(Continued ftomfirstpage.) ft. If yon followed him on loot, now did yon SBftßego to keep up with him 1 A. He started eway Iran the stable rapidly, bat soon after rode slowly, and I oonld keep' np with kiln; I reaolied the Kirk* wood HOuse jnst after ho dismounted from the mare; the Kirkwood House is distant from the stable ftbOllt two squares. Q, Did yon keep np WUt Atzerott afterwards J A.No i I kept la tight of him; he rode away In a walk. Q, How far did yon follow hlml A. I just kept In sight until he turned Into Tenth street, and I never saw him again until to-day. The witness, by direction of the court, was sent to the stable for the purpose ol identifying the blind horse referred to la his testimony. Testimony or Jobri Greeeanalt. Q, State whether or not yon are the keeper of the Pennsylvania House In this city i A. 1 am. ft. Are yon acquainted with the prisoner Atze rott 1 A-lam. Q. Were yon not acquainted with.J- Wilkes Booth 1 A. I was not well acquainted with him; he came to the house. [A photograph was exhibited to the witness which he recognized as that of Booth] Q.. State whether or not the man Booth hod He* ?uent Interviews with Atzerott at the Pennsylvania louse 1 A. He had; Atzerott would gjm«»uy sit in the sitting-room, and Booth would walklntotho hall and then out again, followedl by Atzerott, Booth seldom entered tue room; theyJaad inter viamn in front of my honsflj and they would often walk off as far as the livery stable, where their oon* Te 4“i!w you*at any time hear the prisoner Atze rotfc speak of expecting to have plenty of gold soon! II so, state what yon heard. A. He and some other young men, whom he met, came Into my house j he had seen Srlnktog, and raid, >< Greenawalt, I am pretty near broke, though I have friends enough to artvem© as much money as will keep me all my life; i aro Koiuff away oeo of these days, bat I will re tarn with as much gold as will keep me all my life time.” Q. When was it he made that declaration 1 A. I think It was shout the first of April; he oame to my house, I think, on the 18ttt of March last. ft. State how long before the assassination he left your house. A. I think It was on the previous Wednesday morning. Q. Had he any bogus ge with him 1 A. Ho, sir. Cl. state when you next saw him ? A. I next saw him' on Saturday morning, the 15 th or Apm, be tween 2 end 3 o’clock. ft. Hid he. come Into your house and ask fora room, at that hour 1 A. I had just coma Into the house and gone to my room, when a servant came up to get change for a $5 bill, and told me there was a man by the nemo of Atzorott down stairs, who wanted lodging; I went down, and found Atzerott and another man there. Q. Bid the two men take a room together 1 A. Tea, sir; Atzerott asked for bis old room; I told him It was occupied, and that he wonld have to room with the other gentleman, whom I requested ts go to his room with the servant; Atzerott was going to follow him, snd I said, “ Atzerott, you have not registeredhe said, -‘Bo you want my name 1” and appeared to hesitate; he finally Wont back and registered hie naiue. Q. Will you describe the appearand# Of the man who was with him 1 A- He was a man about 5 feet iy, inches or 8 inches In height, and about HO pounds weight, of a dark weather-beaten com plexion, and dreSßed poorly, bis pants being worn through. Q. Had he the appearance of a laboring maul A. Yes, sir. Q. Could yon express an opinion as to whether the clothes worn by him were such as he probably ordinarily wore, or were assnmod by him as a dls. guise 1 A. I guess they were more of a disguise; he had on a broadcloth coat, which had been mnoh worn; his whole appearance was shabby. Q. What name did he give f A. I believe it was Sam Thomas. ft. What became of him 1 A. Ho get up, I be lieve, about 6 o’clock the next morning, and loft the hense; a ledy stopping at the house desired to leave in the e l 3 train, and I gave orders to a ser vsntto that effeot s she left before I got np, and as she was going ont of the door, this man Thomas went out and asked the way to the railroad; he had “VTOzorott Temaln 1 A. He left shortly af. tei wards, walking towards Sixth street westwardly, Q. How long auerwards ? A. When the servant was returning he met Atzerott and said to him, •‘Atzerott, what brings you out so early in the morning 1” “Well,”said ho, “1 have business.” ft. Had he paid his Mill A. No, sir; I did not see him again. , Cl- Do yon recognize him among those prisoners 1 i?ld you observe anything unusual In the con duct of those men when they first oame 1 A. No, sir; the man Thomas stared at me somewhat; he hept a close eye upon me. ft. Did they have any conversation in your pre sence! A- No, sir. 5. Whicheftkemaskedforarooml A. Thomas asked for a rcom for himself; as I came In - Atzerott was lying on a settee ana Thomas standing at the •counter. ft, Ho yon know the prisoner, O’Laughlln! A, No, sir. . . . , . q. Hid Thomas make any remark to you 1 A, All he said to me waa that he was a poor writer. Q. Were either of the parties armed 1 A. I did pot notice; I heard it said that Atzorott had a knife. . . q. Had Atzerott on any previous oocaslon hesi tated to enter his name on the register! A. No, sir. q. you ever see him armed 1 A. In March, I think it muet I saw him have a re volver WhtoMTEttljußt binght; he came la then, ».TMi mtfde the remark that he had just bought It; I told him I wished I had’ known that ho was going to bny such an article, as I had a small one which i wonld have sold to him. Cl Bo you think you would reoognlze the re volver which was In his possession! A. I think I would* A revolver was then exhibited to the witness, which he described as being somewhat similar to the one shown him by Atzorott, though he could not say that It was the same one. Cross-examined by Mr. Hoßter: Q. State on about what day before the 14 th of April Atzerott left your house 1 A. It was on the 12th, I think. ft. How long did he stay at your house on that occasion! A. From the 18th of Maroh to the 12th of April; during that time he was away but once, when he stayed out one night; he told mo ho had gone to the country with a man by the name of Hally. ft. What were the arms which you have stated you saw In the possession of Atzerott! A. A large revolver, something similar to that one; other per sons say that he had a knife, but I uever saw him with one. In reply to several other questions the witness stated he did not remember having made or having heard any remark preliminary, to that of Atzerott with respect to his expectation of having gold and silver enough to keep him all his life; the man Thomas, who came to the hotel on the morning of the 18th with Atzerott, did not seem to be Intimate with the prisoner, though he j adged them to be ac quaintances; Atzerott did not refuse to put his name on the register, nor did he say that he would not like to do It; he did not seem sleepy or in llqnor. The wltneess having been asked If he could iden tify the man Thomas from among the prisoners at the bar, pointed out tte prisoner Spangler as hav ing some resemblance to that person. Thomas, however, bad a moustache, which the prisoner had not, and his hair was longer and his complexion dancer. The witness stated that he did not see Atzorott and bis companion outer the house, and therefore could not toll whether they entered to gether. Cross-examined by Mr. Being : ft. What in duced you to suppose that they came la together ? A. My servant told me so. Q. What kind of a moustache had the man whom you say the prisoner resembled 1 A. It was black; he had whiskers in front, and hadadark slouch hat. By the Judge Advocate: ft. I understand you to say you aro oertain that you did not see the pri soner O’Loughlln at your house 1 A. I did not; I do not know the man. Q. Hid the hair or moustache Of the man Thomas appear to ho dyed! A. No, sir. q, Did not Atzerott object to this stranger owning Into his room 1 A. No, sir. ft, He simply assontod to It when you told him there was no other room 1 A. Yes, sir; I told him he would have to go with the man Thomas. By the Canrt: Cl- Do you know whether they got np at the earn* time In the morning f A. I do not. Q. Did they ooonpy the same bed 1 A. No, sir. Q,. What day did Atzerott leave your house be fore the murder 1 A. On Wednesday, I think It was; he said to me, "‘Mr. Gleenawalt, I owe you a couple of days’ hoard—wonld It make any diffe rence to you whether I pay you now or when I come baok!” he added that It would be more convenient for him to pay it when he came back; he allowed ho was going to Montgomery county, Q. Do you know the prisoner with the black mou stache—U’Daughlln ! A. Ido not. ft. Do you recognize the face of the man Thomas among those of the prisoners at the bar 1 A, I oan not positively. Testimony of John X. Coyle. Q.. Are ,ou one of tee proprietors of tbs Xa tional Intelligencer? A. Yob, air. Q.. State to the court whether jou were acquainted with. J. Wilkes Booth daring his lifetime. A. I knew him. Q,. Did yon know him intimately 1 A. Not at all. Q. J. Wilkes Booth, before he died, made this Statement that on the night before the aseasßtn&tlon ot the President he wrote a long article and left It for one of the editors of the National Intelligencer, In which he rally set forth his reasons for the crime. Will you stale whether snch a paper was received? A. I never heard of any snch paper. Q,. Are yon quite certain that no each paper was ever received at the office? A. Not that I ever heard of. Testimony of Hszekleh Ketts. By Judge Holt: Q,. Where do you reside ? A. In Montgomery connty, Md. Q. State whether yon ever met the prisoner, At zerott, and, If so, where and under what circum stances ? A. I recognize the prisoner at the bar; on the Sunday after the death of Mr. Lincoln he was at my house, and ate his dinner there; he was juat from Washington, and was Inquiring about the news; acme conversation took place about General Grant having been shot, and we understood that he had been shot In the cars; he then said that If the man that was to have followed him had followed him It would have been done; Iso understood him. Q, Did he apeak ot the assassination Of the Presi dent ? A. Not that Ireeoliet; I have no recollec tion of anything further. Q,. How farlß your residence from Washington? A. About 22 miles. Q, Did he represent himself as having come from Washington? A. Yes,sir? Q. Did he speak at all or the assassination which had just occurred lore? >A. I don’t recollect; the conversation turned on General Grant. - , Q. Did yon make any inquiry after he made that ■statement? A. No, not at the time; we talked about tbe matter alter be left. Q.. Did hla manner seem to be excited? A. I Could not say that it was. Q. Where did he say he was going? A. He did not sav. Q.. By what name did he oall himself? A. He passed In the neighborhood under the name ot An drew Atwood. Cross-examined by Mr. Doster: Q,. What Is your business? A. Farming. (£. How long had you known Atzerott before the ■visit yon have spoken ol ? A. I thlAk It Is between two and three years since I first got acquainted with him In that neighborhood; I merely knew him by eight; Ido not recollect that I ever saw him but once before the Sunday he came there. Q. Yon say he went by the name of Andrew At wood around that country ? A. Yes, sir: that Is the only name I knew him by. Q. 4$ what time la the day did Atzerott arrive, And how long did he stay? a. Ho came, I suppose, between 10 and 11 o’clock; Isupposehe Btayodsome two or three hours. (U,. Did he recognize you as an old acquaintance ? A- Heknewme. . . .. , „ q. Did you speak about the murder? A. Ido not recollect saying anything abont the assassina tfOSe Q. Wu anybody else present and talking with you when he made the remark about somebody fol lowing General Grant! A. Yes, sir; there were a couple of young men; we were all in the room to* getter; I was about three yards from Atzerott when he made the remark. Q. Was not this the answer: " That a man nrost have followed General Grant to kill him?” A. No, sir; It wu not spoken in that way; It was that if the man who wu to have followed him had done SO, General Grant would have been killed. ■ In reply to a question by the Court the witness stated that the young men present at the time of tho prisoner’s remark given above, were brothers, by the name of Lemmon, who resided in'the neigh bprbotd. Testimony of Serve. G. W. GemmUl. By Judge Holt: Q. Do you recognize the prlso- as a man whom you ever saw before ? A. Yes, sir. The witness then detailed the circum stances attending the prisoner’s arrest, which oc curred on the loth; at the time of his arrest he de nied that his name was Atzerott, and gave another. Q. Did the prisoner ask why you arrested him ? A. No.slr. tt. He made no Inquiry ? A. No, sir; I asked him iust before we left Germantown whether he had left Washington reoently ; he told me had not; then I asked him whether heihad not somethlng.to do with the murder, ana he said he had not. a Did he persist In denying hla name? A. He that he had not given a ficticious name. o at what time did you ask the question as to whether he was connected with the assassination ? A? It was between 7 and 8 o’olook, as I was going about 4 o’elook, and up to 7 or 8 o’oloek he had made no Inquiry as to the causa cnHMuminilon tho witness stated that he proceeded In quest of Atzerott In pursu ance of orders from Captain' Townsend to find a man hy the name of Atwood; "witness could not state positively that the name first given by the prisoner was not Atzorott; was oertain that the Srlsoner stated that he had not come from Wash igton. , Ke-eranlnatton of jebn Jleteher. By the Judge Advocate: Q. since befog here have you visited the stable at <** ?°,3“E of k*™" i cento and I streets, and examined the horse In re irard to whloh you testified! A. Yes, sir. B a. Where did you find toe animal 1 A. I found! It In the middle of the headquarters’ stable, Seven teenth and I streets, In the first stall. / Q Hid yon examine him, and reoognlze hlrq as the horse spoken of In your testimony as having keen taken from jour Btabie by Atzerott! A. Yes, sir; he was Dlind In toe right eye. / Testimony of Thomas 1., Uar of death. The very uniforms of tbe generals, with their gieamio& but tons and stars, but Intensified the sorroundiag ashy hue of the scenery and prosoeolUtn. Right where Booth fell from the box, there Is a large gapiog tear in tbe green carpet* He left a witness to his every Step In that theatre. The members of the court passed behind the scenes, and walked the short distance to the back door. We think we hazard little In saying that never were scenes kept better ont of the way than those at Ford’s. That scene>shlfter would be in valuable at the San Carlos, or any of those large stocked theatres, where actors sometimes find tt Impossible to reach the first entrance from a dress- Ing.Tooxn; but here there was a regular open Une, nothing In the .way, not even u the next property!’’ The side of the theatre through which Booth did , not pass, or need to pus, does not exhibit so much commendable order, and we fear would not obtain tbe eal4.&cen*Bhlfter the position we suggested for him oh the other Bide of the theatre at the San Carlos. Having seen all there was to be seen, the several members started for the court room at the Peniten tiary, and on their entering It the prisoners were brought into the dock, and many eyes lostmottveiy turned towards Spangler, who sat down listlessly, and leaned back against the wall, staring vacantly* DESTRUCTIVE COXFLASMTHtt BURNING OF MERRICK & SONS’ MA CHINESHOP. Vive Hundred Persons Thrown ont of Employment. Shortly after 10 o’clock last evening an alarm of fire vas sounded, and an Immense light In the southeastern Section SI the city attracted a vast number of persons. At the time we arrived upon the ground, which was very soon after the occur recce, the flames had spread with fearful rapidity, and every building In toe area bounded by Wash ington avenue and Federal street, and Fourth and Fifih, seemed destined to be destroyed. Tbe offices of the establishment are at toe oomer of Fifth and Washington avenne, and Immediately In toe Tear of them are toe ereotlng sheds and pattern sheds, extending back to Federal street, a distance of 420 feet. In the centre of these sheds, and on toe Fifth street side, the fire was discovered, and the sheds, with their contents, were destroyed. A oart-way separated toe sheds from the maohlne-shop, which extended a long distance baok from the avenue towards Federal street. This building was three stories high, the upper portion being used as a pat tem-SHop, and It, together with Its contents, was entirely destroyed. Some very valuable machinery, among wbicb was a portion Intended for toe United Statics steamer Chattanooga, was in this building. Nothing, we believe, was saved from It, not even any of the valuable tools. In oonsequenoeof being hurried with some work a number of toe hands have worked In toe building at nights, and we understood that toe watohman saw one of toe hands enter the shed with a light for the purpose of going tb work, and In a few minutes afterwards the .fire was dis covered. This statement was made shortly after the fire occurred, and the watohman attributed the origin ho some shavings taking fire from toe light. We made inquiry as to any Inflammable material being npon toe premises, and were Informed that a small quantity of paints, with benzine to mix them, was kept In the sheds, but as the materials were readily obtained, no large quantity was ever kept on hand. In the excitement attending the fire it was with difficulty to approximate the amount of damage, but It will be very heavy, as valuable patterns, maohlnery, carpenter, work, blasksmlth-work, and tools of all descriptions were destroyed. The offices on Firth street and Washington avenue were not burned, so toat all of too valuable papers of the es tablishment were saved. The neighbors residing on Fifth street were con siderably frightened, but-the sheds inthatthorough fare being but one-story in height, and a formidable array of steamers being along the street, protected the property. The heat was very Intense, yet toe firemen battled manfully with the flameß, and pre vented them from Spreading. The boiler shop on Fourth Btreet and the avenue, and the extensive foundry on Federal street, were saved. A general alarm of fire was sounded at 10.45 F. M Shepard * wf.NY Capt N Darling, Wash W F Donaldson & la,Eng R H Ashcroft & wf,Boston WraH Howell, Boston A R Watson & la. N Y J N Yance & wf, Ya" 7 Miss McClellan, Va J S Oaf lisle, Maryland A Dyhrand, Ohio B.F Fooke, Delaware H C Stevens, Delaware J K Wilson, Delaware F Frelre, Chill F Bnesa, Chili L Cousins. Chill W H Bally, Penna A E Meason, Penna F A Olwlll, New York D R Oflut, Oakland L w Freeman J W Hall; Harrisburg H Thomas, Harrlshnrg Mrs Varnurn Miss Yamnm Ml.s Hill J B Vamum J Knox, Pittsburg J Stokes, Jr, New York J Hayden, Jr, NewYnrk C A Berksher.New York F W Hntehlns, Conn j J S Bodlow, Boston' S N Crittenden, N York G H Potts, New York B K List & wife, Washn S E GnlfFen & wife, N Y W C Beardsley. Anburg Lleot J Kells, USA W Diokhardt,.New York The Ctl T S Fernon, Mentg 00 J West, Betblebem H Gebr & wf, Penna D O Gehr, Penna Miss E Gehr, Penna M Solomon, New York AHEstls, Portland J H Sweney, Harrisburg B Crawford, Jr, N York Mrs Cameron, Harrlsb’g Mrs Bumrlde, Harrlsb’g M Hecht, New York R W Gattrell, Md J.M Reap, Washington A L Jarrett, Md J B Williams. Md F S Holmes, Baltlmore- W E Thomas, Baltimore; H B Frauds, New York O L Sicker, New York Miss M Updike, N J Mr & Mrs Smith,England J R Morton, Boston Mrs O Morten, Boston W F Roach & son, N Y R Meyer & la, New York Mr & Mrs Samuel, Va Jas Pryor, Richmond, Va W B Adams, Albany W B Jones, Albany Li B Vanzandt & wf, N Y R Jj Hodges, Newark,NJ A M Boardman, Trenton W N Farr, Trenton Jas Brookfield, N J „ J Yanleer & la, RI J R Beaumont A la, N Y E A Depeu A la, Easton H O Meredith, U S N R V Goodwin, BBK WKLoor Miss E I, Van Lear, Ya Q T Gould, New York J N Van Lear, Kloh, -Va Hiram Young W M Hall, B.dford A S E raris, Fort Wayne Miss s Bierbonr, Indiana Gen Fletoher, Lafayette J M Gibson & la, Pa C Davidson, Plttßbcrg John Parker Sc la, Balt J V Duncan Sc wf. 111 J J Harlan & son, Cal Sami W Hartwell, Via.. 1 G SGOOflndge, Delaware Mrs Goodrldge Seda, Del Silas Casey, USB H T Leaf, Reading R T Rjon, Fenna ' £ H BnrllDgame, Pottave C T Sfclndel, Tamaqna J G- Houser, Tamaqna Chas Morgan, New York me Mei W R McAfee, ‘Wheeling R R Thomas, Maryland T B Warnsley, Chicago Mrs R Holmes, Penna J Hamilton, Penna J N Phillips, New Gastle Col I> Reasure, New Cos R H Aldridge, Jr, Md H S Rench, Baltimore F W Tappan, New York ENMeniken, Delaware MRamb a Baldridge, Maryland s H Stowell, New York W D Moore O Born, Jr, N York S Blroh, Shamokln W B North, Conn J O- Bohn & la M E Sohweder, Deoatnr Hon C R Pershing, Pa Jae Both, Pittsburg Mrs J B Graham, Pa Miss Graham, Clearfield Miss Nannie Irwin, Pa The Ai E James, Newvllfs Bonis Haas, New York J B Clough. Cleveland P A Curtis, Delaware J A Durgln, Portland Thos Angel], Prov, EI J Kamerer, Virginia V M Ouyler. Waahlngt’n J E Dodge, Washington B W Wallaoe. Oswego Albert Day, Washington EC Blackwell, CSS W S Arthur, Baltimore R H Henry & la, Erie, Pa The 1 D Ij Morton, Baltimore S H Qnilford, N Jersey Blent MoMahon, USA Sami Sharp J Meshemau A la, Pa Miss Meskeman, Fa E Boyer, Maryland F Sands, Hanoook, N Y A C Eelneehl, Rancaster John Absterdam, N York S C Pinkerton, Bano oo Jos Rovls, New Jersey Jos Eareb, Bebanon C W Germany, Annvllle V Alderman, Ohio Harrison Oarrer, N J B F Howland J A Coates, Centre co : J w Cowell, Doylestown I J Vanderullee, Penna ] J B Kennedy, Baneaster . H Bishop, Cbaubersburg 1 A KlUlngsworth, Md 1 J H Walker, Penna ] J S Skinners, Penna B B Bachman,Clinton 00 ] J T Brown, Newark, N J : J A Shade, Penna . ] K K Kuhn, Bucks oo < J T Cawthrop,Chester oo . Miss S Pyle, Maryland . Miss E Brown, Maryland O J Klstler, Rehlgh. oo Jas Klmmett, Eehlgh 00 A sieger, Ore tula P fi Boyer, Hellerton T Outi), Orefield ,T T Oohs, Chester Valley B Enhe, Allentown iW S Marstelter,Obes Val R Y Verlies,Cluekertown H M Kersah, Klelnsvlllo H P Osborne, Bethlehem Samuel Buts, Berks oo P Reese, Jr, WarreUj N J H T Fogel, Penna John Walss, Bethlehem J M Fos, Hnmmeltown A Schneider,Summit Hill W Rudyfc wf, Myerstown M Stout. Summit HIU Daniel Oise, Myerstowu J pflenercr. Dcidersvllle Miss A Rudy, Myerstowu Abner I) Morris, Bucks oo G P Weaver, Soh Haven Mrs Woods, N Jersey Q- G- Rove, Wash eo Miss Woods, N Jersey H M Stuart, Byberry Mrs Johnson, N Jersey J P Jamison, Addlsvllle J White, Frenohtowu I Thomllnson, Bustleton Ellas Smith, Cheltenham P O Adams, Wayne eo Dr Rloe, Frenohtown Cyrus Peak, New York B Allen, Buoks oo O Hitt, New York A Allen, Buoksoo H Holmes, New York H Plttlnger, Frenohtown w W Blakely, Penna E Hartpenoe, Backs oo W Dougherty, Penna Thos S Bowls, Buoksoo The Biiu B Helfted, Bong Swamp A Apple, Buoksoounty A Sieger, Pennsylvania Dr J S Reading St la, Pa J Tomlinson, Byberry B Tomlinson, Byberty C H Brown & la, N Y P B Dlener, Topton , J A Fegely, Pa The Mi D Breneman, Pott6viiio Benj Randolph, Penna jas D Overflow, Penna J M Plaoe, Penna M Overflew, Penna W Rice, HftNl Aug Wohlfarth, N J The Stas< EB Wilson, Norristown r b MoOlellan, Penna John Barry * Jiff Moor#, Newport R J Hagerty, Clearfield E E Elglmau. Penna AC Josiin,:Eik,.Pa w T sawyef, Somerset W T Soott, Maryland Ihe knlsniees of till City. itlnentaL T E Cochran & son, York Jas S Sterrett, Erie R H Henry; Erie W J Bates, Wheeling S T Jones, Wheeling S S KtmbaU,Oonsra,NH J G Carter, Louisville A A Harvey, Louisville TO Walsh St la, Newark L G Townsend, Fa G W Rloketson, N Y F M Robertson, N Y MWlloox, New York , Thos T Atrery. N Y , WHPlerse, Memphis r A H Wallis, N J J S Fox, New Jersey ; W H Heaton, Abhland ‘ R 0 Heaton, Ashland S Ohllds.'Olnolnnati '. Thos E Wilson, Ky Dr Wm Selden, Norfolk Alex 0 Kall.y, X fork G N.Lawrence &la, N Y O w Davis, New York C F Hager, Lancaster - A FHastlngs, Hartford Mrs SF Wlgglha Mrs Peck, Sc Louis R W Dryaen-A wf, Balt . J Murphy, New York S W MoOanlly, Del N Hobart, Boston ' Capt Houston J w Fiatler, Hartford w o Hopkins, Montana E Scebblns A wf C Morgan, New York H A Oakley, New York - F O Oakley, New York J B Vamum H A Newhall, Prov • il. Parsons, Baltimore J Bigler, New York ■ i Miss Bigler, New York G H Southard, N-York R D Allen, New York G DHodgden,New. York J Perry, Massaehnsetts G B Nowels-MaysvlUo (A Orasby,Boston H G Hadden IW Bangs, New York E Sterling, Bridgwater !Dr Bigelow, New York 3 W Jenkins |W Bain, New York Miss Prune 0 Wendell, Washington Imrd. J L Franklin, New York F Desllver, Boston J Bird, Boston ’ J Bark, Washington E Obapln J P Taylor, W Chester J N Oonstans, Ohio J R Hughes. Ohio F W Kay, Fort Dsl T G Yates, Penna A Klein, Reading G W Householder, Fa A-JOolborn, Penna H S Bear. Penna H W Holler, Harrisburg J Thompson, Indiana F S Elliott, Canton ;C S Wilson, Penna L J Thus, Princeton E .T Fox A wf, Easton J W Wall, New Jersey J Ferguson, Newcastle J P Newell, Franklin J M Freeman, OH City ■ MHullnge, Kuta-Hng, B S TitcObrmiok, Penna J W Ferguson, Penna E J Fry & la, Tamaaua H never Ala. USA O de Sonnevlile D M Karmany. Lebanon T T Worth, Lebanon B R Swift, Easton T C Crookshanks, Md J Furok, Newport, Pa Mr Frick . J Arohbald, Scranton*' Mrs Com Perry & oh, Md J L Mayer Sc wr, Penna ■BUss M Mayor, Penna Chat J Hill, New York S A Slmmenter, N Y Sl5 Jawbsun, UTS N R-Wilklnsao, New York L E Brown Miss F Charles John Fisher, Cincinnati W Brown, Cincinnati C O Liadell, Cincinnati A Brown, Cincinnati Oh as Ogden, Sientjenv J J MoFadden, Steuhenv John M EUldtt.Swnbeav L W Carman, N -Y Sami <3- BMlrer a wf, Pa s p Richards, N Jersey W D Savin, Titusville’ A Blaok.New York S P Hansoem, Wash J B Roblhson, New York Sami J Oliver, USA J T Young, New York A J Hoope, New York 'Clients’, E A Irwin a wf, Penna WEN Teneyok, Penna J 81 Holloway, West R Estell, Richmond, Ind W P Estell, Rlohraond s D Cummings, Ohio Mrs E Irwla, Clearfield Mrs Hadley, Lancaster John Irvin, USA S Stevenson, Newcastle Okas Hedges, Ohio ' . Q J Batten, Harrisburg R Lawson Mrs Reyston O Roberts, Oxford, Miss J Y Davis, Washington H H Markley J P Beard E Stavens, Conn H West, Ohio G T Lewis,Claris's,Tenn Mr Seibert, Ohambercb’g Llent W R Thatcher F s Elliott, Penna Robt Orr, Pittsburg zerican. G V Hall, New York A W Brown, Jer Shore Ct Miller, Huntingdon Dr G A Moore, Del MlsaS A Moore, Dal Miss E Moore, Del P Butltfr, New York W Wolff, PottsvlUe Jos Gwlnner, Penna J B Bonnes, Pittsburg . Jos K Bauman, Lancas’r J Stokes, New Jersey John'W Low, GHocester J O Thomas, U S N Union. A S Sherman, Milford A s Boyer, Reading A S Shiner,, Mlliorstown Miss Lizzie E Bleber, Pa J T Potts, Wash. D O J H Sherman, Milford, Pa C £ Light, Lebanon W A Lawrence F P Smith, Phfla J T Otis, Brooklyn J Bearing & la,Albany,o P John, Stoomsburg J B Robinson, Mercer,Pa Ohas Ogllby,Carlisle ■ J S Northrop, Johnston Mrs HoseA. da, Penna iznerclal. J T Pi mips, Maryland D H Jones, Chester oo~' la Seal, Chester oo F J Pennock & wr,Penna J T Jakes, Delaware D Brown, Arendale Nathan Maale, Penna P Barnard & wf, Penna J Jackson, Chester oo H B Hough, Penna S D Chandler, Penna H Houck, Lewlstown a A Trlpple, Penna Jas Coates, Penna J H Stubbs, Chester 40 * The Bald lagle. The Barl< ley ck Bear. J 8 Wenrlcb, p» G Berger, Bienville A S- Rionards, Bienville Miss Fox, Harrisburg Miss Reem, Harrisburg J Rlchel, Ganton county W J Hoxworth, Pa A Troxell, Allentown adtson. Sami S Briggs & da. Pa A. J Jones, Pike co, Pa Geo Fabel, Peana J D Klmmey, Delaware Willard HelBT, N J Dr W Potts, Peana * O B GrUßls, N J ee Folon. W W Wetter&eld, Lano J h Snydam, Ooate'yllle J I. Scott, UoatearlUe Mrs k Kite, Baltimore J 0 Walton, Wasn, Robt Adam, Ind oo a W Oorrlls, Roobester- H H 0 Bay, Bedford 90 RAILROAD LUES. TMPORTANT TO RAILWAY TRA» A YBLLSRB. —for tall Information In nlenneo to Btn ' tlon«, Dlstanw, and Oonneetlen., lllnstmted bv one , i3S23SrSi>g‘ n ias^Sf GTJIDB. nol9-*m -PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL OHANaE OF TIME AND DEPOT* Th* trainr of the t*egn>yiTßni»- Oeatarel XeUvoed leave the flew Depot, at tfUBTIETH and lURKBT 8t».» blind of Mftirkot Street#, aa here* lofore. / ‘ ?he ears of the tfarket-itreet F&esencet Sallway ran to and from Pennsylvania Central Bauioad Depoi. at Thirtieth and Market they also leave Pront street every two misntee, eommeneittg one hour previ ous to the time of departure of each train, and allow about 30 minutes for a trip. Their car# ar# in waiting on the arrival of each Train to eonvey passengers into the eity, and connections are made with ail roads crossing Market street On SUBDAYS—Cars leave Bieventh and Market Sta. at 7. 46 P. M.«to connect with Pittsburg and Iria Mail, and at 10. M P. M. with Philadelphia Express. Manh*e Baggage Express will hereafter be located at Sfo. 81 South Eleventh street Parties desiring baggage taken to the trains, can have it dona at xeaaonabU rates ATO ABBIY* AT DEPOT THUS: LIAVB MAH. TRAIIT„..nt 8 00. A. H. PAOII AfICOHBODATIOH, No. 1~~ “ 10 00 «• PAST L18*..-.. —“ U.OO H. PJEKBBBDEG ** 110 P. if. BAERISBDBa AOCOMMODATIOB... " ISO "" LABCASTEB ACCOMMODATION.™• J.OO ‘ PAOLITBAIB. 80. , " 6,» “ PITTSBPEG AID BRIB UAl{,.~»*. ” BSO " PBILADBLPHU EXPRESS “ U.lO ■■ PPPTSBDBO ABD EBIB " #.BO A. M. ;PHILADELPHIA SXPBBSS.~«~.. “ 7.0 S “ ; PACLI ACCOMMODATION, No. I.™ •• " FAEKSBBOBO>M.M.MM.«Mm.wH«, ** 8.30 LABCASTEB TRAIN...“ 12 30 P. M. PAST LINE.. •• 12.60 " FAOLI ACCOMMODATION, No. 2~~. 4.40 •• MAIL TRAIN •• 6.45 BABBISBCBO ACCOMMODATION.... •• 9.40 " , Philadelphia Express leaves daily. Pittsburg and Brie Mall leaves daily (except Saturday). All other Trains dally (except Sunday. 1 , The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for Wearing Apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars In value. AU Baggage exceeding tbat amount In value will be at the rlak of the owner, unless taken by spe cial contract. ' 7 For (nrtherlnformatlon, aa to time and connections. Bee bills end framed eexde, or apply to JOHN P. VAN LXEB. J*., Ticket Agsnt, at tbe Depot. ■ An Emigrant Train runs dally (except Sunday.) Tor tall information as to fan and accommodations, apply to PBANOI9 PUNK, feSO-tf 13T DOCK Street. TOOK ABRABOBMSBTB OF TOOK 1009. NEW YORK LINES. 1000. VZU GAHD£H USD AMBOY iKD FHILAPKLFHIA HEW p YOBKAJTD WAY PLAGES* ?KOK WALHUT OTB*BT WHAMTt WILL-LEAVE AS POLLOWfr-YlSl ■' fill At BA. V.. Tia Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. i«* anmwindaMrtn. . —. t4 || £ At BA* M. t Ti» Camden end Jersey City, Morning «>*4mH«wiion>ii»mm> 9 00 At 13 H., via Gundes,..uid Amboy, G. and A. A* eoxnxnodatlon-**.♦».,♦♦♦♦.■..« | £ At 3 P. M. ♦ t)k Camden and Amboy. 0. and A. Sx- S fll At IP. M., ciaCamden and Amboy, Accommoda tion (Freight and Passenger). 1 90 At 6F. M., yie Camden and Amboy, Aceommoda- ■ Won (Freight and Passenger)—lst Glass Ticket....l X „ - Bft _ „ do. 3d Class Ticket... 100 Ux r. ml, yia Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation (Freight and Passenger)—lst Glass Ticket. 111 • »? 0 -, . do. 3d Class Ticket. 100 yoi BeMdere, Baston, Lambertyille, Flemugtoa* As... at B.BOF. M. For Mount Holly, EwanarUle, Pemberton, end Yli eentown, at 6A. M., 3 and 6P. M, For Freehold at S A. 11. and 3 F. M. For Palmyra, Biyerton, Deiaueo, Beverly# Bdgswa ter, Burlington, Florence, Bordentown, As., at 9 and 1L 80 A. X? 13.90, 8.80, 0,8, and UK P. M.. The 110 and 6 F. X. lines ran direst through to Trenton. >For Palmyra, Biyerton, Bslaneo, Bererly, and Bur lington, at / P. X. Trenton, for Bristol, Burlington, and in termediate places, at3)£P. M, - LMBB FBOX EBBBIBOTOB DIPOT WILL LBAYI AS FOLLOWS: At 11.15 A. X, yia Eensingcon and Jersey City, At 4.80 P. X, yiaKenrington and Jersey City,lx- _ a{6.46 P V., yift Kensington and Jersey City. _ ■Washington and New York Express. •».»*SQO At 12 P. X. (Night), yia Kensington and Jersey City, Washington and Now York Mall,»*♦»*.+*,.~~«|3Js The 5.46 P. x. Line will run daily. All others Sun days executed. . For Buffalo, Dunkirk, Slmfe*. Ithaca, Owogo, Bo - Chester, Binghampton, GreatßencLMontfose, Wilkes bane.' Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water Gap. Mausk Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belyidere, Baston, Lambertyille, Flenungton, Ac., at 7.15 A. M. ThU line conneets with the train leaying Baston for Xauefc Chunk at S.SOF. X __ For Lambertyille at 5 F. X. on Saturdays only. For Bristol, Trenton, As., at 7.16 and lLli A, X., * and OF. M, and 13 midnight •_ _ For Holmeebarg, Tacony, Wissonoming, Bridesburg, and Frank ford, St 9 A. X.,6, 8, and BP/IL w jar* For New York and way Lines leaying Kenring touDepot, take the oars on Fifth street, aboye Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars ran into tne Depot, and on the arrival of sash train run from the f?fty pounds of Baggage only allowed each passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anythin* as bag gage hut their wearing apparel. AUbJMKffaaeoyerftffy pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar perpound*and will notto liable for any amount beyond 9100, except by special contract. . ... „ „ « _ „ Graham’s Baggage Express will tall for and deHyer baggage at the Depots.' Orders to be left at No. 3 Wal nufstreet. WILLIAM H. GATZXBB, Agent, Aprils, 1866# UNBS FBOX, NEW*TOBK FOB PHILADELPHIA, WILL LEAVE PKOM THB FOOT O? OOTTaTLAFI) BTBBKT, At 12 M. and4P. X., Via Jersey City and Camden. At ?, 10, and UK A. X, CP. X. and 13 (Night), yia Jer sey City and Kensington. * From the footofßaTclay stmt at 5 A. X. and IF. X.* yia Amboy and Camden. ' _ _ _ - From P(er No. 1, North river»at 13 X, 4, and 8 F.tf, (freight and passenger), Amboy and Camden. aps*tf XOSB BAILKOAD. , , , • • . EtMB TABLE. . Commencing MONDAY. APBIL M, 1885, Train* Will leave Depot.corner BBOAD Street and WASHING TON Avenue, as follows: . . ■- • Bxpresi-Treln. at 4.08 A. M. (Monday* excepted), fo* Baltimore and Washington, (.topping; at Wilmingtont' Havre da-Grace, Aberdeen, Ferryman's, JSailroad Train at 7-45 A M. copied) for Salisbury, Milford* andjnfcermeitfato BtA* **Way- Mall Train, at 8.15 A.M. (Sunday* excepted),fo* Baltimore, iioppinf at all reAulw atattona. J m ujbwesi Train &i 115 P. M,. (Sunday* excepted) for. Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, wit* mlngton, Elkton, FerryviUe. and Havre-de* Ore*#. Bxpres* Train-a* 8.05 F. H. (Bandar* exoepted) for Baltimore and Washington, etopping at WUmlngton, Newark, Elkton, North- East, Perrwille, Havre-d*' Grace, Perryman’s, Magnolia, and Stammer's Bun. Night Express at 11.15 F.M, for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester (only to take Baltimore and Washington!)aseenger*). Wilmington, Newark, Elk ton, North-East, Ferryrille, and Havre-de-Greee. Passengers for FOBTBEBB MONBOI witt taka the 8.16 A- IT train. WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TBAINB Stopping At all Station* between Philadelphia and Wll “Le£r»i?MlAd«l»Ha at 7.45 and UA. M., 2, 5.30,5.7, and l(i P. M. The 3.80 F. M, train connect* with De laware B B. for Milford and intermediate station*. Lear* Wilmington at 6.45,8, and 9.90 A. M., % 4.6. SO and 6.30 F.M. Trains for New Castle leave Philadelphia at 7.45 and 11A, M..B.BoandsP M. THROUGH TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE “""TOSSS *■ Leave Chester at 7-46. 8.48, 10.14 A. M., ILSB, 8.49. 140, 6.14. 7 2P, and 9.05 F. M. FBOH BALTJMOBB TO PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore 8.35 A. M, Way Mailt 1.10 P. H„, Express: 4.25 P. M., Way Train; 6.35P.M., Express; ». r. It, JOK LMT.Oie»terata« A. M., 1.50 and 11.50 T. M. ie&TB wilminnton At 5.13, 9.35 A. H., 2.35, 5.01, Hi 12.23 F. M. Frtltht Train, Wit, r.MOH.er 0»r .ttaduA, will leiT. WUmtnfton for Porr/Till. and lnUm»dlAt» itallon. at 7.40 r.. M SUBDAT TEinrs. Bxpresi Train at 4.06 A. U. for Baltimore and With* ington, stopping at Wilmington, Perrrrille. Hayre-de- Gr&ee* Aberdeen. Perryman's. and Magnolia. Night Express at 11.18 F. H. for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester (for Baltimore and Washington passengers). Wilmington, Newark, But ton, North-East, Penyvme, and Harrejde-Grace. Accommodation Train at 10 F. U. for Wilmington and W»T * t 808 PHILABELPHI^ Leave Baltimore at 9. NLP. M., stopping at Havre-de- Grace/ PerryviUe, and Wilmlngtom Also stops at SLk> ton and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore), and Chester to tear* passengers from Baltimore or Washington* Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at 6, so P. X* aps U. t. KENNEY, Sttp't ssnvmm 1865. 1865. PHILADELPHIA AND EEIB BAIL ROAD. —This neat line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the sity of Brie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the PBNNBTLNANU Marr r SOAD COMPANY, and Is operated by them. ( Its entire length was opened fOr passenger and freight business October 17th, 1864. rues or fabsknobkltbaihs at ranAPinrsiA. Leave Westward. MaUTrain*^——B.9o P. M. Look Hayen Accommodation Train *B.ooa. M. Passenger oars run through on Mail Train without change both ways between Philadelphia and Brie, and Baltimore and Erie. , _ , . EluantSlmplmOk* «*Elmir*Sxyrt**Tralsa both Aud forFretgbfc bnslnM* of th» Oomoaßy’i Agent*. S. B. KINGSTON, Jr., eora.j THImTKEiTH aid J. V. DEILL, *• HfogTOj, "*- °“ er * l W. t*n-U Otiwral Manager, WUllaanyort. lihmwm i865.r, p LjU 4 L J; ILMIRA EAILROAD LIKE to *ll poiht* WEST. The direct route for the V BLMIBA, NIAGARA FALLS, M , and *ll ,Imoi 1b th» wwtwn and Norihwwferß Stata* and th« mAWB L**ye Philadelphia aud Beading B*)lioad Depot, Thlr tenth and GallowhlU »tr«t«, (dally, (Sunday* «■ •epfod), for the North and West, a* follow*! Horning tore** a* 81. M* Afternoon Bnpiee* at 8.30 P. H. ~ _ Making a direct cimneetlon withaU inter*, ttlng road*. FOB THBOOOH TICKETS to any poiht, andfnrthar 6 artlculars concerning tho different rontee*. apply at IeTICKBT OFFICB, 4as GHHBTSBT StrMt, uud« JOHN 8* HILLBB. General Agent. |al . Thirteenth and Callowhlll sweets. BSwMMBgB NORTH FENNBYL *w Vi»U BAILBOAS —For SSTHL*HBM. Lj DO|£.SOTOW*^ K MJ^^^IHCaK, Passenger Trains leave the new Depot, THIRD Street, above Thompson street, daily (Sundays excepted)* as follows: At 7.30 A. M. t&rpre**) for Bethlehut, AU.ntowa, Hau*h Chunk, Euleton, WUllanufort, WUtoa barrOs Ns. At S. SO P. X. (Express for Bethlehom, Easton, A*. t At t.U F. M. for E*tUoh«B, Allontowß, Matwh ffhimlc. rorpoylegtown atO.OO A. w. aad4.up.it. Tor Port WMhJjigton. at LllP. M. Whttecareof theiesondand Third-street*LjMWtT Lear. Bothlahwaat Ato A. H., 10.01 A. KitUAU f iSaw Doyleitown at 0.30 A. M. and Mf F. EL La*y*Laaed&l*atS.loA-M. Ltaya Fort Washington at EJOP. M, Fhlladelphl* for Doylertown ai B.IOA. M. aadl.ll smn WEST JERSEY ■MEM bailboad links. feß-s. —C HKW AXKABOSMBBT. ya and after MONDAY, May I*l, 1881, Train* Will lia“. horn WAUrDT-STiBBT FIBS a* follow.:,. For CAFE MaY, aud all olate* *outh of MUItUIo, at 915 A. Id, paeeenger add Iroliht, &*. ;at 2.80P.H., E ftpr*SlLLYl¥LE, BBIDOETON, SALEM, and all la- ,law. aouth of Qla««boro, at 9.13 A. M. and For BLjkSSBOEO at 9.15 A. M., ISO F. M., and 4 %or WOODBDBY, QLODOBSTEB, to.. at 9.15 A. M., E3OF. M., *F. M.. andO SOF.M. . . BBTUBNINO. Lwto Cap*May at 5. so A. M., pauonnr, and ISM. p&eierger and freight - •_ „ Lear. MUlvlll. at 7.85 A. H., patimger, and 3.60 ■ F. M., nutmtor, . I*ave Bridgeton at 6.40 A. H., paseengkr. aud 4.15 P. M., pae»Bi*r. .„ Loaro Salem at 6.25 A. H.,,a*wn(*r, and4F. M., At7.4BA. M., 8.45 A. M., Ud 5.1 P Leave Woodbnry at 7 A. M..8.14A. EL,B^IOA. it. end 5 4» P. M- A BneeUl Xeieenger Aecbmpsnlos eeeh Through Train. n * >VWH j. vXji KnxssiLhßß. Suwrtntondons. win A^ldTO«LfsSS£?s o^B«i. nesSyMcelvo, wbrer, ana forward through' spoaslblo Express OompanhiStvo aU parts otute eewry* any article entrusted to them,- . * ' 1 rxiIAPUYBU. May 1,1866* toS'tf RAILROAD LINES. |g»i—n WBST CHESTER Mi AND PHILADELPHIA bail road, via media SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. _ • . On and after Monday, April 17. 1846* the trains Will leave as follow* : „ _ WBST CFBCTRB TRAINS . M „ Leave Philadelphia for W**fc_Ch«eter it7.Svt>d 10.80 A M., and 2 15, 4 45 and 6 4SPM Leave West Chatter for Philadelphia at 0-SO, 7.46. and 10 86 A. M . and I.4sand 4.4«P,X. Train* leavtn* West Cheater at 7.40 A. X. andleavlnt Philadelphia at 4.45 P. M. will stop ottlv at Media B.(T junction, Gian Mill*. Cheney 1 *, and Street Road, B C JUNCTION-TRATHB Leave Philadelphia for B. C. Jnnetion at 4.16 And 10 P. M. Leave B. C. Jo&etion for Philadelphia at 8,86 A, X, and 7.90 - X. Theta train* stop at all Intermediate stations. ON BUADATB, leave Philadelphia at 8 30 A. M. andl P. M. Leave West Chester at 8 4. M. and 6 P. H. Tiatn* leaving Philadelphia at 7.86 A. M. and 4 46 P, H.» andlesvin* West Chester at 7.46 A. M. and 446 P. M ; connect at B. G. Junction with trains on p. A B. C, .B, B. for Oxford and intermediate points. * • ' * Passengers are allowed to taae wearing apparel only as baggage, and the Company will not in any case be responsible for an amount exceeding one hand red dol lars, nnltsi a speeial contract Is made for th 9 same. BECTRT- WO 08, Cten'l Bnp. Philadelphia, March 15, anre Kg«»l.mmujili.,i ■■ RARITAN AND BWIiIiiTWI PBLAWABB BAT RAILROAD. J-mt-ADELPHIA TO BBOOSLYH JABB, t». KSOOKsioa TiOKRTs, good FOR THKEK DAIS. $3. CBAB3H OF TIMS. FMB«a*6T« for Expijm TfAin for Tnrterton, Bm;nJ, Toma River. Lose Br&n.h. anil Brooklyn lean VISB STREET FERRY at 8.16 A. H.. daily (Sundays «- SetnrnlnSf leaya WALL-STUBSr FERRY, Brook*. '’vifay Train for Atelon, Shamonf, Mauehwter, it.. leaves Cooper’s Point, Carodan.at 9So A. AI. - . ■jiia tf 1,. B. agent. Oniaden. EXPRESS COMPANIES. Bwtgeg CBBSTBDT Straw, forwardi Parcels, PaokaM, Mer ehandtze, Bank Botes, aid Specie, either by Its own lines or In connection with other Bxorees Companies, Maf«. ft 6 Pll,lClPal T ° W “ *E 6 BEDFORD, * ft 27 General Superintendent. TYELAWARE mutual safety ihsdbahcb compahy, IBCOBPOBATSD BT THB LBGMLATURB OF PEHSkYLVAHIA, 18ft- OFFICES E COBB Eft THIRD AHD WALNUT BTBEBTB. PHIL IDE i-PHIA. ' HABIKB IRHOKANGK OF VESSELS.) „ . cargo, > To all parts of the world, FKBIO T, tBLABB IFSOBABGBS _ " On Goods. byKlver. Canal, Lake, end Land Carriage, to all patteof the union* FiKS iVbCftdACjßfi* - On Merchandise generally, .. On Stores, v wolfing Houses, At. ASSETS OF THF COMPACT, November 1. 1864. _ _ 9100,000 United State* Five Per Cent. Loan,'7l-9100,000 00 lll’oco V six " «» >Bl. 118,31600 76;000 SIX •« “6 30b* 76,662 60 110,000 Btate of Pennsylvania Five Per Cent. L0an93.666 00 64,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Par Cant* Loan a e MeueuumeeH* MCM 66,810 00 123,050 City of Philadelphia Six PerCt.Loan* 123,630 87 20 000 Pennsylvania haltroad First Mort gage Six iter Gem Bonds *— 22,000 00 60,000 Rnneylvenla Baiiioad Second Mori ■ gage Six Per Cent. Bonds. 68,360 00 16,000800 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and Interest guaranteed by the city of Pfciladel- _ phla.s.ee. 16,800 00 6,600180 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Ball* road Compeny.~.~..« 9,100 00 6,0C0100 Shares Stock North Peussylranla ■ . £ abroad 3*060 00 60,000 United atatee Treasury Certificates of _ _ Indebtedness....**.*►*-***•.••-*•*♦*•*-*♦" 48,426 00 80,000 State of Tennessee Fiver. Per Ct Loan 12,0u0 00 38,700 Loasson Bond and Mortgage, amply ■eenred**-**- 128,700 00 9868,360 Par.'Cost 9842.100.60. Market va1ue.9857,627 87 Beal Estate. .*,»*-••««»**** ♦ ..«** 36,000 00 Billsretivable for insnranees made.. 118,860 42 Balances due at Agencies. —Preml« nzQB on Marine Policies, Aoorued Interest, and other debts due the _ flnmpany.*«..... 28,793 24 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance • and other Companies, 94,263. Satl- • mated ▼alne**.....*-*w....c..♦♦**•*♦+*• 2,220 00 Caßh on deposit with United States Government, subject „ to ten days’ call ••* • • 00 Cash in Banks.*».»«».*...«•* 68,151 93 Cash In Drawer. 687 66 • 9166 692 49 DIBBCTOBB. Thomas 0. Hand, Samuel S Stokes, John G. Davie, % J p, Peaiston, Edmund A Bonder, Henry Sloan, Theophilus Paulding, Wllltam 0. Boulton, ' John B. Penrose, Edward Darlington, James Tratjuair, H. Jones Brooke, Henry O. X-ailett, Jr., .. Jacob P. Jones, JemesG Hand. James B. > cF&rland, ■William 0. Ludwig, Joshua P Eyre, Joseph H, Seal, Spencer Mclivame, George G. Leiper, John B. Semple, Pittsburg, Hugh Craig, A.JB. Berger, Pittsburg. Bobertßurton, WT4 _ THOMAS C. HAND, President. JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President. HBNBY LYLBUBH, Secretary, d»lg-ly THE RELIANCE INSURANCE COM- X PAXJY OF PHILADELPHIA.. Incorporated in IS4I. Charter Perpetual. OPPICB flo. 308 WALNUT BTBEEP. capital. «300,000. Inrare, aialnst Low or Damage hr PIKE Howcee, Stores, and other Bosldlnge, limited or pepelatl: sod on Furniture, Goods, Wire., Md Herehagdiw, In town 01 'lOSsls PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. ASSETS,;*ADO,O6B TX. . . Invested in the following Seooritie«. Tif.‘: ■ First Mortgagee onClty Property, well eee»red,lflB,««l.«> edited States Government Loans 00 Philadelphia City 6pgr «ent Pennsylvania per cent; Loanwe+'sc 15,.000 00 ‘ Pennsylvania Haiitoad Bonds, first and se- „ - cond Hort^a'ses***-.-**■.»85.000 00 Camden and Amboy 1 SaliroAd-CompßiciyTs 6 . . w . 6,000 00 Philadelphia''&nd Beading Ballroad Com pany ’s 6 percent, Loan .«»>.♦.«*** Huntingdon and Broad Top 7per cent, morfc- . g&£6 DOlUlSitMm'-MeeteeiM.stiute-eetteMe 4,660 00 Count? Fire Insnranee Company’s Stocks* l. 040 08 Mechanics’ Bask ijtock««-M *-*♦**♦ <-**-►****-*•♦-►♦+ 4,C00 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stoei--. 10,000 00. Union Mutual Ineuranee GompanT’a Stock.* . 880 00 Beltenc* Insurance Company of PMladel* » .pbla’S Stock* »'» e»a* » M • i’te».Mte»e»eH 1-00000 Accrued 0;4*»5 42 Cask Jit bank and on . ':w . t W*; Worth at present market Talne.*** «««♦-♦ 71 DIRECTOR*. Clem Tingley, William Stevenson* Wm B Thompson* Benj, W. Tingle?* ■William Muster, Marshall Hail* Samuel BUpham, Charles Lelasd* H L. Carson, J. Johnson Brown, Robert Steen* Thomas H, Moore. „ CLEM TUSGLB?, President, Thomas C. Hill. Secretary, Philadelphia. December 1,1884. AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE A COMPAHT. Incorporated 1910 CHARTER PBR PBTUAIi. Ho. 310 WALHUT Btreet, above Third, Philadelphia. / Bavins a lane paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus in vested in sound and available Securities, continues to Insure on Dwelllnfi, Stores. Furniture. Merchandise. Vessels in port and their Canoes, and other Personal Property. All and promptly adjusted. Thomas S Vails* James B. Campbell, John Welse. Bdmnnd G. Dutllh, Samuel C. Morton, Charles W. Poultuey, Patritk Brady, Israel Morris, John T. Lewis, THOI Albbrt G. L. Crawford MAS B. HABIB, Prastdaat. I, SeraetMT- fe22 tf “CURB INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. J- —TBE PBNHBYLYANIA FIRS IHSURANOBCOH PAMy ißcorporaled 1826. CHARTER PERPBPOAL. No. 510 WALNUT Street* opposite independence Square. This Company* favorably known to the community for nesrly forty years, continues to insure agaiust Loss or Damage by Fire, on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on Fur niture* Stocks, Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their capitil. togtther with a larfe Surplus Faad, Is invested la the most csrefal manner! which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case c t lost, DIBBOTOBS, Jonathan Patterson, Alexander Benson, Itaae Hazlehurst, Thomas Bohlns, J. Gilllng] _ JONATHAN WILIIAM G. OaoWBLi, Se< Daniel Smith, Jr., John Ddrorenx, Thoms* Smith, I Henry Letrii, Ch&m Fell, PATTEKSOK* President scrett»ry. ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COM ‘CA PAST.-Authorised Capital $400,000-CHABTER PBBPETUAL. Office So. 311WALEUT Street, between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. ThU Company will insure against Loss or Danuta* by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene rally. „ . Aiso, Marine Insurances on Teasels, Cargoes, ana Freights. Inland Insurance Jo jtll parts 4-4 Trleh *-hlrtsng linens, sheeting. : 8 4 bleached and biown men damask. drills* bleya* Spanish itnea*. Lamaek table clothe and a pk«us. r WHl'iß GOODE. Jaconets. sombrlce, and tape cieok muslins, Swilf jduDb, b b B |^ B /0B tSsBUB*OBENADIH* veils. “^“YAECT'TfAvte^IM"’- jrc dozen to’ cr iravelltif fMrtS -00 dozen twlDed flannel shirt* Wdozen o^VTlc‘o0 d OM.*'#oE CASH. EXTwV ofiALITr^DOOR *TIHjD AMABV LI»EH TAB LB CLOTHS, W A . ALL LIBBS, OF eUP* tablecloths. * , , Alio, Huckaback linen towel*. . pfilLIP FORD & 00., AUOTIONBBRB. A n'R market »nd *«» OOMMSEOB Street.. SALE OF 1.500 CARES PRIME BOOTS, SHOES, BKOGAHS, Ac. THIS MORNING. , , May IP, commencing at.,10 o’clock precisely, Will oe sold for cash, l.firo cases prime boots, shoes, oroyanci balmofals. slippers, falters. Ac., for mens, boys* women's, and children's wear. LARGE FALL OF I.DOO CASKS BOOTS AMD SHOES. We willeell by catalogue, forcasb, • • ON MONDAY MORNING, - t May S 3, commencing at ten o’clock, 1,300 eases b-jots, shoes, baltnorals. falters, slippers, Oxford tlev Con gress boots, Ac,, Ac., for men, women, and children s wean PANCOAST & WARNOCK, AUO* X TIOXBERS, »40 MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 300 OASB3 STRAW * GOOD*.'BY CATALOGUE, OB FRIDAY.' * B _ May Iflih, 1665, commencing at 10 o'clock. Included will be found a desirable assortment of most fashtona b> shapes hats and bonnets, la straw and fancy, braids, for ladles, misses, and children. B £COTT. Jb.| AUCTIONEER, • 1040 CHESTNUT Street. CART—TO THE ADMIRERS OP THE FIBS A peremptory sale of high data oil paintings, the pro perty of Joseph Richardson, he being obliged to remove his stock from booth Seventh street, and not baing able to exhibit the pictures in his present room. 910 Chest nut Ftteet. is about to submit the entire collection of hlB modern pointings to public competition, without reserve. Farther paMicat&rs to be had at B Scott, Jr. '■ Gallery, 10SQ Chestnut street, opposite the Aca demy of Fine Arts, where the souccUon. with cata logues. Will be open for examination in about a week from date. T ARGE SALE OP GOVERNMENT il MtTL'BS. CHIBF Qdabtbrwasaur's Officb. . DaPOT Of WAftHISGTOK Washikgtojt, D 0 , May 13, 1805. Will be sold at public auction* under the direction of Brevet Colonel Charles H. Tompkins A Q M., at the Corrals near the Observatory, in the eity of Washing ten. D V . between FIVE AND SIX THOUSAND MULES, wbich have been us»d in the Government service. The sale will commence on Monday- May 32. IBSS, at 10 o’clock A- It.* and continue from day to day, unless otherwise ordered, until the whole number is sold. The mules will he sold sin sly, to the Highest bidder. Terms cash, in Government funds- ♦ D. H BUOKER, Brig. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, mylfifit Depot of Washington. CALK OP CONDEMNED OIiOTHING. CAMP AHD GARRISON EQUIPAGE, TEXT COY TIBGb, dec. Chief Quabterhastsb s Offiob, Übpot or Wasuikotoit, Washington, D. 0. * May 4.1865. Will be sold at public auction, under the direction of Captain.D G. Thomas. M 8. K. U. 8 A., at Govern* men< Warehouse Ho 6. on Seventeenth, between fit and I streets north, Washington, D. G , on MONDAY, May 23, 1865, at ID o’clock A. M,, a large lot of condemned ClothlL g, Ac.. consisting of— Infantry and Cavalry Coatc, Jackets. Trowsers, Draw ers, fchtrts, Felt fiats, Caps, Bugles, Trumpets, Drum Heads, Fifes, Leggings, Flags, Stockings, Blankets, Ktt lee. Pans, Fhovels, Spades. Piokaxet. Axes, Ha versacks, Canteens, Rope, Tent Cuttings, Hospital Tents, Sibley Tents* Wall Tents, Ac. Successful bidders must remove the stores within five (C) days from the date of «*le- a Terms cash, in Government fundi. - D. H. RDORWR, Brig. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, my 6 ISt . Depot of Washington. 11,9)1,66403 T7OLDIN6 SPRING BEDS. X Bedding of every dsscripts n. Sprlng-Dottom beds and cots. Excelsior moss and sea grass by the bale. FHILBBOOK ft CO., roylfl lm 9 South SEVENTH Street. DDTTERFIBLD’S D : OVERLAND DESPATCH. Office, Ho. IVBhET Street, New Turk. Office, 80. 40 South FIFTH Street, Philada. CHAOBOBT VIBBBaRD, President. W. K. KITCHEH, Treasurer* Company, now ftdly organized, with ample mpuax, ««ns its Transportation on the Plains, ana U frepftred to mu tract Freight to all points In Colorado, Utah, Idaho, gfew Mexico, and Arizona Ter* rlEoriee; also to BeeieU«» H«Tada- Through Contrasts an«: iaus of Lading given frost Bew Ton. Boston, Oincinnatt, Chicago, and * WM H A, M&3aM WTork ' M*. «BQnaFmi l rtr«t^Mu4|. £S l.. aplO- if General Superintendent TTELMBOXiD’B EXTRACT OP BAR aA S4PARILLA cleanses and renovates the blood, instils the vigor of health into the system, and purge* out the hamort that make diceate. ' Cotton and flax sail dock Kj ajh) CAHVAS. of all numbers and brands. ~ Tent Awning. Trunk, and Wagou-cover Duck. Also, Paper Manufactn>eTs’ Drier Felts, from one to flve feet wide; Paulina, Bolting Sail Twine-&o ■ ’ * JOHH W. EVEBM4N tt CO , nos tf Ho. 103 JOBES' AUey- XXBLMBOLD’S BXTRACT iJUCHO . U- i«lth ,nd Tl,or to th, finum and Wo»m Vj th. nIJH *i«,k. DsblUtr U imupuM aiamlng symptoms, andiino treatment 1* suogUtsed ■tfe, iMcelbf or asUwM* lb ww*. ■-WfcgSSfgk O-WSHV SPIBITS OF NITRF, PURF, b 3 (U: 6 P«,} manufactured by J. B. YOUtfG, Apothecary* corner SEVENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, Philadelphia. mylt 2Dt* fT H. GARDEN & CO., NOS. 800 AND *>-'• 60S MARKET Strut, Mamife.turer« or tad Wholesale Dealers la HATS, OATS, FOBS, BONNETS. STEAiV GOODS, ARTIFICIAL FLO WEBS, RUCHES, &c , &o. The I arrest and most oomplote .took. and the host term a Country Merchants and the Trade sup* piled. mhl-Sm Arkady and conclusive test of thejeronertlee of HBLHBOLD’B FLUID EX TRACT BUGHITwUI be a somparison with thou sat forthln the Pnlted States Btanenutory. I?OR EYBRY LOYAL BREAST—LIN a COLH MOXJBHIHa FIHB, In silver plate. Hew designs in black and white aatin; perfect pictures. By mall 36 cents, or 20 for *4, 100 for *l7, 1,000 for *m Mourning to last lor 00 days. Send your orders at once. SALISBUBX. 880 . & 00., Frovldeuce, B. 1. H. 3. Any pager copying this for four times we will tend them HH HIS. apa-lmo MAOKERBLa HERRING, SHAD, &a WA —3,600 bbl* Mail. Vos. I, 2, and I Mackerel, Iftte-eaugnt flat flak* in aeiorted package*. 2,000 boll. Hew Eastport, Fortune Bay* and Halifax Herring. w 2,600 boxes Lnbee, Sealed, Ho. 1 Herring. ’ 100 bbll Hew Mess Bhad. . 260 boxes Herkimer-county OhMM, &f. . In store and for side by HUBPHY & KOONB, jal9-fcf Ha 146 MONTH WHABVHB. H* JAMES, (Formerly of Philadelphia,) ATTORNEY AT LAW, yjBAHXLUt, VBMANGO COUNTY, PINNA* . Special attention given to the examination of Titles. Philadelphia Bbtrrbnobb Chas. R. Lex, Bsq., Hon. J. Boss Snowden. James H. Little, Esq., T. T. Tasker, Sr., Hood, BonbrlghWffit Co., J. 2. DsHavem, President 7th National Bank. mhll-Sm* OAMUEL W- HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW add conveyancer, REFERS TO OhulMl. Lsx, lit,, i X. &W. O. Biddle4Co., S. a KniihthOo., Dr. S. 8. Haehsnite, James BTLltti., lit., I W. H. Teuton A Oe. mhB-Sm . TO SHU A T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, If OOUDBBLLOX AT LAW, ADD SOLICITOR Of OLAI MS. Ottet, MU F Strut, nsjtr Fourteenth street, Washhmton. D. O. »s, mijmSi repalrlna sarsfczllv and promptly nttenasd to. BHU-fM a esam kstey’s COTTAGE ORGANS Dot only UDBXOBIiLKD, hutUDKOUALLED ta parity of Tone and Power, dewed wjfiWJJ Ip 1 9JJfjJ ?*■ and Schools, bat found to be •«©££ Jill to th. Parlor aid Drawlu Boom. >»£•s S&ljJ, Mo. 1* Worth BBVBHTH Street. Alfps a eonplete assortment of the Perfect Melodeon constantlyon hand. ML 6m MAGENTA, MAGENTA, MAGENTA, M. WBmßaVrmD.W»mgG FLUID, manufactured heln« o/ a more beautiful color, twice at durable, and only half thepHae, Call aud examine. For saloon! Jby OHABI & HUFTf, , * w 8a “ »a Booth lOU&TH Street. myl6-tuth»3t* . West Side. ■PHILADELPHIA TERRA COTTA A ■WORKS. OFFICE AND WAKEBOOMS. Do. 1010 CHESTNUT BT£BIT yITBITIBD WATER. DRAIN, and HEATING PIPES, with Lends, branches, traps, , to eorrwponi, fiom 1 lolS Inch bo s. ORNAMENTAL CHIMNEY TOPS, and FLUE PIPES, warranted to stand the action of Are. gas, or weather. OBHAMBIITAL PABLOB A,HP QABDBH for classical designs. pJaln ai.e bronxea. Migsouette Pots, Flower Pots, Ivy Vaeai* „ Hanging Vises, Fere Vases, ho • ho. Importer of Hint on’a Inoauitio Tile, for Ohurchei Ball*. Vestibules, ho. _ . _. ** xoh\ tutb»t! B. A. HABBISOH. CHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RE- O STORED by Selbbold’s eitbaot boghu. L , SALES. ‘ " TOHN B. MYERS & " ÜBS, *o«.' «3» wd 83* MAfiKKT St, J XiKOlt POFITIVB SALS Of 515 LOTI BRIT-.. AAD AMSBiOAff i)ltr OOOe^ A CAED.-'We invite the early and *welti attmn' of the trace to the large and seasonable ae»ortm,. * British, French. Ge'maa, and dtmenio dr, compiialDg 575 )*t* of staple asdifanev am f i e , peremptorily fold by catalogne. on four montba’ ctHa** ahd part for cash, commencing tni* moxnlig. *», 1 ; o’clock pteciaely. “MQ LARGE POSITIVE BALE OF BRITISH. GEKMUN, AND DOMESTIC DAT OOODr” 00 * We Will ho'd a large mlc of Fomlso and Goods, by catalogue, on a credit of fottr monibu 7? pan for .cash,.- r THIg MflRTJIBrfl Maylfitb, at 10 o'clock, embracing about 650 p& G >>. and lota of staple ane fancy articles in woolen i ed< linens, silks, and cottons, to which we loviu v?’ attention of dealers. • H. 8.-Samples orthe same will be arrantsd f or , T amination, with early on the UiorajJ,*; sale, when dealers will find it to their interut LARGE SALE OF FOMIO5 g ASU DOMB3TIO B , t Included In our sale of THURSDAY, May 18, wm-. found in part the * V , ; DOMESTICS. M bales bleached and brown sheeting* and 8hl;u Bw bales bleached and brown shirtings and dr;!{| a> cases wool. Canton, Do met. and mlusrs' —ess*e blue stripes, checks, ticks, d-utms A} ***- esses prim b, Kentucky jeans, kerseys. Ac cases cottonades, cloaking*, lluings, glothami. a, eases sllesias, co»eet leans cambrics. Ac. *■ .277** : Full lines cloths, coatings, doeskins, tricots, ** tone &o. ' Full lines Italians satin de chines. tssUom, Ac Ihisa AND fcCofCB LINEN GOODS * Full assortment bleacbed and W B daiuatks iw sheetings. Irish linen diapw, Ac B ' liß ** Alto, bleached and W B damask and spot tablecio h. towfls, diapers, napkins, Unen cambric handker. chiefs, Ac. "** Also. Un«n ducks, Spanish and Wouiellaens, buriss. CaBT “- " a iVo° PUCES LIKEK BRii,T, g Also, 1.100 piscei plain and (sne, G-rmin h,-. drills—all iradcs * B «| W r^ o RaovJ mala Large lints Paris mouse lalre>, raozamblaaaj. D .n do chevrse, mnadines. baregss, Tale.clas, c-*-,.. mohairs, alpacas, cobnrgs. baimorals, thawlß, Ac, ‘ DRESS SILKS. Full asiortment of aros grains, glossy black gro* ds Bhines, taffetas, poult de eoies, groa de Naplea. ai driilcs, fancy eUk« L Ac. * FARCY CABSIMERES. cases 7*4 heavy all silk and wool fancy eaaeiißoraa. LARGS SPECIAL BALE OF GSBMAN OOTTON Bq. EXERT, Ac, au ON PBIDaY MORNING, May ID, wilt be sold by cMaioine, on four mootin' credit, at 10 o’clock, / . 13,000 DOZ, HOSIERY AND GLOVES. doaena men’s, women's, and childrens’ bte&ehsa and unbleached mixed and openwork Lobs a&d titUf hose. dozens boys’ and misses’ hose and half hote dozens Paris kid, silk, Berlin, lisle, and cettea gloves. Travelling shirts, shirts and drawers, hoopiktrta. sewings silk handkerchiefs and ties. umbr«nm 4 & e Also,' 40 esses men’s and boys’ white and etforsd pfllm-leaf hats, woaen’s palm-leaf bhaker hoods, l.Ma lbs patent thread of a desirable make. POSITIVE SALE OF CARPS TINGS, DRUGGETS. MATTINGS, Ac. * OH SATURDAY MORNING, May 301 n. at 11 o’clock, wi i be sold, by catalogue, on four months' credit, abont 250 pieces rich royal t»* peitiy, Brusrels. printed felt, superfine and floeis. grsin, royal damask. Venetian, list, hemp. eott***. and rag Canton and cocoa msttiut«, a* embracing a choice assorimsnt of suoerior good*, wiiali may be examined early on the morning of sale, PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH, INDIA, QUtt. MAN, AND BRITISH DRY G&OD8, Ao * ON MONDAY MOANING, May 22d, at 10 o’clock* will be sold by catalogue, on four month*’c'edit, about 800 PACKAGES AND LOT* of Frcneb, lonia. German* and British dry goods, As embracing a large and desirable askortmvnt offano and staple articles in sllki worsted* woolen, linen, and cat. ion fabrics. N. B —Samples of the same will be arranged for ex amination. with catalogues, early on the morning of the sale, when dealers will find It to their Interest to attend. LAKG* POSITIVE BU.fi OF BOOTS. SHOES, 980. GABS, ABMT GOOOb. BAGS, it”. Ofit TTTBHDAY MOBBISQ, May SSd, at ?0 o’clock, will be soldi by catalogue, on four months' cr«oi?, snout 1,300 packages boots! shoes, brogan*. cavalry boots, Ac , embracing a primt and ireah atsomnentof seasonable goods of olty and Bsstsm manufacture. will be open for examination, with catalogues, 01 morning of sale. M THOMAS & SONS, • Rob. 130 and I*l South FOUBTH Street Pnbltc Saloß ot Beal Estate and Stocks, at the Ex* change, every Tuesday, at 12 o’clock. Sale at Roe. 199 and 1418. Fourth street. SBPBBIoE FnefIITDBE, MIBBOBS, BOSBWOnD riaao-EoBTE. fire bbossbls a»i> orass THIS MOBNIHB, it 9 o clock, at tee auction (tore, eayarlor prrlor farnl. tyre, mirrors, rosewood piano* forte, refrigerators, lae Brnssels and other carpets, As. ' "" ALSO, at lOo'slock, eight maohlnes for making oarpst brooms. BABB AND VALUABLE BOOBS. „ .... THIS AFrEBBOOK, MaylSth, at the anotlon store, rare and yainahle hooks, many of them relating to early American history Also, a number of Illustrated works. mi H- st . Ssle Hos. 189 and Ml South Fourth Cf> *et. SUPEBIOB HOU.BBOLD FUBHITUKB. KOggWOflD PlaRO, MIKBOKB, GOLD WsTflH, RifrLB.HiBD. bteamehwrbl£? d 0THBa “■»»•* m»ss. — t \ . THIS MORNING, AT9 o’clock, at the Auction istora. k , TO BROOM MAKERS AND OTHBKB. • Alto* Eight machines for making Broome, ot,. Sale 50. 247 South Pourih etreeft. wrTOiQK FUKairUHE, ELEGANT SOSSWOOD ciKpfee°^ L M| I o A, ' MI ' ” EKOBI FoS D Ar«et t l?“' cl “'?' 4 Ho»^>«n», C a‘ 80. 347 South J anp**rl(*r formtum, olegaut rosewood «omi v«Ue?°i Plate mantel mirror, hand treuesTia ad Brtl " , ‘ ,is "» r P«te. oil otoths, mat. Also, the kttohen ti-ujtuM and utensils. BALB E ™bi™Y^ 05 FRIDAY APTBRNooBe * 39th Inst., at the auction More, tbe collection of en* gravicgs and etoblnga belooßlng to ta* aouto ot Samuel Scarlett, deceased. • Alaoi a number of Illustrated works*. Peremptory Sale on the Premise* TRUCK PAKJgS AND COTTAGE SITfiS, 05 SATURDAY MORNING, May 2f1% at U o'clock, at the Cape May Court Hoom, Gape May county, 5. J., on the line of th« Ctoe May RaiJtoaa. A apecial train of ears will leave Walnut ‘strertwharf, and return in toe afternoon. Full particnlars in handbills and plans, may be had at the Auction Booms. Sale at Ho. 241 Bortb Sixth street. HOUSEHOLD FUBffITDKB. VELVET CABPBTB, bo. OH BATUBUAY At 10 o’clock, at No. 241 North Sixth street, below Vine street, the household and kitchen furniture, hair mattresses, velvet carpets, &c. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale. Public Sale. 199 SBTB SIX-MOLE HABHBSB. OH BATOBDAY, . Hay 20th, at 12 o’clock noon, at the auetlon store, will be lOld at public sale, by order of the Quarter Uußi'j Pepartment, U. B. A., 199 sets of sis .mule wsxon harness \ irregular. Samples may he seen three days previous to sale, at the auetlon store. Terms cash. By order of Col. W. W, MsEim, U, 8, A. Chief Quarter Master. Philadelphia depot Sale Hoi 1715 VINE Street. BUFEBIOB EUBHITUBfI. MELODgOHS, MIBBOBB, TAPBSTBT CARPETS OH MONDAY MOB*ISO. 23d insb., at 10 o’olock, by eatalogus, at Ho. 1716 Vine street, the superior furniture, rosewood melodson, French plate mirrors; fine tapestry oarpsti. «o May be examined at 8 o’clock on the moraine of the sale. MEDICAL. J ELECTRICAL OFFICES. i ) Ho. 154 forth ELEVENTH, below BAOB sWi [ also. CHESTNUT and FOBTIITH Street, West Phi* | ) DB? THOMAS ALLBH having been very sueesN • i >ful in the cure or Diseases by this new, method,; J would inform hie Mends and the Public ttat he / still benefitting and caring many whom mediiinn 5 did not affeet, and considered incurable. 1 Ffe will mention a few of the Disease* In the rave ) of which this treatment seldom if ever fails; Bhenmatlim, Polons, Kidney Diseases, * Neuralgia, Gangrene, Liver " Paialyels, Ulcers. Genital Cramps, Bolls, Bpinal *' Dyipepsia, Abieess, Throat * a 1 Fever & Ague, Eruptions, Prolapsus, ‘Asthma, lnflammatlons, p Hoc Emissions, ‘Congestion, Hemorrhage, Diabetes. As. Patients Will be treated at their rasidansek When! ; desired.a large nunTbef of testimonials may be seen; at the Ofiees from - patients in tfcU city. Oonsalta*. . tions gratia. Office hours 9 A, fif. to iP- M 4 tc fits City. DR. THOS. ALLEN, aplMmt_ Eleotfloian. ; WLBCTROPATHIO ESTABLISH- Ef MENT.-DR A. H. STEVENS, »a» of th* FIIW DIBCOVERSRB of a bow .yatom of_trwttmr dIMU. by MODIFIED ELECTRICAL APPLICATIONS, IBd Wk* hk. boon io,vtry .uocoMln) at PEND for JM la.t thveo year., ha. removod hi. Offlc. and Betldnu* to 1638 VINE Street, on. door bolow Bovontoonth. All rewon. deririn* roferoM.., or any partl«o>«* with reiardto hisarrmai modoof traatmont. Will yi.r*. ull or Mnd for a pamphlet u Oonanltation or ad vim cratnitona mbo-n SHIPPING. BOSTON AND FHILADKL* ■TOIWg PHIASTEAMSHIP LINE. saUiiucfrom ea«| pot! on SATURDAYS; from Uret, wharf aßova PINE Street, PhUaddlyhla, and Long Wharf, BottOft. The steamship NORMAN, Oapt Baker, wiU sail Don Philadelphia for Boston, on Saturday, Hay 13, at It’ A M., and steamship SAXON, Oapt. Matthews, trom Boston for Philadelphia, on the same day at 4 F. St These sew and substantial-steamships form a regular Une, sailing from each port punctually on Saturday*. Insurances effesied at one* half th* premium shMgWl on the vessels. Freights taken at fair ratee. Shippers are requested to send 81b Beeelpt* and 3 111* of Lading with their goods. 2**“ rnhS-tf *39 Sooth DBLAWASE Avoan.. STEAM WEEKLY TO Ll iiTflllllllir VESPOOL. tonoblni nt OUEBNSTOWN; (Cork' Bubor). The well known Btonmor. of th. Liver* Mol- Now York And PhUndolohin Btonm.hip Compa ny (Inman Une), urrylni the United State, HttUi tuft intended to Ml ns follow.: . ETNA.— ..SATURDAY, May Mti I CITY OF BOSTONSATURDAY, May 2«il EDINBURGH SATURDAY. Juo. 3d, And.every anoetdlni Saturday at Noon, from Pier n. North River. RATBB OF PASSAGE: Payable in Geld, or its ooalvalent'in Oaneney. First Cabin »86 00 Steeraae v •—S " to London.«« 86 00. •• to London. -M » “ to Pari. 86 00 " to Parle « * ** to Hamburg ... 90 Ou •* te Hamburg 81» Passenger* also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Nhi* terdam, Antwerp, &s,. at equally low rates. u Fares from uverpool or Queenttown: Ist Cabin, Jr** §B6i #lO6. Steerage from Liverpool or Queenstown* Jf« Those-who wish to send for their friends saa Mi tickets here at these rates, . x ... „ For further Information ipply, at th, Oorapany« OAooe. JOHN G. DALE, Arent. myl6-ti,B 111 WALNUTStreetTPhiU. _ NEW EXPRESS LINE, TO JHaSKmC ALEXANDRIA, GIOROITOWN, A** WASHINGTON, VUChaeap.akaandDmawi.r. Oaasi. BteauMßlmt* ftnt Wharfabove MAkkST Stresm •very WHDHMBIT and batdrda.t. «m m il For Freight apply to Agents,WM. r .UL ill GtV# 14 North uid Boutn Wharves. Phils* t J. B. DAVIDBOE. fFLOWS)* h BOWEN, Alsxanlrt*. Vn mbl4-9ra „ (t*—a. notice.—FOß NEW ASEBBBTORK -Th. PHILADELPHIA _A Bl> NEE* YORK EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. vU D Bui3Sw»*leavijmLi?ft«t wharf bkloW MABS37 BII wid.P. O OLYD*VdO. ,148. WHABYES.PhIIA JAMBS HAND. 11T WALL StrMt. mhl6-8m New Yota. WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTlli tompound of the ate. Thar, li nilthu ihalki S? matnni*, bLmuth, nor talc In 1U rampoiltiou, It b«i» wmpoMd entirely of our. Vlrrtn Wax ; hon.e the ta appear roung, the homely handsome, the more beautuol, and the most beautiful divine, rrij*” Wand6ocents. Preptirei only by HUNT h 00., ”•[ fumert, 41 South KGHTH Street, two. doors a| Cheitnut, and 133 8ou& BBVBHTH Biro#, Walnut , , . apa^gLw TfOR NON-RETENTION OR INCON- A TINSNCB of OTlne, Irrltatton, alteration of the Wadd.r otr kldHy>.»«l iigSKlSgga