PUBLISHED DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) BY JOHN W. EOKNEY. O7YIOI Ho. HI SOUTH FODKTH STHBST. TH E DAILT FBESS, To cur Baheerlbere, Is Tim DoMAea not Inrun, In idTinee; or Twtsntt Cbuts pm Week, pittM. to too Cirri«. Hilled to SnbMribera oat of the eltT. Him Dollars mi Hraun; Four Dollars im Piwt Cskts Ton Sit Mohth»: Two Dollars ahd Twrutt-hv* Oth tb TOT tsxtT Hohths, InnrlAhly In iAtumo lor the Hate ordered. t' nr AdrertUemont* Ineeried it the nenil rate*, t SHE TBI-WEEKLY PSESS, f Hilled to Snbtoriben, Pith Dollars m Awnni, In f«dTan«a. BQ.R & DRY ROODS JOBBERS. 1865. BPRING 1865. HALLGWELL, GABMEB, & CO., 016 OLEESTIVTJT STREET, JAYNE’S XEABB£E BUILDING!, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN mss MD FISCT BKT &0995. H»re how la ztock an suortment oI BMOK AWD COLORKDDBEBB BILKS. BLACK ABD COLOEBB MOBS. SB LAISES, 3-4 ■ CBAPEMABBTZ, BABEIIB HBBHABI. : MOZAMBIQUE, TOIL SB BOBD. PARIS PBIBTED ABD FLAIH JACOBBTS ABD ! OEOAHBIES. PACIFIC LAWHB ABB OBSABDIIS. BUIgPB. *«. 1865. m. R. CAMPBELL & CO., •'’imrowm w ABB jobhbbs or dst goods, •Sim CHESTNUT STREET* (Ash buyers at wholesale i£t«a»lT< assoriimont of .bolao fabrlo* Is ’tj&xieH mo ,«oeus, •jjjp&d tmd«rmarket ratM, .test I. daily zerlenlebed jfltt Bji mart ifr,. ofT.rtfiS. of SU» Md msii.Ss,' It brill 9W«rfsti«e wrtiiTonfl*p«(rtfo2. f *afi4k' * 'ifwoiama boohs in? staihs, gspiNG.isee. TOB, BiH§, ft, MILLOB, Cm. *e mi ** ffoaro *eied wbkbbu ■' rf ; . IHPOBTBRB 0* - : 'A l HOSIERY. ’. ■ sjfIAEL WAKES; L; : -a». W< 1 ’WHITE OO Ol> e. h. XAKTOAOTPKHXS «» ■2» t , ; . BBIBT FBOMTB. 'PRHSfij-1885. EDMUND YABD A 00.,. 0S CHESTNUT AND *M. JAYNE STBEET, HAYS KOW IN STOK A TOLL S?OOK i ‘ SELES AND FANCY DBESS GOODS, * AaaSBXOAN DELAINES, BALMOBALS, SHAWLS AND. GLOVES, WHFEMtOODS AND LESTBNS, fTiiitfyr* oUi to tt*’Wt«« at ti« low»t, laartrtt ttitSlP' | mIOB-taifo KaKT, SANTEE, & CO., DIFOBTEBS AND JOBBERS; - w "S' €t- O'©33 S * tnhem HUI a#l North VUrd Street, rsauowemt. SSwSwa#, SoSm®*! ‘ . VaUtßSfa!. JUpMBB, > Fancy Dross Goods, Oottoss4ai, Brown and Bleached Sheetings, JcnlnsS, Brown and Bleached Shirtings, Knpas, Dmlsn onarabrssi Chech*,* Ornish Tweeds, tteghual, Hancols, ldntne, jahS-thitusm m. , 1865. ■ ECHO MXUjS, GERMANTOWN, FA. at’CJAXJLUM &> CO., i' ■' ' 'kaWtrFAOTUEEHS AND IMPOKTEKS OF , CABPETDVGB, 018 OiiOTH, MATTINGS, Aora»xD *t rax SPRING. No. 833 ARCH Street. ■O9 GHBSTNUT BTBEET. JTHUT STREET. -. . .. ? TOL. 8.-NO. 233. CigRTAINjB(^BS. J < B. WALRAYBN, MASONIC HAUL, <919 CHESTJffUT STREET, HAS OPENED HIS BPIt IN G STOCK WINDOW SHADES, OF SNTEKBLY HBW DESIGNS, LACE CUBTAINa IW NEW ANDBIOHPATTKBHSj NOTTINGHAM ©URTAtNS, iDTSKBSO- ESPECIALLY FOB BLEEPING ROOMS, BELOW GOLD KATJ^I.^ fiTKIrAJBzTU > . ~ JJDWARD P. KELLY, JOHN KELLY. ■rAix.ois.@, &1S CHESTNUT STREET, save irow nr sfosx _. . . A OOHPLBSB ASSORTMENT OF .T..' ~ *- i’ SPRING GOODS. ' «KftiTi9’ A'UKiSfiSHliStt OOOOg. - SKI + -■ ■\iVW.^V\A DINE SHfiyf^iNtft’ACTOßY. #hUh they make a ejjaeialty In tfcelr business. Also, S. « H AHMS” FINE CASSIMERES. OASSIMSRES FOB BOYS. BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS.? LADIES’ ZEFHYB S ACKINGS, FINE FRENCH COATINGS. NEW LOW TRICES. COOPER &, CONARD, S. E. Cor, Ninth find Market Sts, apla-tf ' ' ’ 103* OHlte-gaPY BTKBBT. E. S« NEEDLES, CbcMnut Street, Hm •‘rednaed” Ma “entirestock y * to eorra- spond with the-recent heavy "DECLINE IN GOLD,” uo bow ornous ram urras or > TO! GOODS. LACES. BHBBbIDEBIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, (DIES. SLEEVES. DOLLARS, SETS EAitBSS, Etc. Also, a great variety o'P'tjTiSs, shirred,puffed, striped, plaid, scored, and otterfsnoj Muslins, snitablefer „ „ WHITE BODIES. Just received, a Terr large lot of choice styles Heedlewoik, Edgings, and Inserting!, Terylow. Also, Dnshess, Empress, Qneen Boss, and otter new stylos Ooliaro and Beta, IPX* CHESTNUT STREET. I7ROM AUCTION, A. . 1,000 yds* 4*4 Bleached Muslin, I*ooo yds, 4-4 Bleached Muslin, Only 20 Oasts* ’Only 20 Cents, Pillow Case Muslin, 28 Cents. Pillow* Case Muslin, 23 Cents, a T UPIN’S BRACK DOUBLE-WIDTH a Bll ” 181 Lupin’s Mode Wool Delaines, 62 cts. ; Black Alpacas. 60, 66, 76. 88, 91, &e. Li«h& Color* Alpacas, 62 c;s —a bargain. Auction lot Plaid MAimirs, 2? «ta. - Best American Prifet", 20 and 25 cis, .White Cambrics, Ac. .White and Buff Pique. DOMESTIC GOODS. Tery lowest market prices for our -fall and lively Stock. COOPER & COlf ABD. apl9-tf S. B. eor. NINTH and MABKKI Streets. >CTILL GREATER REDUCTIONS IN O pbigbs. We hare made aweepinff reduct ions Is the pi lees of ,>045 Efc TIGS. and our entire Stock or Faney and Staple 3*y Goods, so as to mee? the last fall in sold* aad place he prices of all our stoek far feoioir the lowest market SILKS, every rariety,?at reduced prlcos, DBBSS GOODS at redueed prices. KOBLINS, all the best makes, reduced. CALICOES at areally reduced prices. Our entire Spzlnc SSoek at reduced prices. . . . r * H. STEEL & SOS, mh234f Dot. 713.aad 715 North TENTH Street. SPRING DRESS GOODS, OF NEW 3 STYLES, OPBBIMS DAILY, Spring stylse Valencies, gsrlng style! Soil d« ChaTld. Spring styles of Poplin*. SprinegoUurade Lain**, **w atylea of Dng«obodj, is great variety. „ 2B?Wnr HALL & CO., wM-*f 3B Sonth ijgOOBI) Street. WALL PAPERS. SPRING STYLES F H ID A D E Itf Eld WALL PAPERS! HOWELL & BOIME, Ef. E. 008. FOTJHTH AND MARKET STS,, HANDFAOTKBESS 0( PAPER HANGINGS ADD WINDOW SHADES. mbSS-tbatn 2m gNGLISH BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH ALE, IH STOHE AND SLABS, ALBERT O. ROBERTS, ' DBALBS JJf IQ] OBOCBBIBB, Oornwof BLBYIgTH mi YHU St«. SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS HE WOMD ter HttllßOWg SX7BAQX BDOHI. jyjEDICAL ELECTRICITY, WONDERFUL SCIENTIFIC MSCOYIM! DR. S. W. BECKWITH’S (FORMERLY PROF. C. H. BOLLES') ELECTRICAL INSTITUTE, 1220' WALNUT STREET,, YOB THE TREATMENT OF ACUTE AND OHRONIO DISEASES. Electrienl investigation bas proved that hntnan body acte on the principle of the ealvanic'bitttr r. The train, mucous and serous membranes, the sfcljMisenes, and balds, conttliute the negative aniposlUvaforcss; and every notion, whether niemtal or .physical, is tha resnltof these antagonistic forces; Digestion, retplra . lion, circulation, secretion, and excretionare due solely to Electrical indnenca. There Is a poltr action entv hllshed throuahont the nervous systeinryhfch c.oanaotj wltheyery part of the bndyiestahUshing and' preserving a proper balance of the electrical feemehtr, which Soa stitntee health, and a disturbance of which causes dis ease. There are strictly hut two conditioas of disease— one of Inflammation, or posltlye- ths othor weak, debili tated, negative; and as Electricity contains thsse’two conditions in the action of tke. positive and negative .currents, all we have to do is io n'eutralize" the dlteaee sud restore proper healthy p.cUok. We do not wlah to convey thelmpresslon that we cure all diseases lit all conditions. We cannot core consump tion after th, lungs are all decoyed; jet we.doaiosrt, and-are prepared to ' diedsof eases of almost svery foim of chrualc diyoass, prondunetfi incurable bjj the beat medlcsTAaethttaerl of!the country; haye-hean radically otraao, ,ome of 'them in ah Incredibly short time, by ear Electrical treatment.. Its great superiority oyer other practices In the cure of dlßsaas is also attested in the fast that, within the past bye years, over fourteen ihouxaM d patlebte have been treated at this office, suffering from almost every form and eondltion of dtsosee common to hu manity, ana In nearly all cares a benefit or perfect sure has been effected. Therefore, with theso FACXS to ■ prove our theory and treatment of dieses#, we are will ing to undertake any of the following diseases, with every lope and prospect of success, with very many others not here enumerated: 1. Diseases of the Brain and Mrmnts System —Epl lepsy, Shores or St. Titus* Dance, Paralysis (Hemlpls gissna Paraplegia), Neuralgia,Hysteria, Kervonsness, Palpitation of the Lock-jaw, etc., etc.; also, diseseee M the Eye and Bar, 2 Organs and Tissues eonneeted vjith the Digestive System. —Sore Throat, Dyspepsia,' Dlarrhffii, Dysen tery, Obstinate Constipation, Hremorrhoide .or Piles, Billons. Flatulent, and Painter’s Colic, and all affee tionß of the Liver and Spleen. S. Respiratory Organs.— Catarrh,Dough, InflaeMa, Asthma (when not caused by organic- disease of the heart!, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Pleurodynia lor Rheuma tism of the Chest, Consumption in the early, stages. 4. Fibrous and Muscular System.— Bheumattssfe Gout, Lumbago, ttiff Keek,. Bpinal Carvsta)?; r Hip Blecare, Oaheera, Tumore. f* ! i * - .5, Urinary and Genital Organs.— fffdvel, Sind Kidney Complaints,lmpotorcr and Seminal Weak ness. The latter complaints never fall to yield rapidly to this treatment. 6 Diseases Peculiar to Females —Uterine Cora p’alntr, involyirg-s mat Position, as Prolapsus. Ante version, Betroversion, Inflammation, Glceralion, and various otter Affections of the Womb and Ovaries, Painful, Suppreese'd, Ecsaty, or Profuse Msnstruation, Laocorrhma. * To LADIES we csn"Tecommend thls treatmeht as one of DBVARIED SUCCESS. Almost innnm&ahle cases 'have come undertroatment at our office, who cau testify? to this fact. Mrs. S. A, FULTON, a lady of great expa^., riencs and ability, has entire charge of the Ladies’ Department, and all delicacy will be need toward those who entrust themselves to her care. In femile diseases, as ~mentloned ; ln the shove Übl, with, others not men . Honed, she has had a large experience, and. can con lidontly promise the most gratifying results. ’ TO THE AFFLICTED. The treitment Is mild and gentle, producing no shock or nnpleaeant sensation whatever. Our professional intercourse with the afflicted will over he characterized,; hy perfect candor and houesiy, aud'thoss whose com* '. plaints are incurable, or do not admit of will be frankly told so, and not accepted for treatment. ” It matters not what maybe yon? complaint, or how long £ou have suffered, or how touch or what course! of treatment yon may have been subjected to, or what dif apyointtoenis you have experienced; If the system is not worn out, if sufficient vitality remains for reaction, there is a fair prospect of recovery. REFERENCES. The diseased and .all Interested are referred to the following-named gentleman, who have been treated, and witness,ed out treatment on others, at No. 1520 Walnut street: A. J. Plessonton, brigadier general, Phllaislphß; A. Pleaecnton, major general, St. Lcois; W. B. Smith, No. 3023 Hanover street, Philadelphia; Geo. Donglass, No, S 6 South Fifth stroet; Willhim H. Shrlver, Haines street, Germantown; L. 0. Si&kton, So. 206 Market- Street; Philadelphia; Charles H. Grigg, N 05.219 end 221 Church alley; Emanuel Bay, No. 707 Sanaora street, attorney at law; H. Craig, No, 1725 Arch street. No. 138 Broad street; Robert D. Work, No. 51 North Third street; A. G. Cron, northeast corner Tenth and Market streets; George Grant; No. 619 Chestnut sireat; H.X. DcsUver, Ko. 1766 Chestnut strect;,Bd. McMallon, No. 1227 Front street, witdiißsaiy others,-, - Coaenltatlon fr«e. ' D«»eri>av® eirenlyra of cures effected, with numerous references, can he had by the efflee. Alllettwf addressed to ■ DE. S. W. BECKWITH, 1330 WALHIJr Street, * TO. F. WARBURTON, 1 FASHIONABLE HATTER, - .430 Gtestijut Street. ■ NEXT DOOB TO THE POST OFFICE, - .. - '■^^Ki^UX g ‘ & SLEEPER & CO., R 5 BQNOB BTKMJT, SJAHUFAOTIJBEBS, AGENTS, AND WHOLE BALE IN FUST ASD fiSEEN GMSSWAEE, Bare now In rtore » full »»sorta«t of tto *I»T4 gooiU, WUtt wt offer at tte lowcat market rate,. Bslnc cole agents- for tha_ SALBJI QBBBE GLASS WOBKB, we ere prepared to make and work prlyats moulds to order. POETSE. HIBBEAt. and WIHB BOTTLSS, Of t opeAer color and Snioi. Alao, LAMP CHIMESYS. APOTHBOABIES’ BHO? 3UEEITUEB, SHOW BOTTLES, SYJJIHOEB. HOM<2 OPATHIC VIALS, and Drnsflats’ Qlaciware generally. S. A BY AES & CO.'S PITTSBDEQ GLASS VIALS Mnatantlyonkandat Aetory prieea. ' felS-Sm QBd'oki. • ntf, ,o>. tm «d in u>Mt sti'Cfit. SOLS EEGEIYBBS OP THS FOLLOWING WELL. KITOWfI AMP' ESTABLISHED BBAHDo OP JOHJI MVBBELMAJf,” "iSTJCA MILLS!” ?*PBIDB OF THE WEST.” “KOBCIUBKO,” “CITY MILLS.” ! • EAGLE MILLS, • > and otter firaSIITAHA MS WESfIM B3AKDS. Tho Trade at market rates, apll-lm gLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. ’ WILLIAMS, No. 16 North Sixth Street, t jrAjnjPAOTTOEn on VENITIAN BLINDS AND ' WINDOW SHADES. The largest and Unset assortment In the city at the lowest cash prlcea. ■ ' ' BTOEE SHADES KADE AHB LBTTBEBD. Cheap lot tolled Blind, and Shades. a?6-te RUTTERFDBLD’B A* - OVBISLASL DESPATCH. Office, Ho. A VE a BY Street, Hew York. Office, Ho. *0 Sooth Pi YTa street. PhUada. OTATOCgf (IBBBafB, President. W. K. KITCHEH, Treasurer. This Company, now folly orgenlMd. with ample capital, owns ita Transportation on the. Plains, and Is prepared, to contract Freight to all points In Colorado, Stan, Idaho, Montana, Haw Mexico, and Arizona Ter rltoriee; alto to Bseee riyer. lieyada. Through Contracts and Dills of Lading gWen from Few Yorfc Boston, Fl-JJadclpUla.-nttsbnrg, Wheelinr, Cincinnati; Chicago, and 6t Lonij. - ■ WM, M ARTIH, «... .Agsnt. Hew York. WM H. KOOKS, 1 . Ho. *0 South Fifth street, Philadelphia. D. A. BUPTESFIELD, *plo- if General Suyeriaicndent. WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTIL * LBS.—A new French Gosmeticfor beautifying &udT preserviuff the complexion. XI is tbe most wonderful compound of the &ce. There is neither chalk, powder, mftjaehlq,T>Umutli t nor tale Vo. its compoßUion, it Leins composed entirely of pure Yirtfln Wax ; hence the ex* tTMrdinary qualities for preservinx the skin, making; it * oft, smooth, fair* and transparent It makes the old appear j ounsr. the homely handsome, the handsome more bsamifnl. mostheautifiu divlae Prico* 80 and 60 cents. Prepared oniv by HUNT & CO., Per fuzseri, 41 South EIGHTH Street two doors above Chettnut, and 133 South SEVENTH Street, above Walnut, . , apg-Sm SPECIAL NOTICE TO BUSINESS O MXH, - The undersigned Insert advertisement* at the lowest f»‘«» tt the newspapers of Harrisburg, fltuharg, Boding. Lsncseter, Ohimhersburg, Pottsyllle, Home town, west Chester, Deyieatown, Trenton, Ba!,jn. Bridgeton. Wilmington, and of eyery other eity and owntetheHn tedStatM, (IncludingSayaniiAh.pijarlei lon, Wilmington, end Elchmobd.) Adyeriminxat tmidedtoforo^^^.^eirattKoHee Ho. 6U OHHBTHTO Street, ('tr),; anlg-lm 1... : :TYhUadTlpYtt. LpOR NON-RETEnS’IQNi OR JNCOK noetate elands, stone In the bladder, ealsulus. znu rsl or brisk-dust deposit, and all diseases of the fetal «iimr^fe sl OT s sir w ’ «• ™ PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1565. %\t fress. SATURDAY, APEIL 29, 1865. It is probable that, on thlß very clay, a fortnight after the awful national calamity, the death of Mr. Lincoln will be known in England, the news thence to travel, by aid. Of the electfic current, to all parts of Eu rope, everywhere striking the mind with alarm and awe, horror and surprise, grief and sympathy. We have no suspicion that even the, bitterest opponents, in Eu rope, of Mr. Lincoln’s humane policy, at once Christian and Constitutional, can re joice over his' untimely loss. Of him it might truly be said that he was “ good without effort, great without a foe.”- It will be felt, in the Old World as in the Newj that, the loss of such a man is a loss. itself. In England especially, where the language andlaw are the same as ourjjwn, the. shock will be great, and sym pathy must surely follow.- The public mind -in that country is highly impressible, and is , death of jdistkignishcd, personages. . Within the pre sent century there havc'opcurred numerous instances ofthis.- v . • i.-r •• ■ Eor'fire lmost' among the in EngMhd.'ftauseSlitfesem -Satieh. George the'Third 1 died in 1820, . having-lived eighty-two years, and reigned sixty; but his death jeets as a matter of sifiall aecbunt. During the last nijieytegiarof MS life he had been blind andShlaUe“Stnd his eldest son virtu ally xejg»sMl, exerlteinff&feffie.rqyal fone tioifs, withrthe title of Regent.' f T|ie old Eafig, one suitfebf rooms in Wihdsor Castle, had. nearly palggd; out of the public mind. Nobody aeemeiitb think of “Farmer George,” and, to.use Byron’s MtterwbrlSriv.; ,y { •- “'lyiegoliniEKlo tfco attraction, ajfctiirtUaafc tie . woo.’’- ... 1 •His successor, Hinpopularj not vrithstandhp the war&Sf of his reception in D%biih. ahff reigned tenyreargi and his-deatb, in June, 1830, excited" joy and hope father than regret and grieL The Royal Sybarite bad latterly withdrawn him self from public view, and there was a pro fessional frankness in the manners .of the sailor-brother, who succeeded him, which charmed the popuk ;pers6nairy ini favor .of iParlia "menfary reform. He .was—for a time. Ere the'ink of his signature to the Reform Bill wasdry, =he repented of Ms participation id it, /and When he died, in midsummer, 1837,, he was scarcely lamented—the iris-' toeracy considering that he had betrayed theirorder, and the people believing that ‘he had lapsed ftom liberalism into toryism. Besides, instead of -ah aged man, whose life had exceeded the “ three score, years and ten,” mentioned by the Psalmist, there * was a new monarch—a young girl, Itill itt her teens, well brought up by a careful and judicious mother. - All the world became involuntarily interested in this young and exalted personage, and her reign has been very .fortunate on the whole. Her domes tic happiness haS been unusually great— the unexpected’death of her husband being " the only blow that' it received during the , twenty-one years of wedded life! The*- death of Prince Albert wasagfeat shock" •to the heart of England. The people had come to forget that he was a fosteiguer. They even condoned the addftionakofence • of MI bring & Gerinan." They fathe*fWon dered at than complained of his cold and reservedjnanner, and his decided pro pensity for saving money—wMcb, J* ®B ° aplt!lllUoa ot a building bizarre and strange looking,whlohwould X ‘ ee * 8114 Gf JobDßton 8 SUlT enaer 1 be remarkable more for its novelty la our olty archl- -JThe stock market was active yesterday through tecturethan for its beauty of style and effect, and tw, news of the surrender of Johnston came it must bo admitted by all who see it nowdarsTetc', Fnjt 0 have anv effect noon urlces Govarn finithed state that they have succeeded. T.aabte aver rr^rK., 70 any cnecc upon prices. tiovern ject appears .to have been to construct an tew. awovt- 6 *- f^7 e again, strong, with a still farther that could not be mistaken for a bank, or a ot* uindrai. wmt« and The 1881 g advanced %, and the or a blcck of lawyer’s offices. It was expeetc> k S™ 8 * *» T?MPIiOYiP onaB were held firmly at ST. every one who saw It would ask what It wi?* t 0 wilola cuiet and them was leas said upon being Informed that It was the Na men Cnsc:; 5 810 Academy of Design, they would never forgeawo* WMtsrt® 8 nBw issa3 deollnod a shade, and structure or its location. Tiiat the expoctatk***® * at were weak at 95. There w&3 little the designers hayo bsen carried out in this re^.. _ for the old Issues. Company bonds' «<« “ as befi&a style appropriate to lts purposes. ' mortgage Pennsylvania Railroad bonds were The site upon which this edifice Is erected was held firmly at 99; and sales were reported of puf'fijased from Mr. William Nlblo, at a cost of Camden and Amboy os of 1889 at 103: Phlla- Academy for their adoption, by. various architects, bonds at 20%. The share Us. was irregular as the plan of Mr. F.B. Wright was finally adopted, to prices, though there was a fair amount doing, The building occupies the whola of a lot situated at Reading declined to 68%, at which it was sold at the northwest corner Of Fourth avenue and Twen- th.n nines ■ nnliLwlswa nrfifßrrnrt was llbnWlsa want ty third street, eighty feet wide on the street ana TfJlTalS?™* j T ninety-eight feet nine Inches long on the avenue, having declined 2% the common stock was steady It is three stories high, besides the cellar,' The at 14; Norristown Railroad advanced 1, with sales lower or basement story contains-first, the jani- ot 6T; Philadelphia and Erie sold at 24%-anad ®£._ wDton. Ja raised vance of 2%; Pennsylvania Railroad was steady at end S of «°> and Little Schuylkill at 84%. There was mom the School of Design, the floor of which is four feat inquiry for the coal stocks, though prices were geao' lower than that of the janitor’s, rooms, thus-glvlag rally weak; Swatara declined to B%,'and salesof Fulton were reported a *AKi and Shamokluat 12. datlons for the school are ample. It oeoupies three Tha BalBB ° r oana1 ' BtlMkß were confined to Susque alcoves on Fourth avenue, lighted by large windows, honna Canal at 11, and Schuylkill Navigation pre oovering a space ot forty-seven by slity- ferredat 3J%. The oil stoeks are looking up; and The Vollecilon nf is vfry\argo'. 8 al ° gB “ raU J ?, aMor - 88 ‘ Among them- we recognized the Laeooon, Apollo onrlticß continue dull; Sppnoa aad Pino sold 23, Balvldere, Venus de Medici, Silanes andßaoehu3, and Chestnut and Walnut at 43; 71 was bid for the Boxers of Canova, the Wrestlers, Piping Tawa, Second and Third; 44 for Tenth and Eleventh, and 28% for Croon and Goatos. Bank shares are quiet i&tQtilfliC AS tiifcy UO TwßftuiS to OTt StUQOIItS, Ph ft . -.a.. . ___ . ,■ x » »>, . , , alcoves are supported by light columns of deep at former rates, 136 was bid for Philadelphia; 68 bronze tone, the capitals rloßly ornamented- with for Commercial; 29 for Mechanics’; 45 for Penn leaves, ln gold. The Life School occupies a hall on Township; 48 for Girard’; 2T for Manufacturers’ , fo«fe"d 8 MBy %hfi| W ftoS -S |ruCT: “ 80 “’ ; J°l° T ° lty! 3T fcr OoMsllaaUoa 5 This Is not yet completed. .The entrance to all the 67 for Oom Exchange. rcows in this story is by a door ln the southern end The following were the rates for gold yesterday at ofthe Fourth-avenue Side.. the hours named: The principal story Is reached by a double flight , n „ w of steps on the Twenty-third street end, and is on- i, & "J- '\,V£, tered by a large doorway, from which a hall,elgh- i k if * teen feet wide, runs nearly the whole length of the ,p if ■ -}fL, building. The whole Fourth-avenue side Is occu- 2p ut pied by a suit of four rooms; the most southerly Is JT' V ...115% the reception room, twenty-two by twenty-six feet; The subscriptions to theT.3o loan, received by Jay the next two, each the size of the recaption room, Cooke yesterday, amount to $4,163,509. Including one of sloo,coo from Cincinnati, one of sloo,ooo from the Sf u ZT‘ OE w sm 'T Ir ° m rl?n W J? k ’ °2 a 01 men’s dressing rooms and a lecture room, which is $200,000 from Boston, and one of $290,080 from Syra immediately above, and the same size as the Life euse, N. Y, There were 2,901 Individual subsorip- School Room, ln the story below. tlons of $5O and *lOO eaoh. The upper story is for the exhibition galleries. In Tn _ _ „ the centre is a hall, thirty-four by forty feet, divided ' Thedemand for T-S0 notes continues strong In all by a domde arcade, supported on columns of polish- directions, and, ln the absence of other employment edmaTble. In this hall are hung the workß of art for capital, are taken by parties generally using which belong to the National Aoademy. Around their money in very short engagements. The Bank this are the galleries, all opening out of It; one wX««™ B s “ thirty by seventy-six feet'; one twenty-two by forty- Note Reporter says. six; one twenty bv forty; one twenty-one by thirty, “We recommend Investments In one or the other all lighted by Bky-lighiß; also, a gallery for scalp- of tbsse notes, rather than In any of the Govern ture, twenty-one foot square, lighted bs& from the ment long bonds at the premium they are selling roof and the side, for. In a little more than two years the first issue The style of architecture may be denominated, wlllbrlDg 5 20satpar;bylUndlngthem,lfs-2os*haU -properly, the Venetian Gothic. It Is essentially then be at a premium; but, 11 they shall bounder yet not purely Gothic, and assimilates closely to par, then the 7- 803 will bring the money. The 7-303 that style so f&mallar ln the bid aristocratic dwel- mare the advantage of being exempt from State, lings ot Venice. .At a glance tha building appears olty, county, and town taxation, the same as other low, and would suggest Its Incapacity to furnish United States securities; besides, it Is a direct lend lofty galleries, suitable for the exhibition of plo. >*g ®T your money to the Government when you in lures; bnt when we remember that a very lm- vest In these notes, and, other things being .equal, portant point is gained by the easy and convenient ‘-his should certainly claim your attention, ’ The access for visitors obtained by locating the galleries Eoldlera have done their part nobly! The rebellion at a small elevation ftom the' ground floor? we will * 8 crushed! Let every one that has money take of tee at once the good judgment exerolsed In this por- the Government .loan, that the army may be pail tion of the design. If the building was Intended for and discharged. The veteran’s blessihg Is of much the accommodation of artists merely It might have Importance to us all. Let prompt payment cheer been raised a Btory or two higher, devoted to the Ms heart,” purpose of studios, and thus have given a'more lm- We learn that Mr. R. R. Claiborne, recently of S 8n «* oa ».!f^ S Philadelphia Democrat, has been appointed sn pnbll“ P not for the° aS f latter havLg no Pertatefident of the Llnseott'Petroleum Company, ' claim upon fctie loßtitutioDj except for t&d exiilbitlon at At&e&Sj Ohio* Tbe selection Is a good one, and ol their works, wMeh is of as maok advajttago to will doubtless prove of great value to tka com* public aa to tfceioselves. . naT . v tn?? B ®ne. te fhe o wSf g ofteelsllStsto“areo°f Tt « 'W«r York Herald yesterday,ln giving Its Westohesler county gray marble, with bands or reasons for the discontinuance of the publication of Noith river “ gray waoke.” The walls of the .first .evening quotations, says: . 5£S" 8 « “ la our opinion many of these- quotations have asTo Cnd SSfoafweTto^l The building is surmounted by a rich aroaded oor- fbem Aftor toninr ImK l™ a Smr and aMearr^'oftSedifl^ 011 t 0 tbe to mu IbSlento’ftra, S« K sp“uSs P &f onuaneo, whl<* is on Twenty-third f qfevlSlt street, is 'approached by a double flight of steps of rhcnnoranr fae-t^toea%orrLtt§Blr morals Ina white marble, with a heavy balustrade of the same “® t op S2 of orarfni thiS™’s b? .jnatejial. Under the platform Is a triple arcade, oiher t* pilasters and srei, of which are elaborately exohlnhS^SoSohtSuhd 2^ w.f •<*TV. a with Jems, mies, and other flowers of the S™ to tham ” ™ H ed ' W ® 18 fleia and garden, Tiiis ls'an excialsite piece of work- rose w coantenancc tnem. , , ttansblp. Within the arcade stands a drinking The insurance companies generally complain of fountain of white marble. The entrance is by a dull times. Comparatively little now business la offer, high, broad .Gothic .arch. A broad arohlvolt, eh- -lnsr. a&de~but for the activity inseparable from the 5235 0 1«»? “a transfers, duUness would on each side, of red Vermont marble, with white reign supreme. The fall in gold, the depression In marble eapltals and bases. Under this, the tym- values, and the reduction of merchandise stocks pannm above the door ls Med with'an elaborate have combined to limit the demand for Insurance, end often to prevent renewals. The unusual number the fettosNA.“ of holidays this month has also had the effeetto much of the building within and without, vre will diminish receipts, and unless the few remaining pdoceed to notice the-lnauguratlon ceremonies of business days are marked by unwonted activity, tha la iVdlth’B ft BS, business of the month will not be looked back upon ■ And a hastyand imperfect glance it was; for there .. ..mMi Benni was suob a gathering of the richest and rarest In as anything worth boasting about, beauty and iashlon that St was Impossible to obtain The following Is the amount of ooal transported . a fair view of the pictures; dhd we must therefore on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad during . defer aUoriMolsmibr anather occasion. Suffice It to the week ending Thursday, April 27,1865: say that all our leading artists, and every style ot ! ” p ‘ plotoilal art were represented. Soon after 9 o’clock the inaugurationceremojaesoqmmepoedwith appro- w prlate prayer by. Rev. J&fAdams, alter whlotf-Mr. oameweek lastyear ...11,133 uu D. Huntington, prcslaentpf the Aoademy, deliver, ed an address Uesorlblpg-tbe origin ol the Academy,. It s early struggles,’andfinal success, after forty years' labor. For twenty years the Aoademy had no home until now, Bndheoongratulated the arrtsts and those who had aided -them ah the'result theyVltnessed on that ocoaslon. He appealed to the fellows of the lnstt tlon—the artists and the students—to fulfil their sacred duties towards tho.furtheraneo of art In the new era of peace and prosperity which was open before us. He made a pathetic allusion to the death of Mr. Lincoln, wbloh had caused the post ponement of the Inauguration, which: deeply affected the audience, and concluded by introducing Mr. William Oullen Bryant, who deltverqd-soma chaste and beautiful remarks, In which he said that Since 1826 until the present ausptolous time the tribes of art had dwelt In tents, but now they had a permanent home. At first he whs iaeredulous that the refinement of the people was not equal to the grand result of this evening; but the splendid-hall in which they met to-night, with its variety of de lineations of art ln every form, was a rebuke to his Incredulity. Upon the whole, the scene was one of remarkable brilliancy, and gave promise of a bright era ln art in tho metropolis of the country.- There could not have been’leSß than two thousand persons present,' among whom we observed Hon. George Bancroft and other distinguished gentlemen. HOME AND FOREIGN NOTES. Three thieving marauders made their appear, anoeon Lick Creek, in Ralls county, a few days ago, and committed some depredations. Soon after some citizens of the vicinity set Out In pursuit, and captured one of them after mortally wounding him. He died, hut the other two escaped. East week two young men, at Toronto, Canada, wore In the act of winding up the town olook, at St. Eawrence Hall, the chain snapped, and the weight fell, breaking through the platform and celling of the large hall to the floor, where its progress was stopped. —Telegrams Bom Calcutta announce that the Income tax has been taken off, and that an export duty of 3 per centfhas been Imposed on jute, wool, tea, and coffee, and of 2 per cent, on hides, sugar, and silk. At the same time the duty on grain is In creased 1 ansa per maund, and on rise it Is to be 8 Instead of 2 annas. A new gunpowder has bees discovered In Ger many, which has three times the explosive fores, and costs only .half as mpph as the powder now in use. The principal materials are rosin and chlorate of potash. The doubts regarding the (Mclesoy of the tele graph line to India were relieved on the 10th by the receipt or messages from'Bomba; and Calcutta to the 6th of March. A young English woman of twenty-two, who had always been blind, had her sight given her recently by a surgical-operation that lasted four days. —The directors of the London and South West ern Railway have adopted, op trlaljlMr.Preeoe's electric system of communication between passen gers and guards. —ln the funeral procession at New York, on'last Tuesday, was Mr. George. Murray, who, sixty-six years ago, when a mere child, walked in the funeral cortege of Washington. A large meeting was held in Charleston, S. C-> on the zist, to express sorrow at the death of the President. Lioutonant Cushing, the well-known naval hero, had a narrow escape Bom being drowned last week. A meeting of citizens of .Savannah was held on the 20th to adopt resolutions in regard to the death of President Lincoln. Mrs. Louise do,Mortie, a colored lady, is giv ing lectures at Now Orieanefor the benefit of colored orphans, At St. Joseph, Mo., last Wednesday, It was un comfortably warm and sultry, but next day the ice on the ponds was an Inch thick. The annual yield of oil from the wells In West Virginia .Is estimated at *1,314,000, and from the wellß in Southern Ohio at *2,000,000. Miss Edmonla Lewis, a young girl of African and Indian, origin, has executed a bust of Dr. Heb bard, o 1 Boston. Since the opening of the Soldiers’ Home in Cincinnati 103,803 passing soldiers have been enter tained there. The agents of the United States Christian Commission recently collected twenty-eight thou sand dollars In Boston. A movement has been started In California for a subscription to purchase a homestead for the family of John Brown. The names of five lawyers who entered the rebel am; have been removed from tee court rolls at Baltimore. One of the Ravels has arrived at New York, and the rest are said to becoming. . - —An elegant sword. Is on exhibition, at; Cincin nati. It Is to be presented to Gen. Kilpatrick: The post office"at Mobile is to be reopened im< mediately. FOUR CENTS. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. 1,198 00 amount of coal transported lalduring the week ending 1n0r0a5e............. Tho following Is the a over the SohuylfclU Gam Thursday, April 87,1868: . . Tons.Cwi. 83,859 00 87,880 00 This week........ Same time last year B,lOl 00 Decrease.. DrexelA 00. quote: Now U. S. Bonds, 1881... New U. S. Certificates of Quartermasters' Voucher Gold ....: Sterling Exchange....... Old S-20 Bauds ..... looxauo Indebtedness. 99 s@.99}£ 9O @ 97 145 : @146 ... ....158 @l6O IQ8&@109 .....108K&09 MM® 97 cKs, April 33* ILICBOABD. New CBO Bonds IMqBOhdS.... ..... , .... Sales of Sto« THE FOB 500 Jaoction CBl~..bS. * SOO Oo™~-.....b5. 6 2UJ d0.—..—....15. 1% JOO do—. « 100 CfltawisKß Kpref.. %! b'O Ajlestteiir iiiver.. IK ICO «o*i ....... IK; ICO do IK IOOAUas .™ 0.1 l ifl; 100 d 0..... bJO. IK SCO do e.l l-JB SCO do. IK; 500 do— 110. IK I 2CO d0.....—.bi0. Ik: ICO do— lie. IK; IOT d0.........-.110. IK! ico.. do— iio. m\ 300 Ebony Bon—.»10. SKi OCCEalifc&Jd.— 181-100; SOO do tf.l 31 ICO 10O_ do—IK ICQ MsUre* & Ch. Bun 2 MO 100 d0—~..b5. 2X ICO do 510.21-16 ICO do—... 2& 400 Excelsior..,9l loj 20-0 d 0.... —. 94-100 lOOFirefaland.—.... J£ I;}9 Dsarmcra—.,b!o. 3H 200 Jersey Well— —2% SCO do—. b3Q. 2S 200MeClintock.— Z% 500 Mingo—33l-100 SJOBoyftl- .e. 144100 800 d0—.....141-303 ;COO St Nicholas....l)3o. 3 X I2CO do •.. .b 30.3 44-KO iCOTiosesia*,**........ 1% 200 Corn, Piaster...M2. 3 % 100 Howes Eddy- 1.41 250 Ccw Greek......b5. - % 100 Star 0i1...,......... % 100 Eoukaid Creek**- D CALL. 3 'M £OO do—*™— 3H ICOTioirasta—♦** 1 53 lOOHImo Oil—,Wo. 3 31 209MeBe&*GB.elO 21-15 fiOOWiaalow—-bSO. IK. 300 Junction— 5 103 City 6b—.new. 93 20OBmner 1 100 Walnut Isl’d-MO. IK 200 Mingo Sdays. SK SOOAtlfta—b3o. IK SECOEI 200CiarrrBon...blO. 3 800 d0....-—*3o. 1 IGOHbwe’sJßddjr.—. 1 SI 200 Jersey Well.. —~ %% 2fioliOgjm»* —— % 200 £feßa» & 0 Bun. .8 !♦ 16 MO JloCqt & SfcKin’Jt. VA 100 Caldwell PU. « lOOOllC&OEBttn’bS. 4 11-OSatlbone &C-bS- J ICO Walnut island— IK 100 ' d.O . ♦ 4HH44.111’ , 16 200 Winaloxf. 1 THB PEOPLE’S ST ICO 2>an&&rd—« —’ IH\ 100 Egbert ski 100 J*r*ey Well—- 2*l lOOlitDgO— .——fsSO 83* ICO d 0.—...— KlO S.SOi |O£T Cill. [ 100 Sherman—... .91 l 600 At1a5.—....b20 IX LK BQABD OF BROKERS. *, * (7a., ifo. £0 JS. 2%*r<* #. BOARDS KO Readings....l)39. 54 200 do lotslrtO. 04* , S 5 Ctestaut & Wal.. 43 ICO SclU ffaYpref s - 32# BOARD. 100 Gaiawisea' Fref- -- 23* 300 do.~*~lots b 5. 28 % 100 do—2B# 100 do—~.fcs. 25# 33 Delaware Div’a.. 31 ICO fewatara Falls—,B# 100 Fojton Coal.— 4# 600 Cora Platter lota. 83$ IGO Junction—434 200 do—...lote. 4H ICO .do—b&. 4* 100 Brotier-.—... 1 COO Sherman A Bams. 2 103 Mineral Oil—* IK TMMcßea&Cßlote. 2 600 do—. .*•. lots. 234 ICO Organic Oil.— .63 200 Olmstead —** 134 100 tfapte Sbade— 1834 10C0 Atlas——— *.I lis 1000 do—b3o. 1)4 SOQ Cherry Rua-lois. 3 r ItAi'Rnfl 60LtttUiS«M 5...... M% 20 Psimaa.go * 74 do— 6O > 80 Shamol( 12 900Banri)aieIU.'iSis S3# •300 io-, ™b3o m 200 do—™..™~ 3» SOOOUCkS 3o 3 % SCO do™ 3 n Bl ICO Maple Shads. ™ -18 K 400 Atlas 111? 100 Catawinm pref--; Mi 60 Pbtla & Brt»B-b30 MX 100 .chi War pref. ~™ S3sf 100 Enlton Coal —4Ji m Alleg A Tldeoate.. 1 , 600 Besdins K M M 2001 Penn* &2im.— 99 200OrganicOii-.«.— * s»o 400 Mingo 0i1.—8)4. p 4Ml'Winslow™* ™* 1 400 Atlas—,T„r*£l*i 5 700 MtCrea «Ob B.lts | 2CO Ball Creak....™. * UDDabtell.. — - «8 leoßl Dorado.# 200 Caldwell Oil .lo a 4X 2CO do —-bs.lofc« u 100 Story Farm, - .cjwli 1% lOOFarrcl Oil % IfeODunkard Oil. .lots 134 BOARDS. IGODankard.- 134 fXOSutq CJa...lots-fc6Q 11 l£ODensmgrs.w~B3o 3* 200 Ball 0reek.,.1>30.2 115 60 4o»iin*.MslotB. 61 109 ■ d0........b5wa. 61 ‘ 600 do..*. lota. 6. 100 > do.™*.. b6wK. 61 ICO d0....*™ 65% SCO d0....56wt Stint 63% ICO do....BStmStint 61 190 do.™*.™.t>lo. 61% 10 : d 0........ .—.* 63% BBTWBBH 100 McCreait Cterß. • *■ SCO Si 700 • do—...iote ZX 000 do lots.lift) 234 600 ■ do—-WO 2 318 ZOO Coni Pisa ter ..MO m SCO donation . .....lots '4ll tOO ■ do —.lots 45J 1000 do—— lota 5 «C« do—~Mo SJ£ SCO do— —-.MO 6 10G0 Pbila & Erie Bs oi (00 Cherry ann—M 104 MO d0...........b80 3 ,000 do—r3oaftarls 3 100 .do e«S4M>> HW« SCO Egbert—S 94 (00 ' do—.. M 9 S SOOCatawiss»K...lote ISX ICO do- ...bl6 lsX sooSehl Kar.loU.WO 25* 100 d 0.............. 25X ’ SBOOJSI> ICOO 0 BS 2D Bondi ep.IOSK 20100 810 40Brada." 67 lCCOOon!onCaßoidi.- »2« SlPwraaß.... ~loteg> BSp4PlcoKtß.... W SOO Catawiiia 8...M0 14 100 Beading B—vb® |L 300 do.- lota.W ko‘ dSnnv^ .dBßaSKBft.»% 40 " Twrn: SOO Catawlna S. -W0 U '86*6.103 300 Beading B---vbSO 6%| 100 d0~v.~~2dy6.65 81 SCOPftladH OUmfltil OX Gold continues dull, and the disposition to bsH depresses quotations. The business of the morning has been light, and the leading quotations hare been 147@147^. Foreign exchange is Inactive and priest favor the buyer. Bills at 6# days on Juondon are soiling at 108}j@10S>< for commercial; V®}iMi Paris at sc days, &17H& 12%; dfeat short sight. 6 l# : Antwerp, 5 18% @513%; Swiss, 6,16% «i 5 K%; Hamburg, 36% @ 36% ; Amsterdam. 41 @4IK: Frankfort, 41 %@4t%; Bremen, T9@79%; Prussian: thalers, 71%@72%. The loan market Is easy; the current rate Is 6 par cent., with exceptional transactions on easier terms. Commercial paper passes freely at7@B percent. The stock market opened weak, recovering aPer wards and closing steady. Governments are firm, railroad bonds quiet, petroleum stocks active, and jrailroad shares orooptng. Before the first session New York Central was se !i.i l ’ B , a , t . 99 I. Erie Bt 80%, Reading at 109., * The following were the quotations at the Board, COBipsied with, those of morning: g. s. | B . ini 1 - n?* AdT ‘ TT. 8.3-20 •oupoiuu*.«**..~.*,ioB3f mu „ % g- S. 6-30 c£ f cloaJngftt 81K*. Hudson closed at RavUng-at 108, Illinois Central at 116. Later, Erie eloped ,atBlK. >CK BXC3ANGB. 100 Winslow—— IX lOOAIUSmm H 44 ♦ *►•»"► l/£ 100 Xoy&l. IX ICO Walnut Bottom... % Grain.—Tbe wheat market Is Irregular.: Spring . Is lower, while winter Is well sustained. . Ta 3 de mand 1b very light and confined to millers, ■ Tne de cline in flour causes many to held olf. Barley Is quiet, with a light supply; sales of 309 bus Bong Island at $l3O. Barley malt Is dull and nominal. Oats are much lower and quite dull; the sales are 14,000 bus Canadian at 72074 c, Western as 80@83c, State at 75@77e, and Jersey at 78@S0c. Hye Is held firmer hut quiet at *1.03. Corn is scarce; new Is better and much wanted; the sales arc 17 000 bus Western mixed at $1.42, do white at .*l.lO, do yellow at *143@l 44, and Delaware at *1.45, Provisions-.—Beef- Is steady and fairly active; sales of too bbls at *13@1&.50 for plain mess, *n@ 19,60 for extra do. Tltrse beef-Is dull and nominal. Out meats are lit good demand and firm; rales o£ 600 packages at 1534@183£c for shoulders, lor hams, 25 packages bagged hams at 23c, and 200 packages pickled hams, delivered in Ohfoagi, at 183, Bard has been in fair demand and is firmpr ai ths close; sales of 1,760 bbls and tea at ISJfgii for No-1; 17Sf@l834e for fair to prime steam-ana ket tle-rondeiedTand 18«@18Ji« for very choice lets. Pbtbolxum.—Crude Is moderaHvely active and .firmer; sales at 36a. Refined la quUihbut. firm«; we quote at 64@55c for bonded, and T4@7sc (or free. Ricm—There BtUl prevails a good demand, and prices are firm;, sales of ISO bags cleaned Java at 12&e, 600 bags Hart goon at 10f4@llc, currency, duty , pabl; 800 doTnot strictly prime at S% geW In bond. 700 do prime at 4X do do, and 1,800 do do, to arrive. a *WnjsKY?~The market IS Jowerand closes dull; gales of 260 bbls at *2.10@2.1l for Western. TOBEE WAB PBKBB.: fPffBLISHM) WIBKhY.) Tax Wax Paxes will he sent to mbeeri&en hr m»ll (per annum In advance) at......... ......►.*& 50 Hveetmlaj T - r - |ft SQ Teaeoples—,,*. OO Clubs than lex Will be charged at th. same “**• *»-00 pm top,, ’"“"'t' must alteauß aecmvpamu the order, and Tj*" i"f' ance *®» tha,, term* bt dartam from, as t’wj^wmitnonuanthtcoaafixwtr. •W-Po.tmsi.tsrs u« requ M te4 to sit as scents for TSS Was Fxass, «T To the setter-up of the Club of ten or twenty, cm extra copy of the paper will be tlrta. The New York Post of yesterday says WeeMy Eevlew of tbo Fblliuleltfda Barkets. Apovt. 28—Evening, Business is more active this week, and prices generally hive an upward tendency, but at the close holders are more anxious to sail, owlcg to the decline In gold. Bark Is lower. Flour is rivist dull, at about former rates. Prime Wheat is in fair demand. Corn Is active, and prices have aevanced. 'Oats are unchanged. Cotton has been more active and prices better, hut closes 4nil. Coalis aas Ailed! Coffee Is scarce, and prices are ratacr lirmat, There le no material change to notice m either fvn or Fruit. Iron Is doll and the sales limited. M> lasses is rather firmer. Naval Stores a 2. vsneed. Oils are rather firmer. In Prortsb-as there is more doing and prices have an upward tendency. Sugar is In demand, and prices arc 1 c fI II) higher, seeds are dull and rathsr lower* Whisky Is also very dull. Wool is more active. The (.emend fer Fit ur continues limited fet a for shipment and home use, and the market 13 -un afi shout former rates. Sales oomprlse aooat 8 000 bbls at $S@B.6O for extra, and *a@to $ bol for extra family. Theretclters and are baying, in a small way, at from *7 25@7 75 for super fee, s#S SO for extra, sB@lo lor extra family, and SIQ bosh or bbl for fancy brands, as to quality Rye Fi .e. Is selling, in a small way, at $6.75 ft bbl; ooatttt Pennsylvania Corn Me»l sold at $5 75 * bbl. . Gkaih.—The demand for Wheat is limited, tuff prime lots are scarce. AboutXS.OOObussoldatfi nt 200@21e0 ys bn for fair to prime rods, and white at from 21£@230c fl bu, as to quality. Ryo is lo' ,e -mand, with sales at 125@1300 f! bn. Coro is in re mend, and prices have advanced. About 37 .000 Ins primeyellow sold at 126@130c afioat, and 1 2i&i sc $1 bu jn store and In the cars. Oats are in sn.-- dy cemasd, with sales of about 16,000 bus, in lots, at si @B3c y bu. The following are the receipts of Flour and Grets at thIB port during the past week: Flour 8 62BbbJ». Wheat.,.................’. &1.700 bus* Corn .42,600 bog. Oats. 10,109 bus* Peovisioks.—There Is rather more doles; in tto way of sales, and prices are firmer; email sales of Mess Fork are deported at *30831 htrrei. Mess Beef ranges at frem «20@25 a barrel; aio bar* rels Beef Hams sold at *27@28 y Barret. In Bacon there Is more doing; sales of Hams are making at 19@23c yls for plain and fancy cenvassed; sides at 18c, and shoulders at 16%@17c fl ft. Green meats are In demand and prices are better, with sales of Hams In pickle at 19@20c, and shoolders’ln salt at 15&616C # ft, cash.' XiABD Is scarce and rather quiet; small sales of hbls and tierces are making at lBK@l9c,allB kegs at 22>£e fl ft. Butter comlnneß.duU and unsettled; sales of soUd-packfd are making at 14@28c; roll at 17@28c. and Goshen at 35@405fl ft. Cheese Is dulL with sales of New York at 20@2ic. Eggs are sett ing at 22@25e y dozen. Metals.—Pig Iron continues dull and unsettled ; Email sales are making at *43 for No. l anthracite, and $4O $1 ton fet No. 2. Manufactured Iron is very quiet; small sales of common railroad, ban am making at *SS@IOB y ton. Head is scarce, and wo hear no of sales. Copper Is dull at about formes rates. Babk.—Quercitron Is very dull, and we hear of no sales ; Ist No 1 Is offered at $2B fl ton. , Cottok is more active, and prices have advanced 20016 c y ft, with sales of about 760 bales of Mid dlings at born 45 up to 58c fl ft, cash, closing doH at 64@65e y lb. Caapebs.—Tallow Gandies continue quiet; Ada mantine are rather dull; we quote 6s at 26@28ts, 12# at 29g3i0, and Hotel at 30c y ft, Sperm are on clanged. Coat, continues very doll, and prices arc unset tled and rather lower; cargo sales arc reported at from *8@8.50 f! ton. Cobpbb is scarce, and prices are rathet firmer t small sales el Rio are reported at Irom 194£®22$ ft ft In gold. Dupes AHD Dyne.—The market contfimes very dull and unsettled; Benual Indigo Is held at $2 26# 2.30, and Gautemaia atsl,7o@l.Ss f! 6. - Fbathees are scarce; small sales of Western are maklcg at 61@62c fl ft. Fish.—lu Mackerel there is rather mote doing; about 1,000 bbls sold from first hands on private terms; sales from store are making at $53@25 foe shore 15,516@17 for bay do, sl7@lB for stake 2s, *l5 for bay do, and $l5 50@15.$ bbi for large and small No 3s. Codfish are test $9 the 100 fts.’ Fuitit.—A. cargo of Oranges and Demons sold afi $8.60 f! box. Green Apples are quiet at s6@7 so ft bbl ; Dried do are selling at 9%@12c for; Western and New York State. Peaches are selling at 280 for quarters, 82@33c for halyes, and 40@15r y ft for pate^, Feeishts . Tho rates to Dlvorpo'ol are un changed, and there Sa little or nothing doing. Two vessels wore taken to the West Indies on privat# terms; 1 Coal, freights a'ra dull, and Government rates to the South are rather lower. 1 Hors continue dnjl. Small sales of Eastern and Western are making at4o@soo « ft, ’ Hay.—Baled Is quoted at *29@30 ton.' Hides are dnll and drooping. Por foreign there is no inquiry. We notice sales of city sieaghtex at 80S a fer Cows,- and for Steer. There is but little inquiry fox Ganshins, and they axe lower; Bkathbe.—The market is dun, and there is but little disposition evinced to operate. Tno sales as a general thing are small, and only to supply imme diate wants. Tbs events of the past week have produced a lull In trade, pervading all oasses alike, in. the absence of material sales we do not alter quotations, though we have no doubt some conces sion on the part of dealers would-be accorded. Bumbbb —There la very little doing In the way of .sales, and prices remain about the same as last quoted. ' - Molasses;—The market Is rather firmer, but the sales are limited; small lots of Cuba. are reported at 60@60c, and Porto filco at 68@75c gallon. Naval Stokes —Small sales of Po le are making at *25@28 ff bbl. Spirits of Tarpeotlce has advanced y small sales are making at $2.30@ 2.40 gallon. Oils.—Fish Oils are firmly held, but there la very little doing. I.o rd Oil Is dull ;we quote winter at 51,CC@1.65 per gallon. Blnseed Oil 1? selling at "123@128c y gallon. Petroleum Is rather firmer; sales are making at 35@370 for crude. 65@57c lorre -fined, In bond, and free at from 76@78e $ gallon, as to quality. Coal Oil.—The following are the receipts at this port during the past week: Crude, 2.830 bbls; re fined, 2,OSS obis. Biob.—There Is no Change to notice; about 280 'bags of Han goon sold, to come here-, at 10c IS ft. Salt,— We hear of no arrivals, or sales, worthy of notice. Seeds.—Cloverseed la dnll, the season being about over. Small sales are making at *17@17.60 9464 Ss. Small sales of Timothy are maktu, at *4 @4.75 93 bushel, and Flaxseed at *2 50@2.69 bus. Spirits.— There is very little dc-lsg In foreign, and prices are without change. NawEcglind Hum isEelUngln a email way at ®2 35@2.40 gallon. Whisky continues dull, and the transactions are la small lots only at from #215@2.18 gall n for Pennsylvania and Ohio bbls; 500 bbls sold at $2.13@ 2.15 ip gallon. Sugar,— There is more doing In way of sales and prices are rather better; about 2,600 hhds Cuba sold at from f! a, in hold; llgliXo, In cur rency ; and Pono Rico at 12@150 $ ft, In currency. Tallow. —Small sales are making at ll|;@l2c. for City Bendered and lojj@ll.yc fi ft lor country. Tobacco.— There Is very little doing In either leaf or manufactured, and prices are without any m&tQiiftl ofa&Qg6t Wool.— There Is rather more Inquiry, and prices’, as we have noticed for some time past, unsettled; small sales are making at from 65@75cfor fleece, and So@Bsc ® ft for tnb, including some unwashed at 60@52c ft. Vinegar,— Ucrn Vinegar is selling at 353 gallon. New York Barkets, April 28. , Flobb, &a—The market for Western and State flour is less active, and prices are Irregular. Flour not fresh ground 13 lower and unsaleable. The trade Is buying sparingly, as usual at this season of the year, owing to the ie-opening of the canal and the warm weather. Pittsburg Petroleum Market, April 27. - The Oil market yesterday exhibited more nnn —TT? buverawere more numerous and not so parti as m cravlty; We heard of one parcel of 500 barrels ttafwassold for 42 gravity; among the lot i™ !. few- barrels that were hair a degree above, onthat account the entire lot was rejected; this is dose shaving, and la not likely to happen for soma time. The demand for oil was active; 40 to 42 gra vity was most fancied. The sales of crude rerdt 3,400 barrels; prices were very uniform, ran gleg from jhglc per gallon above prices that were carreat a few days since; 27c was offered for several round lots, among them 1,000 barrels; holders appear to ask an advance. . . , ._ _„ Oetob Oils —Holders of erode certainly tan the advantage yesterday. Or course they mado thQ best use of the same. Buyers were after holdere instead of sellers hunting parchMers. Dealers,« course* understood what fcbat Indicates. S±les ot 860 bbl* at 22e» bbls returned; 300 do at 223, satne condition; 800 do at 270, paekagea lnolmied ,loo bbls do at 27 cents, packages Included; «0« &WS heavy oil at 40@42 gravity at 27Ka, bbft ic cluded. This wasextra oil. 150 bbls at b *>l» Included. Salts or 257 hols at 22c, bbls to be es ehanged. Bnlk Oils—we note aaaleofSOO bcls balk were more Inquired ftr-We note a sale of6oo bbls “ Brilliant ” bonded at 460, to gocut of the mark et. Sales of 100 bbftjreo oU at 668. These appeal to he the ruling pfleeft