THE DAY OF MOURNING. *THB FOPULAB OBSERVANCE OP THE OCCASION. rs-irKF I *< B 011 hespeiit throiiuho!]! *HJB VOCSIRT. BBW TORE, "Haw Yobk, A,"**' 20.—The city to-day has worn *tbe appearance m r Sabbath. Alt churches warn '■filled,mud dteoourst B appropriate to the ooaaalon ■were delivered. AftA r ehuroh hours thousands or people quietly pr omen a ded the streets viewing the ooetly drapery which profusely covers nearly every building throughout the city. Minute guns were •fifed at-ncon, and all flags ot vessels In the harbor • continue at haU-mast, Report* from all parts of the Slate, the West, ■'South, and New England, state that the same ob . eervanots-prevafled In honor ol the fundfal of our late President. AtnaNV, N. Y., April 19.—The Legislature to day adopted resolutions of respect to the memory oi Abraham Lincoln.' WJVFAIO, BtJFVAIO, N. Y., April 19.—The greatest demon ntratlon wag-made today that Was ever-known in this city. Services were held In the principal ohurehes -thls morning, and the whole city was given upto mourning. There was an Immense fu neral oortege.whldh was made up of the military, officers of the olty government,.Masons and other Bi'Oletles; followed by a magnldeent catafalque drawnhyaixwblte horses. The city was crowded ■ with jpcoplei Irom the surrounding oeuntry. ' nonievn.i.B. Loujbvh-lf, April 18.—A very large meeting ‘lens held at the Court House this morning to ex press public sentiment in regard to the assassina tion of President Lincoln, Gov. Bramlette pro dded and made an able and appropriate address: He was followed, by major O-eneral Palmer and Hon. James Guthrie, the former embodying a spirited sketch of Mr. Lincoln In his patriotic re marks, the-latter paving a deserved tribute to onr deceased Chief Magistrate, and expressing great confidenoe-ln the future of our country. v Hr. T. S. Bell,- chairman of committee, reported an elegant preamble and series ef .resolutions, ex .ptessing the profound sense of the meeting at the 'calamity which has befallen the nation In the as sassination of President Lincoln, pledging ourselves toeostaln the national authority In future efforts to ■ destroypthe rebellion, promising support to President Johnson, eopnseUng the ottltens to .rely upon the laws to redress all grievances caused by exasperating. Circumstances that may encircle them, pro •fetsihg our sympathy with the bereaved, family Of Mr. Llnooln, devotlrg the 19 h Instant to teetl , roonlala of respect for onr late Prestdeot, and In viting all the associations of the olty to join the ■military -In’ procession toqfiorrow. These resolu tion* were selemnty and unanimously adopted. IWhlle this meetlng-was programing, elgtuwn Ger man coclitlep aCTurners* Hail passed resolutions to join In the.processlon to-morrow. . t [rnovipanoH, bhodb is^htj. Pbovidkkob, K-. 1., April 19.—StMnn Services In commemoration of the' deatn of Abraham Llnooln were held m all the ohmches today. The hells were tolled.mtuote guns were fired, and a large military aid civic procession escorted the Governor to thepuWlc hall, where an rnlogy was pronoonoed, ‘The Oltf ffdraped wlthmournlng. bbw nnonawioK. ’ Sv.'JomhW. 8., April 19 The eftlxens of St. John and Tredetloxton expressed sympathy with the people PfHW United Mates by closing all public offices and pishes of business between eleven and one O'clock to-day. The bells were tolled and flags placed at half-mast. Our people have seldom been moved io’debply. - BOSTON. •Boston, April 19,—The universal expression of moarning manifested to-day Aac no paratiel in the history of Boston, Every place or business was closed, Including bar-rooms and groceries, during the entire Jay. ! TORONTO, ■{ Toronto, O.*W., April 19 —There is a general ■ obfervar ooof the day In all the principal cities and In many of the smaller villages throughout the country, In this olty business was generally sus pended, And services were held la many of the ohurehee. MONTBUAI., MoHTKKM., April 19. In accordance wlth quest Of the Mayor, busings was suspended this alterboon. At noon all stores were closed and flags pieced at halt-mast. " . A very large meeting of olttzeas was held at the Mechanics' Hall, at which the Mayor presided. Speeches were made by T. D. McGee and others, and resolutions adopted expressing sympathy f>r the people of the United States and regret for the assassination of President Lincoln. NOVA BOOTIA. Hitivcx, April W-—To-day the flags or the publla buddings, the American consulate, and most' ■ol the Bhlpplug ate at half-mast. The places of holiness ol all Americans were closed daring the -absequles, and their residences draped in moarning. bb:bopb. THE STEAMSHIP FEBSIA AT HEW YSSX. debate in pabhameni on canabian defences, the NIAGARA ABB SAOEAMBWTO. TH f PESTdLENC'E IN RUSSIA, N*w Yobk, April II —The Canard mail steamer Persia, Captain. Lott, which left Liverpool at 8 *’olook on the morning of the Slh, and Queenstown on the morning or the 9th of April,.has arrived here. Among the passengers is Mr. P. MoD. Collins, Um projector of the Eurso-Amerioaa telegraph sohomo. Mr. Oolites has sueoeeded In concluding the final convention with the Russian Government for the construction of the connecting link of the l'ne through the Amoor, and Is now on his way to Persian Amerloafor the purpose of setting on foot the commencement of operations through that country. TBH HIAGABA A*D TK» SAOnAIEBSTO. ’ AUsbon telegram of tie sth Inst. says: “The difficulty between America, cad. Portugal USB been emloably settled. The Governor of the Belem Fort has been dismissed, aiid the fort fa to salute the the mu, put- Ilahed the following aa an official account of the * B “ The two Federal steamers anchored at Belem, much below the ground they .wished to take, because the Portuguese gnardsblp prohibited their approach ing nearer fo the plaoe where -the ‘Stonewall’ lay, Kent day, when the Confederate ressel had sailed, they.welahed anchor, with the lntentlan of coming up the river, hUt aa hot notify the guardsklpof thelrinttntlQb, KfiFtMl:caused the Governor of Be- whose Orders were precise, to fire into the vessels. It Is explained that the Federal ships (teamed towards the bar In order to take, the tarn up the liver, and there Is no donut the whole diffi culty might have been obviated had they seatpro vioue notice to the Governor of Belem Towey. • “ It les&ld that at the first shot the Niagara low ered her flag half-mast, to show she accepted the In timation not to go out, and this signal appears not to have been observed at the tower, which fired six more shots at the frigate, and It Is said three bays sbuck her side. The commander of the Niagara complains that a blank cartridge was not first fired to give him timely warning.” ran oa*anfan nnwreema. H tb« House or Commons on the 7tt.lnstant, another debate toon place on the subject of the Orcadian detififlfiSi _ ... Lord Eloho moved for the correspondence with the Canadian Government relative to the proposed defences of Canada, and the share of the total eost which » to be respectively borne by- Canada and the Imperial Government. He deprecated the pro lent of erecting forilfloatlons in Canada, which only nave the effect of. Inviting the Americans to make Canada the battle-ground, whereas the real defence of Canada was to attach America elsewhere. Sir J. K Hay urged the Impolicy of tne proposed fortifications, which would ho eat off by an Invad ing force. He advocated the fortification of Hall fan, and the construction of toe Inter-colonial rail, way, by means of which a body of troops oonld be, thrown on the flank olany invading force. . Mr. Buxton had the following amendment on the paper: " That in the opinion of this House it Is the du« of her Majesty’s Government to submit to the deliberate decision of the people of Canada tte question whether they desire the Cnited Kingdom to tahe part in their defence on land-or whether they consider that her doing so greatly increases the risk of their country becoming the theatre or wari” *He could not, .'by toe'forms of the House, nut Ibis amendment, but he strongly urged upon the Government to adopt the course which he re- considered that it was neither possible nor ponuo to defend Canada. . Mr. Adderley deprecated the renewal of the dis cussion. as llhely to discourage the Canadians to undertaking their own defence. He bellered thawf the confederation scheme was carried out the British North American colonies would soon be In a posi tion to defend themselves, but In the meantime he was In favor of fortifying Quebec with the utmost possible defence. Mr. Card well opposed the motion for papers, mid Maid that, the Canadian Parliament having been (Prorogued, a deputation of five members was now «s-Its-way to England to consult with the Im perial Government on the best means or defending that country. It-was not, therefore, desirable to produce the papers, or to anticipate whet the depu tation might have tosay. He quoted extracts from the speech of Mr. Galt to show that the Canadians were Willing to join their resources with those of ttfe "mother oountry He trusted that the Cana dlans would not he discouraged by the assertions ithat it was impossible to defend their country; and \thft their energy and their loyalty, which the G* 'Vernment had Mr-years been calling out, vosld eot- be damped because honorable members had Meolared, In their wisdom, that the eountrj was la- Vdefensible. He repeated that the first defence of Canada wafl the fact that an attack upon it was a vat'With England; bat the second defence was the mergy and spirit of her own population. That htruhad been eyoked In a manner which had never efore occurred, and they wore willing not only to telend themselves,, but to render their power a luable adjunct to the foroe of the whole empire, 1 even to assist the mother oountry If she should er need it. He trusted that the House would not it the Canadian, deputation find.on theirarrival IJ^^th^^oKwKohThrd^Kya^d^ r r . r, «. Smltfe* Alderman Rose,and Sir v* bmiia., Msjor Anson asserted that there was a -J, T miifc hTwrvßimt flffldftfß WmO Bid it utterly Indefensible Ooh iiton and Col. Wetherlll, ihe two ablost eaglneer loots, had been ont there, and hadsent » secret port, which he had reason to believe had astonlsb tie Whr office. Why was notjjjmlr report laid the table. Instead of that at who is ssnt out to report on the best means of defence, id not on thedetenMMlljy of the oountry. Mr John Paklngton -Btfongly oompUlnod of the irse pursued by the Government. He believed, the Dest authority, that the real report of thilonel vo)B bad never been laid on the,table at all, out a covering letter. After trifling with the Bub for four years, the Government had now given most objectionable importance, and now au actually propoeed was to take a paltry sum or ~000. They had also most disingenuously ay fed the. House to believe that a compact had tn entered Into with the Canadian Government, 'oh It new 'turned out was not the ease. If a • should he forced on England—which God for -and Oanada remain loyal, she must bo de led at all eostsUor the British empire was ore- J nndmußt be malntalned by a strict regard to tor MM duty, and not by this newly-adopted itlce of counting the probable cost, r. O. Furtesouo declared that tho Government In possession of no Information inconsistent the report or Colonel Jarvols, and explained £&O,OW was all that they were advised, oould yfltably expended at Quebec daring the coarse believed that if proper' steps were in Canada oonld be defended, If tho people led anything like the resolution of the Oonfe det j in faofc looking at the amount expended, ithe extent'of the resources, he believed that land was quite as great a military power as irloa However, she must defend Canada if at- Ki t«£ocount, an, | the I louse ought not to Were wltt the responsibility of the executive n Baird urged the construction or gunboats i could be taken out In pieces, ana put to sr again on the lakes with the greatest de le Marquis of Hartlngton said {Jat, notwlth ling the unanimity alleged b he must regard as mere gossip, everyoffloor ilted professionally by the Government had a vety different opinion. It *'** had the whole frontier, hut with the vital of the oountry defended, it would not be Wo^rd W |?eh’o P th. b n aU t'i k «“ Gutter at all. J^ >:r r h “ l Sf® s*’ hdr ®w his motion. In tbo House of Commons oe tha t Elcho said he undetstood that a dmutlt ',u was SiGoSml > v«h“ 1 ?' iS t 0 00 “ ttllt , ' i ‘* lo ' of the , \ l reference to the defences wonW he’lXnire* ? l V ltd to bnow lf Parliament wLdS°o!!si M ,S d tofora “I Seal arrangements lf an J arrangement had been mi is f hors than JESOO.OOO at Quebec ■ “JISP fl aid the sunt guaranteed by Eng ter Quebec, and Aiooooo for 1183 received an official announce ment that four members of the Executive Council '®®aaa Were to proaeed to England to confer with her Majesty's Government on the subject of the arrangements necessary for the defaaoe or Canada, fn the event of a war with the Halted States. It was not In Ms power, nor hid ha any wish If he baa the power, to bind the country, with out the full knowledge and consent of Parliament, to any partlcnlar course. As soon as the confe rence was over he would take the earliest opportu nity of making the result of It known to Parliament. THB .. JPHX2ANS* Mr. Whiteside asked whether the Foreign Office had received despatches or any information rela tive to statements recently published in England to the effect that encouragement had been given by eminent political individuals In the United States to a confederacy of Fenians, designed to attack Ca nada, to invade Ireland, and to make war, when re quired, upon England 1 Mr. Layard said She attention of Government had been called to a meeting of Fenians, at which strong language against England had been used. Two facts only were mentioned which required the no tice of Government, namely, that Colonel’ Lemon had obtained leave of ahnnee from the Army ortho Potomac for the purpose of being present at the meeting, and that the attorney general of Louisiana presided. Her Majesty’s Government had asked for explanations on those points, and Mr. Seward's*' reply was that Colonel Leason was entitled to leave of absence, and did joot .obtain It fn*-order that he might attend the meeting j and 1 that the attorney general of Louisiana was responsible to that State; and not to the United States Government,. HR.OOBPBH’fe VHHBBAXe The funeral of the late Sir. Oobden took place on the 7th inat. At Lavlogton Church, dose to which Ms country residence was situated. A large number of members of the House of Commons and other leading men were present, and the soene In the aonntry churchyard was solemn and tonohlng. Hr. Bright, who was one oi the pall-bearers, was most deeply moved. FRANCE. The weekly ratnrna ot theß&nk of Franco exhibit a deoreate to tbs oagh on band ot one and one seventh millions francs. Tbe Corps Legislatlf was Still engaged In debating tbs Address. Apropcsed amendment In tbe various municipal administrations, moved by the Opposi tion, was rejected by SOP to 28 votes. An amend ment in reference to the abolition of capital punish ment had been rejected. . ' An amendment in favor of gratuitous and com pulsory education was under discussion. The Emperor Napoleon had decided.that about of Oobden should be placed ln.theMarselltoj Museum. At the Bourse, on the 7th Instant, Bontea olossd atoTf. soo." - ; AUSTRIA., The General Carrespmdcms or Vienna denies the rumcr that the Mfnlster'of War had Informed Mir abel Benedek of an expected revolutionary outbreak in Venetla. -> THB QUESTION OF THB DtTOHIBS. The Federal Wet at Frankfort, on the Sih tost., adopted the resclntion proposed by Saxony andißa varla that Austria and Prussia should os requested to cede Holstein to the Duke of Anguktenburg, and to oommuniette to the Diet their- mutual arrange ments In referete?a,tiQ Luxemburg. Nine votes were given in’favor of ibe’xesolutlon, Luxemburg not voting- The tegrcoontaOves or Austria and Prus sia thereupon T*«s«tpted separate declarations. The principal points, of the declaration of Austria' were, that she is prepared!© surrender to the Prtooo of Auguetehtmrg her tttle tb the possession of Hol stein, the old Press la agree to adopt a similar esntse; otherwise Austria would maintain her title to the Duchies until a solution was arrived at In bontonance with the Interests ofGermany. Prnßtla announced her willingness to come to an nnaerstandiDg on tho subject, bnt such an under standing must indispensably depend upon a previous investigation of all claims to the Bnctdes, and especially of her own. She would maintain her tight of possess ion until a solution had been arrived at in Bceordanee with herown convictions and satis factory to the otberpartles interested in the Duchies. In conclusion, the Prussian representative stated thabPniasla would at once declare herself unable te hold rut any prospect of realizing the expectation expressed in the resolution whloh had jost been adopted by the Diet. •' RUSSIA.: r • * ■ The prevailing plagne in Russia had again at tracted attention In the British Parliament, and Sir George Grey stated that Government was taking precautionary steps in the matter to cheek, If possb -ble, its letroducilontoto England. A special telegram to the London Times,.dated Berlin,April e,says;. “The plagne continues at St. Petersburg. The total number of teases Is 10,- coo, and of deaths 2 000. There are one hundred oases a day. Forty physicians atedead,” The Tsmaiioff barracks are converted Into a hospital. Precautionary measures are taken at Mos cow, where the food and lodgings of the laboring classes are Inspected by tbe police. It is not cho lera, bnt the plague, with dilated pupils, oarbunotes, and pestilential bubos. Dr. Murchison, of the London Fever Hospital, In a letter to the Timer, aays-the public nnder little apprehension as to the Importation of the Russian epidemic into England. The more formi dable of the two diseases composing It m there already. During the last three years triPtyphuJ has been prevailing among the poor of Hfmdon to an extent rarely it ever before known. INDIA. The new Indian Budget, whiek 1s received with so much disfavor in England, is the work of Sir Charles Trevelyan, and not of Mr. Massey, the new Finance Minister. The London Daiiy Nem quotes a mercantile let ter from Bombay, to the cheat that a number of the native wealthy merchants had subscribed together S 5 lacs of rupees (or £250,000), with a view to buy ing cotton In England At the existing low peteegr This statement, howerer, Is received with little credence. ■ - Lownosr Motet Mabkbt.—Consols olnsed on the "th at OOKQOOH for money. There was less bnoyanoy In the tone of the market, and a slight general deollne took placein the funds. Money was abundant. The Bank rate remained at 4 per cent- The weekly returns.of the Banker England show a decrease In the bullion of £103,6*9 sterling Baring Brothers A Go..quote bar silver 8s %i, dol lars is lijfd, eagles Tes Sard. . Ablebioaß Sbotjbitlbb.—Baring Brothers A 00. say: Upon the arrival of the last telegraphic news, the prloe ef 5.20 bonds wa* for a moment pushed up to S9©6o, but It has now settled down to 67J£0S*. Other stocks remain quiet, and prices Chiefly nomi nal. Erie shares, 33x@3*« Illinois Central, SOX fffiglltf*. - ■ LATEST VIA GREENCASTLE, THB PLACTTB ITT XTFB&IA., April 6 --The plague continues at St. Petersburg. The total number of ease* thus far 1« ten thousand, and the deaths two thousand. The oases average one hundred a day. Forty , physi cians are dead. The Imperial officers’ barracks have been converted Into a hospital. Precautionary measures are being taken at Moscow, where the food and lodgings of the laboring classes are being Inspected by the police. The disease Is not cholera, bnt the plague. It may be Shewn by dilated-pupils of the eye, carbuncles, and pestUcutial babes, Lokiiok, April 7; A. M.—The Times’,City Article Says: There was an average discount demand at the Bank yesterday., On the stpoS exchange loans on consols till the Bthof May ware offered-at be tween 2% and * per cent. The English lands continue la the course of re covery, bat In most of the other departments of bu siness, in both stock exchange and elsewhere, there Is an Increased depression, ■ A Lisbon telegiam conftrms the settlement of the. difficulty between the American minister and the Portuguese Government In regard to the firleg Into the united States steamers Niagara and Sacra mento. The governor of Fort Belem haa bean dis missed, and the American flag has received a salute of twenty-one guns. _ . . In the House of Commons Lord Eloho has moved for the correspondence relative to the Canadian de fences, and the whole subject, after being airaln de bated pro and con, was, on motion, Anally with drawn Lohdow Mowit Mabkbt.— The English rands were buoyant and still advancing. The discount market was quiet and unchanged. Satterthwaite’s circular, of the evening ef the stk Scats. Bays; -“There la a very large and active business for American securities. Five-twenties Improved to Bsm, bnt at the close stood at 88, Thera Is a steady disposition to take Illinois shares, which remain very firm at 61%. Brie shares are flatter, the de cline on the week being two dollars. There are, however, large purchases being made in them far English account. Buyers are freely supplied by importers. There la also an active Inquiry for Atlantic and Great Western bonds,” FRANCE. It Is stated that Count WalewskPs life had heea In real danger, andAt last accounts he eonttnuad seriously Indisposed. ...... The Corps Leglsjaiifaoii tinned to dehate the ad dress, and all the paragraphs up to number eight had been agreed to, all the amendments haying IW6B voted down. A high tribute to the memory of the late Richard - Cobden had been paid by several speakers in the Legislative Assembly. . __ . The Emperorafapoleon had decided that a mar ble bust of Mr. Cobden should be placed in the museum at Marsfflies. ' , . The Paris Bourse closed steady on the 6th Inst., at 67f. 600. for the rentes. - BELGIUM. „ In the Chamber of Representative s a motion that the Chamber should express regret that the Govern ment had not absolutely refrained from .taking part in the Mexican expedition was lost, by a vote of 55 to 51. The Chamber maintains its vote of the 2d of September last. SPAIN. The Minister of War lias Introduced a bill flxlof the number of troops la the arm? at one hundrei thousand men. ■ PEUSSia.. In the Oh amber of Depntlesllhe Minister or War hS-i Introduced a bill providing for extraordinary grants for the navy. The bill demands nineteen millions of thalers for the next six years, for oon. strnctlng harbors and building war vessels. The minister declared that Prussia had resolved to keep possession of Kiel and its fcrti&oationa. as well as the mouth of the river Jahde, and that the don struction ol irOn-clads would require the Bum de manded. RUSSIA. The British Government haying telegraphed to Its tffiolals to Russia for information relative to the epidemlo in that country, the Ambassador at St." Petersburg, fa a telegram dated the sth Inst., says : "The fever is contagions, and in England is oall ed the relapsing or famine fever; also the remittent or billons typhoid fever. It was unknown In Russia until eight months ago.” . . .. , The cffiol&l Petersburg Journal asserts that the fever had slightly diminished. ■ _, . Lord Napier reports from Berlin, on the Bth tost.; that an unknown disorder had appeared along the "valley of the Vistula,-but the Prussian Govern* jnent were not aware that it oame frbm St. Peters burg. The London Times suggests that competent medi cal officers be sent lrom England to study the disease, A Paris letter says that several medical stu dents who went from France to investigate the epi demic had fallen victims to It. . , • INDIA AND CHINA. The Bombay mail of March 13th Is received. Affairs in Onbal look serious. The Calcutta mar kets were dull, and exchange 2Xd. Calcutta, April 3.—Shirtings are quoted at T. Bombay, April l,—Exchange, 2%d. Freights te Bombay, April 4.—Sales of imports impossible. Sbakohab, February 83—-Tea declining. Silk acttvo and advancing. Exchange, 4&d. Freights declining. The Mahometan rebels havegalned some material success. The. Chinese garrison at Hung-How had mutinied. . • Oaktoh, March 1 —Cotton goods are unchanged. Tea steady. Exchange, 4» 6Jfd. AUSTRALIA. ECblboubs** Febittary .28.—Ph© Panama mall ooDtract has been signed. - War. b aa recommenced Id New. Zealand) and Inf TJ T iti*h troops had suffer!® considerableloss.■ ■ Tfc© (Jblnese gani£on*»t Hung-Kow had broken Howlttfan Englishman, had baas seized by the rebels and assassinated. Shipping Intelligence. Anlied from New TWk-Kye;JUt, AHantt,. ta tte Clydes Moro Castle, APrti24,Junior, a Aimed r i*om E«T Jgggajtta^rt Bremer Bna; 2d. B S KimoeU. At Ham ban; otn, ®s“fe'r?« 2d, Doctor Bartk, from Sailedfor-lcston—April 4th» Avon* „Lttbrpool. April 7 —Arrived rtop Jew_xogc. uojm Star, lrt», nine* o*car, Lord 3* ft* « ?.??;!* ftsd Calcutta at Bex#cos Avtea i Kenneth, Bed Gauntlet, Guppe, aod Bagiet a* Janeiro* Brilliant and Grace, at Pernambuco i Orda, Msnbeim, and Em* It. akßaßaeaeaii burn; Liberty. at ¥ln*fctag; Hudson*^Did* William Tarseotfc. at Liverpool. ■ ■ , arrived from Boston. G 8 StefcaofiU at Bio Grande, arrived from Philadelphia* John Mathews, at rer- ship Mountain Wave, from Biw- ion tor Oslcatia, Aard Geitrrde, from Etrtfrpodrl fo* W*** Fj Bcrlteo, bar* teen eondanaerf Mwi tola a* Bi ? JoDelrOb-- . •3 *b!p J. A Baker, from GsiUo tfVtoh d Pantambaeo on U» 24‘k «f so% eff wiih littie d&tntfte, and proc-oded tf.iy. Tbe thJp Trnmbtill ii reporjtd batns 31 Commercial r . liiTEßroop, April 6. —Cotton. —Tb© sale# of'Cotton’ In kbe iatverpoo) market for the week foot ap4Z.99 balks; at a decline of oa American and other deacrip* tiovß, The saltß to »pecn)ator» \r®re4,7so bait's, afad ti> exporters 6,000 halo*. Tho following ar* the quotaSjanat Mlddlioc. FAt*', *♦.., **.«*~*....... we .M* d 16«4’ Mobil© eee.UXd l&fel*., *^..^.,.^.,4—.14>4d 16a The stock in port is 6C6.COD hales of whle&6l,oCoar« Am^rlcßn. Liverpool April 7 —The sales to*day foot ap-4.039 haW t ihe market closing oaebangod. Breadatoffa dnll 5 Com easier. 'Pro-vision# doll; Tallow still declining . Lompob. April 7- lor money De creaae'of btiHion In the Brnk of Ragland £lO4 000. AMBBICABi SECURITIES.—IIIinois Osntral shares Erie shares «S@34. Fire-twenties. 6? LATEST OO®aiEROIAU LIYEitPoOL, April fi —Oottoa Sales to*day, 6,000 hales, of which speculators and exporters took 2.000 bales. Tbe market closed finer/ at unchanged quota tions. BreadfitoffsdnH Provisions flat. CritßoW for money, 90&@90»* CentrU shares discount; Brie 33^; United States fire* twenties - bßirPlPfi ISTEIXIQFtrfiE - Arrived from New Tork. Stella, *t the Die of Wilht; htlantlo and Ade laide, at Bremen; CefeWitiene, .at. Havre. Arrived from Haitiirbra. Joh»u Welhelmins, at Bramon. Ar rived from Bermuda. iteaaerTallahasoyAat Uvespool. Latest bt telegraph. Livbbfooi, April S-—The Evening' Time* has another editorial throwing cola water on- the Oana fljan defences. The Army and Ifafijf-'Gaxeffe'sappurts theproiect. ... The Daily Ifewa, alluding to the refbrenoe In the House ot Gommona iast night to the Fenians, ridi cules the idea ef Amerioa ever going to war to please » body of men of foreign origln.»na Ideas. Offloial French despatches from St. Petersburg represent the sanitary state of that city as d'epdo rSLi* noN, April T'.—The Minister of Pnblia; 'Works has resigned. BICHHOSB. OBrr, DTTVIKB nr OOMMAWD OF THB TftOOFb; WASHtBOTOH, April IS.'—Brigadier Goa. Dsvihs has been placed in command of all the’ United 1 States forces in and about Biohmond, ■ MOBILE. THB PHOWABLE OATOB OF THB EyAOHATfOHf Nbw Yobh, April 19.—The steamer Oontiaental, from Now Orleans on tho lsth lost., has arHvad here. It was rnmored that General Wilson’s army was within five miles of Mobile on the 10th, which 1 was the probable cause of its evaenatloh by the rebels.' HF-yillfHT. MiniTABV APPOINTKUNTS, XiOiusvittß, April 18:—Ool. Daniel J, Dill,’ of the 80th Wisconsin Infantry, has been relieved as post commander, and assigned as Provost Marshal Gene-* rai of the Department of Kentucky. Brigadier Gen. L. D, Watkins has been assigned as post com mander. ' Tbe Say tss Baltimore. Bautimobb, April 19.—The city presents a mourn ful appearance. There is an entire suspension of business. The buildings are draped with black, bolls are tolling, and' minute guns firing. The ohurches generally are open. : Bootta, ike dsassxln, roported in Penn sylvmila, - Bsitwo, Pa., April 19—9 o’clock P. M.—Raoth, the murderer of the President, It is supposed was on the passenger train that left here at s o’clock for PottSTillo. A gentleman noticed him on tho traln before it reached here, Bpoke to him, and ‘shook hands with him. Dnrlng their conversation Bdoth colored up several tltcea and appeared annoyed, and desbons of avoiding observation. The gentle, mas is positive that It Is Booth, he having known him for several years. Why he did not give the aland at once, or before the train left here, I do not know, but justas the train left he notified several of the officers of the road. An extra train was Imme diately sent in pursuit of the train. Telegrams were sent to all points upon the line of the road, The result Is unknown as yet, BBOAFB OF THB BUFFOBKD 'ASBASSIW' AT FOBT OLINTOXf. Rbadibo, April 19-U P. M.—The extra train did not overtake the regular train, but arrived at FottsvlUe after It. The 'oondnetor informed the party that the inspected man-had got off at Port Clinton, and the train retarned to that plaoe, where It was discovered that the supposed fugitive had de parted, bnt which way or how no one appeared to xnow. __ _• Portrait of A brnliam hineoln.' - A steel engraving of onrlate President may be procured at J. P. Skelly’s, 908 A.roh street, who is the only agent for Its sale In Philadelphia, At the present inohrnfnl period sneha memorial will he invaluable to the patriotic feelings of all who cherish the memory 1 of one who died close upon the very hour which the Almighty had so specially blessed to him by the surrender or tho greatestarmy of the Rebellion. We reoommend all who do.not already possess a portrait of the late Abraham Lincoln to purchase this one. . Extbbbivb Pobitxtb Salts of 800 Paokaobs akd Lots of Bbxtibh, Fbbhoh, Gbbkaw, awd . Ambbioak Dbv Goodb, &0., This Day.— The early particular attention of dealers Is requested to the valuable and desirable assortment of British, Ger man, French, and American dry goods, embracing about 800 pkgs. and lots of staple and fanoy articles, In linens, cotton e. woolens, worsteds, and silks, In, eluding a large invoice of housekeeping linen goods, twenty oases of Spanish, linens, drills, ducks, ko. clothe, dress goods, targe lines -of silks of magnifi cent qualities, for heat city trade; hosiery and gloves, Russia and fancy twine, Jonvin’s Paris kid gloves, and domestics to large variety, to be per emptorily sold, by catalogue, on four months’ eiedlt, and part lor cash, at ten o’olook, to be oontinued ail day, without intermission, by John B. Myers & Go., auctioneers, Nog. 232 and 234 Market street. ' Auction Notice.—S alb opßoots awd Shobs.—’ Theoarly attention or buyers Is called to Hie large and attractive sale of 1,600 eases prime boots, shoes, brcgans, balmorals, Congress' gaiters, slippers, A e., to be sold: for cash, this (Thursday) morning, commencing at xo o'clock precisely, by P. Ford & Co., auctioneers, at their store, Nos. 625 Market street and 522 Commerce street. . ; CIIY ITEMS. Tut, BBST FITTING SHIBT OP THE AGE U "The Improved Pattern Shirt,” made by John O. Ant son, at the old stand, Nos. 1 and 8 North Sixth street. Work done by hand, to the best manner, and warranted to give satisfaction. Jttls stock cl Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods cannot be surpassed. Prices moderate. Tub "PnizE-MEDAt” Shibts Invented by Mr, John F. Taggart, and for sale at the popular Gem tlemen’s Furnishing Establishment of Mr. George Grant, No. 610 Chestnut street, are the best-made and the best-fittto* Shirts to the world. The very choicest goods in this department are always for sale at Mr. Grant's counters. The New Styles o» Seeing Bonnets and Hats, for Ladies and Misseß, now open at Wood A Cary’s, No. 726 Chestnut street, are the ne plus ultra of good taste, and the ladles say go. Exyt.—A little girl was asKedwhy site no longer liked her doll. The answer was," Because It vexes me to see her better dressed than myself.” If this Uttie girl was a boy, and he-wonld retato this envi ous disposition when he would grow up, ho would be to a constant condition of unhapptoesß unless he procured his wearing apparel at the Brown Stone Clothing Hail of BookhlH & Wilson, Nos. SOS and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Eye, Eab, and oataeeh, successfully treated by-J. Isaacs, M. I)., Oculist and Aurist, 511 Pine st, Artificial eyes Inserted. No charge for examination. SPECIAI. NOTICES. Grand Combination I Good Hews fob TRB PEOPLE! .. Brand Combination! Good News (or the People! Brand Combination! Good News for the People 1 Grand Combination! Good News for the People! ImiBKSH EiSirarrax nr Faioxst Imuzkhb BBDwnOK nr Paioasl Iniibssb Behcotiok m PisiosSt Psbky A 00. , No. 303 Chmtbpt Stjiw. PaaxY A Co., No. GOO CHnerirmt Siaesr. Psaav A Co.. S. B. oobhs* Ssvbsth A»n Mabkbt Sm, 7« meet the popular demand for lower prleee, Messrs. Perry A Co., Clothiers, have determined to throw open to the pnblle. for a limited period, their Immense stoek of fine Clothing, contained in their throe stores, vis: No. 9 8 Chestnut street, above Third. No. «.» Chestnut street, (GBANTILLB STOKES’ old stand.! * Southeast corner Seventh and Markat sta-, (JONES’,) and to offer their entire Btoeh of Clothin* at prices fully vom.txm, ‘ -»r«0Bxr. SOrwoBXT. 30 pa a ob*t. » PER OHKT. S9FBBOBKT. Lowan thAX any othbk Housb. liOWIE THAB AHY OTBBB Hdusn. Lowbb teas a*y ot*eb Horns. \ Oar stock eoMi»U of Spring Goods* i»iuitif«iaredfor somob* Sttd tbe balance of Wistoi OlothlDi remaining on band, eJI of whic*Js *ofcupintbeyery beat manner expressly for retail sales* and will be sold it prices that will make It to tfce Utoteatof 0m pablU to buy~_ SOPBtowra. »pm. cast. 20 PER CPPT. JpPSBOBKT.. SQ PER CESP. 20 PBR O*HT. Imm TRAP APT OTBB* HOPS*. LOWP* THAW APT OTHSB HpittP. Jb>wer trap apt other Hotop. Perry St Co., No. 90ft Chestmut street, *lm»to Third. No. 609 Chestnut street (QBAHVILIB BTOEBB’ 014 Btasd.)' Southeast eorner Serenth and Market sts.. (JONSSM ap!7-« Joins’. THB LOWBBI SBLLIBG PKIOI la marked In Isures on each article. ABB SXVBK TABOO). A* JOBSS’ Oreseent One-priee OiOTHIBG HOUB*. HABKIST BTBHJT. above Sixth, 80. 60*. m* mm MduMd to ral* *•**•*. A flm« iiiortaißt of BBABT4USI OIiOTHUQ. ratubU f«T »U seasons* •oaeton.tly on Gastos»'Wox]L sn&dft to ozd»T %i »fcoil aotiV •» „ Mbs. Pabtinotos Insulted. —Thb White SenaUiss of Bow Hampshire are evidently a mat Institution—very Malt, heavy frosts, beautiful flew, four-dollar dinners. But the practical we of a certain renowned Drake eaw those smooth-faced roc Eta, and thereupon adorned and variegated tbebrldle-p&th *o the 1 ip. top Honee with hie familiar 8- % ■ USO -S. PLABTATIOH BITTBBB. This raised tha ire of the Bre. Psrtlngtons composing the Legislature of the Gra nite state, who got their wlee heads together, ontlawed Dr Diake. and made it a penal offence to ply the artlfitfc brush on thdr beloved hills. Terlly. the line arte are at a discount in Sew Hampshire. Qnerv—Did Drake pap them for this splendid advertisement? 14-8 t Colgate's Hottest Boap. " This celebrated TOILKT SOAP, In roehnnlyaiaalde mand. Is made from the CHOHSBBT materials, la SSILS and KMOLLIBBTin Its nature. FBAGBABTLY SOBS*. ED, and SXTBBHBLY BBBBPIOIAL In Its aettonupoa the Skin. Tor gala hr all Draggtats and Tanty Goodi dealer*. * .fMMnthalp PItESS.-PIHT.AimPHTA. THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1886: THE tJ HPRSCKBRNTEIU BUOiaiiS&l SStlUrt WWIMG lOff aUTTOH-HOtlff AST HOOK. TtH Stitching Wameaei to be Sv&stor in any Material, amt Mitch Mart TraftKel SAhESMdUB. ' 900 WASHIMGTOB SStoat.Boitoa. M 7 BROADWAY, Saar To#. AMOS Jj. WOOD, . . . , xmw*- mMNaaitei ■ . Itch, (Wheaton’s) Itch. BALTHHBUK. (OIHTHBST) |BAtT HHSOTL Will cure thflrltcb to 48 hoars. Also carer Salt Bh«att Olsen, G&llfflslaff, and all firaptioni CABINET FOETUS. slantly ineroasiug. - FORTM y ”**JL i> l l:r c^ r TOP. n gRSAim tWk. B,TKftH “* gAN^ ■ ' ' .-illT'lii CLOTHING BY THIf-MniE. Thn immense stock of BEADY-MADE CDOTHIHQ bow displayed at OAK HALE POPUIiAB GEOTffISG HOjrfß. II glued in one oontihnoua Dae, would rash Alliance toward This loarsir com ofCloth- lag is naming off at MABVEr,T,OT(PLY BOW BBIOBS cplttf ( XAOTOBA—TATI.OB.—At ? Cedsrsroft, mH»a» sf 'Bayard Taylor, Chester ceantv, Fa., oa Thursday, > ArrilJ3th, by tbe Bey JXr Faraeea, of'Palladelphia, [Cfearlee B lumber a, late Lientanant Colonel of the , AartPTßoa Gavaiiy. 10 lmia», daughter of Joseph Tay- E 0 *BSHALL - On fcheßth last, at the Ifeeldenee of the bridge father, by theliev J. H. O**; :tle. Mr. & C Holcombe to HlssMary S. Marshall, all ■ot West Philadelphia. ** . MITFLISf —At Bristol. 4th mo. 18th, Ciemcatios j daughter of the late Warner Mli&Lu, of Camden, Dbia !Tfy© f. Sends and relatives of the family are regpeetftii* ,ly invited to attend the fanenl, fioouthe resideiiw of *he»brother-in*law, Joshua lfewbold, on Beteathday, :(Bff22d, at 9 o’elocfc. Funeral to proceed fcojsy- the 19th lust,, Chester mat**- 'son of John &. and Hannah Richardson, aged 13 months. ■ln. late of this city, ** DLAOK BYZANTINES—BLACK: BV ‘A ZANTIHBS, Florentines, Barege Hernatds. Orage Marets and Bareges. S-4 and 9 4 wide BSSSOS A SOS, Mimmtng etore. fllß QBEBTHOT Street. apS tf MOURNING FOULARDS.—B LACK LrA and White, Black and Purple. And Plain Black Foulard Silks, just reertyrd - by BBSBON A SON. Booming Store. No. 948 CBBSTNuT Street apß tf JJJJD, WHITE, A.ND BLUE, FOB Bed, 'Wilts, and 81ns SlUca. Bed, Wilts, and Bins Delaine. Bed. White, seo Bins Merino. Xsd, White, and Bins Flannel. ' JtTBB & BhBBBLt. BOtfBTH and ARCH Hieet*. mrs H~ HOSOB TO THK MESIOBT OF •a? ABBAHaM LUSCOLB, lata President onkc tJuitud Status ■ ■ ' ’ „ The CcßDilitea Appointed By Meet and Comntoa Council* of the City or Philadelphia aaaouuce to their felfuw citizens that suitable errsnjemeats are beloi zssde to pay proper respect to toe remains of the late dietittnlßiied Bead of the Hation, on their passage ,h Tl)« g day 6 find 7 ’bottr ofc tie solemnities wilt ba An nounced hereafter. • _ _ • _ The military escort will be under the command of Major General George C&dwalader, to whom mUitair bodies from nefahboring eount «* or Stakes will report. Colonel £. C. RUmafcet has beeu.s««tf4ntoa Chief Marshal of the «lri« procession,/.witfc*««orHy to a» po’nt the requisite number of and **4he -Committee cordially inyito all cllj&ees and all organized bodies to unite in the propotod; itoru and to notify the chairman of'th&eomzaittiM. at the Select Council chamber, of their ifctoßtioa to par ticipate. la order that proper places mar be j»ss*f tt«d programme will be published as &oou as it in definitely ascertained at what time the remain* will “ m ?‘ PBEDEBICR A VAHOBETK Ohaiimaa. jobhga sßEslsq. . JOEEPS F MABCBIt, . - ' THOMAS A BABLOW, SAMUBI»« WIII.IR GEORGE W HiCKShS, Ah EX J HARFBB, JAHBSA FBBEMaHV • . JAMBS ABMSTBONG, ?TOEfhBY, Pfea'dsnt of Oom- IJ JAMES £yHD, President Cf Select Council. pg- THIBTF.ESIH WAKD. The citizen* of theTHJKTRRBTrt WIS» mn qceeted to meet lit the BH'ON HRAOUB BOOMS, zt th« cornerof t'BASKhJS and BUTTOSWOOO Street, on BAIORDcI aMBRKOOW, »t 2 o’clock, to conform to any atramremenie that may be made by the Go® ml tie of Connells for >he reception of ths remains of oar la-_ men ted late Chief Ms.slttrate, and kopay such jnsttrl bote to the memory of the departed Saro-rtateunaa as the occasion demands. • „„ By order of a Committee of Citizen.. . . ap2Q-3t* •2gr> sotjce-thb orrwßßs who US? hays bean honorably dlsohansd from the wr vice of theßaited States are reanesfod to meet THIS BVJSSIFa (Thursday, 20th Inst ), at 8 o’clock P. * . at Bo dJJ-'WM.iroT Street, third floor, oyer the office of fievitt&Co , to take such action as may,badeomed pro per, and to make arranioxoentt for tafclni part In the ceremonies attendant upon the funeral obloquies of oar late Commander In- Chief, the lamented ABRAHAM LIBOOLH. ; ’lt UMTJSD STATES HUNT, la? PHitiDKj.rku, April 17,1855. At a meetlnc of the employees of the united States Hint, Bon. dames Pollock was called to the chair, and William 1. Bnbols was appointed Seoretary. . The Director addressed the meeting with a feeling and force eminently suited to the oecasi in. Wstean offer no sketch, but will only sayStha; he dwelt upon, fhelancnage of the forty sixth Psalm, andespiptaliy the words • ‘ Be still, and know that 1 am Bod. Be spoke of our severe affliction In the midst of buoyant joy at the prospect of returning peace and ranewel prosperity He paid a glowing tribute to the character of the late President, (speaking In part from hie own Strsonal ncQuaintarce) *nd expressed e fall belief that, Is successor, President Johnson, would prove himself canal to the position In which he was how pieced* and would justify the expectations of the canntry- A committee wae then appointed to prepare reaolu- were offered by Mr. Booth* the chair man of- the committee, and unanimously adopted: 1 At a moment when Abraham Lincoln, the honored head of this nation* was witnessing the suoesstfol Issue of Mb anxious toil of four years in breaking down the [Wsteal, most causeless ana wicked robeiUon reoordsd n history; at a moment when the magnanimity of Ms ssitnee to rebels has just begun to call forth their ap* lauding supplies; at a moment when the nation’s heaitwas throbbing joyously with the prospect of poses and united happiness—at snehs moment it seems almost beyond belief that the hand of au aspassin should snatch *r©in life our beloved Chief, overwhelming the nation with lamentation and menrning At such a time it may well become us, with sueh calmness as weean control, to express a few of bur ssnttmwita; therefore, we re L That, in the fact of the assassination of our head by the baud of man. we bow humbly and aubmiisiYely to the will of God, believing that, however we now de* plore it as a most grievous affliction, tbe mar;yr s death this therefore it is incumbent on the nation to ferret out and athom to their depths all the sources of oar bereavement, and wUhont reprd. to extent or numbers, to mete out the .fullest justice. But while thus eearching out the utmoit.extent of guilt, let us ea deavor to restrain our natural feelings, or vaneeauca, set innocence should be involved in .unmerited pauish rnent; let us show to the nationsan •**£*&*/-*s}!® nstice, in view of an event calculated to incite to vio S-That If any incentive were wauling to urge ns on ward to complete the overthrow of the rebellion, this act would determine us more «v«r *o exert all the energy and use every honorAb e means which God has put in out power to crajih oat every vestige of rebellion, and to secure thcse.BnUad States to the possession of our people under one amoral go* 7e i D §Soived J That we will wear a simple .badge of mourning ior ninety days as an outward symbol of the heartfelt regard we cherish for the memory of Abraham Lincoln* as expressive of our abborreaoe of the sstauio aeigthat deprived him of life, and of those who com mitted it or wereacetssory to H, aadassigniJUstiveof our determination to counteract every tracs of rebel lion.. .. • •: • 1 1L CSST OUR NAME IS OUR MOXIO.-A jag, special meeting of the GOOO WILL STBAB4- FIBS-EL GIBE COMPANY was convened, on the after noon of the 17th tost. , to take action iu relation to the dSithofABRAHAM Liacots. Ist. President of tlie United State*. On motion, * eotmnlftee ot tkroe-ejn sleting ofWUllnm McOloy, John Taggart, and B. K . Gallagher— * a* appointed to prepare soluble roeoln tlons. The ‘Committee, after a brief absence, submitted the following, which were unanimously adopted: Whereas,' Our late, revered Chief Magistrate, ABRA- ■ HAM LIHCOBB, has-been stricken down by the hand , 01 as assassin,ner>ad t« she deed by that saint of crust revenge born of the* system of human slavery which * had already lighted th* torch of civil war iu our midst and carried mourning and death to the firesMsof thou* sar-ds of our people; and Whereas* It is proper that the members of the Good Will Engine Company.-in common with, their loyal fellow citizens everywhere, should give fitting expres-i lion to their* deep and heartfelt regret which this sadi eventoccislons; therefore be it , ' ~ Resolved, That wearsome down with unutterable grief at the loss orourigood and wise ruler, wkoaa pa triotism, gentleness and devotion to *iu’y were so con eplcuously manifested, under all clreumstacoas, as to enshrine him ftfreinost among living men iu the hearts o! Ms.countrymen _ . ifcsoiPedivTbat though called from among us era he had witnessed the full consummation of hlsnones and labors,*yevwe rrjolcd to k now that kew&s pormlttad . toreethe dawn of »a»v«-raof aod dnlonfor Ms country after a long niilit of darkness* oppression, and ginoiii. ~ ~ Mtsolved, That we will cherish his memory with grateful and lasting rnmembraned, haying always re» gatdedhim as the father of the ceople and the true repretentaiive of all mat was noble and manly in the American character. ' . , „ „ Refolded, That the hall and apparatus of the Com pany be placed in mourning for the space of thirty day s, anti that the proceedings of this meeting bepauhshad' in the Ledger, Press, and TrtQutver. _ LEWIS S. HEINS, President Tsoicas BsEsnET, Secretory. It* K®*’ A SPECIAL MEETING Of THE, l2Sf ONKED STATES FIBS COMPABY wUI be held at their B&U, on F&IPAY BVBNifIG, April 21st, at 8 o’clock. By order of thej*resident_ It* JOHN CPETIS. Secretary. rcr OFFICE OP THE CITY BOUNTY FBNO COEkIMION. OOMSIGfiWEALTH BUILPIMG, 613 OHBTEf CT BTRBBT. pnn.ADELPfIiA, April 20, 1865. Notice Is hereby glveiju_that allciaints for City Scanty »nd all bills against the Fund mustatonos be died at this ifflce.; . - By order of the ComtMßdon „ ap£o-6t BICBABDR WINSHIP, Secretary, ££&» FERNETLVARIA SEAMEN’S fex? FEIEHO SOOIETt;-The ANNUAL MBgr -IBG of thra SOCIETF' will be held at tbs BTBLS BOOMS- WALNUT and SEVENTH Streets. TO-IfOB BOW (Friday) AFTESfifOON, at half-past four o’clock, at which meeting the annual report will bs read and eers elected for the ejsnio g year. „ it* JOHN M HaBPEB, Seoretary. A TOM® FROM TFR OCR AS. KK 1 Tfee First *naiv6r*&?y of the Dsdlcatioa of the BURlßfcß’B BAPTIST BfiTdtßL, FR’*»HT Street, be* low ChrUti&o, Will be beid on TBTTBSDAV.iQtb April, 1865 Atfdrtsset will be delWewd by Q. }>t Boardmun, F. S. Benson.A, Efc £«»g, and H, -ftbusb. iU»9 most cordlall r - a*. . , jqsbph psaax. pastor. ÜBIOW IfVTtOt-iIPbS COv» Jsr.uH'. wanajiak:o» * BEOVN’S S. E. cor. SIXTH* audMABKBF Sts., MA.BRIED. 331813. rS'i.Aj'A bkguias mketiso of •=» THB PBOPtB-fl STO3K EXCHANGE, Held at their.ooni. Bo SOS CHESTBUT Street, on thic 18th Sc* of April,-IMS, i tras on motion Been pea, Tl iat we srupend basin?ss itotil ftfiidsr rent, 24th Inst-', ei a mark of respect and f«>r tne lat» President of ib* Doited Spates Jtceolvtd, That we deplore tbe er*nfc that has re sected bijaj'roiß oe, and from the head of this nation* ns a calamity as great in its c*ns* ■ James r gaskiiss,- W. R- WHITS. > JOSSPH C. BHDBTBR, J. MAKS3ZXE J 0583, It / Committee 1 taETIHO or THE 3BBSl **** VtSTVbr CaESTBtJT SILT* andite vlcinltr, will be heft fin-FRIDAY SVESTNO. 21. t Uutl. at » o clock P. M., In the BBPOT HALIi, for the purpose of Kkptwtlaf (BUr ieatimentetn reference to the recent terrible calanrfly -w hlch he* Befallen the Americas people. asar* THS CWrBOM.IIB9 '■w or PVBLW SCHOOLS, First VUtaiat «t P*nn *jsv**fa. , V -FHILA&KLPfctA, April 17, ISBS. meeting of the Ckra troll *ie of PubiieS«b.oolU, First District of Ptnnaylvantby held at the Controllers' Cbaoi bar* on M April* 17th, 18®5» the foUovriag Fre amnio ana Beiomtious wore adopted : Wr,erms, Br an inscrutable diepecsatloirof the Stt preme Governoro? the Culver*#, ABSAHA4I jSfNOOLST, the FreitUe&t of the Unite 1 States, has bun removed from our midst, and the hearts of a loyal people are * yprun* with anguish at this sadden bereavement; 'Ana whereas, The noble character of the'departed* the many virtues of hie private and public life, the dU tinffnished devotion manifested'by him in all hiradts *to the oenae of human freedom and equal rights fcuall mashind, and the sincere and soul conseeratfon. or himself to the task of the preservation of oar „ glonons union, and »il Its blessincs to ns and posteritsv k do vf#ll deserve the heartfelt acknowledgement of » * grateful people; therefore, be it Resolved. That in the death of the sixteenth Presides*; of the United States, the nation has : sustained an affliction which we deeply mourn and fla» ' pJore. Resolved, That to Abraham Lincoln, under the bless ing of God* the nation owes its preservation In a period of awful peril, and we will ever associate with bis me mory a recollection ofthe deep debt of gratitude which, we owe him. - Resolved* That we will ever h*ld in grateful venera tion hie unblemished character as aj&an, a patriot, and astateinisn. . Eaiolwd, That we extend to the widow and family of our lsmented President the aesurauoe not only of our heartfelt eimpathy, hot alto of that of th*/ourteen hundred leaoi era and more than seventy-five thousand echclareunder onreare. . .... Resolved, That this Chamber shall hadraptd' In mourning lor six token of oar grief aid ear -nation's toe*?- , . ... , ... Xfsolved, That, as a mat and fitting tiibnto to thaf memory of the mas whom we delight to hoaor. and whose bright example we would desire the youth wi der onr care to emulate, the Public Schools of this Dis trict be closed daring the present week. . ■ . Resolved, Tbatitberseommesded to eaeh Section to bold such appropriate exercises on MOJUtaT AFTKK* -SOON. April 24vb, as will'further testify the grief'of all connected with our Public School* on the occasion of“ti)s areas Sat local Calamity* and that each Section be requested to forward an attested record of its pro. ceedisge to this Board, to be put together and forwarded to the family of our late President with the resolution* of tbis meeting. From the minutes. w * _ « aplS St BBSBY V. HALL! WELL* Secretary. K3S* offices of mb boars of §S£? HEALTH, S W Corner Sixth and Sanaom tiireets, Phclapelphia. April 18,1855, At a meeting of the Board of Health, held this day, the following were •unanimously wit: Whereas. ThU Board have neaxd with profound sor row ofthe ae«a»tiratipn of our worthy and beloved Chief Magtatrate, ABK&Hih ItlHGOIilT; and whereas, we desire, a« it becomes us; in common, with (OurtfeUoW-citizens, to give public expression to our feelings on an occasion when, In the midst of joy a* a loyal people at the downfall of awicked »b*lUoK»'*ad the prospect of s speedy peace, the whole nation finds itself plunged in unalterable gloom and sadness; there tOT£eeoli)ed> That in the sudden and tragical death of ABEAHAX LI9GOLH we mourn the loss of. a virtaoue oScer, a pure patriot, an honest man, and a martyr to hh country** cause. . . , . • Resolved, ns a mark of onr sintere grief for thebe reavement the nation ha* sustained, that tM* Hall i be c raped in mourning for ninety days, and that on ! the day of the funeral ofthe late President of the United, i States this office be closed ~ _ . , Resolved, That these proceedings be published in ! >t apl«Bt yPaPaI yASHiaOTOH L. BLADES. Clerk. : ’ THB HEW YORK AND IeIYEBPOOIi -~ PETROLEUM COMPANY. OBGAMIESD UNDE* THB " W :' KOKHS AMD - MANUFACTURING LAWS OF'THE BTATB 01 HEW YORK. nfeFTTAT,, ONE MILLION DOLLARS, OHM HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES, $lO PER SHARE. BHBSOBIPTIOM PRICE, $5 PER SHARE. NOT LIABLE TO FURTHER ASSESSMENT. OFFICES: .... Hoi a* EMPIRE JDItWIfi, *O, TfBBOABWAT, NEW YORK. , “post Oyyifln AMHgBw, Box No. SSSB, Nnvr Yonx. .... JIWIOBBB. Hob'. SARIEL B. DICKINSON, President. WM. T. PHIPPS, Vice Pretldent. BOBEST BASSETT, Secretary. H. /. BUKTIS. Hialag Snp«rintendent,Tltn«yUlfeP». ATLABTHJ BAHK.Mo.I4S Bio*dw»y,K.Z.,T»«Wunr. . The well, of th« Com»»BT »« new predmlng oil. Poyment foi stock m*y Bo loaAe ia drafte. re«i»t»r»fi oot*«,or OoTeramentßoodil exd seouriaos; whliCbottdl imd MCOrlttos wtU bo-tokoß ot tkelr yaiuo._ BemlUence. m*y bo oddraMed to “»• Comjouy.,?. O- Box *O. 8388, Maw York City, or to ‘ Atlaatlc Bonk, TrooHtry of the HeW Tork MA'LlTarpoiH Patroleu* Company, Ho. 142 BfOltdwity. Mow iork City* ox to any of It, agents. ; ~ mas gm |3gP AMERICA* BAM . , . ASD SAIL MACHINE . MAOTFACTBEWfi COMPANY o» PENNSISLYAHIA AKD MAETLAHD. CAPITAL •vv 66300,000. 6,080 SHAKES—PAB UWK, W. msDisi, HERRS THOHAS. ‘ hkmmm*. JOBS W. HALL. '. D»Bfltoaa. '* BSSKT THOM AS, Hatrißbnr,. JOBS w. HALL, Harrisbarc. O. A WALBOBS, PSUadeU.UA. B. G.BIBMAH. Baltimore BSSEI GtiLBSKT, HairiiLnn. , _ . SAHXXKS, ’ ' „ . ADAMS i LEVIB. Philadelphia. The Subscription Bookfor Hie Capital Stock of tWe Company li sow open atthe BaslUif Houseof apAKS * P IjETIS»J9o. 3050HB8TJMJr Street, Philadelphia. Person# wishing I© make a profitable i*r«stmont are respeetfally imite4te«UonMe«»M who will further information, and will show them the Machines, now running and mating a*u#. The advantages weolaim for our Machines oyer any are: r. ■ ‘ That they produce a more perfect nail, with a better head, and fewer iinperfoet naili. M That they effeet a iarlng of notless tlmn.ifty per cent in the expense of grtndingluiiTß# and dlea • And the Machines Mn* they * . saying of from fifty to\#«yeatyfive per cent, in the la p»xt°estaeling’an lnterest, and -win piece mod examine tor themcslyea. APIS lm 'tsap»' BTATEMEIST OF IKK ESREVC Be* OIL COMPART PROM MAT 10m, 1854, TO MARCH Mb,. 1165. A7i_fiBfi Of Total r*i»lpls. -. ui paid dividends Joly B*«B.0OOi Aug. 59. slo.oooiOct, 10. *10,000; Dec 22. •< Salary of Supsrintenderit... LOOM «* •? Assistant Clerk™. 333 *• Tfooks, Stationery, &c.—~ MS 74 ?f Balance on heed. March $, 1855.....510,677 28 {SIM* * ffS. M. OARTBB, Treaaarer,. ,c »Mnt»OV “THE HOOTER ASO |3» Marshall oh. c 0.,” • . . _ B. W. COBHSR PirTH AKD OKBSrsrT, , - y.,;-. Boon 80. a. T T!« H piW«ton?w^id l r?B 8 p;ctfttlly li.formlhe Stark; h older# The Hoover and Marshall OilGomp*ay that the affairs or tho Company are in a good and pound condition, and thipb® developmsnts on their property are That they conldhave declared a dividend some time ago from the pTodtfWs of ihelrwtlf. nowylMding, hut instead of dolngßohave ■_applieo the proceed# thereof to thehoring of the new also lewed of the fifty-acre tract, and have had for ngra . leasee for hall the oiL The wells on this tract are to he tnak ixa* “tseiefeflarge (MU* 1 avtn* neeUiy tm theimntedlnte vlobsity of the tt ty- acre trB ', ot . 'h«r feil the Eraatect oocOdMCe In expecting! he mo«tB«.ttafactory restatl The-well now being bcred by tbe Company, on the Hoover tract, they feel amured will yield notleee than Billy barrels of otlper day. The books of the Com pany. with letters almost -dally recslred from the Ba.- nermtendent, are opsnfor inspection at the office of the BD g d l f WgnRST, Secretary. PHH.APBX.yHIA. April Uth. 1380. ap!B-6t argg*. ItmnSißß BOTIOE.-OFnOE « *3B mhibal oil compart, sa* Street. Fnn.ADJii.PHiA. April W. 18»5. The Board of Dlrcetore have this day declared a divi dend of 088 PER CEBIT, on the eaeltal sUch or tli. Company, payable at thetfodlce on and after the 2S.a met, deaf of stale laxes The transfer hooka will close on the 19th Instant, at Bo’clock P. M and re open on the 27th last. TH. A SSAitLB, apl3-8t Secretary. OFHCE Of THE PIERREPOST ,fc» OIL COMPART, 1»1 South THIRD Street, * A l m«etln* B of the Stookbolderswlllbe held at the otlee of the Company, on MOBDAT, May let, 1555. « H o’clock h, for the pnrpowa-otorganiiattoa and auction of Director# to Betv# for.the on*nin? , apH-tmyl Wa H WALLACE. Secretary. •ssr OFFICE OF THE HESOEC-TB MIBIBO COMPAHT, Ho 3»* WaLSOT St. ' PsdAPBhPHIA. April 11-MSS BOT’CS Is hereby clycn that alt Stock of the RKSO LOTB MIBIBO COMP AST oh which lnetalmente are due and nspOd la hereby declared forfeited, an* wtU be cold at public auction on SaTBBDAT, thclStbday of May, ISM. at Pl o’clock, noon, »* Charter Secretary of the Corporation, aocorain* to the Charter and By-Laws, unless redeemed on ot before tnataay. By order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPBI. tpl2 tmyU Secretary and Trea«nr«._ PS- NOTICE—A SPECIAI. MECTIM« of the Stockholdera of the BLUE CBSBK OIL COMPAB-T wlll be held-at the Ocmpany’e offlce. 80. 40T WALBOT Street, onJaATCRDAf, the 22d April, Marti tbS Board. 1 8.8. ALSOP, apU-IBv* - ■; Secretary. OFFICE OF THE AMERICA* l=S? 8188 ISSPSAJIOB OOMPABT, PHti.ADßi.pniA, April 10,18». The Dlrectore haya deolareaaDlridwd of SBYB* DOLLARS. ASD TIFTT OBBTSPBR SHARB tor the last MX Months which wIU he paid to the Stock holders or thetr least Representatives, on and after the With Instant, CLBsR OP ACL TAXES. apll-9t CL. ORAHPOBP. Seo’y.. SOHOTEHILE ABB SESfttß I® HASS A RAILROAD COMP A* T. OFFICE *»T Sooth FOURTH Street. . ,n« Fhil£dklpisxa., April fltli, 1858 , : The aaanftl meeting of the Stockholder# of thU eompeiiy* end no election for President and “t* tUcigerec will take pl»ca at the OFFItfS of .the COX plpy. on fcOHDAT, tie tot dny of Hay hast, at U °'ap7 C DMI WM. H. WEBB. Seoretarr a3S» *OTICE—THE ASBVAE HBET into of the Stockholders of the Olendon Iron : Cbm&any will at tlmir -office, 2fo. 39 MILS S Btre«U Boston, os .WEpJIBiOAY, May 3d next, at I* eleven o T dock, for the choice,of -Dlreotore and the I tranisctlon.or stLek oth€r boaioee-aa mat come before the meeting. ‘ GEO. &. MIHOX, yreaearsr. |- Bobtov, 2prUi7,lBBS. ' . apl9*Bl HY. J. WILLIAMS. H..KOBSELL THAYER. F. M. BOOK. NOTICE IE JHEKKHY OITEH R®' that the Animjl Heollog of the StockMdars ol the OBNPKAt TKANSPOSTaTIOSI COMPAHt O? PBBMfcTLfxHIA will hs Meld at tbs offloe, oonier of JTHIBTIBTH and MARKET ftreete, Wett Phlladelpnta, obMOMDAV, the Nth day of AnrlX next, at 10 o’oiook A. M., for tfte imre-oto of elesttnr Nine Director*, a TrOMturar. and becretary. to ears, for one year. -IMKKCHANTS’ ASH MAJSUYAC K® TDJBEKB'MATIOHAt BAHK. _ ‘ PrrtgßOKO, April 11.18*5. Stockholders are hereby mottled that Books will bo opened fer aubscrlptioa to the' new stock of this BaHk at the COHMBEOreL HATIOHAI. SAME, to Philadel phia, on MOHDAY. May let. ISHJB and will continue open dorlof banking hours, dally, from 10 o’clock A M. to 3 oV'cci P. ST, until Thnniday, Jane Ist, 18®. By order of the Board of Direetorff JOHN SCOTT, Jr., Qaahler. H. 6: BILLMAB. President. . Pittehnrg, Pennfe ROBT. 8. STEM.IHa.VIee President, . .... . Philadelphia aplß-tM ra> OFFICE OF THE MARttCEIIE fc® MIHIH6 COMPAHT. 310 WAtIfDT STREET. „ • Pan,A»Ei,pnxA, Awfil 18.1865. - The Annuel Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany for tbs Bleotlpn of Directors and snob othsrJmH ness »b me S come before It, will be held at therOffloe of the Company, Ho. SIP Wcl cat street, city, of Phila delphia. on flte first MONDAY, the first day of May next-at one o’Slow P. M, . , ap 9 lilt DAVID » HBVL, Secretary. fag- OFFICE OF THE CAfiERM PE- R® troleCM oompant, a»t walnct m»o. . , . PhilaoedPHlA, April 13.18®, By a resolntlon of the Bond of Directors.' the books of this Company Were closed on MONDAY, the ISth inet Holders of remSiptc will pleasa present them &8 the Ofilce and roeeiTsftiwir certificates. Pot the lifotmAtloD of subscribers it may he elated’ tbatrbrsioes th* eeyeral wells now to operation on one of the farms of this Company, forty new wells are now betos snxk' several of'whleh will be finished within sixty days; whilst on tlsctr other farm the Board hare directed forty lots to bt leased, .for widen there are al ready applicants tor twenty-lira. J. L. DAELIMOTON, ap’4-6t ; Secretary. fetqg- -OFFICE OF TJHR JERDEY WEtl, K® OIL COMPAHT- *aB>CHBSTMDT Street. PhiladbUptua. April 11. 18®. DIVIDBSD —The'Directors hare this day declare! their Third Monthly Dividend of THREE PBS CENT , payable at the office on and after May 1. The transfer hooka will lo closed from the SM Instant until Ist proximo:- VT M BA SLOW, aplß tuthsSt georetary and Treasurer, wragw OFFICE OF THE MAPIE A9IBEB *s® OIL COMPART, »3 South T9IRD Street. - Veu-AnaLPmx, April 10,18®. The first annual meeting'o! the stockholders of.thle Company will he hold on WBDNKSDaT. the 8d day of Hay. 1865. at the office of the Company, between the' hours of 4 and 8 o’clock P. M., to eloct FIVE DlßSaroaS. to servo for bne year. - B. BRAUMOHT gfALBT* epll tmhtfit* j Secretary. •Sa» KOBTHBR* LfBERTIIH AS# E® PENH TOWNSHIP RAILROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia. April 8.1845, The Annnal Meeting of the Stockholders of thie Com pany. and an Election tor Officers to serve for the en ftuingyear. and nntil others shall ha elected, will ha' held at the t’ffide of the Philadelphia and Raiding Rail -road Company,’ Mo. 287 South FOURTH Street, on. MONDAY, the let day of Mar next! at ll'o’etoek A M. apB trevl WILLIAM g-WBBrt Secretary. dig- ePDRTTOBESB INTERSATIOS ,E® AL BXHIWTIOS. ’ Contributors to the shore Exhibition will receive eyery information by esalling lit the oßbe of the Portuguese Consul,' 901 South ■FRONT Street. apW-fit Fig- ROOM fiFRIIfi RAILBOA# .E® COMPANY. PxrLADSLPnrA, April S. 1855 The annual meeting of tee etookholders of thhi Com pany, and an election for President and six Managers to serve for the ensuing year, and until others shall be sleeted, will be held at the Office of the pklladslphla snd -Beading, Railroad Comosnr, No, 1827 b.tath 'FOURTH Street, on MONDAY, the let day of May next, at 11X o’elock A. M_ _ _ , atig-tmyl WM. H. WEBB, Secretary. HILITAHY. II THEDA.TIB OTJRS t 215t# PENNSYL¥ASI4 TOLCNTEERS. iHm- tmiOXJ league regiment; THE > MILITARY COMMITTEE Of THB UNION LEAGUE has received authority to' mis* ANOTHER KEGIMEIT OF INFANTRY for ► TWELVE MONTHS’ SERVICE, UNDER THE CALL OF DECEMBER 19, ISOA Orders have been siren to the Provost Marshals and other Mastering Officers to mnatsr to Reunite for the Regiment... • The Officers are all Veteran Soldiers, and will taka ease of their man, and ho with them to the Jgld. HEADQ.UAETEES, NATIONAL GUARDS’ HALL, RACE STREET, BELOW SIXTH. CITY AID UNITED STATES BOUNTIES: ONE YEAR eee»4«eto*>ems4«tot*Mi> a eases $5OO. TWO YEARS 650. THREE Y EARS —-i-.-v-, 800. Besides the HIGHEST WARD BOUNTIES and PAT, RATIONS, and CLOTRUta. Rscruitiag Stations hare hsen eetahllehed to various patls *i the «Hy. „ Byorderoftha MILITARY COMMITTEE OF THE UNION LEAGUE. ap7.B-»pll ththegt ■ fi BANCOCK’B COBPS OF YETE i BANS, HEADQUARTEM. RICHMOND KALL.^ It All mm recrnlted at Third and Green streets- will receive their Clothing and Special Bonnty, and he tor -wardtd to Washington THlh JtVBSING. -Thty will he prepered to execute th,lr Powers of At: tornsy for eeßostion of Locbl Bounty at these Head gnartersTHlß DAY. at 10 o’clock A. M. All sbeentees willhe treated axdeserters. By order of , ■ BJ-T AXMAN, It* Major let Amy Corps and Brevet Coi, U. B. Y. » PRIZE MONEY AND GOVBRN HSIEST Ki»DMTr TO ALL WHO BUMC TB& W UNITED BTnTIS K ARISE CORPS, fit ’ Order* have been received from'the head of the Karine Corps, at Waafcintton notto restrict reerntte to a particular elan (as has bee a the ease heretofore), bat to receive ALL who have tarred la the volnnteer.isr. vice, or to the regulars, or is the marines, Hi have bees honorably discharged. Bach persons Mlistinc ia the United States Marine* will receive the Govern raent bounty, and will alee be entitled to their abate el prise money in any eaptnre el the enemy •« vessels, For farther talormaHon awly at the reeroUUg. ren dezvous. So 311 South PkOST Street, between * A. M. and S o’clock P. kUerexy Captain aad Recruiting o*cer. RETAIL DRY GOODS. “JJARRIS” FINS CASSIMEREB. OASSIMERES FOB BOYS. BLACK FRENCH OLOTIIS.I LADIES’ ZEPHYR SiOKINQS. FINE FRENCH COATINGS. NEW LOW PRICES. COOPER Sc CONARD, S. E. Cor. Ninth and Market Sts. TT7FIIPB BLA.CK DOUBXiB WIOTH JLi VOO U BBIiAINISjJI and ftl 13—neaily old price! Lupta*B S*4 Black Wool Delaines. «3 cts, l*unls.’ft Mode Wool Delaines. 62 ete. Black alpacas. 60, 66*' W» 88, $L A». Lltht Color* Alpacas* 82 eis. —a bargain. Auction lot Plaid Mohairs. 87 eta. 4 Beet American Print*, 20 and 26 eta. WU*Bnff m™. sSg* I#w “* “"*** tr!9-tf B. B. sor. HIHTH aadWARKB l- Streeta. TOH2? F. YOUNG. tl Ho. TO Horth POBBTH Street, , Baa bow la store almost extensive assortmeat of DBSSB GOODS at the VERT LOWEST PRICES. apS-lmtt NEW PUBLICATIONS. gT. PHILIPS t ST. PHILIPS t THE NEW NOVEL BY THE AUTHOR OR “BUTLBDQB,” . Is EOlee to hare an-Immsnse sale, for It is tar beat boot, sad orders are poarla* la for It from every "Say 111 a few- days. CABLET OH, Publisher. Hew lorir. ; *PW3i TO BE PUBLISHED IMMEDIATELY: l THBTBRBTBDB TRAQEDr AT WASHtWOMH. •absabsihatioh op PBBSiDBSrr lisoolh. A fall and correct Account from reliable authority of “jftgSSt ?rna Harder Secretsry Sew “liot laid to Assassinate Yloe President Johnson and tbs whole Cabinet, with an anthontlo hlstowand. a likeness of ail the partis. in anr way connected with death-bed sesnes of the President. The whole splendidly Illustrated'with fine EnsraTiOda bT We have bad a large force of oniraTsrs, printere snd niVtATB BA-natsutW ensscei on this work since Koacay, 17th wiUhe prepared to filial} orders sop. as received. Price *5 cents. Onr liberal dlseonnt will bo allowed to the trade to book Meets, and others. Or ders first received will be first & 0o * 603 AROa Street, It* Philadelphia,. Pa* gUBSCRIPTION BOOKS FOR BUTRIB’S BUPERIOR STEEL-PLATE PORTRAIT OP PRESIDENT LINCOLN nra open at Mo. 90S AHCH (justtiY Only Agent lor rwiidel jhi». splO timtnfit A fair copies for Bala. Flags i flags i flags 1- just leulyad, thr*a»i*e»>of Muslinßilk Plays. Call early. . W- TIUjKR. aiwß-W 32 Sooth FOURTH Street. Lincoln moubning badges and' Mad ala, at 32 Booth FOURTH Bt. tapiß-St Ti’INELY EXECUTED MEDALS OF I PKUSIDKBT ’ UItOOLS. a»d„ Mantenairt Oangal 0. B. OBaHT. Porsaleat Ho. 326 oaBjfHUI St., ’ JOHK B: WABMER&BOSB HOTO GRAPHS OFIIR. LIN COLS —The Bait likenesses of our lata President, In card and larze sizes, Pobllnlied by . splBM» CBBMSR M CO., 18 SgntbEIGHTHBt- ■pKESIOENT LINCOLN BADGES FOB A sale. wholesale and retail. The j*toMßSlsr' IPIB-31* -SaIdHBMUOT BT. RE P U BLICAN INYIN 01 BLEB’ BADQKB, for sale by B iHBRjIT, aplS-lt* ■ 581 qHBgIHOTST. SCOTT’S EVENING GOLD AND STOCK BXCHAKOK at tha ASBBMM.YBUILD -IKGS,. will be openKvery Krasina for tha traosaorton ofbnslnesa, ' aplMt 'JHE FEAN KLIN SAVING FUND, ‘ MO. 136 BOOTH FOURTH BTRBEP, BKLOW CfIRSTNOT, - Pays lire per eent. Internal on Deposit*. Aaenta for the gala of United. States 7 S-lDLoansat-Psr. Gtrarn ment, Stats and City Loam and Stoaka boufhf tint aold •or depositors and others cnOonuaDsldif. mhlg ;8n» § WRITTEN AND VERBAL DE= SCBIFTIONS of Character,Constitution, and Ta lent, with ADVICI on Business, Health. Must. and evenTna. by ■_ JOHN L. OAPKK,, fl^^^aJyMHo.Hß^TK^H^.aboTaOhainnl. WANTS. W ANTED—'AM< DESIHOTJB OF ttosderfo!, tfsefal, moßoy-aaTiss* and zaOßay-lkfckuif vftddclii'at a owst cftfeep* tct Sird, is very MantlTn*. and will l«*t a lifetime. Pa nted JaamaryiVA. P.ISgS, mpid _ WAN T E IT—AT *lO PER DAY— ansta is every neirborhood In fonnsylvanla and Bow Jn«w, to del! abe&ntlfni «ner»Tfts* of Abrs. bam Lincoln Address BABrbBBON 4 GO- 5* 611 OBBSTBOT?Street, (aedoddfloor) ghlla. ' gpiS-ltt' WAN T E D—A PARTNER, WITH _*V_AonTWMiVB Ia.FT?TB*S THOtTSAHTIDOI; LARa, is a safe and Tory profitable business into* Oil rejtloßS First clan reference? furnished. ayerege 33% per cent Address * ‘Bob* Fide*” ofßEKB, Seamstresses, Chambermaids, Wattem, Norses, Cooke, Eattodresass, and general honaeworit, ■ whitoand colored. 80a I.OCPBT Bt. aiK-lm T7MPLOTMENT BOUSE ro« CLERKS, .JJ Book-keepers, Salesmen, Packers, Portere. Watob- KU, goeehmen, Drivers, Conductors, Bar-tenders. Walters, Farm-hands. aardenera.&o. Employers salted at shortnotice. Spa and 804, LOtIPST Bt- apt-tin THING OF THE TIMES 'J-EOWKS'S PRIZE WVBDOPES.—Agentswanted evetywbere. Premium Watches riven tohgentn.. On receipt of ftfi we will mail, poet-paid, lOOnntvelopee, and a splendid Solid Silver Hunting-CJasa Watch M i premium to the azekt. A single Envelope sent, with circular and,foll partlcolsrs, on receipt of2d esnts. Ad dress A. H. ROtfcßN * 00”, P. O.,Box4STO,3BESB*:- MAN Street, S. t. nrharsm TO PHOTOGRAPHERS. JL Wanted by a Young Sian of thorough capability a situation S» O m rat dr. , , address “b. e. T. Prest oVcs. apl9-3t« & WANTED TO RENT—FOR ONE oi 2D ora yeass. a. ttooH HOtJBILwHb modara im provements, ictrsiebed or nnftun^sned; ioo&Moo. t>?0~ ftrod beiwe&a Broad aiid twenty- first streets. ott ivnt,or Sprnceatrefeis, Poasfsaicmreqairßdftbottt 4 ’ ■July Ist Aa exceUeot opportaDii? to reat Of penooff *oin* abroad. Good locations otbar tbaa above not -objectionable. Address Bo* 863 U P. O- apii-gt* VINANCXAIm U, 8. SEVTUV-THHctTCVr LOAN. Bysnthorltr of the Semetary of Bet Treasury. the .andenlood hae-asmmed Uw General SnbMrlpUo* agency ter the sale ol Catted «|etoe Ttoeenry-Voto* hearing seven sad three-tenth* m Interest ter annua, known as tbs _ BEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. ' Vkaae Votes an Issnsd andsrdats of Jans 15, IBM, and ate payable Bins ysarsfrom that time. In «W vary, or are eonTsrtible st the option ol tka holder Into U. S, HP EXE PER GENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS ' these Benda are now trertt aaremlars of nine ter cent. . Inslndln* gold Interest from Vovnaber, whisk makes theartnnl proft en ths T-30 loan, a* current rates. tßelndinx interest, abont ten per sent, ter an num.' besides its asemrtian from State amt «nw» bank j>r banker. The interest amoanta to One .ent per day on a *« note. Twooente per day oa a *lOO note. Ton eenta »er day qga*M6 nets. -> Twenty eonts pot day on a sl.ooonote. 1 One Dollar per day on a *6,000 note. Vote* of all the denemlnstlonenamed wlllhe proytyt ly fanUhtd upon receipt of eubesrlptloiu. and ike notes forwarded at onoo. The lnteresMo If th June next will be pald ln adyanoe. This Is the ONLY LOAN IN market now offered by the Government, and It is eonldutt? expested that Us smporlor advantages WIU make It the great popular loan of the people. fcesa than *900,000,000 of the Loan suthoriied by the last Congress are now on the market. This amount, at the rate at which it is belng absorbad, will all be enbssrtbed for within four months, when the notes wm undoubtedly eoaamind a premium, aa hts uni formly been the ease at the eloee of the snheeriptlons to other Loess. 'in order that eUlrens of every town and motion of the country may Be afforded- for taking the lean, tke Rational Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers thronghont the country have genersUy agreed to re solve scbsertptloiia at par. Snbsertber* will select their own agents. In whom they hays eoafdease. and who only are to be reeponslWs for the delivery of thanotaa for whleh they receive orders. „ JA T G OOKBi SUBSCRIPTION AGBET. Ho. 114 SOUTH THIRD BTBHBT, PHTI.aDg.PBIA. COUPONS, A-aOj gS 1881. DUB MAY-1,1865, AND JUDY 1, BOUGHT AT HIGHEST MARKET BATES, WM. PAINTER & CO., Bankers, KPS.IM ' UP SOUTHTHIRD STREET. OBAJtLB* XKOnT. AMX. SSWCW. W. QUARLES EMORY & CO-. STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 15 Sooth Third street, ipnrr.* g. All Usd, of BBtamai fund* ul Gold and Silver bought ud Kli, ud CoHeetions mad*. Parttrnlar attention given to the yarahaee ud sal* of Government. State, ud other Stock* sad Loans on cora mLulon. ■ aoW-dm 5-20 COUFONS, DUE ALA.Y Ist, bought at highest market price, BY DBEXEIi & CO*, raMl-tmvl Mo. 3* BOUTH THIRD BTBBBT. 7.30. 5-2 a 10-4 a ADAMS Ac LEVIS, No. SOS CHESTNUT STREET, BANKERS AND BROKERS. All kinds of GOVERNMENT SSCTTBITrSB AND STOCKS BOUGHT. SOLD. ABB NEGOTIATED. GOLD ANB SILVER BOUGHT AND BOLD. Special attention given to OIL BTOCKB. mhtt-Bta UWAXP Bosons. NOKAOI *. PBAEBOS. JJDW. ROBINS Ac CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKEBS, ■a. 47 BOtWJBt THIKO BTBEEr, PHILADELPHIA. AUKUtBSOP SAJtS Hons, GOLD, SILVER, BTOOKB, BOEDS, ADD GOVERNMENT SBCUKITIBB. BOUGHT AND BOLD. Colleetloae mad* on all puts of the eonntry. Deposit* reoetved, *nfeiect to sight draft. udlntMaat *Hop*d. J . . mh7-3m gECOND NATIONAL BANK* OF PITTSBURG, PBNRSYItVANIA, (LATB lEOH city TBUST COBPANY.I CAPITA!*. ©BOO,OOO. BABKEBB' ABD MERCHANTS' OOLLEOMOBB promptly attended to OB the moat BwoiaWt term*. 8. i. WARNER, President. JOHN K PATTIBSOH. Cashlar. BthS-ftß B. LEECH & COMPANY, BARKERS AH» STOCK BROKERS, *0.14 FABftNHAE BUILDINOS, (Bum BT.. BELOW TitiJtD), OMi. government Bond*. Ott ud MauHaßOomi BtoOk*. bought and aold on Commission,** the *o*rial dU imned on London. Pari*. Antwerp, A*. jg36-Sw AIJCTIOR BAK.ES. I ■JJNITED STATES COTTON SAtE. «»000 BAIBS UPLAND COTTON WILL BE SOLD, Cnder dJrt*a«n of Simeon Draper, U. 8. Cotton agent, ITJIJ*tSY>AYr, MAY 4tb, 1865, at ONE O'CLOCK P. M., ifeXOHANGES SALESROOMS. ■XBt BBOAIWAY. B!W YOSK. Samplee ata bo seen aff ile.olllßi of Messrs. Easton a Vet three before the sale. Catalogues win' be rosd*on the26thlast, atßjetot ar go. and rifthe Custom Etodse. : aplf &t ■pfRJJS AND TALLOW.—WILL B 1 ** i oid at PnblUt An*tioa y iBBt g.Atll'o’ck-ct a ic. f at iIXTH-STBSar WHAEF BeefßSdee. 2irßTf,Be«rHTd«*. l€l>ryCalfS*i3s. PaHs. SI.IH TaU*w CBaeff, 68*K afa)lD|i« Jfaate-ibot OIL 3.C42 parabdsofTallcw Scrape. 4,950 pilots of Boros 2,000 M«»rtsd Binpty Sairrals. Tends easft t In GoyerDment fends, BULL, Ll«*C Col. *C. S. -wifam&M*. April u>m& • aptr & QA R 3.'— WALN'U T-BT. theitbe. TO TBE PUBLIC. In eoßsegiienee of the great GALA HITS the Eatiotf has suffered* and my own affliction at the los* of one of my nftat .cteeffled friends I bag to state that I will not be able to per form until TBUnfcDAY. Your obedient .eivßnfe, EELKHTA YESTTALr. K'EW REET THEA A’ TBK , . ... Tha public *sro most Ksjswtfolly informed tiat. it coßeequence cFtbe ' 3A.TIO9JL CAi*AMFfT that baa f&Uen span our coaatf?', aaj. as a aliabt iolcet of 10bP€Ct to . „ _ . * * _ OUK LATE BEX/o\TBiF?g*3n)ElffP, ,hi,Tk '“ re will ßnaT£Eff Ko'iCß ■■ wars. PI9W, LEOSAEP GEO VEX* W ARCB-BTHE BT THEATBS. Tbs public tn respectfully notifisd that m a* hnmbi frlfmth of reepect to the m“TQoryof sue late HONOB3I CBl*F MdGjfcTBATB, ibis TheatrrWiU be cloi-d sc Hi further aOiiM iOtrtgn J»fdS?f. W« concur In the above. | M A. OSBKBTTSDH, I essec and Mansteress oftheWalnur-atreat Theatre. JR.OHAL BALL POSTPONED. AMERICAN ACADBHY T>P MUSIC, jy CiBPMTSB respectfully informs bis friendsand the public that b> luw postponeo hi.AFfiDAb FCOEiL FESTIVAL ASI BALT, until WEDSESDAT, At>fU-». 1885, 0* account o: the sad nationarcaiamity to our country. Tickets already sold will be nopd-for that evenluc Tickets as. To bo had of CoU I. TttOBSLBY, 311 CBSftTHDT Siraet, and of D. L. CABBRNTgti. 6US AECB blreet, - ap!B »i' YJERMANIA ORCHESTRA.- FUJ3LI; u BBHBABS4LS Query SATTTBDAT at 8* o'elec? P. M.. at MUSICAL FUND HA'LL. ■ Btndc met era r cents. Six Tickets, fit to be bad at Trumtder’s An dre's. and Meyer'a Mngic Stores, and at tbc HsII. no7-r THE ACADEMY OF* FINE ARTS A- CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, is OPEN T>AIL’ for visitors, fronts A. M. to BP. E • j«2f FOB SALU AND TO ÜBT. A FOR RENT.—IF HOT SOLD BY Mtls fist of Msy, my place, on the-TUBE Bo&d, will b* for rent. Apply at ; J apSO-St 803 MABKBT Street dft FOB 1 BILB—A DESIRABLE ■BB.DWBLLIHO, -Witt every convenience; Ada yard. Possession eiven Hey Is 80. SS4 Sooth Twenty-fi*** street, below De Lancey place. Apply at Ho 917 MARKET Street. . • . apl9-ct* m FOR SALE—A HANDSOME JUUR HK storied brisk dwelling - honee* wish threa?s*oried berk bonding* with all modern isaprov; aplfcwfolh* * . * & BWAHU&SN**. i?ROM TWO TO FITE GENTLEMEN! A- deal's BOnUD liocetion within> minutes' ] Walk ***».***«.«+♦*-**.-4.16 P- M g Jttjxetion i«QOmiD(K&ti3 a reeponslM* foru amount exceeding one hundred dot- Sj lars, nnlesß a special eontract la tdida for tbs asige. S HENRY WOOD. Gen'l ' E • FEtLAPELTBU.. March 16,1866. mhg Tdtif | PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS.—BUY THE j a Patent Hinge-Back PhoterraiAAlhnme.Atp’.en 3 did aawrtment to Bale at B F. tBIBER S Photograph Gallery, 684 ABOH Street- Tney posaeu enpar-orj durability. xt I DEIMER’S COLORED PHOTO- 1 : D QBAPHS-Betutlfnl Mj les i and colored likrneeeaa ®»G *l»t Pl«»orm> admWed by; all. and just the thing for the tune*. BBCOa D h.ra«, a above Q:efP — 4 -.- ; j CARTES DE VISIT® EXECUTED. in avirltty of pleaetog etyJes, evlnjngthe fiawt j