Ely VrAss. FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1865. MINISTERIAL nizawnitail.--A friend of ours, dis cussing the different characters of the clergymen With whom he was connected, gives us the follow ing anecdote : A. member of the Church, in Ken sington, a dyer and old clothes renovator by profes sion, was visited in his shop, one day last week, by a well-known clergyman of the game Section, who had *rim oast-off garments to dispose of, and others to be renovated equal to new. Of course, a conversation ensued as to what church the olothes .renovater belonged to. When our clerical friend WBB apprised of that fact, he urged him to with draw from that Connection, put on one of the old Coats which he had just sold to him, and to attend his church ; 'then he would be a great deal better Man than ever his present pastor was. The coat left to be renovated was ready and taken home at the time appointed, and he was soon ushered into the sumptuous apartment of his Clerical customer. The garment was duly examined, and pronounced - perfect. Onr friend, the dyer, then asked for his Compensation. Our clerical friend didn't seem dia. poSed to fulfil this part of the contract, and Insisted that be ought not to charge him anything for this job, and that he might be the means of throwing malty a good customer in his way. He again pressed him to withdraw from his present Connec tion with the— Church, and join his congrega tion, assuring him that by so doing he would get along a great deal better. The clothes renovator couldn't see it, and demanded his money. Clerical friend gets wrathy, and says he has no money— Calls the hired girl .into the room, borrows fifty cents from her, and throws it down on a table for the alothes renovator. Of course, the clothes rano. voter would not accept it—it being but about one third of the jest amount due him. Clerical friend waxes very wrathy, pulls out his pocket. book, pro duces a live•dollar greenback, and, with a scowling look, hands it to the clothes renovater, who, after receiving his money, left the clergyman's apart ments with a just indignation against such minis terial meanness. Intaterin van SAILORS AND DitCLIWT. 011 WAG'S& —Sailors were very scarce n few menthe ago, and vessels tbat were ready to sail often remained for days at their wharfs without crews. The wages of seamen were then fifty dollars a month ; and higher sums were offered in oases of emergency. The dis charge-.Of many vessels by the. Government, and the suspension of recruiting for the navy have changed this state of things, Seamen are now sofa- Oddly numerous to supply the demand, at wallas varying from thirty to thirty.tive dollars a month. A month ago more men were offering their services than could be employed ; but the recent opening of Of Southern ports has had the effect of giving work to all the men discharged from the navy and from the vessels of the quartermaster's department, and has also created a steady demand, that it now regu- larly inoreastug. KUM ROTE NOT YET DILAD-027 His WALT VOIG FRANCE 'VIA NIMCO.—The steamer W. R. Carter, which arrived here on Thursday, brought as passen gers as far as Memphis Mrs. Gen. Kirby Smith. and Mrs. Gen. Buckner, the former of whom is en route for Maryland, and the latter to Canada. They are b Charge of the commissioners who had gone up Bed river to negotiate for the Surrender of Kirby Smith, and came on land to the month of that river. Kirby Smith, having been relieved of his command, departed for France, via Maxie% the day his wife started for Memphis. —Cairo Democrat, May 27. A Mos Pram—A Nashville paper talks In the following strain of matters In that city: Probably no city It the country has such a motley population as Nashville at the present time. The city is over ran With paroled rebels, digcharged Government emplo)ees, and thieves. The penitentiary is titled to overflowing, and Recorder shape is doing a heavy business every morning In the way or collect. log taxes from evil-doers. Thieves' ply their voca tion every night, and laugh at the endeavors of the pollee to ferret them out. . PHYSICAL AND ATHNTAL ANATOMY OH THE KLAMATH I.NDIANS.—The Klamath Indians are an entirely different race of Indians from adjAiing tribes. This difference is essential and strongly marked, and hence we apply at the head of this ar ticle the word Indian instead of "Digger." In physical formation, as well as mentally, tney are in- Snitely the superior of all the Indian tribes lie have ever come in connection wien in this Stale, and we have known and observed many during a residence Of eleven years in California. When we speak of Klamath Indians we mean to include all the tribes along the IClamath river, and inclusive of what are known as Hoopes. In physical development they are scarcely inferior as a people to the whites. Daily yen may see Indians passing back and forth at Or leans Bar. who would answer as models for hne manly conformation. Intellectually they are far in advance of any Indians we have heard of on the Pacific coast. They are shrewd and Gunning, and it is only necessary to have dealings with them to convince the most incredulous on tnis math New. STATISTICAL FACTS Fannein Siam—lt is from the Levant that the manufacterers in Languedoe, the Cevennes, Dau phine, and Lyolla Obtain the raw silk in which they have been dehcient Hem a contagions disease danced Such destruction among silkworms in the south of France ; from which they were formerly Supplied. When this disease spread through the ellkeproduclng countries reducing their crops by at least one third, the silk trade was progressively improving The annual aevrageprodtle3 °lagoons between the years 1846 and 1852 amounted to 24,250,- 000 kilogrammes. It increased in 1863 to 20,000,000. The crop decreased in 1854 to 21.500,000 kilo grammes, nd to less than 20,000,000 in 1855. The diseasehaving inerehhed, the production of co coons dinduaishcd to 7,500,000 ktiogralarues is 1856 and 1857, and rose again the following year. The produce sine's then has remained at from 10.000,000 to 14 000,000 kilegrammes. Every silk producing department in France did not suffer to the same extent. The department of the -Dross:l,3ost more than the others by the common calamity. Previous to the appearance of the disease, the silk grown in that department Ass worth from 16 000.000 f, to 18,- 000,COOf to the growers. At present it is not worth more than from 2.000 0001. to 3,000 000 f. The in habitants of that department, have suffered severely from the calamity. The Government, anxious to relieve the silk producers, Concluded acontraet with a foreigner who professed to cure the disease. Re tried his remedy is twelve departments, but totally failed. The silk producers there took the lead of the Government, and imported seed from Russia and from those pasts of Turkey wham the diseeso is un- Imown. Some of team, braving all dangers, pens. tilted rota the interior or Asia, and brought seed tack With , them to France. The Dlfeetor.General of Customs has published official returns show ing the quantity of silkworm aped imported into France during the last five years. In 1860 It amounted to 67 038 kilogrammes, valued at 13,407,0001. ; In 1501, 86.728, value 7,345,600 f. ; in 1862, 30,386, value 6,077,2101. ; In 1868, 58.305, value 10,494.9C01. ; in 1864, 24 545, value 4,418.1001. The principal wee imported this year is die to the French Government, which, adhering to tradition, anticipated private enterprise and commission• ed its Consular agents to procure 1,000 chests of seed in Japan, and to forward them to France, where they have arrived. The inteution ot the French Government was excellent, but it is said that speculators interfered with the affair. It is further said that these speculators induced some silk breeders to sell the seed for a few francs profit, which they received from the Government, and then exported it to Italy. BIRTHS, Manittaose, Awn DRA.TII.I3 rx Meson" Olitiehare.—ln an article on the TrantPfleCond annual Report to the State of ItlaeaaOhasette in relation to its population, the Boston Port gives us the following facia: "Daring the year 1863, In this Constnor.-,ealth, 30.311 chi:draft were born alive, of which 15,612 were males and 14,579 MEMOS ;1.0,873 couples were married ; and 27,751 persons died. Compared with the preceding year the number of births Is less by 1,661 and less than those given in the year 1861 by 5 , 131 ; the number of couple; mar- Tied was tees oy 141 ' • and the number of deaths greather by 4 777, or 3 . 616 greater than in the year 1861. Compared with the annual average for the five preceding' years. we have a decrease of 4 423 births, or 6,737 loss than in the year 1360 ; a diminu tion of 404 marriages, or 5,528 less than in the year 1866 : and an increase of 5,552 deaths. Tile natural Inereaee to the population of the State. that is, the excess of births over deaths, is, therefore, only 2,662„ which is 6,766 less than in the year 1662, and 10,410 less than in the year 1861. It will thus be seen that the ordinary relations of births, marriages and deaths has become entirely deranged during the last three Tears, in constquence, doubtlesa, of war influences. PiulareATlON 50011 LIYORPOOL Its MAINIB.—The official ratans from the Government Emigration Moo, chow the ffillowing results: To the United States, 21 vest els, with 9,843 passengers, of whom 239 were cabin and the remainder steerage; there were 2,940 English, 202 Scotch, 5,442 Irish, and 1,020 fce• reigners. To Canada two ships, with 640 poen gels, of whom 13 were in the cabin ; of these 280 were Engtieb, 117 Irish, and 1130 ionignarS. To Vic toria, three ships. having 082 passengers, 4 being cabin ; ur these 155 were Mallon, 71 Scotch, 237 Irish, and 21 belonging to other canutrles, making a total under the act of 11,145. The short slips, or those not under the act, Included seven vessehi, to the United States, carrrylng 443 passengers; ono to Prince Edward's Island, with two passengers; one to New South Wales, with 24 passengers ; one to Vietoria, with 26 passengers ; three to the West Indies, with. 17 passengers ; live to South America, With 106 pc erengerS ; one to Mexico, with 5 pastier: gers - and one to Afrioa. with 52 passengers, bilking In ail 655. Total for the month, 11,800, being a de crease upon the corresponding month of the prev.i. One year of 1441. ENGLISH YOST ODIUM— The amount standing, to the credit of the Post Office Savings Hank's Fried, in the books to the commissioners (or the redaction of the national oebt, On the 31st Dec., 1654, Was £4,015,- C 63, lON r Wanda of £113,540 remaload in tao hands of She Postmaster General ; £305,084 wig re' calved In cask from depositors last year; and the balance Cue to the depositors, inclusive of intereSt, at the close of the year, was £4,993,123, PROTESTAnT 11118BIONAEDIB OS , THE WORLD.— The whole number of active Protestant missionary operations as carried on by American, British, and COnill,ental ChriStine, COnsiats of 48 societies, em ploying 9,418 agents or missionaries, and having 018,029 cl-usel. members, 235 000 pupils in the differ ent schools, with an apnual Winne or e 4, 481,000. Mona Wei: STATiSI.IOB —The statist:es of this interesting branch of the Church, for toe year 1864, exhibit the Northerr part of It as follows : Total number of communicants, 843 ; number of children, 8.1,00 ; number of churches and missions, 43 ; number of clergy, 36; 9 parishes have I3St 106 Mummer:ants ; 34 have gained 22; baptism: (11 adults) 595; confirmations, 171; admissions, 182; GlCinsions, 20 ; Sunday-school scholars, 3,236 ; Sun- • dapscheci teachers, 433. The sremilest'soolettes are those of Chapman, Pa., and. Woods Prairie, Ili., which number only it communicants each. The largest is Be blehem, Pa., which numbers 884. New York city has only 71 communicants, Philadel phia, 265. NAII.ItOADS AT 11.016 n —Daring the pant nine Months there have passed over the New York and New Haven road 1,268 11/eight trains and 7,692 pas senger trains, In which 10,614,893 persons have been carried, no one of whom has lost either life or limb. The 33 locomotives run during 1864 763.340 mites, Consuming 1.698 cords of hindlingS, 14,229 tons of COW, and 1.129 corce of wood, at a cost per. Mlle for fuel Of 27 3-10 cents. Tlin BEITIen BALANOB.SIIIIIIT.--The income fm. the financial year ending March 81, 1805, (insisted Of £42,130,000 from customs and exelFe, £20,780 000 from stamps and taxes, £4,100,000 from post °Mee, £310,000 front Crown lands, and .£2.993,430 aeons (Including £872,700 received fram India for British troops serving there); maltiog a total gross income of .f.,70,318,436. The expenditure comprised £26.369.300 for interest of the debt, £14.302,672 for the army, £10,898,208 for the navy, £9,160140 for civil services, to waloh must be added £870,073 for . Vim post office p%chet service, and £174,509 for the second moiety of the Solleldt tell redOMpalca money' £4,606,471 for cost of collection of the revenue (12. eluding the post taro establishment) bring% the ex. pendittire up to £66.462 206, leaving a surplus of £3,851.250. in, addition to this expenditure the sum of £620,000 was laid out upon fortifications, the amount being raised by the sale of Government an- Unities terminable le 1885, 00Toron Is TRII OAIIOASITS.—The Gazette, of the Academy of S. Petersburg ; states that the Vieille of the eotton plunted i e.st year In the province of Dhoti tie, in the VISAICOeue, amounted to 60,000 ronnieS ($49,00,) It Is croctsd that the oolonied In the Caucasus, encollfaued by the seems of their first attempts, and by the facility afforded them of send ing their produce to Europe by the river Rion atd the Black Sea, will OORSiderably extend the on :ma. tion of cotton In that hewlpconquered country. TSB PRUSSIAN INTRUNATIONAL STaxiSTiO.A6 Corsonses —The reports of the International UMW Congress at Berlin have just been published :by Dr. Engel, the director of the Royal Stall:Imola 131220111 i. The tranee4loMl Comprehend two ilreis Volumes in quarto, and are rendered In the different languages in which they took place. The work is a most interesting contribution to statistical litera ture, and in every p articular betrays the ex perienced band of the learned editor. RAILROADS in INDIA.—It was not till 1863, that the drat railway Line was opened in India, and that was only for a distance of twenty-two miles, which was built at a cost of .3, 358 ,200. There are now three thousand miles in operation, and nearly two thousand miles more are to be made before the Go vernment system le completed, which will probably be in 1369. These roads cost from $55,000 to $lOO,OOO per mile. Minima INSURANOB In Naw YORE.—The lowing statement of the business of the Marine In surance Companies of New York oity. for the past year, is from the report of Secretary Barnes, of tho State Insurance Department : 003pan7• Income. Expenditures. Atlantic Mutua1....... *024424 05 .417 20 , 9413 37 Com. Dlutual 423,267 13 292,129 08 Great Western 2,565 967 30 1,658,581 7 1 Mercantile Mutual .... 923,847 11 1,041,842 20 New York Mutual 377.971 69 437,201 92 Orient Mutual 207.702 71 223,557 22% Pacific Mutual 644,124 96 876,069 23 Sun Mutual 2,134.395 66 1,195,515 29 union Mutual 522,051 66 430,222 25 Washington 321,187 81 852,540 16 THE ITALIAN NAVT.—The Italic publishes the following statement of the present strength of the Italian navy : Vessels of war-18 iron-olads, 2L screw steamers, 24 paddle steamers, 10 sailing ves sels—total, 73 ; nominal horse po wer, 23,146 ; guns, 1,270 arrws, 20 384. TlllllBpOlts-42 screw steamers, 10 paddle staimerS, 2 sailing vessels ; total, 24. i nominal horse power, 4,005 ; anus, 42 ; crews, 1,882. The war tint win also comprise two gunboats and two floating batteries, whiob are in course of con. . affliction. THE MILITIA IN . GREAT BRITAIN AND IMELAND. —The establishment of the militia in 1854 corn• prieed. 124,522 privates, and 96,030 were present at training cn the day of inspection. Of the residue the bull: were not absentees, but numbers wanting to complete the full establishment. The numbers (privates) present wore 62,055 in England, 8,812 in Scotland, and 25,169 in Ireland. ENOLISII itimstows.—ln 1797 the first earapany or ministers were sent by the London Missionary So• clew. at d they began simultaneously in the Society, the Fi iendly, and the Marquisette islands. They first met with disaster and defeat. Sixteen years were spent without lutich apparent result. In 1861 we have the following feats reported Chars/ma Mamba Seth. Mlle Georgian Society, Austral Itiands .... 36 3.877 39 2,361 Hem Islance 9 2,280 12 2,100 Samoan 151and5......... 42 4,216 220 1 519 New Hebrides 2 150 50 2,0:10 Loyalty Islands 15 1,215 35 4,070 Savage Islands 1 604 13 2 503 102 13,341 LUMBER. ME TUB WERT.—The reoelpts of 'umber at tho port of Ching° last , week aggregated 28,- 000,C00 feet, the value of whioh was $400,000. 7L".131M1 COOPER-811OP VOLIIRTIIER BRARRBII - COMMITTRIC.—At themeeting of the commit. tee, held on Wednesday evening last, the fourth annual report was read and approved. It brlefty sets forth the rise and progress of the institution. The soldiers had been fed by ladles and gentlemen in the latter part of April, 1851, in the streets, and under the shade of the trees in front of the old cooper shop. These ladies and gentlemen formed the nucleus of the Cooper-shop Committee, and an organization WM; speedily effected. On the 25th of May, of that year. Mr. Wm. M. LlOOper resolved a telegraphic communication that the German Rifles, I,o4uin number, under command of Col. 131encker, were likely to arrive on that night. Arrangements were made for the reception of the Rifles. The re giment did not arrive until nearly three o'clock on Monday morning, May 27thwhe , n they were fed by the Committee, This was the first regiment fed. The report contains quite a number Of Interesting facts, from which we make the following extracts : Soldiers fed during first year.... 87,513 Contributing " " " $13,183 85 Soldiers fed " second " 87,433 Contributions " " " 15,137 49 Soldiers fed " third "97,800 Contributions " •' " .... 15,395 48 Soldiers fed " fourth " .... 44,745 Contributions 6 ' " .... 14,085 01 Total 016,881 07,781 133 Balance on hand 1,368 20 Cost of feeding 318,991 soldiers during four years 856,413 83 showing an average cost per man of 18 cents, not withstanding the high price of provisions daring the past two years. It is estimated that during the four years ten thousand meals were furnished to soldiers singly or in squads of two or three, many of them maimed or invalids on a visit from the military hos pitals. There was no record kept of these odd meals. The hospital report sets forth the whole number of permanent inmates of this branch of the institu tion. The hospital was established end dedicated on the 29th of October, 1861. It was founded by Miss Anna M. Rees, a maiden lady, who died In Decem ber, 1863. During the first year 159 were admitted, second year 305, third year 85, of which number there ts ere 12 deaths. During the fourth year the hospital was used tor temporary sick or weary 801. tiers, those discharged or on furlough. The receipts for hospital during the past year amounted to $604 98 Balance in treasury (bolding over) 224 78 829 74 Expenses 510 64 Balance 'remaining in hospital treasury... —MO 10 The report sets forth the following interesting ac. count: The committee consider it proper to intro. duce the names of four little girls who were the first to inaugurate a fair for the benefit of the Cas per Shop Hospital. Their homes were Waled ill an unpretending hmal thoroughfare, known as Spring alloy, in Germantown, Twenty-second ward. They held the fair in an unfinished building in that his. tortoni village, early in June, 1882, the prOiesdo yielding the sum of eighty-one dollars. These little girls, of love, virtue, and affection for the cause cf humanity, with that purity and devotion of light hearts, buoyant with happiness, hastened to our sa loon, bringing with them the proceeds Of the first fair held to Philadelphia. and from all the co mmitea can learn the first in the United States tor the bene fit of the sick and wounded soldiers and sailors' of the Union. - - Miss Lucy Wells, Miss Annie Wells, Miss Annie Wade, and Min Sallie Mizell, are the names of the then little girls, whose example kindled the flame of patriotism in the bosoms of other little fu12.117 tic. game apirlt that guchott 1 diamogd value and brilliancy from a small alley, Culminated in the grand demonstration is Logan Square, under the supervision of the U. S. Sanitary OoMmiSSIOn, in June, 1864. The report, in alluding to the deaths of contribu tors, briefly, though eloquently, pays a tribute of respect to the late John Grigg, who was a proud. rent Supporter of the institution, and a Citizen of Philadelphia universally respected. The report further states that on Slay IT, 1861, a burial lot was donated to the committee by the pre sident and directors of the Mount Pariah Cemetery for the reception of deceased soldiers. It has been handafabely enclosed. During the past year five interments were made in this lot, as follows : Au gust n, 1864, Frank Glass, 2d Delaware Volunteers; Stliteraber lath, Thomas McLaughlin, loth U. S. Infantry ; October 7th, Richard Stotes, 15th New York Volunteers ; November Bth, H. Novington, 99th Perna. Volunteers; March 26, 1865, Patrick Murphy, Ist Rhode Island Light Artillery. Do nations to burial lot during year, $84.22 ; expenses, 8.84 22; balance on hand, 815.35. The report concludes with a recommendation that a history be compiled relative to the Cooper-Shop committee, and the three branches sprining there from, to wit : the hospital, the Soldiers' Home, and the cemetery lot. It Is believed that a work of tilt s lilt would become pannier, from which a hand- FOTee sum might be realized for the beam of such charitable or beuvolent patriotic Institutions as have arisen, or likely to arise, in consequence of the recent lour years' rebellion. CASUALTIES.—The following cases were admitted into the Pennsylvania Hospital yester days : iniarlea „Welly, aged thirty-eight years, residing at 006 South Eleventh street, fell from the second Story, through the hatchway, of Evans & Son's soap factory, and bruised his back seriously. William Boyd, aged fourteen years, residing at 847 Earp street, fractured ale right arm While jump ing over a plankat Paesyunk road and Reed streets. Ellen Croaker, aged forty-four years, residing in Bailey street, severed an artery in her right arm by running it through a window which she was washing in Spruce street, near Eighth. Jacob Weikel, aged thirty-three years, residing at Girard avenue and Randolph streets, fell off a one story-high scaffold, while painting a house on Ells worth street, below Ninth, and sprained his right ankle. William Burl" aged twenty-five years, residing at t.;21 Smith Eleventh street, was run over by a horse and buggy at Eleventh and Lomat streets, and was severely Injured. BABE BALL—A match game of base ball r• as payed yesterday between the "Active" end "Minerva," at Fifteenth and Columbia avenue, resulting in a victory for the Actives by the follew ing score: ACTIVE. I AITNERVA. Buns. Bans. Ezra Worrell. 2d b.... 2,1. T Ayers, 3d b......... 2 3 Pensenderfar, c, .... 412 Nicholson, ii. s .....3...... F. 80tb..-..rami, p. 518 Gacrist, p .....3.... B. Hopper, lot b ...... 414. Paul. I. f. .... . ......... S R. simpson. 3d b 4111 Fitzgerald, c.l 8 P . :Almon. s. s. 88. Lessard, 28 b............ 4 'waidte, 1. 1.4•.....,....... 6 ;7. Fsv, c.. ........ .......... J, .. Pcrisriby, r f 3 8 Pry, . r f ......... 2 A. Wateo, c. f........ 2 9. Thome, Ist b.......... 1 :, gl 23 Umpire, Mr. Berkenatock, of Athletic Baee Ball Club SEIPFLEE STEAM ENGINE COMPANY.-- This active company, located at the south-eastern section of the city, will house their now steam fire engine this afternoon, on Rand street below Second. This carmany was organized in the year 184 and since that time has overcome all difficulties, and as a permanent institution, ranks with the best in the fire department. The company was always a favor ite, and can boast of Influential frimds in every portion of Philadelphia. A steam tire engine has Jag been needed in that motion of the olty whore the SLiftler is located. SINGULAR CASE OF POISONING.—Yeater- Cay f the barber at the Almshouse was poisoned by One Of the Inmates of that institution and died from the effects thereof in a short time. The man who gave the bather the poison had got shaved, and as a compensation gave the barber aconite mixed with syrup. They both partook of the mixture, hut the man Who gave the poison took an emeticpand, loot night was recovering. It is Bald that the poison was got out of a cellar of the Almshouse, appropriated for the storage of medicines, &c. ANNIVERSARY EXERCISES.—The aura. Vereary of the Sunday School and Missionary So ciety attached to the Presbyterian Church, South Street, between Eleventh and Twelfth, will take place to-ntgbt, on which minden addre2ses will be delivered by the pastor, Rev. Richard Melery. Rev. J. Myatt Smith, Rev. Mr. Caulkins, and ethers. The Interior of the church has been tastefully de. Crated with flags, flowers, and evergreens, pre senting a rich and attractive scene. THE WEATHEW..—The weather yesterday was worthy of a passing remark. 'penmen of the in tense heat. The mercury reached 87% degrees Cu the shade at three o'clock in the afternoon. The sun was =obscured, from the rising to the netting of the same, and his rays were red and full of fever bent. It was a period Of time worthy the first day of summer. RECEPTION OP THE YOLUNTERES.—The committee of pity CotincilS, appointed to make ar rangements for a grand reception of the volunteers, proceeded to Washington last night, in company with General Collis, to progress with the business. The committee are expected to return this evening, and report at a' meeting of the general committee to be held tomorrow afternoon. FIRES.—A. house on. Jackson street, be tween Palmer and Hanover, occupied by Mr. Gar mer, caught fire early yesterday morning, from a coal•oil lamp. Loss SZOo. An attempt was made Testerday morning to Bet ete to the premises Du Heim street. Some straw and ithaVl.l4B Weln placed In an oat-shed and. Ere set to teem. THE POLICE_ (Before Mr. Lidermut Tolsm' 3 001:111TEELZRIT 7.10-114 Y. Charles Morse and Henry Bells were arrested In the vicinity of Third and Green streets on Wednes day night, on the charge of attempting to pass twenty dollar bogus "United States Treasury rotas, supposed to be some Of the notes engraved in Eng. land. The defendants were required to enter in bonds in the sum of $l,BOO each to answer at court. [Before Mr. Alderman Gabon.) DISORDEMLY ROUSE. Margaret Goodneart was arraigned yesterday on the charge of keeping a disorderly heron! In Dan. takers court, Sixth ward. The police made a docent upon the houle betnell ton ata eleven &clock 02 Wednesday night, and Wide Mrs, 0., took Into Snatody Julia King, laeob Hess, Charms Morton, and Anna The neighbor!! had com plained of the noise made In the home, whist' was a great annoyance to the residents thereabouts. The accused was bound over In 51.000 to Romer; the re. rosining Tour persona In the sum of $6.0 each to be of future good behavior. The number of arrests made by the pollee farm, under the direct supervision of Chief Ruggles, during the past month, foots up as follows, except leg the Fifteenth district, of which, as usual, no return was made at the proper Wm DistrlW. 1 241.12 2 465'1.3 3 347114. 4 20711.5. BERM FRESH BEEF AND VEGETABLES. NAVY DEPARTMENT, • BUREAU OF PROVISIONS AND CLOTRINSF, May 20, 1865. SEALED PROPOSALS. endorsed " Proposals for Fresh Beef and Vezetables." will be received at this Bureau until 2 o'clock P. M., on the sixth day of sane Mil for tt e 60,600 pounds tu of p Frye o h Vegetables . e a t of bF Phi l adel p hia Navy Yard and Station. as required. The Beef and Tesetsbles must be of good grimily, and the beet the market affords. and each article must be offered for by the pound. The Beef to be in equal proportions. fore and bind quarters. Bonds. with approved security, will be required in one Ralf the estimated amount of the contract; and twenty per cent. in addition will be withheld from the amount of each payment to be made, as collateral seta tilY for the due performance of the contract, which will. on no account, be paid anti! it Ii frilly complied with. every offer made must be accompanied by a writtsn guaranty, signed by one or more responsible persons, that the bidder or bidders will. if his or their, bid be accepted, enter la to an obligation within dye days, with good mad aniecient emetics, to furnish the articier pro. posed. Do proposal will be considered unless accompanied by such gnarantee, and by satisfactory evidence that the biddsr. Is a regular dealer in the articles proposed and has the license required by law. The De.psrtment reserves the right to roiled m y pro. nasal not' considered advantageous to the threerament. . ray -10 t PROPOSALS FOR STATIONERY, &c. CoLLEOTOR'S OFFICE, CUSTOM HOUSE. PHILADELPHIA, June 1, 1885. Sealed and endorsed " Proposals for Books, Blanks. and Stationery for the Casten& Rouse, Philadelnlita." will be received at this office until the 21th day of Jane. inclusive, for supplylnt the Custom douse, for one s ear, tram the . Seth day of Jane, 1885, with— Blank Books, for Entries. Records, Abstracts, &c. Printed Backs of Bonds, &c. Printed Blanks. for Enrolments, Licenses, Report*. Permits. Accounts. &c Stationery, viz—Pens, Ink. Paper, Pencils, itc. The whole probably not co exceed $3.0i:0. Liberty is reserve. to accept such proposals for the Whole or any portion of the articles therein named. - It is also to be understood that all each articles as Play be re glared, and which are not expressly men tioned In the schedules, tractors at the usual market prises, or may, at the en. tion of the Collector. be purchased in open market . Bchedules of articles and estimated quantities, with specimens and otter required particulars, furnished on application at this cffice. with satisfactory security, will be required for the faithful perfotmance of I th contrast. WILLAM B. THOMAiII. Collector. 372 . 21,680 NOTIC E.-SEALED PROPOSALS, 4 - 1 endorsed "PROPORALA FOR FURNISHING Tail PUBLIC SCHOOLS WITH LEHIGH OR SUHULITILL COAL," will be received by the undersigned, at the Controllers' Once, southeast corner of FIRTH and ADSIGIII Streets, until TUESDAY, June 6,1885, at B o'clock M. The Proposals 'which will Include the storage of the cosi, must be for separate Districts. as Mows: FIRST DlSTRlCT—lTomprlellar the First, Second. Third. Fourth. and Twenty sixth waras eECOND DISTRICT—Fifth, Seventh, Eighth. and Ninth wards. THLILD DISTRIOT-SiXth, Eleventh, Twelfth, end Thirteenth wards. - • • -• FOURTH DISTRICT—Tenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and Twentieth wavds. FIFTH PreTarcr—Sixteenth. Seventeeuth,lightserith. and Dineleenth wards. fiIXTEI DISTRICT—Twenty-first ward. SEVENTH Thornier—Twenty second ward. EIGHTEt DISTRICT—Twenty , third ward. AINITE DISTRICT—Twenty-fourth ward. TENTH DISTRICT—Twenty-fifth ward. There will be two sizes required. Eat and StOre. And the ton to be 2,210 pounds. 'Bach and every ton of said coal shall be weighed at the place of delivery, In the presence of a proper per son, to be deputed by each Sectional Board. as weigher (subject to the approval of the President of this Board), who shall keep an accarate account of each load of coal delivered, Its exact weight, as ascertained by correct scales. And no bill shall be approved for such coal, an. less sn affidavit of the weigher shall accompany such bill, Jetting forth by what contractor the coal was de livered, the date of delivery of each load, the another of tons, and she quantity of coal de livered,and whether weighed at the place of delivery. ' Proposals will he received at the Mae time for the CHARCOAL and .11.1aIDLI/51% WOOD that May be reanired. - • • By order or the Committee on Snpplles. HOMY W. fIaLTAIWSLL, maiB• emyllt Secretary Controllers Public Schools ELECTRICAL OFFICES. I so. 154 'forth ELEVENTH, below RA.ON Streets also, CHESTNUT and FOETIETH Street, West Phi- Iladelphia DR. THOMAS ALLEN having been very arraleall" fa in the mare of Diseases by this new method. would inform Ms friends and the Public tt. at he is still bet:wetting and eying many whom Medlebta did not affect, and considered incurable. We will mention a few of the Diseases in the inn of which this treatment seldom if ever tails: ca hermatisio. Felons, Kidney Diseases. Neuralgia, Gangrene, Liver .. Paralyies, Moen, Genital .. {Gramm Dolls, Spica Dyspepsia, Abscess, Throat " Fever dr Agne, 'Braaten& Prelatic %. ( [(Asthma. Lulianimationc, , . Noe Emissions. Congestion. Hemorrhage. Diabetes, Am Patients will be treated 41 their residences when Idesired,a large number of testimonials may be seen at the Offices from patients in this city. . 1, onallta , Roy gratis. Office hours 9 A. it to it P. M in ,_ the I shy. DR. THOS. ALLEN. I spl9.3m Electrician. EINE QTROP T HIC ESTABLTSB. BfßiljiWo ortreatr‘TlSaei ran 4l" EIODIFIRD M,SCITRICAL APPLICATIOAS, and who has bean so very soceessfni at Estri SQUARB for Ai last three years, has removed his Office and Restates* to 1635 VLitE Street, one door below Seventeenth. All persons dealrine raferensea, or any Partimegare with retard to his apses' mode of treatment, !Ail pleas; sell or send for a pamphlet. Consultation or advise arataltoria. eselebtl TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS TN FOE THE CITY AND COUNFY OF PHILADEL PHIA. assigned Estate of JOH6. MaTLA.CK The Auditor arpointed by the Court to andit, settle, end adjust the second and final account of JOSEPH B. MAULS and CANAL BITELAND, Assignees of JOHN MATLACK, and to report distribution or the balance in the halide of the accountants. wilt meet the parties in 'Wrested for the purposes 01 his appointment, on TOSS mei% June Bth, UK at 4 o'cl wit P. ld.. at Ma 013101. 129 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. JOSEPH. F. MAWS% Auditor. my 26 fzmw6t. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -a- CITY .6.19.c0vE.7.,0v Rotate of it is' rick - tic: The Auditor appointed by the coast to audit, tattle. and adjust the account of JACOB W. WMYMRE and JOSEPIi EIMEY, Executors of the last will and Mete• went of sold dee'd, and to report distribntiox of the ba lance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the par ties interested. for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY APSE baoom, June 12th. 1852. et 334 o'clock P..81.,at his air% No. 271 South PER Street, 4n the city f Philadelphia. JOSEPH A CLAY, xosSDwfrmot Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -a- cm AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Setekte of M&1 Tli MABTIN. deceased The Auditor appaintid by the Conn to audit. Sllttle. and adjust the Anahuac hied by JOEL WOLFS. ex. senior of the last will and testament of MARTIN iditti, Tiff, deceased, in the matter of the ;sale of certain reel estate situate on FEDERAL street. aboye Sixteenth street. in the City of Phi.adelohia and to make distri bution. will Wend to tae dutiol'of his appointment on TUESDAY. the 13th day of June. A. :D., ISO. at 4 o'clock P. Bt , at his °glee, /40. 1171 South Pura Street. in the city of Philadelphia jel.thstaSt TN THE ORPHANE' COURT FOR THE CITY 4DFD COUNTY OF PptI.ADZI4PECIA., NOTICE —The Widow of said decedent has tiled her petition and appraisemnt claiming Persona. property to the value of WOO. 'which she elects to retain undoethe act of the 14th April. 1811, and its onoplements. Unless exceptions are Med thoreto the same wilt be aperoved by the said Cont, on FRIDAY. the 18th Jane. ism jei-thmst. A. THOMPSON, Att'y for Widow. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS I' FOE THE CITY ATID COUATE OF kaILADRI, PHI A. • 5.3 Notice is hereby given to all norms interested In the following Estates, that the Honor- '.lr. the Judges et tae Court aforesaid have appointed f.At'CRDAY, tile third day 01 June. a. D. 1800. at 10 o'clock A. M., for hearing the following accounte, and unless exceptions be filed thereto the same will be allowed. viz: Isiate Samuel &Con, account of trustee. Rotate cater) Miller. accoant of assignee. Estate haloes Sonaldien and al., account of trustee. Estate Thomas 'Cindy and wife, account of assignee. Estate Mrs. Sarah Clement and daughters, account of trustee. Estate Sarah Irwin. account of committee. Ratate Josiah Ashanfelder, Account of assignee. Eaten, er - Barclay, account of committee. Estate Hannah Wright. acconnt of committee. Estate Mulford. Huntzinger, It Co., account of as - * l i ne Charles Miller, account of trnetese. 'Estate Lobert W. Smith, account of trustees. Estate Jaw P. Forsch. account of MigllBB. Estate Mary Ann Ererly. account of trustee. Estate Mrs. Sarah K. Fotterall and al, account of trustee. FEED. G. WOLBEET. lova set FrothonotarF. f)RPHANS' COURT OF FRILADRL •-• PHIS. MATE OF WILLIAM T. GARRETT. NOTICE Id HEREBY GIVEN, That HedittAM P. OARRETT bas fled. in said Court her petltion and AP• praitement of the personal prop•irtv which she elects to retain under the sot or Alirit 16, IA6I, and supplement thereto, OL d tx at unlePg ex.,:eptiols he Sled before Jane 26, 1666. the Mee Will be contirrned. WAI W. SLIM AI, iel•tb2t Attorney for Widow. ESTATE OF JOSEPH CORSON > DE 014SM—tatters testamentary on tee estate of Map)]. C uIiSOM, late of the city-of Philadelphia. deceased. hexing been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate will please make pay ment, and those haying claims will p esse present them to E. A. S CoRSON and WM WINDIA, Execators. my24.w61.* Cluthriesyllte. Cheater Co.. Pa. ik7FrATE OF JOHN WATOON, M. D., DEDEASIAD. Letters of administration or, the estate of John Wet• son, )X. D., deceased, baying been w anted to the un dersigned. all persons indebted to said estate will please make payment, and those haying claims wilt please present them to E. S. EARLY. Administrator. F. E. corner Of TENrAt and GRESS' Streets. Or to his Atte/ ney, FEB.RIC A. VAN UMW& mirl6-tn6t .1:lo 2048outh FIFTH Streets. "ESTATE OF WM. T. GARRETT.- •-•-■ Letters of Admit:afar/attar to thi. Estate haying been greeted to BARNAB Y. UAREETT, all persons indebted to, and thefts having claims upon, the name wtU par or present the same to HANNAH P. 13/CRIVRIPT. t 716 FILBERT Street. Cr her Attorney, WM. W. JUVENAL, m72.tn6t • LIBRARY eitreet. WM. S. JAMES, atorsioriT of Thiladshaft.] ATV - Main" AT. LAM, TXANKLIIIL VSSANGO GOMM!, EYVKIA. Special attention given to the examination or Titles. IPItILIDELPRIA Szrungsßres:—Chas. 3, Lox, 35g., Bon. .L Zoos Snowden, James IL Little, Egg" T. T, Tooker. Sr., Hood, Boneright, # So., J. Z. LeHaven. President 7th riational Bank. gABICIEL W- HOFFMAN, ATTORN'AII Da AT LAW AHD CIONVETANCHH, PHASIKLIX, VENAHOO aoturn. pijurA. HMG of F.134.44d01phi5.1 111/52,8 TO Chula I. Ls!. IN" LAW. C. klghtlo k i. CI. Knight & Co.. Dr. R. S. Efookowdo. James H. L an a IL . W. H. salon 00. mbS4m 9,AMIIEL TAYLOR, •••••• No. 423 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia; ATTORSEY AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER FOR ALL THE STATES, and Except Connecticut, Few York. &Tads Ore rt m; Texas 1144-fnly• TOSHIJA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, couNsaran AT LAW, AID 001.101701 01 3LAIMS, Office, ■Bl T Waist. noir Irmartamith strait, Wamialtrton. D C 4.24.67. . TTELMBOLD'S EXTRACT OF SAR• SAPARILLL cleanses and reooeetee the blood, instils the vigor or health Into the aritem3 and Pllrgel out the husera that make Moue. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1865 POLICE STATISTICS .... . in 204 Reserves 155 158 Day Sergeants 21 122 Park 41 85 Vagrant 164 Harbor sea 120 PROPOSALS. MEDICAL. LEGAL. ' _ - riIDI. MiQ=l MASON/0 11AL414 719 CHESTNUT STREET, IS NOW OPENING ANOTHER LAEGE LOT OF LACID ELEGANT - STYLES, AT PRIORS, FROM 5 DOLLARS TO 150 DOLLARS PER PAIR. WINDOW ORO/OE PATTERNS, AT REDIIVED PRICES. In 302.9 1026 CHESTNUT STREET. 1026 . CURTAIN STORE. otativais, couriors, AI D mums. C. M. STOUT do CO., f•lo4mw4sa SILK & DRY GOODS JOBBERS., TO WHOLESALE BUYERS: FOREIGN Dicy ctoons, IEMBRAOINO LATEST NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS ADAPTED TO PRESENT SALES. Received per late steamers, and for mode by JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO.; zay27-1.2t ; I . I FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subsertbere would Invite attention to Wit • USPEOVED OUT OF SHIRTS. which they make a specialty in their brietneint. Also. emetautly receiving TO FELTISS FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAN. J. W. SCOTT & CO.,_ GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. - No, 814 CaIISIIITIT Street, JaE.ly , Pour doors below the Continental. MERCHANT TAILORS. EDWARD P. BELLY. JOHN HE'LLYi TAIL.OI3,S, 81! CHESTNUT STREET, "WM NOW WI ITOh COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OP SPRING GOODS. to,lB-tf M " lrWM!nn7 BOTANIC AND ECLECTIC DRUGS. ROBERT A. HANCE. 428 NUM STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Would gall the attention of Draggling. Country Mee ghantg, and others, to hie stook of BOOTS, EMS, AND DARK% 111 YMIOno alma vacka,ses. of our own twasidnif, at PRICES B SLOW YORUBA M. Mull line of BOTnitian.t. PIII3PARATIOPM, W. 2. SIERELL & '8 00110BIXTILLEED REMEDIES, dot., at a liberal discount to the trade. Catalogues furnished on application. myll-Snaril ZIEGLER & SMITE, WHOLESALE Drag, runt, and Glass Dealers, riattletors of the Ponaorivonloi raffia Oa ado! Work,. NEST WHITE LEAD, DZISE AM% PURE LIBERTY /ARAI), Ifastinassed for Whiteness, Pine Gloss. lonrabiliia; Eirmness, ind Evenness of fitufeee. rum' LIBERTY LlAD—Warrented to foyer Lore mhos for same Weight this WM 0411 M TIT IT. LTD TOD WILL BATE 7ao OTTTLI PURE LIBERTY ZINO; delisted Yin., mound in 'Loaned Limed OIL um:WM is Quality. always the lame. PVBE LEBZUTY =NV. %vaunted so do moro meoUttar r work M does mit than Any othe. GET YRS B/E4TI Moro sod 01hoo—No. 157 North THIRD Strut. •Sm• 19TILADELPNLi. i _~ I' 1865. 21'RI14° ' 1865. fifLIMIN V.CILO 1111XLALIS, GERYLAtiTOFIT, PA. ACCALIA72I - 1156; cCo., 'l, I AI - I : Di: . I IM• 6: :• ' 6 OIL (MOTEL MATTINGS, dbo. WIKOLEMAIJ6 DzrmsTaizarz •09 ORIBTKUT IMISIT. RETAIL DEPARTMENT; 919 OHISTIRM STRUE CTATIONERY A, BLANK BOOKS MINING, COAL, AND OTHRR n NEW COMPANIES. We are prepared - to furnish New Corporations with all the Hooke they require. at short aothie and 1011, WWI. of fret quality. All styles Insulin& STEEL PLATS OSITLEICATIE Or STOOL LITHOGRAPHED '• is. YEARSPBE BOOR. OBDIRO OP riumwlll. STOCK MUD. STOCK LEDGER BALANCES. • =GIST= OP CAPITAL STOCK. BROKEIt'S PETTY LEDGES. • • ACCOUNT OF SALES. DIVIDEND BOOS. MOSS ar, co;. BLANK BOOK HASHIZAtITITEERS AND STATIONILIS; sesl.tf 432 OHNONOT Stmt. ' 1: til ITV ILO; t tqlni9.ol 600 B4Fili" 4 l gM ß Oraue. 600 /RORIEU-TABLES, STEP-LADDER% WALNUT BRAOKETS. Invent variety. AAA•H GRIFFITH di PAGE. SIXTH and ARCM EDUCATIONAL. TUGBY CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH', ACADEMY. . _ 3226 cIIESTRUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. This institution, which will bc satablishel in Ink TE ao Bills NEXT. is destined to rival the bag soliotla of this solitary, and of England in lie systera of. instruct. tion and di,cipline, and in the fullness of its Musical and n,athematical course. Those preparing for college will be flitted to take a Ilan nand in their class. and to graduate with honor. It will be the special aim, also. to prepare Vanua' , m•E for business or professional life. Circulars, wit 4 full Information ,n can be had at 1126 Iheetnnt street. EDW . CLARENCE WITS. A. M., Prilletria EEFERSNOES. —Caleb Cope. Es q., Hon Wm. D. ROMs Bon. Jos. Allison. Alexander %kindle, Be i • names Potter,Esg., A. H. Francium, Esq., IL P. hi. Min. bine, Zen. myl.64nw ' of BELLEVUE FEMALE INSTIT A BOARDJ TEENHOOL FOB GIRLS THE SIMMER OF THIS IBEITIT heelthfully and beantifullY located on the northers limits of Attleboro, Bucks 11 , 31111 t Y, commence Fifth. month, 224.186. and :crating. in WO Rion Vw Bias weak!), The coarse of instruction is thorough in the sardria departments In English, French, Latin, Mathernatise, and Drayton. For full detalle see sirsolar, to obtain which adtirest the Prineipals. Attleboro Post Once, Backs Pennsylvania. ISBABL T. OBARAMB, JANE F. OBARAllill sp5.9M Princiasis• FOR NOR•RETENTION OR INOON• TWENCE Of urine, irritation, inflammation or tticeratron of the bladder or kidneys. diseases of tin prostate glands, stone in the bladder. csOcalns, gravel or brisk•Onst deposit. and all diseases of the bladder, kidneys. and dropeleal swellings. ass 11,111.MBOLD'E num BXTEACIT 200H11. - n HILD REIT' S CA.RRIAGES, I TINILY Aim 577L8S Pos. TES SPRING , TRAM —A &mortar iot tart received, and for este 1 , 7 BOAS susTotr. ag 00.. tahlit.tf 157 and 159 north 751 RD Street. THE SCIENCE OF MEDICINE ishOnld stand simple, rim, majestic ; haviur faro for its baste. iodnotton for Itspillar, troth alone for its capital. So stood HBLMBOLD'S GBINIUIDIS VIVA. BATlcirm, antablished over 18 vein. A BEADY AND CONCLUSIVE TEEM of thete_l.ihrtios of HILAIDOLD'S FLUID .13.- MAO! MIMED DUI be a oontostiowt with those fart if Shit Troitta motor biowuktatorr 'ITELMBOLD'S EXTR&OT MORT atm health and Vigor to the frame and bloom t the Mild Debuit y is amompaeled by mai alarming liereetoMe, and U no treatment is intomitke te. seanunAws. lasuitt Or esilookis lie WM the trains of the Peroursivania Central Railroad leave the New Depot. at THIRTIETH and MUM= reets The earsa of the Market-street Passenger Railway ran to and from Pennsylvania Central EsDread Depot, at Thirtieth and Market Streets; they also leave Front street everf two minutes, eminent:ins one hour previ ou to the time of departure of each train. and allow about 80minutes for a trip. Their oars are in waiting on the arrival of each Train to sonvey passengers Into the sity, and connections are made with all roads erossincifarket street. On SliflOAYS—Cars leave Eleventh and Market Ste. St Y. 416 P. )1, connect with Moaning and Erie Mail. ans at 10,26 P. M. with Philadelphia Express. Nertn'a Pagano Express will hereafter by located at No. 81 South Kleventh street. Parties desiring baggage taken to the trains, can have it done at reasonable rata 12110111 application to hint LEAVE MID ARRIVE AT DEPOT THUS: MAPS. NAIL at 8.00 A. X. PAOLI ACCOIIOIODATIoN, No. 1»» 10.00 PAST LIKE. = ......... " 12.00 M. PARKESEURo •• 1.10 P.,11. EARRIBBURG .A.CCOMMOoATION... • 130 • LANCASTER ACOOEMODATION....... •• .4.00 " PAOLI TRAIL NO. 9•.......»»»»..." LOO •• PITTSBURG AND ERIE 8.30 " PHILADBLPHIA&%PRHBB »...» •• 11.10 " • aniava. PPTTSBURG AND ERIE " 140 A. M. pHILADDLTDrA V.Od " PAOLI ACCOMMODATION, " 0.20 " PARKESSURG •'O.OO •' LANCASTER "" 12.30 P. M. PAST LINE . 12.60 " PAOLI • 4.40 " DAY IMPRESS, " 5,45 " HARRISBDRO ACCOhiIdODATION.... " 5.40 " NAIL ad • 11.20 " Philelphia Expres3 leaves . dilPy. Pittsburg and Rile Mail leaves daily (except Saturday). AU ethar Trains daily (except Sunday.) The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not UMW any risk for Ite.ggsge. except for Wearing Apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. All Bacgage exceeding that amount in yens Will be at the rick of the owner, unless Label by QS' slal etatraot. For further information, as to time and connections. see bills and framed cards, or apply to THOMAS H. PARES, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. An Emigrant Train rune daily (except Sunday.) Tor fnllinformatics u to fare and accommodations, apply tO FRANCS um's,. fe2o•tf In DOGS street. 1865. NEW IBI7Liii"ES. 1865. TRH CAILDEH AND AMBOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD DOMPAET'II LINES. PROBE PHILADELPHIA TO NSW YOBS AND WALT PLAHHH. MOM WALNI7I , ATABBT WILL LEkVE AS FOLLOWS—W..I'a M At 6A. via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. As. UM 25 At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jamey City. Mamba' 00 At 9.16 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Accommodation • 976 At 2 P. M., via Galadan and Atab67. C. and A. IV . • ere u.« • ...... •• •.•-•-• • ••••••• • ••• 4..044 .0.4 11-1414 4-..• 2ZS At 12 AL noon. via Camden and Ambelf. AeseMmo dation.(Freloht and 2 25 At 6P. M.. eta Camden and Amboy, Ascommods lion (Freight and Passenger )— let Glass Ticket... 2 25 M. do. 2d Class Ticket... 160 Jay, P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aecommo dation (Freight and Pauenger)—let Class Ticket. 2 26 Do- do. 2d Class Ticket. 1 60 At 7.80 a. M.. 3.80 and 6P. N. for Mount Holly, Bw sewing, kombvvion. se 'eineentown. At 6A. M. and 2 P. N. for Freehold. At e amt. 9.15 A. M. 12 N. 5. 5, and 113 i F. AL • for -es Palmyra, Riverton, Delano, Beverly, Odometer Burnueton, Florence, Bordentown. , The 6P. M. line rune direet through to Trenton. At 7.6.0. e. M. and LSO P. N for Pamirs, FJYerton. Reisnee. Reverie. and Burlington. At 10A M. at d 3 P. M., Steamboat Trenton, for Brie tot. Berlin on. Beverly. ite- Lam irgoiu FaIeSLNGTOR DRPOT WILL LIEU AS FOLLOWS: At U. 15 d. M.. Vitt Kenaingeon and jersey City. Upon. •-••• 01 At Cap I'. AL . via Kensington and JerseY 3 800 At ex , P. AL. via Kensington and Jersey City. Washiagtop and New York 8 00 At 12 P. N. (Bight), vie Kensington and Jersey Washington and Raw York Mail. 25 The 6.46 P. M. Line will run daily. All others Stut dip excepted. For Buffalo, Dunkirk. Mantra, Ithaca, Owego. Bo *heater, Blarbampten Great Bend. Montrose . Bo ben Scranton. Strondsintrg, Water bap. Belvidere. Easton, Lambertville. Flemington .be.. at 7.30 A. N. and 3.80 P N. Tb it 3.30 P. M. line eonneeta with tile train laming Banton for Maul Chunk. Allentown, Bethlehem, dm For Lambertville and intermediate stations at SP. N. For Bristol. Trenton, ba., at 7.8.6 and Rae 1 . 5 ge„. 3.70 end 6P. N. and 12 midnight. For Hohnesburg, Taeony, Wiesonoming. Brideebttrth and Frankford, at 9A. M. and 8. 6,6, and BP. N. RN- For New York and Way Lines leaving Katsina. ton Depot, take the oars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The care ran into ttut Depot, and on the arrival of sash train ran from the Depot. My pounds of Baggage only allowed mob yassengu. Passenger; are prohibited from taking anything *AIM. gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over =7 pounds to he paid for extra. The Company limit their ;magi - Iva% teggettinOClttriblZiersror :441 k Gra h am ' sntract. Basgage Ex. resswill tall for and dellyar baggage at tan Rapcte. Orders to be left at NO. 3 Wal nut street. WILLIAM H. GATZKBR, Agent. June 1, 1065. LIKES FROM NNW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA: 727 CHEBTETT Shut WILL LZA.PB PROM TZB POOT OP 0011ATLAND mann, At 1.2 and 4P. Id.. via Jeraey City and Camden. At 7, 10, and 1134 A. M.. 6 P. M. and ]2 (AMU. via Jet. ae City and Bangerter... Prom the tom of Barclay street a 6 A. ld. and 2 F. Ida Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1, North river, at 12 If.„ 4, and it P.R. (freight and passenger). Amboy and Camden. ap,34 Offasmai PHILADELPHIA, WILKIXOTOX. ARID BALTI- X 0.14 )111M1 - O.IID. TIES TABIM . . Commencing MONDAY , Will leave Depot, corner BROAD 'Brest and WASUINO TOU Avonne, as follows: Express Train. at 4.06 A.M. (M.ondays examptf3d), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wiltaington. Perryville, Havre de.entee. Aberdeen. Perryman% and Magnolia. Delaware Railroad Train at 7.46 A M. (Sunday's ex cepted) for ,Salisintry. =ford. and intermediate Sta tions. Way. Hail Train., at 8.15 A.M. (Sundays exserdin9,l9r Baltimore, N ato at all...zwlan,,tew irksgsptedj_for BTigniore and Washington, 'toying at Chester. Wil mington, Elkton, reorrEwilie. an Havre-de. Grua. Express Train at 8.55 P. M. (Sunday' excepted) ror Baltimore and WElAtinglon, stopping at Wilmington. Newark, Eaton, Norte, east. Perryville, Havre-de , Orace, PerrYnan's. Magnolia, and. Stammer's Run, Night Express at 11.15 P. Si. for Baltimore sad Wash ington, stopping at Cheater (only to take Baltimore and Washington passengers). Wilmington, Newark, Elk ton, North-East, Perryville, and Havre-de-orace. Passengers for FORTRESIS MIMEO)] will take the 8.16 A. N. train. . . . . . WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS Stopping at all Stations between Philadelphia and Wil mington. Leave Philadelphia at 7.45 and 11 A. M., 2, 130, 6,7, and le P. 11. The 3.30 P. It. train Connects with De laware IL R. for Milford and intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington at 6.45, 6, and 9.80 A.M., 2. 4.6.86 and 5.80 P. M. Trains for New Castle leave Philadelphia at 7.45 and /IA, M.. 130 and. 5 P M. - _ TREVOR TRA,II423_,RON . DALTIMORI: r. Y. ORESTER FOR PHI.LADBLrHIA. Lam tlhester at 2. 40, 8.49, 10.11 A. IL. 1.2.39. 2.49. 4.40. 6.14. 7 and 9.05 P. M. FROM 8ALV110349. TO PHIL ADSLPECIA. Leave Baltimore 5.26 A. K. , Wtby Mall; 1.10 P. 21... Bxpreas: 422 P. Br., Way Train; 6.25 P. AL. Ifuorso: 2.20 P. 11.. EXtact3., Leave Chester sti..l4"-C. - 147. 1. ricialtdo P. L Leave - Wiltaingter. at 0.18, 9.36 A. N., 2.24 LOS. ant112.76P. Freight Train. with Faseeager Car &Wished. Will low( Wiluangtor for Perryville and intermediate stations at 7.40 - F. 111. _ EIPEDAT TRAM Itzpress Train at 4.05 A. M. for Baltimore and Wash• ington, stopping at Wilmington, POlTTlFilletlre•da•- arace, Aberdoen, Parymaxes. and Magnolia. Night Express at 11.14 P. N. for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester (for Baltimore And Washington pasiengers), Wilmington. Newark. Elk. ton. North-East, Perryville. and Havre de•Grasa. Accommodation Train at 10P. X. for Wilmington and way stations. _ riegmatomm VON PHILADELPHIA. Leave MIitIMOTO at 936 P. M. Mapping at nwra-de. Orate, PerryiriDe, and Wilmin g ton . Alm stops at Elit• ton and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and Maya paesantors from Washington or Baltimore), and Chester to leave Dunmore from Baltimore or Washington. LosYeWilidingion for Philadelphia at 0.30 P. IL apS H. Y. %AMY. Sol. 1865. MUMM 1865. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIN RAIL !WAD. —This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Penneyiranla to the site of Erie. on Lake Brie.. It has been leased by the PHIINSTLIANIA BAIL. ROAD COMPANY. and Is operated by them.l Its entire length was opened for passenger and freed; business October 17th, ISM VIM OP PASSEPUBMTRAMP AT I'MneannionlA. //ONTO Westward. Hail •,•••„• - • • 3. P. M. Leek Haven Aceommodation —. —.8.00 A. H. Passenger ears ran through on Hail Train without change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimore and Erie. Elegant Sleeping Oars on Elmira Express Treble both ways between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and oa Elmira Enpreer Train both ways between Wil liamsport and Baltimore. Per information raapeettngFassanger basinese • • awing weer PHIBTILTH and MARKET Sts., Philadelphia. And for Freight business of the Oampany's Agnate._ b. B. KINGSTON, Jr., sonar miinjurrit gag MAXIM Streets. Philadelphi a. .1. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. J. N. DRILL. Agent N. O. N. X., Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, Hommel FreirSt Arent FhiledelPhlll., W GW/BH, General . Ticket Agent Philadelphia. JOSEPH D. PTTS. da2B-it Hemerel Manager, Wialtentegert. 4,t4. NORTH PEITNITYL &fft-1t;4.-. yANIA RAILROAD = Per BETRLERRIL "DOYLESTOWN, MAUCH CHURL ETON WILLIANSPO ,ET WILECESBAERS. WI3!TOR ARRANGIMENT. bs Psaeonner Traix. leave the new Depot, TRIED Street, above Thompson ;street. daily (Sundays ex•eptedi, a. fellow.: At 7.50 A. M. (Unrest) fin Dethiehent. Allentown. Manch (Mynah, Hazleton. Williamsport. Wilhite. bane, A.. At 3.30 P. IL (Express) for Bethlehem, Radon, &a - At ex D. M. ler Bethlehem, AlientoWr.. Mitttith Munk. PorDoplestown at 0.60 A. R. and 416 r.N. Tor Fort Washington at 1.15 P. N.. Pot Lansdale at 6.10 P. M. White earsof the Mond and Irntril-strsets Line MI Fastener Esllway ran directly to the new Depot, TRAMS POE PHILADBLPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 15.50 A. M.. /0.02 A. N.. salt LIS r. N. Leave Doylestown at 6.30 A. IL and 5.411 R. M. Leave Lansdale at 6.1.0 L. M. Leave Port Washington at 5. 40 1. M. ON SUNDAYS. Fhltadelphle for Doylestown at 9.55 A. X. and 4.15 r. N. Doylestown for Philadelphia at lA. N. and SP. If. nol4 ELLIS (MANX, Agent. WEST JERSEY - RAILROAD LINES. NEW ARRANGEMENT. Oa and after MONDAY, May 1::1,• 1865. Truths will leave from WALNUT-STREET PINY as follows: For CAPE MAX, and all pitsses month of Millvitle, at 916 A. M.. passenger aud freight, &s. tat 3.30 I'. K. Express Passenger. For 3IILLVILIR. BRIDGETON, SALEM. and &Ulu• termediate places south of Glassboro, at 9.16 A. N. and 4 P. N. Yor GLASSBORO at 9.15 A. M.. — 2 90 P. K. and 4 P. . For WOODBITRY, oLorroximis. L. at 9.16 A. 2.301'. M., 4P. 11.. RET and UR 802. M. NING. p asse): g a Leave es ape May at 5.30 A. K. pagabliger. and 11 nd freight Leave ALUlville at 7.16 A. IL passenger, and 3.10 P. IL, passenger, Leave Bridgeton at 6.40 A. M.. Passenger. and 4.1 P. b.. passenger. Leave Salem at 6.25 A. 12., Italzenger. and 41'. 25.. yammer. Lem Rlataboro, at 7.43 A. IL. 8.46 A. M., and 6.1 P. N. Leave Woodbury at 7 A. 11... 8.14 A. IL, 9.10 A. IL. and 5 40 P. M. A Sicetial hiessenger aecompealee easb'PhrosighTraix. - J. TAN RENSSELAER. Bnvatialendems, THE WEST JERSEY sxpusss tIO MP3BY will attend to all the venal branches of Express Busi ness, receive, deliver, and forward through other re aponelble Papuan Compsnles,to all parts of the sonatry. any article entrusted to them. SiMsArntranua. May 1.1866. ap26.tf affifiNgi 1865• —P / •DILPHIA AID BURMA RAILROAD LING to all points WBST. The direct route for the irr• OIL ESSIOPia or PRNIFYLVALWIA, WILLIAmsPowt. BUFFALO. BOBPBABIOB saiDow FIRMA. NIABABa BA-LLB. and all laws In the Witatern and Northwestern BUM d the Oinutdas. TWO THRONGS TRAINS Lams Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Benet, Thir teenth and ealioNhlll streets. Idaily. Olnaitara OX. eeptoil,) for the North and West. 04 foU•Ws: morning Express at 8 A. N. Afternoon 'Express st 8.80 P. M. linking a direct connection 100 AB latanutthig road& FOR THROUGH TIMM to any point. and farther particulars Concerlaing tho different routes. apply at the TICKET OFFICE, 490 WIRSTRUT Street. ender the Philadelphia Disak, and opposite tha Guam House. vAN mag i 'Mast Agent. 425 Chestnut streen. JOHN 8. BILLER, __General Anent. TWA - Wadi gad OallowbUl Wu% RAILROAD LILIES. IMPORTANT TO RAILWAY TEA. TS/it arts.—tor tall information In Worms *M um, nioteelobe. &ad Oonneetlau, innetrotod by on. hundred B.ffwe7 Moe. rereseniluseho Frlnetkej won of th e imam non -ha -asy AMNION EWW.ilf GINDL PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL ROAD. KUMMER ARRAAGEIVIENT. Mid t RAILROAD inMOM WEST CHESTER AND PRILADELPHLA RAIL WAD. WA !Urns. stratscar. ARRANGEME On and after RoNDAY. April /7, /80the *mini Will leave as follows WIMP OBJSTBB TRAM Leave Phtladalphia for West Chester at 7.35 sad 10.10 A. M., and Ilk 4.45, and 6.45 P. 111. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia at 6.76. 7.46, and 10 33A. M.. and 1.45 and 4.40 P. N. Trains lemming Went Cheater at 7.45 A. N. and leayinfi Philadelphia at 4 45 P. If. will stop only at Media D.U. Junction. Glen BIM& Chancy' TRAINSeet Road. B. C JUNCTION Leave Philadelphia for B. O. Junction at 4.15 and 10 P. M. Leave B. C. Junction for Philadelphia at 8.15 A. K. and 7.20 P. K, These trains stop at all intermediate mistiest& ON SUNDAYS. - _ . Leave PhiladolphraVlN - 1711: and 2. P. I. Leave Weal Chaster at 8 A. X. and 5 P. X. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.86 A. H. and 4.95 P. X., and leaving West Chester at 7.46 A. N. and 4 46 P. X,conneat at B. C. junction with trains on P. dt B. O. IL for Oxford and intermediate points. Paseennere ars allowed to take Wearing apparel only ss bSfP B S, and the Company will not in any glee he respond le for an amount n. 060.1111/ one 1020 " dot. /ails unless a special contrast is made for the same. MIDST WOOD. Gang Sop. PRILADBIPECIA., March 15, 18E6. SINIME RARITAN AND DELAWARE BAY BAILSOAD. PHILADELPHIA TO BROOKLYN. JAEL aS, liXOURSION TIOKIITS. GOOD FOR THERE DAYS, $3. OBANGB OF TIM.B. Passengers for Fakpress Train for Tackerton,BArnegat. Toms Elver. LOU Branch, and Brooklyn leave VINE STEM PEERY at &LS A. 31., daily (Etutdays cag ed). turning. leave WALL•STREST PERRY, Brook lyn, atll A. X, Wlty Train for Melon. filial:1101M Manchester. ace.. leaves Cooper'S POW, Camden, at3o A. M. Jai if L. B. aoLs, Agent. Ualadaa• *A )f:JzfEsillt;j-4 11 4 I)i 6117----T,l 7HE ADAMS EX ----- PRESS COMPANY, Ofico 3216 eIIEtiTEUT Street, forwards Panels, Packages, Mor an:ll4llre, Bank Notes, and Specie. either by its own lines or in connection with other Express Commie& to all the principal Towns and Cities in the United states. R. S. SANDPoRD, it 27 General Superintendent." trtaii- A INSUR/INON AOAINST PIO II) *1 i: OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BY THE TRATILLIRAP INSURANCE COMPANY* RLETYORD, CONN. - Capital i 5500,000. WM. W. ALLEN, Agent, 40! Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. 0111ENAL ACCI/DEAT POLIOUN For Five Thindred Dollars, with &I NW week OOIltpen• Aston, oast be had for $3 per annum, or say othor uua Wiesen 1600 and $lO,OOO at proportionate raise. TEN DOLLAIttf FEEIRUM Secures a Polley for $2,060 or $lO per week eompenia. Moe for all and every description of accident—travelling or otherwise—under a General Accident Folio% at the Ordinary Rate. THIRTY DOLL &RS PRIM= 86011148 a fell Policy for $6. 000, or MO per week 0034. Yeesation, ea above. at the npecia I Rate. FOBBION RISES. 4 Policies limed far Foreign, West India. and Galifor• ale T r aveL Bates can be learned by application to the Office. SHOE'lbTlffil MUMS. Arrangements are in course of completion by shish the traveller will be able to purchase, at any Hallway Ticket Office, Insurance Ticket& for one or thirty days' travel. Ten cents will buy a ticket for one day's travel, ineztrizer $3,000, orsl6 Weekly compensation. Ticket Policies may be had for 8,4, and 12 months, in the same manner. Hazardous Riau taken at Hazardous Rates. Policies issued for 6 years for 4 years premium. INDUCIEM:ENTIE4 The rates of premium are less than those of any other Company covering the Hambrick. No medical examination is regnifyid, and thousands of those who have been rejected hi , Life Companies, in consequence of hereditary or other diseases , can effest Insurace in the TRAVELLERS' fa Partot rates. Life I nsure nee COICOMILIRO Uoof the_prlacipel sum unlit the death or the swore& The TRAVELLERS' parr the loss or damage sustained by personal Injury whenever ft occurs. The feeling of security which such an insurance gives to those dependent upon their own labor for support is worth more than money. No better or more satisfsa. , tory use can be made of so small a gam. J. 0. BATTEESON. President. RODNEY DENNIS, Seriatim). G. P. DAVIS, Vise President. BENET A. DYER, General Anat. Applications received and Policies tamed by WILLIAM W ALLEN. inhl3-nrwirem No. 404 WALNUr Street. DELAWARE MUTUAL S S AFETY insi OS COMPANY. /NCOMPORATED EY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENNAYLVANIA, OFFICE S B CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS. PHILADELPHIA. MARINE litSl7.6a.Nol OP VESSELS, CARGO To all parts of the world. , FREIGHT, IIifLAND INSIMANCES On Goods, by River. Canal, Lake. and Land Carriage, to all parts of the Damn. FIRE IESUBLEGES. On Merchandise generally, On Stores, Dwelling Houses, dn. ASSETS OF TEI GOMPAIIT, November 1 1881. $lOO,OOO tiulteptates Five Per Cent.Lo . tn, '71.0100.000 00 111.010 Six • * 'Bl. 116,216 00 Six `• " 6 Els. 76,661 60 1(0.000 Stato of Pennsylvania Five Per Cent, Loan- 90,666 00 64.000 State of Loan-___ Six Pet Cent. Loan • .. 6,5 . 840 c l o 12.3.660 Cityof Philadelphia Si x /22,620 57 20.000 Psmaylvania kaliroan First Mort. gage Six Per Cent Roads-- 22,000 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mort _ _gage Six Per Cent. 58,200 00 16.000M0 Shares Stook Germantown Om Company, prinsipal and Interest gr.aranteeti t.A AAA_ ear of Philadel• 5. 500 lrfrirares Srocic' Penne7l~anla Rail road Company...—• 9.10000 0,0(0 100 Shares Stock North Penns ylvania lialtroad Company....•• - • UR 00 QUM United States Treasury Wiri.'rin'aZtea of Indebted:Hum.— . 48,424 00 80,000 State et Tennessee F iver Per ot.lloart 13,010 00 28,700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply 172.700 00 $068,260 Para Cost $342,100.60. Market vaine.5867,627 87 Real Estate Bills recivable for insnranses made.. 222,530 42 Balances Ma r ine /menden—Premi ums on Policies, Accrued Interest, and other debts due the . 29,793 24 Scrip and Stook of sundry Insurance and other Companies, $4,263. Nat-- mated value 2,227 07 Cash on deposit with United States Government, subject to ten days' 00 Cash in 08,154 93 Gash in 6.37 66 —5168,695 49 DIRROTOIES: Thomas 0. Hand, Samuel E Stoker. John C. Davie. J. P. Peniston, Edmond A Bonder, Henry Sloan. Theophilus Paulding, William G. Boultou, John R. Penrose. Bdward Darlington, James Treqncir, H. Tones cirooke, Henry 0. Dallett, Jr.. Jacob P. Jones, James C Hand. James B. A cFarland, William 0. Ludwig, Joshua P Eyre, Joseph H. Seal, Spencer Mollvaine George G. Lelper. John 13. Semple. Pittsburg. Hugh Craig, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. Robert Burton. THOMAS G. HAND, President. JOHM 0. DAVIA. Vice .Presieent. HENRY LYLBITRE, Secretary. del.s-ly THERELIANCE INSURANCE COM •A•T OF PHILADILPHIA.. incorporatea No . Charter Pardue OFDDIB No. 30S Wal•harr trrlitAßT. OaJr/maL, $300,000. Insures against Loss or Damage by FIER Domes, Stores. and other Buildings, limited or ne_petual: and on Furniture. lioods. Wares. and Diershaudise, In town Or cotmtry._ LOSSES RIZOMPTLT d.D.TOF.TBD MID FAIR. ARMS. $400,068 n. Invented in the following Seonrlties. viz.: Find Mortgagee oz.Clty Property,wellsecared6lo6,6oo 00 United Slates Government Loans —.. 141.11.6 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. 60,090 00 Pennsylvania $8,000,0006 par cent. LOll3/.... /6.000 00 Peuneylvarda itailroad Bonds, first and es. cone . MAC 00 Camden and Amboy Ballroad . CoMpany's 6 percent. 6,000 00 Philadelphia, and Heading Railroad Com pany 'a 6 a n dnt, Loan ...... 6.000 00 Huntingdon Broad Top 7 per cent. moat- gaga balata••••••:••-••••.••••..-..... ...... —••••••-•-• • 4.560 00 Count) Fire Insurance Company's Stock-- 1.050 08 Mechanics' Bank IMO 00 Commercial Ranh of Pennsylvania Stock • 10,0 ,1 0 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock— 880 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadel phia's Stock 4 606 1. 00 Accrued Interest-- • • 5, Cash in bank and on 13. 023 RS Worth at present market va1ne....... , .........$414,59S 11 DIRSCITOES. Mein Tinsley, William Stevenson. Wm. - 41 Thompson, Beni :: W. Tingley. Wham Musser, Marshall Hail, Samuel Hisphara, Charles Leland, H L.. Carson, J. Johnson Brown, Hebert Steen, v Thomas H. Moore. MUM TIMOLBL President. TstiAsee C. Him. Saeretsil. Pziremel.e........ ixeerdebee I. us& 'alo -t1 AMERICAN FIRE INFURANCE COMPAXY. Incorporated 1810 Cadli,T3ll PER• PETTIAL. /So. 310 WALDIUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a lane paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus in vetted in sound sad avellzbiq Securities, coutinnes to insure on Dwellings. Mores, Pamir:ire. Itercoaudise, Vessels In port and their Cargoes., r.nd other Personal Property. All lessee liberally RaSnd promptly ad/noted, DIPSCTO. Thomas P. Marls, I James M. Campbell. John Weise, Sdrunad G Dutra, &must C. Ilorton, Charles W. PoultneY, Patrick Brady. Israel Morris. Jan T. Lewis, THOR AnninT C. L. Canwronv, se 8 B.eratarr MAWS, President. (di it AIiTHRA.CITENS lURA_NU N E CO PAlY.—Authorized (UMW/ SICIOAV — OELSZTSB PREPETtigL. oMce 80. 30 WALVDT Street, between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company wilt insure against Less or Damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene rally. Am, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIMACTORS William Esher, Davis Pearson, Latl.er, Pater Seigel'. Lewis Audenricd, J. 8 13.1. um, John It B.achiston. Wllliaw P. Dean. Joseph ItiesiteM. John Ketcham, WILLIAM MRS% President. WM. F. DEAN, Vise President. W. N. SMITH. Secretary. spa- tf um INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. -a- THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANOS DOW PANE, Incorporated ISM. CHASTER. PERPIWUAL. No. 510 WALNUT Street, opposite Indepeadeuce Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for nearly forty years, continues to insure against Loss or Damage by . S''re, on. Public, or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on Far- Ennui, Stocks , Goode. or Merchandise generally, on Ingrid terms. _ . . Tech' capita, togotber with a lama Statibil Find, le wrested to the 13/014 careful mama ~ which enables tom to offer to the Wand an undou bted eeentity he ease et loss. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Daninramlth , Jr.. Alexander Benson, Jahn Devoreer, Isaac Radeburst, Themes Smith, Thomas Robin*, Henry Lamle , J. 0111Inglunn Fell. JON/THAR PATTBIISOR, Pr0:4;1442a. WILLIAM G. ChOWELL. 8430 rotary. FABIE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. NOB CHESTNUT STRUT. PHILADELPHIA. FIRE ADD INLAND INHURANON. DIBMTOES: Francis N Back, John W. Berman, Charles Richardson. Robert B Potter, Henry Lewis. John Kessler, Jr,, Samuel Wright, B. D Woodruff P. II Tnsticri, Charles Stokes. George A. West, Joseph D. Bills pRAAcia N. RUCH. President. ' MS. RICHARDSON, Vice Preeident. • W. I. BLANOHARD, Secretary._ .ial.4•tf VIiFEEBLED AND DELICATE CON. wrrrtyrioso, of both mu, 0. 4 III 1013 " 3 " IXTBAOT BMW, It will We brlalt std entristio banana and enable Ton to slow wall. lIELMBOLD'EI FLUID ExTRAur mom Is Dleassat In Sashimi odor, frai trola all titiartems weimarkfax. wed timmiallatalv utters TUB NO monz minausiTil and tumid" stm at,. for eutplasaild din* tons disown . Use innallOLD 1113111A011 LursonD 3091 WASIL AUCTION SALES. FURNEES,_ BRINLEY, & CO., Ao. 615 GASSTAIIT and 6151 351115 Iftrotk RALE True DAY, J 1133 2n, AT 10 O'CLOIK. -TA A GARD. —Wo wig melt, on Y.RIDAY. inns 2d, at la o'o/watt. on tour months' credit, a brio oga.rlfa.. , ,af dry g 40.56. inch:oll9z Fillip. dregs away. 01 " 31 ' 16 .lOWOLO. white goods. hairsorals, dm. leo, 700 cartons ri bbos e, of the importation of Mum Soleleao Freres.' Also, velvet ribbons, to which the at -1(1111i011 of the trade it requested. NOTICE TO 7/1741.11)38•IN R 181301113. The attention of dealers in ribbons is requested to our sae on F.R WAY, oft ne 21; of 700 cottons bonnet attd trimming ribbons the choicest shades and bast quali ty offered this season. SPLENDID QUALITY BONNET RIBBoNg, For Find clans City Trade. NOTICE.—THIS MORNING (Friday), SOO lots of Nos. black, white. and choke colored ex. ettprb qua lity ponit de sole ribbons. comprislog the Anent goods over aroma at auction, and the closing sale of the im portation. SALE OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. THIS MORNI SO. June 2d. at le o'clock, 4 months' credit, 403 pack sRSPECIAL ee and fancy sad etauie Acs anode. , 3uRT IMPORTATIONug mrE &HER RANFI. OF Tail oF KFAIMI SOLIRL/LE THIS MORNING, June 2d, al o'clock. —canoes Nos 4. 5, and 6 'white, black. melee. and choice colored corded edge ponit de cola ribbons. Nos. 10a 100 white. black, mains. and choice colored corded edge pooh de role ribbons. —;Nos. 10 a 60 plaid broche tinr..l do. 4 8.100 ex quality black' groe grain do. —le a 00 triple chain colored do. N. B.—lll the above have just been landed from the stesmar Rains, and comprise the most choice goods offered this season. BLACK BILK VSINST RIBBONS. cartons Nos. 1 a 20 black silk velvet ribbons. Do. do. white end colored edre do. R,OOO MORS WHIRR GOODS. OF A °BLUM/MED NAB USAGYIIRB, Cowl:mien— Simonet, cambric, tape, &took, and satin stripe mu.. line, nansoolo, swiss mulls, and India books, &e. P HILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, -11- ICI HAMM and SAS 00111iSROB Streets. LARGE POSITIVE MB 750 LOTS AMERICAN AONOD SI N EMBROIDERIES, R O O O I D RY M oo L s N a R . Y by catalo gue. OE WEDNESDAY MORNING, June 6th, commencing . at 10 o'ulock, comprising a fall wort glens of seasonable and dertrabla goods. DANCOAST & 'WARNOCK, AUG •••• TIMOR% WI MARKET Strad. LIMO& SPECILL FILLS OF 330 CAV3S latuw GOODS. b Catalogne. THIS DAT. jp no no, commend ngst 10 o'clock, comprising a fall eeeoc n, at of hate for ladle! . lartitig.t."2legarz. , onuses 4 SPECIAL SALE OF By 800 CatsloOcum ASES STRAW GOODS, ON SATURDAY MORNING June 3d, commencing at 10 o'clock. Included will be found a full line of newest- shape bonnets and hats, for ladles, misses, and children; men's end boys' hate, ac., atc. 1194 ECOTT, JR.., AUCTIONEER, -I-P. 10110 CHESTNUT Street. PEREMPTORY SALE OF 600 LOT.; - MISOLLANE OUR GOODS. THIS DAY. June 2, at 10 o'clock, vtz: Cloths, cassiraeres. nets, prints. black and brown goods, dregs goods, linens, alpacas, hosiery. 110i10118, eaepeniere. fig., &c. Also, large stock readr•made clothing. white and fatter drams shirts. also, stock of boots, shoes, brogans, &a. Also. bawl of Powell drills, bleached ticking, denims, &c. GREAT COMBINATION RACE OF 011. PAINTINGS, AND LAbT OP TiilB 811980 N, Will take plum et Scott's Philadelphia Art Gallery, on the evenings of TIISSDAT , the 6th, WP.D.33IIBDAY. the 7th, and TBIT 8.81) AT. the Bth of Jane. commencing at 8 o'clock treolealy. Among the con tributors are the American Art Gallery. new York; come tS formerly of the Philadelphia Sketch Club, now owned by a private gentleman; some specimens from our talented townsmen, Winner. Mason, and others, besides another private collection. making In all one of the best assortments ever offered to the public. 'I be 'tattle will be arranged for in amination with catalonnen on Saturday. BABBITT & CO., AUCTIONEERS, Cash Auction Route, wo. 230 MAILICBT Street, corner of Bank street.) Cash advanced on consignments without extra charge. THOMAS J. MILLER, AUCTIONEER. —I3X.EOI3TORS' Be LB OF SAM ND VA GiIa.EILE BOOKS, BOTH MPAND &RD AND I,IIBII3I.LAngoGS, comprising the entire Library of the late John Taylor, Req. of Albany, N. Y., erobraciegabo at 6. (00 volumes. 0 . 31A5 J. will sell by auction on TUE& DAN, WEDNESDAY, TRUNADAY, and b'n:lD AY. the 18th. 14th. 16th. and le h of 313NR, at 10 o'clock each day, at the Library, No. 183 Broadway, corner of Stroh street. in the city of Albany, the whole collection of books contained therein: among which may be found elegantly boned imperial folio edition of audubon's Birds of America; belly's British Ornithology. illus. teal ed with richly • colored lite• size engravl ; bindle's British Birds, do., do ,• Deravan's British Pishes,do., do. ; Audubon's Qufdropede of America; La Mucee }loyal, illustrated with steel engravings of the most beautiful Pictures, Statues. and Bite Reliefs in the Royal Collection, Paris, 1816. 2 volumes; Nasals Pratt. :cis, illustrated with steel engravings of the moat re. Downed piciurce which existed in the Louvre before Descriptive letter Drees to F. ouch and English. Buffin's Natural History; Indian Gallery; Iconographic Eheystee.vdte.; nes Gycloptedia, quarto, 97 vols. ; Gen tieniall'e Iferalioe, from 1731 to IMO; ParhatuelktarY Debates, from 106.1 to 1860; The Anunal Register, from 1715 to 1823: London Quarterly, from 1803 to 1861; North Arne:lvan Review, from 1816 to 1863; together with a large collection of valuable Standargand filiecollanoone Works, Engravings, oil Paintings. 800k.eases, Fix. tares, Am Catalogues can be had by addressing tbe anotioneerdille 20 Broadway New York city, or at the office of JOBN TAYLOR'S ' BONS, No. 133 BROAD. WAY, Albany. wyge. m wfat SALE OF GOVERNMENT ROR6ES QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFPICR, FIRST DIVISPIN. WA.SFILNOTON CITY, stay 29, MI Will be sold at public auntie'', to the highest bidder. at Glesboro, G. C., on Fat JAY, June 2, 1990, TUE •DAY, June 6, 1805, THURSDAY, Jane 8 1800. FRIDAY, Jane 9, 1.865, AND ON' THROAT, WHIM r:AY, and FRIDAY of each WEPk thereafter during the month of Jane, 1851, TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY ROOMS BAGS DAY, Per road and farming parpoiee many gaol bargains mar be had. Horses sold siney. Sale to commence at 10 A. 31. Terms cash, in patina States certorum Steamboat for Cliesboro will leave Sarenth-street Wharf, Washington, every hour fr . l om 9 AM. A. . N, toe P. Y. JAI64 ERI Br eve t Brigadier General, in charge Ist Division, Quartermaster General's Office. Pa.= SikLD OF GOVERNMENT HORSES. QrART.P.ItIidSTES UMNERAL'S °Figur., Haar Divu4.oN, WASHINOTON Car, Hay 29. 1869. Will be sold at public auction, to the highest biller, at the these and )1 acre names below. viz • BALTIMOIsE, MaRYLaND, June 7, 1E65, LANCASTER, P.5122 , 12,71,VAN1A, TRIMS DAT, June 8. 1865. READINO, PENNSYLVANIA, THURSDAY, June 16. .865, WEST CHESTER, PENNSYLVANIA, THURSDAY. Jane 15 1865, MIFFLIN. PENNSYLVANIA, THURSDAY, June 23. 1865. PITTSDURG, P.BIB.IiSTLVANIA, THURSDAY, June 22, 1865, BALTIMORE. MARY/ 40i% WEDNESDAY, June 28 1665, PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, THURSDAY, June 25. 1661, TWO RITIMILED OAVALRY HORSES at each place. For road and fanning =pollee =any good bargains may be had . Horses sold singly. Sales to commence at 10 A.M. Terms—cash, in United .itaies curraucy. JAMES A. SHIN, Brevet iinY adier Uezieral, j,32-23t In charge Fit - et Divicon R. 112 G. 0. P 1.201,864 02 NOTICE. -BALE OF ARMY MULES Quin numAsvms Gm:oases OFFICR. VireatinVDTON. 13. May' 8 1885. of at KANT THODS&NDB OF MOLES are being disposed public see at Washington. She sales will continue nista the number of animals is reduced in ;mono' non to the reduction of the armies, „now going on rapidly. • There are in the Armies of the Potomac ' of the Ten nessee, and of Georgia, iprohab!, FiNIR THOUSAND OF Tall FINBBT SIX. MULE TEAM IN THE WOR man LD. y of them were bought in the beginning of the war, as young mules, secompaiuse tie argotes in alt their marches and camps, and are thoroughly broken, hardened by exen otos, geniis and familiar, from DEng eo long surrounded by the sr Idlers. The whole Soul ti is stripped of fanning stock, widths North also has 6138'8red from the drain of animate, taken to eappmy the armies. These/mitosis are so d at public auction; THEY WILL NOT BRING KTHING LINE THOM THUS VALUE; and Such opportunities for farmers to get working animals to stock their farms, and for drovers and dealers in stock to make good specalatione, by purchasing them and disposing of them in the South, will never occur again. N O MEIOS, Quartermaster General, jet-24t Brevet Major General. SALE OF CONDEMNED QUARTER MAKER'S EITOKES, WAGONS. AM.BCIIALICLIS LW. CHIIF QUARTfiltli wrEtt ' s DEPOT or WAREr.o.row. . . . . WAtHINOTOA..O. C.,Slav o. 1864. Will be sold at Punitc Auction , underie di reMion of Brevet Colonel tiliarlee R. Tompkins, A. Q, ,at the Government iiiiarehanse, situated on the square be tween is and P end Twentieth and Twentv.firsistreete, 113 the city of Washington, D. C..on THIIakDAY, flute Bth, 1E65, at Mo'cicok d If , a lot of Quarterstanter's Stores, condemned as being unfit for use. viz: eaddles. Bridles. Batters, Spurs ' Wrenches, Bar mimes, Buckets, Hemmers, Zaire ' s Anvils, Flits, Bane, Augers, Bales, Broadaxes, Platform Scales, Wheelbarrows. Balance Wheels, Paultne,Grindstonek Dirt 'scrapers, Ploughs. Tool °belts. and a large lot of Wrought-Iron Scraps, Wagon. tire, ito. ALSO. $4OO. 068 71 Will be sold, at the foot of Nineteenth street, near Chrrayeeke aid Ohio Canal. immediately after shs completion of the male anon referred to, a large lot of Two and IMP horse Wagons, Spites Wagons. Medical fi,VOl3B, ltletallie Wagons, ambnle.neez. Carta, tko. ISuccessrs,. remove the stores within five (6) de's from date or sale. Terms ceeh, in Government fonds. D. H. RUCKER. Brig. Gen. and Chief g.. fjs7 Depot of Washington. MACHINERY AND IRON. PENN STEAM ENGINE AND 113011.11 Et WORK& .StVaPIS & LEVY. VstauTlerlal. aliD THCOIiBTMAL liNafrf UFA, MA. CHINISTS. ituILITt.itaKERS. BLACIIC3MITIId. and FoLIATPERS. having for many yearn beau tu num:manful opetalinn. and boon exclusively engaged is b=ilding and ropstrir g Marine and River Statues, high and loer , pressure, Iron Boilsrs, Water Tanks, ?Topsham &0., &c., respectintly otter their serviess to the paha* as hely* . fatly preparedlo contract for olf elate; Of all Bison Marine. River, and dtatloltery; having eels of patterns of different Siren, are Weparad to execute orders with quick despatch Every description of pal Lora Making made at the ;leeriest &igh and bow prancers. Fine, Tnbnlar, and Cylinder Boilers, of the bast Peon eylvanla ehareoal iron. E unless of all sizes and ktads; /Ton and Brane vas:lnge of ali descriptions; 8011 , Turniag, Ecrew-Ontling. and all other Work eettliested 'with the above butincsa Drawings and sposificattour for anomie done at the establishmeus fresof charge, and work erlatentetd. The enbscribers have ample orharf-doza room for re pair; of bauatn, where truly can nein porfsot safety, and are provided with shears. Menke, fails, &a., tot ratting heavy or Light weights. J. VAUGHAN MERMWM. WILLIAM AL MERRION. JOHN E 06113 SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND wAstiNorow STAMM PHILIATELPH S IA. TIFERISICH. et ONS, ENGINEERS AND MACIaIS/SFS. Nanotaetture High and Low Premise Steam Engines, for lend, river, and marine service. /3olisra, Gasometers, Tanks, hos Foe RC Cast. int or all kinds, saes iron or braes. irer•frame Hoota for Gas Werke, Workohops. laU xcadStations, ate. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest anc ß eeath a . proved construction. /Wary description of Plartatioa Mn.thinery, =eh as Sugar, saw, and Grist Mills. Vacuum Pans, open Steam Trabie.Defacatore , Filters, Paw:dun Naglass, Sole *tette for N. Riltiewee Patent Staratqloillas Apparatus, lfeamy ties Patent Shorn Ramo% and Aspinwall & Weisey 'a Patent Oentriftegal Kant , DrainineMlachtae. sal: tt MORGAN, OBR, & CO., ETEA.III 2.11, GINS BUIFDEBS. Iron .Poondnrs: spit Galen] Machinists and Boiler Mikore. no. 1310/OALtQW. BILL Etreet, PhiladeWats. / tatPtl GRIM; & LONG, FULTON WORKS, 1340 •eg Engineers. Machinists , Boller d 0 Solidus& Texaco of evert description made t , flfer• / Sole Agents for Long's blaring melon& nmlB-11 TELONAI3 31'DON013G , • 081171RAL L n u A r k . SLS ETRENT, AB* 1 1-gair r ine 4 .. insla to order on shOrl ROOM anill-3m J BOMBE /ssl,;,727llB:NitUadT. ‘F • Street. Engraver And D 4 090 .. dl u A nn E enrol Badges. Emblems. lire, bad pill 0f .every description. Soldies lekturn)roridob of my one old amtegeono to voro a tla n s t _a vi cc „,, 4 c 4 corps null or sliver Badiret 11W 13 PA tritivt, rrOd*Wisnautr IA JI,OOEO, HEIM 30#11i P. LEVY, 'DEMI and PALMER stmt., AUCTION HALES. TOEN B. MYERS & CO., KUCTR A ur mg. Nos. gas And 234 MARKET arse POBITI I 7I BAIN OF CARPE ,S ' TING% Difiyop, MAT PI $013, 41 1, ON PaTURDAY /101LNIffa, Jens ad, nem o'sioen, ad I be sold by astsfo t , teas menthe malt. abeilif 276 Neon rich roti Destro. 13rnasels. printed rest. , ft t. eoperzee tma Min. royal damaitY. Yonoilca, list, heei v dgtlt -- , and rag carpetbags, Clanton and cocoa - amtd,,Wie, embracing a Midge assortment of semerlor s ' geod e , may be examined early on the morning of mit "41 PREEMPTORY SALE OF ?ERROLL IpAIA MAN, AND BRITISH DRY GOODS, dj vst ON MO SDAY MORNING, June fib, at 10 o'clock. Mill be sold. by {slalom four months' medtt. about 660 PACKAGES AND LOTS of Emelt, India, German, and Brittoh drF Mode .i. embracing a large and desiratie assortment of t o „. staple articles in Wk, worded, woolen, li nen, ton fabrics. sad 43. N. B. —Samples ca t alo gues, same will be 'ranged amination, with early on the md tore t ; sale. when dealers will Ind it to their bile. ast le n tend. ATTRACTIVE SALE OF FRENCH aDDI) SILKS, SHAWLS, RIBBONS, ho, SIOTIOR —lncluded in our sale of French, 1048 German, and British dry goods. OW MONDAY MORNING. Sono Ma, *in be fobed in Dart Hui idlOWirtg ithh4c i artielos, vim DRESS 0001)8. pieces mousse de JAMB]. 114% biques. bi il de chevres, greuedinea, bereave, a hams. MONSiril. alpacas, halmorals, dm. PRESS SILKS pieces Lyons black taffeta du Rhin, grog grains, mama, Vault de Cole, liefry /ISOM fancy a be AWLSocne and cl oth grenadine ebawls. silk and cloth mantle fancy po r e —boxes solid colors and sole and Bros grain bonnet ribbons,groe de usol(o ming ribbons. black and obainette silk velvsi 2 1, bons. do. GLOVES,— =stow gents' and ladles' LI. allk. lisle. and Bsslin glove* aced iguntiett - 14, STRAW GOODS cases women's aci to, straw bats, palm•leaf shaker hoods, chilm , n , ,, MAW bats, palm-leaf fans, Am Also. whit,." '.. 7 embroideries, linen cambric handltercbitk s. fk ;'• pingbam sun and rain umbrellas, hoop Bkir,. crepes, head•Dete. 114)10D/11. deb notho,, 4 ,; 1111 1 LARGE POSITIVE SEM OF ROOM Sttoc, 8 , GANS, STRAW GOODS. TRAVELLING hz,,144 TIIIISDAY MORNING. June 6th. at 10 o'clock, will 1 , sold, by on four mout h s , " s op, abouta apnedskt4-t:iit...;;, shoes, brogans.bc. , embracing went of seasonable goods of city and Sastsre facture. Win be open for examination, with satshia t , morning of sale. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRUM, ,",, OBRMAN, AND DOMESTIC DRY Gooq We will hold a large sale of Foreign and Dozwv, tootle. by catalogue, on a credit of lour moms„.'? Dart tor caah b N THURSDAY MORNING. June g, embraclog about 650 package' and 1, , v., Slid fancy Moles, to woolen.. weratadc. and cotton", to or hich 11, g thigh the attennon of onr , 11 13- —Samolee of the Same will be Cr.m," . : ,;(1. amination. with eatalogace early on Una tu.01!, / ,' the sale , when dealers will 'And it to their it.we L ty attend. THOMAS & SONS, • MOIL 139 and 141 South 70173171 Ca Puddle Bales of Real Estate and Stooks, at tit !t, ehanle. every Tneaday, at 12 o'clock. OARD.--Catalosnes compr is in g luable lthrarg Chalice A. Youlsom. over 4,0L0 lota sold June Bth. Ith, Bth and 9th. are now ruin,' may be had at the auction store. gale Noe. 129 and 1915. Fourth street. SUPERIOR FU SNIT Cf 133, PI aNO- TO STIPt.T WO FM PROOF SAM FINS HIREOII4. SIOLREVIE pßes, HANDSOME CARPETS, am, OaltD—Our sale THIS morning, at 9 o'clock, etla auction store, veld complies over 1,f09 loth eac2ilec hortashold furniture, 2 mahogain pis,r,r i n e4, French plate mirrors, 9 sets double and single unlit' barneee, blankets, robes, 2 superior fire prop? 111(M, book. cases, office furniture, china and Mass wars, and bedding, handsome Ittuettels, foutcriat, dad ;4 4 carpets, tc.. worthy the attention of ladies add eta, desirous of purchasing, Bale Noe. la 9 sad 141 Boath Fourth great. BVPBRIOD BORN?, itTEI FIEB.PROOF BABB% MIRROR 4, Bak% .4..t.4 DUE, EOBSS, HADDBOS DL II IIY. CAB.P.ETB, 80. THI - - At 9 o'clock, at the auction store, the superior lon hold tenth:me,n.lario forte, mirrors, 2 super fl'h , 'py safer, 9 sets double and elude carriage h'onsts, handsome carpets, Sic ALSO, FOR. Accnun , MUM STATE.S. 35 16 inch cylinder stoves. condemned. 12 10.1 nth do dO 110. 1 es!qt stOVP, do. 129-nallon cacidron, do. Executor's Sale—Bstate of A. Perla. denim& PRYVTLEGO PRESt, OF Trpas, DAGURRF.SuII APPARATUS, MICROSCOPIC, AND FANCY Ae', OLIO. THIS TAY. Jane 2d, at TO o'clock, will be sold, by cattle:N A the auction store, a number of fancy articles, belotil to the estate of the late sfr. A. Purism. may be examined two hours previous to sale. EXTENSIVE. YATAITABLIOA ARYND thITRUISTI 9 O LIBR. ON TOR AD AY, Jens Otb, and following days until flnisbsd, ICI: A sold the valuable privk to library of tlharle3 A. Psaist of this city. AIWA ino , ndes many very valuable 121 interesting Works In rho various dopartsteatr, of dtill tare._ - - ALSO, a large number of rare anthors on the So: history of America. , tom The books are now arranged for ekuoinSii) with cataloonle. at the auction store .49%1 -- Sale to commutes each day at 10 o'clock. BALE OF NORSE& ON WEDNESDAI AFTERNOON, jug') 7th, at.. 4 o'clichek, At the Ball's to Tar:a Market street. below Thirry•elahth IWO , . ter aro:- of the United States, by order of Colonel W W. Itic Chief Quartermaster, 12 horses, condemned. 'I cash. Sale No. I&4 Walnut street ELEGANT FURNITURE. FINE SIA STEL AND P: MIRRORS, ROSEWOOD Pre SO, HANS VI CHANDELIERS, FINE 7ERFAT AND CRON CARPETS, ON Aro. MONDAY ATORSING. . . . June 12, at 10 o'clock, at No, 11131 Walnut dm% catalogue, the elegant rosewood draw:l4ll.room IA ture, walnut chamber farnlture, oak dinint rots nitnre. fine French plate mantel and pier min ors wood 7 octave pianoforte, by Soh: masker & Co„ some gilt chandelters, oak secretary, book. CAP. FR ing machine by Grover & Baker, fine wines, hest:xi , trelset. Brussels, and imper ial carpets, die Kay be exami n ed at 8 o 'clock on the morning' of !ti Admlutdrator's gala gatata of Joseph Flernia mod, VALITABIaI 11A011114$11.8 .. (ir THE ERVING NIP ilorrola FACTORY. ON WRDNISSTIAI 6101iN/NG, June 14th, at 11 o'clock, by cat ologne, by order Of administrators of Joseph Fleming, dimmed, the T 3:., able madder's., of the pring Mille Cotton Fa Dorsi corner of Twenty fourth and Hamilton streob, eluding 65 100 elk (six ttOeld!011); 6 bobbin 'MEUCCI: /4 , ', ins framer.; 0 Danfortb ?rennet 8 males; 12 eani , ;:r tares, mc., of 0.13 ono nhafting and ratios, it:. nal particalare eaterognee. Ju.!twioiNi .12M BOSTON Is.ND PHILA]J PHIS. STRAMSIIIP LIXS, sailing from o port on antilitilaitS, from flat wharf ahoy. 11)1 Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston, The steamship SAXON, Capt. alatihecrt, willed from Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday, .Tuse 10 and steamship NOR ifear, Oam baker, fni Boston for Philadelphia, on the same day at 4 r. 1R These arty and substantial stemnahiPs form a rtl o 4 lino, sailing from each port punctually on SAO rdLYI Insarances affected at one•half the premium Iltl on the vessels. 'Matta taken at fair rates. Rappers are requested to send Slip lteselypts and S" of Lading with their goods. For Frolght or Pussy, (having Ina summed/Not *only to EWAXT Ti/N6(Yrt DAV: 33A Is4,llth DRLAWARS irarri rlii* STEAM WEEKLY Tl} • VRPOOL. touthins at allith'lSTv7i (Oork Rarbor). The well known btelelOrs or tht Lii,* Pool. New Took sad Philadelphia ;Steamship 00* fly Unman /dash sarrybig the United States Math, r Intended to ael as follow,: ..... .BATURDAY, Jon. it CITY OF BALTIMORE • • ...SATURDAY. Juno CITY OF WASHINGTON " ... SATORD And every snesedlas Eatarday at Noon, from Yin d Borth River. RATES OF PAFILLOE: Payable In Gold, or its equivalent in Carrinfr. Fire Cabin.. EEO 00 Bteerage to Loam 136 00 " to London.. 41 to Paris...." EIS 001 to Parts... , " Bambara •••90 00 " to Hambort 01 Passensers *leo forwarded to Havre, .l terdam, Antwerp, die., at equally low rates. „ Farce from LiverDool Or Queen4town: let Or.ell , t.. 86, $lO5. Steerage from Liverpool or Cin" , "w x' . hOll6 who Wish to toad for their frleaSt 009 tickets here at thole For further information ap2l7. at 'the Courtin JOBB G. BILE, Aeon, Pirr.3-tjelo ill WaLIKUT Street, rag a f ar e NEW EXPRESS liIN, fa ' ALSZANDRIA, GIONGSTOWNh7 WASHINGTON. Via Chasspaalo and DiliAWAt4 .4# , J- Edswoorr lows first Wharf above NARKS!" ::(ftL ovary WVONRSDAY and SATURDAY. at 12 For Freight apply to Agents. W.N. F. OLYDS 14 North and Sonth Wharyes,ntia. ; J. B. DANDA Oaorgetoim.D.o, ; PLOWBRII 4 BOWEN. kieraan l ' 44. D 117.14-4 n 0 A L .-BTJGAR I- , MEADOW, and Spring Mountain beet Loma Mountain, tram fiehnyllall. Pre6lll7 far tuning use. Depot, corn( mud WILLOW Sire ate. Onice,No. 11% Soo' Street. cm* tt) J. WALT 4 /b3losals and Meth!: Ilealer In WEIP] IGID, alit C11t,0116, 13 B 1( Afr aNDFOIIB43N rf POW , 11,A0 S, OF ALL DEBORIPTIOAS, 1,01216 T 6U33E1111' ItATfifi. /marts for PATBII7. tLAO,3 L2,T ntbt ;0 , HERRING, BEkL, a"- —2,500 bids lass, Yds. 1,2, ma 8 Mit o ' iate.itatigat fiat den, olOortol 2,000 Mao. Naar Eattt.art, Yorttute 13a7„ and TO' Tharrlng. 2,600 OONII; Luba., Sealed, Zo. I Herr/1111. LSO bblffi Parr 20300 &MO. 60 boxes lic,rhituor.ettauty (thataa, In to and for ola by k ICOOFI. ta1942 t(0. 144 21011T11 W}UCV WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANI LEd —A new French Cosnratia for bacttt.fYSai Ileservilag ti.6,ll,w.Dlcatioit. It IS the not PrztpOnd of the sue. There le neither shod:, ye' slsteheele, bleninth,nor tsloln Its sourrocitio:t', tto composed entirely of vas drain Wvx henga tr , traordiharr qualities for preserving the It soft, smooth. Ink. stud tr4rosyerent. It maker tae% 11 1' , Prttr Young, Cho bomely .11FtlIeNtle. the more beer:tlf al, LAO les most bnitttlfla dicta. rd and llcauta. 1.1V010 , 1 onlyby MINT Si 0 0 . fwmera, 1&I Eunjh waters Street, two doors (,`:, e h eitnnia az4l )33 3outt. ficreet. Walnut. • se' .a NOTIOB TO CLAAM. A GENTS.—T I] Basra el TROfelan antnlittiON and Milt tdS DERSOI3I. lesideris cf Jobnson county, Loiev,t be received some intormation that they are entl: l,l , t ' large Estate, supprmqd to be in Ireland, from tbeu anaowtnra exusarat4. &ay partott who, +argil tit Cna and collect odd ,state will be Well yid& Address tho undereigned at Franklin, Jalapa , o: /31. Indict& reseci I. 1131D.82g0'. PHIL&DELPHIA S+ ""e t illfalat°, ll 4 B eVa r ra'.n , svERETT, attar thirty . 15-awe p ric ti m i anarantaas the skilful loilatmaal of Ma Frerr.* tent Onclukting Prozauro %rose. Supporters. Stockings, Bhotildier b y Omah a , 4 0 , Let apartnteate areldne.ad by A 1,44 7 , . Ara MONEY TO ANY A.MOUV Lamm 97 °pox DIAMONDS,_ 00.61 e li Zio JEWELRY, Ptak% CLOTHING, Ag. , TOM & 0 OLD BSTABLIsEtEm O LOAN OPPIOS. Noma MED and GABK/LL Mc. below Li* SVA.NEI & WATBON 1 8 fiALUMIDIN oiTOkit is BOOTH YOURTE MEM • lam Tartar, of EXI- Flood Ran OW haat 40,4% MALCOLM MACNEI SPECTIMM STORL. Mo. 3EO MTH Stmt. bolow Sprnao, PHILADIMPITIA. Mir Mama ratted to snit all azu, sad all wain! rokotzttm *meals and sfforscoUtr attandod to, tali =lll== COTTAGE ORGANS or oaI7IIXOILLID, but trAIGIIIALUD Is Pal or romp bud s Pawer, deigned elmobtlly for Oburebo valkarkOhh, but found to be eugelly wo n et d.,,..04 the nor ab. 4 Dra wilts Zoom. FOP WAMltas only bf, llau. No. North Irdwzga rot a Also. mplot 000 twoortniai of tbo !WM oonsSoMl,7 um& laS4