iBBIVALS AT THE HOTELS. The €!»i E Blanchard, Beiiefonte J H Fielding, Ohio Thoa £ Jewltt, Ohio Wm MoKee, Ohio "Win Oolemah, Pittsburg E MoKee. Ohio ObanGeomey,Httaburg WOHughart, Pittsburg F Y Boyd & la, N York P S Van Rensselaer, N Y j E Palo ter, W Chester aiai S Y Holliday, USA. Jas Alllßon, Plttaburg E Maynard & la, N York Jas Hoyt, Pittsburg D Byart, New York w J Briggs, Pittsburg H W Short, Springfield JVIIBS E Hadley SR Gifford, New York Miss M Hadley ,Mtas Gifford. New York .Miss Pickett >.t P Knight &. wr, Boston £r WH LongBhore&la,Pa J Haooock, Brooklyn W H HntohfnßOß, Boston R T Leech, Pittsburg O O Jackson, Boßton S Y Boyd, Washington Z P Boyer kwf IWB Smith, Washington Thos Whittaker, N York H P OartM & wf, Wash • GeoY Short, Ohio L Hartung, New York • H Faulkner k wf, Boston D O O Quinlan, Wheeling - J J McCorell, Troy, N Y mH Beatty &wf “■ SOLyford,USA FT Hornet, Boston •O H Joy St wr, Boston Sidney Homer, Boston .A E Burnside, R Island Wm Muller & wf* N Y ,B F Burnside, Term M T Darrell & wf,Boston •O E Hutchinson, Boston R J Roberts, New York J French, Boston D L Bartlett, Baltimore Miss French, Boston - A W Kingman, Boston Major J B Parkm.U S A Mrs J a Murray, N York Wilbur Ives, US N > G A Soofield, Penna - ? Je *S # y Sami Munn, New Jersey ■IF Gibson, Richmond J T Stuart, Jr, Illinois Mro Mutter, New York . S.W HUI St la, Lake Sup ? bw York J w Adams & son, Hi W HMlnot, New York Miss Adams, Springfield J D S®* a * 6 > Baltimore w E Gould, Portland Jas McDowell,Baltimore H B Brown, Portland Thoa A Reilly A wr, Fa John S Catlile, Md J Dnmara, Youngst’n, O James Partriok. Md Sde Boaugan k la, Mont’l K o Cross, Maryland ■Q, de Beaogan, Montreal J L Houston, Maryland Miss Bde Beaogan, Mont 00l L B Parson,St Louis JE D Jones, St Louis Ohas A Meuren,StLouis •GeoAßrechard&wf,Oln H.T Adams,_St Louts P H Quinlan, Wheeling L Watson, Qulnooy, Hi ll F Coffin, Newbifryport E B Gregory, New York F A Dlllworth, Mass . D B Canfield, New York W Blackburn, Mass Oapt J J Upham, USA • O Gilmore, Boston O Berry,Smlthfield, Ohio .-OK Wood, New York W A Hanford,"Ohio R T Leech, Pittsburg Maj A F R Arndt, U S A O M Prescott, Cleveland Jos S Ftnah, Pittsburg J M Sarvls, Washington Jno W Fainter,Pittsburg JJ A Wells, Troy, NY L Hartung, New York A S Marvin, New York . > The « J J Harrison, New York i H Hopkins, New York S Ogliny, Hagerstown \ W E Sexton, Norfolk, Va ! E J Truefitt H A Aechternaoht, N Y Thos W F Oaryell J Cross, Harrisburg "W H Mattson John A Smaller, Harrtsg S T Chat iron, Harrlsbug: Paul Charlton, Harrlsbg- Geo Cnnkle, Harrisburg - W K Wilson, Highsplre Geo R Klnasmas, Balt J Ward O W Campbell, Wash’n W B Brown H M Dennlston, U S N Ohas W Owen, U S N Giles Lambson, Del A G Toadvlne, Maryland H Van Gaskins & wf, Pa B G Powell. Harrisburg Dr W H H Mlonrer.U S A Dr O E Smith, Phlla L L Stillman k la,Boston J £ Clement k son, Fa Oapt J M Opdyeke H Kimball, Brooklyn Miss Stewart, Penna Miss Poster. Penna E.M Wood, Boston D HDevoe, New York C Nelson, M D,Maryland Leon Rhelnston Simon A Feldman George Rosenthal Sol R Friedinburg John B Goodwin, Balt Geo Evans, Baltimore J Thompson, Wash, D O A Fenton k wf, Ohio The Btei G B Nlessley, Jeddo Maj Robinson, Wash, DO G M Brubaker, Penna O Mather, Montg’y oo A B Horn, Clarksburg W Baird, Wash, D O T N Wolfe, Penna H B Dickinson, N Y J O Winner, New York F Wetrlok, Selinsgrove J B Wogernetr, Ohio O Tuoker, Beverly, O J Schelllng. New York C G Ashe, Delaware A L Cheek, Clarksville W Breaks, Philadelphia Stnart McKee, Pittsburg J H Aldridge, Maryland W. Lilly, M Obunok J N Bally, Wellsboro W O Eyater,Ohambersb’g Oapt F Wenti Opt J MeKnlght&la.Wla W P Alcorn & la, Pa T Brodhead J S Broun, Wash. WAtantz, W Virginia 0 F Nagle, Buffalo The An N Tlbbals, New York H H HUBtsinger, Fottsv Alex Evans, EUtron, Md A G Talte, Elltton. Md A D Seltalnger.Tamaqua J O White, Newburyport Miss L Johnson, Newbpt J Forrest, New York J W Sheppard, Olnn Jss F Smith, Reading J W Houston, Delaware Miss C E G Dunulhg O R Bough, Baltimore John Heßry, New York C S Larrabee, Boston E Fronds, Newark John Nelson, St Louts Harry Carr, St Loulb C W Heydrlok Ths Union. R Snodgrass, Phlla iA Herbenok, Oantos, O- W E Anderson, N J !HH Hants k wf, Leb’on W Hill, Flemlngton, N J.H M James, California J P Woodnntt, Wash V Skinner, Penna J M Decker, Brooklyn Mrs Jester & niece, Pa J Welsser, Pittsburg F French, New York J O Welsener, Akron, O J Myers, Chicago J F Olarlt, Boston O L Myers, Chicago J R Zeller, Hngerstown K Potts, Penna H Light, Lebanon oo TB Hull, Oatawlssa, Pa H A Foster, Minerva, O Ira Robbins, HughesvlUe D W Entriken, W Ohostr; J J Lint, Boenavlsta, O lIM Pratt, Penna SPECIAL. NOTICES. Freckles,— These disfiguring spots are * imply d/ops of porspir&Uoo hardened in the pores of the skin. where, as water cannot penetrate, ordinary washing will not remove. JARED 8 “BMaIL DB PARIS, * * hy softening and smoothing the shin, reaches thit colorous matter, and d saolvei it. No shin, how* ever delicate, esn tan or freckle while using ** Basil de Paris. : ’ Sold by all Druggists, Perfumers, and dialers in Toilet Goods. • myl-mwsSt A Big Thing.— A million ib a cheat many, hot two million is more. As incredible as it may appear, Messrs. F. H. Drake & Go., of ffewTork, sell over two million bottles of PLANTATION BITTERS a year. This is nearly one hundred and seventy-five thousand dozen, which, at nine dollars, would he oyer a million and ahalf dollarsi Surely, some merit mast attach to an article of such a sale Go where we will, from one end of the country to the other, we are always Inisight of theeyidenoeeofthe cabalistic B.T.—IBSQ—X.» and these gentlemen's energy. We would suggest to them a little more elegance in their rock painting. The Legislature of New Hampshire hse passed a law against their further disfiguring the White Mountains. ap2B-0t Db. Jansen opens the books op the PHILADELPHIA NATATORIUM during to-day until nine o'clock this evening, for public impaction. It Yardsticks op Five Fattebns, Board Measures, Tailors' Sonars s, and a varletj of Boles and Taps Lises, for sale at the Hardware Store of TRUMAN & SH aW, No. 835 (Bliht Thirty five) MARKET Street, below Nloth. - It Fob Window Shades -we have Bolleb Ends, Rack Pullies, Knobs. Brackets, Tasks. Wooden Hollers and Slats, Tassel Hooks, and other Hardware. * TRUMAN & SHAW, No. 83S (Bight Thirty-five) MAE SET Street, below Ninth. It Why Injube the Complexion by POWDERS AND WASHES which choke or #ll op the yores of the skin, and is a abort time leave it harsh and • dry 7 It is in the blood, and if you want a smooth and * soft skis use HBLMBOLD'S EXTRACT OP SARSA PARILLA. It gives a brilliancy to the complexion. A Clear, Smooth Skin and Beatjti- PUL COMPLEXION follows the nse of HBLMBOLD'S ■CONCENTRATED PLUID EXTRACT BARSAPARIL LA. it removes black spots, pimples and all eruptions of the skin, To Purify, Enbich the Blood, and 1 25KAUTIFI the complexion, use HBLMBOLD’S HIGH* LY CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPA* 15ILLA. One bottleeonalß in strength one gallon of the Byrup or Decoction.- Not a Few op the Worst Disorders chat afflict mankind arise from corruption* of the blood. HBLMBOLD’S EXTRACT OP SARSAPARILLA U a remedy of thentmoct -nine. HBLMBOLD’S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BUCHB t? tht great Diuretic. HBLMBOLD'S CON DBHTBATSD EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Utile Qrtai Blood Purifier. , Both arc prepared according to rale, of Pharmacy and Chemistry, and axe the most active that ean he made. A Thing op Beauty is a Joy Foe* EVER —Those who desire brilliancy of complexion, sanet parity and enrich the blood, which HELM BOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BABSAPABILLA Inca riablydoex Recollect It Is no patent medicine. Aik for Belmbold’e. Take no other. mhl-wfmem H. Shoemaxeb & Co., No. 4 North EIGHTH Street,-are now opeplng eleg.nt new Spring and Sommer Style. Of CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. Call And examine. -it-. ap2B-6t- Jones’. , THE LOWEST • / JELLING PE ICI " la marijfed In figon* onOwJttartlele, AND VARIED, #4pHKB’ Qnont One-priee olo.VSSnq HOUSE, Ip'W STREW, /Jr/ above Sixth, Jf No. 004. -IT Prices redneed to snit the time*. A Inc AMOrtment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, *cnHable for all eeacona, eooctantly on hand, t Custom-work male to order at abort notice. CmhB-*M Clothing by the Mtt.w. The Immense etock of READY-MADE CLOTHING ■aowdlssleyedat WANAMAKER k'BROWN'S OAK HALL POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE, S. E. cor. SIXTH and MARKET Sts., it placed In one contlnnona line, would reach a long ■dUtanee toward Richmond. Thlalong stream of Cloth- Lng la rnnnlng off at MABVBLLOUBLY LOW PBICBB. apl4-tf 3sa:^suH.k-ibx>. LAIRD—EASTON.—At Belvldere, N. X, on Thnra. day morning, Aprll27ih, by the Rer-IW. H. Kirk, Her. Samnel LalrJ, of Lancaater, Pa. to Mlw Mary A, daughter of alurbAu V. Jsa»ton* Xwi<» of Balvfdora. ' SOYEZ. the Uttt Karch, by tin tlnentnl. I W M.MeOlure, Danville W Means, Pittsburg | J H Orbbihs, Beiiefonte G Valentine, Beiiefonte R T Keys, Baltimore U W Simpson, Va A K Rheeui, Carlisle . S w Early, Carlisle Mrs J W King L K Haworth ; w Norris, Wmsport ,T D Server, Rahway, NJ J J McGinnis. N J W Templln, Harrisburg H M Tomlinson,-Plttsbbr A L Hunter. Pittsburg ~ F B Poland, New York John Johnston, N Y Robert Potts, U S N J O Hopewell. N Jersey Geo Herlbg Wolff John Looke, Lewlsburg E L Holmes, Lewlsburg T B Adams, Baltimore H L King, Baltimore J D Clarke, Boston C A Seasbey, Wash. D O T B 0 Stump, Lanoaster O H Grumman, N York & D Leeoh, Phlla J SomMervlll, N Jersey N A Drlpps, U S N J A Stewart, Wash, D O John Kane, Illinois R Perry, U S N W H Muleomb. N Y * w B Henderson, N Y J R Henderson, N Y W R Fentros, Penna W MoElfresh, Md Thos G Stewart k wf. Pa M Gleme. Erie, Pa W T Reynolds, Penna rduustn’. |P Derby, Gardner, Mass G H Beck, New York B F Fruit & wf, Penna B B Higgins* la, NY Maj W it Page W L Bard welt, Penna D J MoKtbbln, Phlada T J Hurley & wf O F Miller, Madison, Ind R H Witter, Wmsport G Douglass, Seranton W A Montoaetle, Va T G Westoott * wf, Pa Miss Gould, Mahanoy R Hamilton, Mahanoy J T Jones, Massachusetts Lieut J G Butler, N Y; Con Koober, M Ohunok F N Stoddard, U S N H B Beall, W Virginia John Y Bryant, Wash D F Crow, New York W Smith, Penna M Mayers, New York D Anderson, Ohio Y O Case, Gallon, O W A Willard, Penna nerlcan. E A Mix, New York ■ J R Jones, Jr, New York W F Bartlett, New York- O Ottinger St la, Balt , D L Thompson, Pa i H A Moore, Danville,Pa ; J Giles, Laurol.-.-Dcl Dr Layton, U S N H A Jarman, New York .Tas W Brad 7, Now York Lt D E Bigler, Wash F Burr, Conneotlout J Oodtu? ton, New Jersey W Ewen, U S N W F Potter, Ballefonte R H Adams k sis, Md J S Brown, Washington" Dr E Look wood, Wash Rev. D, Otti» Ke’loia, RDM l. r,„,« , deushterol Captain A Maedanle'. fif^^Viuinrroi X3TT=»T-> to^lfid^Preelrtterla** 1 ,’ o **"’BaulelGaatrn. pis «th year 5 hl«»g, cnursh u f Cohocislus. »n Sue abo°e el Fiflh l? 18 Germantown read, obolock , WM “' s4w afternoon, at 1 Abraham Cowell. JtitnA* of the /amUr are raspeet tll« ftinerat, U* u HU ‘ate rest- Mav 9'ri ot l m Wharton »trent, on morntnr, lery- * o c.ock. To proeead to Oerae Thursday m trnin?, 27ft* Mra. Cawandra Gilison, wife of the Bar. Wm. JT. tAibaou, * **• jAWw and friends tf the family ara leapaet lUJiyinYited to attend the funeral, from her hatband’a residence, northeast corner of Fifinaad Bael Atra<»ts at 3 o clock this (Monday) afternoon, laierme&tat Monu ment Cemetery. _ * BRADI.—On theSOth instant, Huddaa-iah dau*h‘er of James D. and Eliza H Brady, aged four years, aia* monihs. and six days. .. Fnnerai, on Tnesdsy mojaipe. at ten o’cloak, from her parents’ residence, Vo 1535 North Twelfth st. ** . K HEDLIS. —On the 29th nit-, JBdwin Kesdteij aged 52 years. Bio rolatljoo and male friends sre lnvitsi to attend ‘holnnwalfrom hislaterroidaioe. Ho I»TRace street. oi> Tne.day. Msy 2d, st 10 o’oV ck A M. « '■ BOH».—On Sevenlh Day. 29. h ult., at the realdeacs of her brother-in law, Vanleer Kschus, In Badnoiv Delaware county, Fa., Ssrah Bond * Aier relatives and fr'ecd* and those of the family are incited, to attend her funeral from her lata reeidenee. as above, without further aotioe, on Thir-t -Meet at the house atl o’clock P.M ** Friday morninx, the 28»h instant, * h9 Ute J>ttrd “ B - Carter, in ths •Vuneri (rom her late residence, No '233 South Thirteenth rtreet, on Monday afternoon. May ist. at o o'clock. - \ LEXANDHB’B AND JOUYIN & aa oo’S. Black Kid Gloves red need to ,2 a pair. , BBSSO3 * SON, Monrntng store, apil tf 918 CHE3TNIJT Strait. DLACK QUEEN’S CLOTH AND Giosty Hohalrc, yard and a half wide, juat. re ceived by BESSON k SON, Mourutnr Store. 6P21-W . No. GlB CHESTNUT Street. T?YRE & LANDELD -G ESTABLISHED IN itB4o. We always adhers to good Goofs, and depend on fair dealing for patrons,o. _ GOOD STOCK OP SILK GOODS. GOOD STOCK OP DRESS-GOODS. ap26 SHAWLS AND STAPLE GOODS gggp MISS ANNA E. DICKINSON AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Thursday Evening, May 4th. A PQPUf.AR ADDRESS, " WOMAN’S WORK ASD WAeSS. ,, Being a plea for more work and better pay for Women, This speech 1b represented by the pre?a, without ex ception, where it has been repeated, as her happiest effort; and her appeal on behalf of the unfortunate and distressed of her sex as most touching and effective- ' The Xew York World, after its recent delivery in Brooklyn, pronounced it * a noble, earnest, and elo* quest plea in behalf of laborfor women. ’ ’ The Tribune, inlts report of the same speech at the Gooper'lnstiiute, remarked that “she was interrupted by frequent applause, .the enthutiaimof ths fair speaker beint at times perfectly oontageous. The lecture was in every nehse a perfect success, and the vast number of to hear her were evidently tin* pressed with her arguments, ” Ths sale of tickets will begin on TUESDAY MOBY* IHG, at the Bookstore o! T. B. Pugh, Sixth and Chest nut streets. Admlttanqa 25 cents; reserved seats 60 cents. Doors open at 7 o’clock; Lecture to commence at & myl 4t ra® BALLOON AftCEKSXOK, CORNER FIFTBEHTH and COATES Streets, postponed, oa account ofhigh winds, until WE DYE SCAT. Hay 3d, atl o'clock. 1 myl* St* the annua I, MEETING OF the BCBSCBIBBBS and MADTaGEBS of GBILDREN’B BOMS of West Philadelohia. wilt be held at the HOME on WEDNESDAY, May 3, at 10# o’clock. The annual report will be read. »nd an else* tion for Officers and Hansgere for the ensuing year take place, myl-at* PEOPLE’S STOCK EXCBAKGE, Bo 505 CHESTNUT Street, is now open for business Three calls of Slocks are held daily, com* mencing at 10 A. M., 2P. M , and Bln the evening. A portion of th* room appropriated for the use of public, who are admitted Tree. Dr A. G. KGBKRT, PreaWeat. A.G HIKSS. Vice President. 8 O FOLWKLL. Secretary. ra* PINE GROVE AND EAST SASDY OIL COMPANY —There will be a Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, to Organize, Eiect ■Officers, and decide on a plan of Organization prepara tory to securing a Charter, on TUESDAY, Hay 234. at 10 A. M, at Boom No. 3, 433 WALNUT Street. Phila delphia. K. W. ALLISON, Secretary pro tern. rjar* OFFICE OF THE CUT BOCNTT PUND COMMISSION. COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, 613 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. PHinADBLPUA, April 27, 1855. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIYEN, that this Commission ha* removed Us office from the Commonwealth Build ing. No. 613 Chestnut street, to the GIBABD ESTATE BUILDINGS, No, 19 South PIYTH Street, and that on . and after the Ist of May next its meetings will be held on MONDAYS and THURSDAY*, at 10 A? M By order of Commii&lon. __ myl-mwf6t BICHABD C. WINSHIP, Secretary, I®* EMPIRE COPPER COMPANY OF ■s® MICHIGAN. Police Is hereby lives that an instalment of one dol lar per ehare os each and every share of the oanltal stock of the BMPIRB COPPER COSIPaSY OF MtCHr- G&Nbas this day been called by the Board of Directors of said Company, due, and p»yabie at the Oilice of the Company, 80. 433 WjkLNuT Street, Philadelphia, on or before the 20th day of May, ISSS. Interest will he charted on all Inslalments after the same shall hare be come due. By order of the Board of Director*. J. S. McMULLI 3, Secretary. Philadelphia, April 23,18f8. my 1-mwf tmy2o SIXTH WARD. Report df R. C. WALBORN, T.-sasarer of the Special Bounty Fund of the Sixth Ward: The Treasure r acknowledges the receipt of. '-*-•*58,376 65 ano Is allowed credit for the following items: Cash paid 3* substitutes**** $? k 4GO 00 Cash paid 23 volua tears-........ 2.570 00 Oath paid 23men, $55 42 each.. 1,274 88 Cash paid intiuentai exptnsei 1,13190 8,376 56 Dr. balasee-**.*,.,***«*«..eenaanen.**,.ol AD of which is respeotfully submitted. „ , B. C WADBO&N. Treasurer. - we, the undersigned, auditors, have examined the above and find it correct in every particular SAHL BISPHAM, Chairman* W. H. BA SIT 89, •D. C. A CLARKE, Secretary. PHUrADELPHiA, Apill Bth, 1665- It* tsar BtmLLINE LAND COfiPASY OF LAKE SUPERIOR -At a meetiug of the Trustees of the METaLLINE LAND COMPANY OF LAKB SUPBBIOB, held THIS DAY, a dividend of FIFTY CENTS FEB SHAKE, was declared, payable at the Office of the Company. No. 3341 WALNUT Sweet, on and after the Ist of May, proximo, to the Stock holders of record at the close of THIS DAY* or their legal representatives. _ A. H DINCKLBB. Treasurer. PsniAPBLPmA, May 1,1865, myl»10t |£gp> ALLIANCE PETBOLfiCM COAL COMPANY. TbeSubseription Books are open for the sale of the balance of the Stoek of the Working Capital. Subscrip tion price TWBHTY-FIYB CENTS PER SHARE, PAR VALUE, ONE DOLLAR. SUBSCRIPTIONS Received of J. J. ALLEN, President, 43 South DELAWARE Avenue. O. W. MORSE, Treasurer* 10S WALNUT Street. And at the Office of the Company, 136 South THIRD Street, ; ap2B»Bt OFFICE OF “THE HOOVES AMO MARSHALL OIL C 0.," - * N, W. Coßjrgg Fifth and Chestnut, __ Boon No. S. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS : The Director* would respectfully Inform the Stock holders of “The Hoover and Marshall Oil Company" that the affairs of the Company Are in a good and sound condition, and that the developments on their property are being vigorously prosecuted. That they could have declared a dividend some time ago from the products of their well, now yielding, but instead of doing so have applied the proceeds thereof to the boring of the new well on the * * Hoover’' tract. They have also leased a portion of the fifty -amre iTteV and have had several applications for more leases for half the oil. The wells on this tract are to be sunk Im mediately. Several large strikes having recently been made in the immediate vicinity of the fifty- acre tract, they feel the greatest confidence In expecting: he most satisfactory result*. The wall now being bored by the Company, on the Hoovertract, they feefauured will yield not less than sixty barrels ofoilper day. The books of the Com pany, with letters almost daily received from the Su perintendent, are open for inspection at the office of the Company. By order of the Board of Directors. H. R BARNHURST, Secretary. FH2hAPBZ.PKIA» April 11th, 1865. ap2s-6t KST* FEEDER DAM COAIf COMPANY, J" Office 333 South THIRD Street.—The Aunusl Meeting of the Stockholders FEEDER DAM COAL COMPA9Y will be held at the Office of the Com pany on TUESDAY, May 2d, 1865, at 12 M , when an Ejection will be held for fire Directors, to serve for the ensuing year, ap29-3t CHARLES D. KNIGHT, Secretary. I® 0 THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE •“L RTOOKHOLDBBS of TBS BEACON OIL COMFABY will be held on TUESDAY. Mav 9th, at 8 X oulock P. M., in second-story GIRARD-BANK BUILDING. S. P. HaNCOCK, ap2Bltn* Secretary. |s»*» OFFICE OF THE UNION PEXRO- Ioy LBUM COMPANY. Philadelphia. April 27,1885. An adjourned meeting of tse Stockholders of this Company win be held at Boom No SO, Marshanta’ Ix ebarge, on TUESDAY* 2d May proximo, at 12 o*eloek noon, for the purpose of electing officers for the enduing Sear. The Transfer Books will remain closed until [ay 3d M. D- EVANS, ap2B-4t Secretary. Gf a> Ti OFFI€E MdNDAN MINING COM- Tvu •_ Philadelphia, April 27.18 M. rtvmio hereby given that an instalment of FIFTY j* i Per * hare on sash end every share of the ib ® MAkDAH MlalHG COMPAfY. in. payable on or before the j?iwt VI of woe of fas oom- PAHY, 80. 3E4 W. I.BDT Street. Phil.delphia. _.o. , n Dy otto of the Director* Apia tmlO B. H. HOOPSS, Treiearer. OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAL I® ABD HaVIGaTIOST OOMPAMY ..... , PaitiDatPEiA, April 18, 1885. Acnnal Meetia, of the Stockholders of this Company will he held at the Board of Trade Rooms,north tide of CHBSTHUT Street.above Yilth,on TUESDAY MOBBIBG. the J 4 day of May next at half-paat Id o dock, after which, an election will b« held at the earns place, for offleer. of the Company for the ensuing year The election to close at 2 o’clock P. M of the same day. JAMES S. COX. apffl-iot . President. MERCHANTS' A.*D MASCFAC *=» TUREBS’ HATIONALBAEK. PITTSBCBa, April 11,1155. Stockholders >re hereby notified that Booh a wld be opened for enhscriptlon to the new stock of this Bank at the COMMEBOI.L B ATI OR Ah BARK. In Philadel phia, on MORDAY, May lit. 1855, and will eonttnne open doring baol injr hoar*, dally, from 10 o'clock A. M toSo'eloek P. AC, until Thnraday, Jane Ist, IB&5. By order of.theßoard of Dirwtors JO HR SCOTT. Jr., Oashler. 3. S. BOLLMAR. President, Plttshnr*. Penna. SOBT. B. STEBLIRO. Vise President, Philadelphia aplOtjsl KSa-> MUSICAL FCNJD SOCIETY.—THE ERE’ Annual Meeting of the Mnsical Ynnd Society will he held at thely Hall on-TUBBDAY. the 2d May, at 8 o’clock P. M. The Annul Report will be read, and an Election for Dlreotore held. apZ7 8t WM. L. DURGLIBQR. Secretary. Fag- SOmHERS LIBERTIES AMD Erie? peer towhship EAILBOAD compart, PHTiABELPaiA. Aprtl 8.1836. The Annual Meetlngpf the Stockholders of this Com pany, and an Election-for Officers to cure for theen eningyear, and nntll-others shall he elected, wtu be held at the Office of the PhUadelpfaia and Reading Bril road Company, Ho. »»» Sqnth. FOURTH Street, on MOM DAY, the Ist day of MajTnaxVat 11 o 'clock A M apS-tmyl WILLIAM H. WEBB, Seorstary. |£gjp> BtriHTBB PETROLEUM COMPANY. INTEREST Of FIFTY WELLS PITHOLE AND CHERRY BUN. CAPITAL, #135,000. SHARES, SI. $25,0e0 WOBEINO CAPITAL. BOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION Will be o,ea oa MONDAY, AT THB OFFIOB-. BOWEN & FOX. MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, Where Maps can be seen and Proepeetus had. myl-El ■Sf* niIOtKIIM. ■V THS HEW YORK AND’LIVERPOOL PETROLEUM COMPANY. OBGAVIZKD 3DH THB MIXIXG XJfD KAWGFAOTIJKma LAWS OF THJ stats of mnr fork. CAPITAL, OHS MILLIOH DOLLARS, OHS HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES, «0 PER SHARK. BCBSCKIPTIOH VBXCB, (5 FIB SHARK MOT LIABLE TO FURTHER AEBBBSMXMT. OFFICES: Mo. H 4 EMPIRE BCILDIMG. Mo. T 1 BROADWAY, MEW YORK. Foot Oyyios adskxss. Box Mo. 1338, Mnw Tons. OmOBBS. Horn DARIEL S. DICKIRSOR, President. WM. T. PHIPPS. Ties President. ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary. H. J. BtTRTIS. Mining Superintendent,TltnsyiU«,Pa. ATLARTIC BARK, Ro t M3Broadpray. H. Y.. Treasnry. The wells of the Company are now prodnelng oil. Payment for stock may be made is drafts, registered notes, or Government bonds and aecorltles, which, bonds and securities will be taken at their market value. Remittances may be addressed to the Company, P, O. Box Ho. 6888, Mew York Olty, or to “Atlantis Bulk, Treasnry of Hie Hew York and Liverpool Petroleum Company, Ho. 142 Broadway, Hew York City,” or to any of Its agents. . mh6-2m AMERICAN HAIL NAIL MACHINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY PENNSYLVANIA. AND MARYLAND. CAPITAL $BOO,OOO. 6,Q00 SHAKES—PAR TAME, $5O, PBIBIBBHI, ■HENRY THOMAS. TSBAHUEER, JOHR W. HALL. DIBBOTORB. HENRY THO 51 AS. Harrisburg. JOHHW. HaLL, Harrisburg. S' i WALBOBN, PnfladelpHa. R G. BIEMAS. Baltimore BBRRY GILBiST, Harrisburg. B ASEE&3* ADAMS A LEVIS, PhUadelphla. _ The Subscription Book for the Capital Stoek of this Company Is now open at the Banking House of ADAMS k LEYIS, 80. 305 GHBSTJtUT Street, Philadelphia. penons wishing to make a profitable investment are respectfully invited to call on ffeears- ADAMS k LEVIS, who will give them farther Information, and will show them the Machines, now running and making The advantages we claim for onr Machines over any otherslnnse, are: ■ That they prodnee a more perfect nail,-with a better head, and fewer Imperfect nails. That they effect a saving of not lees than fifty per cent. In the expense of grinding knives and dies. And the’ Machines being self-feeding, theyipeffeet a saving of from fifty to seventy-five per cent. In the labor of catting nafia. v Parties feeling an interest, and desiring to subscribe, will please calland examine for themselves, aplfi lm OFFICE WASHINGTOR OIL CO., 10 HEBGHAHTS’ EZOBAHGE, „ Phipadbiphia, April SBth. 1865. The Animsl Meeting of stockholders will be held at 12. M . on SATOBDAY, May ISth. ■ • ap29tml3. WM. C. STILES, Jr., Secretary. ISfV OFFICE OF THE PIEBBBPOHT OIL COMPART, 131 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. A meeting of the Stockholders will beheld at the office of the Company, on MORDAY,. May Ist, 1885, At 12 o'clock M., for tho purpose of organization and election of Directors to serve for the ensuing year. apl7-tmyl WM H. WaLLAOE. Secretary. W3g° OFFICE OF TJHB CITY SftEA BUEBB, 24 1835. HOTICB.TO 10ASJHOLDBBS. Ism prepared to buy OSE HURDRED THOUBARD DOLLABS of the Loan of the Oityof PhUadelohla, d no Ist of July next, at par, tfSRJIY BUMM, sp26 6i City Treasurer, OFFICE VAN RUBEN OIL COM* PART, 10 MEEOHARTS’ BXCHARGg. „ PMt.AnBi.PHiA. April 22, IBM. The Annual meetlnzo; STOCKHOLDERS will be held at the Office ofthe Company, at 12 M., on SATURDAY, May 6th. 1886 W. C. BHLES, Jb.. Spa2-tny6 Secretary, OFFICE OF THE MINERAL OIL Kf OOHPIII, 524 WALRUT Stre.t, April 25. 1865 r"Tbe Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the ayugRAL OIL COMPAnf Wiu he held at their Office, on FRID AY, May 12tb, at 12 o'clock M , for the pnr poteof electing a Board of Directors to serve for the enenlng year. THOS. B. BE ABLE, apdlimyia Secretary. 13R- THE ANNUAL ELECTION FOB President and Managere ofthe ELMIRA ARO WILLIAMSPORT RAILROAD COMPARE will be held at their Office, 3»S WALRUT Street, on MOSDaY, Mayl. at 12o’clockM. L. P. GEIGER, apl2-wtm9t Secretary, —rig— OFFICE OF THE MARQUE ETT K*V MIHiKG COKPAHY. 319 WALHDT STREET, Philadblphia, April 18.1865. Tb« fio&Hal Mtetisg of ibe bioekboiders of tb.l* Com* pa»y for th* Blectioo of Directors and such other basl sees as may coma before it, will be field at the Office of the Company, No- 319 walnut street, city of Pfiiia* delpfiia, on &e first MORDAY. the first day of May next, at one o'clock P. M. _ ap!9 IQt DAVID 8 HBTL, Secretary, i-igw GOOD SPBISfi RAILROAD COMPARY. . PHIhADBLPHIA, April 8. 1855 The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany, and an election for President and six Managers to Bcrve for the ensalsg year, and nntll others shall be •leateA will be held at the Office of the Fciladelphla •ndßesdlng Railroad Company, Ro. 33? Sonth FOURTH Strom, on MOHDaY, the let day of May next, at 11H o'clock A. M apS-tmyl WM. H. WEBB. Secretary. KH“ MONUMEST CEMETERY. SO . TIOK -Th» Annual Meeting of the Lot Holders InIbeHOHUMBWT CEMETERY OF PHILADELPHIA, and Election for Managers to serve the ensuing year, will be held at the Hall of the Fire Association, south aide of HORTH Sgeet, west of Fifth street, on MOH- DaY AFTBBHOOR, the firm day of Maynext, at four o'clock. E. TAYLOR, apS2-8t Secretary. WANAMA&ER VjßßbwN t THE PRESS.-PRILABELP COA3U AT COST I HOUSEKEEPERS* COA.& COMPANY. OFFICE, 105 SOUTH FIFTH dTBhE?. BBM>W UHJBSVNUr. A Company has been formed abler the MtntagLa#i of FeoD'-yJ varna, of the above name, for rhe pur pose of *appljin* Coal toita members afc-prime coat, ‘ andyonaie hereby solicited to become* participant in its benefice.. The stock of the Company has been divided into 25,-' 000 shares, at $lO per share, making a capital of 4250,- 000, of which $OO,OOO is set apart for working.capttaL . It is the intention of this Company ‘o furnish each of its stockholders withonegroß* ton (2,240 pounds) of coal annually-, for each share of stock held by them during the exletexee of this Company (which has been char tered for sixteen years) at cost, if the stockholder de-. sires to receive it. * . Last winter a ton of coal of only 2009 pounds cost at yonr door $12.60, while the mining and aionol 2 2® pounds, cost only $7. fiO: thus making the enormous profit of five dollars on a single ton of coal, besides the difference in weight, Why par thediffffir ence, when by becoming a member of the Houaekeep* • era’ Coal Company yon will besome directly connected With the mining and delivery of yonr own Goal, there by seeming U good, clean, cheap* and of full weight r All these benefits are secared to yon at once if yon join this Company. The eh»rae‘er of the gentlemen, having this enterprise in charge is sufficient guarantee that the objects of the Association will be fully verified. The Company have pruoared the lease of the weLW known colliery of *' Brancodale, " situated about sevqF mites from Poueyille. on a branch of tbcMiaemUana Schuylkill Haven Sail road The coal is of the best quality of the region it being tfcecaleb’rated Spohn vain, ‘ The mine will now yield 40.C00 tons of coal per year, and can readily be mads, to double its present prodne tian at a very small cost. Tne supply may be said to be inexhaustible, for, so far as the existence of this Com ps n 7 is concerned,.Ucertainly is so. ... The mine complete working order, with au the machinery and per*o»al pj operty necessary and usual to Work a first-class colliery. The stock of this Company is not an inflated’one, it being based upon a fair equivalent in property. 3be investment will be a good one, as tbe Company expect i o realize sufficient profit from the sale of the aur* plus of all coal mined over 20,000 tons, to pay a good semi-annual dividend. _ .. „ - *' Information coneernlng the affairs of the Company can be obtained at the office. PREBTDEHT, B. F. LRAKB. M. D , Frankford. SECRETARY JOHJ BACON, office of tbe Company. TSEAfcORBR. THOB. WBIGGINS. 8. B. Cor. Fifth and Chestnut sts. QBSERAi AGENT, BOBT. K. COBSON. DISECTOBB. B F. LSAKB, | LEWIS THOMPSON. / B. H. JBBKS* THOHA9 WBIGGINS - JACOB W- BOCKIDg. spl7 tnwf24t rag” scHOiiHiu Affo srsdue* '■». EANHA EAILBOAB COMPANY, OFFICE BBT Bouth FOURTH Street. Philadelphia, April 6th, 1860 The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this company, and an, election /Tor President and six Managers, will take Discs at the OFFICE of. the COfi PABi, bn MONDAY, the Ist day of May next, at 12 .O'clock K. ' c ; *p7 tmyl WM. H. WEBB, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE BESOhCTE .1® MINING COMPANY, No 3»* WALNUT St. • Philadelphia, April 11, 1865. NOTICE U hereby siven that ail Stock of the BBSO- LtJTE MINING COMPANY on which instalments are due and unpaid is hereby declared forfeited, and will be.sold at public auction on SATURDAY, the 13th day of May, 1860, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the office of the Secretary of the Corporation, according to the Charter and By-Laws, unless redeemed on or before tbit day. By order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPBS, ap!2 tmylS Secretary and Treasurer. mjM} OFFICE GIBABD MINING COM. . PAST. Philadelphia, April24,lBi6. Notice is hereby given that an instalment or fifty cents per sh&te on each and every share of the capital stock of iihe „ GIB AND MI NING COMPANY Haethle day been called,in,payable on or before the gth_dav of Jsav. 1885, at tbe Office of the Company, No. 3»* WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. ' By order of the Directors. sp‘s troy 6 . . • B. A. HOPPES, Treasurer. THE BORTHEBHf HOME .FOB V 2& FRIENDLESS CHILDREN’—The Annual Meet ing of members will be held at the office of THOMAS EARP, Esq . President, V. & cor AHCHand &HVB will aslart thtlr own aauta, in whom ther hav. *onld»n«*, and t who onlr an to b.'naponaibl. for the deUvery of tba hota* for whieh th.r r*Miv« ord.ra. JAY 000 K E. KJBBGRIPTIO* AGBET, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, - FHILADBLFHIA. COUPONB, 5-20, ‘ % 08 1881. DUE MAY 1,1865. AND JULY-1, BOUOHT AT HIdHEST MABKET BATES, WM. PAINTER & 00., Banker apg-Iffl lit) SOUTH THIRD STREET.' ohielbs nnosr. anxz. behbom, in. OHABLKB BMOBY & CO., STOCK INI) EXCHANGE BROKERS, . Ho. 15 South Third street, hhiladelphul All kinds of nktnmnt fond* and Hold and Silver boitaht and sold, and Oolieetione mad*. , HartUniar attention liven to th* pnrahaa* and sal* of Government, State, and other Stoaka and Loana on eom inlsilon- noTT-dm 7.30. 5-20. 10-40. ADAMS & LEYIS, No. 805 CHESTNUT STREET, BANKERS AND BROKERS. All klnda of BBCUBITIEB AHD BTOOKB BOUGHT, SOLD, AHD NEGOTIATED. ; HOLD AHB SILVER BOUGHT ADD SOLS. ■ Speoial attention riven to OIL BTOOHA mhll-gm BOBUS. * KOEAOB B. nABBOV. ||I)W. ROBINS & CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, NO. ,7 SOUTH IHIBD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Ann mints or BANK NOTES, GOLD, SILVER, STOCKS. BONDS. AND GOVBBNHBNT SECURITIES, BOUGHT AND SOLD. Collection, made bn all parte of the country. ..p.Podte reeelyed, snbject to light draft and internet allowed. . , • mh7-3tn JgECOND NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, (LATE IBON CITY TRUST COMPANY.) CAPITAL. ®300,000. • BANKERS’ AND MKBCHANTS’ COLLECTIONS gromptly attended to on the moat favorable terms. 6. I. WARIER, President, g JOHN B. PATTEBSON, Caahlet. mhS gg >pHE FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, NO. 136 SOUTH FOUETH STSKBT, BELOW CHESTNUT, PayeftTeVereent. Intereet on Deposite. Agente for the aale of United Statee 7 3-10 Loane at Far. Goyern ment, State and City Loane and Stocks bought and sold for depositors and others on Commission- mh!B 3m SEW PCBUCATIOSS. rj PRESS, AND WILL APPEAR ON BATUBDAY, the 6th inet.. Fkistbd in Fbebob, HttTOKY 0F T JUHUS CB3AB. THE IMPEBOK NAPOLEON 111. - Ho work has excited so much attention ae the life of Julius Cesar, which has been so many years in prepa ration, involving the expenditure of large sums of mo ney in procaring material, examining localities, &c, . The style in wuieb the book is written is very simple and n ear, and readily nnderstood by even those who are net perfect in their knowledge of toe French lan guage. Ta* intent and meaning of an author can only be as certained by reading him in his own language The book will appear in small sro. (about 400 pages), With a portrait of Julius Cesar and maps, printed on tinted paper. Price of Vol. L, in doth, tinted paper6o A Cheap SditiotteJn paper covers 1 00 Rarly orders frau the Trade solicited. D. AFFL&Toa & CO , Publishers, myl-2t . and 441 D RROaDWAY. TJEV. E P. HAMMOND’S WORKS.— THE BBYIYAL MELODIST. A new Haste Book of choice hymns sad tones, of which nearly fifty thon eand have been printed. THE CHILD’S GUIDE TO HEAVEN. A hook we recommend for the Tonne. LITTLE ONES IN THE FOLD. Designed alike for -young and old, and containing many of tho beet hymns and tunes which Hr. Hammond nees in his meetings. THE HABVBST WOBK OF THB HOLY SMBIT, illustrated in the eTanieUstieel labors of Bey. Edward Payton Hammond. “No lover of revivals can tram ltspagee unmoved, or fail to havphla religious sensi bilities ittrred to the inner core ” THE BLOOD OF JESUS. With an Introduction by Mr. Hammond. _Al«o, a variety of STANDABD and BBLIGIOUS O S on 133 d CHESTNUT Btreat, apfl6-tf . Opposite U S. Mint. •MEW BOOKS! NSW BOOKS M i-Y Now edition! of THB EABLY DAWN, THE 80H0HBSBG-COTTA FAMILY, and DlaBY OF KIT TY TRRYYLYAIf. 16mo , Hated pacer, pat up ia a Sttthox. ■ HUSBAHDB ABD BOMBS. A UiW work by M&riofi Harj»nd. author of “AJoue,’* &o. DBRBIOK ABD DglliL. orau lnaight into tbe Dis covery. Ssvslopmeiit, and Present Condttlou and Fu ture Prospects or Petroleum. By author of * f Tea Aer»s Buough. M GHILDRSH m PARADISE. By Rev. Frederick H. Wines. 16m0,, vellum cloth, gilt &t> d tinted paper. For i&ie by JAMBS 8. GLAXTOR, Successor to W. R & A&FBKD MAKTIEir, apBS-tf 606 OHJBTJrUT Street BOOKS 1 NEW BOOKS 11 Just received by iJHMEAD b EVANS, (Hasard’a old Rand), No. V»* CHESTNUT Street. „ JULIUS Hietorv of J alias Cnsar by Na poleon 111. With portrait SKIKHIBHBB AND SKBTOHE3. By GaU Hamilton. HUNTED TO DEATH. A storv of Love ,and Adven ture. A new novel , PBTBOLBDM, DBBKIOK AND DBILL. An inaight into the Dlaeovery. Development, Condition, and Pros pects of Petroleum By the author of “Ten .Acres Enough. SHUT XOUE MOUTH. The Breath of Life; or, Hal- Beeplratlon and ite Sfftcts. By Geo. Gatlin, author ol S’tJ* l * Amongst tho North AnmriMn Indians. ” _ HABION BABLAND’S HBW HOVEL— HUSBANDS AND HOMES. Bytha authoro! “Alone,” “Hidden Path,’’fee. _ CHARLES LEVEE’S NEW BOOK, “LUTTBELLOF ABBAH.” In paper and muslin. . TRAVELS IN CENTRAL ASIA. Performed in 1868 By Armlnlas VimbSry. lUnstrated. ,BT. WINIFBED’S; or. The World of School. A book that wo recommend with full confidence. . ALL THE NEW BOOKS received ae soon as Issuad from tho press, and sold at lowest prises. apsB tf T OUIS NAPOLEON’B LIFE OF JU LIUS C2ESAB. BEADY THIS DAY, LIFE OF JULIUS By Louis . Napoleon, VoL L, with portrait. gIADLEY’S LIFE BHEBMAN. HEADLEY’S LIFE OF OBNBBAL GKAhT BEADLBY’S LIFE OF GIBEBAL MITCHBL. HEADLEY’S LIFE OF CAPTAIN EBICSSON. Each volume iiluatrated. . LINDSAY & BLAKRTON, . PnbDshers and Booksellers, aps4-tf . *O. B 5 Bo nth SIXTH Street A FPLETON’B N B W AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. —Complete in 16 volumes. . Various Styles of Binding. _ XBBBLLION RECORD, by Frank Moore, in 8 vote. *BBIVALE'B HISTOis OP THE BOHANS-now complete. ~ YheAgcacy tor these valuable workc teat • ' 38 South SIXTH Street, aboveTOiatot^. epS-M JAS. K. SIMOMe S. E. OOE. SIXTH AND MAEKET STEEETS. RETAIL DRY ROODS. pEACE AND PROSPERITY PRICES. EIRE & LAMELL, - FOURTH AND ARCH, IMPOBTEBB, JOBBERS. AHD BETAILEBB ’ OF FUSE DRY ROODS. - . ap26-wgm2m JJEAVY LINEN BHEETIN GS, A® W.SSS AND *£so FES YABD, jost nioaivßn. SHEPFABD, VAN HABMNOEN, A ABBISON, ap%etlf 1008 CHESTHDr Street. CfeWSSLESSSP 09 dress GOODS. 81Jk GRBNADINSS, sopsrbitTlei Spring POPLIHs, Utwt *tyi*r Piaid und Plain LB»08. Black and Brown VALENCIAS American and French LAWNS. Spring Btylce c# CHALLI DR LAINRS* # Spring 6E AWLS, in variety, fit _JOHN H. STOKES', w « No. 703 ARCH Street. N; dozen Ladies' Bleached HO££, at ilk cents P« pair. jayi TIDIES OR TOILETS.— WS -V' would invite special attention to the large and choice assortment just received, at quite reasonable prices Beal Guipure Laces, a large assortment, many widths and patterns, at reduced prices. Imitation Black Guipure Laces* a very full stock, at very low prices. , White Silk Trimming Laces, called Blonde, the largest assortment, some exceedingly choice designs in wide good*, at low prices. Black Silk Laces, fine medium and Low grades, every desirable width, much less than regular prices. White Bnbbinstt Footing or Quilling, Nos. 14, IS. 18. 20. 24, 30, 36 40, £O, 60, at from 2 to 0 cents a yard. Pac tiej'using.Quantities supplied at lowest market prices. • „ Workec Bands. Now open a large quantity of these desirable goods, at 30, 40, 00 to SO cents—the double band containing 2 yards Much less than usual prices. Best patterns, -well worked * , Tucked, Shirred, Striped and Plain Muslins, for bodies, under regular prices. White Figured Nets, hand wrought, neat and pretty patterns, on fine double ground net, only $1 a yard, at wOßNu'S'Lace and Embroidery Store* No 38 North BIGBTH Street myl-lt* TAGS & BROTHER OPEN BAR GAINS FEOH AUCTION. ' GKgAT BACBIFICB! ‘■“lots. SoosetsLinenCollatb and Cuff*, embroidered 1 in.white and bjaek, 60 cents toslpsrset* ‘ „,... < .ia; i^..2loti: Blue tGrenadlneWeils, Stripe borderstfoaly6o Ceuta. ' - ' ~i n! • •• ' * ‘ 1 lot Fink Paris Tarleton*. 25 cents. S lots .Ladies 3 bleached {lotion. Stockists,2s to 50 cents*' cheap. » ■ i. 4 lot* dents* unbleached Cotton Half-hone, 25, 31. 40. and €0 cents. ; , * * 1 lot Scoteli DUp«r», *5 for Plocas. 1 lot fine Huckaback Towelllor, St! coat*. 2 lots Bird CTO Apron Linen.' 80 end 87K cento. 2 lot* Snowdrop nnd Bun.sk H Napkin., $3 end $3.25 per dozen:- '•-••-? *. iw I lot-8-'4ahd double Dtm&ek Table’cloths, $3 Hemstitch Linen Cambric Handker chiefs, 02 and 75 cents. 1 lot Ladies* White Lisle Thread Gloves, 25 cents 1 lot Ladles* Vodecolors Lisle Thread Gloves,2o cants. Slots Swiss Mnstin*, half price. 3U 4b, and 44 cents. 1 lot Ladies’ corded-border Linen Handkerchief* 18 cents. 2 Mth lustre sttk finish Alpacas, extra fine, $176. :1 lot Shepherd’s Plaid Mohairs. 50 cents. Alee, Bibbons, Gloyes, Handkerchiefs, Trimmings, tfotionß—all banains, at TAGG & BROTHER'S ✓ Cheap Auction Store, Comer TENTH and PISTE. TOHN P. YOUMG, ' Mo. 70 Horth FOTJBTH Street, Hu , sow la stole a most extensile usortmenl ol „ DBBSS GOODS »t thoTBBY LOWBgr PKICBB. J Si TO THE PUBLIC. Hay)** been employed by CITY COTUT CILS, a tribute of respect on their part to the memory of that 3od- fearing. God-loving Patriot. A TUB, ATT AM LINCOLN, toFhotocrsph the HBAKSE need la the Fu- neral Procession April 32,1865, and having eopyrithted the same, me are now prepared to furnish the pnblia with Copies at a reason- able price. BENSZET «fc CO,, PHOTOGEAPHBKS, 813 A*oh Street, „ PHILADELPHIA. ap26-6tif CABINET AND LIFE-SIZE PHOTOGBAPH3 OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN, IS CBAYOH. Beet picture ever offered to the pnblie. HESS2EY St 00„ Photographers. ap27-flt 81a ABOH Street. FHOTOGBAFHS OF PBBSIDIHT LIK COLH ABD HIS 808 THADDBUS, Wholesale aad Retail, at HBHSZBY & CO.'S, Photographers. 813 A BOH Street. ' MILLINERY. 70t? CHBSTKUT STREET * 5L25?S a watniacent assortment of 6PSIN6 Mil LINAS! AND STKiW 0001)8, Which I offer, wholesale and retail, at the lowest market prlcss Ponltde Boies and Gros deftspies in all colors; the more desirable and scarce colors, snch as buff, pearl, rose pint, &c , in an assortment of shades. Best White, Black, and Colored Crapes. Blbbons of every shade, marrow and wide, to match materials. French Flowers, the finest goods, prettiest styles, at reasonable prices ■ IN HATS AND BONNOTS ’'S,?? e^S?frT , B6W shape in every variety of material. Wide White Licss, Barbel.Maunes of every quality. The best French and New York Bonnet Frames, and every other article required in making or trimming a bonnet or hat. _Also, a handeomo line of the host quality Grenadine Veils, all colors Orders from the country promptly and accurately at tended to. _ w. WBYJj, No. YS6 CHIBTNDV Street, Snccessor to M. Bernhelm. STATIONERY A BLiKK BOOKS. rYEL,, MINING, COAL, AND OTHER v NSW COMPANIES. We ve prepared to furnish New Corporations with all tie Books they require, at Short notio. and low pricea, of Brat quality. All atylea of Blsdlnc. BTBBL PLATE CBBTIPICATEB OP STOCK. LITHOGEAPHJU) TBANSFEB BOOK. OXDBBS OP TBANSFEB. STOCK LEDGES. STOCK LBDQKB BALANCES, BEGISTEB OP CAPITAL STOCK. BBOKEB’a PETTY LEDGEB. ACCOUNT OP SALES. BmDBNB BOOK. MOSS Ac CO., BLANK BOOK MANUf ACTCEEBS AND STATIONEBS, 5620-tf 43A CHESTNUT Street. CMALL PROFITS ARD QTJIOK SAIiEB. BLANK BOOKS. Paper md Envelope*. Copjin* and Cancelling Pr sites. Geld Pen* and Quells. Pocket Books, Wallets. and Bankers’ Cates, Backgammon Wrihng Peaks. PBOTOGBiW ALBUMS. The largest and finest assortment in the city, holding from 13 to MO photographs, bound in velvet ana Turkey morocco, with chased edges aad beautiful clasps. OHSAFBST ALBUMS IN THB CITS . Arnold s Ink Fabe? J s Lead Pencils. Copying Bjoks. Pilses reduced to correspond decline in gold. Wholesale and Retail BLANK BOOK.ABB PHOTO ASAPH ALBUM MANU PACTURBBS. STATIONERS AND PHINTBRB f APIS im No. »9 South FOURTH Street. f£HE “EXCELSIOR” HAMS ABE THE BEST nr' ' THE WORLD 3. H. MICHMER & CO., OBHBBAA PSOYISIOH SEALSES, . % ’ ASP OUEBB3 Op THB OBLBBRATBD “ EXCELSIOR ” SB&AKrQUEEDHAMS, TONGUES, AND - BEEF, Nos. 14S and 144 N. FRONT ST.. Batweon Arch aad B&oe strata, Phllada. Tha jortlp celebrated "IXCKL8IOB” HAMSare mnl b, J. H. H. & <36. (In & style peculiar to them wlyea), expressly for FAMILY USB; era of deUsion* i.Tor; free from, the anplsaaaat tart, of nit, and an proaouaced by eplcurea superior to aar mow offend for eale. . : mhaS-ftayrSm gEOOO * PUfiH, tros. 1731 and 4733 MABKKT Street. SOLE BBCEIYBBS OF THB FOLIO WUfO WELL KHOWB ABD ESTABLISHED BBAUDS' OF FLO U Br " JOBE HUBBELMAE." •• JBMi. MILLS.” ‘■PKIDK 01 THE WEST,” •"KOSCIUSKO," "CITY MILLS,” “ EiOLE MILLS. ”*n4 otiei PKKBSILVAHIA AUB WSSTBSH BU&HBS. The Trade sopplled at market rates. apld-lm TASTEFUL AND SUBSTANTIAL, OIAJTHING -WTAFTED—A BOOM, FURBISHED .* » or unfuroiebed, by an Association ofYoong Hen. LccftHt* .ftetttvtii Girard avenue and Spring Garden, R»d Fifth end Algbib »treet«. Address “ Athena?n, ,} j Frets Office. ; myl-2i* WASTED—AT NO 1331 CHESTNUT BUSINESS MBfifwrthW) to *S (bo other* seed tall), to operate in the Middle and East era States* as join F&rtseis in an inameose enterpn.ee, which will speedily inanie a life competence * * parties* and no humbug. my lot* WANTED—AGENTS, MALE AND it Female. in every section, to tell a sew. o*eiat. and eeUir g article. F»**sse send 50 cen ta Ur sample and Instruction* to FRAfiK ARTHUR, Box K 7. Philadel phia Post Cffica It* WANTID-A SITUATfON IN A „ 1 roromfesion or Wholesale Hones by a Young Man, Stye&rso* age Addrees Box 372, Post Office. myl-mw2t* WANTEJ>-$8 ? 000 TO INVEST AS "" partner in some wholesale boeinasa, by an en terprising young man Best of references given and required. Agrees *'T,” at this office. It* WANTED-IN A WOOLEN JOB * » bine House, a SALESMAN, acquainted with the to sell by sample. Address “Plato,” at this Office. It* WANTED—A'f’OSITION AS SUPER. IHTEBDESTor Corresponding Secretary to an Oil Company by a capable business man. well acquaint ed with the oil regions of Pennsylvania Best of refe rences given. Address **B. D. C.,*’ SoaseviHe. Ve nango co , Pa ap2B-fntw4V* WANTED— AGENTS BVERY wlere, to sell the best Engraving and most cor rect Likeness of aBRAHa* iTIBCOLff. -The most liberal terns will be made withactlve and rePable Agents. Address I. J. BTJLRE ft CO ,46 North SIXTH Street. Philadelphia* Pa. ap2B 3t* WANTED—ONE CORNET-PLATER ” end one Flute-player. Inquire of JOBS MOB GIB. 16RO MARKET Street. ap27 Bt* WANTS D—AT flO PER DAY— agents in every* neigborhood in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, to sell a beantifni engraving of Abra baxn Lincoln Address BA&TLRBOH& CO*. No. 611 CBBSTNUT Street, (second floor) Phil*. aplg-itt WANTED, AT $l5O PER MONTH, "A EELUBDE CAHVAPSBR in every town and county, for the NURBS and SPY. the most interesting and exciting booh ever published, embracing the ad ventures of a woman in the Union army as Nurte, Scent and Spy, giving a most vivid inner picture of the war. We have Agents dealing $l5O per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circular*. Address “JOBES, BROS. & CO., Ho. 600 CHJBbTHUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa.* 1 ap!B-lm* A GENTS WANTED, TO SELL THE “ferine improved Be w-Bnglar d Family SEWING MACHINES, behest Machine in the world Address A. L LEMURS ft CO., *•••;• apStfi lm* Boat 63. Orariga, Mass.; HONYEYANCER A •V'. young man who is thoroughly acquainted with the business, and is correct and energetic; a favorable offer will b* made. All communicatloha confidential. Address “Z. A.,” 80xN0.843 Post Office, with name and reference, - v-» - &p28~3&* pANALiBOAT BUILDERS AND -VJ.GItfIKMKS WANTED, at CHE6TER. ■J Constant employment given- Address - WILLIAM FRICK ft CO., apl&lm Chester, Penna. PMPLOTMENT HOUSE FOR HOUSE. “ KEBFRRB, Seamctre****, Chambermaids, Waiters, Horses, Cooks, Laundreßße*. and eeneral housework. whits and colored. SOM LOCUST SI. .apt-lm PMPLOTMENT HOUSE fob OLERKB, Book-keeper*, Salesmen. Packers. Porter*. Watch men, Coachmen, Drivers, Condoctors. Bar-tenders. Watters,Farm.hands, Garoenera.&c. Employers suited at short notice. 803 and 804 LOCUST St, apt-lm fJREATEST THING OF THE TIMES o -BOWBN'B PRIZE BB VBLOPBS. -Agent* wanted everywhere. Premium Watches given to Agents. On receipt of $l6 we will mail, post-paid* 100 Envelope*, and a splendid Solid Silver Hunting-Case Watch as » premium to the agent, x single Envelope sent, with clrcum and fuUpartieulara, os receipt of2Bcents. Ad* dress A. H. ROW EH ft GO., P. 0., 80X4270,36 BEES MAH Street, K, Y. mh^T-Sm T AW-—A YOUNG GENTLEMAN will be received as a STUDENT in the office of a practicing Attorney; and hie service* deemed an equi valent therefor Address “Counsellor, ’ 5 Press office, with address and reference. ap&3t* TO DRUGGISTS.—WANTED TO PUR chase a good Retail Drug Store « an interest in one Addresa D. 0. NELSON, myl-2t* Office of The Preie. apS-Imlf ADBhPHiA, Apri1,,1865. a*26-myl 61015 PEREMPTORY SALE, TO CLOSE A A Partnership Concern. FOUR FIRST-GLASS STORES THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. On TUESDAY, May 16tb, 1865, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described highly finished valuable STORES Noe. 9,11,18 and S BANK Street, and Nos. 12,34. 16 and 18 STRAWBERRY Street, (two valuable fronts,) between Market and Chestnut and Second and Third streets. Clear of all incumbrance. MNo. L All that superior five- story brick stare, (first story granite,) situate on the east side of Bank street, south of Earket street. So. 9; containing In front on Bank street 28 feet S& inches, and extending in depth of that width 61 leet Bin ches. then widening on the north ride 7 feet, and extending of that in created width 80 feet, making the entire depth 131 feet S inches through to Strawberry stre*t, on which street the front is 36 feet 1 inch, more orlese. Sale absolute. Rented for $4,000, m no. 2 ® All that superior five-story brick and Iron front store and lot of ground, east side of Bank street, ad joining the above on the south, bring No. 11: contain ing in front on Bank street 30 feet 6K Inches and ex tending in depth m feet 8 teches to Strewberr^“tree* on whieh street the front is 80 feet 1% inches, more or less. Sale absolute. Rented for $4,600. iBSI All ihat superior five-story brick and iron front store and.lot of ground, east aide of Bank street, ad joining the above.on theaouth, being No 13; contain login front on Bank street SO feet 2 8 inehea, and ex pending of that width-52. feet* then widening on the south ride 12 feet, afed extending in depth of that in* creased width 79 feet 4 inches, the entire depth being 131 feet 8 Inchea to Strawberry street, more or lew. on wbich str,e t thefront ia43.'estBi&cfce*. Sate absolute. Rented tor *5,0(0. They recede from the line of the.street, on the Bank street front S feet 10 Inches, on Strawberry street 3 feetld inches, „3®-The above stores (re built sad tolled Inthe raoej thorough n* substantial manner, and every precaottaa taken to tender them fire- proof—very hear, ported by iron pillar.—.wo hatchwara—lroa flre-p»M built in the cellar—vaults under both streete. ana re plete throughout with all the modern improvements and conveniences. The above three are clear of all latouiw.. branee. JR All that superior ton? store brick store (first story granite)and lot of ground straateonrhe SW. owner ls“k street and Elbow Una Ho. M; containing in Dront on Bank" trees Id feet d inches, an. extending tn depth Bi feet It t. will bniitand a valuable hasinaeg stand. Wanted for 8901, would rent-for more. B SnWecttoTv«rly ground ren t of S&9l. lygee Bai* absolute «*f the whole. pare a TBO2UB & SONS. Auctioneers, 239 and 141 South FOURTH Street, anss-mriems AX REASONABLE PEIOES, WANTS. OIL LEASES of property situate on DUCK CREEK, OHIO. auction sales. eism CITT BAZAAR AND TATTER. PALIS. BACK BFKEBT BETWEEN EL i. tenth andWeltt2«**ewk STERB tf CHAMPION, Auctioneers, mil sen on _ . , TUESD IT, Kay 2d. at U o’clock, OBeof the Bne.t sucks of HORSES ever offer-4 »t set. horse.' ““Wising trotting, family, farm, and draught W«l°’ /' r TL 8, I e r- _,WSKOS«, baggie*, phaeira*, roska- S3 “T Lind, dearborn wagon*. *e . male Oy aisr.w?. I- with harsessl whip- saddles e,b»? < cHV m»k»“ ad 6 by PhnU ”' PiBR »- »««•“* in I 'tim. P f «'tbilSe ,n C “ sl0 «« 8 ’ » 1!Ib3 »*«» Nopostponement on aeconntof weather. TelJ<:les harness aiwai bon haul at prf- Splendidsfahle accommodations t„ hones eat-red for public or private sale. STEKk & CHAMPION. Auciloneers. AMUSEMENTS. MTEW CHESTNUT-STREET THEA II! TEE-CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH. last five nights (MOST FOSmVELT) OF TBR ACCOMPLISHED AMERICAN ACTE ESS >*• ASP PHILADELPHIA FAVORITE. MBS. D. P. BOWBKfe, whowlll appear os MONDAT AND TUBED AT EVENINGS, May Ist and 2d. in her ablepersonatiouof LADT AUDLBI, In the beantifni play, in three acts, adapted from Mlu Braddcz 'a popular work, styled LADT AUDLBT’B BEOBBT. THE GREAT SUCCESS of Mr*, bowers in this, undoubtedly one of her MOST FINISHED ASSUMPTIONS. . _"! en Id) ! t proven by the nzanlmon* praiae be stowed upon her by the P s? B LHFa* EABtT . EVERT CITT IN THE UNION She will be supported by ME IRAKK MOEDAChT as EGBERT AUDLBT. ana the ... __ , ._ FULL STRENGTH of the Efficient Regular Company. 7be prrforxcance on Monday and Tuesday L. Bning* WtU coneinde wuh theamnsiog Drama caUed _. . _ „ THE WEATBERCOCK Trlstam Fickle—■ —...— gr L«wl iRaV.r WEDNESDAT EVENING. L4DT OFLIOnI . _ FBIDAT EVEJISG. MivSth, 054 Farewell Benefit and Last Appearanca of MBS. D. P. BOWERS. SATURDAY APTS SHOOS AND EVENING. May 6th GRAND COMPLIMBBTAB! BENEFIT OF “ HR. WM B SINN, HaNAGSK. when an extraordinary bill of attraction will be offered. P¥ OBESTNUT-STREET THEA a-7 TBE -EXTRA ANfroUSCBMEST GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT GRAND OOMPLIMESTABY BaSKFIT to manager mk wa. b sikn. o,rrS2. M ir H ' i S E A ME - WM B, SIN*. AFIEBSUON and EVENING, May «. THBCOhYaBT AND ATTAOHB3 OF THE TUEiTKE •• ' w . IB THE AFTEBNoOm. iiiniL-tts .Tie performance will contist of the great Moral Drama, in five act, and tableaus, styled UNCLS TOM'S CABIN ADMISSION TO TBE BATISBE 30 OBSTS TO ALL PARTS OF THE HOUSE. „ I* THE EVENING The Peformance will commence with THE GREAT SUCCESS OF LAST SEASON, The Grand Drama, in three act*, the COLLEEN BAWN. After which by kind permission of „ ME*SBS. OaRNCROSS & DIKEY, Mr- LEU SiMMONS. Mr HABBS Lgdß and Mr. E. N. SOLCUM having aindly volunteered, will ap pear in the LOCAL ETHIOPIAN SKETCH, „ . TBE OIL BORERS. - ,To coneinde with the domorou* Drama, In two acta, •tyied. MICAUBEB. It BOK BOOK OPEN (IN MONDAY MORNING. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCB .LV-*- btbeet theatre REVIVAL OF THE GREAT SUaCRSK MONDAT EVENING, MaT to. 18® THE STREETS OF NEW TORE. ’ WITH ITS GREAT CAST. MAGNIFICENT SCENERY. x, ... , and thrilling tableaux -For particular*, see bills* TUESDAY- BENEFIT OF MB. CARDEN WALKUTSTRBET THBATBR f f The tfucaiemenfe i« happy ip anaott- ca a jngagement with the youthfoL beautiful, and talented favoiile, IUCILLE WESTERN, Wno wJJlirake herfiret appearance THIS (Monday) ETENiNG. Stay let. In her great dnal Characters of LADT (SABEL and MADAME TINE. Da C. W Tarleure’a original and emotioaal Play of EffiT LYNNE; OR, THE ELOPAMBST. my ARCH6TREET THEATRE. ■**- MRS. THAYER'S BBSBMT. WSBSESBaT, Hay 3,1865. £e£!nc drama of a .« «a **a»JS OF S£W T 0&. And Petite Comedy for „ MB. and MBS. BAKSR, JtSf Box Book opea. QABL WOLFSOHN THBO THOMAS respectfully anno ele ee that their FIFTH CLASSICAL COffCBSr will take place THIS tMOSDAY) EVgHtBTG, May Ist. AT THB Fill BE > OF THg M ACADEMY OF MUSIC- Single Tickets, $L 50 each; can be had at the Hosts Store* and on the even lag at the door. Poors open at 7 o’clock; Concert at 8. It TO SWIMMERS.—THE NAT A TO * EItJM 19 BROAD Street will be open for puMic in spection daring the daj and until 9 o’clock CHIS E7g- ELfIG. Dr. JajSSES will be there during fcne entire day to do tbe honors. it OP FINE ARTS, CHEBISIT STREET. ABOVE TENTH. NOW OPEN, EBB FOBTT- SECOHD AfllTOiL BXBIBITIOm PAINTING AND hOUL'PTURE. Omu from 9 A. M HllV P. Jt ! , and from 8 till 1® la tie Strain*. apW-t je3 COLUMBIA HOUSE, CAPE MAY, N. J, Will be opened fox ibe reception of guests, on THUESDAT, Jane 15, 1885. 1» tie %teniion of the proprietor that the COLUH ®i4 fully snstain the popular reparation which it has already acquired* and he respectrully so licits the public attention for ths coming season Ar rangements are in progress for the accomniodation of an extra’ number oft nests, and we are assured the Bailroed faciiitie* will be excellent for all who desire to visit this favorite summer resort. AS* Beck’s celebrated Philadelphia Band has been secured for the season; For Rooms. Ac.. apply to J. H. DENNISON, at Mer chants* Hotel, Philadelphia; or to * GEO. J. BOL.TON, Proprietor, myl lOt* CAPE ISLAND, N. J. BOAROINe. TO RENT, WITH BOARD—ONE OB *- two communicating BOOMS. Ho. 1333 SFBHGB Street. aps9»3t*-fi WANTED—BOARDING IN A PRI * y VATE Family, by Two TOUNG QBHTLEXK9. Addrers Bon XS, Philadelphia P O. ap2B-38* CUMMER BOARDING.—ACOOMMO DATIOHS for a few LADIES and OEHTLEMBH (of loyal political sentiments) can he tarnished b» the subscriber, within a few .minutes walk of the Railroad station, in Cheater. For terms, apply to MARTHA SMITH, Chester, Delaware co.. Fa ap29 3t* LOST AND FOUND. J OST OR STOLEH—OH THURSDAY, 27rh intt—fluppoad to he while riding in a Fifth and Sixth street Paetengerfhrilway c*r—a. POCKET BOOK, containing money > -due bills, aad private me morauda. If returned to this office one half the money may be retained as a it ward, and no question* Mhed, ap29-2t* ® F. REWARD—LOST, ON GOOD FKE DAT, a BOOK, entitled “The Hstnn of Evil,’’ by Henry James. The finder, or a substitute, will receive on leaving it at 108 Sonth EIGHTEENTH Street; -