Jones’. *hi lowest • SILLIER FEIO* U marked in fifnree on task wHsle, AND METRE VARML JONES’ z' Orswent Ons-prlse 4JLOTHINO HOUll* jfARgET STRUT* aborc Sixth* Mo. 00*. VrfM3 Ifldtieed to Ctf R th, tlaM. I«So«* or jimot-ium otonnw; ..11.1,1a for aU eeaeoae, eoniUMitlT «s hud. nn.toM-work BUri* to order e,l «hort noHee. DahMH ALL OYER THE WOBLD—FEOPLB OF BBKBH tnd Jjndßm«At-Ss«Te learned to net PLANTATION BITTBBS, Dyspepsia, with Us symptoms* He&daeflN. Hsan* burp, Feverish Lips, Bad Breath, Sallow Gomjattlom Ad t «an he cured by using Plantation Bitters. This !■ the most successful Tonic of the age. Tome, middle-aged, and old are delighted with its effects. The first trial always has a marked good effect. Ho change of diet ia mmsmit while natng. Planta shut Bitters. Bet all too. wish of the hast and mort nutritious food. . . jtia the greatest core eyer known for an overloaded and distressed etomaoh, which It relieves In a few moments. It is manufactured from carefally.selectei tools and herbs, and preserved In perfectly pure St. Croix Bom. Try one bottle of Plantation Bitters, ye sufferers, and our word for it you will find yourselves feeling jbjs 6fc AS GOOD AS OBW. Gbeat Remedy for Skin Diseases. ? , Dr.flioCT.vne*c M (CuresTetter,} ** Ointment ’’ ** Dr.Stsayne'e M (Salt Rheum.) “Ointment cents. Sent by mail for 60 cents. Prepared by Dr. SW AYBE & KON, 330 North SIXTH Street. It Philadelphia Natatohium and Physi cal INSTITUTE, BROAD STREET, BELOW WALNUT. SWIHiaIHG SCBOOL FOB BOTH SEXES. The above iuttitntion is now in full operation* The home for Ladies, on account of the increased number, have been extended from o’clock A M. to Thepres-nt iidncpmentßtosubscribers fortho season Will be continued until May 15th. The temperature of the water and of the balls, In cool aiweli as warm weather, will always be as high as comfoit demands. The institution will be open, and lessons will be given to gentlemen as early as 6 o' clock A M. For further particulars regarding infraction fox geu« tlemen and boys, eee ciicular. myS-06 EXCEIi&IOR.— Ous PffOTOGBAPHS OF rSESIPBNT IB Crajon, are aoknotriedtea lie Vest Picture to be obtained in t bis or any other city. HEHSZSSaCO., Photoiraphers, 813 AKCH Street. J. H. Teagle’s First Grand Concert, at Concert Hall, last evening# "was one of the most bril liant that we have ever yet put'to print ‘The concert *bb got up in fine style, and was highly creditable tj Mr, 3. EL Teagle. The two grand pianos .from Messrs. Ghiekeilng were unsurpassed The Billiard Coe was presented to the purchasers of the largest number of ticbets,who were Messrs Bteele and Slocum* when the gentlemen were loadiy applauded. Mrs. Brows* Miss Parnell. Ira D. Cliff. Sturgef, and Xeagle were grand. Save yotjr'Dogs from destruction by the dog estohers, by putting upon them muzzles aud collars or fastening them up. A Tariety of patent acd common Muzzles, Dog Chains* Collars, and Leather Leaders for sale by TRUMAN & SHAW* No. 835 (fight Thirty-five MARE ST Street, below Ninth. It If your Roof Leaks, whether it be Wood or metal* you eau repair it yourself by using fiiead’B Linseed Oil Cement. Its nssfnlnes* has been Well tested in ihe New England States. $1.20 for boxes of 8 fcs. TRUMAN & SHAW, Agents for Pennsylva nia, Ho 835 CSight Thirty five) MARKET Street, below Ninth. ~ Hath Dye ! Bair Dye ! BATCHRLOB’g HAIR DTE Is the best to the world. Tbe only true and perfect Dye—harmless, Instautane* one, and reliable; produces a splendid Black or Natural Brown; remedies the ill offsets of Bad Dyes, and fre quently restores the original color. Sold by all Drug* gists. The genuine Is signed W. A. BATCHELOR, SI BARCLAY Street, New York. Jtf-mwfrly e Itch. (Wheaton's) Itch. gALT RHEUM. • (OINTMENT) SAIT RHEUM. Will can the Itch lhifl boara. Aleo rare, S»lt Rheum mnn, GhUblalna, ml »U Eruption* of th« BMi. Fries 60 cast.. By lending 60 casta to WEEKS & TOT. TBS, BOSTON, Hui., wUI ha forwarded free hr mail. Ferial, by »U Drogglrt*. mhlSAm Whs Injubb the Complexion by POWDERS AND WASHES which choke or 611 up the Hiei of ths .his, and is ft abort time leave It hsrahesd dry! It i. is the bleed, and if you want eamcoth asd (Oft skis sae HELMBOLB’S EXTRACT 0? BARSA y.-RTT.r.A- It gives a brilliancy to the complexion. A Clear.- Smooth Skin and BEAUTI FUL COMPLEXION follows the use of HELMBOLD’g OOBCSKtsatek fluid extract SARSAPARIL LA. It removes blech apeta. simple* and all eruption* ef the akin. . To Purify, Enrich thb Blood, and BEAUTIFY the complexion, oeeHBLHBOLD’S HIOH LY CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT SABSAFA XILLA. One bottle equals is strength ese gallon ef the Syrap or Decoction. _ Not a Few of the Worst Disorders afflict mankind arise from corruption* of ths blood. HELMBOLD’E EXTRACT OF'SARSAPARILLA is a remedy ef theutmost value. Helmbold'h Concentbatbd Extract JSUCHU is the great Diuretic. HBLMBOi.D’S COM* €BBrTEATBD EXTRACT SAKSAPAEIIiLA ieihe (treat Blood Purifier. Both are prepared according to rule* of Fharmacr and Chemiatrr. and Ufa tie molt attire that m ie made. A Thing- op Beauty is a Joy Eob ■YSB. —Those who desire brllliancr of complexion, Jonst purlf7 end enrich the blood', which HSUHBOLD'B COJICKNTEATEI> EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Inca- Uabij door. Recollect it le no patent snodiolno. Aak for HolnhoU'o. Take no other. hU-irlM Boys' Clotkihg, Boys' CLarnrae, Boys’ CLOTHIHG. Bon’ Clothing, Boys’ Clething, Boys’ Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys’ Clothing, Boys’ Clothing, Boys’ Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys’ Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing. In every variety, In every ysrlety. In every variety, In every variety, Insvery variety. In evety variety, In every vnilsty. In every variety, In every variety, In every variety. In every variety, In every variety, At H. L. Hallow-ell 4k Son’s. AtH. li. Hallo-well & Son’s, At H. L. HaUowaU & Son’s, At H.. L. Ballowell & Son’s, At H. li Hallowell A Son’s, . At H. L. Hallo-well St Son's, 634 Market street, 634 Market street. 634 Market street, 634 Market street. 631 Market street, 634 Market street. 634 Market street, 634 Market-street. 634 Market street, 634 Market street. 634 Market street, 634 Market street. SPECIAL HOTICB. —We havo the largest and beat as sorted stoek ot Beady made Boys’ Clothing In the city, cat in the latest styles, and made In the best manner. H. L. HALLOWELE St SOU, 531 MARKET Street. mj6-MiSt gg—gs Chickebikg’s Pianos— mTT'aO.OOO SOLD.-How Wararooms.ri S 111 Batianee In Art OoUerr. 914 CHB3TNUT Street. mj4’26l* Wtt H. BOTTOM. firm ta “ H s S & Co * ,fl frf?i! AND MABOM & BAMLIJPE CABISBT OBCANB. 71190 Over COO each of these flat UABIHBY JOSTSSt iastnunwti have bMa told br OSGAJIB. fIAS O .Mr. a , And the de&M&d ll 90S* QABlsmr FORTES. gtantly InsTeaslng. OEGAHS. PIAHfc) For sale only by CABINET FORtES. J. ». GOULD, ORGANS, PIANO SEVENTH And CHESTNUT Sts. CABINET FORTES. no2o tf ORGANS, Clothing by the Mils. Tin lmmesre .tort of EEADY-MADB OLOTBJNB BOW dlsplayedet WANAMAKEB * BKOWN’S OAKHALL roFDUB CLOTHING HOUBB, S. £. mi, SIXTH and MAEKBT Bit.. if placed In one continuous line, would reach a lons dlitawe toward Richmond* Thisloag stream ofdoth* ins is mania* off at MABYBLLOBBLY LOW PETCBS- mpM-tf nVTA.jRRXED. -LEIDY—HINCICELi.—On the 7th lust., by the Rw. Jacob A. Apgar, Francis D. liCldy to Susan A- Klackel, all of this city. * , 3DXED. j BAII/E —ln Jersey Oi>.y, on the 9th lust, Cor pora Ann, wife of Richard J. Batlo, and daughter 9f John Beil, Esq , of this city. \ Funeral to proceed to Greenwood on Thursday! it 1 o’clock. * 'BEACH,—On the Bth instant, Mary Hastace, xnghter of George O. and Lizzie Baaoh, aged sin aouths. {Friends and relatives are invited to attend the ftoeral, on Wednesday morning, 10th Inst., at 10 oiloolr. from 3520 North street. * * DAVlDSON.—Attheieeidencs of E. D. Kennedy, Ptttburg, on Sunday, May 7tb, of pulmonary con- S’JmpUori, JK. W. Davidson, of Philadelphia. His relatives and male friends &to Invited to at teid his funeral, from the residence of his friend, Z. otnmlil, No. 1325 Arch street, on Wednesday, 10th Snt, at 3 o’clock P. M. * JM3TK.—On SatnTday, 6th Inst., Lydia A., wife offeiselen Smith, and daughter of John W. Harris. fhB funeral will take place on Wednesday, 10th from the residence of her husband, 2111 Bran c?wme street, at 4 o clock P. M. ** VallaoE.—On Monday morning, the Bth Inst., u’uinla, only daughter of Wm. H« and Mary M, njilace. The relatives and friends are Invited to attend the ftneral, on Wednesday, the 10‘h Inst, at 3 o’oloau, fnpa ter parenu’residence, 805 Vine Street To proceed to Mount Vernon Cemetery. ** SPENCER —On Sunday morning, May 7th, Eltabeth, wife of Joseph Spencer, in the 68th year oner ape. Her relatives and friends are Invited to attend her mieral from the residence of her son, J. A. Spencer, o. 662 N. Twelfth street, on Wednesday morning, loth Inst,, at 10 o’clock. *** PLAIN BLACK CHINTZES.—ENG “* LIKH wad American. Plain Black ’ liinizeo. for sale »y BESaOfi 4c BOS, Mourning Store, 918 CHESTNUT **»*»_• mrC tf "DIrACK BAREGE HERNANI.—LXJ- PlS’K'Blaak Barege Hercaoi 3.4 o ± w {> a jgssos & soy, 918 CHESTNUT Strett. 4t5 tf PYRE & LANDELL. P - ESTABLISHED I^lB4o. , We always adhere to good Goose, aad depend on fair draiinr for patronage, GOOD STOCK OF BILK GOODS. GOOD STOCK OF DBJS4B GOODS. *PtB SHAWLS AND STAPLE GOODS OFFICE OP VUE MISEKAI OIL OOfiIPAHI, 5%* WALfiOT Strait. April 25, I*6—The Annual Meeting of tne Stockholders of the UISSBaL oil OOMPAAT will be held at their Offioe, °»r*IDAY. May 12th, at 12 o clock M • for the par. yote cr electing a Board of Directors to serve for the Oa.aln.vear. THOS. B. SMKLB, apSi-iEjy t 2 Befretorr. ABBIH6H LINGOLM AND THE SUGGESTIVE TOPICS OF THE DAT. GREAT LECTURE BY GEORGE FRANCIS TRAIN.' ACADEMY OF MUSIC, UPBIBAT EVEXING, mat Win, BBS. Freed, fcr the Benefit of the UNION TXHFOBABY HOME YOB CHILDREN. Ticket, to be lad *t Mr. ChatJeeW. A. TrumpUr’e tfmic Store. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Street.. Or der. from the country, encloeisg the amount for the somber of Beats desired, will be promptly attended to. Ticket......■ —.......... ..... ,n. 2-5 cants. seat..... .... ...,66ceate. mj6-61rs r®" MASONIC NOTICJB,—A SPECIAL B=S» Mtetsnrof LodieNn 9. A. Y. M.. will be held at the MASONIC HALL, CHESTNUT Street, os FRI DAY, 12>h Inetant, at 2 o' F. M. By order of the W. M. SAML. M. DUYFTELD; It* Secretary. I®- SMICB.-HOBIiM FAEH OIL *T 5 :,„ cc t MP ') N , s -, on S ! i I*3 s. FOURTH Street. .took willb« iwud on and after Mar 16th. 1865, on turender or the orietuat rceelele. mylC-ti* J. L. DBLaPLaISE, -President.- |®* THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF ■=*?„ THE WEST PHILADELPHIA CHILDREN’S BOMB will be held at the Rot. JDr BUTLER’S CHUBCH, WaLSDT Street, west of Thirty-ninth, on ’IHUKRDAY EVBNIEO, Hay 11th, at 8 o’clock. The Rot. PHILIPS BROOKS and Judge KBLLBY are ex pected to addreaa thß meeting. Some of the Home Children will be present and taken part In the exercises. A Collection will be made in aid of the In atltation. mylJ-2t* PHILADELPHIA MUTUAL PE ■B*v TROLEUM COMPANY.— OERWPICATE3 OP STOCK will be ready for dellrery on and alter THURS DAY, the lith inst., at the Office of the Company, 3A9 CHESTNUT Street. Subscribers not yet paid are noti fied to come and settle for their Stock or the same will he so d to the first pnicharer. jnylo-st WM. McDANIEL, Secretary. ira* Alf ADJOUBKEDVIIIkHTEBLT SBSSyo* Of the GBAKD DIVISIOJf, BOJfg OF HiMPBRAtCB of Pesnsylvnnia, will ba held on FRI DAY RYKHIBO, Mav 1-i iBCGe at 8 o’clock, in the Hall of MOkNJRG STAR DIVISION, No, 63, southeast «orx«? of HXWTHand SPRING GARDEN Streets. mylo*2l* JAS V. MARTIN, Grand Scribe. KS** THE FAIB OF THE LADIES’ IWc? TJUION ASSOCIATION, which was with great lots posipoeed on aeponut of. tb© murder of our late P/e -■ideas* will be opened &i> f/ONCERF HALL, OH MON DAY, May Ifith, and OOUtluae two weeks. Though ths t snd of the war is so near there are hundreds of brave wounded soldiers who will need all we can do for them. It Is honed that in view of this and oar great expense, the pullic will give us a liberal support. Season tickets twenty-five cents; single Admission ten sente. A handsome dressing-case will he voted to Fred. Don glass or Robert SmalL myB fit* ABEBICAN KAOLIN CONPASY, #3® Office No. 333 South THIRD Street. Philadelphia, May 9, l£fls. At the annual meeting of htockholdexa* held this day, the following-named gentlemen were elected Directors to wm the eßsulngy^ar: HOWakD SPRNCEB, JOHN F- SHE IFF, CHAS. D. KHIGHT* THOMAS GRAHAM* W. M. B. HARTLEY, of New York. At & Mibeeduent meeting of the Director*, HO WARD SPfiNCEK Was elected t. B. bNGLISH Secretary and Treasurer. _ It • T. B. ENGLISH, Secretary* KSF* FEEDER DAM COAL COMPANY, P 3& OFFICE, No, 333 SOUTH THIRD STRBBT, Philadelphia, May 9* 1855. The Company is now prepared to issue Certificates for the new Stock. Stockholders will please letam the Certificates now held bj them, and receive the new in exchange. T, B. ENGLISH, i, it Secretary l ; j3H*» STATEMENT OF THE JOHN •Off HANCOCK MUTUAL LIES INSURANCB 00. jßostox, Feb. 29, 1865. ' Net assets Nov. 1,1864 OB Receipts from N0r.»1864, to Feb. 23.1855: For to cialums ■ -—* - +++» «—.«s43,OCO 02 For interest. »-«.,**. 6-029 06 48.029 08 $241,702 16 Disbursements from Nov. 1» 1664, to Feb. 28. 1835: , „ , For commissions and medical ex aminaUons—s4,o4s 87 For taxes**—. a-**"—*’•••>-**• 952 20 Fcr surrendered policies.l,2sB 58 For expenses, viz: Printing, sta tionery, advertising, salaries, rent, stamps. Ac- 8,444 30 For Annuities.... 6*o 00 For dividend paid on guarantee et0ck...6,112 08 16,422 93 ASSETS* United States securities* «• • ,**,-*573,500 00 Maine 6 per cent bonds.*• **-*-♦-* *•♦*« 3,000 00 Hampshire do .««...**♦. 5,003 CO Vermont do*«-«***»****M»»* 0,030 00 Rhode Island do»+******««* 10,000 CO Connecticut do~***~~'««**** 5,000 00 Portland City do-»♦*1,000 00 Baik stocks In 805t0n24,000 00 Loans secured by mortgages 12.GC000 Do. do, U. 8. bond*..,*** 2,800 00 -Cash inbank.*-**--*—*.♦*« 6.330 77 Prtxnfrm notesaecnred by collateral on policies, including $55,629 06 op account of one-payment pre- 76,094 23 Due from agents and la transits.. 3 054 18 5220,279 s 3 Accrued interest on inTesim*nts~~« 2*9Sj S 7 AdTancei&Talne of stocks above com OiOso ij $233,788 70 (Signed) GKO. F. SAUGER, President. Gbo. B. AtiEß, Secretary. The Company lave eMabliahed a Branch Office In PhUadeJplua, and ate prepared to Issue any description of polities common to other Life Companies. Special atttntion is invited to their plan forvo x- FORFEITPBS Or POLICIES. _ „ , . HENRY B. LINCOLN, Agent, an 8 mwf 6t 438 WALNUT Street, |ggp~ AHIIRUJAS NAIL a m SAIL BIACHISE MANUFACTURING COMPANY - or PENMBYIiVAOTA. AND MARYLAND. CAPITAL «ii®3OO,OOO. 6,000 BHABE3—PAR TALUS, $5O. PSESTDKKT. HSNSI THOMAS. TBBABCTRBB. jobh w. hall. PIBKCTOaS, HESTKY THOMAS, Harrisburg. JOHN W. HALL. Harrisburg. B. G. BIEMAB, Baltimore HEHBY GILBERT, Harrisburg. BASBSSB * adahs i LEVIS. Philadelphia. The Subseriptlon Book for the Capital Stoek of this Company is now open at the Banking House of ADAMS A LEVIS, So. 305CHESTAUr Street, Philadelphia. Persons wishing to make a profitable investment are respectfully invited to call on Messra ADAMS & LEVIS, wlo will jdve them further Information, and wIU show them the Machines, now running and making nails. The advantages we claim for our Machines over any others in use, are That they produce a more perfect nail, with a better head, and fewer imperfect nails. That they effect a saving of not less than fifty per cent, in the expense of grinding knives and dies. And the Machines being eel/-/eedinff % they effeet a saving oi from fifty to seventy*five per cent. In the labor of cutting nails. Parties feeling an interest, and desiring to subscribe, Will please call and examine for themselves. apl6 1m |ggp COAL AT COST! HOUSEKEEPERS’ GOAL COMPANY, OFFICE, 105 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, BELOW CHESTNUT. A Company has been formed under the Mining Law* of Pennsylvania, of the above name, for the pur* pose of supplying Coal to its members cost, and you ate hereby solicited to become a participant la Its benefits. The stock of the Company has been divided into 25,- GOO shares, at sioper share, making a capital of 3250, - coo, of -which $50,000 Is set apart for working capital. It is the Intention of this Company to famish ewhoz its stockholders with one grog* ton (2,240 pounds) of coal annually, for each share of stock held by them during the existence ol this Company (which has been char tered for sixteen years) at cost, If the stockholder de sires to receive It. Last winter a ton of coal of only 2000 pounds cost at your door fl 2 £O, while the mining and transporting of a ton of 2 240 pounds, cost only $7.50: thus making the enormous profit of five dollars on a single ton of coal, besides the difference In weight. Why paythe differ ence, when by becoming a member of toe Housekeep er*’ Coal Company you will besoms directly connected With the mining and delivery of your own OoaU there by securing it good, clean, cheap , and of full weight ? All these benefits are secured to you at once If you join this Company. The eharae'er of the gentlemen having this enterprise in charge is sufficient guarantee that the objects ol the Association will be fully verified. The Company have preoured the lease of the well known colliery of “Branchdnla,” situated about sevan miles from PoLtaville. on a branch of the Mlnehill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad. The coal is of the beet Quality of the region, it being the celebrated Bpohn vein. The mine will now yield 40.000 tons of coal per year, and can readily be made to double its present produo tian at a very small cost. The supply may ha said to be Inexhaustible, for, so far as the existence of this Com p«ny is concerned, it certainly is so. The mine is ’fi complete working order, with all the machinery and personal pi operty necessary and QfIQU to WMk a first-claos colliery. . ~ , , The stock of this Company is not an inflated one, St being based upon a fair equivalent in property. 9he investment will be a good one, as the Company expect- >o realize sufficientptofit from the sale of the sur plus of all soul mined over 26.000 tons, to pay a good BfcXDi**nnual dividend. _ . • . ' Information concerning the affairs of the Company can be obtained at the office. PRESIDENT, B. F. LEAKS. M. D., Frankford. SECRETARY. JOHI BACON, Office of tbs Company. .. TREASURER. THOS. -wbicoikb. 8. B. Cor. Fifth and Chestnut sts. GENERAL AGENT, EOBT. K. COBSON. B. 7. LBIKE, ““f “IIwIB THOMPSON. B. H. JBSKS. | THOMAS WBIOGINS. JACOB W. .BOCKIDS. »pl 7 mwl24t KSgf“ AMEWCAH ACADEHTOFMCSIG. —GKACD INAUGHRAVIojf'OF THE U. 8. r|BSByt.yAisfA home foe oor iSvalid sol- DIEBB AND bAILOBB and the children o? dependent Soldiers and i-ailore will tike pls.#e of electing a Board of Directors to serve for the ensuing year. THOMAS B. BEARDS, ap27tmyiB • Secretary, SFBIZK MONEY AND GOVERN MENT BOUNTY TO ALL WHO BNTEB THB UNITED STATES MARINE COBFS. Order* have been received from the head of the Marine Corps, at Washington- not to restrict recruits to a particular class (as has bean the case heretofore), but to receive ALL who have served in the volunteer set* vice, or in th» regulars, or in the marines, and have been honorably discharged. Buch persona enlisting in the United States Marines will receive the Govern ment bounty, and will also be entitled to their share of prize money in any capture of the enemy's vessels. For further Information apply at the recruiting ren dezvous. BTo 311 South FRO JR T Street, between 9 A. M. «d3o’.lo.kP. M.. OTO.T apl-tf Captain and Recruiting Officer. EDUCATIONAL. THE GREAT PRACTICAL COMMER- A CI>L INSTITUTION FOR THE-EDUCATION OF Y ° BBYANt!’ STKATTOJf, & BAHBISTBB’S IfA TIOKAL COMMBRCUL COLLEGE, ASSEMBLY BUILD IMG, S. W. corner of TENTH and CHEBTBTUT Streets. (Entrance on Tenth stmt ) BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP,'.COMMERCIAL AEI TIIME TIC, GOMMER CIA C L AW, B USINBSS CORRESPONDENCE, TELEGRAPHING, EfISI NESS FORMS, Etc . This institution offers to young men the facilities o! a thorough and practical education for business which will enable them to enter at-once upon the fields of use fulness and honor. In addition to an extensive course in the theory of Book keeping and the collateral branches, each student receives all the advantages of a psr ’ect system of ACTUAL PRACTICE, representing the actual operations of the principal blanches Of trade and commerce. THB PRACTICAL COURSE is wholly in advance of anything of the kind hereto* foie known. Among the various * * houses’ ’ thoroughly ajpointed and engaged in practice are: Banks—Public and Private, klexcantiie Houses—Wholesale and Retail, Including Dry Gocdt, Groceries, Froduee, file., Commission Bouses. Transportation Offices, insurance Offices, Telegraph Offices, Post Offices, &c , Ac., &c. Each of these has its particular work fu. the grand d'rign, and all are arranged with a view to harmony au and for aaici county, on Savnrd ly, the llth day < > of March, 1866, before the Honorable the Judges In tbeioatterof the Partition ofths Beil Batata of JO2&T DEIiZLEB, lata of Barry township, deoeased. And now. Match 11,1855, the foregoinginquisition and return belay read and heard, the *alin*.Dr«»*Good,, In ovary variety. Sew Dress Good., la great variety. Handsome Cbene silks* $3.60. VBfiT CHEAP BLACK BJLKB* Suitable for Drcs*«s* Mantles, and Sacques. _ COTTON GOODS AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRTCEB. Herrlmac, Sprague. and Pacific Prints, 36c.. 10 4 Waltham and Peperill bleached Sheetings. $l. H. STEEL & SON* myB-tf Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street -RLACK AND FIGURED SILKS. JL> A. &H. MYSBS*. myB 1m 035 CHESTNUT Street. TOHN F. YOUHG, W Mo. 70 North FOURTH Street, Has now in store a 'most extensive assortment of _DRK3B GOODS . . at the VEST LOWEST PRIONS, Grenadine bareges, all widths. A. & H. MYERS, myB lm 936 CHESTNOT Streak MILUSERY. 7Qfi CHESTNUT STREET. 4 AjXj i have now open a magnificent assortment of SPRING MIILINERY AND STRAW GOODS, Which I offer, wholesale and retail, at the lowest market prices. Poult de Soles and Gros de Naples in all colon; the more desirable and scarce colors, such as buff* pearl* roee pink, Ac rlu an assortment of shades. Best White, Black, and Colored Crapes. x Ribbons of every shade* narrow and wide* to match materials. French Flowers, the finest goods, prettiest styles, at reasonable prices HATg AJfD BOBrjfBTS We offer every new shape in every variety of material. Wide White Laces, Barbes. Malices of every quality. Tli 4 ) beet French and New York Bonnet Frames, and every other article required in making or trimming a bonnetc.'hat. * also, a handsome line of the best quality. Grenadine Yells, all colors , ~ . . . Orders from the country promptly ana accurately at tended to. M. WKYL, No. 736 CHESTNUT Street, ap3P-Ina SncßßHgor to M- Bernhalm. REMOVALS. M ADAME ADOLPH HAS REMOVED # *l9 North ELEVENTH Street, above C&llotr hill. myD-et* REMOVAL. _ WILLIAM Y ABN ALL Hu Removed from Vo. 1030 to No, 1333 CHBBT HUT street* 8. B. corner of THIRTEENTH Street' Where he invites the attention of housekeeper*, and those commenting housekeeping, to his extensive as sortment of useful HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, „ „ , Superior Refrigerators, Table Cutlery, Family Hard ware, Children's Carriages. As., &«. ap24-8m gBONZE B TJ 9 T ABRAHAM LINCOLN. _ We have had modeled for ns by the well-known ar tist,*JOS. A. BAILLY, a bust of Abraham Lincoln, and hare had the same copyriihted. It is prononneed by all who have seen it to be a perfect likeness of the Illus trious deceased. To make it within reach of all we have pnt the price at FOUR DOLLARS, with a liberal discount to the trade. WARNER, MISKEY & MERRILL, Ho. 718 CHESTHUT Street, and eqjlC 6t Ho. 579 BROADWAY, H. Y. v TARN. SCO BALKS WOOLEN YARN, FROM 30 TO 30 CUT, IH STOBS AND FOB SALS BY B. lit. JONES & 00., PORTRAITS OF PRESIDENT LIN- A COLH.-ALL THE VABIErIBS of Steel Plates and lithographs supplied to the trade. • FINHEB & BROTHER, mylO-et* if 13 Horth SIXTH Street. m CUI TIYATORB, OR HOB HA.R ZJE HOWS, Carrot Wecders. Horse Hoes, Square, Expanding. and Reversible Harrows, Hand Ploughs and Cultivators, Betd Drills, Miles Wiggins and Pet cock Ploughs* Bill-side Ploughs, Double-mould Board Ploughs, Michigan Ploughs. Subsoil Plcurhs, Ac., for e&le by D LaRDBBTH & SOW, Agricultural Implement and Seed Warehouse, Hob 31 and 33 South SIXTH Street. 11* - between Ccerinut and Market streets. m THE BUCKEYE MOWEII AND •R BEAPES —The most satisfactory and conclusive evidence of-tbe superior merits of the BUCKEYE MO ff ■ EB AND RfiAFEtf having been gWsn the Farmers of Pennsylvanlft. and, in consequence, the demand npos US for the machines being fr< quest, wa have obtained a supply for the harvest of 1660, which WO Aid enabled to oner at manufacturer’s prices. D. LAftDRETK A 60H, Agricultural Implement and Seed Warehouse, Hob. 31 and 33 South SIXTH Street, (Between Cheitnnt end Marketats..) It* j PHILADELPHIA. ££ FLOWER SEEDS.—NOW IS THE «3C.s»aeon for sowing Twenty choice varieties, with directions, for One Dollar, at DREER’B Seed Ware house, go. 714 OHKbTKUT Street. my6-swat* m LARGE LIMA AND BNAP-SHORT Feans, Champion of England Peas, Sugar and Evergreen Corn, Okra, encumbers, Melon Squash, snd other Barden Petds. now in season for planting, at DKEEB’b Seed Warehouse, Ho. 714 CHESTNUT Street. my 6 »w2t* ©TOMATO, EGG PLANT, CAB BAGE, and Cauliflower Plants, at DBBSR’S Seed Warehouse, Ho 714 CHESTNUT Blreet. myg»swBt* A SORGHUM, OR CHINESE SUGAR * Cane Se.d, fre.b and g.nni&a. at DBBBB'S Warehouse. No. 71A CHESTNUT Street mj6 ewM* M UNION MOWING MACHINE, which has beea fully tnst»d for thelast four years It ermbinee strength, durability, Ught weight, light draft. with complete efficiency in catting grass, light or heavy. wet or dry, lodged or siaadlng, and embraces many minor conveniences not foand in other machines Also for sale, tbemostcomp)eterift-«*bom Laum-Mower inlhemaiket PaSOBAJjL MORBIS, Sole Agent, Agricultural Warehouse, myS lrn . 113 U MARKET Street MACKEREL. HERRING, SHAD, &o. "A -8.600 bbla Mat.. Bos 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, late-eaurht flat fleh, la assorted pachaeee. 8,000 bbls. Sew Eastport, Fortune Bay, and Halifax Barring. 1,500 bOXdl Lnbee, Scaled, Ho, X Herrins. lOUbbla Hew Ues* Sh&d. 260 boxes fierkimer-eounty Obeeee, *e. In store and for sale tar MUBPHY A KGOHB, Ho. 146 NORTH WHARV&. GREAT CENTRAL CLOTHING HOUSE* u. s. »EVEN-THIRTT LOAN. krtandtfit M tt* iM(*tuF «f a* fm*mi O* undanirna* k*i Unart th* 9«m*nl BuliMrlrilo* Inuy for th* **la ol UnlM BUtcc Tnuunr Xotw hurlaf MT« «U ml latum* *« uana. kaomtMth* Them Botu n* imM aalur l*t* of Jus, M, 18W. *al art Wtllc tlin, fun Iron that time, la mi> nicy, or art toaTartlM. at tk* o,Boa of tk* hollu lata Thu. Boa*. at* aoW worth a huCeM Ol ll>* Ml **»»., Jadudln* 101 l latuwt boa Moyarabei. Which atko th* attaal troflt *n the T-10 Lou, at curreat ntu. lacindlajr lhtorut, about tea *« Mat. Mr aa ana. betide* It, sumption from State ami municipal taxation* which odds from one to three per ee*f. more. Mtordlat to th* rctc levied oa other yroMit*. The lc tayablo teal- uhiully hy cocyoht .tUchcd to ueh note, which may b. cat of ul MU to UT huh or htnkor. Th* lutcrut uaouhtc to Oh, oont „r d»y oa a *lO mot*. Two ecnti wr day on I*loo not*. Ton unte »r day on a WOO note. Twenty out, *or lay oa a ,1,000 aoM. Ono DoUar per day oa a W.OOO not*. Notu of all th* denomination! narMdwßl ho pnwat. ly fanlchol nponracalvtOfinDwriTtloß*, and the notoo forwuiel at onco. The Interact to 10th lane holt wUI be gild In advance. Thlslc lew offered by the Government, and u .l* unflduUy axpected that lta anperlor advutacot will make it tha GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. Lou then ,300,000,000 ofthe Loan authorized by the last Oonrreu are now on the market. Thle amonat, at the rate at which it la heln, ahaorbed. will all he subscribed for within foar montha, when the aotu will undoubtedly tommand a premium, aa haa nni fcrmly bean the cace at the cloM of th* aub,»riptlonc to other Loana. In order that aiHnna of ey*ry t*wa and aecßon of th* conatry may h« afforded facUlttea for takina the Loan, tha national Bankc, Btata Banka, and Private Bankart threnahout the country have Maerally apeed to t*. calve (ÜbHriyUcna at par. Bnbacrfben wUlealaatthalr own Meat., tn wtun, tn.v have emtdeaa*. aad who^ onlrantoM raponaihu forth*ddlwyM, UttnotM for which they recaiTe order*. iwm«i SHORT. SBXBOXb IR (JHARLES EMORY & 00., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BHOKEBS, No, 15 South Third itreet, wim.anaT.pwT*> *U kind, of nncnrrut fundi and Gold aad Stiver bourht and Mid. aad OoUectiou, made. Partienlar attention riven to the pnrehaM aid aalt of Uovernment,State, aad other Stock* aad Loaae oa «oa mieilon. • aoW-gm 7.30. 5-20. 10-40. BANKERS AND BROKERS. OOYBKfMBirr SMTOITIBS AKD STOCKS BOUGHT. SOLO, *BD KBQOTIATBD. BOLD AKB SILVBB BOUGHT ABO SOLD. gprelal attention rivea to OIL ETOCK9. mhU-W anwAMD aome. xoanoa a. pnanaoa. jgDW. ROBINS *Sc CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, ■0.47 BOOTH VXUKD STHEEX, PHILAOBLPHIA. AUiXtKMOf BIBS sons, SOLD, SILVEK. STOOKB. BOBOS. ABO QOVKBBHBHT BBOUBITIU. BOUGHT ABO SOLD. Oollwtion, made on all parte of the eonntry., _ Oeporitr received, auhieet to alritt draft, and Interect allowed. mh7-8m apS»lailf gBCOHD NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, (LATE IBOX CITT OOUFAKT.I OAPITAI*. 8300.000. BASKKIB' AXS HBKOHAHTB’ OOLLXOTIOXB rromptlT atUndel to om th. moat farorabl. tern a e. t WABNXK, President. OHABLES H. BIQOS, Oaihiar. mM-Sra JNBURANCB AGAINST TRimiERS’ INSURANCE COMPACT* HABT7OBD, CONN. Capital ssoo*ooo* WiL W. AILEU, Agent, *O4 Walnut street. For Five Hundred Dollars, with $8 per week compen sation, can be had for S 3 per annum, or any other eutt between $6OO and $lO,OOO at proportionate rate*. TEN DOLLARS PBBXIUM Secures a Policy for $2,000. or $lO per week compensa tion for all and every description of accident—travelling, or otherwise—under a General Accident Policy, at the Ordinary Bate. THIBTY DOLLABS PBBMIUM Secures a full Policy for $5,000, or Sifiper week com pensation, aa above, at the Social Rate » FOREIGN BISKS. Policies issued for Foreign, West India, and Califor nia Travel. Bates can be learned by application to the Office. SHORT TIKE TICKETS. Arrangementa are in coarse of completion by which the traveller will be Able to purchase, at any Railway Ticket Office. Insurance Tickets for one or thirty days 1 travel. Ten cents will buy a ticket for one day’s travel, insuring $3,000, or $l6 weekly compensation. Ticket Policies may be had for S, 6, and 12 months, in the cams Bisks taken at Hazardous Bates. Policies leaned for 6 years for 4 years premium. The rates or premium are lee; than those of any other Company covering the sams risk. J No medical examination is required, and thousands of those Who have been rejected by Lif« Companies, in consequence of hereditary or other diseases, *an effect insurance in the TRAVELLERS’ at the lowest rates. Life Insurance Companies pay no part of the prineip&l sum until the death of the assured. The TRAVELLERS 1 pay the loss or damage sustained by personal Injury W aSfSeiin insecurity which such au Insurance gives to those dependent upon their own labor for support Is worth more than money. No better or more satisfac tory use can be made of so smaU a sum. J. G. BATTBBSOH, President. BODHEY DENNIS, Secretary. G. F. DAVIS, Vl |^|s d | ttt j, TKRi General Agent. Application, received iee^d mhlS-mwfrftm ~ Ho. 404 WALNUT Street. 513 MARKET Street. WM. F. WARBURTON, FASHIONABLE HATTER. 430 chestnut Street. OHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF ts-7 au order of Sale in Partition, to me directed, will be so;d ax Exchange, in the city of Philadel phia, on TUESDAY May 20, 1865, at 12 M„ _, . No 1. All tb&t four-story iron front messuage ana lot of ground, situate on tie northwest corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets, in the city of Philadelphia; « jn tainingio front on Gces-nut street 16 feet, and in depth 34 feet 8 inches. Subject to a yearly rent charge of *4O silvex dollar*. , No. 2 AU that certain messuage and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Chestnut street, Ho 405,'be tween Fourth and Fifth streets, in the city of Phtladel vbla; containing in front on Chestnut street 10 feet o inches or thereabouts, and in depth 63 fast to a four-feet alley, with privilege thereof. ... , . No. 3. All that brick messuage and tuateonthe south aide of Lombard street Ho. 4»« WJ ftet east of Fifth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Lombard street 20 feet, and in degth 78 feet Subject to a yearly ground rent of forty ho 4. All that brick messnage and lot of ground, situate on the northeast corner of Seventh and rise streets, in the city of Phil&delonia; containing in front on Seventh street 20 feet 7}{ inches, and In depth S 9 feet 8 No, I?* A)1 thf-t messuage and lot of ground, situate on the east aide of Seventh street, 20feet 7H inches north 03 Pine street, Ho. 339, in the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front on Seventh street 21 feet 2 inches, m dtpthhSfeetCinchee. go. 6. All thatmeeenage and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Seventh street, Ho. 557. 41 feet 0>» inches north of Pine street, in the city of Philadelphia; con taining la front tn Feventh street, 19 feet 6 inch#*, and in depth £8 feet 6 Inches, Including the north side a half partof a 2feets inches wide alley. . .. Ho 7. AU that messuage and lotcf ground si uate on the east side of Seventh sirset, Ho. 335. 61 feel GX inches north of Pine street, in the city of Philadelphia; con talnlsgin front on Seventh etreet 19 test 10 inches, and in depth 39 feet 6 inches, including on the south side the half part of * 2 feet 6 Inches wide alley. . , No. 8 AU that store, mestuege, and lot of ground, ritoate «n the loutheatt corner of Seventh and Middle etieets, in the city «f Philadelphia; containing ta fronton Seventh atieet 18 feet 7X inches, and in depth 39 IMI6 inches. hBKRY 0. HOWELL, Sheriff. . Philadelphia Sheriff's Offlc. Maxis. 1866. mylO St ■PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS.—PATENT A llcgc back Photo,raphtc Albums aurpascallothara lnstienath and tlfxlMiliy; binflinvs. all alias; fine assortment as B. g. nEIMEH’H. 6164: ABOJQ'bt. rt 6, E. GOB. SIXTH AND MABEET STBBETS. FINANCIAL. BEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. U. S. WO SIX PER CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. the only loan in market JAY OOOKBi ■UBBOBIFTIOK A9BBT. No. 114 BOJJTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. fsl-tf ADAMS tJBB HlfifOßl OF lULIVB CisAß, „, . , THB BMPBROB BiPoiBOB HI. . vol. 1, in cloth, tinted with portrcli of Julius Cictarand four maps. Pries $l6O. A cheap edition, paper covers, $l. The portrait and naps to tCArttpau? cheap edition, £0 seats, may be had separately* price 60 eeats. No Work fc&l exeited so much attentlofitas the Life of Julius kas been so many years in prepa naflon, invclvihn the expenditure of large sums of grtiicy ih proourlngmaierla], examining looaimvs, &«. ' The style Iff which the book is writMß veiy slmpla and clear, and readily understood by even those Who are not perfect in their knowledge of the French lan guage. , The intent and meaning of an author can only be as certained by leading him in his own language. Dl A.'A GO. HATE JUST PUBLISHED: „ rAT-AMOHOR. A STORY OF OGR mVfL WAR. Dy an American. 1 vol.. i*mo Cloth. SIJW. A CRITICAL BXAHIBATIOB OF Otß lIBABCIAL POLIO X GDRIOG THB SOUTHKBB EBOBLLIOB. By Simon Newcomb 1 vol., 17me. $l. THBIRTEBNAL BSVSRUS LAWS; Act Approved June 30* 1664, as amended, and tbe Act amendatory thereof, approved March 9, 1865, with marginaljrefe reßees] a complete analytical index and Table of Taxa tion. 1 Y«i. , 6 to. Faper, 60 cents i cloth, 71. SOCIAL STATICS: Or, The GondUloue Ss«eat!*l to Human Happiness Sptdfled, and the First of them Developed. By detbert Spencer. 1 voL * 12mo. $2 TOO SrSANGS ROT TO BB TRGB: A Tale. By Dady Yirglnla Fullerton. 1 voL, Bro. Paper, $1.60; eleth, $2. LIRIOAL BROBRATIONS. By Samuel Ward. 1 vol., 12mo. Cloth. $2. TRIAL OF JOHN Y. BBALL AS A SPY AND GGB* BILLa. Price 60 cents. \BK Hand-book OF DINING; Or, Corpulency and Leanne»e heientifioaUy OojwidereL Comprlring the Art ol Dining on Correct Principles, Consistent With Easy Digestion* the avoidanee of Corpulency* and the Cure of Leanness. By BriUat Savarin, 1 vol*, 12mo- 91.3 d CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY AND TH* PfIYbICAL OR iGBAPHY OF MEXICO, including a Geographical and Topographical Map, with profiles of tome of the principal Mining Districts, l vol. * &vo. Cloth, $4. CObbiN ALICE. A Memoir of Alice B. Haven 1 vol.* 12m0., with Portrait, Price *'.75, TH* CORRELATION AND CONSERVATION OF FORCES. A ftfiries Of Bzpoeltions by Prof. Grove. Prof, Helmholtz, Dr. Mayer, Dr. Faraday, Prof Lisblf, and Dr. Carpenter, with, an Introduction and brier notices of the chief promoters of the views. 35/ fid* ward l/u Youmans. 1v01.,12m0. $2. APOLOGIA PRO VITA BUA. Being a reply to a phazaphletentitled, “What, then, Does Dr. Newman Mean?” By John Henry Newman, D. D. lftno 99 EB6AYB. MORAL, POLLTIOAL. -®STfIBTXO. By Herbert Spencer. Ivol.. 12mo. Cloth, 92. LYRA AMERICANA; Or, Verses ol Pralße and Faith. From American Poets. Selected and Arranged by Rev. George T. Rider. I vol., 12mo. $2. Morocco* extra* $6. LYRA ANGLIC ANA; Or, A Hymnal of Sacred Poe try. Selected from the best English writers, and ar ranged after the order of the Apostles l Creed. By Rev. GeorgeT. Rider. 1 vol., i2mo. si. Morocco, extra, $6. HISTORY OF THB ROMANS UNDER THE EM PIRE. By Charles Merlvale, D. D., late Fellow of St.* John’s College, Cambridge. Complete in 7 vols. Price, in cloth, $1 60 per vol. Any of the above sent FREE BY MAIL on receipt of price. Address D. APPLETON A GO., Publishers. M7lo-2t No 443 and BROADWAY. £ NEW NOVEL BY MARION HAELAND. IRS HOST FOPDLAK HOTBLIBT IK 4MERIC*. Author of “Hone," ”," "He,. Side," ••Hemealß." “HlrUun." an4**Haahc," HUSBANDS Aj\D HOMES, OneTo). 12m0., Fries 11,75. JUST PUBLISHED. 4,000 COPIES CALLED FOB WITHIN TEN DAYS. The hundreds of thousands of readers of " Alone;’* "Hidden Path, 11 and **Moas Side" will gladly wel come a new book from the pen of this gifted author. The Boston Evening Gazette said of 4 * Alone: ’ ’ "High as has been the reputation acquired by the many authoresses of our country, we shall be mistaken if the writer of 4 Alone'and of the ‘Hidden Path’ does pot take ere longpuee asd precedence. There is an originality in her thinking Which strifess one with pe culiar force, and he finds himself ÜBcrosdoasly re curring to what has had such a powerful offset on him* She is emphatically an authoress not to beforgotlen. '* The Troy Times says of ** Husbands and Homes’ ’; "This writer of d amatic romances and tales has published so work baif so interesting as this. Her fctories appeal to the delicate and refined attributes of life. They instruct, while they interest and carry with them only the purest examples and Influences No person can rise from the reading of such a book without feeling kenefitted and improved. ’ 1 New Editions also ready of Marlon Harland's Works. ALONE. 1v01.12m0. Price $1.75; BIDDEN PATH. IvoLUmo. Pries $1.76. MDBS SIDE. 1 vol. 13mo. Price $1.75; NEMESIS. 1 voL 12mo. Price $1.76. MIRIAM. Ivol. 12mo. Price $1.75. BUSKS. 1 vol. 12mo. Price $1.76. 49* Any of the above sent by mail on receipt of the price. ' SHELDON & COMPANY, 4198 BROADWAY, Nearly opposite St. Nicholas Hotel, New York. myß-mw3t _ NEW BOOKS HIV oV TH * REASON. ST. PHILIPS, A splendid novel by the autbor of "Sutledce» n *** This new book is almost parted ss a work of fic tion; it is her very best production, andis meeting with an immense sale. Price $1.75. THE MARTYRPRESmENT. A Poem, by Boberirß. Newell. Price to cents. MARY BBANDEGEE. Avery powerful new novel, that is beginning to make a stir in the world Its style and lotareit i* parfectly intense. It Is a "woman’s novel" in every ggftge. Price $176. LOVERS AND THINKERS, A new novel for thinking people to read. Price $1,60. *»* All handsomely bound in cloth, and sent by mail free, on receipt of price, by OARLETON, PiabliaHers mylO-wetf - NEW YORK* TTUNTED to death, a story of AX Love and Adventure, is having a grqat run. It is so jolly, rollicking, and adventurous—all for love the old, old story—never exhausted, always fresh. Life in a Liverpool packet, in Hew York oity, at the St. Nicholas, Saratoga, St Charles. Hew Orleans, in Australis, at the Opera House, Pails, ending in Eng land, hold the reader spell-hound and amused. LOSING’S RAILWAY LIBBABY consists of “Twice Lost.** ‘ * Linnet's Trial, M * * Maln stone’s Housekeeper," “Hunted to Death”—four bet ter novels you never read. Lippincott, Pitcher, Peterson. Ashmcad & Evans, and Winch sell them. , _ LOSING. Publisher, my9-2t 3XO WASHINGTON Street, Boaton. BPLBHDID NEW HOYBL. A YfOKAS'S HOVEL* MARY BRANDEGEE. This new work, just published, is commencing to make a big sensation everywhere. A large edition was printed to start with, but it did’nt begin to last over night, and the binders are hard at work on more. Its style Is perfect, and most entertaining. The ra pidity of incident and intensity of plat rivet the reader's attention from the first page to the last. Although published under au assumed same, its au thorship Is half suspected, and the great interest In it is creating a demand that bids fair to rival that for St. Philip’*, the new novel by the author of "Builedge,” which 1* now theleadl&t fllUOh Of the Besson, myg>fmw3t CABLET OH, Publisher, Haw York, YTEW BOOKS ! NSW- BOOKS ! I J-x hapolboh'b HigTosr or julids o-ssab. V THji PBksBTfIFBBIAK HISTOBIOAL ALMAVAO ASD JlHno.L BBMEUBRANOBB OF THE CHOUGH rOK 1664. Bj Jo». M. Wilson. HBSBANBB AND HOMSS. Br M.itoa, au thor of * * Hidden Path, 1 1 Ac. THOUGHTS OH PERSONAL BBLIGIOH. By Ed ward Jf. Goulbourn, D. D. . BT; PHILLIPS. By author of HutTedge, Ac. KKIhMISHBfi AND SKBTCHBB. By Gail Hamilton. Fox sale by JAMES S. OLAXTON, Successor to _ W. 8. A ALFRED MABTIEN, my9-tf 606 CHESTNUT Street. BOOKS I NBW BOOKS IJ j„t ™«ived A b &inii ~ (Hazard's oil stand), Ho. 7»* CHBSTNtJV Sirest JTJLinS CiESAB HiHtorv of Jnllns C»s« by N»- Soleon 111. With portrait, a lao stmUo ot the elegant Bjltßh Edition. Pries only $2 SO. SIMON NEWCOMB’S FINANCIAL POLICY dnring th« southern Bebelllon. . .. ' .. aTaschob. Astorrolonrelvilwax. Br aa Ame -1 SEIKMIBHES AND SKETCHES. By Call Hamilton, HUNTED TO DEATH. A story of Lore aad Adven ture. A new novel. PETROLEUM, DBBBIOK AND DBILL. Aa lastiht Into the Dl.eovery, Development, Condition, and Pros pecte of Petroleum. By the anthor of "Ten Acres MABION HABLAND’S NBW NOVBL—HUSBANDS AND HOMES. CHAKLES LBVBB'S NBW BOOK, "LUPTKELLOP ABBAN." In paper andmuslin. ■ ... ST. WIHIFBED’B; or. The World of School. A book thst ws recommend fnlt sonfidensA ALL THE NEW BOOKS received as seox as Issned from the mess, and sold at lowest grisaa. myfl-tf ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCO. xX. V£KY FOR 1865 JOW BEADY. ALBO. LOUIS HAPOLBOE’S life of ciesab. , JOSEPHUS—An eieeant iibrarr edition, in 4 vols., larae pica type, printed on tinted paper, and bound in T WEBSTBB ? S NEW UNABBIDOEO DICTIONABY. A thorom hi j revised iSTON. Pabll«bcrsand Booksellers, my 6- tf Ho. 85 South SIXTH Bt., above Uheataut. A PPLETON’B NBW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA —Complete in M volaiaei. Various Styles of Bindln*. BEBELLIOH RECORD, by Frank Hooro. In 8 vols. SIrIVaLB'S HISTORY Of TBl ROMANS—now * < Tlm Agency for the** valuable works ic at **33 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut, ai>B-tf jas. K. SIMON. “PREPARE FOR WARM WEATHER.. AT B 8. &B. A. HIRRIS, No 39 NORTH NINTH STREET, A FEW DOORS BELOW ARCH, Have now on hand a large assortment of HEPRIGBRATOBS AND ICE CHBBTS, of their own manufacture, wtich they are selling At very low prices. These Refrigerators are mod?U*a on ibe most approved plan, and wIU economise In Ice to a greater extent than any other made. Also. con»t*ntlv on hand, a fell rfockol SILVER'S J?ATBNT GAS-BURNE'I, parlor and cooking stoves. m WARM-AIR FURNACES, BANGS?, ho.. Put np at the ,ho.U.t notice & R A HABBiS. myg 6t NINTH Street, below troh. fY ALTON’B U FAMILY AND MANUFAOTUBINO . KNITTING MACHINES. , Patented 1861 Perfected 1864. A YABD OF PLAIN OB BIBBED WOBK KNIT IN TEN MINUTES 1 KNITS UPWABDB OF TWENTY DIFFERENT ABTI CLEB OF APFABBL! They are ttmple, reliable, perfect, and wonderful in the amount and variety of work they perforin ___ USUAL SPEED BTITOHES PER It caa toe made, in the hands of a woman, to earn with esse and comfort $lO to slop?t week EVeES FAMILY SHOULD HAVE ONE. . A few active, enterprising Agents wanted, to whom liberal Inducements will be given. v.i» To publishers of newspapers who wIU PAT one-hilr money, we will allow th» remainder to be paid in advertising ai the regular rates. f ■ Send for circular ano lamples, enclosing aUmtL Se°4 B dSKViSKit mtCfiX Pitt,l,,lr i‘ ff-OABPBNTEB. nABD PHOTOGRAPHS—PRETTY rtyiee, adapt'd to the vaute of the manes—U for ill 66 .citable for album*, and scholars to exchange „i,b Class male.. BEIMEB’S Gallery, SBC >ND Bt.. cteve Greta. ; It* TASTEFUL AND SUBSTANTIAL CLOTHING WANTS. wanted-inT"book-store, a f! lowa HAH from 1# to »T«*TB » Ma*»b« correct at flyuraa nd of food aodV»M»AddraßO# to own handwriting, *‘O.P->' offloaof ThsPrets. mylO-Ot ■WANTED—AT NO. 1821 CHESTNUT W BTBBBT. auteirriatagMllf, With #5TOt» J&000, deslroua of miking A imiH foitun. rapidly, to oxut* ■ the woider of the age, end ao hnmbng. Add««». With stamp. M. PLATI. mylO-Ot* Olttr Poet Offloe. WANTED— EMPLOYMENT BY A • ’ Tonng Sfen of bnslßOM Biwrlos«». knowledge of dry goode. le willing to mnk* UffiKlf BKl n J:.,.J2SS 1 1,. references siren. Add reel i\w.» 51» OBBBH Street. myfrZt* TIT ANTED—BOOKS TO POST, OR ■ ' ' leeonntato mike ont, in the Evenings. Flrst cleee city xeferenee. Addreee "O, 8.,” omOO of Tw Press. my9-3t* WANTED—A PEW MEN OP OAPI * ' TAT. to assist In the actual development of Alirge tract of choice Oil Lend In venaneo county. Pa. .which ha. never been put In market. Four producing Welle near the property end eighteen othere In proceea ot bo ■ ring Call npon or gddreee V ■ „ OATTOJT BIQLBB, myg-St* at OTBABIr HOUSE, Putin. -WANTED-A SITUATION IN A 1» Wholesale or Betall Boot end Shoe Store, by a Tonng Han who hnefe thorough knowledge of both branehea of the business. Adeioee "Bhoei,” Press offlte. , myBSt» WA NTED—A SITUATION AS BOOK v v KEEPS IS, by a competent parson, who h&s bad years of experience. Address *• W. J. *’* Post Office, Bos 1404 myfl fmwQt* WANTED—IN A DRY GOODS JOB- T T VINO HOUSE on Market Street, a LAO to learn the business, and a Tons* mas accustomed to selling goods to the city and near trade- • „ Addicts "Jobber,” Press office myß-mwat* WANTED, AT |l5O PER MONTH. "* A RELIABLE OAVVA9SEB in every town and conhty, for the BUfiSB and SPY, the most interesting »nd AYchiaar book ever published, embracing the ad* ventures of A W0IBA& 1H the Union army as Harce, Secttt asd Spy, giving a meet vivid inner plctafd Of tfcg war. We have Agents clearing SUSO per month, which we wilt prove to any doubting applicant. Send for dreniars. Addreaß " JoKES, BEOS. A 00., Ho. 000 CHEfeTfIUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa.” apI8«lm» A GENTS WANTED, TO SELL THE genuine improved Newfinglaid Family SBWIfIO MACHINES* the beet Machine lathe world. Address A. L. LBdU BE * 00., ap26-Jm* ' Box 82. Orange, Maas. fUNAL-BOAT BUILDERS AND VJ CAULKERS WANTED, at CHESTER, Gonetant employment given. Address WILLIAM FRIOK ft CO., aplO lm Cheater, Panne. /GREATEST THING OF THE TIMES vT-ROWBN’S PRIZE ENVELOPES.-Agents wanted everywhere. Premium Watches glren to Agents. On receipt of $l9 we will mail, post-paid. 100 Envelope** and a splendid Solid Silver Hantlng-Oase Watch as a premium to the agent. A single Envelope sent, with circular and fallpanicolars, on receipt of 23cents. Ad dress A. H. BOWEN AOO., P. 0.,80x4370,308855MAN MAN Street, N, T. mbl7-Sm ftIORA MONTH.-AGENTS WANT gp everywhere to Introduce the improved 6BAW A GLARE TWENTY-DOLLAE FAtfILxSBW IRQ machine, the only low-price machine in the confitnr Which is licenced by. Grover A Baker, Wheeler 4 Wiled*. Howe/ Sihiti* A 4 Co> and Bachelder. All other machines now sola for lee# than forty dollars each are Infringements, and the seller and peer are liable to fine and imprisonment. Salary and expenses, or large commission, allowed. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address SHAW A CLARK, Blddeford, Maine mrlO»dAW3m S&7O A MONTH.—I WANT AGENTS vP • v everywhere at $7O a month, expenses paid, to sell FIFTEEN ARTICLXd, the best selling ever offered. Foil particulars free. Adclress Olid P. CARET. Bidde foyq, Maine. ; ; mylQ d&W3m m WANTED TO RENT—FOR ONE JBtor moreyears, a good HOUSE, with modern im provements, fnralthed or unfurniihed. Location pre ferred between Broad and Twentieth streets, os Chest nut. Walnut, or Spruce. Possession required about July Ist. Good locations other than above not objec tionable Address Box 352 Post Office. myß-fll* FOB SALE AND TO ÜBT. EXTENSIVE FACTORY, &o, TO LET, S. W. Comer Eleventh and Cath arine Streets. HUN BUILDING! 800 by it. LOT 300 by 80. Poj.csEion about let cf August next, my 9 6t' Addresi “Bor 817” p. 0.. Pbiladelpbla. Mto rent—a modern house, with ail conveniences,in a good location. 'Address "House," this office, before 11 A. M. It* «FOR BALE.—THE HANDSOME Four-story Residence Ho. 2009 A BOH Street. Im mediate possession given. Applv to ROSSBLL ALLEH, 8 E. corner FODBTH and WALNUT. mylo»Bt* SALE.—A VALUABLE#* TSAOT OF LARD, containing about acres, in Twenty third ward; two Itory brick dwelling upon it. Also, ten lots Of ground, near Landsdo«rn avenue, Wett Philadelphia Apply to WM. ROWELL ALLEH. S.E. corner FOUETH and WALBUT. mylQ Drug store for sale—Lo cated in an enterprising town on the West Branch of the Susquehanna, Address ZISGLBE A SMITH, myIQ-at* 137 Horth THIRD Street, PMla. ■J7OR SALE-1 LARGE 108 CHEST— J- only middle size, 918; 1 small size, $l9. To persons wantiog a good ics box. this Is a rare chance to fet a good article cheap. Address three days ** K. H.’ itgan," Poßt Office. mylQ 2t* T?OR SALE—GREAT BARGAINS, A O*M May Building M, my»Bt 140 South FOOBTH atreat. TTHE MOST DESIRABLE CITY AND A Country pxopertle. aold my 9 « 146 South FjPBTH Street. F)R rent—rooms, well light ed, wafer and water* withor without Bte&m power, byCHaS EVANS, QPaRBY fctreet. myB-6t* pOTTAGB LOTS FOR SALE—ONE v acre each, Darby road, Twenty-fourth ward. Ap ply to . GSORGB CONNBLL. my6-7fc* Ho. 308 South FOURTH street. WTOTICE.—THE PENNSYLVANIA OIL CRBBK PBTROLBUM COMPANY, usually known ai * • Oil Creek, ’’ will lesie the balance of their lands a; a bonus of not less than four thousand dollars per lot S inches, more or less, gale Absolute. Rented ftrtyfatWi ®NO. 8. AUthat superior fiv«-etory brick and iron front store and lot of ground, east side,of Bank street, ad joining the above os the south, being No IS; contain lng In front on Bank street SO feet 2 8 inches, and ex tending of that width 62 feet, then widening ou the south side 12 feet, and extending In depth of that In' creased width 79 feet 4 Inches, the entire depth being 131 feet 6 Inches to Strawberry street, more or Use, on which street thefroat is.43fe*t 8 inches. Sale-absolute. Rented for $5, Ofo. They recede from the line of the street, cathe Bank street front 8 feet 10 inches, on Strawberry atre&t 3 feet;9 inches, 43»The above stores are built and finished intbe most thorough and substantia- manner, *ad evarj precaution taken to render them fire-proof—very haavy jolce sup ported by iron pillars—two hatchway*—iron fireproof built in the cellar—vault! under hoik, streets, and re plete throughout with all the moderu improvements aad conveniences. The above three are tlear of all incum brance. « NO. 4. All that lUPM-lor four sto rr brick store fflrst dorr granlle) and lot of ,round, sir Ja ta on the H W. corner Buck »tr«t»: d Elbow l»ne, So 32,. containing in front on Bulk .treat M feetitlnoh,., ant extencln* m depth 62 fefct, It in will built and, * valuable baniaeu stand. Rented for $900; would re.rU for more. Snhject to n r*»tl, Rror, u ,i .set of ,8.91. JS-Snleatnolntecf ijia whole. M TBOmas & SORB. Aoctloneera, 139 rjti I*l Booth FOOjBTH Sweet. . tpaa-numom 'J'HE FRAN'RLIN SAVING FUND, 80. 136 SOUTH roUBTHSTEKET. BELOW • F„b file P'.t cent Interact on 'Deposit*. A,«nts for the sale of steles 7 3 ‘ l0 J h'lmirhi andeofd cent. Kta*« «d City Boa- 4 »“ d ®S?S™ 0<1 * li i ;£m*£2 14 for depot .tors and others on Oonwnl»slon. mnlo-aa^ A.T SEASONABLE FBIOESt amuse; AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. -noon EXHIBITION of PEOJKOTH'S broan BTBBET CADETS, for the BIHSTIT of BT. JOHN'S OSFfiAW ABTLUH. TaUBBDA^|W|.H.rH.m THK 81*01*0 CLASS' fSo»."BOW**. , 1. Unamu «£ Vocal Hualo 6* th« FaplU of tfco B«oondl)lTl8lcn._ _ _____ a. Bolftilji* of P»tt«e*ou’B Krarcijsi. by tbs Pupil* •( Uie liret DirUon. MDBIO. THK BtQCtJTION GLASS—FIRST PAST. B. Keenan— The Ohuie si U>» LifUt Brlgtde-ItaW* I,' M. Henna—Kelliloue Liberty—O'Connell. Cool?. UOBMU * O. DerenaJ—Tbf Gethollo OhSfiH—H»BlnllF, H. Wood—The Frenthmamnit the K«e-n‘&. % THB OTHtriSIITH CL 488, Gapt. HILLBBBAKO. 1 Lliht Ormasatlca, without apparatus, a HflavT OwnnaeUca. with apparatus. IbUvJvi THB KLOCOTION OL4SJ-SIICOBD PIKT. Bt«rh7PMfi)K— RWe'-T; »• *«au>. BM« will be rewind Jpr the TIMBER. the STORK,or the WOitK separately, or for the WHOAE MATIBIAIrI AST) WOKE complete The Committee cn Water will malic Wfitrjwtg for the Materiel, or tkc Work, or for the whole complete, as. may appear to be for the beet Interest of the city, Vo bid* will be received tinier* fteeomp&nled by a certificate tint a bo»H for fire bundled dollar# has bean deposited with th« Citr Solicitor, as,per ordoanca . Plans and specifications may be seen at theOdtaeof. the Chief Eeglacar, FIFTB, below* Cheptnnt. BERRY jL BißKißSflfß*. Chief Engineer Water Department PARTES DE VIS-ITK—SBOURHt them at BUIMSB’S. 684 AKOH street t his •tjlo* arenaaniiiataali in arrana-uiC':vi natal* they evince 3n» mate aad >*t* aittatic >aiH. »* jt-~ MALCOLM MAGI'fEILIs’S SPEOTAOI.3 STOSS. (Ma *lO S<»Bl , „ JSasSSBSJ3BIW6*S3gS lev?© Tlae-ilrMt For'./ «lollowi: l^sttrwitii’pVsb?/ ‘ : '6atb po *S? Atfut'i Acimano^OA.... •<■ U P. M iraslsS 0 .; $ fe h7d 3 llvA»d Ht coopur-. nO; " la,a,< 'yo^TO^fiSSi. QFTfft ESnUESY’BS ' "cjottagb organs Kot oaIrDBBXOBLLSD, b*t n»B«nAU,*n laittrthf of Tom »nd Fow«r, awlziei ot»eoliu; for Ohankn and Sihooli, bat found tnbo taatlir well adwtodt* th« Parlor aad&nwlKg Boom. >or »»1« J Alm, i oomploU tomtantlr oaha»6. f«H-w» TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT »»< nnyßovgn now trm. . DEPARTMENT FOB ODSTOM WQEK,