JONES', THE LOWEST SELLING PRICE Ii marked in figures on each article. LID rums& wall% JoNM' onwma One , Dlid4 CLOTHING 11.01181. MARKET STREET. above Muth. No- 604 sa- Prices reduced to suit the time. • fine assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHIEH. •suitable for all osseous, constantly on hand. Custom. work made to ordrr at short nodes. fmh9-gym STEINWAY & SON'S 1, ,1 klASos .Fis EtE TOOTHIER', For rale only at B I L OO6 v S:NUI I' Street. finis lffliff OEIrcIiBIONO'S PIANOS 00otsOLD- W itritrenti7sßP 'LAMM i n An 0 4 ,414 , 14. 914 Glilor niux Street 9/74.251* W M- Et. Dtl7/40W. GEolvanST 86 Co .' s hf7pn PIkfIOS,SCII. AND MASoeBiON & siNT ORA L Js. --- - - . Pulp Over 500 snob of th ese fine C I,BINT.T 'Gonne. instruments Wive been bold qy ORO &nth PIANO XL f 3.. and the demand Is con- a .BISSI' gt. 81114 *tenth increasing 080 %Ns PIANO Fel itele Obb by 0 “.Ifinf FORTIS. j B oigni.D. 044 s*4 PIANO SEVENT H and Ctlßdriirr Ms 0 s DANZ r FORTIS. nn2o. tf °ROAN& BLACK MAN TN THE STREET CAE t A gentleman of color tried The other day. to take a Ode: He eat biro down in a street car. Ent,. ere the thine bad travelled f ar. The cat conductor was dismayed. And moat tremendously afraid lirbat was the raaoo, do yon thlok ? Sieyaesenger Was black ac ink I The black man being strong and 640, Bak be, "ICAlitot pat lon out; The late decision of the judge, (Vlach taltroad men thick utter fudge,) E4iya tint tics chant meat& and batter niter the Neck man or mulatto; IceirettN-le. s, we'll let yon ride Upon the rtatform, not inside. Says black man, " Ito ! J mesa to ride Siot on tilt plutform, but inside!" " Well, then, because you? skin is black, We'll ran this ter off of the track." So, all that dad. and &nil/at night, Through midnight gloom, tilt morning light, Sitting in ear. in off the tract, because hie outsr akin wan black, The colored person kept his seat, -Arid black (oars brought him things to eat. Maar norsons angry Are Abnot it nub pranks 112 the Straet car, At play tug such peculiar jokes, -Either on white or colored folks. We hay, 'don't net in hitch a passion, 'Bin boy thin clothes or latest fashion. ' The place to buy such things for all Is Salk eau Mai la; GREAT 01K BILL OA HALL Intends to connects in this line. thst le to say, the line of tie thinnest tort of exce le.t Moil/in& all summer. and does not !World to be "run off of the track" under arcs circumstance@ is hatsovrer Mips rilletad superiority in er@io Thlpreueeknutt.d cheapnese bliCa I ‘ll.O. Rafts% aft & SRO* POPULAR O.LoPULAILI It B. B. corner tclXlfi cud .11AIR FL streets ACES-RELIED- READ—WURT S.--On Friday, the 21 instant, by the .Rev. Dr. of Trenton, Z. Read. H D., of Tdount Holly, N. J.. to Eacabeto G., daughter of the late FPlliam Worts, of tele city. WILLIa Pd S—HOUNTON —On tie Kat ult., by Bev. A. B. Ailing, aeoli4ed by fiat , . Kingeton God dard, D. D., FraticAn H. Williams to Glary 8., daughter of Wm. U. Houston. •• DIED_ - HIGHT—On the mating of 2d inst., J. Freda *rick Blahs aged 61 years. His relatives aro friends are respectfully Invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 1331 Brown street, on Monday, the 6th lust, at 4 wawa 'rumour, farther nodes. *4- LAUGH b OP tnebtloBl mclreic Mcßride, Infant sun of Fi , bert and Needy Laugullm aged year and 3 Weeks. The relatives and friends of the family are ye. speottully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of bis parents, No. 1228 Sauckemaxon street, on Saturday afternoon. at 3 (mint*. without further notice. Proce4d to Franklin t) , metery. ** CHUMP —On June let, Anna J ibtle Ore on fr, eldest daughter of John and Jane H. Crump, aged 5 years and 5 months. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, without "linker Dottie, from the residence of ter parents 708 Sedum s'reet, on Saturday afternoon, June 32, at half past 2 0'010 , .k. To greeted to Evergreen cemetery, Camden. ** laTTL.E.—On the, 31st nit., Amanda, daughter of Margaret and tto late Henry Listte. The relatives sea frloudd of the family are re• Speotfully Invited to attend thankful:total, from the residence of her mother, No. 1021 Filbert street, on Saturday afternoon, 3d instant, at 4 o'clock, without further notice. .5 MoDOWELL.—At her residence, in German town, on the morning of June Ist, Glary, wife of the late Thos. McDowell, of Delaware, In tae 79th year of her s4te. The friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral, In Wilmington, Delaware, at the Old Swedes Church ; on Saturday morning, June 3d, at 934 o'clock, without further notice. HOWELL —On the morning of the 31St tat , Francis litrkbride Howell, In the 422 year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect. rally invited to attend the funeral, from the rest dense of his aunt, Hannah Howell, Its Fif teenth street, on Seven , h day ~Jterenun, 3d I.nrfrint, at 3 °Week. To proceed to Laurel Hlil. *** - RLAcK ENGLISH RENA.DINBS.— Just received. a C 91.8 Of Slack - Grenadines, at 40 cents a 'suit. B.BSSON at SOS. Stearn tut SL(.re. 9iB calmsur Street. Ons nem Prices in plain agora. • meta B LACK MALY D] LaINB.—JUST opened, one case or plain black-MI.IY de Lain."' at .9734 seats /*I tad. BESSoIi & @ •12 iloarnme Store. 91s CasSrAtir Street. One price Prim in plain Enures mylls. WHITE SHAWLB, 13413 T A6ZORT MUT Ifs TOWN. Pare Wbite Baran Rawl& Pure ut bite Hernauls CO. Pure Whit. Shetland do Pure White Thy et Kik Fri MY 18 It NYREnffe. & LANDELL CE r WEAL CD M liCitElLti CIONAL CDDRUIL LONGEST RILL —Cho PtAtor, rev. EDWARD HAWN, will pwach TO- AO ARO at I(3‘ M cue SY- M. The public are cordially la• Orlol.ilhO MEN—FOUR O'CLOCK.— By reptiot of Young ken's Ctoistian A 1010316. tion. T. II SI OcK•goN w 11 address the Yon ug Men of the city, SABBATH a?T.E.k.NOOOI at af,EVildf• R and. WOOl/ etreets, Jayne's Rail Address adapted to the times and the approaching Convention ali Invited.* 41gr- E IMF* ROH lAN, CORNER OF BROAD and BataiDl &Sta.—sermon To. ILOBIOW alVi All Q. by bm , T. is F. .13 aglitErT, "Oar disabled beldame and Utters. gad. what We Rillutild do for them." Public Invited. ltb GREEN-MiTEEET N. E. CEEREEE, (}BETH, above Tenth street—Preaching In WO Choireh on 'SABBATH AWE yls G. 4th inst., br Rev. Junta STREET. ec loig (.'ciock, and in the BV &Ntnl by Bee. J W. ARTHUR, at 8 o'clucg_ 'VaIiCU PREAOHINO, BY THE Bev. N CI It, in the Hall. cvraer of 4P ctUt:3 and SETBkiTil Streets, TO MORROW, as IU% A. N. Ind 0 P. B. Bents fr,o. UNION NI.E CBVAcCK,JUIN 4t111 4 Re\ .I.ltike to. will Preach V. kW, o'clock A. M., and Rev. J.D ALI 'WALLACE Ac co BP. at. Us FinasT REFORMED DUTCH CE111.611, 873VS:PR and SPRING clast.. - .10( kb ego. Los. J B. SO t DAM, pastor. Services at 10ki o'clock d M and 8 o clock P to. Or&LEMON TO ItokiNo MigN.—THE third of a rat,robly aetienos EHrf1:10118 will be de• livered et the Cbei eh of the Interceseur. by the Rector, T0.11010:0 W at tattner botore 8 tt, rir BIBLE North Tratc.i. Street, aLo.e tiirart avaa¢a.— WDittradt•y e. mon Ttp Sao ft au VT. as 1O o's , oak.A. N. Alto, o.z lioaday as andreze at the eatue hour, 14. !. T D DEFORMED DIIVC FI CDDROD, cf.rner of 9131•1'D and FILBCLE Streets.—.V.v Dr. QUaDRUIRDoEf, of Mew 'fork, w:tl Preach in this Church. TO-D.WIDOW. Service at .1.03 , 4 A. N. and (P. M. it* LOGAN SQUARE PRESBY EMIL. Ali CRUMB, 'r Ark.ISITTIII H. and VIN 6 scraete. —Preaching by the lion., G W. kIeCKIS, adman. N. Y.,40-1(0140 kIuIiNING, at 10,4 Wileek; 11Vii• IiUS a at quarto/ 1,11. n, 8 o'clock. it. suminetv•suitooL s NI V E R • SASI —bee anniscreary exercises of tte Mis sionary he, iety connected with the Sasdits-icsoil of the First baptist uhnrck. an./ IiGEI &refits, wi.l be held TO-MOStbOW AFTEaIhAJN, at hatipsst three o'clocw, is de chnich. A berzuon is lah. is otr.unday-Schsols will be preach ed in the nr, et belt pas; ten o'clsan, by Lae poe tVZOZtbeChurch, as, G .0 Boardman. it Iar EXERC The (sixth Anniversary Of the &Maley Schc.l3 connec t ed with the /SWIMS bhOA.D-tiFdREF Petal- BYTERi Ala CH Shen wilt b. celebrated in tee Charon.. corner of ELIOAD and GRIM Stree , s, TO tailliao q (Sunday). at 3 o'clock P. at Addresses oral be de livered by the Pasitsr, Rev. 31 X. Adams, D. D. ; Kurt S Atwood, of ' , idea, wass. ; Bev. Robert J. Far tin, of Chelten Dills, and where Thua will be chains by the Schools, and a recitation by the Infant School It SPIRITUALISM.—Mk- FISH WELL Lecture a Stini3OM Street TULE. qtt Siflnfl)e. at 10,1 A. M. end S P. M. A PIG Bin' under tile care of the ?regrown Lyceum. wilt leikveT Aral Mari. et tdri-e , ,, ILL 7,4, A S.. on FRIDAY, the 18th, for sILWOOD OROVS. Tickets, 76 omits. Children, JO sent& - it* ar6PIRI9 - I3Bl.llB3l.—twa_ visit WILL Lecture, t the Church. on Tatmee.4l Street. below Front, at 3 Y. M. on Sunday. TOE IItOTJIERS' IIiONTHLY (TOM s, Pica INA will be held at the Church on surriEvin hlreet, b flow Coatee, on Wan d BS DAIt. the 7cli Ind.. at 3 o'clock. Laditia are in trand to attend. It* SHOULD ?DERE BE WA BD hOCIATIO.tiS std. other inethaomas iu 1791M43 - iiollcf Funds Five. le aid or Soldier* or sallow. neap- PrePriatefl. we treat the amount will be voted in fever of the United Stew. Rome of rannsylvenla Co: Invalid Soldiers and bailors We bop, ill CaLg:egatione and Asmocia none will give A collection or make an appropriation to chi, lisneraeat entetptitse. A KA RAN, ie3 It 1142 CHM% UT Street. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL Gan. eb F.LaXEN fII and Wool) 3traete, TOES DAY AFTiaiLlOll.3 and NVlia I a G.- ad d0..14.0. free.lo E A 1)417Allt TESS, .16.1EP11.111.- MEAT 02 1'.01.12S LV e. eiaLeDBLpp ‘ .4,2A. Jun. 2, 1885. GEVERaiDittni. do 63 I The sale et )to nor te prohltuted on all lines in this Department trated by troops lett:atone to be Min' - tared out of ftera,o-. , ,nd at the rend. zooui for their dis• *barge, Until all S , oh troops are diaper. IL Persona erteattit ic this order will a tweeted. and the liquor lotion in their estabiishinents will ha amPtlo6 out upon the v:cond._ By command of Major General Gadwalader JNO S scantazs. ABM etant, d di n taut Gemiral. • farNOTJCE.—TIIE ANNUELL nteET. IVO of the Atoeltbebters of the patLeDgf,- PHIL STEaltEfil P DOCK Coftil. AN V, far ;tie eloetbta of VITO DireeiOn and tbe traa.actioa of otbar bufti omits, Lola st Iv, 126 IS. DELiWaRB AVeifl {second flew), on WLDAMADAYI JULIA 7th. , 565. 41 /A W EWA& 6l DS9 sr% .jel•ltt Secretary and ft etten rer NO . racc,—TUE ANS DAL KE V INO of the htechbolders. and Cession fir Fre .sident and Pireet.a. w the 04 1:matte( Hallway neat. pane'. will to tele at the 0111.4, of the Company, on -. ./ . 0.11.8DAY. June 13. 1865. at 12 etee r k HDslttall 8511.71 i, 2eveterv- PHILADBLPHEA, May' a1..866. 210TICE.—TAE ADMIT& L ING of the tauckh.ddere of the Petroleum 'Moran Colettehy of Phtiadelph 'a. tont! It.t .Iteln at th, office of theikinpqny. so. 337 WALtil:ll' itraet (no Sta 118). 011 MOD DA 0, tb.- fire day or Jane le6l. at 11 •a'Wock A. M.. for the election of &El Directors 0) urn 100 the en ening Year. =Yak et F B HUBBELL %preterit. ciTIZEIIS OF T 11M 'WARD —ln reeponse to the in rltation oF the Lltooln Vl3 twit at no.oolation of Phil...dotal% a. meet /14 of (Attune of the FIFTH WARD. for the onrpo.e of organizetlon, will' be bold it GOO II rRR " &,,L, 6R SPRDCB btreet. on SAVIRDaY &VENDA% nut an, at 8 o'clock. By order of the Commas*. r. 111130. Budraan. Tau TESTA" ANSIMIL, (MINIUM- Troy OF 'N 36 Tonrid inneB elliverlex ARBOCIaTIO SI 01? TRI Mg ETC) eTATBS AND 8C '11.141 PROVINCE! , will aesamble in Phiradelphla at the Ft et Baptiet church (Nev. Glardtaan). corder BROAD and AVM t.treets. on WzDalistuir, June 1. at 2 o clock P M. Ron, Joseph A. POltd, of Batton, Will deliver the evening address. The meeting of wet „,me mil take place on Wedesedge evening. the academic of angle. with addresses by Rev, llfalhaW Sizenson. D D.. Blatt:toof the bE B. ilbriteni Bar H. )), Aden's. D. D it George R, Stuart. an dale gates frohti Woad. Cn Thureday evening, the grand Oratorio of GM me.eiab w be ne.tormisd in the Acaderd_y of Name (ceninlimentar and Ile Convention). by the Handel. , ” Beqdu &Mete Germania Preheatra Clan Sens di rector). amieted by Mrs Mozart. Kr kintoson, and oti er etathent artlqs from bow York. On redly, the at nlyersary of the lisdios' Smock of tee Chriat , en Coot 1-8 on, at the &gloomy of Haat& Addremeo by Brigadier General HAVeLtd and comers. On tmturdetr attornoon a fp, at ,a.sdaY nonovt gather lug of the children of this cny witi be held to the dee item, of Muec. Further annonnceno Ms will be math in regard to the tickets. - it* By order of the Committee of Arrangements. Mr'l6lllAile Tit Wlt I, 0 0 E TO Tilit DBLEBA E 4 OF Tag TIMM egg BAG C•t V. VINVION Or ik Voile. 0 .581 ti CHU' , PI set Asir). 014 1 1 () B8 OF TAR lI.SITID SPORN gin tottrtqq t , be he'd in the 6011)1151Y OF RUM, next WE,D.NY,D; Bvise Intl. Jane 7h. .01 1 RISS OF STBIt , .0)11. Rey. ROWER ttIAIPI7ON. D itt M. B. Bearer; Bev. L *BASIL .1)! D.; GEO kali H. STUMM Biq 2.y.NPOSeII by Brigadier Gen. •CLINTOW B FHB, LTv .d States Amy, a delegate to the COIIIIMOOL4 Orlitntti Hi intra written or the octagon by Rev. Bre. St ot ktt-n and •dares will be snag; also. other m t ale by a sleeted t.hoir of ihe Sande). and Ravin donkey—tau• etc utter tkediree.ien of the Garments Orchestra, Carl Berm rirect..r. The Parquet Circle and Balcony will be ant atiart as Renewed Seats: rckets 60 cent* faith The Family Mole end amphitheatre wit; be unreserved. Tick. eta ?Dern& rash Tiek-e, foe stl,e. on and after TWINY of this 'week at Ctwatton'a (late Martion'e) Book diortt. la 6 Casetnut street. 1.0 11014ToN 1 MIT 3,i, vim& _ 4 se.-nY spectra meeting of the bt.Akholders Of Old G&W. MOTH DATA ColcsoLiDarto dAst, n4MPtrY wi t he !bald at the Office of the C,totpany, Ho. WS Dl) Parfet. Phitadelobia, on D'lt.inta, Jane lien. at ',tar o'cteek M, to coehider the question of Jasmine golds and the terms then-of for the porpotot of carrying on the iroprcv.mente of the Company. Per ceder. 080. B LI necit, deeresmy. lIIW'THE ENIVITAL MEETING OF THE grtookbo)dere of thw (}(HARD (Of Lake Ponarlor) 19111 be bold at Sock vnine. Nu- 3414 WALNUT • tr4, 4 t, on TugdArta, the 6th nroxicuO, o'clock. for the eb-ction . of Mclntyre. and tha tretvon• don 01 ether bigness. B.E. llllOllB, Seier.tuy. Vo2i 13t, PHILA DELPHIA ILA DElLPFllteli, MAN 19, 1E163 —Tbe annual wetAtug or t .e Bt“ckholdeit ut the itheotrutt kitt.thio , ot:-Mi'sr4V (of !nee Superior) i.l held at then office. No 324 W N; ettrvet, oh tummy, the hth prox , tho. et ;2 o'c ook ter toe ..lection of birectore and the traoseetion Of they tiet.s B. A HO , PSi, mi9o-14t eleerecary. rir' PHILA. DELP.IIIIA EXC II AMOR COM 'A.LY I MAY 29. 1861 'll.‘ Board et Managers have thin .?Ity'Oeabsnd,tutlyi• Bend of I'WO D.,LL ..fiN PkR SEIAItE, clear of tast.s, p:.yable on demand, by tb. Supaticto.utent, at thq Er.• ch, ;re. .13Botrt,Y D. IsaERRIViD. j.) Bt s.ct.tary and Treamarer. gar THE Ale Nil L MEE OF TUE rbelVnie PEeKotascrat ootreiT wiii v,),41.1 At du+ Milne of ill* ilompny. so*. 07 .. t . t treat, ROOM 60. 7. on , 6 /-x-Orit Or 4 1 2110 nest. !tattle th.. Bret ) at 1 trinuck II en e1e04611 Of Directors. b.:mewl.. and Prow:tsar. wilt be bold. B. 16ICH 01.D4 nir..9o4C•Secreterr. MAY 1565. —At a Meettot of the Board of Directors of the filkW YOhli AND MIDDLE COAL FrEnD ttalt.Boau lt(D COAL COMYAIII, Mr. Jot'''. Ni Motel tendered his r(sianatlen as freeideot f the iiempany. and oa motion Mr. WILLIAM MoLW.LAM Mae ttaantmoosly eleet.d 101111 the vacancy. OBAB. B. LIADSer, m)26-;2t &Prelacy. NOTtuE TO ALL DISLUMUEN'Ir 11014pO1tA:No1QS O.ll6Aiit2ED lISTWIIIi L sW OF rtili STATE , OP PItioskYLYABIA. 11otice to hereby given to all compaidell inentoratell by or ender any law of the Commonwealth of Pennayl vents. and organized at any time prior to the first Mon. day of November. 1864 that have failed to make report to the Andi.or General under the net approved April 21, 1868_ and the act_aporoved April M. 1E64, that they ace weratred to report torthe Auditor Deneral forthwith, es follows. vt,. : in case a dividend hen been declared, the Treasurer will report. under oath. the amount of atonal paid in, thecae, amount. and rate per seat of each. dividend dui ins Out year end tag the flat Monday of 21 0 VeUthW, 1821. az d any previous T. sex or recur to welch the Com pany may have bed an existence; and in cage no divi dend has been declared dazing the year or year, end ing as a'orriaald, thtn an eppraisement of the cash value of the capital stock as it existed between the first two lituenth days or November, mold be made by the President or 'Presenter, and a majority of the Direstore, under tatb When an appraisement In made, the re port chewld also state at what time the Company we, ors united. edaition to the above report, under the act of April 21, MS, cote,: antes not paying a tea on tonnage are re• anima tO &Bite Bew a re or Trader Incomethe erpen te , 4 onet flf net 81,11110ga er lll , during tbe period from A to lloverae.* 1864, in arcoulaace with the second section of the act. approved April .10 1e64 COMPealign LeCORPORATED BY Min ST/TBS and "doing business in this Commonwealth," era notified that shay are reader eateect to the tax on net eareings or 11 , COMe under the 2d eectlon of the act of Agri/ SO 1864, and are required to report to the Auditor General the amount of such net emulates ortneoate re stayed between the 30th of April and theist of Bown her. 1664. All delinquent Companies incorporated by or under any law of the State of Penneylvania, wilt be affordee a reasonable time in which to make the terve. al reports required by law and above enumerated; but oentinned neglect or refusal will subject them to forfoiture of charter, der the 2a proviso of the id section of the act of April 00. 1864. which le in he following %verde: Preehlte farther, That any corporation which has tailed le wake Maras to the Orinitrionweicitla, as' re quired by the eat et April 21, A. 0.166 e, entitled 'Au sat for the better eternise to the commonwealth the pay. went of texas dneny incorporated c 'may make stich return vitan sixty days after the PaSSage of thie act. any law to the coutrary cotaritnetanding; and all OlNeiitqUent companies failiug or refusing to make fail retnr..e and spar mere to the State, as required by the general laws of thie Commonwealth in relation thereto. seen have all their right. and privileges declared fore felted by proclamation from the Crovera or. MI " SAA 0 SRKER. Auditor (lateral. W. 13 RS.II ef.B. State Treasurer. cons lea 11A.Rutssuag. May 16,1061. pir TO EFFIZJENN OF THE UNITED ST &TES% The I &died \letting Committee of the SriLDIERS' FRAM in the Cite of Philadelphia, propose to open a Itirtlols Al, FAIR at the Academy or arra.° on the Ttrtlity third de, 0 1 etet..bits neat for the Parnose raie,ng a BULLDOG- and En. Di) WEE NT flint) for ties Irmitntlon with which ther- are Connected Tho nr.derat aired commend this p-crece to the favora— ble, notice of their f011..w mtigles of the United - tatis The SOLDIERS' MB hat been .incarporcted oy the Mate of Pennsrivarda, for tne relief of Botdiers and who Moe been honorably discharged frota reed the Children of those who have died in, the service of the Col eery. COtrYTA 13P SOLDIERS' 1106f13 hie been merged ID thie Institution. be Legislative anti orhy. awl ts now in stiocesetnl operation. But as the ballateg now occupied. at the corner of Sacs and Crown streets, is entirely inadequate to the neeeseities of the Rome, the Is anagtre have given their nanctio i a to the proposed FMB. Although the HOME to located in Philadelphia, its benefactions are 1101 limited by gut, boada.ries. lii doom ate freely opened to every deserving Sadler alit bailor of the Espub.ic who 'melee a- in etilon. The Management con., motwo- , an Ind netrltl Depart ment in the institution. in which the inmates wno are able to week at their trades may find employment. sad thus be relieved from toe position of rower degovl , nts on public charity it contemplates also a department where children of those who have diet In the service will be tenderly protected and carefully educated sad prepared for suitable vocas While the hearts of the people are overflowing with hrttitur e to God, for his great gift of victor • to our At trl,t Armies. we sh , :mld not forget our d dies to the brave Mat who will scon be returning from +he fields they bave won, disabled by honorable wonude from the scare froranit id their pr Amiens. The orphan children. whose fathers have fallen inonr fet st struggle, are also specially *witted to the minim avor and nretcction Let usprovide a home w.trthy of their acceptance, and worthy of *peon e whose property they have protested woose liberty they have smelted, lib Lose government they have payed. and whose hearts they hate gladdened by went spleindid.achievemsnis. Conimitteea for the artanintion of Site Fair will be announced in dub season. filewspaper proprietors will render important service by occaelonal publications of toils notice. which will be duly acknowledged as contributions, to the P 414 PHILADELPHIA. April 14, 1865 Andrew 0 Collin, John Welsh, alesander Henry, Dr. A. Malinger, James'Pollook, Jay Cooke Caleb Cope, E. W. Clark, 8. B Browne, Joseph. liaritson Flmon tiamegon. Morton McMichael. D. B 0010011513. henry C. Cary, Daniel Smith. Jr.. Wm. .D Ltlfle r Thee A Felvball, Tames Milken. Henry D. Macre. Georse H Boger, Daniel D ens hefty, Oracles O'Neill, D. Saunders, James 0 Rand. J. fidget.' %hempen, Edward h. Sender, A Mettle, 'Audio' Smith. Dr. Wallace.'lt ' J. B. Elovieacott. ft Mae/dieter, Jr A , Oodey, Jsmee L. CitighOrtt , Daniel Ha Moak, Tr.. Wm. Stroll/inn, RobertP King. A lE. Boole, I. B. Hall. zoy23-tue6t OFFICE OF THE ANYGO&F.OIO OFFICE OF I.tK iluPssaos, NG. op* W.A-TATEFT Stzei i t. to. los. NOTICE is hominy elven, ti;a the annual Messing of the etocrholtiere of *. Tee a otyedatoto Xining Com pany of 14.1 et huperior" will b. het at the Office. No. 324 WALNUT t-treet. on T 9IIIttiDAY, th proximo, at 12 o'clock M., for the election of Directors and the trauraction of other business my 2.0 tje7 F. R. WOMBAT% Secretary. . OFFICE OE THE HONEYCOMB PETROLEUM COfdPATi Y, am 43 Sown FOURTH Street. PHILADELPHIA, May 26% 186:1. The Braid of Directors have this day decisred DIVIDEND (4 . O.NE PER CENT. on the eapitat stock, payable on and after Julie 6th. clear of Rtate Transfer books will close on the Seth lost . cad open on th. inb maim. THOMAS to L m 717.80 Treasurer. stiILITARN. plumy 31011 A,ND GOVSRN. MINT itnIGITY TO ATI, WHO INTIM THE UNITED STATES Et ARIES CORPS. Orders have been received from the head of the Marine Corps, at Washington. not to restrict remits to a particular elate (ail has been the Gees heretofore), but to reteiTe ALL who have served in the volunteer ser. vice, or in the rf cadars, or in the twines, and have been honorably &Mohamed- Such persons eitiletbut in the United States literines will receive the Govern ment bounty, end will also be entitled to their share of prize money in any capture of the enemy's vessels. For further information &Pei at the recruiting rep- Owens. No 311 South T Street, between 0 A. 09, sad 9 o'eleek P. every day but Sunday. JABYES FOENNY. Captain and Itsernitlng 001eor. CARD PE OTOGRATHS TWELVE for 4125 • wilt and Yell pretty Myles ?Worts, ra)tabl.lor Allnnis, Mid Jolt the torlo,jor ec.l..rx to vt'cbange wlth olaesmatea REIMEWN'SI3O /1111) gt., above tirgen CARTES DE VISITE.-HAVE THEM taken by 8 F. RE(ldEtt, 024 Ana Street Rive you fnll labsfaction in stlie and ase.cntion. Flubbed with exqnbite to-te. See eoeeimaas It* HAVANA CIGARS.-A 00011 VA lllsTT constantly to store end bond. et lowest car h rates. S. FOCIUST & 50Ne. not246rn" In 216 South DIM Street. FOLDING SPRING BEDS. Sodding cd every &aeripti , n. Epsiee • bottom bGaa and cots. Nicebier moss and sea visa ty the bale. kIiILI3P.OOX le CO., 9 Booth 8$9.01•13 Week my'l9.lso COIOE CONFECTIONS, Mho finer quango Of CU t.Fge rIODIN131(,. waited to the Suntruat moon, DlFillntiAton,d 4%11i'. 111 ltrk , PN• vitaN No. 1 R . 41 0 bLittl l- a g r Streot. AVERY CHOICE BOASTED AL- Jump, Miontacturati by bT/SPREN F. VPHITISON, No 1210,MiEKBr Street it VERY SUPERIOR GUM DROP, prepated by IiTt•PHEII P. Wrlrllia. )el lm N 0.1210 MARAS , " street. THEWHO HAVE TRIED AND failed in finding relief at the hands of charlatans. are Invited to nail and examine the great varlet, of tn• strumouts to annid the hearing, at ifitiDElll4oB, Tenth state', below Cneelnot ncre29 THE PUBLIC TB CAUTIONED against an UHT aTI.ON of the FhotJgraph. of Dent. elm 'treat, tbs ofigiaiLl Of Aniel Wilk mean by F. OOTE-IcriNST. VA &BCH Street It to a bad eopy The original still be known by my Imprint o w n the na WILMAM R. REGER, PATTERN and MODEL MANSE, No. 609 CONNVAns Street. above Snub. ma-01.* CAMPILION CARPET.—TEIS NEW artfc s e of Poor coveting can be seen to practical roe at aIL2 Wit btrect. from S Country & at awl from 2t05 P. M &IRO. & few Rlghtl for Hi te . A d d " , with stump, REDLY_ CAsSEL ft WRY. Box 715 City P. 0. 131.4 t. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND rnPitinCIPLED DEALIOIB endeavorfari to dia. Pose of , heir own and other prer.ii4ne. on thotopa tattoo attained by MILIII3OLD r GSNUIDIS P.KNY6- RaTnna. SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RE -020/110 Br RILMBOLDI =MOT WOE% MILITARY IN 009*. FLAGS I FLAG'S It EVANS & HASS ALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, 418 ARUM sTItEET. DA.N.INE. WY, Silk, Bunting, Muslin, and De Lain F.L.A.431- s, OP ALL SIZES. SWORDS, SASHES, BELTS, PASSANTS, &C. SITLITAL7Et "V" GOODS, j0a... . 1,3 OF EVENT DESCRIPTION. FIREWOUKS. FOURTH OF JULY IrXiitEWOmLics. IN GREAT VARIETY ROCKETS, CANDLES, UNION AND ROMAN CANDLES, MINES, TRIANGLES, SHIP LIGHTS, SNAKES, BLUE LIGHTS, FLOWER POTS, PIN WHEELS, GRASSHOPPERS, COLORED FIRES, ALSO. • large assortment of Wheels, for sale by A. FRANCISCUS & CO., pa•VE 513 MARNE" ST am INS URAID 08. FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY. Croton Fire Insurance Co., New York. Atlantic Fire and Marine Ins. Co., Pro vidence, H. I. People's Fire Ins. Co., Worcester, Mass Thames Fire Ins.Co.,Forivieh, Conn. Insurance lauded Oompwaise to any mount, upon LIBERAL TEAK& whiavut eldisW3 far VOLICIRB OR STAMP. JOSEPH TILLINGH&ST, AGENT. 409 W4L1 6 1:17 q!reftt j.Prrtn.b2m EDUCATIONAL. YOUNG MED; PREPARED FOR TUE ctou.vnilionse and Baguette Life. at Crigtenden's Innicreini uciinnvo 037 tiEt6,I , NUT Street, corner of moniatn Lortee atoll in Isi . o , k kerping, PBlllO.B/1110.1% ()cinnamic' tialcrilationn., Tait Liaoning; dm. Do v,cetins.c. Stadenin instructed enparately, at each 1111 , 01. e 6 vs, tot Knit their convenience. IRYANT, STRA.T lON, & BANN'S TEL'S ItaTl•lliaL C;.?dei ILCIAG COLLAGE, AI3O3IIIBIAT RILL n be a. comer of eiliSTlitfr and TENTH street, Inetrnetion in Hookkteoing, Penal matO•ip• Commoretel arithmetic, CommeroiatLaw,BnelneseCorretpundenoe. Forme, eta • Toni g 1116/1 who (Wire a thorough ednnition f)r bust noes ehoold avail- thtmeeivea of the advantages of thie neettintium cod or send for a Otreal.r. joB-2t MISS MARY R THROPP WALL RR &nen her Buultsb and Franck Boardl,ic and Tow Lanl [or Yoant Indian. at .1.841 0.1183151 J? bi:adelrh the Iltb of Neptexuber. lo.,:%)-tuwe PARABOLA I'ECT A C'LES Are unsurpassed by any other gigues now In nee. There is no better evidesca of their virtues, aided. se the fact ie, by certificates of the leading cadential, or the day. POE BALE ONLY BY E. BORFIES. & SON, Optlettne, Xo. 402 CRESITUr Street. Icy. • KNICKERBOCKER ICE CO. D. B. .11i.ERSHOW & CO. • r. c HURT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN /PAPORTED DELIVERED DAILY to Private Families. Stores, and Offices, in all parts of the Oity, West ehtlattelphis, and Mantua. Hotels. Liesianrants, Confectioners. 'frac:bars, and an nage COIIIIIIMOTO aupplied ah thilowast market rates. Siltrplng attended 14 at short notice, 011 tli most ren• lonable terms. Orders. alterations, complaints. by man. promptly attended to. °FtICES ' 1 Viff.rAlV.FiratihrtB ROAD Street. my 27. slathers AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF PLATED TEA SETS, WAITERS, ICE PITCHERS, 15.9BLETZ, BUTTER DISHES, PICKLE TA ES, SPOONS, FORKS, acci., Te lb' sold very lOW, &i , N. RI LOWS Watch and Jewelry 11,vtaiMehment, AT PLR, AND INTEREST ALLOWED TO JON; 13. For sale by 1)11.EXE1.4 agc CND., ra 2741 NO. 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET. 1023 CHESTNUT &red. P. BTAILFORD. JOEL L. I[ol7Bll*. gltdp. Gold, Sliver. and Diarntmda bought. littY3l-6t* AN ART AMONG ARTS IS ONE OF cutting hair in such minter and - style that it will slways soak well ant how and under all otreninstane.s. dressed w tthcombandbraeh, or by running your Au gers through it. Pieffonors of Flair ruttingare numerous, end man? Persons are deceived by the profession, and get their heir o.lls, sr4.iied, or a very homely ant. entirely nn bccomifig to the wearer Which floats* them aarteur very &leftward. We cannot explain the reason way, tut if they w are to sit with the nt dereianed any length Of rime, and see persons cal/ to get their hair cat over, it w orld not require any explanation; but Giotto who OW on l•fientific rivelples and with a mechanical eye, are very few and far between. It is irtuy said that the hair is the crownit g orris, meat of the human lies and form divine, and tne nail:mai di every of it eason'e throne &sir (.hitting can only be understandingly practiced ty operators who combine mechanical expertness and a c epee of taste and judgment twit:Gene tor the appli cation of its principles to the diversified forms of the heed, and the 1/11.161115 modifications and expreisions or the face. These roles the carefal operator never loses sight of. Ihe undersigned cordially invites a call to test his style of workmanship, ands, etent of doing filminess. PULLIIISES'S Shaving, Shampooing. Bair camas and Dyeing Boom, under the St Lawrence Hotel, OREM MIT street, above Teeth, Philadelphia. G. I'o PLIISTBREIitah—PORTL ANTI OID • NEWT. nazi d with tyre parka of flint sand, mskai beanited and durable rorerheastleg. 'Which 78.11.18 inattPrO and become harder with age. Imunrted by J. & edUeIISL.4. je3 W 310 YOUK avenue. TO CONTRACTORS.-THE PREM ."- TED , T and /Amnon, of the CHEERY RON AND PIT HOLE litH tECH SAILFZO.O of the C. L. & 1, Com pary will receive, until June 3nth. F•BALAD PICOPOSiLR . . . . For building a P.aitro•ti from lionet , ville to 011 Creak, thioogh the town of Plummer. to the McAhoy Caen/ Ran Lando; dletance from fur to flee rotten Bide are invited for the a hole wotk complete. The Company to forneth the iron. Sp.ellicelone and Plane of the Matt may be teen at the cane of HAMILTOX X. Tons, Enetneer, 01.1 City rropcsels 10 On dioete3 to the andersiirkled, at PM& but[, Fe., Gott of Lloyd a & Rita. la 0403.0 eLmirc. jeS•atuthrltdtltw JAS. I. kibtlY 4.1111; 411. BUCKEYE MOWING AND REILP G MACHIPF.S. at greatly reduced prim; ; Inde pendent "tooth Ray and Gram Rakes, Hay Blevatore Unltleatore, Hone Hoes, Carrot Weeders, &a. For sale by D. LANDRITH & saw, •Srlenitn•al Inoyeement and Seed Warshonse, Nos, 21, aoe 23 Sown SIXTH Street, 11* Between Cheetnat and Market Streets ak SIBERIAN SORGHUM, A NEW —a-variety. For sale D LiNDRETII SOL lt* Nos 21and 23 South SIXTH Rusk. alb UNION 'MOWING celebrate,' metal:tee aro now oftared at mused, pricoo for oatth, by ROBERT 151115 T, J'a , Nos. tnax sad 924 KLEIC Street. It above Math. Ai THE BUCKEYE JUNIOR MOWER atdtbeBUCKEYEMOWBB and RE 4 Pit These machines are now offered at MI mad p•iceA for cssh, by RI) BR RT MOST. JR., HOB. 922 and 024 KaRK r &rest. It above &lath. ai t PRATT'S STEEL•TOOTH HOE Si ..&-EAKRB. —Nevolving Raea. Bey•Beedsre. Hay kJevalosta nelth blocks and rope. at root noel prices fa cwat, by 808 ISH.T BUIS e, JR., Nos. 922 and 024 zmix sr Street, It above Ninth. 4.14 UNION MOWING MACHINE, Wi3.lCll bib heel) (UP, tabid Tor tiietast tan- Tow, It 6011Ni:tee Blrevglh, duratfrilllg, light lokight, dight areal. with comreete ethoisncy in caning graPs, itgal hr heavy, Wet or dry, lodged or standtug. cad funlrawat rang 'Diger convenience* not found in other machines Also tor.ale. theinnat complete one horse Laton-Afotew in the marker PAN OALL Bole Agent, Agrieulturni Werehonso, myelin MO MARKET Sweat. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS.- SELECT -■- the best, tie m.. 10 servlciabie , posses/dna the greatest etrength and Jiwalhilitv. paterc binuto-hmsk ',thorns, fee erne at B. N. SHINER'S Gallery. G 24 ABCS gtreot. 1," TO BREWERS AND DISTILLERS - TO 1 iot tf POW Coder TUB% mode by ncalaha-,it & Co for PEI. le r. Apply at LI KtiLLOGGILIOU'ir ndCBISTEITT. CEMSTEITT , jo2 GREAT CENTRAL OLOTILWG ROUSE, THE PRESS.-PHrGADELPMA' UNITED STATES By authority of the Seentary of the TieMt" the undersigned. the General Subscription Agent for tk. eale of United States Securities, otters to the eablie the tk trd series of Treasury Notes. Waring levee and three- tenths nor lent. interest Per annum, known to the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN.! These Notes are tuned under date cif Ali Ib. 1 95 t 5 . and are payable three years from that date In tar felloV, or are convertible at the option of the holder into Thus BMWs In now Werth a handsome prOin» and are exempt, as are all the Goveniment Sepias, from State. County, and ilisnierpa/ taxation, which adds from one to three Per cent more to their value, *scolding to the rate levied upon other property. The Interest t■ payable seml-annually by coupons attached to each note, which may be out of and sold to any bank or banker. The interest at 780 per sent. amodats to One cent per vist 00 a WM note, Two cents per day on a WOO note. Ten cents per day on a $6OO note. . Twenty cants per day on. a *l,OOO note. One Dollar per day on a $5,000 ttote. Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished anon receipt of subscriptions. the notes of this Third Series are preeineig similar In form and privileges to the Seven-Thirties already sold, mega that the Government removes to itself the option of paying interest in sou vote at aisr sent. instead of 7 3-10 the in 01114511eY. igtainGriban will deduct the Wrest in eurreney up to July 10th, at the time when they subsszibe. The delivery of the notes of this Third Series of the Seven-Thirtles will commence on the let of ;tut% and will be made promptly and continuously after that date, The &light champ+ made in the conditions of this THIRD SERISB affects only the matter of interest The payment in gold, if made, will be eqtlilinient , to the 'tenancy interest of the higher rate. The return to specie payments, in the event of Which only - Will the option to pay interest in gold be atoned of, would so reduce and equalize Prises as that Pur chases made with six per cent. in gold would bi folly equal to those made with. Millen and three tenths per sent. in enrreney. This is Tut' arLy x.thcati lr:T MARKXT now offered by the Government, andle eaperitit ad vantage. make It the • GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF TEE PEOPLE, UM than 090,000.000 of the Loan authorised 'by °mires, are now ht the market. This amount,* the rate at which it is being absorbed. will all be stineribed for 'within sixty days, when the notes will undoubtedly eolumend a premium. Sr has uni formly been the rase on &Angina the subssriptions to otter Leant In order that citizens of every town and section of the country MAY be afforded facilities for taking the Loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to re ceive subscriptions at par. Subseribers will selectilteir Own agents, in whom they have cooddeass. sod who only are to be responsible for the deliver,' of the notes for which they receive orders. No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, EINSTEIN, ROSENFELD" CO., k BANKERS o 8 BROAD S'IrROBT, tkIP_M YORJ. We draw at'sight, and at sixty days, on LONDON. PARIS. PEARKFORT. and all other principal cities of Europe. Parties opening current accounts may Moen and draw at their convenience. the mama as with the CITY liana, Ina Will . ba ellowed interest on allialanies over OLS THOVEAND DOLLI.I.I, at the mire Of Point per cent. per annum. Orders for the purchase or sale of various issues of Government awl other Stooks. Bond., and gold executed on Commission. my 24-w k3ruif - W/BLIAIW N. BACON. comas A. WARDER. BACON & WARDER, STOCK AND NOTE BROKERS, gasy. WALNUT STRUT. Stocks bought and sold on Gomudeolon. Trust Funds Invested City. State. or Government UM. Selbperiptiont received for the United States 7.80 Loan, without Mane for commtpoion to the pturohaeeC. jel-tnettilm SEVERTBIRTIES, STAMFORD et HOUSTON, .1 STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKHRS) Dealers In Government ..enritleaapeele, Unorunint Money. City Warrants. die. Stooks bought and sold on commission at the Reaniar Board of Brokers. m9J9 lm anwAsa iconic lORAOR i. SWAM EDW. ROBINS NARK EOM GOLD. SILVER. grooms. swum AND GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. BOUGHT ANTI SOLD. CoMotion made on all parts of the sottntos Depooi ws& zablto method. ottbSitot to itiElit drat. imd. but oot Elio SECOND NATIONAL SANS, OF PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANI& I !LATE IRON CITY TWIST COWART.) CAPITA - b. eaoo,poo. sAlma' AND MERCHANTS' GOLLECTIOIf promptly attended tool the moat favorable tarmac G. E. WARNER, ?resided. CHARLES H. RIGGS. Cashier. r rahabia THE FRANKLIN SAYING FUND, NO. 186 NORTH FOURTH STRUT, ISRLOW OHIRTNUT, Faye ave per sent. Wargo. on. Deposits. Anntil to: the Sala of United states 7 3.10 LOllllll at Far. Govan, Anent, State end City LOMA and Ste k• bm.tht ...a . 036 tor depositors and other. oa Oommiasion. DIRI64Ik HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY 'l3 su m E. B. EARL EY, - FIIRNISMIING ILINDERTAKEIS, B. B. corner TENTH and GREEN Streets. jeS.Sre ,E WRITTEN ?.ND VERBAL DE SeXTYTIOXiti of GliaragtorAtmetitution, and 'fa Nc l lent. with ADVICE oa Hnsineaa. Health, Hata mos, self. improvement, if enegereent and Tratr lag of ObiLDßiti, waist adaptation , ika. , del and evening. by JOHN L. ()Arm, Phrenologist and Bookseller. oell-tntbslyir No. s$ q. Tillrirff tit .abovo fibaatioat RINEET SPIRITS OF NITER, PURR, al. 8 P.,) manufactured by J. E. yotrio, Apothecary. corner bbVBATH and SPRIAG Gal/PRI Streets. Philadelphia. , mYI3 YOM' UPWARDS OF THIRTY THOUUND eertiiestse ant romamondotori Woos hat, boo' attach w the"twits of KILN BOLD'S el -11111.111 •PEIPASATIONif mo~ of whiob arotram the bighmi souneogruithir imm en t di a. maa. ater. , to indoor. akt S. E. 00/4. MTH AND MARKET mans. FIN AINCIAIi . 7-30 LOAN• THIRD SERIES. $230,000.000. U. S. 6-20 SIX PER CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. JAY GOOSE; SUBSCRIPTION ♦BEAT, PRILADBLPHLL JUNE IN AMOUNTS TO SUM No. [25 Botrra TFEIRD STREET, PHILADILPHIL sTocar. AND FXCHAAGB BROKERS, #16.47 1101;1711 zmign oirrawric raiiiLDELpsiA ANNUAL BROURSION TO ATLANTIC CITY, THURSDAY, July 6, 1886. jel•thitn tf SATURDAY, JUNE 1865: RETAIL DRY GOODS. EYRE & LANDELLI, TrOUrta r n AND A,13.01-1. SUMMER NILES AND SHAWLS. TOWELS FOR HOTELS. PURE WHITE SHAWL` % DIAMOND MARSEILLES. GOODS FOR TOURISTS. WIDE OOAT SILKS. LLAMA. SHAWLS.. GAUZE FLANNEL. • 1,000 LOW QUILTS. TABLE LINEN. niT2s.tltem2m GLOSSY BLACK MOHA.IRB. PEARL SR&DES ALPACAS. TOVII/OTS , DRESS GOODS. BLACK WOOL DELAINES. BLADE MANTILLA BILKS. WHITE AND BUFF PIQUE. COOPER & CONARD. 8178-K 8. 11. cor. NIPTH sad MABK!IT Btreoti. TAGG it BROTHER, CORNER TENTH A. and FINE Wrests, open 'from the emotion sales: I lnt Worn& Domed, Moak -g• mind Orenadinse. 60s. 1 lot two yards -witie black Ott-ge. vary This. 01 2 lots very fine whits soft•lln iE h Ciaiwooks. 60 and 75e, 6 lots cambric, friwies. and jet:met Nadine. 60 and. Ole. 2 lots imitation tacit Walks drasittis, 50 and 051 1 lot (60 dozen) brown hwitaback. Beth Towels, all linen. $f 75 per thzen 1 lot (40 ii‘zen) bleached htickalinck all-linen Towels, $3 per d• i d lot 2X.yards-long snow drop damask Table Cloths. lets &Web Diapers. all linen, SS so 5.,.a qty D=r piece. 81015 Dune*. an linen 9,u 1 / 4 1.eL border fidkfo. 250, PO, and 83c. Slots gents' all-linen extra line HMOs, 400, 940, and 60 cents 1 lei ladies' very tine lisle-thread open-wash EDS% 5735 cents. 1 lot brown and ten grenadine Wis. only 60 cants. 8 lots gents', genre merino Dndeahlrta, $1.50, $1.62, and $1 76. I lot snail hare plaidilllnslins, only 75 cents. 1 lot vety fine bird•eye Linen, 1... r vidldren's aprons, 8731 cents 1 lot Mack and white strips Balmoral Skirts. $2. 1 lot heavy unbleached inning Sliielins. Iss seats. I let black and white Barege ',Daigle, for sun. bon nets. 20 esp.& 1 lot black and white and brown. and while small plaid Bonnet Silk. $1 26 per yard • 1 lot 8.4 brown linen damask Table Gothe, 21.25. 5 lots very heavy Sonnet gibbons, white, black, and colors. 75 cents. 10 lots (30 ...lions) all colors Trimming Ribbone, by the piece or yard. / lot white grounds colored. spots TitynGs, 80 cents. Also, Drees stations. Gloves, liociery, Hem-stitch. Ste. Ail below Tamar prises-. at the great Anstiox Rom corner of TISATO and 81.1 throat . JEI3 Zi GA 112 ZE Sl 7 Al MB R BLANKETS. Just received an invoice of Sommer Blankete, the lines , . and lightest we have es.r bBIPPAE.D. VAIN .oAfthllsolle. dt ARRISOW. Howe Vl:waistline. Dry Goods. jeS•stnth et lOOB OEBBTAUT Stteet. SPANISH LINENS FOR , DRESSES. Blay Linens, Natural Color Linens, 81,,use Linens, Coating Linen.. Brown Bellancis, die., by tne yard or niece. White and Colored French Linen Thick, Baran's' LIZOR., Linens. Lino/ 'rebie unniaske by_tbq yard or Moe, /cassia tiresil, Merida. 011tOgro, Napkin% . . . . , hong& Bath Torrela, sa. ... An new 'Arehart. marked at Idm priced and $ elling freely. COOPER & GoNARD. JeS•it S. B. Oor NINTH and ria.LitET &tr. SILK DI A,NTLES &ND SPRING CLOARS lowsred in price to close ant the Stock. Orders taken aed promptly IMO. for stylish wall mate garments, at low prices, to use noSitha and Clothe on head. Bargains In Thin. Shawls. Thin B lacktli Shawls.. COOPS& & Co icy -It S. B. Car. NISTH and MaktKaT SM. BATEING FLANNELS, For Red, Gray. White and Bine Bathing Salts. FIVEh AliCti OD Lets of ,esp, Aipacas. /06W nutiton Lots of 1 - lobleiichtd btailite, trader price. Yard Wide G Unbleach C.: ed, 2i ot,nt ,Sr . b oa the rhea, 00PRe. akt jeß-it 8..8. Cor, /MTH and Oikalillf Sta. S P LEX' DID STOCK Or LINEN GOODS, AM oponed a 4 7 02 ABCs and. OUP twitin Taikish, Bath, Huck, and plain Linen Towels. Dank me. of beentif4 pram ea and all grador Table Linens, bleached. knit b!erche,.. and brown. Richardson & Dunbar's, Dickinson's, and other Lima. Ladies' end Omits' C Hdkfa, from 12%c to sl. hena'd stitched rnd cord bordera—ver , nice. my3l tt JOHN H. MIKIS. MOURNING MILLINERY. A a a. NYNEX. 1078-1 m 9%6 OEISSTatIT Street B_ A HEAVY MESH BLACK HER /MINI OR ORSNADIBIB. 8.4 'black Nerbani. ordicary mech. 8 a black Tamaran.s end crape Karats. 8.4 vibits Tainarllnes Skit Bl_fales• Mule. k lath L-8 fleecy mesh 8.8 wide black Deraant , Bib elr. l'arnartiees, Crape le -meta, and Chillies. Double. width. black De Laic es and TAWS* cloths. Mack Greasiones and Bambaslarc. kingle- width blank De Lainee. EDWIN HALL lk 00., myBo tf 2.6'Fottth . 81100 AD Str eet BLACK AND FIGURED BILKS. A. & H SUR& sayS 1m 926 CIMIATBII7r Street. --BELLINti tneir , BATieettis— LAM & LAB BOMINODS CAMBRIA. Le.CF. P VBS. SlIkTLAIrto 1311,41eLta. L.L COLORS. z0301.8t J. OHAMBER6, 810, ARCH Street. - rCHAMBERS, 10. 81.0 ARCH. BT.- '. • NILE STOCK BADTICISD. BLACK GUIPUttli LACES. TBES,D VEILS 7"11 &FA D LAOS BABSKS. ' BISKSTITCHED LKFS—d. BABGAIA. CAMBRIC r 'MINOS AND IBEISKT1011& Shirred and fancy V 7 saeh Idnaline.for Waists mySO•Ot RHETLAND BIIAWLB t IN EVERT Ka varlet,. A. H HYBBS, 926 CHEST/XI:1r Street. SPECIA L NOTICE. s.l,Lio OFF - TO CLOtsR B U SINESS! ConT tritudß ADDT ZT DO R C s H a l S F AOLR BALE We tnette ',pedal attention to the above innenneatteent. We have a Lame Stook. We are Selling Cheep. Every yard Is to be dosed out on or before the let dal of September. Enke end Dress Goode. Clothe, Gesatmeres, and Linen Goode. Shawls-Cloak* Skirts Bee tit, de„ Militia end Celittoes much nide ket 1.1108 41146 VIGRA mar ket CHIRE, ID7ld• 4m Cor. of EIGHTH and SPRING GaSDU. MANTILLAS, ALL STYLES FOR raounnat. 'A. & H. MUM, m7B-1m 925 °Mon= Sired. BLACK ALPACAS AT 50, 62. 75, 88e., and $l. Also. magniteent Bleak Motels*, $1.15, $ll5, $lBB. and 61.60 Lupin's Blask Wool Delaines. 65 eta. Dorbie.wieth Blast Wool Delaines, all to $l.ll. Lupin's plain color. Delaines, 62 ets. Pearl hate alpaaas and Mohair.. Toallats , plain. mined, 104 i and BMW/ 319 " / "‘ low and finest trades. Finest Baissooks Cambrlcs, Jaeunets. Satin Plaids and Stripes, Bird.eye Linen, Swiss Malin, Bra. Banta dm White and Buff Mae by the pleas or yard, good stock, good qualities. • Lawns, Printed Cambries. Ginghams, As. Buslins by the piece under p. COOP ries BB b COALED. wit if 8. K. Igor. NINTH and mAiumr Streets. GRAY MATERIALS FOR TRA.VBL mict DEEM!. j. di H. MINIM m)8 Im 9Se CiisatiptlT sweet F IGURED SILK GRENADINES, of the beet qualities and 'Web, in Bleak and Gray Grenada. 660 to Et 60 Travel linc.Drooi Goode, in away vtuloty. New Dtese Goods, In great variety. Handsome Chene Rik*. $2.60. Ma CHEAP anitalife for Dreepea, Handles. and Sacques. OOTTOIi GOODS AT J.,MIS S THAN WHOLIMALII PRICE Merrimac, Sprague. and Nettle ?Ante. 25a. 10 4 Waltham and repeat' bleached eheetinge. H. SEUL & SON, sayS•ti Nos was and 715 Sort& TENTH Street. GRENADINE BA.REGES, ALL widths. A. Is H Mtn& MYB 920 OBit62H UT SOW. NEW fist. 'T FOR 1866. THE GREATEST INVENTION 07 THE AGE HS 1100 P SKIRTS. J. W. BEADLNY'S Now Patent DIIPLIX MUTE) for double) SPICING MORT. WBb7B' aRsDLISY 3 CARY (late J I. & J. 0, West), SOLNPROPILINTONS and iIIiNNFAHTURSHS, 97 CLIAMBSBS and 79 and 81 LADE *treats, Flew York, THIS ITVEVTION eenaista of tirrrt,EX (Or two) IR, LIPTIC Fteel SPRINGS. Ingeniously BRAIDED TIGHTLY *Rd mbar' tenet her, EDGE to ECOE, maktrg the TOUGnEsT, roost .PLAXIBLE, ELASTIO. Mtd DURABLE SPRING ever need. They teddani Davi , or unsex. lute the Single fipriegs, and Otroompl.ntly preterve their PERFECT and BEAUTIFUL SHAPE TV= CO LONg ne any Other SICIaT 9:sb IPONDERFEIL FLNXIIILLITY and great COMPA&T and PENANCES to my LADY Wearing the DUPLBX BbhIPTIO SKIRT wilt be exterlenCed Partici:daft in tati 'Begone ASSEMBLIES, OPERAS. OARRIAGBE. RAILROAD OARS. ORVIWB Pews ARMCHAIRS, for PROBE' ADE and BoUSE DAMS, ea the SHIRT ccD'be poLDED Whelk in non to 0000. PE a small PLACE an easily as 'a !MN or MUSLLII DRESS A LADY b&y hg eziop,d the pleasure. comfort and great cOnvellsnee of WEARIES the ikiPLKS MLLIPTIO STEEL. SPRING SHIRT fur a SINGLE DAT RIU never alter ward iy dumenee with theiritse For CHILDBRN. Idtssne, and lons° Lamas they are etrPHRIOS to all ethers, 71317 are the beet titYALITy in every PAM 83111 nn questionably the LIOILTEST, moat DEFURAELE,COMPOnT ABLE and ECONOMICAL SKIRT RTC' Media /OK SaLE, in all FIRST CLASH STORES In this city and thronabont the UNITED bTATES, HAVANA DE 01111 A, MEXICO, SOUTH AMERICA. and the 'WEST INDIES SKIM WrI.I4QUIBB FOR TB IMMIX SLLIPTIC tar d.2m 628H00P rIKIRTS. 628 • HOEllll2B' "OWte MAKE" OF HOOP SHIRTS. the best assortment and best onalitY And styles In the city' Gore Traiti3 all lengths and elms, from in to ni springs, from s je 76 to $4. Plain Shiro. all the new shapes and slum from 19 to 60 springs, from $1 40 to $4. Skirts of extra bossy jog and extra tapes from 20 to 36 opriugs. from $t 90 to 52 76 Metes' and Chilaren's. of eee"2 grade, from 6 to 36 from 4to cents per Kering; they have no octnal. /ideate for the Hew Flexible nklrt, the most rpliable HOOD Skirt made, and fully equal to the Donlon iptie Skirt, and at mush lower priests. Also, eon• etautly on hand, fall lines of low-priced Hew York Skirts kid d ed . and miasmata tooaoued-16 spriairc Ste. 1 7 " 16111 11 0 . $1; 66 springs, $1..16: Wine. 51 kdi and 40 spring., 1660. . klrte made to order, altered, and repaired, at ests ARCH Sheet. m 714 let* p FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE 11.131tILL DISTRIOTB 'We are repined, as heretofore, to .apply femiltee, at tbetr country residences, with SWUM DZSORIPTION OF FINS 010 MUES, TSAR, tra , att. ALBERT O ROBERTS. my24•tf Comer BMWS' TR and VMS Streets lIERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS D SOUP& 2,000 del-Mo n d n MlLsage Meat 600 600 " do Veal. 600 " do Mutton. 1.000 " do Turkey. 1000 " do Chicken. 8.000 " auorted Snaps I. 2)6 m. lanr• ?or sale by REIo6EB & WILLIAMS, feß-If SOT South WATER. Street. PANG! HAMS.—BRIGGS, SWIFT ,& Co.. Cobb & Armel , & P. Boren's, and Net calf* es Evans' brands conbreted SUOAR-CDRED CIINCINNAT: CANVASSED HAMS. to store and for mile by WASHIDGTON BUTCHER & SON, an721. 1 -Im* 146 and 148 North F EIONT Bt. TASTEFUL ARID SUBSTANT/AL OLCITLUEG XXir PDBLICATIONII. NEW BOOKS. JtJ$T PUBLISHED CHARLES SCRIBNER & 00., AO. 121 03122 STEIIIIT, NNW YORK. LORD DERBY'S HONER. neigerad hap jineleh blank verse 17 ZPvPum. Prom the tee ntnn London MU& 'Two volumes crawl* 81/11 on tinted paper. Moe $ll. Awn the Edinburgh Review The merit of Lord Darby's , translation may be Insll - up In one word. It is eminently attractive; it le instinct with life; it may be read with fervent intermit it is immeasurably newer than Pops to the text of the original. * * It will not only be read, but read over again and again. * Lord Derby has Mesa to MI a version far more closely alliLd to the original, arid superior to any that has yet bean attempted in the blank verse of our language. A. NEW LI E OF cicrato: zs ß .i 9 ., ll4l. l l i i a it ua r ta o i rr am rl. r P ir rin om te i g a it o thr e t d iv: n rs e t d d i e . ilos. In 2 vols., with ii#2llo illustrations. Vretta 811 , , Ace 24 The object of tide work is to exhibit o!cero not merely as a. atateeman and an orator, but as be wan at home in the relations of private life. as a husband, a father, a brother, and a friend. His lettem are full of interesting details, which enable Unto forma vivid idea of how the old Romans lived 2,000 years ago; and the biogra phy embraces not only s hicory of .evenw ae moment• one an any in • the Bartels of the world, bat a large arsoant of anted Ola acd PIMP. which aratwed the generation'that witnessed the downfall di le republie. From the London. Quarterly . Kr. Forrill, crodacA what w .suture to say will become one of the classics of Bagitehbionreoblont ittera tore' and whil be welcomed by seeders of 41t aims and both sexes, of all professions and of no profession at all. FROUDE'S ENGLAND HtSTOBY OF ENGLAND FROM TRB FALL OF WOOLSEY TO TH S DEATH OF 13LIZ &WITH By Janes A. Fronde. M A., of Exeter Colhge. Oxford. from thrr. trurth London edition, in ern Wll Bro. rots. Price $2 60 each The beg t two volume. jwat ready. The other volume -will follow shortly. Mt. Froude has shown in his eae.-ieeme history what ii4W results mar be derived. 1 " 1 - In the moot bdtt 4R track, from a thorough investigation of the original an. thoraiss His reteraches have thrown& flood of light over the personal character of Henry VIII., and hi. re lation to the great events of modern history, the refor mation of religion in Europe and the British Isles, the it would be in vain Mseek elsewhere. The work has received the most favorable notices from tbe leading English jean:tale, and has already passed through lour editions in England. The vast amount of fresh and.authentie materials which the an ther has brought to• bear on the period of which be writes, give his work an interest and vales beyond any previous history of the same events. MAX MULLER'S NEW WORK. Vecond RertAs of_ . . LECTURER ON THE BOIEACE OF LANGUAGE, la 1 .01 ' with a scrtee of 31 Wo,d Moira?loge, Mastro, tiegthe prattlers of the Organ.; of simoth in utterteg the varli he afticulato •0111:ttik of whieh au lanattag_e Is tUI EiV ) eg g iI4M- FATS EMI. (Vat 'form Senna BY N. OLUZOT 1531WrillION8 ON OHBA a.NITY and on the Hell Questions of;the deor. By M. actual. I vol.. l2ma , pages. Price $i 75. Copies cent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price. YOB 81.L . 8 BY .AILL t PHILLDELPHIA BIOIC -13.111.L885. ia3•atn2t SPECIAL NOTICE. At the reguent of wsral of our Mena and Petrone, In hate added to our large and well-kilo WA to/lautioa of PICTURES AND PUOTOGRATIIS A. BEAVTIFIIL ASSORTMENT OF S .E MOSCCIIP ID SO AND S.TEREOsoorio PIOTURES. and would invite oar friende and ALL LOVERS OF TSB ANT to call and examine our stook. whether in tend la g to purchase or not. PITCHER'S • SOS Chestnut Street. my29.utweit TIMER MORE NEW 13001 IS. HUGH WORTHINGTON. A delightful new novel. By Ere. Nary J. Hobnail ; author of Tem emit and hunshine," '• Lena Rivera.' Marian Prey." " Meadow Brea." "Dudiali Or. phew," "Conlin Mande," Homestead,""" Dors. Desna." Price VIOL This new novel is dative:lto e. a I I if n •••••a trarerrtsser ag an for it In immense 411101thielt FAIRY FiNGERS. A capital Dell's. novel. By aim Anna Cora Ritchie (late Montan the celebrated actress. and author Of "Autobiography of an Actress," +kg. This book Will be a &rest favorite, as its plot aed interest is of the =oat p 0 waif al character. Price $1 75. sVPERIOR FISHINCh A ebarrolng new book on Sporting. B 7 B E. Roose velt. Prkildent of the. Bow York Sporting Blab, and anchor of " Fko Game Fish of the North," ao. Pries $2. *.s ♦ll handsomely bound in sloth, and sent by mall free, on receipt of price, by CARLETON, Publisher, m717-wit! NNW YOBS, THE Tit X.PAYERS' MANUAL. Containing the entire Internal Revenue Laws, with the ) , eeisiOnB and Killings of the Commissioner, Tables of Taßation, axeraptionts, stamp- ontie,, and a Complete Ainbabtacal Index, Prepared by en, George S. Bouts, ell, late Commissionet of Internal. Re venue. See; tffi, This volume contains the act of June 30th, 1.54, with the amendments made by the act of March 3d, 1365, in troduced into the act of June 30th. And wherever the amendment struck out any part of the previous art and substituted new provisions, these new provisions are introduced in their appropriate places instead of the parts repealed by the amendment. By the act of June 30th, various earlier acts of Con gress relating to the collection of the revenue were re vived and made a part of the excise-law. These acts and parts of acts, so far as they are applicable, are ales inserted in this volume, and printed Immediately after the sections by whichthey were incorporated into the existing laW. p.ais aratigement of the law, designed as the basis of a nual for the use of tax-payers and officers engaged in the administration of the law, will, it is thought, be found equally trustworthy and far more convenient than a work which should contain only the various laws entire, in the form in which they stand on the statute-DOOR. The rates its the table of antic's correspOnd tO the rates fixed by the act of March 3d, 1065. The rulings were prepared at the Office of Internal Revenue, and are based mainly upon letters written from the office upon the various subjects treated. LITTLE, B toWN, & CO„ 110 WASHINGTON St., Boston. nay:3o-iuthaSt. J UST PUBLISHED, DR. BOARD. KAN'S SERMON, entitled TEM. P. 61.013. MAKERS. A Sermon preached. In the Tenth Presbyterian Church al Philadelphia. Olt kr Man April Oth, MS, by Rev. Reim. A. Boardman, To D. Also, Sermons. eolivered on the death of President Lincoln, by Dec. 'Wilbur P. Paddocks. Rev. C M. Butler, D. D. WY Phillips Breaks. Rev. Boot. F. Pamela (of Bedford. Penna.) The above Sermons,and all the new hooka lately published, for sale by JAME'S S CL AXTON. Successor to W. S. & Alfred Startle, 606 CHESTNUT Street. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, AND OTHER PHO.TOGRAPHB relating to the Funeral. Borne, and Hannts of ABRAHJUN LINCOLN. When in Philadelphia, Indiansfeic. and Fpringfield Views in Oak Ridge cemetery. of tke vault he was laid fa, the funeral, and the spot selected by his son , for his anal resting place. Also. his Rome. eX and Interior views; his Law Office; the Church he attendee, Views of the GRAND REVIEW OF SHIM Malt's ARMY, taken in Washington on the 24th. Cartes de Visite of Colonel PR/TCBARD, the wham of Jeff Davis. For sale st BOLIBRIBRWIII, No. 818 ARCH hireet B *AI GLOVER,* Animal and LAndjaape iliaonvinhen CRAVIRERS' LECTURES, RUSWAILIG OF LIVE, LE/ TDBBB . PUBLIAMBD THIS DAY— CHiBFLIf CLINICAL. By THOMAS NINO GRAMME, M. D.. Physician to St jbey'satud The Lock Hospital. &a.. &c. /node volatrilintaro. Dr. Chambers bevies been induced to adopt a new tfile for the third edition of the LIME WAL OF Lin from which this is a reprint), the publishers or this, the Bret American edition. have thonabt it advisable to re tain in part the title of the two termer editions, under which it bee had so rapid a sale, that It might be the more readily recognizLleNDd. SAY & BLAKISTON. Pnblishera and Booksellers. m)29 No 25 South SIXT d M., above Chestnut. ITISTORY CROWNS THE BRAVE. The Publishers reapectfuby announce that 'MS HISTORY OF THS PENNBYLVAR IA BMWS antes is now ready for deliver. to subsortbets. It ;waggles a camp late reeotd Of WI SOW orgeniss- Lion; and of the oiffersnt companies. regisnests. and brigades. giving graphic descriptions of their Slated!" Hone, Marshes. Skirmishes and Rattles, together with: biographical 'kettles of (Mom and personal Records of each nlivate during his term of service—compiled from OFFIMAL REPORTS and. other Documents,. by J. R. SY PEER. SKI It is in one volume. octavo of 722 pages. and is ele gantly illustrated by STSSI, ENGRAVINGS of tio. Ism n! SORTIN. Onierals DIRAPB MoCkLf... and the lamented REYNOLDS, and by a Map of tee vicinity Of Richmond. showing_she route of march and the battles In which the UNSBEVES were engaged in the seven days fight; and la neatly printed on good met and handsomely bound in black cloth and Ilb , sry leather. It is sold only by subscription. Price from this date, Id 60 in sloth; in library leather style. $l. Sent by mall free of stage. on receipt of price. Active and responsible partiee desiring to canvass flr this popular and. attractive Ristory, will make appli cation with written recommendations to. WWI EARL GO., Pu k blishers. LANCIANIT.R. Marsh 21. 1E0.4 NBW BOOKS t lOW BOOKS 11 Just reettived ASIREAD MEL (H H azard old stand), • No. 114 CHESTNUT Stoma LORD DERBY'S ILIAD OF HOMER. The Amer!. can edition just reads. As handsome/7 Printed se the English, 2 vole H IS TORY OF FROUTLICB HISTORY OF ENGLAND. 2 yols.l2mo. Tinted saner LIFE OF CICERO. By William Forsyth, author of "Rapoleon at St Helena. Au, dtc. 2 vols. limo. Printed on tine tinted paper , with illustrations. THE CLEVER WOMAN OF THE FAMILY By Miss Yorm, author of "Heir (Cloddy Fe." Handsome. ilinetratedt paper or muslin covers. HUGH WuBTAIINGTorg. A NoveL By lira Nary I. Holmes. FAlls.2 FINGERS A Novel. By Anna. (torn Ritehie. formerly Mne Morcott SUPERIOR FIaNING: or. The Striped Bane, Trout, and Black Bata of the Northern States. By Robert B. Booeevelt. BEntrkftql Ey lulls Kavanagh, Kiel& KENNEDY A Novi.l PAPS? Coveys. SAPITAILY OortOtTION OF NEW YORK CITY. Rtnort or Lotman of Hygiene Citizens' Amoolattok, with mane. iiinetrattenr._ &a I.ELIOIOTIA DUTY. Sy Francis Power Cobb. FIERT CAUSER OF CHARAC raft. as operative before Birth from Hereditary and Spiritual Scam.. By Wood. bury Al Fernald. mra• tt AT REASONABLE PRIOR% _ . NEW PIIIMICATIONIL pIIBLIBitED THIS Dit. ITV PODERMIC INJE OTIONS rimariorwr or NEURAWAI BHES• BIL q.l ris . GOVT . , AND DMUS DIVEAIS/11. BY A. RIIPPAINER, M. D. Om Volume .19ma Pin@ PIM' T. 0. H.. P_ BURNHAM, PUBLISHER; 148 Washington street, HOMO% NEW YORK: MAL WOOD & PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LIPPINCOTT de CO. .—Sent by mail. MT PAM on receipt of pries, wSt TTALIVEMANII A.FFIXES TO ENG. LISH . WORDS --iffixrei in their orfga and sn llictition, exhibiting tter, istymologie m , raaicue of 11.4- Mt Words, by g, g..Heldp3nien, A. M. Yobilitted. TO D:Arr, adcllor gigs by H HIPVIII. do GO., i•Vt 1:1.1- Routh tooattTH Street. PHILLIPS. SPLENDID NEW novel by the author of "s alledge , " " The t : ath. r ." "Pram Warrington :" and "Coale"le ~l aet AEutahed, cad F ailing Immensely . OARLIS COY. rub sher, New York 1by2.9 tachsl.o SIIPBRIOR FIBRING.-A NEW BOOK on Sporting. by R. B Roosevelt. Ose of the most artto, waertatning. and deltearal books ever pnb liahad. Suet as attractive to the antetsor as to the pods. fesstonal reader. UABiarOlt, Pabilelaer, New York. jel thstnlOt UGH WoItIMINGTON—_4 NZ W yhoy.) blr Mrs. Nary J. Holmes , anther of " tem, pest and gtio.hine," me This ROW 110P4i. is pArrec:iy ebeiroina. sod will become a ATOM &SOME/ th:s /111910 Q. 011, Pablieber. New York. tbstaNk A PPLETON'S NS W AMERICAN OYCLOPSDIA. --Complete in IS volumes. Various Styles of Binning% REBELLION NEOO3D. by Frank Moore, In 8 ♦ols. ISERINALE HISTORY OF THE BOYARS—now complete. The Agency for these valuable works is at 33 South FLIXTS Street. above 4:llwstent. apB•tf JAR. IC RTMIAA. W Xi~~Y !f: . . WANTED -THE FOLLOWING Nu-A BIOS OF THIS PRE69: R THS TSAR, ,831 April WO, and 29kb. 229* let and 2d, Lane tith and 2 dh bvplember 21. t; IEO4 Jane 10tb, Seetetebor 90th, oako bvr Wen. and November 17sh; 1265. Ftbrakry 24. f. mbteb a lawn). price Will be pat& Apply at 101 1 3 WALNUT. • je22k. WANTED—A CLERK (FOR THIS Tv cpy). who tboroaahly underetaade the Saddlery Hardware Bug.** To rush a reread a lib-rai wit) be paid. For parttealarsaddrese "So.dtilery, Hard. ware." New York city. 444 "WANTED—S.IS,OOO, AND SEVERAL V rime of $l. fOO, Go Mortgage. gret•olass soo!trify WRltahl @ Co.. IRI f 9. Fougra. !Street. 1.4 se. WANTYD—DX A WHOLESALE NO- N V VON 11017 SB a_ll&.+KlillEPßß Gherd rafereeoe reQuirbd. Adererg Press °Mee. lt" WA N to--A_ GOOD BA V 1 —his Cloth Store. Address, With, Pi this °Moe. • 'A. B. C." Jo2-St." WANTED.—A YOUNG MELN "gibes a ritnetion at a clerk in a Broker' it oleo Beat referenea given. Address rinso.te Preen office. ANTE D.— $lO PER DAY, Bu —Any person, male or female, can clear $6O per week, at borne. In a it ht, honorehle bastnees $2 to $6 capital required. Returned soldiers and others baying a few hours d:dl) to spare, eon learn the enler• be enclosing two dame for of antlar tied return Don. Addreee B eireltinittL. surn - uo r . Ckleato, bn 781, WANTED -AN ACTIVE PARTNER, with a capital or Itl • bpn to 913.000 dollars in a first- Wats manufactnricg btudONFß—Perfnmary —la same., tot operadun f,r the last twenty roan the senior part nor wieldy, to retire from active life. Thiele an imnity rare lr to be me; with for entering at once tut') it safe and profitable haelnees. ♦dereaa. with real name. •`J H, t 041 ." taco of this paper. mr97•stnthtf AGENTS WANTED FOR THE MID SPY. the moat letereetint and ex citing book ever published, embracing toe adventure., of a woman in the Union finny as Nurse. Scout, ani bp). giving a inert vivid inner picture of the war. Bo• turned and disabied 015 n,rs and inidtecc In want of profitable em,:loyinent will Bud it peculiarly adapted to t13.1r s.ndttton We have again, eloalnit per month. which we 1/1.1 prove to any doubting apcileaot. Seed for circulars. Addreen JODIS & 00No 600 0611sTBUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa inira ' fin * HOT WANTED—A COLORED BOY betwrim !be *vs of 16 and US wanted- Apply 'Wdlatkly at 818 LOCUM' Eltrinm laa,tt RANKERS, f COM iaaglON ME Ii CHAIM% OR BARB —A relldte.ased nestled Gentlemen destine a permanent Bite:Won, where be would make himself node to his eMPleYafe. Re will live the beet of city reference for eta ability and in. tautly of cbaracter. and will most of any compose's tlon Ms services may be worth. Please addres+ •s. '1704 Poet Office, for one week. jet 2t4 GREATEST THING OF THE TIMES —ROW 113P8 PRIZIIIIVIILOPES. —Agents Wanted everywhere. Premium Watches given to agent% Oa receipt of $l6 we will mail, post.paid, 100 In/Mapes. and a splendid Solid Silver Hunting4lase Watch as a Premium to the agent. • tingle Invelope sent, with eircular and full partisulars. on receipt of 26 tants. Ad - dr.% A. H. ROWER & 00., P. 0., Box 4970, 38 BIRK , HAF Street. N. t) A PA - Brij - ER WANTEP 8259 • •• , an . , ith this amou nt, to engage in ant Of the best branches of manufacturing business in this city, having a large men trade. Address "P PrPB5. office. 7.63.staihit. 820,000TT?v1 11 1.2,T,,LNi t ,,,, 8 ?mprE„,.E. - tt . ilri c b7;.l o o x ll;l o l , ll . l4 ogeder.eall. $125 A - MONTII.—AGENTS WANT ED everywhere to Introduce the Improved SHAW & 411.4RK TWENTI• ROSILY SS W. 1010 ItAOHIPS, the 01111 lowprice wahine is the country welsh le named by Craver & Baker, Wheeler & Wilson. Howe, Singer & Co, an t Bashelder. All other machines now sold for less thew forty dollars eseh she tatttmerneets, Led the seller and user ea to fine end tiop ,- 18.4..vmt MO, and eipenees, or WO 46 MOINSIOn. 10 0 141 4 Illuetrated siroulare sent free. Addt'dte SH&W a °LAHR. Biddeord, Value nr•10-ddi Mira 870 A MONTH.—I WANT AGENTS iTenrwher. at *7O FL ninth. eX0011694 Wadi to sell FIFTBSS ART/014d, the best sables ever offered, Tull particulars tree. Address OT/S P. GABBY, Binde• km. Maine. mylo das Wks le WANTED TO EXCHANGE—A Trect of tplendid land, LOCO acres, lying ost Duct river• Humphrey' county. West Tenroasoe. 90 miles from BruthviCe. and Eh from the Ohio river, (title per feet) for a neat modern built city or snbarban rad deuce with geed ...hoot facilities, Address • Box 715.'' ' city fleet 011ie& fel FOR SALE AN TO LET. el FOR SA LE-A THREE•FTORY Ana gnat NMI with three-story brisk. butt boi %din re and lot. 011 the emit ride of Eleventh street. between Mantel and Ogden streete, Nn. 817 front 17 feet .8 inches, depth dO toot ioohes, with all modern woo Wen cos •to a in uertect order. • Immediate poeeeen p. Termsmodmate. 41017 JAMIS H. COMM ieB Bt* 115 South FIFTH Street. de FOR SALE, A BEAUTIFUL AND dmit valuable property in the Twents fourth ward. Fine large large rtone mansion, titab;e, and coaob Inise, with every oonverdence end comfort Mat modern Improvement can afford. Fine mikado tree•,. fruit, flowers, and shrubbery. Price, FOU R T H or far ther particro.i.e its at Ho. 112 S. ntr , etv tLisda.ary. franc buildilt RARE CHANCE.—TO LET, THE Ma Large and Handsome Score. Vo. 1117 OHS; PND t' St., meet above the Continental Hotel. ristc , os for sale. APPI.T at the store. je3.4t• ,e 1 FOR BALE AT A BAC 'IFICE— JgaThe PHILADSLPHIII BOUM at CAPE ISLAND, capable of accommodating over seventy saloons. This wsnlo make a desirable roans for several families to op. r un tor,seher. Sens only 44 5.0. Port of the tare. tn,re MAY ale 0 be Alta ete.P P. 01.11%N. 302 &nth rand btr-0, FOR BALE-FIRST-CLASS D WEL. LIDO 1620 North 2301 D Street-lot Vein SToßlt—knorllent business olace-214 DUCE Street HEST DWk,LI.IMS. SiGHTSBNrki. Street, north of W4laes. ea..t. bide. LARCH DWELIA3I3. 1 'SA' CERES' Street. WILL BUILT D WILLI/5 . 3, /228 North 211 1 7121111'1l Street. TIGRSTATORT DV/SUING, 124 UNION Street; very cheap. With many other very desirable properties, in almost ever, put of the city. ale°, e lame Dumber of Cottages end Farms. B. P. OLIISk4, 123 South POUR West, je3 And 8. W. cor. SIO7ANTEENC4i and GUM TO WOOD TURNER% AND SHOE /MOW bIESES.—A. Factory. wftla Power and Elbafitatt. TO PUT. Apply at H. 0. KaLl,OOOl4. FliON sad GUS MDT. je2•3t* • FOR BALE-ROUE; NO. 908 FRAwKr.III Street. above Poplar. Inquire of J. P. kERODSO2I. Do. 1122 flora'. FIFTH St. jet. lee a PHYSICIAN'S PRACTICE FOR ELILE. —k desirable SZEIDENCII. well bleated. in a riming! vlllKae in Bnote mint r (20 mites from the city, on a rid road) together with en extensive primp tree, will be sold low and on mumble terms, by a physician wishing to retire. For particulars address B. .1. SMITH . CO . id et Beal &tate Agents. 'Newtown, Pa. - . a TO RENT—THB SXOOND, MIRO, maFourth atd FM Storm or Halt. eseh 26 feet by IRO. with othoe etreshad [routing siluch may be procured by tenants within one mon th. APPIY to TAOS. S. WOOD, m720,6t* office, 605 4606 Street. g. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J -FOR AWASALE—.A bonds, me COTTAGE (oppotits the U B Hotel), with or without furniture, co:mooing 13 roma and a good clatern. Apply to H J. WOOTON, Atlantic City, or to J. H. HATES, If swath /National Hulk, Philadelphia. my 29. tat itt FOR SALE—A FARM OF FIFTYARk -1 11 4 1 1(60) acres, in Buckingham township, Anoke count, with the kook and growing worm tweet/doe immediately. Price moderate, 11,11 d terms can.. Ad. B. J. bMITEL & CO , Beal &Me Armlets, Jel-6t Newtown. Pl. Oft 100-ACRE FARM FOR ./bit", Bucks county, well Improved, with good—AL... Bei!dirge Fruit. excellent Water, and rig acres of better, three mitre from ftellroad. Price 4111,503, Oda half will be taken in dividend-paying stooks, or Go. veromrnt or corporation boode• ' balance may remain ~ steered on the ace t ie . Apply t o B J. 6MrTR ato Beal Belat e grouts, Newto fro, hi fig 100-ACRE FARM FOR SALE—IN Rucks county, welt Improved, with good WU leg., (tuft, excellent water, and eix acre* of timbal three tato; from railroad. Price. *l2 red. Ouc-;alt will be taken in dividend-pa , tag stock or ()orna mea nt o n r the premises, WOllOOll bU app ly nd.g. Ba to lance may remain se md o a. J. SMITH & OM. Reel Estate gnats, jel-et bewtown. To STATION RS AND OTHERS.- -s- FOR It eLE—lhe Rock and Fixtures of We old and well-knoW scow. B v'A'r SIM FARCE' GOODS, hEWSPAPER. and PERIODICAL EMIL miter Lo• GUST end TWELFTH &rests, Inoludine the conntEhht of games, elpbabets for wood blocks. or hooks. etc To a parson with a capital of $3,C00 or SCOW tote in a good opp ,, stunity. HAW:lotion will be EITIM in the Wire bu&ineSti. 1t TO GILDER S t PRINTERS, AND oTaßlig —A. LARDS ROOM TO LAP situated tu the lower part of the building fio. TN South Third sheet. Belt glOO. Apply to ROBIiRT WAD OIiiKOIS. it . 419 waLa UP Strad. FOR BALE-A GOOD STYL ISH pair of young bay ,110101.33, good slue. and Frrfeetli : D aub well Also, a fine llogllsh. Lodli.d lone. pining Pk ton. and u hltint top ideate Carriage and a new double sot of HilYnallek tiro a It ountlnis, and onto( eltg , e banal% 817 " 13 "'" 1 " 8 by a gentlentax going to travel 11. P., jel•Ya. Sl*7 KARIM tired OM' FOR SALE CHEAP-A GOOD family OA KRUG& nearly *1 good OA new : 141 .lig 31 h 1 t ac oa V over 8o a trial, uand o d f o Nllaor. e 1 614 A G l o y eu t 5 I I L street rriCe, 000. Apply W w s eek. fel 3 ;4 DEPASTAEZEIT FOR CUSTOM WOUt AmvszlitEwrs Wrir gIVISTNIIT-15T/OBT Ttura. AA TRE-0111811fliT ATRIUM 4110V* Teti/Ott. TEns_(11..0a 10 1101 Sp top. Lovatto npving4 la never. paused fur its bsentatni scenery and ealubrioos A band of rondo is er.Se.ged for the 461/1104. Frr portion. )are 'redress, P. A (MHO eh, Propttetor, rup3l.lm Loretto. Cambria count,. Pa. SEASIDE HOUSE, FOOT OF PERIff•YLVLNIL AVENUE, Ana RTIO airy. NSW JAMEY. In now open ter the Reception of Mown MT 17. Ime DA Vi SUATTERPOOD. pour:TRY BOARD/NO, FOR LA,- %-/ DI h,13 AIN D atPitzueN,eati be obtained At ail_ shaded aro elevated location threwctnertere of a • south of reirviite Station. on the Philadelphia i ad - Limon Central Railroad. Oars leave Thirty Brit and Menai str. eta at 7 36 A. K. and 4 46 P. .21 t Retarntalt 7.26 A K. and 4P. R. Reference. 28 Routh Right streak. Addrua JRadll D AgaRPLRbe, FAIRVILLS P. o._ t tilptetc• o 'may, Pg. itillttlV IQOARVING-CHBRTNUT, A BOVE ALP Fifrre4l: Streets. Reference regatrad. Addren ..besratnp Prose ctace. JeS Eta . _ BOARDING —vLoANT, BIIVIMAL ANDEMME ROOMS, At in73l. 000 81107011 STROIIr, I'o BENT-tk LABOR, FURNISEMD a. ROOM, second story, and two third•etori Boons. lOU WiSST/AUT Street. DAY BOARD, WITH FIRST CLAM Dinners, it ZiO. fforth W.4.BIIIIteTUR enure. myiB•Ln• REMOVALS. BURNING SPRING OIL CO. OF pszaisyLVADl A. —The trifles of this Comm? is removed from Do. 113 Chestnut West to too southwest corner of Fu Mil% and LI 13 RAJIV' eltroets je3 et JOAN 0:1 G &DI NG, Secretary. Qos pp - ILL M NVFA. OT UR (NG At, „pp IntaNci-oto —flu gigs& a this demo itit IS 14 moved front No /18 Chestnut wreak to the seumwess sure er of FOIMITII nnd 11111. R Straws, jeS et JOBS Bearetsl7. REMOVAL. WILLIAM TARIM& ase Eemoved from No. 10X0 to Jo. isn MEM kitr? btreat. S. S. corner of THISTBEIATEL Street Wbore A» rn.ttee the attention of honsokeepere and t)081 amomeneind hottimktspiturs to hia 051,0'1/**". %ailment 47 nerftu SOURS FILTINISIIrddi COMO. Wirier Retrlpraiors, Table Carlon.. Famthr ware. Children's °endless, at, as sp24 1m PHILA.DELPHIA, CaSMANTO WM, MID JUR, SFAw, WIV ice/1./WAD. 5Yi INN TA 81.1. Cu and after MONDAY, June 6, 1865, until farther notice.. YON GERINANYOWM. Leave Pbtladelpbla 5. 7, a, 9 10. 11, 11 A. IL R. 11. 10. I,li 4,6, 6N O. 78. 9. ln, 12,p. M. o,ni*Dkown 6. 7.7%, 8 8.20, 2,10, 11.12 A. 11, 1, 1 9,1, 4X 1 7,35. ti 5 68.20 J,'wp t•Akin and 5% 11p ttitm wtll 101 eop on the 441i11%ataarn 13t4tnua ON LUSO • YR Leave Philadelphia 910Mi11.. A. M., 2,9, 8, a, IC% 26 , Leave Garmantown 8 A. 11., 1, 4. 5,1 i. 9,14 P, (11188T1201` , HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6,8, 10, 12 A. It . 2,0%, 0%, and 11 P Leave Chestnut Hill 7.10 mln, 8, 9 44.11.40 A. It.. 1, 40, 3.40, 6.10, 6.40, 012 BW. and u sila E, MA DA Leave Philadelphia 9 10 Win. rri2i O. and 8 P. M. 1 cave Ohanian& Bill 7,40 min, A. 1H , 14.40, 6.10, and 900 P. 05 FOE CoVSHOHDORRN AND NORIUSToWN. Leave &JIG& 41..oprds. 6, 36 11.01 min, A. 4%, 04. 0,4 8 16 min. and 11,14 P. 62, Mare a °Motown 2A, 7, 780, 9, 11 A, 5.,1% 43‘, 634'. and 9 P. M. The 6,8 P. at train will atop at Fahool Lane, W 14911. hkkot. bianaynnk, ripring utile, and Coustiohooken ozdy, SIIll Leave Philadelphia Wand P. M. Leave hometown 7 • le, cud 8 Id, FOR ii.s.teaStlaK 936 ~ are Ptilladetpkits 6 8 31, 11 01 min. A. X., VG, le 634, 634. 8 16, and 11. U. P, 7, „„ 11.. , /MI 16661`)Illa 6M, 7M, 8 20, 91, 10 A. 4 A. M., ,1. p. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelala 9 A M., 7% 4IL and 8 P. K. Leave Mal avoah 7.14 A. D.. 13y 8)g. and 9 P. W. W WlbaoB Gantral Bnparlat&ndeaL Depot, N 121 1 .19 and GRAIN .btreeta. Ind to lait h. ELi. PS I ! 117'fi r Ue. 1 4 1 1 .1?. &L N G 11?) / 1 17 11 . CHANG 00 '''' OA and after Nob DAY, Jane Sta. 1605. Paelengo L',aloe will leave the Depot, TH111.1) Street, cklintpii, (otlowe t For Bellleusmat76.i .lk.k.99Band6tElP. X Fur lioylertowa At A.., 9 16 A. . mid 4.11).P For Lansdole at 6 itt F . Y. FAT Fort Waiihieeton at 1(1 A. W. and It P. K. TRAINS WILL R.R.[VB•III ?amens/Aui. From 11.ned ale at 7 St A. M. From Doylestown at 8 4't A. 711 ond 6 SD and IP. 11E. 'term Seto lehem at 9 80 A St and .2 26 andg , tol" Fr, m Fort Washington at 11 45 A. K. And 8,10 Y, K. (41 81114 D Arti Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 A. Phlladalphia for Doslrltovril at 0 P 61. Doylestown Po Palled o,pliok at 7 SI A it, Bethlehem for Philadelphia et 480 P W. JILLIS MAIM. Agent CAMDEN AND AT. Ttniue daior to Atlantic My. and 0011 on Sunday,. Yraice it are Thee-street Perry as fo,lowst Mai,A. M. lirAgst, svirb Passarger Cate attac h e d . ...... 00 e. yt Atlantic Ac,crowodat.on..... ....... 4.0 P. V. AceoptpOdetlon , " , - • 6.10 P. M. - Is.tannikt LtA37ll ATLANTKI. Ventre AocoratO i>oatior, 6 26 A . Fre Jet, wan tasseAget Oars attached •.--12.08 P. M. Mali 'hate BM P. K. Jut egos decomMiditloi ,—.6 kK. Fall. to Atlantic 12. Eivireloi oily for the de,y and tte 4 n on which they are tamed, $B. S. Si DAY Mall. TRAIN. Leaves Vtur-etreet Ferry at 7.00 •, nf, kovretne, leaves Atltuttle at 8. 4 6 P. M. linaca fieoDONPUELO TRAINS Leave Vlt4e-stral at at 10. 41 a cid . and tP, , Lpitve iddoo Mid at Ma A. 2,46 P. N. o. H. —Frelght must be &livered at Coopeep Past before d P, id. to how* ItA going down the next d a r. nette-dmtf JOHN 0 BRIAN r, &oat PHIL th.DELPHIA t WILMINGTON. AND DAM. sunk RAILROAD. RODIN imp TO Wen • MOND. °ITT POINT. APT' Trstoe NOR OLIC loovo Depot, forage of BROAD $TIof 110 WASH IP OTON kronno, .411 lb w connecting nrilin RAI Linn 6TEAMBRS at Raltintom. Patio RtchMond . —.441 Mae to, ...... 31 ... :AM .0 VIOIIIOIA ..... .811 . t. 010. A. DADXUSI, G. "Mime Await. wint, IivANA.MAIIELI k BROWN%