OEL COMP 4NIES. NLY m CENTS PER SHARE I sftcm on coKPisi, APIT AL.... .$300,000. FAB VALUE, (U. EKING CAPITAL..S3O,OOO. 0* Oo«wp*ay has boeu organlizd Atrtetlv upon the “MUTUAL. PRINCIPLE,” rhloh tfitaorihers enter epos what li called “THE GROUND FLOOR,” te Mjment of ONLY TWENCT-HVE CENTS laoh chore of the dock, thus hecomlac purchasers to laud, and sharing all the profits derived from lie is of the finest tracts of Oil land, located In Wood itr. West Virginia, In the great oil belt, has been red, containing 139 acres, In fee simple. The pro- T adioinc the lands of the “Yulian," "Watson.” other companies, and Is surronndsd hy large pro- Ig wells. This Is offered as the very bast Induce' t yet presented, to all classes who wish'to pur se original Interests In a safe and reliable Company, gie stock will undoubtedly command a large pre- ss aeon as the subscription hooks are closed. The it demand to r this favorite stock leaves but a limited iher of shares unsold, whloh may be secured on im liate application at the office, No, 48 South THIRD AS £2. LEWARS Ac CO„ NO. 89 SOUTH THIRD STREET, cro maps may be ceea, and fall Information ob ed* PRESIDENT, WILLIAM BUMM. TREASURER. 8. H. LEVIN. BBCRSTABY, 3. BILLENSTEIN. BUN AND WEST HICKORY PETROLEUM COMPANY «F PHILADELPHIA. Iwenty-flye Cents per Share FULL-PAID STOCK. *30,000 SHARES. AT #1 PAR. Vital 100,000 SbarestOi' $35,000 PRESIDENT, DR. JAMES TRUMAN. TREASURER. O. W. MoOLINTOOK. BIGRETARY.' EZRA LUKENS. >any la formed on the. basis of the mutual i to arise to all subscribers from the iminedi* Jopment of their several very valuable tracts of territory, lying la Veaango county, Fennsyl andPreston county. West Virginia, ixcetdingly low price for FULIr-FAID STOCK OTery one, 1 ’ BICH OB POOS, ”to invest ae ; to their means, and to participate In tie profits from the rapid'rise of property tmd its speedy iment. impany purposes to sink (1) FOUB W£U>9 at preflntlM eonalat of SB aere«, mostly In fee LEASEHOLD. I li on* BUM oa CHEBBTBM, Ve#an*o county, tlydolSi telow the town of Flnmer, Splendid y. Welle Koine down all around. SIMPLE INTERESTS. ,1s 34 seres on WEST HICKOBT OMSK, nil is. hearUr timbered, and fine oil Indications. Ilokory Creek is the next creek to Fit Hole, on ' side of the Allegheny river. 11 ICO acre*, ia fee eimple, PRESTON COUNTY, trgluia, o» both (idea of Buffalo Crook.i 60 acre* laud; hlllo foil of Coal. Tlie land Ilea but a iataace from the Baltimore and- Ohio Railroad, may of aeoeu. On the next farm a Baltimore it hare reoestly struck a fine well. iii6oacres, In fee simple, in PHESTON COUHTT, Virginia, two miles from the above, Ivin; on lok and Hintsesser* Bon: 25 acres bottom land, tint the Talleys of botbstreams. Tbs Baltimore i Bailroad passes directly tbrongb this tract. i land! ue very Sue enrfaoe Indications of oil. anrrounded by Philadelphia and Baltimore <■ who are at work developing their land*. [PTIOH-BOOKS ABE HOW OPES AT THE OFFICE 07 C. T. YERKEB, Jr., No. 20 SOUTH THIKD STREET, THB BTOBX OF THB TBEASTOIB, 0, w. McCLINTOOK, 91? NORTH WATER STREET, OILCOMnPANIES. jSg* XHK ®beat republic mutual Oil COMPANY PffIMBILrHII, MW lOBK, AND BOSTOS. 350.000 SHARES, aW..y» w . w ...a3 T paw VALUE. ,50 GENTS FEB SHABB 60 CENTS PBB SHARK 50 CENTS PEB SHAKE 50 OBBTB FSB BBABB 50 CENTS PEE SHAKE SO CB9TS FEB SHARE 50 OBBTB PBB SHABB BO CB9TB PBB SHABB 60 OBBTB FBB SHAKE 50 OBBTB PEE SHARE , FOE FULL-PAID BTOCK. FOE FULL-PAID STOCK. FOB FDEL-PAID STOCK. FOB FULL-PAID STOCK. FOE FULL-PAID STOCK. FOB.FU&L-FAID STOOK. FOB'FULLVAID BTOCK. FOE FULL-PAID SPOOK. FOE FULL-PAID SPOOK. _ FOB FULL-PAID STOCK, 60,000 SHARES, THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, RESERVED FOE WORKING- CAPITAL. In forming the above-named Company great care has been taken In the selection of properties, so as to obtain ncnebnt those well known to tho public, nnd which have been tried and found to be tho best yet developed. The system of Hie organization will be on the mutual plan, the same as that of tho PEOPLE'S EQUITABLE OIL COMPANY, which was so soon taken and now so eagerly sought after. The working capital la. to be #30,000, which will be a very handsome fund for com- mencing tho development of [the property, and it Is the Intention of the managers to push the work energeti- cally, aad with confidence of tho great success of tho undertaking. Tho subscription Lhas boon placed at the low figure of 50 CEBTS PEE SHABB, so as to enable all to have a chance for Investment In this profitable business, where bo many fortunes have been made. The properties having been taken up seme time since, at low prices, makes the Investment doubly desirable, on account of cheapness. Ho. 1 Is a tract of eighty aores la fee simple, of an- surpassed Oil Territory, on BAST SANDY CBEEK, ADJOINING THE ABAMABTINB WELL, or rather the property on which this famous well Is situated. It ! was struck about ten days age, and la resorted as flow- ing 100 barrels of heavy lubricating oil. each barrel of which is equal to three barrels sneh as Is obtained from Oil Creek. There is room for a largo number of wells. This property has eighty rods of desirable boring torri tory, frosting on the Adamantine Lands, with two good Coal Vein, in the Bluffs. PITHOLE CREEK. No. 9. A lease for fourteen years of tiro-thirds of all the oil obtained on three leasee, on Pithole Bun, a hun- dred rods from the mouth, as It empties Into the Alle- gheny river, These are very finely located on the Bun. and fine selections. A well ie in progress, and will be completed without expense to the Company, CHERRY RUN. 80. 3 Is five acres In fee simple upon this celebrated stream, which has attained a notoriety possessed by no other section for producing Petroleum, no wells having bees put down upon its borders which have failed to obtain oil, and among those now flowing and psmplng are the following: BEES WH,!,.-.-.-.-..--.,.. *5O BARBELS. GROCERY W ELL.......... Iflfl ' 1 BAEEB WELL iom«SHHwo a-eosee-iee* 88 " AUfIOBE WKXiL ......... *............ 90 1 * DENNEY WELL ........ 40 " PHIPPS WELL duet struck) 100 " EYED PASH 00 8R8Y0KT....«,, 50 !! SLIPPERY ROOK GREEK. 80. 4 is a lease of twenty years, of five acres (seven- eighths of the Oil to the Company), Immediately on the Creek, and.hut a short distance from the new well of Fifty Barrels Lubricating Oil recently atruok by the Blip- pery Bock Company, and which sent their stock from $1 per (bare to $3 In one day. The character of the above interests, situated as they are In the centre of what is known as the “Great oil Basin,’ * should certainly commend themselves to the lerfous attention of those who contemplate Investing in Oil Companies, and are unanrpaesed by any as a basis for an honorable and energetic petroleum organization, and with that energy which the management are deter mined to Infuse Into it* It certainly muit prove a good Investment. THE BOOKS WILL BE OPEN MONDAY, MABCH 13tU, asd remain openforone week,unless the stock i» sooner subscribed for* at No. 30 SOUTH THIRD STREET. PBBSIDBBT, CHAB. W. REEVES, . TREASURER, 0. T. YERKES, Jb. SECBETARY. »• WM. B, RICHMOND. mhll-tf OIL COMPAMEg, jpg— LOOK AX THE SHALI. CAPITAL, COMPARED WITH OTHER COMPANIES. PROSPECTUS EQUALITY OIL COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, Capitol fitocfc, $160,000. Shares, 160,000. FAK VALUE, ONE DOLLAR. SUBSOBIPTIOH PBICB, TWENTY-FIVE CBNTB PEE SHARE, AND HO FUBTHEB ASSESSMENT. WORKING CAPITAL 80,000 SHAKES, OB #30,000 .The basis upon which this Company Is formed and the character of Itsi interest should commend It to thoße about investing in Oil Companies. Tiie plan adop.ed in this Company is that every per son who fubserlbes caa enter the Company onthe * ground floor.” that ie, becomes a purchaser of the Sroperly, and shares aU the profits! therefore. In order eat both KICH ANDPOpB may have a chause of par ticipating, the etoek will be sold at the very low price of TWENTY-FIVE CERTS PEB SHABB, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PBB SHARE. TWENTY-FIVE CEBTS PEB SHAKE, Thereby enabling meobanics, and people t>f limited means, to secure an Interest at little cost, and every ' prospect of a Quick and profitable return situate os Hemlock Run, in Warren county, Pennsyl vania, within five mi.es of the town of Warren, and aboutone-qnarter of a mile from the Allegheny rivers well timbered, with good oak and pine, sufficient for fuel. _ The property in this locality has been sold very readi ly for $BBO and tj&O per acre, and wells,are going down rapidly in the vicinity. Th e turnpike runs by the pro is only three miles from the Philadelphia and %.S?JJI qU 1 down immediately. The engine and boil era have already been attended to. BOuKS were opened on Hon day mornfnr, Merclt 13, and will remain. ODsn one week, at SaHuRL LEES’ STOEB, opan oae No. 5 North Second Street, AND AT No. 3» North Fifth Street. ROBERT 11. RANSLEY, PRESIDENT Pro Tern., 313 DOOK STREET. SAMUEL LEES, TREASURER Pro Tom. 5 NORTH SECOND STREET. O. F. FOLWELL, SECRET ABY Pro Tom , 33 NORTH FIFTH STREET. ANOTHER OIL STRIKE.—Anew well haajnst been struck, on the property of the Tideoute and warren Oil Company, near Tideonte, Warren county. Pa., which pumping one hundred and fifty barrels per day. The Upper Allegheny will, before long, vis with Oil Creek Cherry Run in its amount of the precious liquid.— • mhls-4t THE SALMON CREEK OIL COMPANY, VENANGO COUNTY, PENN’A. CAPITAL.... -.j .$900,000. 100,000 SHARES. PAH AND SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2. $35,000 KESEBYED FOE WOBKIHO FUND. PRESIDENT, J. R. CASSELBERRY. SECRETARY, C. C. WOOD. TREASURER* EDWIN S. RICHARDS. DIRECTORS, J. B. CASSBLBBBBY, BDWIB K KICH ABUS, JOHN J. KBOMER. GHAS. N.OADWaLADBE, ‘ . JAMBS D. Theproperty of this Company consists of two tracts of land !n Venango county—to wit: Ho. 1, designated as Salmon Creek Tract, consists of 500 acres, in fee simple, situate on both sides of Salmon and Little Salmon Greeks, tributaries of Ibe Tionesta, and about ose»eighthof a mileifrom the latter stream. This region is now exciting a great deal of attention. Developments, both above and below ns. on the Salmon and Tionesta Greeks, justify the expectation that, ibis district, in s certainty of production , will vie with the famous Oil Creek, while the quality of the Oil thus far obtained is very superior to that of Oil Greek, averaging about 95 per cent, clear, and bringing about $3O per barrel at the wells. We have a large amount of first* rate boring territory, and intend sinking at least three wells on this tract this spring. Ho. 2 consists of a one-tenth undivided interest in the fee simple of the Mill Dam Farm, containing forty- five acres, on both sides of Cherry Hun, at Plummer, Corn planter township, Venango county. Any comments now as to the value of this territory .would be super fluous, as developmenti have proved it to ba unfailing in Oil . Some of the best wells In the country are on this Hnn—among others the Heed, Baker* Auburn , and Granger , producing from one hundred to three hun dred barrels each per day. Thirteen wells are now being bored on tfci* tract, for which the Company fur sißh no capital, but receive a royalty of all the Oil pro duced. It is believed that this interest alone will fray a good dividend on the capital. 6,000 shares of the Reserved Stock have already been taken, witch haves less than 7,000 shares open at sab* sciiption price. For farther particulars, see prospectus at the OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, No. 28 Merchants’ Exchange. Brhll-stuthflt MUTUAL BESE7HML MINING AND PETROLEUM COMPLY. CAPITAL SSOOjOOO. 800,000 ..SHAKES. §1 Par Value. Subscription Price 25 Ots. WOBBDie CAPITAL $35,000, (OWE-BAMT OF ran CAPITAL STOCK.) NO FUTURE ASSESSMENTS. ' INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF PENNSYLVANIA. 650 Acres of Oil and Mineral lands. O OMMTTTB3S. JOHS 8. MoMULLIJT, R, B. KNEASS. QEOXGE W. POWELi, Subscriptionstoalimited number of Shares will be received at the Office of G. W. POWELL & CO., Brokers, 3*o. !m South. TURD Street, (WASHINGTON BUILDING). Boom No. 19, Second Story, Philadelphia. JSo t 1. A perpetual leave of-fifty (60) acres In Wood county, West Virginia, situate on Howard’s Bun, a tributary of Little Kanawha Elver, being in the great oil belt, and the immediate centre of the upheaval. Oil springsabcundin the immediate vicinity of this tract which is also only a short distance from the first oil spring discovered in 1790. The Staunton Pike ruu» through the premises. The tract Ilea at the distance of a mile from Walker’s Creek, and about the same from the Little Kanawha Elver, and the Northwestern Vir frthia Eailro&d, a branch of the Baltimore and Ohio It&ilroad,.end also adjoins the lands of the celebrated Carlisle Oil and Mining Company of West Virginia, which are under rapid development Boy alfcy one-sixth of the oil. *• T^®A M ;? Ted . < ?P 0) »»M» *}taat»oa Elk River, a bran <* of tire Great Kanawha River, Clay county. West' yirriiia. This land is regard.* as being first class oil territory, with unquestionable evidences of the exist ence of petroleum; the dip of the rocks is the ravines and along the streams prove this conclusively. Uhls has been long known as a petroleum bearing region, and, from the favorable reports that have been made nroßt eminent geologiatH, we most coafi dentlp look for an abundant yield of oil. 3. Four hundred and ten and three-quarters (4lojJ£) acres of mineral lauds in Somerset county, Pennsyl vania. This Jand is underlaid by rich veins of coal aß .d yftlßSble deposits of iron ore—being easy of .access, will render transportation to the place of shipment both •neap and expeditious, somerset county has long been esteemed as one of the most favored coal region# of the State. Capital ban been invented there with the most satisfactory results, and. with the recent discoveries of petroleum in that county* there will unquestionably ba a rapid increase in the price of mineral lands Maps, Plans, and Specifications may be seen at the Office of the Company, f™. South THIRD Street. (Waßhlngtonßol'dini), Room 80. 19, Second Story. ml£-3t* THE WOBDEN U’^LlUkf OIL COMPANY ON SUGAR CREEK. OFFICE, 149 SOUTH FOURTH STRJ3BT. The propsrty consist. of ISO seres in fee simple of valuable LUBBIOATISG OIL LANDS sltoated upon the right hank of SUGAR OKEEK. Venango County 2.??a 6 ?l a ' e ? * cr .?. a le flit or bottom laud, with a front on the Ozeek&nd Bastings* Ban of about one mile, adjoining the property of Sugar Creek OU Company, which struck a large well of heavy oil. The Company gu retain a latte working capital, to be em ployed in imiing a number of wells, which are now m progress. FMOSPBCTUS orfhy further information can be ob tftiued at Office, 149 South FOTJ&Tfi Street. nohlo-6t OFFICE SENECA OUL COMPANY, Ho. 10 MBBCHIHUS 2 BXGHAHGK, Phila -BEL2HIA, March S. 1865. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held on THURSDAY, the lethicrt , at 1 o’clock P. M. mbd-llt W. C. STiLSg, Jr., Secretary. MOBBIS FARM OIL COMPANY, Waff OFFJCJB; a*6 WALDUr Street, Philadelphia, feBOOMD STORY FROHT BOOM * ‘ Circulars can be procured upon application at he office of the Company. Yah2-lm TYESIR ABLE AND PRETTY STYLES JL/ Cird Photosrepba; 12 made for $1 2d atBEIMEB'S, SECOND Strert, above Green.-suitable for Albums or scholars to exchange with their cchootmatee. It- TUB PRESS.—PHHiAPELPHIA, THflßgpi V- ■„ I 86 5; JOHN LOUTY, JOSEPH ADAMSON, ELIAS BIBCHILL. BENJAMIN W. COLE, SCOTT. OIL CO] Sfiise * €OMPANT) ■OF PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL $300,000., PAR VALU i, #l. Subscription Price Twen|y-flve Cents. Full Paid up and no furthcr Assessment. 100,000 SHARES RESERVED FOB WORKING CAPITAL. . *V rlJ( l OIL COMPANY" owns bonds; HENBY A. HOEIS*Jg£B SO TVS, DRAWERS IH GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. Ho. 44 PIHE Street. HEW YORk. In view: of the prospect of PEACE and a FALL Ilf GOLD, holders of Gold Bonds will do well to detach the Coupons and realize the inters st at present rates for Gold. Parties residing out of the city wishing to cash their Coupons can forward them by express, and we will re turn the Gold or its value in greenbacks, as desired. fa!2 m * GEORGE A. WARDER, VA STOCK broker. Ho. 218 K WiLKUT STREET. ■ Stocks and Lotos negotiated. Subscriptions received for its now United Slates 7 SO Loan in same of $5O and ntwardt. .• rohl-wfmtst* {SAMUEL ALLEN, STOCK BROKER, Ho. 130 BoathTHIRD Street, mhl4-lm* Phuadblpeia. AH> STOCKS, U. S. LOANS. &c.. A/ BOUGHT JJtD SOLD * OH COMMISSION, Br GEORGE J. BOTD, Ja4-Smlf Ho. 18 South THIRD Btrek. WILLIAM H. WAYNE, :\y Late Disoount Clerk Bank of Forth America, STOCK and BILL BROKER, No. 16 BANK Street. Loans, Stocks; 6c,, purchased and sold at the Phua* delphis Stock Board. Money procured on collaterals. Promissory notes negotiated, &0., he. mhB*lm TO SHU A T: OWEN, ATTORNEY, " COUHSELLOB AT LAW. AND SOLICITOR OP CLAIMS. Office, 951 F Street, near Fourteenth street, Washington, D. O. da23*Cai PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS—THOSE giving greatest satiafactiou are the patented hinge back Albame, combining strength and the greyest ae* gree of flexibility. Sold by B. F. RBIMEB, 634 AbCB Street. • lu» {SPLENDID BTY LEB LIFE-LIKE PIC). TUBES—B. F. RBIMER'S superbly executed Fbo togrisphsof life.blzp, ou-colured, pronoauaed theguest paftraits of the times. See specimens, 624 ARCH street. n* m I VWYMtfW - » SENSATION/LL BOOK HISS MAJOR PAULINE CUSHMAN; MISS MAJOR PAULtNE CDSHMAN. MISS MAJOR PAULINE CUSHMAN, miss major Pauline cushuan. CAPTURED AND SENTENCED TO BE HUNG. OAPTUBED AND SENTENCED TO BE HUNG. CAPTURED AND SENTENCED TO BE HUNG. CAPTURED AND SENTENCED TO BE HUNG. The wildest and most dashing legends of the past h»ye been well-nigh eclipsed by the realities trans piring in onr own midst, and almost before our Tory sare. Fanline Cnßiunan is such a woman as a soldier could worship—gay, dashing, heaoHfnl, and fearless— she has -passed through some of the inost stirring scenes of this war, and her eventful life will create a new sensation among the loyal people of the country. JTlieboos, embracing a complete history other ad rentores In rebeldom.has beencarsfolly prepared from her notee and memoranda, with a portrait on steel of UlU*Allantand gifted “Major,”.and iilnatratfons of aemeofher ad ventures,in tints. I2mo„ cloth. Price t£ For sale generally by hoohsellers, news-agents, can vsssers, sutlers, and others; or single copies sent any where, post paid, on receipt of priee. Address - mhlff-3t PIT BAKBOM Street, Philadelphia. MEW ENGLISH BOOKS, JUST IM sorted snafbreale by O. J. PRICE, THE IfsTORY OF LACE® ®Mantly IHmtrated. Bvo. cloth, 711°. ™‘wer. 6?o| OlOtJle gill. . . ' ■- S ! 0K1 of PLAYING CARDS, and their Use in Small Bvo oloth oard BhaIpltI!; ' Finely Illustrated- HnehVnrtS-f' c? K J 1 l G ,i A Dwoription.of the Mixed of Great Britain. Illnstratefc. Royal Byo, CaviSile ° Fh,ei5 T TiF G . Itf , ? A1 i T - 'ByCrowe and ciotN U - ely IRiatrated. 2 vole., royal.Evo, A BOOH OP GOLDISH DESDS. Gathered and Uar, cloth. th ® * UthlSr of “ ■ Tiu> aeSr Of JSedclyffa ” Itoo, OF SEVEN FOUR-FOOTED FORESTERS. . Narrated by James Greenwood.' I2mo, :THB SUNDAY BOOK OF POE PRY, Selected and arranged by C. F. Alexander. 12mo. velinm. cloth. .A large collection of the best editions of Standard 4' l ie o r^» a ie , i^v?&d. a ■*° WIUCII ““ attentl! >“ «f Pur vr-?j5S or< * erB transmitted by steamer weekly, mhlo at E. P. SMITH. E. D. HAEPEB. , Continental Hotel, ITIW ENGLISH MEDICAL BOOKS. ~V —.Tuat received: B B. I S®f,* AHD PSAOTIOK OF MIDI OI»E, J vplH, third adltton- SIMPSON ON ACOPRBSMJRB. JfECLS Off DISEASES OF TAB OVARIES. billier’s has dbo ok of skim diseases. f OGO’S OFTHAtWOSCEPK BfKOBKI. • JOHNSON OK THE LAKVNGOSCOPH- Imii h on end rises and-diabetes, fbazbr’s materia medioa. QUAltt’S ANATOMY,7ihedition. LINDSAT A BLAKIBTON. Pablifthera and Bookseller*, No. 23 Sotitli SIXTH Street. YOUNG MBN PREPARED FOR THE Count in* House and business lire at _ CHITTENDEN ’8 COMMEKCIAJL COLLEGE, No. 637CH85T!?0y Street, corner of Seventh. Fiaetical instruction in r , BOOK-KEEPING, In alhits branches s a* PENMANSHIP, Plain and Ornamental 2 T A . ■ COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, In the shortest and most approved method. - , TELEGBAPHING, - By Sound and on Paper, t&utht by a firsi-el&sy opa rator; alBo, Commercial Law* Basis ess Forms, Detect ins Coanterfe't Notes, Mathematics, &c. v i Kiudenis Instructed separately and received at any ttm« ; _ - mhlB-4t* PS THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS PHIA THE CIT3r AifD COTOIX 0? PHILADBL- JOSEPH SQUIRREL. to oso of A Y. PAKSOHS. ra. ALfBID H. CABBY, i*rniehi» of PHILIP PRICE, . defendant. Plo. Yon., lx., Bee. Term, 1884 Ho. A The, Auditor appointed to mike dtetrttratton of the fund in Court, produced Or Sheriff’e eale under the above writ, of all that certain lot or piece of situate at the southeast corner of Broad street ala EuEQuehanna avenue, In the Twenty-first ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on tb e e ast side of Broad street sixty* six feet, and extend ing eastwegdly of, that width along the south side of said Snsqnebat n& avenue one hundred and twenty feet to a ten feet-wide alley, laid.out and opened for the use and benefit of this and other ground bounding thereon; bounded northward by said Susquehanna avenue, eastward Dy south warfibv ground-of Henry T. Grout, Esq.* and west ward by said Broad nt»eefc—will attend to the duties of h*s appointment on TUESDAY, the 4th day of April. 3865, at 4 o’eioch P. M., at his office, No. 131 South FIFTH Strati. Philadelphia, when and where all par ties interested are reqnired to present ihsir claims or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. inh36.*h*tufit WM. Botch WIStEB, Auditor. Pr THU ORPHANS’ COURT FOR ths (lira .Ajj_n oonNTT_gp jpeir, adelphia. Estate of HBNHY 80SlYBIiY % deceased The Auditor appointed bp the Court to audit, settle, and adjust- the second aecouot of WXbLIAM H. KCBI rmiY sad OH AB&ES BCHCVEI.Y, teeootors of BENBY SOHIVELY, deceased, and to report distribu tion of the nalance in the bands of the accountant, will meet the psrtfes Interested for the purposes of his ap pointment on MONDAY, the 27th day of March, A I) MX®, at 4 -o’clock; P. M., at his OQce. Ko. an South' PiPTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. mbs6 thstuflt jg BOOT?, Jb., AUCTIONEER, ~ JAMES S. EARLE & SONS’ VALUABLE ORIGINAL AMBRIGAH AND TO HEIGH Mostly purchased by Hr. James S. Barle, directly from the artists themselves, or painted from sketches made exclusively for him. Among the painters repre sented are: Carl Hubner* Richard Jourdan, B. De Loose, H. Sondermann, Letschauer, Call M. Webb, BUdebrandt, Yon Seben, S. W. Waugh, Louis Lang, Geeelschap, A. Beigert, Paul Weber, C. Hoguet, Engel hardt, J, N, T. Yan Starkenborgh, W. T. Yan St&rken* borgh, J. W» Casilear, Yan Denberg, Laurent de Beul, E. Yerhoeckboven, Edmund D. Lewis, Thomas Moran, W. I*. Sosntag. This collection Is eertaiuly the finest over offered at public gale in Philadelphia, and fulj y equal to any ever sold inthtscounuy. The painting* are all by mode-n artist*, all new, and in perfect order. They will be sold positively without reserve. The sale will take place at the PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, on the Evenings of THURSDAY, 23d, and FRIDAY, 24th of March, at half past 7 o’clock precisely. The pictures are how on exhibition, free. Open day and evening until (benights of sale. Terms—Cash, bankable funds. Catalogues, can be obtained at the Gallery of JAMES S. EARLE 6 SUES, Academy of Fine Arts, and of the Auctioneer. , mhi6-8t Q ARD. Tie Store I now oeenpy is sold for a Banking laetl- Hot being able to procure a bulUingsufflciently large to bold my stock. I am compelled to As fast as possible. I notr offer my immense assortmentof mbie-lm 809 AHD 811 CHESTNUT STREET. |J AKE R’ S- MANX! FA CTO 366 Y. The laigeit and best assortment of WIGS, TOUPEES, FKIZBTTES, ILLUSIVE SEAMS FOR LADIES. At prices lower than elsewhere, at . mhieetH* 909 CHESTHUT Street pARD.-TBE. UNDERSIGNED CAU- V/ TioKS the Pnblic against negotiating a note drawn by me in favor of M. S Myers at sixty davs for seven hundred dollars, dated M&roh 15, 1885; said note having been obtained witbont any consideration, pay ment thereof will be resisted by the drawer H. K. KB BTDI&, 201 CALLOWHILL Street mhl6-3t* Mabch 18, I 88& 'J' HE FRAKKLIN SAYING FUND, NO. 136 SOUTH FOURTH STBBEr, BELOW CHESTNUT* Pays five per cent. Interest on Deposits, Agents for tbe sale of United States 7 8-10 Loans at Par. Govern* xoentf State and City loans and Stocks bouibfc «nd sold for d epo sitors and others c n Commit sion, mhlfi 3m THE CELEBRATED GREENWOOD * COAL—Equal to am lehigh mined A trial will secure your patronage. Tie housekeeper'e favorite Yard 333 North EKOAD Street; Office. »13 WALSDT Street. DELAPLatNE HUNT. Orders br Oiapatch, to either place, will be promptly and properly filled. rchl»-3t* ' f-nn ARCH STREET. UUU. KITCHEN HA.ED WA RE, WCODEH WAEE. and BRHskE't A’complete asisorimentof Bonne famishing Goods. GEiFFIrH & PaGJB mhl6»ly- SIXTH end A RGB Streets. H. JAMES, (Formerly of Philadelphiai) ATTOBNEY AT LAW, FBANKLIN, VENANGO COUNTY, F2NNA. Special attention given to the examination of Titles.. Philadelphia Befkrences Chae. B Lex, Esq., Bon J. Hose Snowden, James‘ H Little. Bsq.T.T. Tasker, Sr., Hood, Bonbrlght, A Co., J. Z. PeHavau, President 7th National Bank. mhlo-3nx* CAMUELW. HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY KJ _AT LA-W AND CONVEYANCES, FEAN KLIN. VENANGO COUNTY, PENNA. Cate of Philadelphia J _- BEPEBE TO Chuleaß. Lex, Ess., ■ E. &W. C. Biddle h Co.. Bi O. Knight & Co., Dr. B 8. Ma.k.uzie, James a. Little, Ssq.. I W. H.. Yukon & Co. •j&J.Stn NEW PVTBEICATIOtaS. tHB CELEBRATED UNION SPY AND SCOUT, THB CELEBRATED UNION SPY AND SCOUT, THB CELEBRATED UNION'SPY AND SCOUT, THE CELEBRATED UNION BPY AND SCOUT, JOHN E. POTTER, EDVCATIOim. lEOAL. JTo. 102 Cliestnut Street. FOURTH GREAT SALE OF OH. PAINTINGS, SPECIAL NOTICES. SEXjXj ' OUT FURNITURE AT VEST LOW PBICEB. GEORGE J, HEKKELSj ORNAMENTAL HAIR LONS HAIB BBATDS AND CUBES, WATERFALLS, YIOTOBINES, RETAIL. JAMES B, CAMPBELL & CO,, ■rav 'chestnut street, «XvA.CIE SILOS® Ia STBst variety, lnoludfnc the best goads la porled. Royal Arnures, Gro Graias, Lyottß Taffeta, Parlslennes, Drop do Frames, Drag de lyon, Gro de lates. Gro d’AMqtte., &c.,So. COLORED SILKS * 111 desirable shades, plate and carded colored Taffeta and Taffetas Parltleaaes, Host Foulards - sad Golden Brown Gros Grates of magnificent ananlty. SPRING DRESS goods. Lapin’* choicest fabrics, single and doable width. Moas do Latees, new shades. 8-4 Her- Bani’s Crepe Marets, and Tamartines, Steel colored Mob air Poplins, Bleb Mohair Valeniias, French Jaconet*, Organdies, Percales, Ac. LUPIN’S BOMIIA.ZUVEB, Tamise, Monp de Latees, S-4 Hernanl’s Mo hairs, Alpacas, and other black goods at great ly reduced rates. WHITE GOODS. Batasooks, Jaeonete, Cambrics, Swiss Mulls, Fancy Checks, and other popular White Goode at low prices. LINEN GOODS, itt greatly reduced rates, tednding Shirting. Sheeting, and Pillow Linens, Damasks, Diapers, napkins, ho., in great variety. ‘ PUBLISHER, GREAT REDUCTION IN COTTON GOODS. Bleached Muslins In popular brands at and below market rates. COURVOISIER’S CELEBRATED KID GLOVES FRUITED LUTES CAMBRIC DRESSES. Snr prices are marked in plain figures, from which we do not deviate. "WHOLESALE ROOMS UP STAIRS. mhlStf CLACK ALPACAS. x> Black Mohairs. Black Canton Cloth. From the late anction sales, at greatly reduced prices. . CURWEN STODDART A 880., - . ISO, 453, and ISft Sorth SBOOND Street, mhl6-8t Above Willow. ■RICH PLAID SILKS. XU Black Gras d’Afrigue. Black Braude Florence. Black Taffeta. From the late auction sales, at greatly reduced prices. OURWEN STODDART & BRO., , 450, 45», and 454 Worth SECOND Sheet, mhl6 3t Above Willow. rfABLB LINENS. X Bleached Table Linens. Brown Table Linens. Bandloom Table Linens. From the late anction sales, at greatly reduced prices. OURWEN STODDART it BRO., . „ 450, 45a, and 454 Worth SECOND Street, mhl€-3t Above Willow. VARD-WIDE BLEACHED MUSLINS, X Best in the city, Best in the city. For 3U£ oents. , ■ For 31% cents. A great Bargain. * A great Bargain. ✓ JOHN H. STOKES, . mhlS-tf TO2 ARCH Street. WAITTED-A SITUATION AS BOOK * * KEEPER in a Wholesale House in the city. Has no objections to go West or South. Highest reference siren. Address mhl6»2t* “A. L. 8.,” Press Office. WANTED—A MALE TEACHER, " " for Principal of,Hale Grammar School, Potts* villa. Schuylkill county, Pa , by the first of April next. Salary- $7BO a year* payable monthly (s£s). Equlra* lent 10 $7B a month, for the school term of tea months. Studies—the common English branches (including Ey molegy, Mental and Written Arithmetic* &c.) Humber of pupils acout ISO; 320 average attendance, Two lady astistants in the school with separate recitation roomH, A teacher of experience prefered The law requires the party employed to belprovlded with a current Oertifi cate, either bt&te or County. Applications in person or by letter, accompanied with .testimonials, &e .received by the undersigned* to WEDNESDAY, 2£d March inst. Applicants desiring replies by letter or the return of papers, must enclose stamps for the prepayment of postage, j „ CHRISTOPHER LITTLE, mhibilttthlt Secretary of Board of Directors, WANTED—BY A MARKET-STREET »T BEY GOODS House, a YOUStO MAST accus tomed to selling goods by sample to the dty trade. Address Box 2602. Pest Office. mhls-2t* WANTED- A YOUNG MAN, COM * * potent to act as a car deapatcher for a railroad company. Addreaa Box 2,048 F. O. , Phllada. mh!s-3t WANTED—AN ENERGETIC AND -Vf efficiniit person to tike charge of a large store connected with an extensive eolltery. Address: with references. Box 2,048 F. O , Philadelphia I mh]i-St WAN T E D—A SITUATION AS BOOKKEEPER in a wholesale House. Bast city reference given. Address “B. L. H. Press Office. ; mhl4- 3l* WANTED—AT $l5O PER MONTH— V » Areliahle Canvasrorta every town and county, for the KRKSB AHD SPY, the,.most interesting sna exciting book ever published;-embracing the adven tures ofa woman in the Union-army as ifursef ficout; and Spy, giving a moßfc vivid-inner picture of the war. We have Agents clearing $l6O per mouth: which we will prove to any doubting applicant Send, for circulars. Address “JOHES, BKOSr, * 00., 600 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia.*’ mh7-lm* •ROOTS AND SHOES.—AN ENDS PATIGABLB BUSINESS MAN, who hAB had lot* experleuee la the Shoe trade at the South, and nnder ifeiSB JJlf j ,a I®~ o, .SS. c .'i* Jl® damp climates, desires a SITUATION ae SALESMAN, arc., with a party open ing a Shoe Souse in one of the '* captured eltiea ’ ' For particulars,j>lease call at No. 3a North EIGHTS Street, comer of Filbert street. mhl6-Sk* A DRYGOODS COMMISSION,HOUSE aa will take a LAD shout Id years old to learn the business. Address, with reference, Box 3376 Poet Offlce. mhlS St* EMPLOYMENT WANTED BY ARE -*-* SPBCTaBLE YOUNG MAN, JS years of aie, in a Wholesale Business. Address “C. W; T. Press office. mhl6-St* Employment house, for Housekeepers, Seamstresses, Chambermaids, Wait* era, Nurses, Cooks, Laundresses, and aener&l hou*e work, white and colored, 80% LOCUST St. faTO-lm ■RIPLOYMENT HOUSE FOR -*r* Clerks, Book-keepers, Salesmen, Paekewu Porters, Watchmen, Coachmen, Drivers. Conductor^Har-tend ers, Waiters, Farm hands,. Gardeners, &c. Employers sailed at short notice. 8U» and 604 LOCUST Street. jfe2o-lm SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNO matt as a Salesman in a Lumber Yard; one that can influence a good trade. Address “ Lumber Yard, '* this office, for one week. It* CALESMAN WANTED IN A -DRY GOODS COMMISSION HOUSE. One well ac quainted with, city tiade. Address Post Office Box 1,043. •_ - ,mhU-8t« TWO EXPERIENCED BALEB-LA *■ DIES WANTED. Address note to EDWIN HALT. & CO., mhlfi-St* Ho. 36 South SECOND Street. m WANTED TO RENT OR FUR HBICHASE—A Three-story HOUSE, with two or three story Back Building, situated between SprißE Garden and Poplar, wetd of Broad, of which possession can oe had by'May let, for which a fair price will he paid. Address “Thomae,*! Press office. mhl6 81 M WANTED—TO RENT FOR THE Summer, a Cottage, furnished or unfurnished, within say 10 miles of the city, and ne»r a railroad station. AddiessßoxllTOPhlladelphlaP. O mh!3 St* « WANTED TO RENT, BY APRIL Ist, a modern DWELLING, situated above Arch street atd west of Broad, Bent about 1490- Address Box 1937, Post Office, • . " mh2-Ha* A MEDIUM SIZED - DARK, -ec!!r£healthy, aative, steady earriage Horse wanted Address “Eq.uinuB, ,> Press office, with lowest cash price. * It* |R nnn $lO,OOO, and $5,000 to lU,UUU, INVEST upon mobtgagb. Apply to A. FITLEK. mhlHi* Ho. 51 North SIXTH St. gNGLISH BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH ALE, IN STOKE AND GLASS. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GKOCEEIEB, TXYDE & BURPEE, At 1505 WILLOW Street, Philadelphia, ' _ Sole Manufacturers of the AROMA-SAVING COFFEE ROASTERS AND DIAMOND BURR COFFEE MILLS. E. J. HYDE’S PATENTS. * * We save many times its cost yearly by roasting our eoffee with your Portable Coffee Roaster. ” J. 2. KINGSLEY & 00.. Continental Hotel. Philadelphia* ‘‘Where good eoffee Is desired, we consider your Roaster absolutely necesiary.** KANAGA. FOWLER, & GO , Girard House. “I can furnish better eoffee. at less expense, than When using the ready-roasted coffee.' > W. H. BAKES, Ashland House. ''Your Coffee Boaster and Mill are Indispensable tc me." E. B. GLABKE, Germantown. *'l consider your Portable Coffee Boaster the best in the market." JOHN B. LOWS,. Philadelphia Coffee and Spice Mills. U. S. A. Gknbral Hospital, Summit House. “Your Patent Coffee Boaster is in use in this Hospi tal, and does its work in a very satisfactory manner, the coffee being much more evenly roasted, without any portion of It being overdone. There is saying in quantity ana improvement in qnality, the aroma helms retained.” ■ J H. TAYLOB, _ Surgeon U. S. V., in charge, U. S, A. Qkrkral Hospital. Chester, Penns. ••It give® me pleasure to recommend your Coffiw Roaster to all desiring focd.ro&sted coffee ” TKOS. HE WSON BACHS, Burgeon U. 8. 7., in charge. Many testimonials might be given endorsing on? small Family Coffee Roaster. all or which unite in pro* noun ring it the only machine worth having. Price 1 $3.60, $3 60, and $5. Pricesfor Portable Stove and Roaster, for Grocers, Hotels, Hospitals, Coffee Manufacturers: No. 1, $4O; No. 2. $6O: No. S. $126; Nq. 4, $250, Send for circular. All Machines Warranted, Responsible families, d«- siring to try any of the family sizes, before purchasing, ean be accommodated by sending their orders to the of* flee, 1505 WILLOW Street, Philadelphia. dalO-stuthSmif HYDE & BURPEE. jßk FARMING IMPLEMENTS AND -3? MACHINES. —All thejimproted Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators, Seed-sowere, Bay, Straw, ana Fodder* cotters, Horse Powers and Threshing Machines, Mow ing and Reaping Machines, Spring-tooth Hone Hay Bakes, Field and Garden Boilers. Garden and Farm Barrows, Faym Bells, Ox Yokes,- Churns. Grist Mills, together with a full stock of all implements appertaining to the garden Purchasers are invited to call and ex amine my stock and prices BOBSBT BUIST, Jr.. _ Agricultural ard Seed Warehouse, t Nos. 933 and 934 MABEST Street. mhl!-6fc Above Ninth. 600. ® BUIST’S WARRANTED KITCHEN QaRDBJS SHEDS.—These Seeds are always war ranted as represented, and are unsurpassed in parity or quality. For sale by ROBERT BUIST. Jr., Nob. 988 and 984 MARKET Street, ttbtl-6t Above Ninth. ® ONION SETTS.—2OO BUSHELS prime white and yellow Oaten setts now in store, and for sale at the lowest market price „ , ROBERT BUIST, Jr., Seed and Agricultural Warehouse, Nob. 983 and 934 MARKET Street, mhll'flt abjve Ninth, A EXTRA EARLY PEA S—2oo BUSH •«JLeIS Extra Early Peas, unsurpassed in quality, now in stoze and foi sale, in quantities to suit, by ROBERT BUIST, Jr , 3 s . Bred and Agrlcnitnral Warehouse, mbU «t V 33 ami MASKJT St., ab. itbith. BETA IX DRY COOBM.: Offer at Popolar Prioee: WANTS. Comer of ELEVENTH uni VI US St«. ' PAR B.4XP Ain TO tET. ££ TO PAEKISRB, INSURANCE! OB Oil. COMPANIES. FOR SALE!, THE HANDSOME OFFICE BUILDING FOURTH STREET, BELOW CHESTNUT (No. 10§). ■ Estate of THOB. 8. MITCHELL, deceased. Aprirto W. EL LITTLETON, sl* WALNUT Bhreot. £| TO LET TS® FIFTH AND SIXTH STORIES OF THE GRANITE BUILDING, (Formerly Post Office.) Noe. 337 end 330 DOCK STREET, with’btram powbe. wealth Buildlnr, ’ ’ Noe. UT Street. Can bo arr&ntdd for SfJ > E, 8 ,V i i htedroo » la the city 1 " Aleo, FOB SALE, several valuable properties. THOS. 11. CONNELL, COUNTING-HOUSE OF DR. D, JAYNE & SDN, g*B CHESTNUT STREET. mhUS-St CL COUNTRY RESIDENCE.—FOR JHf sals a small Place la BOXBOROOGG. Twenty firetwaid. six miles ano a half from the city: easr of acc«fs every hour by r&Uroad, andwUMn a few Joinute** walk of the station at Mauayunk. *i lftde4 wltJl three ?2!v * a4 l|«» modern conveniences of beater, gas. brife * 0 '* * ni South FOURTH Streßt, mhie-St* FhHadelphia. PETROLEUM! OIL If FOR SAUL —A FEW ORIGINAL SHARES In a choice and select OIL COMPANY NOW FORMING. GREAT INDUCEMENT. FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENT. PRO. .N TOWNSEND & 00., „ 133 K South FOURTH Street, Mbfl-tf Philadelphia. PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR Jnsur.nce on Lives and Granting Annuities. Afew shartsof this stockfor sale. Address Box §93 P.O. ml»-3t» F)R SALE—A TWENTY YEARS’ LEASE ON A VALUABLE OIL TRACT, NEAR rainff Sr c ß ifv A S sarassniasa usd the Ohio Elver, & miles from Pittsburg, . This property is on the tamer Eon as the celebrated Patton ana Thompson Well*, and ie all flat or boring territory. There is a Well down on it to the depth of t constantly on hand by J. HASaEttls* VISE Street. Philadelphia. f«23-lmtf* TTOR NON RETBNTION OR INCON- J- TI2BENCB of urine, irritation, inflammation or Ulceration of the bladder or kidneys, diseases of the prostate glands, stone in the bladder, oaionliiß, gra vel or brick-dust deposit, and all diseases of the blad der, kidneys and dropslcalßwe-linse. nae HELM Kni.n'"w.nTe EXTRACT BUCHD. QEED— CLOVER, TIMOTHY, AND O Flax Corn, Barley- Oats 200 tons Buckwheat and CoriA Heali -and FOB Feed. Railroad Depot. MiWr atTMi. tatm W 0. PBSKTS2L, AITCTIOJff SAIA3B. BAZAAR, NINTH AND SAN o\ o Stor^Pi^® O2BEß * CABBIAOSS. Ac. r . „ FIPTT HOBBES, g^”'Sufv»dt0 tretsureto 2*3B? 4 ™ " LaiTSf9 "“' — l of desirable new aaw wcond'haiA ~ f ?«srb«yr s * Also single and double harness, cadd’sa. Whies, coven, halters 4c." wua.es, bridle^ AMITSEMEfII'I’S. -jvraw chkstnut-streettSeaT TSK, OHE3THUT gtreet, aboya Twelfth. „„„ Ot the Pew Local One Tnotreand Dollars Frias Drama, wnttenby Sfiia Laura Ketee, in four acts. styled THE WOBKHBtT OF PHILaDELPHUT CTrBBB<)™DEfjrS. Sl'Bicte 1 touiT Beanti/el io °* l Beanery, Sir tfflsfaa^sp“ iarocta * «« ai^TosSSSt* 16 * an 4 ■‘BF'totiaento, by Join Dalssr OrtitoalHnsloly AaoiplßlrffeU. and a ‘’'‘"‘MtMEERWn" e^^ AOTSBS - The Bar-room, a Modern ißHitntim Supper-room inDayia’ Kestaurant, Arch street. % d^ft7hetac^rf A o tU W< 1?^ 'rom Stackhau.- SawmllL cSrn, of Fife, dfilphia by Moonlight, looking toward* th« Wn~T Yard; viewof-theShipping along the Delatra™”wnZ a gJanee at Smith’* Island; the ferry-boaS^MmJ£2 and Dido plying to and fro. merchant Chestnut street, with -view of the Academy of Pine Arte. ° Wiinje F/rfS^ 3 ”’ w ALMUT STREET THEATRE ' THE STREETS OF PBILADBITPITTa ... Q „ JH* 81TBB«ji OF PHICASSpiii; nittes***** 8 * rea * effecte. Remember, the lantoppertn-. BATORDAY, in compliasce with, a very **n*T*i SSW&flsSMa?,sy “ , ■■ THE TICKET OF-LEAVE MAN. and as Brown, tile Broker, la tke reraaiaiii. Tum MY HEIOHBOB’B 08 °* MOSBaY, BENEFIT OF MB. J. 8. CLABKE. gs? safe*SS5JS meters, constituting i-upiuar caa- BoxßoWoC 811 - 11 °* THE SEAS °*- Toodiea will shortly appear. In rehears&J, an entirely new Drama, from the »«*« oW^assi^ted 8680 "* -35 „ . BIOHOL*S NIOKIiEBY, Yklch will present Mr, Clarke In a gow character Ig^fc -MRS- JOHN DREW’S NEW ABO®. JM* STREET THEATRE. ¥J * LAST SIGHTS OF HRS. F. W LANiyRT? THIS COmxßday) EVENiSO* MAycR ARRIISHHB, THE ACrßEfef^ 14 After whicb* THE SPECTRE BRIDEGEOOara*^ FKST IIIOHT OF CHARLOTTE COROAY MON OAT, Hr and Hri. BAR BE 7 WTRLTA KH. w rw ABCH- STREET THEATRE " FABBWBLT.BBtfBFIT OF MSS. F. W. lakbßß FBIBAY, March 17 71m French Drama, entitled chaklottb gosdat. in which «he will introduce the ... “ JUE6BILLAIBB HIMIT." with ether entertainments. The haat Sight hat one of her engagement. nthlSM* POYKR QF ACADEMY OF MUfflO. CROSS & JARVIS' THIRD CLASSICAL SOIREE, SATURDAY EVENING. March 18, 1S«, at 8 o'cloofc. PROGRAMME. 1- TEIO in D Major (Op'lShPiano, Violin. and Vio loncello. ~Ree(h»T « n. % CONCERT—Stuck, op. 78, Plano (Qnintstti • PART IIL S. Ottetto, (B Major) —^S»«fcr* Violin, 2 Violas, Clarionet. 2 Horns, Yi(floaeel2afnl nu »v Doable Bass. *• ITicbete $L mblS-St THE GREAT AMERICAN CIRCUS. A WALNUT Street,' above EIGHTH. Henan, OABDINER and HEMMIHOS-. ,THBSBNSATIONOP THE TIMES. THIS toSv&f, ssk&zgt ifSswttJSK sanlt: Mi. Sam Boar. Ota siaciar clowns'Mr. DsmSav. diner, the treat American I«$r; Mr. j. Ward, t£» TBiaaSle downs Master Sanfotd and Master Toliert »ond«rtnl*imta6tß! Mias Eliza Gardiner, thegraceSi enoestrlenne; Mr. Tom Sing; Lokeßi vara. andtha remainder of thestar troupe, sril) appear in ararfeteaf agreeable. terming, and fascinating performances THB PONT KACE | O |O s J a »«!£S. PONT BACKS. wm he performed dnrijie the week AdmissioaSOcfca... first tier; 25 eta.. second tier. Commence at 7.40 * Splenlia performances on Wednesday end S&tnxdaw afternoons, commezcins at 2>£ o'clock. Bemember the circus wil soon close. A SSEMBLY BUILDING-THEATRE " FRABCAISE DB EEW YORK. PAUL JUICtffET wt .nrßgn i»wrg „ 3a LA JOIS 3>B 1,4 M4ISOEr GTSffa * Comedy, vaudeville, in one act, by ML Damanols. Boors open st 7 s curtain will rise at K to 8 o’clock. Ticket Office open torn II to4o clock. mhldlt TV/TUSICAL FUND HALL—GRAN® DA concert.-extraordinary attbactioit THB PROGRAMME OF THE SEACO3 "* OH THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH IeraTISRL T * G ra .? d Concert wUI be eiven at MUSrCAL FOTI* HALL, br a number of tke First Artists in tie City. as. aisted by * chores of POSH VOICES, 4 I™™* 1101 8S? t *hd popular Amateom of Philadelphia. The following trail-known and emi nent Artists will appear upon this occasion, and sine a number of choice pieces of Mnsio: *“** * Ifce celebrated American Prim& Donna, mv „ MISS B. P. HEWLETT, The veil- known Tenor. „. ' MB-, OHaBLBS SCHMITZ, Gentleman Amateur, Mit. UMBTED, Tke pleasing Pianiet, w _ MABSAH WASHES. 1 MUSICAL DIBEOTOB, GAEL SENTZ. , PItOGItA&ME. L Chorus—Hall Tfa. Ye ffrea . qArw-» • 1. Tenor Solo—Adelaide—-.......Beethoven'sSmut Mr. UMSTED. * a 8 CHm * 3. Eckert. 4. Piano Solo —L’Eoumfl de Mer.............Her*. M4BSAH WARSES. 5. Tenor Solo—My oream ana „ MR.-CHARLES SOHMITZ. 8. Choms—Achieved—Ho. 2 Hadya’s Creation. T> ART XT L Choms—Tim Hoavei.e are Telling —.Hadys. 2. Soprano Solo—Balero ■...SioUlaM Vassal. _ MlbS B. P. HEWLETT. 3. pianoDuett.... —Selected. MASSAH WABHER AND JAMES WTLLIAH. . 4 Dnet—Soprano and Tenor --. Linda. .MISS B P. HEWLETT ABB MB. C. SCHSHTZ. 6. Chorus. Finale—THE STAR SPANGLED BAHHBB. The Grand Plano used (Geo Steck A Co. ‘s make) Ik furnished by Mr Gonld. Seventh and Chestnut Strata. Admission, SL. Tickets for sale at all the jfnuty Stores, BUley’s, Continental Hotel, and at the on the d&7 of the Concert. Doors open. at 7M o’clock* to commence at S. A MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSICL LBOTUBBBV GEOEOB PKAJSCIH TBAXH, nr a m op the LADIES’ FIBST UNION ASSOCIATION, POR THE BKNBFIT OP THE WIDOWS AND ORPHANS OP SOLDIERS Who have died is defence of their country, and ftinllfeg of discharged and disabled soldiers, _ On. TUESDAY EVENING, Marsh 14. Tickets 25 certs. Reserved Seats 60 cents. For nit at T. B. Pugh’S, comer of Sixth and Chestnut streets! Gould’s Music Store, comer of Seventh and Chestnut streets: Continental Hotels Booms of th# Association. 657 North Eighth street; Handel & Haydn Hall, and 3 the door on the evening of the Lecture. ■ Iwh7.tr .OERMANIA ORCHESTRA—PUBLIO a* ,-BBHFABgALS every SA.TUKDAT at SH o'clock P. M., at MUSICAL FUHD HALL. Slnele Tickets. M cents. Six Tickets, sls to be had at Gould’s, Andre’a, and Meyer’s Music Stores, and at the HslL no7-tf THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, -A- CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, la OPEN DAH.* for visitors, from 9 A. M. to 6P. M. jeSS ggiaoßßaßaa PENNSYLVANIA S AILROtD COMPANY. KOTICB. On an! after MOJtDAY, March 20, 1865, all local freitht for shipment by the,.PennsylTania Bailroad. and Philadelphia and Brie Bailroad, will ha forwarded from the new depot* FIFTEENTH and MARKET Sta. Freight for Pittebarg, and all points vest of Pittsburg* •will be forwarded Iromthe depot THIRTEENTH au MARKET Streets. __ Produce and other-fright arriving from the Weal end local stations on these roads, willbe delivered from the depot Thirteenth and Market streets. g. ?. KINGSTON, J*., _ f ‘Sight PmtAl>fcLt>irU, March 14, iSeS. _ mhls-« CAMDEN AND AT CHi BAIIBOAD. Train leave Vine-street Ferry r Freight, with Passenger Gar attached.—* .7.30 A.M,' Atlantic icco2Bicod&tioii