CITY ITEMS. tbs dbmawd for ou Stooks that lie on Sager Otwfc ana lts immediate vloinlty is Increasing •very day. Sugar Creek sold, yesterday as high, as #24 j>er siiare, sad sugar Dale advanced 14 per share. Wo cannot see why the Ashland, whose lands, or over one hundred aoies, are In the Imme diate proximity to those of the fortunate Sturar Creek company above referred to. should not ad “°ra *® t 0 *6 Per share within the next ttirty day*. In addition to property adjaoent to Sugar Creek Company, the Ashland owns some toee hundred and thirty acres of good oil land In Warren oounty, in fee, with good producing wells en the adjoining property, whtoh they Intend to develop Immediately. Besides, they have autho rised their superintendent to arrange for the leasing nod sinking born fifteen to twenty wells on their lands adjoining tho Sugar Creek Company. The Stock can be had a t the original price, one dollar per Share, by applying immediately to Harper. Durney, It Co., 66 South Third street. Tan Oddust Maw iw thb Wobid.—The oldest Sian In the world Is now living In Wisconsin. His name is Joseph Orele, and his age Is one hundred and thlrty.nlne years. He has lived In Wlsoonsfn Wore than a century, and was first married In New Orleans, one hundred and nine years ago. His eye sight continues good, and he reads with great plea sure the dally notices of the elegant wearing appa. wl made at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Kock hlU & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 606 Chestnut street, »balrd, Greeneburr >nni>« Aberdeen* O .ab, lowa /, Butler co ?pner, Jersey Shore . Oyeter. 0 8 A Bother, Sunbnrr, Fa Mae, Banbury, Fa trlybt. Saabary, Fa ■on, Cnloeport HUtertonee, Uolonpt Qinaby, Atlanta, 111 i Blpjiu,, Indiana ’ Tbeßli lvm, Mlllereburg im«B, Lniernn co , “ s Baocs co BeUaMYillu tirard. W H Heias. Norfolk W A Driver, Elizabeth F A Okase, Sew York Isaiih W.rraa, Wheeling H a Green, Washington J C Shields. New York ThosC Eelien, New York A L Cembeli a Xfew York > a D Comings. Penna ' T Clemen*. Warren co, Fa J Sands, Warren co. Fa S Q Wright. Lock Haven J D Boas, Harrisburg D 2> Boaa, Mayer. Memphis M Wolff. Memphis S L Folsom, Goan Bluffs L L Spooner, G*»un Bluffs F Tiedxoann, Mexico Hr* Gt TBassell, Pittsburg MlssDaJy, Hew Yojk G G Reynold*. _ 0 de Sounevtlie, Mbw York Jos B him an St la Troy, H X F J De Witt, Ft Thompson W ABoward, Detroit Mrs Richard, Detroit Louie Hecht, Jr. California Louis Gow, Paris J Bnlzbacher St wf, Buffalo Mrs Hamell. Hew Jersey Miss Hsmell. Hew Jersey M A Baldwin St wf. Hevada ' W E Marvin St la, H T A S Marvin. Jr, Hew York Mrs J P Southerland St son Miss Addle Owens.H Y i F Widdows, Hew York _ F H Jarman & sister, H Y rchants’* Biles M Hanna, Harrisburg T Mecall, Brooklyn Geo W Stein, Easton 0 D Brl gham, Pittsburg R W Herinden, Zanesville A G Flagg. Cincinnati M McDonald, Palmyra H Mclntyre, Lancaster N Penna M Good, Ghambersba-g Bobt Black, Cbambßraborg A Cook* ChambeMburg D Rly, Charaberebarg Sami Dizafc, Cham berabnrg B Neff. OtiamberebaTg MUs Kane* Chambersburg W Chapman _ Y Lebaeh ft la, New York, J Bargees ft la, Pittsburg J Z Plaok, Birdeboro F 8 Weiser, York, Pa 8 8 Johnson, Ohio Hon G M BoaovftnjHanisb Gen A Anderson, Sarriabrg Geo Cooper, 'Penna J Onslow A wjLPittsburg R A ColYi'te, Ffttaburg J R Belaely, Pittsburg J A Batter. Pittsburg J Owens, Pittsbnrg R Perry, Fi'tsbarg B C Freisl, Fen x& i Kaufman, New York S A Miller. New York J B Inals, Easton E M Bennie, Washington J P Bcotl ft wf. Pittsburg W Johnson New Jersey W 8 Schofield. Penna N Booiittie, Peaaa nerlcan, iM Garant & Wife, N J- C H Johnson A wits, N J 1 JDulflnger, Louisville J-Laval.LooUrrtiie G W Goddard, Boston G W Jonas 4: S Is. Delaware D LThomMOQe Masi T Sharp, MUford, Pei L T Snow; *e«rrJc . A H Slape, Salem A WSmite. Pros', SI BN Moore, Delaware JMKead Boston B Smuts, Pennaylvai la T Be-rnolda Wm Sllverboru, It Jerssy W 8 Kirhhnff, New Jersey J 6 Gatlin, Ohloago Dr L Trexler, Bert s «o 8 W Botardey. Naw Jersey J D Talbott, Ohio w Graham, Wheeling, Va J Morgan, Baltimore J W Hall, Delaware J Baldwin NewTork W H Gamboa, City Point J A Miller, Warsaw, Ini a Paff, Pittsburg, .. J H Moore BolUdayebarg B J Sowers, Mary land Jamas Stewart J rClapp _ P P Sues, Plnegroye, Pa J Stillman, FotwviUe wh Barter, FDtsbnrg W Gets. UatassUgoa M T Alobardsoo, Virginia Col &BatoMF, T .manna G It King, Providence, SI 8 D HUhardeoa., Maine 8 Brown, Maine, TW Vania w. Athens, O p B Small, Hageret -wa A J Downey, uanal Dover A Boss. Marietta, 0 W A Kellogg, Mew York eh Bear, J R Back man, Wrirbts'.’n J Vo com. Doag'awllle W N Treichler, Penna mi Union, H OHanleworth, Penna y.V HoHeary, Penna a A London. McVevtown Dr J D Noble, US N Jo; E Noble, Penna u A Mesterxat, Penna BJArmsti;oag. Waynesbf yMßoes, MtVernon. Pa JCSFitipatrlek, Alabama S 5 £ rl , ca ’ New Orleans W E Mohr, USA J BForeat, USA J Shenbsrgar- Oolnmbla Isaac Kckerson, New York Bobt Sterling, USA C W Airlcks, Delaware JForl John A Blair A L Ricketts, Shirleysbnrg Vhe Stat< OWSwartz. Huntingdon J Kenedy, Penna B Barton, Delaware J B Brown, Delaware AB Lambert & wf, BaU W A Smith, Brooklyn H S Bmerion, Prov, R 1 C G Bastos. wlUiunsport John Baer, Baltimore H Jones, Sew York Lieut J B Sltley, USA N Hodgson, Leeds, Bag J Josephs, Baltimore M Walters, Hew York E Bennett M Bordman J Martin J MoOlaran, Jr, Penna J L McConnell, Penns The Gon t 1 33 St, Massachusetts JKBujnlte, Felton, Del t Bew York i A Lancaster Frank Melyille Henry Wilson Thos Malin, ,Chester co Edw Hodgkins, Chester co Jacob Cost, Obes’erco H Matthewses, Pefma L S Hooper, Clarion co EPeirson. Chester co Howard Baker. Cheater co Qfo C Nelscn, Chester 00 A F Evee, Oxford imcrcial. H fink. New York H Lang, Penna Jos f Reynolds AEder James Johnston, Oxford J 0 Reynolds, Factory villa Jos, Factoryvltls W Remolds, FactoryviUo o.Moore, Factoryvllfe MN Reynolds. FactoryviUo JSKims.y, Oxford H W Sdnson, USA Lient J Lessley, USA fi F Wlckershain, Avondale P G Carey, Ptiasalxvilie L H Shuler, Chester co DIJ Clark H Plannerr, Jr, Douglasy J*f S Bold Now Jersey Capt D 6 Wilkins, USA The Hi JT Hildreth, Brooklyn JD Colton, Marietta THE 51IBIXBAX ASJJ OTHER RESOURCES OF CALIFORNIA. Professor BILLIMAN, of Tala College, will deliver a Ltcture on "The Mineral Resources of. California,’ with especial reference to the recent astonishing mine ral developments of that region, on SATURDAY EVEN ING, March t, at 8 o'clock, at CONCERT HALL, for the benefit of the United States Sanitary Commission. The Lecture will be illustrated with Haps and Dia grams, and will prove of much interest to the pnhlio. Tickets SO rents. To he had at the Booms of the Com mission, 1307 CHESTNUT Street, and at the Hall on the evening of the Lecture. Also, at the principal Ho tels, Bookstores, and Gould's Music Store, mhl-it LEBANON CBMUTERT.-AXSWI »3» MBSTING OF LOT HOLDERS on MONDAY, March 6th, 18®. between the hours of 4 and 8 P M . at the Offlc, 717 LOMBARD Street to elect ssvsn persons to serve ee Managers for the ensningvear JACOB c. WHlTE.Preatdent. Cyrus B. Milieu, Secretary. It* trtST" ISIOK M. I. CHURCH, FOUR m I=®' Street, below Arch-ANNUAL MtSStOVARY e-ABBATH. March filh, 1885. Rev. JOHN P. DUBdtN, D. D., Missionary Secreiary, will preach in the Horn in* at IUJi o’clock. The Afternoon will he devoted to the Jnyeaile Mis feiojoaiy Society i coitihejHßlng at 3 o clock. Tht Exercises will «o»»iat of the presentation of Em bleu" «nd Moitose, of addreeree and singing. At o’clock in the Evening addresses will he de -11 y,rt-d by Dr Durbin end others. mh3 2t* ISS” HDBIEOPATIHC MEDICAL C9L LEOE OF PENNSYLVANIA. The annual COMMENCEMENT of this tiatitht ou will takeout ,ce ■ n S a'j USD AH ,4 th March. 18 M ; at Ma*loalFttßd.Heil. Public invited, CHaELES B HERMANN, Dean, mbs. fit* tdlson. CABINET ORGANS. CABINET ORGANS. CABINET ORGANS. CABINET ORGANS. IWEUFTn VdBB, HIGHEST WARD BOUNTY IN CASH. OITY WARRANTS CASHED.', COMMITTEE ALWAYB IS ATTENDANCE AT F. ft L. LADNEB’S NORTHERN MILITARY HALL. RABTCOCK’S VETERAN CORPS. Man id catered tu and paid be fore leaving the premises. Surgeon and Huatoring Officer have their quarters Kara. Parties bringing recruits handeomely dealt with. ‘ EEMEMBBR TWELFTH WABD, NOETHEKN MILITARY HALL. THIED. BELOW OBESE, tnha-st L. B. ENGLES, Treasurer. jgp=“ KIOHTH WABD BOUNTY FUND. Will not corns of the wealthy citizens of this Ward send forward to the Treasurer money to cash Bounty Warrants, which greatly facilitate enlistments ? .Forty-five men are still wanted to fill the quota of this Ward; and, although the draft has been made, the quota can be filled by volunteers, as fast as our ex hausted ireasnry shall be replenished. Citizens of this Ward who desire to contribute to this object, can send their money to anyot thePrecinot Collectors,or to either of the undersigned. By older of the meeting. CHAS, L. BEBiUQUK, President, iai*LOOG3T Street. BDWiFD BROWNING, Treasurer, feS&3i« * *3 and 44 North FRONT Street, TENTH WARD. Iw $9OO FOB VOLUNTEERS FOB ONB TBsJi, Knrteredlnandered^otto^ G'ty.Bounty, cash*.*..*•.-u,,.. .$4OO Ward Bounty.. 103 G0venn0ent80unty.,..,....,...-.^.^............... 103 For One .fSDO Veterans for Hancock a Corps: Special Government Bounty.**.—.. 900 Per One Year......~.. ...,.*90!) Apply to - ‘A. H. FBANGISOUS, Treasurer, mia-tf 513 MARKET Street. SIXTH WABD.-A MASS MHEY. * =ss ' INO of the Citirens of the Ward will be held oa FBIDAY EYESING, Match 3d, at?« o’clock, at NATIONAL GUaBDS* HALL, (RACE Street, below Sixth), For the purpose of freeing the Ward from the sitgma of a draft. . , a aronre, then, every man! throw off that apathy which exists among yon, and let ail show, by their efforts, , dele)urination that car Quota shall be filled by Volnn-, teers. Not a moment 1. to be lost. We cannot afford to delay. Every drafted man Is expected to be present It is to free him that this meeting is called; Let him come raward^tw'am 11011^8 a ptW< ’ ta By order of the Committee. It §3SF~ TWELFTH WARD.-MEETING * 3sr ' THIS (Friday) EVENING, at Mifflin School House. THIRD Street, above Brown, to collect lands and avoid the Draft. Gome prepared to subscrlba. Gentlemen who have agreed to cash City Warrants are requested to be on hand. By order of the Committee. m w „ CHAS. M. WAGNEB, President. Thob. H. Cokxbli,, Secretary. it SIXTH! WABD.-TOLUITEERS 135 and all interested will please take notice that we are now prepared and determined to furnish all the men the Government requires of us, and that we will now City Bounty In cash, and In addition to that, ONB HUNDRED DOLLARS WABD BOffffTr. By order of the Bounty Committee. mh3-10t TWESTDSm WARD, AROUSE l* s ®* from your slumbeis; not a moment is to be lost, unless we are untiring and speedy in our efforts, and come to the rescue with our money. This is the last .appeal to jou Fay your $25 at once We can keep aU at home if yon will only give us the money to pay those that are willing to go - We pay the highest bounties of snywaid and cash the oily warrants, on application to D P. TEMPLETONS Provost Marshal's Office, cor* ¥2* of Thirteenth and Brandywine streets: Lieutenant bTOBBS.atS. W. corner of Seventh and Girard are* nue; JOHN if. BILEV, Treasurer, No. 427 Chestnut street:or the President, WILLIAM SrHALjAFrankltn street, tboveJeffereon. 3t tSSF* TWENTY FOURTH WABD.LTHE Tp* a Citizens of the Ward are informed that out of three thousand enrolled men. eighteen hundred have forfeited their claim to be called by the title of man. To those who have so nobly responded In the past, as well as all citizens of the ward who reel an interest in Its welfare, we again appeal for a second ten dollar do nation. YoorConanlttMs mart have funds. to pay those who areoflariu* to enliet to th« credit of the ward. The money must be.patdat onca to the Chairman (or Ms Committee), in eacn Precinct, or the wheel of the Provost Marshal will revolve in oar Ward. OHAS. E. BLUKSBR, Ja„ President. ISgi* 8 KOIH WARD BOUfiTT FUm ■cs=? At a meeting of the Drafted and Enrolled Citi zens of the Ninth Ward, held on MONDAY, Feb. 27, the following resolution was adopted; Drafted man who has paid $29 into either Fund be taxed $9O, and there who have not paid inio either $75. By this means the balance of money reauired to fill the Quota of the Ward can be raised, and the-Ward cleared. The following amounts are acknowledged from Draft ed men: Philip fioyle**—,-...550 Wm. Crawford-—,—..575 Bdw. Osborne—so Mr. McNally (add’l)— 50 J. A Tiitee.....6o Wm. LougMin—gQ F. P. Mclntyre,**..fiO John J. B Dewees.,,.6o Tim. A. Vaughn—. 50 N. H. 5t+ivec5........... 75 Arch. 8r0wn.....,...,., 50 NOTICE.—Those drafted-men who do not subscribe will net receive the benefit of the Funds on hand. The following gentlemen pledge themselves to cash one or more of the City Warrants of Recruits credited to the Ward: A. G. Groll—... 1 Mr. McNally., 1.,.,., I Samuelß White 1 Aid. D. 85it1er.......1 Wm. S Stoklev— —l Jno. S. Bradfield.. 1 J. A. TUgee............... I IB FROM DRAFTED MEN. C. D. Ca^eiday...,...... 1 Jno. P. Wetkerill.—.. 2 Jno. Thompson—..,— 1 dames Fr0ebcrn.......... 1 James A. Freeman,——. 1 Jno. Da1y,.......,—...... 2 Daniel Steinmetzl Aid. S. P. Jones. 1 FURTHER SUBSCRIPTS® Thos, P0rter............550 Robt. Newell....——* 50 Gab. Nonemachsr.,,*** 50 Jas Tw&ddeli—* 75 Philip 80y1e............ 25 GRANTS.' Clarence Burden $3O A. L Roberts—....... 90 Faiauel Douglass.7s Nath. Griffith—........ 60 John A. Snider.....— 75 - . CASH WA A. H. Mershon-... —. l|Joa. Coibett 1 W. S. Siokely* add’l,.. 1 David Stewart......,.—. 1 H. FLHey . ll?hoB. H, Aurot&er..... 1 NOTlCE.—Meeting* of the DRAFTED and EN BOLLJsD men of NINTH WARD. will be held EVBRr EVENING until further notice, at NATIONAL HALL, Market street, below Thirteenth. Gome and make your Subscriptions; the sooner the fhe City Warraats r wul please report, at the meetings, or to the officers. . JOHN D. HILL. . mh2-St ■ Secretary. _ PSP TWENTY- FOBBTH WARD.- UK? Highest Ward Bounty paid and City Warrants cashed. To every person enlisting to the credit of this Ward the highest Bounty will be paid in cash. fe£S 6t* CtiAS. E BLUMNEE, Jr., President. OFFICE OF THE CITY BOUSTY W 3? FUND COMMISSION ."aIOMSION WEALTH BUILDING, No. 613 CSEeTNUT Street. Philadelphia, Feb. 29. 1855. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that this Commisrion Is now Prepared to receive applications from and to award to all citizens who ska: l be drafted for one year's ser vit».tKa.d shall thereupon be dn£» accepted for military duty* or thailfumui/i substitutes. CERTIFICATES *OK WaßeaNTS^ FOB THE SUM. OF "FOUR HUfIDKED DOIRABS. By order cl the Commission. _ , tear O, COOPBB. Bae»tain,_ OFFICE OF THE Cl ITT BOUMXT« FUND OOMMIBBIOR. COMMONWEALTH BUILDING* 611 CELESTA UT Street, - •• J*HILAI>KLEHTA, Jan. 27,1835. Notice If hereby given that the Commission ror the payment of the City Bounty are now prepared to receive and adjust the claims of au new recruits under the pro* visions of Ordinance of January 26, 1865. Volrmieejß for One Year will receive a Warrant for FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. Volunteers for Two Tears will receive a Warrant fox FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS. Volunteers for Three Years will receive a Warrant for FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. ' Enrolled cltiEens who shall place in the service of the United States a Substitute for not less than Three Years, in advance of a draft, and who shall thereupon ds era* dited upon the quota of the city of Philadelphia' WUI receive a warrant for THEE HUNDRED DOLLARS. By order of the Commission. • . jaSB-tf C. COOPER, Secretary. ELEYERTH WARD DRAFTED ■as 7 HEN HEKT AT THE HALL, SEQOND AND COATES STREETS, EVERY NIGHT. If you are drafted, come without fail, and lend your aid and give your meney £ if you wish to aid yourselves. Remember, that if you will not work to getvolnnsaeis tte mm Thos. A. Fatty, Secretary. ATTENTION, RECRUITS f-Tbe Eleventh W*rd pays the highest Bounties to all veterans and others .who credit fhezoeelves to its quota. Bee the Committee, at Marshal Lehman’s office and at Chief Franklin’s—they are always prepared with the cash, mhS'St* •3®** AT A HEETIKG OF THE AUDIT* ■as? IKG COMMITTEE of the OITIZBSB’ BOTTXfZ FUND COMMITTEE, held outhe first day 01 March, the Treasurer was requested to piepare and publish the following .tatemeht: fcTATEMENT No. 3. Condensed statement In continuation of the transao- HodB of the Citizens’ Bounty Fand Committee: Balance to be accounted for, as per statement published 18tfcof April, 1864—.., ....*12,053 82 Expenditures: ■ Bounties and premiums to * “ Pennsylvania Volunteers and Militia . .*1,732 60 Expenses of advertising, &c... 213 03 1,945 63 On Beposi* as follows. a the Farmers’ and Me chanic*’ Bank, at the credit of the CibhureinK Agents, reserved to meet outstand ing Bounty Certificates and other dues to Volunteers... 7,930 12 a the Farmers’ and Me* , ehanice’ Bank, at tie credit of Ihe Treasurer. referred to nuet outstanding dues to the Militia and expenses... 2,17817 „„„ !™ S 1 ? Amount of subscription* uuoaid, $1,200. ?hix.adizj>bxa«* March 1,1865. 8. a. MERCER, Treasurer. MICHAEL Y BAKES. } GEORGE WHTTNAY, > Disbursing Agents. - S. A. MERCER, } Tie foregoimrStaiement of the Receipts and Expendi tures of the ulclzeia’ Bounty Fond Committee has been examined hr the undesigned, and provedto be cornet. JOHN S. ADIIOKS. > JAMES C. HAND. \ Auditing Committee. THOMAS WEBSTER, ) It A MEETING OF THE STOCK* W=s& HOLDERS of the BOBNIHG SPRING AESD GOOSE CHEEK-OIL COMPANY will be beta at the Company’s Office) No 311 WaLNUT Street, Sr*t fUor. bach building, on THURSDAY, March 16. 1855, at S o'clock P M., to elect Directors, make By-Laws, &c. By order of the Corporators. mhS-frmwfll* CHARLES BLAKISTOSf, Sec’y. *■' MORRIS 7AR9K OIL COMPANY, K® OYPiGE, 326 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, SECOND STORY FRONT ROOM. JGS$* Circulars can be procured upon application at the office of the Company. mh2»lia f5Sf» OFFICE FULTON COAL €OMM> NY, Philadelphia. March 1, 1835. , A special meeting of the Stockholders wiil be held at office °f the Comoany. 407 LIBRARY Street, on MONDAY, March 6, 5885. at 12 o’clock M., to vote on lha quthllon of tho uccaptancf* or rej t-elion. of s supple Bieni to ttis charier ortho Company, approved the 14th day of February, 1566, anthorlzlnr an Increase of the capital crock, and to act on such other business as may come before said meeting. p. c. H >LI*IS, _ _ . , , . Secretary. „H. B,—Annual report fer 18J4 now ready for dirtrtbn tton. inh2-4t IGST*' BASH. OF SOUTH AJHEBICI, *sr . , , PHiiAnniPHiA, March 1. 1965. Th.Dircetore have declared a Dividend of SIX PEE CENT., payable on and alter March loth. mhl-lOfc J. HOCKLEY, Cashier. NOTICE-EMPIRE COPPER COW PANY OF MICHIGAN.-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That all Stock in this Company, on which the Instalment of Two Dollars per Share, called August 19, 1804, and due September IP, 1884. is not paid, is for feited by bald default, and that according to the Chapter and By-laws of the Company It will be sold at Public Auction on THURSDAY, 9th March, 1865, at 12 AC , at toe Office of the Secretary of the'Company. No. 433 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, unless paid on or be fore that day. By order of the Board of Directors. _ . „ ■ , _ - J.-8- M>MULLIN, Secretary. Bated Philadelphia, Feb, 6, MM. • fel-tnwftmtmhS STATE SIEWCAL BOARD. Headquaetbks Pennsylvania MixtTiA, Hospital Department. „ „. _ Barkisbvho. February 20, 1865. i r.?7i£lt 1 ? * L B?ABD OF PBSfIA. will meet thB ' lll of MAEGH next, to SSS fnP.'S.HlyS.X^tf ' "*" Aeslmu fior - The room s i n which the examination will be held will be designated in the Philadelphia morning papers on the day cf meeting Physicians of Pennsylvania, In good health* famish ing proper testimonm s eg to moral character. Ac.. will be admi'tfid to the examination. T* 1 wul By order of the Governor: .... JOSEPH A. FHIKIPB, feghtmhg • Borieon General Panna. >4B°. COHTISBBTi L BOTEI, COE is® PA BY.-The COUPONS dn« Starch l«t. 1661 on the EIGHT PEE CEBIT. MOETOiOB BOaDIOF “THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL OOMPaNY” wilj b a paid on and after that day. upon preoentadov of the annie at the COHHEBCIAJL BANE tn the City of Phiftu dolphin. > - J, BEEQEANT PBtGB, •feZMJt . ‘ ' Trsatnrer. THE PRESS.-BHItADELPHUKtfiRIUAY,; iiBCHr 3,r 1863; js GRANT MUST HAYS . M I MOJR& MBN* J WILL LOYAL CITIZENS COMBINE TO OXVE THEM: TO HIM! LET EVERY HAN MAKE HIMSELF A RECRUITING The Veterans are ready to go to the front without de lay if the cHixeus will do their duty. Let every Veteran who enlists join the now taming in Philadelphia/- - . - ' fie shall receive all hi* bounties in cash, and be at tached to the corps of the brave and gallant This war will be ended in t!x«y days If every man and woman in the countfy will do all in their power to send men to the army. There are enough discharged soldiers willing to return to the front* if proper means sre used to induce them to go. to enab’e General Grant to take Richmond, destroy Lee’s army* and end the w«r without the aid of the Peace Commissioners of Jeff Davis. Let us procure them and send them forward. THE BIRNBY BRU3ADB. General Hancock is now recruiting, under the orders of the War Department, a corps of Veterans—m?nwho have seen service for two year* or more, and have been honorably disebatged irorathe service of the United Stattg, It requires very little argument to prove that such men are worth infinitely more than ten times their number in raw recruits or bountyjumpers. VETERANS’ ROLL OP HONOR. A fter the Brigade informed, a Roll of Honor will, be Jrabliebed for gratuitous distribution, by Beoj- Frank* sn, the Chief of Detootive .Police of the city of Philadel phia. containing a-lißt of nsmei of all the men enlisting in the Brigade* the number of battles each man has been in* and ihe various gallant actions each oue has performed. This will b* toe prondoet can be handed down to your children. BBPJfEBBHTATiyjS RRORUITS.^ In the proposed brigade any man or woman desirous of sending a rtpieaent&fclve recruit to the army can do so by the psyment of $5O to any of the gentlemen named, or any of the following committees Of this snm <25 will be paid to the recruit, and $25 will be regained by the Treasurer of the Committee to defray extraordinary expenses* includingmasio* printing* Sic., &a., incident to raising troops. Let everynian and woman is the Btate, who desires to be represented in the a r my ooms forward and make this investment lor the porpos* of strengthening the ranks of the army. Bo not wait to be called on. but send the money ana procure a &epre reeeatalive Veteran Becrait, one who has and can make himself of set rice to our Government is its hour of cri.tU Don’t count the wßl dividend. Shall be treated with frankness and equality. Not one dollar shall be takta from their bounties* bat all will be paid them without commission or discount It is our purpose to raise this brigade without the aid of substi tute brokers* and not a single b days, on and after January U, 1866, at the office of E. G.JAMES, Treasurer, BOSTON. tjnfeerled and delicate CON £LSS%HPX}SB& of both sexes, use H ELM BOD tt*B EXTRACT .BUCHU. lt.will give brisk and energetic footings end enable you to slyw well. . , serred for PEK3IDKHT, TRBASUESE. DIKBCTOBB. ev XBBCSB OOCKTT, PA. THKASUEBK, E. G. JAMES, OP PHILAbBLPBIA* WEST OHBSTBB, PA. No. HR WALNUT Street,.,Phtlada. FINAWCHAI* 1 AMPffIEMBWTS* ZZZTZZT" 1 ipiDWt KOBIWS & CO., 1 MOHitB OKOYSS~- WBWJTOK •*-' I CABI. ASSGHTIZ »«*,COfi|»g9loß I STOOK AHD EXOHANQE , ~">- BROKERS, SO. 47 (SOITXII THIRD STREET, In a 80,000 Shares of OSS DOLLA.K Suh. Oil. COMPANIES. |gg|F° TBS UNION OHEBRY RUN BASIN OIL AN» MINING COMPANT Of y{OTW33, S6O,OOOaf wUcbisnt aside for working capital Only ft limited number of shares to be sold.' OFFICERS. ' PSSBICDNT, WJt. MdOOTCIiEON, Liberty street, Pittsburg. Bank. Allegheny. 8. B.HoELROY, OfMcßlror, Dickson A Co., Wood atreet, Pittsburg. . WM. MoCUTOHSON, Liberty i street, Pittsburg. Dr. L. R. H’ABQY, Pittsburg. TREABOnER. . R. A. GEOBQB. . Casbier Farmers’ HeporsU National Bank, Pitts burg. SBOBgTART, .JAKES McODTCHEON, Liberty street, Pittsburg. JOHN M. CRAWFORD, Hew Castle, Pa. EBSHSZER HoJUHKIH, Butler, Pa. 60TEBIKTBSBERT, THOMAS B. CLAES, Oil City, Pa Hon. JOBS M. DUNLAP, Lancaster, Fa. PmmsjlvanteT ,Matsd eatirol r in Yenango county. AND CONSISTS OP First. 1M norm choice territory la fee simple on Hickory Creek, commencing about 275 rodsTrom its mtrath. on the Allesheny river, and extending along •itber Side of tiro creek, a distance of 2SO rods, making, a waterfront entire of C«>-rods, orroom at least forSOS wells. The developments now being made is this local ity, combined with the late strikes on Pit Hole Creek, and other tribnlartet of the river. show and establish conclusively the fact that time and labor are the only necessary requisites to the obtaining of large paying wells on'this territory. The land Is subject t? two leases of one-half acre each, the Company receiving one kalf the oil, and being at no expense. Second. One. quarter lease-hold lots Nos. is and 48, ALLEGHENY PETE OLEUM COMP ANT, On the Ailsgheny river, about one-fourth mile above Hone Orr ek, and abont thirty rods from a well now said to be producing 40 barrels of oil par day. These lots join front, each 8 rods on the liver —and extend back some 20 rods—making a frontage of IS rods. TWO WELLS Are going down on this prcparty, on* of whioh Is nearly fcomploted—being about some 400 feet. The in dications are that this will he a big well, as already several fins veins of oil have been struck. ' LEASE, TWBSTY TEAKS, Royalty, three-eighths of the oiL ■ Thlrd..9-Mths lease- hold in lot No. 89, SPRINGFIELD PETROLEUM COMPANY, On Cherry Eon, about three quarters of a mile above the “Seed’’well, and hut a short distance from the "Auburn,' “Yankee,” and other good wells. There is room on the property for tbreojwalto, one of whioh is now being vigorously prosecuted. Thirty days, it is confidently believed, will make this well ready for testing, as the machinery mad everything cou- KcopaHyVcm e- half oMhe oif.^ Fourth, 2he entire lease-hold oflot No IS, ST. NICHOLAS OIL COMPANY, (Kerry Bon. On this property there is room for four wells, one of which Is now being rank. As this lease is located near the f&mons Beed, Baker, and Grocery wells, producing respectively 280. 100, and 200 barrels, thereto scsrcelyadoubtof abundant success. The record of Cherry Bun chronicles. no failure In this favorite lo cality Lease, 28 yeara s Boyalty, half tha oil, Subscription Book fora limited number of the above shares now open at the office of MoOOTCHEON & COLLINS, - ~ ~ 340 »nd 343 North FRONT Street. Philadelphia, Peb- 27, 1865. fa27-8t BIOTIC*. THE OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL OIL GREEK OIL COMPANY, MERCANTILE PETROLEUM COMPANY, Atro PHILLIPS OIL COMPANY, his been BEMOYED from No. 22 North Front street to No. SOS WAI.NTJT STREET, where the business of the Companies will hereafter be conducted and information concerning the same cheer fa. ly given. Subscribers to the stock of the IfATIOWAI* OIL CBB££ OIL COMP JUKI, who have not received their Certificates, can obtain them hy surrendering their In stalment Receipts at the office. WM, J* MAEOOLM, Secretary. grtgr* FASCE OIS4 COMPANY OF PMS - at 7 SOUTH FIFTH STBZET. CAPITAL STOCK $500,000 SBAKES. 135,000 PAR VALUE., $4l SUBSCRIPTION PRICE..M This Company have commenced sinking two weft* on their fee-simple property on Little Sandy Creek. Ve* Banco county; and they confidently expect a largo yield of tfie beet Lub dealing Oil. such as ha* lately been found, in large u;iy bbaided nesitT a*4 fikhlt together, edge to edob, magma the TOueßEsr. -BteStf. durable Spring, ever SpriQtß. and corseqTunily preserve their perfect ~i6aar beautiful Shape twice as long as any other Shirt. TEE wondjbkput flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to*any Lady wearing the duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced paufenlarlyin *u crowded Assemblies, Operas, Carriages, Eailroad Oars, Church Pews, armchairs for Promenade and House Dress, as the Skirt can he folded when m ust ioococ- - py a email place as easily at a Silk or Muslin Dress ' A Lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of wearing tae Duplex Ellifhc Steel Spring *kibt fora single day wiH never* ward willingly dispense with their use. For Children, Hisses, and Young Ladies they axe superior %p all others THEY are the hast qu alit y in every put, land unques tionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical Skirt ever made. - t . FOtt SALE in all first class Stores in this city, and throughout the Unhed States, Havana be Ogba, Mexico, South Amerioa, and the West Indies _ 4®-I£IQUIKE m& THB DUFLSi ELLIPTIC 6KIKT. mh3-lm OPRING CABSIMERES. *■2 Cassimeres for Gents. Caeeimares for Boys. , , _ Cassimeres of the latest style. -v Casaimerea for the trade. Now opening, at v 702 AECH Street. mh2tf JOHN H. STOKES. INSURANCES. BB.ICAN life insurance TRUST COMPANY, Walnut Street, 8. E, Corner of fourth. INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1884, §357,800. Losses paid during the year ; AMOUNTING TO §85,000. v Imuraneei made upou tke Total Abstinence Rates, the lowest in the world.' Also upon JOINT STOCK Bates, which aie over 20 per cent, lower than Mutual Bates. Or MUTUAL BATES, uponwhloh a DIVIDEND has been made of FIFTY PER CENT. On Policies in force Jannary Ist, 1866. THE TEN-YEAR NON. FORFEITURE FLAN, by which a person Insured can make all his payment in ten years, and dees not forfeit; and can at any time cense paying and obtain a paid-up policy for twice or thrice the amount paid to tho Company. ASSESS. $l®,OOS U. 8. 6-20 bonds...—.—„* 40,000 City of Philadelphia 6s. new - SO,COO U. a. Certificates of Indebtedness. 26,0® Allegheny county bonds - 16,0® U 8 Loan of 1881.— .’.. ... 10,(CO Wyoming Talley Canal bonds.— If ,«0 state of bonds-;--; —- 10, TOO Philadelphia and Erie Railroad 10,6® PittsburgrFort’w’ayal, and Ohl cago bonds...—* 9,0® Reading Railroad let mortgage bonds.- 1 ,-. i Hi.,., i i, .....,, 6,6® City of Pittsburg and other bonds I,o® shares Fauna. Railroad stock—. 460 shares Corn Exchange National 8ank..—....................... 22 shares Consolidation National B’k )07 shares Farmers’ National Bank of Reading.. 142 shares Wullameport Water Com- * *+***♦•* * »*♦* <«« 182 shares American Insurantc* aad T* usd Coj&pa&y* »»*'*~ *''**•» J Mortgages, Seal Karate, Ground HaAts ( #c»* 207,278 88 Loans on collateral amply ***«*-• 1325755 7S Premium notes secured py policies 114*399 62 Ca&b in hands oe agent* secured by bonds... 26,601 70 Cash, on deposit with U. B, Treasurer, at 6 per cent....**e;..„*,50,000 00 Cash on-hand and in banfco-.60,351 67 Accrued iatereet and rents due, Jan. 10,454 71 SHE AMERICAS IS A HOME COMPART. Its TRUSTEES are well-known oitiiens in our midst, entitling It to more'conaiderallon than those whose managers reside In distant cities; Alexander WhilUin, William J. Howard, -J- Edgar Thomson, Samuel T. Undine, , George Nugent, Jonn Atkman, Hon. J*me. Pollock, Heory K. Bennett, Albert C. Roberts, Hon. Joseph Allison, P. B. Mingle, Isaac Harlehurst. Samuel Work, AIFX. WuiLLDIN, President. SAMUEIj WORK, Vico President. JOHN S. WILSON, Bec’y and Treasurer. • JOHN O. TAHIR, General Agent, No. 3013 GREEN STREET. faM-fmw6t ffHE RUGGLEB GEMS, A SERIES OF A' Dklicl ub Little OIL PAINTINGS byRUGOLES, ot New York, embracing Laudseapee. Marines- Tenttian Aichlieoture, he. Pr nounced by acknowledged cue- On view and ft* sale at. *SH. BESU. A fcVaNS’. TR* CBBKTN’UrSt. tabs 3t* ' TVf ANHOOD A ND YOUTHFUL VIGOR Aj-a- are legained by HfiLHBOLD’S EXTRACT BU CHU. i ■ PHILADELPHIA. AU, JO KM OP BAITK HOWS, SOLO. SILJTBB. STOCK 3. BOHDB, AND OOVBRN*BirT SrCTOITIKS. BOUGHT AJTD BOLD. Collection, mode on all parts of th, coaatrr. Deposit, reoeived, sotjact to' tight draft, ind Intersat alloyed. faaa-Sm gECOND ■' NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, (LATE lEOH CITY TEC ST COMPAHY.) CAPITAL. ©300,000. BAHEBBS’ ADD MERCHANTS’ COLLECTIONS promptly attended to on the moat favorable terms* 6. E, WABNEE, President, JOHN B. PATTERSON, Cashier. feSfr&tt rpSORGE A, WARDER, v-S STOCK BROKER, - • . ~ Ho. »18K WALNUT Street. Stocks and Loans negotiated, subscriptions received for the new United States 7 30 Loan in sums of $5O and upwards. mhl wfml3t* OR STOCKS, U. B. LOANS, 6c., v> BOUGHT AMD BOLD OH COMMISSION, BI GIOBGI J. BOYP^ Ja4-Smlf Me. IS Sontli THXBDBtrak. AUCTION NOTICE. NINTH AND SAN- AUCTION BAJ,JBOF HqESE|. OABBIAOSS, So. • t ' '" 7 ON' SAYUBDAY MOE^IEGrRBXT. At 10 o’clock, comprising about FIFFY HOB8E& suited to harness and the saddle. } Fall descriptions at sale. ALSO, A large collection of desirable new and second-hand carriages, light-wagons, dearborns, &c., with, which the sale will commence. Also, single and double harness, saddles* bridles* Whins, covers, baiters, &e. fso poetwmemeijfc on account of weather. Bale of horses, Arc., on Wednesday. Tbirty* seventh trade sale of 350 carriages April 5. mb* 2tif ALFRED M. RIBENE3S. Auctioneer. ANTED— GROOND RENTS MORTGAGES, IK EXCHANGE FOB GOOD OIL. STOCKS, Payirg 3 mi cent, pel month divide*!*. Address With particulars, _ “ Box 921” mhlBt' Philadelphia Post Office. WANTED—IN A DRY GOODS COM " MISSION HOUSE, as active, energetic young HAH as galeiman; mass be acquainted with the city and Western trade, and able to sell roods. Also, a LAD, willing to make himself generally nsefnl, with a knowledge of business. Both most have good refe rences. Address, in wilting of applicants. Box 1369, Post Office. mhS 8t» WANTED—IN A PRODUCE COM ■ - HIfSION HOUSE, an active, industrious man, having experience in the business,'&nd who can Influ ence consignments. Address “Produce.' ’ mhl-wfnn3t* Press office. W ANTED.— CORRESPONDENTS * * of Newspapers in this and other cities, who have any leisure time, to state what papers they correspond for, and send their address to Box 2349 Philadelphia Post Office. xah2-It* TSTANTED—IN A DRV -GOODS JOB S’* BING HOUSE on MABKET Street, a SALES 800 KEEHPFB, Must be quick and correct at fienres and have some experience in the business. Address “B. A P., n at this Office. mh2 3t WANTED—A SITUATION, BY A *» Young Han, as Entry Clerk or Assistant Book keeper in some mercantile or manufacturing establish meat. Good reference given. Address “L. 8,. ** No. 1»08 THOMPSON Street. mhl-3S WANTED—IN A DRY GOODS JOB * V BING HOUSE, on MARKET Street, a SALES MAN who can control a good cash trade. Address “Dry Goods, ’* feSHMSi* • Prcaromee. Employment house, for Housekeepers, Seamstresses, Ch&mbesm&ide.Wnlt' era. Nurses, Cooke, Laundresses, and teuezal house work, white and colored. 80fc LOCUST St. fe2o-lm "EMPLOYMENT HOUSE FOR Clerks, Book-keeper,-Salesmen, Packers. Porters, Watchmen, Coachmen, Drivers, Conductors, Bar-tend ers, Waiters, Farm hands. Gardeners, Ac. Employers suited at short notiee. 802 and 804 b LOCUST Street. fe2o-lm , . . STABLE WANTED FOR THREE OR FIYB HORSES, between Arch and Coates, Eighth and Nineteenth streets. Apply at S. E. corner ELEV ENTH and COATES Streets. “JAMES.* 1 mhS-St* PERSON HAYING v* $3,000 would like to invest it in a safe BUSINESS, or would loan it to a pirfcy who would give him employment. Applicants must give ml name and business. Address *• Investment,” mbbwfrmSt* * Press office. A THE ADVERTISER WANTS TO -fiS- buy a pleasant, medium-sized HOUSE in West Philadelphia,.- Addrees Box 2116. mh3 3t* Ming for two or three hoicea. Tthe nelghßorhood or Gtrujautown preferred- Adcrese *’P H.,* # Press office. fe22-wfmgt* M W ANTED TO RENT. BY APRIL Ist, a modern DWELLING, situated above Arch -Taraot; i\i Hwacil oKnrti $4OO. AddrOSS Box 1937. Poet Office mnz-iitr* ~ m WANTED TO RENT .FOR THE JSS. SUMMER—A Comfortable House with Stabling, near a Railroad Station- A Furnished House preferred, Address Box 1100 Philadelphia Post Office. fe2s 6t* m WANTED TO RENT—BEFORE Nithe first of April, a DWELLING, with tho modern improvements, with 9to 12 rooms. Bonus of $25. Address +*B.,** 303 Market street. felO-lm* Pp, FIRE-PROOF wanted, small Ijgdflfaizß. for cash. J Addrtss ‘ * Bryan, ’ * Press office. mh3-2i* FORJALi: ANI> TO LET, m TO RENT-A DESIRABLE® JkS COUNTRY RESIDENCE, of twenty -three acres, *■*- with large Mansion, Tenant House,. Bam, sc., abaut ten minutes* walk Horn the Holmesburg Station, on the Philadeipbia and Trenton Railroad. - the N. E. corner of SECOND and MARKET Streets. . mhS 2t* mZTO RENT—A HOUSE BEAUTI- Located; ten minutes? walk from TKtBD and CHESTNUT; every convenience, and furniture Tor Bale; rent S6CG. Address '*6. Henry,** ibis office. mh3-3t* A GENTLEMENS FURNISHING £*• STORE FOR SALE—Hag been established seven years, and is doing an excellent business now. A due chance formoner makivg. Reasons for selling and full information given at No. 305 aBCfl Street (third story). lt*_ r\IL LAND FOR SALE CHEAP-80 V/ ACRES OH EAST BRANCH SUGAR CREEK. ml3-St* - G. COLLINS, 334 CHEITfiUr sweat. m A RARE-CHANOE!—FOR SALE— JBaI Ah old eeiabliched HOTEL in the central part of the city, now doing a good business. . Satlefactory reasons foT .selling wi’l he given to. the purchaser, Terras moderate For farther particular* apply northeast comer SIXTH and SPRUCE. mhS 2t* Mfor sale—two VERY DE eiratle three-story BRICK DWELLINGS, with hack bnitdixgs and large lots of ground, on Cooper t treat; hear the Railroad Depot, In Beverly* ST. J. In first-rate order* and immediate'possession can he riven. Apply to PHILIP F. SNYD&B, xu&St* . Ho. 113 South Flgfg Street OIL, COAL, AND TIMBER LAND v FOB BALE. . 210 and 1,060 acres in Elk county, $29 * l‘2oand99o do. in Forest county, $lOO anl $9). 200 ' do. in Centre county, $2O Also, in Clearfield,Clinton,Lycoming, and other coun ties. A. OLWINE & CO., xahl-et* 8. W. cor. ELEVENTH and &IPGB At. ■ROOMS TO LET.—UNFURNISHED -A-V» and Furnished BOOMS to let. References *>x changed 415 PBFNB Street. mh2-2t* TO GOAL OIL COMPANIES. A Good Offices to let, in FEAR Street below THIRD Btreet, rear of mh2 3t* FARQUAHAK BUILDINGS (No. 212). COPABVNERSHIPB. T I MIT ED PARTNERSHIP.—WE, JLJ subscribers, have this day entered Into a Li mited Partnership, agreeably to the act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed March. 21, A. D. lfiS6* and do hereby certify that the name of the firm under which said partnership is to be conducted is BUBIiBUT & LAYERTY* and that the general nature of the business to be conducted is the manufacture of Seek Ties* Scarfs, and 8 coke, and the same will be transacted of the .aid firm are WILLIAM M. HDKLBTJT and WILLIAM A LA VEKTY, both resident, of Camdea, N. J., and the Soa eie; Partner Is JOSEPH NICHOLSON, residence No BCB North Sixteenth street, Philadelphia, State ol Fena- That the capital contributed by the said JOSEPH NICHOLhON, Special Partner, ie Five Thousand Del- Brain cash. That the period at which said Partnership Is to com mence is the Ist day of March, one thousand eight hun dred and sixty- five* and that it will terminate on the Sl*t day of December, elfbteen hundred aci sixty-six {lew.} . ! WILLIAM M. HUBLBUT, WILLIAM A. LAVBRTY, General Partners. JOSEPH NICHOLSON, _ „ . Special Partner. Philadelphia, March 1, 1865. mM 6t* T7IBH OIL. , j. l ’®* o gallons, fot tanttefaorlnbrleatinrmrposes, lauding and for sale hr BDW.H.BJwi.Br. mh3-3t* 16 South DELAW ABE Avume. WHALE OIL. 4 • * Bleached Winter and Crude Whale Oil, In as sorted packages, for sale by -EDW. H. ROWLEY, mhg-3t> 16 South DELAWARE Avenue. "ROSIN OIL ■*■o Of various qualit'ei for sale by EDW. H ROWLEY, mhS-St* 16 South DELAWARE Avenue. $966,461 79 PARD PHOTOGRAPHS, 13FOR $1.25, Vi rente and pretty, editable for Albums, and just the thina for scholars to exchange with their schoolmates. BEiHEE’B, BBOOaD Street, above Green. It* I) F. REIMEH’S LIFE-SIZE PHO TOGBAPHS—the moat natural, pleasing, arite ttc, and trathfQl portraits made. Bee specimens and secure faithful likens Bees 634 ARCH street. It* PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM 8-THOSE •*- ' giving zsost catisfaction in elegance of style and durability are the patent hinge back Albums; for sale, aU sizes, B. F. BBIMKR'B, 633: ARCH Street. It* pOR NON * RETENTION OR INCON* X TIBENCB of urine, irritation* inflammation or ulceration of the bladder or kidneys* diseases of the prostate glands, stone in the bladder, «a!cn]us* gra vel or brick* dost deposit, and aU diseases of tha blan der, kidneys and dropsical swellings* use umm.* BOiiD’oFLBID EXTRACT BPCHU. T> EMOVAL.—JOHN H. WILLIAMS & h CO. have removed from No. ® CHESTNUT Street,- lately occupied by Messrs. Wm- McKee A Co. , ___ CHABLBB F HA6BLTINB has REMOVED from No. ® jj4o CHESTNUT STREET. Mr CHABLBS P £ B aFartMtia our /lmftomtU*ia>e. H WItUAI „ & ■ ranAWsm*' Fafcruanr Id. IS«. ColS-lm* WANTS. POSinvELT last two «««™ BRILLIANT FAItBWBLt REASON 0* 1 •unWaiiu.' LHO^O&A'^*4m...i..i,Hid. JOHANN. gnfmi (For tha tint time in thi, Jit *f A ion SF Madams Batter trill introdncatbe brilliant w>r-He ABU. tiota BALFE'ti BOHEMIAN Gl Kb ' WAW * ALLEBSANDO KFHIDHiIiAm.. -- - • .FEtSil HTHtfiE BARBABIHO ........... THUGDORS HABBLWAN MALVOLIO STBIigoU 8A551...'..-..-. ANION SSIaS Grand Ballet hyiflES THBBKSA WOOD and Co™ de Ballet. And on tMa occarinn „ , THIRD SOBYESIB DB CONCERT. Second appearance of Ibo emibenf Piano Forte Vir tnoeo. CHARLES KUBKEL. GBAKD FOBO^I||OnB, BTgff .„^.b y BBET K (WEED'S POLKA FOB TWOJ*le^ri>A ! ™.Ktrj!fKßS. Messrs. KUBEBD and S. BEHRENS. SATURDAY, Maroi 4,1861. POSITIVELY LAST NIGHT OF THE SEA SO*. GRAND GALA FAREWELL PERFORMANCE. For the firtt time In America, _ QOUBOB'S NSW OPERA ENTIRE. HIRBILLK. Af fiSWOOV. March 4* *ss*. To commence at 2 o'clock _ A - s i 4 H 0 “ Ar 1 * 1 ®* adfnlKer'B Cbhf D’Oeuvre „ A ROBSET lb diabls, a j ®S ot unparalleled strength- Admission to Matinee $1 to all parta of the house. flw extra chaise for reserved Baata. \ MERIOAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, GRAKD INAUGURATION op Tits NATIONAL USION . SOLDIERS’ AND SAILORS' HOME. (Designed to he oflnde- AT TAB ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ox THURSDAY STONING, MARCH dfflti 1865. ORATION BY THE REV. BISHOP SIMPSON. The Chorus and Orchestra under the direction at Admission to Parquet, Parquet Circle, and Bslonnw (Reserved Seats included! *1; Family ClrclAcSi traeoeon Locust street. Reserved Ssais Inciaiedl. S cents; amphitheatre. 25 cents. ” Tickets can he .had only at the Academy mi CJaxton’s, late HariienA Book Store, eoFchStant at^o^clock 4 ® 4 * *° * omm ® Bo6 next Monday morning Doore open at I'/i o’clock ; Ceremonies to commence 7* o’clock, mh t4t MEW CHEBTNTJT-ST. THEATRK— CHESTNUT STBS ST. ABOVE TWELFTH. FRIDAY EVENING, Merck 3, BENEFIT OF THE YWHO. BEAUTITTIL. AND GIFT** BUSS HELEN WESTERN, who wilFappear npon this ocsaslcn as CLAUDE MELNOTTR, In Buiwer's beautiful play. In flee acts, of the LAOS OWLIOSB. The evening’* performances will conclude with the dashing comedy styled - COOL AS A CUCUifBEE. Flnmpsr—. ... Mr. Lewis Babe. Brmna-* 1 ™ preparatioll > tK « Band and. wcird-Uks THE GREEK CORSAIR, OR THE WIZARD SKIFF. SATUBBAY AFTERNOON. M Web 4th THIRTY-TRIED GRAND FAMILY ImHER. THE TB REE GUARDSMEN “ Will be performed. STREET THEATRE. ENGAGEMENT OF Mr J 8. CLARKE. CROWDED AUDIENCES, WILD WITH DELIGHT m . EVERT BVBSIbG, The grestsentaMonal Drama of ~ f fiS,ST ' K iiE!te ojp PHILADELPHIA. TOM BADGER—— —Mr. J. s (!T.»»ag MBS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH "A STREET THEATRE . JLAST WEEK POSITIVELT OF “ THB STREETS OF NEW FORK," WITH ITS FINE Cast. SCENIC and me&hakius UNION SQUARE SNOW SCENE.” ••THE TEaEMENT HOUSE.” and the CRLSBRATBS FIRE SCENE ” feSf-flt ON HONDAf SSXT MBS. LANDER. CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT ST' v/ ABOVB twelfth. * HOSDAF AND TUESDAV EVENINGS, PATRIOTIC AND SCRIPTURAL READINGS. BT JAMES B. MURDOCH Tickets, m canls. For sale hr Athmead & Evans, fit Chestnnt st ; Challen & Son, INS Chestnnt st ; Pres. Bookstore, opposite Mint A limited number of reserved g E ,^Ls la3 ', b S,4i co -£L d *• 8. PUGH’S, S. W. car. SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. mhJ-E* AMERICAN CIRC ÜB. WALNUT Street, above Eighth. Mesne GaBBIBER A UEMMIafaH .Proprietocn. Mr FRABKWHITTaKER of the CirSt Will open on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, lSot March* ensuing. M668T8. GABO TUBE & HEMMIHGB f aka pleasured announcing to the dozens o t Philadelphia that tnev have engaged ihe building on Walnut street, shore P0( *£? 101 AMERICAN for the first lime In this city on Wednesday afternoon. The following named stars will render brilliant !»• scenes in the ring; JAMBS MADIGfIJS, double Somes* sault and Leaper: ttademe CAMILLE, Le Petite CA MILLS* M’Lle £LIZa SARDINES, Sqiiestziennesz ft* Poll* Brothers WILLIAM and GEOKGE nasts; W. JH LESTIsB. the Possukt; Ggo„ SaGS DEBS, Equestrian; Mr. Jf>HN POST2K. the Amertctt Jester and Clown; S HEMMISGS, Tight BoSe aS Equestrian; DAE and other great celAbritfes. The two little Ponte* named In honor of Gen. Grant and Gan. Sherman* wiH he introduced every evening* and at the performance* on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. The comnanw will inaugurate the ‘‘POSY RACES ’’ as early atpea* sible, Great euro will be taken to maintain the dteSSy thready achieved* by paying due regard to moral fiment, Admission to ihe.Great Show—Firet Tier* 60 cts.sJfr* cond Tier, i 5 ets.; Private Boxes. $3 and ss 3 as to stea and location. Evening Performances commence at 7 4QI Performance every Wednesday and Saturday ftffgi noon* commencing at 2>a o’clock. FgND HALL. —SSSSf SI and will take place on FRIDAY BVEBIKG, March lDth, 1685, Assisted by several distinguished Artists. The sale of Reserved Seats will commence on WBBKR*PAT. March Scb T SPXu. at X J 5 Gould's xnzsic~9toiß. ■ Particulars in futore adyertlaements. mb? St QONGEET HALL. MONDAY EVbFISg. February 2L and EVERY EVENING UNTfiL FCRTiffiKNOTICE, The original and only „ „- CHRISTY If IMBTRSLS. J-W* RAYN0R...........501e Proprietor andHanacnr Twenty established Artiste in the Ethiopian Prof«£ «ion and the world- renoweed Comedian* _ GEORGS CHRISTY. New Songs, New Buriesg.ues* New Faces, and &U ikt Old Favorites. Admission********** ***»i>*»**«***4h*sh«iBs cento Reserved Seats *,«**,.. -*-60 cento f«2S*9fc * - J. H. BURRIDGE, Amt. ACADEMY OF MUSIO. D L* CARPENTER’S TWENTIETH A3SUAL FLORA!, SOIREE. WEDNESDAY EVENING, April 19.1565 TICKETS THREE DOLLARS, To behad of J. Thoinley, Bsq., 311 Chestnut street: of tbemtnagers* and of D. L. Carpenter, at hie Dancing Academy, 625 Arch street. feSS-St* ORRMANIA ORCHE BTR4 PUBLIC VN BBHEABSALB every SATURDAY, at S« o'cloak; P. K., at MUSICAL FUND HALL. Slagle Tickets. » emits. Six Tickets, *1; to be had at Gould’s, Andre's, and Meyer’s Music Stores, and at the HalL noT-tf THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, -A CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, Is OPEN DAILY for visitors, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. H. ieSf BOARXNDSCI. DOARDING.—A LARGE, PLEASANT Second-Btory FRONT ROOM willba vaeaut la a few days, at S. E. corner of GREEN and EIGHTEENTH Streets ' ’ mul-3t fST— THE PHILADEL ■WiIwmEgBte PHIA, WILMINGTON, ANU Baltimore railroad. INAUGURATION. Special Passenger Trains for BALTIMOREaud WASH INGTON will leave depot. BROAD Street and WASH* IHGTON Avenue, on _ THDBSDAY AND FRIDAY, the 2d and Sd of -March, at 10 A. M. and IP. U. Returning, will leave Washington on SATURDAY, at 6 P. M. and 9 P. M. SUNDAY, at XL IS A. M. and 4 30 P. H. mh2-2t H. F. KENNEY, Superintendent. TTORBE TRAINING FREE OF II CHARGE! Messrs. ROCKWELL Sc HURLBURT will form a «li» for teaching their system, which is new,' original, and practical,and under which better feats of horsemanship can be accomplished than under any and all other systems of the combined world. Our system is entirely different from all others. We do not throw yoar horse* neither do we administer drags of any kind; yet wa never fall to obtain unconditional submission in & very short space of time. We propose to iastraefc you by practical demonstrations. Therefore, gentleman, bring in your Berses, of any and all haMts, from the on trau.ed colt to the o:d reprobate who knows no master, and we promise to handle them to yf-ur entire satifae tlon* or it s> aU co»t you nothing. We handle RUMn- WASS, KICK BBS, BITVBB. BEIDLB PULL BBS* PJLUHdERS, BH2BRS- BOLTERS, HARD PULLERS* SIDE kEISBRS, BEEVOUe; also those that wIU net stand for you to get into the carriage. Timid, and thoau afraid of umbrellas, or any other object. Silly ones* that run the tongue out over the bit. Also, the gentle man s Home, who simply lacks style. Kickers, Biters, Strikers Crowders* Halter Pullers, Plungers to Manger, and those that are Nervous or Vi cious, and will not submit to the Groomcman or Blade smith. ALL HORSES BELOFGIMG TO MEMBERS HAM* BLED FREE OF CHA RGE. At the Rooms of the PHILADELPHIA BIDIHS CLUB, SIXTEEBTH Street, below Walnut, on Thurs day, Friday, and Saturday Evenings, at 7& o’clf ck. Tuition, $5. Good StabHng connected; mhS-Bb* ROCKWELL & HURLBURT. CHATTEEED CONSTITUTIONS BB KJ STORED by HELM BOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU. VTOFFMAN & JAMES, ATTORNEYS XI AT LAW AND CONVEYANCERS, FRANKLIN, VENANGO COUNTY, PENN A. Saxcei W. Hoffman, • Wiixja* H. JAMS. (Ist, ttf Philadelphia. 1 REFER TO Charles E. Lex,- Sea., I James H. Little, Ssd.,’ B. C. Knight & Co!, i s. AW. C. Biddl^ilSo.; W. H. -Yestofi ft Co. fell-Sm ISJITRA.TE OP SOD A—2oo BAGS JUST -*• * received, and for stl« fa lota to »uit parehawM. hr HAEEISOif BROTHERS* CO., H&anfectarfac Ciwmuta, - -103 Booth PROMT Street. feS7-lm* TJOSTON BROWN BREAD, FRESH -*-> Bailr. at EIIiBI’S BAKKET, f«2Bet* Ills BICE Street. r—| fliil — MALCOLM MACNEILL’* KT -way SPECTACLE BTOBE. [No. 310 South EffTH Street. bal 7Ef£iTE . tpHiji Glassec refitted tosnitalt &g**. a F repairing earefuliy and promptly attended to. mo3-Sae m ir ( ! ics to No, 501 CHS iTfiU™ Sirect, eeoondstory. Boom No. 1 „ , fete 6t J. O- FISLBR, Swretarr- TAKE no more unpleasant X and onisafo remedio* for Mplessaot rogfi diseases. Qn 9SLHB- JSXfSACt BffWW andOSPSOYXP BOSS WA3&.