Ely thlss. FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 180. NEW YORK FIRE DEPARTMENT. c , ....ditnitiounitty or the Low Setetaitned— Ponsefai Acquilekeeeyce of the Eirowseer 'We are glad to lean) that on Wednesday the New 'York Court Of Appeals, sitting at Albany, declared the Dew law, organettrg a pita tire 0, 9 11 ' 0 ' Wlent, to be constitutional. Toe firemen have sub initted quietly and respectfully to this edict, and it is confider.tly believed tr,ey will not throw any ob stacles In the way of the workings of the new are tenth poly 011 e company 13 " ' -"thitel any6344lllga Of animosity. This Is nine Orinpally NY. 1. They draped their bons° in mourning, ran the awe. ratus tongue In, and put a notice on the door of "Rooms to let." 'Whether this is a mere facetione trick on the part of the company, or that they elerionsly , meant to make themselves ridiculous is Dot known. The FIT. Commiselonere have issued an address to Die VITIOUS companies, in which they incorpo rate some of the sections of the new act, which are as !Wows; Ste, f, The MetropOlitedl Fire Department Is e mpowered and &Meted 10 possess and etneeise fully and exclusively all the powers, and to orform an the duties for the government maintenance. and din.ction of the Fire Department of the oily or New York. 550. 19. All members of the present Fire Deput y eat, regularly enrolled at the tone of the pause* of this sot seal' be returned by the present Chief Engineer, under oath, to the (tiers of the elomnon Council of said city of New Yo k, and all such members who stall faithfully perform their duties until regularly chickweed by said tlommissionere, and not Morale., shall be entitled to all the privi leges and exemptions to welch exempt Bremen are entitled by the laws of this State. Bac. 20. Iminedtafely on the ortrantzatlon of said department, all persons who shall tben b. firemen in the city of New York snail be nyder lire control and government of said Metropolitan Fire Dip are Meat. and if they shall so remain until they are dis cherged by said department. anal. be entitled to ail the t Menages and exemptions slid rod by the lima of the State of New York, the same as if they served out the lull term as prescribed by tie lees of tne State of New York; anti the said Ceparttosat shell have full power to discharge, by resolution, said firemen, or any portion of , them, wheneVer they may deem proper. BOSTON. Considerable Fire—End of a Billiard NE a s eh. ROSTOV, June 22 —The drying room oonneoted with the laundry of the Revere house took fire last night, but the flames were confined to the room in whiot they orighoated. The billiard match for the championship of NW Setentietts, bstweer. W. A. Tqbin and R E. Wit. /Berth, of Boston, was played at BUMSted U. U last evening. It resulted in the transfer of Mao ennui pion one from Tobin to Wilmarth, who won by 1,301 pointe to 1,438. THE STATE. IMPORTAINT LAWStrIT WitmrerenT, June 22 —Before the Circuit Court of the 'United State for the Westeru District of Pelmaylvaola, now In eeseton at this yritioe, the ease of the Mayor and Aldermen Of the ot.y Baltimore agilinat the Conuellenille and Southern Ponsylvenla Railroad Company, and others, has been argued for the last two days by Game Sheras, J. B. Latrobe, and Reverdy Msson, for the plain tiffs; and by ex• Chief Justice Lowrie and George P. Hamilton, for the defendants. DESTRUCTION OF BANS NOTES HAREMS ILIB .inno 22.—Tne notes of the Petro leum and Tenango•county B•nke,' incorporated under the State general banking law, amounting to Me 000, were desta - oyed by fire thb morning by direction of the Auditor General. Those banks are now doing bnairoball under the national banking law. THE SAFEGUARDS OF PERSONAL FREE roar.—Last evening Concert Hell was well filled by an audience assembled to listen to a lecture on the above subject. by Hon. Wm. Seeley. He said that the Emperor Of the French opened hl lire of ille tar by the remark that in ttio beginning ehtefs role end fashion the people ; in the end the people rule and fashion chiefs. This remark has beet well proven in our own experience. Hating chiliad successfully the greatest war of history, we are about to enter upon anther. We aro to decide in eur Council and Senate Obalebers whether the resulte of the war are to be enjoyed by the people of this goners- Hon, or by those Of future generations_ fir removed, after, perhaps, more torriole times of blood. We have been fighting an enemy, In which the quer Von Involved was one of physical streneth and turabee. The enemy with whom we contend today is more sub!do ; his weapons are already piercing our hearts ; Ids castles and strongholds ars in our midst. The enemy we are fightiog - to-day fa tee pride of race; the hatred of every race nut our own, and Here cannot conquer him We eeileet malt,. twin oar own fi etdom, or transmit It to our ebildreh. What are Bet tee safeguards to personal freedom They are not found in ilea or OODStittt. lions nor in legislative or constitutional provisions. These, in themselves, are as Ittle as tee eumment breeze. These give expression to seetimeut. You. May, by these, ocoestonally enfoece en awarded right, but you cannot guarantee those Mate. These is In every State and county, a law against 21ot. It rot Only requires you to abstain from floe but it acquires each of you, if lOU lea One Jibing. to prevent ie it peewee,. Tee laws ti tile I sna anal-len ae next to the peel cotton of human life, the right Or _free speech and of the preen. Our Constitution also pearaz,teeE to the entrees of . One State eitittnShip in every ether State. Now let us leek trace. In the May ci Boston, he remembered, when r.. yoong roan , seeing a mower collected in front of a erintlneettlee, and tore the sign from he front of the needing', and brought tut from It a man upon whom tatty intended to oemir-R, violoece. That vase was Win. Lloyd Garrison, and tba authoritnet put Olin ID jail to prevent violence being committed upon nun. Ills crime was that he exercised Isle right of think ing, and expreteltg Ms °pintoes. lie su-ety did net reap much berout Stain the fictssinitiod wider guaranteed to tier there paver:gm He was glair to say that Pennsylvania set .'he amen/pie cf v.gun• tary and di:rect.:not:Deed ebtlitien alaverv, Sri-: she stood en the eitssouricomproantse tee torero mein the vitelicarior.of pen:neat fretneei, There le, ne was glad to say. but one blot upon her espy:etc:el, and that was thatJas. Buchanan was a Pennsylvanian. The rlght t,f citizenship is euerenteed by the Oen. erbatioe in ern part of American eel'. South of the roLoray. nix Oslo rivers RI./ a lueteleid Vicesend square mice of territory - , yet there It not ar. Inca of It upon watch the speaker could nave sarciy sat till Roc elect*. 1856—that's eithealtrehtlal law t Yea 2DIO - it tuts the joustltution in every peitst oil r.nr Clothe:, down teem, and read 11 eo them, nut It wouldn't du much -good. There was a tuasun soot down thole to work. He did work for scene tiers, mute eutortunetely said Diet staviery -see a bed thing, ere cut deem the pike of wCite lane*. Fee. this remark he wee taken out Into tire held, attl.ppad to the waist, end whippod by two ueno inch until all Lb, tine] was torn and Liebe: ph ; eta lie was thee token terough their cities and exeitiod as a INerite abellrieniet, and he barely escaped. with LIP life. He lived the sesaket that he had pleaded his .coeso.tethenal. rights to teem, tot it didn't do hitiOtt gold. Wait, than. are the eaieguerds to terecolet Inayrty I They are puililar ereeiment tea eser.mon usa--e 'lll= cslorbe people of &merles tethenec ercut eve toidloes ; the white peeple aeout tweak, eve tcll. I.lcme. He Old art plead for the hiet, sayer tba tiventytive. "We told these truth. to DO sem'. Gib:SW.ll:O el men are creeted " Teey del Let mean equal in stature, or In ins etel or pay Shed aviaries. but they meant that ail wete eaterted po /nice ay equal. if the equality or nis.h is..d beau recoyneete all ever the C there would have boon no war of 1861. It was tsar that made it dar,gteous to travel' in the South ; it cos that , that L;ra Yeznisylvs.ala. Hall Slid inonbed Wm. LI iyd Genesee. Let d 9 ICC LOW We join in dtuiandiug teat the Seale shall accept oar preeedleez as its laws. No prolessienal leWier will deny that any well-bereree person who peso ids in a ear wan be deprived efreeng tires oar. demaeded that the black man to ceprived 01 his legit rights In thirst reipect The „arse inajetbe of thin petpte of Pidieteetteda veldt; rather Btu the COIO-0(1. ;Milne of Pbtlbdelplota refuse to give one man towards re. Meriting re it army, ireteaa of the eleven regiments which thoy did give, than s ee them Mee with teem In tee street cars. He couldn't- help Paying taat Pailadtivaia was hypocritioat She would Wier/ every struts pet and biareleg whv uto art ney tett git to pay the fire, riot in the cars, bat would out out the colored elerg3man nasteaing en_ hie errand of Ln , _ , Yls, a - n' love. Had the Speaker barn President Solmeen in the matter of she reconstruction of Vireleh, ne would not hare excluded thin colored Ineo ;rota equal lights rith the white. Thu law meet lb disteee• ton of color. and whatever restmettots of citir,hardp wore made, mould to m ade to ititeut doe/in t:ter of eulaY. He would take Om eleca Sato ter political pOSII,ODE. There were two persona train When: ho ILA to choose .:10 interposed Lis life to save me teed my property fro), a pt.werra; enemy-112e otter was a man nrhe powerful than hltlSnli isbn had dene everyteleg in his power to ruin and Zieettey Rte mutt tale the brothers of Breckinridge and D leis, or the Doziest, God tearing black man. As 04rd wes Ll' jades, he rover would vote tor the admission Pao Wogrosfi of any tapecentativa of hey Ibetnntatotcl State dot. an aristocratic ourstitution. Tee yearn eats tloll will, In the future, It left floret:caned, be to country what slavery has hcon in the oast. The gins of our echools were deprived of elleveland , s reader became it had on it a foot-ante against shivery ; and the city of Felladelpeta was put to the eseense of buylbg inferior locus to please. the Semiteiner who comes here ie bey goods. zio it Will be horeelter if any book puolieter pet to his beck a word In favor of nogro eqtrillty- We have been enslaved as much as they and ff we would he free, peaceful, and happy. we trust do justice to all mankll o. TILE P.ECUNT SHOOTING CASE---FtJAVIER InvesviuATlen we eon°Nas l'Avr.oa --Coroner Taylor, yesterday, regained the lavo3ti9;atisn in tee ease of AlixanCer Kirby, who tied from a plOtol 011et wound, alleged to have beau receire , l at cte h a uls of Thelma timid, ' le EFI feKl;t3 mote, on board a canal boat, neer toe bat:ore: Palm )niat. The following additional evtoente was eltoltod : John Pattetloll, on being qualme,l, toaclued that to knew Cerro], tut old Dv& snow .I{..lrby ; I had hired Carrot to watch my boat ; a man camo, up to rcy do= with one of my lines on lira fitellVier ; this on Seim day, June iff 0, toot ; i I ool: too Ike elf the man's back, and gave It so (faro,: te retry it on board the boat; be carried it atoard. and then came up to my tense for a box of maschoi , ; ttig was about ter. o'clook at night ; I told Llano' to be Blare and keep a strict UAW/ on the line? or they . ',Tr old ke gofer, being as Ilion two•nand..ed.dollarg worth mat year ; Carrot said he had nostd.ig, to pnttet hiugelf; I got him a revolver • (revolver ShOwo) that is the pistol ; Carrel stopped In tne beast live Or ter. minutes ; I told him al: the floes were on &eh be felt IGO, and went abeatol ; about one and a half cholocit Carrel came to my debt, and told ma thtre were seam men down there to rub him ; that Ore of them had jumped down into the 'tarty, and pat the I':4:tts out; I got up as eiikkly as I could, and on the road going down Carrot Feld there wan .3aothor man With the Ore who Jumped into thc. Cabin, CIO grabbed blip by th e noeb '' I got a light froth another man's boat, went In to the eaion, locttf:d at the man, and when I came out of the eosin Listed Carroll where the other m;n was ; he replied ho had run away : I made no Maher In. 40/1.1 ; I went to Twenty-ant street and hallooed for the pf.lice than wont to tlellawhili sten% and still called fq; police , and they came to my 'mist ar ce, ass Silted the what the mattes 54.33 I told Item there rem thieves on the brut; trey came down, went into the cabin, and toss Kerb; no' • the notice netted me what I knew; I told them I 'lave Carroll the pistol protect himself; tierrof did n ot toll me that be bad elvot any t...ne, tin no R ot down Fiats, at my hone.; I told the pollee that a man had been robbing my boat, end was shot; the anehof was not brought en my boat until the neat day.. ilobert Patterson sworn- I saw Carroll and Kirk, or Saturday, June 10th ; at that time I thenett IVrby wee a stranger; boa.r4 (lharlaa leil'el , 2l say to Kirby. '; why he did not bring that anchor back ;" he said, 'lc it-1, do you think I'm .gtdog to lug that over on my Slieulders ;" I had a lighter alongside of say kosher Jain rattoroowo scow. and behind her was. a small 500 W. *IIOM elle f'ilonited to i re. roe know •, I said to Kirby "go and take ter, aid go and get the Midler and bring it to its boat :ti my attention watt then called to coma. thine also and I tten left ; I cannot tell whether it was I*. the fore or site. noon, but I think IA the fore noon ; 1f this Is the man Kirby that I hired last De rember one year Flll3, me oydnton is that lie had no intention et. stealing ; Kirby was sober at the time I saw him when be was in liquor he was crazy ; his terwation when he was sober wee that of a very quiet man ; I mean that he was only a quarrelsome mart when he was drunk. and not a dishonest one. The investigation here closed, and the jury ad journed ever to neXt Tuesday afternoon, when It is expected that other witnesses will be examined.. P..tagENCIER RAILWAY LlGENsub.—The Highway Department has received from Oka TAWiltifi possergerrollway companies the following amounts r. r car licenses for 1865: Fifth and Sixth.streets road. forty oars. $1,200 ; Tenth and Eleventh. streets, twenty-seven cars, $810; Race and Vine streets, fif teen ears, $450; Second and Third-streets, sixty C.". $1.800; Spruce and Pine.streets fourteen dare, $420; Ph - pi-avenue and Girard College, sixteen cars, $4BO ; Green and Coates. thirty Oars, 88180 FAUWOUDI , krd ATCliotreet, fourteen oars. *420; Fourth and Eighth-streets. twenty-tWO care, am; Tiestonville, sixteen oars, $4 80; Chestnut and Wel nut-streets, twenty. one cars, $B3O ; Seventeenth and Eighteenthstreete, fourteen oars, $420; Thirteenth and Fifteenth•streets, sixteen Oars, $4BO ; Girard avenue, twelve cars, $360; Lombard and South. streets. fifteen oars. *450; Union passenger cmtb. pony, Seventh and Ninth streets. thirty oars, $9OO. Malting a total of three hundred and sixty two ears, paying *10.860. The Market-street road nits not vet paid. that company havittg a Milt In court testing the matter. yrricolat OVITAIENT FUND.—The follow itg TS A Itist of contributions to the land Malve at Me :Aloe, No. 921 Ottestnat etfebt, Bet aCknorti cdgeo Pupils West Chester Academy and Military 'lnstitute, per William F. Wvers . . ..... 542 15 Trinity Chapel, per Rey II Dahlias; 12 01) Fraternal Lodge, No. 188, 1 0.0. F 20 00 Police 1 00 Corpregation "Miscue Israel," Rev. S. Metals, per J. L. LPberman 800 00 St. Peter's Lutheran Church, (additional).. 500 PRMON INEXECTORS.—The District Court and the Dow of Oommon Pleas have made the lot lowing appointments of Inspectors of the County Prison: Wm. Shippen, M. D., M. W. Baldwin, Erars Rodgers, John Riddle, M. D., J. Rodman Paul, M. D., and Isaac R. Garrignen. THE NATIONAL GAMIL—A match game of base ball will be played at Fifteenth and lOoltinv bis avenue this afternoon, between the aotivos of this oily end a picked nine Irvin New Jersey. The game will be very _interesting, as the Jerseymen are strong players. Game to CommenCe at three o'clock. CITY COUNCILS. A stated motto, or uowoons was held yeaterday &Raman, at wlliaL the following btlekleeS Wad transacted: SELECT 88. CH. JAMNS LTND. Esq President, in the chair. The FItiSSIDSN't called the Chamber to order. Mr. KeMICKLY (0 ), of the Seeped ward, arose to a privbeged question, and said that he felt oin• stTamea, out of respect to himself and the members of the bony, to apologize for what immured at the lest meeting of Councils. lie assured the members that it was neither his will or Infatuation to offend eget/ st the dignity Of the Chamber. He regretted the words that fell from ids, lips in debate, and that hta pamion got the better of `his judgment lie de. sited to assure the gentleman from the Fifteenth ward (Mr. Gray) that he had no disposition to mani fest any 'unkind leellnes toward Mtn, and he felt the position in which he (the speaker) was planed as keehly as any one amid in the city of Philadel phia. Mr. Gael* (U.) said, as one of the actors in the paimul occurrence, there was no one who depre. cared it more than lie did. None felt the necessity of keeph. g ul. the dignity of the Chamber mire than be did, and while 110 heartily accepted the /limn gy of the gentleman 01 the Seoond ward, he hoped the Other members WoMild join with him. Dlr. Riche (U.) offered a petition askiog for the change of the Seventh division precinct house, Seventh ward Referred. Mr. r3BALLCAOKS (U.) preeented a petition to place the polite ano bre•alarm telegraph In the TA elm •third wax& Referred. Joaes, one seeing that iron railings be pl.cod around the market space at Girard avenue. Eeterred. The errata presented a inmmtirticatlon from the trustees of the Ice-boat, asking permission to pin , CIIOO from the Government an auxiliary steamer to the foe Lost. Referred. luso. .'Le from the Commissioner of Markets, sta. ting that t WO hundred Sad siaty,.ine lumps of but ter Lial teen seized for short weight, from January 1 to June 14, two hUndred and thirteen lumps of 'vb.:on had bean turned over to the Guardians of the Foci—thirty-three more than required by lair. Also, one from W. A. Gray, cht4f Inspactor of streets, nominating Joseph T. Ford as nis chief ohm k. GSAY. chairman of the Committee on Water, wade r. report appropriating 450.0E0 for purchasing end laying a pumping molt, from the iloW nail-house to Corinthian avenue. NOM, Also, a old providing for laying water-pipes on Twenty.first street, between North College avenue and Ridge road. Passed. Also, a bill providing tor the increase of the salary of the ChM Engineer of the Water Works to $4 . 000. Consideratdo eiturtssion ensued on the bill ; the fritnds at It urging its passage because of the oner ous duties that would devolve upon him in the ex tension of the water works. The bill was oppoSed Incense, when the door was opened to the increase of salaries, Councils would have to grant the same to the other heads of departments, schoolteachers, policemen, &o. Not agreed to—yeas r, nays 14.. (U) called up the bill from 04mmori Connell, providing for the pavment of tee interest on the city debt I,lling due July 1, len. The bill appropriates one million dollars for the pulT.2::, The bill was concurred in. A communication was received from the Mayor terednaling Johh Agnew as Inspector of stationary engines. meet the act of Legislature. The Mayor slums that he has already nominated one person, but the nomination was not acted upon. An elude. Sion in the Twenty-seootd ward, a few days since, warred him of the neCeSSity or immediate anion. Referred to the Committee on Police. The Cutate prestnted a Communication from the Chief Regis . ear, making the 'following nominations under the Registry act: John U. Dye, Registrar ; D J. Kennedy, Draughtsman; Jas. W. Simmons, Clerk. Referred. . Spearing (U.) chairman of the Committee on City Property, made a report, directing the chief Commissioner of City Property to take a room Mr the BORT dof Revision. He Bald that toe City Com. ruissiOners pronounced the eac of the. Legislature creating the board unconstitutional, and tetanal to give up the room they occupy as a lumberroom. /sassed. Mr. Gray (U.) offered a resolution requesting Ceninsen Council to return the bill making an apt nropriation for the relief of 'amines of VOilln tears. Ho tato the committee of three appointed by Colin eti bad co: suited with the CGOlutiesionerii, who stated that they would require $1.e0,000, which would be tuffielent to pay everything, aid no. further appro. priatiob wou:e be asked. The bill as passed by the select branch, appropriates $50,000. The resolu thil was passed. Mr. Jones, ohairman of the Committee on Law, made a report ctianging the boundary lime of the bistb. division, First ward, and creating an addi tlonal division, called tile Ninth division. Agreed to. Also, a bill oneogirg the boundary lines of the Fifth division of the Etfaltth ward ; also, creating an additional division. Agreed to. Also, a bill anti:4 the boundary lines of the Third and Ninth division of the lifteentb. ward, and creating an additional division. Agreed to. Also ; a bill changin the votieg.place in the g_ Eighth division of the Ninth ward to 2129 Market street. Agreed to. AlBO 5 01 bill changing the boundary division of the Eleventh division of the Eighteenth ward. Tine bill Ircin Common Couto!' providing for casearliemleirdt North. Beofed street was taken up, and the previous qbeslion oalled by IVIt. FRuEKAN. The male question was put ' • yeas 12, nays S. On the adoption of the first sootien of the bill, the less were 15 nod nose-I. Mr. Kira (Ce) aimed an amendment to the se. core SeCtloll, providing that the city should be at no txpotse fur grading. Not agreed to. oeCond section was tiar9l . l to—ynas 11, nays 7. The 5.11 pesed finally—Teas 13, nays 8 The eraluanco making an appropriation to the rE,M voluntoe7s, returnod 'from Common 031,-uoii, was talon up, and toe vota making the UM ell COO ITCM.sidere.il s and the original sum, $lOO,OOO, reinserted, mid then the bill passed as it maw: from the othor ChaTzber. The orainanee authorizing the purchase of a lot in the Ninth ward, for school putpuE.:-,E, was passed. over the Mayor's veto. Adjourned. COMMON BR,&ICCH. President SyounuY ) in the chair. Itir. IslcntLe (O.) offered a rescaution providing ilia whets the Chamfer adjourn oft toe 13th day July, It adjourn until the second Thursday of Sep tr. rubor. Parsed. Mr. IVIAILOaII, ), from the commtuittee on Fi nance, presented. an ordinamte appropriating sl,oooa COO to pay the interest en the public debt failing floe to, theist of July, 1865. Paned. Fir. Bunny (il.);trom the Committee on High ways. presented a resolution authorizing the grad ing of Read street, below Otsego street. Postponed for the present. Also, a resolution providing for the opening of Seventeenth street, from Ellsworth street to Wash. ington avenue, as a public highway. Passed. Also. for the opening ttf Reim street from Eleventh to Thirteenth street. Passed. liar. Munn (U.), from the Oommittee on Snr. veys, presented an ordinaime providing fOr the gra ding, etching, paying, and maeadamlning of Broad street from Columbia avenue to Germantown ave nue. Pasted. Mr. BILLINGTON (U.) offered an ordinance provi eing for the construction of a culvert at Seventeenth and Thompson streets, along Seventeenth to Pam ter, and thence to Eighteenth street. Reforrad to. Committee On Surveys. A oommunicarion was received from the Commis sioner of Markets, In compliance with a resolutlan of Cony rill, Stating that the clerk of the South and Eleventh street Marke', from Janaary 1 to June 14, 1865, had taken 260 lumps of butter of abort weight. and according to the receipts from the °Mee of the Guardians of the Poor, he has deposited at said t Mee 218 lumps, being b 3 lumps more than he was required to deposit by the law regulating the duties of the clerk of markets. Mr. UlefzEL (O.) offered a resolution instructing the Committee on Gas to colder with. the trustees of the Gaff Works relative to the reduction of the price of gas to consumers, and to report the same to Councils. Agreed to. Mr. Smarm (U.) offered a resolution providing ter changing the place of voting of the Sixth divi sion of tau Tenth ward. Referred to the Committee en Law. Mr. Evens (U) offered an ordinance providing of,aoging the name or Coates street west of Broad to Park avenue. Referred to the Committee OD Surveys. Mr. Smirsor (U.) offered an ordinance providing for the payment of deficiencies for the Twenty. first school section for the years 1803 and 1864. Re. furred. Mr. Evens (U.) moved to take up the bill pro. aiding for the payment of deficiencies la recruiting the kfancoolf. corps. Mr. WOLlftny (0-) earied for the yeas and nays. The yeas were 22, nays 16. Tile Motion was agreed to. Mr. Menses (U.) moved thatthe further °onside. ration cf the bilt be indefinitely postponed. Upon this motion the yeas were 23, nays 5. Agreed to. Tee ordinance supplementary to an ordinance lative to hackney coacker,was taken up and passed. It antrautzes the proprietors of hotels, under the direction of the Mayor, to occupy that side of the nubile highwaye adjacent to the foot-pavement in front thereof for the temporary stand of registered hackney coacboB belonging to or employed by the said proprietors. An ordinance from Select Council, Changing the places of vetfrg. In the Second ward. and changing the election divisions In Said ward, was taken inp and passed. The ordinance from Select Council appropriating $750,000 for tee extewdon of the Water-Works was taken up, and, after considerable debate, was post poned for one week. Adjourned. THT COURTS. c anir t or quarter Alewatung—Ron. JolePn mown, 4.Bnuciakte J. - tattoo. CWathan B. MUM En 2.. Primal:llons' Attorney.) TRH. OONSFI,I3J-C - i OAS.% judge Allison charged the jary in the ease of Jottph Putty ; Charles J. Kern, an•l George Smith. obaraed with conspiracy, In expelling lisbleca and Bennett Moore Isom rooms they rented at 2000 Brandywine street. The jury rendered a verdlet fincliog Joseph Putty guilty, but recommending , Lim to mercy ; Charles S. Kern guilty, and George Smith riot guilty. Sentence deferred. SOninTniiiii fairs matinOTING. . . . James Tohin was charged with an aslault and batiorY , and an assault with Intent to rob White Griswold. The latter testified that he was met at Castes street nun Delaware avenue by a man whir imked him to change a fifty-cant note, which Wil9 refused. The prisoner then seised him by the abouldeis, item behbrd, mid attempted to throW him down, and then tried to take hls wateh, Malty% the pocket down. The prisoner professed to be drank, out bid big faoe wish Ws coat collar. Toe prisoner said be was drunk, and knew notLlf g about tht matter Wain the . next m Xetl.l+l. Vert lot, guilty of athlikalt tam battery, SUMIO.9 II i.e two Month& ABOUT A. IiTDBATIT SelVabi Fleming react'', guilty to committing ao assault and battery on Isaac armstroug. a lame man. The latter testified chat he went to get a drit it of water, and was met by defendant, alto •truoli him in the neck. the airmen sac° eledgei to having told the defendant that he never stole copper out of the Navy Yard. 41. willows testified that Fleming said no Orlopl • Me Armstrong shmuld KO to the hydrant, she a th , cripple replied that ho never stole calmer out of tee Vey) , Yard. There lea., a dispute trot ;coca the °eminent of the blinding and others about the nee or eater from the hydrant. fllr. Ple-ildbet Staten that he was a qUarEar.blB,7 no Navy Yard, and was contimtally being halloomi at by the Gee family es a copper thief. Thflimtlles bad occurred abut the use of water from fine ny drant, and this cripple was sent to annoy Mel, a - rd when be called him a thief he wall sweated on the neck. Mr. Fleming said If he had struck the orip• pie he remake have injuewl him severely, no doubt, but be merely smacked him. Sentenced to pay a fine of Hoe &Mare and cogs. I=l Samuel Fleming was charged with committing an SA eault and battery OD Edna Gee. It seems that Fleming occupies the store, and Gee the h•:u4a El+za wee sitting upon the store atop on Sunday, and the derendant took ber by the shoulders and threw her In the street. Verdict, not guilty. STRAVGIt VBILDICET John Wayne, a boy s was charged with stealing $BOO. The evldenoo was that a boy named Gloilol2 entered the house of Januar Prayer, awl Shortly aftormhzda the money was missed. Wayne wa'osed the premises while Giboon was in ilium. l l nr°l66 not guilty. A S'OITTRYITL THIEF Wm. Dougherty, a boy, was charged with steal. log a boa or cigars. A WItDO6II tostided teat the boy walked Into hie Mote while be was at supper, and took the eta off the seen: Verdict, guilty. Ortlered to enter bail, and taken home by hie mother. TOIINO HOBBS THIEF Bernard Flneberger, a boy aged seventeen, plead. ea guilty , to oteallag a horse. Mary Miller tesufted that the 110710 W4B BtOMII from the stable and talitil to Camden, where tap boy attempted to sell It Or $4O. Sentenced to Ma months In tate ()minty Pillion. AN OUTRAGROUS OASIS Martin Bier, a German, was charged with mall- Measly destroying clothing. Liharies Mat em, a boy, testified that he and two other boys were sitting on the step adjciaing the defendant's. who Caine ont and (dosed the bulk-window, and then poured tittiol on his step. The two other boys sat down on the step alter Bier went la, and had their clothing and persons burned with the vitr.ol.'Bear was up stairs looking out the window and laughing at them. The defense called Mr. Batrant, who stated that, before the alderman, the boys testified that Mr. Bier poured the vitriol. over them. Gustave Remak, Erg , made an earnest anneal In behalf of the defendant, saying that it he believed be 1.88 gouty of so monstrous a crime, nothing 1- wield induce bird to defend him,be knew the da. fondant to be a decent man, add ens who would so••rn such an act. The jury, however, disagreed with the counsel and found Bier guilty. &intended to six months In the county prison. HuNOICABLY ACQUITTBD Charles Hope, John Kelgley, and Francis hie. Quade, were charged with the larceny or a watch and chain A man named Martin Daley was In• Meted with the others but was not present. Cbarles Bole testified that he was drunk and hid down on a settee, He did not believe either of the three oefendanta had. anything tO 40 vii% it. The ease was abandoned, and a reran of not guilty rendered. ABOUT GOATS. A trial was bad upon cross bUls, in which George Lukens ones Elizabeth Wooster, and ,100 versa. Mrs. Wooster is the owner of a large number of William and Nancy gears, some of which were in the habit of frequenting the premises or Mr. La kens. Re notified the lady that she must keep her goats from lilt premises or ho would shoot them. Mrs. Wooster's Tentonio blood arose at that, and she rent ward to Mr. Lukens that If lie shot her goats the would shoot his horses. rinally, a goat entered the prembell, which Mr. Lnneoe seized, and ordered one of his men to take to the station-hums. Mrs. Wooster followed up and attacked Mr. Limns, who held her to prevent tieing injured. Mrs. Woos ter, on the other hand, swears that Mr. Lukens struck her. Verdict, guilty, as to both. Sentenced to pay the costs. THE POLIOE. [Before Mr. Alderman Balkier.) LARGE:I7V OF FOUR WATCHES. A man, giving the name of Peter Borns, was ar raigned at the Central Station, yesterday afternoon. on the charge of the larceny of four watches the property of Mr Wm Smith, who keeps a Watch store on South Street, above Fifteenth street. The defendant had potatoes for sale. About noon yesterday he went into the store, where he met Mrs Smith, and desired to sea her some potatoes. She replied that she did not want any, and he 'folk his departure. Before he got out of sight she went into tne next-door neighbor's house for a few moo- meats• The potato man returned to the shop of Mr. Smith, and just as he was emerging therefrom Mrs Smith earns out or her neighbor's holm' end saw him leaving the store. " What are you doing there said she. 4 ;1 want to sell some. potatoes," replied he. "I httieve you've been stealing," responded liars. Se3ith. The suspected itulividtial sought safety in flight. Mrs Smith joined in hot putouts, and alarmed the painhborhood. Pollee Miners flanked the fugitive, and he was captured. sour watches were' .ound upon him. They were identified as the property of Mr. Smith. The prisoner had no gamma to offer, not even the stereotyped ono of ' , being drunk or he wouldn't hare done it." He was committed to answer. tßeforo Mr. Alderman littladllBoll4 FCoPierin YOUTH. Henry James is a lad twelve years old. He was' arraixned yerierday, on the charge or.etabbicg a companion with whom he had a squabble on Wed softy. rear Brawl and Brown streets. If Is al leged that he stack a penknife-blade Into the ab domen of his antagonist, prormoing a rather dan gerous wound - ,as a part of the injury inflicted 19 Internal. The hopeful month fell In a At, whoa he was about to be arrested, and continued in this condition for some time, He was commitaed to await the retain of the boy's injuries. [Egon Mr. Alderman Carter.] ROBBING A SONG•BRLLSR, A vender of ballads made his appearance In Pine Pricy olives Trout street, on Wennceds.y evening, and offered to :oil EtriltA to the p4tri..die roiddente of tha , ; delectable thoroughfare. He also Indulged In drinking, see., and, when Called upon to loot thhe bill. hod not the material. He said ne had enough when bO visited the street, but must have been robbed. A woman, named Mary Meddleko, it is al !nod, seized ell hie songs, two hundred In number, and at once con:I-et:red them, for which she was ar rested. She war committed to answer at court. [P6tore Mr. Aldwinsa Godbon.] BWINDLISR. A young Mart was arralgaul yesterday on the charge or obtaining money under false pretennen, by going alm.ng otasous and borrowing Mali sums of money la air nr:tra, of the Howard Express Com• pany. He was bound over la the sum el p/,000 to .newer at court. [Wore Mr. Alderaim Plankinton A CITIZBN GANDOTED AND BOBBED, Richard o , Rcegban was arraigned yesterday morning on 'ale charge of hi g hway robbery. Tile evidence set forth the facts thaton Wednesday night a citizen was passing along the street, near Vine and Thirteenth, when he was suddenly Seized by two men one of them garroted him, while toe other it tavved We w.,,toh, and then hastened away with it. The victim OhaSed One of the party, and coiled loudly lot the police. Officer &Urdu was on hand, and ho arrested the detendant, The wallah had been thrown into the street during the flight. it was pinked up by it couple of citizens. The pri. Boner was committed to answer at court. [Before Mr. Alderman Toland.] TUB OLD STORY. Emma Davis, Mary Kline, and CharloS Lowry were arraigned yesterday on the charge of robbing& soldier of the emu of SM. He met the party at a house in the Vi of Fifth and Oallowhill streets, st.d it WWI propoSed that he should take a ride with them. The Maier was jest intosioated enough to to be particularly soft and verdant, and acgalezcad. Reaching a lonesome rural section, he was robbed, and then "dumped" out of the vehicle and there left. Lowry was charted with the robbery. He was ordered to enter $1,200 bail to answer. The women, as accessary to tho Mot of felony, were held in the sum of *OOO each. SHIPPING. 4M U. S. MAIL LINE FROM BALTIMORE for FJRT HONED& 9i tR- P.M.R. Pid.NT. and RliJB MOND. by drat elect tteafnerßard Excellent:ad captains. daily. '£iie Bay Line steamers Louisiana and 'Daniel Web ster will leave the Union Dock, loot or. Concord attest, delty. at 0 o`meek P 01, for Fort Monroe and Norfolk, Va., e,nnectine at Ft 3: t Monroe wits the steamers Gent. ginna arc M. Martin for Ci , 7 Point and ittca.mond. Va. Rem - ming. will leave Riehmoed at 8 A. rd. dotty, mopping at city Point, and connecting at Port 111,nros with the Bay Line steamers to a leave Norfolk at 23 P. 8.. and arriving in Baltimore in time for the Eastern and Western trains. and for Weskington City, D. 0 The steamers of this line navigate the. Tames river, going and reit:mien, entirely in day time, giving pas se-e'en. ample time to see the fortiftgatioas, and all otbar bj Ceta of intareat. 'rickets:or the above paces can be had onboard of the boats ine frog. Baltimore to Forlorn•••••••• --VS. 00 Fert Sionroe • 00 Through tickets train Baltimore to Btchinond 8 00 e • •• City Point 7 60 State•roome en d Meals ext.'s. The ditto- room accomm.dations are unsurpassed, and the table wail supplied. Pan enema taking tne 1 . 16 train from Philadelphia nth make connection with this Pas-enters taking the 8 A. M train from New York have ample time to dine in Baltimore. Pmeenters Wring the 8 P at. train frona Washington Janke connection with this line . A coach will be in waiting on the arrival of the 115 train from. Philadelphia to convey Paineagers to the heats of this tine. free of charge. Baggage carried free of charge. O. FALLS, President, D. D.> JAMAS, General Passenger Agent. Pitiful el. phis. .ie2o4f BOSTON AND PHILA.Dr..I. ebelAmeebee PHU STEAMSHIP LIME. sailing from eau no r$ on SATURDAIS, from drat wharf above 2/Mt. Street. Philadolibla, and Lona Wharf, Boston. The mulishly NORMAN. Ceret Baker. will eel Pon. fiiiindelyhts for Benton, on Saturday. June 24, ►i 10 a., and steamship SAXOP, Capt. itatiltowe, non BOP ton for Philadelphia, on the same day at 4 r. These new and eabatanital literately* fora ► rapul.s. lime. Nailing from eaeli pOll Pi14012/17 on 84411241111' / 1 " 17 / 1 WM IMMO& at ouvhalf the Prod= shairot OR the Teteste. Freights take* at fair rates thiamin% aro rev:coded to load. OAP Ronlrto Sidi of Lading with their goody. for grotght or rootage (havifin* sooonrasodataonw 0P1 , 17 to _ DELAWAREdis OD. N3Ni south . 4 4-Eft, STEAM TO LIVERPOOL at Queenstown—The Incase. Line, mama, 01a.i..VirersKLI, carrying the P. S. stalls CITY OF LONTkoR . .....—SATn it DAY . June 24th. ()IVY OF kIAbOHFS ST< . • EOSINDY,Y,, /nue 98th. CITY OF REW YORK .. • FIaTORDAY. Jnlylst. At Noon. from Pier et North River. RATE:, OF PAS-AOR. Pirdt VD 00 Steerage. .. . .•...11130 00 •` •to London. 05 00: " ioLondon•.. 34 00 •• to Pa rte-30a W to Parte .... 90 00 Paetenge , a WOO forWereed to Harr% Hantburg,-hre- Owe, Pie , ate , at moiterato rats.. Vamp by the mail eteamere, every way dor. payable in_gol4 Pay.sse by the mid •vreet 'teeni er., payable to 1D carrenor bteer4,ec paPsege from Lit-arm,' or (ideedetown. S3C gold, or ite egtivalent. Tickets can be bought here br penman seeding for th..ir Meade For farther information, ends at the GontlianVe Offle..e. JORS t 3 DaLS, Agent, ten ttil 111 WALAOT Street. Phil,. NEW TOW-BO VT LINE. --DELAWARE AZD C1TE9.0131.K1 8 I.'BA TOW-BOaT &MANY —Barges Towed to and (min Phliaoeiphia, Havre de Mao, tialtlm Ww•le legion. and int.rmediete Pointe. P OLVDP. h CO., Meats, 0.0 14b01:111 WilktiV69, Philadelphia. °apt. JOHN L atieisi.l3. nutwgletendeut iel.3 tdel A gar tat t NEW EXPRESS LINE, ivixAsae.a, OSOBORTOWFI L Aatr WASHINOTOR, Via Chesapeake cad Delaware (Mee rltestners here feat Wharf above MARY.ST Straw CrOrY WITURSDAY rad SATURDAY, at N M. Yfa Vralaht spply to Agents, Wet. F. CLYDE di Oti.. 24 F srth and Veldt, Whereas . 0.8. DAVIDSOI Usormeere.D.43.; FLOWBRS Zs ISOWRI, alextutaxik V“. arale4e. A d dir s e ITOTICE.—FOR L'INN 7 OUR --Ma PHILADELPHIA LAU , ARV' YORK WOMEN ST/AMWAY' COMPANY. •1: iloolawara and UAW& Canal. Steamers leave DAILY. Sit* wharf beloW areet,__at 2 o'closk P. M. CILIDE & CO.. 148. WHARVIII4,PkIIa. ithl64lL Now J.ll/11111 RAND. 117 WALL &lite% leek. PRESS.-PIiIfADELPFILV,' FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1865. RAILROAD LINES. 1865. Niclrtrarafib. 1865. OAILDNA AND AMBOY AND PRILADNIMMIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANT'II LINES PROM PRILADNIXHIA TO NIMw YORK AND WAY PLACE. WII/MOM WALSIIT STIANT 11111117,_ WiAVE POLDOWEI-.VISI RAWL Ai A. II via Omsidtm and Amboy, 0. and A. A.- wmaseedr . :tion. NS It BA. , via Camden and derma* Ott?. MMUS et 9.15 A. M. via Oamdeo and iinie.y[losommo dattee (Fr eight and P 85811400 ....... 996 Ai sr. At., via liar leee add Amsoy,O. aid A. &AZ K., moo., Oseaden end A.mboy. lesontree dories._ reisbt and Pubsenges).,„ , 20 AS P. _ via CARldeli lid Afliboy,"'Ailiciiindetle ttoA (Fratight and Pitmengirl—let Olen Tleksi... 2 w Do. 0 0 • Id Glue Ticket. • • f 00 Ll)t P. x., via Camden and Amboy, Aseommia. dation (Frtdght and Passmigar)—loi IMau Tisk.i. 190 Do. do. Id Duel Ticked. 1 On At 8.00 A. M.. 900 and OP. N. for Meant Soli,. eV' Yealb•mo, sad h. in woitown. At BA. II and 9 P for Freehold AE e an, 9.16 A. M. 12 M 8.80, 5„ and wirr. IL, ter Pattevra, Rivertier. Barium, Beverer. nalew"" , butibuon Florense, BordentoWn. dna. The eP. AL lino rune direst through to TkkAtAll.. At 7.80 A. M for Palmyra. Itiverten. Dala*ao. Beer- Iv. and lek dngton. At 10 A Yard 8 P. IL. Slwanboat /mato". for Brig. tot Ber!lngrop. Beverly. As. Lan PROM lIBISINGTON D W EP OT WILL LiAlge AS FOLLOS: At IL IA A. M.. via Bezedngtot. and yeseap At 4. 1 40 P. M.. vialtensington and 7ue:o' Oity,Kw. A. P M., via Kensington and Jersay . ony• Washington and Jew Fork CO At 1.2 P. K. (Bight)' _ via Koneinglon and Jersey 01 1.2 Weshipicton and New Yort Mall. 26 The 5.46 P t. 111. idu. will run delly77ll