RELIGIOUS INTftTiLIGMGfii DIFFICULTIES of Chueob Restoration in the South.—The New York Independent says the diffi culties In the way of the religions reintegration or the South are manifold, every way, but we submit that they will be reduced to their minimum by the adoption of the simple polity of the Congregation allots, in preference to that of the “governed” ©hurohes. All,of the latter class are liable to pecu liar embarrassments by the necessity of moving all together. For Instance, the Richmond Timet, April 24, says: “No service was held yesterday at the Episcopal Churches, as the officiating clergymen are awaiting, as required, we believe, by the rules of their church, a consultation or a decree from the Bishop, wnois absent in the country, before they can pray forine President of the United States, as required of them. The Taylor-street M. E. ohuroh, in Louisville, have voted to .rase the word “Sooth” from the Sign over the door of their edifice, thus avoiding the stigma of treason, but chevailerly standing aloof from fellowship with the “mudsills.” But they will grumble fearfully if the regular and loyal Methodists should refuse to recognize them as an orderly church of Christ. E The “General Assembly of the Preßbyterlan Church in the con rederate States” is appointed to meet at Macon, Ga.. on the 10th, but “our flag Is there” now, and the gentlemen will find themselves , under the disagreeable necessity of taking the oath of allegiance to their lawful Government before entering an their religious deliberations. What a coming down for the Palmers, and Smyths, and Russes, end Dabneys of the Church! The Baptists, even, although Congregational in government, will find themselves greatly embar rassed by questions as to the recognition they shall award to leading ministers and members who have been chiefly active and influential in giving the color of religions sanction to the rebellion. Monument to Cor.. Mulligan.— A movement has commenced among the Catholic and Irish' Americans of Chicago to eroot a handsome monu ment over the remains of the gallant Colonel Mulligan. Training op thb Greek Clbbsy.—A letter writer in KussJa has been visiting the academies rcr the training of the clergy or the Greek Church* Re says: “ I have found great progress is made in a high and liberal course of study, comprising four years In the academy and six years In the seminary. None of the clergy come from the universities, but they receive an equally liberal training. These academies, however, are only for a select body of the clergy; the majority of the parish priests are educated at seminaries, where the education Is poor Indeed.” Kkv. W. H. Chapin, missionary of the American Board, a native oi Somers, Conn., died at Ahmed nnggur, Inula, oi diphtheria, aged 26 years. Church in North Africa.— According to the Gibraltar Chromde i a Protestant church has been opened at Tangier, in Morocco, after a lapse of 200 years, from, which it would appear, there was a Pro test ant church there in the time of the Stuarts. The congregation is confined to British residents and servants, and amounts in all to about forty. K&w t/Brucu Edifice in Nbw York.— The new house of worship for the Church of the Cove nant. New York city, of which the Rev. Dr. Pren tiss Is pastor, has been opened with appropriate Services. The edifice is an ornament to the otty. Irs prevailing style Is Byzautiae, with auoh varla lions as serve to relieve Us severity, and render It cheerful in Its effect as well as grand and Imposing. It stands on Murray Hill, at the corner of Thirty fifth siTeet and Fourth avenue, a beautiful and commanding location. Congregational Items.— Dr. Gulliver’s church, Norwich, Connecticut, Is to receive an accession of ninety members at Us next communion, seventy by profession, and sixteen heads of families among t* em. in the second (Congregational) ohuroh, Nor wich, Mi. Dana’s, forty-five are expected,and in the Cenual Baptist about the same number. Suhoval of a Seminary.— The trustees of the East Windsor Theological Seminary have voted to remove that institution to Hartford, Connecticut, pud to make an effort to raise $200,000 further for Its permanent endowment, $50,000 cf which is already pledged by iriends. Lincoln College. —An institution, with the title of Lincoln College, has been Incorporated by the Leglelatnie of Kansas, and located at Topeka, Rur ds have been raised sufficient to erect prepara tory buildings, and SIO,GCOIs to be. raised in Kansas. Tbb “Qubrn’s Biblb.”—a splendid copy of the ** Queen’s Bible ” has been bequeathed by the late Lady Willoughby d’Eresby to St. James’ Chapel, XflUthlU. The edition consisted Of one hundred and seventy copies, which were intended for the Royal Family and several members of the nobility- It consists of two large volumes, got up in the most Beautiful manner, and is interleaved with a large collection of photographs of the chief places of Scriptural interest lix Palestine and Egypt, taken By Frith, who accompanied the Prince of Wales In his recent tour through the Holy Land. The edi tion was got up on the suggestion of her Majesty. Easter in Borne. [Jrem the Loudon 1 ime>, April 26 ] The great Easter drama terminated last Sunday morning with what is always a gorgeous spectacle, but was never more so than on this occasion. Rcme, already full of visitors In search of health or amusement, has lor the last two or three weeks been overcrowded witn a zealous multitude from all parts ©j Europe to celebrate the jubilee appointed by his Holiness at the beginning of the year. Sixty thou* Sand foreigners—perhaps rather above the mark— %i e stated to be now in the Eternal City, and a large proportion of these on Sunday morning thronged dive to that wondrous edifice of which the Roman Catholic world may well be proud. A more splen did oay we have not had this season; not even one flttcy cloud floated across the deep blue sky, and the atmosphere was cf that crystal clearness when objects seem to stand oat not simply Is bold relief, but mail their individual distinctness. Prom half past 6 in the morning, when the fair Sex began to move, until half past Z there was one continuous line of carriages coming and going from every part cf the city to St. Peters. At half past ? o’clock the door was opened, and a tremendous snuggle took place among the ladies—and ladies can crush, let me tell you—to obtain possession of the reserved seats, which were soon filled to over flowing. OI the ceremonies wflhln the church there Is nothing to be said which has not been said a thou sand times. ThOße who performed them were clothed In their meet costly robes. The ex-royal family of Naples and King Ludwig of Bavaria were there In their private box ; most of the foreign ministers were present, with the addition of the Doke do pereigny, while a crowd, such as I hare hot seen for many years, almost sued this enormous bunding. There is but one feature in the whole] performance Which has any attractions 1 for one who has witnessed It often, and that Is the divine music of the silver trumpets. It Is not music understood as a compo sition of notes i it is one continued breathing without pause or cessation, so sweet that one might *)modt listen to It as the still small voice from Heaven. To those who camedown late all access to the church was impossible for the multitudes who Lad assembled in the corridors, on the steps, the wings, and the whole of the vast Piazza,in order to witness the grand spectacle of the blessing of the tibem tt uniem. In the centre of the Piazza were ranged, in military array, large bodies of the Papal and French troops, oavalry and In fantry, cannon and ammunition wagons; around them was a triple fringe of carriages, many of them filled with spectators, and among which tiicse of the Cardinals, the ambassadors, and the municipal body formed a goodly show. Behind these again, and all around, and extending even to Jst Angelo, there was a countless mnltituae of the devout and curious, whose gaze was fixed on one point of tie flute gallery above the grand entrance |o the ChUICh, over which now hung a large canopy. About half past 12 the great bell and the little beiis ot St. Peter’s began to sound, a sign that the proces sion was on the move, and there was a general mur mur among the crowd and a clashing of arms among the soldiers- Cardinals’ silver caps began to appear above the balustrades as their Eminences took tielr places, and last of all, borne in his chair of State, came the Pope, emerging from the darkness oi the Inner chamoer, wearing his triple crown, ard clothed wtih a gorgeous crimson robe. I stood at the lower end of the piazza, underneath one cf the oerridors, whence 1 could command a good view of the scene, end surrounded by a promts- • cucue multitude of gendarmery, concadlnl, and Romans. The contrasts of the morning were strong, snd would force themselves on the mind; the silver trumpets within breathing peace, and the brazen trumpets without the heralds of war. St. Peter within sheathing his sword at the command of his Divine Master, and iSt- Peter without Surrounded by and blessing the deadly instruments or destrao tk-n—cannon and Mime rifles and sword-bayonets. Yet, as a spectacle, aided by architectural and atmospherical effects, ncthiog could be grander. I stood among that class of people who might be expected to make the strongest manifesta tions of devotion, yet I looked In vain for them; there was a general raising of hats, thoagh home who stood near me sever took them off, and when the Pope blessed the “City and the World,” though many cent, not one person did I see on his kites. The same observation was made by others in different parts of the Piazza. Doubtless many were on their knees, as there must have been many present devoted to the temporal and spl rim CoaiMiTTBH 09 THB MONTH. Jakrs O. Hand, ) MARINE EVTELLIGEKCE. PORT 07 PHILADELPHIA, HAT 13. 5unK18E8.4.65 i SunSbts..7.6 | HiqhWatbb.,.4.9 ARRIVED. Ship Corsair fßr.), Card, 67 days from Liverpool, with mdse to P wright &■ Sons. Brig Dudley, Carter, 6 days from Charleston, In ballast to E A Souder & Co. Brig Concord, Everett, 4 days from Charleston, In ballast to Workman A Co. Daring the gale on Thurdsday night, off Wilmington, Dei, lost lower fore topsail yard, split sails, Ac. Brig San Antonio, Jackson, 4 days from Charles ton, in ballast to Henry Simons. Schr F A Howe, EIUb, 10 days from Stockton, Me, with spars to J E Bazloy A Co. Schr Only Daughter, Mathews, 5 days from Balti more, In ballast to captain. Sehr Minerva, Jefferson, 5 days from Seaconet, with fish to captain. Sohr Open Sea, Babbidge, 6 days from Hilton Head, in ballast to J E Bazley & Co. Schr Alfred F Howe, Ellis, 7 days from Sears port, in ballast to J E Bazley & Co. Schr Electric Flash, Ayres, 3 days from Seaoonet, with fish to captain. Sehr Julia Newell, Wish, 7 days from Portland, with headings to Twells & Co. Sohr J H Moore, Nickerson, 5 days from Port land* with mdse to captain. Schr Clayton & Lowber, Jackson, l day from Smyrna, Del, with grain to .T L Bewley & Co. Schr Jas L Heverlo, Hollingsworth, 1 day from Little Creek Landing, Del, with grain to James L BewJey&Co. sohr Cora, Spenoe, i day from Brandywine, Del, With flour to R E Lea. St’r Geo H Stout, Borden, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm P Clyde. Steamer Wilmington, Wilson, so hours from Al exandria, In ballast to U S Quartermaster. steamer J S Rockwell, Edwards, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm M Baird k Co. CLEARED* Sohr W E Stevenson, Mears, Fall River. Schr Waterloo, Pickering, Bath, Schr Diamond State, Carey, Washington. Sohr W H Rowe, Harris, Providence. Schr F Burnett, Norton, Orient, L I, Schr I) W Sanderson, Mott, New Haven. Schr Kansas, Laws, Alexandria. Schr Osceola, Insley, Washington. Steamer Buggies, McDermont, New York* Steamer J S Shrlver, Dennis, Baltimore. Steamer New York, Davis, Washington. [Correspondence of the Philadelphia Sxihauxe. 3 Lbwbs, Del-, May 10—II A. M* The following vessels are at the harbor: Brig San Antonio ard Open Sea, In ballast, for Philadelphia; schooners Royal Oak, with spars j Young Teazer, with stone, and Alram, in ballast, all for Philadel phia ; W R Sampson, for City Point; Edw Slade, lor Richmond, Va; E F Meany, for New York $ Hickman, for Hudson, New York; Moselle, for Fort Monroe; C Loeser, for Providence; Alice Scranton, for Connecticut; Hunter, for Providence, and L F smith, for Boston. Wind E. Yours, &c, J. HrLLYARD Burton. MEMORANDA. Brig Covodonga, from New York for St Joans, P R, put Into the Delaware Breakwater, loth taßt, the captain having died on the Bth, in iat 36 40, lorg 7146, from liver complaint. Mr. Henry, nrst znate, took charge of the vessel. Ship Washington, Berry, from Baltimore 14th Jan, at Panama 2d Inst, discharging—arr 30th ult. Steamship Star of the Union, Blanchard, from New York, at New Orleans Ist Inst. Bark Pennsylvania (Ital), from Palermo for this port, was spoken 10th Inst, lat 3810, long 74 48. Bark Marla Henry, from Beaufort, N O, for this port, was spoken on 9th Inst, off Cape Lookout. SckrM Hand, Brooks, from Greenport for this port, at New York on Thursday. Schr Wm Gitiam, Dickinson) hence at Hartford 10th inet. Sohr Sallie J Aiken, Godfrey, cleared at New Orleans Ist Inst for this port. Scnr Z&xnpa, Johnson, was at Sagua 2d inst, for this port in 4 days. Sohr Grace Girdler, Clark, cleared at Boston Thursday for this port. Schr J A Griffin, Foster, for this port In 5 days, w&b at Sagua 2d inst. PHILADELPHIA SAYING FUND A SOCIETY. JTo 300 WALNUT Street. - Incorporated February 25. A. 1) 1819. OPEN JOE DEPOSITS AND PAYMENTS 03 MONDAYS AND TSOKtDAYS, From 9 A M to IP. M.. and H tO 7 P M., And on other days'rom A. M. to 2 P. M. President—CALEß COPE. MANAGERS: John A. Brown, John B. Wucherer, Francis Gurney Smith, Wi liam B Hart Tobias Wanner. Wm V. Keatmi, M. D., Jacob K. Smith, William Harmar, Ssmnei W. Jones, S Morris Wain, James Dnndas, JenisB -Bayard, Burt J. Williams, Mord. L Daereon, Thomas Robins, Joshua B. Ltpptncott, Adolphus E Boris, JohnLammsrt, lame el Welsh, Charles WUltn*. M D., J Pemb Hutchinson, George W. Norris, M D., .Tokenh Swift* Jos. Harrison, Jr. J 0 P * IAM PUSVBs, Treasurer. CENT. PJSH AH HUH. will: JKTEREBT 4 8-10 PER myH-thsta3> 'JT'HE franklin saving fund, JfO. 136 SOUTH C KWRTH BTSBBI, BBIiOW P»T» flTfi per ,ent. Intere*ton Devosltg. Aleut. fin theestleof failed Bt»ie»? *- M .I SSEOH meat, State atid City Loan* «d Stoiki boafttt *ud »oi« 2, and 3 Mackerel, late-sauaht flat fisb, la aborted package*. 3,900 bbls. Mew Eastport, Portuaa Bay* ani Halifax fUrrlnx. 1.600 boxes Lnbec, Bcaled, No. 1 Herriaf, 150 bbls New tte«t Shad. 250 boxes Eerklmer-sottnty In atom and for sale by MURPHY h KOOKS. ja!94f Vo. 110 VOBTfi WHABYES. THE PKESS-PHILADELPHIA, SAIL HD AY, MAY 13, ist>s. TMFOBTANT TO RAILWAY' THA VBLLEBS. —For ftiU Information In rcfcronc* to Sta« •ions, Distances, fHd Connections, Illustrated by one hundred Railway Haps, representtngthe principal Sail* way* of the conntry, tea AFPLBTOI'b rjttt.wat GUIDE. _ noi9-3m pENNBYLYANIA CENTRAL RAIL- B CHANGE OF TIMS AND DEPOT, ,„ Ti * 0, 4 h« C.ntral RtUramd thj Saw Dspoh «* THIRTIETH and MARKET tofore ta,t dof h ® t *" Ui * a4 Mark.t streak, *• hata- Tbe'«»T» o f the Market- atreet Paasennr K»Hw« ran to ana from Pennsylvania Central KnflrAad Cenot. at Thirtieth and Market Streets; they also leave Front street every two minute*, commencing one boar previ x Their cars arc in walttngpn the arrival of each train to convey passengers Into the elty, anoconneotiona are made with all roads crosslnr Market street toSUHDATS-CarsleaveJleventhandMwkat fits, at 7.45 P. connect with Plttsbnrr and Brie Mall, and at 10.25 P. M. with Philadelphia KxmsSs be located at Ho. 81 South Eleventh street Parties desiring baggage taken to the trains, ean haye it dose at reasonable rakes upon application to him. TRAINS LEAVE AID ARRIVE At-' DEPOT THUS* Liavn, c HAIL TKAII— t± 800 A. M, PAOII ACCOMODATION, No. “ 10 00 M HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION.. " i® •• LANCASTER ACCOMMODATION^.. •• JoO a * FAOLITRAIN, No. «• gjn « PITTSBURG AID ERIE MAIL~™ •* &® •• PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS •• j£J5 •• ARBTVB. PITTSBURG AID ERIE MAIL~~~.. •* 830 A. H. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS. «■ 7.08 *■ PAOLI ACCOMMODATION 10. 890 (a •« fc® •• LANCASTER TBAII-~— «• 19.90 F, H. FAST LINE. «• la,® *« PAOLI ACCOMMODATION 10. 1.-4. •' A® “ MAIL TRAIN “ 0,45 " Harrisburg accommodation.,. «• o.eo M Philadelphia Express leaves daily. Pittsburg and Brie Mail leaves daily (except Saturday). All other Trains dally (except Bumdar.l ... The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for Wearing Apparel, And limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars In value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken by spe cial contract. For further information, as to time and connections, see bills and framed cards, or apply to JOHN F. VAN* LEES. Jn., Ticket Agent, at the Depot. An Emigrant Train runs daily (except Sunday.) For full information as to fare and accommodations, apply to FRANCIS TUJnt, fe2o-tf 137 doge: Street innc ARRANGEMENTS OF 10/JE loot). NEW YORK LINES. loOD* SaHBH THE OkKDKtr"AB'i>"AMHOT ijsm PHILADBLrHIA AfiD TBBHTOS RAILROAD COHTAHI’S . LINES. PROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW TORE AND WAT PLACES. FROM WALNUT fITRHBT WHARF WILL LEAVE AS TOLLOWS—VIEi At« A. M. , Tl* OAiad«ii And Amboy, C. Add A. A«- eommodation«A4...4.— 4—,4ft 9i At 3A. M. t via Camden and Jersey Oily, Morning Express— 4 .• 04.1 ,4 4 4,4 004 111 I» I 11, AKA 100 At 12M., via Camden. And Amboy, 0. and A. As commodation—,v.,H —.4| K At 2P. M., via Camden and Amboy. »4 It operated by them. * Its entile length »m opened Air pAsaengeraud freight business Ociobar 17th, 1864. TDtB or FABBBN&BBlTBAIKS AT PBILADBLFBIA. Leav# Westward. _ _ MeUTrnin--... 8.30 r. K, Lock Haven Accommodation Train..™**....B.oo A. M. Passenger care ran through on Mall Train without .bang, both ways between Philadelphia and Brl«, and Bnltimore and Brie. „ Elegant Sleeping Can on Elmira Expraaa Train* both ware between Philadelphiafand Look Haven, and am Elmira Expreea Train both way e between Williauiport MARKET Streets, Philadelphia, J. W. KETHOLDS, Erie. A. X. DRILL, Agent N.a S. |y^on. (Joneral Freight General Ticket* Agent. PhUadeipua. JOBBPHD. POTTS, degg»tf General Manager, Williamsport. Bam 1865.7, P ,?,!. L J2 ELMIRA BAILBOAD LINE to *ll point. WEST, The direct route for the tor- OIL REGIONS OP PENNSYLVANIA. Of wilqamspobt, buppalo, suspension Biußo*, elm/ra. niaoaba palls, and all places in the western and Northwestern States and the Canada Wei TBBOUGII TEAMS _ Leave Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Depot* Thir teenth and Callowhill streets, Hally, (Sundays ex cepted), for the North and West, as follows: Morning Express at 8 A. H Afternoon Express at 8.30 ?. M. . .. . V&kinga direct connection withaH Uterseetinrroad*. FOB THROUGH TICKETS to any point, and farther Particulars concerning tho different routes, apply at ie TICKET OFFICE, 433 CHESTNUT Street, under the Philadelphia Bank. opposite the Onstom House. X. YAH HORN, THeket Agent, 425 Chestnut street. JOHN & HILLI&. General Agent. 3*l Thirteenth andCaUowhlilsireati. BTurmg 1 NORTH PKNNBYL TANIA BAILBOAD For 2!S?O L | H W^:LIAMIpORT o w!t K^ < k H K t C^ ~K ■ EASTON ** passenger Trains leave the new Depot, THISD Street* above Thompson street, daily (Sundays exseyted). as follows: At 7.30 A. H. tSzpresa) fdrß.thleh.rn, Allentown, Xaueb Chuuk, Haslaton. Williamsport, WUkea bane, As. At S. 30 P. M. (Biurets) for Bethlehem, Easton, ta. , At 6. If P. M. for Balhlehtm, Allentown, M.uak fTh^iflV. ToxDoylestown »t9.60A. M. Budiap.X. Por Port V “-“in glon at 1. 14 V. X, For Lansdals at 6.16 r. M. ■ . White ears of the Second and Third-streets Line City P..„ 816t BjAlw|g Inn B«thleh.m»t f.SOA. X., 10.07 A. X.. aadf.ll P Leave PoTloitowu »t *soA. M. and A 441 P. X Lwn LansdAle »t 8.10 A. X. Philadelphia for Doylestown at D.SOA. X. and AW for Philadelphia at fA. H. and 2T. X* noli BLUB CLANK* Agent fSaiC—3 WBST JERSEY ■BHSXS BAILBOAD LINES. feM Wmm NEW ARRANGEMENT. "n and after MONDAY, May Ist, 1866, Trains will leave fronLWALNUT-BTRERTPIKE as follows: . ForGAnMAY, and til places south of Millville, at 9 15 A. X , passenger and freight, &«,;at 3. SOP. X., Express Passenger. Por MILLVILLE, BRIDGETON, SALEM, ASd aUU; termediate .laces south of GlAssboro, At 9.1 f A. X. ABd 4 Por'oLASeBOEO At 9. IS A. X., 2 30 P. H.. AUd 4 P 'Por’ WOODBURY, GLOUCESTER, fta., At 9. If A. M , ISOP. M., 4P. M.» and 6 SOP. M. EETUKNIJfQ. Leave Cape Hay at 6. SO A. M., passenger, and 13 u.. paissxger and freight ... Leave Millville at 7.86 A. U.* passenger, and 3.60 Leaved rtdgeton at 6.40 A. M.. passenger, and 4.16 Z. M., passenger. , _ Tjeave Salem at 6.26 A. X.»passenger, and4P. X.* F Lea”| e GU«shoro, At7.l3A. H..8.1S A. X.. and S.l P L?a« Woodbur* at 7 A. M.,8.14 A. X.,9.10 A. M.. THE WEST JERSEY EXPRESS COMPANY , will attend to all the nanti branches of Express easi ness, recetxe. deliver, and forward through other re sponsible Express Companies, to all parts of the eTOnwf. tu article entrusted to them. „ ruzsAPUFBiA. Xay !• m apX-n RAILROAD LEVER. TRJJSTS VOX BALTIMOBI. RAILROAD LINES. fiSHMM] WEST CHESTER PHILADELPHIA KAIL- BOAD, VIA MEDIA BUMMEH AKEANGEMENT. On and after MOW DAY, April 17, ltita, the trains will leave ae follow. j gT CBgsTBR TBilffB Leave Philadelphia for West Chester at 7.36 aad 10.30 A. M., and 3.16, 4 45. and 6.45 P. M LeaT« West Chester for Philadelphia at 6-20, 7.45, and 10 £6 A M » and 1.45 and 4.4 C P. M. Trains leaving West Chester st 7.45 A. M. and leaving Philadelphia at 4 45 P. M. will stop only at Media B.G. Junction. Glen Mills. Cheney’s, and street Road, ’ B C JUNCTION TRAINS Leave Philadelphia for B. C. Junction at 4.15 and 10 P, M. Leave B. C. Junction for Philadelphia at 8.39 A. M. and 7.20 P- M. These trains stop at all intermediate stations. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at 8 90 A. M. and 3. P. M. Leave West Chester at 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.35 A. M. and 4.45 p. M., and leavinn West Chester at 7.45 A. M. and 446 P M • connect at B. C. Jnnotion with trains on P. ek B. C. B, £. for Oxford and Intermediate points. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only SB baggage, and the Company will not in anr ease bd responsible for an amount exceeding one hundred dol lars. unites a special oontraot is made for the same. ’ BENBY WOOD, Gen’lSup. Philadelphia, March 15,16*5. MTo fIgMUJBBBBao RARITAN AND ■HHSMEHBIdBIiIWAEB BAT BAILKOAD. PHILADELPHIA TO BROOKLYN... FAKE. *». EXCURSION TICKETS. GOOD FOB THBEE DAYS. *3. . CHANGE OF TIME. Passengers for Express Train for Tnekerton.Barnegat* Toms Elver, Long Branch, and Brooklyn leave VINE* STREET FKKRY at 8.15 A. M., daily (Sundays ex cepted). Returning, - leave WALL-STREET FERRY, Brook lyn, at 11A M. Way Train for Atsion. Shamong. Manchester, &e r , leaves Cooper's Point, Camden, at 930 A. M. ja3 *f L. B. ’IQLB. Agent, Camden. EXPRESS COMPANIES. THE ADAMS EX PBESS COMPANY, Offl.e 331 CHBBTSUT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Mer chandize, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own lines or in connection with other Express Companies, to all the principal Towns and Cities in the United States. B. 8. SANDFOBD, U 7! General Superintendent )OTSIJBAyCIE> ~ SAFETY \J INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OP PENNSYLVANIA, 1835. OFFICE S E CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS. PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS, > „ OABOO, > To all parte of the world > FREIGHT, IH8UKAI(C1!8 On Goods, by River. Canal, Late, and Land Carriage, On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, Ac. ASSETS OF THF COMPANY, November 1. 1864. $lOO,OOO United States Five Per Cent. Loan, 71. $lOO,OOO 00 111.0C0 ** Six •• “ ’Bl. 118,215 00 76,000 •« Six " ••a-aos. 75,663 60 1(0,000 State of Pennsylvania Five Per Gent. Loan-.-.—— 93,665 00 64,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Gent. Loan 66,840 00 123,060 City of Philadelphia Six PerCt.Loan. 132,520 37 20,009 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mort* gage Six ?er Cent 80nd5~.«.~~.... 22,090 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mort* gage Six Per Cent. Bonde-~.~—— 63,250 00 16,000 8w Shares Stock Germantown Gaa Company, principal and interest guaranteed by the city of Philadel- phla»—ls,Boo 00 6,600 180 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Rail- ~~~~ Worth at present market Y&lne»«* PIfifiCTOBB, Clem Tiniley, William Stevenion, Wm R Thompson, Banj. W. Tingley, William Mnsser, Marshall Hail, Samuel Biepham, Charles Leland, H L. Caisou, J. Johnson Brown, Robert Steen, Thomas H. Moore, iM TIHGLEST, President. THOMAS 0. Hiu. Secretar; Philadelphia. December AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE -tA OOMPAHT. Incorporated 1810 GHABTEB PER PETtJAL. Ho. 31U WALIIUT Street, above Third. Philadelphia. Bavins a larse paid- up Capital Stock and Surplus in vested in sound as d available Securities, continues to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vea&elß in port and their Canoes, and other Personal Property. All and promptly adjusted. Thomas E Maris, James B. Campbell, John Welse, : Edmund & Dufcilh, Samuel C. Morion, CArles W. Poultney, Patrivk Brady, Israel Morris. John T. Lewis* THOMAS B. MABIB, President. Alebbt C. L. Crawford, Secretary fa 23 tf T7AME INSURAN< 80. 406 OHES PBILAD] Flfiß ABD INLAI Z>IBEC‘ CE COMPANY, STRUT STREET. ELPHIA JTD INSURANCE, 3TORS: * ' Francis B Back, Charle* Biehardson* Eemy i/cwi*. , Samuel Wright, P. S. Justice* George A. West. i FBAHCIB K. BUG. John W, Bverman, Bo"bert B Potter. John Kessler, Jr„ B. D Woodruff, Charles Stokes. Joseph D. Ellis, IK, President. SOU, Vice President. tary. " jaM-tf CHAB. KICHABDS V, I Blakoharp> Secrel T7IBE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. -L -T£E PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSUB ANOB COM PANY. Incorporated 1826, CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. 510 WALNOT Street, opposite Independence Equate. This Company* favorably known to the community for neirly forty years, continues to insure against Lose or Damage by Fire, on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time* Also, on Fur niture, Stocks, Goods, or Merchandise generally, oa liberal terms. Their capital, together with a large Surplus Fund* is Invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the Insured an undoubted security In the ease of loss. DISSCTQBB.. Jonathan Patterson, Alexander Benton, Itaac Hazlehuret, Thomat Koblna. , J. Gllling] JONATHAN William G Cbowell. 6e< Daniel Smith, Jr. f John Devereux, Thomas Smith, Henry Lewis, rham Pell. f PATTERSON, President. aeret&ry. ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COM PABY.-Authorized Capital $4OO,OOO—C HART E R PERPETUAL. Offlceßo. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and merchandise gene raAißO, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insiuaac ll parts of the Union. William Esher, ] Davis Pearson, D. Luther. Peter Betger, Lewis Audenrled, J. B. Baum, Johnß B.acktston, William F. Dean, Joseph Maxfi eld, John Ketcham, WILLIAM B6HKR, President. wu. f. dean. Vise President. W. M. Sjaru, Secretary. aps tf REMOVALS. ATADAME ADOLPH HAS REMOVED A"-L to 419 North ELEVENTH Street, above Gallow hilL my 9 6t» REMOVAL. ' WILLIAM YARN ALL Has Removed from No. 1030 to No. 1333 CHEST* NUT Street, 8. E. corner of THIRTEENTH Street . Where he invites the attention of hcftuekeepers, and those commencing housekeeping, to his extensive as* sortment of useful HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. _ Superior Refrigerators, Table Cutlery, Family Hard ware, Children’s Carriages, As., ap24 am DALTON’S FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING knitting machines. Perfected 1864. A YARD OF PLAIN OR BOBBED WORK KNIT IN TEN MINUTES ! KNITS UPWARDS OF TWENTY DIFFERENT ARTI- CLES OF APPAREL! They are simple, reliable, perfect, and wonderful lu the amount and variety of work they yerfm-m ■ USUAL SPEED SIX THOUSAND STITOHBB PER MINBTB. , It can be made, in the hands of a woman,to earn with ease and comfort $lO to $4O per week. _ EVER! FAMILY SHOULD HAVE ONE. A few active, enterprising Agents wanted, to whom liberal inducements will be given. v.u To publishers of newspapers who will pay one-half money, we wiii allow the remainder to be paid in advertising at the regular rates. . . Send for circular anc samples, enclosiM stamp. General Agency for Peunsvivanla, Ohio. Western Sew Yo>k. Virginia, W«st Virginia, and Maryland, So n ?£Z mE "^TYFmpi™ PHILADELPHIA TERRA COTTA OFFIS O A»D WARBROOMS, Ho. 1010 CHESTNOT STBEBT VITBIFIED WATER. DRAIB, and HE ATI SO PIPES, with bends, branches, traps. 4c , to correspond, from 1 to 12 inch boie. ORNAMENTAL CHIMNEY TOPS, and FLUB PIPBS. warranted to stand the action of flre.ias, i*r weather. ORNAMENTAL PARLOR AND GARDEN VASES, for classical designs, plain aid bronzed. Mignonette Pots, Flower Pots. Ivy Vases* Hanging Vases, Fern Vases, Ac , Ac. a • , . Importer of Minton’s Encaustic Tile, for Churches Hails. Vestibules, At. w mhl* tuthstf 8. A. HARRISON. HABINET FURNITURE. '■J AIOOBE & CAMPION, 361 SOUTH SECOND STBBBT, ire prepared to follow the decline in the market in the tiee of their Furriture. Putchasexs will pl®a««'”11 *nd examine our stock. mfiu-iy _ HOAL OIL 1 COAL OIL!—FAMILIES about removing to their CountrT Seat* can be sap Hed with a STRICTLY FIB9T QUALITY OF COaL 1L at KELLY & HEBL’B (Sucetssors to J. C MilU ,en 2l tf BEACH and PALMER Streets. 1,000 00 0.455 42 -- 13 023 29 COUTHWABK FOUNDRY, yj FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. HERRICK A SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for land, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats* &f.; Cast ings of all kinds, either iron or brass. , • , Iron frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Ball* road Stations, Ac. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most im proved construction. .... Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, B*w, and Grist Mills. Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains.Defecators, Filters* Pamping Engines,Ae. Sole agents ror N. BlUieux’s Patent Bu«ar.Bolling Apparatus, Nesxoyth’s Patent Steam Hammer, and Aeplnwall & Wolsey’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar* Draining Machine. au!2 tf $400.068 71 5414,893 71 MORGAN, OBR, & CO., BTEAM EN JJA OINE BUILDERS, Iron Founders, and Gtaertl Machinists and Boiler Makers, Ao. 1319 CALLOW* HILL Street, Philadelphia. fe2Q-tf COAL. —SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW, and B,ill. Mountain Lehlah Coal, and best Locnat Mountain, from Sahnylktll, prepared ex pressly for family use. Depot, M W. corner EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office. No. M south SECOND Street. [ap6 tU J. WALTON * GO. DEWABB OP COUNTERFEITS AND A> UNPRINCIPLED DBALEBB endeavoring to dis pose of their own and other preparations, on the repu tation attained by HBLMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPA RATOHB, DUTTERFIELD'B mJ overland despatch. Offioe, Ao. 1 Street, New York. Office. Ao. 40 South FIFTH Street, Philada, OHAUNCBY VIBBBaBD, President. W. K. KITCHEN, Treasurer. This Company, now folly organised, with ample capital, owns its Transportation on the Plains, and Is prepared to contract Freight to all points in Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Montana. Aew Mexico, and Arison* Ter ritories ; alio to Reese river, Aevada. Through Contrasts and Bills of Lading siren from few York, Boston, Philadelphia,"Pittsburg, wheeling, Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Louie. WM. MARTIN, _ Agent, «9W York. WM H. MOORE. Ao. 49 Soath Fifth street. Philadelphia, D. A. BUTTERFIELD, iplfr if General Superintendent. TTBLMBOLL’S EXTRACT OF SAR XX SAPASILLA cleanses and renovates tha blood. Instils the vigor of health into the system, and purges out the humors that make disease, - fIOTTON AND FLAX BAIL DUCK VJ aAD CANVAS* of all numbers and brands. Tent. Awning,Trank, and Wagon-cover Duck. Also, Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts, from one to five feet Wide; Paulina, Bolting Sait Twine. &c JOHN W. EYBEM4N & CO , noS-tf No. 103 JONES* Alley. TXELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU XX gives health and vigor to the Arams and bloom ts the pallid cheek. Debility is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and if no treatment is submitted to. eousnrontlou. Insanity -sfass l jftjsMSsrff'ffiA ss. Tasker, Sr*, Hood, Bontright, & Oo.» J. Z. DoHaven, Pre.ld.nt 7th national BaMt. N^ l ' 3lll CAMUEL W- HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY D AT LAW AMD OOMVBYABCBR. FBiMKLIM. VEMAMSO COUMTY, PIMMA. (late of Philadelphia. I BIFBBB TO Charlie B. Lax, Ben., i R. *W. a Biddle * Co.) 1. O. Knight A Co., Dr. B. 8. Maekeule, lame* H. Little. Ban.. IW. H. Beaton 4 Co. mhB-Sm TOBHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY. O OOBKSBLLOK AT LAW, AMD SOLICITOR OF CLAIMS. Offiea. Mil I Strut, sear Fourteenth atmt. Waehlnxton, D. O. deW-Om CTELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT SCCHD la nuiul In taete and odor, free, fro* all Ininrlnaa sroMrtlea.and Immediate ■» lt» «*««»• nHILDREN’B CARRIAGES, EN- U TIBBLY BBW STYLES FOB THB BPBIMH TBADB.-A Superior for Ml, by mhlS-tf IST and 189 Worth THIBD Street. t?NFEEBLED AND DELICATE CON* XU STXTDTIOMg, of both aexei, uee HBLMBOLD'S SXTBAOT BUGMu. It, will lire brick and enercaUe (aeltnna and enable yon to alaan well. r» H. GARDEN & CO,, NOS. 600 AND v 7, e offi MARHBT Street, Menufaetnrere of and Wholesale Dealers In HATS. CAPS, FOBS. BOHHBTS, BTBAW GOODS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, BCCHBB, Ac , &c. The larieet and moot complete atock, and the beet terme. Country Merchants and the Trade sup plied. mhl.Sm A READY AND CONCLUSIVE TEST of the nropertlea of bblhbold’s fldid IX TRACT BtrCHOwUl be a eomparlaon with those eel forth la the Batted State* Dtaeanaatorr ESTEY’S ' COTTAGE ORGANS Mot only nSBXOBLLBD, but CMBOTJALLID hi pnrlty of Tons and Power, dsngned sspociaUF and Schools, bnk found to be gaually. well. adapt )d to the Parlor and Drawlnn Boom. Forage orGrij^ . Mo. ISMorth SBYBMTH ftreet . Aleo, a eomnlete aaaert*enl o< the Ferfeet Melodeon eoutasUT os hand. feli-3ui EDUCATIONAL. LEOAL. Estate "of JACOB"BBBTZ, Daesastd MACHINERY AND IRON. j. VAUGEAX MERRICK. william si. merkiok. JOHN- B COPE COAX. acctioh sales. .WSOJVWWVWV* - Xj'UKffEBB, BRINLEY, & CO., Jt- Jto. CIS okISTJDT nod Slid JdTNB BtiMtJ. SALE OF IMPORTED ABD DOMESTIC DEY GOODS. ON TUESDAY MOBNIBO, ... Kir W. at 10 o’clock, ty catalogue, on four montns 600 packafec and 1-ts of fancy and staple dry goods. DOMESTIC GOODS Fot Cash, A l»Tge astortment of domestic foods _. T „ a BLACK AID COLOKSD ALPACAS AND MOHAIRS. 6 eases fine to superfine black alpacas and mohairs. 4 cases fine to superfine colored alpacas and mohairs. 500 DOZEN BAREGE, BaREGB TISBUB, AND GREN ADINE VEILS 100 dozen Paris colored barege Tells. 160 dozen Paris tissne yells. 160 dozen Paris grenadine rails. _ SPECIAL SALE OF 600 CARTONS BONNET AND TRIMMING RIBBONS, OF THE IMPORTATION OF MESSES. 60LKLBA0| d ||HE8. Cartons No. 4 @ 5 black* white, and choice and co lored corded edge poult de sole ribbons. No. ]C<® SO poult de sole ribbons. No. li(& SO platd and broebe figured ribbons. •No. 4®HOO black groß grain ribbons. No. lf®!00 plain colored ribbons. ... No. )G©Bo white lllas pule and m*i* rib pons. Li ONBBLACK SILK VELVNT'BIBBONI. No. l@2o Lions black silk velvet ribbons white and colored edge ribbons. FRENCH FLO WKBS AND MOLAIHS. 2CO carton* Fieneh flowers. Also, crapes, aolalns* gros de Naple b, Ac. PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, X 58* MARKET and 588 COMMERCE Streets. LABOR BALE OF 1.850 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. "We wUI sell* bf eatalogne. for cash* „ ON MONDAY MORNING, May 16th, commencing at 10 o’clock, 1,250 cases men’s, boys’, women’s, and children’s boots, shoes, balmo rals, gaiters* slippers, Oxford ties. Congress boots* Ac. SALE OF 1,500 CARES PRIME BOOTS. SHOES. BROGANS, Ac. „ ON THURSDAY MORNING, Marie, commencicgat 10o’clock precisely, will bo sold for cash* 1,6f0 cases prime boots, shoes, brogans, baimoraU. slippers, gaiters. Ac., for men’s, boys , Women’* l , and children’s wear* ■ - PANCOAST & WARNOCK, AUG X TIGN3SBS. B*o MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 800 LOTS AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS. RIBBONS* MILLI NERY GOODS, HOSIERY GOODS* Ac., Ac., by catalogue,ojj WE D HKSDiY MORNING, May 17th, commencing at 10 o’clock, comprising a full and very attractive assortment of seasonable and desira ble goods worthy the attention of bn? era BECOTT, Jr,, AUCTIONEER, • 1080 CHESTNUT Street. CART—TO THE ADMIRERS OF THE FINE ARTS.— A peremptory sale of high claai oil palutingß, the pro- Eprty of Joseph Richardson, he being obliged to rdinova is stock from South Seventh street, and not being able to exhibit the pictures in his present room, 020 Chest' jnt street, is about to submit the entire collection of his modern pointings to public competition, without reserve. Further particulars to be had at B Scott. Jr. r s Gallery* 1020 Chestnut street* opposite the Aca demy of Fine Arts* where the collection, with cata logue#, will be open for examination In about a week from date. (SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of fieri faotas to me directed, will be exposed to publio sale or vendue on MONDAY, May 15* 1865, at 10 o’clock A. M. t at No. 80 BANK Street, the contents of a Dry Goods Store, Consisting of Cloths* Caesimers, Kentucky Jeans, Cloakings, Ac Also one Fire Proof and Fixtures of said store. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold by HENRY G. HOWELL, !; mylB-2L* Sheriff. FOR SALE AIVP TO LET, « FACTOR? AND MILL PROPERTY FOR BALB, known as the CANAL MILLB, Canal street, above Front* first street below Girard avenue. Will be sold at a great sacrifice. Forty-five-horse Steam Engine, nearly new, with shafting, Ac,. throughout the building. Apply at the Mill, or at my9-6t* 536 North ELEVENTH Street. MFOB SALE OR RENT—a FUR NIBBED COTTAGE, containing stven rooms, at ATLANTIC CITY. Fine cistern water, ice house plenty of shade, near the beach. Rent $3OO * Ap ply to Jacob freas* Coiner of FIFTH and RACE Streets, myll-tbstu3i* Or ATLANTIC CITY Post Office. m CHESTNUT HILL.—FOR SALE, ®A STOifE HOUSE in one of the best locations, weii built, and with every convenience. Apply to mmuthsat* A. FITLfiR, 51 North SIXTH St. tfg FOR SALE—HANDSOME STONE ES COTTAGE* containing eight rooms, situated in the lower end of Germantown, near Fisher's Lane station. A very superior location. LotßfiO by 180 feet. Posses sion July 1. 1865. Apply ap.B-tythsist* Nos. lOand 18 North FRONT Bt, £ NEWPORT, R. I—FOR SALE TO CLOSE AN B*TATK-Ttte fine mansion of CALEB CHAC2, Esq., of Boston, deceased, on KAY Street; 62.000 feet of land; house thoroughly built In every particular, two tears ago; never occupied. Possession Immediate, One of the finest and most oom pltte establishments at Newport Apply to HAZARD At APTHORP, m72-12t Beal Estate Brokers, Newport R I, 0k FOR SALE—A SPLENDID BUILDING LOT of FOUR ACRES, on STENTON Avenue, near FUher s Lane Station. G. A N. 8.. B.; unsurpassed in location or natural advantages; two springs of water, and some fine old trees. ALSO—B 7 ACRES OF GROUND on Fisher ■ Lane, nearly adjoining the station and extending towards Old York Road; Broad Btreet runt near the line. Apply apl6 tuthslSt* Nos. 10 and 18 North FRO NT St. T?OR SALE— J- VALUABLE OIL LANDB IN WEST VIRGINIA, OHIO* AND PENNSYLVANIA. Inquire of LEWIS L. HOUPT, apl4-lm* 388 WALNUT Street, PhUada, QAIE OF CONDEMNED QUARTER. & MASTER STORES, HORSE POWERS, MILLS, GRAIN CLEANERS. &«- Chief Quaetermassers Ofeicb, Depot of Washington Washington, J>, C., Hay 4.1865. Will 1)* sold at public auction- UDder the direction of Captain C. H. Tompkins, A, Q. H, 0 8. A , at the Go vemment Warehouse* situated on the square between £ and F and Twentieth and Twenty- first streets, Waßh ißaton, P C., on THURSDAY, May 18, 1835, at 10 o’clock A. M., a lot of Quartermaster Stores, condemned &b unfit for public use, viz s „ „ _ Axes, Picks, Augurs, Brushes, Boilers, Bridles, Backets, Blankets, Bits. Brooms, Saddle-Bags, Wagon Covers. Carry-combe. Ghi&vle, Forges, Chairs, Forks, Hammers, Hatchets, Knives,Harness. Lanterns. Plates, Collar Pads, £ope, Rulers, Saws. Shovels, Baddies, Saddle-Trees, Whips, and a large lot of Wrought Iron t craps, Cast Iron, Horse Shoes, Wagon Tire, &c, 12 Horse Powers, complete, 19 Barr-stone Hills, 2 Ele vators, with shaftiui, % Grain Gleaners, and a lot of Belting and Iron Gearing. Successful bidders will be required to remove the stores within five‘days from date of sale. Tern.. cob, in Government fund,. H my6lot Brig. Gen, and Chief Quartermaster. CALK OF CONDEMNED CLOTHING. CAMP AND GARRISON EQUIPAGE, TEST OUT TIHGfci Jie. Chief OnARTEBHASTJR’B OmCE, DBPOi or Washington, Washington, d. g. ,May 4, i«55. Will be sold at public auction, under the direction of Captain D G Thomas. M S. K. U. S A. , at Govern ment Warehouse Ho 6. on Seventeenth, between H and 1 streets north, Washington, D C , on MONDAY, May 22,1869, at 10 o’clock A. M„ a large lot of condemned Clothing, As.. consisting of— Infantry and Cavalry Coats, Jackets, Trowsers, Draw ers, Shirts, Felt Bats, Capa. Bugles, Trumpets, Dram Heads, Fifes, Leggints, Flags, Stockings, Blankets, Kfet'lSß. Pass, Shovels, Spades. Pickaxes, Axes, Ha versacks, Canteens, Bone, Tent Catlings, Hospital Tests, Sibley Tents, Wall Tents, Ac. - Successfulbidderß must remove the stores within five (6) day* from the date of e*le> Terms cash, in Government funds. D. H. RUCKER, Brig. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, my 6 ist Depot of Washington. SHIPPING. m % BOSTON AND PHILADBL-' SjUßmS* PBIA STEAMSHIP LINE, sailing from each Sort OH BATURDAI 8, from iLrg wharf above PIN! treet. Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston. The steamship NORMAN, Capt. Baker, Will call froze Philadelphia for Boston, on Saturday, Hay 13, at 10 A M., and steamship SAXON, Oapt. Matthews, from Boston for Philadelphia, on the same day at 4 P. M, These new and substantial steamships form a rural*) line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdays, Insurances effected at one-half the premium charge* on the vessels. Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send Slip Receipts and Dill) of Lading with their goods. For Freight or Passage (having line sstommodattonsl. apply to HENRY WIHSOB 4; CD., mh3-tf 332 South DELAWARE Avenue. STEAM WEEKLY TO LI VBRPOOL. touching at OTBBNSTOW*. (Cork Harbor). The well knows StoamcT* of the Liver pool. New York and Philadelphia Steamship Compa ny (Inman Line), carrying the United States Malls, arc intended to sail as follows; CITY OF LONDON SATURDAY, MaylSth CITY OF MANCHESTER,,,..SATURDAY, Hay 20th CITY OF BOSTON.,...SATURDAY, May 27th. And every lueeedlng Saturday at Noon, from Pier 44 North River. KATES OF PASSAGE; Payable In Gold, or its eq divalent in Currency. First Cabin «.•.•*«* *,.586 00 Steerage »•*. . IX “ lo London.—*. 85 00 ** to London.. 34 W *• to Pari 00 •• to Paris.— . 40 Of •' to Hamburg... 90 00 '* to Hamburg 87 W Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rot terdam, Antwerp, Ac., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, 19t 189. $lO6. Steerage from Liverpool or Queenstown. WO. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy tickets here at these rates. For further information apply, at the Company*# Ofiiees. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, ms 9 -t27 U 1 WALNUT Street, PhUi. FjjdPgn FOR ALBANY AND TROY t JmEßmmmnjtvr tore, via Delaware and RARITAN CANAL.—The Barge MONTEREY, B Dan vers, Master, is sow loadiogat first wharf below Spruce street, forlhe above points, and will leave on WED mjl2-5t 30* South PBLAWABE ATeaaa.. NEW EXPRESS LINE, TO JHBBBK ALBXAHBBiA, GIORORTOWa, AM WASHIKGTOH, Vi, Oho. Apeak, *id Del*nr*M Steamers leave first Wharf above MARKET Street, every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 32 A. „ - For Freight apply to Agents, WH. TTTr,a/?A f 14 North and South Wharves, Phil*.; J. B. DAVIDSON. Georgetown,D.C.; FLOWERS 4 BOWEN, Alexandria, Ya, mhltrSsi NOTICE.—FOH NEW ■BHaSmCTOKK -The PHILADBEPHIA A SID asw TOEK BXPBBSS BTBAMBUAT COMP ANT. Til B wharf below XAXKST sVcO., 14 S. WHARVES.PhiIa JAMES HAND, 117 WALL Street. mhls-9m New York. rTPWARDS OF THIRTY THOUSAND oni.u. liulaaln, omlacut it.luu.H. «1«- gyic*a-gt»vr»ov. State IndtM. A*. jh. TP OMBON’S LONDON KITOH EHBB, OB EDBOPBAN KANQB, for famlllM, flBSf hotel*. or public institutions,in TWENTY DIF> FBRENT SIZES. Also, Philadelphia Ranges, Hot-air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Grates, Flreboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, atewbole Plates, Broil era, Cooking Stoves, etc., at wholesale and retail, by the manufacturers . CHASE- SHaRPE, A THOMSON, ap2s- tutbsCra No. 309 North SECOND Street. PHILADELPHIA SUB- BANDAOB INBTITIJTB, Mo. M N. NINTH Street, abeve Market —B. 0. EVERETT. After thlrtp t««m' otmUaal bcmtlmw* AuarAnte,, tbe sillful adju.lnmnt of hi, Premium Fa- Lot GiAdoAilni Pros.n» Truss. Snpporiors, BImII. Stockings, Shoulder Braces, Crutches, Ac. Ladies apartments aonducted by a Lady. *r>l2- It n MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT loaned upon diamonds, watches, JEWELRY. PLATE CLOTHING. Ac.* at JONES ACO ’8 • OLD ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE. . Corner THIRD and GA6KILL Bta., below Lombard, ap22*dza H EVANS & WATSON’S MS SALAHAKDBX SAP! STOBfi. 16 SOUTH FOURTH BTBBR. PHILADBbPHIA.jr*. A lirt, of PIBB-PBOOP BATH AIWAT, ,1 kAA4. MALCOLM MACNEILL’S XT "US* SPBOTAOLI BTOBB. Wo. 810 SoaU TIPTH Btr«t. WflJßjßtnn*. THE SCIENCE OF MEDICINE A tbonld etaud timplo. pur,, msiestlc; barlu, faot torlUbH.i., lLdnctlojfor ItBUUUr. truH alone for n, capital. So .tancl HBLMBOLD’S GENUINE PBEPA. EaTIOHS, tatibll«b«4 OTSr 16 j,ar«. AUCTION SALES. & CO., AUCTir"; V EBBS, Hoe. 33a and aa* MABKBT StM,i * SALE OF CAEPETINGS, MATTINGS. Dsci,-,’,. CAKPET lAEA. SoTHIS DAY ' ‘-'i, A CAED. —The early attention of pnr«lir.-« r , quested to the eenoral assortment of SCO [r,(H-,cft printed felt, euperflne and Sue Ingrain, Venetian' f l '; cottage, hemp, and rag carpeting#, hales carp,; ,H’, 2-4 to 0 1 coir and Canton mattings, 30 cotton » MD rf. 20; leather-headed earpet tacks, an , to be pei-eim,,',"?. sold, by catalogue, on four months 1 credit, con>mv, n v 1 r THIS (Saturday) MOBBING, at 11 o’clock. “““'Sat POSITIVE SAtl OF OABPETIEOS, DBDbobys MATTINGS. »o. “‘o. THIS MOBNINO. May IS, at II o’clock, will be >eld, by catalogue, months' credit, ahont 260 pleees rich royal t, p 3) Brnesels. printed felt. enperSne and flns i, 1 ?";, royal damask, Venetian, llet, hemp, cottage, H rax carpetings. Canton ard cocoa mattings, i, *>l o k §B2E§ T 0F wa °* I, Sale will commence with 80 cotton warps, Ho. * the best make, to ho sold for cash. 11 PEBEMPTOBV SALE OF FBBSCH, IHDIA, os» MAH, AHD BSITISH DBY GOODS, Ac. OH MONDAY MOKHING, May 16th, at 10 o’clock, will he sold by catalog!, four months’ cedit, ahont 700 PACKAGES AHD HOTS of French. In din. German, and British ary ffoodi, 4. embracing ft lane and desirable asiortm*nt off*** j tuple articles in stti, worsted, woolen, linen, and W! ton fabrics. 27. B —Samples of the same will be arranced » amlnaties* with catalofnea, early on the morale* ai the sale, whes dealers will flod it to their laltire** LABOE SAIB OF FEBRCH, SAXOHT, OEttViie ARD BBIIISH BBT GOODS. “ K 4S ' KOTlCE.—lncluded to muriate of Freuoh, Britilh, udOwinu dry (food*, ON MOB BAT MOBSIfO, May IC, will be found, In nart. the follotrtor dasiriM, AltlCldlf VIZ « . DRESS GOODS. - «*».««■ do FarU mowifi de laines, in strips. dl»u and fancy printed. ‘ do silk ttozamblqoee. In brook* piam.Mripji do Fails taffetas, bareges, creps poll, Ac lI * do oberret, percales, poplins,fasc* checks &. do printed jaconets, lawns, gretadlaet., dc do f&ncy ginghams. cbambiays, alpacas, * c ’ I>K£S3 SILKS. pieces Lyons black taff'ta*. groe d« Bbln, v , mom, gros de Arrtc, gros de Lyoa«. j Jo . grains, poult de eoiee, groa de Naplee, fs« lards, cadri!’**B, Ac. SHAWLS Foil lines broche borders, stella grenadine bique. and fancy spring styles shawls, melton (lets and silk mantles, dtutere. and jackets, grot da Khia basques, Ac. RIBBONS. boxes groic r . tation; silk Brrlic, Uhiou, Lisle and cotton gloves ie Also an invoice of fashionable spring style* Mr&v bonnets, shaker hoods, children's hats. 6c. Also, iistne and grenadine Tells, black and white English crepes malices, umbrellas and sunehaJes, lines cambric handkerchiefs, striped and plaid mm* line. blsbop lawns, Swiss mulls, jaconets, hoop tud btumoral skirts, headsets, notions Ac. We will add to our aaleot MOHDAt. May Mth *— pieces enperb bi*»t Pailb Paujaub Taffetas. do superb high-cost striped Taffeta de Ciam bray. do superior Paris Cannelle striped greaailaa Bfernaci. .. . do plain, satin, andplaldsilkbrochelerec^dine do desirable styles French check pop] jdi do do do do 0 4 Poll de Cbevrcs \ do very rich hLb-coit French Ltuos. do Paris veil bareges in azoline and other shades . do Pari! Silk tissue and barege veils, in »t6?t shade and quality do Paris colored Taffeta Japanese, ptraeol silks, Ac. The above invoice of scarce and desirable goods is of & very favorite importation, and worthy of particuUt a> tic.n. 600 extra rich and high* cost Balmoral skirts 160 pieces plaited India lawn. 200 pieces French tarlatanee in choice shades. 6TBAW GOODS, *O. cases ladies’, miesee', boj’s, and children 1 * whiti', black, brown and cnir Luton Leghorn, Florence, and Canton standard split straw and braid hats, cape, aud tarbans. cates Canton and Pedal Spanish hats, Orioles, Bn* genies, Saratogas, and Bvdallv, Shaker hoods, Ac, ; , , ' « BißB >5B. An invoice or Paris bonnet ribbons of the most desira ble shades for eity shades. • PABIB DE lAISBS. Jnclnied In oarsale Monday, May 16th, SCO pieces Par’s rßouaeiiae da ne w and choiej eolorsof a favorite Importation, juet landed— ALSO, An invoice of black dress silks. LABGE POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, BBO oaks, abmy goods, tbavbllieg bags, straw QOODjj, Ac OUT TUEBDAT MOKS£BG, Hay lßtb. at 10 o’clock, will be sold, bv cstatorna, on four months credit, aoout 1,200 package* boots, shoes, orogant, cavalry boose, Ac., embracing a prime and iresh assortment of seasonable goods of city and Eastern manufacture. will be open for examination, with catalogue, os morning of sale. LABGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOOTS, 880 BF. BBOGASS, TRAVELLING BAGS, SOLE LSATHjiB Ac notice. —lncluded in our large sale or boots and shoes, Ac., • ■ May 16, will be found In part the follow ini froth ill desirable aseortment—viz: Hen’s, boys’, and yonthe’ calf, double-sole, half* welt, and pump-sole dress*boots; men’s, boje\ acd youths' kip ana buff leather boots; men's Sue grain, long-leg cavalry boote; men’s and boys' call buff leather Congress boots aud balmorals; mon'e, boys', and youths' super kip, buff, and polished grain, half well, and pump sole trogans; ladies’ fine hid. goat, morocco, and enamelled patent sewed bulmorali and Gongrtee gaiters; women's, misses’, and children's calf and htff leather balmorals and lace bootB; children’s fine Kid sewed city-made lace boots: fancy sewed balmorals and ankle ties: ladies' fine black aad colored lasting, Con* gross, aud slde*lace gaiters; women’s, misses, ini children's goat and morocco copper*nailed Uoe boc;»; ladies’ fine kid slippers; carpet aud enamelled leather travelling bags, A*. Also, 200 Bides oak- tanned sola leather, at 10 o'clock, LABGE POSITIVE SALE OF~BBITIBH. FfiZYfJH. __ GERMAN, AND D f 'ME S TIC DET GOODS. We will bold a large sale of Foreign and Domestic £ :y Goods, by catalogue, on a credit of four month* aad part for cash, 05 THURSDAY MORNING, MaylSth, at 10 o'clock, embracing about 660 packets* and lots of staple and fancy articles in woolens, worst* eds, linens, silks, and cottone, to which we invite the attention of dealers. 5. B.—Samples of the same will be arranged for ex amination, with catalogues, early on the morning *f sale, when dealers will And it to tbejr Interest to at* end. M THOMAS & SONS, * sos. 139 and 141 South FOURTH street. BXTBA LARGS SALB CLMS REAL ESTATE, ~ .back stocks, &n.'xefH mItT GAED.—Our sale on TUESDAY next, 16th inst , will ccmprlßfcbrf-»T\Ua gest Amount and rao«Wa:ttabi« era* pert* offered thin season, including; the ExtattS of Cr. F. Womratk. J. Conlin, J. M Zell -Buckisu wf?i<*rs, F, Kohler, (t K Smith, Phil lips minors, and S Sc-hull, by order ofiOrphans’ Court. Alto, the Splendid Coun* try Seat and Farm* **Springbrook, t * and otter Cota* try Seat* and Farms; First- glass Storhs Bank street , Market street, Second street, and other Business Pro* parties; Residence Chestnut Bill . handsome ReM* deuces Walnut street, Chestnut street, Pine street. Vine street, Washington Szuire, Qreen street, ani Broad street: Genteel Dwelling*, larff6 lots, &C. Al« 0. COOihaifie yALFABLE Bank STonss, &o, 10,13,13.A1G Public Bales ot Real Estate and Stocks, at the Ex change, every Tuesday, at 12 o’clock. FOURTEENTH SPRING SALE May 16th. The largest sale and comprising the most valuable property offered this season. Handbills ready. EXECuTOK’B SALE—VALUABLE BASK STOCKS. Also, previous to real estate, at 12 o’clock; 397 shares Mechanics’ National Bank 283 shares Fenners’ and Mechanics* national Bask. 20 shares Western Rational Bank. 10 shares Girard Rational Bank 2 shares Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company. STEAM ENGINE, MACHINERY, AND FIXTURES 0? h THE FAIRMOU3T DYE AND PRINT WORKS. THIS MORNING* At 11 o'clock, in GallowfalH street* above Twenty.fiith street, sis-horse steam engine, cotton and woolen dye vale. copper rollers* tender bars, bulling auiw&ehla* machine, steam tox, shearing machine, lapping ms* chine, lot drugs, dye stuff, Ac. ... MS" May be examined any time previous to sale, wtta catalogues. . . Administrators' Bale, No. 512 Pius street, SUPERIOR FURJUTURE PIANO. MIRRORS. AO, „ ON MONDAY MORNING, May 16, at 10 o’clock, at No. 613 Pine street, by cftt.V logue, the entire household and kitchen furniture ele gant rosewood piano bv & Co., French plate mantel mirrors, due Csnton and French china, eat glassware, several pieces handsome antique furniture, &e. MS' May he examined at 8 o’clock on the morning of sale. Bale No 1119 Pine sheet. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. ROSEWOOD PIANO. FJ.VS TAPBSTK* CIUPET3. &C, ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, 17th inet., at 10 o'clock, at No* 3-9 Pine street, by catalogue, the superior furniture, fine-toned piauo, tapestry carpets, superior book case Ac. May be examined at S o'clock on the morning sale. Executor's Bale—Estate of Dr. Oftxa, RARE A!U) VALUABLE OIL VAIHTIHGS. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, May 17th, 1865, at the aoct'on storo, will be hold with out reserve, by order of executor, a collection cf rate end valuable oil paintioASi by eminent masters,'-aia the collection of the late John. Redman Casa. M. P. Also, a number or fine line engravings, by the bah English artiste. fc»ilß to commence at 11 o’clock. MS" For particulars see catalogues The paianaf* will be arranged for inspection a week prevlone to w* sale. BALE OF FINS WINKS AND BRANDY. ON WEDNESDAY, May Mb, at 1 o’clock P, M , at tbe auction 'tors, South Fourth street, wilt be sold, by catalogue, a selection of fine Madeira, Sherry, and Fort Wins) as* old Brandy, Imported by Mr. F. J. Flguera, MS* Samples may he examined one nour previous to .sale, Bale No 247 South Fourth street. A BUPERTOR FURNITURE, ELEGANT RUSE WOOD PIANO, FRENCH PLATE MANTEL MIRROR, FINS CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. &0. ON FRIDAY MORNING, T9thinst., atlOo’clock, byc&Ulogne. atNo. 247 South Fourth street, the superior furniture, elegant 7 cetavepiano, dneFrnnch piste mantel mirror, band* some VGivat And Brawls carpets, oil dolus, msi* tteites, Ac. A . .. Also, the kitchen fttrajtnve snJ utensil*. Peremptory Sale on tbe Premises TRUCK FARMS AND OOTTaGB SITBo. On SATURDAY MOBBING, jtr*y did not affect, and considered incurable. .) j We will mention a few of ths Disease* in the •**•> 1 of which this treatment seldom If ever fails: ) /Rheumatism, Felons, Kidney DiMfttM,) J Neuralgia, Gangrene, 4 hlTer ( JpaTaiysis, g l ?? r *‘ •* > rOramps, Bolls, Spiral ~ t J Dyspepsia. Abscess, Throat ( \ Fever iAfne, Eruptions, . Prolapsus, ? /Asthma. Inflammations, Hoeßmisslona. ( } Congestion, Hemorrhage, Diabetes, «e- { ( Patients will be treated at their residents whsj? f desired,a large number of testimoniais may be s** B / i apl9»3m 'OLECTROPATHIO ESTABLI^' MBtTT.-DR, A. H. STBVSHB, ons Of th« f BIBCOVBEBKB of k now tyttam or' MOEIFIKD BLBCTBHJAL AFPLIOATtOSS. (18/ *.!, hu toon ,o very BUM.mfal »t PBMM BUO A. R® 1,» lk.t three yekre.bk, remoyed kliOHji »ndßa;W # ’ to 1638 ViaE Street, out door below SeTenteekth. „ All sereone deairlai refere»eee, or WT FWylßui with regud to hteepeoU: mode of treatment, wiu * rail or tend for k pamphlet (lonsnltation or advise gratuitous. T7OR NON-RETENTION OR'INC^ TIHBNCB of urine, irritation, ulceration of tbe bladder or kidneys, J TA?e i prostate glands, stone in tbs b-adder, or brlek-dnat depotlt, and »il