STUB CITY. THE LATE GENERAL COOK, it the annual meeting or the stockholder of the Camden and Amboy Railroad Company, at Borden town, April 88,1866, on motion of J. P. Bradley, Esq , the following resolutions were adopted; Wherias, 7 hestookhol dorr of the Camden and in tty Bsilroad and Transportation Ctnnpan, have heard wUh.orrow of the recent death of General William Cooktft»rjßftHiyi*aM tfye Oht«f Engineer of the Goss pan y* I>i*ecior, ana ffiamhsr of the ExeoatWe Oom> aitttsejtHGtGfow f jSetaiv* d, Tb&t-in General Cook's death the Company has sustained ******* taaa. Be was an able en*ioe#r, d^sereedlyjranklifg high, in his profession devoted to the itpe interests of those he served; practical, econo* xnlc&le and efficient. His services to this Company have •been of great va na for the entire period of its existence Bis integiHy, nrhasHy. and tact, and Ms general hi*h toned character, *ave him areat ioflnence with, ms fellow citizens, as well a* his associate, and treat Tower as as advocate and defender cf the Company s interests. He had the confidence and aitoshmsnt of a large numberof the leading *ne n deal h could hardly strike a blow which cod} d he more extensively felt In hew Jersey tnaa in striking at wen. That we sincerely condole wUhhta ramUy In this bereavement, and that tbs SwreUry or tow jofoWng send to them a copy of these wointionsm, testimony of our «» n >| i ’ t % e ’YooEHB2B, Chairman. Sauttbl J. Bata bp. Sooretaxy. FIREMEN’a ITEMS. GOOD Ibtbnt Hoen.—The Good Intent Hose and h Kj Ladder Company have resolved to visit rilUßbnrir ontho third Monday In September next. ?hev wifi “a the guests of the Dnquoane Eoglno, No s. They wIU take with them a new carriage Stbam Fib* Ehoinh.—The new o,ii«nier built for this oompany was tried on Friday morning last, at the large plug at Fifth and Wash lntrton streets. It was nine minutes precisely from the time the Are was lighted until the engine oom menoed to play. The il-x-lneh nozzle was plaoed on, and one section of hose. The play was excellent. The distance was not measured, but was stepped-off by several parties, and as near as could be ascer tained, was about 210 feet. The IJf-lnoh nozzle was then tried, and water was thrown 218 feet. The average steam was 140 pounds. The trial through out was eousldered very satisfactory. - Hibxbhia Eboihe Company.—At an election 1m officers of this company, held on Friday evening last, the following gentlemen were elected = Presi dent, Colonel James Page} Vice President, Robert -Tempest; (Secretary, John E. Downing; Assistant (Secretary, Frederick W. Wade: Treasurer, Ever hart Paul; Recorder, William Powers; Direotors, Andrew Oasey, James C. Whalley, Frederick W. Wade, Edward Oasey. HOSPITAL ITEMS. Hugh Slavln, aged twenty-four years, was ad mitted Into the Pennsylvania Hospital on Satur day morning, with one of his legs badly fractured lust above the ankle. He jumped from a moving train on the Valley Railroad, near Tusearora, to regain a shovel that he had dropped. In so doing the wheels of several oars passed over his leg. The mangled limb was amputated. George Boch, a little boy of seven years old, while, playing on a fence In Twenty-second street, above Flatten, on Saturday alternoon, fell io the pave ment and fractured his arm at the elbow joint. CORONERS’ IK QUESTS. - Coroner Taylor, on Saturday, held an Inquest on the body of Richard Hartman, aged 21 years. The deceased was scraping the upper part of the mast of the sloop Hope, at Vine street wharf, on Saturday morning. The rope broke which held • him, and he fell headlong to the deck, breaking through the hatch. His skull and neck wore hoi-rf- Jly fractured. The unfortunate man Camden, N. J. He was the brother of the captain of the sloop. A CHANGE GRATIFYING TO CONDUCTORS. The conductors on the Pennsylvania R. R. who have been heretofore running over the entire dis tance between this city and Pittsburg, will to-day assume command of division trains. Tise conductors •will hereafter run only upon three separate divisions, ■viz: the Philadelphia, Mountain, and Pittsburg. This will make their work regular, and give them an opportunity to take a night’s rest, as well as enjoy that relaxation which Is so necessary to the mainte nance of eWbd health. The conductors are indebted for this change to the forethought of Mr. G. 0. Franciscos, superintendent of the Philadelphia di vision. ' ADVANCE IN THE PRICE OF EAGER. We have been Informed that with two exceptions all the brewers of the city have formed a union to advance the price of lager beer. At one time this beverage sold at four cento for large-sized.glasses. The size of the glass has vlnce been reduced and -the price raised to five cents. That advance, In view of the Increased cost of all articles used In Its manufacture, was not objected to. But at this time -the additional advance of one cent per glass Is be lieved by those competent to judge to be entirely uncalled for. PENNSYLVANIA HOME FOR INVALID SOL- DDKBS AND SAILORS. We are informed that a new Institution has lately been organized In this city, the object of which Is to establish a homo for Invalid soldiers and sailors of Pennsylvania, and the orphans of those Pennsyl vanians who have died while in the service of their country. It is to be inaugurated by a meeting and musical festival, in the Aoademyof Music, on Taos* -day evening, 16th instant. This is a noble and benevolent enterprise, and claims the co-op'eratleu of all our fellow-citizens. WAR FLEET. About thirty vessels, used for blockading pur poses on the. ooast, are expected to arrive at our naval station, where -they will probably be laid up In ordinary. Several picket boats arrived on Satur day: There Is quite a display of war vessels now at moorlngß near the station. The St. Louts, with her lofty masts and heavy spars, and her gnns project ing through the portholes, presented a warlike ap pearance yesterday. Quite a large number or citi zens strolled along the river front, below the navy .yard, yesterday afternoon, to get a good view of the steamers. TONAWANDA AND IRONSIDES. ! These great war steamers will he ready for active -service in the course of ten days, when both, will start for parts unknown. THE CAPTURE OF BOOTH. It has been erroneously stated that the deteotlve -officers of this city, who went to Washington to as sist In the Capture of the assassin Booth, acted undeTthe orders of General Augur. The facts of -the case are that Messrs. Joshua Taggart, Edward G. Carlin, and George H. Smith, of the deteotlve department of this otty, reported to Gol. Lafayette Baker immediately on their arrival In Washington, aid diligently acted In connection with him up to the time his well-laid plans weresuocossful In taking the wretch. PHILADELPHIA AND LIVERPOOL STEAMSHIP LIN-E. Sometime during the present month the first of a Une of steamships to steam between this port, Bos ton, and Liverpool, will arrive here. The dook of tqe Pennsylvania Railroad Oompany at the foot of ■Washington street, Is being dredged to give a suffi cient depth of water to admit the vessel. Addi tional sheds for the storage of freight will be wrested. .. - STEAM TO RICHMOND. ■The directors of the Philadelphia, Richmond, and Norfolk steamship Company have resolved to re commence operations, New steamships are In course of construction, and the trips between this city and Richmond will probably be resumed abont the Ist Of July, ________ shocking ACCIDENT. On Saturday afternoon, during an alarm of fire, a little boy twelve years old, son of police officer Bart, of the Eleventh ward, bad bis bead jammed between two steam fire engines In tbe vicinity of Front and Green streets. Tno lad bad baen.sent on an errand by his mother only a few minutes before tbe accident. The lad was Insensible from the In jury he had received. Be was removed to the resi dence of bis parents In the vicinity. ' FOUND DROWNED. fin unknown man was found drowned on Satur day at Falrmonnt looks He was In the dress of a Workman, and had been In the water a long time. On Saturday altemoon, about five o’olook, a *re broke out In the liquor store No. 621 North Front meet. The damage by fire was small, bnt that fi om water was heavy. TEE NATATORITTM. The Philadelphia Natatorlum will be open during the entire day, and until nine o’olook this evening, lor public Inspection. THE OOTTRTS. Oontl of Qairter Nmnsluiis—Hon. James B. lodloWi Associate Justice. AI’F&BTfTICH DI6OHAHOa». A oase was heard on habeas' oorpua, in which an apprentice asked to bare bis Indentures cancelled, -on tbe ground that bis master bad given np business and gone to tbe arm;. He left a man named Simp son In charge or tbe business, and assigned bis ap prentices to him. Simpson also went into tbe army, 'Tbe apprentice was discharged. Omi. KSMANDKD. Judge Ludlow delivered a decision In tbe ease o( Hosanna Braoeland.wbo was committed to theHonse of Refuge, and her discharge ashed for. He said tbe ohlld was oommltted at the instance of her mother, because of vicious eonduet. After, her ad mission she made confessions which clearly showed that her life bad been suob as to warrant restraint. The child was remanded. A BBOOIWS CASH. A oase was beard on babeas corpus In which the ■discharge of KateHannlsgß was asked from tbe Bouse of Refuge, Officer Reeder, a beggar detective, testified that Re arrested tbe girl sevCTM times for begging and indecent conduct. The last time be arrested her * was at tbe instigation of an officer, to whom citizens complained. She was peddling at the time. On cross-examination this witness said be saw the sirl on another’s shoulder on one occasion, and that was when she used Indecent language. He had seen her hogging money two or three times. The case west oyer nor additional testimony. THE JUNETTJ.DAY LAW. Henry Martino, Michael Walters, John O’Hern, and Thomas Garvey, who were arrested at the Bal timore depot, on Saturday last, as professional -thieves, and oommltted, by Alderman Beltler, for ninety days, under the act of Assembly, asked to be discharged. Detective Bender Eon testified that the men were At the depot the day of the funeral obsequies, moving around among the crowd In a manner that satisfied him they were pickpockets. Detective Damon testified that the men were pushing sideways In the crowd, jaa is usual with pro fessional men. They were divided In squads, and a portion ol the first squad seen wbb arrested and taken to the station-house. On the return of the officers to the scene, other gangs were working In a ■similar manner. Mr. Richard Dudlow, who appeared for O'Hera, banded a paper to tbe court, saying that it showed bis client was in the Street Department In Now -York. M. J. McOloskey was called and sworn.—l am a special Inspector of streets In New York, appointed by Alderman Flion; I reside at 183 Varloit street; O’Hern holds a similar position to myself; I never knew of his being arrested or ohargod with stealing. Held under consideration. ALtBQBD ABDUCTION ON A OHIUJ. Mrs Cameron Claimed tbe custody or her child drama mannamed Amos Llpolnoott Mrs. Game rontestlfied that bwbusband deserted her six years Ago, leaving her with four children. A number of -Icttejs were received by ker father statlng that her husband was dead and burled in Mobile. Last sum oner be returned, and she_ thought it was one from the dead, and was so horrified at the sfght that she asssi.sfssfes ■saying that the former was Ms nnole t *ke uncle and bis wife visited her, and, although shei did.noti Uke them, she treated them civilly; finaUy the macw took the child while she was Blok in bed and oarrled It off; she then took out a writ of Babeas corpus, she believes the oMId Is In sbe told tbe nnole If be attempted to take the ohUa -she would follow Mm as far as tke law would per mit ; be replied be wotfld have tbe child far enough away. The case was continued, . . • The attention of the court was called to a case -where a man was ordered to support his wife ana ■ -two children.' He stated that be sent the money at - the end of one week and she whipped the man who toek It; the next week she did the same tMug to ■another man who took the money; he was willing ■ Tn ilve with her,provided, her mother and sister left ihn home and kept away from lt. 'The court ordered the husband to get a place Tor ihfn wlfband notlfy heror it. If she refused to come ArTk live -with him alone then ft was her fault. She must notintrude her family upon hlm. -THBCABB OF AseAtK,Tiwo a wms. Tr, case of DavtdMercer, who was oonvloted Air sre, a witness was sin?d who testified that Jttr. Morcor had a bad Meroe* W swmri.—T&re was a. quarrel m m ir»l both or this woman’s ohildren went to work and she fol lowed father ont to the kitchen and threw hot tea over him; father was kinder a great deal towards her than she was to him; she used tocallusall “Irtshtown trash” her general treatment towards father was bad; she attempted I®, and I jumped between them; my sister left the house and I left vtA father did; she had two ehU d?« by her ftrat husband and lather has two by Ms fl *AimMMeroer sworn.—l am the daughter of Mr. MerCer by theflrat wife; the difficultyWn about mv not drinking tea; I never drank tea. and told her so - father said he wondered that I could eater drink anything there; she said, ” What did you bring your children here for, If you dldh’t want them to eat or drink V’ and threw a tin saucepan of tea at Mm; he had Ms, overcoat on, or he would have been badly scalded. Judge Ludlow said It waa Ms Intention to have sent tne accused to prison, bnt he believed there werefaullß on both sldeß. Mr. Mercer said he did not desire to be separated from Ms wife. She had a daughter nearly twenty one years of age who earned six dollars a week, and was the cause of all the tronble. She had a son that he had treated as Ms own cMId, and believed he wonld have won his entire love and confidence bnt for the interference of the mother and daughter. Sentenced-to pay a fine of 816 and costs. THE POLICE. (Before Hr. Alderman Tpland 1 ‘ INCITING TO BIOT. On Saturday a female named Maggie Hanley was arraigned*® the charge of using disloyal lan guage In reference to the late President Ltnooln, She also eulogized the assassin, “ Useless.” She was employed with other females In an establish ment In the. neighborhood of the magistrate’s office. For a short time It was evident that the miserable creature would be thrown from the window. The prisoner w&s committed in de&ulfc of $6OO bftu to answer. (Before Hr. Alderman Alien.] SELF-CONFESSED THIEF. James Morgan was arraigned on Saturday on the chargeof stealing some .bed clothing from the sleep ing carat the Pennsylvania Railroad depot, In West Philadelphia. He had tho articles In hts possession when accosted by the .police, and finally admitted that he had stolen them; - He said he found a window In the oar open; he got through It, and was inside when the private watchman was going Ms rounds. The accused was committed to answer. [Before Mr. Alderman Battler.] ALLEGED FALSE PRETENCE CASE. Edward Olarke, who claims to be, or to have been a captain In the 21st Cavalry, was arraigned on Saturday, on the-charge or obtaining fifty dollars under false pretences from a Mr. Deschamp. In borrowing the money the defendant put up a mare as collateral until such times as he could sell the animal. A due bill to this effect as understood was given, and upon which the money was advanced. Mr. Desohamp, hearing the many virtues of the mare so highly extolled by the defendant, proceeded to the stable to look at her. To Ms surprise he then learned the animal belonged to another party. Hence the suit. The defendant was required to en ter hall In the sum of $7OO to answer. SUSPICIOUS MEN. William Conner and James Haggerty were ar raigned on Saturday on the charge or attempted hltthwav robbery. It stoma that on Friday night the defendants an da confederate were ffi A P ai3 ffiV ger oar; their action towards a soldier attracted more than nsnal attention. The soldier got out of the car at Chestnut and Fifteenth streets, so did the three men; William Taggart, the Baltimore Railroad Deteotlve, was In the oar: ha followed to watch the movements of the suspicions men. The soldier became somewhat bewildered, and when the two were about to “go through” Mm, Mr. Taggart stepped out from a dark place and succeeded In capturing two. The third fellow ran away, and was soon out of sight. The defendants were com mitted In default of $l,OOO hall each to be of future good behaviour and to keep the peace. [Before Mr. Alderman Joses.] ATTEMPT TO 808 A STORE. Early on Saturday evening two men, (dying the namestof G. Estelle and J. Whittle,were discovered in the act of breaking Into a tailor store on Market street, above Twelfth. They were taken Into ous tody by a couple of polloe officers. The.-prlsoners, after a hearing, were committed to answer. BEAKBESTBD. Thomas Morton, charged with having committed a violent assault and battety oh Mr. U. O. Bishop, the keeper or a store on Market street, near Seven teenth, has been recommitted. This was’ooaßldered necessary from the feet that Mr. B-i'ifc was could not survive the injuries he had rooolved. Morton snd another man, ft Is alleged, had st"tou a wheelbarrow, the property of Mr. Bishop. The latter, upon going in searoh of It, found it in their possession. In the attempt to recover the property be was knoeked down and very seriously laiured. ]yjßB. Si. G. BROWN’S / ~ GREAT METAPHYSICAL DISCOVER! FOXt DEAFNESS,- NOISES IN THE HEAD, DISCHARGES FEOif THE BAB, CATARRH. • * B BHBCMAtosM, ASTHMA. T SOK BBOBCHIAL AFFECTION, THBOAT DIFFICULTIES. Diseased Byes, Loss of Hair, Dyspepsia, Enlargement of the Liver, Diseases of the Kidneys, Constipa tion, Gravel, Wes, Insanity, Fits. Para lysis, Bnehof Blood to the Head, CONSUMPTION, With Ml and every disease which Infests the human body, jt CUBED EFFECTUALLY BY MSS. M. G. BROWN’S ' METAPHYSICAL DISCOVERY. PRICE $6. OFFICES; No. 410 ABCH Street, Philadelphia; 80. 16 BOND Street. New York; No. 18 PEMBERTONgiuare, Boston; and No. 4(4 West MONUMENT Street. Baltimore. BEAD THE FOLLOWING REMARKABLE CERTIFI CATE. WITH AFFIDAVIT;! Oxfokd, January SO, 1885 KKB. M. G. Bnowg—Madam 5— I have, keen to the elty igveral times, but had not time to call. - I have jot entirely well, and under God I owe it to yon. My tight ear lhare not hand any -with for a number of years. I ean now hear tome wlth’lt." My left ear, the Shearing left it jnst after harvest; in this way: I took a dull ness in my head, so I canid not work, accompanied with a ringing noise in my ears. I was; so bad that I conld not hear without they would halloa at the top of their voices. 1 first get a prescriptios from a physician, which consisted of almond oil and something else U can't tell what). I alto tried almond oil alone, but it did me no good; then I got some Bommopathio ms diems, bnt with the same effect.- I then tried old women’s enres by the score; stLl no benefit: I went to Phlladel- Ehia, put myself nnder the care of a celebrated Aurist; e bored at my ears with instruments, and run oihara up my nostrils, for flye weeks, and ended by cheating me- out of seventy-fire dollars (576), as that was all the benefit I received from him- I then saw one of yonr advertisements; I rot the Metaphysical Discovery, used not more than half of it, and have recovered- my hear ing, which I had lost for years_„„. „ _ , I remain yours, truly, THOMAS 3 : DICKBTj Oxford, Chester county, ra Affirmed and subscribed to before me, this 81»t day of March, A, D., ISM. -Wit,*. JTOTOW,: • Justice of thePeaca. THOS. B. DIGEST. MM* The above certificate but one' onh of many 0 WnTSE 4o - “““ IT . The &boY6 medicines are packed for deipatcli to any destinationonrecaiptolthepil*& * lWirM - Drvtfflstß sxipplied t>r MiMAS* BABIHIS. & 00.» BewToik. ! apfiwQntf INSURANCE. JNBTJRANOK AGAINST ACCIDENTS EVERY DESCRIPTION. by THB TBAYELIKBS’ INBJBASCK COMPANY, HAETFt ED, GONE. Capital ...^500,000. WM. V. ALIM, Agent, 404 Walnut Street, PHIIADELPHIA. ' GENERAL ACCIDENT POLICIES For Five Hundred Dollars, with *3 per week compen sation, can he had for S 3 per annum, or any other sum between $OOO and *lo,oooat proportionate rates. TEST DOLLARS PREMIUM Becnres a Policy for *3,000, or SlO.per week eompensa tios for all and every description of accident—travelling or otherwise—nnder a Beneral Accident Policy, at tha Ordinary Mate. • THIRTY DOLLARS PBEMITTM Secures * full Policy for $3,000, or $23 per week com pensation, u above, at the Special Sate. POBBIGN BIBKS. Policies leaned fox Porelrn, West India, and Oallfot ala Travel Batoa can beilearned by application to the Office. SHORT TIMB TICKETS. Arrsncementa aro in course of completion by which the traveller -will be able to purchase, at any Railway Ticket Office, Insurance Tickets tat one or thirty daya’ travel. Ten eente will bny a ticket for one day’s Karel, lnsnrini $3,000, or $l3 weekly compensation. Ticket Policies may be bad for 3,0, and 13 months. In the same m Hfuar"dons Bisks taken at Hazardous Bates. Policies issued for 3 years for 4 years premium. imotrcEMENm Tberatesofpreminmarelestibantboeeof any w other Company coverinr the same risk. Ho medical examination is required, and thousands of those who have been rejected by Life Companies, in consequence of hereditOT or other diseases, can effect insurance In the TBATBEEBBS’ at the lowest rates. Elf# Insurance Companies pay no part at theprincipal sum until the death of the assured. The TKAVBE EBBS’ pay the ioss or damaie sustained'by personal injury whenever it occurs. , The incline of security whloksuch an insurance elves to those dependent upon their own labor lor support is worth more than money., Ho better or mote eatisfao tory use can be mad. a[ % saaUabggn BODHBY D SHOTS, Secretary. , : fl. P. DAVIS, JIdYEB, General Asent. Application, received Ho, WAEOTJI’ Btroet. jpEI KOLEUBI IS KINS! mhlB-ttngfrBffli the union oil stoves. A »ew aridcomplete *pparatasforCootine«naHeattOf by PetToleuro and Coal Oil. AU th« work of a family of any stae. including tbo washing and ironing, caaba done at an immense eerier of expense 1b fuel, and with fat more ease and eomfott, coil. The tame furniture need on ordinary stoves can be rued on there stoyes. NO DIET, ASHES, SMOKE, OB ODOE. ; THSIO3V STOYES BAKE, BOIL, BOAST, BROIL, TOAST, FRY, The expense of one of these Stoves would be saved in an ordinary family In a abort time in FDBL ALONE SIMPLE! DURABLE !! CHEAP I! i They are easier to manats than a common eoal oU lamp The Ho. 3 Etovo will heat three Hat Irons In fif teen minutes, and keep two persons Imnlnt f. . Trices from *3 GO to *lO. A liberal discount tothetrsde, Agents wanted in every county in the State. Apply to PERRINE & DRYDEN. 109 South SECOND Street, ap22-smwl3t "DEW ABE OF COUNTERFEITS AND gagEassmafc «ATIOlwr V »70R NON-RETENTION OR INCJON- TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT sea? ,iaw SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY YIRTPE OF k? „ W rlt of Venditioni me aireoted, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning. May 1. 1866, at 4 o clock, at Sansdm-strest Hall, So. 1. All that mansion house and two contiguous lots.or pieces of ground situate In the city of Philadel phia; one of the said lots, whereon -the said mansion is erected, on the west elde of Delaware Front street, be tween Pine and Cedar streets; containing in breadth on the said Front street forty one feet, acd In length or depth one hundred feet. Bounded northward with a lot of ground allotted to Samuel Foweil, westward with ground formerly of John Goodwin, southward fwtly by the next described lot, and partlT br aronnd rmerly of John Ftaier. and eastward with the said ront street. And the other oflthe said lots beginning at a corner of ground formerly of John Miller And Mary, bis wife, thence extending by the same southerly twenty feet, to an alley or court; thence by the same easterly about twelve feet, to a corner; aud thence northeasterly. In an oblique direction, by a three feet six lushes alley, about ten feet, to a corner; thanes by other part of e lot whereof this was a part, s.xteen Met 6 inches, to the line of the first described lot,and thence by the same westerly twenty-one feet six Inohei to the pfacehf beginning. Together with the common use and privilege of the said three-feet-slx Inches wide* lie 7 No. 2 'Also, a stable, coach house, md lot of ground thereunto belontln*. situate on the north side of Lom bard street, between I! elawareFront and Second streets, la the said »lty;-containing In breadth twenty four feet,, and,-in. depth fifty feet. Branded on the north warily by gronnd late of the President, Directors, and Company of «« Bank of Pennsylvania, and partly by ground formerly of Matthew Cowley, on the cast by a jot of John Kalin; oh the south by Lombard Btreet. and on the west by a twelve-feet-wide court or open piece ot grouudi together with the free use of the aforesaid ®Jil Also, a three-story hriok messnage and lot of ground situate on the south side of Pine street, between heveath and Eighth streets, from the river Delaware, at tie distance of ninety six feat westward from rite westernmost) me of ground late of James Crawford, In the -Hid city-; containing in- breadth eighteen feet, and in length or depth one hundred and thirty feet. Bounded east* ard by a messuage and loftaltotcd and assigned to the Trustees'of the Estate of Martha B Lewis; eouth wsrd by a- twenty-two-feat, wide street leading from the said Seventh street to Eighth street, now qaileo Lit tie Fine street; westward by ground late of Lawreuce Sink, and northward by Pine street aforesaid. 80. 4. Alto, a lot or piece of land situate in the city of Philadelphia, hesiiulng on thewest side of the Irish Tract lanb. in the northernmost line of Waritingtou street, continued; thence extending noriherly along the said lane three hundred and seventy-nine feet fear Inches to a point In the north line of Prim* street con tinued ; thence westerly along the Said north Une of Prime street continued four hundred and thirty-two feet four inches to ground formerly of Samuel Powell; 1 hence eoutberlv. by the same ground, three hunurod and eighty feet eight Inches and a half to a point In tha northernmost line Of Washington street,, continued; thence eesterly along said line font hundred and tMriy four feet three inches to .theplaosyf beginsing,. Oou taming three acres, one rood, and eighteen perches. Burieded on the’east by the Irish Tract lane: on the north by a lot, In a plan of partition hereinafter men tinned, marled ’‘A;" on the'west by gronnd -late of Sainnel Powell;, endon the, south by the lot marked, in Alto, ayearly rent charge of one hundred and sixty-four dollars, lawful silver money of theUnlted States, oharged on half-yearly issuing, usd by INT&ihan Atkinson sod John L Stokss* thslf bolfi ®nd wtiiSs on tke Sntdays of July and in every sear forever, without eefiuctioji for taxee oat of for a certain lot or pieoe of ground sitiaie oa tke oorth slde Sf Lombard atreets between Delaware Seventh and vi.vtj, gtreeUs In the said city, Beiinniaff at tbs dls* ianceef une’ hundred ami ,’birfcy.four tost two inches lrem the west alde 'of Seventh.street; contalqlng In front or breadth-on the said Lombard street th>rty-two feet ten inches, and In length or depth one hundred and tatvtv feet to the afotesaid Little Pine street. Bounded un tL -wtet hy groiSd granted by John Clemente smoker end wife to bavl? -Powell on ground rent, on thl north by the said Little Pine et.eet. on the eatt by Other ground late of the,S*id John Clemente Stocker, end on the south by Lombard streetarorsßald. [ Baing the same premises whlch uudar a deed of partiuonof the real estate of John Clements Siocksr and Mary g., hie wtto, record* det Philadelphia in Deed Book A. M , No. 64, pages 641' and (68, were allotted and assigned unto Elizabeth H Blocker, widow of Anthony Stocker, deceased.' during her natural Ufa, and at and imme diately after her! decease usto Caroline Stockw, John Clements Stacker, Maty K. Stocker, Caroline L Stocker, Anna Maria Stocker. Henry r H Stocker, Anthony E. Stocker, Lauretta T. Stocker, Martina ]). Slocker, EmUy-B. Siocker, and Lewie T; Siockerla toe.] [t>. O.; M., ’65. 44L Debt,<54,763.88 Lex.] Taken In execution and to be toldat the property iff Anthony E btocker. HSlffil C. HOWELL, Sheriff ' Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Ofilto, April SB, 1865. ap2l-3t QHBRIFF’B SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF kJ a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Eve ning, May l, 1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sanaom-street Hall. All that lot of ground, with the buildings and im provements theheon erected, situate, on the west aide of Thirteenth street and south of Potts Btreet, in tbs city of Philadelphia: beginning at the south weeterly cor ner of-said Thirteenth and Potts streets, thence extend ing by the said Thirteenth street southward thirty feet, thence extending westward at right angle; wttn the said Thirteenth street fifty-fear feet nine inches and five-eighths, of an Inch, thence- extending northeast erly thirty-six feet eight lnohes anamne-eighih of an inch to the southerly side of said Potts street, and thence easterly by the same forty-nine,feet three inches and five eighths of an inch to the place of beginning; bounded northward by said Potts street,(southward by ground now or late of James Fug, westward by ground now or late of iariQieV, eastward br Thir teenth street SforKslla. _ Biting the*same premises which Banrom Rogors, (fK 'andjWWy by lndenturs dated the twenty-fourth day of finteuflßtofeUffii-IBSd, and recorded at rhUadolphla, in Deed Monk A D. B. - No 120, page 42, Ac , granted and conveyed to-the said John G. Williams in fee. 1 , N. B. —There Is erected upon the ahove-dMerihedlqt two two-story brick houses fronting on Thirteenth street (Nos 580 and 282), each house being fifiesn feet in front, and the lota in depth to the next mentioned house; and on th« -rear end thereof, fronting on fMta street, there Ja.srected a three—tory brick home (No. 1802), containing In Iroat fourteen feet six lnohes, and the lot being in depth about thirty-six feet eight inches. ' No. 2 Ail that three-story brick messuage or tone mentaid lot or piece of ground situaie on tne east side of Twenty-first street; beginning at the distance of. thirty- three fee four lnches southward from the- couth side of Wood street, and' containing in-front on said Twenty-flret street'sixteen feet eight inches, and ex tendSK In depth.easiwatd seventy- eight Met nine inches and a half on the south line thereof, and.eeveniy-etiht feet nine inches on the north, line thereof. [Being the same premises whioh Ransom Sogers, Jr. ■ and wife, by indenture dated ths second, dav of April, A. D. l66l), conveyed to the said John G -William* in fee 1 To gether with the free use of a three-fest-wide alley open mg into Wood street ’ ' : ... „„„ N B —The premises above described as N0p,.281>, .282, and ISE2 will be sold separately' [D. C.; M., ’65,881. Debt, ES.OTO. A Thompson.] Taken inexecntlon and to be sold Mthe propsrtvof JohnG-iWiHlamk- -HESS! 0. HOWELL,Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff's office, April®, 1866. ap2l-8t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF kj „ writ of Venditioni Exponas, tome directed, .will he exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May l, 1866, at4o’clook,at Sansom-street Hall, Mo. 1 All those 11 eontlguona lots of ground situate on the north side of Federal street and weft side of SsTen teenth street, in tha Twenty-ilxth Ward of the city .of. Philadelphia; ’containing 'together in front or breadth on the said Federal street X6B feet, and twenty-hun dredths of a foot ffthat Is to aay, the ten easts rnmost of said lots, containing each 16 feet 3 Inches, and the other .26-feet and seven-tenths of a foot] and extending In depth 100 feet to andilnclndlng.theuse.and privilege of a fleet wide alley, extending into Seventeenth street. (Being the tame eleven lota of gronnd which Benjamin Orne,-Trustee, by eleven separate indentures, respec tively; dated May Slat, 1861, conveyed nnto Robert poak, his heirs and assigns, reeervini out-of e»ch of the ten easternmost lots the yearly gronnd rent of $23. 3711. and ont of the westernmost lot the yearly ground rent of *‘Nebt,.*4.266,38. Comegya] Taken in execution and to he sold airthe property of deeea t eh_»tra«t; and thence ; eastward Uonx the same!l64fee« aid 54 of an inch to the bet Inning. [Which Pjemisec Oliver Hugh et ux. .by deed dated Bov. 18,1862, leeoided in Deed Book T. H , N0..61, page 4j6,»*0.« conveyed nwo Betnaid Doue dm[D.,C.fitainlnt In front on Vine street , 17 feet fi leches ana in depth Us feet to s foar feet alley, ■with priyilege thereof, fc'nbject to* ground rent «f 470, and to a mortgage debt of *1.000;.. _ ; * ~ * CD. C.; Mi. T 6Si. 381. *K B.* Campbell. ! HBNBT C. HOWBLL, SherlfTl Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 8; 186 a. apio 3t . SHERIFF’S BALE.-BY tIRTUE OF O a w rlt of Levari Facias to me directed, will be ex- Siaed to public sale or vendue, on HuHDAV Bysning, ay 1.1866. at 4 o’clock, at Ssnioni street Hall, Ho 1. All that three-story brtek bonte ,fronting.on Bowerd street, and two story frame fronting on Hope street, end lot.of .ground situate on east side of Howard street. 79 feet south of Horrts street, In the city of Phi ladtlpbia; containing In IronPon Howard street 17feet, and in depth 110 fees 10 Hope etreet. . ■ Ho. % .nx.. bjrdeod dated July Ist, 1866, Doed Book B D W.. Ko.lll. page 167. Sc , conveyed unto alsxauder MoDongall lu fee, reserving ground rant of thirty dcylarsj . -CD.O. ;Ml. ’66. 874, .Debt,#6 20 *B. Taylor.l v Taken In execution and to bo sold as tbo property of CrioWBLL. Sheriff.. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 17;"1866.: aplB-8t CHERIFF’S SALE.— EY VIRTUE OF A O writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me dlrocteff wtn he exposed to pnhlic sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 1. 186 R at 4 o'clock, at ganaom-strest Hall,.' All tW lot of ground sltnata on the northwest tide of Ynlip end northosst side of Tueker street; in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Tally .strset eiity feet, and In depth one hundred and eix feeLto a twenty fee t-wide S' rest. [Which premises Georie-W. B 4 wards, etux.,hydeed dated December 29th.1815, record'd in Deed BookG W. O.; No, 95, pase 497, &0,. conveyed nnto Samuel T. Shnnkinfee, reserving ground Tent of m Debt, *148.© E. Taylor.] Taken In execution Bgd Yo be.solffMthe propertv of Sftmud T. Kbuuk. •- . HBSK? C. Swriff. "KdladVlpM a. Sheriff’ % Office, April 17,1866, apl»-8t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF Q a writ of Fieri Facias; to me direoted; wUt be lex posed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening. May 1. 1665, at 4 o’clock, at Bansom-etrset Hall, ■ : All that four story brisk store, dwelllnr, and lot of £ round, situate at the southwest corner of Teathaud ombsrd (tracts, In the city of PhUadetphla;oont»in ing in front on Tenth Btreet nineteen feet.' and in depth ninety-four faet. [Which premises the Hiyor. Alder- XQCXL and Gitix«n« of -BMladdoMa. by aead dated April IS, 1849, recordedlui>4«d BookG. W. O » 10, page 269. 4c,, conveyed unto Qulntui O. Brown In «ee.l CD. & 448 1 DebW W. 438 24 BaUltU Taken In execution ud to be sold aiitbe proper tv of Qniutu* O. Brown. HSBBY C, Philadelphia, SherffPe Offlce, Apjril-90, 186 ff. apg*3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BYVIBTUE OF A (J writ of Lewi Facias. to ms directed.«*- pored to public sale orvendne, on MONDAY Rventag, May 1.1&, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-stroet Hall, All that lot of around situate on the eaat ride of Fif teenth atreet, 78 toetyiuohej south of Bllawartk street, in the eity of Philadelphia;containing. In front on. Fif teenth rtreet 17 feet, and In dep'-h on tie north line 66 feet einekei, and on the south fine 66 feet, more orlsss, with the privilege of a three-feet alley hounding there on. The north part of sa'dlot Elisa Barnet, bj deed, .conveyed unto Henry M. Black In fee. and the remain ing part Ellen Dunbar, by deed dated April 7,1881, re corded in Peed Book A. O. H,.No. 14, page 877, An , conveyednnto'Henrym. MacKlnfee , . . [D.G.; M.,’86. 438. Debt, *2,693 SS Littleton. 1 _ Taken in exeeution and t° t» aold as tbe property of Htnry M> Black. HBNRY Oj HOWELL, Sheri®. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Offlce, April'2o. 1866. ap2l-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BT VIRTUE OF A O writ of Venditioni Sxponae, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale orvendne.on MONDAYEvening, May 1. 1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sanaom-atreet Ball, • All that two etory brink jnieeoage and lot of ground eitnate on the eonlh side of Pemberton street, Sf feet west from Twenty first strett. to the. Twenty-sixth ward, containing In front on,Petoberton street 16 feet, and In depth 60 feet, to s' four-feet-six- inchaUey, with privilege thereof. [Which Pr«m|«? a.John JJoOrea et Si, by deed dated October -18.1861, recorded In Deed Beok A C H.. Jfo. 42, pa»e'4o6, 4c , oonreyednuto Georgeß. Soutneottta fee, reserying a ground tin.% of KWJrg.3 Taken in execution and to’ be sold-aethe property.of Geittse K: S^uthcott. HBNRY C. HOWffit Shad*. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. April 8, IBta. ap3B-3t OHERIFF’S SHLE-rTBY VIRTUE OF K 5 a writ of Venditioni Exponas, .toraMWirtl be exposed topnblicsale or vendue,; on‘MOUTD AY Bvea* ihe. Mar. 1.1865. at4o? clock. at Sassom* street Hall* • All that threditory brick mesroace aad lot of sroiin* situate on the weetaide of Twenty-tourth street, IS feet north ofSprine Garden street, in the city of Philadelphia! containing In front on Twenty-fourth atreet IS fcet. ana In depth 34 feet i to-a twenty.feet-wlde ally. [Which premises Henry J. Wiliams et al.. by deed dated duly 18.1868, recorded In Deed Book-A. D. B ,'So. 38. para 478, At , conveyed unto James McOleniekau,, In fee, reeervlng ground rent 0f*37.69 3, ». . a ; -Z, ■, [D. C.>; M., 'B6. 414. DeOt. AlOl. 67. Judson.l „ Taken l* execution audio be gold a« the property of Jamee MeClenaoban. BJBBI C, HHWKLL, Snarlff. Philadelphia, Bhtriff's.Office; April». 1665. apll-3t SHERIFF’S BALE.—eRY VIRTUE OF K? a wilt of Venditioni Expon&c, to me'dlrected, will be exposed to public Bale er vendue,-on MONDAY Even ing. May 1, 1066, at 4 o’clock, at’Sahsom-atpeet Ball, All that lot of ground situate on the couth aide ot,Nor rie street, 18 feet eaet of Fifth streeiUn the elty.ef Phila delphia; containing In front on Norris street 16 feet, and Is depth 67 feet to a thfee-feeArtleyt-wlth privilege thereof. [Which premises Benjamin Gerhard, et urn, by deed dated October 31,1861, recorded-in Deed Book. G W. G . 80.121, saga 181; Ac conveyed unto John McDowell, Jr,, and Aaron R. Day In fee ] ■ Taken in execntlon and to he eold as the property of Michael Klely and Jaiob Donaldaon . HENRY 0;, HOWELL, Sheriff. _ Philadelphia. Bheriff’g Offloe.Apm 3Q.1866. apM-8t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF AJ a writ of Venditioni medtrected.wlll he exposed to pnhlie sale orvehdue.on HONDA* Brenlng, May 1.1866, at 4o’clock, at Sanaom-atreet Ball, All that three- story brick mcs.usge and lot. of ground ' eltuate on the northeast corner of Poplar and Twentieth streets, In the city of Fhßadelpnlap containing In front on Poplar etratlB bet 10 inches, and In depth 80 feet to Ecott street. [Which premises Heliacal A : Salter, by deed datedl May 18; 1866, recorded In Deed Bdok'B D. W., No, 79, page 16, As., conveyed unto John, Patter son in fee. reserving a ground rent of $106.31 ] ' . [D. Q.; M , ’B6. 410. Dsht, *323 62. H. A. Baltir 3 Taken in execntlon and to be sold aa the property of John Patterson. j BBSM 0. HO WELD. Sheriff Philadelphia, Bheriff’sOfflce, April 20,1*65. ap2l-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF* O a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex- Kffied topubllc sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, ay 1.1866, at 4 o’clock; at Sanaom-etreet Ball, All that four story brick mssspage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Arch street, seventy-two feet east of Twenty-second street, lx the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on Arch street eighteen’ feet, anaindepthionehundredandtwafeettoa'fonr.feet wide alley, with privllegethereof [Which premises Plchard B Townsend, by deed dated’December 18th, 1861, recorded In Deed Book A. C H.. No S 3, page 361. Ac., conveyed nuto Benjamin S. Shreveln fee.j, * , lb. C.i M1,’85. 461 Debt, *5.836.?5. Baseball! , MTakcn In execntlon audio be Bold as the property of Benjamin S. Bhreve. c . HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Offlce, April 30, mi ap23-8t CHERIFF’S SALE.-BY OF ft-writ of Venditioni Bxpon&t, to tom \ be exposed to pnblic sale or nine, May 1 o’cloakT at BanMMp«ttMHt-Hali. Aa the rifht, title, end interest of - is, and to >ll tboae three ' contlgsoss a. marked on plan of Geo T. Le'wlß' lots 40, eitnate on the north side of Morris AhflSrfasv \re*t of Slffhth street, in the city of ywfEsqslpbiai theses alongMoirls street 16feet; thenoe xfecQi lltfestt thenceea-tslosf Lewis streetB3feet; thelOA feet; thence west 16 feet; thenoe south 60 feetto oegin- Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 20, k CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a -writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me dirsetsd, he : exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening* glay 1.1865, at 4 o’clock, at SaQsom'Street Hall. __ s All that lot oi ground sitnace on the north aide of ToiA street, 306 feet east of Trenton Bailroad* In the cltY Pf Philadelphia; oontainiSK in £ron« nineteen feft&Aodlß depth feet three inenes to JSmlen street, erronna rent *l9. [C R . Bj m Deb( . IIL " pile 3 Taken In execution and to be sold an the property ol John Carter. BENBY G. BO WELL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’a Office, April 8.1886. apUHtj IA, MONDAY. MAY I, 1865- BHEIHPPSMJJBI. CHERIFF’S BAIiE.—BY YIRTgB OT O an order of sole la pariit'on, to "^ 0 < |i r i??T , 6ro»^ **&,h r ii>rSrpleMof gronnd fron logon «“*«»• warily sid# of a tweaty-jwt wide aU«y» JJJJ . f^sS^^^^SSsSSS; EEfe^argg Ko!“ hot adjointn, lot Mo 4of tk northwardly dde in frAnt if! feel 714 laches* *a*d in depth 121 feet S ine 6 ** l#*oa, »W> ■‘^■^ia^i^^-iwsssss: cojDwenctnff at the distance of 176 feet wfc j®* o _ . * wiMdlydlßaaovcr street, containing in front 17 feet o ritMu“» f the rear of lot. Mos. 7,8.aad9. and at the distance of 80 feet weatwardly tSw'/lo fro”* “ «Bd aUerlSfeet’lX inches! and la t-f He)• fitredt. containing in front on, said allay 16 • -snd In depth A feet fi* inches. - %o li Lot adioinfiig lot So. U, on the westwardly side WfhJgTsde street, commencine at ihedistance of iflSfeat tM ISSSX* northwardly of Hanover street «cott tSaffißl fSSI7 &*s* ta*M* «* in d «* tk 113 ÜBt 2? lo 13 eB 'lot adiotninf lot *o. 12. on the westwardiy side of Belgrade street, commencwg at ttie sii feet 8 inches northwardly of Hanover wa» tatnin gin front 17feet6Xinches, and todepto IL2 feet **Bt6uUt adjoining lot Ho-13. on the westwardly tldedf Belgrade street, commencing at Hie distance of Sfif sSStossi!a*»£!i&ftlwra ■ mhet sdjoiningiot Mo. IS. »» uiDiitgji* fror.tl7feet63tJnohw* afidin ( deptn 112 fees **&£ l7?*All that certain lofcor piece of gremnd sHnate on the west eardiy sice of Belgrade stteet comiasncing • at toe distance of 281 feet 8 incites northwardly ol Han* over street; containing in fronton said Belgrade silreet 16feet \% inches, and extending westwardly of that width shout 113 feet M inches, he the safremor* or less. Ho. 18. all that certain lot of ground situatei on.the westwsrdly of Belgrade street, commencing:at the 4 # tance of 561 fe«t and two sevenths of an Inch south-, wardly of Palmer street; containing to front on said Belgrade street 17 feet 4 2*7 inches,..and extending west wardly of that width to length or depth 113 fret B}£, ta ßo?’9. lot west side of Balgrads street, atthedis tance of 174 feet 2fi-7 inches south of .Palmer street; containing 17 feet 42 7inches in Iron ton Belgradeitrset, and e* tending in'depth 113 feet inches. Ho 20. Lot adjoining lot Hoe 19, west side of Belgrade street, at the distance .of 191 feet 7 .lueses son h of Palmer street; contaicin* 37^ e * 7 j?Af *,« *3 Belgrade, street, and extending to ll3 feet 6* “»o!*a. lot on sontkwestWKdlT eorner of IWmer and Belgrade street*, to front on Belgrade street If £~®t &£ ;lnefi«B, and in depth 92 foot 3 Inches along said Palmar St Ko t »:Lt>t adjoining lef Ho. 91. comtJanolng. 19 foot ‘ inches tdnthwardly of Palmer street! containing in. front on Belgrade streetl9 feet 7H inches} and in depth 92 Bo^l^Lotadjoining lot Ho 21. commencing 38 foot ■JJJincbes aonlbwardly ol Palmer street;! containing in trout on Belarade .treat 19 feet IK toshes,; and 1* dep .h ho! adjoining lot No. 23, commencing 57 feet 7',-4 inches southwardly of Palmer street; containing in frihton Belgrade street 19,feet 2Jfinches, and in depth Lotadjoinlng lot HO 24,eommeiiclng TSfoet 934 inches eonthwardly of Palmer street; icoirtaininj in front on Belgrade stroeU9feet2X tuohes, and in depth lJot adjoining lot Ho. 23. commencing 95 foot 11% inches southwardly of Palmer strepti containing la front on Belglad. street, 19 feet 234 inobed, and Injdeptb lot Wo 28, oommenolng 115 feel 8K inches southwardly o! Palmarstroe;;, containing ia front on Belgrade attest 19 feet 2K inoheaj and in depth 95 fret 6 inches .., - No. Mr tot on the southwardly side of Palmer si rest, oommenolng at the distance of 92 feet 2 inches west ward], of Belgrade .tact; coatatning infronton Palmar, s*rda tie feet, and In depth 13* fast SH inohe. to a 25-,wide street, to be opened, and striking said street 198 feet 4 inches westwardly of Belgrade *|reet. , "Ho. 29.—hot adjoining lot Bo 28, commencing at the distance of 110 feet 2' inches we.tjr*rdly of Belgrade -street, eontaloln* in ‘ront on Palmer-street 18 feet, and In depth 184 feetSX inches. _ „ - , - hOtHo. 30.—Lot adjoining lot Ho- 29, commencing at, Uto distance of 128 feet 2 Inches westwardly of Belgrade sfSet. contalntng In front on said Fainter street IB feet, and in depth 134 feet 8X inches.. r_i‘ , Ho', St —hot af joining lot Ho. 38, eiunaenolng at the dlstsnce of Ho feet 2 inches, westwardly of Belgrade street, sohtaintng in front on said Palmer .treat 18 feet, and In depth 134 feet 8X Inches, _■ r * i -Ho. 32. —hot adjoining lot No. 31, commenelni at the. distance, of 194 feet i inchee westw&rsly of-B el grade street, containing in front on said Palmer Btret 18 feet, and in depth 134 foetßX inches, Ho. S 3 —hot adjoining lot Ho. S2f commencing at the distance of 182 foot 2 inches westwardly of Balgrade street, containing in front on said Palmer street IS feet, and in depth 184 fee tcXinphea “Tso. 34—hot adjoining lot Ho. 33, commencing at the. -distance of 200 feet 2 inches westwardly of Belgrade ln front on said Palmer street 18 feet, ' and in depth 134 lest 3X inches. . .. „ 80. SB —hot situated on the southerly side of said 25 feet wide etreet, (mnnlng, westwardly from Belgrade street, at the dt*tance of 184 feet 4X inches southwardly of P»lm*r street), commencing nt tlia disteucd of lIS fret iuelie* westwardly oflßelnraa® etreet, being 16 feet 1% inches in front hy MSfeet 1114 inches to depth- Ho. SB —hot adjoining lot Ho. 35, commencing at the distance of MS feet 2X inches westwardly orßrigrade ' street, being 15 feet 714 inches In front hy 133 feet 11M hotadjoinlnglot Ho. 38, eommenclng at the distance of 144 feet 9* inches west wardly of B tlgrade street, being 15 feet IK inches to front by 133 fas; llli ln Ho?S8 lot Ho. 37, commencing at the distance of l|o feet westwardly of Bsigrade street, beingj lfi feet 714 inches to front by XSifjetliii ln Ho! S ffi. 8 —?iot adjoining lot Ho. 38. eommertcihgmtthe distance of 175 feet 1 inch westwardJy of Bdgrade street, heitig 15 feet 7X Inches In front hy 18S feet llj£ ta So! 40.—iiot adjoining lot Ho. 39 (oommenolng at the distance of 191 feet BSf inches westwardly of BUgrade streew' heing 15 feet 1% Inches tofront hy 133 lest llli iD S adjoining lot Ho. 40 (commenetoghtthe distance of 207 feet AH Inches westwardly of Belgrade etreet), being 15 feet 7H inchee in front and widening on the rear end of said lot to 19 feet 8X inches, being In depth 113 feet II S£ inchee. _ _ • ri) C i M.e ’W. 567, P- G. Brewster. 1 HENBT C. HOWELL, Sheriff, leriff’BOffice. Aprils, 1865. apiQ-3t Philadelphia, Sh< CHERIFF’S SALE. —BY VIRTUE OF K? a'wrttbf Levari Facile, to me-directed, will be.ox- Sosed to public sale or VMidue, on MONDAY Evening, lay J, 18®, at 4 o’clock, at Sanaom-atreet Haß, Alt that .certain lot or piece of ground with the meß range or tenement thereon erected, situate on the north* vretteily tide of Danenhower’a lane or Wlster street, in the Twerty- second ward of the Mid city of Philadel phia (formerly In the townahip of Germantown); begin sis* at anoint on the northwesterly side of Danen* hower’alane or Wlster ttrset, at the listance of 307 leet 7K Inchea northwestwardly from the northeast aide of Mercer atreet; then*; northwestwardly at light angles to the said lane or WlstePstroet SIS feet 10>4 inches to Jefferson atreet; thence northeastwardly along the «ald Jefferson street 83 f-et to other ground of Thomas O. Saxton; thence southeastwardly along the said ground of Thos 0. Saxton and at right angles to the earn lane or Witter street 118 feet SH inches, moral or leas, to a point; thence northeastwardly along said ground of Thomas O Saxton 60 feet to a point; thenoe epatheast wardly along other grfund of the said Richard M. Lea, late of George Alklss, and at right angles to the laid lens or Wlster street 200 feet, moreor less, 1 to the north westerly elds of the said lane or Wißtet street; thence southwardly along the same 14J feet, more or less, to the pl&cc of beginning. Bounded ou the southwest by other ground late of the said Thomas G. Saxton, now of John P. Eppelaheimer, on the northwest wily by the said Jefferson street and partly hythe eald ground of Thomas O Saxton, on the northeast partly/by the said,(round ofThomas O. Baxtonaud P«By by the eald other ground of Richard M. Lea, late ofrGeorge Alklns, and on the sontbsaet by the sold DanenhowerTe lane or Wlster street. [Beingihesame premises which Richard M. ; Lea, by indenture dated the twenty-fifth day of May, A D. (1861) eighteen hundred and slxty-four, duly executed and acknowledged prior to the exeoauon of ihesrpr esents A r the cor si deration money therein men tioned, bait whereof, to wit: the said sem of $1,420 Is Intended to be hereby secured, did grant andoonveyto the laldHenrv W. Gault In fee nn ter and subject to the par mint of a certain mortgage, debt, or principal sum of *3.660, therein mentioned.] ' ' , ’ [D. C ; M., ’66. 460- Debt, *1,443 88. Clark.] Taken in execution andtobe the property of Henry W. Ganlt HENRY 0- HOWELL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Offlce, April 20,1866. apgl-gt OHERIFF’B SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ otVeßditioni Exponas*to me directed, will be exposed to pabHoale or vendue, ouHOAPaY Eveuuigs May 1, 1860, »t 4 o ’clock, at Saueom atreet Haii. fio. 1. All that yeariy groimcl r«nt of $54, issuing and payable out of all those two lota of; ground, Nos. 128. and 129. on plan of lots recorded in Deed Book G. W. G*, Jfo SB. page 1, Biiuate on the southeait corner of Susquehanna avenue and Pacific street, in the late town*hip of Eorth Penn, of PhUadelphla; eontainipg in front on Susquehanna avenue 36 feet (each lot 18 feet front) and in depth along Pacific atreet 86 feet- £ Which premise* Michael Pray et ux ,by deed dated April 30,1863* recorded in Deed Book T_ EL , No. 110, page 273, conveyed unto jErasmtw D. Wolfe and Jeise B. Peyton in fee* reserving the said grpnnd rent ) JEo. 3, All that yewrly ground rent of §5, issuing and tarible out of fui that lot of ground, flo. 207. on said plan, sftoate on the east side of Fifteenth (late Schnyl kiUElthtb)street, 3C feet north of Susquehanna ave nue, in the city ©tPhttadelphte; containing in front on Fifteenth street 17 feet, and in depth. 88 feat ll inches. And all that lot of ground, No 208, on raid plan, iitn ate on the eaet aide of Fifteenth street, 18 feet north of . SusQUeb'ahha avenue; containing in front oi Fifteenth street IS feet, and-In depth 88 frat 11 laches. C Which two lots Michael'Pray et ox., by deed dated. Jo]y 9, 1862, recorded in ♦ 3 5 P**KSk conveyed unto* John Marth, ’in‘fee* nnffuf ittd ■‘[©“a 1 Janttm 6, ’66 / 81. Debt, *6,843 Pertons 3 Taken in execution and to be 'add as the propsrty of Mlcia'l-Pra" HENRY O. HOWELL, Sheriff PAUadelphia, Sheriff’s Offlce.; April 8.1866. aplfl-.St CHERIFF’S SALE;—BY VIRTUE OF O s writrof Levari Paoiaa, to me dlreoted. wIU be exposed topnhUc sale or vendue, on MONDA Y Evouing, Marl, 1866, at * o’clock; at Bansom-etreet HaU. _. , All that three- story bri ck-messuage, and lot of’gronnd situate on the west elde of Third street, eighteen feet thwelnchea north of Spruce street, in’lhe rity of PhUx delphla; containing- in front on Third street eighteen feet three Inches andln-deoth eightyfeet toa.three feet aUey. wtih the privllege thereof. [Which premises Wm. L. Haddock, et ux., bj deed dated June SB, 1855, recordedin Deed Book R. D. W.\ Ho. 37; p»ge4ol, con veyed nnto Charles Goepp In fee.] 1 ■ • ... , [D. C. |M..’6S 437 Debt, *4,610. Caven.] - Taken in execution and to be sold as the prooertv of Charles -Goepp* - = BBHBY G HOWELL, Sheriff PhUedelphlA, Sheriff’e ofilce, April a). 1666. ap2l St CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O AwrlPof Levari Pacias, to mo dirocted, will beex- Sised topubllcaalo or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, ay 1,1865. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that threw etory brick dweUlng with L three-story hack buildings and lot of ground, eltuate on.the couth side of Lombard street, 183 feet west of Broad street. In the city of Philadelphia; containing In front on Lorn hard Street 16 feet, and In depth 78 ftef. [Which pre mise, John B. Yodgss et ux., et al. ~by deeddated Oc tober lit!. 1862, conveyed unfo William S. Yandever la fee, roeervlni ground rentef ntnoty-rix dollars. [D. C. ;M., 'B6. !88. Debt*927.44. LaW.J Taken in execntlon and to be sold as the property of Wirnam 8. Yandover. HENRT 0 HOWB LL, Bherlff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 18,1866. an3l-3t CHBRIFF’S SALE,—BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of Levari iecles, te mediated, wUlhee*. nosed to pnhUe sale or vendne,-on MONDAY Evening, May 1,18*6. at 4 o’clock, at Sanaom-atreet Haß, * All thftt atons nmiiitt. Bt&blSp tod other improve* menlß, eud jotof groandSitusteott of -W&Tnfl stfMt and southeftst side of walnnt lone* in AeTwenly/Mcond ward, cite of Philadelphiar begin nlng at a edrnar of said Wayne and Walnut lane; thence along Wavne, street south 48 degrees 66 minutes east 116-feet 6 4rB iichss >o ground of Francis Hpylj thence south 42 degrees 16 minutes west 849 feet 6 H inchee to other ground of said He jl; thence along suae 001 tii tS deuces 66 minutes west 116 feet 6?f inohesto Waltßt lane I thence along same north 42 dagreea 16 idlnuteseai:t34Bfest6Xlßelie« to beginning (Beingoom ooaedof two lota-one of them Francis Heyl at feed dated May 6,1566, recorded In DcedSßook B D W.. No 79, page 261; and the other, by deewdated June 11, 109. recorded in Deed Book A” D. B , So. 70, page26l, Se., conveyed-hsto John W. Gibbs tntee.J [D 0.; M , ’66 ,878. Debt, *9.128. B. Taylor ] Taken In execution audio-be soldav thepropertv of YAh W, Gibba • HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’a Offloe,^April 20,’1866. ap2l-3t SHERIFF’S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Yet ditfqai Exponas, to me directed* will be xpoted to public^tie or vendue, on MONDAY Eve i&g. May 1.1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sausom-street HaU. Ali that thrte etory brick meßsuaxe and lot of ground ttnate on the northeast side of Punasylviuiia avenue, 1 tty -two feet three and five eighths inches northwest •: Faiijnonnt street, in the ciiy of thenoe j oriheaat fort? -four feet, thence north sixteen- feet roar ad one fourth inche», thenoe northeast lour feet four aches to a At*’feet-wide *Uey< thence northwest along &metenf66t nine inches, ttence sonthwest sixty-three Vtto Pennsylvania avenne, thenoe soatheast along «ame eighteen feet to begtnnlng. [ WbicU nremises Mi chad Eonvier. et nx • by deed dated March 29 1817 a re- V'ortfec in Deed Book A. W M.. No, 39, pies 423. Ac . unveyed unto John Herman in fee, reserving ground *ntoffc4B3ol 'O. C.; M.,’66. 423. Debt, $133,68. B S CampbelL) Taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of John Herman. HBSBY C. HOWELL* Sheriff. FhUad»i&hla t ShetiT a Office. ApiU », U&* apU- St CHEmFF^SAtE.— o rl^K^F^qf3«SSAlnBT^ Say I,lBW* at 4o’clock,tbekaUdl 4)} that-certain tract or Pt«*® »f tii&te i® |^f !skb and improvements thereon*srae^* wardofthecU* follow*: aad dMiilwd, *ecoi4u>f to* middle of borinoiaf at a stake aet for a aoraer lo r Jfl yar ike road dftvl&lnt Sanrad OatfcUfi. itbeinxalao aeornerdffendaUowoa _._ jflenTtbeiwe «rtendlii*,*d«Bit-*old Mrefcea ,Man and a quarter east ninety . Tn,rtT-rirakff &f »eet ttirtrnfte percli*. and twenty-*ftsara\ S^%®S2SHS3SS £^SS&iasii*sSBa be the same mere orhas. GS&JfMg 4 ftfJnTS* *Sn on ft. »bo«Pl»oe «** handsome, well-buUt, and oommodloo« man»!on, not tißs ttrla with tctraace, hot and cold water* copkuut mm &0-1.W.1 adapted for a winter a* well a*.* 2m?2-Wiesid»nee. There i« a Ike* convenient ffSfsf-!SSL£. an iwrkonn (Hied; load-horn* *bov«. j]Kne eton* barn, ' «■ M ®£ rD 4 ninjn May 1. 18®, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hill, Ail that two-ntorj brtch ebarch edifice an* lot of grotuiA sHuto ibwottlinddof spring Girdaftetrset, *aetof Broad street, U the cityoi Philadelphia? containing in front on Spriue Garden street 91 reel more or less* and la depth about 10p toe*. ■ . _ rl). c; ; M , *96 359 Debt, sl ; m ’ll. F. 0. Brewster J Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of tbe rectors,-church wardens, and vestrymen of fcae Cbnrcb of the HowBtjLi Philadelphia, Sheri Fa Office, April 17, 1865. aplB-St CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF L? a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public Bale or vendue, ou MONDAY Eve nine. Map 1, 1885, at 1 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, " Alii the tight; ititldi and Interact l7-mwBf MEDICAL. S ELECTRICAL OFFICES. > - N0.16* Forth ELEVENTH, below RACE Strati J also, CHESTNUT utd-FOETIETH Sneet, Wcat Phi iladelnhia ) DR/ THOMAS ALLBB hgvtag bean very sucmm- Vfnl ln -tbc cnrc-ol by- tWa new nwtlmd, } would Inform his friends and the Public that he la i still benefitttng and ourlng.many whom medicine f did not affect, and considered imenabie, } We wIU mention a few of the Diseases In the enxe }of which this treatment seldom If ever laUs: - rßhenmatlsm, Felons, Kidney Diseases.’ ) Neuralgia, Gangrenn, Liver J Paralysis, Ulcers, GeMUI . I r Cramps, .Bolls, Spinal «... /Dyspepsia, Abicsss, Throat ) Pever S Ague, Eruptions, , Prolapsus, i Asthma. Inflammations, Hoc Emissions, ) Congestion, Hemorrhage, Diabetes, as. I Patients will ha treated at their realdenees when (desired,a large number of testimonlalamay ha seen hey ean lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls. As. ■ As. , for raising-heavy or light weights. jaoqb q JOHN P. LEVY, J»3l-tf BEACH and PALMER gtreeta g. VAuaxau wnaaiox. johit x. cora . QOUTHWABK FOUNDRY* * O FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BTEEBTi, ‘ 1 wrr.divn.mnA NEKBICH ft SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS,. Manufacture High and Low Freumie Steam Engtoea. Airland, river, andmartoosenlce. , BoUers, Gasometers; Tankß, Iron Boats, Ac.; Cast lng» of all kinds, eljher Iron or brass. r i ,Cron-frame Roofs tor Gas Works, Workshops. Rail road Stations, As. , , , Retorts an d Gas MasMnsry of the latest and meet lx proved construction. -Everv description of Plantation Vachtoery, cnrii as ffigar. Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Oia Steam Trains, Defecators,Filters, Pumping Engines, As, Sole agents for N. Rllilenx’s Patent Buiar- Boiling An pantos, Nesmyth’i Patent Steam Hammer, and Asoto waU A Wolsey’s Patent Centrifugal Sngar.Dratotoa Machine. ■’ * ..... 1 snU-tf ORGA*W, ORR, & CO., BTRAM B». . ~ GOT BOILDBBS. Iron Foundon. and Goxuumt “"htolris and Boller iakere, No. UOfl CALLOW -BIU (Wtwxt. yhltodtlxlii*, • • ■ fUßctf OOaAJCw Goal.— sugar loaf, beaver MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Goal, and best Locust fountain, pr.parsi street. • : fapAtq , J. Walton ACO H^S ALL^PSEDMBATB '’ll tIII irn" stS-M * IQT South WATER Straff . XTELMBOLD’S . EXTRACT BUCHQ " gives health and vigor to the frame and bloom to SUE* * ehe*. Debility Is accompanied tar awn flaming symptoms, and Uno treatment la submlttai wamaiMwi, wtoxitvo»ftinn*; THE SCIENCE OF MEDIGTsd to lAUES. FS?B§S§iK?i&®i . j»’safiSsBS iMiß ® l p«w«* fl‘4 an« #*s** M*clr*lp»^ Sttws6-4pnw a3pM» . . ... |0 plcau J2@S4-lMfclions Jm«wT **“* f 1 ** rl »v>*i«#KO»«c(o* w ' 9 «**•* * Uek «mnr« •Al«o, 90MEBTIC WOODS FOB CASH. . Brinni »*jr blfMhed' f*S* ri *sJ£S2' i ®s«Ts»S*l*, kersws. mrtKoiM, cloth*, caMbwro*. iMlset*. g;,j. WHITS COBBKO& * ««* «»• to « fi, ?^^‘girra£® L 10o*M»J‘ 3. ■ -. * 4 wUt9 ““TAraOTAWß.^^^^ -Mb. onC-adhredfhllcthg* l s_ M THOMAS & SOHB, _,^ * win. 138 mat HHSPuth FOCRg frffrn,. PuDUo »?* '*“'**’ ■» “• “ cb&aie» «t*it TUESDAY* atH o atocuc* THEM PAX.ES BEAL -ESTATE THIS WEBK_Yffi THJ» AFTERHOOS, at S o'ciock, omtfce'couiratr sear Darby. the vety •upartor Fabit J&*> „voyHTKx SBATr fnraerl* of Mr. Innaorichi aow; of Jffir. Smith* T>a TUESDAY. et thd Bxebaag** » S“J* eomprisfes? the estatesof W. ®iarawo<)4rß- ®* dersoß', Jtev. Dr. Biackwell, J. Hudson. G« PEREMPTORY BALE OF AHOIBHT AMD MODES* OIL PAMTIHGB. OH FRIDAY MOKHIHG. May Bth, at the auction stare, will be sold st ll o'clock* without TGBervm, & collection of oil paintings, by old and modern artists, various subjects. For particulars see catalogues and the pictures, which will be arranged for examination threo days P76TICUS to sals. • ; OH FRIDAY MORHIHS. . • ; Hard, at 10 o’etodk.trill be sold on tke premi,et. the handsome three-story brick messuage, with three-story > Balo of real estate, the surplus house hold furniture. : ,V; JB- Hand bills now readyss WOOL ARR 8 COWOHTCOT?UfGB. t *SAUHO BOPB, OH Bi£ro&iY O MORHHO, Hay 6, at 10 o'clock, at the anctlon store, a quantity of wool end cotton cuttings. Ac ■ Albo. 75 iron "bediteada 4.030 Bis. J - Catalogues are now ready. ■ Sale for account of theJUnited Stateu IBOH BOILERS. STEAMDRUM, lEOH, ZIHC, ROPE, MET ALIO BOAT. Ac. OH SATURDAY. , „ • . Hay fi. at Iko’clocknoon, at the national Iron Works, Kaighn’a Point, H. J , without reserte, for account of United States—l old hollers. 100,816 »s; steam drum, 4,164 fits: cast Iron, 4.23 S lfcs: wrought Iron. 3815 »s; zinc, 3,620 lbs; rope, 888»s: lOblosks, 4. e, and 8 Inch; m, talic host (broken); old hawsers 6 pair *hronds; jib slay; capstaln (broken). Full particulars in catalogues now ready. Public Sale.- ____ 199 BETS BIX-HOLE HARHBSS. OH SATURDAY. . May 20th, at W o'clock noon. at the auction store, will, he sold at public sale, by order of theCoarter Master’s Department, U. 8, A.* . * • J IBSi sets of six-mule wagon harness; Irregular. Samples may lie seen, three days previous to sue> a* tfc e auction store- __ _ „ „ B Terms easlr- A. Chief Qaartex Master. FMladelpiiia depot PAMGOAST & WA.BNOCK, A.UC JL TIOHEEES, *4O MARKET Btrest. LARUE FOSITTYE BALE OF 800 LOTS AMERICA* ABD IMPORTED DRY GOODS, LIHEg, ATO KUr LEHEBY GOODS, EM BROIDERIES, KOSIHRY GOODS, Act, Ac , bycatalorue, OH W BDHBBDAY. Ha, Sd, 1866, eommMcingatlO o’cioJk. Included wHI he found a full anu-complete auortmeut of seasonable goods worthy the attention of buy ere. LARGE POSITIVE BALE OF MO CASES STRAW G MOBBufe. 0 May 6th, 18*6, comprising a lull assortment .of most ie tirabie shapes and styles. - PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONFRBB, I B)IS MARKET and HIM COMMERCE Streata. LARGE POSITIVB BALIOFI.ISO CASES BOOTS AMD SHOES. We will sell by satalegna for cash, > 1 THIS HOBHIHG. May lit. commencin g at iro’ciock, 1,160 eases men’s, boys', and youtbs* boots, shoes, balmorals; gents*, buckle Oxford brogans, OxforitHes, Ac,. Ac. Also, a desirable assortment of women's, miues’.and children’s boots, shoes, balmorale, gaiters, slipper*. Coairtesbalmorals. Ac.. Ae. , SALE OF 1,300 OASES BOOTS,SHOBS.BBOSA»S,*o. OB THOBBDAX MOBHI9G, Jfay 4th, commensingatlO-o-'cloek precisely. willbs sold by catalogue, 1.300 cases 'men's, bays’, youths’, ,aif, k)p, and grain boots; bruganc, balmoraLs, gaiters. Oxford ties, Ac. Women’s, misses’. and child’s calf,, kip, goat,hid,sndmoroeeo heel boots and shoes,gaiters. Slippers. Ac., from hist-class city and Eastern manu facturers. ....... ; . . iiPA~BQUAN~iilcirfarm for IE SALE.—A valuable and very desirable Property of Two Hundred Acres bordering on the Oocas at Equan Elver. Hsw Jersey, adjoining the farm ol Tho ma. Ooole, >l« loir and ; ap39-Ct« 80. 131 Sonto FOURTH Street. MR A BARE CHANCE. H . Rij Ho. 91T OHESTHUT Street. _ Good Will and Fix tores for Bale. ap3B-9t» MR GERMANTOWN COTTAGE, -18. -With even- city convenience, for sale or exchange for a neat city Beßldence__Apply to " Spga 6t B F, GIiBHH; 133 South FOgSTg St, ® FOR. BARE—A SUPERIOR; B1ASSIOB’: arid-large hOT t Road, near Allegheny .avenue,- built in . the moat anbetaniial manner* witheverymodernoonvenlfiiice. with carriage iouM, Ac, "IMs l* a moafseeirable /residence either for winter or. summer. The sow passengerraflroad will pacaftyliae door. . ; A 33 South FOTJKTH gtrsrt, ap29 and S. V, corner Seventeenth: and Green- . M’ "MSDAWARB AND C HEB-ABh TBB CODHn FABH& ” X *■ Delawareand Chester County Farms:” Hel> ware* and Chester County Farina, ”■■■-■ for sale. There.ia no question in regard to health in this locality. ” - ’ - JAB. H. CUKMIHS, ap33-3t _ 50fi WALHPT Street. MR : FOR ‘BARE.—A 'VERY r FliE A **SiHT COTTASB on the Old York Hoad, Hto mile* from this eltr. - . : . ATOTtilea«mt COTTABB on Johnson and Green '’’A’very, plesasn? COTTAGE on last*Walnnt Hans, Germantown. * And many otters variously altniUd. Also a large number of Farms, Houses, snd Bnildlng lK>ta. , -.4 B. f, ftr.icTgiv, I*3 Sooth FOURTH Street, ap» and B. W, corner Seventeenth and Oresn. MR. FOR BARE—A BEAUTIFUR BR ML FASH and CODHTKT SBATAof forty acne, X on ChuTch lane, .Darby townshlp.Tfour miles from Mar ket- sfaest Bridge.; Fosscssloa can be had Immediately. Apply lo JOHJI WHITBItY, on the.premises. or to -apHm« . ... . AsaonthyßOinPstreet, • FRITATE BARE-MILITARY BOARDIHG SCHOOL, near Philadelphia, In sue eemful operation, with fornitura of all kinds. Ados ntu BoohSc Onns. Ac.. at a very low flmre: irmiw to'BCHEEMBRHOEK A BAHcSIF? ; 1 jlp» im* ■ - ... MR PRIVATE BALE—BEAUTIFUL MR WL BDMMEE v HBBIDEHCR, estate of Hr. 8. A. IK o« d « . Bold very 10w... ...... apt-v-is* T7OR BARE— ' A VALUABLE OIL LATOB if west yraoutiA, ohio, ahbpbhhbtltahia. Inquire of LEWISL. HOUFT, ipll-lm* 3»B WALHHT:Stroih FhfiSi. rjTUJBTEEB’ BARE. deLaw Abe ooxmrr FASSENGKEE EAH.BOAD COMP ANT. The undersigned, mortgagees or trustees named In a sen Bin mortgage dated July Id, 1860, recorded in Phila delphia ootrnty, in Mortgage Book A. I). 8,, Ko. 64. page 391, by which the above-named Company, to se cure bonds issued by it, has mortgaged its read or rail, way, including the Iron rails, sleepers, cross Has, sills, string pieces, and all other parts or portions ofthe su perstructure of said railway, togetherwlth all the cor porate right*. powers, liberties. privllegBs,L and fran chisee of mid Company, and Its tolls, rente. Issues, income, and profits; and together also with the enhTO estate, real and personal, o! said Company, including Its cars, horses, harness, provision and oonlDmeitsfani all other ita property, effects, and es&ttn real ,nd personal, whafsvsr and wheresoever the same maybe, will, under powers contained lh said 'mOTtrorTieed! exposcthe stove property toahla, by public auction, OH THD 3» BAT OF FIFTH MOHTH (4ty> HAST, At t o’clock P. M.. vnLWAat M. imim, In %PW -township, Delaware oonnty. Pa., the Western. T«rmiaiiB of rald;BohA. Shld!Bo«clntMßwithaeisele freehand tanmutsfroßi il&AwfwyHhSM PhfadelphiM, wh*M ttoouaeta Withthß W««t JPhiladelphiß. Ba&w»y» w«Rt- W«rd hloNg th* ThiiadelphU udTweitChester Ton* romd wjont four miles, to the Raid Howard Hohm. J of thoCompaay meteis of two t*» (which may be Men at uid'Howazd Hoaae). three bmes, aad a lot of hantes*.. Thejadewlmod will re«tt!i» ftvßbMdred dollars to Upaid at the time thosontract of apll-tOt* JOSEPH TO WHT.T. {Trnstoes. A BTILLERY AND CAYARRY iX fiORSSB. dssrerajrT Otritnuussss’s Oxneig •' Xl3»,aiKA&h Stbkr* WM _ f . Teaaa.. April a, 1885. , _HOBBMB. suitable for the Artillery and Cavalry ser> yleo* Pill be by the in opea market. sefatocted tothe usual ymunent luacectioa before accepted. £****e-for t£* Artillery servieeaiist be dark la cotes; .soimdiaall pwtioulaM; Btroat, auick, and w*U broke*, aed square trotters in hardest; lit food “jf*k acd ooadition; fre m6to 10 yean old; ttotleMthaa. eM * L lkorM ** not loci thaa AT THE HOWABD HOUSE, ax& dffhty ($160) dollars wtU be pai& m ' Cavalry Horses mast be sound in aa parttealan > w*n PHILADELPHIA, PKHHA. , ormnsr.WßßT By order ol Col. Wm. V. KsßJm. J ' * oc Cauct : ;' V 1888, Bo*, »3S «n-< *3* SUBSET C‘Q) . |„ -yi—■■ - FOEITIVX BELK OF FBKSCH, OEKM A'; ~ JJTO BBItMH DKT fIOODS, " THIS J»iY. • A CkKD.-W* ln-rtte tk» weoial Mte al | 0 . to tli* attrntive assortment of Frenrt, s*,* Vh> ni Britliii dry food*. eompflslii* ab'o: 7 51 '‘'s;, strabts uttetes- to I» peremptorily soil w - £ e» four months* credit, and part for cash, THIS HOBPIHO, at 10 o’clock precisely. **» OF ra* cs THIS MOBHISa, May M,.at 10 o’elojl, will be soli t T ... , four month*’credit aribgirt ' s ‘*-s« s J too FIOEOOB iBO IjOYS of Pwnah, MJfc British a„ n taMbi a Boss and choice aeaorttMstarr-r iSjdeartlelealnallk, worsted, wool.u, u a V ! ' , Jf. B. -Sktwplw offto oaina will Tbs !tr?t,.. , sals, w«s» desists will And It to ttair S£*jjiJi !rAßeEsaiao™KOT,mx,„ Bsirii9 ' KOTKJl.—lndndod in om «»!, ef ? Qossaan, and "**• * *»nnd m p»« «« Si DKBBB GOOBB.-*PIaU, striped. ts4 ,v.. _ bloneaaad poll do rittsna Pits , g f d* lalne*. Krensdlnss fancy ch«h, "JL?;a»t, inelsnse, Persians. plslnani f*a«y i®y *w lit, Z 4o £T lletemerP “S* 1 ' do. X beß?rtitched do. ®J db. 3(, children's do do superior qnslltyUnen sMrt frontr. USOS FBKSMFTOBT SAItS OF BOOTS, a TBAVBLIHO BAGS, BEOSABS, 8 tea# S Ac. • * f OB TBIBOIT KOENJBS. May *, *t 10 o'clock, win be cole, by , lW)t four months’ credit, cboot I.JOO packsgec bo-, bromw. trSTaliiißbagc, &0.. embrsetnc i sr ; freelt Msortmeot of first- dace city and lecture, which will be open for examine.b a ' the moraine of isle. ij»so« rosmvß sal* oj boot?, bsok-, MORALS; *c. JfOTICJS. —lnelnded Inonrlarae sale orient, 4 ° ' CM ■rifßffiDA®'HOßHlirtt. Kay 2d, will be-fonn*. Inyart, the folio*;,, and desirable aseortxaent.'yr: , cateemsn’a, boys . and youths ctlf, doiV,. half* welt.;and xrarop-sole (itv.o bq,. s eases men’s, boys’, and youtr s kip acd tner boots. . easesmon’s fine aTSIn ions, let esrsirr be >t s casesjnen’sandjbays oalf, baf haito g,, boots snd-htlmorals. —eases Meu’s. boya’, and Touihi kip. t, ltt , Ufbed •rain, bur we*t, ana pomp.*,.. —oases Bfies' fine MS, aoat. merocei, asi ei„ led pstest sowed bslmo.ils aal c> V niters. ... ’’ cases women’s, , and ebiliipi s cv be IT' leather balmoxals and Uce b, cases children's fine kid. sewed. sitr am. . boots, laney-eewed bslmora s mi 3 t ;; : easesladies* fine Wash and colored ia»ij| S. *r«st and side Jaw tatters. —oases women s, misses' and child rsn 3 e , l( • moroecoeoppor nailed laoe boots “• cases ladles’ fine bid elljmsrs, me al ls or-n and. saadain, carpet slippers, t«awli-.», Also, at commencement of sale, will be sail w oak tanned wax npner leather. SO-do. Spanish oak sole leather. 6 doaen wax ©alftfcitff -4 4*. * plait lining ckins DASK fcHJ* JbASSSLS. OSTHHESDaT, Kit 4th. we wUI-eell. tor aeeeeyt of wi»o!; cancer*, by catalogue* tor OMb, 1I» pletwmpa; blue tumeU. ■ LABGS POSITIVE BAT'S OF BKTISH. flj OEBMAIT, AHff BJKMTia[WE* <3B jbs We will bold a lam sal* of forflaa aad 1 •*-«, t good* tfrmt*iagaOt&Bi±9re&ito(&*r"Loaditiaix. 5* cash, OJr THtrBBt>AT MOKPIIfO. In 4, at 10 o’clock; embrsdn* aboat 100 pkiu,,, lota of staple aad fancy hrtiel** la woal*a». linens. Ills a, and cottons, to whlafc areUrrUsttsus B —Satopies of the same will la tmtid u-t amlnati.n with eatalojius «»Jt •* «« ■»!' the sale, when dealers will lad It to th« hunr attend. positive a*ia betook OS PKIDAT KOaSISO, Way Sth-atll o’eUdc,wmßa«*M,bj si Konttas’ eeiit. aboat 360 mm lick »t* «»■ -Sniuslit' oriiM frit, 7 BBptfßM fcni fa* i f ™al d*wt.S,VBßeHa*, Bat, heap. «i«n iu earpetlaa*. Canton and aoeoa maMip, to,, toads* a cioic* aMpltsunt o? assarter tetjk ■ may axaminad aarly «4> morning »f uli BHIPPISB. BOSTON AND PHIL, PHI A STJAMSHIP LIAS. wUtufro Boti ok UMXnt DiSsT from ftrrt wti*rf iVm Street, PUlftdelphi*, sad Zone Wkuf, Soatou Tho EtMKuMp .SAXOS, On*. StfttMrs, ja bom PMlndelphl* toI JBooton, on Souriu. S»i ISA It. ssd«tecn»MpSOß]tAS, Oapt. BM*r. Boston for FhllndolpMa, on ttPMmB dnutP. Thsw «&WttatSai iteUßaVlpt fom -Hne, «afHag from each port punctually 01. s*’ Insurances effected at 9M»)ialf tktpnaloai anthaYesMbi. 4. ‘ ' Frai*bt* bikes it fair rate*. Shipper* am immWle Mad BU» Keaslpb of liadloa iritk their good*. ' 33a BStfhbxiAWASE STEAM""TOKLY TO •SuUSfi VMBPOOI,. fcmeMna at Pusouor* «l«o forwarded to Havre, Btemsi,**' terdam, Antwerp, &«., at agnally low rat*;- „ lares from Liverpool or Qneenetown: lrt Cii-i j» i 86, *lO6. Steerage from Liverpool or Qneeajtova » 1 lioee who wish to tend for their frieadi m « tickets hem at thole rates. ■; „ „ „Jojf Author lnfonnatloß »P|lT at the Cewst. Often, . JOB* G. BiLS, Mat AplS-tlny*, ' 111 WALHBT Street. K 1 HEW EXPRESS LDHj BtMaew IWTe iat /anurfaboTa MASKII Si &rery WKDHBBDAY «ad SATURDAY, ttIJSL Tor Freight apply to Afreatg. VE F. CLTDS Af. . m Forth fuafltkrata Wharve*.PMl».: J. B. I>a~' r * *BOW£S, Al*«?£ A r»r .... —». N.OTIOK.—FOS >’** ' IBW C 0M H Fi3l« wluuf 1»loW * i,if R *^te t p/’ Titk Israwt ud'flaw! Msorlmeni is \ iomateuApiiaM. ' - § STOSS BHADSB MADB AND LBTTH® Cfc«*plofc «o!ledJ3Uiia* sad Shsdea. H. BLSSFSB & 00. * RUE UIKOB STREET' ; «ANOTAO'rDKEBSi AGEHTS, AND KAMI deaxjebs in FLIRT AND GBEEN GLAS^ 3 * a»T» bov la otoreafall auartmosi «t irMoh wo og»r at 180 lowest markot ado . tains tola msanU tot .fho SALEM ® SS % WOXKB, wo are 'pnpanS to ailn ani vo'< ■ aonld* to order. _«s roKTBK, xnnub «* winns sorr** atrorlor color «ad Snioh. i. 4 MEm, toff oapraKFß, ATOTHECaK® -j, rUKBITDEB, SHOW BOTTLES, STKIHOIw. OFATHIG VLALS.and Drn* «!•»«’ '%:ii T. A. WVMMB * 00.-S eiTTSBUSO coboUbUt on k&ad at fjwtory uric**- RIITTESFTELD’S L» OVKBtiJID J>*SPiTCH. n „ 9 lt> OUmTho 1 YB a ET Street. 3«» .\j Office. FIFTH Street, * (MldrCBY VIBBB*KD Pr«id«' jj ; W. K.JSITOHEH, Tr«a*s« r - W '■ ™» OompißT, m* ftuiy orgmtaS PHILADEtPJi i BAJPAOB ISSTI _~ S. SUPIB. Street. BTVBBKTT, after thirty yeere' .^. caanunieee theekUFeladjustmento. M» i* aat Graduating Prewnrc ftuss, SWP' ~ I?- Stoekingß. Shoulder Braces* Crutcne»» s t -. apartments conducted by a Lady. AJ? PAIN IN "| 'MLUtmTH.—Klteoiw OJSde 0» *| /|K MONEY TO ASY A-’ : fwYIOiBKD UEOH DltMpHD;>•* A A JIWELRT, PLA.T* CLOIB »'• -1 Ifc.vV' «• '!jQßi*o»’S,. c ,;ri„ -3 ■. OUft MTABUHSiSB- IWlffi i-': Comar TBXBD ui ftiSKIM. S*».. b«*ow *',> jH /WTOM ANDi ahd okmvM, o. IQ3 v a ' T->ETR€>3*BTT4f —5OO •« J FBKIOK Wiaß«yiTUOOll,ft^i“ f ji fg SHnsery Kock PeWoioam OOTWSr/r 's^- *s pie at the oSce, 80. 226 WALHt* “■• ... ; « totd floor. - orcn r K jn ~ap2B-12t M A READY AND CONOLtJBI\ f r; y of the prcportiw of p;*i " a IKACS BncWwUl Do •-“““SSK? B forth la tho TTolua BUt»» ptowowtog,-- ..-. ». 17NFEEBLRD AND fc BTiitmoss, tfJ*&KH! , iSSk » 4 “ *“s SXTBACT WJOHtJ. It.wffl jtfTjJf"* %‘S ToolhWac a«Bohl«a»o to oloo> T*”—rs. ?■