I I’d trie EUtor Of The Press: f sw: Of all the Incidents connected with the lata solemnities In our olty, not one Has been so fall of ' silent pathos, so full of present and future mean ing. as that of the poor black woman bringing her *• roughly-made ” wreath of evergreen, and In tears presenting It, to be placed at toe bead, or at the feet, or somewhere sear tbe beloved remains of bits, the crowning aot or whose life was the Immense i benefit he had oonferred upon her people—bar !o-trodden, bar oppressed people. Was she on that solemn ocoaston tba chosen rapre ativa of her racel »rwas right to strew and sweet flowers around the form of so loved and honored. This poor woman’s ate was, however, an evergreen—emblematical be everlasting remembrance In whteh the name ; brabam Lincoln would be held In all time to b. Mt this hnmble woman’s'offering be ho *1 ! lot It be safely kept In the archives of onr city! then In our gnat Intore, (for we shall have >a 1 future,) when every vestige of the accursed is swept from onr beautiful land—when no s of the swinging lash over the helpless and yet rig man’s shoulders—no walling cry ol “ O Lord, ter! O Lord, masterf” from the quivering lips tie Ued-npwoman,as the whip enters herbal* ly scarred flesh—then the dust of that hnmble impressive offering thla*poor black woman laid n the bier of their great deliverer will be looked n with an almost holy reverenoe. o not think me a fanatic or a oracy Abolitionist, as some would say. I never attended an Abolition meeting In my life ; but lam an Abolitionist, bom in the south and brought up In the midst of slavery. Among my earliest reoolleotlons, when I was a tiny tittle girl, I remember feeling vengeance toward »y own father for .whipping a servant: nodonbt It was a merciful whipping—for he was a man of mercy—bnt I thought he ■ had no right to whip a •‘grown- tip woman,” And let that woman had In a fit of passion inflicted a blow upon me which it was thought would ruin mo for life j and to this day, though more than half a century baS passed. I bear Its impress on my faoe. Yob, lam an Abolitionist, and haw never known tbe time when I was not enA Long before I knew the meaning of the term, 3 ttsed to wonder Why it was that I could not be gold, and my mother go into the wood-house to cry andpray, as I knew that black mothers-dld. Thank God, the,sound has gone forth that this Vile thing, tbe vilest sin tbat the son ever shone ' Upon, Is to be abolished forever from these United States: as if to make the verdict stronger, the great ly feal of Abraham Lincoln's blood has baen put upon and tbat seat ean never henaelorwardb be broken. r-3ut 1 forget that I am bnt a woman, and pradenoe : bids me stop. f Very respectfully yours, „ , April 26,1866. &A 1& 09 the Duke du Mobsy’B Stud.—Thirty five thorough-bred bones, part or the stud of toe fate Duke de Moray, were sold by auction, at Chan tilly, on tbe Bth lust. There were eleven two-year oliiß, eighteen three-years,' and six four-years. The total amount of the sate was 328-250 fraoos. Tbe highest prices obtained were: Three-year olds— X-ello, a bay oolt, by West; Australian and tbe Lean, .-plotmare, to OounttJLehndorf, 60. f00t; Flatus, a bay eolt, by West Australian and Portlet, to Mala* Frldolto, 41,000f.p TempUer, a bay oolt, by West' Australian andTerma|»nt to M.D«svlgnes,3B,ooor.: Fonr.years—Bayard, abbestnutborse, by Newmln bter and Babette, to M H. Luoel, 26,60Qf. Two- 1 years—La yloulet, a bay oolt, by West Australian and Bllistrie, to M. Lupin, is soor. A Quhstiok or Law —The OJneltmatl Times of Tuesday lost Informs its readers that “ it Is sug- Settcd that a coroner's inquest should bays been eld on the body of the late President, andayerdlet rendered, otherwise bis assassin cannot legally be convicted ef murder.” The discussion of this point Is sow Utterly useless, yet we would suggest to the editor (hat the slightest legal knowledge might have made him aware that no verdioc was jaeoes sary to enable a jury to ennvlct an assassin of a murder—still less of a murder to which there were so many positive witnesses. CITY IXJEJMS. Tbe Parmelee Isolated Pianos. We are always pleased to weloome any new im provement In musical Instruments, atjd.more espe cially in the Plano, Forte, from Its entering more largely Into the musical enjoyments and recrea tions of home than any ether. It was, therefore, with more than ordinary gratification that we yesterday Kftmtned the mechanism and witnessed the per formanco of the celebrated new Piano, tbe name of which heads this article. - Tbe “ Parmelee Isolated Plano ” differs from others In these particulars: Tbe Instrumental part of the piano Is completely Isolated from the case by means of a roe talllo frame, rendering the soundjof It more rloh, Clear, and powerful, while It secures to It the addi tional valuable advantage of not being In the least degree liable to detriment fiom variations of the. weather, unseasoned wood and other easily imagined difficulties which wood must necessarily Involve in oontrast with metal. The sound of these pianos Is not only much more clear and powerful, but their durability to all climate. 1 ., and tholr non-Ila blllty to get out of tune from changes of season, are so pa tent to every Intelligent observer, that we shall be much mistaken If they do not speedily supersede all others In use, at least in oases where purchasers evince a proper appreciation of real merit. The eaytenseof the Parmelee Isolated Pianos, we are In formed by Mr. Osborn, the agent of the company manufacturing them, is materially IeBS than that of others, owing to the gftbter simplicity of their con l atruotlon, although we are free to say that the dif- I ferenoe In cost is a trifling consideration compared ’ with the substantial advantages of the lnstrnmest Itself over all others extant. We learn that Mr. Morris, No. 728 Market street, Is to aat as agent for their sale In this olty. ’Samples are now on exhibi tion at bis warerooms, where visitors will be afford ed every facility for testing and contrasting their merits. *» - A ISBACTiFUi, inba.— Albums of poetry, albums of autographs, albums of photographs, and albums of flowers have long been popular, but it was re served for Mr. Eddy, of the Grover & Baker Sew> tog Machine Company, No. 730 Chestnut street, to introduce the latest novelty In this department; we .gliude to Us splendid Specimen Album of the vari ous kinds of Sewing and Embroidery executed on the Grover & Baker machines at this popular establishment. In examining Its multitudinous pages we were atonce charmed by the beauty, novel ty, and precision of the specimens, and amazed by their number and variety. Tucking on the finest material, every stltoh clear, perfect, and uniform s lace—a mere gauze—not drawn ft particle; cording, hemming, felling, and qunttog;rufflinggathered and si Itched down with absolute accuracy ; fancy work In variety; letters to German text, wrought with embroidery, for marking table linen or the finest hsndkerohlefs; onahlon patterns to the most elabo rate designs, and even a lady’s net, were among the specimens presented on the different pages. The most exquisite thing to the collection, however, was » beautiful wreath of flowers, In all the various natural shades and tints. This we regard as the most artistic and difficult feat ever attained on the sewing machine, and Is quite enough to convince pny one that the maohlne to bny Is undoubtedly the Grover A Baker. The samples here referred to being presented In this neat and convenient form, are invaluable to ladles wishing to purchase ma efitoes, as they can see at a glanoe, and at their most comfortable ease, the entire line and character of the work these machines are capable of perform ing. We have rarely, If ever, had to chronicle a More pleasing contribution to the mechanical arts than the album here referred to. On Items.— We are pleased to learn that the Broken tools have keen taken ont or the well on the lands or the « Alliance Petroleum and Goal Com panyon Rawson’s Bun, West Virginia. Moat of our readera Interested In “oilmatters” will perhaps remember the peenllar olronmstanoea attending the striking of the Big Orevloe ”in the jhll of 1804, an account of whloh was given in onr columns at the time. This well has attraoted mnoh notloe, owing to the peculiarities of the Assure which was struok at the depth of 384 feet from thesnrraoe of the ground. We have made careful Inquiry In respect to the prospects of the well, and, relying solely upon the reports or gentlemen ol unquestioned integrity, who have seen It and are familiar with all the circum stances, we Are glad to lay berore our numerous readers a short account of the condition of the well at the present time. It would seem that the large and as yet unex plored crevice, so far as ltß capacity for oil is con cerned, is highly charged with gas, whloh Is now pouring out througlrthe tubing unlntermlttlngly in a steady jet, Onr Eastern mends wonia, at the present high rates for coal, think themselves happy If they had this supply of gas at their command, as there Is sufficient to light, with the proper appliances, a “ whole town.” The enterprising Company who own this well, however, are not nnmlndfnl of the value of the gas, and although they cannot nse a “tithe” of It, 'have arranged a most unique gas oven under their holier, and are now running the engine entirely by means ol this gas, thereby effecting a great saving in fuel, as well as the necessary labor attending the constant “ Bring up.” , The gas that IS constantly emanating from the well, roaring like the escape steam or our largest river boats, is highly charged with the odor of oil, m feet, smells precisely like benzine. The opinion of all with whom we have conversed regarding this singular, and we may say remark able, well, Is that there Is an Immense body of oil be neath (the gas proves this conclusively), whloh win : -h* got at as soon as the proper and necessary ap- I pllances shall be used. f We are not In the habit of volunteering our ad - vice, especially; in. oil .matfers, but at the same time cannot avoid expressing onr wonder that the who are Interested in this well do not try the-experlmoit of an air pump, with the view ~.. to more fully testing Its capabilities. —Marietta Re rjriler, April 30,1803, ■ The Hew Styles of Spring Boesbts js.hi ' - Hats, for Ladles and Misses, now open at Wood A , Qary’s, Ho. T 26 Chestnut street, are the ne plus ultra ■ «f good taste, and the ladles say bo. Jb»e Davis off to Europe.—lt is ourrently reported, and generally believed, that Jeff Davis is off to Europe, oarrylng with him the “swag ’> Bto len from the banks of Richmond. The aroh traitor may have a very good time with Johnny Bull and Monsieur Grapeau; but he will be looking back home and regretting Ms sins, and lamenting over the fact that the halcyon days of the old Union are past when heoould visit Philadelphia at pleasure, and drop In at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall or Hoof hill A Wilson, Hos. 60S and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. ■To the Public.— We would sollolt an examine . tlon of specimen Photographs In orayon, life and cabinet also, of our lamented Chief Magistrate, . Abb ah am Lincoln, whloh l£e are getting up by subscription; It ,1s acknowledged by his most per sonal Mends to be the beßt executed picture,and likeness now offered to the publlo;' Subscriptions taken at Messrs. Moss A Co.’s, Ho. <433 Chestnut street, and at onr store. Hbezst A Co., Photographers, ap33-6t 313 Arch street. Babb Ckawob.—Jnst received, and for sale at (Dean’s, 418 Chestnut street, some very superior brands Old Virginia chewing tobaoeo, Including— .Jones A Son’s extra Sweet Cavendish. . -Graveley’s Plain Cavendish. .Harris’ Plain Cavendish. 'And the celebrated genuine Stonewall Twist. Also, a fine article Eldorado and Bough-and" Beady tobaoeo, all ol whloh will be sold exceeding ly low. How is the time to secure a bargain. Call at Dean’s, 418 Chestnut street. ap3B-2t Photoobaphs Of the Funeral Procession of our lamented President) also, a oapltal Likeness of the President, all also*. Obilsoh A Hood, apsaTt* 626 Arch street. Eyb, Ear, AND Oatabbh, successfully treated by j. Isaacs, JI. D., Oculist and Anrist, 519 Pine st, Artificial eyes inserted., Ho chargo for exam! nation. Thb Bust Fittiwg Shirt or thh ash is «Th« improved Pattern Shirt,” made by John O. Arrb son, at the old stand, Nos. 1 aid s North Sixth street. Work done by hand, in the best manner, and warranted to give satisfaction. His stock of Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods cannot be surpassed, Prices moderate. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. The «om F Coleman, W’msport Chas Williams. N Y S O Walker, New York , T J Oak ley, New York W T Tollman, Chicago L W Yolk, Chicago H O Tripp, St Louis b H Greenbanm, Olnein J Gager, Bueyrus, O AHarrold, England G W Bradley & wf, N Y D M Peck, Penna S Bird, New York A H Tenbreok, N Y J S Soudder-t la, N J A Henderson & wf, Tenn N Kingsbury, Conn J M Clark, oil City H W Tyson, Baltimore Capt North, Canada W D Cable, New York A D Shepard, N Y W A Nell, New York W W stone & la, NY , Miss Stone A sis, NY J S Griffey, Washington O H Patton, Alabama S K Mitchell, Boston J K Brown A wf, N Y S M Allison, Ohio W-Flrmstone, Easton j L A Blummer, N BedfM L M HIM, Maryland Mrs Du Barry, Harrisb’g Mrs Corooran, Harrisb’g " J Underwood, Virginia J F Usher, USA D North, England J B Anthony, Prov, It I J H Coleman, New York G B Hazwell, New York J E Temple O H Temple Mr Waugh, New Orleans C McKnfght Awf.Plttsbg W B Bosenbaum, N J Mrs W Moller, N Y MISS L Moller, N Y Maths. W F Moller, New York Jas Borrows, New York W Flowers A wf, Maine W H Peirce, Baltimore D H Kiddie, Virginia J W Iredell, Jr, Olnn, O Jos Allen, Pittsburg A L Mumper, Bethlehem WH Woods,JHuntlngdon A L Knight 4 wf, Balt Sami L Firke, German’n Henry Hard, Eastou . ’John Ferguson, N’Oaslls Chas W Holmes, Poona Alex Bull, New York N Ell maker, Jr, Lane co. H Payne, New York W Button, Columbia, Pa W Perkins, Ottawa, 111 Mrs WPbtton, Columbia S S MaDiwell, Columbia Miss L Patton, Columbia H B Thomas, New York Mrs O Beatty A da, Her Benj Do Wolff, Wa3h GW J Beatty, Harris’g H F Newlin, Colorado ■ K Curtin, Centre 00. Fa IDr J A Harlan, Colorado J A Herbert, Delaware jB F Osgood A-la, Eoohdf W D Jones, Delaware John Hosie, Wilkesbarre D Zook A la. New York John Meily, Lebanon A W Wood A son, Balt Mrs Simpson, New York Thos Henry! Penna Jacob Benjamin, Balt WmHHortman, Penna S M Reynolds, Del Wm P Stratton, N Y Jas Dnnnlston, Penna H Collins, Delaware Wm Williams, Penna Kobt Collins, Delaware H Montgomery, Ohio Jas MeMahon, Penna J Boyd, Penna Sami Y Bnby, Penna -J S Everhart, Fittston H L Burkholder.A la, Pa A M Morgan, Penna J M Friok, Ashland B M Atherton, Wash J W Eoberts A la, Ind Master Atherton, Wash G G Evans. Delaware G M Kathburn&wf, Mass J S Stiles, Delaware S T Longstreet, Penna l W A Tripps, DSN W Bailey, Yenango oo D Fowler, MeudYllle H J Adams J W Hammorsley J O Canley, Missouri Alex J Oattell, N Jersey C £ Bauson, Boston Geo J Hopkins, Boston R H Lewis, Ft Delaware John Hancock, USA S Bond . J Dr Isaac H D Knowles W Byrns, Washington I R H Williams, Delaware P F Cansey, Jr, Delaware W H Montgomery . D H Hutobinson, f4hna G G Kunkel, Harrlsbarg John Quinn, New York T B Perkins A wf, N Y Stephen Goodrich, N Y I Vbe Mex J Harrison, Luzerne co J Porter, New York A A Huber, Allentown A J Langcake, Munoy JoKn Brown, Jr, Penna J M Carr, Penna J Lockhart, Penna T Clark, Wheeling Geo Reed, NaßhviUe, O M Harris, Richmond G Rasentball, Blohmond Thos L Wallace A wf, Pa W s Walton, Wash Jos Lonohhelm W Willis, Harrisburg Chas Law, Plttston, Pa G H Kennedy, Penna W Dicky. Brookville, Pa' Jas E Long Penna | J Proctor, Pittsburg | J G Getz, Lancaster Goo Strayer, Lock Haven S Haynes, Cambridge, O Chas Seitz, St Louis 1 J J Brower, Bloomsburgl A Terwilllger, Bioomsbg A Grant, Ohio O Y Weller, New Jersey V R Wentz, Hanover, Pa J H Baxtresser A la, Pa Miss A Smiley,Strondsbg Chas A Saylor. Beading J Wltmer, Jr, Lebanon 00l Thompson W E Hooper, Baltimore Jos Bevan, Gettysburg h> Whitcom b la, Wash’n John W Scott J E Dougherty, Del oo G W Brown, Baltimore Josephus Hartman Ohas S Hause Ohas Gulden, New York W Morrison. New York Tbos B Megear, Del V D Lee, New York G B Green, Ohioago G W Dilworth, Ohio Jasß Moorhead R T Sherman, New York L Harteny, New York W A Benson, N J The 1 D A Bupp, York, Fa A J Brown, Penna N Patterson, Ohio H £ Dickey, Massillon,O John W Wagner, Ohio O W Cunningham, Ind J 111 Peters. Ohio E Stutzel, Penna J Esterly, Ohio J W Tim, Pittsburg F Beekler, Baltimore OL Moore, Allegy Olty A J Casebeer, Penna J H Moore w G Moofe, Pottsville Mrs J F Lantz Sc sn, Pa J Belchard, Allentown The Stat< GW Williams, Easton Jas Potts, Lane, Pa O S Crew, Salem, O L S Burrows, Oressona Ghas Montcalm, Oil Olty John Strong, Mifflin oo S A Loudon,MoYeytown D P Beale, PerryviUe J B MoLadd, Pottsville P S Liggett, Juniata co G P Beed, Indiana, Fa Jas Thompson, Milroy BA Young, Penna Tbe Com: J P Bradbury, Maryland W Badeliff, Pittsburg John Kennedy, Lano oo J B Kennedy, Lana oo Alex Mode, Coatesvllle Frank W puilnton, Ya J A Turner, Lewisville Hewton Gawthrop, Del Prank Springer, Pa S L Hershey, Lancaster Obas Buffington, Fa David Dunn, Huntingdon S G Whitaker & wife, Pa E H Brown, Lano oo L L Hanghawont, Pa J S Hopkins, York co A D Harlan & wife, Fa L S Isaacs, Cheater co Geo P Graves, H Y Harvey Lang, Chester co Tbe Os O C Murray, How York i: N H Hunt, New Jersey : F Moore, New Jersey W J MtUeWNew Jersey B Huston, Pennsylvania S Thatoher, Penna J Blaekfan A la, Penna C G Deropsay, Oil Creek A O Dlngman N s Brawn, Delaware D Feaster, Boots oo 1 Tbe Bali D Christman, Carbon co Mrs Aldemase, Carbon co F Wilßon, Middletown A KHornberger, Lane CO J H Wolf, Lehigh, oo A, w Pottelger, Beading p Bartholomew, Penna Tbe Bln O H Blank, Allentown Ohas Beige, Allentown J I Breiwlg, Allentown J S Bodder, Snrlngtown G H Steiner, Phlllpsburg C H Brown, Hew York.,. 1 Grand Combination ! Good News fob tHB FBOPLBt Grand Combination! Good News lor the People 1 Grand Combination! Good Hewafor the People I Grand Combination! Good News forths People I IMHZSSS Reduction is Pbiobs! Immense Reduction nr Parossl Xkmbnsb Beduotioh in Prices 1 FbekT Sc Co., Ho. 303 Osasmti Street. Pseet A 00., 80. 609 Chestnut Street. Perst St 00., 8. B. corner Seventh and Market Sts, To meet the popular demand for lower prices, Messrs. Perry Sc Go.. Glothiers, have.determlned to throw open to the pnblle, for a limited period* their Immense eioek" ol lino Clothing, contained In their three stores, vU ; Ho. SOS Chestnut sliest, above Third. No. 6C9 Chestnut street, (GKANYILLB BTOKBS’ old stand.) Bontheast comer Seventh and Market ate., (JONHS’, and to offer their entire stock of Clothing at prices telly SOFBEOEHT. 20 PEE CENT. 30 PEE CENT. 20 PEE CENT. » PIE CENT. 30 FSB CEHT. - Lowee than ant othbk House. Lowes ruuh ant othbb House. Lowee than aet othbe House. Onr stock consists of Spring Goode, msttnteetsredfor the present season, and the balance of Winter Clothing remslnlnx on hand, all ol which is not up In the very beet manner expressly for retail sales, and will he sold st prices that will make It to the Interest of the pnblle to buy. 30 FEE OBXT. SOPSECSST. 20 FEE CEHT. 20 PEE CENT. 20 FEE OBBT. 30 PEE CENT. LOWEE THAN Ain OTHEX HOUSE. Lower than ant other House. Lower thah aht othbe House. First A Co . No. 303 Chestnut street, above Third. No. 609 Chestnut street (GBaNYILLB STOKES’ 01d Stand.) Southeast tenter Seventh and Market tti.. (JONES’.) £ ap2s 61 itlnental. W S'Gooden, New Haven W Einstein Awf,St Louis J H Butler, Portsmouth S P Dor Hon E O Parry, Pottsv'e O Little, Pottsville P D Luther, Pottsville John F Dameron T S Hubert John Cookie A wf, N Y G Waters, Georgetown Miss Waters A sister, DO Benj WiHlams, Md N H Barrett, Washington W H Davis, Boston Goo K Davis, Boston G Francis Train, N Y T Watklnson, Maryland Gov A G Curtin, Penna Miss Curtin, Harrlsbarg B Allen, Harrisburg R B Roberts, Harrlsbarg / J Sproull, New York O W Dans J B Fas:ott ~ B O Truman, Mobile A A Flamer, Franklin J Langdon, Elmira J Grazier, Pittsburg O O Biohardsou, N Y C Swezey A la, N Y Miss Merserean, Penna L F Bead A la, N Y ' S Erilen, Louisville A E Warner, Marjlanl W Slack, Maryland Miss O Slack, Maryland U O Hahn, Baltimore Mrs H a Haiiott,' N Y : R L F-Everett, N Y : H S Phillips.' Pittsburg F J Steers, New York D K Boaney A w, Penna i G W Niles, New York ■Edwß Bell. New York A O Hawkins, Alleg Olty L Hebman, Pittsburg J W Dunklee, Pottsville F Bausman, Pittsburg H C Ostrander A wr.N Y . M-Bradt A fam, Malae F Hilliard, Mass JPG Foster, New York Mrs Buckley A an, N Y Miss L Baghaus, Penna The’ tilrard, Miss Bathbnrn, Bas ton A. Baoon, Washington W H Brecht, Warren co FK Haln, Williams poet if G- Fisher, Hantlngdon W H litotner, Delaware L B MoUlintoch, Bel HShleis, Pittsburg Sbapley Morgan, Lowell V S Boblnson, Salts ourg J B Montgomery. Fenna M E Moorhead, Fenna V Harding, Washington Geo H Norrte & lady J R Gibson, Cincinnati if MontimolUn, Jr O L. Green & jrf, Mt Joy Mrs A. S Hookman, Pa ,S J McGlnnes, N' Jersey J O Dolon St, wf, Penna T W Snook, Michigan O D Elder & wr, Ohio D S Clark, New York I uti Ants’. KL Durant,Penna E F Morris, Green oa,P» G- O Lemley,Green co.Pa & L Freer, Ohio Miss N O Mo Do veil, Fa D McKenna, Slattogton Cbas D Golaenberg, N J M Smith, Penna John Gage & la, N J T N Wolfe, Centre co w s Young, Allentown W H Fritz, Ctiattanooga John Miller, Carlisle A M liOldlch, Penna Robt Armstrong, Penna J P Peek, Orange, O B H Luker, Penna Dr F Rank, Johnstown jJas Heal;, Douglasvile J.B ArnlBs,Parkerabg,Va E O Ford, Orange N X* Williams, Penna John A Hermeman, £7 Y i John Graman, N J lJ Mleke & la, Easton F A Barker, Penna 0 A Barker, Penna f D B Russell, Waynesboro i Miss M C Resser, Penna Mrs S N RlBser, Penna I J E Jones, Williamsport ; J McDowell, Maryland H Einstein, Maryland nerlcan, Mrs A W Lynch, Dal Miss Lynch, Delaware Frank Lynch, Delaware AugfißteDeayolgnes, o Dr H B Noble Miss O M BUSS J Bear & la, New York Geo H Smith W O Ohnroh, USA O A McLeod, Troy, N Y A Holmes, New York Geo Alexander, N Y G H Stemmer, Mies O E Heoht, Easton, Fa O D Lee, New York _ GFNiooJ, Minersvilte $ Aaron Wilhelm, Easton W H Klapp, Newark, N J M H Horn, Oatasauqua K L Warm, Deerfield J F Clark, Boston Mr & Mrs Mabbett, H Y E D Cleaver, Del City J H Young, Mass A Wilhelm, Easton Theo Arter, Ohio John Coleman, Cadiz, O I) Gommings, Soh Haven R Johnson Ada,Tamaqua Mrs R D Tweeds, Wash G H Heifer, Akron, O v D R Norvell, Hew York Mrs Brownell A sn, Wash Jos Kckman, Penna W Elliott, Stenbenv, O as Union. A E Mill Is, Maryland H Parry, New York J L Snydam, Coatsvflle CEPelroe,N Hampsh’e J H Cate, Portsm’h, H H H C Lewis, Baltimore F J Fennosk, Chester co Miss T Branson Alfred Yerkes.Ohester oo Jas Whiteraft, Penna J Leggott,Bloomsburg J H Walton, Penna imerelal. T S Young, Coatesvllle T S Platt, Chicago Lewis Walker, if Y Aaron Baker, Cnester oo R P McWilliams, Pa S B Londan, Mlffltntown Mrs Falriamb Sc oh, Md T W Husbands, Del G W Woodward, Pa T Tomas, Elkton, Md J B Jordan, Blkton G O Waterman, N Y W M Wilson, Hewark,Dl J W Barnard, Chester oo EevWFNlelds, N J L H Shuler, Chester co A Leopold, Donglasrille W T Gales, N J P W Ziegler, York co Edison. |E R Smith, New Jersey D F Craw, New York M K Taylor, Penna W Rosoo, New Jersey J Beilis, New Jersey S S Spear, New Jersey W E Anderson, H Jersey ; Mr Chamberllu.N Jersey W Hill, New Jersey IJ O Durham, N Jersey >Y Skinner, Penna Id Ragle. Jas Lowes Sc la, Easton ¥ Zleglar, Penna P Super, Pennsourg J E Ziegler, Pennsbarg D A Drot, Bethlehem J H Gross, Ephrata, Pa ik Boar. J M Wallheiser, Penna J liuppart & la, E’ox Chase H Beard, MUlersburg J Yanartsdaleu, Penua A Gannler, Lehigh co 1 W Schnack, Lehigh oo SPECIAL, NOTICES A Big Thing.—A milxjoh ib a great roauy, but two million is more. As incredible as it may appear. Hours. P. H. Drake & Co., of New York, sell over two million bottles of PLANTATION BITTERS a year. This Is nearly one hundred and seventy five houeaud dozen, which, at nine dollars, would be over a million and a half dollars! Surely, some merit must attach to an article of such a Bale Go where we will, from one end of the country to the other, we are always insight of theevid*ncesofthe cabalistic S.T.--iBSO—X., and these gentlemen's energy. We would, sanest to them a little more elegance in their rook painting. The Legislature of hew Hampshire h«a passed a law against their further disfiguring the White Mountains. ap2B-6fc Foe Leaks Around Chtmnets, Scut tles, Skylights, Trap doors, As., or as a water-proof Paint, try BTKAD’B WEATHER-PROOF CEMENT, which does not crack or peel off like other articles. In boxes of 8 lbs-fer SI 20 Sold by TRUMAN A SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-five) MARKET Street, below Binth. li Strong Brass Air Cocks, with or without keys, for locking them. A variety of other Brass Cocks, including those for Coal OU.' Cork Stops, Faucets, Molasses Gates, Cedar and' Lignum Vita# 'Spigots, Tap*, Borers, Ac, , for'sale by TRUMAN & SHaW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty five) MARKET Street, below Ninth. It WHY INJURE THE COMPLEXION BY POWDERS AND WASHES which choke or 411 up th. pore* of the .Ms, and ii Cohort time leave It harsh and dry? It is In tie blood, and If yon want a.moothand (Oft skin Me' HBLMBOLD'S EXTRACT OFSAKBA PAXIL LA. It fives a brllHaney to tbe complexion. A Clear, Smooth SiciNyiSitD BEAUTI FUL COMPLEXION follows the nee of HBLMBOLD’B 'CONCENTRATED FLUID BXJRACT SARSAPARIL LA. It removes black spots, pimples and all eruption! af'tbeskin. - . ... To Purify, Enrich the Blood, and BEAUTIFY the complexion, nee HBLMBGLD'S HIGH* &Y CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPA RILLA* One bottle equals In atrencth one fillon of the Byriip or Decoction. Hot a Pew of the Worst Disorders that afflict mankind arise from corruption* of tho blood HBLMBOLD’S EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA la > remedT of thentmost value. . , Belmbold’s Concentrated Extract BUCHU is the treat IHuretie. HSLMBOLD'S 00*. CENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA is the ffreat Blood Purifier, Both are prepared according to ralei of Pharmacy and Chemistry, and are the most actlv* that ean he made. A Thinc of Beauty is a Joy For ever.—Those who desire hrlßlaney of complexion, meat purify and 62 rich the blood, which HELM BOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT, SARSAPARILLA Inva riably does. BeeoUect It la no patent medicine, irk 'or Belmbold’s, Take no other. mhl-wfmim JONBa’. THE LOWEST SELLING PRICE is marked In flxnree . on each article, AND NEVER VARIED. AT JONES’ Crescent One-pries CLOTHING HOUSE. MARKET STREET, above Sixth. Ho. 604 b. 4V Prises reduced to salt the tlmee. A Ino assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHINO. mltable for all seasons, constantly on hand. Cnatom-vrorh mada to order at short notice. cmhS-tn M. Shoemaker & Co.', No. 4 North EIORTH Street, are now openlnr elegsnt new Sprtn* and Summer Styles of CHILDREN’S CLOTHING. Call and examine. . apt*-6t* Itch. (Wheaton’s) Itch. , SALT RHEUM. (OINTMENT) SALT RHEUM. Will cure the Itch in 48 hours. Also cures Salt Rheum deers. Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price SO cents. By sendinc 60 cents to WEEKS & POT TER, BOSTON, Has* , will he forwarded free by mail for sale by nil Dinxfiste. mhlT-SM Hate Dye I Hair Dye I BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE to the best In the world fho only true and perfect Dye—harmless, instautsn* cue, and reliable; produce* a splendid Bladk or Natural Brown; remedies the ill effects of Bad Dyes, andfre anently restores the orlxlnal color. Sold by all Drug cists. The fenulne Is slfned W. A. BATCHELOR, B) BARCLAY Street. New York. j*»-mwfrly & Co.’a MASON *'“hAMLIN , B CABINET ORGANS. PIANO Oyer 600 each of these fine CABINET FORTES. Instruments hays been sold by organs. PIANO Mr. G , and the demand is eon- CABINET FORTES, stantly increaslnt. ORGANS. F°r.al j eoniy ( by j L D _ gABIN* PIANO SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Ste. CABINET FORTES. noSO tf ORGANS. Clothing by the Mile, The Immense stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING now displayed at WANAMAXER & BROWN’S OAK HALL POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSK, S, E. cor. SIXTH and MARKET Sts., [f placed In one continuous line, would reach a ion* distance toward Richmond. Thlslos* stream of Cloth- In* Is running off at MAKVBiiiiOtnrarr-xrtrfr-TOioße. apT4-tf MAEBIED. MATTHIBSSEN—BOY LBS, —On the 27th Inst, .by tbs Bev Alex Rood. F. O. Matthleesen, of Jersey City, to bus, daughter of James Boy In, Beq., of this city. * GEORGS—JARDBB- —On the Bthinst., by the Bev. Albeit Barnes. Johu C George, of Boston, to Kate R, daughter of the late Samuel Jardeu. at thla mty. [No cardt*. 1 . , „ BDIfJD—BBOWF —Ob Thursday, the 2«hof April, by the Bev. It. Dncachefc.Commadore John Baad. of tbe United States If&Tj, to BmxaelUe, daughter of Par FBALEY-—Oa the 27tb of April, by tbe Bev. J. H. feuydam. (Theodore ,Tiewendt to Cor* Bella B. Fraley, both of Philadelphia: * PaBKEB—SMITH —Ob Thnredar morniaf, 27th lust, bytht Bev. TS W. Conkltnf, Jos. B. Parker, Jr., to Annie 0., danahter of G. Bush Smith, ££<2., all of this city. Boeazas. PLED- BAIGHN.-On the 27th instant, after a short Ulness, at the residence of his father, Bo 2041 Mcmet t Vernon Etrtet. Joseph, *on of Charles and Mary C Kalina, in iheiithjear othlaafe. the funeral will —March SO, atHamiltou.CanadaWeit, of typhoid feyer, William J ffitiholaon, ag«4.S6 years, formerly of J9ew York city. , , • _ * McCLaß*.—Ob Wednesday, the 28th inst., Hannah, wife of Joseph McClees. In the SSth year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly inyited to attend the funeral from her late residence, Radnor* on Saturday, the 29th Inst., to meet at^lO ° RaNLIHK—On the evening of ihe 24th ln«t, Magda lina, daughter of Alfred and Lydia HanUne, aged 24 T 'The relatlvee and friends of the family are tespeot telly invited to attend her funeral. from her pvrents’ reiidence, Forty-third etreet, above Haverford, W. F., on Friday morning, at 9 o’clock, without further no tice. . *** A LEXANDRE’S AND JOUVIN ,& A CO’S. Black KM moves redpwd to *2 a pair. BBSSOB & SOW. Mourning store, SIS CHESTaDT Street. QLACK QUEEN’S CLOTH AND D qiobit Moiatri, yard bJ » half vide, jut re tired by BBBBOH 4 §OK. fc|nh| Sgi, aya-tf Wo. 9tB CBBSTHUT Street. TTYHE & LANDBLI.. Sh ESTABLISHED m ( 1840. We alwaysadhere to good Goods* and depend on fair *•*“"* of silk goods. GOOD STOCK OF DRESS GOODS. SHAWLS AND BTAFLB GOODS BET. MB. HAIMOSD Will PsE? . hold a meeting fo? Children and Youth la the GLINTON-STBEET OBUBOH, TENTH Street, below Spruce. THIS AFTERNOON, at go after past 4 o’cioi*-* A US lON PBAYEB MEETING W&& will be held EVBBY MOBSING THIS WEEK, from $H till 9 o’clock, la the Lecture Boom of the.Oil* van Church,-LOCUST Street, above Fifteenth. Chil dren and youth are especially invited to attend. It* ira» THE ANNUAL MEBHNGOP TUB NZS? STOCKHOLDERS OF TBB BEACON OIL COMPANY will he held on TOES DAY,. Mar 9kh, at. 35£ o'deck P, M.» in second-story GIBARD BANK 3BILBING. S. P. HANCOCK, apis lOt* * -Beoratary. TBE UNION BANK AND PUAN -1*35? TEE’S BASK OF TEN NBBBBB —The Stock holders will meet on SATURDAY, the 29th at Boom 30. PhiladelphiaEschange»,amo’clocfc ap2B*2t* LATIN.-TBE FIRST LECTURE: WZEa? points in Latin; Beauty of Latin; The Fire Declensions—TUESDAY, Mav Sd.at SP. M., N. S cor ner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Streets. C C. BOHaEFFEB. It* AT A MEETING OF THE DIBEO TOES AND TEACBBSS OF THE PUBLIC SCBOOLrOF THE TWMT.IfTHIBD SECTION, the fallowing preamble and resolution! were unanimously adorned April 24th, 1866: IT hereas, ltis richt and fitting that the Directors and Teachers of our Public JSchools should give some posi tive expression of their feelings with respect to eha f e&t foul and diabolical assassination that uas robbed our nation of its honored hi ad and humanity of the greatest practical philanthropist the world has ever known; and whereas* This last and direst act of trea* son has precipitated the deepest mourning throughout ot AtdoZrfcVbat l tke* horrible deed, its instigators, agents, and apologists justly merit and now receive the la* ting condemnation oi all people, except a few tr.Q base* too detestable to lire, too infamous, to? das tardly to die. . . . . „ Resolved, That we. as far as in our power, shall Ukch those con mttfced to our care for instruction that treason is a crime, and, by the law made under the Conrtitutkn of the United Stases, to be punished With death: ano further, that they ns good citizens should shun &'l apologists for treason as they would the'arch traitor hiXTSei*. ResQlvtd, Toat we ah*ll ever hold forth to the youth of oui section as a n ode! worthy of imitation, not only. for mblic officers but also for private citizens, the life and chancier of rtbelr good and the good of the Bet übllc this out incalculable loss. Resolved, That Andrew Johnson, the successor of The Unented friend of the nation, will ever have our earnest and hearty [support in every measure cslca i&teu to suppress treason, restore peace, and lead our. countr* on is the bright career of its former prosperity. Resolved, That, as a mark Tifli —The Annual Meeting of the Lot Holders intIeMONOMBBT CEMETERY OFFHILA JBLPHIA, and Election for Manaiers to serve tlto ensain* yoar, will be held at the Hail of the fire Association, eonth Bide of NORTH Street, west of Fifth street, on MON DAT AFTERNOON, the first day of May next at font o’clock. B. TAYLOR, ap32-8t ■ Secretary. OFFICE TAB BBRKN Oil. COM ■os' rant, 10 mbrchabts’ bxchasqb, Phii,ai>ri,phia. April 93, 1886. The Annual meeting o. STOCKHOLDBR6 will be held at the Office of the Oompany, atl2 ffi., on SATtTBDAT, May 6th, 1886. W. a BXILBS, J*., ap22-tny6 Secretary. OFF!CIS OF THE CITE TBEA- I» SUBEB." HOTIGB TO LOAM HOLDERS. I am prepared to Lot ORB H DND ft ISI> THOUSAND DOLLARS of the Loan of the Cltjof Philadelphia, die Ist of Jnlj next, at par. HBSJtY BUHM, ap2g 61 CitT Treasurer. |S>a OFFICE UIBiRD MINING! COM- F3E? PAHY. Philadelphia, April 24. ISA. notice is herdjy given that an instalment ol fifty cents per share on each and every shaie of the capital stock of the GIBABD MIKING COMPANY , , _ Has this day been called In, payable on or before the 61b dav of Hay. ISBS, at the Office of the Company, a». 324 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. By order of the Directors. _ ap26 tmy6 B. A. HOOPBS, Treasurer. THE TEETH ARSUAL COURSE 131? of LECTURES ON BOTAB Y, for Ladies and Gentlemen, in the Scientific and 01a»ical Distitnte, CBBSTNUT Street, H, W. corntr.of Twelfth, begins April 29th, at 6 o'clock. The introdnetory lecture free. ap22-7fc* eraaa the ANNUAL ELECTION FOR faE> President and Managers of the ELMIRA AND WILLIAMSPORT RAILROAD COMPANY * 111 be held at their Office, 308 WALBUT Street, on MOBDaI, May le at 12 o'clock M« i I». Jr. GSiGJs*. aplS»wfin9t Secretary* BOBTHBBN MBBRTIBS AND VSS? PEHN TOWNSHIP BAILROAD COMPANY. Philadelphia* April 8,1835. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany, and an Election lor Officers to *erre /or the en suing year. and until others shall be elected* wIU be LECTURE OS IJOHT. A Lecture on M*ht, with brilliant experiments, will tea ellvered before the franklin Institute, at the AGADBMX OF MUSIC, on TUESDAY, Mar 2, at 8 o’c.ccx, by Professor MBBBT MOKTON, Secretary of Tickets may be procure 6 from the Actuary, at the hall of the Institute 17 South SBVESTfi Street, from 10 A. B. to 10 P. M.. until the let of May: oa the let aid 2d they'may be bad at the Academy, from 10 A M, to o Tickets for the parquet, parquet circle, and balcony, CO cents; for other parts of the house,2oc. Seats aecnred wlthont extraoharie. , , .. , The rrfnlar members tickets, Uiclnding those for la dles and minors, will admit thslr holders to this leo. tore, wlthont, however, of eonrso securing them re served seats T L By order of tbo Committee on Instruction. JOHN F. Fii&u Bui J V. MBRBICS, FLUTY E. CHASE. COIdBMAH SELLERS. OFFICE OF THE ISAPUE HHABIJE OIL COMPANY. Ho. SB4- WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, April 26, 1855. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Maple Bh*de Oil OoD>pan? -will be held at their Office on THURSDAY# May 18 1835, at 12 o’clock M., for the par poie of electing a Board of Directors to serve for toe owning year. THOMAS B„ &EABLB. ap27 tmylS Secretary. OFFICE OF THE MINERAL OIL fcSS? , COMPANT, 59* WALNUT Stre.t, April 20. 1865 —The Annnal Meeting of ibe Stockholders of too MINEBaL OIL COMPAAY will ba hold at toolr Office, on FBJDAY. May 12ib, at u o clock M , for the. par pore of electing a Board of Dlreeton to Barra fig too ewnhrgyear. THOS. B. SBARLB, ap27-tmyl2 Becratary. fr-tST* THE ANNEAL MEETINO OF THE KS» Stockholders of the PBNNBY LVANIA IMPB HIaL OIL COMPANY willbshetd atrteOffiee of the Company. No. iAJAI- Santo FOUSTS'Stmt, on TUBS DAYtoa2ddayofMay.l6eS.atl2 M. Batinai aof im portance; JAMBS K. SBLLBHS. •Afb.ii, S 3, 1868. [apH-Jtl Sacratary._ |SF> MUSICAL FUND SOCIETY.—THE •—S' Annual Meeting of toe Mttaieal Bond Society will be bald at toair Ball on TOBBD AY. toe 2d May, at S o'clock P. M- The Annual Beport will ba read, and an Election for Directors bald. ap27-St WH. L. DUNGLISON, Secretary. F®“ DIYIDEBD NOTICE.—OFFICE OF •=» THE PBEKYOIL OOMPAHY, southeast corner of WALNUT and FOUETH Straata Pn!!.ADHI.FIRA. Apiil 26. 1565- The Board of Directors bare tola day declared a Divl dend'of ONE PBB CENT, on toe capital stock of too Company, payable at their office, on and after May Bd. clear of State tax. Trawler books will be closed on Batnrday. 29th into and reopened on Wednesday, May 3d. ap»-6t JAMBS PBBBY, Treaanrer. •3S” BA-ELOON ASCENSION.-A •OE? grand balloon asoeneion will ba msdeatths Aerial Park, corner FIFTEENTH and OOATB3 Streets, on HATOBUAY. at 1 o'clock, i»ln April, if toe weather mfioStß, • Mr O. G. Wlwf, of tbo Wallace House, cor ner Seventh end Wa'laee and Mr. Allen, rivet maker, 881 North Twenty-second street, will accompany too aeronant- There will be rope ascensions made dtirlnx tl e tnmmer season every day, when the wetoW per mit.. The nark is open at all times fer those who wish to witness the balloon and fixtnxss, ap2B-2t COMPANY. STATE OF HEW YORK. UO FEB SHAKE. SCBSORIPTIOH P81C8.85 PEE SHARK. PKEBIDBKT, B. F. LEAKS. M. D., Frankford. gBGERTAEY. JOHI BACON, Office of the Company. Philadelphia, April 21 1585. rsr OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAL KS? AHD HaYIOiTIOa (’.OMPAHY. PfIILADBI.PKI A, April IS, 1861. The Stated Annnal Meeting of the Stockholders -of this’ Company will be held at the Board of Praia Bncmsinoith eidoofCHESTNUT Street.abive Fi f tii,on TUEsDaY WOBHIKO, the 2d ikes having recently been made in the immediate vicinity of the fifty- acre tract* they feel the greatest confidence in expectingthe most.satlsfactory results The well now being bjred by the Company* on the Hoover tract, they feel assured will yield not less than sixty barrels of oil per day The boohs of the Com pany, with letters almost daily received from the Su perintendent, are open for Inspection at the office of the Company. By order of the Board of Directors. • s H. K . BABNEH7RST, Secretary. Philadelphia, April 11th. 1866. . ap2s-6fc IS9» «»»i> sense BAiuwiD GOMFAJH7, ■pajlAßSlPHii, April 8,1885 The animal meeting of the Stockholders of this Oom- Sany, and an emotion for President and tix Managers > seree for the ensuing year, ana until others shall he sleeted. wUlhebeld atthe Offlce of the PjiladelpUU and Beading Bailroad Oompany. 80. 5137 Sonth FOUKTE Street, on MOSDaT, the Ist day of Hay next, at ll>i o’clock A. M x _ -avS-tmyl ,WM. H. WEBB, Secretary. ■SSaP 9 SCHCTiEIiJL AKD BUSQU& HANIU BAILBOAD COMPACT, OFFICE n f 47 South FOUBTSStreet. Phu-acelphia, April 6th, IBM The mbb*l meetin* of the Stockholder* of this company, and an* election for President and six Managers, will take place at the OFFICE of the COM PAJCfY, onMOHDAT, the Ist day of lUy next, at 12 o’clock if. ap7 tmyl WM, H WBBB, Secretary. ASST OfnCE OF THK BBSOIUT® VS? MIBIBG COMPANY, No 324 WALNUT St. Philadelphia, April U. 1866. JfOTJCK is hereby given that all Stock of the BE3O - MINING COMPANY on which instalments are due end unpaid is hereby declared forfeited, and will he sold at public auction on SATDBDAT, the 13th day of May, 1865, at 12 o’clock, noon, at the office of the Secretary of the Corporation according to the Charter and By-Law*, unless redeemed on or before that day. By ordarof the Directors. B, A. HOOPSt, «plB imylS Secretary and Treasurer. BIYIDfiBD NOTICE.—OFFICE OF V=& HAP LB SHADS OIL COMPANY, 534 WAL NOT Street. M Philadelphia, April 22* 1855. The Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend of FOUR PAR CENT on the capital at oak of the company, payable at their office on and after the 26th instant, clear of State tax. The transfer books will clcse on the 25th instant at 3 o’clock, P. M., and re open on the Ist May. ap§4 6t THOS. B. BBARLE. Secretary. 9IILITARI. « PRIZE MONEY AND GOVERN MEET JRoUHTY TO ALL WHO EHTER THE DNrm> states mabihb corps. Orders have been received from the head ofthe Marine Corps- at Washington not to restrict recruits to a particular class (as has been the cue heretofore), but to receive ALL who have served In the volunteer ser vice, or in th* regulars, or in the marines, and have been honorably discharged, finch person* enlisttnc in the United States Karines will receive the Govern ment bounty, and will also be entitled to their share of prize money in an? capture of the enemy’s vessels. For further information apply at the recruiting ren dezvous. Mo 311 South FfiOHT Street, between 9 A. M. and 8 o’clock J*. M., every day but Sunday. _ JAMBS FORBTBT, Captain and Becrultintr OScer. T>EV. E. P. HAMMOND’S WORKS.— n THE KBYIVAL MELODIST. A' new Mnsic Bosk of choice hymns and tunes, of which nearly flfcy thou sand have bees printed. THE CHILD’S GULDE TO HEAYEN. A book we recommend lor the young- _ _ _ , LITTLE OBIS IB THE FOLD. Destined alike for young and old. and containing many of the best hymns and tunes which Mr. Hammond u«*g in his meeting*. the habvest work of the holy spirit, Illustrated'is the evamelistical labors of Jiey Edward Payton Hammond. “No lover of revivals cautraee itß cages unmoved, or fail to have his religious sensi bilities stirred to the inner core *' TBS BLOOD OF JBSUa. With an Introduction by Hr. Hammond. Also, a variety of STANDARD and RELIGIOUS WORKS on hand>nd for sale by ' PRESBYTERIAN BOOKSTORE, 1334 CHBSTBOT Street, Opposite U 8. Mint. aENRY WARD BEECHER’S GREAT SPBXCS, M raising the Old Flat over Fort Snmp tpr 4 la Falpit S©d Boetrom, Ho. 83. Corrected by Hr. Beecher. Piice 20cai3U, per mail. ' gOHEE* EfiSttßrf, BaKCBOFT, & GO,, Publishers, 1F15& ABCH r ßtreet, Philadelphia. - * - ... American Jlewe Co. anppiy the trade. ~| i \| la if ■ i xm rr-na'/a.ol I -*■'> Now edition. of THE EABIT BIWI, THB BfIHO*BBBO-COTTA FAMILY, and DXiBY OF KIT TY TRKVYLYAS. 16mo ..tinted paper. Put up in a AND HOMES A now work hr Marion arf lnslsiit into Ilia Dia coTerj, Development, and Present Condition and Fa tare PTOipectH of Petroleum. By author of "Ten Act** Bsoufh.l' •-- -* • CBILDBEJf IST PABADIS33 By Sev FraderUk H. •Wines. 16m0.*-reUum cloth, *Ut aad tinted paper. For sale by JAMBS 8. CLAXTOfI, - Successor to _ W. S. & ALFEBD MA.BTIBN, 606 OHBSTtfUT Street. ■ ipw BOOKS I NBW BOOKS 11 J„t »ceived A b &s|EAD BVAHBj 1 CHaaard’a old stand). No. 19* CHESTNUT Straet , „ JDLItm History of Jnllua Crnaar by Na poleon III: With portrait SKIBMIBHEB AND SKBTCHE3. By Bail Bamtlton, BUNTED TO DEATH. A story of Love laud Adven tare, Aiewnottl DBTBOLBUM, DBBBIGK AJXJ> 3>BItL. An insight into toe Dincovery. Development, Condition, and Proa leotß of Petroleum By toe antbor of "Ten Acre. *BlMr YOUB MOUTH. The Breath of Life; or. Mai- Berpiration and Its Bff>cta. By Oeo. Gatlin, antbor of "Travels Amongst too North American Indians." MABION BABLAHD’S NEW NOVEL—HUSBANDS AND HOME& By toe antbor of “Alone,” “Hidden Pati.” Ac, ‘ ' . CHARLESLIVER’S BTBW 8008, "liUTTBEIiL OP ABBAJfs *’* In paper and mtulln. TRAVELS IsdfISTRAL ASIA. Performed in 1868 By Anninfne Y&mbGiy. Illustrated. 4 . . BT< WIHIFKED’B; or, The World of Schools A book that w« recommend with full confidence ALL TBB tfBW BOOKS received as soon as issued from the press, and sold at lowest prises. ap3B tf T OUIB.NAPOLEON’B LIFB OF JTJ ■i-l LITJB gjbsa % BA | > y THIg D4Ti LITE OF JOLIDh C-ffiEAE. By 'iioois Napoleon. YoL 1., n Itb portrait. - HEADLEY’S LIFE OT GEsfgRAL SHERMAN. HEADLEY’S LIFE OF GENERAL GRANT HEADLEY h LIFE OF GENERAL MITCHBL. BBADLBY.’S LIFE OF CAPTAIN ERICSSON. Each volume illuefcrated. __ LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, . No. »5 South SIXTH Street. APPLETON’S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA.— Complete in 16 yolomee. Various Styles of Binding. ■ BEBELLtOH KRCORB, by Frank Moore. In Jyols. MEEIYALB’S HIBTOBY OF TBE BOHAHS-now Agency for these valnaWa works lent 33 Sonth SIXTH, Street, shore Chrstnot, ftpB*tf wAo. L BIMUi, ATIONEBI & BLMK BOOKS. f\IL, MINING, COAL, AND OTHER HEW COMPANIES. We an prepared to furnish New Corporations with all the Books they require, at short notice and low prices, of first quality. All styles of Binding. STEEL PLATE CERTIFICATES OP STOCK. LJTHOiGRAPHBD " *' BOOK. 088888 OP TBAKSFEB. STOCK LEDGER. STOCK LEDGER BALANCES. REGISTER .OP CAPITAL STOCK. BROKER'S PETTY LEDGER. ADSCCBT OP SALES. ' APIDEBD BOOK. MOSS Sc CO., , BLANKBOOK MANUFACTURERS AND STATIONERS, ' 488 OHBSTWUT Street. QM'All'll PROFITS AND QUICK .... ■ BLANK BOOKS. Fapertnd Envelope*. CoJjinr aid Cancelling Prowen. Oold Pen* aid Peiail*. _ ** ■ PHOTOGBAPfI ALBUMS. s _ tji TheUurieft and finest assortmeat la tnft «lty. aoldtag from H *S 300 photographs, bound In TOiTOt and Tnrksy morocco. with ebaaod ed g ejand beautVfol clasps. CHBAPBST ALSOUS IK THIS OITI . Arnold a Ink __ Pabar’l Load Penoil*. Frfwajoaoe^to oorrMgond wl&fho doollno In fold. Wholesale and Betail „ imT BLANK BOOK AND PHOTOGBAPH ALBUM MANU FAOTUBKBS. git'ran BiBT , THE IMPERIAL STEpL - PLATE ENGRAVING ABRAHAM LINCOLN. BEAD AHD BBFLEOT. “Literally perfect "Sorace-GreeUu.. ."JPalafuand correct.**— Evening Poft, "Spirited and faithful. "-Setrttary §anton. “ Conid not be excelled. ** — Qen*ral Ifa?iap c fc, "seyond all doubt the heat, if not the only really true mtQii’—Secretary Seward , _ * ’ The President wichee me to add hi* te*timony so*h® entire ftJthfulMie of the Uleneis. ’’-/oft it urn. Pri- This cent p’ctnr. So for sale only W ™ un " dtriiueji and their acenta- WAOTBD. _ ' I. J. STIRS & CO.. 4« Horth SIXTH Street. FnllalelpMe. PLUMBING, GAS, AND STEAM A riTTIN B—REM OVAL -Tlietu; demined hi**, mend to U 1 Strath 6BVEBTH btreat, opposite Ml fo sa «* CBiioB ‘ BAMOBI* W. LEIBUU. 6QO 6 OO UI I O K «G.T iIi L BS . gTEptIDDBaB) . XBOH. OARTEB DE VISITS—NO STYLES evince more teste and »kUI In execution, ot more popular, than thoae made at B Jr. SSimisa a Oftiltiy. 68* ARCH Street, See speclmtas. ‘lt* RETAIL BBT OOODg. ««FT ABRrB " ? INB OASSIMBRBS. OASSIMEEES FOB BOYS. BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS.: LADIES’ ZEPHYR S iOKINGS. FINE FRENCH COATINGS. NEW LOW PRICES. COOPER dfc CONARD, 8. E. Cor. Ninth and Market Sts, *p!9-tf lUit* OHBSTJIDf BTBSKT. E. M. 1034 chestnut Street;. £> Hu “reduced ” his “entire.took” to corre -3 spend with the recent heavy | *’DECLINE IN GOLD.” g . ak» »ow oresKs rua. asm os S WHITB GOODS. LACES. KMBKOIOKKIES, S HANDKEBCHIBTS. VEILS. SLEEVES, COLLARS. SETS BABBES, Bro. ® Also, a great variety of PlunGs, shirred, puffed, 4 striped, plaid, figured, and other fiurcy Muslins, « suitable (or e WHITE BODIES. Juat recetved.avery Urge lot of sholoe atrlea needlework. Edgings, andlnaertlnga. very low. Also, Dushess, Empress, Queen Best, and other new styles Collars and Seta. lO** CHMTITOT BTKEBT. TOHN F. YOUKG, W No. TO North FOURTH street, Hu now la store s most extensive assortment ol , DRESS GOODS at the VERY DO WEST PRICES. OROM AUCTION, 1,000 yds. 4-4 Bleached Musliu, 1,000 yds. 4-4 Bleached Muslin, Only 20 Gents. Only 20 Gents. Pillow G&*e Muslin, 28 Gentg. Pillow-Case Muslin, 28 Cents. They Will all co in a couple of days. »pl4-tf J. H. STORES, 703 ARCH Si. rUPDSr’B BLA.OK DOBBLE-WIDTH AJ WOOu DBLAlNfcB,j§i and sll3—nearly old price I Lupin’s 3*4 Black Wool Delaines, 62 cts. . Lupin’s Mode Wool Delaines, 62 ets. Black Alpacas. 60. 66, 76. 88, Cl. &e. Light Colors Alpacas, 62 eta —a bargain. Auction lot Plaid Mohairs. 3? cts. Best American Prints, 29 and 25 cts. White Cambrics. &o.« White and Buff Pique. DOMESTIC GOODS Very lowest market prices for our full and lively Stock. COOPBE & CONARD. apld'tf S. B. cor. MIRTH and MARKSf Streets. 4TILX. GREATER REDUCTIONS IN 3 PKICBS. We h*,e made «weejlni reductions In tie pi lee, or JOMESTIOS, and on entire Stook or Fatter and Staple >ry Goods, so ss to moot the last fall In told, end plaee a. prieea of all onr ntoek far below tbo lowest market trices SILKS, every variety, at reduced prices, DRESS GOODS at reduced prices. * MUBLIRB, all the best makes, reduced, CALICOES at neatly reduced prices. Our entire Spring Stoek at reduced prises, H. ST ML & SOR, mtaSS-tf Ros. 7X3 and 715 North TENTH Street. 3fridress goods, of new -5 STYLES. OPBIIRG DAILY. Sprint styles Yaleuelas. Spring styles roil de Chimes. Spring stiles of Poplins. Summer Poplins. Splendid Organdies,, rereale*> in great variety. Rew styles of Rgnsi. Sprint Ooleurs do Lainos. - Spring Goleurs Mohairs. Few Ay let of DrassGoods, inpeat variety» *kl-tf mSWulh SBQnifo street. INSURANCE. JNBURANCH AGAINST ACCIDENTS ( EVERY DESCRIPTION. sr the TBAYELLEBS* ISBt!fiASCI COMPANY, HABTFI SB, COITIf. capital .*500,000. mk W. ALIEN, Agent, 401 Walnut street, FHILADELPHU OIBBKAL AOCIBBBT FOLICtXB For Five Hundred Dollars, with $8 per week compen sation, can be had for $3 per annum, or any other sum between $5OO and 910,000 at proportionate rates. TER DOLLARS PREMIUM Secures a Policy for 82,000. or $lO per week eompensa* tiot for all and every description of aeciden; —travelling or otherwise—under a General Accident Policy, at the Ordinary Sate. THIBTY DOLLARS PREMIUM Secures a full Policy for $5,000, or *25 per week com pensation, as above, at the Special Rate, TOEEIGH BISKS. Policies issued for Foreign, West India, and Califor nia Travel. Rates can be teamed by application to the Office. SHORT TIME TICKETS. , Arrangements are in eourse of completion by which the traveller will be able to“ purchase, at any Railway Ticket Office Insurance Tickets for one m thirty days 5 travel Ten cents will buy a ticket for one day’s travel, insuring $3,000, or $l5 weekly compensation. Ticket Policies may be had for 3,6, and 12 months, in the same manner. H&zardousßisk* taken at Hazardous Rates. Policies issued for & years for 4 year* premium. INDUCEMENTS. The rates of piemtum are lest than those of any other Company fcoverin* the same risk. r ,iyn examination is• reqti! SsuSnceS the , Life Insnrasce Companies pay no part of the priiicipal ima nniii the death, of tbeacamrad. The TRAVELLERS pay the loss or damage sustained by personal Injury vrfienever it occurs. The feeling of security which such an insurance give* to those dependent upon their own labor for support is worth more than money. So better or more satisfac tory use can be made of so smaO a sum. . J. G BATTBESOH, President. SODBBY DBITSIS, Secretary. Q. F. DAVIS. Vice President. , HEJSSY A. DYEB, General Agent. Applications received and Policies Issued by WILLIAM W ALLOT, 80. 4104 WALSfDf Street. nthlß-srofrSm TO THE PUBLIC. Having been employed by CITY COUM OHiB, ft tribute of respect on tbeir part to the memory of that Cod* fearing, God-loving Patriot, ABRAHAM XJNCOIiW, to Photograph the HSASSB used in the Fa* nerai Procession April 22, 1865, ftud having copyrighted the same, we afe now prepared to furnish the public with Copies at ft reason able price. henszet & CO., PHOTOGRAPHERS, 813 Aroh Street;, PHILADELPHIA. apSS-eiif CABINET AND LIFE-SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS OP PRESIDENT LINCOLN, IN ORATON. Best picture ever offered to the public. HEE6ZEY & 00., Photographers. ,p27-6t Street PHOTOGBAPHS OP PRESipBNT LIN COLN AND HIB BONTHADDEOS, Wholesale and Retail, et HBNSZBY A 00. *S. g Pho if rubers. t AIL WHO DESIRE TO POSSESS the beet acknowledged STEEL-PLATE PORTRAIT Of our laio lamented President, ABRAHAM UNOOLN, WSU liave an opportunity to secure one "by subscription, of Hr. J. P. SEELEY, at No. 908 ABCS Street, whole appointed sole agent for my Bngraving.l In tbe city of Philadelphia. J. c. BUITBE, FoMlsher. Haw Yobk, April 19, 1665, This Engraving lk copyrighted. Photographers- and. others ate cautioned against infringing on the same. It A PEW SINGLE COPIES OF BGT- Sk’B SDPESIOR STEEL PLATE PORTBAITB of our late President, ABRAHAM laINCOIaN, for sale at 908 AKCH Street. J. P. SKKLLT, Publisher’s Agent. rjms ‘•EXCELSIOR” -HAJMCS AKB Tffll BEST m I THE WORLD- J. H. MICHMER & COI, amnasiL provision hralrks. f ASP OUtlta OF in OBUSSAfSD “ EXCELSIOR ” SUGAIWTUKED HAMS, TONGUES, AND BEEF, Noe. 149 and 144 N. FRONT ST.* Between Arch and Baoe streets, Phllada. The Justly celebrated “RXCRLSIOB” HAMS ua cured hy J. EL M. & Co. (in a style peculiar to them selves), expressly for FAMILY-HSR; ate of delicious flavor; free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicures superior to any now offered for sale. . mh2s.fmw3m "PORTRAITS OF PRESIDENT LIN- A COLK—all stjlee, al»e. and price in the trade. FJBHKE & EBOTHEE, la 5 cuts SIXTH Street. ap»Sl*if TNBTRUMENTS TO ABBIBT THE A BEARING at r. MAD EISA'S, US South TENTH Street, below CSCBSTNOT, ap3( St* TUTANTED —A POSITION AS SUPER ▼ ▼ IJSTBUDBJfT or Corresponding Secretary to an Oil Company by a capable business man. well acquaint ed with the oil regions of fSttnsyivania. Best of refe rences given. Address B. i>. C., BonievlUa ve i>i ago 00., fa. _ ap2B-fmw4* WA-NTBD-AGENTS EVERY TV -where, to mD the boat E«ravlii* and most cor rect Likenewof ABKAHJUI JUIHCOLH. Jto most liberal tones trill bo made■ aod roliobio ArenK. Addrens I J. STIRS &CO. 46 North SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ap?B 8t * WANTED—ONE CORNET-PRAYER TV end one Flute-plater. Jigaire of JOHBf MOB PAN. ica«> MARKET Street. »=>2T 6.« WANTED.—TO MANUFACTURERS. TV —A situation ttaniedae S&porintendentof a Cot lon HaonfaclnrißK Establishment, be a man or larfe experience. First class references furnished. Address *'Manufacturer,” csreof R B. Perry, £sq • Valley Halle, B. I. ap2s-«* WA NTS D—ENTERPRISING PER v * SOBS of means, desirous of securing a small for* tune honorably and eosedilv. xrjfcb a moderate outlay, to call at Bo 1331 CBBSTif nT Street and examine the new patent CAMPILLION CARPJST the wonder of the ate. or address, with stamp, A J PaTrB&SON. City P. O. Patented Jannary 17, A. P. 186-1. ap24-Ci* WANTED-AT $lO PEB DAY— agents in every neigborhood in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. tosellabeantifnl engraving of Abra ham Lincoln Address BARTLBBON at CO., 80. 011 CBBSTBUT f treat, (second floor) Phil*. aplS-ltt WANTED, AT #l5O PER MONTH, "* A RELIABLE GaHVAFSER In every, town and county, for the IS BBSS and BPT, the most interesting and exciting booh ever published, embracing the ad ventures of a woman In the Union army as Burse. £foe nt and Spy, giving a most vivid inner picture of the war. We have Agents clearing §l5O per month, which we Will prove to any doubting applicant. Bend for circulars. Address * % JoBBS, BROS. & CO., Ho 600 CBLEbTfiUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa. * * aplB im* - A YOUNG MAN WHO HAS A A thorough knowledge of the wholesale notion busi ness. desires a situation as clerk, or salesman. First cl&iis Teferenc* given. _ Address **H 8., ” this office. It* A GENTS WANTED, TO SELL THE -AA. genuine improved Bewßnglard Family SBWINO MnCBlS'Eb, the beet Machine in the world Address A. I* LEMURS A GO., ap26 lm* Box 68. Orange, Mass. ftpS-lmif pONVEYANGER WANTED.—TO A young man who is thoronghly a eg. tainted with the business, and is correct and energetic, a favor Able offer will bf made. All communications confidential. Address '*£. A.,” Box-No. 343 Post Office, with name and reftrcuce - ap2B-3t* pANAL-BOAT' BUILD BBS AND CAULKERS WASTED, at CHESTER. Coßeiant employment «W*js. Address WILLUJtt fiiiOK & 00., Chester, Pena*,. 17MPLOT MENT HOUSE FOR HOUSE ■Aj KEEFERS, Seam.treasn, Chamlwrmaids,Walters, Nnreee, Cooks, Laundr«»ei!, and aaneral homework, white and colored. 80% LOCUST St. ap4-lm T7MPLOYMENT HOU£E fob CLERKS, JLJ Book-keepers, Salesmen, Packers. Porters. Watch men, Coachmen, Drivers. Conductors. Bar-tenders. Walters,Farm-hands. Gardener*.Ac. Emplo?ers mited at short notice. 80» aatfßlMi LOCUST eft. apl-lm rmBATEST THING OF THE TIMES VX-ROWEITS PRIZE ENVELOPES. -Agents wanted everywhere. Premium Watches given to Agent*. On receipt of $l5 we'will msil. post-paid, 100 Envelopes, and a splendid Solid Silver Hunting-Case Watch as a premium to the agent. A single Envelope sent, with circular and full particulars, on receipt 0f25 cents. Ad* dress A. H. BOWER & CO., P. 0., 80x4270,36 BEER* MAR Street, H. Y. mhff-Sm m WANTED —A FURNISHED *BL HOUSE, fcr six months, by a family of three per sdSyi; good price paid for proper accommodations. Can have p&jment in advance Best of reference given. Address ** Penn, ’ ’ Press Office. Lt* FOR SALE AND TO LET. MA BARE CHANCE. 70 LET—The large and HsNDsOME SrORE, He. BIT OBJB'STRUT Street. Good Will aed Fixtares for Bale MFOR BALE CB EAP—A THREE STORY BRICK HOUSE, Ho. 1626 aMSoY Street, west of Thirteenth, wlih. all t-e modern improv-smenbi. Immediate possession Also. House No 1607 FAWN St , above Oxford. Appiy at No, 236 North NINTH Si. ap2B 2t* (Paper Stor». ? 4| HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OP THE Jek. City for Said or Kxcbange. House Htghter now ready. __ * obo. ir. Towjsmm »co., I*3K South FOURTH Street. M FOR-SALE—A DESIRABLE three story brick DWELLING. No. 1820 Filbert street. Lot 38 feet fxpot by 106 leat in depth. Possession immediately. Lowest price $3,600; $3,600 mar remain on mwgase. Apply to Jambs H WT r-. 8, apS7 St* 4r»4r WALNUT Street, « CHESTER COUNTY.—FOR JR SALE—A flue FABU of 200 Acres of Lend. At J- Steamboat Station, on tbe PennaylTanta Central Bail road ; substantial stono Mansion, nicely abaded; largo atone Barn, and all necescary ontbnlldlnr.; limes,one and Marble Quarry i also, flue indications for Iron ore. * a JAMBS R. CUMMINS, ap26 St SQA WALNUT Street. m FOR BALE—A DESIRABLE SSS D welltni, ‘Witt Bide yard, on Wallace Bireef, near Twenty flm. Apply 319 MARK BT Street MCBEBTETJT HILL COTTAGE ABB FUBSITCBE FOR SALE. wilh stable, tea lease, &c . aid lot 343 feet, on the turnpike, running through to Township Line road Price $lO,OOO, inclu ding furniture, with immediate possesion ap26>St* WM. E. LITTLETON, 514 r WALStIT St. m FOR SALE—A DESIRABLE IK- feur-strry Brick Dwelling, with threert* rj Back Buildings, S2l fe'omb Sixteenth, street; two kitchens, two water closets- and every convenience. Prise,sB 603. Apply to J B cUBTIo & SOB,'Real Estate Brokers, 433 WALXVT Street. ap3B-3fc* TYESIBABLE DOUBLE OFFICE FOR XJ BEET. situate in WALNUT Street, below Fourth with Gat and Water Introduced; hat recently been pat in perfect order, and is unusually well lighted and van tilated. App'y to JACOB AS.'ELLIS, JXo. 194 South FOEJ&TH Street. apgS-fttuSt* Corner oi Walnut (Second Story,) T7AT£ Bootit FOff&TH Street. and thousands JO LET—THE OFFICE, HO. 838 OA.B- Sixth Stories of tbs Granite Bonding, BOCK Street, below Third, with steam power. The Third bfeory of the Commonwealth Baudiug. 61i and 618 CEhSTBUT Street. Also an Office, second story of same building. THOMAS H COHHELL, Conntiof-House ofDr D. Jajno At Son, apSB-6t* it-fcA CHgsTNUT Street. QIL LEASES FOR SALE. SHE LI WELLY if PETROLEUM COMPACT will eell on favorable termon few valuable OIL LEASES - of property situate on BUCK CREEK, OHIO, The Company Is also prepared to make literal ar rangements with responsible parties wltli a view to de velops more rapidly a portion of their valuable terri tory. For particulars, apply at the Company’s office, Ho. 138 South THIRD Street, sesond story, front. ■WILLIAM M. hMITH, Treasurer. 0. T. BENEDICT, Secretary. ap2l mwret FOR SALE—A FEW TOP and HO-TOP WAGON*. test Anjshed and lor sale by GBORGB W. WATSON W00.,- ap2S'Bt* HO. ggg-Borth THIRTEENTH Street. tOiO linn —A WELL-SECURED OLD ffIA.VJUU. MORTGAGE of tbis amount for sale Lw I. C PJ2.IGB, *p22-6fe* 61* CHESTNUT Street. TO YOUNG MIN.—ALL CONTEM- J. pjatlr* entering upon & course of Commercial Studies should Wlftit —„„ ro~-r wr..n*. ' TBE QUAKBtt CITY BUSINBBS COLLEGE, no iDfttittttlon conduced upon a plan which insures, in the shorfce*t time, the most complete preparation for the duties of business life It should be reme mbared that while this institution occupies the Wghest ran*, and its current expenses are more than double those of nay other similar tchool in the city, the terms are mode* rate, and within the reach of all. it is the only Commercial Institution in the city pos sensing a XiSGISLATTVE CHARTER, , w and the only one in the United States authorized to con fer Degree* of Merit. ~ „... , , .. . It is managed by gentlemen of liberal education and ample business experience, and in every respect oners tfilcular^nd 2 CataToiue of Bight Hundred and gjxty five Stadenis now ready. ap2B-2t*r MATATORreM AND PHYSICAL IN- Xl BTITUTB.—Dr. JANSENhas the honor to inform his patrons and the friends of Physical culture thahthe SWIMMING DEPARTMENT of Ms Institution will re* open on the Ist of May. and that the circular f« the summer teaion is ready for distribution. In conse onence of the rapidly-increasing patronage of the establishment. the Doctor has decided to at least ra etriet. if not entirely disconttoue. the wile of sIefGI.B TICKETS, while the price of SEASON SUBSCRIPTION will be less than heretof ore. Many alterations ana improvements are being mace, which u is betieved wifi render the JUtatarlum comfortable In every re spect. By excluding transient visitors the hails will never he ovetciowded, and the I will be thore select and agreeable. As a SWIMMING SCHOOL* it is hopei the Institution will leave nothing to ba desired. Subscription lists nsve already been placed in the hands of a number of the old subscribers ? others may be bed by applying personally or by mail. On MON 0 AY, May Ist, irom H. M. to 9 P. tt.»pwvioaa to the com menctment <*t tbe season, the eetabllshmßet willbe open for public in spection; after that time visitors will apply to subscribers for invitation ea’d*. or at the office, the dav previous '■The TB WPE BAT ORB of the water wm thatof MIDSUMMER. a P 26 OELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE. 1 J A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS THE SUMMER TERM OF THIS INSTITUTION, healthfully and beautifully located on tno northern limits of Attleboro, Bucks county. Pennsylvania. will commence Fifth- month. 2*4,1336, and continue in « ea stern twelve week*. , . .. The course of instruction is thorough in the several departments ot English, Trench., Latin, Mathematics, &3^r > fuU details see circular, to obtain which addraai , tbs Principal*, Attleboro Tost Office, Bachs county. Pennsylvania. UUML^aaLfiflU. >p S2m __ Principals. 'I7TLLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— V MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, four mile, from MEDIA, Pa. Thorough course ln Mathematics, Classics, Natural Science s,snd English; prastical tes sons in Civil Engineering Pupils received at any time, and of all ages, and enjoy the benefits of a home-Ka fern to John C. Capo StSon, 28 Sonth Third street! Thos J. Clayton. Esq , Fifth and Pruni streets :ex-Sheriff Horn, and others. Addrsjs Ray. J. mittVßY BAR TOH. A. U , TILLAGE GREBH. Penna. no6-6m PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS.—B. F. A SUMER has for sale a splendid assortmentof the test styles patent hinge-back PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, combining elegance, strength, and fleui miity ca» ARCH Street. HARD PHOTOGRAPHS,I3 FOR $1.25 V-J Tory popnlar styles Likenesses,suitable for albums or scholars to exchange with classmates See sped menial BEIMER S, bEUOND-Street, above Green. It* TSETBOLIUM— 500 BARRELS OFSU- J: yisios LUBRICATING OIL, from the weD ot the aiiopery Bosk Petroleum Oil Oomoajiv, for eale. Sam pie at tSe office, Ho. 5*546. WALNUT Street, Boom 6, GEORGE B. PEDDLE. f\lh. —FOR SALE—A FEW GROUND- V-/ FLOOR SHARES in one of the moet desirable Com panlps In the State of Ohio. Inquire at No. coai- MEBGE Btreet 66 gTmffiOBCOPIC VIBOT Taken hy S GLOVER tor sals at I CHESIBEB & SOB 'B. 818 aRQH Street. ap2» PEOPLE’S STOCK EXCHANGE, 505 T CHBSTBTjrßttfet Is ' f®Vl2 M 8 P »£- T sails ef Stocks are held dilly. *t rgskrt, Prisldest. ff'O HISBS. Vise Presides!. an wiLWHL, Secretary. rj BILD BEN 157 »pd 159 garth tHI&P Btr»>t- Htgt MBOIiD’B FLUID EXTRACT B RnnfflnT»UM»»k 1* taste Mi odor, frse froft dj naStoiS WwESSIW taMM««eU» wBa& EDCCATIO3IAL. AUCTION BAI.ES. IJNITBD STATES COTTON SALE. 6,000 BALKS UPLAND COTTON "WYM, BE SOM», ITsder dttnSCa of Btmeon »ja Per , xS. g. Cotton imti Mat 4th, isos. ta OJTK O’CLOCK P, M., EXCHANSE SALESROOMS, in broj®Way. wbw yoke. Semple* eon bo *OOO «*’ tbo offiee of Maafe. Booton A Co. three days before the sale. Catalogues will be read, on the Mthinat. alßutm ft Co. and at the CaetoaA Hooeo. ago at dfW HEEKNESB’ BAZAAR, HTHTH and SiHSoM Bireete, . m AUCTION 8 AIK OTBOBSKS, *0 . m ON BATUBDAY BOBBIN U HIXT. At 10 o’clock, Baited to harness and the saddle. FuH descriptions at sale. ALSO, Mew end second-hand carriages,"Hdht wagon*,’ 4ce.» single and doable harness, saddlssr brldtes* whips* w Tern, halters. &c. M3t* Bale of Hones, &c , on WEMESDA^. * ALFRED - BL'JBLBBKSTBSB, ap£7-3t Auctioneer. flVjw* CITY BAZAAR ANDTATTBR SPHBBT BSTWERN ELEV ENTH AMD TWELFTH BTRggTS. STEBR A CHAMPION, AucHoafers. 'Will sell on FRID »t. April 28th* at 20 o’clock* about FOBT> HOBoEd, Comprising trotting, family, draught. and farm horses. Also, wagons, earrlatee* harness, blankets, whips, hatters, *c.. made by best city raaVet». The above sale Is worthy the attention of buyers. No postponement on a*countof weather Horses, vehicles and harness always on hand at pri vate sale, Splendid stable accommodations for hones entered for public or private sale. STUB* & CHAMPION, sp27 2t Auctioneers. AMCSEJWEATB. A MERIC AN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. aA. gtaie Mansaer- ....Mr Owen Marlowe. TBS EVENT OF THE SEASON 1 ENGLISH OPERA, «*a*sS®bSB BDE “ , «» Will take place , Saturday next, April», AT HALF FAKf TWO O'tLOGK. In wfcich the girted Daughter of Song. MISS CaB«>LISR BICHINGS, Will appear as MaRIE, In Donizetti** Opera of THE DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT. MB. PET*B BICHIN GS, as CARTOUCHE! The Opera entire, with the came great east as played at the Arch street Theatre in January last. MR CHARLES B. DODWGhTH. Leader. With a largely Orehexfcra and DOUBLE CHORUS* By kind-ptnnieeionof MRS JOHN DREW, Of the New Arch-street Theatre. A B»w Tension of ’* Camilla’’—fir* t time—a la ‘ ‘ Traviats. ’ ’ with a Comedy, Admission, £0 cents; reserved tests. 25 cents extra. Beats at Mr CBASLES W. a ThUMPiBR’B Mart* Store, Seventh and Chestnut streets, Alco at the Book Stand, Continental Hotel. eu3S4t KTEW CHESTNUT-STREET THEA AR TRE-THRSTEUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH. FRIDA* EVBMINO, April 28th* BENEFIT OF THE ACCOMPLISHED AMERICAN ACTRESS ABJ> PHILADELPHIA FAVORITE* MBS- X>. P. BOWERS, upon which occttion a MAGNIFICENT BILL OF ATTRACTION will be offered. Introducing MRS. D. P. BOWERS in two popular pieces. The evening’* performance will commence with Clif ton W. Tajlenre't great emotional play, la fireacts* styled _ r EAST LIFES LADT ISABEL- - v Mrs. D P. BOWERS. SUDAMh VINE- Mr* D. P BOWER*. Supported by the FULL STRENGTH of the EFFICIENT REGULAR COMPANY. To conclude with the admired Petit Comedy* called PAINT HEART NEVER- WON FAIR LAJJT DUCHESS DE TOBBNUEVa—-Mrs. D. P. BOWERS. SATURDAY AFTERNOON* APRIL »9Tff* FORTY-FIRST GRAND FAMILY MATINEE* when MRS. D. P. BOWBBI will appear in BAST LYNNE. Admission to the Mctinte 30’ cents* to all parte of the house. Doors open at 1 H o’clock To commence o’clock. SATUBBAT (TO-MOBBOW) BYEBIUO, A GREAT DILL LUCBETrA BORGIA AND SERIOU3 FAMILY. Price of admission to the evening performances, 2d cents. CO cent?, and $1 Doors- open at 7 o’clock. Par formaace to commence at 8 o’clock- MBS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH UJ- STBEKT THEAYBE. BiSHBfTT BE—KPIT OP MISS CHARLOTTE THOKPbOE. THIS (frlde,) kYESIBG, Agril 28. 1866. •• M A D E h l H B. * Madeline— Mi*a C Thompson. Alter which, THE LITTLE T MEASURE. Gertrude Mtsa O. Thompson. MONDAY, THE STREETS OF NEW YORK. WAXNUT-STRBET THEA.TRK, *» FRIDAY EVENING,’ApriI 28, * The Great Sensational Drama o? THE STREETS OF PHILADELPHIA Tom Badger....——u—- .—..Mr. 3. A Heme Bloodgooa*—Mr. B. Young Adam Fairweather— -Mr. E. L. Tilton Dan* ......Mr, S H-*raple W_ B. Bailey Mr* C. Henri Mr* T. Worrell G C. Germo* Puffy* * M\o a 8100de00d.*....«. Mrs. Falrweatocr****** Sirs. Pnffy**..***^* ACADEMY OF MUSIC* WOLFSOHS AWD THOMAS' CLASSICAL COtfCARTP. *Fh* rob* crihei s to the above Concerts are respectfully in'oimfed that the FOURTH CLASSICAL GOBCSRT. -which -wa» uostpoced on account of our National «*- lamity, will take place on . _ SATURDAY .BVBaiTO, April 29ft« - J?o< MOMPAY fcVBHIfIB, «bti u ..’ OF FINE ARTS, CBISISVI STBEB*,A»OTE TENTH. NOW OPEN, THE FOKTT-BEGOEB AKRUAIi EXHIBITION PAIN TING. AND SCULPTURE. Open from 9 A. k till 7 F.' M., and from 8 tUI 19 is the Evenlnr, ap!T-t ieS 170YER ACADEMY OF MUSIC.— A OTTO DREhEL’S PIANO FOBTE COBCKBT3, Mar 4th. 8 th, and Bth apg-at* the academy of fine arts. A CHESTHUT Stream ahoye Tenth. 1> OPES DAJAT for visitor*, from 9 A. H. to 67. M. ie36 'C3RST-CLASS BOARDERS CAN A find tnperlor acconnaodattoDS at the old tJNIT&i> STATES HOTEL, *l3 CHBSTHUT Street. Thlehooee bu no bar. ap2B-2t* DOARDING ON A FARM FOR A O gmaU Family. Address, with terms, Box 191* Philadelphia Post Offlee. ap26-3t« WANTED—BOARDING IN A PRI VY yaTjg Family. by .Two T OURS GENTLE *E *. Address Box 3C3, Philadelphia? O. ap29 3t* REMOVALS. ■J^EMOYAL. WILLIAM YABNALL Hsb Kf moved from So. IfljdQ to jHo.CBTSST- JJBT fefcnetT £ *. corner orfHIfiTEBSTH Streat, Where lie Invitesthe attentionofhaoßekeepers. end those commcnetsc honeeheeplns* to his extensive se nortmeatof ttßefui u , „ BOTJSB FURFISHITO GOODS. w , Superior Refrigerators, Table Cutlery, Family Hard ware, Children s Carriages, &*., &c. ap24 3m REMOVAL. jonNsoff SrATIOIfBE Ain> CARD EfrGEAVER. Has removed Eighth Sfcraet, ggggea PARMBLEE’S PATENT ISO f~J H f ?'BATED PIANO FOKTB MANUFACTOBY NEW BAYES. COSNECfICOT- BOMETHINS NSW ! A FBBFECT PIANO. The chAgaln the mode 61 eonetincUoa is not partial, trot thorough and radical diaoardmi all those elamenU wMch tend so soon to dost, of their tone and render them incapable ot restoration to their orignal sweetness. For power, parity, nweotnass. and DO HABILITY OP TONE, tier are nneanaUeibyaiiy Plaooknown. Tli» simplicity of ibe coosiroetioa of tats riiULO» to gether with the impossibility of Us (riving out> is one of Us most important mer&f! Persons desirou* of obtaioioc ft superior Piano 4* ft QBBATLY KgOUCBI) PSIOS, should call and examine the*e before purchasing alas- where. , jflgp- if yoit oyaimiwA thair merits, you will bay °' h j[irSß.Y' UTSTMMBHr rUIAT WABBAKTIiD. H. gL ttQ&nlS* Sol* Atfent, T3S SfA&EET Street 3 RBI>TJCTI9N IN PBIOES! R g fff KBBUCTIOH IBf FBTCB3 !—The SCHO- M ACKER PIASG FOKTB MAHUfAGfBKtAG OOH p*BY, )i»e now at their Wareroom*. Ho. 1041 GBESTNTIT Street, a superior assortment of tnefcr unrivalled BIAJSOS, which they will Beit at creetir reduced prices. Person* would do well hy calling on us before purchasing elsewhere. A guarantee given with every Piano. Jj B. The ehxavi Rosewood Piano donated by tide Company to Lieutenant General IT. S- Grant, caube teen at ou2vroomB for several days previous to its being teat homo The public generally, and musical critic* . particularly* are respectfully Invited to call and ex* aminethislastnuDent. _ „ The SCHOMEACEEB FIASO POSTS. MANUFAC TURING 00J4PAHY, ap24-t£ Ho. 1021 C3SSTKUT Street. ESTEY’B' COTTAGE C34G-ANB *o* only QBSZGKLLKD, imt cajSLOALLSP in wto of Tom and Powsr, duitnedr naffJmu»S. but found to-bi**qn*lly w«U *• tlu Parloi and o(a«int Boos. “jgjgk ■o lSJfortli SBVKHrfi StMjt Al*o, a *ox»l*t* AMortmMtof tl* r«f*rt sontfantlr on hand- «w-—mnan CA-MDEN- AJND A.T -IMIIMBMBIaNWO BAIBBOAB.-Tr.in* __ J 30A M , »ro\sht?witi ¥s£■ g- AUastl* AMommodsffim.—— ••— M. Ja *‘ a ° n bct TOrall?iSivA‘irE£»«o 6 „ « 4BSSiISSSy&'SSSBa=3g p £ Hail thJb»m»**«»** , *** ,w * *»** m '**** ,m *u i m rasH^^s?gb!iA Im * FAB*. »*■ *hrb* DATS, *3. CHAO OS tsF TIMS _ . Faoenfsn for Express Train for Tnokwtan. Bun»ou> Toms JUner, Lons Rraask, nnd BrooUyn 1«»* TIM -BTBKET TS&BY it IliA E, d*Ul IBnndays **- IWM WALL-BTKMT TBEBY. Brook l3M?*T Train*** Atsloa, SSamou. *““•■ , M C.mdso : _ t-y~{TL MAiCOLMMACNEILL’S BPBUTACIiS BTORB. INo. 310 Boats finH Btre*, fj^WtA. K> 3304 CaSSTEtTP Street.