g4t ‘!,l rtssf THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1865 MEXICO. The Condit i Future on of the Country—lto Pre. sent and Prospects Maxi. matiattls Attempts to Conciliate the Pople —How the French Army Act. The correspondent of the New York Herald at the city of Mexico and Vera Cruz furnishes some interesting news about Mexico, which we herewith transmit to our columns. writing from the city of Mexico ,under date of July 21st, he says : ' - =mous OONDITTON OF THE COUXTEY. Perhaps some persons might be inclined to doubt if 'Mexico be really so bad. Lot me say to such, I have seen many Americans come to this country within the lust eighteen months— but more rkarticularly within the last six he appeared to derive their notions of this country from the glowing descriptions Of its conquest by Hernando Cortes. Allowing those descriptions to be true, of which I have doubts as big as a mountain—remember they represented the country as it was three hun dred years ag_o, in the days of Montezuma and the Aztecs. Is it any wonder, then, that find ing it SO different now, disgust takes the place of admiration? An Mexico/9 owned by a very few individuals, in comparison to the whole Mass of the population, and the Government, which is anxious to encourage immigration as a prop to itself, finds it imßossible to do so, because it has no lands to give. Of the seven or eight millions of inhabitants of Mexico, at least two-thirds are landless and houseleas, minus everything generally, and thoroughly demoralized by fbrty years of revolutions, pronunciamientos, and disorder. Mexico is a country of ruins, phy . sieal and moral, and if Maximilian succeeds in ..a.lvanizinff it into life he will accomplish a task' greater than the Em peror who boasted that he found Rome of brick and left it of marble. Yet it must be said to his credit that he is trying to do everything that his enlightened mind and benevolent disposition suggests. He encourages railroads, he gives grants for lines of telegraph, he establishes communication with foreign ports on the Atlantic and Pacific, he builds up schools, grants liberty of con science, takes up the lands abandoned by their owners during the civil wars and sells them to settlers; but his good intentions are in great part frustrated by the hostility of the Mexi cans. MAXIMILIAN'S NELovs:D COUNTRV "—.THE MEXI CANS WOE 7 T dirkl 11131 HIS lifaTl7ll/dazxrio9( TArltas. The Emperor wishes to be a Mexican, but the people appear unwilling togive him his naturalization papers while he is support ed by foreign bayonets. When he speaks of Mexico lie calls it. l4 our beloved country," with allsineOrity IllaYellOtiOttht 5 but the Mexicans, with at least apparently equal sincerity, won der why French, Austrian, Belgian, Egyptian, and Martinique soldiers are necessary to keep no the bonds of affection between them and their beloved Emperor. Besides, on a very large portion of the soil of Mexico the au thority of Maximilian is not recognized at all. In the great States of the north i has Scarcely a foothold. in Guerrero there is not a shadow of imperial authority, and in the south a de cree of the Emperor would be read and laughed at. In fact, the bare occupation of the Mexi can territory by a force so inconsiderable as the one here is an impossibility. The au thority of each garrison extends just so far as the Adler Can speedlits bullet,and no farther. Beyond that Maximilian is regarded, like all other foreigners in the country, as a mere " G 117790." and nothing more. Never, since the times recorded by Cervantes, did man ven ture on an expedition more purely chimerical antlQuixotical than did Napoleon 111. when he undertook the conquest and permanent oc cupation of Mexico with thirty thousand men. Even though no frowning . Yankee should cast a threatening glance on this side of the Rio Grande, the scheme of Napoleon is destined to failure. ' RAID OF. TEE LIBERAL PORCES—THEY DEFEAT A BELGIAN FORCE tri 'in GREAT SLAUGHTER. See a bit of news which only reached this City the other day. Two bands of " dissi dents," from Tamaulipas, under the command of Mendez and Escobeclo, have invaded tile State of San Luis, capturing the towns on their way, levying contributions, and spread ing terror in their path. They took possession of Victoria and Tula, in Tamaulipas, and ad vanced as far as the city of San Luis Potosi, where they are at present masters of the situ ation, Guanajuato and Queretero are thrown into alarm, and are daily expeeting a < visit from the hardy Liberals. It is only a short time ago that the State of Michoacan was al most completely in the hands of the partisans of Juarez. At Taeambaro, in the last named State, they inflicted a bloody defeat on the Belgians who were stationed there. Taetunba ro is but little more than half a day's staging from the City of Mexico. THE JUAREZ PARTY OAINENG GROUND. There appears just now to be a concerted movement on the part of the Liberals in the States of the northeast. Blanco, a partisan chieftain, has issued a proclamation in Russ teca, in which he advises the people that the torch of liberty has been raised M. Tamauli pas, NWT() Leon, and He tells them that the port of Tuxpan has been recovered by the Mexicans, and oilers pardon in the name of President Juarez to those who have com mitted treason to their country by adhering to its enemies, provided they return to their proper allegiance and assist in driving the in vaders from the land. No one who mingles with the Mexicans, even. hi the City of Mexico itself,. can fail to observe that, though they submit to the powers that be, their hearts are with their Indian President in the mountains of the North. Maximilian is undoubtedly a good man; wise, benevolent, and liberal he brings to the country every qualification which education can bestow upon a susceptiblemind ; his intentions are to do everything . of good for the country; his hand is full of benefits, but he is a stranger,. and the Mexicans don't know strangers. Their motto appears to be " Time° Danaos et dorm ferentes." It they must have a throne, they do not wish to see it occupied by a stranger, and, least of all, one who is nosed on them by a foreign army which pre - neut.. ands-;,stueir capital in the character of a conqueror, VERA CRUZ, July ii, 13e,'5.—The coriclitioll of this unfortunate country is becoming daily more and more desperate. The Imperial Go vernment, far from ameliorating this state of affairs, only brings upon us fresh misfortunes, which will require much time and trouble to repair. The Courrier des Etats "Clids,.and other journals devoted to Napoleon's policy, would have us believe that Alex:leo is especially favored by fortune—that progress is apparent in all directions, and that the work of t ranee is a work of civilization and humanity. In order to support these lies, they take especial care not to give publicity to a multitude of acts which would prove the fiction and falsity of their statements. Nothing is mentioned except the liberality of the Emperor Maxi milian, his humane disposition, his excursions —which are made simply to avoid altercations with Marshal Bazaine—and his generous pre sents, which I look upon as the continuance of his extravagance while at Miramar, and whose immediate effect cannot be other than to in crease vagraney and foster a desire among Cer tain classes to supply theirnecessities.witnout being obliged to work. OUTRAGES UPON TREMOR METIOANS—THE PACTS KEPT DARK. The strictest silence is kept regarding the burning of San Geronimo and twenty sugar plantations on the banks of the river Papaloa palm and the sackin of Tlacotalpan—acts of barbarism committedgratultousl men be longing to the French navy. Nothing is said about the raid upon Coeinto, where the Egyp tian troops burned down two hundred and forty houses, inhabited by poor working men, the unfortunate creatures witnessing tile de struction of their beautiful cottonplantations.. They are now in thegreatest misery, living under trees, with the effects of Preach civili zation before their eyes. Do not believe that I am endeavoring to mis lead public opinion by resorting to misrepre sentations ; what I have stated are actual facts, which can be authenticated by upwards , of ten thousandpersons who were witnesses of the same, The k reuch have laid waste over seven leagues of cultivated territory on the banks of the rivers Cocinto and Haßscoyan they have carried devastation and death into . that district without any plausible pretext, and solely because the inhabitants would not consent to make war upon their countrymen, who, with arms in their hands, were resisting intervention and the empire. The following important document, which has not yet been made public, gives a true in. sight into the conditions of nearly all the dis tricts : Monnun, June, 1855. Sir.: The line of policy which your Majesty has followed, with a view to firmly establish yOlit Government, is not In accordance with other ends which your Mafesty doubtless eon. templated in adopting this policy. On the contrary, the people look upon it with the ut most suspicion, and the revolutionary party with marked contempt. All enthusiasm. having died out, the people have lapsed into a state of indifference which will shortly turn to hatred. The revolutionists, after their Tights had been recognized by your Majesty in the most explicit and solemn manner,, scorn concessions which they regard but as just reparation of legitimate rights_ They are ad vancing to their object; nothing impedes them, and they will triumph even in this dis trict. This will not be achieved by the force of their arms ; their strength consists in the weakness Of the Government, where there is no accord and a want of judgment and unity of action. In a word, sir, they possess the superior intelligence to direct, firmness of will to decide, and a vigorous band to strike ; therefore confusion must necessarily be the final result. This is the condition of affairs in Michoacan. I regard my duty as an official t and my loyalty as a gentleman frankly . urging upon your. Majesty, for the fourth time 7 to accept MY resignation of Political Prefect. I beg that your Majesty will deign to accept it, so that I may be at least free from the ridicule which is the fate in store for all public functionaries in ibis wretched district. ANTONIO DEL MODAL To the lentßUT of state.' General Gillmores Announcement of the Appointment of Governor Perry. Under date of July f.,)Sth, General Gillmore issued a general order announcing the ap pointment of Governor Perry as Provisional Governor of South Carolina. After quoting the proclamation of Governor Perry, prescrib ing that all citizens shall take the 'amnesty oath before they are allowed to vote, General Gillmore says: - - It is therefore ordered, that all ofneers and other persons in the U ited states military service, within the. State of South Carolina, aid and assist Governor Ferry In carrying into effect the foregoing instructions, and they are enjoined to abstain from, in any Way, hinder ing, impeding or discouraging, the loyal people of the State from the organization of a •State Government, as hereinabove authorized and directed. - - Al/ Orders ana instructions now in operation throughout this depart tent, whether emanat ing from them headquarters or from Head 9uarters Department of the South, that are not inconsistent with the foregoing distinctly spe cified provisions of this order, will continue in force as heretofore, throughout the State of South Carolina. Every needfulAy for taking the amnes ty oath will be afforded by the military authd• cities, on forms heretofore supplied for that purpose. Hereinafter provost, marshals and assistant provost marshals will constitute the only mili tary officers entitled to admihister the am nesty oath, a certified copy of which will, in call a sty, be furnished to the mdividUal tatil4fs' it. The original oaths will tie transmitted, semi-monthly by the officer administering the same, to the Provost Marshal General at these headquarters, brwhom they will be recorded in a hook kept for that purpose, and then for warded to the Secretary of State. Persons applying for. Executive clemency will send their petition (with a certmed.zony or the amnesty oath attached) to the Presi dent, through the Provisional Governor at Greenville, South Carolina. By command of Major Veil, Q. A. Cillmore. `V. 1 , . M. limman, Assistant _Amho ant General. D. T. HODGES, Capt. 35th T.? Acting Assistant Adjutant General. LEGAL. DEPARTMENT OF THE RECEIVER ON TAXES, PIIILADELPITIA, July 17, UM. • Notice 15 hereby given, that writs of scire faclas will be issued upon the' Claims for Taxes herein after mentioned, at the expiration of six weeks from the date hereof unless the same arc paid within that time to JOHN E. HATTA,'Esq., Solicitor for the Receiver of .Taxes, No. ItIS South SIXTIi Street. Ctti rd.). W. Potts, C. P.. J. T. 1865, No. 1. City and State tax 1960, $4.64. ot , northwest corner Norris and Beulah'streets, 190 by 150 ; First ward. Same vs. C. M. Phillbps__C. P. J. T., 1865. No. 2. City arid State tax, Mt $27.05. ' Lot south side Rule street, MI feet west of Fourth street, 66 by 160; First ward. Same vs. F. E. Vandyke , 0. 1?., J. T., No. 3. City and State tax, .1860 /20.1. Lot west side Eighteenth street, 136 feet north of Fitzwater, GO by 64; First ward. • Same vs. H. Mellionny, C. 1"., J. T., 1865, No, 4. City and State tax, 1880, $9.57. Lot west side of Firth• street. SOS feet north of Reed street, 18 bY 128: First ward. 5. 5 a Cite vasn. d W Siltlaitaem Wxh artBo6on, C. P .17., J L T t ,s oMtkNaust corner Front and Mifflin streets, 150 by 80; First ward. Same vs. H. McAnany, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 6. City and State tax, 1800, $42.49. Lot, and two three story brick houses, southeast corner Fifth and Bor den streets 32 by 15 First ward. Same - vs. ifvFadtlen, C. P., J. T., 1881, No. 7 . City and State tax, 1860, 8638.28.. Lot west side Fourth street, CB feet north of Dickerson, 64 by 170; First Same cs: Unknown, C. P. J. T., 1885, No. 8. City and State tax, 1860, $18.13. Lot east side of sloya inensing avenue. 102 feet 3 inches south of Tasker street, 42 by 50; First ward. Same TS. .Alexander Eustus, C. P.,J. T. 0865, No. 9. City and State tax, 1860, 889.60. L of west side of rOlirthart-th 62 feet 11 Inches south of Moore. street, 138 by 400; First ward. Sante vs. J. Johnson, C. P., J. T., 180.5, No. 10. City and State tax, 1860, 410.07. Lot northwest cor ner Seventh and Moore streets, 187 feet on Seventh street, 145 feet on Moore street, thence along Wag ner's Line 39 feet, thence along Richard's Line 245 feet ; First ward. Sallie vs. Mary VandersliCe, C. P., J. P. 1866, No. 11. City and State tax, 1860, $16.93. Lot south side Wharton street, 16 feet west of Third street, 16 by 100; First ward. Same vs. Samuel Moont v, C. P., J. T., 1865,_ No, 12. City and State tax, WO, $27.57. Lot southeast corner Moyamensing avenue and Reed street, 16 by 50: First ward. Same Ts, Alexander Ustis, C. P., 3. T., 1865, No. 18. Cita - and State tax, 1.880, $44.92. Lot Southwest corner Fifth and Moore streets, 101 by 100; First ward. Same vs. J. W. Potts, D. C., J. T., 1865, No. 1. City and State tax 1860, $133.23. Lot on Eighth street, 112 by 291 feet Lewts street; First ward Same vs. T. Stewart, D. C. J. T., 1886, No. 2. City and State tax 1860, $0.6.30. Lot southweast corner Sixteenth anti Pine streets, VA by 398: First ward. Same vs. S. liennedy. D. C. J. 1.,1865, No. 3. City and State tax. 1860, $102.94. Lot northwest corner Fifth and Mini streets, 298 bp 150 feet; First ward. Same vs. Hannah Bernard, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 14. City and State tax, 1860., $61.34. Lot anti four store brick house west side Swanson street, 17 feet south of South street, 17 by n; Fourth ward. Same vs. Anna Williams, C. P., J. T., 1865, NO. 15. City and State tax, 1800, $lO.OB. Lot and frame building, north side Front street. 89 feet west of Barron street, 17 by 25; Fourth ward. Same vs. John S.LySter. C. P. J. T., tam, No. 16. City and State tax, 1860, =.61. Lot and two-story brick building, south side Monroe street, 280 feet west front Third street, 17 feet by 336 feet; Fourth ward. . . same ys. F. S. Johnson,C. P., J. T.,.1861, No. 17. City and State tax, 1860 $60.68. Lot and three story building thereon, south side of Almond street, 80 feet east of - Front street, 18 by 60; Fourth ward. Same vs. John It. Taylor, C. .P'., J. T.. 1868, No. 18. City and State tax, 1860, $45.44. Lot and three story-brick-house, east side Front street, 90 feet south of South street, 23 by 80: Fourth ward. Same vs. F. S. Johnson, C. P. J. T.,1365, No. 19. M City and State tax, I *80.99. N. Lot and three-story brick house. cast side Front street, 85 feet south of Almond street, 84 by 200; Fourth ward. Same vs. same, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 20. City and State tax, 18E0,480.19. Lot and two-story frame buildiug. east side Front street, 65 feet south. of Al mond, 11 by 200; Fourth ward. Same vs. Mrs. M. Bradley, C. P„ J. T., 1865, No. 21. City . and State tax, 1860, $30.71. Lot and two story brick house, 233 feet south of South street, 17 by 80: Fourth ward. _ Same vB, William Dickens, D. C., J. T.,1865, No. 4. City and State tax, moo; V 07.41. ' Lot >iiul theoe story brick house, northeast corner of Sixth and Spruce streets, 18 by 70, No. 541; Fifth ward: Same vs. Henry 1. Wallace, D, C., J. T. 1865, No. 5. City and State tax, 1860. V 237.16. Lot and four-story brick house, west side Sixth street, 61 feet south of Sansom street, 21 by 135, No. 128; Fifth ward. Same vs. J. IL McLoughlin, C. P., J. T., 1365, No. 22. City and State tax, 1860, $46-44. Lot and four sto ry brick house north side Lombard street, 52 feet wcsi of Seventeenth street, 17 by 60; Seventh ward. Same vs. Owen Shields, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 23. City and State tax, 1860, $ 27.77.L0t and three-story brick house west side Twenty-fourth street, 65 feet south of Pine street, 15 by 55; Seventh ward. Same vs. George 11. Armstrong, C. P., J. n o rth No. 24. City and State tax, 1860, $46.18. Lot side Lombard area, 47 feet east of 'Morris street, 16 by 80, No. 1415; Seventh ward. Same vs. Anna Lawrence, C. P., J. T., 1885. No. 25. City and State tax, 1860, $13.03. Lot north side Lombard street, 30 feet east of Aspen street, 16 by 78; Seventh ward. Slone vs. Catharine Mealy, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 26. City and State tax, 1860, $21.88. Lot and two story brick house, southeast corner Budd and Dean streets, ta by 40; Seventh ward. Same vs. Thomas Scott, C.P.T.,_1865, No. 27. City and State tax, issO, $43.44. Lot and two-and.a. balf-StOry brick house north side South street, 144 feet west of Eleventh street, 18 by 80, No. 1117; Seventh ward. Same vs. John D. Shaw, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 28. City and State tax, 1860, $69. Lot and four brick houses west side Twenty-fourth street, 30 feet north of Kent street, 32 by 58. Same 1 - 5. Jacob Snyder, D. D. J. T., 1865, No. 6. City and State tax. 1860, 0202.34; Lot and-three story brick house southeast corner Sting and Fif teenth streets,9B ey 108, No. 415; Seventh ward. Same vs. D. McCandless, C. P., J. T., 1865, N 0.29. City and State tax, 1860, $33.66. Lot and two three . story brick houses southwest corner Lombard and Seventeenth streets, 16 by 85; Seventh ward. Sallie vs. A. M. A. Lawrence, D. C., J. T., 18,35, N 0... City and State tax, 1060, $178.60. Lot and a...,1117 wept side Washington Square, 29 feo south of Goo water street, 20 by .05; Eighth ward. Same vs. Robert J. Arundle, D. - c., J.T., 1885, No. 8. City and State tax, 1860, $105.07. Lot and brick dwelling east side Broad street, 60 feet south of Pop lar, 30 by 160; Fourteenth ward. Same vs. Charles Wetherill, C. P„ J. T., 1885, No. 30. City and State tax, 1860, $60.16. Lot north side of Market street, 149 feet west of Twentieth, 21 by 190! Ninth ward. Same vs. H. catiierwood, 0.r." J. T. 1.06 t., No. M.- City and State tax, 1880, 174.92. Lot north side Chestnut, 80 feet east ot Twenty-second, 90 by 168 feet; Ninth ward. Same vs. John W. Wallace, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 32. City and State tax, 1860, $67.54. Lot and three story brick dwelling , east side of Nineteenth street, 213 feet north of Chestnut street, 18 by 65; Ninth ward. Same vs. Rachternact, C. P.' J. T., leas, No. al. City and State tax, 1880, 5.05.29. Lot and buildings northeast corner Tenth and Morgan streets, 15 by L°o; Tenth ward. Satre re. John. Walters, D. T., 1865, No. 9. City and State tax, 1860, $133.80. Lot northeast cor ner Eleventh and Coates streets, 40 by 140; Four teenth ward. Same vs. C. B. P. O'Neill, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 34. City mid State tart 1860, 649.21. Lot and build ings southeast corner iietneock and Phoenix Streets, SO by it: Seventeenth ward. Same vs. B. Sherry, D. C., J. T., 1865, No. 10. City and State tax, 1860, $140.53. Lot and buildings north side Master street, extending front America to Cad walader streets, 30 on . Master, 160 on America, and 154 on Catiwalader; Seventeenth ward. Same vs. B. Sherry, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 85. City and State tax, 1860,i844'.60. Lot and three-story w brick dwelling - est side of Cadwallader street, 124 feet north of blaster street, 22 by 160; Seventeenth ward. Same vs. Margaret Fredericks,C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 36. ity and State tax, 186 341.56. Lot west side Wood street, 54 feet east of Duke street, 18 by 100: Eighteenth ward. . Same vs. GeorgeM. Hill, G. P., J. T., 1865, No. 87. City and State tax, 1860, V. 16. Lot south side Cher ry street. Si feet west of Bedford street, 18 by 99; Eighteenth ward. Same vs. William Vaughn, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 33. City and State tax, 1860, $7.16. Lot southwest side Vienna street, 100 feet south of Lemon street, 17 by 100; Eighteenth ward. Same vs. Charles E. Spangler, D. C., J. T., 1865, No. 11. City and State tax, 1860, $103.38. Lot north east corner Trenton avenue and Ann street, 432 by 110 feet 9 hielleS tO Witte street; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. S. S. Davis, C. P., J. T., 1833, No. 39. City and State tax 1660, g3:86. Lot southeast cor ner of Ontario and Myrtle street, 250 by 63; Nine teenth ward. - Same vs. E. Davis, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 40. City and Stale tax, 1860, $18.04. Lot southeast corner Elm and Brown streets, 60 by 108; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Ggerge C. Barber, C. P. J. T. 1865, NO. 41. City and State tax, 1860, W. 28 ., Lotnorthwest corner Sargent and Trenton avenue,3o by /38; Nine teenth ward. Same cs. Robert Sitler, C. P. J. T., 3866, No. 4134. City and State tax,lB6o, $18.42. Lot southeast corner Sepriva and Jackson streets, 111 by 100; Nineteenth ward. : . SAW TS. Patrick Clark, C. P. J. 1865, No. 42. City and State tax, Jaen, *16.03, Lot northwest cor ner Aloultiollth and Duke streets., 63 by 105; Nine teenth ward. Same TS. Joint C. Carver, C. P., J. 1865, N 0.43. City and State tax, 1860, $15.99. Lot southwest cor ner Trenton avenue and Calabria street, 60 by 146; Nineteenth ward. - . S,anie vs. John B. Adams, C. P., J. T.,1865, N 0.44. City and State tax, 1860, 00.72. Lot and four brick braises west of Fitter street, 264 feet south of Hardi son Arvet, 80 by 100; Nineteenth - ward. Same -rs. James BL. CaelteP, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 45. City- and State tax. 1860, $18.95. Lot northwest corner Salmon and Wellington streets, 108 by 103; Nineteenth ward. Satre vs. Thomas Daley, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 46. City and State tax, 1860514.11. Lot east side of Brown street. 75 feet south of Reading Railroad, 57 by 30":: Nineteenth ward. Same VS. R. S. Simpson, C. P.. J. T., 1866, No. 47. City and Slate tax. Am, $14.73. Lot south side Cam bria street, MO feet east of Coral. street, 60 by 146; Nineteenth ward. _ _ Same vs. George W. Burr, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 48. City. and State tax, 1860, $15.99. Lot southwest corner America and Cumberland streets, 60 by 114; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Freeman Scott, C. P. J. N T., 1885, o. 49. City and State tax, 1860, $14.50. Lot west side- Front street, 111 feet southward of Susquehanna avenue, 51 Dy 110 ; _Nineteenth ward, Same 5".5. same, C. P., J. T. 1665, No. 50. City and State tax, 1860, $OB.Ol. 'Lot west side Front street. 64 feet south of Diamond, 300 by 110; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. same, C. P., J. T . . 186:5, - No. 51. City. and State tax, 1860, *47.09. Lot west side Front street, 54 feet north of Diamond, 175 by 110; Nine teenth ward. Same v5.J.V.Peter50n,C.P.,J.T.,1865,N0.52. City and State tax, 1850, it 434.31. Lot and two brick houses south side Pejitlar street, 116 feet wog, of Trenton avenue- 50 by 00: Niueteelitil ward. Same VS. tilr. Purvis, C. P., J. T., 1805, No. 53. City and State tax, 1860,.530.58. Lot southwest cor ner Gaul and Clearfieldstreets, 205 by 165; Nine teenth ward. Sante s - s. Charles A. Pall, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. Si. City and, State tax, 1860, I *3072. Lot west side Hanco street. DA feet south of luntlngdon street, 142 by 109: Nineteenth ward. Same vs. A. J. Paul, C. P. J. T., 1865, NO. 55. City and State tax, 1860, *18.9-11 Lot and building east side Third street, 360 feet north of Oxford, 3.1 by 74: Nineteenth ward. Same TS. Samuel Townsend, C. P., J. T., 1805, No. 56. City and State tax, 1860, *25.65. Lot and two three-story brick houses east side Duke street, 216 feet south of Reading Itailroad, 89 by 81; Nineteenth 11 - 11 r *owe vs. William Tieford, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 57. City and State tail, 1800, *HAI Lot tag bilte Richmond street, 20feet north of Ontario street, n by 14i Nineteenth ward. . 'Same vs. John Tucker,C. P. J. T., 1805, No. SS. City and State tax, IM . O, Lot south side Vic toria street. 160 feet east of Lau:Wert street, 71 by 71: Nineteenth ward. - Same is. John C. tilde_ C. P. J. T., 1865. No. 59. City and State tax. 1860 1 $lO,lO. Lot east side Walker street, LW feet south of Reading Railroad, 64 by GM Nineteenth ward. • Same TS. Unknown, C.F., J. T., 1865, No. 60, City and State tax. 1860, Lot west side kielvale street, 43 feet north of Ann street, 37 by 100; Nine teenth ward. • Same vs. Unknown, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 61. City and State tax, 1800, 85.12. , Lot east side Chat !mill Street, 433 feet South Of Clinirlield, 36 by ms; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Unknown. C. P., T., 1863, N 0.82. City and State tax, 1800, 513.99. Lot northeast corner. Kettlewell and sTorpisi streets, 100 by 140; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. 11. B. Pennock, C. P,„ J. T., 1963, N 0.63. City and State tax, 1860, 8121.89. Lot east side Chat ham street, 25 feet north of Reading Railroad, 98 by 99.7%; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. O. C. RohertB, C. P. J. T,, 1865, NO. 64. City and State tax, 1860, $16.09. Lot north side Hunt ingdon street. 36 feet east of Thompson street, 59 by. SO: - Nineteenth ward. Same Va. James B. Ileamsey,C. T., 1865, No. 65. City and State tax, 1860, $7.00. Let and frame dwelling north side Anthracite street, 160 feet east of Almond. 20 by 'A Same vs. Charles R. Spangler, P.C.. J. T., WA, No. 11. City and State tax,WO, 15157.50. Lot east side Trouts,, avenue. 60 feet north of Clonfieltil 582 .c rd. Same vs:' a A . lialgttel, C. P. T,, 1860, No, 06. City and Stale tax, 1860, 6524.31. ' Lot northwest ear ner Allegheny avenue and Salmon, 150 by 105; Nine teenth ward. Same VS. John it. Adams, D. C. J. T., 1865, No. 13. City . and Stair tax. 1860, $118:29. Lot and ten buntliima, northwest carver Brown and Gold strAere, 191 hy Nineteenth ward. Same VS. Jo M. Peyton, J. T. 1606, ;No. 87. Cilv and State tax, 1660, 321 135. Lot southeast corner Miller and Allegheity avenue, 100 by 60; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. John Mee, C• P., J. 'P., 1885, No. 68. City and State tax, 1860, $23 .47. Lot south side Calabria street, 162 feet cast Of Antherstreet, 100 by 146; Niue tventh ward, Same Ts. dotal p. F., J. T.. 1885. N o. 85 . City and State tax, 1860, VLSI. Lot and tieentv-six brief: houses, southeast corner ihnillitin and Coral streets, 282 by 316; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. George W. Brown, C. P., J. T-1061, No. 70. City and State tax, 8,8.61. Lot north we,t Sepviva find Emellne streets, 36 by 60; Nineteenth ward. Same TS. Henry S. Mott, C. P. J. T. 1865. No. 71. Cify !Onto tax. 1860, 1813.02. Dot northeast cor ner liutler and Myrtle streets, 112 by 446; Nineteenth ward. Stone VS. Chris. E. Spangler. C. P., J. T.. 1865. No. 72. City ant State tax. 1860, $24.30. Lot northeast corner. Werile and Clearfield streets, 144 by 75; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. James Wharton. C. P.. J. T., 1865, NO. 73. City and State tax, 1060, $15.80. Lot nc,rtb. aide PAtrterteLstreet. 165 feet 'treat of Cedar street, 60 by 191; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. William Watt, G. P., J. T, 1866, No. 74. City and State tax, 1880. 35.70. Lot we ' d ;side Dau phin street, 198 feet west of Trenton avenue, 10 by 100; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Jacob Wetzel!, C. J. T., 1865, No. 7. City and State tax, 1860, $8.61. Lot west side How ard street, 162 feet south of York, 36 by 95; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. John Patrick C. P. J. T. 18E 5 , NO. 76. City and State tax, 1860, Lot mat side Brown Street, 100 feet south o Allegheny avenue, 101 by 106; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. George Payne, C. P.,1. T., 1805, NO. 77. City and State tax, 1810, $13.20. Lot north side Al legheny avenue, 41 feet north of Almond, 40 by 150; Nineteenth ward. Same ys. William B. Swanzey, C. P., Lots , 1865, No. 78. City and State tax. 1800, $15.98. south sitie Nettle 511101, 34 feet west of Apple, OS by 67i Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Jailers Trayncr, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 79. City and State tax, 1860, $18.91. • Lot north side Randolph street, 142 feet west of Trenton avenue, 100 by ltag Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. B. Thomas, C. P.,J. T., 1865, No. 80. City and State tax,lB6o, $lO.OB. Lot northeast cor ner Somerset and Cedar streets, 60 by 80; Nine teenth ward. Sante vs. Edward Trout. C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 81. City and State tax, IE6O, $15.30. Lot west side Brown street, 183 feet south of Clearfield street, 52 by 95; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. John W. Trump C. P., J. T., 1865 No. 82. City and State tax, 18d,524.81. Lot southeast corner Allegheny avenue and Almond street, 188 by 70: Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Mr. TOOlllll5lOll, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 83. City and State tax, 1880, $11.77. Lot west side Richmond sheet, 154 feet north or Allegheny ave nue, 01 by 100; Nineteenth ward, Same vs. Albert White, C. P., J. T., 1866. NO. 84. City and State tax, 1860, 830.73. Lot southeast cor ner Chatham and Wellington streets, 287 by 86; Nineteenth ward. Same is. John Vaughn, C. P.. J. T., 1865, No. 85. City and Sta te tax. 18M, $14.51. Lot northeast Cor ner of William and Almond. streets, 60 by 106; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. W. Whynoop, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 86. City and State tax, 1860, $11.58. Lot southwest cor ner Salmon and Wellington streets, 53 by 105; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Conrad Wyant, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 87. City and State tax, IMO, $5.67. Lot east side Han cock street, 282 feet south Of Cumberland street, 18 492; Nineteenth ward. Same TS. Brown, Desert & Co., C. P. J. T. 1865, No. 89, City and State tax, 1860,324.81. L ot north west corner of Cumberland and Gaul streets, 60 by 160; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Joseph ht. Thomas. C. P. J. T.,1865,N0. 89. City and State tax, 1860, $5 9.53.L0t.. and build ing northwest corner Girard avenue, and Darien street, 18 by 97, No. 811; Nineteenthward, • • Same vs.. Abraham White C. P A . J. T. 160, No. 90. City and State tax, 184, $24.96. Lot' southeast corner of Myrtle and hettlewell streets, 191 by 215; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. James Stockton, C.P., J.T., 1885, N 0.91. City nail State tax, 1860, $5.66.' Lot east side . Tucker street. 266 feet west of> Cedar street, 16 by 76; Nine teenth ward. Same TS. Samuel F. Shank, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 92. City and State lax, Mel, 00.07. Lot northwest corner Tulip and Tucker streets, 60 by 10 2 : Nine teenth ward. Same vs. James Maitland, C.P., 1865, N 0.93. City and State tax, 1860,536.755. Lot east side of Broad street, 120 feet north of Jackson street, 120 by 513; Nineteenth ward. Same va.Winiam Smith. C. P.. J. T., 1865. No. 94. flit and State tax, 180, P. 07. Lot southeast corner Cumberland and Tulip streets, ?I by 160; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Unknown, C.P. T., 1885, No. 95. City and State tax, /860, -'Lot south side Toronto street, 330 feet west of Bath street, 30 by 100; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. C. E. Spangler, C.11P., J. T.,1865, No. 96. City and. State tax, 1860, V 2.66. Lot south gide of Plum street. Se feet west of Bath street, 0 40 by- 100 ; Nineteenth ward. Sable vs. Patrick Norr - s, C. P., J. T., 1865, N 0.97. City and State tax, 1860, $ 14.61. Lot northwest corner William and Almond streets,6o by 105; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Daniel McDevitt, C.P., J.T., 18E5. No. 98. City and State tax, 1860, $6.66. Lot southeast corner Almond and Elm streets, 20 by 127; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Michael MelHenamy C. P., J. T.; 1865, N 0.99. City and State tax, 1860:$11.57. Lot south west corner of William and Tulip streets, 54 by 102; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. W. •fileEllione, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 100. City and State tax, 1860, 327.77. Lot south side Cambria street. 60feet west of Trenton avenue, 113 by 146; Nineteenth ward. Same ys, John Nelson, C. P., J. T., 1865. No. 101. City and State tax 1860, $14.54. Lot southeast cor. ner Almond and Birch streets, 105 by 60; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. John McCloskey, C. P., J. T., 1860, No 102. Cite and State tax; 1860, $l3. Lot northwest corner Howard and Norris, 70 by 45; Nineteenth ward. ' - • • Same vs. C. S. Oram, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 103. City and State tax, 1860, $57.28. Lot northeast co, tier West ;mu Division, 292 by 101 ItTineteeenth ward. • . Same vs. A. Olivine C. P . J. T. 1865. No. Mi. Mr and State tax, 186 . 0, 513.80. Lot 'southeast eor nei Allegheny avenue and Brown, 70 by Mt:Mae teenth ward. Same vs. C. Wendell, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 105. City and State tax, 1860, $12.99. Lot east side Sumer set; 22 feet south of Howard, 46 by 110; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. C. Wendell. C. P., J. T.. 1865, NO, 106. CRT and State taw. 1860. *18.89. Lot south side. Le high avenue, 60 feet cast of SeliViva, 96 by 120; Nine teenth ward. - Same vs. Richard Wlitteall, C. P., J. T., 186.5, No. 107. City and State tax. 1860, $15.99. Lot north side Somerset street, 165 feet west of. Cedar street, 60 by 191: Nineteenth ward. Same 1. - K. J. C. Weber. C. P.,..5. T., 1865, No. 108. City and MOO tax, 1860. $14.51. Lot southeast cor ner Pepper and Lemon streets, 80 by DO: Nineteenth .ward. Same vs. Thomas McCann, C. P., J. T.. 1865, No. 108,16. City and State tax, 1860, Vll.BB. Lot and frame house southwest corner Somerset and Almond. strets, 20 b' 100; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Robert McKinley, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. M. City and State tax, 1860, $lO.OB. Lot east side Almond street 160 feet south of Westmoreland, 52 by 140! Nineteenth ward. Same vs. William C. McMaktn, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 110. City and State tax, 1860, 430.72. Lot south west cornerVaui and Wellington, 267 by 89; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Wm. McFarland, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 111. City and State tax, 1860, $21.87. Lot southwest corner of Front and Lnamond streets, 60 by 110 feet; Nineteenth ward. • • Same vit. Carlton R. Moore, C, gt? J. T., 1855, No. 112. City and State tax, moo, aiza.za. tot ....Ahead corner &ageaut and Zeiycira, 54 by 140; Nineteenth ward. • . . Same vs. Carlton R. Moore, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 113. City and State tax, 1693, $18.42. Lot southwest corner Pepper and Tulip streets, 100 by 90; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. James Moore, C. P., J. T., 1665, No. 114. City anti State 1860, $30.72. Lot east side Duke street, so reet soutn. or Elm street, 150 by 141! Nine. Meath ward. . $11171:10 Vs. George Moore, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 115. City and State tax. 1860, $15.46. Lot west side Sal -111011 street, 100 feet south of Clearfield street, 51 by 105; Nineteenth ward. •. • . Same vs. George Moore C. P., J. T.,1865, No. 116. City and State tax, 1860A30.69. Lot northeast Cor ner Lehigh avenue and West street, 99 by 117; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. H. Morgan, C. P.,J. T., 180, N 0 .11 7. City and State tax, 1880, $12.89. Lot east side Bodine street, GO feet north of Columbia avenue, 57 by 49; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Mitchell, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 118. City and State tax, 1860, $8.59. Lot north side Cumber land, 68 feet west of Cedar street, 18 by 160; Nine teenth ward. .Samc. vs. Benjamin E. Moore, C.P., J. T., 1865, No. 119. City and StSte. tax, 1860, 18.1` , .._.78. Lot northwest corner Wheat Sheaf lane and Cooper street, 75 by 536 feet; Nineteenth ward. Some vs. D. Monier, C. P., J.T„ 1865, No. 120. City and State tax, 1880. $6,40. Lot west side Duke street, 126 feet south of Monmouth street, 121 by 105; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. S. W. Stockton, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 121. City and State tax, 1860, $7.16. Lot and frame house eouti. sale MaMatle street, 20 feet east of Mel - vale, 20 by 100; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. C. W. Carrigan, C. P., a. T., 1065. No. 122. City and State tax, 1860, $59.89. Lot southeast corner Duke and Westmoreland streets, 348 by 95; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Benjamin Pitt - field, C. P., J. T.,1865, No. 123. City and State tax, 1860, 5,38. Lot on 'York Gordon,'G street, bounded by West, Paul, and York streets; Nineteenth ward, Same vs. Eliza A. Reed, C. F., J. T., 1865, No. le.-1. City and State tax, 1860, $13.46. Lot on Adams street, bounded by Adams, Duke, Emeline, and Almond streets; Nineteenth ward. • Same vs. Aaron Subers, C. P., J. T.,1865,'N0. 125. City and . State tax,lB6o, $83.66. Lot southwest et:Dr 'ner Clearfield and Lemon streets, 198 by 101; Nine teenth ward. Same vs, DuboSque, C. P., J.T. 1865, N 0.193. City and State tax, 1660, $18.94. Lot northeast corner Somerset and Amber streets, 721)1146; Nineteenth ward. . Same vs. Dubosque, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 127. City and State tax, 1860, $12.49. Lot southeast cor ner Cambria anti Amber streets, 90 by 73; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Charles Dixey, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 128. City and State tax. 1860, $23.21. Lot southwest cor• ner Auburn and Trenton avenue, 98 by 146; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. John 0. Pritchette, C. P., J. T., 3.663, - No. 129. City and State tax, 1860, $24.81. Lot west aide Richmond street, 440 feet north of Ann street, 40 by 200; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. James Pryor, C. P., J. T. 1865, No. 130. City and State tax, 1860, $9.37. Lot and frame build ing north side Somerset street, 84 feet east of West street, 18 by 106; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. H. D. Pennock, C. P., J. T., 1805, No. 131, City and State tax, 1880, $94.17. Lot northeast cor ner I:livision and Duke, 196 feet 4 inches by 95 feet 7-11 inches; Nineteenth ward. Seine vs. H.. S. Patterson. C. P., J. T. ' 1865, No. 132. City and State tax. 1860, $18.94. Lot southeast corner Almond and Clearfield, 100 by 140; Nineteenth ward. kialne vs. William Dickerson, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. /as. eft;-“ad State ta5,1880,*18.94. LOt and brick building east side Hancock street, feet north of Norris street, 32 by 100; Nineb enth ward. Same VS. John Dittman, C. P., T, 186 S, No. ISt City and State tax. 1860, $10.07. . Lot east side Han cock, 156 feet north of Cumberland street, 38 by 92; Nineteenth ward. • Same vs. Daniel Poland, C. P., J. T., 1865 N 0.135. City and State tax, 1860, $11.54. Lot south side il 11am feet east of Trenton avenue,s4 by 102; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Ben3atilill fleitter, C. F., tr. T.,-1865, No. 136. City and State tax, 1860, 121.88. Lot and brick house thereon, cast side Brown street, 36 feet north of Emory, 17 by 109; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. William R. Dickerson, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 137. City and State tax, 1886, $lO.OB. Lot and frame house, west side of Germantown road, 88 feet north of Little Poplar 16 feet, extending , half way to Sixth street, in depth; Nineteenth ward. Same ys. Mr. Peters, C. P., J. T., 1685, NO. 138, City and State tax, 1860, $11.51. Lot southwest cor ner Trenton avenue and Clearfield street, 54 by 103; Nineteenth ward. - Same v - . Bernes Shee, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 139. City and State tax, 1860, 530.19. Lot west side Nester street. 342 feet north of Somerset street, 225 by 65; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. E. Burton, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 140. City anti State tax MO. gat.Bs. Lot northwest cor ner of Comi,eriatfd and SehViVa, 45 by 160; NW,- teenth ward. • • Same vs. George A. Richmond, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 141. City and State tax, 1860, 43.51. LOt south east corner of Anthracite and Almond, 40 by SO feet; N'ineteenth ward. • Same vs. E. Klippen, C. 1";, J. T., 1865, No. 145. City and State tax, 1860, $26.27. Lot north side Sor rill street, 260 feet east or Melville, 100 by 108; Nine teenth ward, Same Ts. Henry S. Mott, O. P., J. T., 1985, NO.. 143. City and State tax. 1840, $20.05. Lot northwest d:Orner 13u tler and Myrtle streets, 112 by 20; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. James S. Lawrence, C. P. J.T, 1885,Nb. 149. City and State tax, 1860, $lO.OB Lot southwest corner Commissioners' avenue and West street, 57 by 80; Nineteenth ward. 'Same rs. A. •Longstretli, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 14.5, city and State tax. moo, $8.1.0. Lot north side York street, 125 feet west of SeOtiVa street, 181 ,y 1 28 feet; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Frank. Lodge, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. HO. City and State tex t 1860, $13.73. Lot southeast cor ner Hancock and lork streets, 60 by 92 feet; Nine teenth ward. Same es. A. Longstreth, C, 'P., J. T., 1865, 190.147. City and t3tate tax, 1860, .V. 8.1.85. Lot northeast cor ner Sargeant and belliivit oifeTtSt 56 by 138 ; Nine teenth ward, Same vs. Henry Keyser. C. I'.,J. T., 1865, No. 148. City and State tax, MO, 105.91. ,Lot West side Sal mon street, 125 feet south of Wellington street,72 by 105: Nineteenth ward. Same vs. A. C. Klookenbring, 149. City and State tax, 1860. $lO.ll. Lot southwest corner \%and Vermont, :fa by 151 feet V,ti Inch; N111012(111[11 ward. Sane vs. Henry Krider, C. F., J. T. 1886, No. MO. City and State tax. 1860, $lO.Ol. I.ot. northeast corner Pepper anti Tulip streets, 60 by 59; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Martin Kelly, C. P. J. T. 1865, No. 151. City and State tax, 1860, $15.99. Lot southeast corner West and 4.;aul streets, 80 by 22; Nineteenth ward. bailie y.S. Michael C. P., J. T.. 17,115, No. SM. Cavan(' State tax, 1860, $18.94. Lot north stde Somerset. 72 feet east of Amber street, 7Z by 146; Nineteenth ward. . . Same vs. Joel Jones, C. P., J. T., 1865, N 0.153. City and State tax. 1860, *18.95. Lot east side Beach street. 88 feet south of Reading Railroad, 64 by 81; Nineteenth ward.- Same vs. William B.Johnson,C.P., T.,1865, No. 181. City and State tax, 1860, *50.81. Lot north side Pepper. So feet west of Trenton avenue, 120 by 82; ineteentli lea tql. Same vs. J. Thompson, C. P., J. T., 160, N 0.165. City and State tax. 1860, $44.90. Lot northwest corner rorlt and Dancork streets, 183 by 107; Nine teenth ward. Saint vs. J. ThompsOn, C. P., J. T.,'1865, No. 156. City and State tax, 1860, $54.28. Lot east side How ard., 16 feet 8 inches north of 3704 street, 2-52 by 110 .Pert : Nineteenth ward. Same ye. J. Thompson C, r„ J, 1865, No. 157. City and State tax. 1860, 401.60. Lot northeast corner 'Hancock. and Dauphin, 250 by 90: Nineteenth ward. Same VS. Edward Aiken, C. P., J. T. 1985, No. 158. City and State tax, lB6o. 9a1.93. Lo t side. Front street, 302 feet smth of DuutingdOn, 90 by 100; Nineteenth ward. 151111111 VS. COMici Ash, C. T., 1860, No• 15.3. City and State tax, 1866, VAS. Lot %soli ante Melt. mond street, 238 feet south of Emory, 17 by 100; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. Allegheny Wart Land Company. C. P., 1..'T., 1865, No. 160. City and State tax, 1360, Lot south side Allegheny avenue, 284 feet east of Richmond, 20 by 191; Nineteenth ward. Saint vs. Same, C. P., J. T., 1868, No. 161. City and State tax, 1690, *4.53. Lot south side Saxson street, 100 feet east Of. Richmond street, 64 by 72; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Sill»V C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 162, City and •State tax, 1:360, $4.94. Lot north side Saxson street, 244 feet west from Bath street, 64 by 68; Nine teenth ward. . Same vs. Same, C. P. J. T. 1865, No. 163. City and State tax, 7660, X 5.07, 1 "" 9444 "de Bit /OqA street, THE. PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA:,, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1865: 148 feet west of Bath street, 90 by 68; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Same, C. P., J. T. 1966, No. 184. City and MO tax, 1890, 91546. Lot south side of Samson Street, 1.4 , 6 feet east of nicinnoud, 240 by TL; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. David Allen, C. P., J. T.; 1865, No. 105. City and State tax, 160, 311.66. Lot north side Wil liam street, 368 .feet east of Trenton avenue, 54 by 102; Nineteenth ward. same vs. 'Robert Sitter ' C. P., J. F. 18(61, No. 166. City and State tax, 1810.918 AL Lot northeast cor ner nicker and Sepvlva streets, 111 by 100; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. James Schrack„ C. P., J. T., 1885, Nit. 167. City and State tax, 1860, Bdo.lo. Lot east stile Tor pin street, 80 feet south of Tioga street; 60 by 140; N nel eenth - vrurd. Same vs. E. 3. 59 111 16 1 , C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 181. City and State tax, 1860.808 M: Lot east side Duke street, 152 feet south of Heading Railroad, 64 by 81 feet 7 inches; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. S. M. Sarkenheitn, P. J. T., 1885, No. 169, City and State tax, 1860, 061.48. Lot and three-story brick building at the Junction of Frank ford road and Trenton avenue, 105 by 48; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Mr. Schenck, C. P. J. T., 1865, Ne. 170. City and State tax, 1860, 888.65. Lot north' side Wood street. 154 feet west of Cedar street., /8 by 160: Nineteenth ward. Same vs..l. W. Sterling, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. fit City and State tax, 1860, 915.28. Lot northwest cor ner Tulip and Huntingdon, 60 by 100; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Charles F., Spangler C. P. J. 1865, No. 172. City and State tax, 1860, 8117.28. Lot south east corner of Tulip and Clearfield streets, 162 by 100 feet; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Samuel Shelter, C. P., T.,1886, No. 175. City and State tax, moo, 400.63. Lot northwest cor ner Amber:lnd/Warns streets, Why Nineteenth ward. Ssite 'vs. Catharine Taylor, C.F., J. T., 1866, No. 174. City and State tax, 1860, 43.2.80. Lot and three buildings thereon, west side Second street, 210 feet south of 'York street, 20 by 121; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. F. Taylor, C. .V. J. T., 1865, No. 175. City and State tax. 1860, $60.20. Lot northwest corner St a ts id. luehauna and Third, 314 by 102; Nineteenth w Same ys. Mr. Thomas. C. P. J. T., 1885., No. 176. City and State tax 1860, *lO.BB. Lotand brick build. ing west side Bodine street, 364 feet west of Mont gomery street, 14 by 49; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Jacob Sulger, C. P.,J. T., 1865, No. 177. City- and State tax, 1890, $13.99. Lot east side Frank ford road, 70 feet north of Huntingdon, 40 by 120; Nineteenth ward. Same Ye. J. R. Sulger, C. P., J.. T., 1995.. N 0.178. City and State tax, 1860,9E9.58. Lot northeast cor ner Frankford road and Huntingdon street, 30 by 80; Nineteenth weld. Same vs. R. S. Simpson, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 179. City and State tax, 186°. 818.42. Lot southwest cor ner Somerset and Amber streets, 60 by 172; Nine teenth ward. . . Same vs. R. S. Simpson, C. P., d. T., PM, No. 180. City and State tar, MO, 1821.37. Lot south side Sum mer street, 191 feet east of Amber street; Nine teenth ward. . Same vs. A. B. Scott, C. P., J. T., 1865. No. 181. City and State tax, 1860, $14.59. Lot and tire beta. buildings. northeast corner Adams and Amber, 64 0 by 84; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Alleghany Wharf Land Company, J. T., 1865, No. 182. City and Stale tax, 1990, $12.24. Lot south side Allegliany. avenue, 304 feet east of Richmond street, 120 - by 119; Ninteenth ward. Same vs. same,C. P., J. T. 1865, No. 183. City and State tax, 1860, $4.91. Lot north side Saxson eon street, 148 feet cast of Richmond street, 80 by 68; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. same, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 184. City and State tax, /NO, 04.70. LOt On. Bath street; bounded by Bath, Mleghany avenue, and the river Delaware; Nineteenth war d. Sa m e vs. Bertles •Shee, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 165. City and State tax, 1860, $13.03. Lot south side Le high avenue, 90 feet west of Amber, 40 by 100; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. J. B. Mg. er C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 186. City and State tax, 1800 11 04.82. Lot northwest cor ner Huntingdon and emahls street 4, 100 by 60; Nineteenth ward. Same "Vs. J. St. Simpson, C. P. J. T., 1885, No. 187.. City and State tax, 181X1, $22.83.. Lot southeast corner Alleghany avenue and West street, 190 by 122; , Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. M. Shaw C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 188. City and State tax, 1060, $40.63. Lot west side Al mond street, 72 feet north of Wellington, 174 by 122; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. William S. Simpson, Cr P., J. T., 1865, No. 189. City and State tax, 1860, $20.41. Lot South west corner of Auburn and Amber streets,•94 by 146; Nineteenth ward. _ . . Same vs. William S. Simpson, C. P., J. T., 1965, No. 190. City and State tax, 1860, 9119.80. Lot north east corner Auburn and Coral streets, 94 by 146; Nineteenth ward. same ye, Mr, Johnson, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 191. City and State tax, 1860, $--. LOt northeast corner Richmond lane and Witte street, 110 by 128; -Nine teenth ward. Same vs. J. W. Johnson, C. P., J. T.; 1865, No. 192. City and State tax, 1860, $5.67. Lot north side Diamond street, 90 feet east of Thuron street, 16 by 60; Nineteenth ward. Same rs. James Hill. C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 193. City and State tax. 1860, $15.09. Lot southeast cor ner Kettlewell and Rank streets. 112 feet 6 inches by 191 feet; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. D. Razell. C. P., J. T. 1865, No. 194. City and State tax, 1860, $13.08. Lot northwest corner Ontario and Myrtle, 161 by 155; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. John Hall. C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 195. City and State tax, 1860, $17.64. Lot east side Al mond street, 155 feet south. of Lehigh avenue, 65 by 535; Ninteenth ward. _:ante vs. John Hall. C. P.. J. 'T.. 1865,' No. 196, City and State tax, MO, $15.99. Lot west side. Provenstreet, 131 feet south of Clearfield, 54 by 91; Nine teenth ward. . . .• • . Same ye. George Hartman, C. P. J. T„ 1865, No. 191. City and State tax, i 8 V. 16. Lot north side Nassau street, 80 feet east of Tulip street, 32 by 83; Nineteenth ward. Same vs.. Frederick Heim, C. P., J. T. lam, No. 198, City and State tax, 1860, $14.51. Loenerth able SOmeiset, i 46 feet south of Trenton avenue, 56 by 191; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. O. Hoffman, C. P. T., MN No. 199. City and State tax, 1860, *99 .69. Lot southwest corner Somerset and (ant streets, 271 by 80; Nine teenth ward. Same TS. C. H. Horn, C. P., J. T. 1865, O. 200. City and State tax 1860,..521.36. ' Lot northeast corner Somerset and Gaul, 133 by 80. Nineteenth ward. Same • vs. Same. C. r., J. 1 4 ., MI, 14.5. 9.01. City and State tax, 1800. .8.64. Lot east side Chatham,, 170 feet north of Somerset, 32 by 95; Nineteenth. ward. Some Ts. 'Bartley, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 202. City and. State tax, 1360, $lO.lO. Lot west side Brown street. 127 feet south of Reading Railroad, 32 by —: Nineteenth ward. Slane Ts: c, Dr. (i; B, CiarWr i e• P•T 1865 ;W°. 203. CRT and State tax, 1860, Lot eolith side Anthracite street, 80 feet east of Amber, 51 by SO; Nineteenth ward. _ . • • • Same vs. John Garber, C. P. J. T., 186.5, No. 201. City and State tax, 1860, $7.85. Lot south side An thracite street, 131 feet east of Almond, 34 by 80; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. E. 11. Grant, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 205. City 811 d State tax, 1860, $lO.ll. Lot southeast ear ller-Adams and Tulip, 12 hy _mot Kin4teenth. ward, Same vs. Charles Geopp C. T., 1865, No. 200. City and State tax, 1860,515.36. Lot northeast cor ner Martha and 1:11111Lingtion, 100 by 60; Nineteenth ward. - A Same vs. John Geisier, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 207. City and State tax, 1860, $34.20. Lot southwest cor ner. Susquehanna avenue and. Front street, 117 by 110: Nineteenth ward. . . . Wavle TS. W. it C. Faulkner, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 209. City and State tax, 18604 VAL Lot southwest earner Clearfield and Cooper, 80 by 00; Nineteenth ward..... Same vs. John Fagan, C. P., J. T., 1865. No. 209. City and State-tax, 1860,610.16. Lot east side West street, 95 feet south of Elm street, 18 by 120; Nine teenth ward. • • • Same vs. Fritz and Williams. C. P., J. T., 1965, No. 210. City and State tax, 1860. $2.3.35. Lot north east Verner Duntingdon and Collins streets, 110 by 20; Nineteenth ward. Same TS. J. Evans, C. P...J. T., 1845, NO. 211. City and Sate tax, 1860, *8.76. Lot southwest corner of Gaul and Westmoreland streets, 253 by 165; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. John R. Evans, C. P•, J. T., 1865, No. 212. - City and State tax, 1860, $36.59. Lot southeast corner Gaul and Westmoreland streets, 174 by 135; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. George Davis, C. P., J. T., 1801, No. 212. City And State tax, lap, $5.68. Lot south side of Pepper street, 180 feet east of Cedar street, 16 by 80; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. William Deal, C. P., J. T.,1845, No. 214. City - and State tax, 1660, $lO.lO. Lot north side of Sargeant, 8T feet east of Jasper street, 100 by 88; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. John Dougherty, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 215. City and State taxosoo, $1. 68 . Lot west side of Duke street, 92 feet east of Rrilliam street, 76 by 105; Nineteenth ward. Same TS. Clement, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 216. City and State tax, 1860, $129.81. Lot west side of Chat ham street, 80 feet north of Allegheny avenue, 126 by 65; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Ovren Clark. C. P., J T., 1865, No. 217. City and state tax, 1860,010.68. Lot northeast corner Richmond and Aettlewell streets, 20 by 147; Nine. teenth ward. Same vs. John Kraut, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 218. City and State tax, 1860, $7.17. Lot north side Somerset, 133 feet east of Gaul, 36 by 80; Nineteenth n•ard. Same vs. C. & W. Clothier, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 219. City and State tax, 1860,.520.83. Lot northwest corner Somerset and Tulip, 80 by 191; Nineteenth ward. SaMA re. Broyenis, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 220. City and State tax, 1860. 10.08. Lot southwest corner Ontario and Cooper, 60 by 12n; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. S. C. Billmeyer, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. Mt. City and State tax, 1860, $lO.Ol. Lot south side Net- Unwell, 215 feet east of Myrtle, 60 by 191; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. B. COyt. C. P., J. T. ' 1865, No. 222. City and state tax, 1860, $lO.lO. Lot north aide Pep ker street, GO feet west of Tulip street, 60 by 5'9; Nineteenth ward. Same NE. Edward Clinton,C. P., J. T.,1860, No. 223. City and State taxes, 160, $4.01. Lot east side. Howard street, 338 feet north of York street, 18 by 92; - Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Edward Clinton, O. P., J. T., 1865, No. City and State tax, 1860, $5.46. Lot east side Hancock street, 540 feet south of Huntington. street, is M,ro2; Nineteenth ward. Same vs.K. C. CreasP,C. r., a.T.,150,N0.225. City and State tax, 1860, $21.87. Lot east side Richmond street, 20 feet north of Ontario street, 87 by 150; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Clayton Allen. C. P., J. 'P., 1865, N 0.226. City and State tax, 1860418.95. Lot west side Lemon street, 180 feet 9 inches north of Ann street, 108 by 101; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. James Stewart, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 227. City and state tax, 1860, $10.51, Lot east side Third street, 92 feet north of riusquenanua avenue, iSe. by 114; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. James. Saul, C. P., S. T., 1865, No. 228. City and State tax, 1860, 608.01. Lot west side Front street 267 feet south of Susquehanna avenue, 90 by 110; Nineteenth ward. • . Same vs. J. W. Colladay,C. P. J. T., 1885.N0.229. City and State tax, 1860, $15.45. 'Lot east side Duke street, 81 feet south of Wellington, 76 by-95; Nine teenth ward. . Saine vs. S. T. Conrad, C. P., J. T., 10(4, co. 230. City and State tax. 1860445.43. Lot southeast corner Lehigh avenue and Almond street, 155 by 90; Nine teenth ward. . Same vs. William D, Baker, C. P., T., 1865, No. 231. City and State tux, 1860, 4124.82. Lot southwest corner Allegheny avenue and -- street, 188 by 70; Nineteenth_ward. Same r.s. George W. Bnrr, C. P. J. T.. 1885. No. WN. City and State tax { 186% LOt 99atheast corner uuntheriand and Third streets, 400 by 114; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. James and John Brown,C. P. J. T. 1865, No. 233. .City and State tax, 1E421.87. Lot south side Somerset street, 288 feet east of Amber, 72 by 172; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Mary A. Bower, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 234. City and a tate tax, 7860, $lO.ll. Lot south aide Norris street 80 feet ; 6 inches east of Trenton ave nue, 15 feet 6 inches by 208 feet t Nineteenth ward. Same vs. M. flowers, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 235. City and State tax, 1860, *17.45. Lot south side Nor ris street, _241 feet 6 inches east of Trenton avenue, 99 by 135; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. N. Bowers, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 236. City and State tux, 1860, *12.52. Lot south side Nor ris street, 384 feet 6 inches east of Trenton avenue, 73 by 86; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Henry Budd, C. P.,J. T., 1565, No. .217. City sod k tate tax, 1880 *8.60. Lot west adde Firth street, 292 feet south of York street, 56 by 139; Nine teenth ward. . . Same vs. Andrew Betzner, C. P. J. T., 1863, No. 238. City and State tax, 1860, $ 15.84. ' Lot and frame house west side Front street, 140 feet south of Hun tingdon street, 36 by 110; Nineteenth ward. same vs. Jenks Mack; C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 239. City and State tax, 1860, $4.93. Lot east side Alaseher street, 181 feet north or Dauphin, 18 by 95 t Nineteenth ward. Marne vs. John Brown, C. P., J. T., 1665, No. 240. City and State tax, .1.860,54.25. Lot south side Sar geant street, 296 feet east of Emerald street, 18 by 146: Nineteenth ward. Same vs. ;innate' Bechtold, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 241. City. and State tax, 1000,, $7.17. Lot north side York Arcot, 140 feet west of. Cumberland street, 18 • by 150; Nineteenth ward. Mlle Vs. J. Brown, C.P. J.T., 1865, No. 242. city and State tax, 1860, $13.05. ' Lot and brick house east side Emerald street, 68 feet south of Ella street, 12 by 52; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. J. B. Cristy, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 243. City and State tax, 1860, 430,73. Lot east side West street, 90 feet north of Lehigh avenue, 130 by 117; Nineteenth -ward. . . Same v 6. William Chew, C. P., J.T., 1885, No. 244. City and State tax, 1860, 619.61. Lot northwest cor ner Alniond and Monmouth, 105 by 60; Nineteenth ward. Same Vs. Abram Baker,C. P., J. ~ 1865, No. 245. City and State tax, 1800, 40 'P .35. Lot southwest cor ner Richmond and Westmoreland. 50 by 475; Nine teenth ward. iztrae vs. At. E. and d. C. Crease, C, P., J. T.,1865, No. 296. City and State tax, 1860, 8118.94. Lot south welt corner Wemluy and 'Gamin rt, HO fry .145; Nine teenth wart!. Same vs. F. W. Coniston, C. P., J. T., 186.5,e. 247. City and State tax, 1860, $13.03. Lot west side Richmond street, 269 feet north of. Maple, 20 by 200; Nineteenth ward. Same VS. C. Bauer, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 218. City and State tax, 1860, $15.99. Lot northeast corner West and Ciearileld, 122 by 74; Nineteenth ward. Sam VB, ClialiCS E. Spangler, C. P., J. T., 186.5, No. 249. City and State tax, 1050 7 e. 30.20. tot north east corner Ann and Lesion streets,l47 feet 8 inches by 140 feet: Nineteenth ward. Slane VS. A. E. Spangler, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. nth Cite and State tax, 1660, 441.81. Lot northwest corner Staple und 8uth,.40 by 257: Nineteenth ward. Same vs. C. :Spangler, C. I'., J. T. 1865, No. 251. pity and State tax , 1009 , 050.89. Lot Northwest cor ner Pain; and Patti 4troota, ro by MO: Ninoteentit ward. • Sane vs. C. E. Spangler. C. P., J. T., 1865. No. 252. City and State tax, 1860, li: , 58.88. Lot southeast corner Trenton avenue and Clearfield, 300 by 133 feet to Witte street; Nineteenth ward. Same vs. Same, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 252. City and State tax, MO. $14.70. Lot north side. Ann street, 180 feet cast of Melvale street, 240 by 100; Nineteenth ward. Sante S vs. J. Church, C. IS., 1543 Na, 254. City and State ta x..lßaa, $14.28. Lot east side SprlitA street, 57 feet south of Commissioners' avenue, 411 bv 50; Nineteenth ward. 'Same vs. Same, C. I'., J. T. 1865, No. 2,54. City and Mate tO, /40, 417.17. Lot northeast corner Commissioners , avenue and Caul, 57 by 130; Nine teenth ward. Same vs. George Pifer, 0. P., J. T., 1365. No. 256. City and State tax, 1830, $11.50. Lot and brick ',wilding east side Front street, 92 feet north of Har rison street, 18 by 931 Nineteenth ward, - Same vs. Joseph M. Thorne, C. P., 3. T,l OM. No. 217. City and State tax, 1810, $24.31. Lot and dwelling west side of Tenth street, 139 feet south of Master, 15 by 100, No. 13341 Twentieth ward. Same vs. Same, C. P., J. T. 1835, No. 258. City and State tax, 1860, 8d1.23. Lot and dwelling west side of Marshall street, 261 feet Hi inch north of popiar, Jll by 87 feet 5 niches, No. 932; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Mrs. Peason, C. P., J. T., 1885, NO. 259. City and State tax, 1880, *30.70, Lot and dwelling east side of Seventh street, 05 feet north of Master street, 17 by SS, No. 1409; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Joseph M. Thomas C.,P., J. T., 1835, 140. 269. City and State tax, 1860,'523.35. Lot and dwelling cast side of Seventh street, 281 feet 434 111f11P6 north of Poplar street, 16 by 87 feet 5 inches, No, 927; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Trutt, C. P., J. T.. 188,5. NO. 261.. City and State tax, 1882, $19.26. Lot south side of Vine street, 94 feet west of Twenty-second street, 32 by 85: Tenth ward. Same vs. Samuel Roberts, 0. P., T. T., 1865, No. 262. City and State tax, 1860, *36.08. • Lot and dwelling northeast corner of Franklin and Master streets, Si by Twentieth ward. Stone vs. John Leta. C. P.. J. T., 1885, NO. 263. City and State tax, 1860, $22.40. Lot and dwelling west side of Heath street, 81 feet east of Thirteenth street, 14 by_63, No. 1245; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Peter Mustin, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 264, City and State tax, 1860, *18.40. Lot and dwelling south side of Haines street, 17 feet west of Twelfth street, 12 by 60 feet 17 inch; Twentieth ward. Same vs. A. Zelby, C. P. J. T. 1865, No. 265. City and State. tax, 1860, $3.47. Lot northeast side Sum mer Street, 180 feet nOrthiteSt Of Hatton 40 by 115; Twenty-fourth ward. Same vs. D. Arinstreng, C. P., J. T., 1805, No. 201. City and State tax, 1860, $30.04. Lot and dwelling west side Sixth street, 117 feet sy, inches south of Oxford street, 16 feet 6 inches by 98 feet 2 inches; Twentieth ward. Same vs. John Klump, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 267, City and State tax, 1860, *39.62. Lot and dwelling east side Twelfth greet, 125 feet 8011611 of Kent gomery, 30 by 171; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Mrs. Chapman, C. P., J. T., 1365, No. 268. City and State tax, 1860, 03.65. Lot and dwell ing east side Fifteenth - street, 125 feet north of Gi rard avenue, 17 by 95 feet 8 inches; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Freeman Scott, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 269, City and State tax, 1860, $18.40. Lot and three story brick house west side of. Hutchinson street. 151 feet i 6 inch north of Poplar, 18 by 64; Twentieth ward. Same vs.. same, C. P.. T, 1865, No. 270. City stud State tax, 1860, *18.82. Lot and three-story brick dwelling west side of Hutchinson street, 135 feet 15 inch north of Poplar, 16 by 64, No. 91.6;. Twen tieth ward. Some vs. Freeman Scott, C. R, J. T., : 1865, No. 271. City and State tax, 1860,801.45. Lot and dwell-. ing west side Hutchinson street, 71 feet ,St" inch north of Poplar, 11 by 64, No. 908; Twentieth ward.. Same vs. John Bans,C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 272. City and State tax, 186, *22.62. Lot and dwelling northeast side Ridge avenue, 64 feet southeast of Oxford street, 16 by 40; Twentieth ward. Same Vs. Jos. al. Thomas, C. P., J. T., 1365, No. 273. City and State tax, 1960, $58.13. Lot and dwell ing north side Girard avenue, 18 feet weft of Das rlen street, 17 by 87. No. 813,• Twentieth ward. Same vs. N. Morton, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 274. City and Statetax, 1860, $42.49. Lot and dwelling west side Fifteenth' street, 16 feet north of Walker street, 16 by 103, No. 1220 Twentieth ward. Same vs. William Bucknell, C. P., J. T.,4885, No. 275. City and State tax, 1860, $81.16. Lot southwest corner Ridge Avenue and Master; Twentieth ward. Same vs. J, Hutchinson, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 276. City and State tax, 1860, 410.77. Lot west side Sixth street, 100 feet north of ThOtnpSon street, 20 by 90; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Charles Hobbs, C. P., J.T., 1865, No. 277. City and State tax, 1880,515.47. Lot and dwelling east side Twenty-first street, 193 feet 4% inches south of Oxford, 17 feet 2 inches by 103 feet; Twen tieth - ward. Same vs. 0. Conrad, C. P., J. T., 1606; No. 278. City and State tax, 1860, $21.36. Lot south side Col lege avenue. 56 feet west of Nineteenth street, 50 by 80; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Hacker & Conrad, C. P., J. T., 4885, No. 279. City and State tax, 1863,.515.48. Lot northwest. corner Eighth and Morris,ffi by 67 feet 5 inches; First ward. Same vs. Washington Ross, C. P. J. T., 1885, No. 280. City and State tax, 1860, vox: Lot and dwell ing north. side Thompson street, 47 feet west of Six teenth street, 25 by 100. No. 1604 i Twentieth ward. Samevs. Joseph Thomas, C. P., J. T.,1865,340. 281. City and State tax, 1860424.32. Lot and dwell ing west, side of Tenth street, 124 feet south of Mas ter. 15 by 100. No. 1336; Twentieth ward. Same vs. H. S. Fox, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 282. AT C and State tax, 1880,54.28. Lot west side Minor, 108 feet north - 0af...4 Pleasant,4B by 1849; Twentieth ward. Same vs. John E. Peek, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 283. City and State tax, 1860, $24.82. Lot east side Broad street, 198 feet north of Thompson, 24 by 160; Twen tieth ward. Same vs. Henry W. Gault, C. P, J. T., 1885, No. 284. City and State tax, 1860, $27.75. Lot east side Fifteenth street, 17 feet south of Stiles street, 15 b_y 91 feet B. inches, to a 4-feet alley; Twentieth ward, Same vs. Elias England, C. P., J. T., 1865, N 0.235, City and State tax, 1860, $14.68. Lot north side Oxford street, 90 feet west of Twenty-first street; Twentieth ward. Same vs. John R. Chadwick, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 286. City and State tax, 1860, *24.82. Lot and dwel ling west side Sixth street 5 . feet 10 inches north of. Diamond street, 30 by 281; Twentieth ward. Slime vs. Isaac Fennimora C. P., J. T., 184.5, No. 287. City and State tax, 1860353.74. Lot 8011111 side College avenue, 208 feet west of Nineteeth street, 102 by 80; Twentieth ward, Same vs. T. Hartley, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 238. City and State tax, 1860, ssl46. Lot east side Onta rio street, 161 feet north of Thompson street, 80 by 138; Twentieth ward. • Same vs. Mark 3faiderston, C. P., 3. T., 4865, No. 289.. City and State tax, 1860, 841.31. Lot west side Twelfth street, 102 feet south of Oxford, 34 by 116; Twentieth ward. Same vs. E. Beck, C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 290. City and State tax, 1860, $74.89. Lot north side Shari wood street, extending from Twenty-third to Twen ty-fourth, by 90 feet in depth; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Henry Gault, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 291. City and State tax, 1860, $2Z,32. Lot south side Thompson street. 70 feet 8 inches east of Nineteeth street, is by 120; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Jacob FIT, C. P, J. T.. isss, No. 292. City and ißate tax 1860, 4.=.44. Lot northeast eor.. nor Jefferson and Awn streets, 48 by 67; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Henry Fox, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 293. City and State tax, 1860, *27.78. Lot south side Gi rard avenue, 72 feet west of Nineteenth, 72 by 200; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Elias England, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 234. City and state tax, I soo, s l s9,s l ,'Lot southwest cor ner Columbia avenue and Twenty-sccand asset, 78 feet 6 Inches by 67 feet 1116 inches. Same vs. Elias England. C. P. J. T., 1865, N 0.295. City anthState tax, 1860, $12.52. 'Lot northeast side Ridge avenue, 141 feet northwest of Twenty-second street, 34 by 67 feet 11Y 4 inches: Twentieth, ward. Same vs. Peter Doreinus, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. me. City and State tax. 1860, $9.57. Lot south side College arcane 5112 feet 416 inches west or Nine teenth street, A feet 8 inches by 48 feet ey, inches; Twentieth ward. Same vs. William /AIMS, C. P., 3. T., 1865, No. 297. City and State tax, 1860, $54.27. Lot south side College avenue, 156 feet west of Nineteenth street, 102 by 80; Twentieth ward. Same vs. 0. Conrail, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 298. City and State tax, 1860, *49.91. Lot north side Col lege avenue, 195 feet 2 inches west of Nineteenth street, 72 by 97; Twentieth ward. Same vs. 0. Conrad, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 299. City and State tax, 1860 $50.38. Lot north side Gi rard avenue, 107 feet 2 Inches west of Nineteenth street, 88 by 97; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Samuel Conrad,* C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 300. City anti State tav, 1860 *36.X3. Lot northeast corner Twenty-second and Jefferson streets, 160 by 100; Twentieth ward; Same vs. George Buzzard, C. P. J. T. 1865, No.. 301. City and State tax. 1860. $15.55. Lot and hn proTements north aisle feet avenue, Twentieth of Seventh street, 20 by 112 feet flinches; ward. . Same vs. James Flood, C. P., J. T., 1865 No. 302. City and State tax, 1860, $11.61. Lot andimprove ments east side of Warnock street, 40 feet south of Thompson, 41 by 91; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Matson, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 303. City and Mate tax, MO. 18.60. Lot east side Warnock. street, 120 feet south of Thompson street, 17 by Twentieth ward. . . Same vs. George Goodman, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. SOL City and State tax, 18.66, *7.14. Lot south side Cabot, 118 feet west of Sixteenth street, 16 by 50; Twentieth ward. • - • - Same se. Beals, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 305. City and State tax,lB6o, rm. Lot south Side Cabot street, 134 feet west of SLXteenth street l 18 by 50; Twentieth ward. • C. Same vs. B. C. Cooper C. P., J. T., 1965, No. 306. City and State tax, 1860, $19.65. Lot and dwelling south-side Sharswood street, 16 feet east of Twenty second, 16 by 70; Twentieth ward. Same vs. John Mitchell, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 307. City and State tax, 186.4, $80.77. Lot southwest cor ner. Sixth and Berks streets, 134 by 896; Twentieth Ward. Same 'vs. Joseph N. Thomas, C. P., J. T., 1885; NO. 308. City and State tax, 18030161.41. LOt and improvements northeast corner Ninth and Girard avenue, 60 by _126; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Mr. Gault, C. P., J. T., 1865, .No. 309. City and State tax. 1860, $22.64. Lot south side Thompson street 86 feet 8 inches east of Nineteenth street, 16 by 120; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Joseph M. Thomas, C. P., j. T., 1885. No. 310. City and State tax, 1860, $30.08. Lot east side. Ninth street, 100 feet 4 inches north of Girard avenue, 60 by 58• Twentieth ward. Same vs. O. Conrad, C. P., J. T., 1865 No. 311. City and State tax, 1860, $27.26. Lot south side Col lege avenue, 254 feet east of Corinthian, 21 by 43111, No. 2004; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Batman & Sherry, C. P., J. T., 1865, No. 312. City and State tax, 1800, $1.20. Lot southwest side Franklin street, 00 feet north of Baker, 20 by 115 feet 4 Inches, No. 161; Twenty-third ward. Same vs. same C. P., J. T., 1885, No. 313. City and State tax, 1860, $4.20. Lot northeast side Nice street and northwest side AleParren street, 41 feet 8 inches onNice street, and 100 feet 8 inches in depth, No. 19; Twenty-third ward. Same vs. Daniel Crowther,C. P., 3. T. 1869, No. :14. City and State tax, 1860 $1.75. Lot On Tacony Area, 20 feet on Tacony street by 200 feet to Henry street; Twenty-third Same vs. James W. Biglev, C. P. J. T., 1865, No. 815. City and State tax, 186 h, $3.97. Lot on Kenne dy street, 140 feet on Kennedy street, 138 44-100 on Taylor street, 120 feet on Thomas street; Twenty third ward. . . Same vs. Freeman Scott, D. C. J. T., 11365, No. 14. City and State tax, 1660, =1.64. Lot north side Columbia avenue, 360 feet 1075 inches-west of Broad street; Twentieth ward. Sane V 4. Edward Parker, D.C., J.T., 1865, NO. /5, City and State tax, 1860, *116.06. Lot and (Melling south side Girard avenue, 69 feet li4 inch front by 77 feet deep on Warnock street, No. 1024; Twentieth ward. Same vs. Mr. Itoltrman, D. C., J. T., 1965, No. 16. City and State tax, 1860, 8149.19. Lot and dwelling east side Broad street 180 feet south of Corard ave nue, 60 by 160 to Ontario str.- et; Twentieth wsrd. Salve vs. William A. Gardner D. C., J. T. 1865, No. 17. City and State tax— 18 ' 60, $ 231.87. Lot and improvements north side Filbert street, 127 feet north of Eleventh street, 62 by 136; Ninth ward. ma-that MACHINERY AND IRON. IdaPENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WOREB.—NEAFIE & LEVY, PRACTICAL ANDTHEOttETICAL ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS, BOILE R-M ARERS, BLACK BMWS, and FOUNDERS, having for many years been in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairiug_Marine and River Engines, high and - low-pressure, iron Boilers, Wa ter-Tanks Propellers, &c., &c., respectfully offer their services to the public as being full , prepared to Contract for engines of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationery; having sets of patterns of different sizes, axe prepared to execute Orders with quick de spatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low 7 pressure, Fine, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best. Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forgings of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings of all descrip tions; Roll-Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at the establishment NC of clime and work guaran teed. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for repairs of boats where they can lie in perfett safe ty, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, &c., &c., for raising heavy or light weights. JACOB C. NEAFIE, JOHN P. LEVY, je2l-tf . BEACH and PALMER Streets. J. VAIIGILAN MERRICK. WILLIAM M. ittennwx JOHN R. COPE SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, MM=! MERRICK (fo SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. Mannfacture "High and Law Pressure steam An glnes, for land, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers Tanks, Iron Boats, &c.; Castings of all lands, either Iron or Brass. Iron-frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, &c. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and moat improved construction. - Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mim i Vacuum Pans, cirri Steam Trains, Defecators, aura, Pumping Jim' ginea, &e. Sole agents for N. Rillieux , s Patent Sugar-Boll ing Apparatus. Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer. and Al3Pil/Wan a - Weiser's Patent Centrifugal Sugar-Draining Machine. aum-£t THOMAS MIDONOUGH, • GENERAL Jaz STREET, ABOVE DOE STREET, FRANKLIN 4 PENNAI gar Boring tools on hand or made to order on abort notice. myll-3IIL MORGAN ORR, 84 CO., STEAM EN SINE BUILDERS, Iron Founders, and Gene ral Machinists and Boiler Makers, No. 121.119 CAL LOW/ML Street. Philadelphia. fez)-tf FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. —THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1825. CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 510 WALNUT Street, opposite In dppendence Square. This Company, favorably known to the COM:M. nits for norly_fortY years, continues to insure against Loss or s Damago by 'Me, on Public or rrit Cute Buildings, either permanently or fora limited time. Also, on Furniture, Stocks, Goods, or Mer chandise generally, on liberal terms. Their capital. together with a large Surplus Fund, Is invested in the most careful manner, which en ables them to offer to the insured an undoubted se curity to the case of loss. DIRECTORS. Daniel Smith. Jr.. John Devereux, Alexander Benson, I Thomas Smith, Isaac Haelehteret, I Henry Lewis. Thomas 'Robins, J. Gillingham Fell. DANIEL SMITH. J et.. President, WILLIAM H. OitOWW,LL. Secretary, IMILROAD LINES. WEST . JERSEY RAILROAD LINES—From foot of Market street, Upper Ferry. Daffy except Etttldsw. Commencing RATURDAY, June 10th 1865. For CAPE MAY, &e., (at 8.30 A, M., Express), 2.30 P. M., Pasgetiger. For MILLVILLE, VINELAND, &c., 8.30 A. M., and 2.30 P. M. For BRIDGETON', SALEM, &c., at 9.15 A. M., 4.00 P. M. _ For GLASSBORO, sc., 8.81, and 9.15 A. M., 2.10 and'4.o6.Et.X.. For WOODBURY, &c., 8.20 and 9.18 A. M., 2,80, 4.00 and 6.90 P. M. RETURNING, WILL LEAVE - Cape May at 5,30 A. nr., Mail (8.20 A. EL, Freight), 5.00 P. M., Passenger. MillyiNe at 7.82 A. M., Mall, (12.03 P. M., Freight), 6.69 P. M., Passenger. Bridgeton at 6.40 A. M., Man, (9.45 A. nt., Freiggl), 4.20 P. M. Pluounger. Salon at 6.26 A. Bk., Mail, (9.00 A. M., Freight), 4.05 P. M., Passenger. Woodbury at 7.06, 8.13, and 9.06 A. M., (1.40 P. M,, Freight), 5.54 and 8.23 P. M., Passenger. On theist day of July an additional express train will be added to and from Cape May, and which will leave Cape May at 8.00 A. M., and Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M. through in three hours from Camden. .7. VAN ItENSSELAEß,Stiperinten dent West Jersey, Salem, and Cape may and 111111 ville Railroad. THE WEST JERSEY EXPRESS COMPANY will attend to all the usual branches of express bu siness, receive, deliver and forward through other responsible Express Companies, to all parts of the country, any article entrusted to them. A Special Messenger accompanies Gash through train. PHILADELPHIA, July 24 , 11365 . Jelo-tsei SHIPPING. sl ggi k PHILADELPHIA AND RICH- MOND STEAM PACKET COMPANY The tirst-ciaes comtneclions gteetrAhlp VIRGINIA will leave the FIRST WHARF above MARKET Street, ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, AT 121., NORFOLK, CITY POINT, AND BIONOIOND. This Steamship is thoroughly' adapted to the Rich mond route. Passengers will find excellent accommodations and first-rate rooms. For freight or passage, apply to WM. P. CLYDE eic CO., 14 NORTH WHARVES. The new steamships Washington and Norfolk will shortly be put RPM this route. jylit-im ala s FOR SAVANNAH, GA., ON ATURDAY. August 12th, 1863.—The fine side-wheel steamer HELEN GETTY Is now load ing at Steamship Wharf, above Race street, and will sail SATURDAY. August 12th, at noon, For freight and Passage, having elegant accom'-' modations, apply' to EDMUND A. SOUDER •St CO., aulo-3t No. 3 DOCK Street, Philada. IL S. MAIL LINE FROM BAL TIMORE for FORT MONROE. NOR. FOLIC, CITY POINT, and RICHMOND, by first- ChM steamers sad e.nierlericed captains. The OM establiehod Bay Line daily. • Passengers leavinißaltimOre at 6 P. M. arrive 113 Richmond the next afternoon at 8 P. M. The Bay Line steamers Louisiana and Georgian& will leave the Union Dock, foot of Concord street, daily, at 6 o ' clock F. M . for Fort Monroe and. Norfolk, Va., connecting at Fort Monroe with the • wall-known, new, fast, awl splendid Steamers Thomas Collyer and Kliton Martin, built for the Hudson River, and finished without regard to ex pense, for City Point and Richmond, Va. Returning, will leave Richmond at 6A. M. daily, stopping at City. Point, and connecting at Norfolk with the Bay Line steamers that ' leave Norfolk at ag_ P. X. and arriving in Baltimore in time for the Basternand Western trains, and for Washing tOn City, D. C. The steamers of this line navigate the fames river, going and returning entirely in day time, giving passengers ample time to see the fortifications, and all other objects of interest. Fare from Philadelphia to Richmond $ll 75 City Point • 1125 " Norfolk 975 '• Fortress Monroe.. 875 Fare from Baltimore to Norfolk $6 00 1 Fort Monroe 5 00 tt 16 Richmond 4 4O ac " City Point 7.50 Through tickets can be obtained at all the depots of the principal Northern, Eastern, and Western cities, and Washington City, D. C. Be particular to procure tickets by the old-esta blished Bay Line. state-rooms and Meals extra. The state-room aceommodationS are Unsurpassed, and the table well supplied. Passengers taking the 1.15 train from Philadel phia will make connection with this line. Passengers taking the 8 A. M. train from New York have ample time to dine in Baltimore. Passengers taking the 8 P. M. train from Wash ington make connection with this line. Passengers and their baggage transported free between Railroad depots and steamers. M. , President. R. D. JAiiiit.R. Gummi Pass e ng er Agent jyl3-if 4 .1 i 7 , BOSTON AND PHILADEL PHIA STEAMSHIP LINE, sailing from each port on SATURDAYS, from tired wharf above PINE Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Bos ton. The s teamer SAXON Captain Matthews, win sail from Philadelphia for B oston on Saturday, Auk_ 12, at 10A. N., and steamer NORMAN, Captain Baker, from Boston for Philadelphia, same day, at 4P. N. These new and substantial steamships form a regu lar line, sailing from each port punctually on Satur days. Insurances effected at one-halt the premium charged on the vessels. Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send Slip Receipts and Bills of Lading with their goods. , - For Freight or Passage (having line accommoda toß22 SgEUVITILTiIa o nu Calling STEAM TO LIVERPOOL- Calling at Queenstown—The Inman Line, CITYSemi -Weekly, carrying the U. S. Mails. CITY OF DUBLIN 'WEDNESDAY, August 9. CITY OF NEW YORH..SATURDAY August 12. BANGAEOO WEDNESDA.Y August 16. CITY OF BOSTON SATURDAY, August is. At Noon, awn Pier 4i North River. • RATES OF PASSAGE. - . First Cabin *9ooo Steerage $3O 00 " to London.. 95 00j " to London.. 34 00 " to Paris 105 " to Paris 40 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Bremen, ate., &a., at moderate rates. - Passage by the Wednesday steamers, cabin, $9O; steerage, $35. payable in U. 5. currency. j Steerage passage from Liverpool or clactenstown 00 gold, or Its equivalent. Tfckets can be boughi here by persona sending for their friends. For further information apply at the Company's Offices. ,TOMi CIF.__IDALB, Agent, 111 WALNUT Street, Phila. j il dW I L NEW TOW-BOAT LINE, DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE MAX TOW-BOAT COMPANY.—Bargee towed to and from Philadelphia, Havre de Grace, BRlO more Washington,and intermediate points. WM. WHARVES, & CO., Agents, No. 14 SOUTH Philadelphia. jela-tdel m o gil=o4 NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEXANDRIA, GEORGETOWN, AND WASUIEUTON, via Chesapeake and Dela ware Canal, Steamers leave first Wharf above MARKET Street every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at COPreUbt apply Sougents, WM. PhiYD & CO., 14 North and h Wharves, ladelphia; J. B. DAVIDSON, Georgetown, D. C.; FLOW ERS & BOW, Alexandria, Va. mhl4-9m =r a t NOTIO E.-FOR NEW YORK.—The PHILADELPHIA. AND NEW YORK EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPA NY, via Delaware and Raritan Canal. Steamers leave DAILY, first wharf below MAR KET Street, at 2 &cloak P. M. WM. P. CLYDE &CO. 14 S. WHARVES, Phila. JAMES HAND, - ill WALL Street, nth - Wm - New York. & el& l b NOTICE. THE NEW AND SWIFT STEAMER METEOR, CAPTAIN J. Q. A. DENNY, Will leave, on and after MONDAY, July 17th, 1.865, from Sharpless , wharf, Chester, daily (Sundays ex cepted), at 7.20 A. for Philadelphia, touching at Billingsport and Red' Bank. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 5 o'clock P. M., touching at the above-named princes. Particular attention paid to the handling of freight. Pard from Chester to Philadelphia, 25 cents; from Billingsport, 25 cents; from Red Bank, 15 cents. Capt. J. Q. A. DENNY. MEDICAL. ELECTRICAL OFFICES. No. 154 North ELEVENTH, below RACE Street; also, CHESTNUT and FORTIETH Streets, West Philadelphia. Patients will be treated at their residences when desired; a large number of testimonials may be seen at the oMoes from patients in this of Consultations gratis. Office hours I) A. DI , ty. to t P. M., in the city: DRS. T. ALLEN and E. RA.VERSTICK, 33 , 21.3 m Eleetropathists. V,LECTROPATHIC ESTABLISH MENT. —DR. A. H. STEVENS, one of the FIRST DISCOVERERS of a new system of treat ing disease by MODIFIED ELECTRICAL AFFLI CATIONS,__and who has been so very successful at PENN EiguKftr. for the last three years had re moved his Office and Residence to 1838 VINE Street, one door below Seventeenth. All persons desiring references, or anyparticulars with regard to his special mode of treatment, will ps Consultation r send for a pamphlet. or advice gratuitoua j - DBN C. BAKER & CO.'S COD LIVER 61. L.—THE TRIBE AND GENUINE—WM passed in quality and effects, being the SWEETEST AND BEST PREPARED. In Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Gout In cipient Consumption, and all Scrofulous complaints, it oftentimes produces immediate and certain effects when other remedies have been taken with little or no benefit. • . . . Sold Drtigg . lets in the city, and by the Deo- DYleioY. No. 718 MARKET Street. Jeie-stuthean WRITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES —A new French Cosmetic for beautifying and preserving the complexion. It is the most wonder ful compound of the age. There is neither chalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth, nor talc in its compo sition, it being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax; hence the extraordinary qualities for pre serving the skin, making It son, smooth, fair, and transaiebt. It makes the old appear TOlillb e l i re lsomeiy handsome, the handsome more beaus 1 6 and the most beautiful divine. -Prices, 30 and cents. Prepared only by HUNT & CO., Perfumers, 41 South EIGFITH Street, 1 two doors above Chest nut, N and 133 South szvETH Street, above Wal nut. 5.21-am THOMSoWs LONDON 'HITCH: ENEB, Olt EUROPEAN RANGE Per fang• lies, hotels, orablie institutions, in TWEN• TY DIFFERENT SIZES. Also, Philadel phia Ranges, Hot-air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Grates Fireboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewbole Plates,Broilers , Cooking Stoves, eta., at wholesale and retail, by the manufacturers. E DHAS, SHARP, & THOMSON, sp2s.tuths6m No. 308 North SECOND Street. • WRITTEN AND VERBAL D. • mfg. SCRIPTIONS Character Constitution, 'Mk and Talent, with ADVICE on Business, Health, „Education, Self-Improvement,Man a Training of CHILDREN, - ola Adaptationg and &r , . , day and evening, hy JOHN L. CAREN, Phrenologist and Bookseller, No. RS S. TENTH Street, above Chestnut, orn-tatbstylf i sm E. B. EARLEY, FURNISHING UNDERTAKER, E. Exonier TENTH and GREEN Streets. 0e34a1 EBE EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFE • STORE_ 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA A large variety of FIRE-PROOF SAFES always on hand. nSTEIC'S COTTAGE ORGANS, Not only 'UNEXCELLED, but UNEQUALLED In purity of Tone and Power, designed especially for g- Churches and Schools. but found to be equally well adotttad to the Parlor as DrAWAII Room. For sale only by No. la worth SEVENTII Street. Also, a complete assortment of the Perfect Me- lodeon constantly on baud. fe2l-6m Qi PHILADELPHIA SURGEON'S BANDAIGE INSTITUTE, No. North NINTH Street, above Market.—E. C. EVERETT, after thirty yore prhrtleat experience guarantees the. MIMI adjustment or 1.13 lircmieee Patent litranuating Pressure Truss, Supporters, nisite Stockings, - Sheulder Braces. Crutehei, Ladies' apartratuts condasted by a Lady. alda-LY AVCTIOF !VALES. JOHN B. MYERS & CO. L AUCTIOIi EBRO, Nos. 232 i and 234 ltikniEET Street. ri;xf E rt POSITIVE SALE OF DRITISIt GETUVIA.N, AND AMERICAN DRY 000Dd, THIS DAY. A CARD.—At tO o'clock this Morning, We wilt sell, by catalogue, on four months , credit and part for cash, 825 packages and lots of staple and fancy European and domestic dry goods, to . Which We In vite the particular attention of the trade. FIRST LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRUM% H FRENCH, O HERMAN, AHD DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, FOR FALL F 1065. We will bold a large rule of foreign and domestic dry goods, by catalogue' r Olt four mouths' credit and part for cash. THIS MORNING, August 10th, at 10 o'clock, embracing about 600 packages and lots of atapte and fancy articles, he woolens, woroted6, linens, silks. and curious, to which we invite the attention of dealers. N. IL—Catalogues ready and goods arranged foe exhibition early on morning of sale. FIRST FALL SALE DRYOREIGN AND DOMES TIC GOODS. Included in our large saleoiTirarsday, August 10; will be found, in part, the following. viz: pieces black mohairs, alpacas, and Cohurgs. —pieces black Italians and satin do chene. pieces French Chintzes, plaid lining flannels, pieces plain and fancy mozambiques. Pieces Orientals, jaconets, andlawns. LINEN GOODS. Barnsley linen sheetings, hocks, damasks, crash, table cloths. towels,crumb cloths,brown and cream canvas, ducks, burla_ps, meal bagging. &v. 3,000 DOZEN' LINEN-CAMBRIC HAMMER, CHTEFS, &c. 1 1 000 dozen plain linen-eambrie Handkerchief s. LOCO dozen J 5 plain linen-ca,nbric handkerehiefil. 500 dozen and bemused linen-eanabrle Inlktan 500 dozen g and Of hemstitched handkerchiefs. 250 dozen linen shirt fronts. MERCHANT TAILORS' GOODS. —.pieces Belgian black cloth. -pieces French blue cloth. —pieces French fancy cassimeres. pieces hCaTy and p il ots* —pieces sealskins and - muttons. pieces repellant cloths. —pieces blue and Oxford satinets. pieces tweeds and jeans. DOMESTIC GOODS. A fen assortment of domestic cotton and woollen• goods to be sold for cash. HOSIERY AND SHIRTS. 2,000 dozen German cotton hose and half hose. 1,000 dozen woollen hose and halfhose. 150 dozen travelling shirts. 100 dozen merino shirts and drawers. 100 dozen buck and beaver gloves and gauntlets. ENGLISH DIELTONS. Also, 2 cases super English mcitons, damaged by fresh water. FIRST LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF CARPET INGS, &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING, August 11. at Di welcick, will be sold, by catalogue, on four months' credit an assortment of superfineand fine. ingrain; Venetian, hemp cottage, and rag carpetings, which may be examined early on the morning of sale. LARGE PEREMPTORY BALE OF BOOTS, BROM, BROGANS, TRAVEL &c. OR TITESDAY MORNING, August 15th, at 10 o'clock, Will be sold by cata logue on four months' credit, about 1,200 packages boots,' shoes, balmorals, cavalry boots, &c., of city and Eastern manufacture. Open for examination, with catalogues, early on Morning of sale. AT PRIVATE SALE. 150. cases CANTON PALM FANS, various sizes, with natural and lacquered handles. PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, - 41 .- 525 MARKET and 529 COMMERCE Streets, SALE OF 1,500 OASES OF BOOTS AND OHM. THIS MORNING, August 10th, commencing at ten o'clock, we will sell, by catalogue, 1,5410 cases prime boots, shoes, & brogans, balmorals, c., &c., to which the attention of buyers is invited. SALE OF 1.300 BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, &c. 01•1 MONDAY MORNING, August 14th, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold, by catalogue, 1,300 eases men's, boys", and youths' calf, kip, and gum boots, brogans, bat morals, &c. • women's, misses', and children's calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, slippers, &c. PANCOAST WARNOCK, ARC. TIONEERS, No. 240 MARKET Met, FIRST LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, EMEROIVE RIES, LINEN AND HOSIERY GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, &C., for fall of 1865, by cata logue, ON WEDNESDAY, August 16, commencing at 10 o'clock, comprising about 700 lots of fresh and desirable pods for fall sales. lar 00 L CLIPPINGS AT PUBLIC T I AUCTION. • OFFICE ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE, ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug 4, 1865. I will sell at auction,.to the highest bidder, on TUESDAY, August 151805, at 10 o'clock A. M., 10,000 pounds (more or less) Uky-blue Kersey Clip pings; 7,000 pounds (more or leso dark - blue coat cloth clippings. Sale to take place at the United States Clothing Manufactory on PINE Street, be tween Fourth and Fifth streets. Terms—Cash on delivery. The weights to be determined by City Weigherss , certificate. R. S. HART, auS-4t Capt. and A. Q. M. SALE OF GOVERNMENT WAGONS ' MEDICAL PURVEYOR'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. August 7, 18G.5. Wi1l be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, in this city,at Warehouse on G street. above Twenty-first street, on FRIDAY, the 18th day of August, at 10 'clock A. M. 'FIFTY-TWO MEDICINF..WAGONS, whiCli have been Used in the Government service. Successful DlSAlers will be knouired to reinOve their purchases within five (5) days from sale. Terms; Cash in Government funds. C. SUTHERLAND. Surgeon U.S. A. auB-10t And 141ediaal Purveyor. PROPOSALS. p ROPOMAL B POR CONVERTING FORD'S THEATRE INTO A FIRE-PROOF BUILDING. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. 'IF DEPOT OF WASIIIEGTOS, WAsnific.roN D. C.,.August 4, 1865, SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this of fice until Thursday, August 17,1865, at 12 o'clock M., for converting Ford's - Theatre, in this city, late 3. fire-proof building. The building will be divided into three stories, with cast iron posts, wrought iron beams, of Phce nixville make, and brick arches and floors. The flooring to be laid in cement. Plans and specifications can be seen, on and after August fi, 1865, at the office of Captain J. IL. Crowell, A. Q. N., corner of Eighteenth and G streets, in this city. The proposals should state the sum naked for mak ing the required alterations, in accordance with the plans and specifications, and the time at which the work will be completed. Time of completion will be taken into consideration in awarding the con tract. A bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars, signed by the contractor and two sureties, will be required for the faithful performance of the contract, both as to the quality of the work and illatalida, and the time efts completion. The responsibility of the sureties must be certified to by a. United States District Attorney, to the ef fect that they debts and worth over and above their debts and liabilities, the amount of the required bond. Proposals should he addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed, "PROPOSALS FOR CONVERT ING FORD'S THEATIIP. INTO A FIRE=PROOF BUILDING." D. R. RUCKER, Brevet Major Gen. and. Chief Quartermaster, au7-9t Depot of Washington. ASSISTANT QUARTERMAS TEE'S OFFICE. 1139 GIKABP STREET, - riimaDavirma, August 8, M. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'clock M., THURSDAY, August 10, 1865. for furnishing the Quartermaster's Depart ment - with best quality White Ash Anthracite Egg STOVE COAL, to weigh 2,240 pounds to the ton, to be inspected by an Inspector appointed on the part of the Government, to be delivered free of charge On r eftsels at the Port of Philadelphia, in gond order and Condition, free from elate, dust, and Mar im• purities, at such times and in such quantities as may be ordered by the Quartermaster's Depart ment, from August 10, 1865, to March 31st, 1866. Ten per cent. will be withheld from the amount of all payments made, which reservation is not to be paid until the contract shall have been fully com pleted. Payments of tile remaining ninety per cent. orbalance due, will be made monthly whenthe Department is in funds for thdt purpose. case of failure to deliver the coal in Sufficient bue;itrignl:tule:ergs proper time and place, ath; deficiency by purchase, at the contractor's risk and n expense. Each offer must be accompanied by a written gua rantee signed by two or more responsible parties, their resvonsibility to be certified to by a United Statea judge, Attorney' or Collector, that the bidder or bidders will, if his or their bid be accepted, enter Into written obligation,_ with good and sufficient sureties, in the sum of Twenty Thousand ($20,000,) Dollars to furnish the proposed supplies. No proposition will be considered unless the terms of this advertisement (a copy of which should accom pany earls proposal) are complied with. Proposals to be made out in duplicate on the re gular printed forms, - which may be had on applica tion at this office. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved,and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received. . The envelopes to he endorsed "Proposals for' Coal," and addressed to the undersigned. By order of Colonel Win. W. McKim, 11. S. A., Chief Quartermaster Philadelphia Depot. GEO. R. ORME, aus-5t Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. PROPOSALS FOR BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES. WASHINGTON, D. C., July 22, 1885. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Office of the Supervising Architect, Treasury De partment, WASHINGTON, D. 0.,_ until 12 X. of A.ugust isoess, for all the''ire and Burglar-Proof. SAFES and VAULTS required B a t y the Treasury De partnlellt, prier i 0 August 15 1 . Flans and spool- Hcations can -be obtained by application to this office, personally or by letter. The Locks for the Safes will be flirnished by the Department, but must be put on by the contractor without extra charge. The Safes are to be delivered and set up, within a reasonable time from date of order, at their place of destination, in perfect condition, and the lock must be in perfect working order when the Safe is turned over to the proper officer. The bids to be pal , superficial foot, measured WI the outside, and the price to cover all charges what ever—door fixtures, painting, & c.,—except locks, freight, and actual transportation expenses (exclu sive board) of mechanics, if the services of suitable ones cannot be procured at the place where the Safe is to be put up, - will be paid for extra. All bids must be accomipanied by the bond of two responsible persons., the sure of five thousand dollara, that the bidder will accept and perform the contract, if awarded to bin, the suilleiuney of the Security to be certified to by the Collector, of In ternal Revenue of the district.' The Department reserves the right to reject any or all the bids, if it be deemed the interest of the Government to do so; and no bid will be considered that does not conform to the requirements of this advertisement. Proposals should be endorsed "Proposals for Safes and Vaults," and be addressed to Supervising Architect, TOlasitry Department, ISAIAH ROGERS, Jyzs-Ist.Supervising Architect. PROPOSALS FOR HEATING APPA RATUS. WAstriNGTON, D. C., July 26, 1865. BEA/Xi) PROPOSALS will be received at the Oince of the Supervising Arehiteet; Treasury De partment, 'WASHINGTON, D. C., until 12 M of August 15, 1865, for all the improved HEATING APPARATUS (hot water or Gould's patent,) that may be required for the various Public Buildings in Charge of this Department prior to the 15th of Au gust, 1866. The Apparatus required will be on the hot-water systemor hot water and low-pressure steam com bined (lirOlild's patent), tithi bidders are required to furnish descriptions or plane of their mode of eon struction. The Apparatus must, in all cases, be furnished and put up complete within a reasonable time from date of order, slut must be in perfect working con dition when turned over to the proper officers. The bids are to be per cubic foot of space actually heated, and the price to cover all expenses what ever—screens, painting, cutting of or constructing masonry, &c.; the freight and actual teansportation expenses Of mechanics, If the services of suitable ones cannot be procured in the places where the Ap paratus is to be put up, will be paid for extra. Payments, not exceeding fifty per centum of the value of work done, will be made during the pro gress of the work, upon certificates of authorized officers; forty per centum will- be paid for after the Worn has been completed and thoroughly tested, during a period of the cold season; tile balance of ten per cent= will be retained for twelve months after completion of work. All repairs or alterationa becoming necessary during this period of twelve months, and which were occasioned by imperfect working of the Apparatus, must be made at the cost of tile contractor. All bids must be accompanied by the bond of two responsible persons. tu the sum of five thousand dollitfB4 that the bidder will. accept and perform the contract, if awarded to lam , the sufficiency of tlw security to be certified to bk. the Collector of in ternal Revenue of the.distrie The Department reserves the right to reject any or all the bids,lf it be deemed to the interest of the Government to do so; and no bid will be considered that does not conform to the requirements of this advertisement. Prop. - Wag should he endorsed "Proposals for Heating Apparatus s >l and Must be addregsed 9a= pen - lE3.'lg A:echitect, Treasury Department. IdAIALI ROGERS, iy2B-16t supervising Architect. GRICE & LONG, FULTON WORKS. 1340 BEACH STREET, Engineere, U ndituisn, Boller Makers, and Oar Builders. , Tanks of every descriotLon made to order. Sole Agents for Lour a..atine Saliztometors,ow6-11 . AUCTION VURNESS, BRINLEY, & CO. -a- NOS. 615 CHESTNUT and 612, J FIRST FALL. SALE OF DRY Goorm AND DOM ESl'lO. '"'")* ON TUESDAY, Auguet roth, at tee cot:lock, uy catin,. mcmtlis• creait parliage,a of lintl-I('' Scotch, German , ancl Amerman Ory prising a large assortment of new poi, r„ . D.—Samples and catalogues call., , of sale. n DOMESTIC GOODS POE' cAsu .aue, a bulge assortment of &mu:stir, for . THOMAS it SONS, M Nos. 13er and 144 South FOURTH 341, REAL ESTATE AND STOOES, Public sale of Deal Estate and Stocks, at obsage, every TUESDAY, at 12 o'clock, la:r e ll ',Fishman season. In* Juts , and August may at : 4 ; al Ilalea, luau AN . .4:laales snriativb tha ou Oro THUESDAY. Sale at Nos. LSO and 141 South Fourth N, SUPERIOR °BEATON& FINE CARPETS, & "'Pli THIS MORNPNII, C• • At 9 o'clock, at the Anallimy Store, sup,: to re, French plate mirrors, refrigerator.; pete , 09f, Sale for Account of the United WOOL AND COTTON CriTriNu.o , THIS MORNING-, iv. August 10, at 10 o'clock, at the Schuylkill k near Gray's Ferry, a large quantity of Cotton Cuttings, Baling Rope, Tatine, p "I hi 41)4,4 TO HOTEL-KEEPERS ANTPOTI 6 BEDSTEADS, AOOOIINT.N, ''' IRON , OALDRONS J non, ON FRIDAY MORNIt.d st, August 11th. at 10 o'clock, at the S. E, v irn Broad and Cherry streets, 5,700 lrou aeq,, t 2, l caldrons, 6 stoves, 7 bath t t . u ta b: a D T: La b a t t t a l c: "I. 4 44 tO i fi e U nn i t cash;rirc a o e r o p . e r cen 044 4, lio rus t ee lki p4sroMptory Salo at Atlantln Pity VALUABLY. CoTTADE AND ROT EL, VT .4. AT ATLANTIC CITY, lc ON SATURDAY, Anglia 12th, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the g,„ States Hotel, Atlantic City, iv ill be sold on - 3 ,.51 or Thomas H. Dudley, Trustee, about 21)6 . LOU. AUCTION SALE OF 00 Ennixo CUTTINGS, &c. CLOTHING DEPOT, SCHUYLKILL ARSENAL, OFFICE OF ExaCur f U L A A r i t L lA2r A n . citxt: ( t n i . Flett By direetion of Col, WILLIAM W, Quartermaster Phlladelp_bla Depot, There sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, at the seIIITYL OI 4 0 ARSENAL,__Grars Ferry Roark Philadelph i , THURSDAY AUGUST 10th, 1555, at 10 O'ritel ';'11 / M., a large lot of Cuttings, Old Rope , cte„ &, lows: Sky-blue Wool Cuttings. Dark-blue do. do. Whoredotton . do. l do. do. Tentand. do, Old Ba ed ling. do. Old Rope. Old Twine. Waste Paper. Oil Cloth. Knapsack Eldraps. "Haversack do. Successful bidders MSS/ ree1.558 the moo* in ,five (5) days from date of sale. Terms: Cash, In Groverntrusatfun4h HENRY W. JANE% Captain and A. Q. M. U. Arm, isit6-6t Executive and Lespectieg (Uttoo,-. EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALES o GOVERNMENT MEDICAL STORE 4 ANU HOSPITAL PROPERTY. EIADICAL PURVEYOR'S OFFICE BALTIMORE, VID., August 3 . l i t Will be sold at public auction, at Jarrl, Baltimore,. Md., August 14th, and at Maim's 114:: pital, Baltimore, Ma., August 171 h, a large quality of Medicines, Hospital Stores, instrumentJ. bra,.lugs, Books and Stationery- Bedding. liodaital Clothing, Furniture, and Appliances. The sales will commence at ten o'clock A. M., ski continue from day to day until the entire stocks arc disposed of. Catalogues of the articles to be sold can he pro. cured by applying at this depot after Meath Terms cash, in Government funds, at the limo( purchase. The property to be removed by the purchaser wie. in forty-eight hours from day of sale. Much of the property is but little worn. and I; Is be sold by reason of this discontinuance of said lits• pitals. A rare chance is thus offered to procure Culinary Apparatus, and other articles which itql be valuable especially in Hotels ptearoiva4,F3ch. ties, Restaurants, and Infirmaries. Further large auction sales of Medical and ne. pital property will take place at the following is,s• titles at an early date, of which duo notice will In given: Wheeling, W. Va.; Charlestown, W. Vs.: Winchester, Va.; Harper's Ferry, Va.; Gunder. land, Md.; Frederick. Md.; Wilmington, Del., aid at the Medical Purveying Depot, Baltimore, The last-named Depot contains a large and vale,. ble sleek of new goods. 2. E. BY,IS, burg. t'• .g. • Med. Purveyor, IS. S. A, ADREON & auß-91 Auctioneers, SALE OF CONDEMNED QUARTER. MASTER'S STORES, GRAIN AND GRAD SACKS. stuluttraysinsiEu. ast.:lKttAL , S OFFICE, DEPOT Op WASHINGTON, WASHINGTON', D. C., August 4, Issi. Wlll be sold at public auction, at Sixth greet wharf, Washington, D. C., under the direction of the officer in charge of Forage at that point, on TUESDAY, August 15, 1865, at 11 o'clock A, 51.,t lot of condemned Quartermaster Stores, COUSliting of Broonm Brushes ' CUpOl . NAITO and Forkt Lamps, Lanterns, curry ("Valet, itulcs , finite,,, &C. ALSO, At the same time and place, about SEVEN TITOP. SAND BUSHELS OF OATS, NINETY BUSIIELi OF CORN, AND FIFTY TEIOUSAND GRAIN SACHS. Successful bidders will be required to remove the atom within 111 13 (5) days trim) gd a 91' sste. TOMS cash, in Government fun s. D. 11. !WOKE% Dm'. Bral. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, au74t Depot of Washington, lARGE BALE OF' CONDEMNED i QUARTERMASTER STORES, CARTS, MOW IN CHIRP QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, DEPOT OP WASHINGTON, WASHINGTON D. C., August 4, 10. Will be sold at public auction, under the direetlos of Brevet Colonel C. H. Tompkins, A. Q. M„ A., at the Government Warehouse, satiated on he square between E and F, and Twentieth and Twenty-first streets, Washington, D. 0,, on WED. NESDAY, August le, 1865, at 10 o'clock A. M., a large lot of Condemned Qtlartetinasier 4c9regy con. slating of Anvils, Bellows, Braces, Chisels, Forges, Flirt, Hammers, Knives, Punches Pincers, Squares, Stocks and Dies, Vices, Augurs, Compasses, Gauges, Hatchets, Planes, Saws. Tool Chests, Lanterns, Mowing Machine, Pauline, Ploughs, Grindstones, Wheelbarrows, a large lot of Leather Scraps, Cast and Wrought-iron Scraps, Wagon Tire, iltOr ALSO Will be sold at the foot of Nineteenth street, war Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, immediately after the completion of the sale above .referred to, a Bunter of Carts, Wagon Bodies, Wagon Wheels,Ashu. lance Wheels and Bodies,' Running Gear, &e. The sale will be continued from day to day until the whole is sold. gnat-Aural bidders will be required tp tt . s reore the stores within five (8,) days from slate or sale, Terms—Cash, in Government funds. • D. H. RUCKER. Brer. Maj. Gen. and Chief Quartermastor, au7-8t Depot of Washington. PALE OF GOVERNMENT WAGONS, AmBULANCES, X?RING WAGONS, (to. (quay. QtrAnTsantAsisn's Ditear OF WAsIiGiGVON, WASHINGTON D. C., August 5, 155. Will be sold at public auction, under the direcdos of Brevet Colonel C. IL Tompkins, A. Q. M., U. S. A., at a point near the Ambulance Park, on "N," between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets. WWI. ingtOrt., D. U., ou FRIDAY. August 18, 19.55, at 10 o'clock A. Mi 4Q7 TWO-HORSE AMBULANCES, 6 FOUR-HORSE AMBULANCES. 24 TWO•HORSE SPRING WAGONS. TWO-HORSE TRANSPORT CARTS. 3 HACKS. 1 SULKY. Which have been us ALSOovernment service. , Will Be sold at a point north of the Railroad Park. corner of FIRST Street east and "Nil Street north, immediately after the completion of the sale of the Ambulances ,_dte.,_above referred tot 160 TWO-HORSE WAGONS. 103 FOUR-HORSE WAGONS. 10 SETS FOUR-HORSE RUNNING GEAR. The Ambulances and Wagons will be sold sluff to the highest bidder, and the sale will be run tinned from day to day until the whole number sold. Successful bidders will be rodUired• to relstle their purchases within tiVe (5) nays from date of sale. Terms—Cash, in Government funds. D. H. RUCKER, Bvt. Maj. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster. au7-10t Depot of Washington. C,I EE/T SALE OP GOVERNMENT G+ HORSES AND MULES. 25,000 ANIMALS TO BE SOLI) DURING Till MONTH OF AUGUST, in the States of New York, Pennsylvania. Ohio. Indiana Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey, and the District of Columbia. QUAKTEIIM%OTa7S Git111111.31. , 8 WASIUNGTON, D. O. July 21,1966. Will be sold at public auction, to the highest bid. der, at the time and places named below, via: NEW YORK. New York city, Tuesdayand Friday of each week, 2:10 Horses each day. . New York city, Wednesday of each week, 111 Mules each day. Elmira, TUesdlly, August 8, 200 Horses. Elmira, Tuesday, August is. 500 Melds. Albany, Friday, August 23, SOO Mules. Buffalo, Wednesday, August 30 500 Mules. PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, Thursday of each week, 200 Horses each day. Philadelphia, Wednesday and Saturday of 0 4 week, 100 Billies each day. Pittsburg, Thursday of each week, 150 Mules esffi dit Po y. ttsville, Tuesday, August 1. 200 Mules. Mitnintown, Friday, August 4, 200 Mules. York, Friday, August 4, 200 Horses. Newville, Wednesday, August 9, 100 Horses. Newville Thursday, August 10, es. Reading,‘Friday, August 11, 200 Horse'. Shippenahurg, Wednesday August 16, 100 Horses , Erie, Thursday, Augustl7,'2oo Horses. bhippensburs, Thursday, August 17, 100 Mules, Willinmsuort, Friday, Allglsl 18,_2C0 Horse), IndlanakAlonday, August - 2i, 200 Ifforse3. Chambersburg, Welnesday, August Horses. Chambersburg, Thursday, August 24, 100 Males. Milton, Friday, August 25, 200 Horses. Carlisle, Wednesday, August 30 100 Horses. Carlisle, Thursday, August 31,100 Mules. Columbiana, Tuesday OHlO , August 1, 100 HOMO. Wednesday,ALlEUSt 2, 100 Horses. Alliance, Thursaay, Anglia. 3, 200 Doren, Canton, barturday, August E., 200 Horses. Cleveland, Tuesday, August 8, 1,000 Mules. Massillon, Tuesday, August 15.200 Horses. Crestline, Thursday, August 17, 500 Mules. Cleveland, ISonday, August 21, 200 Horses. INDIANA. Fort Wayne, Thursday, ,AngUSt 21, 1,050 Mules.l DELAWAhR. Wilmington, Tuesday of each week, 280 Hordti each day.' Wllraington, Friday of each week, DE Males effh day. NEW JERSEY. Trenton, Thursday, August 10, 200 Midas. Trenton, Thursday August 24, 200 Mules. MA:RYLAND. • Ualtibibte, Wednesday, Au_guat Mid, ' of each week thereafter,2oo horses mica Llar• WASHINGTON, Each week day', =Mules. GIESBORO, D. O. Each. week day except Wednesday, 200 Horses , An opportunity to purchase a. superior cis, saddle and draft animals, at far less than their 01 6 value, is now offered to the public. Though the majority of them are sound see l set. 'Meanie, they art longer required 111 ate OOP and must be sold. Many of the mules were bought in the be/ desoll of the war when young,. accompanied the as ~sales le all their marches and. camps, awl are thr , r anghnl broken, hardened by niereise, gentle and fan ffg Roca being so long surrounded by the sOlO ,urs. Animals will be sold singly. Sales commence at 10 A. M. Terms-omb, in United States eursene AMB, MN, Brevet Brigadier J Gener * al. A l 7 ggarge,, , 1328-lanal First Division, Q . . 111, ‘l, QPECIAL SALE MULES. IJN THE ITED STATES WILY.' - SELL AT PUB MC AUCTION, OF G°V.ARNIIiEN M • 11.11AIOM'S: CITY RA.ZAAi TAT•r/ 'fll BALLS. PACE WI! lEET, Between Eleventh awl Two' h, P1)113(IMpilil• H ,ft DURING TUE MONT 41 AUGUST, l 3o ' NINE MTN DEW J MULES, These Mules arc all Berries able, and sold oulr 1 4 , want or use. Buyers ara ,ivtied to examine at any time, and every wilt be glvel 1.• thorough luspeetiOn. j eon and Roomy sheds are prot tided for protect - Wr u and rain. _ _ ••• • . ONE WLIN.DRED MULES Wlll lle sold on each' WEDNESDAY and SR. DAV. throughout thee mouth of August, C) o '"` lug at 10 o•elocIt. Terms cash, In Orovernmout foods. By order of EristatHer General Eldn. ALBERT O. AOIDICEAM v.Prodp, and QuarturraWl L S OIIIcV, 14 . 0. atA.LtIVAT Ss.. Maim jr' - _