idieix CASPBNTEB.—Oo the njoruiugof Ihe Si last.. Wot. n (iftitrabtoi't 'HiVhe 29'b yt&r of W® .... . , ®jjl B ra'&tWoa and mala frlanda ftr ®,\vm!^ na a? a a ®fi» relatives and friends of the famUv are rs«uect- Tail* levltid to attend th« foetal, from Nr husband's ™ t Mti Germantawa. on Friday af tarnocn it 2 , ; , loek, TvUb/.tit father notice, ternocn.n , wol her, then ha«t lift ns. n»n wehearthy wordsnomore? 11, on lint 'e;t this world of iotow For that bright and shining shore. She is sene to live with Je«us, Whole entering* are no more. . . *** MENDSHBAI.L.—On the Sd ln*t., Miss Lida A Man drnbnU. In the 3M year of her age. . „ ... her relative* and friend* are invit'd to attend the fnraial. without fnrthef nollee.from heriate rsstdenoe, fiffi 48J north nineteenth street, on Wednesday, Sth Inst. at 1 o’clock. To p octed to Franklin Cemetery, on Frankford road, Bervieea at the Free Onnroh of Jt. Bh&wi!*—At°Dover Delaware, on Jnndav, the 3d but.,; of_tn»nmonia. Elisabeth ff .-Jlft** sS?_S >B " Charles Brown, and daughter of the late Gov Sbnok Fußeral from the residence of Dr, JeaM*, 5,9 Vine street, on Wedce'day, Aprils, atlOo clock, A,.ld, To day evening, the 2d Inst., Enos Lae, in the 85th T®wr of his **e 1 His relatives and friends a *e Particularly Invited to attend the foßeral from the residence of Thebe Kinsey, Frankford. on. Fourth-day one noon, the Sth loot , at 3 o’cietk, without farther notice *• CARKIGAII.—f>n Mpnlay morning, 3d Inst., Charts* W., son of Charles W. andS: 8. O.rrigan, aged eight ** MACUURN—OutheSOIh ult, Major 0, Izard Mac- Roes, killed in battle before Fetera^or*. BiafiiendaaXkd those of tbe lamilT are to at' tend his funeral. on Wednesday, Bth ia*fc» from ais mhtT't residence, 1110 Walnnt street, at JO o’clock. Union Luagub House, No. 1116 Oheitaut street, FhiIaaDBLPBIA. April 4, 1665.—Tie members of the Onion League of Fhiladelohla are nqaeited to attend tbe fo»«al of their late fellow meicbar. Major Oliarles Izard MaeSuen, frnm the residence of his lather,,lllo Walnut ttreet, on Wednesday, at 10 o’clock 7he members of the League are requested to wear their badges on the occasi n „ r ■ ognfrflK TT. BOKRR. Secr«Ury. PLAIN BLACK GOODS.- Lupin's Tamlees. Bombazines, r* •* All-wool Heps, ** Empress Cloths. ** Merino®* and Cashmeres, •• Moupsfllne DeLaines. «« 8-4-wide Barege Hernanl. '* 8-4-wide Bareges and Grape Harets. •* Thibet Shawls, &o. . Rft IB El EE & LANDSLL’S W gold bass port _ FOREIGN GOODS Oo tP TIME TO BUT, ~ thsfar assortment is excellent mhU-tf TSI ANIiSGIVINU JCHILKE. A. MASS MEETING o* TOT GiTIZENB •OP- PHILADELPHIA will aa hbld tB THB AWEIfiN ACADEMY OF MUSIC Xms (WeOnoßday) EVENING, Td express oar gratitude to Almighty God, and to onr heave dofondors who have p«id theprioeof onr glorl- ona ylotorles with their blood. Ray, a. M. SOUDDER, D.D., Bar. »B. PATTERSON, .( Just from the Battle-field,) A. G. OATTEBL, Eso., And several of onr CITY MINISTERS will speak and taka part In the exorcises of the meeting. Boors open at 7 o’clock. Tickets may be had Gra- tuitously, at the .Tract House, 80. 929 CHESTNUT Street; Ashmead & Evans’, Ho. 724 QHSSTHUT Street; .Clanton’s, Ho. 60S CHESTNUT Street; and the MEB- CHAHTS’ EXCHANGE. The friends of our Wounded Soldlerß will have an opportunity of making their thank offerings through. the Christian Commission. TH ttCARTEBIT RBPOBt *—■ - -■ - .* « i utt no nncT & MH.WSIA, Arru 8. >«|^ oUBoBg . Xoans snd Discount*.. ....*7,857,019 71 U. S. Bonds deposits! to ssouro CircnlfetSoß**.***' •-••• 760,C00 00 U. B. Secoiities deposited to leaxire-DeposUß*—o.u.uuu w tJ,S. Boada aad otier'U. S. Se* _ __ oniltleson tand »!7.t1l W^ w , g Sncele andLoeal-tenderNotes.s3,ol6,ooo 07 BUIS *1 this Bun on hand.... » Bill* of Other-Banks....* 21,67 f 00 from BaakB>< «•« 316,171 S 5 Ihie from State Banks and Bulkers— Cash Items* 091,879 06 Beallstate. X'jjS} Bxpeasesaiid eo,aa» LIABILITIES. Capital S 3 67WQ0 00 Dm to Tr«a«irt rof TJ Statas.. 89 Due to Individual Pepoßltoxa- 3.35&400 DlTideads gnpaid..*** ~.~***.~*~*. og Profit and L08a~~.......•«*»•• ** 213 * 493 ™ $10,617.746 35 State of Pennsylvania. L McMTCHiBi;, Ja , GieMer Of the First Hslioß»fßank olPhUidelphia.doßolemßlr sfflrm that i. t™. xo of TO taowlsif. »»*»£>«*• “ MeMICHABWa,^ mzs&~ FOTSFH 60!1 88 w 9 a , Cash items.— . • M 7 M LIABIXiITZESe ■ Ocpitai Stock. ~ 'rwfan °°° 03 CIZOTIIB tion ****** oiesoee SO lluditidoalD«poftite»«s ?®B.f£s J® -Jilted BUtea»Dap&6iW.4~* *8 Ji ationsl -Banks ■» «B,aj 83 ■»« »« Blots Bonk * :JgjgLg l4 (n.f113 01 JHsoonnls—~ —•— IJ-HB §1 oteiest. I’lnn nn nipltu Band——— • i.»«iuu j 8 )!S , gg -flsf HMI1 * ** sMUHi IJastilein*" State of iFAHKByJ vaaia. county of PMladelpma. Bs. t isran to and snbaoribed before 1 ‘ April, IMS. BBW, H. WILLIiMSua. 101*81 Notary Pnblie. '8«39». TBK EIOHTEESTHt AJiSCiI tS KOJIHf iSSOOIATIOR will Bold at SAHSO »• aTRIET BALL, on THOBSiJAT .AFTERNOON* at 3K o* stock. Bidlee are invited, 5-1, »ap AIL PSBBOBSHATIBO FBIEHIIS lar orßelattoea Interred tnithe BadalGrongd of The Sceond AfricanFr e»brterian Choroh, ST.MoBy bt, XI hnsbe reaneeted to come forthwith, and remora the £IS*S tt.n will be removed hr ldthlnet aps- wfm3t« r™ STAIIJ hash, at «4M8E*,5.1., JKb apart 4tt», 1865. Tie DlMctor. lave thl*-day i«£V«A» ?n?rr E n xnyifi p*R CENT and an Extra Dtvldflnd oX Pi VS PER CBHTr,lStiPM» l > lB . to th« BkK>SH«lder« on demand «»«»^, TTalUd Btetw to ° m jTOW»BB«D, CaaMer. »gR> rBIF-NHS’ ASSOCIATION JOK THB AID AHD Bl|Vmoi( OFTHB rßSM e'.ml with the eauee a»e ta- Tlted. —- ko. oiviob of OTtB wmmr. w* *iT4a th»t tli® Ooamiadoa for ta* , «aaqssjsßh^~2 X“A»*®S Sy, i»aafc»lttl»««npon | b.d»dTa«MßW‘i” ■SffurranVr, or ihillfarnUlL reWitaW, «“““ ftr wmttt. DOLLASa mWMfcWtf orynJK or the n«>gK»u^ U& 'mIBISO COMPAJTY OF IBOHI3AH, 13A "WALHUT BtreeU F*u.ju>sithiA, Kaioli jffM Th«innMl usmUb* ol'tie 8tockhold«« of tMs Uom faawatffl £6, ISW, «tlOo oio,l[^ nKll -g mlift.ilfl»p Bewatary. orrltK OF THIS PWIBT W*' OOKfASTi Soathsaßt comer of WALSOT eef JOUEXH Btreete. p,nLAOTt.MtiA, K ar 'k fc&SSS *£«■*■ _,. __ fieor«ta,ry. > a? 10 «.. uu>ul Biwusi « ■ IS* bTFICE OP THE LIHISR m.i *3® AHD'HATIGATIOH COMPANY. :* 1 * FliiLADßi.paiA, March 10 lffits The StochhoHOTSof thte-Comsmny are hereby nutULed Chunk, and to be preV«r«d t? progress with other lo- Eonont railroad conneffßons, the Board or Manage!. Me determined to allow Ur nil persons who shall en* pears* Stockholders on the books of ths Gomuauvon fbclhth i;>t„ after elosin* af trinriomat that day. tha priidlef o of .nbseribing for new stock at jMtr, to th. extant of one shue of new- stack tor every Eve shares then standing In their names. Bseh shara holder entitled to a fractional part oT a share shall hav* the privyesa of snbacrlblng Jor a full share Tbe subscription books will open on the 20th Inst.. SfJii 1 Nay at BP. M. The new Stock Slit dividend. Payments as follows; Ten per cent, at the time of snbsCTlbtng, and the balance on the 21th day of Msy belrmud af * Bl w “° k time only win the now certificates ®*v ckllol < ! <; ,a not paying as above will low tholr right tb* new stack. Those who destre to anticipate pay ment wi]U;bea3|owed discount on the whole amount of their subscription St the rateof •!' t»r cut. par annum, mhlg-lm - , BQLOMOH SHEPHERD, ■fireasnrer, I3i- PBIbAIIEEPHU SOCIBrr FOE Ot-*? PROMOTING AGRICDLTURB—Anrfi meeting at Booms TOTt WALNUT Street, on WBDNESD tV, 6th Inst., at 11 o’clock A. M. apt-fit *q>»' ornrE of the fransus Fas’ fjbb INSCJtAHCB COMPANY, Philahelphta. April 3.18!6. , At a meeting of the Board of Dlreotors held till* day. ahemt .nnnal Dtvtdeod of SIX PBR CE9T, and an Extra I>lvidei,d of TEN PER CENT.’ were declared i n the Cspttal Stock, payable to the Stockholders, or tbetr legal representatives, on a'd after the 13th Inst., fr< eof taxes. : , J. W. MoALLISTEB, a:4-10t . , ~ Secretary pro tern. Tjy PAYING BALARIES.-TBB WAR* •Swv- BAfITS .for.the salaries of Teachers will be Is sued by tbe Eeei'ctary of the Board of Controllera In ace»r«ance with the resolution adopted by the Board,as follows: „ v Saturday—Ssctlonsl7Jh to 55th Inclusive. . Monday—Sections 16ih to Sthlnclnslye. Tue> day—Sections Sth to Ist, Including 26th Seotton. rnhscst rta*' OFFICE OF MKHKIMAC MINING COMPAfIY OF LAKH SUPERIOR, 13» WAL SUTStieet. PxiLAnsLTHiA, .March 21,1865. The AHHHAL MEETIBG of the- Stookholners of this Company tor the ELECTION OF DIRECTORS, and snch other bnsiness ms may oome before it. will be held at the Office of the Secretary, 133 WALNUT Street, in th* city of Philadelphia, on the SECOND MONDAY, the Htth Sey of AprU, A a. 1866. at 10 o’clock A M. mbit 18t SAMUEL P. DABLTHGTOH. Sec’y. GEORGE H. STUART, jlO. 617.748 35 $1,870,415 00 81.170 448 00 “THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL for tbe purpose of adop lug tbe lupplement to the char tf r of the company, passed bv the Legtalatnre of Pena* sy;vaula,Bnd approved March 21. 1865. and carrring Into effect the provt.ions thereof, will he hemon MON-. DAI, AprU 1C 1865, »fl2o'olock M , at the HOTEL. By order of the Board of Msnasere. . mhSO lOt ' J. SEBOBaHT PBIOE, Secretary. ra* OFFICE OF THE WESTMOBE' LAND COAL COMPANY, Ho. 330 South THIRD Street, corner of WtlSiag’e Alley. Philadelphia, Marchl6, 1865. Tb« Aucuftl Meeting of tfce Btocfchoidero of the We«t moreland Coal Company will be held al the Office of D oihl7-iaps sowadtutagAho^ntagyear. Secretary. . KEf THE ANNUA*. MEETING »FJH| Stookboiders of the GLOBE -OIL COMPANY will be held at the Office of tbe Company. ®0._133 Bcnth FOURTH Street, on ApHl «ih- at 4 o’clock P. M. tp6 14,24 It JORN H WILE, Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholder, of the HOOVER OIL GO MPA NT will Fe held at tbe Office of the Company, Mo. 13 J South FOURTH Street, o» April filrt at 4 o oleok P. M. spt,lB 21.31 JOHN H. WTLE. Secretary. OIL. COMPANIES. |gP» BIG SANDY ' OIIa COMPANY * VENANGO COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, CAPITAL.....— *500.000. 100,000 SHARES, at *3. RESERVED WORKING CAPITAL .*.*30,000. OnlY *20,000 shares for sale, at *1 per share-to be nsed in developing the property. : The property of tnoßig Bandy Oil Company consists of 126 acres in fee simple, dear of all leases and Incum brances, situated on the Big Sandy river, Venango county,.Fa., three miles from the month, four miles southwest from the town of Franklin, and within one and a halt miles of the Jamestown Railroad, which Is now being laid, and will ho completed' by next season. The property has a river frontage of half a mtte, all of which Is available for boring purposes, and It heavily timbered with white oak of the best quality. There is sufficient coal upon the property for all purposes. The public road to Waterloo, and the old Pittsburg road to Franklin, ran near tbe lands. In the vicinity are tbe la.-ge welle attack upon the Allegheny. Thd property Is also in close proximity to tbs wells on Sugar and French creek, and is about four mlleß east of the Adamantine Well, lately struck on the East Sandy. Suitacs indications are very rioh, oil having been found in many places exuding from the ground. In 1462 a large well was etruckon the Big Sandy, three quarters of a mile below the property, but which was abandoned in consequence of thelow price of oil and the breaking out oi the war. Two engines have, been purchased, and are now upon the premises, and four wells are now In progress of belngbored. Tbs Company proposes to sell only 29,000 shares of stock, at One Dollar per share, to be used for develop ing the property. , 7" The-Company, baying no royalty or rents to pay, owing no debts, having no fractional Intareri to look after, wiU conduct its business solely for cash; and tne holders of Big Bandy stack will receive the whole net produet of the property. Thu subscription Bools will Be opened on "WEBNBS > AT. Hd Inst, (and remain open for three weeks, tin gs ifcOTWcnw eueMul ot ,ttt Company. So. 40* WALNUT STRBET. PBKBIBBKI. ■WATSON MALONE. EBORBTABY ABB TRSAStrSKB, WILLIAM W. ALLEN. mhM-wfCt ra® OFFICE OF THE Idv j* ROOK Oils COMPANY, *O9 WALNUT STREET, Atthe Annual Meeting of the “BOOK OH. COMPART OP PESMSILVAHIA,” held this daT, the following officers were sleeted to serye for the ensuing year: PBESIBBST, J. T. HoIHHBS, BICRETARY ABB TBEAWBEB, JOHN F. OEAEP. BOABD OP DIRECTOKB. J. T, McISNSS. 1 O. EVABB, p R j O WM. B. HASSELL.^ *ho tusual Report wan readhy to* Secretarr,. In which it was stated that "the Directors hare, within tij* bcrc* of ton months &sd & half* pud to tM BtMi* holders dividend, to the amount of ninetyJg?* ?s®“* thara of their stock being equal to twenty-nine per cent, per annum on the subscription price. tie vaJtiab e fee simple property of the Bock Ou Company-atractoi aejeuty-nlueacres of ou territory Ide&Udi on Bic gcrahgxaas Creek, some twelrenmw from Fiauklin—was considered, and anihomr was gWentothe new Board of Directors to proceedatonce y lUr its yigoxouß development on the besttenuetnat e *Tliee l new' wells on the Hyde * Bghort Earn, In Which the "Rock” isistoioeftd, aro now tonrogross, one o< which has reached a depth of 4f15 faej»witha show of oil fully equal to the heat wells this celebrated farm, not excepting the maple Shade at3 M*Bt JOHfl r te QBiFP, Secretary and Tteasmot, OFFICE OS' COMPART, 4:10 jM tit* annual meeting ' Company, held Msreh 20th, jam yf ere elected Dincton Brass W. thippen, j Joseph L. Hose. 1 Alfred Hoi t, I Waiter,Creston. ■ ■ inti &tameetixur of ikeß. BVAttS W. w*i elected President. li* PHffiSIX Oil. COMPMY.-AB fa& Adloorne.l Meettaxof the Stooklioiaers of «ia Phoenix oil Con piny wUlbe held at the offl«9,Ho. 13* Eomh WHARVES 4 royalty os BurningSpfihS B ®»on* Wirt comity, Wee* "Virginia. and fiOO Acres on Spring Creek. near the abore, In lee simple. The company hare two engines on the ground working,. . A limited portion of the working capital Is *llll not subscribed for, which can. be hadjat sabscrlption price* gl per share, at the, No> !s|6 GHUSOH Alley. mtgi-taplQ »mi>Esl) NOTICE. McCLTN TOOKVILLB PBTBQLEUM COMPANY, Office 4.13. WALNUT Street. Phil A, Marchja. The Board of Directors bare this day declared a dtii dend of PITS PER CENT., subject to State tax. paya ble at the office of the Company, on and after TfitT&S- Transfer Books will close on ?HID4Y, March 31, at?o’«loSP. and open T fiUa^AY d^3f||h. Secretary. OFFICE OF miS JBVMA. SKNISiQ Mb niVMPAS Y.Pn;aADEM'HiA, Maich 27.1855. tS HSKfeBT QIVJSJI thatt animtalment of nSirlnrt ar Mr tmira on each and every Share of t.l BtoSk ofthl -SITKA MIKIHQ 00MPAN1 hu thSdm* bem cidled in. payable on or before the if ComB “ T - KSP DIVIDEND THB HtAQABA OIL COMPAHT. Ho. 414 CBESTHOT f fleet, Pnn.IBBI.I’HrA. M»rcll3ft IKIS. ■ Tbeßoard of Directors nave this .day,?®£? a 2£?bison dead of OHS per cent, on the capital S %tiet IBOBBDAI, Apfilfltb.fMaof«atat|x. The traMtoVookswUl .lo’sa on PHXDaT, MaiokSOth, MS o'clock P. M.. and open on April7th- M CAETBH, HacreUrr and Trgaaaiar. mbBt-a* rggr OTFICE HTBi: F*H« 1 d 6t 18 ya, M. CA.ETEK, Sae'y and Treas. omoc OF ME ISBWffl Oil. |3g? 00 Nor 3W South FOUKPH Bte»t,. w., ««• ** * Maioii 29,1865. mv A - ja# ljAtfA ufty & #»yl* iwisra%£ re* o KN J ba^max 0 CoBHAHT, j*T»We OB and Bfloi BATOSBAX, Asm 8. - OIL. COMPAM IMS. THE CAMEROK PETROLEUM €O. OAPCTAIiw r »rt'»**Mi*Ms gQAßKS*f**m»**iiM«MMi**t3o0 t OO0 t ITTOOBIPTIOK FKH The pretent and prospeetire Tate# of the etoek of thli Company may be Inferred from the fart that it ownt a fee simple lntereßt In 473 (four hundred and jayenty three) aerea of the rlchest-teated oil territory lm Venango county, belleyed by the mint expsrionoed oil men in that region to he capable of prodnclng a net annual in come to the Company of one and a half million dollar*, or three titlee the entire cost of the stock, which would bo equivalent to twenty-St# per sent. a month on Ita anhecriptlon prias. or one hundred and AflV per eent. per annum on its par value. - The following la a description of the Company'e pro perty: One-fourth fee almple intereat In the aelehrated "Hooyer ” Vann, sltnate on the Allegheny riyer, about two and one-half mile* below Franklin, con taining 282 (two hundred and ninety-two) acre*, with 333 rode (or oyer one mile) front on the. Allegheny riyer, on which there are now twelve-leases, each ten rode square.and from which the owners of the foe almple gal one half the oil, free of all enponea. Besides this, there are two wella owned by the owners of the fee, from which they get all the oil. oh this farm there are now tea wells in operation, producing an average often barrels per day, and several others are about being tubed. There are. also on it 187 (eighty- *bten) more iota snnyeyed, and more than fifty applications are now standing to lease the latter for ono half the oil to the owners. Ont o! the twelve wells on this Farm eleven ah now naringhandsomely; a fact which sufficiently demon strates tha great richneaa and nllabiUty of tha terri tory, ■ _ _ : x, (i« entirefee simple Interest in 181 (ona hundred Mid elnhty-one) urea, situate on the Allegheny river, near ly opposite the “ Hoover '* Farm. end a little nearer Franklin, at the month of MIU Bon, bavin* a front of 96 rode on the Allegheny tlyer, and one mile on both Aden of Mill Son, with ample boring surtase for one hundred wells, or Lota or ten rode square. This tract ie known as the “Stewart Farm," and la elearofall leasee or lncumbrancee of any kind. ; There is now in operation a fifty,barrel well (beside several smaller ones) on the Cothran Farm, which ad joint this on the sooth. Infect, the “Stewart” Farm to surrounded with good-paying Welle, and within a short time a single lease of 80 rods front, on the Imme diate opposite aide of the river, sold for *166,090 (one hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars,) On this lease a rood well has been struek within a few days. In addition to the territory of the “ Stewart ’' Farm, which to believed to be equally aa rood as the “ Hoov -er,'* there sreon It s three-itory Orist Mill, with fine water-power, a rood farm-house, sad other buildings, hat wUI be of nee to the company. The durafMtty of this immediate oil section to Ulna-, trated by the fact that some of the wells on the “Hoov er” Farm have been pumping for over four yean, with out any material diminution in their yield, while the oil here produced, from it* creator convenience fer transportation and snperlor-cravity. always commands from one to two dollars per barrel more than thaollat Oil Creek. . The ofleen of the Company feel Justified in present ing the follow inr estimate of what, with vigorous manarement. the above land* can be made to yield for the benefit of the stockholders In a comparatively abort time: There i* room on this for one hundred lots of ten rods I square, all of which can be leased immediately for One half the oil, free of all expense to the Company. v Estimating one well to each lot (one hundred wells, although there Is room for three hundred) at’ the vary moderate overate of tenDarrels each, would make s Dally prodnet of 1,000 hbla, . Out of this the Company's share would be. 600 bbls. Value of daily yield to the Company, at ten dollars per bbl (it is now sellln* at ! fKi.6O. ...................... *6,000 GO Allowing three hundred worklni dan to the year, this would make the Compa ny’s annual net receipts, from the Stew art Farm alone-1,600,000 00 Allowing thesame estimates for the ' ‘Hoov- ~ or ” Farm, in which the Company owns one-fourth in fee of the land Interest, tho annual net receipts from the latter would . ■ ~ 175,000 00 Making tne annual .receipts-from. Deductlng*from thls amount the sum of *376,000 for contingencies, would leave Net Annual Income of the Company——. ALB THBBB LOTS CAB' BB IMMEDIATELY LEASED. I If it is deemed expedient, at a royalty of one-half the I Oil, with covenants binding lessee* to sink wells. With I all possible dlUgenoe, to the depth of 600 or more feet. ASBU. 3.1955. BOWK’S EDDY OIK (TALBOT Street, Apgn. 3, 1865. of the Stockholders of this l, 1865* the tellowlag-teatle > for tlic ensuing year: ' ■William G. stiles* Jr., William Overfield. Jr*. S. Yocum. loard, held tils day, . SHIPPEH THOS. P.'SBEWXLL. Tremorer and Secretary. THE. PWSSS.—PHILADELPHIA,’ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1885: or PEKNSYLVAEIA, fbbsidbht; VANOB STEWART# Oi Mxnora comrey, fa. TBRASUBER, E. G. J AMBB. OF PZKAbnKFXIA. BSCBETJIBT, 3. L. DABUNOTONJ WBBt OBBSTM*. FA* DIEBCTOHS, VAJfOB BTBWABT, Mercer connty, Fa. JTOHB X. LBOBABD, West Chester, Fa. D. C FOEKKY, Washlnrton. D. C. HBKHT D. COOKS, Washlnrton. D. O, BIMOS CAMEBOK, Harrishnrr. Fa. JOHB H. DIBHL, Philadelphia. JOHB F. CHAFF, Philadelphia. GBOKGB O. BVAKS, Philadelphia. JAMBS HCFFX, Marietta, Lansastar so.. Fa. THE “STBWABT FABH." A. MW FLAIJf WOBBB TO BUBSOEIBHKB. Tonarenotaikedtombeorlbeto tHiStockwimft. TriggciMUuii v* l Avn aimaenaSt but the basis on wM#l the Company *i < i* **■-• Ueved, will make yonr Investment not only eaftt bnt. pxoibectively, Qtefwhnous'o&l'ut* * the preient prleeaofoU.the Com pany'! annual receipt! *■* *“ t k«rdeTilop most) would bo forty thoheand dollar!, or oirbt Per tout, on the coit of the dock. - The Proatdont, Hr. Stewart; leone of themoet practi cal and experienced oil operator* in the State. and nil reildence Bear tho Company’! property and moral oyerilrhtof Iti manaiement U thiboetmaiantoathat no effort! wUI bo ipared to make tho lttTOrtment pro * Application! for a larre proportion of ‘hoitookhayo already been made, tat none wm ta received until the taoko of tho Company are rerulaily opened for that r, orfy*'» limited amount of the itoci willboioldat subscription prise. ■ „ The stoelt will be leaned roll P«ld, "Without fanner assessments* _ BOOKS OF SUBBCKIPnoir WUI ta oprn foraftar daye. on and after Jannary IS, IStSS, at tho offioo of E, e. IAHES, Treasurer, Mo. 101 WAUnre Btr«t. Also, temporarily, w feB-tf At S. E. cor. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT St*. MUBOIBtM. BSEF TBE HEW YORK AND WVEKPOOL PETROLEUM COMPANY. OEOANIZED lIITIE IBS . . _ untma and MAHiTFAcniBiKa laws or the STATE or HEW 10SK. CAPITALS ONE MILLION DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHAKES, 910 PER SHARE. SBBSCBIPTIOK FEICB, *5 PISK SHAKE, , HOT LIABLB TO TDETHEB, ABSESSMBHT. OFFICES: , Mo. EMPIRE BUILDING, Ma 11 BEOADWiT, MEW TOEK. Poet Omiob AmsbAimwßox No. BSW, Haw Nob*. OFFIOBB.B. Hon. DANIEL & DICKINSON, President. WH. *. PHIPPS, Ylee Frealdent EOBEKT BASSETT, Secretary. E. J. BTIETIS, MIBISE Superintendent, Titn*yffle,r». ATL AN TIC BANK, No. 143 BiosdwsT, N. T., Tremor,. The well, of the Company ere now ptodndu dDL Payment for slock maj be made Indrafts, reilrt«r«d notes, or Gorernment bonds *nd securities* whleh bond* and iwenrlfcies wUI be taken at their market yalne-j, • Bemittances may be addressed to the Company* P. O. Box »o. G 368, Sew York City* or to 4 ’Atlantia Bank, Treasury of the New York and Liyerpool Company, Ho, 142 Broadway, Hew low.City.** ®*w any of its agents* . pM-3ia »'TKP“ BTAKBISB STOSE OU. AID fc®> hinibo company—cheapest stock in THB shaebb WORKINO CAPITAL, *40,000i par mu*, si SUBSCRIPTION PRIOB, GO CENT’S. NO FURTHER ASBBSSMSNT&. ■ Witlln a ftw lisyß m new well bas- twaa struck at a distance of one hundred yards from oar property, on tha Kiuawls. . All ihe lands of this Company are-located within tne Treat f>il toil of ‘Weal 'Vlriinia, and, emfcsacea 348 acres Id fee simple* and two leases, one of-10 and the other of 6 seres. Maps and Prospect™ at tbs . .. Subscription book trill eloie in a abort time, as tie stock is taler rapidly .old. . _ _ Office, 43.1 WALNUT Street. Boom No. 3. third etory. ISAAC! COOFBB, sUeat. JAMES 11. ¥ER9TjSON. Treasurer. jnh2s»liS CHAS. H; SIQBBOTHaM, Secretary. WHALE OIL,—CRUDE AND RE TT FIIfED 'Whale Oil, in assorted pa«kac«s. tar sale Kt W. H 16. Sooth BBLA.VARB Avenue. by a»S- 3t* r»OJSSUJiA.T®. OP &PAIN IN HBCJBA \y PEXiPHiA. —Saving authorized Captain Lueianode Landft to borrow Twelve Thanaand Dollars.(#l2,oQo).\a Suited States Cntieiwy. on dottauiry Bond, oil tee t janleh bsrqne Marta v Julia, of W% tons;, cleared from MenzanlUa, Oula. to Havra, Praaoßt put into thiaport in distress, and ofwhlchwssel said Luciano d» Lauda i« captain, I karate notify sul persona, desirous of making hide for said loan, that I wiH receive In this Consulate their Soiled Proposals therefor, Skid Pro* petals to specify the rate of interest demanded. The reimbursement of said loan and interest to be effected •within twenty days after the arrival ox said vessel in the port or Havre, Prance. The Propo»a)s will be received Jji this Consulate from this data until THTTBMUY "next April 6, at 3 o’clock, P. at, and the same wiU he publicly opened by me on PBIISAY next. April 7, at lx o’clock noon, when the loan will he adjndced. to the bidder offer’n* the moat fsywnble terms; Provided, always, that said terms beaaiisfactorT to the Captain, and in accordance wUh the euvtomary usages in thj' 3 market. Should there he two or more Y'ropoeate of eaualtenor, I will open a verbal hid dine Purina the half hour Im mediately suec**d io g the oysuing of the Proposals. The Consular Spain. ~ . OaBLOS DS BAMBATL ,PSIX.APB£PgU, 91,-1868.1 ap3 3t yr&X&MA&m fc BROWHt « PEI ZB MONE\, GOYBRNMENt AMD I.OOAI. BOUNTIES TO AI»L WHO BHTBB TBB BHITBH BTATBS HAKtHB OOKPS , , Ordcrc have Been received from the head of the Marine Corps, at WaehiDiten not to restrict recraue to & particular clare (as has been the csesheretofore)* bat to receive ILL who have served in the volunteer Bar- Tice, or in the n atUars, or in th* marines. and hare been honorably dtsehargtd. Mich persons enlisting to ihe D. 8. Marines win receive the Gpvernmeatand local bounty, and will also be entitled to tneir share of prize money in any capture of the enemy s vessels.. For farther information applyat the recruiting ren dezvous Bo 311 South FKOJST Street, between 9 A M. and 3 o’clock F. M., eveiy Captain and ReernMng Officer. ttr. 8. MILITARY SCHOOL FOR OFFICERS. Ho, 516 CHEBTRIJJ B‘reat. Pblladei- Pbia. OPPOSITE SUSWSJB WS^i3SHMS?o3Si*- T^S.^| 4 S’IS , : y tV, month,.™ Sobers admitted tor,tiro $lO Payable to Booh a supplied. Pamphlets sent by malioa appLUa= tlon, na»-l» statement of the condition OF THH PEOPLE'S FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF WORCESTER, MA49S.. ■ ENDIN& BEOEMBE K 31* 1885 a AMOUNT Of CAPITAL Amount of Capital actually paid in in cash.. 200,000 ASSETS; Amount of Beal Estate owned by the 00..*.*.511,933 00 •* Loans on Seal Estate »„»,;*«►. 75.834 00 ” Bank Stocks (market Yi1ue)....... 125 833 03 *« United States Slocks do. 117,J»i °3 ** ‘ libane on Collateral.3J.77s 00 ** Cash on band and in bank. ««•«« 18,538 67 ** Caab la bands of 6,865 52 *• Other assets not aboye spMSflld, ■ including accrued interest..... .. 4 28313 LIABILITIES: Amount of Los*es una. 1 juited........53,006 0D ** Outstanding cUlma. and d0e...... “ nono, : «■ •> ** andnotduo. none. JOSEPH TILTjINGHAST, Agant, 408 WALHBT STBBBI. itHifti Philadelphia, Pa. JNBURANCE AGAINST TBiYKLIBBS’ IKSCBAKOS COMPANY, Capita 1........ ■■■■....■.,5600,000. WM. V. ALLEN, Agent, 404 Walnut Street, For Five Hundred Dollars, with *3 par weekoompon tatiou, can be bad for >8 per 'annum, or any other aum between *5OO and >lO,OOO at proportionate rate*. TEH DOLLARS PREMIUM Seourea a Poller for #i,OCO, or >lO per week eompenta tioc for all and every description of accident—travelling or otherwire-nnder a General Accident Policy, at tbe Ordinary Bate. THIETT DOLU4RS PREMIUM Secures a full Policy for *5 000. or JBper woekooa penution, aa above, at tbo Special Bofa - FOREIGN BISKS. • ' Policies leaned for Foreign, Weat India, and GaMfop. nia Travel; Bates can be learned by application to tha . SHORT TIME TICKETS. Arrasrcments are In course of completion by which the traveller will beableto purchase, at any Hallway Ticket Office. Insurance Tiekbts tor one or thirty days’ travel. Ten e*nfc» will buy a ticket for ooe 3ay?s travel, tosurto* 93,G00, or 918 weekly compensation. Ticket Policies may be had for S, 6, and 18 months, in the same manner. _ ‘ Hazardous Kelts taken at Hazardous Bates, Policies Issued for 8 years for 4 years premium* Thfi rates of premium are lea* (ban those of any Other Company covering the same risk. # ■ •. - No medical examination la required, and thousands of thote who have been rejected by Life Companies, in consequence of hereditary or other diseases, «an effect Insurance in the TRAVBULBBS' at the lowest rates. Life Insurant Companies pay ?o wt of the princlpa tom uniilthe death of the assured. The TRAVELLERS pay the loss or damage sustained by personal Injury whenever it occurs. - ■ ■ ■ , . ■ . _ The leellnc of security which such an insurance gives to those dependent upon their own labor for support is worth more than money. No better or more satisfac tory uae can toe made of so small a sum. , J. G BaTTBRSON, President, RODNBYJDENNIB, Secretary. G. *, DiTIS, YBB. G»«al il«l Application, received and No. 404 WALNUi* Street, gCaUTLKILL COAl*. undersigned hereby respectfully noti fy their friends and the pnblis that the leases from the New York and Schuylkill Goal Company (formerly the Forest Improvement Company), under which they have heretofore operated various Collieries in dohuyl to er gage In mining and sellingCoai. tli9 bdalnaas will hereafter be conducted by aaid'Company. . . In mating this announcement ihe undersigned deaira to letnjn their -warmest acknowledtmenta to their nn merona enatomara and friends for the liberal -patronage extended to them during the last twenty-Are years, and to eoliclt a continuance of the aame la favor of the STB W YORK AND SCHUYLKILL 004 L COMPANY, in which their aenlor la. and Will continue to he. largely intereated. CHAS. A. HECKBQHEB & GO., THI HEW YORK & BCHBILKIIiL GOAL 09. B27WALNOT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MOSES TAYLOR, SAUL. SLOAN, OHAS, A. HECESCHBB, 0. WILSON DAYIB, JOHN P. PHELPS, : WH. K WARREN, A. DOtOIAS, JIS» NOTlCE.—Referring to th* annexed card tie NEW YOBKAND SCHUYLKILL OOMFArY announce that, Lairing assumed the working of the several Col lieries which have for many years been operated hy Messrs. OHAS. A. BKOKSOHEB A CO., they ate now prepared to contract for the delivery, during theensoln* year, from their WHARF (14) at RICHMOND, ON THB DBLAWABB RIVER, NEARPHIL4DBLPHIA, ofthelr ipperior White and Bod A»h Schuylkill Coal. Orders respectfully solicited. BEIK.XTARY. 'INSURANCE. EVERY ■. DESCRIPTION BI IHjg HAETJfL B»; COBB. FHILAh ELFHSA. GEMSIUL ACCLQBBT POLIO IBS INBUCEICEWTS. HEWIOBK, February* 1865. OFFICES. 43 BOOTH STREET, NEW; YORK, and DIEECTOES. biohabd heokschbr. OFFICERS.- o. WILSON DAVIS, FEBSIDBNT. WM. B. WARREN, TREASURER AND SECRETARY. I W. w. DTJFFIBLD, RESIDENT MANAGES AT WOODBIDE, - SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. O. W. DAVIS, .President.. MASCS 11. ISBS. . mhao-mwrat nOAX—COAL— COAL! V IHB BEST COAL IN THB MARKET, At the following prices: Bgc and Stove Coal™.. . 7S * - Large Hat Coal«*«»»‘« •*'****" D *° M *F^W. -1 HESTON^ «nrift REWARD— FOR THE AR ©lUl/KBBT and COSVIOTIOS of, the nereon. or perrons wbo ut Are to tbe Ersmisei of the WBQQkQpB FIBB COMPAHI. on tie eTenlmt of Monday, April 3. By oidor of tie Q Chairman. It* WM. It. FOBMAK, Becutaty. T7OE ILLUMINATING THE CIT Y ON; JJ th* 14th iustant—iCO.OOO Fatent ILLUMINATING CARDLI6TICKB. Vox ealeny- KNIGHT* 4 SOST. lt . £ 509 COMMBBCB Street. MJ. MITGHE SON,, 538 WALNUT* • Street, desires to see MA.SOB HUTCHINS, 35«i-* if inthlsoito, upon important professional business, op to be faTOiea with bis address by any one who can, fiirnisbit. aoB-it NOTICE.- MR. F. 8. ALT-EMUS 1 It* W ° LOKOaB " OTIB EiU, K%O* S * QBOBB. QNOW--WHITE ZINC, ATREDUGED O prioM , b, the & slnTn< Proprietors of the Fenna. >aiat and €to|or Works. It* v Store toir»sl» at gallei j 6*4 ABOH Street. u ' ' WHITE LEAD, AT REDUCED YY b * lle Proprietors oftbo P6nna.Fai»***dColoT Works, lt* • Store and Ofice 13? North THIRD StresV_ rrom RHUMB'S BABY I! X AP^aphJrombUeo^ PITUHEB’S, 898 CHBSTHO*-3treet. .Copies rent bymail oars cetpt of 30 cents,. , agS-ft OIL LANDS SURVEYED AND LAID V-J in Xe&ies and Topographical Flans Drawn by G M BOPEIfiS.Civll Bugiueer and Sarvßjor, aO4 South FIFTH street, near- Walnut St., ; apl-lli* Philadelphia. PARAFFINE MACHINERY OIL—A AT Eaparior article* light color and sweet—stands cold. For »*le fry BOV. H. BOW 16 Sbath DBLAWAKB Auntie- rtHILDBBN’S CARRIAGES, EN \J TIBBLT If BW STYLES *o* THE SPBItfO TRADE. —A Superior Lot ju»t received, and for sale * BOWS. BOSTOff, it 00.» mMMf 15? and 159 goitkTHIBD Street- GREAT CENTRAL CLOTHING HOUSE, tpißfClAt. U. S. sirxnEErsf-’x'iirii'ir*' loan. By authority of tin Bseratary of tht Treaeury, ths nndsrslaned he® l assmrisd ths Othersl SubsCripUos Arencj for the'salt of Baited States Treasury Motes bsarinr »m tad thres-tenths tor cent. Latorott tor uwni. known** the. SEVfiN-THIRTY LOAN. note Motts jarolssued finder Ate* of Anruet 15,1884, tad art payails tliloS yean from that thao, (a *ur toner, or ars eoarertlble atthe option of the bolder Into U. h 6» SES PER CENT. GOLD-BEARING' BONDS. These Bondi y> now worth aVremlnm of nine tor out., lnelndlnl fold Interest from’ MoTember. whlck makee the aettal'troflt en the 7-80 Loan, at enrront ratao, Including Intereet, about tan tor oant, tor an num. besides lU emmvtUm/rom Stott and municipal taxation, whipft adds from one to Ham per cent more, aeeordlnf to mi rate larlod on other property. The lnteriet le payahle .semi-annually by rmpone ittaehed tomeh note, ent off andeoM to any bank or hanker. / The Sntortet amount! to One emit tor day on a ISO note. Two cents per day on a $lOO mot*. Ten emits per day on a $5OO not* Twenty cents per day on a $l,OOO not). On* Doper per day on a $5,000 note. _ Metes of all. the denominations named will be ■prosott ly fornUhed.upou receipt of subscription*. Thirds TEffi OKHT EOAH IK MARKET now offered jby tho Ooyenunent, .aad It la eonftdently expected lts Superior adyantages will make It'the GREAT 3EOPUISAK LOAK OR THE PEOPLE. Less than SSOQ,bOO,OOOofthe Loan authorised by the last Conyrees are now on the market. This amount, at the ratp at which it Is being absorbed, will all bs suhserihed for within four months, when ths notos will nndjmbtediy'eomjnsnd a premium, as has uni formly beenthe ease at the dose of th» snhacrlpttons to other Loans. / In order that elttsen* of iyery town and seetton of th* eonntry raay be afforded faoflMee tortaking the Loan, ths Hatibnal Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout ths. sonuiry hare generally agreed to re- at-par. 'Bnhecrlbere will eeleet their own agents. In whom they hare eonffdenss, and who only iro tobe noponsEbla for ths dsliysry Of. th* Hotel fbr which they retelro orders. ) JAY GO ore; Hoj 114 SOUTH THIRD BTRBST, PHILADELPHIA. 7-30. 5-20. 10-40. CHA». HALLOWELL, STOCK BSQEEB) ICO. 80 SOUTH THIRD STREET. (Room 80. 1) OOVJtfiHMEHT. STATE, AND OTHER LOIRS AND / (STOCKS BOUGHT AHD SOLD OR POMMISSIOB. IT B. T*3o SOTES lUESISHEK AT PAB. bpeoial attertior giver to i OIL STOCKS. «j?HB NEW r^OTJAS.N€>TBS FOR SALE; CE BOMS TO 801T 7 FUBOHU9SBS; B 7 MIIES BROTHERS, BAITS:EBB AND BBOKBBS, : 835 DOGS BTEKKT, nur.luß U GOVKERKBST SECURITIES GISH RALLY. 7.30. 5-20. 10-40. ABAKB ‘A' LBTIS, NO. 805 CHESTNUT STREET, " All Mads of _ OOVBBKHBHT SECURITIES ARB STOCKS BOUGHT, SOLD, ARB NEGOTIATED, GOLD ARB BILYEB BOUGHT ARD SOLD. Special attention glTen to OIL BTOOKB. mhß-am SDWABD BOBIH3. jpw. ROBINS Ad CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, HO. *7 SOUTH IHntD SIBEET, - PHILADELPHIA. - AW* BESTBB OF. BAHKHOTJS, BOLD, BBtVEB. STOCKS, BOEDS. AND aOTBXBUBNT BECUEITIBS, ' BOUGHT ABO SOLD. - Collection, made on HI parts of the country. . Deposits ieoelved, subject to ailht draft, cud Interest allowed. ■ mho-8m CECOND t NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, (LATE lEOH OITT TEUST GOHFAHT.I CAPITAL. ©300,000. BAHKBIS’ ABB MBECHAKTS’ COLLEOfIOHB BlomptlT Attended to on the most rsvorable terms. B. S. WARXKB, President. JOHB K PATTEEBOB. Cashier. »mM-3m CHARLES .SMOKY, ALEX.-BBK30H» JB. QBART.ES EMORY & CO., STOCK iND EXCHANGE BROKERS, N«w*l® South Third street, • ■ - ■&*?’ r ' V . PHILADELPHIA; All kinds of nneurrent funds snd Gtoldand Silver bouiht snd sold, and Collodions made. Particular attention liven to the purchase and salt of Government. State, and other Stocks and Loans on com mission. mflSBm JJ 8. LEECH & COMPANY, BANKERS AND STOCK BROKERS, Up. M PABQ.UHAE BUIMJINSS. rWALBUT ST.. BELOW THIED).- PsnASDxmA. Ocld. Oovernment Bonds, Oil and HlscoUantons (locks, houkht and sold on Commission at the Board of Brokers. Dealers In Poreldh Bnehants. Letter* of cre dit Issued on London. Paris. Antwsm, Ac. JaMftm 5-20 €OU RONS, ..... • jptns' • \ . SAAkST let, . BOUGHT AT HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, BX * DREXEL & CO., mbiO-tmvl Ho. 3* SOUTH TBIBP BTBBET. npREiSUBiy DEPARTMENT, OFFICE A OI THE COMPTBOLLBB 01 THB OBKRBHOT, WiSHntaTOH, Jaanary ran®. Whereat, te nnUrfaytory evldMMO preeontad to th» undereijrned, B Em been taade »xTHB HATIOHAL EXCHANGE BABKO* PHILADELPHIA, la the city of Philadelphia, la lha otranty of-FEHadob Bhin, andStato ol Feuuy foania.. Am MiAAfV' nlacod nndar sad loeordlny to the of the ArtofC(>Sr««S*lltitled "An.actto prortde aßattonal Currency, sectored by a plodseofß cited State* bond*. “Bows~ih«K>rore, I, HUGH MoOXnjiQOH, Oom»- B ®?£Sy? l *«rf o SE basd and seal ot, offloo tbl» twenty- nnnmlroHoy ol the CubhT. 'J’HE FBANKLIN SAVING FUND, KO. 138 BOOTH TOUSTB gTEBEr, BKLOW CHEST3I OP, , ». Fays a™ Mr oent. Interest on DepOßlts.AaenUror the * ale of United States 7 S-10 Loans at ro{- O«vorn ment, State and City Loans and st “ c!t “ f, IK Street*. It* GOODS OBBAPi CHEAP! CHEAP! T7ANOY CASSTMERES. JL . Light EtyJ«« for Spring W«ar. Double Wid,th Fine Costings, Be»t American C&ft&imerei. Fine Imported Cords. Boys* Wearfor good Custom* ■ .. . _ A complete Stock Woolens, adapted to the oeßttrade,' tellin* fteely at the very loweat marlratprleaa. Tallora Invited to examine COOPER & CONARO. api-tf 8. B. corner gIHxH and HAKKiir ore. SHIRT FOR 1865. THE GXBAYUY mVENTION OP THE AGE I» J. w. BEADLBY’B New Patent DUPLEX ELLIP TIC (or double) SPEIKG SKIRT. WESTS’ BKADLBY A CARY Gate U » I. O. West), SOLE PROPRIETORS and MANUFACTURERS, rn CHAMBERS and TO and 81 BEADS Stieets, Now York. THIS INVENTION consists of Umax (or two) Bn mmo Steel Bratuss, inaanionsly braided TMUTtr and riRaLY together, edse to bdob, making the TonaHEar. m«t aiaxiELE, elastic. and Spruhj ever used. They seldom bend or break, like the Single Springe, and eonaeanently preserve their perfect and B iiAHTiFUI, Shafb twice ao nous an any other Skirt. THE WOHDERFUI. MJSXIBII.ITT and great comport and plkasdes to ftpy IaAPY wearing the Dsplbx &i*liptio be BYi>eri«n«ed paitttnlariv in *U-crowded AS3EMBLIS3, OPERAS, CARRIAGES, KaILROAD OARS, Church Pews, Armchairs, for Promrhabe and Socjsb Dbbss, m the Skirt can be folded when In use to occu py email place as easily a* a Silk or Muslin Dress. ▲ Lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort* and grtafcconvenienca of wrariko the =IJTOU»: BLm*no fcT BEL Spring Skirt for a single day will never after* Vard willingly dispense with their use. For Children, Missks, andYouNS Ladies they are superior to all Ot THBY are the best quality in every part, land nnquei- :DXtI£RlRa WATCHES AND JEWELRY. jRB SUBSCRIBER, HAVING SUCCEEDED . F. F. DUBOBQ & SON, AT HOBAOS B. PBABSOH. loss Cktitnnt Street, CwvMtfcillT Informs Ms friends and enstomers Hurt he las ha salt a laws udsaxlei stosk of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER, MD PLATED WARE. Also, eoastaatly o> hand,* Urco iodfrall-iMOrtod took of ■ ITAfCHMud JTWXUtX CABEFULLT KKPAIBBD, HOLD, Bib VI. Md DIAHOIfDS BOtIOHT. fsS-tm The Store I now oscnpT la soldfor s BahHnc Inetl totion. ; Hot helnc able to procure a balldln* sufficiently larie to bold my stock, lam compelled to ‘ AsYaetas possible. I sow offer my Immense assortment of ■.miw 809 Mil 811 CHBSTgOT STBIWP. JJLINDB AND SHADES, B. J. WILLIAMS. No. 16* North Sixth Street, VBNITIAN' blinds and WINDOW SHADES, Tbe largest aid finest assortment in the city at the lowest cask prices. STOBB SHADES MADE A2o> LITTIBED* CEoap lot «olUd Blinds and SEadeßi J^OOEIHO-GLABBES, A. T REB .B GIB, P. R IDES. %' ' . JAMES S. EARLE & SONS lave nude a GREAT RBDUOTIOir In their priwa. and hare now la- MOCKareir laiio .and olegant assort ment of LOOKING-GLASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, OB PICTUBS IBAMKB. LOQKBra-GIiASSBS Elide to orderatths tame BS DUCBdYrIOBR, to S’!.|ToTy oliatMtor *. Philadelphia Post Office It* WANTED—A SITUATION AS Bffc TT PBRISTjSKDBNT or OLEBS of an. Oil Company i>y a man who is not afraid of work* mud, or oil. Sa i Is factory reference, address *‘B; O , 11 J?m«officB WANTED—BOARD IN A RE3PEC v” TABLE private family, for a Gantlaman, ■Wife, and two Children. Please address Box 1861 Post Office. __ ap< 3i« WANTED IMMEDIATELY—IN A H plain, moderate family, for aLAD T, two airy pleasant BuOMB with a emsll Boom attaolied. with or without furniture, and with or without Board , Bonn darie* Spruce to Vine. TwelnhtoTwauty-SeoMid TTa exocpttorable references (Iren and reonirad. Address, S 8 Born as possible, EiJMffJfl) JT T aRD * BOX, - »p 4 Si* $lO9 SPiiDCI Street, ■wanted—a situation as stj- If perintendentor Clerk of a Betel in the city or country, >y a man wi*h ten years' experience, ana the b«»t of reference. Address “a. B. fowler.” Frets office, ap3 4i* RANTED—CANVASSERS FOR U LIVI INSURANCE The best terms offered- Ap ply at OBBSTMPT £t., Stesad story . , mhgl-lnr WANTED—AT $l5O PER MONTH— . ™ A reliable Canvasser is every fcowaand county, for the NURSE AND SPY, the most interesting ana exciting booh ever published, embracing the ad von* tores of a woman in the Union army as Horse, Scout, and Spy, giving a most vivid inner picture of the .war. We have Agent* clearing $l6O per month, whisk we will prove to ahlr doubting applicant Send for circulars. Address * * JOSES, BROS., ft CO., 600 GHBBTNOT Street Philadelphia. ;t mhMm* APRIL' 4th, 1805—A LADY OP BX PEKIEHCB wi.hes s situation as Housekeeper or GovernMsin a private family. Best reference nlvon Pleaseaddiees "B. W.." iVerotflltut. ap6-2t» T?MPLOYMENT HOUSE FOR HOUSE* JIJ KESPESS, Seamstresses, Chambermaids,Waiters, Horses, Cooks* Lam:dresses, and general housework* wMt« and colored. - soa LOCUST St. apd-im "E'MPLOYMENT HOUSE fob CLERKS, X-i Boi'k-hwpsrs, Salesmen, Packers Portent. Watoh men. Coachmen. Dritera, Conouctons. Bar-tandara, Waiter*. Farm* bancs* Qardsnore.&o. Emploj era sailed at shore notice. SOg and 80dr LooQST dt. api-lia riREATEST THING OP THE TIMES vT—KOWEH’SPBIZBBBVJgLOPES —Afentawanted everywhere. Premium Watches given to A*«ut«. On receipt of $l6 we will mall, poet-paid, ICO JKnveloyee, and a splendid Solid Silver Hunting-GaaeWatoh as a premium to the agent. A single Buvelopd eant, with circular and full particulars, on receipt of 25 cent*. Ad dnea A.-H. BOWBK dt CO.. P. 0., 80x4i?0,38 BBBS MAH Street, H. T. mhff 3m M WANTED TO EXCHANGE, A splendid ten room COTTASB, In a flourishing country town of 7,003 inh vbitam*. within two hoars ride by railroad from this city* for a neat dwelling house, in a good neighborhood, with ail the modern improvements, • . Post Office. - It* m HOUSE WANTED.—WANTED JBtO BEST—A medium-sized House, with all the modem conveniences, end within twenty, miontss of The Press office. Best of references given. Address ** K, F., * V office of The Press. - mh2d-tf dhi kaa Wr ANTED—ON REAL BBTATI worth SS,tOX foi three years,at six per cent. Any merchant in the city wishing to open a Commission House in the country will hear of a good opportunity by addressing “Loyal Citizen, Pnw office. apset tonnnn (W»hty thousand ep w«UUU DOLLARS) —WANTED, a Gentleman with this amount, cash, to invest with a Manafactarer for one year.. Addre»s*‘A. 6. C.»” office of The Press, Fhtla< elphia apt 6i* FOR SAE.E ANI» TO JUBT. « POR SALE—TWO COTTAGES IN Atlantic City, near tie beach; six‘chambers In fiflch Addly at office of C. ft A. I*ABD 00., apg-3t H«- *3* WALHUT Street. 4*„TSOmiUJ.Tt_RBIOKJCEff.TSIXINa wtti beck btiUdb.*-, Wo: ~Si6 Sorti-BJtTBffTH Btrect.-below Hod era improvements, «c. Im koe&iate possession. Apply to HOLSTBtH DbHAYES, No. 15a aoplh gQDKTa Street. «TO KENT—A DESIRABLE HOUSE, at SKS teat, provided SI.SCO worih of furniture U pnxehaaed. M iO GKBGOH, It 419 WALiTPT Street. «FOR SAXE—A THREE.STOKY BKTGK HOUSE, eight rooms Prtej Jtoer SOW CHEBEY Street. Apply at 5358 South THIRD Street, second story hack room, apc-ofc « private pale—military BOARDIHG SCHO >t, near Philadelphia, la sue ceesfni operation, with furniture of au. kinds, Appa ratus Books. Gone. Ac., at a very tow Apply to SCBBBMEKEOBU A BAUGH OFT, 513 AROH St. m FOR; BALE—THE RESIDENCE IS. ‘Uo. 823 South FIFTH Street; ail modem eon* veniencw; larie lot; stable on the bsck street, Ac. - mMs»sißw9t* F. B. BBBVEB, dsfl» ffATffiSt M PRIVATE SALE—BEAUTIFUL |» BUMMER RESIDENCE, 'state of Dr Ik. H. Barton. Fine house md outbuilidings, stables. &0., WnipeUiit mcr»* of ground, one and ah&lf miles from Glen- Biddle, on the Media Eailrnad Sold cheap. Address Rev. J. HBURY BABTOU, ap4‘ lm* Village Qxean, Pa. «FOR SALE—THE HOUSE AHD lot, Mo. 1617 RACE Street. Hot 18 feet front by 140 fe lppl| P io B. J. BATLIS, ald-3i* • go. 5Q North FIFIH Screei, up stairs. m DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR .15ft EALB —Beautifully situated on Green Bank, Bor* Huston, Hl J . Tronfclnr the river, and adjoining the property of Capt. Richard Shippen.. House has parlor, half, dining-room, and eight chambers. Forinforma« tion as to terms. Ac..apply to FliA9EljtF WOOLHtflf» Bui Estate AgtnWUo. 70 HAXU Street, Burlington, apt swat* • ® WALNUT- STREET RESIDENCE. —PQB SALS, a handsome, well-built ihroe-story brick Bwellin,, with three- story back bniliiinss and lot of CToand, oa the eouthside of WAbSUT ftreet, bGtw.en Tenth and Eleventh etreete, 22 feet front by 123 feet, deep to a back etreeti complete irith all modem A B. CARVES St CO , mW6t« 8. V. cor- HIATg and MbBSET Sts. «TO LET.—A COTTAGE OF TEN BOOMS, beautifully situated on the banka ef the Uei&ware. one mile above Bristol. Rent $»0. Apply to D. LAHBRETn 4 SON, ap4-8t» Ho ai 8. SIXTH Street.^ ® SECOND AUCTION SALE OP TE*BB, SHRUBBERY, iic., It ETEB3BKBS BCRcERy, Woodbury, S. X. on the Sib. Cara leave Walnut- street wharf at 9 o’clock. M« commeneesat 12 M WILLIAM B. TATUM. WM. WAD&nGEISGOM, Actio* Exsctrors. TTOE SALE—ONE ORIGINAL SHARB -E in » flrat. clast OIL COMPaHT mow For partieolaw address » 4 Excelsior,’ 5 care Box 1049 flit* ladelpMa Post Office. . •** ■AH OFFICE' TO RENT-ON WAL- A but Street, between Second end Third. Apply »t Bo 133 WALHUT Street. »P*-3t T?OR BALE—GOOD OIL i TERRITORY JC- nr WIST TOUHHUw-rTtoU** wuhin* lands, toed and cheap* would do well by calling on . ZZ * BAL3or - TO LBT— - X IBS OFFICES Nos. 23S and $Si CASTER’S AU,r ' Inthe Old Post Office Building. . Also the filth and sixth stories of same building. The third story of the COMMONWBAI.THBT7IJ.DING, Nos. 611 and SIS CfIBSTEOT Street, Bnltable for an Exchange. Blitted by 28 windows. Apply to C TABLE TO LET-ONE OE THE k? belt S'ables, three stories high. 38 feet float and 68 feet deep, with 17 good wide stalls Thia Stable fc> located in SBSBHTH Street, above Wood, street; hat ample room for carriages, her, * tr »w, gram, So., and is a -very old stand, and in tbe best neighborhood lor Club, or Livery e or Stable in the city, and will be rented low, Applratthe Stable, or ri. Or at dGt MtROUAT.T, street, In the evening, from 8 *• , ' DAVID BVABTS. F)H SALE—A LOT OP GROUND ON SETBEET Street, west of Wintteenth, Will be closed very low for cash B Jtr. GLBll«, mblB tl HB3 SouHs. POPET3 Street. MILLINERY. IT® MISS ASKAMj NO. 15 SOUTH 'MP' BIHTH Sties t. will oka PARIS SHLMSBRr THU USD AY. April 6th. »Pt-»* It® MRS, M. A. RING WILL OPEN A handsome eseortmentof Spring and Summer Mil; liner;, on WBUBBSPaY, April sth, and also, tow of French Bonnets. . ap3-4l* fi® MRS. B. WRIGHT, NO. 13? PINE will open FASHION ABLE UILLISEEY on gfeIIBSDAY, April &&, IS6S. ap3-4l» r» MRB. R. DILLON, 333 and 331 B3UTH Street* WBl open spKHa MILLIHBRY, On THURSDAY, Mth March. mbSO-Stlf" ST® KISTES’S, No. 145 N, EIGHTH Street, wilt open on THURSDAY, April 6,■ j l1«*« aeeortmontof SPhINO AHB SUMMER MILLItJSRYof the very latest itflas. City mUllnersnot admitted. We have now open onr Blbboni,-Kowere, ®* flr minge* Bonnats v -Hat*, and'Pr&mps.of the beat shape*. pUTTY ! PUTTY !> AT RE D U CED J- Pride. bytbemsnnfaolnra|» 6tßß & gMrsHi ProprietomonheP^^^^^^^ QEAND OPENING OE THEBEASON. . . M. L. BARBS. ' v. 909 CHBBTHUT Street, WUlopen £”^' s I ; B HJkBs*tFoKK.* fo»¥M S no°vfnl«"Sf Pario. *«»&£;" Bonnetg. mi . ' AT REASONARfcE PKICE3, THE PHEHLX MANUEALTURINfIt A COMPANY will oflfer for Bile el JPHENIX MILLS, PATEK3OH, NEW JKR3B*« £6 Cotton Card«, SOinchei, with the Fichen. Sillvw Heads, Drattio* Add Speeders' Frames, alf eotapldMa with Case, Bobbins, ac. ' 2SSp!i.nin» Frames, M 3 spindles eaeh; lg » 2)ilneh Traverse CFoie Frames; 7 Frames, 2-bcniS*- T s'pair Hales. 3,W0 spindlel. J 4 Twisters, 7SO spindles S 3 Power looms. forvfesVlMeetlOß or dear dadk. m. complete, with ShdttleS, Wixdl&g Frames, SeUtae Heeds, and Harness. . 2 Tarn Presses 6-fls. nhhdle* ehclt Item Press. 10-ib. tWhires. 2 Palline Msclnses 12 Cotton Keels. Ac. , . . Cans, Bobbles. Balts, Ware Hills, Sif. lots of Hand Hachly Jvrtihx. , ... mhTR at . aßHtainF S. tflaT,Jresaldeafc (U BTERR & C&ION, AUC- TIONBSBS. ancTioir sabb jwday. Will he BOM at ssbtie Bale on 751047 WSSIId, A larae collectton of Horses, eompifeimra large, member of rood Family Horses. Also,- a number of DTaaght as a Farm B ones. Algn, snnae goRE* WfrH FoaL. AH® f _ _ HO&D&KI* CAVALRY HORSES. - Tbfecoreea nave been condemned as unfit far the fffU valryeervice of tfce &ray. For read and fainting; purposes many good ba&alks may be bad, Abimalnfold singly. Sale to commence at S A Ar end wiH-‘b» held at PHILLIPS’ GOVStesrMgjrrsffc BL&fc. ©Otaerof FKBMOSjYand BaaHSY SUreete, TB3SM#**Sash, in United States cuF-d-ooy. JAMES A . Brevet Brigadier General, be charge let Division <& He. THOS. H. CORNELL. Counting 1 House of _ BrTl)7 J 4Y2TE & SOW, t 343 CHB&TNgP Street. AUCTION BAI.KS, PUBLIC AUCTION, ON THBBBDAT, THB OTH OF AFKIIi NEXT. At 11 o’clock A. Yu ALL THE gOTTON JHAOHUTEBTs New la good runlet order, at the! Adapted fat the m&htnK of Cette. D a ck. vile ABLUSISMXafT’S. •VTEW CSEBTNUT-STRJET THwV XY TKB-CMSTHDT STREET. ABOVE TWELFHE" . Wednesday ano T«rn»,D»r byrneso*. PRODIJCTSO r, AFTtaCOMFLBTB PREPARATION. POSITIVELY FOUR NTOHTS ONLY. Of Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe's treat work. In 3 acts, styled Tagul TOM'S CABIN; LIFfrAHONO THE LOWLY, i The Manager deejn ait tostate that this nsaA PICTDbk OF s>Ots?*Eai* LIFE A STD bCB f fid •Saa been in preparation (ot several weeks, aid waving tended for a much-earlier preeentatioa, hut the grail eueeees attending the new drama. The W.trcm.Bn . P. BOWBKS. It Will he pres*nU4 with * EVSEY SCEtfE HEW fromibetalented Pencit ef Mr. KIOHaBD SMITH; COEBECT aPPOISTB«»TB. HEW MaOBISEBT, ALL THE OSIGXHAL MUBI9± ,And yemerkably POWEBFOL OAST O? OHABAOTBR3, Brin»'»« into requisition every MEM BBS OF THE TAIjBftTEP STOCK UOMPAOT. FETDAY BVBMHO BBKT. behsfitofmk. Walter lb-nsox. BAtURBAT AFTERHuOH, April H. TaiRTYwHUXTH GBAHB TAMILY MaTIEKB, When Uncle T*»p*b Cabin wiii be presented. THEATRE. WEDNESDAY EVBBINO, April 4. third appearance o( r VBBTYAM. THE MnOSIFICBNT, Who vrill appear in her great impersonation of GattSA, TES HEBREW FOSTUHE-TELLSB, To conclude with the Faroe of SEBTCBRoIHISDrA. MRP- JOHN DREW’S- NEW ARCBt* JIL -STBBET TSBaTBS THIBD BIOBT OF EDWIN ADAMS. TO-NIOHT, lBo*. 7HA HSSEPIa. Adrian de Tellgny—- -;;•- “ •‘ • V Adam*. To cesclnde wlih “FOOK PILBI!B>DDY. John. Feter FI 11c0ddy......... Beheen. In Behearsal. “ HEN OF THE DAY.” IBID AY, BINIBIT OF BDWSII ADAMS. MR. DEMPSTER'S SECOND AND DLL last BnLOAD BNTBKTiINMBNT, at the ITO SICAB FUND FULL, on THURSDiI BYBAESO. April 6th, widlcc'ude the followingsoa«i, viz : *‘Tah Basle Song. * * *• Tie Splendor Palis on Caslle Walla,’* •>A Boubtisg Heart,” “John Anderson, My JO.** “Thy Voice is He ard through Hollis g BrAma. ’ ’ ”Eofl» they brought her Wan Jor Btad,’’ ‘ * The Will of Lieut* Berne,” The Mother’* fir*t Grief. ’’* • Ask me aF« Moie.” “I’m A2ene.ali alone.” “The Little Bir die,” “Bfy ffaneie. O,” **Tl?e Blind 80y.* ,, “Tadfc yer auld Cloak aboot Xe,” “Hishlaad Mary,” and *• The May Queen,” in three parts ... Tickets fiO rente each Reserved Seats, with uumbenr attached. ICO cents extra, to he had-* at Hr. J. £L GOULL’S. Seventh and Chestnut Streets, where Jt plan of the Hall may be seen. To commence at 8 o’clock. aps _ THIBTI-SIXTH QUADRILLE PARTY to the Contributing Members of ths PHILA— S?o. 1, «u -WBr>brgBi»aY-ffYgfffiHgr Aviii glh. at the MUdIQAXc FUEL BALL. . „ Persons becoming CoutTlbuting Membsrs*w|H beentfc* tied to cards of admission for this s partis* Plea** apply early, t> J. MeHlSOif BSCS', Treasurer, and»SW fJJJBMANIA ORCHESTRA.— PUBLICL ' BEHBARFALB every SATURDAY at 3 H O’doefk p. M., at MUSICAL FUND HaLL. Single TicketTS cents. Six Tickets, $1; had at Trumoler’e, Anr die’s, and Meyer’s Music Stores, and at the Bait nOf-M THE academy of fine arts. a CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, 3a OFBN BA£Lx for vUitori, from 9 A. 3a. to 6 P. 1L jsW INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND.— A Exhibition every WBDiraSOAT, at B %_ P. ML ii> mission 10 cents. Store, bo. 11S EieaiS Street. IS* BOABDOTfi. POARDING.-A SECOND-STORT A) Front Ecom, with BO A.HT>„ in one of tbormost do* slrabie locations in CAMDBW: Reference repaired. Apply at Wo. 30.5 COOFEtt Street It* H and some rooms, with BOARD, at ihe Northwest corner of JFIBTH and SPRUCE Streets.. aps-3t« WANTED—BOARD WITH A YOUNG ™ widow. In a private famU;, within half a mileoC Foztrih and Chestnnt street., bv a yonng man. Pleas, addrete “Ham,” Box *66 Poet Office, staling terms. Ac. “ . TB« UNITED STATES HOTEL, 41* 1 CHBSTHUT Surest, hae no bar. First Claes Board, and excellent aceommocattons for famiU-s can be hid. at moderate chargee. One handsome chamosr. largo and convenient, vacant to-day. ap3-ai* RENOTALB. •REMOVAL.—THE OFFICE OF THE Xi HOOVER AMD MARSHALL OIL COMPAUY has ;een removed from Ho. 2CS Sooth FOURTH etreet to Northwest Corner FIFTH and CHBSTNUr .Street*. Boom No. 3. - mhaS-i* ‘ REMOVAL. GEO. C. MITCHELL - A Would respectfully Inform hie friend a and the public that he baa removed from93fi »orth.lfi*iih street, .to the northweat corner of KIOHTH and McSTSB Streets, and will continue to deal in the beet aoalitias *f Coal- mbg)-7t« EDUCATIOSTAIi. DELLEVUE FEMMiE INSTITUTE. D A BOARDING SCHOOL fOK GIBM_ THE BUMMER TSKM O? THIS IRSHTUTIOMi healthfully ana beautifully located on tee northern limits of Attleboro, Bucks county, Psnosylrttlita. will commence Fifth* montli* 22d, 1860, and continue, in aa*- Bl Tiie course of Instruction is thordUfh in the savetal departments of English, french, Latin* Mathematics* &S ~ForfnH dntaila see circular, to obtain which ad3iy» the Principal** Attleboro Pennsylvania. ?£*ir. G&3t%&¥?* . Principal*. aiarag nißinsmye coops. "CUNE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. J- The subscilbeijwoiiidliiTite attention to their IMPROVES COT OP SHIRTS* . which they make a specialty In their bodneae. A*w» '°“*ROV GENTLRHBK'B WEAR. J. W. SOOTT tfe 00., GENTLEMEN S FUBNIBHINGBTORR, No. 814 CHBBTOTT SWSBSTV * Four dooralwlowfiie Continental. STMSHK WEST CELESTES mn paUABTff.PHIA KAti so ad, via ksbia^ On and altar MOHDAT, April 17ylSM, the train* Witt tears“ foUo, w E gT CHKSTBK TRAINS _ _ Sears PißadripMa for W«t Ghester at 7.36 and. ID.» X, M., a»4 2-J5. 4.45, snd6 45 r M., x Leave Weet Cheater for PMiad«M4.a at 8. SO, 7. ft |li 10.35 J. M. , and 145and4 45F- It T __ r Junction, „ PMlaielplxle for 8,. G. Junction at 4.15 liiiS Leave B. C., Junction for PMladalpMft at B.|B JL. WL fcraiute atop at all intormadiaie station** “ _ o* sqa^ATs, leave Philadelphia at 3-30 A M. and 2P. M. leave West Chester at &A. H avd M. _ * _ Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.35%, M. andl4| F» M,» and leaving West Chester at ? 45 A. M aad d # P. Iff connect at I? C Junction with, trains on r. « B.U* K.B. for Oxford and intermediate points. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only aetoareage, andthe. Company wiUnot*in wc««rj* responsible for an. amount exceeding esue hundred 4w» laze, nnleasa specWcontract is the**®*. HAH BY WO&D, GenM Pmnr.APgT.7HUL, March. IS, 1865. leave Vtac-atnaiEeiij: „ . . ?*la n* Freight, with Pass eager Gar sitached-—* •- lfy AOaatl* AccejuiDodattoE--' ""“’saip^ Junction Accommodation—• - SBTTOHISg. LBATSS ATLAWTICL .jr Freight! 4tthPa!ueE«er OiSattached—""&sl Al£ Junction L F«t I M o L£ri MM £3ffS ESTEY’B 4 n * T COTTAGE ORGANS Hot only TOTEXOIiI.KD, ftS |£SSK HS£S&^^iHr , “ "■ MALCOLM MACNBILL’S BPBOTAOLB SXOBX. ISO. 310. goafe KITH Btmt. Wo-fg-fc,^ MSf OIMMt T«*tted to rait all smm. mrrfull'c mJ promptly attroded to. DAUB’S OKNAMEKTAB SAm sa?!iaiSiMaaMbaftA.^--»P ggjaa.^