imKlal. H B Musters, N Jersey S T Bradford, N Jersey H H Rook veil, Elmira jaeob stott, Waterford N B Hammond, Cites oo N E Stevens A wf, Bolton J Klmbell, Cheater oo L L Bachman, Chea oo L Beeehar, Pottitewn Griffith Elite, York oo J Heffelflnger, Cites oo T G Pleroe, w Cheater Ihe Com T n SbMPIM«i Ohtstor John W Roger, PottsvlUe S Fennooiii Obw>t» , £•» New Yotk j Leedy, Harriabdf# a lUos J Hamilton) USA O H Brackett, Maine W M Phillips, PwM TM Charlton &wf, PJ W S WtlUAms, Cfaesco J Galliner & wf, Ponna Blu Oalliner, Penna JD Nelson A la* ciiaB c 0 M&lSlson, Chesterco Z«S Bodder, Bachs co oh Bear. ID Kuhn, S Whitehall E Troxel, S Whitehall D Housum, Beading J Housam, Beading John Berg, Butler, Pa John Hersa, Pennsburg e w sheiimlra, Peuna n YerkOS, gatbpro dee K Be van. Beading me bim j Matthews, PottsvUle i jßKenninger, Beading l Beam, Harrisburg 5 W Miller, BeruvlUe £ Wetherhoid, Penna x.Fiaher, PhiUpaburg S-MCrail, ARfivlile 3 W Miner, Xienaoon John Berg, Butler *W Kahns, S Whitehall SPECIAL NOTICES To General Grant. BY THB BAUD OF XOWBR HALL. Poll many strive to be Immortal, Like to the famous names of rove; Xet, pasting through. Death’s Iron portal, Are-heard and spoken of no more. But if then e’er was sure renown, ’Tie thou, brave Grant, hast won the prize. Nor shall thy star of fame go down TUI blst’ry’* self forgotten lies! Broad thought > And proud are we to know Thou wilt in thl* otu city dwell. And that thy ttrj heme shall show That valor here is honored Well. -Thus we dispose the mocking tale Oft told by foes of liberty, Nor our Republic does not fail Her gnat defender’s dues to ses. No fitter spot, in all our lands. Is there for loyal valor’s home; Nor Independence Hall here stands. With freedom's halo round Its dome. Upon our textile soil is raised Ail tMbge that man can needful call, And clothes, by high and low be>pralaodi Always abound at Tower Hall l Allkinds,stvles,andBizesofclothing t men's, youths' and boyB\all grades, from medium to superfine. Al though our sales are large and rapid, we have a full and complete assortment, new and fashionable, which is being replenished daily. < Our prices, being based upon the lowest market rates of the season, are lower than the lowest elsewhere. Ah examination invited. TOWBfc HALL, No. 818 MARKET Street. BJ3NNBTT St CO, Foe Painting Metal Roofing, Iron Tsnoesi Ta*ke, Ac * fitaad’s water*proof Cement u highly recommended by those Who have tried it, and it is especially intended for stopping leaks around shim* Beys, scuttles, trap-doors, or other parts of a roof. Bold by the sgedt, TBUMAN St SHAW, No. 835 (Bight Thirty-five) MARKET Street, below ninth. It Carpet Sweepers and Clothes Wring £HS should be used by every good housekeeper. Twoo* the most approved patterns are for sale, with a general variety of Housekeepers’ Hardware, at TRUMAN & SHAW'S. No 835 (Sight Thirty-five) MARKET Street, below Ninth, It Thb Nation, A WEEKLY JOUBHAL Politics, literature, Science, and Art, 'WILL BE PUBLISHED IN NEW YORK, : 1U main objects will be— ■ First. The maintenance infi diffasion of true demo* : critic principles in society and Government, and the advocacy and illustration of whatever in legislation or in manners colma likely to piomote a more equal dis tribution of (fee fruits of progress and civilization. Second. A more careful, accurate, and moderate dis cussion of tbe topics of the day, and, above all, of legal, economical, and constitutional questions, than I is possible in the dally press. Third. Sound and- impartial criticism of books and works of art: . Fourth,} The earnest and persistent consideration of the condition of the colored race at the South, with a j view to the remoratof all artificial distinctions between Ithem and the rest of the population, and the bestowal on them, as far ae education, security, and justice can do it, of an equal chance in the race of life. Fifth. The enforcement and illustration of the doc trine, that the whole community has the strongest in terest, both moral, political, and material, in their elevation, and that time 684 Market street, 634 Market street. 634 Mark at etreet, 654 Market street. 684 Market street, 634 Market street. 684 Market etreet, 634 Market street. 634 Market street, 634 Market street. BPEOIAB EOTIG3.—We haTe the largest and best as sorted siosk of Beady made Boys’ Clothing laths city, catia the latest styles, and mads in the best manner. B, li. HABLOWELE ft SON, S3A MASKS! Street. my6-awBt The Human Haxb—A Discovery Loss mem®. J „ Hair Color Restorer and Dressing." restores Gray Hair to its Natural Color. Makes the Bair Soft, Glossy, and Luxuriant. Nutritious ahd Entirely Vegetable. Keeps the Scalp Clean, Cool, ahd Healthy. Dobs not Stain thb Skin o* Soil Anything. •* London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. ” •* London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. 11 •* London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. 11 «* London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. 1 * (Invaluable as a Diet slag and Beautl&er.) 1— It will restore gray hair to its original color. 2 It will make It grow on bald beads, s—lt will I eel ore the natural secretions. 4 —it will remove all dandruff and itebin** C—lt will make the hair soft, closer, and flexible. B—lt will preserve the original color to old age. 7 it will prevent the hair from falling off. 8- will onto all diseases of the scalp. Single bottles 75 cents; six bottles, C 4. Sold by Hr. SWATHS & SON, -330 North BIXPH Street. It Jones’, THB LOWEST SELLING PRIGS U marked in figures on each article. AND HBVBR VA&ISD, AT jobss* Crescent Ona* price CLOTHING HOHSB. MARKET STRJSST. above Sixth, No. 604. 49» Prices reduced to suit the times. A floe assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, suitable for all seasons, constantly on hand. Custom-work made to order at short notice. Cmh9-3ui A Hint to Both Sexes—How to Gain And Retain Affection.— lt has frequently been sug gested that Plantation Bitters are. In another form, the “Elixir of Love” of the Ancients, That they do much to quiet “family Jars, 1 ' and reconcile fretful wives to cross husbands, we verily believe. When domestic quiet W restored, and connubial felicity reigns so Dre me* “Bow great the charm, how sweet the bIiSV, That Ends expression in a kiss v * A free and proper use of Plantation Bitters will in spire the souls of both ecxes with pure and high-toned sentiments of affection, and a capacity for rare and ex quisite enjoyment in each other** society. Remember, there is no place like home and no passion like love— and nothing to link the two together and you to both like the great family blessing, Plantation Bitters. myl9*Bt Army Itch, Tetter, Scald Head, Salt RBBTJH, RINGWORM, ALL ERUPTIONS. "Dr. Swayne's Allays all Ointmtnt. 11 "Dr. Sway ns's "Dr. Sw2yn*-*8 No case so obstinate or long standing it will not cure. HR. SWAINS & SON. 330 North SIXTH Street. It Lieutenant General Grant.—Excel lest Imperials find Cartes de Visits of the General* i&lcen from life* nod pronounced by himself and friends the beslaver takes* sen lie obtained at F, QUTfiKOUrST'S, 704: a&OH Street* Hair Bye ! Hair Dye ! BATOHBLOR’B HAIB DIB lithe Bast in the valid. The only tree end perfect Dye—harmless, lnetantene one, and reliebio produces a splendid Black or natural Brown; remedies the ill effects of Bid Dyes, and fre quently restores the otlglnal color. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine Is signed W. A. BATCHBLOB, 51 SAROLA? Street, New York. jaJmwfly WHI INJURE THB COMPLEXION BI FOWDIBB AND* WASHES Which choke or 1111 UP the •ores of the ekln, end In a short time lease It hAHh Ui dry, It is In the blood, audit yon want a smooth and soft akin nso HELMBOLD’B EXTRACT Off BABSA* PAXILLA. It dres a brilliancy to the complexloa. A Clbak, Smooth Skin and Bkauti- JVL COMPLEX lON follows the nee of HBLMBOLD’B concentrated fluid kktbaot SARSAPARIL LA. It remocee black spots, pimples and all sruptlons of the akin. Not a Pew on the Worst Disorders that alßict mankind arise from corruptions of the blood. HRLMBOLD’S EXTRACT Off SARSAPARILLA le a remedy of the utmost yalu*. To Pobift, Enrich thb Blood, and SSADTIff! the complexion, ueeHKLMBoLD’S HI3H LT CONCENTS ATBD FLUID EXTRACT SABBATA XILLA. Ono bottle equals In strength one gallon of thg Syrup or Decoction. Hblmbold’b Concentrated Extract BDCHD iff (he great Diuretic. HBLMBOLD’B COR.' OBhTRATBD EXTRACT SABBAPAKILIiA ietlte Oreat Blood Purifier. Both are prepared according to roles bf ffhwm&cy and Chemistry, and an the most attics •thgt tin be made. A Thing or Bbaott is a Jot Fob -IVBE.— Those who desire brilliancy of complexion, Mi} toriohiht bloodj wMdb SSLMSOLD’S OOffCSNTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Iht»- riebly docs. Recollect it Is no patent medicine. Ask lor Heimbold's, Take no other. mhl-wflnsa Bargains m Clothing t Bargains n* OLOTHINGI Bargains ih Clothing ! Baroaiks ikDlotbikol Baroaiks in Clothing! Baboaihb ik Clothiko! Baaoaihb ik Clothing ! Basoaots is Clothiko! OPfEHKB by Febby a on,, offeheb nr Pbbbt A Co,, Offered bt Fbbst A Co,, Offered by Pebby A 00,, No. 303 CHESTNUT BTBBET, ABOVE THISB, Ho. 600 Chester! Street, (GRANVILLE STOKES' Old Staßd.) And 8. E. Cor. Seventh and Habsbt Sts. (JOBSS’. Besets. Ferry A Co. have undoubtedly the largest etock ol ready-made Clothing, and finest variety of elylee new presented to the public In this city. Their eteck is new, .bought at the lowest rates, got up In the belt manner, and sold at WONDEBFULLY LOW PRICES. • W ONDERFULLY LowPaKJBB. WONDERFULLY LOW PRICES. Wonderfully Low Patess. Our friende and the pubile are invited to tail and Mt&fflißfl f?r tbimselvee, and be convinced that it la 16 their advantage to lea? nogs rtH - Attention ie alco called to Oua Custom Dspabtmekt, Oua Custom Dbfabtmbbt, Our Custom Department, Our Custom Dbfabtmbbt, Oub Custom Department, In connection with each establishment, where we have constantly on hand And cun gnaiutM to our ooatomon entire satisfac tion Is ©Terr re-pect. Mo. 303 Obbstbut Btkbbt. • Abotk Third, Mo. 609 Chestnut Etbsbt, (OBaKVILLH BTOKKB’ .OM,Stand ) a COUP IST. —A meeting of the aubsoribera will be held THIS DAT, the 21th Instant, ntl}s o'clock. Office. Ho. 3» Horth FIFTH street. „ It* • -0. F FOXiWTBLIt, Sicratary. masonic notice.-tmebb Ifcx? will be a Special Meeting of Ufl lONLODG 8, So 121, A. T. M , on THU2BDAT JBVJSSING, Hay 35th, at 7 o'clock. By order of the W. M. my24-gt* ALPHOSSO 0. IBBLAHP. Secretary. THE WAGSEB FBEE INSTITUTE. K£? The Scientific Lectures of this Institution are given daily at 6 P. M in the new Hal?, free to all; the pubn© axe cordially invited to attend; they consist or Chemistry# Anatony, SecloimNat«*Al Philosophy, Physiology, Mineralogy- and Mining, The Fifteenth atreet cara come within one square of tee banding, It onU’E OF THE LEHIGH COAL AM) HAYIQATIOCf COMPaSY, Philadelphia. May 13th, 1865. Stockholders of this Company, wbosenamea appeared as anch on their becks at the close of transfers, on the 18th of March last, are hereby notified that their right to subscribe to new stotk, on the terms of the Circular of March iO, 1860, will expire at $ o’eloc* p. tf., on the 24th Inst, SOLOMON SEfiPHEftb, It Treasurer, prs» PSOPOSALS Vlit BE BE* GEIVED at tbic Office np to FEI DAT next. Map 26th* at 12 V. * for the GBafiS at the Hantics Park. CHAB. DIXBxt Commissioner of City Property. ».a- iecidbs ami abduess. ■aP SKY. j. W. BAKHSiRr, A H„ Fit sldent «f Falrmonnt Fem.le Collage, trill deliver 3 lecture on THURSDAY EVENING, Kay 25, at 8 o'clock»Bfc American Mechanic* Hall, corner of FOURTH and GEuiiOfi Street*. Subject: “THE NATIONAL PRESENT.” Addressee 7111 also be delivered by Hey Wo. T. Eva, Rev. J. H. A. Bomterger D. D , Rev. Joseph B. Smith, Rev T. A Fcrnlev, and ex-Govemor Pollock. National Anthems will be song by celebrated artiste, Who have been aecnrtd for the occasion. ... Proceeds for benefit of Religions Union Meetings held in this hall _ . • • w t • • • • Tickets 60 cents. For sale at Doctor Hershey’s drag store, corner of Fourth and Geerge streets; Bowers 7 drug stores, Sixth and 'Vine streets, and Sixth and Green sirtete, and &t th« dry- goods stores of Harvey & Ke»»ed¥.B«ond street, b*low George; ShiUincafKAI*. 1 *. No. Irt/Hancoch street; mce A Wood’s. No 113 North Ninth street, and atlhornley ACbism’s, corner Eighth and Spring Garden streets. mj2a 3r vsa SPECIAL UNION RELIGIOUS WEE? SERVICE -tOaLVaBS C BURCH, LOCUST Street, above Fifteenth; -Preaching every evening this week, by the Pestorcl?® Union Prayer Meetlug every morning, from S to 9 oVfqck* xa>23-tuwfr3fc* »» WB, THE CSDEBBIGNED WOOD SSE7 BN WAKE and YARN DEALERS agree to dose our pieces or business on Saturdays at 3 o clock: P H. from Msj 27th until July 29 th. A. H FEANOIBGUS & CO., WHITE & PBCHIS, J. H. COYLE & 00.. CHIPMAN & WHITH. FARNSWORTH trui,ac tion ol other huslnecs. B. A. HOOPES^ mi 3 1» Philadelphia. M&y 22.1565. PHIUBEIPHIA, MAY >9,-1865. IHE? apnaa l . meeting of toe Stockholders of the RESOLUTE Ml SI Ji GC<' MPABJ (of W l ‘ 0 JL n P"'?^ , xfhl be held at their office, N0.3*l WALKOr fe trees, on U'-‘i 6ih proximo, it ;2 o dock for the ■■ U«!(I2 at Elrtcloiß aad tha transmUton bu«l ’’wfSO-Ht SecretarV, Kffir- OFFICE OF TH* Mlbllift (X, iIi’ACY OF LAKE 6UPSBIOK, Ho, iiB4 WALHUT Street ~ ~ ~,, PHILADELPHIA. MaylBss. NOTICE ie hereby given, thnt the Annual Mealing Of the hteot holder, of “The AloygdaU'iaMlulniCoia ran, of Lah, Superior” will b>. held at the Office. Ho. 334 WALHUT etieet, Ott THURSDAY, Jth proximo, at 12 o’clock M., for the election of Directors ami the transaction of other business mj2o tjev e. k. woil BATH, Stcrattry. All the Latest akd Best Styles, All tub Latest akd Best Styles, All the Latest abb Best Styles, All the Latest akd Best Styles, WANAMAKEB S BKOWH’S OAK HALL POPULAB CLOTHING HOUSB, 8. E. cor. SIXTH andMABKETSb., MABVELLOUBLY LOW PBIOBS. ' npl«-H married. 3DIEX>. A CARD. UNION VOLUNTEER REFRESHMENT SALOON, poo® OP WASHINGTON JIYUUB. Shall our brave soldier* bo well entertained on their return f It is for the citizen* of Philadelphia to deoido. It will bo four yean, on tha ensuing 97th of Hay.slnee the Union Volonteer Refreshment Committee wat or ganized, and If the Institution is closed on that day, the amount of oath on hand will no more than meet ear obligation*. The war is virtually ended, yet our Braves who hare to nobly and valiantly defended our fireside* and country are about to return to thsir homes. Shall we receive and refresh them and show by our hospi tality and kindness that their great services are fully appreciated by the grateful citizens of Philadelphia and vicinity? The Committee will, with great pleasure, continue their voluntary duties, should the fund* be fareiAhed, and they hope this Will be a final appeal, Contributions handed onr Committee, or either of the following gentlemen, will reach us» and be properly appropriated: Rev Dr. THOMAS BRAINBBD, Mo. 631 Pine street THOMAS ROBINS, Esq., President of Philadelphia Bank. t D. B. CUMMINS, Esq., President Girard Bank. S. A. MERCER, Esq., President Farmers’ and Me* cb anise’ Bank. J. B. AUSTIN, Esq , President Southwark Bank. M. W. WOODWARD, Etq • Cashier Manufacturers* and Mechanics'Bank. THOMAS T. FIRTH, Esq., Treasurer Pennsylvania Railroad. JAMES 0. HAND * CO., corner Market and Decatur street*. SAMUEL B. FADES, Bea.* No. 707 Vine street. ASAD BARROWS, Chairman. J B Wap*. Secretary. mylMnwlgt IRELASD AND AMERICA, IRELAND A SOVEREIGN STATE IN THE AMERI CAN UNION. Very Rev. Dr. M( RIABTT will deliver a Lecture on tne above subject to Irishmen and the Friends of Ire land, at the AOADEMS OF MUSIC. MONDAY BYBNING, May 29,1866. The triumph of the Union is the trumpet sole of uni versal liberty over the world. Ticket* 26 cents; Reserved Seats 60 sent*. Tickets can be had at Eugene Cuuunlskey’s Book Store, 3087 Cheßtnnt; Johnß. Downing, Eighth, above Walnut, Book 6 tore; John Breen an. Jeweler. No. IS S. Eighth street; James Tobin, Jefferson and CadwaUder, Grocer. , .. myl7-thsmwf«6t TO COAL CONSUMERS. Examine the following figures and decide for your fidlf if it 1* not to your interest to beeomp a stockholder 111 the . HOUSEKEEPERS* 0041. COMPANY, LAST WINTER'S PRICES: Cost of mining and transporting a ton of 2,240 pounds C0a1....- $6 68 Yard expense*, for picking, screening, un loading, etc.......,...........,...,—40 Carting from yard to consumer’s door 60 9O Tot tl cost of mining, transporting, preparing, and diliverlng a ' Long Ton’’ of 2,240 pounds at the consumer’s door $7 58 Average retail price of a ton of Coal last win ter, was over. - <*.......... 12 60 Are you willing to continne to pay from 60 to 75 per rent. advance on your Coal ? Do you wish to save from $S to <5 per ion, and get a good article, well prepared? Each Stockholder in the ticutekeeper’s Coal Company is furnished with a coupon for every share of stock he bolds. Bael&onpon entitles the holder to a Ton of Coal anncally et cost for Iff years At the presmt retail price of Coal, a stock hniasr will SCMtf entire cost of hie etoele in three mats, exclusive of any cdj>h divbtmds he malt iwtfw from the sale of the surplus UOitl Vhiiuit over Choi used by the stockholders. Though prices may be much lower this season, the stockholders in sbls Company will still have the ADVANTAGE OF ALL THE PROFITS. THE QUALITY OF THE COAL. The following extracts are taken from a Report of Prof. WM- F. ROBERTS, Civil and Mining Engineer on tie *’Braschdale Coal Property “The coal mined from chi* land has always had good impute in the market Coal inch as is produced from the Spohn and Lewis Value, commands a ready sale at the bight-et marketable price, and it can be mined from ihese veins cheaper than from other veins of the same class In Behnylkili ’minty. ** SUBSCRIPTION BOOK Ol»BN AT THE OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, NO. 105 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, Where information concerning the affair* of the Company can be obtained at the office. PRESIDENT, X. F. LEAKE, M. D., Frankford. SSCBBTAET. JOHN BACON, Office of the Company. TREASURER. THOS. WBIGGINB. B. B. Cor. Fifth and Chestnut sts. GBNKRAL AUBSTT. BOBT. K. OOBSON. DIRECTORS, X F. LEAKE, i LEWIS THOMPSON. B. H. JEXKS, i THOMAS WRIGGXNS. JACOB W. BOOKIOS. myZ4 rawf24t NOTICE TO AIX »15LINQUEST V 3& CORPORATIONS ORGANIZED UNDER ANY LkW OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Police is hereby given to all companies incorporated by or under AS7 law of the commonwealth of Pennsyl vania. and organized at any time prior to the first Mon day of November, i&64 that have railed to make report to the Auditor General 'under the Act approved April 21, 1668. and the Act approved April 80. 1864, that they are required to report to the Auditor General forthwith, a* follows* viz. 2 In case a dividend ha* been declared, the Treasurer will report, under oath, the amount of capital paid In, the dafo, amount, and rate per cent, of each dividend, during the year ending the first Monday of November, 1864, and any previous year or years In which the Com- Sany may have had an existence; and In case no divl ena has been declared during the year or yean end ing as aforesaid, than an appraisement of the cash value of the capital stock, a* it existed between the first and fifteenth dayß of November, must he made by the President ox Treasurer* and a majority of the Director*, under oath; When an appraisement la made, the re port should also ataU at what time the Company was organized. in addition to the above report, under the act of April 23* I£6B, companies not paying a tax on tonnage are re quired to make a separate report, under oath, of the Treasurer* of the amount of net etti-nings or i»eome re- 4fi.ring the period April 80 to November 1, \V^* T j section of ihfiMt, and * * doing busineas in this Comm onwealth, are notified tint they are mad, aataect to the taj on-net earninga or is come under the 2d Motion of the actor April 80, 1864, and are required to report to the Auditor reasonable time in which to make the aevejal reports required by law and above enumerated; but continued neglect or refusal will subject them to forfeiture of charter , u* der the 2d proviso of the U> Motion of the act of April 80. 1804, which is in • he following words: “ Provided further, That any corpoTatton which has failed to make returns to the Commonwealth, as re quired by the act of April 21, A. D. 1858, entitled Au act for the better securing to the Commonwealth the pay ment of taxes dueby incorporated companies, ’maymake Such return within sixty days after the passageoftWa act. any law to the contrary notwithstanding; and all delinquent companies falling or refusing to joeskeiull mnnisSd fiSmait to the State, n i«ntred by tte general )»»■ ol tht, CommanTr.»ltijn MlMlon thereto, shall tm all their rl,ht> and ptiTtlettl declared for feited by proclamation from the Auditor General. W. H KBMBLB, State Treaiurer. HABBisßrsa. May Id. 1866. my IB lm »®» ISIVEKSITI OF PESSSTIFA- Ias? JflA-DEPARTMBHT OF ABTB —The final ex arrtnatlon of the Senior Class will be held in the follow ing order, beginning each day at 4 o clock P. M : TUESDAY, 33d— By Prof. Frazer, {Physical Geo -OrS*DBBSDAY, 24th—By Prof. Alien, (Piato’a ffor- 2sth—By Prof. Coppes, {lnternational 26th—By Prof. Jackson, (Tacitne’ Life of 29tb— By tha Provost,(Butler’s Analogy ) ■ TUESDAY, 30th—By the Provost. {Social Science (Carey) and Constitution of my23-7t Secretary of the Faculty 0! Arts mrear* OFFICE OF THE COAE BIDBE •HP IMPKOVEMEST AHD COaL COMPANY. PBiLASEhPHia, May 8, 1855. A Special Meeting of the Stockholders wIU Im held at the Office of the Company. 339 WaJjHUF Street, on T&UBbDAY, May 25th at 12 o’clock M. B, order of the Wdof H Dl«ctors k MITOBBLLi mylB t2B Secretary. THE ASSIIAI MBITIHB OF THE VaP Stockholders of the MASDAN MIJTiaO COM panT. (of Lake Superior,) will be held at their office, Ko 3»4 WALfIUT Street, on THURSDAY, the 25th ioet At 12 o'clock, for the election of directors ana the transaction 0[ Other hu«ue|.. A HoorgBi Philadelphia, May 10,1666, mylblSfe PHIUDIIPBM, HAY 13, 1895* 9£fr The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Mining Company, of Lake fcunerlor, will be held attheirOfilca, 00. 334 WALHUfltreet, on TUBS DAT, iheSOthinst., at 12 o’clock, for the election of Director*, and the transaction of other hnslaeas. mrlfi'UnySO B A. HOQPJ3B, Becretarya «<&*> THE ANKVAE MEETING OF THB Stockholders of the JSMPIRB COPPER Op. (of Michigan) will be held at tbeir Office, no 483 WALHDT Hreer, on FRIDA7, the 2d day of Jane, 1865, at 11 o'clock A M-» for the BLBQTIOH Of DIRECTORS and tha transaction of Secretary. PBir.Ansr.PHiA, May 16.1866. mylfi-tia2 *3gr- THE ASHUAI MAT FESTIVAL WSP TH AID OF BT. JOHN B OSPBA3 ASYLUM will 118 hold oh the OJAunea of th« Imtitutlon. WEST PHILADELPHIA, on TfiUESDAY nsll, SKh lust- Ajrangenents bay* beenmado with tho Pennaylva n)a BaUroad Company ro run their Cars from Bridge street to the station opposite the grounds at intervals during the day t also, with the City Passenger Bail' ways to run adaitional Cars oyer the Wire Bridge to the Oi Quads. my2o-6t« t-vsr THE ASSDAIHKETIKO OF THE IM? Stockholders of the PHIL ADEPHIA A»D BOS TOM MlnlßG COMPANY (ofMlohlgan) will be held at their Office, Mo. 433 WALNUT smeet, on FRIDAY, the 2d day of June. 1665. at 1 o’clock PM., for the ELECTION OF DIBBCTOBS and the transaction of other hustnees, J- S. MoIIULLIN, Secretary. Philadelphia, May 15, 1865. m,l6.tje2 KS. MERCHANTS’ AND MANCFAO TUEEBS’ NATIONAL BANK. PmsßUae, April H, 1866. Ktnnhhnlders are hereby notlfiod that Books wlil he JucdfcrS St the COMMERCIAL NATipNAbBANK, to Philadel phia, on MOHDAY, May nt,iBS6. and >B to3 l o^clocT?p’ l Mf,'untd lBmA By order of the Board of o „ Uar . S, 8, BOLLMAJI. President, , PitUtmrjr, Pcbjr*. EOBT. B. STERLING. Vito President, , _ Philadelphia ApW-tiel DIVIDENDS. wcw° DIVIDEND NOTICE,—OFFICE OF la? THE MAPLE SHADE OIL COMPANY, Ho. 534 WALNUT Street. .... pHn.AUBi.PHiA, May 21,1561. The Board of Directors have this day deolared a dlvl diHd of FOUK FEB CEMT. on the Capital Stock of the Company, payable at their Office, on and after Ihe 31th tnst. clear of State taxes. The Transfer Books will close on the 25th. at 3 P. M • fl™ K° SEi.BLB, mv24 6t Secretary. AVa» peSDSYLYAHIA BSIIBO 411 COMPANY-TREASURER'S DKPAKTitBNT. v Philadelphia, May 8,1855. UOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS--The Board of Di rectors have this day deela re d af .f A^Pom* t\i sivr p»n pgNT on tho Capital Stock of tbe Com pany, .dear of NationsJ and StatTtaxe., payable on and attorney for collectlnr divide ads SifitHSA 0 " ° ffl “ 0i ThSm'& T o F?S?l™‘ h my4-28t ‘ Treasarer. 9HUXABI. • PRIZE MONEY AND GOVERN fI HEAT K-JUKTY TO ALL WHO BHTBH TAB ■Jjl nWITBD 6TATBB MARISE CORPB. A JL Order* have been received from the head of tat Marine Corps, at'Washington not io restrict recruits to % particular class (as has been the cte6 heretoioro), but -■h receive ALL who have served In the volunteer ser* dee, or In the regulars, or in the marines, and have *»<.*□ honorably discharged, finch persona enlisting in he United Btate» Manno* will receive the Govern' nent bounty, and will also be entitled to their ebare of orl«e money in any capture of the enemy’s vassals. !« m si re Captain and Beemuing Oflesr. WANAMAAER fcBBOWW, THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1866. pEACK AND PROSPERITY FRIGES. EIRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH) IMPOBXEBB, JOBBERS. AND BETAILEBS 0? FINE DRY GOODS. ap2g-w»m2in QIiOBBY BLACK H0HAIB& jayS-tf b. b. cor. NINTH and MABKBT Btreets. CHIRRED MUSLIN, OR PUFFED AD. k-J LJCGIENNE* for Bodies measuring 42 iad&es wids< only $1.60 a yard, a reduced price. TOCRBD MUBLiN, for Bodies. Will open to-day orb more case, 73 pieces, 1907 yards, and the last of these Goods, at the same low price. 6TKIFED NAIj»SOOKB, for Bodies, just received, 30 pieces, excellent quality, at 60 cents a yard. PLAID CAMBRiC, 40 pieces of a cood muslin, at 44 centsa?ard. NAINSOOK MUSLIN, fine quality, at 50. 66. 63. and 75 c*nts a yard, much better than usual, for the earns price '• • ' WfIITB PATENT SPOT NET, nearly two yards wide, »yct the size of a pin V head, very cloeo, Preach goods, a novelty, only a small lot WHIT* SILK ILLUSION, two yards Wid«, very mw quality, only $1 a yard; thro. yard, wide, only ,1.50 a yard. BLACK LAOEBABBRS. A lot of 1,100 Barbee at 36 cents, very cheap, as usual, at ______ WORhE'S, Lace and Embroidery Store, It* No. 38 North EIGHTH Street. MOURNING millinery. ASH. MTSKB. myB-Hn t?3B OHadTSPT Street. pHOIOE STOCK OP DRESS GOODS. V/ guji ghENADINES, superb styles. Spring POPLlNsTlateit styles. Plaid and Plain LEIOS. Black and Blown VALBNOIAS. AffMlat and French LA WHS. spring .trial aroHALLI HU SAIHER. Spring SB AWLS, in variety. At _JOHN H. STOKES’, Ho. you ABUH Stmt. H. 8.-50 dotes Ladles' Bleached HOSE, at 12>< sent, per pair. myl SHETLAND SHAWLS, IN EVERY O variety. A. * H MTRRB, myS-lm 988 CHRSTNUT Street SPRING DRESS GOODS, OF NEW O STYLES. OPENING DAILY. Spring styles Valencia*. Spring styles Poll tie Chevm. Spring stiles of Poplins. Bummer Poplins. Splendid Organdies. Percales, in great variety* New styles or Piques. Spring Colors de Laines. Spring Colors Mohair* 4 . New styles of Dress Goods, in great variety. EDWIN HALL * GO . mh6-tf ga south BICOID Styest. 'PLACE AND FIGURED SILKS. D A. & H: MYBBSv myS lin 930 CHESTNUf Street SPECIAL NOTICE, ™ SELLING OF? ENTIRE STOCK TO CLOSE BUSINESS!! GOOD-WILL AND FIXTURES FOR SALE. TfiORNLKY AND CHISM. We invite special attention to the above announcement. We have s Large Stock. _ „ We are Selling Cheap. Every yard is to be closed out os or before the Ist day Of September. Silk* and Dress Goods. Gioths, Caesimoros, and Linen Goode, Shawls. Cloaks Skirts, Hdkfo, Muslins and Calicoes much under market pries THORNLBY A CHISM, mylS-gm Cot, of EIGHTH and BPRING GARDEN^ Mantillas, all styles for JJLL mourning. A, & H. MYERS, myB-lm 936 CHESTNUT Street PLACE: ALPACAS AT 60, 62, 75, 88c., *~'and $l, Also, magnificent Black Mohairs, $1.15, $l. 36, $1 38* and SL 60 ■ Lupin’s Black Wool Delaines. 65 etc. Double-width Black Wool Delaines, $1.13 to $1.70, Lapin’s plain colors Delaines, 63 cts. Pearl Tints Alpacas and Mohair*. Tourists* plain, mixed, plaid, and striped Mohairs, low and finest grades. __ Finest Nainsooks. Cambrics, Jaconets, Satin Plaids aid Stripes, Bird* eye Linen, Swiss Muslins, Bril iants, Ac. White and Buff Pique hr the plena or yard, lood Stock, good Qualities. Lawns, Printed Cambrics, Gingham*, &«. Mueline by the piece nndeirpriefa .. OOOPBfi * COCTAKII, my9-tf S. B. «or. NINTH and MABKBT aired., rj.RAY MATERIALS FOR TRAVEL, VJ LING DBSSSEB. A. & H. MYERS, myS-lm 9D6CHRBTNPT Street, PIGURBD SILK GRENADINES, -S- of the best qualities and styles, la Black and Gray Grounds. 66c to $1 60 Traveiting.DreBs Goode, In every variety. New Dress Goods, in great variety. Handsome Chene Bilks, 93.00. VERY CHEAP BLACK SILKS, suitable for Dresses. Mantles, and Sacques.. COTTON GOODS AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES Merrimac. Spngue. and Pacific Prints, 36c. 10 4 Waltham and Feperill bleached Sheetings, $l. H. STEEL at SON. miWNoi f!3 and 715 North TENTH Btrwt. myB 5m 936 CHEgTMPT Btreet, i£HE QUAKER CITY business college, If. B. Miner TENTH and CHESTNUr Streets. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, 13U8INB88 FORMS, CORRESPOND. SHOE, COMMERCIAL LAW, AND TELEGRAPHING. TMe lneUtntion racks superior to any commercial ..Loci ia ‘^iS^iVoM’ss^i^r 17 . ■ Anthoiized by law to grant diploma;, under lta corpo rate seal, and confer degrees of merit. ABSTRACTS OF EDITORIAL NOTICES. Several young men of this vicinity era now pursuing & regular course in the QUAKBB GJTT COLLHGB, and they endorse thegmlveraal jUdginantof the people lent it is one of the best, if not the very flyst institution of the kind in the State.— itfonfowr American, DanvUic. ar LEGS, the character of which is tally attested by the lane number of prominent and lncratiye positions that are sow held by its former students.— National Be finder* Norristown For character, capability, a well-earned- fame, and fidelity to students,thls'GolJere is unsurpassed. — Unit&i States Journal* Philadelphia. Mr. Fairbanks is the moßt successful basinets educa tor we eyer bad. —Sunday Timesi The course of instruction is thorough and eminently practical. One of the advantages of this institution is that it gives in a short time, and at a comparatively email expense-, the knowledge which years ol toil only could otherwise give. —Petersons 1 Detector One of the remarkable features of the times is the sw eets of thi* isstimtion. Under the able management of Prtf. Fairbanks, it fo enjoying a most extensive and comtantly Increasing patronage.— Grermmtown Tele graph For full particulars send for an Illustrated Circular and Catalogue. L FAIBBAHKB, A, H., President. CBB6TEB K. FABR, Jr. Secretly. It* "RTJGBY CLASSICAL AUD ENGLISH A\aoa_demt,. * ... 1»26 CiHSbTNUT STREET* PHILADELPHIA, This initiation, which will be established in SEP TBBiBKh. NEXT, la destined to rival the hi-st schools of this eoantiy, ana of England in lie system of inetrao* lion and discipline, and in the fullness ol it* classical and mathematical course. Those preparing for college will he fluted to take a high stand in their class, and to graduate with honor, it -will be the special atm* also to prepare young men for bn&UHts or professional Circulars, with fall Information* van U had at 1238; Cjwtnni street. EDW. CLARENCE hMITfLn. R, PrlaslpAL BEPBnaNCBS.—CaIeb Cope, Esa.jHon We. D.Selley* Hon. Jos. Allison. Alexander WhiUdU, Esq ■ Thomas Potter, Esq., A. H. Fianci«coi,E*q., H. P. tf, Birkin* bine, Esq/ myls-mwf4m» BELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE, JO A BOARDING SCHOOL JOS OIKM , THE BUHMBB TEEM 07 THIS IfISTITUTIOH, healthfully and beautifully located on the northern limits of Attleboro, Bucks eouuty, PeansylvauU. will commence fifth'month, 33d, 1866, and continue In set' cion twelve weeks. . , _ . , .. . The eonrse of instruction is thorough in the several departments o! English, french. Latin, Mathematics, ForfuU deialHM«circular, to ebtaln whichaddrcM ill, Principal*. Attleboro Foot Office, Back* county, Pennsylvania, ISRAEL J. OBAH1H& J JAKE F. GKAHAMI, PrlairfjMda- OEHTF FURNISHING GOODS. BINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. A. xta sob.eilb.ra would invite attention to their IMPROYBD.OOT OJ SHIRTS, (rbich they mike a specialty in their business. Also. GBNTLBMBN’B WBAB. J. W. SCOTT * CO., OEHTLKMBB’S FURNISHING BTOBB, “o. 81* GHBBTNUT Street, lal-ly Pour doore below tbe OontinentaL •79c CHESTNUT STREET. I X hare now open aIT a, niacent assortment of SPRING MU LINER! AHD STRAW GOODS, Which I offer, wholesale and retail, at the lowest market prices. Poult de Soles and Gros de Naples in all colon; ths more desirable and scarce colors, such as buff, pearl, rose pinks Ac . in an assortment of shades. Best White, Black, and Colored Crape*. Bibbone of rrc*y shade, narrow and Wide, to match French Flowers, ths finest goods, prettiest styles, ai r.a.onableprl«., Hlirg BONNETS We offer every new shape in every variety of material Wide White L*c*», Barbes. Uallnes of every quality, T> , best French and New York Bonnet Frames, and every rther article required in making or trimming s b jjK|' a‘handsome line of the best quality Grenadine Ordered country promptly and accurately at lAudiid 1a k» W£Yli, waned to. No. T*6 OH BSTNUT street, ap29lm Successor to M- Bernheim. JO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE We are prfpai ed, a* heretofore, to supply families, at tbeir country residences, with £V2B? DEBOBIPTIOK 07 FINE 01 QUERIES, TEAS, XT AVAN A. CIGARS.—A GOOD VA- Jlj. biEry constantly in store and bond, at lowest ofc»h rates. S. FUGtTET A HONB. myi‘l 6n£ Bo al6 Booth FBOET btreet. a RICE & LONG, U FULTON WOBKB, 13*0 BEACH BTBBBT. Engineers, Machinists, Boiler Makers, and Car Builders. , , , . , Tasks of every description made to order. Sole Agents for Long's Marine Sallnometari. _ mylMi CPEOIAL CARD,—BEING OBLIGED O to define business, I now offer to sell at public sale, without reserve, all of my stock of Cabinet Ware. It 1b of superior quality, and fully equal to any that I have ever made. See M. Thomas A Sons’ advertise* wont GKO J BBBKBLS, m»BMt 809 and 811 CHEBTPPT Street. RETAIL DRY ROODS. PEARL SHADES ALPACAS. TOURISTS’ DHESS GOODS. BLACK WOOL DELAINES, BLACK MANTILLA SILKS. WHITE AND BUFF PIQUE. COOPER . BTAMTOKU. JOS. L, HOU?: gTAMFORD & HOUSTON, STOCK AND EXCHAN6G BROKERS, No. [25 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Dealers ia,Government Securities,'.Specie, Uncurrent Money* City Warrant* 6c, - Stocks bought and sold on commission at the Regular Board of Brokers. my23*lm m Ant.wi IKOBT, ALBS. BOtBOV, tM. £}HABLES EMORY & CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 15 Soutb Third street, PHILADELPHIA. All kind, at nncnrrent lauds and Gold snd Sliver bought and Sdld, nt OoUectlosa made. Pnrtl.alir attention given to ths ,archie* ud 111, ot Government,State, and other Stock* sad Lou, on atm’ sslssloß. 808-dm 7.30. 5-20. ADAMS Sc LEVIS, Mo. SOS CHESTNUT STREET, BANKERS AND BROKERS. All kinds of WVBHIR BBCORTTIM ADD STOCKS BOUGHT, BOLD, AHD HBOOTIATBD. bold abb bilyxr bodoht add bold. BwHl attontlon glv«n to OHjJTOCKB. mhlUm jSWABS XO,UTS. nonAOB FIABSOF. ROBINS Sc CO., STOCK AND EXOHAHQK BROKERS, ■o. 47 sooth; jkißn bxbeet, PHILADELPHIA. All, mn or BADK 10TM, OOLD, BILVBR, BTOOKB. BONDS, ABB GOVERNMENT SBCDBITIBS. BODOHT ABB BOLD. imimSm. made on ,11 puts of ths sonntry. vfwMiU received, anWot to right dnft. And Interc.l -Allowed. . mM-Sm gECOND ->s, NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, (LATE IROJT OITTTBDBT COMPACT.! CAPITAL. 8800,000. BAXKUB’ ABB MERCHANTS’ COLLECTIONS promptly ittsndsd to on ths most lATOrsblt term a 6. L WABKBB, President. OHARLEB H. RIOOB, OSSblsf. mb3-»M ijBE FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, 80. 130 BOOTH TODRTH BTBIIT. BELOW CHKBTKDT, Pays Sts fisrunt. Intusst on Doposlts. **™* tbs sue of Uulted BUtes J S-10 Lo»ns st Pu. OoTsra ment, State And Oita Loans sad Stosks bousht sad sold far dsaosltors and othors on Ooininl»»lon.inM°-"* MRS. H. DILLON, 323 AND 331 SOUTH Street,has opened a handsome assortment of SUMMER MILLIHEBS GOODS, Misaei' and Ohil. dieVfi Hats and Caps. myl7'l3tif* SUPERIOR WATCHES. Received, per Steamer GLASGOW, an Invoice ot WATCHES, Hade eipres.lT for onr Retail Bales, by Fateh, Philipps, db Co., In Seneva. FROM M TO 20 SIZE. ALL SELF-WINDERS. JAMES E. CALDWELL « CO., 822 CHESTNUT BTREET, mviS-at Bole Aient for Philadelphia .. (5, u. COB. SIXTH AHD MARKET STREETS. HEW PUBLICATIONS. J)OWLING’S PINE LIBRARY EDI LIFE OB’ JUUUa CiESAR. Voi. I et this work, printed from large, hold type, on»UOTirlcrcxtra-Jicavy paper, ana oloiaatiy beauuK purple cloth, now ready. Price SS. so. ready* & irii 1 e t $1 * Beatfl 60, “ 4 In paper CSTSM. Is Clio For Vale by all'Booksellers In this place. Sent free, by mall, os receipt of price. / A. DOWLISG, Wftnlm 65 BABBAP Street. TO TOBg. “Good Worde are worth much and cost little,”— « r}.OOD WORDS,’ 1 ' tßerberl. AN ILLUSTBATBD MONTHLY HAGAZtNI, XDITKD BY NORMAN MACLEOD, D. One of Qneen Victoria’* Chaplains. PRIOR FOUR DOLLARS FKR YJSAB, Single Copies Fortjr'Cent*. - ADVSSTIBEMBNT FOB MGS. • uooa Wordi proposed at its eitabiisifment to provide a magazine which would vellcet the every-day life of a good nan s and if public encouragement Be the criterion MJ l *® ftfiltzed its aim beyond u*e highest fiHHSHW? 111 VeS? l^ 4 bSTa bees e»H*iMnei|—ita slrca averaaed Otffi HUSTDHKD AfflD EIGHTY THOUSAND copies a month. Its con tributors include some of the very first writers is Eu rone, ana theiUuairationi are from designs* bythe best artists* and executed in the highest style of Wood Bs parlng. The following are some of the authors whose writings have helped to raise ‘ * GO DD WOSt)S r? to its presentposition*and who still write for it* Berman Macleod, D.D., DoraGreenwell. TbojnasGuthrie. D.D.* C, J. VanXn, John Oaird, D', D,. • C. Thackeray. Sir John Herssfcel* J. M. Ludlow* A. K. B. Boyd*- author of BarahTytler* *'Th« Becreations of a W. Fleming Btevenoont Country Faison* tT Dr. Andrew Wynter, Sir David Brewster* Professor W, F. Geae; Charles Kingsley, H D, Bogers, Ll*. D‘, 7. Alexander Smith* 88., Ac . the author* of James Glalsher* F. B. B. * * The Eclipse of Faith:} ’* Dr. lease Taylor, Professor Auberlin. P. H. Gosse* F r Mies Muioch* author'of Ber. E. B- Plumptre, Pro* “John Halifax* ’ feroorotTheology.Eing's Canon Stanley, D.D., College. _ Professor Plazzi Bmyth, Henry Alford. D.D.» Dean Is sQfMg, of Canterbury, Rev. 'A. W. Th6Y6ld, Anthony Trollope. J. 8 Howson, D D.. Laurence Oliphant* Horace Bashnell. D.D . A. A. Proctor* Rev. George HaeDonald. Jeanlngelow, Subscriptions received l JOHH J. kbomb: Ou JUSTE IST will appear ITo. 1 of THB FOBTJff IGHTL Y BEVIBW,- __ _ _ EMTBD_BTJ3EORGg HBNBY LEWE3 This is a new English. Journal, simitar to th« Paris i?crrt€ des Deux Maudes, treating of subject* which in terest cultivated and tuonthtfui readers, and published at intervals which ary »yiUiA* too distant foi influence onhhe pasting qne&tlou« nor tod brier for deliberation, The *'FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW" wlUbeestablished tojneet this demand- It will address the cultivated readers of all classes by Us treatment of topics specially interesting to each; and It is hoped that the latitude which will be given to the expression of Individual opinion may render it acceptable to a very various public The object of the “Fortnightly Review" is to become the orf an of the unbiassed expression of many and va rious minds on topics of general interest in Politics, Li tentare, Philosophy. Science, and Art. Bach contri bution will have the gravity of an avowed responsibili ty. Bach contributor, in giving his name, win not only give an earnest ox his sincerity, but will claim the pri vilege of perfect freedom of opinion, unbiassed by the opinions of the editor or of fellow contributors. The first number wili open With a new story by Mr. Anthony Trollope P Which will be> eoatiuuad through the first aixteennfwtatsoi the *'‘Review " The “FORTNIGHTLY KEYIBff *’ will H published OFFICE, 193 PICCADILLY. LONDON, Orders received by Ho. 403 CHESTNUT Street. IH MONTHLY FABTS, PBIGB 40 CENTS. Printed on flue>tonedPaper, GABSBLL*P ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY EDITION DON a0 O IXOTB, WITH ABOUT FOUR HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS, BT OUBTAVB PORE. Copies now ready. Sold by JOHN J. KEOMEB, 403 CHESTNUT Street. Subscriptions received for ALL FOBRIGN MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPEKB, at my 23-if KEOMBB'B 403 CHESTNUT Street. JpTW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS 11 ** tm * n *]Xnan * bvakb. (Hasard’s old stand), . No. 794 CHESTNUT Street FROUDB’S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. 2v01f.12m0. Tinted paper LIFE OF CICERO. By William Forsyth, author of “Napoleon at Helena, &c , Ac. 2 vols, ljmo. Printed on fine tinted paper, with, illustrations. HUGH WORTHINGTON. A Novel. By Miss Mary J. Holmes. FAIRY FINGERS A Novel. By Anna Cora Ritchie, fomerly Mrs. Mowatt A WOMAN'S FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF EUROPE. Wayside Sketches In 1883, By Mrs. S. A, Forbes. SUPSRIOB FIeBINGi or. The, Striped Baw. Trout, and Black Base of the Northern States By Robert £, Roosevelt. __ BEATRICE By Julia Eavasagh, author of “Na thalie, " “ Adels. ** etc. RATE KENNEDY A Novel. By the author of “ Wondrous strange." Ac, GRAVER THOUGHTS OF A COUNTRY PARSON Second settee. _ “BT. PHILLIP’S," Bv the author of “IRutledge." SKIRMISHES AND SKETCHES! By Gail Hamilton. HUNTED TO DEATH. A etorv of Love and Adven ture. A new novel - _ ALL THE NEW BOOKS received as soon as Issued from the press, and sold at lowest prices. mvSi-tf TV/TARY brandegee.— just out, ATX one of the best “Woman's Novels" ever pub lished. Of derided ability, originality, and power. Edition after edition is belng_prlnted, and the demand increases. CAKLETON, Publisher, New York, myg-mwftOt NEW BOOKS. HUGH WORTHINGTON. A. delightful new novel. BjMrs. Hut J. Holmes, author 01 * * Temoeat and Sunshine, ” Lena Elvers. 1 * *'Marian Gray, ’ T "Meadow Brook*" "Bullish Or* phans," "Cousin Maude," "Homestead," "Bora Deane. ’’ Price $1.60. This new novel Is deitlnel to have an enormous sate, aa orders are piling np for it in immense quantities. A capital new nayel. By Mrs. Anns Oars Rltehle (late S 3 rtf. Mowstt). the celebrated setreee. and author of “Autobiography ofanAatreet. 11 Ac. ' Thla book will be a great fayorite. aa it. plot and intereet la of tha moat powerful character. Price II 75. S .lirrmtav TTSHENO. AmU?sr* , yEa \* All handsomely bound In cldth, and sent by mail free> on receipt of price, by OARLETON, Fubliaher, myl7-wetl NSW TOSK. THE STRANGERS’ GUIDE TO PHI -1 LADELPEIA—A BBWAHD BEYISJ3D EDITIOB. PD A B »Vo H I S LL% Y ukIO BDILDIBas, Races of Amusement, Commercial, Benevolent, end Beligioue Institutions, Including Laurel Hill, Woodland, Monu ment, end othftr Cemeteries, &c.« with a MAP of the Consolidated, City and numerous ILLDSTSATIONS. ALtiO, A MAP 07 THE CITY in pocket fora. LIBDBAY & BLAEIBTOIT, Pabliaheiß ud- Booksellers, ms 23 Mo South SIXTH St., above Chestnut. TXISTORY CROWNS TBE BRAVE. A A The Fabliehera respectfully announce that THS HISTOfi? OF THS FBHSSILYAaiA -RBSBBVE COBPS U now ready for d«livav« to aubßcrioori , It contains a complete record of this gallant arganiaa tton; and of the different companies, regiments, and brigades, giving graphic descriptions of their Expedi tions, Marches, Skirmishes and Battles, together with biographical ik.Uhesof Officers and pelßooal Records of each private diudag bia term of .crvice—compiled from OFFICIAL REPORTS aad other Document., by J. B. BIPHEB, Eeq It is in one volume, octavo of 722 pages, ana is ele gantly illustrated by STEEL ESGfIa.Yi.NG3 of Go vernor CDETIB. Ofaerale MBAIiB MoCALL. and the lamented RBTHOLDB, and by a Hap of tbs vicinity of Richmond, chawing the route ot moroh and the battles in which the RBBBRVEB were engaged In the («ven daya fght; and 1. ncaUy printed on good paper and bandacmely bound in black doth and library leather. It la eold only by subscription. Prlcßfrom tbl. date, 84 SO in cloth; in library leßtheratyle, *S. Sent by mail free of postage, on receipt of price. Active and responsible partial, desiring to canva«a for this popular and attractive History, will make appil cation with wtitten re.ommendaUonj to. g _ Fublishers. Lancaster, Much 22,1866* xayl9-iitt MEW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS !! JA napoleoh’s histobt or Julius oassAH. V TBB P&SBTTBBIAH HISTORIC AL ALMAJAC iID ABHtiAE REMEMBRANCER OP THE CHURCH BDSBAMM*AH D HOMBB o,l 'Br Marion Harland, an- BBIIOIQH. Bp Id- PHn2LJPS? Tll fiyaiHhor of BnHedgSi &«. EKIBHIBHES AMD SKETCHES. By Hall Hamilton, loi .Seby JAMBB 8. OLAXTOH. Successor to W. S & ALFRED HASTIER* 60S GHKSTfifCT Street, 10-40. A PPLETON’S KBW AMERICAS! A CYCLOPEDIA. —(JompleU la 16 Tolame«. Varton* Styles of BladfUl:. BBBELLIOH BECOBD, hr Fraitfr Moore, in 8 Tols. KBRIVALS’B HIBTOKI OF TUB BOMAMS—BOW *°The Ajency for theseyalnatileworks ll at Ips-tf 33 81XTg8>w> -?iiri h ». tPSTATE OF JOSEPH CORSON, DE JEI CBl6BD.—letters testamentary on the Mtete of JOBBPB CtBSoS. lata of tie city of Philadelphia, deceased, having heen granted to theunderalgnedi all persona Indebted to slid eetate will please make pay “«»*■ andtho.aha T lM£lataßWtU o P E |..e bwaaat (Sam wm WIHDI.B, Kxeoutore. OntkrlMVUlai UkeMer 09 . Pi- »y 24 woi* TILE pipe, bends, BRANCHES, lud Traps at MMUfa.t|Mr-.jjrl«w. a Plumber and Gasfltier, 111 South S&YBBTTa Stieot, my24-3t» BUCKEYE MOWING ANDREAR SSSIBG MACHINES HAT ELEVATOR. And Bloc*«, Boise Rskea, CnltlTAtote, Hone Hon, Harrows, &c., for sals by D. LANDRETH &.BON, Implement ami Seed S^raaoaio, No. Ml and 33 S SIXTH Street. lt # „ Between Chestnnt and Market Sts. PRATT’S STEEL TOOTH HORSE 3?BiKKS. Hey. Spreaders, Hay Elevators, with Block, and Bope complete, forjAlgbj Bm3Ti Jfl , my 24 933. And 93* MABKKf Bt., above Ninth m k THE UNION M.OWIN6 MA SCcHIBSS —These celebrated machines now In store and for ial«at Jtt „ mj24 933 and 331 MABKBr St ■ eVov* ninth rift THE BUCKEYE JUNIOR MOWER iCand the BUCKEYE MOWER iND, BEAVER.- These nnrlYalled machines bow; to store and »*« at, jna&Ufaetnrers’ prices by Eo BERT BUIBT, Jk my24 Q?£.ana 9534 MABKST St., above Ninth. rift UNION MOWING MACHINE, IT which hae been folly tested for thelaet font year a It combines strength, durability, light well M, W,**- draft, with complete efficiency In cutting *raea, HAnl or heavy, wet or dry, lodged or etandina. and emCracei many minor convenience! not fonnd la other macbmea. Also foriftlo, the most Laum-MouKt in t’m market PABOH ALL MOtt dl», Bple Agouti Agrtsnltnral WerehoUße, -myp-lm 1139 MARKfir M”*l PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS PUR- X OH ABB the patent hinge-baok Photograph Albums at B P BEIMBK'B Gallery, 634 ABOH ceded by all, most durable, elegant, and daiitabie or alUtylcß. , —— PORTRAITS, OF FINE BTYLE AND M. wondrous actar&ey of Ukenete and exyreßsioa and coloring; none excel them. Bee *FP cl rt Lf,.» B/ A3 USE'S life- size Photographs, In oil colors, 6»1 A&uu Street. ' **_ HOLORED PHOTOGRAPHS —IN \J bfl.ntv SALESMAN IN A Jewelry Store; must understand the business. The btat of reference required. Address 14 Jeweler, 11 Ledger office. my24»2t WANTED—A YOUNG MAN WISHES * » a SITUATIOCT In » Broker’. CHBee. Best refe renoe given. Address ‘*B. A. D.,” Press office, my2l»2t* WANTED—A LEASE OF A BRICK "* Tard or Clay Ground, to manufacture brick, by re*p« *|tabllshed enevgetla man? agemeut. They will be instructed free of dblfie, the fact to be known only to parents and prlnettml, m the French, and Music, in con sideration of their belonging to respoetable- families, possessing influence _ Address, stating reeideaea, M Principal, M Press office, my2S st* WANTED— A S E*C O Nl> f * H&ND STJiAM-BMGINE; diameter of cylinder between 9 and 12 Indies, (or Intermediate diameter,) 1 for cash. Address ** J. G., 1 ’ box 1036. Post Office. mySWi* WANTED—AN INFLUENTIAL ” SALIBMAH Jn a WhoUfftlft Clothing Hoaae, one who can command ft cash or short credit ft 4 ** trade. A liberal engagement made from July Ist AU cord* mnoiestioAS confidential. Address “A. B. 0 Press office. • my2l-ft» WANTED-IN A DRY GOODS JOB ▼“ BING BOUBE. 01 MABKEf Street, an-active, Inlelligent SALESMAN, able to control some trade, and fully competent to wait on trade generally. To one disposed to devote his time to the interests of the House, a good position will be offered now or by the Ist of July. Address M Cash Trade. M my 20* 121* WANTED. —llO PER DAY, AT HOME. —Aar peraou, male or female, ean ele»r per week, at home, in a light, honorable btulneie. t 2 Hy? reauired. Returned .oldiern and others hayirg ft lew hour. kelly to epgre, C.a lunrn the nartt enlgre bj enelsilag l#a atamna for ol.iiilaf and retara post, Addreee * WAYVBhti. B>yl7-lm- Chicago, bos 1181. A YOUNG MAN OF ENERGY AND Activity, with a moderate capital, deelres to form a connection, about the Ist of July, with a Commission House, or a person who can influence Gonßicnaentfle Ail correspondence confidential. Address • ‘ Energy.” this office. it* A GENTS WANTED, TO SELL THE -**• genuine Improved New Bnglard Family SEWING MACHINES, the best Machine In the world. Address A. L LBBUBS ft GO., apßft-lm* Box 62, Orange, Mas<» GREATEST THING OF THE TIMES —BOWEN'S PRIZE ENVELOPES. -Agents Wanted everywhere. Premium Watches given to Agents. On receipt of $l5 we will mall, _poit-p&id» 100 Envelope*, and a splendid Solid Silver Hunting-Case Watch as ■ premium to the agent. A single Envelope sent, with sirsulir find futipartieulaic, on receipt or 25cents. Ad• dress JL % KQW2B A GO.; P, Oi«Btt 4279, 3B BBB&* MAW Street, N. T mh« 8a INFORMATION WANTED-SER- A OBAKT LEVIS MILLER, 00. L, 6th F«nna. Oa valry. was tak»n prisoner by the rebels at Beaver*Dam Station, Vs.. May loth. 1864. Has been heard from at Andersonville. Ga , an* Florence, S. G Any knowledge of his whereabouts will be thankfully received at lid North BLBVBNTH fetreet, Phila, myZI-Sc* XHttW ENTERPRISE—II 2 TO $34 A Day. Agents wanted, male and female, to sell Wilson’s ImprovedslB Familf BBWiN« machine. We will pfty siso a mosth and all ftkpenssg, or give a large commission, at Which the above waift? can be made. For terms and particulars address P O. LATHBOP ft Ga. Second Floor Front, No. 112 S- SIXTH Street, my 22 fit* Philadelphia. Pa.. •JtlOPi A MONTH.-AGENTS WANT everywhere to introduce the improved SB AW ft GLARE TWENTI-DOLLAR FAMILYSEW ING MACHINE, the only Jow-pries machine In the country which is licensed by Grover & Baker. Wheeler ft Wilson. Howe, Singer ft Go.» and Baehelder. AU other machines now sold for lees than forty dollars e&eh are Infringements, and the seUer and user are liable to fine and imprisonment. Salary and expenses, or large commission, allowed. lUnstrated circulars sent nee. Address SHAW ft CLARE, Biddeford, Maine m*lo-dftW3m $7O A MONTH.—I WANT AGENTS SP » v/ everywhere at #7O a month, expenses paid, to sell FIFTEEN ARTICLES, the best selling ever offered. Full particulars free. Address OTIS f. GABBY, Bidde* ford, Maine. mylO dftWfim « WANTED, ON OR BEFORE AU GUST 29, a gocd-cized House, bet#6Ml Thirteenth and Seventeenth and Pine and Market streets. Address ** Box A, * * Philadelphia Post Office, my 34 4t M WANTED TO RENT-FOR FIVE Msior six months, & large handsome residence, very handsomely furnished; would be offered on very favor able terms during the absence of the owner. Apply to my 22 BOBT. MACGbEGOB, 410 WALNUT St. FOR SALE AND TO LET. MF O R REN T—s3oo —A NRA.T DWELLING, food garden and pasture lot* sttaate on the Marshall Bond, or Walnut street, west of Fifty* sixth street. Inquire of D, T. BtTfiß* On the premises, or at my24*at* go. 300 MARKET Btraet. TO’SENT—OiT MAIK WKE^ Juik Germantown, within five minutes* walk of Sail, road Depot* from June Ist to September 16th. a well famished Bouse, with grounds attached. Address ** W. D. B.*" Germantown P 0. my2l-6t* MFOR SALE-THE PENNSYLVA NIA ACADEMY OP THE PINK ABTS—BUILD -IISO AND LOT. 1035 OHESTHUf Street. The ironed measure* 178 feet In depth, wt:h a front of 60 reet on Chestnut Street, widening to 100 feet for the ireater part of Its depth Por parllonlare. apply to the Cara tor on the premises, orto JORBSMIgiMI. mv24-«i 738 SANoOM Street. Mfa ctory and mill propbrt t FOR SALE at a great sacrifice, known as the banal Mills, CANAL Street, above Frost. Second Street, below Girard Avenue, forty* five horse steam engine* nearly new. shafting, &c Apply at the Mill- or to 536 Worth ELEVENTH my2i fit* J 9 FOR 'SALE—TWO DESIRABLE A Uirce-story Brlok Dwelling?, Nos 1829 (Immedi ate possession) and 1619 PILBKHT Streei.AJ>E!2 to m,23 Si* JAS. H LITTLE, 7,3* WALNUT St, M GERMANTOWN FURNISHED COTTAGE with STABLE ATTACHED, TO BENT my3B Bt* A.P.A J H. HOB It IS, 910 ABOH St. Mfor sale, on very easy TEEMS—The neat DWELLING. 309 North Eigh teenth street, r ear Logan Square, with the modern con venience, ;in perfect order. Very lHti«moco^re) nnn ss,sw,— ground rents fflO.Uul f«and Mortgage of S 3 030 for sale; well k enred upon properties in too narthwestern pert of the city Direct to "' J. S.. 1 ' Bo« 16711*. O. my34-3t* t?or sale—the good will and JT piXTUBEB of a Srst- class lmelness stand, suitable for any wholesale business, on Market etreet, be low Third. For partlenlaiß address, with res! name, 80x1867, Poet Office, myl7-wlm4t T7OR SALE.—ABOUT FIVE TONS OF A- COBUBDUM, *t hte_farm, Nowlin townehlp, Chester county. Address, Embreevllle P. 0. . Chester “mj^St* - JOHN LESLIE. Jr, ULINDB AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS. No. 16 North Sixth Street, KAmiyAOTtmBB or VBNITIAN blinds and WINDOW SHAPES. Tbs larnest and fines! Mwrimsnt in tb* «ity.a» fcbi OWMt «Mh prises. STOSS BHAJDBS MADE AJTD GEfFSBEPa Chop lot tolltd Bll»4« and Shade*. »&>,. VhoUuls and Retail Dealer in - WB IT B LEAD. ZIUKK ASBOOLOEB, AMEBIOAB AMD pbBEIGk WINDOW GIjASS, oy all DisoniPMoaß, AT LOWEST HABKBT BATES. At ante for PATBIIT GLASS LBWEBB. mbit 3mft> PARINET furniture. p MOOR* flfc CAMPION, 361 SOUTH SECOND STBUt, ere prepared to follow the deeiitte In ths market in the price of their Faroltart. Pa;chasers trill ploas®, cell and examine onr stock, mylO-ly* fUOTICE TO CLAIM A GENTS.— THE *N Hclre of THOMAS HBBDEBSDB and hl ABIf HEM DBBSOST. residents of Johnson county* received some information that they ate ®nMU«d to a large Estate, supposed to be in Irelaad. from whence then ancestors emigrated. Any wrret out and collect said estate YThThe B£mn . Addreisthenndexslgnsd at Franklin* Johnson conn- ISAAC g. HHfIDBBSOy. ■nonTHAITS OF PRKBIDKNT LIN* PreeUent supplied *». *5? “SS?;. toi t B lost out. New Caricature of Jeff U m ,*3 la North SIXTH Street. AT REASONABLE PRICES-. IPCTIOS SA Jjßg* gy HSRKNBBS* BAZAAR, NINTH A»D hAM BOM STBMTB.„ . *» -Bali ov bloodbd srocK, *«.. “°’ v Semi- Annnal Sale of Blooded ft , i’romo* or the Philadelphia Society fof lK , ™ ao * tton of Agriculture, wm take place on Sgjj.lf. »‘SfkT&. at th» Ponury, fto , are solicited, Arranßetnents will IF B ‘ Mk "" htghkat the BaanMV IBT.lg.ft hLVEBD M. BBBgHggg. AMiissAeeivrsr Ne w ohestnut-btreet thba rpljg ATTB4OTIOE EXTBtfIRWHkBJi GRAND EXTRA MATINEE, . IN AID OF TESIrINGOLH KOftUMENT FUtfD,- WHBK THS \ OBSaTJShT ABKfV. CiIIkTKST AgBAI GKBATgBT AM,AT GEEATKbT AKEAV . , or HlSrßlOiriC TALBBT . . lbalh “* WiU ear. has ing aU in the kindest manner volutt'* teered 1 TH MI If YiT.tFASLB bbSWOBSI' TO SSCOKL WI6 PaHSBWOBTHI W#6BT, LOO.E At TBS fTAMBSI Mr. B L. OAVhNPOBT, Hr. BDVVItI AD IMS. Mr, J. vIIIAOK, Mt.i ALItIB PLAOtDB. Mlm TB» E3-i WO'jD. EVIBT MBMBBR oi’ THB BIIOULAR CCHPAHY. OBBHRVB l’B I PROIiHAMMg: The afternoon ’e perfonnrnee %vtll oouun.nee rrith th, elaiant Comedy, In 3 achi. , WILlr OiTSj Or, tie. BTBOLLIDG 0 ikTLBM AH. Ephraim Smooth. -..Mr. E. L. Oavenport. Borer ........Mr, Edwin .dami, John Dorey..... —,-Mr. J, w. WaUaek. Lady Amaranth - - • Mine Alice Platotda. To he followed by a _ GBAUD PAS DE PiBCmATIOH. MISS TEBBSA ’VCpD; (Who has rolnnteerttd fothe OMaeion, > S6ag* r i,IMSK)Cg 18 BWmWFtTi-Hf. lewli P«kaE An appropriate POEM, wrLttod JyMiae Laura Loaie& Beeae, Will he reolbd by „. MrPS COEDELU , niPPBLL. BEACTjfm, I’.AL'.AB, MRB. SOPHIE Ola'.Bßrt'BiJßß, ADMIBBIOK TO THE BOHni MEET MATINEE OJtLV 50 OBHTSTO ALL PAfiTB O. f T.l& HOOBk, OhU dren under 12 years of aye, 26 ca ala. Poore open at IK o'clock. Pot torn ance to tommence at2K o’clock Srate may he secured In any pa rt of the homo, dally, at the Bex office for this occveion. • without u W'EW CHEBTNUT-8X REST THE A, AB -BE—OHESTKDT STBEBT, . .HOVE TWELETH. GKOYEK A 8195 Le uear nud Managere. LABI BIGHT BGT 1 HKEJ oftha WALLAOK AND l)AVB SPOr.T BISTBIOBIC ALLIAI IDE Ocneietln, of MB. J. W. WALLACK. MB, E L. DAVI IB PORT. _ MI.;S ALL OB FLaOIDE. W3BBESDAT EVESIBa. MAT 21, - The f erformanee will cousin of thsf , Hlatorloil Bomance, in d acts, tk' ta lEOH MASK ; 08. THE FEARFUL LOOM Leon Be Bourbon ..Mr. J. W. WALLACE. I??hf his friend,—— Mr. H l. DAvSSpO A'l. Borioaso PeiMaont, , Hill AL ICS rLAGZBX, ErtUinE Bco.d t of „ FORTY.FIFTH GBAUD FAMILY 1 UATIKBI, When, for the Last Time, the great lilt et* CUMMER BOARDING.—ONE OR two families, who ars willing to pay liberally. «a* obtain single or communicating roomi at a beautifully located place near Gwynedd Station. North Pennm; vania Bailro&d. Inquire at No 118 North BLwYBHTff Street. • It* DOABDING, FOR THE BUMMER D Season. at “ Prospect Home ” Apply early. For particulars address H. H, GfiUBB, Freeland, Afosigo mtry county, p *- my 24 oi A TLANTIC CITr.—“THE OLARHH rV poN” Is now open for the accommodation 6f BOABGEKS, transient and permanent May Ifllb; 5805, Da. JAMBS JJSHKIHS. myl7-wfml3t Proprietor, CEASIDE HOUSE, tO pool OF PENHBYLVAKIA ATBBOB, ATLeHTIC CITY, KBW JJSKSBT, la bow open for the Reception of Onaeljj. - ■ BOAfiIONO, HOARDING.—ONE OR TWO, ROOMS , ! ’ with BOA HD. at Ho. BBS South FOURTH Street. Belorenoy Tcquircd. my 18 3t* SECOND- , Aj itory Room Y&eant, at No. 02 A South' W ASHIHO TOW Square. ; myat at* TY&.Y BOARD, WITH FIRST OLiSS ; JJ pinner#, at Ho. 6»* South WASHIHOTOM , Suuan. ■ nyt™ TYESIB a BLE FRONT ROOMS TO LET, A/ with hoard, COOPER Street, Camden Inqolro 408 WALBUT Street. myaa-inwftf LOST AMD FOUSD, T OST—ON'TH"e MORNING OF TPHB . asd Inet., between Walnut-street Wharf ant Camden depot, a PACKAGE Of'MOHST enoloreiln a buff envelope. „ , , ... Tht finder will be literally awarded by catting at MESCBaHTS 1 HOTEL; tlortVifOPjtTH Btreefc, K* . Notice.— application has been made at the Office af the •’HARRISON Clit COMPAHY" fora renew tfof OBBTI f Oy'BTOCKL On e for One Hundred Scares. No 81. daUOeeember 80th. 1664. In the name w B B. THOB9TOM. and ihl. other fS Fiftyßharse.*®* «V dated JMwryJilu 18M, In the name of SABAH the sams hayinit , bfen lost or mislaid. • , .... « m All persons are herihf required, wlkhiat four Weeka, from this date, to co:ne forward and show cause ;lf tag, they haye» why new*Certificates should not bo issued, In lieu of those lost* B. B, THORNTON. Mat?. 1866. mr3 wfmltt* . CWEET SEIRITB OF NITRE, PURE, (tj. S P.O jtnauufaotured by 3. B, YOoSGe Apothecary, cornerBBVBHTH and.SPRIHO QABD*I* : Streets, Philadelphia. mymot* . TYEAF MADE. TO HEAR -INSTRU MBBTB to aeatet the hearts«, 1* * T^ r l,TVi[ Ja'S of the mo.t epy roved oonstrocthin. at P. M»->htUA B. lIP South a.iow Cheated. my!H KOR ALBANY ANDTROY. loiy..bhMß ‘ SS'ldt 30* South DBbAWjJtrArewa, w^i .mihg , toS "aha* balk! OITTFOUHaAM T,.’tm liars, D.pot?°o?n*rof BBOAR WAF,HIHGT9H Avenue, UMSjJ'JS* w ““ w,w “* ; HA'a r4»s STRAMBBS el Baltlioore. „,„an 7* ■ 7m to MobajMd""""- .1 ~ ,™n w Fife to BHywiatn—“"‘".P. 9,58 raw taHorfolh, "" r "‘ h‘ ,; r fegs*»T, suet, CEO A. ninMPH. oea. Ttchat Aaent. MTU 181 i i ~^~7Mirriri 4— -lhoo|' Jf JuunttOh V^l^SoHfißio -rßijW * r A»T« Vlue.stwet jhrnr et 10 Wa. Hi 1 bt Mif M - «* to " u » i^s, a