMERRICK Street, northwest of Penn Square, Phllada., Pa. js27-1m• AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIFE AJL OF' ABRAFIAM LINCOLN. By Dr. J. G. Got land. No comment is necessary: the author's repu tation as a writecis fully established. Experienced Canvassers know why it sells. Address, for terms, NORGIB BARNARD, Elk View, jyl9-24t. Chester county, Penna. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. -A. young Colored man, having lost his right arm in battle, and having an artificial.pne, deOrea a U ATION as Waiter, or at some light employment— either in the city or country Apply to FRANCIS• J. GRIFFITH, 1112 STEADMAN - Street, between Eleventh and Twelfth and Locust and Spruce streets. au22-2t5 LOT OF GROUND WANTED—FOR a Public sehool.Rouse; equal to lozi feet front 1 3 100 feet deep: within tile bounds of Twentieth, Vine, Broad, and Green streets. Parties having a suitable lot to offer, please address WILLIAM MATTHEWS, 2022 MOUNT VERNON St., stating location, particular size, and price. ant2-3t. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS, ORIGINALLY DOING BUSINESS TEXAS.—A reliable gentleman with a large business experience. and aequatuted'with the eotin, try and people of Texas, is soon to return there on Private business. Collections and other business will be promptly and'properly • attended to while theiu, if - entrusted to las hands. Address "Loyal," at this office. SITUATION WANTED-BY A COAL PETENT Boolc-Sacper, with ten years' practi cal experience. Can correspond in English and French, and understands the German Language. Best references. Address "X. X.," office Of rife Press. an22-3t5 rn A MONTH,I WANT AGENTS 8 u #varywhere at $7O !OVUM, expenses Pale. Co sell FIFTEEN ANTIGLEB, the best lAlliug ever offered. Pull particulars free. Address OTIS T. AREY, Biddeford, Maine. mylo-d&W3m W8125A MONTH.-AGENTS WANT •-,•-• ED everywhere to introduce the improved SHAW & CLARK TWENTY-DOLLAR-FAMILY SEWING. MACHINE, the only low-price machine in the country which hi Ileenged key Grover & Saner, Wheeler & Wilson, Howe Singer & 06., and Bachelder. All other machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and user are liable to frne and imprmonment. Salary and expenses, or large commission, allowed. Illustrated circulars seta free. Address SHAW . 3t CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. mylo-d&Wam itt WANTED TO RENT-ABOUT =ALM first or Novembet• next, a, small Dwelling lionse,..convenient to u station on the liermantown or Norristown Railroad (one in Roxborough pre ferred.) Address "Itoxborough," Inquirer °dice. au22-3V, IffWANTED TO RENT OR. PUR eIiAsE,,A ditAfirri DWELLING-, north or Market street. Trice about 41,000. Pnanacislon any time before the first of January,-18e8. Address Box 2386, PhiladelphiaP. 0. aulO-stuth3t. at WANTED TO PURCHASE, A ntuDwelling on Wallace street, south side, west of Twentieth, or Mount Vernon street, north side, west of Twentieth. Possession tiee. let next. Address ••titclitends,•l Ledger offi hy ce, au2l-atif ft WANTED TO RENT-A LARGE Irak HOUSE, suitable for a BOARDING HOUSE, by an experienced Housekeeper. Address Box 13a7, Post-Once. aulB-6t COAL. BUT YOUR WINTER SUPPLIES NOW—Lowest Price for the Season.—Genuine Eagle Vein COAL, equaj, if not superior, to Lehigh. Egg and Stove sizes, 118% Large Nut, SF7. Try it. You will be pure to ne pleased. Office, 121 South FOURTH street, taelOW Chestnut, pellet, 11/9 GALLowniLL Street, above Broad. jy22-3m ELLIS BRANSON. NOWLE S' LEHIGH, HICKORY, -1-2- and FISH. COAL, at reduced prices. Office and Yard, NINTH and WILLOW Btu. ,35,14-3 m. C 0 A L -SITGAR LOAF, BEAVER v MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain, from Sonuylkill.prepared essly for family use. Depot, N. W. corner EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office, No. 11S S. SECOND Street. Cap.s-tf] J. WALTON ,t CO. UNITED STATES ANNUAL TAXES ARE NOW DUE. OFFICE DEPUTY COLLECTOR INT. REVENUE, FIFTH COLLECTION DISTRICT, PA., MAIN STREET AND. CitELToN AVENUE, GERMANTOWN; Philadelphia. Notice is hereby given, That the Annual Col lection Lists have been received, and the Taxes l ire new_ due and payable. The Annual List in cludes the tax Oh licenses, incomes, earmages, watches, musical instruments( plate, and. yachts, It Is generally known that a personal notice can not be given to every taxpayer. The law specially prescribes the mode of notice—viz., lay advertise ment In one newspaper, and notifleatlOnS to be post ed up in four public places. Persons residing in the Twenty-second and Twen ty-Hrth wards will make payment at this office. Those residing in Die Twenty-Wiwi ward will make payment to THOMAS S. Foul:lmm Deputy Cob , lector, FRANKFOHD Street, Frankford. This' Annual Tax Is by law payable on or before the 10th day of June In -each year ; but as the Tax Lists for thls year were unavoidably delayed, the day - Axed for this District as 'the latest day upon which it may he paid - without liability to penalty is the 26th day of Nounst, WILLIAM H. MILLER, Deputy Collector, Fifth District, Germantown, July 29, 1865. ' jy29-satutlit-13t TO SPORTSMEN.--PHILIP WILSON & co., No. 400 CHESTNUT Street, call the attention of Sportsmen to our stock of FINE GUNS "Lour own and hest English Also, Rifles, Pistols, Skates Cricket ana Impl.mAiil4, Bowden, Shot, - Wads, Caps, Flasks, Pouches, &C., at lowest prices. Repairing done In the best manner. null-ti pOTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, of all numbers and brands. Tent Awning, Trunk and Wagon-cover Duck. AU*, Paper ManufaCturers' Prier Felts, from one to five feet wide; Pauline, 1301ttna , San Twine, &a. JOHN W. NVMMAN & CO No. 103 JONES' Alley. TO MANUFACTURERS OF COTTON, FLAX, AND JIITE.—WILLIAM 1-1100INs SONS, Manufacturers of Cotton, Flax., and Jute Machinery, Manchester, England.' Xt. James Hig gins (one of the firm) is at present In the United States, and would be glad to eoininunicate wills tirm requiring Machinery of the above description. Address "Care of E. VARIED Jc DRO., Frankford, Philadelphia." auls-12t.• FOE SALE AND TO LET. gREAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. EZAL ESTAXILI REAL ESTATE. BEAL ESTAw.E. REFS ty194T . 11 LY ei!..T4.1.00112, JUST OUT, F Mai ifiEfr CATALOGUE; JUST Oii'r. NEW MONTHLY C AT Abo VIM JUST FOR GRATUITOUS DisTRI.RUTION. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. CONTAINS Sfr,ooo,ooo WORTH OF PROPERTT FOR SALE. No persern wishing to purchase city r:q. suburban property sitOuld fail to get a copy, as t fa achnoW tett KO by all to be the greatest production of the age to partieF Interested. Said catalogue contains great number of lire t-ciass city dwellings, suburban mansions with acres of land. Also. a great number of building loin 10 Oil the most desirable scclions of the city. Any purchaser is welcome to a COO' Of tbeeata logue, upon leaving - Moe and address. tiI...EORRE C. MILLER, Practical Real Estate (merator , ,. aunt -st-if ITO North SIXTH &reef( _ el FOR SA L MASTERS ma. ATTENTION—GREAT BAROAIN - 4150.000 ; CAN BE CLEARED IN ONE YEAR—First-class ROLLING MILL in this city, Mill all the splendid, nearly new machinery, with three eriglitea—one of 60,• another of MO, and another of 30-ilorse power; has' seven hollers. First-rats machinery for mann factUring railroad iron, chairs, spikes, 86'0,45,000 tont of ail descrlpHOns of iron can be - made in one year. Is new all tri full operation; has water and steam rail roadcompannication coal shutes, all the water used upon the premises derived front springs near by, free-of charge. There are also *row of twelve atone tenant dwellings included. Price, ,$75,000: worth $lOO.OOO. Rim term. GEO. C. MI y LLER, Real Estate' Broker, 15 North SIXTH Street. CF OR SA L E—TEN MAGNIFI CENT MANSIONS, with large lots, in the very beet portions of West Philadelphia. C=EO. C. ilitZ2-3tif 155 North SIXTH Rreet, .& brick SALE-THE FOUR-STORY Mabrick building* and lot of ground, situate No. 417 Dillwyn street, above Callowhill street, suitable for steam-mill or a manufacturing establishment. Apply to W. LEVICK, aurt-St. No.-331 North SIXTH Street. FOR RE-NT—nous-4 1106 VINE Ma Ma ßtreet. Possession , Sept. 1. 'Rout, $BOO. quire on the premises. uul.94t* O. FOR BALE-THE TWO VERY desirable Arch-street HOUSES,' No. 1918 and 19201 new and complete. Immediate_poseessiott, B. F. GLENI..I, aul9 - Igo 'South FOURTH Street. fft, FOR SALE-GERMANTOWN COT TAGE and FURNITURE, complete, on High street. Immediate possession. B. F. GLENN, aul9 123 South FOURTH Street. FOR BAL A-GREEN STREET house, No. 1519, four stories, beasitifat waft. tion. Posaessiowsoon. B. F. GLENN,_ aul9 8. W. cor. SEVENTEENTHand GREEN. At FOR BALE-VERY LOW, WITH W:4l early_possesslon, a well-bullt Dwelling, No. 41)6 North Front street; would make an excellent buslndso pike, B, F. GLENN, 5019 123 South FOURTH Street. 11 FOR SALE OR TO RENT-VERY superior Stone Residences, finished In a very expensive style, with all the extra modern conve niences, situated at BIRNEY Place, West Philadel phia, running West from Forty-second street, below Baltimore avenue. Apply to ROBERT MACIORE GOI 419 WALNUT ;Street or oftee roue o'clock on PINE, sixth house east of Forty-first street. aul7-thstu3t MaFOR SALE-VERY NEAT, WELL FINISHED HOUSE, N. E. corner ELEVENTH and BEMIS Streets, No. 1859. Immediate posses aton. . B. F. MX:RN, aul9 YR3 BoOtti FOURTH Street. MKFOR SALE-WELL-BUILT, DWELLING, No. 1311 North TWELFTH Street., in complete order. Possession soon. R. F. GLENN, aul9 S. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. de FOR SALE—HOUSE AND LOT, Arai. east side SEVENTH Street,. below Arch. .Rood business place. B. F. GLENN, aul9 123 South FOURTH Street. ft FOR SALE-NEAT HOUSE AND AM FURNITURE, BROWN Street, below Six teenth. B. F. GLENN, aul9 123 South FOURTH Street. fig FOR SALE-LARGE FOUR' STORY aan- dwelling, No. 1307 South Broad street, lot .28 by 200 feet. Immediate possession: • Neat Dwelling, No. 680 North Eighteenth street. Possession in a lbw days. • Neat Dwelling, No. 2035 Wood street with two houses on rear end of the lot. B. F. GLENN, 123 South - FOURTH street, or S. W. corner SE VENTEENTH and GREEN, auis eit DELAWARE COUNTY.—FOR ma BALE, a modern-built brick DWELLING HOUSE In the borough of Media, fronting on the Court House square; the main building has parlors, ball open staircase; the back buildings are three stories; the whole containing eleven rooms.and roof ed with slate. Lot feet by 175 feet; yard in front, enclosed with iron railing; stable and carriage•noUse in rear of lot. Property beautiftilly located. and built In the best manner. Price,sl3l.,M. Terms easy. JAS..R. CUMMINS, 504 WALNUT Street. - N. B.—Delaware and Chester County Farms for Sale. Call for catalogue. atil7-5t I t FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS -MSIL A Bliterolla new eleven-P6aalail HOUSE, Willi all modern Improvements. P0t9a991011 at once. Lot 23x138. On a street 300 feet wide. Address THOMAS GEORGE, aul7-431 5 1138 South SECOND Street dft FOR BALE-FARM AND GOODja Militmprovements, or 140 acres, very near Mor. ken's Corner Station, 011 tp Pennsylvania Central Railroad. COO per acre. FARM of 170 acres, ou the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, very near a station; twenty-live miles from the city. Only AOO5 an acre. EXCELLENT. FARM of 78 acres, and good im provements, near West Branch Station, on the Bal timore Central Railroad. Only $6.800. GEO. C. MILLER, au=-3tlf 155 North SIXTH Street. FOR SALE—THIRTY FIRST -M CLASS MANSIONS ' with a number or acres...N. of land, in excellent neighborhoods and an within twenty miles of the city, and near Stations. MILLER, auM-Sttl" 1.55 North BIRTH Street. FOR RENT, „ 2 if AN ITALIAN VILLA, Late the residence of DAVID C ate )4 of a mile from the CITY of WILMINGTON, within 200 yards of the City Railway (passing every 10 minutes.) The house (being new) is in excellent order, supplied with water from a tank in the attic, with everymodefn improvement, heated throughout by steams a fine porch the entire length of the building. The grounds in front of the house (con= taining 4 acres,) are tastefully laid out in walks and plats, dotted with trees and shrubbery, the whole surrounded by hedge and wall. This country seat is considered one of the most desirable and pleasant locations in the State. Possession given mmediate ly, by application to Dn. It. M.,_PORTER, T. F. BAY ARD, Rxeentors, ati3-4w Wilmington, Del. To LET-THE WHOLE OF THE FIFTH AND SIXTH STORIES of the Granite Building Nos. 237 and 239 DOCK Street, with steam. Also, several smaller Rooms on the first Leer. The large room third story Commonwealth Building, Nos, 611 awl 619 Chestnut street. The se cond and upper stories Marble Building 619 Cheat , nut street. THOS. IL CONNELL, Counting-house Dr. D. Jayne & Son, au22-6t 5 242 CHESTNUT Street. FOR SALE-320 ACRES VALUABLE boring LAND, on the headwaters of Little Hickory Creek:, Venango county, Pa. To be sold low, Apply to LEWIS L, HOUPT, 15. t South FOURTH 8t.., Plills• 'ESTATE OF SAMUEL - MEGARGEE DECEASED LUMBER BUSINESS ESTA BLISHMENT FOR' SALE WELL-KNOWN WHARF PROPERTY AND LONG ESTA, .13LBHED. riumßrat be sold at Private sme, fo n r cash, to a suitable purdlaf may wish to carry on the business and become the tenant of the premises, all the stock of lumber, sheds„ fixtures, implements, horses, carts, &c., at the lußiber yard and business establishment of the late Samuel Megargee, Esq., fronting on Beach street and Delaware avenue, and the river Dela ware north of premises, In stockity of Philadel phia. The geld at lumber, ac., of which a full and specific statement and daserlD• tion will be furnished to all applicants, may be ex amined at any time before the 2Sth instant. A lease of the whole property will be granted to the purchaser. Proposals In writing will be received until August 26th, 1165. DANIEL M. FOX, 551 YORK Avenue. ROBERT 3i. LOGAN, NO. 484 North THIRD Street, aul4-12t Executors. BOARDING. TOARD WANTED—BY TWO YOUNG Gentlemen, In a respectable pricaw with tile coinfurts of 3 home. Address "BrOtllerk,' Press °MCC. . THREE OR FOUR ROOMS WANTED, with or without BOARD, In a light airy house, within a few minutes' walk of Sixth and Green sts. Possession desired Septemler Ist-. Reference given and required. Address "Promptness," Box 2807, Philadelphia Post Office. alll9-3t* FIRST-CLASS BOARD, All M 0 D RATE, charges, can be had at the UNITED STATES HOTEL, 413 CHESTNUT Street. This House has lately been refurnished. Two large, handsomely-furnished Chambers are now vacant. This House bus no bar. - TIAY BOARD-WITH FIRST-CLASS DINNERS, at No. 824 South WASHlerioi: - . Square. IYI/4m REMOVALS. REMOVAL. • J. LADIES+ HAIR DltEdaNit, Formerly at No. 1314 Chestnut strum - , informs his friends and customers that he has removed to No. 224 South NINTH Street. (Four doors above Locust street,) Where he intends to keep an extensive assort ment of Soc FRENCH FLOWERS, HAUL 'V.'ORK, pzityunrEay, Arc. He would also state that he has just received the latest style of Front .Curis, Plaits, Waterfalls, &e. an2l-12t5 REMOVAL. P. B. LOPTIS, WATcIimAREE AND JEWELLER. Formerly at Vo. 140 North Thirteenth Sing, in• forms his numerous friends and customers that he has removed to No. 61 North EIGHTH Street, where he intends to open with a line and well se. lected assortment of WATCHES and JEWELRY. Everything in his line will be found of a superlol quality and workmanship, and every article war. ranted as represented. Particular attention given tO repairing MO Watches. Jewelryknade to order, and repaired. He solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage bestowed in his old store by former customers, and asks the favor of the public generally. aul2-1m - 14 EMO VAL. --BENEDI CT MILLER, Jut , UMBRELLA and PARASOL 'Alanufacturer lots removed to 39 North SIXTH Street. jr274mlr PEMOVAL.--GEO. W. WATSON a CO. have removed their CARRIAGE REPOBI• TORY to their old place, No. lyno CHESTRUI Street Studer Concert where they will keep s stock °Marriages of their own make, and will re• eelve orders fer every degoriptlOO ckr Arat-claso work. Jima 7, gos. jer..ana E D. F. MORGAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COLLICOTINO ADNNT, MEMPHIS, TnIN. The Civil Courts of this District are now in prac Heal operation. Having practiced at the Mempbti bar for ten (10) years, my aCqnaintance with the business community greattylnetlitatesin the Omni, collection of— jy4-814 H. U. F. M°R"r''• ; E NCOURAGE DOMESTIC TRY. HAE.RISON & BRADFORD. STEEL PEN MANU FACTURERS, give employment to over ONE IRINDRED AMERICA!? DEN AND WOMEN, 1111 d proditee ?r_ TwENTy--FivE wiLLiONS'ANNUALLY Auterlean Steel rrr e t wit u h a nr. i :aitt e , in fun, and beariny: Beleetion, and style of potting up , warranted to sitepa. o — ilered to the American P."itOLESALE AN NE D oss REItt o L .I by Stationers and Blank Book Manufacturers, 43.4 CHESTNUT Street, and 430 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. aul4-lin CABINET FURNITUE. MOOR R E & CAMPION, SOIL SOUTH SECOND STREET, are prepared to follow the decitue in the market in the price of their Furniture. Purchasers will Mean call and examine our stock. Tykvie-iv. H— AYANA CIGARB.—A. GOOD VA.. RUSTY constantly In store and bonddit lOW est cash rates. S. FUGITET & 30:03, my24-Ste No. Ale NOutik FRONT atieet. ANIISEMVIVTII. NEW CRESTNLrT-ST. TREATRn; CHESTNUT Street, above Twelfth. (MOVER & SINN Lessees and MattaKara THE THEATRE ALWAYS COOL AND COm. FoNTABLE. Another week of the new Drama, and the 'LAST NIGIITI9,_MOST POSITIVELY. TUESDAY EVENING - , August g!Sti, will be presented, at the earnest request of hundreds of citizens who hare been absent from the city during the past five weeks, the GREAT IRISH DRAMA, By Dlun Bow:Moult and E. Hi. House, styled ARRAN. NA POGUE% WICKLOW W 011. TH R E DMITI:t. n will be presented with all the MAGNIFICENT SeENIG AND MECHANICAL EILFECTS, NEW WARDROBE., ORIGINAL MUSIC, COSTLY ACCESSORIES, AND GREAT CAST. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, August 28, LAST GRAND ARRAN NA POGUW DIATOM% IKO9T POSITIVELY. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Aupusptlld BENEFIT OF MRS. 00Pli IR 01681.1R1t HUHN, , THURSDAY EVENING. A„ net '',, Benefit of Messrs. WILES AND ifLADKIIIIRIt. SATURDAY RYININR, August ga, Benefit of Mr. LEWIS BAKE and LAST NICH-1T OF THE SEASON; MONDAY EVENINGP i August 28. INAUGURATION OF TILE ALL _ND WIN TER SEASON,AND INITIAL. /SIGHT OF MISS KATE REDINOLDS. NEW CHESTNUT-ST, THE' AVltt. # SPECIAL NOTIOL`v , 'lt re LADIES and GENTLEISIEN'engaged for tile eneting . Fali and Wintere Beason win idname • A.SSEMBLE .I,N THE GREEN,IMIEIt 10 A... 3 1 , 4, On WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 33bi for Rehearsal, previous twilit: OPENING: OP THE SEASON,' On MONDAY', AUGUST 210. JOS.. C. POSTER, StageMtinager. FO'X' ' AM BRI OLN YABIETT THEATRE—WALNUT Street, alErfe 'Eighth. EVERY EVENING Will be performed the new sees:Alen drama,entidell THHOIGAR 011th Or CUBA: EL NINO EDDIE, the wonder of'the the Tight Rona. MLLE ANNETTI the greatest Dasioeuse In America; an a new grand Ballet. MISS LILLIE WHITHM; the beautiful au accomplished Comedienne, I* a new Burletta. FAMILY MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY AFTERNOON. auki.tir FAIRMOUNT' WATER-WORKS; (WPRE BRIDGE•) AFTERNOON CVNCeitTS EVERY DAY, GRAND y` HASSLER% MILIT ARY BAND.' Programmes of Mode issued daily.' The Arch Vine, and tillowhili-etreet care rum directly to the place. auls-K' 4A-A OADRMY OF IN ARTS, CREST. NUT Street, abb*".l Tslith=Open from A, 114. till 6P. M. Benjamin West's great picture of CHRIST. REJECTED still on Exhibition. lell SUMMER RESORTS. IIGHT-HOl7$E. COTTAGE, ATLANTIO, an, X. J. The nearest house to the stir& JONAH WooTTON, Proprietor. aul4-1m RURAL HOTEL, FBANELIN_, VENANEW INVNTY, FA. JAMES B. 13TEEL, Proprietor. This well-known and popular House haajust bees thoroughly refitted and enlarged to more than double - its former canacihY PleatiallPy situate in thecentre otthe Town, with ready AMMO. )4 hall alidAtalgatO allpottlte the oIL REtiIUN and tte aecommodattolie for auests full v equal to those of first-class Hotels is asy part of It has been the , oalntrrithe Proprietor to establiah a House combining the comforts of Home with all the advanta j eves es of a large Hotel, and he beli ha has succeeded. y4.lPas SEA. BATIIING---CAPE MAY OAP ISLAND, N. J. —THE NATIONAL This large and commodious Hotel, known 45 the National Hall is now receiving visitors. Pries per week, $l6; children and servants half-price. jeao-2m AARON GARRETSON, Proprietor. EXCURSIONS. &MOM CA" MIL WEST JERSEY RAILROAD. iliCaT FOOT or MARKET MEET, Wr" FERRI% AT 8.30 A. M., EXMIEI3S. Da/ 2.30 P . m ., LASSNDER. Due at IA P. 4.30 P . M ., 21CPRESS. Due at 746 1. rare, $3.00. Servant., woo. EXCURSION TICKETS, $15.00. CounonSUL, to be :iced by one person only, 10 fig sp.oo. rassengers and Baggage taken to and trove tLa Island and Station without additional charge. Freight daily from Sundfordte Wharf, beireoc Spruce street. BetUnkfllf l Tralne leave CAPE MAY at 3.80 A. M. Mali 8 .A.; Ex Pees 6Pa CI Aaeolatillo4l4494 8.20 Preight. • 3. TAN RENSSELAER, WIWI.. PHILADZLPRIA, July . 24, 1865. jyB-tisi afflir74,,ium GRAND ANNUAL EXCURSION OF TRW yOUNG . IREN - 6 'CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION TO ATLANTIC CITY, NEXT FRIDAY, Altgpst, Tichetedit.6o; children half price. To bo had'ali6 Hall - 1210 CHESTNUT street, and at VINE STREET WHARF. au224t g „,0 4 1=4% , FOR THE BEA,SHORE-- BY MOONLIGHT. MUNDY'S EIGHTH AiLNBAL COMPLIMENTARY MOONLIGHT EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC_,.CITY, ON SATURDAY EVENINO, August 28th. • Last boat leaves VINE.STREET .FERRY at S• o'clock P.M. Fare, for the round trip 51.80. •Returnina leaves ATLANTIC at 3 o'clock A. M. on AIONDA' MORNING. Tickets can be bad itt the WHARF, ONE UQUH BEFORE STARTING - , DAVI)) It MUNDY, Conductor. aguipm CAPE. MAY, BY WEST JERSEY RAILROAD. On and after THURSDAY, August 24, the 6.30 A. 241. train up from CAPE MAY, Slid 4,30 edit+ train downtrom PHILADELPHIA., will he dloconOnned. The 8A : M. train up from Cape May will *lnuit° stops, and be due at Camden at 12 M. The 8.30 A. M. train down from Philadelphia will make stops below Glassboro, and be due at Cape May at 12.30 P. M. J. VAN RENSSELAER, Superintendent. CAMDYN, August 18th, 1866. aUI9-St amigo °ANAMBRA RA/L. ROAD OOMPANY....Ta Tourists and Travellers—Excursion Season of Lake Ontario, Saguenay Elver, The Thousand Islands, Portland, The Rapids of St. Law- White Mountains, renee Rlver, Saratoga Springs, Montreal, & c., &c., Le.. eke. Quebec &e., &C., Ties for and above Exeurolone. hes.* been solong and favorably known to Omhfiadet phis, public, by various routes to Niagara Falls, to* sale at the OATAWISSA. ELMIRA RAILROAD TICKET OP. FICE, *24 CHESTNUT Street, under Philadelphia Bank. Where fun infornloHoll,Will he given. N, YAN LuyEN MMUS ger Agent, 143 CHESTNUT street. an CAMDEN AND AT LANTIC RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. T11E0159711 IN TWO HOURS. On and after SATURDAY, July /at, use , ri.via trains daily to Atlantic City and due on Sunday, TRAINS LEAVE VINE-STREET FERRY as folloWs: Special Excursion 6.30 A, M. Mall Train t 7,20 A. le. Freight, with Passenger Oar attached.... 9.15 A. X. Express (through in two hours) 2.00 P. M. Atlantic-Accommodation 4.15 P. M. , RETURNING, LEAVE ATLANTIC. Atlantis ttmealiiiiitdatlon Aii7 At M. Express throllgh iii tin Ultra) 7.00 04,, V, Freight, with Passenger ear attached....ll.47 A., . Mail Train 4.45 P. Special Excursion 5.18 P, M. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Vine-street Ferry at 7.80 A. H. Returning, leaves Atlantic at 4.45 P. X. Fare to Atlantic, la. Round-trip Tickets, good only for the day and train on Fhla theY are issued, P. JUNCTION ACCOMMODATION. Leave Vine-street Ferry at 530 P. M. Leave Jackson at 6.26 A. M. EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS. Leave Vine-street Ferry at 10.18 A. M. and 1.15 P. 51, Leave Haddonfield at 11.45 N. M. and 2.46 P. M. N. E.—Freight Janet be delivered at Cooper's Potut Ware 6 o'clock P. M. to inore Regulus coin the next day. JOHN V, UPTAITT, 3e28-tf . Agent. amilM EXCURSIONS TO LONG BRANCH.—Trains 102 Long Branch will leave Cooper's Polak CAMDEN, daily (Sundays excepted,)at 9.15 A. M. Fare, 195.. Exenreige Tickets, , good for three days, $3. Exfta train on baturaiya4.9o P. M. Returning, art"? at Ca m den at 9,10 A. M. Monday, je2S-Ern L. B. COLE, agent, Camden, L. PHILADELPHIA ECALE WORES.—BANKS, DINMORE,_ & Successors to A. B. Davis Co. N. W. cor ner FIFTEENTH Street and i'ENSTSYL VA NIA Avenue, mautifoeinrero of Patent Sealed, suitable for Weigh Locks, Railroad Tracks. Depots, Coal, Hay, and • Live Stock; also, all the various descriptions of Dormant and Portable Platform Scales, Counter Scales; and Patent Reams; Patent Stork House Scale, for Blast Furnaces; Patent Parallel Crane Beam, for weighing boilers, mot ley, and other heavy nuiclllilern Hopper homes. l for weighing grain. indicating . imoneig POinidat Banks'mproved Roiling-mill and Unit% Seale. Every Scale warranted. Prompt attention Wen to repairing. Send for a (*miler. C. WANKS, IL H. DINMOR% LEWIS L. HOITPT, I C. H. GI-BRING. J. 11, SPEIMLET, au22-3m EFAIR - BAN 1 ' STANDARD SCALE, Adapted to every branch of business Irli,ere correct and durable Scale is required. A uniform standard of weights, and a correct - system of weighing, are subjects claiming the at tention of every individual to the community. A WORD OF CAUTION. TIIE WELL.EMINED REPUTATION or. TIIES has Induced the linanufactlirers and Veit' xlers of imperfeet and cheap made balances to direr them as FAIIIIIANICB' tillataus, and purchasers liked therefore been subjected to fraud mid impositi6)l; and further, other manufacturers have falsely asr scaled that they have secured the services avai"Vil superintendents and foreinen.leom our establish ment. The eal/ectiluers have no controversy with ,honor ab/s competitors, but rego Ming the r er P et " th " of the above frauds as emirs] ) alike ittAihd and dishonorable, they vise Mk method to caution, the public against their iinr4tlulls. 'PAM! H 9 t ENVINti, aul(Ltotheitfj MASONIC lIALL, Phliadelphla, l's. t"' • WpITTEN AND VERBAL DE- SettiftiONS of Character CenAtitutton_i and Taient, With ADYIOn on iatisigiatii i , Beau)), EdileatiOn, liellAniprovernen.t, Men.. ageinent and 'Training of OHILD.REN, go. (dal Adaptation, an., day andevenitic by JOHN L. TJA.PEN, Phrenologist and Bookseller. No. ad , B. TENTH. Street, above Cheetnut oeii-tuthelylf _ _ BUIST'S NII-lIS E RY, SIXTY. SEVENTH Street and Darby 'Road, Just now a eery grand show of thousands of tLADIOLUS and JAPAN LILIES In full bloom. atil9.3V. jSOLDIERS AND OTHERS WILL flintit to their Interest to DOY Boots Shoes. T roika, Travelling Baga, &Cr wt• (tA.RWETTIB 31 South SECOND,ab. Chestnut, eost oide,autt-tutil HAVANA CIGARS AND GUAVA. JELLY.—New Invoices nor landlug—offered lowc to dealers. Cigars suited, f or lOC, and 12c. Gea..Le,„.4, l l,fre factory. retailing at M. 8, LIU id t o n ..immtrtera, NO. 310 auth 'FRONT gteeet. HERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS AND SOUPS. lon doz. Smear,. Meet. 600 " ReWiteef. 64 * O'o Veal. ti 2) mutton. l'uuu do Tgrke. 1.000 ", d o chlelotme. B, °°° I ' assorted Soups, 1111.2,2 g llkoans• For Bale by RHODES & WiLlitamS. fe6-tf 107 South WATER Street. 500 .)ALES COTTON WICK JUST Veceired. Also, full stock of Cotton Yarns. Parpet , chain, Bc., at lowest market Vet t. Co. , OWE EUSTO (Jo ati l ,6 151 A na lag ptorth TRIED Street. •