g4t Vrt,ss. TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1865. I/wham* from the Army on a warrant of Zatrsdittom Frederie Theodore Seydeihas been arrested, and 'lB held for examination on a charge of forgery made 'by John W. Schmidt, Consul General or Hanover. The fade 'Which apiciat by the papers are of an un• usual elm:enter, and the circumstances under which '..Seydel, who was In the Boiled States army, was 'delivered up on a warrant of extradition obtained by the Consul General, are of much Interest. Seydel was foreman of an iron foundry in Chem • Saxony, and Is charged with forging the name Of Lis employer, Edward Kertzsoher, to a bill of ex change, payable in Leipalo to Theodor Seydel. This bill Of exchange was sold to Erman & Nieritz, of Leipsio ; and Seydel fled with the money, and with other funds he had obtained, to this country, lazy ' leg a wife and four children. In this city he went Into the cigar business, gained money, kept expert• Moe company, and afterwards established himself as a bounty broker. Here he was unsuccessful, and decided dually to enter the ranks, partly from fear that he would be naught. The Ger _man extradition cases had convinced him there was danger able own arrest and retnrnto Hanover; and he thought that his enlistment in the army would protect him. So he went to NuseitehnsettS in in October last, and, as a substitute, was assigned to the second regiment of that State. In February he wall sent to Hart's Island, in Long Island Snead having enlisted under the name of William Sander. When his regiment was at Raleigh, North Carolina, with General Sherman, he joined It. In the interval Seydel was claimed by the Consul General of Hanover, and the President signed a Warrant of arrest In the usual form. The counsel of the Consul General, Mr. H. D. Lapaugh then be gan a search for the soldier, Which WAS a work Of great difficulty, and his experiences were of a sin gular kind. lie took the warrant to the Acting Secretary-of State, Mr. Hunter, at Washington, and asked for the re!eaee of Seydel. Mr. Hunter wr4ta to Secretary Stanton. who; through Mr. Dana, referred Mr. Lapaugh to Gen Augur, from whom the application travelled through the hands of Gen. Sherman, Gen. Williams, and Brevet Gen. Hawley, to Col. More, Commanding the 21 Massaohnsetts, by whom the man was delivered up to Deputy Mar- Oat Jarvis, at Washington. As the fifst ease of discharge from the army on a warrant of extradi tion, we record it as a portion of contemporary his tory which may possibly be of some subsequent in teresC Vie Icante neetival. leptelal Correspondence of the London Times.) nonewes, May 14. Those who yesterday morning watched the dwindling quicksilver and fait the lomat breeze that came up from the Mediterranean. feared lest this pageant should be stain by rain. But towards evening the look of things improved. Judging from the noise in the streets, I imagine that a great many persons forgot to go to bed. Perhaps thee were engaged in watching the state of tee emesphere, or In invoking the shade and Memos - Sion of the late Mathieu do la promo, of whom the ancients would assuredly by this time have mode deranged in charge of the celestial weather hike. Within an hour after daybreak most people in Florence were out of bed, elegantly.dressed ladles were to be seen in the streets, and there was a strong demand upon hotelkeepers for imps of oaten Ail doubts about the day were removed. The gray tints of early morning and a few light fleecy clouds were rapidly clearing away from be neath the bright blue sky. Drums best in all directions, troops and National Guards hurried to their parede prounds ; in every street one met numerous open vehicles 00011 pied by groups a! three or four white traveled, bison coated individuals, bearing the banner of their guild or corporation or district. The line of streets leading from the square of San Spirit° to that Of Santa Croce was easily to be nand by the ornaments of the Minna It had been arranged that at the houses celebrated as the birthplace, reeldenee, or as connected with the labors of illustrious inhabitants, trophies should be erected and inscriptions placed, Some of them accompanied by busts or portratts. Some of these inscriptions are very happy. Triere was one to Goldoni, "Prince of Italian comedy ;" another to Galileo, Whose glory, it said, "will llama Only when the human ran shall cease to see the sun;' Influent !Moll Überti was landed for lots pa lriotio defence of Florence; here was marked the house of an Englishman, Robert Dudley; in the Tournabneal a roughly-painted head of Bacteria, the great antagonist of capital punishment. Pass ing these and many others not uninterestingtto dwell upon if space permitted, we reach the Plazzi di Santa Croce, the scene of the great event of the day. To every one who haevisimd Florence, the Pantheon of the Tuscan capital is reptilian as well as the square in front of it. Today the lower portion of the buildings On the twolonger sides of the quantum gle were Models frern. view by wage of mock mason ry. Above these the windows and balconies ware draped with colored hangings and crowded with ladies; below and witnin them Were broad galleries or tribunes, the floor sloping down to two inner barriers. Tickets of representa tion, which attributed to the bearers a right to figure in the procession, gave access to the central enclosure. This Was floored with green canvas, and had ten broad, !mallow steps, on welch the profession wail to form up as it entered. In the centre of the square the statue was concealed on der a mountain of white linen. At the east end, on amps leading np to the otturch, the orchestra and aeons were to perform a hymn to Dante, composed for the Minion. In front stood the band of the National Guard. About midway between the Ma the and the west end of the square was a platform, slightly raised from the ground, with an awning which hung between two low columns, eaca sur mounted by a magnificent basket of flowers—Flo rence's cheap and beautiful adornment in a May as bright and warm as July in England. Between the columns stood the throne ' composed of a great deal of gilding and a small patch of crimson velvet. Lions coochant and goldOhairs stood on it.. Around the enclosure were tae arms or tee different trades, and on the walla of the dwelling-holins beyond were thirty-eight paintingB, In imitation of bar. illustrating the life of Dante. All the prin cipal incidents of his eventful ilie show him lane as lover and soldier, diplomatist and poet, as the - friend of princes, and as an exile. Here be returns to Florence, after the battle of Oampaldino ; there, in .his villa at Camorata he enjoys the society of literary friends • he presents Maned as an ameas. antler to Pope 'Beeline VIII., and in the follow ing year is a fugitive. Later we behold him .disputing With theologians and philosophers at Paris, and afterwards made welcome In Ravenna by Guido da Potent& Over every picture are gar lands of lowers and laurel, and a cluster of live bright glass lamps for the evening's illuminations. Waving from the summits of lofty poles, disposed around this outer well or post ergale, are the banners of 44 of the chief Italian cities ; others are disposed along the Lite of the procession, and in the corners of the square are tour much target' flags, those of Rode, Venice, Ravenna, and Florence. Soon after 7 o'clock the first comers began to ar rive, and half an hour later the general public Monk the galleries and that portion of the square Whin was open to them. The King Is not expected Until halt past ten o'clock, the procession, although announce* to start at eight o'clock ) will hardly Make its appearance till nearly two hours later. The best piece for the pr.! seat is the reserved gal• where the two lines of benches are quietly filled by ladies. The pressure of crinoline is great a tow self-indulgent men who had accommodated themselves with seats soon found that they need not hope to retain them, and, as an American neighbor of mine remarked, "vamoosed" accord. ingiy. The sun Was hot to an unpleasant degree as early as eight o'clock, above the double line of fair faces and bright colors there arose a swelling . bank of parasols and umbrellas. The orchestra had the best of it, Stationed in the shadow of the Church. After a short time it was the only shade to be seen in the square. There was plenty of leisure to make One's einervations, tditafter one mulatudted all the scenes In Damn, lire which were within view, counted the lags and marvelled at the strange heraldiC monsters depicted on them, and passed in review the orowd of female Moes—some of them very pretty—at the windows behind, and assented to a few neighborly remarks concerning the heat and the nuisance of waiting, one began to wish very earnestly that the procession would make its ap pearance, or that one of the emoroldered gentlemen in the centre would give three cheers for Dante or for anybody else, or that a dog would run into the course, or that something else would happen to break the Mentally and discreet one's thoughts from the discomforts of the situation. However, upon the whole everybody, foreigners and natives, appeared in high good humor, and the Tuscans were courteous and good tempered, as is their wont, and if some of the British and Americans there pre. sent grumbled a little, it was only by way of assert ing their national privilege to to 40. At. lan, just as a very stout gentleman had gasped Out his eon vitstion that the thermometer stood at 120 degrees, IDUSIO was heard in the distance, and soon the head of the procession approached. With several bands of music, which played in turn as they entered the square, and, bearing many hundreds of rich banners, Mining emblazoned upon them coats of arms, in scriptions appropriate to the day, portraits of Dente and of other celebrated persons, tee long pre:omit:in Slowly marched in, forming up in chose order and With great regularity on the spacious steps which rose, in gentle ascent, from the level in the arena to the inner parapet around it. The collection of banners, all seemingly quite new, borne upon vai nest:Severed Staves, surmounted with gilt ornaments, and splendid with golden tassels and tresses, was uch as I do not remember to have seen surpeesed in any ceremony of the kind. Genoa, the rloh city, sent two standard bearers, clothed in scarlet and embroidery, in charge of her magnificent colors. A whole day mighthavebeen spent in studying out the meaning of the devices on the lags, and in affixing names to the portraits upon many of them. My American neighbor, before mentioned, seemed to be ol opinion they must all be heads of Dante, and, upon it being Objected that some or them were bearded, he expected that the gentleman had given up Owing when they were taken. Then came a loud cheer from the entrance to the Square, and "The King!" was tte cry. Nothing could hold the ladies in front, and they were upon the beeohes with the activity of acrobats. Shouts of indigna tion in the rear led to cadet interference, and the restless female element again subsided. No Ring was there o the enplane') was addressed to a banner draped with black crape, with the word " Venetia." Fresh and vehement plaudits were called forth by a banner tearing the she-wolf and bays, and in scribed" Ronus," - All along the line of the Innen Mon, I have since heard, these two flags Were greet• ed With entlapieeile applause. When the whole of the procession was Wined up round the square, Several thousands strong. Willie the uniformed bards, comprising many hundreds of drew up at the east end below the orchestra, the 0/gut was really gorgeous, as the bril liant sunlight played among the vivid co owe, and WAS reflected from the gilt battle-axes, ;medallions, and other ornaments in which the flag leaves terminated. Hardly were all the component parts of the sumptuous pageant stationary in their places when the Kink arrived, attended oy General ',marmot& and a numerous suite. The cheers were hearty and reiterated. What remained to be -done took but little time. The ceremony was even loos than a goonenaying, where the curious in such matters have an opportunity of seeing a Sovereign at work, of observing with what degree of grate he pats mortar and tape a stone, and of noting the in talent of the documents and coins which are to re. main there until brought out again to light by the .pick and hammer of a remote posterity. The band struck up a grand symphony; the GonfolOniere of Florence, Signor de Cambray Mew, made a short speech which was doubtless much to the purpose, but which nobody heard ; and then, at the pull of a rope, the covering of the statue muted in the centre, and lay in fettle upon the ground. The music play ed louder than ever, the multitude cheered, the belle of the Palazzo Veeettio rang oat a noisy peal, from the summit of the lofty tower a shot was fired, And a rocket rose Leto the air like a streak of white smoke across the blue firmament. some more speaking ensued, I believe, by Professor Mulford, and then came the hymn to Dante, executed by a band of vocalists and by the great orchestra, while the notary proceeded to the registration of the son emn act. And thus concluded one more brilliant ,spectacle, to add to the many which in former (leis were witnessed on that same square of the litly +Croton once the favorite rendezvous for tilts, tourna. aemets, and carrousels, for sham fights and masque mien end many other courtly and chivalrous di nning-menu common in the palmy days of splendid Florence. . The colossal Statue of the great Florentine poet, who was also a distinguished soldier andstateeMan, whose genius has exercised so great en Influence on his cOuntry, and of whose fame Italy is so justly and enthuslastitally proud, is the work of the sculp tor Penal, of Ravenna, the refuge and death-place of Dante. Its height 15 5 68 metres, and it stands upon a lofty pedestal, In the style of the 14th cen tury, designed by Luigi del Saran Around it four Mime guard as many infields, on which are inscribed the names of the four principal of the poet's minor works. On the front, in the centre, are the arms or /tome, as the capital of Italy. Those Of all pm principal Italian Cities are also seulptured upon the monument, to the Cost Of which all those► cities have contributed. Their assemblage there Is with rarer epee to the union of the Italian States into one couti• try having been forseen by the poet. Various other allegories' devices and tear bail-I'OllM of scenes in the Divine Commedia adorn the base of the statue which as yet there has been no opportunity of closely examining. The inscription is aVisrief and simple as possible : "To Dante Alights n ; Italy. DIDOCCI,XV.I I Crowds are doubtless at this pre sent moment examining the work, and the sculptor must in in a raver of impatience to know the ver dict of the public. The applause which greeted the uncovering of the statue wan given to Dante, and not to its artistic merits, not to be decided upon at a glance. There Is one drawback, which was tins, voidable ; the statue, placed In the centre Of the square, is not opposite the centre of the famtde of Santa Croce. The church stands too mutt to the north of the Square. It seems a question whether it would not have been better to place the statue in the proper position as regards the church, which cannot be moved, whereas the character and Im portance of the adiarient lines of houses are not knell as to preclude the probability that at no dis tant period the equate might be partially recoil struoted. So se to establish. symmetry with its two most Imps tient Ornaments. At present the bait way to view the e716671;0te of the church and statue is to Enter the square from the Vis, dl Benol, end to pause a short distance from the centre of its southern side. . . I have given you merely my individual impression of this morning's proceedings, for there has been no time to compare notes Or Collect opinions, but I shall be surprised if it be not generally admitted that all went elfin a most satisfactory manner. As far as my own observation extended there was not a symptom of disorder of any kind. There was a ru mor set afloat within the last few days of an inten tion on the part of certain malcontent factions to get up a disturbance, but probably the report was only spread with a view to Create uneasiness, and certainly the attittitie of the people or Florence cot Such alto encourage ouches attempt. The wee- Mar continues line, the whole poprflatiOn is abroad and amusing itself, and while I write thousands are assembled along the Arno enjoying the regatta, and other thousands are witnessing the grand tourna ment got up in memory of the peseeprocialmed be tween Guelfs and Ghibbelines. The chief feature of the evening will be the Illuminations, and at ten , a'cicok at night chortursinging commences on the square of Santa Croce, all the pieces performed be ing composed and written with reference to the fes tival and in honor of Dante. Surely the shade of the poet manta be gratified by auoh unlimited gain glum and heraworebip. How ENGLAND Loons Tenet:Fen BMA' kW SrBO. TACLge.—The London correspondent of the In dependence Beige has just-levered his countrymen with a sketch of life in our metropolis, as proved by . the 'perusal of the London newspapers for a single weak. First, there is a woman burned alive, in the infest of her drunken and stupefied oompanlons, at the close of a low erg% in a villainous house in Westminster. Next, there are two wives nearly murdered by brutal husbands (one of whom at tempts his own life), and a furious asiault by a man on his mistress. Another woman is seen one evening with a man in a boat on the Thames—the man reappears alone ; some day af terwards the corpse of the woman is found on the bank of the river. Then there is the confession of Constance Rent as to the Road murder. 'Two cler gymen of the English church abuse the contidence inspired by their sacred character to tempt the vir tue of the females of their flocks ; one is a vicar in the diocese of Norwich, and the other a popular London preacher. A civil court has investigated a charge of seduction which surpasses in resolution, cowardice ' and cold-blooded villainy anything in even that abominable story the Farmer of Ingle. wood Fore St." In one of the police courts a wo man glories in the foot that she brought to Justin a lover upon whbm she wished to be revenged. A Lancashire manufacturer, churchwarden of his parish, director of several public companies, and ex-MayOr of his borough, outs his throat in a boat, and flings himself into the water, to escape the pes smiths 0f embealloplent and forgery. Nor is a tench of the grotteque wanting. A farmer runt away with alcurate's daughter; his neighbors Cele. brats the exploit by copious libations in hie honer. A giddy young fellow writes to a lady asking an interview, in order that he may learn her feelings towards him. The lady's brothers keep the appoint. merit in her stead, cudgel the Lovelace, and have to pay £BO for the joke. Such is the true picture of our daily life. No longer may we expect the brave Belgians to trust themselves among such savages as the people of Great Britain. Mauston HomultrOnn.—A work of art, unique of irs kind, designed and executed by Baron H. de Triqueil, has been presented ay Mr. Grote to Uni versity College, London. ' Although decorated by sculpture, it is in the main a group of pictures, formed by different marbles, inlaid and engraved, ' and colored by an incrustation of cements, which, it seems, Is not affected by atmospheric 113fla• once. The central and principal compartment is occupied by an elaborate composition represent. lug firmer singing the woes of Andromache. In tue border on each side of this compartment are female figures, intended for y.ersonlfications of the Iliad ard the Odyssey. The Iliad hangs the shield of Minerva at the feet of Victory ; the Odys sey, clinging to a etatuo of Neptune, prays hies to suspend nis persecution of Ulysses. Tae upper and lower portions of the border are each divided into two oblong ooniporta.ents, respectively 000upled with the quarrel of Agamemnon and Aohillos, the supplication of Priam for the body of Hector, the parting of Ulysses and Calypso, and the destruction of the suitors by Ulysses. In the four corners of the border are sculptured medallions, respectively representing the heads of Venus and Minerva, and full-length figures of Helen and Penelope. The 'Whole is conceived in a spirit of extreme reVerenee for the ranee of ancient art, EvOLISH BUSCIRSTITIOIL-011 the 18th ult. a strange application was made to the sitting magic tratt sat North Shields. A middle-aged woman, living in 11111burn.place, applied for a summons against a person for defaming her daughter's cha racter. She said that a short time since a person In the neighborhood had lost a brooch, and it could not be found, and somebody about the place was thought to have stolen it. After considerable con sultation, it was consequently decided that the neighbors should assemble and solve the mystery by having recourse to the antiquated test of the "hey and the This 4. holy and infallible" method ordisouverreg the perpetrator of guilt, is as follows : A piece of string is tied round the Bible, the book is then laid on the table, and a key Is spun round on it, and while the kepis o going its rounds" some one to the company completes the charm by repeating a verse of Holy Writ, by way of guiding the movements of the revolving key. The party to whom the end of the key points when it has stopped is considered the guilty one. In the expe riment referred to the applicant's daughter was the individual taken notice of by the "knowing key," and as the mother considered the character Of her daughter slandered by its conduct she sought redress at the hands of the bench, The magistrates said they Could do nothing to assist the old woman beyond advising her to cease putting the Bible and key to such silly uses.—Nenicasite Chro CHARM' OF A CATITOLIO ParßST.—Albert A. Walker, Commlisary sergeant of the 16th Connec ticut Volunteers, who has just returned home from the rebel prison at AnderSonville, informs the H r.rt lord Courant that a Catholio priest named Whalen, of Savannah, visited the prisoners daily in person, when ministers of other denomination deserted them. This priest was unusually kind to them conversed freely, and told them that if he could have his way, he would have them all released. At one time this kind-hearted man distributed $2 700 in Confederate money, and one day last 'Rimer he laid out $4OO In gold of his own money for flour for the prisoners, which was baked into bread In the hcspital and distributed among our famished sol diers. Such deeds are worthy of record. THE CITY. MAMMOTH COAL- Om WORX£I.—AII IEII - improvement is aboutto be made in the shape of a coat-oil refinery, which will be the largest work of the kind in the world. It is to be conveniently lo cated on the banks of the Schuylkill, near Point Breeze, between the Gas Works and the State Magazine', with Its hundred tons of powder. Great care will be taken in its construction, so that none of the combustible fluid can, by accident, run into or near the magazine or the gas works ; therefore the seven hundred thousand residents of Philadel phia need not apprehend any danger of an explo. sion, should the coal.til works take fire accidentally or by design. The grade of the works will be down ward toward the river, and in ease of a flow or. liquid tiro the burning stream will be carried off by the tide up or down, as It may chance to run at the time. The works wilt be of the moat gigantic de scription, built of stone, brick, and iron. There will be little or no woodwork used in the construction. A. railway will be laid to the works, connecting with the track of the great Central or Pennsylvania, and by this means the oft in its crude state will be taken directly from the wells to the mammoth refinery. There will be storata room for fifty thousand barrels of refined ell. The location of these works will take in its scope the entire see- Lion known as " the Hamburg." The bank of the riser at this point is high and bluff. The water, at low tide, alongside of it is from twenty to twenty five feet in depth. Avast storehouse wilibe erected, the floor being as near the surface Of the water as the highest freshet line Indleates. A good substantial wharf will be erected, at which vessels will loaft. dl • redly for foreign or domestic.porte. The vastness of the enterprise can scarcely be imaginsd. The coal.oll business is yet in its infancy. It commands universal attention, and as an article of commerce it is as valuable as gold or iron to the country. These works will furnish employment to a large number of men, for whom quite a city will be erected at a convenient distance, for their domestic meta modation. LATINO OF A CORNER-STONE.— Tasterday morning, the oorner-stene Of the Chapel of the Third congregational Church of this city was laid, on the lot on Eighteenth street, between Green and Mount Vernon. Quite a large,- and certainly a very much Interested congregation, were present at the hour of commencing, nine o'clock. The 08143M9- Lies Commenced with singing, and reading the Scriptures. A brief summary of the history of the church and society was then made by the pastor, Rev. Edwhrd Hawes. The corner stone, on account of Saturday's rain, was not ready to be planed, but the exercises were carried on in the regular order. After the reading of the list of the articles deposit ed in the stone, prayer was offered by President An drews, of Marietta Voltage, Ohio. Another hymn was then sung, and short and god addresses fol. lowed from the Rev. J. B. Simmons, of the Baptist Church; Rey. George Ooolinnte, of the Church; Rev. Dr. March, of the N. S. Presbyterian Church N • and William Mann, E. The stone was then laid, and the ceremonies closed with the doxology and benediction by Rev. E. Hawes. The society intend erecting a church on the ground, near the chapel. LINCOLN MONUMENT Faro. - Mayor Henry received one following additional subsorip• tions yesterday : Eingeoseing Lodge, No. 309, I. 0. 0. F $BlO 00 Pupile of Prof. F. W. Hastings' school, at Mantua 133 26 Princeton Presbyterian Church 20 00 St. Paul's P. E. °buret:, per Rev. Dr. God• dard 12 00 Through D. 0. It., Jr 6 00 Eighth United Presbyterian church, per Hugh Gamble 13 85 Market Square Presbyterian Church, Ger. =uptown. per Rev. J. Helfenstein 80 00 Master 0. Fletcher Grim 4 00 DEATHS OF SOLDIERS.—The following deaths of Soldiers were reported yesterday at toe Medical Directors' office in this city: Mower Hfapitat—P. McDonald, Co. H,16.h lowa. White Hett—Saeob Franklin, Co. B, 33d lowa ; Chas. A, Plohard, Co. K, Ito Virginia; Absalom Wilson, lath lowa 11. H. Abbott, 00, 11, oth Maine. Chestnut Elill—Lewis Beckett, CO. K, Bist Indiana ; David Luce, Co. G, 14th Ohio. Satterke Hospital--Geo. IYI. Ayoro, Co. M, 24th New York. WEEKLY REPORT OR GOVERNMENT HOS rrrais.—The weekly report of Government hos. Wahl in this department was received yesterday at the Medical Director's office: Admitted during the week, 828; returned to duty, 131• transferred, 40; diacharged,9lo Aceserted, 120 ; died, 18 ; remaining, 8733, who are distributed as follows : Pittsburg Hospital, 62; McOlellan , 776. Chester, 796; Ming. ton, 23 ; Chestnut Hill, 2574 ; Sonth•Street, 13 ; Summit Honed, 419 ; York. ; White Hall, 1302 ; Filberbu Oatttreet, 4 ; iladdington, 2; tlltlzeua' Yolun te4r, 13, erlee,Rco, ANOTHER FITIB COMPANY GonE VlSlT iuct.—The Independence Hose and Steam Fire En gine Company left the oity yesterday mor n i ng on visit to Reading. They numbered about forty, and were accompanied by the Liberty Cornet Baud. They took with them their steam engine, hoes car riage and ambulance. BoDY FOUND.—The body of Mrs. Watts, who resided at No. 208 Saranac Street, was found yesterday morning - tin the Delaware river, at Reed- The street wharf. was 78 years and feeble•minded. It isdeceased supposed she walked OW over board. • She left her home early on Sunday aktraing. CnICKST MATO:ff.—A match game of Cricket wlil be played this afternoon and to-morrow at Camden, between the first eleven 01 the Young America and tbe fast eleven of the Philadelphia cricket clubs. The play will begin at 2P. ra., tO - and at IOX A, N., to morrow. BOAnt of GUAIIIMIII3.—A. Stated meet ing of the Board was held yesterday afternoon, at the Almshouse, President Erety In the chair. The steward reported the house receipts to be 8262.11. The out-door agent reported having collected $366 for support oases ; and for emigrant tax, $328. The house agent reported this following eensng of the house, km, for the week ending Saturday, June 10, 1865 : Number In the house 2 482 Same time last year Thoreau' 23R Admitted within the mat tire weeks 200 Blrtba te Si . . .... Deaths .1 li 61 aft Discharged " " 1 if 114 Eloped cc 11; IC 49 Indentured EiMMIM Granted lodglnga Granted meals The monthly report of the Board of Visitors shows that the whole number of persons receiving out door roiled ha 1376. of whom 308 ara Americans, 359 foreigners, and 709 children. The total expendi tures were $660 77. T,,e number sent to the Alms house was 317 ; refused admission, 173. The treasurer reported having paid into the pity treasury 111697 60. Cm motion, the committee On OreOtion Of Gatti dren,e Asylum was discharged from the further conSideration of the subject. Mr. Townsend offered a resolution for the appoint ment of a committee of five to prooure the erection of a new building for the Cinildren , s Asylum. Agreed to. The following gentlemen were appointed the coin. satire: Messrs. Townsend, Server, Field, Raines, and Nickerson. The resignation of Mr. J. 8. Bonsai', visitor of the First Poor District, was received and accepted. Mr. D. B. Baker was unanimously °looted visitor of the First Poor District. _ . The steward's requisition was read and granted. The Board then aujoureed. TEE MILLERS ARE COMING.—The white millers that &posit eggs in the trees, whiati gernil nate into worms, have already began to make their appearance. From the present time until the latter part of this month they will increase largely in numbers. Tithe trees were washed even with a 'lke. plug stream after nightfall, there would be few or no worms neat season on the treed thus drenched. FIIICIDE.—AIIred Holland, a single man, egad thlrty.two yew, committed suicide, yesterday morning, by cutting his throat with a razor, at Diu. 1608 Phillips street. THE COURTS. D. S. District Court—Judge Cadwalader. ENTICING SOLDIERS TO DIVEST, TATO The United States ers. Frank Mullen and Samuel P. Clark. In this case, the trial of which coupled tre court during the latter part of the past week, the jury acquitted Mullen, but rendered a verdict of guilty as to (lark, upon the count in the Indict • meet charging the Harboring of deserter% and of not aunty upon the other counts. Petit jurors were then discharged from further attendance, there being no other cases ready, and jury trials closed for the term. Joseph Andrevni and James Trimball, who plead ed guilty during the term to passing counterfeit postage currency notes, were seutenoed auk to an imprisonment of three months. District Court—Judges Stroud and Hare. The argument list was before the court yesterday. Clorart of Common rleas—indoge Ludlow. Equity argument list before the court. Court of Quarter Sessions—lion. Joseph Allison, Associate Justice. The dook, and the benches In front, were pretty frill yesterday of a motley crew, white and black, aed of both sexes, +Merged with various grades of offence, from robbery down ,to disorderly house oases. A number of these were disposed of either by verdicts of the jury or pleas of guilty. James Campbell, a drayman, was convicted of the larceny of five barrels of whisky, one barrel of rum, and nen quarts of gin,the property of Mr. Norcross, a liquor merchant. This property he sold and delivered to various parties, and received the pay therefor. A. motion for a new trial was made, and sentence was deferred. James Morgan was convicted upon two indict. manta, each charging the larceny - of various artloleg, the property of the several boat clubs on the SOhttyl• bill. It was stated on the trial that these eines had lost by the thieving propensities of a wag out there, of whom Morgan was one, same ttiom sands of dollars' worth of property within a short time. He was sentenced to Ave years in the Eastern Penitentiary. John White, a soldier, was' convicted on an In dio:int Mob arming an assault upon, and with intent to rob Henry Howard, also a soldier, bat recently in one of the hospitals, and who Is still upon crutches, suffering irom a wound received in one of the last battles of the war. From the evidence, it appeared that the prisoner knocked Howard down, beat him, and with a knife cut off part of his nose, thereby disfiguring him for life, and finally stole his pockehbook. Sentenced to an imprisonment of two years in the county prison. James Turnbull, for burglary, was sentenced to three years In the county prison, John Rider, for larceny, was sentenced to three months in the county prison. Letitia Johnson, for larceny, to five months. Frederick Kirchner, for larceny, to six mobtidi, 0. B. Heiler, for larceny, to one year in the county prison. James O'Brien, for larceny, eighteen months. John Wayne, for Weeny, three months. Louisa Holmes, a domestic, for larceny, eighteen months. Catharine Dougherty, for larceny, six months. Martha Cline, for larceny, six months; and Janata Lynch, who was charged with assault and battery with Intent to kill, but was convicted of assault and battery only, was sentenced to all months' ImprlSonment. THE POLICE. (Before Mr Alderman Jones.] ALLSORD ROBBERY. James McKinley was arraigned yesterday on the charge Of sours Ming OS felordOESly from the pocket of a boarder at a while Wile near. Twenty second and Market streets. The at:Mused used to live at the house and Mame very familiar with its interior. The evidence, though not positive, was sufficiently ttrong to warrant the ease being re• turned to court for Anal adjudication. ['Before Mr. Alderman Lutz.] ABIMST or E. ftIIKMBREI. A large number of boys have been in the habit of hathirg In the Schuylkill near ATMin-street wharf, Contrary to the law In such eases made and :pro vided. The ages of these boys average from toreive to eighteen years. On Sunday morning several police officers procured a prison van and drove to a point not far from the swimmers, and then made a descent upon them. Sue& splashing and flounder ing in the shallow water on the shore, such foot• racing as took place, snob ground and lofty tumbling as were exhimted to the wonder struok residents of that vicinity, were neverfseen before. Twentystlve of the boys were captured and placed into the van in pw-is satiataStsus. Their clothing was gathered tip by the pollee• and given to them in the van, where they had a happy time in selecting out their OWn pieces. One leitow put on another one's shirt, strange pantaloons infested the lower extremities of Others, and so on to the end of the chapter. The boys were finally arraigned for a hearing, after which they were ordered to pay the arreste. The police have received instructions toall per. sons found bathing in such public places. (Before NG Alderman relabel.) ALLBGED MitiOLARY, . . ...... A mar, giving the name of David Broderick, was arraigned, yesterday morning, on the charge Of burglary. It seems that a police officer heard a tom iR the yard attached to the dwelling of Mr. Sharplose, on Thirteenth street, above Spruce, about three o'clock yesterday morning. Ilejnosped over the fence and arrested the prisoner. Two ac complices escaped. The prisoner had a couple of small crowbars in his 1 and. The house, It was ascertained, bad been broken Into. Mr. Sharploss and family are absent in the Country, The prisoner was coma itted. EDIICATIONAL. NC VACATIONS. - PREPAIIAT [ON for Business Life. Instruction in Book- kocuini, in ail its branciies, Fentkissiship„ Commercial Catania Lions, Bocinass Forme' &c , at CitITTEMDBIS'S 001111KERCUL COLLEGE, _ 631 I,3tr sat, or. of 4otengL. Telearaphina, by both BoutlQ ' and montk Students received at any time, and instreicts,l sopa rietely, at such boars as may belt suit their conve nience. je9 COAL. C O *-13IIGAR LOAF, BEAVBE MRADOW, and Spring Mountain Lahlgh Coil, and best Lona Wooototo. lon Senor pr pared es pres.b for family ria, Deo, I • lorrow onurß Ana WILLOW Strains. South HOOD Strain. Can G-tn J. • ILTOI dr 130. MACHINERY AND IRON. at& PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILBB WOBKS. HILIFIB & LEFT. hIAIJTIIJAL AND THIIO.6KfIOAL BKO DUNES. MA• CHIN MTS. BOILIB.MAKISS. BLACKSMITHS, wad. FOTINDSBS, having for many years been lii suecessfal operalion; and been exclusively engaged in building and repsirlzg Marine and River Anginas, high and low. Pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks. Propeller.. &0., are seepeciltd4 offer their services to the public as being fully prepared to contract for seen., of all sizes. Marine. River and Stationary • haeingeete of pattern* of different sizes, are oteparea to execute orders with quick despatch Ovary deaoription of pattern making made el the shortest none.. High and Low. pressure. Fine, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the heat Penn. tylvanis etuueold iron. Forgings of all sizes and kinds.; Iron and Brass Outings of all descriptions; 8011. Turning. Serew.flutting, and all other work commuted with the above business. Drawings and specifications for an work done at the establtehment !need charge. and work guaranteed.. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re- Pairs of brats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears. blocks. falls, di.. he.. ton raising heavy or light weight,. TACOS O. BBAYIII, JOHN P. Lxvr, Jett tf BEACH and PALMBR Strode. J. VAUGHAN MERRICK. JOHN 8 . . SOUTHWARK F O UN DRY, PIP AND WASBINUTON STREWS. PIMSAPELPFIII , & SONS, BBBIZIBIRS AND MACRIBISTS. Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for laud, river, and marls a service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &s. Oast. Ines of all kinds, either iron or brass. iros• frame Roofs for Gas Works. Workshops, Rat. road Stations, &c. Batons and Gas Machinery of the latest and most im proved eonstrwaion. hoary c..seri...tion of Plantation Mashinery, mach as Einar, dew, and Grist Mitts, veoeere Pans. Open Steam Traltol,Persestors, Fiume. Pumping Barnes, dm Sole agents for P Rillierta'a Patent buffar-Boilia; Apparatus, Besayttk's Patent Steam Hammer. and Aspinwall la Woofer's Patent Rentrifagal Sugar , Draining Machine. ante af (ZRICE & LONG, FOLTOBI WORKS, 1310 BEACH STREET, Engineers, Machinists, Boller Makers, and Ord Builders. Tangs of erary description made to order. Sole Agents for Long's Marine Salinorneters. myl6-17 THOMAS 14'DONOUGH, GANIRAL ELAOKSMITIFITIO. ILK WI . REET, ABOVE DOE STREAM NBANKLIN, PIM& air Boring tools on head or made to order on ishon nottos. m711.-Ruk MORGAN, ORR, & CO., STEAM EN GINS 131111.DE88. Iron foundera, and. annelid Machinists and Boller Makers. Ao. 1219 BALLOW BILL Street, Prdladelnlda. fera4f TORN C. BAKER & CO.'S COD LIVER OIL. —THE TRUE AV]) CF,AllllTS—Unstapassed in Quality and effects—being the bWEATEST MOD MIST 'PREMED, do Coughs, Colds, Brallehitie Asthme, Coot, Incl. pient Consumption. and all ecirufuloue Complaints, it oftentimes produces immediate and certain eft,cts when other remedies have been taken with little or no benefit. gold by an Drentew in the city, and by the prowls tor. No vim NAMIT &Wet. JON-stutt=er 14AOKERE14 - ; RHINO, SHAD, au. 44. A. —2,600 bbli, I, 2, sad A Maakaral. late.saught int sib, in assorted paakagen. 2,000 MAL Mow Mainiert,, Ferias. Bay, and Hailfdr satirfangel Lnboh.'l"ll44. Ho. 1 Rental. 115024dd New Med. Mina. 260 boxes Herkimer-donnt2 Oheeso, Ea atom and for NIA by MURPHY 6c KOOKS, .11194 t le. 146 KORTH WHARVWI A VERY CHOICE ROASTED AL MOND, wauttracturad by KTIPHEN IrELITIUN. id-Ixo No 1210 MaNKNP Stroet. CABINET FURNITURE. MOORE it camplon, 1161. SORTS SECOND STREET, ars prepared to follow tte destine la the market in thc pries of their Fanners. Fetretuasers will please sail sadozazazie 4Az titock. uolo-1e • D I • It ;TITESDAY JUNE 13 1865. II • 9 WHITE SULPHUR AND 03E:1 A .LY BE ATE SPRINGS, DOUBLING GAP, PA. B. ROBIEBON, PROPRIETOR. SILIBON OPUS DINS ldth. Me delightful place is located in Cumberland cone" ty, thirty miles west of Harrisburg. It is accemittie from all the principal eities b_y railroad to Harrisburg, thence by the Cumberland Valley Railroad to Now• vine; from Newyllie eight miles good station to Ina Springs. The stage is always in waiting apoc the ar rival of the Oil a at 'swains, Paesengere leaving Philadelphia, Harness's. or w, ft big i r o n in the morning eon antra at the SPfillg , the came evening at 6 o'clock. This hotel is aomme dions and comfortable (having been racer tly thorough ly renovated) with hot and gold bath attashed, and ex tensive grounds for walks and amneement a Terms $2 fe per day, or $l2 per week. Oyer four weeks $lO per week. The toes experience of the present proprietor enables him to any that it will be conducted in a manner to please all visitors. D. B. A fine livery attimeed to the establishment ie9 SUMMER RESORT, BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN Horst This old and popular Mountain Resort will be opeuei for the reception of guests on the let of .Tong This bowie has recalst:i been thoroughly renovated and 'im proved In a manner that will be eatkfa■tory to its pa Irons Bxenrsion tickets will be issued by the Pear• ■ylvania Railroad Company. which will be good until the let of October next. A back will be In readiness on the arrival of the ears at Dadley to convey attests to the hotel. a distance of two miles. TOMS moderate. Pot particulars, address WM. T. PEARSON, Proprietor. Broad Top OUP. =win* Hzutlingdon county. Penna. T HE COLUMBIA. HOUSES Will be opened this mason on the FIPTISMIN ALI OF j me& for the reception of insets • This leading house will, for the coming season, fall) Ores its well.established reputation. Grei tly encouraged by the badness of last year. Ms Prcpr3etor feels savisiled that a Motel emainsted cicerit )(rot-ease mud sohlintle a sneeess at this old cad Pen. Jar!. re sort Tics so railroad facilities are promised to he @MADAM. Beck's celebrated Philadelphia Band has been an cured for the COLUMBIA. the corning season: Forrooms, dm.. apply to J. U. DMIXISON . Met chant's Rotel. l'hiladwahle, or to GIIORGB J. BOLTOgt. Proptietore_ myl9 gm CAM ISLAS% J. •LLOW ' OR CHISSTER SPRINGS HOTEL CHESTER COUNTY, }I3NRSILVAHIA. NOW OPEN Yo Vail oRS. This Watering Place is situated on Pickering Creak, Chester county, Pa„ thirty two miles west of PhDs delphia, delphia, and has access. by the Philadelphia and Reeding Er Creed (twists a day, from Thirteetth and streets; at S o'clock. A. M and 3 30 P. MI, cones cting at Pt centxville with a conch-line. through six min ea of romantic country, by whist. passengers ate convoyed thy - tub to the Springs for $l.lO. Excursion Tickets will be honed, good from Saturday rnt. I order, by which passengers can leave either at 8 o'clock A. M. er 3 SO P. M.. and return to the oily in time for business on Monday morning. The water at the Ey:trine is a pure soft water, of sand stone and gravel Warm. very superior for drinkingand bathing. • Extensive Cold and Warm Bathe have been eroded in a beautiful grove fronting the house. They consist of the Douche, Sits Plunge, and Shower Baths. A long and familiar stwosintsnce with the wants of ;peseta inetiflos the undersigned in asserting that the Public will find the Yellow Springs every way satisfac tory. He will nee his best endeavors to render hie hones One of the meet desirable reeorta in the United To families remaining the wholo 14 aatia a TOSSOMMO deduction will be eg /Weld. For teacher par.lculare call on Mears. Saruttento& McGrath, Merchant Tailors. 7:10 CGS - STEM Street; Charles C Celia, S. W. corner TRIED and WOE Streets; er by Wreaking the Subs crlber. at the YELLOW SPDI 013 HOTEL. Chester county, Pa who will cheerfully give all information reqabed. jelo-tinicsV. A. IJ. UNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, New Jersey, is now open for the re ception of visitor.—Jane 10. 1865 ..0410.21e ISSFS. A. NRORMAILER, Proprietor. SBA OUR BATHING- " Stria; El . ATI AMC CITY, HAW JBBSET. Thisold, established. and favorite housewlll open for the mason on or Mimic the 20th of Jane. It is nearest to the beech- securing cool breezes at all times. Lts un rivalled Bathing leeitities, its complete furniture and appointment, and It. unexceptionable table, render this house a taverna place for a Bummer sojourn at the sea-aide, Passem3 erg from the airy are set down at the door. and nommuniaation with the inlets is had at all timer by rail, A Bus band of mune has been engaged for the season. Parties wishing to mare Board will address the proprietor at Baal blouse. atlantic ciikr. ieS.BSt H 9. BisfillatN. Proprietor. KITTATINNY HOUBE, BALSWARE WATER GAP. This favorite Mountain resort is now open to vi• Wort Trains leave Philadelphia, from Kensington Dapat, at 7 3%; A. d 330 P. M., and arri ve at the Gap at IP. and 8 45 P. M. References—Morton McMichael, Franklin Peale, Lents A. Galley. R. B. Beams*, S. R. Martin. Charles Backer, C Sherman. - Terns, VI per week. Im L. W. BRODHEAD. Proprietor. XfOUNTAIN HOIIBE, A 3.a. CRESSON oramos. • This delightful and romantic watering place, s itaated on the summit of the alleihary Mountains , at Cresson Station. on the PS/11111.•Ivaialb l•tallroad, Win be o ^^- 4 f••••• ". jfec , . , ifon Gige,ry, Uu ktOaDalt, hum lath, 1865. Several new cottages have been erec'ed. the grenade have been beat:aided and Improved, and Cresson le noir cue of the most bowlful hill homes in the United States. ExcureMn tickets, good until October /mt. are 1 melted by the P.74n1 , 3, Wentz Railroad OomPan7. For fa: they information. address Olt). W. Idiffa.lN Proprietor, GRIrigOM bPILINas. je7.lirt • Cambria county, Pa. TIOWLAND'S HOTEL, A- 1 - LONG 'AR NMI, N. J. . will be open fur the reception of toasts Tans ette7l6lb. je.3.lm HOW bAN D. REEBBET, k CO. EPHRATA MT. SPRINGS.-THIS delightful and romantic watering place, botinti fully situated in the healthiest section of Lancaster county, and acknowledged to he the " Orden spot" of Pennsylvarla. will open for the accomrsodation of tuests nn the lath of . Jane. Railroad sommunicatten wice a day froze Philadelphia. on the Pennsylvania or Readingfietilrotta, end daily from Baltimore and SSW este. For particular* aldreee theproprietor iel-9m 'J. W. 141111415105. T pRETTO SPRINGS, dA Id BR I A -. 1 - 4 COMFY, PA.—This favorite Fumbler Resort will to open for the reaeption of visitors on the let of July. Coaches will be In readiness at Cresson Station to con vey visitors to the Sprints. Loretto borings is nnenr• passed for ita beautiful scenery and salubrious climate'. A band of music is outraged for the &imam.. Formation. lars address. p. A. GIBBOWd. Proprietor, my9l.lm Loretto, Cambria county, la. SEASIDE 1101:1"5/5_, MOOT OF FluctroirLvelllk AVENUE, ' ATLANTIC CITY, SIM JR-MIL Is now openfor the Reception of Game. w717-Im* DAVID SCATTIROOOD VATIONAL HOUSE, YORK, PENNA. . 1 . 1 —This hue Hotel, recently erected on the northeast corner of Market and Beaver sireeda, is now open for the reception of guests. The house, bedding,. and curd• tore a. s ehtirely net and of the best quality. There are 7d rooms, with warm and sold baths and water closets on each floor. Milts appointments and orange r..ents are those of a first.ciaBB Hotel, end it re the do. termination of the Proprietress to have it kept as rush. r0329-mwflut Mite. O. A. NVE4T. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE IN can ..progcrywrir OF ffrigaSIBLPEIV. - - Estate ofMAhTl ef MANTIN. deceased. The Auditor unpainted by the Omirt to Audit. mettle, and adluet the account Stied by JONI, WOLFS. ex ecntor of the last will and tenement of MARTIN MAN TIN, deemed, in the matter of the We of certain, real estate sttnate on FEDERAL street, above Sixteenth street.. in the City or Phi: edelvlita and to make attri bution, will attend to the di:trite - of hie appointment on TTIBSDAY, the ltith day of June. A. al., 1885,_' o'cloch P. kt ,at hie office, No. 241 Beath FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia jai. theindt T T E R-S TESTAMENTARY TO A- , the estate of HENRY C. EOGbttS, late o* this' en', deceased, having been granted to the undereigded, pe , so as todel4td to said estAto wilt please make per,- meet. and those havlal vide's, to preeeni, teem AN RS IPINNA.ft, lixecutlt, je6-tu6t At 250 CatEiTigOT eikeet, third story. rSTATE OF WILLIAM KELLY, DE -LA OE egg)). —Lettere of Administration to the listate of WILLIAM late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased. honing bon granted to tha madereicned: all Persons indebted to the said estate are requested to MIMEO Pal meat, and those having claims to present them to ELAANAH KELM Admiutaratrix, Or to her Attorney in feet. D. W. 'WELL rE, leg-met. 425 MARKET Street. ESTATE OF JOHN WATSON M. D., DEGE /WED. Letters of administration on the estate of John Wet non, N. D., deceased, haring been granted to the UM , dernigned. all persons indebted to said estate wilt please make payment, and those haying Cabo will Please present them to N. S. EARLY, Administrator, S. N. corner of TENII3 and ORRIN dtr.sets. Or to his Attotney, FREDK. FAN craws. narl6-tuat No 201Sonth FIFTH Streets. TO CONTRACTORS.—THE PREM. RENT and Directors of the CHERRY RON AND PITEOUS BRaIICH RAILROAD of the C. L. & I. Own van, will receive, until June 30th, aIf,ALP,D PROPOSALS For building a Railroad from Roussvilla to Oil Creek, through the town of Plummer, to the IfeAhoy Chong Rion Lauds ; distance from four to live m il es. Bids are invited for the whole work complete. The CoulPaul.t o furnish the iron. Spostfloations and-plans of the road map be seen at the ofilce of HAMILTON E. TOWL!. &minter, 011 City. • Proptasis to be directed to the undersigned, at Ma burg, Pa., care of Lloyd &Bieck. L. H. MAABOT„ e 3. stothldt<w GEORGE BLACK. JAS. I. 888 sm. WILLIAM Y. NIIIMILIg OOPS _ _ _ TO BRIDGE BUITADBRB.—PLANR •a• and Proposals gill be received by tho Rharpsburg and Lawrenceville Bridge Company tilt the Tx or June, for • ERECTING A BRIDGE ACTON the Allegheny River, at Sharpsburg, Pa. For particulars, ses the undersigned, at the office of Lewis. giallls, Da.zeli, A Co,. at SHARP3SUNG, or at No. 73 WATER street, PIT'PEBIIP.O, or address him at hharorburg. Allegheny county. Pa,. ' soy 27 , 3c72 JAMEr 0 LEWIS, President. DISSOLUTION"AR,THER OF COP sHIP.—Tho copartnership heretofore .ztlaing tweet, the undersigned, under the style of E. L. YU& LER & 110 . is this day dissolved by tantnal consent. BM AB T. LltiDALEtwitt settle the affairs of the late 1, 10 . EDWARD 1,. FElbbligi REUB. T. LIM:WM. NOTICE. The PRltlleriber PIO =ethane the WHOLEeLLE BOOT AS D SHOE COBIIMION 'SUSTAIN. At 141. COMM ROE Street. EBOA.St T LLIDSLEY. PHILADELPHIA. Jane 1,]586.' jeB-et* pIIILA ON DELP B IDA TERRA COTTA ' , minas AND WAREROOMS, No 1010 HESSTAIST STRUT. , VITRIFIED WATER, ARAIh , andBLEAVISD PIPES, itb bonds , bunches. trays, U., to correspond, from I to 12-inah bore. ORDAMEDSTAt. CDIMNRY TOPS. and FLITS PIPES, warranted to lA. no th, action of tire. ass, or weather. ORDADIRfIv. iiL PARLOR eslr a.RDSAI VASES, for classical designs, p: sin and bronzed. istanonette Pots, Ftowsz• Pete. Ivy Vases. Hanging Viso. Fern VELSOB. &e., &a Importer of Minton's Encaustic Tile. for Obarahas. Halls. Vestibules, &c. • mbl-tntbstf S. R. HARRISON. Ti)rziAtifhUllikil)K tJ)4i:A HUNTINGDON 001114111) AT CAPE NAY, NEW JERSEY, LEGAL. MOPOSIMS. COPARTNERSHIPS. W W RITE VIRGIN AX OF ANTIL ur amostetic for beautifYiliff = l4 preefo.eint 40011)inktk. It is the moat wondurfttl 6ozopoillid Of the age. M., t. neither elialk, POW der, magnesia. bisrauth, nor tats tilts composition, it bets,- *enameled enttrely t pure Virg= Wax hem= the ex traordinary qualities for "reserving the skin, =Wittg: it soft; smooth, fair, and transparent It makes the A appear young, the bornety nandsome, tbs handsonx more besintiftil, and tile most beautiful divine._ Priers SO and 60 Sent.. Prepared only by BUMP 00.. Pat' Miners, $I South Street. two doors abovc iThecturit, and 133 sonth /WANTS Street, 'burr Walnut. seB-3.m. gieLMUEL L. TAYLOR, _ No. 423 WALNUT Street, PAlladeaphis., ATTOEINIIT AT LAW AND T.lOlB/NiBsloilft Fun ALL THB WAWA Mona Conueottimt, Reif 'fork, Nevse. Ore(4fil And Texas fe4,4•trtnirs A VERY RAJPERIOR GUM DROP Plopared by STSPHEN F. WBI rIN N. lm £ /a.1.(1 /468. KAT btreet. BAIL.ROAD LINES. 1111FORTAIIT TO RAILWAY TRA. YELLIN& For tall latorruadsa fa ridessate to M UM, Diatanota, sad Conaistioto, illustrated by Ole hundred Railway Malos, reproistraltialltepris ways o f Ms soitatry. est APPLWOMPB IMLWAY 0111 DI ao2l-bia pENNBYLTANIA CENTRAL RAIL ZOAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMEHT. The trains of the Pennsylvania Central Islived leave the Mew Depot, at THIRTIETH and ELLERET Streets. The ears of ibee Market-street Passenger *tawny run to sad from Pennsylvania Central EallroadDenot. at Thirtieth and Market Streets they also leave Pront Street every two minutes. 11141121111.31103t1111 one hear Pretfl• one to the time of departnro of sash train. and allow about 30 minutes for a trip. • Their cars ara in waiting Ok the arrival of each Train to convey passengers into the eity, and connections are made with ill roads orosellax Market street Ca StillDAYS—Care leave Eleventh and Market Ste at 7.96 P. K. to connect with Pittsburg and Erie Kell. end at 10.25 P. IL with Philadelphia Express. Mann's Baggage Express will hereafter be located at No. it @oath Eleventh street. Pattie* desiring baggage taken to the train!, sin have It dons at reasonable rates u rtnlra li t i g i grailt ARRIVE AT DEPOT MS: MUMS. 11.A121. . . at 8 0(1 L. X PAOLI touodiooAmiox, Mo. " 10.00 FAST LIVE— " 1100 X. pAsirmistrßa: ~,,,,,,,,,,,, L. " / 10 P. X HARRISBURG AIIIMILDIO . I9ATIOW... " 193 • I,ANOAOTEP, AccommoDATlOX—. 4.00 PAOLI TRAIN, Go. 2. 100 " PITTSBURG AID &RIZ " 830 " PRILADELPRIARXPRISS " 11.10 " VIL PITTSBURG AND BRIEAR RI " 140 41 4. P ., PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS. ..«.»«. " 7.03 PAOLI ACCOMMODATION, No. 1.... " 120 " PARKINSON.° " 9.00 " L O ANCA ST LINREBB E " so r. N. Y " IL 40 " PAOLI aCCOMMODATION, - 1,34—.. " 4.40 " DAY LYTTON... . . • , 46 lIARBIbBITSO AOOOMMODATION.... " 6.40 MAIL Yhi)aTdxetepihnie. - 31.20 - ieaVe;7l - iiir. Fifteen= and Iris Mai /Mum daily iozsePt Wards,/ All Other Trains daily (except Sunday. t The Penuayiyanie Reamed Company will not assume any rink for Baggage. except for Wearing Apparel, and. limit their responsibility to One Hundred Donau la value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in yaw. will be at the risk of the owner. Wang taken by sp.' Mal contract. For further information, as to time and 11011.1164%1011C see bille and framed earth or apply to THOMAS H. PARKS. Ticket Agent, at the Depot. ... An Bm4grant Train rune daily (except Sunday.) For fell information as to fare and accommodation 4 Apply to FRANCO( PUNK matt 137 DOOM Str eet afflff.7,47,..Ti7Ant PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN, AND NOR 1416TOWN RAILROAD. TINS TABLR. Vu and after MONDAY. June 6,1866, until further notice. " FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 8, 9. ID, 11, It A. M., 2,3, 10. BX., 4. 5. 674. 6,7, 8. 9, 10, 11, 12 I'. M. • Leave Cermantown 6, 7. 7.14. 8 8.20. 9, 10, 11,19 A. M.. 1,2, 8. 4,4 X. 8. 634. 7. 8,9, 10. 1.1 P. M. The 8.510 down train and 3X, 5% up kra,ins will not atop on the Dermantownßraneh. . . . . ON SUNDAYS. P Leave Philadelphia 8.10 ilia, A. N.. 2. 3,3, B.lo{ Pd. Leave Germantown BA. M. 1,4, 8.. V. o,li P. N. OLIP,BII2IIT.HILL RAILNO4.D. Leave Philadelphia 8,8, 10, 12 A. X.. 9. 8%, 8%. 7.0, and 11P. K. •• . . Leave Chestnut 11111 7.10 Mill , . 6. 0 46. n. 40 A. M.. L 40. 8.40. SAO, 6.40. 8.40. and 10.40 min, P. IL ON SUNDAYS. ' Leave Misdeals 9.10 min. A. M . 2, 2. and S P. M. Leave Chestnut Rill 7.40 Ada. A. M 12.40, 6.10, and SA P. M. FOR COYSTIOROORRNAND NORRISTOWN. Zes:re ihilsd.lphis and mos nun. A. . 3. 4%, 63i, 6%. Bco min. 11% P. N. LGSMS Norristown 69i. 7. 7.69. 9, n A. IX. 4%. (9‘. and 8 P. M. 'the 6% P. M. train will atop at Mohool Lane, Wins hiekoz, Mansynnk, Spring Mille, and Oonshohooken ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9A. H. 2% and 4,ti P. M. Leave Norristown 7A. M. 1 and 6P. it. FOR it A triiK . . Ulm PhiJaaolpbil. 8. 8 81, MOS min. • N. 134, s. 4y, 6%, 6%, S C 6, mad ttle, P. M Lea►F Xamunk e% 7%, 8.20, 93A, 113 E •: IL 8, .1. 7,8 M P. M. OIF SUNDAYS. A ~ 2; - Leave Ph ilad.elptda 9 A M‘ — , 43. sad B P. M. Leave Marayunk 73i A. IL. ig and 9 P. M. W. 8 WILSON. Gentral Saperlattadeat. Depot, DIDTH and GRAND Streets. le3-tf WEST JERSEY RAIL ROAD LINES—From foot of Wawa, street. Pally except Sundays. Gemmeoeing SATURDAY, 7ona 10th, 1885. For CAPE MAY, &a, (at 830 A. 82 . Express), 1.30 P. M., Passenger. For lIILLVILLE. VINELAND, dm, 8.30 A. M. and E 0 P. M. For BIUDCUITON, SALEM, dm., at 9.18 A M.. 400 P. M. For GLASSBORO. as., 8.80 and 9.10 A. M., 2.80 and 4 00 P M . For WOODBURY, dm., 830 and 9.16 A. M., 2.30, 4.00 and 8. 30P. M. ropprrgNlNO, WILT, LUNE Cape May at 5 30 A. M , Mall, (8.21 A. M., Freight), 0. co P. M., Passenger liillvtlle at 7.32 A H, Mall, (12.08 P. M., Freight), 8.58 P. M., Passenger, Bridgeton at 8 40 1.." 91%. Mail, (9.45 A. N., Freight), 9.20 P. M ' nonuser. Salem ato 20 A let., Mall, (9.00 A. M.. Freight), 4.00 P. M., Passeger.. Woodbury as TT& 8.13, and 9.06 A M . (1.40 P. M , Freight). 5.84 and 8 23 P Passenger. On the let day of July en additional express train will be added to and from Gape May, and which will leave Cape May at 8.00 A. M . and Palladelphta at 4.30 P. M., through in three hours from Camden. .1. VAN RENSSELAER, Superintendent West areal , . Salem, and Gape May Cad itilllyllle Rail. road THE WEST JERSEY EXPRESS COMPANY will attend to all Sue mual branches of express busi nem receive, deliver ana forward through other re. , sponsible 'Express Companies, to all parte or the CDIIII try, any article evrattsd to them. A Special ldresentrer aecorepanlss 411011 that/a& train. Pan Ain/ZHU, June 5 1 1885. 1865. .1865. PHILADELPHIA AND ICRIE BAIL. EGAD.•-orkto great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the ally of Erie. on Lake Erie. It has bean leased by the MESE/JUJU EAT/r. EGAD OGIIPAUST, and is operated by them.l Its entire length was opened for passenger and freight Coldness October 17th, D 364. TM Ut rasmosectritaurs AT yamarommillie Lein Wistaria. Mail Train • , L lEI P. J. Look Raven AmommOdation 00 A. Passenger care nut through on Mall Train without Oates both wars between rbiledelealw and Erie, lad Baltimore and Erie. ltegant Sleeping Gars on Elmira Empress Trains both ways between Philadelphirriand Look Haven, and On Elmira Express Train both ways between Williammort and Baltimore. tor information rescating Passenger business, apidlf *enter gBIRTIETE and ILLEKIIT Six ., Philadelphia. And for Freight bustle's of the Oomp_anyirjUente. S. B. KINGSTON. Jr.. comer ENIZTEE/MR and 11AB.IIIT Streets, Philadelphia. J. W. BEINOLDS, Erie. • J. K. DRILL. Agent N. O. E. N., Baltimore. H. N. BOGSTOE, General Fr* h t Arent Philadelphia. R. w e-Nritizrzs, • General Ticket . Agent,Philadelpida. OS_ .11PH D POTTS daM-tI General Yammer * comport minditils OP . NEW YORE LINES. 1865 NEW 1865. YAM CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TEUTON SAILSOAD COMPANY'S WES YEWS PRILASSLPHIA TO NSW YORE ANS WAY PUMA num wAnstrr. sTBRIfer WILL LBATA AS FOLLOWS—WS: Num Al 6A. 112., via Camden and Amboy . G. and A. Ask 25 At 8 A. H., via Camden. and Jersey Oitt. Homing 8 00 Ai 9.15 A. 21., via Camden nand Amboy, O. and A. Acsoremodation.,.....• •-•.- • . 2 21 At 2 P. 11.. via (Minden and Amboy. G. and A. RY at 12 sr.. noon. via Camden snd Amboy. lesOnliner dation (Freight and Passenger)" -.- 2 25 (t 6P . . VII Camden and Amboy: Aa-sounriedn tion (Freight and Passenger)-lit Marl Ticket... 2 26 Do. do. 2d Class Ticket... 160 .0.34 P. H. via Camden and Amboy. Aocounno. dation (Freight and Pusenger)-Ist Class Plant. 2 26 Do. do. 2d Man Tiatot. 1 60 At 2.00 a. H.. 2.00 and 6P. M. for Mount Holly. 6(W- Safplille, Plan barna.. and yinNnteWn. AL Q/L and 2 P. N. for Freehold. At 6 ant 9.16 A. H. , 15 M, 3.30, 6,6, and 11MP. IL , for Palmyra, Riverton, Dianne°, Beverry, itdgewa ter, Burlington Florence, Bordentown, Thal P. M. line rug direst through to Trenton. At 7.801. M., for Palmyra, Riverton, Warm). Boons ly. and le Button. At 10 .& M. and 3 P. m., Steamboat Trenton. for Brig. toi. Burlington. Beverly. ris. LISIIS FROM KRABistaTOs Wool' WILL Lidi r t Ail FOLLOWS: At 11.11 A. M.. Via Sentintlint and Jersey Mts. Bxpross...a. • 00 At 4.60 P. M,. via Kensington and MINI MLA* prim ....... 3 00 At 6.46 P. M.. via Kennington and Jersey City. Washington and. New York Express..., ...... 800 At 12 P. M. (Night), via Kensington and Jersey City. Washington and Rely York Mall. . .41 25 The 6.44P. X. Lino will ran dally . AU oars Slut days excepted. For Buffalo, Dunkirk, Bimini, Ithaca. Owego. 3o cheater. Binghampton, Great Bend, Montrose. Wilkes. harm. Scranton. Stroudsburg. Water Gap. Belvidere. Barton. hambertyllie. Pismingtort..2... at 7.30 A. M. and 9.X1 P. N. The 3.30 P. M. One connects with the bran leaving Banton for Mew& Chung. Allentown, Bethlehem, Ao For Lambertville and intermediate staHons at 6 P. 21. Tor Bristol. Trenton. 7.30 and ILIA /Li 111.. 3.70 and O P. M. and 12mldntaht. - For Cornwell.. Torriadale, Holmesburg. TasOnT, Winsonetrang„ Prided:mu and Frantford. at 9A. M. • 1216. S 2. G. 6.30. and 12 P. N. The &a) P. IL line runs to Holmesburt only. 431- For New York and 'Way Lines leaving Irnsism. ton Perot, take the cars on Fifth street, .above Wslan half an boar before departure. The ear. ran into the Depot, and on the snivel Of sash train run frost the De' t. . Fifty pounds of Baggagionly allowed eashmsengin z Passengers are prohibited from taking anythMg as - gate bat their wwwing Altbasgage over II pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limittit responsibility for baggage to Dollar per poundaad will not be liable for any amount berOltd SlOO. aziosS , by *pedal contract. Grahams Baggage Mures. will ma for and darer 1 al tug,ter:att the spots. Order s LLLIY k . b i lip r oft B at No. A l c i l June 12, ISM LINTS FROM NEW YORE FOR PHILADELPHIA, WILL LIAM FILOI TEM FOOT OP 00VBSLAND Maul. At 12 H. end 4P. I. Terse? City and Camden. At 7, 10. And laji A. N. , P. N. and 12 Ter. SOP City and Hansington. • prom the foot of Barclay street at 6 A. N. and 2 via Amboy and Camden. Prom Pier No. 1, North TlT•tait X.. I. and I P.N. (freight and passenger). Amboy and Camden. WEST CHESTER - AND PHILADELPHIA BAIL ZOAD, V a_ MELIA. 1811SMIM ABRAM:MINNIE?. On and after MODDAY. Salle 6th. 1666, the trains will leave as follows: WEST MUNN TRAINS_ Leave Philadelphia for West Cheater at 7.65 and 10.30 A, Al. and 230, 4.40. and 646 P. M. Leave West Cheater for Philadelphia at 8 20, 7.45. and 10 25 A. IL. and 2 and 4 45 P. IL Trains leaving West Chester at 7.45 A. M. , and leay. ing Phlledrepois at 4 95 P.M. evil not stop at Penneiton and will stop below B. C. Junction at Media only. B. C. JUNCTION TRAINS Leave Philadelphia for B. O. Junction at 5 02 and 10.80 P. M. Leave B. O. Antonin for Philadelphia at 9.26 A. M. end 7.20 P. M. • On Tuesdays and Fridays only, nntll farther police. Market Train with Passenger Dar attached, will Lug* Weal Chester for Philadelphia at 6.55 P. M stOPPDIS At all stations. These trains stop at all intermediate stations. ON SUN DAYS. Leave Philadelphia at 8.80 A. M. and 2P. IL Leave West Chester at S A 22. and SP. M. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.35 A. M. and 4.45 P. R.. and leaving West Chester at 7.45 A. M. and 4 95 P. B. connect at B. C. Junction wtth trains on P. di N. O. for Oxford and intermediate points. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only se baggage, and the Company will not in any ease. be responsible for an amount exceeding one hundred dol. ism unless a special contract is made for the SIM. HENRY WOOD. Don't Snp. Mitrettls 1805 tayd 011TE'iRroV-p. 4. - NORTH PENNSYL - A. - 15 VAN I A RAILROAD BBTRLRIKM. DOILIDiTOWN. RUBOR. OSUMI, EAtTOR, WlLlJA.ll4l,lTRT,.7Frqffisakfuni.. • iffilifiliiiiiixeniiiiic PasseDger Treble leave the new Depot, THIRD Street. above. Frampton street, daily (Sundays excepted) as follows: At 7.30 A M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Meath Uhunk. Hazleton. Williamsport, Wilkas harre. dm At 3.30 P. 30 (Express) for Bethlehem, Easton, &co' At 6 16 P. DU for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch hunk, Danville, Wildemenort. For Doylestown et 8 33 e. 14., 2,90 and 4 16 P. M. For Fort .Ca,blnarton at 10 A. H. and 11 P. H. For LBLIAMt , P 0.10 P. M. White cm** of the booed and Third- !streets Line City Paseenges RsilwaY run directly tAI •GOMPAY Dolman and Sultan %skit. eteaskiire leave DAILY, Ant wharf bolo* N.- - litreet t s o'clock P. It, WA. r GLIM! & Ha wzorox,ro JAMES RAID, Ult TWA Store vallitAnt 114 w TBOMBON'S LONQN --7— rejj BABB, OR straorawEgtas, for tet4 boteho,or pnbllo lastltallone,Dt PERMIT BUBB. Also , Patiadelphis Bet, Vot-alz Panacea, Portabliilleaten, Lowdown 1, 4.1 Fireboard Stove', Bath Paul, Stewhobo Plat" P t o u rs . , .000 au b u ld fa i ta ide ren vez, zv eta, a t t ax ..:hol us e x es k lezd om r s o o tt o4.o, ii. ardiAntbsem 202 North EIBLIOrso 1911LAORLPHIA 0101 W 16.11DA03 InrautoTs , 111 : 19"l x. =BM Meet. above Market TURETT. eta thirty _mu pristbtal expr raareateen the aki.thil atlegtaleat hie Prot al tent Geaduatteet Pressure 'bans, Suppeaev h +,,b o Stockings, eboador Oratehea , ho. apazemeate entatitted by a Lady. in 'MURRY TO ANY AM WAXED UPON DIAMONDIL TIWBLEY PLATE. OLOTHLIA JO*ll6 a ao. OLD ISTABLIBHBD LOAN 02%01 , 4,4 Omer Tamp and GABHILL Sts.. betelf KVA24B &wAISONS uluirDlA IRV HITiLDE O Ti mut • A lan vartoty of YLIN•Psuo7 SAYV • L gm E. B. EA.RLEY, FERNISHING ViirDEIRMSC IO4; arnex TUTU'II4 04INIA 12.tree°'