the city. ARRIVAL OF TUB UMITEI) STATES STEAMER JAMES ADOBE. The United States steamer James Adger, Com mander Ties. H. Patterson, arrived off the Navy- Yard last evening from Fort Royal, s. O. The Adger left Philadelphia on the 23d of June last, eii co .which time until the fall of Charleston she has been attached to the South Atlantic Blookading Squadron, on blockade duty, being used as the senior officer's shJpof the outside blockading fleet off Charleston. Curing her servloeHn this capa city eve blockade-runners were run ashore and de stroyed, and one captured. Since February she has been lying at Hilton Head, s. C-, awaiting fur ther orders. The weather during the passage north was very favorable until off the Capes of the Dela ware, when she encountered a thick fog. But one death occurred on Doard during the erase, the de ceased being a colored lad,-named Win. Heighten, or this city. The Adger will probably go out of iimmlßßlon. The following Is a list of her officers -. Jnomas H. Patterson, commander; Alfred T. Ma han, lieutenant and executive officer; Anthony F. H dmes, acting master i G. E, Holloway, Oliver C. t-now and Charles Danenhower. acting ensigns; Edward A. Whipple, aotlng ohlef engineer s Wm. H. Myers, aotlng assistant surgeon: Wilbur Ives actJngassistant paymaster; Levi W. Smith, Ro bert Steele. John W. Thode and Wm. W. Gregg, acting master's mates; Joseph Venable, acting gunner;Gilbert W. Scohey, Joshuaß. Peace; aot- Pg second assistant-engineers; Philander IJ. H i lmes, Timothy Woodruff, Blohard Morgan, John Boaoh, acting third assistant engineers; Leopold Hr-ger, paymaster’s steward. F The Adger brought up twenty-five discharged seamen from the South Atlantic Blookadincr Stfuad* roc. the terms of themen having expired. SAIPcAL AMITY. On Saturday evening about 8 o’clock, while the I Diversity Light Artillery, Oapt. Montgomery, vtre firing minute guns In respect to the memory of Anreham Lincoln, one of the cannon went ofi pro* maturely, Injuring Thomas H. Lyman and Archi bald E, Montgomery, brother of the captain. Two Meets of this oompany had been ordered to Are ; leute guns upon the arrival of the remains of Pre sent Lincoln, and to continue firing while the /uteialwas on Its way to Independence Ball. It was not anticipated that the guns would be more than two hours In service; but, owing to the delay lr> the moving of the funeral, the guns had been In u,e nearly four hours. The guns became very hot, god, although carefully sponged ont at every dis charge, It Is believed that the heat of the piece Chased Its explosion. Lyman and Montgomery were working the cannon at the time of Its explosion. A rpllnter from the rammer entered Lyman’s arm, but his injuries are not serious. Montgomery’s bund was blown off, and ho was otherwise seriously injured. His life is despaired of. U, S. MILITARY SCHOOL FOE OFFICERS. _ Last week, Edward W. Hayden, vtlvate, Co. H, ti'i New York Volunteers, a student of this school, fi rd 22 years, passed a successful examination be* f ie the Board of Examiners for officers of co* lured troops, at Richmond Virginia, of which Major General Silas Casey « recommended for tie position of lieutenant colonol. CHRISTIAN-STREET HO‘PITAI<. Tlie teachers and scholars attached to tbe sobool f ir maimed soldiers of tbe Ohrlstlan-street Hospital, have passed resolutions relative to tbe death of i*re* sldenf Lincoln, which will be found In another co lumn. One resolution names the Institution tbe ‘ Linooln Institute.” A MB AH THIEF. A cumber of ladles who were a.halting tho srri v*iof theprooaaeion, on Saturday afternoon, naa too jb o u rnlti g badges which they woro on tlie left shoulder stolen ftom them by some mean soamps. In some Instances a piece of the material of which t, o cloak or shawl was made was palled oat with the hm ge. Great care has been taken by some ladles o preparing these emblems or mourning, and many avo received them as presents, and of course highly i issed them. The thieves made quite a sum, as but w of the badges cost less than $1.60, and the prices tnge upwards from that amount. CONGBEOATION KODEF SHOLEM. There were religions services held at the Jewish Kjnagoirue, on Juliana street, on Wednesday last, if nm 12 till 2 o’sloek, at which the Rev. J. Frankel officiated, and Dr. Nathans delivered a discourse suitable to the occasion. POUND DROWNED. A n unknown white soldier, aged about 40 years, was found drowned at Market-street wharf yester day morning. He was 6 feet 8 inches in height, had on white flannel undershirt, check overshirt. The body had been In the water a long time. An in quest was held on the body. An unknown man was run over and killed on the West Chester Railroad, in the Twenty-fonrth ward, yesterday morning. A portion of the roofs of a couple or frame dwell ing houses, on Queen street, below Sixth, was dis covered to be on Are about one o’clook yesterday. The flames were speedily extinguished. HOSPITAL ITEMS. Patriok Connahan,'nineteen years of age, residing In carbon county, Pennsylvania, was admitted into the hospital on Friday night, having had his leg broken below the knee, on the Beaver Meadow railroad, near Beaver Meadow, by jumping off a coal car. John O. Yarpher, sixteen years of age, bad four fingers and a thumb mashed between a freight and passenger oar on Market street, between Twenty rrst ana Twenty-second streets, on Saturday last. Be resided at 102 Bread street. Taken to the hospital. John "Wood, ten years of age, had two fingers cut cfl with a bread outter, on Saturday evening, at the "V ulunteer Befreshment Saloon. Admlttedlnto the iispital. James Connelly,who fell off Ms ehalse on the 22a last month, on the Darby road, died atthohos ual yesterday. Thomas Gorman, who was run over by Ms cart os- the 17th ult., on Bombard street, near Thlr til nth, died at the hospital yesterday. James Bay, 25 years of age, who was Injured on t>'“ 29th ult., In a quarry at Falrmount, by being a:; ueU with a stone while blasting, died yesterday • the hospital. THE POLICE. [Before Mr. Alderman Moore, 1 LARCBNY OP A WATCH. A. young man giving the name of John Wells jibs arraigned law evening on the charge of the larceny of awatoh. He wasooramltted to await a farther hearing. [Before Mr. Alderman Baffler.] PROFESSIONAL THIEVES. Quito a somber of individuals were arrested ion - Broad street, on Saturday, on tbe oharee ofplotlnir! ard attempting to'pick poskets In tbe immense J eruwfl on (bat wide thoroughfare. They were all committed to await a further heating. ]y[RB. M. Q. BRO'WN’S GREAT METAPHYSICAL DISCOVERY 3F&3Bt toEiuMfWEiHii,,. JSOJBSS ur THB HE4B, . ' , , mSfIHAKQES JnOM THB 818, CAMBKH, . •»< ' v '- flGft A 8" of Djsispsls, Bnlarrement or tu My# r,Dlqeaim of the Kid-Day*, * v , tten, Gravel, files, Insanity,fit?, I™ lysis, Bush 01 Blood to the Head, CONSUMPTION. With all and every disease which Infests the human CUBED EFFECTUALLY BT " ©FFieas: "" :> * -* * * 'BC# * *- ; MoknMXrtfßfe^tJ-IMtSore. B»dn,iali KitLowißG bbmabkabdb' CKETIFI- CATS, 'WITH AFFIDAVIT;! *KS. M. Q. BHOWK-MsS°Si““a.^fn irflli9^2n bu i hß itot u-m fnjnygUd, ioJ could not WOTk. «winMLnrfBd *.;?,«-■■iwMSHiESS. 4SMBs!Ss!ffifi?.S{f I aHo tried ahnend: ti «oV^s!Slr , d S lki te^TOmaats, -f i m ? nostril*, for Atc and V ' "B? °J seventy* five doliars <$7S), a, \ * I received from him- I then sw.isiME§fi|js *f wertisements; I cot the Met&pnysicalSHcatlilpimilfcP i ot fooce-Uian haJfof Hi and have U* vtMeh I had loot forbears . - .** f®?™ 1 ’- i remainyotiXß- troly, THOM4S B JJIO^ST, JustloaoftSgeaoe. «i~Tli» above v oich canbe»ee» bv manT .. T ,/ cel «!> r » t < ! 3_ poos- AaC'is: §?a watik f. ?l” r ßMoilrOK*r4 ? ' a 0: 60 Smta - 08l8 *«*P. »raissffi' jssa?“ :- * a * wt “** “* BffipU®* by DkMAS, BABHBS. & 00.. ;i>.. :,i.,- . apdvrftutf A. BLANK BOOKS. We prepared to fnralab New Corporation* *l. the Books they require, at ckort notice and low I trra. of firet quality. All styles of Binding. iTBBIi PLATB CERTIFICATES OF STOCK. MTHOaRAFHID' .. rBANBFBH BOOK. » OB DEBS OP TRANSFER iTOOK LEDGER. , STOCK LEDGER BALANCES. REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOCK BROKER’S PETTY LEDGER. ACCOUNT OF SALES. DIVIDEND BOOK , ! MOSS C 0.,. e. I> KBO OK MANUFACTURERS AND STATIONERS. 43» CHESTNUT Street. CMALL PROFITS AND QUICK l' rjO.ES. BLANK BOOKS. i'z per tod Envelopes. * * pjing and Gancellini Fretsae Pons and Pencils. .*• Pncfcfet Books, Wallets, and Bankers’ Cases. - „ . B-.c Jr gammon Boards, Portfolios and Writing Dssk*. PHOTOQttAPO” aITb 0 3fB, ■> lie Itrgeit and Anew sMortment in The olty, boldine f-< n. li to 900photoarapbs, bound in relvot and-Tnrkey 8.. (oc co b e base de d go* nnd be dot ifa lci asps. CHBAPKBT ALBUMS IX THE OUT . » mold a Ink _ *9bur’s Lead Pencil*. Copyit g ogoj(g. Ft t »s redn«d to cwrMgoad wtt3M&« deellae in gold. __ Wh olesaJeajJ d_ Ke tall B*. BOOK AND PHOTO tfiiPH ALBUM MABftT _ FAOTtJBBBS. BTA.TIONBM AM PRIBTBRB I j.d’3 lm Jo. 89 South FOCETH Btrart. CWEET SPIRITS OP NITRE, PURE, O (U. 8. P.») manuraotiiTed by J. a.- XOUiftJ. comer BBVBHTH and SPElffa GiRDEST xreta, Philadelphia. , ap22 2>* 11 ELMBOLD’S EXTRACT OP SAB i I HtPtitTT.l.i«l«uiss ui tsiovaisi tbs blood, it -■ lie ths yifor offaesl th Into tbs lystun. ul nq*, tbs hnmots th»t m*km Jfasm iytfFEEBLED A*TD DELICATE COM. f/ STITUTIOIfa. of both MXOI, aw HBIiMBOiD'S f y TRACT BDOOT. It WllldT* brtik Uli umittfo I. «mbl«Ton to «lw w.II iHILDBEN’S CARRIAGES, EN / I'IRBLT HEW STYLES YOB THE SPBIHO Sup^ior f iKfiJS-tf 157 and 189 Horth THIBD StlMt BUN OVER. SLIGHT FIRE. . T-ni - v.- ’> SHERIFF’S SAFES. QHERIFF’S sale.—by VIRTUE OB K “ ; a writ of Levari IFaclas* to me directed, will bi exposed to public sale or vendue* on MONDAY Kve ning* Hay 1, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Ball. All teat lot of Hound beginning on tee northwest corner of Parrish and Pearl streets, in the city of Phila delphia; thence northward alone tee west side of Pearl street 4CO feet to the south side of Poplar street s thenec westward alone the same 153 feet 1% inches to te! oentre of old Minor street*, thence southward KB firf BH inches to a pond; thence southwestward iwr/if # inches toteenortSf side of Parrish teeac! 'eastward along the same 154 feet and $£ of knin*t%*2*£! bet inning. [Which premises Oliver HnihAt«J° I*pl 1 *p 1 « rscor *«a inDeed *h! Joirelnft* ’ ’ COn,re,ed nnt ° Bsraard S>s a : of Bernard Soared (rare. 0 " " old »*>» wop»rt» », SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE Oi 1 sout “ side of Wallace.street. sixir-fonr ofThifad.'SSlu'T s *.’.^Twesiy.first street, city front on Wallace street fejr ipcließ, and In depth one hundred feet eliht and one half Inches m_, CD. C.; M., ’65. 436. Debt. $l,OOO. Simpson.] Taken in execution end to be sold as the property of R. Broomall. HENRY 0. HOWELL, Sheriff. Sheriff’s Office, April 20.1865 ap2L3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF I a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be I exposed to public sale or vendue* on MONO AT Evening. I M S? r L,4 o'clock* at Sansom-street Hall* I No L All the right, title* and interest of Asher & 1 Lfiidy in and to fee following real estate: All those I three three-story brick messuages and lot of ground I situate os the southeast corner of Green and Linden, I streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containtar in front' | on Green street 17 feet, and in depth south 70 feet H X I inches, thence west 18 feet 11 inches to Liuden street, I thence along same 79 feet 6% inches to beginning. Sub- I ject to a mortgage of $l,OOB. ~ , . No. 2. All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Third street, between Vine and Wood streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Third street 18 feet, and in depth - ! 75 feet 9 Inches; bounded north by ground of Evan Griffith, west by ground of -rr-—south by ground late of Philip Leidy. and east by Third street. Subject to ground rent of $lOO and mortgage of $1,250. No. 3. All that three-story brick messnage and lot of ground situate on th« west side of Third street* between Vise and Wood streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing In front on Third street 18 feet, and in.depth 75 feet 9 inches; bounded north by ground late of Philip Defer, wait by groan dof ——-, south br gronud of George Fox, and east br Third street. Subject to ground rent of $lOO andmortgage of $2 300. IC. P.; M., >65. 13V Debt, $283. XI. E. Smith 3 HENRY 0. HOWELL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 18,1865. ap2l- St SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY ; VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me .dieted, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONO AY Evening, May 1,1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-streat Hall. All that certain tract ox piece of land with the build* tags and improvements thereon erected, situate in.the I Twenty-third wardofthe cityofPMladelphia. Bounded and described, according to a recent survey, a* folio«r«: beginning at a slake set fora comer in the middle of the road dividing the townships of Oxford and Lower Dublin, it being also a-comer of land allotted to Samuel Keen; thence extending along said road sonth twenty seven degrees and a quarter east ninety jive perches *and, sixty-four hundredths of a perch to a comer stake ta the middle of the river road; thence along the middle of the said river road south seventy degrees and a quar ter. west thirty- nine perch* and twenty- nine hun dredths of a perch to a corner stake, being a corner of land allotted to Lemuel Been; thence by the said Lem uel Keen's land north twenty-seven degrees and a quarter west eighty»nine perches and fifty-nine hun dredths of a perch to a stake for a corner in the Une of the said Samuel Kean's allotment, and thence by the same north fifty-eight degrees and a half east tlurty eight perches and nine-tenths of a perch to the piaoa of beginning. Containing twenty-two acres and a half, be thehame more or l«ss. CWhich said described tract* of land with the buildings, William G. Allen and Ellen Gi hifl wife, by indenture dated s£arch 24.1853. TBcordfid at Philadelphia in Deed Book T. H., No. wf Ac.. conveyed unto the said Jefferson F. Stoever in fee. ] For further recital see writ. J N. B.—-The Improvements on the above place are a handsome, wen* built* and commodious mansion, cot tage style, with furnace, hot and cold water, cooking range, &o —is well adapted for a winter as well as a summer residence. There is a large and convenient farmer's cottage, an ice-house filled* tool-house above, large stone barn, carriage house, three stables, pump i 1 v, oe ’ larle cMcken house, .tone spring house with two never-failing springs; The xrounds are thoroughly drained; large fiower garden, a very extensive vegetable and fruit garden of thechoic *>fc-himso well stocked fflMffi.’ 119 ' 0! [B C j X.i ’66. 4!9 Debt, $6,803 Campbell 3 Taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of BMBia M. Stoever, executrix ofJcffcrson F. Stoever. deceased, and Besßie M, Stoever. „ .... HE NET O. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, April 2d, 1866. ap2l-3t CHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a frit ofLevari Facias, to me directed, will* be exposed to public sale or Tendue, on MONDAY Evening, ilsy ], ISO 6. at 4 oclock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that three-story brick mesanaie and lot of ground rt taste on tbe west Bids of-Third street, eighteen feet three inches north of Spines streeg in the city of Pliila delphU; containing in front on Third street eighteen feet three laches and In depth eightyfeet to a three aUeya with the privilege thereof. [Which premises Wnt. L. Maddock, etnx., by deed dated Jane XI. 1855’ recorded in Deed Book B, D W.. tfo. 27, pigeiOl. CM. veyed unto Charles Goepp In fee. 3 „ [D: C. :M.,’65 437. Debt. *4,610, Given. 3 Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Charles Goepp. HENRY O. HOWELL, Sheiiff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Offloe, April g), 1866, ap2l 3t CHERIFF’B SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me diraetad. wHI he ex §>sed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, ay 1,1866, at 40-clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that three- story brick dwelling with three-story back buildings and lot of ground, situate on the south side of Lombard street, 183 feet west of Broad street, in theeity of Philadelphia: containing In front on Lom bard street 16 rest, and In depth 78 feet. [Which pre • raises John B. Yodges et nx , et al., by deed dated Oc tober llti. 1882, conveyed unto William 8. Yandever In fee, reservin, ground rent »f ninety, six dollars. - v „ CD. C.; M., '65. 399. Debt $827,44. Law.J Taken in execution and to be Bold as the property of William 8. Yandever. ' HENRY C. HOWELL, pheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ogee, AprillS, 1866. as2l-St (SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE' OF ~ a writ of Allas Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY £ve> »tag» May 1, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at'Sansom-street Hail, All that tbree-story brick messuage, double three story back buildings and lot of ground, situate on the south side, of Pine street, 74 feet west of Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Pine stjfpet 19 feet, and In depth 135 feet, to a twelve-feet * lle 7- JWhhrti premise sJohn Bagieet and wife et al., by deed dated February 21 1855, recorded in Deed Book R. D. W. .No. 19, page hos> Ac., conveyed unto An* tnony L, Qaeryelle, in fee, and being eo seized thereof, died intestate, leaving him surviving Caroline P., his 5f idow and three children—viz: Anthony L * Louisa C. (intermarried with Maurice Eiat), and Caroline (in* tennartied with Peter Bourlier, who ha*since departed *hteme),ta whom:the said premises vested, in fee. 3 -CD? C,? M. t ’ffii AQA-Debt.5£,265,88. Comegya.3 «xfl»ufcten4»d‘ the propertv of Natlah B,aitejr3?^hHr;bf'lApuiga.G Riat,. deceased, P. 8 Philadelphia, Sheriff'* Office, iipril 18; CHBRIFF’S SALE;—BY YIRTUE-OF w VP 1 * of. Levari Faeian, tome., directed, win,be ex po tOFobnosaleor Tend ae, onWOWBAY Edening, clay. 1,1866, at 4 O'clock, at Saneo’m-Htreet Hall','—-. . 01 1-5 *F° two-and-a-half story frame inessnager And lot of gronndeltaate onthe .nortkeart aided Sar- M. Blcetowa lane.iraHeolty l:gS»V»fr vwsi Lotale has fittsfiwfor a H>: c. PEC-led - 447- Debt. *687.80. YVoiitwfcrt.J ’ • ol&S **> W of gHERIFF’B SA£E.—BY- ™ » y rtt ?( Faoiaei tj) me directed, win he ex • ‘“jatalcalo-ftrat onrßrown rtrart Mfeltfand oJntww iinfcl^ *jufcltt*gß ip- C. ; M., ’6o 482.' Dfcbt,isS,QoS 33 . Hartma n i \ Taken in execntioh and 'ta.lmWjffiAtn“n?oDmtT Uentner. HENBX C-HOWEM 7 j Philadelphia, Sheriff's Offlce, April M. 1366. jartjSlt TOarigfeear to me directed, : Vnl ■, e?-nftey," with ttia "tnriTi* I m ®«*d 800k»4.' p, £tti« S *2* e 275» oconyeyei .unto peorge B. Soaili r°*v waejm g a ground rEni-’0f¥33.3 * *r*irP*S $ *' r L’®' 'mr'pm, SK7-ci:^aowBfi:T'- gSSSStP I 6X ® cn^ 11 andUojjET of tTHOWEEI,, SKrfi Philadelphia:. Sheriff ethane.' A&rll 20,1865."ap21-3t , SH3£KDS?S* S ALK—BY - VIRTUE T*. a writ of Lerari Facias, to medireotei, win be «r« BJ»* oa wmSAY lyonSfe* ?51iJkW^A fr A°-£ atSansom-streetHall, ftoanct aad sevea three-siory atone '■' P a ft* sonttt gtdo* irem Twenty foartb. street,m fc»f fttlL:?imTSS?? 6 Co ?*s Blne in front on Hsail * «? d J tt e FA?I4O fact toLlniisfcrelf.ex- ' of^At^^nii 11 ! na A‘ ln common with saia premiies- I “atstesss of ifltpMa, Shays Office, April 20, 1865.' ap2l-3i B¥ VIRTUE OF be eawSK tl Shifl’l 1 ? 1 :Sxpoa f BJto 8 J to me directed, wm nfrUrMitV °, r 'fendne, on MOSDAY Kto mogj “**!• iMJi- at 4 o’o!eck,at Saruom-eireat Hall, v f- taoae fiara* tenemeats and two thraa Rtarr IlSf asaft&*fesss 83S iaWaSSTte- Eff“-?“ ft? ** B ‘ « u « °f Oadberrr aV»nie,«S B, ««{.iatheeltrof Philadelphia; dapthSstSt?wSt«i?» < sSfSf lnr, S!f ,l,l l lB fBBt - a “4 *“ 5? ? « # 9 11 aortboast comer part of £££«»> taUtaAM alley, with the privilege .Philadelphia,Sheriff'sOffice. Aprim fag!* anin at SPSRGff SkLE.—BT VIRTUE OF Exponas, to me directedi.\eiii be ss& it lS®5; William B. Suott, «t J 3 S H: SSH^ ,S sale.—:by yibttjb op s«^^vsSri?S^if&%SS&f&SaKJ^ ,>, £S£S |I«SS? lSfd now°Jr J i^ b S^ h t h , PMa S.'L” Id7n n d 4 a ‘ e ,?„ J, ‘S? arT “d. lesf. “or” *«*«»*» Uii&tSh PW 152> &c - «• ton.!’ C " M *’ 66 * 439 Debt. $4 425.00. H. Wbar- John!” Pei«th !C ’ ltlol1 HBNBY b r f n S,Jff Propartr of Fhllada., Sharif. SHERIFF'S SALi^BYVIRTUFoF %i^ 4^?«ss^*HssTr f ground, aiinfitea* the southwest wl°L°i Lombard itreetc, In the dty of Jl fc J*!V ld login front cn Tenth gtreofc nineteen ninety fo*r feet r Which premises t flrfewi^ASfi 1 men and Citizens of Philadelphia, by deed data iTa™?h 18,1848. recorded in Deed Book O. W. C , Ho 10 t.l'i 289, Ac , conveyed onto Qdtntne 0. Brown in f [D. C.;M , ’65 448 Debt. a 5.453.24 Baum i T»ke* in execution and to be sold ae the property of Qnintneti. Brown. HBBBY 0. HOWBLI,. Sheriff" Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 20. 1865. ap22-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF hil a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will bo exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning; May 1, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sanscm-street Hall, All the rtjht, title, and internet of William S. Thomas of, ia. and to all thattwoatory framemessaxo and lot of around eltnaieon the north eltfe of Monroe street. So. 826. between Third and Fourth streets. In the city of Philadelphia; containing In fronton Mon roe e'reet 20 feet, and in depth 96 feet CD. O. I M., ’66 413 Debt. *251.74. Pad.] MESSY O. HO WE 1,1,, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 20,1365 ap2l-3t SHERIFF’s SAX.EB Y VIRTUE OF * 811 of sale la partition, to mo directed, will oeespoßed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even tor, May 1, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, •KSn 1 * J^°*2 ri £ ece ? f 9°? nd ,/* , °attoj on the south wardly side of a twenty-feet wide alley, ruanint wesfc ?^ dl £ ffom Belgrrade street at the distance or 121 feet 3H inches northwardly of Hanover street, said lot com mencing at the distance of lUfeet %X inehet westwardly to front 12 feet 2 inches, and in depth. 40 feet 1% inches. _"0- 2. Dot with building thereon, erected on the north commencing at the die* tance of 124 feet 43tf todies westwardly of Belgrade to front 18 feet 7X inches, end in depth ***Sntwenty-feet-wide alley. „JJ& J* Jt°t adjoining the above (lot. No. 3) on the npxthwardly side of Hanover street, commencing at the distance of 142 feet U% inches westwardly of Belgrade IftfeeUEjfltffgg I*°®* to feet 7H inches, and in depth Lot ad j oinin g lot No S on the northwardly sideof Hanover street, commencing at the distance or3Bl feet 7*4finches westwardly of Belgrade street, containing to front 18 feet 7k inches, and in depth 121 feet 8 inches No. o. Lotadjoinin* lot No. 4on the northwardly side of Hanover street, commencing at the distance of 183 feet 2N inches westwardly of Belgrade street, contaiutog to frgnt IS feet 7& inches, and in depth 121 feet 8 Inches No. 6. Lot adjoining lot No. Son the northwardly side of Hanover street, commencing at the distance of 198 feet 10% inches-jwestwardly of Belgrade street, containing in front 18 feet 7« inches, and to depth 121 feet 3 inches; No 7. Lot on the westwardly side of Belgrade street, commencing at the distance of 141 feet 3% Inches north sssg u ftoa ‘ w « No. 8. Lot adjoining lot Ns. 7,0 n gild Belgrade street, commencing et the distance of 188 fast 9X Inches north wardly of Hanover street, containing In front 17 feat 6 inches, and in depth 80 feet. H l !*. 10 * «M Belgrade street, a of i 7? tot Sj* inches north- InSe£ £L*“dl& 89T& S front 17 feet « rear if lots Nos. 7,8, and 9, Jg 4 ?* of . I°. tot weatwardly of Belgrade .isSfi'.i,??** 11 * 031 Ba ,*# twsnty.feei-wide alley, con d» B tSS9?e«Txi°n“ch^ 4 a “«Tl«f»tl*inch.s, *» Lot BOjoining lot No 10, on'said alley, com meneing at the distance of ©5 feet IX inches westwardly 5* street, containing in front on said alley 16 feet I% inches, and to depth s! feet 6% inches. No, 12. Lot Adjoining let No. 11, on the westwardly aide of Belgrade street, commencing at the distance of 193 feet $% inches northwardly of Hanover street; con* tatoingin front 17 feet BH inches, and to depth 112 feet 21Ttocbes. .. ' - No. IS Jlot adjoining lot No. 12, on the westwardly side of Belgrade street, commencing at the distance of 211feet3 inches northwardly'of Hanover street; eon talnisg to front 17 feet BX inches, and' to depth R 2 feet SX inches. . No. 14 Lot adjoining lot No. 13, on the westwardly sideof Belgrade street, commencing at the distance of MS feet 8* inchesi northwardly of Hanover street; oon- MnncSie frost 17 feet BX inches, and in depth 112 fee, , P 0 * adjoining lot No. 14, on the weetwerdly **d® °t FA 1 ?' 8 ! 1 ® 6trBe '* commencing at the distance of 246 feet W inches northwardly of Hanover con. Wnln L ln front 17 feetex Inches, audio depth lii feet No. 16. liOtadjolnlnglotHdi 15, on the westwardly FA. 1 ? 19 ? 8 Btre »t. commencing at the dlet&nca It 283 feet 854 inches northwardiy/of Hanover street; con* tJOncles ftolll7 f6Bt inohsB > andln depth 112 feet No. 17. All that certain lot or piece of ground tUnata commencing °. f ? 8 } fBt * »inches northwardly ofHan* 1“ ftom on said Belgrade street „, a ?A “tendingt westw.rdly of that lin t iß b ?ii l t l w™% l “ <1 , !1e . 5, ’i 6 tllB “me more or less. stoats on the westwaVdly of Belgrade street, commencing at the dm tancnofsei feet And two sevenths of an Inch somh containing in fronton saftC #Ht 8 l 4 2*7 Inches, and extending west inchest °' 41161 wldtil frt fthgth or depth 118 feet BX 3fS* s*?? of Belgrade sfrest, at the dis- > £oot 25-7 inches south of Palmer atreet: ft?* 42-7inoh6sinfroiit on Belgrade street. “4 » depth 118 feet BX Inches. o l nllle Io J S, 1 ;' 18 * we »* sideof Belgrade mrcet, at the- distance of 191 feet 7 'inches strath of Palmer street; containing 17 feet 4 2 7 IncbM In front on nc^ea 48 ,tlee *' and “landing In depth 113 tmt-BX: n *!o. 21. lot on sonthwMlwardly corner ot Palmer and S'l*!? 49 *??«*!• ‘“.frjntonPelgrade street 19 feet 2X, street ' f ' n( * t n feet 2 inches iilsQg said Palmer S d * oili l? El( i k ? 0 .- 21 * oommenclng 19 feet 254 Inches southwardly of Palmer street; containing In 4881188119 ft6t iB0h98; “ 4 Ia d9l ‘‘ fi , *?- 0, lot adjoining lot No. 22, commencing 38 feet 4J. inches southwardly of Palmer street; containing in 93°feet?%incSs e ,treat 19feet2 ' f Inches, and In depsh |d>« aOotototW Km. 23, commencing 87 feet 7k toehes soutiurardly of Palmer street; coutgiuiag to 93 ftet°9W B l 6 i^ 9 BtrBet 19 f9Bt lßOl,ea ’ Ba4ta 4epti i aiJ j i 1 , 111111 , 1 ?.' 7° % commencing 78fset 9% fEfJ?? 8 a §®towardly of Palmer slreeC; coatainiag m S°^i, o aa?- Blgl,&de street 19 toet %% inches, and to depth ii a . d ,j° Jni sK lo t No. 26. commencing 96 feet toenes southwardly of Palmer street; containing in 84feetl0kfa^f« fl Btreet * l9 f6ot toches, and tojdepth ei ?.®* Lot adjoining lot No. 26, commencing 116 feet inches southwardly oi Palmer street; containing to flfifeet 6inSfe^ 0 BBieefc 19 fee^ 2^inches, and to depth No. 28. Lot on the southwardly side of Palmer si feet, - ™!wn at*the distance of 92 feet 2 inches west 2^V?c°i JtolAtade itreet: containing to front on Palmer street IS feet, and to depth 134 feet 3# inches to a 25- BXSfr dtoeet, to he opaned.aiid'striking said street 95 f«e* lynches westwardly of Belgrade street. aiSo’w. J?* *"?*£« adjoining lot No' 28, commencing at the distance of 110 feet 2 inches westwsrdiyof Belgiade f e k^ l Atoto|, to f rent on Palmer street 18 feet, and in depth 134 feet 3X inches. >tot No 29, cemmenotogat the distance of 128 feet 2 inchee westwardly of Belgrade “frt'j*' «oJtoJ»*nf fr“t «h B *w Palmer streat 18 feet, attain depth 184 feet 3X inches. jitviL 3l ' lot No. SO, commencing at the distance of Ifti feet 2 Inches westwardly of Belgrade street, containing in front on said Palmer street 18 feet, and in depth IS4 feet Sk inches. No. 32,—Lot adjoining lot No. 81, commencing at the distance of 164 feet 2 inches westwai-flly of Belgrade “ rBa ** '“otaftioK lnXront on satd Palmer stret 18 fest, and in depth 134 feet SJ4 Inches. akTikdtSthlM^tgfta^r “ft**- No 34 —Lot adjoining lot No. 33, commencing at the distance oMOO feet 2-inches westward!, of Belgrade street, cont»intni4afront on said. Palmer street 18 feet, and in depth 184 inchee. , —Lot situated oaHhe. southerly side of said SS rest wide street, (running westwardly from Belgrade street, at the distance of 184 feet 4X mbhes southwardly of l etmer street), the distance of 113 tot 634 Inches westwardly ofßelgrade street,' Being 18 feet 7341nches in front by issfeet 11)4 inch os In depth. No, S6.—Lot adjoining lot No. commencing at the distance of 129 feot9« inches westwardly ofßelgrade street,. being 16 feet 7 % inehes in front by 133 tot 11X inches in depth. No. 37.—Lot adjoining lot No. 38, commencing at the distance o£ 144 feet 9X inchea westward!, of Belgrade street, being 16 feet 756 inches in front by IS3 feet lix inches deep. No. 88 —Lot adjoining lot No. 37, commencing at the distance of MO feet SB inches westwardly of Belgrade street, being IS feet 756 inches In front by 133 feet HJi toebesdeep. . _ No. 89.—Lot adjohdng lot No. 3S, commeactog At the distance of 176 feet 1 inch westwardly of ‘Belgrade atreet, being IS feet 7% laches to front by 133 feat inches deep. . No. 40.—Lot adjototojg lot No. 89 (commencing at the difttance of 391 feet B#incheB westwardly of Bsigrade street}, being is feet 7% inches in front by 133 feet 11% inches deep 41.-rL^ adjoining lot No, 40 (commencing at the ?M«taßce_of l i2o7 feet* westwardly ofßelgrade 1 ia front and widening toches, being to n>. O.; M., *«!. %7. "p. c£Srewat».3 vr' HBNKYu. HOWBLL, SheiH? Sheriff's Office. April B,iaK:-^Tp^ CHfiRIFFS BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF k-'ja writ of-Tmditioni Exponas, toms directed, will be exposed-to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Hay u 1865, ai4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HaU, ; llio. I All those 31 contiguous - ! ois of ground situate os* gL& north side of Federal street and we>t side of ,Haven »enth street, in the Twenty-tixtk Ward of the city of Philadelphia; 'containing in front or breadth dirt be said Federal, street.. ICS feet, and twenty-hun dredths of a foot [[that la to say, the ten easternmost of said lots, containing each 15-feefc 3 inches, and she other-45 feet and seven- tenths or- a foot! and extending in depth IQCTfeet to and including the we and privilege .of a 4 feet wide alley, extendinginto Seventeenth street. (Beingthe »&me eleven lots ofrcs>und which Benjamin Orne,-T?rißtee, by eleven, separate indentures, respec tively .dated. May Slat, 1801,- oohTevedunto Bobert Bosk, hi* heirs and assigns, reserving out of each of the ten easternmost lots theyearly ground rentofss3.37>£, and gut ot the westernmost lot the yearly.ground rant of $64 95. • ' No-. 2. Andaßo alhthe estaie.righi and interest of the said Bobert Beak of and in all that certain adjoining lot br piece of ground situate im he Twenty sixth Ward aforesaid, on the north Bide of the said Federal street, attho distance of 168 feet and 80 hundredths of afoot i. west of -Seventeenth street, and extending thence west i along Fedeial street 7&feet and 40 hundredths of a foot - to the centre of Irish Track Lane, now vacated; thence northeast, ' along same to its junction with Ellsworth ‘ surest, S3sfeet; thence along ihe south side of said Bile* worth street to sald:.JBdy<#teßnth street, 93tfeetand 80 hundredths of a foot; thenea southward, aloagihe west ? side of said Seventeenth street to the aforesaid 4 feet alley', 2C6 feet and 24 hundredths of a foot; thence west i ward, along the satne,l6B -feet and 20 hundredths of a -too*; thence south 104 fees to the north line of said Fede ral street and place of beginning, with the free nse and ' privilege of the said 4 feet wide alley. rtp. P ; M.,’65. 124. Debt; *94 «. T D. Smith 3 • 1 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of : Bolbext Doak, deceased- • . HBHBY G. HO.WELIi, Sheriff. : Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April s, 1865. aplO-St - SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF V? a writ of Vendltioiii ExpQzias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, onHONDAY Evo , bias, May 1, -1865, at 4 o*clockV at Sanso'm-sfcreetHall, ..Ail the right, title, and interest of A. K, Schroder, -of, in,and to all that three-story brick meisuage, two ;lxrick buildings, brick ice bouse and improvements, And lot of ground situate on the northwest side of itich "mond street, and northeast side of Huntingdon street, inthe city of Philadelphia; containing in front on ;Biy>mTmd .street fifty-imir fast, and In depth one hni • died fee Mo Pike-street. -Ground rent $94 fix - i 10. P*;Mi?Bs:.;l2irDebt. $7O PEe.3 ' . HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, Aprils, 1365. apio-3t CHERIFF*S&AI/E:—BY VIRTUE OF A ■ writ of Yehditiohi Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public-sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 1, 1965, at 4 o’clock, at Saneom-street Hall, . Ail that lot of ground situate.on the northwest side of Tulip and northeast side of Tucker street. In the city of Philadelphia; containing in-front on Tulip street sixty feet, and in depth one hundred and six feet, to a twenty feet*wide s reet. [Whichpremises Qeorce-W’. Edwards, et ux., by deed dated December 29tb. 1848, recorded In Deed Book 6. W. 0., Bo 95, paie 457, &c , conveyed unto Samuel T. Shunk in fee, reserving ground rent of forty-five dollars. . . ’ CD. C.: M,, 66. 376. Debt, $446,40 E. Taylor.] Taken in execution and to be; sold as the .property of Samuel T. Bhunk. v HENRY G. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 17, 1866. aplft-3t SHERIFF’S VIRTUE OF M an order of sale in parti tidn>>-me , will be PuMlo -sale or vendue* sa® MONDAY Eve ning, May 1, 1865, at 4 o * clock t at SansOm-Htreet Hall, No. 1. "All that yearly ground 1 rent of eighty dollars isiuizg and payable out of andrfbr -all; that jur atory - brick messuage or store and lot of ground situate fttdhe Junction of Bulge avenue and Tenth - street; beginning, on the West side of Tenth street,*then£e r southwardly along same 85 feet 7# inches to the intersection of the said streets, thence north along said avenue Si feet one inch, thence - at tight ancles with: same 30: feet- lOJtf inches, thence parallel with James street S 3 feet 10# inches east to beginning. ' No. 2, All that yearly of tWrtY six dol lars, issuing -and- payable out of all that-'fbip story brick messuage or store and lot of ground situate on tee WeshsUeof Tenth street 85 feet 7H inches north of in* tersection of Bldg* avenue and Tenth street; thence north along Tenth street 18 feet, thence by lotofWll liamTanne* weafrSS feetSlf inches to corner, thence by same lot southwest 36 feet 3k inches to said avenue, thence southeast along earns IS feet to lot of said Tanner, th»nceby eameiSO leetlo£g Inches, thence east3o feet" lC&Jnshes to.beginning. bn. 3. All that three story brick messuage buildings, and lot of ground situate on the sooth side of Vine street 168 feet east of Twenty first street; In: She city of Philadelphia; oodtaluiiuc In. front on Yineatreet 17 feet 6 inches andindepth I Ifl fee tto a four feet alley, With piitUegiCthereof.- r Subject to grouhd rent of S7D, and toamoitssge debt ofsi,SCO. . t - , YO; a?MU'6S. 361. ES. Campbell.] HOWELL, Sheriff. Sheriff >s Office, April 3,1865. . aplO 34 {SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A *r writ of Yenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be expired to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 1, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, .A. 1 that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the ronth side of Masterg'sfcreet and east side of Lewis street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in frost on Lewis street tbirty-two f«et, and in depth along Masters street ninety-one feet to Aider street. [Which premises Gsorae Hallo well, by deed dated Oc sober 2. 3845, recorded in Deed Book R. L L.. No. 54, page 472, &e , conveyed unto Abel Lukens in tea 3. . - U. i July,*66. 1 Debt,'s4B,s34 19 Crawford.] Taken in execution wad to be sold as the property of Abel Luke os. HENRY C. BOWfiLb, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff 9 sDffice,,April 8, 1865. aplo-3t CEERIFF’S*'SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Yenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to pnblic saleor vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, ffiay.l, 1865, atA. o’dock, at Saneom-street Hall, , All that two*story* brink ehnrch edifice and iot of gronnd situate on the north rideof toting Garden street, 97 /eet pastof Broad street,in thr city or Philadelphia; containing in front on Spring Garden street 91 feet more or less, and in depth about 100 feet. [ Dj;€.; M.* *65 360 Debt, $1,893 71. P. G. Brewster ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of the rectors, church wardens, and vestrymen of the Church of the Intercessor. „ .HENRY C. nOWBLL, Shorlff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 17,156 S aplB-St SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF ~ a wri t of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed ho public sale or Tend oe, on MONDAY Evanina, » at . o clock, at Santsom-sireet Hall, of.wound ■Unate on the northeast aide of Philadelphia, THE PRESS.-—PHILABE: [FF»S SAXES, snuxuVF’s sal: CHERIFF’S SALE,—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponaa, to me directed, will be exposed to public saleorvBndue,on MONDAY Evening, May 1.186 o» at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-strejt Hall, . 80.-L All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the buildings thereon erected, situate oa'thenortheast cor ner of Girard avenue and Ohauneey stmt; containing in front on said Girard avenue twenty mi and extend ing in depth one hundred feet, more or lass. Jj0.,2. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the buildings thereon erected, situate on m north side of Girard avenue, stthe distance of twenty! feet eastward of Ohauneey street; eoniainingln front on Girard avenue twenty feet, end extending in depth one hundred feet, more or less. ■HU. 3. AG. that certain lot or piece of ground,with the buildings thereon erected, situate on the north side of Girard avenue, at the distance of forty feet eastward from Ohauneey street; containing in front on Girard avenue twenty feet, and ex tending in depth one hun dred feet, more or less. Ho. 4. All that certain lot or piece of ground, With the buildings thereon erected, situate on the north side of Girard avenue, at the distance of sixty ieet eastward from Ohauneey street; containing in front on Girard ayenne twenty feet, and extending in depth one hun dred feet, mors or less. ' 'So. 6. All that certain lot or piece of ground, wHh the buildings thereon erected, situate on tte north side of Girard avenue, at the distance of eighty feet eastward from Chauncey street; containing in front on Girard avenue twenty feet, and extending in depth one hun dred feet, more or less. ; Ho. 6. All that csrtainlot or piece of ground, with the buildings thereon erected, situate on the west aids of SlglUeenth street, at the distance of ninety-nine feet north of Giwdaventus; containing in front on Eight eenth street eighteen feet, and extending in depth one hundred feet to Ohauneey street . Ho. 7. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the buildings thereon erected, situate on the west side of Eighteenth street, at the distance of one hundred and seventeen feet north of Girard avenue; containing in front on Eighteenth street, eighteen feet, and extending *!<*>**???fteffiKLW 5° oh ™«®7 street. -HoS. All that certain lot or piece ofgroond, with the buildings thereon erected, situate on is *i3* of »gMeeW street, atthe distal JfonehSSrld and thirty feet north of Girard avenue ; oontalniuc iu fton* on Eighteenth street eighteen feet, audSfeending iu depth one hundred feet to Ohauncev atftu.iT av®l?* ?Pi4 Jhat certain lot or piece of ground, with the buildings thereon erected, sitnet* AM-£hJrzi£!Lfc of Eighteenth street, at ft!® ?S JSSMtn seven ty - one feet north of Girard a venue • connate in 5? J front on Eighteenth street eighteen feet, and extenSaS m depth one hundred feet to Ohauneey test e w n4La? 4i *fc flute csrtainlot or piece of ground, with thereon erected, situate on the west side of Eighteenth street at the distance of two hundredaSl seven feet north of Girard avenue ; containing in. front en Eighteenth street eighteen feet, and'extending in depth one hundred feet to Ohauneey street.. ; Ho. 13. All that certain lot or piece.of ground, with the buildings thereon erected, situate on the west side of Etehfeenth street, at the distance of twuht&drod and twenty five feet.north of Ginurd a vemur;'-containing in front onKiihteenth street eighteen feet, snd extend ing in depth one huncredfeet to Ohauneey street.- . So. 14. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the buildings thereon erected, situate Wait aide of Eighteenth street, at the distance, oftwo hundred ana forly-three f.efc north of Girard avenue ; ‘containing in front on Eighteenth street eighteen feet, and extending in depth one hundred feet to Ohauneey street. Ho 18. All that certain lot or piece of,ground, with the buildings thereon erected, situate oh jthe west side of Eighteenth street, at the distance of two hundred and* sixty-one feet north of Girard avenue.; containing in front on Eighteenth street eighteen feet, and extending m depth one hundred feet to Ohauneey street. CO^P.; M. ’66. 128. Debt, $93.49. Ferguson. 3 JTakeiFin execution and to be sold &sthe property of Gotlieb B 1 sasser. HENRY 0. HO WELL* Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. Aprils. 1885. aplo-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OP a writ of Venditioni Exponas,to me directed,will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. Mayl, 1860, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom street Hall, .. No. 1. All that year: y ground rent of ss4, iseuißg and P a 7a-blf out of ail those .two lots of ground, Nos. 128 ud » w onjpUn of lots recorded,in Deed Book G. w. C. ,No. 83. page 1, situate on the southeast comer of Susquehanna avenue and -Pacific street, in the late township of North Penn, now j clty of Philadelphia; conteining in front on Susquehanna avenue 38 feet (each lot 16 feet front) and in depth along Pacific street 85 feet. C Which premises Michael Pray et ux by deed dated April recorded .in Deed Book? H , No. 110, page 278, conveyed unto Erasmus D Wolfe and Jeise E. Peyton in fee. reserving the said grouad rent 3 No, % All that yearly ground rent of $35, issuing and payable out of nU that tot of ground, Ho: 207. on said Plaß-fiUaate on the east side of Fifteenth date Schuyl kill Eighth) ateeet,J6. feet north of Bosqaehanna ave ™» “the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fifteenth street 17 feet, and in depth 88 feet 11 inches. And all that lot of ground, No 2)8, on said plan, situ ate on the east side of Fifteenth straet, 18 feet north of Susquehanna avenue; containing in front on Fifteenth street 18 feet, and in depth 88 feet 11 inches. [Which two io t ß Michael Pray et ux., bydeed dated July 9, 1852, recorded in Deed Book T. H , No. 35. pace 59, conveyed unto John fifarth, In fee, remrviug said ground rent. 3 CO. C. January 6, ’65 3t Debt, $5,543 Parsons 3 Sheriffs Offl.ce, April 8,1885. aptO-3t QHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF V » writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, wUI be exposedto public sale or vendue.on MONDAY Evening, Mayl, 1865, at4o’clock, at Saneom-streetHall, All that lot of gronnd situate on the east side of Tulip street. 80 feet south of Wood street, in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front 32 feet, and in depth 90 feet. Ground rent $l6; m ‘CO, P.; M., ’66. 120 Debt, $71,76. Pile.] Taken In execution audio be sold as the property of Azael Coat€S. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia,Sheriff’s Office, April 8,1865. ap!o-3t SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF M a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to pu nli c sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, May 1, 1865, at 4 o’clock,' at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the noith side of York street, 206 feet east of Trenton Railroad, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front nineteen feet, and in depth 12$ feet three incites to Smlen street. Ground rent $l9. [C. P.;M., J 65. 111. Debt. $44 lb Pile 3 Taken in execution and’to be sold am the property of J.toenter. HBNRYC. HOWBUI, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 8,1865.. -. apIQ-3t CHERIFF’B BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Vpiiditioni Exponas, tome directed, will ba exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Bveniuir, May I,lBffi. at 4 o'clock, at Saneom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on tho southwest ride of Fowler street. 260 feet northwest of Jeffsrssn street. In the Twsnty-first ward of the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front on Fowler street 120 feet, and in depth 90 feet [Which premises John Ken worthy, etux . By deed deted February 9th. 1863, recorded in Deed Book, C. H , No 77, page6ll,-Ac., conyeyed unto James Ohatwin In foe. 1 [D C.. jf., >66. 39L Debt, *197.91' Dolman. 3 Taken In execution and to he sold as the property of Jmjbs Chatwin. HENRY O. HOWBM.? Bheriff. Philadelphia; Sheriff’s Ogee, April 17,1866. ap!B-8t OHERIFF’B SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to medlrected, will ba exposed topublicsaleor vendue, on MONDAY Keening, Mayl, 1866, atloclock, at Sansom-street' Hall, All that three-story brick store, dwelling No. 1705, and lot of gronnd situate on the east tide of German town road, ahont fifty-four feet north of Columbia are nas, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Germantown road about seventeen feet nine Inches and in depth-abont one hundred and Are feet. . CC. C. P.; M,, ’!» 140 Debt. i*99 75 Qatar] m HENRY C HOWBM, Sheriff. i Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Aprils, 1865. aplB-3t : CnHE«EKB”S SALE.—BY VIRTUE *OF awrit of mfijbreotodwWilbbe . j. Jwo.l, All that messuage and one- Story back kitchen and dot o&mptad situate veyed unto WiUiam Kehrum in flan • v Ho. 8, All that two story .brick message and lot of ground sitpate on the southwest comer of Froajt and Shippen streets, in the city of. Philadelphia; containing m front on Front street ISJeetV amd in depth 7Q lest. [Which premises Frances waliiby, et deed bated November 29 3828, record**!* Deed Bdok G. W. B • Ho. 25, page 60S, co nveyed uSo William Kehrum iu fee. 1 And said WiUiam BShmm tfffcarwards departed this lire, having mad&his lastWfUyittorded in Begister oi Wills’ office of this clty, in:Will Book Ho. 18 page 415. wherein a eeriain of and toiereetin ali above de scribed real estate was devised unto William B, Keh rum in fee. . - mo ik, ’65. 463. Debtft'o,ooo. "WilliamB Price. 3 ■ Taken in execution and to be-sold cut' the' property of William & Kehrum. .:■*.•,*£»•***• '• a HEHRT C HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff s Office* AprllSO, 1685. anft-3fc CHBRIFF’B VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Mates, to mi directed, will bo ex posed to public sale hi vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Me* 1,1866, at 4 o’do«,,at Saruiom-stroetHail, Alt that certain lot crjmoce of ground with the mes suage or tenement thsrfon erMted, eltuate ontte north weitetiT side of Danenf ower’slane orWteter street, lit the Twenty-ascend waglof the saiiclty of PhKadel phia (formeriy ln the tojrnshtod! Germantown); begin, nlng at a point; on lh*7 xarfhweateriy side of Canon -bower’slane or Wisterstrest, atthedialtnceof 3)7 test 1H lncheß neitfcwestwAeily from tbe uortheut side of Mercer street: thenoenojrtbweatwardly at-rlghtangles to tie said lane or WijSter-street 318‘feet ltftf lnchasto Jefferson street; tbenwaortheaetwardly along the said Jefferson itreet 8i f,«;io r other ground of Thomas c. Saxton; thence sonthßstwardlyalongthe&ld ground of Tboe ‘o bwteu‘teJntrigbtanglestotlto laid lane or wlet.r sfrsetUS ffiet BJ4 incites, more' hr lesc,. to a point; thence ifoilbeaetwardly along said ground of Tnomai 0. tavtoc fO’/eet to a point; thence soutbeast wardlyalongOteersronnd of the eald Bichard M. Lea, '}Si eof angles .to tbe said - taneorWister street SOOTeet, moreor less, to the north westeily eidjdptlfcsjga Jane or Winter street; thanes sdnthwardlr*Jong.the, same 1« feetemorSeor less, to too Place of t**lnning. --Bounded-on the southwest by tbe laid and partly, by the said grodtt^' of ThomasD^fisurtOn. on the northeast partly by the sud trountbafThama* O.fiaxtonand partlyby tteeald other sroundnf BUhaidM. Lea. lato of George Alblni. = -a* « a tbesiaathjMt bydhe eaid Danenhowern lane or. ' ar % I' J ll ®.® 18e ? 2 |c hard : M; Lea, by tudwtitere dated the twenty fifth day of r bthy. A- D. (ffl&fieSfchteon hundred and sixty-four, duly Bxecutedanffawnowtedged Prior to the exeeiUon of ..theeepi 6ees«®-4he eoisideratlon money therein men tioned, paif whereof, to wit - theeald eem 0fm.420 Is 61i sranteneboonTey te the eald Msary W Gault in fee under and snbjedtbddhe p?-,s‘t.Sf.6X»2frtatl,-“, ort «afe, debt, or jSncTbalKm - of SS, SOOatherein mentioned.!- ; ■ IUtO i •*»'■ Debt,*.4ffl 89. 01srt.3 “HBRB°Y l C. 6 lo^,S^&. Sf Phlladaghla, Sheriff’s Ofloe, April S.imTtm-lt OHER|FF i S BALE.—BT VIRTUE OF at? a writof Venditioni Erponas. to me directed, will be ex poeedto public eale or vendue, on MONDAY Bve nine, fi»ay.l, 18M, Sansom-stroet Hall. *a th* lot of sronndj wlth- the’-bnlldlnse and Im pravemmits theraoa. ereotrf, Bitmate on the west side of ta tbs city of,Philadelphia! beslnnlnr at*the-eonthwerterlv oor said'Thlrteentb e»«t fifty- nlfeluchJs and eriy fStteteht one”!igh^oTau and five eighths of an inch to tee .place of isvinainvt bon tided ground now ox into of James Fox. sow or late of Samuel English* and ururtwarA »SS?*b 'g"« "SS"’ which Bansom Kcgeis. Jr,. and wife.- h* indaninu dated the; twentylfonrti. day of idT® Md recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book A D B iJL' SjrISS? I SSS. ct S?.S pIHI i* 16 aboyihdessrlbed iot street (Nob -|*o and SB2), eeALmw SSgfifteed fee“ln i KU o* »x‘° »“ ttolid «A tbe lot being In tenth ahontlhlrty-.lTfoet No. .2. All that thr«e-Btorybrlst meMnal'?U B & mer-tand lot or piece of groStd etoa“ on 4e ILt rite |rlf f ?^e^^% b S e^JoTn nd a^ N B The premlees above described as Bn« coo out and IK2 will he sold iepsrately ' ***• 2801 29 *• „IC. C.; M.. ’55 331. Debt, *3 000. A Tbonmion 1 Taken In Mcecntlon and to be sold as tha jfoo.rtv of Job?., G - Y'i«HE*Ky c. howell; sheriff Philadelphia, hber.t’s office, April 24,18 M apll-3; - ■MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1865.- iPHIA, SHERIFF’S ALE. SHERIFF’S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of Venditioni me Embt^Ul: be exposedto pnblic sale oryendae,on MONDAY Eve ning, Mayl, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, Ho. 1. All that mansion bouse and two eoutlguoM lots or pieces of ground situate in the city of Philadel phia; one of the eatd lote, whereon tho said manrion is erected, on the west ride of Delawam Front street, be tween Pino and Cedar streets; containing In breadui on the said Front street forty one feet, and in length or depth one hundred feet. Bounded northward with a lot of gronnd allotted to Samuel Powell, westward with gronnd formerly of John Owiwin, aonthward uartiy by tbe aext described lot* aud partlyJ»y grouud formerly of Jouu Frazer, aud eastward with the.said FroiU t treet. Aud the other dfitheAaid tete beghuting at a ccruer of ground formerly oi Joha Miller aud Mary* his wife* thence extending by the aame southerly twenty feet* to an alley or court; thence by the same easterly about twelve feet, to a corner; and thanes northeasterly* in au oblique direction* by a three feet six inches alley, about ten feet, to a comer; thence by other part of a lot whereof this was a part, sixteen feet 6 inches, to the line of the first described lot.aul thence bv tbe same westerly twenty-one feet six inches to the place of beginning. Together with the common use and privilege of the taid three-feet.eix inches wide alley. 50. 2 Also, a stable, coach house, and lot of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the north side of Lom bard street, between Delaware Front and Second streets* Ul the said *ity; containing in breadth twenty fonr feet, and in dcplh fifty feet. Bounded on the north parity by around late of the President, Directors, and Ccmpany of the Bask of Pennsylvania, and partly by ground rermefly of Matthew Cowley, on the sast by a lot of John Haifa; on the south by Lombard street, and on the west by a twelve-feet-wide court or open pieca of ground; together with the free use of the aforesaid c °io! g. Also, a three* story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the south side of Pine street, between Seventh and Eighth streets, from the river Delaware* ettbe distance of ninety six feet westward from the westernmost 3 tee of iround late of James Crawford, in the said city- containing in and in' length or depth one hnndredand thirty feet. Bounded eastward by a messuage and lot alloted and assigned to thwTrusiees of the Estate of Martha B Lewis; south ward by a twenty-twd-feet-wide street leading from the said Seventh street to Eighth street, now called Lit tle Fine street; westward by ground late of Lawrence Sink, and northward by Fine street aforesaid. No. 4. Also, a lot or piece of land situate in the city of Philadelphia, beginning on the west side of-the Irish Tract lane, in the northernmost line of‘ Washington street-continued; thence extending noriheriy along the said lane three hundred and seventy-nine feet fonr inches to a point in the north line of Prime street-eon tinned; thence westerly along the said north Une of Prime street continued four hundred and thirty-t wo feet four fetches 1 to grouud formerly of Samuel Powell: thence southerly, by the same ground, three hundred add eighty feet eight inches and a half to a point in the northernmost tine of Washingion street, continued; thence easterly along said line foui hundred and thirty- * four feet three Inches to the place of beaming. Con taining three acres, one rood, and eighteen perches. Bounded on the east by the Irish Tract lane; on the north by alot, In apian of partition hereinafter men tioned, marked * f A;” bn the west by ground late of Samuel Powell, and on the south by the lot marked, in the said plan, ‘*o.” >.-... No & Also, a yearly rent charge of one hundred and ‘eixty-four dollars, lawful silver money of the Untied States* charged on.half-yearly issuing, aud payable by Nathan Atklsson and John L Stokes, their heirs ana. assigns, on the first days of July and January, in every year forever, without deduction for taxes out of and for a certain lot or piece of Aground sit aate on the north side of Lombard street, between Delaware Seventh' and Eighth streets, in the said city. Beginning at the dis tance'of one hundred and. thirty-four feet two.lnches from the west .side of Seventh street; con wining in front or breadth oa the said Lombard street thirty-two feet ,ten inches, and in length or depth one hundred and thirty feet to the aforesaid L f ttle Pine street. Bounded on toe west by ground-granted by John Clemente Stocker and wife to Davis Powell on ground rent, on toe north by the reid Little Pine street, on the east by other ground* late of toe sald 'John'Clements Stocker, and on the south by Lombard street aforesaid, t Being the same premises which under a deed of partition of toe real estate of John Clements Stocker ana Mary K. , ;bU wife, recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book A. fif , No. 64. pages 641-add 668, were allotted and resigned unto Elizabeth H Stocker, widow of Anthony Stocker* deceased, daring her .natural life, and at and imme diately. after her decease uato Caroline Stocker, John Clements Stocker. Mary R. Stocker, Caroline L Stocker, Anna Maria Stocker. Henry H. Stocker, Anthony E. Stocker. Lauretta T: Stocker,: Marline J>:: 81 belter, Emily E. Stocker, and Lewis T. Stocker in feeO , ED. O.; ; 441. Debt, $4,763.32' Lex. 3 Taken in execution and to bs sold ae the property of Anthony E Stocker. HENRI C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, SheriffVOifice, April 20,1885, ap2V3t QHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF k - 7 a wilt of Lavari Farias, to me directei. will hoax posed to pnlilic ,(sale or rendua, on MONDAY Krentaff, May 1, 1860, at4o’olorie, at Sassom-atraet Hall, All that atone messaaie, stable, and other ira move ments, and lot of, gronnd situate on tbe eontkweat aide of Wayne street end sontneast side of Walnntlane, in tbo Twenty,second ward, city o{ Hilladelohia; begin ning at a coraer of said Wayne and Walnnt lone; tbenoe along Wayne street south 48 degrees 65 minutes east 116 foot 6 4-8 teohes io graund-of Francis Heyl; ■thence eonsth 42 degrees 15 minntes west 349 feet 5J4 inches to other ground of saidHorl; thence along seme north 48 dogiees 65 minutes west 116 feet Ki iuahes to Walnnt lane: thence along same north-42 degrees 16 minutes east 849 feet 6}f Inches to beginning. CBolnrcem poßedof two lote—onoof them daed'dated May 6,1566, recorded in Deed Book R D W. . No. 78, Base 261; and tbe other, by deed dated Jane 11, 1669, recorded In Deed Book A D. B , No. 70, page 251, &o. * cocTeyed unto John W. Gibbsi In fee. 3 CD. O.; M , *65 373. Debt, $9,123. E Taylor 3 Taken in execution nnd to be sold at. the property of JohnW. Gibba HENRY 0. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff g Office, April 20*1865. ap2i-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Veidltioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to puhllc grie or vendne. oa MONDAY Bvo 'Bini. May l. 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sanaom-street HaU. All that three-story brick messuage and lot of gronnd eitnate on toe northeast side of Pennsylvania avenue, fifty-two feet three and five eighths Inches northwest : of F&hmount street, in toe city of PJbHadelphia, thence northeast forty- four feat, thence north sixteen feet four Mid one fourth inches, thence northeast four feet four inches to a five* feet-wide alley, thence northwest along same ten feet nine inches, thence southwest sixty-three feet to Pennsylvania avenue* thence southeast along •Jffhteea fwt to beginning. C Which premies Mi chael Bonder, etux , by deed dated March 29 1817, re corded in Deed Book A. W. M., No. 39, pag«423 Ac , conveyed unto Joha Herman In fee, reserving ground rent of $49 20 ] [D. C.; M., ’65. 423. Debt, *133.66. E. S. Campbell. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as tho proparty of John Herman. HBS.RY C. HO WELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia. SlierilPs Ogee, April 20,1865. ap2l 3i CHERIFF’B SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of V«Bditionißxpon»e,te me directed, will be exposed to public sale er vendue, on MONDAY Even iog.Msyl, 18W, at4o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All Uut lot of ground situate on the south side ot Nor ris street, 18 feet eaet of Fifth etree;, in the city of Phila delphia; containing iu front on Norris street 16 feet, aud ta depth 67 feet to a three-feet alley, with privilege thereof. [Which premises Benjamin Gerhard, et ux., J? da “ ,d priobar 81,,18 ,1, recorded in Deed Book, H W. € , No, 121, page 194, &e , conveyed onto John McDowell, Jr., and Aaron B. Day in fee j Taken ta execution and to be-sold as the property of Michael Kiely and Jacob Donaldson , , HBNBY C. HOWELE, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Oflce, April 20,1866. ap2l- 3t CBERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF k -’ a writ of Venditioni Bxponas,to medirected, will be SPO'eiloPaM'c eaJeorYemdne.on MOBDA I Binning, 2f&?1»256& at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-stSSet HaUU All Ut&t three- story brick msaeiMge and lot of ground iltnate on the nmrthea|t corner of Poplar and Twentieth streets, in the city of PMlaoeipnia; containing in front s?„H°?, lar . 6tte ?yS, f ‘S l 10 lE< i tes i la depth 80 feet to Scott street t Which promisee Heliacal A SaUer, by deed dated! May 18,1 m, recorded in Deed Book K D. w., Do. 79, page id, oca, conveyed- unto John Fetter eon in fee. reseryinx a ground rent of $105.29 3 C% O.; M , 65. 110, Debt, *221 62. •H. A. Salter-3 Taken ln execution and to be cold as the property of _HSNET 0. HOWELL, Sherlf. ' Philadelphia, Sheriff’aOfflee, April 20, MB5. ap2l-3t •SHERIFF’S SALE.— BY VIRTUE OF it at4-o’clock,at SanHorA-street Hall, - - 'Jill that four story brlck-mesgaika. and lotA jdtnate ott«w north side or Arch , Street, seventy-two feet east of Twenty, second street. in the city of Phila delphia; containing in fronton Arch street eighteen Ac., coaveTednnto Benianttttßi ShreveinfseJ] J ,_LD. 0.: M., ’66. Dtbt,glBS66 E.S. GamphelU |xaken in .execuMon and sold as the property of Jteußermac. HEMgr 0. HOWBLl; Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's oH&, April 20, 1365. ap2l-3t SHERIFF’S SALE,- BY VIRTUE OF ~ a writ of.;Yendltlonl Exponas, tome directed, will a?^ e . l l2l^i l0 is?".“i 11 ®vendue onMONDAY Kve -1 1, at i o olock, aj Sansom-itreetHaU, .All the riifht, title, and i n lertakof Charles Schilling of. “»! B wntignous lots of srounc S S^v of Ga 2iv T - I®. 39* And Si., 1 “JH,, 0 ?!,! 118 “®*}b side of Morris street, 183 feet tbnnni?CTf. C of Philadelphia; thence along jttoiria street 16feet; thence north 112feet* .afarwfc-Sgfeefc; thence south ffii feet;- thence west 16 ftet; thence south 69 feet to begin ?!>. 0. ;M„’6s. 4 »j,^bt.M9S^-WoodwardJ Philadelphia, Sheriff?s & a^3t S H SW" S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A rerlPa«ias,to me directed, wIU be eX >M4,HSS,IiS f* 1 , 8 . 01 vendue, on MONDiY Bvmtea JR i*'W*. At A o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, ‘ ® *„■* , lo i of fitbbbd situate on tbe east side of Flf t?a,f 8 5 V;?*’ soat b of Ellsworth street, iA city of PhlUdslphte, containing m front on Flf tj™*b street 17 feet, and In dep hon the north line fid test; fi ntchei, and on the south line 65 feet, more or 1 fiua. with the privilege of a three-feet alley bou”dteg tliera mavMaSTrttA t? °a» a »i Barnes, by deed, eonveytd unto Henry M. Black in fee, and the remain ing part Ellen Dunbar, by deed dated April 7,1851 re corded in Deed Book A. C. H , No. 14, page 3fiL conveyed unto Henry M. Black in fee * ac ' IH- C-.i it., ’.«fi 438. Debt, *3,693 S 3 Littleton. 1 wJ a i. e ?# ill „P 8^ nkloll J«„ 80ld “tbe Property of Henry M Blask. HBNEY C. HOWELL; Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, April 20.1866. ap2l-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY.VHRTUE OF Ay a writ of-Yenditloni Bxponas, to me directed jWlll he exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Bvel ning, May l, 1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Wan, , All thafthree ttory brick messuagetad lot of gjhmjtd ffb a j® 0B ; the iouth-ride of Wallace street, 64feet 8 s4iSsf. ™LF'T 6II^ y '? r,t ; trBe i; 11 l *b» of Phila delphia; contalnlnrln fronton Wallace street 22 feet 4 inches, andln depth 100 ftet S)i Inches ““'v l44 1881 * LAaili* .m. Debt, 4764 64: Simpson. 3 ’ r J™S. e 2 ih execution and to be sold as the property of IAwI'B. BrpomaU HENRY C. HOWELL, SKorii Philadelphia,Sheriff’s Office,April 29,1866. apfl-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY -VIRTUE OF rj 8 writ of Yeudltlonl Exponas, to me directed,'will beesposed to public sale orvendue, onMONDAYEvau- Inv. May^3,lBBs. at 4 o’clock. at Hansom-street Hall. iUI that throe-story- brick messuage and lot of ground *™s. ,e S& tt ! B |He of Twenty-fourth street. 16 feet 52JV? 8p, ; 1 “f Hardsnstreet, In the city of Phllsdriphls; on Twenty-fourth street Js.test: and feet-wide ally C Which. I’lfjSii: BB Henry J, WiU ams et ai, by deed dated July ISfiofo, recorded iu Deed Book «a. D. B , Ho. 28. dehe 473, Ac . conveyed unto James McClenacban, tu-tee reserving ground rent of *S7.'SG ] ’ mJ * 8 ’ • i.; C®,-65 -4»4.--De8t.«10167. Judeon.) Fhiladeiphlx. She riff*jrOffioe t April 201865.. ap2l-3t T OHEBIFP’B BALE.—BY VIRTUE OP P iaS. ic SJ 8 «-™ttan8 5 ,0 n MOJUSAT Kto- AlmXi May I, 4o clock, at Sairaom-etraet :Hall, *«• J tkat flyo story nißssttayo and lor of QQraar t f Black-boras tWBntT - 0M '»« *“ * B i * m $ , tea ,£acheB south, of Biaek- Hdrse.alley s con. -JtSJS.* /root on*LeUHa street twenty feet flye 4&ehea.aiac!i& depthfixty five feet. -. ..i ”°* S. All tbat five-story brick messuage and lot of greoAd situate on the west side of Letitts street, forty two feet bbree inches south of Bract-Horse alley; con ta&iny in front on Letitu str eetiwenty feetfive laches, and in depth sixty-fly* fcefc. • ’ if - 0. ;M., '65. 449. Debt, 15,290. BoUitt, 3 Taken in exedation and to be sold as the property of uhams 0. Grogan, .trustee. &c., of M&rgaretta Lamb JjpW Lamb. d, Lemuel Lamb. Charles C. Grogan and Annie his wife..-Margaretta Lamb guardian of Hajnael Q. Lamb and Fannie E. Lamb. George B. Pen. per, guardian of Charles Boekiand Pepper. , Philadelphia, AptU2O, m& S St' SHERIFF’S - R A t.t? ~ —— SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF “ e diiectei, will be ax posed to cab]ic sale or vendue, on MONDAY gvsnin* BaT \ i o'clock, at Sansom street Had/ * **°*y brick home frottinf on uiTlW’ , alld ,w a »*ory frame Iron tint on Hope ‘i™ 6 *- and lot of ironnd situate on east side of Howard lSSmfc%‘ ee * , f , i < °f Morris street, in the city of Phi x l, L tTatt on Howard street 17 feet, eoo in o epth 110 feet to Hope street. ■«Jw™.£irtsB.V m, 'siB. rirframB "tore-room frontini on Howard street, and three-story back buUdlrtr In the r^ar, t BJttdtlot of ironnd, situate on the east tide of How ?.MuS e i*i;i®* 6e * 80 F*J l0f ® or, fa street, in the city of on Howard street 17 oft, and In depth 110 feet to Hope -treat. , I?!? 5*? 18 , M', wt ’ ctL doha Oetsler, et nx , I.ji deed dated July 21. 18E5, recorded in Deed B x>k fi /’Sllw * c 1 conyeyed onto William . entofCW 3 ,68 ’ sai,JBct !o a eertaln yearly ironnd T.kicZ'iVoE',',’ 6s ?«• Debt, *584. Hlchener.3 -,1?“ °n ig execution and to be sold as' the property of 4L 1 !? 1 ? ? Sinclair. HSBET C. HOWELL Sheriff. YpnHadeiplila, Sheriffs Offloe, April 20. 1065. apfl 3t fjOTTON AND FLAX SAIL. DUCK B^w S ’ numbers and brands. Tr and Waion-coyer Duck. Alto, aper manufacturers’ Drier Felts, from one to dye feel rtdet f inline. Boltins. Sail Twine, si, JOBS W SVERMAN A GO., noS-tf*o. Ip3 JOHIS*. Alley. PROPOSALS. pEOPOSALS FOE „3l??ritb? G I WBECKB, So.. Iff THE OAFS FBAB BITBE. Bureau OF Cowsrneoiiojf ASO AAVT is, 1856. Tie Bureau will, until thelltb day or cetve proposals for ralslnc and removing thevMceu. euppoeed to be about 36 in nnmb«—ennlt and baaonw In and about tbe month of Capa Fear river, flortn_ C ThehnJls of tbevetsela are mostly of iron, and tha machinery in many of them is represented asoeiag in “separate'and special offers covering a |lnile ve*BBl only will be received fc* ratstot and delfverhit tt Hew Fork the, “ Horth Heath," the ‘’Aines Pry. and the *‘ with ail the property that may bs on board of them, on a salvage upon the net proceeds of the sale at public auction, the Government to be at no expense whatever. i. For tbe remaining wreeks tbe f ,? r „y part ©r the whole of them, and must state the rate of salvage on the net proceeds of the sale at public auction of the property recovered and delivered at the United States Eavr Yard, at Gosport, Virginia, withoutcharge of any kind to the Government, . „ The materials recovered must be delivered at the navy yard, with a separate invoice for each vessel. Each offer must state the time within which it ispro poced to complete the work, which’ must be executed under the control of the commanding naval officer, who will designate the vessels on which first commenced, and who will have the right, « the work is not promptly commenced and diligently prose cuted, to ennui the agreement, whan, all claim or the salvors to the property recovered will be forfeited to will be placed in tifl hand* of the Government, and sales will be made as may be deemed jnoßt advantageous to the Government and the parties concerned. Auy.other condition necessary tor the pro tection of the public interests will be inserted in the sffTsement Ho proposition wiU be entertained from parties who do not furnish satisfactory evidence that they are pre pared, with all the proper and necessary appliances, for the execution of ww 1 * oLthiskted. . - Parties who may visii Wilmingtonfor the purpose of making a personal examination, msklng an offer, will be permltted to do so by the naval officer in proposal* must be endorsed on the envelope en closing them, ’•Proposals for raising Fear River. ” api7-mw« OFFIOR TJ. S. ARMY, KJ Ho.. 580 Bours Street, _ Baltimore Mb., April 11* 1865. SEALED PBOFOSaLS, in triplicate, wiU be received at this office until 12 H. on TUESDAY, April 85,1865, for furnishing the United States Subsistence Depart m!oßETHblTBAHl>< HEAD OF HOOD FAT BEEF CATTLE, on tbs boof (Steer. four years old and over), delivered at the State Cattle Seales at Baltimore, Mary land, in lots of Cl, 000) one thousand each every (10) ten days, to be weighed within one aid a-half days sifter arrival, atthe expense of the contractor. They most average about (1,300) thirteen hundred pounds, gross weight, aU falling short of (1,050) due thou&andand fifty pounds, gross weight. Bulls, Blags, Oxen, Cows, Heifers, and Hornless Cattle will be rejected. A deduction of fifteen (15) pounds will be made from the weight of each Steer accepted under ihls contract, provided the animal does not stand in the pens two and one-half hours before being weighed, or is sot weighed immediately:after removal from the cars. Blank forms for proposals can be had on application .at this office, either in person, by mail, or telegraph Proposals by telegraph, or other irregular, informal proposals, will nokbe considered The Government will claim the right of weighing any one animal separate, if ite appearance indicates Ipsa* Weight tbamthe minimum mentioned above; the ex pense of weighing will be paid by the parte erring in judgment. Bidders muat be present to respond to their bide, and prepared to give bonds, and sign the contract before leaving-the office. The Government reserves to itself the right to refeet any oi all bids’considered unreasonable. Paymentetobe made after each delivery in such fund* aa may be on hand; if noneon hand, to be made as soon as received. ~iWfsalsmutte endorseddistinctly, "PROPOSALS yoRBBfiFCATTLg,* 1 and addressed to ‘ * Captain J. HOWARD WBLLS, 0.. S • Baltimore, Maryland.** Jr a bid is in the same of a firm, thalr names and tt eir post office address must appear, or they will not be considered, Back person of every member of & firm offering a pro ftisal must acecmpany it malth an oath, of allegianse to the United State* Government, if be has not already filed one in this office. . AU bids not comply tny strictly with the terms of this advertisement will be rejected. J. HOWARD WELLS, Captain and 0. &, Toll. Artillery and cavalry HOBSIB. - Assistant Quartbeh aster’s Ofpios, 1139 Girard Street, _ ATlBB( , Philadelphia,, Penns., April IS, 1865, HOBBES, suitable for the Artillery a°d Cavalry ser vice.wiU be purchased by the undersigned, in open rear set. Each animal to be subjected to the usual Go vernment inspection before being accepted. Homs for the Artillery service must be dark in color; Bound in all particulars; strong, quick, and active: w»U broken and square trotters in harness; in good and condition; from 6to 10 seam old; not less than l&K bands high i each horse to weigh not less than x,oso lbs. One hundred and eighty ($180) dollars t oill he paid for each. Cavalry Horses must be sound in all particulars; well broken; in fall -flesh and good condition—from 15 to M hands high; from sto 9 years old, andwall adapted in every Cavalry purposes, for which one hundred and seventy Jive «$175) dollars each will he paid. t Q- th e-P-v S. Inspector, at the BULL’B-HBAD HOTEL, MABKET STEBBT. ffE3T PHILADELPHIA. PEBTJSA. ’ * By order of Col. Wm. W. McEim. »pl2-tmySl fJAYALRY HORSES! W ARTILLERY HOSBBB f MULES 1 Quartermaster Gensrau’s Office, First Dmsiog, Warhihgtoh Citt, D. 0., March 18,1855, HORSES, suitable for the cavalry and artillery ser ▼ice, will bf received at Geisboro Depot, in open mar> May 1,1865. by Captain GBKXT. 880 WHfHKG, MULES, in lots of twenty-five or sore, will be rt> wived in this city, in open mark.t, till May 1, 1865, by CaptainC. £ TOMPEIHS, Assistant Quartermaster, corner Twenty second and G streets. All animals to be eubjccted to the usual Government impaction before being accepted, . Specifications as follows; Cavalry Hortei must be sound In all particulars, well broken, In full flest and nod condition, from fifteen (15) to sixteen (16) hands high, from five(s)to nine (9) years old, and well adapted In every way to cavalry purposes. Horses between v n ,ft 0) *•»»«* age, if • till vigorous, sprightly, and healthy, may be accepted. Artillery horses must be of dark color, sound In all particulars, strong, quick, and active, well broken, mid square trotters in harness, in good flesh and condi tion, from. b!x (6) to ten (10) years old, not less than fifteen and one-naif (15%) hands high, each horse to weigh not less than ten hundred andflfty (1,050) pounds. .Mules must be over two (2) years of age, strong, gout, compact, well-develop&d animals, not Idas than fourteen ad) hands high. In full health, free from every** blemish or defect which would unfit them for severe work, ana must have shed the four front colt’s teeth and developed the corresponding four permanent teeth, two in tach jaw. Them n»ddo*Hoi>B will be atricUy mdhered loami n*ldly eniorcea in every particular. Honr» «Inspection from 9 A. M to 4F. M. bnndrei and elfhtyliv, doUua ($1%): Armiery Horses, one hundred end nine- Mnie«, one hundred end ninety-fly* Payment will be mod, at this Office, _ JAKES A. EKlir, . „ . Brevet Brigadier General in chert, S)b2o-tap3o First Division 0. M. a. O. EDUCATIONAL. JMKffIS?I.PEACB il? fiT IT C T JB^A OtT WtfOOl. TOB.BoTB PMiadeipfrla. «i*pujjU* ai» prepared for Mercantile cr'Profwaicm&l'jtfa Tfcstwecty-seooiidtenawUleom «• w . J - w ~ fiaKiißr6g t4 n c? B L. WEST GROVE BOARDING SCHOOL, m bJSLiWS** J? ES . T OSOYB STATIOS, P. uul B. Central Railroad. Cheater County Fa Tift SUMMER ?iBM of this Inetltation tHll com 5S“t^L5« COJ »?‘ DA I* 0f Fira^l£o®M[ next, to continue 20 week*. The course of inatrnction U j&X&g&?3&iS&2V£^ m &,M -YHOS-P.CONA.RDj West Grove, Pa fe27“intngyp ■MILITARY INSTITUTE, ALLEN ,T,?wyi, %»“*•. chartered by tie State, with mmnuMious/MJtllitgs and superior- Educational and lo^cfr^Urs^l&T 11 ' 8 S °“ m “ *<"“ AplU m »Pl3-13t Bey. M. 1. HOFFOBB, A. M., President. ■PELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE. ABOABDING SOHOOL FOB GIRLS -msii'rnTioir, healthmilyand beautilullj located on tho northern Umlte of Attleboro, Bucks county, Penneylrania. will Fifth-month, 22d,1865, and oontlnna In hi «od twelve weeks, instruction is thorough In the several departments of BnilightfiMch,-Latin, Mathematics, and Drawing, - ■ Forfnli details see circular, to obtain which address the Principals, Attleboro Post Office, Bucks county, Pennsylvania. IBBABL X GBAHAMB, " ,__ * JAETfiP. GKA^AHE, Principals, VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— JL SlWif BLABBING SCHOOL, fWr mile* from MBDIA, P|l Thorough course In Mathematics, Classics, s&fcnral Sciences, and English; practical les sons in Civil Engineering Pnpils received at any time, and of ail ues, and enjoy thebenef ts of a home. Be • fersi to John u. Capp & Son, 33 South Third street; Thos. .J; Clayton, Esq,, fifth and Prone streets; ex-Sheriff Sent, and others; Address Bev. J. HfiBVET BAB TOE, A, M , VILLAGE OBESE, Penna. nofi-6m LEGAL. Fr THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE OITT ABU COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. ESTATE of JAMES GARTT, DECEASED. Notice is hereby *iven that BRIDGET GABTY. widow of said decedent, has filed In said Court her pe tition and appraisement of the personal property which she elects to retain under the act of April 14,185 1, the supplements thereto,and that the same will ha con firmed by said Coart on FRIDAY, May sth, 1865, at 10 o’clock a. M., unless exceptions he filed thereto. JOHN K VALECTTISTB, Attorney tor Petitioner. apH-fmil* PS THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOB THB CITT AWB COTJHTY OF PHILADEIc FHIA. *■ Trait Estate of In SARAH CLEMENT and Damrhtere. The Auditor appointed by the court to audit, settle, and adjust the anal accoontof J*HBS CaKSTaIRB. »*jlTlna trustes under the wUI.ofWILI. SAM SOOmf dawwed for MrsSARAH CBBHBBT and herdansh. tarn Caroline and Josephine, and to report distribution of the balance ip the handsof theacoountant. will meet the parties interested. for the purposes of his appoint in«nt. ou jDESDAY. the 20th day of AOTII IBM, at 3 o’clock P. M , at his cfflw. Ho. 131 south FIFTH street, ia tke city of Fhiladeipiji&. »Pl4*m,wfit TO, BOTCH WIBTBB, Auditor. MARSHAL’S SALES. WABSHAL’S SALE. —BY VIRTUE Bala, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA pXR, Jtadre ofthe District Ooort of the Halted States, .inanAfortte &utsn .District of Pennsylvania, in Ad mlralty, to me directed, vIU he told at pnhllo sale, to *S 4 blMerffer eesh, at SAMUEL O. coogjs Auction Store, Ho. 12* South FKOHT Street, onIHCEHDAj,AprUJ7r 1865, at U o’clock JIM. , fonr barrels'of WHISKY, imported In the Con- _ . .WILMAMMILLWAKB, . • Hutted States Marshal Bastem DiatrJetofPiraaa. > Philadelphia', AprlHO, 1686. a■■ ■ «gg-tt IVTARSHAL’S SALE.—BY VIB®JE dfiS»lel>r'U» c ®n». JOJtm OiBWiIAV 21,C00 CHUBS, imported In ttaAMfodiSn! 0 “? SpilnrXotuMlß LehUiOoeLMd M«,w^s?ks?, 11l>taln * 4 rflm . BsnrtkilvsSr.iS«3 «. tn*n^iS*MP fTELMBOLD’S extract buohe fto s is IJSLSSMfffrffii! flatfiBi,inlseoi&&&<&&»£? S Mackerel, al^Sr 18 - " ewEa * tp<,lt - p<,rt “« WJuti H»llft. zeqo.boxet Imbec,"Scaled. go. 1 ISObHs Hew Mess Shad. 260 boxes Harkimet-coaoty Cheese ** la ftop and to sale tar "S®*# & KOOHB go- lao SOETg WHARvIa. T H v E , J SCIENCE OP MEDICINE , should stand staple. "USiJIviIWJI for its basis, indnstton fnV?fc«^?fn au^? B HI S **Tia# fui pbkpa? A ?f^?3»^ rD „,92 NOIiIIBIV]B test TSJ.OT BLTJIB IX tortM»th«naltJ».?S.ft.”””*”l”* »•» *>«>» Ml T A^J^J“ OI P UNPLEASANT ran. nnplamßt ui ion. jma atPßWEiPSt^l^wißP 1 * sbxtbaot booh* SB FOR SALE—A VERY SUPERIOR “BOUSE to WEST PHILADELPHIA, excellent stable,.fine well of water; rural, yet unite near; all. convenience. tmplete to eg reepeet*. Address “Mer chant," 8ex2400. Poet Office. mb37,lm « PRIVATE BALE—MILITARY BOARDING BOHOiIL, near PhiladelpMa, to sue cessml operation, with fnmltnre of all kind. Appa ratus Boohs, Guns, kc., at a very low figure. Apply to BGHERMEBHOBH k BANCROFT. 513 AROH ap4-lm* M PRIVATE SALE—BEAUTIFULUfc SUMMER RESIDENCE, estate of Dr S. A. ” Barton. Fine honeo and ontbnllidtogs, splendid shade and unit treee, eight none of around, one and a half miles from railroad—six dally trains Address Eev. J. HENRY BABTOH, Village Oresn, Pa. Sold very low. ; ap4-lm* ■POR SALE—TEHEE HUNDRED -k; SHAKES CAMBRIA IBOH COMPANY STOCK; price, *26 per share; or w.-nld exebanae for reliable dividend-paytoi Oil Stocks, or a neat Cottage In the neighborhood of Germantown. Address Box 17BS Pori Office. ap3t-3t* TO OIL COMPANIES DESIROUS “ of obtaining an Office, the subscriber offers the pri vilege of one already fnrnisl ed. and also will take charge of ihe Company's books, taking a portion of the SiffES l ?.’ B s-ock in payment, if deeirsd. Location. THIRD Street, below. Chestnut. Address Box 3740 Post Office. ap2L6t* T(K)R BALE— A VALUABLE OIL LANDS I» WEST VIRGINIA, OHIO, AHD PENNSYLVANIA. Inuuire of LEWIS L. HOUPT, apl4-lm* - 338 WALHUT Street, PUUada. 380. B OB ms, Captlin and.!» Q. tf. TRUSTEES' SALE. The undersigned, mortgagees or trustees named In % certain mortgage dated July 2d, 1860, recorded in Phila delphia county, in Mortgage Book A. D. 8., Ho. 64, page, 391, by which the aboye-named Company, to se cure bonds issued by it, has mortgaged its read or rail way, including the Iron rails, sleepers, cross ties, sills, string pieces, and.aH other parts or portions of the su perstructure of said railway, together with ail the ear porate rights, powers, liberties, privileges, and fran chlies of said Company, and its toils, rents, issues, income, and profits; and together also with the entire estate, real and personal* of said Compaiy, locinalny its cars, horses, harness, provision and equipments, and all other its property, effects, and estate, real >nd personal, whatever and wheresoever the same may he, will, under powers contained in said mortgage deed, expose the above property to sale, by public auction, OH THD 3d DAT OF FIFTH MOUTH (May) BEST, In Upper Darby township, Delaware county, FA, the Western Terminus of said Bead. Said road runs with a single track and turnouts from Logan street, in West Philadelphia, where it connects wish the West Philadelphia Passenger Railway, west ward along the Philadelphia and West Chester Turn* pike road about four miles, to the said Howard House The personal property of ihe Company consists of two cars (which may be seen at said Howard House), three horses, and a lot of harness. The undersigned will require five hundred dollars to 1* pato at to, ton, \“ traelof •apll-tot* JOSEPH POWELL, {Trustees. PENN STEAM ENGINE AND gfTOgflfi; ss»fpiit«niiitf StdckdespatS. Sine, Tubular, and Cylinder Bofciof b<3?pi22: —-* -*^feaa and meottcaHomfor all work done at the ®^nSik 118 5y re ckarie. andirorkiuaraateed. »mpl« wharf-doek room ram. ££ r ij£Jisi a !?Ls£ er l tsi eT *?3- U* H* perfect tafety, »»*■ ”* Proylded with »he&r«, bloeki, fail*, ie,. *i ’ fi, main*bearrorHthtwelrbt*. ’ ’ lor JACOB C.ITBAPIB, JOHN P. HVT. BEACH and FALttaSsSaeto. J. TAPSHAB XBBBIOK. WIIMAM K. KSUIok. --UJ-Ll-mm • _ fOBV S. COPS. *’ COUTH WARE FOUNDRY, KITH AHD WASHIHOtO* ffntlWA PgTLA3>Bt,PHT*. *” , MKBBIIJg & SOHS. KMTifiriSSn'Tk B ®?4®® MACHINISTS, Bte “ au£u -‘ tat Qa * Work «- WoUtthow, *«a- Pr«KSSS O “ ,l * U,l * ,T ® f “■*«*»»««»• piiSSP.ggfc.yg” P«»to»f B BemyS’ **** Centrift^asSk^iS^i . ■ sdS-tf WM. M. FABER & coC ~ gRKBBAT, AE(D BOILBB MTißTra BTATKW Minnf**! KTTBBDBO. PBBKaT, or ATH«, MoSH SMISStti^PSSJSf 'JSSi&rmlSi *” psrU <* ft « •onntry .oUolted *O4 «3s'3j| & CO > STKAM SB 3TLL,Bfrr»flt. Phil*d*l»Mm- **** *®* H ]^Jlot I F ALLT SBAL: SD meats gjO „ do Veil. f™£ Si TTArq span JJ,;; JAMES, - ffomttjyof FMlMMphls,) ' , ATTOBHgf AT T.IW • »r-^P^.Tm^g^ja^Mar A . 3f ' *«fc-5 i ~‘->tt, 1 ° tr **" MW ?rorta9n|hitrett. /VINEGAR, FREB press rie finite aid > fc, ®* «4*r.ttn*«ni. fSf ■- -=■ r _ I®?*'® - WfSonUiJRQBTSbiit ihßhiahMt WPM.. fcwa i»ra*n,vavitrjwn. ■'••■■BJiJj.-ilifr W gra .yggffl- WQQimt compound of the ug. There S wither rf^lk-SSSSj! I macse»l& > bitmuth.iior tale BfFW* compos*d entirely of imre wSF 08 i^ 0a ’ trao.dlMry qmlftlS morebeautiful ana fb® liAßltoias ———, sps-3m /Q\ t money to any amount A A tbM.? diamonds, WATCHES: _ ESTABLISHED LOA* OFFICE Corner TfilßD and GASKILL Lombart. ' — —— »1>32-.3m macneiul^ KFTH BTOa i®- 310 South r ,. ' FHIItASgLTOTA racial ”>«a«rof APCWO* SADE.B;, -pUKNESS, BRINLTSY, & CO.II . JY 80 . 6ig CEBSTKUT and 613JAYHK Stem! BALE OF IMPORTED JWiKEST'IO BOOBS. ON TUESDAY MORNING.. April 35th, at 10 o’clock, on tour month* credit. w« lot* of toner and Staple goods. ' _ __ BT K 100 PIECES BLACK GKOS DE 8H1833/*® D0 “ BM CHAIR BOY At ARMUBBS. 70 pieces 22®30-inch hoary black - . 30 pieces 72@36.inch heav black rovULarmuree.- - KALB OF PAWS HEW STYLE G RBNADINE SHAWLS, JUST L4NDBO. , ■ Alio, a large assortment of black and colors a »«■ Grenadine shawls, for city retail trade. __ .r*- BLACK AHD COLORBD MOHAIBB AND ALPACAS, ■ MOZAMBIBtJBS. Sc. OH TUESDAY. —cases 8-4 black and colored alpacas- . esses 6 4 black and colored para mohair*. cases 3-4 colored Verona glace. cates 3 4 plain mozambicines. „ n 4 jParia strive mozambfaues. eases 0 4 fans LINBH GOODS cases 4-4 eMrtlnrllnen. linsnaoTllel«. ZcS&MWa damatk t,blo 0l^ h 4,eB bleached linen napkins. Unensbeetinrs. cases brown and bleached linen damask*. cases dece linens* linen blooms. “SS^dSSßk^'Si^nßTO^ SCO dozen Paris colored barege, tissue,-and grenadine Te BLACK CBAPBB. HALINSS. AHD YABLATAHB cases 4- 4 end 6 4 Bnillsh black crape. White and co loied _ ‘ DOMESTIC GOODS, FOB CISH £A large assortment of domesue goods, for cash- T>ANCOABT & WARNOOK, AUO TIOHBBBS, *4O MARKET Street. LABGB POSITIVE BALE OF 800 LOW AHEKICAH AHD IMPORTED DBY GOODS, LIKES ASD MIL •LINEBY GOODS. EMBROIDERIES. ko , by cata logue. on WEDHEDSAY,' April 27, 1865, commencing at 10 o’clock. Included will be found a larva assort ment of desirable goods worthy the attention of the trade. "" PHILIP FORD&CO. $ AUOTIOHBKRB, J- BBS MARXIST and 539 COMMERCE Strest*. LABGB SALE OF 1,5800 CASES BOOTS ABB SHOES. We will sell* by April 2itb. commencing at 10 o’clock. 1,200 eases men’s, hoys’, ana youths* hoots, shoes, halmorals, brogans, Oxford ties, &c ; also, women’s. Busses’, and children’s hoots; shoes, gaiters, Congress hoots, halmorals, &e. LABGB POSITIVE SALE OF %500 CASES BOOTS AHD SHOES, We will sell by catalogue for cash on THURSDAY MOBBING, April 27£h, commencing at 10 o’clock. 1,500 cists men’s, boys- and youths’ hoots, shoes, halmorals, hrogans, Oxford ties, Ac,. <6*., with a desirable assort ment of women’s, misses’, and children’s, gaiters, slippers, halmorals. Congress gaiters, &«.» Ac. FOR SALE ASD TO LET. M BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY REBI ■aiDEHCE, BOXBOKOTOH. Twenty, first-ward, .is and A half miles from the city. FOB SALE, by K THOMAS k BOBS. April Mth, 1M& . ap!B 6»« Mt FO B S A Ll—A DESIRABLE '“■DWKLLIBO, with every cenvenieace; fine yafd. Boiseision given May 1. No. BS4 South Twenty-first &B&? 6 PUC9 - AMlytt .^ 9^ T MFOR SALE—a BEAUTIFUL A FARM and COUNTRY SEATS, of forty aerss, 2E Oh Uhunh lane, Darby township, four miles from Mar ket-atreet Brldzo. PojMssion can be bad immediately. Apply to JOHfl WHITKLY, on the premises, or to : „ , .JOELS. PERKINS, 45 South FBOHf Street. DELAWARE COUNTY PASSENGER RAILROAD COMPANY. At2o’clock P. H., AT THE HOWARD HOUSE, MACHINERY ANB IRON. AUCTION SATES. TOHN B. MYERS & CO., AUCTiru' u EBBS, Hos. 333 and 83* MARKET S:rt, POSITIVE SALE OF FBEKGH, GERMAN AHD BRITISH DBY GOODS, FOBS*’ DAY. . c • Tfi. A CABD.—We invite the early attention cers'lo the destrable assortment of French n? Tt h Swiss, and British Dry Goode, embracing lots of choice articles, to be pezomptorily 80 i s-v logue on font mouths’credit, commencing T&r«iT IKG, at 10 o’clock piedsely. i£lts ho^i LABGB FBBBMFTOBT BaLB OF FKSSrcs GSkMAJf, AHD BRITISH DBT GOODn .A A MORBIHG. WjJS ‘ 4*. 4 April 24. at 10 o’doek* wul be sold by cu?.--. four mouths’eredit. aboul 750 PAGJSAGBB AHD LOTS ’ ot French, India, German, and British dry rftA , imbrseinga large and ehoiee assortment h ntoptoaractoztozilk, Tvomtod, wwton, tonftbriM. . ‘ ij H. B.—Sample,oftonzamn'irUl b, arr tc ,„, mtoattou, urito«W«lve*, ,*fly on th, what dsaterz.wul find It to thrir intsSJt'*'^ LABGB SALE OF FKBHOH, SAXOHY. ot ß * AHD BRITISH DBY GOOD. JTOTICE —toclfided to on* aal, of , ■ German, and British dry goods. w “• italiga THIS MOBBTIHG. April 2t, will be found in part the follow . arUcles. viz: 1 DRESS GOODS. —Pieces pU*n and n-W 1 lainee, roubaix and fancy checks, m-t-rVi chevres, plain and fancy mozambiqnkp wn f »tore and toner gingham, chsmbravf .if'^ei, Bssssaafase-fi^^ssi^ DBKB SIDES. —Pieces Lyons black t aff de Bhines. royal double annum, aa<* Lyons, solid colon and fancy poult de*!? Ha *les. eadrilles, marcelling. Ac. Soia4 K * SHAWLS.—Brorfia bordered, stellz t §n, , dines, lama, cashmere, thibet, aac'mlf mosamblque shawls. , ’ aaa **iu£i BIBBOH6. v —Boxes solid colors and ** piss and poult de sole bonnet and trf-™T. tcr^s r, blaek chainette edge silk velvet ribhS 1 . a V. r GLOVBS* Ac —An invoice of ladle?' o «^ a ' Se 4,1 white and colored kid, silk, Union IV. Meapolitau gloves and gauntlet. ’ Also, enibmuarie., white goods v»fi. ehlrfs and tlei.Waekand whit^repesh 834 *° ,8!e ArtUkh.. 2 * nnd’ktaS W^P S ;v HARI)KBS 3HIBFS Isi I h^^I dcrei *3“ % and m hemstitched do- da’ J°* 1 comprising all grades, of a favorite make. i MOGA :^fll!^Sf«l 11 3L 0F Boots. ikKOGAHS, ARMY GOODS, TBAVELIif? . TUESDAY MOERIBO 0 Hl i ’ S April at lo o’clock, will be.oin, b, cs’-’ ■ tom months' credit. abonU.aUpacSages Kv -. n ' teX aIS ’ ff Tal rir bools, ke., embracing fresh iwsortinent of^seasonable goods of citv aS will be open for exsta: LARGE BBEBMPfOBY SALB OF BOOTS, - n „ JKAVELLIHG HAGS kc * shoesf Ac*’ “ Inc!llded in our Hug, sale of ao, a w£r d^p-Tot’^'b^- youths’ kip and buff-leather boots; men’stiaß^JS 1 long'leg cavalry boots; men’s and bore’ cab GonfreBB boots and balmoralss men’s, b?.. 6 *** youths’ super kip, buff, and polished grain, h* VJ* 4 ! and pump sole brogsns; ladies’fine kid, goat, r*,' r^ 11 ’ and enamelled patent sewed halmorals and £ gaiters; women’s, mmSes% and children’s leather halmorals and lace boots; children sewed city-madelaee boots; fancy sewed ankle ties; ladles’ fine black and colored k , nr grsas, and side-lace gMten; women’s, children's goat and moroccoeopper-nsfled ladies’ fine kldsllppers; caawtundenamalltd ; travelling bags, kc. LARGE POSITIVE SALS OF BEITIgH. niim GXRHAH, AHD DOMESTIC DBY GOOD* ™ We will hold a large sate of foreign and doswTs. oods, br catalogue, on a audit of four moEtiu, nj OH THURSDAY MOKHIHG. April S 7, at loo'clock, embraring about 7« pstba, and lota of staple and fansr articleo fa woolo E! . V? tods,Hn«!s, auks, and actions, to wUobwe iavile t£ attention of dealers. 61 H. B.—Samplesof the asm, will be arrant«i amlnation. Vito catalogues, eari, on toe mcr « when dealers wUlfind It to their tottr.,Vs^ FOBITIVE SALE OF OARPETIKGB, DBUGGS*-, MATTIHGB. ko. 5 -“- OH FRIDAY MORNING, April 28th, at 11 o’clook, wltt be sold, br on four months' credit about 200 pieces i iei r JT . * peetrr.Brnssels. superfine and fine togrsto. ret -i; mask, Venetian; printed felt. Ust. Dutch hemp, i and rag carpeting.. Canton as d cocoa mataar '*;' embracing achoice assortment o( superior goo is, r.L may he examined early on toe morning of.srie M THOMAS & SONS, -2 • Hos 139 and 141 Sonto FOURTH 5:, 6 ,- € Public Bales of Beal Estate -and Stacks, a* 8 change, every TUESDAY. ata2 o’clock, g HIHTH SPRIHG SALE, 26th Anri! <- For list of propeities to toe above three § catalogue Tuesday next i : BEAL ESTATE, STOCKS, GOLD, kc i ■ TUESDAY, 21th AprlL DW^HOBfl^tff 8 . rff, 6 ■ TRY SEATS, BUSINESS STANDR;. 47 BUILD v; ■ LOTS, kc - '■ .CARD —Our sale on Tnesday next will be T”r ;-r. V compriting some cf the meet valuable prone- volt,- dfl tola season, to be said psremptorily. by u in Orphans’ Court, executors, and others.' E a o - E - -- 8§ catalogues. Also. *5,000 American gold, steeg,, a| Sale Ho. 2C29 Fine street ELEGANT FURNITURE. MIKROKB. 0H,’’’,,.,-, - FINE CARFEDB, kcT “ 3b . OH TUESDAY MOeHING, April 35, at 10 o’clock, at 80. 2029 Pine sire” b.-, taiogue, the entire elegant drawing room, iibi-s-r d’,, tog room and chamber furniture, fine cire- . . rors. pianos, curtains, kc. Tbe cabinet fnmltnre was made to ordar i Voimer, is nearly new, and to excellent ord. - 1 May be examined on too morning of sals at S o’ c >:t SALE OF VALUABLE THBOLO Jr-’AL BJoRt Annies ,??L TUESDAY AFTBSNOOH,- fipnl 25, at the auction store, a eaUsero* rf uid mieealUiieous L jos» r the library of a clergyman. BEAT HOUSEHOLD FURpTURR, BRUaoSLS Cii . - a MORNING, Apriiai, atJBTo. 1426 North the nest household /uruitare. May be examined on morning of sale, at 3 o'c! Kt, msviiTnvHSf&J&JSl Spracd street SUPERIOR FUBBITUBB, mirror, GURTiISS. PIANO, CHINA. PLATED WARE, Ac » , .ON FRIDAY MOBNIBFG, M o’clock at No. 1827 Spruce y entire farnlinre, fine curtains, p:u:, r»v^£hmidsomemantel clock, fins plated sari Sw££«L* !aB £F , S! r *’ *nperior dining room andeasa fisriumiture, kllcben utenriis, As. Msy be examined on the morning of sale at S o 'c’ «t —..jUiSTBKGKraaAI,’sOFFICE, Ist V:rl:j:t fM at bEhkomu H ingiy of tb«m centred and la «oo#|saditioi! afej OB TWO mjsnmzj) Rosses. 9 OH! 4PmFVo% and on H oataikt aoKsife. #1 tS? M “ 11114410! ‘ ie “ i inay r i» o Bai nd femto * pmpoubo mtay rood bs.-nai ! j 1 , James a eaeis *y (j Q “i««m wm«u, a ehsiftlfit J)i?isioa Jj|B SALS OF CORBEJUSJffi Qpab' MEDIC 5 _ , ELECTRICAL OFFICES. I } W isi n wSS 1 .. 1 ’ 8 Mentis and (ha p 0 bilc tfitfcf '■>( 9» l did iSI «l£ t A L5 nd ™p“*.n»ay wliom swdi.ii) i m r ot *fect> and considered Incurable • f 1 gfe*. & D wJ glcer*. Genital ‘ iKf ISSSSu. Jffits. • . §SS& • * ? flThJn? Atne ’ Prolap=-!-. ) JcSEESU,. Inflammations, Hoc j J oongesnon, iHemorrhage, Diaberes, ££ S tre&ted at tbeir residences Tie*.' / a* 1111133 k** of testimonials may fci -?-f nSF P» M e»‘s in tbl« city, ■ Ittoßsnsfaß, Office hoars 9 h. M toSF. M . !r. } nta.*. »B TROB. alls:,. ! C apl9-3m ' Jv.c.r 1 E L J£ TROPATHI C BBTABS7SE ELBCTBIcILy^|pLIcIfIO5l 8 ‘r i *- £** r£?? 10 Tef T »tlccessftii at PEffW SQOiir ' ' Sii&WStt^J" hi* Ofice sad E >r&* le /nSnrjffifffiffift* 00®door belowSevere*-;. .^£*£ Q .® refareaee*, or any Sjftr IBfode 1 B f ode 01 Coaßaltfttioa or advice gmtnltoTn. rr:*- ! sdippog. 'philadee street* PidladeXphU, aad J*>ag Wi&rf, Bosvon ®*ttbew».wi-I -’-r* »L £* Saturday, April 23 ?-- - *• fcfilfflsffisj r JSsssgJ**«-«« •—toif fcbepremitna c’- r Freight! takes at fair rate*. of^lS^^wSebwolS. 8 ™ 48119 Bw?!rt ' ” d '* „SSiT™ lllltorl ' i * ,a *« <%ss*>fM!ne • «ntoa-;.is'ts£ = - Bua ;!* 33g Sonth OBLAWaBS »w» STEAM WEEKLY ToTi- V ft. ft' °*» Wa BHIBGTON —\‘ SATulbay’ HI. sSrth Si I ?i nCMdln,t ***** «t Jto££ from Pisr *■■ ftp'. O"”’-*!- • ft§ :: tjEasr^s.“*f«*sr£siea «K «• feK** l *- 95 00 -. to Paris- , i I sSsSSrr- ■ ft. Jofonaatton aggj. a* the Ccn-rf? 1 B lrilfl«tirmff JOfilf Q. SALS, A£§7l - c >.'v*. J>W-tmyg. in WALyPT 1 & JfcgjgCggJj THE Fjjßgy. CLASS BTSA ” J 0 <& ottTHnssW,^: - BOSKET HASH! 4 CV, ; CtattlftaA, oi '. ,Nsw express ti>"i > l i u O*«*«tow*,l>.o. ;TI.OWmB ABoferel, % I O E .—FOB »- antWW fcrtow ™ ; wK*. ™*SfwCO .I*B WHABVSf ? ' JAH|6HAHD, 117 WAt^l 9^ jfolg-flin WTAIIB& TOMCSOirS I - s*?» ■ ssi . t PHILjJKLPHa. if 1 *•*!•& «r pim-kkoof eats *w»" i PHILADELPHIaT-I fg ':■ BAHPAGB INSTirCTB- » niluuinm_ Street, abeve Market .ft ■ £ft*r thirty years’ practical exp= r -; "iu- S*,; SS 2 te ? *s* skilful adjwtment of Ms PremK. G ftsMUie Trass, Supporters, *, iS 'p HtocMngß. Bhonldar Braces, Cratches, Ac. hr\ -W‘ apertme«ts,coiidnjted by a Lady. JSi: ---' Mm tKHk_J&O PATN IN J|g> Oxide G&i admit!*- 4 £ bawltifoi of : W - TSWm IKSBSTED. s DK. <5. L. Mu*"-, safaS-SM 731 SPSDGM St:**" 1