g4t prti.ss, FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1865. '1".1-11E0 CITY. CONPISOT OF AIITMOMITT—MILITIOT Ps. VaM Oran..—The Military Court Martial, of whisk fig. General Doubleday Is President, have, as our leaden know, been engaged for some time In the - WWI of W. B. N. Oossene, charged with de (reading the Government as it Contraotor for furnishing tents. The trial was concluded lad lreek, Mr. Clams, of course, going at large MI nein& At a late hour on Monday Orb- Slog a man in military costume Went to the reeldtMee of Mr. Conseil, and 'Mildred for him but he was not at home. This came personage called at the store of Mr. 00SNOW the next morn ing, but Hid not succeed in finding him there. Daniel Dougherty and Fred. Carrol Brewster, Bags., Counted for Mr. Cozsens, called upon General Doubleday and informed him that Mr. DAMN would appear whenever required, but, as he was a (dome, they knew of no law by which a military mien could visit, his house at night in time Of peace. J u d g e Advocate Foster was OMOlally notified to the lame effect. Yesterday, Mr. Venoms was arrested in Waehington Square by a person calling himself Lieutenant John Milton Johnson, but subsequently acknowledged himself to be named Kauffman. with the title of an.offloer. Mr. Clemens was taken to thelprovostmarshiPa office at Finn and Buttonwood streets, which is presided over by Colonel li, A.. Frick. During the day Justice Thompson, of the Supreme Court, Waned * writ of habeas corpus for the production of Use body or Mr. Corson& Colonel Prink refused to acknowledge the writ until he obtained further orders. Janice Thompson then issued an attachment for the arrest of Colonel Frisk and all connected with the arrest, and the Sheriff was direoted to execute his writ. A hearing Will take place this morning, when further fads Will be developed. THE EXCURSION SEASON.-This season will Commence tomorrow to the si City bythe Sea," and in order to meet the emergencies that will arise as the boated term progresses, the Camden and At• Untie Railroad Company have made every arrange. Mont.. The road is in good order, the ears Wove. Went, and the locomotivee powerful. The public nooses at the City are open, and nearly all fully tUrntehed. A train loaded with furniture was taken down there yesterday. The great resort presents additional improvements since last season, and Within the next fortnight thousands of our citizens and others, sweltering with the heat of the city, will seek refuge in the cool, deliehtfal, and invigorating brill:Mee Of the ocean. Quite a number of the large Rouen are already open for the reception of Visitors. Mr. George Heyday, of the Exchange, has boon open for several weeks. He is a popular purveyor. The prices of boarding per week will range from $l2 to Va. The following is a list of the excursions that will take place during the season, at the dates named: July 1, Arming° Mills. is 8, Grand Lodge A. P. /L. is 4, ,y. owning. 5, spring Garden Mechanics. !Undid and Haydn Society. • 8. Boarding House Reopen. • 10, Norristown Lodge I. O. of O. F. " 11, Scott X. E Church. " 12, St James Vincent de Paul. is 13, A. Mal:ship X. E. Church. " 14, N. Baptist Church, Camden. 15, Decatur and Franklin Engine Company. 17, Union of Odd Fellows, Camden. si 18, St. Philip's Sodality. " 19, Grand Division Sons of Temperance. " 20. Vnlon Donsfielai AsSeelatiOn. 11 M; Fenian Brotherhood. 22, Shipwright's Protective Union. " 24, Pequod Tribe I. 0. of B. X. " 25, Monomial Lodges 1.0. of 0. F. 28, St. Patrick. " " 27 28, Gr ee n H ill L ibrary. ' I. oofo. F. " 81, Empire Grove. August 1, Trustees American Protestant Amnia elation. 2, Centennial Church, 1, 3, St. Joseph's Sodality. " 4, J. Harker. " 5, Junior Baldwin Assembly. • 7, American Mechanics' Association. " 8, Library Odd Fellows' Hall. 41 9, W. Plum. is 10, 0. F. Library, Third street. is 11, Emory XE. Sabbath School. • 12, Merrick 8, Son's Employees. 14, AMerlean Mechanics' Assooiation. " 15, Shawnee Tribe, Independent Order Of Red Men. 16, Arcanum Brotherhood. • 27, Amerioan Mechanics' Association. " 18, Iluotingdrn County Church. is 19, Montgomery County Lodges of Odd Fel lows. " 21, Bricklayers' Aseeolatiori. " 22, Wissahickon and Ottoway Tents of Red Men. • 2s, Thaokara A Sharp. " 24, Front.street M. E. Church. • 25, Young Men's Christian AssodatiOn. " 26, Monday's Moonlight. " 28, Vankirk s e Employees. " 29, Western Hose Company. " 80, St. Mary's Library Institute " 31, Mignon Tribe, Independent Order of Red Mo. TIES INSTITUTION FOR TEE BLIND.— The closing exercises of the school session of the Institution for the Blind was bold on Wednesday afternoon. The audience was quite large. The excretes consisted of music and the award of pre. MU= by the President, Franklin Peale, as follows 1. The "Birch Premium,” congaing Of a pin-type printing box (by which letters are made in relief for reading by the blind,) to the following.named senior pupils,for excellence in their literary classes during the enire term and in the public examination jest Closed: Mies Emmaa Howard, Miss E. Eleanor Smith, Miss Joanna Burke, Mies Jane E. (Mutton, Miss Martha E. Reseberry, Miss Mary Shutt. This premium was established in memory of Wil liam Young Birch, an early benefactor of the insti tution. 2. The second premium, a copy or the New TeStir Mast. in embossed print, to Miss Anna E. Robineoa. S. The juniors , premium, a copy of the Psalms, iII erobessed print, to the following junior pupils: Masters George N. Beidelman, George W. Twining, James A. Hinds, Robert Babcock, Julian G. Packer, and John Maher ; Misses Lisette Lafore, Sarah Goldin, Sarah Hanes, and M. Agnes Madden. 4. Certificates of merit were awarded to all pupils In the literary department whose averages were ninety or upward. In the manufacturing department silver medals were given to Messrs. Thomas Clark and Thomas Smith for the beet specimen of corn brooms ; and Miss Diary E. Kneadz for the superiority of bar bead-work and crocheting. Bronze medals were awarded to David Horton and Thos. Brown, for the second-best corn brooms ; Peter Benet, Nathaniel B. Garton, (a deaf, dumb, and blind man,) and John Nichols, for superior brushes ; to Henry C. Stewart, for excellent doer Ulfltd, and to Itliss Emma Howard, for excellence of nretchet work. . . Certificates of merit, and honorable mention, - were given to several other pupils for diligence and enema in the teveral arts taught in this depart• =ant. FlRRS.—YeEderday morning, about three o'clock, lire broke out in the warehouses of J. M. Mitchell & Co., Nos 24 and 26 North Front Street. The firm are dealers in yarns and manufacturers' reees, heddlee, shuttles, pickers, dyestuffs, 50., and had on hand an extensive stook. The lire origi- nated on the nest floor of store No. 24, near tne centre of the store. It soon found its way up stairs and through the hatchway, enveloping the first and second stories of the building In dimes, and these were coMplettny burned out, with their Contents. The counting-house, on the float hoer, was also de stooped; but the books and papers, which were in a fireproof, wore saved. The third and fourth stories suffered principally from smoke and water. No. 26 was only slightly damaged by fire, but some lots will be sustained by water. Adjoining on the south is a store occupied by Cochran & Russell, deade' in rosin and oil. No damage was done by fire, bet the stock wail Somewhat Injured by water. Messrs. Reese, Seal, & Co., wool dealers, No. 20 North Front street. suffered slightly by water. Fire Marshal Blackenrn is investigating the orfain of the tire. The loss of Mitchell & Co. will reach, it is sup breed, $50,000. They are Insured for $70,000, as fol lows In the North American Company, $lO,OOO ; State of 'Pennsylvania, $5.000 ; London and Liver pool, s2osoo ; Security, New York. 1120.000 ; Loril lard, New York, $5,000 ; Market, New York, $lO,OOO. The buildings belong to the Girard estate, and are fully Insured. We have learned the following parttoulars in re ference to the fire at the spice establishment Of 0, J. Fell & Brother, 120 South Front street, which occurred on Wednesday evening, shortly before ten o'clock. Messrs. Fell had on hand an immense Stock, valued at $70.000, upon which there is an in surance of $50,000 in Now York and New Eogland companies, which, it is thought, will cover the lose. No. 125 South Front street was a building similar to that of Fell & Brother, and occupied by U. Robin SOD & Co., wool brokers. The rear portion of the building was damaged by fire, and the , stock damaged by water. The origin of the fire is mot known. During the day women were em- ployed Tsoking spices, end no fire was allowed ill this part of the building. Mr. Fell left the store at o'olook flam es he eveningjhavlng securely closed it. When the were diseevered the building was found locked, and there was no evidence of Moen &axiom. Yesterday morning, about eight o'oioer, the fire again broke out in the rear portion of Fell's store. The firemen were called out, but no further damage was done. THIC Tomas or JULY.—Common Court ell yesterday concurred in the resolution of the Select Branch, instructing the Oommisidoner of City Property to illuminate the public! buildings. There will be in each window of Independence Hall a star, formed of gaejets, and surmounted by the name of a Union General, in gas jets. The whole will have a beautiful effect. Eerie's, Hailers, the Continental, and other stores and public buildings on Chestnut street, will be illuminated with gas. jets. The National Union Club, in Girard row, will be beautifully illuminated with gaejets, form. lag an eagle and patriotic Words. The Unfelt League House will likewise be illuminated. A row of stars, formed of gaajets, will ran along the top of the bundling, and the words July 4, 1865, Lin. Coin, Johnson, Union, Peace, Liberty, formed of POW, Will decorate the front of the building. There will be a display of fireworks by the Union League in tie evening, at Penn Square. All the newspaper offices will be illuminated, and it 1$ Wright the illumination will be a general one. CONTEST ME A FIS-HORN.—A hand- IMMO SOW silver tiro-horn is being voted [or at St. Anne's Festival, Port Itichmond. The horn to be awarded to that fire company reoeiving the highest number of votes. The contest is growing more lute. . resting se the festival draws to a close. The vote yesterday stood : Globe Engine Company 1,422 Gcod Intent Engine Company 1,349 Kensington Howl Company 1,328 Northern Liberty Hole Company 28 Open young will Continue until Monday evening at nine o'clock. From nine to 10 P. N. sealed votes will only be received. IMPORTANT TO LOVERS OP TOR CREAM.— A number of asses of serious illness from eating fee cream has been reported within the past two 'weeks, and, upon inquiry, it has been ascertained that the cause was In consequence of venders re taining the supply which was left over the night before and refreezing it next morning, and offering it for sale while In a rancid state. When cold U is impossible to detect this poisonous condition; but alter it is taken Into the atomachand dissolves, then it is that the rancid quality of the cream becomes perceptible, and disseminates Ralf throughout the system. Yesterday morning, Dr. Charley Smith was called in to see a lady, whom he found mitering from every symptom of the Severest cholera, and it was only by prompt application of the strongest re. Medics that her life was saved. She could only ao• count for her condition from the fact that the night prodding she had pastime freely of male, and that soon afterwards It made her sick, causing vie• lent Melange of rancid substances, which con tinued to increase until the doctor was Called in. LINCOLN DIONLHENT Ftrrow.—The fol lowing trasss have been reeoveo by J 51551 L. Clog horn, tree:wirer of the Lincoln Monument A530018r 220 D. at the Mace, 921 Oheetent street : S artwell al 00 Free H post Lodge, No. 181. I. O. O. F 20 00 Independent Council, No 8, Soutor 0. U. M 5 00 P. F. Frees 5 00 Cover:ant Lodge, No. —, I. O. O. . 20 00 Mrs. F. A. D 2 , Oooper Murray (colored).. 0000 Angeline Thomas (colored 1 00 aloud will S. F. E. 400.. 100 00 SHAMEFUL.--Yesterday the citizens were somewhat chocked, and their sympathy deeply ax. cited, upon beholding nearly two hundred and fifty crippled soldiers lying around loose In the vicinity of Thirteenth and Walnut streets. waiting for the pay due them. 'there wild inditer awning nor stied to Meld them from the scorching raga of a tropical can. Some of these poor fellows had lost legs, others arm, and others were wounded la their beads and various parts of the body. If Book arenas are likely to continue, there are public spirited citizens who will procure an ililreog to shield the "boys" from snob Intense heat of the ann. Tram Firsconsm SHOCKING AfICIDENT.-111r; Samuel Daniels (not J. McDonald as printed), in jured by the thing of a gnu, a few days since, in re spect to the memory of the late Admiral Dupont, is doing as well as can be expiated, at the hospital. He has lost his right arm, below the elbow. lIM left arm was badly burned, but it is probable that itwill be saved. Ile can work the fingers of his left hand. The unfortunate man has a family depending upon him for support. The benevolently Inclined may forward contributions for the wife and children to any of the members of the Union Volunteer Re frainment Saloon. THE GREAT GLIB TO BB Fnur,D.—The monster gun at Fort Mifflin will be charged with forty.flve pounds of powder and fired off at noon (sun time) on th e Fourth of July. Persons residing In Philadelphia, who may chant* to hear the re. port, will thus know the cause thereof. All the old guns Of the fort have been removed, and their places supplied with Splendid fortytwo•pounder rifles, all In perfect order. Tan Pmfsoisicsa AT FORT MIFFLIN. There are about eighty-font prisoners et rod 'Attain. Some of them having been drafted, and not respond. loft, were arrested. Thole Men are incarcerated with cutthroat looking bounty-jumpers, in a bomb proof at the fort. LOADED BRELLs.--Several hundred load ed bomb Shells, some having the fuses attached. Were displayed to the weather at Fort hilhEn yes. terday—the can shining down upon them from a Olondlees sky. These shells Were deposited there, a day or two since, by a Government man• of-war. A GOOD EXAMPLE FROM A NORM Fru CoarreaT.—The Good Will Steam Flre•Engine Company yesterday contributed one hundred dol lars towards the Lincoln monument, through the Tenth-ward committee. This is the company which secured the $6,000 horn at the Sanitary Fair, last year. Its members always do their whole duty, both se firemen and °Wang. Beta ost Pews AT THE SPRING GARDILIT M. E. Ostunose.—On Wednesday evening the pews In the Spring Garden K. E. °hurt% were sold. The premiums for the choice mashed nearly $2,000. The annual rental will resole $6,600. A number of the most desirable were sold; the balling* VII be disposed next Wednesday evening. FAST Lxrm.—An additional line will commence running to Atlantic City tomorrow, atarting at two o'olook in the afternoon. This train will reach Atlantic City two hours after starting, and will start from Atlantic City at eight minutes past seven o'clock every morning. . COLLEGE COMMENORMEmr.—The auntie commencement or tuo rotyteohnio College of Penn - . trylVlMlli wilt be held to night, in ()oncost Hall. The speaking will be by distinguished citizens, and the music by the Germania Orohestra. A large audience is expected. No micas are required. OMR NATATORIII/L—Dr. Jansen has given notice that no masons will be given at the Natatorium on the Fourth of July. The institu tion will be open for the use of the male members from alx A, M. to Mx P. M. CITY COUNCILS. A stated meeting of Councils was held yesterday afterliOton, at Which the following business was transaotud: IBELEVT BRANCH. num Lsivo, Eaq , President, in the chair. Mr. BARLOW (U.) presented petitions from elti• zone of the Seventh precinct, First ward, asking a change of the precinct house of that ward ; and one from the citizens of the Second precinct, First ward, asking for a division of the precinct. Referred to the Committee on Law. The °twit presented a communication from the faCulty of the depict/cent of arts of the University 01 Pennel Ivan's, inviting' Conn°llo to attend their anniversary, on the 8d of July. ACOapted. Also, one from the tXty Solicitor stating that the quota of taxes due the State by the city has not been paid for several years, and if not paid by the Ist of August an additional amount will be assessed against the city. The Solloitor recommend); that a temporary loan be contracted for by the Oity Treas urer to liquidate the claim. Referred to the Com mittee on Finance. Also, one from Ell K. Pride andlJ, B, TOWneend, asking to be reimbursed for Riling up the moat around the fortiftoattone at Chestnut street and Darby road, so as to get rid of stagnant water. Referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. SPBBING (U.) chairman of the Committee on City Property, made a report providing for the sale of market plots at New Market and Oallowhill streets Referred to the Committee on City Proper ty to obtain the opinion of the City holioltor. It was stated, in discussing the subject, that the land Was donated for market purposes alone, and the city had no right to sell it. Mr. Sraeuvo (U.) presented a report with a bill annexed appropriating $12,000 for use of Fairmount Park. the appropriation being exhausted in eons*. quenee of the Storm that destroyed the property Wirt% Connell refused to anSpend the rtdes to consider the bill. Mr. Fitaziaan (17.)_presented a petition asking that the Resolution Hose be boated at INC Ger mantown road , Referred. Mr. Jonas (U.) chairman of the Committee on Law, made a report changing the precinct house of the Sixth divisiOn, Tenth ward, from Race and Sixteenth streets to Madame Minnie's, Arch, above Broad. Passed. Mr. GRAY (U.), Ohairman of the Committee on Water, made a report, with a communication from the Chief Engineer of the Water Works, static that the supply of water at the municipal hospital was insufficient; also, a bill authorizing the Chief Engineer to lay water-pipe to the hospital. Post. polled for the present. Mr. Toencs (U.), chairman of the Committee on Law, made a report changing the precinct-house of Sixth prenifict,awelfth Ward. It was stated that the present place or voting is 'Up an alley. Passed. Mr. SPERING (U.), °barman of the Committee on Surveys, matte a report approving of the ap. pointment of the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, and they were confirmed. Mr. Kura (0.) presented a preamble and resolu tion : Whereas. according to the report, of the trustees of the Philadelphia. Gas Works for the year 1804, presented to Councils in January last, the net profits for the year are stated to Dave been $301,000 ; the price of VIZ during eight months of the year having been fifty cents lower per 1000 feet than the pries now being charged, for it ; and whereaa, the profits for the present year at the price now charged must necessarily increase the aggregate amount or profits in the two years to nearly a mil. lion of dollars; therefore, .Reealved, That the Committee on Bantle be directed to consult with the City Solicitor, with a view of taking measures to prevent the Trustees of Philadelphia Gas Works from increasing the debt of the My by negotiating the loan of one million of dollars, authorized by Councils in December last; and, also, to compel them to make all future im provements of works and mains from the profit derived from the sale of gas instead of allowing them to increase the debt of the city by obtaining loans for these purposes. Mr. Kura (0.) said that the Gas Works had one million of dollars on hand, sufficient for all purposes. He Imotested against the use of any loan. Mr. Jonas (U.) said that the trustees were not using the loan. it had been discovered within a few days that the Democratic party had left a defalca. Son, but It could hot be ascertained to what extent the losses would reach. By the next meeting of Councils the trustees would make a report showing the extent of the defalcation. _ . Mr, Kum (04 thought that the doors or the Tens. tees of the Gas Works should be opened to the reporters, and thus the pubtio would know of the defalcation. .Mr. Jonas said that the Democratic party had put $lOO,OOO of the million dollars into the sinking fund. Mr. ASJIMSTRONO (0.) propounded Ei series of questions to Mr. Jones as to how much money the works had realized npto June last, and what had become of a defalcation in coke for $4O l OOO. Mr. Jonse said it was impossible tp say at pre. Sent, All the clerks were at work examining the aceoents, and ascertaining how much Coal was left Lo the bins. The claim for the coke was placed in the hands of W. L. Hirst, by the Democratic trustees, but nothing seems to have been realized from it. The President now interfered and said that Such queries as Mr. Armstrong put would do in commit tee but not in Council. The bill was then referred to the Committee 011 Finance. Mr. FRBBICATI (tr.) offered a resolation 1101 U-do ting the Committee of Finantio to close up the bust noes of tho bounty fund 00Mmisston. Passed. 41. bill to extend the wharf at Vienna street was passed. The bill from Common Council making an appro priation of $2,706 to the City Commissioners for the enrollment and elagoilleation of militia for 1868, was passed. • The bill from Common Connell to appropriate $115,000, for the purchase of the Germantown Water Works, wise taken upend the amendment agreed to. Air. Bestow (U.) moved to suspend the regular Mignon to madder the bill to ay the expenses of receiving volunteers . Tho bill appropriates 86,- 968 60. The bills for printing are as follows: Evening Telegraph, $129 90 ; Evening Bulletin, $Bl 25; Daily News, $53 . 62; Philadelphia Ledger, $79 31; Sunday Transcript, $2.20; Sunday Timm, $2 ; Sunday Dia. patch, $1.70; Sunday Mercury, $2.50; Free Press, (German), $82.10; Inquirer, $72.42; Age, $57.60 ; North American $57.85. The bill was passed. The bill relative to the adjournment Of 00unolls was 00110111 Ted in. Adjourned. COMMON BBANCH. President ISTOILLBY (U.) In the chair.. An invitation from the faculty of the University of Penneylnnis to the members of Oeunctl, to be present at the commencement of the Department of Arts on Monday next at Musical Fund Hell, at 10 A. M., was received and accepted. The resolution to change the place of holding elections in the Seventh division of Sixteenth ward, which was under consideration at the adjournment on Thursday last, wan taken up. On a motion to postpone for the present, the yeas were a ; nays, 22. Lost. Mr. STerrron (U.) moved to amend by making the place of voting the southwest corner of Third and George streets. Mr. traTZBL (0.) Was opposed to the amendment. The citizens of the warddid not want the change, and the member who offered the amendment had no business to do 80. He did not belong to the ward, and it was a work of supererogation for Councils to dictate to a ward the place where It should hold Its election. The citizens would hold their electionS Where they pleased. Mr. Stale/VP wishedto know from the gentleman whether the precinct in question had ;weeded. Mr. MSTZSL Called the gentleman to order. The amendment carried finally. The ordinance from Select Counoil changing the boundary lines of the Third and Ninth divisions of the Fifteenth ward to create a new division in said ward, and to establish places of voting in the new division, was taken up. Mr. Fox (U.) moved that the matter be laid upon the table. Pie believed that the whole concern was a political tech. MT. EVANS (U.) netated the gentleman that the matter Wee bens tide, and not intended to affect the election as Senator of a friend Of the gentleman who had just sat down. The ordinance passed. An ordinance to establish boundary lines in the Sixth division of the First ward MIS taken up and parsed. Also, an ordinance to ohange the platte of voting in the Eighth division of the Ninth ward was taken no. Mr. Dlnton (0.) presented a remonstrance or citizens. The remonstrance states that there Is no necessity for the change, and that thrae.fourthe of the citizens of the precinct are Opposed to It. Mr. SToHLBY (U.) stated that the plaoe where the election had been geld was in a dirty hole in an alley, and the room in which the election °Moons met was about eight by ten; that Democrats had signed the petition, and more would have signed it, but they were afraid of having their hair pulled When they went to vote. Mr. HaTZEL (0.) wished to know who was best qualified to determine where the election should be held, the citizens of the precinct or the members of Councils ? Dlr. &rosier (U.) That's a matter of opinion -1 think Connedlit are. On the adoption of the ordinance, Mr. Dans dro tided that it wee adopted. Mr. WoutenT (0.) protested spinet the dent. elon ; the negative side of the question had not been TheCHAIR called the gentleman to order. Mt. WOLEBET. Maybe things Can be PRP/ through the Legislature in that Mlle, but it can't be done here. The Carlin rapped until the hammer broke. alany members arose and moved to adjourn. A. vote on the motion to adjourn was taken, and the Onera decided the motion to be lost. Several gentlemen appealea 'Tom the decision of the Chair. The CHAIR decided the motion out Of Order. Re had neelded the question. Mr. STORMIT, President, here resumed the chair. Mr. Raltitietat (U.) hoped that the passage of a bill in the way met the hill which had Just been de ;flared to be passed, had been put through, would not countenanced by the President or by this Cham ber. Mr. WOLBERT (O.) was glad there WWI one honest member of the Opposition. The ORASIRd al that he had nothing to do with what had occurred. The ordinance changing the place of holding the eleotioh in the Filth division or the Twenty , fittli ward, Was token up and passed. An ordinance providing for the purchase or the Germantown Water Works, was taken up and passed. Mr. WOLBERT (0.), chairman of the Committee on Reception of Philadelphia Regiments, presented the report of the Committee, with an ordinance ae. Oompanying it appropriating $6.868 for the payment of the expenses Incurred by the committee. Of this amount, 8726 Is for six bands of music; $734.35 is for board of guests at the Continental ; $607 is for ad vertising; $7O for Wreaths, ho.; $1,238.33 is for lum ber for stands. Mr. Helioomr (U.) was oppeSed to paying the Continental or any other hotel $784 for the board of a few men for three days. Mr. Harm' , (U.) asked what had become of all the lumber that the city was charged $1.238 for Mr. HANCOOR was opposed to oompelling the tax payers to pay the cost of a banquet to the members of the committee or others; the oily had better build a hotel. It would make money at It. teefMr. HARRISON (U) understood that the commit had made up the rioter lumber from the amount paid by them for the lumber and the amount re ceived from Its sale ,• but he would like to see the debit and credit aide of the account. Mr. Hirrzar. (0.) moved to postpone the bill for one week, that the members might have an oppor tunny of looking into the matter, and voting un derstandingly upon it. Mr. WOLBaRT (0.) did not care whether the bill was postponed for a week er a year. The commit tee had discharged their duties faithfully, and had reduced.the *oat of the bill $l,OOO. The motion to postpone Wee loft, and the ordi nance passed. The reaolution from Select oounoll, instructing the Commissioner =City Property to Illuminate the publics buildings, was taken up and passed. An ordinance appropriating a lot of ground at the northeast corner of Twenty-emeond and Brown etreets, for school purposes, was taken up and passed. The bill making an appropriation to the Water Department, for extending the works and other pur poses, was taken up and passed. Mr. Mem= (11,) offered an ordinance appropria ting $5,244 to the Building Inspectors to pay de. lictelleles. Passed. Mr. BRADY (U.), from the Committee on High ways, reported a resolution providing for the paving of Forty. second street, from OheMant to Wood land. Passed. Also, an ordinance appropriating $l,OOO for the grading of the streets In the Twenty-fourth ward, lying between Forty-second and Forty-fifth Streets, and Market and Woodland streets. Passed. NIOKELS (0.), from the Committee on Fire and Trusts, presented the report of the committee, Stating that they had visited the several companies of the department and found the apparatus in good Order, and they recommend an strain/saee providing for the payment of the several items of annual ap propriation to the respective companies. The or dinance passed. Also, an ordinance locating the Exoelsior Hook and Ladder Company as a steam-forcing hose com pany. Mr. WOLMMT (0.), moved to amend by adding the Perseverance Hose Company, but withdrew the amendment. Mr. SToßtav (TT.), moved to make the annual appropriation ISM The amendment wee loot, and the ordinanOe pase ed. Adjourned. THE COURTS court of Quarter Sessions-410M Joteph Allison, Amoebae. Justly.. A COSTLY BLOW. John Buchanan pleaded guilty to a charge of as guilt and battery on Wm. Early. Buchanan to a eartman, and it seems that he inflicted a severe oat upon Early, who was a child not more than five years old, with Lie oartwhip. Sentenced to pay a fine of $lO and the costs. ET= Washington Hooper pleaded guilty to the larceny of $650 from a coutitryman. Sentenced to an im• prlsoamant of one year. John Q. Major, a youth about eighteen years of age, was charged with embezzling the aim of seventy cents, the property of his employer, Peter IL Eck stein, the keeper of tobacco and cigar More, at Eighth and Coates street. Eckstein testified that having reason to suppoSe that email sums of money were from time to time being abetraoted from his drawer, he consulted with one of the detective detectives, Mr. Levy, about it, and was advised by him to mark Certain money, place it in the drawer, and absent himself from the store for awhile. He did so, and upon returning and examining the drawer he disco vered that some of the money was missing. He called in Deteotive Levy, who was near by, and the latter, upon searching the person of the defendant, found seventy cents of the money thus marked by the prosetator and identified by him, in the vast pocket of Major. The jury rendered a verdict of guilty, but recommended the prisoner to mercy. ACQMTTED OF Lescaurr. Thee. McDevitt, a tavemkeoper, in Christian, near Fourth street, was tried on a charge of the lir deny of between $2OO and $BOO, theproperty of a dis charged soldier named McConnell. McConnell testified that being drunk, he passed the night upon the kitchen floor of MoDevitt's house that when he fell asleep he had more than $2OO In his picket, and that in the morning when he awoke it was but to realize the fact that this considerable sum had dwindled down to siy cents, which was all that was left him. For the defence it was shown that many persons badmen to:the room where MeConnellwas lying during the evening, and aside from the fact that the house belonged to McDevitt, there was nothing to indicate that he took the money. Good character was also shown, and the jury rendered a verdiot of not guilty. The jury was discharged till Monday, and the court adjourned till this morning. THE POLICE. [Before Mr. Aldermen Bottler.] A B&W JBBSBY ausaTrruni. lifam Frame and Edwin Williams were charged, by Sergeant Andrew Vance, of the 7th New Jersey Regiment, with swindling him out of $440. The Sergeant testified that he enlisted In New York, as a substitute, fee $875. Last Wednesday week he went to the house of Frame, at the north west corner of Ninth and Market streets, In com pany with a man named Cummings, and being in duced to play cards, was beaten out of $440. Frame said he was bantered te play by the Sergeant, wno bosatekthat he beat eyerybody in the army. The Sergeant won considerable, and never complained until lie lost. The defendants were held in new, for a further hearing, so as to get the testimony of Cumming. JOHN. JONES SACHS DOWN. Hamilton Johnson, a citizen of Camden, N. J., charged a man with attempting to pick his pocket. Be testified that at the Kensington depot he found the man's hand in his pocket. Alderman Battler to prisoner. What is yotir name/ Prisoner. John Jones. Alderman. Where do you live i Prisoner. In Haverhill, Massachusetts. Alderman. What aro yon doing herel Prisoner. I am on my way to Washington. Alderman. Do you know John McDonald? Prisoner. I do. Alderman. Yon are that man, are you not Prisoner. Yes, I am. John was committed in default of $2,000 bail, and as he was taken to his cell he glanced in at the Rogues , Gallery, where a fine photograph of his adorns the walls. [Before Mr. Recorder Enen.3 A BRIGHT INNOLIBH LAD. Henry Pollock is the son of the proprietor of a tavern at 122 Doak linnet, and he was taken before the Recorder yesterday, on the charge of pinking a pocket. Edward Johnson, a young subject of ner nligesty, testified that he was formerly employed by Pollook, senior, but left him and went to boating. On Wednesday evening , he Sell asleep in Pollock's, and was awakened by Pollook, junior's hand being in his pocket. Pollock turned to the boy lu a rough manner, and aidied here did you ever get fifty dollais 1" The boy rep lie d: Why. I earned it boating, and here is more that you did not get ;" and young Jonny Bull drew from his pocket a roll of greenback& The Recorder held Pollook In $l,OOO to answer, the bill being retarned.lmme• ()lately. THE LIZTITENANTS' REPORTS The Chief of Police, Ruggles, entered the onto yesterday morning with a smiling countenance, and proceeded forthwith to business. The First District was called, and Lieut. Fuller came up, having Upon his report an account of an ACCIDENT It seems that one of hie constituents named Wm. Babe, residhig at Twentieth and Pemberton streets, proceeded to work, and jumped upon one of the l'annsylvania railroad oars to facilitate hie progress thither. The unfortunate man slipped, and had his foot so badly crashed that it is feared an amputa tion will be necessary. Lieut. Hampton was the champion of the day by producing a formidable billy, sometimes called a black jack, which was takentrom one of a TRIO OP SUSPICIOUS CHAPACTSIIS. Officer Phillip, whilst going his rounds, discovered three men In an alley running out from Paillyank road engaged in washing' mud from their clothing. De approached them, when they nod and -la.-dis charged a pistol at them, the ball taking effect In the BbOtaderblade of Michael Stoneman, the fellow who had the formidable billy upon his person. The ball lodged In the pectoral muscles, but Dr. Reed did not consider the wound very dangerous. The billy Is about eighteen Inches in length, loaded with a pound or SO of lead, and is a deadly weapon of the worst character. Sergeant Neff came to the regents of Ofhoer Phillips, and the other two men were cap. toyed, giving the names of John Diamond and Moe Burk. One balled from Tuokerton, New Jersey, and the other said he had no home. They are sup. posed to be deserters from the United States Navy. UNMANLY ACT. The reports showed that Wm. MenHiner 11113 ar rested at .Palrmount Park for huntßang females, and was held to answer. - Lleut. Goldey presented hts report through Ser. vent ---, and It contained lin account of a couple of fellows who attempted to leOlt A SOLDIBIL. The names of the twain are Charles McCarty and Ft. Riney. The soldier testified that they attempted to rob him on the highway. The robber states that Alderman Butler committed the parties, In default Of $5OO bail, which Is certainly not correct, as the alderman is an efficient member of the minor Judi- Clary, and Is aware that none bat the court, the Mayor, or the Recorder can take bail for highway robbery. The report also contained the fact of the arrest Of one Pat Hughes, on the charge of stealing nine pounds of coffee, at the store of Messrs. Fell, during the flre. Sergeant T. Wood McKinley made a report of the action of the Reserves, stating that they were all present or accounted for. Lieutenant Spear, of the unterritled Seventeenth ward, whose face is tanned by the sun of Mexico and of Virginia, he being a brave soldier in both wars, presented his report, but it contained nothing of interest. The Lieutenant persistently refuses to use Emile de NHS to beautify ma complexion. and so we let him move along, looking like an ancient soldier, as he M. Lieutenant liowers, of the Sixth ward again came to grief. He has had an idea that the men who drive through his district, etriptying hogsheads of water, would certainly wash It away, and leave him not hing to stand upon ; but now the fire at the Wool store causes him to think of the loss of his dis trict by that " worSer " element. Poor Bowers Another Inenlt. To the Editor of The Press : Sin: MTS. Sarah M. Douglaes,a teacher In the High School for colored youths, was refined adMiesiOn In car (set apart for colored people) No. 10, Seventh and Nintbetreet railway, on Wednesday after noon, 28th Inst., after hating wetted one hoar. The oar wee bailed by several pereone, but received no notice from the Conductor , gave a laugh at the car passedli ine of Thir teenth. and Wallace streets, ves and wasvicinity thankful for the convenient* even though extended by the com pany in so unol4lll and humiliating a manner. Cannot some other devise be suggested t Mrs. D. Is the daughter of Robert Douglass, one of theoldeet Inhabitants of the city, and a taxpayer—family and cell—for over fifty years. T. T. B. TER Isom Bruaerns, rased tinder the aruirloes of Oen. Meagher, and at present consisting of the 83d, 89th, and 88th New. York Regiments, and the 28th Maseathusstte, are to leave Washington on Saturday or Sunday, to be mustered out of the serviee. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA:: FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1865. A E L SISTANT. QUARTERMASTER'S OFPICB, No. 1139 OHL lUD Street, lhrmnumirufa, June thiseisa. PEALED 119)P01311L3 will. be resolved at algae anti) FRIDAY, the Mb instant, at 12 o'clock Id., for forniehwe rustsrials and Creating sheds at the Schttel. kill Arsenal, in aceordanse with plane and specifica tion. to be /men at this once Etch bid must be guaranteed by two reeponsible Pet suns. whose signattiree waist be appended to the gni ratite. and certified to by a United. States judge. at torney: or collector that the bidder or bidders will, if Ms or their bid be accepted, enter into written obliga tion, with deed and engleient sureties. Bidders mum Mate the price (which ehotad be written both in words and figures) for each died. and the time for completing the work. The ideals reamed to reject any bid deemed was 50uakie, and no bid from a defaulting contractor Will be received. proposals tobe madeont in duplicate on the regu lar forma. which will be fursdehed on appliestion at this Indorse envelop*, "'l'D:Mose/a for eroding sheds at Schuylkill Arsenal. Br order of Sol. Wm. W. Itsaise. 11. 8. A.. . Mist Quartermaster Philecielnkle Depot. ORO, R. OEMS je27.0 . Oapreila mad A. Q N. PROPOSALS FOR MAIL STE &M -811IP AIIRVICStETWEEN ITNITXD STATES AND BRAZIL. PDXT OFFICE DIPARTARST, WAeling6TON, June 26, 1865. In aecordance with the neeertsions or the act of Gan grene. approved May 28. UM. which le in the words fel leering. to wit •N goy to authorize the estibilelunent of Often Mall steamship service between the United States and Brazil Be it enacted by the Senate and Rouse of Represen tatives of the Ihdted States of Anemic' in Congress as sembled. That the Postmaster General be. sad he Is hereby, authorized to Witte with the Geneva Post. Office seseertment of the Bmpire of Brazil, or such other officer of the Government of Bradt as shall be satire ?Usti to act tor that Croverement, in establishing direst mail commuldeetion between the two Matinee by means of a monthly line of first-class American eel going steamships, to be of net less than two thousand tonelnaden each. sad of sufficient number to perform twelve round trips or voyages per sinnum between a port of the United States. north of the Potomac river, and Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil,tonen big at taint Thomae, in the West Indies, at Bahia, Pernambuco, and such. other Brazilian and intermediate port or ports as shall be anneidered neceseary and expedient Provided, That the empires of the service shall be divided be tween the two Governments and that the Gaited Mates portion thereof shall noirmeeed the Mint of one hundred and fifty thonsatd dollars for the preferm ent* of twelve round trips per annum, to be paid out of any money appropriated for the service of the Post- Office Department • • Esc. 2. And be It further enacted. That the Post master General be, and he is hereby, authorized to in vite proposals for said mail steamship's/vice by Public anverthement, for the period of sixty amyl/, in one or more newepapere published to the cities of Washington. Baltimore.. Philadelphia. Jew York. and Beiton, re. streetivel), 1:d to contract With the lowest responsible bidder for the same for a term of ten years, to eom menoe from the nay the fl rat steamship of the proposed line shall depart from the United States with the mail* for Brazil,. Provided, That proposals for monthly trips —that is to say, for twelve round voyages tier annum out and back—are received and accepted by him within the limit as aforesaid, from party or parties of un doubted responstbdity. poeseseing ample ability to tarnish the steamships required tor the service, and offering good and sufficient sunrise for the fattlthul_per. ferinance of such contract: And provided further, That such proposals eh all be accepted ;by the Government of Brazil, and that dietinot and eiparate contrasts with each Government. containing Similar provisions, shall be executed by such ascepted bidder or bidders; each Government to be responsi b le otill for in proportion of the subsidy to hi paid for the service, Oro. 8. And be Brattier enacted, That any Market Which the Vostmaster General may execute under the authority of this act. shall go into effect on or before the first day of September. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-Ave: and shall, in addition to toe usual sti pulations of ocean and mail steamship contracts. pro vide that the steamships offered for the service shall be constructed of the best materials, and atter the most approved model. with all the modern improvements &Canted for sea-going steamships of the first aims; and shell, before their approval and acceptance by the Post master General be subject to hitheetien and survey by an experienced naval conetructer to be detallee for that purpose by the Seat-emery of tire Navy. whose re port Wall be made to the Postmaster General; that the two Oovenurnt's ghat! be entitled to have transported,free of expense, en each and every steamer, a mail agent to take charge of end arrange the mail matter, to whom suitable accommodations for that purpose shell be assigned ; that in case of failure from any Caner to Perform any of the regular monthly voyages stipulated nor in the contract, a pro rata deduction ,:.all be made tram the compensation on accrual of such omitted voy • age or Toyama. q that suitable fines and penalties may De imposed for e mays and irregularities in she rosaisr per formance of the .erside according to contract; and that the Postmaster General shall have the power to deter mine the contract at any time, in case of its being nn der "let or assigned to any other party. Sm. 4. And be it further enacted. That the mail 'steamships employed in the antic* authorized by tide act, shall ne exempt *rom all port charges and custom house dues at the port of departure and arrival in the United States; Provided, That a similar immunity from pore charges and custom- house dues is granted by the Government of Brazil. . 4 approved May 28, 1869 " PROPOISASS Will be received at the Post-Office Department, is the city of Washington, until three o'clock P. M. et IdORDAY. the twenty. eighth day of 'August, 1885, for conveying the mails of the United Suttee by a monthly line of Arst ohms American sea-going steam. ships of not less than two thousand tons burden, each, and of sufficient num bar to perform twelve round voyages per annum between a port of the United Suttee north of the Potomac river and Rio de Janeiro, in Bra zil. touching at St, Thomas, In the West ladies. and at Bahia ant Pernambuco in Brazil, for a contract term of ten years, to COralnette6 on or before the first day of September, 1866, and to date from the day the Aret steamship of snob line shall leave the United States with the mails for Brazil. Bidders must designate the United States port of de 'Mixture and arrival, and may, at their option, propose to embrace additional intermediate ports at which the steamships shall in nth on their outward or homeward Passasee. to deliver and receive main. Bach bid should name the time proposed to be one- Died in performing tirepaseages, each way, between the United Slates port of departure and arrival and Rio de Janeiro. and should be accompanied by a nap or diaarata of the route, showing the intermediate ports at which the steamships are to call to deliver and receive mails. Schedules of the saltine days. stating the pro posed days and hours of departure from each port, ite well as the proposed days and hours of arrival, should also accompany each bid: such schedules, however, to be subject to the approval of the Post Departments of the respective countries, and to alteration by said Departments from time to time, as the Interests of the proposed international postal service may requite • The steamships offered for this service must be Ante. risen steszaers of the first class, and before acceptance will be subject to inspection and survey by an expe rienced naval constrainer to be derailed for that pur pose by the Secretary of the nay/. - Proposals must conform in all respects to the prowl. elms and requirements of the aforesaid act, approved May 90th, 1804, and MUM be properly ipascanteed, with a satisfactory testimonial that the guerantere ace men of property, and abundantly able to mike good their guarantee. The bidder's name and residence, and the name el each member of the firm, whin a company offers. should be disinichy stated in the proposal The emplanes or non-acceptance or the bids will be deterysined 1.7 tbasPostmosi t es_ acessal as. an is eras. Usable after Inc time limited for their reception; bet no proposal can be accepted by this Department unless the ladder,. also accepted by the Government of Brazil, as provided for in the aforesaid an and in sass of each joint summer% diotinet and separate contrileis are to be executed by the accepted bidder or bidders, with each Government, containing similar provisions, sash Government to be responsible only for in proportion of the subsidy to be paid for the service. proposals snonid be sent, nadir seal. to "The First Assistant PoWgiaster Genera!!" *Foreign Bask." with the words "Wail Proposals --" Foreign Mails " writ. ten on the face of the addrese ; and they should be de- - @patched in time to be received by or before the twenty eighth day of August next. which will be the last day far receiving ProPosalsumier thin advertisement. WILLIAM DANSIISON, Postmaster GeneraL oTS. —This Department is not advised that any defi nite action hae yet _been taken by the Government et Brazil in reaped to the establishment of tee proposed steamship service between the two countries. jeiS wit pRCPOALB s io4) . R 31 ;1;l i MBER AND . - . SWAB PROPOSALS to furnish Timber and /date teals for the Navy, for the least year ending June 90, 18E6. will be received at the Bureau of Construction and Repair. wh ic h o'clock, A. ,of the llth day of JULY next. attime toe opening will be commenced Proposals must be endorsed "Proposals for Timber and Materials for the Navy," that they may Aa 445thi guttlitd from other business lettere, end directed to the Chief of the Bureau of Construction and Repair: The materials and a titles embraced in the classes named are particularly described in the printed sche dules, any of which will be furnished to such se desire to offer, on applicat.o the the Commandants or the re. spective yards or to Navy Ageot nearest thereto, and those of all the yards upon application to the Be . rean. The Commandant of mush Navy-yard will inform bidders or the qualities of each article. where the sizes are variable_ This division into Mows being for the convenience of dealers in each, such classes only will be furnished are actually required for bids. The Commandant and Navy Agent for each station will, in addition to the schedule of classes of their own yrods, have a copy of the schedules of the other yards for examination only. from welch may beindged whether it will be desirable to make' application for any of the glasses of those yard,. All other things being egad preference will be given to articles of American manufacture. olfore mast be made for the whole of the classg any rare, upon Are of the printed soltednies, or in strict conformity thinewith, or they will not be considered. Upon application to the Bareau to the Oommandent of any yard, or to any Navy Agent. the form of offer, of guarantee, and other necessary information respect; ing the proposals. will be furnished. The contract will be awarded to the lowest bidder who gives i proper maranktes, as required by the law of August 10, the /Urn' Department reserving the right to reject he lowest bid, or any which may be deemed exorbitant. The contrac d e liveriesar dale the day the notiffeation is Jiver:. and can be made Item that date. Sureties in the fall amount will be required to sign V th a e c e n Ma ct es D an ig d e t s h t e i Judg Dis t ric t e n i i b edM c aees Aa torney, Collector, or Navy Attest- At ad ditional acm rily. twenty Per centum will be withheld from the amount of the bills until the conteacts shall have been completed, and eighty per centum of each bill, appro ved In triplicate by the commandant of the respective yards, will be paid by the Navy Agents at the points of delivery. in funds or certificates. at the option of the Government, within ten days atter the warrant for the same shall have been passed by the Secretary of the Treasury. The clatees of this Bureau are numbered and desig nated as follows: • No-1. White oak logs No. 22 Mahogany 2. White oak keel or 18. mignamvfja. keelson /deem 2d Iron—round, flat. S. White oak curved and square. einotor.l6. Steel. •9. White oak - plata: - 27- iron BOOS. 6. White oak boards. 28. Iron nails; wrong't S. Yellow pine logs. and ant. 7. 'fellow pine beams. 29. Pig iron. B. Yellow pine masts= 30. Lead. spar timber. ' SL Zino, tin, and eel. 9. 'White pine desk der. White M. Hardwre. 10. pinereast tire- 34. Tools for stores. bor. 96. White lead. 11. White pine logs, W. Zinc paints. plank and boards. 85 Colored pits, VS. D ber. ecameter& tint- Va dryers, be. S 9 rniih. ' 15. Ask logs and planks. 90. Linseed oil. 14 Ash oars. 41, Glass. 15. Hickory buts and 42. Brushes. bats. 44. Pish oil. • 16. Black walnut and 45. Tallow, soap, end cherry. sweet oil. 17. Cedar and cypress 46 . Jul* ' boards. 47 Ship chandlery. 18. Locust timber. 48 Oakum. 18. White oak staves 49 Tank iron. and heedinge. 00 begot copper. 20. Black spruce Mt. Poles. 21. Locust Utensils. se. Bellows. The followings are the classes, by their numbers, re. gulled at the roe/weave Navy- yards: 1404. 1, 8. 8. 8. 10. 11. 12. 14.18 17 251 24. 27. 28. 30, 21.33, 34, 36. 88. 89. 40, 41, 44, 46. 47.80. 1244. 1, 2. 3,4, 0, 8. 3. 11. 13, 14. l9, 20. 223. 2 6. 27, go. go, 81. 88, 94, 98, 37, 98, 39. 49 . 41. 44, 47. 20 N , 0 2 L. 6 27 , , 2 1 : m u ; 3 13 1 , 16, . 13. 17,12,11), 40, 41, 42. 44. 45, 46. 47, 49 38 ' 93. 36. 87. 88. 89. PHILADIMPHIL Nos. 1. 3, 4. 8, 9,10. 11, 18-14 17 18, 2f/, 12. 16. 26. 27, 28. 80, 31, 88, 34.38, 37, Mff, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 47, 01,48). WASHINGTON. Noe. 1. 6.11. 13. 14. 16.16. 17. 18, 19, 95, 0, 37. 28, 30, 31..°3. 34, 36. sr. 38, M. 46, 41, 47, 49. 60, fig, 66, Nos 1, 8. 4. 6. 6. 7. /1, 13, 14. 16. 16. 17. 18, 19. 20. It. 29. 26. 28, 27. 28, 80, 81. 33.94. 88, 87, 98, 99, Ss. 41. 42. 44, 45..49 je2o 104 C 0 A L .-SUGAR LOAF_, BEAVER MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh OW. and but Locust Mountain. from Elehnkill. tersparol az• wooly for family ass. Depot. I W. emir lIIGHTE and WILLOW Straits. Oloa.Mo. 1111 South asocao UM& Cand-tl3 J. WALTON & CO. PHILADELPHIA TERRA COTTA WOVICIL OFFIOB AND WAIIIIIOOIII3 Ao 1010 01118Titrr VITRIFIED WATER t isms, ima =m PIP t 9. PI. ado bepiet %Archer. Darr. Am. So 40170P•Sid , from to 12. inch bore. ORNAMENTAL OHIMNIT TOE% and FLUB MEE, warranted to Mend the action ofAre.imis, or weather. ORNAMENTAL PARLOR AND CURDS* VASES for classical destirns,platn and bronzed. Mignonette rots, Flower Pots; ler Vases. Hanging Vasa, Fern ;Vases. &a., &s. Importer of Iliaten s Znesnatie Tile. for Olutrehes. VestibulAr, as. mbl-tntbstf S. A. 114MMISOM. 10 Eli C. BASER & CO.'S COD LIVER OIL. --Tll.B TWA AND ONNlTlNZ—Nesuirpsesett be quality and eifeets—beindthe OWEbTIidT AID BUT rurasso. In Coughs. Colds. Bronchitis. Asthma". Dont Ind. ;dent Clonnuenlion , and all gerothlons oomtilainta it oftentimes gramma Immediate and. esstain effects when other rimed** have been taken with little or no benefit. Bold by all lArageets in the city. sad by the propri•- tor. No. 718 "AR= Met. • mo.etwees PROPOSALS. ____ . NAVY DEPARTNBNY, DINDAN 08 CONED RUCTION AND *SPAT* June 16 1861 = oHABLzsTowm BROOKLYN. NORFOLK COAL. r.ll Oill _A'j> 1865. fuevVireLiiile. -1865. PHI OAMDRN AND AMBOY AID PHILADILNNIE AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S &MEI, PROM PHILADELPHIA TO itsw TORN AND WAY num% 1110 X WAIART STAMM WNW WILL LEAVE rollows-Vag At 6 A. X , via Camden and Author. 0. siat 93 At 8 A. X.. via Camden and Jena 0117. Mandan At 6D.° A(. r L ri ,via a Camden and Amboy,Amboy, Ammo l n . ° At. u n..ol g ßun n te P sa s tAZ ) MY.U.lndA. * wc .. . X • •1•••• • Irs •-••••••-• •••-••• 2 If AS at, r noon..la Busdan and Amboy. Aell6lalo - (Freight and ki At 6P._ .3f • via Camden sad Amboy Aimommodg• lion (Might and Passengeri—lst dings Ticket... Si Do. do. ld Olass Ticket... 160 1.134 r. pia Camden and Amhor,_ Allao/alao. dallon (Freight sad Passenge*--Ist Wass Ticket. 2 26 Do. do. Id Oissa Tisket. 1 60 At SAO a. X.. 2.00 and 6P. X. for koaat Holly, Bor a:mine. rest..tos. and v eentowa. At 6A. K. and I P. N. for Irma:old. At aim 9. 16 A. X IsY 3. 30. 604 and 11.34 P. X for Palmyra, Riverton. DidaTlo. verb. . adgewsio r Darlinston. BordeatoWn. Ssa. Ms IP. K. lino mum direst IMMIX t 4 VaTatoT• At 7.30 A. M. , for Palmyra, itiverton. JUNILLIINO, seine. Iv. and lindington. At 10 A X. and 3 P. 56.. Steamboat Trenton. for Brie. tol. Burlington. Beuerly. Ac. LIEN FROX 11:111011110TOI MOT MILL WWII AS FOLLO W S U. 14 L Y.. via Kensington and Jersey City. at 4. P. Y.. via Remington and Jersey P 011f.16- ArKenli.6ls X.. vial sington and Jersey Oitg. Washington and Dew York AXPTIMNII.. 300 At U P. K. (Night) via Kensineon mad Jersey Wumuzpn and Wow York The 0.46 r. X. Line will run deur. All others saa- Says tormented. For BMW*, Dunkirk.. Minim. Mum, Oweiro,lite @heater. Binghampton, Crest Dead, Montrose. Wilkes harre, Seraaton, Stroudsburg. Water Gap. &Pride% IWO% iMnibertville. Flemington, ke.. at 7.30 A. X. and &SOP X. The &X P. X. line eonneets with the train looming Baton for Yam& Chunk. Allentown. Bethlehem. die For Lambertville and intermediate stations at 6 P. 11. For Bristol. Trenton. dts at 1.30 and KB AO N.. 8.30 and 6P. H. and 13 midnight. Oornwells. Torrisdale, Holmesburg, Tautly, irissononune, undsebnr. and Prankford. at 9A. II 1216.8. L 5. 8.90, and II P. K The 8.33 P. kl. runs to Holmeaturg only. ita- For New York and 'Way Linos leaving Egaging• ion Depot, take the ears on Filth street, abort Walnut, half an hoer before departure. The ears run into toe Delot, and on the arrival of sash train run from the Deot. , Rfty Wads of Bagman only allowod otiel oa mal Passengers are prohibited. from taking an u • gage but their wearing apparei. Au baggage over Pounds to be paid for =tn. Th. 001IIINIA7 Mat th iesponsibilltr for baggage to One Dollar nor pormd.saul will not be liable for any amount beyond quo, cum* by ussial sontraot. Oraluun's Baggage lizwress Will 411.11 for and delsw nut street Depots . Orders at Jane LIMBS ISOM .111 W YORK YOH PHILADELPHIA. WILLLATH I , I.OM tHI FOOT OF 00 0 ZTLAND At is 14: and 4P. M., via &nog Oily and Camden, At 7,10, and DX A. M., 0 P. N. and n (Bight),els Jog. sey City and Kensington. Prom the foot of Banta' Wad MO A. Y. and 2P. L. Thl Amboy and'eamden. Prom PUr No. 1, North rivenat LI 11.. f. 11114. O P.N. (fratitht lad pomander). A/007W Ossaden. 0r,341 PHILADBIPULS O WILMINGTON. AND NALTD. YOB] RAJI,ROAD. ITMII TABLE. Commencing MONDAY will leave Depot,oorner BROAD Street and WASHING TON Avenue. as follows: Express Train at 4.00 A.M. (Mondays exsepted) for Baltimore and Washington. stopping at Wilmington. Perryville. • Havre de-Ones . Abadan. Perryman% and Magnola. Delaware Rauroad Train at Mt A. M. (Sundays ex cepted) for Salisbury. =fort. and intermediate Sta. liens. Way. Mall Train, at IL A.R. (Snadays sxseptod),fet Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations. Train at I 15 I'. M. (Sundays enaeraadMr Rai ore and Washington, stopping at Chester. Wil. mingtort, Raton. Perryville, and Havre-de. Grass. Icarus ,Train at 3.54 P. N. (Sundays excepted) for Balthnore and Washington, stopping at Wilming ton Newark, Patton, North.Sast, Haure•d•- Ones Perrrmares,Mamsolin. and Stammer's Run. Night Unrest /.1 48 P. N. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Ohsslor4sitlY to take Baltimore and Washington passengers), ilmhseton. Newark, Ra ton, North. Bast, Perryvilled Havre-de-Gram Pawnor' for NORFOLK. FORTRISS KONIIOI, OITT POINT, and RICHMOND, will take the LIG P. M. train. WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS Stopping at all Stations between Philadelphia and W il . Wa Lean pktiadelphia at 7.45 and 111. it, 1, 2.90 11,_ To and 10 P. IL The 8.85 P. N. train contests Do lawny. R. R. for Milford and intermediate stations. UM Wilmington at CO, 8, and 9.30 A. IL L 4. CM Ina 0.85 D. M. Trains for New Castle lure Philadelphia at VAS and 11 A, lit. LSO and 6 P M. THROUGH TRAINS PROM SALTBOX'. Leave Wilmington FOE BL 4.37 BHA and 9.5 a CHUM BLPHIA. have Chester at T. 45, 8.0, 10.16 A. M. , ILIII. 1.40. 4.64 PROM 0 sad 9.41$ P. M. IiALTINORS TO PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore 8.25 A. M. , Way Mail • 1.10 P. M.. Inprees: 4.16 P. M.. Way Trent 0.31 P. M.. Mgrrent 9.3 e P. Y. Nvic k % • 0 PON BALITMOII.I. Leave Chester at 8.64 A. N.. 1. 60 and 11.10 P. & Leave" WilmingtOtt at ILA 9.M A. M.. 3.M. 3.01. and 12.11 P. IL Pre! ht Train, with Passenger Oar attaahed, will loan a for Perryville and intermediate stations ae TAO . IiIL NNBAT TW INS. • Mrpreas Train at 4.06 A. M. for Baltimore and Waal. beton, "topping at Wilmington, Perryville Havroode- Orme. Aberdeen, Perryman'.. and Magnolia. Bight Ingress at 11.16 P. IL for Baltimore and Wasktngton. Mopping at Chootor (for Baltimore and Wschington passengers) V ilmlngton, Newark, Ilk ton, Borth-Nast, Perry ville, and Berm do•Orsos. Aecommodationat 19P. M for Wilmington Lid Val stations. BALTIMOBB TOE PHILADILPHLt. Leave Baltimore at 9.MLP. M., stopping at Bovre-44- Orsee..Perryville, and W ilmington. Also stops at Ilk. ton and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia sad leave rourongers from Waddington or Baltimore) aid Mester inoton to /save passenger.passenger.from Baltimore L or olt. _ Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at 0.30 P. K. sps H. P. SLUMP. pENNSYLVANIA. CENTRAL RAIL -A. ROAD. auarraza ARRANGEMENT. The trains of the Penns .vanis. Central Railroad irmys the Sew Depot. at %TIMM and RARER Streets. The can of Out Market-street Passenger NeNTS7 ron to and from Pennsylvania Central Railroad DePot. at Thirtieth and Market Streets; they also ham Front nuntroravoravatztirstgz; rat SO minutes for a trip. Their an are In wetuncon th• =rival of seek Train to SCRLY•7ra into the...lly. lad sonnestiona are Dads th udswi srossinfarkee street. On STIEDAYS—Can leave tomtit and Market Ste. at 1.46 P. M. to anneal wi Pittsburg end Erie Mall. and at 10.26 P. M. with Philadelphia Express. Mann's Hausa Express will hereafter be loaded at No. 81 South Eleventh street. Parties desiring baggage taken to the trains; san have it done at reasonable rates nonppa ligation to him. TRAUfitLIh4I AID ARRIVE AT DEPOT THUS: M.A.% TRAM.— _ mt. at ..00 A. IL PAIUI 016011040DAT/0711; NO. 10.00 PAST " U.OO ,» no r ift HARRISBURG ACCOMMODiTIOCI LIM I. LAROASTES ACCOMMODATION...». !. 4.00 " PAOLI TRALlfaro. 2. ' " 1.110 •• PITTSBURG AID nil &30 " PHILLDELPHLUIXPRISS " ILI° ansnrm TITTSBVED AND ENID RAIL.-•••••••• " d4O d l4 ll. PHILAMILPHIA " 7.06 PAOLI ACCONEODATION. No. l»» " EDI " PARI3SBIING" 0.00 LANCASTER "13.80 P. B. PAST , " IEBO PAOLI ACCOMMODATION, DO. 1,• " 140 " DAY 11XPRIE8 , 11 - " .41 " HARRISB'OItG AO . OOMXODATIOI.... 8.40 " NAIL " ILSO " ridladelphla Express leaves daily. PlttabgK and inci Rail /eaves taw ((exempt Saturday). All other Tali' daily (emrapi Sunday.) The rennerkranla Railroad CompanYWill not somas any rick for bagasse, except for Wearing and limit their respentibilitY to One lialarild Amnard. in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in TAM will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken by eye. Hal contrast Nor further Information, a. to time Bad soaustions. us Mlle and framed garb, or apply to TROLLS H. PARRS. !like Anent, at the Depot aa nmiarant Train runs daily (=mord Sunday.) Per folllnformation sale fan and ikosomatodatinwsli PRAMS 14'104 • 137 DOCK Steak 1865. 1865. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL. =Ala —This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest emus' of Pennsylvania to the 'By of a% on Lake Brie. It has been lemma by the PENNBSIMANIA 59AD 907AFANT. and is operated by them! Its entire length was opened for passaanar and helot bnainau Oolober 27th, fesf SUB OF immlytonskitatne AAP FIMADZONII,I6 Loaf* westward. CIO P. K. Look H&Yel Acsommodation A. N. Passenger cars run throe[b. on Mon Train without ohmagcloth ays bows,' alpaia mad d Erie. . . Zleasat Sleeping Oars on Elmira Rare* Troths both mays between Phliadelphlalsad Link Ha_ ' yen and so Sixths Koreas Wahl both Ways betareat WlUlanisport sad Baltimore. Tor Information respestlagPauenger business , apply sorrier THIRTIETH and MAMICIT 6ts.. PhiladelWa. And for Freight bulimia of We (3o r thaa i y i lAsenta. El. E. ICINOSTON. 41011117 1111% Sad T W RE YNOL DS Phila Eris. delphia. , WILLIAM BDOWei. Agent O. M. Maltimera. IL H. OIISTOM. General 'Freight Agent,_Pktladelphla.. H. W WINNER, General Tisket . AsentPhllidelphia. JOSEPH D. POTTS. deld4t G e n eral Manager. MINE WEST JERSEY RAIL ROAD LINES—From foot of Walnut street. pally exempt Mondavi. • Commended SATURDAY, June 10th, 1865. For CAPE WAY, dm.. (at 880 A. 16.. Exprea6l. 8.30 For sill LVI4 , LE, vonmAistv Re 8 801. rd d 290 P. K. For BUIDGITON. SALEM, be., at 9.16 A. M., 400 P. IL For GLASSBORO, be., 8.80 and 9.15 A. If., .2 30 and 4 OOP Bt. ' For WOODBURY, Re., 8.80 and 9.15 A. , 130, 4.00 and 6.90 P. M. RETIGUIING, WILL LEAVE Cape May at 6 80 a. 11 , Mail, (a 20 A. X., FreMht), 6.00 P. K. Passenger Millvllla at 7.33 A X.. Mail, (11.08 P. 3f. , height). 6.58 P. X., Pasteller. Bridgeton at 6 4. id.. Mail. (9.45 A. X., Freight). 4.20 P. X . Pauenger. sai.m at 625 A X., Mail. (8 . 00 A. X., Freight), 4,06 P. X , Passenger. —Woodbury at 7.06 , 813, and 9.06 A. X , (1.40 P. . Freight). 6.64 and 6 23 P. X, Passenger. On the let day of July an additional express train Will be added to and from Cape May, and which will leave Cape May at B.OOA. M., and Philadelphia at 4.80 P. st., throne). in three hours from Camden. J. YAP' IaineSSILABIL Snouintendent West Jersey, Salem. and Cape Mar and Rail road. THE 'WIMP JERSEY EXPRESS 110XP.UFY will attend to all the usual branches of express boil uses. receive, deliver and forward through other re eponsible Express Companies, to all parts of the coun try, any article entrusted to them. A Special Messenger accompanies each through train. PIWADZIPEne, June 4, 1866. fele. tut NORTH - PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD For ItBTIELEIIIO4. DOYLEBTOWN. MAINS oDuriß, EASTON. WILLIAMbPOItY, WILIERSBARRI. aft. SUMNER A aBANGEHINT. •Pflefienger Trainsleave the new Depot, THIRD Street. above ThenuMon street. dally (Sundays exempted) as follows: At 7.30 A M. (Express) for Bethlehem. .Allentown. Manch Chunk. Hazleton, Williamsport. Wilke.- barna dte At 8.80 P. M. (Express) for Bethlehem. Buton,6to. At 6 15 P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown. Manch Chung Danville, Williamsport. ForDoylestown at 886 A. M., 1.90 and 416 P. M. For Yost Washington at 10 A. M. and 11 I'. M. For Lanadale at 6.16 P. M. 'White ears of the Second and Third. street:l . MA, City Passenger RAIWST ran direct?' to she new Depot. TB/alga FOR PIithADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at &90 A. IL • 10,08 A. M.. and 6.15 P. M. Leave Doylestown at 6.40 A. K., 6.15 and 6P. M. Leave Lansdale at 6 A. M. Lent" Fort Washington at 10.60 A. 11.. and 2.16 P. M. On SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 A. N. phtagelphia for Doylestown at 9 P Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. Bethlehem La Philadelphia at 4 80 P. M jab. ELLIS CLAIM Agent. Eimins 1865 PHILA. *DELPHI". AND AMIN& RAILROAD LINE to an points wimp. The dinst route for Om Nar- OIL ItHOIONB 07 PINNSTLVANIA WIMINBPORT BUFFALO, susraxszox JIM — DM NINtRA ir NIAGARA FALLS, sad a ll plus' fa the ester' and Northwest" s% Nast sad tile Canada& TWO THEODOR TRAINS lawn Philadelphia sad 'Reading Railroad Depot, Tkh Month and streets, Ilinftp, Malays en• sented__,)• for the North and West as follows's Horning Szpress at 8 Afternoon Ewen at LBO. H. msistsimessestoonswetion withatt intaftedin= FOR TUROUOR TIONNIft to mew want and puticmhas otraserlaille the different routes, ant, at the TIONN7 01f7I01. 41111 OHISTNIOIWest. ander the MUMM T A /Do% and r O: %tu am- HMO. Z. AI NO __, Tleko a_ t Anat. CIS Ohostanl i Z DIN JOHN HILLINPsnors Thirteenth and OsUesealit RAILROAD LINES. affiankiPHILADELPH IA, ItIhTO Wit RAILROAD GERMANTOWN. AND NON. Ti KE TABU. On and after MONDAY. Arne 6. MO, 94, / , Lana.' notice. POE ERMATOWN. Leave Philadelphia 8. 7,8, 9 10, 11, ri A. K.. 1.9, 3. 10. BK. 4. 0. 0%. A. 7. 8. 9, 10, 11. 12P. N. Leave Germantown 731, Bk_Vh_o, 10; 11.18 1 - 31 1.. 1, 1. 8. 4,4 X down train' 9, 10. P . DI Ihe 8.10 stop on the ieeneestown Branch_ BUNDAYII. Leave Philedelphia ON 9.10 min. A. K.. 9, 3. 6. 8. /0K P.M. Leave Germantown BA. M. 1. 4. 6.14. 9X P. IS, CRISTNITT•MILL RAILROAD Leave Philadelphia 8,8, 10. 12 A. M. , 2, BX, 51[. 7, 9. and 11 P. M. Leave Chastnnt mu 7.10 rein 8, 9.40, 11.. 40 A. at, 1.40. 8.40. 8.40, 9.40. 8 SI and 10402111. P. A ON 81311 Dalli, Leave Philadelphia 9.20 min. A. 91_, 9, 9. and 8 P. K. Leave ineetnat Bill 7.40 min. A. 91., 12. 40. 9.10, and 9 38 P. lit FOE COIIIIIIOIIOCEBTI AID DRIXRISTOWN. Leave Philed*lphia 9, 8 W. 11.06 min. A. K., 13.9, 3, 4X, BX, 834. 8 06 Min. an 7 7P. M. Leave frorristown 69‘ Aid. and 8 P. at. The 634 P. M. train will stop at School Lane. Wises. AkMacy. on, Manarunk. leering Mills. and Conshohocken r on, 02f EUPDAIR, Leave Pbtladolphis 91 IL 934 lades' r. Leave orristown TA. K,, 1 and 6P. M. FOE XADATIII(K. Leave Philadelphia 6. 8 86, moil WU. A. N., 1.3 L. 3. 636,, 6.36. ft 06, and 11.li P. ft! Imrve itanayank 66k, 736, 8.20. 864, 2, 1. 7, SK,P. N. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Ph iladelphia 9 A M., 93d. 43G, and SP. K. Leave Mats ynnk 734 A. K.. eg. and 9 P. NI W S WiLaol9. General Superintendent. Depot. NINTH and GRSIIN Streets. ie3-tt WEST °RESTER AND PHILADELPH/A RAIL MOAB, V • 9$D/a. AREANGRIONT On and alter MONDAY, June 6th, /NC the trains will leave as follows: WEST CHASTER PRALINE Leave Philadelphia for Wed Chester st 7.36 and 10.30 A. X and 2 We s t 4.s. and f o u r P. M. Leave Cheater Philadelphia at 6 20, 7.45. and 10 116 A. IL and 2 and 446 P. M. Prattle leaving West Chester at 7.46 A. X.. and isaV. ing Philadelphia at 4 45 P. IL will not stop at Pennelton and will stop below B. Junction at Media only. B. 0. JIINOTIO.I2 TRAINS Leave Philadelphia for B. Q. Junction at 6 02 and 10.30 P. X. Leave B. C. Jundion for Philadelphia at 122 A. N. and 7.23 P. X. On Tuesdays and Bedews only, until further noti l ce. a Musket Train with Pateenger Car attached , will eave Wed Chester for Philadelphia at 6.66 P. N. stepping at all stations. These trains stop at all intermediate stations. 01 8061 DAYS. Leave Philadelphia at 8.30 A. IL and 2P. X. Leave West Chester at 8 A. g. end 6 P. K. Trains 'calling Philadelphia at 7 36 A. X and 4.46 P. X.. and leaving Wed Chester at 7.46 A. M and 446 P. H. 11011110 Ii at B. Qr Junction aril& WON On P. &B. Q. for Oxford and intermediate points. Passeng ers are allowed to take Willitint apparel only baggage. and the Company will not in anY case be responsible for an amount exceeding one hundred dol lars, unless a special contract Is made for the same. HENRY WOOD, Gen% Buy. PHILADELPHIA, idaroh 16 1865 my 6 1- 4 4:1 ji+li i grommE HE ADAMS EX PRIM COMPANY. Oleo 334 CUBBTIfirr Street, fOrwards Parcels, Pashwies, Mar ehandire. Bant Vote", and epode. either by its own lines or in connection with other lirpress (10010aniel, to all the principal Towns and Cities in the Untt ed States. R. S. SANDFORD. general Superintendent. SHIPPING. AnII. S. MAIL LINE FROM BALTIMOBB for FORT IRONROII, NOR. FOLK. 0/T1 POINT, and 11.1011MOND. by Ink slaw camera end experienced captain's, daily. The Bay Line demerit Lonisisss and Daniel Web. eter will leave the Union Dock, foot of Concord Wrest, daily. at 6 o'clock P. N_ , for Fort Monroe and Norfolk. Va., connecting at Port Monroe with the steamers Geor gians and N. Martin for City Point and itiontnond. Va. Returning, will leave Rielimond at 6 A. M. daily, stopping at City 'Point. and connecting at Fort Monroe With the Bay Line stemma teat leave Norfolk st 2,4 g P. N. and arriving in Baltimore in time for the Batten and Western trgne. and for Washington City, D. C. The eteareeTa of this line navigate the Jame. river, going and Whining. entirely in day dom., giving pas sengers ample time to sea the fOrtatatiOnee and all other objects of interest. Tickets for the above Wafts can be had onboard of the boats. Fare from Baltimore to Norfolk »»««a • 11.114.1. 46 00 •• Port Monroe...". 00 Through Whole from Baltimore to Richmond. ..». 800 C. •6 OS, Foist 7 IR) State.rooms d Meals extra The state-room accommodations are nnenrpaseed,and the table well supplied. Rumen/fere taking the 116 train from Philadelphia WIC Milks connection With this line. Pan.engere taking the 8 A. N train from New "Fort have ample time to dine in Baltimore. Passengers taking the 8 P N. train frog' Washington make connection with this line. A comb will be in waiting on the arrival of the 1 Id train from Philadelphia to convey passenger, to the boats of this line, free of charge. Baggage carried free of charge. N. N. FALLS, President. R. D. JAMAS, General Paseenger Agent, Philsdsl• phis Ala STEAK TO LIVERPOOL , - , Calling at Queenstown—The Inman Line. eailint SBNI-WEEKLY. carrying the V S. Nails. OM OE MANCHESSER.... WEDNESDAY Jane MX OITY OF NEW YORK... - • SATO/DAL July let. CITY OF DUBLIN .....WEDSIV4DAI flay/kit. CITY OF 808 V ... ON.—...—BATUBDAT. July 81h. At Noon, from Pier 44, North River. RATES OF PABeAQII. First gOO 00 Steerage- 00 " to London. 05 001 to London—. 34 00 " to Paris....loo 00 1 " to Pads 90 00 Passengers also forwarded to mime, Hamburg. Jhe lum. drr. , ess at moderate rates. Passage by die mall steamers, galling every getup day, payable is told. Passage by the mid -week steam ers payable in D. S. onnenoy. gieerage passage from Liverpool or Queenstown. $3O gold, or its equivalent. Tickets can be bought here by persons sending for their friends. For further information, apply at the °employ/fit Offices. SOHN 131. DATA, Agent, PM kill ill WALNUT Street. Pails. gella BOSTON AND PHILADN. PHIL EiTIUMISHIP LINE, sailing fromuMail port on SATURDAYS. from first wbsrf sooys rin Street. Pbiladobsids. and Long Whsrt. Boston. Th. stoswablyt SAXON. MA ifidth•Wi t Will so li trek Philbdslfints. for Boston. on Bantam .1 , 1 1 7 10 . M.. and stenzashi_ p 110.111W1t.. Caps. Banor,fion Boston for Pkllladolpfits. on Wks some dap M 4 P. Thus naw and substantial stsuashita tone a nun , liaa. swing tutu sash port punstually on Saturdays. butusneas Meted at os•-hull tha Waal= sham. OR the Tunis. lanionts tutu at fair Mu. • Manna n» requested to ssad Biif 11411111% iutd Nlrt Of Luang With their goods. Nor !Mold os P4llllllOl gaming In• usontatodutioail amply to HIDIRT WINSOIS At CO.. tand-tt X 32 South DILAWASE Aunas. NEW TOW-BOAT LINE. DELAWARE AID CHESAPEAKE STEAM TOW-BOAT COMPANY.—Bargee Towed to and from Philadelphia, Havre de Gram Battlm ore. Waeh- Burton, and Intermediate _points. WC P. BLUM CIO., Agente, 80. 14-SOUTH WEAVES. Philadephia. OW. JOHN LAUGHLIN. Superintendent. ielS Wel mirg NEW EXPRESS LINE, TO ALEXANDRIA, GIORGITOWN, ANS WASHINGTON, Via Chesapeake and Delaware Ointal Steamers leave fret Wharf above KARIM Street every WNDISSDAY and SATURDAY. at 12 N. For Freight apply to Agents. WIC P. °LIDS & 00. , 14-North and &nth Whary .es Phila. DAVIDSON, Georgetown.D.O. PLOW= k BOWEN. Alexandria Va. isi gir e t NOTIO 8.-FOR NNW Y ONE. —The PHILADELPHIA AMP lOW TOES EXPXIBII STBAXNuAT GOMPAII. Delmar. and Raritan Canal. Steamer lam DAILY, Sit what below KAMM Nireet, ass o'ileek P. M. Mg. P. OLIDE a 00., II a. WHADTEEraiLI moo /LID. 11, WALL amok laithErs Haw Tort MACHINERY AND IRON. s galk PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. LEVY. PRACTICAL AND THEOEBTIGAL ENGINEERS, MA CRINIsTs. BOILER-MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, and POUNDERS, having for many years been in entecessfal operation. and been eXdueivsly engaged in "eluding and repairing Marine and River Engines, kighand pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propeller". NO.. &0., respectfully offer their services to the public as being fully prepared to contract for engines of all sines. Marine, River, and Stationary • haying sets of patterns of different sires, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern making made at the shortest notice. Bich and Low. pressure. Fine, Tabular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Penn sylvania charcoal iron. Forginge.of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings of all description': Roll- Turning, ScreW-Ontting. and all other work ow:mooted. With the above business. Drawing, and speolleatiom for ill Work done at the establishment free°, charge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock, room for re pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with them. blocks. fails. Am. NC. for raising heavy or li ght weilida• JACOB C. MAME. JOHN P. LEVY BEACH and PALMER S treets. J. VAUGHAN ItENAJOIL WILLIAM It NINNION. JOHN It OOPS . • . S OUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STN PRILIADIMPHIA. MERRICK db SONO, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, _ Manufacture met and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for land, river, and marine music& Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, he. r Cast ings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iros.frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Rail. road Stations, 114. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Loa proved sonstrnetion. Every deseription of Plantation Machinery, such as Segos. Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans. Orn Steam Trains,Defecatom,ylltere. Pumping Satins he. bole agents for N. ElllieUX 'II Patent tingar•Boiling Apparatus, Nesmytk's Patent Steam Hammer, and Aspinwall & whine. t WoMey's Patent Centrifugal sugar. Drf &RICH, & LOTTO, 'FULTON WORKS_. 1340 101dOM STRUT. Essineers. Machinists. Moller Makers. and Ou Builders. Tanks of every description made to order. Sole Agents for Long's Marine Hormonally". my 1.6.11 piomAs 3I'DONOUGH,_ 01111E•L BLAozsmitaiNG ELK BEE= ABOVE DOE STREIT MANUAL Norma. or Boring tools on hand or =ado to order on short notice. myll-Ms AA - ORGAN, ORR, & CO., STEAM RN- A"- GINN BUILDI3B,Aron roundets, and Olnual llnehinisto and Boiler NOW/. NO. =l9 CIALLoW. HILL street. niladelnhin- rid" nEDICAL„ . EIiZOTRIOAL °MOB& No. 154 North 11.11TENTlic_below ,1110 Street; also, 011.11B1NUT and NOSTLETH Sheet. ILL ladelphia DR. VIONAR ALLEN having been Tery meow fal in the care of Whom* by this new make& would inform his Mends and the Public that he 1$ still bemoaning and awing many whom nollobio did not aged, and considered instrabie. We wilt mention a few of the Diseasesin the ears Of Wide this treatment seldom it ever toll Rheumatism. Mang. Kling flearalaish Gangrene. LIM Paralysis. Moen, Genital zu Cramps, S bud " litersin. Abeam. lever lb Am. Asthma, fireagi on e . • 0098ead0m..... - Hemorrhage. Diabetes.. are. Patients will be treated at their reekienees Whim estred.a large number of testimonials may be seen at the One's from patients in this sit (basalt*. Eons gratis. Ofhe hours 9 M. to 6Y. 11.. in shy. NZ. VIOL ALLEN, enlihina liestrisiam '0 ; • zA; :::• MEET..-DB. A. H. one of the BEIM DISCOVIREHA of a now orators. Of trestufi x em•• MODIFIED lILIOTBIOAL . APPLIOATIO and wiai Lao boon so vary suosossful at PUN eau far hug throe 14411._ has removed his Ono* and Roddeitge to VMS VIII Stmt. one door below SerantoonAlt. All persons desiring roferenaw. or any PuterldiWe with maga to bisspoolal mode of troatagat. will plead sail or mond for a pasuriblot. Consultation or advise gratuitous. mLbfl MARSHAL'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE of a afr o o f saki by the 808. JOHN 13ADWALA. DER, Judge of the District Cknirt of the Milted States, in and for We 811440274 district of Ninuvrivania, in Ad. minim to me directed, will be cold fa rtiblio flank to the highest and bast bidder, tor each, at mlowlielleate MORI, No, PM North FRONT Street, on MONDAY. July 10, ISM, at 11 o'clock A. M., the cargo of wise steamer Deatilce, consisting of Alcohol, in barrels; Ale, in bottleet Claret, in bottles; miscellaneous Liquors. in bottles; one vase of Madeira; fancy Flannels, Tweeds, gatinetts. blankets, Calicoes, Chintzes. Ladies' Under shirts, Wolter Half. hose, leads• made Clothing, In dip, and other artieles, as specified in dal Movies WILLIAM MILLWAMD, 'United Wee Marshal I D. of Fainisglysittil PHILADBLPRIA. June 24, 1865. jeif 12t CARPET CHAIN, YARNE), AND wien. —Lugs invoices just regolved ssiti loe ego to dealer% St lowest mart 151 1 W ata?«..t. AVCTION SALES. PVIZNEBS, BRINLICT, & co. L • No. 615 ORE STRUT and 414.6 AIWA 8 4 146.. SALE 07 IMPORTED Alf 6 DOMESTIC DRI DOOM. HS SIIRISIe. June Mb, at 10 T o l clock lT . by R Widen% on four months' credit, 400 lote fancy and dards dr" . goodir, • BRITISH DBMS ROODS. black and colored mobalrs and alpacas. —5-4 silk check =Astro. •••• ehOtill mOkalras black and white mohair& Onsnaillnws, mestunbiques, IDLED& Black guns gratin, last lastecd. FM pROIDIIIIIREI, JUST LARDED. 100 lots embroidered cambric handkersblefs. DOMESTIC 00008. Fog GARB. Burlington black docsblne. fancy cassimeros. sheet, !Dn. ehirttags. prints, Re CLOSING SALE THIS MORBIRG AT %O'CLOCK. A IDABD.—The attention of_pnrobaserc le .requested to env sale TRIO MORNIMI. Friday. runs 00th, at 10 o'clock, on four meow's, analsßikillg a desirable as. soitment of searonabie goods. Also, for cash an assortment of domestics. ROTICE TO DEALERS IN RIBBONS, THIS MOBBING. 100 cartons Nos. Wu black, white, and colored Donn de sole ribbons Roe. Itiog*scarlet ribbons. RESOLD WORK EIREEDIDERIES. 110 lots new style needlework exittrroiderleg. Aceount of Underwriters. IRiew SUIRTIIG LINERS. THIS' YORtfiffetc UM 44 espernse Irich chitlins lineal, WS171111141d: all Men. slightly damaged. pANCOABT & WARNOCK, IIIO• TIONBIRS. Ito 240 MARKET Street. FOR SALE AND TO LET. di FOR SALE—VERY LOW, WITH sm. Inanedinte posseaaton, delightful four. story' DWI:CILIA% brown atone Egret gory. 80. 1580 lroirth BROAD Street Lot 22 by 2 feet B. B. GLBIN. 123 Etont6 IFOIIRTH NM or B. W. oor. taxviitir TRBIITH and GEBIN. in FOR &az-exalt DWELLING, J 55734 MULLET Street. Beat Cottsge—Lot 18 by 72 Terms very easy. Store and Dwelling. W. oor illth and Oallowhlll. Beat Cottage. 1434 Wallace Street. Neat Dwelling. 537 North Twenty *mad Street, south aide Coates, meet Eighteenth B. F 811.111711. 1113 South FOURTH St.. je24 or B. W. nor SEVENTEENTH and GEBEL AMCAPE ISLAND.—" THE PHILA. DERMA HOUeS." at ISape Island, will be sold at a great sacrifice, or rooted to a good tenant Or piny for the season Je24 B. F. GLENN, 123 Rooth FOURTH Strad. ARGARTREET REBID g Nom— FOR BALE —Several tret.olass HOMES. sonth side of Arch street, west of Alneteenth street, em log all the modern improvements. Away . at isas knefl Street. Jel6 Ale di FOR SAL F-HOUSE, NO. 908 imarztalli Strait. Om Poplar. Imam of J. P. PERGIISON. No. 14A7 North MTN St. -FOR BALE .. -A. MORT. $25 000 ~ GADS of this amount, on productive property worth fifty thousand dollars Liberal tams Asada Apply to S. OA.RPENTER. & 801 C jelgqnwitflw NMI South THIRD Street. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY litSI7BANOR CoMPANT jgrupgpONATlD BY THE LEGISLATOR," OF • PRNNaYLVANIC 835. 0111/105 S B CORN BR THIRD AND wgramft WRISTS. PHILADBLPHLi. ON VISSRLS, MARINE ilasoßANoi CARGO To all parte of the world . INLAID INSUNANCIS onceode, by River. °anal. Lase„ and Land Carriage. to all yarts or the Onion. MHz INSURANONN. On Nerchaliditomorkoralirt on Stores, Dwoulnit Smug. am. ABORTS OP TEI COMPANY. November 1, 18SL ilOO,OOO United States Rive Panelist. Lop. '71.3103,000 CO 81,000 Six 'M. 118,315 00 78.000 ” Six •• 5.0 h. 70.663 50 IEO,OOO State of Penasylvarda live Per Cent. Loan .» . . 84,000 State of Teiin ' sylviall; Six ieifte - 17. 93 ' 66 ll.° Loan •••-• • ••••-• • 0 .01•41..... IN, 00 113,050 City of Phllade_phia ins. Per Ot. Loan. La 87 20.000 Pennsylvania Railroad Rini KM' _a gage Six Per Cent 80nd5..... „ pB,OOO 00 50,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mort. _gaga ' Six Per Gent 80/14111. • 63,960 111 111,000 300 Shares Stook Germantown Gas Company, prineipal sad interest guaranteed bs the city of Philadel -5,500 Lt h itt;i4;aio .. eiC ' vix,;l7;;;Azirif. 115,31X1 00 road 0,100 00 5.000 100 Shares Stoat North Pennsylvania Railroad LOW OD 10,000 United taatesTrovuirs Ilertansates or Indebtedness,....— 30,000 State of Tennessee inner Par ut Len *Ark s 30 11 96,700 LORDS OA Bond and Zoltan*. amply 193.700 OD 6993.290 Par. Cost $842,100.60. Market va1u5.41867.617 97 Beal 36,000 00 Bills resivable for thicirmises made— MAIO 42 Balances due at Agencles.—Premi• um, on Marine Policies. Accrued Interest. and other debts due the Company. 29.793 24 Sorip arid Stook of mils" InitiralbM and other Comenloi. 04.200. Heti seated 2.220 00 Cub on deposit with Patted States Government.auttiest to tenday , call--.....-100,000 00 Cash la • 66.154 98 Vast 637 66 ---0169,692 49 DIBIOTOBB: ThogUPS a Road, Samuel Bloke*. A l m Galls, J. F. PeniatOn. Edmund ♦ Bowler. Henry moan. Theophilus Paulding. Wllllam G. Soulton, Sohn Penrose. Edward Darlington. James Tragindr. H. Jones Brooke. • Henry 0. Dalin% Jr.. Jacob P. Jones, James 0. Hand. James B. ofar/and. William 0. Ludwig. Joshua P &re, Joseph H. Seal, Spanner Morivain_s George G. Leiner. John B. GemPleirittslinrd. Hug Craig . . .. B. Berger. rittsbnin. Hobert Hui*- on. THOMAS 0. RAND. Prodded. 15.011 r, Vies Pieeiaant a hwy. ddb-17 JOHNI - 0. HUEY LYLBITEN, Beer TH piNf ELLINVE DTEIIIRAXIOR ()mi ff riaLAMILPs.t.A. Imorporsted_l.ll34l. %tarter Pupa s& .~~ _ ; , 1.1 . _ CAPITAL. *300.000. Insures against Loss or Damage by FIR* Rouses, Stores. and other Buildings. limited or pe_petual: and on Furniture, Goods. Wares. and Nerebandbm, intoWn or country._ LOSSIS PBOXPTLT AD..IIISTID AIM PAID. A n 114.00.063 71. Invested in the following floonzitlgg, liret Mortgages ohOlty PrOPerty, Welt sasuredpice,eoo oo United States Government - Loans 141.000 00 Philadelphia City per sent. Loess MAO 00 Pennsylvania p 9,000,000 6 per cent. LOMA.... 16.000 00 peassylsania Railroad Bonds, Ant and as. send Mortgagee. BLOOD 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's percent. Loan. 0.000 00 Philadelphia and t. tading Railroad (40 00 ECTLidonelnglitroad TOp — Fise . " — r sent Dial- 6. gage 9,660 00 County Fire Insurance Company's Stock.... L 000 OS Mechanics' Bank . 4,000 OD Commercial Beak of PenneylvanirStoek • 10.0 00 03 Union Mutual Insurance COUllteny's Stock— MO 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Pldiadels phia's Stock• ••••• • 1 . 000 00 Accrued Interest. 6,06 99 Cash la bank WOO 90 Worth at present market va1ne................114,398 DIRACITORS. Clem Tingley. William Stevenson. Win II Thompson. Benj. W. Tingley. William Sinner. Marshall Ran, Samuel Bispham, Charles Leland B L. Carson. J. Johnson Brown. Thomas EL Boors. Robert Steen. Twins Q. HILL . SeaeSSIY. OLIN TINGLEY. President. rEILADBL72I/11.. Desember 1. lint ANTHRACITE INSURKNOB 00M PANT. —Authorized Capital $400,030-OILLETIN PERPETUAL. °lce Mo. 3U WALNUT Street. behrma Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will Insure against Lou or Damage by Fire. on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene- Also, Marine Ineuraosees on Vessels. Cargoes. and Freights. Inland hum awe to all pane of the Union. DaUrnolta William &her, Davie Pearson. D. Luther, Peter Bolger. Lewis Andenried, J. It Baum John R Bookiston , William P. Dean,. Joseph Maxfield. John Ketehaut, WILLIAM SWIM President. WM. P. DIAN, The President. W. IL Warn, Beeretery. apg-Itt 'OA & N FIRE ENSUR&NOB COMPANY- Ineorporated 1818 ONARTNE PBS ?WAAL No. 810 WALNUT bind, above Third. Philadelphia. ' Having a large paid- rip °spits' Stook and Sarplas vested in sound and available Securities, centimes to Incur. on Dwellings. Stores Furniture. Merehandieh Vapid' in port and their Ca rg o... and other Personal Property. All lows liberally and promptly Minded. DINNOTOSS. Thomas B Marla. James It. Campbell. John Weise, Wilma G. Doan. Samuel C . Norton. Charles W. Poultney, Patrick Brady. Israel Morris, John T. Lew% THOk 11111137 O. L. CISLAWPOATI, AS IL MABI% President. Saaretirt fay If VIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. PENNSYLVANIA. FIRE INSURANCE 00 easy. IncorporatedCSAßTJUt PISPETUAL. No. MO WALNUT Etreet. °agents Indium:dense 69 1%._ ts ilompanS. favorably known to the eommnnity for nearly fortyyears, continues to insure against Lon or Damage by Fire, on Patna or Private Suitably, either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on Far- MU" Moab. ode, or Nershindles gener ally. on liberal terms. _ Their eeenei, toothier with alarm ormolus land, is Invested In the molt easeful Inaliner. Alain enable* them to offer to the Inaured an nadmibted murk, to the ran of loss. DIRECTOR& lin i egart.. Daniel Smith. Jr.. Alexander . ift_b_n_pisvareux. Issas Mulaga. Thomas Robins. Henry Lewin J. 0111ing m Felt JONATHAN PATTERSON. President Wussalt 0. Ozownin. Seeretary. COMP.A.NY, TNUP SWUM BL/1111.. D INSUILLKOI. John ros John W. Beeman. Robert B Potter, John Kessler, Jr.. D Woodralf, Charles Stokes, Joseph D. 11114 11E, President 801, Viso FAME INBUBAN No. 4-06 PHILAD CHN3 YIRX AID INL DOM Toads N Nook, Mules RichardloA. HoArs , Lewis, 13anmel Wright. P. B Judas& George A. Wed MIASMA N. SCO CHAR. RICHARD: W. L NLANoRARD, Basra REMOVALS. REMOVAL. -0110. W. WiLT BAN CO. have removed their CABBIAGS .1111Y08130113 to their &tame. O. 31119 OBISTRUY Street (under Concert HaUbwhere they will keep a stock of Carriage. of their own make. and will mate *Won for oven description of int-olam work. Juni 7. MO. Jabs EDUCATIONAL. RUGBY CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH ACADEMY. • 30198 CHESTNUT OMIT, PHILLDELPHIL This institution which will be established in 811 P. lIKBEIL NEXT, is destined to rival the bat schools of tilts country, and of England in Its system of Mairuct lion and discipline. and In the fellness of its clamleal and mathematical scone. Those Mewing for college will be Silted to the 4 high stand in their class, and to graduate with honor, It will be the special aim, also. to prepare yo utig men for business or professional life. Ilinsulars, With foil information, man be had at Mg Chestnut street. EDW. CLe.ElifiCE MIME. A. 31., Principal. ERFSRBROMB.—CmapbCope. Bog, Hon. Wm. D. Kelley Hon. Joe. Alliset.o Alexander wmihtin. Dm, Thomas i'etters./1111.41. , Ilancieses. Moo, R. P. 11. Burin. bine. NISQ. 111118-ISWEINI, LABBERTON & OBARE'S SOBOOL.— Thenezt Session Will begin on RONDA:4', Sept. 11th. Alumltsations lor admission my be made to either of the nantuataued. RODENT R. LADMENTON, 33tt FIF RIGINALD. tt. GUNN 0NN8T.4414 823 innat WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTIL- L 1 —Anew TronehOogmetis for beautifying sad Preserving the otanpletn. It Is the moat wonderful vorapeand of the its. There M Neither IMAM, powast, tssigneslS, hiSlMlthapt tale lath sompissltloll. it being emaposed entirely of pure Virgin Was t Muse Um ex. traordirlarY gnalities for premMeing the skint malting it loft, smooth, fair, mid transparent. It makes the o 1 OP"! Tow_ ell tki homely handsome, the handsome pore bemstimi, and the most aesntifol dlyias. Prima 10 and 60 cents. Prepared only by HUNT IS Per. Turi n , arse 41 Mouth lietflTif 'Street two doers above ..01.4114, mid Soak 811, Street, alKopq rAnal. inin E. B. ELBLEY, rumairisnum 1111111ERTAILIM 1111 taxer TIMM awl 433114 num% j. AUCTION SALES. ... J OHNT B. MYERS & CO., Aajov r , 4 , ,}1 EBBS, Noe. 23* and 234 MARKS f !item -' —.------ LARGE POPITIVS SALE OP 11110stsq, p u 02411A1e, AND DONS' TIC DR) G01D4 11 59. ~ v e will hold a large sale of torolgo sad doloolt A " p tl. IFY catalogue. on tour months' Great& aell'i ~ :l ew ),. 1 I ca` ON THURSDAY ROES MO. At 10 o'clock, embracing about WO packaess c m 0 f 4 ,, And fancy &Moles which oolen, w„ , , , 41, m i , n .:', oll re .... a a n! cottons, to we inytt 'lt ° ii on; MAU% of ds • - """'`*. , , ~ N. B. Nat . loom rea d ? an d goo.s arrinu4 f o , bibltlon earl, °a morning of sale. tx. PHILIPIRD CO., AUCTIONEt 0.5 A -& 'BT and 521 CONMBROS d‘r,f,1,41 wn, & SONS, M THOM&L 141 South FOMITH Bu se{, Fatale and Stocks, et the Public min of BOal 110 cliuk, drum' b ,Ol. ogapgrt every Trumann. annum only Otatillat.t/ nets swoon. In Ira, geld - "41.4 •VATS Setif Ridr. ISPAT da ling several handfed a Printedeatelogner. compel. description of cit - ' 4 . nand dollars, including Fret.. . mailed country property . , from ina I. country cuts I ndl mold elegant mansions; elegOM tra m , bneineee properties, he. • d &oleo. Bile for Amount of Dish so wr oßßl CONDBAINED B ISPITAL -us e. 0/1 V* oNIADtIt NO). t u d. Atli o'clock. at the Ouyier Hemp denne h rl,alreet . 041121100Wks a la r ge gaszelas soa. b ga stores, somprioingr tron•kekikesik tutst, sheets. olliow•osses. coniaterpaneo, braetwo, Na. Full particulars in catalogues. SPECIAL BALES OF SEltylk DEAF/ RUSK COURVIRIASTER , Glslittlree 0711011, WASHINGTON, O. 0., June 1 18e6. By direction of the Quartermaster 1 1eneral, the Ye will be sold at public auction, to the highest bitider„ times and places named below, vitt GINsBORu, D. 0 MONDAY. Jane 11, 1866, BALTIMORE, MD., WHOP/MOAT, Jane 14, ned WILLIAMSPORT L PA.. SATURDAY. Jaaa 17. WOKTCHINTIM. 801:141DA I, Jane H. 1616, GIRSBOBO D. 0., PATITED tY Jane 17 I/366 GIESBORO, 7) 0., MOADLY. Jana 19. 1.13N_, INDOOR°. D. 0., BAT DAY Zan 94, leek PHILADBLPIIIA, PA ._SATURDAY. June 14;1866, Government stables Washington street Icts-4 GINEOBO. I) 0., MONDAY. June 16. 1/66. PITTSBURG. PA., SATURDaY. July 1, 1884 01BSBORO. D. 0., SATURDAY, Jots I. 1966. Two Hundred fiervissable Dra f t Horses at each Wp m An oppothway to Database a auturior slaw of Dna Hones. at far 1941, than their true value, 1. new f 0 ,44 to the public. The aaimels„ Month sound and tern* able, are no longer roqui.M. la the mar, end mho% sold. The attention of managers of .it railroads sad of insoctialiol les is especially sailed to these sales. Horses sold doily. Salsa to aomiiiiiliSe 4. X Terms-41ash United States eusrello7 Steamboat for trieeboro will leave Seventh. street W h ar f, waektuton. every hour from 9A. M. to JAMBS • BRIX Brevet Brigadier General in charge. is6-11t Pint Division.Q. M. G. 0. SALE OP GOVERNMENT R-ORbEI3, QUARTERMASTER GENRRAD'S OFFICE, FIRST DIVISION WASHINGTON CITT, Her 29, Mk Will be sold at publie 'notion, to the highest at Oleaboro, O p on EPAY,June 2, 1966 TUB DAT,June 6, t o THURSDAY. June , FRIDAY, June 9. loss. AND ON TUESDAY, THURSDAY. and !MAT Of each week thereafter dating the mouth at June, UM TWO HUNDRED OAVALW HO tgIBB 21&011 DAY. For road nun formining perDOIGIS many Mood bimetal mit, be had. biomes sold singly. Sale to 0031111191116 at 10 L. M. Terme sash, in United State' (larcener. Steamboat for fliesboro will leave Seventh -street wharf. Washington, every hour from 9A. H. toe P. id, JAidds A. SKIN, Brevet Brigadier Dotterel. in shine tel Division, Quartermaster General's OMOIL jet Mt LARGE BALE OF GOVERNMENT +•-• WAGODS LAD 0.1111, CITYARTIRNASIBB'S Orman, DEPOT OP WASHINGTON', WASHINGTON, D. 0., Jane a, isek Will be cold at polite auction, under the direction of Brevet OolouelOhnriest H. Tompkins, A Q 11., i,, B. L, at the Government Mill, situated on B Mreet. between Twenty. first and Twenty-second streets, in the Olt, of Washington, D. 0., about TWENTY THOUSAND SETS OF SINGLE MULE. HASBRO, WITH A LOT OF Mk Men 80 . r which have been need in puling Teryiee. The harness will be cold In elites seta. ALSO. About 1,800 WAGONS, which will be sold study to the highest bidder The sale of Wsgonspill sommeliers on WSIVIDAY, June 28. 180. at 10 o'clock A. M with a lot of about four hundred, at a point north of the Railroad Perk, sear the terminus of Mew York avenge north, egg after their eels Is completed the remains Sr will be sold on 0 street east, between Fourteenth and Fitteiretl atzeeta near the Lincoln Raital. The sale of at nem 111/1 00MITIOnfe On TR SDAT. June SO, 1.804. The A. M The sale of Wager , e sad Harness will sontinu ae alternate dare, until the whole number Is sold. Terms each, in Government funde. , The attention of buyers Is celled to the lataßol MULE% commenced on Monday, May 92._.°' 0 . Which is eUll being sontinned from day to "Y• D B. auovo* Brit. Gen. and Chief 4uerx 6llBl6 *. Depot r vvaBhll4l°ll' SPECIAL SALE (gIit2RVIOP.BLI GUARTSRMAIrrr. °PRIM VIABRINedON. June 26, ME. Br order of the g ou t eo laster General, there 'ALI he sold. at public auction, gain: the month of Jaly, NM, at the times and places Artie below, via: moos% D, MONDAY and SATURDAY, Of each week. NEW YORK CUTIT. WEDSESDAY. July 6. A NEW YORK _0n..., A.T, July 7, and on TES. D AY and /mod of each week ttowektter, at tte Gevarement ilitchlee, corner Reath syenti• laid Thirty. aft treat. pwEDELPHIA, PA THURSDAY of each week. BALTIGuiI& . W EDNESDAY, July 12. SALTIatORE, MD.. WEDESSDAY. July 26, JOHNSTOWN, PA" WEDNESDAY, July 6, BLIIIIRA A N. T.. PNID AY. July 14 LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY., July g& Two hundred SEIVIOSABLE DRAFT HOENE each day. An opportunity to purchase a superior class of Draft Horses, at far less than their true value, is ROW (and to the public. The animals, though sound and ow. viceable, are no longer reqsired in the may, and mast be sold. The attention of managers of ally railroads and llllMUTsetortef L eeneeislly galled to these eaten HAWIOII sold singly. Bales to commence at le A. M. TOMO each, In Gaited Mama currency, JAMES A. BKEL Briy. Brig. Gen in °Urge let Dir Q. M. G. G. _ siamea CS se2o-tly3o SALE OF GOVERNMENT HORSES. QUA MUUMUU Osamu.r.`e OPP/ON. FIRST. DIVISION. Will I ff/um/form/ OITV, June 26, 1881. be sold at public motion. during the month Of July, INA to the Dished Mader, at the times awl puma named below. viz: BALTIMORE, MD.. WEDNESDAY, July 8. OIESBORO, D. 0., Tb URSDAY, Jab , IL OIESBOI/0. D. 11, FRIDAY, July 7. and on TOW DAT, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY, of (111011. Bea thereafter. TORR. PA. FRIDAY, July 7. MIFFLINTOWN, PA., FRIDAY, Jul 7. WILLIAMSPORT. Pa., 'WM/MODAL JalY /2. READIAG, PA., FRIDAY, July 14. BASTO e, PA., TORSO Al l , Jut, 18. BALTIMORE. MD, WEbNESDAY. July 19. NEWPORT. PA, FRIDAY, July 21 porraVi bias. PA.. FRIDAY, Jule 28 WILMINOTON. DBL.. SATURDAY. July 29. BALTIMORE, MD.. MONDAY, July 31. Two hundred CAVALRY BOWIEB asah P.l road and farming purposes, many good matzo )ay be had. Horses Bold study. Sales to commons. at 10 A N. Terms cash, In United States eurreney. JAMBS A. REIN, Dm. Bids. Gen. in charge let Division Q. M. G. 0. $400,088 71 34129 tjl3o IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE T CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Betate of BLiziaara WILDOOKB, Deceased. The auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle, 16 . 111 11 1 1 . 1 t the *Mount of Witosithse 'NOB ssoLl., One of the cantors and Trustees ot the. hulk win and OM' rant of Eimaboth Wilooths, deceased, and to report distribution of the betimes In the hand. of the *atonal. ant, will meet the pante. interested for the pnrpoies of his appointment. on SATURDAY, July 1. 1611, at U o'clock A. M., at hie Office, No. OPT WALNUT Street. in the city of Philadelphia. .442-thetu lit SAMUEL 13. PERKINS, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COMITY OF ?MLA& eI.FRIe. BMW of ltfall/RD PARKS'S hilf Lat The Auditor appointed by the court to awl , and adjust the account of WILLIAM Mu ponms, executor of the will of ItIOHAMD PARKIS FOULKE deceased. and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of hie appointment. on WED/AlteDal. July 6th 1885, at 10 o'eleek A. M., at his obis% 130 South Mani Street. in the city of Phi ladelphia. B. O. TMOMPSOM. Auditor. len tenant TN TUE COURT OF COMMON PLE6S yoz THE TETT Al6o OF TIITLADBL. PHA. JRNMII E TOWslll4 l _by her next friend. JOHN ERANKRT, vs JaatES L. TOWNER. Much T.. MK No. 16 In Divorce . To JAMBE L. TOMAS% Respondent Sint Ton will please take notice, that a re' e baco day been granted on you, to show cause why a dijotn he a vincula matrinkonzi should not be decreed above case, returnable SATURDAY. JttlyM EN 100'4106k A. M. 4 , - ,j,"1°32187"13.11e26° -mtb.4t ESTATE OF MAIN SKIRVING 4 , DE CEASED —Letters TesWeentery talon the Will of John akfrving. late of peuadelohla, deemed, having bun granted to "The retals7ivituis Comex? for In surance on Lives and granting Annuities. all persons indebted t havi n gce arorequested to make Milled. and those alaims against the same to present them at the °Mee of the said Company. 304 eaI.ROT Street, without delay. CHARLES DIITILH, ie22-thirtßt ?resident, L$ TTERB TESTAMENTARY TO the estate et EBBW C. sod MM. late of this chi, deceased; haling been granted to the Undersigned , persons indebted to said estate Wilt please maim Dalt anent. and those having obims, to present thani to 3 MRS BONNAB. Bxesuor, lea-tuat At 2±l2l.uFlrrlcm street, thud story. ESTATE ON WILLIAM KELLY, DE CEasED. —utters of Administration to the !state of wuxrem KELLY, tate of the city of Philadelphisi deceased. hazing been granted to the undersigned. ail persons indebted to the said estate are requestad to make immix's, and those having stigma to resent them to HANDIA.O giaLLY, Administratrisc, Or to her Attorn•Y in fad. D. W, WDITic Mt-taint' 425 ALBEIT street. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application 1188 been male to tha of cere of the Ela• dons and Oil Creek Petroleum Company for renewal di Certificate No. 17i. dated April 7ch, 1866, for Five Hundred Shane in said Company. in the name of 11 . A S. CLAIMS, the original certifleate having been lost or mislaid. MB-mito ESTATE OF BIDDLE HANCOCK', deettaffed.—Llttere Testamental? to She &We of RIDDLE HABIOOO6, dipeessed, b aring boon t robtod to the aubsoribers. all persons indebted to said *slate ere sec/nested to matte payment, and those haying elaime 10 ?reseal them without delay. THORNTON OONNOW. 410 North TINED Bt. D. 60NROW BARROOM MOO N. 81100ilto St. MMUS BARBSR. 640 R. FatIITHEIINTEI MO-met" 4 .% MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT Luna Two, ataxppohwarasisd_ apprALAY PLATE. Cl',want°, AA I JODES a co Is OLD ISTABLOODID LOAN =ram Oorw THIRD sod OASKILL Wow ATO- 1, WOO. CICSICIZIPS OTTAGE OBGANS . ._ Not oily lIIMICWILLIDant VrAt t el ID Ix Oulu owl rower dadaist" i Ibt , Ohnroho ginistoolt. MIA taut* to bo. equity yolk aaaP" t* ttut IW/or Ma Drawl"' Zoom 7oogl iti. o7 d ilatti AL Nituwt• - Do. /WPM Mit street. . Allei . itar a t Oinottomat of tke lioloarot ornottottly out . 44111-80 . TBOMBON'S LONDON ICITO/Is, RM. OR PIAN RAMOS. tor s tawge. botele,or vane Insaltallo_ , _s la T.Nl'li off° PIR,INT ISO. IAR°, Philadelphia Lae!. Ifot•tir 111117.1A0116. Meals Seaters. Lowdown flows, Fltebossd Storm NIL Rollers , Stewhole Ylatss.iiroli" en. Cooking Moue, eta. at wholesale awl Mall. OV the maistfeetazu4 ORM, SHARE. as TR0111130 16 shat.tathelkw No. 1109 North SZOOM3I aka% ICISKtiaiLa.DELFEIA WI IP . JIVILIMAGII lIISIMMIIo XVI UMW% t fa il tiblrry yearsl a rfr=lle •Sanliesi a aflfal magmas s Pronstag. N , seas a .... m... _Otadaglag Prunus Tsui. Whet s moulder Brum esatshes ba 10.410 riarbialiaoadustod bra Liar. airlit 110 EVAITB & WATSON'Ss3 dosE SAVE MOBIL 16 Bovril pousTE sTEEnt lam, PHlL firil4l , 4llll4 hand.ll. LEGAL.