. livilKFoOt BEXib'sfni'f^shllTkot. -tm m. Jtnffs marks* baa a downward tendency. Tile weather &** been fuTomble for wc* a« Jfe«er»- Bicbardson, Kpence, & Co., and BUriaad, LIVhEPOOIi PBOVIafOMS MARKET.—The Pro-el. elona muket eentlnnea dnU Wakefield. Hath. * Co.. and Gordon, Brace, & Co., report Beai inactive. Pork quiet and steady, Bacon firm. Batter still decliniag-. i*!d flai &n 4 nominal. TaUow firmer. b UVBZVUOh . PBOBTiaB MABSST -Aslim quiet; Bugar nun; Coffee ,toady; Rice active; Rosin active for ci-mmon qnalitle*; Spirits of Terpentine quoted at l'*o*. Petrolenm quiet and firm; refined 2«@2s Id. i LOHDON MARKET -Bariore Bros, report Wheat heavy sW our etea«r; Coffe« nnchaneed. ■ LOBDOBS MOHRT MARKEe. —Lokoon, April IL— ■Contois cloned atfll%@B>li; UlinoleCentral Railroad, todtse Erie, 30United States' five-twenties, THE luITEST VIA QUEENSTOWN. iVBBPooi,, April 13.—The steamship Borassia red at. Southampton to.day. The steamer St. Id arrived at Londonderry. iB steamship Louisiana, from Queenstown on 13th for New York, pat back this morning, ir g-slightly, having been ashore at Klnsaie. itre is nopolitioal news of importance. THE VERY LATEST VIA aCEkSSTOWjr. ’ vkbpooi,, April 13 —Cotton. —The sales for the week i eat s) amount 10 30 000 bates Including 3,000 hates >- cp'a'oia.aed. 6.600 (or export. Pricea have da ic MfeXd for al) de>crlptions. ’ loiiowlng are theauinorissd qnotaHons; Paw. Middling, m 104 .. 1414 t... l3ii lea on. Thursday amounted to 3.000 bales, the otosir sr dnli, with s downward tendenov. The if American Cotton in port amonnte to 63,000 Tomorrow (being Good Prldaj) there wiii hi uket. radstntfs are quiet, end steady. Frovislone closed iy, excepting Lord, which her a downward ten --T. The Produce market is inactive. )»DOK, April 13 OonsoJe doted at 91@91« for iey. Fire-twenties are quoted st W)K@6O; Illinois trel. 6i@Clji; Aria Railr(-ad.. HEW TOBK Cm. Haw York, Aprils*. - ... A PIHMDIBH IBTEHTION. iptaln Smith,of the brig J. Titus, from Ber ta, reports that the United States oonant there learned that oneDr Blaokburn, of Wilmington, J,, had collected four hales of infested clothing n 't be hospitals, which he intended to ship to New ■k for the purpose of spreading the yellow foyer ’ oity. The clothing was seized and was. to be BtfSPBKSIOH OP OOLD SAXIB, gold board will ba bald today or to-morrow, iquenlly no quotations wlllba toligraphed until OBday. THB ZTSHISO STOCK BOABD. M.—No session ofGallagher’s Board was ■night. The Evening Exchange will be open )w. Gold closed tuts afternoon at 161%. ship nxwe. Ived, ship Wanderer, Newport, England; Bremerer, Bio; Camepee, Remedlos; Entlne. ppe, Areoeibo ; brigs w. Greenongh, fflUtan- U. F Eaton, Messina; San Juan, Oam ■ | Bohr Sea-Breeze, Pernambuco ; Antelope, las. Below, barks Oasoo, Trinidad. Be sohr Lord Chancellor, or Plcton, hence for having been.ln collision. Noth to tbk Latb Vich Passidbut,— Ib'any Argus gives US the following very sen raggestions as to the objeot of theassissia in ig an Interview with the present President, jw Johnson, on the morning that the atrocious f of the murder of Abraham Lincoln was oom id: 'hat was the ohjeet of Booth la seeking an In ew with Vloe President Johnson on Frida; ling. Wot to MIL him; for that would foil the • attempt, and explode the whole conspiracy. It not to Involve the Vloe President, and oast lon on him 1 To get him to write a note—a response to his card would do—“I shall be to have an Interview with Mr. Booth on trapped on the scene of mnrder would be an ee ol collusion with Mr. -Unooln’s destined lor—a shallow devlee, bnt one In the fashion mndred stage-plots! What other theory ac tor the visit to Johnson, the note, the desired ew, and the expected response? If we (lis le Idea of an Intended murder of the Vice it, this seems the only remaining eon- /Atiko Houses in (Jhina —Foreigners,whose less obliges them to reside at Whampoa, lire In tag dwellings, called <• chops.” These are on ships, whloh, after having seen some ser and their spars and rlggtsg haring been taken i, are then nsed as foundations for houses, an moored In a part of the reaoh where the Is very wide, being placed a little on one side a channel nsed by the steamers and trading Is In passing and repassing to and from Oanton, tablns ana staterooms at the stern are oon into store-rooms, pantries, and bath- The foreoastle Is used for servants, over the entire vessel a story Is built, Is divided Into large and eonvenl«ntly ar id apartments, and when fitted np With all the ssry comforts of life, are In many ways lore desirable homes than can safely be made aore. The kitchen is at the bpw of the vessel, from there to the oentre, near which Is the dary of tbefamily apartments, are the business i, and also rooms for foreign olerks. On one a narrow passage-way leadsfrom the Kitchen he family apartments. Then Is another r passage-way on the other aide, whloh, sr, has no connection with the house apart ; and for the convenience of men of business ig the offices, as well bb for the servants, lead to the water from both of these iges. The flat roof of the family apartments is instructed as to serve for a promenade,' The ir, however, Is not enclosed, bat has a cover the frame of which rests on stanchions; ana •ftr to exclude the san, shades, made of a kind iss, are arranged so as to drop from the roof, le, bamboo settees, and easy-clialrs occupy a n of this space, yet there is. ample room for ijoyment of one’s afternoon “ constitution /hen the weather does not allow of boating or ible upon the shore. Some chops have little Idas, or galleries enclosed with Venttlan which are bollt on each side of the family i, and resting on braces, extend from the sides i ship upward. These are ornamental, and i the house cooler In summer and warmer In ir, thus adding greatly to the comfort of the \j.—A Year in China; Boston SarfteiSi April 23. ro*. —The receipts since j ester dev have been 3,831 The maiket It steady with a moderate demands of We etern superfine at $7. 50@7 7S; common ex -3 58@8 80 s medtnm do *8@9.78; rood and choice do u *— The receipts slt.ce yei terdar have been 7.414 ilsOats. Dorn is in moderate demand ; sale* of rathern yellow at *l. 6S@ 1.88 ¥ boehel. Oats are tales of northern and Canada at 7S@Blc 38 basket. I dnll at #1 98@1 3038 bosh. Short, are eelline at ,3; Fine feed *63@6»; •MiddJlngs*ss@BCl Pton. 'Visions. —Foritl* in Moderate demand: sales of I at *ts@SSi mess $18@30; dear *StofiB # bbi. Beef la in eteadr demand! 'alas of hastens and >rn mess and extra messat hhl. eaeh. is dnU t sales in bbts at 18019c¥ fij, cash. Hams illing at 19@l«c » ft, cash, CITY ITEMS. JEOOBtATIOS B POB THB PBBSrDBHT’S OnSH- The work of decorating railway oars and 'inlldlnga for the obsequies of President Llb s a huge task, and so muoh of it as fell to ,are was admirably performed by Ur. I. E. raven, tbe wellknown dealer in ourtains and tin goods, of Ro, Tit Chestnut street, in this The entire fnneral train, oonsistlng of seven tnger oars, a baggage oar, and two engines, ’ elegantly draped by Mr. Walraven at Wash >n, And this train bore the honored remains Washington to Baltimore, .thenoe to Karris* and from the State eapital to Philadelphia. > these preparations were.'golng forward, Mr. tven had a strong force of workmen busily en ln draping the front of the State Honse, and terior of the Connoll Chambers, and in placing tbre weeds of mourning upon the inner walls snerable Hall of Independence. Every one ,as fortunate enough to obtain admission to Hall will bear testimony to the artlstie skill i excellent taste displayed by Mr, Walraven and assistants. The same gentlemen also desorated train of Beven oars and two loeomotlres whleb the remains ftomtbe Kensington depotto New The shortness of time allowed for the am hment of so much work, and the excellent in which It was performed, render the pern i alike oredltable to the skill and energy of ayen and his assistants. Bbst Fitotko Shibt or th* Am Is “Tbs red JPattem Skirt*” made by John O. Arri tt the old stand, Nos. i and 8 North Sixth Work done by hand, In the best manner, rarranted to givo satisfaction. His stock of jjnen’a Furnishing Goods cannot be surpassed, moderate* Bbw Stylus of Sfbihg Bohkbtb abb >, for LadM-md Mieses, now open at Wood a Wo. 726 Ofceetnnt street, are tie nepliu vitro taste, and (lie ladies say so. Rush abb CansK ok Sohoa*.—The jam ißtnnt street, on Sumjey, was perfeotty Mghtr >men fainted, skl|ts were torn to pieces, ana mt. The owners of the latter will do well to to the Brown Stone Clothing Hall o! Rook ■Wllaon, Nos, 803 and 806 Chestnut, above Where they oan proonre new and elegant adapted to the season. iBTiTUTiON.ii. Consumption.— Prom trust ' flats, It 18 estimated tbit at least one-fourth rho are bom In the United States hare at isgs Sa a tuberculous oondltion, and in ponse are predisposed to Pulmonary Complaints equally well established that this predlspo. tod not end in Consumption, Asthma, or any mg disease, if due oare and watchfulness be -a, and all exciting causes are promptly .as they arise, It is In jnst snob oases Dr. t>,Wa!rToife K! £ lhri!> . ®*ston H G Gresuo. Boston gonJS Birr, & wf. Hi R Berry. BU* **■■o H™ A Stewart. p» Wm X Sto*ait. Uniontowa Andrv’tfStawarl, USA 8 S Hi\rilu.tou ECassiia T Wasv on, Jtr»w York MraSTrl/t- Heir York MO Stim'er, York 8 B 1 Mt SoUy }» M Kttltv’U W WOh-so. TitnwtUa J A Hover, r-irk K Livia.sEoa. , ■JmoD Yomero^’-Hew York W Armstrong, Fork Mrs W Oolemin, Penna Miss Robert, ' ... . Miw HA Kerr. Bt'tblshem a L Parker, Tama,' a * . .R M Peterson, New York L Mattson, Port Oarh oa K Baldwins New YoH T w John Cartledge, Hew W Porter & son, BaR F Hew York • WMB Hartley. Hew Yoi’k W Aufermau, Hew York mac Prayer,olark»v T e.Ya 8 Harris, Norfolk, Va J Woolaoa, Norfolk, V» W B Brooks, Baltimore E H UuderbUl, Hew York EHAmidown, Hew York W B Fletcher & wf, H'Y H. M flowing. Hew York JBMyerc, New York WK&neen. Buffalo John HfWilson, Hew-York W Coker, Haw York W E Thayer, Boston C V Colon, Franklin G P Koons F Fairwether, Boston Jofcr Hoaghtoo. Boston J S King,Wew York A M Stewait, U 8 fl g*j U S A »r#Doubledny . W W Smith, Wash, P* *L Harris • * y Col t, E Torire A wf flse L {York®, Salem, N J A I i en , kl h*. New York 4t?» r?^ r » How York Cooper, Montroie Z Bidden. Hew York * £° e * Havea MtsßJßoss. Harrisburg Miss Robs. Harrisburg Master Bobt Boas Mrl^morey W J Stratton. Hew York * E SoutbwJck A wf, N Y Mr Wstherel, Baltimore Tbos W Atki»»«n, Balt J H East*r. Baltimore Ohaa Turner, Baltimore H SellgsbeTg, Hew York £ E Simmons, Hew York E Sineorv, Louisville w t Doughty, -New York W W Baris, Boston JW Van Best, Hew York R L Case,- lew York L D Alexander, Hew York W Firmston, Easton . TM« Gi G W Cox, Washington i. J O Jordan, York, Pa i BF Paxton, Penna : F F Patterson, Bow Jersey : C W Wright, Delaware Payton Sigler, OUCity . _ : H JNtely, Middletown MB Spahr & la. York. Pa W Smith A Ja. York, Pa J A Schail A la, York.Pa Mrs M Fchall, York, Pa Mrs J Baumgardner, York H B Baumgardner, Pa J S Miller, Columbia PB Notts: tham, Ohio Bobt R Hoagea, Ohio W a Preston. Alton, 111 Ja* R 'Worthington, 9 X F C Howes, Gbioaso F J York, Pa G F Hainan, Lock Haven J E Wilson, Huntingdon Mrs Bonds, Harrisburg Miss H Bonds, Harrisburg S L Broom, Huntingdon J T Oheairo, Bel City H H Wainwright, Balt W H McCuichen, Bait B H Fntnain, Washington Mia 0 8 Simpson, Alex Jabn Randall, Burlington Sami L Fluke, Penna B 8 Ctrobn & wife _ jf£F * Mrs Weldon, H X jWMGfiaoam sJßatt & la, Schuylkill co 5,W Tracy, Pinegrove MiesE Bright, Fottsyillo H Concord.& la-. Hew York H L Hoopes, HarrUburg Ghas Ollne, Mt*Holly, 8 J H Van Ingen, Richm’d.Yn J L Kennedy, Obambsrsbg W Moore, Jr,May's Landg L R flood wlq, New York E Biica, Reading Gen Cammings, PhUa T McEtraih, Hew York W JS Strong, Albauv John P Topham, Wiim.Del John Jarm?n, Penna Haj D U James & la. Wash J D Dudley & la, Buffalo C Arberthnot, Pilttburg C Yeager, Pittsburg Geo J Shoemaker i wf W M Black & wf, Ohio Mrs E W Roberts, Penna Mrs Leacock, HntrUbarg Hrs flsa Carter & son, Pa Wm H Johnston, Penna C G McCall, Maine E B Grubb, Burlington Ormsby O' Beirne. Eagland John Fiddiok, Galena, IU h McCulloch, Louisville Dr Xfi D Knowles, Dal * Theo B Tabbot * wf. KI J O Freeny & sis, Md Capt H Wheeler, 5 Y __ John M Livingston, H Y Frank O’Belrne, England *Ml»e JtK.ex B F Mentz Lancaster B Beale n, Pesna W Lilly, ManehChunk Col P Sides; Penna R H Smith, Pb month MK Abbott, bnmmUHill G Brinrdle. Pennsylvania B Kurtz, Mount Joy A D Campbell, Penna F Ballard, Shebias Falla J Deck, Long Branch, N J C fcnAvely, Harrisburg G W Fessler, Marysville H Hey singer. ifhlppensb’i A Brower, Lisbon, Pa J A MoGonnel, cluo M s'mltb, Pinna D Grater, Ohio Cbaa Bowen, Ohio Wm H Coal, Bristol, O John Irwin,clarksbuxg,Ya T fc Bur rows, Lancaster Cbas epvuKler, York Emaeuel Biller, Adam* eo Aex Spangler, Gettvcburg o|We* Stougle. Dover, Pa Wm T Crist, York co Jae.Paik*, Lancaster K L Thomas, Maryland JU L Reajg-ey Geo A Rumsey, Ohio W V FJsher, Maryland G S Gregory. Trenton, B J T F Hyman, Pallas, Pa HA Mlnieh. Kingston, Pa Hiss E Psidee, Hazleton ' T W Franklin, Penna A Z Ringwylt, Penna RJ Edenberger. Uaston GJ Bolton. Barrbbarg J W Swaine, Harrisburg 0 E Savage, Hew York J h 'Turner, Hew York G E Beach, Hew York BTwadeil, Hew York T C flrove. Peuna - GWSpanrler, Penna Daniel Davey, Buffalo Mrs M G Wolverton. Penna J A Lemon, Blair,-Pa Mice M Crain, Blair, Pa Wesley Adams, Ohio Ghas a Gibson A J Harttock. Johnstown J & Hits, Johnstown John Thornes. Johnstown A J Lehr, Johnstown J A Grove, Jr, Belmont, Pa P Orf, Columbia M Krebs, Riugtown Jos Shuman, Riagtowu L W Krebs, Ringtown Ira H Backer, Muncy Jas Laird, Hughssyilta C Pardee, Hazleton B Robinson, Wilaeabsrre Oliver Tousey, Indlanap's D Ripley, Newark, N J J Gardner, Hew York John A Lockwood, N Y Jos Hayward, Hew York E Corbett, Baltimore The As CBlicb, Pittsburg G J Ancona, Beading S Hermann, Hew York FE williams,'Mevr York F H Mead. Delaware OWHejdrick Mrs J M Dorian A 2 da. Fa B P Bowen. Maryland H J Rich, Fottaville H Winui, US3J JD P Morgan, Maryland J H Jacobs. Reading GC. Page, Penna W P Smith R R Disborough, Trenton W A Maguire, Huntingdon J A Curtin, Hew York | J Hostetler, Penna T E Ri cords, Delaware W S Wolfe, Delaware L D Shoemaker, Penna BJra L D Shosmakeri.Fenna Inion, The |] H Crouse A la, Reading Mies C Jrouf-e, Reading H Gregory A 2a, Reading V J Rhoads, Indiana co Alex McDonald, Indiana co CO Wans; Berlin, O Henry Paine. Lima, O. L M Woolf, Johnstown J Oliver* son, Baltimore B A Scott D F Toby, Beverly J W Laughiin, PhUa H Guth, Allentown B J Berlin, Reading J L Mulaker, Hew Jersey Mrs Epohn, Reading Mrs Kltsinter, Reading G Gower, Manor, Fa J Fry, Muncy, Pa D W Molt*. Muncy. Pa G M lylesberger. Muncy M Lewi*, 7amaq.ua Mrs J Rogers, Tama qua J B Baines, Newtown, Pa imerdaL Miss H Blxler, Tremont J 8 Hendricks. IT 8 A S a Curtin. Hew York R F Weatcott, Hew York C Mu»phv, Hew York Johu.Deye G McLaughlin, Penna W D Bki)< and to offer their entire stock of Clothing atprieee fullj 30 PUB CRHT« 30 PH* ORHY. 30 PER OlltT. 30 PK* OKST. SOPSBCEJfT. 30 PBS OSS*. LOWER THUf AFT OTHER HOVSB. I*o WPR THAF AFT OTHIR HOUSE, Lowes tsah aft othbr Hoosb, r Our stock consists of Spring Goods, manufactured for the present season, and the balance of Winter Glothjni remaining on hard* all of which is fotuplnjhe buy. 20 pik oixt. 20 ran Dam. 20 rn omri. 20 rs* osir*. 20*i*ok*t. 20 PEK oral. Lower tba* art other Hohsb. Lower than aht other Honan. Lower thab aht other Hoosb. Pbrbt * Co., 80. as Chestnut street, roots Third. Ho. NO Chestnut meet (QBaHVILLS STOKES' OM Stand.) Southeast soraer Seventh and Market it.., (JOBSS’-) ap2s 6t . ' Ukpbecedented Success. UNION BUTTON-HOLB 8 E W I N Q- MACHINES HOW BBADT. SBWIHG 100 BTJTTOH-HOLBS AH HOTJB. The Stitching Warranted tobe Superior to handwork, in my Material, and Much Mare Durable! SaziESßoobs, 300 WASHINGTON Street, Boston. TM Broadway, Hew York. Florence Sewing Machine Booms. 630 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. " AMOS 1.. WOOD, , ' Treasurer. ihM-tuthe 2m «« Out op Sobts ” expresses thefeel iEaenf many that cannot he otherwise described. Lan guor, weskness, enervation, lUtlessneas, sleeplneae, melancholy, want of appetite, A. . compose a elaesoi ailments greater than all others combined. It I« exact ly for these indescribable complaints that PLANTA TIOH BITTBBS are prepared. It is for the relief ol these same complaints they have become so famous.. Hence it is that they are so extensively used by clergy men. merchants, ladles, and persons ol sedentary ha bits. They are as pleasant to the taete ae thsy are be neficial to tbe Btcmach. The extent of their sale is al most incredible. ap2l-#t Pbintbd Bbcbipts fob Making thb Wisconsin Cakes or Bran Muffins (which agree with most dyspeptics), are famished to pnrohaseis of the Pans. TRUMAN A SHAW, Ho. 835 (Sight Thirty ive) MARKET Street, halo? filsth. 1* leMean. Rev J P Hammond, tr S A W B Cooper, Washington J F Bangber, Maryland W V Babcock, Brooklyn J Thirl well, Schuylkill co S B Shreve, Hew Haven F Wilkinson, Hew Y*rk A G Crane, Hew Jersey B J Totten, U S H J N Taylor, Maine**- J Giles, Delaware A Dudley, Delaware W H Rowley, Maryland W P Ott, Delaware P Hevins, H«w Jersey W Griffith, York, Pa T H Shoener G P Bh«rk, Lebanon ESchall D R JSorveU, Hew York W Householder, Penna David Bate?, Lewistowu Miss £ Bates, Lewistowu Matter Bates. Lewistowu J D Beahm r Lancaster Mrs Btroi*l A da, Penna L W Brodhead, Penna A B Stewart, Penna m J Clark, Dauphin, Pa 8 Felix, MiuersviUe ' L Garman. Maucy, Pa J Taylor, Hartford, Conn W Miller. Girclevllle A H CaUawar P W Lawrence, Bucks oo D E Shoemaker, M Ohuak Miss B- Dickey, Bethlehem. G Barker & ia* M Chunk H M Nagel, Northampton ekßear. tfoolMUler, Hamburg 8 H Staadt, MoUtowa. Pa - B B Peter, Molitown, Fa David Eeese, MoHtown,«Pi Beni Shngar, Moiltown, Pa W Heilaar, Sham)}tm W B 3wtneJ£> Shacuokia _ W Z Raker, Trevertoa <3 Baker, Trover ton W A Bforrison, Fean* _ S W-Horton. ranna. John Glasgow. Penna Sami Gelt, Bucks county. Job & Seurett* Penn* 6 Aka* WiJUamabarg, Pa Mrs J Whitehead. Peuaa Mrs H Morrison* Penaa Pltimbep.B’ aitd Gas-fittbbs’ Pipe Hooks (a hrsi-rate art!ele), Meiting Ladles, Melting Pots. Tap Borerr, Patent Wrenches, for .pipes or round rods, Brick find Joint Chisels, Hr cals by TRCttIH A SHAW, Ho. 835 (Eight Thirty-five) MARKET Street, beiow Sixth. it Colgats’b Honey Soap. . This celebrated TOILET SOAP, be (ash nniyersai do mend. U male ltom the CHOICEST materials. Is MILT sad EMOLLIENT la Us nature, FRAGRANTLY SCENT IS, and EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL In lti aetlon n»o» the Skin. For sale br ail Srsaclsts and Faney Qoodf lealen. ; " fe3B-tnthsly Jonhs’. THB LOWEST SBLLIN O PRICE Is marked In fisnrei ' on each article, AND NEVER VARIED, JONES' Crescent One-prlee QLOTHIN G HOUBI, MARKETSTRBBT. SbOTB Sixth, No 60*. Prices reduced to salt the times. A line assortment of READY-MADI CLOTHING, ■nltahla fori ell seasons, constantly on hand. Onetom-work made to order at ehort notiee. CmhD-Sp : Db. Bahning’s lecomparabm Bbaoe.— Trusses. ’Shoulder Bracer, Supporters, Elastic dtock iirgs, .Ac., in great variety, at Q. H. HESDLBS*, corner TWELFTH and RACE Streets. Ladies* Booms on Twelfth street, first door below Race; lady attendants. Syringe* 2s-2t»] JOS. Wi MARTIN, G. 8. THE ECHO Or Tips PAST Id THE EBI NOTH OP THE FOTOKB 3. M MOBEISON will Oliver hie Eeeimre on SB* CEJST SuCIAVIEd on THUBBBAY EYJSSIKG, 27th lust.. inSANSOM-STBBBP HALL, atBo r clock. _ Tickets 35 cents. ap26.3t* .Kvse*» OFFICE OF T«*L CTFT IKEA 1® SUBBB, PHTOiDBLPBrA,! Anri! 24 1865. NOTICB TO LOAN HO I. D KBS. - I am prepared to buy ONB HBNDKSD THOUSAND DOLLARS of the Loan of tie Olti of Philadelphia; due let of duty next* At par* .HSBItY BUMM, apS5 6; City Treasurer. |®=» M-A SO JR I C NOTICE-THKBB Is? wtlt 'be a SPECIAL MBBHBO of ONION LOLGB, No 121. A. T. M., .oa, THOKSOAT. the 27th instant, at 2 P. M., at the HALL. CHaSTNOI Street, above Seventh. By order of the V, M. ALPHOfISI C IBBLANDj Seoretarr. April 55th, 186 S, . -ap2s-2t* A. SPECIAL KEEIISO OF THE *=£? hibtokioal sc cists oppekssylvasia will be held at the HaU, Ather team BhlJ ding, SIXTa Street* below Walnut, .on THHKSDaT isVSSIhEG, April 27. at 8 o’clock, tor the purpose oftaktnc action on the great Batlonal bereatoment. Bporderof tb. ft««lden| AHijßi . BHiDiKTi RecordingSeoretory, ESITED STATES »»EASU«X, ■HBf Philadelphia. April 21.1565. , PSRSOHB holding (60) Sixty or moro GOUrOXS of the LOAN of lSO't At, maturing the let of Hat next, are requested to deposit them with Schedules of tune at this Office any time before the 29th inss*nt)ln order that they m»y -he examined.- Cheeks -will -he leaned for them on the morning of the Ist proximo. AHOBIBaM) MoINTTEB, Aseistant-TreasurerU. S, NOTICE TO THB STOCKfIOLD- SBS Of' THE HESTONYILLB, MAKTUA, AFD FAIRMOUNT PASSKJSGEft EAtbBOAD COM PANY.—-The Stockholders’. meeting-held THIS DAYJafc the office of the Company, .No. 5151W0 ALLGWfItLI* fctree*. in .accordance irUJbt a- published totiee, to. con* eider the expediency of creating.a-new mortgage, die., was adjourned to meet on WEDNBSD i.Y*the 26ih last * at 12 o‘clock SL , at the. Office of; JOHN G. BULLITT* SiHo. 33 CcnthTHlßßStreefc JHO. T. LARGS, Secretary. • PKttAggnPHUK April 24, ,lgBfi. ap2S-2i m*3SF*> DEPABTHEEf W? NOBTEBBH CENTRAL .BAILWAY GO., CAL VERT STATION,; ' ™ BAi»TOKoaa. April 21, 1865. DIVIDEND SO. 3. . Tie Preeideat aad Directors of this Compary have this day declared.* Dtvidendof TWO (3) PER CE»T., clear of Rational and State taxes,for the quarter ending March.3l, the Stockholders on the lGih of May next at thisjoffif e.. , M ._ .. . . The Transfer Cooks will becloetd from 28th last, to 10th of May inclusive. By order _ ap2frtuihs 8t S, LBIB, Treasurer. raf GRAND MASS TEMPERANCE WF75r- MEETING. The fifth of a series of popular Tem perance the auspices ot the Grand Di vision Bok a eft Tempo ranee. trill he hold at Green HUI Ball, corner of SEVENTEENTH and POPLAR Streets, on *? HiUBSDAT Evening. April 27. Able speakers will address the meelirg.. The American Vocalists have been engaged and wul sing some of their best pieces. Everybody is invited- 2f& ekaroe for admission. By order of-the Executive Committee * it*- JOHN C. MAQBIGAN, Chairman. KSP OFFICE GIRARD MINING COM* E® PANT, PHn.ADBi.yHXA, April 24,1856. Notice Is.hereby given that an instalment of fifty cents per share on each and every share of the capital stock or the • GISABB MIKING COMPANY , Has this day been called in, payable on or before the. 6tb d&T of Hot. 1860, al the Offloa of the Company, 80. 334 WAMfBT Street, Philadelphia- By Oia.y of uio Directors. _ ap£s tmy6 B. A. HOOPBS. Treasnrer. AT A SHE VLJSG OF THE TOtKO 1w MSN’B CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.heId April 31 at, the folio win* preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas* It has pleased Almighty God, for foar-i ears peat, to allow our teloved country to be drenched with patriotic blood, and filled with mourning widows and weeping children—the result of a deep* laid conspiracy and wide-spread rebellion ag&imt the authority of the land and the ution of the Stales; and Whereas To all this costly offering, so fceely and generously laid upon the altar of lib< ' *’ —* ox treason: tnerefore, Resolved, That va, wlfeh all other loval cttisao*. jtutlv appreciating tto valuabLe Bervieesof'OttT hoaored and revered ChlerMagtewate, do deeply deplore his dpath at the hand of the.aßsaesln Resolved, That, while we will ever bear in grateful remembrance hie wisdom in council, M* faithmla**s in labor Mb sympathy with suffering, and Mb forgiveness under injuries,wo meet ever adore the gooanas* and grace of our covenant Go 1 and Saviour who railed him np, qualified him for hie work, and teat Mm to the country in her darkest hoar and her- greatest need. Resolved, That our Association, in connection with the other V. M G. associations throughout tbe Union, having, entered heaitiiy into co-operation with the Go versment not only in fighting ite battle*, but alto,in kindly jxiinlstraticnn on the battle-field ana m the ho** pitalato the sick and wounded soldiers of the Republic, have ever had octaiion to reioloe while lUteniug to their expressions of admiration of onr late beloved Chief ftaatstrale. , £*Boteed, Thcfc the widow sad-orphan children of onr departed President have onr warmest sympathy , and mott earnest prayers for the best bleating of God to rest upon them; thatch they retire from the cares ans bustle incident to a life in the Capitol of a great nation to find once m*re a re* tin gpi ace in their Western hotte, the comosssionate. Saviour would- accompany them through the journey, and convtocf their ♦ tricken heartB that He can prove more than a husband or a father. - Resolved, That onr confidence in the stability of the Government $s unshaken; that in thevemoval of the pilot from the heJm the Ship of State is not turnedasHe f/om her onward coorse, provision having been made for ruck a contingency. ‘ . Resolved, That in Andrew Johnson, now President of the United State#, we discover a tried* frienc of the tnion and an uncompromising foe to dinlojalty and treason, and that to him shall be transferred onr eup port, our confidence, and our prayers Resolved. That in the record kept by the Association rf all «ck end wounded Pennsylvania soldier* ar Jiving in Philadelphia since the commencement of the *"* ,ia ""ftwroniT Hscanr. _ w , , late Conmunder-ln- chief of ttte Arm, and Nary of the United States, be recorded together v» ith this preamble and these rezo Resolved, That this Association join In the funeral pro cession of the lllaetrioo, dead. _ „ . It w. B. CtJLLISS, Cor. Secretary. OT’fICE OF THE lEllfaU COAf, ABB HAVIQATIOJt OOMPAHI. ' , Pgu.iDßLPm*, April 18, 1885. The Stated Annual Meetiniof the Stockholders of this Company will he held at the' Board of Trade Rocms,noithatd»cf CBESTBtTT Streot.abore Flith.on TOESDAT BOBSIBO. the 3d day of May next, at half-paet 10 o dock, after which, aa election rrltl he held at the seme place, for officer, of the Company for the Cushing Tear The election to close at 2 o’clock I - St. of tae earns day. JAKES 8. GOX. ap2l-10t President, SOKTBSBB ÜBERTIES AKA Idg? PJSBH TO WB SHIT BAII.EOAO COMPAST. PBllAPstPaia,'April 8. 1886. The Animal Meeting of the Stockholders of this Con runy,. and an Election lor Officers to eerra for the an mlDr vtar. and until others shall he elected! wilt he held at th* Office of the Philadelphia and foadth* Ball road Company, 80., id SAT South POOBTH Street, on tm , THESPAY, APRIL 25, .ISSC MISS ANSA E. MCKISOOT*. Friday Erening, April 28,1865, AIT ADDBBSS OH THE' DEATH OF PRESIDENT iIHCOLH. , The precefda of the Lecture to be devoted to a fand for the erection of a monument to our lamented Ohief Ma futrate. Hon. Mayor Henry has kindly contented to she charge of the funds. ~ Tickets for sale at the Book Store of T. B. PUGH, aouthwert corner feIXTH and CHJSTNDT Streets. Admission 25 cento. Beservedwiats 50 cento.' Lecmrc to commence at Bollock. It ATA SPECIAL fIfEEITPIR OP THE MOKKIBRH MISSiOffABY SOOCBTY OP-THI CBDROB OP THB NATIVITY,: coavenecrSuudky, April 23d. 18?6, the following revolutions were anaai »» would respectfully inform the Stock* holders of '*The Hoover and Marshall Oil Company’ ’ that the affairs of the Company are in a good and sonnd condition, and that the developments on their property ate being vigorously prosecuted. That they oou]d have declared a dividend some time ago from the products of their well, now yielding, but instead of doing so have applied the proceeds thereof to; the boring of the new well on the * Hoover” tract. . They have also leased a portion of the fifty-acre tract, and have had several applications for more leases for hall the oil. The Wellaon this tract-are to be sunk im mediately. 1 Several large st ikes having recently been made in_ the immediate vioinity of the fifty-acre tract, they feel the gnyntest confidence in expecting^be moat satisfactory result* Th’e well now being'bared by the Company, on the Hoover tract, theyfteefassutadwill yield notices than sixty barrels of oil per il ay ' The booka of the Com pany, with letters almost daily received from the Su perintendent; are open for inspection at the office of the Company..- By order of the Board'of Directors. . _ H: B BABHHtfBST, S«i»t»ry. Philadelphia. April llth, ISB6. >pM-6t • American sail - ASD' SAIL MACHINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY ’ PENNSYLVANIA' AND I MAD YD AND. CAPITAL ...-$300,000. 6,000 SBASE&---PAB fALOK, ssoi fkbbibsst?, HBHBI THOMAS.': TBBAStfBBR. JOHH w. hall: DIBBOTORB. • HBBBY THOMAS, Harrieburc.- . JOHN W HALL, Harrisbtrf?- G. A WaLBOBB, Philadelphia.' B. 0. KIBMAS. Baltimore HBRKY GILBERT, HarrlabuHv BiWgHBB ADAKB & LEVIS, Philadelphia. The Subscription Book for the Capital Stock of 'thts Company Is new open at the Bank ing House of ADAMS A LEVI*, 80. 305 GHBSTJfUf Street; FMladelphia. Persons wishing to make a profitable investment are respectfully invited to call on Messrs AOAtfS&LBVIS, who will give them farther information, audwill show them the machines, now running and making nails. The advantages we claim for our Machines over any othersin use, are; That they produce a more perfect nail. With a better head, and fewer imperfect nails. That they effeet a saving of not less than* fifty per cent, is the expense of grinding knives and dies. And the Machines being st If-feeding* ' tb ey effeet, a saving of from fifty to seventy*five pet cent; in the labor of cutting nails. Parties feeling an interest, and desiring to subscribe, will please call and examine for themselves.' apl6 lm PgTKOIEbM. PETROLEUM COMPANY. OBSABIZBD nun THB KUnXO AID MAinTFACTUBIHO DAWS OF THB The vein of the Company are now producing oil. Payment for stock mar he made la drafts, registered notes, or Government bonds a nd securities, which bonds and securities will be taken at their market ▼aims. Remittances may he addressed to.ihe Company, P. O. Boat 80. 636% Hew Tone City, or to ‘‘Atlantic Bank, Treasury of the He# York and Liverpool PettoTSum Company, Ho. 142 Broadway, Hew fork City, l ' or to any of its agents. mh6*B» KS*> IH£ TENTH ANNUAL COURSE I® of LEOTtJBES ON BOTANY* for Ladiei and Gentlemen, in the Selestiflc and Classical Institute, CHESTNUT Street, N, W. corner of Twelfth, btgtna April 26th».at 6o' clock. The Introductory lecture Tree. ap23»?6* *•&&*> HONUHEKT CEHETEBY. NO •SB? TICS —The Annual Heating of the Lot. Holders In the MONUMENT CEMETBBY OF PHiLAOBLFHU, and Election for Managers to serve the ensuinfc yezr. Will he held, at the Hail of the Fire Association, south side of NOBTS Street, west of Fifth street, on HON DA! AFTERNOON, the first day of Maynext, at fuor o'clock. B. TAYLOfi, apS2-8t Secretary. ftOFFICE TAN BURFN Oil, CO& ■OS' PANT, lO MERCHANTS? EXCHANGE. Philadelphia. April 22,1|&5. meeting Oi STOCKBOLDENS will be held at tbs Office of the Company, at 12 M., on SaTCKDAY, May 6th,1866. W.*C. SIILBS, Ja., , ap22»tn?6 Secretary. OFFICE OF THE PIEBBEPONT ■=» OIL COMPANY, 121 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. . A meeting of the Stockholders will ha held at the office of th« Company on MONDAY. May Ist, LS6S. at 12 o'clock M , for the purpose of organization and election of Directors to servs for theeniuin* year. apl7 tmyl WM H WALLACE, Secretary. VST OFFICE OF THE BBASBEN S* 7 ISI-ASB Oil COMPANY, BOOM No 18, 33*, WALFOT Street.—A Spe.ial Meetlns of the Stockhold er of tl>a Branden Island Oil Gompaojr wlll.be hold WEDNBBDAT, April 56. it U for thepnrpo.eof l taking l»to wsalderaUott the ,uf»eet of Lepeinc th» Whole Maud. ' Bj o.dfli of tie Board of Director!! _ ap2l-6t - J 1. EDWARDS, .Secretary. KS*» DITIDEMB fas* WSBTEEN UNION TJSLEGfiAPH COMPANY., Office, Kooh^stb?- April fL Aiemlar qoaHerty divide Ed of TfYO .PBK CENT: %ptm th« capital stock, of this company WH «® r elated pay abl eon and after April 2Stb« lnitant* to. the or Jrtoek on tti «tk lMt pAUnR Tr ,„„ ar . If. will t*eaiv«vtheijp dividends tluocgli. H. H. BHItiMNaFORO, Ho 3 Parrott Place, IA3M Soatk FotrETH t Btreal rgaF» AGREEABLE TO THE CKAR* i*r , TBB obtained from the Legislature dLthe Siatd of West Virginia* a Meeting of the,Stockholders of the TUCKER GREEK OIL A* D MINING COMPANY, West Virginia* was held on the 13th day of April, ,1»63i and the following gentlemen were elected by thorny* JHturAiiflf p. c; Tim*on, A. G Gibson, GhareU Jf£ £ggsTfc, N. 3\ Nloker son, Amos GarUie, and W. Wilson.. ■ ■ And at the btated Meeting of. Directors of said Com pany held on the same day. A- 0. Gibson was elected Presidents? Michael Baker Vise President; - Louis Groshoia Treasurer.' ap22 St* LOUIS QKOfiBOLZt Sec, pro tein* GOLVHBfS AjTßk ISBiANAPOLW CENTRAL RAILWAY 00. CL ATS COLUM BUS* PIQUA, ABB LWDIAHA RAILaOAD 00 ) The Philadelphia Bond aed Stockholders of the above named Company are requested to meet at the Board of Trade Booms, 505 CHESTNUT htrcet, onTUBSDAY, the 26th inn , at lit. o’clock H., to. receive the final re. port of the Committee, and for, other important baei* nesn J. T. THOMAS. sp2Lit • , Secretary. AT THB aoadlmy OF Musro. " HE BEING- DEAD, -YET SB’EAKETH," THE STEW YOKE AND UYEEPOOD STATE OF-IBW FOSE. CAPITAL, ONEJHItEId'BF, DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHAKES, *lO FEE SHARE. . SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, *5 PER BHAB& NOT LIABLE TO FURTHER ASSESSMENT. OFFICES: Jto. JMr EMPIRE BUILDING, iro, 71 BBOADWAY, NEW TOES, Post OyyießADDSßaa, Box No. fStt, Hew Tow* OFFICERS, - V Hob. DANIELS, DICKINSON* President WH. T, FBIPFS.Yfoe President. ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary. < H. J. BUBTIB. Mining Superintendent, ATLAS TIGBAN K, M o. 143 Broadway,H.Y.,Treasury. aplO-IG-Sfi-St OFFICE OR TSE RESOLUTE MS& MINING COMPANY, No 3a* WALNUT St. * • * Philadelphia, April 11. 1866 NOTICE d« hereby #iv?nthat all Stock of the KE3O - MINING COMPANY on which Instalments are dnesnd unpaid U hereby declared forfeited, and will be sold ad public auction on BaTUBDaT,\ the 13th day of May, 1866, at 12 o’clock, noon, at the office of the Secreiarvof tbe„ Corporation, according to the Charter and By-Laws* unless redeemed on or before that day. By order of the Directors. B.' A. HOOPS** apl2 tmy.lB Secretary and Treasurer* KEg** OFFICE OF THE MABQUEETf *3? MINING COMPANY. 31,9 WALNUT STREET. Philadelphia, April 18.1865. . . The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Comr pany for the Election of Directors and sachotherba-i -ness as may come before it, will be held at the Office of the Company, No. Sl3 walnut street, city of Phila delphia, on the first MONDAY, the first day of May next, at one o'clock P„ K. - • ap'9 lot DAVID s BEYL, Secretary. irffr* thk northebh home fob 1» ?BIB»BLES8 CHILD BBff. —Tbs Annuel Meet* ins of xjisinbore will be lurid at the office of THOMAS EABF, Esq. * President, IF* E. cor. ABC Hand &BVB4TH Streets, on TUESDAY, May 9th, A D., 1865, at4P. Election of lia&tieraaßd Trustees between 4 and 6P, M. MAO QBBGOB J. MirCHESOCT, Bscgatarr. >pS4-mtu4t KSf MVIKBJID NOTICE.—OFFICE OF ■» MAPIiB BHADB OIL COMPANY, 88* WAL NUT Street, _ Phiuduvsia, April 23* ISW. The Board of Director* have this day declared a dividend of HOUR PER CENT on too capital stock of the company, payable at their office on and after th* 2Eth instant, clear of State tax, The transfer books will ole bo on the 25th instant at 3 o'clock, p. if** ant re opsnoathelstMay. , ap34 8t THOB, K. SB ISLE, Secretary, OFTIOB OP THE AHE It (CIAM 1=» FIR* INSDKABCE COMPANY* No. 310 WAL NUT Street, A general meet In* of the Stockholder! In the Ame rican FirelnsnraaceCompany will beheld, agreeably to charter* on MONDAY, ythe let day Of May next, at lj o’cloek M. - Th* Annual Station fox Dlroctqw will take pUee im mediately Uier*»(t«r. _ . „ 0. L. QR4WPORD. Secretary. ’ AranlUti JSSi. '"*• fffww.' gSjgp° »iTIi»EHTJ> HOTICKS; ; - th» foil! wiig DIVIDENDS hW« been dsdliraS pay able APRIL 29, to Shareholders of fiWerd April 22, 1385; BBIOOi GOLD COMPANY . • i TENTH DIVIDEBD..TBBEB DOLLaNNPEBSHaJRK. McKINLEY OIL i SEVENTH DI VI DSHD f,,oe 'fM OMMT. CLIFTON PBTBOLBTTM COMPANY, ! TBIBD DIVIDEND ....ONE AND A HALF PER SENT. ?2SSFi IBr COMPANY, f ***** DIYIPEaD ... ...~„MBEE PER DEN*. DEVON OIL COMPANY, ■ ‘ ' 1 FIBBI DIVIDEND.. ..........THBEE PBB CENT. - . LOOMIS OIL COMPASY, FIXET DIVIDEND— THBEE FEB CENT. TBANSFEB BOO£S CLOSED FROM APRIL 33 TO SO. JVALTBB E. LAW TON. Trenaarer, ; Wo. SWOtH Strict, New Tort ' ■=*» mimkal oil compaht, 6a* WAura* *9s™- m- day declared a did **?£ CBMT. on the capital »teok of th.e CompaW’payaWe attlidr offlcS on and after tbe 28th !}&;£&£ t&ff* 1 ! *«*■• TKe ; transfer Moke will instant. at 8 o'clock P. «. a*d ra open • a MS®S tll, ! u * • TKE.SBA.BtH. ' *PIB-ot - ' - Secretary. _ tfs*; of the sarlr EoEm mrir *i3» ehe|d-at the Office of the Philadelphia R?a d i*s Ootaoany, Ho. WIT South | H nf «T° M aDAT ’ 1M *» » f fearl. WM. H, WEBB, Secretary. ysar.- asd susotth. ■' 00U ™ T ‘ omaß ■Tie 'awnjil raeetln* company, aid an election . for President and at* J??n»serav hill take place altio OF RIOS of the COM'. day of Hay next;, at 12 O’clock «.. s \ ftp? VM. H. WEBB, Secretary. ifCHiSTSMiS# IUSCFM US’ IUTIOHiLBiBK, L -V . „ Pmawma,'April 11. 1885. . Stockhcldeftrreliereby notified l oat Bonks wlllbc opened ferfiift'&crirnton totbemw. siiioV -of-*ixts"B{rfik lit iheUOMMBRCr.L RATION A i BANK, in PbUadal phta, bn JiINnAY,, May lit. ISM.-ond will oontinne open dtirldi bsoiiDK'bonrj, dally, from 10 o’clock A. ! MNt»BK>:«Wdk P. M 7-, utttllThnrsOay; Jose Ist, 1885. ~Ny order of like,Board oUMrectors^ ! ' - JOBS 6COTE Jr., Oaskier. H. 8. BOLLMAN, President, jl : Plttsbonr, Penn*. EOIT. B. BTEKLISO. Vice President, J [ -PMfalgltiMft. aplAtiel HHJTAKI. DAY IS OURSt "Tk ; . .< . . 215tD jPENNSYLVANIA VOLCNHeERS. r ; 9ti} UNION LEAGUE'RMiQIifBIfT. THE ijntlTißT COMMITTEE OF THE LBAOUB las received authority t* raise AHdTHBB Oj? INFASTfiY for MONTHS* SEKYIOE,' URDKBTHE CALL OF DSCBMBERI9, W&*. Orders htas been liven to the Provost Marshals and otberMaeterLig Officers to muster in Becrdits forthe Bailment. The Officers are all Veteran Soldiers, sod will takd care of tfeefc men, and he with them la the field. ; HEAJMIUABTEES, KAT-IdNAL GUARDS’ HAUU, BACE STREET, BELOW SIXTH.- CITY AN»tPiITEI> STAVES BOUNTIES: OB* TE4R • ****•< * «-M »■» Mu«nn » $5OO. TwO YEARS*• ••»»• vmw.• *.*.**.<. 690. : THEBE jit ABB. - -- 800. Beside* theHIGHEST WARD BOUNTIES and PAT. BATIONB, aid CLOTHIN3. SecrhltinglStatlons havcbeen established in various pans ol tie dty. : By order of.the MILITARY COMMITTEE OP THE UNION LEAGIUB. ap7,B-»pll - ' M friz* monk* and govern- AmEHT Kr-rrHTY TO ALL WHO BHTEH THB mOHITIJ) SfATfiS MABIHB CORPS. • ' Mk Orders mv« been received from the head of the Marins Corps‘at Washington aot to restrict recruits to a p&tlicular ehts fas has been the case heretofore), but to receive ALLwbo have served la tbe volunteer ser vice, orfu tbefegniars* or ia the marlaes, and have been bonor&blr disebarged, fcuch persoae enlisting in the Halted Stubs Marines will receive tbe Govern ment bounty, ind will also be entitled to their share of frtze money i$ any capture of the enemy's vessels. or farther morrnathm apply at the recruiting ren dezvous. Ho al Bouflf FBOBT Street, between 9 A. M. »d 3 o-.lop. M.. -very dajbnuWa^ apl.fef 1 OapUln and TUernMog Officer. m drv oob FURTHER REDUCTION OF PBICIS. f|iom auction. LINEN- SHEETINGS. TABLE LINENS. • GENTS' HEM-STITCHED HDKFS. DO. - CHU/DEEN’S SADIES* CORDED BORDER DO. SBBPPABD.TASi HABIiIHfiICT, & iBBISOI, 1008 CHESTNUT Street. “JJABRIS” FINE CABBIMEREB. OASSIMERES FOB BOYS. .BIiACEfFBBNOa CLOTHS.*, LA^IES^ZEPHFB S 40KIN0S. FIBHEJ. SpENOH COATINGS. ■ >r '- n|:wl6w pbioesl ": ; CONFER &JCONARD, 8. E. Ninth and Market Sts. ap!9-tt f ; DEMONSTRATION IN c jo" T T O N 8 . and 16 Cents, FACT OORORS AND GOOD STYIiHS. 150 HONEYCOMB BBIDAI QUIETS, ' AT S3.SO—ABOUT HAIiP PRIOR - \j ; ' - The , celebrated HetnCkeepr ■■Him, EXTRA HEAVY—BS CENTS. , 10-* PEPPERAI SHEEIINO, 85 GENTS. Splendid let of TABD-WDIE FBENCH CHINTZES, • AT 50 CENTS—WERE SOLD AT *L k OOWPEBTJJWAIT * 00. 1 S. R CORNBE NINTH and ABOH STB BETS, teHS-tf - Philadelphia. 103* OHBBTITOT STREET. E. M. NEEDLES, 103* Chestnut Street, Ran ’'redneed ” hie “entlreirtoek” to eorre- I . epond with the recent heavy . ■■D.EOLINE IN GOLD,” utd row oprKHS jruiiL niNne or I,ACBS. EMBROIDERIES, Alee, a great witty of Flqnda, chirred, puffed, striped, plaid, tgnred, and other fancy Marlins, WHITE BODIES, , Jnet received,* very large lot of choice stylos Needlework, Bdginge, andlnmrtlngs, very low, Also.- Duchess. Empress, Queen Bes*. and. other new style* dollars and Sets ” io»4 QgEOTITOT SFSSBTr TOHN Wi YOTJRG, ftj, . . 80, 70 Dforth yOUBTH Street. Bab now. In store a ‘'moat extensive aisoritaani of GOODS At fee XBB7 LOWEST P&1CB8. agfrlmif. fPEOM AUCTION, 1 J. 1,000 yde, *4 Bleached, Marita, - 1,000 yds. *4 Bleached Mdelln, , Orily 20 Gente. ... - Only 20 Cents Pillow Case Mneiln, 28 Gent*. Pillow-Cate Mnslin, 28 Cents. They will all go in a conple of days. «pl4-t( J. H. STOKES, YOa ABOH St. TIJPIFS BLACK DOUBLE,WIDTH li wool* DsidAINXSjJI and *ll3-p early old price 1 Lup!n’sS*4 Black Wool Delaines, 63 eta. Lapin's Mode Wool Delaines, filets. Black Alpacas. 60, 66, 76, 88, Si. Ac. . Ltikt Colori-Alpacas, 62eis —a barf sin. Auction lot Plaid. Mokaira, 37i*cts. Best American Friata, 30 and 36 ole. • Wkite Cambrics, Ao.wWWteattd Buff Pique. DOMESTIC Qpobß M „ , '•Very lowest market prices, for our fair and lively Stock. tfOOPBR A GOSTARSt a pl9.tf & B. cor. mSTHyandHABKB* Streets. fiTIM* GREATER REDUCTIONS I» O FBIGBS. btw Goods, bo as to meet tbs last fall in geld, and pl**» kc prices of all our bWMt ur below tho toteest market MtJSLINS, ail the be.et makes, redneed. CALICOES as. (neatly redneed prices. Onr entire Syriai stock at rednoedspri.es, *_ . / XL bTEELA BPS, mh23-tf Nos. 713 and 715 Ncrth TENTH Stfeat. SPRING DBESS GOODS, m Wilt 7 STYLIB, OPMING DAIIY. Spring stytssYalsnsUa. Spring styles PoU de Ohe-riei. Spring style, of Topiiu. BmamerPcUn*. - tol.ndid Organs)**. Iwrealee, In neat variety. E&SSr N*w«Fl« mat varietr. drtl-S ■.rV-.‘v ; WSeutJlSSOOxto BttM(, . •' SEW PUBI ICATIOVS. J£YERY BOY .IK THE'"’|^j|d BHOULB READ THE EARLY LIFE ! ati»alUM LINCOLN, f S9^Ti BT *ll*l4,* «• THATIB. This took connlainr ffltf , T f m * ™» of PEBsiDiHVxmootß', mm\ h ® w^ a * eyB “ rear*of Bgeuntil hi, Imragdra*., ~. Til, 1, tfi»Aiithbsim sad ottt* President,. v f- ON# VOX. 12M0, HtJSOWi ’ ATHD * Sentfree by mallon recetpt-ef sl\ fig- . POKTBAIT eVABRABGBtf LITHOGRAPH, Winches by MS on’tintoc&lAjpPt, '• __ Eont free by mall We propose to Ictus ItfatEIIIATELT, ** TMOUfiHTS TKAT WR& HTE, ,> Belie Memorable Seutarroe* : Iron! tba Ejtyscflies, aad-otier Writing* of ABRAHAM UNOOU*. TOST PUBLISHED, Tiirai TiTiNicrNCr bayonet, BT JAB. K. HOSHBK, Author of Col or Oaard,” of wwSh tie Hew York Eytnino Pott May t: “There ba» uot Appeared, aiuee tteiar bt.an to show it* influence-on- literature^-a -.hook Which give* us «r vivid a skelclrof .jha ; life, *o'sharp Obd yet araeefaUv ™ -* ll , 1 }the traui PO mereh, the- hospital, thr ■*-* * • * * The sow work ii vrrltten wilk eiual vljoniud point, and include* much' of the same personal incident and adventure rrhlcu oavh the “Guard” wch niiccesß. . iaSdo. «C»' WILL BE'RBaDT HBXT WBBK. BBBBTHBtis'g the eixtlrYohiuifl of Mfss Laudot’U a'd*' mirfebleand faTorite 1 -** Sbectaole” aeries. P&ftael'r iliuetrated. $E YOUTH’S HiSTOEY OifTilK BEBBELIOH. Vol. %. Eoandko to Murlreoahifo. By William H. Thayer,, author of “The HonoMr-Boy. ” Original .lions. 900,' HIBTOEY OJ THB AHTI-BEAYEHY MBAStTEKS OF' THE 3Tr» AHD 38th CoSBEBBSBS. By Senator Wileon, of Muamchoaetts.* How, revised, and on* lartededltldn, . lew, revised, and croatty.snlargod edition.' We shall brinrosi as early as pratHeablt, PART 8, MAETIH’B CHEAT “BJBTOEY OF FRANCE.” belnx tbo • • Dtollne_of ‘ tbs French ' Monarchy.” ..The concluding portions 1715-17®. 2 vols. . ' PART T, THE AGE OF LOUIS XIT., * vols, with Steel Pertraitc, now ready. $B. MABTIFEAU’S BISTORT OF ENGLAND! Fols. S and 4; 1826-1854. Conpleting the Work. Tols. land 1 (1800-1826) of this important and-Asdna. ting History now ready. ,5.' Other Important enterprlees ln progress. . WALKKB, FUIiLBB, & Cfc, ■ PTJBMSHBB3. BOSTON. ap22-stuth3t. gUBSCEIPMOH BOOKS TOE ' BUTEIE’S SUPERIOR STEEL-PLATE POSTRATTSOF PRESIDENT LINCOLN ' are open at No. 90S ASOH* Street. , ' J. P. SKBLLYs Only Agent for PHiUdelpM*. ap2o- thetnßt A few copies for Bala. MAGAZINES FOR MAY. g § <* • m 2 w ; ■« ' | . § - £ " g- - S ' g. .e - § §. .-a I-' § W ' 5 © ' P* " >3 BJ >i PITOESS’B lOW-PBIOBD BOOK, ALBOM, M ery, Development, and Present Condition andY%- tnre' Prospects of Petroteam., BY author of “Ten Aeßnoiifli'” CBILDivSH IK PABADISB. By Eev. ¥rederielt Hi Wises. 16m0. t Yellnm cbjth, Unted paper.- For sale by JAMBB 8. CLAXTOH, Successor to W. S. & ALPBBD HAOTIBK, 606 OHBSTKUT Street T OTJIB NAPOLEON’S LIFE OF- OT. -■-i UVS C.BSAB. ■ BEADY THIS DAT. LIPS OF JULIUS CiESAB. By Louis Uai&Mai YoL L, -withpoitt<. - aLsO* ■ * HEADLEY'S LIFE OP GBNBBAL SHBSMAH. BEADLBY’B LIFE OP GBKBKAL OBAHY HJiADLBY’h LIFE OF QIBBEaL MITCHRL. BBADLBY’BDFB OF OAFTAIa BBICSBOB, Bach. volume iUustritfef. __ LIND SAY & BLA.KISTON. * Publishers and Boohsellentf South SIXTH Stettt;. BOOKS I NBW BOOKS 11 u EvAHSt (H&rard’s old stand). No. T 34 CHESTNUT Street, MARION OAKLAND'S NEW NOTBIr—HUSBANDS AND HOMES. By the author of Alone**-’- “Hidden CHARLES LEVER’S NEW BOOK, VLUTTB3LL OP ARRAN. ” In paper and muslin. TRAVELS IN CENTRAL ASIA. Performed f 0.156& By AnalniUß V&mt»6ry. Illustrated.--: . ST. WINIPEED’Ss or, The World of School. A book that we recommend with fuU confid»«e • _ THE BILLYABS AND THE BURTONS.. A Story of Two Families. By Henry Eintsley, author of fry Bamiyn.” ** Bavenshoe, ’' &o. * SOCIAL STATICS; or, The Conditions Essential to Human Happiness Specified and tlm First of ThssfeDn* ▼eloped. By Herbert Spencer. Steel portrait. CHRISTIAN'S MISTAKE. By the author oI "Joha HaH&k'. Gentleman.’’ A*. üBCIJs SILAS. A Tale of Bartram-H&tigK By XB. Le Faso, author of ‘ ‘Boose hr the OharchX&wt. ’ As. THE HEW PATH. A Monthly AET J6BHSFAU April number just ready. feubßcriptions recoiToat or single numbers for Wile at 20 cento each- AXL THE HEW BOOKB received as soon u issued from the press, end sold at lowest prises, apßttf A PPLETON’S Hl¥i AMEBEGAN -xA CYCLOPEDIA. —Complete In 15 volumes. Various Btylea of Binding. KSBEIXIOB BE aoßD.br Prank Moore, in B.rote. DEBIT ALE'S HIBTOBT OP THE KCWfASS-now •otnplete. She Agency for ttesejateaM# works is at . 33 Sooth SIXTH Street, above Ch*Btu?t. spS-tf JAB. It srjfOtf. STATIONERY A BLANK BOOKS. OIL, MINING; COAL, .AMO- OTHER V HkW COMPANIES. We are prepared to famish flew Gorperatteas with all the Books they reqnire, at short ..notioe and low priess, of ftfst qnality. All styles of Binding. , BTEEL PLATE CERTIFICATES OP.S3OOK. LITHOGRAPHED TRANSFBB BOOK. ORDERS OF TRANSFER.. STOCK LEDGER. STOCK LEDGER BALANCES.- REGISTER OF CAPITAL.STGOSL BROKER’B PETTY LEDGES* ACCOONT OF SALKS. DIVIDEND BOOK. MOS& £& CO., BUIS BOOK MAITOf ACCTBBKB.W*»BTA'nOSBBB, u2o.tr streat Jp>®l BOLEUM IB KING. I THE- UNION .OH, STOVES. ; A newana complete »prarato/°r Croklne •ndHe&ti** { by P&troleuSß and Cool IA tb* wo, Jt ofa fatally ; of riLT size. inclndln* tb« wasMb* and Ironiar* caq.be done at aa immena© *aYlM,of e*s«aM in fiiei, and with b« tuei on theie atorai. NO DIRT, ASHESi.SMOKE, oft ODOR 4, , XJ3SIO3S. STOVES BAKE, BOIL, BOAST*. BBOIL, TOA.STr.FItY. The earpenre of om of theea Stoves would hewed la nfl oidinuj familj sbut ttme la fUEIi ALPJI^. SIMPLE l JKJSABLE! I OHEAJEH<» They are easier M, managethan a common co&L oil lamp The 80. 2 Stove will heal three fta|r iron* in fif teen jnixrates andkeep two person* ironing Prices from ssM®tt) $lO. A liberal discount, to the tr *de» Agents wanted in every county la toe State. Apply to DBXBIN. 102 South SEO9ND Street. 'Solo Agentgfp;-Philadelphia. ap22-emw!3S J^EMOmL. WILLIAM -SABBAU, Has Removed from 80. 10/4%t0. 80. 1233 CHEST* DtJT street, & B. owner of TBI&TBBNTH Street, Whet a. be invitee the attention alhoueekeepere. and those commenting housekeeping*-to Ms extensive as eortmentof asufni • HOUSE PUBBIKaiF© GOODS. „ / Snptßlor Refrigerators. Table Cutlery, Family Hard* ware, Children's Carriages, &•», Ac, ap2t 2m , TMTCHIE’S LINCOLN IS THE BEST. Jk*?J=«A beauti fol STEEL BB r GBA.VU?G,;I9 by 24, om finePJLATBPsPBB. said to be, by his friends* SUPERIOR; TO ALL OTHERS. PRIOR OB LY $l, aai better than any $2 picture .in the market. • . Agent for Philadelphia, 808CHB ™k;^ FRAMES of every description at low prices. ap2fr2tlf .. - • ' . . - PHOTOGRAPH ALB.BMB-GET THE A patent hinge-back Albums; the best style! made, elegant b.nding, and vosses* the virtue of superior du rability. Sold at B. F. BBIIIBR'B. 624 b ARffH Bt * It* EE IME B 1 8 COLORED- PHOTO -OKAPHB »re admired an* pit mailed for .heir fine artistic mexlU, a*»uraey, aad tjathfal coloring. Hade fox tl.tO at ale Gallery, fcECOHI) Street, above Omen. . ‘ U* f*ARTBB DE YIBITB EXECUTED. rapexbly la every variety of rtyle, slain add tinted. See anecireeve of thoaa exqautta ciotsree at B V. BBIMKB’B Photograph Gallery, 62* ABCE Btreot. • • - It*.; TNBTRUMENTS. TO ASSIST TEE A HBABIKG >t P-MAIIBIEA’S, I>s Sfißth TBtTTB stmt, WJOW PBIfWiPP, ’ *T 9 ■’ #!}|A*P WANTS. wanted a situation in a ’ * Wool .Bate end.Belatl Hardware Store, by a LAB 17 years of ago Toe ben of reference liven. Addrets; for three days, apBS St* ■ l, f. t Bl,” ftMIOIW. WANTED.—AN INTELLIGENT *" i€mlem»n wishes a SITUATION wh*re>>rai*# woo’d he of service, and remuneration in proportion to services rendered. Conld manage ail Oil Company’s interests.- or any other business. Address JBL T C. t Press office. : • ; : U*' WANTED—AN ACTIVE, ENERGET " * : IQ Bn*rtn«a> Mao* with a cas>* capitals*,oo3, as a joint perlner in ih» city sad county:of phia, in the biggest raotey making enterprises of, the times. Address, with §tamp, ’ *‘4&wUwn p ’ ’ Cti* Port Office. 2t* WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN yt’ V &«“eonntry, ;a 811 U AT, OS at Aa«isti2« c Jerk, or in any ci Daeity where he ean wV j ft L l Has had experience as assistant fcas good recommendations Please address ** Indnstry. > * at this office. ap2s-2t* WANTED— TO MANUFACTUBEBS. , * " ~-A situation"!* anted as Superintendent of a Cot ton Btsnfactnri&g Fst&blishae&i, by a man of large .experience. First class references famiihetL Address ,r‘liaisnra.Qtur*r,” care of & S.. Perry, Esq,. YaUey Fails, B. I. , . ap%Hfc* WA N T ED—ENTERPRISING PER * r .BOSS of means, de.'rooft of .ocarina a small for niE. loßorabljr acd apjedUy, with a moderate outlay, to call at So *321 CBSSTKOT Street amt examine the lew patent CAMPllhros CABPBT. the wonder of the aie, oraddre.e, with .tamp, A. J PaTTEBSOII. City P. O. Patented J unary 17, A. P. 1865. »p3t-81« . WANTED—BY A LADY OP LONG 7 'egperienee in teaching, a situation aa ffowrneee. *b® }f competent to teach marie, Branch, Latin and the v ogiiah hranehea; no objection to trawl s. beet of refo rm icesfttrstehed. Adareu “ri,” 133* CHESTNUT Sire ”• »p2i-3t* W,a;nt#b— boabdxrg, easy of access frSra the city, for 9 family of six perilous and Mn '&ntp. £dd«§% “P,,**gt tM< office. WAVTi jD~AT $lO PER DAT— " agrai'i® «T«!r» aelfborhood in Pennsylvania and Se-W Jevaey, to seß>a beantlfni enjfpavtng of A bra bo Hr Me eo»a Address BaBTLESOH SCO., So. SU CBBSTBnTffa-eet, (lecgmUoor) PhlU. - apl9-l» WANTED* AT $5O PER MONTH, , »* A SELIJ.BI>.B nigV-feKMm-Ay aaiF CQl^pty. fOj^h^Ty^ X: SvIV Tenture* offt womK'n in the "Baton army a* Sar*«, Scout undSpy.fiTing a most yi-rid inmar plctroeofthe war. W«-have Agents clearing $lOO per month, which l we will prcrre to any donatio* applicant. Send *ot 5 circulars. Address “JOSES. 8808. ft CO.* Ho. oOt> t CBBbTSPT Strati, Philadelphia, F*. »’ aglßiia* A’-GEKTSS# WASTED, TO' SELL THE -A*- genuine iis&roTedl BewkngLatd Family dBWIZfG* HACHXSEb, th&lfest Machine la toe yrgrld Address A- Xt OEtIISS ft GO.* .' jp;6-3ip* Bor 63. Orange, Mast. A CCOUNTS, Arc,—BEING A THO -tn. xopgk and practical Accountant, I ofiSrmy servi ces to Oil Companies. who desire their fcooae opened, incltrdtog Stcck Leaner, Cash Book. Transfer, Stock Journal. &c.* all of which I arm familiar wttla Would, aUo, attend to making out accounts,' posting, opening, or closingho.okaj.ftc, • Address * * Acconatapy* at this office. ap22-etutb3t* n ANAL-BO AT BUILDERS AND V' CAttIiKBKS WANTED, at CHESTSS. Constant feintflovlneßt tfveii. Address WIIdtIAM FMCK & 00., - Chester* Feioft. i v ipio im i Ti ''MPBO¥ MENT HOUSE FOR HOUSE ‘ JE* * KEEFEtW, Seamstresses, Chambermaids; Walters, t Ifn-i. 8«i Coofcfc, Laundresses, and general housework, % S 1& 0 and colored. 803 LOCUST St. ap4»lm -PLOYMENT HOUSE fob CLERKS, ijElB, •ok-hsepere, talesmen. Packers. Porters, Watch men. > Oo.ehmeA Drivers, Conductors, Bar-tenders, Walt** »■ Farm-hands, Gardersrs, icKmplojars .ultei at abort notice. 803 and 80* I.ocnST at. apl-lm tftCREfITEST THING OF THE TIMES tJF-BO 'WBH’SPEIZBS H VBhOFES. —Aleuts wanted evorvwb. re- Premium Watches Riven to Arent*. On receipt of #lB we will mall, post-paid. lOOJfnvelope., andasplei ’didSolid Silver Heating-Osse Watch as a ‘premium * >tbe scent. * single Envelope sent, wits eircdbr and 1 fuilpanleulars, on receipt of 20 cents. Ac - Si, ™ BOVfER At ao", F. O, Box 4870, 36 BBBK MAH Street, »- T- - mh» 8m TE&H '] FOUNDR Y—PARTNER JL ' WaBTIBI X—A partner with a capital of twelve to fifteen thermal id dollars Is wanted In an established Iron Found! ess, now in encceesfnl operation. Refer ences eyehaug! d Add rctrs, with real name, “Hema tite. “iSwwoi Bee. a»2B-3t* ■ nPFI'CB WANTED, WITH BOARD, w w a PH7B, TCIAH (unmarried), west of Broad and between torinrl larden end Wallace streets. Hnexoep tionable rererene, es oßcbsnfed. Address - F. A K . Bore HBl, Pb.ladt Iphla, P. O. 11* , m WANT ED TO* RENT—ON OR MBI abont July lei a moderate-sired HOTTSB, with mo dern conveniences. Wt et«n pmt oMhe city preferred. Address Bel • IBM, Poet O'Beg, ap2s-3f OWANTED TO KENT— BE - twee* Mil* an d Jnly If—a'HOUSB, sitnaUd be tween Vine and Pints, fed west of Tenth .treat Bent, Six Hundred Dollar*. Adartss Box-73 Philadelphia Post Office. . - ap22-3t« , Ao finn to ;xoan; nr one sum, tjsoiUUi/A» I j|Oß\ TO AGJS of improved city proper ty. lt>ply to \ THACmaA. & 80J8, a*2s-3t* 9S#4r South THIRD Street. FOR SAAR AMD TO ART. ADR SALE—RAiBE OPPORTUNITY A POX BOTH, KKBPBBt # “The goodwill, fixtures, and furniture of a large dow n*town Hotel.-now doing a good business, in the Cit, t of Hew York. Preeent proprietor compel! ed- to retire through m health. Address Post Offlce.box 5122, HewTorXdtp. apgj-Bt "pi OR BALE, TWO BAB6BS WA& HIHGTO* gTABIiE MA NDB’E, AT WOOF’S COAL I'AED. COOPER POINT, CUMDEN. TAKE VIHE STBgKT PBKBY, fYIL.—FOR BALE—A FEW GROUND FLOOBSHABIS Ip one of the mont desirable Com pact** in tie Buie of Ohio. Inquire aV fio MBBOS fctreet. • ap2s 6t? £ FOE SALE, £ A. COUNTRY SEAT, ■pleasantly situated, on the main road, near JSbltßN* TOWN, Monmouth county. New Jersey 8 Bordentown. comprisir g about eleven acres, wislrtwo esd-a half story double house, 46Ieet front by* Safest deep; oxubniJdines complete; wagon. ice, *oal». wood; and smoke- bouses. Ice noose filled; house patntedwad paperrd, in excellent order apple orchard of over-two > acres in rear of the house, with fmlt of the best Mad in abundance Stream running through at the hack of ibe property; bouse supplied with excellent water-by hydraulic-rim from a never-failing spring Bam stabling for five horses; summer and wintezroow sheds Stage from Bordemown, over gravel turnpike, ever? d&r. The lw« o'clock line forßordantowu.firoia W AWOT- Street wharf, meets the stage for Allentown at Barden* town. Brice $5,600. Apply to EO'BT. MAO GEEO9R, ap« inttsSt *l9 WALNUT Street; ®FOR SALE, CHEAP—A SUPEI®® RESIDENCE. with Aide and deep yard, oafionh BKOaD Street, aho?e Thompson. is replete with every modern convenience, and' iu> jwrfrct order - Immediste possession Only part of the purchase: mosev reaaired. Apply to FOLWELL & SONS,. ap2s-2t» 33 North FIFTH Street. m TOR SALE—SEVERAL FIRST ESI class HOUSES, on Forty-second street, and on Kinsfetsirg avenne, West Philadelphia: Also,, three on West Arch street, with immediate possession. Cheap Bouses in ad harts of the city Also a number of rims inßucks and Montgomery counties. Apply to ED. H- RABGLTFF & GO:, ap&it* 54tf. North EIGHTH Street. M FOR SALE, A-DESIRABLE three etoiT brick DWELLING Ho. t*!o Filbert street. Lot 18feet float by 106 feet Ip doptb. Fwmmlwi Immediately. Lowest .prlee $8,600! SS,WO mev remOii on mormafo. Apply to /APISS ap26 ‘lt- ti!t WALBPT Staeat. M HOUSE TO. BEAT IN NORTH: ELEVENTH Street, and handsome Furniture and. Carpets for sale.. Address “C. H, T , Philadelphia. Ingtiitev office. ’ ap2s 3t* FOB SALE—PAIR OF FAMILY BOSSES, aeatle and. kind; aa '’ i lddresß 80 South PEL AW ABB 1 venae. apo3-3t* * *W HORSE FOB SALE—HAS BEEF r Afrt used by an officer la the army for tbe past I w- o years. Is a fine, N , ■ STYLISH ANIMAL, la need to barneea aa well aa the Baddle. To b* aeea at Polloek’a Stables, FILBERT Strest, aboye Slxeenth. ' »PM-it» fACSJt- FOR SALE—A QBBMAN mhsw- TOW* WAGON, made by Watson, Ml teat* d, and in first-rata order. Addresa *49 sooth. SIXTEEN 1 ' H Street. ap« 3t« dbo nnn —a well-segured old MORTGAGE of this amount for sale hor la. C. PRICE, apaYßt* 61* GBBSTSCT Street. S' MALL PROFITS- AND QUIGK BALES. - BLANK BOOKS, * Paper snd Envelopes. Copying and CancelUng Presses. Gold Fens and .Pencils. . * Pocket-Books, WaUets,audJJ&nk«sf Cases. _ Backgammon Board*, Fortfolios.'and, Writing Desks*. PHOTOGRAPH* ALBUMS. The largest and finest assortment in ihe city, holding from 12 to 300 photographs, bound in velvet and Turkey, morocco, with chased edge; and beaattfol clasps. CHEAPEST IX THE CITX . Arnold s Ink- Faber’s Lead Pencil*. FafitesreducJd to eorawppnd with the decline iaggld, R. HOSKINS * GO.. BLANK BOOK M4NB - •* B t/VPTTDUPa * fflTOlUXna£S t ati*.P P rkii» ISWI —r apIS 1m go. 39, South FOURTH Street, jg~ R. SLERFIR & GO., ' " 515 MJWOH STREEP, THAJ.TOFAO'ESBEKS, AQ-EPTTS, ANRTOOLB. . SALE DEALERS IN FLINT, ASD. GBEM GUSSWAgE, Hare now In store a fall uaortment of the kbovo xoodn. trUeh wop Swat the lowert market rattee. BeiDi sale went, for (be SiLWd-QRKI* BLABS . »fORKB,. we are prepared to mabund work privet, moulds to order.' P'OETEB, MINERAL. and WINE. BOTTLES, of a ,nperior,eolor and finlab. Also, LAMP OHIMNBXS, APOTHECARIES’ SHOT TOEHITITKB, SHOW BOTTLES, BIRIMOBB, HOMO. OPATajO.TIALS.and Olaoawara isneraHy T.- A BYANB & 00.-8 PITTSBORO CLASS VIALS. on hand at faatora pytoaa. W3-3m g.RQ OKI A' FUG H., j 50S. 1781 and 1233 MiRKET Str«at, i i SOLE BBOBIVBBB OSV THE FOLLOWING WgSLL. .* KNOWN AND KJTAPUBBED BSANBfe, OB F la O U B: ■ • JOH N MUSSNLIf AN, ’ ’ AETNA MILLS.” , “-PBIBB OF THE WEST.-' “KOSOIOSIfc.” - "OITT MH*S.” *• EaOLN MILLS. ’ ■ and other TBWSIITAIIA ASF WKSTSRS BEASM - Fho Trade anpplied at market rates. apiM-lm nOLI ECTOR’S SALE. THE FOL .LtYowtnr senda wUI b; aftd. » l P“ bU. oM ! can trot in 306 in 310 bte d B “ h *Hmure, «years old; sfeh trot dranihr^mm’ 17t&nd * “«*? 6 seam old; an excellent 41*°. » lumber of ot#*r horaoe. ia eaMo «« i - “ JJBo, ofrrlaiee, wsgoss; dearborns, phaetons, ba*- tir&iA^l^S^i* I vl* inade 3* k***- B e****» Wafcaof. Wa3Jis. tad BUckeltae anti other be»tinake'6. ** Together Wl Ac., made by Phillips, Hora ao4 ; other city nakeis. " ffopostjKHwifceiitofl *iCf>untof weath«r. —stable *ceomiaodatio»B for hones t Jcjpile or private aaJe. ■"" yarn ►aie. »p? 4 2t AIBR'SEMEISTS. A MEXICAN ACADEMY OP MUSIC. ■*A. State Bensirar MV Owen Marlowe. TEfS EVhHT OF THB WASOfI! ' BKGLISH OjpEBA. _ MMUMwi COMEDY A2f» BtrBLSSQGK. THE GSASS MATINEE ' “ , Will take pl»*i 5 SATURDAY HEYT. ipril ». ? . AT BA J R PAST TWO o<, LOCK. In which the gifted Daacb'er’of Song. MIB#CaB->LII«B eicbihg® WillßPP*»r«s BaKIB, In Donizetti’* Opera of MB. TSTiE BIGHISGB. as OAHTOVCBBt- . ThwOpera entire, wtrlj the samehreat «ast. an pleyed at the Arch street Then*rein January tut. MB CBaBLES 3. DODWOhTH, Leader. With a' laueij augmented IreheitlA and’ DOUBLE - CBOBBS. By hind permission of .MBS JOHN DREW, Of the Sew Arfeh-atreet Theatre, A new TSraion of • • fTamffla’ ft&t ’time-* la “ Traviata, ’ * with a Comedy, , Admission', £0 cents; reserved eetWSgtmniSextra. .Seats et Mr CHABLEB W.' A TBBmKSB’B Metis Store, Sesentin end Chestnnt streets.- Allot at the Soela Stand, Pontile»tel Hotel, epK-4t KTIIW CHESTNUT- STfeEET THBA- At TBE-CBBteTB’OT STUBS?; ABO VB TWELFTH. BECPBBIHS. TUESDAY and WBD»*“DAY EYfitfiTOS.- Apirii 26 and 55." SECOND ABB TRIED BIBHPS OF TBB t ACGOjHPLISB RD AMERICAN AOTRgSS ASXP PHILADELPHIA FAffORITE, ° MBS. D P. BOWERS, Who ww received on Ifoeday erenSCr with BVhhT li JBMOJEf£TBA?ION t>F’T>SLIGHT by ft&hatlmftiaetU Andienee, competed of the BEAUTY ABD’ELITE of tho city. She will appear on tbe idea , r , „ ENTIRE HBW VBhSIOE, , ■ . By Madame Jnlie Be Margo erittes, of Damns’ feseinat* ing komanee*styled OAHTLLE. _ OB THE FATE OF A COOtTUtTE. With all the gems of the Opera Tr&Ylata ffctrdJuee?fe amnged expressly for Mrs. Bowen by Mr. Adolife Blrgfeld. During the plaw the CELEBRATED BKIHBIBI Incidental to TraYiata wiU be each by Jr*. SOPHIE GIKBBB KUHUT. Vn. BOWIRI will be tuppartwi by MB F-MOBDaUNT AS aBMASD DUVAL, and FULI? STRENGTH OP THE COMPACT. In conseqaeuce of the length and importance of 0a« rattle, it will ennatttut* thfe ejitire EVEJitfg;s PBBYOBMAHCH. _ SATURDAY AFTERNOON. APRIL 99 FORTY-FLfeST OBABD FAMILY. KATJUIv upon which occasion MBS. D. P: BOWERS Will appear in 0. W. Taylenre’e Emotional Hay oC BAST DYNES. _ > .- Ihnriday and Friday Evening*, SAST LYHSjfc WALKIJT-BTKEBT THBA.TKB. . » * TUESDAY RVEBING/ April 25, Will be acted, the treat mural drama of ÜBCLE TOM’S CABIN; w ■ _ Or, Life Among toe Lowly. _ Unde T0m—..... ... M e.,e.**..MyWV H. B &b* 3©P*y.e. M ..ee~w „.. n „.e.MCB G. EtSlf To cODclmde with thelanitable fa- ctT of TWO CAM PLAY AT THAT OLWL Howard Leslie- , -..... Mr J. A. Heratr Miss LL CILLE WEtTBEIf is engaged and will short* xy appear. . * M Rs - JOH N DBEW’S. JBSW ABCH "A STREET THBA-88. . OBEY WEJK OP THE ERGAGSMESY OP MISS CHS RiOTTE TBOMPSOS MOfIJJAY AJ»I> i TJESDAY hVESIRGS, BICH AHB BOOK. -HistH THOMPSON . After which, SLASHES AMD CSSSHEfi „,.. M ..,we.»UJART BUBBOW, FBlDaTa BBHBFIT OP MIBB C. agBMM pOKOXBT BALI,. ir:„ , BUPUB ADAMS Will recite a lament on the . DAATH OP PRESy ©B» T LIHCOM. written ea preaely fori he occasion by a lao y ofthl* dty and will give other JUelt&tlOßM ana RetdhHra» assisted by hie pnpiii, the CORTLaBD SAUNDBRR CADETS in Becitations and Mmiary Drill. TUB'D aY EVE- AlnG, April SS. at Bo’clock. Doors open at 7. Ticket* fifi rente, at Pugh's, Sixth asd Cheetnat, at-Desilyer’e, 1229 Chestnat eticet, and at the Rookstand*of the Conti* nentfll, ap24 it* THE ACADEMY OF FENS' ARTS, A CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, la OFBS DAILY for ylsltora, froroO A M. to 6P. M. id» EBUCATIOSAL. THE QUAKER CITY BUSINESS A COLLB6US, H. B- corner TENTH and .OHESTHOT Streets. INSTBCCTXOH IH Book-keephur, PeßinADship, Commezrial Bhw, Com mezcial Arttninetic, Telecmphing. the Hlgher Msthe matic«, he. : • .>• . The Tank usd standing of tbisißgtftution>ssa PRACTICAL SCHOOL OF BOSCNESS eheuldl claim-the attention, of every ycon# mau who would acquire those Qualifications whi*h.>will en*uru his- su cg« sa and-promotion in the business world- It is the esiy commercial institution in the cltypoe aesalxa a IS6I SLATIVE CHARTS E,_ . . and the 22 fit* SAMEOHi W. LB ‘.fiAjf. l camuel l. tatlc^s. No. 4J13 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, ATTORBYY AT LAW ASD ja COMMISSIONER FOR A|*L THE STATRfL. „ Rxcppr Connecticut, Hew York, Nevada 1 Oregon, aa a Texas ~ feW-frtulv* film REFRIGERATORS, Cflfk WV WATER COOLBES. UAH#* IRONIKG-TABLBS,. STBP-EADEKEB*. .WALNUT BRACKETS* iaereat variety; tf GRIFFITH & PAGE, SIXTH sal ARCH. Jki TT OMPON?S iOHDON JEITpa- BKER, OB EUROPEAN RANGE, (tt ImlHk Bu tolet** or pmbUe jiutitQtion^ia't v)SN fl PBRB6JT SIZES. Also. Pfcilaaetphia &aor*»B, Bot sir Furnaces, PoriaMe Heaters. t*ot?4jown, Orates. Pirehcard StoTe»» Bath Boiler*, dtewhole Mates, Brott era. Cookie * Stoves, €ts * at wholesale and retail* hr the manolaelurewt CH*SK. SHkBPE, * THOMSON, m »09 North SSCOgPP Street, »p25-,tntfcg6m A UNION- on. BTOV.& f**ik Bae |nl f'Oi.XOBB I ■*- And asndifor ateMfc Fwet *» follows: __ x.w* tf ——S.B3P. *. usavs athjebig MI | Hsiit»a- .-,■**• ■ *■ Junctionxieommodalion —... 6.36 A H. joeouob « M a H ADDOBTOSLE TRAINS _ w Vldr stmt 11.15 A. M., HWldoofleld X.39F. R V, B. —Freight mint bo deHvrrodi »t Cooßar’o PoI« before fi P. M. to Inuue tows tbbirext *»T, mbs Smlf . JOHN 8. BBEAHT. AcoM. R3T—o—aaa RARITAN AND bai kiii^oab. _ PHIRAOBEPHIATO BRMKbTH. ° OOD CSHADGS Dp TTMB ■ Pamnnn for *»TMM»Trilß{orToig^>a, Tome KWer, Lone foaneh, »Bdßr<»klyal<»To vINS STBBBT fMbT « 8 16 A. «t, d»H» fSuod.T* «- "ilSnklM, IUT* WAII-BTKSBT FBRKT. Bmok- ,l EHnga* l«ri» 'SR.ft ft CBAMPIOH. Anc^oseexa,