THB CITY. r*oß ADMTIOJrAI. PITY »gWg BH» POT7BTH PAPS.) CAPBTB OP THE PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY academy. tiMt evening there was a very large audtenoa In ..(tendance at the academy of Musto for the par. s,'fcof witnessing the sale at Mr. Grant's counters. Thb Baev Fittihq Sbirv op vhb abb is “The improved Pattern Shirt,” made by JohnO. Arrl son, at the old stand, Nos. X and 3 North Sixth street. Work done by hand, in the best manner, and warranted to give satisfaction. Hlsstookoi Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods cannot bo surpassed. Prices moderate. OnßKVsn.-.Charles oakford A Sons, Continental Hotel, have opened their stock of elegant Hats and -Caps for ladles, misses, and ohlldren. apB-St Etb, Ear, Ann Catarrh, successfully treated by J. Isaacs, M. D., Oculist and Aurlst, 511 Pine st, .Artificial eyes Inserted. Ho charge for examination. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. Ihe Con 7 C Clarkson, Pittebmi t James Marshall, PUtsbnrg K n Gotman, Wastdngton I A Gutman « wf, Wash JB Llchleberger Jr. Ind W B Byrne & la, Baltimore K* Tltur Achild, Mar rland G il'allf* r, Weed bourne. i'tt ■J7I. rampbtll heading F W Filter* H D, B Fork Gbaa G K17.r0, Boston Julius Si Nasro, Boston B T Thompson. Bear Fork C 8 Brin ton, OS A A Clark.Kew York hah. Gjiase, new Fork a K Mooney, Mechanicib’l J Goldstein. Warren, O John G Ksufman, renna Abialom Webber, Fenna B B Williamson, Memphis 0 o Childs, Peana , »m(i Woodman, Illinois G Beagle, St bonis Tho< C Hofer, ft Louts W MBtamhall. Bow York S RHamilien, Maine | D K Beamer, Hollldaysb’g Al< a ChambrraSt fam, Fa Tiros Beil dt mother "Wm B Kydor, St Bonis j hb Brother,‘on, St bonis J W Mercer It la. Altoona O. B Barham & wf. Ohio Mr« Manle, Delaware it B Rtppaid, Sl amokln J Barton, Mew York 2 BKinsman, USA G W Luther, Albany W Alogan, FI its bur* G M Jenkma. Mew York C K Chapin, hew York Capt J Dolby. Halifax ft B White, » John, M B S b Day. Catsklll ~ S b Fendeld, Oateklll If arc Frayn, CatekUl t G Bnrkam & family J A Bibeu. Laneaator W arren Granger, ■ Y Geo Pike, Hew York L B Seely, USA 0 a Markweathir. H Y 1» b Bartlett c at Belly, WUm, Del J, D Fletcher Mr Lob rue r ,1L Sbrerer, Baltlinore Mr Boyt & wf. Wash. W B bang & dan HY" J Sherman, Jr, M Bedford H«Bamhrte , . 8 B Soott, Washington A JtjßlU, Boston - Mr jFmti H bold, Boston G Chord, Boston MM MOLoid, Boston K C Fisher, ««w York "W L Veneer, fior'olk SB Smith, Colomjbus T Shrleree, Hew York Oeo B Browne, El C Mewman, Hew Yj>rk Mr Wallaok, Bew York I 1 Park, Boston CBonkereley, LSnperlor H J! Griswold, Mew York ■Tl»e S B Parnell, N Hamilton J B Mo r fee, flieenebOTg A Hlw 4 Wiastllng, Harrisbg; S.o B WtMtilng, Prana I John Coperbaven, Penns I Jos 4 Bell, Gettyibur* Beii P Elder, Bosun A Trum. Cincinnati J HeArdle Jr Saw York D Knop, Maw York _ Jo» Miller, New York PMnsion. BewYork. Oao T Kola. Sew York Joi Lllley, g§ S X *• Btokta, USA Serai T Tanner, JPJ A w H Johnaton. Ptttabnrg W A Orbit on. PeSna W H Hirer, Pennsylvania S Hears. Huntingdon co B McOollT, Greenrirarg J Lilts, Greensburg H Ketterteg. Greensburg jb Clerk. Pittsburg H Winslow, Plltsborg H Kobb, Ktokuk, lowa W B Brand A la. Wl* TB Rlckert, PottsviUe J M Gamb e, Jersey Shore Cant M It Kellogg. USA 0 Davit. PrlßMton TBw.nk. Jr, Pi inoeton WTMottan Penns B Croat. Colombia M M Btrltklrt, Columbia J Will*area, Colorado Mira S Wilton, Burlington DWCSharp. Salem Mrs Hamer Washington OAK east* & wfgMJtow* H G Batter-worth Sc wf* « J C P Kauffman, Columbia Dr befever, Lancasteroo Saul Kensagy Lanoaster go 3 EWtaver, 08 A J M Morrow. 0 S A J M Mover. Lewlebnre H»j G Shorkley, bewiabnrg W m Qbeen, Brie,, , , Samuel Lien, Brilefonte D B AlthonßS, Tromont J B Znbaan, Tremont 3 B Cox, Harrisburg BBlanding & wf, England St John Geoi get Garment n In B Bylngton. * Jersey H B Ostein. N Jersey J T P,alo, USA., ~ Thos Harvard. Bath. Me W M Angbanbangb Penns J Young, Middleton' The Slei 01 fltniutton. Conn W Butterfield, Boiton C W KUno, Mereer.Pa T Graham, Mercer, Pa ■w a Cook, Delaware J Cook, Delaware W J OottdeU. Ullnola P 1 Banr Mahanor OltJ )t o SajleT.'Allentown Cfcaa McPedden, Tamaiina b wNi&U, Wllkagbarre »ifa TV b OiaeftOD. Tienton J K DnttoJi Brownsville , > W Seller, tfonongahfla DPatteison. Kittauun* A &Ut. CM&tOll .. li&Tid ZoUWi Caatoa MBSfe^Ssfr« •w H&bar, Blalravflle R H Taylor X a Aldrich Jet 8 BaUler.PUDtooMf O Plannee, Ohio L M Thompson. Ohio B Waot’af. Onto . vr Cbeerowc, Ohio .1 DePhall, StrouJsbnrg t s Boas, Beading i 0 Ball, KWgwaJ 7! mtth, i lio 0 0 Boise, KUtannlrig TMeronneU, Kitten ning A V Helmet, Fttt*bo.rg J H Moffat new York Csotß * KoComb, PbUa Cast F Holt loser,JJ BA 0 L Baliztr, BhanksTille B irih re, Shaekerllle J V D&mler, Fairfield I.K Hummel. Eeltn Sirova J T Regers, Browne villa J W Scott, Washington 9 uue, Newcastle O Fa in, Bonier,et J S'Bnli, Baileu V W Chanmaa & wf, Fauna Gao J Dtllar. Lancaatar Jamas B McLeao, Penna Geo H Bren am an, Penna fi P Eider, Boston : J Bai stoß, Aim*iioa» «> S H e Baltimore fl Ltrglaj flew York i Bates Baltimore Betlel Coarley . i * kcKtason. flew York W Belleahae, Mooai Joy Sf s ?M«.ou, 1-ilrTtnWaUiß, j*wl»towit |B«ubenltJntth. Lewlstown IB Beat*. Delaware . |i 8 Taylor, Salem. S J |g W Smith * wf, Petuui |B « Hnslerjeiaa * Lehman* Brooklyn tKSbßrolMs &wLF«iiia B Bp)Haf»head& wft *® k W ’Reek. PoitojiUe ■foaaTCar.oWe Boadlfig It H WBow*»i Colombia Ik4_QTOYB. übambonbnrs K H UoakfnbOßJ _ flew Twit ■ M Stewart, flaw York K Bow |e r ■ h Biter, Kentucky ■ k Petty, Kentucky The Union, 1 |"SSf,^o obio F„u * fsSßsr-^asjs? ***** ' g? 0 • Hosrr Grover, Luzerne «.j j # p.,!!: !,?«*>** Amo* Bttlneor, Allentown Mrs Lebanon C Van Beuuchoten, H York CSlii. o '* New Yo rk WSSSSFkSSsS LH Aiken, Hew Jotm? ' A Glover, Potts ville TH§PEOTLg! OMBE!fATI;OK 1 G ° OD FOB Brand Com blnstlon I Good Saws for the People t urand Combination! Good News for the People! ttrand Combination! Good Few. for the People! Immense Rfdvctiok ik F&icbsl , Immense Bbdcotioh sk Prices 1 Immense Bbrvotiok jv Prices 1 Pekry A Co. , Ho. 303 Chestnut Street, ■_ Ferry A Co. ( No. 609 Chebtnot Street. * 8 - *• corker Seventh **» Market Sts To meet the popular demand for lower prices, »■-- Fewy A Co. > Clothiers, bare determined to throw nn.n to the public, for a limited period, their lmtn.!£T2 P ! eo “ tau ® 4 J°-. as Chestnut street, above Third ® C9Chertnmt “breet, (GBANVILLB BTOKSS’ old Bontheart corner Seventh and Market ate r.Tnwna. , o&r their entire stock of Olothln, al P rlo« f^ »™SS:. KSS 20 Pf r cent 20 pke oznr. Lower tHAw iw other Horse. Lower thak aht other Hobbe. * ■ . lower trap art other Hoobs. Onr stock consists of Bprln, Goods, mannfaetared for tho present season, and the balinoe of ‘Winter Glothln. remalnln, on head, all of which is *ot np in the very beetmennsr expressly for retaU sales, andwiUbesoM at prices that will make It to the Interestof the pnblls to buy. ® Lower thak art other House. & Co., So. 303 Chestnut street, above Third. So. 609 Chestnut street (QHeHYILuB BTOKB3’ old Stand.) Bontbeast eorner Seventh and Market sis., (J0383’.) aplO 6i , ittnental, » ?G P Henry, Jfftw York PPa cutler Warrea, Pa i W d Pettit. GieveHnd I Walter J Joe&* G M TihbUs&ftoa.Troy.HY San nel Lewis, Allentown J W F]%;cher Bosiun A T Pain ef & la. AloaaT LHeiaelbnrger, Hair York JHKendr.cfc, Frov,*l •T'M Carter. 0 8 A Jas H Langhiin, New York Andrew Ueviae. ffew York Cbar«B Holmes, 0 8 A £H Evans. Baltimore fl«oW MoOook, Ohio Mr Hbnemaker St wf, Pa W H Minot, New York B Lsvick A wife J F flazal & la. Delaware 8 A Alien. n«w Jersey L H Straw* Boston Emerson Leland, Boston W Skiff Wilsoa C Karas. Virginia W 0 Wynne* Clan* O John C Long. Lancaster M B Lowry. Erie. Pa W H Edwards, JSTew York I Henisoa, D 8 A W 8 Jaci son, Pittsburg 1m B Christian. Ohio 0 F damson* Columbia. O H Adeit J Ad sit -> B B Seely. 0 8 A _ John tt&esia Canada W K Abbott. Canada West John Hill. New Jersey BevW GWiggbe, » 3\ D K Shoemaker A wf, Pa Mrs Simpson* Mauoa Chank k A D:mgla* A la M Ohnnk Sites Hattie DoagUe, Pa J gloipson A wu Penna Mrs McLean. Summit Hill W B Histy & la, Colorado Mrs Lelsearlng, M Chunk C H Ames A wf, N Y G A Alien* Brio co Jas Harris, Bellefonte 1 uhasF Chandler Miiwauk Miss M 'leaver, Boston f HU Whrthsy; JSf Y G H Bnikley, Cleveland Mrs A H Konble, Fredonia Mrs A G Whaler, Ftedonia. M H Shelley. Hew York J W HatbawAy _ , J G Wriaht. New York J J Washbarn. W»sh C G Cornell, New York WM Tweed 0 Smith, Poltetille B Berdan* Hew York G W Davis; BaHimore C K (Jamon, BaUimora fi L Wood. Alexandria, Ya J R Smith A wf, Psnaa Cbas Hathaway, Boston EP Smith 4 A W Kfngsman, Boston. P G GUU»tt, Jackson viUe.Hl BABobineon, Lottisvide P BmdicV, New York A A Hanks Penna _ , JohnO Willis, New York Hbrard. Jen L Lcvett. Backs co B 7 Chambers, Maryland Jf WlUii . „ C Battles, Sew Jersey J A Book, Balttmore_ W Booeray & vrf, H Y Jas B Bisson. Maryland F Bixoo, Maryland; Mrs W HWln,terbottom,H& Matt H Winterbottom, Md 8 M Woodkok Altoona W W Walker, Waynesboro John Morris, lowa B X Belnhclmer, St Bonis KJ Pinner, Penna E P Basle it, Huntingdon A S Evans. Ft Wayne J I. Hassell.'Plttilmr* D B Bsvldson OonnellsT’e J C Garrett, Ohio J Pierce, Portland, Me W W Thomason A la, Okie H 0 Rothman IH Bnghman J B Cine. Jr, Harrisburg T C Pearce, Cincinnati C Andrese. Jr. Cincinnati B A Gaston, Cbester co J A Morris, Reading J Knot will, Daupolaeo W D Smith. Heading W Holden a la T H Larkin, Jr, 8t bonis J G Gilman . „_ , H C Hoi,ear St wf, Bel WI J Henry, Button . John Hoob, Pmegrave C A Bosbyshell, Potlsvllle A F Brandt. Harrlsbnrg G Y Godfrey, Altoona. A B Pennypacker, Chicago Samael Jones, Pittsburg G L Bawson, Wllm, Bel PYTnokar, Backs co T A McCleary, Lancaster PAM Hiester. Beading TBHynson, Maryland HA Clark. Fitchburg A Davis, Penna Theo Lvons, Hew York W- P Minor, WHkesbarre Lewie Carl, fork. Pa Martin Bender. York, Pa H B Sewlln, Colorado Br J B Harlan, Colorado ST Hauser J B Bax bank, ITS A - B Springer, Haw York GY Stevens. Baltimore Blcbd Tucker, Mass P M Price, Lock Haven wliants’a F H Heltteton Hew York W S Pratt, OU City 3 At Kepler, PbtUipabnrg Jplm J Scnell. Bomarton M P Sweep, Harr labor* B Van Dorea, Harrisburg U B Bamler. Middletown Cbss Foteom, Hew Fork Bobt Armatrong, Allegheny Jan Dean BBalr J P Friwanff, Penna a W Fatieraou, P* nna 0 Krlsaingar, Berlin, Pa J J) Friable, ilonneraville St Borland. Monongahela W B Sewigbt, Browusyltle 1 Jos C Onrray. Pittebnr* BShnyder, Beaton Geo W Lee, Brooklyn A Behng, Beaton 3 B Beeur, Beaton _ Mias OCS Ball,Brie, Pa , Mlsa J Bill. Brie. Pe Bee 7 Holler, Pittsburg H Spangler, Gettysburg B F Ble*. 1, Beaton A B Snyder ID Morey - J K Caldwell, OUo 3 B PHUipa, FHiaborg W PMlllpa, Pittsborg J P Herdmen, Httaburg OB Ball. *»le, P* J B Green, Berka oo . C A Barker, Hew Brighton F A Barker, Hew Brighton F Laver iy, . J dandrlekaon ft da, Ta BH ttmton , j j McKee, Allentown w Wolf ft son. Centre eo B Heae ft son. Centre eo HO Wolf, Miffllnabnrg A H Wexelberg, Oinn, O B S Howell ft wf. H Fork J Moore, Mount Bethel. j Hagermen, Mount Bethel J S MoNloeh, Cetowlaae 0 Hollister, Hew Heyen 1) M Horsey, Beaten v»l*. Pa J Datetmaa. Milton K Halfpenny, Fa icriean. Eobt T 8411. Milford, Del J> BEterick, Sewburg, Pa 'JohnF Bhoads, Carlisle x LJ> Campbell* WiLliamspi H Bowman fifiilersvilie B Q Markley. Fauna L Gold mas, Holiidaysbarg Jaa P Smith. Reading,*, Prank Harley* Ashland W Jones & la, Trenton Jos Bodsdon, A Hampshire J 8 Brackett & wf, Boston Thos Aubln & wf, * York. Hobt Da Bela. Stew York W B Waddell & la, Penns Join Bridges, ShippSQßb’g Isaac R Patter. Maes W It Mraan, Delaware JT Selby. Maryland ’ Mrs Jas Stfanlove. uel J J Harrison* Hew York J J Bisel, Lock Haven O W Warren, Maryland p 8 Bead. Marr land _ W T Gtafton* Chester, Pa Capt B Maguire,New York W Amer, Mew York J a Smith, Baltimore S W Tattle Tens woatowa I, B Tan*, boweit, Ma«e jb ,Um>. a %, w _7 ar £,, ■ B Wellaa, SpricjJeM SPECIAL IffOTICES. 20 FBR OBKT, go pm, curt. 20 PER OBRT. . go p ßa CKXT. 80 PBR CERT. go PRR CRRT Lower thar jutr other House. Lower tear art othbr House. Plantation Bitters by the Mile.— Hesßrs P. H. BBAKB'A CO., last year. Sold nearly two million bottles of PLANTATION BITTERS. Al lowing twelve inches to the bottle, set In a continuous line, they would extend 879. miles. What a nation of Invalids we are! Just think of-s stream, three Inches square, extending from New York to Buffalo, being •wallowed by human stomachs In a single year! Yet. peeple appear to thrive nndarit, and repeat with plea; sure. We are Inclined to thlnk>Draka A'Co. are enti tled to the persimmons. Viva la Ppaktation, 8. T.— 1860—X. ap7 61 Wihe-Hanging Baskets of a yabiety of pal terns, audits of Chains. Hooks' at>d Brackets forhauitngthose of eaTtheu-ware or terracotta. For sale by TRUMAN A SHaW, No. 833 (Right Thirty.' five) MARKET B:rest, below Ninth. It Pinching and Curling Tongs, Ctjhl in, Irons, Natl Scissors and Ontters. Tweezers, Hair Crimpers, Bazora, Hone, and Strops, for sale by TKU MAH A SHAW, NO. 833 (Eight Thirty-five) MARKET Street, below Ninth. It Colgate's Honey Soap. This celebrated TOILET SOAPi In sash universal de mand, is made Cram the CHOICEST materials, la MIL? and EMOLLIENT lp its nature, FBAGEANTLT SCENT ED, and EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL in Us notion mm ike Skin. Vox ante ,by all Druggists and Pansy Goode dealer*. „ - fo2B-tntbsly Uspbecedbnted Success. UNION BUTTON-HOLE SEWING MAOHIKBS HOW BBADY. SEWING 100 BUTTON-HOLES AN HOUR. Thc Slilchinff Warranted to be Superior to hand-work, to any Material, and Much More Durable I Saebsboohs, 300 WASHINGTON Street, Boston. 747 BROADWAY, Now York. AMOS L. WOOD, .... Treasurer, mhld-tuih* 2m Jonhs’. THE LOWEST BELLING PRICE Is marked in figure* on each article, AND NEVER VARIED. , AT JONES’ Crescent One-prls* CLOTHING HOUSE, MARKET STREET, above Sixth, No 604. Ear Prieee reduced to snlt the time*. ' A fin* assortment of BEADY-MADE CLOTHING, editable for all seasons, constantly on hand. Custom-work made to ordar at short noties. Dnh9-Sx Key to Ijove, ob Db. 8. M. Landis’ very Popular Private Lecture on “PBYOOLOGI3AL FASCINATIONS” jnetont. Learn to charm those yon love. Secrets worth knowing. Bend priee.-26 cents, to Dr. liANDIS’ Medical Office, No. 1313 CHESTNUT Street, and receive It by return mall. mh2o-26t* ■ Db. Banking’s Incomparable Brace.— TruiM*. Shoulder Braces, Supporters, Elastic Stock \ai*t &c, , la *ie*t -variety» atO. H, MBEDLES', cornel TWELFTH and BAGS Street*. Ladle** -Boon* on Twelfth, atreet* first door below Bⅇ lady attendant*. gyrHng;ea of all description*- mh-lS*lm Itch. (Wheaton's) Itch. SALT EHETJH. (OIHT JIBUTI SALT BHSDSI. Will euro the Itch In 48 hours. Alio cures Salt Bhsurn 01mrI, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of ths Skin. Price SO cents. By cendint #0 cents to WEEKS A POT TXB, BOSTON, Mass ’, dill be forwarded free by mall. Per tale by all Dru Krista. mM.7-8m fff?H GBOBOBBTBCK & CO.’S JfASOJT CABIBBT OHQAHS. PIAHO Over 600 each of these _fSn« OABOTK FOBTS& lastranMatehavehseaspldby o*o tBA PIABO Mr.O . gad the demand Ueoa- POBTBB. ctantty laereaslng. 2?i?AS§i fi,o lrfi)U si™ PIABO BBTBHTH<£d CHBSTBOTBU . OABIBET JOSTBS. ' no2o tt 10BGA1S. GEKTMMEH’B oriIIK.B. »* •saa/®?®" COATS. EPSINBSS SPITS, ui 8 BBSS WEAK- Rarly'eelectione fore the canal rash beataa. WAH AMAKEEA BROWH, Bln. Tailoring. _ ObBTOK DEPARTMENT. Ho. 1 Sooth SIXTH Street. LI.OTB-TAKBEESIIOB. -On the Uth Instant, at the residence of the bride’s Barents, at P>>a;atxvrila, hr the Bey William Smith, Mr Horace Lloyd to Mlbb Mary Eliza Yanderrilce Ho cuds. DIED. GLBIH —At City Point, Ta., on the 4th instant, of a Wound received while storming the rebel works at Petersburg, Major Edwin A. Glenn, of the 193 th (6th Colon Lesene) Pennsylvania Volnnteers. Hib relatives and friends, also the Members of the Union League, Pranhford bodge. Ho. ®2, A. Y.M., and Boimeebnrg Lodge, 1. O. of O. P , are Invited to attend the foneral, from hlslsteresidence Ho. 189 Main street. Vrankford. on Thursday, 13th instant, at 2)j» P. M Fnneral will more precisely at Interment, with military honors, at Ged&r Bill Cemetery* Carriages will be in readiness at the League House, Che, tan?street, above Twelfth, at 2 o’clock, to convey the Members ©I the Leagueto Fr&tkford. • . , CALLAGHAN. —On Monday eveniny, after a short Dlness, Mr. George Callaghan, in the 60th year of his "■The relatives and friends of the family are rang fully invited to attend his funeral, from his late retiaenoe.lso 2U7 Spring Garden street, on Thurs day afternoon, the 13th lust .to move at three o clock. Funeral services at the First Baptist Church, Thirty* Sixth and Chestnut streets, at do 1 dock. laterment&fc i On Tuesday afternoon, 11th instant, Mary i W inshester, daughter of William 8. and the late Mary S, Mastiu, aged4years and* months. raßAntll Funeral from the residence of h f r o {^ er U 73o w ll M The r efativS sal Mend'“of the faiaU y areresoecthiUy 1 lnv)t,dto,att«Bd the funeral, from her late reside cos, j Ho. 234 Horth Broad street, on Fifth-day afternoon, 13th I ttn° the evening of the Bth irritant, sfter a lingering Ulnesc, David Davis, In the 7Sd year of his a The rslstlves and friend* are resu«etMly larited to ta ßKfraßK!-o“T.“mh ra ffit. AlbertE. Brsitsr, ‘SkiM to I attend 1 the funeral, from the residence of his mother, i No 810 North Ninth street, on Friday at3P» ». *ABOH -At Mount Holly. H J.. on Tuesday, April I iitii bav Samuel Asrsuu in the 85th year of his age. Bis relatives and friends are &J[lJ' 1 nersl, at his late residence, in Mount Holly* on Batur- I day, (be 15th, instant, all o'clock PM. - . , CARUICK.—KUIed near Petersburg on Saturday, { April, 1,1865, while leading his company into I Captain Edward J. Carmick, of the 12ttb Regiment New J J oik Volunteers, in the 23d year of his age* son of I Cspt Sttpben Garmiek. formerly of this city. I Having entered the service four years ago as a private j In the Ist Beidsn Sharp shooters, when no bounty or 1 other inducements but pure patriotism prompted. I young Carmick to leave hi* home at his country s can, I and'ti outh twice woiuded and a pvUonarin BUhmood, I here-enlisted, and at the request of General Meade hv I was uromoted for bis dialingnlshed gallantry. Sa tan I on the ls« Inst., near Petersburg, at the head of his nnmnanv. bravely urging on his me*, As modest ashe I £*Hbrave helwa* the admiration of hU comrades. Hie i devotion and affection are the only corn olatton in this hour of grief of hishw« strWksn pared,. b G. ymUADBIPHIA, April l2. iggi.— — h—imi—nm—irm—i rlack btzantines—black b*. Mn"ulS;>.to*..9l'HCal3THnTßlTset. ,j£lL A/TOUBWKG FOULAKDB.—BL A 0 K ill snd White, Black gad.PuTple^aadPttttaßml ca JS BIKE & LANDELL’B OU GOLD BABB FOBEIGN B GOODB . GOdD TIM* TO BUY. u then;assortment Is excelled HrvsMJtr^SEjfgSs U« A ’<.®7acerfwilftlk“p&«. 00 0 s 'EO^Bja y apiWM THE ASStii MMTISa OFTHE ISSWeJMuilJimvi at tha TIDSOUTE AND A&&B* i?} C ?^OMPAB Y will ba bald as tba Office of {i B e Comp^ C No“ P 4I;WAIK3Tm r B a «, at 4 o’olo.S F »irt3-2t* BATOBPAt ' % IS B. BBOWH. Skctotatr. _ ip, *ywy|g ftiiiiPliiß’B STOCK. EX.* I3IFo£SS. »« SOS oHB|||nT |j»6t. ww SSr,*S 7 b ;fo« Sh!iSs?tJ7*lU b,W ance drily uutlldbe opeaia*. fwM» ® oJL|BoVad f.,S^° melV * *“^T B A°G B6BBBT. mteiou. Vies Prendeut. »pl 9 « £' 0. fOLWSIi. E«o««t«T* \l3pn’ BEPCBUCAN nTUCIBiI^). f in eeling of the Chib will be held at > SANSOM-STHEET HALT,, | a FRIDAY EVENIHO, April 11 JSSS, at V,i I'cJiMh,' make arrasgeme&tfl fox' ft A PUBLIC DEMONS I'RADION, ft honor of the A \ BBOENT UNIOH VICTORIES. jB | CEOEQE IS MAR RICHB, President. L POE, Jg., Secretary. ap!3 2fc tHllllßltii’S MEKYTSQ.-BEV. •rS OAHMOND -will preach to ohtldrsa ; iUBEDAT Afternoon, at o’cujch. in the Church, of SBYBHTEBKTH end FILBERT Streets. lt« hmilFSB NOTICE-OFFICE OF brook coal corpahy, 300 ”Mi!Kg-MBr Street. Fhiladhpbia-, April 12.18 M. ..tEr . jitpiOet'iig of the Board or Directors of the ROifBT 6RVAJ-'HIaCOAI. COMPaHT. bold at their Office, No. 209 We® yinfetreet, a 81-ridead or TBRBK PER CBKT. on the® T,..|rCi®Hal Stock of $3,009,003 «as declared parable on A "i-W;»th list. J. B. RctSRBARY. President. Yfk TBB PRESENT ATXOK OF THE BKOIMSIHAI. PfjAG TO THB HU 0. 8. CO LOfiM SBjO TBt.OFF, on behalf of the Citizens ef ehUid-I -s%,iaJinß r'C l »*« place In front of the SPATS HOCSB on BtJZJs o’clock. GKO. B. WHITS. ' % „ Chairman of ConnaUUo. . WHf .-j|- fB. Minton, Secretary. ap!3-at» A OBANIt OIEBBITION W THE CAPTURE OF RICHMOND, |IE ftJREEBDEE OP GEN. E. E LEE AH» pEBBL ABUT OP KOBTHBBH VIRGINIA, | WILL TAKE PLACE | OX* FRIDAY, April 14, 1865. p ' EGCTJS OP PEOCE3SIO3T. ‘At «nd orcanizatlons of every d ascription. untfc ski regalia, WiU meet and form on BROAD Jsielow Locart, at 10 o’clock A- M An escort J&Sbe 24tl> Keeixnent 0 6. G. T. at America and ■dwts. at 9 o’clock, and proceed down master ngr own Second to Coates, op Coates to Fourth, Ijl&fc to Green, no Green to York arenas, down' to Viae,upYiae to Twelfth,down Twelfth. Miijsrch to Broad, where they wilL be joined line of procession, down Broad to Chest* iestnot to State Honse, where, it U aader* ■s. Pill he presented by the Otticenff to the 24 th ■ not by the Manneker Institute, as pro* the subscriptions to said, fiat fan! ■ ; %*r the public—down Sixth to Walnut, up’ ■ olfth, down Twelfth to Lombard, down ■ny\ird. np Third to Chesinm, downChesnnt ■ "/‘ontto Depot. ■ ->i, ; WiU be spent in Celebration of the9oth M ,j£ the Pennsylvania. Abolition Society, at » by special invitation. Dr. JAB. JffcC. CRUMMILL, ■ 1| Chairman of Committee. ■ m M. Greek, Secretary. ■-Srieties wishing to participate will report the chief Jba>sbalon reaching Broad B ,©o he assigned *heir positioneiatne line, Mffe-J £ GLASGOW. Wbtfy.H—A. at Greer, Daniel Colley, las. jEgjjdos Sheaf, W. B. Dtordorer &pl3«2t* CiTfV or wWtW 'Will ItifefeJMb Master m? *. to B*con3, ■ Tork to ATcb»fh ■ by cfriljlxoa *mt, dowfo. < 1 £^?m3lS|*l Viorel* fib ] being XD&d&tj 'Wal&irt to u 9 ' Lfca d iSji' to Front* off? The Evesu Ann Wei sKti CoBCEhT B Sent, Hsj H. B:~Ah ilDtntdiaUlj nreet, in on CMef Kan Ma»ph&ra_. MtC- CTPIDI4ff;, tsar*' : .SJNSYLVANIA 800IVTT -iSf TBE ABOLITION OF SLAVERY, £ OF FREE KBGBOES tJYLiWFUL |>R DAGB. AND FOR IMPROVING fON OF THE aFR£CAS RACE, 'oSad Foarth month (April), 14th., 1775, Sap Oaeir Anniveriary ■ m CONCERT HALL. igIDAY (Friday) BURNING, IH& . at 8 o cloak precisely. speakers will address the *bk¥3l FOB PBOMOTKsd FOB THE BULB* LI BBLB-Urlf SBBCONIH' "Which was OTfauj celeb?* Oa Sixfl 14tkf ml follovia# L** ’}, ALYfiEA; jtncky. JL- H, HIGBn . J The : meeting Bey of Best Bst. Bey. GILBERT, of New York, formerly mMt> GARNETT, of Washlmioa. fii JACKBJA. of Harrlsbar* IRBINSB, WM. 8 PSIRGB, aui tg jiSOH. Tbe public are iavlisd. H BTiAHDI WILLIAM KIOI »t»18 2t* SOrLTABIXA HOSPITAL . gaed aekaowleSias ilia follovris* ia reepooße to the appeal of f ar*eonß of'the Pennsylvania Ho*- ...... *»« -5®*...... ~ 138 27 lOO 00 sc oa 60 00 .*♦— 50 00 50 00 60 00 50 00 :5« • •#.♦»«•-*«-»»•«»• «•»*•.*. ♦•*■» 60 00 m.. 30 00 .. 30 00 30 00 X33&** PIBIBI The ÜBdetj additional couuilv the Physician# and pttaJ, for aid to fcb* Joseph B. IfigerKol, Gecrga S. Cash? by T. Idv aid G. Knigf# M L. fco' Samuel V. Canbi&o lease B Smith* *4 Philip PhTSlch Pd carnet T. Morii#.*E, lease V. Kcnrla.Jfl John. Thompson an Lidia Thompson S Henry Haines..«♦! J). Hayes agnew. MAI SusanT. SbompsonVoll James B Tht aopsen’..) | Charles T. Thempsw*. I John J Thompson, aito] M. C. D~ ...*%« fetxattoa S Brother T0ta1.... Fhixada . fourth mgt fffiiD; — »SSF b '- THE ASI I President and MW BAIJ.g at their Office. 308 W-SJ -#ay I. at It o'clock M. 1 aolS* w frnSt • •sar THE Altsul fcK’ the Stockholders of fca Past will he held at (MV Strict, on TOEt-DA Y. MayS*. potte of eleetin* a Board of l\j Secretary, to aeive for tta»-t Boohß will clcec on. SAiUSBii apia-lg-ZStroTi-it* TBE ANNCALt Stocti bolder ft of the HV will »• held at the Offlca OFFICE OFTIQii fa» OIL COHPAtT, 23 saw PfttAOhK The first atraoal meeting or *t ■ Company wtll'be held on .e* V>EDSB-I>AY. the 3d dfctl at the office of the CotDpany,*ol 4 and S o’clock F M,.» to elect @1 eerr* for one year. B. BJShttlil gpll tglhtst r tie FAIB.-THK <5f(V fcfS? ASsOCIATiOBT W-1U OPBffiW CEHT Ball OS «OH DAY. Ap'cil lircush the Week. Fri-ceedf fcrSlffl SOhCIEBS. I Ms Association has id Bicbmond distributor delloaoleBi?, I in si«a» of the late joyful news. 1 celce enthusiastic enpport. , TiekeW Cents; singleadinißsion 1C caste. If OFFICE Ol? ML® l=B? FIliE INSFBAKOSCOMPA 1 . PHIIAMLPHI ■* TIB Directors have this *g*WP| SEVER DOU.a|WA»l>.yinT Mi l tor the last six Mosths wkichwlll bgWl bolderr or their leral * 20th tastaEt, CLEo’K OFA t.DTAXBa? apll-Bt AX.EEBT C. 1. CHAVIii *33*“ FIRST BAPTISUPdIj iaF BKOAB Al»8 ABOH STRBBTIrI® . FORT SUMPTER'S; hi THE BAISIHG OF # Public Service prill beheld la thiatls-w DAT, thellthinat, commemorative o® e il meat of the Hatlonal Government, as fliil raising of the .Flag at Fort Sumpter. * ell Aa Addreee may be expected brji, BOiEUMAN aad stirring patriotic MtSiej of the Church. j«e WP CKBEK OIL COMPANTI, a|f^ 8 Th'e Tramfer Boohs of this CoBWSBjil to MOBOAS MiXT. 17th mat .at S ocUct paratorr to the appnal mealing of the ~1 all hoWeia of atoeh must have mrttamt’J thorn to -vote at the above meettnl. fe a&g 4 ” ° f B “ td ° f^ Ct fl»T&| A'RSr- OFFICE OF MB Cl XT > J fig? mm 00MMIS81OS, COKM'I tOTEJMSG, 613 CHESTS BT Street, iwl » PHU.iDBI.PSIi, MY-: Hotiee ia hereby riren that the Conuni! payment ef the CSty Bonnty are now P™P»i, ana adjaat the claim* of *U new recrnlt* ar ritioos of existing OMlnatwea fi j | Volunteer* Ther are also; prepared to receive aad to award to, all citizen* who*hallbolij \% tor warrantee. jnh7-dffWtf aSE - •«3> omcEOTTHK nEsnre^^it,iv. MANTUA, AND YAIBMOONT JMcL^SBi'IGSE eajlsoadoo.,BO »f»^gS l iSk^* &F&S&W. $Tf HS§|/fffe «?s*,“»» ViIKMOUHT PiSBSST(3BE «t®o KOAD COMPART (ttw Fatimoimt and Arcli-Btre«t i , Pas- Mfinear Hallway Company* and .Fairmouns a? »\oT-; , enter Ba)fw«y Co”«»lo«ria *iii til* tairfglwin "ba bald at the office of the Company, No. 256 a LO'WHVLL street, on MONDAY, the a t 12 o’clock M., to take into coMideration the of enattsff anew mortgage In lieu of the mortfafjhA { now efi?tSr. for th?pur%>Bo of retirini the eat re f *ad«d aid floats** indebtednets of tie Coopsny, In jj fc sord “& w »t actof A 866 ; 55= OFFICE OF THE BF SOJ.II TTJ BIHESG COMPaHT, Ho 33i WALJIUTI 3*. PffiLADBLPHIA. Aprli n. 11 J A. 50TJC35 \* hereby airea that all Stock of the hr i ; Sfl ttppb MIiSIJKQ COMPACT on which instalment! j SSlF«£& £ sssfir?i Ho Hold attmblic auction on BITUEDATi taSlotll 2 |\| Sf Mw iK? 12 o’clock, noon, at the office oj \ la Secretary of the CoTpotattottv according to the Chi t ■ u nd Bj'Aaws.uolesis redeemed on or b ? fo g ! O Qpt i 3 ana an Extra Dividend of TEH PEE CENT, Nere declared i n rise Capita! Stock, parable to the Stockholder*, or their legal representative*, on and after the ktth Inst., f«« of taxes. J. W. MoAtUBTKK, ap4-Iot Secretary pro tem. KSF» OFFICE OF COBS PUSTEBOIL l=E? COMPANY, Ho. 5*4 WALSH! Stieet, March MKETIHO of the Stockholder* of thU Companr will be bold at tbolr office on TtT&S D AY, APB It 18tb. IE6S. at 12 o’clock ML, at which Hme an Koction for Director* to W ■ jSwB tueUpOS NOTICE IS HEREBY OXVJ&N fag* that the Annnsl Meeting of the Stockholders o! the CENTRAL TRANSPORTATION COMPANY OF .ytillfc* hfcidat* coraer of THrfcTlSTELand MaBKKT Streets. West Philadelphia, ?n MOHDAI, tbelthda, of April next atlOo'clock a 1L for tee parpote of electte* Bine Director!, a TreeArer, and h«?9.*SfigS&SSJßSrtMfc Philadelphia, April 8,1665. ap3 ia SCHIIIBIU' AWD BCSQCE HANEA KAILBOAD COMPAIT, OFFICB *»! Sonth FOUETB Street. ... Phiiapultsia, April ffl*. . •The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this cc-ropapy, and an election for Yreetdeat and six Men*gets, ■will take nl*cs at the OFFICE of the COM PA HI, on MORDAT, the let day of May next, at 12 “aiffttajl WM. H. WEBB, Secretary. PHOENIX OIL COMPAWT.-AS I 3& Adjourned Meeting of the Stockholder* ofthe Phaute °U Con pany willhe 1 eld at tbe office. So. 13* South WHAKVBS(upstabs). on MONDAY. April 17th, 3 a.’clock P- W*. for the purpose ol t iking into coa* OP MS CENTS PEE SHARE *va stock. for an Section of Five Directors to eery* S* aui«g tear* and other important business. f ill* JAMBS D BBAftY, Secretary. AHSCAI HERm« OJ’THB I "ft. %ss» ** ssss?«iU"»£.r-1 1 THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA",' THURSDAY. APRIL 13, 1866: fat 30 09 su oo \*+++»+••++++ 30 00 2500 * 26 00 >•*•»•****•> » I >■» m-n. .A 27 HfT LEWiK, Treasurer (April) lath, 1361 , It AX ELECTION FOR a?*r« of the ELMIRA A#f> LID COMPANY wUUmSW |Ur Street, on MOWDaZ. p i». jp. asioEa* ' Secretary, HL M££TlN€} OF j' ‘-aLL CSBSE OIL COM V’sfiee. No 309 WALNOr >.• at 10 A, M.» for the pur* S rectors, Treasurer. and tsaia* year. Transfer ' , April SfUh.. oan M0L8089., Sec * rand Trees, ~ & 7EB OIL COMPANY l 'vi Company, No. 133 i-.vt at 4 o deck P. ML /WYLE, Secretary. pip IJB AHBEB H&TfIIRD h tract. ae-iA- April 10,1855. tockholders ol this “Mar, 1865. Hireea the hoars of OIBBCTOBB, IO r | Secretary. JIES» UK IOW ¥AIS AT 00 S icC7th. to coatiatie WOTXffDBU a Committee in HTC& i* i* hoped that FsJU FalttwlH re “i WENTY’FIVB I aplist* |&H£BICiS April 10, 1865. a Dividend of SFS& SHA&S ; ,( d to the Stock ;. a and alter the >BD, See*?. UUK€fl, •» [IDiY, THE HreU on TKt pi-e-establtnh.- I SollJOd in tho I Ist. G. D. l e.y tha Choir U* apll-it sr» oil. WALMGT f ; l oloae on ipVk Sol’d era. p > to entitle |£ cretarr, KniJS*T« §S7*WBOiTB *■> flpUa } a #, IBM. f r ..oa for tho ifid to rewire fßler tho »ro Sfarraat tot foi ? errant for fe.ona from^ t ed for on* cHpted foi lertULoato* K®® BMP FOB THK HE BOBS OF •2557 BICBJdOXD. —ls the exaltation* and thinks* livings of tMs glorious day, let ns not forget the brave men who have paid'frr ot if Victory with thjir Mood, and who now lid on the battle Sold maimsd and i-nffer* i*g, Ov#ro»e hundred Delegates of the OfftflSflKST COMMISSION are now among rite wounded* Blading up their wounds* giving them cordials and drhaK, ««- sfeting In earning them off the field* and who* they have borne the weary, jolting ambulance ride, giving them eoffee and refreshments as they ne placed Is the can. Hundreds of preefous lives have already been caved by tkess ministrations. Generali OBIFFIU and CHAHBBBLAIN have formally thanked the Agents of the Coaaaißßioa in the 6th Corps for these succors Other Delegates accompanied the 21th Corps With simi lar ministrations. Additional minute men are going forward by* every train. Demands for stores are coming in hourly. The Commissßm needs Offlf HUM- X>BED THOUSAND DOLLABB TO SAVE Lt?BS. Millions a ■week hence will net resibre the lives which you may save to day by Bending your Delegates to the -bleeding and faidtlng heroes who have saved your’ country. Bend In your contributions promptly'to Mr. JOSEPH PATTBBSON, Tressttrer of the Christian Commission, Western Bank, or to the Chairman, Mr; GXOBGE H. STUABT, Chrisrian Commission Booms, Xfo. 11 BANK street, Philsdeiphia. ap7-6t HUGH BUIIEB BOCK OIL COHPMI.* 1,000 INTBHESTS. 100 DOLLiIBa EACH. It & propoted to orjanite a Company on a wntMl* ' i. basis. Tie interests in this Compsay are nearly ail’ 1 \ subscribed. \ j BBT TWERTI IRTEBESTg REMAIN. ■ Whan thee an tokos, the Hit will B» closed, and one of the moat promiring Companies Is the market ones!zed; For particulars, call upon or addreu JOHN S. WILSON, ap!2-4t OHBgMTOT BTRRBT. ■ ; |ggT* FSIIVLEDV. THE HEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL PETROLEUM OOMPANI, OROAfTIZBD WmtK TBM Uirnm AMD' MAHOTAOTireiKa LAWS OF THI BTATK OF «W FORK. CAPITAL’, ONE MILLION DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES, HO Fiat SHARE. SOBBOKIPTIOJST PKIOB, 85 PKR SHAKE. HCT LIABLB TC FURTHER ASSBSSMKHT. OFFICES: go. ft A BMPIKB BFILDIga, *0 71 BROADWAY. BM YORK Posy Optioe Adpusss, BOX’Jib. 6368, Bnw Yobx. opyiosßA Bon. DABIZL & DIOKIJIBOK, President. WB. T. PHIPPb, Vice Preiident, ROBERT Bassett, Secretory. B. J.BDRTIS. Mining Baperintsndent.TttmrriUe.Pa. ATLAHTIC BAHK,’Ro.l42'Bfoadway.B.Y.,Treasury- The wells of the Company are sow prodneing oil. payment for stock mar he made Is drafts, reglitsrsd note., or Goyernment bond. ,hd securities, which bond, and securities will be takes at their market value. Remittances mar be addressed to thwCompany, P. O, Box ho. 6368. Kew Fork City, or to "Atlantic Bank, Treasury of the new Fork and Idrerpool Petroleum Company, Ho. 10Broadway. Hew Fork City.” or to any of its agents, mho-Sm OT NOTICE. ids' PHTIiABBIPHtAi April 1, 1865. The Office of the COMMON WEALTH' OIL 1 COMPANY, On and after this date, will bs located-in the Third Story Front Boom is tho OOMMBBCIAL BOILDISG, Ho. 515 CBBSTHCT Sr. mh3l-m DAVItt B. HCLTi Secretary. war- NOTICE —A SPECIAL MEETING ■SB* 0 t the Stockholder, of the BLDB.OKEBK OIL COMPANV will he held at the CompMiy's office, Ho. 40F WALROTStreet, on SATURDAY, the 22d April, ’‘'bj’ the Board. E. B;' ALSOP, spll-iot* Secretary. ffi-asr” THE UNION CANAL HAVING H® been placed is complete order with increased oepih, and an ample supply of water,.will ba opened for navigation on MO a f:> AF, the 10th instant. By oideroftheßoardofManagert. - _ _ I. J. WISTAR, President If. 0 Co. ■ rntIACELPHIi, April 7, 1665, ; apB-66 rZSf™ OFFICE OP THE LEHIGH COAL *!» AND BAVIGATION OOMFAHY. ■ PuiLAOßLl’inAv March 10,1865 The Stockholders of this Company ate-herehy notified that, to provide means forhomplettng the improvemenU of the Company between Wllkesbarre and Manch Chnhk, and to be prepared to progress with other tm gortahf railroad connection., tbs Board, of Manager, ave determined;to allow to all persona who shall ap pear a. Stockholder, on the book, of the Company on the 18th Inst., after.closing of transfers at 8 P. M. of thntday, the privilege of subscribing for new stock at fmr, to the extent of'ene ebare of mew-stock for every ve share, then standing In their names. Bask share- ■ holder entitled to a fractional part of a sham shall hays the privilege of subscribing for a fcH share. : The subscription book, will open on the 80th Inst., and close on the Ssth of May at BP. M. The new stock will not partieipats in the May dividend. Payments Will bs required as follows: Ten per cent, at the time of subscribing, and the balance on the 24th day of May aforesaid, after which time only win the new certificates be iiitifcd. Stockholders sot paying as above will lose their right to the new stock. Those who desire to anticipate pay ment will be allowed discount on the whole amount of their subscription at the rate of six ner cant, par annum. mhlS-lm ' 80L0M0H SHBPHBBD, Treasurer. OFFICE or THB BSIOS PBTRO- I=» LEUM COMPANY, No. 147 South FOURTH Street. FHir.ADaI.P iiA, April 6, 1885 The Animal Meeting of the Stockholders of thlß Com' peny will be held on WEDNESDAY. the 26th or April, 1865, at 12 o’clock M. „„ . Ap6-thsmwsst CHARLES-A BUY, President, NOKTMRKN utbertiks and fc® PENH TOWNSHIP RAILROAD COMPANY, PHIPABKLPaiA. Apia 8, .1865 The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany. and an Election for Officers to serve for the en uring year, and until others shall be elected, will be held at the Office of the Philadelphia and Reading Ball road Company, Ho. SMdT’-Soutu FOORTH Street,- on MOHDAY. the let day of May next, at 11 o'clock A. M. apB-tmyi - WILLIAM H. WEBB, Secretary. §3*“ TWENTY’SECOND WAKD UNION §l3§7 T.EaQIIB —The annual meetinaof the Chios LEAGUE OF THE TWENTY-NECOSD Wa 8D wUI be held onTHUBBDAY. April Nth. at 8 o'clock F. M.. at the League House. Germantown.^ t p7-6fc Secretary. tTHE DAT. IS- OUK8! 215thi PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. to®.UNION LEAGUE KEGIMBNT, THE. MILITARY COMMITTEE OF THE. UNION LEAGUE has received authority to wise ANOTHER REGIMENT OP INFANTRY for TWELVE MONTHS’ SERVICE, UNDER THE CALL OF DECEMBER 19* 18G4. • Orders have been given to the Provost Marshals and other Mastering Officers to muster in Raortrits for the B&gJiseat. The Officers are all Veteran Soldlers,.«n4.wiU take care of their men, and be with them in the Held. HEADQUARTERS, NATIONAL GUARDS’ EA.CE STREET, BELOW SIXTH. ’ city aid unran states, bounties i" ONE YEAR-. #5?O - YEARS - 6S«- a THREE YEARS -• 800. Besides the HIGHEST WARD.BOUNTIES and PAY, RATIONS, and CLOTHING. Recruiting Stations have been-.established ip various parish! tie city. By order of the MILITARY COMMITTEE OF, THE: UNION LEAGUE. ap7.B-spll tuths6t S tv FBI ZB MONEY, GOVERNMENT AND LOCAL BOUNTIES TO ALL WHO ENTER THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. Ordcre have been mceiyed from the head of the Marine Corps, at Washington not to restrict recruits to If . particular class fas hks been the esse heretofore), bnt Ben to receive ALL who haveserved In the volunteer ser* ■on vice, orlnthengnlore, or In the marines, and have Wot been honorably discharged. Such persons enlisting la mu he U. 8, Marines will renews the Government end fh£ local bounty, and wlll.also be entitled to their share of ySiorlre money In any capture, of the enemy's vessels. HBFor further information apply at the recruiting ren i Wderrous. Ho 311 South FRONT Street, between 8 A. *" tjpj.if Captain and Recruiting Officer. JPOR THE ILLUMINATION, ~ S*'GEN. GRANT CANDLES." !|| Wmnsaue mot to “ Emm. > ■ a&For iftleby ROBERT DONNELL 4t SOX. 806 WALNUT Btrest. 'OB THE ILLUMINATION—LARGE elzed PAPKE ELAGB,3S wnli; omnll siJO.IO oenli, !or*al9bi ___ , _ • _ KITO St S&IBD# Ho SOT BASSOM Btra«k. ILLUMINATING. Somethin* new foi Ulnmlnatfon* and camp aw, b«!uc meeting*. Sc- One honored per ten*, sated lip Hl* **" fEIUHIXATING OAHDT.WIOKB "fe salt by W. W. KSIOHT * 80S. Ugl.dt 900 COMMERCE &t. Rumination —lo,ooo oandlb- IriCES. the best kind, for tale at No. 809 MAR. 0 Street. It* SH. GARDEN & CO., NOS. 600 AND i 60S! MARKET Street, Hannfaetnreta of and Attala Dealers In HATH, CAPS, FURS. AOBHBTB, Iw ooods, abotiolaa showers, booh® git. The lartett and moai eomplate atcek, add th« Knne. Oonntry MerAhanta and. the Trade top- ffihl-8w ItE CORN VINEGAR, FREE ba drags, at* warranted to preterxe frnlts and Jeaualto aider vtsejar, masa'actarad ant aeld 1 PtJRDY 4 00., km 9S South frost gtrwtr SILK & DRV GOODS JOBBERS. 1865. 1865. lIALLOWELI, 6IBMER) & Cff„ 013 OJHEESTWCJX STBKET, JAWE’S KABBM BPILOIKe, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN SILKS AMD MCI BBT 80O»S, B«8 now in gtoek an assortment at taICK ABB COLOKKD DRESS SILKS. BLACK ABB COLORED MOBS. DE LAINBB, 8-4 AND 6-4. BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS. CBAPB MARETZ, BAKEOB HEBNAKI. MOZAMBIOCB, TOIL JOB NOBD. PAKIS PRIBTED A.NI> PLAIN JACONBTS ABB ORGANDIES. PACIFIC LAWNS AND OB3AKDIBS. SHAWLS. MANTLES, As. RBTAII »b* goods. jynus <6 LANDfiLL, POtJKTH & AKGH, t IMPORTERS, JOBBERS, RETAILERS. SPEING iDRY GOODS. »' ' '■ ■4 * WHOLESALE LOFTS. aplfrtf * ' 1865. , 1865; O*P^NXMG Off SPRING AITDSIMER CLOAKS, ON THURSDAY, the 13th. EDWIN HALL & CO., 26 SOUTH SECOND STREET. apll-8t ; rj.OOD BLACK SILKS VA AT liO W PBIGES, from the late auction rales, comprising all widths and liait "cXJBWEN STODDA.RT & BROTHER, 450,458, and 454 Horth BBOOND Street, Above Willow. T ADIES’ CLOAKING CLOTHS, ll of hew AHD-naoICE BTTLBB AND COLORS. CUKWEH STOOD ART & BROTHER, 450, 458, and 454 Horth SECOHD Street, ' Above Willow. TJLACK MOUSBBLINE DE LAINES, XA gliile and double widths. BLACK-TAMTSB CLOTHS, BLACK BOMBAZIHBS, BLaCK-ALTACAB. „ „ BLACK-CASTOn CLOTHS, From the late anotlon ,aleß, ■ . AT REDUCE E> PBICBB , OUR WEN STODDA.RT & BROTHER, ««9Ug£BTOJSsBfc api3-St ■ * ' Aoo ve W Ulow. CPECIAL. NOTICE. >3 TBBMEHIIOUS BBDTJCTIOH PB IC | B O F DEI GOODS, Bepe cltl] y la 2)«faiestle Cottons, Good Prints at 10 ami/12K cents. Bleached and'Browa Madias, MKeeats. One it the best makes, 4- 4 bleaehed, 26 teats. Weta^te °“® lot ’GE l isK*i*XjAlß INDIA SILKS, $l, Verr Cheap. JO HUT F. YOUNG* No. to North FOURTH Street. «pB-etif JOHN F; TOWNS, V 80. TO Korin FOURTH Street, Has now- In (tore a moat extensive aisortmant of - DSB6B GOODS at tho TBBY J.OWBCTJBICKB, JJARDING& GARDNER-, 413 : ARCH STREET, WILL OPEN OH THEHSDAY, APML 13 th, THREE HUNDRED OASES STRAW GOODS, JUST RECEIVED, FROM EASTERN MANU- A large stock of FANCHONG BONNETS, FRENCH TIiOWBBB, liAOES. RIBBONB. MALINES, FRENCH FRAMES. lit., towßich we inTite the attention of the trade. ' ee aplMt HALL, Q M ALL PRO EIT S AND- QUICK SALSS ' BLAHK BOOKS. Paper ind Envelops*. _ • - Copying aid Cancelling Presses. Gold Pens and PencOik „ , _ Focktt Books, Wallets, and Bankers* Owes. SKBlpimmon Beard*. Portfolios. and.Wri&nf Disks. * PfiOTOGKAPS ALBUMS. Tbe largest and finest assortment In thecity, holdinjf from 13 to 800 photomrapka, boond in.Tdjvet and Turkey morocco, vrttk chased edge* and oeanUfai claaps, , CHBAPBST ALBUMS Ilf THE CITf . Arnold s Ink Faber’s Lead Pencil a Fifielfreread to cwr witi-tfc A decline In gold. Wholesale and ‘Betail «awtt BLARE BOOK ADD PHOTO iSAPH ALBUM MAKU FAOTURBBS. n BTATIOBBBS ABB PBIHTBRS Ho. aft-Smtli EOPBTH Stmt. nAKTEB DE VISI-EE,—HAVE THEM V/ mads at B F. REIMBR’a Oallenr, 6*4 ARCH Street. His pletare* arejHcecated with rare ability _a®a eagplaite »tylq. Beespeoimeas *» _ pEOTOGRAPH AIiBUMS-BUY, JT when- you desire,them* at B. V B8IK&B 8 A flue assortment of r»|ent hißte-bacfcAlbnms Th»y poiseSB the yiilue of superior durability. 6514: aBGH. Street. l * T»BLTIN6.-r-OWING TO THE DE JD CLIHI in raw material. HOYT BEOS. hMera dneed thepslce of their Pat Riveted, Pat. Jointed, Pat. Stretched Oak Leather 881/KSG to the following Mat: 1 inch.•■•••lo ota I 8 inch...- 70 eta. |lB jnah.„...52.18 5 1neh.i....22 eta. 1 8.inch....,.98 eta. |lB inch ...•>• i 62 8 inch..—-84 eta. 10 ineh $1 24 20 1nch....~ 2.88 4 inch.w 48 ca. 12 inch...«... 1 82:92 inch*.•••• 3.24 6 inch-.- 88eta? 14 Inch....— 1.80 24 1ne1i...... 366 Intatnediate widtha in proportion. Doable IBand. twiea the^rieegf & c 0 > g o ie Agents, 45 and 47 South. FROST Street, Phila., Dealerß <» Manofactoreri’ Findlngi eeneraHj. ap!2 6t* CPDCXAIi. NOTICE TO BUSINGS 0 UVM T>e Tti'dartirnei ineert advertlsemente at the lowest rateß la the aetrtpajtere of Hatriebuirg.-PltHtar*, Bradiar. Lancister, Ghambersbarg, PottevvLle. SorrU- Chester, Xoyleetowa. Trentoi»,Bale:a. Bridget of « Wilmington, and of every other elty and towfrir'the United Statoe, Unc'o.dlngBaTann»h,Ob&rl6e loß.'Wilmingtop. end Mehmond.) Adeertielrt* at leaded to (or oil comoanU* ' Papers an die at the oS:e. “““ -WILMBB ATKIUbOS & CO , So. 611 CHKBIHUT Street, (a.ooad door), arl2-lm ; Philadelphia. 10-FOR $1.25 —VERY DESIRABLE 1-6 £tyl«a Giid Photoaraolii, suitable (at Albums or scholars to exchange wltfc MbMlmatai. Bee apael mens, and engage s, ggQOHIi Street, ejove ew». «* SPUING sSPRIN' FA.CTURERS, WM. F. WABBtJETOH, FASHIONABLE K4TJBB. 430 OHEBTHUT STBBETr Below Fifth, PBII.ADBL.FKIA. Adjoining new Post Office. unangial, D. 8. SEVEN-THHITT LOAK. Bysnthority of Hu Besrstsry of the bunny, tha nmdtnltnsd Mm asatuusd Hu General Subscription i*Mij for a* lale of United States Treasury Hotes Dcarin* mw« nd ttume-t«sfh* psr out. Intsresi HI ■hub, known a* the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. Show Botes ere fused under date of Jane IS, 1856. and an payable three yean from tint time, In stu nner, or are convertible »t the option of the holder Into U. S. M 0 Sa PEE CENT, GOLD-BEARING BONDS. Those Bonds artrnow worth- * premium of nine per eentl, Ineludini cold Interest ffom WoTember, which make's the actual ia»>t on the f-80 Loan, at eaxrent rstesi Shaludlna interest, about ten per sent, per an num, tdsldes Its eaamjttton/rom State arut municipal taxation* vhiali adds fmm one to ththe per amt. more. ascordins-te the rate letfed on ether property. The interest Is pcyaUe semi- annually by ecnftma attsShsd to sash notcpwhleb mayhotmt of and soiltoanVbank or banker. The intensthsmonnia to Ons eent Shnr day on a WOWsta. Two eentelper day on a *lOO note. Ten cents per day on a $6OO note. Twenty cent* per day on a *l,OOO note. Ons Dollar per day on a $6,000 nots* Botes of an the denominations named will be yrmspfc. ly fnrnifhed open reeelptof subssriptlonr, and ihenetes forwarded at once. The Interest to 15th Jane next Trill ho paid in advance This la THE ONLY LOAN IN MABKET now offered hr the Government, and It la confidently expected that its snperioradTantaces will makalt the G-REA.T POPULAR LOAN OP THE PEOPLE. Leu than $500,000,000 of the Loan authorised by the last Consists are now on the market. This amount, at the rate at which it la beinc absorbed, will all be -subscribed for within four months, when the notes wUI undoubtedly command a premium, as baa uni formly been the ease it the close of the- subscriptions to other Loans. Inorder.thateltlsensoroTery tewnandsestlottOf the country may oe afforded facilities' for taUnx the Lout; the national Banks, State Banks, asd-Privete Bankers thronehout the country hare generally aimed to re eel-re anhsertotloas at par. Bnbasrlbers wIU select their own wonts, in whom they hays sanSdsnsc, and who only cute he responsible for the delivery of the notes 1 for which they reeelye orders. 3A Y COOKE. BUBBOEIFTIO* AGBXT, No. H 4 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. COUPONS, 5-20, DUB MAY 1,1865, AND JTJL.YI, BOUGHT AT HIGHEST MARKET BATES, WMj PAINTER & 00., Bankers, spd lm MO SOUTH THIRD BTBBKT. OHaufiße buoet; albx. Banaon, n. C HARI.ES EMORY * o®., STOCK- MD E3*HANfiE BROKERS, NOi--lA‘ South Third street, PHILADELPHIA. All hinds of nasnnent funds and Geld and Bily« boufht and sold-, sndOoUections made. Particular attention ttvan to the pnrehase and sals of Government,State,-and other Stocks and Lows on com mission. n096-6jn 5-20 OOWPONS, DUE BSEAY Ist, EOUCIHf AS HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, BT DREXEL & C 0„ mtgo-tmyl . 80. 3d SOUTH THIBD STREET. 7-80. 5-20. 10-40. CHAS. 14 ALLOWJEDLiLi, STOCK BROKER, No. SD'SOOTH THIED STREET. (Boom Ho- 4.) GOVBBBMBWT, STATE, ABB OTHER BOARS AHD IBTOCKB BOUGHT AHD SORB OH COHMIBBIOH. U. s. 1-30 IOTSS FURNISHED AT FAB. BFBOIAI. ATTBHTIOH GIVES TO OIL STOCKS. mbl6-lm*fb ijtHE HEW 7-30 XJ. S. NOTES FOB SALE. n suhs-to snir purchasers. MW BROTHERS, BANKERS AND BROKERS, but.™ IH. GOVBHHHBHT BBOGRITIBB GEHE KAIaIiT. mhld-lm 5-20. 7.30. ARAMS & LEVIS, HO. 805 CHESTNUT STBEET, BANKERS AND BROKERS. All kinds of GOVBBHJI3HT SBGUBITIES AHD STOCKS BOUGHT. SOI®, AHD NEGOTIATED. BOLD AHB SILVER BOUGHT AHD SOLD. Special attention glT.n to OIL STOCKS. mhlo-3m *DWABJ> KOBWS. SOKAOS B. PBARSOS. JJDW. ROBINS & CO., SPOOK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, S«. 47 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ALL KINDS OF BAHK HOT**, GOLD. SILVER. STOOKB. BOHDS, AHD GOVEKHMBKT SECURITIES. BOUGHT AHD SOLD. ColloetlOßa made on ell put, of Die emnhy.... . ■ Dopoattf received* eubject to eight drift, sad Interart allowed. mt6-3m gBCOND national bank, of PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, (LATE EEOH CITT TRUST COHPAHT.) CAPITAL. 8800,000. BAHKBBS’ AHD MHBOHAHTS' COLLEOTIOHS promptly attended to oa the moat favorable terms 6, S. WARNER, President. JOHH A PATTEKBOH, Cashier. mhS Sm g & LEECH & COMPANY, BANKERS AND STOCK BBOKEKS, NO. M FAEQDHAB BUILDINGS, (WALHUT ST., BELOW THIRD!, Philadxlfkia. GeU. Gevenauat Bonds, (HI and Mi.eellsneou. Reeks, bought lad sold oa OcmmlMlon at the Beard of Broken. Bnler. In Forelg* Ex.hanre. Letter, of ora- Uttasnsdan London. Faria. Antwerp, He. JSSB Da • iJHK FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, HO. 136 SOUTH FOURTH STBSBr. BELOW CfIESTHUT, ... Pans Sre per cent. Interest on Deposits. Agents !« the ante of united States 7 3-10 Loan, at Far. Goveaa ment, State and City Loan, and Stoeka bought and ecdd toreepoaitnn and others ca GommDslon. mhlfrUta SAMUEL ALLEN, O STOCK BKOKBB^_ Do. 136 ScratliTHlßlX tHrmt, FKIUkMtPHt*. fiOTTON AND FLAX BAIL DUCK V AHB OAIVAS, of All number* and brand*. Tout, Attaint, Trank, and Weeon-occrar ©non, Alio, Papei ManofMtnrere’ Drier Pelt*, from one to An net wide; PenHae, Boltin* Bell Twin*- Ao. ’ ****** *"* ioHN W EVSKMAK A CO., Ho. SOa JOfTSB' Alley, noS-tf PHILADELPHIA SUR %&3Bg^ GBOBB’ BABDAQB IMBTITOTK. Ho. li SSS* H. NiSTH Street. abeve Barket —a C. BVKRETT, attar thirty _ yeera’ practical experience, xuaranteee the skilfel aii)a*tment of hie Premium Pa* test Graduating, Presjur* Trass. Bnpporters, EUatte Stockings. Bhoolder Braces, Crotches, be. ladies' apartments eendncted by a Lady. apl2ly PUTTY 1 PUTTY 1 AT REDUCED X pries* fry tfre maauf*elw«KL , „ ZIBGMEB & SMITH, Proprietor® of the Pe®a*- Peist and Color Works. apBUt' glofe s*4 o@«9 13T Jfotth TBm> St. A SEW KOVEL, BY MAfUON HAR MS!.'. EHELDON COMPLY, NEW YOKK, WILT, PUBLISH OH SATURDAY. AYBTL 15TH. A m HOYIIi Bf MIBIfW HIEMHDr THE MOST POPULAR NOYBLIBT IH AMBSIOA Authorol *' Alone. •* *• HiddsaPatli ' ’- “Moss ".aide. ’’ “ flemesH,” Miriam,” end "Bafto.” HCbBANDS AND HOStE@. One Tel. IJiuo PrSM Si 75. _Yhe hundred* ofthonrsnd* of rsadors «( * ‘ 3 , 1 c ’ ’ •• Bidden Path,” and •• Mots Side ” will ifi&dly W eomo a new bu t Jr..ra the pm of twyglttsd anther. The Boston Evenlnff Gzz tie said of ASoae : “ HJ*h as has been the reputation riauired by tV many authorcres of oa? reentry. we»l*S ha raistabea if tie writer n authoress forgotten. *’ A3*2sA 'fEA StITHHIE *&YH ; ‘ ‘ The Bidden Path ” is a xrbik that North or&rafch, East or West, may point to with the Sages of ttonest pride, end say our daughter ee£a