NEW YORK YACHTING. 0. 1 Twee-Nile ocean Race for 01,000 —The Magic Declared to be the Winner. A match race between the well-known yacht Nagle and the new yacht Josephine occurred at 10 o'clock .111., on Monday last. It was for one thou sand dollars, and the followingweto the Stipulations jointly agreed on : Yachts to tall from some point near Sandy nook, Sheen miles to windward, and back Stulaes—Gall• lain Thomas B. Hawkina, Alexander Major, and 43worge L. Schuyler, req. In beating to windward, it Is agreed that in owe Of a change of wind after startiter,•toe steamer is to change her course according)). Toe jwlaes, how. laver, are empowered to stop the mecca atould the - Weather, from change or wind, after starring, or 'from blowing too much or too little intorf-re with the spirit of the match. Yachts are n< .t to be re 'Striated as to cans or nu wher or men to be carried. No allow:tees of time for difference or m.•asaremeet, Rules %IC, to. 21, and 22, or she sailing regula tions of the club to bo ease s or the conditions 0 , p ) , Match. In all other admiralty rates to go. Wen. With the exception of anchors, obelus, men, and linopablee belonging to the yachts. no bathed , or anything used for the purpose of ballast to be shifted after Starting. Decision ot judges to be final. First tack not to be under five Minntes after :stetting. First whistle, to get ready; second, to oast off. When fifteen miles are Made by the steamer, the forward Stoat will be lowered std whinier blown . Race terminates at buoy at the point of the Hook. PRRLlatinniVit TO THE RACE. At twenty minutes vast nine o'clock yesterday teeming the steamboat Virginia Seymour left the foot of Desbrosses street, with the judges above named, and a few members of the New York Yacht. Club and several guests. to attend the above mares. Wind northeast. At ten A ill., going down the bay, the wind changes, and there are some signs of a clear day. Vice Commodore MOVleker, owner Of the Magic, and Captain Richard Brown, who sails her-and Mr. John Devlin. who owns the Josephine, and Captain R. F. Loper, who sails her-and who built both crafte-eame on board the judges' boat, and the stipulations In regard to the race were con eluded as above given. The crew of the Josephine evidently outnumbered those of the Nagle, the Josephine having from eighteen to twenty on board, and the Magic some ten or twelve. Captain Loper declared that both boats were his lavorftes, Snit he hoped the best boat would win. THB START. At twenty minutes past eleven both boats were 3n tow of the steamer, to be taken from the Horse !Shoe to the buoy off dandy Hook point, from watch thy were to make the start Into the broad ocean. Tim Josephine was 011 the starboard and the Magic on the port side, mien held by to 411134)4 astern. At 11 55 the stens' to cast off was given, up went the jibs of the beets and away went the or.ft. the jibs taking the starboard tack, and the Nagle the port tack. Wind at this time southeast by south, six knots, with a small sea. Tag TACKS altD tratioaNTß. At one minute and thirty seconds past twelve P. W. the Magic makes her first tack 12.07-Both yamde setting jib topsails, and the Jo. trephine ber fore guff towel/. 12.16-The Magic laying up better than the JOSS phiLe. The other yachts do not seem disposed to itbilOW. The Magic creeps to windward, 12 Josephine tacks, and steers about east north. 12 25-The Magic beim and appears a third of a Elle ahead of the Josephine. 12 63-The Josephine tacked. 12 64-The Magic followed suit. The Magic still ahead. Wind getting down. - 124- Both put about together. The Magic dead to windward, and hall a mile ahead. 154-Both again tack together, the Magic a tulle and a quarter ahead Just tee day for the Magm a fine wind and little sea. Nearing the Lig [main, the Magic appears actually to glide past tae Jose • plane, as It upon greased ways. 2 24- Off the Lightship Both yachts put about. The Magic two miles ahead. 237-The wester: becomes thick to windward. IT IS A DECIDED BOG. At seven minutes of the lime stipulated for the yachts putting about, the was j Cat In eight through the fog-the Josephine far out Of slant. Before the time for tacking, the Magic hertell Wee Out of sight. OBSERVATIONS IN A POO. "Pleasure excursion !" sarcastically observed a prominent yachtmart, as the f. 4 enveloped "Can't tell whether the Magic has gaze about or Mot." "Guess not" "He's a plucky fellow—wilt take all the chances." "Look ahead." "It don't look any better ahead than astern." "Lick out ishe don't go astern." "Whet a beautiful sight theme match races are," ecstatically exclaimed one Of the plus yacht - m.lcl. 2 66—Time ! Neither marlin eight. The etefirn - Or puts ahead through the fog. RATE 'WE A FLYING NOTCHITAN AMONG HSI 2 69— . 1 see her I" cried a voice on board the ledges' steamer, and the mystic form of the Magic, aced in mist, is for a moment Eden. WE RAVE. A minute afterwards the Magic appears a little stead of the judges , steamer, going at a trauma. dors rate of speed. Orders are given for the steam er to put en speed. It was with some digiz.ulty the Inferner came up with the yacht. "Keep In sight of us," was shouted from the steamer. Floe COM- Vacdore MoVicker placed his hand to his ear, and madded—" Aye! aye 1" The Magic is soon out of night again. Nothing le seen of her for MIMI men loons, when Steward Sullivan exolaims, "I: see her." " Now the's gone again " " Yes, there she Is " "Now she vanishes." "She's like the Flying Dutchman." The speed of the steamer waft lessened for a few minutes, but shortly after started agai s at full head for the filteemmiles point, and at 36—The point was reached—the buoy, a barrel anchored in fourteen or fifteen fathoms—and the el earner kept in constant sight of it. The steam whistle was sounded loudly, at brief intervals, for for nearly half an hour. 4.6o—The Magic in a lbw momenta hove In full view. But she bad to make another short tack be. lore rounding the buoy. THE MAGIC TURNS THE PIPTSBN•INILE RUOY. 416—The Magic turns the buoy amid the cheers of ter friends, and letting oat, sitter wings bounds over the billows homeward. She is soon lost in the mist WHERE IS THE JOSEPHINE 5 15—The whistle of the judges' steamer having been kept blowing for atoll pour, and the Josephine not making her, appearance, it was decided by the jlgges to bead the steamer for Sandy Rook. Six P.M.—Cleared away. 'WSW OLOSD—" DO YOU WANT A TOW 1" SAYS. THE 116IIIIE Menlo. 6.Bo—At Sandy Hook. The Magic and the lost Josephine are found there awaiting the coming of the judges boat. Toe Judges hail the Magic—Do you want to come On board Magic to the Judges—No; don't you want a tow [Laughter ] he Magic went on her course towards the city. Josephine to Judges—Shall we anchor teenight, and try it over again I Judges to Josephine—Why didn't you come round the stake boat 1 Josephine to Judges—We Were two hours In the fox looking Around alter you. The judges decided to report the result Of the race to theinterested parties, in writing which they did to the following manner : REPORT OP THE JUDGES. JUNE 19, 1861.—MatCh race between Magic and Josephine for $l,OOO, fifteen miles to windward and book. Won by Magic as by terms of the race. Gao. L Scat:man, Tnos. B llawitras, Judges. A. MAJOR, Thus ended the first yachting match race for the season of 1965.—New York Herald, June MO. A SABLIC "ENOOH Anozn."—Some time ago, a enllud couple "—man and wife —in Louisville, were in the full enjoyment of wedded bliss and hap. jpiness. It was too ainoh for them. She loved, but be rushed to the battleteld and went fora soldier. 'Another ..nigga” went for his wife. She declined his attentions—a letter came--and news to her—she was a widow—some reckless bullet out of the gun of s "bloody tab." had tilled her eyes full of tears, and liar heart full of love for the aforesaid rejected One. She told her story—she was a lonely widow now, for her better and biggest half was khled—he listened to her—be loved—she •lovtd—he proposed—she Sighed—they met and parted—'twasn't in a crowd, but she kissed him for his parent, and they wale Deified- They were happy. Her first choice re turned—they met—not as they had met before—this was In a Orowd— ,, a rose between two thorns " both black ones. .Scone— .l Do you not redOgnise ute s , Nary rfc ," said she, "Den who is dat my eyes now feasts upon t" 4 *Dat is de husband ob my second choosing. You west my fast. Lick gits me widoat dat— your goose Is cooked•" " Huh ! Come on !" (Fight.) First husband gets kicked out doors—wife kisses her Second husband. THIS FAMILY °BRIERY SMITH AND Dias. BZICCID I/TBIDGH xx RacTIMOND.—Tho wife and children of Lieutenant General E, Kirby Smith. end Bite- R. Brrokinridge, Of Kentucky, arrivsd at the Spot& weed fetal bet night. —Richmond Republic, lath, '1".131g CITY. HORTICIILTURE.—The Pennsylvania Hor ticultural Society held its regular monthly meeting last night. The display of vegetables, (ruin', and plants, was very large and fine. Among tne largest collections was that of Mr. A. L. Felton, who ex hibited some very fine lettuce, of which the India and EOl,lO Cabbage were excellent; but big new va riety, the Oaktegf, bears away the palm let Wisp nes and delicacy. He had also fins specimens of Windsor beans, onions, artichokes, &a. He received the first premium for his peas, potatoes, and bests. Bit cherries currants, raspberries, and mulberries Were splendid specimens. Mr. J. McLaughlin ex hibited some very large Blacksmith gooseberries, over three inches in circumference. Mr. E. R. Rib -tort, gardener to Fairman Rogers, Esq., contributed a remarkably En* collection of exotic plants; some of these are very well grown. Mr. W. Bailey, gar dener to D. R. Ring, Rag., exhibited a large and beautiful assortment of caladium's, which received the firstpretnium. Mr. J. luster, gardener to George Harrieon, Esq., had some excellent fralt and vegetables. Hie currants and raspberries, both sal sad Waite, ware excellent, and he received the fret prenilnes far canlifioWeiB Mr. D. Diogneen, gardener to J. Longatretli, - Esq., exhibited some beautiful bouquets, in baskets and glasses, and also a large collection of foliage plants, which were greatly admired. He received the first premium for his table designs. Mr. G. Rueter, gardener to E. Bouvier, contributed some beautiful gloxinias. Mr. Thomoo'faehoo, of Germantown, exhibited a fine collection of twenty-one varieties of seedling Car nations. Mr. Hibbert mentioned a remedy for the mama- Ing-worni. He usedt e.ryObrarte and glue dissolved in water: throe ounces of the notion and half a p_oruid of glue to a large watering-pot of water. The mixture is to be syringed over the tree. He found It to answer well. The . 4 bah vitt" IV ENS postponed from Jaly 4th until next September. ARRIVAL OF THE MONADNOCK. —The 'United States supply -steamer Monadnock, from - 114,mpton Roads, arrived at the Navy Yard yester day afternoola, Ttie following is a list of tier onx sera: Commander—William liouchouderlf. Lientanant—La Rue P. Adams. Acting Masters—B. F. Milliken, S. U. Mead. Acting Ensigns—W. B. Mix, P. ,Davison, Thos. W. Swift, Jr. Assistant Surgeon—D. MelVitirtrie. Assistant Paymaster—John S. Woolson. • Chief Engineer—J. Q. A. Ziegler. Astir's First Assistant Engincers--S. A. Randall, W. A. Phillips. Acting Second Assistant Engineers—B. 0. Du Plaine, jr., Baxter Smith. Acting Third Assistant Enginaers—W. P. whiste- Aore, Blew d Aldridge, John Brice, T. J. W ilda Gunner—Peter Barrett. 3Eate—George D. Keen. Exxon= OR Emma. CONTROLLERS. — The various sectional boards met daring yesterday afternoon and lea evening for the purpose of elect. Ing One controller from each district. In MOM of the districts the present Incumbents were remleCted. The result of the eleatiOns, so far as heard from, is as follows : Mietrirt. IDistrict. 1. Absalom Taylor. /S. John W. Clark. 4. P. A Fagan. 18: Sohn L. Bender. O. Patrick Duffy. 17. James Montane& Lewis Elkin. 120. Wm. C. Raines. 13 . Ed. Shipped. 22. John ElttenhouSe. 9. James Freeborn. 23. Nathan Elilleil 10. Robt. W. Cushman. 24 James N. Marks. 11. Charles Abel. 20. James Muoutcheon. 18. Be 'Witt C. Moore. 20. Samuel S. Money. 14. Samuel Schelde. THE WAGNER FREE INSTITUTE OF Bet gym—The gift of 'Prof. Wagner to tke ottizeno of pktudelphis,llll giving features every day, at Ave tke following Balances adroiday.-011SISieffir. Prof, (atatint. Tnesday—.ol4tomy, Prot. Lemon. Wedneaday--Geolog y, Prot. Wagner. Thursday—Natural ilitlotophy, Prof. Quist Friday—Phyriology, Prof. Leech. Saturday—Mineralogy and Mining, Prot: Wag ger. THE MOreizimENT TO MAJOR fiffleffleaL RevrioLne„—Seen after the death of General Rey e olds, it warftermined to raise among the men of the Ist .U.epeitoney for a monument to be placed nb ftia.keetwhfrefie fell. ID a little while some live • r six thousand dollars were collected for this pnr. ete. The breehirg up of the corps, and the distil :tenon of Its divisions. with the scattering of the staff. and other officers far and wide, made a good many vecareles in the organization. When these were filled, others were made by the beginning of active eperatlons, and by the sudden transfer to civil life of teeny ethcers. The gentlemen now in charge er , those formerly conneeted with them, are to meet in this city on the 151 of Unlit, to take final action. Tte =retitle will Include in its members, General fleeter General Wainwright. General Morrow, Green) Coulter, General Hoffman, 001. Kellogg, Dr. Heard, and Captain hleilurdy, so that all breeches of the service and an parts of the country wit be represented. It is, however, believed that a vreat many persons who were formerly members of General Reynolds' command have never had an opportneity of making any aftbseription to this fend, ne d that there are many civilians desirous of slier. ire in It, those who were out under Reynolds as militia, and Others who feel that personal obilga, Hon to Reynolds which wee so eharacterlstio a lea tore of the regret expressed at the time of hit death. The border counties have reason to look upon Rey nolds as their personal champion and defender, and there can be little question that an Invitation to jdn in this demonstration will be gladly welcomed oy them. The great railroad corporations and many of the large manufacturing establishments throughout the State, are certainly under greater obligations to fiegroles than to any other of the-gallant chiefs wio have fallen. There are SO Many peculiar fea tures and such close ties in Reynolds , lire and in his death, in defence of and on the borders of his own state, that R would be wrong to deny to its citizens, BR well civilians as soldiers, the privilege of sharing in the task of raising a suitable monument to his memory. Tim ftiot that the intentions and exer t,. DS ni his own corps have been limited by the exi gencies of the service, may serve as a reason for the prompt action of all who feel interested in the suc cess of the scheme. It is to be desired that other rewspaoers in the city and throughout the State ell) copy this statement and will give the largest publicity to the foot, that a final report may be made at the meeting of the committee, to be held hem on the let of Ayoub Boe - 0.0 ov TRADE.—The monthly meet ing Ot tne Esecotive cennoil of this association WM bete en Monday evening, Prielent Welsh in Um chair. The principal subject occupying attention Wall the proposed Commercial Convention, which is to Meet in Detroit, on the llth of July next. It Is ex pected that Canadian interesta as Well as American will be strongly represented, and that tho oommer atal interests of every portion of either country be ing lully represented, the question of the abroga tton of the reciprocity treaty of 1854 Will be tho rou4hly discussed, and Influences upon both sides of tic ims organized to secure the readoption of the seme treaty, or one more sweeping in Its provt- Mine. The cities of the Northwest consider the free nevi. gallon at the St. Lawrence and the Canadian canals a matter of paramount interest. It 18 deemed, also, by this Board a question not only of national im portance, but of audiolent bearing upon our local interests, to demand the attention and care of a st rot g delegation front this city. It is also thought that this will be a favorable occasion to inaugurate artangementa and corn oluationo looking to the ap propriation by our merchants and carriers through E, , le railroad, now completed, of a proper par ticipation by . Philadelphia M the trade of the great Lake region, and the vast granary of the North. wettern States. The delegation was announced as follows by the Chair : Samuel V. hieritek, Eeq.. Chalrinan. Genre L Enzby, Edward O. Biddle, A. G. Cattell, John 6L. Kennedy, Samuel Siam, Ftederlok Fraley, George N. Tatham, James C. Rand, Edward Y. Townsend, Charles S. Ogden. John Sou hawk , On motion of Mr. Solidi was unanimously added, .r, the name of Mr. Welsh nd the Board adjourned. THE GREAT CRICKET MATCH.— The great March game of erieltet between the eleven of New Tort and the eleven of this city was concluded yes. lerday afternoon. The game was played on thq Prolibes of the Philadelphia Club, at Camden. Therewas a large audience present during the play ing, there being clot les 3 dr.n five thousand Sparta. i ore present at one time. The fallow Sag Is the score of the two dais' playing Sbarp, b. Barclay Burson, b. Johns Wright, b. Jona B- mu. c. Johns b. Barclay... Crtglley, b. G. Wrignt Bulle, run out Biabardeon. b. G. Wright Dallis, b. G. Wright Kendall. b. Barclay G!t+ber, not out Prlat r absent Wldes Total PHILADELPHIA„ H. L. Newhall, 11 Wright G. AL Newhall, 0. Gibbes b. Kendall Bt. relay, b. Crossley Sevier, 0. Sharp b. Crossley G. Wrigbt. not out Hunt, et. H. Wright b. Crossley qarept+, b H.Wright.:..:...... ..... Irtal v, sick Howe, e. I3uliis b Kendall Davie. b. Gibbet Ben. Newhall, 0. H. Wright b, Gib ins 2 Byte 4 *Fides is Total NSW YORK. Sharp, b. Balls BUMP, b. and c. G. Wright.. Ti Wright, b. G. Wright Gibbes . hit wicket, o Hudson, b. Wright Byron, o. senior, b. Hunt Crossley. not out • Richardson, b. Wright Hall% b Wright Kendall, e. and b. Wright.— Whirs Total 101 Score at the fall of the wicket 'Drat wicket 8 Fifth wicket 65 12 Sixth .... 35 seventh second ~ Third " 64 . E. ghth 11... Fourth "... ItEOA£ ITIILiTION Drat innlnge, Philadelphia. eleven ... . .. 166 New York eleven 38 Second inninge, Now York eleven 101 139 Leaving Philadelphia winning by one inning and runs. Umpires, Messrs. Gresly and White Scorers, Evans and P. Richardson. tch game of base ball • tween the Excelsior, Jr., esulted in the former Olnh he following snore: AMBRICIA. BABE. BALL.—A m was played On the lath, b. and the AMOTIOB, which r couttag o victorious by t EXCBLSIOR, Jr. Runs. Runs. Cunninghum, p 6 MeKte, 2d. b 4 Stalder •—• • 4 R01M02,, •• • 36 D 2 McCann, 1. f 2 Westman, let b 4 31ellay, B. e 2 tYleGo wan, a. f 3 J. McKnight, lst b.... 7 J, Connor, r. r A. Nuniten 1. f., 4 Ct. Nonce, c 6 E Connor, p 6 J. Johneen, 8.8 4 J. Dickey, 341 b 5 C FleldB, 0. f 4 H. Sheets, Bd b 5 Umpire— —. SOOMS—ments. Doug arty and McMenamin DOUBLEDAY COURT MARTIAL. The court assembled at ten o'clock yesterday morning. All the members were present. The case of W. B. N. °casaba wan Closed by the Judge Advocate, who made an argument in answer to the objection that had been raised to the jurisdiction of the court. Courts martial derived their authority and were constituted by the President, who was the com e: ander-imehlef of the army and navy of the United fi•retee. He cited precedent and decisions upon the subject. 'I he difference between a trial before a military tribunal and that of a trial by jury for a criminal offence, was explained. The various points of eel (levee adduced by the defence were reviewed in a vary able manner, laid the facts as elicited by the 'estimony related minutely. The sizes of tents and the ktowledge of the accused of their sizes, the Judge Advocate argued, had been very clearly provoll. Tee differentia in Statement of some of the witnesses called by the defence was stated, and the petits of difference Mettioned. A synoptic of the testimony produced by the Go vernment was presented, and the foots as testified to were claimed as halting been clearly proven and ertabilshed the case on the part of the United ft.:tate% TEE SOLDIERB 1862.—A1l the soldiers who evlieted in they ear 1882 received one hundred dollars bounty. In the )ear 1863 Congress enacted a law authorizing bounty to the extent of three hun dred dollars to be veld to all menlisted' veterans. No One could re-enlist unless he had maw hts term of two years out. Those men who enlisted In 1861 for two tears received the bounty accorded to vete rans. Those men who enlisted in 1862 for three 3 ears had only been on duty for twenty months, and consequently could not be received. Many, of them Intended to re-enlist when their three years expired, but when this time arrived the rebellion was squelched, and the Men of 1862, although having served three years, are not considered veterans in law. Arrangements are being made by these men to have a rowed met of Congress passed in their be. halt, allowing to them three 14111eren nollora addi tional bounty, and to conStitute them as veterans. Lately the one, ear veterans received the large Go vernment as well as local bounty, while the three years men, who bore the brunt of many a hard-fought battle, received only one-fourth the amount. A meeting of the honorably•discharged soldiers, who enlisted in 1862, will be held at National Guards Hall next month to make the arrangements neces sary to present their claims before the next Con gress. GREAT FESTIVAL OF SINGING BOGlE vers.—The Philadelphia Musical Union, which is composed of the Ltedertafel, Sasagerbund, Orecilia, Liederkrana, lAedertafel of the German Free Oc ngregatien, Orpheus, Arlon Germania intennerchor, Sinspirrrinde, Trilt(Mia Pilmnneroltor, Tentunia Sfecgerbund, Aurora, Eraintracht and Beethoven Music Society, and the Efmnnerohor and Junior Msannerchor, are making great prepara tions to participate In the grand national jubilee of singing societies to take place in New York, begin ning on the lath of next months. The societies above mentioned, accompanied by bands of music ar d having with thorn their banners and flags, will leave this city for New York on the 15th Of neat month. They will also be accompanied by societies from Wilmington, Baltimore, and other tittles and towns west and south. There will be a grand de• monstratlon of welcome upon their arrival in New York. THE CANAL-BOAT SHOOTING CASE— CORONEIO3 INQIIZBT--CIOTODOr Taylor, yesterday, held an Inquest In the ease of Alexander IClrdy, who was shot by Thomas Carroll, on a canal-boat, ut Ramostreet wharf, Scaulkill, some data ago, and whton resulted In the death of Kirdy. Several wltoesSeS were examined. One of them testified that the owner of the ma boat gave a pistol to Carroll, and told him to shoot anyone that came aboard of the vessel. Another witness testified that Kirdy went aboard rf the eanal.boat for the purpose of returning an anchor. Officer Hamilton, who arrested Carroll, testified that the prisoner suited, when in custody, that a party came on board of the boat, put the lights out, and went away. They returned soon after and Kirdy came into the cabin and seized him (Carroll) by the throat. Carroll then Arad. The examination was continued until tomorrow FORT DELAWARE RICBELS.—Quite a number have paned through mar city within the past two Weeks. First they took the oath of alio. clanoe, and while passing through, Philadelphia presented four specimens. They were Saucy, meek, defiant, and humble. Some said they had been :tarred nearly to de&th; °there allowed they had Flom to eat ; others, again, said that some of the rebels, being unable to eat all that was allowed them, absolutely burled whole barrels of mess beef ; i.r..d pork beheath the surface or the Mend. As a .eneral thing, the rebels looked healthy, but they were aniuneenth, uneducated mass, scarcely Went in any community. They were not ornamental. Some of them had on blue pantaloons, probably stolen from the bodies of murdered Union soldiers. Some f 1 cursed and swore like troopers," because they bad to walk friim the wharf to the railroad NEW STEAMBOAT ON THE SCHUYLKILL.— Yesterday afternoon the new steamboat "Sliver Spring it made her lira trip from Fairmount to the Falls w i thhuylll. She is to Make Sheets tris alter and looks In tately Om "General Hooker." on tat, [f ame model at the "Hooker," most respects much like the latter boat. She 10 in much patter order, however, and we hall tier presence on the Sehtlylklll, ensuring as it does Imil l/our trips along Whit bol►ntglsadggl9aaWq gam*. „,.. . . . LINCOLN MONUMENT rIIND.—The follo w - Jog additional L. IlbS MOON Were received yester day: Clara Knowlton and Emma Rind% members of Saboath•sobool. firvist Church. Manaynnit 4i3 45 Clara Moore, Sallie Wattins. Kate L one, and Grsee B. Wirars (proceeds of a WO 6 00 Merchants' Lodge, 1t0.283, I 0 (1 F 10 On Philadelphia Union, No. 2, D of T 25 Oo Rcaborongh Lodge, No 66, I 0 0. F 10 00 Mayor's (Alice and the Police Department...MO Os. THE STATE FLAGS.—It is now proposed tbat Governor Curtin skall receive the state El iv of the Pennsylvania Regiment at Camp Oar&lu, Oa July ist. Ile was to have received them at the Cooper Shop on the day of the recent review, hut owing to the Interferebee of one or two Individuals as much strangers personally to Gaverti it Garcia at they are to common dignity and politeness, that event was net consummated at that time. It is not at all likely that disbanded soldiers will feel any =- iciest in this matter at the present time. BALE OF GOVERNMENT STEAMERS.—Yes terday 'Morning quhe a bomber of persons congre gated et the Navy Yard, on the emeastne of the ea%o, at public outcry, of slit steamers reaeutly toed by the United States Government. The bidding for some of the ves , ells was quite spirttel. Toe st , le• wheel steamer Quaker City. brought $85,000; the Ladona, (iron serew.steamer,) $85.200; the sore W. tog Acacia, $14,000; serew.steamer Oatobridke *17.500 ; sore tug. E. 13 Rate, $4,000; bark J. L. Davis, N 2,6007 A REMEDY FOR This WORMS. —The Com iDistsooer or City Property has sent an order to Eng• lend for one hm. dred pairs or the English Sparrows, to be placed in the public squares in this city. These birds are very domestic in tuelr habits, and very de• efruetive to the worms that infest trees in the squares, as has been proven by a trial of them at 3 . '1'8 1 1 City during the present season. The birds are expected here in about a month. Titan., TRAMP, TRAMP.—Between two and three thousand soldiers, belonging to attierent Sections of the Eastern States, New York, and NOW Jersey, have passed through Philarelphia within the past thirty six hours. Ttosy were fed in equal numbers at the Oooper•Shop and Volunteer Re. freehment Saloons. Court or 41Trateter Sessious—lion. Joacph Associate Muffin". MBank B. Mann, EQ., Proem:intuit Attorney.] Michael lieffern, alias Dick Tarptn, wag oharged with an &Insult with attempt to steal. The evi dence was that the prisoner had a bed In a. roam with two others, and was seen to examine the pockets of one of them, and take a bosh from the pOoket of the other i also, with ex I. eitithw the MAIM of one of the parties. The bill Of indlomoat Could not be sustained, bemuse of the ittoorreat wanner in which the alderman returned the case, charging highway robbery. The prisoner was ac quitted. Mary Gotham was charged with .keeping a disor derly house at blB North Fifteenth street The evi dence stowed That buth men and women frequouted the place, and the women conducted themselves with great impropriety. The defence was that the defendant opened a store adjoining that of the pro• mentor, thus causing a bad feeling, and that no liquor was sold on the promises. Verdict, not John Hampton, alias Monk Boughton, and Samuel Mcßride, were charged with stealing a medal and some coin, valued at S l 9 75. Mr. ilic- Ewes testified that he had the articles In his house, at 1020 Fitzwater street, and subsequently saw them at the statiorehonSe. Officer Gilmore testified to seeing one of the par. ties on the roof and the other at tne window. He Hted at Houghton, but be escaped, and MeHrlde surrendered himself. „another officer caught Rough. ton. Verdict, amity. Sentenced, Houghton to three years, Nand Mcßride to eighteen months, in the county prison. Houghton has been twice before convicted, and Sentenced once to three years and again to five years, but, on both occasions, was pardoned after Serving a few weeks. Edward Pendleton, nudity Long, and Leonard Lanford, alias John Shoemaker, were charged with burglary. John B Green testified that the rum got over his farce, and pried open tee window to toe kitchen, from wA.ich they passed to tile cellar and to other rooms, trying to get Into the store Tee police testified to arrestiog the amused near Mr. Cfreenis house, and a young man testified to finding a large jimmy near wt ere the parties were.arrested. The defence was two speeches of counsel. Verdict Pendleton said that a man named Michael Ryan was with him at the robbery, and that Donnelly had nothing tO 10 with it. tie emu that Ryan was now In prison, and ho had a letter from him to thlit effect. Sentence deferred. a 0 12 Sarah Kite, a girl having several aliases, was charged with !needing clothing from a house where she was a help. The Clothing was found on her person. Verdict guilty. Sentenced to nine months in the county .prison. MEE Vilna= Furman was charged with assault and battery, and with the larceny of Sloe. Mrs. MHz& and her husband went to purchase a hotel at the delightful locality of Shippen and Spofford streets. •the madam had a hundred•dollar bill in her hand when a thief grabbed It, and the madam positively states she Saw tile prisoner seize the note from the thief, and put It In his pocket He afterwards boat her husband. VerdiCt not guilty. 166 2 38 2 2 14 2 Wm. Simpson was charged with stealing $l3O from Andrew Maloney, a soldier. The latter testified that the amused met hint and told him that he was a relative of the lst Lieutenant of the battery to which witness belonged. The latter then asked the prisoner to drink, and was robbed of the money. Mr. Gallagher, a hotel keeper, testified to seeing the prlsondr take the money from the pocket of the Water. The witness toolr the money away from the prisoner, and had him arreated. "Verdict guilty. Oentenced to eighteen months In the county prison, Lemuel Stokeley was charged. with committing an assault and battery and an assault with intent to kill the captain of the schooner Ruby. The affair occurred on board the vessel. The crew consisted of the captain. the defendant, who was first mate, and a boy, the eon of the captain, who was the crew. The mate attacked the captain, and then out him in the hand with a knife Chock to the bone, causing it to bleed profusely. A merchant testified to see ing the Captain with a polo, making a strike at the prisoner. It did not strike him, or it Would have felled Ulm to the deck. Tue pattl6B olinched, were separated, and again clinched, the captain being be- Mud the mate, with One.hand around his waist, and the other at his neck. The captain's eon aided him throughout the fight. Verdict—guilty of assault and battery. Sentenced to three months in sue county prison, he having been in prison two months awaiting trial. Three half:grown boys were arraigned yesterday morning on the charge of stealing a horse, valued at sixteen dollars. It seems that the horse was purr Chafed for the sum of money named, based upon the contingency that the animal, though poor in flash, should turn out to be as good as represented. It was a " Santa Anna Cavalry" specimen of equine creation. The purehaser did not like the animal; in fact, he solemnly averred that he had been " gulled," and desired the seller to take it back. Tide was peremptorily refused; whereupon the pur chaser turned the horse looSe upon the highways. Three boys captured the animal and cold him for his "bones and hide," The original owner had the boys arrested on the charge of larceny. The ease is held under advisement. A man giving the name of H. Gottschalk was ar. reigned yesterday morning on the charge of pinking the pooket of a soldier of the sum of 11150, at a tavern in the vicinity of Vine and Twelftlt streets. The amused was committed. Yesterday morning a female, named Mary Tay lor, was arraigned on the charge of robbing a soldier of the sum of one hundred dollars. The soldier visited Pine alley alias Trout Street, where he toot several drinks and speedily became oblivious to things terrestrial, it It alleged the 11,00IISed was in his company, and, therefore, must have stolen the money. There was no evidence that she did. She was committed. In a few days she will probably be liberated, and thus this case, like many similar ones, will end. The man who violates the law against pedlars, has again commenced going the rounds of the city, having " furniture.polish" for sale. His game is to call at a door, ask for the lady of the house by name, as though he was a familiar acquaintance, and sending up hie OWn, or somebody else's name, watt for a reepOinie when ho trusts to luck and impudence' to save himself from* being kicked out of doors, and to enable him to sell his trash. Within a day or two this fellow visited a neighborhood In the upper part of the city. At odb place a lady who hadr been wearied by watching at the bedside of a dying relative, was aroused from a sound nap to dress herself for the purpose of seeing the strange "gentleman" down stairs, and another lady emerged from a bath tub to hurriedly dress herself for the same purpose. This fellow belongs to a class of hawkers who ought to be oaged. They are an abominable nuisance, and Should receive the especial attention of that portion of the police de. partment known In the city laws as Riga (lon. stables. Ann Carlin, employed as a chambermaid at the Continental Hotel, was arraigned last evening on the charge of stealing a gold watch and chain, valued at 3250, the property of Col. Wm. B. Sipes. The watch was missed, and Officer Voorhees' atten. lion was called to the fact. He had for some time suspected several of the chambermaids as guilty of purloining articles that had been missed. On Mon• day evening he charged the prisoner with having stolen the watch, but she denied It most positively. Mr. Voorhees 1100008 sec detective qualities, and finally, without making any threats or Indm* manta, gave her until one o'clock yesterday to bring the property back. She left the hotel, and Rook refuge among some people In the vicinity of Fairmount. In the meantime the offi ler ascertained that she had pawned the watch for the sum of ten dollars at a broker's at the corner of Vine and Thirteenth streets. Early yesterday morning she redeemed lt, but, instead of returning to the hotel with it, Sought refuge as above stated. The officer was on her track, but not without undergoing a great deal of tronbie. As he entered the house where she was, she attempted to ewer, into the basement. He followed In close pursuit, and found the watch upon her. The property was restored last evening to the owner, and the moused was committed to answer. An opinion is entertained that quite a number of the chambermaids at the hotel will steal whenever they can get an opportu. Wily, so that it is necessary to have a watchful eye kept upon them. They are likely to be detested in any nefarious transaction, so wallhave arrangementB to Wits effect been made by the proprietor of the establishment. ELECTRICAL OFFICES. Ho. 154 Borth RUMAT% below RACE Street; I also, CHESTNUT and FORTIRTH Street. West Phi. /mielphia. DR. THOMAS ALUM having been very MIMIC ful in the cure of Diseases by this new method, 1 would inform his friends and the Public that he L 1 still benegtting and goring many whom mediator did not aged, and sonsidered insurable. We will mentions few of she Diseases In the ante of width thin treatment seldom If ever fails: Rheumatism, Felons, - Sidney Dia ries, Neuralgia. Gangrene. Liver " Paralysis. Meer', Genital Cramps, Boils. Opinal " Dyspepsia, Abscess, Throat " layer Agee. &undone, Asthma. inflammations,' B4l=lorte. Congestion. Hemorrhage, Diabetes, Re. Patients will be treated at their reside:leas when desired, a large number of testimonials may be seen 1 at the °glees from patients in Ufa city. nowralta• tiOns grails. 016••honza 9 A lit. to 6P. ei M. in the ty. ania•Sin THOS. ALLlia, lieetriebus ELE OTROPLT RIO ESTABLISB A. H. STIVRIO. one of the DISOOVIRIRB of_b_neW argon of treating dissiee MODIFISD ISLIOTSICIAL APPLICATIONS, and win tun been so very stisseeritd at FUN SQUARE for th. last three years, has rumored his Osse and Residsne to lon VIII Street, one door below lievonteenth. All venom desiring reforenses, or MY Partisolen with remit° lassperial mode of treatment. will plow , eall or send for a pawl/lot consultation or advise grandiose. Waif MORGAN, ORR, & CO., STEAM EN aiNS 1101).DEits. iron Tounders, and General Mainmasts sad Boiler Makers, Mo. um 04 6 1,1,43M- M1LL MO, PhlladelPtdre OtiA-M THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, )865. THE COURTS. EITOBIC-lIEBPEILB IN TICOIIIIIAL 001 MOTION Op DREIPERADOIES. CONV/OTION OB BURGLARS DIBEIONSBT HELP PUIZQUELSING A HOTEL. SUBBED A BOLD'S% A NAUTICAL BNCOUNTSB THE POLICE_ [Before Mr. Alderman Pencomt.3 mitemßACT/OB iir HOBBS 7rialon ALLZOBD POOR= PICKING. [Before Mr. J]derfaui Moore.] ANOTIIBB SOLDIIOI BOBBED. PUENIEUEE•POLIBH NUISANCE. [Before Mr. Alderman Nudes%) DISHONEST CHAMBERMAID. MEDICAL. =M= 1865. IiBIi f iraTEIN V ES. 1865, MI CAMDEN AND AMEOV - AND PRILADHILEILIA AND TRENTON RAMMOAD COMPANY - IS LIM, FROM PHILADILPHIA TO 11W YORK' AND WAY PLACE& P 74011 AIAITIV nom REAltl,_ WILL LIMN TOLLOWS—TIis Al 6A. it. via Quadea and Amboy. O. sad A. Al ---112 36 at 9 A. M.. via Camden and - JerseY Oltl, Monis* at 0.15 A. M.. via Osandan audralroy. lesommee dation (Freight and Peosruvr)— - • 2 22 at 2P. M. , via liametea eggs AM.OO/..e. sae ri.icis grly R., noon. via Camden 807 d Am b oy. Assume dadon(Freight and Passengerh..— 3 25 at P . M., via Camden and Amboy, Aesommode. 2202 (Freted and Pulumaari—lat Miss MOM— 2 25 Do. 20 . 9d elms Tieket... 160 11% P. N.via Camden and Amboy, AOIDOMEIO. dation (freight and Passenmal—lat Moan Tlekei, 2 25 o. do. 2d Clans Ticket. 160 At 6.00 A. M.. 200 and 5 P M. for Mount Holly. SW. ansvule. Lwow -reog spa At a A. it . and 2P. H, fur 'Freehold Al eam 9.16 A. M.. 12 M S. 80, 6.6, and 31. 1 4 - IL . for Palmyra. Riverton, Namur, Sevens. aditew* l62, Burlinaton, Florence , BordentoWn. he.. The 6P. M. line rano direct thronsk to Trenton. At 7.301. M , for Palmyra, Rivera:a. Delano. Rever ie are iinskar. At 10 A. Mar d 3 P. 12., Steamboat Trenton. for Brig. to:. Burlington. Beverly. *a. LINES FROM KINSINGTON DEPOT' WILL WAYS AS FOLLOWS: At 11.16 A. it.. via Kensinaton and Jersey (1181. Express.— 3 021 at 4.60 P. M., via Kensingoa and Jena? ite 0.45 P M.. via Kensington andf4lllll7 Olt!, Washln_sum and New Tors 300 At 12 P. M. (Night) via Kensington mid Jersey (lit, Washington and New York Mail..--. .--112 25 The 11.45 P. M. Line will ran daily. All others 131141, daGs excepted. For Buffalo. Dunkirk . , laini.ra, Ithaca. Owen, No. theater. Binghamvton. Great Bend. Montrose. Wilkes bum Swanton, Stroudsburg, Water Gay. Belvidere. Easton, Irazabererille. Flerninatou, he.. at 7.30 . L 11. and 3.30 P N. The 3.30 P. AL Line soaneets with the Oslo isaviner Huston for Miami Ohnnk, Allentown , Bethlehem. Are . . . For Lambertville and intermediate stations At I P. M. ror Bristol. Trenton, be., at .to and ILli A. 11.. 3, t.O and 6 P. IL and 12 midnight . For Cornwells Torrisoale. nolmesburg, Talon*. Irimemomoat, andutam and Prankford. at 91. . 12 16, 3 b. 6. a 30, and 12 P. M. Tho 6.37 P. M. line runs to Holmes r tvg only. /Mr For New York and Way Linea keying Kaganlit ton Depot, take the ears 011 Fifth street. above Walnu. half as honr before deportitre. The ears run Imo sae Depot, and on the urinal or each Us* Tim 77 4 1 111 the Depot. Fifty porudeof Bigot Lardir it t liar.s.sarims4944d. thesengers are.prohitritea from anyinlig-mbag. Ole but their wasting apparel. Alll SUMS Over ANY pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per ponid,and will not ba liable for any amount brrand 1100, aretret by epeeist contrast. !Amhara 's Baggagelmpress will sell for and dediyar esewsze at t#4. Minot*. Orders to be left at Jo. A Wei , ant street. TPULLard 8. Wagrailtit. Agent. June 12, ID6d. USED 1180/d NEW YORK lON 71111,,ABBLPHLt. W/1.7. LEAVE PaOtt TM FOOT 01 4713IIBTLAND aTaRBY. At 1s $l. sod 4P. N. via Jersey City and thundett, at 7, 10, and NM A. P. M. and 19 (Night). via Jar. 'ay Oftl and Kensington. From the foot of Bentley street at 6 A. IL And I a. •ria Anise , ' end ildit‘Len„,.. From Pfor No. I, Nollltvivetost TU and IP P. n. (freight and nassenger). Amiaiyand Camden. 11104 r SIBEINN PHILAVELPHIA, WILIUNGTOR. AID BALM. NOME ZAILROAD. TINE TIELE . . Itionomenesng MONDAY, APRIL 3d, 1886, Traissn will lettle Dodo: after BROAD Street and WASHING TON tonne, as follows: - Express Train, at 4.05 A. M. (Mondays slsentinn), loM Baltimore and Washington, stopping at WLL=I. WOE. Pe villa Havre de-Grass , Aberdeen ,. Perryman's. and Magnolia. Delaware Itallroad Train at 7.46 A K. (Bundass ex cepted) for brillabim. Milford. and intermediate Sta- Way. Mail Train. at 8.16 A.M. (Sundays exitepted), Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations. Salinas Train at 1 16 P. M. (Sundays exesptedl_for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester. slington,lllkion. Perryville, and liavre-de• areas. Express Train at 8.66 P. M. (Sundays sireePted) for Baltimore and Washington, stopylny At Wilmington, Newark. Elkton. North. East, Perryville. Havre-de grace, Ferrymen's, Macnolia, and Stammer ' s Run. Night gunmen at 11.16 F.M. for Baltimore and Wash. ington, stopping at Chester_ionly to take Baltimore and Washington passengers). Wilmington, Newark. ilk ton, North-P.ast. Perryville. and rmasewpwa for NOMPOLX. VBRTILISS IMAM (NTT P OINT, will take the LISP. 16 . tr WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS Storming at all Stations between Philadelphia and Wil mington. Leave Philadelphia at 7.46 and 11 A. M.,1, &JO, kir, ana la , P. M. The S3O P. H. train eonneote with De laware li B. for Milford and intermediate stations, Leave Wilmington at 0.46, o.ani 4.30 A. M. , 2. 4, 6.30 and 6.30 P. N. Trains for few Castle leave Philadelphia at 7.46 and 11 A., M.. 3.30 and 6 P M. _ THETION TRAIRSFROM MALTIM9IIII, _ !Asia Wdurtmitati. at 12 M.. 4.27.8 as. and 9.54 P. Y. CHESTBit FOE 'PHILADELPHIA. LOST° Cheater at 7 45. 8.43. 10.14 A. M., 12.85, 2.a. 8.14. 7 an. and 9,06 P. M. 111.011. BALTJJZOBB Td PRILLDELPHLL Leave Baltimore 5.55 A. H , Way Mail_• 1.10 P. 55. Armes: 4. IA P. M., Way Train: 6.86 P. M., Mtwara 0.98 If.. Faint* __ _ _ VON BAI. _LTINOZ heave CheafeTsitillisrf.W.TeoTa n.. 3 r. M. Leave Wilmington at 6.15. 9.36 A. M., S.M. COL and MSS P. M. Freight Train. with Passenger Oar 'Meshed. will lean Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate stations at 7.510 r. _ SUNDAY TEAMS. Bnpress Train at 4.05 A. M. for Balthaeregind Wash tnaion. stropping at Wilmington. Perryville Havre-de fin e% Aberdeen. Perryman's. and Magnolia. Night Express at 11.15 P. M. for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester (for Baltimore and Wigblngtsn Damengergh - Wlimisglors, Newark. Elk ton, Borth-Bash Per/Tv/51e x and Ht." te.dral. Accommodation Train at l b P. W. for W—mingteli sit fray stations. BALTIMORE POE PHILABBLPHIA. Leave Baltimore at 9.25 P. M., "topping at Ravril-de- Oracle, Perryville. and Wilmington. Also Mop" .at Elk ton and Newark (to take wee. .nlia_rs for Paula.. ' , IBM! , and leave passenger's from w 11 1 / 1 1/111011 or Baisircorsw. and Chester to leave paasengers from Baltimore or Washington. Leave 'W I/minden for Philadelphia at 6.30 P. M. apS H. P. BEARE'f, Sap% pENNSYLTANIA CENTRAL RAIL- Baas SUMMER ARRAIII3 E KENT. ?he trains of the Pitattetrants Contra& Ea Mold leave the Mew Depot, at THIRTIETH and ELLERST Streets. The can of the Market-street Passenger RailsraY ran to and Irom Pennsylvania Central ltaßroad Depot, at Thirtieth and Market ?Droste; they also leave Front street every two minutes, somatic:lag one hour previ ous to the Mme of departure of each train, and allow about 80 initiates fora trip. Their ears are in waiting on the arrival of sash Praia to convey passengers into the sity, and sonnestlou are made with all roads orossing_Market 'treat On 91311DaT13—Care /lame Eleventh and Market Ste. at tl6 P. 11., to connect with Pittsburg sud Erie Mali. and at 10.26 I'. 11. with Philadelphia azpreea • alserea Baggage ll:press will hereafter be touted at Ito. El Bouthßleventh street, Parties desiring baggage taken to the trains, can have Wine at reasonable rate, NrimermirAiD Amarial DEPOT TUTI: LIAM. NAIL TRAIN...« - ••••••••••- 00 A.Y. PAOLI ACCONNORATC4. Mo. 1.... • 10. 00 PAST LINE.. .........•••••••••••••••••••••• " 12.00 Y. PA_ . •••••••-••• 110 P. RARRISWORO ACCOMMODATION. • • " LANCASTER ACCOkiiMODATION.••••• :• 4.00 " PAOLI TRAIN. NO. 1. ....0... 0..• • 1 . 20 PITTSBURG AND &se PRlLADarßiAsarusss •• -•- . , ASKIITIL PITTSBURG} AND sacs *" 1,40 A- 4 1 1 - PHILADELPHIA• 1.195 PAOLI ACCOMMODATION. NO. ** 8.11 " PARKESBURO " 9.99 .. LA336.1d4E11 " 19 30 P. ?L PAST L1NE.... ........ 12.63 ' PAOLI AOL'OBLMODATIOI(, Jo. " 4.40 DAT . " 1.46 HAItItILBURO AGOORIEDDATION.... " 9.90 " MAIL TkAIN " 11.90 " Philadelphia la-prose leaves daily. Pittsbarg and Erie Mntl lumen daily (except itatarday). All other Traine daily (except /madam The Pennsylvania Railroad Oornany will not gnome any risk for Baggage. *raga for wearlag Appand. and limit their reeponsibility to One Hundred Dollar. In valne. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner. unless taken by ape. slid contract. For further information, An to time and gonnections, lee bills and framed suds, or apply to THOMAS U. PARKS. Ticket Agent, at the Depot. An lintigrant Train runs daily (except Sunday.) for fall information u to faro and aceommodations, apply to FRABOIS PURL fe2o4f 137 DOCK Strad. 1865. MINIM 1865. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD. --This great line traverses the Northern Inti Northwest *mantles of Penneylvanta to as firs of Mee on Lake Erie. _ . _ hee 'bean 1•111411 by the PENNSYLEABIA 1411.1 r. Ron CrOMFAtir, and %IMMO by *hem Etr Wile length wog opened far reasenger eld draw tallness October 17th, 1864. 11118 or reeennormarnArge AT PRELADILYRIA. Leave Westward. Mail. 11.30 P. IL Loch Haven Assoremodation 00 A. X. Passenger ears run through on Hail Train without shange both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. sat Baltimore and Erie. Elegant Sleeping Oars on Elmira Express Trains both Ways between Philsdelphiseand Lock Haven, and on Elmira Express Train both ways between Willisannort and Baltimore. for Information resperting Tawnier business, Olds earner METIETEL and SUBMIT Sta.. PhileAelpUst. And for .Preight bastnese of the Agents. E. B. KINOSTON, Jr.. soccer !HUME/MU *ad MARKET Streets, Philadelphia. W. REYNOLDS, Brie. WILLIAM BROWN, Arent B. 0, ji i. sagnor., H. H. M HODSTOII,_ General IMA Arent Philadelphia.. H. W. Wwiinflue. " thmeral Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. JOSEPH D. OTTS, der•tri amoral Manager. Wlillaisurport. Mugs WEST JERSEY . RAIL. ROAD LINES From foot of Walnut draft. Daily except Band' e. Commencing SATURDAY, lune 10)h, Ism For CAPE MAY, &0., (at &30 A. II , Expreie), 2.30 P. M., Passenger. For MILLVILLE. VINELAND, dm, &SO A. IL. and 180 P. M. P. ForsL BRIDGETON, ;SALEM, &G., at 9.16 A. X. ,td 00 For GLASSBORO. 4 & 30 and 9.16 A. 2f., 280 and 4 00 P' M. . For WoODBURY, &c.. 8.30 and 9.16 A. K. 2.30, 4.00 and 6.30 P. If. RETURNING. WILL LEAVE Cape May at 690 A. X Mail, (8.20 A. M., Freight), 5.00 P. 11 , Passenger Millyille at 7.32 A X.. Ida% (12.08 P. M. , Freight). 6.58 I'. M., Passenger. Bridgeton at 6 40 A. M., /fail, (9.45 A. X., Freight), 4.20 P. Si. Passenger. Salem at 626 A X., (9.00 A. X.. , Freight), 4.05 P. K., Pantie/o'er. Woodbury at 7 05. 813, and 906 A if (1.40 P. M , Freight). 5.54 and 823 P. K. Passenger. On the let day of July a n additional exPrese train will be added to and from Cape ' May. and whic h will leave Cape May at 8 00 A. X., and Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M., through In three boom from Camden. J. VAN Panisastdata, Superintendent Went Jersey. Salem, and Cape May and Milllvllle Rail. road THE WEST JERSEY EXPRESS OOMPANY will attend to all the u.nal branches of expreu neat, receive, deliver and forward through other re. o p e asiblo Express 001510111104, to all parte of the coda try. any article entreated to Them. A }insets' Messenger accomPaUlat WWI through train. Pam. ADISLPHIA. Jose 6,1865, ism slog ,T4Efp, NORTH PENNSYL -1.1.; VANIA RAILROAD For DIsTHLIBABS. DOYLIMTOWN. MAUCH CHUNK, BARTON, WILLIAMsPORT, WILRgasAttER. Ate. SOMMBR A aRANORMBST. Passenger Traingleave the new Depot, THIRD Street, above TAOICIPODA street, daily (sandays =dented/ as follows: At 7.30 A M. (Express) for Bethlehem. hilantowlis Manch Chunk, Hazleton, Williamsport, Wilke'. berm he At 3 30 P. Id. Garpreas) for. Bethlehem, Radon, Am. At 6.16 P. M. for Bethlehem. Allentown .. Kam/ Chunk, Danville, Wthismsport. For Doylestown at 836 a. Di., 2,90 and 416 P. N. For 11'0...t Washington at 10 A. M. and 11 I'. If. For Lansdale at 6.16 P. IL • White care of the Second and Third. streets Line City Passenger Railway run directly to the new Depot. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. _ Leave Bethlehem at 6.90 , 10.02 A. 11. and Li b P. M. LeaveDoylestown at A4O A. Y., 3.10 and 6P. it. Leave Lansdale at 6 A. M. _ Leave Fast Washington it 10.150 A. IL, CFI L/ 16 • OH SUNDAYS. Philadelphia fee Bethlehem at 9 A. K. Pith edelphis for Doylestown at 3P. N. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.00 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4.30 P. Al ie6 ALLIS CLARK. Agatt. 1865• -1 3 H I L •DILPHIA AND SLIIIIIII RAILROAD LIEN to all points WM% The direst rote for the ir. /stGioNa OP PINKBYLVANEdi WIL2.I.xBPoRT 13171711.0, BIIIPBABION ANL and aIINMI in the Neater. and Northwestern Nese sad the Canadu. TWO THnoUGH TRAM Leave Philadelphia and Reading railroad =tt. Thir teenth and Callowhill dude, Kelm is ye OP deed], for the North and West. as follows: Xorning Express at 8 A. si Afternoon Lords at RN P. N. Making direct founeetion with all interseetind i tz ther isle. PON THROUGH TICKETS to any point, and particulars concerning the diffemt 1.010014 apply at iha Tiff e rllol. 425 CHESTNUT Street. wade Ma W . and *netts the Castes the W. VAX HORN. Matt AIM , . 425 Chestnut street. iitl JONI 5. NILLIN. amoral wAth asA GAMOW me RAILROAD LINES. ri f PIIIT.A.DELPEUA, AA Ltattuir. clißmAlfficiwil " D NOA4 nl':/OWN TIME ABL6. tin and litter MONDAY, T inns 5. 1855, until Malay nofloe. FOR GP.1121,11T0 - Leave Philadelphia 6,7, 8, 9 10 11, 11 A. M.. l• 2. 8. 10 . a 4,6, 6.11 6, 7. 8,9, 732 2 11, WILTS Vekttlemtown 6, 7. . 8 8,9 D, 9, 10, 11, 19 A.. K. 1, 8. 4, 6- 6. 7. 8, andO. 11 P 'II, 8.90 down train Bl6. np than.% will not Von on the ttermantown Branca Off 9uliDe.Yl3,' Leave Philadelphia 9.10 min. A. Y., 2,8, 6. 8. 1011 P X. Leave thermentown 8 A. lt. , 1, 4. eh'. ofißsTntrr.ElLL RAIT,ROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6. 8, 10. 12 A. AL , 2, 6.11. 7, 9. and 11 P. *8 Leave Chestnut 11111 7.10 Ma . 8, 9 40, IL4O A. L . 1.40. 5.40, 6.40, 6.40, 8 40 and 10.40 Ari COIL P. M. N 811BD,_ Leave Minna.l2,l2lZii 2, 5. and BP. M. Leave Chestnut EMU 9.40 nifn. A. 5I Ea. and 26P. M . . FOR CONSHOROCKINIT duo NORRISTOWN. Leave Flinn d• Intl& 6, 8 85 11.06 min, L. M.,1,X. 8, 9%. 635. 6%. 8 66 min. end a% P. M. Leave Norristown 6%, 7, 760, 9, n a. N., 1%, 4%, sy.. and 8 P. The 6% P. DI trata win atop at Panora Laaa, Wissa hickon ' INannynnk, Spring Mills, and Ooasholtoeten only. ON SU PD AY% Leave Philadelphia 9a. M. 2% and 434 P. N. Leave E orrietown 7 .11. b. 1 and 6 F. Fax suriaTtrax • Leave Philadelphia 6. 8 35, 11.05 min. • 111..1.34, 3, 534.63g.434, 8 65, and 1134 P. 111 /Aave bianayank 612, 7,1 i, 8.20, 9%, 1132 A. 12„ 2,6, 7, 835 P. N. ON 6IIINDAY6._, _ _ Leave Pb !ladelehla 9 A M., 2.X, 4,K, and BP. M. Leave Mabaynak TX A M. . Iw, and 9P. M. Wa Wit...ol3Oat. vrat finpar intendent. Deint, NINTH tad GRAN Streeie. trgortng WE ST C 11E3T OR AND PHILADBLPHIA MUD, V MEDIA. TIM Ain ARRA NEIRMRII T On and after MONDAY. Jane Mb., 1865. the trains will leave aa follow.: • WEST CEISSTBR TRAINS Leave Philadelphia for West Chestar at 7,36 and 10.30 A. M. and 2 3.4 4 4S, and 645 M Leave West Cheater for Pelladelphia at 6 20, 7.46. and 10 38 A. M., and 2 sod 4 45 P. IN Traina 'Paving West Chester at 7.45 A.and leav ing Philadelp .15 st 4 96 P.M. w'll not stop at'Pennelton and will stop below B. C Junction at Media only. B. O. .711N071.03 TRAINS Leave Philadelphia fur B. C. Junction at 6 02 and 10.30 P. II Leave A. C. Junction for Philadelphia at 8.25 A. IL and7.2PP. M On Tuesdays and Fridays only, until further notice. a Market VreluAbh Oar attached, will leave West Cheatsr fur Philadelphia at OM at *topping at all stations. Them, trains stop at all Intermediate station.. ON SUNDAYS Leave Philadelphia st 8.60 A. St and 2 P M. Leave West Chu ter at 8 A N. and 5 P.t Trains h aving Philadelphia at 7 35 A. 11 and 4.45 P. M., and leavitte West Chester at 7 96 A. M mud 4 45 P. DI., counsel at B. O. Junvien with trains on P. & B. O. Z. for Oxford and intermediate pOtats. Pa....l , Ceels are allowed to take wearini apparel only se !mange, and the Company - will not o spy ease be monotone!, for an amount exceeding one hundred del - a apoeial contract le made for the same. HENRY WOOD, Gate/ Sup. rHILADFLPITIA, March 15 leas 1 Inge PROPOSALS. ASSISTANT QU ART ERM AS T le;R'S OFFICA, 1130 Ottia.att•Street SEALED PROPO PR L. wi L I P I U b IA r eecea v • eJd u a ne thi s B ° M se no tit 12 o'clock M. 'HONDA!. Susie 26. 1661. far the im mediate de:ivery at the United States Storehouse, BariOVlLn-STIttlE F Whert,properly packed and ready for tlaneportation, of rhe followirg &scribed Q - tarter mestere' Stores, lo be lasnected by as inspector ay- P ant, d ^n the part of beet over talent, via: 1,996 Bone Brushes, cavalry. loather handles, ettrowed on. 9(0 Wall Mathes, ten-knot, large 6,000 Carry Combs 221, Tiideeley make. WO Farrier's Halve,. Boss & eirable's "I. L. L." 9 157 pounds &erne,. Leather, oak-tanned, 16 pounds per Ale whoa Suish,d. Ur Door Ltoks. Wei tern knob. 100 do do rural knob. 25 barrels Lard Ott. in beat and tight barrels. 26 do Coal Cil. re torte d do. I Ream Emery Paper, 1,000 Tin Plates. for mew nse. 2ro Si ovele. grain or coal, Merl blades. 200 Pounds Yellow Ochre, in oil, small packages. 2,001 Tie Cups 60 Dutch Ovens, 100 Fry Pans. All cf the above articles to be of the best qnslity. they: should state tee quantity bid .for, and when they win commence and a oish their deliveries, the price of the sitticl,e (to inctUde boxes and dcli.ccaqt which should be stated both is - worms and Stares. and scare/into the terms of this advertisement, a copy Of which should natio o-peny sactoproposaLandltlifiChedu/e prices unlit be received. Samples of the articles bid' for must be delivered et the Hanover street Storehoase twenty-four hours pre vious tothe opening of the bins. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per son,. whose sigastures must be appended to the gee , ' tact;, and certilird to as belaggood and sufficient secu rity for the amount involved by the United States Dis trict Judge, attorney, or Collector, or other Dahlia officer. The right SS reserved to reject any bid deemed name milli's, and 20 bide from a defaulting contractor will berseelved. proterteda to be made out in the regular forum, which will be furaithed on application at this olio? Endorse envelope 'Proposals for Army Supplies. to be opened on the 88th lint. By order of . Col Wm W. McKim, U. S. A.. Chief Quartermaster Philadelphia Depot. GEOII.OB B OBIKB, jell& Captain and A. Q. M. CHI E It QUARTERMASTER'S FlOll, No. 1139 GIRARD Street, PHILADBLPHIA DEPOT. June 20, 1865. PEALED PROPOtallec wilt be received at this office until Ull9 AY, June 24 18E5, at 12 o'clock 06., for immediate delivery at the 6choyik9l Amens), In pier chantobte package. owe to be made to conform to aea. Marathon at tdie office): Burlaps, 40 inahrs wide. - . Burlaps_ lb inches wide. Parties offering goods 'mould make separate proposals for each article offered, and mast distinctly state in their bids the quantity they propose to furnish, the lade. (which should be written both in words and figures). and conform to the terms or this advertisement, a copy of splash should accompany each proposal. Samples, when eubmitted, mast be marked and num bered to correspond with the proposals; and the patties tie repo must guarantee that the goods man be in every respect equal to army standard, otherwise the propo sals will rot be eonsidered. Blob; will be opened on Satarday, June 24, MS, at 12 O'clock if. and bidders ere requested to be present. Each bid 'moat be guaranteed by two responsible per ions, whose signature* inset be appended to the gnat. rantee, and certified to as being good and snacked se. airily for the amount involved. by aims PUldia fine tionary of the United States. - All *proposals should be made out on the regular forms. Which will be tarnished on application at this office. The right is reserved to reject any bid deemed unrea sonable, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received. Endorse envelope. "Proposals for (here insert the name of the article offezed),_" and address Colonel WILLIAM W. kaitiK. Chief Quartermaster, ielo-4t* Philadelphia Depot. ASSISTANT QUARTERM - AZTAIre OFFICE, 1139 GIRARD Street, PRILeDeLPHIL, Jane 115, 1866_ SIALUD -PROPOSA be received at Etas oNee until 12 o'clock M. WEDNESDAY, Inn* 21. 181M_, for furnishing the follogine articles of STATIONERY for a period of three months, cesemeneine Tub , 1. 1865, and ending Se_ptember 30, 1866, inclusive: Eoval Paper, to weigh not lets than 88 lbs to ream. Legal Cap do., do. do. 14 do. Cap do., plain and ruled, 12 do. Letter do., do. - do. 10 do. Note do do. do. 6 do. Envelope do , 85 do. White Blotting-Board 19 x 29, 100 do 494 EX Oaciel Bnvelores. w it h, and buff, 3.54 z 8/9, 4a 9. Utter EnterOPet, White and buff, 634. Govern- meal pattern. Letter Copyinig Books, 9 x 1.1. 600 rages Cap Copping Books, 10 x 14. 600 pages. Blank Books, 8 to 12 quires, demi full bound. 'latent backs. Patel* corners. Blank Books, 2 to 6 quires, 9 x 13%, half roan, 20 sheets to quire. Memorandum Books, demi. Svo, Bash, 66 Mamas. tles.Bleck Int, Arnold's, quart, pint, and brat pint bot- Mach Inh, Maynard di Noyes' or Dunbar's, quark Pint, and ha/I-pint hating Carmine int. 2-oz. bottles, glass stoppers. Ink Powders. David's first quality. - Inkstands academia and mechanic'. Penholders, assorted Steel Pena (GiGott% 303, 404, 239) and Comments!. Quills, No. 80, per K. Leadieccils, Faber's. Nos. 2 y a rds Office Tape, pieces, No. 28, RE to the pieces Office Tape, rolls, No. 23, 144 yards to the roll. Sealing Wax per lb Wafers. 4- oz. boxes, "American Concrete." White fringed Rubber, 13 pieces to lb, tint quality. Virgin Rubber per lb. Rulers, round rubber, 18 lashes. Rulers : round rubber, 18 inches. Mucilage, quart, pint and 8-oz. b Atlas All of the above-described to be of the best quality, and samples of each article to be delivered at this Oise twenty-four hours previous to the opening of the hide.- The stationery to be inspected by an inspector ap pTinee dun e th ul a bidde r h o Gov d n n m must t be prepared to fluidal, from time to time. such quantities of theabove. described atatloizery as maybe required by thll Dean. meet. 1-he price of etch article to be Written both ire words and frourcs; and conform to - the terms of this adver tisement, a copy of which should accompany each to o Sash bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended to the gua rantee. and certified to as being good and sufficient security for the amount involved, by the Mateo States district Judge, attorney, or collector, or other nubile officer. The right is reserved to reject any bid deemed unrea sonable. and no bids from a defaulting contractor will be received, . All proposals to be made out on the regular forms tit duplicate. whisk can be had on application at Oda office. Bidewill be opened on Wednesday, June 81.1888, at.l2 o'clock M., and bidders are requested to be present. By order Colonel William W. mom% Chief Quartermaster, !Idled's Depot. U.S A. GEORGE E. ORES. jell fit Captain and A. Q. X SSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S .1-A- OPP/CB. 1139 GIRLRD Street. PHILADELPHIA, PA. , Jane 14, 1865. EEhLYD PROPOSALS will be received at this Office, until 12 olelock M.l VAITLEDAY , Juno 2s, Ness. tor Su stains ANTRBeCITB STEAMER COAL • for a period of three mouths commencing July 1, 1866, and aiding September SO, 1865, inclusive. Coal to be of the best einallty anthracite, for the use of steamers; to weigh 2,20 lbs to the ton, and to be subject to inspection. The Coal is to be delivered on board versals in the ports of Philadelphia or New York, in melt guarantee and at inch times as may be required, not exceedial five thousand (5600) tons per week- In case of failure to deliver the Coal in sufficient quantity, and at the proper time and place, the Govern• meet reserves the right to make good any deficiency by purchase, at the contractor's rink and expense. he price (which should bet ated both tuftguree and Writing) Must begivensoltrately for the Coal delivered on board of vessels at this port and at Pew York, on the terms and conditions above stated. Ten per cent 86811 be Withheld from the amona t . of a ll payments made, which reicevation is not 10 DS d until the contract shall hers been folly comple ted. Payments of the remaining ninety per cent Or balance due, will be made monthly, when the Department is in funds for that purpose . Bach offer must be acsompanied byn written outran tee, signed by two or more responsible parties, their responsibility to be certified to by a United States judge. attorney, or collector, that the bidder or bidders will. if his or their bid be accepted, enter into written with good and sufficient sureties, in the sum of fifty thousand (lf0,000) dollars, to fundeb. the proposed anpfdiee. rso proposition will be considered Unless the terms of this advertisement (adop)s of which snote(d accompany each proposes() are complied with. Bide will be opened on Saturday, June N. 1565, M 12 o'clock M. and bidders are requested to be Present. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserVitd, and no bid front a defanahut contractor will he received. The envelopes to he endorsed "Proposals for Goal." and addressed to the undersigned. By order of CoLliPm. W. McKim, • Chief Quartermaster PhIlsgelDhIS RME Deeot. GtEo. R. O 1,A440t cantata and A, Q. k. PROPOSALS FOR FUEL. QUAKTBRIKASTER'S OPPICS, U. 8 M. C. WASHINGTON', 8d June la. SEALED PEOPOSAIM will be received at this office until FRIDAY, the seventh daY_Of July. 1885, at two o ' c l oc k, P for 'amebae! Wood and Coal to the United States Marinas, at Philadelphia, Pa . dazing the fiscal year ending 80th of June, 1866, the woad to be good merchantable oak, and to be delivered. piled, measured, and inspected as snob points within the wane of tie Marine Barracks as may be designated by the commanding marine officer. free of expense to the batted Mates. The coal to be best white ash anthracite egg noel, free from duet, and to weigh 2.240 pounds to the toe , to be weigimd, ineptelad• and delivered at such points within the walls of the lifeline Barracks es may be designated by the commanding marine officer. fr. eof expense, to the United States, and both wood and coal to be furnished upon the quarterly requisition of tbecommanding defter, showing tha quantities re quired, agreeably to regulations. Payments will be made upon the receipt of accounts duly authenticated by said commanding officer. A guarantee to be signed by two esponsible persons, hem responsibility must be certified to by the United States District Judge, United States District Attorney, or united Metes collector. must aseampsay each ,pro petal, otherwise it will not be soneldered. To be endorsed "Proposal. for Peel." and addremd to theundersigned. wthwelf B SLACK, c7 , L tt , 4t Major and Quartermaster. F 0 BRIDGE BIJILDERB.-PLANS and Proposals will be received by the Sharpsburit utd Lawrenseville Brides Company till the 711 of mune, for ERZOTINO Amara the All teeny River, at Shaepeburs, Pa. Per particulars, see the understenwL at the office of Lewis. sill pa , zell, Ce,,,,_et BRARNSURG. or at No. 73 WATER Street, PITTSBURG. or address his at herpsborg. Jilleabeny county. Pa erdi• troU JAMB* O. LEWIS. Prodded. FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOE SALE. A DRUG STORE,. • STOCK, FIXTUIVEO4 I , AID GOOD ..WlLad; NEASON-00ING WEST. Address BOX 337. 3e19 wen" LANCASTER. Pa. FOR BALE--AN EXCELLENT St ro and Business Pines, 214 Dorn 3trset. Srpenor 36 feet trent, 311.1919 Green street. More at.d Dwelling. good Undue*. Stand, 2d6 North tlateenth street. corner of Wint.r. Convenient Dwelling, No. 263 South Tenth Bred; ssession soon. Beat Dwilltna, No 732 n 111447 abseil. Desirable Darel big. Broad street. above Brown; lot 26 by 160 teat. B. F. 0 r.BLlN,l2l3bonth FOURTH Street: or 3elo E. W. 'or. SIMBNTBANTB and BRUN. 111 FOR SALE A THREE-STORY Ea• nr- DwellintrAnd lot 4 ground. 13. W. corner of VIP rrf And &MUSS otreete. For Partici ars, Apply to SUSSEX D. DAVI6. Attorney At LAW. jett.wfmllt" 619 Webour street. ' OIL LEASES ON SUGAR MUNK. TEEN PIITBOPA OIL COMPANY. Ibis Company, owning in fee simple over TWO WUNDBED ACRI3B of valneele 011 Territory on Sugar f reek, will leitee en fey 'sable terms. a limited an n her or choice lots A part of the territory to now beteg and v 6 to o tv..t; to be bored within nine:. days, within g Year. leor farther portioniers. inquire at the °Mee of the Company. 524 Wait, PUP Sire. t .1.34 wfmet. 010. O MARP/N, Seeretsry. FOR BALE—ii VALUABLE LOT OF Ground. 8 3, corner of Brood and Callowhill etc. ; DM by 240 feet. • Do 00. 11, corner of Bridge and ThErtyrim send streeto; 142 by 218 feet • Do. do.. a W. corner of Bridge and Tnirtyrse cond streets 100 by 218 feet. Do. do., a. W. cornesof Thlrty•second and En verford streate: 236 by 1633{ feat. Do do.. N. W. corner of Ninth and Berko streets; 600 by 390 feet. Do. do., 8. B. corner of Twenty second and Spring Gairdenstsams: 90 by lOU feet Dn. do.. herb', toad, between Chestnut and Walnut streets; 90 b 3 120 feet. Do. do.. allewortb street. from Twenty-eighth Street to the Bebuyll4ll'; 1.000 by 104 feet. Do. do.. on lionneim, street. Germantown; about acres Do. do., on Tesoro) , street, at floimeabturg. With many others of various *Mee. P (11,111 N. 340 123 Elenth FOURTH Street. ]e ORS, SA.SH, SHUTTER S, AND BPDLDINGS for rale, to close an Estate 6t5 CHEReIf street. jals.6t. INSURANCE. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY iresmitesCg COMPA INCORPORATED BY THS 1,101.4 LA. LIME OP ". PEN IV Y.I.Va NIA, 1835 ' OFFICER'S CORN SR THIRD aND WALNUT STREETS. PH iLeDiti PHU. ON rassaLs, MARINB IIiBURANOS _ OAROO_, To parts of the world. FRE,10122 . , ELAND 12181MANCES On Goods, by River, Canal. La, 43, and Land Carriage, to all parka of the Union. JnbIIRAMONS, On Merchandisegenerally. OA Stoma, Dwelling 50u..., &.. • ASSETS THY (WIT/MI% November 3„, 1204 • sloo,ooollnited,States Five Perpient. Loan. '714100,000 013 111,0f0 Sig ' " 'Bl. 118,215 00 75.000 " Six " " 6 Ms. 25.552 55 110,000 State n of Pennsylvania Five Per Cent. Loa 64.000 State of Pennsylvania SIX Per Cent. 55,840 00 L 42,063 City of Philadelpiiii ' Far Ct. Lea n ". lis,fito 87 20, 01:0 Psnl Six o'er Oen% Benda - • 22 ylviinta hatiroad first Mort g 00 50,000 Perneylvania Railroad Second — so ' s- ' ':*3 Six Per Cent. Bonds •••_.— 59'26° 00 15,0130 30 1 0 ag 8 s ibaree Stock . fiermani -- own gas Company, principal and interest p gua m ranteed bt the • city of Philadel. _ra ........ • 15.'300 O 3 5.500 120 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Rail road Company.9,l42l oo 5,000100 Shares Rock North Pennsylv ania Naltrond. OM 00 10,000 United stales Treasury ' Indebtedheas.,... 48. 80.000 State of Tennessee ' Viva; Per — Co Loa n — .12.111 11:1° 00 sEtsoo hoses on Bond and illortesue. amply 1868,260 Par. Cost $642,100.60. Market, Ta1c...WM.627 87 Beal B&W. • ~, • SCOW 00 Bills recivable for insrmanses made 118. SM 42 Balances dne at ageneles.—Premt. tuns on Marine Policies, Accrued Interest, and other debts due the Core ilan7 • •-•••• • •••.•••••• •••••-• • 28,793 24 &rip and Stock of simeiry Insurance and ot her Companies, 44,262. Inti- Caen mat on d vpevalu o e it with —United 2.220 00 t Mates Government.anbiest to tendays' —400,000 00 Cash in 68,164 99 Cash in Drawer. 637 66 —4168.692 99 DIRROTORS: Thomas a nand. Samuel 11 Stoke& John 0. Davis. J F. Peaiston. Edmund A &under, Henri Sloan. Theophilne Paulding. William 0. BoultOn. John R. Penrose. BO ward Darlington. James Traquair, H Jones frocks, Henry 0. Dane% Jr.. Jacob P. Jones, Junes CI Hand, James E. a eFarland. William Ln4winr, Joshua P Ore, Joseph H. Seat , mear bleilvarae, George 0. Leiper, John B Semple ,Pittsburg Hugh Orals. A. B. Berger, Pit - Mbar& Robert Barton, THOMAS C. HUD_„ President. JOBB O. DAMS . 'Vice President. BUST LVLBUBB, isesretery. del6-17 TH p E tn y r ELIANCE INSURANCE COM . OF PHMADELPHIA.. _ . Incorporated in 1841. - Charter Perpetuity 071008 80. 308 WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL. $300,000. Nausea against Lou or DIUDEMP by FIBS Honek Mores. and other Buildings, limited or nenetual: on Furniture, Goode, Wares, and Manhandle., in town or country LOBBBB PROMPTLY ADDISTID AID PAID. ASSEtS,S4OO.OBB 71. Invested in the following Securities. viz. First Mortgages °Wily Property,mell socareddllt6oo 00 'United States Government Loans. MAO 00 Philadelphia City 0 Per cent- LoanS• 60,000 00 Pennsylvania $3.000,000 6 per cent. Loan 16,011 CIO Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, And and ma enadn Camde and. Amboy Railroad CoMPanY'll WOO) 00 percent. Loan.---'................... COCK) 00 Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Cow._Dare 6 per . sent, Loan • . Loop oo Guniinadon and Broad Top 7 per tent. moot gage bonds 4,010 Counts Fire Insurance Company's Stock— 1 orA 08 Mechanics' Bank Stook (MO 03 Commercial Bank of PenneylvanleStost 10,000 00 Union Mutual Insurance COMPULY'S Skink.. NO 00 Reliance Insuranee Company of Philadel phia's 1,000 00 Accrued 6.40 92 Cash is bank and on 02a 23 Worth at present market DIBIOTOBS. Clem r huder. William Stevenson, Wm. El Thorough Benj. W Tinnier. Willi's% Musser, Marslusll Had Samuel Blspham, Charles Leland. H L. Carson, L Johnson Brown. Robert Steen, Thomas Moore. r CLEM TINGLKY, Preeddent , THOMAS!' C. HILL. Seeretar pHILADHLPHIA. December A NTHRACITE INBURANCE COM- A -v- Mr.—Authorised Capital 111400.00O—OHARTZE PBBPBTDAY, • • - Oface AO, 311 WALNUT Brent, lbetween Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against Loss or Damage by lire, on Buildings. Furniture. and Merchandise ssne rally. Also. Marine Lusuranses on Vessels, Cargoes, and Preighte. Inland Institutes to all parts of the 'Union. DIRSOTORS William Esher, I Davis Pearson, D. Luther, Peter Seger. Lewis Andenried, J. 11. Baum, John It. Enckiston, William F. Dean, Joseph Maxfield, John Ketcham, WILLIAM Shßsß, President. WM. P. DIVAN, Vise President. W. N. SMITH, Secretary. apS4f AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1810 CHARPSE PIR PSTUAL. No. 310 WAI,IIIIT Street, above Third. Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and. Surplus in. vested in sound and available Securities, continues to Insure on Pwellissa, stores. Furniture. Mercsandise. ireseels port and th eir Oirdeas, and giber Per4oald. Property. Ali losses liberally asei Ytatarlil9 adinitad. DISNOToSS. Thomas I Marie. James IL Calellbell, John Welse, I Edmund G Samuel C. Horton, Charles W. Poultnei. Patrick Brady. Israel Morris. John T. Lewis. THOM ALBUM' C. L. CRAWFORD, AS X MARIS, President. Secretary ts 47 tt FIRS INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. —M PRINBTLVANIA FIRE INIMIRS.NOR 0011- PART. Incorporated PM. CHARTER PIRPRITAL. 10, 51.0 WALNUT Street. onnosite Indorses:dense Vi l a bonmany. Dive rably known to the soramnsitY for nearly fortyears, continues to insure agatnet Lou or Damage by Fire, on Public or Private Buildings. either permanently or for a limited time. also, on Fur itte. stocks, moods, or Merchandise generally, on Issl terms. - Their capital, together with a large Sarcasm rand, to invested in the most careful manner, which enamel" them to offer to the fissured an undoubted seenrity is the ease dims. DIRECTORS. Pe Lu Jonathan Patterson, Dal Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson , John DeTeroOM• /Mao Heciehurst. Thomas Smith. Thomas Rabbi& xtionr" l "' J. dillini ird JONATHAN PATTERSON, Frown& WILLIAM G. estowsra.. Secretary. E COMPANY, :TRIM STRUT. RLP HIA. ND arstrauiroL P !ORB • iohn W. Ivernten. Robert D. Potter, John Ressler, Sr,. R. 3) Woodruff, Charles Stokes, - • Joseph D. EAU. I if. President. BON, Vise President. tam 3a14-te FAME INBURAN I No. 41N5 011118 PM AID Ida. wash rock, arias Richardson . Reurg Lew% Ras:suet Wright. P. 8 AtaiticA), em u A. we,. rsAvias L 18:143 • - - - CHAS. RICHARD: W. I. BLANCHARD. &we NIAVIDNERT AND IRON• Agin PENN 13TEA.31 ENGINE AND BOIL= WORKS. NRAFIB /1; LEVY, PRACT/041 AMID EIBBTICAL BNOCIBERS, MA CHINISTS: BOILBRMAKIREI, BLACKSMITHS, and ZOICIDIRS, having for many years been in suseessfal operation, and. been exslusively_ engaged in building and repairing Koine and River Ingines, high and lore. preseure. Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers. Bs.. &a respectfully offer their servieee to the puha.; as wag foMy propernd to contras* for engines of all sires. Marina. River, are tay; hau nt . of patterns of different Mee, propreed to - ordere with quick dispatch. livery description of pattern miaking made at the shortest notice. Nigh and Low immure. line, Tabular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Penn sylvania shoved Yorgings of all elms and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions; 801 - Turning. Screw-Cutting. am all other work connoted with the above business. Drawings and ossification; for all work dons at the establishment tremor charge, and work guaranteed. Tao subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for Ju nin of boats, who, they ca co in puled safety, and are provided with shears, bloke, fells. Be.. non raising hearY or light Weighte. JACOB C. JOHN P. LEVY. MIAMI and PALMER Streets. 1. EASOBAS MESSICK. WILLIAM K. MSRRIOS. JOHN 31 COPE SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BMW& PEILIADELPHIA. NNIIRICK & SONS, ,AND MACHINISTS. mannfacTailignad — air Pressure Steam Swam% or lend, river, and marine service. Nam, Olioinetviv. Tanks. Iron Boa% al& ; Oast• Into oral kinds. either hen Orbfass. iron-frame Roofs for Om Works, tdfosishapa, R a n. road Station'am Retorts and . Oaf Machinery of the latest and most proved sonstrootion. Sven" description or Plantation Masiditery, such Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans. Open Stettin Trains.Defeestovi,Filtere, Pumping lisesso 1 4 , Sole anent. for N. Millienz's Patent Sugsr-Be Apparatus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Ifammer_, Aspinwall a Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal EnCei• Drainine Machine. snit It ‘GRICN & LONO, ruuromr won% vaio mum. MEM It rurinsers, °nor Makers, gat esi BatMem Tanks of ovary description mule to order. 8010 Agents for Long's Marine itsHamadan. n7lB-11 THOMAS M'DONOUGH, GENERAL sLiessairriliire, ELK STRUT, ARoVE NON STREET,FRANKLIN, PENNA. no tloe, U Mr Boring took on howl aT INA4o to order on shi t -32 AVCTION SALE WOUVESS, BRINLEY. & No 6I I.4IEMIITaftd 612 11 SALB OF INPONTND AND DONNIC ON FaiDal IVOR& 1 / 1 .0. Tune Pd. at On O'Olock. on font montar 400 Pa.% Age) 412 lota of fancy SALE OF -UNITED BTATEI IBEI AT AUCTION. 111 TED STATES A. WifelittifiTON, D. C.. Will be s.egd at public Inds, to the hit Ml 2 o'clock ON SATURDAY, the twenty fonrib day of lime next, at , Washingcon. 1), the Vetted ' , Wei Vitoore Watch, Jobb:ter. Teaser, Poll &Mos, J P. liforwonr. ("cons de Lim intern World, Watnberton f • Allan, at Inc Baltimore is a wo , den aids - wheel fel , wing duneneioest Leave, 260 fee be m. 76 feet 8 tn• bet; -depth of hold, 10 of retailer, 44 lathes vetro b e or platen. pe Watch L propwler: Length. 621 besets 17 feet; depth Infield. 7 feet; dial car. W_laches• stroke orpiator- 16'imatts The atelpet ' is a prope,ter aritheint ism diameteroaad of beam,lB'teet; depth of cylinder, 21 inches; ittrokt Jacinto. The Teem It a single °seine PrOltdi feet; bretaera of beam. 18 fest: depth of h, rm. tar of Of li w ooden ;411. of Pt, The Putna l e a elle-Wheal ate! 103 feet 6teches , breadth of beam: 22 feel 7 :set 2 nicheat illaweter of 'MEW: 32 of piston. 6 feet The a doable org'ne pro Pete- Si feet: hr, addr of beam, 16 feet 6 inches; depiit a'fLo 7 V et:dimmer or cylinder, 17h/chest emote of piston, 17 inches, . _ The Crews is a wooden aide wheel steamer: Length, 110 feet; brew. th of beaM, 32 feet 6 lashes ;depth of hold, 7 feet 6 inches; diameter of cylinder, 31 inches; stroke of plebh. 7 fest The .1. 21 teemotir te it wooden nide. wheel steamer: Length, 160 I , et: breard , h t..erik. 19 'feet 8 lecher: an pub of bola, 7 /set blehell dlamatee Of 0911 odor, 36 lychee: stroke of Taman. t feet The Cesar de Lion is a wooden side. wheel steamer: Length, 92 feet 7 inches; breadth of beam. 21 feet 9 hats; depth of hold, 6 feet 2 inehen; dlaniater_of ay- Linder, 24 Itches stroke of piston, 6 feet. The Zeta lea s lna'e engine pr .peller: Length, 63 fest ; brew th or beam, 12 Feet lh inches; depth of hold; 0 feet 9 int:then; dmmeter of cylinder, 19 inches; stroke of pie. ton. 16 Inchon. The Mystic is a wooden propeller. single °acme: Length, :67 feat; breadth of beam. 24 feet 7 incite.; epth oft old, 12 lest; diameter of cylinder, 42 inches; stroke of Osten. 48 incites, Tee , Western World is a wooden propeller: Length, 178 feet; beesotb of beam, 3Leet 3 inches: depth of h Id, Ei feet; diameter of cylinder, 34 inches; stroke of piston, 4feet. The Bat le a dde wheel steamer, bath of steel plate, tech thick: Leatth, 230 feet; breadth of beam. 26 feet; depth of hold, .1 feet 10 teebes; diameter of Cylinder, 69 Inches- stroke of piston. 4 fest% ate - 'Bum taw on to an iron site-wheet meamer: Length 2l1) feet; breasts of besot. 06 feet 4. lathes; depth of held. 13 feet 0 theyee; diameter of cylinder, 03 Itches; 'belie of piston, 60 Males The Lillian is en Won ode-wheal steamer: Length.= feet; breath cf beam, 29 feet 4 inches; depth of hold, 11 feat; diameter of Cylinder, .11 inches; stroke of piston. 64 itches, The vessels may be seen. god farther particulars made known, on eppiteatien to Commodore a. B. blostgeone• ry, Commandant Washington Navy Yard, Terme of sale malt: is Gpreenment lands; dve (6) Per Cent oil each vowel at av e time of sale. d the Wenn) within six dare thereafter. XS. mist 0; SALE OF STEAM TUG, BARGES, Ain OEMS BOATS. CHIEF QUARTERN•PIOR'S OFFICE. .LEPOT OP WASHINGTON, VVISHINOTON, .0 0.. Jane ISM, Will be cold at public suction at AIA EX•sDRIth, Virminia under the Muslim of Ceptelu J 0. C. LEX A. Q M. U 8. A , on PSIDAY. Jane 23, 1885, at 11 o'rlocis A Id , three Swamis an Col/one: Barge Alt. aItEW 0 'OD WIN. - Barge BAIL COLUMBIA. Barge WASP. aLSO, *vow be sold. under .the direction of Captain H. R. LACET, A. Q, M , at B•street Wb.arf. in the etc y of Washiogton, D. 0 . ye tu ottett kr. Juno 24, lia, at 10 o'clock A. YA. , the i..urtna vessels, viz: lit , amteg JECONIS BARER. Barge JAMES 118121 t, and TWu LABOB SEIBE 601iTS. Tetras cult, is Government funds. D. H. BUCKER, Brigadier Ileaerel and Chief Qoarterme,tee. iel.4 et Depot or Watbiugton, SALE OF SERVICEABLE MULLS QCrARTERSIASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE. WARRINGTON, D. D., Jane 9, 1815. By direction of the Qnsrteansostsr there will be sold, at public ancaon, to the highest bidder, at the tiniaa and wares nazi .4 bol,w. viz WILLIAMeWORT. PA....MIK DAY, June 15.1885, B b Don, FA. TH17.1481)4.Y. June L 6 Ha SOnAISTOII. PA., THURSO sY, Juoe 21, 1565. Vs . thetlwilTo*, DEL , THURSDAY. Sttee 21. 1865. PPrinPviria, PA ItAY. Juue 27, 1866 DARIeIsBURG. PA, THUrt3DAY. June 29, 1845. Two buudrea tiSEVICIBuiIbS ',OLDS st +sash place. Many et teem were bough( in tto begiunius of the War. as young melee. accompanied the armies in all marcher and camps. and are thoroughly broken, hardened by OXl , Cillft, gentle and familiar trom being co long surround. d by the soldiers. though stood and, serviceable, they are no longer re (pV.Yed in the army. and can be purchased at these sales at far lees than their true value Th• attention of both miners and formsre is especially invited. Mules sold singly. Sales to commence at 10. i. N. Tenne—Cash, in United States currency JAM A ABTA. ie12.12 Brevet Blindier General. in charge Pleat Division Q ST G. 0. SPECIAL SALES OF BERVIORA.BLE 8.011988, QUAItTBRILASTBR GIIIBRAL'S OFFICE. WASHINGTON, D. 0.. June 1. 1866.. By direction of the Quart,rmeater General, there will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the times end p aces named below. viz: 0111.1BORO D. 0 , MONDAY, Junes, 1886. OlgsBORO; D. C., SA rISHDAY. Jane 10. 1865, Gle.SHO'Su 4l , D. 0 , MONDAY. June 11. 1854, 8eL410.118 MD. ,_WED fund 14, 1865 ILLTAMPORT, PA., SATURDAY. June 17. 1865, MB6TCHEiTER. SATURDA t, June 17. 1865. DIESSORO D C., oATORD sY Jule 17 1866, 019.6D0R0, D C., MONDAY. Jane 19 1866, olEhtiono 0,0., EATIDIDAT,_ Jane 24. ISM, PHILADELPHIA, PA , SaTORDA.V_ June 24. isto, alio:BONO. I) , MONDAY, Jane 26. 1110, PITTRIIIIRG, PA., SATDUD /a July 1 1868. GIESBORO, D C., SATURDAY. July 1, 1865, Two 11nr.dred Serviceable Draft tierces at each place $1.701,684 02 . . . . An opportunity to purchase a superior Mass of Draft licr=ee, at far less than their true value, is now afte , ded to the public. The animals, though sound and service able, are no longer required in the army, and must be sold. The attention of managers of city railroads and of mannfactoties lb espeolidly calle I to these aides. Bones sold singly. Bales to commence at 10 A. 111. Terms—Cash in ignited States currency Steamboat for tliesbom will leave Seventh•streat wharf, Wasbinston. every honr from 9 A at to 6P. E. JAMliti A DEM, Brevetlfriaadler oensrat in charge, .144-23 t First Division. Q M. G. 0. SALE OF_ GOVERNMENT HORtiES. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S °FEW% FIRST Dxvistott• WASHLEOTON CITY, Hay V, 1865. Will be sold at rroblis auction, to the highest bidder, at Glesboro, D. C. on FRIDAY, June 8, 1985, • TUB ••DAY June 6, 11366 TBIIBSDA. June 8 18 66, FRIDAY, June 9, 1866, AND ON TUESDAY, TIMIS OST. and YRIBAY of each Week tbereafter during the month of Jane. 1865 , TWO. HITNDRMD ca.Vavair MOUES MAXIM SAY. For toad and farming purposes many good bargains May be bad. Horses sold singly. Sale to commence at 10 A. M. Terms ash, in United States currency. Steamboat for Giesboro will leave Seventh-street wharf, Washington, every hour from 9 A. AL to 6 P. E. JsblSe A. 11/1118. Brevet Brigadier General, in charge let Division, Quartermaster General's Office. 161-251 SALE OF GOVERNMENT HORSES. $400,008 71 IatrARTEEILASTER eavalitAVO OFFICIN. Fncsr Dlvra WimixoTom Urn', MAT W 186& win bo Bold at public auction, to Me taghool , biadtda at the times and lasces DII.III9LL below viz BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, wEDINESDAY. Jane 7. 1866. LANCASTER, PENES , / 1:1 7 ;NIA THURSDAY, June A, TH URSDAY, Jane TENi I tNA NI " ' alfßB":l.' WEST CHESTER, "TEADIV IB6S ' MIFFLIN, rEfi l l n a l ey4 MAN ' lA' T"RBDAT, NIA, THURSDAY. Jane June Ei ism , pErssi.gYdalfil. T Ban: BALTIMORE. Baryt,7ls, ' "-----1% riTTEHURo. palm Ca WEDNBSDAr. . 29. V I A R EA, THURSDAY, TWO HTINDP I R OAVALRY HORSES at each place. For road and farming purposes maim good bargains may be bad. Bones sold singly. Sales to commence at 10 A. M. Terms—caalt, in United States mummer, JAMBS A.. ERIN, Brevet. Brigadier General. ied-Idt In charge First Division Q. M . G. 0. LARGE SALE OF GOVERNMENT WAGONS AND HARNESS. Gaup QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. DEPOT OF. WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON. D. 0:. Jane 17. 1868. Will be told at public auction, under the direction of Brevet Colonel Charles H. Tompkins. A Q lb 4, k at the Government Mill, situated on 13 street. between Twenty • drat and Twenty-second streets, in the Oar or Washington, D. about TWEE2I THOUSAND SETS OF SINGLE MULE. HARNESS, WA= A LOT OF. SADDLES. &d.. which have been need in public service. The harness will be sold in single sets. ALM. About 1.500 WAGONS, which will be sold singly to the highest bidder. The We of Wagons will commence on WEDNEWAY., June 28,1866, at 10 o'clock A. At. with a lot of about four banana, at e paint nort h of the EttilVtad Park, near the terminus of New York avenue north. and after their sale le completed the remeinO er will be sold on 0 street east. between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets. near the Lincoln Hospital. The site of Har ness will comments on THURSDAY. June 28, 1855. at 10 o'clock A. M She gals of Wagons and Harness will continue, on alternate dans, until the whole number is sold. Terms cash. In Goventsnent Bonds. The attention of buyers la called to the large sale of MULES, commenced on Monday, May 22. BM, and which is still being sontintted from day to day. D B. EU IBIS. lir% flan , la Chief Guarterroaster, j e -19.11. Leeo of Washington. NOTIOR.—BALE OF ARMY MULES. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OPTIOI!, WASHINGTON. D. C , May IS 1566. _ MANY THOUSANDS OF MULES are being disposed oL at public sae at Washington. The sales will eonttune until the number of animals Is reduced. In proportion to the reduction of the armies. now going on ratidly. There are in the Armies of the Potomac, of the Ten, netitee. sad of Georgia. _probabty TEAMS THOII6AND OF TER TIMOR SIX,MULI TRalifS IN THB WORLD. Many of them were bought in the beginning of the war, as young mules, accompanied the armies in all their marshes and tamps. and are thoroughly broken, hardened by enrolee. gentle and familiar, from being so lofig surrounded by tile Soldiers. The whole South is stripped of fatale, stook / . Mid the North also ha* suffered from the drain of animals, taken to supply the armies. Theseanimals are NW d at publis auction; TEST WILL NOT 88186 ANYTHINO LIES THEIR THUS TALUS ; and such opportunities for farmers to get workings animals to stook their farms, and for drovers and dealers in stock to make good speculations, by purchasing them and disposing of them in the South, will never occur again • M. C. MEIN, Quartermaster General, .19241 i Brevet Major General. COTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUGS OADIVJAB, of all numbers and brands. Tont.Acentng.Tremic, and Wagon.eover Dusk. Jibs°, Paper Manufasturers' Drier Felts, from one to Iva feet wide; Pauline, Bolting Sail Twins. dm JOHN W. IiVISEIMAA di ion.ll Mo. 103 JONES' A ll ey. 4% MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT wimp Two; Diaatoarm WATOIIIa JIMILDY PELTS. alarliallo, am.. al zothe a oo , s OLD lomousolp LOAD 07110 D, Coma TRIED and OADMILL Ma. • b.loy Lambast atd24to /MANS db WATSON'S MAfiLLAKARDI LI PHIL ELPHI~ I'l L L lnn Mists of ruLA•FLOOP SAM Almon ofkAA am. E. B. X.S.RIABY, yostirisUuiro iumbERTAIIIM L sumo TN TR amal ORRIN Stuarts. JeS-g= N rig ICSILIEV'S COTTAGE ORGANS umaus.llD bat 17112IIALIIIID St bulb of Tone and Power, aaped upuLll7 tar "Aura* and flaboola, bat naiad to be oonallY Melt adapted gi the Parlor sad Drawbar Soma. Tor sale only by to. 11111010 4 West. Mao. a doyablata anettiasat of Am bialeasas sanidautiv an Mali- ralNOui PHILADELPHIA EDE Glow SANDAGN INSTITOTI. No. if N. NINTH Mama, above MAO —N. warm. &Nor thirty...your pm/NW exporloaaa Eratoms tko okiltal aQuirramt of hi. Promitua Pa , Graduating Fromm* Tram. Supporters. maim Idaso. Shoulder Brom. °Mikes. So. Ladles' sapasskoato condoled by a lowly. m4lO —decen 1 1 " " th. 17a°11 ' cloth —pieces loom Haan hoot. drt to, ttn-lb n , diaper pieces tird's•eye s „ IkA 4 edicai and 5 bin Bro demo* clothe. / va , hook torr4o. batcl linook r Trio above grows are of port i, Vo.c at e ke t itfit landrd "Our' of Cork' ',' aad • • C.f. IF „f kitkro 6,,c010tt olLtAlc , 314, Pidib.mownbiquetrantitklr4 Id. dine., b.r.get, ali goo , 6-lurmrri Atop grain. fabey e1ik.,0114 Miryl a r . tthlro garze velea homer", sirm^B4 irk umbral4"l goody, notions!, am FOBITIFR SALE OF' OARFEFITII 0 3, Win marriaci- &'r OR FRIDAY sfetßltill 0, Auto VI at 11 o'clock, will be sollt. br Betti e four months' credit, abontif3 'pieced st Ingrain, royal damask Venetian,. k ;11, c,;4 and red carpeting , : Canton and; COCNA op,' embracing a choice Selkortumitot,npe4, 4 ro Muy be ex/knitted early . 011 titeesprbise co lisle.' W. LABOR BARB OF VRIVIOR Fair (It 10kg, Olk MtelllD►AY kirnitfiko„ June 26th , at leo'cloek. len in sold by es ttb 4 , t a emelt of four moktbe shoot 500'1,0TH of Frond,. India.. 051114, and Brtid.h dry go etußtaVng a I trite sod twice ti..z0.), Q .- 4 t 4 . ; it .4 Itayle si ti o . 4 1- 4 st.k, tocested. toocdsa.. linen, t t 4 . 1. Nit fnbtice. N —dimples the shine SPIII ht *mtred aroination, With esialogd.t. sari) eta toe oporrait t the sale, when dealers• will And It to laetr teteisi attend. LABOE PEREMPTORY SALE OP' Engrg, s ßn 8R00d2411, TRAVELLIWO NAGS. 41TRAW OD No. ON TNEEDAY MORNINO, June Mb. es JO o'clock, will be sold. Ur !Attic. VII kW' menthe , credit...whoa' Will pr+fiery, r 4 aces brogare, travel bars, dic.. or nit , Tirol ens reannfectnea embracter /I fresh and prio, ,;" scent of seasonab/e roMEs. which will be on. l andnation. with catalogues, on the atern:ns PHILIP FORD & CO., ADCTIO NEER ; 525 MABEE r and SEA GOMIS EGA Nr4,' LARGE SrLE dP 1,400 CMS BOOTS Arm 41190 . We will eat on THURSDkIi mow. orING. Jane 22, oommenolnif at ten WOlOOl,l and 3 mob's - lsvoss. shoes, balmora!s, s . vt slipers, oxford ties. brooms, . Are , :1„ 14 ble emenrtuteni of women's, misses, and enisity nftar. PAFCGABT g WA.II NOCK, At t ', TIONSERS. no. 240 MARK= Street, LABOR POSITIVE SALE 07 700 LOPS 411E9111 AND 15iPOIsTBD MIX D00D.., 14019.04,th. EIBBOrS, OILLINZIII GOOLFS, lir de.4sr GuaD, goiaßß,Y, Acc , ago.. &c . by o.sta ogno, THIS KOB,IIIOO. June 21. 1.025, cou menet,' at JO n Onok. l frev.rat soortnmut of dneD ble and 6 ,nson 1.000 DOZ. LIDBN CAMBRIC 111 NE lnalndnd in sale alas lifOßtill G. a full line of LA%) doz •n lad•es' plain and ilmswit c 4, Ai" linen cams4lo handkerchiefs: gents' he iss•l tome Inch hemstitched At do • lad 98' Plato sr; 5 1.k . 4 do.: being a full assorttnent, from low to ricy qualities Also, an invoice of gents' pure linen shirt tv i , IsCiß ts.olaßallla erst• L sf:11 10 Also, now styles embroidered j+rotiet Ctczflea inserting', f c.l4lPlFar infackt, waters. emb•old-r-d kerchiefs cellar, and nets IWO, Imre/Wpm and tioriu • aisle, dm. Also, black end while rmsnd and and, v, r , AnD MILLUIEKY GOODS. Fault de sole bonnet and trimming rtheen,, Bong laces,, tarletons, Swiss masts, NU lawn, &c., STRAW GOODS. Mosses new shape straw. bonnets, caps, mil'el bola' bats. t bakor hoods, &a HOSIERY GOODS. HOOP , SHIRTS, au; ,e c , Also, ladles' and misses' steel sprint hoto-V, corsets brown and white cotton hNie sat halt•h9 luta nets, spool thread, no.tow. stock coed., TOILET SO Hai mei Assorted mar whet ...P- M>OZS AND eTaTIOdRRY, Mao, a stook or books, stationery, inns, dte MTHOMAS & SONS, . so.. 139 and 141 !bath roinin at, Pabßo Bales of Itafil Baste and Stook', at tis change, even, Thomism, at 12 o'clock. EXECUTOR'S psanteroety SALE, ON TRH p+ NOSES, NEAT NoDdltre R52406 4 441E AND Idt TUNE, Ito. 1605 WAGLACS STEERP, THIS !KORNIS% .Tune 21st, at ten o'clock. on the premises, to, Wallace et .et, the neat modern residence, wits eti and coach bones, twenty feet front, one hundred eithty root deep. to Borth .droot rtale Eibtolnte, .60111EHOLD F6ENITUNII, • Immediately after the silo Of the &Mite 00 41 household furniture. . . PLINO, Ting - TRY fisevErs, THIS NO.M.Nizi . . Mit !Int . at 10 o'clock, at no 3.8 , Mersinll etrea below Gallowhill street, the household and kite! furniture, fine toned pianoforte (hi Loud), tipeg cerr•ets.pier mirrors, &c. Aar- May be examined at 8 o'clock on the TELOW.I4 the male. - Executor's Salo. No ?6'6 Wallace street. NEAT HOME°Ln FOS 61/11T1111, TAPES 'DS, Gt nTlito /MAYS Str BED 4. &o. , &a, Tills MORA ING. Sletinst., at 10 o'clock. at No. 1606' Wa/laoe atut,l% household and kitchen furniture, 9ne tapestry, cos! feather beds, bedding. &a &o The real estate will he Bald at 10 o'clock preciolt Prevtous to the sale of forniture Kay be exambli o'clock on the morning of the eale. Bile at lON. 139 and 114 Son% Torrrth street. BUTBRIt‘R 11.013t1BBOLD FURNITII4I, PROoF 8 F SS.FINB F.s tics PI, OS tiILaTEI,OI , TIER Bilkiltelth, IthLLIARD TABLE, BAY, VD' VET AID oTRER CARPETS. ato OR THU etBDAT ktOILMINCI, At 9 o'oool4 at the Anotton erore. enpertor hourlAt rerneenr.r. Nate mantel and 19. 6 r mwen Are-proof earao k biiiiard table with baits ana tine table's and desks, book•caeen, iron ratitn¢.Le ..l Vet Brnerels, and other carpets, em. Cataolettea now ready and the ar:ioies arranged. tz. examination a Sale No. 346 Souik Eighteenth street, SUPERIOR FUR num miLorizoi, , kc, ON MONDAY BONNIE,. With bud, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at ifo. 3458aa. Eighteenth street, the superior parlor, dinieg.imsr chamber flireitare, fine. toned rosewood 6 active ma, deon, line engravings, Mina and glassware, Lau pets, &a sc The turlitura was made by Lutz Hay be emit at 6 o'clock on the morning of the tale, &Mk -- U. B. MAIL LINE FRO, RALTIMOBB for FORT. MONROE, it FOLK. O.ITY POUT, and BIOS MORD, by dal ateamere and experienced captains, The Bay Line eteautere Louisiana and Denial W. star will leave the Union Dock, foot of Concord at , / daily. at 11 o'clock P, Monroeort Monroe and durt , a.e.tbsse at Fort With the steamers 6i, gianit ane M Martin for Point and Ricaaviad. te Returning. will leave Richmond at 6 A. B. dal It stopping at City Point, and connecting at Fart ligl) with the Bay Line steamers that leave Norfolk at 2i M.. and arriving In Baltimore time for the Esc and Western trains, and for Washington Oily, 1.1, U. I The steamers of this line navigate the Jame vied going and returning, entirely in day time string centers ample. time to see the fortifitationo, and other obi ate of interest. Tickets for the above places can be had onboard old boats. Fare from Baltimore to Norfolk. ........ Fort Monroe . • „ Through tickets from Baltimore to Richmond. »••• F' St6te•• WWI; ild eale extra City Point The etate-room accommodations are unettroassed , tu the table well supplied. Pastel:4ms taking the 116 train from Philadolptll , wilt make connection with this line, Pas-engers taking the 11 A. M train front MO TON ha ve ato m t i me to dine in Baltimore. r a .„. le)itli4 the 9 P it tub trilm wtogo• _ make oonnootion with this line. A coach will be it waiting on the arrival at 6 .641 1- train from Philadelphia to convey passenger . "" ' boats of this line, free of charge. Baggage carried free of charge. M. M. FALLS, Prooldool R. D. JANA% General Passenger Agent, Pailcl phis, JoN4I BOSTON AND PECILADA FRIA STIAMPIIIP L INS, sailing from o port on ErATORDAL lt S from first wharf avow ra Meet. P4ll.l , 6lPhis , and Long Wharf. &stork. The Wein:sow woltliAlt, Cant Baker. will Act f,' Philadelphia for Bosto OR ilaintdayyjnae 24, and eteamehip n, lAA Matthawe ton' for Philadelphia. on the same dip at 4 P. S. Thole new and m*1411,21%14 steareshipe form a line, mains from OMIL port tetnetnally on Bdailer+ Immense* effest4d at one-helf %hobnail= atE on the rowels. Tretatts takes at fair retell. *hipper' are requested "0 mad 84. Idoseipts ma I ig Latins With Mali arras, .. MIN@ 7 " 71911 M 9r Palma (11191nr Ea s eeeeirOadr mixt.' ims? wlbiroloitfr v- •, w 4341 13* Beath DBLAWABI One , _---- dialk STEAM TO LIVERPON: Calling al Queenstown—The Ilium L!.l railing nsall-WSZKLY, carrying the V f 3. (MARGO . W....._ ... • .....-.WSDNESD hot" CITY OF L0ND044—........ SATURDAY. Jose S, CITY OF DUBLIN WEDNNSDAY, Jaw? CITY NEW YORK • fIaTiIRDAY..7OI7 i'" At Noon, from Pier 44, North River. RATES OF PAPAW& Pint (labia—. $9l) 00 Steerage. .... • • to L ond on . 95 00, " io . rolVlOn. • 41 ,. " toParie....los 03' to pods Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Barnhart. men, &a . dtc. • at moderate rates, . 1 5. renege by Me mail steamers, satilna„,erszy day, bay able niabld.. Paeans by the thin TO"' era, payable lit D. 0 etir , :n. . to rp, fimerama plummy! from moerpool or 411)011 , gold. or its equivalent. Tickets can. be bought Demons sending for their friends For further information, apply at the Com P ol, (Maas. JOHN D &LB,. avou, , .b 320. tiYl 111 WAI.IIIII - T Street, P ~ W W C.04= 1 0 F E OR T A 6B L K B . A .i . r i s IT IA D iaD A T a ro 13411.a1..—The Same S. PLANA° an.itar, Master, now ioadlog It Ant ' c o Y r i f e tkprnee street. TOT the above points, lime WILDARSDLY EVENING. For freight. 'which wilt be taken on reasonable o t t allay to D VLAlrAllati. jel9.3t 304 South DILIARARB Ali!! j id dr in t NEW TOW-BOAT —DSLAW /111.8 AND OBBSiN7, STEAM TOW. BOAT 00 MPANT. —Bargee To We L., from Pidle.delDbie. Havre de OramoJfallim 3 r a lra . :3 Dutton, fopi iutermadiatia_oltits, w P. ° I ,l v Old. Antal. HO. /*ROOTH WHATITM. Philmtf Hari. Joan bkuoutan. soavAskunk.4.llk, a l gae NEW BICPRESSiIit 114 wasmararoxl i Wte u hU. G an gn riP. o 4 bi sojel Steams Ism Int, Wkattlibovi over, WEDNESDAY sad likruRDAT. For Nr•Wit app), to /Wilk WY P. COLO -„g ilk North and Bona Whsnreihnlia. • LS. DAVY j 0•0111d0 1 / 1 4D.U. ; nowlas a RANAA I62°4 211'1441 A d o NOTION.-..P01 TOIL —Tk• PRaergi k e ToBX IMMO OMAN T Delzwar• fild 1118110inD AI 110.1.1 Mamas leave 11,141.10utri. WOW ilizwlo oNslask vu 1". Mc CO., B. wivai r tg.lo, MOB HAND, UT WALL 13U vr) labli4sa gay 4 Iy[LOICERBL A 'BERRING, 1311A.P.1 1 —3.1100 Mug. llro 1,2, snd late•eaunt fat 1a suorlid . Pookt ia r. A LOW boa. Kew lostwort, Newtons kreA . zal IfirbeklignUeiL„ 110. Ilenbut. sou bb Keit Ohm tO bozo Rexkinier.4lol2l7 la l ordt h Stars owl for sale Ay ial94/ ita 148 11011211 p O ORILDRZIN'S OARRIA.I33Otr" TIMMY NSW STYLES POE Tas qls !SLOE.-1. Bunter lot tut resetved,A.ti pa,. 01114, SIISMIVT, re. 119491 i 151 ud 159 9orthAw-- Salo No 818 Marshall street BmPPIN4 .