>ll. COMPANIES. iwEsuriFii urn. m shako. MUITY OIL COMPANY. O»opit*a ~.,.,.,....#300,000. PAR VALUE. |l I ' '■ ' ' SUBSCRIPTION PRIDE TWENTY-FIYS CBSTB PEE SHARE, Toll paid bp. add mo tootb assessments. 1; : .'•si* p $BO,OOO WOBKING CAPITAL. 11l EQUITY Oil. COMPANY owns, In feeslniple, Ist left perches land, on Walker’s Creak and Se ihn’e Run, In Wood County, West Virginia. The is perfect, and tbs recent developments in tbs [hborhood warrant tbs belief that tbs Company has tied a very valnablo piece of oil land. Tbs North- tern Virginia Railroad nuts thrcmgh tbs. land, and Company has thereby every advantage of cheap ieportation: it will cost but fifty cents per barrel tc iteport oil to Parkersburg, while it costs from $1 to '200,000 SHARES—PAR VALUE $l. 0,000 SHAKES TO BE SOLD—THE REMAINING! 210,000 SHARES TO BE DIVIDBO EQUALLY • L AMONG the shareholders. or Property $BO,OOO, Capitol,. ....,$40,000. Shareholder's Stocfe Costing bat 60 Cents per Share. id on the same equitable principle as the ’ and ’ ‘ Government, ” whose properties are 'lose of tie STAaniaa Sloan On. akd Waiaa / of Oil tsken from a well on a contiguous pro a be aeen at this office. Directors of this Company, desirous to develop lineial resources of their territory, without r»- to the speculative spirit now prevailing, propose ' their Janos la the market on the original basis, •sire development, knowing that the legitimate lon of Petroleum is of more value than.*** more to of lands. • <3 tbe organization of tbli Compa'ny ,-niation hits been received tbat a I, yielding Ninety Barrels a day, struck last week lit too vicinity or property, on the Standing Stone, tin two days after th« announce* t of tills fact, and before the Books opened to the public, 34.0U0 shares subscribed. liaaAa of this Comply us located a* follows: met of la»a «a Mnddr Greek, a branch ofMiJdle Greeks im Tyler eounty, neariha great oil re ' Greene and Fayette, on the border* of .J*enn , This tract contains one hundred and fifty fee simple, and has abundant mineral indiea . -well was o' ruck on the Bth of January, In the rhood, at the depth of three hundred feet, and rwing largely. The Oil Is lubricating, and a* is convenient to the Ohio river, the cost of ttlen will he com^arati rely email, tot of land, in fen simple, containing one fcuu thirty fonr acres, adjoining the anove. with levelopmentc of Coal, Antimony. and Aephal liitlon to abundant indications of fetro of land, in fee elmple, containing slaty-four Standing Stone Creek, within two mllea of Kanawha, and in the immediate vlclalhrof ,nt Seines and Hnghes river territory. Thu , the heart of the oil region of West Virginia, ough hitherto undeveloped on account or the le indications of oil are uamletakabU Being two miles of the Kanawha river, the facilities isportatlon u ill save a large percentage on the the oil and minerals, ieof ten acree on little Kanawha river, in the ite vicinity of the great hie well yn and Kath »ll«, wnich are the largest Bvar discovered In try of Petroleum, the first Sowing three thou kJs a dhy when struck. For this the Company iOVALTI OF ON* TENTH OF THB OIL The , this lc see will be understood when we state new well, flowing two hundredibarrols, was in the neighborhood, on the Earning Spring Uhln the laet few days. (eadjrinlng the above, for which the Company royalty of only OJE-TESTH ofltheoU. TILBR COBHTY. retenting the lands of Trier .county to theatten. the public the Directors will merely reprint the if extracts from evidence ill tne most trass* ■^har&ctei: _ . , , [ fi om the Pittsburg Commercial. 1 jfpondent, writing from Ifew M&iamoros, Tyler West Virginia, save that oil waeatrncg, on the . on MicJd.e Island Greek * five miles from tae jar. at what 1b called Hlssam'a MUU» in Tyler The well is at a depth of some three hundred 1 the oil wa* pumped up by a hand pump. The tw Uk* wild fire, and those who sold their lands U? for -15100 per acre some time elnoe. are now bat they have sold. Bearly all tae lands are or leased In the county, and great exottemenfc theUpeela! Beport to Forney’s Prest* published ar Cib, 1864, and understood to be from the pen Itor of that journal who was sent by Mr. For tike a tour of the West Virginia oil region: Tier c.-umy, especially around the county seat, me, the evidences of oil are very abundant. t oesr our State that one almost imagines he is ►n Pennsylvania farm*. The people of Tyler ,re an intelligent, busy class, and more enter than any of tae other counties I have visited, we taken their own. lands in hand, and do not tie outside world with as much avidity as their table neighbors on the Little Kanawha. As an « of their confidence in their own enterprise, I ,f one centleman now living near Listersyule ifased fifty thousand dollars for a tract of laud re than eighty acres in extent. He was boring a the time, and the neighbors arouudhira were ring wells. The capitalists of the West, from , St. Louis, and Cincinnati, as well a* the its from Boston, who cams rather late into this InesH, aie greedily and eagerly endeavoring to the masters of these coveted lands, tfne oil that extends from Mlddlehurne, Tyler oonnty, rface indications are borne out, will be tne basin of the continent-** , _ _ _ •Usury machinery is now ordered, and an effl.- erintaneent already at work for thepronpt nt of the lands, so that an early reram may from investments in this Company. OFFICERS. PRESIDENT, ISAAC COUP* B. Of the firffiof Coops* & Couaro. coraw of ISiIITH and MARKET fitiwt*. TREASURER. JAMES M. FJSKGU3OIT, Office of the Company. BRCRBTART, . ■ OH AS. H. BIDS BOTHAM, j, n-itb Maps of the Company’s estates, or w ill he ready in a few days* tion Books now open, at the Office of the Ho. 41T W It XTE N 'S' A- » M OIL COMPANY SUGAR CRERS ; office, I*o SOUTH fourth strict. r(v -mgist. of ISO acres In fee simple of gffiffgga «!? ssa^wwesas le, mitointne the property of Sagarureen uu which «t“uck alarse weUofhearToil- The T will retain a larae working csultil,“’™ drilling a number of wells, wnlon are now in ;CTUS or any further informatloa c»nh«ol>- iffioe, lftU South POtfBTB Street n>hlQ-6t # Oil COMMIT, ■ ... .JOT South nFTHßtiM|.nm»|dpUik jO 000 SBiKEH WOKKIBG CAPITA!,. IBIPTIOH PMC* 91 , J?. 6 Yl«W.»ideitt: A. K PAUL. Treasurer JOHN I. ROGERS. Secretary. DIRECTORS. - >t Gibbons*. | PldUpLoirry* « » lelG King, I Joba JSfoble. nas H. Gill, I Francis McManus* John Bnnefeer. ~ . . . TBS PUBLIC,-—I hi* Company bars disposed or Shares of thslr Wortla* Capital. Haring * ta of 0 GCO Shares yet to be sold at tbs Subscription If OM BoUsr par share. Onr deyelop aeate are \ proereMi The Boohs can remain open hot afew lobrcrlbere and pereoii. d.slroas of la- S 3 aid 84 WABHUraTOU BUtbPIHSS, 8»4 South THIRD Street, ms wishing stock lu the shore Company are no it there are for aale-at tho Subscription Price, .er share—TWBKTY-THBEB HUHDBBD AMD ,310) fcHaBES OF BOBFHITID STOCK. Ap.. ton must be made Immediately. *./- t It K. J. HABBISOH, Secretary. OIL COMPANIES. IST" *«* CHEERY EPS IND WEST HICKORY MUTUAL PETROLEUM COMPACT * ■■ V * OF PHILADELPHIA. Twenty-five Cents per Share FOR FULL-PAID STOCK. CAPITAL 250,000 SHARES, AT SI PAR. Working Capital 100,000 Shares,or *25,000. DR. JAMES TRUMAN. O. w. MoOLINTObK. This Company la formed on the basis of the mutual advantage to arise to all euhanlbeta Horn the Immedi ate- development of their several very valuable tracts of rich oil territory, lying In Venango county, Penn sylvania, and Preston county, West Virginia. The exceedingly low price for PULL-PAID STOCK Snablee every one,-“RICH OR POOR,” to Invest ac cording to their means, and to participate in the profits arising from the rapid rise of property and its speedy development. The Company purpose to sink (1) POUR WILLS at onto. The properties consist of 235 acres, mostly In fee simple. So. 1 le one acre on CHBRRY RUN, Venango coun ty, Pennsylvania, below the town of Plumer. Splen did territory. Welle going down all around. FEE BIKPLE INTERESTS. Ho. 3 is Si acre* on WBBT HICKORY GKBBK, aU horsabls, heavily timbered, and fine oil indications. West Hickory Greek is the next creek to Pitt Hole, on the eame side of the Allegheny river. Ho. 8 Is 160 acres, In fee simple, PRESTON COUNTY, West Virginia, on both side* of Buffalo Creek; CO acres bottom land; hills full or Coal. Tha landillet hut a short distance from the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, khd la easy of access. On the next farm a Baltlmors company have recently struck a fine well. No. 4 Is 50 acres, In fee simple, In MEBToN COUN TY, West Virginia, two miles from tho above, lying on Deer Lick and Klngsessere Run;t3s acres bottom land, comprising the valleys of both streams. The Baltlmoie and Ohio Railroad paßssa directly through this tract. On these lands are very fine surface lndlostions of oil. They are surrounded by Philadelphia and-Baltimore companies, who are at work developing their lands. SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS ARE NOW OPBN AT No. 20 SOUTH THIRD STREET, AND AT THE STORB OP THB TREASURER, O. W. .TVToCiT.INT.OOK, ■ail NORTH WATER STREET, mhio M |£jjjp“* FKIKOIiEVH. THE HEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL PETROLEUM COMPANY. ORGANIZED UNPBR THB MINING AND MANUFACTURING LAWS OF THB CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES, $lO PEE SHARE, NOT LIABLE TO ASSESS- GOYEBHMBNT BONDS AND SECURITIES TAKEN IK PAYMENT FOR STOCK. OFFIOBB: NO. Eft EMPIRE BUILDING. No 71 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Foot Oma Asbbxsb, Box No. 5358, Nesv Yobs. oniom HOB. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, President. WM. T. PHIPPS. Yt«o Preildont ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary. H. J. BUKTIS. Mining Superintendent,TUnsviUe,Pa. ATLANTIC BANE, Ho. 14J Bioadway, N.Y., Treasury. The well! of tie Company ere nowproduelng oIL Payment lor stock me) do made la drafts, vegistered notes, or Government 'bonds and securities, which bonds and securities will be taken at their market value. Bemittanees may he addressed to the Company, P. O. Box So. 5368, New York City, or to •*Atlantic Bank, Treasury of the New York and Liverpool Petroleum Company,Wo. 148 Broadway. Hew York City.* * Prospectus sent to any address on application, con taining a foil and clear account of the operations of this MOOT BUCOESIFUL PSTBOLBCH COMPACT, mh4-Sm , Bi.rniA, Fob. 27 1885. mh7-6t COMP TOBHUA T. OWKH. ATTORNEY *1 COUBKLLOE AT LAW, .AND SOLICITOR 01 »«mt. PRBTIDEHT, TREASURER, SECRETARY, EZRA LOKENS. LEASEHOLD. , STATE OF NSW YORK. MENT, OITICBBS. johS^b&ib, Cashier first National Bank, Allegheny. S. B. McSLBOY. OfMcELroy, Diefcßon.ft Co., Wood Street. Pittsburg. wit MccrrroHsoN, Liberty street* Pittsburg. Hr. X- B. M’ABOY, PitUbnrg, JOHN M. CBAWPOBH, Heir Castle* Pa. BBBHBZBR HcJUffKUT, Bailer, Pa. Hon. JOHff M. DITffXIP, Lancaster* Pa. ASTD CONSISTS OP OIL COMPANIES. fay ™ CAMERON PETROLEUM CO. OS' FENNSTIjVANIft., CAPITAL. 81.000.000. SEtAREB 300,000. Filß TJJjDBh w*u|s.ooi subbobittioh run PRESIDENT. VANCE STEW ART* •r ansbrat ootrarr, ri. TBBASUBBB, S 3, Gf. JAMBS, or pgnjnsi.rim. SECRETARY, J. Z*. DARLINGTON, WHST OHwzn. PA. DIBBCTOBB, VAHCB BTEWABT, Mercer nmlTi ft. JOHN B. LEONARD. Welt Cheater, Fs. S. C. FORREY, Washington, D. 0. HBNBY D. OOOKE, Washington, B, 0. SIMON CAMERON, Harrisburg, Be. JOHN H. DIEHL, Philadelphia. JOHN F. GRAFF, Philadelphia. GEORGE O. EVANS, Philadelphia. JAMES DDPPT, Marietta, Lancaster eo„ Pa The present and prospective Tains of tbs stock of this Company may bo Inferred Cram tbe fast that it owns a As aimple Interest in 413 (four hundred and seventy three) acres of the richest'tested oil territory in Venango county, believed by the moat experienced oil men in that reaioa to be capable of prodnelna suet annual ln eome to the Company of ono and a half million dollars, or three timet the entire cost of the a took, whichwould be eonlyaient to twenty- fire per eent. a month on its subscription pile?, ot one hundred and Jfflu per cent, per annum on Hit par value. The following la a description of tho Company’s pro perty. One-fourth fee simple interest in the celebrated "Hoover" Farm, situate on tho Allegheny river, about two and one-half milos below Franklin, cott talningSSt (two hundred and ninety-two) acres, with 333 rod s (or over ono mile) front on tho Allegheny river, oh’which then are now. twelve leases, each ten rods eauare.and from which the owners of the fee simple get one half the oil, free of ail expense. Besides this, there are two wells owned by the owners of the fee, from whioh they get all tho oil. On this Farm there are now ton Welle In operation, producing an avenge of ton barrels per day, and several others are about being tnbed. There are also os it IST (eighty-seven) more lota surveyed, and mote than fifty applications are now standing to lease the latter for one half the oil to the owners. Out of the twelve wells on this Farm time n are new paying handsomely \ a 'fact which snfliclentLy demon strates the great richness and reliability of the terri tory. Ia tha enUrtfee simple interest in 131 (one hundred and eighty-one) acres, situate on the Allegheny river, near ly opposite the "Hoover ” Farm, and a little nearer Franklin, at the month of Mill Bnn, having a front of 96 reds on the Allegheny river, and ono mile on both sides of Mill Bon, with ample boring surface for one hundred wells , ot Lota of ten rods Sahara. This tract Is known as the "Stewart Farm,*,’ and is clear of all leases or lnotunbranees of any kind. There is new in operation a fifty-barrel well (beside several smaller ones) on the Coshran Farm, which ad joint this on the south. In fact, the " Stewart ’ ’ Farm is surrounded with good-paying walls, and within a short time a single lease of 80 rods front, on the imme diate opposite ride of tho river, sold for gIBO.OOO (ono hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars. 1 On this lease a good well has been struck within a few daye. In addition to the territory of the *• Stewart ” Farm, which Is believed to beeanally as good as the "Hoov er," there are on It s three- story Grist Mill, with lino water-power, a good fann- house, and other buildings, hat will bo of use tp the company. The durability of this immediate oil section is illus trated by the fact that some of the wells oh the ‘‘Hoov er” Farm have been pumping for over four years, with out any material diminution in their yield, while Hie oil here produced, from Its greater convenience for transportation and superior gravity, always commands from one to two dollars per barrel mors than tho til at OilOreek. , The ofilcers of the Company fool justified Is present ing the .following estimate of what, with vigorous management, the above lands can be made to yield for the benefit of the stockholders in a comparatively short time: She "stewabt faeh. ” Thera la room on this for one hundred lots of tan rods square, all of which ean bs leased Immediately for one half the oil, free of all expense to the Company. Bstimatiaf one well to each lot (one hundred wells, althonsh there is room for three hundred) at the Tory moderate average of ten barrels each, would makes Daily product of 1,000 bblf. Out of this the Company’s share would be. 600 bids. Value of daily yield to the Company, at ten dollars per bbl (It is now selling at Allowing three hundred working days to the year, this would make the Comps- ny’c annuel net receipts. from the Btew» art F&fiu Slone, * *.»*. X,600,000 00 hllowln x the same estimates for the “Hoot er >’ Farm, in which the CompanT owns one-fonrth in fee of the lend interest, the ssnM im.i--»=oipta iron the latter would ■"M**««* w ** 4<,t * ,t *** H *'-'* >t * W4KM ' |, **»*<- .... House the annual receipt* from com ; ■ Jiitijb »«,,»•*«•* hi ■•* * ■ • n• • • 1,675,000 00 Deducting from this amount the itm of $376,000 for contingencies, would leave the Ret Annual Income of the Company. ~™. $1,600,000 00 ALL THESE LOTSCAtf BE IMMEDIATELY LEASED, If it 1> deemed expedient, at a royalty or on«-h»lf the Oil, with covenants binding leaieos t» sink wells, with all possible diligence, to the depth of 600 or more feet. ▲ PBW PXAIST WOBBB TO SUBSOBIBBBS. Ton are not asked to subscribe to this Stock wHb the expectation of immediately receiving large dividends, but the basis on wbicb the Company rests* it is bo* lieved* will make your investment not only scife» but* prospectively, of enormous value. Hot withstanding, at the present prices ol oil,the Com pany's annual receipt* (without any farther develop ment) would be forty thousand dollars, or eight per cent, on the ooet of the stock; The President, Mr. Stewart, Is one of the most practi cal and experienced oil operators ;in the State, and his residence near the Company’s property and general oversight of its management Is the best guarantee that mo efiorte will be spared to make the investment pro fitable. Applications fox A lane proportion of the stock haye already been made, bntnonewiti be received until the books of the Company are xeiulaily opened fox that purpose. - . _ , Ouiy a limited amount of the stock will be sold at subscription price. She stock will he Issued full paid, without furthex assessments. . BOOKS OF BUBBCBIFTIOXr will be open fox a few days, on and after January 18.1585. at the offise of E. 6. JAMES, Treasurer, MO. 101 WALITOT StTMt. Fhll»d». Al«o, temporarily, IT A. SOteiM, feg.tf it S. A cor. SEVENTH . KOEKER. No. 419 Walnut street. JOHN P. O’NEILL, Esq , No. 144 South Sixth street. WM. P. JOHNSON. Esq,, Ho. ISS6 North Fifth street. WM. H. WALLACE, SECRET ART, AT COMPANY’S OFFICE. mh?- tuthsBt gAEBE’B ORNAMENTAL HAIR MAHtIPi-CTORT. The largest and best assortment of WIGS, TOUPEBS, LONG HAIB BRAIDS AND CURLS, WATERFALLS, VIOTOBINBB, FRIZETTEB, ILLUSIVE SEAMS FOR LADIES. At prices lower than elsewhere, at the science op medicine 1 ehonld stand simple, pure, mnjeetle; having .fact rations, entahllshed over lEveare W&KAH&KKR ft BBOWW, THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA; SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1865. t2I4TH PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNj' TBBB3! . . f EIGHTH ORION LEAGUE REGIMENT. THE KILITAKY COHHITTBB OF THB TOIO I/E4GUE biu rtcelvei authority to raise a Begiment of Infantry lor under the call of December 19 th, IBM. - . The number assigned to the Begiment la the 314th Pennsylvania Volunteers. Orders have-been given to the Provost Uarshals sit other Mastering Officers to master la reeralfs for the Buiment. NATIONAL GUARDS’ HALL. where re traits will be tshtn. APPLIOATIOHB FOB POSmOHSIH THB KBOIMBBT wUI be received. PEoVOar MARSHALS, WAUDCOM HITTS SS, and others, are invited to assist in reermlting for the Regi ment. By order of the Committee, «THE GRAND NATIONAL GUARD. Major General Hancock’s Ist Army 30,000 VETERANS WANTED. THE PATRIOTIC BXOITEMEHT OH THEIR CREASE. file Corps to )>e Recruited to its Maxi- THE BIRHBY BRIO ADR WILL BB ATTACHED TO Thetlst Army Corps of Veterans for the GALLANT GENREAL HaSCQIK, to form a part of the GRAND NaTIOS All GUARD, to protect the institutions of ©ur country, to vindicate the honor, do war. and glory as emblemized in the "OLD FLAG," and fight for and sustain it against all enemies, foreign or domestic, hare occnoied a considerable *h.... 92,145 HEPBBSKNTA.TIVB BROBUITB. x«t it be distinctly understood that any mas* exempt from draft, or woman or young lady desirous of being represented in the army can do so, upon paying to the undersigned the sum Of $5O, and a handsome certificate commemorative of the event will be given to the person thus represented. Of this sum 925 will be .paid to the recruit, and $25 will be retained to defray the extraor* dinary expenses for music, advertising andhlll print* ing incident to raising troops. list every man and wo* man in the State, who desires to be represented in the army, come forward and. make this investment for the purpose of strengthsnlng the ranks of the army. THB ££Bnß7 BRIGADE. The Brigade of three regiments, named in honor of that gallant hero whose name lives in history, will be at* tached to tie Ist Army Corps. It is the intention of the patriotic gentlemen Interested in perfecting this orga nization to present each member with a handsome testi monial as a memento of the occasion of his re-enlisting especially in the Brigade. The Beexnlting and Mastering Office, for the present, is at the northwest corner of FIFTH and PRUNE Streets, Fifth ward. Disbursing Office, northeast cor ner of SIXTH and MINOR Streets. The headquarters of the men, after having been mustered into the service, are at Richmond HsU. Jo©* Other recruiting offices will be opened in differ entpart* of the city and State as soon as the arrange ments can be perfected. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Executive of the Recruiting Committee and Chief of znhB fit Detective Department of PMiada. STO MEN OF COLOR! HIGHEST BOUNTIES EVER PAID. #6,000 00 Too. are no*r offered ■ ■ "~~~ T aabLlSEElief money t ••$150,000, 900 CHESTNUT Street. MILITABT. TWELVE MONTHS’ SERVICE, THB HBADQUAETSBB OFTHK BE9IMENT EAOE STEEET, BELOW SIXTH, Corps or Veterans. luuiu IVuniber. THIS COEPS. 8800 BOOTTT 808 ONE YEAH. $5OO PAID WHEN BtCSTRKEW IN. SAME PAY I SAME BOUNTY I And -Will be treated in BVEBY BBSPSOP the same as white soldiers. Great care is exercised U the selection of your offloer*. As soon as muttered you '•vtil be sent to CAMP WILLIAM pksn. .beautifully X Chelton Hills, one of the best MgtDajou camps v country, where every attention Is paid to the somethL of the men. A Volunteer will receive for one year EWM HUM. DEED and THTRTY-FOUK DOLL ABS (sB3*l, EX CLufivBOFCITI BELIEF FOB FAMILY OF *»». Over *6OO of which he can leave with hia family, or invest in ioleaiing bonds. COMBED MBIT THROUGHOUT THB, COUNTRY COME FOKWABD! Do not hesitate and remain at home to Ml inferior poritione, when tlm opportunity is offered you to volunteer as SOLDIERS Off THB KB PUBLIu.and to prove yourself worthy to he a CITI ZEN OF THB REPUBLIC. r.tt.T. AND RECEIVE TOUR FULL BOUNTY. BOBT. R. OOBSON, jnh7-et BBADQUABTKBB 1810 CHESTNUT Street. TTJXDE & BURPEE, JJ; . 1505 WILI.OW Street, Philadelphia, Sole Manufastarers of the AROMA-SAVINQCOFFBE ROASTERS AND DIAMONE BURR COFffBS MILLS. E. J. HYDE’S PATENTS. * * We gave many times its cost yearly by rowing out TO & • Coßtineatal Hotel. Philadelphia* * ‘ Where food coffee is desired> wo consider you Boaater •■J can forniah better coffee, at less expense, than Whenueln»the readyoajted|offe|. Hoiim me!”™ 1 COff ™ B ° Mte E“ d SiSSSr * ‘lconeider Coffee Boaater thebeat In the market.” JOHN B. LOWE, Philadelphia Coffee and 8pl«e Mills. 0, 8. A. Sshesal Hospital, Summit Boob*. , Tour Patent Coffee Roasts ris in use in thia Hospi tal, and does its work In a very satisfactory manner, the coffee being much more evenly roasted, without any portion oi It h«lni overdone. There i« saving In Quantity and Improvement in aroma being Surgeon U. S. V., In charge. 0. S. A. Gbbbkai, Hospital. . Chester, Fenna. "It gives me pleasure to recommend vonr Com Eoaater to all dealring ' Burgeon U. 8. V., In«h*rge,' Many testimonials might be given endorsing on* small Family Coffee-Boanei* all of which unite In pro nouncing it the only machine worth having, races $2,60, $3 60, and S 5, Price* for Portable Stove and Roaster, for Grocery Hotels. Hospitals. Coffee Manufacturers: Ho. 1, 840$ Ho. 2, $6O; no. 8. $126; No. 4, $260. Send for circular. All Machines Wananted. Responsible families, de* siring to try any of the family sizes, before purchasing,, can be accommodated by seaming their orders to the of* flee, 1508 WILLOW Street, PhS&d«ipbia, - delO-stuthSmlf BYM U BtTRPBS. PARABOLA SPECTACLES HAVB A BIRBCT TJSHDSHOY TO IMPROVE AND STRENGTHEN THE VISION. At whatever angle the Eye may glance the power of the lens will be canal,, or every anile will be a conic section, and, as each,have the same refractive power as lines drawn perpendicular to the axis of the lone. Bold only by E. BORHEK & SON, Opticians, It* Ho. 408 CHESTNUT Street. Q.UNS AT REDUCED PRICES. We are offering our largo stock of Odns, embracing many of very superior quality and finish, at very low prices, to reduce stock. FIELD, L.ANGSTROTH, & 00., Importers of Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, So., It*. . / ' 440 MARKET Street, H. JAMES, (Formerly of Philadelphia*) attobhbx'at daw, FRANKLIN, VENANGO COUNTY, PSHHA. Special attention given to the examination of Titles. Philadelphia Betbrskoes.:—Chas B. Lox, BMu Hon J. Boas Snowden, Jamas R LltUe. Bea-.T. T. Taskar, Sr., Hood, Bonbrlght. & Co„ J. Z. DeHavan, President 7th National Bank. mhlo-3m* QAMTJEL W- HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY 0 AT LAW AND CONVEYANCRR., FRANKLIN. VBNANGo opUNTX.THNNA (late of Philadelphia.) BEPEBS TO ■■■ ■ _ Charlesß. Lex, Bag., , B. 4W. a Biddle ACo. B. C. Knight SCo., Dr. g 8, Maekensle, lames H. Llttls, Neil.. IW. H. Iteaton S Co. fell-Sm ■ fIRAND OPENING OF THE SEASON, U _MKS._ ALJfEJ*?. 50. 7XB CHESTNUT" STREET, WiUopeuonMOHDAY BSXT a splendid assortment of Ladies’ and Children’s Patterns* comprising all the novelties from Paris and London Dressmaking in all varieties. Cutting, and fiUinr done at short notice. -w _ ' Mis. iLLBN Isth« an&orizod annt lot MIdainoDB MOEEoT, or Bow York, and will lurnioball artl.loa tu,in that oalobrattd oatabltafamoat, mbll-ft* WILLIAM EVANS, JR., Y¥ *SS SOUTH FRONT STREET, Wholesale end Retail Seder la WHITS LKAI>, ZHSO. AHD COLORS. American and foreign window glass, OP ALL DBSOBIPTIOKS, : AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. Agentfor PATNET QLASS LETTERS. mbB-Bmfp THE cheapest and best place X la the city to get Head-dresses, Plaia or Faiuy Caps, Is at No. 80* ARCH Street. mhll-ai* the gloryof man is strength. X —Therefor*, the nervous and debilitated should immediate!* use .SBLMBOIsB'S. BXTHAOT BITCgp. 1 OBPXT OKRTRAI* OILOTHIBO HOTJ3B, H-KEAT SALE OF COINS AND vX MSDAIS. ‘ WILE BE BOLD AT AHOHOH, BY BANGS, MERWIN, & 00., . 604 and 606 BROADWAY, SEW YOBK. l&v order of the Executrix,) On .MONDAY, MAEOH IS. and FOUK FOLLOWING DATS. . 9®*s? INp MEDALS, In Gold, Silver, and Copper— h«!?F the entire collection of the late Dr. JAB. B OHIL iUa, gathered wit.h much care and enthusiasm daring inany rears, embracing a great variety or rare and .poles American places, ana particularly rich in an* clent and foreign speeimensj to wnioh ie added a large and o'n>nienl»l fir* oroor CABINET, and a floe Por treit of BIbHOP PBOYOOBT (the patriot 'clergyman), painted by BENJAMIN WEST.- Also, valuable Nu jslematlc Works, fine and eoarce engravlaga, Ac Gatalosneg are ready; prioa gQ c.slits ighS-St PUBLISHED THIS DAT, THE REFUGEE. Autborof "Typee,” “Omoo,” “ The Tpo Captains,” " The Man of the World, "etc, oto. Price $1.30 In Paper; o? $2 In Clotfc, BEAD THE FOLLOWING NOTICES OF IT. ” Written with a life llke’power. Wo advise no one to take nn • Tbo Befngee ’ natll be baa tbe leisure to finish it, forwbon be bas onoe dipped Into its fascinating and adventurous pages, be will not be disposed to leave them null be bas reached the very last.-’ ’ ** This is a really delightful book, In which one may find, food for laughter and sterling information into tbe bargain. It Is written in a pleasant off hand style, onch as will be enioyed by everybody. There are portions of the work infinitely superior to anything of tbe kind we ever before read. ” » Published and for sale at the Cheapest Booh House in the.world to buy or sendfora stock of books, which is at X. B. PETEBSOJf A BBOTHEBS, Copies sent everywhere free of postage' on receipt of price. FOE SALE BY ALL BOOKSBLLBBS It JpETjERSOHS’ BTOBIEB. The Doomed Ship. Old Pat; or, the Days of ’76. Life of Joseph T. Hare. The Flying Artillerist, Life of Barry Thomas. The Yankee Middy. Biddy WoodhuH. The giving Yankee. SveleenWllson* The King's Cruisers, . Tom waters. Gallant Tom, Davis, the Firate Valdez. the Pirate. Silver .and Pewter. w The Gold Seekers. Alexander Tardy. The Rebel Bride. Bed Hastings, Harry Tempest. Bill Horton. Sweeny Todd. Seven ® Wyo: Kit Clayit* , ' mfc „ min*.,, „ Galloping Gas. Honan, the Bnccanoer, Harry Helm. Sylvia Seabury. Price Twenty-five cents each. Published and for sale by the hundred or thousand, at very low rates, by V. B. PETERSON & BBOIHSBS, 306 Chestnut 81, Philadelphia, Pa. FOB BALE BY ALL BOOKBELLBBg. It QIL STOCKS. THE COMMERCIAL LIST AND " PB'IC'X! CUBBENT WILL PUBLISH TO-DAY A. TRIPLE SHE.ET, CONTAINING - A MAP OF TBE OIL REGION . OF ' VENANfGO COUNTY. * THE < ! THREE DARING TRAPPERS,” *- A splendid new story* Will bring its famed author both profit and dorr, ’Tis a ‘ yam” about “Injuns, ‘ 4 Sarplnts, *’ and . *‘Bears, M VWJId Critters,” and “Bafflers,” and “slch-like t : affairs. ’ ’ B2ADY TO DAY, Monro’s Ten-Gent Novel, No. fid. THE THREE DARING TRAPPERS, Adventures among Indians and Beavers. This admirable story is incomparably the best ever written by this famous author, who is so popularamong ail lowers of thriUtag Indian Tales. It is brim-fall of excitement from beginning to end. The following is a Hat of MttBTBO’S TEST-CBHT HOVELS, the beat aad moat popular boohs ever offered to the public. Everybody should buy a complete set! ’Tweui&be far better than// striking He!’ * I. The Hunters. 120. The Sollicking Ban -- The Trapper’s Kelreat. gers. 8. The Patriot Highway- 21. Rattlesnake Hick. man. .", ,; ■ . 22. Bicketty Tom, the 80-4.' 4.' The Hub ted Unionists. ver. 0. The Track of Eire. 23. The Imps of the Prairie, 6. The Han* Eaters. or the Slasher of the 7. Charlotte Temple. . Gave. 8. The Heath Pace. 2t The Bobber's Terror. 9. The Indian Slayer.—-, 25. Joe, the * * Sarpint. * * 13. The Tory Outwitted. 28. Scar-Cheek, the Wiiu 14. Zeke Sternum, the Lion- _ Hearted Scout. M Squint-Eyed Bob. The Scourge of the Seas. 89. Snaky Snodgrass. The Captive Maiden. SI. Bolling Thunder, ortho Long-Legged Joe. Rival War-Chiefs. The Wild Scout of the 32. Heavy Hatchet, the Mountain*. ’ „ Bold Scout The Forest Lodge. S 3. Sly Bam, the Quaker ite. and sent free on receipt EO3&JB MURBO & CO.. 'iLIAM Sweet, Hew Tork. SAME PENSION For sale by all News Aien of price—Ten Cents. Qi ' It 137 WII "PAGET’S SURGICAL PATHOLOGY. X THE THIRD AMERICAN EDITION PUBLISHED THIS DAT. Lectures on Surgical P&tholoyr delivered at the Koval College of Surgeoas, la jßnglana, or James f. K 8,, Surgeon to B&rtholimew’s and Christ’s Hospitals* Ac.. Ac fievlsed and edited by William Turner, M. D-, senior Demonstrator of anatomy in the University of Edinburgh, Ac. The third Americaa/rom the second London eaiiion. with numerous liiustra turn.. I fl on. BLAKtSTOK. *"* Publishers, and Booksellers, 80, 35 South. SIXTH Street. TO-DAY. Describing more than Eleven Hundred varieties; how to raise them, and how to use them. Elegantly illus trated. Price $6. ' ■ " . ... The work is of great value, The author is a practical cultivator of much experience. * * * This volume will he regarded as Standard in regard to the subjects which Ist reate —Boston QuUtv BDTPXIB’S AHD KITCHIB’S BHaEATXHGS. President Ahiaham ttMoln, 76 cte. Lieut. General G. S. Grant. 76 cts. Major General Get). B. McClellan, 76 ct«. Major General W. T. Sherman, 75 cte. Major General Philip Sheridan, 76 cts. _ Admiral Darld G .Barragut, 76 ct*. Horace Greeley, 76 eta. ■■ On thick piate papers sire 19 by 34. Sent by mall on receipt ol price PITCHES, rah 11-are 2t go. SOB CHBBTOGJ Street. BOOKS AT fS. 00 Books fefrontineLinens, Mo. 900, and *I.JS. 1 lot bleached Table Linen* double damask* §1.25. 1 lot colored Table Linen* double damask, 830, aßd°§l 75*° k AipRCW * VWT J6ne * hi « h laitres, 870,51, 1 lot Gents’ Cotton Drawers, unbleached* sl-62}£ Slots Qente 1 canze merino Undershirts* $1.60 and $1.70. S lots emall-pattem white Brilliants, 40c, 60c, and wOs ' - 8 lots cambric plaid Muslins, email plaidB, 400, 41c, ana 06 c - 1 lot all-linen Tory fin* Bird*ye, 80c. Hot Rnglieh Manchester Ginghams, COc. _filotß Dob. 4 and 6 corded-edge, ail colors, trimming; Ribbons* sue. 7 lota black and black and white, best makes, Velvet Ribbons. Hot Ladles' Lisle-thread Cloves, 20c. 1 lot Ladies’ uubleached Cotton. Hose, 35 c-.. I lot, all sires, Misses’ regular-made White Hose. 1 lot, all sizes, Boys’ unbleached Half-Hobs, Also. Buttons, Combs* Brushes, Gloves, Soaps, &0., Ac., all beiow regular prices- mb.il-2fc RBDTJCTION IN THE PBICB OP DBY HOODS -J<$HN P. YOUNG. Do. 7 North FOURTH Street, is now offering one of the most complete Stocks of Dry Gebds In this market, including many scarce Goods, all of which will bo sold according to the gold value. Our Domestic Goode-ara down to the lowest priest: De Laines, 33 cents; 60 piecea tip-topPrints* fart colors, at 35 cento; l lot French Cbintz, 76 cents and 87J4 cants. A splendid line of Towelings, Russia Crash, good qua lity, at 30 cents. mhll-atathBt TOHN V. YOUNG HAS JUST RE V CEIVED 17 piece* Green Pl&td India Silks. Price $1.35; worth *1 75 mhll-^tnthBs* WANTED-A TENOR, IN AN EPIS COPALCHOIE. Address “ 8., ” Box 1649, Post WANTED— A. SITUATION AS Overseer or Superintendent of an Oil Company; or Book-keeper or any posiiion where energy and relia bility are required. The best Citj reference given. Ad dieee ‘ Bax croft, ’ * Press Office, mhJl-2t* WANTED, IN A QUARTETTE CHOIR-A good Tenor and Bass Voices* for an Episcopal Cfcur«b,-iu the vicinity of Broad and Arch streets. Address P. O. Box 2523, mhU 2fc* WAHTED-IN A RELIGIOUS PUB- I.ICATIOa HOUSE, aVouug Han as ASSISTANT BOOH* KEEFER, and to assist io selling, about 18 years of axe. Address, in own handwriting, Box 2050 p. o. znblO-3t WANTED—AT $l5O PER MONTH— "f A reliable Canvasser in every tow a and county, for the NORSE AND SPY, the most interesting and exciting book ever published,- embracing the ad van teres or a woman in the Union army as Norse, Ecout, and bpy. giving a most vivid inner picture of the war. We have Agents clearing^lCO per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant Send for circulars. Address * * JONES, BROS., A CO., 600 CHKBTNOT Street. Philadelphia. l * mh7-lm* * - WANTED—A MALE TEACHER, * * lor Principal of Hale Grammar School.' Potts' vllle. Schuylkill county* Fa., by the first of April next* Salary, *760 a yew, payable monthly (We). Equtva* lent to $7B a month, for the school term of tea months* Studies —the common English branches (including Ety mology, Mental aad Written Arithmetic, Ac) Humber of pupil* about ICO; 120 average attendance. Two lady asmtantsin the school with separate recitation rooms* A teacher of experience prefered The law requires the party employed to belprovided with a current Certifi cate,; either State or County. Applications in person or by letter, accompanied with testimonial*. Ac. .received by tbe undersigned, to WEDNESDAY, 22d. March last. Applicant* doming replies by letter or the return of gSA”* eßeloßB '‘mSfonfaPEßßS* 01 mb stuthtt Secretary of Board of Directors A I AMERICAN LADY, WHO IS AN -“ experienced Housekeeper, wishes a SITUATION. Satisfactory reference given and required. Inquire. for three day*, at 8%4 North SIXTH street. mhii-at* A YOUNG MAN WISHES A BITUA TION as Assistant Book-keeper in a Mercantile House Good reference given. Addreis ** Horace. ** Press Office. mhU-2t* A MIDDLE-AGED MAN, OF . LARGE bneinese experience and energy, is about to settle in Hie Oil regions of either Western Virginia or Penn sylvania. would he willing to act as Superintendent for one or two good OU companies, and faithfully at tend to their Interests. Unexceptionable references given *b to ability, etc., etc. Address Post Office Box 1782, fe2B-tuths&* Philadelphia. A • LAD OF EIGHTEEN WISHES “• a situation In a Wholesale House where he can learn thebusineas. Best of reference given. Address ** Industry,” Pregg office mhlO 2fc* TYUSINESS WANTED—IN THE WAY of writing, or accounts. Collections made In city or through tbe West. A respectable firm in good standing have a store, with help and time to attend to the above Business on reason able terms. Apply at 527 COMMERCE St. mhC mws3t Employment house, for Housekeepers, Seamstresses, Chambermaids, Wait ers, Nurses, Cooks, Laundresses, and tenoral houte- Work, white and, colored 80%.LOCUST St. fe2Q-lm Employment house for Clerks, Book-keepers, Salesmen, Packers, Porters, Watchmen, Coachmen, Drivers,'Conductors, Bar-tend ers, Waiters, Farm hands. Gardeners. Ac. Employers suited at short notice. 80J8 and 804 LOCUST Street. fe2Q-Im • OIL stocks wanted for a hand - V' SOME ehestont-Hill House, $6,000 mu remain. Box IBW, Post Office. . . : If CALESMAN WANTED IN A DRY GOODS COMMISSION HOUSE. One well ac quainted with city trade. Address Post Office Box 1,043. mhll-Bt* SALESMAN WANTED IN A WHOLE- O sale BOTION HOUSE.—One that can influence a near Pennsylvania trade. Address, confidentially, with real name and reference, ‘" Fancy Goods. ” Press Office. mh?-6t* f£o OIL COMPANIES.—A YOUNG omcjjnftUT acquainted with *Oll Operations of a SBCBBTART Office. ~— A M ’WANTED TO RENT, BT APRIL let, a modem DWELMHG, situated »Do« Arck •treat atd west of Broad. Bent about $4OO. Address Box 1937, Pott Office mifl-lm* uiA nnn $lO,OOO, and $5,000 to B, BEDDING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, REEVE Xj. KNIGHT & SON. SOT OHESTHUT Street, 36» Eonth SBOOWD. fflMO-fgtntMt ■m FARMING IMPLEMENTS AND ZT MACHINES. —ill theflmproced Plough!, Hnmn, Cultiyatore, Seed-sower., Hay. Stow, tod Fodder enttem, Horw-Power» aid Threshing Machine., Mow ing aid Reaping Maehtne.. Spring-tooth Hone Hap Bikes. Field and Garden Boilers, Garden and Farm Barrows, Farm Bells, Ox Yokes, Churns, Uriel Hills, together with a foil stock of all implements appertaining to the garden. Purchasers are melted to eailandex amine my stock and price. OBBBT BmgTi _ Agricultural and Seed Warehouse, Hoe. 933 tod 934 MARKBT Si reel, mbU-tit Abpye Binth. tffe BUIST’S WARRANTED KITCHEN 3C GARDEN SBEDS.—These Seeds are always war ranted ae represented, and are unsurpassed In parity or quality. For sale by KOBEET Bllsr J ,„ ,HL. 9588 aßd9a * * at !££lfok>. gtk ONION BETTS.—2OO BUSHELS ZjC prime white and yellow Onion setts now in store* and for eale at the lowest g§>*« £rice Jr > - Seed and Agricultural Ware house. Bos. 933 and 934 MABKBT Street, mhll-tf abm Ninth, m EXTRA EARLY PEAS—2OO BUSH «ICeIS Extra Early Peas, unsurpassed in quality, now in etore tod foi sale, in quantities to suit, by EOBItKT BO IST, Jr , Eked and Airrlenttural Warehouse, mtll aros. 9&2 and MARKET St , ab. Kinth. KiSI TASTEFUIi AND BPBSTAJfIDUi OIeOXHOJtG CORSETS ( WANTS. HULL & UOODELL. FINANCIAL* ' (Room No. 4.) OIL. STOCK?. HAIR, MATTEBSSES, BOLSTERS, AND PILLOWS. v FOB SATES mfO TEST. PETROLEUM 1 OIL II FOB BALE, OBXGINAXi SHABZSB In abhoiee and select oiid oohpast now roßMitfa. ©BEAT IBDBOBMKIT. FXBBT-GLABS IHVBBTMIBT. G-EO. ,B TOWNSEND & OO.i 123 K South PQTJ&TH Street, Philadelphia nM-wamtf A FOR SALE—THE VERY DESI •■SEABLB DWELLING, €l5 South Fifteenth street. 'With larne Lot. oa wry «aqr terms, ▲leo, four-story Brown Stone, north aids of Yin® street, east of Eighteenth. Immediate possession. * Also, four-story. No. 1412 South Penn Square; delight ml situation. Poeseselon soon. Also, substantial store and Dwelling, ISIS Coates street, with Stable. Also, four-story Dwelling Chestnut street, west of Twenty’first, in complete order. Possession soon. Also, four* story Dwelling south aide of Arch street, west of Nineteenth Also, foar«story Dwelling'south side of Ar»h street, west of Twentieth. w Also, neat Dwelling, with aide yard; north side of Spring Garden street, west of Twenty-first. Also, 3188, 214. 2143, 2144, 2104, and 2206 Christian st. Alio, 1629 Cadbury avenue. Also, 800 North Eighteenth st Possession March 25th. Also, 184 North Twentieth street. Immediate posses sion. B F GLENN, 1193 South FOURTH Street, mhll tf or S. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. ®FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR STOCKS—Farm of 83 acres, near SeUersville, Bucks county, io good order, and has good Buildings. B. F. GLENN. 133 South FOURTH Street. Phil-tf or s. W cor.SEVENTEENTH and QBBSNSts. A VALUABLE FOURTH-STREET FOB SALE—Situate on Fourth street, below Race street Large DWELLING, with Btere front, and on the re&rfof lot a fine, large, substantially built four story Factory Building, and two three-story brick Dwelling*. The whole of which will ba sold a bargain, in order io close an estate. Terms easy. Apply to C. F. FOLWELL A SON, It* 33 North FIFTH Street. «TO OIL, COAL COMPANIES, AND OTHERS—The large four story Building, contain ing twenty rooms, situated at No. 237 South THIRD Btreet, opposite to tee Pennsylvania Railroad Building, will be vacated and improved for Offices about the Ist of April. Apply to BOBER? MAC GfcBGOR, It 419 WALNUT Street. m $3,000 —IMMEDIATE POSSES SION. Two nearly new thTea-story BRICK DWELLINGS, with double back buildings, gas, bath, &c.. 2SC6 and 2315 Lombard street, in a pleasant neigh borhood, convenient to the pa*sengsr railway Aoply atS. W. eor. TWEETF- FIRSTacdB AGE Bts. mhll-St* Mfob bale—a beautiful COCJBTBT SEAT and a few aeresof land, with fruit, shade, and ornamental trees, near the city, and near depot and steamboat landing. For full particulars refer to Box 2,068, Philadelphia P. O. It* m DRUG STORE FOR SALE.—BUSI NESS, $7. OOC; Frestriptions over 3,000. Price only SI.BOO Rent of Store aud good House only $lBO. Apply to DICKSON, 43? WALNUT Street. mhlO St* A TO RENT—FOR STORAGE OR mannfacttuiSK pnipossa, BOOHS in So. 20S PKAB Sfae.t. Apply to A. P. & I H. MOB SIS, mhiO-81* 918 AROH Strwt. m FOR SALE—TWO MABTIO JB toicfc BOUSES, Bos 96 and 98 Union street, Bar }icgton. H. J., with all the modern conveniences -Gas, Bath, Heater, Ac.; surrounded with Shade, Ornament al, and Fruit Tree*. Apply to K P. MUDDLEXOS, & V. FRONT Street, or SaMUEL’W. TAYLOR, BURLINGTON. N. J, mMLO-M* m FOR BALE—FOUR-STORY BROWN HMSTONE frost RESIDENCE, with all modern improvement*; central location, in perfect order, for further particulars, address ■'4. 8>” 619 VINE St. f oateeßion noon. mhlo-3s* «FOR BALE-THE FOUR STORY Brick STOKE, situate Jfo. 344,0 n the south side of iiarket street. Apply to 8 UHL. L. OLEMBNT, mhlO St ■» gas South THIRD Street ® CHOICE OIL TRACT—EIGHTY ACBBS. in fee simple, JOE SALE, situated on BennybofF Greek, Venango county, of which the greater part is boring around It Is necessarily hut a short dis tance froro tbe following wells; JERSEY WELL, M’ELHENY WELL, , , SWAMP ANGPL WELL, DALZBLL WELL, BHPIHB WELL, REPUBLICAN WELL, MAPLE SHADE WELL. MERCER WELL, LENfiMORB (HO. 4) WELL, ATLAS WELL, DBKSMORK (NO 7) WELL, MINGO WELL, BUCHANAN WELL, PETROLEUM CENTRE WELL, GRAY WELL. CENTRAL PETROLEUM WELL, HARDING WELL, MERCHANTS’ WBLL, OLMSTBAD WELL, NOBLE WELL, BOTH WELL* BBBD WELL, BUCKEYE WELL. EGBERT WELL. SHERMAN WELL, TURTLE WELL, CROCKER WELL, KEYSTONE WELL, GREGG WELL. COQUETTE WELL, The above items are liven to indicate the eligible location of tlis Eighty-acre Tract, which will be di vided to suit and' sold in fee simple, with unuueetion- - able title. A firet-class Company about organizing, de siring a prime tract, should promptly avail themselves of the opportunity to secure this. By subdividing it into lots of one acre each, and leas ing them* reserving half the oil, in a comparatively short time enough revenue might be obtained from one well alone to pay for it. -The proceeds from the other leases would enable any company to pay splendid divi dends. To secure part or all of it, address at once, or apply to DBtfCAM M. MITOHE9ONY Beal Estate Office, M, E. cor FOUETH and WAX.SOT Streets, PMla. Also, I.OCO to 18,000 acres in West Virginia. 2t- if FARM AT PUBLIC SALE. £ A FIBS CHARGE FOB A COUNTS! BESIDBWCB, The subscriber will rffell, at public sale, ou the 13th day of March next, on the premises, near BECKLBS3- TOWB, on the turnpike road, about three miles from Bordentrwn* Burlington county, hew Jersey* one of the most desirable small Farms for a country residence in the county. There are only twenty-seven acres, and of the very beetof land, in sevenenclosores, with a neat and substantial Dwelling, and all the necessary out buildings, and the choicest fruit trees to be fouod. If -any gentleman retiring from business wishes a pleasant and healthy residence, in a beautiful part of the country* let him attendthis sale, at 3 o’clock P. 1L- He can leave the city at 8 o’clock A. M., and return at half past SP. M. mhlO-24* SAMUEL TAYLOB, ITOBB for «ale; rent S6GO. House lias every convenience; yritMn one square oi Chestnut street, and ten minutes* vralk from tire Ex chance Addrant *‘q. Henry, ’’ this ofiles MFOR SALR-A VERY BEBIRA tIe Fanßdowae T7OR SALE—A BARGE OF STABLE -A- MABUSE, from Washington; can he seen at J. H. WOOD’S Coal Wharf, Cooper’s Point, Oamoen. 6-horse Steam Engine, in good order. Taka Vine-street ferry. mblOSi* AIL, coal, and timber* land \J FOB SALE. 210 and I. Quaeres in Blfc county. $2O - and 990 acres in Forest connty, $lOO and $5O, 2CO acres in Centre county, SSG. Also, in Clearfield, Clinton, Lycoming, and other counties A. OLWIJSB & CO » mh9 6t*if S.W. cor. ELEVENTH and BIPGB At. VALUABLE GIL LANDS FOB SALE. T ' UHSTKIMPBOVED ?ABMS, containing 43, 95. 180, 138 156, R 7, ISS, 200, S9B acres, located on and neai the Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad, is Wetzel scanty, West Virginia. . . , , These lands are all more or less improved. having from 16 to 150 acre* of cleared land, with dwellings, om honest, orchards, &c .and have been selected by their present occupants with especial reference to their farming qualities; but recent developments prove them to he In the midst of the. _ OILSEOIOEf. a They will he offered at private sale Tor a few days at low figures, making it interesting to those who Wien to purchase either for development or speculation. For'particulars, inquire of Q»7 So. Si B MER CHANTS’ HOTEL. Philadelphia, where plats, mans, &c., will he exhibited. mh9-3t* OIL PROPERTIES.—TWO FlBBT doss Oil Properties FRKSCH CRKSK. oae within a short distance of the Batley Well, and the other near the month of Botar Creek. Can he had at a Terr reatonable Scare, if application i; male immedi ately to TATLOW JACKSON, mh9-3t*_ 80.611 CHISSTK tTT Street. TO BENT—A LARGE BOOM WITH A, two-horse Steam Power. This room is 37 feet front hr 70 feet deep, with windows all around, pit able for most any manufacturing business. Apply at EVA US & WATSOB'S Salamander Safe store, ,16 8. FOURTH Street. mha-3t TVRUG STORES, CITY ANB CQUN TRY, for sale and wanted at aU prices. mh7■ Im* W, M PIOKSOB. *27 WALKPI Street. POB BALE —ENGINE, FIFTEEN- A torse power; good order. llffi BEBAD Street. mb* iqn ACBBB OF VALUABLE OIL i-OU Territory for sale. Inquire at Mo. 3* South THIRD Street, up stairs. mhlO-lat* tO fl'7'7 U AND $2,066 66. jCtyXJ I f• f f Ground Sente of these amounts, amply secured and centrily . ' • For sale by B CABPBNTBE & 801 T, mhS 181* South THIRD Street PHILADELPHIA PHOTOGRAHPHIC X CO,. Ho 730 CHESTNUT Street* manufacturers of OABTBS J>B VISITS for the trade A Urge assortment of aU classes of subjects on hand. Just resolved from Boston, 8,000 of Soule* s “Specialties,” for sale at mi nufaciurer’s prices, . • • - ' • - *** QEED—CLOVER, TIMOTHY,, AND kJ Flax. Com, Barley. Oats. 2W toad Boekwheat and Corn Meal, and Mill Feed. Railroad Derat. 133* MABKBT Street fmhll 6t«T O FBBNTZgh. ‘E’OB NON BETENTION OB LNCON- I TINBNGB of urine, irritation, inflammation or nlceratlon of the bladder or kidneys, dtssases of tte prostate glands, stone in the bladder, caleulns, «ra yelor brick-dnst deposit, and all diseases of the Wad der* kidneys and dropsical swelUngo, use HKltin- Bolll'S FLUID EXTRACT BDCHP. POPULARITY RESTING UPON THB -L basis of merit Is lasting,.and eneh Bffljfi&ECo; lored Photoiraohs enjoy.. See speeimene ana enaaa them, at PBuOHP Street- above Preen Only » DE VISITS, OF MOST pjearfnir 63VaBCH Street s__ PHOTOOBAPH ALBUMS—MQBT DE. i fek liTtlilS f« fale E «BF P |sfliEß ? S Photogr»pb OaUery. 634 ARCH, Strati ‘ AX SEASONABLE ?BXCS& or Htrsio. MUUffi DBAJCATM AND *V»f OAL matinee. WBDHBSSAT AfrEBSOOIT. KASIM IS. - for tte prewmt tt« CojnmlttM hnveth* kou»rl;>»*. * '""»**** ■Uiflfl OABOMNB BluHltraS. MJS. HBIfKIBrTK BBHKSNS, Hi** BKLBH WBBTBKB. »*. j»B*XtSA FISHES BAKKt Sr* ASMS SEHTiK LAHODOS. Mv PKTIK ErCßrraOß, 0B »mr B E. ft ?*w®' Profenar T, HI SHOP, Mr. H. the VmtrUixpdrt, Mr. WM j; F&BSBBIOKS. _ ADOLPH ‘ '.The follo-wSrg-tralL h aown ladle* and leaUeiae* atf also appear: Mrs. J 5. K. | Mis* AS VIE GRAHAMS Miss 0. JEFFESSPIJ, Miss LIZZIE PElpßt’ Mrs. MARLOWE* Mrs. GBIFEITHSi' Miss G ABDfc EB. STUART BOBSOIT, JAMBS GABDBN. G. H. GBIFFITHS,. from the Arch Mrs; JO OWEN MARLOWE, w. h. wallie, Mr. CRAIG. Mr. GREEN, Mr. taylor. . Mr.GLAtspBUTON. Mr. CBAB. F. FREEMAN. Mr. STEELE. Mr MARBLE, Kisi 0. CAPFUL. LEWIE BAKER. Mlm ANNIE WARD, - FRANK MORDAKNT. &&£££&' Mite LIZZIE COOPER, W. A OB if MAN. M1«8 AGNES VACBB. J» V. DAILY. Mi« S. A. BAKER. LITTLE KATIE BAKER, J B BVJSR3, from the €heetgnt->treet Theatre Company, by per* mission©fW. E. SINN, B«i? Mrs. CHARLES H BSfBI, J. A. HERNE, Mrs B. F. KEACB. W. H SAILuY, Vib O C, GERMAN. H Id BASCOBCSR. Mies LUCY CUTLER, C3ARLBS HB3TRI* Mis T. WORRELL, P. A aSDEKSONV B. L. TILTOB, T a CRBES, S- X £. BARTH, Mr. RSBD. from the Walnut-street Theatre Company, by per* mission. of Mr a M. A GARRETT3ON. THE HEW F ORK FRENCH COMPART wit! appear in- a * HEW MUSICAL BURLESQUE, A parody onVer<»i’Bja*6 great work, ••LA FORZA BEL DSBTIKO. n which has achieved a treat suctesain New York. - THE GRAND ORCHESTRA Will consist of FIFTY PIECES, selected from the Arch* street, Walnut, and Chestnut- street Orchestras, and in .elude FIVE EMINENT SOLOISTS, who will execute several favorite soloe A NBW GRAND OVERTURE, . composed and arranged expresslv for the oceatfonby CHARLES B. POD WORTH, who will wield the baton doling the perform*****' This overture will introduce a Grand Choras of ORE HUNDRED VOICES: Reserved teats, $1; to bo bad at the Programm Cißce, No. 112 South Fourth street, third story. Admission, 60 cents. Entrance on L^eoststreet. HEP SY R. HELLIER, _ Sserttary and Treasurer. Particulars in future annoimcemesu mbS-wfs3t KTEW CHESTHUT-ST. THEATRt CHESTNUT SIKEST, ABOVE TWELFTH^ THIS (SATURDAY) AFTERNOON. THIRTY-FOURTH GRAND FAMILY MATINEE. Wien MRs.SOPHIB GIMBBB KUHN Will make htr reappearance &s the _ OCTOEOOff GIRL ZOH. la the Grand had Thrilling Drama of THE OCTOROON Admission to the Matiaeo SO cents to all toatiß If tke hones- children 20 cents. Doors open to ce*. menoe at 2K o’clock. ±_ THIS (“atorday) EVBNING, „ , GRAND FABEWRLL NIGHT of the I ormg Beanttfnl. and Gifted MISS HELEN WESTERN, Who Will appear upon this occasion in RIGHT DIFFERENT CHARACTERS. Last night of the Grand Military Drama la 3 acta. , THE FRENCH HPT, Mathilda. ' > • Heart Bt. Aims, > MISS HELEN WESTERNS Hamet, ) To conclude with the mysterious drama, in thm* gets, styled SATAN ISt PARIS. The , areuminy four diffareat characters, MISS HELEN WESTERN. MONDAY EVENING, March IS, will be predate* LAURA KEENE’S New Local Prize Drama, THE WORKMEN OF PHILADELPHIA, OB THE CURSE OF DRINK. J'GYEB OF ACADEMY OP. MOSUL CROSS & JARVIS' THIRD CLASSICAL SOIREE, SATURDAY EVENING. March 18.1885, at 8 e'deek. mhll-Vt • JOHN DBEW’S NEW AROT "A STREET THEATRE. SIXTH NIGHT OF MBS. F. W. LANDES. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, March U, 1996* ADRIENNE THE ACTRESS. Adrienne. ....Mrs. t, W. LtniTrnr. After which, the startling drama of THE SMUGGLER’S ESTREAT, or THE PUNISHftUHT OF GUILT. On Monday -THE MESALLIANCE. " STEEET THEATRE. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, March-U. • The celebrated Comedian, _ Ur* X A CLARKS, in the great sensational Drama of TUB STREETS OF PHILADELPHIA. With new Scenery, new and appropriate Music, an* new Machinery. fctrihiug Pictures of Every- day Home-Life. TOM BADGER -..Mr X S. CLASB Poors open at 7; curtain rises at half past 7. BUILDINGS. THEATRE FRANGAIS BE-NEW YORK. KONDAY»~ifa7cli 13, 1865, BOS ABLIESS. ■CamadT. in three scte. by Pci Herder. Vaudeville, inoneactTby cSirrlSl^—* —- Boon open at ? o’clock „ „ Curtain will rise at quarter to Bo’clock.,- . AVIS- —Subscribers can obtain their tickets at tkt office of idio Theatre, Assembly Buildings,.from 11 tw 4 o’clock, .where single tickets for performances«»» also be procured. . mhls-St A MERIGAN ACADEMY OF M¥SIG* A BBOTOBE BV GEOBGB FfiAftClfe TRAIN, ——T-*., nr aid op mgs __ — — 3B^H;:=^oSt ?&MIaH_ASSOOIATIOB. •WIDOWS ABB OKPHAJIS • Who hare died in defenceof their country, andrSminaar of discharged and disabled soidiera, On TUESDAY EVENING, March 14. - Tickets3scento. - Beserred Seats 50 cents. For *ala atT. B. Pugh’s, comer of Sixth and Chestnut atreaist Gould’s Music Store, corner of Seventh and Chestnut streets; Continental Hotel; Booms of the Association, 537 North Eighth street; Handel 3t Haydn Hall, audjm the door on the evening of the Lecture. ~ mh7-tf H.REAT AMERICAN CIRCUS. D WALNUT STBEBT, ABOVB EI6HTH. Messeb GABDIBER St HBMMIHQS. Proprietera. EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTIONS. The celebrated PONY RACES will be Introduced during the pretest week, and Ore entire star troupe wiH appear in rich and entertaining scenes Hr. SAM. LONG. comic clown and singer; Mr. 1. KIYS&S, .as Pete Jenkins; Mr. J. MADtGAP, in a double somer sault: Hr. BICHABD BEMHIHG6. on the tight*rope* 4. LE JETTBE BX7KT, the daring bareoaefc rider; lOsa : L GaBDINEB, the graceful equestrienne; Mr. LBS* TEB, the wonderful and agile postorer, will perform during the week. Admission, £0 cents first tier; 35 cantu second tier. Evening commence at 7,40 o’clock, rjr* formance on Wednesday and Saturday afternoon* com mencing at 2 K o’clock. Parties desiring the Oircua for benefits may make application at the ticket office., mh6-if ' MB. JAMES E.. MUBUOGH ;WILli i.TX give a BEADING for the BENEFIT OF WORK ING WOMEN’S BELIEF ASSOCIATION, at Handel and Haydn Hall, B.E comer of EIGHTH andSPBING GAR DEN Street*, on HOBDAY EVENING, March 13th. at quarter to 8 o’clock. Ticketssocents; for sale at Pugh’s, comer Sixth and Chettnut streets, and at the Hall. ahlO-St* • rjERMANIA OKCHESTRA.,- PUBLIC VJ BEHEAB6ALB every BATDBDAY at SK o’clock F. M., at MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single Tickets. 3S cents. Six Tickets, $1; to be hsd at Gould's,-Andre’s, and Meyer’s Music Stores, and at the Hall. no - tf THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. X CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth* is OPEN DALLY for vjpit»re. from 9 A. M. to 6P- WT. j&N BOABBraft, "A PAETOIENTS ON’ THE SECOND AX fLOOB* withBOABB, WANTED by two Ladies fog occupation next Fall, in a family where there are few or no other boaidere, and in a pleesaut location. Ad dicts “C. L.,” office of The Press, witnoat delay. . rßh7-tuthsa 3t* POARDING.—LARGE, HANDSOMB x> BOOMS may sow be secured at S. B. corner oC GBBEN and EIGHTEENTH Streets mhfrSt PUBNIBHED AND UNFURNISHED A BOOHS, with BOARDIHB, in a private family. Reference required. Address. “M. H.," at thin office. • ; gNGLISH BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH AIaE3» , XR BTO HE ARD GLASS. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DRALKR nr FIHR'GROCKRISS, Corner of ELEVENTH and VINE Sta-I ||| CAMDEN AND AT MV.. Vf Wllr* ■W»LAHTIC RAILROAD—Train* leave Vine-etreet Ferry: Freight, with Passenger Gar attached..*.~~ .7.90 XK, Atlantic Accommodation-....*....4.15P. ML Junction Accommodation... 30 r. M. BSTUBNING, LEAVES ATLANTIC. _ Atlantic Acc0mm0dati0n......*—..,., m ., w .6.13A. K. Freight, with Passenger Gar attached—2o P. M. Junction Accommodation— A 35 XM. EXTRA HADDONFIBLD TBAENB Leave Vine street 11.15 X EL, H&ddonfield 12. SOP, M. Freight must be delivered at Cooper’s Point befost 3.30 P. H. to insure its goin* down tbe next day. . mh9*lmU JOHN Q. BRYANT. Agent. OFFICE WATER TRANS ■SmtpORTATIOH U. 8. A , Ho. 314 SonSh THIRD Street, PgTT./ITMET.ygTA* Feb. 14. Igfc. Vessels wanted to transport Goal to Southern Porm fa aV Am UT?teR Cant. A Arab O. M. -.terp— *. NOTICE.-foe: N.EW Iwi , iMHf.YOBK VTA DELAWARE ANIkRARITAH CABAL.—The despatch, Bwift, eure llne wUI roeurn. hnsines on KOBBAY, 13thJnrt., two hoate leavtn* dally, viz: - B iIKD 4 go . AtenU. mill 3t 133 Sonth BSLAWaBE Avmma.