llosoteit Markets, July 10. FLO The Teeeipts since Saturday haVe peen :barrels. The market for Flour is firm, with a good demand. We quote Western euperfine at 4.5.75@d; common extras at a5.2.5@ C. 75; medium ditto at SIM; and good and choice, including favorite St. Louis is brands, at V.25tg12 w barrel. Southern Flour quiet. "GRAIN.—The receipts since Saturday have o r in there have Veen 9,75 bushels been sal o es of Southern oats. yellow at Corn 111.06@tio - bushel ; and it mixed, 75@92 for poor to good. Oats are t wiling at a5@750 for Noth t ern . and c a „ fu 1.71 e bushel.; Western at sae; and 55 7.2 e sq bw..hei for Prince Edward Island: Rye a s se lling . at 00@e5c-V bushel. Shorts at Vbalit 1 1 1 1 ton. me Feed, 4 4 24@ : 26; and middlings at 02.8@:;o T , tom „PnovlSlONS.—Pork is selling at $21@;!::: for T,rime: St-I@2 o for mess; and clear at Cti@39 *? barrel, cash. Beef ranges from sl4@ll V bar ror Eastern and Western. eaSlt [Ai ni al 2.1(3 t , it in barrels and tierces. Sinnio,l Hams, lila We i S,, cash. Butter ranges from :1543 :de - 10 It, ti Sto quality; and Cheese from to@eie lb for Common and prime. LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' E Philadelphia.xchange, Brig Anna (Br). Morrow St ThOlnitS soon 3311 g S V 111erfiek , IC onl pn .... ..... Havana soon JOVARD OF TUADE. VHORNTON XDIVAni, FouI:CADE, iCO3I. OF Tlltliovrrt 71Elaor LEW] ItIARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, July 12 4 49 !SUN SETS F.:I:N RISES.... )1 to el WATER ilrrired. Steamship Saxon, Matthews, 48 hours from 11 0 ,40 n, with nalse and passengers to Henry 'Sin or& Co. Brig Sarah Gootinow, Drisko, 14 days from Claci , Bay, with coal to Northern Liberties illas Works. Brig Gen Banks, Retehum, 6days from Beau fort. in ballast to captain. Schr Time Borden, irrightington, 3 days from 1- 1 01 river, in ballast to captain. Scbr C P Sticknev, Garwood, ti days from Xoston, with ice to l B Kershow & CO. Seim Ann ;lane, W ogee, 3 days from Balti- Vore, in ballast to J T Justus. Schr Ruby, Cody, 1 day from Lewes, Del, 'frith graM to Jas L Rowley & Co. Sob r A Ili Ii Thomas, Winsitiore, 3 days from ew York, in ballast to captain. Sehr L Audenried, Corson, 6 days front Bos ton. latlia6t to it Tomlinson. - Schr Winter Shrub, Price, 4 days from ccorgetown, with hoops to llam,reh & tons. Sehr .Losephine, Waterbury, 3 days from New 'Nerk. with 'pulse to Baugh & Sons. Schr T P McCulley, Durborough, 1 day from Camden, Del with grain to Jas Barratt. . si earner Renear, from loth naise to Whitall, Tatinn ' & Co. Steamer Pierreuont, Shropshire . , 24 hours Ppm New York, with mdse to W M Baird Co. Strainer J S Rockwell, Nichols, 24 hours from cew fork, with mdse to WM Baird & Co.' :•;Iciner Bristol, Charles, 24 hours from New D. - ork ! with anise to W P Clyde & Co. Steamer James Hand, Shropshire, 24 hours .11•oin Now York,with intl:K 4 to P Clyde & CO. Steamer S C Walker, Shertn, 24 hours from ,liew York, with - anise to W 111 Baird & Co. Steam-tug E A Solider, Harrington,hours from Brandywine Light, having towed thereto 'Bark Whit ClVing,hence for Lagnavra, whence hie proceeded under canvass at . 7 , 1 1 A M on rue-day. Cleared. AlbiOn, (Bream) Elsenbrock, Dremea. Brig S V Merrick, Norden, Havana. • 4..11r Isabella (new), Dorman, Barbados. Schr Leesburg, Blake, Portland. Sehr Mary and Caroline, Lutz, Baltimore. Schr Louisa Gray, Bowen,yoxbury, Mass. Schr Eliza Williams, Taylor, Boston. Sehr J C Henry, Winsmore, Lynn. tsar Fly. Cheeseman, Lynn. Schr War Steed, Cush, Boston. ,ithr Mart Rem - hart, Hand Boston. Schr B Clayton, Caton,Boston.e Sehr Louisa razier, Steelman, Salem. Seim J E Simmons Simpson, Boston. Schr It Peterson,English, Roxbury. J Cadwalaer, Steelman, Salem. Sehr 3, Andenried, Compton,-Roxbury. - !-chr Restless, Vanzant, East Cambridge. sehr Revenue, Willetts, Providence. sehr H Rodgers, Prambcs, Boston. Schr Polly Price, Adams, Cambridgeport. i-chr R W Godfrey, Godfrey, Boston. rrhr S S Lee Somers, Boston. • 7‘0112, Eliza Neal, Weaver, Boston. Aid, Irclaml,Bostou. T Lake, Risley, Braintree. Stair H L Gaw, Stuar AMID,. Lenny, l ew York. ••tiar minvinc, Renter, Memoranda 'Ship Stadacona, Stewart, hence for StJohns, lc 11, before reported on Nantucket Shoals, has een got off, and was at Edgartown Monday. P Flu! is tight, auft - will come round to New York the last of this week. Ship Nesutan, Shybie, cleared at Liverpool Fth tilt, for Calcutta. j Ship Frani:Flint, Robinson, from New York, •Clniun NI at. Panama Ist lust, discharging. ; Q Steamship City of Limerick, Jones, from 'Liverpool for New York, sailed from Queens 'town sth ult. Bark Wavelet, (P.r), Osborn, sailed from Rio n eiro 215 May, for - New York. Bark Winifred, Clark, sailed from Rio Janci to :mil May, for New York. I Brig Yineenn es, Modgdon, cleared at Roston 1.11) inst. for this port, and sailed 9th. Brig Lincoln Webb, Greenleaf, hence at Bath h inst. Schr Sarah M Sherman, Sherman, for this port, was at Newport Bth inst. ; S.chrs H J Tyler, Magee, and Henry Perkins, 'pave, hence at Boston - 9th inst. Sehr Caleb Stetson, Somers, hence at Brain tree Bth inst. Ship Lookout, at San Francisco from New Xork, had heavy gales in the Gulf Stream; 'plit - and lost Sails. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. 112=M! The Con It Purnell, Baltimore ( Moore, Baltimore - Woodward, Jr. Balt McFa rl a n rit-tstos , E :Amon, Inylois Miss L McDermott, Balt H J Molly t wf, renna AF Zimmerman,Harr , bg C G Furst, Lock Haven C Kennedy tt Oa, rittsb'g Cain C F. Ashcroft & wf T Denmead, Ohio _ _ . L _Bartlett, Baltimore RalAun Lt CI L Ituntington,US N J M Hughes, J r,Nitslxvle Mrs Battles J 6 da, Ohio J B McCreary T II Burrows, Lancaster J L Slickter, Reading Chas Espemith N Orleans E K Gibson U S N iT N Bolles,'New York I THM Winn. Kentucky L e Pease. New York IF Ore New York If Wellington, Mass L 0 Colvin, USA A Dall, Baltimore 3 W Low, New York W E Newell, New York Judge Porter, Louisville IMrs - Porter, Louisville , W W I Stone, New York E A Sheble,' Jr, St Louis J Washburn, St Louis 111 M Murray, Maryland 11V W Seeombe, N York 1E 0 Wyman, St Louis IA Wei n, New Jersey Duff Green Georgia ll E Green, Tenn IT W Atkinson, Baltimore ill F Libby, New York J LEWIS & wf, N ()deans Mrs L Elliott, N Orleans AB Steinberger, N York Thus TObill, Bnltimorc Miss S L Baskell, '1 Y E E Lombard, N York A S Petrie, New York ,L . Showell &,,vf,Md__ Y LI Willard & da, 2i 0 Ir O'Malley, New York .1 6- Inane altimore C Churchill, B Oswego M Dakemore M Ramsey, 11 S N Eamia&t wf liss Morgan,Washing'n 1161:WHISOn,WaShingtOn I )31 Engeton, Pittsburg, Meilormott, Bath T Richardsoll, Mass It May. Baltimore Hollingsworth, Mass Hiss Jil Hollingsworth ii Weleb.Lake Soperior H Weleh.Lake Superior Ely,Wasidugton 'll Cook kwf,Wash'g'n J Hitchcock. 3," Orleans Irs Dorsey, '_C Orleans iis., Dorsey. N Orleans ;Slier:ban, Jr. Ohio .. , . 1, Lowry A wf.,,lowa - W Wool verion, N 0 I C' Finney, Clear Field / V 31Dennatm, N York I. Jewett. Ohio V 11 Brown, New York it's Ellis, Virginia A Banter, 'Virginia iiohn S - McDrew, h'y Is McGrew.hy .e liammeton &la, Balt .1 Wilmer. Salt 1111 Cummins ,st,. aim, V a k'S Carlisle & son, Mil 'hos Wilson, 'Baltimore V it Penniman. Bait I kns Dickinson, Baltimore , Bissell, Pittsburg Miss A M Bissell, Pittsbg IMiss M. W Bissell,Pittabg I .1 °nubby, New York il lc Bay. S. ew, Jersey 0 - Roberts it - la. Ban C B Wheviet, New York . . Thos Armor, Pittsburg H Read. Pittsburg Gulot, France W S Hopkins. halt • G F WIWI, Del Mrs Wiewell .k do., Del Michael Poole P Nevin, Connecticut irard. INV Masterton, Johnstown J D Mentz & wf. Pittsb , g S Morehead, Pittsburg ;tit Simpson, New York Miss L Collom, Johnst'n Mrs Simpson, Pittsburg W N Tisdall, N Orleans C S Watson. Delaware W Wilcox, INliddlet'n, Ct !Mrs J Stites, Delaware .J Guernsey, lowa The G IV Turner & wf,li York! .A Anderson, Washington' T 1 I) Heed, St Louis It Markley. Lancaster 6i Macklin, Maeveytown Evey, Harrisburg Cantwell. Bucks co G Davis Jersey D Cooper, Sew Jersey S Slats & wr, Baltimore! JC R min, Richmond . 3 - 1)30 , 1111111', BI ion 31111111le, XeIN - York r Wooley, - New York Ii Perkins S la. Boston J11; - ; Wilson. Nisw York 31 J Baker, Boston rE J Fox esn., Easton N Lightner, Lancaster E C Jordan, Harrisburg: Miss M A Saunderson, I Miss L Collins, Johnst'n J M Frick. Ashland W S Brooking V 'Thomason W Lowther, Newport,Pa J It Lowther, Newport V II Barksdale, Virginia E Stout, Reading W ItSlacter,W ashington F W Dolvivger, Read'g T H Bewley, Salem, N J llObt Irvin. Baltimore A Eselilmeli, New York Stevenson, N Carolina IWm It Smith, Pottsville A L Jones & wf, Virginia W Jones, Hillsborough 3lfss - SBakei;Boston Dim Tobin J Oarnble,J Stiore Judo', L H Potter, Ohio T It Rickert, Pottsville B Campbell r..lamibon, Pittsburg el A G White,Osceola tea oe re.,r,lova_ Al York 111 3 ,, lrebterguir,New Torkl Yard. Trenton, N J ins Id Sterling, Trenton Lynch Columbia-Pa ,It'andliaelay. Milroy, Pa J C Mulford, Salem, bT chants. 1 11 Marc]:le, Columbus, 0 L Kobus & Art', Oa The litter C Barclay, Pottsville 3)cN:unce, Pa 1V It McCarty &la, Ya , lllcCivrtney, Itlebrnolid Shoemaker, Pa ,E H Eimer, 'Bridgeton J H Elinor, Bridgeton J IT ittlinngt.a, MA Mrs M C Parker, Md J H Brookmire,St Louis A H Hamill, SLonis L B Dellieker, Wheeling B H Brown, Reading W Kerner & dan, Pa AM Caritt, Pittsburg J Jr Phillips St wf, Pa D Eppley, Harrisburg G J Bolton, Harrisburg J J Btalislea & wf,Pa H L Hurd & son,Phil.% ' , ,%r - 1 ,, Grassier Scwt, Pa T Graham, Maryland E tillrecti, New York S S Yanderhoef, N Y C it Nielson, Allentown IT J Strivkland, N H GI,V HuTT, Tamarac, Pa It IT Mott, Burlington J C Chimbersbrg Bear, Chambersburg J Lyons, Chicago J Fenton. Jr, Latrobe VOrlin, New York H Brown; New York $ Lachman, Harrisburg C Brenner, Clearfield Fenian, Latrobe Coleman, Lancaster " A Morton. Lancaster 14 Armstrong, Allegheny W Peace, A Oil - York ]rsbi N,Bagen. N y Sparry, N Y Wachtel, Indianapolis „T.. Hays, Indianapolis CI. Widme r . Pa Sul Pulone, N T Fawcett, Indiana The A,. T Ballenger, Alexandria 11. Barton, Delaware co 1. Welch & wf F belnifta, Baitlmore d..-1 It Armstrong, Cilleago A EigelOW., I b 1V 11 ilellaney, N York @oho Mondry! Norrls, Baltimore 31 T Chambers, New York Dll..hem, New York Job. Ralston, Armstrong C W Born, Keen, N 3!: Pl:Cower, Maryland Ceo [Nissen - Zen Lodge C 1) Wclrl, :New York ano Wilson. Washington C Nome, rittonorg pitssL Murphyjialthnore Joshua Hanes, Baltimore T. E Elston, New York J McDermott, Maryland G Ford & wf, Wash The Co 'Mrs H Seltzer. Pottsvillel 011 Searle, S ow Jersey 0 Ulekrivin. Penna Clark, Al 1), Penns Wit Simmons Mrs W Griswold, Boston 'Airs JIB - irks, Delaware Y Russell, U S A C Cunningham, Pulina L W Moore. Penna. • . t , 72 need. Penner P Conrad, Penna DWatson, - Poona .S Cadwalader, Penns B Bowman, Lancaster mot) Felton, Bedford co Fleckinr,Penns. ' H Bernar gt, d, Chester co .11ss Kate Jackson, Pa The W Bosler Sc In, Obi Reynolds, Del co, 'liss C Priest, Winn. B Armstrong, V Del t' Wilm, el S Turner - - J Funk *lBl Ohio I Eicke, Math. D 'Parker, New Yi E Palmer:New Yi - Reese, New York Mleehel, New Jame) CWaltun, Wash, D Jones, D rs Tueker da A D 'L^ 0-i Brooke, Foul 4 4 "Wheeler, -min& The N P Brown, Doylestown Mrs H Rogers, St r:tul Miss Rogers, St rant T Guene_ D Hulick, Ea-ton SY s Hulick, Easton I) Eckertle. Pottsville Jas 1' Riekseeker, Lane Lewis A Duluth, Lane Eboatts. Jr, Heading Iti va ding.Re Heading Clllts Frumphrgy, US A Punic! liaarns, hi Chunk The M j Whitaker, New York E Marshall, Delaware A J Evans. Maryland • w W Long & wf, Peuna John Donnell, N` Mrs Mansfield & ell, Pa J lioppock, N J J L Coulborli, Delaware The "Bid A I.7.lsenhard. Penny 11 Williams, Penner I) L Bette, Qualzertownj J 'Borsch, Coopersnurg I Rermony, Hambnrg 1 0 B Keller A; wf, The Bin M lioffit; Lebanon eo M Eisen))lini.Fogelsv'e .1 - Hersh. Fctin,borg Treader, Atteo(o'll J Burr, Bristol 'David Jarrett Bucks co (3 , 0 W a tson, Centreviller 3I Knight, B_yberry Smith 'Harper ,17 la, Pa Jones Coady, Bucks co Jas Newbold, bucks co A LEGEND Or HOT WEATHER. BY THE BARD OF TOWER LULL. Ali kinds, styles, and sizes of clothing, mews, youth's and boys', all grades, from medium to att verfirie. Although our sales - are large and rapid, we have a full and complete assortment, new and fash ionable, which is being replenished daily. Our prices, being based upon the lowest market rates of the season, are lower than the lowest elsewhere. An examination invited. TOWER HALL, No. 518 MARKET Street, BENNETT & CO. MY HAIR WAS PERFECTLY GRAY, BUT now no one would Imagine Mitt I ever had a gray half—all through the use of the "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing." It acts upon the secretions and secretive organs, so as to supply the former with the necessary color ing matter, and upon the latter so as to completely restore their impaired or lost functions. Being an elegant dressing, delicately perfumed, it is a real pleasure to apply. , b London" Gray "Hair Color Does Restorer.', "London" "Hair Color Restorer." "London" Hair "Hair Color not Restorer. "London" "Hali Color Restoreit" "London" Changed "Hair Color Stain Restorer." "London" "Flair Color or Restorer." "London" without "Hair Color Soil Restorer." "London" Hair Color Restorer." "Loudon" Dyeing.. "Hair Color Any- Restorer." "London" "Hair Color thing Restorer.' BA.Lormss.—lt will positively stop the Hair from falling, and cause it to grow On bald beads, in an cases where the follicles are left. Single Bottles, 75 cents. Sts Bottles, V. Sold by DR. SWATNE & SON. 330 North SIXTH St. PENNSYLVANIA NOVACULITE SET STONES are recommended by the late Peter A. Browne, and by many well known carpenters or this city, as be ing a superior stone for sharpening Tools, Razors, Surgical Instruments, &T. A lot just opened at TRUMAN & SHAW'S, No. 613.51(Eight Thirty-flue) - MARKET Street, below Ninth. PIYRTNO IRONS, OF THE HALL MOUND, straight and flat shapes, and of scollop or raw tooth Patterns: also, Punches, Mallets, Hammers, and Goffering Scissors. TRUMAN & SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirtyilve) MARKET Street, below Ninth. ITCH CURED IN FROM. 12 TO 48 HOURS AEW' MB CURED IN 12 TO 43 nouns Dr. Swayne's Alt-Healing Ointment never falls tO cure the worst cases —Totter, Scald /lend, Salt Rbemn,all Eruptions. Prepared only by Dr.Sw&xxE & SON, 330 North Sixth Street. TILE PUBLIC is cautioned against 'an imi tation of the Fhotograph of Lieut. General Grant, the original of which was taken by F. GITTE KUNST, 704 ARCH Street. It Is a bad copy. The original will be linoww by my imprint on the back:. jyll-for BUY TOUR BATHING ROBES FON LADIES SOMETHING COOL FOR THE HOT WEATHER. Something Cool for the Hot Weather. Something Cool for the Hot Weather. something Cool for ttiS liot Weather. Linen Backs. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen. Dusters. . Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Alpaca Backs. • - Alpaca Sacks. Alpaca Sacks. Alpaca Sackil. Just the thing to Keep Cool in. Just the thing to Keep Cool in. Just the thing to Keep Cool in. Just the thing to Keep Cool in. Also, a splendid assortment of Seasonable Cloth ing, of every variety, for sale by PENNY A CO.. No. 303 CHESTNUT Street, above Third, N 0.600 CHESTNUT St. (Granville Stokes , old stand.) B. E. Corner of SZVENTLI. and MARKET Ste. (Jones.) 3ylo-6t PERRY'S MOTH AND FRECKLE LOTION.— Chiloasrna, or Motbpatch (also caned Liverspot,) and Lentigo, or Freckles, are often very annoying, particularly to ladies of light complexion, for the discolored spots show more plainly on the hes aft blonde than . of a brunette; but they greatly mar the beauty - of either, and any preparation that will ef fectually remove them, without injuring the texture or color of the akin is certainly a desideratum. Dic B. C. PERRY, who has made diseases of the skin a speciality, has discovered a remedy for these disco jorations which is at once prompt, infallible, and barmlesS. Wholesale in Philadelphia by JOHNSTON, HOL LOWAY, & COWDEN, 23 North SIXTH Street, and by DYOTT & CO., 232 North SECOND Street. Prepared only by B. C. PERRY, Dermatologist, No. 49 BOND Street, New York, and for sale by all Druggists. Price, is per bottle. Call for PERRY'S MOTH AND FRECKLE LOTION. For further information address Dr. B. D. PER RY, 49 BOND Street, NEW YORK. ie7-wfm3m. HAM DYE T. frAni. DYF. BAT . CIIELOR'S MIDI DYE is Clic best in the world. The only true and perfect Dye—harmless, instantaneous, and reliable; produces a splendid Black or Natural Brown; remedies the 11l effects of Bad Dyes, and frequently restores the original color. Sold by all Druggists. The genuine is signed W. A. BATCHELOR, SI. BARCLAY Street, New York. jag-mwf-ty UNIVERSAL Co!( WHEEL) CLOTHES WRINGER at reduced prices. O. W. LOOMIS, 27 South SIXTH St., Phihulelpbla, Pa. jelB.-fmw-lm 27 GAS COOKING STOVES. 27. • Cheap thau Coal or Wood. Eagle Gas Cooking Stoves and Ranges. G. W. LOOMIS, 27 South BLV:III Street, Philadelphia. - DlsitsarnA AIM DYSENTERY. —A SUM remedy for the worst ease of acute or chronic Dlar rlicea and Dysentery is Dr. ormeicLAND'S ANTI CIIOLERA.MIXTITRE; thousands have been mired by it; our Government uses it In the hospitals. It has cured many of our soldiers after all other means failed; in fact, we have enough proof of the efficacy of this valuable preparation of astringents, ab sorbents, stimulants, and carminatives, to advise every one of our readers to get a bottle and have it in readiness, and to those who suffer try It directly. Sold by Druggists every Where. Ask for Dr. Strick land's Anti-Cholera Mixture. jy3-nawf-3m Iron. (WBEATort's) SALT RREITM. (OINTMENT) SALT RHEUM. Will cure the Itch in forty-eight hours. Also cures Salt Rhetim, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price, 50 cents. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS Br, POTTER, BOSTON, Mass., will be for warded free by mail. For sole by all Druggists. nahlB-6m • erlean. W Cannon, Delaware Hilt House, Washington F Garrett, Ashland. Pa Jas N Garrett, Pottsville II Brazier & m, Pottsville L Reitz. Jr, Ash Land Thos Conner, Ashland H Wilson, Baltimore Miss S Wilson, Baltimore Miss K Macartney, Balt Jas H Scribner, Newark C B Smith, Newark D k' Conover, 107,ngland A (Jolt. Massachusetts Chas M Myer & la, Balt B B Donner, Chainbersb Jas A Barron A HOser. Lebanon N Holley, Connecticut R Bostwick, coone.tio,..L IS Workman, Connecticut A Connell, Washington Josiahrartritige, Is York mericial. Mrs Hall St child, Penna. Miss Lansing, Penna.. C W Stewart , Lane co,Pa C Dingee, I,l . (*rove It Wafson. DorlestOWß W 'l' Scal & wf, Penna Miss 't Carroll, Penna F. H Brown, Lane CO, Pa G li Buckley, Del City W Powell, Lancaster G Reed, Pottsville W Backus, jThester CO W Auchenbaek, Penna Thos D !AY, Danielsvill,, IL K Latulehnelell, penal Joint Tice, Lebanon ILouis S Bachman. Puma 0 R Gun, Pottstown II It Rockwell, Elmira BaumAm.'s AmuourrE:—Have you tried it? If so, you approve or it. Of course the re knovitable demand for this excellent preparation for tile -Hair has been solely created by its merits; for, when owes need, it Is "tot likely to be abandoned. You can procure,',,f - r ,t,tse at iLy . espectable Druggist. '-`s44.vain C W Sturglp, Litiz, Pa A Jones Az wf,Jersey Clty S S Walkley, Conn S V Terry S D Foot, New York Jas C Baugh, Chester Val 'Miss Edith Taylor, Pa W ti Griffith & wf. Pa Jacob Weller, Wash B B , Pa A Sanders, Bristol, Ind John Drew & wf, 3 , J. dison. A Doron, Mt Holly.N Beckenert,New York Mrslleekenert,New York 13 8 Conway t wf, N J P Stautz, New Jersey Potts, Yarillevvitle L If rodhead, Del IV Dap d Appiebach, Penna. IE Schuler. Kmans IS Lutz. iterks co A K Horliberger, Noma 1f 11 Inoue), Lane co rizz2 F I 3 Tice, 111 D, Hamburg W Craven, Jobusvill lH M Erdman, Zionsville =23 The Bari SPECIAL NOTICES. 'Tis said that in just such weather As this, there walked together A pair of friends. • One was extremely fat and stout, The other lean, though long drawn out, To mnke amends. At length the thin man turned around And saw, just sinking to the ground, The clothes which late His friend had worn, but empty now, Yet soaked with grease, which did avow His melting fate: • Our slim friend fled, but, sad to tell, Slipped on the greasy bricks and fell. The brick - 6 that day nail grown sohot that—sight of grief I He shrivelled like a scorched up leaf, ' And blew away! Our thoughts should at this time be bent Such dire misfortunes to prevent, And, to slake sure . Of health and col/Wort, past dispute, You should from Bennett's a cool suit At once procure. • SLOAN'S, 806 DIAIMV-T Stzoot " THROW ritYSIO TO TITE DOGS, 1.71,1400/DS OP IT." To make assurance doubly sure I'll take ~— PLANTATION They never fail. This great Stomachic Healer, SO long and favora bly known to the American public, is Just what the people need. It is a remedy they can rely on. For Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Deadache, Dizziness, Ague, Liver Complaints, Pains in the Side and Back, &C., It h as no e q ual not the least among its virtues is its extreme pleasantness to the taste and immediate beneficial effect. Try it, ye dyspeptics, and be cured! jyg-fit JONEW.--SOLDIERS REWAXING ROME you want a good, substantial, cheap, and fashioll able suit of Citizens' Clothing. Go to Jones' OLD-ESTABLISHED ONE PEKE CLOTHIBGIRHIBE , 604 MARKET STREET, ABOVE Vir PRICES REITCED. WANAMAKBA & BROWN, Atir- Popular W Clothing Rouse, W OAK lIALL, B. ir:e.or. Sixth and Market • MARRIED. WATSONWOOD.—On the 11th inst., at the resi dence of the bride's mother,. by Friends' ceremony - , hl the presence of Mayor klenry James Watson * to to Marl' r. Wood, all of Philadelphia. No cards. WALKER—CORKRIN.—On the 11th _lnstant, at Grate Church, by the Her. William - Suddurds, D. D., Malcolm McC. Walker to Helen McKenzie, daughter of the late John Corkrin, Esq., all of this city. [Pittsburg papers please copy . . 3 cijAmpiolsl-- - McCULLOCEL—Ou the lith Inst., by the Rev. J. W. Bonham, Jos. C. Champipri to Miss Mettle McCulloch _L daughter of Robert McCul loch, all of this city. No cards. DIED. gm7o.—After a short illness, on the 10th - inst., Mr. David King, aged 56 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend his funeral, from his late re silience, No. Ma Frankford road, below Norris street, on Thursday afternoon, at '3 o'clock, without further notice. Proceed to Monument Cemetery.** WILSON.—At 5% o'clock Sunday morablg• Oth inst., Doctor James Henry Wilson, in the 47th year of his age. The friends and relatives of the faintly are invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, 907 Lombard street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. To proceed at 5 o'clock to St. Thomas' Church, thence to Lebanon Cemetery. PAUL.On lOth inst., Mr. William R. Paul, in the 51st rear of his aFe. His relatives anti iricnds are respectfully Invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, 1609 WPllnce street. on Tbarsday, 13th inst., at 3 o'clock. To procecd to Mount Vernon Cemetery. HAN SELL.—A t Darby, Delaware county, Pa., on the 9th of July. of consumption, Rachel E., wife of Mimes .1. in the 29th year of her age, for merly of Brandywine village, Delaware. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfally invited to attend her funeral, at the resi dence of 'her husband, on Wednesday, the 12th at One o'clock P. Si., without further notice. MASON.—Suddenly, on the 10th inst., Wilt inn T. Mason, in the 43d year of his age. The relatives and friends Of the flintily, the Northern Liberties Lodge, No. /7, 1. 0. 0. P., and the Kensington Fire Company, are respeetfelly invited to attend his fu nerat, from his late residence No. 108 Richmond street. above _Marlborough, (late Kensington,) on Thursday afternoon, the 14th inst., at 3 o'clock, without further notice. *55 HELLENMi.—On the Bth inst., after a severe ill ness, Harriet, wife of Geo. F. Delleker. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral from her husbane s residence, No. 216 South Twentieth street, on Wednesday morning, 12th inst., at 10 o'clock. BLACK ENGLISH GRENADINES.— Just received, a case of Black English Grena dines, at 40 cents a yard. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, 918 CIIESTNIPC Street. One price, Prices in plain figures. inyls FLACK CHALY DE LAJNE.-JUST opened, one case of plain black Maly de Lames, at 373fi cents a - yard. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, 018 CHESTNUT Street. One price. Prices in plain figures. inyls 100 PURE WHITE SHETLAND SHAWLS. EIRE & LANDELL. 100 PIECES MOSQUITO BARS, WELITES, BLUES, GREENS, &C. • EYRE a 14 ANDELL. LOW WHITE QUILTS , FOR 1,000 iIOTELS. IMMENSE LOTS OF CHEAP TOWELS. -cjeze-to ETRE do LANDELL. ;gr.' OFFICE OF THE PHILADEL PHIA GAS WORKS, JULY 11, 1800. The price of Coke has been reduced to Ten Cents per bushel. Orders received at the Works or Office, No. at) South SEVENTH Street. JOS. MANUEL A , 3y12-12t Chief Engineer. Or' QVARTERLY REPORT OF THE SECOND 27ATIONAL BANE OF PUMA DELMIA. RRAIIKPOILD, July Oil, 1883. RESOURCES. Notes and bills discounted $13 . 3,94114 United States bonds deposited with the Treasurer of the United States to secure circu- • lotion and deposits 330,000 00 United States bonds on hand... 215,500 00 079,441 14 Due from bunim 147,883 08 Lawful money of the United " - States Bills of solvent banks Cashitems Real estate Furniture and fixtures...... Current expenses and taxes Tata • LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in. Circulating notes.. Due to depositors. Due to banks Profit and 1055..... 'Unpaid dividends. Due on real estate I, WM. H. BRAWN, Cashier of the Second Na tional Bank of Philadelphia, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true.„to the best of my know ledge and belief. WM. l'i. ItHAWN, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed before me this 3d day of July, .1865. JOU MALLCROSS, jyll.-21. Notary Public. OFFICE ST. NICHOLAS COAL COMPANY, 205Y 2 'WALNUT Street, PIIILADELPRIA, July 10 1865. At a meeting of the ;Directors of the ST. RMO LAS COAL COMPANY, held this day, a Dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock was declared, payable (clear of State tax) on and after MONDAY, the 17th inst. .73.11-st. C. 1 0 43110ENER, Treasurer. MASONIC NOTICE.—THE OFFI CERS and members of LODGE No. 3, A. Y. M,, are requested to meet at the Masonic Hall, RICHMOND Street. above Eyankford road, on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, at s O'clock, to at tend the Funeral of our Tote Brother, JOHN CLARK. Ity order of the W. M. jyll-21* WAL M. MARTIN, -Secretary. 116... OFFICE "BIG WHITELY CREEK OIL C 0.," No. 52S WALNUT Street,Rooin No. 9, PHILADELPHIA, Allyn, 1865: Subscribers to the capital stock of tile "MU WHITELY CREEK OIL C 0.," who have noLpaid their last instalment, and taken oat their eUrtili elites, are hereby notified that if not attended to within thirty days front date their stock will be for feited. By order of the Board, jyll-12t. J. LEWIS PHILLIPb, President. ligr. ➢IERCHANTS' AND MANCEAC. TIMERS' NATIONAL BANK, . . • - - - June 21, 1865. As the Comptroller of the Currency of the United States has decided that the Capital of this Bank can be increased to the extent of MAIO only, and not to the amount of e,400,000, as before agroittl upon (owing to the apportionment to renosylVauct beim , alrentry abs Orbed.) Stockholders are hereby uotillea that OD e-bdiftlip tnstalment paid on their 4ubserip theWrietir Plyment-i.if—Ne trlfflea ri.6l.g to number of shares of New Stock aft the amount su naerme-.—usterit Stockholders will be paid at the Commercial Natter.l Dank, iu Phila. ek>1 1 0•10.. No further instalments will be required on the New Stock. The capital stock of the Bank _will, therefore, be $600,000. instead of $1,000,000. By order of the Bo JOHNirectors. SCOTT, Jr., Cashier. JutvB 10. The Board of Directors have this day declared a' Dividend of SIX PER CENT. upon the old Capital Stock out of the profits of the last six months, free of United States tax, payable at the Commercial' National Bank, in Philadelphia, to. Eastern stock holders, on and after the num inst. jyll-6t JOHN SCOTT, Jr., Cashier. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, CEN TRAL HIGH SCHOOL.—The semi-aunnal Meeting of the Alumni Association of the Central High School will be held oil WEDNESDAY EVE NING July 12th, 1363, at the High School Building, at which time Tickets may' be had for the Com mencement. CHAS. iILICKWALTER, President. HENRY. R. Eninusits, Secretary. jylo-31 - - OFFICE OF TILE EGBERT OIL 1 COMPANY, No. 14 , 7 South FOURTH St., July 6,1365. The Board of Directors have THLS DAY declared a dividend of TWO per cent. on the capi stock of the company, payable on and after July 13, free of Stake-tax. Transfer books close July sth andopen July trth. WM. M. CARTER, Secretary and Tredattrer. ava-Iff• DELAWARE AVENUE MARKET 1 COMPANY. rITILADIELPAIA, July a, 1865. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of THREE PER CENT on the Capital Stock of the Comany, payable on and aftor the 11th inst., clear Bonkt and 'United States Taxes. The Transfer will Close on the nth and 9 0 on the 18th Inst. 1jy6 , 12r) WILLIAM J. CAITLIN, Sec'y. WOFFICE OF THE FAKE INSE• RASICC COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT Street. rIIILADELPIII.I, July 3, 1885. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day, a Dividend of THREE PER CENT. was de clared, payable on demand clear of all taxes.. jy6-12t W. I. ISLANCHARD, Secretary. rff'THE DIRECTORS OF THE DAL zIrLL pornoEttill COMPANY lave this day declared a Dividend of ONE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, clear of State tax, payable on and after 12th inst. Books to close 6th and reopen 13th inst. G. E. FRYER, J}•6-it Secretary. WOFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, 400 WALNUT Street, PiIILADELPHIA, duly 3, 1865. The Directors have tills day declared a Dividend of THREE PERCENT. on the capital stock of the Company for the last six months_, payable on de mand, free of all taxes. B. LOCKWOOD, jy4-12t Secretary. POSTPOINTt3RENT OF THE UNION STATE CONVENTION—MEED. INO OF THE UNION STATE CENTRAL COM MITTEE.—in compliance with the earnest appeals of malty prominent Union men, citizens of different counties in the State, urging that the Union State Convention called for the 19th of July, ensuing,-be deferred until further notice, the announcement is herewith made that that body will not assemble on the day (19th of July) set apart for its meeting in the city of Harrisburg. Due notice will be given of the Meeting of the Convention hereafter. The members of the Union State Central Com mittee will assemble in the sit of of Harrisburg, on the NINETEENTH OF JULYensuing, at the LochielHouse,atthreeo'clockP.M. A full attendance of all the members of the coin n3ittee, is earnestly reel:nested. SIMON CAMERON, Chairman. A. W. BENEDICT, 2Secretaries. WIEN FORNEY., Ilmtilisstrlio, June 19,'.1885, EgrAMERICAN EWE 'INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, rIIIILADICLPIIIA, July 7, 188.5. • The Trt‘skees hove this day declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT. Out or tbo pr alts of the lost six months, payable to the Stockholders on demand, dear of taxes. JOHN S. WILSON, jylo-3t Secretary. Iar'OFFICE OF THE HYDE FARM OIL COMPANY, No. 147 South FOURTH Street, PMLADELPIIIA, July 6, 1865. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Dividend of TEN CENTS PER. SHARE on the Capital Stork of the Company, payable on and after July 15th, free of State tax. Transfer Books close July Bth and open July 17th. iy7-6t THOMAS S. WOOD, Secretary. m NOTICE .- THE witANSFER, Ism& BOOKS of the ROYAL PETROLEUM COM PANY will be closed from FRIDAY, the 7th inst., until SATURDAY, the 15th inst. jy4-lOt JOHN GALLAGHER, Jr., Secretary. MILITARY. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —Wanted for the UNITED STATES MARINE I CORPS, able-bodied MEN. Splendid induce ments held out to all entering the Marine Corps; glorious opportunity to visit ..foreign. countrlce; good pay, excellent accommodations, light and easy duties. For all further information inquire at the Recruit ing Rendezvous, No. 311 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia,. between 9 A. M. and a P. M. every day, except Sunday. JAMES - FORNEY, 3vl Captain and Recruiting Officer. GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS. VINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscribers would invite attention to their IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, which they make a specialty in their business. Also, constantly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT ING GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, NO. 814 CHESTNUT Street, Four doors belbv? the Continental. - COMMISSION MOUSES. HAZARD &. HUTCHINSON, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, /1.12 EET, PHILADELPHIA, AND ..103 HEADE STREET, NEW YORK. JE23-6m lIHOTOGRAPHS OF CHURCHES, -a- Public Edifices. Residences, and Country Seats, taken by B. F. REIMPIIt in superior manner. Those who desire the-similes 'should apply at 824 ARCH Street. CAR D PHOTOGRAPHS-BEATJTI FIJI specimens, done in styles suitable for albums; Just the thing for scholars to am:bailee with classmates—twelre for *1.25. HELMER, SECOND l;treet, above Green. it* WANAXATC'ER & BROWN, THE PRESS.7-PIIILADELPIIIA, WEDNESDAY. JULY 12. 1865:, UNITED STATES By authority of the Secretary of the Treasttry, the undersigned, the General Subscription Agent for the sale of United States Securities, offers to the public the third series of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three-tenths per cent. interest per an num, known as the These Notes are Issued under date of July t 5, 1885, and are payable three years from that date In Cur rency, or are convertible at the option of the holder Into These Bonds are now worth a handsome premium, and are exempt, as are all the Government Bonds, from Mute, tiountv, and Municipal taxation, roma adds front one to three per cent. wore to their mane, according to the rate levied upon other property. The interest is payable semi-annually by coupons attatched to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest at 7-30 per cent. amounts to One cent per day on a $5O note. Two cents per day on a $lOO note. Ten cents per day on a $5OO note. Twenty vents per day on a gi,ooo note. Oue Dollar per day on a $5,000 note. • Notes of all tile denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. The notes of this Third Series are precisely simi lar in form and privileges to the Seven-Thirties al ready said, except that the Government reserves to itself the option of paying interest in gold coin. at 6 per cent. instead of 7 3-10 the in currency. Subscri bers will deduct the interest in currency up. to July 15th, at the time when they subscribe. The delivery of the notes of this Third. Series of the Seven-Thirties will commence on the Ist of June, and will be made promptly and continuously after that date. The slight change made in the conditions of this THIRD SERIES affects only the matter of interest. The payment in gold, if made, will be equivalent to the currency Interest of the higher rate. The return to specie payments, In the event of which only will the option.to pay interest In gold be availed of, would so reduce and equalize prices as that purchases made with six per cent. in geld would be fully equal to those made with seven-and three-tenths per cent. in currency. This is. now offered by the Government, and its dttperlF advantages make it the GREAT TOTIILAR LOAN Ok THE PROM. Less than 400,000,000 of the Loan authorized by tigress are now in the market. This amount, at tl rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for within sixty days, when , the notes .will undoubtedly command a premium, as has_ uni rmly been the case on closing the subscriptions to o her Loans. • 134,927 1 05Q0 4,886 ,749 31" 290,39 s 87 In order that citizens of emery town and section of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the Loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Pri vate Bankers throughout the country have general ly agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscri bers win select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive or der& 12,553 98 1,295 00 4,371 20 18,220 35 $988,057 36 - - $250,000 00 330,000 00 .• .. 443,876 47 .. 18,617 50 464,493 97 .. 20,625 39 .. 438 00 2,500 00 23,563 39 *933,057 . 36 NO. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, DREXEL Zt COMPANY, BANKERS, BOUGHT AND SOLD AT BOARD OF BROKERS, ON COMMISSION. lel3-1m 1881 COUPONS , DUE JULY 1, WANTED, AT HIGHEST MARKET Tkrg/GE. THE WHIT E 11-oThg "Et ATLANTIC CITY, N. 3., IS NOW OPEN, WILLIAM WHITEHOUSE, jyl-swe URAL HOTEL, AA , . FRANS.LIN, VENANGO COUNTY, PA. This well-known and popular Rouse has just been thoroughly refitted and enlarged to more than double its former capacity It is pleasantly situated in the centre of the Town, with •-el..dy. accesseby Rail and Stage to all points in the OIL REGION, and its accommodations for Quests fully equal to those of first-class Hotels in any part of tile country. It has been the aim of the Proprietor to establish a House combining the comforts of Home with all the advantages of a large Hotel, and believes he has succeeded. jy4-6m • SEA BATHING-CAPE MAY CAPE ISLAND, N. J.—THE NATIONAL HOTEL.— This large and dinnmodious Hotel, known as the National Hall is now receiving, visitors. Price per week, *1.6% children and servants half-price. ye3o-2m AARON GARRETSON, -Proprietor. COLUMBIA HOUSE, AT Will be °Wiled this season on the FIFTEENTH DAY OF JUNE, for the reception of mato, This leading house will, for the coming season, fully sustain its well-established reputation. Greatly encouraged by the business of last year, the proprietor feels satisfied that a Hotel, conducted clearly first-class, must continue a success at this old and popular resort. The railroad facilities are promised to be excel lent. Beck's celebrated Philadelphia Band has been se cured for the COLO/4MA the eoming_season. For rooms, &0., Apply to J. 111 DENNISON, llier chants, Hotel. Philadelphia, or to GEORGE J. BOLTON, Proprietor, CAPE ISLAN.D, N. J. myl9-2m METROPOLITAN, FORMERLY CITY HOTEL, HUGHES STREET - CAPE ISLAND, NEW JERSEY. BLAIR & BAYLEY, Proprietors. A. FURS!. GLAIR. BAWL 11. BAYLEY Terms, *l5 per week. . je2B-12t THE. ALHAMBRA, AT ATLANTIC CITY, Ts now open for the remoption of visitofo, Je26-Ire R. IL LEEDS, Proprietor. - T,IGHT-HOITSE COTTAGE ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., -"" NEAREST HOUSE TO THE SURF. This well-known house is now open for the recep tion of boarders. JONAH WOOTTON, 3e24-1m Proprietor. CONGRESS HALL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., WILL OPEN JUNE 2.1, meg. The subscriber would respectfully Inform his friends and the public in general, that he has again taken Congress Hall, this being the fourth season. Many improvements have been made; also, new Bath Houses have been erected, and the bathing cannot be surpassed at any sea-shore. And it is the determination of the proprietor to use every effort to make Congress Hall a home of comfort to his guests. A Band is engaged. Terms moderate. Jele-lin G. 'W. HINKLE. Je27-tjyl9 UNITED STATES HOTEL ATLANTIC CITY, N. 3., Will Open for the reception of guests, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28. • Dodworth , s celebrated Band has been engaged fOr the season. Persons wishing to engage rooms, or desiring further information, will address BROWN &WOELPPER, Proprietors, jel4-Im s ATLANTIC CITY. SEA -BATHING. SURF HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. This old, established, and favorite house is now open. it is nearest to the beach, securing cool breezes at all times. Its unrivalled Bathing radii ties, its complete furniture and appointment, and its unexceptionable table, render this house a caVO. rite place for a summer sojourn at the sea-side. Passengers from the city are set down at the door, and communication with the inlets is had at all times by rail. A line band of rnusicTuts been engaged for the season. Parties wishing to secure Board will address the proprietor, at Surf House, Atlantic City. Terms moderate. H. 8. BEN SON, Je2-36t Proprietor. UNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, New Jersey, Is now open for the reception of - visitors. Trains leave on Saturday af ternoon, at four o'clock from Vine-street wharf— returning Monday morning early —dune 10, 1865. Jelo-2m. BENJ. A. SHOEMAKER, Proprietor. - RP HR AT A MT. SPRING-B.—THIS delightfurand romantic watering place, beauti fully situated in the healthiest section of Lancaster county, and acknowledged to be the "garden spot" of Pennsylvania, will open for the accommodation Of guests on the 151.1 t of - June. Railroad communi cation twice a day from Philadelphia, on the Penn sylvania or Reading Railroad, and daily from Bald.- more and New York, For particulars address the Proprietor, J1 -gem J. W. FREDERICK. CARD. FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES 7.30 LOAN. THIRD SERIES. $230,000,000. SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. U. S. 6-20 SIX PER CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. TILE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, PHILADELPHIA No. 84 South THIRD Street, DEALEIIS LEI AMERICAN AND FOREIGN GOLD, FOREIGN EXCHANGE, UNITED STATES BONDS, QUA_RTERMASTERS , VOUCHERS, URCtTRRENT MONEY. STOCKS AND BONDS GOLD AND SILVER DREXEL &I Co., 32. Pout& THIRD street SUMMER RESORTS. ADDRESS JAMES E. STEEL, Proprietor* CAPE MAY, NEW JERSEY, I win sell the balance of my large stock of FURNITURE, At very low prices, until SEPTEMBER Ist • The assortment is complete. GEO. J. HEITKELS, SO9 and 811 CHESTNUT Street. - • i 4 A TJ O'' and style, unsurpassed by any made. See spe cimens, and select styles to please you, at B. "P. REIMER'S Photograph Gallery, 624- ARCH St. tt GREAT CENTRAL CLOTIIIRG OF. THE ASSASSINS A Twenty.five Cent Edition! We have Just pubilshed a twentp.flve cent edition of the Trial of Assassins and Conspirators for the Murder of Abraham Lincoln, and the Attempted As sassination of Vice President Johnson and the whole Cabinet—the most intensely interesting trial on record. Evidence in full with argument of counsel on both sides; a correct likeness of all the Assassins and Conspirators, Within sketch of their lives, and portraits of Other persons connected with their ar rest and trial, numerous other engravings, &0., to" gether with the sentence of the Court, approval of President Johnson, and a FULL ACCOUNT OF TIFF EXECUTION. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. • Our usual liberal discount to the trade, book agents, tic. BARCLAY tStI CO., jylo-inwf3t. r 603 ARCH RTREET e # JOHN PHCENIX'S NEW COMIC BOOK. A new and Intensely Comic hook by tire - late Joint FllCErax, author of the " Pliceulxlana." Full of humorous illustrations by the author....Prite, $1.60 Looking Around—A new novel, by A. 8. Foe ...$1.50 Orpheus C. Kerr Papers—A third series ..... ....$1.50 Wylder , sltand 7 .An exciting new English novelsl.7s Fairy Fingers — Mrs. Mowatt's new novel $1.75 St. Phillips—New novel by author "Rutledge" .81.75 Huglj. Worthington—Mrs. Hohnes. new n0v01.51.50 Mary Brandagee—A new "Woman's novel" .$1.76 ,Superior Fishing-Roosevelt's new sportinghooks2 00 Lovers and Thinkers—A new novel $l5O .„,*".All handsomely bound In cloth, and sent by mail free, on receipt of price, by jy4-WSti CARLETON, Publisher, New Yiirk. A NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR of the "Schonberg Cotta Family." MARY, THE HANDMAID OF THE LORD; 12mo. ALSO, BY THE SAME AUTHOR, THE SCHONBERG COTTA FAMILY. 12mo. THE EARLY DAWN. 12mo. DIARY OF MRS. TATTY TREVYLAN. I2mo. OUR MARTYRED PRESIDENT ; • or Voices from. the Pulpit of New. York and Brooklyn. Contain ing all Sermons by the eminent pulpit orators of those cities, anti the Orations of Bancroft and' Bishop Simpson. 12mo. For sale by JAMES S. CLAXTON, (Successor to W. S. rit A. Manton.) Jew 606 CHESTNUT Streets ;MEW BOOKS.. -LI BAXLEY'S WHAT I SAW ON THE WEST COAST OF SOUTH AND NORTH AMERICA, with Illustration. MERIVALE'S Conversion of the Roman Empire. T. BUCHANAN READ: A Rammer Story; Sheri dan's Ride, and other Poems. THE VOLUNTEER QUARTERMASTER. By Capt. Bobliff Brinkerhoff .U. S. A. NEW AND STANDARD BOOKS On band, 4..1Lf0r sale at low _prices. 'LINDSAY & BLAWISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, 1e29 No. 25 South SIXTH Street. A PP , LETON'S NEW - AMEAICAN a-AL CYCLOPEDIA.—CompIete in 16 volumes. Various Styles of Binding. REBELLION RECORD by Frank Moore,in 8 vols. 16fERIVALE'S HISTORY OF THE ROMANS— now complete. The Agency for these valuable works is at 83 South SIXTH Street above Chestnut_ Street K. mum. TYPE FOUNDERS. COLLINS & HcLEESTER'S NORTH AMERICAN TYPE, STEREOTYPE, AND ELECTROTYPE Printers' Furnishing Warehouse, TYPE WARRANTED to be equal to any made IN THE WORLD. Old type taken In exchange for new at 15 cents per pound If delivered to us free of charge. Al? Every article necessary for arinting Office constantly on hand. Agentsfor Hoe's, Adams', Gordon's, Taylor's; Foster's, Dener's, and Wells' Presses. Agents for father's celebrated Colored Inks. Our beautiful new Newspaper faces are shown in "TILE Pittss." 3y7-1m I . E. WALRAITEN, 719 CHESTNUT STREET, LA CE C It+ PROPRIETOR AT PRICES, FROM 8 DOLLARS- TO 150 CHOICE PATTERNS, dT SEDUCED PRICES. nrvm-t£ MERCHANT TAILORS. EDWARD T. KELLY, 612 CHESTNUT STREET, A COXYLZTE ASSOILTME/VX OF Tah3-tf SPRING GOODS. TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE ItIMAI. DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply farm• lies, at their country residences, with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &c., &c. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, my24-tf Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. I't'llc_!^"_"Nll.F . lIitQVP 11]13,~ 600 REFRZURsr" . 600 WATER v OOLERS FREEZERD. GAS-STOVES, FOR SUMMER COOKING. jel6-tf GRIFFITH Jr. PAGE. SIXTH and ARCH. NOW IS THE TIME FOR YOUNG -.L. MEN to enter upon BANNISTER sdy at BRY ANT, STRATTON, & S National Commercial coneKe. ASSEmBLY BUILDINGS, S. W. corner of CIIESTNUT and TENTH Streets. Call or send for a Circular. VRENCH AND AMERICAN INSTI TIJTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, 2953 FRANK Rev. Philadelphia Permit. Rev. NARCISSE CYR, Principals. Mrs. M. G. DAVENPORT, This Institution offers superior advantages for the acquisition of the Ornamental Branches, such as FRENCH, MUSIC, and PAINTING, in addition to the other subjects embraced in a thorough Amer!: can education. The lnealloll IS very pleasant, com bining the advantages or the country wtth those Of the city. The Scholastic Year will commence the middle of September.. For further information, apply to the Principals. fyl2-3t. 'PISTOL BOARDING-SCHOOL FOR 1 -F GIRLS will reopen September sth, 1865. For Circulars, address R. A. PEIRCE, Bristol, Penna. jyl2-w&sl7t.. PRIVATE TUITION IN THE GREEK, Latin, German, and French Languages; higher Nathumatias and English branches, 13 0 South ELEVENTH Street. jyl2-30 14 ETTJRNED AND DISABLED SOL.. _RAP DIEBS will Mid the readiest means of honora ble and lucrative employment in a good Commercial - Education.. A full preparation for business can be acquired at little expense, and in a short period of time, at BRYANT, STRATTON, & BANNISTER'S National Counnereial College, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, S. W. corner of CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets. A liberal deduction will be made in all cases wor thy of such consideration. lt RUGBY CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH ACADEMY. 1226 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. This Institution, which will be established in SEP TEMBER NEXT, is destined to rival the best schools of this country and of England, In its sys tem of instruction and discipline, and 'lu the full— ness of its classical and mathematical course. Those preparing for college will be fitted to take a high stand in Bier class and to graduate with honor. It will be the special aim also to prepare 'Wong men for buslueSS or professional life. Cireu- WS, with full information, eau be had at 1226 Chest nut street. EDW. CLARENCE SMITH,A. M.. Principal. RBRERIGNCISS.—CaIeb Cope, Win. D. Kelley, Hon. Jos. Allison, Alexander Whilidin, Esq Thomas Potter, Esq„A, H. Franciscus, Esq., H. P. M. Birkinbine, Esq. myls-anwfllle PPHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN STITTITE, for YOUNG. LADIES, N. W. corner of CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets (for merly at MA Arch street.) Rev. CHARLES A. Shill . % D. D. Principal.'Otreutars at 1228 and 1334 Chestnut atreet. Or address P. O. Ro3( 201. jyto-im. ICE CREAM. PURE DELAWARE COUNTY ICE CREAM, made in the country, and fresh every morning—the very nest that is made. Saloons, EICUMMIS, Pic- Nice, Festivals, Hotels, Restaurants, and Private Families, furnished with promptness in quatittles to suit, on reasonable terms. EASTERN MARKET ICE-CREAM STAND. e24-lm 8. E. COR. SIXTH .AND MARKET STREETS ' " ' 1 t CATIONS. THE SQUIBOB PAPERS VOITNI)TCY No. 705 JAYNE STREET, PUMADELPIIIA. CURTAIN GOODS. MASONIC HALL, Is Now. OPENING ANOTHER LARGE. LOT OF 'v•A I N ELEGANT. STILE*; DOLLAIIO PER PAIR. WINDOW SHADES, JOHN KELLY. TAILORS, HAVE NOW IN STORE GROCERIES. EDUCATIONAL. RETAIL DRY GOODS. CLOSING OUT I °LOSING OUT CLOSING OUT 1 GREAT BARGAINS IN SPRING AND SPINNER DRESS GOODS, CHEAP BLACK MLR& Black Silks, with Lustre. Black Silks, without Lustre. Black Silks, of every variety, at low prices. Colored Silks, of every variety, at low prices. Silk Grenadines at reduced prices. 75e. Silk Grenadines reduced to 450. slSilk Grenadines reduced to 55c. Handsome Silk Grenadines reduced to 873 fie., sli 11 .25. New Styles Cambric:Lawns, 37.560., lot. New Styles Jaeonet Lawns, 50e., 62509, 65 e. New Styles Organdy Lawns, 40c., 65e., The. New Styles Fine Linen Lawns, (rAiic., 75c. Drets Goods, of every description, at low prices,. SHAWLS AT REDUCED PRICES: Plain, Plaid, and Striped White Swiss and Or gaudies. Plain, Plaid, and Striped Nainsooks and Cambries. Willie Puffed and Tacked Muslim. H. STEEL & SON, jyil-tf Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. COOPER AND CONARD, WHITE LINEN DUCK LINENS FOR DRESSES GOOD SOTCK OF LAWNS. FINEST BLACK DROP-D'ETE: BLACK DRESS GOODS WRITE BAREGE SHAWLS. FINE TOWELS REDUCED BLACK AND WHITE LENOS. e3O-tf SUMMER BLANKETS. Just received, a fresh supply of SUAmEn DLANIkETS, of the lightest fabric and purest color. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, House Furnishing Dry Goods, No. 1005 CHESTNUT Street. 3ylo-mwf6t MO QUITO NETS, • White and colored, of all the carlousileserip- Hons. made and put up at the shortest notice. SHEPPARD, UN HARLINGEN, 8c ARRISON. House Furning CHESTNUToode, No. 1008 Street. jylo-mwf6 .CHAMBERS No. 810 ARCH ST. .TIIsT OPENED, Swiss Edgings. - Nti.insook Edgings. Empress Lace Collars. French blueing for Waists. jyll.-6t COOPER & CONA.RD, NINTH . AND MARKET, have The best Cassimere stock in town. Good Linen Drills, Ducks,Coatings. Tailors' Linings, of every kind. - Muslin stock complete, prices right. Family Linens, selling, gold, at toe. Gauze, Domet, and other Plan-eels. Pearl Wool Delaines, 55 and 65 acute. Extra fine black Mohair Alpacas,sl. Lupin's 6-4 black Wool Delaines, $l. Good stock white Nainsook, Swiss. Bird-eye Linen, striped Muslins, finest Cambrica and Jaconets, puffed Muslins, Pique, &c. White Barege and other thin Shawls. Silk Sacques and Summer Dusters. Je7-tf SPECIAL NOTICE. SELLIN OFF ENTIRE STOCK TO CLOSE BUSINESS I GOOD-WILL AND FIXTURES FOR SALE. THORNLEY & °HIM. -- We invite special attention to the above an nouncement. We have a Large Stock. We are Selling Cheap. Every yard is to be closed out on or before the Ist day of September. Silks and Dress Goods. Cloths, Cassimeres, and Linen Goods. Shawls, Cloaks, Skirts, Thlkfs., &c., &c. Muslim and Calicoes much under market price. THORNLEY & CHIS3I,_ myl3-2m Cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. I?IGURED SILK. GRENADINES, of the best qualities and styles, in Black and Gray Grounds,_s6o to $1.50. Travelling Dress Goods, In every variety. New Dress Goods in great variety. ' Handsome Chene Silks, $2.50. VERY CHEAP BLACK SILKS, suitable for Dresses, Mantles, and Saeques. COTTON GOODS AT LESS :PHAN WHOLESALE - . _ Merrimac, Sprague, and Pacific Prints, 2.5 e. 10-4 Waltham and Peperill bleached Sheetings, H. STEEL & SOW, myB4l' . Nos, 713 and 715 North TENTH Street 4 _ A SPANISH LINENS, FOR 'TRAY ELLING DRESSES. 4-4 Bley Linens. Dark and light Linens, for Snits. Brown Holt - ands. Figured Linens, for Dresses. White Peqoe or Marseilles. Mosquito Wettings. • Pink, blue, cherry, and white Tarietons. EDWIN HALL CO., jel9-tf 26 South SECOND Street. • BARGAINS. SELLING OFF To close business, the entire stock or Cloaks, Wrap pers, and Garibaldis, reg. ardiess oncost, at jyB-6t 36 North NINTH street. 628. OF 628. 1100 P SKIRTS, the best assortment and beat qual ity and styles in the city. Gore Trans, all lengths Mill oleos, from 18 to 55 spring's, from $1.75 to St. Plain Skirts, all the new shapes and sizes, from 19 to 50 springs, from *1.40 to *S. Skirts of extra heavy italgnil extra tapes, from_ 20 to 85 springs, from er etiimetre-zot• pliable Iva §kig aw l a nd Dilly equal to the Duplex Elliptic Skirt, and a muchlower prices. Also, constantly on hand full lines of low-priced New York Skirts, kid-padded and metallic-fastened 15 springs, 85c; 20 springs, $1; 25 sprlngs, sl.lsi 30 springs . $1.25, and 40 springs, $1.50. , Skirts in to order, altered, and repaired, at 624 ARCH Street. jei4-lue BOAItDING. COUNTRY BOARD WANTED=-TWO large rooms required, for a family of three adults and au infant. Location near Germantown Railroad preferred. Address, stating terms, Sm., Physician," this office. It* DAY BOARD—WITH FIRST-CLASS DINNERS, at No. oa* South WASHINGTON Square, jyfi-2m. PERSONAL. I _ F O,F. CARROLL, OF FAIRMOUNT, - West Virginia, will call at the Girard House, he will hear of solnething to his advantage. -jyti-at*- 011PEft.,Y,INthgO.AL, AND • OTHER . We are prepared to furnish New Corporations with all the Books they require, at short notice and low prices, of first quality. All styles of Binding. STEEL PLATE CERTIFICATE OF STOOK. LITHOGRAPHED ‘' - 4 ' TRANSFER BoON.. ORDERS OE ISANSPER. STOCK LEDGER. STOCK LEDGER BALANCES. REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOCK. BROKERS' PETTY LEDGER. ACCOUNT OF SALES. DIVIDEND BOOK. MOSS & CO.. Sial4X BOOR YANtTACTIJIMICS AXD STATIONER* 430 CHESTNUT Street DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER ez CO:, N. E. Corner of FOURTH and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA,. Wg-OLESALF., DRUGGISTS. Importers and Dealers In 'Foreign and Domootic WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. MANUFACTITREM 016 WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, &C AGENTS FOR TUJ CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and Consumers aumnied at VERY L'OW PRIORS FOR CASH. Eiri-ain BOTANIC AND .ECLECTIC DRUGS. • ROBERT A. HANCE, 729 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, W ch ul t d , c a ll h oth a er en t on his f s D t r ko i f ts, Country Mer- ROOTS, HERBS, AND BARKS, in various sized package., of our own rimming, at PRICES BELOW FORMER RATES, A full line of BOTANICAL PREPARATIONS, W. S. MERRELL & CO.'S.CONCENTRATED RE MEDIES, &d., at a liberal discount to the trade. Catalogues furnished on application. myll-3inlp TO SOLDIERS ! WALTHAM WATCHES ! Let every , Soldler,before he return e, provide himself with an AMERICAN WATCH; no bettor use can be made of money than to invest it in one of these durable and accurate time-pieces. It is a kind of property that constantly returns good interest, and its money value is so well known that a pocket full of silver dollars wouldn't be as useful. bold by all respectable Watch dealers. THE AMERICAN WATCH CO., 3Y.10-12t OEFICE,II.B2 BROADWAY, N. Y. GOLD'S PATENT IMPROVED STEAM WATER-HEATING APPARATUS FOR WARNING AND 'VENTILATING - PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES, MANIIPCTIIRED BY TSB UNION STEAM. AND WATER-HEAT ING COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA JAMES P. 'WOOD & CO., 4i SOIJTII VOURTII STREET B. M. FELTWELL, jal2-43m SUPERINTENDENT TASTEFUL AND SUBSTANTIAL CLOTHING WANTS. WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS SALES IF MAN in a Cioth Jobbing House. Address "SsieStnall," this office. )Fl2 9t* WANTED TO - RENT-A ROOM WITH howerstiltablefoione set of Woollen Ittachined. Address "rower," at this Mee. 3311-2t* WANTED -AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN in a wholes*. Millinery - and Triniminglionse. Address "Box 861,"Philadelphia Post-office. Jyr2-21.* WANTED—AN INTELLIGENT youth to learn the Brutal) Drug 'Business. One willing-to utay four years will lutVC eVerron portunlty o 1 'obtaining a complete knowledge or the Madmn, and ticket.~ to attend the lectures at the College Or Pharmacy, which will he paid for by his eankilever. AfblresPi until tin: 15th inst., " Phafina tYl ' the ol' -see of this paper. Iyll-3t. WANTED -_A SITUATION IN A Store or Commission House, or any nice work, by a colored boy. Best of referencegiven. Address "Charles," this nince. ,iylo-3t5 AGENTS WANTnD—IN EVERY Township and County. to nll GRANT /tiNn _SHERMAN: Their Campaigns and Generals; By Bon. J. T. Headielt, author of "Washington and his Generals, +I am., comprising o pu h r Biog raphies of prominent Generals of the - Liston' Army, including graphic descriptions of Battle,, Sieges, Adventures C. with numerous steel rOrtralts and Battle 'Stenos. sold only by Ayents. To all geeking profitable employment a rare chatiso is offered to make money. For terms and territory, address at once, with stamp, E. B. TREAT, Pub lisher, 130111:AND Street, New York. jyti-ate AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIFE , Or ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By Dr. a. e. Hol land. NO Continent is necessar the anther's rerk tation as a writer is fully establis y; hed. Experienced canvassers know why - It sells. - Address, for terms, NOBS'S J3ARNARD, Elk View, je3o-12t. Chester county, Penna. 1 / WANTED FOR THE A GENTS SECRET SERVICE, THE FIELD, THE DUN GEON, AND THE ESCAPE., BY ALBERT D. lIICHARDSON, New York Tribune Correspondent. The most intercating and exciting bookever pub lished embracing Mr. Melturdson's unharalieled experience for four years; travelling =pup the &mutt,' the secret service of the Tribune, at the outbreak of the war with our armies and lieets,both East and West,.during the first two years of the re bellion; his thrilling capture; his- confinement for twenty months in seven different - rebel prisons' his escape, and almost miraculous journey by night of nearly 400 miles. It Will abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact, incltientomd romance of the war than any other work yet published. Teachers, ladles, energetic young . meet and espe cially returned and disabled Onkel% 11.314 soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find It peen• liarly adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing 8150 per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address JONES, BROS., & CO., N. E. corner SIXTH. and MINOR Streets, Philadelphia, Penna. jeni-lm —WANTED—BY AN S2O 000 ~ active, influential Business Man, in the Retail Dry Goods trade—a special or active PARTNER, will] the 41.10VC amount to invest. Ad dress Box an, Post-office. jyll-3tv eu - NI A MONTH.—I. WANT AGENTi. 0 a everywhere ats7o a naonth, expahses paid, to sell FIFTEEN ARTICLES, the best selling ever offered. Full particulars free. Address OM T. GAREY, Biddeford, Maine. mylo-d&Nr3m $195 A MONTH.--AGENTS WANT .2-Aa ED everywhere to introduce the improved SHAW & CLARK TWENTY-DOLLAR FARM y SEWING MACHINE, the only low-price machine in the country which is licensed by Grover & Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, Howe Singer & Co., and Baehelder. All other machines now sold for leas than forty dollars each are infringementa, and the Seller and user are . Liable la./Ina and. imprisonment. Salary and expenses, or large eominlssion, allowed. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. mylo-d& W3lO. FOR SALE AND TO LET. FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT, AWL until October 1, in Germantown. The house is pleasantly situated, In cottage style, and Well shaded, and will be rented tO a family with no young children. It is. within eight or ten minutes , walk of the Depot, and convenient to Main street, stores, &e,. Apply at 238 South THIRD Street, up stairs. dit FOR SALE, NOW VACANT-- Ara/SIXTH, above Brown: two of those elegant large stew DWELLINGS; 12 rooms; lots and 20 feet front, by too and 135 feet deep to Randolph street: stable on rear of one lot. Prices, 4111,000 and glat.soo, leaf. Stable, $ll,OOO extra. $7,000 eau re main. Jyl2—itlf FOR SALE-SPLENDID OPPOR o AVALTITNITY; elegant NEW DWELLING, east side of TWELFTH Street, above Thompson, mar ble doorway, vestibule, &c. The magnificent fur niture, Chickering Piano, Sic.; all included In the price of $10,500. DIILLEtt, jyl2-It 155 North SIXTH Street. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. JIM, REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE, JUST OUT. NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE, JUST OUT. NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE. JUST OUT. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. CONTAINS $5,000,000 R WORTH OF POPERTY FOR SALE. No person wishing to purchase city or suburban property should fall to get a copy, as it is acknow ledged by all to be the greatest production of the age to parties interested - , 8,000 copies having been called for in one year. Said "catalogue contains a great number of tirst-class city dwellings, suburban mumblers with acres of land. Also, a great number of building lots lu all the most descrable sections of the City. Any purchaser is welcome to a copy-of the cata logue, upon leaving wine and address. GEORGE C. MILLER, ' Practical Real Estate Operator, 3YII-tuwths4tif. 155 North SIXTH Street. FOR SALE--GERMANTOWN— ma Large Mansion and Lot, on the Main street, and near the station. MO 000. THIRTEEN ACIIE,;3 of Laud and first-class Man sion Abington station, N. Pernil4, RAliroad. VS, 000. WEST PHILADELPHIA—One of the most mag nificent Mansions and appurtenances ever oirered. Inunefliate possession. ONLY FIVE MILES FROM THE CITY, near a station—excellent large Mansion and five acres of land ; • splendid grounds, &c. $12,000. ONLY FOUR F TEEN MILES ROSI THE CITY, near two stations—eleven acres of excellent Laud and first-class Mansion; all the modern conveniences imfull. Pride SM,N)O. ONLY FIVE NILES FROM THE CITY, on the Darby Road—eight acres of first-rate Land; neat, large 11Iansion, stable, Sze.; beautiful grounds• cars run till 12 o'clock at night. IMMO, THIRTY-THREE ACRES OF LAND„ five miles 11. ON . LY - EIGTIT MILEISYRIMef ff AMID/b./NM Media Railroad, near a station—splendid large first class Mansion, high ceilings, &c. Also, a tract of ,land; stable, coach-house, ceilings, $17,000. CHESTER COUNTY FARM of 170 acres first-rate Land, 24 miles from the city, very near a station on tile Pennsylvania. Central - Railroad, west of Paoli; excellent improvements. Price, $ lOO per acre. N. N.—The above properties are all excellent, and ought positively to be seen to be appreciated. Im mediate possession of all. 421E0. C. MILLER, Real Estate Broker, jyll-atif 155 North SIXTH Street. FOR SALE—WEST PRILADEL- AratiPHlA—Neat Mansion and large Lot S. W. cor ner of Fortr-second and Pine streets. Only #3,000. Splendid 211ansion (new) corner of Fifty-first and Walnut streets; lure lot. Only $ll,OOO. Northwest corner - Thirty-sixtli and Bridge streets —first-class Mansion and lakge Lott elegant garden, &c. Price $13,500. 11 ILLEii, Syll-2tif " 155 North SIXTH Street. d FOR SALE. No. 231.11 West GREEN Street, A very desirable DWELLING, with all the modern Improvements, and in good order. Immediate pos 6ession ei FOR SALE-A VALUABLE. PRO PERTY, southwest side of Ridge avenue, above Spring Garden Street, Wheelwright Shop, Blacksmith Shop, and excellent Dwelling. The property extends through to Bring Garden street, 60 feet on Ridge avenue , . and 60feet on Spring Gar den street. • R. F. GLENN, 123 South FOURTH Street, jyB Or S.W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN.. e• FOR SALE—A GREAT BARGAIN; .ws. with immediate possession, a COTTAGE, and ONE ACRE or GROCAD, situate on the Mann yunic Passenger Railroad, first house above gate at the 'Wissahic; too stableartey or fruit and shrubbery, Mid a sinli Will be sold verymuoli below its value. FOURTH ENN, JP). 123 South Street. ENA FOR SALE AWKDweIIing 1626 Wallace street. 316 N. Twenty-first street. 1.436 N. Eighth. 2214 13ran1ywbte. ibet Itgitudywine. • 1534 Mount Vernon street. 1927 Mount Vernon. 1538 Wallace. 1924 Wallace. B. F. GLENN. 123 Sonth FOURTH St., iyB or S. W. Cog. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN r op ARCH-STREET RESIDENCES -FOR SALE—Several ilrst-elass HOUSES, south side of ARCH Street, west of Nineteenth, embrac ing all the modern Improvements. Apply at 1829 ARCH Street. Jel6-IM O • - - of TO LET, AND FIXTURES FOR =BALE, of Store No. 333 WIESTNITT Street. jyl4-40` FOR SAL E-A SMALL NEW SE COND-BAND STEAAI-ENGINE, at S. S. DtYEI S', No. 119 DANA Street, below Second and Green. It* TO LET-THE UPPER PORTION. OF -I- the marble building 619 Chestnut street. Pos session given August Ist. Also, several valuable properties for sale. THOS. H. CONNELL, Counting-house Dr. D. Avue Sou, .IyB-6t. 242 i OiIEsTSTUT Stet. O LET-THE FIFTH AND SIXTH T Stories of the GRANITE BUILDING, (for merly Post-office,) DOCK Street, below Third. Also, Offices on the first floor of same building, fronting on Carter street. Steam power furnished in any of these Rooms. THOMAS IL CONNELL, Counting House of Dr. D. Javne & Son, .06-at* 242 CHESTNUT Street TO LET—THE THIRD , STORY OF -a- the COMMONWEALTH BUIL DING: fill wrvl 613 CHESTNUT Street,' suitable for any light manufacturing business, or can be arranged for (ma ces. Lighted by twentv.eight windows. THOMAS H. CONNELL, Counting House of Dr. D. Jayne Sc Son, 3yB-6t* 9342 CHESTNUT Street. CONTINUED SALE OF MOST in VALUABLE PROPERTY, AT CAPE ..sihs ISLAND, NEW JERSEY. 300 BUILDING LOTS, Near the Beach and Railroad Depot, Will be sold, at public salt, without reserve, on the premises, ON SATURDAY, July it, 1885, At 1 o'clock P. nr. A special excursion train from Philadelphia will leave WALNUT-Street Wharf at Sig o'clock. A. 11L, and arrive at 12 M. The tickets furbished will be good to return the following Monday'. A FREE COLLATION WILL BE PREPARED ON THE' GROUNDS on the arrival of the train. A rare chance la now offered for purchasing a cheaplot for a summer residence at this increasingly popular watering place, within three hours' ride of Punta de4llllbe sold at the same time LARGE MANSION. All that large Mansion and lot of ground, situate on the corner of BROADWAY and THIRD Avenue. Lot 102 feet front, and 172 feet deep. It has ice house, &c. Surrounded by large and beautiful shade trees. air See Wm* and circulars for full iparticulars, which may be had of the Auctioneers,_AL THOMAS a SONS, Nos. 139 and 141 South FOUR,Tatitreet, Philadelphia, and J. M. SMITH, Real Estate Agent, Cape Island. SC TifloStAS & sONS, FOURTH St. 139 411 d 1411. 5. FOURTH St. ip 12, 15-HORSE POWER ENGINES, •-• Boring_ Tools, Planers, Lathes, Panchiug and Drilling Machines, 011-well Tubing. le by For BB RATRAWAT_, LEACH, & STEARNS , 3y74m 417 ARCH Street, Plifladelpata. PrjigCHEAPEST FRUIT JA.NS IN THE HAEKET.--ggart, Capsule Jars at sever doz., complete. HARTEJA WiTeliwotrt it, N 0.15 North FIFTH 'Ono, and No, WU lINOH Street. j.-3-tm H AVANA CIGARS.—A GOO p atbon VA RIETY constantly In atom an tt low est cash rates. S. fiIJOITET it, SONS, 111124-6in* NO. gio South FRONT Street. HAVANA CIGAR comprboug vi g .ro, neurotics, Csbarges, i4OTS El Sol, and other eilolee btands,assoetea sizes. Law - wards. Stilltable for retail at. Ve c n e r "ro t *'s TIN 12 ce4t "C" gIITERTE 9 & soNs„piparterl4 jyl - 12t5 sns South Fo.o T Street. AT REASONABLE PRIGS, AUCTION SAX SALE OF ARTILLi Will be sold at HER NINTH and t3ANSO Stre direction or th . e Quart M ermasterets ••-•••• WARM to the bliMeSt bidder, 4 qri WE ihth, ttra at 10 etook A. SIXTY-NINE ARTILLERY HOWIE& These horses belonged to the celebrated batterr of Bale,t New York Artillery, and further offered for the Government bitVing no further ute for them.. Ah opportunity to purchase very superior dralight horses at for lest than their true value is is no* offered the the public. The animals are believed to be strand and sere iceable and must be seri& The attention of farmers, managers of city riff-% road, and of manufaCturers Is especially calleiV tie This sale. The horses rnot be seen at the stables as wasbington-street inert, on the Delaware, madi the tray of sale: , • Terths cash, ignited States enrreney. Dk Quarterma st e r f coel Wok. W. afeKim, B. Chief j ah r i n la z d n eli m dtlit u de.e it ok smss. IYIO -3t A ;lei loarer. . SALE. OF SERVICEABLE MULES. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S ()Mon, WASHINGTON, D. 0, June 25, Des. By direction of the quurterinadOr General, there win be sold at piddle uthition, to the higbeat bidder, al the thnes and places named below, VI CLEVELAND, OHIO WEDNESDAY July S. HOLLIDAYSDURD, rA., WEDNESDAY, July 12, ' CARBBBIE, PA., THURSDAY, July 12. HUNTINGDON, PA., FRIDAY, July 14. READING, PA., MONDAY A July 17. EASTON, PA., THITRSDAY, July 20. PHILADELPHIA, PA., MONDAY, July 24. PITTSBURG, PA. THURSDAY, jUly_27 TWO HUN DREIVSERVIURA BLE WARS, at each. place except UDDIELAND, where FLITS HUNDRED will he sold. Many of them were bought in the beginning of WO War as young mules, aerompanled the armies In 511 their 'marches and Calnps, and are thoroughly Inv hardened by exercise, gentle and rallailiaT from being so long surrounded by the soldiers. Though bound and serviceable, they are no longer required in the army, and can be purchased at these sales at nir less than their true value. The atten tion of both miners aud farmers is especially invited. Mules sold singly. Sales to commence at 10 A. M. Terms—Cash,. in United States currency. JAMES A. R.R.Mkt, BreYet BNiplulter General 11l n:41;0, First Division, 1). at, l, V, SALE OF HARNESS AND SADDLES. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, DEPOT OF WASHINGTON, WASHINGTON, D. 0., July 7, Ms. There Is on hand at thls depot, for sale about 18,01 sets of United litates ITARNESS, eousating 143 slugle sots of lend-bOrsu Harness; I,l+l " wheel-horse " 1),810 " lead-111111e I '. 5,911 " wheel-mule " 501 " lead-horse Ambulance Harness, and 1,427 " " wheel-horse Ambulance Harness, This Harness has been used In the public service, but . is still serviceable for road and farming pur poses. Sealed proposals are invited for Its purchase, is lots of 106 sets:and upwards. Proposals must plainly state what kind of harness .is hid for, whether wheel or .egd, mole or horse; slid, for Anhui anCe harness, whether-wheel or lead. Proposals are also invited for the purchase Of several thousand worn SADDLES of varlouspat terns, in lots of 100 and upwards. Samples of Har ness and Saddles can be seen at the Government MIII, In this city, on application to Colonel Charles H. Tompkins, A. Q. M., corner of Twenty-second and G streets. . . Proposals for the purchase of this Harness, .to„ will ae received at this office until 12 H., TUESDAY; August 1,.1865, and should he endorsed "PropoSals for the Prchase of Rawness, de. Payment, in Government funds, must be nude upon the acceptance of the proposal and prior to the delivery of the Harness, de. The undersigned reserves the right to reject all provostdS which may be considered too low. The sale Of Harness, at public ducH9o, udvertlsed June 17, Is discontinued. The sate of Wagons and Mules is still going on, from day to day. .thiretasers are Invited to attend. 11. RUCKER, jyl6-18t Brevet Maj. Gen. and Quartermaster. O FFICE OF POST QUARTERMAS. TER, No. 721 MARKET Street, PIITLAIDELIIPIA, JllllB 1885. Will he sold at PUNIC Auetions on I RONPAY July 17, at 8 (retook P. DI" at the ghiltAit Park, Pituadel• phia, the following elovernmeitt property t One frame Stable, about 25x200 feet, with stall. and flooring,. One framd Blacksmith Shop, about 18x24 feet. One frame Carpenter Shop, about 10x10 feet. One frame Cook House, about 10x18 feet. Twenty-four small Huts. All to be sold by order of the Quartermaster Gene ral. Terms each, In Government funds. ALBERT S. ASHMEAD jylo-7t Captain, A. Q. k. N OTICE. -GOVERNMENT AUCTION SALES on SATURDAY, July Bth, 1885, at le o'clock A. M,, and on every Saturday following. until further notice, will be sold at MEDICAL PURVEYOR'S DEPOT, S. E. corner BROAD and CHERRY Streets, Philadelphia, Pa., the following articles of. United States - Medical and Hospital Property, which have been in use and are no longer needed by the Department, consisting of Iron Bedsteads Caldrons, Mattresses, (hair-straw,) Stoves, Sheets, (linen & cotton;} • Chairs, rutow Cases; Household, Kitchen Fur. Blankets, counterpanes, Willow, Wooden, CrOeie- Drawers, cry, and Tables, Tin Ware of all deserlp• Shirts, lions, Washstands,` Numerous articles °f on be sold. No infected articles sold CILA. jy4-7t Burg. & Bvt. , Col lue to Housekeepers will LES MoDOUGALL, u.s. A. Died. Purveyor. mRs. aotni.DREW'S NEW ARCM. STREET. THEATRE. GREAT SUCCESS OF ETTIE HENDERSON, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS. SATAN IN PARIS. ETTIE HENDERSON IN SIX CHARACTERS. After which, THE HATTER AND PRINTER. STUART ROBSON and WALTER LENNOX as the Hatter and Printer. FRIDAY, BENEFIT OF ETTIE HENDERSON. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, DREW AND ROBSON MATINEE, BATTJRDAY AFTERNOON, July 16, 1865. CRAIG'S TWO GREAT BURLESQUES. FAST LYNNE, THE GRAT WESTERN! Lad Isabel and Madera YIue....FRANK DREW. Sir Francis Lcvlson STUART ROBSON. AND KIM; LEAR, THE CUSS! King Lear, with a cuss STUART ROBSON. The Gentle Cordell& PRANK DREW. With other entertainments. See Atture announce- Men is. ADMISSION, FIFTY CENTS, Yeats ed* now ft secured, Udthout extra charge, M the Academy . , and of H. H. HELLIER, Programme office, Oliposite yyp-2t TRE, WILL REOPEN On MONDAY EVENING, July 17, With Bouelcault , s Great Irish Drains of AIiRAII NA POGUE. jylo-06 FAIRMOUNT WATER-WORKS, (WIRE BRIDRE.) AFTERNOON CONCERTS EVERY DAY, From 4 to 7 o'clock, by HASSLER'S GRAND MILITARY BAND. Programmes of Music issued daily. The .A.reh, Vine, and Oallowlilll-stroot cars run di rect to the place. jylo-et ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHEST NUT Street, above Tenth—Open from 9 A. M. till 6P. M. Benjamin West's great picture of CHRIST REJECTED still on Exhibition. jell EXCURSIONS. .:CAPE MAY, WEST JERSEY RAILROAD, FROM TOOT OF WALNUT STREET, AT 8.30 A. M., It t ke m. A . ND P.X.PfIP.N. Dna 2.30 P. M. D ASSENGER. Due at 8.45 P. EXPRESS. Due at 7.45 P. PG 4.30 P. M., Fare, 08.66. Servant% 02.00. EXCURSION TICKETS, gli.oo. Coupon Veleta, to be used by one person only, 10 for 06 ! 00. Passengers and Baggage taken to and from thi Island and Station without additional charge. Freight dolly from Baudford's Wharf, below SprUCO titYPet. • Returning Trains leave CAPE MAY at b.eb A r M. Mall; 8 A. M., Express; b P. M., Accommodation: , 8.20 A. M., Freight. J. VAN RENSSELAER, Supt. PHILADELPHIA, July 6, 1865., Jy6-teel a z igiggM CAMDEN AND AT LANTIC RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. THROUGH IN ,TWO HOURS. On and after SATURDAY, July Ist, 1886, FIVE trains dally to Atlantic City. and one on Sunday. TRAI.2iI JEAN E s f Vell o lNE-SREET FERRY aws Special Excursion CM A. M. Mail Train 7,201. M. Freight, with Passenger Car attached.... 9,15 A. M. Express (through in two hours). 2.0) P. M. Atlantic Accommodation 4.16 P. M. RETURNING, LEAVE ATLANTIC.AtIantic Accommodation 5.47 A. M. Express (through in two hours) 7.08 A. M. Freight, with Passenger Car attached.,..ll.47 A. M. Mail-Train 4.45 P. M. Special Excursion 6.18 P. M. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN. Leaves 'Vine-street Furry at . 80 A, Returning, leaves Atlantic at , . 4.46 P. . Fare to Atlantic, 912. Round-lrin Tickets, good only , for the day and train on which they are Issued. JUNCTION ACCOMMODATION, Leave Vine-street Ferry at 5.80 P. M. Leave Jackson at B.H A. Mk EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS. Leave Vine-street Ferry at RIM A. M. and 1.15 Leave Haddonfield at 11.45 A. M. and 2.45 P. M. N. R.—Frei g ht must he delivered at Cooper's Point before 6 o'clock P. M. to insure itugoing down the next du, JOHN O. BRA ILNT, J 41.6-44" A. era. leg,,:rgi:V44 EXCURSION TO AN - LANTIC curl - , THURS DAY, July 13th, under the auspices of HEDDINUi CHURCH. The M. E. Church at Atlanticjor our accommo dation during the day. Tickets, $1.50; Children, 75 cents. . . Last boat leaves VINE-STREET Wharf at six. Our friends invited. Jyll-2t• EXCURSIONS TO LON G BRANCIL—T rains for Lvils....liraua will leave COOPer'S l'Oink etlarLDIM, daily '(Sundays excepted.? at o,la A. M. Fare, la. Ex. ursiou Tickets, good for three days, $3. Extra train on Saturdays at 4.30 I'. M. Returning, arrive at Camden at 9.10 A. M. Monday. je2o-2m L. B. COLE, Agent, Camden. 6770 ESTEY PS COTTAGE ORGANS, Not only - UNEXCELLED, bet UNEQ . UALHI.D i g purity of Tone and Power, tiol l fir bi`3 .5 4, Wty Y w.ell. Churches and SehoolS, ) V i `'Dit . ts , m l7 l o, i ii tt P u to o rit , adopted to the Parlor sale only by o 13 North SEVENTH Otreet. £e9l-ani Also, a corapiNete.%., ssoy . ttueut of tho Perfect Me. ledon constantly on GREEN -TURTLE , BOUP, served TO-DAY (Wednesday_h at 11 o'clock. TO SALOON, 148 S. FOURTH St. lt,* spi TURNIP SEEDS. Nitta fellow Aberdeen. Large globe. Large Norfolk. Raft Dutch (strap leaf.): Red Top (strap leaf.) And other approved varleties—all the predate OE Btootnsdale-•for sale by D. LANDRETH ,h SON, Seed and Implement Warehouse, It* Nos. A 3 and 21:1 South SIXTH Street. tr uV ASHLAND O.OIISE L _ FOURTH AVENUE Alat TORE STREET, NEW TORE OITY, Recently enlarged and Improved is now open for transient as well as permanent bordefe. The lunise is situated on one of the pleasantest avenues. and accessible to ail places of amusement moil bust ness by cars and stages. Guests will find all the conveniences mud comforts of a superior establish ment, with as excellent table. Transient board, 11l per day. Wit, H. SELKIRK, Proprietor. N. L . -Famines who desire rooms for the summer will make early lippiteatiou, To desirable Damien advents • eons terms will be offered. ell4it IDEPARTMENT FOU CITEITOM wog