« tubs: Tjja Boston article on pletch Of tie s collated fromtl Cf bis own me®! <‘Thn future >aby a t>raverj ano s«i beside Ration and M> of the ladder, having' >ok up arms on Ws r r 8 who evere in tbe ie pen* deicri good sen. eof the country soon ai of Jeff Davis, and be' ie e tra the ran* of « 7 bold. Jjlß command, re ban* Cred men, bai ier ten \ousand rebel of the r bis raids bi »u peo« S* in the *W uotnl -55,, -iinourpns TJamn Inhere to* snail wSoi -see,stool :otobe SobbSc ' U P' M ' puulty, feonrtntL * wbat safety. H tol BUII, iar re»r 5 a rein » 1 wa S on trains, atii Id ' "ad likely ;to f»V **? rarely eatei ”< freitaJ stances of . 81 m™ev hftTßhly. bot a i ««*««"«* - » f »w and » 8 1*>® term Is eii.res.eil ay tbe prl lonersNlSp thrvuglt them, /da a division nude SJ • were .m tins fsld each one’s autre was *2168 In par. ion Moshy 1* not formtUble. He S not over five feet I-own tun, la two and spare, and can clasp . b,s ood £ (^ l i t ) ?J? n ?SS2 s V ft l l ls ftuA Is nlimit mircv re, 1 rR - na. n losensiDle to fa llane’ Snows no inelr *wd ua/ftar, Has tde piercing ale ot’ an (nlle, end nc presses a person wiott tlio < jLVvi.lv W ran (atiiom ids’-.Hmejinost tbomthts. rrbVJifoeoial tels exacting-. jHelsastlllfalhojss- S/'JS “„t: drinks no IflUoiSiatlnir llquws, nndWs favorite t»'■erase is strohr colfea. Ho »f -fnwed no ffien of tie ooinroand tom%lre see of ardent snlrjur and destroyed alt that oMaie srlthln His r«aob 5 strategy was no myth with hi at. Oa one occaßion, being severely wounded by our men, he ordered his aid to strip hi,9 of r&SK »rom bis shoulder and leave 1 him to his f&ie Tbe Federal soldiers approached him, stripped blm* of bis boots, and le;t him, seeuiiogiy lu the last throes of life little dreaming that there lay onefeigulng mortal wounds whose deiuh would have been worth thousands of men to ouroauie.’ But to him this was another exploit. Oa another occasion Gen.Xee wtebed to deal with a man by the name of l>elanie,-wbo had left the Uosfeder&oy and come within our slices at Alexandria, and he de tailed MoEeby to .capture him,, lu the evening, at tended by a tickle orderly, he made his way throagh imr Ur*s to Deiaiita’s hoQSO, and lmoosted ac cue door. Vhen bis summons was answered by him la person. Mosby Informed him that he was a pri soner, took him through the streets of Alexandria, passed the pickets In safety, and la due time dell* vereti tbe man In Richmond, There w*s no dan £ert.us missions to which he ordered his men which e was not willing to stare with them. Not anna Who was in his command has a word to say agatnst him, and they express tbe opinion that he has made nothing by hlB raids. He loved exottements, aad a sharp contest was the best place to display his cool ness and darinsr. Before the war he was a lawyer, of no great reputation for ability. Had not the for tunes of war brought him out he would not have bad a note in the world’siiletory. But that has ren dered him JDfftmOU‘, and he stands branded as a traitor to that flag under which he w.oe roared. 11 1 Advertising- for a Wifb, and wsat Game ©f It.— The Toronto Leader gives the particulars of ft matrimonial romance, in which a Vermont clergy man was the main character, the denouement of which was, however, but romantic to him. it seems that a farmer in McHenry county, Illinois, named W—, had advertised in a Cntcago paper for a wife, which'was replied to by a dasnlag young law Student of Toronto, ripe for fan, under the name of Helen Christopher, A warm cor- Itsponcence ensaed, “ Helen” imitating the hand and style of a lady anxious to make ft good match, and describing herself as an orphan of respectable family connections, and of means, re siding in Toronto. The correspondence was finally broken f’ff by W ’s neglect in paying his postage, which in Canada amounts to BomaiMng, and he married some one In his own neighborhood. Bat the sequel contains the pith of the story. W —‘s f*. ther, a minister in Vermont, and a widower, by gome means got hold of “Helen’s” tetters to tits son, ftndi being ©truck with her style, wrote to her with ft view of marrying her himself. He told her that «i am a minister of the gospel,- am unmarried, hurled a nice little wife years ago, and have no cult = dren to tax the attention of a companion. My family la provided for andolf my hands. I think some* fluids of discontinuing preaching, and of retiring to private life. My age people judge to be thirty-fire, though lam older. lam above the middle size of jren, though not large; have perfect health, aad a fair position in society. My complexion is dark, With dark eyes and hair—hair not tinged with gray Is the least. "What makes my complexion Btill ■ darner, I wear full beard and moustaohe.” And queried: ** May I ask my little piri (if I may be allowed to . call her so) if-you are a Christian llf you can sing ftnd play oh the molodeOb? If you have good health t What Is your complexion 1” Helen promptly replied, and an animated eorre •ppondenoo-ODgued* resulting In the Reverend in- Wiling himself to visit Toronto to obtain an inter view with his fair correspondent. This was rather more than “Helen” desired, and thinking it lot’ prudent to bring the old man on a fool’s errand,, some six hundred>mlUß from-his “local” habita tion, sent him a* note over another name, pretending to have accidentally found one of his letters, and to I>6 a rival of bis tor the affections of Helen, and > threatenlng him with castigation In case he shonld -make his appearance in this city. Rev. J W. wrote again to Helen, disclaiming any wrong intentions, ftnd asking if his rlvalehonld exercise any control over snob a lady. She then replied that he might come, when he replied that be would be there on tne sth or loth of May, when he expected to meet bis “ lit tle girl,’ l MS Jfr dearest Helen.”.He arrived on the day Appointed, and senthia 11 little-girl ” a note, desiring her to meet him at ftcert&in hour at the corner Of a certain street. He went, but saw no oao like the photograph “Helen” had sent him, which waß the portrait of a prominent actress. Beit the e# of a large party of “Helen’s” acquaintances, who had been let into the secret, were upon him. He ap peared sadly disappointed, being fidgety m his movements, easting wlstfol glances at the passers by as he. promenaded the streets, whilst his tor* - mentors, for such they were, could scarcely contain themselves. They were at his Bide at the post-office, on the street, and even talking with him in the no tel. Not finding hie “ little Helen,” he concluded to leave town, nut “she” determined he should POt go until ho-had learned a lesson. Wiihhls party DfrnendB he appeared at the station, end, stepping Op to the reverend gentleman, as he stood on the ear -platform, he'held out his hand, shouclug, “Hiw are yon, *W—? How Is Miss Helen Christopher?” jttr. J. W. became pale with rage, stamped hi? foot on the planks, and, with uplifted hands, exclaimed, 11 Von vile rascal, how dare yon play me such a trick!” Jnst then the train started, amid the Shouts Of the merry young fellows, for W and Helen Christopher, bearing off the discomfitted, foolish old lover, a sadder and wiser mao, and Who will probably never get a wife by advertising. N thb Indian Matrimonial Markrt.—'Tie chief periodical outdoor show at Calcutta Is the arrival of a home steamer In the cold weather, when a cargo ©? maidens for the matrimonial market is always brought out. Upon these d&ys bachelors who arc •’Shivering OO the brink” of the other state, and are tired of the loaeltßws of an Indian Station, go fiowntothc “P. and O,” wharf at Garden Reach and iDßpeot the new English faces; sometimes very pretty faces, but oftener bearing such marks of jnome wear as prove that the East Ie not tried until the chances elsewhere are rather bad. The ploture Is an odd one. Each (< battery of fair ones Is tinder the charge of an experienced matron, who answers for their conduct up to that point. As they land, they try to look utterly unconscious of their miEßlcm, and of the fact that they are open to au • eligible ofler within ten mlnuteß after their arrival. Marriage Is usually rapid work In India, bat the last two cold seasons arc said to have been so bad that it would be an act of good nature on our part to discourage further, shipments at present. The' faot Is that India does not enhance female • ©harms. The plump, round, lithe figure soon be* comes sharp, angular, and stiff- Mosquitoes and Bengalee servants are not good for tbe temper, and as there Is no opera to go to, and nothing particular to talk about, It would be strange If the 'emile na* lure did not sometimes get a little soured and very Stupid' "Yet His la India that the tNM dOUrhge, self-denial, and affection of & #6od woman are oon* Stantly being shown —only that such women were Sever overland consignment's to the market. It is a bad time for these lair adventurers now, however falrtbey may be; and as for those who have lost their bloom* they had better content themselves • with teaching dirty little boys at home, for the days Of promise for them are over.—Saturday Review, Mutual Rblations of thb Drama and tsb Opbba —Nobody who has known better times will deny that poetical dramatic performance Is falitug Into decay, and that more public encouragement is given to the opera and to the ballet thantohluh tragedy, or even to comedy. The reason Is obvious: the nineteenth oentury has brought forth more eml* pent composera of music than dramatic poets; musical aspirations belong to the fashion of the day; there are few well-bred people without some know ledge of music, and you will hardly find a young lady ** Whose fingers do not walk with gentle gait Over that blewed wood, whose motion sounds With her sweethands. ” Add to this, that an eminent singer has—for la* dto, at least—far more attractive pqwera than au eminent actor, while the the brilliant Taise-en sg&k?, the splendor of eostnmes and decorations, offer to the public charms which a classical play cannot afford* A Biblical Application.— The New York Evening Post gives Its readers the following note, whose very pithy hint has been addressed it in seven different shapes: Ab Jeff Davis disclosed his sex by showing his Peels beneath the crinoline, we thlak the twenty second verse of the thirteenth chapter of Jeremiah peculiarly applicable to his case : u And if thou say 'fa thy heart, Wherefore cone these things upon Bte 7 For the greatness of thine iniquity are thy Skirts discovered and thy heels made r>ire.” , B BOOMS Strbbt. iHRIYALS AT THE HOTELS* Tbe GUI G H Hammer, Harrlsb’g . J H Twitchell, Boston I liLLycu, New York i J M GreW, Indiana JS Holmeß & la, N Y 1 J T Morris 6c la, N J Jas Clark, New York < Thos H Horton, N Y 1 T B C stomp, Lancaster l H H Walnwnght, Balt ] W F Snyder, Baltimore j Simon A Feldman George S Jones ; 0 f PWfto, Wash. D C 1 S H Bacon, Wash, D 0 i HM Mitchell, New York 1 W E Hartwell, Boston S L Krcgman, Oil City i Wm Thompson,Soranton' B G Turner & la, Mass 1 John W Harkins, Ohio Geo W Elliott, Fenna H T Williamson, Del Mrs Williamson 6c da,Del S O Swan, Harrisburg Chas B Potter, Pottsvllle Chas P Smith, 1 ork co Geo W Bornean, Fenna Chas P Hortman, Ponna C P Hal). Washington Wm P Williamson, K I A M EiCkhids, Newport C S Watson & ros, Del K Watson, Delaware D b Cameron, Baltimore J H Cobb & wf, Dane co G Magrnder, New York N P Thornton, Boston W BNewoombe,NH W T Barton, Delaware E M Loring, Baltimore W M Bladen. Baltimore Mr H«tthoin, Trenton Jlrf H&itom & ch, N J B N Egabert, Newark T P tiklLton, Newark Jas Bosion, Boston H T Shu Pa. Penca J S Carpenter. Penna P H Alfriend & la fe JVlOTvan. Lowell Lieut Knox -sL£ M‘‘nls, Reading ***** EKaUen, WUxn,Del H Rogue __ . I P E Dopny, VlrglnU C K Hare, Klobmond, Va! o J Klobarda, New York q W Dooiiheny, U S N j W Krebs, Baltimore N Frazier, Jr < mv' t J Harkness J a Griffith, Cutout, O J J J acfcson, Jr, W Va R I. Robinson, Pittsburg J M Brown, Onto Ouas M Gtn.on & wife U Webster, Baltimore F Tyson, Baltimore ,n an _m, tMa IVlJsbr, 'many S B Taylor, Kentooky W Li New York O J tJii'p New Jersey Mrs Sioelatr, Bal lmoie J J Oaesldav & la, N O j W J Bates, Jr, WHeeling D L Stone, New York H S Helmbold &'» , G M Haztwali, N York ueo W Garrison, N J Ohas Brown, Cincinnati Til-p j\ l>««ee8. US A Dr W G Poole, Georgia K W Stoughton, N Y W L Bigwow, New York j Wren, Pottsvllle j F H»rtD, PottsviUe W A Mortimer, Pottsv’e T b»yd j New York .1 E shv w W B Dunning, Penna Lieut G T Brewer, N J .T a Borland, New York Edw Timms, Washington David Austin: New York A A Ploruer, Franklin oo U S Olden, Princeton JHBi own, Illinois E Stevens, New York 1) Walton, New York Isaac Crops, New York W T Whitley, New York H F Oggsnali, Maes D M Carpenter, Mass W Goodwin, Mass O o aridity. New York F*Webb, New York E a MatUdeson, N Y A Michel R W Peterson* N Y HPB Bewces H W Elliott, Cincinnati J Waray, New York H Smith, Hlobroond, Va A J Ford, Richmond, V* A Gartmal & wf, Penna J C Stone, .Oidb 1 David Bachman,-N. Y. N W Sanborn, luaes G A Fuller, Mss* Olivct Calld, Now York J B Ssnsom, USA' W w Ctsmeßson&wf.Ran . W Felon?, Charlotte N O H Fertlg; Harrisburg HC Williams Peoria 111 J G Welddo, Pittsburg D Haggerty, Pittsburg Jos McKee, W Chester D 0 Saylor, Allentown C B Pease, nnnn D Bratton, Eikton Wm Chapman, Penna E Twaddeli, Hancock W Twaddeli, Hancock D Blanchard. L Haven 3 G Fetter, Bethlehem S H Smith, New York R D Comings, Bellefonte S Dove, Williamsport S B Witter, Ohio J dugstadt, Milton W s HaUpenny, Penna W Helnen, Milton B Gcmmlll, York co E J McOnneyShlppeiißb’g ■T J MeGr&wn, Lancaster j NLcGrawn,jr,Lancaster S S Sayport, U S N ! J W Andrewß, New York W Dalzell. New York S Wert, Rhode Island E S Fleming, Alex, Va E A Crctsman, N J J Perry, Maes J G- Cromwell & wf, Balt M Moran, Baltimore OaptG A Bower. N J ,T K Chew, New Jersey Lt Col H F Chew, N J S Buck & wf, Reading G E Whitney G Bast, Sohuyl Haven H Uolbeiteon & wf. Pa Alex Davidson, Penna AUx Oaloertfon, Penna H Bowmen, Millers? E J Crandall & wf, 111 Jns Duggan. Louisville i Lieut R 0 White, USA The 1 J D Mcßride, Wash, D O C Elwood, Wash, D C H c Perley, New York E Wood, Boston J E Willey, Newark, Del W H Saw s er, Columbus IR Dangler & wf, Ohio L Rambo. Dresden, O .1 M Brooks, Nevada W W LatUmer, H. Chunk G Rosb a wl, Lebanon GWKVS* 16 wales, N Y AI) Wales, Milfora, Del J -Wallaoe, Zanesville B Wales, Milford, Del E P Thompson, Pa K Allison & wf. Pottsvllle Mrs Beckerly, Sohlk oo The Von Z Slofldard, Cape May S 1> I-elb, Wash co W M Meredith, Ind J Phelan, Albany J J Howe J Gown, Pottstown J P.nnock, Ches oo W T Richardson, Md J M MoMlnn, Wmsport J Mentzer. Pottstown J Yocum, Pottstown Lk.ft Gilbert, Pottstown G W Gilbert, Pottstown E Kline, Pa J H Miller,Lebanon J D YtTkes, Sidney j. w chandler, Md J Thompson J Baxter, Ches oo W A Fraker, Pa J Deckelmayer A eh, Pa J H HUI, Doylestown H Gtloert, Penna B Caawallador, Penna The Bali E Ij Kalaßi Mohanoy E B tHivlltaheruor. Va O M Elnairnmili, Ya J M Slioll.aberper, Va- T S P Steiner, Nazarett J C Beltel, NazaratL .Tos Selple, Nazareth Jar Fisher & son, Pegna E C Battel, Nazareth Jacob Bowen, Penna Jacob Ulrich, Penna. M O G-reenwald, Fenna Jas M Oeebr, Reading Rufus Y Yerfcee, Penna W W Williams,WashPa Alex Regg, Chester co Jas H Bay, Newark, Del T B Wood, Salem, N J S K Norris, Sob’ll co, Pa C W Wardes, New York w Brown & wf, N Y |K Bast, Kutztown D Rivers, New Yoik J S Young, Co&tesvUie H A Carroll, New York B P Potts Chas Jones & wf. N Y jW C Laird, Juniata ,CC H B Snyder, Clinton oo J L Barton, Juniata co R H Stowe, Danville JA Grubb, Liverpool, Pa J Pennebaker, Lancoo t HSMyers, New York The Black Bear* * John Sohall Trexlerton D K Harper, Olney W Rlettel, Hellertown Jae Glbaon, Meadvllle Ellas Obold, Penna Aaron Mattls, Penna Philip Obold, Penna Geo Sohlotterer, Penna Sami Elegel, Stroudsb’g Tbe h&actisoui. Geo H Walker, USA A Lord J P McQuHlin, Mass P S Kngler, Frenohtown J O Cele, Scott, Pa Wm Bowers & la, Penna j W tvie, Scott, Pa Wm Thomas & la, Penna W H Gleason, Honesdale Miss Davis, Penna J S Hester, Newtown IMrsEynon6taohU,Pa Dr Dickerson & wf. Pa J The Barley sheaf. jr>im Saylef, PfMChtwn Jos Hairoj Broofelyn S E Gerber, New York W Miller, Shafferatown J M Elt. Carverßvllle W H Edwards, WUmlugt Otis M wing, Boston Geo Ramsey, HartsvULe H W Rublnkan, Hartsv’e , Bargains in Clothing ! Bargains in clothing i Bargains nr Clothing! Babgainb in Clothing! Bargains in Clothing! Bargains in Clothing! Bargains in Clothing! Bargains in Clothing! Offered bt Perry & Co., Offered by Perry & Co., Offered by Perry & Co., Offered by Perbt A Go., No. 303 Chestnut street, above Third, No. 609 CHEfftVUT Street, (Ct&ANVILLB BTOSBS’ Old Stand,) Add 8. B. Cor. Seventh and Market Sts (JONHS* ) If 08818. Perry & Co. have undoubtedly the largest Stack of ready-WAde Clothing, and finest variety of aiylei now presented te the public In this oltr wlu» stock )b new, bought at-the lowest rates, got up in the best manner, and sold at Wonderfully Low Prices. WONDBRFULLY LOW PRICBB. Wonderfully Low Priobs. Wonderfully Low Priobs. Our fries d» and the public are Invited to call and examine for themselves, and be convinced that it is to their advantage to deal with ns. Attention is also called to Our Custom Department, Our Custom Department* Our Custom DEPARTMENT, Custom Department, Our Custom Department, Irani* James Williams, Beaton Henry Tomer, N Y j) B Lawman, New York Jos L Blanchard. N Y Frank Hunter. Harrisb’g T K Kaudolf, Harrisburg 00l A Reymond, N Y II ML Florence, New York K Orawtord, Look Haven F $ Jacobs, Harrisburg A L M»rduch, Hatrlsb’g W r Roatch, New York J K*hu . w H Em»lßger,Barrlsbg \i $ Patterson. WhOfiJlfig H H Myere, AlfcoOfl* John J Allen, Pittsburg L Coleman, Easton T E Fernell, New York Edw E TUI, UiA Lee Bart, Detroit B Hollingsworth, Md J S Stiles, Newark, Del Dlller Luther. Reading R R OooUran &. la, Del W Pennyp&cker&aoQiVa Ij H Smith, Reading Mrs Judge B»nks t Fenna A’m M Hiester & wf, Pa Thus H Keckerc, Penna l) L Kirk, Jr, Deland E L Conway Her Dr sceU?y A |&,PhJI& ■JDm L JBerger ! V Brett, New York GaoSlmooe, Maryland HO Peters, York Springs J F Bfxter, Oarltsle H MGraydon, Harris b’g O M Howell, Lancaster Mrs Dr Mitchell. Penua . Col W Batler & ia, Pa s E Seymour, New York F G Tucker. Albany j L Plumly. New York O Newman Al*. Brooklyn W H Ctymer, Reading E Brooks, Birds boro B Shaw & sis. Tamequa U W Gross, Harrisburg Miss N Kervio,Richmond j y Craven, Salem, N J J H Paynter, Delaware Xbe Coi itfnental. |S B Simons, Boston A S Startevant, N York !H F Palmer, New York J Tweddle. Albany Miss A E Tweddle, Alb'y Mrs Tllluuthase, Albany A Hoopes & 1, W Oaeater Miss Worthlnieton, P* Mies Erbon, Pnllada G B Tnomas, |W ones tor U W McFarland, Penna T O Lombard, Boston J K Thompson, Boston W H. Fritz, U, New York Mr F Webb & wf, N J rehanttN Ihe Bel Felix W Lewbaoh-Penn* A Wolle, Pennai James Irwin; Clearfield F Seitz, £iB ; on J J Forley, PUtsburg s Deilivoe, BaUlmore R Lawson, Baltimore iVT Roysteo, Baltimoro A 1) flatnpball, Newark L L Haatzingor, Penna N Saylor, Penna NVonlfc, Peana E-T Warren, Penna W N Levan, Penna w m Lnsaig, Ashland J F Johnßon, California J N Woodward, N J W MhckMh, Mo Yeytown Mast B Maoklln, Penna Jas Healey. Chester oo H Holton, New York J R Dcnbar, Newport.Pa T Wormon A la Penna H Guetennan, P Clinton D E Nlca*, Pottsvllle W B Rudy, sch Haven T Rtook, Easton E D Bleckihr, Easton w Laubaoh, Easton ; W L Evans.Gra9QSburg ■ Hon J LtWbj, Grennsb’g 1 A Loohinan, Harrlabarg leriean. !A M Gillespie; Barbados H U FondersoHth U la, Pa A E Taylor, Salem, N J A C Ltnvilie, Baltimore Mrs M McDonald, Bill W H MoDonald A wf,Mi T Kear, MtnersviUe S A Philips, Mlnersvllle J Shellenberger, Penna J Witzeman. Mlnersv’e J Anstay, Mloersvllle J Asprll, MluersviUe W K-Looe. Phllada Ideat H H Gasklll, USA G S Rowootham,Reading John J Pratt, U 3 N Geo B Orswell, U S N A M Richmond, N York P E Dnpuy, Virginia L J Smith, New York Mrs L J'Snit'*, N York EU Sntollffi Ndff Ytuthsly Itch. (Wheaton's) Itch. SJLTBHBUM. (OIHTMKST) BALT BEECH. Will cure the Itch in 48 hours. Alio, cures Balt Rheum, Dicers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Pilce CO cents. By sending 60 cents to WESKB & P>>iw TER, BOBTOET, Hass, will be forwarded free by mail. For sale by all Druggists. mhlS-Qm gur-’Sm Chickbbino’s Pianob—e'-yjM TT» f tlaO.OOOßOll),—N«wWareio»ms.Fl « 111 Eatr.se. Is Art Caller?, 014 CHESTSHT Strwt. ' m?4>Mk* fflt. a- kdttos. Bp Gkobcb Stkck & Co.’s AND MASON & HAMLIN’S CABINET ORGASIB. PTAFO Over 000 each of these fine CABINET FOhTES. instruments have been sold oy oBG ASB Pli.NO Mr. G.. and tbe demand is con- CTiBISBT FiißTßi stantiy increasing. i? 8 ®, 4 .! 9 .?* PjaNO For sale only bv CAnlfiEP FOBTKB. J. 2 GOULD, PIAHO SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Sts. CABiNEf FORTES. noao-tf ORGANS. Clothing by thhMilb. Tke Immense stock of B3ADY-MADB CLOTHING sow dfisplayed at WANAMAKES * BKOWWS ®AK BALL POPULAB OLOTHIHQ BOUSA 8. X. «r. SIXTH and HAKKXT Sta. if placed la one eontinuous line, would reach a long dittanee teward Rishmond. Thisloaa stream of Cloth' lag is nuudfig-off at VAKVELLODBLY LOW PETCAB a®H-« kdakried: HOOPES—WORTHINGTON.—ODthe 22d lust., attheresidecco’of the bribe's father, West Chea ter, Pa ,'Abner Hoopes to Mallsda M, r daughter of Dr« Wilmer Wonhmgton. * HUE X 3. CHAMPION.—On the 22d Inst., at his late resi dence, 107 Vine street,.O. CoUlns Champion, In the 66th year of his age. * ** HERheRT.-Ou the 16th inst., Henry Herbert, Captain U. S. O. T.,son of the late Hoary Herbert, of Fianhford, in the 23d year of hts age. The relatives and friends of the fsftDllv are Invited to attend the funeral from the residence of his mother, on the Boßileton Turnpike, above Frink ford, cn Wednesday morning at 10 o’olock. ** JEWELL.—On Monday mornlDg, lastast, Rachel L., wife of Dr. Wilson Jewell. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Tburs dsv ajternoon, 26th Inst.,at 3 o’clock. *** HOOVER —On the evening of the 2lst last., MsTgaret Hoover, In the SBlh year of her age. Her relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of Hannah Flanigan, No. 234 North Broad street, on Fourth-day after noon* at 2 o’clock. * rest, at Moorestowo, N. J., on the morning of Saturday. May 20th, Mary, relict of the late S. C. Thornton, M. U. The funeral Is appointed for Tuesday, the 23d Inst., at 3 o’clock P. M. The friends of the family will attend at her late residence, without more funeral notice. ** HERBERT.—At Goldsboro, N, C., on the morning of the 16th Instant, Opt. Henry Herbert, of Frank ford, late in command of Co. H, oth Regiment, U« S. C. T. Due notice will be given of the faner&L **- OLACK ENGLISH GRENADINES.— A? Ju.t reeelv.d, a cat. of Black Eagli-h Greoadiaas, at 19 ccatt * J&rii BBSBVH * Bjore, . , . 9JB CHHSrilBr straat. 08. price. Przoes In plain Egflgaa. my 10 PLACE CHALY DE LAINE.—JUBT A> osenedy one case of plain blsck Chaly de Laiass at S7K cent, a ?ard. BBSSoK A One price Prices In plain figures my 16 TAJ HITE SHA WLS, BEST ASSORT II mentintown. Fore White Barege Shawls. Pure w hile Herna«ift «-• o. Puto White Shetland do. Pnre White Thyet Silk Fringe. my Ig tf EYKE A LANDELL. WVSf' LECTURE AAD ADimESS. ■» Rav. J. W. BARNfiARr, A H.» President of Fairmonnt Female College, will deliver a lecture on THURSDAY EVENING* Hay 25. at 8 o'cloctyac .m.rl-ap Mcchudu’ Hall, earner M i’OCBTH and QEGBaa Strati. Subject: “THE HATIOEfAL.PBBSEHT.” Addressee will also he delivered by Her Wm. T. £tb, j«v. J. H. a, Bombe/ger D, D , Sev. Joseph. E. Smith, Bev T. A Ferniey, and ex-Governor Pollock. National Anthems will be sane by celebrated artists, who hare been secured for the occasion. i# ~. Proceeds for benefit of Religious Union Meetings held in this hall ' . x ‘ . _ Tickets £0 cents. For sale at Doctor Hers hay’s drag ttoie, corner of Fourth and . George street*: Bowers’ drag stores. Sixth and Vine streets, and Sixth and Green streets, and at the dry- goods stores of Harvey A Kennedy,Second street, below George; ShUllogsford’s No. 1i62 Hancock itreet; Price &.Wood’f« No. 113 North Ninth gtieeti ana at 1 hor&ley & Chism’s, corner Eighth and Spring Garden streets. my2S 3F ISF” AT A STATED MEETING OF THE Directors of the MERCANTILE LIBRARY COMPANY, held Fifth Month llth, 1865, a committee appointi d to prepare resolutions expressive of their sympathy and condolence tor the loss of our deceased President, aBRaHAM LIS 30LN,• produced the fol* Whereas* It bath been permitted by an inscrutable and o\er- ruling providence that oar lamented Presi dent should fall by the hand* o? an assatsin, a martyr to the upholding and preservation of oar beloved Union and proclaiming universal liberty throughout the land; be That whilst we bow in humble submission to the divine will of Him who judgath all things aright, we, with every true and loyal lover of our common eountvy, feel the mournful privilege of sorrowing fur the less of so great and:good a man. Jteiotoed, l r ha: in the death of bo humane and pa triotic a Fresidoat, one nation is deprived of one Of its brightest and puTMtorvaaiantf' inasmuch as he was «o eminently led and guided by the gyld.a. rale of justice and mercy to all. _ ~ . „ ... Ketotvert, That in his Proclamation of Emancipation we reoegniza the pointings of a divine hand, and, with, a desire to be gufred thereby, we will continue to use all proper efforts to our again becoming a happy and : united people. w>th the last vestige of slavery and oppression forever obliterated from our country’s soil, that whilst hie memory wiT be cherished in. the pre sent it may be perpetuated to the latest posterity - Rriolctd, That we, in unison with the sentiments of the community in which w« live, do hereby tender our leartfelt sympathy to hie bereaved family, with a trustful assurance that he has received the reward of the righteous man. - , • Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing preamble and resolutions, signed by the President and Directors of this Library, be forwarded to the family of our deceased Pießident. Abraham Lincoln _ ij . • t. MORRIS PBROT, President. DIVINIT r STUDENTS’ AID SO DS? OIUTY of the Protestant Episcopal Church The third annaal meeting will be held T HIS BV£2) ING at ST. ABDKhW’3 CBDRCH. at 8 o clook. Addresses wßibo deilvorsd by Bev, Dr butler* flev. w. p. PAIiDOUH. Bev, S; At £: KIOHABDi.ind CHAfttßd B. LEX, Esq. ___ U T ■ ra> ANNIVEBSARY OF THIS A»EK(- WBB CAN SON DAY SCHOOL UNION -The services connected with the forty-first anniversary of th« Ame rican Sunday School Union will beheld at the MtJSLC aL FUND HaLL, LOCUST Street, near Eighth, on TOEi* DaY EVENING, May 30. at a quarter to 8 o'c.ock Tickets of admission may he had g v atultously. on ap plication at the Society’s Buildings, No. 1L29 CHEST NUT Street. By order of me Committee. mys3-7t M. A. WUBCS, BeareUty. ADiNAHTINE OIL CO.—THE AN* WB3& fIUAL Meetint ol the ADA*Atf fIMB OIL CO.- 'Wlll he held at tne office of the Gompanr. So 37 South, a BIRD Street, on FhlDAl, Jane 2d. at M o’oiookfiL* for the election ol Directors, and the irausdctlon ofother husinetß. BOiif. F. BiiOOSS, SBcreta<7 iay23 It THE ANNUAL MEETING Ol THE 13& Stockholders of the OIfiAKD MISIBO GO . (of Lake Superior) will he held at their Office, 80. 341 'WAIiBDT Street, on TUBSUAY, the 6th proximo, at 12 o'clock, for i be election of Directors, and the transac tion of other hnaineas. a. a. - THILADELFSIA,,Kay 22.1865- »»® ist PHILADELPHIA* May 22. 189 S. I®=“ I'SITEBSIIY OF PESSSILVA KS? HI A-DBPAB'rMIS»T OP AKTB —Tha final ax an lnatlon ot the tenlor Claes will ba held In the follow ing mdar. beginning each day at 4 o clock P. M : 'i (JbbDAl, 23d—By Prof. Frazer, {Physical Gfeo ffrwjsuJSßBDA'y, 24Ui—By Prof. Alien, (Plato's Sot- p 25th—By Prof. Coppes, {.lnternational 2oth —By Prof. JacJcaon, (Tacit as’ Life of !aV, 29th— By the Provost,(Btttler’s Analogy ) IUE6DAY, 30Lh— By the Provoii, {So Hal Science (Carey) and. Constitution of s^f B>y23-7t fiecrcUiy Of the Pacaltj or Artg_ KS» SPECIAL botor ttfiLIGIOUS KS? SERVICE—CALYaBT CHURCH, LOOHST Street, above Fifteentn.— Preaching every evening this week, by the Pattor. Colon Prayer Meeting every morning, fromB to9o’clock. m»23*ttiwifotr ra 3 ’ TUB JFKEED3IBJS !-THE REF. HiS? JOB# D. LOfiiG, of the MethodUt Epiwipai (jbuicb, aud JJr CLafcK CARTER, of the Thaolugiotl Beiulimm Piinceifn, have been appointed CollectliiK ARei>t»of the YieediseQ’N £el*ef Absocl* atJon STEPaR* CO UWBLL, Present. Bllib Yarn all, Sec’y, 434 WaL# Street. 1P)23-tatht.3i» PHIEAI>E».PHIA, SI AT 19, *lBB5 SiX? —Tbb annaai meetlcK of t->e Stockholders of the BhSOLUTIS MIBING CuMPABY (of Lake Saperior) wiilbe held si their office, No. 3554: WALNUT btreet, on MONDAY, the 6th proximo, &t 12 o’clock for the (lection of Directors and the transaction of other busi ness B» A HO ! >PB9* my2o-14fc Secretary. TAH IB INSITBANfIIi COMPAJST.- VS& Oflv«F Ma. 406 OBBSTfUT SttfMti PeILADBLPfIIA, JfumarT®. 1855 The follewlsf Sthtmuil or the /aHE IfTSu.SASCE COMPABT. of thfll condition oavheS'atdaj ofDaeem b»r, 1864. ift published In accordance With an act of Aa ■*nMy: CiFlTit: Authorized and subscribed******************** slo\ CO Amount said ♦•"rri'-”' 85.379 00 ABSBTB. Bonds and Mortgages. .m«—*537,850 00 Demand Loin* on collaterals. •»*►*• 9 990 60 United State* 7 3 lOLoan.*********** 20,000 92 United fetates fi 20 Loan.*****.****** 11*000 00 Philadelphia City Sixes..*..*..***** 8 18000 heal 4,810 82 Stocks*.*. •*»,«+«, 4.290 09 Interest accrued.**......,..-.-..-^. 3,976 46 Balances, open policies, dtte from •*«U. 4c,.« v „ lw 1,875 69 Biniir'GehableM»,,774 00 CUh....*.«.U4.4MI4WMIIMHII|I,t $96 96 ft atalmenis on Stock not called in, for which ihn titoekhoiders are indlvldaaJly liable..l4 721 00 RECEIPTS POR 1864 ? ' 7 35 Premium on Tire Bisks, amount ing to $1,685,017.C0. **.«...»* $15,614 f 6 Interest**** ***** 6,08133 _ 90.695 99 LOSSES, EXPESSBB, So - - Fire *? H2!5 CMnjDiBBlOßBe*--e»-**s»-*;;*«'»»**Y-*« 1*899 02 iapeni.efc.rwit, idjertlsemeata, •• ia«B, donatioafc * g’ 300 00 I>!vt*ends, JftnnUT*nd Jnly~—sl,lß4 80 AjbOioa *t ri«k« $1,431,0W. 00 '• V PRAJJOIS 5. BUHE, Wu-liahb L . PwsM«t THE PRESS—PTnTjADETjPTTTA,' TUESDAY, MAT 23, 1865,' or »»»»*■«• EEV. BISHOP SIMPSON. OF TH* METHODIST EPISCOPAL will deliver an Addreis On TCEBDAI EVESIHQ, Mm 23d, at 8 o'clock, ; at the METBODIaT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, (Old Brl»k). Sontbeaet cornet ol RICHMOND and MABLBOBOUQH Hr«eta. Subject— "AßßA HAM LINCOLN.” Tlekete 60 cents. For sale at - ■ __ CEO. W YAUGHaJt’B, Sootkenti earner of KWH BOHD and SHaobaHaSOS Sti, , _ METB ODIST EPISCOPAL BOOK STOBI. HIM North FODKTH street. BEERY MaBSFIELD, Mortliwe«tcomerofSSaOflD and 880 WN Bleats, . Cf Rev. J. H. ALDAY, Ho. 1116 PALMER Street. -. AUOCSTDB H. FLECKENBTINB. Southeast corner of FBAHKFOBD Eoad and DEAL Street my!7 »t . rar XO OIIIZENH OF THE Wp states. The ladles Visiting Committee Of the SOLDIERS* BOMB In the Oliy of PhLAdalphU. propose to open A fiiATIO&AL FAIR at the Academy of Mae*o oa the Twenty third day of October next, for tbe purpose or raisnea BOILDIKG and Bfii D.OWMffOT'FUAD for the Institution with wblob they are connected The abdeiSlEnedpommend this p-ojact to the favor* ble notice of their fell w eHiz-*ns of the United tatee., . The 60LPIBRS’ Houfi h»' been tncorporated by tbs Stale or reonajiYania, f<»* tbe Mllaf of ttotaitfl &ua Peapim who ha* e been honorably diecbWg^dfr oll * aD d tbe Children of thosewho have died in, the flwviee Ol the Ocnotry. _ « « - 7he COOPER SB.OP SOLDIERS’ HOME has boea meraed In thie Institution bv Legislative euUArlty. mad te now ip successful operation. Bat a» the baudlnguow occut-ted. at the corner of Race and Crown streets, is, entirety matte qaate to the necessities of tbe Home* the to enact re have givtn their sanction tdthe ptopossd Fair •Mlhonuk He HOME 1b located In Phlladslohln. Jti beneiaclions are not limited by State boundaries. lie doors are fre*ly opened to every deserving Soldier at* bailor of th* Eepub i« who seeks a-rn'evoo. _ . The Management c-nt-molae* an Baottatfi‘l Depart ment In the Institution, in which the inmates Who are able to Work at their trades may find employment, and thus be relieved from tne position o/ mere dependants 0n,., public charity it contemplates aso a th‘pirun«nr wher* chtldres of those who have diet In the service wili be tenderly protected and carefully eoue*ted and. prepared for aiUliibla vocations - ;• *" ... . While lie hearts of the pnopte m rtby of their acceptaLce.and worthy of a paop.ewnosa property they have protected whose liberty they have Btoursd, whote Kovernment they have eared, ana whose hearts they have gladdened by tbeii splendid ecbievamsuta for the organization of the Fair will vh announced in due r«-a*on. . . . Ift werewr proprietors will render important service by occa'toaaJ publication* of this notice, which will Dp duly acknowledged as contributions to the Fair. Phi LAPET.yftiAv April 14, 1865 AtdrewG Caitlu, John Welsh, Alexander Hesryy Dr. A- Ntbinger, James Poliocfc JayOooke Cate b Cope, R. W. Clark, *. b Browoe, Joseph Harrison. Jr., PJjoon Cameron,- Morton MoMlcneel, D* B Canmjina. oenry_O v Cary, D*aiel rmithrJf-jL, Thai A JtewhaDfr Benry D Hoi-iO, Djsiel Pobetty. g. D. Baander*. J. Edgar ahompion. A. Martin, Dr. B Wallace. O MaralUter jfiteg L, Ciaghorn, Wm. Sttrthera, A B. ttori*. C,y33-t'3i6fc WK.TBK WOOD ICS? £9 WAKtt aud l&M DSAljfcttS agree to close cur placet©' bus'msßir'rn Saturday* at 3 o’clock f M. iron M*y 27»b until Joly 29th. " A H FUAw'HMJOe & 00., wsifß & PECQI9, J. B. COTLB & fltf • CBIPMao A WHITS, B W (lASgiDt. A CBAYBILL, KOWE & EINTO9, B. T. WHITE. A. M BnWIZIfiGEEI B. 0. STAHL, _ jmfrßßLftUfl & KIBEV OEOBOB FOLKRR,- my22St MBBfiJjlT H* W OBTHIHeTOH Sc CARVES. SOTItE TO Al I, jyKI.I!VTLVAIHA. t otic-* ie hereby sir-u to all companies incorporated by or under any law of the Ciim tnonwealfch or Pennsyl vania. and organized at any time prior to the drat Mon day of November, 1894 that hove failed to make report io the Audi or General under the Act approved April 21* 1868. and the Act approved April SO. lSfft, that they are required to cepoxt to the Auditor General forthwith, as follow*, viz : is case a dividend has been declaro*, the Treasurer will report, under oath, the amount of capital paid in, thecate, amount, and rate per eent. or eaeh dividend Monday®# November. 18W, aid any previous > fear or j ans in which ths V<>*3- nany may have had an existence ;*nd in ease no dm* dend has been declared during the year or years end ing aa a'oretaid, then an appraisement of the cash value ot the capital stock a* it existed between the first and flltttnth days of November, mart be made by the President or Treasurer, and a majority of the Directors, under cath. When an appraisement la made, the re port should also state at what time the Company was Organized. In addition to the atoye report, under the aet of April 21, IJ6B, companies not paying a tax ontonaace an re quired to make a separate report, under oath, of the Treasurer, of the amount of net earningaor income re ceived during the period from April 30 to November 1, 1864, in accordance with the second section of the aet,. MOOAPORATED BY'OPHKISTATES and *'Arinc haeinesß 'in this Commonwealth. 1 #*£ notified ttat Ibeyaro made subject to; the tax on nej eanisgs or income under the 2d section or the aet of April SO. 1694, and are requtred to reports the Auditor General the amount of such net earnings or iooome re ceived between the 30th of April and the Ist of Xffwvem delinquent Companies incorporated by or under any law of the State of Pennsylvania* wiilbe afforded a reasonable time in which to make the seve al reports required by law snd above ♦-numerated; but eiuttnued Dfgjfct or refusal will subject them to forfeiture of charier, u* d*r th* 2d proviso of toe 2c vseccion of the act of April 30 1864, which lain he following w *rds: “ Provided farther, That any corporation which has fsihdto make returns to ihe Commonwealth, as re quired by the act of April 21, A. D. 186 S, entitled. *An act for the better securing to the Commonwealth the pay ment of tsx»¥Aenw«alth in relitlon th4fe|o, shall have all their riihu and privileges declared for» felted by proclamation from the Auditor General. "W. H KBMBLB. State Treasurer. mylS lm GTaurtsbpro. May 10.’1865, lßsr> THE ANKtAI HA? FESTIVAL WOtP IN AID OF bt. JOHH 8 ORPHAN AdVlaOtt nill be h«M on the Gromit s of the Institution, WEST FBI LADELPHI A. on TBDBBDAY next, 34th. last. Arrergenchts have b&en mad© with the Pennsylva nia Baiiioad Company »o ran their Cars from Bridie street to the Nation opposite the Grounds at interval* during the day; also, with the City Passenger Bail- Trays to rnn additional Cars over the Wire Bridge to tbetfjoT»?da. . Eiyffi-Pt AIXUKCfi PETBOIECM AND tSE? COaL CuMPAflT.—There remains unsold ft limited number of SHAfcES.of the Capital Stock of this Company, which can he *nbacrlbed tor at the Office of tb« Company. No. 136 Pomb ftreet, or .1 the Office of the Treasurer, No.. 108'WaLHUT Btraet. ■ Capital block, 600 COO abates; : 100 000 shares referred, lobe sold for working capital; aubsoilptlon price. 26 certs per share. my2o-3t OfFICE OF XBB COAX RIDGE 93K? IMPROVBMBfIT’ARDCOaI. COtfPASf. Philadelphia, Hat 8. 1836. A Special Meeting of the f tocfehold«re will be held at the Office of the Company, 3R9 W aLSUT Street* OA ThUhfcDAT, Maytoth at 12o'clockM. Bj order of the Board ofDirectoM. HOBAOE B< RITGHSLIi) “ Secretary. icy IS t 26 THE ASIIMIi MEETING OF THE Kxy stoeKhoiaaiß of the Ma»dan atltfiaa COM PANY, {of Lake Superior. ). will be Held at the!* Office, 80. 39* WALNUT Street, o* THURSDAY, the 29th in»t., at lSo’ciook, for the election of Directors and tne transaction of other business. B Jl HOOPES, Secretary. Philadelphia, Bay 10.1S6CL myll-lSt PlTl¥,\nyi.PßlA, HAY 13, 1863. §25? The annual mdetlnr of the Stockholders of the iEtna Mining Coscpsoy, of Lake ►upertor, will be held at their Office. 80. 3a* WaLHUT Street, on TUES DAY, the3oth-ins*., at 12 o'clock, for the election of Director#, and the transaction of other business. mylS*imy3o B A. HOOPBS, Secretary. »sg» AGENEKAI-MEETINCOFSraca-. WP BOL DIES of the WEST VIRGINIA RATIONAL PETROLEUM COMPACT will be held on TUESDAY, May 80, >855, at BP. MV, at No. 5% Booth srXTHSi, to el«ct Direstoie, make By-La ns, and transact other business,. myl6*to2t* J. H, WBEBLBB, Secretary. Kg* KOTICS-A JHEEPIMG OF THE Ks? Aiockho’dt-re of th® juhiata ircs ash to ill be-held at the Oft O-of the Prredf Si Iron Company. NO. 930 South on WEDNBBDAY, May Slut, at 11 A. M., to elect Dime. tor#, royiSthHtnet* OI'I'ICK CIBAKO F, ASD 31. INS. fcS? CO., 415 WAL3DTStreet, A Dividend of FIVE DOLLARS per share hss keek declared out of the earntoas of this Company for the teat aiz mouths, payable to the stockholders on and after this date. By order of the Directors. my9-taih«9t ALFRED 8. QILLBTT. TreaanreT. omCE PHII.ADKIHHA AND •asf bostoh hifliso company. PHitansirsiA. April 29. 1885. Jtrtice la hereby given that an instalment of PiFrr GEBTB PER SHAKE on each and eyervahate of the eapital s-tnok of the Philadelphia and Boston Minina Company has thta day bean called in. payable on or be fore the tfitb day of May. 18®&, at the office of the Com-, peer, 80. 4M3 WALHOT Street Phiiad-lpMa By order of the I tractors. J. S. McMDLLIK, myUthitutmyM Treasurer. Ihe Third qanrtonT Matting or «h« Am»ri«n Iron and Steel -Association win tak* place as CHICAGO, I ill* soil, 9B W&DfiSgDATn the a4ih of Mftf, Uwt. , , A general attendance of iron end ftieei manufa«W*e» LtMBOSH> Betrat&ry. myll-thattttm>24 vrs* TUK mi OF THE BEBELUON AND ITS LBSsOH. • ' , Bey JOBS MOORR will deliver a Lecture on this wbjeet on next TUBSDAY BViiSISG Mat 2i. at SAUBUM hTBBBT BALL. gccoffipanh d ‘With patriotic music by Prof. BRUCE. Tickets PO cents. To be had at thastore of T. B Parh, comer cf Sixth and Chestnut stteete, at Tract Society Booms, &29 Chestnut, and at the door, myi9-fatu3t* OFFICE OF THE AHTGOAIOID «EF MINING COMPACT OP LaKR SUPERIOR, No. 3JSdfc WALWDT Street . ... PHILAbStPSTA, Miylßi 184 S. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Annual Hosting of the Stockholders of "Toe Amygdaloid ttlPlngGooi- PBnv of L&hf Supertor” yvill bs held at the Office* So. 334 WALNUT street, on T4U&3DAY, Ith proximo, at 12 o'clock H., for the election of Directors and the transaction of other business rpySO *je7 . F. K WQMRATH, Secretary. THE ANNUAL HEE NSG OF THE Ioe? Stockholders of the EM PI SB OOP PSB (of Ml chic an) will be held at their Office, Ho 433 WALNUT t treat, on FBID AT, the 2d day of June, 1865. at 11 o’clock A M.. for the ELEO I'lOS OF DIBBOTOBS ana the trsn.Mtlon of other ba«ine». J. 6 HcMULLIN, Secretary. Philadklfhia. May 16,1863. myi6-ije2 THE AKSBAL MEETING OF THE |Sv Stockholders of the PHIL ADhPHIA. AMD BOS* TON MI+ING COIIPAHY (of Michigan) will be held at their office, So 433 WALNUT street, on FRIDAY, the 2d day of June, 1666. at 1 o’clock P.M., for the ELEOTIOS OF DIKKCTOBd and the transaction of other bnilness. J. S McMULLIN, Secretary. FHIIiADBLrHIA* War w. my 16- tjt)2 K2&* OFFICE OF THE IBHXOB C3AL AND NAVIGATION COMPaNY, Philadelphia, May 13, 1985. Stockholder* ofthli Company, woose name* appeared an enc& on their books, at the close of transfers, on Che 18th of March last are hereby notified that tbelr right to subscribe to n»w stock on the terms of the Clreniar of March Uth, 1866, Will expire at 8 o’clock P M on the 24th inst. SOLOMON SHAPHESD, mylfi»t24 Treasurer. MEBCHAHTS* ASD MAIIVFAC VSB TUBERS’ NATIONAL BaNR? . Pittsburg, April H, 1866. Stockholders are hereby notified that Books will be opened for subscription to the new stock of this Bank atiheCOMMEKCIaLNATIONAL BAKE, in Philadel phia, on HOJHDAY, Hay l»t. 1866, and willeontiun? open doring banking hours, dally, from 10 o’clock A. it toSo’Owk P.M7. until Thursday, Jane let, 1865. By order or the Board of Dlr-ctara JOSS SCOTT. Jr,, Cashier. H. 8. BOLLMAff. President, Pittsburg, Penna. BOBT. B. STERLING. vice President, * Philadelphia apl9-t}el FFNBSTI,VANIA RAILROAD COMPANY—TREASUREK'S DEPARTMENT. Philadelphia, Mai'3, 1866. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDfinS Cne Borne of Di rectors bays this day declared a semi-annual dividend of FIVE PER CENT on the Capital Stock of the Com pany, clear of Rational and State tefea, payable on and after May 90,1866 ‘ Blank powers of attorney for collecting dividend* can be had at the Office of the Company, Mo. 938 South THIRD Street. THOMAS T. FI RTS, &j4-23t < Wn, P IrtirU, James tfiliatcm« iOeoree El Cowles O'Neill. James 0 Hand. Bdward A. Soader, Medley Smyth. J. B. Mppeacott, L A Godey, _ . DgoM Haddock* Jr,. BobertP Kmc, £. 8. Hall. Mat Bth- ISM. DIVIDENDS. HIUTABT. « PRIZE MOIfBY AND GO7BRN TO AIL WHO UT*B fJI “nIP STiTJS BAKlag CORPS. Ordershavebeen received from the head of tU* juariae Corps. at Washington not lo restrict .reeralls to ?«*!£?tltVt*!** B ,,**" bai bees the case heretofore), bm ■ _S ALL who have served 1b the yolnateer set* li* 8 ' £ r ,a *h» w-fular*. or 1b the marines, and* h*v* been honorably dUahari«d. finch persona enllstihi I® «h* United States Marines will receive the GoTarn ment bonnty, and will also be entitled to their share o §£3 e *i??v l ® T .*» an? eaptnre of the enemy a vessels. 15Ll tb £ r infonnatlon apply at the recruiting ren* Xo. 311 South FfcOJfT Street, between $ A . V. and $ o’elo.sk p. H., mx7 day bat Sunday. JAIfBS FOsHIT, Cantata and ReemlHn* offleer. PBMOAJL. UNITED states 7-30 LOAN. THIRD SERIES. $230,000,000. By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned, th* General Subscription Agent for the ■ale or United states jtontrltl&s, affe** to the Phtlif the tlird series of Treasury Notes, blaring seven and three-tenths per seat, interest per tanum, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Botes an issued under date of July 16,1865, and are payable three years from that date in cur rency, or are convertible at the option of the holder into TJ. S. 6*20 SIX PER CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These Bonds are now worth a handsome pTemiumi and are exempt, as Are all the Oovernmsnfc Bonds, from. State t Cozi7ity,and Municipal tarnation, which adds from one to. thrce per cent more to their value, itfti&lng to the rate levied Vp9h other property. The interest it payable semi* annually by coupons attached to each hole, whleh may be out off and eold to any bank or banker. The Interest at 7 30 per cent, amounts to One cent per day on a $5O note. Two centspskday on a $lOO note. Ten cents per day on a $5OO note. Twenty cents per day on a SI,COO note. One Dollar per day on a $5,000 note. Botes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. ihe notes of this Third Series are precisely similar in form and privileges to the Seven- Thirties already sold, exsept that the Government reserves to itself the option of paying Interest in cold coin at 6 per cent, instead of 7 8-10thS la currency. Subscribers Will deduct the In tel sit in currency up Ifr July 15th, at the time WhfiU th ey subscribe. The delivery of the notes of this Third Series of the Sov?n-Thlrtles will commence on the Ist of June, and will be made promptly and continuously afterthatd&te, The jlight change made In the conditions of this THIRD SERIES affects only the matter of interest Ihe payment in gold, if made, will be equivalent to •the currency interest of the higher rale. The return to specie payments, in the event of which orly will the option to pay interest in gold be availed of, would SO r«4aee and equalize prices as that PUT ehasss made with' six per cent in cold would be fully equal to those-made with save a and three-tenths per cent. In currency. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government, and its superior ad vantages make It the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. Lees than- $2BO, 000,000 of the Loan authorised by Congress tro-'now is the market. This amount, at the rate at whleh it Is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for- within sixty days, when the notes will undoubtedly command & premium, as has uni formly been the-case on dosing the subscriptions to other Loans. In order that-citizens of every town and section of the oountry may hv afforded fasilifciss for taking the Loan, the National Bank*, state Banks* and Private Bankers throughout tho-eountry have generally agreed to re ceive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will eelscttheir own agents, is whom they have confidence, mid who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, EtJBBORIPTIOBT AGBHT, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. p. flTiVrmm. " JOS: li. HOUSTON, gTAMirOBD & HOUSTON, STOCK AKIh EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. [25 SOOTH THIRD STREET, SHH.AMSI.PHrA. ' D.al.ni in S8nulUoi.;8nB«!8, ÜBttkHMt Money. City TV arir.fi L, &e. Stock. lxmght aad-nold os ebmminltyl at tho Rotnlar -Boaxd of Brokers- my33-lm CHAXLIt IKOKT. AIBX. UPH». n, QHARLE& SMOKY & 00., STOCK-ARB EXCHANGE BROKERS, Mo. 16 Soutn Third Btreet, PHILADILPHIA. All Ui4, of unrant full a*d Gold aad Him boutU aadoold. and OallMtloiu mad*. rutUnlu-attuttot aiv.n to th. punhaia and aala of Govanim«t.Stat«. And othu: 8to«k» and Loaaa o« «n -niaalon. aolT-Sa 7.m 5-20. 10-40. ADAMS A LEVIS, NO. SOS CHESTNUT STREET, BANKERS AND BROKERS. All kinds of : oovßxnavT siouxitibs Aim stooxb bought, SOLS. ADD HBOOTIATEU, GOLD Aim SILVBB BOUGHT ABB SOLS. Rpwlalatt*atlsn liv.n to OIL BTOOSB. mhll-lu kitaip uim Roaun niuov, £DW. ROBINS So CO., STOCK AND EZOKANOX BROKERS, ■a. <7 SOUTH HUB STRUCT, rHILABBLPHIA. AUxnn»ov BANK BOTH. GOLD, BILVBK. STOOKi, BOHUB. ABU GOVBBHMBBT BBCUMTIBS. BOUGHT ABU SOLU. OolUttfoM mid, «a all part, of ttfjoxmtnr. , Umodt. nMlnd. EnbiMt to «Uh, draft, and latonat allow,d. mh7-sj» jgKCOND NATIONAL BANK, Of PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, (LATB 1808 OITT TBXJBT COMFABT.I CAPITAL saoo.ooo. BASKBIB’ ABU IIIKOHABTB’ COLLBOWinwa Monptlp atuadad to oa th. moat faTorabl. t»nn a 6. X WABNIB, Resident. OBABLEB H. Hioag. Oaahlat. BM-Uj >JEE FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, 80. 136 BBLOV FanSTOPerMat. Intemt on D.poilt,. AcenU for tho tal. of UnlUd Btau»7 3-10 Loan* at Par. Gomrn moUrstat. and City Loan, and Bto.it boofht and .old for wvoilton nnd othot. on Oommliiton. mUg-lr. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. DINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. I ' Tie .nhiextbcra wonld Invito attention to th.lr IHPAOYBU OUT OF SSIKTS. »mdi tior na¥* a .puUitv in thtir bntlnMh ion.nntl7 reOßlvinc __ BO FHLTISB POE GEHTLgMBB’S WEAK. i J. W. SCOTT * 00. GBBTLIHBB’B PUBBISBIRG STOEE. 80, 814 OBBSTSCT Btioßt. lally Pour doora b.iow the OontlnentaL SUPERIOR WATCHES. Beqlved. porStoamu GLABGOff, an Invoice of | WATCHES, Hadosxprenlr for our Eotail Sties, by Pitefc, Fhillppt, A Co., In Beneva. ' 1 j FROM 14 TO 20 SIZE. *A£,L SELF-WINDERS. JAPS E. CALDWELL « CO., CHESTNUT STREET, Sole Agent for Philsdelphta f' lORBETB AND SKIRTS.—JUST anlalso beet Paris W&ttLY OORSITSi at'Afn*. bTEBU-'- TRUTH Street, below Chestnut,- and at 35 a S. BIiSENTH Street, aboyeSprocs. mj23-3i* m UNION MOWING MACHINE, 3T wlch baa been fully tested for the last four year* It combbes strength, durability . l*oht weight, light > draft, nth complete efficiency in cutting era**, light or hear] wet or dry, lodged or standing, and embrace* many n»or eonyenlencee not fonnd In other macblnoe Also forile, tbemoetcompleteon* rman Macteod, D D., DoraGreenweU, Tbrna* Guthrie. D.D., C J. Vaughan. D.D., JobnCalid. D.T>.. G Thackeray, Bit John Hf reehel, J. M Ludlow, A. K B. Boyd, author of Sarah Tytier, “The Recreations of a W Fleming Stevenson, Ccuntry i*ais’n," Dr Audraw Wymer, Sir David Brewster, Pfotoss-’r W. 9. Gobs. Ch&ries Kimeley, B D. Rogers. LL D , F. i (exam er* mien. B 8 , dee . the aatoor of Jame* Glauber, F. 8.8:, * The Eellp«eof Faith/’ D* l«ayc Taylor. Pnfessor aoberlln. P B. Gom*, F R 8,, Miss Ma oca. author of B*v, E. H PJumptre. Pro "John Halifax, ’ torso? of Theology, King’s Canon Stanley, D.D., College Pir-f tsor Piazzi fcmith, Heiry Alford. D.D., Dean toaCrx'g, of CfthtorbWTf Rev. A V. Tborold, Anthony Trollope, J, BD.. Laurence Pllphaat, Foracs KishneU, t)U . A. a. Proctor, Rev. George AUcDjn&ld. Jeap Inselow, ... • Subscriptions received by JOHN J. KKOMEft, -JO3 CHBSTHDT street. On JUNE »pw« 80. l of THE FOBTBIOHTLY BEVIRW/ EDITED BT OEORGB HENRY LEWES This las new HnglUh Journal, similar : o th»Paris Jtexue dee l>eux Mondee, treating of •übjeett whleh In terest cultivated ana ttioag hifal readers and. published at Intervale whieb are neither too distant for infiaencd Muring question* nor too brief For dellbecvtoa Ihe - FOBTuIGBTLY RBVIE W>’ ablished to meet this demand It will address the onitiva* a d renders of all clashes by its treatment of topics special) r intereitinff to each; and it is bop»d that th* which wilf be given to ihe expression of tndivldnU opinion may render it acceptable to a very vArioae public Tbe object of the "Fortnightly Review" is to became the bfftlS ( ‘f the-UUb’aeßßfi «*y»Brton Af man* and ▼a riiiUß minds on topl« tenoral interett in P illtlos, Li ternturfi PhUo*ophy Science, ahd Art Raeh cnntrl* htition will have the gravity of ftu avowed resoonsiblU ty Bach contributor* in giving bis name, wi'l not oulv g ;ve an earnest of his sincerity, bat will claim the pri vilege of perfect freedom of opinion, unbiased by the opmionstf the edit r or oi fellow outribocore. The first number will open with a new st*ry by Hr. Anthon v Trollope, which wil bs eobtinned through the first sixteen numhe's of the "Review " The "FOBVM ÜBVIEW' 1 will be published on the Ist and )£ifa ‘ f A ve>y month. _ oa HBTCB "BB DGLL6K. CFF2OB, 193 PICCALILLt. LOWJ>f>lf. Ordersrecei^odhy JOBS J. °® go, 403 GHBBTJSUT Street. Ig MONTHLY PAHTfi, PRICE 40 CBNT3. Printed on B ne- toned Paper, CAfiSßLL’fc ILLUSTRATED L-BRABY EDITIOg DON QUIXOTE. WITH ABOUT FOUB BUND BED ILLUSTRATIONS. ST OtraTAVB doss, Copies Boww.sdr Sold by ~ _ JOBS J. KKOMBR, 403 CSBSTRUJ Stsaet. Snhscrlptlcna received tor ALL FOBBIGR MAGAZINES AND NE at my2-8-tf Street. CT. PHILLIPS.— A. SPLENDID NEW O novel by the sn»hor of "Bntledge, *’ “Th»*nth«r lan<'» ’’ “Frank Warrington." and "Louie*Ms just pnhiUhed, and railing immensely. GABLE TO Y, Pab lisher, BeW York tnth«lo THE STRANGERS’ GUIDE TO* PHI 1 LAUELPPIA—A VBWASID EEVHBD EOITIO*. PUBLITOED THIS DAY: A GJIDIS TO ALL PUBLIC BUILDINGS, Place* of Amaptxnent, Commfercial. Benevolent, end Bettrtons iggttttiilnnH. limltniitig GftPftl HtlL Woodland, « mcnUe&d otter Cemeteries, A*., vrOt a Map of the Con&olidAted Gliy And nnaerone ILLUSIBaTIONS. ALSO, A MAP OP THE crnr jn pocket form. LISOSa? A BIiAKIBTOIf, Pnbtl*heTS and Bo jksallerg, mi 22 JTo 35 South»lXT d Bt,, aboveOhertttUt TTI6TOBY CROWNB TBB BB&.VE. XX The Publishers respectfully announce that THS HISTORY OF THB PEtffiShLVAalA REdRRVjS CORPS is now ready for deliver* to subscribe** It costeliiß a complete record of this gal last organlza tion; and of the different companies* regiments. and brigades, giving graphic description* of tbeir Expedi tions, Marches, Skirmishes and flatties, together with biographical sketches of Officers and pers mal Records of each private daring his term of service—compile! from OFFICIAL REPORTS and other Document*, by J. R. ST PEEK, JSsq t f wan ~ . It is in one volume, octavo of 792 pages, and Is ele gently illustrated by STBEL EPGReVifiGi of Go vernor CIJRVIE. Generals MBAt>E KcGALL. and the W mooted K&YSOLDB, and by a Hap of toe vicinity of Richmond, showing, the route of march and tne battles In which the RESERVES were engaged in the etven days fight; and la neatly printed on good paper and banasrmeiy boh n 4 in black cloth and Übrsry leather. It la sold only by eobB&lptlon Fries from this date, $4 Min cloth; in library leather style, $5. Sent by mail free of postage, on receipt of price. Active end responsible parties desiring to canvass for this popular and attractive History* will make appli cation with written recommendations to. ELIAS BARE, A CO., Publishers. myl9-im Lakcabter, SCaxeh 33, 1865. BOOKS t NEW BOOKS 11 J ™t««iT.d jS r HinsAD 4 (Hatard’s old stand), ffO. IJMfc CHEH7*BUU fiteMt. LIPS OP OICEUO. By Willtanl PdMjtft, anthor of "napoleon at H Helena, &c »