-Z4t 1111rts5+ SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1885. AMILIGIOVN VitTauiloußcE. APPADIS DI THE CITY. - Church Dedieetion.—The dedleation services of the Spring Garden M. E. Church (Rev. A. Oookman, pastor), at Seventeenth and Spring Garden streets, will be solemnized tomorrow. In the Morning there Will be a sermon by Rev. Bishop Simpson, woo will formally dedicate the Church. Toe afternoon stir- Vices will be presided over by Bisbee Simpson, and Will-be of a social charaoter, participated in by Rev. T. B. Simmons, Rev. T. M. Cunningham, Rev. W. Taylor, Rev. T. H. Henna, and Rev. D. W. Bartine. Rev. J. P. Durbin will preach *sermon In 40)0Tel:deg. •Personal.—lf.er, G. D. (harrow, Pastor of the Union VI. E. Church, his so far recovered from his recent severe Oakum, that he will again occupy hie pulpit Vit.morrow morning. Excursion.—The Snedaymhool of the First Con. gregetionai Church, Kensington, will make an ex. • Outtalk nest Toozaay to Sylvan Grove, on the North penr.sytvanta railroad. rstality of the Churches.—The revivals and prayer meetings In the churches of the city have met with winch splrinial MUMS& A. prayer meshing is now held daily between 8 and 9 o'clock A. M. In the Calvary Preebyterian Church, as an assistance to Rev. Mr. Hammond in his present labors, and last Sunday, we are told, fOrty.eight persona united themselves • with the church. The revival at the North Broad. •street Presbyterian Church he's tf.',3ed seven persons Bo the eehflregatiehl Which IMO Increased ono hun dred and one in the last nine months. Nineteen have been added by similar means to St. Luke's 'Lutheran Church, Fourth and Girard avenue. A Ncw Presbyterian Chure4.--For some time past another Presbyterian ohnroh has been a great want in the northwestern smitten of the city. For the Want of proper accommodations, for the children especially, a Sundapschool had to be opened at Eleventh and Columbia avenue, beginning with isixty-six eceolare. This proved insulkotent, and another school had to be begun in the Wagner Free Institute of Science. Though both are now in IMe iiessinl operation, It has been determined to erect s tasteless chapel at the northeast comer of Broad and Oxford streets, where there is an extensive lot. The contract has already been drawn up. The °haps' will front on Oxford street, with entrance porous on the east and west, ample space being allowed between this and Broad street for the aim% proper, which will front on Broad Street. The dnilding motif be of Newark brown stone, in the Norman style. The dimensions are forty-two feet front by eighty feet deep, and will seat more than tire hundred per. eons, with en infant sohooi.room and liarary, and a gallery over them. The height of ceiling will be thirtydour feet to the crown, In the form of a pointed arch. It is expected that the chapel will be completed early In the Winter, and be an ornament to that improving neighborhood. Flourishing.-The Eighth United Presbytertan Chureb,tbippen street below Twellth,beldthelr QOM, Zatlrlon. last Sabbath, when seventeen persons were Admitted to membership ; nine by protesalon esthete faith, and eight by certificate from other churches. -The pastor, Rev. W. W. Barr, has been highly ego- Missitd in his labors. The Sabbath school is steadi ly Increasing in numbers and efficiency. Within a -Short time past, the floating debt of the ohuroh has been nearly ertingnished. The congregation in tend soon to enlarge their lecture room for the ac 00mOdaTiOD Of the sabbatu school. .Pkiladelphia Afistion and Tract Society.—The one hundred and third meeting of this society will be held in the Presbyterian Church, Rev. Kr. Moe, pastor, Lombard and Twelfth Streets, tomorrow evening, !at [eight o'clock. The one hundred and fourth will be held on Wednesday evening next. at the same hour, in the Presbyterian Chnroh, Rev. Mr. Crowell, pastor, Broad, above Chestnut. Confirmation.—Right Rev. .Bishop Stevens will administer confirmation in the Clay Mission Chapel, Pearl, above Twelfth street, tomorrow evening. A sermon Will be preached by Rev. Phillips Brooks. The same life will be administered at St. Patin Church, Rev. Dr. Goddard, Third, below Walnut, in the morning. Caned.—Rev. Dr. Cooper, of this city, has been called to establish a mission of the U. P. Church, in San Francisco. His salary, as missionary, will be IMMO a year. Ordinetion.--Yesterday morning, the members of the graduating class of the Protestant Episcopal Divinity School were ordained at St. Luke's Church by Bishop Stevens, with the usual solemn ceremo nies. Their names are Henry Anstioe, Jr., Jun. Bakowell, Jesse T. Burk, M. K. Dillon, J. IL Rs °imams' Charles Logan, James A. Molt, U. P. Or rick, D. Brainerd Ray, J. Sandell, Bead, Snyder B. Sings. A ootemporary informs us that the Divinity School was founded mainly through the efforts Of Bishop Potter, assisted by 'clergymen of this and other dioceses. It probably would not have been' estabuohed but for the breaking up of One - - mural seralnartrat eiaaandria, Va., by tne rebellion. The SehoOl ill tow in a nenrudssug condition, having a spacious cline and a gOOd i.u..avv. Among ,its faculty are Rev. G. E Rare, D. D., D. to. Ueat win, D. D., J. S. Stone, D. D., and U. M. Batter, D. D." The late Dr. Vaughan was a professor at the thus of his death. Death of a Catholic Ctemntan.—Tne funeral obse• .ales of the late Father Piggott took place yester day Morning, at the Church of St. Vincent de Paul, 41Thirmantown, the pastor, Rev. Father Leyden, oil elating. Obnewald , B Requiem Mee was sung by a largely.angmented ConnizenCenients,—Tne 118th Commencement of the College of Now Jersey will be giVen On Wed nesday next. The Centennial Anniversary Of the Odosophic Society of the College Will take place on the 07111. - - - OPIVIONS OP inn 13BLIGIOta 2111M5. Action of Virginia Baptista.—A convention of Bap ofts, lately meeting lu Richmond, assed a serim resolutions distelicerstiping their Nerve , brethren, one calling on the (Murales of the , vac f.: ll to have no dealloge with rho ministers seq..__ vo r g them by the American Baptist kierslL"'"" order , e l f . Society. Beoatioe tele society haft, Worship aor.ll - Government, °Coupled house by tuf, Mi li tary dolled by their owners, or vitim - -.tore these Virginia as hotbeds at treiMen„ Nath, charging the seal°. veistleto are out 11 1 k_Mirusur tion " h ty with "pretensioe Pa • Theycharge the soccer.. Mtn" .dOnarie9striving to create . and 108*.rjrationsy and disunion between classes ro adie/lin the Southern States, and especially be two,si the *mimed people and those who have so beg and so faithfully Moored in their behalf," bat adduce not one single fact in proof of the assertion. .Bat the molt ektraOrdlunty feature in these resole, tines is the call Which they =sate on the Southern churches to "continue to prosecutes the work of negro instruction, in which they have been so many years successfully engaged? , And yet they nave given the Degrees only oral instruction. They have not taught them to read the Bible. They nave not taught them the sacredness of marriage, but en• ceureged among them a universal system of concu bines/. They have merely given them Boon an educaliOnAge would put into them the greatest value as the pr....Wert! of their masters. We forewarn the Virginia Baptists that their resistance to the ne at Order of things is impotent. a kicking against the pricks, and the injury to themselves is greater than to there whom they assail. They will Sad them selves beached like stranded whales, the element Co drift their old ideas of negrO education having re ceded to a returnlen distance.--/V. Y. Independent. "Are we to haik a Beii9ivta War I"—This question the Boston Pilot asks, and answers, saying—No. It contends that those who have been trying to infect the publio mind with the idea that the Catholic church has been Itientined with the rebellion will fail miserably, citing the following from the New York. World ; i• This is done in the face of the facts that every hospital In the land has seen our wounded and suf fering soldiers tenderly oared for by one Roman Catholic SWAM of Mercy ; that upon every nettle. field the Roman Catholic chaplains of the army have been seen pursuing their sacred calling among the dying and the dead, while still the Cannon roared and tee shells shrieked above ttiem on their errand Of death that Roman Catholic Soldiers from the Norm, the South, the E 9 t, and the West, have been fighting in the front of 'War for the Union, while those hypocritical wolves or anarchy, lathe fleeces of cvat,so bra/ sheep, sate safely at their desks indifiug Maly WT01236718 balderdash., to irrfiante and pe evert the _public mind; and that the Rowan alatholie Church numbers among its most devout adherents In Ameri ca generals who have earned a fame for patriotism, aingle-hearteeness and gallantry welch will last as long a 8 the memory of this great straggle for tee liberties of the nation: , Advice to Christians Seeking Sumner Pleanire.— This is the season when large numbers of persons seek change and recreation ny going abroad, and this is well. The body and the ruled need occasional unbending. In sewing this enemas many resort to Vie public fashionable gathering-places. And there can be no hozm in this In itself. swan hail no morn Ttght to a monopoly of healthful and desirable places than he hesel anything else. But that there Is danger In such places DO one can deunt. The whole atmosphere seems pervaded well a spirit of lightness. as If all were seeking entertainment and amuse. merit, and so In its proper limits it shou d ld be. Bust the Christian should be specially guarded that e do not allow himself to be led into practices or asso eiations tending to bring reproach upon the Chris tian Larne, or to originate or foster habits that would be against grace. Abroad as well as at home true Christians ought to have the question often ringing in their ears, What Manner of portions °came : e : to be in all holy tonverillition and godliness duty that Id enjoined by li LAI, and is needful for the Spiritual welbbeing of a man at home, ought to be neglected or set aside when he is away from home ; and in no ordinary case is any one at liberty to feel that a thing is any less Wrong away from home than it Would be at home. In view of the importance of having professing Christine maintain the true character of the Chris tian in public places as well as In private, we sus tain the following suggestions : Never go to any place where you cannot take the Saviour with you, and openly and oonsisteatly live tine ratigion he enjoins. Neverfeel that the reading of the Scriptures and Secret prayer, and, II possible, Social or fatally prayer, can be dispensed with abroad and among strangers any more than they eau be at home. Never be ashamed to have It known that you are a Christian. 'Never fail to make it a matter of prayer that in selecting the place to which you will go God will guide you to one where good may be done as welt as received. There are churches in Northern New York now that grew out of the sum mer jaunts of good men from New York, PhUsdet vhis, and other places, who, while they sought Odily recreation, aimed also at good. Bright crowns will yet rest on the brows of those that were faith."4l Wherever they went.—Philadelphia Christian Instructor, to. aoy. The Popeddin.—On the 13th of May the Pope kept his seventy-third birthday, and on the 16th of JUDO he completed the nineteenth year of hill pontificate. Of the two hundred and Admin. Popes who have followed St. Peter, there are only eight who have reigned longer than the present Pontiff. St Syl vester governed the Church from the year 314 to .836 ; St. Leo the Great from 440 to 461; Adrian I. from 772 to 795 ; Alexander 111. from 1159 to 1181 ; 'Crean VIII. from 1623 to 1644. Clement IX. from 1700 to 1721 ; Pine from 1775 to leo° ; Pius VII. .from 1800 to /828. These two reigned longer than -any of the others, the former for twenty.four, the latter for twenty.three years. The chroniclers of the Church assign a reign of twenty-live years to •St. Peter alone. The Romans predict that it is re ;served for Pius IX. to complete the number of Popes who have. since St. Peter, enjoyed the longest reigns, and thus to fulfil the ancient Latin proverb, Cron trinton perftotuw. The one hundred and eighteenth annual conven tion of the Pennsylvania Lutheran Synod bas been in eeision at Easton, and adjourned after transact ing mu6h important business. The twenty-second convention of the Pittsburg Synod of the Evan salient Lutheran Church has also boon held at Vheellag. Eepresentativeg from the principal Jewish con. gregatiOns in the country, cotoprisiru the Ilmird of DelegateB of the Atnerlcan Israelitt s, were in sea. to take Into c slur. last Week, in New York. Zion subjects affecting the interests of the Jews ..110V. /Ur. En.rleig h and his free Congregational church at Moreno., Northampton, have palmed , rater violent resolutions touching the late I Unitarian Convention. Mr. Burieigh,. it will be remembered, Is the man who received a suddeti check In the convention for language deemed well nigh blasphemous concerning our Saviour. Bishop Gregg, of Texas, la a pastoral letter, in structs the clergy of the Episcopal Church to return to the liturgy as it was before the war. The First Congregational Ottaroh of Baltimore. wee ergenieed en Wednesday last. The. Committee on Ditsehom or the New School Assembly are snout to send ten of the ablest men or their body to Emit Terarbesee to spend Woe 'months In preaching to the destitute churches In t h at realm. The men ate appointed, Minding Rev. Dr. Brainerd, of Plallaoelphia. Rev. Dr. Spear of Brooklyn, Rev. Dr. Patterson, of Chicago, So. A contention to COM elate the etottwaient of the Lutheran Theological ueminary, at Gettyseurg, by a n addition of $50,000 or upwards to its fund, wan held at Baltimore. ot the Mit and 14th instant, nut meat to a °ail Issued by the Board of Directors of that fnniitadon. Rev. John E Graeff, of Pritladel phla, was tutted president, after which appropriate religious exercises touk place, and addresses eagle,. luxury of the objects of the meeting were Jelloared. On taking up subsctiptiors, over *12,000 wore sub scribed, In addition to $14.000 heretofore reported. An article In the National Baptist, of last week, gives an aeoOUnt of the seven published works Of the famous Roger Williams. The titles of some of them ate quaint and antique, like most of the tell. gnus treatises of that day. o George Fox digged cut of his Burrowes." A New England Firebrand Quenched," "The Bloody reliant yet More Bloody by Mr. Cotton's Endeavors to wash It white in the Blood of toe Lamb," /km The EON:Tanana in Canada are a little ex gifted about the election of an aSslatant and aunoessor Of Dr. Strachart, Bionop of Toronto, who to now ninety years old ; and though he 19 Still Vigorous and clearheaded, they use that he cannot much longer discharge the duties of his position. The parties are high and 101, ehuroh. The present Bishop le a high churl:Minn. Meeting of Bishops of the Methodist Church.— The,. Bishops Of tte Methodist Church had a private Fou ] ..r. - nee at Erie, last Friday week, in which the important stoject of church reconstruction with the :sigh was obi:missed. Although the sessions were private, still all of Importance is given herewith' to the public. For quite a number of years the Me. - Monist Obureh or this Country has boon divided, in organization and government. The division was caused by the Slavery question, and has been dom. pieta, the preilding bishops of the oktirOh North having no control over the church South, and the Southern bishops having no connection with their Northern brethren. An impression has extensively prevailed that during the 'fertile Methodist Church in the rebel States was in a disorganized condition, but the facts are the reverse. The Southern thotiiste have preserved intact both their Episco pal and district jurisdiction, and these governing powers Lave net propored any reconciliation with the Methodist Church of the North, Save. rat Southern bishops are still rancorous ageless the North, though they at present have little or no power in either section The antioloverr, or Union portion of the Southern filed/Win Church, welch portion Is mainly composed of the laity, the bishops, elders, etc., being mostly 80008810nitne, though not Strong la numberS, has, to some extent, applied to come under the jurisdiotion of the Northern church. The present conference was called to consider this proposition and several other projected modes of fenOnetructton. The main questionS before the blehope on Friday wag Whether to admit the anti slavery portion Of their Southern brethren as an Inchoate body, and thus extend over them the jutiedicalon of the church as it now exists in the loyal States, or whether t 0 lint reorganize the Southern church by itself, but on a loyal basis, and then make a common union of the church both North and South. These were the main points at issue, and they were quite fully discussed. A series of reso lutions were drawn up and adopted, which will form the basis of future action in dealing with the Southern members of the Methodist denomination. They declare that the Methodist Church will sup port the Administration of Andrew Johnson so long as, it maintains honorable peace with foreign na tions, sustains the abolishment of human slavery, and acts In general with equlty,,and renders jusclee to all. Those inemeere of the Southern Methodist ..Epkoopal Church who apply to he received under the jurisdiction of the loyal portion of the Church on the ground of undoubted loyalty and anti slavery principles and action, will be welcomed, and every proper effort made to have the Southern church members so appl To tide line of action the bishops have agreed, and so fast as Southern church members will come beak, to the fold as loyal citi zens, atiti.tikvory men and Chriatinn brethren, so fast Will they be welcomed with open arms. THE CITY. FUNERAL of A BRAYS OFFlCER.—Yes terday morning the remains of Aloert 0. Walker, captain of Company 11, 2d Pennsylvania Cavalry, Colonel R. Butler Price, were deposited in Kona meat Cemetery. Captain Walker went out as ad jutant of the regiment, and, in that difficult office, discharged the duties to the entire satisfaction of his fellow-officers, and won the esteem of the men of the oommar.d. Pot gallantry displayed on several oecasions, he was promoted to the captaincy at or" Company. In place Of Captain Steele, who had been made major. Some slight dissatisfaction was at first maniiested by the members of the company. (It being raised in Allegheny county,) at the appoint ment of a Philadelphian to their command. Captain Walker by his intelligence, courtesy, gentlemanly bearing, and bravery-soon won their entire confidence and esteem, and at the time of his death was ono of the most popular and efficient officers of the regi ment."Be was 'killed on the 10th of June. 1861, near Trevillian Station, while on picket duty, by a bush• whacker, who discharged a double-barreled deck gun at him, nine slugs entering his body below the right aim, in such a manner as to indicate that he wee in the act of making a sabre out at the time. Several trribN3 fellows of Mg command charged the bushwhackers, and recovered the hotly.-Adjutant J. C. Reed was present when the body was Interred, and, by marks planed near the grave, it was readily recovered. iNTBBESTING SCENE.— A very interesting affair came off at the Sunday-school of the Church or. the NSF/fatty, v.teeeeth street and Mount Ver non, on Thursday evening, June 23d, it being the occasion of the presentation of a roll of honor of the Morrison Missionary Society, composed Of the young men's Ribie class, handsomely designed and crawl by Mr. Addison Burk, a young and rising artist of this city, and contained all the memoers' Baines that had entered the army since the com meto.ment of thin rnbellion. The presentation speech Wee ,reds by rot%‘ nvt and calved in baba:llama ci ass by Mr. Blyu which a suitable gold badge was presented to Buck by Mr. ',eels Bitteray, in ben alt or the (Moo mittee, as a token of the appreciation of the task he has just etmeteded. The exercises concluded with the presentation of a magnificent gold pan and pencil by Mr. Lewis flaverstick, in behalf of the Bible elass,ito their teaoher, Mr. S. C. Hill, who is about leaving them, and who relied in a very touching manner. Altogether it wad - an affair ever to be remembered Ili the hibtery ()rues, Church. BAyan OF GoVERNMENT HoßeES.—To day many of the worn•out licalnantes which h o ve hurried the artillery into the fray, or have borne our cavaliers over long and weary marohes, and hurled them, with their keen sabres, upon the ragged rebel ranks on many a held, will be posed of at auction on Washington-street wharf. There Is not the slightest reason to doubt tbat there will be numbers of people there, anions to turn an honest penny, by buying at low prices and selling at higher. or to acquire the war. worn steeds for other, and, maybe, better zee. sons so that a curious scene may be witnessed by anybody who has interest or curiosity enough to attend the sale. The warranty which will be given is couched In a few words: "No warranty given; cash hnmediately after the horse is knooked down; the horses to be removed at once." At other sales in other cities soma of the horses have brought very good prices, ranging even as high as $llO. Speculators and railroad men have in other sales taken up most of the stock, for they are of quick perception. and Onrercome outside and less state bidders. Of mum, the Government loses in the sales, and will, maybe, lose in this, elate most of the horses have coat It from *ll6 to $lBO. FATAL ACCIDIIIST.—Henry Riatine, a de• sorter from the 7th Regiment, Hancock Oorps, In attempting on Monday night , last, to esoape from the custody of the c Moors, who were returning him to Washington, fell between the wheels of the oars of the Baltimore train, and was instantly killed. The affair 000nrred near Elkton. He had left the car under the preteine of Ketone a glare of water, visited the rear end of the oar, and, rushing upon the platform, attempted to esoape by leaping from the oar. the train having, in the meantime, been put in motion. The plata was coo quick, how ever, and, In the effort to rescue the prisoner, the latter was thrown between the i[heels and so seri. newly crashed that he expired in a few moments. Sergeant War, 186th Pennaslvaula Volunteers, was in charge of the pstsoner. The unfortunate man was a resident of this city. Lracoim liknquistENT AssocwrioN.----The following contributions were received June 20i, by James L. Olaghorn, treasurer, et the office of the fisecciation, No. 921 CheStnut street: Francis Barton_ $2O 00 _ Commercial Lodge, No. 256, I. 0. of 0. F.... 10 00 Ashland Encampment, No. 45, I, 0. of O. F.. 25.00 Shiloh Baptist Churn, per J. S. Kinney 15 OD Edw, Willing, Alice B. Willing, and J. R. B. Willing, per Dr. Barton 60 00 Marshall Hlll, Isaac Williams, Thomas Hill, and W. Suddards, per Rev. Dr. Suddards.. 26 00 C. S. Turnbull, Alice H. Turnbull, and M. E. Turnbull, per Dr. Turnbull a on Painters' Department, United. States !Navy Yard, per J. N. Robinson, eating master painter 60 00 Christ Church, Pottstown, per Rev. Geo. A. Latirner 10 00 A citizen of the Fifth ward 50 00 Citizens of Norristown, per Harvey Shaw, Esg.l2l 50 DETITENANT GENERAL GRANT.---ThiS distinguished military chief will be handsomely TO. calved this morning, at the Union League House on Broad street, by the members and their families. The Issue of tickets of admission Is limited to the . number of members of theiLeagne. Some time since Independence Hall was placed at the dia. pose! of Lientral grant, in order to receive the Citizens generally. This event Will probably come off in a few days. FATAL ACCIDENT.—N. ;Shelly, an em ployee of the Reading Railroad, was Instantly allied yeaterday afternoon, at the junotion of that road near this city. Mr. noon, was Caught be tween two cars, and so fatally injured that he died shortly afterwards. ,Ho resided fat 815 liarford street. r ATAL OCCURRENCE.—Wm. Campbell, aged I o r,r rem, was run over yerterdmy arta:m(1011 by a cart, fn stroot, above Green, and re sawed m i t t o j or wi, t o oo ze hie death in a short time. The driver of the Cart, sire informed, inhumanly drove on, not stopping to so Z.. 1 : 41, ; 1 /* jury he had inflicted. DROWITED.—On Thursday evening, about half.past eight o'clock, Stephen Craig was drowned in the Delaware, while bathing at Green.street wharf. Ile was twenty-three years of o age, and leaves a wile and - two children residing OIL men street, above Second. DiSTBES6IEE CASE..—A friendless wo man while passing through the Fifth ward, 'Teter day,,disoovered that her babe had died In her arms. The distracted mother proceeded to the Fifth ward station-hone, where the kind•hearted officers did all in their power to alleviate her distress. Cosi, On, Aosnr.—A barrel of coal oil took dre yesterday on Spring Garden etreet. between Twenty third and Twenty.fourth. It is fortunate that we are not compelled to record the destruction of a block or two of houses. COW DE Soum.—A youth, named Sny der, was enn•etrnch yesterday afternoon, in the irldadtg of Richmond and Clearfield streets. THE COURTS. court of Quarter Sessions—Ron. Joseph Allison, Associate Justice. CT. B. Finletter. EN.. Prosecuting Attorney.) DEBBP.TION DAY Yesterday wee Set apart to hear desertion eases and, per consequence, a large number of females, who do not Roe with their husbands, were in court, Nine of them attired In the latest fashions. Bet two of the hasbandS MO in the dock, tam others being on bail. It Is ouri4us to flake the readiness With which the ladles who always attend on dealt. tion day become acquaintedwith one another. a. wife may make her first appearance in the court. room. and sit alone for a few hours, but she soon be. Comes acquainted, and that misery likes narrate clearly verified as the amiable , ladies narrate in touching language the sufferings endured at the hands of their lieges. Representations are madeby wives that they are in a starving condition, yet, singular to relate, many of them have lawyers en: gaged to fight up their claims. Husbands are not exempt from this feature, as they represent to the court, througheounset, that they have no work, and cannot contribute 05 thing to the ZOLEbiteRSIIOO of their families was:BARELY A LLA °HER'S torATtrg IN 00IIRT. . . . . Mrs. Bartel Gallagher claimed support from her lanaband. Scam time sines the lady was convicted of assault and battery on her husband. The tea tintopy at the trial /hewed that, Mrs. Gallagher would not (look breakfast for him, and when he . went home'at night. the gave him a poker over tee bead for supper. She looked up Barney's bed and, worse then an, she made her little girl drunk. Judge Ludlow sentenced Mrs Gallagher to prison, and gave the child to the custody of the father, wirr pieced it at, sobool. Mrs. Gallagher was released from prison through the Influence of her husos,nd, vho thought she bad reformed. As soon as sae same out of prison abe met with her old associates, and tell into habits of intoxication. She then cued her husband for Whietehellee. The (Joan refue.td to render any arelstance to OlLre Gallagher, Cud elle left the court in a high state or indignation. Poor Barney dodged as she passed him, evidently fearing another dote of poker. 3drs. James Mills claimed support from her hits decd. The lady made two or three attempts to tell her story: but the talked with such Ilchtalmr opted that eke Could not be understood. She was nasal" checked, wad we caught the following from nor slow style : During two years my husband ha4gllven me dye dollars a week. lam not a bed woman la no way or nohow, but his sisters caused the trouble. has gives me twelve cents from January let to the 20th of March.), The sister of Mr. Mills testified that her brother had been suffering from a hemorrhage of the lungs for some months. She offered a home at Ler house for himself and wife. She came there and remained six weeks, durlog which time she took out portions of the 'furniture, and finally took it all away to the house in which Mr. wane has an interest. Ye ate with the witness because the wife took the meat In tended for his meal and dragged it about the yard. alter which she rubbed It over a (legend then cooked it for biol. Some of the women in the neighborhood helped the wile to do this. Judge Allison said If this husband made reasons. ble :provielone for his wife bum was bound to 110 with him. 1t was a mistaken Mee in a great many wires that they should be the judge of what kind of a home her husband amid furnish her whit. 'ChM wife had no right to abandon the home provided for her and go plant herself somewhere oleo. It was the 'duty of the husband, however, to provide a maintenance for the wt•e and ohildren. Nu prowl , lion could be allowed by the Gout for bowie rent. When the wife returns to her lito.baudis house he shall pay CS a week for her maintenance and $1 for each of the children. 12==TE:13 A ease of a very painful &greeter was heard, In which eiwidower with two children married a widow with an equal number. The eldest daughter of the bey was charged by the husband with being the chute of the separation and other dillical les attend• lag the case, The (Joon disposed of the -ease, the husband to pay $4 a week for his wife's support. THE POLICE. (Berard Mr. Alderman Beller. 3 HOPLIPTEIt OAIIMIT sT LOPE Sally Dully, rather a good.looning young woman balling trout Broad and South streets, started yes• terday morning, in company with another female, on a Lour of inspection among the stores en Chest rut street. Attracted by the display in tee snow window or Mr. C. IL Love, opposite the Central Station, they stood and mused awhile. Presently they entered the store, end desired to examine some hanokerchlets. The young man in attendance die• played several lots, and the young women examined them closely. Now, it so happened that Mr. Love, the proprietor wee in another part of the store, and he kept a watell al eye upon the visitors. Little dld they cream that the eyes of love were upon them. Presently, Sally was seen to (Imitate a number of the hendirerchleie under her barque. The proprietor walked towards the front or main doorway of en , trance. but still kept a vigilant eye upon Sally. As she and hot mmpanion were aboUt to ratite, without having purchased anything, the arms of love were thrown around her. She became quite indignant; the other female walked away, as though nothing serious had happened. A polioo (dicer was called, and Sally was delivered Into his custody. At this moment the roll of stolen hand kerohlefs dropped from beneath her Magna. The gains was up. Sally was arraigned at the Central Station, end after a bearing was committed, in de. fault of asoo bail, to-answer. taZisetieb DIREWAINT DOMINTio Elizabeth Sweeny was arraigned on the obarge of stealing a watch, the property of William F. War burton. The Boomed was a servant in his family. Some time since several articles were Wee I from the houoe, and the accused myeterioudy ed and 'gannet seen until Thursday evening, when she was arrested on the street. Upon her person Wefe PAW fifteen pawn-tiokets, upon which a num. bet Of ankle§ were recovered—among - them the watch of Mr. W. Among the other things was a Mg, on the outside of whlsh the name Mare is engraved ; on the Inside, the words " Father and Mother." The Sensed was committed, In default of $2,000 bail, to await a farther hearing. adore Mr. Alderman Hurler.] POOSST-PICIEING. Patrick Morrow was arraigned yesterday on the charge of picking a man's pocket of a book contain ing $4.20. The alleged Geetirrenoo is said to hams taxon place on Thursday evening. Tae accused was committed, in default of $6OO ball, to answer. [Before Mr. Alderman W. B. Wiley. ALLEGRO CONSPIRACY CABS TO DP,PRAIID PHILA• No less than twenty.one of the best busilletta houses of Philadelphia have been apparently swindled by sharpers, doing business as meronaots, Rt litthville and New Berlin, in Lancaster county. The following named firms have been taken In and done for, In goods varying in amounts from $lBO to $2.7.50, the aggregate reaching $20.000: Hood, Boubright, & Co., Lippincett, Bond & Joseph Riegel & H. S. Fitter, Koons & Grubb, Hiram N. Rank, Shields & Brother, Smith & Selt. tor, Royal & Boyer, Emeriek& Hopkins, Edwin A. Henry, Wanner, Kline & 00., Brooke & Fuller. Lippincott So Trotter, Riegel & Brother, John H. Shaver & Co., A. H. Franehnis & Co,, faeoptotam K. Sunder, Riegel Wiest & Irwin, Keller, Baines & Keller, Edward Trotter. It reams that a couple of men entered into part nership and procured large amounts of goods from different parties in several section of the State, among them the arms named above. On or about the first of April, one of the firm, It Is alleged, pur chased the Interest of hie partner and then con tinued the business. About the middle of that month, it is stated that he found himself Insolvent, Slid as is i alloaeit, he Imparted this information to the creditors of the establißliMellt feeldlng in the Section where his business house Watl located. It la alleged that after this the surviving partner, whose naive is Coloren, came to Fhilaoelphis, and par . g2cds on. credit from the house? sure tUe tratmatlonigqi i oWtAgrefSV judgisieUl73: favor of ale home creditors to the amount or $15,000. Upon the judgment so confessed, executions were Issued and the property was sold by the sheriff, The este did not matins sullicteat to satisfy the claims entered up against him. The Philadelphians were thus victimized. Several of them proceeded to Itothville, and after making themselves ac gradated with the facts of the case, had warrants Is. sued for the arrest or John Voldren, a. R. Weide. man (his former partner), T. F. Bomberger, S. E. Keller. and John H. Erb, on the charge of Oppepira ay to cheat and defraud complainants. The partial; thrill charged appeared before Alderman Wiley, on Thursday, and entered ball to answer at the August term of the Court of Quarter Sessions. No less than twenty-one warrants were Issued against them. (Defers Ir. Alderman Finch.] DBBPantwons. Two Men were arraigned yesterday on the Charge of beating a colored man almost to death in the vi• einity of Ninth and Ogden streets. They are also ohargeo with having robbed Mm of a small amount. Upon the person of one Of them a bloody billy was found. The accused were Committed to answer the charge of riot, assault and battery, and robbery. [Before Mr. Alderman Godbon.3 • LARCENY OP TUMBLERS. Two persons, giving the names of Kate Hays and James Dougherty, were arraigned yesterday morn ing on the charge Of stealing glees tumblers from an lee cream saloon at VI/Ith and Wood streets. The prisoners had gone into the place to Indulge in the cooling summer luxury, and It is alleged they availed themselves of the opportunity to purloin all the tumblers they could lay their hands upon. The accused were bound over to answer at court. 8II21DAY•BOHOOL PIO•RIO ATTACK.= It is a burning shame and disgrace to the en lightened age of civilization and Ohristianity that Sunday-school scholars cannot enjoy a planto cursiOn to SODA Of the delightful Surat sections of Philadelphia without danger of being molested by gangs of disorderly boys. On Thursday afternoon, the school attached to St. Francis Church Made an excursion to Sahuylkill Heights, to enjoy them• selves in the shady retreat of that beautiful and romantic section. Everything passed off pleasantly until about four o'clock in the afternoon, when a gang of rowdy boys assaulted the excursionists with atones and other missiles, and, to give eclat to the some, discharged several pistols, said to have been loaded With abet and gravel stones. The party, of course, was broken, tip; their day's sport spoiled, and a number of the participants more or 209.9 in jured. Towards evening, as the exdursionlats were returning, they were again assaulted by some of the gang, near tairard-avenne _bridge. It is really a pity that such a beautiful and healthy section of our city should be cursed with the presence Of thievine, drunken, Immoral youth. It should be stated, as a matter of justice, that the owners of property in this section do not pay police tax, and therefore they have no right to pollee protection at the expense of other taxpayers. These tights may be considered one or effects of a sectional law, passed by stupid conzokhaen some years slime. cAUPAITIN AND SPRING, t 8&. w MCIIO 1111:Lar 11116EDLINTOWITI ES. MCAL.v c cos, tairupeorusfaw arm IMPORTERS OF CbrtivE7o:!Maes OIL CLOTH. MATTING% &a. 111HOLFAMIX PEPAIIISTXZWX, OJINNITITr %TIM? RETAIL DEPARTMENT. 11.19 alligt311117? STEEN% DIERCRANT TAILORS. gDWABD I', }DALLY,, JOHN KELLY: MAXLOrtf3, SI • WIEBTNIIT STREBT, arra NOW IS 111701141 COMPLIT.II ASSORTMZIKT OT SPRING GOODS. mitS4 STATIONEIIY k IMAM( HOOKS OIL MINING, COAL, AND OTHER Jaw ammonia, we are enquired to furnish Kew Oontotationa with all the Nooks they require, at shed moths and low Won. of Int quality. All *yip' of Binding. STEEL PLATE 01ISTIFWATES OF STOOK, LITHOGRAPHED !! SI TEARSFER BOOK. ORDERS OF TSARS/ Wt. STOOK LEDGER. STOOK LEDGER DALBLEOES REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOOK. /BROKER'S PETTY LEDGER. AOCOIIIT OP SALES. pi - VIDE/BD SOOK. moss Su co, 1114.11 K NOOK MAJMNAUTDRERS AND STAMM:MIL seTl.tt 43S CHESTNUT Street. HAVANA CIGARB.-A ROOD VA. }ITT constantly store and bond at lowec cash rates. B. Vtaltarr & BONK U119A 4 / 2 * Po. filik Bonin 140/NT Wrest. THE FRESS:7--PHrLADELPHIA, , SATURDAY,' JITNE. 24, 1865 WIA.I4tA.VION, Tle CHESTNUT STREET, ' LACE ELEGANT STYLES, AT PRIOES, FROM 5 DOLLARS TO VW DOLLARS PER PAIR. WINDOW SHADES, FOURTH OF JULY FIREWORSS, ROCKETS, CANDLES, UNION AND ROMAN CANDLES, . TRIANGLES, SHIP LIGHTS, SNARES, BLUE LIGHTS, FLOWER POTS, PIN WHEELS. GRASSHOPPERS, COLORED FIRES, ALSO. A large amortment of Wheels, for gale by A.. 11. FRANCISOUS et: CO., lea 96t 513 MARKET STREET FIRBWORKB, FIRE WORKS, OF BVERY VARIETY, in largo or small gnantities. may be had at 'JOSEPH CAMPBELL & 8110. , 5, 3e17-121* 108 MARKET /Week FLAGS I FLAGS II EVANS HASSALL, MILITARY PURNISHERS, 418 ARCH STREET. MANN - MEER, Bunting l .Muslin, and De Lain@ OF ALL SLUES. SWORDS, SASHES, BILLTS, PASSANTS, &O. MILITARY' GOODS, Ts OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. NOOSE-FtfUNISHIN6f GOODS. 600 ARC H STREET. 600 EITHIGERAT.B., 11 WATER IGOOLERS. FREEZERS. OAS STOVES. FOR RUMMER COOKIISO. jele.tt ORIFFITA & YAM?, BIRTH and A.ROH. DIM,* AND CliErenc„ia.s. NONOM WM , AhOrn/././...0 BOTANIC AND ECLECTIC DRUGS. ROBERT A. HANCE. roc maR-RIIT IVEMINF, PHILADELPHIA: _ . Would salt the attention of Dintitifitti - tanuo..- &Junta. and others, to his stook of ROWER. RUBE. ARD BABEL En 'cartons !lazed pookadee. of oar own pressing, at PRIORS BELOW FORMER ft aTBS._ Ain't BIM of ROTA PIOAt. Faara..RaTIONE W. R. & 00.8 OONCENTRAMMIMROffts.ao ., Bboßoi diononnt to the trade. CRlLlOntion thrni.lod on nvprisallon. omit .EMU cogAiTto rtamisuiNe GHOODO. FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. N. The enhisribere would invite attention to their LETBOVED OUT OF SHEETS, which they make a specialty in their business. Alm. sonstantly receiving _ NO VELTIES FOR aurrumws wiut. J. W. SCOTT C 0.. .& 00 GINTLII9;B r o t l rrunara 114 4 7 Pou r °6olll bCOW She UoutZeltal. GOLD' 8 PAT/INTIM/MOVED STEAM - AID WATER-REATENG APPARATUS lON WAIMINIV.I3 larrlLATuro PIIBLIO BMW). INGO and riavAera ENBIDEXOZB. MANDIACTITZBD Et TEE UNION MAI LID WiTER•IKLTING OWAM OF rzLINSYLVANLL .7413:13EMS P. WOOD .Sia CO., 41 South FOURTH Shoot Jan-theft B. M. FELTWELL. SUP% BLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS. No. 16 North Sixth Street, VENITIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SELADES. The lamest and Sheet assortment tit the oiler at the isTeet omit prises. STORII SHADSB YIDS AXD ItIII7LIZIP. Obese let moiled Bilide sad ebades. eve-3a "R --- EMOVAL.GEO. W. WATSON & A-6 , co. have removed their CARRIA.GIi kBPOSIT OEY to their old place, Ito. 1919 OSAMU'S Street (under Concert Ball), where they will keep &stock of Carriage* of their own make, and will receive/orders for evert deseriptioo drat-elm work. Juan 7, 1865. 1117.30 RBMOVAit. WILLIAM YARMALL Rog Removed fro= No. 1020 to 1232 Crifirt RIPS tatrost, S. R. corner of THIRTERSTM Street Where ha invites the attention of hotuokeepere, and thoee commonsing boturokelloing, 10 hie extetudir• sr aortment of 'mini HOUSE FURNISHIIG 000 ML Snootier Refrigerators. Table Cutlery, Family Hard , were. Childrar.'a Carriages, he., On maxim 1865. PENN STIZAK ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. REATIR & LEVY. PP.AOIICAL AND THEORETICAL ENOIMSERS, JILL OHINIOTE, Beilatil-MARRErS, BLAORSSIPPRS. and roDziVERS, buying for man? ISOM been la successful operation, and been etelusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and Elver Engines. Michaud IoW. pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanta, Propellers, dIC respectfully offer their services to the Puluis as being fully prepared to contract for enema of all sizes Marine, Elver, and Atatlonary• having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to 'remote orders with quick despatch, Every description of_dattora•making, made at tee shortest notice. Dise and uoW Fine, Tubular, and Cylinder Bolters, of tun best Penn• sylvaniashatcoaliron. Porgings of ill sixes and kinds; Iron and Brace Castings of all descriptions; Roll- Turning, Svrew•finttin. , end all other work eonnested atioVe built:meg. Drawings and specifications for all work aerie it the establishment !reser charge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf•dock mom for re tain of boats, where they can lie In perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, fails, de., die., fer raising heavy or light weights. JACOB C. AEAFIL .• JOHN P. LEVY. le2L tf BEACH and PALMER Streets. J. VAuagAls Ammon. WILLIAM M 1011111101 g. 10821 B corn SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AtlD WASDITIGTON STUNTS. Parr.ranotyme. BiItRUSCK SONS, lINOINISSB AND MAGRlmbnot. Manufacture Nish and Low Pressure Steam Hafin& for land, river. and marine "noise. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks. Iron Boats, Rs.; east- Ings MAD kinds, either iron or braes. Iron. frame Roofs for Ras Works, Workshops, Rail road Stations, dm Retorts an d e. Gas Machinery of the latest and most im proved sonstraction. glary description of Plantation Mashinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, VACUUM. Pans. Open. Steam Trains.Defecators, Fibers. Pumping linstinets.dic Sole Aleuts for I. Rillieux's Patent Sogar-Bouing Aouarstns, Ziesmyth's Patent Steam Rammer, and Aspinwall & Wolsey's Patent Gent ri fogal Sugar' Draining Ifitetdas. cult tf GRICS & LONG, FULTON WOAMd i rate smies maim!. afaohisisto, goiter Makers. sad (iiv Builders. Tanks of every description made to order. . Bole loud' for Long's Marino SAlL:masters. gaTll.O THODIAR NYDONOUGH, OBiIRAL BLACKBmITHING. SLIK STRUT, ABOVE DOE STREW, FRANKLIN, PBXNA. ger Boring tools on hand or made to order on short nodes. myll-31n MORGAN, ORR, & CO., BTNARIZN OMB BOILDIRB. Iron Founder., and emterli lisebbatata and Boiler Mahon, No. /231,9 ((ALLOW. MIX greet. Philadelphia. fe20.41' WRITE VIRGIN WAX OF A.NTIL -AL new Preneh CionmetAstor beautifying and 'r s e ving the eompleirion. It the most wonderful sompound of the age. There is neither chalk. YoWdar. magnesia, hisinuth,nor this in Ito imposition. it being somposed entirely of pure Virgin Wax ; hence the ex traordinary oalities for preserving the sirtn, making It soft, smooth, fair, and transparent. It makes the rAY. and FRIDAY of each wetk tbereafter during the month of June, 1965, TWO EitiliDitED CAVALRY HOSAIRS RaOR DAY. For road and tanning r.nrrosses many good bargains intro be had. Horses sold singly. Sale to commence at 10 A. si. Terms cash, in 'United States dunnage?. Steamboat for Oiesboro will leave Seventh-street wharf. Washington, every hoar from 9A. fd to 6P. R. JAHge A. SKIN, Brevet Brigadier General, in charge let Division, Quartermaster General's Office. 101.561 SALE OP GOVERNMENT HORSES. QC4.II.THRMABTREI EiENZILAAZ .T 4 IP I LI w e i I Losr. WASHINOTON OUT. Hay SI. 1866. Will be *old at public section, to the lathed bidder, at the times and laces named below, viz BALTIMORE, MART LAND, WEDNESDAY, Jane 7,1 866. LANCASTER. PE rt r B L;II4NIA, THURSDAY, READING, PE S IIIII L ITAGIA, THURSDAY. 1866, WEST CHESTER, Lef e liAtir I LVANIA, THURSDAY. 66. MIFFLIN, PENNeTILVANIA, THURSDAY. Jane 26, 1886 P6TTBBUAG. PIORSYLVAAA, YERIESDAY, Jnxte 771 1.816, BALTIMORE, HARTLAND. WEDNESDAY. June 28-1886. PITTSBURG. PRittNal LiTt . NIA, THURSDAY. TWO HUND R ED 29- % 66. HORSES at each plsoe. For road and farming purposes many good bargains m ri l oWtd singly. Sales to commenco at 10 A M. Terms—oash. in United tia l ear a ritob iN. Brevet Brigadier general. In charge Firer Division O. M 0.. 0, LARGE SALE OF GOVERNMENT WAGONS AND 'ILEUMS. CRISP QUARTERNASTEIVFI OFFICE. DEPOT UP WASIIII,43ToN .D. (1 . Will be mold et pupils nuctlon, under the Creation of BrevetOolonel Charles EL• Tompkins, A Q E., O. S. A at the Government Mill. situated on Ft street, between Twenty • first end Twenty-secsnd streets, in the City of Waebtrgton D. 0., about TWENTE . THODSADD FITS OF SINGLE lamp HARNESS. %VIM A LOT OR Sew:US, Ara.. which have been Used in public eervice. The harness will be sold in single sets. ALSO, About L 500 WAGONS, which Will be 0014 singly to the highest bidder. The sale of Wagons will eommencsan WEDNIIRDIT. June 28. 1916. at 10 o'clock A. Si.,ith a lot of about font hundred. at a point worth of the Railroad Park. tear the terminus of New York avenue north, and after their pale is completed the remains er will be sold on 0 street east. between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets. near the Lincoln Hospital. The sale of Har ness will commence on TEITIRSDS7. June 99. 1868, at 111 o'clock A. hi The sale of Wagons and Harness will sontinne, on alternate days. until the whole number is sold. Terme cash, in Honernment funds. The attention of buyers is celled to the large sale of BULBS, commenced on Monday. May 22. 1852, and which is still being continued from ea , to, day. D nocona, Brig. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster. ie12.12t Depot of Washington. NOTICR.-SALE Of ARMY MULES. • QtrARTieIIfASTIR GE?teßeVe OFPRIA . lireseieb•ree. D. C . May 28. 1008. WANT THOUSLNDS OF MUSS are being disposed of at public sale at Washington. The sates will continue until the number of animals is reduced to proportion to the reduction of the armies, now going on rapidly. - There jure In the armies of the Polemic of the Ten name*. rind of Georgia. probably FOUR THOIIBAND EINEST SIX-MULE TRAM 111 IRE WOMR an L y D. of them were bought in the beginning of the war, as young mules, accompanied the armies in all their marches and camps, and are thoroughly broken, hardened by exercise, gentle and familiar, from being so long surrounded by the soldiers. The whole South %stripped of farming Mock, and the Worth also has suffered from the drain of animals, taken to impre y the armies. These animals are sold at public auction; TWIT WILL NOT SBIDO AFIXTRING LIKE THEIR TRUE VALOR and such oviminnitim for farmers to get working animals to stock tneir farms, and for drovers and dealers in stook to make good speculations, by Parshasing them and disposing of them in the South, will never occur Itglin. . N. 0. MUGS, Quartermaster General, Brevet Major GeneraL MEDICAL. ELECTRICAL OFFICES. Jo, 154 Eorth ELEVENTH, below RACE Urea' t also, CHESTNUT and FORTIETH Street, wiit nu. liadelphia. D. THOMAS ELLER having been very imetiess fo.l in the cue of Diseases by this new method. Iwould inform his friends and the Mlle that he is still benelisting and miring many whom medleins did not &feet, and considered incurable. 1 We will mention a few of the Diseases in the Mire of which this treatment seldom if ewer (MU: / Rlommatisaa, Felons, Kidney Disposes. Neuralgic Gangrene .. Liver " Paralye% Meer.. Oenital :: Cramps, 801/11. Rlnal Drinevait. Abscess, ' most " ?ever & Agne. Eruptions, Prohmans, /Asthma. inflammations,' Noe Emissions, Congestion. Hemorrhage, Diabetes. &a Patients will be treated at their residenees whoa Idesired, a large number of testimonials may be seen at the ONces from patients in this elty,. Oonsults, time gratis. Ocoee hours 9 A. M. to 6P. M. in the i eity. DB. VIOL ALLEN. t antaftet illeetrielan. fiILECTROPATHIO ESTABLISH •=4 )fBNT.—DB. A. E. 821117316. one of the 11 DIEgoyEEE.Es of • new /skim or treating disease b MODIFIED ELECTRICAL Arnioenexa, end irk lots been so very onclenful at PEES SQUAEI for r last three_msare, has removed his Ofise and Redden to 1638 VINE litreel, one door below Seventeenth. All hereon* desiring refereneee. or any parttsul with ragsrd to Monroe - le; modeof treatment. will }le sell or woad for a pamphlet. Consultation or advise onteltose. 10164 COTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS. of all numbers Mad brands. Tent. AWnins,Tremk, and Brouva-cover Dusk. Also, Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts, from one to Ave feet wide; Pauline. Bolting Sail Twine. die. Julia W. EVORMAN & not if PO. 103 JONES' Alley. MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, 40. Axa- —2,g00 bbla Main. Jim 2, and bgfokeria: Itts.unglit Int lib, in emerted fltskudi. 2 000 JAIL 'SW lastport, Portant Nap, sad ED.12)41:1t 1,010 boiess Lubec, Eonit4, NO. 1 Bening. "bubble Jew Mess Blind. Matrons Horkliner-sonaty Man% dia in store and for Ws by MURPHY KoOte, inU4-tf _ Jo, IV; JtoBTt3 wfburvm, JOHN C. BAKER kt - CO.'S COD LIVER OIL—THE TRUE AND OBElllNE—llAsinviesed quAlity and efNete—bean the SWEITEST AND BEAT PREPARED. In (Mahe, OM . Bronchitis, hastlxma,_ ( font. Intl vent consumption, and all Sarandon. UOmplaints, it oftentlinea yrodneea immediate and certain Mitote when other imedies have been taken with little orno bonal. notd by all nrnyglete in the city, and by the proprie tor, No 718 AMMO? Went. atnthein TEOMEON'S LONDON' KITOR. MEE, OR EUROPEAN RANGE, for families, hotels, or public lastitations,in 'TWENTY DI7. PERIM! SIZES. Also, Philadelphia Ranges. pot air Furnaces. Portable Heaters, Lowdown Grates. !inboard Stoves, Bath Boilers. &whole Platos,Broil. ors. Cooking Stoves, ets. . at wholesale and retell. bir the manuitteturers CHASE. BHA APE. Taomsoic sp2s- tathailm No. N 101) North SECOND Street. MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JBWIELEY, PLATS. OLOTRINO. JONES k CO '8 OLD ESTABLISHED LOAN oPPION, Cow THIRD and GAEUE/LL 81... %low 43,ri EVLIO3 & WATBOlit'l3 Eumutumn iun A_ is SOUTH YoThra fITZEIT. • PHILADBLPHIA mu. Um variety of liss• 'ma el /mad.rsodp Mile et l eas B. EL BARLEY, FIIIIIIISHING TINDERT.I.NEXIn id X. owner TENTH and GREEN Sinkno. Niffirriglrko COTTAGE ORGANS Mot only lINZIOILLIID bat 4if3QUILLID 1a rime of Tone and Power, mean od 114.14141a11i for Ohnrohte *ad Sobows, bat round to be wmalli Well adapted to the l'ar/or ud Drawing Zoom. 7 " " 1. EZ No. 11 Nor th Wa r /arra Street. *leo. a **What awortmeit of Um rarest Melodeon sointactiv coa bawl. feVADI PHILADELPHIA BUR Gliol6' BAXDAGE IftBTllllll, No. 11 pj. NINTH Eltreet,, abase Market. —I. C. mouirr, aver MAY years wattles). expertenet Myeaten the skilful adjustment of hie Preadult In, G r adwiting Presents 'hues. Supporters, *Watt Stocki ChocWar Bram. Crukhes, as. Ladling' apartments ng, eonduetcd b7l Lid). ID/247 AIICTIOPI SALEb. RN B. MYERS & ii.Uari O NSERB, Dos. 23% mu acne Nar Li, LARGE SALE OF FRISINUFI DitT GOODs, ..1A .11:W1)4Y stoßlif.*G. Jona font lOofiloOk4 will be sow by getaior i eredtt of months, shoos . • 500 LOTS of French. India, Berman. and British aft' itildr, 4 I embracmg a bode and dole," woortment of [Joey ; ton ' Map fsbrtas. le articue In efik, Worsted, waded, sed o 't L B —Samples of the same will be arranged 'n; aminstion, will catalogues , early on toe roonm, the rale, when dealers will dad it to Mask inn ic 4 d attend. ea LABOR ALB OF "'FMCS' :ORRIS GOODS 8;• Sea W•Lti. RIBir,OS nTit&W ocrodto, BOTIOR -Onobidna - to oar ode of Preach. ii . German, and Britirb,dry 'coda, Olt MOS Dar MORNING, June it Will be Wild, in part the folloerh p , attic - e Vi e ; •aolia4 DRESS 000DS.—M. 1 / B N9 b1i10.04 reser, were. inosiz. Mirada grousdor, con ;;" Jai helno . msleneee blaidorta4, ,t o I DRESS palls —Lynne bleak taff .tts :nee d u a gene amain' petit de dole, OW do Naples far tv SR • W LS. &a —threes, hennaed, 111C , Pableiale. and Cashmere shawls, silk mp u l e " 4. points, ha lobttorS —Oros grain. Don't de sole. and and,trimmialt tibbons, plat' cod f Gri(OVESi—Giate and ladles Pant kii Bethn glnves end gen , Bett FTRAW 0001:08, din.—W omen's and muses' hate, nzf needs, oioldron's cans. 04ut0., Ste Lino, white tooth., embroideries, linen bandkershisle, anon entrt front., sue tnn.,.11,,„, ,?th: skim crepes. Wee, Tells , hood nets, onnti om ,AND notions. itc, a line of domestic cotton and Woolen dn,,d, , teak, BARQUES. TAMAR, CLOABI , tIf39, Svi An Invoice of ladies' Ade silt and cloth Mimes, god jackets. for city retail trade • , alsosaucy Veld c'ott, and C444ilhere cloaltiam LAR PnoKIfPTOBY st),B OF B. , (1 S n'llhn, BROOAISS, TrtaVALLINGF oiLed, bTil& o jo o , LOUT; , ha. &ALB OF 13907 N, Knit% LARGE PENSWFTOST BROCIA2II3, TRAVELLIIIiti 8,208, SFRAw ii Sce. COZ: TO}MUT MORNING June 27th. at lt) olglock, Will be avid, or cam on tour mouths' credit, about I, NO paelee4y, shoes, brogans, travelling bass, dr, of Mir and „4 sin manufacture embracing a fresh and mime sYxnq inept of deaeonable goods, ts high will be op.,n for mutilation. wile catalogue., on the mornings' ea:, MOTloll.—lneluded in our large sale of bouts a*; shoes, , Tune 27, milli be found In Dart the following fresh desirable assortment—viz: Men's, boys'. and youths' caltdonblvsote, bait d Damp-sole drese.boote; men's, boy e'. anc yol.*p kin and buff leather boas; men's and boys' cst Cousreas boots and balmorals; men a, boys', mi youths' Miner kip, buff, and pol , shed grain. bail w.e an d pump sole 10.egense tea fine kid Pall and enamelled patent sewed balmorms ana Omar., Inners; women's. misses'. and children's salt 41:10 leather balmorals cad lace boots; children's fine k d, sewe d e it y . go ,,a, s lace bats : fenny sewed ate ankle ties; ladies' fine blank and solorad'ilssong, mese. and side-lace gaiters; women's, WOMB', and children's goat sad morocco soopsr-nailed lace bov, q Wien' tine kid elleno•rst earont aryl enemeos,l herh., travelling bass. locate, Meter, women's. and bore' straw and palm bats. hoods, &c. CLOSING ULM OF BRITI2II. FR AM% GERNIN, ASO DOMEEIPIO D4T tIOODN. We will hold a large .ale of Eirlitah, Frennh. ger man, and Damson Dry Ocrede, by cataogne, on tan months credit and pan for cash. ON TElligglulf MORNING. June 29th, embracing about NO packages and lots 0 staple and lam" articles in woollens, linens. Sot tone silks, and wonted., to whion we invite the at. tertion of dealers. N. 13.—!famines of the same will be arranged for 11%• amination, with catalogue'', early on the Innen. 0 safe, when dealers will find it to their interest to attend. PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS Fa 5 BEASEIEr and sRtle COSA:MRCS Str..etk LARGE SALE OF 'I goo cAl3g9 BOOTS. gaols% BROGAgS, aia., &o. We will sell by estal"ane. for sash OX 1/10Nii&Y /110114INO. June 28 commencing at ten o'clock,l,2oo mine men's, boys', an. youthe bootr shoes, brogan*. balm aate, gaiters, clippers, Oxford ties, Congress boots, 80.,,&0., with a desirable assortment of women's, 171/8881'. ehildren's wear. CLOSING BALE OF THE 81118011 OF 1,400 OiSll9 BOON ILND SHOP. We will sell, by eatalearie, for east. on TRU4SI)),E 01010111!G o xue e . 29;4 1 , eeThreaneinii at ten o'clook, 1,400 asset men's, boys', and youth's boots, shoes, beinsom., gaiters. slippers. &s.. dta , wits a desirable assortment or WD/INII 10, xsisi,ea , , and children's wear. MTHOMAS & SONS, • Noe. 139 and 141 Sarah FOURTH Skeet. Publie Bale of Real Estate sad Rtoeke. at the Er cbange every Tuseday. at la o elo.k. damn the bag nese season. In July and august. WILY 060101JUIli llama EEIL ESTATE, STOCKS. km, 27th MR. CARD —Our is on Tuesday next at 12 o'clock, at the Exchange, will sontorlse elflant Wiataint.stratt Realdence, gantry Sem, tfatalmtaa Stands- Scat 1 Dwellings, Ground Sento, Stocks. Lamm kti '1: full particular*, see pamphlet catalogue issued w•dar, BBALESTATZ AT PRIVATE BAIA . On mei 16 and 17. catalogue of gOth inst., will be fouod a list of several hundred thousand dollen 0/ Beal Eetate. at private sale, oomorleing soma of the Mee valuable property in the oily end neighborhood. Sale No. 846 Smith Eighteenth street SUPERIOR FURNITURE rIBLODEOZI, &o , dm, ON MOND•Ie Hoggnge, 26th !net ,at 10 catalogue , Iro. 845 80011 Eighteenth street, the rttiperinf parlor, dining-room e a 4 chamber furniture. fine. toned rosewood 6 octave In?k deon. line engravings. China and glassware. ILI CU. psis, , The furniture was made by lath KO be Grallided at 8 O'clock on the morning of the gale. Salo for account United States. PACKING BOXRS. LUMBER. ORATES, CLOTII. BuARoI 0.40.4E011. ON TUESDAY DOANIEIG, Jane 27tb„ at 10 o'clock, at Soburlkilt Arsenal. neat Gray's YerrY, for account ilcitre States, by order cl Captain Henry W. Joiner, AQSIU S. e.. astce Iva and Inspectlagofliner Schuylkill arsenal. I,7lDparkb4 boxer. old and broken: Si crates: 3.000 olith aoitidr; 4,541 lbs scrap iron; 2.546 the old nails. Edrafalttratrix's FiLie NN 113luta Rtreek OFFICE FUEINITURR, FIRE•PEVUF, L.N TOE9OA4. . . . Tune 27. at 12 o'clock K.. at No. 113 Walnut etessi. by Order or lidll7llll/317Mrix, MOO% oft. own, lounge. two boxes starch. Am proof. by Farrel & fitc. tint, &o, 14 e. RARRITT & CO., AUCTIORBER3, li n Cask Auction Rouse, No. 230 MARKET Street, corner of Bank street. NOTIOII TO CITY AND 00IINTRY MBRIRANTO CLOSING BALE OF N)0 LOTS AMR CR Li DRY GO ODI. By (Mtge.:lgoe, ON TIISSDA if MORNING, Jane 47th, commending at 10 o'clock, as follows aiSi lots assorted dry goods, 160 pieces cloths, mitsteneral And datinets. 100 dos divas and ‘4 , 001 6111616. 1 case 6 4 Melton cloths. 11.0 iota bolder). 'gloves, potions, sta. Also, stook of artificial flowers. Also; lot cape, bouts, abode. &a. Also several stocks of dry goods, FOR SALE AND TO Lill'. ma FOR SALE OR RENT-A BEAU ma TEL fIOTTAGE in WEST ffill,&o l lL,Paln, tor• exceetionably located. between. Talrty 'main are Fortieth, Market and Spruce streets r_now 000ttptr4 by 1.6 gentleman about leaving for Mew York. Kea; lON. Intutedlete penned= Oren Address Box. 440. P O. J1125.ar SFOR SALE—IMMEDIATE POS. SESSION, handsome residence, SIXTH Street, above VINE, thirteen rooms and modern improveme etc Lot ISs57; only 87.000. Alse, many other properties. large and small. In dlf forenelocations, of which possession arm be Mali. EARL. T. yox. Beal Estate agent. ie22-2i*„.. NMI( and Wi LIU RI. NEWPORT, R. I.—FOR BALE -Mane fine new Brown none MANSION, Washilitton street, fronting Newport Rubor; has never Don , von- Died; near the Depot and steamers; Bathing' sod Bait ing at the door. One of the linnet 'views and (144t1i to America. Apply le RAZ SAD &AP r EMU. Real &tatPORT, e , I. NEW ie2o tittheek ffit _TO LET-A DESIRABLE TH R NE. TORY BRICK DV421.4.1D1G. 1810 Street. Rent, M. Apply to JAMES H LIME da. 424 WALNUT Attest. . de TO RENT, IN WEST PHILA.- ULDILPfiIk—A DWELL NQ, north rilde of Market abtot, flea bonne Went of Fortieth. Two 7orl tit R db Ing-rooga on Aria floor, aildaton chamlim, four attico. Large garden, whit simadance o (ra4 and flowers. Apply on the memitos from foar is oerm o'clock P M. je10.6,. el FOR SALE—NEAT DWELLING, 637 North Twenty second street; earls potsetshrt Store and Dweling, A. W. comet fliaeteauth and i lowhili stre.ds; rood businessplace. Best Dweillec NH Monist Vetoes street, a2dlBllB Wood Street, with immediate posaegsion. B 1133 South VOTTE.riI Street. sad tit S. W. cor. IaVIISTEE cakt Sid (MIMS. JTO LET—DWELLING, No. 8;39 North ELEVENTH StrA.B. B V. OLEBB, jel7 12i3 !bah /OMR 6treet... dit TO LET—COUNTRY BEAT, ON CRURCH Lane, r ear the Darby road; large stone• haute, earriage-hcase, and four acres of lan a. 13. F OLE jel7 - "1213 B,ath F.:TF rfi :Meat. fa FOR BALE AT A. GREAT s Nonr Ara PIM wiLir BE LVP—Tha tlO08B• at CAPE PilraXD, vitas pontos of the Pn.3l - The bonne will accommodate nearly one hue• and persons, and would make a desirable plater ;of raver al families to OCCUPY for the setvoll• B. GLENS!, jell 123 South FOURTH Street. ARCH -STREET REBID '4 , NC ES— ma. FOR SALE —Several ilraLciaas HOUSES. iamb side of Arch street, west or Nineteenth ttreet, tm , rse• Int' all the modem Improvements, Apply et 4529 ANOS. Street. jelti aIFOR GALS, WITH IMMEBIATIii posveesion, the convenient DwellSDK. No NIN Menet Vernon. street. B. V EILIVIN. jet° S. W. or. REVEDITSStZT/1 and GREEN' ei FOR SALE-ROUSE, NO. 908 =LPN ANKLIN Ptrert. above Poplar. Inqtart , of IiEIiGUSON. No. min North puma st. iel.• 1,0 FOR 84.14 E-AN EXCELLENT =Stare and Baldness Place, 214 Dook Street. Sopeilor Dwelling . ga feet front, Ife.l9l9llrefoi elrea. Store and Dwelling. good Business Stand. 286 MOrt:l blateeeth *treat. corner of Winter. 003:1Vaident DWelling, No. On South Tenth Oren noeseseion Coon. Neat Dwelling. No 732 Shirley street. • Desirable Dwel ing, Broad street, above Brown; it ro by lee feet. B. F. MAN DL 123 Bonn Fotrwrii Street it? jelo B. W. sor. 52V2NTSS7Ti1 and (1211.11 ge FOR BALE—ELEVEN ACRES 0. mint of LAM , with two well. shaded frame and ez.. etone BOURNS 'thereon, eitnate In Delaware cootl'n Within Moen mtunts s walk of Spring 11111 Statioa , OIL the Meat* Railroad. Thts station to Within s ned hour ride of . riarket etreethrldge: ALSO„ vita A large plaetered frame BOtial and lot of `round, ate ODPOIthe the Bell Tavern, on the Darby road at corner of the eland roan, in the Twenty•fottrillW lo . And LLB% Twenty Acres of handsomely Wanted land, on 67, Pennsylvania Railroad, within fifteen minutes flat , • Market street titian. Access tattle a ll y can ho had tat times a day, by the care etopptat on he Erma of. ply to BRIMOcit" pAsint , te73.6t Conveyancers, 11.5 WALNUT al 700 ACRES SPLENDID PABTUM , ••••—well watered. for HOrefill and Halm. on 08, eel bratedNineyard Farm, late "iteybold's Batate, one mile from Delaware City and fort', Mlles °— Philadelphia. Addreea JOHN ft 1511,1 AN T ,, jag Delawnre COP re,— TO LET—THE 'FIFTH AND SFXTII STORIES of 237 and 28a DOCK Street,And let through to Carter eines; also Offices on the fled the Ulna building, fronting on Carter etreet, Can be nudger manufacturing as t er rOW 'The er. third story of the Commonwealth BnttJthr 6 1 and OS Chestnut street, the beet lighted room 1 0 I city. = Apply to TONCIe IT CONIIELp , . , Counling4lougo Dr. Jay ne ,. 4L,rt , et._. 242 I.IHBETNO.r FOR BALE—A` VALUABLE LOT 0 ' Droned. B. 13, corner of Broad arid Osllowl ltt °' 180 by 290 feet. Do. do, B B. corner of Bridle and rbirtY .e 110nd streets; /42 by 218 Coot. • Do. do., $ W. corner Of Brldlf o cad Th l i" j sand streets. by 212 feet. Yerford strtti; b W ilai rc f e ee r ThlltY : 6 , 64°lla : u l;::: Do do. W. W. corner of Loth ern. streets; 000 by 190 feet. Do. do., S. )1 corder of Twen ty tet.ll)- sad Spring Braden streets; 93 by 00 feet ; and Do. do.. Parby road. between Obestus WDma streets; tO by 120 feet. , . do., Ellsworth street, from TwestV o,l street to the Shuylkill; 1.000 by 11:4 eet. ctso; Do. d.. on Miuthelin street. Gercir about 8 sem 04, do., on Taerony street. at Eolmealuirk With many others trf various stele. 0 11. /11. 11, 3(10 133 South YOUTH 0t",„... ABINET FURNITURE. MOORS at corrios , ars so SOUTH 134COND STRIIST, 1,3 its Prer" to follow the tleeline la the market 03 Wee o their Partizan. Prttehteters NIII Pite ir s nad •Xitmlne our desk. /5/1—