THE EXQUISITE "BlaAll. DR RAMS." —ln the general exodus from town to the country Aug Sea ohm, ladies should add to their toilette cue "L' LOA a. Parte." Which willetreotaally prevent frisk. lee, tan, and the diaroloratioaa caused by the tilt *Leering the shin elem. solt and white. Offieere and **liners whose feces have been bronsed by long-eon. ginned expoenre will End Email de Paris" will re. Ater. the thin to snort than its original purity and sitbßenets. tlionall de Parisi" is earsciallY indorsed - try Else Mollie Western, Wile Vestvall, Mrs. D. It tHowers, and other celebrated actresses, whose Position lenders their judgment nnetring and valuable. Sold by all Druggiete, Perfumen, and Hairdressers. Or. .den by mail ebouldbe addressed to JARED a EOM -Philadelphia. who, upon application, will send citon. lays to any Address. jeit-mwe-tt MOW ITCH Clamp HT FROg 19 TO 48 BOUM ABidY ITCH CUM IF IBM 12 TO 48 HOURS. • ARMY ITCH MAN° 1$ FOOO 12 TO 48 BOMA DR SWAMI'S ALL, FOALING ODITMEXT never Itallsto core the worst eases Tetter. Scald Head. Silt 111enin.Pries GO cents Sent by rain fore° cents. . SWATHE & BON. 330 Norte SIXTH Street. It 'WORD BEFORE TOO LATE.—ABM YOU •troplaca with Handute, Heartburn, Constipation. Die • trees after Eating. Poor Memory, Low Spirits, Pain in the Esc*, Great Weaknese, Bad Breath, or any other symptom of that horrid nightmare disease, Dyspepsia ? If co, lose no time, but procure a bottle of PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen, and Invigorate. They cisate a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet," They overcome effects of dissipati m and late hours. 'They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers: They pettily the breath and acidity of the stomach. They care rlePepela end C ;netipation. They cure Diairhoie. sad Cholera Korbus. • They cure Liver Coropl aint sad Nervous Headache. No ague of diet te necessary while Ming PLANTA• TION BITTERS. Eat the beat your money will buy and. all your str mach craves of it. PLANTATION BITTERS strengthen the stomach and re• store Its healt ay action. Ton wilt find them jell! , et PALATRABLE, PURE. and BELILRLR. COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP. Tlia celebrated TOILET SOAP, in such universal de. Vaud, is made from the CHOICEST materials, is MILD and EMOLLIENT in its nature FRAGRANTLY scum= and BETEEMSLY BENEFICIAL in Its ac tion lona the Skis. For sale by all Druggists and Yarns Goods dealers. MS. tutlialy JONEIe.---SOLDIERS RETURNING HOME, you V MA , R RNA aultttantial, cheap, and fa bionable stilt of Ultima' Clothing. Go to Jones' OLD ESTADDISHED ONE PE:CI3 CLOTHIEtt HOUSE, 604 MARKET STREET. ABOVE SIETE. Tart PRceNTY PECTORAL WILL CURE YOUR cocoß. It %prepared ells. by LEVI OSSEEtoLTZER, IL D., a repotablevhysician or racoui...ll.lo Pa., and Se Sold et the Wholesale Agency. No. 23 No, th SIXTH Street, and by nearlyevory Draggle: and country Store. . - =27-At From (WHEATON'S) ITCH. SILT BIOME. (011ITHENT) BALT EllllMd. WM sure the Itch in 48 hours. Ab.o. stares San Rheum, Ulcers. Chilblains. and`lll Braptions of the skin Price 60 seats. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POT• TER. /XOBTON. Maas., will bd for *anis& free by mall Mar see by all Druggists. mhlB-6m 167t71 - STROWAY & SON'S PIANOS.: BLidiatl3 BROTHERS'. 1006 CILESTNUT Street. For sale only st ie3-IL GroitaxAna & Co.'s If7i, AND N•BON & HAMLIN'S CABINET OBOANS. PIANO Over 600 each of these line OIIBINN7 FONTES. instruments have been sold by ORGANS PIANO lir. 0, . end the demand is sea- OABI ABT NONTI4. stoutly Increasing. ONO a rfS PIANO For sale only by CANINNT FORTES. J. R. COULD , OIZGA.NS PUN 0 fiIiVNAIR and ORNSTINITY Si.i OtBISSI VOSTita, no2o- tf OfteeJlit EIIDDEN 'DEPARTURE OR THE: TIM WORM-BOW IT CAME TO PAUL LIM week we raised it bit of a breeze Among the worms which hung from the trees The City Fathers bad tried in vein. And tried, and tried, and tried again. To induce the Worms, eo horribly sloe/. To get down Mr of the trees. and got They knocked the trees with slabs and slight, Hoping the creatures would fall on the bricks; They pat tar on the tress, and squirted with hose, And several other things, much like those ; But acne or them bad the least effect On the ugly worms, all etrlptd and. specked. What in the world contd, they further do? OAK HALL was readY, with sornethlug new. SO OAK NALTAPTGOEIEded to show 'Om SOIES toichlng remark s 131 the way of a poem Then somebody whispered in their ear. ••Look Aare yon ally worms! look here! h g t CAST HALL begins, It always ruts through! gee hew Ws begun to work 011 you! You'd better come down from your webs on {IMMO Y sn'd better get ready your things, and flee!" Then the worms canelnded no longer to Man And they packed their trunks, and crawled away !as ynblic are gtatefuh as every one sees. To HALL. for driving the worms from the trees, So because the weather's getting so warms The public come in a perfect swarm, And that 'which. they want, for each and all, 16 Bat of their clothes, from the GAUT 0411 HALM Styles unsurpassed! Perez exactly right! A new lot of wry abode.... Peek Coate in MOTO to-day. WAtfAAiLESI & BROWN, OiLIC HAM. Popular Clothing Rouge. It 8. B. eel. or SIXTH and filaßKßP:Stroataa IV~ARIi.IED_ BOLLES—JANNEY.—On Thursday, June 16, by tie Elm. S. Rudderrow, L- S. Bolles, M. D., of Providence, R. 1., to Gertrude) youngest daughtar of tbo Ws Dr. B. S. Janney. HaTIBERT—GR RENEE tiLGH.—At Frankford, on the isth instant, by, Rev. T. P. Coniston, Mr. Adam Flaubert and Miss Elizabeth 0. Greenhalgh. o SMITH—TO ADVINE.—On the 16th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Mayer, Edward Clarence Smith, of Philadelphia, to' Virginia A., daughter of Parnell Toadvinei Esq., of Salisbury, Md. WORRALL—BOUDE.—On the 15th June. 1866, in St. Stephen's Protestant Episcopal Church, at Harrisburg, Pa., E. Hudson Worrall. to MB Helen Boude, both of Harrisburg, Pa. ENGLEHAHr—WILSON.—On the 13th Instant, at the house of 'the bride's parents, by the Rev. D. W. Bartiee,_ Mr. William F. Englehart to Miss Lettla C. Wilson, both of this atty. DIME)- LIPPINCOTT.—On the 15th lest., of tionsump tin, Sallie, wile of Thomas E. Lippincott, aged 83 years. The relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, No. 011 Spring Garden street, at three o'clock, on Monday afternoon, 19th lush Interment at Mount Vernon Cemetery. ROHRER.— On the evening of the 15th instant, Charles G. Borhek i in the 606 h year of Ms age. The relatives and male friends of the family are invited to attend hid funeral, from his late residence, No. 413 South Ninth street, on Monday afternoon, 19th Dist., at four o'clock. NEWELL.—On the 14th inst., Thomas C. Newell, in the 54th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his somin-law, Charles S. Ridgway, No. 508 Market street, Camden, N. S., on Sunday afternoon, lath teat.. at 8 o'clock. Also, on the 12th last , Thomas R. Newell, son or tie late ThoMBB O. Newell, in the 33d year of hiß age, Funeral at the same time and place. * B * SEDDON.—On the morning of the 14th inst., Rev. James Seddon, in the 70th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday after noon, the 18th inst., at 2 o'clock, from his late resi dence, Main street, Frankfcrd, 'without further notice. *** - B LACK ENGLISH GRENA.DINBS.— 'oat poeaivad, a me of Blank English (grenadine', at 40 outs a gaga.- Dg6b99 & son. Jamming Rena 918 08.118TMUT Mist, Ono price. Pecan In plain figures. myls RLACK OHA.LY DE LAINE.-JUST alsgned, 0/211 case of Vein black Maly de Laing's, at 37% gents a lard. 888801/ & lionranta Store, 918 GHISTAIIIT Street. One mice Priem in plain ranges tayls DESERVED STOCK, ALL OFFERED wkoresala from thin data: • /tame ;dock of Shawls. Emma stock of Et Ira kceartre stock of Drain Goode. Mat & LatiDILL, RAO FOOMTH and AIICH Streets. UrFIRST COBIGKEGATIONAL CRUKCII, FRALORFORD Road and MON V OORRRI al',l,lll—Rilr. D. L. CIEaR. 10.14 a.. al and 7X r R. Excursion to Sylvan Retreat, 3 . 11.110 MI. It CENTRAL ICONGREGIATIONAL CODCBETt HALL —Divine servile TO•LIOSBOW MORNING 8. , A. Evrallea. as nenei Rev. DIIIISL MADDH, D JD., Will preach at 8 51. Stranord welcome. it* SECOND. ADVENT DEDEINGS..— " II SPBSDI COA[tUO of timanaT " Eider N. W. BISHOP. of New Hampshire. will Preach tr a sli this int'hct, TO the crlllt ri O EI R A: O C V A arat Slielstt t and a, , t Sin Lenin', ow ' Man's Nature and Dee tiny. ' DLDICA.TION. NINETEENTH STEDI,T M. R. 0111313.(111. a• BB erg, J un e Dedleatoxy sermon: Rev. J. MoOLIOITOCIS, D D., 10X A. Rev. A LONOACRZ. 3P. M. Rev. JAS. fitilLl,. SP. M. All Mende of Olirletion enter.. Drina are entielly invited. jelB 21. CHVBCH OF THE Nsw TEPirA.- KENT. T. E. STOCKTON. Palm. ELIVOTVE and WOOD Streetn—SASßATH AFTER/100E, a'; (our o'clock. 11;r' EXXON N. E. CHURCH, TUNE lgyil.—Esv. JAMES NEILL will Pvacii at VW e'cluk A- M. sad Bev.. N. FRAME at to BP. If. Ur THE FINAL TEIIIIIPH OF THE SAINTS. as anggeattd and Illuotratod by the 1a3,2 rt•tura and triumphant trowel of our armiestlyoutb. Waßblagton. Tke Rev. JOSEPHSMITH TOrl crunch on this subject, at TINTON SMITING. Awe luau MT oh mime' Trail. corner of FOURTH and GEORGE Straeip To-MORROW (Sabbath) AN rhm.loos, at for ty...five minutes rail three o'clock. All am invited. It* tar FIRST BE FORMED DUTCH CHURCH, MIMI and nnlffe CURDS& %ineir. rev. J. W. SUYDAM. Pastor. Sarvicas at .10X o'clock A. M., and I'M o'clock P. M. GREEN•STREET IC E. CHIIIRMIEL Pr. aching in this Church on SABBATH HORN- D9O at 3Gys' o'clses, by Bev D. W. BA.P.TIDIB. and at mc:ock in the 11V81111AG, by Rev. THRODORS srEVE; ltv NEW PRESBYTERIAN 1.853 CAMAC ahreet. near Berks.—Rev. AL FRED LOS preaches every SUADAt .at WM. M. and 4 P T.i An the neighbors are invited. SandaY school, P_M I.l* Tang D REFoRKED Duyvil CHITLGEf. corner TRCTD and FILBERT gte Rev D. wORTMAN. of Sehenectatty. N ein preach TO MORROW. Service. at 1.03; A. M. and 4P. Ai lt* pORDINATION.—REV. er J. W. BON- B trill be ordained Tbeabyt by the ZIITU BeN% B11.11(rD S . TENET'S. D. D.. In the Church of the In. terceirrr. SPI. i Q DEEM, Street. below Dread, TO MORE° W (Sunday) ItiOUNITIO. at 10M o'clock. Bye. &fog tort - Ice. otarter before eight. FBILAVELPIXIA TRACT AND •lON FOCI Society willred. ao.l Sec the Meeting in hohitif of this hi h.ll et the MRTHAAY MISSION, SOUTH sod T 'ANIMISM btreetf, ou SABBATH EVRSING_ IS.h. Several ad. be made . Mlle invitee. Ur PHILADELPHIA SABBATH'. SCHOOL 18q001TTION will ant on MON. 'THIRDVINLING VBX.T. in the Chnrcb, MOO B's sod REDWOOD Stree , t, Rev. JOBE ith's < /lif eion to be considered : What moans should be n =f• to therm@ the number of Sundayeohoot teaoh• ewe" 1.1.* SPIRITUALISM. .4. CONVER• en C ENCE be keld at SA NEON STREET a D al a t log .A. d. , and Mr it. Rapt win lea -1140 at 8 P. H. as " spirit and ita Gil/Aare, M.* ggr. UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN COMMIBSIOS. May SO Cash , ecknow/edgmente for the two weeks ending 865 PBII sOBLPSELS. CONTBIBUTIOIIIS, AS FOLLO Writ Ladles' Christian Commiesio i n Übe:nude Baptist Church. rhilftdelleill. Der ETN. Mary T. HOU. treasurer $lO3 03 North BrOndltirttei Presbyterian Chtirsh,per Mts. Tatman......os. • • • 700 Second Presbyterian Church, Mantas, per H. W. Balta. 47 85 Ladies' Christian earwigs ' mon. Mirth tingei Presbyterian Church-. .. , ......" 88 76 Ladies' Chriaidan Commission, St. Judea B Church, per Bev. B. 6 00 Friend in Morning Prat 6 00 Ladies' Christian Commission of the Church of the Mediator. . ... 26178 Mary Johnsen, little girt in ... Moravian IMP glen School. Math street and Girard ave. nue, Pleilver.. ... . ... / Ladies' Christian Commission, Spruce-street Baptist °buret,: Cash. Per Mrs. M H. Bailey.-4 100 Sub , oriptione and collections per Mrs. L. 212 00 Ladies' Christian Commission. Cedar serest Presbyterian Church,per Mo. M. K. Fair. lamb. Treasurer 4... •-••• • 500 Ladles' Christian Commission. First Baptist Church, per Mrs. Lamm:nee. Treasurer.... IS Os Ladles' Christian Commission. Moravian Church, per Bev. A. A 7s op '-'"••••• 8 781 if Christian Commission. Portland, Oregon, per W. B. Ladd. Treasurer . 431 93 ChrisUrs Commission. Albany. N. T., per wm areSircy 600 00 ladles' Christian Commission. 'Pro,. per Mrs. B. M. Brown, Treasurer. —. 67017 Amount received from other parts of the country and acknowledged in religions payers— 1.681 89 $1,1191 Amount previously aekn0w1edge4—.........1,398,667 ol7e. in.,..41,403.451 25 _ JOB. Tremmer . . Stores received by the United States Christian Com mission from Philadelphia for three weeks, ending June 14tb,1886 L D. and B B. D.. 1 Package. Fifth. street Methodist Episcopal Church, 1 package. Church of Epiphany, 1 package. West .arch• street Presbyterian Church, 'package. , Emmanuel P. E Church, 'package. T S. Arthur is Co., 201) magazines First Presbyterian Church, 90 hotiseWiyos. Dumber of packages of stores received from other other parts of the country, 180. Total, 187 GEORGE B. SMART, Chairman. It No .1.1 BANK Wrest, alair" THE COOPER SHOP comuourrrEE make the following acknowledgments: Arundel Smith ••••••••..•. •+«••.....• $5Ol Samuel Tumbleson 6 00 C. B. Tyson ... ;........... 00 M 133 A . 10 03 Frank Lucaa.•... 10 00 Philaaelphia Mations'. ..... 82 60 American Life Insurance and Truitt Co 60 00 John T. Lewis & Bro 100 00 Pennsylvania Railroad 150 00 Thomas 35 00 Daniel 5 50 Jonathan Po 10 00 Pennsylvania insurance CO 26 CO Friends .4 James VA 00 W. 51. Gibson 1 00 Reba rya 10 00 Mrs Dr. . . .... 10 CO A Friend. per J. Latham •..«..•«»~».»..»»• - CO John Latham.. •. 6 OD Ittsbnkond Lodge. Jo. 240. L C. 0. F• 00 Contribution of Eanitary aosoolution of Eit. Thomas P E Church. -•.— ao 00 Cash, through 6 00. Cash.. .. ..•—•... 300 El4O 60 O.& W. Welsh One bade' of Bum. Win Shriven One hundred mode beef. be name published, "Friends of James Irving," last Week, should be, ' Jamas 1 . 0012131'11 Friends. ' 1 WM. M, COOPER, President. Jess le. 1.565. 1t Ilar. THE LAST EIBAND CONCERT OE THE SEASON—The last and best grand Con cert oflhe present season will be given at CONCERT HALL, CHIMITISIIT Street, above 'twelfth, on MON DAY EVENLY% June 19, Mb, in aid of the GOOD- InTANT LIBRgaY, an association connected. with the Hose, Hook and Deader Company of the same name. The programme will be moat then/001y and nousrat ly varied, m misrising Sacred, National. Oeseatie, Sea timental, Irish, Scotch, Cterman, Comic. and mlscalla- Deena musical geleetions, from the most approved an then, and the entertainment will be one la every respect both pleasant and edifying. The very first musical talent of the city has been secured for the occasion, including the fall Jefferson Cornet Band. Prof. John Roth leader; The American Vecaliste (Quartet° Association; The Mozart (Quintets) astoclatton; The Philadelphia Harm ontsts; the cele brated Seengerhand (Derman) Musical Association, competed of fiftyy selected voices, Prof Carl Gaertner, leader; Miss 11, °Jezebel, formerly of Leonard Drover's Opera Troupe. hew York; Miss Louise SollidaY and Miss Marceone Ellen. of Philadelphia; together with Messrs. Jacob °ref, Philip Moore, George ;Won Daniel iliclntyte, William Probasco, Pant Burger, a nd many gentlemen amateurs. In audition to the foregoleg. by Partioniar request, William B. Huddiman, Esq • has kindly °named to Itelte an original humorous comno.itlon. entitled 'Noses," - winch has heretofore met wtth nebenuded favor in its first and 0111.7 introduction to this city. re cently, at Musical Fund Ball Tte piano used upon the occasion is from the tale brated manufactory of Messrs. Raven A Bacon. New York, and has been kindly loaned for the oczasion by their Philadelphia agent, Mr. James Battik, Moe. 2/9 and 28; South Fifth street. It will be presided at by Prof. H. A. Clark, Pianist of the Handel and Haydn ociet y. S This being the last entertainment of the bind for this BMW:4 the tome of tickets to alt mate of the Hall will be only FIFTY. CENTS. thus placing this rich musical treat within the reach of all. The doors of the Hall w.ll be opeo. at 7 o'clock and the Concert will positively commel ce at 8 o'clock preclude'. THOMAS R HARKINS, 2t Mutical Director. OFFICE OF THE UNION PETQO• 11 "--e- LIM COMPAIS3r. MoS SonthEol3liTH Street. PEMADELPIII,IL. June 17. 1865 . . . An Adjourned Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held at the office, on wzonswor, the 21st instant, atl2 o'clock, noon. 3e17-4t ISAA.O LLOYD, President. THINCY•FIES C AUAL EX Om& 01:11nOn • "PRILA.DELPIIIA L NN YCEUM' takes place on SATZ/Ma next, 24 h that. See Mare at- Tesneeesents. jal7 smW3t. NeTICE IS HEREBY IRIVEri TetAT application has been made to the °Moore of tho Wilitem Penn 011 Company for renewal of Certifieste N 0.344. for four Landrad and twenty shares in said Ccm psny, in the name of Hiram Corson, the original cart!. &atom having been lost or mislaid. IL M. 00.1 VON, Attorney. jel7-smth* 603 WALNUT Street. HALL OF 'RULE UNION VITT EN " ECIITIVI COMMlTTER.—Agreeably to a tall by the Union State Xxecntive Committee, the citizeue of the 'various wards of Philadelphia are requested to meet at ouch places at dent anted by the alms of the Ward. associations. on TUESDAY evening. June V). tea; to elect one Judge and two Inspectors,leeDnderstan election in tbe various precincts. agreeably to Rule X. of the rules for the government of the Union Party. At this election there elicit be elected one Senatorial Dele gate and one Repretentatave Delegate for each ececinet. who neat meet to tic.omation. aereeabry to Male XIX. WILLIA.N. ELLIOTT. rroas44 4015- 6t BOBSET T. Gran.} Secretaries' W. B. LEEDS, OF FIIBLIO SCHOOLS, FIRST DISTRICT OF PSSINSYLVANIA.. PEILATIELNILL Jane 14,1855. . . . . . . . At a meeting of the Oontrollera of Public Belmont. Pint District of Pennanlvanift held at the Controller's' Chamber s June 13, 1866, the following regolntion wet adopted: Resolved. That there shall bo but one session par day in the Poblle Fehoolg of thin district, commencing at BMA. 31and closing at 131 with 4, rams of twenty Minutes. from the lath of Jane to the summer mention. rom theh Minutes. 7 3e16.3t H. W. ELLLIWELL, Seareterr. i NOTICE TO IiTOOKHOLDNRS. CARPENTER'S RUN OIL COMPANY. A Meeting of the Stockholders of the CARM TER'S RUN OIL COAPANI will be held at the Mace of I. S. SHARP, 505 CHESTNUT street, on FRIDAY, Jane 30th. at 4 P. M. jel6.frtt• I. S. SHARP, Secretary. lar" UNION STATE CONVENTION.—A State Convention will be held et Harriaburg WEDNESDAY, the 19th Ju1y,19459, at 12 o'clocir ti • for the purpose of putting in nomination a State ticket, to be supported by the friends Of the Union at the coining October election. The earnest and sextons labors of a loyal people Bl eared the great victory in 19i4, and made the war, which our enemies denounced as a failure, a glorious encase in 18195. Oar flag has been maintained, our enemies destroyed, our Government preserved. and peace re • established, Let every friend who aided in tide result take measures to be represented in that Convention. We most sea to it that the fruits of our success are not lost to rue nation. Business of vast importance will be presented for its sensideration, and every district is the Slate should be represented. SIMON GagiBBON, Chairman. A. W. BM - EDICT, wymi roasEy. } Secretaries, Jed tjyl9 lara itIBERNIAL SOCIETY..-Tifig Quarterly Meeting of thin Society will be hod at „Elwood. Kelly c (late Connelly's) Hotel. C assuur st,e,t. below Siuth on SATHSD SVSSINTI, the 17th init.. at 73f, o'clock. WASS L. TAYLOR. jele-2t Secretary. rarr- THE SIEIFFLEIR SIOSE AND Steam 'Fire Engine Company will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLA RAS for the arrest and con. viotten or the person or persons who set it re to the sooner tbop of Mr. William Botha on the froraing of Jnnel6. - 111156. JOAN J. CLIFTON. 3616.20 Secretary. lIIIIAIL'AIRIG IPRIZE MONEY AND GOVERN MENT BOUNTY TO ALL WHO INT.SR THI MUTED STATES KLEINE COPS. Orders have been received from the head of the Marine Corps, at Washington. not to restrict recruits to a particular slug (as has been the ease heretofore), but to refteiNES ALL who have served in the volunteer M. Tke, Orin the rokalare, or the marines, and have been honorably diseharted. Stith persons enlisting la the United States Mariam; will revolve the Govern ment bounty, and will also be entitled to their (there Of prise money in any capture of the enemy's vessels. For further information apply at the recruiting ran &wrens. No. all South FHOIT Street, between S A. AL and a o'clock r, IL.. every day but Sunday JANIS Falif3T, 'SAT Captain and Regretting Officer. GIZOCERIES. TTENEY LEAMAN, IMPORTER OF TEAS. 932 ARES STREE PHILLDELPHIA TEAS. TEAS. TEAS. TEAS. No common Teas aold or elven away. No false state• =outs to effect Balm HENRY CHAPMAN'S CHOICE NEW MI&. TORE, For Coutoberms In Tea. PR= $1.25 , 1111, LB., Formed from a selection of the . most approved TS xleties. corr. bitted in the proportions best calculated to develop the various excellencies of each. YOUNG HYSON, YE °KING CROP, THE FINEST IN THE COUNTRY. NANKIN MOYUNE IMPERIAL AND GUNPOWDER. COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE, PURE JAVA, MANILLA, AND RIO, ROOM WITHOUT WATER OR LARD HENRY •CHAPMAN, 982 ARCH STREET, p FAMILIES RESIDING IN MI RURAL DISTRICTS We are prepared. as heretofore, to supply famine, i s their country residences, with ' EVERY DESCRIPTION Or FINE aIIOCIERTES. TEAL do, ALBERT O. ROBERTS. 1333244 z Corner ISLEVBETR and VINE Etude. FMWCiRKB, FIREWORKS , FIRE WORKS, 'CI' EVERT VARIETY. in large or small Quantities, may be had at JOSEPH CAMPBELL & j.17-126* 108 MARKET Street. CORFELIVS WILLIAM H. WATSON. Lute Public Printer. bate Chief Clerk Bab. NM WENDELL ik WATSON PROBEOUTE CLAIMS BEFORE EVERY DEPART. MEET op THE GOVERNMEIT. Ones Foams, No. 345 PENNSYLVANIA. Aireatta. Directly opposito the Metropolitan Hotel. jer.:ut 1.„ e . Box 09, Waal:ditto', D. O. COOPRR & CONARD, MINTII AND MA.MK3Wr. EERR & LANDELL, POIDEVTI - 1 AND ARCH. SUMMER SILKS AND SHAWLS. TOWELS FOR HOTELS. PURE WHITE SHAWLS. DIAMOND MARSEILLES. GOODS FOR TOURIST& WIDE COAT SILKS LLAMA SHAWLS. GAUZE FLANNEL. 1,000 LOW QUILTS. TABLE LINEN. sp2o them2m TAGG 4% BE 0., CORNER TENTH AND pip B, open from large Auction Sales . • 1 lot Slack Silt and Wool coatT7s cis. lot fine Black and White bilk Plaid Moyambinnea. 45 eta. 1 lot Light Oolors Stripe Worsteds. for traveling dresses. 50 tits. , 1 tot Bloch and White, Shepherd Plaid Mohair's, 50a, 1 lot Lead and Black, Silk Stripe Grenadine. 6234. Slots Ladles' Bleached Cotton Stockings. 26 to 60a. Slots Genie' tieblesebed )4 hose, &S. 46 and 50, S lots White Silk 11.1noion, for Bonnets, 40 and 60c. 1 lot 2 width Black 'dohs's. Braid, 36ya:d pieces, $1 60 and $2 25. 1 lot Ladles' ribbon. bound Gauze Merino Vesta (no sleeves), 121 1 lot Ladies' Short Sleeve Gauze Merino Vests. $125.- 1 lot Gents' Gauze Menne Undershirts $l. 1 lot Ladies' Gauze Merino Brewers $1 20. 1 lot Heavy ail) Imbroldered Mohair Mitts, 75c. 1 lot 2 eases small m Leaf Pans, We. 1 lot Rs et Corset Claope,_ only Ilk 1 lot 100 dog Pine Lisle Thread Gloves, 200. 1 lot An Silk Slued Black Belts, 130 a. 1 let Gents' Colored and Blank Keck Ties, all silk. 2.60. • 2 lots Imitation Took SWISS Mullins, 60 and Ma Alse..a Ina line Spotted, Stripe and Plain kiwi* and Cambria Kaoline. liainsooks. Ac for Garibaldies. Trimming and Bonnet Ribbons. Veil Beregss. Bugle Gimps, Ladies' and Gents' Handkerchiefs (old prices), Bottom, Brushes, Combs, ,c., at the Auction Bar gain Store, Corner TIM2TH. and PCBS. ja7.2t CHA MBERS, NO. 810 ARCH ST. • /BUBB EiToar REDUCED. Black Thread. Ltiol3ll. Thread Veils. Thread Lace Bathes. Heinstitcbed Bandkercbeits. bargains. Cambric Edgings and Insertion.. Slurred and Fancy Freneh Muslims. for walats. SHETLAND SHAWLS and SILK mamsb selling off below cost. Jell 60' VOOPER CONARD, NINTH AND 44.1 MARKET, have goodst Caesirnere stock In town. inen Delis, Dacha, Coatings. Taiion' Unites, 01 every kind. Br u wi n 0,k... 0 ,w., !trines flat. Family Linenr, at SOc. Gauze, domet end other Flannels. Pear, Wool Delaincs,J6s and 66 cents. Fitra Ins black Mohair Alpaca, 11 1 1, Lenin's 6-4 black Wool Detainee, $L Good stock whi:e Swiss. Bird-eye Linen, striped Mu.line, tlnest Cambial And Jaceneie, puffed Aluslius. Pique. ho White barege and other thin Shawls. Sisk Secquss and Summer Dusters je7-tf SPLENDID STOCK OF LINEN GOODS, just opened at 70'd ARCH Street, com prising-- Turkish. Bath. Mick, and plain Linen Towels , . flanking of beanttfal patterns and all grades. Table Linear, bleached, lalf-bleaches, and brown. Richardson & Dunlfar% Dickinson's, and other Linena. Ladies' and Cents' L. C Ildkfs. from Moto $l - atitched and cord borders—yen nice. ma3Ltf JOCK D. STORMS. Q-4 HEAVY MESH BLACK HER .-, NADI OR GRENADINE. 8-4 black Hernani. addle cry mesh. 8.4 black Tamarttnes sad Craps Hirers. 8.4 white Tammtinei and Barnes. • Single. idih f.B wide black Romani Heavy mesh 6-8 wide bleak Elernant.' Black Tamaxtillea. Orapa Maier, and Chillies. Doable• width black De Lilies end Teraina Olot hi. Mick Grenadine. and Bombazines. bli4gle-width bincdt,De Lainee. ED HALL Ak CO., nryso if HO Benth SECOND Street SPECIAL NOTICE. situ's° OFF ENTIRE STOOK TO CLOSE BUSIABSS 000 D-WILL AID FIXTURES FOE SALE. THORELBY AND We Invite special attention to the above annonneement, We have a Lars* Stock. We are Selling Cheap. Every yard is to be closed ont on or before the Ist day of September. Stlke and Dress Goods. Clothe. Casslmeres, and Linen Goods. Shawls.Oloaks Skirts, lidkfs,dis.,,lte. kindins and Calicoes muck under market price . vlicricser.Mt & CHIAN MTH. Yor Oor. of EIGHTH and BERINO *JANDA'. FIGURED SILL GRENADINES, of the best qualities and styles, In ERNE and Gist Grounds. bee to 61 dO Travelling.Dress Goods, in every. vnrietY. New Dress Goods, In *rest variety. Handsome Chene• Silks. 62.60, VIET CHEAP BLACK SILKS. suitable for Dresses, Mantles, and Starnes. COTTON GOODS AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE `"--• • PHICES,.a.: • • Mer)imite;Eprege. and PeretNerNits,llis. - 10 4 Waltham and Peperill bleu 11... STEEL & SON, zayS4l . Nos 713 and 716 North TENTH /Street NEW 04.14-ILlEtril FOR. 1151045 f OBSATEST INVINTION 07 THE AGE IN J. W. DUDLEY'S Sew Patent Dumas ELLIPTIC (o M o lSuTbSle' ) EHiDLEY d t TA RY Oats J I, k T. 0. Wear)), SOIair.OOPRIZTOSE and ifiIIiThIOTURBES, 97 CHAMBERS and 79 and Si MUDS Etteets, Sew York. THIS lEVEXTION consists Of DUPLEX (or two) EL LIPTIC Steel SPRINGS. Ingeniously BRAIDED TIGHTLY and FIRMLY together. EDGE tO ECG% making the TOUGHEST, most PLEXIBLE, ELASTIC, BEd DURABLE SPRING ever used. They BOISOIn BEND Or BREAK, like the. Single Springs, and consequently preserve their PERFECT and BEAUTIFUL SHAPE TWICE SS LONE AB Any other•SKIRT THE WONDERFUL FLEXIBILITY and great COMFGRT and PLEASURE to any LADY wearing the DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SHIRT will be experienced partinularlxin all crowded ASSEMBLIES. ()PRESS. CARRIAGES, MILLROAD Cass, CHURCH PEWS. ARMCHAIRS, for PRONE' ADE and Holten DRESS, as the SKIRT eRn be FOLDED Wheß in MOW 00011• PT a small PLACE as easily as a BILE Or MUSLIM DRESS. A LADY haying enjoyed the pleasure. comfort. Cud vest, eonVenienCe of WEARING the Durban ELLIPTIC STEEL. SPRING SKIRT for DAY will never after ward willingly dispense with thetr nee. For ORILDREF. MIMES, end YOUNG LADIES they Are &TERM to all ethers. TEE! ire the best QUALITY in every part, and an. questionably the LIGHTEST. WOW DESIRABLE,COMPORT• ABLE And ECONOMICAL SKIRT Geer made. IDE SALE in all FIRST. CLASS STORES in this city, cud throughout the UNITED STATES. HAVANA NE CUBA. MEXICO, SOUTH AMERICA. and the WEST INDIES. .11.4-- Q 111 E E POE THE DULA% ELLIPTIC rasb-7m 628. HOOP SKIRTS. HOPKINS' "056'12 MAKS" OP 628: HOOP SHIRTS, the best assortment and best qualitY and styles in the city. Gore Trails. all lengths and sizes, from 13 to springs, from $1.75 to U. Plain Skids, all the new shapes and sizes. from 19 to 50 springs, from ft 40 to $3 Skirts of extra heavy slag and extra tapes, from 20 to 36 springs. from 90 to $9.75. Misers - and Child•on's, of every grade, from 6 to 35 springs, from four to eight cents per spring; they have no equal. Agents for tie new Flexible Skirt, the most pliable Hoop Skirt made, and fully equal to the Duplex slllptie Skirt, and at mush lower Prices- SISO aonstanor on nano full lines of low•priced Hew York Shirts. kid padded and metallic Atatenea—te eprinvs. 85c. • 20 twinge. *1; 2.1 syringe , $1 15; 90 springs. V. 95, and springs. 21.50. Skirts made to alder, altered, and repaired, at CaS ARCH Street. PRYANT, STRATTON, & BANNIS- A , TIE'S NATIONAL OoIiSIERCIAL Co GLUM ASSEMBLY BUILDING. 8. W. corner of casirstrr and TENTH Streets Instruction in Book-keeping. Penmanship, Commercial Arithmetic, Commercial LOW, Business Correspondence. Forme. etc TOUng Men Who desire a thorough education for business should avail thorned's..e of the acivantsges of tlito Welt tution. Call or send for a circular. I a 1.7•21 FIRST NATIONAL BARK. NECHANIGSBIIIte, DOM Jane 17, 1E55 This Bank is sailing in, and will redasm la lawfal money of the Unnad State.. *..11 the emulating noes of th.IateMECHANiO6BU BASK, when presented at odr. soorder. H. A STURGEON. jel7•eijal' Witter. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE J.- cm AND couwry oFyiniADELPIHA. Estate of JAHRS W. BROWN, deceased The Auditor appointed by toe Court to andit,settle, and adjust the account of WILLIAM R. B&OWN and JOHN H, BROWN Adminierators of the Estate of James W. Brown, d eceased , and to report distribution of the balance In the bands of theMccountants, will meet the parties interested on MONDAY. the third of July A. D. 1 866, at four o'clock P. at his office, .1.44 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. JOHN P. O'ABILL. jell-Odin* Auditor. TEAS. TEAS. TEAS. TEAS. REMEMBER, IF YOU WANT TO get goad TAILOSItia. at a moderate mica ter the time+, call on O. B. iiildhiliLWßlGHT, No. 234 ti. VOLUME Street. St* -UNION MOWING MACHINES, st ereatly reduced peeve, for BASH. for Bale by ROBERT BOW, .TE , Nos. 922 sad 921. MARKET street, It above Ninth. al BUCKEYE MO WIN Q MACHINES, .T.E;at greatly reduced prices. for CASH, for sale by ROBERT BEIM Ja Noe. ORA sad WA- MAXIM Street, above Meth ft PRATT'S STEEL-SPRING TOOTH HOKSE ELKS, at great' , reduced prices, for CASH, Re ealeby ROSERM MST. Jo-. it Nos. 922 and 924 MARKET ove Street, ab Ninth. COFFEE, COFFEE, p P HOTOGRAPHS OF CHURCHES AND other Public Buildings, Country Seats, and Private Residenees taken. Those who wish to preserve types of old Bomeeteade, apply to B. P. REINER% 624 ARCH Street. Ip A GLANCE WILL SUFFICE TO AB. •L-S- SURE all of the beauty. accuracy, and artistic ws ecntion of B. V RSlallitt'S lila alga Ellgroasavasi, in Olt colors, 624 ARM Etreet lt. PHILADELPHIA. MRS. DR. WARD, ELEOTROPATHICI PHYSICIIAN. Is now prepared to wait on Ladles, as wind, at her residence. 668 NORTH TWELFTH STREET. 0011. MELON. Neursjgia, Paralysis, Hemorrhage, from different organs; Palpitation of the Heart; Ithenmatssm. acute or chronic; Chorea. or Bt. Vitus' Dance; Blindness, front Daley of the iris,-or from opacity of the cornea or cataracts; TIIIIIOIP internal or external; Diseases of the Cartilage or Joints; general Debility of the Nervous System—are diseases. wish many others. which Mrs. W. bar perfectly cured. Ladies who lave keen under the care of the most distlnvalshed Physicians in Boeton, New 'York. and Philadelphia, from three to Bye years. with organic Mimeses, have been entirely cared by her in as many wean.. Local Debility, of every character, often cured in a few days. Ladies who are Babied to any of the great va riety of complaints incident to worthy females. are Invited to call and consult Mrs W. free of cluiroz: &ISO, examine Internal Tumors and Cancerous Sections, which se have been removed without the knife. Its MACKEREL, HERRING, BEAD, ake. —1,600 bbls Kass. Kos. 1,2, and I Maskers 4 late-sanght flat Ash, la assorted packages. bih. Haw Kistoork Tartans Bay. sad MI AS Einexes Law, Sowled, No. 1 Martial- Ito bids Kim Kau Shad. MO bozos Horklisal•6oll37ll2 %toms, dw b SWIM and for salon 611811 1 ,2 t ROOKS. %ISA, 146 110K211 ww.aßvyA., THE PRESS.-LPHILADELPHIA; RETAIL DRY GOODS. FINE OASSIKEIRES. LINEN DRILLS AND /MOIL SUMIdEII COATINGS. THIN DRESS GOODS. NEW WRITE GOODS. DOMESTICS REDUCED. ELEGANT SILK SACQUES. BLACK HERNANI SHAWLS. 3e4•tf HOOP SHIRMIEL DIJ CATION AUL, LEGAL. WAN MAYER & BBOWX, FINANCIAL. UNITED STATES 7.30 LOAN. THIRD BE'R/El3. $230,000,000. Sathotity of the fleadary of the ifelanl7 , the and/rained, the General Bablerlption Agent for the sale of lblted States Bemaritles, corm to the habits the Gird melee of Treasury Note'. bearing ems and three•teithe per sent. Interest per annum, known an the SEVEN•THIRTY LOAN. These Mote. Sr. tuned under date of July ld. and are payable three years from that date in Sim mer, or are sonverttble at the option of the holder into 11. B. 540 SIX PEE VENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. Thee* Bonds are now worth a handiome PremliGo. and are exempt, as are all the Goverment Bondi. from State. County, and Municipal taxation, which adds from one to three per cent, more to their wine, accordinet to the rate levied upon other property. The interect is payable semi• annually by coupons attached to each note, Why _ eh may be Ina of and sold to any bank or banker. The interest at 9 50 per int. amounts to One cent per day on a $5O not Two cents per day on a $lOO note. Ten seats per day on a $5OO note. Twenty cents per day on a $l,OOO note. One Dollar per day on a $5,000 note. Date* of all the denominations named Will be promptly furnished noon receipt of subseriptiorm. The notes of this Third Settee are areaway similar in form and privileges to the Seven- Thirties already Sold, agent that the Government reserves to itself the option of Paying interest in gold bin at g per cent. instead of 7 5-10ths In currency. Subscribers will deduct the in terest in currency up to July 15th. at the time when they subseribs. The delivery of the notes of this Third Whim of the Seven-Thlrties will commence on the let of June, and will be made promptly and continuously after that data. The slight change made,ln the conditions of this TISIBto SERIEn affects only the matter of interest. The payment in gold, if made, will be estulvoloot to the marrensy interest of the higher rate. The return to specie payments, in the evllnt of which only will the option to pay interest in gold be "mallet of. would so reduce and equalize prises ss that pay gimes made with six per cant. In gold would be folds equal to those made With seven and three-tenths per sent. in currency. This is VIN ONLY LOAN IN MARKET new offered by the GeTenuaent. and itt superior loti* vantages make it the re)o ztioB;(l)44lMA:mo[o3o , Ao46 y0:0 .40{04 r1:41 Lem than $280,003.000 of the Loan authorized by Congress are now in the market. This amount, at the rate at which It is being absorbed. will all be subscribed for within slut) days, when the note will undoubtedly command a premium. as hag uni formly been the ease on closing the enbseriptiong to Other Loan.: In order that citizens of every town and section of the 10 1111 trY may be afforded facilities for taking the Loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to re• eelve entweriptione at par. Subscribers will selectibeir own agents. in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive orders. JAY 00011 E, SIIESORIPTIOI LOUT. No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, raILADNLrniA. ELIN STEIN , It 0 *IIGNWICIA) BAAKERS, No. Si BROAD STREET, NEW YORK. We draw at sight, and at sixty dam on LONDON. PAILIS, MAIIICFORT. and all other principal clues of Parties opening current accounts may deposit and draw at thei convenience, We cams as withlhe GITT. BANKS, and will be allowed interest on all balances OM GIB TOGGSAXD DOLLARS. at the rate of FOGS per omit. per annum. Orders for 41.4 remehma or gale of various !mei of Government and other Stock', Bolide. and Gold executed on Commission. my24.warnit WILLIAM It BAWL 10803.6 E A. WARDER. BACON It WARDER, STOCK AND NOTE snoKEns, 31.834 WALNUT STET Stacks bought and sold on Commission. " Trust Funds invested in City. State, or Government Loans. Subscriptions received for the United States 7• SO Loan. without charge for commistion to the purchaser. jet. thstaim DREXEL & COMPANY, BANKERS, No d al South THIRD street, DEALERS IA AMERICAN AND FOREIGN GOLD, FOREIGN EXCHANGE, UNITED STATES BONDS, QUARTERMASTERS' VOUCHERS, UNOTIRRENt MONEY. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD AT BOARD OF BROKERS, OE OOMMISSION. iel3•tt 1881.- COUPONS, DUE JULY 1, GOLD AND SILVER WANTED, AT EMMERT MARKET PRIM DREXEL 46c 00., 34 south THIRD Street. 7. STAMFORD. SOS. L. ROITSTOS. STAMFORD & HOUSTON, STOCK AND EiCRINGE BROKERS, 1(0. [25 SOUTH TRIBE STREET, PEGLABILPRIA. Dealers In Government Sesuritlet.:Opeele, Unourrent Money. City Warrants. ho. Stooks bought and sold on commission at the Regular Board of Brokers. my23.1n1 TRH FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, moan 1301P111 0111 warm TRIT 5n,117. BMW 38, Pays ',kw sent. Interest on Dspooito. agent' for the sale of United Motes 7 040 Loans at Par. Govern. meat, State and Dity Loons and Stooks bought and sold for depositors end o thers on Commission. Jahn. dm FINE SHIRT ,NANUFACTORY. The eubseribere would invite attention to their IMPEOVID CUT OF SHIRTS. Which they rusks a ipesially in their business. Also. "w" li n ghL reee Tl l llS vin foll GENTLEMEN'S WELL J. W. SCOTT c!ro 00. liiiNFLEMSE'S praungiansto agora No Sll CHESTNUT Street, Jai ly Pour doors below the ContinentaL ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CS.II TIONED agsinst triaging THOMAS WILSON, a Packer, recently in our employ. GEO A MILLER dr GO., iel6•2t* 506 MARKET Street. A VERY CHOICE ROARTED AL MOND. manufactured by STERanef No 1210 MANIEST Street. ROGER'S NEw GROUP, "THE BUSHWHaoggn;. On. THE WIFE'S APPEAL FOR run now ready. Also. the latest subjects: "The Home Guard," "One More Shot " "The Wounded Scout." .` The Returned Volunteer." "Village Postmaster," " Onion Refuses." `Mail Day. "The Picket Ona " ' ,rd. " Sharpshooters. ' "The Town Pump." "Camp Lire." "• Moking Priends with the Cook." Always in stock. JAMAS S. ZARLIC & SOS'S, Sl4 CHESTHIIT &rest Theme Croups can be Decked to forward to all p . 144 of the country with glair. safety. _ 3616.6 t ALL ARIE - DEPIROUB OF HAVING Mamma. Just the thing to bleats them are BRIMISIVIS OOLORID PIitOTOCifiLPIISI wondrously accurate, and finished in euptrior manner. 811301 ND &Met, stove Green. lts A IiBRICAN WINES —lOO,OOO GAL- Lon pore Catawba and Isabella WINKS: in bar. tali and east% from the most celebrated vineyards in the Dulled State*: warranted 'grimly mire; very low for east or approved paper For sale by Jo-ux $C 08E. beat, eoroor IFILWIT and IdABKIT litneat P. 0. 8er.484 Jols GREAT OXIXTRALI OLOTEINO 13:01.1514 SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1866: IN PRESS, LIEUTENANT GENERAL GRANT EIXIS This great illustrated National Pictorial awl Bio graaphical Work is now In prams, and will be issued as omit as posaible. It is. without exception, the most Popular publication ever lesueb, and will contain the Portralta and Biographisal Sketches of about one hun dred and fifty of our leading MILITARY HEROES, o haTe been identttleil with. the Onion cause In ornehing the Rebellion. QVANTO SUS, HANDSOMELY )3011HD AND SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTEUITED. Alternateif through the work will be Plioed IBM!. CAEDb of our principal MERCANTILE AND MANU- Throughout the count:V . . The whole. when unmade, intended for GRATUITOUS CIROUL &TWA In all the priming Hotels, Reading Rooms, Libraries, on River. Lake, and Ocean Steamers, and Public Maass of Resort throughout the United States, and large cities of Zu. rope, Havana, California. 0/431011. and the Pantile Coast, Canada, Valparaieso, Honolulu. Ito , consume an edition at We also intend publishing the work for sale at a low price, and we are confident, from the orders ahead! received, we can increase its circulation to 150,000 COTIESI 473 r, CO., The BIOGRAPHIES will he PULL and ooPIOUS. yet COMPREHENSIVE and c °mum, and from the MOST RELIABLE and UNDOUBTED AUTHORITY. The Pprtraite will be finely executed, and engraved from Pictures taken expressly for the work. No labor or expellee will be owed to make thie not only one of the most ATTE/OTIVE, but one of the most roomier, useful, and reliable worke for reference .or adyeztleint ever issued. Side by Bide With Jesse our Heroes who have "fought, (wad some of them) b7ed, led died " for our common country, one leading Business Men, hfer dente, and Nesinfacturers, have an opportunity to dis play, IN A_PERMANINT AND 11108 T ATTRAOTIVE BLiNNER . VAROIIO)IOI7I' THE LAND, their variOns kinds of Etilnees, or the re;nlte of their experience end edifiluin Wire Machines and inventions which only need tb be well known and properly applied, and they , • will enrich their possessors, while they help develops the great resources of oar eotintrr. We offer GRANT AND HIS GENERALS to the bad ness public as the most viduabTe. popular. extensively oircrdated, pernmnent, and cheapest ADVERTISING MEDIUM ever brought to their notice. 18 OUR ONLY AGENT IN THE UNITED ETATS% Be is stowing' at the AliiBllll3AN HOTEL for a few days, and will call on some of the leading firms here, or on those who will enclose their card or address, and lake their orders for advertisements, or give them faller Particulars. One Page. .moat Tyro PAg"-•-•• • * •-•-•• 4.04•-• • • *O4-1,11•••• 800 . 00 Hen 0-.4 .44 .444 • 60 00 Qiiartes —..• 85 00 One Page, on Colored 140 00 Two ram, or both Mee of Colored 200 00 Inside Front Corer 400 00 Inside Bask ...... 303 00 ADVERTISEMENTS AT THE END OF THE WORK. 0110 Page.+........•••«....._ . ._.. _a4_...... . .«.5100 00 TWO TAgelk•-•••-• • ••••• • ..... • ••• .« &Ma 176 00 Halt • ••••• ••••••••••..... ••••••••• 60 00 Duna ..... 26 00 ILCH ADVIO/TISER TO RICET.VE AL COPY OF [Prom the Philadelphia Daily Inquirer. 3 GRAN, AND HIS GENERALB.—Ai new publication is in Press of a new illustrated work, called "Grant and Bis Generals," loon to be issued by Messrs. John Du rand & Go., publishers, S 4 Liberty street, New York. The opecimen copy i• a moat magnificent specimen of book work. arid embraces in its main objects and put roses a new and novel, as as jaacionll and popn lar advertising medium Its pages are devoted alter natelf, to. well-executed portraits and biographies of military and naval heroes, statesmen, and leading. Union men, with the business cards of commercial and manufacturing houses. the whole intended for gratui tous circulation in hotels, reading-rooms, on board steamer*, etc , forming, when completed, a pmalar, universal, and widely.eirculated advertising medium. The agent of Messrs. Durand•dr Co., is now canvassing Philadelphia for subscriptions to the work. Over twenty troneena dollars have already been subscribed Sts key Ong 1410 a lone. :From the Philadelphia Delp Evening Telegraph A fPLBNOID IDEA.—A new and popular plan of exten sive and systematic advettising has been adopted by Ream. John Durand 4 Co.. publishers. 34 Liberty street. New York. We have been shown this morning a most beautiful specimen bound volume of a new work they have in press, called • Grant and His Generals. " The design of the work is to blend in beautitui harmo• ny the portraits of our patriot soldiers, naval heroes, statesmen and civilians, and their biographical sketch, es. with the cards and advertisements of manufactartni and commercial /101111eS, the vfnole intended for gratu itous dietribution in hotels, reading-rooms, On board steamers, and in public places gentlivily, throughout the United States. The plan of the work is a novel, ju dicious, and popular one. The agent of afeeere. Durand & Co. will call on our bumble's hones for their orders to the work, and, we predict, With *access. [From the Boston Daily Advertiser 3 lanuTenenT GENERAL OneST AND HIA GENERALS.— We would call the attention of oar basineee men to a new ;publication now in press. the ireat ilinstrated national work, •• Grant and His Generale. " * * * • The theory of the publishers is, that the free and judi cious distribution of ten thousand copiee of a work so beautifully bound, and of such general interest, will create an unprecedented demand for the work, and enable them to sell it throughout the whole United States; thus affording the most extensive, as well as the cheeped, most permament, and most attractive form of advertising. [From the Boston Journal. ] THE splendid volume of "Grant and his Generals has been received in Beaton With great favor, both as 4 work of art and cc AA advertising medium. /Nearly en our fleet business houses Will be represented In Its columns; it being universally considered one of the best opportunities to secure a 'desirable publicity that has been presented. The work, from its attractive cha racter and intrineic value, will be in the bends of even man. woman, and child in the country. [Prom the Boston. Poet * * * It deserves success. It will be a valu able and senvenient Work of reference, and its great perelarlty and extensive olroulationvill make it an ex cellent SdVirtipinx podium. iel4. wttalt V, E. co.e SIXTH . ARID =BEET STREETS. NEW PUBLICATIONS. 'NAVAL OFFICERS, and ILLUSTRIOUS STATESMEN AND CITIZENS. FAOTURING FIRMS TEN THOUSAND COPIES: C. UNDERHILL. Esq.., JOHN DURAND 3c CO,, Publishers, 4 LIBERTY Street, New York BATES OF ADVERTISING, PAYABLE WREN THE WORK TO MUTED THE WORK. WHAT THE PRIM IsAT Of tr. ' l 4 O -44 ' MV-Q)11 OUR YOUR G FOLKS JULY, 1865. The .TnlY number of 017 E YOUNG VOLES is now reedy, with the following attractive Table of Contents FreddY's Hew Year's Dinner, by Mrs. L. Marie Child ; The Model Young Lady. by Marian Emiglag The Fish I didn't Catch, by John G. Whittier ; How our Great Grandfather wan Killed, by F. H. N. ; A Complaint, by Mrs. Anna M. Well.; UMW' In Magle. jr., by P. H.. 0 ; Fanning for Bryn, VI„ by the au thor of "Ten Acres Enough:" Our Dogs, V., by Mrs. H. B. MVO; The Little Prisoner. IP.. by Edmund Ithke; Winning his Way, by Carleton; Afloat in the Forest, by Capt. Mayne Reid: The Night Moth, by 71010 Townsend; Round the Evening Lamp. TERMS Or "OUR YOUNG FOLIC& " lltneral EImiSCNITTIONA. —Two DoliarS a Ten. Mlle Numbers, Twenty Cuta. CLUBS. —Three Copies for Viva Dollars; Fire Copies for night DoU ITS ; Ten Copies for Intim Dollars; Twen ty Copies for Thirty Dollars; and an extra copy grates to the person forming the Olah Of Twenty. Posraos.—The portage roost be paid at the office where the Magazines are received. CLUBBING WITH 155 ATLANTIC MONTHLY. —Tbe At lantic ( m. 00) a year), awl Our Young Fo 02 00 a year), will be sent ingather to one address for Five Doi hire. eltii - AU eubecrtritione are payable in advance. All letters respecting the Magazines should be ad. dressed to the Publishers. For We by 'HOBNOB & MILD% Boston. T. B. PUGET, BUBSUBIPTION /OBIT, B. W. nor. BIRTH and CBSITISIIT Its. MRS. HENRY WOOD'S NEW Boca. MILDRED KIDIELL I MILDRED ARKELL ! MILDRED ARKELL. By Mrs. Henry Wood, is printed from the author's manuscript and advance weer-sheets, and will be published and for sale on. SA, IDEDAT DISXT by all Pooheellers. complete in rise huge duodecimo volume of SOO pAges. Pries CO In payer corer, or ail cloth. It is published and. for sale by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, It Mo. 306 ORESTRUT Street, Philadelphia. NEW AND VALUABLE BOOKS. Feb Celled and for sale by J. B. LIITI r NGOTT Ss CO. rln Press.] FRONT AND FIER. Natural Engines, Tool Marks and Chips; with iiiketchbe taken at Home and Akroad . by a Trayeller. 2 vols. titto., with numerous tilustrittione. A NNW VOLVh or MEM Blr T. BITOKANAI RIAD, SUMMER STORY SHIRIDAN'S RIDE, A OT ND HER POEMS. Br Thomas Busnanan Read. 1 vol. 12mo. ( Ready Jane 19th.1 POEMS BY MRS. BOOTH, WAYSIDE BLOSSOMS. Mary 11? ) 4. Booth. HumV. EL I HOURS AMONG THE GOSPELS; or. WAYSIDE TRUTHS from the LIFE OF OUR LORD. Rev. N. C B Lrt, D. D. 1 vol.. 12mo. (Nearly reel PETROLEUM A PETROLEUM WELLS. What Petroleum ie. where It is tonna and what it la need for; where to sink Petroleum Waite, and how to sink them. ith a complete guide-book and description of the Oil Regions of Pennsylvania, West Virgicia, Ken tucky, and Ohio. By JH, A. Bone. Second edition, revised and enlarged. 18mo. 76 cents. VI. MET B a y TRONG, 12mo. $1.76. Virginia F. Townsend. THE SPARROW VII ORASS PAPERS; or. LIVING IN THE COUNTRY. New. Edi tion. By Fred. S. Omens. Mao. Un a few days VIII. KITTO'S BIBLICAL CYCLOPEDIA. Mew Edition.] A CYCLOPEDIA of BIBLICAL LITERATURE, originally 541 ed BY JOHNKU E M D. D.. F. S. A. Third dition. Greatly Enlarged and Improved. Edited by WILLIAM LINDSAY AUX-ANDEL D. D., IL S. A S , eta. In three vets., royal eve $7 per volume. Elegantly printed and beautifully illustrated with. Slaps and Enaracings. Vols. I. and 11. f net leaned. Vol. 111 in press. Published In connection with Messrs, A. & C. Black, Edinburgh. IX C . GRND B EA LA L ATLAS OF THE WORLD. New Edition. Containing the laten ro t ddulecctory woie e,ript DVS lbounderieg, and int descion. Folio. half• Turkey morocco, gilt edges. $25. Published in connection with A. & O. Black, Win. burgh. WORKS OF EJANE RS S MAD/SON. LTTE AND OTHER WRITINGS of JAMES MADISON. Fourth President of the United States, in four volumes. Published by order of Congress. Clearly ready.v. i. HORACE BMW CORP ON TGE WRIT OF HABEAS US THIRD PART. THE PRIVILEGE of the WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS under THE CONSTITUTION. Pamphlet Fvo. 60 Gents. J. IL /APPINCOTT & CO., Przbibikurr. via ana WIT M mint &Dm we NEW 'BOOKS ,aok ItY, • OF THE SEASON. ORPHEUS 0. KERR PAPERS —A THIRD Reams of the comic writings of the liamortal Military. Critic, Or. Phone C. Kerr. A new voinme even more fenny than 1115 predece.mors. Price. $1.60. LOOKINO AROtriltD.—A new and otreeEplit . 110401 by A. S . Roe, author of " Long Look Ahead, " True to the Last, " etc. Price, CAL WILDER'S It 4ED —A Ant- clan new EngMA Novel by t-berldan Le Feria. author of " Uncle Silas,' ' etc. Price. SM. JUST PUBLISHED rain , Fi;gera—Mrs. Rowatt'a Dew n0ve1....—..4174 St. Phißine—New novel by author " Ratledge " 175 Hugh Worthington—Mrs Holmes' new novel... 160 Men Brandagee—A new " Woman's novel "... 1 75 Ouperior Viabint—Roosetelt 'NNW sporting 1) DO. 3 Lovers and Thinkers—A new novel— «» 1 60 'V All handsomely bons d in cloth, and sent by mail free. on receipt of prise. by 1187.wetl CARLITON, Publisher. New York. WYLDER'S HANDt —THIS NEW I NOVEL, by Sheridan Le Fawn, milli:trot "Uncle Silas,''one of the most powertal and melting Eng lish novels ever published. It is being read and praised 49orywkiers. audits sale is growing enormously jelb•tbstn/Ot VAULSTON, Publisher, Now. York. SUPERIOR FIBRING.—A. NEW BOOK ^-; an Sporting, by B. B . Itoosevelt. Oue of the most kitty, entertaining, and delightful books ever pub lished. Just as attractive to the amateur es to the pro feeatonal reader. OARLETON, Publisher, New York. jet thstulat 'HUGH WORTHINGTON—A NEW ovsl by Mrs. Mary J. Holmes, anther of " Tem peat and Sunshine. " etc. This new novel is perfectly ettarnalna. and will become a treat favorite this season. CARLETON, Pablisher, New Zook. iel.thstniOt M R. BARNES' DISCOURSE ON THE "State of th e goeutry, delivered in the Pint reeb7 Wrier' Church on the let instant CHESTNUTned et the PEFJ3ETTEINAN NOUSE, ma- St. 3t. EW BOOKS! FOR BUMPIER 4.1 BEADING it Twit memo by A(HIIRAD & EVANS: IHasurd's old stand). No, 7246 ORESTEMT Street. OHL Another new novel • ON GUARD. A EMI, By Annio Thomas TER GAYWORTGTS. By the anther of "Faith enemy 'is Girlhood. ' FIELDER'S HAND By the author of "Uncle Silas." LOOKING AROUND. By A. G Roe. . • SOB OF TDB SOIL A Novel. ORPRIMIS O. HEAR PAPERS. Third Series. CANADA: Its Defoites, Condition, and Resources Seine a second and concluding volume of "Hy Diary. North nod South " By W. HowardDussell. L.L.D. HOUSEHOLD Fours. By Hear, W. Longfellow, with illostrations by Gilbert, Foster, end Lenten. M LORD DERBY'S ILIAD OF ROER.. The Arnett. can edition Diet real.). As handsomir printed as the 2.v015. crown /Ivo. FRO GB'S lIISTORT OF ENGLAND. vol.. Um*. WEE OF CICERO. Br WLliian, Forsyth TER ()LEVER WOMAN OF,THS FAHI4If. By Miss Tonic author* of "Heir of lissiolyffe, " Re. BEATRICE. Ey Julia Haysmanh. STRICKLAND'S LIV/Is OF THE QUEENS OF EAG- LAND. Complete in 6 vols. PERT'S DIARY, in 4 vole, and other new volumes of Bohn's Library, at low prices iel6 tf J UST PI/ 111,1 SHE D—/ cDAY l DE. B 10 S. OARDMADVE WldAngscavam AND FAST I. 6611.41 THE PS ACEMAKERS. II THE PEACE WE NEED AND HOW TO SEDDRE IT. Published and for sale b7 3AMES S. CLAXTON, Snocessor to W. S. Alfred Martian, 1'612 606 CHESTNUT Streak WSW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. 4- , TES SILDERAT. RISSOUROES OF THE PACIFIC eTATES AND I siarrolinis. By the Ron. Wm. M. Stewart. U. 8 Senator from Nevada. TER ASSAYING OF SILVER, COPPER, GOLD. AND URUGUAY. With idurtrotlonr. NAVAL DUTIES AND DISCIPLINE. By N. A. Roe, Lieutenant Commander 11. S. Nay,. YPERLERIGO INJECTIONS IN Yin TIMM MINT OF GOUT, RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA, Sea.. /ea. A. Rtippaner, Si. D. be. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS of all kind§ on hand orprosnred promptly to order by LINDSAY at ALAKISTOA, Publishers end Booksollers. No 25. South SIXTH Street. A PPLETON'S NB W AMERICAN OYOLOPIDIA. —Oomnlete tale volumes. SSRISLLIONV4.73%.IIII of Binding. in 8 vote. lIKRIVALIPS BISTOKX UP TAN 20.1111.1116—n0W somplets. The Agency for then valuable works is ai • 33 South SIXTH Street,above Chestnut, JAS. K. SIMON. HISTORY CROWNS TER BRAVE. The Publishers respectfully announce that THS HISTORY OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RXSIEVB CORPS is now ready for deliver; to subaeribere. It contains a complete reword of this gallant organisa tion; and of the different companies. regiments, and brigades. giving graphic description of their Brcradi tions. Marches, Skirmishes and Battles , together with biographical *etches of OMoera and personal Records of each private during his term of service—compiled from OPTIMAL REPORTS and other Documents, by J. R. BIPAER, Scg It is in one volume. °stave of 742 passe. and is 'ebb. gently ineetreted by STEW SBORaVlff GI of 00 , Teruo: CIIRTIR. Generale 111,SAPF. WoCal.L. and the lamented REYNOLDS, wad by a MILD Of the Viealty of Richmond, showing the "route of march and tee battles in which the it MIR StER ware engaged in the seven days fight; pod is nosily printed on gold paper and handsomely bound in black clout and library leather. It is sold only by subscription. Prins from this date, $4 50in Moth,: in library leather elyle, Sent by mail free of pottage. on receipt of.Drice. Active and responsible parties desiring:to eanvati for this popular and attractive History, 'u make %sta. cation with mitten recommendation to. /Liana ZARA, $. CO, , Plte LANOARY • . einTen an. tena. tiblia r5.'.1071.1.1111_ TASTEFUL pia) SITMSTANTILLOWTIAINO 1 I T EE ATLANTIC MONTHLY JULY, 1865. Is Novit READY. The Table of Dontente embraces the following arti cles; Young Men lu BiNtorl; ArOtied Mnll, Po:t The Ch ang ( ling I WM Winter• Life in ISt Petersburg; Needle and Garden. VII, ; a Pap,.r of Dandle. Bade; Dr. Johns, V/. ; Deeplea Damsels; Slime Ben; aelasei nation ; Accomplices; The Chimney Cromer. VII; TAO Chicago Conspiracy; Reviews and Literary MMUS. Tl. , .follovrinr named. wrlera fa , nlll artlee% flr tide number a the Atlantic: John 13. Whittier, B. pie. Bayard Taylor. 0 0. Bazawall, T. Aldrjay, lire H. B. Stowe Author of Life in the Iron Niue." Donald C. Mitchell, Lucy Lamm, Cleo. W. Homer. TSBNI3 OF TM ANLANTIO. B/ITOLE Funsonlyrrows.—TOnr Dollen per year, emu BATES. —Two Copies for Seven Dollars; Five Copies for Sixteon Dollars; Ten tloptes for MAY pa ler& and each addlt1011111101)7 Three Dollars. Forever/ Club of Twenty leubicribers an extra cop Y will be Mr. nishsil gratis. or Twenty. one ;Dopler; for Wray Dollars. FOSTAWB. —The Postage on the ATLANTIC if 24 o.nts per rear. and must In sal eases be paid at the Ohm where It is received. CIMBEINt WlTig " OUR YOUNG FOLKS "—The `ATLANTIC"end 'OUR YouNe.Folaa•• will be far ntehed i 0 one addreae for Five Dollars par gear. TICKNOR & FIELDS, PUBLISHERS. WANTS. WANTED-A YOUNG MAN TO learn the Wholesale Notion baldness. East writs a good hand, be qtdok at gotten, and live With hi. oa rota& Address nog e 43. Post•offive. leld•Ste WANTED-IN RETAIL DRUG 820 n in Wainlntim. D. 0 I giCaraPet"t PRg - SOMPTION GLUM. ♦ Graduate of Gle C4line of Phs.inacir preferred. Andrea* Box No. 1551 Pettadel• ' Oda Peet Office. iel7-20 WANTED -A N ACTIVE, EXER- T* GIITIC SALPSNA3II, of Sztitienee, in a Bilk sob. Meg Home; to such an Important position would be given. Address 80x1402 Post•otlice jelli•St* ANTED —AN ACTIVE PARTNER, IrT with a eopital of 10,0190 to A .000 dollars in a tint elms manufacturing butineks—Perfumery—in success. int operation for the last twenty years, the senior part ner wishing to retire from active life. 'Thiele an oppor tunity rarely to be mei with for entering at once into a sale sad Profitable business. address, with real name. "J H. $ Co, `. office of this roper. na27.4tatbtr A YOUNG MAN, HAVING- FIVE ( . 3 .• years' businets experisnce, desires a situation ste SALESMAN in a wholesale Dry. Goods. Notion or Pro vision , House can inflows a " stood country trade. Ad dress Hamilton." Port Carbon. Schuylkill, county, Pa. jel7.6t* AGENTS WANT FOR THE WIESE AND SPY, the terestlng and ex citing book ever no.l3llshed, embractrix the adventures of I WOIORD tII the UlllOl3 Army we hinree.. Scout. and. by , shins s moat vivid inner picture of the war. Teachers, hi.dlers, enertetie young Men' and ospeolally returned and disabled officers and soldiery, In waat of profitable emoloyment, wits find it peculiarly adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing IBM per month, which we will prove to any doubtful' applicant. Send for circulars. address J 0236, 13/I.od. Et CO ,A. B iter FIXTII and MINOR Ste., Philadelphia, Pa. layal-Loe AGENTS WANTED FOR " THE SE 17 Er PRE VICE. THS FISVD, ITU DIM °BOIL AND THE EbeaPg " BY ALTigftP Nlien . 6loBol%. New York Tribune florreapongent The mod intending and exciting book ever Pub • lighted, embracing mr. itichardcoal• linnet% hied eV. nerience Tar font =ears; travelling through the South in the secret service of the Diirmite, at the outbreak n( the ar, with our erratic end Hate, both East and West, during the first two years of the rebellion; his thrilling rapture; his congrg matt for twenty menthe In seven afferent rebel prisons; his escape. and almost rattan ions journey by night of nearly 400 miles. It wilt about din stirring events, and contain more of the feet, Inddenr, and romance of the war than any other work yet published. leathers, ladhs, energetic young 1114 t, end eepetially returned and disabled others and sol diers. in awnt of profitable employment, will find it peculiarly adapted to their condition, We have ags nts clearing MO per "Louth. which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for clrcniars. edema JOnVe, BADS, & CO rt. it corner SIXTH and IiINUB gtreets. Philadelphia, Pa. ROY WANTBD—A OOLORBD BOY between the ages of 16 and d 8 waisted. /testy Im• mediatelP at 618 LOCUST sum. GNEATEST THING OF THE TIMES ROWllit'S PILIZB gIIMILOPES. —Agents wanted everywhere. rremtam Watches given to Agents. On receipt of $l6 we will mril, joost.yaid, 100 davoloafts. and a splened Solid Silver Banting•Oase Watch as a 'rend= to the agent. A. single Envelops sent, with eirealar and fall pardoning, on receipt of 26esate. Ad. dress A. H. BO WIN 00., P. 0., Box 4173, 30 BRIG NAN street, it. 17. mhl7-8m - FT OU BEKEEPERB.-SIIIIA.TION WANTED—In city or country, by an intelligent middle-coed American Lady. without Incuniberanee. from the country. Beat of reference. Antral Bre E. MOORS. Frees office. j sl74t* SPECIAL NOTICE - .-A BOY WANT r•-, ED to learn the MUG D1D31142013. Addreet "Drug." Frees Office. T O THE WHoLBSALE DRY GOODS -L. TRADE —A young Nan. who has had several years' experience In the wholesale businese, wishes a RlM ttotkee sidearm. Adduce "W.," Press office. 3eL5-3t* 83nArt WANTED, AND A PART. 4 VVV NU with the above Ram ina ell. tn. it/Li este. and nignie reepeetable tif elf tti" .i.efg) BING BrISIDESS, where we can clear $.O COO the &et vear certain. For full particulars, liddreis •• Mantic, c• timer, Preea ogles, with Mil name. Jen. 2t* $125 A MONTE—AGENTS WANT ED everywhere to 'introduce the improved BBAW & BLABS TWBSTY:DOLLA it FAMILY SEW ING HAOIII2II, the only low•prthe machine in the country which is licensed by OroVer & Baiter. Wheeler & Howe, Binger di Co, an d Bachelder. All other mainlines • now sold for lets than forty dollars each are inftingsments, and the seller and fulmars liable to fine and imprisonment. Salary and expenses. or /armt commission. ailowod Illustrated circulars Neat free, Address SHAW a CLAIM, Biddeford. Maine mvlo-dis Mtn $7O A MONTH.--I WANT MiENTS everywhere at J/0 a MOBVI , , talitragts vafd, t 4 Cell PIPTSIttf ARTICLES, the beet ecllin s ever offasul. Full rartierthas free. Addams* OTIS T. OA.SST, Made , ford, Make. myth d &Mai dift WAFTED TO PURCHASE—A. MB modern three. dory DWELLIIG loo4tion north of Buttonwood and west of Sixth attest. Addesaa "0. at this office. isl 6 3t* WANTED:—TO ,PUROHA.BE OR -ma meat, a HOME, with at least halt an aoro ground, in. Germantown or 19. at Philadelphia Ad, dilate Box 1233 Philadelphia Peat. aloe. 3816.31, e di WANTED—A LARGE Bur EiD MG, WPM STORE ON 0 RESTNOT STREET, BETWEEN SEVENTH AND TIINTR STREET.—a Liberal Dent %%nu be paid.. Addrees "Reliable," at the office of "The Preee•" flog WANTED TO PURCHA.BE DWELL - WO, on ARCH or WALtitrr Rl.rects not ersModing il3o COO. Addrera Phya,clan," . riean °Hite. stating location and price. jet 3 6t 011 WA:NUM.—A. GOOD COMMO. MOUE STOSE. on the tenth side of Malizet . street. between. Fifth and Tenth etroete. Addres s , tot_om Weekt. ( , a," sox Mt Philadelphia P. O. Jel3-ht• FOR SALE AND TO LET. da TO LE T—A THREK-STORY maim RUIN% in the vicinity of Logan Square. (rent value $9)0,3 with furniture. till November, to a family without chi.drPn, for the bard of two persona. Ad dress "B. P. L.," Press office. FOR SALE—NEAT DWELLING, 137 North Twenty. aecond street; early pometton Store and DWellnE, N. W. comer Igtoot.entb. and Gal. streets, good business place. Boa Dwelling. lel4 Montt 'Vernon 'treat, and 1808 Wood Strelt, with 'WI 9,7 edi ate posteeeion. B. F. GLENN, 123 Sonth FOrtltTlit Street. and jell. tf S. W. oar. hEVUTEEEITH aid GREEN. Ea TO LET—DWELLING, No. 859 AU North ELEVENTH Street. 13 F. El LENN, jell 123 South FOURTH Street. dB TO LET—COUNTRY. SEAT, ON iffna carmen Lana. near the Dartri road ; large atone • bathe, urrlage-houeo, and tour /103 , 3. of 1..4. B, F OT4BAX, Jel7 1213 FVIIII rt we9E FOR SALE AT A GREAT SAORI nos, OR WILL BE LlT—The PEULADILABLI. BOOMS. at CAFE itudaiD, with a portion of tbo Furni ture, The house will accommodate nearly one hen. dred persons. and would mate a desirable place for Dermal families to occupy for the tea on. B. r ()Lux, lel7 123 South FOURTH &net._ At, TO LET—A DESIRABLE THREE 11:I stray Malt Dwelling, No. Duo FllbqA street Allay 10 JAM.I34 11, Liras, je17.21.* 124 we - Lemur *wet:4, et FOR SAL E-A. DESTRAZIA ate story Brick Resideoco, situated et No. 226, Weet side of W.ABBIItOTON WARS. Att!y to ItOftEatr MAC UftSt3Oft. It 410 - WALL SI UT Street. VTO LET-FOR A. FEW MONTHS AT RA A 11101171 I—A spacious TEN PaHRIsTY in FAIL RMS . % twerleekinar th'e Narrammoot Bay, old almost in eight of Newport. harlot four not-room% aiding and dining. room and kitchen all formiehOO com plete, and an naftwnirbed parlor. with larg & e garden and yardto O. , and a fall tupPla otrammer y•gatablee. Ap. It;' Ho. 27R 0. FOURTH, near Spruce grA ARCH•STREET REBID) , NOBS -ma FOR SALK —Several flrat•elass )10138113, south aide of /ash street, nest of filuetemtia t twat, em .kmo - all the modern improvements. Apply. at 1849 ARCH Street. JOl6 lm* ft FOR SALE—A. BEAUTIFULV! wmcoutvro SEAT in the Boroon's or D.0.T . .' on Snrstoli rireet, anent a square from the Darby Plank and Bailroad. containing nine awes of anneriur Land, with Stone Manelon. Stable, Carriage HOLM. ter., within elk natio§ of the city. A great variety o f Fruit Trees and abundance of Shade. jelS tr. e JOHN B BiETRA.N. • FOR BALE-EMPTY MODERN SIM Dwelling, 11510 Brown street, 10 rooms Bannich 00.17 813.001 Alten, many ether', large and SAIdUSL T. fox. jelo 2N NINTH and WILLOW BOW*, int TO RENT.—A FURNISHED COUNTS Y ROUSH, Near the Salle Station, Pennsylvania Railroad. Ap. ply 337 WALNUT meet,. TWO COTTAGES IN ATLANTIC Ma. City For Er.le or To Let. Apply to A.. LAND. CO.. ieits-9t 4.21* WALNUT Street. di TO BENT—A FEW NEW HOUSES, on Zleventh and Cisme streets. T.LTLOW Sairdoll, No, 614 CHltiTalr Street. _EN FOR SALE THE elEiliD HOME. TA. MO 3LOIMIX, j013.6te 614 OfI6BTNIN Stmt. FOR StiLE -520 WALNUT 81=44 113 ARCH atresS.. AAA HOMES is various parts raS, tilke efts. ZWIVROW J MASON. 0144. (3H6STAIIT• Street. FOR BALE—ONE -7- IIPTTERNHORSE BmizilS AND BOILER-AU in oamplete order. lawn. far Cash. northeast earner 41,,LIROAD rtanxi, Stmts. isl 7-344, - 7 ----...--- A WRITTBR Alin VBEBLL DB.. -:.., SCEIPTIOTAB of 4141whoter,Coustitutiow , Ittoll Ilts• . .1 Ism, with ADVICi. on Thariatts, Health A 141140 g sax., Hon, iltalroWAnutens, NicalarOMoAt intTrais a t \ img Of irt11....143 , . soda IdaPtellb r . 4%) 111410 min, 14 JU/1/ 1 1 L. a'. P Phrenologist end tooassuitri oill-trithslnSt £s. 11 a TRATE lit—sltenst Ohogren, ID IeCZ RTII. —II9I,I3IINATIO LA7STEXNB , Union Sir and. Mobs, Lily. RCM, and other nscr fancy Patterns of Lantana. Silk and kinilin AWB, all sins. 707 Casnona, Torpedo Pratolt, iasacloc Pistola F..r saki at lowed rata.— W. jolis•iti 32, eoutk TOUR,Tat :Amt. ter IMASORAELE PAZO/Reis IVICTIOII BALED. AUCTION NOTICE. F1T747 . 471.• .A. 1.. :PfziziF4l4 STEAmtlis qtrAxER OITY, LADOLIA ) AOA• • CU, CAMBRIDGE, E. B. SALE, BARK J. L. Davis. MARVEL C. COOK, Auctioneer. ON TUESDAY MORNING. JUJU Mb, NM, at U o'clock, at the PRILADZLPRIA NAVY YARD, Will be sold for aOionnt of the Ilene& Stable Goma. meat: THP, SIDZWEIBL Milan VANES MT.— Register dimensions• Length 844 feet 8 limbos; beam 88 feet; depth of bold 88' feet 9,ti inehea. See one sidr lever engine; diameter of cylinder 88 Wheat length of stroke 8 feet. Schooner rigged. THE IRON SORRW4TEIIIIIIII LADONd. —Register dimensions: Leng , ll 197 feet; beam 27 feet 9 !wheat depth ot hold 18 feet Has two vertical engines: Blame• ter of cylinder NH inches; length of strove 93 int/um Bark rigged. TUB SeREM.I.I3O ACACIA —Resister dimensional Lennie 116 feet 2 lecher ; basin 22 feet 7132013 a; depth of bold 12 testy, Has one veettcel eVottie t diameter of arlise dar 80 Mahan; length dl Woks de Inches. 1514,99 Are THE SCREW-STBAIIIIR OA2IBItID GIL —Register 61. 'napalm: us: Length 126 test; beam 29 test; depth of held 12 list 12 as one vertical engine; diameter of styli/Wu 62 hakes; length of stroke 3 feet. TUB SCERW.TI7O B. B; BALS. —Register Munn 'ion s: Length 108 feet dinettes; beim 28 feet 'inches; depth of hold 7 Jet t 2 inches Ras oae sertioil engine: diameter of cylinder 80 inches; length of stroke II inches. Sloop zigged. THE BASIC J. L DAVIEV--Rogletor dimensions• Length 19s feet% beau BO filets dttptli of hold 19 foot 4 thefts'. The above-Ewe& vitamin • OKI be NOM with DDIIIOI. Fachinery, complete get et Span, OWN Running sad Winding Elating, aro. Inventorial+ at the Auction Store. 40. 12 8011111 711021 T Ma eat. Twenty Pere. eentum of lbe purchase money must be pad 0/2 the day of eats, and the remaiuder before the vestal is removed from the Navy Nivel. which will be done within nix days after the date of mac J. B. HULL. arimirANDikAT Jee 97313 17 20 AMIN SCRIEN7I.I3 AIEW 013E6 1 1 1 NUT-STREET , TEM. a.l THE—MUST/01T stkiller, ABOVE ?WORM TBId (SATURDAY) AFTERNOON. June 17th , FORT, •ELOHTB (VIAND PALLY MATIMSA Upon Diann oeutkeion NISH LOTTA will awn. In the r rand hartemne LHE bEVIII- DAVO Orate OF SATAN. Adzots‘toe to the Matinee, 30 GTE TO ALL PAM% OF THE ROUSE. Children it cents. Detna nen. at o'olosk. Pen , renounce to commence nt 234: TRod oktitttDAT) RAW:tall), Fifth night in ihs OHARMIIici louse coastal:UM miss LOTTA. Ebe will 14PERY to the Great Benefit Bill in TWO OLOItIuUS PIROES, The Evening' a Performenco-fef ill commence with THE kIiVELf DALIOBrEtis OF SATAN Tarterine . Nisi LOEB. And conclude with the screaming farce. THE GOOD FOR MOTH/80. /fan, the Good For Foaling Gotta. MRS. JOHN DREW'S' NEW ARAB. FEE TREATER SISTERS TO. voirr (SATURDAY), June 1711). 200), EICHOLMODZELIa, POOAROS TAB, and UAW'S IMITATIOA b WEBB ESTEI39 In 4 chentetera. 16 'Bonin and Dales, Olg. MOND tY. THE WINE 916 TREE In the barielque SILT 0 'COE Mull, IRE CIRCUS IS COMING. TEE STONE & ROSSTON GRAND OIEDUS CONDINATI ON AID CULLEN'S CELEBRATED THOUPI OF MOND= INDIANS, Will ehortlY Annear for SIB DAYS ONLY. On the spacious lot 4001111 D/ the ACADEMY OF Ai 0610, BROAD AND LOCUST ST, C Commencing on MONDAY, the 191 t inst. RtiMSßlßalt, FOR...Finn DAYS ONLY. AFTERNOON ANA pots NM In the Selection of Artiste for t is COLOSSAL OOltill NATION. It has been the proprietor's desire to swine' each e variety that no patron shall fall to And in it much that will interest the mind and enchain the attention. The brilliant CLUSTER OF CSLERRITIES • Which adorn this famed Cirone are unperalleled It their several specialities The magnificent SCENES IN THE ARIBA Ala enriched and beautified bY OoDORoDti ProtaPtIRRISALIL AND SUPERS SUMO, Acid th e y will to re lk ow o with foultlem arm and roam tens splendor, TRE IROQUOIS INDIANS form a great festal* In this Artistic Combination, portrAying, as they do the novelly of savage lite, typical dace's, religions Gant. monies, eacrilicee and forms of worshib, and many other ptculiarities of the ahorigineee, never before in. traduced to the public, sell/surprise and delight the The LIMN= It 1301:0110Bed of the following popelar performers who drew hundreds of thousands to Um Stational Circus Building tinting the Past winter. The celebrated DENIS tl, summits. CR ARLES, VALENTINE, and EUDODPR. Moen, MURRAY and •HUroarissocr, and the TRAINED DOC& The &mamma family, Mr. DEN 8201221, Mr. CHAS. MONROE. Mr Pilots nossToar. LR nuntE BEET, lams. DEEMBI) Rigt/41TTEL.. Ylia:011, Qt..? 11. ANDROS. mint', BATTY, ROSEBURG, WARE°. WALDY,N, MARIE: PILLOTT, TABER, and Matters CIADLOS, LEON, ACTON, MAUDE and CLARENCE. Vet:Mile performers. The whole forming a Congress of Talent absolutel y peerless. raoDissoit lIUTCRINSON and his trained dogs will npnear during every exhibition: morning end afternoon. Performing Ponie s, Males and Fortes will also be introduced tinting the season. Nero - ember, only dye days Admission, (0 cents, Children under 10 years, cent'. Performance to commence at 2 and 7 o'clock P. ki., on MONDAY, 10th Met , continuing for 131 . .?/. DAIS ONLY, Jelatit TIE GRAND JUVE NILE QERT givia I A the Acedeniy of Mole June pr vro children. will be repeated. hyarthmier request* OA SATURDAY arrtswous, June UM. for she beeent of the Soldiers' and Sailor , ' Rome, All the children bo took part ere noseated to meet for rebatreil. with. their hooks. at BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets, on next HAIM/IDA:2 AFTERNOON, at 93L o'cloek. Jel6.9t TROXAS RAWLINITI, -a- AIRMOUNT WATERWORKS (WiNF. BRIDON). AFTHENOON nornmars EVERY DAY. front 4 tt)...7 o'clock. by R&Deltge.e GRAND MILITAK2 DAR P FreeeStstruse of Attila issued daily. The Arch, vine and Dallorehill Street Core run direct to the Wm, jeld et ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CREST DDT Street. above Tenth—Open from 9 A IL JUT OP, 11l Benjamin west 'septet Wotan of CRUST Dim JI,CTED still on exhibition, Jell BOAR 44a TINFURbIBRED ROOMS FOR GEN ••-•, rixestr atid W.IVESI also, trat.claaa Boardhaf fur tir.zo !than a Oantla re mer'q uire. at d, tio, OIL EMIR dtreat, Ude ranee nd Jana,* raY BOARD,WITR FIRST , OLASS Jur Dir.'laro, Li N 6. 154.4 SoOIL WASCIIIIRITOR Sqvutro. layl6-1150 LOST AND FOUND. - - • - ObT—ON TUNSDAY, 13TH INBT., Note dattd May 12,1 gt four montl4, for $416 SS. drawn by T. N. Sr d 18 Frattit,*layabla at Manutaata. reps National 13 to the order of Wait & Dotson. and endorsed by tb - a: All perro . ar e enatbmaa !wind negotiating the Hamm pw, paht Lao. NIIII aimed rum T & 930 115 tte It* WI 9lt th TM& Street HANDEL AND HA.YDII SOCIETY'S ANNUAL RECURSLON TO ATLANTIC CITY. THURSDAY, JLI 0, 1886. ial•tbstntt IRELVIDERE I)ELLWAEB RAIL to-, TWO THROUGH. NORTHERN CON NECTIONS DAILY. LEA.VB P. AND T. R R. REMINGTON DEPOT . AT T. 30 A. N. MID 3 30 P. M. 43oXionectiot directly through to dT SAWN, ATBR OAP; WILRBSBARIL AND TAN CiBEIT LAKES. Through Tickets cold and Batiste Checked Wont* to all principal points North and Weft. is9.lm Nvi S. OATZNISN.,Dit. asalogill OE MAP. At; I) Ptrie SANT SUMMER TRAVEL. 0/0.14391.!&61,11 ATLANTIC AMU LA PAN AIM . .LAWAIII BAY RAILROAD, 7• • ,•••• °BANOS 09 TI6IB. CASUAL TO DEW liOitN. ADD LONG BRANCH., On and aster MONDAY, Jane 19, the ExoreAo Wahl grill leave Cooper'', Point, Camden, dolly (ifttudaie woad) at 9 le A.• M . for Tetekorton, Barnegat, Tom'a Hiner, nioncheour' Bataan,. ennankum, Farmingdale. lO,ark River, Long grimed., Branannort, Oceannort, Eatontown,ohreseelmry, Boa Bonk, Middletown,Higko lands, and Port Donmonth; thence to Now York. or tko,o),Dozofia btal,Luer • Jame nclyt Throath to Nile , York lo five noon!. Faro O. BZ9nt 6l o l l Ticketi, good for three Out , o, 849 Op batnrdaya At tarns. tyala for Long Drawl will leave Camden at 4SI N M. Returning, leave plaig Brgneh at 6 16 A, 111, Monday, artlying at Camden 9,10A.U. jot? ' ISBA. RAILROAD —To Toarists and Trievg• OATA . C'lllePaer lore— Sacn don Boma of 1L _ Lal e Ontario treguenar Blew. The Thousand !Ouija. Pertlend, The Rapids of St. Mama ea While Moo status, Elver. Saratoga Springs, be.. btontreal, dts.. dte. Quebec. .ISe. dte, Valets for tkas bove Bum:Lesions whist* have brae tie long and ftwarably known t o . the nbilailidWa Miklo s by Yertafla roans to' laialont Polio., for um at the CATAWISE.4 11/11.20AD TIOKET l51:4.4011, 42111 Chestnut strut.. alder Philadelphia Bank, Wien full information Will be slyea. ef BORel, Paesesagor Agent. .ietS.2nt 43 5 0/I.IBMIT Street. ff il us it g CAMDEN AND RA.11t11,43 A.D. —Three 'Praha, to Atlantic CRY, and ono on Randal. Trains leave Vine-street Ferry as folloWe NOM TX: ..... 'I,IB A. E ww.tat. with Passenger Carl attached ....... %OD A• AtlANto Acioiamoaktlon—. ...... ........... 10 P. IL Acronitrailitte • • 6 . B °P. lamulirmie, .• A --; ••• Atlantis Accommodation .. Irselght. with Passenger Oars 5tin5h0d.......10.g Nall Trait P. • 311110110 M Accommodation..., ...• • • 114 AI Fere to Animate in gxenrelon, Tishah.good_ V for the day end train on wblet. they a% Wined. VA St.NPAY !gall. TRAM, Leaves pine-street Ferry at, Returning, leaves Atiwitio,st R 46 P. AL VITSA VADDON,PIERIO TRAMS Leave Vine-etreet Perry. at 10.16 A.. M. and IP. H. Leave Maildonflel4 at 114 d A. M and 2.40 P. M. Ti. B—Freight, naist Be delivered at Cooper's Polut before P. 11. to (Mpg down the text dal. anloS•Sinif JOHN BRYANT. Agent. arAIINN. PHIL &D,ELPHIAs Baal. NOR% RAILROAD. itOr o ll OUR TO SICHIWITD, Otrf POINT, AID 6106,10 LE Trains leave Beet, corner of 111100 WAI334:IIIOTON Lemma, et 1.16 r. /111. itonmetinir 6,1111161118 at Baltimore. Pare to Riotimotiii. 600.01.44 ••••• •••••••••••11421 VI r. to City ..... • I•••• •••• RJR Pare to Norfolk ...I • •••••••••••••• • •••••••• • ••••1 • • ••••• LIB R. I. 1111161111 Y, SOIN. GEO. L. DADRIIIt, Oen. Ticket Anent. mylll me IMPLIITDIZNT 017,0ANK VOirpf. sourrox, GAULT MN% BUFF/1.0,