............ SPV.:CIAI, NOTICES. THE FOURTH 01, RIX, 1865. BY Tilt Iltnn Of Towgo HALL, mu?" Ilie luigh ty eaoooll Veal, The bells elnitant ring, And night 's illuminated arch reveal The blazing rocket's spring! Well may our flag - bc, all around, Triumphantly displayed— That victorllag,.so tel crowned With glory ne'er to fadel Worn Independence Day first rose, lt showed no scene more grand, En nobler patriots than nage Whose aril:lsllWe aavel oar land. Had to our soldiersl—None eau grace This triumph half so well. IZor hold to-day so proud a place. Except the brave who pill But thanks to God for tbnscwhO lice Thanks for the -victory! Thanks forlong-ahsont Peace, to give ws choral to all WC COs: This day.} r ejoicings shall be told ThrOtiglivot r".ch future year, :Since JWYCI" Alan our eyes behold . A "Fourth" so proud and dear. g a l. lasting peace and joy succeed is bright. auspicious hour; And be one patrons long decreed To meet us at the Tower I All kinds, sti f les, and *Ws of clothing, men'f, volth , eo7o &m e, all grades, from medium 10 su yerfine. Although our sales are large and rapid, we have a full and complete assortment, new and fash ionable, which is being replenished daily.. Our prices, being based upon the lowest market, rates of the season, are lower than tie lowest elsewhere. An eNaminat ion invited. ' TOWER BALL, NO. MB MARKET Street, BENNETT & CO. F. °MEWING COOL FOR THE HOT WPATHER. something Cool for the hot Weather. Something Cool for the Hot Weather. i4ometlfinc Cool for the Hot Weather. Linen Sack. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. "Aim, Rack 7.inen Ptints. Linen Vests. Linen Saciis. Liuen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen pesters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Alpaca Sacks. Alpaca Sacks. Alpaca Sacks. Alpaca Sacks. Just the thing to Keep Cool in. Just the thing to Keep Cool In. Juste the thing to Keep Cool In. Just the thing to Keep Cool in. Al s o, a splendid assortment of Sensounble Cloth iv. of every - variety, for sale by pcnlty & co., O. 303 CHESTNUT Street, above Third, 2.;,' 0.609 CHESTNUT St. (Granville Stokes' old stand.) S. E. Corner or SEVENTH :m(1 MARKET Sts. (Janes.) jyt-tit PEnlO ° S 3.10T1i AND FRECKLE LOTION.— chlloas.m. or 3fothpatch (also called Liverspot,) and Lentigo, or Freckles, are often very annoying, particularly to ladies of light complexion, for the discolored spots show more plainly on the face of a blonde than of brunette; hut they greatly mar the - beauty of either, and any preparation that will ef fectually remove them, without injuring the texture or oph,r qf the ghin is certainly a desideratum. Dr. C. rEI:/21% who has made diseases of the skin a ~peeianty_ has discovered a remedy for these disco lorstions which is at once prompt, infallible, anti harmless . . wbolesale in Philadelphia by JOHNSTON . , 'HOL LOWAY, COWDEN, 23 North SIXTH Street, and be lIYOIT & co., 232 North SECOND Street. rriparc.l only by B. C. PrmitY, Dermatologist, No. 49 1:07...a) Street, New York, and for sale by Drug,g6ls. Price, per bottle'. Call for rEitkrs MOTH AND FRECKLE LOTION For further information address Dr. B. 0. PER RY, 49 1:01 , .;1) Street, NEW YORK. .307-w-im3m hiCREASING DEMAND.----NO ARTICLE, liss o'er won more general and lasting favor than PLANTATION BITTERS. The demand for theme from ladies, clergymen, tehants. &e., is incredible. The !simple trial of a bottle IS the eVidenee we pre,ent of their worth and superiority. For Dyspepsia and Low Spirits, Bad Breath, Pain in the I , ide. Back. and Stomach, Distress after. Eating. Deadaeue. Heartburn, .te., we confidently recommend the PLANTATION BITTERS. They are the pleasantest tonic ever taken. No Change of diet is required white using them. Eat all the good. healthy food your stomach craves. The good effects of PLANTATION BITTERS arc seen upon malting the first trial. A very few bottles often leave the worst dyspeptic sound and hearty FROM HEAD TO FOOT. je3o-6t. Two BAD CASES OF PILES CUBED BY LASD'SPILEREMEDY.—Mr.Ohess, -Mr. of Janesville. Wisconsin. writes for the benefit of - Idl who suffer with the Piles, that he has been trenhied for eight years with an aggravated ease of rike, and his brother was discharged from the army as incurable, (he being quite paralyzed with the Piles.) Both these distressing cases were cured with One buttle of Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy. The ri.rommendmion of these gentlemen, beside the daily ter:o'll4,lo:o.S received by Dr. Strickland, ought to eons - tut, those suffering that the most aggra vated chronic eases of Files are cured by Dr. tirirkituurs Pile Remedy. It is sold by Druggists . everywhere. jyl-stuth-3m JONES2.—SOLDIERS RETURNING HOME, iron want a good, substantial, cheap, and fashion able soil of Citizens' Clothing. Go to Jones' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOLTSE, 601 MARKET STREET, ABOVE SIXTH. LARDING NEEDLE SKEWERS, BASTING ;sroGN,iii. Egg Whips, French Cooks' Knives, Min cing Knives. Toasting Forks, Paste Jaggers, and a nerd a, , sortmeut of Hard ware and Cutlery for 1.-,bekeepers use, at TRUMAN SHAW'S, No En (Eight Thirty-five) MARRET Street, Philada EYE PROTECTORS FOR GUARDING THE IVES from cinders, dust, etc., while travelling on I , :roads or otherwise. for sale at the 'Hardware 1 , .:e of TRUMAN & SHAW. 835 (Eight Thirty fvt MARKET Street, Philadelphia. (WHEATON'S) ITCH. SAIZ EHEITM. (OINTMENT) SALT RHEUM. Will cure the Itch In forty-eight hours. Also cures halt Rheum. Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions ',l' the Skin. Price. 00 cents. Dy sending 60 cents to TF.EKS 5: - POTTED, - BOSTON, Mass., will be for anleil free by mail. For sale by all Druggists. KENDALL'S AnBOLINE.—Have you tried if o. you approve of it. Of course the re : rkolde demand for this excellent preparation for • Hair has been solely created by its merits; for, 'al once used, it 15 not likely to be abandoned. 'Can procure it of any respectable Druggist. "ltu !INIVERSAL ( COG WHEEL) CLOTHES .INI:Ell at reduced prices. O. W. LOOMIS, 27 ith SIXTH. St., Philadelphia, Pa. pia-Law-int 27. GAS COOKING STOVES. 27. 4. toper than Coal or Wood. Eagle Gas Cooking and Ranges. G. W. LOOMIS, 27 South .IXM Street. Philadelphia. jel.6-futw-lm EMI DYE! HAIR Dim WTCHELOR'S HAIR DYE is tile best in the wotll. The only true and perfect Dye—harmless, kAa.naneous. and reliable; produces a splendid or Natural Brown; remedies the ill effects of .1 Dyes. and frequently restores the original t4,lur Sold by all Druggists. The genuine is signed hATCHELOR, 51 BARCLAY Street, New ja2-mwf-ly Dt r YOUR, BATITING Ronvs, FOR Lim: 1 1.:NTLEMEN", at SLOAN'S, 806 MARKET tret t, jyl,4t. STEINWAY & SON'S 517771 0 PIANOS. Fnr Talc only at BLASIUS BROTHERS', 1006 CHESTNUT Street. .iitGOESTION No. 1 Which is the best place for me tobuy my Clothing decide this question, so often asked, we wont, ,-Pcetfully suggest a easeful comparison of prices wad qualities of the best class Chestnut anl .1 , 6 t -tix-f•ts clothing establishments, confident!: ' l*v h..: that the people will find that we offe r-ac ii.iticelnexitS in extent of assortment, styl r Pa rth t )115,, and moderation in price, than can h m+.l nrywhere else. If this is not the case, w ttll 1 44 ask your patronage. WASNAMAKER & BROWN, Popular Clothing House and Merchant Tailoring Establishment, Mf)-1 f N.E. corner SIXTH and MARKET Sts. MARRIED. I TIIY—AWRIGHT7- l lntl7lB city, at 1765 Prankfor )4 i..1 any 18, 1865, by the Rev. D. L. Gear, paste 1.1 nit Congregational Church,Joshito. , C. Rob -4, rY J. Wright, 11oth of Philadelphia. DIED. . _ Ill t ( ~R"v—J„]y3, 1865, trait F., son of Joseph nrown. . ~, , nh.Ut from ihie father's residence 2007 Girar ''''',, at Monument Cemetery, on Weduestla3 V! , 5. at a mem& P. M. ,o, d AR P KR • —on the 2d inst., Mary Harper. tier retail VeS and friends are invited to attend ht {berm, from the residence er her brother, Willial ,firarr, N... 921 Passyunk r,oad, on Wedu . esda r.:;lig- •Irly 7 ,th, at nine o'clock. _Co proL.t.ed: PitH ilK:l4 . lr4 l ld en ly, on Saturday mornint e I,t Instant. Charles Frishmilth, Sr., la the 54t ait of J. atm. iis relatives and friends are respectfullv invite attend Id; funeral, from his late residence, 61 iii Eighth street, at three o'clock oil Wednesda noolf. :!IEY an .—(in the ad instant. Harry James, only so 1 , 1 41 igonet mid Maty R. Eeky, aged Mae month °I ;'ten days. ,''lallves of tha family are Invited to attend tit r ,, 1. from:the northimst corner of Eighth an ,I st , reets on Wednesday morning, at nil) 'lark.'" ' 1.-At iiIIIRNE.—On the 2.1 Inst., Martin, Wan m• Cr ; , , nee and Enlltla Itlaek - burn e , aged fon ?Jibs anti W/O ila l 6 * - 1 * 1:I;r‘ iyy. , -At - Norwich, Coma., On July lit, c inunit i• - ever, Eugene H. I'll:roil. !i• , Mama,' sill take place • Etude the residence. a ;‘ ll 1 :• Voades, Fortieth street, allure Laneaste .:I''' , "II Wk*kiesday morning, sth instant, at nun , WI:, tovri:ddr. ' ' ' I.A 11:17S.-.011 Monday morning, „Tidy Id •:'"D'''''' Marimikritt, 11l the 30th year of his age. r ,uerrt from his mother's residence, 827 Vin ''''''. aa Wednesdaw moraing.[at 10 O'clock. 'LACK ENGLISH GRENADINES received,of Black “ren; :UM cents a yard, BEssoN Mourning Store. eke citEsTNu'r Street. ' l "r Price. Prices in plant figures. tuyfi J , ACK CHALY HE LAIN - E.-WS .71,,•11,1. one ease of plain black Cindy de Lain', :::cf•uf a yard. LESSON & SON. Mourning Store, 98 CEreet . f•• Prices in pla i n figuHresSTNUT Stinyi . f ) 0P P WHITE SHETLIN SHAW EYRE. 8c LANDELL ,„P„ ECES MOSQUITO BAIT "'TES, BLUES, GREENS, &c. ' KITE de LANDELL. IJIJO LOW WHITE QUILTS, Fl HOTELS. IMUE_NSE LOTS OF CHF,, WELS. Ot:26..tff KATE LANDELL. or 'UNION LEAGUE HOUSE, JILNE 29, 1863 TUE UNION LEAGUE PAILADELPIIIA, WILL CELEBRATE THE 90TH ANNIVERSARY OF OUR NA• TIONAL INDEPENDENCE, TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1865, With the following exercises, at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, To COMinenee at. 22 o'clock. M., precisely MUSIC 2. PRAYER. 3. MUSIC. 4. REARING OF. THE DECLARATION OF IN DEPENDENCE, BY DANIEL DOUGHER TY, EsQ. 5. MUSIC. G. ORATION BY CHARLES GIBBONS, Esq. 7. ➢IUCIC. THE LEAGUE. HOUSE WILL BE ILLUMINA TED IN. THE EVENING, and a display of Fire works will be exhibited at Penn Square. Tickets of admission to the ceremonies at the Aca demy of Music can now be secured from Mr. C. R. WHIPPLE, Assist:llA Secretary. at the League Rouse. By order of the Board of Dlrectora. je3o-4t GEORGE H. BORER, Secretary NOTIC E.—THE-TRANSFER HOOKS of the ROYAL PETROLEUM COM PANY will be closed from FRIDAY, thew 7th lust,, until SATURDAY. the 15th hist: jy4-10t JOHN GALLAGHER. Jr., Secretary. igrAMERICAN LITERARY UNION. —A special meeting of the "UNION'' will lie held nt their Hall, N. E. corner NINTIi and CAL LO Streets, TIIIS ISIORNINU, at 10 o'clock. Punctual attendance Is repuested. JNO. D. KING, Seortary. EgrOFFICE PHILADELPHIA NA TIONAL PETROLEUM COMPANY, NO. 329 CHESTNUT Street.—The Certificates of the Capital Stoek of this Cum pan will be readv for de livery, at this 011 Ice, WEbNESDAY. July sth, 1865. ISAIAH BATES, ,Tit.} Jyt-fiith2t* Secretary. DIVIDEND.—THE DIRECTORS /1:a l of the CURTIN OIL COMPAN Yr bare this day declared a DIVIDEND OF ONE PER ()T., payable on the 10th instant. Books win 11011 o,i tbe 6th, and open on the 11th inst. - JOHN H. WILE, See'y. July 3, 1865. jrl-tr/u3t. IgC OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY. 400 WALNUT Street. • ruirtataxitrA. July 3, 1865. The Directors have this dav declared a Dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the capital stock of the Company for the last six Months, payable on de mand. tree of all taxes. D. LOCkWOOD. jpl-12.t Secretary.. nrMASONIC NOTICE.—THE MEM BERS OF LAFAYETTE LODGE No. 71 A. Y. M., and the officers and members of the Grand Lodge, areparticularly requested to meet at the Hall, CHESTNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, the sth Inst, at 2 o'clock I'. M., to attend the funeral of our late Brother. CHARLES FRISHAIUTH. By order of the W. M. ist* POST-OFFICE, r/TILAA=.VIIIA, Ps., July 3. MS. On 'TUESDAY. July 4, this office will be open mall 11 o'eloek A..M., after which it will be closed during the remainder of the day. The carriers will make only the S A. M. delivery. The two morning and last evening collections front lamp-post and other boxes will be made. The several stations will be governed by the mine hours. [it] C. A. WALBORN. Postmaster. OFFICE PENN MINING COM PANY OF LAKE SUPERIOR, 319 WAL NUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, June 17, 1865. Notice is hereby given that an instalment of one dollar. per share ou ea.7l, and every :share of the Capital Stock in the PENN MINING COMPANY OF LAKE SITPERIOR, has this day been called by .the Board of Directors of said Company. due anti payable at their °Mee. on or before the lath day of July nest. Interest will Ste charged on all instal ments after the saute shall have beeteue due. By order of the Board 01'111m:tors . . - - 1 - ),V ' pe' v• • y QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE I'W . CON.DiTioN OF THE ;I. EECILINIOS , NA TIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, 011 the Morning: of the first MONDAY of JULY, 1865. D2t. Notes and Bills illseOnnted $306,17E1 2-3 Thinking House 40,000 00 Other Real Estate IMO 00 ~ Current Expenses 4,609 83 Remittances and other Cash Items 331 68 Due from Banks 184,688 08 United States Bonds 545,000 00 Other United States Securities 428,000 00 Other Securities 85,000 00 Circulating Notes on hand of this Bank.. 11,340 00 .. ' of other Banks 71,14400. Specie 8.500 00 Other lawful Money 741;832 00 --- Total v - 2,U28,432 45 en. - Capital Stock paid in VW, 000 00 Surplus Fund 200,000 00 Circulating Notes received from Comp -25,000 00 Comp troller Circulating Notes of Mechanics' (State) Bank 54,918 50 Individual Deposits 1,28,850 13 Dividends unpaid 7,600 57 One from Bank. 198,043 85 Discount • 25,744 02 Exchanges 835.89 l'roiit and Loss 209,939 88 Total v 1,323.432. at 1. jOHN WIEGAND. JR.. Cashier of the ME CHANICS, NATIONAL BANK of Philadelphia, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of toy knowledge and belief. WIEGAND, JR., Cashier. STATE OF PENNA., t COUNTY rif ILA. Sworn and sttbseri ed before me this third day of July, 11165. EDMUND.WILCOX Notary Public. earSIXTH IPJFARTERLY REPORT OF THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $2116,400 39 U. S. Bonds deposited to se cure circulation 300,000 00 U. S. Bonds deposited to se cure deposit' 50,000 00 U. S. Bonds and other U.S. se curities on band 266.750 00 013,154 38 Specie and Legal-tender Notes 252,025 27 Bills of State banks 5,500 00 258,123 27 Due from banks and bankers 54,353 43 lininittaiwca and other cash Bons 15.492 60 Real Estate 10,000 00 Expense Account 1,944 87 LIABILITIES Capital Stock - $300,000 00 Surplus Fund 8,714 82 Circulating-Notes ^42,41000 Individual I.)eposits.ssl3,o3l 17 Treasurer TJ. S. De posits • 121,864 08 Doe to Ranks Profit and Loss Mate of Pennsylvanio. County of Philadelphia: 1, R. Glendinning, Cashier of the Third National Bank. do solemnly ninon that the above statement is true to the best of Inv knowledge and belief. OLENDINNINO. Cashier. -Approved and subscribed before me this third day of July, 1863. EDMUND WILCOX. tiotary nitrite. ilar7 NOTICE TO ALL FREEHOLDERS, TAX-PAYERS, CONVEYANCERS, AND OTHERS CONCERNED. DEPARTMENT OF SURVEYS, REGISTRY JICREAP. JUIIO 26, 1865. NOTICE is hereby given, that under and by virtue of an act of Assembly, passed on the 14th of March, 1865. and an ordinance of the city of Philadelphia, made In pursuance thereof, this Department will be prepared to receive the descriptions of 11 lands and corporeal real estate within said city, from and. after the Ist day of July, 1865. The purpose of the act is declared by its title, which is: •` An act to promote the more certain and equal asSessment of Taxes In Philadelphia; and a principal means - devised therefor is the plotting of alt the real estate within the city, in manner to ex hibit the location and dimensions, with the names of the owners thereof. To this end it is made the duty— Jot. Of all owners of houses and lots, to furnish, forthwith. deSeriptions of their property to this office, by . the presentation of their deeds, upon which will be placed a certificate of the fact of such return having been made, and thereafter the pro perty so returned shat t not be subject to sate for taxes thereafter to become a /fen thereon, except it he in the Warne Of the owner retnrned, end after .9,17.11£C8 of notice wpon kiwi as in ease of a writ of ouramons. W. Of every seller and huger of ground upon the planned city plot to make report to thls office of every conveyance made, with tile precise dimen sions and locality of the premises, and when the preceding returns are made there wilt be no charge made therefor but if the owner desires a certificate of his having made such return for his protection, and to exhibit to the Recorder of Deeds, &c., it will be furnished for time fee of twenty-five cents (ex clusive of Revenue stamp.) ad. In ease neither the hover nor seller shall have do, such return, and produce the proof thereof to the Iteconier of Deeds. he is required not to admit the deed to record without charging fifteen cents for each lot described therein; and it is.then made his duty to furnish the proper deseriptions with date of conveyance and names of grantor and gran tee, into this Department, within one mouth, under a penalty of one dollar for each omission. 4th. And it is made the duty of every purchaser of houses and lands at judicial sales; of every one who receives an allotment In partition; of everyidevisee by will, to make return as aforesaid; and if he shall not have done so, It is made the duty of time Clerk or Prothonotary of time proper Court, and the Register of Wills, to perform the like duty, for the like charges, and under the sate penalty as the Re corder of Deeds. . . . . Mb. The performances of the said duties as en. joined by the act ?MU exonerate the eater from a future liability for the to e 8 without reclamation therefor, and will confer upon the purchaser, de visee, and heir, an immunity against £OBB of title by sates for taxes without mike to Min, and exempt them from the penalty of dye dollars imposed by the act for the failure to comply wills its regal bilious. The Chief Engineer and Surveyor respectfully re.. quests of the owners of real estate a prompt co operation In carrying out the important purposes of the set, that they, as well as the city, may sooner derive the obvious advantages designed, in the more certain and equal assessment of the taxes, and in the greater security and certainty of their titles to real estate - within the city. Conveyancers. Agents, and others, can procure blanks for descriptions by applying at this office, No. 2,12 South Firm Street, licio‘yWalnut. Room No. 6, first floor. STRICKLAND KNEASS, }x26-et Chief Engineer and Surveyor. far. DAVPRIN AND COLORADO GOLD MINING COMPANY,—This Com pany is 110 W vigorously at work With a force of ex perienced miners extracting ore. Their water power is ample, mid so soon as their Stameng3llll is completer the separation or the meta will be commenced. To effect this. a portion of the shares orthe Working Capital are uttered for sale at tile original low price of THREE DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS each,. payable in instalments. The great Railroad from St. Louis to Kansas is to he completed in July, and connects with the rail road up the Kansas river towards Pike's Peak and Denver City. This road from St. Louis up the Kansas river will ever he a favorite route to Colo rado and New Mexico—especially during the inele meta season of the year. In July (or August at farthest) the completed road, in a direct line from St. Louis to the COLORADO GOLD MINES will measure three hundred and fifty miles In length, and Will greatly raenitate the business of the gold re gion. Vast deposits of the precious Metal lie wait ing to be lifted from their bed, amid those who now embark in this business will soOn he rewarded with abundant returns for their investments. Call and get a prospectus at the office of the Gene ral Subscription Agent. W3I. H. WAYNE, No. 16 BANK Street, Jc2l-wset Stock and Note Broker. - • POSTPONEMENT OF THE ligr UNION STATE CONVENTION—MEET 'NiI OF THE UNION STATE CENTRAL COM 11ITTEE.111 coMpliance with the earliest appeals of many prominent Tinton num. OH:tensor different counties In the State, urging that the Union State Convention called for, the Bib of July, ensuing, be deferred until further notice, the announeenient is herewith made that that body will not assemide on the day (lath of July) set apart for its meeting in the city of Harrisburg. Due notice will be given of the meeting of the Convention hereafter. - The members of the Union State Central Com mittee will assemble in the city of Harrisburg, on the NIINETEE: , ,VriI OF JULY, ensuing, at the Lochicl House. at three o'clock P. M. A full attendance of all the members of the COM mitte. 1.% earnestly requested. SIMON UANIMION, Chairman. A. W. TrEzirmurr. WtEts PORN -I'X, • Secretaries. 11AuRtsistraG, .111111 IS 1865. jeri-t.jyl9 illge"- THE LEHHin VALLEY BAXL ROAD COMPANY have declared a Divi dend of TWO A N D-A-DA Lao PER CENT, paYible on and after July 10th inst., at the office, b , WALNUT Street, Phihnleinhirt. ,!A .0-7t* L. QUA.II.IIiatLALN, Treastirer. CUMBERLAND COAL AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. 2,000 ACRES. OF COAL AND TOWER LANDS, ON THE CUMBERLAND MYER, PULASKI . COUNTY, KENTUCKY. COAL EQUAL TO ANY IN ADIERICA. This Company is being Organized under the gene ral mining law of Kentucky. It presents the Featest inducements of any enterprise now before the pub lic.. For all information aptly to ALDIArt It. SCHOFIELD, Secret:lry and 7 Prensiii(l'r. phia. Offi cc—o. ggg South FOURTH Street,, 4- Phila. St [tar'PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR PROMOTIICGAGRICULTURE.—.TuIy-Meet ing at Rooms, O. 702 WALNUT Street, on WETINESDAI , sth Inst., at 11 o'clock A. M. jy3-2t 111-4' - 'nGREY'. E. W. MUTTER WILL DE. liver an ORATION" to the SOLDIERS, at the SOLDIERS' HOME. corner of CROWN . and `RACE Streets, on FOURTH OF JULY MORNING, al 10 o'clock, The public are invited. Ample ac- COMMOtiations are _provided an. There Will also be singing, and other exercises appropriate to the day. The ladies interested in the lionie will parts ilrMSr TWENTY•FIRNT WARD BOUNTY FUND.--The Contributors to the Bounty Fund since January], 1865. are requeste.d to attend the meeting, at LYCEUM HALL, ROXBORO - UGH . , 011 Wkia/SiBODAY EV - I:XING next, July sth, at 8 o , eloelz, then and there to determine what disposi tion shall be made of the Surplus Fund (abont*-1,000) in the hands of the Treasurer. gone but actual subscribers will be admitted 50 the Mali. By order of A. CAMPBELL, President. GEO. A.!SMITII, Secretary. je3o-It* ,IogiUNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. --Wanted for the UNITED STATES MARINE COI:PS, ahle-hodled MEN. Splendid iudnee meats held out to all entering the Marine Corps; glorious opportunity to visit foreign countries: good par, excellent accommodations, light and easy duties. For all further Information inquire at the Recruit ing, Rendezvous, No. 311 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia, between 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. every day, except Sunday. :FAMES FORNEY, jyl Captain and Recruiting Officer. UNITED STATES By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned, the General Subscription Agent for the sale of United States Securities, offers to the Public the third series of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three-tenths per cent. interest per an num, known as the These Notes are issued under date of Julyls, 1865. end are payable three years front that date in cur rency, or are convertible at the option of the holder into GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These Bonds are now. worth a handsome premium, and are exempt, as are all the Government Bonds ' front State, Uounty, and Municipal taxation, which adds from one to three per cent, snore to their value, according to the rate levied upon other property. The interest is payable semi-annually by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. : The interest at 7-30 per cent. amounts to. One cent per day on a &30 note. Two cents per day on a SIM note. Ten cents per day on a 3000 note. Twenty cents per day on asl,ooo note. One. Dollar per day on a $5,000 note. soles of all the denominations named will be Promptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. The not - es of this Third Series are precisely simi lar in form and privileges to the Seven-Thirtles al ready sold, except that the Government reserves to itself the option of paying interest in gold coin at 6 percent. - instead of 7 3-10ths in currency. Subscri bers will deduct the interest in currency up to July 15th, at the time when they subscribe. The delivery of the notes of this Third Series of the Seven-Thirties Will commence ou the Ist or June, and will be made promptly and continuously after that date. The slight change made in the conditions of this THIRD SERIES affects only the matter of interest. The payment in gold, If made; will be equivalent to the currency interest of the higher rate. The return to specie payments, in the event of whieh only will the option to pay interest in gold be availed of, would So reduce and equalize prices as that purchases made with six per cent. in gold would be fully equal to those made with seven-and three-tenths per cent. in currency. This is now offered by the (4°N - eminent, and its superior adrantages inahe it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF TUE PEOPLE. Less than $220,000,000 of the Loan authorized by Congress are now in the market. This amount, at the rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for within sixty days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uni formly been the case on closing the subscriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the Loan, the National Dunks, State BankS, and Pri vate Bankers throughout the country have general ly agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscri bers will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the deih ery of the notes for which they receive or ders. NO. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, $1,252,375 55 DREXEL & COMPANY, BANKERS, No. 84 South. THIRD Street, 633,496 15 58,21 . 1 34 8,472 44 $1,253,375 55 BOUGHT AND SOLD AT BOARD OF BROKERS, ON COMMISSION. Jel3-tf 1881.-- COUPONS, DUE JULY 1, GOLD AND SILVER WANTED, AT HIGHEST MARKET PRICE I . E. WAIRAVEN, LACE CURTAINS, AT PRICES, FROM 5' DOLLARS TO 150 „DOLLARS PER PAUL AT REDUCED PRICES. my24-tf MARSHAL'S SALE.—By VIRTUE of a writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN- CAD WALADEB, Judge of the District Court of the Celled States, in and for the Eastern district of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and hest bidder , for cash, at MICIIEN ER'S STORE, No. 142 North FRONT Street, on MONDAY, July 10, i&5, at 11 o'clock A. M., the cargo of prise steamer Beatrice, consisting of Alcohol, in barrels; Ale, in bottles; Claret, In bottles; miscellaneous. Liquors, in bot tles: one case of Madeira: fancy Flannels, Tweeds, Satinetts, Blankets, Calicoes, Chintzes, Ladies' - Undershirts, Woollen llalf-hose, ready-ramie Cloth ing. Indigo, and other articles, as speiAtied iii cata logues. WILLIAM MI LLWARD, United States Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PIIILADELMITA, dune 24, Mi. je2llll2t COTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, of all numbers and brands. T.,it Awning, 4'111111: 9.1111 Wag.ollrt,OVer Duck. Also, P: per Manufacturers' prier Felts, trona one to live feet wide; Paulin& Bolting Sail Twine. &e. no3-tf .011 N N.o E V OEIJIO AN& Alley. . CARTES DE VISITE EXE C Taw add S tyle unsurpassed by- any made. See : , pecintens and choose styles, suiting your tastes, at R. F. REIMER'S popular Gallery, G 2 ARCM street. ONLY $1.50.-HAVE COLORED PHO TOGRAPTIS made. at REIMER'S, SECOND Street, above “reee. See speelatens, awl obtain them; they will please you in style, coloring, an at artistic execution. M O G I VI l l C 131T?1 13 )J.11 , S. 6:;- lI 1( S TEAM. : a ( - -E j N , 111 MILO iII iStS and Boller Makers, No t rimo c u At: 1-4)WHILL Street. Philadelphia. feD)-tt• IIATENTS PROCURED FOR INVEN 'noNs in the United States and Europe. ;yl-9.* E. BROWN. 311 WALNUT street. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE WHITE I MANDY, FOR PRESERVING. Fur sale by JESSE COX,'No. 105 JONES' Alley: LLUMINATION CANDLES: WILLIAM CONWAY, Iyl-3L* 316 WWI IMMO" *rcet, 3IINES IN WORKING ORDER MILITARY. FINANCIAL. 7.30 LOAN. THIRD SERIES. P 230,000,000. SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN_ IT. S. 5-20 SIX PER CENT TIIE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, PHILADELPHIA DEALERS IN AMERICAN AND FOREIGN GOLD, FOREIGN EXCHANGE, UNITED STATES BONDS, QUARTERMASTERS' VOUCHERS, UNCITARENT MO.NEY. STOCKS AND BONDS DREXEL & 34 South THIRD Street CURTAIN GOODS. MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNUT STREET, ANOTHER LA.B.GE LOT OF ELEGANT STYLES, WINDOW SHADES, CHOICE PATTERNS, THE PRESS.-PITILADELPHIA TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1865. NEW PUBLICATIONS THE NATION, A WEEKLY JOURNAL for the discussion of the political and Octal topics of the day; the illustration and maintenance of true democratic principles; the consideration of the conditions of the freed people, and the duty of the Republic towards them; the support of popular education as a political agent; the diffusion of in formation regarding the condition and prospects of the South; and for the sound and Impartial criti cism of books and works Of art, with entire inde pendence of all sects and parties, WILL BE PUBLISHED JULY 6, 1865. It embraces among its regular or occasional con tributors the following names: HENRY W. LONGFELLOW, JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL, JOAN G. WHITTIER, SAMUEL ELIOT (Ex-President Trinity College, Hartford, ) Professor TORREY (Harvard,) Professor GOLDWIN SMITH (Oxford,) Dr. FRANCIS LIEBER, Professor CHILD (Harvard,) CHARLES E. NORTON, Judge BOND (Baltimore,) EDMUND QUINCY, Professor W. D. WHITNEY (Yale,) Professor D. C. GILMAN (Yale,) Judge DALY, Professor DWIGHT (Columbia College, ) Judge WAYLAND, FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED, Rev. Dr. McCLINTOCK, Rev. Dr. JOS. P. THOMPSON, Rev. PHILLIPS BROOKS, Rev. Dr. BELLOWS, C. J. STILLE, • lIENRY T. TUCKER - DIAN, BAYARD TAYLOR, C. A. BRISTED, C. L. BRACE, RICHARD GRANT WHITE, WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON, SYDNEY GEORGE FISHER, THEODORE TILTON, JAMES PARTON, GAIL HAMILTON, R. H. STODDARD. TERMS: 'RIMER DOLLARS PER ANNUM, IN ADS VANCE; SIX MONTHS, TWO DOLLARS JOSEPH H. RICHARDS, PUBLISHER, jy4-at Iso. ISO NASSAU Street, NEW YORK. % JOHN PHGINIX'S w e e W NEW COMIC BOOK. A new and intensely comic book by the late JalThr PIIMNIX, author Of the "Plaenirlana.'s Full or humorous illustrations by the $1.50' Looking Around—A new novel, by A. S. Roe ...$1.50 Orpheus C. Kerr Papers—A third series $ 1 .50 Wyldcr , s liand—An exciting new Englishuovelsl.7s Fairy Fingers—Dirs. litowatt's new novel $1.75 St. Phillips—New novel by anther "Rutledge"•sl.7s Hugh Worthington — Mrs. Holmes' new n0ve1...51.50 Mary Brandagee—A neW "Woman's novel" .. 41.75 Superior Fishing-Roosevelt' snow sporting books oo Lovers and Thinkers—A new novel $l5O y All handsomely bound in cloth, and sent by mad free, on receipt of mice, by jyd-wsti* CARLETON, Publisher, New York. Jr B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. • WILL PUBLISH ON THE POURTH-OP 'JULY A BRIEF OUTLINE OF AN• ANALYSIS OF THE HUMAN INTELLECT; Intended to rectify the scholastic and vulgar per versions of the natural purpose and method of think ing; by rejecting altogether the theoretic confusion, the unmeaning arrangements, and indefinite no menclature of the metaphysician. IN TWO VOLUMES. BY JAMES RUSH, M. D. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publishers, jyl-sttititsAt 715 and 717 MARE LET Street. NEW BOOKS. BAXLEY'S WHAT I SAW ON THE WEST COAST OF SOUTH AND NORTH AMERICA, with Illustrations. • MERIVALE'S Cmicersion of the Roman Empire. T. BUCHANAN READ: A bummer Story; Sheri dan,s Ride. andMheryco2ms.... THE-VOLUNTEER QUARTERMASTER.. By Capt. Roblin' Brinkerhoff. U. S. A. NEW AND STANDARD BOOKS On hand. and for• sale at low 11. Lees. LINDSAY & .RLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, jell No. 25 South SIXTH Street. A NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR of the ' , Schonberg Cotta 'iliAltY, THE' HANDMAID OF THE LORD. 12mo. ALSO. BY THE SAME AUTHOR," THE SCHON BERG COTTA FAMILY. 12mo. THE EARLY DAWN. 12mo. • DIARY OF :kilts. KITTY TREVVIAN. 12mo. 01111 MARTYRED PRESIDENT; or Voices from the Pulpit of New York and Brooklyn. Contain ing all the Sermons by the eminent puLpit orators of those cities, and the Orations of Bancroft and Bishop Simpson. 123n0. For sale by JAMES S. CLAYTON, (Successor to tv - * S. &A. Martien.) jell 606 CHESTNUT Street. ALL THE NEW BOOKS. FASHIONABLE NOTE PAPER. ENVELOPES (fnitials stamped gratis) TO MATCH, VISITING CARDS. Engraved or Written, ALL THE MAGAZINES, PORTFOLIOS, WRITING DESKS, PENS, INKS, ALBUMS, &C. Everyone leaving' the city fur the season will find ft to their interest to order of CHALLEN, Booßseller and Stationer, 1305 CHESTNUT Street. Orders filled by Kett or Express. . _ JUST PUBLISHED. BUY YOUR OWN CHERRIES A TEMPE RANCE TALE. PRINTED ON TINED PAPER, BEAtiTirtlLiy ILLUSTRATED. Rev. ALBERT BARNES ON THE STATE OF THE COUNTRY. A Sermon on the Death of the President. For sale by the PRESBYTERIAN BOOHSTORE,•I33 4 CHESTNUT Street. je24-tf YL DER'S HAND.-THIS NEW W NOVEL, by Sheridan Le Tana, author of "Uncle Silas," is one of.the most powerful and exciting English novels ever published. It Is being read and praised everywhere, and its sale is growing enormously. CARLETON, Publisher, jets-thstutOt New York. JUST . PUBLISHED. BUY YOUR OWN- CHERRIES: A TEMPE RANCE TALE. PRINTED ON-TINTED PAPER, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. REV. ALBERT BARNES ON THE STATE OF THE COUNTRY. A Sermon on the Death of the President. For sale by the PRESBYTERIAN BOOESTORE, 1334 CHESTNUT Street. .1e24-tf T OCRING AROUND.-THIS EXCEL -A._4 LENT. new domestic novel, which is selling so rapidly, is by A. S. Rog, the popular author of A Long Look _Ahead," " True to the Last," "The Star and Cloud." "I've been Thinking, .te. jel4-whniOt CARLETON, Publisher, New York. fIRPTIELTS C. KERR'S NEW BOOK IS a third series of Ills tumorous and exquisitely satirical comments and laughable hits at the promi nent military and political events of the day. Everybody is laughint; over it. jel4-wfmlOt CABLETON4rublisher, New York. VIES.AR AND NAPOLEON.- THE suppressed Pamphlet ! A parallel between AUGUSTUS and NAPOLEON". Strictures of La- Menus. Published by T. B. PUGH, 600 CHEST NUT R., and for sale by all Beeliselter6. Price, 25 cents. jy3-3t5 A PPLET ON' S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA.—CompIete in 16 volumes. Various Styles of Binding. REBELLION RECOED,by Frank Moore,ln 8 vols. MERIVALE 7 S HISTORY OF THE ROMANS— now complete. The Agency for these valuable works Is at 33 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. ap.4-tf JAMES K. SIMON. STATIONERY & BLANK BOOKS. OIL, MINING, COAL, AND OTHER NEW COMPANIES. We are prepared to furnish New Corporations with all the Books they require, at short notice and low prices, of first quality. All styles of Binding. STEEL PLATE CERTIFICATE OF STOCK. LITHOGRAPHED TRANSFER ROOK. ORDERS OF TRANSFER. STOCK LEDGER. STOCK LEDGER BALANCES. REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOCK. BROKERS' PETTY LEDGER. ACCOUNT OF SALES. DIVIDEND BOOK. MOSS & CO.; BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS AND STATIONERS. setl-tf 432 CHESTNUT Street.. COMMISSION HOUSES. HAZARD 6.5 . HUTCHINSON, PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS; 112 CHESTNUT STREET, PH ILADELPHIA, AND 103 HEADE STREET, NEW TURK. Jc23•6m HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. 600 REFRaVg. STREET, 600 WATER COOLERS FRF.EZERS. GAS-STOVES. FOR SUMMER COOKING. Jelf;-tf GRIFFITH & PAGE. SIXTH and ARCH. MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, - &e. —2,500 hills. Mass. Nos. 1. 2, and 3 Mackerel, late-caught fiat fish, In assorted packages. 2,000111)1s. New Eastport, Fortune Ear, and Hali fax Herring. 2,000 boxes Lubec, ocaled,,lio. 1 Herring. 1301)103. New Mess 230 hoNes lierkliner•rounty Cheese, Sir, In store and for sale hr MURPHY ,t KOONS, Ja39-tf No. 146 NORTH WHARVES. GB.-XX -177(i.-CONSTITUTION . AL BITTERS.—These celebrated and world renowned Bitters, manufactured by BEACII St CO., 14 HEY Street, li.c»• York; can be procured at the principid depe.t, In this city, in latrge or small quain titics, from C. H. WISER, ti. iv. corner of SEVENTH. and WA GLACE, Je2Sdit. ' Sole Agent for Philadelphia, THE CHEAPEST FRUIT JARS IN A- TILE 81ARICET.—Wart Capsule Jars at. V. Der tloZ.. etrittplete. MARTELL 8c LI I TCHWORTII, No. 15 North FIFTH. Street, mitt No. MIL MINOR Street. Je2.3-Int BoTOGRAPHS OF CHURCHES, P VublieEditices, Residences, and Cedintry Seats t a k t e, B. F. Rthner. 'flume Wito desire fae Owlet; siniutd rung'," to B. F. REIMER, Pitotogra- Idler, 621 Alain Street. HAVANA. CIDARS.—A, GOOD VA RIETY conboatay In atom dan bond, at low est elwli rates.Uß'S & SONS, 1n3 . 24-Mo. No. 216 South FRONT Strut. VULCANITE JEWELRY.-LARGE Tassortment of BLACK and GOLD JEWELRY. IDLEIt, 109 ELEA - ENT/4 St, THE SQUIBOIt PAPERS RETAIL DRY GOODS PUBLIC NOTICE. DURING JULY AND AUGUST Thts well-known and popular House has lust been thoroughly refitted and enlarged to more than doublelts former capacity. It Is pleasantly situated in the centre of the Town, with ready access by Rail and Stage to all points in the OIL REGION. and its accommodations for Guests fully equal to those of first-Class Hotels in any part of the country. It has been the aim of the Proprietor to establish a House combining tile comforts of Home with all the advantages of a large Hotel, and lie believes he has succeeded. Jpl-am EDWIN HALL & 1 THE WHITE HOUSE, STORE WILL BE CLOSED At 5 O'clock P. M. 3741-2 t 2G SOUTH SECOND STREET. COOPER AND CONARD, NINTH AND 31AltliFir. WHITE LINEN DUCK LINENS FOR DRESSES GOOD gOTCR. OF LAWNS FINEST BLACK DROr-V-ETE. BLACK DRESS GOODS WHITE BABEGE SHAWLS FINE TOWELS REDUCED. - BLACK AND WHITE LM.FOS 3e20-tr COOPER & CONARD, NINTH AND MARKET, have The best Cassimere stock in town. Good Linen Drills, Ducks, Coatings. Tailors , Linings, of every kind. Muslin stock complete, prices right. Family Linens, sidling, gold, at 30e. Domet, and other Flannels. Pearl Wool Detainee, sa end 65 cents. Extra tine black Mohair Alpacas, V. Lupin's 6-4 black Wool DeMines, $l. Good stock white Nainsook, Swiss. Bird-eye Linen, striped Mustlns, finest Cambrics and Jaconets ' puffed Muslin , Pique. &c. White Barege and other thin Shawls. Silk Sacqucs and Summer Dusters. .10-tf PPECIAL NOTICE. SELLING OFF ENTIRE STOCK TO CLOSE RUSINESSH GOOD-WILL AND FIXTURES FOR SALE. THORNLEY & CHISM. We invite special attention to the above an nooneement. We have a Large Stock. We are Selling Cheap. Every pare is to be closed out on or before the Ist day of September. Silks and Dress Goods. Cloths, Cassimeres. and Linen Goods. Shawls, Cloaks, Skirts, Hdkfs., &c. Muslins and Calicoes THORN?er market price. EY & CHISM. tnyl3-9.m Cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. FIGURED SILK GRENADINES, of the best qualities and styles, in Black and Gray Grounds, 560 to $1.50. Travelling Dress Goods, in every variety. New Dress Goods, in great variety. Handsome Chen bilks, $2.50. VERY CHEAP BLACK SILKS, suitable for Dresses, Dlantles. and Stu:txes. COTTON GOODS AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. Merrimac, Sprague, and Pacilio Prints, 255. 10-I Waltham and Peperill bleached Sheetinzs, H. STEEL & SON - , tuya-tf Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. TCHAMBERS, NO. 810 ARCH ST • ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED. Black Thread Laces. Thread Yells. Thread Lace Barbel. Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, bargains. Cambric Edgings and Insertions. Shirred and Fancy French Aimslins, for waists. Lania Lace Bournous and Pointes. je2B-6t 4-4 SPANISH LINENS, FOR TRAY ` DRESSES. 4-4 They Linens. Dark and light Linens, for Suits. Brown Hoßands. Figured Linens, for Dresses. White Futile or 'Marseilles. Mosquito Nettings. rink, blue, cherry, and white Tarletons. EDWIN HALL & CO., jel9-t£ 26 SoutIi.SECOND Street. A RARE CHANCE FOR BARGAINS A DRY GOODS.—The entire stock of Dry Goods In store, at the Southeast corner of NINTH and ARCH Streets, will be sold at a great sacrifice, to close business by August Ist. The good-will, fixtures, and lease for sale. J. COWPERTIIWAIT, 31 - 3-6 t Agent. NEW SKIRT FOR 1865. THE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE AGE IN HOOP SKIRTS. J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent DUPLEX EL LIPTIC (or double) SPRING - SKIRT. WESTS' BRADLEY A CARY (late J. I. A 3. 0. West) SOLE PROPRIETORS and IMANDFAC TURAS, 97 CHAMBERS and 79 and 81. READE Streets,New York. THIS INVENTION consists of DUPLEX (or two) ELLIPTIC STEEL SPRINGS, ingeniously BRAIDED vionrLy and FIRMLY together, EDGE to EDGE, making tile TOUGHEST, most r.r.Exln.L - E, ELASTIC, and DurtABLE SPRING ever used. They seldom BEND or BREAK, like the Single Springs, and con sequent)y preserve their PERFECT and BEAUTIFUL - SHAPE TWICE - AS LONG as any other SKIRT. THE. WONDERFUL FLEXIBILITY and great COM FORT and PLEASURE to any LADY wearing the DU PLEX ELLIPTIC SKIKT will he experienced, _par ticularly in all crowded ASSEMBLIES, OPERAS, CAR RIAGES, RAILROAD CARS, CHURCH 'PEWS, ARM CHAIRS, for Pnomn:vanE and HOUSE DRESS, as the SKIRT-eau be FOLDED when in use to OCCUPY a small PLACE as easily as a SILK or MUSLIN DRESS. A LADY' having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of WEARING the DurLEN. ELLIPTIC STEEL-STRING SKIRT for a SINGLE DAY will never afterward willingly dispense with their use, For CHILDREN, MISSES, and YOUNG LADIES, they are SUPERIOR to all others. THEY are the best QUALITY in every part, and Unquestionably the - LIGHTEST, most DESIRABLE, COMFORTABLE, and ECONOMICAL SKIRT ever made. FOR SALE In all FIRST-CLASS STORES in tills eItV A and throughout the UNITED STATES, HAVANA DE . ULTILA, MEXICO, SOUTH AMERICA, and the WEST INDIES. . alf; INQUIRE FOE THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT. mys-2tn OP ,OW 628. HorRysOs SKIRTS. OF 628. HOOP SKIRTS, the best assortment and best qual ity and styles in the city. Gore Trails, all lengths and sizes, from 18 to 55 springs, from $1.75 to $4. Plain Skirts, all the new shapes and sizes, from 19 to 50 springs, from $1.40 to $3. Skirts of extra heavy steel and extra tapes, from 20 to 35 springs, front $1.90 to $2.75. Misses' and Children's, of every grade, front 20 to 35 springs, from four to eight cents per spring; they have no equal. Agents for the new - Flexible Skirt, the most p table Hoop Skirt made, and folly equal to the Duplex Elliptic Skirt, and at much lower prices. A]so, constantly on hand full lines or low - priced New York Skirts, kid-padded and metallic-fastened 15 springs, Mei 20 springs, $l4 2.5 springs, $1.15; 30 springs, $1.25, and 40 springs, $1.50. Skirts made to order, altered, and repaired, at 6913 ARCH Street. jel4-Im* MERCHANT TAILORS. EDWARD P. KELLY, JOHN KELLY, TAILORS, 612 CHESTNUT STREET, HAVE HOW IN STORE A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF inlia-tf SPRING GOODS. GiZ,III,TS' FURNISHING GOODS. VINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. a- The subscribers would invite attention to their IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, _which they make a specialty in their business. Also, constantly receiving NOVELTIES FOR, GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. 3. W. SCOTT & GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. 814- CHESTNUT Street, Four doors below the Continental. CARPETS AND OIL-CLOTHS. SPRING 1865. GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA 111 1 CALLUDI & CO., MANITFACTUNERS Arai =PORTERS OF CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTH, MATTINGS, oS;c, WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT, 509 CHESTNUT STREET RETAIL DEPARTMENT, 519 CHESTNUT STREET DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. BOTANIC AND ECLECTIC DRUGS. ROBERT A. FIANCE, 729 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Would call the attention of Druggists, Country Mer chants, and others, to his stock. of BOOTS, HERBS, AND BARKS, In various sized packages, of our own pressing, at PRICES BELOW FORMER RATES. A full line of BOTANICAL PREPARATIONS, W. S. MERRELL CO.'S CONCENTRAVItID RE MEDIES, &C.. at a liberal discount to the trade. Catalogues furnished on application. ntyll-anap CONFECTIONERY. Persons about leaving . the City call and ex aminu air splendid alsortment of DELICIOUS CONFECTIONS, SYRUPS, (to., ParkleularlY adapted Or t 1143. Warm meuson. E. G. WHITMAN it CO., XANUFACTILTRERS, 31* CHESTNUT STREET. *yr Also, an assortinint of ERILLIAZI'I FIRE-WORKS. GROCERIES. TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE RURAL pISTRICTiii. arepreparcil, as lierctofure, to supply twig lies, at their country residence*, with EyERI: DESCRIPTION OE FINE GROURDIFS, TEAS, Sie., ALBERT C, ROBERTS, tny24-tf Coy. ELEVEtTH and VINE streets. HAVANA CIGARS—NEW LOTS.— Comprislus Figaro, Houradez, Cabargesi El Sol, and oilier Choice brands, assorted sizes. boW prtees; from $65 upwards. Suitable for retail at @ cents, ill Ctiits, and 12 cents. FUVIIET & SONS, Importers, ni-12P 3/0 douth btrect, SUMMER RESORTS RURAL HOTEL, FRANKLIN. YENANGO COUNTY, PA JAMES E. STEEL, Proprietor. NEAR THE OCEAN, AT ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., IS 'NOW OPEN. ADDRESS 3y l- 5 s6t SEA BATHING—CAPE MAY, CAPE ISLAND, N. J.—THE NATIONAL HOTEL.— This large and commodious Hotel, known as the Nations Hall. is now r,celving visitors. Priue per week, $l6; Children and servants half-price. Jc3o-2in AARON GlatTtlifflkONT, Proprietor. T HE COLUMBIA HOUSE, CAPE MAY, NEW JERSEY, Will be opened this season on the FIFTEDN'TiI DAY OP JUNE.. for the reception of guests. This leading house will, for the coming season, fully sustain its well-established reputation. Greatly encouraged by the business of last year, the proprietor feels satisfied that a - Hotel, conducted clearly first-class, must continue a success at this old and popular resort. The railroad facilities are promised to be excel lent. Reek's celebrated Philadelphia Band has been Se cured for the COLUMBIA. the condug season. For rooms. &e.. apply' to J. H.. DENNISON, Mer chants, Hotel, Philadelphia, or to GEORGE J. BOLTON, Proprietor, myl9-2m CAPE ISLAND, N. J. THE ASHLAND HOUSE, -I- FOURTH AVENUE AND TWENTY-FOURTH STREET, NEW .YORK CITY, - Recently enlarged and improved, is now open for transient as well as permanent borders. The house is situated on one of the pleasantest avenues, and accessible to all places of amusement and busi ness by cars and stages: Guests will find all the conveniences and comforts of a superior establish ment, with an excellent table. Transient board, $3 per day. Wit 11. SELKIRK, Proprietor. N. B.—Families who desire rooms for the summer will make early application. To desirable parties advantageous terms will be offered. jel2-3St CONGRESS HALL, LONG BRANCH, N. J., is now open for the season. Address je2B-6t WOOLMAN STOKES, Proprietor METROPOLITAN, PORMERLY CITY HOTEL, HUGHES STREET CAPE ISLAND, NEW J)IISEY. BLAIR BAYLEY, Proprietors. A. FURE. BLAIR. SAN'T. 11. BAYLEY Terms, VS per week. je23-12t THE ALHAMBRA AT ATLANTIC CITY, Is now open for the reception of visitors. Je26-Im s ft. B. LEEDS, rropriotor LIGHT -HOUSE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., NEAREST HOUSE TO THE SURF. This well-known house Is now open for the recep tion of boarders. JONAH WOOTTON, Je24-]m Proprietor. CONGRESS HALL, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J _ WILL OPEN JIINIs 24, 1 . 84. The subscriber would respectfully inform his friends andlliepublic hi general, that he has again taken Congress Ball, this being the fourth season. Many Improvements have beenmade; Alto, new Bath Houses have been erected, and the bathing cannot be surpassed at any sea-shore. And It is the determination of the proprietor to use every effort to make Congress Hail a home of comfort to bis guests. A Band is engaged. Terms moderate. Jets-im G. W. HINKLE. MOUNTAIN HOUSE, PRINCETON, • MASS.—This favorite resort, situated In one of the most delightful and accessible parts of New England, IS now OPEN for BOARDERS and TRAN SIENT VISITORS. Send for circular. - _ _ UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Will open for the reception of/nests. on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28. Dodworth's celebrated Baud has been engaged for the season. Persons vislling to engage rooms, or desiring further information, will address BROWN &WOELPPER, Propriet ors, _ATLANTlC CITY. SEA -BATHING. SURF HOUSE ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Tills old, established, and favorite house is now open. It is nearest to the beach, securing cool breezes at all times. Its unrivalled 'Bathing facili ties, its complete furniture and appointment. and its unexceptionable table, render thsa house a favo rite place for a summer sojourn at the sea-side. Passengers from the city are set down at the door, and communication with the inlets is had at all times by rail. A fine baud of music has been engaged for the season. Parties wishing to secure Board will address the proprietor, at Surf House. Atlantic City. Terms moderate. H. S. BENSON, lea-act Proprietor. CARLISLE WHITE SULPHER SPRING S. —T his fashionable and delightful Summer Resort is now open for visitors. For terms' apply to N. W. WOODS, Proprietor CARLISLE, smasus, la. UNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, New Jersey, is now open for the reception of visitors. Trains leave on Saturday af ternoon, at four o'clock, from Vine-street wharf— returning Monday morning early. — June 10, 18th. jelo-2m. BENJ. A. SHOEMARIBIt, Proprietor. KITTATINNY HOUSE, DELAWARE WATER GM'. This favorite Mountain Resort is now open to visitors. Trains leave Philadelphia, from Kensington De pot, at 7.10 A. M. and 3.30 P. 31., and arrive at the Gap at 1 P. 31. and 8.45 P. M. Beferences—Morton McMichael, Franklin Peale, Loris A. Goder, IL B. Benner*, S. R. Martin, Charles Hacker, C. Sherman. Terms, $l4 per week. jeB-1m L. W. BRODHE AD. Proprietor. • MOUNTAIN HOUSE, CRESSON SPRING'S. This delightful and romantic watering place, situ ated on the summit of the Allegheny Mountains at Cresson Station on the Pennsylvania. Railroad WILL RE OPENED FOR TILE RECEPTION' OP GUESTS on MONDAY, June 12th, 1865. Several new Cottages have been erected, the Grounds have been beautified and improved, and Cresson Is now one of the most beautiful bill-homes in the - United states. Excursion Tickets, good un til October lot, are issued by the Pennsylvania Rail road Company. For further information. address GEO. N. MULLIN, Proprietor. CRESSON SPRINGS, je7-1m Cambria county, Pa. PHR AT A MT. SPRINGS.-THIS dclightintand romantic watering place, beauti fully situated in the healthiest section of Lancaster county, and acknowledged to be the "garden spot" of Pennsylvania, will open for the accommodation of guests on the 15th of .Tune. Railroad communi cation twice a day from Philadelphia, on - the Penn sylvania or Reading Railroad, and daily front Balti more and New York. - - For particulars address the Proprietor, jl-2eni J. W. FIItIDERICK B WATCHES, MIJSIC.AL BOXES, FRENCH TIME-PIECES, N. IiULON'S, Wlttclits, Clocks, and Jewelry carefully repaired. je3o-Ot MATRUCE H. MATSINGEII. CHAS. A. MATSINGER MATSINGER BROTHERS, 1865. ADAM MATSINGER, .F.ME-PROOF DOORS, IRON SHUTTERS, AND SMITH-WORK IN GENERAL. Also, Flag-Staff Brackets, Furnaces, Cooking- Ranges, Gas Ovens, Bath Boilers; Registers, and Ventilators, and Sheet-Iron Works of every de scription. No. 1225 RACE STREET, je22-12t PHILADELPHIA. CARD. FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES I will sell the balance of my large stock of • FURNITURE, At very low prices, until SEPTEMBER JAL The assortment Is complete. GEO. J. HENKELS, seal-2m 809 and 811 CHESTNUT Street. ICE CREAM. PURE DELAWARE COUNTY ICE CREAM, made in the eOuntry, and fresh every morning—the very best that is made. Saloons, Excursions, Plc- Nies, Festivals, Hotels, Restaurants, and Private Families; furnished with promptness in quanttles to suit, on reasonable terms. EASTERN' MARKET ICE-CREAM STAND-. peA-int FL.A.GSI WHOI O ES4LN,I. AND RETAIL NV_ HORSTMANN & SONS, FIFTH AND CHERRY STREETS. e2B-6t E D. F. NORGAN I ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COLIoECTING AGENT, • NI:MMUS, TENN. The Civil Courts of this Distrtet are now in prac tical operation. littriOlf praotltued at the Memphis bar for tea (10) rears, my acquaintance with the business ootaniun fty• greatly facilitates In the speedy collection of Claims.. - .Iyl-lint E. D. F. MORGrAN. TUE DOCTOR—THIS WONDERFUL, 1 PURE TONIC CORDIAL STIMULANT, so. well known Europe, and highly recommendeti by Physicians as superior to every kind of "Bitters,li tor Bowel Complaints, Spasms, Faintness, Loss of Appetite, tke. Is now on sale in quart and plat MA es, and small Sat patent bottles for tbrisibseket. An travellers - 111111 sea-side visitors, especially La dles, should The accompanied by the genuine "DOC TOIL' ' Sole proprietor, JAMES JUNES, 130 South TRIED street, nest the Girard Bank s jy4-tutlliat' WILLIAM WHITEHOUSE, BALLARD AT LOW PRICES, 1028 CHESTNUT Street WANTS WANTED -THREE UNFURNISHED good Booms, with BOABD, in private fa mily, or where there are hut few hoariers. Loca- Von preferred west of Broad street. Address Ilex 70, Post-office. jyl-30 WANTED -BY AN EXPERIENCED Man, a SITUATION as Book-keeper, Aceount.! ant, Salesman, or In any slnelar Capacity. No ob jection to go to the country , . Apply- at No. 123 South FIFTH Street. jy4-It* WANTED, BY A LARGE AND OLD establlNlled Dry-goods Muse. two good tildes men, eontron I! ing a large trade the 'one from Penn sylvania, the other front the Western States. With such liberal arrangements will be made. Addle ?s "C. B. A.." YrFaa °thee. ,Iy3-Bt` WANTED—IN A JOBBING AND 13/- porting Clothiers' and Tailors' Trimming house, a first-ehois SALESMAN. Also, an intelli gent LAD, to learn the basinesa. Address, with real name and reference, Box MO Philadelphia C.O. .3yl-30. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By Dr. .1. G. Hol land. No comment is necessary: the authors repu tation as a writer is fully established. E3Terlenced canvassers know why it sells. Address, Inc terms. NORRIS BARNARD, Elk View, je3o-12t. Chester county. Penna. A GENTS WANTED FOR "TIRE SECRET SERVICE, THE FIELD, THE DUN GEON, AND TUE ESCAPE." BY ALBERT D. RICHARDSON, New York Tebbunetl.rrebponilout. The most Interesting and. exciting 'rook ever 11111)- tithed, embracing Mr. Richardson's unparalleled experience for four years; travelling through the South In the secret service of the Tribune, at the outbreak of the war, without. arnaleB and fleets, both East and West, during the first two year; of the re bellion: his thrilling capture; his confinement for twenty months in seven different rebel prisons; his escape, and almost intracutous journey by night of nearly 400 miles. It will abound in fit - tiring emits, and contain more of tile filet, infidelit, and Tommie? of tile war than nny other work yet published. Teacher& ladles, energeticyoung men, and espe cially returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will Lind it pecu liarly adapted to their condition. We have agents clenringslso per month. which we will prove to•any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address JONES, BRos., & co.. N. E. corner SIXTH and MINOR Streets. Philadelphia. Penns. jets-lin $lO,OOO, - IE7 4 4 1 N I g i t?ro e OOO TO E. OIatPENT ER & SON, 242 South THIRD Street. $7O A MONTIL-1. WANT AGENTS everywhere nt $7O a month, expenses paid, to sell FIFTEEN ARTICLES, the best sellingl, ever offered. Full particulars free. Address OTIS T. GAREY, Biddeford, Maine. mylo-d&W3m A MONTH.—AGENTS WANT- S.A. -1 .- 95 ED everywhere to introduce the Improved SHAW C CLARK TWENTY-DOLLAR FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, the only low-price machine In the country which Is licensed by Grover Sc Issker Wheeler 4: Wilson, Howe Singer & Co., and Bachelder. All other machines now sold for less than forty dollars each arc infringements, luta the seller and user are liable iodine and thnprisonnient. Salary and expenses, or large commission, allowed. Illustrated circular's sent tree. Address SHAW & CLARE, Biddeford, Maine. mylo-d&W3m FOR SALE AND TO LET. R SALE- THE STOCK AND F Goodwill of a Wholesitie isocrr and MOP. House, No. t South FOURTII Street. In consequence of the death of the late proprietor the Stock and Goodwill is offered for sale. This is it good opportunity for any one wishing to go into the Moot and SW/13 trade. The business has been carried on very successfully for the last thirty years at this stand, having a line of very good trade. For particulars, apply on the premises. THOS. WILLIAMS. 4n., jy4-tutus St* Executor to Sanuiel TO RENT.—THE 2D, 3n, AND 4nt stories (or either of them) of the store No. 509 COMMERCE Street. Rooms 200 feet deep, with side light. Enquire on the premises. jri-tuthsat* RENT $450-DESIRABLE DWELL NG, N. ELEVENTH St.; 10 rooms, gas, bath, &c. Apply at Office 4, No 528 WALNUT St. It eFOR SALE.—TIIE SUBSTANTIAL RESIDENCE, No. 1503 SPRUCE Street. with large three-story double back Inaldlugs, MOM- com plete order. Lot T 2 by Ji/-3t* se FOR SALE-WITH IMMEDIATE possession: Dwelling, 1002 Mount 'Vernon street. Dmelllngs, 1004 and 1900 Mount Vernon street. 11Rt 2044 Mount Vernon street. Dwelling, 1501 Green street. Dwellings, 2213 and 2225 Spring Garden street. Dwelling, 1803 Wood street. Dwelling, Mount Vernon street.east of Sixteenth. 14. F. GLENN. 123 South FOCTIMI St.. jyl or S. W. Con SEVENTEEN Tli and GREEN. aFOR SALE-SHADY SIDE A beautiful country residence, with fifty four acres, twenty-four miles north of Philadelphia. The land is in a high state of cultivatiumhandsomoly located on the Bethlehem turnpike, within half a mile of Line-Lexington Station (North Pennsylva nia Railroad.) The improvements consist of a large Brick House, with shade, SibrubhcrY, ehoico fruit, and ornamental trees; a lar g e barn,carrlitge houses, ar sheds, Ste. For particuls,inquire of .T. or F. MATTIS. jyl-61, 5 No. S South WATER Street, Philada. al FOR SALE-AN ELEGANT RESI mLITENCE. on West GREEN Street, with side yard, 11111811 m with nu the modernconvld.lLCCS. Apply to h;AhtliF.T. L. CI.EItE e ENT, Jc3o-tit" 226 S. THIRD Street. c ARCH-STREET RESIDENCES-- FOR SALE—Several first-class HOUSES, south side of ARCH Street, west of Nineteenth, embrac ing all the modern improvements. Apply at 1.1329 ARCH Street. ,teal-Im. COPARTNERSHIPS. PHILADELPHIA, JULY 1, 1865.- Mr. E. ffi. BROOMALL becomes a PARTNER IN OUR HOUSE, On and after this date. 3y -It" S. T. AUGE tts CO. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- The Copartnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned, under the name and style of POLLOCK & CASSELBERRY is THIS 11.A.17 dissolved by inntnal consent. The business of the late than will be settled by JOHN POLLOCK. JOHN roLLocK. J. R. CASSELBERRY. The undersigned will continue the Commissionand Jobbing Dry Door's Business, at the old stand, No. 28 South SECOND Street. J. W. POLLOOK. PHILADELPHIA, June 30, gnu. j)'l-3t NOTICE.-THE INTEREST OF MR. JOHN CALDWELL and Mr. DAVID W. DENISON, in our house. ceases from this date. Mr. JAMES W. AUGHELTHEE has an Interest to our business front July 14,. 1805. U START 45 BROTHER. rIITLADELPHIA, Julie H 1805. j}l-lit THE FIRM OF RITTER, CLAGHORN, & CO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either of the partners are authorized to sign the name of the Sinn in liquidation. AMARA:NI RITTER, J. RAY C MAWR N. JUNE 20th, 11365. J. R. 'RITTER. jyl-3t. COPARTNERSHIP. - THE UNDER SIGNED have THIS DAY formed a Copartner ship under the firm and name of DE towtsrx, BRYAN, & CO. for the tranaetion of Whotesato ihodoegg In mitlemen's Fontifddog 1.400d5. GERALD DE COIDOEY, (Late of De COllVsee, Lafoureatie, & Co.) JAMES L. BRYAN. (Late with Thomas N. !Yale & Cu.) SAMUEL W. DECQURSEY. Jr. PHILA., Snip 1, Thai. jy.l-12t UT MoKNIGHT HAS ASSOCIATED r • With hiIIISCUVAS. S. BRYAN and JAS. A. DICKN/GHT, for the eontinuance of the Wholesale BOOT and SHOE. business, at gel MARKET at., under the name and style of W. MeIiINIGHT . CO. July 1. 186.5. j?1-2t MR. H. C. }IILMERS AND MR. JAS. 13. YOUNG have this day been admitted as partners in our house.: We wilt continue the RANKING and - FOREIGN EXCHANGE 1 / 1 15.111C*S under the saute name and style as heretofore. M. SCIRHAZ & CO. 16 South IR D Street. PnitnitEtoniA. July 1. h3as. jyl-3t. lIISSOLUTION.THE: COPARTNER SHIP heretofore existing under the Brut name orMICHENER & YOUNGIsTRISDArdIssoIved thy mutual consent. either party signing In liquidation. They map be found at No. 108 &Path FOtTliTti Street, Room No. 1, up stairs. AMOS J. MICIIENER, ALFRED F. YOU.NG. JULY I. 1865. iyl-4t COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. - THE property heretofore owned, and the business heretofore conducted by the. ilrm COnipobed of WM. ii. STERR and WM. C. CHAMPION, under the firm of STERR & CHAMPION, haV been purchased hyRICIIARD 11. CHAMPION. to whom all persons indebted to the late lirni of *tare s • ellall‘plUn will 11141 lie payment, and all persons having chills against Said late thin will present their bills for set tlement. The business of the late iirm will he car ried ou by him at the old stand. No. 11216 Race St. W. H. STEIIH. W. C. CHAMPION. R. R. CHAMPION hereby tenders his thanks to the public fur the patronage extended to the late te and hopes. by a strict attention to busines,to still continue to merit the same. 10. ems:m.l , lox. Jun - r. to, MS. GOLD'S PATENT IMPROVED STEA.III WATER-HEATING APPARATUS FOR WARDEING AND VENTILATING.PITBLIC BUILDINGS AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES, DIANUFOTURED BY THE UNION STEAM AND, WATER-HEAT. ING COMPANY ' OF PENNSYLVANIA. JAMES P. WOOD & CO., 41 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. B. M. FELTWELL, jal2-61n SUPERINTENDENT ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., N. E. Corner of FOURTH and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. Importers and Dealers in Foreign, and Domestic WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. WIIITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY; &C. AGENTS FOE TL CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and Consumers supplied at 'VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. tjy4-3m WII . T ne E w V F I re R n GI i la o aX e f O or F b A ea N tu ifying ants preset sing the complexion. It is the most wonder ill compound of the age. There is neither chalk, Powder. magnesia, bismuth, nor tale in its comm. sltlon, it bein vouipo9ed entirely of pure Virgin g 'Wax: hence the extraordinary qualities for , Pre ; ~erviag the skin, making it soft, smooth, fair, transarent. Ululates the old appear yoniqi% homely handsome, the handsome more beautllll., and the most beautiful divine. Prices. 30 An , cents. Prepared only by HUNT a CO., Pert:Mors, 41 South EIGHTH Slreettwo doors aboye•Chesi nut, and , 133 South SE I VENTII Street, aihoti Walnut; - apanan CAINE' FURNITURE, DAMPION, 261. 5017111 SECOND, STRIDTP, are Prepared to follow the decline in the market in ...It Price tif ttitilrFu vulture. Purchasers will please cxllxntl exitutlne our stock. CARPET CHAINS, YARNS, AND. W10:5.,-Large ~in c voi ❑ ce a s Just received and for sole to tlealers, at lowest market rates. 'ROWF,_EUSTO,N. & CO., 3e23.-tr and 159 NorthTIMID Street. THE CHEAPEST FRUIT JARS IN the 31arket—Quart Capsule Jars at Vper doz., milrlete. BARTELL & LETCHWORH - , No. 15 North FIFTH St. and No. Sam MINOR St. J023-IE4 DEAF MADE TO 'DRAM—INSTRU MENTS to as.lst the HEARING} at DIADEIR btreet, below Oteetaut, AUCTION gAL HERKNESS' BAZAAR, NINTH AND sionomit writETs. Limn. DRIVING STOCK AT AUCTION, Oti WV.DNESDAY MORNING. next, at 10 o'clock, et the Bazaar will be sold voirry ironsF,P, including several tine drivers. WAbIONS, mostly of Watsoo's mike, NOne new, and - all hi Food Order. 'Four extension-to] carriages, one (lc rintintown, by lingers: Express tangle and dourdo liarne , .. Whips. Saddles- Mines, &e., beingtiM entire ligiit-drlVlng block of a large stable, Tila whole to be sold without reserve. ;13.1-3t ALFItEI) ill, IIEittiNESS, Auctioneer. N OTICE. -GOVERNMENT AUCTION SALES on SATURDAY, Inly ath MD, at 10 o id oe k A. M., and on every Sainrday , fallowing until further notice, will be bold nt MN:DICAI 9 PURVEYOR'S .DEPM. S. E.corn..r nitnAD - an j (MERRY Streets, Philadelpha, Pa.. the following articles of United States Afedival and Hospital Property. which MDT been in use and anc ay langur needeil by the Department, COtlgigt lug of Iron Bedsteads, lOaldrosa, Dfattresses. Oinir-straw, ) ' ) I S/oves; Shorts. (linen & cotton,) Chairs. PillOW Cases,' Househotd, Kitchen Fur- Blankets, otture Counterpanes, Willow, ' Wooden, Crock. DrllNVerh, cry, and Tables, Tin Ware of al/ dcscrlp. Shirts. Dons Washstands, Numerous articles of v, be sold. No bifected article. sold lue to lious n okeerers wilt AIcDOUGALL,, , U,y, 4, Atcd, Putvevor. CIIA j5 , 1-7t , Bgrg, &wt. Go) MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH-STREET THEATRE. LAST WEEK OF THE REGULAR SEASON. - LAST WEEK OF FRANK DREW. THE HLORMITS FOURTH OF JULY: TO-NIGHT (TUEbDAY). 4, "TILE BURLESQUE EAST LYNNE." THE 1 LAWYEREOX i ra .. ," and I AS A 010:UnItER. 9 # FRANK DREW IN THREE OHARA:ABM, With Sonia and mucus, TO - -MORROW (WEDNESDAY). July 5, MG NINTH NIGHT OF FRANK DREW. THREE GLORIOUS PIECES, g f "BURLESQUE EAST LYNNB.•• THE I,IOSII DRAGOON, and 'I'OVPIND THE QUESTION." , FRANK mum IN THREE OHARAUTERS. FRIDAY—BENEFIT OF FRANK DREW, MOND AY-111.SS ETTIE HENDERSON. NEW CHESTNUT-STREET MBA. . 1 .• TUE. — COTTON & MURPHY'S MINSTRELS SEVENTEEN STAR riotroRMERS. TIEN COTTON, the Inhnitithle Comedian. JOE MURPHY. the Champion Bone Moyer. New Swigs, new Jokes. new llnelesquee, new Acts, EVERY EVENING, IMMENSE SUCCESS EVERYWHERE. Entertainments select, orhtlnal, and relined. Don't, fall to eee the C/1711/11)1011 Troupe of America• Jy4-4t pIIILADELPHIA NATATORIUM AND PHYSICAL INSTITITTF, t. BROAD §I'REF:T. BRLOW ALNBT. THE NATATORIUM AM) THE 4771 JULY. The Bathing and Swimming department on the Fourth will he open for gentlemen from II A. M. to OP. M. only. No Lessons will be given, nor wilt the Lefties SWIIII on that day. Je29-5t ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHEST -11- NUT 'street, above Tentlt—Opett from 0 A. M. till ft P. 111, Hmijitiolii West's great picture or CHRIST REaLCTEIt Mill oo jag THERE WILL BE A MATCH-GAME of BASE-RALL between the STAR CLUB, or Brooklyn, awl the OLYMPIC, on the grounds of the latter (Twenty-fifth (Twenty-fifth and elferson,) 'MIS AFTER OON, at 2,% o'clock. Admission free. It* EDUCATIONAL. VOTING MEN PREPARED FOR TIIZ Countli tg Horse nn4 thtqliiess llfl nt _ _ CRll.llo.iillEN'S COMMERCIAL coLLEGE, No. 637 CHESTNIIT Street, corner of Seventh. Instruction in Book-keeping, Penmanship, Calcu lations, &e. Telegraphing, on both sound and pa per Instruments. l's'n vacations. Students instruct ed separately and at such times us may best snit their enliven len ee. jy4-3t*' BOARDING. BOARD WANTED IN THE COUNTRY for It Ltd}, three ebiblree, ocroult. Act dress "11, A. C„" ttt tills ofilqw. it* BOARD. -PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH Board, neighborhood ARM r and SIXTENINTIi Streets. Address "C.," at.thls Office. jyl-36* TRANSIENT AND PERMANENT BOARDERS accommodated at 228 soak BROAD Street. je23-100` REMOVALS. -11-wEMOVAL.—CLUNET ,C 7 CLAGLIORN have removed to Store Nos. go oult .24. south. WHARVES, above Chestnut Street, where they will have on hand constantly a supply of FISH. CHEESE, and PROVISIONS. jy4-3t* P EMOVAL.-GEO. • W. WATSON & CO. have removed their CARRIAOV, REPOSI— TORY to their old plate, No. 1219 CHESTNUT Street (under Concert 'Milk) where they will keep ea stoek of Carriages of their own make, nod will re— COW orders for every description of first-clasn work. JUNE 7, 1866, 10.7-3 m EXCURSIONS. HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY'S ANNUAL EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITY. i• THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1685. A Band will accompany the Escetirsien. Dinner provided at the Mansion House: Tickets, st.so: children half prim.. For sale at C. W. A. Templer's, S. E' corner Seventh and Chest nut: R. T. White. 217 Market: A. W. Rand, MI North Sixth: W. N. - Freeland, 212 Market: J. INS. Maree. Manayunk: T. Itwwiey, corner Broad and Spring Garden; J. H. Palley,. 5, W. corner Tenth and Green, or by any member of the Board of 1)1- rectors. jy3-2t BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAM ROAD, agi.— gE TWO THROUGH NORTHERN CONNECTIONS DAILY, - LEAVE P. AND T. R. R. KENSINGTON DEPOT AT 1.30 A. Id: AND 3.30 P. Connecting directly through to EASTON, SCRANTON. WATER GAP, GREAT BEND, WILKESBARRE, - BUFFALO, AND TUE • GREAT. LAKES. Through Tickets sold and Baggage Checked' through to all principal points North and West. -- jeo-Ln W. li. GATZMER, Agent: PHILADELPHIA - AND REA Ol 1 0 ,11,11 - O A- 13 EXCURSION TICKETS, 0001) FROM 3D TO STIt JULY, INCLUSIVE. FROM LADEL PULA. To Norristown & Intek.7s;To Pottsville & back tit4.Bl To PluenlNNllle 'rant:ulna ".,.. To Pottstown ".. Lebanon ".... 4.0 uenattig 2.701T0 Harrisburg ".5.00 And between all other Stat lo its, at a reduction of one-third fr the regular rates. fyl-dt JOILN WELCH. Oeneral Ticket Agent. - NORTH PENNSYL VANIA ItAILBOAD. 4 , rit OF JULY EXCUItSIO:i - i.—EXCUBSION ETS front Philadelphia to Bethlehem, Easton Al ientown-, and Mauch Chunk good trout Ist July to sth July, Inclusive, will be Issued from the ticket offices of this Company, at Villltll Street and MOCKS Street, at reduced rate.; also tu Wilkes harm, good for tell days. I:xeursions will afford a tune opportitult for partied wtsliiiig to stead the holidays among wine of the moat lnlePcattllg, ngreuialle; and LAG titresq.ue scenery the country. Nolixeurdlon Tickets sold on the Alta. . . . Trains !cave Third Ikea 'Montle:ea streets et 7.3) A. M. 1301'. 11., und 5,16 P. M. .Iyl-8t ELLIS CLARK. .Agent. P HILADELPHIA AND READING ItAlLßOAD,—Exeurslon Tiekets, at 1?,..1.8,5eaeh to EPHRATA:m.I LLTIZ and back, good from Jll Isl to Bth. 1885. Padsunger Depot, TiIIItTEENT and CALLONVIIILL. JOHN WELCH', je27-8t (;eneral Tkket Agent. jki•E , EXCURSIONS TO • Lasa nuANAIL_TrAlits f o r Long Brandi will ;care cooper., voila. CAMDEN, daily (Sand:lt's excepted.) at 0,14 A, M. Fare, Bzieur,lon Vekets, goml for ihrve EOrt. train on Saturdays at 4.30 P. M. Beturning, ;DINO. at Camden at 0.10 A. M. Monday, je2o-2in L. B. COLE, Agent. Camden. WEST CHESTER 1. 4 , X 1 ';' ,1 1 9 11=÷ AlcD PHIL AH E lA. RAILROAD.—YOURTII OF JULNIEXCURSION. EXCURSION TICHETS will be sold to WEST CHESTER. good from July ;hi to 3th Inclusive. Faro forth) Ittceursion, $1.36. lieliets good of Tcalua. EXCURSION TICKETS to the SOFA/IMO` FM , . Trvm, AND Ple-NIU 01l UIIADDS* FORD HAT TJ -GROUND ou July 4th. will he sold, good on that day only. Fare for the Excursion. $l.lO. Traltai will leave Philadelphia at 7.35 A. AL and 10.30 A. M. for the 11 round. . . ltelartlitig , , will lettve Chad(la' Fatal al 4.37 P. 31 and7l'. M. HENRY WOOll. j, 30-4 t 41(qwral Sanarlatolidi.nt. a wa i t NEW TOW-BOAT LINE , —D ELAWARE AND Vitr. 4 ,34111 , ..kiii 2 . wrEAN TOW-ItoAT PANY.—itat.gin4 townt to and .than riffludniphia, PP do limbo, Balt'. more. Washington, and littorniediato nolittS, P. CLYDE & CO., Agents, No. 14 SOU= WHARVES Philadolohla, Cant. JOHN LAUOI . I. Snperentendon t. ,lell-tdel. rat ,g=eq , NEW EXPRESS LINE, TO ALEXANDItI A, GEORGETOWN.. AND WASIIINUTON, Mitt Chesapeake and Dela ware canal. Steamers leave first Wharf above MARKET Street every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 12 M. For Freight apply to Agents, WM. P. CLYDE .t CO.„44Nortb and South Wbarvv , s, Pbliedelphiez J. 11. DAYII/6.1M Georgetoivit, D. C.: PLOW:. EMS t BOW E\, Alexandlthl, 1n111441111 gn ,„,4l=p , NOTICE.—FOR NEW YORK.—The PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YOBK EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPA NY; via I /ela ware anti Raritan .Canal. Steamers leave DAILY, Drat wharf below MAR KET Street. at 2 o'clock I'. M. WM. P. CLYDE a 120.._14 S. WHARVES, Phila. M H JAES AND, In WALL !Street, New York. mlll5-9m ?M ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANNt Not only UNEXCELLED, but UNEQUAL LED Lit purity of Tone and rower, designed especially for Churches and Schools, but found to be equally welt adapted to the Parlor and Drawing-Room. For sale only by E. At. BRUCE, No. 13 North SEVF.NTIT Street. Also, a complete assortment of the Perfect Me— lcdon constantly on hand. fell-ens gbWRITTEN AND VERBAL DR- BurtirTioNs of chantril OonstitlitiOlh and Talent, with AM IC on Busingaap . Health, Education, Self-ininrovemerttLatan. agonont and Training of CHILDREH,SO- dal Adaptation, &c•, day uji6l i f i vellnitß EN. Phrenologist and Booksellers No. 25 S. TENTH : Street, above 011eatn!tt. oell-tuthslyir 4----tiIOMBON'S LONDON. KIT.CIL ENER, OR EUROPEAN RAMIE for hard- Iles, hotels,or pi I ddle Institutions, n TWEN TY DIFFERENT SIZES. Also, Phllidol -I)lllSTangos, llot,illr Pornases, Portable waters. Lew own toques. 101robotIrll SU:INT!), Bath Botlors t , lilewhele Plates. Broilers, Cooking Stoves, eta, I wholesale and rotsll,, by tini niantilacturers. filimsh, SHARP, & mtuntsoN, ap2s-tutlis6ln No. 200 North SECOND Street: c=s PHILADELPHIA SURGEON'S BANDAGE INSTFICIT'VE. No. 14 North. N INTI I Street, itbove 'Ma rkvt.—E. C. EVERETT. atter thirty years' practical experience. gliacttittees the adjustment of IBA Premium Patent Gradtattlilit: Pressure Tllll4B. Supporter..., Elttatta Stockings. Slibititter Braces. Crotches, &c. /duties% itpartmenis con.bictc.l by a 'Lady. apl2dy MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON IIIAMONDS. WATCHES. 4 JEWELRY PLATE CLOTHING, &C., at :lON Es CG'S OLD ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, Cor. THIRD and GASKILL Sta., below Lombard. mr22-.4m C 1 EVAN'S & WATSON'S SALAMANDER HAEZ STORE r :-' •/0 MOUTO FouitTit STEF.E'r 1.)111,A1110 , PITIA, PA, ' • - A huge Tattoo. of yauslm,9 4 4 pArps at Wart OA 4401 . - . • .