tar LADIES' 011.111STIAN COMMISSIONS. LADIES , CHRISTIAN COMMISSIONS, OF raird.132044, Will hold their AINUIRBABY ISIROISISS .AMERICAN ACADEMY OF NMI% " YBIDAT EVENING, the 9th bah listerobses to commence at 7.11 MAJOR GBIBBAL a a iiow.ian , MAJOR GENERAL CLINTON B. SISK, and SV. °BOZOS T. MINIMS. Are expect•d In addrelt lko mootlog. Jfr. PHILIP Immure, of Cineinnall. lug consent ed to be Present and ming on the occasion. Tickets of admlation will be ready for gratnitotuf de nu.ry at .Tamee S. Claxton's. No. 008, OHNsTIKUT direst, on Tuesday morning, 6th instant, at 9 o cloak. jes-6t 'gr. TO OUR RETURNED HEROES. The undersigned, members of tha committee ap pointed 1,7 the Gonneile of the city of Philadelphia to plebe firtaggements for the reception of returalfit To /natters. desire no stoic to the gallant Dieu who hove mgratem to their homes with their battle-worn fl ago in. scribed with **Victory,' ' that. finding it impossible to give each individual regiment such a hearty welcome as its gallant deeds have earned. they have determined to appoint SATURDAY, the lath inst., for a General Reception of all the returned organizations. Major General George G. Meade will march at the lead of the column, and their Excellencies Governor Curtin and Mayor Henry will review the troops. A banquet will beprepared on Washington street. They have obtained an orcer from the War Depart • ment directing' the .that th ey may7l.s and accoutre-• manta to the troops. that they appear before our 'fellow citizens carrying the same treaty weapons with which they have saved the Toting Republic. It is intended to make the welcome worthy of you loyal State and city. We ash of you that yon will be present in obedience to the calls of your respective commanders, that your fel imeadeeno may have this opportunity of testifying the depth of their fpralitilda for Tour noble deeds. Y. • WOLVERT, E. W. GNAT, THOR. A. BARLOW. EVANS. ALEXANDER M FOX, S. II Col. BROWS% G. W mAoriouE, SAMUEL G. KING, C. TRoMPSON JONES, PETS% EicILROY, JAMBS LYNG. It Wit. EL eroHLRY. ar TO COMMANDING OFEIPSKS or BBTURBIRO BRIM. Yon are reel:mated to inset the Committee on NAM' 111011 of Beturning Regimen - 8 and Datachnumts TO DAY. at S o'clock P. N., in the Chamber of the Select Connell. A. B STE WART, Clerk of Committee. OFFICE OF TIDE BOARD OF EMALTH, & W. corner SIXTH and RAH ON PHILADIMPSIA. Jtuza 1,1536, I am directed by the Board of Health to publieh the following ccpy of an Act or Assembly. approved March 22. 1865. and to proclaim that all establishments therein described. Masted within the llmits therein designated, t be closed within thirty days from this date, other wise the NOVlsions of the rats law 'O , lll be enforced. 03G. 11131311 ginlll. Health ()Meer. AN ACT SITFTLSIOISTART To TAR !MALTA' LAWS OP TSB CITY OF PIIILADHLPRIL Berates 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative* of the Commonweaith of Penneylea nia, in General Ateembly met, and it it hereby enact ed by the (72dthority of the same, That no bone boiling establishment, or compost manufactory, or depository of dead &timely!, shall be erected within the bounds of the Pint and of the Tweniy-sixth. Wards of the City of Philadelphia, and all such establishments and deposi tories within the limits aforesaid are hereby declared a public nuisance, and the Board of Health of the City of - Philadelphia are hereby empowered to enter the pre mises wherein such nuisance exists and destroy the sheds and enclosures used for such purposes, and to seize and sell the implements and utensils used in the bone-boiling establishment or compost manufactory so entered. the net proceeds whereof to be paid over to the said Board for the rue of the City of Philadelpbta. Pro ofded, That this act shall not take effect until the first of June next, f ea- tathe3t FIREBEEIVN PARADE cobivedliN Specie) Martini of tatelliletratea of thisCocventiohwill be held at the national Unitdg' Street. below Math. THIS (Pneadar) rdSlll.OO. Jane 6th. at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of faking action In reference to the reception of the Penn. spirant& ilegimenta on Thnradar- ROtERT T. GILL. President. Attest—Cirruns teastin. Anwar A. lSecretaries• It UrPHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOB prom / Mag. AsylentteLra.. June Meeting St 0.601:11 NO. 702 WALNDT Street. on WEDiumAy. 1.4,, st 11 o'cloelr A. • ia6 HoIITicIIzTEBAL HALL, BROAD and Walnut Streets.—Special Bose and Strawberry_ Show THIS EVENING. The Lecture. by Prof. MAFIA bas been postponed ; it will be duly an nounced. it iIarATTENTION, FIFTH WARD.- - -AN adjourned meeting of the LitiOo HONIT. MAT ASSOCIATION of the FIFTH WARD will be held on. 71:7SSDAY kWIMO, June et 1. at the Halt of *be Good - Intent Hose Company. SP.III7CR. above Slith street, et 8 o'clock dll citizens of the Ward are ear lastly invited to attend ROBERT P. BIRO, Freak' nt. JOHN J. FBANSLIN , &weary. it OFFICE OF THE /RELIANCE IN. igir ' SDRANOII COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. N 9. 308 WALNUT Street. ParLADDLPHIA, JUlle PM. The Ecaid of Direetors of the RitLIANCE IRBIL RAMIE COMPANY of Philadelphia' have this day declared a Dividend of (9) POUR PER CERT., for the last elx months, payable to the Stockholders or their legal representatives, on demand. free of taxes. Je6-10t THOS C. BILL, Secretary. garISTRAWBERRE FESTIVAL. A Strawberry Festival, in aid of the,„Spring Gar den E. E. Chweb, will be held in SANS OM-STREET BALL, on TUESDAY RVSEIING, Sane Bth, com mencing st 8 o'clock. Addresses may be expected from Bishop SICIPSOR, Rev. ALFRED COOKMAN, Rev, JAMBS MILL, Se. Tickets—ONE DOLLAR—to be had at the door. It A /ADZES &TBAWBEERY FESTI VAL wail ba Main the Moment of the Muzak. 3r. W. corner of BEATENTH and fitnlffii G 61201151 Eltreete, on WEDBICSDAI, TEUEdDAY, and FRIDAY. June 7th. Bth, and 9th. Open from Stolo P. 31. Tickets 10 cents, to be had at the door. 9e6-3V, VBION STATE COINVENTION.—A State Convention Will be held at Harrisburg on WEDISHISDAY. the 19th July.lB6B. at 12 o'clock M., for the purpose of putting in nomination a State ticket. to be supported by the friends of the Union at the coming October election. The earnest and zealous hibors of a loyal people se cured the great .victory in 1864, and made the war. 'wide& our enemies denounced as a Ulnae, &glorious Meese 11118115. Our flag has been maintained. our °neintee destroyed. our Government preserved , and place re- eetabliehed_ let every friend who aided in this result take measures to be represented in that Convention_ We must see to It that the Mai:Mot our enemas are not lost to the nation. Business of vast importance Will be presented for its unsideration, an 4 every district in the Si ate should be represented. KWH GAMBOA, Chairman. A. W. BENEDICT, t s ar d m i e WISH FORNET. • jet t 33.19 lar THE TEDITH ANNUAL CONVEN TION of the YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN AS SOCIATION of the Waited states and British Provinces will assemble in Philadelphia at the First Baptist Church (Rev. Dr. Boardman), corner of BROAD and ARCH Streets, on WSDIESDAIf, June 7th, at a o'clock M. Hon. JOB A. BOND of Boston will deliver the 0000 la address. The goosing or Welcome will Dare Ideas the ma* evening in the AOAPARY His Bxesileney Governor CURTIN will _lmo aide, and addressee of welcome will be made by Bev. Matthew Simpson, D. D. Bishop of the M. Church, Rev. N. Adams, D. D. , Geo. H. Stuart, Seq., and delegates from abroad. On Thursday evening the "Grand Oratorio of the Messiah" will be performed in the Academy of Miele complimentary to the Convention. On Friday the Anniversary of the Ladles' Branch of the Christian Commission will take plate, with ad. dresses by Major Generale Howard and Fisk. On Saturday &Benson. x Great Sand ay. Sehool Gather. In viii take place at the Academy . It is expected that Phillip Phillips and Chaplain McCabe, with their coni-stirylag Mule, Will add Inte-.6 rest to the above exercisers. Tickets for Reserved and Haraterved Seats for all of the above services are now for sale at CLAXTON'S, 606 CHISTNIIT Street. late Martians'. jcs3t sarGRAND WELCOME TO THE nEL egates of the TENTH. ltantiAL COAVSN TICE ef the °CNC MEN'S CHBISTIAN ASSoCIATIONS et the ratted States and British Provinces. to be held at2le ACADEMY OF MUSH), next WEDNESDAY EFESIN6, June 7th. His stoma Ciesentor Curtin will preside. Addy is of Welcome by Boy. Matthew Simpson, D. D., Bhhop of he M. E. Church; Bev. E. E Adams , D. D.. and Gee. B Stuart, Erg. Major Oekeral Clinton B. Fisk, who le a Delegate to the Convant on, la expected to make a response. original Hamm written for the occasion by Bev thktutd. Ad tbe sung; alai% ”I Waited to rt e Lord.' duet a nd chorus front Mendel. solute Hymns of • Praise, by a aeleet thole—Thomas Bawlings. Jr., leader. Philip Pbillire. of Cincinnati. and Chaplain McCabe, are expected to add twereet to the occasion with their soul. stirring music; also, the Germania Orchestra, Carl Sens. Director. Eeeerved Seats for Parquet Circle and Balcony-60 Ohs. 'Unreserved Seats for Family Clothe and Amp& theatre2o Ots. Far Sale at CLAI - TOE'S (late Martian's) Book MON, 606 CHESTNUT Street jig -St SarBEADQVAILTEBb DEPARMENT 01PSZinsTLArA_NIA, ritizeDAPITTA,Pa, June A, FM. aikarial:iilre The attention or Command lug officers or returning Volunteer organizations is directed to the Jawing *X tract from General Order So. 94, oarrent aeries. War I/apartment: * • * • * * "En routs to, and after arrival in the State. the fol lowing will be observed: immediately on arrival at the State Rendezvous the Regiment will be reported to and taken control of by the Chief Muttering officer for the State or hie an alatant at the toint." * • * * rUreaunt thereto Commending Oeleera of all Volun teer organizations returning to Philadelphia for final diseiterge vrill,immediatelyon their arrive]. in ()lenity. report their commands to Brevet Major W. B. LAIS[II._ U. S. A . Chief Clustering (Meer, Eastern DivIMOS Of Pennsylvania. corarnand of Major General Cadwalader. JOHN S. SCHULTZ, issistant Adjutant General. J NOTICS.—A. 6PECIAL "METING of the Stockholders of the GILFILLAN 'OIL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA toill be held at their ogles, No. 409 WALNUT &rest on TIMiDAT AMR SOON. the 6th of June, at 4 o'clock. P. M. ti ie6-41 WM. B. HABBALL, President. NOTICE—THE ANNUAL ASSET -IDG of the bTOCKHOLDSEA of the SHO. ACKBA PIANO FOUTS ffi aIsOFLOTIIitittO CO., ill be held at the Office, Do 1021 011.118Taln Street, erintSDAY, JUDIE 6th 1885. at 8 o'clock P. M., at bleb time an election will take pines for Mx Directors to sere for the ensuing year jeO.D . H. W. GRAY, Secretary NOTICE.-THE ANNWILL MEET. IJO of the StOckhoiders of the PHIL AIM ' NIL STEAMSHIP DOCK COMPANY, for the election f Five Directors end the transaction of other business. ill be held at No. MI N. DELAWARE Avenue second floor). oa WEDIMDAY Jane 7th. 1865. at if 'clock, noon.. WILLIAM RENNIE, 391.64 Secretary and Treasurer OrTHE EISEIIAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the GIRARD RISING 00,, (of Zak* Superior). will be' held at their Office, No. 3114 WAVNUT Shwa. on TIINSDAT, the 6th proofing. at 12 o'clock. for the electign of Directors, and the trannae tlOk Mother Winos. • B . L noon% Sea etary. • PHILADELPHIA. Ea, 22, 1665. za723 ISt Tar PIIILADSLIPIII6., MAY 25. 1563. —At a Meeting of .the Board of Directors of the ISO YORK AND MIDDLE COAL FULD RAILROAD AID COAL COMPAJNY. Mr. John N. Bickel tendered hie resignation u President cf the Company, and on motion Mr. WILLIAM MoLIILLAN was unisalmotaly elected to MI the Tammy. CRAB: LINDSAY. E1264/21 Secretary. W II EADQVABTERS, DEPAST MFJIT OF PSIGISTLVANIa. PHILADELPHIA. PA., June J.M. OZNERAI. ORDRES, No. 68. I. The sale of liquor is prohibited on all lines In this Department traveled by troops returning to be mig rated out of servica s and at the rendtsroue for sheirdis *ergs. until ell each troops are dispersed.- 11. Persons violating this order will willested. Mitt he honor round In thair establishmentbe emptied tut upon the Ironed. VI command of Maier General Oadwalader. ITO F. 110HULTZE. it3.lot Aceistent Adjutant General. FirSTKAWBERIIT FESTIVA', AND FLORAL FAIR —C CEDER ROUE FOR OR PHARE AND DESI . I9 UTE CHILDREN hold a Straw. berry Festiva and Floral ThirdOS a. 14 atu, ate, and loth, at 00111er of and Federal Streets, Camden, J. Any contributions of lime, Tongue, '7'0701. Fancy Articles. will be thankfully received. Articles can be sent to A G. GAT TELL & Cl., No 2 Borttlfterettee, or to REED'S R ALL, Third and Federal Streets, Camden. A. J. Please remember the Orphans .and destitute Children. MATTHEW NEWKIRK, President. E. G tHarrsiz, Vice• President. jes.st NOTICE.—TZIE AN.79TTAIL MEET aleAfr :kho e t6a n ta. ani etartton far Pre. pp, 7 6.,Tri... 1 1 be reld " adte; Nfiae:llll.leß6l:47 Uom. 13.1866. at 12 O'C'OCk 210011. pally. on PHILAn EDMIIND 8111T.11. Bectetsry. 6r.ra/a. /Lay 3410. ut7314/0.13 ser SATES. TO CI., The Ladies VisitingAorionittee Of the SOLDIERS' HOME in the OltL of Philadelphia, proton to open a /NATIONAL FA/M at the Academy of Mule oa the Twenty third dour October ant, _for the purpose of raising a DIIILDHe and REDOW/O.IIT POND for the ',autumn with which they are connected. The undersigned 0012.111011 d this project to the favors, ble notice of their fellow aims of the United Mates. The SOLDIERS' HOKE hee been incorporated bY mote of pernmylvania, for the relief or SOldtere and Seamen who hate been honorably ,diechergedfrom and the Children of those who have died In. the Beni" Of the Country,. The COOPER SHOP SOLDIERS' HOME has been merged in this Institution by Legielative authority. and Le now in ensoessful operation. But as the banding now occupied. at the corner of Ease and Crown streets. is —entirely Inadequate to the necessities of the Home. the anenagere have given their sanction . the the Proposed FAIR. Although the HOME is located in Philadelphia, its benefactions are not limited by State boundaries. Its doers are freely opened to every deserving Soldier and Sailor of the Republic who seeks admission. The Management contemplates an Industrial Depart. meat in the Institution. in which the inmate' who are able to work at their trades may find employment, and thus be relieved from the position of mere dependents on public charity. It contemplates also a department where children of those who have died in the service WW be tenderly protested and carefully educated and hisitgro4 for satiable vocations While the hearte or we people are overflowing with sratitui e to Cod. for his treat gift of v i c t ory to oar FA_ tria Armies, we should not forget our duties to the brave men who will soon be returning from the fields they have won, disabled by honorable wounds from the eetiVe pent& of their professions. The orphan children, whose fathers have fallen in our great struggle. are also specially entitled to the public favor and protection. Let us provide a Home worthy of their acceptance, and worthy of ample whose property they have protested , whose liberty they have enured, whose government they have saved. and whose hearts they have gladdened by their splendid achievements. Committees for the organisation of the Fair will be R N o wp d e n pr u en will render important service by occasional publications of this noose. which, will tie duly acknowledged as contributions to the Fair. PHILADELPHIA. April 14. 1866. Andrew G. Carta, lan Welsh, Alexander Henry, Dr. A. Nebinger. James Pollock. Jay Cooke . Caleb Core. S. W. Clark. N. B. Browne. Joseph Harrison Jr.. Simon Cameron., Morton MoMicheel, D. B Ouinmins, ' Henry C. Cary. Daniel bmith. Jr. Wm. D. Lewis, Thee A. Newhall', dames Milikeu. Henry D. Moore. George H. Boner, Daniel Dougherty. Charles O'Neill, B. D. Saunders. - James C. Hand. J. Edgar Thompson, Edward A. bonder. A. Martin, Lindley Smyth, Dr. E. Wallace, J. B. Lippenoott, 0. Messlieler. L A. Godey. Janet j„, moon', Daniel Haddock. Jr.; Wm. Strutheie. Robert r: KIM A. B. Boris, S s. mai. rey23.tused Ear - OFFICE OF THE ANITODALIOID MINING COMPANY OF LAME sursaso.s. Jo. 3544 WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, May 19. Mi. NOTION' ie hereby trivet:, that the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of ' The Amygdelold Mining Oohs. PM of Lake Superior" wlli be held at the oMce. No. 324 WALNUT Street. on WEDNESDAY, nhproxime. et 12 &cloak M., for the election of Manton and the impaction of ocher badmen, luxe tiel F. WOMBATL Secretary. MOTILE TO ALL DRLINQIIMIET Ilar CORPORATIONS OROATIZED UNDER ANT LAW OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Notice Is hereby given to all companies incorporated by or under any law of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania. and organised at any time prior to the list Mon day. of November, 1864. that have failed to make report to the Auditor General under the Act approved April 21, 1868. and the Act approved April DX 1854, that they are required to report tee th e Auditor General forthwith, as follows, viz. • in case a viz. : has been declared, the Treasurer will report. under oath. the amount of capital paid in, the date, amount, and rate per cent. of each dividend during the year ending the first Monday of November, 1864. and any previous year or years in which the Com pany Oa, have bad an existence; and in ease no divi dend has been declared during the rear or riardi end. Lug as aforesaid, then an appraiseMent or the each value of the capital stook, as it existed between the first and fifteenth days of November, must be made by the President or Treasurer, and a majority of the Direaton. under oath. When an appraisement is made, the re port should also state at what time the Company was organised. In addition to the aboVe report, under the act of April 21,1868, companies not paying a tax on tonnage are re• quired to make a separate report, under oath, of the Treasurer. of the amount of net earnings or income re ceived during the period from April SO to November 1, 1804, in acoordance with the second section of the ad. approved April 80, Het COMPAN/R8 INCORPORATED BY OTMIR STATES and •• doing boldness in this Commonwealth." are nettled that they are made subject to the tax on net earnings or income under the 2d section of She act of April 80,1804, and are required to report to the Auditor General the amount of such net earnings or income re solved between the 80tfi of April and the let of NW/em ber. 1884. All dolinvonc Ceinpniihni ineorporated by or under Lay law ante Man Penneylvania, will be Medial a reasonable time in which to make the neYeliii reports required by law and above enumerated; but continued neglect or refusal will subject them to forfeiture of charter, nsder the 241 proviso of the 2d section of the net of April 20. 1884, which in in ; he following words: ' Provided farther. That any corporation which has failed make returns to the Commonwealth, as re quired better act of April 21, A. D. 18613. entitled t for the securing to the Commonwealth thpa y- ment of taxes dneby incorporated aelnpilkiaA, 'may make such return within allay days after tin pottage cd this act. any Jaw to the contrary notwithetandiugn said all delinquent companies falling or refusing to =tinfoil returns and, payment to the State, as required by the general Jaws of this Commonwealth in relation thereto, shall have all their rights and privileges d eclared for felted by Proclamation from the Gloveraor. ' /SAM) BLINKER, Auditor General. W. H HBBIBLii, State Treasurer. myL3 lm HARRISBURG, May 10,1860. THE AZONUAL MEETING OF THE Pnalteohl PNTROLBDIN 001IPANY will be held at the office 01 the llompeny, No. 524 WAX,- PDT Street, NOON No. 7, on the SIXTH of Jane next. (being the first Ineaday, ) at 1 o'clock P. It 11 election of Directors, beeretary, and Treasaxer, wlll be held. IL ZION INDS. nty90.71• throretary. DIILITASL #PRIZE MONEY AND GOVERN MENT HOMSTY TO ALL WHO =TRH THI WAITED SUM HASIGB CORPS. Orders have been received from the head of the Shrine Corps, at Washington. not to restrict recruits to a particular Mass Cu has been the cue heretofore), but to receive ALL who have 'erred In the volunteer ger. vise, or in the regulars, or In the marines. and have been honorably diseherged. Such persons enlbabur In the United States Matinee will receive the Govern ment bounty, and will also be entitled to their share of prize money In any sentare of the enemy's vessels. Tor further ormation app at the reuniting un dertone, NO. 111 South FHONT Street, between a X. and 0'8194 F. M. s every day but Sunday. J ANN ro Osotaba an d 4B MILITARY GOODS. FLAGS 1 FLAGS, EvsNS 1111188/ILL MILITARY FURNISHERS. 418 ARM • STREET. BANNERS, Silk, Bunting, Muslin, and De Laine FLAGS, OP ALL sum SWORDS, SASHES, BELTS, 110t3ANTS, ac. ituziriwii - sir GOODS, OF MET DESCRIPTION. ill-tiTS FIREWORKS. FOURTH OF JULY VIREWOuss, IA GREAT VARSITY ROCKETS,. CANDLES, UNION AND ROMAN CANDLES, MINES, TRIANGLES, SHIP LIGHTS, BLUE LIGHTS, PIN WHEELS, COLORED FIRES, SNARES, FLOWER POTS, GRASSHOPPERS, ALSO. A large assortment of Wheels, for eale by A. FRANCISCUS it CO., M 3 MARKET STREET I 0 B. KNICKERBOCKER ICE CO. D. B. KERSHOW Si, CO. B. P. lIIRSHOW.... A. RUNT. WROLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN IMPORTED ICE. DELIVERED DAILY to Private Families, Stores, and Offices, in all parts of the Olt,. West Philanelplxia. and Mantua. Hotels. Restaurants, Confectioners. Brasher& and all large consumers supplied at the lowest market rates. Shipping attended to at short notice, on the most rea sonable terms. Orders, alterations, complaints. by Mall, promptly attended to. °F PM"' 118 and 7Nrarß,l42lrialterAnne. myll•stnth6t IL.A.DELPHIA. T E RR A. COTTA. WORE& OFFICE Alin WARBROOMB Ro. 1010 CHESTNUT VITRIFIED WATER. DRAIE, and MUTING PIPS% with beads. branches, traps, to cotwintwat• ham 1 I°l2 inch bole. 01221411031274.1, CHIMNEY TOPE and FLUE PIPER, OP. ranted to PARLORction o GARDE N ' or weather. 3AMIUITAL MID VASES. for classical destgns,r4 ain and bronzed. Mignonette Foie. Flower rata. Ivy Yank Hanging Floe% Fern Vases. Ac., sic. Importer of Mintorea Szetanstic Tile, for °blueing Heath Vestibtdee, ace. rah]: tntbstf E. A. RARRIEON. BUTTERFEELDT ovmairD DESPATOIL wwoo, 80. IVBARY Skeet, New York. OfAim No. 40 South FIFTH Street, NAM& 0111.13108 Y VIEBRoII.D, President, W. K. =TOBIN. Treasurer. this Company. now fully organized, with ample , capital, owns Its Trammortation on the Plains, and le ereparr a to 'oared Freight to all points In Colorado. e l itgie.l4:,;t o rg,trktr, i Nevada a" Azimut ' far. Throuph Contrasts and of lesdlng elven from New York. Boston, Fhiladelphikalttahurit Whiallai. Olwinnati. Obleago. and Louie WN. MANTEL Anent, New York. WM. H. MOONS. No. 40 Month Yitth street,fhUadlicavbss, D. A.. BUTTBYIILD, Genera napertntendent. WILLIAM RVARS JR. nos sown PlibNT shut Wholesale and Natal Dealer in WHITS LEAD. ZINO. AND OOLON9,_ AMMO:IAN AND FOREIGN WINDOW Main. OP ALL DISORIPTIOAN AT LOWEST MARKET RATER: Agents for PATENT GLASS LETTERS. mh9 MACKEREL A HERRING, SHAD, &a tdds Yam Nos. 1. 2, and i MaekereL Me. caught Ist ash, In assorted packages. 2.000 bbls. Jaw litiudport. Porton' Bay. and NOM Herrin/. moo boxes Label. &gad. So. 1 Rath& yAbbls Asw Kees bozas Herktirowsool27 vnnwn In store and for sale lir Na. 1.46 NORTH wfußvio. HEIMBOLDT FLUID EXTRACT BMW pleasast In taste sad oder, tree froa Waders peuegtaa, sal lamillakeis solak CtBTAIN GOODS. L N. WALLRLITZIN. MASONIC HALL; 119 CIIZOTNUT STREET, Is NOW OPENING ANOTHER LARGE LOT OF LACE CURTAINS, ELEGANT STYLES, AT twos% ruost s Dorgan To luso DOLLARS PER PAIR. WINDOW SHADES, onoio.F. PATTERNS, AT EEDVCED PRICES. my2B SILK & DRY GOODS JOBBERS. ►l`O WHOLESALE BUYERS. FOREIGN' DRY GOODS, IBIBILAWIG XovErmis DRESS GOOD Si ADAPTED TO PRESENT SALES. Received per late steamers, and for sale br JAiR. 11. CAMPBELL & 00_, 791 0113STIIIIT Street. my27-ilt '1 L-7.) IrjOrrcil9 FINE BHIRT MANUFACTORY. The substolbers would invite attention to their IMPROVED OUT OF SHIRTS, which they make a specialty la their busbies". Also, constantly receiving NO VILTINS FOR GENTLNMEN'S WEAN. J. W. SCOTT & CO. , GRNTLNIDIN'S FURNISHING STORE, No, 1114 OILSOTNUT Streak. IaT4T Four doors below the Continental ,;I 53:10: t 1 1 / 4 , 4 lig/ it, I KT) EDWARD P. KELLY, JOHN BELLY. TAILORS, 8111 CHESTNUT STREET, •AM NOW IN STOPS A OOMPLETIC ASSORTMSKT Or labs-13 SPRING GOODS. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. BOTANIC AND ECLECTIC DRUGS. ROBERT A. RANGE. 729 RAINNT SMUT, PHILADELPHIA.. Would nil the attention of Druanists, Corustry Nez. *Worts, Sad others, to his stook of Bolin, HIBBS, AND BARK& In various sized mamas. of our aka pressing. at PRICES BiLOW TOBNIE ELM. • full line of BOTANICAL PIBPABATIONS, W. B. 111NBELL & 00. 'EI CONOBITBABIDENIODINS.dge., at liberal dhseowat to the trade. ca Catalogues furnished on applisallon. _ l v Of 01 1865. "Elm 1865. exam auLio =Lac.% ONWILLEITOWNI FA. RIVCAIALUM\ as CO., IILANUIPAOTIIBEBS AND IMPORTERS or CAI3.P.MICJIWC;HEIs OIL CLOTH. MATTING, &o. WHOLMUOI mupAismewra ~rcll~' ` r+ ~~~a Y a a, r# RETAIL, DEPARTMENT, 11l 0111111TXOT 812,1111 f. !STA ONEBY i 'BLANK BOOIES. o:ra - 11ELIZTX2T0 -vr w coKTANIES. W. aro prepared to fasulall New tkorPOThttous with all the Boots they maim at shod pollee sad lew prim, of Aral quality. All atplea of MAID= STEIL PLATE CIRTIPIOATIO MISTOOK. LITHOORAPRIAD '• TRANSFER BOOS ORDERS OF TRAMIEL woos LEDGER. STOOK LWDOIR BALANCES. =GIST= OF CAPITAL STOOK. BROKER'S PETTY MOE& ACCOUNT oy SALES. Divtosnro 1100.1 E. MOSS ags C f chf SLANE BOOK NAKINPACTOKIRS AND STATMEXES. sat-tt 4 CRESTE7 stmt. I 1 . 10 10 1 2 1 310 U iill SEA BATHING suai HOUSE ATZAIITIC CITY, 11111 W Jstari. This°id. established, and favorite house will Open for the season on or about the 20th of June. It is nearest to the beach, securing cool bre41266 at all times. Its un rivalled Bathing Ratline& BA Complete furniture and appointment, and its unexceptionable table, render this house a tavorite place for a summer soiourn at the Pea side. Fomenters from the city are set down at the door, and communication with the Inlets la had it all times by raft .A fine band of musts has been engaged for the season. Parties wishing to seance Board will address the proprietor at sari Rouse. Atlantic Oily. leg-Set H s. Rill(goN, Proprietor. SUMMER RESORT, BROAD -TOP MOUNTAIN ROMA HUNTINGDON COUNTY, PA. Ms old and popular Mountain Retort will be opened for the reception - of [netts 011 010 let of J l / 1 10 , This bone loos recently been thoroughly renovated and 're proved in a manner that will be catielhatery to its Dlt• trona. ' Bxtmrsion tickets will be Issued by the Penn , sylvan's Railroad Company', which wiU be good until the lit of October next. A hack will be in readiness on the arrival of the ewe at Dudley to MIMI guests to the hotel, a distance of two miles. Terms moderate. For particulars, address WM. T. PEARSON, Provider, Broad Top Olin my22 , lm. Huntingdon county. Penis. T HE COLUMBIA. HOUISIG, AT CAPE MAY, NEW JERSEY, Will be Opened this season on the FIFTEENTH DAII OP JUNE, for the reception of (nests This leadinghonse will, for the coming *Mem. flab sustain lie well-established reputation. Greatly encouraged by the business of last year, the proprietor feels satisfied that a Hotel conducted clearly !fret-awe 31411/4 emainue &encases at this old and POMP liar retort_ The railroad facilities are promised tote aneellent. Beep's celebrated Philadelphia Band has been sap cured for the COLUMBIA the coming season. For rooms, &a., apply to BINSIBON, Mey chant's Hotel Philadelphia, or to Hotel, .7. BOLTON. Proprietor, myißlm OAPB ISLABD, N. J. I L OWL AND'S HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, N. J.. will be open for the reception of anode Jane the 16th. je&lm HOW LAND, HERBERT, It CO. BOARDING FOR THE BUMMER.- •-• Two very desirable rooms to rest for the Sum mer. at the CHESTNUT GROVM HOUSE, Media. For particulars, address Box le& Post Once 3e2 41.* EPHRATA MT. SPRINGS.-THIS delightful and romantic watering place, beanti. frilly situated In the healthiest seetion of Lancaster county, and acknowledged to be the " garden spot" or P 4 nnesdirenta. will OM for the acconamodatior, arrests on the 15th of June. Railroad sommunication twice a day trod. Philadelphia, on the Pennsylvania Or Reading Railroad, and daily from Baltimore and NOW York. Tor particulars aidress the proprietor. J. W. PRSDRRIOIL BOARDING FOR THE BUMMER Beason at " Prospect Rome. ' Apply early. For verticulare address B. H. GRUBB, Freeland, Mentgo• men' county, Pa. jel4l 9RETTO SPRINGS, CAM BRIA UOUNTY, PA.—This favorite Summer Resort wW t,O *pm for the reception of visitors on the let of July. .Coa6bes will be in regains* at Crosson Station to eon vey visitors to the Springs. Loretto eyries* Is armor. passed for its beautiful scenery and salubrious climate. ♦ band of music Is engaged for the season. For parties. laze address. F. A. GIBBONS. Proprietor, my81•lm Loretto, Cambria county,. Pa. SEASIDE HOUSE, FOOT ATLANTIC LVANIA. AVIDFUN. CITY. NNW JAMEY. IN now open for the Reception of °nests. 17-Im. DAVID SCATTBROOOD COUNTRY BOARDING, FOR LA. DIES AND GENTLEADINostabe obtained at swell. shaded and elevated location three-quarters of a mill south of Salmille Station on the Philadelphia r nd Bal. ti.ors Central Railroad. Oars leave Thirty first and Market streets at 7.815 P. N. and 4.45 P. 11.: Rep:milt," 7.26 A. Ai. and 4P. M. Reference. 28 South Sight strain iddreee Ina D SiIa.RPIASS, NAIRVIL count y. , mY3I-6t Chester Pa CORNELIUS II ENDELL. i WILLIAM It WATSON, Late Public ?Hater. Late Cilia Clerk Sat). LeP. WEICDELL & WATSON PROSECUTE CLAIMS BEFORE EVERY DEPART• MEET OF THE GOVERNMENT. Office Poem, No. 346 D&NNSILTANId. Avenue. Directly opposite the Metropolitan Hotel, je6• Pm P. 0. Box 169, Washisgton, D. O. y EOMBASET, 521 OTIEBTNUT u • street. Ingraver and. Dealer in army Corm Badges. Emblems. Fire Badges. and marks of every .teaeription. Soldiers returning nom. seal find it Mi. TlttageOng to possess as a memorial one of my fine gold j aper badges, Genuine 16 karat gold Dorm lunge &Ism aOn WA. All goods warranted. myth us THE PRESS:---PHILADELPHLC TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1865: UNITED STATES Ey antbertty of the Smelted, of the TressurA the sadersiened. the Osumi Sebiesriptioa Mont for the ale of United Mates ffesuritles, offers to the piddle the third merle' of Trsll,oll Notes, hewing seem end three•tentbe Per seat. interest psi emus, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Notes are Loaned maw date of July 16. Ink sad are payable three years from that data la ear• Macy. or are mayertible M the option of the holder into GOL.D.BEARING BONDS_ Then Bonds are now worth a handsome PreteltUns and an exempt, as are all the Government Bondi, from State, County,-and lirtagaillai taxation, which adds from one to three per cent, more to their ixOue, according to the rate levied upon other property. The Interest Is payable semi-annually by coupon attached to each note, which may be ant off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest at 7 SO per sent. amounts to One cent per der on a $ 5O note. Two cents per day on a KM note. Ten cents per day on a $5OO note. Twenty cents per day on a $l,OOO note. One Dollar per day on a $5,000 note. Dotes of all the denominations named will be Promptly furnished upon receipt of anbseriptions. the notes of this Third Series are preoliely similar in form and privileges to the SeverpThirtles already sold, swept that the Government reserves to itself the option of paying Interest is gold coin at 6 per cent. instead of 7 3-10ths in currency. Subscribers will deduct the ia texest in mureney up to July lath, at the time when day itturiba. • The delivery of the notes of this Third Series of the Seven-Thirties will commence on the lit of June. and will be made promptly and sontinuonsly after that date. The slight strange made in: the cordillera of this THIRD SERIES affects only the matter of Interest. The payment In gold, if made, will be equivalent to the currency Interest of the higher rata. The return to specie payments, in the event of which only will the option to Dal interest In gold he availed of. would go reduce and awiallze prices as that our stases made with six per cent. in gold would be folly equal to those made with seven and three-tenths per cent. in currency. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET, now offered by the Government, and Its impeder ad• vantages make it the GREAT POPULAR. LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. Less than $290,000.0e0 of the Loan authorised by Congress are now In the market. Thin amount, at the rate at which it is being absorbed, will 1 1l b 9 subscribed for within sixty days, when the notes Will undoubtedly command a premium, as hams!. fornay been the ease on dosing the suburiptions to other LOW. In order that citizens of every town and mutation of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the LOU" the National Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to re ceive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notee for which they receive orders. JAY 0001KE,; SUBSCRIPTION AUNT, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, WILL/AM H. BACON. GROOM& A. weans. BACON 46 WARDER, STOCK AND NOTE BROKERS, Stooks bonaht and sold on Commission. Trust Funds invested City, State, or Government Lone. Onbscripttons received for the United States 7-30 Loan, without charge/or commieeiou to the roxechaaer. SBVEN-THIRTIES. AT PAR, AND INTEREST ALLOWED TO JUNE 15. For male by H. STAMFORD. JOB. L. NOIIBTOR STAMFORD & HOUTON, ITOCK IND EXCRINGE BROKERS) Dealers in Government ElesurlUes.!Bgesle. Onsarrent Money. GUT Warrants. ao. Rooks bought and told on commission at the Regular Board of Broken. mygg-lm =WARD DORM. 101#311 1. 111,6300 X. DW. 11.01311V4 *SD Co., BTOCTB AND Z1011434GE • • BROKERS, N. 47 SOUTH 'HUED NUMMI, PHILADELPHIA. ALL um we - SLIM NOM. GOLD. SILVAN. STOOK& NORDS. UD 00VBADMINT 131101:11,rtsz8. DOWNY AND SOLD. Collestkoui mode on all puts or the spunky. fah Deposits resolved. elided to eight drat . gag intend noig. rabl4nt TER FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, NO. 136 SOIPTH FOUaTs STEIN, BELOW OBISTNIN, PAYS irspe resat. Interest on Deposits. Ataanta fns the sale of - United States 7 340 Loans at Par. Gores's. mint, Slate and City Loans- and Stooks bought and sold for depositors and others on Oomuntssion. mhlB.lno 1: 01#1:1 42 al 0 ;3...i (1:1 k rtKr[lll) IRS 600 BEERTGBAnv o l ulis. 600 INONING•TANUN. STIP-LADDIES. WALNUT inutorsTk_lA great variety. • Matt GRIFFITH lc TAGIL SIXTH and ARCH. LETT ER S TESTAMENTARY TO the estate of HENRY C. BOGER% late of this city, deceased, baying been granted to the undersigned, all pereoas indebted to said. estate will please makz 'neut. and those hsving clams, to present moot JAMBS DONNAS., Executer, SeB•tu6t At 250 CHESTNUT Street, third story. ESTATE OF WILLIAM KELLY, DE CEASED.—Leiters of Administration to the Mstate of WILLIAM KELLY, late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased. lumina been granted to the undersigned, all 'persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make Pap mint, and those baying claims to present them to HAMINAH ILBLLY,. Administratrix, or to her Attorney In fact, D. W. WHITS, jet-DVD* 413 b MARKET Street. TIIIEOLUTIGN 0 F CO PART.NER SM.P. —The copartnership heretofore existing between M. B LOEB, A. B. LOEB, ..TABOB I. FANS L this day dissolved by mutual core ant The business will hereafter be carried on by if. B. dt A. B. LOEB, under the style of LOEB k BRO. PCONTRACTORS.—THE PRESI DEET and Directors of the CHEERY RUN AND PIT ROLE BELEM RAILROAD of the C. L, & I. Com pany will receive, until Jane 30th, BIALBD PROPOSALE Per 'building a Railroad from Romieville to Oil Creak. Ron the teem of mer. to the Milroy Quail Ron Lands: &llama f r om fear to five Meg. Bloc are invited for the whole work comploto. The Company to Danish the iron. Bpi cificationa and plans of the Pad may be seen at the office of HAMILTON N. TOWLEI Engineer, 011 City. Proposals to be directed to the undersigned, at Pitts burg. Pa., care of Lloyd di Black. Zeit MANDY, GEORGE BLOM j€3.stuthlit<w JAB. I. BEN TO BRIDGE BUILDERS.-PLANB -a. and Proposals will be received by the Rhenish= and Lawrenoevills Bridge Company till the 72d of June. for ERECTING A BRIDGE ACTON! the Allegheny River, at Sharpsbnrg, Pa. For Particniare, see the undersigned at the MUGU Lewis. manly, & Co. at REARM:MEG, or at No. 73 WATER Street. PITTSBURG, or' address him at Sharreirarg. Allegheny county, Pa. • roy27- JAM % 0 LEWIS, President AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF TEA SETS, WA/TEES, ICE PITCHERS, GOBLETS, To be sold very low, at 1029 CUZSTNUr Street. Akir.ool4. ffi►Tor. mut Ptimond..lingt.t. nty31.41.* FINANCIAL. 7-30 L0A21.. THIRD SERIES. $280,000,000. , 11. S. 640 SIX PER CENT. 13=MI! 218 X WALNUT STREIT. I JUNE IN AMOUNTS TO SUIT, 33 , 11.V.XML. er. CO., NO. 34 SOUTH THIBD STMT. No. [25 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADILPHIA LEGAL. trioquinokl4;i:tliti - 1 PROPOSALS. PLATED WARE, BUTTER DISHES, PICKLE JARS, SPOONS, • FORKS, &0., sm. N. lITJI_.OIti'S Widen and Jewelry' Ertaldieliment, Fr7MMT7=I 000111 R & COWARD, 1'411' 1 .7%3E AND MARKET. FINE OASSIKERES. LINEN DRILLS AND DUOS. SUMMER COATINGS. TECIN DUBS GOODS. NEW WHITE GOODS. DOMESTICS REDUCED. ' ELEHANT SILK SAOQVES. BLACK HERNANI SHAWLS. 3e4 it J NO. 810 ARCH ST. • ISBITIRII STOCK BIDITOBD, Black Thread Laces. Thread Veils. Thread Lace Barbee. Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. batiks. Cambria Edgings and Insertions. Shirred *ad Panay Prang& Muslin', for waists. SHETLAID 811 AWLS BILK off below cost. • IA 6i* SPLE ND ID' STOCK OF LINEN K - 1 GOODS, just opened at 702 ARCH Street, com prising— Turkish. Bath. Husk, and Plain Linen Towels. Rankine of beautifal patterns and all grades. Table Linens, bleached, balf.bleachee, and brown. Richardson & Dunbar% Dickinson's. and other Linens. Ladies' and Gents' L O Rafe, from Ma to Hi— liem'd stitched and col'd borders—Ter, nice. zurBl tf JOHN H. STORM. MQl7llailkila MILLINERY. A. di 11 MTEBB. m*lm 926 O.922TRUT 899 st, 8-4 HEAVY MESH BLACK HER NADI OR GRENADINE 8.4 black Bernie. ordinary mesh. 8 4 black Tamartines and Grape Manta. 8.4 white Tamartines and Binges. Healy 4.8 wide blank Romani. Rears mesh 6-8 wide Hemel.' Black Thwarting., Grape Narita, and Chillies. Double• width black De Lilies and TIMIS* Cloths. Black Grenadines and Bombazines. Ehmle. width black;De Laines. EDWIN HILL - dc CO., my 90 tf N 6 6onth MORD Street: BLACK AND FIGURXD SILKS. A. & AMU, MYR•IM 926 011.118TXDA. Street GAUZE BUMMER BLANKETS.- just received an Invoice of Slimmer Blankets, the Arrest and Bahama we have ever had. IMPPARD, VAS BABLINGIIII. & AMMON. • Bowe Furnishing Dry Goods, jeS•atnth et 1008 OBBSTSITT Street. SHETLAND SHAWLS, IN EVERY variety. L & H. MYERS, myB4m 926 09ESTAIIT Street. SFEOIAL NOTICE. omr gwrnill STOOK TO OLOSE BUSINESS!! GOOD-WILL AID PINTOES@ FOR SALL TOORISLISIE Atm calm. We Invite ape al to the above annonneeMent. We - hays a Lame Stook. We are Selling Cheap. Every yard is to be closed out on or before the lit day of September. Silks and Dress Goods. Cloths. Classmates and Linen Goods. Shawle.Oloakt Sk irts. Hate. dm. ,&e. Muslim surd Calicoes:tender market Deco. ORNERY & MUSK, Cor. of EIG and SPRING GAUDIN. MANTILLAS, ALL STYLES FOB, mymm rning. 9546 CHS H S . T HTStreet B LACK ALPACAS AT 50, 60, 75, 880., and FL Also, magnificent Black Mohairs. 20. $1.58,_ and LUDIII'II Mask Wool Delaines. 66 eta. Double.widtirßlack Wool Delalnes. $1.12 to UM. Lapin's plain colors Delain's, 62 cis. Pearl Tints Alpacas and Mohair.. Tourists' plain. mixed. plaid, and striped Mohair., low and finest' rades. Finest Bainsooks. Clambrice, hangs. Satin Plaids and stripes, 111 rd• ere Linen, Swiss Violins, Aril- Hants &c. White and Buff PLOW by . the piety or yard. good stook. good qualities. Lawns, Printed Cambria% Bingham% he. Muslin* by the piece under p OYES43O h CIONABD. ray94l B. B. nor. NINTH and MAZIENT Streets. GRAY MATERIALS FOR TRAVEL LUNG DR)23556. A. St ff. MISR& myttlat 926 OHEBTXUT street. FIGURED slur. GRENADINES. of the bestualities and atylea In Black and Gray Grounds. fae to $ 1 60 Trarelllng.Dress Goods, In every viulatY. New Drees Goods, In treat variety. Handsome Ohene Silks. a 2.60. VERY CHEAP BLACK SILKS, suitable for Dresses, Mantles. and (Menton. 00170 M GOODS AT LESSO2B THAN WHOLISALI PRT Biarrimae, Sprains. and ?MUG Prints, as.. jd 4 Waltham and Deport)" blmened Eiheetingt U. H. STEEL & atm. m7B-tf Nog. 712 and 715 Aorta T 22711 Streak RENADIZTE BAREGES, ALL a widths. A. & H. MURK. 1078 lm 836 OHEI3THITT Street. NEW ELECLUIE FOR 1805. VEIN GlilikTßST INVEITION 0P.T.111 AGE IN HOOF' SICIRTS. J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent DUPLEX ILLMTIO (or double) SPICING SHIRT. WESTS' IsEADLEY & CARY (late J- T. di 3. 0. West), SOLBTROPRIBTOR9 and 1141.917FACTOBBR8, 07 CHAMBERS and 79 and 81 HEADE k treats. Am York. THIS INVENTION consists of DUPLEX (or two) EL. LIPTIO Steel SPRINGS. ingeniously BRAIDED TIGHTLY and FIRMLY together, EDGE to EDGE. snaking the TOUGHEST, most FLEXIBLE, ELASTIC, and DURABLE SPRING ever need. They seldom BEND or BREAK t like the Single Springs, and consequently preserve their PERFECT and BEAUTIFUL SHAPE TWICE Ste LONE as any Oilier SHIRT THE WONDBEFuL FLEXTSTLITT and great COMFORT and PLEASURE to any LADY wearlux the Dumnx ELLIPTIC SKIRT Will be experienced pannudarlyin all crowded ASSEMBLIES. OPERAS. CARRIAGES. MAILROAD CARS, • CHITRost PEWS. ARMCHAIRS, for PROMBRADE and HoUSE Dawnrass the SKIRT Gan be FOLDED when in nseto 0000- pr A small PLACID/A Fishy a. a. SILK or MUSLIN DRESS. A barn having enjoyed the pleattite, Somfort, and peat convenience of WI/RING the DUPLEX SlailFrlO STEEL. SPRING SKIRT fora SINGLE DAY Will never after• ward willingly dispense with their use. For CHILDREN:, MISSES, and YOUNG LADIES they are SIIPI99Oa to all others. THEY are the best QUALITY In every part, and un• questionably the LIGHTEST, 11104 DESIRABLE,CONFORT ABLE and ECOEOMICAL SKIRT ever made. POE SALE in all FIRST. CLASS STORES in this efts. and throughout the Hump STATES. HAVANA DE CUBA. scari.u_ annun , A snd_tha_Wrav Ismtfi&D..,m 628. HOOP bKIRTS. 628 gopKINEI, 14 owl/ wag ;. of HOOP SKIRTS, the best assortment and beet q.riality and Myles In the city Gore Peelle. all lenstall and sixes, from 16 to 66 atrium from $176 to $4. Plain Skirts, all the new shapes and sins, from 19 to 60 springs, from $1.40 to $3. Skirts of extra halm steel and extra tapes. from 20 to 86 springs. from st.9o to $2.76 Misses' and. Children's , of every grade, from 6 to 36 sprldgo, from 4to 8 cents per spring; they here no equal. *guts for the New Flexible Pklrt, the most pliable Hoop Skirt made. and fully equal to the Duplex nllptic Skirt, and at much • lower priests.. Also, son. 'tautly on hand, fall lines of low-priced New Turk Skirts. kid -padded and metallic4astened-15 springs. 015 e. ; 20 springs, ti; 26 springs, $1.15; SO springs. $1 25; and 40 springs, $l. 60. akirta made to order, altered, and repaired, at OHS AKOH Street. - myl4 lms h w g g • - WATER-REATELITG APPARATUS WAINISU and VEWI'M MUG PUBLIC DUMD UMS and PRIVATE RULDEDONS. liartynoyumw BI TIIS ODIN ULM AND WATER•IDATIAB 10011111N1 OF PENIO3YLVANItI. JARMAN P. WOOD AD CO., 41 South 70111ITH Stioot. B. M. FELTWELE, Su" 1.12 6m[) BLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS. No. 16 North Sixth Street, iILIIMPACTIYEBE ON VENITIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES, st and finest assortment lowe a larasi ge In tha 41t7 at the st os an d EroBll IMADMI kips AniD arEtilltD. Cheap lot tolled Banda and Shade& tab SA To FA MILIES RESIDING IN THE BU ELL DISTRICTS We 6741 prepared. as herelofore, to supply families, at their country residences, with P 371117 DESCRIPTION OF FIRE GROCERIES. TVA aro- ALBERT O. ROHERTS. Iny24.tt Corner BLIIVERTH and VINE Streets I'CONOMY IS WEALTH-MA.IOE YOUR OWN WRITING INK AND MARKING INK.—Send One Dollar, postage paid, and two receipts will be forwarded by mail, enabling you to make sane' sior Marking Ink and Writing Ink, at a cost of not over Five Cents per patton. Address T. WILLIAMS. . jet St Box Mt Poet Office. naiads. A VERY SUPERIOR GUM DROP, 4-1.- prepared by ST.SPRE2 Y. WHITMAN, . jel lm No. 1210 MARKET Street. rAMPILION CARPET.—THIS NEW w article of floor covering can be seen In practical use at 8121 'WALNUT Street.. from 8 to 12 A. hi. and from I to 8 P. hi. Also, a few Country Rights for *ale. Address. with 'stamp, BENJ. OASSELBSERY, Box 715 City F. O. lehdt* SLMUEL L. TAYLOR, No. 453 WALNUT Street, Fldlade/Phle. ATTORNEY' AT LAW AND • COMMISSIONER FOR ALL THE STATES. Except Connecticut, Jew 'fork, Nevada.. Ore and Tow. f2-frtuly" WK. E. JAMES, OPOrMorly of Thlladolphiaj ATTORNEY A'r LAW. FRANKLIN. YZNANoo aomaTT. FII m 61411 ittnilon Won to the examination of Titles. l'araannulat Haintannose t—Ohas. IL el". Hon. J. nose Snowdon, James H. Little,'lan,. T. T. Tailor, Sr.. Rood, Boabtioht. &0 o .• J. Z. Diatom. President fth Natlonal Bann. militant* SAMUEL W. HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW _MILD COM:TAM% BBABW.L.T.B, vanAleto 001JATT. TUNA. Mice Philadelphia. BUM TO ChArlos B. Lox. 800.. N. As W. O. Biddies & , Jamesit* & Go. W. E. T astek MU% Bic. W. E. Co. intB4na JOSHUA T. OWEN ATTORNEY ] 0011111IME AT LAW. Arto 5cu.077701 07 CLAIROL Me% IMP Street. near roariminth mist, wadatuaton. ass -arc HERMETICALLY SEALED *MEATS ARE soups. • 1.000 dos. Boast neate Neat rd . 600 . 600 " do Veal. 600 " do Miami. 1,000 " do Turkel. 1,000 " do . Oblekea. 8.000 " assorted Sew" fa 1. 2,913‘ lb. eats. For solo by RHOOES do w ILLIAMS. tee-tt 1.07 Beath WATER Street. FANCY HAMS.-BRIGGS, SWIFT ,& Co— Cobb & Armed. 0. & P. Bogen's, and Met. calfe &Evans breeds celebrated 6IMAIL-OEIEED 01310INBATI OAEVLSSED HUES. in More and for sale by WAtiELIEOrOO DUTCHER & SON. . 146ardi14.8 Storm FRONT St. I 3 I COMPAIIION-rOBTS 41 FOR THE PEOPLE.' 1 Mama TIOVIOR & YIELDS have Just WU th• publleattoa of a aeries of volumes entitled comp, ' I '-'1 r ; 1 ; : pvi Tla.y will COW* Attleetions from tug moot aintifed Poems of the leading modern poets in lingland and America, and will be published in a style that cannot fall to secure public favor. Each valuate will contain about one hundred pages. and from twelve to twenty drawings on wood, by the beet wilds; and will be printed on tinted paper, and bound in a I andeome pamphlet, with a vignette title. it ts the r esign of the publishers to put within the reach of el the favorite productions of LONOPELLOW, TI wEaNNYSON BiZOWNIXG. HOLIES. rriza. and others. whose poems arifitsell•known and admired throughout the land, Ina shape at once atniecttirs and Inexpensive. the illustrations may safely be pro nounced ouPerlor to flow of ally work of equal cost ovtr pabUohal in amertea. The mkt of MO germs bias been Axed at fifty cents ile!'salami', on Ma fOoOlO Dt Which any volume will be Matlad postrattd. The first volume of the melee Is now ready : HOUSEHOLD POEMS. By Henry W. Longfellow. With Fifteen Ilinetratione. by John Gilbert. Birket Footer, and John Aboolon. Price GI eta • Other valuate' of the tortes will be pult:ished at an early day, among which axe S ONUS TON, ALL SZABone. by Alfred. Tennyson. With nkeeksettens by D. Maelise. T. 01101Wilit, O. Er'" tinge, U. A. Barry, And others. Price OD eta NATIONAL LYBIOIL 113 , John G. Whither. With Ithistretione. Price GO ate. LIMOS OF Lin. By Robert Browning. With Il laetratlone. Met 50 ots. HUMOROUS POEMS. By Oliver Wendell Holmes With Illuetratione. Mee 60 eta. BBLIGIOI7B POBBIL By Km H. B. Stow*. With Illustration& rm. CO eta. 510.1KWOR Sc FIELDS, Boston. NEW BOOM. JUST PUBLISHED WIELELES SOBIBNER & OD., NO. 124 GRAND MENA NEW TOE& LORD DEBBY'S HOREB. Rendered Into English bleak verso bi EDWARD. Earl of DERBY. From the 711th London Edition. Two volumes mown tiro.. on tinted paper. Price $6. Pram the Edinburgh Review, The merit of Lord Derby's translation may be sum med up in one word. It is eminently attractive; it is Instinct with life; It may be reed with fervent interest; it le immeaeurably nearer than Pope to the text of the original, * * It will not only be read, but read over again and again. * * Lord Derby has given tone a version far more closely allied to the original. and RENA= to OAT that ham Tat lalea atiglAPted In the blank verse of our language. A. / 1 13 MW LIFE OE' CICERO., By WILLIAM Foams'. Printed at the Riverside Press, on laid tinted paper from the last London edi tion, In 2 vols., with twenty illustrations. Crown Ivo. Price $5. The object of this work is to exhibit Cicero not merely as a statesman and an orator, but as he was at home in the relations of private life. as a husband, a father, a brother, and a friend. His letters are fall of interesting details, which enable us to forma vivid idea of how the old lomane lived 2,000 years ago; and the Mom phy embraces not only a history of events. as moment one as any in the annals of the world, bat a large amount of anecdote and gossip, which amused the generation that witnessed the downfall of the republic. Ilmin the London. Q.arlerlo. In, Forsyth Waseca what we ventUfg to say will becomeone of the clanks of English biographical litsta, tare, and will be welcomed by readers of all ages and both sexes, of all professions and of noprofession at all. FROUDE'S ENGLAND. HISTORY OF ENGLAND FROM THE FALL OF WOOLSEY TO THE DEATH OF ELIZABETH. By Yak.. A. Pseudo. El A.. of Exeter College. Oxford, from the fourth-London edition, in crown &co. vole. Price $2.50 each. The Sett two volumes jinn roSdf• The other volumes will follow shortly. Mr. Fronde has shown in his advirable history what new results may be derived, even in the most beaten track, from a thorough Investigation of the original au thorities. His researches have thrown a flood of light over the personal character of Henry VIII., and his re lation to the great events of modern history, the refor mation of religion is Enron, and the British Isles. that it would be in vain to seek elsewhere. The work has received the most favorable notices from the leading English journals, and has ahead!' mused through four editions in England. The vast amount of fresh and authentic materials which the au thor his brought to hear on the period of which he Writes, give his work an interest and veld(' Boiond any previous history of the same events. MAX MULLER'S NEW WORK. Second Series of LBOTUNNS ON THE SCIENCE ON LANGUAGE, in 1 vol , with a series of 31 Wotti Engravings, illustra. tint the positions of the Organs of Speech in uttering the various articulate sounds of which all language is composed. Crown Biro., 822 Pages. Price $3.10. (Uni form with first series. ) BY N. GUIZOT. MEDITATIONS ON OHNIBrIANITY, and. on the Reli gions Questions of the day. By M. Gam:. 1 vol., limo. , 180 pages. Price $1.73. Copies sent by mail, post.paid, on receipt of prin. YON SALE BY ALL PN.T.LAIMPHIA 11101K SELLERS. isSettat PULPIT AND ROSTRUM, No. 34, COMMIS Hon. GEORGE BANC/WRVS ORATION AT THE 0118EQUIRS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. THB FUNERAL ODE, by WiLieti Cullen Bryant. THE EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION, Jan. 1.1853, MB. LINCOLN'S LAST INAUGURAL ADDRESS, A CORRECT PORTRAIT OP THB LATE PRESIDSNT. - FORT SUMEIER ORATION, April 14,1866, Price, by mail. 20 mints. PULPIT AND ROSTRUM. PAMPHLET SERIAL, Coniston Report.s of the best SERMONS, LECTURES. ORATIONS , sro. This Serial preserves in eenvouteut form the West thoughts of our most titled men. rust as they some from their lips, thus retaining their freshmen awl porsontli.. tY. The proofs are always corrected by the authors. Greet favor bee already been Wows the work. It will Thirty 111 often as suitable Discourses can be found. six numbers base already been Published. Bend for List SCHERNERHORN. BANCROFT. & CO. Publishers, je6 Sts 5114 ARCH Street, Philadelphia, ST. SPLENDID NEW novel by the anihor of "Rl:Wedge, " "The Wks " "Frank Warrington. and "Louie " rut published, and selling immensely. CAIII.II/014 Pub usher, New Turk. lora trithelo .IDPBBIOR FISHING}.--A 'NEW BOOK on inorthic he R. B. Notweltelt, Ono of the moat witty, entertaining. and delightful book, efer anti, Mho& Just as attractive to the amateur as to the nro twodohal reader. OARLATODI, Publisher, New York. rel. thetnlol - pruoil WORTHINGTON-A NEW g oval by Mrs. _Vary J. Holmes, author of "Tem pest and Sunshine," etc. This new novel is perfectly charming. and will become 'great favorite this season. GAMMON, Publisher. New York. jel. thetalOt JUST PUBLISHE D A NEW AND /NTRADEITING BOIS' BOOK OF TRAY/IL* ENTITLED PHILIP IN PALESTINE. Being the authentic Letters of a Philadelphia Boy, written in the Holy Land, to a Mend in this city. The sketches of Places. People. Manners, do , beleg given in a plain and simple marines, making a volume of in teresting and instructive readmit. JAMES g CLAXTON, Successor to W. S. A Alfred Hartien. joy-606 CHESTNUT Street. _ FIRST EDITION EXHAUSTED- New and revised (anion now ready. A new method of belinotion fir the Piano. Voice, and Harman by George F. Boot entitled TDB MUSICAL C'E,TJEMIda (Price $4 SO. To Mutehere, $4. Peetpaid.) We will send, postpaid, on receipt et tee yen% an elegant royal quarto pamphlet of fourteen Specimen Pates of the same. containing &leo Nome description of Its plan awl contents. led-St BOOT & CADY, Chicago._ A PPLETON'S W AMERIOAN AJL CYCLOPEDIA.—Compete volume.. Yarions Styles of BlAtrr. SIBILLION BSOORD, by Frank Moore, in 8 vols. MIIMITLOWS EISTOZT OF Tali MOWS—aoW ampler*. The Age sa noy go ro n r ik th ail r 0 1 • ws abover °st ic r k rot II alpg•tf NEW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS I I Just 111601.1114 ASHNEAD a MIL (Hazard's old stand). No. TAI4 omornror Street. LORD DERBY'S ILIAD OF HONER. The Ameri an Ildinolljtlet ready. All handsomely printed as the Enailsh.. 2 vols. crown Aro. F - Rotrok% HISTORY OF ENGLAND. 2 vols. Ilmo. Tinted papal RIFE OE OICERD, By William ForlYtE, author of " Napoleon at at Helena. Etc , Eee. I vole. 12.n0. Printed on due tinted paper, With illnstristione. THE CLEVER WOMAN OF TRH FAMILY. By Mist Yong*. author of "Heir ofßedelyite, " &c. Handsome. ly illustrated; paper or ninalin covers; HUGH WORTHINGTON. A fiord. By Mrs. Mary J. Holmes. FAIRY FINGERS A Novel. By Anna Cora Ritchie. former), Mrs. hiowatt SUPERIOR FIeBING; or. The Striped Beam, Trout, and Black Bass of the Northern States. By Robert B. Roosevelt. BEATRICE BY Julia Kavanagh KATE KENNEDY A Hovel Paper covers. SANITARY CONDITION OP NEW YORK CITY. Report of • Council of Hygiene Citizens' Amodation. with maps . illustrations Ro. RELIGIOUS MITI'. By Francis Power Cobbs FIBitT CAUSES OF CHARACTER. Sc operative before Birth from Hereditary and Spiritual gonna. By Wood bury M. Fernald. xey27. if CHAMSBEIT ux LECTUREs, • T RINENAL OF LIT PUBLISHED THIS DAT— XI it:WTI/BBC CHIEFLY 01,11110 AL By THOMAS SUNG CHAMBERS, N. 1).. Physician to St Mary'sand The Lock Hospital. km, dm In one volume octavo. Dr. Chambers baying been induced to adopt a nom Me for the third edition of the EBBE MAL or LIFE Orem 'which this Is a reprint), the Publishers o this, the drat American edition, bare thonsht it advisable to re tain in part the title of the two former editions, ender which it has bad so rapid • sale, that it might be the mote readily recognized. LINDSAY & BLANISTON, Pubitelme sad Booksellers, ni739 Ho dB Smith SIXT El St., above Chestnut. HISTORY CROWNS THE BRAVE. The Publishers riapeolfully announce that THE HISTORY OF THIS PECINSYLVIO/A RIENIRITS CORPS is now ready for deliver , to subeerlbers. It contains a complete record of this gallant ordeal:a lloy ; and of the different companies. regiments. and brigades, giving graphic deseriptions of their Expedi tions. Marshes. Skirmishes and. Settles, together with blograylkical sketshes of Oilcan and personal Records of each private during his term of ..mice--comylled from OFFICIAL REPORTS .and other Comment', by S. R. SY PORE. Red It is in one volume. &stave of US paps. and Is ale. tautly illustrated by STEEL EN OR 4.VINGS of Go vernor CURTIN. Os nerals MEADE fifoGALL. and the is relented RZYJNOLDS, and by a Map of the vicinity of Richmond showing the route of march and the battles in which the P.BaßßYffs were engaged in the seven days fight; and Is neatly printed on good paper and handsomely bound in black clock and ChM! feather. It is sold only by enbccriyilon. Prize from this date. 14 Odin cloth; in library leather style, O. Sent by mail free ofpostage. on recelpi of price. Active and responsible parties desiring to Canvass for this popular and attractive History, will make SlTU .atioa with 'written recommendations to. lILIOS BOAR, & CO., Fabilehere. LA:magma, March 22.1886 inYlS•lari "WILLIAM R. REGER, PATTERN aud. MODEL MAKER, No 609 (loitrisome Street. above Sixth. h 1931-10.. AVERT CHOICE ROASTED AL MOM manufactured by fRISPBEeI F. virErritizi. ielAm Xfo. MA ligset NEW PITIILICitmEOIOII. rus COTTAGE LIBRARY. L NEW LITERARY ENTERPRISE. JUT rommazo., HOME BY OUR HOME POETS. WITH mairrumoss By P. 0. 0. DABLEY. "Inlinife riches in a Mile room." Belnti the 1444 bans of a series of itifildtive bud' Volumes. under the Mimi Me of "The "la" Library." containing choice selections from standard anthers. published at a low price, but in elegant style. and designeVor popular simulation. BLOM VOLUME FLINDBOINELY 'ILLUSTRATED, AND PRINTED ON PINE PAPER. PRIDE METE OEM 96 pages; 16m0., paper Guars vignette title. To be followed immediately by The Song of the Shirt and other Poems, illustrated, by Thomas Hood. Pamons Battle Paean lllustrated. Banyan's Pilgrim's Progress, with illustrations; and other volumes. BONGS & HUNTINGTON. Publishers. 1ed.21 No. b4O BROADWAY? New WANTS. WA NTED—A YOUNG MAN ACOUS TONED to Keeping Books by Double Entiy. Ad &sex with reference. salary expected. dtg • 13 3 x 208 Peek 0808, jfi6.3l* WANTED. -- A GOOD DRIVING ALllOl4 l el t. Waron. Apply 4E. PETTIT. 323 "WANTED—AT $lO PER DAY, EL T V tit lEVIORD AOINTg to=Mil tlo floitothot or Buc ztgoluerr. Matter. Delaware, and the OitY and co u ntyof Ybiladelphia, for the greet work "FOUR YEARS IN 8101168.14," written by the New York Tribune correspondent, eying as account of his adventures within and beyond the Union lines. the work will have an immense sale: sold only by b avelling agents. In writing eats what are wanted. Address "Bartleson & Cs. 611. CHESTAUT Street, Philadelphia. tee•tnths9P' lA/ANTED-TWO ENERGETIO BALESMBN in lAOTiOA AID WHITS GOODS HOUtig_ having a large dock . To those haying KOOd western trade a liberal. salary will be given. Nona others need apply. Motions. ' Box 433 P. 0.. Phila, mid di* WANTED —AN ACTIVE PARTNER, with ti ;mita or 3.0.000 to 20,000 dollars in a dra chm manntacturitm booliioO - - , Porromsrv..in sacoOMl fnl operation for the last twenty years, the Mentor part. ner wishing to retire from active life. Thiele an mar. trinity rarely to be met with for entering at once Into a safe and profitable badness. Address, with reel name, ".1 H. & C 0.," office of this paper. mY27.stathtf WANTED -A CLERK (FOR THIS ohy). Who thoroughly underetands the Saddlery Hardware Business To such a version a liberal salary will bte,paid. For particulars address; "Saddlery. Hord. ware. New York city. . io3.St VrA.NTED--$15,000, AND BEVBRAD lams of 10,60 D, on Idort.ggntn. knOnetty. B. WRIOLIT Cti., 121 S. FOURTH Strut. je3 W A N T E D.-$l.O PER DAY, AT ROMII.—As7 person, mate or female. can clear rtpar week, at home, in a light, honorable dulness. 8 o 1181 capital required. Returned soldiers and others suing a few hours d 4117 to spare, can learn the pant• calm by enclosing two stamps for ci molar and return ' post. Address • R. 97/.1174X, m7l7.lrxe. Chicago, box MI. WANTED TO RENT - A COAL v. YARD, with railroad track. or s lot imitable for one. Address "P., Coal Yard." Pratt Ofilee. :105 30 WANTED TO I'VROlitcear — A USE Yin POUT EICUIt. *dame' "Pa.thet Pre OWoe. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE AIME ADD SPY, the most later/Ann: and 'es. citing book ever published, embracing_ the adventures of a woman in the Union Army as Nurse, Stout, and . Spy, giving a most vtvld inner picture of the war. Be. turned and disabled ofilosrs and soldiers In want of profitable employment will find it peculiarly adapted to their condition We have agents clearing $l5O per month, whicb we will prove to any doubting applicant. Seed for circulars. Address 10856 8806. &CO , No. 600 CHEMIN Street, Philadelphia, Pa. wy3o-Itat BOY WANTED-A COLORED BOY between the agEltl of 16 and 78 wanted. Apply lm.' medietely at 618 LoollibT Street. Je2.tf GREATEST THING OF THE TIMES —ROWER'S PRIZE ENVELOPES.—Agents wanted everywhere. rxeralum Vrateass oven to Agents. On r dat arpi of VA we will _post.paid. EXI-EnTeloPlik and a splendid Solid Meer Eltittinvease Waist' as 4 premium to the agent. 1 single Envelope sent, with similar and thilpartisnlars, on receipt of %Scents. Ad dress A. H. BO WER 6 CO., P. 0.. Box 9770. 88 BEM MAN Street. N. Y. uth97- Srn ROBE LEAVES WAN TEM.-10,00D ponnde Rose Leaves wanted. for which 10 Cents per pound will be paid, at wra, IP, suns a. softt New Drug and Paint 13 0 ingo-tufeStv SLIVENTS and NAKIIST Streets. $25000. - 4 P ARTNERA I II 2; , .saourt iissgenf the beet branches of manufacturing business in this city, baying a large cash trade. Address 'P..' Press office. Jed•stutlrit* $125 A MONTH.—AGENTS WANT sp evemwhsre to introduce the improved SHAW di CLARK TWENTT-DOLLAR FAMILY SEW IMG NAOMI& the only low•nrice machine to the country which ds licenced by Grover & Baker. Wheeler & Wilwm Bowe, Bluer & 00., and Bacholder. AR other wahines now sold for leas than forty dollars each are infiingements, and the Miler and neer arc ?WM re flue and imprisonment.iseien, end anususes. or laite tOmmigiloni Allowed , Illustrated familia% gent tree. &Wenn finLur a CLARK, Blddeford, .Matne nivlo-dkWnin $ 7O A. MONTH.-I WANT AGENTS evenrwhere at $7O a month, expenses paid, to Nell FIFTSHS A.S.TIOLSB 4 the best selling ever offered. Fall particulars free. Address OTIS T. GASSY, Sidde. Lord, Maine. mylo daWBn2 WANTED-A. GOOD COMM°. 11w91DIGIIS STORE. on the south side of Market street, between Elfth and Ninth streets. Address for one week " 0. 5.,. Box 219, Mad& P. 0. je6.6s FOR SALE AND TO LET. AN FOB SALE. —A DESIRABLE sa Brown Stone Residence, VMS Street near seven teenth, hieing all the late and feAblonable convent. Glees. L re ot 30E1 2 3 to Sok St. PIITTIr. 323 RUT Bd. GERMANTOWN.—FOR SALA . ma NOTTINGHAM RRITTING' MILL, CLUSTOri Street, with Steam Engine, Shafting, rallies. and Belt ing, Falling Stocks, Riling Rooms. with heating pipes and gati throngliont; alt in complete order for imme MituaniAmaadirtarightenes--",Tebrattetre d e FOR SA LE-A THREE-STORY mr.s. BRICK . EOUSL with three-story brisk bask buildings and lot. on the east side of Eleventh street., between Parrish and Ogden streets, No. 847. front 17' feet 8 lushes, depth .10 ,eet 10 inches. with all modern coaveninneee and in Perfect Order, Indnediat e Donned on. Terms moderate. Apply to lAMBS H. CifITLR, 51,'" 115 South FIFTH Street. a FOR SALE, A. BEAUTIFUL AND ACIL valuable property in the Twanty• fourth ward. Fine large garden. largo, stone mansion, stable, and coach hones, with every convenience and comfort that modern improvement can afford. Fine anode trees, fruit, flowers, and shrubbery. Prin. 1526.000 For far- ther particulars call at Ito. 111 B. FOURTH Street, third* ory, front building. eB-et* a RARE CHANCE.-TO LET, THE AMI Large and Handsome Store, No. 017 CHESTNUT R.. Mat above the Continental Hotel. Elztves for ADIAT at the store. a4t* dicif FOR Stitt AT A SACRIFICE— Agana PHILADELPHIA HOUSE, at OAPS MAIM, capable of accommodating over seventy persons. Thts V 03143 make a deelrable Van for several families to oc cue7 Price only $1.5.0. Pert of the f e w_ 'We may alto ba had cheap, 13 P. (ME. 3e3 133 South /017.11,TH Street. et FOR SALE—FIRST-CLAWS DWEL maiLIVG MA Korth BROAD Street—lot 23x700, STußl—Excellent bneinees vitae-214 DOOR Street. NEAT DWELLI N G. BIASITIENTR Street, north of TtraDate, Out aide , LARGE DWELLING. 18 , 14 MEN Week. WILL BUILT DWILLitla. 1228 /North FitTEENTS Birdtt. THREE. STORY DWELLING. 124 UNION Street; roeTy cheap. With many other very desirable properties. 1* almost every pert of the city. Also, a large number of Cottages and Farms. B. F. Guar, 193 Sonth FOURTH Street, jag And W. cor. BEVENITERNTR and GREE. fin FOR SALE-HOUSE, NO. 008 .IBGL FR AEHLIN street. above Poplar. Inquire of J. P. BBIIHTMON., Ao. 1427 north FIFTH Bk. 01.1 m. fa PHYSICIAN'S PRACTICE FOR Ma MR—A desirable 81181DENOnevwell located, in a I,leasant village in Bads emits (20 miles from the city, en a railroad) together with an extensive malt. Lee, will be sold lOW and on remaiBb/0 6911aat by a physician wishing to retire. . For particulars Address B. S. B3IITH & CO . iel at Real Relate Agents, Newtown, Pa. ATLANTIC 01TY N. J.-FOR ALB—A handsome COTTAGS (opposite that!. S. Hotel). with or without furniture, eonialninild rooma and good cistern. Apply to H WOOTON, Atlantic City, or to J. H. HaTIS, Seventh National Bank, Philadelphia. my29-14t di FOR BALE.—LARGE NIIMBBR AIM et [Web Asa NUN cOnyentent W the 014,,, in the adjoining COWMAN Mateo of Maw Jim'', Bela. ware and Maryland. (tail and esamtne Neetetet. it* L PLITIT, 323, WAUW? Street. • AD THE MODEL AND HAND- alk toluelY imProvuo farm. within b Monts" -at. walk of Railroad station conbantng about 80 atm. Two nines out, with immediate uoseossion B. PETTIT 323 WALOWF Strati. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, a t ~,,,...Stomedtate_possession A Ramie? Cho tat: count), count) , Vsllo 7MI/4 First-class km out sear steamboat MOM P. R R %WWI out (IV) 3 PETTIT 323 WALNUT ' &r em. fif TO EXCHANGB FOR OIL Make. A number of ImProved and maim. .. 011 .. Proved city and country properties. Apply to IL. E. PIMA' 323 WALNUT Street. tin FOR BALE-A FARM OF FIFTYak miuo/0) Acres, in Buckingham township, Backe county with the stock and growing crops. POSISSIIdOII immediately. Price moderate, and terms BIM. Ad. drum B. J. ENITH &CO > Beal &tate Agents. 0145 Newtown, Ps. Oa 100-ACRE FARM FOR BALE, got in Bucks county, well Improved, with good &Walt gs. Fruit. excellent Water, and ex acres of limber, three miles from Railroad, Price $11,600, One ball will be taken in dividend-paying stocks, or Go. vernment or corporation bonds; balance may remain secured On thepremises. AD AY to B SMITH at Vv.. Boni Betite Agents jel.et Newtown, Pa, alk 100-ACRE' FARM FOR SALE—IN Bucks county, well. Improved, with good build ing., fruit, excellent water, and Mx acres of timber • three miles from railroad. Price, $l2 4100. One-tall will be taken In dividend-paring Mocks, or Govern went or torpora!ion bonds. Balance may remain se . cared on the premises. Apply to Z. J. swum Br CO., Beal Estate Agents, iel-61 Aawtown, ik tik. FOR BALE—A GOOD STYLISH WY of 70ting bay SOUR% goOd else, and plat ctly reliable; match well. Also, a fine Initial. bodied fonr.spring Phantom, and a failleig.top single Carriage, and a new double let co Harness, fire g l / 1 mountings, and aetof alngle Omen, silver mountings; by a gentleman going to ttigrel. J. R P. , .IE4 Sts 247 MAEKIT Streot:__ STOCKS.—WANTED TO SELL, OIL ONE TI3.OITiIAI D 8111P.1111 to a Will be Bold ?all?, Adaralla Waverly." Box'lai Philadelphia P. 0. pllO3 ()GRAPHIC VIEWS TAKEN or Churches and other public edifices, Cotter,' MON and HI Intotosdr, 101 thosa who wish to warosto• ttliVetreettiblattee. AtilaY to B. F. XBIMBR'S' It CH ktreot. ""T • A GLANCE WILL BUIPIfICE TO B&- tie( alt of ' , ha beauty. accuracy , and artistic sza- Wi of B F. MIMI'S 1110-sisohotographs, In colo wi rs, 6`21 AMR Wrest. lto 11 _ . _ ALL ARE DESIROUS OF HAVING good J ust the Wax to please theta are IMBIBE'S Colored Pbcoographe, wartdrodely rt.:mete trod aslehed le superb tanner, at OallarJ, bliCOgD meet, above thereli. TTAVANA CIGARS.-A 43001) VA. RIETY constantly In store end bond, it lowest eon Tates. S. FOOLJWC SOLie. n% Bin" 10. AIO SOnlb. VIOST AUCTION NOTION trzuncirm SALE. STEADIERS }RENVILLE QUAKER Carr, LADONA, AOACtrA, CAMBRIDGE. E. B. HALE.. iiittE. 3. L. DVTIS. ffiAJIIVEL C. C3Oll. Anntionoer. ON TUESDAY MORNING. ME 20th, lie. at 11 o'eleek, at the PHILADELPHIA. NAVY YARD, will to mold for amount of the United Btatos Govern root: chit stimwmon,HlßlAYM 81 A, —JIA. eta- MY Mt:Melons: Lenin' Sated 13 11 1 f.k , As I O,B Ni Mt 9 depth or hold 28 feet 8 Inches. AU 0/11V-beara engine; diameter of egligdeg 08 brawl length et drake /1 If et. Brig rigged. TES SIMI, BIEL STEAMER 4IIAHEE OITY. Register dimensions: Length 244 feet 8 inches; beam lid Peet; depth of bold 29 feet 9,ti inches. Hu one aide. lever engine diameter of cylinder 85 Inches; length of stroke 8 feet. Schooner rigged. THIS IRON gOREW.HTRaItga LADONA. —Reglstsr dimensions: Ler gilt 107 feet: beam 27 feet g Imam: depth of hold IS feet 888 two vetttosi engines; diem.. ter Mt crlin der 3434 inches: length of stroke as inches. Hark rigged. THE BOREW.TINI a.421.(11ik --lealeter ginientilonif Length 116 feet 2 inches ; beam 22 feat 7 inches; depth or bold 12 feet. Has one vertical engine 4 diameter of Win. der Se inches; length of stroke 48 inches. Schooner rigged. TES BOREW-STBAMBE CAWBElDGE.—ltegleter di mentions : Length 135 feet; beam d i ame t er pth cyl i n d er 12 het. has one vertical oven*); of 62 inches; length of stroke 3 feet. THE SORBW.TEIG E. B. HALE.—Netlater dimen sions: Length MB feet 6 highest beam 23 feet 6 Mabel: depth of hold 7 feet 2 inches Has one vertical engine:. Oiameter et cylinder ZS Mabee; length of drake 26 Suchen. Sloop tigged. TEM BANK J. L DAVII3.—.. Etealeter dtmtnefeas; Length 198 feet; beam 90 feet; deata of he.d /2 feet * The aboyonnamea v./Janie Wl.llm !d with Bollante' Efttantaerr, complete set of Sparc, R ail s, Banning and Standing Rigging. &c. Inventories at the Auction Rom Jo. lii Son& PIION'T fittest. Twenty per osmium of the purchase mosey must be paid lathe dap of sale, and the remainder before the vessel is removed from the Aavv y ant, which will be done within BIX days after the date of eels. 3_ 11. HULL. 655174AMTANT, jegoistal?4o AMUSEMENTS, NEW OHEBTNIIT-BTREET MBA. , rna--(1131STIRIT STRUT. ABOVE TWELFTH. MOADAY and TUESDAY EVETHEOS,Jnne Rh and Sta. LAsT SIX ELGUITA Of the crest Doable Bill. roomatioires,.. AND INN . CORSICAN . BRTHERS. by Inieh have been received during the poet sir. Mate HOUSES OHOWDID TO OVSILFLOWIEG. nob piecee will be °resented with NEw AE) BUIITIFIIb 131/ENEST, Superb 00ernmta i Woaderted fdarbbliff MA DAMAO& biiYribg Matches. and great oast of ehareotere. At the re quest of many persons the perforwitrwe wig commence tide week with the Sztravaganza of DOOAHORTAS And conclude with the absorbing and mistetiOne Drama. in 8 acts. THE COESIOAN BROTHERS. SATURDAY AP PERSSON, Jose 10th, YORTY.OSYSETH GRAND PAWL! HAT/E3ll. When POCAHONTAS pill be performed. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW AMR. STEM TRIMS. E R ALI LLSTKE V K A 4 CI M MEN. JOHN' DRIW. MAAS. TM/UV, WEDITEeDAY & TM:FROM ROBRDAhI. Roes Leigh OR, . RIFLE fit . sott Drew' CHIRAL BRIARFIT 4 434 MRB. JOKE DREW, wed ppkillyely b or WC .1.16“I6 pMLA.DELPHIA NATATORIUM AND PHYSICAL INSTITUTE: BROAD, below Walnut, Philadelphia: SWIMMING S CROOL FOR CHILDREN, LADIES, and GENTLEMEN. The Swimming Department of the above rnetittitien is now in full operation. Dr. JABBER'S System of In struction Is easy, pleasant, and very successful. Ladle' OY lentienlen contemplating to melt the seatatere not he learned to awing let, ar twits! toe visit. Irma air to tan lessons will enable them to become itpict swimmers by continued practice. The temperature of the water is atwa3e that of mldsnaltaer. For Partin. lore, tee circular. mya.et CONCERT HALL, COMMIINOING MORDAN UVRINIAIL Jun sth. For a short season only. MeALLIBTER. The world-renowned WIZARD. OF THE WEST i Tickets.. .. . .. 1.4 • d. "b° MIL For particulars tee programme: * ... jefi.de FLORAL FAIR .AND FESTIVAL vina AIRBMBLY BlMitilneek TunDAT,Ma t otr a C41" ' " 111 igtrutes WEDNBSILLY. JuNR, 7th, ieB.4t* TRUMAN' RYAN Bth. ACADEMY OP PINE ARTS, CHEST .Tenth. will ocuitinue o. a DOWIDIN6I. A PL3ad S A.NT SECOND STORY ROOM, with Board, for two Gentlemen, la a Prk Vela Itefereloe required Address 'A M . 281 i rO. _ _ ja6.31, kt ) OARDING-OHESTITIM ABOVE' Moab Street■. Reference regatredk Address/ oraWag."..Preswalce. BOARDING —VACANT, SEVERAL OANDBOIII6 ROOMS, at mlBll6* 906 6P11009 swum DAY ]BOARD, WITH FIREIT•OLA.SIS Sam. mylm o Munro, at Ito. MK South wAsewro (1 4i REMOVALS. BURNING SPRING OIL CO, OF riNNSYLTIIIIMIL—Wae O. of this Compsti7 tr removed from ff0„11.2 Oheein di dila ID tii9 ontilweit corner or FOURTH sad LIBRARY etreem, $433 , et JORI °LADING, 00eratarY. p 00E: DRILL MAN UFA 0T UR ENG A-4 , AND MINING CO —The Office of thin OrmlPsUr Ii removed from No 113 Chestnut etreet, to the southwest corner of FOURTH and LIBRARY Streets. is3.6t JOHN WADING. liscretsrsr. REMOVAL. WILLIAM YARNALL tam Ile from No. WAD tOvan OliniT AOT streel. S. B. toe of THlltrilitiTil Where he invitee the attention of hoasekeeverc sad those easamensing housekeeoliti, to bid extensile 111* ointment of useful DOUSE YOBVISHIWO GOODS, Superior Refrigerators, Table Gutters. Family Heed* ware. Ohll n's Carriages. dts. apaalm _HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY'S ANNUAL axatruszox TO ATLANTIC CITY, THURSDAY. Jaly 8, 1E165. WAWA it lA. WRITTEN AND VERBAL foRIPTIONS ghtdttrroconititutilksit wit. With ADVICE on twilit^ IN* 881 ht 1108, 8411.18t8romment, Jitituftepwit Trilt• Ins of ORILDBIB, soeisi muksainokau, SSP and . " 11114. rhii,noftvaa will-tuthslet Is. Xi 8. TN TH 81..ahowi Chewinum, NAMECATAWIBBA. RAILROAD GUNFLINT —To Tootle's and Treys'. lere— Futoureion Season of 1665 Lake Ontario. sapiens" Bivar. The Thousand Islands, Portland, The Rapids of lat. Lawrie es White Moontains qqor seratona Springs, &a,. &a • Mentreei. dip,, Quebec, ent• ale.• Tickets for the above lixooketotte, which hAVO mo long and favorably known to the Fhtledelphts Public, by various rontss to Blinn , Yalta, for Ws At ibe PRILLDELPRIA AND ELMIRA RAILROAD Tunurr OFFION. *NS Chestnut street. under Philadelphia Biok o whore fall IlitefleatlOß will be styes. B. VAN NOEL Paseenser Agent. MIS OHISTROT Street. JOHN 8, 1 %1 L a L A I L B L . 0 0 w e n B e r i a L l . 1, age n t. rt. jetbtf rg 011.111&P ANA PLEA. SANT 81 7 / 1 1MAN 'MAYA Oast DaN AND ATLANTIC , AND itaIIITAR 1!). DBLaWARE BAI RAILROADS—UAAIRAIN TO 18W YORK OR LOAN BRANCH., From Cooper's Ferry, Camden, daily at 8,87 A, M. tor Tarksrton, Bimetal. Toms Bluer, Manotkester. Bergen, Soma sum, Farmingdale. Shark Liver, Long Branob,_ Brananport. Oseanport, latontOwn, bury. Bed Bank, Middletown, Highlands. and Post Monmouth, thence to New York. bg Übe splendid steamer Jesse iloy_t,' o Through to New Bork In die hours. Farad& • BILMIIIO3I WWI good for three days, $9, itd.tr WENEMpM CAMDEN' AND AT daily LAHTI° EAILUOAD. —Three Trams to Atlantic City. and one on Banda/. Tratna leans Vine-street Ferry as followet Mail Train . . . „ . ... .... „. „. A, EL .. Freight, with Paaeenger .. ati ached. .... .. D. 00 A, 11 Atlantic Actoninsod.tton—. 4. to P. Jonah:at Accommodating ' l ' ll ' . .... 8 6 hnC , FE ATLANTA), Atlalttfe lecommodanon, ..... WO is. 111, Freight, Ivan Fasecoger Clara intend. ..42,00 I'. Nt. Mail Train P. N. Junction Accommodation 86 A. 1111. Fars to Atlantic 82. Exenrsion Tickets, good 041/ for the day And train on which they ar4 Issued. ft • SONDAY MilL TRAIN, LORY*B Vint.street Forty at 7,80 A, ite urn in,g, _loaves Atlantic at EMI P. 11.1, EXTCA HADDONFIELD TRAINS Leans Vino-street Ferry at 10,16 A. 1111. and In 81. Leave Lieddoollad at 111,48 Id and 2.46 e. r. D. B..—Freight =not be dollvated at Cooper' Pohl P, NI, to insure its going down the nnw st day. mte-SEnti jubl4 G EgYANT. air ',i,Uf,!,V,EI. PHILADELPHIA* WILMINGTON, AND DALE MORE RAILROAD. HOME OPEN TO BICHNOND. OTTIC /an ADAYOLIC Trains leave Depot, corner of 3110 AD Street Aid WASBISOTON Avenue. at L 16 P. IL. aottnestAAs With STEAMERS at Baltimore. Pare to Richmond .....•..•... ..•-•• *NA. 0..411 rs Fare 10 City ...... ".....••••••••• fare to . • . 8.78 fi. F. 080. A. DADMI7I4 Gen. Tic k et Agent. rHOICE CONFECTIONS. `.." The liner waslltiee of CONFECI mum, Hata id nib 6111 WU noon, Alipubmtur.4 frenix. dativ. STSPREiII Wrimitalt. as tio 1%10 Wei% FOLDING SPRINO BEDS. lidding' of GYM dilillTiPtit Wnn-bottom Ws and oats. Suelsior moss and awl? Mar At . 10913.1 m 0 Soolh 81410TH Street TO PLASTERERS.-sPORTLA.ND CE MENT, with two ports of flint lattt talit•lt I beanthil and doable wale restate Minute and DICOMOI hatder with age lautortsd by 5 E pitmen , WU YORK Arena%