TB Gems= HEBORS OF m UNION, TDB GALLANT GRIMES OF THE UNION. THE GALLANT Brute or TEE UNION, TEE GALLANT WOODS OF THE UNION, AID ALT. OTHER PERSONS DESIROUS OF OBTAINING AND ALL OTHER TENSORS DESIROUS OF OBTAINING AND ALL OTHER PERSONS DESIROUS OF OBTAINING AND ALL OTHER PERSONS DHEIROUS OF OBTAINING CLOTHING OF THE EIGHT KIND, CLOTHING OF THE RIGHT KIND. CLOTHING OF THE RIGHT RIND, CLOTH/PG OP TUB BIGHT KIND. AT RIGHT PRIORS. AT RIGHT PRICES, AT RIGHT PRICES, AT Alma PRIORS. ARE INVITHD TO CALL ON MESSRS. PERRY & CO.. ills /TIMED TO CALL ON HISSES PERRY A Co • ARE INVITED TO CALL ON P/155115 PERRT & CO.. ARK INVITED TO CALL .eN Ms-EFS PEERS tc Co Do. 303 CHESTNUT .ritr.t.c SHOVE THIRD, 6L9 CHESTNUT STHEIT (Graaf'lle Stokes' Old Stand). moat& B. COHERE SrTENSII AND DiASLICRT STE, Clones'). N. B —The beet ass,;4mea of Alpaca , and Drapete Coa t e to be found in the city. t Also. eiren ' , misty of 14126913/o o dni . TERRY ar PERRY A Co., PERRY & CO., PERRY A CO., -Ito 303 oszerrnrs . STELHOT • ABOVN THIRD, Alto. IWO C.ORSVOIT ST.. (Ottactrille, gtOireS' Old eland. ) . g, tlor. SZVaNTIL &Ad BLASEST 13TREBTIS. (JOOO8'.) joiO 6t STEINWAY & SON'S P riAN 05 for gale only al EL•s o x trt uEOTITREE di '. wo finzaur Street. W I 43110.11 GE STRCIC & CO.'S WM! • V I il 08, 4 A ND IS•8031 & R4IIIILIA'S Ca BILLET °BOAS& PUTO Gym' &3 oteh of thst,e fine C t1313M IT WTES. teetrumeats have been sold by onaaisg Pia GO Mt. a, and the demand le son- 13 AEI 0I VC FoRTEIL stoutly inerbsstng ORO a ?Is. PIANO For sale only by C &BMW l'uttl74. J. B <3 017Lto. °WAIN. yaf t 0 ENVIIiTiI and flzimmur Ste CAW um TOVITE, 11020-tf OZEt s'itS. SALE OF BEST CLASS BEADY-MADE CILOTEIINI at the great eetebliabmeut well ksowo as "OAS BALL," located at the S. B. earner bIE end "MARKET Stricts. Tho close of the war enabled no to innanfaattEre cheoper, and We are therefore sailing the pressat stook at each prices as are Rat ranted by the present slate or afaia. As mail want to kuoor what they can bay chains for, we %Delta tin eXaMlaa Coa of the following pile., EV, u tacit embraces brit a feu leading articles' amen g the thousands of garfsenta ere have now Mayday ed in our enton.ive sale .memo, t ywnolis can alwar s d. pond twoß finding at oar store exActier chat is advertised ,„tai wool CliggiMETB Vents, from V. 7330 $7. 5 0. " Pants. from 4.00 to " from 5.00 to a) 00. Coed lousiness Coat for $6. 25. GSlee Sack Coat for $5. peat kelt.= Cloth back. $S Good. black Clete Frick Coat, ra 00 'Cars. Pante, 8 51 .14" --- we will ter pleasine in 'bowing our goods to ar.q who Call. Tf halt eWrAS eels:nine to purchase or not. AISIAKES .rBIiOWN, 0 HALL Popular Clothing Haase. irryn-tf 13. U. tor. SIXTY and 'A r Streets. DIED_ EUCKLEY.—.TuIr 4 b., 3662, of wounds received Jane 27'h, at the battle of Gaines' Mill, before iiiehmtnd, Captain D. Penrose Buckley, - aged 25 lure. I'Ds remains were romoved from Virginia and privately interred at St. James the Less, June 18, iIELD..-Killed, en the Bth of Aprll, 1804, at the beta f f illarkflelft, 1.0111134116, J. tiourten Bell, eon 0 1 Themes Bell, of this atty. NEW ELL.—Or, the 14th inst., Thomas C. - Newell, 11.t,14 , 11yettr of his age. The relatives and Meads of the fatally are re.. el vetl invhed to attend the funeral, from the r,zinenCo of his POri.lll-1 tw, ()Wats .F.Las , s , i, 1 , 4 ill Market street, Cramden, IV. .T., on Sunday tato noon,lBfh 1 ,, 5t., at a Weloat. cn (LC 12th. !last , Thomann.. Newell, eon of V. e. late Thomas C. Newell. in the 331 year of his ske Funeral et the SUDO time and place. * 4 .* r•EDDON—Con the morning of the 14th that., Fey. James SeAltiVil, in the 70t4 year of his age. The relatives are i rienaa of the family are respect. fell invited to I: 1 ,14:nd the funeral, on Sunday after r,or,, the 18'11 inst., at 2 o'cleek, from his late real. dare, Allan street, Franhlord, without further 314110. *tot FUNK.—On the 13th Instant, George washing , tur. tioret son of Francis and Mary Funk, aged 17 v ests end 25 dal2. 1 Le relatives and friends of the family, also the ply-henna 5.7131 Et IIeSTICS or the Polytechnio !Joliette, are respeatiully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents, No. 225 Union street, this day. , (Thursday.) at 3 o'olock. Interment at Nan& ltioriah cemetery. ALIN.—On the 12111 instant, George Malin, is the-68th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family arerespect fully invited to attend the funer4l, from his late re sidence, East Whlteland, Chester el., on sth day Zooming, the 15th instant, atm Carrlnkes will reeetthe 8 o'clock train at the West Chester Intersection, on the Pennsylvania Rail. re.C. *5 I_kTACK ENGLISH tiRENADINAS. Just received. a ciao of black albGnmadines, at 40 cents 1. para. 13.66Sidi dt 60N. alonrmnit tore, 918 casual:lr street. One RIO. Feats In plain Agana. fairls IRLIS.OK OHA.LY DE LAINE.-JUST evened, one ease et plain black Chaffy de Lanes of E7:4 'eat* a f ord. BESSON Br, B , 'N. Flemming Store. 31S CILISTA UT Street. One Dries Prices in plain agnree myl6 ESERVED STOCS, ALL OFFERED Ay wholesale tram this dole: ROOM* nock or 6bawle. Reserve Mock of Et ka &serve stool of D7l Goode. • & 45 ele FOrfßlll and AUEE grar. SeECIAL iIIi:LICLS434 N. L COUP uIL. he 4. will be held THI.B SVEI IVO. Hon. LEONA.I.D NIERS will Da present to ad d:ess Ike raserng. Punctual attendance is requested. ESE ttl 14 1 . 01784, President. sgr- HAUL Or TUX UNION 011. T 11' BeuTiva commr.rms —Agreaabli to a call b 7 tae 'OM= ra , ^avt.ve Ceromatee. the citizens or the various wet lie of Philadelphia are requested to meet at each pieces et nesint ;tad by the officers or the Wad etsoolations. on VlEbita.Y evening. Jane 20. 1E65, te , tect ohe Judge sad ,wolespeelara. to conduct an eleZtiOn in ft Pi various precincts. agreeably to Rale X. of the soles for the revert meat of the Union Party At this traction there shall be el.cteg one Enna:oriel Dela. gate and on e Repret entetive Delegate for each weed net, 'giro chid). meet in Conve..ziln,v.,oablv TO Rate XIX. WaLlAll ea ELLIOTT, President, lonrar T Ouz, l • esere,artes. _W. R. Lams Sir• MASONIC NOTICE —TRESS nil) be s Sonole.l Meeting of UKTON 1,00131 E. No. In, A. Y.kl,AL,LeHnil, 011B3fiNUT Streq., asFR _ I] AI u owook. By order of the W. M. ALPS.O.A6O C LELELA:AD. fe:s 2l* Efore&Ary, ExcuPtsxox OF TFER rßealtiEntilVN LYDatili AND SPIEATIJArc. WI'S, at hliwood tirove, 012 FitIDAY next. Jana DIM, wilt Dave the Media Depot, TRUITT , Ma , and reBEBT ginstt, a 7.34, ( , *cit•ck A . M. Tickets awn be proc:., ,, i M B. DI orT. it-11100th SUUSICII.ItI . OOt. ADC Cf the &Blears and menia.za of tan LI cane'. it* OFFICE. OF THE CONTROLLERS w•tiv OF PllEdai t.C110, 1 1.,5, FIRST DERMOT Of P.Ea ISETLVeIa lA. Fut Lenel.PHIA., June 14, NM. At n meeting of the of Public Schoo!s, Yrtt District of Penns',ivsnth. held at Us Ooncroliefe' T4rber, June 18, 1560, the following renalation was tulrFd That Dora shall be but one section or day iv . te Public School., of ibis district, commencing at , and closing et P 31 • with a meats of tecf.ts rainniee from the loth of June to the summer Nae.tion. EIMiMM!!!!MM WPHILADELPHIA: JUNE $3,1863. —At a epee al theetieg of the SEHPAMER HOU Arr.D bTEAtr FlltE 156 E CoMf'AllY. held at their liz2 co the above date, the roirowing resolutions were unehireonsly at opted: Reeolvi.d. Thst tde thanks of ihie Company be and arc hale by tendered to their committee,' appointed to mccure a Steam Fire Bernice , for the highly nmditable and satisfactory manner in Which they have performed the arduona duties madam d them. They have procured for is Company a steamer at 012C3 beautiful and ser viceable. • Also , to our Willy friends wbo have so liberally con tributed to the object, ale°, to a nember of lady friends for a set of details harness and a pair of p:nmes for the harness. Also, to a number or lad, friends, up 311. the °egadoll of housing our wearner, for &largo and magnifteent sick dee, and upon the sane occasion to a number of lady friend, for a boantifn t nner.wreath to James Hoffman, Btq for a largo and sob eteettal flag pole. aiso, to Lieut. Joel& Puller for a handsome plate. Leaping thename et the Company, for the front door of - the helm. Aloe, to a number of gentlemen for a large and beau tiful bunting flag• disc, to line tlhlffier Hoes Company. No. 1, of Cam den for their kindness in housing our new steamer and entertaining cur committee Agile 111 their oily. atest JOHN J. CLIFTON, Secretary or the SUNNI' Hose and Steam Fire Elsgine Compaq'. LINCOLN MONUMENT 15. SOCIATION.—The Citizens of the THIRD VattD, Who are favorante to the above object, are re• ontattd to attend a Meeting at the Haase of Industry. CATHARINE Stmt. above Seventh, on THURSDAY Er SIMI% 16th inst., at 8 o'clock. Tte Ladies are Dottlcalarly Invited to be present. LES firdET or the Cosoreitt... P BUY jale:SieS sIeIP..—WEEK COS. TELBUTORS who paid to the Committee of Silly of the Fifteen dward. Fifty Dollars to be gamut-. tote flee from the draft. are hereby notilled that the • / rteett , er will pay them their pro rata *hare of the luzc, nit hand. on cal Dug on It. B KIBBE, Treasurer, tics 24 and 216 BANK Snaot within tea day* from .ate of this notice • At the expiration of this time, the bat auto will be disposed of as ordered by the commit tee. B. it. SMILING, Secretary. 1178/ON STATE CONVENTIOR.—A •"-'"" State Convention will be held at Harrisborg WEDNESDAY. the lath July,lB6l. at in o'clock M.• for the purpose of putting in nomination a State *Whet. to 11 t 1 61 115 1 norted by the Weeds of the Union at the coati= d:letoher election. no earnest and zettione labors of a loyal people se. Czr,,d the great victory in 1185, and made the war, which our eremite denounced as it failure. a 'lotions succt ss in 1E65. Our flag has been maintained. our enemies deztroyed. cur Government preserved. and peace re established. Let .-very Mead who aided in this result take IneaSares to he represented is that Convention. W. must see to It that the finite of our enema are not loot to tee nation. BissinetS of vast Importance will be presented for rte gr rj.idelation, and every district in the Suite shoutd be re&resrnted. 5L610.12 CAMIBON, Crusinnan. A. W. BPNEDICT • t o..m.pttllll WIEN Oattelf. 5 3e5 tlyIS liar - OFFICE Or THE RELIANCE IN - )o. 308 REMAINSLEM StrMeet COPAIAY OF PRILILDBLPOIL. WIL. PHiLADELPHIA.. June 6,1866. The Board of Direetors of the RO4IANCB 1880- EiretTS CoilYelly of Phimdelphis hare this day Ceelared a Dividend of (4) POlll YBE OMIT.. Tor the Fitt six months. payab:e to the Stockholaers or their ePs:lrnPreenntatives, on eionand, free of taxes. 30-10; THOS. G. RILL. Secretary. NiZABRIUARTERS DEPLATAISNT OF PEtilitil . June 5.1856. taxein.A 13. The attention of Commaneing Officers of rotund; ho.blerlanizatons le ein cted to the follOWlsg_ozT travt from neral Order so. 94, current aeries. War Depertnient: "En route to, and after arrlyal in the State, the fol lowing will be °beery. d: Immediately on wrival at the State Bendestone the h; cinicnt will be reported to and taken control of by the Chief !fingering officer for the State or hie ea ...ietauvet the point " * I nig:mat thereto Commanding Officers of all Yob:ln t" er erganizatioas retaining to Philadelphia for final discharge eri:Limmediately on their arrival to the city. op.rit tasir commands to brevet Major W. B. Latin, e. A . Chief haltering °Seer. Eastern Dlyie!on of Pennsylvania. Er cominand of Major General Cadwalader SORG S. BCGULTZ. lsolateet aajnkant General. MIXT'AIIY. PRIZE MONEY AND GOVERN ': fißkT EdURTY TO ALL WHO UM TUB ta IMAM Sanwa 00203. Orders LitTe bees reseined frost the head of the —,,l,At•e stir ' Corm, at Washington pot to rennet reenuta to rseetr e aLL who sin z a h grk s . h io r t s egt o e r g , or thr rprabtri. hav e In the marines, and have the bsnonnny dleshargeL gash persona enlisting in 9 United Mates Warbles will receive the Govern insat bounty. and will also be entitled to their share of altsato any aapture of the enemy's vessels. ~,vfarther information apply at the reerulting A. ". aqs- 811 South ?HORT Waits WIN= A. tt S o'sleik P. IL. every dim but Sunda, 4AIOII roux'. Clouds sad Essraidas Ousst. MILITARY GOODS. FLAGS i FLAGS!! EVANS & HASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, 41$ ARCH STREET* nANNVAREIg Silk, Bunting, Muslin, and De Lain • 3F L. Gr OF ALL 131=5: SWORDS, SABBES, BELTS, BABSANTB, zwitirrAila r GOODS, OF AUK PBSOUIPTIOIL 1.1-072 lIIERCRANT TAILORS. H DWARD P. KELLY, JOHN BELLY. TAILORS, 111, CHRISTNIJT ETREZT, RAVI sow re WORN A.OONFLFTB ASSORTMISKT OP SPRING GOODS. HOUSE-IMBNIUMII4I4 GOODS. h• Pa REFRIGERARS, WATER. TO COOLERS. 600 lIONING.TLELBS, ST LiDDENS. WALNUT BEACRETS, In trust EP- varieti. AZ , oTtaFrnm a PAUL SIXTH snO MEL STAIIONLBT & "LANs. Eitottqis COAL, AND (ABM N- , '" NNW COMFAIDNI. We are prepita4.l to tarnish Prow Ckaporattono with a the Sooko the, require. 1t shoe, OOHS* and lOW prises. Of lira quality.. Ali styles of SindlnL frFIRL PLATE OBRTITIOATSB OH STOOL LITLIOGRAFEUD " TRANSFER BOOK. • ORDERS OF TRLISFIIt. STOCK LEDGER. • SPOOR MIMICS SALAMIS& REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOOK. BROKER'S firm' LEDGER; AOCOIIBT OF SALES. DV/WEBB LOOK. MOSS drd CO., SLJuirE ROOK RUA lIFACTITREES AND MINIMA% 142141 434 ORESTSTFF Street DRIJGB AND ClitittOCALS. BOTANIC AND ECLECTIC DRIJOB. ROBERT A. HANCE. 129 Lik.B.KIT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Vrenl4 tbe attention of Druggiste, Gowan , Mu :haute. and others, to his stock of ROOTS, BIAS& AND BASKS. ie various shad packages, of our own pressing, at MUDS BaLow FORMBE AMU/Jae of 130T2.IWILL PRIPALLTIONS. W. IL 19.e.SELL dr-CO. 'tt CONCENT Ra DSE RUIDIX,I, at a liberal diteonut to the trees. Catalog - nee furnished on appliution. LEGAL TN THE ORPHANe COURT FOR THE CITY .1.1 . iD CCIIIRTY OyPERLADELPNIA. ArilarTcf44:lll.iii kirCi:7;e73,7.A. .17311(tE is hereby' given that EiAtttfill EALLY, wi— dow of said decedent, Eat tiled in said Court nay petittott, and art appraleement of personal property, which, with a aertafn sum in cash she elects to retain rinds: the set or April lett, 1811., end it antvleulamts tnereto, end that the sacra will be conlirmrd by mita Ovum FRIDAY, she :lath day of Tone 180, at la o'cioolc A. M.. unless exceptions be filtd thereto. P. P. efilallfS. ielEsthetts Attorney for Petitioner. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR -a - THE Cal Arp) COUNT OF I.IIgdpi.LPEIT.A. _- - - Relate of CRARLBS W. 1111190.60. The Auditor appointed by the court to anAt. settle. arid adjust the first account of JOad J sasta. aud IiTEPHISX BANTON, execntors of the last will and testament of the said lua slam W. I{F,PBl2fita, de ct ased, and to report distr.bution of foe balstice is the hands of the accountant, wal meet rhe patties lute mat ed, for the tattposea of ht• app.entmont, on. :MANI) aY, the 26th of Juno. ISO, at 4 o'ciork P. Alat his office. Ito. 432 WALNUT btiowt, in the city of ,3 111.ph into thlatt6t JOHN B. MAHAL Audbor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TEM IJITY AND couturr OP PHILADELPHIA. Bstate of Ws.TSON JESIKB The Auditor appointed bp the Coact to audit. settle, and adjust the account of o . Boleoll JUSTIOE and ALEX. J. DERrITE.HINS, Trustees under the Will of WANON JhNS6. decea.ed and to report distribation of the balance in the hands of the accountant, wit/ meet the parties interested for the purposes ot his appoint ment, on WEDSIBED AT, June 28. 1868, at four o dock P. hi., at his office, S E. cornet' eIXTH and WALNUT biretta. in the city of Philade.ohla je3A-thstuht 1) W. O'HEINN, And:tor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY lUD COUNTY OF PHU...aI/EL/IUL -- „ - Notate of ELIJAR BO WEN, &nailed. The anditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the first account of OH& NLRB L. 13047E4 remaining Executer of ELIJAR BONIN, deceased, being the seventh account of the listen). and to re neat distribution of the balance in the heads of the an countent, will meet the parties interesied for the pel vises of hie appointment, on MONDAY, the 11th day of Tone, A. D. hscf, st 11 o'etock SI. 3, ids ofiss, No. 271 Heath FIFTH btrett, in the city of -Phila delphia. jeep wireitslt BLANDY 'l3 PATENT PORTABLE STEIN ENGINES AND PORTABLE STEAM SAW MILLS. BLAND] 'S PATENT PORTABLE STEAK ENGINES. From 4 to 00 Horse Power. St'ictlr portable. Each entire is one pirce No Mick or masonry in Batting. Adapted for all purrosee. The very DCA for BORING AND WORKING OIL WELLS. MANDY'S PORTABLE STEAK S&W KILLS I Also strictly portable; no brick or maPonty is setting Warrantee to cut from 6to 10, (A) teat lumoer per day. Circulars rent to any . acdrom. For p.ice+, dese.ip. lion, ate , address the mannfamu:ere. & F. BLANDY. BLANEY'S STEAM ENGINE WO ENS, ZANESVILLE, Ohio, Or BLANEY'S NEWARK MACHINE WO/111.8,M jel4•StdaltW . EIBWABK, Ohio. GOLD'SPATBRTIMPROVBDSTEAM LID WATER-REATINGt APPARATUS VON WARMING and VrATILATING PUBLIC lUILD. Ma sad PEIVATI RENDRE DEL . 1411BIAOTtra1ti B! TEI UNION NAM LIID WLTEMILFATING GOMM 01 PENNSYLVANIA. JrAOlitEtia P. WOOD as co., 41 Boath /MIN Stmt. Jan-Etfill B. M. FELTWELL, SNP% JULT FOURTIL-ILLUMINATION UMBERS, Polon Star and O.obe, Llly, Rom and other new fanny oatterns of Lanterns. Bilk and Eln.lin FLatid. all Masa Toy Cannons, Tornado Pistols, Cracker Pistols &o. Tor isle at lowest rates. W. TILLER, isls.6t as South FOURTH Street. ROGER'S NEW GROUP, “THE BUSEWH WHIM; O. THE APPEaI. FOE PLUM" now ready. Alan. the 'mew subjectes t.The Home Guard * , •• One More ehot "' "The Wounded Scout." The.M.Y trued Volunteer." • • Village Postmaster," . . • "Union kiefugeee," "Mail Day," "The Picket Guard." " nharpahoetara." "The 'Pawn Pump. " Camp Life. " "Making Polemic with the Cook," &0..&0.. Always In stock. JAMB B URGE & 810 C PISSTNUT Bala Thew Croups can be packed to forward to all p %As of the country with entire safety. iels.6t MA.RBRAL93 SALE.-13 R VIRTUE OF a Writ of dale, by the Hon. JOHN OLDWALA DEE, Judge of the District Court of the gutted Stater. to and for the Eastern "Astrid of Pennsylvania. In Ad miralty. to me directed. will be soli at poetic sale to the tidiest and best bidder for cash. at MICRENSIVO STORE. No 142 North FRONT Street. on F &Ma, JuneMb, 1865,_atlto'sloSk M.. the residue of Cargo of the Steamer MMlll3 D. conetstina of Meares of Caval ry Sabres; 10 cum, 490 reams, of Blank Note Paper; lento. 45 reims, of Poolssap. and. 1.316 gross Gilt But tons. Also, 213 e reads° of Cargo of &showier SKIM consisting of 8 kegs of %Meter rowdsr. and 6 Gaston of muss Ott. Also, Marsala's° of Cargo of &tamer D OAL, conPittlas of 018 k ess of Caption Powder. Earn. plea at Store. 142 North PROIr Street WsLI.IAN hfIi.LWAED. D. S. Marshal Nastfro District of Pennsylvania. PHILannLPHIA., Stme 14, 1E65 jelO St pHOTOORAPHEI TAKEN OF PUMA° anildings, Churches, Residences, and Gettutry Sege. Those wbo destre to preserve e0P199 of these should engage the aware* of B. F. RSIMER, 6214 ARCH Street. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS--TWELVE for $1 25—neat and pretty etyle Llkenvesee. suit able for Albums ;Just the c!xle for seholare to exchange mith schoolmates. BIIIMAKI, MOND Street, above Green. gr THE ATTENTION OP RETURNED yolunteere, and others. about purchasing JE 3LRY. Is invited to the large and elegant assortment of Gold and Silver Watches. of American and rweign Maker% atlamond Pine. Rings. Snide, and bets, Chains. bath. Arc ; silver *Palsied Ware. which will be sold at the lowest prices, by Ll W IS LAGGHUS. Diamond Dealer and Jeweler, ie9-61.0 No. SOS CHESTNUT Street. .FANCY HAMS.-BRIGGS, SWIFT, & CO.. COD dr Amara. 0. if P. .40/tan's. and Met. salts 4 Blase brands estabrated SIMAR-CORED CINCINSATI CAAVASERID HAMS, in store and for Ws by WASHINGTON BUTCHER do SON. Tarie-Im* 146 and 146 North FRONT Si. j SOMERSET, 521 CHESTNUT • Street. Dngraver and Dealer m a rksm, darns Badges, Emblem & Fire Badge% and of every description. Soldiers returning home will And AS ad. •aotageena to DOlSiese as a memorial one of my fine gold or st/ver Badgoa. 0666166 /6 karat gold Goff. Biagi alnay•oa bard.. .611 goods minuted. ram tin HERMETICALLY BALED MEATS AID SOUPS. 1,000 tr. Elausaira Meat. 00 0 &mat Boot 000 ' do VMotteal. 000 " do os. 1,000 " do Turkey. 1.000 " do. ebleken. 8.000 " assorted Solve, In I. 2, IS lb. tine For ludo by RE WOES & WILLIAMS. ti4Nif 107 South WALVIS direst. -THE PRESS.-PHFLADELPHIA.; THURSDAY, PINE 15, 1.565: CURTAIN GT:Op& I E. WALILAVIEGN, MABONIO HALL', IS NOW OPENING ANOTHER LARGE LOT OF LACE CUICTA.IDTS, ELEGANT STYLES, AT PRICES, FROM. 5 DOLLARS TO 150 1301JAARS PER PAIR. WINDOW SHADES, CHOICE PATTERNS, AT BEDIICED PRICES.•• t mr2B DRY GOODS. COOPER & CONARD, NINTII AND MARKET. FINE CASSIMERES. LINEN DRILLS AND DUCE. SUMNER COATINGS. THIN DRESS GOODS. NEW WHITE GOODS DOMESTICS REDUCED. ELEGANT SILK SAOQUES. BLACK. HERNANI SHAWLS. jel.tf EYRE & LANDELL, ITCOUltrril Axtcbr.. SUMMER SILKS AND SHAWLS. TOWELS FOR HOTELS. PURE WHITE SHAWLS. DIAMOND MARSEILLES. GOODS FOR TOURISTS. WIDE COAT SILKS. LLAMA SHAWLS. GAUZE FLANNEL. 1,000 LOW QUILTS. TABLE LINEN. aIS tham2m GdtZE SUMMER BL.A.NICETS.— Jurt received en invoice of Summer Ilicsnicete, the thwoo end lightest we have ever bad. SELBITAIiD. YAK JOARLINGIO, d< Altai - SOL House Famishing Drii Goods. Ja&otuth et bus tni./I"STAITP Bt-set. U. CHLILBERS_ NO. 810 ARCH 13T. • B.Cillita STOCK RED CRIED. Bark Thread Laces. Thread Veils • Thres4 Lace Refire. Hemstitched Hi.cotoreitelfs bargains. Cambria Edsi , gs and lnberaons. Si wed and Fancy Preach einstins. for waists. SIMLA D SHAWLS and BILK lAA/ MBE Bellies off below cost. C°OPER CONARD, NINTH AND wunr, have The best Caisitnere stock In town. Good Llnsn'Tqiini, Dacia, roatinge. Ta Linnts, of even' kind. hinein sirck sorne!st., prices right, Family Linsni., eellint, aeld, at 800. Gatize,_doznet end other Flanwas. Env Wool Detainee, 55 and 05 rents. 9 Tatra tine black Mohair Alpaca, 111, Lupin's 6-4 bleak Wool Dell - titles, fit. Good stock wbi:e Wain , ock, boles. Bird-eye Linen, striped Ina. line. finest Gantt:des and. Jaconete, paffen Etienne. Ptque. Ace White Wane anu otter twin Mewls. Silk 1-seqac. and Sumner Destere je7-tf SPLENDID STOOK OF LINEN Goolos, just opened at 7U2 ARCH Stmt. com. pri Torkieh. Bath, Huck, and plain Linen Towels. Bark:De, beantifal patterns. and a4l amis. Takla Luaens. bleached, Lalf•bleache, and brown. Richardson & Dunbar'o, Dickinson's. and other Linens Ladiee and o:mks' L. C Wk.% from 1.23ic to Id— boned stitched and. cel'dbordere—venr nice. my3l if JOHN" H. nosm. HEAVY MESH BLACK lIR 8-4 BAN OB OBBNADINB. 8.4 black Hernani, ordirary mesh. 8 4 black Taraartinee and Crape Marais. 8 4 white TantaTann and Baregeo. Single , o idth t • S wide Macs Hornani. Beau lamb 6-8 wide black Eiernisni.' Block Tamartities. Crape Mentz, and Oh,Dies. Donbie• width black, De Lainec and Tamise Moths. Black Wetted Ines and Scinbasines. kin& width blaqk,DO HALL a 00. s raTBO if 26 Faure • SBCOSD Street. SPECIA L NOTICE. SBLLECLObFF EINTfES Stt TOOK GOOD-WILL USD FIXTORSB FOR SALE. TOOESILEN AND CHISEL We invite special attention to the above announsinnent. We have a Luse Stock. We are Selling Cheap. Every yard in to be closed out on or before the Int day Of beptember. bilks and Dreg. Goods. Cloths. Ciassimeres, and Linen Ooods. Shawls.filoaks Skirts, Elaktkake..ds. Hnslins and Calicoes mush under market pries 'YEMENI' BY nt OMSK, mylelm Cot. of EIGHTH and SPRIBFG I'IOURED SILK GRENADINES, of the best qualities and styles, in Black and Gray Grounds. tea to $l. (SO. Trayelling.Dress Goods, in every YnxietYt New Drees Goode, in Brest variety. Handsome Ohene Silks. $2.50. VERY CHEAP SLAM SILKS, suitable for Drestee, Mantles. and Sacuues. COTTON GOODS AT LESS THEN WHOLESALE PEIOES iferrtmitet SPratne. and Pacific Tents, Ms. 19 4 Waltham and Deperill bleached tiheethms. $l. H. STEEL as SON. ixtsB-tf Nog. 713 sad 715 North TENTH. Street. NEW SSIIIT FOR 1565. TEE GREATEST INTBETION 01 TES AGB IA HOOP SIEIDECTrier. J, W. BUDlallt Few Patent DIIPLEX ELLIPTIC (or double) SPRING SKIRT. WISTS' BRADLEY k 01,11,2" (late J T. di I. 0. West). STO.T.F.TROPRIBTORS and M6.SIIFACTURRES, 97 011A.MSES and 19 and Si Itide,DE Streets, Hew THIS nrcrEirriort consists of DUPLEX (or tWo) Br, LIPeO Steel SPRINGS, ingeniously BRAIDED TIGHTLY Rad Plums together. Eros to Ems, mosklsa the Tatrintm, moot FLEXIBLE, krona. and DURABLE SPRING ever neva. They seldom BEND or 'BREAK. like the Single Springs, and consequently preserve their rsurgor and. BEAUTIFUL SHAPE TWICE as LONE as any other MORT 5:113% WONDERFUL FLEXIBILITY and great COMF.AT and PLEASUEE to any LADY wearing the DUPLEx ELLIPTIC SK/RT Will be expsrienced particularlyin 101 l crowded ASSEMBLIES, OPERAS. CARRIAGES. BAILFOAD CARS. OBTUSE PEWS AMICHAII2O, for PROMHA.ADE and HOUSE DRESS, as the SKIRT On be VOIDED when in use to trooir- Wr a PLACE RS IMIEIIY the DILE or MUSLIN DRESS. I LADY baying enjoyed pleasure. comfort, and peat convenience of WEARING the DUPLEX ELLIPTIC STEEL. SPRING SHIRT for a SINGLE DAY Will never after. 'ward willingly dispense with their use. For CHILDREN A WIESE% and OUNG LADEN they are SUPERIOR to) au others. THEY meths best otrarrry in every part, and nee questionably the LIGHTEST. Mat DEBIRABLE.CONFOAT. ABLE and ECONOMICAL SKIRT NM made. PM:SALM in all FIRST. CLASS STORES in this city. and throne:tont the UNITED STATES, HAVANA DE CUBA., ZIO, SOUTH AMERICA. and the WEST INDIES. SKIRT. JUN N - 1E CI lIIES FOR THE DIIFLEX sLtarTia my6.2m 628 HOOP SKIRTS. • HoP.KI.2iS , ..OWB MAKS" OF 628; HOOP SKIRT& the best assortment and beet quaitty and sigh& 1n the city. Rom Trails, all lengths and sizes, from 18 to fo eprings, from 121.25 to 64. Plain Skirts, all the new thanes and sizes. from 1B t 3 50 sprints, from $L 40 to 43 Skirts of extra heavy steel and extra tapes, from 20 to 35 springs, from $1.90 to 25. Misses' and Child,en s, of every grade, from 6 to 36 springs, from four to eight eente per spring; they have no equal. Agents for Ste new Fie:tole Skirt, the most pliable Hoop Skirt made, and fatly equal to the Duplex Militia Skirt. and at mush lower prices. Also constantly on baud full lines of low-prteed. dew York, Skirts. kid padded and metallic &stetted -15 springs. 8.1 c.; 20 springs, Si; 25 springs, St 15; 30 :Triage, 311 2,5. and 40 4404008. MAP. Skirts made to order, altered, and repaired, at 625 ARCH Street. Jel4-I.ln. FIREWORKS. FOURTH OF JULY VIREWOmtns, IN GUILT TAIIIRTY. ROCKETS, CANDLES, UNION AND ROMAN CANDLES. MINES, TRIANGLES, SHIP LIGHTS, SNARES, BLUE LIGHTS, FLOWER POTS, PIN WHEELS, GRASSHOPPERS, COLORED FIRES ALSO, large 111511ortxuent of Wheels, for sale by A. H. FRANOISOUS Esc 00., ftB•s6t 513 MARKET STREIT CADPIITI AND OIL-CLOTHS SPRING. i 865. c/pm.: sr re awl ONSMANTOWA, PA. ACCA14.1.411.7111 .3c, CO., 1 10L11171A0TIIBERt3 AND DIPORTEBS 01 OIL. CILOTEL DIATTINGS. Aso. 11111COLMAIM DEPARTMENT, 11 , 1))4J;04.1.44:y4 RETAIL DEPARTMENT, 619 USISTIFITt ISTESWT. aplo.llk +. PARTES DE VISITS.-ALL SHOULD avail ib“nsEilVill of the rare skill and experienei or 8.. P. REIMER, los having their Cartes de Mite ken at 62t LUCA 'gimlet. - - A VERY OROICE ROASTED -AL IdaND, manufactured by SPBEN IP. MA W aN, jellm IST lalo m, FINANCLUG. UNITED ETATEB 7-30 LOAN. THIRD SERIES. $230,000,090. Be authority of the SeerstarY of the ?fasellil* the undersigned, the 43 exterst Subscription /sent for the gale of United Stites Seaurities, offers to the liahtte the turd series of Treasury Notes, blaring 419114311 and three•tentlu per sent. interest per annum Yawn is the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Note+ are laud under Mite of Ju1715. 1865. and are payable three years from that date in enr. roam or are convertible it the option of the holder Into U. S. 6.20 SIX PER CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These Sonde are now worth a handsome premium. and en exempt, IN are aJI the Govornment Sonde. from Slate. County, and aruntetpco taxation. toldah adds from one to three per cent more to their imine, according to the rate levied upon other property. The interest is payable semi-annually by COZIPOIIIi attached to each note, which may be out of and sold to any bank or banker. The interest at 7 SO Per sent. amounts to One Cant per day on a $6O note. Two cents per day On It $lOO note. Ten cents per day on a $5OO note. Twenty cents per day on a $1,003 note. One Dollar per day on a $5,000 note. Dotes of all the denominations named Will be Promptly furnished upon receipt of enbeeriptiona. the notes of this Third ;Series are preoisely similes in form and privileges to tbe Leven• Thirties already *old, ;neat that the Government reserves to itself the option Of paying interest in gold coin at 6 per soul instead of 13-10ths in eurrencry. enbscribers Will dedtlet the In tellect In currency up to Jay lath. at the time when they sithseribe. The delivery of the notes or this Third Series of the Seven-Thirties will commence on the tat of June, and will be made promptly and continuously alter that date, The slight change made in the conditions of this THIRD SIsSIBB affects only the matter of Interest. The payment in gold, if made, will be ectniTeitmt to the currency interest of the higher rate. The return to spede payments, in the event of which etly will the option to Per interest in gold be availed of. world so rednee and equalize ;nice* ea that intr. chimes made with sin yer cent, in gold would be fully aortal to those made with seven and three-tenths per gent. in currency. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN ILIREET now offered by the Government, end its superior ad vahtages make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE, Lees than $230.000,000 of the LON' authorised by Conarees are now in the market. Thte meant, at the rate at which it is being absorbed, will an be tubseribed for within sixty days. when the note/ will undoubtedly command a premium, as hue nut• formly been the ease on siestas the subsedottons to other Loam. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the Loan. the National Banks, State Banks. and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to re ceive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they resolve orders. JAY COOKE. SUBSCRIPIIOI AGM, /TO. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, DREXEL & COMPANY, BANKERS, O. 34 South. TI3IRD Streets AMERICAN AND FOREIGN GOLD, FOREIGN EXCHANGE, UNITED STATES BONDS, QUARTERMASTERS' VOUCHERS, UNCURRENT MONEY. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD AT BOARD OF BROK3Rtg. ON COMMISSION. 1881.- COTTONS, pUB JULY 1, GOLD AND SILVER WANTED. AT EMMET MARKET /TIM DREXEL, & CO., WILLIAM H. BACON. :gamut A. WAILDBIt. B ACON & WARDER, STOCK AND NOTE BROKERS, .21S WALNUT STREIT, Stocks bought and sold on Commietion. Trust 'funds invested in City, BMW. or government Loans. Subscription: received for the Untted Ntatee 7,30 Loan, without charge /or C0M71)14.51021, 10 the purchaser. jel,tuatttlni T. STAMFORD. FOS. L. HOUSTON STAMFORD So HOUSTON, STOCK AND EXUMNGE BROKERS, No. (26 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Dealers In Ooverxanent Seenrittes4Eporle, Unaurtant Ronan Oit7 Wananta. !to. Ebel:kis bought and sold on ooromlosion at the Reatdat Board of Brokers. =TWA= T HE FRA.NELIN SAVING FUND, ig0.135 BOMB FOURTH STREET. BELOW OHESTOU rays dire pewee:Lt. 'Wotan on T, Deposita. Agenta fat the sae of United States 7 MO Loans at Par. °warn. meat, State and Otty Loans Stook* boneht and gold lox denositorm and °t hen on commimmton. tohlo-Smm CONFECTIONERY. SUMMER CORFECTIONS. Persons about lensing the city should nu era ez amine our splendid assortu,ent of DELIWOUS CONFECTIONS. E+YRUPS, Particularly adapted for the Warm Seaman. E. G. WHITM &N (fa Co.. MANUFACTURERS. 318 CHESTNUT STRUT ear Also, an assortment of BRILLIANT FIREWORKS. iel.o-stuthlm *MAWR , IrURININIFIEM 6iOODS. EnITE 1311IRT MANUFACTORY. The subscribers wonlii invite attentiot to their • LEDIOVED MIT OF SCANTS, which they wake a ceesinliT it their bulimia. Also eonatantly receiving SOYBLTIZEI YOR GBATLIKEWEI WWI. J. W. SCOTT dt CO, OBITLEXHIPE FUENISHING STOIII, ft, Ell- CHESTNUT Street jal.iy Pour doors below the Continenta 14 -- HMOVAL.GEO. W. WAT SON & -A-s , co. tare removed their OARBIAGIt REPOSITOEY to their ola plata. Mo. 1219 ciassuluE Street (nude t Concert Hall), where they will keep sato* of Oarringes of their owa melte. and will resolve orders for ever/ description of drat-data work. June 7. 1955, ie7 Sta REMOVAL. WILLIAM TLUALL Sea Rammed from 10. 1020 to No. 1.131 =En. Arm Street. S. B. corner otTEIHTHIHITEL Street. Where he Invites the attention of housekeepers, AM those sornmensing housekeeping. to kis extensive as• wrtment of useful HOUSE Fulanstrnra GOODS. Superior Refrigerators. Table °titian'. Family Hard• ware. Children.' Carriages. sp244m p FAMILIIS RkSIDINQ IN TH3 We ere premed. as heretofore, to amply familia, at thetr country residence's, with Jin' DESOB,IFTION OF FINE CEIOOKROIS. TUB. , &a. ALBERT C ROBERTS. • iny2.4.tf Corner EL/IVUTH and VINE Streets. 1865. lIANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY'S ANNUAL EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITY, Tainercia. saw 6, 1965. 7el•theta tl CARD. -I INVITE SPECIAL ATTEN- Ulm to the Sale at my Store, on .1110151D1.Y. the 19th inet as it Will eon:maim the choice of nyy etnelt of Far- AMERICAN WINES —lOO,OOO OAL LOIS pure Catawba end Isabella WINKS in bar rels and quite from the moat celebrated vineyards In the United Mates: wainmted strictly pare; Yu, IoW for cast or aoproTed. paper For solo by JOHN H. COBB. &went, 6 S. corner PROXY and MAJtKire etreete P. O. Box 482 AO 00• THE ASHLAND HOUSE, YOUTH VISHUR ACID T WNW TY.FOURTH , STREW'. NSW YORK OITY, Recently e,larged and imploved. is now open few transient as well at permanent boarders The house is eitoseed on one of tbs p eseentest evacuee, and seemed ble mall places of amusement sod business by cars and eta gem Onests will tied ale the convenieneee and elm forte of a FDPBlior se 4blialmert, with an szeedsut ta bte. Transient bolted. 113 per dsy, Wit ft bletilElZE• Proprietor. —Rainilies who deelre rooms for the summer will make early application. To desirable parties ad vaneamme toms will be offered 812 35t _ . ( I EN. PRITCHARD.—FINE CARTES, &e. - from life or Gen Pritcltard. the captor of Jett:nal). cal be had gt F. aerizwasrs Gallery, 'IUI AACIa met 3i2-6t PIIITADBLPHIA MIALIIES IN 34 South THIRD Street. PHILADALPHIL REMOVALS. GROCERIES. BUICAIi TISTRICTO . . GONGS J HRNAB6•. : 808 and STICHEtTNUT Street v•vv' PIIBLICATIONIL IN VIZESS, LIEUTENANT GENERAL GRANT I is GiarruicAttis. This great Illustrated National Pictorial and 131.0. graaPhical Work is now in prate, and. will ba tamed aP soon ts possible. It is, without exception, the most popular putlicatlon ever Ismael, and win contaio. the Portraits and Biographical Sketches of about one hun dred and day of our leading MILITARY HEROES, NAVAL OFFICERS, and ILLUSTRIOUS STATE,SDIEN AND CITIZENS, Who have been identified with the Onion came in o:asitlzg the Rebellion. QUARTO Bias, HANDSOMELY BODED AND SPLENDIDLY ILLOSSRATED. :alternately through the work will be placed :MI USE CARDS of our principal MERCANTILE AND MAN U- FA °TURIN G FIRMS Throughout the country. The whole. when complete, intended for GRATUITOUS CIROUL ATION in all the principal Hotels. Reading Roams, Libraries, on River. Lake, and ocean stammers: and Public PROM of Resort thronthant the United States, and large sides of Eu rope, 'Havana, California, Orem, and the Faolee Coast, Canada, Valparaiso, Ronolnla, &a , which; will consulate an edition of TEN THOUSAND COPIES We also intend yoribliehir g the work for tale at a tow PAW, and we are coolie:a, from the orders already received, we can increase ite eirculation to 150,000 COPIES! The 810G1UP11.133 will be FOIL and coriouS, yet COMPRESBNSIVE and cormsni, and from the HOST RELIABLE and trXDOUSTSID AITYHOSITY. The Portraits will be finely executed, and engraved from Pictures taken expressly for the work. No labor Or expense win be arms& to make this not only one Of the most ATTRACT/VS, but one of the most Dopler, usetal, and reliable works for reforence or advertising ever issued. Side by side with these our Heroes who have "relight, (and some of them) Wed, and died" for our common country, our leading Business Men, Mer chants. end NanrifgOtUrerg, hale an OPportneitY to au play. IN A PRNMAYINT AND HOST A.TTRAOTIYA MANNER THROUGHOUT THE LAND, their various hi* of Business, or the remits of their experience and skid in those Machines and Inventions which only need to be well known and properly applied. and they will enrich their possessors, while they help develops the great resources of our country. We offer GRANT AND Ins GEfOrRALS to the busi ness public ati the most Tall/eh% Popular, extensively circulated, Dermancet: and cheapest ADVERTISING MEDIUM ever brought to their notice. C. UNDERHILL, Esq.., IS OUR ONLY AGEET IA THE 'UNITED STATES. Me Is stopping at the ♦MEEIOAN HOTEL for a few days, and will call on some of the leading Arms here, or on those who Is 111 enclose their card or address, sad take delr orders for advertisement s, or give them fuller particulars. JOHN DURAND & CO., Publishers, 34 LIBUTT Street, New York RATES OE ADVERTISING; PAMILELE WHEN THE. WORE IS ISSUED One rage, among the 00 Two Pages » 20D 00 Half rallall• • • MX.* •04 .11•44-• 4.•.• 1.111. 44.1, .9 •44,114-.1• 00 00 Quarter Page..." ...... 35 00 One Page, on Colored Leaf 143 00 Two rages, or both Mee of Colored Leaf.... 200 0) Inside 'Front Cover (taken).."-•-•• • • 400 00 Inelde Beek --.... 303 00 ADVIET/SBNIBISTE AT TEE END OF TEI WOES. OM, rage.. 00 Two »» DS CO wail Pa .• . • * N. .....41111.0• 41- 11. 80 . 114 60 03 Quarter Page.... •••• • 26 00 EACH ADULT/TIMM TO Warn A 00Pr OP THE WORK. WHAT THE PRESS OAT OP IT. [Prom the Philadelphia Daily Inquirer.] GRANT AND HIS GENERALS. — a. new publication is in press of a new illustrated wt.rk, called "Grant and. Dia Genotals," soon to be Issued by Messrs. hills Du- rand & Co., publishers, S 4 Liberty street, New York. ne specimen copy it a most magnificent specimen of beer, work, and embraces in ita main objects and. par gores a new and. novel. as well as jndicions and p•Wn tar advertising medium Its pages are deyoted alter nately to well-executed portraits and biographies of military and. atrial heroes, statesmen, and leading Union man, with the business cards of commercial and manufacturing houses, the whole intended for gratui tous circulation in hotels, needing-rooms, on board steamers, etc., forming, when completed, a popular, universal, and widely•eirculate# , ativertising medians. The agent of Messrs. Durand & ,is now canvassing Philseelphla for eubactiptionst lo the work. Over twenty thousand dollars have already been subscribed frt Yew Murgand alone. :From the Phileilalphis Daily Evening Tolagraph Eris „u, IDEA.—A new and popular plan of exten sive and systematic advettleing has been adopted by Messrs. John. nurand & Co., publishers. 94 Liberty tared. Mew York. We have been shown this morning a moat bpautiful specimen bound volume of a new work they have in press, called " Grant and Ma Generals. " The design of the work is to blend in beantifat harmo• Ifr the poltraits of our patriot soldier:. naval heroes. eteteemen and civilian% and their blogranhical sketch es. with the cards and advertisement; of meaufaetnrieet and commercial houses, the whole intended for grata- Stone distribution in hotel., reading-rooms, on board deems)* and in public places generally. throughout the Milted States. The plan of the work Is a novel. in' &done, and popular one. The agent of Messrs. Durand & Co. will call on our business houses for their orders to the work, and, we predict, with 61100241. Mom tba Boston Daily Advertiser ] LINCTSBANT GENERAL GRANT AND Hit gingsuAts. would tall the attention of oar bustaaaa man to a rt4W Deblication now in prom., the great Illuitrated national work, •• Giant end His Generals." * * m* The theory of the publis nen ta, that the free and judi cious distribution of ten thousand copies of a work BO beautifully bound. and of man general interest, will create an unprecedented demand for the work, and enable them to tell it throughout the whole United gtatee; thus affording the most exteneive, as well as the cheapest, most permanent, and meet attractive form of advertising- CliroM the Boston Journal.] Tim splendid TOlWatt of "Grant and hit generals" h as been .received in Boston with greet favor, both ae a work of art and as an advertising medium. fleetly all our first balances houses will be represented In its columns, it being universally considered one of the best oppoonnithis to secure a desirable publicity that hoe bete prerontsd. The work, from its attractive cha racter and intrinsic value, will be In the handed Wray than. WOUlan, and shild in the country. [Front the Boston Poet r * It damming SUM:OIL It will b. I wan• able and convenient work of re:wenoe. and Its llrea DoPula/Vl' and extensive 1,11431 44410 n win Drake It an ex talent efofertleinn medium, - 5,14 NEW PUBLI IA PIONS. PETERSON'S DETEOroa, Fuit JUPP, 13ra. NOW REAP Y. LT'l OP tikHKEN BANICS. Dmwripttbn. of 38 Pew 4%-n ow (arts OFFICIAL LPT OF a..L TU giAiiONAL 11011113. (den* ea) Dlecount vf g-ven eit tam be. Tbf4 t: 11:1;;q4. ••;,h11..11;u1 - 6 , in: .1% 38 NE W UOUN TERFNAT6 WIT Ce*cribed in PET66SIII 8 DATIPITOZ fcr 'nn , Prin. ennf9. OFFICIAL LIST k) N &Tit) NAL BAC KS.—The only official list Tathilaa.tl is in PSTERPOP'S DETEOTOR for June IGru. Monthly, 1 YOU. $1.50. Seral-m , •hly. $3. T. PiiT nt ERSI/N WV/TRIMS, No. 306 i'insrrain Street. eta] tris•nata.. Pa., if] Illthw O,F.W IIf , ONS are for sale et ?nro.R.l-)Aps, NEW AND VALUABLE BOoKS. hltfbod and for gals lit J. B. IMPINCOIT & CO. - tin Wan. ] FRObT AND Flail. Natural Fasinsa. Tool Marks asd. Chips; with ilketcho taken at ROMP awl LI roat by a Yraye'ler. 2yols. Bin with atm erou. iiinstrattans. • NSW VOLDMS OF Wall. BY T. BIIIMI.A.VAM BALD SUMMER STORM. SHERIDAN'S RIDE, AND OVUM POEMS. BY Thomas Roehanan Reed. vol.l. l2OlO. [Ready Junelsth.l 111. Pozen BY MIA. BOOTH. WAYSIDE by BLOSSOMS. Mary H. 0. Booth. I.Bmo. IL HODES AMONG THE GOSPELS; or. WAYSIDE TRUTHS from the LIFE OF BOUGy LORD; Rev. N. C Burt. D. D. 1 vol . Itzto. [Neatly ready PETROLEUM AND PETROLEUM WELLS. - What Petroleum 11. where It is tonal, and what it is need far; where to sink Petroleum Wells, and now to sink them Viitn a complete guide-book and desasiption of the Oil Regions. Pm.nsylvenia, West Virgiaa. Ken tucky, sad Ohio. By J. H. A. BUM. Second edition. revised Ana enlarged. nolo. 75 cents. Vt. JEREI sTRONG. By Virginia F. Townsend. Moo. $1.76. VII THE SPAIOWW BASS PAPERS; - or, LIVING IN THE COUNTRY. Mew itottion. By • Fred. S. Gonne. NM. tin a feW days VIII HIM'S BIBLICAdiL ti CYCLOPEDIA. w Eon. CYCLOPEDIA of BIBLICAL LITERATURE. originally Mit ed BY JOHN Th KILT°, De , D.. F. S. A. Third Edition. Grest4 Enlarged and Improved. Ratted by WILLIAM LINDSAY ALIX.eIADER. D. D., E. S. A. S . ate. In three vole., royal evo $7 put volume. • Elegantly printed and bcAutifnily illustrated with Nape and kne . ravings. Tole. I and 11. Just leaned. Vol 11l In press. Published in conneCiloD. with Masers, A. & C. Black. Edinburgh. IX. • BLACR'S GENERAL ATLAS OF THE. WORLD. New Edition. Containing the latest dincws lee, new boundaries, and introductory description. Folio. half. Turkey morocco. gilt &tea& $2 l . Published JD eanneotion with A. O. Bieck, MAYO burgh. X WORKS OF lASIES MADISON. LEI TERS AID OTHER WRITINGS or JAMES MADISON, Fourth President of the United States. tc ar v:.luntes. Published by order of Openers. C A early reany.] XI. IfORAQB SWEET OR Tffli WRIT OF HABEAS OORPUF. THIIID PART. THE PRIVILEGE of Yee WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS under THE DONATIPUTION. Pamphlet Eyo. 60 cents. J. B. LiPPINCOTT & C-'., Publishers. jel4.4t a ns aid 717 MAB8:8 a Streec WYLDER'S HAND. - THIS NEW NOVEL, by Sheridan Le Vann, =hood •'lJnara lo ens of , he =obi poworful and exalting EQg JitLnovelaelle , tnblished It to bailie re od awl praised eyorrortooo and its sale is irromring enormously jelh-tbstblOt OARLBTOq, ramener, grew York. NEW EQUITY ULES.--RULES OF EQUITI PRAOTIOB, adopted by the gamine Coact of Pannayivanla ?day 27th, JAM, with the 9.,pen of tbe COMlLlUsloners. ba sateull haws. Price, 60 cts. Just published. and for by KAY & 9110119 R, Law Boolcaelters, jel4-St* 19 &nth SI%PH iStreat. BARNES'R. DISCOURSE ON THE -state of the Country. " delivered in the Fault Pres.lypieliall Church on the let Inetant. oen be obtidnel at the PREABITSAIdIif ktOUtl/1, CILSSTNUT St. jell:. St. NEW BOOKS! FOR BUMMER GELDING!! Just received by AntINEAD EVAGS. (Hasord's sad mond). No. VA4 O:III.STNWe Street. MININICHI. Another nsw navel Ori GLUED. A Novel. By Annie Thomas. THE GAYWORTAYd. By the author of "Faith GartnAy's fairlhood. " WILDER'S HAND By the author of " Uncle Bilaa. " LOOBIZiG AV.OUBD, Br A 4 Roe. A SON OF THE e•OI.L. A Novel. o.arnEDl2. O. KBAR PA.PlittS. Third Series. OANADA, its balances. Condition. end Resources Hairy a second and Mein , ' g volume or ßy D.ery, North and Ba th "By W. Boorard HOUSEHOLD POEMS By Henry W. LoegtelloW. with illustrations by Gilbert, %later, And Absolon. LORD DEBBY ' S ILIAD OF HAMM ne Ameri can edition just ready. Ac handsomely printed as tLa English. 2 vols. crown Svo. PEOUDE's DIATOM OF ENGLAND. 2 Toll. limo. LIFE OF CICERO. By William Forsyth. THE CLEVER WOMAN OP THE FAMILY. By Wes Yoko. anther of "Heir of Redoll fie," &s. BEATELOB. By Jufla Fiavaraah. IiTRICELAND'S LIVE. OF THE QUEENS OF ENG LAND Complete In 6 vols. pspra DIARY, in 4 vole, and other new vo*.nmea of Bobn's Library, at low limas 3e16 tf SUPERIOR FIBRING.--.A. NEW BOOS on Sporting, be B. B Ago: even. One of the most ertertaining. and delightful hooka ever pub- Halted. Just as attractive-to the amateur as to the pre• tensional reader. OARI,BTON, Publisher, New York. jet. thstulOt TTIJGH WORTHINGTON—A. NEW Sorel by Mrs. Mary J. aolmes, author et " Tem pest and Sunshine." etc. This new novel Is season charming, and will become a great favorite due season. 0/LEMON. ?Windier. New fork. lel. Mesita% JUST PUBLISHED DR: BOARDMAN'S THANKSGIVING AND FAT DRY SEEMuES. • THE PEACEMAKERS. II TER PEACE WE Ns'ED AND HOW TO SECURE IL "bill3h" and for 44 AY ' 9. CLAXTOi t SticaGlCOr to W. S. teittrtion, jel2 606 CHESTNUT street NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. THE MINERAL. RESOURCES OF THE PACIFIC STATES AND 'r/AtiRITOEIES By the Hon. Wm. M. Stewart, U. S Senator from Nevada. THE. ASSAYING OF s.LVh$, COFFEE, BOLD, AND EINACIBIY. With islnetrations. NAVAL DUTIES AND DISCIPLINE. By P. A. Roo, Adeutonsost Commander 11 S. balm IirPSISPERASIC INJECTIONS IN TESS TREAT RIOT of 0013 T, mausetau, etc. A. Ettrpsnar. M. D. dm. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS of all Undo on hand or proenred promptly to order by LLIPSAT ds IthesECISTON, FPl:dichosa Boakealleree Per Lo. SAS South SIXTeI Strad. A PPLETON'S NE W 41.31ERICIA.N OITLepEDLL. —Complete In 16 volumes. 'Various Styles of Bludir.g' ° MULLION RECORD, by Prank ore, s is, lIRRIVALR'S HISTORY O P TRH .ROlLLigketr amulets. The Agency for fa:Novato:able works Is st , aa &Nab. SIXTH Street. shave Obsstant,_ apf‘tf JA$. R. INISIOR. HISTORY CROWNS TSB BRAVE. The Publishers respectfully SAl3ollhee that TEE HISTORY OF THE REERSILVAP IA RII6IIBVI CORPS is now ready for deliver , to subscribers. It contains a complete reword of this gallant organisa tion; and of the different companies, regiments, and brigades, giving graphic descriptions of their Expedi tions, Marshes, Skirmishes and Settles, together with biographical sketehee col Masers and personal Records of eachprivate during his term of service—compiled from OFFIOIAL PRE% REPORTS and other Documents, by .7. It is In 0110 volume. esravo of ra Peace, and Is ele gantly illustrated by STEEL REGRaVtI2O% of tdo. 'error CURTIN. Hameln 11113AuR EcCALI, and the lamented RIM/OLDS, and by a Slap of the vicinity Of Richmond, *bowls the route of march and the battles in which the R ESERVES were engaged in the susen dwys fight 4 and ig neatly printed on good paper and handsomely tumid in black cloth and library leather. It is sold only by subscrintion. Price from this date, $4 00 In sloth; In library , leather style, SO. Sent by mall free of postage, on receipt of price. Active and responsible parties desiring to canvass for this popular and. attractive History. unit make appll elation W ith written recommendations to. /MIAS BABE, St CO., Publishers. LANCASTER, Hank 22, 1886. ,m3r19.1m CORNELIUS WIMDET.., WILLIAM H WlTBOtt Late Pablie Mater. Late Mei Work sab, WENDELL & WATSON PROSECUTE CLAIMS BEFORE BURRY DEPART MEET OF THE GOVERNMEET. Office Rooms, No. 345 I'INNDYLVANIk Axenne. Direeth , opposite the Metropolitan Hotel, ietS-Int P. 0. Box 2. 'Wash'. eon. D. 0. BLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS. No. 10 North Sixth Streets ILLIOYAOTZIANS 01 VENITIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES, n. larost and And smortment 12 the shy at Os !owed sun prim. STODI SHADES MADE AND arm's. Moe. lot lolled Muds and Shades. m64* WIFIN OOLLBOTION DISTRICT OF •A- PERNSILVAIe lA, Astecedee Office, United State* Internal Revenue. Gdrinantouni June We. 1863 ROMS is hereby given to all persons concerned,that the Annual Lists, Beurneratione and All/1011/3111611t11 for the year 1866, taken pursuant t e the holes Law of the -United States for the Flrra DISTRICT OF F 111113811,.. VAN'S. have been competed Them Lists and AIRICOMODI9 are a statement of the Tax which has been anseeeed by Assistant Assessors lICOIL Li:06218E4 Incomcc. Carriages. Billiard Tables. Bowling Alleys. Plate of Saver and Gold, Gold Macias. Frame, atelodeono and Parlor Omani+. and the snlycnber. 1410 ..Mae in O.IIItHANTOWAT. wiLt, on TIM BD/LT. June 27th, of the current year between the hours of 9 A M. and 3P. M., sanelye and determine all AFPRALS that May b. made relative to any Offe r,MU or excessive va, nation, aewsslfillate or euumera ti one of Aseletant Assessors. In the 6th, 6th, 7th, 6411.2tti end Ioth Fivleinn a, (being the lad, Sad and 25th yr/14.4160t the city of Philadelphia and on TOURSD LT, MRS slab. be will nitfor the putpose in DO Lll3 COWIN, Backs county, at the Whoa or JOHN W. CuWELL. lia Colltotor of the Dletriat, between the hours of 9 a. ki. and 3 P M , for Divisions Rms. 1,2, 3, and 4 (Bunks county ) APPEALS must be made In writing, and must snecliy the part lcular cause, matter or thing respecting which a &Aeon le rnonested. and shall. moreover, the around or pelt ciple of error complaine d of. *kr All pereotri who c o not file written Impacts on or be,c.ce the above. named dais 70r hearing the same, will to etteppea from ohiolalni any abatement of their MX.P. b9WII T CHM jel2m-th.untu. 41 Assessor Filth District ?mint. WRITTEN ANI) VERBAL DE rnitl.Tgit ISlitirraTaa,litillt, 4 41 1 • 1 tier. SelVapprmtnient t tlesmaws_nt awl Wal t . tad ovi l efig gr ."' "°l l. olnrelAs 44 l - " Pbreaolitt and ...11-tathalvit Ile. 10 S. 11.2193 - 111 Above Claawk. (181LDR121143 CA.RIIILOES, EN TIMMY ISW STYLSB FOR 2 . 1111 caLDS.---.l6tutuior lot last received, mid for 5a.417 laS, StriilClDT, 00., 101$41 11i7 sad /SU North TR/ND Sim& ,M • T*. WANTB D SI PIJATIO g BY A young Man, Vveuty lour leans of ago, of to years IMAIDA, A PI: Viriooe ,l Dry G' di or Notion Cora vri•qoa 13nefnela preferred Addreel "J. 8.," PrIMR °Moo WANTBD-BY A YOUNGMAN WHO Lea bean winner... 4 from the UDitld 'Wee ear vies. a ineltir,n as °LEEK, or co ouporiticend a Work- Pa• ty in thu 011 Flocior , s. Good reference air Addrors, at Ude office, f3r two de•.. r• • . ',' W ANTAL) N t OflVls,.u.:1 4 al it. , 0 ATM SetialilklLY, of influence i 2 a bills Jab tang Route; to Bitch an Immo:tent positioa w,.nil ee eto• eau•... our .•,- ipTi lar F UtiN Sl-1 ROOM., miont, GE4I'LZSILISPI, in thOZ•Dghbothond of liToa4 and CherAcut ntreates. Al. TO PA —D e ," linx 10111 P. 0. It* WANTED -IN A LARGE IMPORT -lao nod Jobittog Cloth. llotovt, TWO Aral dm SaLBEMEN, lotting itfillatlCO with tbt.. tits ,- an: W. (on Tailor Trade, Rua , wi Ii ni to tract,l, if mini reit . phitodio..plog Pmt .”tno. %Iv • es. jog-V. W S ANTED -AN ACTIVE PARTNR, • • with Et capital of 10,000 to 20.000 dollars Ina &et alma manufacturing bnoinepa—Perfamort —la gamma. Jul operation for the last twenty )ears, the senior part• nor wiebina to retire from active life. Thiele &mop:tor. Willi, rare y to taa rust with for entering at ono) int) a sale and profitable hmtinens. A ddreae. with real name. ~y H Cor etliee of this nen.r. mrt.97 .rno.of Nar ANTIS D—IN" A WHOLISieILE ir I Notion Hoye, s Young man who with and can a oily saa tio , l, 11%46. and to FPII 1010d0 by samplo it neceiso7. Moran Bpi mil, Phil& P.O. jrB.6V. Nir All TED-I N THE FISH &ND I Provision Bushman, a comnetest ed.LISSISA.S, who tan Influence considerable trade. all coutrannica tine confidential, Adams ••Fish. , ' at this office, for one week. jet fits WANT - RD.— D.—slO PER DAY, AT nos's. —Az: period. mob Or reMale, oati oleos rPor oracle, at toms. Illbt, 110110T&Olo basioets to *s capital roanired Epturuld !soldiers sad sass% gvista tow boars d 411 y to waft, Cell tteth the Mil* colors by enclosing taro otanipli for circular sod roma post. Addreoiairsaill WAYVIILL, my17.171,* Ohniago. nor 4/81. AGENTS WANTED FOR "TEE szi;HEr EgrvlOE. THE. FLELb, THE DULi- OXON, Agin THE EbCIIPE " 131 A.LBBRP D. RI7I7aRDSON, New Yorrx Tribgne tiorrelyradent. . . The most interesting and excltiog bis.k ever pat). itched, trobredinir Mr. ti.iclicrleon's nepare lAiled ex. residence tor fou. , rear.; treve;king thrwigli the Swish in the eeetet service or the Trifnme, at, ,he aa.,b,eatc at, with our ermii , c and Gots. both Bait and Weld, clurn:g the teat yek.re of the rebn.lion; tbriV lax denture; his cobra: men. for twenty m-nme in