CITY ITEMS. Tinionreers op Assnazoax ART.—There may be oleo at the store of Messrs. Ashmead at Evans, 724 Chestnut street, b collection of ' , Ruggles' GOMM." - as announced in the advertising department of thle Aare Press, These are very fine small oil sketches, •cabinet sire, consisting of marine views—storms and mans—and landscape seems, clothed in the rich beauty of spring. summer, autumn, and winter. They are perfect genii -and form the only collection In Philadelphia. —The happy blending of the varied colors of autumn, the curling ocean wave, the glassy lake, the misty mountain, the serene blue of the sky, the manmulating clouds, &0., sm., deserve the -Masked attention of all the lovers of the beautiftd. Mr. Ruggles is an American artist of great-celebri ty. Ladles and gentlemen are invited to call and oramine these works of art. Mil. BEM'} COMMOTION OF PAINTINGS —W have received a printed catalogue of the oil paint ings, nearly one hundred in all, belonging to Mr. Thomas F. Bell, the welt•known auctioneer in this oily, which he will bring to the hammer, at Messrs. Thomas' auction store, on the forenoon of Tuesday, March 7th. The pictures will be arranged for in spection Ave days before the sale. Mr. Bell has been twenty years In making this collection ; most of the pictures were painted expressly to his order, end the masters prineipally represented are the late Thomas Birch, the great marine painter, who was the American Vernet of his time ; Mr. O. lireighoff; well known in this city, who now resides In London, where he has numerous and valuable commissions ler his beautiful winter scenes from the European nobility, but especially those of England and R us ; George R. Bonfield, of this city, the marine and landscape painter, and /saw) Williams, on • ennsylvonla scenery. There are good speolmens, too, of P. Moran, Paul Weber, W. W. Boyle, J. L. Erlmmel, Rottenheimer, Greenewald, V. B. Bon- Acid, and others. We know these pictures well, and know, too, that they have neither been picked up at sales nor acquired at low pribes. It is an honest, bona fide collection, for which, no doubt, there will be no small competition. Jartun , si EMAIL nn Rears is now used by the most refined and scrupulous, and is most adudrable as a preserver, restorer, and beautifier of the akin, keeping it smooth, fair, and transparent. Sold by Drugglata, Pbrfumers, and Coiffeurs. E. jouni,lllS. Tenth street; Johnston, Holloway, & Cowden, and Dydtt & Co., General Agents. fe2o.rawsfit, Tllit Piazza Tuner, SHIRT, Invented by Mr. John F. Taggart, and for sale at the popular Gentle- Amen , a Furnishing establishment of Mr. George Grant, No. 610 Chestnut street, are the best-made and beat-fitting shirts in the world. The very choicest good," in this department' are always for dale at Mr. Grant's counters. Tun STORAGE Or POTROLRIIM ISi PHIL/o)BL nr.s.—All persons who feel anintereet in the trade of Philadelphia, and who wish the-objectionable lea -tares of the storage of petroleum, in large quantities, removed from the closely built portions of the oily, are respectfully informed that they can aid in the accompUshment of that result by subscribing imme diately to the stook of the "Petroleum Storage Company of Philadelphia" (a company chartered by the. State of. Pennsylvania and duly organized In ltkle., having among Its stockholders most of the leading commercial houses in the city of Philadel phia) whose , object is to make suck superior facili ties for the storage and shipment of petroleum on the extensive grounds owned by the company near Greenwich Point, as shall make it to the interest of the whole trade to concentrate al/ their heavy business at that point. Wharves and other improvements are already contracted for, to the extent of the funds in the treasury. (Tim officers of this company propose to pay iu they go.) Sidings will be laid immediately to connect with the track of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company, whose new depot grounds adjoin the grounds of the company on the Delaware river. Persons in the trade oan lease grounds f the own piny for their business upon reasonable terms. Shares 325, payable 35 at the time of subscription, the.balanoe to be called in (not exceeding es par Share in any one month) as wanted for Improve.. meats. °Mee 827 Walnut street, second story-front room. T. S. Emery, President ;F. D. Hubbell, Secretary and Treasurer. . TRH LAST MONTE OT WINTIOL—WISNIT 010N1. INN, for the balance of this month, is now offered at greatly reduced prices, at Charles Stokes ft. Co.'s " One Price , ' first-class Ready.made Clothing House, wider the Continental. The reputation enjoyed by this house for the exoellenoiand style of its gar. meats, togedtter with the low prices, Is a guarantee that bargains can now be had here beyond any other place In the pity. We must close out our stook this month. CHARLES STOKES & EXTILL Szaarow CALLE - D.—The President has called an extra session of the Senate, to meet on the 4th of March. There are matters of muoh pub. ifo importance, which demand attention, and which render the holding of an extra session necessary. We are persuaded that there is no truth in the rumor that the Session is to be oalled for the purpose of making Some formal reoognition of the elegance of the wearing apparel made at the Brown Stone iClothing Hall of Rookhill 6; Wilson, Nos. 608 and 005 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Not but what they deserve this mark of distinction. Fr= LT oOBT,—Squlrrel Muffs $8 to $lO, worth Isl 2 to VC. Blink Muffs $lO to $2O, worth $lO to $3O. Oloeing out balance of our We at cost. We do not Intend to carry any over. class. Oertironn a SON, Continental Hotel. conalot Tun ONLY RHICIDY.—Those who suffer from fou breath are open to the charge of carelessness. It is an offence that Can be speedily abated, as a single bottle of the fragrant Sozodont will unmistakably accomplish the work. No toilet table should be without it. It will preserve and keep the teeth white, and the breath pure and sweet. Sold by a druggist.. fe2o4nwf St °Pala NoTioa.—Boyal Ermine Fum, at coot, at Chas, Oakford & Son% Continental Hotel. fe2o-10t Ent, EAR, AAD CATARRH, successfully treated by 7. Isaacs, M.D., Oculist and Aurist, 511 Pine et. alistificialeysa inserted. blooharge for examination. OPERA NOTloll.—Royal Ermine Furs, at cost, at Chas. Oakford & Continental Hotel. 1'6204 ONWOR OF BIITTBRIPDILD'S °WORLAND D.. Paerox removed to N 0.40 South Fifth street. felT•tf *PECL4L NOTICES. Quumna OR Goymarno SCISSORS, Italian or Patent Irons. Burnt+ and Cap Irons, and Mrs Cook's /Went Polishing Irons, Air sale by TBIIitAN do SHAW. /t No. 835 Melt TblrtY-flve), MARKET Street. below Ninth. HOOKS AND BRACKETS FOR HANGING Baaketa and Sird Cages, and a variety of Wire Rang ing Baskets, for sale at TRUMAN at SHAW'S, It elow No. N bed (Right Thirty-Ave), KARIM - L. Street, Ninth. HAM DYE! Sell DYR I BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE le the but lathe world. The only tree and perfeet Dye—harmless. instanter's. Ans. and reliable; produces a splendid Bleak or Natural Brown; remedies the ill ergots of Bad Dyescand fre quently restorer the original color. Sold by all Drug• state. The genuine is signed W. L BATCHELOR. BI BARCLAY Street. Kew York. 112-mwfrl7 OVERCOATS "ROE $l4 TO $55. OVERCOATS. OVERCOATS FROM $l4 tit OVIROOATS PROM 7514 to $55. OVERCOATS. • OVERCOATS FROM $l4 to EM. OVERCOATS. WANAMAKER a BROWM. OAK HALL, 'S. E. 41Orner SIXTH and MARKET Street.. Algr Torutg Men's Salts and elegant variety of the beet slam Clothing at REASONABLE PRICES. MIR Glaoum BMX & 00.41 rumos, Arm MASON & HAMLIN'S BINIORGANS. FLINO Ove OA r 500 ee eh of these Ins CABINET ORTES. Inetrumenta hare been sold ORGANS. PIANO bY Mr. 0., and the demand la CASHIER FORTS& eonetantly Increasing. , ORGANS. PIANO Tor sale only by CABINET 1,019. Ti& J. N. 0601.. D. _ ORGANS. riANWM= and OHISTNUT Ste. thmarirr NORMS. nolA.If ORGAN& iiiE rt of Inter/nen Oman, Febniary 18. MK to the MN of Phaaeletpletel, h to February 181 h. Me& S A A 1 °AVMS 011 , DISTIL. .0 1 4 OAtresta 07 MU SM. 5 1 • ,:s 41 mi 4 m Asthma .. 1 lever, Catarrhal-. 1 Abe0e55............. 1 2 " Spotted 3 , Asphyxia. ...... i 1 " Scarlet I 24 Anemia 6 5 AIIIIMAIIIII of Aorta . ... 1 1 1 ` Tyllto n2 l4 13 2 Apoplexy Mr/ • 3 " Symptomatic 1 Ennis and Scalds ••• 3 2 Fatty Degeneration .Congestive Mille. • • 1 1 of Heart.......... 1 Cancer of Rectum... 1 Fistula in MO • ••••-• 1 of Stomach. 1 Gangrene , 1 Casualties 3 1 Hemorrhage 1 Croup 17 " Mmes..... 1 Congeetion, Brain... 4 4 " of Marne • 1 Lungs ~ 1 1 Hooplug Cough 5 compression. Brain 1' Inflammation, Brain 2 7 Cerebro.lipinal No-'' Bronchi ........ 1 1 I nineitle 4' " Heart........ 1 Cirrhosis of layer... 1 " Kidneys 1 1 Conen . ipptlon,Lungs'42 6 " Larynx .«.» 1 Bowels 1 2 " Lunge........ 18 23 Ccomilaione... ..... . 17 " Peritoneum . 2 Puerperal .• • 2 " EL & Bowels. 1 2 Cyanosis ............ 6 Inanition .... 1 3 Dlptheria 3'6 Intemperance....... 2 Mlarrlms ..., 3 • Masts. s. rota. ..... • 2 Dropsy 2 1 Malformation - 1 of theßrata. Enda. 2 Marfunnus 1 4 •• of the Lungs. - 1 Old Age.... • .... .... 12 ''of the Heart. 1 Palsy.- 8 • " of the Liver. 1 Scrofula. 1 Disease of Heart .... 2 8 Bore Throat.... ..... " Liver- .. 1 Small-Pox 4 17 " Spine 1 Still-b0rn............ 13 'Debility •••• ..., .... 611 Teething -• • ...... •• • • 1 liksiou on Brain- 2 Unknown....•.. • • 3 5 'Erysipelas 1 1 Wounds- G uns h o t. 2 1 'Enlargement. Liver 1 - I -- 'fever, Hain 1 Total .... 175.226 OF 2121 AXOVX Tinian WiSH- Dnder I year SO From. 50 to 63 21 Mom Ito 3...• 32 NI to 70 20 '" Ito S. ..... .. 44 " 76 to £0 10 ''" sto 10...... ........ 24 " 10 to 30 4 10 twig. 11 " DO to 100 2 15 to IF 15 " .100 to IN ....... ....... 1 " ID to 30 61 - •" 80 *I to to 40. .. ... ........36 80 T0ta1.................. 382 56 WASINS. W 5.8745. , W.S.BDS. MM. • ...• ...... 16 Tenth •• .. 14 Nineteenth 15 43econd .........26 Eleventh .13 Twentieth 24 Third........... 4 Twelfth „...... 8 Twenty-first . .. 7 v 0ur ik....32 Thirteenth . •... 8 Nifth - .. . 'lB Fourteenth. ....11 Twenty-third ..11 Sixth ~" ... ..... 6 ntseuth ....... 18 Twenty-fourth. 29 Seventh ........16 Sixteenth ......13, Toreuty-Arth ... 9 Eighth 18 Seventeenth ... .141Tirsuty , sixth-12 Ni n th ~„.. .„ .14 Eighteenth 7117nknown 18 send. deaths from the eountry..... et deaths in the IsMr 364 NATIVITY. States. ra I Foreittn,6o: Unknown,. Almshouse. if t People of Color. 41; from the coon- The lB number of deaths, compared with the cornea. ondlnd week of 1861, and of leas week, was as fel , we: Week ending Feltner], 20. 7861. wee 813. Week ending February U, 1865, was 368. meloe. 118; females, 161; boys, 116; ilrle. 91. Deaths and interments of soldlers„ IT. By order Of the Board of Health. WOW' 4114N01114. 1140914•99. Under the Oontinental. St to SM. 01/11RCOVIS .1111. ** • ** IS 3hCE.O6.R.R.TiEII). ABBOTT—DAVIS. —ln the city or New York. on the 76th Lost , 67 the Roy. Jacob Ab (Kitt, Rev. librerd Ab. bolt, of cambridgeport, Num. to Mies Mara E. Davie. No cards. • R&D—HABBLU.—tia the 15th htet_, by the Bay. e W II Rbthore, Mr. Henry Rag to bliss Rosalie Hauler, of this ottr. • ROOAII.-11, San Jose. Costa Ries, On the 32/ of .70S camber, 19011, Dr. James MOM. RANDALL—Suddenly, at his residence., 1715 Vines street, on the 19th inet., Joseph 0. Randall, in the 65th year of his age. Dee motion will be given of the femoral. * RORER.—On Friday afternoon. 17th 'net , after a tihort filmes, James B. Borer. in the 65th year of his m itts relatives and' male friends are Invited to attend hie funeral, from his late residence, NO 606 Wood street, on Tuesday afternoon, February 21st, at 1 o'clock. Fu neral services In the Second Reformed Dttieh Ohara Ilßev..T. De Witt Talmage'e), Seventh, above Brown street. at 2y o'clock. s, THOMAS. —At Molten Rills, on Sabbath morning early. February 19th. 1805. Susan Monroe, wife orGeo O. Thomas, Jr.. and daughter of .Chao. B. and Emrline H Dungan. Doe mattes will be given of the funeral, • SYSEET —On the 15th Inst., Aden/ B rerly, in the 93d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family sverespectfally invited to attend the funeral , from his late residents, No. 1264 Arch street. on Tuesday, the 21st bast at ten o'clock A. M es 1317Z8Y. —On the 16th Inst. At Elizabeth, N. .7. ,Robert 8.. son of Mordecai Busby. The relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral on .Second day afternoon, 20th last., at half past ore olclock, at northeast corner of -- and Walltoe streets, house of James Tru• BURTON. —On the Nth lust.. John Barton,lsnro in the 45th year of Us ago. BD male (donde and those of the family are respect. fully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence. 1418 Walnut street, on Monday, the '2oth lest:, at 10 o'clock A. se BAKER. —Oa tbe morning of the 17th ittatant, Mary Stewart. wife of Isaac Baker, In the 5.7 d year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from their residence, 1021 Wlstar street, on Monday afternoon, the 20th Dud, , at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Odd. Fellows' Cemetery. BLACK AND PURPLE , DELAINES, 40 etude; Black and White DoUlnae, 40 cents. BESSON & SON. Mourning Store . No. 91.8 CHESTNUT Street. "WHITE ENGLISH CRATE.-.ALSO, Black En_g/isit Veil and Trimming Cram. all qualities. BBBSON dr. BON. Mournin_g Store. fe9.9 • No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. WHITE GOODS FOR THE OPERA. 8-4 White Merino for Opera Suits. White Cashmere for Clookg. White Gloves, best only. White livening Silks. fell 3 BUM & LANDELL NOTICE& TENTIT•WARD BOUNTY FUND. —CITY WARRANTS CASHED. HIGEISSY ..BORNTIRS Paid to all Recruits ortollted to the TRIITH WARD Apply to •A. H FRANCISCUS, .1420-tf 51.3 MARKET Street. - BYI.VANIA. An .adjourusd :Meeting will b. held at the Bail, Athennum Butldlng, SIXTH . Street, below Walnut, MIS (Monday) WINKING. at 8 o'clock It SAML. L. SMEDLEY , Recording &WY% liar ABB NOW, FEBRUARY 11th, 1865, on 'notion or Peter hfcoall, Bea, EDWARD SEYMOUR. HARLAN Was admitted to practice as an Attorney in the District Court and Court of Cloronlca Pleas for the city and county of Philadelphia is* rArTWENTIETH. WARD.-21NOTHE MASS BOUNTY MENUS will be held THIS (Monday) EVENING, in the Tabernacle Church, ELE VENTH Street, below Oxford. All those who have paid SW are invited to attend, and those who have not Yet subscribed to the Fund should do so at once. as this may be the last chance. WM. S. HALL, Fresideat B. Elearan, Secretors. It tar ATTENTION, VOLIUBTEE RS ! The TWENTIETH WARD are prepared to pay the Highest Bounties to all RECRUITS credited to this ward. Bone ehall excel um; besides , we cash the city warrants. Apply to Lieut. J. F. &MIKES, Recruiting Agent, S W. corner SEVENTH Street and gIRAED .Avenue, or DAVID TEMPLETON, Progoet Merebni's office of the Youth district, corner THERTESNTH and BRANDY WIL E Street,. fe2o-3t • THE PETROLEUM OF CALIFOR. NlA.—Profeeeor SUMMAR, of Yale College. will deliver a Lecture noon "The Mineral Reecinroes or Californla".on THURSDAY RV/USING. 23d inet . at 8 o clock. at the Hall of the Unlverelty of t'ennavivanle. NINTH Street, above Cheeten_.t for the benefit of the U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. . . Tickets 60 cents each Can be had at the Rooms of the Commission, nil Chestnut street. on and after Tuesday, and at the Hall on the evening of the Lec ture. fon 4t STATE MEDICAL Boman. REAIDTARTERB PINNSYLVAITIA HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT. HARRISBURG. February 20, 1865. The STATE MEDICAL BOARD OF P 101614. will meet In KEIL ADEL.PHIA on the 6th of MARCH next, to examine candidates for appointment as Assistant Sur geons ro o msylv Regiments. The in which the examination will be held will be designated In the Philadelphia morning papers on the dEvy of meeting Plitalelami of Pennsylvania, in good health, furnish ing proper teatlmontat a as to moral character. Sto., will be admitted tothe examination. By order of tke Governor: JOSEPH A. PM:GLIM fe2o-imh6 Burgeon Generar:Peana. DBE L P Ed V ENTSWARD AND TIRE MEETINGS rim held EVERY trICIIIT at the Hall mono and COATES Streets. All Subscribers to the Fund are requested to come forward and pay the money, for we are now in need of It. The Committee have commenced Recruiting, and require all the money it is psesible to get. The attention of RECRUITS Is called to the fact that We are prepared to pay THE HIGHEST BOUNTIES IN CASH. The Reuniting Committee, Messrs CHES'ER and FART, are always to be fonud at Marshal Lehman's Mee, THIRD, above spauns. _ THOS. IL MARCHAND. President Taos. A. Firm Secretary and Treasurer. fe2i- St* Or DRAFT I DRAFT! DRAFT! TEN'T'H WARD. At a Meeting of the Citizens of the Ward, held OA SATURDAY EVKNING., February 18, the Bareentlye Committee were directed to ASSIES nun marmomari arrizaci TELDOLIARS: to create a Bounty Fund sufficient to' EXEMPT THE . WARD FROM RHE DRAFT PUBLIC MEETINGS will be held BS/DRY RVENIND DURING TILE WEEK, At northeast comer of BROAD and RACE Streets, where the Committee will be In attendance from 73‘ to 10 o'clock P. N., to receive cabecriptiona. RUBY 0. HOWELL, President. fe2o tit A. H. nuatozscus, Treasurer lar ILERCANTILE LIBRARY. STOCKHOLDERS' OPPOSITION TICKET, Election TUESDAY next. February diet, between the hours of 4 and SP. IL In the Library itoom.l FOR PRESIDNT. JOHN B. ZAHLD3H. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. , GIOROX C. COLHOUN. FOR RECORDING SECRETARY, JOHN A. ThIcALLIBTER. FOR CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. ONORCH °ORLIN. FOR TREASURER. 'ALBERT R. LETCHWORTH, FOR DIRECTORS. FREDERICK FAIRTHORNE JOHN K. ZEMIN, ALBERT B. &CHILL, CHARLES BIERLY, C. HENRY - RONEY. JOHN C. GRANGER. ROBERT Y TOWNSEND, F. T. SULLY BARLEY, JOSEPH S. BENNETT, JOSEPH W. WILSON. JOHN H. WATT, EDWARD H. WEIL. Voicela eau be bad at the Library. lar'. $425 IN CASH PAID TO ALL BE. CRUM credited to the VMS WARD. A 1 to It TRANCISCIDS, fog So. MS MARKET Street. gar NEW BUILDINO ASSOCIATION. —An Adjourned Meeting of the ROBERT MON NTS BUILDING aSSOCILLTIOM will be held on WED NESDAY EVENING. 22d inst., at 7,i; o'clock, at this S. W. corner of FOURTH and GREEN Streets, to re ceive Subscriptions to the Stock. Saboariptions will also be received by the Secretary, at his Ogles, 424 LI. FIRMLY Street. IfelS•401 JOS. S. SIDDALL, Sec'y. liar SIX.= WARD.-VOLUNTEERS and others will plea's' observe that the Highest Bounties are promptly paid to all who are credited to our Ward. Apply at No 37 North THIRD Street, to H. BARNES or to JOHN HAGAN, recruiting and disbursing Agent, it the Provost Karabin' Office. No. 245 South THIRD Street, below Walnut St. fel7.6t ITIVION CANAL COMPANY.—AT the Annual Meeting of the Union Canal Com. Piny. held on the 7th lust., the following-unload gen tlemen were unanimously elected officers and managers for the ensuing year: PRESIDENT: O ISAAC J. WIeTAB. EANASERS: Wm. R. White, Thomas Williamson ' James B. McFarland, Daniel Haddock, Jr. Balmy Budd. Samuel T. Bodine Edmund Smith , Charles P. Bayard, Thomas !Umber, Jr., Samuel J. Beeves, Joshua Speriul, Jas. Young, of Middletown, TREASURER AND IDICIDNTARY: OSCAR `I ia DAMSON 0601.8 THOMPSON. Searetarr. liar- ATTENTION, VOLUNTEERS ! HIGHEST BOUNTY I FOURTEENTH WARD. The Recruiting_ Committee ere now prepared to Day in CASH the LARGEE.T BOUVIES to all recruits ac credited to this ward . They will sit at the Southeast corner of THIRTEENTH and GREEN Streets EVERY DAY from 9 to 4 o'clock, where all information will be cheerfully even. Avoid the bra era; come to na and 1111CdiTe FULL BOUNTIES In CASH. BOUNTIFE. For one year.............7.:.:7..7.7.7.:: IWO 00 For two years. 690 00 . For threeeart.• .• ....... .....-. ..... ....• • 840 00 FOR TW O RBAB vETBRiNS JOINING HANCOCK'S _ CORPS. For one year • • • ..•• . 0010 CO For two years... ................ .• .•• .• .. • 990 CO For three years•-•-•leN10110L, •-•-.71.110 00 Dr. .T. i W TRACK* RA. Recruiting fe7•129 FRED'S. A. VAN CLEVE. }°°nuktlea' IRIPORTANT NOTICE. -- TH E Citizen, of the FIRrEENTR WARD are hereby notified that unless the amounts aseeeeed upon each citizen are promptly Paid to the Collectors of their re erectly. preoinete, the efforts of the Executive Commit tee will be lerionely retarded for want of fonds. A prompt compliance of every citizen with the spirit of the resolution paned at a public meeting' of citizens held at the Baptist Chapel on Monday evening, lath instant (a copy of which will be mailed to every citi zen of the ward). will supply mull Ment funds to fill our Quota. GEORGIC W. SMITH, felB-41 Chairman Executive Committee. I.EICTURX ON JOINT STOCK COM PANII,I 4 AT CRITTENDEN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. 637 CHESTNUT Street, nor. of SIVENTEL The Fifth Leant ein the course on Commercial Law, will be delivered by JoS C. TURNER. Sm.. on TUES DAY . BVENING next, Feb. 2lsh at 73; o'clock. set, Jed— ' Joint htook Companies All former students Eradnates are cordially invited. fel7.4t. or. OFFICE OF FEE ON.A.MORO VNI Dios comp/ant, Pirmenzurrae, Feb. 11.1265. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com my will be held at the Office of the Company. No. 3%0 WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY, February Mot UM, at 12 o'clock M. at which an election will be hold for seven Directors to serve the m 111111111( year. fell-10t A. S. F.OIIF.IITS. JR., Secretary. IgSPRESTON COAL AND IRPROVE• SENT COMPANY. No. 205% WALNUT Street. PEIMADELPHIA, February 1.1. 185. NOTICE TO STOCKMOi.DIiRB.—The annual meeting of Stockholders for the election of DITOOtOTS will be held at the office of the Company, on WSDNESDAY, March let, at 10 o'clock A. M The necessary arrange men to for completing the parobase of the leased oolliery on the Company's Estate will be presented to the Stock holders for their approval H. P. NOTTS% rola-trawl Secretary. NOTICE--IMPIRE COPPER COS& PANT OF MICHIGAN.—NOTION 18 Emusßr GIVEN, That all Stook In this Company, on which the Instalment of Two Dollars per Share,_ called August 19, 1664, and due September 19, 1864 . le not paid, is for feited by said default. and that according to the Ohm ter and By-laws of the Company It will be sold at labile Auction on THURSDAY, 9th March, 1895, at 12 M., at the Ofike of the Secretary of the Company. No. 4M3 WALNUT Street. ' Philadelphia, unless paid on or be fore that day. By order or Ore Board of Directors. J. S 1114MULLIN, Secretary. Dated Philadelphia, Feb. 6, lErid. I'o7- tuwfrmtesh9 'BIENCANTILS LIBRARY COM. PANT, Paix,anat,imia. Feb. 15. 1365. The Annual Ileotloa_for Mew. 'for the enetdag 784 T will lake p/stee oa TIIISDAT, 21e1 inst., at tha LI BRARY WAAL Palls ops 4 . P. K.. and close at r. 440. A MoALLIBTNR. let iit Beeending lieuntely, THE PRESS:--PHILADELPItiK MONDAY; PEBRITARY 20, isS5: NOTICE& rgrTHE FINAL CAMPAIGN.—ALL ibto item of the time eombine to show that the preeent th e final erenpalge egetnet thy greet rebel lion. The sitcceee of our armies andnavies, ghe spirit of oureoldlere,the oplutous of our olgoere.the Ithleions, demoralisation- and gruraulet eiglouities of the enemy. enure us Mutes Munch of justice, liberty. mai Peace Is at hand. - • Every energy should now be direeted I. Prepares Me armies for the last desperate struggle - for the rebellion will die, as it bas Med. in lblood.koreelally should those noble patriots who shall be eel dto offer their blood on the alter fo r liberty. be prepared, so far as We Call prepare them, this solemn service, by Christian instruction and earnest prayer. And when they fall. every succor that the love or Christ and of eonntry can afford! should be at hand for their relief t norahonid any soldier be allowed to die without having the hops of eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ presented to Wen, and wab met prayer to God for mercy in his name. This duty the delegates of the ..Christian Commission perform. In One kindred and forty obapel tents our soldiers now assemble daily to read the pabilesAions furnished by the Corandseio nightie write letters te , loved ones at home, and every the week, and three times an Sab bath. most of them being crowded' with marmot wor shippers, many of whom rise to ask prayer,and profess their design to lead Christian lives, Sixty additional tent. are urgently_ demanded. The leading preachers of our cities are eked's* their services, and with one voice attest the presence of the spirit of God in thee. assemblies. • • • . The spring campaign has already opened. The dela. gates of the Commission are even now parsing the wounded from Dabney's Mill and Hatcher's Han: and at any moment we must be prepared for a general ea- Ragelnent, Lao an outlay of a hundred thousand &Ware for battle field stores. In this emergency the treasury ir empty. The Chris tian Commiesion has no funds in bank, no investments of capital. Its only reliance has ever been filth•in Clod. and In God'. people. This le Ood's work. He will pro vide the means for it. Every Christian is Hinagent. To inch we now armee/ for tin mediate help. Will every returned delegate at once appoint and ad dress meetings in his own locality, toll what he tate seen. and heard In the army, and receive and forward the offerings of Christain patriotism? To the Ladies' Aid inocieties and Christian Commis alone we confidently appeal, that they immediately set about eolielting individual subecriptions from their friends, and, without waiting to make up large sums, forward them as last as received. If an information Is desired. write to U. BASH Street, Philadeiphia. Bother, wife, would you wish your loved one to die n. the Gel d, without any to receive hie /ant maimed° for , you, or to kneel beside him and offer a prayer for his, departing soul?. Will ministers unite in holding Christian Cammiesi an meetings in their resrective towns, without waiting for the vinits of agents, and allow every member of their congregation the privilege of contributing to this noble work ? • Forward the amount aa soon as possible to the Most convenient Branch of the Christian Commiseion or to the Treasurer, Mr, JOSEPH PATTERSON; at the Western Bank, Philadelphia GEORGE H. STUART, Chairman Christ - law Commission, fold-wrlnSt 11 BATIK htreet, Philadelphieh. 110". TENTH WARD.BOUNTY FUND.— The quota of the TENTH 'WARD has been re. duced to TWO MID DICED ABD EIGHTY-FOUR MN. rn order to obtain volunteers for the purpose of itilhig this quota, Precinct Committees have beau appointed to raise money for Band Money and Ward Bounty. en seven thousand dollars wilt be so Admit, there can belit tle doubt of the success of the appeal made for that pnr pose. and that the enrolled cittzene 'of the Ward will Pay their the Precinct assessments to th respective Chair men of the Precinct Committees. But there is another matter requiring attention and action by the citizens of the Ward, in order to anticipate the call of the CloYern. • meat. The City Bounty is paid with Warrants; it is well known that the City Treasurer is not able to cash these W■ rrants, and they are therefore now sold in the market at a heavy discount. The hardship of making volunteers suffer for the credit of the city, whose honor they uphold in the field, is too great to need any comment. To remedy this, it is proposed that citizens of the ward shall each these warrants for their full value, and hold them until the new bounty loan is prepared. They can then be ex changed for certificates of loan for the amount of the warrant and interest due, the latter being fixed by havin quota arrant atamped by the Oily Treasurer. Ouris 281, and taking it for granted that lt will be filled by volunteers for one year, each of them will receive a city warrant for four hundred dollars. If, therefore, citizens of the ward will agree to take each one or more of there warrants at par, to the number of 284, the money to be paid directly to the volunteer, the credit of the city and of the ward will' be upheld. CAtzens of the ward who are willing to co-operate in the present effort to anticipate the Draft in the manner here pointed out, are requested to notify the under signed in writin g of the number of warrants which they 'will cash, and to place the money for that purpose in the halls 01 the Treasurer. A H. PR &IMMO% ___,.SIS„IIaRKET Street. WARD 00Mliffiti EIRRT PRECINCT—George Truman. Jr. RECORD PRECINCT—JaMCE V. Stokes, chairman. THIRD PRECINCT—O. B. Wilson, Chairman. FOISELTH PEROINOT—J W. White, Chairman. FIFER PRECINCT—N(I win Kirkpatrick. Chairman. SIXTH PRECINCT—Fred. PRXIENI Chairman. ' , waxen Pasortcr—William al. Wilson, Chairman. Bream PRECINCT—Sohn B. Sonthworth, Chairman. NINTH PRECINOT—J. Barclay Harding. Chairman. felB.3t ilgr. THE NEXT DRAFT.—CITIZENS' SIII3hTITIITS, ItEPRBSENTATIVE„ AND VO LIINTSER AGENCY.—we beg leave to call the atten tion of those who are drafted, and those who are en rolled and liable to military duly, 'and also that class of persons who are not liable to draft (ladies and gentle. nun over forty live years), to our agency for procuring Substitutes and ' Volunteer Repmentatives. Persons should attend to this important matter at once, as the draft has been fixed for the 11th of February next. We are doing a strictly legitimate business; we are furnishing men not liable to the draft its =haat/tee and representatives, as low, if not at lower prices, than any other agency In Philadelphia The law allows ns to put Substitutes in the Navy or Marine Corps, to be credited to any district in the State where the principal resides. To facilitate business, if personsliviug in or oat of the city who are enrolled, will furnish ne with a certigeate of Nitar enrolment, from the Provost Marshal of their district, they can have Substitutes sworn into (Other branch of this service, which will fully exempt them from draft Reference can be given to ladles and gentlemen in this oily, for whom we have done biudneee in this line, and also in the following counties: Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Barks, _Bucks. Schuylkill, and North ampton. N. 13.--Ohurehes and Claire furnished at the lotoest Possible prices. Liberal arrangements made with town ship committees to ell quotas. Call or ads rem McSALLY. PAXSON', & CO., 411 fIiIBSTNUT Street; fe2o. 6t Or, Box 2077 Philadelphia Poet Office. lar.. EBLIEF coarmrlTEE STATED Meetly g of the EXECUT EVE COMMITTEE FOR BELIEF OF SECOND- WARD SUFFERERS, will be held at the Ball of the MARION HOSE COMPANY, on MONDAY EVENING, February 20. IBM. at 8 o'clock. Punctual attendance ie requested, as the Disbursing and other Committees will make their reports. Clollec tore will please make returns. 83184 t WM. S. GREGORY, Secretary. -naLITPIFIEN" IMPROVEMENT AND RAILROAD GOMPAL EY.—A meeting of the stockholders will be held at So, 220 North SECOND Street, Philadelphia. on the SE CORD of March next, at lo' clock, P. M., to elect Nine Directois, and.fozother business. _ , Br order feB•wfmllt` GEORGE K. TETON. 13eoretary. far lELECTION.-01PFLICE MO CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY, lETHERN BASTIMOB.E. February% 1866. A rieuet•ealeetia or tu—mvidere of this Com rki,lll4l3 t a d 411.. between the home 4.-/ t2 ffir TRUES uae P for the purpose of Electing Twelve Directors for thereat lining year. By order. ROBT. & HOLLINS, Secretary. THE TRANSFER Boon will ne closed from and after the 11th Wet. until after the Election. falmw96 IiarOFFICE GIRARD DINING COW. PAN!, No• 321 WALNUT Street, Pa ILSDBLPBIA, February 2d, 1866. NOTICE IS HEIGIBY CO MP A N Y at w hi ch of the GIRARD MINING on!instal mente are due and unpaid has been declared for felted, and will be scold at Public Auction on SAME. DAY, the fourth duty of March, 1866. at 12 o'clock, noon,.at the Office of the Secretary of the Corporation, according to the Charter and By-Lawn, unless rw deemed on qr before that day. By order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPES, led-tm4 Secretary and Tremurer. ar THE QUICKSILVER Ci Earrni COMPANY. Ito. ai NASSAU Street. NEW Yon% February 1.1866. The Annual Heaths of the Stockholders will be held et the CONTINENTAL HOTEL, in the city of PllllB4Ol- r i k on WEDNESDAY, February TM, at one o'clock - The Annual Election of DIRECTORS will be held at the same place, on the same day, between the hours of two and three EX. . .. .... , .. The Trawler Books will be closed on SATURDAY, February lab. and reopened on MONDAY. February !Di J. B. 'LANDO'', fel-191 secretary. COLLECTOR'M OFFICE INTER. NAL ENVENIII 304 COMM:fin Street, FIRM' DISPAICT OF PENDISYLVANLA. SPECIAL INCOME TAX, rerrlDrltfttlii Second, Third, Pow", Fifth. Sixth, and ROTH'S IS BERM OUTER that the Lists of Taxes, assessed in aocordence with the provisions of the joint resolution of Congress, approved July 4, 1884, imposing a special tax of dye per centum upon the gains. prone or income for the year ending December Slat, 1868, and also of the increase upon LICENSES of Wholesale Dealers, Retail Dealers in Memo: Hotel keepers, and Pedlers, as per act of June Sath. 1.44, have been returned to me by the Assessor of the District, and that such taxes are now due and payable, and that pay. meat thereof is hereby demanded, and will be received at this Office between the hours of 9 L. M.: and 8 P. M. on or before SATURDAY. February 26th, De, PENALTIES. To all who neglect to pay on or before said Bator day, February 76th, a special demand will be issued, for which the law Provides a fee of twenty cents and ten per cent penalty, as will be seen by reference to the 244 section of the octet Tone 80th, 1864. _ _ . Money of the United States and that of Banks known as National Banks only received JBSPBB. HARDING. Collector. Pnmanzi,rnia, February 11, NAL fell. MB Fir PITTSBURG, SORT WALYNE, cameo° RAILWAY COMPANY. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Pirrsetrach Pa , Feb. 14, 1805. The Annual meeting of the Stock and Bondholders of this Company, for the Election of Directors and such other business as may come before it. will be held at the Office of sold Con any, in the city of PITTSBURG, on the THIRD WEDNESDAY (10th) of MACH, A. D. D 386, at 10 o'clock A. 11 - Tie Stock and Bond Transfer Books of the Company, at their office in the city of Pittsburg, and at the Trans • fer Agency In the cif New York, will be clouted on the tot del' of Mar cch. at 2P. . and remain closed until the l'ith day of, March therea ft er. fel7.lsehla W. H BARNES, Secretary. lar" OFFICE P Y COMPAN ENNSLVANIA. RAIL. ROAD Y, Pwriannrstria, Febmary 1, MIS. NOTICE TO STOOSHOLDIIIIB.—The Annual Meet ing of the Stoc'kb elders of this Company will be bald on TUESDAY. the 21et day of February. 1856,,,at 10 o'clock A. M. at the SANSON.STREET HALL. The annual Election for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the 6th day of March, 1666, at the office of the Company, Ho. E3B South THIRD Street felißt EDMUND SMITH, Secretary. o OFFICE OF THE GIFT BOITRITF. FUND 00212IISSION. COM M ONWEALTH DUMDUM, 611 CHESTNUT St, rirmannun reet iA. Jan. 27. USW Notice Is hereby given that the Commieslon for the Payment of the City Beauty ere now prepared to receive and adjust the claims of all new recruits under the pro visions of Ordinance of January 26, ISM. Volunteers for One Year will receive a Warrant for FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. Volunteers for Two Years will receive a Warrant for FOUR HUNDRED AIM FIFTY DOLLARS. , Volunteers for Three Tears will receive a Warrant fo r- FIVE TICEDRED DOLLARS. Enrolled citizens 'who shall place in the service of the United States a Substitute for not less than Three Team, In Baronets of a draft, and who shall thereupon be Cre dited upon the quota of the city of Philadelphia. will minima a warrant for THEE 1117HDRED DOLLARS. By order of the Commission. .ia2S. if C. 000P.ER, Secretary. RIGUTR - WARD 00171 1 1iTT TURD ARRANTS CASIIND. HIORXST BO U N TIES PAID. The EIGHTH WARD ere prepared to pay the htiheet Bounty. and caeh theAlty warrants, for ail Men mu& tared into the credit of IRS Elebth ward. Apply to the Bee:tilting Officer. Cantata S. N. SMITH, 12.14 LOCUST Street. Snwenn Bisowrawa, Ti eastirer, 4 , A1 and 44 North FRONT. felt Se DIVIDENDS. tar' OFFICE OF JERSEY WELL OIL C OMPAJIY. 429 CHESTNUT Street. , PHILADELPHIA. PODPIEREY 12, )SE. DIVIDEND NOTICE The Directors have this day declared their first Monthly Dividend of THREE PEE CENT, out of the net earnings of the Company,..payable at the Office, on and after March let. The .Transfer Books will be dolled from thl2lst inst. W. M. BKELOW, ftlb•wfm4t Secretary and Treasurer, Ur" DIVIDEND.—THE ST. lIIICHEOLAA OIL OOMPANY have this day declared. a Divi dend of ONE PIM GENT, payable on 2fith instant. Transfer books eloee on the 20th, at 9 P. M., and open on the 27th instant. JOHN H. WILL WaeretarT PKILLISILPHIL, February 16, 1936. fel6.9t DIVIDEND.—THE ‘CIIMAIN OIL COMPANY have this day declared a dividend of TWO PIM GMT., payable wa the With inst. Books close on the 2011... at 9P. Zd.. aid opsh on the 27th inst. JOHN B.SeartitrY. Pin:Lavanviirm, February 14.-1804, fel6.9t OFFICE OF THE O,OBNPLANEEE 0/L COMPAX 5W4 W ALLuT Sired. PULL- • TIONITAUT 8, The Board of Directors hamr, me day declared Mel. demi of OMB PER OBBT. of, the capital stook of the Co st.mpany. p sfer aya booksble at th do ir. onice on and after the 80th In Tran on the leth. at M., and reopen on the SW. bust. 8 o'clook P. fee. leit T d48. _ 8. BiaBLE. Secretary. WARAWEE & BROWN, OIL COMPANIES. gr. THEE CAMERON. PETROLEUM CO. OF PWNSYLVAFII&. CAPITAL ." • 91,000,000 SHARES 200,000 PAR .« .... ... :OD SIIRSORLPTION PRESIDENT. VANCE STEWART; or =mut ootrarry. TREASIJBER. E. G. JAMMMEB• OF PIITLADBLPIXti. SEIRETARY, 3. E. DARLINGTON: WEST OEISTEA. PA. DIRECTORS. VANCE sn WART. Mercer county. Pa• JOHN E. LEONARD, Wed Cheater. Pa. D. C. FORNEY, Washington, D. 0 . HENRY'D. 1300 EX Washington, D. C. SIMON CAMERON, Harriabura, Pa. JOHN H. DIEHL, Philadelphia. TOME F. GRAFF, Philadelphia. GEORGE D. EVANS, Philadalphia. JAMES ANTE, Marietta, Li/meatier eo.. Pa. The moment and prospectlye value of the stook of this Company may be Inferred from the fact that it owns a fee simple Interest in OS (four hundred and seventy three) acres of the rieheet-tested oil territory In Venango county, believed by the most experienced oil men in that region to be capable of producing a net annual In :tome to the ifierepany of one and a Ulf million dollars, or tb roe times the entire cost of the stook, which would be equivalent to twenty. Aye per cent, a month on its subssription price, or one hundred and Arty per cent. per annum on its par value. The fo/lowing Is a description of the Company's pro perty: One-fourth. fee simple interest in the celebrated "Beover " Farm, situate on the Allegheny river, about two and one-half miles below Franklin, con tairdng 221 (two hundred and nlnety•two) acres. with M 32 rods (or over one mile) front on the Allegheny river, on which there are now twelve leases, each ten rode square, and from which the owners of the fee simple get one half the oil, free of all expense. Besides this, there are two walla owned by the owners of the fee:from which they get all the oIL On this Farm there Sr. now tea wells in onererion. producing an average of ten barrels per day. and several others are about being tubed. There are also on it IN (eighty. seven) more lots surveyed, and more than fifty applications are now standing to lease thelatter for one half the oil to theowners. Out of the twelve wells on this Farm eleven are now paying handsomely; a fest which lailloiently demon strates the great rlohneem and reliability of the tent tory. Is the entire fee simple interest in lfil (one hundred and eighty-one) acres, situate on the Allegheny river, near ly opposite the "Hoover " Farm. and a little nearer Franklin, at the mouth of Mill Bain, having EL front of B 6 rode on the Allegheny river, and one mile on both aides of Mill Hun, with ample boring surface for one hundred scats, or Lots of ten rods square. This tract is known as the "Stewart Farm," , and le slur or all lessee or incumbrances of any kind. There is now in operation a fifty-barrel well (bookie several smaller ones) on the Cochran Farm, which ad joins this on the south. In fiat, the " Stewart " Farm 18 surrounded with good-paying Wells, and within a short time a single lease of 80 rods front, on the imme diate opposite aide of the river, sold for 1165,000 (one hundred and sixty-Ave thousand dollars.) On this lease a good well has been struck within a few days. In addition to the territory of the "Stewart " Farm, which bi believed to be equally es good. as the " Hoov er," there are on it a three-story Odra Mill, with flue water-power, a good farm- hone., and other buildings, hat will be of are to the company. The durability of this immediate oil section is inns tntted by the fact that some of the wells on the "Hoov er" Farm have been pumping for over four years, with out any material diminution in their yield, while the oil here produced, from its greater convenience for transportation and superior gravity, dwarf coMtuanis from one to two dollars per barrel more than the ell at Oil Creek. The ogicere of the Company feel justified in present ing the following estimate of what, with vigorous management, the above lands can be made to yield for the benefit of the stockholders in a comparatively short time: THE " STEWART PARK." There la room on thie for one hundred lota of ten rods saner% all of which can be leased immediately for one half the oil, free of alt expense to the Company. &Umatilla one Well to each lot (one hundred walla, although there le loom fox three hundred) at the very moderate average of ten barrel, each. would make a Deily product LOCO bbla Ont of title the Company's share would be. 003 bble. Vain* of daily yield to the Company, at ten dollars per bbl (It le now selling at 1113.60•)••••••••••.-.... 0,030 00 Allowing three hundred working days to the year. this would make the Comps. 3. 7 3 e easmesksavirreeelPtB, from the Stew. art Fann alone. • ..... /. 000.030 00 Allowthg the same estimates for the "Hoov er" Farm, in which the Company owns one.fourth in fee or the land intereet, the • annual net-reeeteta from the latter would , , $70,000 03 Making the annual receipts from , both 1,875,000 00 Deducting from this amount the elm of 11378.000 far contingencies, mould Memo the lie. AM:Ma rneoms at . the COMPaIeY•-•—• 110,513°4° —„, °°- ALL TESSis more-cuuels• liemetetanieT XLEASzw, If it le deemed expedient, at a royalty o one-half the Oil, with covenants binding lessees to sink wer.t.,--wan all possible diligence, to the depth of 4500 or more feet. A TRW PLAIN WORDS TO SITBSORIBUS. Ton are not caked to anbeeribe to this Stock with the expectation of immediate/1/ receiving large dividends, but the bads on which the Company rests, it Is be lieved, will snake your investment not only safe. but, prospectively, of ~moue oaks'. Aotwithetanding, at Ms present prices of oil,the (tom-' pany' is annual receipt' (without any further develop ment) would be forty thousand dollars, or eight per cent. on the cost of the stock. The President, Xr. Stewart, is one of the most practi cal and experienced oil operators in the State. and his residence near the Company 'a property and general oversight of tie management is the best guarantee that no.efforts will be spared to make the Investment pro fitable. _ Applications for a lute proportion of the stook have already been made, but none will be received until the books of the Company are modally opened for that Duras% Only a limited amount of the stock will be sold at subscription price. The stock will be issued full Paid, without farther assessments. BOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION will be oven for a few dim on. and after January IS, 1866, at the °Noe of E. G.-JAMES, Treasurer, %94f to. 301 WATAMT Street, Mazda NEW PUBLICATIONS. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLO GY AND THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY O. MEXICO. D. APPLBTON & CO. Nos. 443 PUBLISH THIS G B AY ROA WAY. CONTRIBUTIONS TOTEES . _ . . GEOLOGY AND THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OP MEXICO. INOLUDING A GIOLOCIIOAL AfiIiiCiPOGIAPHICAL MAP, WITHPROPILES OF SOME OF THE MIDI COAL MINING DIETER/Ms .Together with a graphic description of an ASCENT OF THE VO4OlllO POIVOCATEPETL. EDITED BY BARON F. W. 4014 EtaLOTTBTSIN 1 vol.. Svo. C oth, $4. EXTRACT FROM PREFACE. . . . . "The general interest excited, on this Continent as well as in Europe. by late political events in Mexico. where a wide field for mining and land specnlation is about to be opened. again to foreign industry and foreign capital, has Induced me to submit to the public two in teresting publication's, made many years ago. de scribing the GEOLOGICAL ;FORMATIONS of the MI HG D 'ETRICTS and the PHYSICAL GEOGRA PHY of this highly favored region " Sent free by mall on receipt of price. THE 80-CALLED "BANTING TIM" —That le to say the Redaction of Corpulency, is treated by. Bavaria to a Scientific Manner, which wlll at once cast all other Systems into the shade, except those which agree with him. D. APPLETON & CO., Nos. 143 and 415 BROADWAY, Publish on EIaTURDaY THE HANDBOOK OF DINING; CORPULENCY AND LEI R LINESS SCIENTIFICALLY CONSIDERED; ar Comprising the Art of Dining on Correct Principles consistent with Edsy Digestion, the Avoidance of Cor. Polencor.and the Care of leanness, together with special 'emerits on these sobjects. BY BRILL AT SAVARIN, author of the "Physlologie Du Gout," Translated by L. E. Simpson. 1 vol. 03 mo. Price $126. When the first edition of till" Handbool , of Dining" Was published it was not written with a view to eluci date the two great questions—.Corpuleney and Lean ness—which at the present moment absorb the attention of the public mind • The object was to point out to those privileged individuals who can afford to give recherché dinners that there existed a work by a great master, who had thoroughly studied the subject, and laid down maxims which no other writer can challenge. The •'ehisiologle du Colt" of &Mat Savarin is the work not only of a physician, but of a philosopher. In France it ratable the rank due to a wok of the highest order. The ro called " Bruiting Fystem," that is to say, the reduction of corpulency, Is treated by Bavaria in a sci entific manner, ' which will at once cast all other sys tems into the shade except those which agree withldm The Art of Dining is intimatdl7 connected with the preservation of health. The present edition offthe. " Handbook or Dining " is especial 7 devoted to the Cure of Leanness and Re tion of Corpulency rather than to the art of giving dln ners.A CO,THE TRANSLATORS. . Also publish. BRRARFAST, DENI2IIII, TEA; VIEWED C L AS sicmaa, POETICALLY ; AND PRACTICALLY. One , vol. squarer/aro, 122. THNIIOUSEK3RPER'S ENCYOLOPZRDIAt Or, Use ful information in Cooking and' Ronsekeoping. Small ivo. ff 2. PRACTICAL AKIJIICAII COOK BOOK. One vol. 12 mo.Sl. BOYER'S MODERN DOMESTIC COORBRY. 121 no. WHAT TO EAT, ADD HOW TO COOK IT. By Plena Blot. • One Vol, 12mo. 25. Either of the above soot free of postage ()Armlet of price. fe20.21 CTS., GiODEY'S ; 15 Ora., PETER 803' b g 18 eta, Young Yolks'; 9D eta.. Harper's and Atlantic. for fdaroh. MOONS'S. fe2o.3t* 205 ARCH Street. OIL STOOKS, U. 8. LOAM, BOUGHT AND SOLD OR 00MXISSION, BY OBOROB J. BOYD. Broker, 118-Stall 18 South TDISD Street SPLENDID STYLE, PORTRAITS- For aceuracy; freshness. and life-like appearance Moo Epecinsees life-sise rboVneKaphe In oil colors, at B. F. REIMER'S Gallery. 02111—AEAR Bt. 110 CARTES DE VISITE-HAVE THEM made at BRUNER'S. SWORD btrest. _above Gillen, of any apt. (leaked, and executed sand taloned. In the beet manner by artists of ability. lt• extux m=,iz,lM=3=QllQtreik kwrrilizy. MkJOll l 44ENt Kfi ANOOCK'S FIRST ARMY CORPS Or VETERANS. • The following official conespondence, relative to the recruiting tiblreoing on in Philadelphia under the especial superintendence of Benjamin Franklin, the of th e Detecti ve relics. for ANOOGIC'S ARMY CORPS OP.VETERANS, Will be read with.great interest by ell clause of the cotembitty, the rich and the poor Lac' . . First. twenty-two men were taken to Washington. D. 0., by,Ohler Franklin. on Taeeday Welt. the 14th Inst. On the followirg day the men were mustered Into the service of the coantrr, each one b sing credited to the Ward or Township In which he resided These men leaned the following afdatrall, after slaving been talirrenelered In: CITY OP WASOINOTON. DISTRICT OP COLIIISI3IA, so On this fifteenth day of February 1 865. persottailyar peered before tue, a notary 'publlo in said District, Jacob /Dishing. George H. Lewis. Peter S. Gamble, John J. Murphy, Ghillie!, H Kennedy,ThomasJ.ollml - H. Gibson. John Sparks, Caleb Stale,. Samuel W. Yawata, Joseph Halberstadt, William 0, Yates, George B. Romp. Samuel Weeks, David H. A Baker. lin Lipp .Finn Worth , Molina McCabe, and Albert W. E(ddrid .e, all of the any of Philadel phia, Pennsylvania; also, John A. Thome, of the city of Heading Barks county . Pennsylvania; HilooPhlins Muck. o f' 'the borough of - Williamsport. LycointniC county. end George W. Shute, of the township of Deer- He'd, Cumberland county, New Jersey. who severally acknowledged that they had been recruited by NM min Franklin, Chief of Detectives of the city of Phila delphia. Pennsylvania; that they came on to Washing ton with said Franklin for the purpose of enlisting as veterans in Nanceek'a eorpst - that all the promises made to them by said Franklin have been hilly met by him; that they have been, paid all the 'moneys due them, as well as transportation, without any deduction or deten tion whatever. I further certify that they were all mustered to and paid, and duly credited to the wards and localities where they belonged, to my presence. , Witness my hand and official seal the day scan. and year above 'written. H. G. LAWRBNCB, Notary Public. Bp request of Chief Franklin the following order was leaned: HEADQUARTERS FIRST CORPS; WASIDEUTOLE. February It, 1565 Lieut. Cbk,nel Char/es Bird, Camp Stoneman. D. : Comm: A detachment of twenty-odd men from just Waahington, le being seat to the rendezvone at Gimp Stoneman to n ay. The Ma jor General commanding desires 7013. to have them as signed to one and the same company. He believea Ihat lammuch as these men are to be detached for notes time. And a large number of others are soon expected to eomofrom Philadelphia, that (as the let Re invent is nearly completed) it would be better to have theee men assigned to the Arst company of the 2d 'Regiment. The General desires these men to be armed and equipped as soon as possible, inorder that they may be sent as a de tachment to Philadelfibia, to report to Benjamin Frank lin. Bs% chief of the detective police of that city, for recruiting purposes. Among the number are two or three men who were-formerly non-commissioned offi cers, and tbey.mighs be appointed tassimilar positions is tha company to which they will be aselgued. Yon Will advise these headquarters as soon as the men are properly equipped. - In thercourse of a "few days 'Mr. Franklin will enlist drummers amlfffers for the company. As soon as they are enlisted they will be sent to Camp Stoneman, to be Malformed and equipped, with drams, fifes, AL Tare Genera/ desires one, good °Meer sent with the de tachment to Philadelphia, where he will remain in charge of it untafurther onion. If TOR have an extra drummer, who can drum, you might send him with the detachment. He Should take a drum with hint. The officer la charge of the detach ment will receipt for the property. I am, Colonel. very reopectfully, Your obedient servant, FLIMSY ANDERSON, _ Assistant Adjutant General. copyfuruhrhed for the information or Benjamin Franklin, ksq. FINLEY ANDERSON , . A, A. G, The following congratulator* order, leaned by Major General Hancook, on the leth last speaks for itself: Westin/worm -1) U.. Feb 16, 1.866. Benjamin .Thyrnlllin. Beg., Chief of Detective Police, PM/add/ph/a: MY Dada Sra: Your detachment or veterans for the let Corps arrived; yesterday. The men, without ex ception, have bean mustered into the service of the exertiontates lam very much obliged to you for the you have need toward tilling up my corps, and I trust that the successyou have thus far met with may be an earnest for greater success-in the future. I itio, very respectfoily.your obedient servant, WIISFIELD S. HANCOCK, Bfeitir General 11. EL Army. ,Oommauding tlorPs. In answer to a despatch the following was received. It refers directly to every citizen liable- to draft under the law, as well as those who are exempt: and who de. sire to place a representative recruit in this corps of ve terans. Under this last clause the, ladies may tarnish representative recruits, and thus assist in reducing the quota of men required la the pending draft. Clergy men over 46 years of age; parties phyalcally disabled. aliens and others not liable to the draft. RAY furnish representative renr.alts. All Such representatives are entitled to local as wellin Government bounty: BEADQUARTBRS IBM ARMY Corms, WASHLNOTON. Feb.. 1.3.1861 Benj. Franklin, Chief of Police, Corner of Fifth and Chestnut. Philadelphia : Substitutes for enrolled men do not receive the Government Bounty. Principals are exempted from draft.' Representative reornim receive the Government bounty. Volunteera. Substitutes, and Representative Recruits residing in Philadelphia are credited to that city in coining drafts. Pay commences from day the enlistment is perfected. Letter by mail. W. B. HAlf GOOK, Major General. All Loyal Citizens who would aid in procuring men. to till the ranks of HANCOK'S FIRST ARIIY CORPS OF . •VETBRANI) should pay particular attention to the fol lowing announcement of the undersigned: any Citizen deeirous of furnishing a Representative Recruit for this Corps mint procure a certificate from the 1 rovost Marshal of his District, certifying that he is exempt either from being over 40 years of age or from physical disability, when I will furnish him with a Veteran Recruit for three years for $600; for two years, $176; for one year, $6O; but in each case I must be fur nished with a certified cheek for the whole amount due the Veteran when he is mustered into the service as advertised—viz:.for three years. $1,175; for two years, $960; for one year, BM,. and take my receipt for the same. Theiorlucipal will then be entitled tb a draw back from the-United States Government of $333 for a one. year Representative Recruit; SE66 for a two year Recruit; $4OO for a three. year Recruit. Also, from the city of Polladelphia, under the advertisement of the City Bounty Fond tiommiselon. !ozone year, M 109; two.- years, $160; for three years, S.S(X) The Representative Recruit, in all• cases, being entitled to all the bounties due Volunteers when attached to Hancock's Corps Any citizenHable to draft must produce a Certificate of the Prdvost Marshal to that effect, in his District, and furnish me with a certified check, when I will furnish him with a receipt for the same, gnarantesie g to !armlet:. a Veteran Substitute - for one year for .$760: for two 3 eery, $260; for three years. $1,176; which will exempt the Principal from the Draft for the above specified time Those who place a Substitute for three yews are entitled to a drawback of $2130 from the Bounty Fnnd Commisaion, but no allowances made by the City. ex cept for a thrse.y ear Substitute; the Government al lows nothing whatever for substitutes. Veterans must be accredited to the Wards or Town ships 114APJ .16 • Citizen to induce the discharged from the United Mates Infantry. artillery. Cavalry. or Naval service, to join HAN CO OK'B FIRST ARMY CORPS., and thus aid in relieving their Sub- Districts from the approaching Draft to some extent. All persons who reside in adjoining counties must send - with their certificate of liability or non liability to a Draft the amount of Local Bounties paid in their Die tile Of Wheal. can tell them exactly the net cost of fur • nighty:a a Millsenentative Recruit or Substitute. Tlie.-net pay of a Veteran Volunteer in Hancock's Corpehr. viz: For one year' Glovernment 400 City of Philadelphia Bounty • • Monthly Pay from U. S. Governml,6ll6 per month 192 Clothing account yearly . 42 Cram City relief r families of vole $6 per month.-- 92- Total......••••••••••••• . $1,031 The net pay of a Veteran Volunteer for two years in Hancock's Corps le, viz: Government Bounry —.....-..... $5OO City of Philadelphia Bounty 450 Monthly Pay from 11. B. Goveram't,sl6 per month 381 Ward Bounty (average). • - ... . ....... 2 5 City relief for family, $8 Per ... .. . 141 T0ta1........... $1,403 The xet pay of a Veteran Volunteer for three years in Hancock' II corps is, viz: Government Bounty $BO3 City of Phlladelph's 500 Monthly pay from U. S. OWE. $l6 pa. mouth 070 Clothing account, $42 per year 126 Ward Bounty (average ..... . ... .. ... 2.5 City rale( for romans, $6 per 210 Tot ,$2:043 AliWterans who desire to have their interests looked attarwitbontbeing swindled by sharpers are directed to the Recruiting Agency. 106 South BMW( Street. Berry's hiarquee t " where the Rifle is to be %caudally which the Veteran is entitled to keep at the expiration of his term et service, which discharges sixteen shots per minute. Ail communications on this subject after this full ex• planation must be brief and to the point. Will be promptly answered by addressing BERJAMiIi FRANKLIN, Chief Detective Departme o t Police, ' Mayor's °Mee. Philadelphia. WANTRD AT OEM THREE BUGLERS, THREE DRUMMERS, and THREE PIPERS, who have been in service two yeare and received honorable discharges. It. B —No Loafers, Bounty Jumpers, or Commission Men need apply, as no dealing will be allowed:with. them. • Efe2o-113 B. F. fli. " ONCE MORE TO THE FROM rI" 213 y, Esand-BN_To LIINTRER IIIFANTRY FRNNSYLFANIA V S, 7th 17NION LNAGIIN (NATIONAL ammo) BEET., COL. JOHN A. GOMA& (FOR OMB IRAN'S SERVICE.) RECRUITS WANTED FOR ONE. TWO, AND THREE TEARS' SERVICE. Bounties from City, for one year .4400 00 Bounties from Government, for one yenr..».... 100 00 Bounties from City, for two years ..»............$4OO 00 Bounties from Government, for two 200 00 Bounties from City. for three years -».«......... ~.*5OO 00 Bounties from Government, for three years 3)) 00 HIGHEST WARD BOUNTIES rim, BESIDES PAT, RATIONS, AND CLOTHING. This Regiment is authorised by the War Department and by the tionernor of Penntryboanta. All the Officers are Veteran Soldiers. and have shown their COURAGE ITPON THE FIELD OF BATTLE. Do not wait to be Drafted, but embrace the present opportunity to receive the liberal BOUDITIES QFF - ERED I and to select your own officers: - ALL CITIZENS SHOULD INTEREST THEMSELVES IN FILLING THIS REGIMENT PROMPTLY. f0 C01=1, , ./84iff ot t. P 0C.: 7 ROAS. late Maier 199th P. V. Lieutenant Colonel, JACOB M. DAVIS, late Major 90th P. V. MaJor,"WILLIAM H. HEWLINGS, late °Wain 90th P. V. HEADQUARTERS. HATIONAZ GUARDS' HALL. RACE STEM?, BELOW SIXTH. RECRUITING STATION, 533 casennYr STREET fen. If fiVOL OATEERS I LOOK. TO YOUR INTERESTS—THE FIFTEENTH WARDPATS THE HIGHEST BOUNTY.—Bead them figures, and don't be humbugged by Bounty Brokers. Bounties raid te . One-year .............. Os.* •• • N.. • 0 4 1.4. • • $540 CO Two-year 695 00 Three• year men ..... • • •••• •-••-•-• • d r.• 850 00 To two-year Veterans joining General Hancock's Corps: For one year $BlO 00 For two 3 eon...—. 905 00 For three Years 1150 00 ed sls t primal= p aid far every accepted Volunteer ereait- o this d Amos wALKER. I CHARLES BOWEE. Committee. Wlll be at the Provost Barshal'a Wave, corner of THIRTEENTH and BRANDT WINE Streets.. every day to pay the Bounty and give all required information. fels- et 1 TWELFTH WARD-VOLUNTEERS WAETED !: (IPIT WARBANTS CASHED. WARD BOUNTY FORTY DOLLABS. One year mei, receive 41.540 00 Two-year men restive OM 01) Three-year nen receive......... - WO 00 Bancock's Brigade, two-year Veterans One. yt ar men re oeive ......—......-. $B4O 00 Two. year men receive.......•••. 9$ 600 Three-year nen moan. 1 150 00 The Disbarsing Committee to receive recruits meet every day, at P. do L. LADNER'S, Northern Military Ball, TB IRD Street, below Green: John El Shier, John S Hey). L. B. Engles, Charles B. Maseen, George Butz, B A. Benin, John Davis, Jr., John Apple. WM. B. Connell W. H Langanbartem. relo-6t oND , s BOSTON BIBOTTIT.-BOND'g B, celebrated Batter Bisettit, In barrels and half barrels, resolved fresh every week from Boston, and for. sale to the trade by JOSEPH B. BOSSIER & 00., Agents for T. D Bond, fel6-them3t" JOB and 710 SOUTH WHARVES. BOND'S MILK BISCUIT- PUT UP in Tin Cane: the best of their kind In the United States—being tender, delicious, and easy of digestion, and eminent, adapted for the food of children and delicate persons. Received fresh every week from Boston, by steamer, and for sale to the trade by • JOSEPEI B. BUSBIES & CO., Agents for T. D. Bond. felb•thsrofii* 108 and 110 SOUTH WHARVES. SPICED MINCED MEAT-IN BAR RELS, Firkins, and Glass Jam Atmore brand. For sale. at manufacturer's rate, by JOB. B BII88l&R. & 00.._,ftents for Manufacturers, 108 snail() 800TH WEARTBS. - lel6 Liman* WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER, SILVER-PLATED WARE. A large aseortment of Roe PEARL JEWELRY con atm:MY on hand. Watches or Jewelry repaired. Clot& !Myer. and Dla monde; bought. N. 1111 LON, fell-At No. 20518 ONESTNUT Strefst. RETAIL PRY GOODS. GOODS FOR EVENING DRESSES POR THE OPERA. WINE-DOLOR SILKS, WRITE CORDIED *SILKS g PLAIN WIT SILSSI PEARL CORDED SILKS, LIMIT SHA:DtS OF PLAIN SILK, LIGHT SHADES OF OORDED BLACK AND WAITE FIGURED MUSLIMS, BLACK AND WHITE MITRED GAUZE, FRENCH AND SWISSDITJSLHTS. WRITE TARLTON MUSLIN& WRITE CLOTH FOR OPERA CLOAKS, RIFTT.THRSE MIRES WIDE. WHITE FRENCH MERINOEB, WHITE CASHMERES, WHITE ALPACAS_ A few white LAMA LACE SHAWLS and ROTUNDAS for et e Opera B.—OPERA. CLPAKB mule to order, EDWIN HALL & CO., feMmiat, if Se South Second Street. COLORED CORDED SILKS IN VERY CHOICE SHADES. WINKS AND BLUM. GREENS AND NODES, BROWNS AND PURPLAI. LEAVIBRB AND GANNETS, LIGHT SHADES OF MODES PLAIN POILLT DE SOIES OF THE SAM 430L08E EDWIN HALL o.To CO., fe24-mvi2tr 26 South SEOOND Street. BEST BLACK BILKS IMPORTED, OF ALL KIN DS. Black Taffeta Parislenne. Black Corded Silks Black Gros Grains, White edge Black Taffeta'. Black Venetian Cords, - Superior Black Gros d.e Rhinos, BLACK SILKS of all grades, and for sale below the present cost of importation . EDWIN HALL 'a¢ CO., BO South SECOND Street. lIISUBANCII. STATEMENT OF THE. CONDITION OF THE THAMES FIRE INSURANCE CO. l OF NORWICH,. CONN., ON THE 318 t DAY OF DECEMBER. HMI. Azownt plOattal_ . n . 11 0a5h.... M 2c0:000 030 00 00 • ,4 acula ilifga. " of onßeal Estate 1H4,860 00 Am li nd ‘• Lo an s tEllock, market 16,750 00 United States Sck 27,200 00 "" Loans on Collateral—. • • ••‘•••••••• • 64,800 00 " " Cash on Hand. 42,978 08 Cash in hands of Agents 4,658 93 Other assets not above soesifted, including accrued interest..... . 6,467 68 LIABILITIES. Amount of losses unadjusted. 913,110 21 outstanding claims unadjusted and due.. • • IMO Amount o f . oubstanding datum unedluited and not Hone Amount of other liabilities including rent and printing 448 08 Amount of surplus... ........ . 18.872 39 Unlined) B. B. WHITTSMOBS, Asst, %WY. . State of Connecticut New London county. Venting, Conn., Feb. & 1865. Then and there personally appeared B. B. WiliTTB. MORE. signer of the above statement, and made oath that the samele true—before mN. (binned) LEWIS B. STANTON. Justice of the Peace. JOSEPH TILLINGHAST. 409 WALNUT Street, AGENT. wamet pis - uRE YOUR LIFE A.MEItiCA. Zit S. E. Cor. Walnut and Fourth SU., PHILADELPHIA. a apujungwaymLand prow divided - snn Last dividend 60 per cent. BOARD 07 TRUSTEES. AleXander 'Whilidin, J. Edgar Thomson, Hon. Aimee Pollock. Hon. Joseph AlDeon, Albert O. Roberts. Henry X. Bennett. Samuel T. Bodine, Philip B. Mingle. Oeorge Nugent, John Alkinan, Win. J. Howard. Isaac Haeleharet. Enmuel Work. ALEXANDER SAMUEL WOE n024-Bmll JOHN B. WILT FIRE 11,15VRANOE WHILLDIK Preildea K. Vice President. EION.See'T and Treerorer UNION MUTUAL, INSURANCE 'COMPANY OF PEILADELPECULI W. E. CORNNEt THIRD do WALIAVE STEks EXCHANGX BUILDIXO. IIICOEPOIMATED 1804. ASSETS f -5100.000. EU AND MARINE. The Pond of Directors of this Company have deter• miend to insure risks against Fire, lUresudenns With their charter, and are now prepared 101101011 Policies owning lire Risks at the current rates. DIRECTORS SICIHAZD B. MTH. B. DEMOUNT_ A. E. BORIS FRANCIS TETE, JOHN H. IRWIN, NEWBERRY A SMITH, WILLIAM Cl. RIM. HENRY LEWIS. J&.. J. P. STEINER. EDW. L. CLARK, GEO. LEWIS, ELLIS YARNALL H. F. ROBINSON, BARBEL 0. 000ILi f JAS. R. CAMPBELL, G. W. BERNA.DO . BERRY SAMUEL, WM a BAIRD, CHAS. WHEELER. S DELBIST. Dol LAVl mas s.EGISB, CumM JO LIGS, OLOMONHA MO IR TOWNBUID. RICHARD B. METH, President. JOHN MOSS, Secretary. ia29.lm I NSURANCE COMPANY' . OF THE STAIR OF PENNSYLVANIA,—OFFICE Nos. 4 and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. north aide of WALNUT Street, botw , 9•A DOCK and THIRD Street', PlLURdal phis. INCORPORATED IN 1794—IIHARTIR PERPETUAL. CAPITAL IM0,000.• PROPERTIES OF Taß COMPANY, FEBRUARY 1, -.14125.817.62. MARINE, FIRE , IN D'I S Nt.LIND TRANSPORTATION URANOE. DIEBCTORB.I Boary'D. norrerd, Tobias; Wagner, 'Charles Maralooter, Thomas B. Watson, William S. Smith, Henry G. Freeman, Want= E. White, Charles S. Lewis, George H. Stuart, George C. Carson, Samuel Grant, Jr. Edward U. Knight, John B . Austin. BEERY D. SEIERREED, President. - WrEmAx Mamma, Secretary. nolf,tf AMERICAN FMB INBURANOB COMPANY'. Ingo rated 1810. CHARTER PETUAL. No. $lO WALNUTStreet, above Third, Philadephia. Having a Large paid-up Capital Stock and Sophia W rested in son.nd and available Secrarities. continues to nurture on Direllinge, Stores, Farniture. Merclutudles, vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losse sSUMMO liberally and promptly adjusted. NS. Thomas N. Marie, James IL Campbell, John Weleh, Edmund O. DatUh, Samuel 0. Morton. Charles W. Fouling% Patrick Brady, Israel Morris. John. T. Lewis. THOMAS N. MAWS, President. AIMS= 0. L. CIAWYOnn. Secretary. telig-tf prnE INI3IJR&ITCX EXCLITSIVRLY. A- —THE PENNSYLVANIA PIM INSIJRAINGE GOBI. PANT. .incorporated MG& °BAXTER PERPETUAL. Igo. SID WALIFOT Street, opparite Independenes aw:. Contrition, favorably known to the sonunnaltr or nearly forty rpm 110ThLialledi to insure against you or Demme by nre, on Futon, or Private Buildings, either permanently oafor &limited time. Aim, on Var. Wore, Stocks, Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their *spited, Weibel With a large Stiridni land,. Ii helmeted in the cwt easeful canner, althea enable. Mein to offer to the Insured an nadonleted emeriti In the case of loss. DIREGTOBIL Jonathan Patterson. Daniel Smith. Jr.. Alexender Demon. John Devonian. Ism: Baraelturet, Thomas Smith, Thomas Robins, He nrY L ewis, J. Mit aim Peil. JONA=AN PATTERSON, President Writ tax 0. Oseannt. Secretary. A . NTERAZITE INBURILITOE 0031— PANT.—.ll.uthorisS Cordial $400.000, --011ABT31 PREPETUAL. Office No. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third. ant Fourth streets, Philadelplda. This Company will insure aphid Loss or Damage Mr Fire. on Buildings: Furniture. and Merekawitso mopAlfo. Ario. Marine Insurance. on Vessels, Carg e ou cioL ggg Freights. Inland Insursase to all parts of the DisioTOßß. William Esher. Davis Pearson. D. Lather. Peter Betsey. Lewis Andenrisd.Baum John R. Blaekiston. William F. * Beam Joseph Nordield. John IreteMmi, WILLI/11 immag, PrestOnt. WM.. V. DUN. Vim Preoldent. W. Ili Sutra. Seeretary. • apllmit Ml ORGAN, ORR, & 00„, STEAM SE. GINN EIILLDERN,_Iron Pounders, And Genova Rsoblrdolo and Boner ' masa% N 01.LLOW. RILL amt. 11111Adolobln. No. 7E ble Goods. Cases and Ulna Atlantic Cotton Milt Shirting* and Bbeetinte, in their various grades: Oases Appleton elmsdoge. Cases Bates' Magenta Skirtings. Cases Star Mille, °Luger's, Rambla, and Lancaster Gingham& Cases Georgia Plain Kersey.. Cases alpacas and Poplins. Cases Harland and .ZEtna Tweeds and Cassimeres. Oases Hale and Frost's Cashmerettes, Cases Hamden Hills Cottonades. Cases Bay Mills Natio Twist, Bay Mills entry, line Ame rican, Undo Lake. Social, HarmsJell's, and Barri- Aeon 4.4 colored Cottons. Bales Shetuck brown Drills and Skirtings. and Falls brown Skirtings and Flannels. MO if MPLOYMENT HOUSE, FOR Ponsekeepers. Seamstresses, Chambermaids, Wait *re, Nurses. Cooks, Laundresses , and senora house , Work, waits and colored, BORE LOCUST Ste. fe2o-Ixo EMPLOYMENT HOUSE FOR Clerks,-Book-keepers, Salesmen, Packers. Porters. Watchmen, Coachmen. Drivers. Conductors, Bar•tend err. Walters. Farm hands. Gardeners, &c; Employers suited at short netts*. 802 and 804 LuOTTST Street. WANTED -A COMPETENT BOOK KEEPER; one perfectly familiar with foreign accounts and a good writer. Noce elm need apply. Aiddrem Box 2041. Poet Moe. It WANTED -BY A YOUNG MARRIED NAN, a situation in any wholesale business, either as Salesman, or to attend to outside baldness. No objections to leaving the city. Reference given from last employer. Address R S. BROWN. No 949 North FRONT Street, Philadelphia. fel6.2t* WANTED -COPYING OR WRITING T of any kind by an accountant 'whose (menhirs are tlleentraged. Adduce 0. N. WHAT, 141 North THIS. TBENTH Street. folB.3t* {516,2168 WANTED -A SITUATION BY AN experienced businese man in any capacity wbere integrity and reliability are requisite. Under stands Book-beeping, and can give the beet of city re ferences. AddroW* Winter, " Press office. fels-st. WANTED TO RENT-A LARGE ROOK, with ►team power. Address P. AD PENA, 148 North ELKTH Street. tel6-Bt• WANTED—AT $l5O PER MONTH, a reliable CANVASSER in every town and county for "The Nurse and Spy." the most interesting' and ex citing book ever published, embracing the adventures of a woman in the Union army as Nurse, Scout, and Spy, giving a most vivid inner picture of the war. We have agents clearing $l5O per - month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Bend for circulars. Address JONES BROS. & ia24-lm GOO CHESTNUT St . ghtladelphia. PHILADBLPHIA, PA. ItWANTED TO RENT—A MODE io-eized country HOUSE, for the 11111MMer see [ton, convenient to North Pennsylvania Railroad, acd not over ten to fifteen miles from the sity . PurateheA or unforniebed Address, with terms, 3. H H.. box 1269, Philadelphia Post Oftise,_ • "L`' — rouurerrrx tiOirBE — WANTED, AMR near Station Germantown or Chestnut Hilt pre ferred. Must bel ams and suitable for boarders. Ad. dress " Burton, , ' this office. fel6-4? el WANTED TO RENT—A CON .Im-s VEIKIENT HOUSE with modern Improvements. In the 'western part of the *lts or West Pnuadelphia. Don't oars about poseeselon .for ONO Or three months. Addrees fel4-6P Box 2194 Poet Office. di WANTED-BY THE MIDDLE OF March, a comfortable DWELLING itta good neigh. borhood - • Po't OHM WANTED TO REisur - - - ma the iirst of April, a DWELLING, with the mode r tle. improvements, with 9 to 12 rooms. Central location . Address Box 1463, Philadelphia P. G. felo-lue A ft . OFFICE WATER TRANS PORTATION U. S. , /510. 774 South TRIED Street, Prmansuma., Feb. 14, IEBS. Vessels wanted to transport Coal to Southern Porte for the Army. Despatch Oven. fela. tf 'OHN R. J.ENDINGS, Capt h /last. Q. X ' HORSES I HORSES I l HORSES II I • - QtrARTEIUKOTEII GENE & RAL 'IS OFFICE. FIRST DIVISION 'WASHINGTON CITY. February 13, 1895. HORSBS, imitable for the cavalry service, will ba prircbased at Gleaboro Depot,, in open market, till April 1, IEICS. Horne will be delivered to Captain L LoWry Moore, A. G. M. , ant be subjected to the usual Government In spa otiowbefore being accepted. Specifications, as follows; "Cavalry Horses most be coned in all particulars, well broken, in full flesh and. good condition. from fi fteen (16) to eurfeen (16) hands blab, from five (6) to nine (9) years old and well adapted in every way to cavalry purposes. Horses be tween nine (9) and ten (10) years of.age. if still vigorous, eprightly, and healthy. may be accented_ Price, one hundred arid , seventylive dollars ($175) each. Hours of Inspection, from BA. K. to 4P. M. Payment will be made at this office. , fell-tapl Colonel in charge of let Divisi ßH on Q_ IN K. G. 0, - CAVALRY HORSES. QUARTERIfiBTEIit'S DEPARTMENT. • Corner TIABLFTH and GIB &BD litreeta. PHILADELPHIA. Pam, rebrilirY 16, Horses suitable for the cavalry service wlll be pur chased by the undersigned, la open =east, at VIZ each. Each animal to be subjected to the usual Goverrunent inspection before being accepted. Horses will be delivered to the 17. S. inspector at the Western. Hotel, Market street, between Thirteenth and Broad streets. Paid horses to be Sound in all particulars; not less than five, nor more than nine years old; from 16 to 16 hands blab; full in flesh; compactly built; bridle-wise, and of size sollicient for sayalr7 purposes. By order of 001. H. Blass, Chief Quartermaster. GEO. .11, OHMS. end A Q. AL FOR SALE—A DRUG - STORE, IN PBNISIINGFOBVILLB, Chester county, Fa It is doing a good business, and will be sold worth the BURNT, 8 25 full particulars inquire or JOHN C. BURNT, 825 MAW= Street. Philo , or address the Froprietor, fe2o4lt* B. F. TILLIJM, M. D. ARARE CHANCE.—THE STOCK, or worm and FIXTURES of ono of the beat situated Dia OMAR .STORES in the city, doing a large slob trade. Store to Rant. Address E. 1111 a . " 527 MARKET Street. feE)-2t* oil, LANDS FOR SALE.;---116,4 acres, in fee, OIL SPRING RUN, Morgan county, Ohio. This land Is surrounded by producing wells, and on laude adjoining Bitumen is found la large quan tities, which alone makes it valuable. 747 acres to leans, Coshotker county, Ohio, on White Ice Orerak. 8 acme to lease, on Branch Duck Creek,Ohlo 5% acres, 1-sth Royally, On Creek, Venango county, Penna. 1 lot, in fee, on Bnobanan Farm, Oil Creak., Penna. "2.1 S acres of beet - selectee land, on Pit Ho , le Creek, Ve 'tango county. Penna. 4 acres, at Walnut Bend, on Allegheny river. 1 lot in Oil City. 120 sermon Mill Creek, Clarion co.,Pa Also, a large number of other good Oh Territories B. 08LBB, in. At CO., falB 41° 14121 South THLAD Street. FOR SALE-COAL OIL STORAGE LOT, KO feet front on the Delaware and running back 2 800 feet. Oonintance aat low watermark. Will be sold low for cash or exchanged. fen- BD! . MILLER, IDE- North SIE.TH Street. FOR SAIE-LARGE LOT OF 21 1-2 AGM located on the Old Second-streets Road, south or the city, and 3 of a mile only south of Penn sylvania Central Railroad Branch from the Schuylkill to the Delaware River, at Greenwich Point. feis-stif MILLSR, 151 North SIXTH Street. OIL AND COAL TRACT, ELIGIBLY aniutted near FRANKLIN, Penn a..for sale cheap, direct from the owner of the title. Ay/Oil man. 135 El FIFTH Street, 2& dory. THE FIRM OF MORRIS, TABEER, & CO., PASCAL IRON WORKS, and MORRIS, TASHRII, & CO.. FAIRMOUNT IRON WORKS. Is DIS SOLVED by mutual consent. to take effect from and alter the first of February. ISM. the undersigned, CHARM'S WHKELER, retiring from use firm and pur chasing : the interest of his late copantners fn the Fair mount Iron Works, and selling his interest in the Pas cal Iron Works to them. The business of the Pascal Iron Works will be settled by STEPHEN YORSIS. THOMAS T. TASKER. Jr STEPHEN P. M. TANKER, and HENRY a NOE US. and that of the Fairmount ITOO. Works by CHARLES WHEELER. STEPHEN MORRIS, THOMAS T. TARIM.. Ja.. (MERLES WHEELER. STEPHEN P. M. TASKS% fe2o4St LIRNICIf H. MORRIS. THE. UNDERSIGNED WILL CON TINUE the business of the PASCAL IRON WORKS as heretofore, under Skil,• name of MORRIS, TASKER. di CO. STEPHEN MORRIS, P. THOMAS T. TAS TASKRE KER ~ 411.• S HENRY G. MORRIS. if; ail IptY JOHN H. OSGOOD & 80N, 808 -KA TOL TRADE SALE OF DRY GOODS IA BOSTOS. ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY Elmit, AT 10 O'CLORK A. K. 4,000 PACKAGES OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COTTON, WOOLEN, AND LINEN GOODS, 03713r131733111 371 PART f Oases and bales Blue., ned Gray, Mired. White Weve,and Striped Phahl and Printed Wool Flan gals. Cases assorted Hosiery. Shirts* and Drawers. Bales annaess Brown and Bleached Cottons. Cases Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Cashmerettes, flattseta. and Cleekings. Bales heavy Wool Bagging, Bags, and - TWine. Bales Linen Crash, B. and H. Ducks and Canvas. Cases Bitty Linen and Brown Drills. Bales 0.4 Felt Carpetin de , Cases Spool Cotten', of best make. . Cases Dress Goodly Cases Lawrence,. Cocbeco, Concord, and Attawatiglin. and other standard styles Prints. Bales Array Blankets, standard weight. Cases Lasting and Italian Melba. Bales Brown Linea Table Cloths. Bales Canvas . Bales Cottonades, &c. Bales Wishing, Wadding..and Batting. Witte ethyl de sirable Goods. Bales Canvas and Duck. Oases Cotton and Lhasa Damask. Cases Everett, D. & Y. , and Cheek Cassimerea. Cases Shirting Stripes. Cases Denims, in variety of brands. Cases His Monona. CMOs Garibaldi BepePants. Bales Salmon Fails C. Sheeting, and Cotton; Flannels. Oases Salmon Falls, Ipswish, and Beaman Corsets . . Jens. Cases Bartlett, *Mona. Harris. and Landon Cottons. Cases York and Everett Nanking. Cases York and Everett B. B. D: and Twist. Cases Portsmouth Denims. Bales Seamless Bags. Cases Black and Colors Super Linen Thread. Cases Fancy Shirting Flannel, with many other &shit- WANTS. fele tin h 9 MEM t WI (40 kalil ttl :I 4:1 THE UNDERSIGNED will continuo the linsinou of the FAIRMOUNT IRON WORKS on his own account fe4o.6l essaLle wamsn. TOPS,TOPS, TOPS, TOP CORDS, &0.. &o. PAINTED TOPS, POLISHED TOPS, BOX-WOOD TOPS. HUMMING TraPS,„ /40, • Just received, aad for sale at lowest rat!, W.' TILLIE, felS-St No. 321 P.aath F • ; int street. IDHOTOGRAPH ALRIMM,PATENT. ED hinge-bat& Stinumea ocardrintrig atrenath and mated Iloir dearee or lY j ulty: m l a t imu t isiortmenti for a ide at It F. *EAU d'S Orr & ek.A.Rini Stoma. Its OLT usasolukaLta Egfaft tk; t >1,41;1 AMERIOA.N ACAIMMT or MUM. LBOXARD MONDAY EVENING. Nobetarr DDM. FIRST GRAND OPER& NIGHT 1 1 sotrusiS VS OVOllt OF ?FE MUTANT FARZWELL SEAMS OF GROVER#S GRAND GERMAN OPERA, OA ANSCOEITJTZ .CONDOOTOW For the only time moat Menthol; Von Rotor's brilliant and pupil= grand opera. MARTHA. rttlige: . ....... 14".. F 081135. 4 147. - li 7 ei - e — o - riginally and enireMillp conlpoesearhTsTaip Von FlotoW. LIONEL Ms ...... . ..-VRALITS HINKEL very firvorite ae;rintition MARTHA Madame JOHLATINA Bornm. In the spirited and vivacious rendition of which eke steads without a eriperilll NANCY Mad'lle &WHIG DZITIBA. In which she -has gained the erafmergebriiniendation during the recent grand operatic tour. Slh TRISTAN ~...ANTON GAFF. The Director takes great pfeaSure in introducing into Grand Operatic Representations in America tine DOPast Continental Faro an feature, TILE ... O E BE - ONCERT. MONDAY. February nfi, batsmen the drat andeeconAl' lute of "Maxine." the very celebrated Amet lean Con tralto, RISS ADELINA- NOTTS. sings Oradea Agtmus TIM." Ef and RR. LUDWIG DRAW% Itchis Wonderful Trombone golo Obligate, by'Nehiiiisidt. TUESDAY. PEBRUAitt Daly time of Omitted's Opera of FATJST. JOSEPH HEBB:Urn!RI grei sseumpliom ... .. . — , l%Phitiophele g . s MARIA FREDECI as Her erinifal role, and In which ehoettudriwithout superior. EATHSDAY, FEBBIIALEY 25Tu, GRANO ILiTHO3II. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Drees Circle, Parquet. and Parquet Ciretti,t)Mlloo4. LAD. Glistered Seats Fifty Goats extra ) remit/ Cir cle. FIFTY Cents; Gallery, TWENTY-FIVSPIC The sale of Mamie eeate for any night will continue at GOULD'S MUSIC STORK, and at the ASTWillrir OF MUSIC. fa) tt NEW CHESTNUT-BT. THE/IMRE -L., CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE T WELFTH. EfONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS. Feb. Weld IL Allende the SUCCESS! SUCCESS!! S UCCESS! ! truly BRILLIANT ENGAGEMENT of the young, beautiful. and gifted HELEN WESTERN. there career in oar city has been one CONTINUAL ROUND OF TRIUMPH. : She will, in consequence of the REMARKABLE SUCCESS • that has greeted the production of the Great Efilitrey Drama, the FRENCH SPY. Begat HEBEI ST. AIME. AND asinr. The performanee Willeenclnde with the amusing Opp ratio Extravagance coned JEBET LIND. Jenny Lentheriongs, alias Lind —Mils Helen Wisdom SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Feb. 25 THIRTY-SECOND GRAND FAMILY ElLeknif. THE THERE GUARDSMEN. will be presented WALNUT -STREET THEATRE. posumux TRY LAST WEEK OF Mb VERSATILE ACTOR, MR. FRANK DREW. Who will appear this evening as DAVID O'LEARY and MYLES.NA.COPPALEEIL MONDAY EVER iNO, Feb. 20, UM, Will be acted the beandful Drama, in three acts, or ALINE, Or THE ROSE OF KILLARNEY._ Davy O'Leary, a Shepherd -- Frank Drew. lb conclude with COLLEEN BAWD' MARRIED AND SETTLED. IVIES. JOHN" DREW'S NEW' ARCH STREET TREATHE " THE STREETS OF' BMW YORK. " NEW BGENE3F_ , by CHAS. HAWTHORNE: MACHINERY, by JOHN FURZE. And ORIGINAL MUSIC. by .00DWOAT H. MONDAY EVE:SING, Feb_ 20th. And Sensat i onaling daring the 11 , eek. Boucicault's Drama, la Eye Tableaux mid a Prawns. THE STREETS 01' NEW YORK. All the °weary la the Cast. Frologne—The Banker. Act le : PUFFY TS BAKERY IN DI vidION STREIT. Act 2d. THE RETURNED CAMFORNIAN. Act Ed. UNION SQUARE IN A. SNOW srOI3II—THE BOOTBLACK AND THE NEWSBOY. • Act 4th. THE FIRE! Act sth. DRAWING-ROO/HAT THE BILZIKEIV S THE DENOUEMENT. Seats secured tlx days in advance. TEE GREAT NATIONAL CIRCUS, WALNUT STREET. ABOVE EIGHTH. JAMES MELVILLE, the GREAT AUSTEALIAW HORnEREAN. the wonderful AUSTEALIWY FAMILY. Messrs. MURRAY aid HUTCHINSON. and the TRAINED DOGS, and all the bright particular Oars of the Great_National Troupe, will appear daring the pre sent week. The semen will close on Tneaday evening. February 28th. Oily two more afternoon pertormaneek WEDNESDAY. 22d. (Washington's birth-day). and SATURDAY, 25th. Last performance of the National Combination Troupe. TUESDAY mrsanta, 28th but THURSDAY EVENING, 23d. inn . benefit to FaANIC W LTTAKER, Muter of the Circle. Admission—MA Tier, SO cents; Second Tier. 25 cents. Eve, leg perform ance commences at 7.40; afternoon, 23 o'clock. fet).et SPECIAL CARD. GRAND_ COMPLIMENTARY TESIMONIAL to Mx.. FRANK WHILTTAKER. Muter of the Circle, will be /Oven =THURSDAY SYSNING. 23d inst.. noon which occasion MELYLLLE AND SONS will appear la new acts. HERB LSE, the Modern Alcides:SAM LATHROP. Clown E. SAUNDERS, Equestrian ; Mona. FERDINAND on the Triple Thing Trapeze, have kindly volunteered their profeeelonel services, and will appear in addition to the Great National Star Troupe. BECK'S SILVER. CORNET BAND will parade on Thursday afternoon La honor of the occasion. feM-4t GRAND FAIR nr AID T CITIZENS VOLUN OF TEEN EM HOSPITAL, Will open this morning at Concert Hail. The stock of useful and fancy under; will be lar_gs.—e.,---• ;U. special at RoILN, tic e voted for and presented t 0 the Fire Campany ns calving the bikleet number of votes. Alen, TWO ELionlywaNT the Pres ident be disposed of by votes. one for the President of the Cubed States, or any of Ids Generals, and one fora clersyman of this city. Admission, 10 cents. Beeson Tickets, 25 cents. fe2o mssfelt DRRAIIfsADAnyeTcTh 0 A Is_ A AsessraLy BUILD/NG. TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, For the Benefit of the Sufferers by the late Pire. BY W. W. SILVESTER, On TUESDAY EVENING. February 21, lea The Programme will embrace selections of attractive character „ ow Sbakspeare, Sheridan, Bolter, Saxe, Stivester, . &c. 60 cants. To be bad at the Book Story of and allSGEl,_oorner SIXTH and CHESTNUT S tr eets. Doors openarnettos Halt. Mace at 8. fel9-38. HASSLER'S oRcHSSTRA °Mee. No, Dl4 South BI lECYR Street 'R.T Gi r ERMAITIA ORCHESTRA.--PUREIO- NJ+ BARR ARSIALS everr SATURDAY. at 33‘ o'clock Y. M., at 'MUSICAL WIND HALL. Single Tickets, 11 cents. Six Tickets Stor es, to be had at Gould's. Andre% and Meyer's Music and at the Halt nelf•tt THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, OHESTIFUT Street ,above Tenth, is OPEN DAILY for Tleitora. from 9 A. K. to 6 P. M. 025 PERSONAL. THE HEIRS OF JAMES, JOHN AND -a- ALEXANDER CALDWELL. and JOHN WILLIAM SON ; and also of lISZEICIAII DAVISSON, THOMAS DOUGLASS, CHARLES FERRY, ant B. CLAIBORNE. may hear of something to their advantage, in relation. to some old Landed Interests, by furniebbsg their ad dresses to "C. S. H.," Box 1696, Poet Office. Phila delphia, Pa. felB-2t. PATENTS PROCURED-UNITED Steels and EAropean. EDWARD BROWN, J*24-ine all WALNUT Wm& BOARDING. A FUR AND lINFITR mums ROOM, with BOARD, in a private gami ly.~ for gentlemen. Reference required Addreee 'O. at this office. lels-61* 11Q0EMOVAL.-JOHN H. WILLIAMS & -a-lu CO. have removed from No .329 to No. 240 CHESTNUT Street, lately occupied by Means. Win. McKee &Co. CHARLES F. HASELTINE has REMOVED Troia No. 22 to 240 CHESTNUT STRUT. COP.&IFFIFERSHCP NOTION. Mr. CHARLES F. HANELTINE bocomoo a Partner IA our Firm from Ma date. • JNO. H. 'WILLIAMS & CO. PHILADNIMMA, Eobinaty le. tol6-Im. - NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. WWI% CLOT= HONEY, NSW PAILID PEACHES. OWLTIVATID CRUFBIMBIEBEI, aa& ALBERT 0. ROBERTS. Dogs!' in nut Orooarter, ao2-if Cotner BLEVIENTIT sad VERB areas- COTTON AND FLAX SAIL DVOE and CANVAS, of all numbers and brands. Tent, Mratng, Prank. and Wagon-over Dusk« also. Paper Manulastarars' Misr Pelts. from 1 to 6 NU whist Pauline. &Mut. Sail Twine dm JOHN if. ma'am, a .00.. No. 103 JOBlZlP'allona. 211 m . FOR BARBADOB.-THN British brig -"Kowyss,", Peterson. ILLElaillr, will sail as above In a few days, For freight or passage. apply to JAURSTCIIII dr LAVBEIGAIL felS-Bt 202 South FRONT Street. =Eliiiiiiigiii;l COTTAGE ORGANS Not only UNEXCELLED, but UWEAMIALLED is Patin of Ton* and Power, denim. ed especially for Churning and Schools, but found to be eally lmell adapted to. the Parlor and Drawing Boom. For sale only by ht. DEU CE, No. 13 North SEV'ENPM Street. Also, a complete assortment of the Perfect Melodeon constantly on hand. Sin OrADOLPH HINTZ'S . FINE , r TONE and bandsman MAIMS. Only tor JAB. BELLAK B. WI ft, FrPlll ERNEST GA3LER'S 7 1-3 II I Octave Parlor Grand PIANOS. Over 1,003 in use In Philadelphia- Only for sale at ,e; RAVEN & BACON'S PIANOS. IC-o worn for 40 yeara. Only for Rile Si BBLLAX'B S 261. 8. FIFTH Wool. OALENELTAG & ITAUPBVIE4 I 1 Concert PIANMAIist- class, On_l3 for eils JAS. BELLea:4S, 2815. FlFTW6treet. NM NEW FINE 7-OCTAVE MD DUN. STIFIS PIANOS. from. M. to 1 11.001 J►B. S4SL►E, 2818. FIFTH Street PRENCDPE3 A.IITOMATIO (M -OANS slh - Sfasszerthinskso l gis this Ibis. Only for see sA AS. LK'S, StSl a. Strhst. rubToß . 13 WORLD, REVAIIID 111.LOWSOW3. Over 840.05 in use now. ia.3l-3.m. JAB* BlLsibt ASKS -4801nAntol.t. - fitLLING 07e. AN , COST, LODIOM%Dann now nett Hunk Lg. PIA,MOB, kS mente, OR o O s, A Wi n dow e o t h e e whitnhetest pipe. Oas Ghatidollem to the hichitat bidder. All must be. sadaqd taken away of March 'MOMS 11021.0ENSTADT Street. I'AX K. RIOHARPS ON, TEAGIIRR OF Al* Bending and ftontlon. O qe. . 2.4.2 N. 'MTH Street. Pupils taken Only or in alum. ras-ar •m - ARstpek pram) AND, IKTIBIO - 13 . 4 - STORE via be removed to. No. 10519 ORRSTNUr street. on the - Mediu of Ronk, while rebuilding - UM telo-IDi PAT T 'S , WALNUT; BELQW NEGETIL --Moro noted for Cheap Wall PaPerl. pATTON'S 'WALNUT, 33ALOW BlidAl3- Central looltion for exhibitirg Wallnoers. p TTO N NAB NOVELTIEB A- wan Pavers not found in ab any cther eotltshinent p:A. TTON HAS THIRTY. THREE 'stars' exp6rbines. wain no combirkstion am talc:high pecea. f01.7.1.16c* toseAsizamor sus wawa WOULD