The Eiden. IV B. Ridder,Wllkosbarre John Wilson, Maryland j T Dunn, BrooklynlJ A Yates, p Maine II Jones, Now York l'W N Orono & ea', Brklyn Et Potter tG Bridges, Sotppensburg rapt ola Day lc w, NJ , F a Harr, Conn Pr LS Xmas% Ts , N Mrs Elder, Franklin oo A D Lidding. Pittsburg J P Wetisoe & wt. Penne B F Steno, Esston A S Seett, Indiana, Pa J L Mite/tell, BroAlln S I) Williams. Bloody ft .1) Bony, Pittarnrg T annStrong, Now York ,Loats algrado, Poona The Black ykokr. IS P Dinkel, Panville H F Adam), Washington a B NosgoDoolst, Poona 3 a , (Jerson, %Vogt:L . (l4ton a. m wailbt4sor, Penns S(3 Reed, 01,odvitie j a Id rild° APIPLIJIAL NO' 1CA.4% GRAND ILLITMINATION ! ! .—S OSNISAL INVITATIONverybodY MAT Pm' chase the beet Clothing, ants get it at the leeee4 Prices, lit OAR HALL OBISRALIAT iTATION —O/.SBALL will cilibrate. the GLORIOUS Beck'sUy a Grand Illumination in OA evening, :and Philadelphia Band will add to the plea..uro of the OcCO3l with their spien. did Urania. Oar costomers end the Public gene. tally are day, A no w I , oBld. Prepared for this treat holiday, will be distrlbutzd graham/sly. The jollowing progrosa ws has heen arranged: PAOGRAMMIL 1. Grand National Media - Y. a, Belections Loin Martha" s. Waltz, "Tbe Dream on the Ocean"... .. .. 4 . T r io, "song Without . Words"... Hater. d March. • CON tenatle r n " Hamm. 5, "The rIdPDASTS' dope. I , 9. "The Shadow Dance," from "Dine r/I. ".. . ... . .... . ... 5, Gallop. "The Flora " 9. Grand March from Faust amino& M. Trio, from Attilla— .......... .... Verdi. The Corn Stob ante "..... Alido 12. Waltz, ")l Bacot° " te. Medley of American Songs. PoPul. ett CLOTHING HOUSE. WAIIAMAKER & Paow pr, OAK ITALIA S. B. Our. S'XTII and HAUNT Streets. ,gam Handisono Lanterns for the Iliumination will be given away iralLtionsly to our costomera and friends, who tell at OAS. II AIL this morning. 80HETFILKO COOL FOE THE HOT VEATHEE. goanotilne Cool for the Rot Weather. gem et hjidi Cool for the Hot Woetiter. Soltethitl; Goo/ for the get Weather. Linen Sacks. Linen Pants Linen Vests. linen Sacks. Linen Pants. Lit en Veets. :Veen Sacks. Linen Pante. Linea Vents. Linen Basks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Dugouts. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dottert. Linen Duelers. Uncut Dusters. Linen Dusters. Alpaca Bache, Alpaca Sacks. dinees Sacks. Alpaca Cadre. Just the thing to Keep Cool in. Just the thing to Keep Cool tn. - Just the thing to Keep Cool in. Jag the thing to Keen Cool in. ' Jae% a spleraid Assortment of Seasonable Clothing, of every "...defy. for ado by PERRY Si Jo. 303 CHESTNUT Street, above Third. No. 609 CIItEsTSUT St. (Granville Stokes' old stand.) S. S. of SEvENTH and MAkLST Ste. (Jones.) TII3 EXQUISITE "EMAIL DE PARIS." —ln the general exodus from town to the country and nes shore. ladles should add to their toilette case "Is' Jahn de Perle," ' which willogestually prevent fresh. leg, tan, and the diseolorations caused by the salt air, beeping the skin clear. soft and white. Officers end soldiers whose races have been bronzed be long-cow tinned exposure Will End " Email de Paris" wilt re 'Ole the skin to more than ite original parity and whiteness. " Entail do Paris" is especially indorsed Miss LnelUa Western, ld'ils Vestvali, Mrs. D. P. Sowers. and other celebrated actresses, whose position venders their judgment unerring and valuable. Sold 14" all Drupelets, kertrunera, and Hairdressere. Or. ders by mall ebould be addressed to JARED ag Balm Philadelphia, who, upon application, will send siren /we to any address. feltqrows-tf DIABBRCEA. AND DYSENTSIM—A, sure moody for the worst coned sonde or ebrorde Diarrhool sod Dysentery is Dr. Strickland's Anti-Cholera Mix tare—thousands have been cured by tt—our sloven. mont =exit In aft hospitals Ic has mired many of our monitors after all other means fMted: in fact we have enorgh proof of the efficacy of this valuable preparation of astringenta. absorbento, stimulants, and carmina tives, to advise evory one of onr readers to get a bottle 2nd kayo Ain ...alums. and to those who suffer try it directly. gold by enirYWligry Ask for Dr kitrickland's Anti-Cholera Mixture. iy2-mwt-3el AN INCItICASIEG DEMAIsID.—NO ARTICLE kw a ref won more onoral and lasting favor than PLANTATION BITTERS. The demand for them from ladies, clergymen, mer chants, gut ,le incredible. The simple trial of a bottle is the evidence we pre. gent of their *worth and auperlority. Tor Dyspepsia and Low- Spirits. Bad -Breath, Pain in the Side, Back. and Stomach. Distress after Bating, Headache. Heartburn, die.. we confidently recommend the FLOTATION BITTERS. They are the tonic ever taken. No change of diet la required while wing them. Bat aN the good, healthy food your stomach craves The good effects of PLAN rATION BITTERS are seen lIPOII making the Mat trial. A very fow bottles often /ewe the Worst dyspeptic sound and hearty FROM HEAD TO FOOT. FERRY'S MOTE AND FRECKLE LOTION.— enigmas, or motheatett (also called Lirenpot), and Igeoge, or Freckles, are often eery armoring, partiere. Wig to ladies of light WMI)IO3EI9/4 - I.)r the discolored iseots allow more plainly on the face a a blonde than of brunette; but they greatly mar the beauty of either, and any preparation that will effeetnaily remove them, without injuring (be texture or color of the Is certainly a desideratum. Dr. IL O. PERRY, who has 3nade diseases of the skin a speelality. has discovered a yemed.y for these disroloratione which is at ones prompt. Infallible. and harmless. Wholesale in Philadelphia by JOHNSTON, HOLLO WAY, & coNritN, 23 North SIXTH Sweet, and by 31YOTT & CO., 232 North SROOND Street. Prepared only by IL C. PERRY, Dermatologist, No. 48 Mond street, New York, and for sale by all Druggists. Price, $2 per bottle. Call for FURY'S ROTH AND FRECKLE LOTION. For franker information address Dr. B 0. PERRY. 49 BOBrStrosa, BBW YORK. je7 whaaoi ILLIThiniATION CANDLESTICKS, ON SPRING Stripe, may be fastened in your windows without using a nail, and afterwards pat away for torture use. A society of patterns for sate, with flag-poles. brackets, cords. and ponies. by TRUMAN & SHAW, No. 835 ildat Thir ty-flve) MARKET Street, below Moth. INDIA RUBBER HANDLE TABLE CUT IEEE. although more costly thau mos. others, we be• lieve to be far cheimer, from its superior duracilitY stsdor hard service and hot water. For eale by THU 7dAlf .11 SEAW.f(o. 835 (Eight Thirty fife) MARKET Street, below Iflyth. Jon/mi.—SOLDIERS RETURNING Homr,, won want a good. Mtbstantial. cheap. and fat hionable cult of Cigna*. Clothing. GO to Jones' OLD ESTABLISHED OAR Palos CLOTHIER Boum', 801 MARKET Eraser. Abovis SzATA. ITCH. (Wrateercees) Prat. HALT RHEUM. (OIRTEIERT) SALT R)114010. sire the Itch in 48 hours. Also, sires Slat Rheum, leers. Ctilbistaa, and ell Emotions of the Skin. Prise 10 stmts. By sending 69 isenls to WEEKS & POT TER. BOBTO.E. Wyss., real be forwarded free by mail. Tor Ws by all Druggist* gablB-6R KENDALL'S Ale - Bourtru.--Have you tried. it? Roo, Ton IPM01) of It. Of 001111E1 the remarkable demand for this excellent preparation for the Hair has teen 801017 crested by its merits; for when once used, it tent likely to be abandoned. Yon can prooare it Oran? respectable Druggiet, iii-Ste IrmvsasAL (COG WHKEL) CLOTHES 'WRINGER. at voluted prices. G. W. LOOMIS, 27 south SIXTH St., Phltodeiohia, Pa. 346 fmw lm OAS COOUING STOVES. Cheaper than Coal or Wood Seale Gal Cooking Stoves and Santee• G. W. LOOMIS, 2.7 Poach SIXTH Mind, Philadelphia. joie -Wit lm Bent Mut I HAI& Drs I BATOBELDWIS HAIR DYE is the beet in the World. The only true gad perfect Dye—harmless. Instantiate. and reliable: produces a splendid Blaok or Natural leaven; remedies the DI effects of /3.1 Dye.. and fre quently restores the original color. Bold by all Drag. frith. The genuine is signed W. ♦. BATOWELOE. 51 Iskiszur Street. pew York.. ia2•lawilY BUY YOUR BATHING ROBES, FOR LAWNS -Stad GENTLEMEN, at SLOAN'S. 806 M►SABT Street. 1027 WALNUT • STBJCBT, office of Dr. TON YOSCRVS)IIIt, for the treatment of the Bye, Bars =rout. Lung Diseases and Catarrh, with hie arTaratun. jogekSt" i mp STEIN WAY & BON'S PIANO& 11Th i l BUMS BROTIBMW, 1006 0/118fNUT Stmt.. For solo only at 3sB•im 71y2 A.II.I:LIM3D- WEED—DUNLAP.— June 29th, by Rev. M. U. fiatphen, Mr. W. H. Weed to Mug Emily Dunlap, all of Piladelphia. I:)xmaz,_ ' SHARP.—On the aotb inst., of typhus fever, Mi. anal 13. Sharp, in the 40th year of his age. Rie Motives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral; also, the American •Oluinics, and Kensington Division Sons of Tem. perance, from his late residence, 320 North Thir. Uenth Street, on this (Monday) afternoon, at two -O'clock. Funeral to proceed to Philadelphia Came. tern. A kind and loving husband and faitifful friend. * HARPER.—On the 2d inst., Mary Harper. Her relatives and friends are invited to attend ben funeral, from the residence of her brothel', Won. Harper, No. 221 Passyunk road, on Wednesday morning, July sth, at nine °Weak. To proceed to - Woodland Cemetery. 4* VAN KIRK —On the morning Of 2d inst., Z aids Ileanor, daughter of O. 8.. and S. Van Kirk, aged years and 4 non 'IS. Funeral from her parents , residence, Powder-Mill lane, near Frankford, this (Monday) afternoon, at 4 .Vdocik. TAaGART.--On Saturday, Ist inst., at DarbY, -Edwin, Infant eoarfE and Lizzie Taggart, aged +Woven months. * s ESLIN4 2 0^ the 2d inst., John Soddiaa, son of Z. Theo, and Jean U. Ealing, aged 5 months. * .PREVOST..--A.t Norwich, Connecticut, on July lit, of typhoid fever, Eugene M. Prevost. Due notice will be given of the funeral. FRISIIMUrn — Suddenly, on Saturday morning, 'the let inst, Charles Frishmuth, Sr., in the 54th year of his age. His relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend his flu. mai, from his late residence 614 Worth Eighth street, at 3 o'clock, on Wanes' day afternoon. FRY.—on July 1et , 1865, Joseph R. Fry. • AVERELL —Do the evening of the 29% suns, at - Chestnut Tim, Phs!solelphta, Mr. J. averell, in the 53d year of his age, [Look Haven and front sdaysburg, Pa 4 Wellsville, Ohio, and Orange coin. ty, Indians, papais please copy] RIEGARGEE --On the 29th bat., &thane! Me. Bargee, in the 60ch year of his age. The relatives and male friends of the faintly are • reepeetfulip invited to attend his lutterAt, from his late residence, No. 1720 Arch street, on of larnoon, the 3d inst., at 4 o'olook. BLACK ENGLISH GRENA.DINES.- Jut resolyed, caws of 'Black ED Id laveGrettedium, tit milts a lard. BEESON EOff, Mourn:at Sort, 918 CHIISTd!CT %not. 14 0,146 n Prices In Vlaln figures. layls 81, CHALY DE LAINE.—JUST oyened. our yam, of plain Mark Chats! de Lam at 3 7X Nate I. yard. BliglON &EWA, Hour A In! Stare, 918 MISTY/ %root 0 40 price. bt Oda ntares mylc. nil PURE W BRAWLS. URI & LANDILL 100 PI E OW s MOSQU ITO BARB, WHIM, ' aRBE RitIng LANDITZ. 1.1000 LOW WHITE QUILTS, FOR NOM& MIME Q UILTS, OP 0/11,12 TOWELS. rjel64t3 NYSE ar LLINDILL. UNION LEA6II7II HOURS, Jun 29, 1865. THE UNION LEAGUE PHILADELPHIA, THE 9070 ANNIVERSARY OF OUR NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE, Tucieday, July 4, 1865, WlUrtle following exorcism at the ACADEMY OF MTJSIO, To commence at 12 o'clock M., prectieli: 1. MUSIC. E. PRAYER, S. MUSIC. 4. READING OF THE DROLARATION OF INDE• PENNING& BY DANIEL DOUGHERTY. 800. 6. MUSIC. 6. ORATION BY CHARLES GIBBONS, &Kt. 7. RUM, THE LEAGUE HOUSE WILL BE ILLUMINATED IN TEE EVlsamact, and a. dianlav of will be exhibited at Pun agaere. Tickets of admissionto the ceremonies at the Academy of Music cannow leo mocurecifrom Mr. O. B. WHIPPLE. Assistant Secretary. at the League Howe. By order of the Board of Directors. GEORGE H. BORER, Secretary arrnmanimPtilk SOCIETY FOS PROMOTINO XGRICULTURN —July Sioati.s. st Booms, No. 702 WALNUT Mush oil WED/IE3Na. oth mat mil o'clock A M. iY3-2t It•r• REV. E. W. XI - ETTER WILL DE- I=EP liver an ORATION to the Soldiers. at the SOL DIERS' Holdß, sonar GROWN and RAGE &testi. on YOURTH OF JULY MORNING, at 10 o'clock. The Vnb/ic are invited ample accommodations are provided nu. These Wilt also be alnatnx, and other exercises --slim orbits to the day. The Duties Intimated to the Home will pa: ticdpate. jy3-21 THE LEHIGH VALLEY RAIL ROAD COMPANY have declared a Dividend of TWO. AND-A. HA.LP PIMCBNT.. payable on and afar Stay 10th inst., at the office, No. 41.2 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. 011.71*] L. (MAAS MAIL Treat. • BOVICE TO .10ALN HOLDERS.— illty Loans maturing July 1. 1866, will be paid at . preeratettext on and after that date. 344 6t fIiSTABY bUtiM, City Treasurer. fie'tr" :NOTICE TO ALL NIAZEIXOLDER.D., Do° 7 TA X. P•IRRB, COM VIIXANCARD. AND OTRERD COICARNRD. DEPARTMENT OF SURVEYS. REGISTRY BURNAM, June 26, 1815. Notice is hereby given, that under and by virtue of an act of. Assembly, passed on the 14th of Marsh. MS, and an ordinance of the city of. Philadelphia. made in pursuance thereof, this Department will be prepared to receive the descriptions of alt lands and corporeal real estate within said city, from and after the let day of July. 1665. The purpose of the act ii declared by its title, which is; **An act to promote the more certain and equal as sesement of Taxes in Philadelphia," and a principal means devised therefor is the plotting of ail the real estate within the city. in manner to exhibit the loca tion and dimensions, with Die names of the owners thereof. To this end it le made the duty— let Of alt o wners of houses and lots, to furnish, forthwith, descriptions of their property to this office, by the presentation of their deeds, upon which will be placed a certificate of the fact of such return having been made, and thereafter the property so returned shall not be subject to sale for taxes thereafter to be come a lien thereon, except it be in the name of the owner AO returned. and after Service of notice tspon him as in case of a writ of summons. Id. Of evety seller and buyer of ground 'upon the planned city plot to Mahe report to thte ogles of every convey arise made. with the precise dlminelons and lo cality of the premises, and when the preceding returns are made there toil/ be no charge made therefor; but if the owner desires a certificate of his having made such return for his protection, and to exhibit to the Recorder of Deeds, &a . it will be furniehed for the fee of Ewen ty Ave cents (exclusive of Revenue stamp.) Ad. In case neither the buyer nor seller shall have made such return. and produce the proof thereof to the Recorder of Deeds, he is required not to admit the deed to record without charging fifteen cents for each lot described therein; and it is then made his duty to furnish the proper d eeolptions with date of eonverance and names of grantor and grantee. into this Department, within one month, cinder a penally of vac dollar for each omission 4th. And it is made the duty of every purchaser of honses and lands at Judicial sales; of ever one who receives an allotment in partition; of every devisee by will, to mate returns as aforesaid; and if he shall not have done so. it le made the duty of the Clerk or Pro thonottay of the proper Court, and the Register of Wills, to perform the like duty, for the like charge=, and um der the same penalty as the Recorder of Deeds . sth, The performance of the said duties as enjoined by the act will exonerate the &eller from a future Lid • /digit for the taxes without reclamation therefor, and will confer upon the purchaser. devices, and heir, an immunity against loss of his title by sales for taxes Without etc lac to hon. and exempt them from the Penalty of five dollars imposed by the eat for the fail ure to Comply with its rennisitiollo. The Chief DLitineer and kurveyor respectfully re quests of ;he owner. of real estate a prompt so opera tion in carrying out the important purposes of the act, that they, as well as the city, may sooner derive the obvious advintagea designed, in the more sertatu and equal assessment of the taxes, and la the greater security and certainty of their titles to real estate within the city, Conveyancers, Agents, and others. can procure blanks for descriptions by applying at this office, No. 23121 Routh FIFTH Street, below Walnut, Room No. 6, first floor. RTRICKLAND icalass. j e Chief sngineer and Surveyor, TWENTYTIRST WARD BOUNTY FUND. —The Contributors to the Bounty Vaud since TornidarT L 1866, are requeA.d to attend the Meeting, at LYCEUM HALL, ROXBOIIOIIOII, on WEDASSDAI ItTESING next, July 6th, at 8 o'clock. aen and there to determine what dispomtion shell be made of the Surplus Sand (about $4,800,) lathe hands or the Treasurer. lions but actual tohardibers will be admitted to the Eel/ By order of A. CAMPBELL, President. Oro. A. EM1173, Secretary. ja3o-45. EIGHTY-NINTH ANNIVERSARY OF .11ALSEICA* INDEPENDENCE "THE STATE tOOIETY OF TH$ WECIENATI OF it►:+~~7 . . . The annual Mated meeting of "The State Soniety of the eineinnati of Pennsylvania' will be held at the LA PLUME HOUSE. on BBOAD Street, below Uhest nut street, on TUESDAY, the 4th day of July. A. D. M. BAD oTelosk A. M. R. L. BPROAT. ja2B-74 eacrec.sry:... WTHE FIRST ANNUAL HEETING of the Stockholders of the Crawford Sugar Creek Oil Company will be held at the office of the Company. No. 206 South FIFTH Street, to the city of Philadelphia, on MONDAY, July 3d, 80, sin o'clock A. N. (3.IIORGE W. SEISPHBAD, jel9. ma:l-6t* becretary, 11R3rPOST PONEKENT OF THE lINIO V . STATE CONVESTIOg —HRSTHIG OF TER - 01410 X STA.T6 CSNTRAL COMHITTES —ln compli ance with the earnest appeals of many prominent Union men, citizens of different counties to the state, urging that the meetingef the Union State Convention Gelid), for the 19th July, ensuing. be deferred until further notice. the announcement is herewith made that that body will not stsemble on the day (19th of July) set apart for its meeting in the city of Harrisburg DCLe notice will be given of the meeting of the Convention. here after. The members of the Union State Central Committee will assemcle in the city of Harrisburg, on the NINE TSENTH OF JULY, ensuing, at the Loshlel HOttse, at three o'clock P. M. ./Cfnil Attend in of; of all the memben of the Commit too is osniestly refine . 8 t IMed. OR OAMBROZI, Chairman. A. W. BILIGIDICT• WIEN FORNEY, a — Gum Efannisnenu, June 19, 1985. 5017-U519 1131111TERSITY OF FERINSFLFII - OF ARTS.—The tunnel Commencement for conferring Degreea in the Arts will be held on MONDAY, the Sci day of July, in the MUSI CAL FORD BALI. The procession will leave the Col. lege Hall at 10 o'clock A. M. The Reverend Clergy. Jun nee of the United t Baas and State Courts. the Mayor of the city, Select and Common Connate, the Board of PirectOrs and President of Girard College, the Prlttolpai of the Central Nigh School, the candidates for tits .no tree of Matter of Arts, and other graduates of the tinlvereity, are invited to attend GEORGE 3e30.3t Secretary of the Faculty of Arts. ftEILITARTG _ ICOMPANY C ,GRAY RESERVES. The reviler Mouthll Meeting or the CozoPea7 will be he ld It the Afiktina" ea IduNDAY, July Sd. as 8 o'clock P. M. Pauctuni attendance lc mauled. It* W. W. ALiABN, Captain. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —Wanted for the 'IMMO STATSS lifit.B ECO IiPS, able- bodied M. Spier did inducements held oat to all entering the Marine Corps; glorionc oppor tunity to ilAt foreign. gauntries; good pay, excellent accommodations. light - and etiey duties. For all farther information inquire at the Recruiting Nondezvoua. No. 311 South FIiORT Street, Philadel phia. between 9A. M. and 3 P. .11 ev.r7 except Sunday. JAMBS FORNEY, ill Captain and Recruiting 0 Maur. AicCANDLEBS & SMITH, MALT VINEGAR FACTORS, BROAD AND PRIER STREWS. Constantly on band and Tor sale a large stock of LILT and WHITE WINE WERGAR—a new article of mann. facture in this country, toads by the celebrated English process, and need exclusively for Pickling In &trope. All sales warranted free !rout Impurities and choral. cals. Orders filled promptly to all Darts of the country. AO 6211 TR. L. E. CAvsLoa, sre. ns walnut street, Philadel• phis. PITT & 4 Exchange Vince. Baltimore. GERD:TIAN LBA & CO.. Richmond. Va. E. W. °MILD & Co • Newborn, R. C. iel9-am THE ASHLAND HOUSE, -A- FOURTH AVENUE ALED T WENTY.FOURTH . . • - - VEEN?. NEW YORK CITY. Recently enlarged and improved, is BOW open fox transient as well as permanent boardare The house Is situated on one of the pleasantest avenues. and weld ble to ail places of amusement and business by care and Aiwa. Onsets will dud all the conveniences and com forts of a superior establishment, with an excellent ta• hies Trandeut board. $3 per day H 6EI.KtRII. ProPrietor. N. H.—Families who desire rooms for the summer will make early application. To desirable parties ad ranlace,ns terms will be offered.. jell 361 M AUREHBL, HERRING, SHAD, aso, --s bble Masa. Hos. I, I. and 3 Azikeria• flat CA. in. assorted took es. 2,,0rt0 Bkinnors, romans 867 . "4 Hslitas aerriug. MIIO Douce Lutes, Reeled, 10.1 Heflin& I.6obble Mew Mem 760 box,, Herkimer-sounty Uheesodoe. In Mute cad for solo by BIDEPHY & KOOlll, WM-kJ' %o. 14611017 H - - WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTIL- T LNS. —A new Freasheohmetie for beratifTihNiutt ',reserving' the Noeselealon. IL is the most wonnerfal ~o m, o u2g of the tae , Ttare 1. neither eitak t POWder , bismuth.nor tee In its sorneosition, it bane revalued eattrelp of pars. Virgin Wax ; beau the ea , unordinary tkltailtiels for preserving the akin, ingkizg loft, smooth. fair, and transparent . It makes the old •pear young. the home., handsome., the handsome Dore haantiml , and the Meal beautiful divine. Prises -•.9 and 6Q *sato, E'sclpayed only by MIXT do Pole. ' l llDerlio MI. Beath siGHTH Strut, two seep *boy. Obettuut. 133 bout& SEVENTH Street. above Velnet. spfi-lha rnRMETICALLY WILLED MEATS LID SOM. 1.010 doz. Sums* Most. GOO " Bout Beef. 660 do Veal. 603 " do Munoz. 1.060 " do TorksT. Low '' do Woken. 2,000 " assorted Eon" 1311, 2, 2)02. mi. Yor zale bY RHODES k refi-Lf 107 booth WATZB. Street. B.—XX-1776.--CONSTITUTION ,• AL MITRES —nose celebrated and world•re= nowntd Isidore, arniactured by BIJOU the. lit OBY &root. New Y ork . eon be procured at princi pal depot, 111 tide city, in large or mall unantlttes. itein 0. 0. tflSgit. H. • W. cornet and ISEVSnrril and WAT.LAOS. ie2B Sole Agent tor Philadelphia. CARPET CRAIN, YARNS, AND WlCKS.—Large invcdeet just received and for We to defile's &Unwed market rates. BOWS, BOSTON. & CO.. ie2S•tf 151 and 150 north TRIED Street. - - FRUIT JARS.--WE ARE NOW SE tilt has the " ust.TNLL ALL GLASS JARS" at batara• tbe-war trioos. HAMILL & IMPONWOMIL No. 521orth FIFTH Street. and 1e23.1m No. MINOR Street. taaA s. pHILALELPHIA, JULY 1, 1865.- -6- au. B. BROONALT, become a PARTNER IN OUR ROUE, On and atter Ode date. 77 3.3 t S. T. AIME & CO. nISSOLUTION OR PARTNERSHIP.- Tbe 00-naTtnushisk heretofore enlisting between the undereignid , under the name and style of POL LOCK & OASSSLBSSILY is THIS DAT dissolved by mutual consent. .1 he business of the late Ana will be tattled by MO POLLOCK. JOHN POLLOCK. R. Onssnasaar. The undersigned will continue the Oommtenton and Dobbins Dry Goads Business. at the old etand, no. 28 South SIiCOWD Street, J. W. POLGOCIL PHILADELPHIA, June 30, 1565. J11.3t• THE FIRM OF RITTER, OLAA HORN, & CO, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. hithert or thepartners are authorized to sign the name of the firm in lignidation. ABRA.HAM BITTER. J RAY (1140.110 EN, Sung 30th. 1866. Clyl-301 J. R. liITTEIt. COPARTNERSHIP. - THE UNDER SIGNED have THIS DAY formed a Copartnership under the drm and name of DE ODD ABBY, BRIAR, S 00., for the irmissotiou of a Wholesale Business in Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods GERALD DB CODREET, (Late of be Cenrsey, Lafonreede, & Co.) JAME% L. BRYAN. (Late with Thaws if. Dale & Co.) 11,11111 EL W. DB COURBET, la. rmr.A.. July 1, UM )yl-12t THECOPARTNERSHIP HER existing as the firm of J M. SMITH & CO. is DISSOLVED this day by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of D. R SMITH. • The business will be continued hereafter. under the sum name, hi Tr. SMITH and M 248 North BROAD Streak jtors 30, 182. is3o.3t* NOTICE. --THE INTEREST Or MR. JOHN OALDWBLL and Mr. DLVID W. Rani- SON, in our house. ceases from thta data. Mr. JAMES W. AUGHELTRES has an intend in our business from July JAL 1866 STUART dr BROTHER, Purr.ADIMPHIA", .Tana 30, 1866. _ W McKEIGHT HAS ASSOCIATED . with himself JAS Bit.YAN and JA4. A. Ara/NIGHT. for the eontinuanco of the Wholesale BOOT and SHOE twine**. at '24)4 MARKET Street, under the Invoste and style of W. & co. Turn 1, 1685. ivl,3t* MR. H. C. BILMERS AND MR. JAS. B YOUNG have this day been admitted as part no re In our hone. We will continue the BANKING and FORBIRT GRANGE business under the same name-and style as heretofore. M SCHULTZ & CO,. 16 South THIRD Street. 1861. syl-3t* DlssournoN.—Trug COPARTNER am heretofore existing nt4er the firm name of IdICHRIBIt t YOUNG is this day dissolYed by mutual commit, either party signing in licitiliation. Th ey may be found at flo.loB south TOllitTil Street, Rom No. np stairs. AMOS J. ALICHRBIIin. ALFRED P. YOUNG. JULY 1.1886. iyl 4t fIOPARTIVIRMIP NOTICE.—THE property ketetefore owned, and the business here tofore conducted by the firm composed of WM H STUBS. and WM CHAMPION, under the firm of sTEHR & CHAMPION. has been parahased by RICHARD B CHAMPION, to whom all persons in debted to the late firm of Bterr St Champion will make payment, and all persons having claims against said late firm will present their bills for settlement The business of the late firm will be carried on by him at the old stand, Pio. 1120 BMA Street. W. H. STERN. W. O. CHAMPION. R. B, CHAMPION hereby tandem hie thanks to the Public for the patronage extended to the late firm, and hopes, by a strict attention to business. to still son. Haus to merit the same. R. B. CHAMPION. Amu SO. 1885. iYI-131 JONATHAN GILLINGHAM WlTH draws from the firm or L. GILLINGHAM fir 8012. 'The bermes will be continued at 983 North FRONT Street, by JOSEPH J. and GEORGE GILLINGHAM, ender the wane of iyi•2H J. J. & G. GILLINGHAM. FINANCIAL. UNITED OTATES 7-36 LOAN. THIRD SERIES. $230,000,000. Sy authority ot, the IssreterY Of. the ffreass-e. the undersigned, the General Subseription Aunt for the sale or United States Sundaes, offers to the inblie the third lades of Treasury Notes, 'bearirur"Sevell and thres•tenthe per vent. Interest yer annum, known as the BEVEN.TIIIRTY LOAN. These Notes are horned under date of JeJT 15. /5 65 , and are Payable three years from that date in our tansy, or are eonyert►ble at the option of the holder into 11. S. 640 Si% PER CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. Then Bondi are now worth a handsome premium. and are exempt. is SSG all the ctorenunent Bonds. from State. County. and Municipal taxation. which adds from one to three per cent. more to their anterding to the rate levied upon other property. The interest is Payable semi•annuslly by coupons *Washed to each noth which may be sat Sand sold to any bank or banker. The Interest at 750 per sent, =climb! to One cent per day on a $5O Doti. Two cents per day on a $lOO note. Ten seats per day on a *6OO note. Twenty Genie per day on a SLOW note. One Dollar per day on a $5,000 note. *etas of all the denominations named Will be Promptly furnished npon receipt of suburb:diens. The notes of this Third !ferias are preelsely similar in form and privileges to thireevem Thirties already sold. wept that the Government reserves to itself the option of paying interest in gold coin at 0 per sent. Instead of 7 3-10ths in currency. Subseribers will deduct the in terest In currency up to July 16th. at the time when they anbseribe. The delivery of the notes this Third Scrim of the Seven-Thirties will commence on the Ist of Jane, and will be made promptly and eontinnotudy after that date, The slight "hangs) made in the conditions of this TRIED SERIES streets only the matter of interest. The payment In gold. if made, will be equivalent to the currency interest of the higher rake. The return to specie payments. In the event of which rely will the option to pay intermit In gold be availed of. would so reduce and equalize prices as that Dar obsess made with six per cent. In gold would be hilly anal to those mad* with seven and three-tenths per cent. In currency. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN ELANKET Tear offered by tbe Government. and its metier ad. vantages make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OP TEE PEOPLE. Less than $930,000,000 of the Loin authorised by Uongrese are now In the market. This amount, at the rate at which it Is being absorbed. will all be subscribed for within sixty days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a Pl'SWilla. as has nal. forzely been the ease on elosLnfr the subssrletions to other Loans. to order that unbent of every town cad section of the country may be afforded Stennis* for taking the Loan. the National Banks, State Banks. and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to re• 2P- SIEIIEL'X'S. i r NEADLEY'S New Patent DUPLEX ILLIPTIO (d 'double) SPRING SKIRT. NTS' BRADLEY & CARY (late .1 1. dt J. 0. West), SOLETROPRIETOES and HANTIFA.CTUENRS, 97 CHAN:BEES and 79 and 81 EBADE Streets, Sew York. THIS INVENTION consists of DUPLEX (of two) En. LIPTIC Steel SPRINGS, ingeniously BRAIDED TIGHTLY and FIRMLY together, EDGE to ROGE, Ine,klug the TOUGHEST, moat 'PLEXIBLB, ELASTIC, an* Pcimßist SPRING Ertl' seed. They seldom NEED or nanort, like the Single Springs, and consequently preserve their PERFEcT and BEAVrIFIIi, SHAPE TWICE as Loan AS any Other SKIRT THE WONDERFUL FLEXIBILITY and great COMFORT and PLEASURE to any LADY wearing the DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT will be experienced particularl all crowded ASSEMBLIES. OPERAS, CARRIAGES, RAILROAD OARS, Cannon PEws. Ansionoras, for Paeans ADS and Hones Dims, as the SKIRT Mil be FOLDED WIDER in Mete 00011. PT I small PLACE ea easily as a SILK Or MUSLIN DRESS, A LADE having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great oonvenience of WEARING the DUPLEX ELLIPTIO STERL•SPE/EG SHIRT for a SINGLE DAT will never after rad dievenes with their net For CHILDREN., mile, and a mmo Lopata they are Manama to all others. THEY are the best QUALITY in every part, and an questionably the LIGHTEST, most DEstRARLE,COMPORT. ABLE SRO REOZIONICAL SKIRT ever made. S OR SALE in all FIRST. crass STORES in this city. and throughout the UNITED STATES, HAVANA DE CUBA. MEXICO, SOUTH AMERICA. and the WEST INDIES_ SKIRT. ELLIPT IC 111414 I IS NOR THE DUPLEX 628. RoricigS'.o , Ta l l7E B i , .. 628: HOOP SKIRTS. the best assortment and beet quality and styles in the city. Gore Trails, all lenetlus and sizes, from 18 to 86 springs, from $1.76 to $4. Plain Skirts, all the new shapes and size,. from 19 to 60 springs, from $1.40 to $3 Skirts of extra heavy steal and extra tapes. from 20 to 35 springs, from $1 , 90 to $2.76. Misses' and Children's, of every grade. from 6 to 36 springs, from four to eight - cents per spring • they have no equal.. Agents for the new Flexible Skirl, the most pliable Hoop Skirt made, and tally equal to the Duplex Elliptic Skirt. and at mush lower prices. kleo eonstantly on band full lines of low-priced New York Oasis. kid padded and metallic springy. 86c.; 20 springs. 21; 26 aprings, $116: 30 springs, 21 25, and 40 sprites. 21.10. Skirts =Me to order, altered, and repaired, at 028 ARCH Street. rel4-Im* CARPETS •ND OIL -CLOTHS 1865. SPRING. 1865. L e, in-, ( . 1 . 2 :,.• • irt •SBMAITOWP(, PA. AVCAULILATBIL as Co.. AurtrztarrußEEs raw IMPORTERS or CAZZVIOTIVIIGIitis OLL CLOTH. MATTINGS. &a. WIIOUNMWI DZFARTIIMs [. `.•i•IHJ. I;rJ. (aá RETAIL. DEPARTMENT, It =kY . l~~&=kl.l i~ GROCERIES. _ ____ _ _ ........... TO FAMILIES RESIDING- IN THB 81111/LL DISTRICTS. We ere heretofore. to supply at their country residences, with DIWOREPTION OP VINE GIOUSEIRS, TEdji, No. ALBERT a ROBERTS. mySt•tf Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. WATCHES MUSICAL -BOXES, FRENCH. TIME-PIECES, AT LOW PRICE. N. RUI.OE4'O, 10ES CHESTNUT STREIT leSoWatces, Clocks, and Joshll7 earefolly repaired. MAURICE H. DIRTSINOSE. £ MATSINOHR. MATSINGER BROTHERS, SUCCESSORS TO ADLHr. HEATSINGER, MANUFACTURERS OF FIRE-PROOF DOORS, IRON BRITTEN JUTE SMITH-WORli. IN GENERAL. Also, Flag• Staff Brackets, Farnaoes, Cooking Binge,. Oas Ovens. Bath Boilers. Reenters, and Ventilators, and Sheet-Iron Work of every deserlYtioh. No. 1228 RACE fErrnIEET, je2242t PHILADELPHIA. NATIONAL - FLAGS ! A LARGE atc " of Brniting . Flats, of the best material. all sizes, With poles, for axle at low prieell. at the Carpet Store of Wei. A. ROLI I ie22-90if R. X comer limns and MARS EL HAVANA CIGARS.-A GOOD VA RIETY constantly ia AM and bond, at lowis sash rates. G. I'Vaurn SOO, 311724.6m* No. SIG South /ROST Wei& S. E. cIOE. SOLTEL AND ELELEEET STUEETS. SIIMMER RESORTS. UNITED STATES HOTEL, 1.1-Ni*D-1 Will open for the reception of Wilton; On the 15th of June. All eommtuileations for apartments, or upon other buslneee emu:meted with the House, should be addressed 'UNITED STATES HOTEL, Ctrs bland. MAW Jena. WEST dr. id-tmirew PROPRIBTOU SEA BATHING-CAPE MAY, CAPE ISLAND, N. J.—THE NATIODIAL HOTEL .—This large and commodious Hotel, known as the National Hal) 14 now receiving visitors. Trio per week, $l6; children and servants hell-prioe. AkRON oARRETEION. Proprietor. COLUMBIA BLOUSIL AT CAPE MAY., NEW JERSEY, Will be opened this xenon on the TIFTIBETH Di) OY JIIXE. for the reception of enacts This leading house will, for the *Clain SOSEPXI, rani ettetain its well•eetablished reputation. Greatly eneouraged by the haelneoe of last Iresr , th, proprietor Note sattofted that a Rotel toruintted otectril sret-ekx,9B mutt sontinue a animas at this old and Fore ler resort. - . The railroad facilities are promised to be excellent. Beck's celebrated Philadelphia Band has beet se eared for the COLUMBIA the coming season. For rooms. apply to J. H. DENBIBON, Her chant's Hotel, Philadelphia, or to 01.01301 J. BOLTON, Proprietor. myl9.2m CAPS ISLAND. if. J. (10NGRES8 HALL, •- 1 LONG BRANCH, N. 3:. 1s now open Co r the season. Address 3628-et WOOLNAN STOKES, Propriettir METROPOLITAN, FORMERLY CITY ROTEL, ROGERS STREET CAPE ISLAND, PEW JERSEY. BLAIR BAYLEY, Predators. A• POEM. 111.11 E. AYLEY Tame. $l6 per week. le2B-2,vr THE ALHAMBRA, AT ATLAIITIO OITT, Ie now open for the reef ption of Vieiton. 1e26•1m• B. LEEDS, Prenrletar LICIELT•HOIJBE COTTAGE," ATLAXTIO CITY, M. J. NEAEBST HOUSE TO THE sm. This well-known house le now open for the reception of boarders. JONAH WOOTTON. 9e24-1m Proprietor. CONGRESS HALL, ATLANTIC OITY,N. J. WILL OPEN JUNE Si, vi 6. The anbserTher would respectfally inform hie friends and the public in general, that he has again taken Congress Ea this being the fourth season. Many im provements have been made; also, new Bath-Houses have been erected, and the bathing sannot be surpassed at any ees-ehore. And It le th e date! uriustion of the proprietor to nee every effort to snake Congress Halt s Lome. or somrort to Lis molts. A Sande to ended. Term moderate 001.94M1 O. W. litatzt.s. TTNITED BTATEB HOTEL, ATLANTIO OiTY, N. J.. 11 open for the reception ofguests. on June 28. Dodworth's celebrated Bend has been engaged for the Season. Persons wishing to engage rooms. or desiring tnrther informatiOn, will address W _ °ROW. at OELPpall, Prop rietors jok,b n e ATLAXTIO CITY. SBA BATHING HOUSE, ATLAITIO CITY, MEW JERSEY. • This old, established, and favorite house is now open. It is nearest to the beach, securing cool breezes at all times. Its unrivalled Bathing fatalities, Its complete furniture and appointment, and to unexceptionable table, render this house a favorite place for a summer sojourn at the sea-side. - Passenger* from the city ate set down lithe door, and communisation with the in lets is had at all times by rail. A line hand of music has been engaged for the season. Parties ,wishing to secure Board will address the proprietor at Sag Rouse, Ulan. tie City. Tema moderate. ie9-Xll EL S. BENSON. Proprietor. C ARL ISLE WHITE SULPHUR sPRINGS. This fashionable and delfghtfal drum mer Resort is now open for visitors. For terms apply to N. W. WOODd, Proprietor, Sel9-16t* CARLISLE SPRINOS. PA, WHITE BILLPHUR AND 011ALY BEATE SPRINGS, DOUBLING GAP, PA. B. ROBINBON, PROPRIETOR. BEASON OPUS JIINN lath. This delightful place le located in Cumberland eonn.• ty. thirty miles west of Harrisburg. It is accessible from all Oreprincipal cities br railroad to Harrisburg, thence by the Cumberland Valley Railroad to Raw. ville; from Newvilte eight miles good staging to the Springs. The stage bralways in waiting upon the ar• rival of the ears at llewville. Passengers leaving Philadelphia, Baltimore, or Washington In the morning can arrive at the Syringe the same everting ate o'clock. This hotel is sommo- Slops and comfortable (haying been recently thorough ly renovated) With hot and sold bath attached, and tensive grounds for walks and amusements. Terms $1.60 per day, or $1.2 per week. Over feu weeks $lO per week. The long experience of the present proprietor enabler him to say that it will be anvil:Lahti in a, manner to please all visitors. N. H. A tine livery is attached to the establishment. tee. 2010 UNITED ST/TES HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, Mew Jersey, le now open for the re eeption of visitors. Trains leave on Saturday after. noon at four o'clock. from Vine street wharf—return. in[ Monday morning early. —June 10. 1880. elo.2m* SSISJ. A. lIHOEMASEB. Proprietor. KITTATINNT HOVSB, DisLawAßl WAITE GAP. This favorite Mountain resort 111 now open to IV sitora Trains leave Philadelphia. from It etiliniflOnDepot,st 7 30 A. M. and 8.90 P. M., and arrive at the (tap at 1 P. M. and 8.46 P. M. 33aferences--Morton McMichael, Franklin Peale, Louis A. Dailey, H. B. Banners, E. R. Martin, Chula' Hacker, C Sherman. Terns, EH Per Week. 168.1 in L. W. BRODHEAD. Proprietor. 3/101JUTAIN HOUSE, CIUMMON SPRINGS. This delightful and romantic watering place, situated on the summit of the Allegheny Mountains. at Ortsiscol Station. on the Pennzrivania Railroad. Wtill De Opened or the Reception of Quests. On MOE AY, June 12th, 1805. Several new cottage's have been erected. the grounds have been.beautifted and improved, and Cresson tenets one of the most beautiful hill homes in the United States. Excursion tickets,good until October let, an issued by the Penney Leeete,Beilroad Company. • You ftuthar infOrMation_, address ORO. W. MULLIN. Pronrieteg GRISSOM ara,m4s., je7.lm Cambria county, rs. HOWLAND'S ROTEL, LONG BRANCH, N.. 1.. will be open for the reception of /meats .1 - nne thole*. jea-lm HOW LAND. HERBERT.. 00. EPHRATA MT. SPRIIGI3.-THIS delightful and romantic watering place, besnti• fully situated is the healthiest section of Laneaater county, and acknowledged to be the garden spot" of Pennsylvania. Will open for the accommodation 0! guests on the lath of June. Railroad sommunicatios twice a day fro - A Philadelphia. on the Pennsylvania or Reading Balboa& end daily from Baltimore and New York. For particulars address the proprietor. J. W. FESDBEIDIC, CURTAIL GOODS. I . E. WAZAIZAVJEGN, MASONIC HALL, 110 CHESTNUT STREET, IS NOW OPENING ANOTHER, LARGE LOT OF LAACIG ELEGANT STYLESi AT PRICES, MOM 6 DOLLARS TO 1150 DOLLARS PER PAIR. WINDOW SHADES, OROIOE- PATTESNS, AT itEDIIVED PRICES. nry2B MILITARY COODS. FLAGS I FLAGS 11 EVANS & 11A.88 ALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS. " 418 ARCH STREET. Silk, Bantftig, Muslin, and De Laine FLAG-B, OF ALL SIM. SWORDS, SASHES, BELTS, PASSANTS, Bco. 21:1CCEJTAHY 0001: 0 S, ja.trs OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. F LAG S! WHOLESILE AND RETAIIL• W. HORSTMANN & SONS, FIFTH AND, CHERRY STREETS. Je2B•et 10E CREAM. PURE DELAWARE COUNTY ICE CREataig made in the eountry,and fresh every morning—the ♦eri beet that is made. Saloons, Exenrelone, Pie-Nies, !ee• Jive% Hotels, ttestaarants, and Private Families, fnr.. Dilate* with promptness la ellantlUeS to snit, on reason able terms. EASTERN MARKET ICE-CREAM STAND. ILLUMINATION CANDLICB. WILLIAM CONWAY. ;"at. SECO D S TASTEFUL AND SUBSTANTIAL °LUMEN% „kgHERHNESB' BLZ & t NINTH ADD WHO* BTRINTO. LIGHT DRIVING IiToOK AT AUCTION. ON WNDIDIS JAI DONNING next, at 10 o'clockat the daunt . will 14 sold I'ORTY Hamm, Ineinding several pato of line strivers. LIGHT WM mostly of Wateo THU 's nM new,, make, coma new, and all in road order. Four Carriages, one Germantown, by RPtern• Bigamy Wagon', single and double Harness. Whips. &dale,. Bridles, he , being the entire light driving Mork of a large etoble The whole to be sold with6nt reserve ALTEED H. HICHITNE43 , iyl-8t 3p Auctioneer. lEEE CITY BAZAAR AN) TAT wienua, RAUB !Amt., betwfen. Eleventh and Twelfth. R B . OH AZIpTAN, Actitionear, e l lc i elarY, T 9 el'ilEE GIinETION, - . . Will sell on MONDAY. July 3 ai _ sickish A. M. ABOUT PIPTY HultSda. Comprising trotting. family, farm. and draught harmed, among which will be found A pair of sorrel mares. six years eld. very stylish. A pair of black horses, sixteen hands high; good fa mily e areas. A dun horse, Aileen and a halt hands high. A pair of gray lionise. liITY fast and stylish. A bay Pony, dye years *ld, suitable for the middle. A gray horse, sixteen hands high, an easeuent dranght horse. A bay mare, fifteen and' a half hands high. seven years old. A Canadian exceliOnt meddle pony. A black horse, sixteen handishigh, fire years old. Also, anumber of other horses. Full partionlarswwill be found in cataloging, whir& will be ready in time for sale Also, new and second-hand carriages, sulkies. Oer- MantoWn, racketway, dearborn, shifting, falling. and co-top wagons, made by Rogers; Tiedeken. Caffrey. Watson. and other city makers; together with single and double harness. mrays, blankets: saddles. bridles, halters, die., made by Pierce, tiallayher, Phillips. and other celebrated makers. _ - . No postponement on account of weather. B. B. UNA lIPIOIII respectfully calls• the attention of consigners to his terms for selling, which are as fol lows: • Horses and vehicles. 7,5 d Der cent. Harness, 10 per cent, commission. Superior stable accommodations for horses entered for public or prirato sale. B. B. CHAMPION. Auctioneer. WANTED, BY A LARGE AND OLD egabilehea Dry. goods House, two good. Sales men, controlling f r omge trade, the 01143 from. Pennyl. Imola, the other the Western States With such Itber , sl arrangements will be made. Address "C. B. A..' Press aloe. WA* WANTED -A YOUNG MAN, WHO • vanes a 'fair hand_ as an ASSISTANT in a Cauttttiazroottl. Salary Small at ftrat. Awl?' Rt 39 MARKET Street,. WANTED -IN A JOBBING AND IM • • Porting Clothiers' and Tailors' Trimming House, a grab class S&L/.SAAB. Also, an intelligent LED. to learn the business. Address, with real name and reference, Box 819 Philadelphia'P. 13,1,8 t. WANTED-AN APPRENTICE TO V aim the Drug Bueutees. Add Address" Medicine," Pren • Je3o-31. WANTBD-A RETURNED SOLDIER derail% a situation as °LEM or Aeeletant Book. keeper; has had five years' experience; eau give re ference Address "A. B. Box 2319 Philadelphia Post.oince. ie3o 31. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM LIBCOLD. Br Dr. J. G. Holland. Ho comment Is necessary; the author's reputation as a Writer is fogy estantstles. Experienced aaavassere know Why is wale. Address. for tense, NORRIS BARDARD, Mit View. jeBo.l2k. Chester county. Pd.. GENTS WANTED FOR " THE MEET SERVICE. THE FIELD, THE DUN GEON, MID THE ESCAPE BY ALBERT D. RICHARDSON. New York Tribune Correspondent. The moot Interesting and exciting book ever pnb• Melted, embracing Mr. Richardson's unpara leled ex perience Tor fon, veers; travelling through the South 111 the secret service of the Tribune, at the outbreak or the War With our &nuke and Sent;. both Beet end Wan, daring the first two years bf the rebellion; hie tbillib.a capture; his confinement for twenty months to seven different rebel PIII10116; his escape , and almost miraca. lons journey by night of nearly 400 miles. It will abound In stirring events, and contain more of the fact. incident, and romance of the war than any other work yet published. eachers, ladies, energetic young men, and especially returned and disabled officers and sol diers. in awnt of prolltable employment, will find it peculiarly adapted to their condition, We have agents clearing SMO per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address 702E8, BROS., & CO N. B. corner SIXTH and MINOR Streets. Philadelphia, Pa. jellblen BOY WANTED—A COLORED BOY between the sem of td and 18 wanted, Andy tnedlstely at NS LOCCIST Street. 302. tf •. A SPE CI AL' PARTNER, WITH CS Eight or Ten Thousand Dollars, will be taken In a profitable Manufactaring EUBSI2O9II, and security Omen for the money. Address "ilianufactnxer," at this 02119. je27.60 $lO PER DAY AT HOME I—WANT BD—AON3ITP.—sny person (mile or female) wishing to set as agent. can learn the particulars of p a plearant business at home. by enacting two rod atampit for circulars and the return postage. Only $2 hi ifb capital required, and profits 10 to slu per day. Address B. WAYVELIs jy3-ttral6 , Box 4781. Chicago. Al. $lO,OOO, $O,OOO, AND $3,000 TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE.* B CARPENTER & SON. %A* S. THIRD St $12,6 A MONTH.—AGENTS WANT BD everrwhore to stitroduse the improved SHAW S IMAM/ TWRATI .DOLLAR FAN IL' SBW IKO MACHINE, the only 10111•Pfiett =ash/Ile in the eountrr which is Beamed by Grover & Baker. Wheeler & Wilson, Howe, Singer k Co., and Bacheldor. All other machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and user are Rabic to fine and imprisonment. Salary and expanses, or large commission, allowed. Illustrated circulars sent fret. Address SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford, Ratne. lorylo-43FW3m $7O A MONTH.-I WANT AGENTS ry here at $7O a month, BIMINI paid, to cell FIFIIIMISTIOLES the beet Belting ever offered. Ten particulars free. lamas OTIS T. fiABAY, Bidde , lord. Maine. inTIO daCTStn B OARD. -PLEASANT ROOMS, WITS Baud, neighborlird ARCH and SIXTEENTH Streets. Address "C., at ibis Office. ay/.Bt• TRANSIENT AN D PERMANENT BOARDERS atoommadated at au South BROAD Dtreet jBSS•lOt• FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR SAL E—THE BLTBSTAN .11M1LTIAL lISSIDENOS. No. 1503 SPRUCE Street. with large three. story donble.back beMiami, in moet complete order. Lot 32 by IST* FOR SALE—WITH IMMEDIATE poseession _Dwelling. 1902 'Mount Vernon etreet. 19C4 and me Mount Vernon street. Dwelling. Dwelling, 4044 Mount Vernon street. 19)1 Green street. Dwellings, 2113 and 22115 Spring Garden street. Dwelling, 1808 Wood street • Dwelling, Mount Vernon street, ea , t of Sixteenth. . B. p. GLSRA, 11.23 South IPOCTRIII St., _ ill . or S. W. eor OBVINTBBATH and GREW. da FOR SALE .— SHADS SIDE -at Ame A beautiful country residence with fifty.fonr acres, twenty. four miles north of Philadelphia. The land le in a high state of cultivation. handsomely located on the Bethlehem turnpike. within half a mite Of Idue-Lexhieten Station. (north renneylvanta road.) The improvements conehtt.of a large Brick Bowie, with ebade, ehrubberry, choice fruit. and or namental trees; a large barn. carriage houses, sheds, &c. For nerticalare, inquire of .1 or F. MATTIS. 1716 t• 80. 8 South W &TllB Street. khitadelnhta. ta FOR SALE--Al' ELEGANT W arm. SIT:OMM on West ORE Street, with side yard, Sztiehed with all the modern conveniences Anal' to 5A311 7 111. L. CLEMENT. ieSO-61.• 236 S. THIRD Street f ARCH - STREET REBID F.NCES— FOE SALE —Several ltret.etatte HOllBlll, south side of Arch street, west of rsineteszah street, em.)raa• In g all the modern improvements. Apply at MU ARCH Street. -lm* 4 1k t , FOR SALE-AT STETSON'S STABLB.JISIIrIPERS`.bItiVeeII drab and Cher ry. a CEESCIIIT.EO.92I HORSE. 113 M, hands nigh, of great Power and speed, hied In hulloes, ead a good Jaseknpy ie:10-dt.* $25,000. - fq, 0 _G _ R ot thTe l am ij o E urth it on prodTot: l :r; property worth Ally thousand dollars. Littoral tertall =MI6 Apply to E. CARPENTER & BON, i79-rawf2w 247, South THIRD etreet. A YOUNG MAN DESIRES A BIWA TION as ENTRY CLERK or Assistant Book•kseper in some Wkolssale HOMIO. Beet of references even. Address 'G. P. H.." care of "d. H. H.." az South THIRD Street. ASMALL GASH CAPITAL WILL =rebate the 000 D WILL, STOOK, ftl.. Of an established business. (the oniy business of the kind this eity, easily learned,/ suitable for a Hook. binder, Pocket-book, or Faper-bez Maker. Satisfactorr rea son for selling oat Inquire at Mo. 50 forth FIFTH Street. third story. is.9o-5t FIRE WORKS We offer the balance of our stook of FIRE WORKS AT COST FIREWORKS. JACKSON & HAD -- YIELD'S celebrated Fireworks, coneleting W in part of Roman Candles. Rockets, Mines, tar heels. Triangles, and Colored Fire, at MILLER'S, ie2B-51.* 610 MARKETStreet. GENTS' rintNISEEING GOODS. I INS ^ SHIRT MANUFACTORY. Ti• subsertbera would invite attention to Mitt IMPZOVID OUT ON ssurra. whisk they nuke a spostally le then' business. Also. Mail WI [acolyte' want...Ms PDX OUTLIMBICEI waks. J. W. SCOTT 42 00_., GENTLEMBVS FURNISHING WORN. No, Sl4 CHESTNUT Must. lal-1T Pow doors below the Continental. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. BOTiWO AND ECLEOTIO DRUGS, ROBF.,RT- A lELANCE, ISO OTBLIT, PHILADILPHIAIs Would fell the attention of Drageeto, ClOntry Nor. &sate, end others, to Ms stock of BOOTS, HERBS, AND mum. In visions steed paekAgee,of oar own proteins. at PitlolB BBLOW FORMER RATES. MUll line of BOTANICAL ritBP6RATIONS, W. L MULL d 00. '8 0 ONCBIITBAIBD ABACIDUIL &L. at a Itberal dieconnt to the trade. Oitsloguee funitmteed on application. 1n1114201 IsDWARD P. NELLY. Giii CHTIBTNUT STRENT, COMPLBTX ASSORTMJIXT 07 itafeiti SPRING GOODS. FOR THE ILLUMINATION, JULY ¢s ISOIS GENERAL GRANT CANDLES, WARRANTED NOT TO "RUN." For sale bx RODENT DONNELL & sort, ion OP' SOB WALNUT &FRUIT. TWANTN. BOARDINGt. p AID 3 :.4 :CA AT CONT. FOR THIS DAY ONLY FRANOISCILTS Sr 00., M 2 MARK ST street, :.__ L i 2 ; JOHN KELLY• TAMOILS. lOU NOW WI MOM AT REASONABLE moss, AMUSEMENTS. MRI 3. JOHN DREW'S NEW Agog. Sniff THUM. Lair WEEK OF FRANK DREW. %MEDAL y 18% "BABY LYNNE, .'' (new version ) TEE PEOPLE'S LAWYER. and 0001. 48 6 CUCITEREE, RDAnK DREW IN TREES CHARACTERS. Nirb Songs and PRIM* r%PURTH 41Thi, A 0 REAT. BILL CO/* IC ERT HALL.—THE ( tiE 1D PADlORaitla Sr the atones Bur i alcidents low netted with the assassination and of Abrahant Lincoln, and attempted assassination of W. H. Sowards alit be exhibited at CollOgar WIEST/MY Street, on JaCINDAY IMBUING, July Bd, 1866, and every Evening dating the This Panorama has been gotten up at Coat expense, and wilt eve an in tweeting and livid view of all the 1306111111 sonneoted pith the great palmist tragedy, arnica has deprived our country Of its savior. 'nate , for sale at the Bali every day. t;etween 10 A. M.. and 4 P. N., and &Max the evening. W. W Jemii. BPF General Alrent, CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT ST.. ABOVE TWELPTR.—i PANORAMIC Vigw THE ASSASSINATION OP ABRAHAM LINCOLN, °win' to the apseosohine Anolveraary of our As-, Mosta Independence, the Pomerania of the Beene* and' teetoente aostested with the AnAssittAtion of ABlinteald LIAMPLC end the attempted: Anateinatiog Of W. a ONWARD, bee been postponed until WEDNEBDAT 1865, evening during el:Whited at the above Ha and every the week. Tickets for sale at the Hall. Doors ClDell at 7 o'clock Performance commons at 8 o'clock. nil-5Ln W. W. DAM, General Agent. FAIRMOUNT WATER WORKS— WIRE BRIDGE. AFTERNOON CONCERTS, EVERY DAY, from 4 to 7 o'clock, by RASSLER'S GRAND MILITARY BARD. Programme of Mustais• cued dally. 'The Arcb, VIM% cad Oallowhlll Street Oars run direct to the Week Ira a P HILADELPHIA NATATORIUM AND PHYSICAL INSTITUTE, BROAD bTRBET,-DELOW WALNUT, THR NATATORIUM AND depar t men t OF JULY. The Bathing and Swimming on the fourik wIU be open for gentlemen from 6 21. toe P, Ho Lessons will be given, nor will the Ladies swim on timidity. 1e29 6t A'CADEMY OF FIB ARM; WIEBT .L3.• tutrr Street. above TOM from AA. M. till r. x Boojamlis West 'a tre4t picture of MIST UP JECTED still on exhibition. NE PLUS ULTRA. NE PLUS ULTRA. NE PLUS ULTRA: l'Aidtl.V.R. T'ALM:P.R. BILLIARDS. BILLIARDS BILLILRUSi N. W. 00R. EIGHTH. AND VINE STREETS. N. W. COE. EIGHTH AN"D VINE STREETS. N. W. 901. ETSFITII AND VINE STREETS. HEED'S HALL. REED'S MILL. REED'S HALL, The new and magnificent BILLIARD SALOON& 1 W. coiner of RIGIITEt and VIWR Street". Wlll be omit to thB pithily on MONDAY NEXT, THE 3d OF JULY• Tor ventilation, light, and other necessary arrange ments, the proprietors feel confident they tan very just- IT state that thus, are The Billiard Saloons of America. Containing Twelve superior Rosewood Tables, trete the celebrated manufactory of 1 3 '11,, , I-LAW .54 COLIZENDWIR. The Ear will be supplied with the best liquors, Bad the thOlOest brands of cigars. The establishment Will be under tits bin tl,p, meat and direction of JeBo4lt* Mr. JAMES PALMER. HANDEL AND HANDN SOCIETY'S ANNUAL RXOUNSION TO ATLANTIC CITY. TzsiMPAY•JtiIT 6, 16110. A Band will sechtnany the Ezettreion. Dinner pro vided at the Mansion HMO. Tickets, St. 60; ehildren balf-price. For Mile at a Prumpler__,'s S. B. corner Seventh and Chestnut; R T. White. 237 Market; A W Rand, 124 North Sixths W N. Freelard, 212 Market; I. M Maree, Manaynnk; T. Bewley, corner Broad and Spring Garden; J. H. Panay, S. W. corner Tenth and Green, or by any mem ber of the Board of Directors. jy3. BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAIL ROAD. WONIEWIERIE TWO THROUGH NORTHERN CON NECTIONS DAILY, LEAN& P. AND T. B. B. KBE IRGTON DUO! Al 7.30 A. I. AND 3 30 P. H. Oonnnectlng directly through to RAE7OIA, WHARTON. "NATO OAP. GUAT MUM WILEBSBARRS, DITATALO. AND THE . GREAT LARVA Through Tickets sold and RUM. Chocked RIMINI to all principal North and Watt. ien-lm W. H. (MUM. Amt. PHILADELPHIA. aIIIORNAISD READING 21 aiLEOED.2 EXCURSION TICKETS, GOOD FROM 3D TO STH JULY, INCLUSIVE. FROM PHILADELPHIA. To Norristown & back. 76f To Pottsville & back. 44. El To Phoinixville ..$1.26 0 F0 Tamaqua " 4.40 To Pottstown "•• 1 &SIT° Lebanon " SO To Readisg " 270 To Harrisburg " . t 602 Ar d between all Mbar Stations, at a redaction of one third from regular rates. JOHN WELCH. Jyl-6t General Ticket Arent. PADP.LPRIA AND BIiADINEI „RAILROAD. —Exaural.ol2 Mete at SMS t EPHRAT". and LITIZ and back. good from July let Sth, 1855 Passenger Depot, THIRTEENTH and DAL. LOW DILL. JOHN WELD H, je27.Bt General Ticket Agent. airagg NORTH PENNSYL VANI►It AIM AII—FOIIRTEI OF JULY EXCPIESIONS —EXCURSION TICKEPS from Pniladelphia io Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, and Manch Chunk, toad from let July to oth July, In , clit.itie, will be issued from the tteket olllcee ei this Company, at THIRD Street and DESKS Wear at , re' dated ratite; aced to Wilkesbarre good tip tan days, These Excursions will afford 'a line oititorttinlir for Parties wishing to spend the holidays among some of the most interesting, agreeable, and PIOOMOVOM scenery In the country, Mo Excursion Tickets sold on the care, Trains leave Third and Thompson streets at 1.33 A. if.. SS/ P. 111., and 0.10 P. M. iyl it CAMDEN AND IKINARRW. 14 . LINT/9., 8./At:y.45AD. etwmup. THROUGH lig TWO ROUlte,,,,_ On and after SATURDAY. July Ist , MX , FITS Ittaiitß daily to Atlantic City, and one on Sunday TRAINS LBAYR ARRY as follows: ...... *a • •••• ... 6. XA. N. Mail Train 7, 60 A. X. Freight, with Passen — ger Car attached."... 9.1.6 Byprees (through in two hours) 2.00 P. X. Atlantic Accommodation .. . .. 4.16 P. at. RBTI7RNING, LIAVI ATLANTIO. Atlantic Accommodation 6 97 A. X 11xpreins Ohrtillgh in two honrs).•,--- 7.06 A. X. Freight, with kalleeager Oat attachedsl.47 Mail Train ...... • 4.. 441• • V* • • aanaa 6 41•144•4. "Yr, Special EinCtlreioll , . ..... ..... • 44.4.4 • r. K. SUNDAiI MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Tin -street Forty at. 7,80 A. X. Returning, leaves Atlantic at.. • 446 P. X. Fare to Atlantic, 12. Round-trip Tickets, good only for the day and train on which they are Maned, $O. JUNCTION ACCOMMO DATION. Leave 'Vine. street Ferry ..... 9,80 p, Leave Jaelmoa .... 6,26 A. X. EXTRA HAM:IONT) TRAINS Leave Vine-street Ferry at 10, IL It. end L 16 P. Leave Haddonfield at 11.4 a A. . and 2.44 F. X B. B.—Freight must be delivered at Cooper's Pohl* before a o'clock P. X to insure 1G going down the next day. JOHN G BRYANT, Agent. BXTRAL NOTION. —Hound , trip Tickets, good to go and return on any train from the let day of July tot he 6th Oncincive), R 3 s2B. ailmAgg EXCURSIONS TO L021(3 SRA NCH .—T tai a* for Long Drench will leave Coopsee Point, 0.461DR22. daily atindaya Meted.) al 9,10 A, al. rare *2. lir, enraton tickets. geed for three days, lig. Bxtra train on Saturdays at 4.30 P. M. Returning, arriye at Camden at 9.10 A. M. Mender. L, B. 00LN, *gent, ie26 2m Camden. asitgoEPHRATA. AN D LIT IE 'WRINGS, VIA RUB. ING AND COLUMBIA RAILROAD, CLOGS CONNIOTIOAS AT RISIDING. On and aria: MONDAY, Jane Ittb. DalatlEara Jsot tb. above Sprints swill leave the PHILADILPRIA ♦ RAD.ING RAILROAD DEPOT., THIRTEENTH ant cALLowniLL Streets, at BA, K. and 8.80 P. M.. or riving at Bybrata at 1128 and 7,28 P. M , and at Lltis at t and at P. M. RETURNING, L a O y § Mitt et 918 A K. and 2 r 21 , i au2 SPhr_l4* at an A. M and 2 44P. M PM ll6 . 6l notta at It 46 and 7. Oa P. K. Jas,l2{ istanwm CB BAP AND PLBL- BilarT 81111111111 R TRAVIL, OAMDU APO ATLANTIC AID BARIWA AND DELAWARE BAT RAILROAD. CHADOR or TIME DANDER. TO DEW YORK AND LONG BRAND& on and atter MONDAY, June 19, the Express Train Will leave Coopar Ptantp Camden, deny (sanders ex. darted) at 9.19 A. ES, to Ttekartoa, Diarneget, Tom'a River, Manahostar, Bergen, kkalnanm, Tarjuthadaill. Fibs* Myer, Long Branch, Draneldport, ocoan4ON, EatnntoWr abrewsbary, Red Duet, Middieto wn,Righ. lands, and Port Monmouth; therm to Oew Tork_. - Ity the apierlid steamer " Jesse 'tort " Through to rieW York to five h our s . Fare la Excursion Tie its goad for three data, 53 On Saturday a at extra train for Long Branch wilt leave Camden st 431 1. IL Returning, leave Load Branch at 6gO M. Monday, arriving at Camden 9,10 A. 11. felt giffigiaWEST MESTER a.ND PHITILDELPHIA SAtL. ROAD. —poujint MGT SXCIIIISIOK. IXMISIOK TICKETS will be sold to WEST ORES TES. good Irmo July to sth. tnelnelve. Fare for tar Excursion, $1.36. Tickets stood on all Trains. PXCIIBBIC.I I TICKETS to She SOLDISRS' PESTI. *AL AND PIO.DIC on CHADDS lIORD BATTLE GROUb D. on 3017 4th. will be sold. good on that daV oat'. Pure for the Excursion. 111.10. Trains will leave Philadelphia at 7 35 A. 11, and 10.30 A. M.. for the Ground. Returning, will les's Chadds' Ford at 4 37 P. IL and 7P M. BRUIT WOOD, je30.41 Gummi gnnerlAtendeat. Ag M GRAND RICOURSION ON THE FOUITH 01' JULY. 'The dearer METEOR, will make an IreuretOtt on the /ovum if JULa to POET DELAWARE, and return. Thie will be the mo.t delightful Emmy*ion of a* " 45 °D , f"' 4 hiA rg will lave aleple time to viett alio interior of the Fort and examine the entire works. Refresh manta at the 'fort, The Boat will leave the accohd wharf below AIIAM Firer+, at B A. Itstopping each way at Peausgrove. gar , This will ie a very rare chance Oapt A. DENNY IDEPiavracrilTY rOS orranAtt WWI& lE O A:t.aX,EIi. SLIM CLARK, agent