J xms t SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1865. The End ef the Slave Rebellion. The rebellion against the Government of the United States has been defeated, after a four years l struggle, unexampled in the armies called to the field, the loss of pre cious lives, the expenditure of treasure, the cruelty of the guilty authors of the war, the. commanding issues involved, and , the everlasting- principles rescued and • secured by the final Union triumph. It /was in Virginia, in October of 1781, that the American rebellion against British tyranny achieved its last victory, and where the Revolutionary War was closed by the surrender of the British army and navy, commanded by Lord Cornwallis, to George Washington, commander of the American forces. In this same Virginia, not very many miles from the scene of the defeat and capitulation of the British mercenaries, and in the vicinity of Rich mond, the capital of the State, the rebellion of American slavery against American freedom has just been beaten and crushed by the American army under command of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, and his captains, Grant, Sheridan, and Meade. It remains with the vanquished traitors to choose the hour . between their formal submission to the majesty of an outraged Government and their complete and inevitable extermina tion. Never were two rebellions so dif ferent in the causes which provoked and precipitated them, The one was the revolt •of a.young and struggling People against a Power which had plundered and op pressed them. The other was the revolt of -a besotted Aristocracy, which had been fed and flattered by an indulgent Government, until, spoiled by prosperity, after having practically governed the majority by its money and its arregance, it raised its .arm against its generous benefactor. God decided that, as the one rebellion was just and holy, it should prevail against all the hosts and the money of the foreign tyrant. And God has also decided that, as the other rebellion was un just and unholy, it should perish, eveu sus tained as it has been by the same foreign influences which hunted and proscribed our common ancestors. The surrender of -Cornwallis opened the door of the Cen turies to the maxims and examples of Ame rican freedom—a freedom born in the tor tures and throes of European bigotry and persecution; and when Slavery attempted to close the door upon the progress of Enlightened Democracy, the infant of 1781, -grown to the giant of 1865, completed the work of vengeance a.nd vindication by the annihilation of the crime which caused the reunion and the criminals who conduct ed it. We Shall Dwell in Peace Together. We do not envy the men who, in the hour of a nation's deliverance from the blackest conspiracy that ever threatened any people, dismally debate the contin gency of the return to their former power of the baffled and self-banished authors of . our "woes. Nor do we sympathize with those who continue to dwell upon the ex ploded party-cry that the South will never - submit, the rebels can never be conquered, ttnd that, even if defeated, there can be no real or lasting friendship between the so -called “ sections,” We have not only a hop.eful and a strong confidence that the Southern people will eject their be trayers and oppressors, but that they will gladly and gratefully come back to the love and allegiance which at one time was their proudest boast, when they called Northern men their brothers .and the Constitution their shield and buckler. These thoughts are suggested by the remembrance of the splendid argument of Hon. Edward Everett, on the 19th of November, 1868, in Ms. oration at the dedica- ticm" of . the cemetery at Gettysburg, an this State. We reproduce this noble classic in another part of The Phess. Never -will the impression of his golden wordß be removed from our mind; They were precious and' soothing when they, fell warm and glowing from the stainless lips now cold and silent, for they seemed to be addressed to the heroes who slept at his feet, and to tell them they had not died in vain—that theirs was not a sacrifice for an empty theory or a politician’s creed, hut for a stern, living, and undying reality—to ■save a country and to punish those who sought its destruction. At this moment, when all good men look to a speedy end of war, to a just and lasting peade, and to a tibrough reunion of the whole people, the Argument of is at once A new reason for national pride and a new source of national confidence. Bead it carefully. Not a sentence of it but is a text. Especially dwell upon the passages we have emphasized in italics. “ The Difficulty in tbe Way.” The country may as well understand, first as last, thatthe most stupendous, if not the sole, difficulty -In the way of paoifioatlon lies to the apprehension .felt by the Bepnbllosn leaders as to the iate of their party In the event of a simple reunion, or a reunion which chaU give the Southern people all their po» -lltical as well as personal rights; and how to avoid -this Is the knotty problem wnioh gives Mr, Lincoln jause.— Washington Correspondence New York World of yetterday, April 7, 1805, Whoever believes that Mr, Lincoln -will he actuated, much less controlled, by any such apprehension or knotty problem as is here attributed' to and prepared for him, ■wilfully misunderstands bis character and rejects the evidences of his published opinions. We are willing now, as we have always been, to commit the whole subject of “ pacification” to him. For we know, -as the country must know, that Air. Lin coln j elected as a party candidate, .re-elected as a Union candidate. Be has never been retarded in the discharge of his public duties by the threats of party leaders. Rewarding and in,most cases preferring his former party -friends in his appointments to office, he has'refused to be driven or moulded by any of the leaders who are influenced alone by recollections of old political prejudices, or by proscriptive platforms or tests. We meed not collect instances to prove this de claration. In making a permanent peace -wcbelieve Mr. Lincoln will scorn to be ruled by party, and that he will sacrifice any “leaders” who might stand in the way of such a peace. As to the men who are to shape the destinies of our country after “pacification,” no one will ask [ ihat they should be “ Republicans,” | or. demand that they should not 1 .be “Democrats.” But they must not t Sheas, G, 6 OMo Oav. F Bridgman, B, 13 O Cav.?- SDrlke, M. 2 B Y Cav. F flichols, L. 1 Mab e Cav. i Bell. J>, 1 Matas Cav. Corp Northrop, B 1 Me Cav. Sergt P Cravta, B,ISO Cav. » Wltsall, B. 2 B-Y Cav. G Busker. X, 1 Me Cav' C H Bray, L. 1 Maine Rav. Sergt 8 Joiner, MO Cat:' J McCarthy. 8, 1-4 O Cav. J Dooley, C, 2 BT Y Cav. Sergt Carter. L, 1 Me Car. JGatcheL K, 1 Me Cav. WSmith, H, 2 NY.Cav. A Boater, L, 1 Me Cav. C Cooley, L, 1 Mttae CaT. Morphy. C.2SY Cav. C C Starr* K. 9 Ohio ti Gtoliui* Lt* l Maine. J iSoyes, Chamberlains La l He Beret Midley* G, 60. W Pat en, A, 6 Ohio. J Emory,.A. 1 Maine. JFerktntfiC- t Me Car. Capt Frail, H f lo 9YCar. M jDraaeell, G, 13 O Car. S A Chandler, 0. 1 Me Car. 3 Baglas*, L, 1 Me Car, WHoiUnd, D, 34 M T C*r. M M Brown, L,lO if T Car. Geo Foster, L, l Me Cat. J Meyer*, F, 10 {f Y Oar. 0 Simmon*. L, 10 S Y Car. J McCarthy, h, 10 Jf Y Cir. T hole*. C*pt Grommier.B, IS. O C* M Stanley, A. 10 XT Y Car. T Smith, 1,10 If Y Car. Sergt H Emery, H, 10 If Y Gay. H Yhomas, A, 4 Pa Can Sergt Hoyoton, E, 10 MY Car. 0 F B orchards I» 21 51 i Cav. 0 Clark, D, 10 K X Car. C BTCampel. o,4oCar* W* C Bakeyr £, 4 Pa Car. - *h Haitian. B, 4 0 Car - P Wjhftaaer* H, 13 O Car. Sent Thos Jonifl, 13 O Car. Oapt JbHoward, 0,85 7 Car. John Seeramen-TySPadar.- Cor B Conway, u, 4 Pa Car. J> F Bearer*. EL 16 ST Caro. John Qaity, S- 164 JS I, H HU tun, B 13 Masa Sgt FH Smith, B, 55 a Stt J A Walters, 0.15 CT C. Sgt BHMoxkldjf, K.?r*nn. H D Hall, Salem. KJ JesW Bavin, Washington W B Rich, Baltimore' Chas C ghtlvtr, Maryland K P Chapin, winchester B Jackson, Baltimore, B H FJanny. Washington T B Cobb & wf, Bidgway, Pa l» homes M Plainer A Macaferri, Baltimore W Pastorins* Baltimore V Savage, Penna J D Benton. Wilm, Bel 8 A Clark, Pittsburg Geo Merkel, Harrisburg W M Kaufman. Lebanon co BBowe & wf, Mew York WM Clover, Clarion, Pa The a— Geo Bobs, Do jJestown B Yerkes, Jr, Doylestown B H SUeklin. Delaware S* W Fisher, Mew York Geo D Kawcr-mb* U S M 41 White, MC, 0 8 A 3 H'Co pp 3 New York J £ Doujjhcity, Penna B Langley, Sew York JWleater, Wash B D Fitch, Elmirs, |T Y C Woolworth, Ohio \m F Reeve, Ealem, S S JTt Paveuport, Maryland Capt Wn R Sturgeon,U b A j AlrOVett fl Watson. Ohio 8 Gxecrenter, Ohio Thos B Blair, Tenn J £ Bust 3e, ; Concord Col H C Bond, Richmond B 0 Evans, Sogtoii y» J Clark Awf. 1H JIG SnsUh. Reading Jorhimms. Jr, flew York JohnßLtwars, Penna The U: W B London, Cincinnati . 0 W Wheaton, Mew lork i T J Walker, Waynesboro ] i H.BCu6ter,chio •W Herran, Ohio B s atterson. Adelphfa, O . S A Phil eon, Berlin. Pa D B Lewis. Berlin, Pa ■ D M Frazer, USA j B Lawrence, Bridgeport John b E insport. Anuville John B Price, Ashland, Pa T P MKrick. Ashland, Pa s.ui! Bimaatiow. A.Waad 3 ni APTeauej, Lyon«, lowa HMtitt, Cuuo&i O I The Cttut J X AnSre, Pottstown t H Davl»s Pottstowa S Pphg.on, Oxford X Pitz, K.York “ » wutn., T*ffl>ton OB8».nle, Mt Holly P Kpop. Baltimore .Huntlagdcu B Kuhn, Pens, , f Dnmra.—lt Is confidently expected that with tbediwshlng ont of the rebellion, and the return it peace, there *lll be a partial revota tienixing of the habits, oustoms, and Ideas of the Am ei lean people, arising from the Increased wisdom and experience which the last four yews hare do veloped, and the general tendenoy of nations as they advance In age to adopt suoh periodic ohangeß end modifications as the times demand. Without attempting to particularize these prospective changes, there Is one essential point which ought not to be overlooked, and that Is the American maae of Eetir.g. Wo all know what a salient sonitie of criticism this has been to cur traos-Atlantlo cou sins. Xiet ns, therefore, pay more rational attention to onr cuisine and social dietetics. Happily, a re form of this kind has already been Inaugurated. In this city by one or two progressiva Individuals In this department,'WHO deserve the thanks of the com* munlty. The most conspicuous leader In this re form Is onr enterprising neighbor, Mr. J. W. Price> proprietor of the popular Dining Saloons, southwest corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets, and the con stantly Increasing patronage of his tables by our very best eltlzeEs.atiests how correctly he Is inter preting the popular taste in the art of dining. Every popular point pertaining to his profession Is 'studiously observed In his spacious and comforta bly-arranged saloons; and all.the most delicious viands of the see son, served up la the beat manner by attentive and Intelligent assistants, Bever fall to make their appearance at Price’s tables a little in advance of .any other establishment, and always prepared In more palatable style. Tim New Ktyi.es of Spuing Bonnets, Ann Bats, for Ladles and Misses, now open at Wood & Cary’s, No. 728 Chestnut street, are the no plus ultra■ of good taste, and the ladles say so. Ghaut has Capttjbbd Richmond, and done a good thing for the people. Messrs. E.' G. Whit man St Co., the well-known Confectioners, No. 318 Chestnut street, next door to Adams & Co.’s Ex press, have‘also done a good thing by taking the hearts of our people by the superior character of their elegant fine Confections. Everybody should visit this great sweet-meatemporium. Their goods sre the purest, freshet, finest, and most delicious. that are made In this country, and have justly be come favorites In every well-regulated household; The Best Fitting Shiht of tab age Is “Ehe Improved Pattern Shirt,” made'by JohnC. Arrt sen, at the old stand, Nos. l and 3 North Sixth Work done by hand, in the best manner, and warranted to give satis taction. Hlsstookof Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods cannot be surpassed. Prices moderate. Make a Noth oh it.— The man who achieves a reputation for the excellence of hts merchandise Is sore to receive liberal patronage, no matter where he may put out his sign. Hr. August TiUrnes, the renowned Confectioner, or No. 1302 Chestnut streot, Isjustsnobaman. By reason of a largely Increased . business, ho has found It necessary to remove to more commodious quarters, and has taken the en tire building No. 208 South Ninth street, which he will devote to the manufacture and sale of his justly celebrated confections. On Monday next he will open, at the last-named place, a large and elegant assortment of choice Handles, Caramel, Bon Bon, Sugar Plums, Gum Drops, Roasted Almonds; Figs, - Prunes, Oranges, Lemons; Dates, Tamarinds, .eta., etc., which cannot be surpassed in point of variety and excellence by any other .establishment. The fro-' quenters of the. Walnut-street theatre will find Tlllmes’ just the place to purchase nick-nacks to eat dnring play hours. Found packages are very coh veniently put up in neat paper boxes. Moira Thaw Shb Bargained fob—“ Why, Bridget,” said her miatiesa, who wished to rally the girl for the amusement el her company upon the fantastic ornamenting of|a huge pie, “why, Bridget: did you do this 7 You’re quite an artist. how did you do it 7” “ Indade, mum, It was myself that did ft,” replied Bridget. “Is’nt it prftty, mum 7 I did It with your false teeth, mum.” We have no hesitation In saying between our ova teeth (natural grown) that the most elegant garments for soldiers and civilians, adults and youths, are those made at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rochhtll & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 60S Oheßtnut street, above Sixth. Constitutional Oon&tjhption.— From trust worthy data it has been estimated, that at least one fourth of all who are bom In the TTnited States have at birth longs In a tuberculous condition, and In consequence are predisposed to pulmonary com plaints, yet It Is equally well established that this predisposition need not end In consumption, asthma, or any other lung disease, (f doe eare and watoh fnlness be observed, and all exciting causes are promptly treated as they arise. It Is In just Buch oases Dr. Jayne’s Expectorant exercises Its most benefical effects and has produced the largest pro portion of its cures. . Besides promptly removing coughs and colds, which, when left to themselves, are the most common causes of tuberculous de velopment, this standard remedy allays any Inflam mation which may exist, and, by promoting easy expeotoratlon, cleanses the lungs of the substances which clog them up, and which rapidly destroy when- suffered to remain. Prepared only at 242 Chestnut street. ap7-2t Oppress op Cambbow Pktbolbith Company op Pennsylvania, No. 101 Walnut street, E. G. James, and southeast comer Seventh and Chestnut, A. Douglas, where lull particulars can be obtained and subscriptions received. Bocks open but few days longer. Subscription price, $2.50 per share. ap3-6t A Convenient Pocket Book,— Decidedly the most complete article of the kind we have ever seen is that or Mason A Hughes, No. 44 North Sixth street. It Is made of onepleee of leather by folding, asd ie the most durable book made, mhll-swlm Winnow Shadxs.—Patten has reduced the pries or Sis entire stock of Window Shades; the old stock, fall half price. New styles very low, at W. Hsset Paotbk’b, Chestnut street. _ „. Lack awb Muslin CUBTAras.—Old Laoe Cur tains, mack worn, are transferred and made equal to new again, at W. Hkotsy Pattsh’s Upholstery, 1408 Chestnut street. Em, Ear, -*m> Catakbh, snocesslnEy treated by J. Isaacs, XI. D., Oculist and Aarlst, su Pine et Artlfiolal eyes Inserted. No charge for oiamlnatlon. ARRIVALS AT TRE HOTELS. The Con £ S Pealsey, Bow York Wm Brough, Bow York F a Roes, Indiana W J Love, Washington O B Craig, Bow York Chas y Guild, USB JTShanat Pittsburg Ja^Ca’dwell, Allegheny T Woodrow* Ohio E B Scott, a Albany, Isd G K Adams. Lexington, Ky BB Dougherty; Lexin* ton C E Saylor, Franlrlin A Hesdenon & wf.ffashy’e A J Baldwin, Mew York Jaa J Hogan, La Cross Z Southard, Boston WOfiisM, Sew York J BBajtlett, Boston B B Stickney, Boston . Mfsa.M A Ketch am, Ky J R Deed, Fltstrar, CH A* hton, Kentucky A Flagler, hew York GM Wood ward, Taunton H C Ostrander, JSew York Chas F Parker. Boston JF Bush, Rochester, MY H Gmxebaum. Ky € B Williams, Conn ’ J William*, Buffalo .Francis Bow*, Boston Mies Clara Bills, Boston B L Hall, Williamsport JS Harrison, West Virginia D B Goodwin, Kew York Miss M Goodwin, M Y A H Goodwin, Mew York John Sutter, lndiaca, Pa L £ Snow,>Hew Jersey W Blanchard. Mew York W H Bartholomew, USA OH Lewis, USA J M Crocker, Charlton,H Y S F Eagle, Shlppensbuxa Mrs Lt Celle B Yorke, Ohio Tios JYorke, Salem, A J ?hos K Cummins, Boston J H Purdy Mr Wellington BB Stricken, Mew York itinenfsl. I Van Amnlg & la. Wash. Bern , flew Tork Miss L B Berry, tois P Kli nr. Toledo, O Mlbb A Bronson, Toledo, O Wm Pox. PottsrUle J McDowell, Maryland T Potential, Wassi&cios Mlbb M Shanon. Boston B B Cooper, Bath J It Van Bnren, Albany . Mr Lane. Ohio BerHCrosb, Smfi II Miss B Craft. Lonisyille W A Bhnk&u, New Tork J A HabbeU, Lake Superior I-X Hanna, flew Tork B 8 6mlth, Boston H Worcesler, Hew Tork John L Lothrop, Mass HWFnller, Boston RW Tyson, Baltimore JB Eastman, Baltimore Jae 8 Hill, Uakot&h ;fer A Dodge, Georgetown, B 0 WMarbUTy, Georgetown J H Vrooman. Hudson,MY J Wood, Penna WB Jones, Brooklyn H H Paszboru, USA H Seneabangh Ala, Pittshg E York JPSbaw, Lexington, Ky W HHovt, Washtuc’n,BC Saxctuel Maua, M J E Murphy, USA GB Field ft la, BfcLoute Ml*s Hotchkiss, St Louis B Hitchcock & wf, St Louis A F Braverton, USA A H Angells, Sew York WT Carter, Mew York Chas M Wheatley, Penna- WJ Smith, Maw Thos Baffia, Chicago J Trißtnrn, KewTork G Watson, Metr York M P Richard sou. Mew York G It Lincoln. Mew York H A Brer, flartford, Ct Isaac Swcetser & la, Boston F Maguire St la, Boston iirard. * JBBowney, MB, Lane T T Abrams, Lock Haven B 8 Parker, Mii&n, Pa John Cochran A la, Bel B BCwlusa A la, Bel Jos F Moyes,' Wallingford W 8 Mar Ah all, Middletown. M Xi Pine. Mew York 0 8 Moore, Mew York Ch&sßßack, Mew York J B Miller.. Mew Y ork John M Miley B Braidon, Parkersburg •ihos Foner, Penna O HKcFate, Penns MWard.peDua John Ward. Penna Thoaß Klein, Banisburg H M Qnackenboss LUnt Thos M Fisher, USA Jas Webster Paul Barling, Brookyille w EWest,Marietta, O W W Wood 8A Stillman, Galena 5l ® Hose, Herosr, Fa * V Stewart Ala, WGreenv’e Chas M White? Indiana WmProbasco, Indiana X JMtikeneyAlsf* Franklin FMcllheney, Franklin HRSchruber, Wyoming J B Blackburn. Blm’ra,MY S B Hunt, Mew York 3 A Hnrloek, BeJ aware J WeXty Awf. Mew York J A VanderelieeA wf, Pa. J M Massey, Williamsport P Hoodie Williamsport FLMewdeld, Backs co Samnel Mace. Maryland W Clarke A wf, Glasgow H K Grant, Mew York. nexXean* O 8 Chamberlayn, IT T FraukenthaL MY J 0 .Richards, Columbus Carl Boston & Wisconsin K Riehter, Wiscoußln r B«?S™£ ;P Olajab ** gßOuwerrMew York BO Miles, Ohio W H Atkinson, Ohio J B Hunt A sou, Ohio JGAdama,Omo J Bradfiela, Ohio H Benningbaus. Ohio Aug Grlndal. Mew York S B Irwin H A Bose. Bochesier 8 J Brlsbin, Lewistown Thos Drap&r, Dover, Bel 9 W Paterson, Mewark,M J Mrs F A Beal, Belle route Wm Howard, Mew Jersey. B 8 f buffer. Maryland DanielJiauffer, land Jos A Wa«che, Maryland A' MHes, Felton, Dai L T Snow* Mew York JTlog*?, few Mark»t,o Xata,ba>c r . Cintoo, O Hambarc. P* dt> . aa ?“ aa ' Xah cj. P» B ESotthey. ■shannon,lll * WGaue.Port Gachon O Blackburn, Lazm co Geo W Keiter, St Clair C W Yau Duseu> Pottsville JGr»Rhaw, ScLouis, Ho WW Herbert* Ohio J tt S Orouhsa. Mar viand Jacob-Miller, Mead villa iwHßeecher, Mew uastle imercial, D WotzeU Phil ad a BOHarty, Brooklyn JP Jiffisrts, Port H.jaroa TajlaruvUle 2 5 f hwott, TMntou S ““.ddoafield 2 S°PhlM, Haddongeld 9 S'Sff I *'. B*i*jrar« co The fiei OPWUham, *ea,‘oa **i W B PhiaiJW, k canton C H Brown. Bow It’* W J Eeptiftl!,Lastu. tor J B Salmon, n&zletoa SXKaimv Oil City Leyi L»ne r t Pijrnroatlx L s Bißbop, Karris** ' again* Jon« *-Xndianap'Olk « EP Cbapia, Virginia I 2> D Holman, Tennessee AW Brier, Tesnessa* T H Gardner. Tennessee J u Bonds. Tennessee J J Fluff. Tennessee ABBl&ir, Carlisle W H Hujeer, Cbamborabt J Conner, Jfew Berry r P& JX Brown, Franklin co SBlntt, HcatifigioßM G E Stewaxt & wf, Penn* J 8 GrabiiL. Sblppenstrtzrg G X Stimpeon, Hass G Templtwß. BxadyUßend J Beyimoß, Plimpton, O B F Gregory, Indiana Kies J L Garmon. PUtsbc HUb Pinkerton, Pittsborg S L Hodkext Pittsburg Sami Grai*?BrookYtHe Job* 3> BneleleW) K J E L Wyman, Penn* W H Davis, flew Jersay The Stafc J J Marphey, John Blown W C Brown, FbilsilelDfeta Amoß Townsend, Jr. Pa Bolt H McCleary, Penna Geo Mackey. F«xm& JW Hoyt, Hew Torlc J Henry * la, H J 8 J Brie bin, Lewjatown H G Georye, Pextaa Oliver Bear, Fenna David Feff, Beading Br 8 H Hairv.Co%t€*ville J D Benny & la. Fenna Philip Jttarrel W. B. Eltonitead. *3*sB CHEsTOTr Street HES GOID JKWKLEY. SIJiYEEWXSS. f*I*ATKT) >■ 11 , yn. Beards -with Movable ok Pi letter*, for marking tools, etc., Hardware Store of TBHHAR A SHAW (light Thirty-fire) MAKKBT Street. b 3 lo» : Photographists, Pictetm-pi, ktra. looking Glass Dealers, and others*; Screw Eyee, Brae* Screw Binis, 'Knots,; Hooke, Tucks, Brads, 4 c., are Invited to n assortment of there articles at TBOKAS4, Ho. S3S (Elaht-TMrty>fiTe) MARKS; s ‘ Blnth. ’ ■Plantation Betters by toe Messrs P. H.DKAKB A CO., last Tsar, . two million Bottles of PLANTATION Bit; lowing twelve incites to the bottle, set in a, line, they would extend 579 miles. What Invalids we are! Just think of a stream, t: square, extending from Jfcw York to Boi swallowed by human etomaelsin a single y people appear to thrive under it, asd repeat: sure. We are Inclined to think Brake&Ca tied to thepersimmon*. Pmt la Plaittadi 1660—X. - . Colsatb’s Horsy Soap. Thia cslabratad TOH.BT SOAP, Is nwh aland, la made from £tn CHOICEST mate it and KHODLIBRTIn It* Baton, TKAQKAjrr; ID, aid BXTKKKKLY BBHBPICIAL in it, thaSMs. J»r aala 6r all Draaalata and daalara. Gbaud Combination ! Good x t THIS PEOPLE! . , Grand Combination! Good Fairs for p. Grand Combination! Good News for th- p, * Grand Combination! Good Howe lx tfe* ? f Immense BmuTcriojr nr Parc**. Immense Eeductiox in Prices' * IMMENSE REJDtrCTION IK PRICES' Fok Oira Week Oklt, For Ok* 'Week Onlt, For Okk Week Onet, Pebrt & Co*, 80. 303 Chestnut 5 ?rr Perry A Gd, Fo. 609 Chxstkv r Steer Peeey & Co., 8. R corker Seventh am> Mu 7 o meet the popular demand for lower Dtfct Perry* Co., Clothiers, have determined &»■ to the public, for a limited period, their in Of fine Clothing, contained in their three sioret la. 3C3 Chestnut street, above Third. Uo. 619 Chestnut street, (Graz vllle Stokes'cm Northeast comer Seventh and Markets:^ 1 ,: and to offer their entire stock of ClotMoi at 20PER OTHTt LOWER THAK AKT OTBES H : j 20 per cert. Lower than ant oteek a f 20 I'F.R CKNT. liOWBK THAX ABY OTHER ti Oar stock consists of SpriNf Goods, the prtsenJ season, and the balance of remaining on band, all of which la got up L;:; best maimer expressly for retail sales, atd b_ at prices that will make it to the interest cf fat;; bay. The lowest {nice for each article will 1 once, and ONLY ONE PaiCS ASKED AND TAKES ONLY ONE PRICE A3KED AND TAKE* Only one Price asked ajd t akbt -\ OusWbbkOsit. One W-" r S One Week Only. OxsV- 1 One V?MBK ONLY. ' o>'£ W;-J 20 PER CENT. XoWER THAN AST OTHER Hr:: 80 pee Cent. Lower than ant other H nfi SO PEE CENT. IfOWERTHAN AN? OTHER Peeey A Co., Ho. 80S Chestnut street, abjr<::; Ho. 60S Chesbrat street (Gmuyills Stoker’ -HI Southeast toner Sereath and Market slrastii: J ap4 fit . - ; Urpeecederted Soccbsb. DNION BUT TON-HOLE SEWING- MACHINES HOW BEADY. BBWIRO 100 BDp'OH-HOLIS AJ Wt The Stitching Warranted U> be Superior to fozt-? in any Material, arid Much Mere DvrsMH Saimsbooms, SOT WASHINGTON Street. Eortoa. T«r BBOADWAT. Hew Tort . AMOS L. WOOD, .... Tieasss rohl4-tnrha Im -ja Eebb’s China Hall. fl GBXAT BBDPCTION IH PEICSS. 1 fCO Dozen GDTGLABB 80BLBTS, fS 50 i»r ioa I Usual Price $6. 1 100 Bozen CUT WISE GLAB3ES, $4 55 per :* j warranted Best Flint Glass, usual price f- j fi(o Dozen GBBEM HOCK GLASSES, p=r | UsualPriceslso. ? C&SSTRUT fetreet opposite the Sttt*l«a j ~ ' ~ KKBB’S CHIMA HALL i WHITJB STOMB CHIMA CHAMBER SSTS, $4.50. | These sets are large rice and best analitr. Ueunl Price $6 Hi. Call and ire them after looking elsewhere. 529 GHShTHUT Street, opposite the Stn« aj>6-ihs2t T The Huma'm Hatr—A DiscoTERT‘ r ---:| KEELED. si A remedy to reinstate it in ail its orifinsi color, lustre, softness, and beauty, and warranted no mineral cub&tances. Just such a remedy it &, y **London Hair (hlor Restorer an>i .* |j London Hair Color-Restorer and **London Hair Color Restorer and Dra-t i Restored'Gray Hafo t Prevent* Restores Gray Hair, - Prtvents Restores Gray Hair* Mo Dyn. Prevent* Melons Gray flair, Prewitt it fs entirely different froa tides that have been issued firom tims to time, - j only known Restorer of Color and perfect ing combined. It is delicately perfumed, asloi j applied by the hand or soft brush, as itdossa^ ftV the skin or soil the finest linen. . fJ ,. Simile bottles *l5 cents; sfat bottles, |i ® SWAYMB A SOM, 330 Forth SlXrfi - ' Jones’. THE LOWEST BELLING PXICI is marked in figures on each article, JMD MBVBR VARIED. AX JOKES* Crescent One-pziw OLOTHIH G HODB*. MARKET STREET, above Sixth, Ho 604. 49f* Prices reduced to suit the times, i A fine Msortment of BEADY-MAUS J 2 * 01 suitable for all seasons, constantly os h» D CURED. PHILIP LAWBBMGB, Professor { Hon. 2019 LOCUST Street. - jj- **’ | Abmt Itch, Tettbb, all Bu-r-■ s “DB. SWATHE’S ALL-HIALIHG OISTK?; “DB. SWATHE’S ALL-HEALIHS OINTK';. Mo case bo obstinate, or long-standing,iff cage in aeahort time All kinds of Tetter nently cured. Salt rheum, barber’s itch, &• s rente. Sent by man for 60 cents. Prepare* v j. SWAYMS A SOM,. 330 M- Street Kkt to Love, ob Dk. S. M. Terr Popul.r Private Lecture on “FaTO?!" I ' - ,, , lA6CZNATXOIB 1 * jntt oat. Learn to etuis' 1 - lota Secret, worth knowinc. lend pri«. Dr. LABSIB’ Medical Office. Ho. 13t3C s =' c : Btre«t, and receive it by return mail. ® a -' Aim Tou TBbbatbnbO' ffif B ' STTKPTION? ' Do yon Expectorate Blood? Have you flliht Sweats, Short Breath? . Dave yon BroncbHfe—aoy Polmoaanr a DB. SWATHE’S COMPOUhD STEW w ' ,■.# CBEB&T is the old .tsndard remedy. sl»W !r : r Principal Office 330-Huth SIXTH fr«> BIHTHPLAOE OP IrtBKBT? HOUSE, TOO MAEKET Street, Pht!adrf!> Ma -„ T. Invite'the attention of the jmKK IO f- Stock of “Men. and Boye» ” Ane CLOI'HS’ 1 ' we will sell at neatly reduced hriees. _ r «P 7 2t* WM. BSOW- 5 Db. Banning’&lncompakabls Trntsee, Shoulder B»ses, Bupporti»S^ ; r< lnw, &c., In treat variety, ato HrStr*-„,W TWELFTH and BASH Streete. L«dl £ * Twelfth street, Erst dow helew Bare; 1 : Syrinxes of ail damtShsa Itch, (Whbaton’s)- SALTBHEDH. tOIHTMEHTI Will cure the Itch in 46 hours. Ahtf> *a‘ eß * Dlmw, ChUhlaSss, and edt&*Sio« PricesooenU. ByeeniinieOceatsto Ml®- , TEE, BOSTOS, Musa., wlUfcefoiw*rl £<1 . Tor sale by all DrugHsts. & Co.'jA SABOS A^HAKLIK' 4 j £ • OASMW o*.Aha “ K PIANO Over M 0 each of these *“;• ■ v.,? Jg FORTES- . J ■■■■“'; . OS PIABO Mr.O . and thedemssa t* *' E ,f» f’l - SOSTBS. alantly increaalnf. it*-\ >” PIANO Tor .ale only b* „ :•> ■ ' FOBi ES _ J B O t>D DD •_ „„ su ■- V "4c~ . ’« I, 57/55? * wa |A»DX ») feaflr wte, rfiv’tQine.'g r \r l \ FSBjlU* s*i SMKi-rp’’ iffSSJsSi Jm J Oresa Ghoa 4 gJf «’«nt W f ? Keaaedf <* Oates, w 1 ifehns-. TV, Pi John *<(•" f' s» ML 8 * |W Baeh sa>B