WSB“ Woo PREMIUM Will ns PAID SK* r to any Artist who will furnish the beet PKHOIL, CHARCOAL, or OKATvN SKETCH, to he approved hr tbs Committee, fora Design for e large PRIOB Bltf. MBH, bated on the three great American Ktngs-Klng Cora, Riag 'Wheat, and KitJ, Cotton. Agrlodhate, iite Great Staple., and the Manafaetarea are to be represented. ~ „ , . . Young Ladles skilled in the art are Invited to engage in the good eaase. , „,, A written descrintl.n of the Banner eaa he seenta the basement of the City Law Building, fdlH South PIET a threat. It* j|3H” TJ ®IR MEMBERS op SENSING* »2» TOM OOTTHCIL, Bo 9 O. U k M , and the Order In general are respurtfaUv requested to meet at Iho Hall, corner of TOBRTH and S&OKGS Streets. on atOMPAT Afterncon the 27th in at., at Hi o’c’ock, to at* trad tje fnieral of oar late brother, WILnIAK B. CLARE. By order of the Connell, It* fg. H. BTBBL, 0 KSp SISIH WABD An adjourned meetln* o 1 Drafted and Enrolled Citiien* of the Stnth Ward will beheld on TQBSDaT EVBjllßa, Hamh 28ih, at the Hall HABKETaid MBB BIOK Strette, We bare reduced the quota of the ward from 178 to about®, additional funds are required. Those dratted me* jHrho hare not euhseribed will hare an opportunity A llstTs *ow btlnff made of thore who have not sub- MHted, whleb, when completed, will be published. S »..eHn g e.d,rold A e Sraj!i(iOTTz PnsMeofc. m*27 3 *1 •Joan L. gtiji, StcreUiy. JirTIOTTH WARD-A. SEE*. j Prntactiva Aasoota. Hoa bi BYSS lU9 t at Hu Halt# north ' 5P #?* WES P Sweets. {iiatwacm 80 cloak. Every zneia 5S*tS. 1 !S t £Sii®i? *5 present, a* business of neat im* pottanco Bill be brought before the meeting, It* ♦y raiMDii, paiiTnr a Bifflis, 'wlS.—Aa Informs! Meeting of the ntookholders m frm&Bion haa tentl vrgb quantities of clothing, blankets, .end chcesto various points through the winter, but iis at all in proportion to the demand. It U said that iTf* barrels! of cldthiec per d»> wuuld not saffle* for ' thsM arriving at Cairo *l.»oe. Ra'irme are Issued from tie Home at Nashville to 3,C00 peruana. jFh* Union Commiaalon has hitherto made so special ippe&l to the churches or citlzeoa of Philadelphia, but rhow cenfctxaincd toaSk ashaiooftheir liberality, bo sr-Wy extended to* the Commission* which are labor ing in other portions of the treat field of patriotic be nevolence now providentially open to ns all. The Vadagers at Hew I o*k are to secure a public collection, or private eontzlbaticPi to their fund*, from all our churches, duriog the remainder of Ibl* month. They have so means of accomplishing this ‘Object by personal appeal', and therefore they have resoiTed -to address a Circular to all. They hops for a liberal iespone* to this appeal in behalf of the cause of religion and humanity. We, the undersigned heartily commend the above appeal to the ministers and members of our respective denomination*, and to the In general. ALBERT BARNES. B. A. BoARDMAN, J. WHEATON- Si ITS, BrOHVbBD fIaWTOIT, PE&HEL COOMBB, j, H. dOMBSKO&R, TTh« undersigned has. consented to urge the work of the M Union Crmm!esioh tr np, (Prof. t Kendall, (Trigonometry) written F.*dm 12 to EL Juniors* by Prof. Faze% (tlydrodynamies.) oral. | FBIJ>AY. 24th —From 10 t> 12 Juniors by the Pro west, (Intellectual Philosophy ,) oral. From 12 to 2, Jflopaomore#, °7 Trot. Covp6», (Logic ) oral mOSjOaT, 27*h.—Frons W to 12. Sookomores. Prof, Allen, (Thucydides —Sieil an Expedition completed.) oral. From 12 to 2, Juniors, bj Prof. Kendall, (Dif ferential Calculus,) written. • ’ _ TUESDAY, 28th.—From 10 to 12. Juniors, by Prof. Alien, (Demosthenes—First Olynthiac and Fitst Pht tipple*) oral. FrPHiAt March 10, 1886. The Stockholders of this Company are hereby notified Bto provide means for complettngtbe improvement* e Company between Wilkeebarre and Maueh k, and 10 he prepared to progress with other lm irtanf railroad connection*. the Board of Managers tve deteimine&to allow to all persons who ,ahaU-*p >ara* Stooiholdexß on the **rok» or tha Oompaaf on ie 18fth last., afier-elosint of transfers at S P. 11 of hat day. the privilege of subscribing for new stock ai star, to the extent of one share of new stock for every tve shares then standing In their names. B*eh share* iolder entitled to a fractional part of a share shall have he privilege of snhscribing Jor a full share The subscription hook* will open on the 20th insk, hd dose on the *tih of May at 3P.M The ««*»*«« »|ll not participate in the May dividend. Paymento 111 he rtgnii ed as follows: Tea per cent. at the time subscribing, and the balance on the 24th day of May wet aid, after which time only will the new certificates 1 if fisf d Stockholders not paying aeatovewtll lose their right the new atook. Thoee who desire to anticipate pay • rot will he allowed discount on the whole amount of iir subscription at the rate of »1t uercrutper annnm. ih!B 1m SOLOMON BHBFHSBD, Treasurer. CHOBAL FKSTIVAI. TRINITY CHOIB OF HEW YORK, fader the direction of Dr. OUTLSK, .will repeat the W fa^Wt^O^ch,^ j WEDNBBDA.Y and THORSD IY, April 19, ADMISSION $1 £0 Tlolreti foraaleat Qonld’e Ko ic 1 tore and at the JSplcoopal, Book Store, 1221 Gheat ’posmVSLY no money will he the burcb, aid no mors tickets will be aoi<> than tae aurchcan comfortably accommodate. vrs In future annooueemgiiU. mnaj-mst the public abb respect -<• folly informed teas Ci J,& 80JJ8* (o. 33 Boitfc PUPTH Street Philadelphia will receive VbfCTipiioDS for a anrober of ahfcrea remaining unsold M1BO«“ > Fasm O oF“cOMP*NT, Gr, M o county, MiwWattluts SabMrigiion »rlee. MT. YBKJSOS LUMBER AND MIKIHG fiOMPAJ* Y, *ntre county, Pennsj lvanta. Subscription prloe, “iiILLCKMIK OIL COMFAH V, Payette county. West Hrcinla. Subscription Par value, SLS ? iQTJAL!TS OIL COMP » Nr. 'Ysrren ooantJ. Penn ,] van ta. Subscription price, M Cents. Par value, $l. ’■TWO LICKOIf,OOMPSHY, Indiana county. Penn- Subscription Brice, 25 Cent* Par value, *l. ’jtS~ Pie v* eaU 01 Wnd for Procpectttses. nm2o-S6 IEtHJBR-ipKBKT. T. DB WITT TALMAGB bar! nr b« en'reouwst • d to iapsat grt&t lecture, * 1 Grumbler & Company* _ will do bo THU kSDAT KVBJfl' G. sod taat, Handßl and lydn Hall, corn er BIGHTH and poors open at ? o dock. Lecture at 8. Jackets 26 wile “he haa of a. A. Bower, cor. Btxth and Greoo iGbo, imb ocr Sixth an dTeplart Aebmead&Bvans.Chest i bd Eighth, and At the door on the oveningof lac- onics OLD TOWNSHIP LINK KOAB COMPACT. No 3100 OBBSTHUTst., Phil ajjelfhia. March fbe Annual Meothur of the Stnclmolderaorthe Old wnshlp Lino Bosd oompanywill he held on MOB iv *1 rll 3, 1865, at 80. JB3 MbRCHA.BT» S*>* lANGE, at lalf past lao’clocsP M « as wWch time I place an eltotion will be hold for President and Ed itor* to tecya Che oientngEjear. • _ _ . ihS4-tapB Witt, W. COLKRT, gaerotary. OFFICE OF lII* WESTMOBE. LAUD COAL OoMPAiri, So. »30 South ,D Btreat, comer of Willie* ; Philadelphia, March lp, 1883. je Annual Heetta* of the Stockholders of the We«t jreland Coal Company will be held at the nHoe of to Company, on WIIDS SBOAT, April 3th, 1865 at 13 f clock M., when an Election will oe bold for eleven itrectors to serve dazing the en»uin*ye*r. mlil7-.ap6 F H. JACSSOg- Secretary. omOB OV THE BOHKWIA.IS MINING COMPANY OP MICHIGAN, 13* ILHUT Street. p HttADI!I p H , A M«ch2O,IBSS aR-mftT come before it. wlUlwMd at tbsofoß Of '« Secretary, 13* WALNUT (itr.etin the city ofPhila ielphie, on tbftBBOONB MptIUAY. the 10th day of April, (A.D. IS®, ctlOo'clotlc-A. p DABOT f, TO jr, mhai-tlOap Secretary OVUCE OF MBBBIB4C MIMSO COMPAHT OF LKKH SUPEBIOB, 13* WAIr JT Ftieet. „ * *JNTTAT, MBBTIKO of the Htacbbolaan or tbu SraM?or*hB B&OWHf OF WBWI'OBf. and got (her business as m*y co ™*^2 r Y O SUFM}% b < o *thm U Office of tbs f ecrstsry, kond a T Si OIJL, COHFA3HESB. WEST VIRGINIA SAXIONAI PETKOUEIIM ASSOCIATION, the treatraeln the ealoeolttelaade. it wee tilß SSffm «5J«Tb* W sUh sixth .treat, or He. 1S m N» ; tt r eet. llahion GlUln.haia. Ho. |lffl A^»t«^t. Jamet Zimmerman, BoIKH »wo Jonee Webster, H0 ; .50 or Tiota afae»t, near Twentieth. _—r= *ta» OFFICE OF JERSEY WM* OOBWHT. Phlladkli .hia, March MI9M. STbe following Information ha. beea troin la«XJIL QKIAwH, IBM. - Jersey Well ia all.afe; nodamaie done, ana nolaoxop otolllod.” M fweeteliadwilha 'alter from 'Ho\ h9 D « 1885, BlppetJ Ho* Creek and adjacent atraame,l»na "** r«itoalmo,t fabnlooeprice.! new been made along BJtp».rr Bock and Mnddy niJni ae Beaver rivers land along (some or tneae rireaoß l? now filing at one. ! i ol ”eH S® r aHHM«)>»Ht -~..«..-»J0,000. OFFICE OF THB COMPANY, No. 13 tSoutb. Tblrd Street. PHILADELPHIA PRESIDENT, JOHN STILZ. SECRETARY, CHRISTIAN KNEASS. TBEABORBR, ROBERT O. DAVIS. nmuOTORa, JOHN BTILZ, JOHN BARRY, CHAB. W. F. CALVERT. ISAAC RHINESTBOM, THOMAS FISHER, ENOCH GRAY, ROBERT 0. DAVIB. 1. Tbs property consists of'ose hundred (100) acres in ee simple, on'Aowtber’s Kan, Ritchie county, West Vjrxinift, about .two miles from the forks of Hashes leer, and within* a abort distance of tbs neat AsphaU uni Goal Banks oS Bltchie county. This estate Is located within tbe-lrarasdiaie centra of be Orest Oil Belt of West Tiniaia, which .action, for be superiority of its oil. and for the quantity and car. ainty of its yield, surpasses tbs weN-known Venanco region of Pennsylvania, This tract lies on eitfcerside of the Bun; Intersected by numerous streams, with a great abundance of tim ber on tho premises for ail-the purposes of' carrying on the successful deveropmen.'of the land. The dip of the rooks in tbs ravines along-tb« Rnn and streams, and the indications,)! the presence-or oil os the land, arc sufficient to warrant the belief that there will be an abundant supply of oil. The property has been examined by a competent per son,and declared to be unquestionable "oil territory." The recent strike of the one hundred barrel fluffing well near the forks of the Hu ikes river is only a short distance from this property, that enhancing the value of this tract as lint- class oil territory, and doubly as suring us that there will be an- ample return to all in vestments. % One hundred and ninety-six acres of Mineral Lands,situated on Lioking Greek, Pulton county, Penn sylvania, aboundins in Iron Ore- and other valuable minerals, and heavily tiihhered. The titles to the above property are perfect. A limited number of shares wlll ba sold at SI per share. Subscriptions received by ROBERT C. DAVIS, Treasurer, at the office of the Company, No. A 3 South THIRD Street. Philadelphia. mh2l-6t OFFIGR OF THE JERSEY WELMP&IE- CO. PHILADELPHIA, March2s,lBBs. The following Information has been received from BABDEL GRIFFITH, Bsq,. one of the Directors': MERCER, HA80ff'22.,1885. THE JBBSEY WELL IS ALL SAFE. NO DAMAGE DUNE, AND NOT A DROP OF OIL LOST. The Company hays teen furnished with a tetter from Hon. D W. Findley, dated Mercer, • March 2S, 1855, from which they extract as follows : •* From the amount of Oil mow-being discovered on Slippery Bock Greek, and adjacent streams; land has risen to almost fabulous prices. New developments have been made along Slippery Rdck and Muddy Greeks and along the Beaver River. Land along some of these streams ts now selling at one, two and three thousand dollars per acre” mh2?-St W. H. BARLOW, Secretary. |Si» TEE MAMMOTH' SHPPBBY Id® book oil company OF PHILADELPHIA 900 ACBIS OF L*ND SITUATED ON SLIPPERY BOCK CREEK. BDTLBB COUNTY; pa. 130 ACRES INFER AND ACRES ON A TWENTY IEAo LSioE, CAPITAL, 500,000 SHARES .. —PAR VALUE PEE B&aߣ< 91,*. WOBKTHG CAPITALiS»S.OOO> EGBSGBIPTIOtf PBIOB TO SITBSORt. BEBB. 05 GENTS PER SBABfi, OFFICE*. Jto—Sa^JWaLjyß&r* px»«. «.,n mn.v >rr tr FBBSIDBHT. WILLIAM 0. MoKXBBIV, Proprietor of Merchants’ HotaL. TREASMRBRv B. A MARSHALL; Js*-, Ho. 213 Walnut street, SECRETARY, W. EL BAY WOOD, Ho. 213 Walnut street. DI&ECTOftS. JASPER E. BBADI, Jr., Cashier Citizens* national Bank. Pittsburg. GEOAGE Be GUHDY, Merchant. Bethlehem, Pa. LEWIS 0 GREEK. Of The Catholic H&rald andiUhiverse. Colonel G. H. QHRI&TMAK. Importer, 1U Walnut street. Boil 0. M DOEAYAS, State Senator. WILLIAM Ge McSIBBIN, M* reheats’ Hotel ‘ WILL [AM H. BAKSES. Merchant, Philadelphia. Theproptrties contain f-nfiieient territoryfo* TWO THOUSAND WlLbB. „ _• These lands are'ail situated in one of the choicest localities on Slippery Bock Greek, and neur one of the large-producing Webs recently struck there. Itiß m lieyed the Stock will he par by July, when a portion of the lands will be developed. l _ ___ JVos less than One Hundred Shares loiltpe sold to any one. and one'half the Subscription Price snare will be required of each Subscriber on- entering their names on the books. _ , _ This Company Is the only Companyowntoloolarge an amount of tenUory on slippery Book Crsefc, which promises to rival Oil Creek In its production of OIL CJr. m tho Pittsburg Commercial ] “Too recent strlkes-on Slippery Kook Creek have caused an intense excitement in that locality, and lands are consequently rapidly increaaing in yalua. Me. Olu, of Lawrence county, arrived in tie eityfrom tke new Oil Dorado yesterday, and reports that the now well yeas flowing -fifty barreie per cav, the oil being of the most excellent lubricating gualitvj [From the Petroleum and liming Journal, Pittsburg. 3 “A new well has been struck on Slippery Book Greek* near tho Butler-county line, which proves beyond a doubt «he existence of Oil in that section. Lands are grtatly increased ia yalue. Tlew-aores are said to hare sold for tmthovsand dollars.” ... - The lands of this Company are situated near the lauds of the Jersey Weil Oil Company; and were selected by one of the most experienced oil men in western Fean tylyania. .The titles- have been examined* and are PBBFRCT--c l eaT of all eucurntrances. ___ ___ SIXTY THOUSAND BHABEB- WERE TAKSH THE PAY THB COMFAHY W*S GKGANISAD The Company will be chartered immediately. ’ • The Boom are now open foi a short time only at the Office of the Company. Money may be remitted to the Treasurer* and printed receipts for Stock will be for* warded at once. Address E. A. MIRBHALL. Treasurer. , mhS7 31 Mo 313 WALSDT Street, PhUa. ALLI ANCE PBIBOtEDM ASD fas' coal company: CHARTERED UNDER TBB. LAWS OF PENN’A. 6eo,ooo'BHhßßB. SUBSCRIPTION PBIOE TWENTY FIVB 01NTS FEE BHABB FOB FULL- PAID STOCK. PAR VALUE OF BACH SHARB, $l. WORKING CAPITAL, *35,000. Pbmipest-JOBIAH J. ALLEN. Treasurer —CHAB. W. MOBSB. DIRECTORS, J. J. ALLBN. .CHARLES W. MORSE, GBOBGB L. PEN AT. WM. S. NEEDLES. CHaS. B. HOLBBOOK, i BEOTtETiRT-SAMUBI. ALLS*. Eupebiktekdeet—ALßßßT TIBBIH. OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, 1358. THIRD STREET. Subscriptions received by E. A. MARSHALL, Jr., 313 WALNUT STREET. The property of this Company comprises the follow Cambria county, Feunsyl-Rnia. The Cnsawaga Creek runs through the property. One hundred and ten aeree le boring territory, and there Ib room for over FOUB HtJKDBKD WELLS. A fine vein of coal le on this tract, pronounced by- Indus inexhaustible. The timber is privolpatly oak. Oie las been taken on the t above stream from od salt Walls. Wells arc now.being boxed in the immediate of a twenty years’ lease in Pleasant county, West \ irgiula, on Bswson's Run, a branch of Bull Creek. A number of ltrge producing-wells are adjoining. Two wells are now going down on this U Woll No lis down 984 feet. wifL a fineishow or oil. and within MB feet of the celebrated Tack Well. There ie a fine ID-hone engine, engine-house, derrtek. tanks, &c . all in working-order* and now in fall operation. Well Bo 2-Eyerything to here ready, and only waiting for the engine. SUBSCREPTIOffS - By mall, addressed to the President, J £ AtiLBH, of Allen * Needle*. 42 SOUTH W HARYBB, or tha Trea sorer. 0. W MOitSß* of fipeare. Holbrook, A H rse. 108 WALKtTT Street* will leceive prompt attention Kemitiaacee can be made by draft express, or regis tered letter. Goyemment bonds and seeariiles taken Bookawill open at 213 "WALNUT Stifate obMOITDAY* March JOth, and close WED TBS tHT. Marchafltb, Ph27»2t BiSAWHi ASI> BHIDUE BOX OIL COMPANY.” , , Tho undersigned, corporators named In tlio agree menl l'o?orm t“e •• Kanawha and Bridge Bun Oil Com ’l' of Restate of Wf at Virginia. do hereby ap SilS’the 12th day of April. A: 1845. .at 4 o'clock point the 12th 333 aLb tJT.Btreel, Koom no. 8, io the Fi.Jnfphilndelnhla. as the ttnieand place for holding acenfial limiting of the stcctholderr, to electa 8»«S vi 8B mat a Br-laws and transact aur other Inri«»« whioh may law&iy he done by the. aid Mo* holder! in general meeting. JoggpH shobMaKBR, M S MYBRS, CHaRIiBtB ULLBI, CHABLBS KELLY. BKBAKPB TiSPALL. mfe2s- 2i* ~i 'fiTAUDIK 4 STfMfB .Oil AJI® t3i^JJINIBO CO MFaHY—CHEAPEST BTjCK IB THE MASK*T. ITiL 300i000 SHAKES. Ejpuvin » i«W d*TB»BBWweH fc*£ b-*en fi^rU i^ a dlst»»« ofos® ituirad yard. ftom o« tsopewy, on th ii?fh«T»ndg of tills Conically are located within tie «■* •'•ocilabei»* lW ,s*in cOOPSH, ProsUaat. IiMEB M IERanSON mISS-Mt CBARH BIDSBOTHaM. Hectotiuy. TBC ANNUAL, M EKTiy, G OFTHIE BOCK mL OOaPANI will be held in accordance with tVe by-jawa. at the when anetectlon will bsfcfld f« “gba? " r ” *ISMSF‘™*_- iSKSS'*S4SEb. ■■ OKI. (MMEPIHm MAPEL AMBER OIL COMPANY. OAPX!TA!L**"iMttti«*iiHssoofOOOa' SHAKES • MMISItiMIIMMfMttiIOOgObO* FAX VALUE, 95. NO,OOO SHARK RESERVED AS WORKING CAPITAL, •1 PER SHARE FOR FULL-PAID STOCK. FXEBIDEET, H. D. FLING, 23 South THIRD Street. TBKABUEEE, THOMAS T. MASON, (Of Huron ft C 0.,) No. 428 MARKET Street. . SECRETARY, DANIEL L. LEEDS, 108 South FOURTH Street. dibectoKs, GEORGE FEBETHPIBB, of Perklnpin# ft Higgins, Ho. 66 Forth FOURTH Street » JO&IiB BASSETT, Jr.. Ho. 423 MARKET Street. . EDWARD H. HANOE, of Hanes, Griffith* * C0.,H0. 509 Bast FORTH Street. HD FLTEG. THOMAS T. MASOH. ' JOHN G. WILLIAMS, Bupeiintenifofit. Tract Ho 1. Consist# of a lease of five acres for the term of twenty years, with a royalty of only one* eighth, situated on the celebrated “Mapel Farm. M Dh’akard Crick* Greene county, Penna,, and in close proximity to the famed Wylie wells; Continental, and Bremer wells, which are flowing and pumping from 10 to 60 barrels per day.. Tract Ho. 2. A le&ie of thirty-five acres for the term of nineteen years, with a royalty of three-eighths, situ ated on the Myers Farm. Big Whitely. Greek, Greene comity, Penna. This tract is well timbered, and is underlaid by a five* feet yein of bituminous coal, (with .Quite a number of banks already opened,) both of which the Company have the full privilege of using, free of charge, to carry on their operations. ' The moat remarkable feature of the 4 4 Mapel Farm * 1 is, that no well has ever been bored from 350 to eoo feet without producing oil in paying Quantities, and all that has been obtained so far has been the celebrated Amber Oil, which, in its crude state* is so pure that It is used by persons in the vicinity for ilium selling readily at $23 per barrel. It has also been tested by machinists in Philadelphia, and found equal to the bast Sperm Oil for lubricating, Mr. JOHN <>. WIXJLIAMS, our superintendent.who is now on the property* has en isled men, and is vigorously prosecuting the work. Two .wells will be put down at once upon the Mapel fans, and one upon the Myers Fans. 2D,0C0 shares only offered for sale, the larger portion of which has already been subscribed. STATES, BY SPENCER: n. appee tow & 00., Mo*. 44*wia'MS BROADWAY. PnblUH'TM* Day: SOCIAL. STATICS; , ' 4 orf,’ hvm* CORDITIORB BSW&tiaL TO HUMAR BAP > PJ#S§B f SPEOiPfeIK ARJ> THB FIRST OF THEM DRVKLOPBD. By HERBB&T'fePBJfCER* Author of “Illustrations of Progress,** “ Essay St-” , , • * ■ Fijßt etc "With!'a Roiiec of the Author and a Stool Portrait. 1 TOl.. 12mn Pxloo $2. CON rENTj. PAEV L ZteiSfeltiou of Morality— She BW> essence of Bril—The - Riviawlftea) and the Condi ileus of’its Realization, Perivhtfonof a First Principle—First Principle—The Rights of Life and Personal Llberty—Tha Right to the tbeof thh-*B*rih—’The Right of Property —The Bight of Prfuerty Jh Idess—Tbe Right of Property 1b Character —The Rte*t : of Exchange—The Bighrof Free Further Rlghtl,—The Rights of Women—The Rights of' Children. • . Past 111. i PoUHcal Rfghts—The Bight to Ignore the Stats—The Constitution bf the Ftate—The Duty of’the Ss&ts—Tfae limit of BtofcADaty—The Regulation of Comnieioa—Be* lliious Brtabli«hxuents—Poor Laws—national Sluca tion—Sanltaryitapf rylsiou—Onrrency—PbstEd Arrange stents* Ac. * - I). A, ACo also publish the following works by the seme Author: " ■ _ BDCOATIOjr -*IRTBLLBCTUAL, MORAL* ARP PBTSrCAL. lvoh* 12mo. $1 M. ILLUSTRATION* OF UNIVERSAL PROGRESS. 1 vfl*32mo. $2 assays—moral, political, aed 1 rol , 12mo. $2. ~ : ' - THB CLASSIFICATION OF THB SCIBRCBS, to which i* added reasons for dissenting from the Philoso phy of M. Oomte. 26 cents _ . FIBBT PRINCIPLES. VoL 1 of a ReW'System of Philosophy. $2. Any of the above sent ftee, by mall* on receipt df the price. mh27 2t CAPITA!., OWE MILUON DOUC.AES, M einci, 93 SOUTH THIKD STREET, rabid. wfrmSl gggF* PETROLKt*. THE HEW YORK AND MVEBPOOIi PETEOLEUM COMPANY, ORGANIZED ORDER THB* tturora ahd mahufagtueing laws of the STATS OF HEW* YORK. ONE HTTNPEED THOUSAND SHARES, 910 FEB SHAKE. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, #5 PBRSHARE, NOT LIABLE TO FURTHER ASSESSMENT. OFFICES: No. 34 EMPIRE BUILDIHB, Mo. 71 BROADWAY, NEW TORN. Post Office abdbxss, Box No. 6868, New. York OVBTOBB*. Eos. DANIEL 8. DICKINSON, President. WM. T. PHIPPS, Vice Pre.ldent. ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary. H. JBBCRTIS. Mining Superintendent, Titusville, Pa. ATLANTIC BANK,No. 142 Broadway, N. Y., Treasury. The well! of the Company are now produsin* oU. Payment for stock may be made to draft*, registered notes, or Government bonds snd securities, which bonds and secnrities will be taken at their market value. . Remittances may be addressed to the Company, P. O. Box 80. 6868. New York City, or to *-Atlantis Bank, Treasury of the New York and Liverpool Petroleum Company, No. 142 Broadway. New York City,” or to any of its agents. jnhASm THE Oil. BBOOK fETBOLCTM 'fotuer»offi¥6A^l«oi T^at»oSam > Co*mpanT wsißfflVi notified that ft meetltur CB AMTS' SATtfaDAT, the tth of April, 1865, at 4 o’clock PM., for the po’- po&eofeffecttoc permanent organisation* clectiag offl* cere, an* transacting such, otherjbosiaeßS as »*y l»c necB»*ary in order to comply with the law of West Viniaift, tunodi tthlch^harte^ Secretary pro tem. mh27-2t Masch 18,1665. Ksa- A MEETING .OF THE STOCK. **? HOLDB3B OF THB LITTLE K ANA.WHA A«D SPKIHO CK*BK OIL COMPANY Wlll ba held at the Northwest comer of FOUKTH aod W ALNUT Streets, on MONDAY. April Mth, at 2 o'clock P. «L, to make by laws and elect Board of Directors to serve one year. JOSEPH N. SUCH, .. President. " SAMUEL ECCEB3. JK., Treasurer. The propertiea Of this company comprise 2D acres on lease at M royalty on Burring Springe Bun, Wirt county. West Yirglnia. and 603 acres on Sprint Creek, near the ahoye, In lee simple. The company haye two engines on the around working. , A limited portion of the worklpE capital Is still not enhscribed for, which can 1m hadiat anbscriptlon Price. |1 per share, at the office, 80. 836GHUSOH Alley. mtZltaplO . ■ : NOTICE. —THE fIUBSCSBIPTIOH Book, of THB HOOVES AHD MABSHiLL Oil, COMPiITS »IMboclo.eAooUl " ‘ Secretary. mh34-3t* Ok'FICR OBSASIC Oil. COXFA' *=*» hy. 10 MBBCHANTS’ BXC HANGS. Philadelphia. March 23, USD. The snir. rial meetiD e of Steel holders will be hold on tie 6th day ol tpril, at 12 o'clock H ' ’. _ w>l33*ttp6 STILES, Jr., Secretary. ts> MORRIS FARM Ott eOMPIHT, **? OFFICE, !*»«JfAI.HnT StMeVPhlladelphla, BBCOND BTOHY FBOHT BOOM. 4S* Circni&rs can be procured upon be ogee of the Company. mh2-lm B'YKF*’ ■ ©NXM®' Ob' PEBE MINIS!® COS I PANT OF I.AKB BUFBBIOB, Ho. 319 WAh- NOT Street, Philadelphia, Maroh h 4, IMS. The annuel meettn* of the Stockholders of this Oom. pany, for iheeleotton of Directorsi and rnch other bnai uesa as may com® bßiore lt r will bo Meld at toe office of the Company, Bo; Bl& waLKFT Street. cAty of delpWa. on the first TUESDAY, the its. day of April, A D at 8 o’clock p. M. - , mh2S-iap4 PaVID S. BEYL, Secretary. NOTICK-OFFICR OP fcs§? the «ABB INGTON AND WALNUT BIRD OIL 00., No 31ATSABKKTStreet, Philadelphia, March 18,1885. • The Directors of this Company have this day declared a Dividend of TWO FSB GENT., clear of tax, payable on and after April 3d next. . ■ Transfer books dote on gnd £|eu April 5hW ISt ; Treasnrer, orncß or ra* j»krkyoil Isss? coiSrANY, Southeast comer of WALNUT and FOUBTH Streets. „ . „ 10 « Philadelphia, Slarch3o-.lJ®5. Tie animal meeting of tie Stockholders of thePSRBY OIIi COMPaBY will he held at the oflee of tie Com pany, on MOBDAY* the 10th of Aprilnext, at 11 o’clock A. H ,when an election will he held for nine Directors, a Treasurer, to st r v j PKRr/, 7 ***' Secretary. ali2o»mwfstaplo I»ITXD£ND NOTICE. OFFICE OF THE BaTHBONB AND CAMDEN Oil. COMP ANN. Philadelphia, March 21,1855. Tho Beard of Directors have this day declareda Dlvi dsndof ONE PER CENT, on their Capital Stock, paya ble at their Office, No. iißl .South FIFTH Street, on and after Apr! lit t .cle a rof State tax The Transfer Boohs will he dosed on the 26th intt., a* 3P.M. and reopened onthe 8d prorimo. ISAAC BAKBK, mMa-wfmat* - ' Secretary, OFFICE OP THE SEW ENPIKE Bp ikon and petroleum company, no. »»» WALNOT STBBBrr, (Room 6 ) PniLAOBLPHiA, March 21,1863. ' The Annual Meeting ol the Stockholders will be held on MONDAY the 27th inst, at 3 o'clock P. M. An Election for officers to JgfoirtUb. mh22-6t* Secretary. anuTARi. u BOUNTY BOR MARINES.— ■ WASTED—"Veterans, only, having honorable dia ft* charges from the 0. S. Marine Corps ;■ will ba entitled Jit to the Government and all the local bounties, paid upon enlistment. Term of service four years. Better compensation than the army. Marines receive^ prise money. For all farther information apply at the re cruiting Tendarvona. So 311 South FBOBT Street* be low Spruce sheet, between the hourßof| |nd^o^oclc. Captain and BeemUlngOfilcer. fXJLORED PHOTOGRAPHS.—ONLY \j go Secure cue of those admirable Likenesses made at BEIMSJv’S. The* ©vine* ability *f a dtr, are accurate and durable. SEGOUD Street, above Green. • *<■* T XFE SIZB PHOTOGRAPHS, IN OIL Ai eolcri', unQuestionably the most truthful Like nessesmade B F. ftBIMER’B styles in arrangement, execution, and coloring, axe unsurpassed. See opeci* meis, 6»4rABCB Street It* PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS-SECURE A xk€ best. ‘The patented hinge back Albums are the moat durable* combiuini elfg&nc*. strength, and fiat'* fell it y AU sixes sold at B. F. BEX IXKRS, 684 ARCH Stre»t It* A BTJIST’S nursery, sixty !2Cbbvb»th street asd darby road-a laiae Stock of Fruit. Shade, and Ornamental Trees and Evergreens. Vines and Roses, ail at the very lowest prices, and correctly named. mh.35 21* A FOR EXCHANGE, IN PART—A TE-vory nice productive FARM. 73 acres, with good imuTovementt, fruit, timber, and. water; only four miles from Railroad Station. In eueks county. First time offered to the public. Address W\ BBKKS, Leas dale, Pennsylvania. mhas-y TO HOLDERS OP OIL STOCKS.—I A will exchange #50,M0 u»jih of Pnraiture.' at «nt prlcet. for good OnStockß, and will add ten pat oeat. to the price ofetoolc now eelUs* on the maAet __ T _ rah 22 6t 80%ftttd 811 OHESXS,ter‘Street. ffifffl E^CBY'S COTTAGE ORQANB Hot only TJHBXCjiWiSD. but UJ33QUAKDSD la pnrit] of Tons and Power, designed eepoclilly for Chnrohe: and Schools, bat found to be’ equally well adapted k the Parlor asADiawln* Boom, Bor tale only by No. 1$ North fgVßNTHJtreet. Aleo. a complete assortment of the Perfect MelcAaoi eoastaaVly on hansl. feZl-Sm TAKE no MORE UNPLEASANT 1 isaSig«M.aii •WaNAMAKEB & CSOWH, THE . PRESS.-PHILAI)ET,raiA, MONDAY. MAECH 27, 18®. NEW. PIJBUCiTIOSS. QN THE 12th OF APRIL WILE/ APPEAR iHe fir:,t number of HI) UB 8 AT HO MI; A POPULAR MAGAZINE OP RELIGIOUS and useful literature. $3 a Tear: Slagle Ktimbers 2S cents. HOOKS AT HOME is designed to baa-religions and literary monthly of thevsry highest ebaracter. MowX penee wll be spared to make it equal to onr best maga zines In artistic and mechanical execution. It will ex clude everything of a' frivolous aid evil tendency, and aim to fumiah a pure, healthful, and useful literature; Besides articles on reiigloue subjects, it will contain re visit aof books, historical and biographical sketches, poetry, notes of travel, moral tales, papers on popular science, and essays on various topics. The following names of some of the contributors to HOtJBS AT HOME will be accepted asa pledge of the high standard of literary and re Uklous excellence whtch will characterise it, and also of its entire Catholicity: F. D. Hnnt’neton. D.D. JosephP. Thompson.D.D. Philip'£ehaff, D D. Henry A HeLson, D.D. 'Will&m Adams, D B. Prof. M. L. btrover, D.D. Elbert B. Ponor, D. i> O L Prentiss, D J>. B. L Fancier. Erer pear ' 7 TOlB. small 8?o., handfeomely printed on; tinted paper. Price $2.5& per vol ; half morocco, $i 53. _ COJSTWSm . . .. Tola. I and ll.—Cromprielnr tba History to the Fall of Julios Caesar, • Yol. lII.—To tba BstaWaluntst of the Monarchy'by AUtttStUß- Vela. IV. acd V.—From Augustus to Claudios, B 0. 27 to A, D. 04. Vot VI —From the Belt* of Nero, A. D. Bfrtfr the Fall of Jerasa em, A-D TO. Vol -VII. - From the Destruction of JexusaUm: it l>. 70: to the Death of M. Amelias. Thls-vsluable work terminates at the point'where the narrsttve of Gibboncommences * * • * When we eater on a more searching, criticism of the two writers, it must he admitted that M«rivale has as firm a grasp of his subject as t- ibbou, and that hie w<>*k is characterised by a gteiter tree* dom from prejudice, anda sounder philosophy. ’ * • * * * * ‘'This history-most alwars stand*as a splendid monument of his learning, hjseandor; and 1 his vigorous grasp of Intellect • Though, he is in somertf epects Inferior to Macauley and Grots, he mast still be classed with them as ohe of the second great triumvi rate of Baalish hlstoriuis. ’'—North America# R&rt- m April, JB6S. -• mh27? 2t IS A GOLDEN DEED? • A BOOK OF GOLDEN DEEDS of all Times and all Bands, gathered and nax*ates’by • the author of the “Heir of Beduliffe,” with* vignette likeness of Miss SFlthtingale. i6md.» vellum cloth, Price $1 75. .- ALSO. , The Selectedanda*- riicfesL"7£ UNIFORM IN STYLE WITH THE ABOVE ABB TLE GOLDEN,?BEASBKY OF SONGS AND'LY BICS. 16mo » vellum doth. Price tl 76 ..THE CHILLRSK’S OA&LAND, frum the best Phots. 16m0.. vellum cloth P/1c551.75 * • ■ TBi BOOK OF PKAISE, from the host BnglishHymn Writers. Ifiioo.. vellum cloth. Price *l. _ BEE AM CHILDREN. Tie Golden Treasury'Jim* nil# 16mo. * vellum cloth. Price $125 , , TFE PILGRIM'S PKOGBEBB. Illustrated bp Bto ihard, 16m0., vellum cloth. Price sf. Jor sale by all Booksellers, or Beni, post patdi on to receipt 01 to price by ‘^“pRANCIS, CAMBRIDGE, Mass, mb27mtli-2t BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS ! 1 EVANS. - • Ho. CHBS'rffU T Street. GOETHE'S WILHELM MEISfBR. A newwwvised iJ’Srj*. a*** of *s*£**»•**«& A°BOOB?Oj'OOipiMf -DETOS of all Times-and all Land*. G&theredand narrated by the author- ol the "Heir ofB» dciy ffe. ’ * Tinted paper, green vollatn. THB; JEST BOOK. The Choicest anecdotes and Savings Selected and arranged by Mark Lemon, Two beautiful little volumes of the Golden Treasury S THACKERAY >8 VANITY FAIR. niustrated-edUlon. 3 jStNY °BEALL B °o«c'alroFprt ' TOO STBANGB NOT TO BB TRUE, TONUBOTLBB, and all tie other NEW NOYBLS. ALLTBENBW BOOKS, received as soon asYniud from the Trees, and sold at lowest prices. mh2S-tf rjIRCULAR. _ THE PUBLISHERS RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE 1 that the history of tier PENNSYLVANIA RESERVE CORPS ____ IS HOW READY FOR DELIVERY TO SUBSCRIBERS. It contains a conplete record of this gallant organize, ticn; and of the different companies, regiments and brigades, giving graphic descriptions expedi tions. marches, skirmishes and bstttes,.toaßthsr with, biographical sketches of officers and personal records of eech private during his term of service—compiled from OFFICIAL REPORTS and other documents, by J. fi. SYFJBSB, Ebq, It is in one volume octavo of 722 pAgss, ana is els ?«rt^ B REfH*6§rt M fy A ilf C o^be a^ ciuity of BUbmond, showing, the roaie-of match and the "battles in which the w*w engaged In tie seven days* fight, and js neatly Seated on good psper and handsomely bound in hlaoh ploth mid library leather. It is told only by | subscription. Price from this date $4.60:n Cloth; in Library father Style, $5. Active and responsible parties canvass for this popular end attractive History, will make applies Hon With p lakoasTEß, March 221865 , mh2fi-2t the SWEDISH MOVEMENT CURE. A—THB THEORY AH® PRACTICE OP TUB MOYB- H£BT CURB, by the Swedish System hocwizad Movements By Charles Fayette Taylor, M. D. Second edition. 0 . B - SPINAL IRRITATION, or the Ceases of Baek-ache Thl A HEOEi N W O AL ? TBEM-MSHT OF ANGULAR MEW SUPPLY OBV CHRONICLES OP IM THE SOHONBERG-COSTA FAMILY ; ", THE BARLY°S)AWN;ori, Sketches of Christian Life lB OFMBS 01 |!W , TBByTLYAN. AEtwyof the Timesof Whitfield acd tho Wesleys. THB CRIPPLE OB- AjSTIOCH, and Ottojfr Scenes T TAT,bI ABD LA KBTCBES OF CHRISTIAN,LIFE, In B THE“V0I0B CHRISTIAN LIFE IKf.SONG; or. Hr mns and Hymn Vfeiters of many J'h Q dy?£ud Asjri. THB TWO VOCATIONS; or. the SltferaofMerey at Home JAMBS 8. ULAiSgoa, (SuoefzsontoWm ». &^frod|SS«M*n), mia-tf 006 OHEhTNUx Street. MISCELLANEOUS AaETB LAW BOOKS—The best and rarest collajttoa In - Phila delphia. —BMlowell’* Shasroeara, iftafii hundred dol larsTand other, .Bosks; eauaily ccaroo,.for sale at *l9 o fsl’S ,BT te ** > * J&Hg CAMPBELL. CLASSES, A T D U C E D pRI O E S,. JA.M3B® S. 3BAJEA|s£Ei «& SOTSS have mads a GREAT RBDUnWON In their prloes. and have note In stock a very and elegant asssort; mtntofi LOOKI WWiL A SSESi OIL PAINTINGS; ENGRAWGS, ; PORTRAIT AKI HOtVU FRAMES- S LOOKING-GLASSBE. made toordeMithe same 88-8 8 DUOEO PRICE", to all every eoaraster of space, for f mantels piers, walls, bak-rpoms, hotels. Bfiiee, Ac. ' BABLE'S GALLERIES. 1 mhS7- ISt 810 CHESTNUT STRBSP r’RBAIEST THING.OF THE TIMES VX—SOWEN’S PRIZE ENVELOPES —Ageutuwanted everywhere. W»tohee given to Agent*. On wcemof-%15 wewillmeilg pOBt-peid, 100 jgavelopße, and aeplendid Solid Silver Hnntin**OMe Watch m& nrmiam to tbe agent. A* single Envelop*.: tent, with circular and InUparticuisTs, or receipt ofisfli Ad • dre.s A. H. BOWBN P. 0., 80x‘1310,36 BEES MAN Street, N. Y. mhW-Sm I XTELMBOLD’B EXTRACT BUOHU jXX (rtyec health,and vigor to the frame and bloom ic ’ the tuSlld Debility le asosmpanled by many l alarming, symptoms,'and Uno treatment le submitted to. coß.umn.loa- ln«aaUv ot *»lle*tlc «t« ennie TIE WARE OP COUNTERFEITS AND XY npPRINCIPLBO DEALERS, eudeavortng to die- anmx OSSTBAL OLOTHJNQ HOUSE, QPENIWG. THOMAS W. EVANS & CO. OPENING 818 and 820 Chestnut Street. mWSt gDjWIN HALL & CO., 30 South Second Street, GROS; D’ATHENS SILKS JAT 08.50 YARD,’ NEW YORKS; whitE: and black check silks, Publishers. BLACK'AND WHITE CHECK SILKS, BLUE AND WHITE OHEOK SILKS, AT ‘REDUCED PRICES. SUPERIOR BUCK SIEkS OP ALL KINDS AT RB ’DUCED BATES. mh27-mwSt 1865 V CLOTH STORE, 1865. Belli* newly dead, we hare adopted meuurea to re vive the upon the good old principle of MODERATE PRICES, V ltßln the reaeh r of people llvlng'npon fixed Incomos, euebae Ministers, Jadgci, Retired-Merehsnts, So., An. Oar Stock la complete, purchased- under a severe Golden preunre, and we are prepared to offer CLOTHS, ■ ■ . No. CLOAKINGS. CASSIMKBES, 3* .SILK VESTINGS, COiTISCH South • RAW CLOT US. BILLIARDS, SECOND ARMY CLOTHS,, BAGAIELLEB, Street. FLASH ELS, *o„ AI fie, 31 SOUIH SKCitffß STRBBI. , ? W. T. SNODGRASS. Also; a large assortment of BROWN AND OLIVE ILOTHS for Friends 1 wear. mh2i 121 REDUCTION OF PRICEO. ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OP DESIRABLE DRESS GOODS. OURWEN STODDART & BROTHER Have determined to retain the confidante and re ference of their customers, and have reduced 1 the prices of tbeir entire stock to the present panic rates, without rerara to cost. . Large pat-chases at-she recent New Pork and Philadelphia Auctions enable us to offer CALICOES AT IS and 80 cts 4 4 BLB.CHSD MIISLI*. 35 cte. . SAX -BP DRESS GO ,D 8 FROM 3Lto 3VJ£cts. MOUBSELINE DiLAINES FROM 3540 38 Ota. gLACK SIDES' Of all grades and-widths, from a recent auction sale, at very REDUCED PBIOES. 7 - %om arecentauctl?usiSe,a?ve S ry EBDUCED PRICES, "OUBWEN STODDAIt-ABROTHKB,^ •450,453, and *34 North*BOOND Btreet, Above Willow. SPRING GOODS, C von MEN AND BOYS’- 1 WEAR, AT REDUCED PRICES. CLOAKINGS. WATEB-PROOF CLOAKING-S AT REDUCED PRICES. A OIIRWEN STODDARTMa BROTHER, 480.463, and 46* North BBCONDKtraet, mhzs-st • Above Willow. PANIC—PRICES OP GOODS U to SUIT THK FALL. . MORE ‘‘BARGAINS’’ FROM THE PANIC AUCTION SALhSv. At TAG© * BEO ’B, corner TBSETH and FlMBStreete. 1 lob regular'made bleached tteckinia, 3Sc, old price lot H regular bleached fftocking*. Sic, old price 75. lltot very fine hira- eye "Linen, for aprons, 80c, old Lisle Thread .(tency tops) Gloves, ® to Llnanmordcd border Handker- Cfc l B l*t 8 best-auality Magic Rnffilng. Nos. 1 and 2,7« c PS Trimmings, hajfcprice, 18,16, and»c. Hot black and white and wWte, small plaid, Bonnet silk, sl. 26. ~ , 1 lot splsndld-iiuallty Bl«k Alpacas, $1„ old price * Mot Black Italian Eewlag. S4lk. 380 mi don skeins. 1 let Ladles’ White Cottou.olayaß, 180. 1 lot wide White BOBEsMBUsbon, splendldi snallty,- 7fi«; 1 let all- Bilk Black Bolt-Ribbons, Mo blot Gents’ Merino Gause Übderthlrts, (HCOt . I lot Blue Berege, Jor Valla; only 80c. 1 lot Stripe all-wool SMjtms FlanueD, 7»l J lot Hair Bolls. 2Sof®r,Balls, 2So. _ Also, several lots tjaid Muslins, NalMooks, Rjll liasts, Swiss Muslins, Slssbop Lawns, MalliMnllo, 4o , ell at Paolo Prices. Trimming and Sonnet Ribbona. m all colors; Notlono Ju great variety. Also, 1 lot, iigh-colors Spring Shawls. M. worth *10; mhß-Jt n OODS GREATLY REDUCED J!! AY THE TIMR.EG;BUY HAS COMBI t 1. A SPLENDID saWGK JUbT OPEBMMI! 1 Wshaveheldofflmyl^tUpriMa.^etrightdoy^. Smt? iHCCcoaffiSß ativbly m Black Bilks, most-.exadlent anallty,. Plain Silks In all colons. . Wool Do colors. Fltured Be Laiaas and Calicoes. Ifainani PlMd.'Mpbtslrs.very **»«*. Linens andMuellnslaU grades. - ?fafnWS?»\k,.Dinars. Ac., Au, mblfl-lm car, ot EIGHTH aaAWiHBQ GARDEN. VARD-WI®E BLE ASHED MUSLINS, Be«t ta.&ft city, . For seats. Bor SU3?«nti. A fMatßßifr-IK. A Bargain. fflhlAtf ; jr«- s • . MR* BARRY (A.MUNTBR IS THIB J-TA BAY admitted! ae-A>n*mber of e«„ta . „„ D. BOOM, & CO; March awmftgr . A . rnbasat* T"s I* &S 0 L TfT ii® IT.—THE FIRM OF E CaLDWELL *CO. was dtawtvedoa tha. Ist instant by Sptttaboat Mt* B- LAKGTON ii tiring. WOTICE.-®KE . UNDERSIGNED JL* &*▼© tillB formed a copartnership, und&i the„ name or JAM®OT CA'LDWBbL * 00, .and will coa aa , RICHARD A. LEWIS ' FmbAPß> roll 1,1868. mMS-St- T HE " v ' . “EX3B2S3t,SIOK.” HAMS ABB THE BEST IK THEf WORLD. J. H, MIC HI NEB & C 0„ GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS, ASl> OUXSB9 OF 7HI OBLBJBATBI) ■ “EXCELSIOR” . j'' SUQAH-OUEBt) HAMS, TOK9UES, AND f • • BEEF, Nos. 14.JJ.and 144 N. FRONT ST., Between Agih ui Race streets, Fhllada. Theju.tly celebrated “EXCELSIOR” HAMS are cured by % H. M. A Co. (in a, style peculiar to them selves). expressly for FAMILY UBE;Ve oLdelteiow flavor; free from tha unpUasant taste of salt, ana &*& pronounced by epicures supeiior to any now offered-for ga mh2l fmw3ia. H. JAMEB, ‘ (Formerly ot Philadelphia.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, FRANKLIN, VENANGO COUNTY, FSNNA. Special attention given to the examination of Titles. Phuadshpria Rwemhobj t-Chas. S. Lex, m,, Hon J. iioseSnowden, James H Little. Esci-, T. T. Tasker, Sr., Hood, Boatright, A Co., 3. Z.JDeHaT«i, President Bth National Bank. mnlO-Sm RETAIL DRV GOODS. WILL HAYS THEIR • PARIS STYLE MANTILLAS, TUESDAY, 28th INSTANT. Will open this morning a ease or IN CHOICE SHADES OF COLORS, BLUES AND BROWNS, | GREERS AND VIOLETS, ASHES OF ROSE AND WINE, FAWN AND SILVER COLORS. 1 BROWN AND WHITE CHECK SiEks, .LILAC AND WHITE CHECK SILKS, GREEN AWB WHITE OHEOK SILKS, KING COTTON KIN G GOLD CLOTH TRADE O' H BA P , CTJRWEN STOOD ART & BROTHER, 450, -453, 'and 454 North SECOND street. Above Willow. CURWEN STODD ART & BROTHER, 450, *53, and 454 North SECOND Street, . : ... AboveWlUow. CURWEN STODDART te. BROTHER, 450, 453, and 454 North SECOND Street, Above Willow. PhSada., THE cheapebtanb best plage a- In the Olty to set HBADBKBSBES, Plain or8«'l CAPS. *s at Ho. CO* ABQWStreet. »k*» 2t» S, E, COS, 3JXTH ANDKARKST STREETS, T. WILLS, AUCTIONEER. XXfEffgITE BIUS 0 X K&BTHXRWABS. TO BE SOLD AT ADOTiON jmrne- sale Will ineltide 1,900 CBATE&, com prising beat goods, as'follows: PLAIN CHINA, SUB SOJSf, “WHEAT or O£KBS, WHITB GRANITE, SSAP R9; test Quality of GOitafOH WAKE, SELECTED SE COB DSi Metal Cor’d Jan, tk. Warranted in every p.rtirolaj', to which tbs tr»4b are partlcalariy Invited. Cataloiuebare nowready. mbBs>« : liVSDItAJMiE. J?ißFlSSijß^^ HOWARBBSURANCtCOIIPANI PHILADELPHIA OWIOB, No. 330 WI'LNCT Street. RradEßtate .(Office of Company. No: W W»U%lfc $85,000 <». On diand...'.. ... JWW laPbeenlx'Brak, B.w Yortc ....—lSet? 74, In Suab&ttan Bank, New York*—h4l3.B6B 63 In bands of agents. 1.026 45—20.033 84 Bonds and mortgagee, first liens on real e5tate......93,240 00 U.S Bonds, $180,200. worth $138,860 New York City. County, and State Bonds* *llO,OOO, iTOrthm..,».. M .. 109,250-H08?»)D 00 200 shares Bank of Gommezee, lew York, worth . ~ $24,000 160 share? Metropolitan Bank, New . York, worth ' 13,200 260 ahai es-Fh will* Banh,New York, • . . Worth...—-—,— 5,600-^B^JOCHOO Loans on collateral security worth $12,200, loaned.— *..—9*soo^oo' l*g We reoommfflßStb. aboveold-established Eire In»a«- raaee Oompany-to th. attention of those wishing lisa tun. mbD-fmwfit pfS’ORANCB: AGAINST EVERY 3»ESORIPTION. TBAYKLLEB&’ INSfMHCg COMPAST, capitta $500,060. VM. V. AJLISir, Agent, 40tWalnut Street, For Five Hundred Hollars, with $3 per week compen sation, c&nbehadfor $3 per-samum, or any other stun between s6oo'hnd *lO, OOO at proportionate rate*. TEH DOLLkES>PREMIITM Secures a Policy for $2,000, or $lO per week sompenia tiot for ail and every description of accident—tra-v&liiay or otherwise—ander a General Accident Policy, at the Ordinary Sate: THEBTY DOLL4BB PREMIUM Secures a fall Policy for $6,000, or *26 per week com* pensation,as above, at the Specif Rate. FOBEIGN BISKS. J Policies Issued for Foreign, West India, and Cafifor nia Travel. Bafcfe can be learned by application to the Officer SHORT TIME TICKETS. * Arrangements are in course of* completion by which the traveller will be able to purchase, at any EaUway Ticket Office,* lnsurance Ticket# For one or thirty avsei* travel. Ten cents will buy a ticket for one day’s travel, Insuring $3,C00, or $lO weekly, compensation. Ticket Policies may be had for 3,6, &nd42 months, in the same Bisks taken at Hazardous Bates. Policies issued for 6 years for 4 years premium. Thei&tes of piemtam wo iooi tkaa thoao of wte c ß ß .'assssa7» com ß “a'3xx -CjsSeeqneßceofheredlfcaTy or other diseases, «*au effect inm«iEcelßtlioTS*.VßLLßßB'-&t I tliBlowt rates pay tbs loss or dam&ye sustained by persons! Injury which saeh.aaiasaranceglYefr to those dependent upon their own labor Ipt Jo» worth more than money. No belter or more satiefac— tory can.** mode of » small ajsnm^ KODHBT BBUNIS, Seoretaiy*. O. F. DAVIS, btSB. Ooaeiral Applications received by Ko; 4J>4< WALNPf fforeet. mhlS-rawfrSm TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OPPIGE -- OF THB COMFTBOLLBB OP TKB OOBRBSOT,- WAasurovoffi January as. IfißS. Whereas., By ■attxfaetary evidence P£W eil^fd in tbe city of 'Philadelphia, la* th*-couatyof ,PbUadO phia. and State of PeMaytrania, baa been duly own* nixed under and according to tbe rotptomenw of Act of Goncreto entitled ‘ ‘ Jto*ct;to pwrtde a HagoMi Curoaey, secured by a pladge.of and to provide for tbe ctrealation. and redemptaon.- thereof, ’’approved Jane X-1364, ‘“dhaa all the provisions of said Mtreanlwd to be compSied vfitb before conuaenjixi de-toiutNi of baukim under therefore, I, MSH MaCDLXiOOH, in the city of FWladSphlfcAnHio eonnferofFUladM phla, and Stato o f Pennsylvania, to authorised to com mence the basinet ,s of bussing under the act aforesaid.. Seal of the OomJ p- j of offioe jthto twenty- Cnrrensy. feßfflt Comptroller ol tbe Curreftcy, fTEORGE A. WARDER, . o No. aiB}| WALSDT STB^BT. MttMiiSffiSjSi onwards. mh2-wfnH3t» _ fJHE FR ANKLIN SAVING FUND, HO. 1381 SOUTH KOIJSTHSTBBEr, BELOW CfIESTNOTt , . Payaffyej jereent. Interest on Deposits. Agents for thoaale of United Stews 7 3-10 Beans at PwGcyem ment. State] and City Loans Mid Stories boufbt and sold fog deporitr'ira and others cn CommfraloiL. rahlo am _ COAL. BFOTIGJ i. —Tbnnndersifned hereby respectfully noti fy their frieada-.and the public that the leases from tbe JUvr YorVaud SebuylkiU Coal Company (formerly ihe Porefit Improyemeat Company)* under-whioh they h&ye heiVetofora operated various Collieries in Sehuyl hillcou’aty, P*.» bavia* severally expired by limita tion ol the jamOp .and tbe Company hayln* determined to es gc .ge in mining aud selling Coal* the*business will hereafter h» conducted by said Company. _ In 1 aabinx ibls announcement the nndersigned desire to retain tfaJr warmest acknowledimenta to their na mer bns cartomerg and friends for the liberal patronage extendeito them during the last twenty • tee years, and t» solicits rontlnnaneo of the same In favor of the NBW XOBK AH» SCHUYLKILL COAL. COMPANY, in tt hich Bteir coaloPia, and will continjm to he, largely Intereeied. r,W A.S. A. HEGKSOHER & CO., JOHN H. STOKBB. 708 AF.OH Street. J 327 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MOSEB TAYLOK, SAML. SLOAN, CHAB. A. HECESCHEB, O. WILSON DAVIS, JOHH F. PHELPS. ™ A WABBBN, BICHABD HBCKSCHEB. auction notice. ACCTION NOTICE. 1,300 CBATES, BY OBDKR OF MESSRS. J. & G. MEAEIN, Manufacturere, Bng&tad. BY B. OP. WXLXaS, OK WBDHEBDAY, MAHCH 29tfc, IMS; AT HIS AUCTION BOOHS. JTo. f 3 Um BAY STBKBT, BBW TOBKI OF HEW TOHK MTS.' CHARTERED 1835/ ASSETS, DECEMBER 31, 18M. HOLEEN SHEAD ; & GBAYES," AGSUTB, 80. a»> ■WAX.tPJT Stmt," PHILADELPHIA. .BN THE HARTFORD. CONS. PHILADELPHIA: GENERAL ACCIDENT POLICIES IBJDXJCEiaaEBfTS. FINANCUL 45 BOOTH StrfMsh. HEW YORK. F*aSJ*ASX»-9865. m KIW TOM & SCSBIItKOiL COli CO. ORMORS 45 SOTITH STEKKT, NEW YOKK, ana DIRECTORS. OFFICERS. O, WILSON DAVIS, PRESIDENT. WM. E. WARREN, TEEABUBEB AND SECRETARY. W. w. DUFPIELD, RESIDENT MANAGER AT WOODSIDE, SCHOTLKIOL COUNTY. NS*NOTICE.— Referring to the annexed card the NEW YORK AND SCHUYLBILL COMPANY annonnee that, having asenmed the working of the several Col lieries which have for many years been operated hy Messrs GHAS. A. HBCKSCHEB-8t CO., they are now prepared to contract for the delivery, daring the ensuing year, from their WHABF CM) at RICHMOND. ON THE DELAW ABE BIVSB, NEAR PBIL 4DBLPHIA, of their superior White and Bed Ash Schuylkill Coal. Orders respectfully solicited o. W. DAVIS, President. March U. 1865. CALT.—I,6OO SACKS OF laJYBRPOOL O Ground Sait, landlnc from Schr. Cliarm For aata In iota to BUit by OEOSGK B. KSKFOOT, jO# SOPTH BR&A.WAKB ATeaao. gfe3Mt» OAMXJEL W- HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY © AT liAW AND OOKYEYANOBA. (iata of PhilatieipMa. > *• . mb 27 it i J>aily 2JtiHBB. BBOS., * 00., 600 CHkSTSUT Street, Philadelphia.'* mh7- lm* PARTNER wanted in'the iron X Bußleesi, with e capital of $3O OOtt’ in cull-or Pig Iron. AMljr attbi office Fountain Greed Iron Works, 42* WALHUr Street. mhH5 3t* CM WANTED TO RENT—A HOUSE, M-wlthln oca hour of the ottr. on a Sail way- Ad drew Bon A, Pnllai elchla Post Office. mh23 watt tfS HOUSE WANTED.—WANTED 1S&TO BBHT—A'jfledlnm*sized House, with all the modern conveniences. »nd within twenty minutes of The Press office. Best of-references given. Address •« jt. P > * ’ office of The Press, vah24-tf WANTED-ABOUT APRTL isr; BY a responsible tenant, a modern HO USB (central), with 10 ©r 12 rooms. Adlberal rant will be pud, and a bonus'of sltO., _ Address *‘l Ho. 305 MARKET Street, mh2ffft* m WANTED TO RENT, BY APRIL Bllb ® modern DWBLUHIGK situated above Arch streettad west of Broad, Bent aboot 9400 Address Box 1937. Pest Office. mhg-im* SO f inn 17,000, *S?000; *7,000, $3, WO, O,*)* ’ Vs 2 QOO wanted en mortgage, abundantly teenredpn real estate in Philadelphia and adiolnlna counties, clear of all ether lneambrhncn Apply to JOSEPH 8 6IDDALL, Coaveyareer, nW»> 4»fMBKABT Street. FOR SALE AND VO LET. Fo® SALE A LARGE MILiXj PKGMPERTY, WITH ILBVBS ACRES OF’t.’ASD. ♦501,795 30' BVBCEKItY TOW3HRSSIJP. WILL BB SOLD CHEAP. GEORGS N. TOWNSEND S«R, *FOR BALE—COUNTRY SEAT JS* or Pans of 40 acres, on Church Lane. Darby -A— Township. Delaware- connty, within a few minutes’ walk of.the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad, and one mile of the Barty Pursuer Ball way. The land la in a high state or enlHTatlon.handsomely lo cated, with entenstye ytew of tnrroondlng cotmfrr;- there ate several spriega of water and_an excellent naany of gray atone on- the premises . The improve meats oeoßi.t of two well-ballt snbst.utlal stone Boases, with shade, shrahbsry, choice fruit, and oms mewal trees. Al«o, two barns, stable, earrlage-hoase wring-bonce, corn crib, shade, Ac. leahmue, well Ailed with ice. Agpl, to J®HM WHin’gLsr okthe premises* or JOEL 8 FBESIS& STca. 4 5 and 4T death FRONT Street. ■ • mh-IT-fe* m FOR w SALE VERY 1 * CHEAP—gR SI v very desirable’COUKTßY EBBIOBSCS. ■ ™ witb Furniture (if desired >. containing near reran aciee, -uitb an abundance- of shade and a variety of Fruit;;Stable and Ice*boaae (filled). BS minutes’ r»ilroad from elty.aadfi jnioutes’ walk from Schenck e Station* 'on- tbe Philadelphia and Trtnto o id.- Am>iy to W. H. PaXB^B, . mh2r>mwfst» Bridgewater, Bucks county, Pa. g| FOR SALE—THE MODERN FOtJlt mSTOET hriek BWBLLIBG HOtjaß, with donhie jbcck building, and let of ground. Ko 2006 Walnut atrwt, 19- foot front by 120 feet de,p to Porcslaln street. P oeteaelon given In thin, , mh27-mw2t* Ho. IS2 8. POPBTH Strsst. US FOR PALE—LARGE AND DESL S amBABLH D WELLIBG. west Bide r f Fourth street, sot ith of Breen street Lot 20 feet front h, 180 Joel deep tors street. Apply to , B- TAT LOB, nihB7-St 141 North SIXTH Street. - Ml. FOR SALE—A VERY BUPERIOR ■ BOtTSB In WEST PHILADELPHIA, excellent stab le, fine well! of water: ratal, jot aytta near; rtl com -eciensee; replete- in all recpacta. Address Mmv ctai t” Bcx-2100. Post Office. mli27-lm. 170 R ' PALE—A LARGE MOROCCO ■F FaOTOBT, with eapaelty for tanning and ftnlshlng 26 dor Stine per day, with steam engine, te LoUBJaaL. el fS Worth FROST Street, Philadelphia: Also, a Union Leather- Splitting Hachine and Curriers’ Tables. v mh26 3t* FTO RENT—DESK ROOM IN A FISR -1 nlehed Office, for an Oil Company; hooks of the company kept. Donation, Third, below Oheir nat Ad dress Box 274 D, F O. mh26 6fe rr»o RENT—LARGE AND ’WEHL i LIGHTED BOOMS. Apply at 413 M ABOH Stwt, anetalre. . : 9 non t 3,000, 53,000, 52^00.— ■ V/v*'-'* * Well secured grouad Beaten of the above * manat for tale, Pirecsto Box2fr7lF.O. g>h2s 2t* Sfcreet TkEPABTMENT OP MAMETS, i-f WHARVBB, AMD LAMDUfGS-oaes, FIFTH Street. belowCheslnut. -___ ROTICB. —Tkefollowing- named Wharves and Land iniswJUbe leased at public auction, for a term of one or three tears, to tbe highest and best bidder, at tbe MBBCHAMT6’ BXCHAHQB, 0* WBDKBSDAF, the S9rh daj of March, 18SS, at 12 o’clock moon,. Vime-sWeet Lansing, on the Dataware. Vlne-etreet Landing, em the Seboylklll* Baca street Lauding.- on the Schnylkl® - „ H. B —alto, the materials of We Sseket Shed on Folk ayenne, east of Frankford road. mh2l-3t 1. H. I DGH, Conamissionsr. TJOAKD wanted- by m gentle lJ MaS and Ms wife, in > BtricUy j>riTate family, or in one where hut few hoarders aie-ia&en given and required. Address “fisw York, office. mba7*Zt‘ Tw O HANDSOME GOMMUNICA MSG Second-story BOOMS,, untarnished; also,, ■two furnished, with Boarding, in a first mass Beal-, deuce. Location central. Bsference required. Addrsss ••B.K,”BoxiBHP. O. mh22-5f rs OBEDIENCE 18*AN ODDER 0® COURT THE BHEEIFF PUBLISHES THE FOLLOW -IHG BOTIOB: II THE COURT OS COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CI7Y ABO COUNTY OE>PHILA»BLPB.IA. To the Legal Repreßentatirea of MAHUBL.BIBE, * In of the petition of WILLI AMISAH&S BURY aid CATHBBISB.M» wifa. piaTtiig tbn Court to o’ der and direct thaßecordor tdlleedß to e^reatlc' g“ra n bj n CHAKIIIjhSb to“MAKUiIPiYRa, d'atei Ajrll let A_’D 1814, andre corded inMortgue Book J. of, No. IS, pace 58. an, twea 38 acresi and l&perohes of Land, la Creshelm, in.the township of Germantown,in the county of Philadelphia, and on. fllin* Bftittoo aoi afidatil thereto attach ed, and on motion ol CHARLES M. WAGHBE, B®®,, for petitioners! rote lianted to show cause whr said nhW**a«e choold nothe satiefied, shell* to «l»e notice to the total BeproKintativej of said MANUEL BSBE, deceased. If to be found in this connty. and also by publication, according j Q appear and answer said petition. Retnmaole SaTUR- Day, April Bth. A. D. 1865. . . . , l \ this 4th day of March. ProibT. Sherttf’s Ojupiob- M**e!h.4o 186 S mh6m4fc F- THS OEPHANS’ COURT POE JTHB CiTY.AND_COUNTY_OP.PHILADELPHIA *fctfcte or VLLT?A*W B. HIBSKfiLL, deceased The Auditor appointed>y°onrttoandll, settle, and adjust the account of J. BBB.GEAHT P&lGB, Esq. > administrator ef the estate of said deceased, and to re rort distribution of the balance in the hands of the ac constant, will meet the pariiw #r the pur pose* of his appointment, on .TB3MD AT at4o’clock, athltoffiMf Ko. SUBoitt SlXfdStraat, *** citr ofPMlad eiP Wa fcHAßl>Bg WAqHB „ Auditor. rs THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THB CITT_ AN_D CODHTT OF_PHII.ADKI.PHLA. 'Estate of BUZ4BRTH 3). EEA.D. deceased. Tie auditor appointed b? tee Court to audit se«a and, udjust the second and flnad account of HENRY WHAPSDJT and SABaHPBTIT, enecntorsof tea last will add testament of Mrs. B B Bead, dsceased. aad to report distribution of the balance in tbe bands of tbs accountant, will meet the parties interested, for tee purposeserhia appointment* on MONDil* 4 o’clock P M *at faiscffice.No, 153 South FOURTH? Street, Inteecitref PbUadelobta. .... stel7-fm < w.6t K. SPENCER MILLER, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COTJBTFOR THE JL. OiTTAIID CHITHrT OFPBILADBEiPHIi. Ertate of ROLABD 0. audBLLBH Minors. The Auditor appointed by the Court to-and\t. settle, and adinstthe aecoant of WM H- ALLEY; guardian of said minors. and to report dlstribnUonof the balance in the hands of tho acoountant.wUl meet the partles in trrested for the wwwes of hie apwintmsnt on MOH DAT. March Ss*h. 1886. at 4 o cloak P. If , at Ills office. So. IR9K South FOURTH strut, lnthecttyof Phlfe del phi a.' jOHH HAnflA; mhl7 fmwit Auditor, PS TBS ORPHANS’-COURT FOR\THE. CITY AMS COBHTY OP PHILADELPEIA. Estate of WM. H 0. BOdLßff, deceassd. TheAuditorappointed hath* court toandit. nnw« ud adjust the aceonnt of CuSG K. ZISGLSB* Bxeeutor of mm H. O. BOBLBH, deceased, bailee of the balance lil the heads of the accountant, •will neetthepartle.lSlrested for ‘he porporea; or cu appointment. on TUESDAY. April *a JlSvfji KTtt .at hi. Office, sautaeasl corner SIXTH and WAb- BBT Streets, intloSw of q BHJns . aeh24 fmwffi Auittor^ mMO-mgf Ht rff THE ORPHANS’ EOR mb city Aid cobhty or PHihAiroti H'a THE cm*.ff ihww T.ISDSAY, deceased. 1 The Auditor apposuted hy the i^ 8 t< KoBgRS. sur- I and adjust the fl audio re y lying Jtiecutor of John LindsaT' gauds oi the ac lK.rtdiclrlhu«lVy»iUßU«tae»“"?®t%*SOAY, April tlth, ofhls asPOtn.»en, t gjgofflce. Ha, 143 South. la»Lattfa" o .*^a. citi of ffiUadelEhte. HIGH THStrest, fci the cireo o-UAHAH, Aulttor. mhat-tawSt. . - - 123% South FOURTH 6t set, Philadelphia BOABBWG, MJSGAJL, HIHR-Y 0. HOWELL. Sheriff. REASONABLE PSIOJB. AUCTION SALES* gALS OF A OOLLECtION or fawaßUE OIL PAISJTINOS, ETJKOFEAI? AND AMBSIO'AS'. Messrs. BIBGH & 80H rssneetfally Inform, tbe pnltc thufc they have now os cxbibiUon, attbeJg AKf 6ALUBBE, lllO (/HKBTISUT 8-&kBT, A cclleciion cf over OIL eombrlslsx many choice specimens by distinguished &ud American artiste- ■■■- . , - - Cataicgties «re now remr.. and. Ihu FefnUugs opsu daily lor exhibition from ib ed for pnbllc or privaio'iale. mh37-3t cja-. berkness’ bazaar, NiNTH ABD SiHSUifSMoets SPECIAL PBREHPTORF. BASS OF VALUABLE STALLIONS. . OH WESHEdDAF MOFHIHU NEXT, . At lOn’clcek. at tbs BaZaaß wtu be sold the fol lowlnv valuable Steilioss.jiainQL?; **HXPEI>iTIOK *A Stkh«gany Bay.StaUion, com ing seven years old, sireJ j i>y' “Othello.’ 1 dam by k, Exp€dttieß;”* kind i«> barcess; a fast trotter of superior action, and a eure foal-_g©tter. “LBXIS(?TOK ,> -~A Gray Stailton, coming £dx years old, sired by the inroorted Arabian Hors* * # Caliph,” dam by sound and Mud: can trot a mile in three aftmtes. : *‘OTHILbO ,T —A Blßek twelve years old. sired by the Morgan Horse s 'Lon« Star,” data by ‘ Sir Henry;* ’ has produced semfrof the best roadsters In the«ountry. 49* May be sren by applying ittha Bazaar.. 49'* Ho postpouemeet on a«*oaut of weather, r . ALFRED M. HBBSfIBSS, Auctioneer. AaausJEfaLEnns. MEW CHESTNUT-STREET thba- J-T TBE-CHESTHUT street, above twelfth. MONDAY EVEHIBO. March 27th, 7HIKD WEEK cf Miss Lsnra Set ns’s great moral andlbcal drama, th* WOEK2EB OF PHILADELPHIA; , Or, Tha Curse of. Drink, ’ Wblen wtil be presented in the earn* etytn of magulS eence. with new and beautiful seeDery, startling me chanical effects, briilitint and original music, elegint appointments snn etrosgeaet which has made it the MOST POPUI.&B PLAY OF Tffß SaY. All ths great sernr. will bo oresonttd Tt»Bar Room, A Modem Inrtltntion, Sapper Room Is Davie’ Re it.n rsnt (Arch street), the Dome .of the WorkAwo,- with View of the Housetop, of Philadelphia and the Hew Cathedral, Xeirick A Son’s Machine Shope and Fona dry. * . • • > - PHILADELPHIA BY MOONLIGHT; . with view of the shipping along the Dataware* Smith's Island, die., die , - Academy of Fine Art*, ChestnutctreeW Tne Borne of the Workmen, Signing of tie Pledse, and Grand Denouemeffk CBAHGE OF TIME. —Doors open at 7o’clock. Per formance to emrnamee at 8 o’clock TUESDAY (to-morrow) EVENING. Benefit of Mr Wa, H OaBDHBR, whsm Mrs- SOPHIE GIMRES BUHST , will ffi&kt her fint appearance s sm tier recent-beretw indisposition . 'WEDNESDAY APTBRNOON 4ND EVENING BonettofMrs. J. LEWIS BAKER, npca which oee&tfon MISS HELEN WESTERN wIU appear at the aftertcun performance. SATURDAY AFTBBKOOR. April laU THIRTY-EIOBTH GRAND FAMILY BUTIIffIL when the WORKMEN OF PHILADELPHIA Will be presented, W !W CHESTNUT ST. THEATRE.— » wh. BiiHmrTO - ' Baslnera Afesl. OK TUESDAY EVBNIPG, MARCH 28, wb«Q the BILL OF THE SEASON wHt fee protested. . MBS SOPHIE GIKBEK HUHK Basin tfteltfiidesfc manner Toluntrered lier moat Viiisa hle tenfcss, and will male Tier first appearance etneer her recent indDpotition, as GEBTBTFDB (with soncO, In the Operatic petite Comedy, tbe LOAN OF A LOYBR. The eYßniaff’a performance will commence with ttwr treat moral drama, the WORKMEN OF PHILADELPHIA, ortbe CTJBSE OF DRINK. Every Lady that attends upon this occasion will her presented with a ' MaGAIFIGBNT WHITE BATIK PROGRAMME. Procure your seats atooce ; It BOA. BOOK SOW OPEN, •- CHESTNUT-ST. TIIEATBeI BBSEFIT OP #" Hr. LEWIS BiEEK. WEDHSSDaY, March 29*. 18*5, i?f 1K2 0 ; O fir ABD.EVBHIBO: MATIOTBIS at 2. BVSBFIHG at before 8 o’oloci* Sheßeantifnl and AroompifeW frjfihffo i„r r - r nii a -eirr Matinee performance in' she grail MIMAEOHI. lail» Brama of THB BKIGaHD, beingher ftret appearance in that character. •* The Play will be- ppiendidly mounted and produced with a^theoriginal Mu&lc, &e.» &c. TkeF4T FISHES BASES. - wBl »PP«w * s Mgg PBTBB SIMPSOH, . Mr. PETER BIMPSOH Hr LS «1S BASES forming an unequalled bill ofl&ttr&atlen. * Tie Brsniup Performance will consist of she /annas Drama, in three actei called TBE CRICKET OH THB HEARTEt . Sirs -A- B. BAKER lu her un«pproaohal>le_peia«na tlon of DOT. Hr. LEWIS BAKER as the Toy Her* cheat* Caleb Plummer. To conclude with the immensely successful Drama of the THB WOBKHBEF 07 PHILADELPHIA, wlthits-auperh scenery, mechanical effects; and great cast. Seats can he scoured for either the Matinee or Evening: Performance at the iame rates. mh27-3« miOHS BREW’S NEW ARCkI IXL tTJtWBT TBBATRE. HOUSES PACKED TO THE ROOF. Hr. and Mrs. BARKS! WILLI IMS* TO SIGHT (MOEDAf ) March 27 1835. : . IB TBRBB 6 & v>RIOU3 PIECES, ‘ __ BASH AT THE BIROK. FE3DAY, Mrs. BARB BY WILLIAMS* BENEFIT. fund haul.. ItJU Ml)p. DE KA T OW, Mr WEHM TWO a BABB CONCERTS THURSDAY and FRTBAY RYEBIseS, march 30th and Slit Mr; MAXSTRA KOSCH has the honor to annonaca that Kile. HELENS DS KATOW. tbs renowned Ba*siaa Violoncellist, and Mr. JAMES M WBHLT, the eminent Pianoforte w ill alve TWO GBABD COHCBBTB _ , „„„ O* THURSDAY rad YJtIDAY EVBSIHGS. MjrctSOSli tmif 81st, 18»S, as»l»tei by Mr* HBHBIKTfA BBH tale»*«Sn&m*TSctKt Prim a itouna, Kg POu- LieoHt Basso Profaurfo. Musical Director and Con ded or, Mr, 8. BEBBBNS Aa entirely new prOftrammo. Mr, WsbH -Will perform lor the Ant time So*»t» Beetmen; “Waadewtandfla,” Hdlsti “ZjeZephyrsarle* Boses” and Grand March Faotasi® Wehli. Kill. Be Katow will play ” Boa*f »t*ds Bp.*» Perrals and Ofiferbach’s Musette*AdmiseiotoCdcent*. B&serred seats fiseents extra The sale of zaencea on TDEBI> 4Y. March SBtb, at 9 A.M.a6 CHiS- W. ju TfiUMFI/BB’S Mnsic Store, SEYaSTTH and GBESTBUT Streets. Door* own at 7*£- To commence atSo’dcaac. GWek : gringos Pianos are need at these Concerts.. mh27»st MR- DBMPBTER, COMPOSER OF JJJL “ Tie May Queen** * ” Lament of she Irish Etai grant,” &e > haTisg recently reiuinad/EOm Europe,. BALLAD “bNTBBTAIN MBNT OF HSarMOKr ipOPB- L»B SONGS AND BALLADS, l ATTHB MUSI Oil* FUBDBALL,. ON MOD DAT BVBNISG, Aprtlr 3d, which w 111 include the “THE MATOOTMt’' Tickets, 50 cents each. He*erved sea taint) cent* extra, with nnmbere attached, may be >eos»d-a* >Jy. » OOULD’S Wosle corner oTvNBFBkTH cad CHESTNUT Streets, where a plan of thfl. Hall may bn commence at S o’clocii. - . m_bl6-Btttthßtnst* CARPENTER’S HISTORLCALJPAINT nJ INO, “ n e *«an«lpcUoD Proclamation before thn Cabinet," at 1305 CHBoTBUT-Street, between Thir teenth and Fourteenth streets. Oden from 9 A Mon til 10 P. M Admission 30 cents. Fotirticßsts for il. mhil-et* oermania orchestra.- public 'J r TtBH**ESALB every SATUKDAT at SK o'clock F. H.. at MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single Tickets. Si cents. Six Tickets. Sis tobejiidat Trumalar’s. An die’s, tndMeyer’sMnstoStorg^anJattbeHall. noT-tt THE ; ACADEMY .OP' PINE ARTS, A CHESTNUT Street, aWeTenth, la OPBN BIDS for yisitonC from 9 Ae m. a. J«®» g:»BMBfaa' • mEiS T CHESTER ■HE9K AND. THI I> ADBLPHIA Bills. BOAD. YLi MEDIA ' " - ” ' SUMMBB ABBAKQBHENr. On and after MONDAY Jtorll». 1865, the train* will lea-re as CHSSTEa t eaINS Leave Philadelphia for. Wei A Chester at J.SS and 10.90 A. and 2 15.C45.' Kbd-6;45P M - Leave West at d 3D, 7 ,ai all Intermediate station*. - ON BUNDATB, Leave Philadelphia at 8 30 A M. and 2,? JL le&rs Ttef Ottalsr at BA. M and 5 P.-HT . Trains leaving PhiladelpMa at 7.® A. H..and4 45 P. M., and leavlsaWest Chester at 7 45 A. M,, and 4 41 P. M. cenntci at IV O Jonction with traiabon 1. tt B. O, B. B. for Oxford and Intermediate point*; ’ Pateengers are allowed to taka wearing, apparel only as baggage, and the Company will notJn. any esse, oa responsthls far an amonhi exceeding jine-bonarea noi lars, nnlessa speclal'contract Is made for the earne. March Iff, 1665 ' in ■ llrtin AAM ■■ ’ T witbPMOOTger Oar -7-ffi A St. Allantic Accommodatlon-. a——- -4.mjj,- m. J “ cd “EBTTO»INf MATAiATLAaTiof ® , * |l | Junction |fH?«c™.'PsiiNs!;"^ its *!>#»"aTO W wri, m«iw»,iß e]U i vill bare oa. zssygsh *“*-»“ b * < trten on Agent, 3o* BigS DBtotiyA.Rß Aymao- —-FOB NEW TBtoMMW Ssw TOBX CCAPAJTT. rim SUe wi*® i ‘^Ct?nAt , CO., I*B WBMiY%iFMI*- KewF^v^ NEW EXPR|SB WN|: ) T 0 ISS,^S£fSrte Steamers leave fitot Wharf show every WJD9ESD&Y aiti *OO., ?0T Freight appiy to Vr b nWIIiSO*- 14, yortVaai So6tbWhigvye.gMle. D.C.t FLOWSBh & BO ppsjom WOBK.