lit rtss. TUBSDAY, JUNEV, 1865. New BOOks. We have already nodded "The Clever Woman of tie Family," by Miss Yong., author of " The Heir of etadoiyffe," and "Family Fallings," by Mrs. Grey. They are well written—but the first is par ticularly good. The character of the clever woman, who graduaßy distrusts her own great abillties, Sias been artlitioally drawn. On Guard," by Annie Thomas, Is the last num ber of that admirable series, Harper's " Library of Select Novels," in which are included, at a very IoW price, the beat works of fiction, original or tranerkted, published in Europe duritat the last twenty years. 5' On Guard"—a novel by a writer, who thongh y o ung has "p o t / s wim and fertility—is a story of domestic as veil as of fashionaule life in England, drawn by allee and faithful hand, and, in various ways, highly' interesting. Incident and character are cosily good in this tale. The 'heroine, Bella vane, is charming with all her faults, and for the most part, the female are better drawn than the male onaraetwo, which is unusual. Anotter new novel, published by Harper & Bro. Sere, Is ti A Son of the Soil," a quiet story of Scot tish life, witivalt muoh Incident, bat faithful.% local coloring, and correct in national character and "Onlya Clel," by Miss Stadden, has a somewhat more probable plot than that great sensation-novel -Ist usually ewes her readers with. There is novelty, however, in a private soldier la the British army sod denly ittecteedlng to an heritage or thirty thousand pounds a year, and entering society under the mantes of his late captain, whose boots he, while a serval% bad blackened at the Antipodes. It IS pub limit by Dick & Fitzgerald. Carlton, New York, has just published lit,lder's Hand," a novel by Mr. J. Sheridan Le Fat, author of "Uncle Silas ," one of the most M I log stories of the season. This is very much in Willie Collins , early attle, and reminds us of " Ba- BIM and "The Dead Secret." The mystery is milled out very adroitly to the penultimate chap. tea and the leading charade% are strongly %Mel atalfzed, The main incidents are not probable— evecially the personation of Wylder by a man who If not even a distant relation, and therefore can scarcely possess a resemblance as though he were a brother. The diamond-out-diamond vagabonds, captain Lake and the subtle lawyer, are well con trasted. "Looking Around," by A. S. Roe, author of penile a dozen popular novels, will add to his repu tation. It is a well-written story, thoroughly Ame rican, and does not bring in" the war." It is not emotional, in the ordinary sense, but its action Is true, its characters well sustained, and its moral not strained. Every incident related here might have occurred. Though Complete as far as it goes, the author proposes writing a sequel. Published by Carlton. A third series of the Orpheus O. Kerr Papers, also issued by rar. Carlton, will be hailed with gra tification by many readers. The Mackerel Brigade being "mustered out," by the collapse of the re bellion, we may look on this volume as closing the Orpheus C.- Kerr Papers. They are Infinitely bet ter, with proper orthography and real humor, than the forced fun and elaborated bad spelling of Ar , term Ward. Iduswer...—There can b 4 no dispute about the Musical Inclination of the United States. The very large sale of plano.fortes and of all descrip tion of male may be received as ample evidence of this. American household feels that it is coraa pieta until it possesses some musical instrument. For ibis reason the piano -forte has always been a• vest desideratum. Its cost, however, has put it beyond the means of many, and another reason less apparent at first view, has °pentad in its disfavor. ppm:want as is this instrument upon. tones pro duced by percussion, and conseplently evanescent in character, considerable skill in its manipulation is requisite to .afford much pleasure to either per former or listener, and our people have neither the time nor the suppleness, acquired by long practice to become great in their digital dexterity. An inevi table consequeuce of this was that the melodeon, notwithstanding its lifelessness, its lack of expres sion, and its monotony, became a great favorite 'with the public, although It failed to receive the en• domement of the musical profession or of earwig- Mrs. It is therefore not to be wondered at, that when the Mason. iHanwn OAIGNET ORGAN was so per fected as to elicit the approbation of the first artists, it &CUM at ones have achieved a great popularity. Its sustained tam, enabling It to represent more faithfully operatic, orchestral, and vocal composi tions, were what a singing people required. Its ca pacity for light and shade, and for varied expires. sion, supplied that which was lacking hitherto in reed instruments, and the melodeon, like the spin not and harpsichord of former days, henceforth was to bo recognized only as an avant courier, of some.. thing which was to receive the seal of approbation, When nearly all of the leading musicians of our principal cities unite in pronouncing the Cabinet Organs of NeSSIII. Mason & Hamlin the best reed Instruments manufactured here or abroad, and In coati:Lauding them as most valuable for the draw ,lng room and family, as well as for the chapel and 'School-room, we are certainly safe in calling the 'attention of our readers to their merits. Three who Will listen to there at the warerooms, corner of Se venth and Chestnut Streets, will, we doubt not, fully concur in the general estimate in which they are hold by the profession and distinguished ama tours. ADIIITIIfei OF BDITHerabT Bienoeb.—On the 14th, 11th, and 16th of „Tune next, the Mekong of the in, E. Church throughout the United States will meet each other in Erie, Pa. The meeting will be solely In regard to business matters pertaining to their Metal duties, and therefore private In every re spect. No format welcome or session is expected to take place. The gentlemen expected are among the leading churchmen of the country, and all emi nent for their scholarly attainments and successful career. The seniordpshop Morrie, and Bishops Simpson, Baker, Tberason, Clark, and ARM will be present with him. These are names well known both In religious and literarpoireles. Imams to MINIe.TIIIO.—The New York Meth odist, referring to the effort of the IdettosiUsts of Newark to relieve all their ohurohes of debt, says : "At the present rate of proceeding, they will soon have every church debt paid off, and tnen Newark will be the banner City Of Methodism." A CongregatlOnal etnaroh in son rienOlgoo uses the Episcopal liturgy, and the Boston Congregation. dist inquires : Should we not have a law to pee. vent Congregational churches from Committing hnicide by slow poison'?" The resolutions of the Christian Commission to MON its work when the necessity ceases has been Understood in some quarters to mean that its work lies closed. This is not so. It IS still doing a large • Work, and will probably continue operations for two or three months more—during which time it will Lead money and stores. The annual meeting Of the Synod of the Church of Scotland took place on May 18th, le the Covent Garden Church, England. No very important bail. nesw woe transacted. lin-sing-nal, a young Chinaman, reeently ;ad mitted on trial by the Newark Methodist Confer, Once, Is the son of a mandarin of the military order, who, with several members of his family, had em braced the Christian faith under the teaching of the missionaries at Fuhohan. This young man came to this country nearly three years ago, with Rev. Dr. Wentworth, and remained in New York for two years, pursuing his studies SPECIAL NOTICEIII .Tll3l 'MASON & HAMLIN CABIN= OR GANS. ONN TO TWELVA bTOPS. $llO TO MOO NACR. In cases of Black Walnut, Oak. Rosewood. and Ebony, plain and carved These instruments bear the same relation to the melodeon or harmonium whirls the modern pianoforte bears to the brupsichord of olden times. Their volume and beauty of tone, and the vari ous artistic effects of which they are capable, have at tracted to them an amount and eagree of attention and favor from musical connoisseurs which have not before been given to any instrument of this clans. It is not too lunch to nay that their superiority to every other intro meat of this class Is acknowledged by the masted pro fession of the country generally. The manufacturers have in their possession written testimonials to this erect from several hundred of the most prominent or gardsis In this country. Those desiring THB BEST Iffsrarrmurs, for wadi' Or private use, (and the best are in the end the cheap eat,) are Invited to personal examinations of the Blazon & Hamlin Cabinet Organs. armlets. to ear address. free. Wererooles tor. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. J. B. GOULD, l'hiladelswhia. Pa. TER eAIadiNTIN.P.ORS OF TER UNI9E, THE GALLANT BEBOBB OF THE UNION, THB GALLANT HEROES OP Tlis UNION, THE GALLANT HEROES OF THE UNION, AND ALL OTHER PERSONS DESIROUS OF OBTAINING AND ALL OTHER. PERSONS DESIROUS OF OBTAINING AND ALL OTHER PERSONS DESIROUS OF OBTAINING AND ALL OTHER PERSONS DESIROUS OF OBTAINING CLOTHING OF THB RIGHT KIND, CLOTHING OF THE RIGHT KIND. CLOTHING OF THE BIGHT RIND. CLOTHING OF TRB BIGHT BIND, -AT RIGHT PRIORS. AT RIGHT MOB% 'AT BIGHT PRIORS. AT RIGHT PRIORS. ARE INVITEWTO CALL - ON Mosso, PERRY & CO., Agy, Rummy To GALL OR }NMI& PERRY & CO , ARE INVTTED"To CALL ON MEssus. Piam - a Co., ♦RE INVITED TO CALL ON ME.9IIES. TENET & Cs., No. 303 CHESTNUT STREET. ABOVE THIRD, NO. 6C9 among:U. mon. (Or vllle Stokes' Old Stand), and S. B. coazaa SEVENTH AND MARKET film. E.TotLes , ). N. B —The beet assortment of Alpaca and Drapete Coats to be round In the city. Also, ever/ variety of linen Clothing, PRIME & CO., PERRY & PRIEBE & CO., PERRY & CO., No. 303 Onnarm grinurt. Asova TRIM Ito. 509 081313114137 ET.. (Granville Blokes' old stand.) 113. X OM SEVUTE lad Kassa Oralurra, (Tones'.) jOlO-0i " Called thou not minister to a mina diseased. And, toith some meet. obdivtous 4ntia°lle* Cleanse the ,font boson of the perilous atu.a That burghs upon the heart f" Certainly; PLANTATION BITTERS will do it when no• 'thing elme will. Melancholy, Deprossiett, HYDacilon'' Insanity, all spring, more or lam front a dis eased stomach, and this PLANTATION BITTERS is a Win ware for. There is no mistake about it; DymmeDsla. Headache. Dullness. Anne, and Low Spirits must yield to the health-giving and genial influence of the PLAN. -TATIoN ErrrEss Ulan are 111 doubt, make one trial and be emiviueed. .149.(11 PHOTOGRAPHISTS, PICTURE MAIM. MA. ken. looking-ghee dealers, and *therm who IMO Iron Borew Byes, brass Screw Binge, Knobs, Nails, and Hooks. Tacks, Brads, fte , are invited to examtne the assortment of those articles at TRUMAII dr maws. 181 0 , 835 Might Thirty-live) MARKET Street, 'below Sloth. CURLING STICICS, CURLING RODS, PINCH. ing Irons, Curling Tones,'Hair Crimpers, a variety of all kinds and sizes, for sale at the Hardware Store of TP , Stdali & SHAW, No, 835 (Bight Thirty. Aye) RET street, below Ninth. It (WHEATOII'B) /TOIL SALT liftEOlt. (OINTMENT) SALTER. IR NVOI sure tie Itch in 48 honri. *eerien Ehstwa. Ulcers, Mamm a% a n d all Empties' of the Sklc. r'r!ce EC cents. Br sesidbir 80 mkt. to WBRKS nal, BOSTON. Mara., wfli be forwarded free'liy hr DruifBlift. mli/84ni BIM YOl7ll. BATHING ROBES FOR LAMB, Cullman. and Children, at SLOAN'S, 806 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, or at Ms Store on Gaps Inland; J. .ielo.3t• M.o. B. A., ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR Rs. STORER AND DRESSING arrests the fall, and never fills to restore dray halx to Re natural color. and pro duce a luXurilint growth. OVADANTHE Or ITO WORTH' AND BMW. Bev. J. West, Brooklyn. L. I r "I will remit° their value in the most Mora/ sense. They have restored my bale Mime it was bald, end, where gray, to its original color," Bey Wm. Cutter, N. Y, City: "My hair is changed to its natural color. and growing on bald epot." Bey. H V. Degen, Boston, Hass. "That they pro. mote the growth of the hair where baldness to. I have the evidence of my own eye!. " Yoe sale by ail Druggists. Wholesale and Retail Depot, Ho. IDS GRISIWICH Street, Hew York. mySftuilt COLGATE'S HOMEY SOAP. This celebrated TOILET SOAP, In such Universal de. mend, Is made from the CHOICEST materials. to MILD and EMOLLIENT In its nature, FEA.GEAryIiT SCENTED. and BSTRISKELY BENEFICIAL in lts ac. Son upon the Skin. For sale by all Druggleta and Fancy (loads dealers. feßS.tuthalf T RUMBLER'S PATE= TT 1" u , isolated Frame Pianos eon- Bunged on entirely new and scientific principles; please sail, examine, and compare them with the bast rieeos now made. H. M. MORRIS. Agent, I(8.61" TRS MA.RKRT Street. N OS. STEINWA IA Y & SON'S iffliel V P For sale only at BIASHIS BROTHERS , . i63-ha 1006 CHESTNUT Street. GROBARAT A T I tI i t 13 C 0 .2 gyp • AND . MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET 0110 ANN. PIANO Oyer 600 sash of these tine 011BINET 1 , 016T1a. instruments have been sold by ORGANS . PIANO Mr. Q., and Om demand is son- O&BIAST FONTS& stoutly tnereasing. Ofitterte. PIANO Por gals only by cLanorr TONTBS. J. S. °WILD, ORGANS. PIANO SPITINTH and OHNSTAIIT Sto. HAMM? PORTE& neat(' °ROAN& SALE OF BEST CLASS READY-MADE CLOTHES* at the great establishment well known as "OAK HALL," located at the S. B. corner SIXTH and ILLIIKET Streets. The close of the war enables as to manufaeture cheaper, and we are therefore selling the present stock at sack prices as are warranted by the Prurient state of affairs. As many Want to know net what they can bay clothing for, we invite the examine• tion of the following price list, which embraces but a few leading articles among the thousands of garments we have now displayed in one exteacive eales.roome. The people can always depend upon lading at our Mrs exactly what is advertised. All. wool Gassimere Vests, from $l. relto $7.60. Pants, from 4.00 to 10h00. 41, •` Coate. trom 6.00 to 30 00. Good businese Cost for $6.25. Wage Sack Goat for $6. Neat Melton Cloth Back, $8 Good Black Cloth Frock Coat, $22 00 Gam PAMS, 9 50. 'Kir We will take pleasure in ehogtig our goods to any who call, whether wishing to purshase or not. WANAINAKIII & BitOWN, Bill HALE. Popular Clothing Roue, niiSO-tf S. 3. nor. SIXTB. and JtStRIEST Streets. MARR=ED. NEWRIRII—.TAOOBUS.—On the 7th that, in Allegheny, Pa., by the Rey. Dr. M. W. Jacobus, as. slated by the Rev. Dr. W. H. Green, the Rev. Mat thew Newkirk, Downingtown, Pa., to Eliza 11, e ast afillator of Dr. Jacobus. * SOOTT—WINNER.—On the Ott Mt., by Rev. Wm. S. Perkins, Charles E Scott to Miss Emma Winner, of Bristol. No cards. DIED_ MADDOCK —On the evening of the 10th MC I Thomas Maddock (formerly of Springfield, Dela ware county), In the 82d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfally invited to attend the funeral from his late residenoe, southeast corner of Sixth and Noble streets, on Foarth•day (14th Inst.), at 10 o'clock A. M. see BUCEMAN.—June 12th, 1865, Mlss Mary Bank man, In her 84th year. The funeral will take place on Wednesday morn ing, the 14th int., at 10 o'clock, from the residence of - Mrs—Mary A. Backmais, Burlington, New Jer sey. The friends are partloularly requested to at tend, without farther notice. * DAVIES.—On the 11th instant, Xre. Rebecca Mary, wife of Robert Hall Davies, aged 36 years. The relatives and. friends of the family are respect. fully invited to attend the funeral, from the reel. dense of her husband, No. 371 Allen street, on Wed nesday morning, at 7g 0 1 0100 k. Services at the Church of the Assumption, and Interment at Ca thedral Cemetery. - * SOUDER.—On Saturday evening, the 10th inst., Leah Sender, relict of the late CaSper Sender, Sr., in the 88d year of her age. Her reletlyea and friends are invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her 8011, Charles Son der, Ho. 819 North Seventh Meet, on Wednesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. 4*. BLACK ENGLISH GRENADINES.- Just received, a care of Slack English Grenadines, at 40 gents a yard. BMWS & SON, Mourning Store, 918 CHEST/UT Street. One price. Prima In plain living. mill BLA.OII. OHALY DB LAINE.—JUST opened, one mute of plaid black Ohsly tie Laines. at ris *ewe a yard. SISSON & Sold, MaurAing_store. 918 OIiSSTaIIT Street. One pries Prices in plain Ames mylb RESERVED STOOK, ALL OFFERED wholesale from this date: EligierTO stock of 8111048. Eeserve stock of Si:ks. Reserve stock of Dress Goods. BYES St LANDFILL, jai° FOURTH and /MEC Streets. TO TILE NON • COMMLINSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES IDBza REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS NOLMMter—One of your number has just placed in my hands, as a token of your esteem for me, an exquisitely Wrought gold watch, with gold chain and Maltese cross attached, manufactured to your order by Megan. Gill & Grieslie, of this city, at a cost of $350. Drab gmy connection with you as Chaplain °Mho 1913th. I ant proud to say that. In no one instance, has any one of your number done or said aught to inten tionally wound try feelings or east 'reproach upon the sacred cause /represent GA the contrary, in my la bors among yen In Vie camp, on the march, on the bat tle field, in the hoskitals to which many of you have been carried, prostrated by wounds and disease, I have felt myself more than repaid for alt my toil by the many exi'xesslons of gratitude that came from demons Marta. I had no right to west a material declaration of your regard for me. Because your olferinghas come to me freely and spon taneously, I shall esteem It the more I shall cow:taut ly have as my companion the evidence of your &rat]. • fade, liberality, and good taste. This parting gift is north sly sacred to me, from the fact that many of your comrades who contributed of their means to procure it. have sealed their devotion to our common cane with their heart's blood. It Is a testimonial coming to me from the living and the dead As such, soldiers. I re ceive it, and with an honest pride I shall carry It with me through all the days of my life. With timakis to God that he sailed me to preach the goepel to the generous and brave defenders of our Go• vernment, and with many and continuous prayers for your temporal and spiritual welfare, / am, rouse truly, J. J. Po 1111 ROY. Chaplain 198th Regiment P. V. . . ct. 819 k rth street, PHILADELPHIA. JELDEI W. 1885. 1000-SOO-66. LECTURE ON EQUATION OF ACCOUNTS. PROF. WARE will fall, explain. In the 41.885h181.Y BUILDING. TO. MORROW EVAlli NG, at 8 o'clock. hie simple method by which all accounts, simple and cora pcund, can be correctly averaged with half the time and labor required by other modes. Only one division in compound average indeed of three. as by ether methods and tables, Any person can iG&TZL it in one lecture. Admission 60 tents. We have swam ned Prof Ware's eystem, and, Sna il:mit/or superior to any other in use, cheerfully recom mend the public to attend his iodate. 0. H. Clark, 1-resident Yirst National Bank. Phila. L. Bannister. Principal Bryant & Stratton's Commer sial College. Plilladelpbta. A. Caldwell, firm of Trulick, Stokes. & Co.. Phila. W. L. Corse , head book keeper for Morris. Tinker, & Co.. Philadelphia. Geo. Wood, head book - keeper for .1. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia. Jel3-2t* OIL ASSOCIATION lilt —OFFICE. No 819 . Room Noe. 30 andl2. oar - OPERATIVE OP PENN bYLVA WALNUT Skeet, - drat floor Monroe Snyder. B. H. Helfrich, S. Itosiaberger, R 01127 GUM J. S. He Nichlons Petry, Jacob B, Krona 0 F r ac r .B .E N s mormos maim. TaBAKTRIII. Z H. HZLYEIGH. 131dCBSTAIM JACOB B. KNOUT This isooctanell differs from alt °there, it being strictly an operating or working capital interest asso ciation. AR the capital is need for theproductionot ott. The Association has a number of Leases on grit class 011 Territory, and arrangements have been made for a number more, audit is designed at once to commence the development of oil. One of these Leases is on Cherry Run, in Venango county, about half-way be tween its mouth and the town of Plumes, close to the celebrated Reed Well. Which now produces 810 barrels pm contract which this Association is sinking 8 wells; the for which's taken at Bight Thousand Dol lars each, including engines, derricks, tubing, do. It is proposed to Bell Interests in one or all of the wells at this rate, no subscription being taken for less than one hundred dollar'. which may be divided in four different wells. Thus: Cost of each different well 8800. or 3201 h interest, at $26 each, $lOO, will give the subscriber L 00th intereat in suchwella as bemar shomm, or 4.820 th Interest in four different wells; thus dividing Ole risks. or he may take a 360th interest in as many wells as he may desire at the same rate. A quarter Working cotrot, or Interest soaking $l.OOO. may, with favorable indications of Oil. be gOld for sO.Clgtomi,ooobafore the well 18 completed, while if Dead and she well is completed the owner derives Irma Inc Intereat an Income of from $8 000 to $lO, OW per an noy), if the well will only yield. bat twenty lands per day. This is the greatest opportunity ever offered in the oil speculation. The capital required for eight wells is only sixty-four thousand dollars: The °See was opened on Monday. the eth 'of Jane, and $40,003 was taken the drat day. We call the attention of persons who may intend in. Testing Moil stock to take interest in these eight well' on Cherry Ran, and the low capital required. litany companies Vlith tracts of far lees value have one or two millions of capital. and if no oil le struck all their sant. tat is musk; should this desoelation fall to strike oils Which impossible in that section of country, there onid only the third dollar be lost—being the engines, derricks, and 12 tubs, Would be worth $2 out of $l. This is the greatest speculation ever offered in oil speculation, without cheat or trickery, with mu ll capital, and with ouch a trifling riez. • For particular information, call at the Oahe. 619 WALJOT street, Rooms 1.0 and 12, fret floor. my746* arIXTHEAD QVAR TEES, DEpABT., M OF PRZINSYLVAINIA. rBILADELPHIA. PA., June 2, 1865, esszriii; i iiiii i ii i iift. - - I. The sale of liquor is prohibited on all lines in this Department traveled by troops returning to be mus• teed out of at the rendezvous for theirdis charge, wail all such troops aXo dispersed. IL Persons violating this order win be arrested. and the liquor feud In their eistatdiehmenbs will be emptied out upon the ground. Sy command of Major General OaAwelader, JNO S. SCHULTZS. Assistant Adjutant Genera l. . t ar uRION STATE CONVENTION.—A State Convention will be held at Banishing on WEDIYESDAY, the 19th Ja1y,1865. at 12 o'clock N., for the purpose of putting in nomination a State ticket, to be supported by the Mends of the Union at the com ing October eleetion. The earnest and zealous labors of a Ilya people t 0 cured the great victory in 11354, and made the war, which our enemies denounced as a Mum, a glorious burgess in 1960. Oar flatlet been maintained, our enemies destroyed, sur Government preeerVed, and peace re. established. Le t every friend who aided In this result take measures to be represented in that Convention. We must rise to it that the finite of our success are not lost to the nation. Business of vast importance will be presented for its trneiderldion, and every district to the State should be represented. SIMON ClAlifliftoN, . Chairman. A. W. BENEDICT, r W/Ey eaerettuiee,. Jed tj'Y/9 lINADQUARTEBS DWARTMENT Olt FZINSYLVANIA, _IPTLA.P.FLPNIA.A. Jane 6.11115. cilidiffiff, The attention of Commanding °dicers of returnhsg Volunteer organizations is directed to the following ex tract from General Order No. 94, current series. War Department: • « * * * * * "En route to, and after arrival in the State, the fol lowing will be observed: "Immediately on arrival at the State Rendezvous the Regiment will be reported to and taken control of by the Chief Mustering officer for the State or his as instant at the whit * a « a * Pursuant Merit* Cfnumandina others of all Volun teer organizations returning to Philadelphia for Anal discharge est I,lmmediately,on their arrival in the Gab report their commando to Brevet Major W. B. lAN& 11. S. A Chief Mustering Meer, Eastern Division of Pennsylvania. By command of Major General Csavralader. JOHN S. SCHULTZ. jed-lOt assistset Adjutant General. ilar OFFICE OF THE BELIALNCE IN SURANCE COMPANY OF PH/LADELPH/A, No. 30S WALNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. Marie 6, 11365. The Board of Hinders of the NlLierics LNSO RANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia have this do! declared a Dividend of (4) FOILS PER CENT., for the last six months, payable to the Stockholders or their legal representatives, on demand, free of taxes. ge6-10t THOR, 0, HILL. Secretor!. _ ,NOTIVIL—THE ANNUAL MEET Ilia of the bteekholders. and eleatlon for Pre. sident and Direttore or the Connecting Railway Cour' OISIIY. Mlll be hell at the 011ige of the Company. on TOISDA.Y. Junin. 1865. at 12 o'clock noon. RDMIII2D Egan, Cemetery. ParieveLpara, May 51, 18135. my3l-tjelS MILITARY. i HEADQUARTERS 119TRREGI XIII% PBSIxfiIIINANII VOLUNTURS. UNREAD.. The 'Deicers and Men of the 119TH RIENEAT. PkiIItSILVAIIIA VOLUNTEERS, will report at CAMP CADWALADIR on TUSDAY. the 15th tastsot at 6 o'olosk A. M.. to bun lit all Camp and Garrison) nili• age NY nonmetal of Wag C. BRA Y, 0.12.2 t. lietttonant Colonel, comd'a. Regiment. IPRIZE NONNI AND 00VBRN NEXT COUNTY TO ALL WHO SMS. THE MUTED STATBS MARINE COMPS. Orders have been received from the head of the Marine Corps, at Washi n gton. not to restrict remits to A particular ease Om has Meen the cue heretofore), but to rewire ALL who have served in the volunteer ser vice, or in the regulars, or in the marinas, and have been honorably Cubans& Snell persons enlisting in he United States Marinas will resolve the aurora sent bounty, and will also he entitled to their shire of e money in any or the enemy's vessels. or further information apply at the reerniting na creous. No. 311 South PEWIT Street, between 9 A. M. and S o'slosk Y. ig.. every dAiibtlt Sunday. JAMES FORNEY, apl-tf Captain and Reeruning Oiling CURTAIN GOODS.. I r WALIZAVEN, MASONIC SALL; 719 CHESTNUT STREET, IS NOW OPENING- ANOTRER LARGE LOT OF LACE CURTAIN'S, ELEGANT STYLES, AT PRICES, FROM 5 DOLLARS TO 150 DOLLARS PER PAIR. WINDOW SHADES, OROICIE PATTERNS, AT EEDVOED PII/CEN. nue! MILITARY GOODS. FLAGB I FLAGS II EVANS & HASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, 418 ARCH STREET. 313A.NNE119 2 Silk, Bunting, Muslin, and Be Laine FLAGS, OF ALL 131 M. SWORDS, BASHES, BELTS, PABSANTS, &a. 7141.1:1.17L'A1W Groo33Ss OP MIRY DZOORIPPLOA. FIREWORKS. FOURTH OF JULY VIREWORMES, II EMELT VARIETY ROCKETS, CANDLES, UNION AND ROMAN CANDLES, MINES, TRIANGLES, SHIP LIGHTS, SNAKES, ELITE LIGHTS, FLOWER. POTS, PIN WHEELS, GRASSHOPPERS, COLORED FIRES, ALSO, A large amortraent of Wheels', for sale by . A. IL FRANCISCUS & CO., ica-Mt 513 MARKET STREET Ig ' 4 w 1, 1}J1:1 , V44:tv_. 1866. • SPRING. 1865. CifiallN coMI3 AWL.ldes OXRNARPOITII PA. WCALLUDI .554 CO., idAEITFAUTUREMS AND IMPORTERS OF C.&.7III,TURTJ:N4GS, OM CLOTH, MATTING% t%o. I,1: (j) it 1 pi+4 A A RETAIL DEPARTMENT. fig ORBEITIMT Mass. , ;(8:f.):ItliliatJ1110[0tfz1 EDWARD P. RIMY, JOHN KELLYo TAILORS, fls 0/IBETWILIT BTHERT, WWI NOW It NTOILI 001K7LITZ ASSOBTFLERT 07 S SPRING GOODS - , ;40 1:11 ; I l[rWtrlll) 600 BEFRIOBRATORS, wAnnt.ooolaßEM 60 ° MIAING-TADLIS, 1311P.LADDEM WALIMT BRACIENTS, in crest Twist!". • 426 tl ORIFIPITH dr MGM SIXTH 446 ARCM STAITIONEBT & BLANK BOOKS M COMPANI INING lIL 00AL, AND OTHER 0916 As are prepared to famish New Corpotatioint with all the Nooks they require. at short notice and 1011 prises, of first quality. All styles of Binding. BTBBL PLA.TB CRITIFICATE9 OP STOOL LITHOORAPBBB !! Ti TEAMS/BR BOOK. ORDRES OP TEISBIBL STOCK LEDGER. STOCK LBDOBIL BALANCES. KICIBTRII OF CAPITAL WOOS. BBOKIDPII PETTY LWOW!. ACCOUIT OP BALM DIVIDEND BOOK. MOSS 4 Co., BLANK BOOK ILIMPACTIIIIIIBB AID STATIONIBIL sea-tf 4314 CHISTNTIT Street DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. BOTANIC AND ECLECTIC DRUGS. ROBERT A. EIANOR. TAB MARKET STRUT, PHILADBLPRIA, Lind, and the attentio sto c kruggists, conutry xer. shants, and others, to hiof ROOTS, HERBS, AND BARK& [a visions viral ages of oar own priming. at PRIMA BELOW FORMS& FATRIS. A full Rae of BOTANICAL PREPARATIONS. W. 8. MIRRILL & CO.'S 00101111 TEASED 81/13D/18.&o.. at a liberal diaconal to the Mad*. • - Oataloguira firralehed on saolisseln• basil-Suaa REMOVALS. REMOVAL.—GEO. W. WATSON &, CO. hive removed their CARE - AGM BIPOSPrORY to their old place. Igo. 1219 013111314111 r Street (ender Concert ELM%where they will keep a stook of Carriages of their Own make. and will receive orders for even description of firet•claae work. .70/(11 7. 1866. je7-Sin REMOVAL. WILLIAM 'TARIM& Has lentoved hen No. 10X0 to No. MS OHM. NM Street. S. B. earlier of Street Where he Invites the ideation of housekeepers, am those &Immesh's honeekeeinsic to his extensive es• 'ottani. of meld ROUSH FURNISHING GOODS. Superior Befriprators, Table Cutlery, Family Hard. ware. Children s Osrrtues. he.. he.. an24.2ra PRITCHARD.—FINE CARTES, aO. from life, of Gen. Pritchard, th e Captor of Jeff Davis, can be bad at F. GEITIUMINSVB Gallery, 7114 OMR Meet, 9e9-5t THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA: - TUESDAY, -JUNE 13, '1865: UNITED STATES ET authority of the lionstary Wi th * "MSS% 11l undersigned, the General Subssii§tion Agent for the silo of United Retell Ssenritiaa, offers to the imbue the II ird mien of Treason' Notes, bearing wrwirt and three tenths per sent. Interest per annum, known as the SEVEN.THIRTY LOAN. These Notes are tuned under date of 311171 6 . 18 t% and are payable three years from that date in ear rensY. or are convertible at the option of the holder into Thera BMW* Pa* now worth a handsome premium. • and are exempt. as are all the Government moats, from State. Muni% and Municipal taxation, watch adds from one to three per cant more to their value. assordlng to the rate levied upon other property. *he Interest Is payable semi-annually by COMPOII. attached to each note, which may be 4111 t off and sold to any hank or banker. The interest at 994 per sent. amoante to One cent par day on a $5O note. Two seats per do, on a $lOO note. Ten ants per day on a IMO note. Twenty °ante per day on a 191.000 note. One Dollar per daY on a $lOOO note. Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subseriptiont . The notes of thls Third Series are preolsely similar in form and privileges to the Seven. Thirties already sold. *neat that the Government reserves to itself the option' of paying interest in gold coin at 0 per cent. Instead of 8-10ths in currency. Subscribers will deduct the in• tweet in currency up to July lath. at the time when they eubseribe. The delivery of the notes of this Third Eerie. of the Seven-Thirties will tommence on the 14 of 3 - une. and will be made promptly and eontinnonely alter that date. The slight 'hangs made in the conditions of ibis TRIED SERIBEI affect; only the matter of interest. The payment in gold, if made, will be Knicalent to the currency interest of the higher rate. The return to specie payments. In the event of which oz dy "gm the option to Pay interest In gold be availed of, would so reduce and actualise prises se that per chases made with six per Gent. in geld would be fully equal to those sake with seven and three-tenths, per cent. in currency. This is now offered by the Government. and He superior ad vantages make it the. GRE/IT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE Lese than 4230.000,000 of the Loan authoriP4 by Congress are now in the market. This armpit. at the rate at which it is being absorbed. will all be subscribed for within sixty days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has ani. formly been the cue on closing the subseriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and notion of the eountry may be afforded facilitlei for taking the Loan, the National Bank& glue Bank% one Private Bunke** throughout the eountrY have genenialy agreed to re• oeive eubscriptions at par. Subscribers will stela:Moir own agents, in whom they have conldenah and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, 6171380111PT10N AGSM No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, DREXEL & COMPANY, BANKERS, No. 34 South THIRD street, DBAL4RBIN AMERICAN AND FOREIGN GOLD, FOREIGN EXCHANGE, UNITED STATES BONDS; QUARTERMASTERS , VOUCHERS, STOCKS AND BONDS SOUGHT AND BOLD AT BOARD OF BROKERS, Off COMMISSION. lea I 1881. -COUPONS, DUB JULY 1, GOLD AND SILVER "ILLIAN H. BACON. MOReS A WARDS& BACON ft WARDER, STOCK AND NOTE BROKERS, Stocks bought and sold on Commission. Trust /ands byway.' to City, mete. or Government LORDE. Subscriptions received for the United States 7-30 Loan. without charge for ComMiBl4oll , to the purchaser. ja• tildll/11/ F. STAMFORD. SOS. L. MOOSTOM. STAMFORD it HOUSTON, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. (25 SOUTH _THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Dealers in Government Seimritiesaveste, Unatirrent Honey. City Warrants. %a. Stacks bought and sold on commission at the Regain Board of Broken. n0t , 23-im THE FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, HO. 1115 SOUTH FOURTH STREW, BELOW CHESTNI Pays of `Deposits. sent. Interest on Domini. Agento for the sale of Milted Rates 7 3.10 Loans at Par. Govern. meat, Elate and City Loans and Stocks bought end sold for depositors and others on Commission. lahLl-331 SUMMER CONFECTIONS Persons about leaving the city should eall and ex. amine our splendid assortment of DELIOIOUS CONFECTIONS, SYRUPS, &0., Partienlarl3r adapted for the Warm Season. E. G. WHITMAN do Co,. MANUFACTURERS, 3161 CHESTNUT MEV. Jur- Also. an astoTtolent Of BRILLIANT FIRDWOMIS. je 10-ituntim - NEW GOODS, DIRECT FROM PARIS, Per Steamer Persia. MARBLE AND BRONZE OLOOKS, BRONZE GROTIPES AND FIGURES, ORINA VASES OF EXQUISITE DESIGNS, NEW FANS, COMBS, Ste., &0., Together with a superb Moth of DIAMONDS, RIOH JEWELRY, WATCHES, SILVER WARES, PLATED GOODS, GREATLY REDUCED. J. E. O.II.LDWELL 8c 00., jelo.3t 824 OHISTIIIT Street. LI.ZICOLN MONUMENT ASSOCIATION, OFFICE NO. 921 CHESTNUT STREET, souriptiolui will be received daily for the erection of the MONUMENT TO PRESIDENT LINCOLN, Between the hours of 9 o'clock, A. N. and 3 P. N. Contributions should be addressed to JAMBS L. CLAOHORN. Treasurer. ALEXANDER HENRY, President, JAMBS L. OL►OHOBA, Treasurer, aH►B. J, STILLS, Secretary. 1 :l' :11' ~ •~I I - 1 V MANUFACTORY SHIRT MANUFACTOR IL The subssribers would invite attention to thee IMPBOVED CUT OF SHIRTS. Which they mire a speeialty in their business. Also, sonstautly reeePrinz NO VELTIEM NOE OENTLEMBI'S WILE. J. W. SCOTT eta CO. GENTLEMEN'S PURNISHING STORE, No, 814 CHESTNUT Street. fat-IT Pour doors below the ContittentaL pIfEItMETICALLY BELLED MEATS AID 8013711. • IMO d.os. Smarm limit Roast Abu. IWO " do Veal. 600 " do Mutton. 1.000 " do Torbay. 1,000 " do Chicken. 6.000 " wortad Boomb 2._,_2}( lb. maw. For male by ERODES wiLLIASIS. fe6-tf 107 boulh WATIB Stmt. FINANCIAL. 7-30 LOAN. THIRD SERIES. $2300,000. U. S. 15.20 SIB PER CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. TEE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET ISILADELPTILL trNOURRENT MONEY. WANTED. AT HIGHEST MARKET FRIO. DREXEL & CO., 3* South THIRD Street USX WALDO:Pi STREIT, CONFECTIONERY. Esc., . &O. AT PRICES RETAIL DRY GOODS. STOC K OF DREss GOODS AT REDUCED PRIGES. JOHN F. YOUNG, N 0,70 NORTH FOURTH NTRENT. Will eminent. on TUESDAY, Jane 13th, to °lret/14 entire stook of Sating and Sumner Dress Goods. &0.. at and below coot, for one month. Persons not yet supplied will dud it to their Interest to eve us a call. jeld 10t J . F. YOUNG. COOPER & CONA.RD, NINTH AND 1111A.ItICIET. FINE OASSINERES. LINEN DRILLS AND DUOR. SUMMER COATINGS. THIN DRESS GOODS. PEW WHITE GOODS. DOBIESTIOS REDIMED. ELEGANT SILK SACKWES. BLACK HERNANI SHAWLS. jet ft COOPER CONARD, NINTH AND MARKIN, have The beet Cassimere stock In town. Good Linen Drills, Ducks, Coatings. Tailors' Linings, of every kind. Muslin stock complete, prices right. Family Linens, selling, gold, at 600. W Gaure,_domet and other Flannels. Pearl Wool Delatnes, 55 and 66 cents. gxtra flue black Mohair Sipaca. $l, Lupin's 8-4 black Wool Delalnes. /L. - Good stock while Naintook, Bird-eye Linen, striped Kuala% finest Cambria and Jasonsts, mitred binding, Pique , au White baxege and other thin Shaw ls. Bilk Rosaries and Summer Duelers ie7-tt PLEN DID STOCK OF LINEN N-1 GOODS, just opened at 702 ARCH Street, COW Pr iel i gh, Bath, Huck, and plain Linen Towels. Rankine of beautifal patterns and all grades. Table Linens, bleached, half-bleached, and brown. Richardson & Dunbar's, Dickinson's, and other Linens. Ladies' and Gents' L. 0 Hdkfe, from 1230 to &1— honed stitched and cold borders—very nice. tf JOHN IL NTOK3B. QAL ZE SII XXER BLANKETS.— Just received an Invoice of Bummer Blankets, the finest and lightest we have ever had. BUIPBABB, VAB BARLINOBit, dt ABRISOI. Bowe Furnishing Dry Goal. stuth et nous OHSNTNUT Street. 8...4 HEAVY MESH BLACK HER RANI OE GRENADINE. 8-4 black Bernard, ordir ary wait. d 4 black Tamartines and Crape Marais. ' 8-4 white Tamartines and Bareges. Single. width 6.8 wide black Bernard. Beary mesh 6-8 wide black Hernani. , Black Timartineit.. Crape Mardi, and Chillies. Double , width black De Lathes and UMW Wahl, Black Grenadines and Bombasineti. Unite-width blank,De EDWIN HALL k CO.. IWO if AB South SEWED Meet. s - zrnoIAL NOTICE. SELLING GOP EIPPIRE STOOK • TO CLOSE BUSINESS! t GOOD-WILL AND FIXTURES FOR BALL TEO/INLET AND CHUM. We invite special attention to the above mutonneenient. We bays a Lame Stook. We are Selling Cheap. Every yard Is to be closed out on or before the lit day of September, Silks and Drees Goods. Cloths, Cassimeres, and Linen Goods. Shawls,Cloaks Skirts. Hdkfsoks. oks. Nestles and Calicoes mob ender market mice. TuonNi.NY ds CHIBN mat , Sm Cox. of EIGHTH and SPRING OARDIIIIK. VIGURED SILK GRENADINES, -a- of the best qualities and styles, In bleak and Gray Grounds. 600 to $1.60 Travellimr.Dreas Goods, In every varlets.. New Dress. Goods, in neat variety. Handsome Ohene Silks, $2.60. VKRK 0101.4? BLACK SILKS. snitabie for Drones, Mantles, and Swine'. COTTON GOODS AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES Merrimac. Smarm. and Teethe Prints, 25e. 10 4 Waltham and Feperill bleaehed_Sheethurs. $l. H. STEEL & SOIL min-sr Nos 118 and 115 North TENTH Street. NFOW 0911111,1" FOR 0305. THE OZZATEBT 'INTENTION 01 THE AGE HE HOOP MECTILTS. J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (or double) SPRING SKIRT. WRSTS' BRADLRY & GARY (late J . I. & J. 0. West), SOLISPROPEIRTORS and MANUFACTURERS, 97 CHAMBERS and 79 and 81 READS West% Pew York. THIS lETENTION consists of DUPLEX for two) En. LITTIG Steel STRINGS., insertional, BRAIDED TIGHTLY and FIRMLY tO Nether, ROSE to ECUs, ntchict the TOUGHEST. moat FLEXIBLE,' ELASTIC, and DURABLE SPRING ever used. They seldom BEND or MOSE, like the Single Spring., and eon seeneLtly preserve their PERFECT and BEAUTIFUL SHAPE TWICE &along as any other SKIRT THE WONDERFUL FLEXIBILITY and great COMFORT and PLEASURE tO any LADY wearing the DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT. Will be experienced partici:Guilin all crowded AEHEMELIBB, OPERAS. CARRIAGES. RAILROAD CARS. CHUROR PEWS. ARMCHAIRS, for PEONS) ADS and ROUSE DRESS, as the SKIRT tan be FOLDED When in nee tO 000 U. PT a small PLACE SA Sadly Ai a MX 0: MUSLIN DRESS. A LADY having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of WEARING the DUPLEX ELLIPTIC IiTEEL• SPRING SKIRT for a SINGLE DAY Will never after ward willingly dispense *with their use For Gamma, lIISSEE, and 'Sarno Larose they we SUPERIOR tO all others. TRW are the best quar,rry in every part, and Mt, questionably the LIGHTEST. melt DESIRA.BLE.COXFORT ABLE and ECONOMICAL ST SKIRT ever Hil /OR SALE in all FIR. CLASS STORES fn a n tlde city, and throughout the UNITED STATES, HAVANA DE CUBA. MEXICO SOUTH AMERICA. and the WEST INDIES. SKIRT. 4IIIEB TOR THE DUPLEX E LLIPTIC 628H00P SKIRTS. 628 • HOPKINS' "OWN BAKE" OF . RAOP SKIRTS. the best assortment and best quality and styles in the city Gore Trails, all lengths and sizes. from 18 to 56 springs, from $l-56 to o $4. Plain Skirts, all the new shapes and sites, from 19 to 60 springs. from $1.40 to $3. Skirts of extra heavy steel and extra tapes. from N to 95 springs, from $1.90 to $2 76. letsber and Children's, of every grade, from to 86 *prides, from 4to 8 cents per miring they h ave no equal. Agents for the Pew Flexible O eirt the most pliable Hoop Skirt made, and fully equal to the Napier Nilotic Skirt, and at mach lower prices. Also, son. Mandy on hand, full lines of low.prlced New 'York Skirts, kid -padded and metallic fastened-16 springs. 86c. ; 20 springs, CA 26 sprints. $1.16; SO springs. $1.24; and 90 spring*. 111 A R CHts made to order, altered. end repaired. at 63Street. myl9 EDITCATIONAL. TBB•QUARER CITY COLLEGE, TENTH and 0/IBSTNIIT Streets, the most popu lar and fieuriehing Commercial School In the State, offers unusual advantat es to all desiring to qualify themselves for the duties of the Countleg Room, or any otter sphere of usefulness in the active Pursuits of burl, nees life. - - IF&TROSTioN IN Beok•keeping. Penmanship. Art eet% Business Forms .and Customs. Commercial Law, the higher Mathematics, and Telegraphing. Diplomas awarded and Degrees of Merit granted by authority of law, under the corporate seal of the Pel isse, which has been chartered by a special act of the Legislature with powers and privileges possessed by no ots er similar institution in the United States. jell 2i* GROCERIES. !~0 FAMILIES RABIDIRG IN THE RITRAL DISTRICTS We are prepared. as heretofore, to supply familia, al their country residences, with. RUBY DY,SCREPTION OP FIN& O/OUBRUIP4 TUB, , &o. ALBERT C. 'ROBERTS. my24•tf ' Corner BLEVEISTH and PINS Street.. BLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS. No. 16 North Sixth Street, WAIIIPAOIDEPS OP VBNITIA.N BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. no largest and dust ancertsnert la the alty at thi Lowest sub whoa STUB SHAM MADE AND zarrruin. Cheap lot tolled Blinds and Shaw ape -Sat AMERICAN WINES —lOO,OOO GAL LONS pare Catawba and Isabella WINES. in bar- Me and eases. from the most celebrated vineyards in the United States; warranted strictly pare; very low for cad or approved paper For was by JOHN H. COBB. Agent, a 'lt corner FRONT and Iden.K.l4r *nets. P. 0. Box 482 2418 66* CEDAR COOPER, CEDAR COOPERS. —lO 000 80-inch North Carolina Cedar Staves, at $O5 per M. to 20th Init. Alter that date $7O Der N. hatasa, BUCK and POPLAR Streets. jel3.6t► Philadelphia. THE ASHLAND HOUSE, .A. FOURTH AVENUE Y O R K TENFOURTH STREET. NEW CITY, Recently. enlarged and improved. Is now open for transient es well as permanent. boarders The house to situated on one of the pleasantest avenues. *ad accessi ble to all places of amusement and business by cars and stases. quests will find all the conveniences and nom. forts of a superior establishment, with an excellent le• hie. Transient board.lsl per day. WM H SELKIRK. Proprietor. N. B.—Families who desire rooms for the summer will make early application. To desirable parties ad vantagenue terms will be offered. jell 95t $3OO ward wi l l t l it be D p . aid T for H in E formlio O n V iat ß A lead to the eonvictionwf the person or person who robbed the MEE OF LEWIS SEAL, on the night of the 7th or morning of the Bth inst., and the return of the stolen property. consisting of coats, pantaloons, wigs, clothe, "" 1 / 2 67 " , plain and fancy; eashmeretts, Tweeds, al pacas, Italian clothe, dm. *llO of the above reward will be 'paid by twig 13BAL for the return of the stolen property. and $llO will be paid by the WUROBBI3 OF glibibiliTT SQUARE for information which will lead. to the conviction of the robber or robber.. minim w&tt . Barna. LEWIS bilad., Owner. ICRDINNTT FQIJARE. Nay oth. /Fa jelB-Bt* THE ATTENTION OF RETURNED volunteers. and others, about purchasing JEW. Stan', Is Invited to the large and elegant assortment of Sold and Silver Watches, of American anti toreign sekers_, Diamond rim Rings. Studs. and bets, Chains, teals, Ate. ; !diver iodinated Ware. which will be sold at the lowed prices, 'by LEWIS LADOBIUS. je9-61* Diamond Dealer and Jeweler, No. so 01111STBUT Street. a UNION MOWING MACHINES, at greatly reduced price; for OAS . For sale by 3108 T MIST. J&. 9261 and vat- ble.g.ggT Street. ' tt above Mutt, jp) BUCKEYE MOWING MACHINES, .a.r. at greatly 'reduced prices for OASH. For *ale by .11013EaT BUM JEL Nor, 022 and 924 MAR,KBY Street. lel3-tf above Ninth. Mk PRATT'S STEEL SPRING .eae. TOOTH HORSE RAKES. at greatly reduced price for OASEL For tale bY BOBEIV BUM TB., Nos. 9.24 and 924 MARKET Street, jelS•lf above Lunt. P HOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS TAKEN at Obnrabas ltnd Public Edifices, Coiint7l , Sa oB . and banidellont. Those who &Mrs ansh Photographs should sPnly to B. S. 221.1dEit, 694 isfiCal Woe; it" A GLA.NOE WILL SATISFY ALL OF t 1 beauty, acottrscy. and artistic esocatiou of B. F. REIMER'S Life. site FHOTOORLPHS in oil colors 024 ARCH Street. it* ALL ARE DESIROUS OF HAVING good LIREMBSES Joe the thing to plows them are ItSIMER'S Colored Photographs, wondroualp accu rate and +superbly firdehed. 2311:105(1) street, above Green. WRITTBN AND VBDDAL Dlt SORIPTIONB of Clbarador.ooustituttou, and 'to lout. loStai ADVIOB on Bastueds. Houlat, Muer. Bolf-lmprovemout, Manuomout. ow Trot, lug of 041iLDRIII. Nodal adaptatiou. ego.. and *min. by JOHN L. CAPBA, Phreuoi s o r rat lea nookrollsz. 10.oeli•tathslTif XS & T TH 114..aboTa Ob.ostrazi NEW PUBLICATION!!. TRH ITATIoN. A WEEKLY JouRNAL Or pOLIT/08. LITSEATErEL tOINAOF. AND ART. WILL BE PUBLISHED JULY 6, DK ITS MAIN OBJECTS WILL BB Piret. The discussion of the topics of the dsy, and, above all, of legal, economical, and sonetitational onectione, with ■router accuracy and moderation than are now to be found in the daily Dread Second. The maintenance and diffuslonof true demo cratic principles in society and government, and the ad - 'coney and illustration of whatever in leithilatleri or In manners seem likely. to promote a more equal distrlbn• tion of the fruits of progress and civilization. Thirtl. The earnest and persistent einelderation Of the condition of the laboring class at the South, u a matter of vital interest to the nation at large, with a view to the removal of all artificialdistiactione between them and the rest of the population. and the securing to them. as far as education and matins Call do it, of an equal chance lathe race of life Fourth. The enforcement and Illustration of the doe• Min that the whole community has the armed Sate• rest, both moral, political, and material, In their ele vation, and that there can be no real stability for the Republic so long as they are left in ignorance and de gradation Fifth. The fixing of public...attention °pot the politt• cal Importance of popular eirnontion, and the dangers irldob a system like ours rune from the neglect of it 14 any portion of our tenitory. Sixth The collection and =colon of trastmorthy formation as to the condition and prospecte of the Southern States, the openings they offer to capital, the supply and kind of labor which can be obtained in them, and the progress made by the colored population in *mulling the habits and desires of civilised life. Seventh. Sound and Impartial criticism of books and works of art. TAB NATION will not be the organ of any party, sect, or body. It Will, on the contrary. make an ear nest effort to bring to the discussion of political and social questions a really critical spirit, and to wags war upon the vices or violence. exaggeration, and misrepre sentation, by which so much of the fiOntiOel writing of the day is marred. The criticism of books and works of art will form one an' most prominent features; and pains will be taken to have this task performed in every case by writers Possessing special qualifications for it. It is intended, In the Interest of investors, as Well, as of the public generally, to have questions of trade end finance treated every week by a writer Whose position and character will Give his articles an *notional value, and render them a safe and trustworthy guide. A special correspondent, who bas been selected for his work with some care, is about to start In a few dare for a journey through , the South. His letters will ap rear every week, and he is charged with the duty of simply reporting what he sees and hears, leaving the ramie as far as possible to draw its own inferences: The following writers, among others. have been se cured, either as regular or occasional contributors : Henry W. Longfellow. J. B Lowell, John G. Whittler, Samuel Eliot (Ex- President Trin. College. Hartford.) Prof. Torrey (Harvard). Dr. Francis Lieber, Prof. Child (Harvard). Charles E. Morton, Judge Bond (Baltimore). Edmund Quincy. Prof. W. D. Whitney (Tale). Prof. D. 0. Oilman (Yale). Judge Daly. prof, Dwight (aolumbia College). Judge Wayland. Frederick Law Olmsted. Bev. Dr. MaClintock, Bev. Dr. Thompson, Bev. Phillips Brooks. Bev. Dr. Bellows. C. J. stills. . Henry T. Trickermeu. Bayard Taylor. C. A. Belated. O. L. Brace Richard Grant White, William Lloyd Garrisoa. Sydney George Fisher, Theodore Tilton, James Parton, Call Hamilton, B. H. Stoddard, Arc.. Itc. A more extended list will be published In a feW Terms. .8 per annum JOSEPH H. ERHARD% Pabßehar. iel3-lid&W 130 NASSAU Street, New York NEW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS !I Ju. received ASUMEAD di Evems. (HasartrgoLd stand). No. TWA CHSMNIIT Street. THE GAtwoliM iT S. By the Whim of " Faith Oartney's Girlhood. _ WILDER'S HAP D. By the author of " Uncle MLA LOOKUP AROUND. By A. S. Hoe. A SON OF THE SOIL A Novel. ORPHEUS 0. -SERE RAPERS. Third Series. CANADA: Its Defences, Condition. and Resources. Being a second and condudiert volume of • ' My Diary, North and South." By W. Howard BusseD. L . L . D. HOUSEHOLD POEMS. By Henry W. Longfellow, with illustrations by Gilbert, Poster,_ and Absolon. LORD DERBY'S ILIAD OF HOMER. The Amen. CAD edition just ready. As handsomely printed as the Bs elfish, 2 vols. crown. Oro. FEUUlarb HISTORY OF ENGLAND. 2 Vols. 1200, LIFE OF CICERO. By William Forsyth. THE CLEVER WOMAN OF THE yAyEuX. Mies Yon author of "Heir of Radcliffe, &e. BEATRICE. By Julia Iravacseh. p, T. PHLLLIPS.-A. SPLENDID NEW kJ novel by the anthor of "Rutledge, " "The Suther land a. " " Frank Warrington," and " Louts " is met published, and selling immensely. CARLETON, Pub lisher. New York. my23-tuthelo SUPERIOR FIBRING.-A. NEW BOOK OR Sporting. by R. B. Recommit. One of the moat with. entertaining, and delightful books ever pub. Juat as attractive to the amateur as to the pro feralonal reader. OARLITOZI, Publisher, New York. jel thstulet HUGH WORTHINGTON-A NEW Novel by Mrs. Mary J. Holmes. author of "Tem• pest and Sunshine " etc. This new novel is perfect/9 Chaxming, and wlil become MO favorite Ws season. CARLETON, Puldieher, New York. jet, thetalol JUST PUBLISHED DB. BOARDMAN'S TaeNgsararra AND FAST DAY SERMONS. THE rtianuacwas. 1r THE MOE WE NEED AND HOW TO sutras IT. Published and for sale by JAMES 8. CLAXTON. Successor to W. S. & Alfred Idattion. 606 CHESTNUT Street. NEW SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. THE MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE PACIFIC STATES AID TEREITOBIES. By the Hon. Wm. M. Stewart, 11. S Senator from Nevada. THE • ASSAYING OF SILVER, corns, GOLD, AND MESOUN.Y. With lilustrattone. NAVAL DUTIES AID DISCIPLINL By F. A. Hoe. Lieutenant Commander U. S. Davy. HY PERDEENIO INJECTIONS IN THE MEAT. MEET OF GOUT, EHEIIMAYISAI, ZIJKLEALKA. Ac. A. Rumania . , N. D. A. saiseerma BOOKS of all kinds on hand or proottred promptly to order by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publiehere 'and Boekieitlereo je7 No. fob South SIXTH Strest. APPLETON'S NE W AMERICAN OYOLOPBDIAL —Complete in 16 volumes. Wasions Styles or Binding. 2282LL10N BEGORD, by Freak Moore. to a vols. 1111111IVALIV8 HISTORY OP UM ROMANS—bow complete. The Agency for thews valsoblo works is st -23 South EMT% Street. above Obosiont. atia-tf JAL S. KNOX IJISTORY CROWNS THE BRAVE. The PubHeber, respectfully announce that THE HISTORY OF THE FEHRSILTAXIA RESERVE CORPS Is now ready for delivery to subscribes. It contains a complete record of this gallant organize lion; and of the different companies, regiments, and brigades, giving graphic deveriptione of their Expedi- Nene, Merck's, Skirmishes and Battles, together with biographical aetchee omen and persona ; Records of each private during his term of service--171MpIled front OFFICIAL REPORTS and other Document', by J. R. SIEBER, lisq It is in one volume, octavo of M puss, and is ele gantly Illustrated by STEEL EZIGiItaVING4 of Go• vernor MIMIC Generale MEADE MoOALL, and the lamented RETWOLDS, and by a Map of the vicinity of Richmond showing_ the route of march and the battles In which the RESERVES were engaged in the seven dale fight; and la neatly printed on good payer and handsomely bound in black cloth and library leather. It is sold only by subscription. Price from QM date, $4 Min cloth; in library leather style, $l. Bent by mall Ma of pomace, on receipt of price. dative and reepeasible parties desiring to canna for this popular and attractive History, Win make appli cation with written riesoramendations to. ELIAS BAER, & , Publishers. LAIMACTER, March 33,1936. myle-lm H.ANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY'S ANNUAL EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITY. THURSDAT, Juli 0, INE. jel•thetu tl CORNELIUS WENDELL, WILLIAM EL WATSON, Date Public Printer. Late Chief Clerk Bub. Dep. WENDELL & WATSON PROLINOUTE CLAIMS BEFORE NVERY DNPART. MINT OF THE GOVERNMENT. Office Rooms, No. PEP PSNNSYLVENIA. Amine. Direetli opposite the Metropolitan Hotel, jeVirn P. O. Boz Wastax. eon, P.C. GOLDISPATENTIMPROVEDSTEAM AND WATER-HEATING APPARATUS JOE Minnie and VIWNLATING PUBLIC ECM. =ea and PAIVATII EMDEN OAS. icortrilarusto XL TAM UNION STEAM IND WATIRMITENI OOXIPANI OF PENNSYLVANIA. TAMES P. WOOD AP CO., &nab YOURTE Street. B. M. FELTWELL, Burt. 1412-11=1* gANCT.HAMS.-BRIGGS, SWIFT, & Co.. Cobb & Armel. C. & P. Boon's, sad lot• rafts h Evans' brands enlarged SEP:lag-CORED CINCINNAT: CANVASSED HAMS, to store and for sale by WASHINGTON BUTCHER & SON. mvss-lm• 146 and 14S North FRONT St. SOMERSET, 521 CHESTNUT J. Street. 'Snaraver end Dealer In Arm' Core. Badges, 'Ambito/4. it Badges. and masks of every +eeorlptlon. Soldiete tetunilug tome will And it ad. ..antsgeous to ansiess as a. memorial one of my Ilse geld biLver Badges. Eloauthe la karat gold florfoLlting. , :Iwo.) aen hand. All rads warranted. Wye /14 WANTS. WANTED -IN A LARGE IMPORT. 1 and Jobbing Cloth Roane, TWO $24 elan ALSAM. haling illectoo with. the city and West. ern Tailor Trade. and m il ins to travel, It regutred. Address Philadelphia Poet Offic MSC Seri-$t WANTED -A SITUATION AS BOOS. MiHER by yowl N Laying an hang two vain' ex n M it ce. address "H..' Press altos la-went,* WANTED -AN ACTIVE PARTNER, • • 'with a capital of 10.000 to 50,000 drain in a &M -edan 1111MIthietufillg 1110.1111f1M—PlieliMerY — III SINC8(18. Int operation fur the Jest twentyyear, the eenlerpart nor wishing to retire from active life. 'nisi* an oppor tunity ramy to be met with for entering at once into a bete end profitable taainefg. ad4reee with real name. I li. ( I n 4114 . er thia ranar nen•ittnthtf WAD TED t CAN VA SSING AGEN'rO• • • —We want an intelligent tarion. with god businets talent, to take the exclueive tight to sell a boot called PHOToO.I3AP/1 PAWILY 'SWORD. which Will be by fee the moot popular work ever published in America. Thonsends will be cold in every county. Every family will buy one large profit on each copy sold Slot a book wilt be sold from a *tore. but only by travelling agents old Otinvassers can do better with this bock than with any other ever sold. There is yo doubt about It. The attention of booksellers at county towns is called to this notice; they part employ agents to sell far. them. Applicants must give refers noes. state their ootapation, neatness to county town, and what county ie wanted. Only one county wilt be given to an agent, Bulldog Will be ready in July. Send for descriptive circillars and terms, enclosing stamp. Address BARnLI3OII & 00 iellt-thetual* 611 CIIBSTICAT Street. Tillie WANTEWANTED -TO EXCHANGE COAL D - TO w for a handsome, stylish Myhre hone. Meat be warranted nomad, Mad, and a ',good traveler, Would Vlt t e r eF " Vartirn'olitt e o il ;ear WANTED—A FINE L&ROE EI&LES . Boom. in the vicinity of Cheetntl.t end illventh streets, Iret or second. floor. Address D. P.," Box tc4, Post Office. ielO•st• WANTE D-IN A. WHOLEBALIi notion Bowie, a Young Man who is acquainted with and can command a lay and neat trade, and to sell goods by sample if necessary. Address Her 109, Phila P.O. . Je9.6ts WANTED-IN THE 'FISH AND Provision Ensinese. a competent SALZMAN', who eanlefinence considerable trade. All commnnica• tins confidential., Address "Ptah." at this oleos, for one week. jell eV ANT E D $l.O PER DAY, AT HOWL—Um person ale or female. eon clear IV per weak, at borne, in R etur ne dnorab business. *to $6 capital required. aviator* *ea other. nein( a few hours d ally to spare, *an 1161LVII Chili ward iribirt b 7 131:1010{bit two stoma for al ranter sad [Mill poet. Addraaa E. WaI"VaGL, Inyl7•l7a* Chlearo. box 4781. AN EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEEPER wishes a situation la a store as Book• keeper. or in any situation he can be of any use. Address R. T CASTOE, Poet Office. jel9-2t* AGENTS W.A:N TED FOR "THE SECRET SERVICE, THE FIELD, THE DUN. CHOC ADD THE ESCUPS." BY ALBERT D. RICHARDSON, Kew York Tribunes Correspondent. The most interesting and exciting book ever pub lished, embracing Mr. Richardson'e • unparalleled ex parlance for tour years; travelling throngh the South In the sweet Milne of the Tribune, at the outbreak of the war, with on, ermine and bete. both But sad Weet, during the first two years of the Rebellion ; Me thrilling capture; bite confinement for twenty menthe in seven different rebel prisons; hie escape, and- almost Miran" lone Journey by night of nearly 400 Wise. It will abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact. incident, Bud romance of the war than any other work yet published. Teaehere, ladies, energetic young men, and eepeeially returned and disabled Seers and sot diera, in want of' profitable employment, will find it Peerdissly aeapted to their condition. We have agents clearing S RO per month, which we will wove to say doubting applicant. Semi for chanters: address SOBEs. BROIL & CO, U. E. corner DISTR. wad MINOR Streets, Philadelphia. Pa. d&W lt* AGENTS WANTED FOR THE NURSE AID SPY, the most Interesting and ex. citing book ever published, embracing_ the adventures of a woman in the Union Army as Nurse, Scent, and Spy,giving a moot vivid inner picture of the war. Bo turnefl and disabled officers and soldiers in want of profitable employment will find It peculiarly adapted to their condition We have agents clearing $157 per month. which we will prove to anlr doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address JONES BECK &CO , No. 600 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. Pa. my3o-Im* BOY WANTED-A COLORED BOY between the sees of 18 and 18 wanted. Apply im mediately at 818 LOCUST etreet. aREATEBT THING OF THE TIRIBB —BOWEN'S PB/ZE sirvaLopss.—Agenta wanted everywhere. Premium Watches riven to Asents. receipt of $l6 we will mail, post-paid, EN Envelopes, and a splendid Solid Silver Hauling-Oise Watch as a Premium to the agent. A single Envelops sent, will elrenlar and full particalari, on receipt of 25 /ante. Ad. dress A, B. Bo WPM * 00., P. 0., Box 4270, 30 SUE MIN Street. le. Y.. inh27-3ro 83500 ti.N . _ 0 D53,009 lt r ANTXD, ON Kir" Mo rtgage ro ty. Apply to C. M. WAGNER. jel3-tts 341 North SIXTEI Street. $125 A MONTH.-AGENTS WANT. CLANS everywhere tO introduce FAMlLYmroved SHAW k CLARK TWESITI-DOLLAR SEW ING MACHINE, the only low price machine in the conntry which is licensed by Grover & Baker, Wheeler k Wilson. Howe, Sinter di Co., and Bacheltier. AU other machines now sold for lees than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller warmer are liable to fine and imprisonment. Salary and expenses, or large commission. allowed. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address BHA W CLARK, Biddeford. Maine myle-d&Wam $7O A MONTH.-I WANT AGENTS everywhere at $7O a month, expenses paid, to sell FIFTBBI ARTIOLIII3. the best saline ever offered. Full partierdars free. Address OT/8 T. GABBY, Bidde ford, Bane. darW3m. $lOO,OOO 2,?..1;l11:23; UPON $10.11:5 Apply to NITLIR. Conveyancer. jelo-6t* No. 50 North SIXTH Street. el WANTED TO PURCHASE - A AWIDWELLING. on ARCH or WALNUT, !Resets not exceeding $3O 001 Address " Physician," North Ante• rican office. stating location and price. jeadt RE WANTED,--A. GOOD COMMO miIiDIOI3I3 STORE, on the month side of Market street, betweep Fifth and Tenth Philade lph iadress, for one week, • G. S. Box 214, P. 0. jel.3-6t* , WAMTED, BY THE FIRST OF January, we. bi.Jobidng 0011110 i & STORE. OR the north side of MARKET street, between Third And Fifth streets. Address •. M. R. W.," at this alas. 3813.3t* FOR SALE AND TO LET. ca TO RENT-A FEW NEW HOUSES Ala on Ilesentk and Osman streets. TATLOW JACKSON, ie13.60 No. 614 CHM, UT Street. FOR BALE THE arBARD HOUSE. Tbow secKaoN. J6lB St.* 614 CHESTNUT Stmt. in FOR SALE— 'Ns 520 WALNUT Streets' • 113 ARCH Streets ad HOUSES in parlous parts o• the eitY. TATLOW JACKSON. jell'At. • Ol4 CHESTNUT Street. a GERMANTOWN. -FOR BALE, WIM. NOTTINGHAM KNITTING MILL, CLINTON Street, with Steam Engine, Shafting. rallies, and Belt ing, Fttliing Stocks, Drying Booms, with heating pipes and gas throughout; all in complete order for imme diets operation, together with the Dwelling attached. The Machinery in said Mill is also for sale Apply to GEORGE STOOKHAM, Kensington. jetintee 61 gm FOR SALE, WITH IMMEDIATE AMU:possession. one of those first-clam, new: modern Dwellings, east oide of Sixth, above Brown street. lots 20 by 120 to back street Parlor 92 feet deep: dining room 22 feet; sitting room 24 feet; 7 chambers, 2 kitch ens, conservatory , water Closet , hot and cold water, heater, ranges, bath—ln fact, every• convenience. Toes. houses are built in the best manner, of well seasoned material Ttey will be sold on easy terms. This is the last chance. Out of twelve we have only four left. Please call and examine them—open all day—or ap • ply to . BOYD At BMW,. jell) the l2O South FOURTH Street. ea PUBLIC BALE ON THE PRE aIia3S—WZMAZISDAY lITUNOON. June 14th, at 0 o'clock precisely—Large and valuable ESSIDSNOS of the late Madame Bazar, HARRAH Street. west of Fqrtleth street; lot 100 by 130 feet; elegant Garden, line Pratt. &e. Apply to M. THOMAS & SONS, myltp 4t* 139 and 111. South FOURTH Street. 1?OR BALE—A VALUABLE LOT OF Ground. S. E corner of Broad and Callowhill ste. ; 180 by 240 feet. Do do . S. B. corner of Bridge and con d streets; 142 by 218 feet. Do. do., S W. corner of Bridge an d Thirty sa solid &Mg, 100 by 218 feet. Do. do.. S. W. eornerof Thirty.sss d verford streets; 285 by 1113)4 feet. en end Es- Do do., W. corner of Ninth and Barks streets; 500 by 190 feet. Do. do. S. B. corner of Twen ty second and Spring Gardeti streets; 90 by 100 ma Do. do.. Darby road, between Chestnut and Walnut streets; f 0 br 120 feat. Do. do., Sllaworth street, from Twen ty - ei ghth street to the Schuylkill; 1,000 by 104 feet. Do. do.. on Blenheim street. Ger antowni about S acres. - De. do., on Tacony street, at Efolmesbnri. With many others of Tarim aims. "- B. T. GLENN, Itlo 123 South FOURTH Street. a FOR SALE-AN EXCELLENT .1111.11 Store and Brodnere Place, 214 Doak - Street. Superior Dwelling, 36 feet front, N 0.1910 Green street. store and Dwelling, good Business Stand, 236 North Bllteenth street, corner of Winter. GenTeniant DWalinir, No. 963 South Tenth street; possession LOOP. Neat Dwelling, No 737 Shirley drool. Desirable Dwelling, Broad street, above Brown; lot 20 by . 160 feet. B. F. GLENN, 153 South FOURTH Street: or jell S. W. eor. SIVBSTSBNTH and GEBBN. a FOR SALE, WITH IMMEDIATE Wavosseetion, the convenient Dwelling, No. 3014 Nennt Vernon West. B. F GLENN. jell) B. W. Dor. SEVENTEBIATB And GEM SIFOR DALE—AT THE VILLAGE ot Efaddepeetd. New Jersey—h. handsome modern noun and about Three *eras of Land, minable for the summer or permanent residenee of one doing badness in the sity. Location. six miles from Philadelphia. about Rai l road , e from station on the Camden and Atlantis by which MAN may be had to and from Philadelphia by six trains deity each way. Rouse large and well linhhed, with modern conysnienses. !hermit shrubbery, trees. &c. Inside and Coach•bouee attached. Immediate possession. dimly to cRARLIin RHOADS. jeB Si' No. 36 SIVINTE Street, Piffle a FOR SALE-A DESIRABLE RE AMBI SIMMS, centrally located, in an elegant neigh boyhood; hones 28 feet front, contains all modern im Provemer M. wide ball. large parlor, library, dre , and is in complete order. Choice fruit and shrubbery In the yard. Lowest price *lB.OOO, a conetderable portion of which Can remain. if desired. or would be exchanged for a smaller property. Apply IN. 40 north FOURTH Street. • .08.610 fi FOR SAL IC-11.01188, No. 908 mat FRANKLIN Street. above Poplar, inquire al P. YER01:11011, /to. 14%7 North FIFTH Bk. 3AI• at FOR SALE-A FARM, OF 21 Magma, well cultivated. modern improvemente,;.a. - , facade in the Twenty. third ward above Frank. ford ; imitable for country resident.° Apply tO iel2-St" T. 138ALLOROSS & SONS, Ifrankford. CHIC LTEN HILLI3.-FOR BALE, Mae line COUNTRY BEAT, very &straw a u trac, b „, utt f a il y located, comprising abont Aye aarea; good, old-fashioned atone Mansion.large Tenant , bouts, Borlng-bouse. Barn, &a. ; grounds about the home) elegantly shaded and. terraval. Price mode. rate Terme easy. r JAB. R. cumfglans, at 504 WALNUT Skeet. larArtiTJT-STREET °FENNO FOR 2510—'Vets' &Walk single or 2t42 , 1e. Ap ply to JACIOBELS. jal3.3t* O. 335 WALNUT Elt.; M 012.06 No 2. OFFICE ROOMS TO BE LET—DE SIRABLE R 002113 suitable for Oil Coal. or Brokers' Mee, Do d THIRD Street. jell 3 OFFICE FURNITURE AND FIX VIM FOR SAM—The Death Coonters. Tables, MAIM Ca et, Safe, Stove, Latter PUMA. dec , • 310 • in the t Mae 010 32 South THIRD Street, now occupied by the undergo:mt. are offered for sail, to be delivered en the flat of July. ie12.01. cra,vra, BROOKS, alOO. sA.LIC OF OFFICE FuRNITUKFTUF raovowr MARSHAL, —Will be sold, a t . Public bAuction, at M. Thomas tone ' Store, 130 an d 141. S. CilliTst Street, on THURSDAY, June 22d, 1965, It 9 o'clock A. M., sundry Tables. Dose. and Obairs. Wit S LSRMAL j e iy.tant Capt. Provost Marshal Ist D Patna. rff2tCn.H.B oB—IMPROVED FARMS of 90 and 121 Acres, Oil Stocks will be taken in Part payment; also. Routes and Lots to exchange. JOY. 11110/IAT.4 . . . , . id.° St* Do 308 WALIUT 50.. Boom N. AgitFOß BA.LE-A. FEW Viii and no-top Wagons at oar OWE make. 080. W WAT.ON & 00 , .iO7 et Vo. 1219 OHISTIOT SW*. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION NOTICE. UNITED STATES; BALD: STEAMERS QuAKEE OrrY, LADONA, AOL' OIL, CAMBRIDGE, E. B. HALS. BARK J. L. DAVIS. ROMMEL C. COOK, Anetkoneer.r ON TUESDAY MORNING. .717 AS 20Ih, 1205, at 11 o'clock, at the PHILADELPHIA NAVY YARD, Will be void for amount of the Vatted Melee Gores meet: THE SIDS.V HEIL STEAM* 4ITAKI/1 CITY.— Register dimensions: Length 944 feet S bushes; beam 3d feet; depth of bold 99 feet 9,3 f inches. Has one side lever engine; diameter of cylinder IS inches; length of woks g feet. Schooner rigged. THI IRON 90k11W-oneavaza. LADONA.—Roklabre dimetteloket Latgth 197 fasts beard 27 fast 9 Maher; depth of hold 19 feet Rae two vertical et:Wm:tat alma ter of eptirdar 943( Whet; length of stroke SO inch's. Bark lined. THE SCREW-TUG MUM --Haider 411mm:stoner Length He feet 2 inches; bea e ng ine 7 Ikkehia depth of hold 12 feet. Has one vertica diameter of cylht. , der Be Inches; length of etruke 48 lachee. Schooner TEE BOREW-EirEnnign CaMvilatpol.--liseister di. mensione Length 126 feet beam 29 heti depth of hold 12 feet. II as one vertical Mine; diameter of cylinder 62 ineheo; length of stroke 3feet. TEE SOREW•TUG 31 B. HALM —Register Melon alone : Length lad feet 6 Inches; beam 26 feet 6 huntem I depth of hold 7 felt 2 incites. Rae one vertical mins; diameter of cylinder 96 inches; length of drake II inches. Sloop rigged.. TUB BASH 7. L. D&VlEt—Register dtmenellons t • Length 183 feet; beam 30 feet; depth of hold 12 foot tnehee. The above-named vessels Wit be sold with Bottom r i r t ae g ni ci attar m eet of fawn. Sails. 13eneing Ala Inventories at the Auction more, Igo. at Hoak!: FRONT Stied, Tient) , per eentnm of the purchase money moat losi paid on the der of sale, and the remainder before the. resist le removed from the navy Itard, whieh will be. done within six dartl'after the date of Milk, J. B. HULL, COMMAND ANT je6 91816 11' 20 AtXtUSEMJENTS NEW CHESTNUT-STREET THEAt- TRII—CRISTIFOT STREET. ABOVE mwmerma. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY EVENINGS. JunalStr. Ard 191 Dr IRITIaL NIGHTS of the CHARMING YOUNG aomseimmors, PHSti Lorri. who mill appear upon the evenings nalned as TARTARINE, in the Grand Swim",ler Hurler due. THE SEVEN DAUGHTERS OF SATAN. which will be presented with MBEE/F/CENT SoEMBRY. OHRE COSTUMES. BRILLIANT MUSIC mmae All4/0 AL iitmacers, ant POWERFUL OAST. Replete svity grand hferehe.. Dances. Songs. Aro. THE LAAT ORAVA SWUM THE BEZTR OF CUPID 1N 'PEE BOWERS OP PUPIL Wri.t. NE FOUND MAGNIFICENT IN THE EXTREME, SATURDAY eFTERMOON. Jane f ib FORMEIGHTH muse FAMILY MATINEE. When THE SEVEN DAUGHTERS OF SATAN Will be performed. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARaill STREET THE A , BL THE WBBB SISTER& MONDAY AID TUESDAY EVERIEBB, PO-CA-ROE-TAS "A DAY TOO LATE." and ' 'A REGULAR SIX." NIBS ADA AYD ARRA WEBB In 8 Obaracteres 1E Bow and Dann. FRIDAY, EMMA WEBS'S DEmin. THE CIRCUS IS COMING. THE STONE & ROSSTON GRAND CIRCUS COMBINATION A6l D CULLEN'S WILIBRATED TROUPE OF IROBUODi • INDIANS, Will shortly appear tor PIVE DAYS ONLY. On the spacious lot adjoining the ACADEMY OF MONO. BROAD AND LOCUST BP • Commencing on MONDAY. the 19th inst. RIMBEIBER, FOR FIVE DAYS OILY. AFTER)" owl AND EVENING. In the selection of Attlee for this COLOSSAL OOMBINATION, It bas been the proprietor's desire to secure each a variety that no patron shall fail to find in it Much that will Interest the mind and enchain the attention. The brilliant CLUSTER OF CELEBRITIES Which adorn this famed Circus are unparalleled IN their several epeeist Hies. The magnifict SCENES IN THE AREN A GORGEOUS P ARan f ßßO y l LIA AND SUPERB MUSIC, And they will be rendered with faultless grace and marvelous splendor. THE IROQUOIS INDIANS form a great feature In this Artistic Combination, portraying, as they do, the novelly of savage ilfe, typical dance", religions one. monies, sacrifice' and forms of worship, and many other peonliarities of the aborigines', never before in troduced to the public will surprise and delight then rs. The company is composed of the fo ll owing poptiise performers who drew hundreds of thoneande to the National Circus Building tinting the nest Winter. The celebrated DENISE BROTHERS, CHARLES, VALENTINE, and RUDOLPH, • Messrs. MURRAY and HUTCHINSON. and the TRAINED DOGS. The skanim family. Mr. DEN EMMEN. Mr. CHAS MONICOE. Mr FRANK ROOSTON, LB JEUNE BERT, Messrs. DREXEL BERLETTE, PICTON. GRAFF. ANDROS, RUBEN, BATTY, EMBER% L/ZARRO, WALDEN, EWER. PILLOTT, TABER, and Masters CARLOS, LEON. ACTON, CLAUDE and CL LENNOX Volatile leitrfonners. The whole miming a Congress of Talent Absolutely peerless. PSO.F.IbigOR HUTCHINSON and Ids trained dogs will appear drain (every exhibition; morning and afternoon, Performing Potful, Millet and Home will also be introduced during the Season. Remember, only five days Admission, 60 cents, Children under 10 years. NI cents. Performance to commence et S and 7 o'clock P. X., on MONDAY, leth Wt.. continuing for FIVE DAYS ONLY. je1.2.0t TRIAL SKILL IN DEOLAMA.- TIOA, at ASSEMBLY BUILDISGS, on TUESDAY EVENING, June ISth, between puree of Prof, Gad. Inge' Mantuaicadony, and PUMA of Dr. Fairee' Ohne, Moat School, /WM; Cleo, Highher, Eco., Prof. G W. Fetter. Prhacfpal Girls' and Normal t3ohoolt Noy J, tn. Crowell; Rev. W. Y. Breed. D. D. ; OUT. Pollock, Pia aiding Judge. Tickets Fifty Dent& maybe obtained MT. N. Pon.% Sixth and Ohestnnt, and Hisley , s Bookstand. Conti. aerial Hotel. Commence at S o'clock. Dlrgfeld's ce lebrated • nd will perform. jele-it• BOAdaDINIG'. BOARDING -VACANT, SEVERAL HAND6OI6I BOOM, at m7.91:12t* 006 SPRUOR BTUS?. "MY BOARD, WITH FIRST.OLASS -11-1" Dare. inners, at Ste. 6x4 South WASHINGTON Squ myl9-I=9 a is iV a g NEW TOWBOAT LINE. DELAWARE & CHESAPEAKE STEAM TOW-BOAT COMPANY. BARGES towod to and from PHILADELPHIA. HAVRE.DE• GRACE, BALTIMORE. WASHINGTON. and intermediate points. VAL P. CLYDE & CO.. AGENTS. No. It SOUTH WHARVES, Plaids. CAPT. JOHN LAUGHLIN, Sept. jel.S•tdel... A a dZ i t FOR ALBANY AND TROY. NEW YORK. WA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. —The Barge ORDON GRANT, H. Sipperley. Mostar, is now loading at Bret wharf below VMS strostL.for the eihove points, and will leave on EDNEODAY EVENING. • For freight. which will be taken on reasonshls farms: apply to ToL. FLANAGAN. Agent, jelS.St 301 South DELAWARE Avian*. RELVIDERE DELAWARE RAIL ROAD.A-0 TWO THROUGH NORTHERN CON NECTIONS DAILY, LEAVE P. AND T. E. E. KENSINGTON DEPOT AT 7.30 A. N. AID 3 30 P. M. connneettns dixeotly through to 'ASTON. V ATBR GAP. WILKBSBAREB. AND THE GHBAT LAKES Tlirongh Tickets sold and Baggage Checked tleroogli to all principal points North and Wean Jet-Ina W. H. OATZtillt, Agent, o,%,ApTAl7Votirlstafift°l4r4 lera— Racnrsiou Season of DM Lake Ontario. rtagneusy The Thousand Islands, Po hand. The Davide of St. Lawree tre White Mottritains, River, Saratoga brings, Am 6 &CV Montreal. ike., Quebec. Do., dm.. Tiekete for the above Ixonesions, which have bees so lout and favorably known to the Philadelphia Public, by various routes to lifisetara Palle, for sale at the CATLIN ISSA RAILROAD THIRST OFFICE, 4R Chestnut street. under.Phtladelphin Bank, where bill information Will be given. R. VAR BORN, Passenger Agent. jett•itm sas CHIWTNIIT Street. CHEAP AND PLEA SANT SIMMER TRAYSL— CAM DEN AND ATLANTIO, AND RARITAN AND DELAWARE BAY RAILROADS—CARDEN TO 101 W. YORK OR LOAD BRANDI/. From avow . • Ferry, Candela, daily at a 97 A. L for 7"/""'"'n. Maraegat. TOMS River, Mienseesteo n Bergen Renistdlol. Farminddelei. sl " 4 .k. Lott. Bramibl BscachPort. Ocsannott, Est,ntlown, Shrews. bury, zed Bank, Middletown, Highlands, and rat M Th mou l h n d h d ce e amNeee Yok e b nor t.n Through New York in dire boom. Fare $2. Eseursion ticket* good tor three days, dil a ir aggla CAMDEN AND AZ. LA.NTIO BAILROAD.—Thre• Trithia daily to Atlantis City. and one On Bandar. Train. leave Vine-street Ferry as foilowe: Malt Train.4..4.10 A. M. Freight,senge with Passenger Cara atiached......9.00 A. M. Atiantle Accommodation ..... lb P. M. Junction Acc0mm0dati0n........... BETUENINO, LEAVE ATLANTIC. ACeptie 10 A. M. Waigist. With rilllONler vivre att.chaa......12.0n P. M o Mail Train .... -- • 4- 1 N 142 06 12 I it Junction Accommodation ...‘ , ..ssoe • Fare to Atlantic $2. Excursion Tickets, good mar for the day and train on which they are tatted. IN. SUNDAY BUIL TRAIN, Leaves Vine-street Ferry at 7.80 A. M. Returning. leaven Atlantic at 8.46 P. M sYNKA HADDONFIELD TRAINS Leave Vin.-street Ferry at 10.16 A. M. and. I P. B. Leave Boddonnetd at 11.46 A. M and Mb P. M. Dr. B.—Freight must be delivered at Cooper's Point before ti P. M. to Insure its going down the next day, rob9-Binif. JOHN a O . BRYANT. Agent. aIiVIENE PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, MID SLZ.TI. 110351 /141/LIMAD. BOMB CPU TO BTOHNOBB, WTI Point. Asb li/O Trate. leave Deltat 3l , ocor L/ of BROAD Stud mit WAsHISOTOri avenue, at L 1.5 r. M., suslisSAl sus STSANERN at Balttmora. Tare to Biabmond TO Fare to City FOUL 11.11 • t •6 a • •-•••-• • • U. Tara to Frorfolk..... B 1, KIBIFET. Foot. 0110, A . DILDBIUM, Oen. Mimi Aunt. arylB Ili 11AVATIA OIGARB.—A G 00.13 VA. WNW aoaetantlyin MIN and bond,. a_t Joyful sash rates, VOGIIIIIT & NON& non 6se NO. lil/16 . Soath P/LO/11T bV NONAVITOZfir GREAT BUD. 33111FLLO: