CITY rriMus. • Taw Sint Hato-The Mexican sea hat, made by Wood & Oary, 725 Ohesteut.street, are indispensable to beery lady about leaving the Mu for the country tea-sbore. Prices moderate. Entire stook of 'Straw goods selling off below cost, to Olose the ftsemnsti Ronan of every deseriptlon for sale by nu C. Aion, Mat and 8 North. Sigh West. n TUB ir BST FITTING SHIRT OF THE AGE ls "The Improved Pattern Shirt," Made by John O. Arrlson, et the old stand, NOB. 1 and 3 North Sixth at. Work done by hand In the best manner, and warranted to give satisfaction. His Stook of Gentlemen's Furnish. Jog Goods cannot be ourpatsod. Prises moderate. Flow !—The weather is tot, and the town is in a fall flow of Viltplration Everybody wants to get out of town, sad eforybodY , whether they go or stay require summer garments. To procure those in the highest style of art, and as cool and comfortable as they are elegant, it is only necessary to go to the BrOWn. Stone Clothing Ball of Rockhill & WHOM and 805 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Amnarroxas aalled to an adverUeement, under sad of rummer retorts, of the Eeetwlok Park. DlAcirrialcr SUNDOWNS.—Time celebrated Buts for sea-side and country wear are the Hata for the reason, as exemplified by the quantity Sail,' sold, only nt, ONARLRO QAXVORD & SODA', jele.6t Continental Hotel. Tan ?natio to Cautioned wabiet an imitation of the Photograph of LlBotellant General Grant, the original of which was taken by F. Gatekartet, 104 Arch meat. It le a bad copy. The original will be known by my imprint OD the back, jeltHit I.TBWAST STT LAB: STRAW AND SORT HATS, TOT gentlemen and yo CHAR ntbai now open at LDS OMMORD & SONS', Continental Rotel. Tim GoNAT FLAutnt air HUMANITY IS SOTO. • fula, which hall its Multiplied fortn9,whether in the, of -King's Evil, Enlargement of the Glands or Bones Ohronle Rheumatism, Can. • cer,Disease of the Skin or Spine, or of Pulmonary • Uonstimption, emanates from one and the came source, which is a poisonous principle In the human glyabin. Overcome tbis inherent depravity of the system, and a template restoration to sound health Is pnea!ble ; far if the cause upon which the dISOSSO depends is removed, a Oure must of necessity follow, ao matter 'andsr what form the disease manifestO Itgeitz ItLOlNirstgie JATNa's Alterative is possessed of this pee:niter efilCaoy that it is as generally sue. Maul ip,rrinoving so many malignant diseases; St destroys the 'virus or principle from which they orlifinate by entering into the circulation and being eartiad with the blood to the minutest fibres, driving sr ,inynartiole of disease froin the system. The berfevidence of this may be found in the testimony of isms *IX haVe tried It, and whose comtlfhlato3 are' jiwgth in Orayee's Medical AiManite, to be hod gratis of ell agents, Prepared Only 8t ZOO Chestnut street. jell St A FARM GMANOB TO MARS RIONTIT MT A SMALL CAPITAL,--'-rta Petsoleum Vapor Stove and Gas ' Light Cornpany, 819 arch street, Is now In aneeess• - ful operation s -and la ready to grant agonise In all ue,yrinoipalootudles in Pennsylvania, Oslaware, all&Wets:,Terney. Yalixablo county rights map be vecnied by applying at onoo at tilt otliso of the Coln. pany, 819• Aron street. jel7-7t Ir YOIVIVAAT to get rid of a Cough or Cold, or if in teed of so-remedy for Bronchitis, Asthmo, or any Pulmor.cry Com/laird, try at once Or. Sayne'S Fectorent.. Prepared only at 242 Chestnut et. jell et EAS, AND CIA.T.LERB, attoosaornlly treated by 3. iessas, M; D., Oonllst and Amin, 519 Ma st. grgolaloTos Insetted. No charge for examlnatlon. : ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, 41rard. iWm T Alrend, N York 'Gee W Morris, N York ISar.,l WiMarmot, N Y G W Mothers, New York J K Foley, Harrisburg Chas Patterson, Penne, Sarni M Rowan, Ohio John Watson, California H V White, Allentown Chas Harris, Keokuk John R (Minton, Keokuk Z H Winters, New York Wm S Elliott, New York A L Lewis, New York Olias M Patton,N York Jas H Shuster , Pittsburg L 0 Mclntyre, W Chester W J Young, Jr, Albany W H Anderson, Albany G W Turner, N J H. T Hisghlson, Fort Bel L B Williamson, N Y 11 M Burger, New York Mr & Mrs Endllett, Penn E Bast, Pennsylvania, , J A Ahl, Pennsylvania B May, Venango on H M Irwin H Edmonds, Pothiville Mrs A Overturf, Peterb'g R Remnier, Lyealettrg 11C Tones H McCullough, MoryPd J Vormasdell, Baltimore J B Frost & wf, N `V 'P 13 Jenason, New York 1W Van Ness & la, N Y H A Sherrill, Wash Mrs Benedict, Bait Wm Colder, Harrisburg C Yvey, Harrisburg John S Fisher, WinspOrt A K Kline, Reading G Mitchell, Ohm, 0 Joe Ferrier one, Pa S G &Mit, i Carolina J It Brown, NOW York H Jessup, New York IJ Hopkins & la, Bld Wm Merriam, Mass I John Morgan, Boston ' • The JaprehT korehaw, - Bait Nelh G ilndp.ere, Del Ton] Yfki.t.3ll. Waeh ilia Pattie & ob, Wash E Lousadei Hartford 1) .w Calmer°. New York I' xi Halsted, , New•York Jon J Mai; WaehlzAtton. Geo Hanley, New - York WE. Cidlor, Pittsburg And Haire% Pittsburg B Dooley New Jersey Rein, Clarlor;• Pa L R Blatiot, Pittsburg F TsitoaZge, Pittsburg! Witt t Blair, Penna cemeren, Pittsburg White, Canada V Olbster, uonn P W Howland Columbus J R Szoltb. Co/embus J Riallen, Stenoenville Bouleen v lllaryland Stonemanalaryland .7 W Barton, Baltimore Brokerhaff. Baltimore Miss Brokerbaff, Balt Dlasterßrokerbaff, Belt B I/tippled, Bucks oo 42_ L 110 0)w/ 1 / 4 . vet, Penna. DT& Cooper, Penna. W , Howell, New York ITTaIIer;USN H Oidenbarei Zanesville C Oaknollii Zanesville J Morrison, Chicago L. Sykes. Boston 'Shoe-Murphy & ter, Balt W J James: N Jersey Ono W CoWperthwalt P Cosmayor.. New York Ilse J J Moinbert, Pa o.l.,ockwood. Wise Fay Col G T Egbert, Wash Cap; watt, Wan. B A Leraborton, Penns blies A Davlei - Harrls.b , g Wir I meran . , Peona TTodd, Carlisle r ithean & eh, Wash Mr Blazon & wf, Penns tlaiental. The ton W 0 "Hopkins, Montana M JOhca,Plttsourg RWinelow, Boston A P Mere, California J B Eiv.verd A R Potta, Washington 33 ; H MP/0Y; Vermont IK Kelly, -Washington Coulter. Penns B. Bush, Virginia A W Webster, Conn G B Field & la, N Y, L Rani-in, Uniontown J Sues & la. Baltimore' 8 hi Btraus Sr, mr, Wash ri r ole ~FARcbre?,DC fi Ii Castle Rr wf, Cal 0 0 Skinner W &fres 5:-. la, N Y Chas Ktch, Baltimore G K Bennett, Esizimore C Watkins, lliehmond .1 I) Caterer, ilarrisbg T Powers k'is. Ky P L Lutle , r, Poctwilie Mrs & FBevertsge.Wash Cspt N Darling, Wash J M Moorhead, W Va W J 0 Ices S J J Deckniunni, Ey If W Stuckentolz, Ey B E Norris, Boston T Lindsley, Beaton Dr E Jarvis, Mess B Anderson H Beatty, ism York Mrs .1 E D Reeside, Washington F DI Colton, 1, -- aginia S lY flier, Alexandria, Va V Chaney Six, Baltimore R Veazey, Conu • T Whitton, Lowell T North, Lowell Rev S F Upham, Lowell W B Jaco‘,.l, bancas'r on C G Evans, Was Ycrk • Dudicy, New York F lEssleks <5.,'• la, Nashville. S L Bruce, I.:entnOky Miss DI 11;arF, Pentueky Miss. K Bunter, By Walter Stanton, N Y Britiae, Maisie Chas H 'Wheeler. N Y • Robinson, Penns Chas 11l DaCcsta, N Y D Yon Gower, N Y M Singer wi, N Y • R F Ruth & wf, Illinois IMaater F Rath, llllriotB !R H Jarman & tyl, Di "X' F Eagle, roan% Miss S B Berth!, Patina J T Wareham, Maryland A P Francis W 0 Plummer. J S Rorabsok, New York E H Elias, New York T Williams & wf, Ohio ,S.T Potter, Ponna D Cooke, Texas J T Wood, Pittsburg Dr Ebbo !J A NM" Na Jersey Nichols, New Jersey A H Glbbee. New jersey ,E itt Passer; New York ;Col S Illadriz, Caracas F At.l4lsdriz, Caracas .fi VWfsyde, US & John Fowler Jr, N Y Joules Moak; Wash J . %%Vaughn & wf. Del 0 W Sage, New York F AleLuwee, New York A Kendall, New York F W Vincent. Now :York E Wilder, Louisville 1K Gago,-MAy York 0T N Y Philip Tillinghast, Y ,De Belaium iVan Harie , Belgium IA E Vinton & wf, Ind IA H Brand, Kentucky Jas B Goldey, N Y ISBPKnox. USA lAEhrr D tlinson, N Y J Dixon Boman., Idd Mrs Rottinn, Md Miss RCID3SD, raid F Price :v. la, WasiOn James Moore, N Y A G Sargent, N Y Henry Stapler, Bucks co Mast WWI!) Vaugen,Del BJ Nally, Feats W M Fisher, New York .1. Mattson, Pert Carbon IChas Barber, Pottsville W M Hudson, N Y II Fremont, Now York r Gile9, New York N Elton & la. Goa, T L Kineey, (luta Alej J Occhran, Tenn A W Kemple, alluouri DI Wheeler, Dllesouri rickartntal. .F J Cassidy, S C !Ralph Tozer & wf, Pa Chas H Cool, Penns, G eo W Broneman, Pa GBO D Bolton. Cape May J F Cothran, Mobilo ltobt Norris, Mobile IE P Jonas, Alabama J 0 Salters,Chario , n, SO A J Liles, Savannah, Ga G S Thomas, Atlanta,Ga Alfred D Simms, S 0 0 S Porter, Madison, Ga T J Pritchett, Maeon,Ga 13 F Keller,Savannah,Gl F Cunningham, Tennl M B Shores, Tenn Jas R. Jackson, Tenn L 13 Holt, N OILTOIi2Ie, J H Huithes,G•Nltensb,NO H R Crichton, N C The Tie C L Nt9ttraer Jae P W.rms & wr, ra, West, Pittsburg L ETuteLeon, Tonn tlam - d3. (.1 P 311o.rphy, N Y G K Ryao, S C Geo A. Pheobrec, hid I Robt Burton Pittsbnrg V E Manget,Camden,So J H licv.ts, Malta, Oi.lo C L Hall. Malta, Ohio Butlor,TZew . Yerk A Levis, Pl_tbtirk* A L Bokhosscry FEUDS J 0- Koontz, Penns E . M Porter, ir heeling Adam Koons. Ilitca,..lnd R Eistruan, Boston E lizard-a; wf, Wash,D J W Enbcdy, hl Chunk .3 T Barhelt,- Bethlehem F E Borhek.- Bethlehem S mosen7. Beery -co, Ca las •Tuppilr, Jr, S A G CadworthiS W Fitzpatrich,,Tenn aLlielth, Tenn • Geo W Alexander; Tenn !TAWIS Keeton, 'Tenn .3- 0 Neil, Tenn - w S Rockwell, Georgia . TB-Hussey, Georgia -0 W Carson, Georgia .3' F W-Leach; Georgia • Chas Hayworth, Georgia iE W BaNiet Georgia A 3 . Fitzgerald,Georgta ADresrel, Georgia S E Waymonth, Georgia' •Sps Waithall, Georgia i Wm Pendants, Georgia S A More an,Sparth,Tenn J P Windle,lllonroe,Tenn 13 M Gaines, Tennessee Hem T Robson, Georgia , RI D Boom, , Tennessee :R Tomlinson, S Carolina T C McOleary,Temsenee B R Thomason, Tenn B F Cortright, Georgia R A Brown, Georgia J B Richards, Atlanth,Ga E T Williams, Alabama L A Hiller, Aitsoma, Pa W Sniffr, Alabama G W Taylor, Tivoll, Pa Cl-S Rankle, Goorgla A E liewlett, Atacama Chas Martin, Mississippi. M Stooall, Saissiseippl C Coney, 1111talssiprd W F Pratt, Alabama L N. Bean, Mica W H Ballard, N. Hiram Pearce, Tenn .1" M Singles% Tenn rir Martin, Teen IL R Young, Teen J Silts, Huntsville, Alan Rev A B Drituiley, Ala J A Turk, Mississippi N It Sledge, Mississippi Thos 13 Withers, Miss W L Coakley, Vicksburg A. Bond, 'Vicksburg H Bucks, Jr, S (3 J A Breedlove. N C L Crocker, N E H Lyon, 19' c d'a.,, H Bryan, MiSelasippl J E McCallum, Tenn W W Moßeynolds, Tenn IS R McCallum, Tenn J 8 Hubbard, Jacksonv W D Williams, Alabam k J W Alien, Alabama IR H Roark, Selma, Ala H Paine, Wash, Tenn T S Pointer, Alabama Jai F LDWIS, Alabama W J Crate, N Orleans T .T Marone'', N Carolina A MSullivan, N 0 _ _ . W ialpseAratkatohes E A ShotirellMort Del 'B J McComas, Ky Wm McKee, Pittsburg J A Walker, Knorr ' CIA E F Lytle, Cambria o 0 B H Tudor, Cambria co E E Evans, Cambria co Benj Militia, Gangla L Hughes, Marion, Ky 1B J Patterson, Miss 0 0 Wireabaelier,Plttsb'g hiessrow, Penna. IT Huila% Foweltou, Pa Beside, Tenn S A Beekhardt,.N J M Anspach Capt W R Havlland Se la W Porter, Wheeling,tia American, Copt T D Reed, TT S SF H Hears. Penns JA Ease, XII H C Mclntyre, York, Pa .I\T TtompecrA, Milroy, Pa X Furno7 daugh, Pa The Ii Cori% NeessYor h k 'Uhler £ la, Lebanon , S Kiteball , New York lir A Redara‘•e t Waoh'n •Captain A Izial7 :S. %I Whitaker E T Steers, Beaton H F Maw, New Jersey G W Goodwin, N t Henry Frit Is, Lewisburg iGeo Lear, Doriestown Jlarston, Baltimore S Edwards, Doylestown N James, IF 0 (look IB Van Dieter James S Gray, Nr Y A J Nash_ T B Kalbfus, Wnshlng'n Martin, New York W , gHall, Smyrna, Del W Bac.kott, Easton .Jae B Dilworth, N Y -Taints Duger Xtse DI Dnger Jo B Spangls, lidarietta Severns, wattitigt" L Griffith, DolaWare W /I Toner, Potter oo,Pa Johr. Rom, Potter no, Pa Mks Brater,, Ddillv,NT Howard Tamer David Austin, Now York Hy Lasing, Bridgeton Mr Cowell, Onio Tames Murray. N Y Smith, New York G Saunders, New York G Benemen,Serimy Shore WTI Cranston, N York Lewis S Davis. N York L thwack Now York The N•Wammer, Phoenixville E D °leaver, Low Mity R J Saeger, AllentOsin Joe Pomeroy, .Tonlata Co J M nra, nnefoul, W wouGoe, chambereg w Holz, slam P T B Sm Lit ith, tle, Penn Hagentown W E Boyer, Pottsville Jos Sharp, Pent' W Philips, Chester DI A Smith, - Now York P Gallup, New York S F Starr, New York .rWlLAßS°lilloelite4rrinGrtriBl 8 Itt. Plainer Easton P Easton, ' Easton John Field, bilinesville J Field, Milnesville L Wainwright, Janesv 3 a T B Cialbrue, Washingtla Sarni Elan, Chunk Dull Banns, Chunk A 1` Oh Evansville 3 - Maul:lough, Doylestown Amert, Walnut Bottom. J IGillespie, ()beater 00 Sarni Wright, W Oliester E C Rickman, W Chester Woodside Josiah Jac Sson,Clint'n Co E Lord, Camden, Del S Paxson, W Chester TOs James, West Chester A T Conceit, N Jemmy Jobn Sohoflald, Pena P Spear, Strasburg, Pa The Co , • A McLaughlin. W'msprt 0 ILlitrynolds, Lancaster Jostab Dixon, Balt X T Wright, Lana Co E D Jenkins,RocirSprlng J Antes, Penn% F Leathers, Penns H Hollinitsworth T Pierce, West ()heater it J Houston, Lana Co Jag Owe, ()heater 00 W 0 Glaf*ow, Md W T Richardson. H B Felton, N Jersey es Union. F C .Rhode N R Harding R A Young, Ooatesville J L Suydam, Hasidim Hie Thos Bradley,Oambrla eo G W Mitchell, Newport 3 P Heaton, Penns S W Heaton, POlllll6 The Stet .1" A. Swasey, Boston 7 Dennis, Coaster, Pa B W ood l a ndE Lew o n PtOO OOa lxvllle , P M B Church, Phcenlavila L R Simons, Pittsburg Danl. Honer, Butler C Smith, Lebanon, Pa Saml Belgel, Panne The II F L Tonplor & wf, Bel DI Bayne, Newark, Del B Jones & la, Del E J Palethorp, Phtla its F Palethorp, PM& H R Sptiggle, N J H Stiles, Newark, N J J B Newbold, N J J Gregg a. wi, Lewistown Thos Eymon, Patina Longshore, Pittston Thee Longshore, Pittston W Jenkins, Pittston, Pa D °worts, Pittston, PA Davla L. Illoisardil, Pa W Munson, Soranton J W. Howell, Soranton , .471- S Wlloox, Pittston, Pa !A S Williams, PCO 13 Betts, HEWES CO Titus, N Barber, NJ W T Bloom, NS ek Bear, The Ilia JA. Lem & la, Fauna 3 B Linderman, P6lOlll Hon J Erdman, POTID& a Sohlotterer, Isi" Wales Mies Erdman, Penns John P Watt, Penna D R Harper, Olney Cr B. 1at1328011, Richmond F Lndring, Tamaqua SPECIAL NOTICES CrLIERIig.SMEDERS.--This machine quick 1p and steely assumes the crown front a basimil or cher ries in an hour, Sor drying or Mowing. A few gore j net received by THOMAS St SHAW, )o. 835 (34/485_,Sirer. five) MARKET Street, below Ninth. - iltam AND TAP BORERS, Pewter and Al ba% Faucet*: Braga oil, water, and ale Cocks; Cedar and Linn= Vibe Spigots; Iron =obtains Oates, &o. For negtAit TRUMAN St SHAW'S, No. 84* (Sight Miff five) RARER'S Street, below Ninth. It 1,000 Dozzx Cu-(fir AssTABLE Tow, BLEBS, ~arrxn!cd to stand Ice Water, for IrLtib par dozen—uanol price ea 60—at %ERBS Ghtsta R&1. 529 CRESTXUT Btreat. ien-tathelt, 1027 WALNUT STREET, Office of Dr. VON MO&ORMSEIB, for the treatment of &helm Bar, Throat, Lung Disearee and Catarrh, with hie ell/pantos. iel9 BUT Your. RwrtrlNG-ROBES FOR LAMBS, Gentlemen, and Children, at SLOAN'S. 806 MAIM= Street, Philadelphia. jetr.Ste TER GALLANT RI ROES OF THE UNION, THE GALLANT HEROES OF THE UNION, THE GALLANT HEROES OF THE UNION, THE GALLANT HEROES OF THE 'ONION. AND ALL OTHER PERSONS DESIROUS OF OBTAINING AND ALL OTHER PERSONS DESIROUS OF OBTAININ4 AND ALL-OTHER PERSONS DESIROUS OF OBTAINING! AND ALL OTHER PERSONS DESIROUS or OBTAINING . . . CLOTHING OF WIN BIGHT KIND, CLOTHING OF THE RIGHT KIND, CLOTHING OF THE RIGHT KIND, CLOTHING OF THE BIGHT KIND, AT RIGHT !WOES, AT BIGHT PRIORS. AT RIGHT FRIGES, AT BIGHT FEIGNS, Masses, PERRY .& Massus. PERRY & CO.. BISSEAO. PEARY ZIC CO.. MEE INVITED TO CALL ON Arcs INVITED TO CALL ON ANS INVITED TO CALL ON Pssit4 k CO., ARE INVITED TO OA.LL 0. L. 303 CHESTNUT STREET. ABOVE THIRD, No. 6(9 CHBETNUT STREET (Granville Stokes' Old Stand). and S. N. CORNER SEVENTH AND MARKET STE. (Jones'). N. B.—The best stes3ortment of Alpaca aad Dre Pete Coate to be found is the atty. also, every variety of Linen Clothing. PERRY & CO.. Pegg!' & Co.. PERRY ft Co., PERRY & CO., No. 303 thnerrinie Szegge...egove Tama. We. 609 GRESTNIIT ST., (1371111 Ville Stokes' old sign& ) S. IL COL 131YERTH and MARKET STREET% (Tones'.) iel9 St Mts. S. A. ALtam's WoRLD's HAntßa• STORER AND DRESSING arrests the fall, and never falls to restore gray hair to its natural color, and pro-- duee a laxnriaat growth. aIIARARTEE ON ITS won IFn visarr. . . . Rev. Watt, Brooklyn, 1.. I: "I will testiflte their value In this most Mara/ senae. They have reetored my hair twhere It was bald, and, where gray. to its original color, ,* Rev. Wm. Cutter, N. Y. City: " hair is changed to its natural color, and growing on bald spot." Rev. H. V. Dagen, Boston, Mass. "That they Pro mote the growth of the hair where baldness is, I have the evidence or my own eyes. " For sale by all Druggists. Wholesale and Retail Depot, No. 198 GESEDVICIR Street, New Torh. my23.ltaBt COLGAND'Et HONEY SOAP. This celebrated TOILET SOAP, in such universal de mend, is made from the CHOICEST materials, is MILD and EMOLLIENT in its nature, FRADRANTLY SCENTED, and EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL in its no tion upon the Skin. For sale by all Druggiats and Fancy (hods dealers. le2S4ntlialy JoNme.-50LD1E1%5 RETLatwING. HOME, you want a goon. Etthstantial, cheap, sad Lai Movable suit of Mune Clothing. Oo to ;ones' OLD ESTABLISHED ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 MARKET STREET. ABOVE SIXTH. A WORD BEFORE TOO LATE:1001 YOU troubled with Hesdasize, Heartburn, Constipation, Die• trees after Bating. poor memory, Low Spirits. Yobs in the Bask, Great Weakness, Bad Breath. Or any. other symptom of that horrid nightmare disease. Dyenepsla If to. lose no time, but procure bottle of PLANTATION BITSBIII3. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and dist,' They overcome effects of dissipati JR and late hours They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stotaach. They cure Dyspepsia and C inatipation. l'hey cure .Diarrlima and Cholera Norton. That (MU Liver Complaint sad Nervous headache. No change of diet is 31136(1061tiy while uclug PLdNYA• VON liITTBES. Eat the beet your money will buy and all your stomach craves of It. PLANTATION BITTERS strengthen the Stoma and re store its healthy action. You will gad them lel6 et FALArsaims. Yues, and ITCH. (WHEATON'S) /TM. SALT RHEUM. (OINTMENT) SALT REBID, Will sure the Itch in 98 boors. Also, cores Salt Ulcers, Chilblains. and all Braid-Sou of the MA. Prins 90 cents. By sending 60 cents to WIENS Sc POT. TEE, BOSTON, Mass. will ha for !yarded free by mall for We by all Druggists. NMI STEINWAY & sows wy l ipi PIANOS. BLASIUS BROTHINEV, pOS oIIERNIIr Stmt. For sale only at 103.1nn NM GEORGE STECK 41' 00.'8 PIANOS, Aye IdASOBIN dsNET HAM ORGA NS IN'S CA . PIANO Over WO each of these flee CLEINN2 FORTES. Instruments have been cold by ORGANS. WAN° /Er. G. , sad the demand Ls see- CABINET NON,Tid stantly increasing. ORGANS. PIANO For sale only by CABINET FORTES. J. R. GOULD. . ORGANS. 1 3 1.010 SIVINFM and CEIZaTmuT Eta. VAISMET ROLFES. n0241-tf ORGAN& BIIGGESTION No. 1. Which is the best place for me to bay my clothing t To decide this question. po often ached, we would roe peatfally suggest a careful comparison of prices. styles and qualities of the best class Chestnut and Market streets slothir g establishments. Confidently believing that the people 'will find that we offer greater induce ments In extent of assortment, style of gas manta, and moderation in prices than can be fonad anywhere else. If this is not the case, we will not mak your patronage. WAHAMAXER & BROWN, Popular Clothing House and Merchant Tailoring . Establishment. je4O•tf S. B. corner SIXTH and HAUKIST Streets. MARRIED. TORRRY—LEWIS.—OLI the loth inst., by the Rev. A. Reed, Mr. Jason Terreyi or .1 - roneedele, Pa., to MUG Belle Lewis, of this en]. IDIED: YOUNG.—On the 18th Inst., Mrs. Elle9,beth Young, wile of Wm. John Young, aged 97 years. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully Invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband, No. 530 Federal street, oa Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. oe eliEssum—oe the 18th inst,, attar a lingering illness, near Burlington, N. J., Jacob Cresson, in the 88th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family reSpeet fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his brothel-in-1m S. W. McAllister No. 741 South Ninth street, on Wednesday, the 21st inst., at 2 o'clock P. M. Al* FOULITE.—On the 18th, William Parker Foulke, in the 50th year of hie age.--[Virginia MOM please MY. OMM.—Suddenly, on the morning of the 18th. instant, Thomas J. Cooke, In the 2911 r year of his age. HIS relatives and male friends are Invited to at tend the !renewal, from his late residence, 521 Powell street, on Wednesday afternoon, the 21st Instant, at 2 o'olook. Services at St. Joseph's Merck. * e ASEDRIDGE.—At Downingtown, on the morn ing of the 18th instant, George G., eon of Abram S. and E. D. Ashbridge, In the 11th year of his age. The funeral will take place at Downingtown, on Tnird.any (Tuesday), the 20th instant, at 23% o'clock P. M. bcipaLy....on the isth !net , Ethan Comly, aged al years. ills relatives and friendS and those Of the family aro invited to attend his funeral, on Fourth-day morning, 21st inst., 0,10 o'clock, from his late rest. cense, No. 221 North Seventeenth Street, without further notice. *** TRIIIBLE.—On Friday, lath inst., Granville, son of Joseph and Sarah A. Trimbhh aged 9 years and 11 months. Funeral on Tuesday, 20th Inst., 9 o'clock, A. M. •* BLACK ENGLISH GRENADINES. 3net received, a caaarof Mask English Gresindines. at 40 seats la Tani. BENUE & 801 g. Moaraing Store. Ol S OffISTXUT Street.. One wise. Prices la plain figures. myld BLACK MALY DE LINE.—JUST " opened, en late or plate 121aok Oksly de WOO. al IN soot. A 7 vd. IiE6SON Zi SUS, MonentoC Ettore, 918 CHEST/UT Street, One prica Prim in plain figures myls 000 YARDS FASHIONABLE • 9 • LAWNS, SM. rsuFr, PINK AIII BLAB PLAIN LAMM. WIPPPINK., AND B4DB PERCALES. VERB - Km ORGANDIES. Sint NER PILES 'REDUCED. bTO.J.K CLOSING STU ig WANDITAt. itr° ADDRESS RION. WM'. D. KELLEY. oxmwEirp- BALL, THURSDAY RTSHIRH;110041114858. 8 *Weak. Subject, " Earertarda of Personal rreidoitt." 7 Ickes, Fifty Cents, to bo had at door. lel 4l* Fir HORTICULTURAL HALL. S. W. Meatyan m d Stat ed M o AD ri nISI I AV tr U SSteG Montht 1261 , - ADMITTED.—ON NOTION OF F. C. 1311119STBR, Biq O. routall was ad bitted to practise at the bar of tale oily, on Saturday Mr „TWELFTH. WAND NATIONAL 1331081 ARSOUIATION will meet .T.RIB (Tues. day) 1 3 71N00. Jane SOD. at the hones of R. PADTB, 8111 RD, above Doltish it at 8 o'clock. By order of the My ye Dominating. Let every member ea resent. D • - D* Taos L. LINCOLN IN NVit ON T NONA CILTIOB.—Citizens of tim TWilWrif.FlßBl' WARD are incited to meet at the Roxsoßooaa la OEM on WRDABBDAY BVSN lUD. June 21111, at o'clook. The claims of tbe Association will hurried and several addresses delivered. D RUDDIEST BUM 10282i* Chairman of twenty. Int ward 001 a mates. Pr_• NINIITERNTS WARD UNION ANDOCIATIOD. A leading .of the Ward Association will be held on TIME (Tuddey)-IVEDING. June 10. 1865. at 8 o'clock • P., M., at theßall, corner RIDGE Avenue and Co &TES. for the PIITPOIII of selective a JUDGE and TWO ff- SPEC'S CBE ' for: each Precinct to aoudad the Delegate Election. to be held Tuasomt ITEDINO. Mth instant, is actertlatot with a call of the City Executive Cern. mittee. • By Order of Ward Execrative Comotttlea. It CHABLIS L muss. cowman. grNOT' CIE—T WENT Ir•rittfitni . WallD—Ll , campliance With the Call' of the Union City Executive Committee, the citizeue of the Twenty'. fourth ward will meet st headgaartere, Nag- XVI' Artist. above THIRTY. TXIED, oc.TUZtDAY ENEMA(. June 20. 1888, to chooee one Judge and. two Inspectors to conduct an election to beheld in each pre. civet, testis, election , of one iienatorial and one Reure. aentative delegtte from each precinct, who Witt met in convention, to be held agreeably to rale 7,1% of the tales for the government of the Union party THEO , M WILTBIIRGRIX. Piesidt of Ward racoonslo's CoMoiMoo. gtrItXRI a FIJILD. Boratary. O=I".'I I IINETEENTH WARD NATION/Wt. 111= 0- e 'UNION 1121100IATI01/ wiltirrieet THIS (Tate. day )O. 'June 20th. at the Honest of Mr. JO all' 21VB111), corker of-Ell4. and Sheets. for the purpose of aisadestiide , Judge and two inspestore each precinct toe onsdnet:the Delinatißdeetion% alma- We to ibe rules of the Britional Union 0 142.1wr the PrPl4.'kl'ajzj TaoiceoNtelNeminter. toteioe47. . rglor AFAitsiktVia . t.a.:a. 117w7M ig" • I t s "S ° 947'1%Z nistg ° ? im 4 4 f it d *TA! he fie, 419 cifiski a r el Va t W. 06701 of4,LICHWODID and - 111 BOROUGH it s: BY cedar. 'T80112121,1= DUPPIIifsD, President ALBSANDBR ADAIR.% Secretary. 11 ger TWEBITIETIN WARD.—AOV • DSO of the NATIONAL UNION ASS lAN of the Twentieth ward will be held Talli. await ETSSINO. at 8 o'clock, at their ball. N. ,W,.. cornerer SLEVENTH Street and' CURLED Menne, In reference to the State Hoeventten. 11* . . JOSEPH F.-NANO/IL Prelident. TIIIRTEELET3I WAIRD.—NATXON AL ONION PABII.-A meeting or the alstzongsof L:l72lt rd. 6 U NIRO sfrat" rBADBLIN and BUTTONWOOD. Pal:mina attend ant() M requested. By order of It JONATHAN BULLOOK, . * Chairman lar TENTH WARD.--ELEREELBLY TO the call of the City Exactatve Committee of the TIMOR PARTY. the anion Citizens of the Tenth Ward will assemble THIS (Tuesday) SYMMS tune 2311 i. at S o'elockott lue a. corner of BROAD and SLOE Street, to Meet One Judge and Two Inspectors, to roe (Maths Delegate &lodine to be hold In toe various Pre cmcta of the Ward on Taesday Evening. June 271 b, between the hence of 6 and 8 o'clock, to Matt One Dolo mite from each Precinct to a Senatorial Conyention. and One Deiegate from each Precinct to a It epliesents tive Convention, who will elect Delegates to O. state Convent!on. to be held at Hardship gon the 'l9th of July, to place in nomination a State Ticket. .A. a FRAINGIStaft, President Wec. it-Loons. Secretary. It wt. NATIONAL UNION PARTY OF THM FOUNTBAITH WAED.—A alaating of the member, of the National Baton Patty of the shwa Ward will he t e'4lnt SPAM CUADRA Ha lA, PAIS (Tuesday) BVBNISKI, June Shit, at 8 o'clock, for the Cony of nominating cans Watts for the coming State ConyentiOn. By order of the kesmation. It* -JOHN A. MoDOWELL, arSIXTH- WARD NATIONAL II SION ASSOOIATIoIg. —A Meeting will he held TEIAS (Tuesday) IMBUING, hue WM. M. at LEEWI'S ROTEL, MERRY street. between Third and 'Fourth. at S o'clock, for the purpose of making arrangements to cleat Delegates to the Sta a Congontlon. ell Union men are ilvited to attend. AT order or MX 11, BARRIS, President, Joni' 0. Brass. Feeretary. 1t NOTICE.—TISE NATIONAL ITNION PARTY OF THE EIGHTH WARD will meet THIS Evsauxo, at S. o'clock. in the Hall of she Schuylkill Hose Rome, LOCUST, below Thirteenth street. to appoint officers to Gourmet the Delegate MI6. Cons. ALEX. P. OOLEbBERRY, It Secretary Financial Committee. BIIaHTH WARD.—THE - UNION CITIZENS of the EIGHTH WAnio wilt meat at the ECHDYLEILL goes 130 , 17 AR an THIS (Tuesday) EVERING, the 20th teat., at S o'clook, to elect owe Judge and two Inspectors to conduct an election to the differant Precincte for Senatorial and Repreeenta live Delegates, according to the recommendation of the Executive Committee. ALEX. J. HASPBH, It President. Y, Fllf Tit WARD RATIONAL. lISION ASeOOLaTION WI l meet at the Good intent Hose Muse. SPRUCE' Street, above Sixth, THIS (Tues day) &VEILING, pursuant to the call of the City Sum. tive Committee of Philadelphia. It• gra nomileamoor COAL COMPANY.— An oejoorned Mooting of the Sonkholdere of the MOSRAtivort COAL COMPARN will be held on TUESDAY. 20th instant. at 12 o'eloOr M. to consider "Beam:awl for raisins mesas from the Mock to complete the 'Railroad. open Coal, rto. SAMUEL W. WRAY. iel9.2t* Secretary. Ki HALL OF THE ENION OIT r E.X -IiCTITIVE COMMITTEE. —Agreeably to a call by the Union State Executive Committee. the citizens of the various wards of . Philadelphia are requested to meet at surlfplaces as designated by the officers of the Wardnasociations. on TUESDAY evening. June 20. 1065. to elect one Judge and two Inspectors, to condtiot eleetiOn la 'beer-TIM products, agreettbls to Salo X. Of the ruses Tor the goVar? ment ll.Oloi'Party: At this election there shill be elected one 4eSeemiel Deis. gate and one Representative Delegate for Ntehltereetod. who shall meet in CoUgentioa, agreeably to tlnts XIX. WILLIAM Nworr. President. ROBERT T. GILL, lEscretaries. W. R. LERDS. ievs•st EAMON STATE 1130N*EMON.—A - State Convention will be held at Harrisburg on W.13.1)11118DAY, the 19th July,lBB6, at 12 o'clock K. for the PurPoee or putting In nomination "a State ticket. to he coccorted . RIP the Mende of the MOOR at the Ocatipi October election. The earnest and zealous labors of a loyal people ea cured the great victory in 1884. and made the war, which our comics denounced as a failure, tutoring success tined. Our Hag has been maintained, oar enemies destroyed, our Government preserved, and Defoe re. eatablkshed. Let every friend who aided In thin - result take measures to be represented in that Convention. We must sea to it that the fruits of our success are, not lost to the nation. Business of vast importance will be presented. for Its sonsideration, and every dietrictia the State should. be represented. • SIMON CAMERON, Chairman. A. W. BERISIMOT. Secretaries: Mho: Fowler, Jes tjyl9 rr.OFFICE OF THE taros , PETRO LEUM CONT/LAT, 208 FonthFOURTH Street, PHILADELPHIA• Salle 17, 1105 An Adjourned Meeting of the Stoalcholdere of this Company will be hold at the office, on WEDNESDAY, the net ineasza, at 12 o'clock, noon. - ISAAC 'LLOYDt President. MILITARY. IPRIZE MONEY LED GOVERN MENT SOIIIITY TO ALL WHO. INTIM THE UNITED STATBB RABIES COPS. Orders hive been received from the head of the Marine Corp., at WachiniftOn. not id realist twilit/ to particular elan (es has been the ease heretofore). bat to resolve ALL who have served in the volunteer ger. vise, or in the ragulars, or in the marines, and have been honorably discharged. Such persons enlisting in the United States Marines will receive the Govern ment bounty. and will also be entitled to their share of mite tioneY in any capture of the enemy's vessels. For further information apply at the recruiting ren dezvous, No. Gill South PHOMIT Street, between 9 A. M. end 3 o'clock P. M., every day but Sunday amas nonkx - r. Cantata end Recruiting Ofiser. SEW PVBILICA.TIOIII4. w. BOOKBI FOR BUMMER . 11 BEADING!! Just resolved by • AliflidßAD al BEANS, (Hazard's Old Oita). NO. 78* CHESTNUT Street. bi/RA !CORI. Another new novel • ON GUARD. A Hovel. By Annie Thomas. THE GAYWORTHJS. By the author of "Faith Gallium's Girlhood. _WILDER'S liAnD. By the anthor of "Uncle Elan " "LOOSING AROUND. By A. 8 Hoe. A SON OF THE SOIL A Novel. • 0)11411,D8 C. SERB PAS/88. Third Series. • CANA.D Its Defence', Condition, and Resources. Being a second and concluding volume of " My Diary, North and South " By W. Howard Russell. L. L. D HOUSEHOLD PORES. By Henry W. Longfellow. with illustrations by Culbert, roster, and Absoton. Limn D.62.54a 'S ILIAD OF HOMBR. The Amer'. can edition just ready. As handsomely printed as tae English. 2 Yoh) crown Bye. FRocDira HIBTOEN OF ENGLAND. 2 vole. Wino. LIFE OF CICERO, By William Forryth.. TEE CLEVER WOMAN OF THE FAMILY. By Miss Yonne. anther of "Heir of Reddy ife." Sm. BEATILICI By Julia Kavanagh. STRICKLAND'S LIVE. GB THE QUBBNS OF ENG LAND Complete in 6 vole. PEPT'S Diehl, in 4 vols. and other new volumes of Bobn'e Library, at low prices iell-tf WYLDER'S HAND. THIS NEW T NOVEL, by Sheridan Le Fenn, authorof "Uncle Silas," is ono or the lava powerful and egoliini Eng. lish novels ever "Wallahs& It is being reed andproias& everywhere , and its sale is growing enormously. isle•th strain CARLETON, Pablieher, New York. SUPERIOR FISHING.-A NEW BOOK on Sporting. by B. B. Roosevelt. One of the most Witty. entertaining. and delightful books ever gob lobed. dust as attractive to the amateur as to the pro fessional reader. OARLETOB, Publisher, New York. jel- ibettaol. uuoll. WORTEINGTON-A NEW .5-- 11 - Duvet by Mrs. Mary J Holmes, author of "Tem pest and Sunalelne, " e.e. ThIS new novel Is perfectly charming. and will become a great favorite this season. CARLBION, Publisher. New York. jel.thatabit JUST PUBLISHED— DR. BOARDMAN'S THANKSGIVING AND PAST DAY SERMONS. I. THIS PRAORMAKERS. II TEE PRICE WE MED AND HOW TO SNOOKS IT. Published and for sale by JellES B. CLA.XTON, Successor to W. S. & Alfred Mantes. jel2 606 GHISTNUT Street NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. THB MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE PACIFIC STATES AND TERRITORIES. By the Hon. Wm. M. Stewart, U. S Senator from Nevada. TUB ASSAYING OF BILVAR, COPPER, GOLD. AND NINKGIJILT. With idiststratioac NAVAL Donn AND DISCIPLINE. By N. A- Noe. Ll4utenant Commander U. N. Navy. HYPERDERNICI INJECTIONS IN THE TUELT WENT OF GOUT, RHEUHAFISE, NEURALGIA, No., No. A. Rampaney, M. D. Are. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS Of all Made on band or procured promptly to order by LISDB4Y & BLAKISTOrt, Publishes and Booksellers, je7 lo 25 Booth BIXTd Street. A PPLETONII NE W AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. —Complete le volumes. Vgrteat Styles ndng AEBELLION RECORD, by Vreek Moore, In 8 vole. 111181YAMPS ILISTO2.I OP TSB ROMAXS—aow +untpletb. The ASVICy for Those valuable works is At 33 South SIZTO Street. above Obeevaus, maa4l JAS. H. 81K01. THE ASHLAND HOUSE, FOURTH AVlNtril allrD - T MINTY. FOURTH ferREBT, NBW TORS CITE, Recently °slanged and improved. is now oven for transient as well as permanent boarders The house is situated on one of the Vertematest avisunee. and aeuessi. his to all placer' of amusement and business by cars and stages. Guests wilt End all the conveniences and forts of a superior erablishment, with as excellent IS. ble. Traneient board .$S per day WM. H BEI;IKIER, Proprietor. N. B —Families who desire rooms for the summer •csill make early application. To desirable fAllialS ad. vantag.ons terms will be offered. 1512 Sst .CHOICE CONFECTIONS. A- , The linaz gosiittes of oosnorunnunr. saw to the Summer sewn, mantifsetnred heel. bi STISPEIRII L AIItITHIA lel 1m No. 1210 MARKET Street. (93. ILD BEN' B CARRIAGES„. O TIE2II NSW STYLI% FOR Tgli ,BPRINO TRAM —A lihoosiAt lot bit received, and for kikte.b7 SOPS SttaTON. a um, Ago if 1157 and I.5fA Nat& TlllllLitalti. ••• 1 ,...11 a • 11 2 1865' IP .4 1 9 • ttNriNbEAL. UNWED STATES 7..80 LOAN. THIRD SERIES. $230,000,000. • By authority of tha lieerstary of the Treasury. the andeardipaed, the general BUbSeriPtirt 4sent for the sale of finked States Seenrities, offers to the midis the third 'dries of Thiamin Note'. bearing seven and three-tenths per dent. interest per annum, known setae SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. ' These Notes are boned under date of Ads If, and are payable three years from that dale in ear racy, or are convertible silks option of the holder into U. S. 6.20 Slx PER CENT. . - ` I II3Q.LD-BEARING BONDS. 'These Bonds`ssa worth a handsome premium. and are exempt. as are all the Government Bonds. from State. County. snit iftwitellpqr taxation, which adds from one to three per cent. month; thefr vahur. wording to the rate levied upon other property. The intirest is payable semi. annually by coupons 'dashed to each note, 'which may be ant off and sold to any bank or banker. The intend at 7 SO per sent. amounts to One cent per day on a $5O note. TWO Cents per day on *sloo mote. Ten cents per dity on • $OOO AMA. Twenty cents per day on a COM note. One Dollar per day on a $6,000 note. Nodes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. The notes of this Third Series are preoisely similar in form and privileges to the Seven. Thirties already sold, except that the Ooyernmeut reserver to itself the option Of paying interest in *old eoixt at Spat cont. instead of 8-10 the In canreary. ilibeeribers will deduet the in terest -hr. - currency up to July 16th. at the lull when they sitbieribe. The delivery of the notes of Ibis Third Series of the Seven-Thirties will edinmenei on the let of June, and will be made promptly and eontinuously after that date. The slight change mule in the conclitionl.g. this: 81E.11.5 affects only the Matta fritibirest. The PaYment in g01d...11 made , will be elltdralont to the narrator intermit of the hishei , rate. The return to spe.ile payments, in the event Of which only Will the 'option to pay interest Innold be availed of. would so reduce and amain -prices as that trut.." douses made with in per cent. in goifiroold be filly eiguei to Soaa made with seven end three-tenthe per cent. in currency : .. This: is . ME . ONLY , MARKET new.offered tar the Geverruasat; mad . its saverior vantages make it the - GREAT POPULAR LOAN' OF THE PEOPLE. Less than. daft 000,000 of the Loan authorised by Gummi are now is the market. This amount, at the rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for within sixty days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium. 411 has nal , Randy been the Case on dosing the subssriptions to other Loans. In order ticet citizens of every town and section of the country may be afforded faellitice for taking the Loan. the thational Dinka, State Banks, aid Private Bankers throughout the country have generany agreed to re ceive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will selcetthedr own agents, is whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for width teey receive order.. JAY COOKE, SMNCHIPTION A.GIEWL No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PRILADELPHLI CRRCKS FOR - CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS oN WASHINGTON, WANTED. Je2o 6t DREXEL & CO. DEEM & COMPANY, BANKERS, No. 34 eautn. TIZILILES Streets DEkLEIIIIIA AIREEIOAN AND FOREIGN GOLD, FOREIGN EXCHANGE, UNITED STATES BONDS, QUARTERMASTERS' VOUCHERS, I:7NOIMBENT MONEY. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD AT BOARD OP BROKBPX. ON OOMMISSION. 188.—c"P"s, DUE JULY 1, GOLD AND SILVER WAITED. IT HIGHEST MAEKZT MIL DREXEL le CO.. :ieis : lm - . - 3 4 BHA 'MIS') Street. W/LLIAK H. 'ALGOL fogonan A WABDBR. 13,11.C0N Si WARDER, STOCK AND NOTE BROKERS, WALT EtTitSET, Stooks bought and told on Oottuubodon. Trust Funds invested In Cit 7, Stole. or Gorertunent Loam Subscriptions received for the United States 7.30 Loan. tofihout charge for commission to the pure - baser. Jel•tnhtulm P. STAXFONN. Jos. L. HOUSTON. STAMFORD 4% HOUSTON, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, tTo. ;25 SOUTH THIRD STREET, rILT.LADBUTIIA. Dealers in Government Sesnyinea.f.Sreale, Unearrent Honey, City Warrants. &c. Stadia bought and sold on somndeslon at the HeinLex Board of Brokers. DRUGS AND eIIEPD€A_TA, BOTANIC AND ECLECTIC DELVE. ROBERT A. HANCE. 429 MARKET STREET, TRILADIMPHIA, Would all the attention of Drugging, Ooluttry Men elnuate, and °then, to Me stook of BOUTS, HMIS. .alfD BARK:u. yarlow, shedpackages. of our own moving, at PERM Ft BLOW FORM/B. It aTRe. *full line of SOT PEISPaIIaTIONS, W. N. lianntiLL .1t CO. 'l3 CONOBATittaIIIDEIKIDISSoIeg. at it liberal ditcount to the trade. • Catalogues funtlehed on application. znyllanCP McCANDLESS & SMITH, MALT VINEGAR FAOTORS, BROAD AND PRIME STREETS. Contently on band and for sale a large stack of MALT and WHITE- WINE VINEGAR —a new article of mann• faeinT 4 in nail nOttni/Y, suede by the cerebrated Bnjiiefi proem. and need exelayively for Fielding In Europe. All sales warranted free from impurities and chemi cals. Orders Riled promptly to all parts of the country. A Walnut L. E. CAM G BLOS, Ne. 113 0 Walnut street, Philadel phia. CHRPITT & WH 4 Exchange Place. Baltimore. ISTIAN LI A co. • RicbmOrtd, Va. B. W. 00IILD &Co Newham, N. C. 1e19.3M_ WAD'S PATENT DAPROVED STEAK Asp WATER-HEATING APPARATUS 108 WAXWING sud. VENTILATING PUBLIC =MD. LIMB ild PRIVATS RZALDSMOSE, NAIMOTTIRID 87 MI Wan STS IJI WATER-IMMO 09313IPANT OF PErrnsYLvA.Ntak. JABLIP. WOOD dt C 0 .5 South YODETS Stmt. Jali•gieff B. M. FELTWELL. SUP% T ARGE SALE OF GOVERNMENT ' AA WAGONS ADD LEARlgkas. °kW QFAETERDIASTEB,'S OFFICE. DEPOT OF WASHINGTON. WASEINGTON, D. C.. Jane 17. 1086. Will be sold at public auction, under the direction of Emoret Colonel Charieell. Tompkins, A Q M., D. a A • at the Government Mill, situated on E street. between Twenty • first and Twenty-second Maestri. in the Day of Waridegion D. C., about TWEE'II . THOUSAND SET M S . OP ENGLE MULE. If MO WITH A LOT OF SADDLES, dro.. which /aye been nstd in public service. The harnets will be sold in single sets. ALSO. About 1,1500 WAGONS. which will be sold singly to the Welted bidder Tho sale of Wago o'clock ommence on WEDNESDAY, June 28. 1886. at 10A. la with a lot of about four hundred, at a pant north'of the Rah road Park. tear the terminus of Stew York avenue north, and after . their sale is tamp] teed the remains er will be cold on D street met between Fourteenth and Fifteenth *teats. near the Lineoln flosnitel. The sale of Har ness will CVIOIOIIIIO on TBDRSDAT, June SA /Mr at 10 Welt tit A. M She tele of Wagor a and Dames will continue, on alternate dar e, until the whole number le sold. Teems cash, in Oovernmena lands. 'flea abet Don of buyers le mulled to the large sal* of fdIII ES, commenced on Monday, tlay 22 ISM. and which le still being 'outboard from day to day. D Ch i ef OOß. Brig. Ocat. and i Qua K rt S ermaster. 101£1.12t De cot or Worthington._ IarEITE; BLUE, GREEN, AID FINg IitO6QUITO 'SETS, for mit WOolooalo br B. la GoDFEtitY el. It* 24., UM/KEE ittreet. A" VERY SUPERIOR GUM DROP, +Dm Props/ad by WVINIEX V. AVVIIIIiN. /113 /10. 4LO XAANIT Streit. CURTAIN GOOD. L WILLARA.VIGN, MASONIC HALL; 71111 CHESTNUT STREET, IS NOW OPENING ANOTHER LARGE LOT OF LACE CURTAINS, ELEGANT STILES, AT MIMES. PROM 5 DOLLARS TO 150 DOLLARS PER PAUL WINDOW ISECADEIS, CROIOE PATTERNS, AT REDECED PRICES. miS FIREWORKS. FOURTH OF YULY VIREWOREES, ER GB,ZAT VLIIISTI. ROORETS, CANDLES, "UNION AND ROMAN OANDLES, MINES, TRIANGLES, SHIP LIGHTS, SNAKES, - BLUE LIGHTS, FLOWER POTS, PIN . WHEELS, GRA.SSILOpPERS, COLORED FIRES ALso. A laraeaasoitraeat of Wired% for sale by A. LT. FRANCISCITS & CO., ita•st 513 DEAREST STUNT. FIREWORKS, FIREWORKS, . FIRE WORKS; • OF JITSRT VARIETY. in large 'or small at:matinee, may be had at iOSEPB. CAMPBELL & BRO.'S, Jal7-111* los MaREET Street. yy. I ~f i icy: SPRING, SWIM 3DCIIO ADMIaSs eaßxiimroam M'CALLUDI & 'CO., EMIIKSFACTITREVA AITI3 IMPORTERS OE 1•1 , ‘ c• rvlf I .'Le3._•=,l OIL CLOTH. MATTrNGS.Abo WHOMWME DEPALISTZHHTI 11.;•z0:‘, 4 4 , 4-14 4.141 EETAIL DEPARTMENT. 919 rinTRITTE7 Wilt% MILITARY GOODS. FLAGS I FLAGS I ! EVANS & HASS ALL, MILITARY FURIoSIIERS„ 418 ARCH STREET. BA-DiNELNY, Silk, Denting, Muslin, and De Lajas IX 14 A. Cr Eft OF ALL SIM. SWORDS, SABERS, PASSANTS, ac. nirr_4riuklEruy Gooits, of EviET pIAGFLIPTIOL jel-UTS CONFECTIONERY. SUMMER CONFECTIONS. Persons zbattt leaving the city thould tall alai ert amine our splendid assortment fir DELIOIOT_TS CONFECTION S, SYRUPS, die., Pa3ticularly ads fat ed for the Warm Suwon. wurrmA.N & Co.. MANUFACTURERS, 31S OREM= 8T.835T. AM - Ala°, al araortraent of BRILLIANT FIREWORKS. je 10.staithlin ,~! ;. x~ # ------- CODWARD F K3OLLY, JOHN IKELLY. TArr,orts. SU CHESTNUT STREET, 811.111 NOW IX lIITOIII A COMPIAETZ ASSOUTEMICT 07 SPRING GOODS. sr. • • • I . r rJ i MINING, COAL, AND OTHER. FEW COMPANIES. We are prepared to tarnish New Corporation with ell the looks they metre, et stunt uetise sea low "elm , of drat quality. All alylre et Bindint. STEEL PLATE ODEVIMATIIit OF EITHOODAPELED raniNs2,RE 0111)108 OP TILMEXELL . KOOK idowfla. STocK Lamm Reze7On. ZEGIBM OP DAELUL ETOCE. NEM= 'FATTY LEDG:SB. ADOVIMIT ciP RALES. DIVIDEND BOOK. MOSS aro CO., SLANE BOOK MANUYLITIOEBBB AND STATIORBIL 431 OJIJSTIUF Street. ROUSE-FUBNISIIING 600111 t: 600RmatoR s sf ki : ERT. 600 000MIRS, FRNURRI OAS STOVES FOR FiutssiEß (MOILING jel6 tf ORIFFITG PAGE, -aura Alla ARM. GROCERIES. To FAMILIES RESIDING IN TRH .1111}141.1. DI/111110TE We are prepared. ea herotatorair to ripply familia, al their country residencies, with EVERY DESOBIPTION &a Olf PINEto. GEOCERIES. TEM& ALBERT 0. ROBERTS, my24-tf Corner mamma and VINE Streets. LEGAL- - IN THE ORPHANS , COURT FOR THE - 1 - CITY AND COUNTY OF fIghtDBLPEUh: iataiir7f MIOHISL CAttitOLL. DeZu:Sea The Auditor appointed by tho Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of MILKY 0 iRRObL, Ai ministratria of MICHAEL. CARROLTA. , deceased, and to report disk ibution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, wi•t meet tin patties interested for the Purprees of his appointment, on MONDAY.. Juin 3d. IS6b, at 11 o'clock A. M., et Macao% No. 1.5 M South FOURTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. IMO inthnit wM. C. HARMS, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE I N Om' ARD ontiTy OF rivAnzia3ate. _ Wats of ELizABEla Dl39oo,seti The Auditor appeintad by the Court to audit, settle. and adjust the account of AsSALOM WIL6OIII, Atheists. trator of the Estate of ELIZABETH B ItO deoemed. end to report dietributieo ot . the balance in the hands of the accountant, vill.znost the parties in tere , ,ted for the purposes of his appointment. on MON °HY. Jr 11•31, MM. at 11 o'clock A at his oCioe. 1/29 WAL. MUT Street, in the city of PhiladeJPhin j 920 tnthA si* JOSUE F. nialiC SR. Auditor. BLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. wiLLIAms. No. 16 North Sixth Street, LattrAOTCSIM 010 VENITIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. The largest and Angst assortment In tits site at th, tossed sanli prises. ®TOED SHAMIR NADI AND LNNTINID. Illmap lot soiled 1111 ads and Abed's. arb•Sa. CORNELIVS VERbsu, WILLIAM W.13+3051 We Public Printer. Late ChM' Sub. tea . . WENDELL 1 WATSON PitnilollTH CLAMS WHORE SVIRY DEPART MEAT OF nix ooVRELRMIXT. °Flee Booms, No. 345 PENNYYLVANIA Directly OPPOOie the Metropolitan Hotel, P5•lDt F. Q. Boxl:C9, Winhiagton, D. Q. AMNION SALES. 'A . ucTiox NOTICE. UNITED fords.wiris SALE. EV4.SIE:RS QUAKER CITY, LADONA, ACA. CIA, CAMBRIDGE, E. E. HALE, BARK J. L. DAVIS. ittaillJEL C. COON, Auctioneer. ON TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE /Q. I£o6. at U o'clock, at the PHILADELPHIA. NAVY YARD, Will be sole for aosortnt of the United•66ates Govern meat: THE ISIDE.WIIIIBI. STUMM QUAKES trITY.— Register dtteenetone: Leegth 244 feet 8 worm; beam 88 feet; depth or fold 29 feet 938 inches . Ho one side • lever engine; Minister of cylinder Se Inches; length 0! stroke 8 feet. behooner rigged. TEN IRON 9OBSW.W!UMER LADoB(l.—Registei dimensions: Ler gat 127 feet; beam 27 feet 9 ineliset depth of held 18 ftet Eine two vertical engines: diem. ter of n78ed5.r8434 halms; length of stroke 30 'ashen Berk rigged• - . THE BOREW.Ttia ACAMIL —lbettater dtmeratona: Lesethlte feet 2 Inches 4 beam 22 feat 7 inches; depth of hold 12 feat. Sas one vertical engine; diameter of erlin• der 86 inches; length of stroke 48 Makes. Schooner egged. Tom CAMBUIDGB. —Register di• mahaone: tangthl3s feet; tom 7R feet; depth et hold 12 het. Blt one •erilo6l craigine diameter of cylinder 62 lashes t buten of etrone 3 feet. TEE BEEZW.TIII3 E B. BALE —Register dimen• alone: Length 185 feet 6 inches; beam 28 feet 8 Inches; depth of bold 7 fact Inches. Has ode vertical engine: diameter of cylinder 22 Mabee; length of stroke Mabee. bloop tt ed. THE BALES DkVlS.—Reeteta dimensions. Length lfa feet; bee** feet; depth of held 12 feet inehes. The shove•parned vecasle *ill be edti with Rollers, Machinery. complete get Of 'Oleg, lkinidalc Pao Standing Rigging. gle. Inventories et the Auction Store, Ito. ni soak FRONT Sheet. Twenty per cantata of the purchase money must be paid on the day of cats, and the remainder before the yew& is removed from the levy lard, which will let done within six days after the date of sale. J. E. HULL, . jef 9 1.9 15 17 20 . COMMAND tart /ENTAIL DRY GOODB. OO~'FR 8a CONARD, Dilltf'ril AND. BEILMKE'r. 41#4, POINT BREEZE PARK. TRIAL OF SPEED. TO•DA.Y. At, S o'clock. Clark tomes Nerrlstoorn tin flare _LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK.a; 'Wm. Doblß names corral boric "Sam. Sayers." It* r. EINE CIASSIBLERES. aMalliZtt COLTINGs TIU DRESS GOODS. NEW WHITE GOODS) DOMESTICS REDUCED: ELEGANT SILK SAUQUESt SLAM{ lIERNANI SHAWLS: 1865. B ROWN TABLE LINEN, AT THE low price of 8234; one lot, much heavier at 86.. good. pattern. Handsome table linen, extra heavy, at am Which is lower than it can be bought; much , liner and better MC. me ( lot extra width and beautiful patterns, both spot and damask. Bleached table Hien 'equally as cheap, in all the widths and various qualities. Six Owe Barwlsy double satin , damask, all differ. out patterns, arid lower than they would coat at .pre sent rata of gold. Towels with or Without hinged ends: bias and r od borders. Brown towele at $176 per dozen. Hucksback: bleached and half bleached, Blue plaid linen for glass towels. striped and plaid German linen for tow els, that are the best goods to wear in the market. buteherla linen, both yard and 134 yards wide. Li nen sheeting', 10.4,11.4 an d 12 4 wide. Pillow linen 42; 46, Ed and 64 Mabee wide 60, 10-4 Lancaster quilts. 6011.4 Lancaster gents. OXO 10k Mursailles. Quilts of the old heavy kind at less than they can be imported for. one lot white ESTI€III€B, Tory pretty pattern. One of the bast as. eortments of calicoes Inthe city, bath light and dark. Shorting and shirting MIISII3III in treat quantities, at my usual low prices. GRANVILLE B. HAINES. .420 4t No 1013 MARKET . above Tenth, 4 4 SPANISH LINENS FOR TRAY ELLIV O DRESSES. 9.4 May Linens. Dark and light Linens for Snits. Brown Hollsnde Finn Mune for Drowse. White Mina or Maraelliek Jew quit& Ratting,. Pink, Matt, cherry and Wldte Tarlatans. _ EDWIN Ra.LL W., Ine South SZOOSD Street. j r CHAMBERS, NO. 810 ARCH ST. U. ENTIRE STOCK REDIJOED. Black Thread Lace'. Thread Veibe Thread Lace Barbee. fremetitebed Handkerebeits, bargains. Cambria Edair gm and 13:martian,. Shared and Fancy Frozen atuelins. for waists. ssawAs and aILR selling off below cost, itila at CIOOPZR & COWARD, NINTH AND MAISKIV, have The beet ttufsimere stock in town. Good Linn/3E1.11m. Dacha. Coatings. Talton' Lintels, of every kind. MnsHn etokk template, prima right. Felony Liiens, eelline, gold, at 300. Gann, Unmet and other Flannels. • Pear; Wool Delelnee, 56 and 66 sante, Istra due Idack:Nikhair Alpaca, gl, Lupin 's 6-4 blear/Wool Detainee. $l. 9004 etoek Whip raiwook, Swim. Diyd-oye Liil4ll,_striped kluslias, dust Caminito" awl Jacenetz.itlfod didalinkh 3:llgue , &o. IN late MAW and otter thin Shawls. Silk Fttedttes and Summer Dusters .167-tt LEND I D STOCK OF LINER re-IfNOODS, Viet opened it 7 . 021 ARCH Street. COM - Hnet.ared plain Linen Towels. Deoktne;:rt beautlfal pgiltatas and all grades. Tabu Llnene, bleached, ball-laeaehes, and brawn. Bichardson Donut .% Dirkrason'e. and Mier blueas. Ladies' and Gents' L. C Bdtcb, tuna itmeto $l - ettlehed and col'd borders J 0 tithe. m 591 tt JOHN H. STOKIL SiPECIA L NOTICE. • SELLING OFF ENTIRE nom TO 01,0E3 BUSINESS!! GOOD-WILL ADD FIXTURES FOR SALE. TBORNLBY AND GUISE. We Invite glacial attention to the above gitillOMMllleld. We have a Le Stela. We are Sailing O arg nes). Eveky yard le to be closed out on or before the let day keptember, C fillka and Drew. Goode. loths. Lagaireeres, and Linea Goods. ShargleXloalre Skirts, Ildhle, &•..41. khan= and odium wash under market Price. THORNLBE CRIBB, mayl2.lln Cot, Of EIGHTH and SPRING GAJEDIN. pIGURED SILK GRENADINES, -a- of the bet qualities and styles, in Black and GIST Grounds. 66c to $L CO Travelling .Draos Goods, in 411$02.TinietY. flew Drees Goode, in great varies,. _Handsome Moue Bilks ;9.60. VERY 121113 AP BLACK BILE% suitable ;or Dresses, Maulles, and Basques. M GOTTOG GOODS AT LE THAN WEOLIISALI ormaras. and Pacific Prints, 26e. 10 4 Width BM find PeDerilildaschad sheeting's. $l. STEEL a sox, Nos 113 and 11$ Monti TBIPCEI Strad_ NEW 6A►IRT .17011. 1565. PEG OKUTEST INVUTION OP PBS AGE IS ixqcop SiiiktTS. J. W. BEADLET'S New Patent MMES. ELLIPTIC (or double) SPRING SKIRT. WRISTS' DRAOLRY & (WIT (late J T. di L. 0. West), SOLETROPRIRTORS and MANI7PACTURERS, 97 MAMMAS and 79 and SI BEIDE Weide, Sew York. THISINVENTION consists of DUPLEX (or two) Ea- Tarr= Steel SPRINGS. Ingeniously BRAIDED TIONTLT and EMILY together, EDGE CO scam; making the morrorteer, non Dux - tots. Nugent% and DOSAVIA SPRING ever pled. The, reldent REND Or BELLS, like the Single Zprluga. and contaqueraly preserve their ryas= and EMAYTIECIL SHAPE TWICE SO LONE as ROY athar SKINT THE R'ONDERNIIL FLEXIBILITY and great COMMIT and P3.4ASDRE to any Lam wearing the DUPLEX BLLIPTIO F.d.: AT will be experienced particularly In ail crowded AREMBLIP.D. (MERE, Oaaittattas, EFAILROAD GAEL CRUNCH PPWS ARMCHAIRS, for PEONS! , ens and HOUSE DEEM, to the SKIRT CAE be FOLDED Wham. in use to 0000. El a small PLACE as easily SO a SILK or MUSLIN DEESE. A Lany having eD;ogeg the pleasure, comfort. and f;reat COlrretiiaNCe of WEARING the Donna. BLLIPTIO &NEL. SPRING ERIILT for a RIEGLE DAT will never after. ward willing)idispense with their nee For Carrataggr„ Iftssaa, and Poi :n Lamas they are ettPligiOn to all others. TEP.Y are the best QUALITY In every part, and nn , questionably the LIGHTEST. Meat DEBIRABLR,COMPORT. ABLE and ECONOMICAL SKIRT ever made. D OR SALE In all FIRST. CLAPS STORES in this city. and throughout the UNITED STATES, HAVANA DE CUBA, DINxiCO, SOUTH AMERICA. MEI the WEST INDIES. J.WIEQUIER POE THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SEAT. myt.2m P 628. HOPEriTo?yala,.., 628: HOOP RUSTS, she beet assortment and beat quality end etrles in the oily. Gore Trails, all kongtha end sizes, from 18 to t 6 springs, from 81.76 to &I Plain Skirts, all the new shape. and sires. from 18 to 60 springs, from 42 to 83 Skirts of extra heavy steel and extre tepee, from 80 to 35 springs. from $1.90 to 88.75. Misses' and Child en's, of every grade, from fi to 36 Loring', from four to eight cents per spring; they have no equal. Agents for the new Flexible Skirt, the most pliable Hoop Skirt made, and fatly equal to the Duplex Molls Skirt. and at ranch lower prices. Also cuestanily on nand fall lines of low•priced Now York Maris kid padded end metallic Waned- 1.8 spring., erring., ail; 06 springs, $1,15; 30 springs. et 90, and'4o springs. VA. Kkirto made to order altered, tad repaired. at 628 ARCH Street. fel4-Im* HANDBL AND HANDN SOCIETY '6 ANNUAL lIXCIIRIBION TO ATLANTIC CITY. TEIIRSDAY. July 6. 1366. jol-thatat tt ROGER'S NEW GROUP, "TRE EUSHVgH acing.; On. THE laralrti APPEAL pox MOIL " now ready. Als Home lareat subjects: "The °card," "One More Shot " "The Wounded Seoul." "The Ee urned Volunteer," "Village Postmaster," "Union Refugees." Mall Day," • Tbe Picket du A d." " fibarpgboestra. The 'rewe Pani7).." Gam Life. ' - " Making Friends with the Cook." dm. , &e. Alwag e In stock, JAMS S. EARLE St SON'B, 816 canTliln Fiseet Theca Groups can be packed to forward to all o :rte of the country with cuttresafeW. iela•et PIIOTCGBAPHS OF CHURCHES, public hulk/trigs. =Witte renteleacss and country' seats. Those wko wish to Prosy so a type of the obi Lom,stsaa should sub? to B P. MIRE% 024 ARCM Street. PORTRAITS OF RARE ACCURACY, fr,eb, warm and ixtoxemi.v. ealorlng. B liIIME/013 superb edyles Ids size PhotograPlub la on ee'ors. lam 624 ARCEI Street. b.* PRIER'S COLORED PROTO,- -A- OR APBS are the test itt their 13ne; nut, $l. 60. Thole ml,o desire gond picture. as modurate end should get Stem at the OallerN, SECO, DSt .above Groom 114. 14 1 ,913 C Y HAMS. -BRIGGS, SWIFT, & Co.. Cobb at armel. na & P. segen'e, and to cairn & breads celebrated 1117C.Alt-CORP , I3 CIACIIIIIATt CANVASSED RAMS /Asters and for sale by ICabtlll63Toll BUTCHER & 6011. ro92e-lne* 146 and 1.411 SUM P 11051? Bt. IT:LI POTIRTEL—ILTOJIKTITATIOg LkSITEMILI Ulan star and fii44, illy, tam y tad Mbar t ecrralkorri a f tt tiatabaa• rit and dintlin . .,..9 hitAN, lay VALIUM:O. Torpadp,. titaa,"ettitakar ratala. &c. F.r 1•Ple at iorept Iwo ' ' - W. T"'L"' ig.l6-et: ;. - - 4 ,3 thy3b. yoygra street. -•-. • ANUS EMENTsi. NEW CERANU 1-16TEEET TUBA: rai—cezeritre kierBSST, olovs mcr - Aurra LAST WEE 01Tli V X r e. Ti u DEAAT/C SEASOA. LAS6Iaa OF THE CHARMING Ms° TT CRSTIENNIP. ISS OU LOA, who will awls]. et MONDAY AND TIME IY BVERINI3B, 7rtne l 9 And 20. Ist the grand sE• blitieolue of TUB 81SVRR Del7oliThl3B OF SAFLL which Will he prAsent44 to A LE OP ORANDBI7 4 . WIM BEiIJTIP lIL ST:EVART, brieEßß COSTUME% ORB a CASS'. Vre.. Introducing MISS LOWE IN F&UR 'l' 4 /MAO rRRs. with ber Patio Sri°, eirilorn• Hornpipe, Irtrh JUG etc. FeTwahhy 4FrItRAIOOS Jane 24th. FIFTIM 6 II ANL la GRANI:I FAIIILLY MATINU. 2RE BON. wben OF 'DE MO DAUGHTERS win b.. prasmitcl. MRS. JOHN D103W13 NEW ARCH AAA. STREET THEATRE, LAST WEEK or TDB EE nISTEBB. MONDAY AND TUESDAY MEMO, NIVIC O'CONNOR A hurling:vie on the "Colleen Hawn." The Drams of EII,hIOLAK RUMMY, . and the HOUSEHOLD FAIRY The WEBB INTERS In bow characters Friday, Berea of' ADA WEBB. THE GREAT CONDINATION on. ACADEMY OF 113610 LOT, BROAD ARO LOCUST STREET& EVERY AFTERNOON AN, EVENING DURING WM WEEK, Commencing MONDAY AFTERNOON. 19th inst., and ending SATURDA Y EVENING. 24th. inclusive. Meyers. STONE at ROSSTON, bays the hew/ Wee, sera of announclng the opening of their great Circus Alliance. and will at every exbibitiom iutroduce CULLANI OILIGIATED TROUPE OF IROQUOIS /NOUNS, who wilt display many nronderfni and astonishing teenee. The otrouutroupe is composed of star performers, pronounced by all critics the beet in the world, the whole forming a resplendent galaxy, tparkfing In all the brilliancy of true artin4. month merlin/OWe. The Trained Doge will glee appear at every exhibition . Doors open at 2 &ale*, and 7 o'clock P M. Admit to Onto; children under 10 yearn, 25 cents. Auto, neheos will be presens to 00.1111tet Tleitors to the interior of the mammoth PeTlitot6 See man bill.. Ina at THE GRAND JUVENILE ENTER TAINMENT, given Jane Q. wilt be repeated SATURDAYICAN &CADENT OF MUSIC. ON AFTERNOON, next, June 24 at 33ft o'cloclr. In addition to the previous programme, MUM & F, CULLUM. will sing the " Star Apar gled Banner" wild. a Sherrie of SIX HUNDRED CHILDREN, The 'whole to conclnde with A Greed 'Tableau of In wblch Th - ODASBe ir%l ‘ 2 l o i ge ß g i af the Milted Slates. The whole under the direction of Mr. Thos. RAW te. Tier ets 25 cents. Reeereed e seata, pa o , q7st_aed Par• av, e ay..t . „t a ttvi To"- " B ookstore, .&IRhSOIINT WATERWORECS A- (WIDE BRIDOp. APTIOMOON CONOBWII EVERY DAY, from 4 to 7 o'clock, by HASBLIIIII &HARD BILLITeitY BAND Programmes• of Mutt ineued ded/y. The Arch, Vine and Uallowhill Street Cars rau direct to the Mice. ie16.61 A 4 CADEMY OF FINE ARTS, OBEST• •LA- nu Street. above Tenth—Oven from 9 A 31 till 6P. 61. Benjamin Wet *semi picture of tlgitlST JECTED atilt on exhibition. tel 3 WANTS. W ANT ECITIJANION AS SALESM4N IN A DRY GOODS COMMISSION OM JOBBING HOUSE BY A. 3.011NG MAN, Who has badianch expgintoe:hrith Western Iterattente. Addroos "J. W. S.,' Nor 974 Philaielphio, Poet. Office lt.'o WANTED.-A PLAIN, GENTSZL Man. and eon, 12 years of age. desire a Room and Plain BOARD in a need Madly in the anteirba. near the street eau, West Philadelphia •or a Farmer's family preferred. Address Box na. 1.0 WANTED -AN ACTIVE PARTNER, T with a capital of 10,000 to 73.000 dollars in a Grai nless manufacturing bn.iners—Perfamery—in gnome tut operation for the last twenty years, the senior part. ner whhing to retire from settle life. This 16 an oppor• "are.Y to be met with for entering at once into a safe end profitable business. address, with real name, B% t C 0.." oilice of this paper. tarn ritnthtf TAI TED-BY AN IMPORTING and Jobbfaz HOME.. a Ant. clans s&TAM 43, thomnahl Y . Pobk. d in The Wllite Cicalae and BrabrutderY Btfiiness. Ad dm% fialheman Pr6su ofili!e j 419.6 WANTED -A YOUNG MAN TO 141311 the Wholesale Notion badness. Meet write :4 good hand. be grid at tlanrea, and live with hie pa rents .addrene oox eel Post omen,* A YOUISG MAN, HAVING FIVE years' businers experisnce, desires a situation as SALIShIAN In h wholesale Dry-Goods. Notion or Pei). vision Roue; can influence a good country trade. Ad. aces. "Howllton." Port Carbon, kchuy/ittil county. Pa; J417.6t* A G2NVIE4 WAN - TBD FOR THS Nara's Ann BM the most interesting and ex. Citing book ever published, embracing the adrellturee Of stratum In the Union Army fle Nurse. &coat, and hpg giving a most vivid inner picture of the war. Teackere, ladle's. energetic young men, and ecpeciattY returned and disabled officers and soldier% la want of Profitable employment. will And it peculiarly adapted to their condition. We have ageLts clearing $1.60 per month, which we will prove to any doubting soogoant. Send for circulars. Address .70131.8 EROS. & CO.'N. corner SiXTII and MINOR Nig.t hillndelPhist P a. myBo.lm. A GENTS WANT ED FOR ' " THE Az- SWEET SUMS. THE FIELD, THE DUN. GION, ADD TDB ESCAPE By ALEUT D. RICHARDSON. New York Tribune Correspondent. The meet- intereatlng and exalting book ever pub • fished, embracing Mr. Riebardson'a name, leled sire perience rcr foargeara; travelling through the South in the secret service of the Tribune, at the outbreak of the war, with our armlse and fleets, both East and West, daring the Bret two years of the rebellion; his thrilling capture; Ins confinement for twenty av,schs to seven different rebel ceteoria s. his escape. and almost mimeo" lone journey hy. Watt of nearly CO mile'. It will abound in stirring events, and. contain more of the fact. Incident, and romance of the war than any other work Yet PUbliaa ed. Teachers, ladies, energetic offic ers men. and especially returned and disabled. officers and sole diem, in awns of profitable employment. will find it peculiarly adapted to their condition, We have agents clearing $llO per month. which we will prove to any doubting a splicant. Send for circular'. address JONES, BRIM, & CO , W. N. corner SIXTH . 'and MIN olt Atreets. Philadelphia, Pa. ROY WANTED-A. COLORED BOY Magoon 'be saes of 16 and 18 warted.. Apply im rnealt tedy at 618 LOC IJP , T Street. ,ppe t! fi r RICA.TEBT THING OF THE "- 01 —ROWEIPS PRIZE 61KVSLOPPS. —Agents wanted OTOITIFAM. Premium Wetness given to Agents. On receipt of $l6 we wal meil, post-paid, 109 leveler's'. and s splendid Solid Silver Hunting-Case Watch as A premium to the agent. A single Favelope sent, with finales and full partleulars, on receipt of 26 cents. Ad dress A. H, BOWEN a 00., P. 0., Box WO, 36 EMU. MAN Street, H. T. mbl7. gm sPECIAL NOTICE,--A BOY WANT ED to learn the DAM DlletttEeg. /Wags 'True." Presst OSsee. .107-9t# rrO CAPITALISTS. -WANTED, A A- PARTNER Mott one preferred), in an established good•paviiig, manufacturing bulb:we, with from sl.ot -4)0Bto PAI., 6lO Inrst•clats reference given and r . ennired. 64drese W. B. L.,"Prue office. 3010 2t* 125 A 11101ITH.—A.GENTS WANT ti 88. .v erywt. or e to introduce the Improvt SHAW & CLAIM TWENTT•BC,LLAR FAMILY SEW- NiAOEIWIS, the only low•nrite machine to the counter which is licensed tiroTer & Haler t Wheeler & neWo, 1 1413110 t & 00., Beehelder. All other snaeLlnes now sold /or less then Tony doUnre Bilch sin Intrlneeraentm. amd 'seller and beer toe liable to fine nod tmortconment Relsry and. oxpentes, or large ooramt.stOtt, allowed. Illnetreted wrestlers sent free, Address. SHAW A (iLARK, Btddetord. Malan tit 710.4 &Vain g7O A MONTH.---I WANT AGENTS Zi FugW w & t talitiTt a hil n at h ,;e7lT'grtVeliek - Full particulars Lies. Address OTIS T. GAMEY, Sidde (Ord. Mains, mylo d&9V3m VOR SALE AND TO LET. BALE— gfpg BEAVFORT, R. I.—FOR AZR.The fine new Brown Stone MANSION, Wattlington etreet, fronting Newport Harbor; has never been nem pled ; near the Depot and r teamere; Bathing and Bolt• log at the door. One of the guest vlowe and again. in America. Apply to HAI; lAD to apracipx, Real Relate Broken% je2o tntlit6t NEWPORT, R. I. 01 TO FAMILIES GOING ABROAD. zeta—no advertise! will take oliz.,g; of a mOllllll - wel/-furnisted WIENS &Erin/ owner s absence. and 04 a reasonable roll tharefor, Dio (µ147. lltat of reftreneen given. Address "Index," Preers OHlce. je2O.2V ffk, - TO RENT. IN WEST PHILA.. •"- DELFIIIA—A %VELLUM'. north side of lidnrket street, first louse tr - sst of Fortieth. Two pari..ri and di: on first door, andiron chalnhos, including four alike Large garden. with anntilsnce sr fruit and flower. arkthy on the nremiree f rum four to seven o'clock P. Al. le2o 6e fa FOIL BALE—It. BEAUTIFYJWA cOUNTIUT SEAT in the Borough of Darby. on Summit street, about a square from the Darby Plank and 'Railroad. containing nine tares of euserlor Land. with Stone Mansion. Stable, Carriage House, dm, within BiX miles of the city. A great variety of o. Trutt Trees and abnadanceof Shade. jelli-tt siva* JOHN B BARMAN. frig FOR SALE—NEAT DWELLING; sr& es 37 North Tweuty.secotsd street; early possession store and Dwelled. X . K. corner Allueteenth god Ced• lowhlll elrects; good breineys plane. !Fmk Dwelling. 1614 Mum "Vsonen stree. ard 1808 Wood Wroot, sylth immediate possession. B. F. DLEXIL 123 South "FOURTH etre-t. and jel7. tf 8. W. oor. end GRIMM fin TO LET—DWELLING, No. 859 MIL North BL.6I7BDITIL Street. 13 F. a LIMN, jell - 123 South FOURTH Wrest." al . TO LET—COUNTRY BEAT, ON act cauEcisr Lane. near !be Darby fares td I large a tone • honee, earrlage • honee . sod four &ores of lazy! 35. F (314:11N, jel7 123 S =fit PUTJE pH Street aft FOR SA.LE AT A GREAT SPA M. maeFIOL on. WILL BE LlT—The PaILADBL PHU BOUM at CAPE Id lAA D, with a riortlea of the Fnrnt tare. The Loess will areemmodate nearly one hula. dred parsing. gad wc al& le a deeirable place for teveral families to occupy farthe teiven. B F 0 L E 144, Jel7 11.23 South FOURTH dtreet. ARCESTBEET BEBIro NOBS- Vag SALE --Several Etra•clite* eoekh side of Arch street, vest of ninstsenth street. emlrae• Inc all the mole= improvements. Apply. at Inne ARCH Street. Jele-itt, QTEAM ENGINE-8•INOH CYLIN. 1. , DEE, 18. inch ktroke, csst•tren frame, little tumsd, tor sale cans. LEM, Me 8. FEOETBtreet. ie2beuda• FOR BALE—ONE FIFTEEN:HORSE -a- WOMB A/ND BOILER, oil In °mandato order, low for Cann, Nortlioadl one of 11BOAD and HAMILTON Stratm. Al7-St* To LET—THE FIFTH AND SIXTH , STORIES of 237 and 299 DOCK Street, extending' tbrotigh to Carter street; alto Offices on the first hoot of the same Minding. fronting on Carter street. Can be usedlor ratinufautaring put Math Meetil yow.r. The third story of the Commonwealth Batwing, en end MS Cheatt ut street. the best liguted room M the etty. erns to InnblllS II CONNELL ' Counting.lionse Dr. Jayne it doe. jt9.o-6i* 242 U/310970MT Street. 80/U{OIING. at, EDINO IF GENTLEMION, 2 5 borth 81r9blari Street. COUNTRY BOAIIDINO, AT A. PLE3.- baNT Form Homo. in Ches,ter county, SS miler from the city, accoct.hy tin. Fur rtatientsrs, vat on tho proprlctnr, at No $4 berth hirrahirrit Vtreett PA the 9.lst ald 214, from iea till Ilya. DAY x10A.103, WITEI. FIRST•CILASt MuleTs, It No. ea* Scala WASRIXOTW Squats. toriu•lre ------ etta3l/41ET FURNITURE. KOOKY& eic CA.SCPION, se' Fgo•IITE SIiOND STUNT, ewe prepared to 'allow the decline to She market tt, the Price of their lartitlirt. Perohasare will pieltre arid eirerainp. aetr atenk. ___ r..ViBITTION AND vEnr,AL DB „. - ab.Firaerris or Obander,Ooactltittloa , and la . - .i .7 low, with ADvvorhA gasiness, Asalitt, )11.111µ. 's :la.:, Beli-letiovoveivoig, Mnuazwais.r.t and tits ,gray,:' t rar ce OBETIDEBA, k‘vatat s4l%ptsLinA, its . olio Emol4ramlag. ur .101iIT L. 0.4.1"401 . Pkri0101.411)401 Dcavillor. :41.11M471 1 AN 511 6.:57.403.114600,T. c htso6. ~ T EE COLUMBIA MOUSE* At , CAPE MAY, NEW JERSEY, WW be opened this name ' On the 1111111XTR DAT OF JUFE, for the reeePtiell of nas" Tide leading hones wi ll . for t he man MM, fa, natant Its well.atabliehedjasteettele. titaithy Atentlytud IT t a Wang of laid year, See Prorrietor fall ealtdied bat a Boa) amanita. efeeliff first-ekes mum continue amuses at tali old and Pella Mr retort The railroad faetltttee are Pr elated to be exeenei t" Beek's celebrated Philadelphia Band has been see Mired for the COLUMBIL the coming amen. For roome, &e., apply to 3. R, RUMOR. Zero eheett's Rotel, Philadelphia, or to G.BORQS 3. BOLTON, Proprietor,. myll 2m Cent TeLelo. L EASTWICK PARK, OUT' Id FETCH r. 708 BOATING AND FISHING. be open to anbaerlbars ON THIIBBDA.Y, Jane 224. Habeartotolai 'salved at 408 WALNUT STUB?. IRVIN BOOKIOB. Bnaariatondent. CONGRESS HALL, ATLAATIO o.lllr I. J. 'WILL ORES mist s t 1 16 1, wu.,..baeriber wool lepprolfully /Wore" his Meads and the ptiblie in Meng, thit his has setae Wag/ Congress all,H this bales the &lA . / 6110 k Rely tee prevenient' have been made. ales, new Bak-Howes Jane been erected, and the Wilda annul be surpassed at Inn eee-shore. And It is the deterentnition of the proprietor to nee every effort tomato Coalinga Hall II bows at comfort to his guests, A Carpi is enimed. Terms moderate [ ] elft.lml W. HriftLa• UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATIAKATIO OM, N. J.. Will open for the recaraton of guide on Wntror &MAY, Jnoe 98. Dodworth'a celebrated Band boo been engaged for Oa Season. Persona wishing to engage rooms, or desiring farther tnfortaitton, wilt address , - BROM* dt WOUPPIR, Proprletork_ iebblre SEA BATHING Bud. norts, WI'L ANTI° OVlrir, SRW raBSKY A :Thisold, established, and favorite halms& tom for theeeason on °reboot the VI of June. It is nearest to obe beach. escudos cool breezes at all times. Winn rivalled Bathing faoliieer, Ito complete furniture and apisointuient, and Its unexceptionable table. render Ma house a termite place for a summer sojourn , at the rea.side. rabellsSTs from the city re set down at the door. and eonismuication with the inlets is had at all times by rail. A•tine band of music has been ensued for the Molitloll. Partici' wishing to secure Board WILL address tho proprietor at Surf iscuse. atlantic City _ H 8, HANSON Pronrietor• C ARLIBLE WHITE SUL P RUH SPR:It OS. —Thle fo.l3lonahlo and d.ligatful Ham mer liesort ia . now open for visttoro For forms awl/ to R. W. WOOD& Prnotletor, OABLIBLI SPRIMOS. Pa. WHITE SULPHUR AND CHALIBEA'I'E SPRANGS, DOUBLING , GAP, PA, B. ROBINSON, PROPRIETOR. SEASON OPUS RIR it 16th. This delightful place 1c located in ‘lumberland coon. ty, thirty miles west of ' Harrisburg. it Is aoseletblo from all thevrincips I *Hies by railroad to Harrisburg, thence by the Cumberland Valley Railroad to New. ville; from If • wviiie sight miles good staging to Wm Springs. The stageis always in waiting upon the ar rival of the ea , s at liewslile. Passengers leaving Philadelphia, Baltimore. Or Washinaton In the morning can arrive at the Springs the same evening at 6 o'clock. This hotel is sombre d lone and comfortable (treatise been recently thorough -1.7 eshevetad) with hot cud Old bath attached, and ex tentivekrounde for walks cea , raroAaaineltle. Terms tO per day, or 411 PO Weak. Over t o ng weeks Bib per wee k, The long es perience of the Present proprietor enablers • him to as that it will be concluebd in a manlier TO Please nil eisitors. B. B. A fine livery is attitattei to the establishment. Jett 20P , SUMMER RESORT, BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN nova HUNTINGDON COUNTY, Pilo Tlde old and popular Mountain Resort will be opeiee4 for the reception of guests on the let of June, Plaii house bas recently been• thoroughly renovated and igh , proved In a manner that will be satisfactory to De pg. Irons. Exenrsion ticket. will be leaned by the Penn. sylvan% Railroad Oompany, which will be good Dia the let of October next, A Lack will be in readinequihs the arrival of the cars at Dudley to convey neea tO hotel, a diotszee of two moderate. Tor reutioulAr4l 114 d 1408 W. 11,, T. PEARSON, ProPrigt broad TOP HY, Huntingdon comity, mac. m73B•irr* TTNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG BEANO% New Jirsey. ie now Open for the re• caption of visitors—June 10, 1880 1e10.221.* BENJ. A. EHOSNLIKEE, Proprietor. KITTATINNY HOUSE, DELAWARE WATER OAT. This favorite Mountain resort Is now open to ele• dB TFvine leave Zem KeaMIMI= Perot's.% 737 A, M. d 880 r, m.. 0101 , t4 at the Gap at IP. El, and AO P. M. References—Morton MoMicksel, Franklin Peale. Louis A. fiodey, H, B. Banners, 8, R, Martin, Charles Baster, O Sherman. Tonto, 10.4 per week, jeB lm L. W: BRODEZAD. PrOPrietOr. MOUNTAIN ROUSE, CRESSON SPRING% This delightful and romantic watering place, Minitel on the antaMit of the /Wel hen) Nonmetals, at Crew* Station. on the Pannevivaals H4 l lroa4, W i n be Opened for the fieeeption Of Onsgtet 011 siOND.AY, Inns llth, 1856. Several new cottages have been erected. the !gonads have been beantided end improved. and Cresson ianow one of the most beautiful hill homes in the United States. Exeursion tickets, good until October bag are leaned by the Fenno/Prattle Railroad Company. For Outlier information. address GEO. W. stimuli: , Proprietor cameos ersards, Cambria contr. re. TTOWLAND'B HOTEL, A- 1, - LONG aIIAIWIL opeh for the reception of impl. AM* inAJDUL ie3.)112. BOW GAM D, a EF Hit AT A MT. SPRINGS.-Tllll3 delightfal and 'romantic watering place, bengal. folly situated in the healthiest seetion of Laseasteg county, and acknowledged to be the " garden lied" of. Pennsylvanla, will open for the accommodation of guests on the 16th of June. Railroad sommunioatios twice a day front Philadelphia. on the Pennsylvania or Reading Railroad, end daily from Baltimore and AMP York. nor particulars address the .psoprieter, jet4m .1. W . IPBRDBRIOII. .ORETTO 13PRILICIrO, CAM I 3 RI A, -.- 1 11 PA, -- 115 faktosita Simmer BOWL 1.14 be e ven forte reception of irieltare Me /51 9r 49 , 1 r. ,Ctoaohes will belt. readiness et (Treason StatWa to eon- TOY yiebore to the Spriest. Loretto litoinse to =stir. ponied for Ito beautiful scenery and salubrious oilmate. A band of rankle to ex/aged for the 'MOD. For parties% hare address, P. A. GIBBON'. Proprietor. royel•lm Loretto, 1311 . 101)1411 comity. PI. BELVIDERE DELLWARE RAIL. BOA-% TWO THROUGH NORTHERN CON. NECTIONS DAILY. LEKvE P. AND T. B B KENSINGTON DEPOT AT 7.30 A, Al. JAND 3 30 P. N. 00Annelting dtrectlT through to ELSTON, ATEN. OAP. WILIIESBABEE. Ann Tlia GREAT DANES. nrottall Tickets sold and Baggage Oheekod thrttesa to all principal points North and Wait, is9.lm W, H, GILTZHEE, Agent, ra 4=4 4 , TO PLEASURE SEEKERS. FOB LAKE SUPS/110R, One of the new And In eV Innen t Steamers, METEOR AID PEWAB/0, Will IMIVA (NZFTLAND, Obio, every MONDAY. at 8 m and plltatilT, .11flohigin. livery TiI,EBDAY• M and Port SaMlit. et 10 ar, P m . r fl ai'neag roil and plessure the Lake Armorial , Kt is Unfoalled on this continent. The best r' epsoklet 'trout" tithing In the world t and noNhero ant tits ireitlizo snob aubetantild Lanett as Its the toot, dry, and invigorating climate of Lake nopertor, it to also the cheapest trip adored, being only abont Biros and one-bale cents per mile, rrnioh inuludes state. rooms and insole, For Information, or tattling of rooms, Bpi). to GAirlttlr , sOn rt Cleveland, T. WIE.FINO MINA, Nigh, jagr a t U. S. MAIL LINE FROM BALTIBIOIIB for FuRT SiONROI. CITY POINT. lord F.RIGNOND, by drat. daee steamers and experienced captains', daily, The Bay Line steamers Louisiana and Daniel Web ster will leave the Eruton Dock, toot of Concord street. dell). at o'clock P. 11, net Fort Monroe and Norfolk. Vd. connecting tit Fen Monroe with the Memnon, Geor gian and M, Stamp Per City Point and IllotigtOndf Returning, will terse Nialintotd at 0 . stepping air LIS, Point, and sou nesting at Port al - mires with th Day Line steamers that leave Norfons at 2g P. hi.. and arriving In Baltimore is time for the BARRA and Western trams, and for Washington City, 0, C, The steamers of this Ilno navigate the James river. going and retort log. entirely in day time, giving pae sensors ample time to see the fortillOationa, and all other objects of interest. Tickets for the above places can be had on board of the Mate Fare from Baltimore to Norfolk... .. .... 0Q V.ll Monroe ~,,, h 01 Through tickets from BeitintOre S 7 Richmond .• OW City Polo s.,w 763 State.roome aid Nsale extra The stale-room a ccumnieff attune are nnentpassed,and the table well supplied. p i mento's taking the 1 16 train +porn Philadelphia will make connection with this line N s . anio r a taking , the 8 a. AC train from New York have ample time to dine In Baltimore, pe e cenyers taking the 3 P St train from Washington make connection with this line. A coach will be in wetting on the arrival of the 1 ,16 train from Philadelphia to convey Passengers to the baste of thin line, free of charge, Baggage carilvd free at charge, IC N PALL IL D. JAME , General robo . t/ex ag % ent, Pa las; el piths. 30204 D R E I N ILR J . th 6A N i p ._Th A r T a; LA C3 N A T 3I I.O Trains dotty to Atlantic City, and one on Sunday. Trains it aye Vine-atrset Perry as follows! Matt Train .4...7,30 A. Y. Freight, vtiLh Passenger Cars attached, M. Agrommodatton P. IL JUSLiii9l4 A...ABTA Adat.loll.. 4 11 .4), 30 Pr AP RETURNING. ',BAYS ATLANTIC. Attaatte Accommodation , . ~, .. . .... 47 A, M. Freight. With ranee ger Oars ;Ottawa. ..... 11,47 P. A. Mal Train ......... ...... • • ...... P, Junation Accommodation-- . . .... . . L M. Pare to Attu:ate $2, Srettralon ilokete, good wag for the day and train on which th..y are laaued, N. SI , NDAY Mall. TRAIN. Leaves Vlng-.tract Ferry at 7.30 a. M. Returning, 'eaves Atlantic at. 4.46 P. M, SXT KA PADDONPIELP TRAMS Leave Vtio , torect Ferry 93.10.14 A. M. and 1.15 P. M. Maildoillield at 11.41 i ava 4t P. M. B.—Freight 111116; ire dellvorad at Coopert robs before 6P. M. to incurs it. gollig down thensat *7. mb9.3mtf TORN RRYANA Litekt. 011 BAY AND PLEA ISAUT SIJXXIsIt TRAVIIL, OASIDIS AND ATLaNTIO 41.11 D BARI TAM AND BBL/NABS BAY RAILROAD, °BANOS or TM& CAMDEN, TO BIM T OBK Arit• Lotto BRAVOS'. On cud alto' 1517NDAT, into 19, the Agorae Train piit t e ees tooper Point, Camden, daily tstmdoxit y 0,1441.4 0,19 A, At , for Trolt4rton, narnagaL rge , s lover, Mancheatt r, Series, gottankum. ranadusidala. ' , nark River, Long angel, granobport, ogegnort. Ratontows „Shrewsbury, Ben Bank, Kiddieto Hlgke Janda, and Pelt Montr"entht thence ,to New York. by the splendid stonier Jesse Hoyt " Threnith 10 New York in live soars. Yam 42, Exourelon Vegeta, goota• fur three days, 43 On estnrdeve at extra train for Long Branah,wlll leave Camden at 4St M Returning, leave, bong Branch at 6 Id A. M, Monday, attiring at Camden 9,101. it. ma/ agiNaCATAW/813A. RAILROAD C oMPele T —To Tourist's and Trento lore- Escargot. tieetoll 01.18 N Luke Ontario liqk Niver, Tke Theuseud Tel Das. .Pertiand, The fteride of si. Lawret ce White Ma:attains River, %Auto!' tiellusisiace, • al. Neutron, ke, es, Quebec, ale., , Tickets for the above Iv:unions orhieh have Ism so long an d tuvorebly known to: the Philadelphia, Public, bj VATIOUB routes to Ilsgsre Veils, for este Itt she CI &TAN I6SA NAIWZOAD °FM& 4ar Chestnut street, nailer Phlia4siehla If,!,uhrwhore tai lnfoun tlelyrillbe o..en. lA, NAB 401, Palllotalier AMMIL *go O.I3ESTNUT 'Street. ,ollk VERY CROIOE ROAST.I6D, AL MOND. woutikatarsa by writrarar F. wHITKAN, 11/4,131A0, tqw KIS= alree.b. SORTS. XICILLSTON. cig,t42 WIND. BUFFILLO,