CITY ITEMS. OrKurea Day,—We invite attention to the an nouncement elsewhere of Messrs. Wood & Gary's first grand Spring Opening el Millinery, to take place at their salesroom, No. 726 Chestnut street, to-day. The annuel “openings” of this popular old houße are usually gala-day occasions to the la dles of onr olty, and this wIU prove no exoeptlon to {he rule. ______ This Best Fitting Shibt of thb Aon is « The Improved Pattern Shirt,” made by John 0. Arrt- Bon, at the old stand, Nob. l and 8 North Sixth street. Work done by hand, In the best manner, Kid warranted to give satisfaction. His stook of Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods cannot be surpassed. Prices corresponding with the deellnein gold. THE PmnAnM.paiA National Pxtbolbuh cDomi'Anv poßsetsdß real merit, and deserves the attention bf persons wishing to become stockholders In a safe and prosperous organization. Its prospeots •of success are folly equal to thoße or the Philadel phia Jttutuad Company, whose shares were Issued at twenty-five cents each, and a few days after the colostagef the'subscription tjoobj advaneed to arty. •fthe-Phlladelphla National bases Its claim to publlo favor upon the fact Of Its owning on# hundred and i»lnety-two acres of land la the best oU-produolng •part of Venango county, and within a short distance •of the great Sugar Greek and Kunkle wells. Be. sides owning property, the Immense and Increasing value of whloh secures stockholders the amount of -their Investment, this Company has effected a num ber of leasee from which it will receive one-half the fill so Obtained free of any expense. The good pro ducing land Upon whloh the Philadelphia National Company is -located, and the energy and oara with Which Its-affairs are managed, make Its success cer tain. Several wells will be sunk at once under the . supervision of the offloers of the Company. Shares pan he had at the popular price of 2$ cents eaoh, and We advise persons about becoming holders of low priced stook to make oholoe of the Philadelphia Na tional. Subscription Books are yet open at the banking-house of Harper, Durney, A Go., 65 South Third street. AHOTHaB-PBiuaai.T Visit.— The Prince of Wales Is to be eclipsed-by the visit of young Prince Napo leon to the United States. A correspondent says he Is coming here In a year or two, aooompanted by a magnificent fleet of war steamers, have one or two ministers with Mm, and make the visit one of great state. The principal object of his visit Is under stood to be the procuring for himself one of those famous suits for youths that are gotten up at the Brown Stone Olothing Hall of RookhiU & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 606 Chestnut street, above Slxbb, Winnow Shader.—Fatten has reduced the price of his entire Stook of Window Shades; the old stook, Ibll half price. New styles very low, at W. Hairav Pattbh’s, 1408 Chestnut street. liAca and Moblin Oubtains.— Old Lace Cur tains, mnoh worn, ate transferred and made equal to new again, at W. Hbhby Patten’s Upholstery, 1406 Chestnut street. Thiutbenth Wabd—Mbmbbbb oe the N. U. la—A special meeting Will be held this (Thursday) -evening,. at the usual time aud place. Speakers of eminence will address the organisa tion. Punctual attendanoe is requested. By order of the President, . - Robert M. Foust. Stoohton Bates, Recording Sec’y. Rheohatisk—To those that are afflicted with It I can, from experience, advise to call on Br, Bas flom,l22o Market street. Uablos V. Dugubz, No. 1026 Filbert atreet, Philadelphia. Rkbtoatibk X was cured In a very short time of the Rheumatism, by Dr. Baseom, after other physicians said I must have my leg amputated. B. Van Lrkb, At Van Leer Hotel, West Philadelphia. Fine Ciotbing aji» Mbbohant Tailoring BeTABLISBHZHT, Granville Stokes’ Old Stand, No, 60S Chestnut street, above Sixth. Every Article Got up to the very best style, and sold at prices to correspond with the fall to gold. rnhST-Bt Ovbiobb of Oahbbon Psteoledm: Oohfant of Pbnnbvdvania, No. 101 Walnut atreet, B G, Jgmes, and aontheaetoomer Seventh and Chestnut, A. Douglas, where full partlonlars ean be obtained and subscriptions received. Books open but few days longer. Subscription prioe, $2.60 per Share. mb2T-0t Evb, Bab, ams Oavasbh, suooessfnuy treated by J. Isaacs, M. D., Oculist and Aurist, 611 Pine st Artlflolaleyes inserted. Noobaraefor examination. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. The Continental. Xtobt Leslie. GlseUmail 0 C Beslfe. Pittsburg J J- field, Hew Tom D E I. ton, FH>a horg 14 Benson, Jr, Haw York tiles F G Ifni Putitrar* ,-J E Wynkoop. Potlsvllle Miss A F Lyon, Pittsburg Wslter Ba'n, Hew Tork O 8 Steele, Jersey City D W Fessenden. Maine 8 A Allen, Hew Jersey B Hu nallj,Hew York A W M»ok, Chicago Campbell Tarr, Wheeling Mr. A Wilder, Waehington H & Enotwell Lasestfer Fa. Stone. USA R 8 stabler. Jr, Baltimore Wjn fttdgwsy, Paterson,NJ garni Langiiln. Wheeling Geo W Dobbin Baltimore John Paries. Kansas G*o L Bobbin, Beltlmore .A L Kerr, Washlnston J BBullAwf, Balilmore BF Jones fcson, GUvsland Jas A Nelson Awl, drbana tt a Wilder. Boston Ghns Berber, FottsvilJo J S Bafts, Bow York W n Morgan, Oluoinnatl feiman Peek, H«w York Frank Jenkisa Jersey G.ty L Beirut Okas S Jenkins, ferseyOity «eo B eummors, Ellnheth H dan ford h of, Hew I ork . I>r Calhoun. Boston Mr Hungetford RTEdes, USH w A J B.rtcoud. Hew York Sami Montgomery, Chicago Geo E Lincoln, Boston J) M Flonrney *1», Ky iE Edes, Boston Mrs Slyson, Faduoab. Ky John King, Hew Tprk Theo M Berner. Hew York C Blnsmore, Hew York HA-Hyde, Bath, Me F B Fainter, Ghiesgo, 111 , X L Cake. Tamaqna Chge Bermany, LonlsvilU A-P RusseU Thor Wilson, Baltimore £ B Bussell B.McAllister, Wish, D C Chas Faisons * wf, BrH’n;J Burgess, Hew York CUafDavidson A la, Pa B WiM Bav fork J|V Potter, Boston H A Fattihoce. Hew York IF Kendall, Bo.ton J B Parsons, Ne» York , "W V 1011. Sprint Arid* 111 Mi» L O Ba«l». Hew York F B Smith. Springfield, 111 Wm » Johnston. Pittsburg ■w » Salter. Hew York W H.Haines. Caldwell, O ts n icholl. Salem, .Mass Mrs « Blehards. i*ottsvilla, r J M MCCnlla, USA ryvßre water, boston L Oook. M Chunk W Walker 4 »f Brie, Pa 11 Spinning, Hew-York H B.Fayson. Chisago H S Woodford, Hew York Kelson Cu-tis, Boston JBEogers. Conneetlent Sr Cornwell, Sew York J W Daikles. PmtßvUle Mr Baldwin, Hew York, Baltimore P BJohards- Hew Vork. RB Treat & ltf, Baltimore McKee Swift New York J J Morris 6 wf. Hew York L F Judd. Connecticut MissMDW Butler, HY DGUnsAla, HB J H Bhodea. Hew York J Tower Ala. Sew York W B Fordrlok, Jfew York D Perry, D 8 A- M Boerdmsn, Hew York A Kelly. Newark, H J J Budd. Lebanon. O H M Lake, Washington W C O’Ksy, Caldwell, O BA Swahn A wf. Hew York ' ■ ... ?>»» Mrs Dexter, 'Virginia S J McGinnest. Baliway X 0 Gaiber, Jr, Indiana 3 Stabler, Jr, BaUimore ~B C Hewitt. Washlriton Tbes H Webb. Baryland JaaO Fallon, BosUn C Esesss, Philadelphia Jt 1 Scott. Philadelphia W U Oallahcr, Phllada J Bnyland. Middletown B Smith, Middletown JB Olarh, Talbot eo, Md g Sebceti „ Thos Wilson,'Baltimore C! Carry, Washington W H Hoskins. Washington fleo Gordon, Sew York M B Qnay, Bairlebnrg WW WUilams, Hew'York M S Blddell, Se w Jersey T Healy. Fort Delaware B W Keene, Fort Delaware Mrs C M Lndlam, W Cbeet JCBowe, Zaaeeyllle ' W OPordr, U b A Mrs "W a Purdy. Chicago B Andrews, Baltimore It Pbelan, new York W OoldtbwaiWSew York Pierre Carice, Hew York Victor Laforqtte, Hew York <3 Brers, OtT Point , Geo 8 Kniaht, Bow York , A Clrane, Baltimore € Diehl, Maryland < 8 Tuttle. Brooklyn Xleut J B Bit ley, D 8 A • B 8 MntBelßian.MD.DB A Theo 8 Collins & la,Mexico B A Marshall A la, Md 3 B lofiandJD 8 a 8 H Bider, Fror, BI J S Frettyman, Delaware B K Pretty man. Delaware A G Snyder. D 8 A Jaa Blake, Hew York JB B Olbbon, HtW York Jas F Smith. BeadlJJg . Jas G Shirley, Huntiagdon B D BlWoodf Apollo, Pa C DBalleHashTlUe J W Ellsworth, Madison Alex Johnson, Delaware B B John.on, Delaware Chat C Prfoe, Newark Prank KPotca. Newark •Oept H Maraira, New York WV Williams, Hew York Mrs Hester, Hew Jersey H Smith W W Bale, PhUliprtor* 7>r W H Boyle, ObamwnD* Chai T Hobinson, Mass VIM Men j s Dele-rio. Washington JBofers, Bow York . John Bower. How Caetle * w Phillip*. Bow Caatle D H Wallace, Hew Castle J A Cluneal. Parkersburg Mas Clement. Huntingdon J 0 fleorge, Washinitonco Leulfity, Ft Wayne, lnd J A Byers, Michigan J j Bebman* an, Baniabg Dr Higgins. Baltimore flon A la. Miffiva £ O Kessler. Pblllpabntk A F Daugherty* ia. Ind ®r J B Beinbold. u 8 A ■D OrabsobeUd, How York ‘B L Fry, Sidney. O I® Harris, Louisville T?Has Grout, M«i Beading iy p Gieth, Beading w y& Oberiln, Massillon, O ,j> McOairy, franklin* O Fdw MoAUstfr, Ohio *W H Si licit A fain, Pal J3!iSB J Force, Md Mar, ® B Be e iher-Pittstown cj w Strong. Massillon **Baml Mauebaeh, Baltimore ■ffm Forrer, Pinegrove 3) B MtUer, PintgroTe jpbwbod tains, M' er dt la, Pa O Carry, Penna W B HnTkins , . JasGolUtner.West Chester Ulna Wood, Banosster eo_ J K Harris. Llghtstreat, Pa IV Cowell, Doyiaatowh SPECIAL. NOTICES. Unprecedented Success. UNION BUTTON-HOLE SEWING MACHINES NOW BEADY. SEWING 100 BUTTON-HOLES AN HOUR. The Stitching Warranted to be Superior to htmi-vmrJc, in any Material, and Much More Durable I . BAMBBOOMB,. 300 WASHINGTON Street. Boitofi. BROADWAY, New York. AMOS L. WO6D, .... Treasurer. mhl4-buhs 2m Porcelain, Lignum Vim, Apple Wood, Leather, Brass, and Iron Wheel Table, Chair, and Bed Casters, with pivots, screws, or sockets. For sale by TED MAH A SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty five) MARKET Street, below Ninth. - .It Sardine Ofenbbs of various pat- TSBKS, Champaign# Openers, Self-drawing and other Corkserewe, Muddlers, Sugar Mashers, and Sugar Kippers. For sale by TEUMaN A SHAW, Ho. 835 (Eight Thirty- five) MARKET St., below Ninth. It 'Children’s Clothing—Boys’, Girls’, INFANTS’ AND MISSES' CLOTHING. Beautiful new Spring styles In great variety. Call and examine, at M. SHOEMAKER A CO. >S,No. 41. EIGHTH St. mh2B-«t* Dr. Banning’s Incomparable Brace.— Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Supporters, Elastic Stock ings, Ae.. In great variety, atO. H. NEEDLES', corner TWELFTH and RAGS Streete. Ladles’ Booms on Twelfth street, first door below Base; lady attendants. Syringes of all descriptions. mhlS-lm Key to Love, or Dr. 8. M. Landis’ very Popular Private Lecture on “PSYGOLOGI3AL FASCINATIONS" Instout. Learn to charm those you love. Secrets worth knowing. Send price, 2S cents, to Dr. LANDIS’ Medical Office, Ho. 1306 CHESTNUT Street, and receive It by return mall. mhl9-26t 1 ' Grover and Baker’s ■ Wtgliwt.piynilinii, Blastie’SUteh and Lock-stitch 6EWIHG MACHINES, With latest Improvements. mbB lm No. 730 CHESTNUT Street. Itch. (Wheaton’s) Itch. SALT RHEUM. (OINTMENT) SALT RHEUM. Will cure the Itch In. 48 hours. Also cares Salt Rheum Ulcers, OhUblaißS, and. all Sraptioxtß of the Skin. Price 60 cents- Bt send in* CO cents to WISES &FOT TSBt BOSTOVi Mass f will be forwarded free by m&IL For sale by all Druggists. mhlS 6m Jones’. THE LOWEST SELLING PRION ie marked In figures on each artlole, AND NEVER VARIED. AT JONES’ Crescent One-prlee OLOTHING HOUBB. MARKET STREET, above Sixth, N° 604. Prices reduced to suit the times. A fine assortment of READY-MADE OLOTHING, suitable for all seasons, constantly on hand. Custom-work made to order at short notlse. CmhSSm Ffffft & Co.’s MASON CABINET OROAHS. FIA9O Oyer 500 each of theta fiat FORTES, instruments have been sold by PIAVO Mr. <3 , and the demand U eoa- FO BTBB. atantiy incr eaelni. PIANO For tale only by FORCES J- B. GOULD, PIAFO SEVENTH and CHBffiPEUT Sts, FORTES. noSD tf Gentlemen's OPINING. NEW STYLBB FOB THE SEASON. Large variety of F&bricsfer BVENINt* and WALKING COaTS, BUBIHSB3 SUITS, and DBffiS WEAK. , , Early seiecilons urged,!)** fore the usual rush begjns. WAJ3UMAKBK& BBOWH, . Fine Tailoring. „ CUSTOM DEPARTMENT, Ho. 1 South SIXTH Street M-A-KCRIEIX SMITH. —On the 2Sth last , at ms Mount V« rnou street, by Alexander Henry, Afaver of the otty, Georse PoJh, of Bucks *onnty, to (Jane P. SmUh, dam iter of incram Park, of Philadelphia. * PtJBffEBS-WADSWOETH.-Ia Boston, on the 27th of March. Ifr6s, bribe Rev Dr Bartol. X«aoy F .daagh< ter of Alexander Wadsworth,to William Eliot Fame's, of Philadelphia. * SN y DEE—at ANDERSON— On Tuesday, March 28th. at Clifflor* Fd«ewater. H J, by the R«t. F. R Ear bsngh. A. H Allow ell Snyd»r to Clara, dan fhter of Au> drfw Manderson* Eiq , all of Philadelphia * PEPPER WfiißTOK.—On Wednesday, 29th of March, 1f65, at St. James’ Church, by thr Rev. H J. Morton, D. D., Dr. Georgs Pepper and Hitty M&rkoe, daughter of George M. Whanon, Esq.. WEBSTER—. On afternoon, the 28th Inst, is the 42d year of his age, John B. Webster. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the fonerat from his late resi dence (Chester Valley), on Sixth-day morning, the 31st Inst.» at 10 o’clock, to proceed to Plymouth. ** DAVIS.—On Wednesday, 29th lust , Captain Collin IT, Davis, in the 86ih year of his an. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late, residence, Do. 1011 Wallace street, on Saturday morning, April - Ist. at 10 A. M. To proceed to Haddondeld, 8. I. *** MAULS,—On the 28th imtaut, Marcaret W. Maule,. V?idow of Elisha P. Maule, aged 44 years. Hex relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her brother in law, Btnry Haute, Vo. 408 South Eighteenth street, on Friday afternoon, the 31tt instant, at S o'clock. To proceed to Woodland Cemetery, _ ** SCHIIIZ.—March 28th, JohnH. SeheEtz,Eaq., in the 67th year of his age. roßMftleerrrceN'at St.. Peter’s Church, Third and Pine streets, on Thunday afternoon, at half past 4 o’clock. * BBOWU.-On the 29th ihil., Benjamin F. Brown, principal of the Camden colored school, in the 33d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family, also members of Aurora Lodge Ho. 9. A I. K , and the Grand Lodge of New Jersey, and the Mount Zion Tabern&ele. So,- 3 I. O. of B. and S.of L andC., are respectfully invited te attend his funeral on Sunday, April 2, at ll o’cloek, from hf« lateresfdesce, bro. 828 Soath Fourth, Camden, sew Jersey; to proceed to Johnson's Cemetery. [ Baltimore papers please copy. J , t , ROMALDBUB.-On Tuesdav, 28th Inst., Archibald Kon&ldson, inthedSdyearofhisage. < The friends of the family are respectfully invitee to attend his funeral, from hi. late residence. Ho. 41' South Broad street, on Friday morning, the Slat Inst., at 10 o’clock. , ***^ PILE.—At Hamoxion, Chester county, on the 28th iretant.-Xtia&Ann Taylor, wife of BrintoaO. Pyle. Funeral from the residence of Bmmor Way, on next Sixth day afternoon, 3lst instant, ata o’olook. JAT HE.—March 27th, BeTtha, daughter of Dr. David and Hannah Jayne, aged 17 months . .. ~ The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral from the residence of her father. Ho. 282 South Thud street, on Thursday afternoon* the 30th Inst ? at one o'clock. ** PLAIN BLACK GOODS,- Lapin’# Tamiees. ** Bombazines. All-wool Kep*. Empress Cloths, . • • Merlnoea and Cashmeres. Mcmssfline Be Lataes. , 8-4-wide Barege Heraaol. ~ - 8-4-wide Bareges and Grape Jfatetx, Ka %SSSOH , MOTirainrStor*. Ho- 918 CHB3THPT Street Kft 18 8188 & L&NDBLL’S GOLD BABE FOB FOREIGN GOODS GOOD TIME TO BUT. Eg their assortment is excellent ts HP" LFCTBBE.—IB E RKV. T. DE WITT |53» TALMAGB having been requesttcl to -repeat Mb great lecture, * * Grumbler & Company, ’ ’ will oo so on THUkBDAT EVEN I» G, 30th inst ,_at Handel and Haydn Hall, corner EIGHTH and GM SEN .Streets. Door. open at 7 o’clock. Lecture at 8. TishetsSSeentS. to bo had of H. A. Bower, cor. Sixth and Greed; Geo. Evans, cor. Sixth and Poplar; Aebmead It Svann.Cheet nnt, hoi Eighth, and at the door on tho opening of lec tnre. nngs-st* 133° BET. HR. BAJIMOSU’S FIFTH ■HE? Children’s Meeting will be held in Dr. Adams’ Church, corner BBOAD and OBESE Htreets, THIS AFTERNOON at quarter paet four o’clock Prayer mooting in theSbselnre Boom at half past three. It PRIVATE LECTOBES IN COB< WHS CBBT HAIL LBOTtJSB-BOOM, NEXTWBBK, by Dr. LANDIS. mh3o 3f KS“ SHE NEW ISGEASK SftLMEBS’ Ids' AID ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA held tta annual meeting, at their Sooma, last Bvenlng, at »i lch J B SMITH was ehosen President, and J. P. MEN PELL Secretary, for the waning yeat. It* “THE ECNnSESTAI HOTEL KSS COMPANY. 1 ’—A epeotal meeting of the Stock holders of the ■" CONTINENTAL HOTBLCOHPaNY,” for the purpoee of adopting tho aupplomoat to thechar t*r of the company. paseeiby the legislature of Penn sylvania, end approved March 21. 1856, end carrrlag 'lnto effect the provisions thereof, will toe held on MON DAT > April IK IBM, »t 12 o’clock M, at the HOTEL. By order of Ibe Board of Managers, mhso-iot j. BBBGKABT PBIOE. Secretary. eSr* PATIStI SALARIES —TUB WAR KJs BANTS for tho salaries of Teachers will he is sued hy the Eecietary of the Board of CoutroUere, in accordance with tho reeolution adopted hy the Board,at ’°Saturday— Seotions 17th to !6th In dative. Monday—Sections l«th to Bth intdnslve. Tac,day—Sections Sth to Ist, including 26th Section, mhSCfit tSa> JOHN B HOPBH, ES&©« ©£ tho Company, on WhDBRSDAY, April fith, X 865 at IS o’clock M., when an Election will he feld for sieves Secretary^ wsr> OFFICE OLD TOWNSHIP MS* ■aBT BOAD COMPANY, NiJ »100 CHESTNUT tot., , Phu.abbi.phia. March 20* 1885. The Annual Meeting of (he stockholders ot ‘he ”* d Township Lino Boad Company will he held on DAY SrU S, 1885. A i 80. 563 MBROHABTfi BY* CHAN©*, at half P M , a* which tins and place an el* ©Vion will he held foj* President and Di ‘mlSt-toT*' t # P* 0 * Mareb ll « 18%. ) In conformity withthe Prodenution of the President, herewith published, all officers and employees of this Horten are instructed to glre prompt ai lection so the. rtoiving and forwarding of such. deserters as present th* ujeelvcs In accordance with its provision* sr the president of the uhited states of am* « ™ "A PBOCLAKATIOIC ** Whereas the twenty*first section of tlie act ofOon •»«. approvt d on the third instant, entitled 1 An act ,o amend the several acts heretofore pasted to provide for the enrolling and calling out the national foroes, and lor other purposes.* requires 'that in addition to the other lawful penalties of the crime©! desertion from the mi itary or naval service, all personswho save de serted the military or naval service of the United States, who then not return to said service, or report them selves to a Prorost Marshal wl'hln sixty days after the proclamation hereinafter mentioned, shall he deemed aod taken to, have voluntarily relinquished and for feited their rlihta of citizenship and their rights to Become citizens, and such deserters shall be forever in capable of holding any office of trust or profit under the United States, or of exercittog any rights of citizen* thereof; and all persons who shall here attar desert the military or naval service, and all persons who 1 , Msg duly enrolled, shall depart the jurisdiction of the ©irtnet in wbfeh he is enrolled, or go beyond the limits of the United States with Intent to avoid any draft into tv© military or naval service, duly ordered, shall he liable to the penalties of this section. And the President is hereby authorized and required forthwith, os tbe passage of this art, to iesbe his proclamation setting forth the provisions of this section, in which proclamation the President is requested to notify all deserters returning within sixty days, as aforesaid, that they shall he pardoned on condition of returning to their’regiments and companies, or to such other or ganisations as they miy he assigned to. until they shall have served fora period oFtimo equal to their original term of enlistment;* , ‘flow, therefore, be it known that I, ABBA3AV LIFCOI/N, President of the United States, do issue this my Proclamation, as reonlied by Said act, ordering and requiring all deserters to return to their proper ports; and I do hereby notify them that all deserters who shall, within sixty d ays from the d ate of this pro* clemailon vis: dn or before the 10th day of May. 1865, return to service, or report themselves to a Provost Marshal, shall be pardoned on condition that they return to their regiments aud companies, or to such other organizations as they may oe assigned to, and serve the remainder of their original terms or enlist* menr. and, In addition thereto, a period equal to the time lost by deaeition. “la testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the zeal of the United States to' be affixed. “Done at 'the city of Washington this eleventh • d*y of March, in the year of our Lord one rt- B- ] thousand eight hundred and sixty five, aad of the Independence of the United States the fJgbty-nintiT. By the Prerfaeut: “WILLIAM H. SEWARD. “Secretaiy ofStite." The records and rettmii of these deserters will he made up in the same manner as Is provided for la other cases by existing regulations. except that it will be noted on the hook of deserters arrested, opposite the name of the deterier, the fast o C his having voluntarily eorrerdered himself in conformity with the President's Proclamation; and the number thus surrendering themselves to he separately stated on the report to this office. 9 he Secretary of War directs that no reward he paid for the arrest of deterier* who may be arrested subse quent to the receipt 02 the (this) order by the District Provost Marshals. JAMES B. PET, _ Provost Marshal General. Official: D M. LAKE, Capi. Provost Marshal*' mh2B 6t Fourth District, Pennsylvania- Kg* THE FIELD-WOBH OF THE chbistfan oommusio# has swum _ THE ARMIES AEE ALREADY BBGaGBDI The conflict immediately in front of Richmond has be- CUP- Everything betokens a desperate atanggte, and, possibly* a terrible expenditure of life. ™vorjr mo ther's, father's, sister’s heart is filled with anxiety, waiting for news 's on car not go and bind op the sad wounds already made, but you can send to the men now on the ground full supplies for carrying on their work of comforting and canni for the »nff*reTs. A STRONG CORPS OF DELEGATES, under long-experienced scents, is already at work. At the urgent request of army officers, two moveable coffee-wagons are to ba sent forward this weak. These are similar to the one already in the field,* which has retieved-thonsasdsof our wounded men and so many returning Uni<-n prisoners. • ’ 188 MACHINERY OF THE COMMISSION In the army is large, and thoroughly adapted to the emeigesoy upon us But means are wanted, in' order to enable the machinery tohs proper 5 y used. We have large orders on hand for stores, which we cannot fill, our treasury being empty. * We appeal to Philadelphia for Immediate assistance. Each hour makes the demand more urgent. Ten thousand dollars to day will be of more value than a bund r* d then sand a month hence. Send money to JOSEPH PATTERSON. Treasurer, at the WESTERS BABE, And store* to GEORGE H. StTJART. Chairman, mh2B-4k Ho. 11 BiKK Street CABINET organs OABINST ORGANS. CABINET ORGANS. °oiW IUNIVERSITY OF PESSBYLTA BIA.-DEPARTMBNT OF ARTS -The exami nation of the Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman Cl uses, at the Moss of the Second Term, will be held In the foPowin* o* der: _ . WEDNESDAY. 22d—From 10 to 12. Sophomores, by Prof. Fxazer {Chemistry of the Metalloid*.) and Fresh' men, by *rof, Kendall, (Alffebra,Ywrttten. From 13 to 9, Juniors, by Prot Jaoksou, {Horace’s Epistles,) oral. THURSDAY, 2*d -From 10 to 12- Sophomores, by Prof. Kendall, ( Trigonometry) written From 12 to 2, Juniors, by Prof. Fiaxer; {Hydrodynamics,) oral. FRIDAY, 21th —From 10 : t»12. Juniors by the Pro vost, (Intellectual Philosophy.) oral. From 22 to 2, Sophomores, by Prof. Coppea, (Logic ) oral. JttONDAY, 27 BAYIGATIOH COMPANY. _ Philadelphia* March 10,1865. The Stockholders of this Company are-hereby notified that, to provide means for completing the improvement* of the Company between wtlkesoarre and Maueh Chunk, and 10 be prepared to progress with other im portant railroad connections, the Board of Managers have determined to allowto all persons who shall ap pear a* Stockholders on the books of the Company on the 18th after closing of-transfers at S P. St' of that day. the privilege of •übscrlhing-for’new'stock at par, to the extent of one share of new stock for every five shares then standing in their names. Each share holder entitled to a fractional part of a share shall have the privilege of subscribing for a full share. The subscription book* will open on the 20th inst., and close on the Ssth of Hky *t SP. MV The new stock will not participate in- the May dividend. Payments will be requbed as follows: Ten per cent, at the time of subscribing, and the balance on ihe-24th day of May aforesaid, after which time only will the new certificates be i»sn*d. . Stockholders not paying asahove will lose their rl*ht to the sew stock. Those who desire to anticipate pay. meet wlllte allowed dieconnt on the whole amount of their subscription at the rateor slv per c-st.per annam. mhlS-lm BOLOMQNSHBPHBRD,'Treasurer, 137° OFFICKOF THB CITY BOBSTT> S3F FUND COMMISSION, COMMOBWB4LTB BUILDING, M 3 CHESTHUT foeet, Philadelphia Philadelphia. March 0; Idas notice Is hereby sires that the Commission for tna wyment of the City Bounty are now prepared to receive rod adjust tlie eialius of all new recruit, under the »ro visions of exlstlnc DitiainH. . . _ Volunteers for One Tear will recelre a Warrant for FOBS HUNDRED DOLLARS. Volunteer, for Two Tears will receive a .Warrant foi F3YB HUNDRED DOLLARS. „ Volunteers for Three Tears will receive a Warrant for SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS. , They are also prepared-to receive applications-from, and to award to, all citizen* who .hall be drafted for one year's service, and shall thereupon be duly accepted xol military duty, or .hall furnish substitutes, certificates tor warrants for the .urn of FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. mh7-dBWtf wiamm OFFICE OF MXRBI9IAC MY NX MG W COMFAHY OF LAKB SUPERIOR, 132 *WAL* HUT ftieet. PmAMWau. March®, 1866., The ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of this Company for the ELECTION OF DIRECTORS;-and- such: other business as may come beforalt. jrtlllbe held at the Office of the Secretary, 13» WALNDr Street, In the city of Philadelphia, on the SECOND MONDAY, the loth day of April, A. D. IBB9>at 10 o’clock A »M.* mh*llBt BAMUBbF. DARLINGTON, Sec’y, OFFICE OF THE BOHEID&N MIEIXSCh- GOMPAJSY OF XUKXChftJT. 13* WALEUT Street, ' __ . „ 10Jt _ Phix-jldklpht a, March 90.1885. The annualmeettac of tie (Stockholderspf this Com pany for the election of Directors, and such otherbiißi ness ae may come before it. will be held at the omce of the Secretary. 133h-WAL2TCJT Street, in the city of Phila delpM»,ontbeSßCOND MOHDaY,the 10th day of April. A.D. 1£65, atloo s clo*k A. M SAMUEL P. DABLIB3TOE, Secretary. mhn-ttoap OH COMPANIES. BV&H FARM Ojpt. COMPAXT.- The ApnnaPMaetinis of toe Stockholders Will he held at the Office of the Company, *39 CHB3TNUT Street, on TBBBDAY, April 11, at 12 o’clock K. W. H BAELOW, Secretary. Philadelphia, March SO, IMS. mh3o-ths3t K 3“ OP PICK OF THE EMiSBT Oil, CO., Ho. 14IT 8->nth FOURTH Street, FbilaDhlphia, March®, 1881 The Boerd of Director! have thte day declared a Divi dend of rOU'K PEB CENT, on the Capital Stookol: this Company, payable on and after SATOBDaY, April 8, free of State tax, _ The books of the Compmy will he closed Friday,. March 31, at&P. S-, and opened on Saturday, April 8.. mhSO-6t Vm, M. Carter, Sec'y and Trees, mi'CKEKS on. ANO MSIISH COMPANY —A meeting of the enhecrlhere to the capital!took ytUlhe heldatAbe OFFIC.S, 331 fort h; FIFTB Street, on FBIDAY AFTBBNOON, the3let inet., at2o*elock.'tomake arrangements to immoolately de* yelop thuland b of the Company. By order of Directors. It* . C. F. JOIiWKLLt .aegreUgy. vhkotbax) arorujAii on com. PAU Y.— A.meeting 'Will be held on FRIDAY' evening. at 8-o’clock, at KATES HALL. All who do* iue stock inthe above company, hayinggood prospects,, will 2nd it to their advantage to attend* as the books, will be closed that evening. A limited nnmher of «*»»« *£’|l| mhSOJt*- ; Secretary. PHIUBBI.PHU A SB CHIOASO OBOAMIZING UNDBB TH-B L.AWS OF PEHHSTXiViSIi. mhis-st* •ST- STAAIHS « KtOBE Mt ABB l=*f MIHIBO COMPANY—CHEAPEST STOCK IN THE MARKET. OAPITiL »00.000 SHAKES. working Capital, siOtOOO, par Value. *1 Within a few d*ye*uew welt has b*en struck at a distance of one hundred yarde our property, on of this Company are located within the great t*3l belt of-Wesx Virginia, and embraces 348 acres in fee simple, and two leases, one of ID and the other of 6 seres. Maps end Pronpectas at thooffice. Snbecrtptioa book will cloie to a skoxi thae. as tod stock)bbafojrrapid ly *oldt ' „ ... . oace, 4XT WALNUT Street, Eoom 80. 8, third •tory. ISA4O OOOPSB. President. JAKES K FESangON. Treasurer. m125-12t CHAR H. SIBBBOTHaM. Secretary. rsar A mektumi of the stocb ■ HOLDEBS OF TBS LITTLE KiNAWHA A»D SPBIBG CHEEK OIL COMPANY will ha belct at the Bortbwest cornar otEOßßTttand WALNUT Stwsts. op HOBDAY. April Mth, at 2 o'clock P. H., to make by law* and «l«ct Eoard.ofDirectors to sorrs oae year. JOSEPH N. HUGH, President SAHO2I* ECCLSS* JE., Treainrer. Tbe properties, of this company comprise 20 acree on lease at U. royalty on Burning Springe Rnn» Wirt county, Wa»i Virginia, and 500 seres on Spring Cieels, neaztha above, in toe simple. The company have mo engines on the aronnd working, * A limited portion of the working capital is still not subscribed for, which can be hadlat subscription price, $1 per share, at the office, Ko. SS26 GHUEOH Alley. rat2l»taplo OFFICE. OF PBNB MINING COM* V 3& PA m 01 LAKE SUPERIOR, Wo. 310 W4&-, ’■ > ■ t ROT Street, Philadelphia, March*4,lBBs. \ JhhSMSt The annual meetia* of the Stockholder* of this Com s ~r- —= —„ T pan*, for the election, of Directors and inch other btiai* > O H. BXiHluPlii* ui GO** ness a* map come before it, will |>a held at the office of- •' ill, the Company* 80. 319 Street, city of Phllftr delphla. on thefirst TUESDAY. the 4th day of ZtprU, iu X) 1865. at 3.o*elock P. M ' , mhSB-\&pii Da VIP S. BBYL, Secretary, | iwg" TBK 4SSUAIM EKTISU UI? IBK 1 #UUTOFAOriiBBBS,-A&EHTS,&N» WHOLE ■»!S? STOCKHOLDERS or tie ROCK OIL COMPART 3 SALE DEALERS IN • will be held la acDordance with the by-lsaes. at the | n when anelectionwiii beheld for PiyeDirestora to »»we 1 * for the enaoin* year. JOHN F-. GRAFF* ] _ __, . mhlS-topS Sec’y &uL JSOTICE. »» f _»EOC«VILLB PJBTBOIJiUJtf OOtfPAMY, Office 411 WA.LMJT, Phil* , March la The Bo&’d of DiitoeotBb&'''e tU’.sd *y dr dared a dtri of FITS PAR CUfl*.» subject to State UX para ble at the office ot the Coiapssy. on and after i'xf(r&d» DAY, April fith. The Transfer Books will close on FRIDAY, MsfeU 31, at 8 o’clock P, AL, as* open tffIDRPBAY. April dm. 0. L. DOUGLASS, Secretary. isr° OFFICE OF THU iETNA MISIKB OOMPAST. PHiLADBKPBU, Match *7. ISM. EOTIC* IB HEKBBY GIVE* that’an Instalment of ONB BOLT/A8 per Snare on each and eyerTShare of the Capita Stock of the JETS A HTKIHB COMPAHY hoc this day bsen called In. payable on or before the 10th day or April. 188.', at the office of the Company, Ho. 3)44 WaLHTJT Street, Philadelphia By order of the Dlreoion. B. A. HOttPBS, TPhSßtaplO Treasurer. fM"* OFFICE mSASIO Oil. COXPAi HT, 10 MKBCHANTS BXCHAMOE . ■ Philadelphia. March 2J, 1855, The annual meetlnr of stockholders will he .held on the Bth day ol April, at 12 o’clock M tnhM-tape STILES. Jr.. BecretMT. KST" WW»*»» NOTICE.—OFFICE OF the WABBIBGTOH AHO WALHOT BtHDOIL 00., Ho 314 MABKBT Street, „ , Philadelphia, March 18,18 SS The Directors of this Company have this day declared' a'Dlyldend of TWO PEE CEHT,, clear of tax, payable os and after April 3d next. . . ... Transfer books oloie on the 27th last, and open April 4th. THOMAS B. SDPLBB, mhStlSt Treasurer. »TSP» BOBUS FABH Oil. COM PANT, ■do OFFICE, BIG WALHUT Street, Philadelphia, hBCOHD BTOET FEOHT AOOM Circulars can bo proa nr ed upon application at the office cf the Company. mh2-lm KST BITIDtHS NOTICE —OFFICE or THS MiPLB SHADE OIL COMPANZ, 534 WALNUT Stioet, Philadelphia, March 23.1895. The Board of Pirectora have thU day declared a regtt*} iar Dividend of FOUR PEB CENT., and am Extra Dtvi desd of EIGHT PER OBHT , mahlng In all Twelre Par Cent., pay able on and after the 30th lest The Transfer Boohs trill dose on the 251 h, afcSP. M.» and open on the Slat. THOMAS H SSABIfE, mh24-6t* Secretary. OfTICE OF THK CHEBRT BUM ARD WEST HICKORY MUTUAL PETROLEUM COMPAMY, »o BAT H. WAT SR Street, above Em», As the Company desires to.proesed to an immediate devekpment of Us various interests, subscribers to stock are requested to come forward at once and pay the amounts dee npon their subscription*. , mbits totbs Bt EZRA LUKENS, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE SOBLE AND BBLAMATBR PETROLEUM COMPAQ, 350 CHESTJNTJT Street. _ v M Pbiuapblphta. March 20* 1865.' The annual mcetteg of the stockholders will be held on MOB SAT, the 10th of April next* at twelve o'clock* noon.__ . .. _ GEOR3B W. HUHTER, mh2l- tuthfSt FggF° A BEEnse OF THE STOCK’ HOLDERS or THE HUGHES HI VS It OIL COMPAHY will be held at the Office of the-Com pony. Ho. 60S WAhHUT .Street, on TtJgSDAr,.- April 4tb, at 9}i A. H , for the purpose of emoting aPresident and Directors to scare for the easntnc year. • HBUUY B. BDMOND3» rab3l-tntfe4t f Bpcretary of Butbw Elver Oibpht MILITARY. | FIFTEENTH WARD. LAST CHANGE. A lumber of responsible citizens of the Fifteenth. Ward have Joined together to assist ail those that are liable to draft and are willing to assist themself es. and hare author! led the undersigned to make the following offir, to wit: . . .... . . To all psrionß paving to either of the undersigned on or before SATDBDAT NEXT, the let of April,"- . . OH* BUNDKKD DObLARS, they Will GUARAHTES ObBAB FROM DRAFT, ptorl ded the smounlao raised be sufficient to prove to the Committee that the men of the Ward liable to draft are determined to do scmothlegthr themselves, otherwise the HOBBY WXbb BE REFUNDED. , To clear the Ward of draft, whleh is the earnest de alt e of this Committee, and should be of every cltlien of the Ward, the enheoriotlone lo the fond of bEll THAN OBh HUHOBBD DOLLAK* must be contlnnid aeleretofore; unless this Is done the endeavors of the Committee to dear the ward of draft will ho fruitless, when the Committee wl-1 feel themselves exonerated from further responsibility. ... . " The wheel most then turn, when stand from under— every fellow for himself. WILLIAM SUHJf, Ho, 1711 Green street, or Ho Ho. 601 H. Sin toon th street, or Noe 24 and h^Bsni^st. Ho. 1707 Green street, or Ho. 739 H. Slid street. P. B.—The Committee to receive . subscriptions will he in attendance at the Behcol Honse.'Twentiethaad Coates streets, every evening during the week. mhsost* ___ :■, -1 SIJ. Be MILITARY SGHOOLFOR OFFICBEB Vo.' 518 CHSSrVUT Street, Philadel phia, OPPOSITE INDfcPBRDSKCB HALL. • - ' J SBV H, PAGG4BT, Ptfreeptor. Late Colonel 12th Segiraent Putney] vant&B«a«r*s. - A lame number of faojad lileutouants for Colored Troops wanted JmmealaUly. ~ •: T«ms—One roonth, $3O; tw* months, $3O Soldiers admitted for two weeks at $lO . Payable in advance. Boobs supplied. Pamphlets seat by msdl on applica tion, mh«o-12t « BOUNTY FOB MARINES. - WAN TED —V eterans, only, having honorable dis charges from the 0. S. Marine Corps; will be entitled to the Government and all the local bounties, paid upon enlistment. Term of service fonr years. Better compensation than the army. Marine# receive prise money. For all further information apply at the re cruiting rendezvous. Ho 311 South FROHT Street, be low Bpruee Btieet, between the aud^So^ock. mhlß tf Captain and Recruiting Officer. ■ FINANCIAL. &TSDMAN & CO., fsr excHAges pwe*. mkw yobk, BANKEKS AND BROKERS. DHPOaPrS-AHD COHKISSIONS BKCSITBD OH THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. FETfiGBEOM STOCKS BOUGHT" and BOLD- strictly on commission at the Regular' Board. This basinets is a specialty with us. Our facilities for-lts transaction, and our Information as to the condition andiprospects of the various Oil Stocks, wa believe to be unsorpasssd. JVQr Correspondents please observe that we have re moved from 80 Broad! street to our now BASKING OFFICE', Ho. 5V EXCHANGE PLACE. EDMUND G. STEUMAN, OHABLES E. OLARKE, THOMAS .M. NEWBOUED. mMI-tathtSt*- TREASURE DEPARTMENT, OFFICE “X OI THE OOMrTKOIiLBB OF THBCUKESBOT. Washington, January SS. 1869 Wtertaa, By satisfactory evidence presented to the » ha* been made to Appear .that THB SATIONALBXCBLAIfGE BAITS OF PHILABBLPffiA, in the eitaof Phil&delphiav in the county of Philadel phia. and State of Pennsylvania, has hew duly orga niied under and' assorting to the requirement* of the Act of Goneeess entitled ** An act to provide a JEfatlonal Currency, secured* hy a pledge of united State* bond*, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof, ” approved June S» 1864, and ha* complied with all the provisions of said act required to with before commencing the business of banking under said Act— How, therefore, I, HUGH MoGtrLLOOH, Comp troller of the Carrener, do hereby-eartlfy oat THE XATIOff A& SSGHABGfe BA»K Of PHILADStPHIA, la th, eity of f’hiledelphia, In the eonnty of Philadel phia, and SUM of PemnylTimUr 1« anthorlied to oom mense the business of bankin* under the net aforesaid. hand ands'SJot thi* twenty^ o~y. * Comptroller or the Ourrency. 7|pß SBAUKLIN SAYING FUND, HO. 13» SOUTH FOURTH STBEBT, BBLOW CHESTNUT, ■ ' , ■ PaTßflveper cent. Interest on Deposits. Agents for the tale of United Stales 7 3-10 Doans at Par. Goyern menty State and City Loans and Stocks bought and sold for depositors and otters on Commtmlon. mnls am rjKE "CYCLOPS" CAST-STEEL 'KAILS POSSESS THE FOLLOWING ADVANTAGES OVSR IEOH:: 1 THEY ■WILL NOT LAMINATE, SPLIT, NOE break. THEY WILL DO. TEN TIMES' THE SEE VICE OF IRON RAILS. THEY COST LESS THAN DOUBLE THE PRICE OF IRON. V THE SAVING- DURING A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS IS SHOWN TO BE EQUAL TO sS,<>«o PER MILE FOB EAOH YEAR OF THEIR USE. SM:2K. PHILIP S. JUST#®, f : Ho. 1* Horth FIFTH Street, Phllada ; mbSO-l« HA 43 CLIFF Street, Haw Torts. ROOKING- GLASSES, A T R E B U C ES> PRIC RS. JAMES S. EABItE «Sfc SONS Sara madna GREAT RBDUOTION in their prices. and have no* \Hf stock a very large and elegant assort ment of LOOKING-GLASSES, ’ OKi. FAINTINGB, ENGRAVINGS, PORTRAIT AMD PICHJRB FRAMES. LOOKING-GLASSES made to order at the same Eg" . DDOBU FBICBB. to fIU every character ot space, for i HaHTSLS. PIERS. WALLS, BAR-BOOKS, HOTELS, l SHIPS, *o. - EARLE’S GALLERIES, SIS MINOR STREET, QPMttRG. WE HAVE NOW OJPEN, PARISMANTILIAS, m SILK AND CLOTH. ' % ALSO, OF 01CB OWH MAJTOFAOTOBB, OF THE Most Approved Styles. J. w. pboctoh a CO., inhSO-at ■ . fIiSO.CHBBTMPT BTBBBT. lefeyre TH®»SDAY r MARCH 30, 1865, smmmMTt mAj&'i.vfJLJL.A.s. Baar»«*ry. NOTICE.—LOWEST’ MARKET PKICB —Good Calteoes. fastoolera.iOa. Extra quality Calicoes, best etj ies, tdc. JXice wkita Wn*iln, 85c. Very mod Knsllii, 81Xe,. Chillies. newest stylss, 25e. BABOAISS, BaKG^AT^ AEG 5 Street. BIG CHESTHUT STBBKT, RETAIL, DRY OOODg. WrUL OPEN ON iaoa ©HESTNinr street. mhte-n*ip ■■ - .■ > FIESTtJPBHIJfO' SFBUnS- BONNETS, THCRSDATr UABOS 80*11.' >. WOOD 2& 0&BT, TU OHBBTOUT BTHBBT. BKIBT FOB 1865, rai ejuiTiCT' nmwTios opthb age nt HOOP SKIRTS. i. W, BBADLBT’BV,W latent DUPLEX BLLIP HO (or douM«) SPBlira SKIRT. WESTS’ BBADLBT & OABT I. & J. O. If rat). BOLE PBOFBIBTOKB and MAITSJPAOTDEEEB, lIGHAHBBBS u&TS’Ud 81BBADB Stiests, Haw fork. • THIS lirVBHTXOJr > eoasiets of Dupi,ax~(or two) El liptic Stool SPBiHos, lngenlotiily braidedtkjhtly and okult tosather, edge to edge; making the toughest, soet FLEXIBLE, tad DURABLE- SPRI2?<3 OVOT uod. Thar bbsak.-Uho *be Simla ?prtntu, aad consequently preserve their perfect and tßjsunnrL SHjLFB twice os tfOHO as any other Skirt. - THE woHDßßFtnilmszzßZiiZTT aad great comport and to any Lady wearing ibe duplex Elliptic Ikibt will I>e experienced paiticnlarly la all crowded ksBEHBZJss, Operas, Carriages, railroad Oars, IhubchFbwe, Armchairs, for Pkomescaob and House O&sbb, as the Skirt eanbe folded when la asa to ooou >ra small place as easily a« a Silk or Muslin Dress. ▲ Lady baying enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, aad Seat convenience of wbabikg the Duplex Elliptic eel Spbzrg Skirt for a single day-wUI never after' yard willingly dispense with their use. For Children, Hisses, and Young Ladies they are bupsrior to all jthers ♦ . THEYare tbe best •lonably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable tad economical Skirt, erar made. ' FOB SALE la all Fast class Stores in fbis city, aad Juroughout tba Unitbd States, Havana ds Cuba, Akxigq, South America, and the West Indies __ AgriHGUIBB VOS THE DHPL&X ELLIPTIC IKIBT. ... rahS-lm MILLIIVEKY. |P» YOUNG LADIES 1 • AND CHIL speihq MILLINERY OPENING, irHOBSDAY, Mmoh 30th, 18M. MBS HIGHOM, 103 Souit HienrH Street. mMs-sra jf* MBS. B. DILLON, 383 ana 331 SOUTH Street, SPKIITG HILWHEST, , On THURSDAY. 30th March. Jnh3o-Bttf* Will open rxj SPRING MILLINERY OPENING. HP*—Mina 8. T. MOBGAN, 408:iBCH Street, re ipeotfolly invite* Merchants and Stlllinera, also the Beta)! Trade, to examine her Rich Stock of Bonnets end Millinery Goods openint THIS fHX 0K( j iN ■*»B ARCH Street. mhso-st* r® KISTER’B, No., 145 N. EIGHTH Street, will open on THURSDAY, April 6, a large assortment of SPUING AND BnMsSBBMILLItfKETnf the very Ute*fc jtyles. OHy milliners not admitted, we have now open our Eibboni, flowers, Straw Trim mine*. Sonnets, Ham, and frame s-of the best shapes. mhSO’St* - r» BONNET. OPENING. SSP* THURSDAY. MARCH 30th, We will have open fl Ml line of imported BONK STS, HATB.Ao. Ladiet are mneeteS to favor ne-withacajl. ‘ Jt J*. vILJu « UU i *3O ARCS Street MISSBB- O’BRYAN, 1107 WAL HTJT Street, PMJadelpMa, will open Paris HU licery, for the gprln* and.Smnmer. oa TBDBSOjkT, MarchSC, 1665- rot 29 3t* CARPETS AND OIC-CEOTHS BPmm;: 186 5^ 1865* GIiEN. ECHO JffTTiTiS, GERSI&PtTOWN, PA. M’GAIhM-ttttlismlCfc gprasG 1865. CABPBSI«»8. ABCH-BI&KET CABPBT WABKHOII&B, NE W STOCK, At RE» V OED PRICES JOS. BLACKWOOD, SBtA.thituam BALBTON, & GO., tturo yAOTHBiHe Am> coMKissioir mbkchasts. CABPETINGS, - OH, OXjOTHS, MA.TTING-S, KTJQ-S, &o. x *O, 619 OHEBTHUT STKSIT. jfguiPSirarA. MEW PUBLICATIONS. _ _ pLUBTRATED BOOKS, STANDARD AMD VALUABLE BDITIOKS FOB THB LIBRARY ADD DBAWIHO 8008, AND FOE **WEDDDEB AHD BIRTHDAY PBESKSTS,** FRUITED AND PUBLISHED BY THE London Printing and Publishing Co., 487 BKOABWAY, HEW YORK. 487 Hnriu made no adTance la onr retail prices, wa are aeweelllna for at least OWE-THIRD LESS prices than •unllar eood Booka can be bonibt lor elsewhere. 49*008 PRINCIPAL AOBirrg ARE*®# W. H. PIPER It 00., BOSTON, Hass, iH. H. BAIT OBOPT & CO,, Ban Pbanoisoo, Cap. j A. PERRIS ft 00., Mosteeai, Canada: STEPHENS & 00., Ha, tana. Coda; BOOEB HUNTER, St. John, H, B. ** Priced L!»t sent free to any address." AIL BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS FOB AHBKIOA 49* Should be Addbjbsbd -SB * HENRY A. BROWN, Manager.* 1 mhSO-thtl JfEW BOOKS, From tta« Mess of J. B. XJppincott A Co. MM. GEN, CARL SCHURZ, P. g. A. I. the TirevnfltAblfl Conflict. 11. Political Morals. HI. Free Americanism. IV. The Popular Sovereignty Doctrine. V. Ratificationof Mi; Lincoln's First Nomi nation forfcba Preiidency. VI. Th« Doom of Slavery. VII. Tbs Bill of Indictment VIII. Free Speech. (X. Reconciliation b? Emancipation. X. Peace, Liberty, and Empire. XI. The Treason of Slavery. XIL Ap peal to-Gommon Sense. A New Work* by.the Anther of “Held In Bondage; j»r Granville de Vigne. ” OS, WSOfOtT BT Hlg OWN HAfll), Anther of “ HeEf ih Bond age; or. Granville de Vigne. *’ One y&H lfiao. 920 pp. Fries $2. ■ J * ST. P-AUL. IN BOMB. LECTURES DELTVEBBD in the deration of the United States of America in Borne. By Rev 0. if. Batter. D. D.» Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the Divinity School* Philadelphia. OnevoL, 12mo. $1.76. KITIEB'S COMPABAHYE GEOGRAPHY. LECTURES ON. COMPARATIVE GEOGRAPHY. By Carl Bitter late Prefer or of Geography la the Uni versity of Berlin. Translated by Rev. William I*. Gage. One volume. limot sl6s. A Sew Work by Hod. Jere. Clemens. Sthb great rebellion. > BY HOIT. JESS. CLEMENS, of Alabama. iff®* RUGGLEB GEMS OF ART—A ; «*- collection of exquisite Oil Paintings'of American .and European Sceierv, by BOGGLES, ot New York, on and for ealeby 46BMEAD & EVANS. ! mbSO St* ' 73* CBBSTNUr Street. lB A GOLDEN DEED f A BOOK OF GOLDBN DEEDS •of all Times and all Lands, gathered and narrated by the anther of the “Heir of Bedeliffe, ” with a vignette likeness of Miss Nightingale, iflmo., veUnm.cloth, Ptice $1 76. ALSO. . , THB JEST BOOM. ThC'choicest Anecdotes and Sayings. Selected and ar ranged by Mark Lemon, the editor of PMnch lOmo , vellum cloth. Price $1.76. UNIFORM IN STYLE~Wrm THE ABOVE ABE: TAB GOLDBN TREASURY OF SONGS AND LY BIOB. l6mo , vellam cloth. Price *l-76 THB OBJLItRBN’S OAKLAND, from the best Poets, lfijfco., vnUnih cloth P/ica $1.75 __ THB BOOH OFPKAIBE, from thebest BnglishHymn Writers. 16m0.. vellum cloth. Price $l. DREAM GHILTiBBN. Tie Golden Treaeury Juve nile; ISino., vellum cloth. Price $1 £» TFE PfLGBIK'B PKOGKES3- Illustrated by Sto thard. 16m0.» veUtum cloth. Prices 2. For s&lO' by all Booksellers, or sent, post paid, on ike receipt of the price by the publisher*- SEVBB * FB4NOIS, CAMBRIDGE, Hass. Ne*w books fob sabbath. egboollibbariss! • M The Bed Lion, or Borne in Bumble Life. The Conqueror, by the author of Ellen Murray, &e. The Fishtra&a’s Children, or the Sunbeam of Hard rick Coto.- The Faithful Shepherd, or Sketches of the Life of Key. Thomas Scott. «. ~ , . _ . Ti e Ferrysaan’e Child, or Liiht out of Darkness. Little Fermon Talke.Jby Caroline B Kelley. Bessie Lovell, or the Power of a Lovtcs Child. Vivian*** his Friends, or Two Hundred Years Ago, by the anthor of The Story of a Pocket Bible. Tried end Trw*. or Into the Lt*hfc, by A.* J-. G. The Vlilase-Scheol Mistress ox Hose About Kate BLU more, by the author of Kate Bllmore. ForWe by JAMBS S. CLAXTOIf, Successor to W. K & ALFRED MASTIE3T. 606 GHESTKOT Street. I NEW BOONS 11 Jn»t leeeiTld ter ,_ . , .. ABHMBAJD 4 5 VISS. , (B&iftrdi a old Bwsd}i Wo. ISMICHBSTWUT Street , . GOETHE’S WILESLM MEISFER. A new, revised edition. • By-Thomas Carlyle. Svols CAPE CuC, By Pe-nnr It Tboreau, author of "Maine Woods, **“ Walden,'* &o,» dw. FOBM* BY B. W. EMBKSON. 1 voi, bine and gold. A BOOS OF GOLDS* DEEDS of all Times and all Lands, Qatheredand narrated by the author of the “ Heir of Bfdclyffe. ” Tinted paper, green vellum. THE JEST BOOK. The Gholeefit Anecdotal and Sayings Selected andarranged by Mark Lemon. Two beautiful 1 little volumes of the * Golden Treasury Series.'* . TB AOKKBAX’S VAWITX FAIR. Hlußtrat«d edition. SvoJs Tintedpaper. Cambridge Press. TRIAL OF JOB* Y. BEALL. Official report. TOO STBABGE WOT TO BE THUS, TOW I SUTLER, and all the other HBWN9VBLB ' ALL TBS JNSW BOOKS received as soon as Issued from the press.* and sold at lowest prices. mh2S>tf TH»’SWEDISH MOVEMENT CURE. abb pbagticb op ths movs- MBHT CtFfiß. by the Swedish System of Localized Movements By Charles Payette Taylor, M.D. Second edition. With iUnptrafcibiss. I vol. 12mo. AiSCK BTSAMa AOTHOB,' SPIUAIi IBEITaTIOH, or the Cuuea of Baok-aohe W&TH.&teBATMBBT OB AtKHJLAB CDETATOBB OF gI |BBP S | i3TOT paMBli6rs _ mhn-ti So. South SIXTH Street, SPRING No. BS2 ABOH Stmt SPEECHES OF Collected and revised by the Author, 12mo. $2. CONTBHTB. STRATHMORE I BT “OBIBA," TOBIAS WILSON. A TAW Of Flint Series. Pepffr. St J. B. LIPPINOOTT & GO., PtTBM-'HESS, mhZ7mHi-2t VT-BW SUPPLY OP CHRONICLES ©F- Ll THE SCHOBBBBG-COTTA FAMILY ALSO, BY THE SAME AUTHOB: THB SABIiT MWK ;or, BfcitcbM of Christian Life in-Biuilandintljeolden.Tlme. _ DIABY OF MBS. KITTY TBBVYLYAN. A Starr of tboTtmea of 'Wbitfield ard the Wexleya. THB CRIPPLB OF ANTIOCH, and Oilier guanas from Christian Life In Early Times. THE MABTYBB OF SPAIN, AND THB LI3KRA TOBS OF HOLLAND. TALK AND SKETCHES OF CHRISTIAN LIFB, In Different Lands and Aeea THB VOICS OF CHBISTIAN LIFB IN SOHO; nr, Hymne-and Hymn Wrdtoia of many Lands and Afea. THB TWO VOCATIONS; or, the Sisters of Merer. at Home. r jambs s, olam®dn» (Snoeassor to Wm_«._* Alfred Marttra), ml2l-tf 606 CHBaTNDT Street. WI&OSL&ARBOU8 Al?J> I*AM and rarest Phila delphia. —HtlloweU’» Shakspiar*; fifteen hundred dol lars, and other Boohs* equaUy scarce, for sale at 418 OHBSTMUT Street. ' ja2 Sm * JOHS OABfBBLL STATIONERY & BLAS& BOORS. f\lL v MINING, COAL, AND OTHER VJ new companies. Wa ara prepared-!*) fnmeh New.Corporatlona with all the Bookn they require, at abort notice and low PiSme, of Brat quality. All styles of Blndinc, ' STEEL PLATB CR'aTIFICATES OF.STQCK, LITHOGRAPHED «* •* TBANBFBB BOOH. 01 DEBS OF TKANSFEB.. STOCK LEDGLK. STOCK LBDPxEB BALANCES. BEGISTBB OF CAPITAL STOCK; BEOKEB’S PETTY! LEDOBB. ACCOUNT OF BALES. DIVIDEND BOOK. " _ . MOSS Ac CO., BLANK 800 K MANDFACTDBEKS AND STATIONS ES, 43a.r.HBgTNHT Street CABINET FBIIJWTIfBE. OAS.LD* SPECIAL NOTICE. Th% Store laotb entropy la sold for a Banking inatl tutien. Not being aklatn .procure Abnllilng aufficlently large 'co-hold my atoni, I am compelled to SETT-iTj OUT Aa'fut animaiUe. I now offer my Immense aaaortmesjio} FURNITURE AT VEBY LOW PBICBB. GEORGE J. HENKELS, mklS-lm - 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT BTBBBT. QOT TON A DBS. AN ABSOBTMBNT OF YORK COMPANY’S COTTONADSJSs BOOTT MILL BROWN AND BLEACHED GOODS, NHW STILES. BEOBTVED AND FOB SALE BY WAIN, LEAMING, & CO., #US-« Sq. STUtST, WANTED—A COLORED MAN FOB * r Wniter. U«Nt brine coed reference, Apple at tb# Office of tbe Keystone Knitting Mills, corner of OXFORD and bABCICK Streets, Kensington, between 9 and 10 A M. or 4 and 6 P. M- mb3o-3t* WANTED—A COLORED MAN AND ”1 WIFE! the man to understand country work, each a» trfltking- gardening, farming, Uc ; tiu woman to attend to milking, makint batter, cooking, So , on a •mall place, ten mllea from the city. Permanent attia tton to Bailable penone. Only the two wanted _Qfwi reference repaired. Apply at Ho 308 North SEVSNtIT Street, above Wood, or 16 South Fourth street at DAVID BY i.NB, WANTED. BY AN EXPERIENCES' »“ lADY, accustomed to children, a situation as Housekeeper, or to attend open a sick person. Soon T^BHTY‘llE6Tand%BHlf?la a Btreet9’ihov7Ma?- intxza^ji* WANTED—A BOOKBINDER WHO " * in thoroughly acquainted wltii all brattohes of the business, ana capacitated for the best kind of work; to whom capital, tools, &e.. will bo famished, and am Intern! given In the badness. Addresß the aader signed at Jiie, Pa. B. F. S. bTSS, „ mhl7-4t Daily Dispatch WANTED—CANVASSERS FOR 7* , LIFBIBgjrRAWCE The bent term. offers J. Ap ply at 43‘i GRKSTgPf Bt., aecond story. mkai-lm* WAKTIU-AT $l5O PER MONTH— t* A reliable Canvasser In every town and county, for the HUBSB ABB B?T, the mod interesting and exciting book ever published, embracing the adven tures of a woman in the Union army as I* arse, Boon*, and Spy, living a most vivid inner piccere of the war. We have Agents clesrlnaSlfiOper month.which we will Trove to any doubting applicant Send for circulars. Address “/oKßfe, BKOB., A CO., 600CHBSTNTTT Street, Philadelphia,” .nhT-Xm* rotwsrs-a younu man from A' the old country, of long and practical experience In the manufacturing of Ales and Porter, wishes em ployment* moa* reßiectable city reference given. Ad dress *‘jf fMA,** 319SouthFJEFfEt Street mbfjMt* H-REATEST thingof the times VA —BOWED ’8 FEIZE EDVBMFBS— Agents wanted everywhere-. Frf mmra W.tches given to Agent,. On receipt of 9UF we will mall, post paid, 100 Envelopes, and a eptendld-Solid Silver Hunting-Csss Watch as a premium to the agent. A single Stii,elope sent, with clrcnlar and fn’l parjltmlars, on receipt *4" drese A B. BOWED * 00., P. 0., mxOK, 36 BBB£- MAH Street, K. 1. mhtf 8m - TJARTNER WANTED IN' THE IRON A Bceineee, with a capital of S2&.OR) In caehor Pig Iron. Apply at theoffice Jonntain Green’rron Woiks, 43* WALHUT Street, mh29 St* M WANTED TO RENT, A GOOD DEa BWELLIEG BOlTSßvWlthlnflbcsqnarerefPoarth and Arch streets. Apply to L TtiWBSSDO, mhSO 31* 18 Hotth THIKD-street. m A FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED. »-A Home plainly and comfortably farairfod is wanted by a careful and prompt-paying tenant- Ad* dres*Boxgft4 Post Office. State rentpar month, mftlMi* M HOUSE WANTED.—WANTED TO KBHT—A medium-sized Bouse, with all the modern conveniences, and within twenty minute? of The Press offioe. Best of references given. Address •*B. F office of The Press. ph34-tf m WANTED TO RENT, BY APRIL JBlst, a modern DWELLIJI6h situated above Arch street at d west of Broad. Bent about $4OO. 'Address Box 1587. Post Office - mh2-im» nnn 10,000, and f«,ooo to loan tfl)'4:,UU | 7, on mortgage B. CdtBFBDTBB & SOS, 343 Sonth THIRD Street. . mhS9 St* m YALUABLE HOTEL PRO SI PEBTY AT PUBLIC BALE — ln - pursuance of an order of the Orphans* Court of Chester county, will be sold at public sale, on the premise** TUESDAY, April IS. 1»S; all that valuable Hotel Property, situated* in COATES- - VILLB. Uheater county. Pa., on the Pennsylvania Bailroad, known as the * * CoatesvUle Hotel, * * and Um the property of Jacob T. Minster, deceased, and being known as one of the most valuable in Ihe county. The property is situated in the centre of the htul-aese part of the tow*, frontiig upon the main street 148 feet, upon Bridge Btreet 175 feet, and upon a back street 208 feet The buildings are commodious and new. having been rebuilt within four years, and consist of a three**fiory plastered BTOHS AJBD BBICK HOTEL, 64 by 35 feet (main building), with back buttdlMS, oin Let-room and kiteben, 64 by 32 feet, together with stabling and sheds mfficiett for 40 bead of horse* There is a never failing well of water in the kitchen* aJjro, one in the yard . . « This property has been kept as a Hotel for over forty years, end is well worthy the attention of persons wish ing to inve »t in a property that will pay teem welt A farther descrlp ion is uareoeseary, as persons wishing to purchase can view the property on or before* the day of sale. .. Sale to commence at 1 o’clock P. M. Conditions made known by „ _ SABAH MnrSTEK, U* Administratrix PHIbfcDELPHIS. m FOR SALE, CHEAP—IF APPLIED -BHforwiihout delay—The three-story Brick Bnildfnu. three *etorr Back Bnildmgs, Ac., situated at So. 8j& (South HIHTH Street. Apply to « B ° BB 4? 9 rai». MFOR £ alb—white house, AT EAISTiO CITJV, jf BABB CHiITOB FOB IffVESTMJNT. The commodious sod well-built house, at Atlantic City, Known as the WHITE hOTJSB, beautifully situ ated on the beach, at the foot of Hassachusetts avenue, with fine ocean view, hot HSQ feet front by 160 feel deep. The house io furnißhed with every comply conTeol enee for carrying on the business of BUKMBS BOiBD INC, and is capable of conveniently accommodating iw guetts. AH tie beds, be idlnr linen, plated ware, Ac , &e.. will be included in the sale. These is under the entire hotnera well-built brick cellar. On rbe premises there are four fresh-water wells, ana tboutiwentyfive bath-houses, with one hundred salts of bathingclQtbe*. Beacon for Betting— tbe present proprietor is eogated in another bnslness, and cannot give this the attention TheVeputation of the house is first data, and has al ways done an excellent business mhHd ftnwSt* 1035 BBaCH Street, above laurel. m WA%m? -STREET RESIDENCE. AS —-FOB SALE, ft handsome, well-built iltr*e-stery brick DweJUng».with threflstory back buildings ftad lot of ground. on the aoutbeide of WAbBITF Street, batmen Tenth andßleventh streets; 22 feet front by-t 33 Uet deep to a back streets complete with ail modem improvements.- x _ apply to At B. CABVBft & CO , mhS9*6t*‘ 8. W. cor; RIATB and FiLBSRT Sts. Lit tie eaka-Wha and- mx KLYfiK OIL AfTD’MIEMTO COMPACT. attention isasked fo.the really valuable OIL-aud COM* LAKDB iscured-by this Company ln>iee*imple. A few shares In. the original inteteat still unsold-. Subscriptions obtained,, and plum and cteacriptioneof theland and other Information given by OEo F. WOBK&Gp.,JSo THIRD Steeet, an* J. BABTHOLOteEW. W 90fr£ FOUST a Street. THOMAS A. BARLOW, President. BEBE 7 C BOBSAIL, secretary. mhSo>l3t» n®»IOE TO BENT—ROOM! No- 4^l. '-'"Wi comer FIFTH and CHEBTHDT,.suitable for.*n. office. Apply Boom Efo. 3. lt_ PBTBOLETIM ¥IARFTO M •*- &itu&ied on- tl e west aide of the Schuylkill. aboufc r seren luttdxediaadtweAty.tgSQKcetfromttbe Railroad-,, at tie foot ofFiftj-Eevenill It la on hifl ground, aid table for tie purpose and' will be let on good' terms, with ani&fcieiit* ground for ttoringor reflntng* % - Jpply at®3>GH BfcIEVAW»S-Xomber-Tftrdj THtR- Tl_-FOURTH and MARKRT.Stroeis. at'S'o'ClockrF. Bf; t . or to SJMUISQIBSOa, on the premigea- mh3B-St* tbs abtobtobbb*,: w&rjmfr a * piece ol OiliTerritory on the bank Slipiwnyßock Clash, wishes a-pajfca&rputh cash, or ate am cosine and i bertsg.tooi*, todevelop the same. Best ctfcr reference ■required. J^oll:pari3ca}ar3-b^a^d^RO6 STORES, CITY ANB COUN ■L' IBY. for sale and wasted at all prices. . mhMasP W. M MtIKSOM. tm WALNUT Street. SLA nnn —for sale, amobtgagb of thin speared apon proper to near Frankford. E. Cl&PBHTBB & 808, »bi 9 6t* gdB Sonth THIRD Street. COUNTRY BOARD IS "WANTED BY Yy thesdvertiserforhlmstlf and wife for the summer season. in a healthy, dry looation, of easy access dally, from tie eitv. Address Box 868 Post Office. mhSO-ttrtt* ' . ■ T OST, TUESDAY, THE 28th ,JNSX:,. between the comer of FeYenth and Matlcet streets and'Vine-street Wharf, or between there and Callow* bill street and Tenth, a POCKET-BOOK, coniainine one one bundred doDar note and six or eightdoliars in eonntry money and cnrreij cy Please return it to w v BBOWB &CO.„ fio 700 MAKKBT Street, andreoeiYa a > nitable reward. mb3o-2t* A LADY WILL TAKE A FEW-MORE PUPILS in Drawing. Oil Faintlcg. Water Cnlo-s, Photograph Coloring, etc., at. TOO Sonth NBNTa Street ' mViji Bt* "DEMOYAL.—THE OFFICE OF THE Ail BUOVKK ADD MARSHALL OIL COMPANY has been removed from 80. 2CB South FOURTH street to Borthwest Comer FIFTH and 'CBBSTHttP Streerte, Boom 80. 8. mh2B-13t "DEMOYAL. GEO., O. MITCHELL AL would respectfully inform his friends and the public that be has removed worn'f3s gorthSinth street, to the northwest corner of. EIGHTH and Ida&Tßlt Streets, snd will continue ted«al in fee. best qualities. of Coal. mcl»-7t» "PINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. A The subscribers.would invite- attenUon to their IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, which they make a specialty in their business. Also. m GENTLEMEN'S WSAB. 1826 MARKET STREET, W P CLASH, a Lot of PARASOLS. Ladies will call Jk and examine for themselves—Cheap. lH4sr MARKET Street. , mM9-4to ,«» WANTS. FOA BAli£ AND Tib ÜBT. BOARDHte. LOST. EDUCATION At. REMOYALIa. KENTS’ FURNSSHIN© OOODg. J. W. SCOTT & CO.. GENTLEMEN S FURNISHING STORE, No. Sl* CHESTNUT STKEKT, jsl-ly - • Eonr doors below tha Continental. HERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS AA add soups. n0.“..d0 VeaL 600 “ do Mutton. 1,000 “ it do Turkey. 1,000 “ ,do Chicken, . 8,000 “ assorted Souw, lnl, 1L «lb. «na. jrm-saleby *Q» B^thW^BßatSM. POPULAR STYLES LIKENESSES— XT BBIMEB’S colored Piotofraptoe A Green. • nARTES DE YISITE.— TASTE IN Oarrsnucment and skill iu execution chawteriss w™!TSr«.wiiio“iK**' ? “ Epecjiaera. 11 pDRE LEHIGH gQAE. B OtlOW* Jst9 M4BKM «W«» AUCTION SALES. HERRNIgB’ BAZAAR, NINTH .ASS AST) SABSOH Street. at 10 o'clock. Fnlldeicriptlon. attsloi fnclndin.— A pair of stylish d.pple gray borses, safa andreliahl. for a fafirlly. J A sorrel mars; has trotted th'2 60 A sorrel stallion. ‘ * Bon Frank lie. • ’ 0 tuts old. And a number of ssperlor harness and saddle horsu. oollecllcw of declrabtVncw and second-hnaft n' . w f«sms..dsfrbori!S iaslndinit— Ansls*anttß° bor.scoaoh. nsarlVnsrw: a »» Watson; ln»wi order. A f&?»J.™ Mnl^" 11685 Wf ip«; «yf», hlrneM - bria1 *** M?± P*^x»e*jf»t,on ftetdnnt of Weather. wtSaMoXT s *“’’ CzrxUv*. oa mnaJ-JUf ALFBJSU M. S&KHSsV AUthOrur. CITY BAZAAR ANU TATTER^ akSo. BALLS, SACS Street, t;tvoen Eiwanth khA Twelfth . STESfB a fIHaSTPTOIf, Atfetionura. Ftfblle eats »* fBIMT. Mares 81,1865, About Su head of Etortgs,^ Cotitfrisiag some good Family Ho«ot, feti drtfld*. and goo’J'Saddle’ Horses _ Also, sisr go6d draught Borees • . , Also, tWo very «cod Furniture Wagon* f}ue T*rjr pnptrio? second btfnd Fhaetoh. A numser of good, driving £rei , *es. , Also, a lairgb ntfifluer of driving end York Horses'* which will be enumerated In catalogues atthetala, Also, ani&fWr'o'f *9Vf and seebna-haact Vehicies'oZ vai-ions descriptions.,, , At so, new and eeconff baud Harness • , . mhSO-2t THE PHS&ftX ffANUFMTiJRiIrer A COMPAHI wlll ofibrrtrsalaat PDBHO OB Gnt'OF APBIL BKXT, Allio’clockAilt. Altlr THE CdWuN MtSOHINBRT, Bow Is dooiShamln* order; at the PHENIX MILLS, PAT'IiBSON, ITKW JEBSET, Adapted for the mahlbs of Gotten Buck, vis: 26 Cotton Cards, 80 the Bickers* Beads, Brawls c and Speeders 1 ' Tcsatee, all complete. With Cans, Bobbins, Ac. 28Spisnin* Frames, 132 cjflndies oacbj 16 Framecb, ZK inch Traverse Gore Frames, J tden Tra verse. 2 pair Mules. 2,600 spindles.' >4 Twisters, 730 epinales r ; 62 Fewer Looms, for weavinc eofton or flax duck* alt ccmplete, with bhuttles. WinttErg'Frames, Eeeds, and Harness. 2 Tarn Presses 6 ib. bundlesecaST' 1 Tam Press, 10-tb. bundles. 2 Balllny Bfacbixes If Cotton Heels, Ac. Cans. Bobbins. Beits, Warp UilXe 7^kc. Lot*, of Band Hackles for flax. __ n»b2B 8t BBKJAMIK B, 7lfrP. PreildanA CTEBR & CHAMPION, AUCTION *3 BISS, Office 1130 and 1138 BaCB foeet. Will tell on ««*.-* w MOSDAT. April 3d, at 10 o'clock A. St, at 805 Arch street, the * t€ * 0l FIRST-CLASS FURRITTTSB STORK comprising in part of eugeres, tete-a-tetas/ waahstands, tables, bookcases and secretaries* whatnot*, warorebae, piano stools, libra- y tables, beaa fetor banging batrecka, habitude, B. W. p trior chairs* cane-seat and dining room chairs, towel racks; cotta** toitea camp doob, > oekers. Ac., &e The above sale ieworthy the attention of housekeep ers anWdealers. as the owner is declining the business* and every article will be sold without reserve, and am all made-fn m the best and finely-seasoned materials. foraflr«t clasa city trade. Also, the office fixtures of the above efore. Also, tools, workbench, hair cloth,Tarnish, brashes* cans, sc. Getalogces ready early moraln* of sale. Goods sow on vlewr AfllKßKiSßJSflf'lt’B. A CABBMY OF MUPIC. ■A*. FRIDAY, March 31,1*85. Grand German Dramatic Performance and BEBMPIT OP Mr. WjLLI&M BOTTSBB. Goethe’s celebrated Tragedy of FAGS?. DANIEL C" BANDHaN wiD appear for the Beaett of tie old and'fttet inaoag,,. WM. BOTTNEE, as HBFHBTOFHILSB, sseitted hr Mr; and Madams HOXM, manasers of the Stadt fheatre, Mew York^^ Ur. DANIEL DdNDMAN. ...Ksphlatophile*. (TheOreat Tragedian.) Mr. OTTO BOYMt ...... ™~F«nat. (Director of the New York Stadt Theatre. > Mrs. BoTM.. ....... Marnret (Of the Hew-Yorfc Stadt Theatre.) The other parte helni la the bauds of renowaeC artiste. Performance to commence at Sp’elosk. Tickets for sale at the Box Office of the Academy St Marie, from 10 A. M. to aP. M. mh© » MEW CHESTNUTS STREET THEA ■t” TBE-CBBKTHDT' STREET. above twelfth. THURSDAY SBth. 1816, OP THE ABBOBa«W>J>O#. ' OPeDD FELLOWS. The eveiing’a performance will commence with Mine Laura Been.’sOreat Moral-Drama indaets, THE WORKMBN OF PHILADELPHIA. CURSE? OFBKHrK. Tb-sondade with thwe&gaat styled THE LOAA O* A-LOTS ti. . _ . Gertrude, with s*ngii.»»....- Bople Gimber Kahn, SATWKDaT APTEBKOOW. April 1, TaiKTY-EIQHTH GBAaiVPAMHAY MATIIHL wiJP Be-performed. G2FAR6B op Tncs.—lSeorc open at 7 o’clock, to com mence at 8 o’cock. IMIDaY EVSdJKG, KIKGEPHst. BEHBfIT 0* TBB TBIBB WARD PRATT COMMIT TEE. _____ THEATRE. TBUR r DAY SVENIND; Man* M, BENEFIT ©F»W: H. BaIIBY. UNCLE TOM’S CABIN,, UNCLE TOM’S .CABIN, OSOEE TOM’S C.BIN, UNCLETOM’S CABIN. UNCLE TOM’S CABIN, a»B<" ■ • LITTLBYODDLBKINS. FRIDAY, BENEFIT OF-BBi B- YOPSS. MBS. JOBK MBW ABOH **A- STEBhT THEATRE- . PKTDaY hYßtmro, March YABRWIU.BSffBFITG£M«S.BAB»®T WILLIAMS. IfelSH LIOK. Mr. Barney “Williams (jritJiSon**)ii* .Tim Woora Mrs. Barney WUXiamsas, . Mrs. iiagig A Per which MRS. BAB2T&YvmLLIAISB i» OUT OFj'PLACK. Tohe f e U owedbr HKiKiaH^ ragß; Fac dy Bran (with Son,-ol *’ldmeriofc .Bases’ To conclude with thhtcreamingPerce. LATENT PROM B Wm^OfsßL .. Mr. and Mrs. BABKEY-WiLLIaSB-m the IRISH BOT snd.YABESE-wAL. Booh Book now opens, It* MBS. JOHN DKEW.’fK NEW ARCH A“A tTRBET THEATRE „„ TT ■ Mr. and Mrs. BARNEY WILLI IMS TO BIGHT (THURSDA Y), March 30 1866. )B THREE G* jRieUB PIEiJKS. . “shabby Maguire.*' _ “XaJMK-BB GOOSlSOffit" and “barney The baron." FBIDAY. Mrs. BARNEY WILLIAMS’ BSNEFIP. - MONDAY HI XT. EDWIN APAHB Musical fund mo. ANA Mile. DB KATOWf t Me. WEHLI. 9WO GBAUD CONGESTS 7HDBEDAT and FRIDAY March SGto-aad Sin Mr. MAY fiTBA-KOSCHhas-tba honor to announce that Mile. HELENE DE-KATOW,' the renowned Kussiaa ■Violoncellist, and Hr. JABEBBM- WJSHLI* the eminent Fiaso-forte vJJto^o^wU^iiive___ TWO J GBi'sa>a*i* P&thetfque, * *'BeBthoT6Sfc “ Wanderstund en, 5 'Heller; “Le Zephyr tor .'e* Boses? * rad Grand March Fantasia WehlL HUe..De.Katow yelil play ‘ ‘ Souvenir de Spa, SerraisandOSerbach’aMueette.” Admission SO cenfia Beseryed seats A)' rents extra The sale of seats com mences os TDEBDIY-. JBarch43£b, at 9A. H . as HHAS. W. A. TBBMPfcBB’S- Music Store* SBYKJirH and CPEBTBTOEtreets. _ Doors ocaa at 73£ To.comiaeseeatSo’cloelc. Chtefc ering’s friaaog are used at these Concerts- mhl7-6* MB. BEMPSTER, COMPOSER OF XTX “Theßay Qnssn.” '• Lament of the Irish Kml grait,"Sc., ha-rlns recently returned from Eoropa, B A l/LATI. feHTKRT AEB OF HIS MOST FOFU LAB 80808 ABB BALLADS. AT THB MUSICAL FO&D HALL, OB MOB BAT BVBftINO, April 3d, wfeich,wm include the “THE MAI QTJBBS. ’' Tickets, 60 cents each. JEeseiyed seats, BO cants extra* with number* attached, may fee secured at Mr . J, M. GOULD’S ¥u»ie Sure, ooraer of BRVB»TH and CHB6TBUT Streets, where a plan of the Hall may be see*, Tocommeneaat So’eloci. ORCHESTRA.- PUBLIC V*BSHEASSAI.S every SATURDAY at SK o’clock 3. M., at MfsICAL FURR HaLI,. Sragie Ticket*. W. cents. Six Hekete, $1: to be bad at Trnmoler's. Aa dte’B, and. Rerer’* Alaalo Stores, and at the Hall. 007-11 TPHB ACADEMY OP PEN'S ARTS, A CHESTNUT Street, above Tentti, is OPEN DAILY for vieitoJ«, from 9A.H.t06 F. M. jaK gggflinßffWl W E S-T CHESTEK PHILADELPHIA. RAIL* BOJID,YIA.MSI>IA.- SCMMBK ABBAHTGBMENT. Oar and after SOBDAI, April life 1865, the trains will leave aa follows: WKBT CHSSTBR.TSAINS Leave Philadelphia for We* t piaster at 7.35 and 10.38 A. 3»., and 2 15, 4.46, aed6 Leave Wett Cheater for pMl&te&hla at 6 20, 7.45, and 10.26 A. M , and 1 45and 4 4&E-.M. Tj^neleavSgVefct Cheater**7.4s A.M. andleaviitt PMiadGlpMft at 4 45 P. M- will-slip oily at Modi*. B.& Junction, Glen andStteetßoad. B.C. jDHOIIOa TBMHS .... , Leave Philadelphia for xfc-Q: Junction at 4*15 and Ift P. ~~ .. 11. Leave B. G. Junction fsft-BbiladelpHa at S3B A. K. mo 7.20 P.M. Theae trains stop station*. leave Philadelphia A_ VL and 2 P* Ht leave West Chester at 8-A. H andsP. m ll> Trains at 7.35 A. M. and 4 45 ?. M., and leaving Wesi/Sie&ier at 7.45 A. M-an-l 445 P. H. connect at B C Junction with trams oa P. & B. O. B.R. for Oxford andlnteneediate points. Paesenieze are alltiued m take wearini apparel onlp as hagsagSt and ihevompany will not. i» any ewe, be responsioia for an amount exceeding one hundred dol* lars» unless a contract is m%d*fss.the BBBBY WOOC P Qen’l Sap’i. Pail.apelpexa. t Marah 15,1855. mh2B»23ttf Bg—i..uiiXLuJ,miO CAMDEJS AND AT-( 'Hiy.ilijmc raeleoad. —Tni&aj leave Yine'BttteVFeirjr : , Freight. Oar attacked..■■ ***«»7.3P A Jft< Atlantic Accojaaiodattoa.• **♦——**‘f-JOE* S»c. JuMtion BO r. mu BBOTSMifa, LBAVBB AILAIfTIG. Atlantic AoconußCHlatios A. m* Freight, tuth Pauenger Gar attached***. **••!. 20 P. K* Junction, Aeeoiamodttioii.~»~~~*« »■«»«»? "■_»«& so a* m. Freight must be delivered at Cooper’s Ptint taoit 8 ita "ißftgfflSflU RARITAN AND TABS. S^f® 8 * GOOD 10* Bamenisra for BxpwwTMitofor Tnekeiton, Bani«*ri. Uomsßlver; BotrßifHx&j end Brooklyn loavo VIHl* iSTKEBT TiKBT aUIIS A ML, drily (BuriUyt «X- Brook l,sfay Tniln f»? AUlon. Bkarrini, Ifanaßaator. *A« A.. ! JffT«Oan e i»»»T»lnU» h 46 ,ir—W TTKW EXPBESSLINB, TO jfiK aj,sxahokia. GiOBaBTOwS. AH> WaSHIKGTG*. Yl» Ch|Bawu.6« *n«»» & Bofrßß. ffiam issax^rsr*® rT * ’ cottage organs Hot only TOreXQS&LXD, butßUßaßAiip $ of Tons cod'lWer, desissed (? r Jf?SrJ?2 ud School!, tot toondlobe aqaj,lly well >dM>ted “ tbs Parlor eaOnidii Soosa. “isle Mo IS ttortb SSOTTB.Statft tin, I couplet* cMOTtmcoiof “>• •ongtaatiy oat naiad.- S WRITTEN AND YBBBA& p®* *a4«w»m«. I>T Baofcfeil^ ««11-t»t}W!lT# B«; UB S’ ®*** mh»-5f 1 mlflg stafcksmSfc*