TII PICEOSS, RED DAILY (SUNDAYS EHUEI7IIIO BY JOAN W. 'BOUNCY. 1103. Jo. 111 13017TH FOURTH mut TUE DAILY plum, - . AbsorMem Is TRW DOLLADS PIN ANNUL rir Twarry Perri Prim Threw, payable , Walled to Sulbsorthers out of the elt 3u3 pm Arrow; loos DoLuse Ann Frr Irx hlorrre; Two DorsAar AND Twrrr OR Tram Mouue, Luyartably ist PATIA aired. semente Ineerted at the newel ribs. TSI•W7GEHLY POEM, tbseribus, DobLexe Pas iarim, PROPRE s Jog r. xt a always lad a fall dock of !', LTS, LINEN GOODS. SHEETINGS. &o °lewd* prices, at V 1 BTRAMBRIDGB & W.% W. cor. EIGHTH and /ALB= BALES } cHES MITT STREET. ion to We large aesortntent of LACE GOODS, CoLLABI3. SITS. lIANDIURORIEF, tr the preeent YARDS OP VIARD WIDE NOS MUSLIN:!, •in, and for *go low. I,TANS, ILLUSIONS, and other good tIDAL AND PANTY nrassis. HIVO SlSOrtMent of H &SIMARD Hllit ll plating, fio,, all of Which arOofferi el ow the present gold rates. E. M. NEEDLV.S,, .„ lbw& .07 1T NUT Street. reg¢tsr made Wt. StOrdeitga, 40 to White Cotton Glowee,_ 19 Gents. rt's 'yards Spool Cotton, Rom. 70 dozen, •, Hatt Rolls, only tientis' Fin() Linen Remotion Rondkeroblel saw Black Velvet Ribbons, 23i to 18. 28.insh Merino Vastsevraryllnoila Ivory Rair•Balln, 40 131111i5. %TAO. (Damps, 39 cents: Mohair Invfetble Batr , Nets, I cent, s' scl• silk Scarfs small plaids, 18126. sh Manchester Gingham% 50 seam lota Notions, Buttons, Glossa ~ JOKEI eau uotneetto J 131) 443 from the recent anctlon toles eztabl Hagen in all the above geode. tmis at 26 cents. STODDAET & BROVEIRR, I}l, end 451 North 81Cfs11) - _lee, a large stook. iperi, by the Piece Or Yard. One Quality every width. every kind , ea ciente to $1.60. and Shoe Linens, 76 Genie to $1.26. Irting and fine Fronting Linens. d Towelinge, a fine stook. hinge and Pillow Oantnen. Ina for beet tawny nee: Moe, Jaconete, and Swiss Imbries, for ladles' wear. tote, Plgne: Bird-ezepnene, he. .L KB rain. arisienne, Ike, 1 widths and qualities,. from $2.030 to Rhinos and Taffetas, Its, for evening dresses. variety at low price.. feline et the lomat prices. as Spiltamorotlie. 44 elute. :)LIN STORE.- /amentta end WRltamerill Me binelfne. Bleached aaa met price; Brown end Blandon :gloom from H to 40 ceMe. at SUEZ MIM% 702 ARCH Street. TNUT STREET. 1026 STOUT & CO DIALERS IN 1 LIRE AND NOTTINGHAJI CURTALYS, TABLE, AND FURNITURI COVERINGS, W SHADES, ace, CHESTNUT STREET. JOHN KELLY. 'TAIL .C3,IEtS, EBTNUT ETIIIIZT nOir selling from their TER STOCK II P'IIICF-49. SENTB lIDED ASSOZTMEIM OT TRAVIELIANG SEIBTS I suspENDERS, MUFFLERS, KOK Awl overt duciptioa of FURNISHING GOSH 7011 PRESSATIL 'ORD 'LUKENS, myna att...non OUT OF SHIM, sposialty In their badness. Ab LB GINTIAMEN'S WWI. SCOTT db 00.. T N o. 'S SG RN S H T I N N U GS T T I II s I = k &ors below the Oontbtenth COAL, , to rumba Jaw Oorporatioas with squire, at short natio' and low Nit .0 style* of Bladtag. 0.11177LT1042118 , 01 STOOL `IIIID • ! !! . SOON, TBANSFIL 'GEL , • .1$ EALANOIII, 07 CAPITAL STOOL I.IITY LEBOW& 07 SLIM. BOOS. xtoss aks'vcr., ,OTIISNES AND STATION' CMS Ott ssriallT AND CHEMICALS. & CO„ FOURTH. sad RACE Streets. PHILADELPHIA,. DEALERS IN YORZIGN ►AD DOMESTIC AND PLATE GLASS. MAIMPAOTURPRI3 OP AND ZINO PAINTS, PUTTY. &o POE THE oinannisTaD H ZINC PAINTS. %mere eapplled at VERY LOW PRIORS FOR CASH ,ORIBER, RATING 817GGENDED DUBOSQ 8s SON. AT Chestnut Street, II his friends and enstomers OM he ad varied stook of JEWELRY, SILVER, AND \TED WARE. hand.: large sad Well-suorted J~WELIi~Y. 3ELITIAION", of LEWIS LADOMUS 8 00, I CARRFULLY REPAIRED, II DIAMONDS BOUGHT. feltf BADE.—F. P. DITBOSQ Mee the wholesale MA.NUFAG. I In 1111 branohes a 1028 class r. dory fel7.lm HICRIIISG, SHAD, &a, Mask /Kos. 1, 2. cud- 8 Mackerel ? iii i a6 s 7,l4l%lZ7 . ..intuL liolffai 15p. &Wad. No: 1 Herrfat, lase Shad. LLCM county Memo, he. r fokle M by O . IigOSA WaA 3PE. TO THE PEOPLE. . . . . . OTABIGIMBR'S AHD PUBLIC SPBARRRIT SORB THROAT, DIMMERS OP TRH AIR PASSAGES, (Laryngitis Bronchitis ,1 ASTHMA AHD OATARRH. the book is to be had of W. S. & A. MARTINI, IL 006 OHEBTADT Street, and still Booksellers'. Prhse: One Dollar. . . The author. Dr. VON NOSORZIBITER. eon be eon salted on oil these rosindies,zuld all riDaVODB AFFEC TIONS. which he treats with the surest. snesess. °Mee. 1027 WALNUT Street. IVIEDICAL ELECTRICITY. WONDERFUL SUIENTIFIO DIDOOVERN. DR. S. W. BECKWITH'S (Formerly Prof. 0. H. Bolles') TrisPrrrumw, All Acute and (Threads diseases cured by special tus suttee, if desired, and in cue of failure no shame is made. . - . . , illeetrisial Lest igation bee, wooed . that. the human body Achim prbeirde erne gillrehrifbattery The brain, innate linri lidnotte merribraenh' the akin, tissues, and fluids eonatitute the tprOwil nis s i :Positive forces. /Wiry action,wha i thar Men , cal. I. the unlit of these entsont forent — , respiration, cis relation, seerelieno geed ' *an* due solely to Blectilced isiduence„. The polaraetion established throughont Llienervirtar, connects with every part or the body, . Mit and Presorting's. Droner balreelf Sham meat, ankh consti tutes heal . a distm ef 'which causes disease.- There are atrial, but tWO 0011tltioni of &sense—one of inganunation, or positivotAha other weak, debilitated, amputee,' Ind as Sleritrioity ointtains these two condi lions WHIM nation of the positive and negative enrrenhs, - 10 " , 1 04 , 4 do sto restarolglithe disease gad restore Co mai onthatWe curs WiatiVill o laktilli 1 Ul m iwirretizetaxr=rat*:: do eased, . Practitially demonstrate. that Ilins sideside ern' of almost every form of chronic disease. Patna sled Wank% by the but medical practitioners of the eonntry, have been radically Congo, come of throe in an incredibly short time, by our Electrical' treatment. Its greed euperlority over other practices the ours of disease is also attested in the fact that, with in the put fly. years, over fourteen thousand patients have been treated at, this office, suffering from almost every form and condition of disease common to hu manity, and in nearly cases a benefit or perf•ct cure has been effected. Therefore. with these FACTS to prove our theory and treatment of disease, we are wil ling to guarantee any of the following diseases by medal contract, if the patient desires, with very many others not here eanmerated: 1. Dileaeee of the Brain and Nervous System. —Bpi /SPY. Wenn or Bt. Vitus' Dance, Paralysis (Elemlpie gin and Paraplegia). Neuralgia, Hysteria. Nervousness', Palpitation of the Heart. Lock jaw etc., etc. 2. Organs and Tissues connected , with, the Dimities Modem —Bore Throatliapepels, Diarshrea, Dysea tery, Obstinate Const ipation, Hemorrhoids or Plies, Bilious, Flatulent. an Falnter's Colic, and all affec tions of the Liver and Spleen. B. Respiratory Organs.—Catarrh, Congh.lnihniures Asthma, (when not caused by organic disease of the heart). Bronolatle, Pleurisy, Plonroityrao or nnetuns. tiara of the Chest, Consumption in the early_shigen. • 4. .FOrour and .bittaanktr System. — liheanniallan. Gout, Luistbago, Stiff Neck, Spinal Curvature, SIP Disease. Cancers. Tamers. • S urinary and figenitai Orgara. —Gravel, Diabetes and Kidney Complaints, Impotence and Seminal Weak ness. The latter complaints never fall to yield rapidly to this treatment. 6. Diseases Dec-afar to Annal4B.—ifterine Com plaints, involyrng a met-position. as Prolapsue, Ante version, 'lntroversion. Indammation. Ulceration, and various other affections of the Womb and Ovaries. Pain ful, Suppressed. Scanty or Profuse Menstruation, Len corrines. 'UT LI/ 7. Skin Direasea.—Sorofalons Eruption's, Glandular Swellings,Ulcers of every kind, Felons,Erysipelas, Herpes orTetter; in fact. Ps every disserttion of skin disease the Onlvazde Bath has proved vas tly more ell. *MUDS than all other means combined. Also, diaeaeos of the B A K' D 'and. Bar. TO L IES can we recommend this treatment as one of UNVAE SUCCESS. Almostinnumerable cases have some under treatment at our office who can testify to this fact. Mrs. S. A FULTON, a lady of great experience and ability, has entire charge of the Ladies' Depart ment. and all delicacy will be need toward those who entrust themselves to her oars. In female diseases as mentioned in the above list, with others not mentioned, she has had a large experience, and can confidently Wands* the wont gratifying results. TO TB 31 AFFLICTED". —The treatment is mild and gentle, producing no shock or unpleasant sensation whatever. Our professional intercourse with the af. Meted will ever be characterized by perfect candor and honesty, and those whose complaints are incurable, or do not admit of amelioration, will be frankly told 84. and not accepted for treatment. It matters not what may be year complaint, or how long you may have suf fend, or how mush. or what course of treatment you may have been subjected to, or what disappointments you have experienced; if the system is not worn out— if sufficient vitality remains for reaction—there le a fair prospect °tractive. BRENBINOBS. —The diseased and all Interested are referred to the following-named gentlemen, who have been IM treated lnut-street and witnessed our treatment on others, at No. O Wa A. J. Pleasanton, brigadier general, Philadelphia; A. Pleasanton, major general. St. Louis; W. B. Smith, 110.1022 Hanover. En eat, Philadelphia .• George Douala's'', No. 25 South Fifth street; William H BMiver. Baines street, Germantown; L. O. Stockton, No. 2.25 Market street, Philadelphia; Charles H. Grigg, Nos. 219 and 221 Church alley; Emanuel Bey, No. 707 Sans= street, at. torffey at law; H' Craig, No 1725 Arch street. No. 138 Broad. street; Hobert D. Work, No. Cl North Third street; A. G. Oroll, N. B. corner Tenth and Market streets; George Grant, No. 610 Chestnut street; H. T. Desilver, No. 1796 Chestnut street; Bd. McMahon, No. iliri Front street. Consultation free. Descriptive circulars of Imres effected, will; nUMerO9/1 references, oast be had by isP- Dilation at the offioe. All letters addressed to lilt S. W. DECK MTH, 1220 WALNUT Street. ja2s-wfmeffit Philadelphia. DS. &c. NOTIOS. OUB AMAMI EATING 1131111 CIALLID TO AS• aertions and statements lately made in the public prints with the design of detracting from the high repute en loved b 7 our Thread, we beg to state that our standard has ;Neer been changed during the past Thirty Year.; and that new, as heretofore, no pains unionnonao are. or will be spared to maintain for this Spool Ootton its premed character. The attention of Saviors and Oonsumen •Is drawn to the fact that most of the new Thread, offered to the pub. tic, from No. SO upwards, are marked up, sad that the difference in the 'Weaken of numbers, supposed to imr. respond with our numbers. ohen varies from ten 00) to twenty 00) per soak i 39401 B:EL SLEEPER & CO., NA.NUFAOTURERS, AGENTS, AND WHOLE SAtI.E DEALERS IN FLINT AND GREEN GLASSWARE, Have now in dole 6 fall assortment of the above g00d.% which we offer at the lowest market rates. Being sole agents for the SALIM GREEN GRABS WORKS, we are prepared to make and work private moulds to order. PORTER. MINERAL, and WINS BOTTLES, of a anperior color and Well. Also, LAME' CHIMNEYS, APOTHECARIES' SHOP FURNITURE, SHOW BOTTLES, SYRINGES. HOWE. OPATHICiVIALS, and BrunVac' Olasoworo lieneranY. T. A. EVANS & 00. 'S PITTSBURG GLASS VIALS contently on hand at factory prices. $3104m REMOVAL ZIEVirIAMIEt ar., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AID zwirmartram OF WHITE LEAD, ZINO, COLORS, PUTTY, so., 151413 7 10 ISVatEOVE.I) No. 137 North Third Street, Where we Offer ta_go_hade shofar efo.k SD 11.10118 AND OHMOALS, a heavy stock of W I NDOW GLASS, OILS, he. Also. in aiTE LBAD, ZINO, OOLOBS,_PUTTT, andWHERL GRIM& floak our own FACTORY. 111 =AM St. John street. fa29-Ln* GOLD'S FLTNNT lIMPBOVMD !WEAR L/I,tvBt,n:i 1.1041;1tV.16)V.U.1/10i01: FOR WA.111310 AID VERTILATINO ?1T11:10 BELDIROB LID FRIVATI 131011 NMI WATEIWELITIRS 00XI'LlIT or rifiritsrLvitrtza. JAMES P. WOOD Ar. CO., 41 NOM YOU= NAM fa ./3. EELTWEILL. SUP% Irmaadi /WOMB GROVER, ammal wpm winnows AbIERIOA N STEEL. amides, Toe Calking. The ail Mel& Shoe Mod. of aad Wads. made of the beet material. at the NORVP7Aar fl ON WORMS, AM for sale by the preedeten. NAYLOR 6: 00., 09ELMETWE Street, Piffle Arco, 99 and. 101 JOHN Street, New York. SO STATE Street, Boston. in 2 Im TOFERMETIOALLY SEALED MEATS m-s• ADD SOUP& 1.000 dos Salmon Most. • MO MO .• d Boast Boot. o Vent MO " do Mutton. 1,000 " do Turk..y. - LOCO " do Chicken. 3,000 unsorted Boom In 1.2. N lb. taus. , For Gale by RHODES & WILLIAMS. - hEI-tt floratt WATAB Stott. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . -;.,. .. -. •. - . . . :., ...e . ›- - •- . .....:,,?, , . .•• , - l iti , -,;-' , --.- 7 '''..::-...- '...‘,.'' il • - ..t. -.- 1 ----- --,, ,z,:1ic--.- , , . ~~ ~. . . . , . .• .. ei : .. .• _..,.,,.. ~.,,\. .. ..„.... . . .. • ......,,..,:t.,...T..mi,,.....:,,,....),..„,,.,4,„,..,,.....„...•.,..._,.,.„......_,....../...,..„..,....:::,.....:,.:._,.. ~.,..,...: . .,...„....„,-,„-:----, . ..,•,..........,.,,,, , ..;....L........_:„....:,,._--,„.,.._,....,...,:;-...,_.,-,:-:...:.-,.. ..:•,...,..„,./.....•,.,,.._,,,,,,.....„..,,,.,..;.......,..,..,....i...,„, .11...... "--- . - -7 7-- - , iiiifi - -- 1 i i. .... - " . r.i - r.: . ." . - .:-'- -- - 1 !..::; , ; : 1r i5.;4j- - ' .. 4 167 .-- , -, ,.---..` .__....,, ... 4 - o kki.*tz,..( , :;,* floille.-,. -.• .-7, , -- .- **, ir-_-,:i -- - , --- . - •.t.-----.-_,,- , ,,......,:,.. ~.,.. . ~,.......!,,, ..... . 1- , ~.,,.._-..„..,0 1 ; • .4 . ,,• z . .. 1 --.....-._.--.. ....1.....,.,- i,„..,,,-... „-,.. -k ..' ,,, ....7. -- ......!.... .. -=-4 , • , ~-T ritsti z - ...- . .e 1 f:03 - It i i _„,..., - ----- -" -- - - ..-... r .m.F.,,,,., 25 . 4 i t ; . ,---- --:-.,----- . - - '--- ' 7 4. - - -. 1.1 . 11147 '''' - - - -'- ..- 42. ' . ,;j."..""••-•'''...:.`." ..,-;- - ~ .._ - - - . . . . . ' 1011 -•-.. - ' , - • . .. .. . , . , . .. . , . - • • . . . . . . . . • - . - . .. . . . . -.. . . . ..... . .. , . . . . : . . .. . . . , . •i. : • • . . . . . . 8.-NO. 174. lOW BEADY A WORE B 1 DIL_yON 1168011EDDrEE , w of No. 1027 ALAUT Street, ENTITLED AE 8008 TOE TEE PEOPLE, On th e following-Dimmest ITII AND EAR D1E8A.515. THROAT DIEINAHRB IW ORWHILLL.' . . . . . MO WALNUT. STRENT. J. * P. COSTS. 515 DEENOIt lIAMACTIMZD Zr !NB TABLE TOPS &wi %o 3 P!o. pas CftigmMnat eftwowN IMMUMILPHIA; FAUZORY !'EFTS /1/17VIIALNIIME. BOSTON; V)rtss. ILONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1865. INCODIV.S. SECOND COLLECTION DISTRICT. TENTH. WAItD. =MO Avery, Henry $5OO E H 750 Agnew, John 448 Adamson, Joseph.. 13000 Ashton J M...:... 772 Adair, Wm S 537 Allman, Thos 2,990 Amer, ChM H..... 430 Allward, H M 200 Adams, , E A • 1,2E01 Ashbury, Saml 4,000 Atkinson, J B 4,600 Rubin, P J.. , .... 11,060 Adams Wmll . 725 Ash,•W , m H 900 3.leorn,•Jas 61.0 Bryan, T M 4,600 Burkhart, Peter.... 622 BroWn; WM 2,635 Buokingham,T L.. 700 Burkhart, Wm T... 1;000 Blur, Win H 1,79 Burr, D R 1,79 Burns, Robt W.... 1,000 Basin, X 8,929 Burling, B S 2,694 Beiges, Henry 8,897 Baker, Lafayette.. 150 Bray, Wm K 830 Brooke, Maria " 601 Bullock, Jai. 1,211 Bodine, Joh n.... 486 Bugbee,e- W • 8,020 Bryan,TM,trustee. 420 Breed, W /51 Brooks, S 588' Baldwin, Henry... 5,611 Boyer, Daniel L 47 Bennere, H H - 700 Brown, S A.- • 250 Bullock, Martha... 8,730 Bastian, Phi11p.....99,282 Bridges Jae 1,108 Bords, E 3,530 Berens, August...:. 200 Borden, John • 1,172 Boyd, H B 88 Beohtle,C G 791 Baker, T W ...... 8887 Book, J M • • R 075 Butler, Joseph..... 800 Bradshaw J 204 II Batters, M 200 Boyd r Geo 2,706 Brommell, Ja5..... 621 Bewail, F 750 Bowdle, Tristam.., 757 Carter, Margaret.. 200 Caldwell, J E 5.000 Clain, Jacob " 1,143 Conrad, Sam' 4,818 • Cress, Edw 11 5,000 00oper, Isaac 6,270 Cornelius, Sarah A 538 Crulkshank,-.W.1"... 824 Oameron, Wm 529 Coates. Sarah A... 6,742 Cormell,-Wm 2,763 Cooper Thos 1,475 Clark, E L 20,650 CoOns, D 300 Campbell, S P 322 Carter, I B 400 Capp, Wm ' 200 Carson. J Hayes... 800 Clark, Robt C 8,524 Clark, Edw L, true - 47 Clark, Edw L, true! 1,173 Clark, Edw L, tins 1,123 Clark, Edw L, true 1,116 . Clark, Edw L, true 81 Cooley, A II 3,754 Culbert, Jos 246 Clifton, F F 150 : Carpenter, A .E.... 1,023 Clarke, Wm 1,076 Coady, E • 972 Caldwell, W G.... 2,000 Capp, E C 164 • Clay, Richard E... 8,871 Claypool, Jesse D. 489 Cresson, John C... 4,121 Coombs, J NI F.... 238 i Clanton, Edw 12,711 Oresswell, Saml, Jr 200 ' Clothier, Isaac.... 7,000 OreSswellS J 2,882 Chapin, Wm 1,280: Crawford, Jas 230 : Campbell, W P.... 200 Colin, Mrs R J.... 661 Cresson, 0 DI 846 Cross, M H 700 Dlvvers, S F 7,201 Davis, .lao H 350 Iluff, W A 157 Dixon G W 840 Downing, R H 7,365 Dubois, W E 2,099 . Dayton Mary 8... 1,178 Davis, B C 1,536 . Dupuy, T Haskine. 14,920 Dorsey, Mary 1,035 Dell, Jos S 1,525 Dunham, Samuel.. 1,876 Dunbar, Samuel:.: 1,664 Dulilaq, F P 4,191 Davie, T H .120 Dusenberry, B M.. 162 Endreas, Charles.. 53 Erben, P C 26,167 Evans, Thos., 3,331 Erveln, Robt 9,854 Ege, Miss 2,1 75 Erben, John S 1,840 Elder, H L.." ..... 7,275 Freeman, H G 4,870 Fry, Samuel B 1,902 Fry, William H.... 2 100 Folwell, James .... 496 Ford, J M.... 13,975 Fredziok, J ohn L.. 212 French, John E.... 1,107 Farr, James X 4,860 Fryer, J 0 9,175 Ford, William 2,588 Gibbons, G W....: 900 Garrigues, SarahM • 469 Graham, 0 H 0,681 Gardiner, Geo W.. 125 Garrlgues, a - 0 740 Guilbert, N 3 293 Grant, George 1,784 Gallagher, John... 350 Glenn, T .... 1,030 Groesbeck, John... 760 Guillon, ItCne 22,050 Garrett, Jesse..... 100 Garrlgues, 175 Glentworth, X M.. 637 Goff, J W 32,413 George, S A 3,009 Gardiner, John .... 2,470 Gilliam, Harvey... 150 Harberger, L 8... . 70 Hopper, Zephania h 500 Illokibig, 1,620 TJ..... 500 liagert, J E 468 Henderson, Robert. • 144 Hibbard, Wm P.... 500 Hamilton, John.... 822 Horter, Hiram 1,000 Hemphill, Virginia 75 Hemphill, Maria A 5 Hebbard, Mary.... 1 2 00 Heine, J W 709 Haworth, James... 2,835 Hancock, S P 809 Harkness, A X.... 8,788 Hill, Charles 682 Ruddy, B M 2,500 Hughes, T M 1160 Hopkins, C E 600 Hallowell, J L 2,850 1 1 Hays, Robert 354 Charles 5... 2,430 Hamilton, George . 235 Hansen, S F 9,462 Hyatt, Mrs E F.... 240 R&M S W 600 W B 973 Hultzlnan, George. 500 Henderson, George 7,600 Hillborn, Amos.... 220 Hurley; W H 4,994 Harding, Barclay.. 860 Holbrocike, M.:. 900 Howard, H C 15 Hansen, W F 52,013 Hay, Alex.. . ..... 2,850 Hibberd, W l.l 600 Hornier, F R 800 Harman, Marshall. 100 Hickey, Pat'k 87 Herron, J B 520 Hall, George 858 Hall, G W 7,827 Higbee Chas • 100 Harris, Mary Ann. 1,051 Ingram, Carolllloll. 72 Ireland, Alfred.... 1,600 Rader, Henry 180 Ingraham, W S P.. 4,600 lokler, Jacob 474 Inman, Edw 1,504 Jones, EUza . 917 Jewell, Chas 1,000 Jenks, Lydia A.... 18 Johnson, B F 860 Johnson, W H..... 731 Johnson, J DI 1,100 Jarden, Jacob 6,162 Jack, John H 184 Kellog, Amos 231 Knight, W H 500 Kellar, P B 2,799 Kneen, N B 2,665 Kellog, Hosea 4,311 Kisterbock, Josiah. 18,275 Kellog, George.... 3,287 Kite, John 661 Kirkpatrick, Jae A 609 Kennedy, B. C 9,838 Kessler, John 897 Kessler, John, trust 1,227 Kirkpatrick, A 1..14,714 Kerns, Peter 322 Kerr, Frank , 160 Longacre Andrew. 898 Louman, Win 444 Lanahan, John.... 918 Lawrence, Henry.. 4,885 Lincoln, Chas 5.... 507 Long stret h, John H 6,089 Longatreth, B L... 1,241 Loney, Robt 4,030 Liveneetter, X D.. $5610 Lee, J B. . ...., 1,680 Langstroth,Vary& TBO Lippincott, L K... 1,133 Landfill, D C. 3;100 Lennox, Walter;... 100 Leeoh, Jacob H..- 180 •Lee WetherilL .... 14,240. Idiaon,Win /,021. Ildeneke, J F 4,000 Morey, Edwin 3,120 Moons, ~ T /I 2,580 Moore, 0 41,....., 850 Magee, Jas F 11,390 • Mainegle, R p ... • 800 Pdelsinger, Adam.. 956 Mosey, J G 515' Moore, ,Samuel.... 7,400 Minion, Jas 900 'Mateinger, ()A.... 581 Noxell, R 1' 2,814 Miller, O.W 0,010. Miller, G L _75 Muller, Gee 2,185 Minder, JOs ' 700 Milligan, 5 0 25 Moran, Jas.., ..... . 129' Murray. Iff. H 300",' . Mack, "P: ~,,_. . . ~ .. 75, fdttehellt rivrOo . m. 1,412 Kellor, Jorot, J., ohn. 1 :1r....i 59075 M' Morris,,ltobert,....- 1,783 .olooreliettd, Thos E 42,7 kliddlOton,J 8..... 225. 'Marshall, Marshall, 211.....",. 800 'I Murphy, .la 4 1t.... 466-' 1 RE O E 4 4 -S,f•- - ,- -,-- %MIX Edeug h., Otrlok.. 2,899 , ,, MOWilliiimirlPW. 8084 illeCorionly,./C - J.:. NO MoOsimmon, B 0.. 5;001,0 MeMakin, lee 073.' 2,100105 k 0 7$ Mrir M. 1,5 3 5 Molntyre, E F..... 199 1 .. MoWlinney, A... - -- ' 175; MoLaughlln, Jam, 1,109 MaeNutt, Margt., 1,799' lllemMutt, A • . 208 bloGonigleliz.... 495 MoAnally, Edw. 1 .. I. 861 BioGienn, Jn0..... . 203 hN evil, IV H 850' Neal], E 1,15. 041 Naos, J - Ohn ` ' • 280! _einlifili, Joe A- 800' Nes% -Dante 3,2*- Hatt, Jai T.. 960" Neumann, Joe- ... 747 e f ) I libnis, Thaddeus.. 3 f ,3 MOO, Chan ' -1 .. 4 6 Omonsetter; Alm... 8 Oram, It.aoltel W .,. 2 8 Onie, Bind i.......: ,n 4 2. Potts, Saud: :4. :'.'.. 9,0 0" IPratte, Thee '' ',... 13 0 • Polloek,Jas.. .....,.. 3,474 Petit,Petit,gdgarE.... ~.„- /08 Peekwertn, Chas. : '1;511 Parker, J•B . •-...: .:: 2liBl Pearsall, Win -'• •- 70 Parvin,A • 6,577 Polio% George.. . . 249 Phlllios .7 S 2,260 Pile, .7 fa 198 . Prentiss, A B 1,079 Pugh; T B 1,693 Potts. Jae..." 1,314) , Piers, LI " - - 800' Price, Price, Jos W 1,000 . Perkins, A II - 367 Potter, A. P 136 . Parker, John F:... 2,091' Pease, W 0 2,200 Paton, Jas. 1,151 Parke, Hannah (estate).... 0,775 Qneln, George 834 Roberts, A S 28,821' Redfield, „I' F 7,805 Riley,Cleorge 'l%. 4. 70 Robertson. G W... 1,889 Rhoades, Thos 5,551 Roldoti A 390 Rookhill, Jos 8.... 2,733 Rogers, W If 8,000 &filthy, Joseph..:.. 3,600 Rowland, Wm 2,776 Reppller, J A 8,987 Rowland, Calls F.. 400 Resuberger, W K.. 917 Russell, Ge 0. .....: 4,395 Rand, B Hovard.. 632 {Roberts, Blinn 6,262 Riohie, Craig D.... 275 Rothermel, Reubn 2,869 Rogers, Saml 917 Reed, Robt. .... - .. 4,960 Repplier, Chas A.. 2,951 Roberts, Alfred.... 1,200 Renshaw, I. 870 Rit3hardsonW IE.. 2,359 ~i.r. Randolph, Mary... 212 Rantlimbert, John. 200 Riter, X M 2,200, Raiguel H R • 17,975 Raw G A F 25 eed, est. of 91.1011 , 1 1,029 . Roberts, AO 480 Roberta, Elan, trustee 747 Rahn W L 2,577 Seckse, F 143 Staekhouse, W K.. 5,807 Stoddart, Ourwen.. 8,003 Smith, Jas . .,6,035 Soby, Thos 124 Scott. Chas 38,505 Soliwan, G A 4,700 Smith. John 600 Sharp, Geo 1,325 Stewart, Mary , 1,754 Scheessele, 0 - 850 Sandland, liErS J... 834' Stitt, Seth B 23,800 Seddinger, M 384 South, Geo W 2,877 Senkler, W S 706 Stroud, W 0 414 Scravendyke, Jas.. 217 Smith, A L 718 Stuart, David 8,900 Smith, Nathan 2,170 Simon, JP 1,169 Stevenson Mrs F A, 4,195 Showell, * Id 2,803 Slayinaker,. S E.... 3,366 Smedley, Thos 148 Somers, Michael- . 826 Speelman, Jacob.... 281 Schell, Beni ...... .. 906 Stieaff, J F 3,317 Smith, John 120 Spering, Joshua... 1,138 Sohleesegman,John 166 Stevenson Henry.. 1,018 Stokes, Rioted 1,120 Smith, Wm B 1.325 Skelly, Thee 7,236 Smucker, S 4,180. Shaman, Peter 631 Snyder, Henry..... 742 Smith, Hugh. 487 Strong, Mrs C 400 Stewart, Jas M.... 384 Schiller, Jos . 284 Stairs, John S 8,791 Sohmoele P 200 Stokes, Tag V 800 Sith, T M aylor, Chas 1,199 Tolman, Thos • 1,638 Townsend, Stephen 667 Tyler, ft( Win 2,500 Thayer, E 624 Thompson, J J.. . 86,137 Thompson, Mrs 15 3,770 iTaittm, John 8 762 'Thaokara, B 1,593 Taber, George..... 2,918 Thompson, Isaac... 250 Trotter, Chas H.... 31,000 Trotter, Susan"... 5,139 Tiers, Wm H 2,898 Vanleer John F.... 75. Van Ingen, Wm... 555 Van Horn, A. R.... 800 Vogen, Win 40D Vodges William, trustee 2,280 White, John H.... 189 , Winkler, Gustavus 190 Warder, Ann 1,217 Warder, W G...... 1,344 Weightman, 0 G.. 6.800 Whiteley, Goo 3,343 Williams, S H 1,976 Wardle, Mos 118 Willets; Lydia H.. 170 Wallace, Jno A.... 800 Warder,.7 F 1,772 Warder, J F, trus tee of Henrietta Christman ...... .. 803 Woltj en, G 852 Wood, Jas F 4,400 Wenderoth, F A... 8,398 Weigand, T S 594 Watteen, Win 600 Weygandt,C N.... 1,036 Wilson, W 71 ' 6,360 Milner, J H 731 Woodruff, ED 2,704 Wooley, E L.. 105 Welraven, I. J.... 382 Worrell, Mary.... 45 Walter, Theodore.. 800 Walraven, Ira E... 2,600 White, James W. , 2,475 Wright, John 4,450 Winslow, B. a - 950 West, George 550 Wean:lett, G ...... - 128 Willie, Robert 25 Wylie, B L 249 Wiley, W E 158 Whitney, Asa 52,830 Whitney, John R.. 28,108 Whitney, George.. 32,121 Wesley John 8,685 Wilhelm, 0hm..... 2,680 Waterman, Thom_ 150 Walton, J F 1,700 Yard, John, Jr 796 Yardley, Mary L. , 1,055 Yardley, Ella J.... 341 Yard, ,Pearson 877 Ashbridg.e, Richld, administrator ... 44,548 Ashbridge, attorney 1,500 Ashbildge, Rloh'd, attorney 1,044 Ashbridge, attorney, 2,778 Ashford, Mrs W H. 177 Ashford, W H..-- 300 Appleton,Ellzab , th 9,989 Atkinson, Henry & wife 831- Atkinson, Barclay.. 1,02 D Atkinson, B, exet , r. 612, Anspach, Anna W. 7501 Andrews, B W 707 Anmont, J P E .... 2,578 W H 2,273 Alexander, Airs S.. 260 Andrews, John 1,200 Allen, Gee 2 a Wf. 62 Baker, W E 4,158 Bloom, Chris 1,500' Brown, W S 6,020 Bird, J. 434 Brown, Wash 19,351 Briggs, G W. 230 Bryden, John 337 Bryson, Jae H. 1,950 Barclay, John 43,884 Biddle, W 0" . 7,403 Bacon, Sallie A H. 171 Burnham 0135.... 1,720 Beale. Wl 880 Bye, Sand 4,289 Be ker, John 0 140 Ballenger, f10e... • 4ZB Baugh, 0 2,760 Belief, Thor , - 937 Burke, Bertha 8.. 84 PHILADELPHIA, ,31c - NsIDAY,,, FEBRUARY 20, — , M 65, Barclay, A (J 12,028 Morris, Evan...,.... 13,046 Barclay, Mrs M.... 1.020 Murphy, Wia.,,.....-. 8,217 Baker, J F 9,360 McDowell. W H..... 303 Brown, Jae E 1,361 Mitohell, Theo • 4,103 Banners, H 13 18,447 Maxwell, J G 31,777 Brown, Mrs E P.... 619 Morrie, & P 2:i381 • Brown, Mrs H 599 Morris, Sarah P... 1,496 Brown, Jas E, true. Moore, J G 841 tee 9721MoColley, Ells 8.. 60 Bub:liter, Wash 1,800 rdellok, J B. . 626 Butcher, Mrs M E.. 865 Miller. - - Win.. ' • 41 - Bell, W Dwight-. 2,222 Morrell, Taos 400 Bell, W D, true- . 698 Morrell, AIN, A A.. 320 Banners, 1! B, ad- •- Illeneke; Wm • 8,950 minietrator 2,612 Myers; Armstrong. 385 Berens, 8... 8,872 Musser Wm 4,738 Bristow, J ld 462 Muster, Wm, ex'r of • Beaumont, G If ..... 287 S'HendereCir 1,663 Buffington, L W.. , 276 Marlin, Ise S 9,40 Buffington, Sarah R 01-1 Mooney, John 100 Brown,- W m - 200 Moolni,,Mte - Sohli:- 162 Bridport, Hugh. ... 3,299 Mount, Chas 8....20,200 Bridport, H, true.. Tif, Moore, jai; A : 60 Brldport, 11, true... 698 Moore, Edwin E. ... /50 Bridport, H, true.. _ 335 miller, Wm 103 Biddle, o arch 5.... 199 Manderneld, 1 G.. .148 • Banker, Ina. 107 Marti n , 3, . Ambrose.. - ,211 Bowel', Stirling... 866 Mollheny J E..... 1100 Bullooti, W 13 2,820 Magee, R i chard.... 780' Bacon, Wm Ef, admr IMO Mordanuil, Patrick. 1., , - Bailey, 3es T .4,048 Mayer; Lucy W 6... g F Broadbent, Samp.. 4,873 Nelson , ' J I. ....... . • ' • Black, Jon H 600 Needles, Samuel... • . 600• Barclay, A 0 19,700 Netmath, J • 61.. ..... Et Boreal, E H ' 626 Namibia , Namibia , AndwS.: 4, ,Blaokburne Eliza. 600 Needles ; Caleb H.. 7 1, "-- Baker, Jair4u: 5,000 Owen,•Parker 8,866 • lialdwio, - Thee 2,680 Orne, John . . ... .... 11,0 M Cody, MiChael - 4,019 Onre, Edw:13....... 6,2 Carrick, Theis 931 OWevr, J W . Oathiall, Anna M. 203 Peabedy, Effer.G... 1,415( Cooper, Anna M... 1,074 Potts, EVeiD..,... 240: Cadwilader, Wm.. 3,031 Parry. Te55a......... , • Claghorn, JnoW.. 3,246 Powell,. SAM). ~ .sae:4 ' Clark, Ellis 993 PoWell, Seml 'err i ". ,Cook Man, George . 748 . johnßare PovraU • • 2,006• °arrow, J0hn...... 8,862 Powell, Semi, true Oodles, S F 2,600 . John Hare Powell • 2,611/ Claiwell,- Stephen.. 4;417 PoVrell i - Saml, true . i t : Oreltswell, Robt.... 6,766 • Jelill'HaktiPoweil i t • ,Cresswell,fdreßobt ' 74 Powell, Saul ; trust 2, Chs.ndier, Jae 1t... 2,043 Priem., Joseleh'...... 6, 35 3- 06infir, D 1. ' 17,0a2 trine, .1 - osecm„ err. 2, ik• 1 "Collier: Geo B 11,951 ltaison, _Fred 11 ~ (Joinly, S ' , • 7,056 Party; 011v0i- -• '-- 8,4 a .Brl>thars, W S 4,127 Parry, °Hirer:tree: 6,1 5„. ~,,d:therti irj ics M. - 214 68 2 F .. t . rffßeoliet-R... 1, 71 . . 1 t gn.a „J R 6, errs', Thoe ,., ''' . 1,2 2,, 2ntlin ,`l3 C • 4,44 °areal!, H0tigt.....6, 6' ' ,:Oilokmaa;Tranki: :-.,- 406 Pearsall, Etaigoroftl, 1 Ctiole, j0hn..)..:..... • livloo Peterson,:leraelha.lB,o ' - Orlig, Efug,h le, Parrish, DillyXyles.-1,108, Chrietriiiin, Jae 0 Li 2 . „'il . Parrish, Josept46 ' Craven, Tilos J.... '' 4 • &Trish, Ellwarol4.: 2,406 iOriyie, Sam'l - A. - ... 4,562 Patterson R01421..4,000! , Coleman, Philemon 2,900 Peirce,W S. ~611.--1 °nehmen, (1 11 .... 4,468 Potts, .homedJ.vq.-1. ' Cushman, It W.... 800 Patti% Serena M....• Chandler, D W.... 500 Potts , Edward . Cox, 13 W 680 Pickering, 0 W, er'l,7 Coatee, G Morrison 17,970 Poesy, Jonethan... 5, 1 Chandler, John.... 250 Penrose, Rebeoeit.. - 2 Christman, Wm .... 600 Penrose , John -t • Oriefiy,.famee 1,163 Pettit, Jane B * 1,0 Chanadet, Theo.... 771 Posen David R..,. , i L Caiman, B * • ' 6,280 Paine, Williain...';,lls a Co ell, yt .7 - 13 Petit,..o G. - -... , 1 C OF' ' 506 Peohas,_ _WiUte.m... , • to 4,478 Potte, Edw, ertot. I; ' ang s ieril - r J M .... 848 Parry, Rowland,w 1 : ln W W.3. - :' 083 Price, EU If 4. tree. ,7 Earpa,J Ja0.... ... 8,10, Pile., EBKOrla • : 2, UMMII aliiiiX66l3 'Pride, Ell K, t .ftB . 2,3 ' v a mp 'fflollwill, Ref .4.604 Pike, Ell` ,' eriir .` 2, ( : r O l Ia Paloe,•lsll.K, - true: . • 2 1 • ad ... 1,400 Price , Eli K, tree., . Drybiargb, ie P , 6,7 Prio,e, Eli K, Es s ,.. 1 Daft % T W,''''' '' si price, Ell l' gW:' 1,736: Durdap, W H ". 11974 Price, Elf X - ' .. 2,67.6 Dupaer, I) "'l,lOO Price, Ell.K:' - 'trtur.. 200 • Drolare• Jr, W A....• 6,976 Price, - Eitgy Mrs: . 330 Davis; Ja5.......... 1,980 Prime Ell IC, trus.. 880 •ILhiale, 1F5 .. .: - ...., • 400 Price, S Sergeant.. 4,351 Dillies, Wm , 484 Price, J Sergeant; `Diehl, TV , ' - • '''"'`, .' 748 committee:of M. 01 Dlehl,Tdergarette M 2, 271 Illeakell_.:' ....- ... 1,280 De Angege;G, guar 102 Priee, T Sergeant, I Diriorwr M•.. 2,200 truste e •''' 806 Du BoueVat; 0 A " .. 400 Primo, J Sergeant, Drysdale,.T M 2,300 trustee • 321 De Haven; A H.... 798 Quicksall, T M.... 0,036 Dryburgh, .1 61 . 2,541 Quin, Lents, Jr. .. 200 Darnell, Yele. .. .... . 496 Rotherinel, Lei 15.16,032 Drew, Louisa 2,100 Rotherniel, P F.... 1,252 Davis, G W 884 Belsky, James 1,526 Davls,•'lFE:...• -: .. 1,189 Hefty, James, err 300 Emerfok,WilleMlna 663 Ritter, Abraham.. 7,000 •Emericki-Auguertue 289 Rothe, A 20 Evans, °has.. ..... 4 ; 267 Rodman, Lewis.... 7,038 Evans. Thos 7,313 Rater, Ft 230 Earp, Thos .. - ....... 16,642 Riter, Mrs Matilda 210 Harp,' Thee, trust.. 8,966 Reynolds, Thompenl4,97s Earp, Thor, trust.. 3,090 Raton, .7 W • 9,795 Earp, Tho 6, Inlet:. 8,114 Ridgway. Trios ~.. 1 3,421 Eyre,- Wm • - 280:Hobert% George H 4 938 Eyre, Edw E. 380 Repplie ,r Susan P 2B Ellison, Al B 41,944 Reynolds , Mrs A R 3,789 Earhart, J It 106 S Robeson, 0 (I 890 Eberheart, A R.-- 80 butter, George H.. 433 Emory 'l' Elsenbery, W 6, 400 Riddle, J 495 Richards, W 1, M; D.... 1,000 , 316 Earle, Mrs George. 500 Ritter, J. Rush 150 Evans, 0 T 10342 Ross, A 11 123 Minton, E G 1,665 Rankin, Andrew... 662 Erwin,•.T Warner- 2,703. Robins, Geo W.... 1,487 Evans,•J Wietar. _. 72 Rene, 0 G 678 Evans, Margaret :E I‘2o/ Ryan, Jae 1,949 Evans, Julia D.... 14872 Reilly, Dennis.-- 812 Farnnm, John, true Ryan, Francis 298 for Mary Davis .. 400 Ruth. Adam 5,036 Fahnestoek, G W..2:4396 Reeves, K 13 56 Barnum, Sarah E.. 11,229 Reed, W A ... 2,058 Fassitt, Margaret.. 5,431 Binge, Conrad 80 Feb's, 0 W 41942 Rupp, Thomas.- - 685 • Flanagan, Stephen.43,l29 Rapson, G H 2,139' .. Ferguson, Bryant.. 6,081 Robinson, It 13- 2,081 - I Ferguson, Julia G. 060 Rulon, N 1 100 Fry, Jacob 1,578, Smith, Joseph P.. • 7, 2 71 Fish, A .7 368:Sosith, Cleorge R.. 4,611 Field,Harvey 7,299 Sharplese, HAI, 02.18,628 Feet, Edw 862 Miamian% Joseph J 2,674 Flaw, J F 720 Sharplees, W P.... 1,447 Fox, G W 139 Sharplees, Henry.; 2,835 Fogg, .7 S 200 &Maffei Charles_ 1,241 Franoiscus, A H... 42,414 Sohaffer:PriscillaM 2,195 Fry, Wm T 200 Schaffer, W L ' 4,500 Fry, Mrs T 88 Schaffer, Elizabeth. 1,200 Fell, Franklin 2,888 Stewardson, Ann.. 1,931 Fell, W Jenks.... 1,081 Safford, 11 W.. 4... 720 Field, Jam 1,541 Sibley, John . 8,633 Fulton, Mahlon.... 900 Simpson, Win 28,300 Forsyth W H.... 400 Seeger, Ann 878 Faseitt, ' ll. L 890 Sower, 0 G 8,902 Fox,Saml, adman - Steever, G W 11,843 IstTutor estate of 'Stewart, O B 655 Wm L Fox 11,422 1 Southworth, 3H...10,145 Gilbert, Henry R.. 12,8213'Southwlok, John A 1,050 Gilbert, Henry R, Sloan, Henry 8,485 trustee 1,656 Sloan, Henry, trust 2,089 Gilbert, Henry R, Sloan, Henry, trust 2,089 trustee 1,068 Sloan, Henry, trust2,oB9 Gilbert, Henry R, Showell, Ellen M.. 1,412 • trustee 1,668 Showell, E, admrx. 4,183 Gilbert, Mary 4 2,142 Sonll, David-..-.. 22,802 'Gilbert, John 6,922 Scull, Hannah W.. 840 Gilbert, John, tn:Ve 68 Soull, David, Jr.... 29,807 Gilbert, David 6,700 Smyt 5amue1....2,979 Gaul, Wm 10,576 Smyth: Amanda G . 787 Graham, D 20,384 Silasth, Win 0......19,658. Gibbs, Jae D 2,600 Spank, 11 11... .. .... 550 Graff__, Frederick.. • 442 Smith, Sarah 2.... 1,323 Graff Fred, exeo'r. 5,877 Shoemaker, F'.7..„ 3,852 Graf'__ Fred, treats. 1,688 Shoemakerl, F . .T; Graff, , Judith 472 attorney 250 Grate, Edw 5,110 Seidenstieker, 0... 190 Grata, Simon, exe'r 2,846 Steel, E K . t .......... 221 Gratz, Simon, trails 1,698 Sharp, Jacob L.... 4,359 Gratz, Simon, trn'e 2,848 Stockton, (Marble., 380 Greiner, ft M 4,618 Shay,. Win,.......... 20 Grelner W al 8,307 Sutter, Daniel...... 800 Green, * A 9,388 Sansbury„ DID 100 Gavit, Nelson 3,300 Sheppard Farman 8,1.00 Goodwin, F J 5,871 Sheppard, Joe 8... 8,301 Gray, Robt E 4,968 Stapleton, R j 1,639 Graham, T It 475 Smith, Clement H. 1,400 Gaveett, James.... 800 Slmea, J W, Jr.... 1,773 Gemmill ,Zach.... 8 , 630 Smith, J F 4,578 Gauge, 0 B • 5301 H. Simes, W F 1,851 Guernsey, H N.... 1,881 Steineon, W 227 Grimm., A 60 Schultz, Wm, Jr... 600 Green, Edw 181 Seal, Alfred • . 3,916 Graff, Paul 8,898 Stead, Thee W 600 Hall, Wilfred 188 Sweeney, Patrick.. 70 Henderson, . G J.... 200 Snowden, George.. 3,006 liendenton,Geo.... 1,580 SOU°, John M. 918 Hand, J . F 2,678 Stevenson, Wm.. .. 100 Hoffman, Saml._. 6,692 Shannon, Mrs F H, Holloway Ohas T.. 4,286 guardian 467 Homan,Jelin 1,213 Suddards, Wm.... 1,541 Hoar, D J . 1,400 Saddards, Mrs Jane LOOO. Hutobins, J E 500 Scott, Win 665 Hlll, Wm 75 Sauerbier, Sarah C 1,020 Harbert, Chas: ....'.7 - 9.280 Steinmetz, John... 875 Hum J W 1,200 Steinmetz, PM.- 620 liongis John L.... 6,817 Stryker, John 8... 5,6 5 3 Holt, eth 65 Smith, Wm 1,230 Harlan, S E 840 Swift, Paul 779 Henderson, AF.... 33 Sole:afield, Edwin.. 3,000 Haines, S E 82 Snyder, Mary . 77 Harbert, J D 200 Shnlze, A C 1,586 Ha any, W F 1,608 Smith, Z A. ..... ... 48 Holland, Lambert. 136 Snlger, Isaac 325 Heald, Edw .. .. . P .. 286 Sharpless, J F 1,497, Hallowell, Rob's, 1,248 Taw, Abraham..... 1,667 Hoopes, Edw 18,225 Truman, George,Jr 400. Harper, David 330 Timmins, Opals W 50 Harper; Jacob 830 Troutman, Geo 61. 5,892 Hoyl, Francis 1,518 Townsend, Jos 8... 8,072 Hartskorn, Henry. 1,700 Towneend;3l3,ex'Fl6,ollB Herring, d onate ... 6,336 Townsend,..lll, Orr 1,578 Hopper, Deborah.. 1,029 Fhain, David......,..10,607 - Hamilton, Hugh... 4,000 Tobiaa, Joe F ....•6,11011. Harper, B W 188 Tyndale, Hooter.- 8,149: Harper, Mrs Kate. 109 Townsend, E. F.,..... 6,710 Heaton, Augustus. 18,654 Twaddell, John P.. 400 : Hayes, 0 P 1,028 Townsend, FL IK ._...- ' 390 1 Baum, W P 3,555 ,Thomeon, Maryd.. ' 320 Hood, Saud 3,116 Thompson; A M.... 2150 Hood, Mary G 200 Troth, Edward..... 4,625 Hopper, Edward... 1.840 Tucker, Thoe 8,856 Hopper, Edward, Tucker, Thos, true. 2,622 trustee 161 Tucker, Thoe, true. 1,498: Hopper, Edward, Tucker, Thee, true. 1,498 trustee 200 Tucker, Thoe, att'y 1,032 Hopper, Edward, Talmadge, Ohas D. 4,178: trustee 114 Tutor, David 906: Heiskell, Emma H 614 Taylor, Crispin....' 703, Heiskell, Marg't H 1,433 Taylor, lasso 807' Ileiskell, Helen D 690 Tracey, Ellehip.... 18,523' Howe, Caroline A.. 324 Tustin, George S.. 360 - Efartlein, George.. 88 Trimble, Joseph... 8,360 Henderson, Henry. 11,165 Tobias, S 308 Haven, Ohas E.... 1,543 Truman, Geo, att'y 290 Howard, G (3 6,662 Troth, Samuel F... 2,099. Hess, Fi M 1,611 Tyndale, Hector_ 3,100. Heron, Chas 255 Vansyokle, S 8.... 37,981 Hemphill, 0 S 974 Vanayokle,_ ,S 13 re 1,441 Hill, T F .... 979 Van Dyke F re d 8.. MI Hill, E S .... 687 Volgt, E k' 696 Illeberton, G p .... 7,338 Von Publ, Geo.- 1,5616 Hay, R 11 1,600 Vanneman,David. 211' ilertzler, John.... 260 Valentine, J K.... 400 . Holohan, Jno, true- Verree, J a' 20,1126, tee of M A Fox.. 320 Verret, SP, trustee /MO; Halliday, S L 609 Vel(11)6, J P, trustee 2,160 Reines, Ellwood.. 72 Vans George-e 2,700' Erwin, W H 7,257 Wood, George 8.. 12,388, Ingram, C10ud,1... 336 Wood, It 0 81,528 Ire dell, J F 1,149 Wood, Rlohard.... 10,6397 • Seance, Joseph J.. 11.825 Wood, E R 5,261 Noires, Saml 15,081 Wetherill, Maria K 6,340 Jean's, Joseph T.. 20,520 Wetherlll, Rectum:4 1,121 Janney, Ben.] S, Jr 8,607 Wetherill, E If. K. 1,372 . Janney, Mrs L 0 6,188 Wetherlll, Mrs MS 8,59 t Johneion,Robt L.. 21,839 Wetherill, Thee M. 89 Jones, Jos 13,887 Wetherill, Mayor.. 1,451 Jones, Mrs Matilda 2,234 Wetherlll, John M. 2,261 Jordart,Franahi.... 1,596 Wainwright, Wm.. 5,847 ' James, W H 100 Wainwright, 0 R.. 4,978 Johnson, Peter....' 722 Wainwright, S K 4,978 Johnston, W 5..... .608 Wainwright, Jr W. 824 Jones, 3 A .... 214 Wright, Edmond.. 8,200 Jones, W H 204 Woodruff, John... 2,900 Jones, 0 S V Weatherby Jr, D. 684 • lobnson,ll S, Una. Watteon, Thoe....' 5,583 ' tee ........ 164 Watteon, Mary B. 480 Jacobs, M. , ... 10,000 Wieter, Caliper-, 2,438 Kirkpatrick:Edwin 16,152 Watkln,lsaac.... 4,262 Kennedy, J M.... 1 0 ,02 8 Willisine, Isaac S. 1,403 Kennedy,J Marna- Whitaker,__ Wstd. . 8,834 toe 243 Wilson , Wm 14,635 Kennedy, R F.... 975 Walden, Treadwell 1,069 Kennedy,rG 4,730 Walter, Edwin.. .. '2,0 4 7 Kennedy, Samuel.. 600 Williamson Ri ch.. 4,600 Kepnedy, David J.. 182 Watkins, David• .. 250 Keehmle,'W 0 16,077 Woodward, Ann... 783 Klemm, F A 80,392 Woodward, Emily.. 61 Klemm, J 0 • 1,069 Woodward 0 W.. 80 Knowles, G L 8,066 Willits, S i'.l . 800 Knight, D R 1,635 Witte, H W 1,670 Koons, Chas 12,208 WaltOn, Emerlok.. 125 King, Meivina A... 555 Weaver, W W.... 480 Kunkle, Chr W.... 7,998 Wilson, 0 H ' 3,542 Kcely, Isaac , 400 Williams, Thos R.. 5,462 Klett, F 9,096 Williams, Thee R, Knowles, Levi 6,000 trustee 1,808 Kates, Louisa H... 464 Williams, nos R - Kates, Clathartne 34 768 'trustee 1,664 Knack, H W • 71 Wilains.4 R 2,800 &mike% Joseph 1,298 Wolf, Ii It' ' 400 K6trleY, 11250 ' 111 Wolk, wluoughby, 691 AIVI6ION. Linoh, MM. ... $542 Linoh, SWUM 181 Laing, Henry M ... 15,063 LLippincott 8.... 48,635 50 att a, .7 cf . 1 Lewis R A 12,237 Lipmann H L 1, 23 3 Londereitiger,Jacob 782 Lippincott, /88,1PlaT 4,408 Lylbnrn, Henry.... 1,392 L J L i e pp, vering, Edward. 8 200 00 Lugo, J S 900 Lawrence. G W.... 298 ,Leuifer, G W 757 'Leatherman, John. 291 Langton, T Brent l 240 Long, ing Ohm; T. . . 514 Lightfoot, 232 15a1ah..... 341 Landenslager, GOO 732 Loftls, P S 400 Lorick, J J 2,924 'Leon, Jos &I 538 Lippincott,Hannah 1,841 'Lippincott, Emily.. 1,782 Lax, Elizabeth 1,811. Leaf, Edward, err 220 Lesley, .7.. 2,299 Longatreth,J4d — ooke 4,212 Marshall,..W L..... 545 Mitchell, W A 18,587 Miller, G & 11,887 Myers, J B, Jr 16,778 .Myere, Mrs J B,Jr. 3,680 Magee, 21,819 Molten, Albert.— 349 MoFadden,Jas.... 1,630 M aseey,-ItV. Jr... 61053 Moseey,Olrs R V,.Tr 1,90 M0P70 13 1 01. I', T,038 Kershow, E F . ' -•- 8,4001 WaYne, Wlt 988 Kershow,_lllre dL. 800 Wallaoe, Thos... . 3,218 Keeney, VII 11.,/,..-...• 698 Williams, Davi.., 103 Keosall, W L alb White , Elizabeth.. 1,629 Kilter, El E... :..... 1,759 Widdideld, Kra At 60 Koooh, 4i. W • • 489 Walton, ,CJ - 697 Kay, Jli 089 Wilson, E ll wood.. 6071 Kendrick, G W.... 79 Whiteman. W 0.. 500 Katea, 0 S • 400 Williams, JJ 3,500 KeltonDt • Margaret.. 1,302 - Whiter, 21113114._... ' 4,600 J Keen, S. • • 1,480' Whitt*, Esther F.. 1,500 Katee, Sa rah A.. ... . 134 White, R G • :265 Hate& Renee N ... 420 Wharton Jr, Wm. 6,000 Lea, Chas F...-.-... 3,700 While, .. Ambrose:. 8,338 Ler, OhoB F, careen. • Woodward, R J..:. 200 tor of Anna Maria • ` Wardle , Catharine .67 Lea - ,• ...?.- 1,952 Yeager, Raoli o o l 2 i 981 LiVezen_Joii • • 8,754; Zinn, Sohn 1W - [lOO Lir10b,,E115,...,..... 307 1 Z ell, ThoB 111,..... 4'500 , Several commniteatlons in rarerenee to incomes. . . _, alleged to hale beery h aveiitoorreotly'publlshed been 'received. We call - take no notice of them- All .., correctionsmust be made through the 0.3312E80X .., . . of the illstriot In , which errors. occur. . 11EX!teNt CONGREM.*kMfili` SeStilL W:isulloaTow,Tob:l4. SENATE:- • BOIINT/ES-. Kr. - .11tOndildif 'of flew York...introduced a bill to wend an with si!utholize the employment of yolauteers to aid isferlioicibg thelaws and proteatituf Pabliur Pro perty. a 'ye if "My 23. - 1851.) It. authorizes the giving .of haunt ' , 49,hrinorably diecitatted . soldiers Wy /Mire - airek4rrk a two ypars, the same as &renew', lownd ~ forthrief ' Weele'S; aid , entitles the' heirs' of wash 'soldier.%,,mthemree bounty. It also dives the fuLereasonbo t those who woad , been'entitlecrto• diele e t s tlreasonof‘woande,' bin whose term of eer= • y i lr in .evired within two - years_ frowthb date of ea ' *MEOW 3F : Mr. spitAGUS, of Rhode and . istroduted cheek OttlViaband trede, , atid , to provide a fund for the /ado(*est loyefrefttgees from the State. of Texas It di a commuruipt anent At the United Stateaat Mataiti 12 Heide% parsacnt to instructions from of State:- to charge one neat per Pound on 2 t .lt cot ~ wool. and dry Tallies, and . two cents: per "predeirm cen note intended for shipment to-nuy port. .., of Oa States, provided snob agenlehell be sant ftedtimt• hshipment le , the podnot of say State or Territo • f the United States; and he farther author. kited ire • y each prowiede.orits ninth as mayhe need ed, to.elle! of I.D.OVIRA Igyal-etti zest% of the United fitness• remoras, refugees. from Texas. The rest ;due tut rings, rtiiidert the with tda present • • , 020,1111 on does not' mtemild. :three thousand.d.ollarc , per 210. it Imo. referred,to the Committee on 71-, r , 001111IS8ION ON-TAXATION. I Mr SP.KAII - ,- of Ohio, o ff ered a joint resolatten pro for the appointment by the eeoretery of, the T f a rammistien or three persons to eremite t late' Mort upon thesubject'of releing revenue by tpi he articles moot fltAer taxation; the amount. Mi. NN BSS, oLClalLfornis.„ moved as an amend. meat , one of the commissioners shall be appointed Po errttoriee-outhe Pacific coast- He explained the f ' heel:wary to make' this provision in order to have. refits of the Phallic-States represented. ; Mr.. ' .111111LN did not think it wise to encumber t snob :- •• . petition with - an amendment like that pr . .pas ', : ...Connese. . He hadm m o donut the Seite. of hit would see that the interests of the` 4 P al - were represented in the .couttniesien. - T 6 P ' . echalir peal:theta & fiftieth of the revenuer f the ; try,and is would-be axial:Art° ask for it a third / of Lb' ` mmission. . . „ . L :Me dolman thin explabird:the IMPortalice °rant% s eo mien as he wished to • have appointed. The con on of the tax bill in the present Congress wall an illta' loth , There were but_ten-or twelve working dayrinfog to this Congress. and the bill had yet to be idered. In the Finance Committee; exti. then in Ili - ate. With the'result of the labors of each a commbeion as he proposed .beforsCODlMllle both H 011866 .t angelic& • mideretandingly and with more satisfaction ht ' old attend the deliberations of • the closing howls 113'WeET: otNevada: spoke of the necessity . of ha the minter interest elthe - fir West represented iI amendment of Mr. Connese was subsequently sel . ern. • ~'..- LASH, of New Hampshire, offered an emend. medlfthatlhe commissioners be instructed to ingnire i:TTr e i7l f r """ t he - in ttfVyAL tiere:l4e 'resolution of Mr 13hermitn. as amended, Was then EM . r DEM. over tlllidondey. . il Rows, :PIM MRS, WaiGirr. _ . Ocibotion of MY: MOWARD, a joint resolution was addicted. glyhag to Mrsi Lucy A. Wright. late of Rich mond. Par: fifteen hundred dollars for the relief ex tendied by her to prisonerrof war in rebel hands. •i KEIRTimo. • , ANTHONY, of Rhode Island, from the Committee on trtingmticommended the printing of two thousand co of the report of the Naval Commission in refe. • to the- establishment of a naval depot In the _lain waters. motion of Mr.• TOECiffION. of Maryland, 20,000 ae- Pl. .of the addresses delivered on the subject - of the death 'of the•late -fie eater Hicks were ordered to be , - INTSBeSTAITI 6071M8R08. CHANDDEB, of ifichigan, desired to ran up the • railroad bid to regniate-commerce between the several Mates: and have It ms de thin special order for Monday. - HHOldWor-Ilissoctri; said this bill was nothing . but a cat-throat-arrangemenh between two railroads to neawilich woydd•make the mast money. He was op• wised to poitponingimPortant business to give way for each a measure. • . - • ''Mr.DOoGlTTLlSoF*leoolleln.waeopposedtoreakint Mr: Chandler's specie& order for Meader', as he wished that day , t o ' be deleted. to . the eonslderatlon of Kr FOSTER, of Oonueottcu -was opposed to making aiy bill the spectal`order atthle late day of the seed° a. Itcould do no goods IO could be set aside hr a majority at time. tang APPEoIestIATION BILL. After some further asaussiner Mr. SHERMAN moved to postpone all prior orders and take up the army appro. prletion CIL Mieurmy appropriation bill was then taken 11P. The.Pinance Committee recommended the striking out of a o,Wridicin oteku Horne bill, that no money shall be Kidd° "land-grant/ 4 rallicada • for the transportation of troops and munitions or.war.fos4he United States. Mr. - COWAN, ofParstrylvania, moved an amend ment that ` land- grant,' _ railroads shall be paid for the transporting troops, ac-, bat that the subject shall be open for adjustment. hereafter, and that in paying the Congrepedoee not adman the-right of the roads to claim compensation, Mr. WILSON, or-Massaelisetts. was opposed to the Provision proposed to be stricken out. That provision, if not stricken out, he said, would have the effect of ruining all the smell "land. grant" roads in the coun qtr. LIIINDERSON.% of Missouri, spoke of the us.: inesity of striking out/the provision of the House bill: If not stricken out, the Pacific Railroad Company, Kansas City, couldnot be completed, and farther work upon It would have be abandoned. Mr. Cowan's amendment was rej acted. • The amendment of• the committee was adopted, and the provision referred-to was stricken oat. - Mr. SHERILAN,I of Ohio, offered an amendment making an aPPropnationof eleven millions to supply de ficiencies in the appropriations for the present decal year. Adopted. On motion of Mr. -WILSON. the following Provielomr were added by way of amendment: That from and/after the let of March, 1865, and during the continuance of the present rebellion, the commate lion price of officers'. enbsisten ce shall be fifty cents par. ration, provided that said , increase shall not apfgy to the commutatio.n. prise of the rations. of any officers above We rank /of brevet brigadier general, or of any officer entitled- to commutation for fuel or smartens; that all cincere-of volunteers below the rank of brigadier general, now in commission, who shalt 'continue in the military service till the dote . of the wa-, shall be' entitled% to receive three% months' pay proper; Provided, That the provider% of this section shall not apply' to offices e not on duly. or to officers entitled to commutation of fuel and quarters. That commissioned of serving in the field shall be permitted herealterlo purehaserations for their own ale on credit from the Commissary Department, and the amount due for rations so parchased Shall be reported monthly to the Paymaster Oeneral,.to be deducted front therm ynent next following such Mr. SPRAGIIEr.of•Rhode Island, offered an amend ment making it obligatory upon chaplains to hold reli gions soviets once a- week and to attend the burial service of soldiers who died, etc. Rejected. Mr WlLSONnffereden amendment that the Seoratary of War bedirectedso farnleh, at the cost rate, not exceed ing sixteen ounces of tobacco per month to each soldier who may desire IL.the cost to be deducted from their pay. EMOOGINZTION. OF .LOlll iar A• Mr. TRUMBULL, of Illinois, offered an amendment. providing for the repeal of ail laws and regulat of the War Department giving additional rank or pa to regular oftleereur volunteer.. Adopted. The bill as amended was then passed. Mr. TRIMIBUIA, from the Committee on the Judi ciary, reported, a resolution recognizing the. State go— vernment of, :Louisiana and the right of that State to Senators in Congress. RigißL CANARD Mr. sagraßraT, of Delaware, offered thelollowinx resolution, widen, was objected to, and lies over. under the rule: • •- • .. Alberta re B rolnw a n ,s la p te h mecemn b tl e y d o e li hi er b d dby tahßnow . a member. of the Confederate Congress, as reported in the Pew York Horrhol of the 4th lust, the following statement llamado "Stanton. the last of this ignoble trio of • ;blatant. Democrats, alone remained. It. seemed that lie had , no power to disgust Lincoln; It might be. because he wasbaser than the cithentwo. Be rather thought Islam, for of all unmitigated [alsihers of. sacred. pledges and undis gu ised betrayers of the confidence whioh he himself had created „Mdwln M. Stanton was the meanest and the basest. Me had one consolation. in thinking of this man Stanton, and that wee that he would: be. *attain, sooner or later. to betray Lim coin. Stanton wee incapable of keeping faith. Re had a fondness for betraying those who. IMPS him their confidence that has become the, charts of his life. Mr.' Brown related en. interview which be had with the present Yankee .Secrelary of War, joist before he (Mr. -B.) left Washington the. Last, time. It was under eircrusetantes peculiarly calculated to impress Mr.. Brown. His State had withdrawn from the Union. Mr. Brown was passing out of the Senate and Mr. Stanton from theSapreme Court. Their met by accident In front of the Old Capitol. when•the conver natlottnised at once on secession the eel - 1.011.4f Minis- Slept on the queetion, and Mr. B. 's withdrawal from tow genets : Mr. Brown. was surprised. andrinder the circumstances delighted to bear Mr. Stanton say - the South was right, and expreseed an earnest, hope that she would stand firm. • Yon are right. lid he. •Go home and urge your friends to stand by, what, they have done, and all will be well. Firmness now will secure you all 7011 ask. Any washstand )(Mare lost. And whereas. In the judgment of the Senate, no per son, whose patriotism and fidelity to. the Constitution and Government of the United States maybe question ed, should be a member of the Cabinet of the United States of the Freesia loyal and patriotic Executive; Therefore, )he solved, That a committee of Eve members of the matebe appointed by the presidintoSeer thereof to nquiry in reference to the truth or falsity of the charges,hereinbefore as aforesaid recited; and. in re. Terence to the patriotism and loyalty of the said Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. past, and present, with leave to take testimony and; to make report in writing to the Senate. Mr. S*ULSBITHT pledged himself to produce proof of the above charges against-Mr. Stanton U afforded an op-. portmatty. The Senate then adjourned. HOUSE OE REPRESENTATIVES. RATIONS. On motion of Mr. Id1(113B801.1., of Illinois, the Com mittee on Military Affairs were instructed to Impairs into the expediency of provid lug, in all eases where lees than full rations are issuenoto soldiers, the difference shall bo made up in money• AMBWDMHIeT6 TO TAX BILL. The BOtlea proceeded ta act on the amendment report ed yesterday from the Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, to. the bill amending the Internal Revenue bill. Among the amend mesas uncured in were the follow ing - Do man not enrolled tor military service, cues of physical disability excepted, shell be entitled to take out a license as a politer, and on all smoking tobaem. thirty-live cents per pound, excepting on smoking to • bawl made exclusivelyof stems, which latter is fixed at dl teen umlaut. pound. This is the only change in the amendment as reported by the Committee of ways and Means on that article. The tare; on diamonds.-emerald!,-precious atones, and Imitations thereof, and all other jewelry , Is reduced to a duty of five per centum ad valorem. All the amendments reported from the Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, were concurred in : with the exception of a few which were reseryed for separate votes. Mr. IdOEHILL, of Vermont, called attention to soma of them, including the tax on sales He said we may bear the restriction on foreign trade, but within thessat area of the United States it is vital that we shonld leave our trade free. As to the amendment of the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Hr. &arena) proposing to ta-740/d sales, etc., if any other .bad offered the proposition he should regard it an absurd - . He trusted the yote.to-daY may show that the vote in committee yesterday in fa vor of it.was given in mere good nature. Thai lam here tofore passed on the euV i ot was repealed because it could not be enforced e expressed Ida sitildaolion that the committee bad nearly nnanimersely agreed upon a bill which would contribute so materially to the A, of the Government. " The DM How* concurred, by a vote of TiWeas against 68 nays. in striking out the proposed incuaiipe of fifty cents additional on a barrel of ale beer , lager hoer, porter, and other etnglar fermented ' liquors, 'They tnarefore remain at one dollar per barrel. The House aleo concurred in thoamendment that sub stitute brokers pay a license of one hundred dollars, and ten dollars for every substitute accepted. An amendment was tae le the 108 d section of the present law imposing a duty of two and a half per cesium on the net instead of on the gross receipts of railroads, canals, steamboat% ships barges, canal boats, vessels, stage coulee,. and vehicles transporting passengers or property for the, eta where eke net re. celpts are under; three thousand dollars, and dire per septum on the eneroba. Tate amendment was concurred in by a vote of 86 yeas against 66 nays. An. ernendment'was .-tdoptst providing thet stamps May be mixed deeds, tuotrumente, documents, caritings. or papers where thaeltale have beeli elakttet, te payment for these atamp a, ant a penalty of fifty dollare; Wlietl i.l tAtletactonlytitiNialict that thshistniwkal* been'omitted calm Ate Inadvertence or erclem, withedit wilinl, design,. stamp* may be &axed merely on the peyrsent for the atikrdr. The a`Mendabeit to tat Sal aseile-hilf Of OM liter Mahn* was notconenrree kl—Teas wale 76--as follows: • ISA& HrtKlektiardd ( ( oan, ); Pattern**. ftne„ Pike, Jenclies. PourerKamme r R ica ( e.), Keller.. Klee ( stool, Kellogg Mich N (re, Kellogg ahenok. Knox, - • mama, Littletohta , Smitki Leon, Smitheni , Ogyear. - Spalding; • Starry ler (ll z Y. ). Tracy*, Moorhead. Lipson.. rrla(N. Y. P. Yen Valkenbutt, Doyen,. L., Washburn Olfinno . gethon, Wheeler, Morten. -- Williams, . a`lraill (Pa. L Wood, Perftender Peahen, NAYS. MLitt. J. 0. ,APorrill. Allison, Oanson, wnrris (Ohio). Ancona Gar d a lik• 'Myers, Ammo Arnold; - Gelder.- . Noble. BaSey Orrewoldir•(OW), Baldwin (filteh.li Harding." ronot*toth Baxter., Harrington • .- Prue, . Blair. Harris (uvr, Randall> (Kr': ). Blase.lHermok. Brooks, wonp nr , Bellinn CO./. Broomall • linhbard-(101 • 'Boss. Brown (W.Va..). Ingersoll. Scofield , : Mauler. --- larnson (Olde)l; Steele (`O.. Y.). Oter. Kaibtleisch. Steele (W. I. N. Co Toth, -- Karnali. Stevens, vox, , - King, •Stewart, ; Cravens', - Knapp, Thayer. ,Orerowelli Lasser. Wadswortili' Dawson. • Le Blond. Ward. Deming. Long. Washburn. (111.), Dezusioon. - Mallory, WhaleY• Ed en , . , ware', White, Som. W . Edgerton. Marvin. on. Starlit's*. McAllister, infield. English, • Miller,(Pa.). Wiodbridge. The House voted on Mr. Wilson's amendment that every national bank or State bank statandation shall pay a tax Of ten per madam on the amount' of notes of any Ftatehank or easedation paid Out by.thein on or after' drat January next. The vote was then annonneed oa concurring in. the amendment--vele SS. Ante' 457 — *a lig" laws: Arose, Agbley, Baidorts (41155.), Beaman. Blow. Pontwel.l. Boyd; Bran:lam. Brown (Wis.)... Clark. A. , W. - Clarke. towage Cobb. Cole, Davis (F. T.). Dixon. Briggs. Eliot, Frirnsworib. Copal. Mew. TIM Hooch. Rigby. ' Hooper, Hubbard. (rogra). 'Hubbard (Corm). Ingersoll, Senates.- • ' Japan. 'Casson. Ile/Ley. Kalov: (Mich). Kellogg (A. Kam • Littlejohn. Lonmar. Marvin. MoOinrsr, (31. T. Moorheaa: Morris (M, Y.). yers. % Am ALM Leona os rd Ames'. Aramld. Aobley. Baxtiffr Beamaw, Blow. Bontwell e Boyd. BrandigLlNG , Broontsill. Cloaks. F. Cobb.:, Colo, Davis (I r. )i• Dixon, „Miami - Eokley.. Firnewortht. zGarlield. NAIL Bardlie. • Marrieeloik• Herd* taih . Herrick, - Rabberd. Johnson Melo), Malbfletuole, Kerwin. King; ERSPN- Lamer,. Leblone. Mellory, fr e ar atihr, Miller (ra,): ffidrrtf KorrlziOhion , Iderrlsoni • Nelson. Noble. Odell. • Allen. Ina a `Ancona. !Bail? • . „Baldqiin . (3itchfr 'Brooke. Blown (Whin - BroMit Chamfer, Clay Dawson, Deming,. Dennison; Eden. Edgerton, 'Eldridge, Edghsh, nook, °rider, .Ortewold, , • air. BROOKS;- - of ifew , Torict who' flint voted , . in the negative, changed--hie vote to the affirmative, in order to move a rerenudderation. A. motion ,wee- made , to lay that motion. on the table, which wee canied by the casting vote of the Speaker, so the vote adopting the amendmentwae not moon sidend. MILIITIII7BI4IO•ADICENDMANVERFECITEID. The House next voted on Mr. Stevens' amendment defining a Mallon broker to he one who buys or cells gold at prices above' the mint valuer unless-solely for the purpose of paying duties on imports,.or for exporta tion ; requiring every bullion broker to take out a thou. sand dollars lieeni3o, or otherwise be deemed. guilty of a misdemeanor, and besides forfeit and e pay flea then. sand dollareiten per cent= to be-paid on. each sale and purchase of gold. The House raieeted the exact dment--yeas 381 nays N. ria follows; • Hubbard, (Conn), Ingereoll, Keller.. Kellogg: ( Knox, Littlejohn, • Loan, Longyear, Haydn. McClurg. Idoerhea _,d Morris (lf.• ". HAYS. Griswold Harding, • Harrington. •. Barri/1(1UL). • Herrick, Hooper, Hubbard, Hutchins, Janeiro, Johnson (Ohio)l t. Kalbfleilich, • : Kellogg (Mich.), Kerman. King, Knapp, • Law, Leblond, ltea s itry, Ma Mo r aeter. McKinney, Miller M an ua Y.), Miller Manua ), Morrill Morris (Ohio), t Morrison, Nelson, Noble, Anderson, Ashley. Batley. Baster, Beaman, Blow, ' Boyd, Brandsgee," Cobb., Briggs, Beckley, Rigby, Hubbard (LAM) Allen, J. D. / Allison, Ames, Ancona,Ainold Baldwin (Elam ). Bliss; Boufreli. • Broo roomall ke, . Brown ( 0 /11/ Brown (W.Va.). Clark, A. Wt. Clarke. F. r . Cofffoth, . Cole. Cravens. Davis (Mr./. - 'Dawson, Dennison, Dixon, Eden. Edgerton,. Eliot English, Farnswogh.. Finch, - Gannon, Garfield, TOEB AMENDATORY BILD.PARBED.: -.The: amendatory baternal Revennewbill was then Placed.. itILITAILY BILLS VABBED. Mr. SOWIMOK. of Ohio, from the Oorareittee on Mili tary Affairs, reported the following Senate bills,-whicia were passed: To rowel an act to remove the O S.-Arsenal from St. Lotda.. Autliorieing the President to appoint a second-assist. gut Secretary of War, at Be, 000 per-annum Providing for the publication Of aiDill. army mister and defining what shall constitute officers' servants. Mr. SCEIBMOS also reported a till proyidiag that any person in Shwas= charged with so .offence • under the acts culling oat the militia may babrought before a field officer of hie regiment for trial and puniehed, but no thing herein shall be construed to abolish regiment or garrison courts martial; and also a bill authorising the President to make transfers of truly:officers from line-to sterility, etc. ; and a bill for the better organization of the subsistence department. These bills were severally peosed.. NSITIJEDIES AND FREEPIDIOS'eI BUREAU.. Mr SCHENCK also reported e...b111. to establish in the Waraspartment a bureau for refugees and freedmen . s affair_;_ etc. Be said it made 320 diskinetiozon acoonst of solar, but was intended to provide for the relief of Whits refugees. The bill was passed. INCREASED AP,NE:,PAX.. Ma TB/MASI, of Kentucky. from the Committee on IWnary Affairs, reported a bill. to increase the parer °Mom of the army below the grade of brigadier gene ral,and exempting officers from,all income and war fax. On motion of Mt..BOSS, an amendment was made in exeasthgthe pay of privates to twenty dollars a month. The bill was then recommitted to the Military. Com, =Wee, who subsequently reported the bill as it was originally introduced, and It was paned.. Air. GARFIELD reported a hllifrom the.Oommittee on Affaire.determintny .itie rank of atlieere re-en. taring the military service, and it was passed. ROAD TOJCAINV. Wag. Mr. FLRNSW ORTH, of Illinois, from he Committee an Military Affairs. reported a bill authorizing the Northern Central Railroad Company ot Pennsylvania and Maryland. or their assignees, to construct a branch railroad between the boroagh dl York and Baltimore. in an air line to Weehingtca. in order to facilitate postal and military communication between Washington and ew York. The company is authorized to increase their capital to the extettof tw4. millions of dollars. The road to be a double treat, provided with. all ap pliances for the transportation o troop!, and to be ona. plated in two yews. Taraacents are to be charged per mile for passengers, and ear cents a ton on freight. Mr. SRNDLIVION. of Ohio, objected to the aecond, reading of the The, quettion therefore.ocearred on los rejection. Mr. FARNSWORTH sold it neceissary to have the road as proposed. and be pointed to thefact that_not one cent. was appropriated by thiabill. Mr. THOMAS , of Maryland, desired a postponement of the bill. A mong other ; reagens. „the .Legislature of that Stale, now in Roulet, should have an Opportunity of looking into the svideet. Besides. this bi ll was in conflict with the decision of_the Supreme Court of the United States, and in deroation of the rights of the State of Maryland.. The -legislation, proposed for the benefit of the Northern Central - Railroad was to strike a heavy blow at the Begi n and Ohio Enliroad. The fartber..consideration of the subject wag Post poned for tairdays: AXENDATOW EN.IXOLWITILOT. Mr. 801111110 K, or.Olde, called cip the bill; ainendie tatty 'sleek, the.enrelmentaet,.peediutwltch the Beam at t 34 0 sleek, adjouraea., NSW Ttiinfkii. Special Correepraskence of The Peens.) • Nsw.,3r.ozir. Fob. 1.0866. 1.4.8 OLD, OLD gl,lO/L3L, John Beall, ,eminent pirate and conspirator In favor of railway socidents,was yesterday respited, when to-day he should have ,bean hung. The most indignant criticism has been provoked by this ex tension of oheap olemency. Them trials by mill tory courts are fast passing out of• the domain of the farcical Into that of the absolute burlesque, much to the dolight of our resident Secessionists and bounty -jumpers. Justice holds her high 'spurt with a grin upon her face, and puts on the fool's cap when aheyronounces sentence. Some of the &polo. gists for this prevalent method of procedure allege that the rebels have threatened retaliation in case Beall atoll be hung—a tender•headed argument In favor of the burleaquerle which makes but few con verts.. There are other apologies offered upon the street! . today, which are not worth mentioning. Men turn away from them, with ths sense that they are befog trifled with--a sense whloh Is sickening and discouraging. THE TEIBITHE r.raar. 08.811 has been decided in favor of the defendant. Oonnt Johannes, therefore, has to forego the pleasure of accepting a $10,940,, check from htr. Greeley. The witnesses, who were examined during the closing hours of the notable trial were all persons of repu tation more or lesapublio, and the quality of their testimony exalted much attention. Dr. Francis Lieber, professor of history and political science, was examined ripen the question of titles, it being a point with the defence to prove, if possible, that the plaintiff's title of • "Mint" was conferred without authority. Theo. W. Dwight, professor of munlot pal law at Columbia College, testified relative to the same point. Geo. W. Curtis, Frederick Kapp, and P. 'P. Barnum were also placed upon the stand, and the testimony of the latter, which took the shape of a sharp combat of wit with Johannes, and was characterized by some little asperity, excited much laughter. • After a deliberation of fifteen minutes the jury found a verdict adverse to the Cormtis claim. The Herald reporter gives his version of the scene which ensued in these words : The Count seemed completely taken aback by the announcement, and stood leaning against the table for fully ten minutes without uttering a word. Hs then gathered up his papers in a ,paeohantbal manner, and quietly slipped out of court, com pletely ereStfalieU at the result of all his Mors, When our. reporter last saw htre he did not look like a man who would bring another libel suit in a CONVICTION out vantay. - • Tae inry, ta Wte 044100 t gionlAr4 PlOrTs-desPito tie cagestons pug. thst Lk* killing was aotnadtted. white the scottged vfas Wm - ring under Insanity re stattla frOm intoziairflon, toned him guilty of war der In Mg first degree. No sympathy is felt for glut, for the clime wee oerladnly one of the moat aced• blooded Which, since the murder of Bill Poole many years ago, has stained the annals of metropolitan' viciousness. This fact, abbot - ding to the mOderll rule, should by every pfopriety entitle him to pardon. avilVinga BTOdit salmi% (By Teletrank. At Gallagheer itmdiange r Mils evening, gold opened at 2047 i ;• ew York Central, 1121( • Erie, 74; Hudson River,- 108 ' Readibg, 11n ; imam gan Central, 1111( y Michigan Southern, ,• TM mole Central, 1193( ; Pllttabang, 8236'.;-Glevoland and , T01ed0,112%; Oloago and Rook Island, 9& ; North western, 841‘; Fort Wayne, 1481(7 Ohio and Minis. sfppi certificates, 27 ; Cremborland CbM, 61; Quick silver, 84 ;711ariposa, 113 r. The stook, market war dull, except For Camber- rand and Mariposa, which , were active: Gold waa strong on call, but yielded' afterwards, and closed at 204. , MEMEL PRISONGI2.B AT POW N'HANIAI r -GZIIANYISS OW Tar. 7/ALL OW OHAZIANSTON KtLITALSW °KANGAS. tisammosar, FetwlB.—The Norfolk boat hermit arrived.. She has 6een detained b the storki: ;About 1,000 rebel prisoners are aow at Fbri. Bre; ffeenry,..awaiting transportation , fir excihanete; A number of them take the oath of mllegitulow - dkilY and are ilberated. Thbre are rumors here that Chariest§ has Mien. Captain Tk it. Gilman, of the ' , legalise army, oom; miesiry of subsisteucie of this Department', has boon retired, and is succeeded by Captain lioWard Wellt, tinned States Volunteers, who two beenoca• neoted with the commissary. .departmentitere elhoa the beginning of the rebellion. Detalt of GO. James; El. Waiinco at 'LOCO,. Lotnevintz, Feb. 111.—001. Sun, S. Wallace, formerly of the Philadelphia Sun, and for the pat etz years connoted with the , editorial department' of the 'LbulaTille Journal, died this moralogdioal paralysis. Nori e °Will ns i! Pa.). Pattercea. • Per - • Plke. Blow (litrukh Mee " liabenek. Shannon. , Smish; antihero. ' Spaulding,. Starr. • - Thayer. [Tracy. Upson. Waatiburneentii Washburn (iSmi Wilder WeedbridCe.. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL TIM Milne:la news brought by the last Rozopetai steamer, so far ; at least, as it concerns this *m inim. ir is tl whigheat degree favorable. The first effect of the intislitgence' of this fall of Fort Fisher in England was to puttrotted States securities tip ugigiivil cent, and the Confederate loan-fell off In about the same propor tion, Monoliths exact quotation was not given. Bat a short theteago the London Times sought to *nom Unt ied Stales securities, while the shrewd Germans were buying thin? at 46 to 46. Now Englishmen are baying them at &Valid there ',more anxiety to buy thin t? sell. Thin.ie plea:dog Intelligenie-adorably so 'bemuse It is well that those who sympathized with no la our' darkest days - should maker money at the expense of as pitalists W9O sympathized with the rebels, and sought to turn this sympathy to good acrovant. The blockade runners, the holders of Confederate bonds, and the de. criers of American securities are now mitering in that part where this Englishman is most 'sensitive—the pocket. In ir financial point of view this news from Ragland' is very Important, as it pro mises to exerette - a powerful Mariann on oar market. It will' strengthen the confidence of oar own people in thkee securities,, in the first place, and in the next place it must depress the price of gold, Beavy purchases of bonds on foreign account wilt, of mous,, increase the supply of exchange. Meantime, oar exports of produce are fair, and oar imports of foreign goods are light: What, then, is to prevent im ports of gold from Romper - If the excess of exchange continues, this meet be done, for it is not to be sup posed that: exchange will be seliDat a discount greater than the cost of shipping coin. The effect of such a movement on our gold market zsayreadily be imagined. Already weak, and trembling as if on the brink of a Precipice, favorable military news, coming on the heels of the foreign advice., and coupled with the easy working of oar foreign trade-balanoes,would send prices tumbling. The public-are now looking steadily for lower rates. Dealersexpectiedecline, and act accord ingly. The market, therefore, has- but little support There is, under the presentwepest off affairs, no consi derable boll party to rush in to risk the experiment of trying to check a downward movement. All, there fore, that is required now to produce an explosion, louder and more fatal than any that has heretofore oc curred, is a considerable military ancorees. With such a success there would, in all probability, be a panic in the gold market such ao hasnotberetofore been expo rimmed. In this direction a• combination of events, at home and abroad; is surely - tending. The stock market on Saturday was not qafte so lively as on the previous day, yet there was a fair amount doing at steady Prices. Governments were rather firmer. The 3281 s sold at- ;. the 1040 s at 102%; the old 6-200 at ill X. and the new at lloX,—the latter being an advance of X. State is were rather weak at 9IX; the war loan 6s sold at 102: City Se (new) declined 1, selling at 94 The heavy debt which filly Councils are rolling op. regardless of the interests of tax-payers. will have Its effect upon the price of the city's securi ties. Even with the large amounts of money being daily received in payment oftener', the warrants of the employees of the city Government cannot be paid, and they are consequently obliged to submit to exorbitant shaves from the brokers. Oarexoellent City Treasurer, Mr Bomm, Ie doing the best in his power to mitigate the evil, yet it still exists to adeplorable extent. There is no geed reason why the bonds of the eft, shotild not sell at par, for the interest is promptly paid, and the principal never falls to be forthcoming at the proper time. Ninety fear is a low figure. but His each a figure as. wider the circumstances, might be expected, when Council. show no disposition to reduce the city debt and curtail extravagant expenditures. There was lit tle doing in railroad company bonds, the sales being confined to Camden and Amboy mortgage fie at WIN; Reading mortgage Os at 9.6 X,. and Lehigh Valley bonds at 99X. The share list was inactive. Reading was steady; Pennsylvania Railroad advanced X; Northern Central. X. and Catawissa preferred, X. North Penn Sylvania steady at 29: Lehigh Valley at It and Little Schuylkill at sgX. The oil stocks improved slightly. Cherry Run advanced L selling at 30; Noble and Dela mater X, selling at6X. and Sugar Creek 2, selling at 6. O'Neill 10hioh. Pendleton, Pomeroy. Pawn', • - Radford. LL Rollins (N - 6). Rollins (MO.). Roes, . Steel (N. Y.). Steele (N. J.). Sterna, Stuart, Sweat, Townsend. Wadsworth, Ward, Whaley. Wheeler. White, J. W.' Wood. Fernando Yemen. Myers. Amos Myers, Ir. Morton. O'Neill (Pa ) Rios M.), Schenck, Shannon, Spaulding, 849Y0110t. 1 1 l ard% IWIIBOE. Odell Patterson, Pendleton.. Peplum. Pomeroy, Pra ltiol(kreee. ). ROB . Bodo e (Kw ) . 1. Smith. fimlehere.. . _ Slarr. ' Steele ( If . .11 )4. Steam Sweat; Thayer, . Towneend. Triton . Tajo Talkenblirlfi Wadsworth; ward.. Washburn UM T. Washburn-OWe/ Whaley. Wheeler. White, J. W: 'Wfillame. Winfield. Wood,. F. Tasman. IL obedience to the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the banks of this city will be closed on Wednesday next, 21d instant. The following were the quotations of gold on Sa turday at the hears named: 10 A. .... P. M 204.41 10.30 " 235 4.30 " 204% 11:80 204Y 2 8 , 30 " 2011 j IP. IC 205 19 so " 204 1.30 P. 2r. 2°6%1).45 " 22.3% & . The subscriptions to the IteW seren-thirty loan re ceived by Jay Cooke on Saturday amounted to $5,082.- 400, including one of $6(0.030 from New York and one of $BOO,OOO from Cincinnati. The total subscriptions, for the week ending on the 18th instant, amount to $26.629,200. - The following new oil companies came on the market last weak: • Foster Farm OH Co. • ..... °spits). Shares. 130,000 Dunlap Creek Oil Co 1,000.000 030,000 Rl:mart Farm Oil C 0.... ....... 1003,000 200,030 North Weetern 011 Co' . 1,000400 200.030 Elk River and gine Creek O il Co . — 1.000,000 103,000 Donely 01100 1,030,003 230,000 Cherry Ron and Fitßole Creek.... 825,000 125,030 Congress 01100 875,000 173, 003 Oak Shade Ott C0.............11e0,000 190.000 Shamrock Oil Co 600,000 260.010 Phenango 011 Co 600,0 0 1000:00 Windsor OR ...... . MAO 103 MO Platt 011 00..' 600000 100,000 Perk Minn en Oil -.•- 300,0 M IEO.OOO Wash f ston Co. Eureka oil . 300.003 16P.000 Pottage Oil and Mining C0.........300.000 112k030 Reatty's Run 011 Co.. .......•...... 800. 000 60.000 Nyereq Oil Co 200,000 :103.200 Big Salmon Pet. and Lumber Co Total (19 companies). A new eounterleit United States Treasury Mote, of the denomination of five dollars, is afloat. It Is poorly exe cuted, the engravings being quite ' coarse and rough in appearance The Goddess of Liberty on the left end of the note, and the ground work around the figured on the solar right-band corner, are very poorly engraved, and present a dim and mixed appearance. The green oit the back is of an indifferent shade, and unlike the genuine. The State Col:AM:ion of Missouri, in session at St Louis. is considering what measures can be adopted to restore the financial credit of the. Commonwealth to its former soundness. Railroads are among the resources from which it is proposed to derive interne. As these roads were mainly built with money and credit fur• fished by the State, and as the debt was ceased almost entirely -by borrowing money to lend to the railroad corporations, it Is proposed to allow the comPaniee to charge twenty per cent additional to their present rates upon all freight and passenger traffic on their lines, and be required to pay into the State Treasury one-sixth of an their gross earnings from all sources of income. The earnings of these roads for the present year are estima ted at eight millions of dollars. If this should be re alized, the stove named item of taxation will alone, daring the very first year, nearly meet the accruing In terest on the whole State indebtedness,. The Chicago Tribune of Tuesday has tne following: The money market was to-day was inactive and quiet. The doll state of trade in general, and the* disincline tdon of merchants to operate, render the demand for money unusually light; and, witbitt lair supply in the hands of bankers, we report the market easier. At the same time the discount houses are acting cautiously, and produce paper is not taken, freely except to good onstomem and with large margins. There is no change in the rate of discount, which is steady at 10 per aunt. per annum ; but the street brokers &recharging TA3Per cent Per month. The declining tendency in gold'hae a depress ing effect on trade. Although. the markets at the Bast have rallied elightly during. the past few days, there. has been little or no response here. Both grain and Provision merchants are dela/ e very little. The supply - 1, of Kasten: exchange is etill.uery light, compared wino the demand, which is unusually brisk, and the markA is very firm at par baying and Yi (premium selling., The bankers generally jape &forward " oreenbaeLV,' to New York every day tovneet their drafts. The Cincinnati Commercial of Wednesday says: **The course of affairs in the money market does not change. There M a demand, or would be, itasking for discounts were wortlorhile, for more than borrewsrs tan get at the high mks of interest now salons' mment —100312 per cent. to_melset customers; Ib®lB for others. There continues to be unite an active call for tho 111114111- thirty notes, partlonlarly in exchange for thvilve per cent. legal-tenders. Ytve-twenty bonds are stesAy at 13,4489 c premium baying, 93a10c premient,:selling- Ten-forties are in good request at 2@23ioprentium. but bankers are nokollering them at leas than Beni : amines, and in most cages they are held above tkiNt. Vouchsrs of recent dates s» offering pretty freely ; lnidikers biI So to Silo off rohranuary and 'February inuos,bnt outsiders Reeking thaw. for investuisat are taking s them. at 14-to /30 better fignree." Drexel 4 . Co. quote: New United States 80ae1 L 1181 , ; f 7 124.2544 ~., ./ RE9 8 „1 .t - • now uon• Quarto/miters' T0ueh0r5.......... .. L .. 6- 6 chid 4,,.• -••-.............. ••••••• •••• • eq. ,220 222 Steritac Bacbaugo.---. ••••••• ..• _ __ ln in Ptee.twenty beqs. ol d ......=no iti i user. •••••• 102 X tO2 1 40:/ , ' As—. 13,401ty bont. • Sales of Stocks-1 TER mot 11EI Walnut Talend..— 21a • 100 011 Creek & C 3. 300 Atlas OD • LSI 100 Egbert 011 100 Bowe' Eddy • 1 100 Shuman Oil • ...• • 1 leo do •• .. Lel 600 Tionesta lit W Panne --. mpg 3% SOO Excelsior - 1 3 le 00 &Merle 011. 600 Bxoelalor 011.• - SAL= IS 0I 100 Reading —.. alarm t 6 100 do .230 66 100 do. ..... ......b0 6 6 400 at 61tob obit .41. i 1000 etlas 1 1000 Mums Ork -630ra 6 100 Friuli On b 6 1 100 140114 46 . Fan -CENTS: BALTIMOISIL lay le. $11,930.1:00 2,89D,00(1 •••••.....•••••• "1,0 • 'leWirir 18,1886. OCE BCA111). 011 • 1-16 110 Conn Meng 100 Caldwell Ou 100 Atlas 1 SI 1041 Creseent city• •160 IX, 10 Palls 011 alak. 144 00 AlLse L SI 100 do • 400 8 1-Ht too Dalian 800 Htbbard b9O es R ROOM.. 100 itoadlns..- ..... .... 5616 1600 Mingo . —. 600 Baur Crook ~ ALIO el 600 do '" eSOwn 6 .403 Rasa so °sa 15 100 Rory MIT* .. 1 100 curry Rill— 4ao 8 6 1 6 100 *Atm pm . TIE WAR PR,101313. WASILLY. Tay :WAR PRI will be sent to frabataibers by marl (per alumni In adnince) an* Tlree eoplee—. ..... .......... ..... 500 Fire copies B 00 Ten ..... .4..15 00 Lergor Clabe than Ten Will be chiwied at the Shine tate. $1 50 per copy. The money mug tawnyr arcempflall the order. 6m5 In no instance can these terms be ecterlat,ed fr.nt they afford eery Utile more than aft/me of paper. Poetinteters are regnected Ca set as esente foe Tex Wan Pease. . To the getter•np of the Club of tea or twenty, ea extra Copy of the paper will be given. BALES AT THE BEGILLARHOAED OF IHROASHE- Reported by Hews. & Co.. No. 60 S. Third et BUPA& BOARD. 10 0Daize11 011 155 SY, 500 St b9Y. px, s slorn Philter ...100 5k N! aiX) Sugar Creak . 1 Ji. 16 5 , do O . FIRST: sim s 20)Mu old 1 op.lllll Ingo 4% • o ep .111 . 60. 1121 IDOsop.llo l 1800 d e n • • lots. ep 110 1//0 II B6s V 5l lota-0.111 lido E t w ar Lk 66.1018.101 900 Efate 61. •••• • lots • DI iota Lab Itch' Bd 8 .• 991 G 206 //grading 1. 1 ./014.a 5 1 • 1 0 i ICO. d0.......66X 3W do—. 0 ,%.26y. 66 OD do • -late 06 • 00 6% , lotil.Blo 66 100 d 0.•;.. .• -.A30 46* SW do-• 1;6 66y, 166 1048 62X1 CO do ..ell' 100 ortlliffil Otor..b'3o 534 10 LlttLe I. . 31 2COZiortk 4 13 Lubiglo VB4 _,••• Aoki 74 28% 100 Outworked% net,. 31 EV d0....-.NI 31 100 Bah Ntv:100. 1 32,/ 6, 'BMW : . , 600 Heading N O 4 68 . 90 ) 800 Sugar 0r.k.8,1 1 k To. 1600,C1t7 6e /3 92)4 WOO d 0.... 121! i d & v 114 a3OO •60— Bp. - 9311 200 Beberl Oft -...1b111 • ZO 3 °I • .336 LCO do dCo Naval 011 tO3 . do .-. •V6E,tllllohoiaa on . 4i 1110100 do , szerdrn, 81 1 1000) City ea. —llw.ltat 99 000 lit itiebolse . olts. 414 S oxio maze Os. . . 91, 2 40 Wfilaut lank .111. 100 ()stair 11....0). iii i :'* ' ) 'OO Noble & Worm?. • 100 Broiler 011....19):<1 St & 03 Bees OIL. ..... • Us: 1 GOO Mingo... ' its ;SY 11 .0 Creseent .0007 OU. _ Ap f k i i i -- --Bvi, RDB. • ICA Atlaa 131.00110 1 : 1 g 65 iggl•-••• •••••111 At tit Nloholaa 0.630. .4,ii 10011 , afar Orealc:*--.. 6 200 d 0.... 4% 800 , do • • ....A...nil* 6 , ICO Beading E•• 430. 0, 6(Xr . do. •• • • ••• i 4.10. 6 siltha d ze o , - ,0 , 4 8. 1 0 ,- . _ # e lf; it, De / 11111d.,./01. 164 lESS T O 00 • ...,.... Si CV , . kto• • ...... 6110 2 WV ' do. • • :•,,-....: .b 6. E 100 08a 117 Rah :. b 6. DI *do .., lta ••b3O. • lk 660 : dt 5 ...... -..i..1:60. Wh" 1 /00 6611 ; Oil ..... 1% ~20, 3 Tam, Homea'd.b6o. o.lk !..JOrillee'lliitook ...UV. OK . ..+ .. ; The New York Post of Saturday ma I: Gold Is inactive to-day, add las-bikd , rather preseed• -for earls. The opening en•Pleteineaprters Wee 184. auk sit the aloes 20i was bid - The loan melte& 1 10 NAT et stir per MO.. and lane alio= testraofibred t !tt 6 . Colmar alai paper le unchanged. Tnaltock meal :et is and _ price. - are unsettled. Ooferiejnents: no 1 firm.' Meek atix&s. .=Pcirtd,':•lagroad . None' gale, and railway .:shatiii • *e. Before the' est' sesefi 's 'gold war • quoted eV 980123 X, New York_Centrel 441 123 i, Iris et 74,_findpse River at Mk. Deatuilt at lit ' The following - Quotations wrest made et the hour". complowit erith those of yesterdaValteraoma: -, F r i. , Adv. Dec. Unitedltates 6s, 1881, coup....ft. ; /MX ' • United' Stbthe 6- 30 coupons-1G :a ' • - • • United States 10.40 aoaDette.../02 • / 1 1a • ' - United 801/Sbutiertllicatee........• • • MX •• Tennesase Ok. ......... •- • ••••• . , 663 t .. ii Nissourt St - a' • illp • .n. NeacTork'Ocuibrel 'Railroad ...112._ ~- 11 a , ..• • krle-Railseny 78' 4'7 3‘ .., • 1 vitypreferred 92 121 Se ... )11 11 V1 in i rßiver Rettroad- ... ... 101% : - 'IIW - Reading 1tai1r0ad..,.... --Uhl( -• 111)e. se ... after - the ' board there a a li ght iMprovensent _ ll ll l market eioshogf steady. Dew York Central MK,. Aria 74R. Hodson 107 X, Reading I.IIN et the 1 O'clock cell there was a- father aught 1 int- Prevenient' New York Central closed:at-11SX Krts •at 74K, Rudsonwtlo73e, Reading at 1114 e... lin%idelphla MarksSii. FaßetuatrlB-11fmillar...- There is rather more doing in Flour: but Prima re+ main aboutc thb came as last quoted. Wes compricier, about 2.000 banale. at $lO 00010.75 for extra, $21.24314. 12 for extra family, including 200 bblis city mills extra. on private testae: The retailers and been arehtgying -- . in a smell way at from $9.6C@10 for acipsalne, 20521. 10.70 for extra. Arll_ 50312 for extra family:quid fa MOD 133 bbl for fancy brands, as to Quality- Bye -Plow ba gelling in a small way at $8.76 bbl. Corn Meal Is without shag go 011idat.—Wheat is scares, and the salon-are limited. but holders are firm in their views; small lots of good and prime reds am selling at from ZOWStee itbn, alt GOO bus choice amber at 2500 4l bat white ranges at hose 213f,428601l int, ascending to quality, bat we hear of NA sale.. Bye is ceiling in a email way et frourl7ool7as- IA lin. Corn continues very inactive. and the salsa arc l limited; smailote-of yellow are selling at 16,V;issu , St ho, and white at I6oe. Oats are memo, and rather firmer: about 2.60 e hue sold at gee Vt bus. BARB —in Querettroa there is little or nothing doing:: Ist No. 1 is bold at 8409 ton- COTTONL—Tbe market is firmer, and prices bays ad anted, with small sales of middlings to notice 'Aesop lb. cub. 13.ROCKSIES —There. Is little or nothlem.doine Le either Sugar or Cothae, and the market ount4nues very Quiet. IRON.—Manufactured Iron continues quiet, In.Plg Metal there ID very little doing. email sales otAntitra cite are making at hem $04591 %l ton for-the three numbers. SllRDS.—Flaxseed la selling Lu a email way at 413.715 fbe. Timothy continuo' dull; we quote at 66,60(616 Ii bu. Clover 1a without change; 400 bas sold 4n lots at om $14.74@1516 64 lbs. RAI. —Baled is selling at g 30032 "4I ion. —The market continues dull: mail sales of Peana and Western bbla are making at $2 81114A31.61 gallon PROVISIONS. —There Is no change to notice-in Prim or demand and the market continues very dull. Maw Pork Is quoted at $37 .i 8 per bbl. ' Dressed hasps are sel ling at $16@)16 the 110 Its. Small sales of Bacon llama are making at 2314244 per lb for plain and fancy can- vassed. Butter is dull at about former rates. -- The following are the reeeires of lour and grain an this port to day.: IMO as. 19 heat .... bu bi sk_ Corn beida Oats beak. New York Markets, Feb. 18., Piqua. dm. —The market for Western and State inoar is less active, and prlcea of the low and media= grades are 6 to 10 tents lower; the bettor grades are rather morn at The tales are 509(2)bb1e at $10.15010.36 for superfine State; $lO 650110 80 for extra State; $10.05011 for fancy blate; #10.6C0110 00 for the low grades of_Western.*Xtra; $ll =0'11.60 for shipping Ohio; S IL6O eVW.26 for trade and family brands, and $ll 6[016 for Sr. Louis extras. For future delivery, 500 bbla State, for first half et April, at $10.60 a. 0. Canadian Plow is dull and 6010 c longe eftAttlee of 160 blast at $lO 60010.86 for the low lusdeauf ria. eat $/0.9[0112.16 for trade and family extras. Southern Flour le in lees active ;Boman& an& boavy. but prices Ire without essential change t.sales of MO bbls at $11.10012 for mixed togood ant:utilize COCInt ry Baltimore, &a , and $l2 18014.430 for trade and, faculty brands. Rye Flour is In fair demand and. steady.; sale& of 200 bble at 39g)5.60 Corn Meal is heavy and lower gales of 200 bbls at $7. Mg?. ZS for Jersey and $B. SO 11 r r Brandywine, GRAIN.—The Wheat market fa insetlys and ;owe], and prices are very irregular. flhe demand Is. only for milling._ The sales Sr. 20,000 r, in pant last.evening. at sl.lo®l 16 for Chicago awing. Barley and Barley Melt are ace ree and..firm. Oats are a shade Letter, and xi sore active. The sales are 260,00 Am Canadian at 1035.4 c ; Western at nagilletics Marsh delivery at Me; btate at Wee: Pennsylvania, oa the opening of the 01h11/11, at 1i .oc, and... Jersey, on the pier, at 1045010.5 c. Rye is dull and nominal. lorn Is ,steady. Old Is quiet, but firm. Hew le In fair request, The sales are 8,(1)0 trn new yellow Jersey s 104...Westarn mixed held at 109 e in store, and 106 c on the pier. Pnovisioxs. —The pork multi 1t is leaseothre but prices are higher and close quite stead y. ronfdture delivery wehear of 600 bble new mess, nier Much. at $37, and 1,00) bbls do, buyer April, at The sales, cash and regular.) are 4.250 bbls at $34031.- for old mess ,• 1080.36:76 - for new do:. $29.60080 for prime, and $34g34 6070/prim mess. Beef is firm and moderately active. Sales of 400 bbls at $16.6(@;12 for plain mess; s` il. 60®3840 for extra do. Tierce newt h.quiet: owing ',n a wrest measure to the poor assortment,. prices are ft ran for good brands. Beef hams are in _good decor aid and: firm. Sales of 607 bbls at $26(4.27 for Western. Cut Meats are firmer and I met With a good Inquiry; sales of COO packages at 1701 7.3(c far Shoulders, and 190 19.3f0 for Hams; MOM the so Sur-Mi/ad.Shooldera In bulk at 170. and 50,000 ihs bellies. as 23c. Bacon is firm: but only mooerately active; sales oC 160 boxes at 211.4 e fOrlong-ri bbed; Cantor sholt.ri died. Dressed Hogs opened &rut, but close easier. We quote at 1750730 fur Western, - Lard Is in good demand and diesidedly firmer; sales of 2,150 bbis and tea at 19kiglY3X fonao . l; 2334 ® 2.434 for fair to prime steam and. tette-rendered; 14,stSNI3( to arrive, and 204 -seller Merely at 3,4/4o Pittsburg* Petrolestaii.Jaarket, Feb. 18. • Bogryrss.-7!he market remain,' owlet. The demand was for refine; i for Bassani dediettry• Prices were un charged. Tb ere ia a fair proipeet of an early mums- POD of AI"VW ation to the oil regions. The oil market being ant ral: I bare we have no sales to record. The last time of crude reported was at 40,1ig•-eqnal to 360 for the raw motorail 1. ILEFIXED Pirr,--the market was Milady, with only a. limited demand. Bonded ran g es from fa&t. 660, accordl ng to quality. Free is.quoted at 87@e880. The demand aa• the wells continnealarm, with a fair amount of I/miasma ions, and ruiphansod prices. The stock at oil on hang will not exceed, loles bbli. including that held by re . CULTD.R.- —We did not learn of one transaction. TiEFINif D.—The only transaction reported wee 75 bbLy free, to g o West, at hk. BEN= rE. —We note a isle of 450 bble bonded, sact—an advance drrlT ail and./I____; of Oceaa SUNSNMI& TO. ANEIVB. . no.? 8 710 k 701 lurB Etna. .......Liverpool New lork-........Pab. 1 Asia Llverwol..., -Boaton.-........ No b. 4 CET of IBoston,..Sontbamptff..New r0rk....-.reb. 8 Saxe olla Son4lamptan•.llFew York.. -- Yob. 8 Lair .7 ark Havre. Aew York..--reb. 8 CU as - • Liverpool New York Feb.ll Ha a na......., ;...80atpa.mpton • •New York.-...:Neb.1.8 TO DEPAST. W oat Iffstronolfs.Now. York .flok olden Ardo-...kler: York Fran Joan Feb.2l J.ostraiostak.-..100r York • 1avem001........Y0b II ...• • /New York. •Ravana...,...Ve b. It Montorgma.,-- Now York.... :Kingston. Ta w .Felt. 21 Ocean Queen.— Hew ork.• • • •Asplawall Irak 21 York Liverpool ..... 8ritannta............Aew York %MOW. Feb. 26 Lib'arty . . ... York..-.. Havaoa . Po b 15 Ontakig; Orlonsf...• Feb.l6 Cossios ~»» York --Havana. tr05......Y01k11k MCJA Oaatle 16ew Y0rk.....11aran5.»..Z...106r0k 1 amort • AT THE MAILLINANTI ... SIXPIAPOK. •Mr.-A4AIMPRIA- Eleig Ilerin Ism (roll. ),........Ricegandro soon. petellerald, ....".".,..,;:Havaas: Isom. PHILADELPHIA BOAIWOF 0.4.11 max, W. ElsCoussiT , 1 Cknoarans ca. mil Komi. nrite C . : ZARIN MARINE INTEZIEJNEIiCE. r' K)a T'l ).44: ' 1 flux Itnis.. • .6 38 1 Sint erns...s ski axe" WATIM.. ajp Westmoreland, Dawn. 3idaya from Fenearolas in ook by ltsa to vl Jo os hu E Penrose—towed' up from:Marcus H d Cit Boat. Bohr Bwrada, Kann, 8 dayaProm Portland. with mdals. to Wwella Co towed up by ta_ White. CLILIBED. Steamship Harman. Balm, Boston. Beak Ann Blisabeth, N i Tve. Sagou is Or all&S. Brig John Welsh, Jr. ids Cienfuegos. Behr Hari; ',masa, Hamm nd, Portsmouth. X H. (Correspondence of the Pidlqdelphla Eget:ante:7 DeL, Feb. Ip—P.M_ Ship Elude Moses. Limn; =pool for Ph to brig Shibboleth, for ralia&aPhia. la billaolki - lichooller Edward Lee, from Pa d -lo Moo for do; with bark Savan nah, schooners Henry Hobart. Thomaa w lfferion, and threeothers of the toot from Savannah, h cotton for Deg Toxic. Nos 11,17. and IS, are at Um_ res.kwmer. with tug Americas-IA others tam reportuti. ' Yours, arc., AABOB,XIIt3H Lwow. Del, Feb 17. Of the fleet Worse reported, the nide Recover,. harks 13:0midon,PIWAch Palo Alto, Victor la, and Savannah; brine J W (meet, Vincent. .R-ens 13 Allen, Joh* Chryetal, Samna G Adams,- sabre Rdward Lee. Alias Scranton. B 8 Saner, and Fleeegood, remain Warw. The barks JrAn. Boulton. Irlbrto' Cabello; from POTIViloblIOO. with cotton; brine Atlanta from Matontaa; Bridal, from Kay lienpt; Melia. from Feama-' cola; Bobertlas front St Witte. with tali ; wears Rebecca Kalltip 'withlidarElCeUi. from Jamaica: frore. liVelh111; Ansi lin* flaa Marietta Tilton. to ballet) Ida, from Portland. and 7 V Welling ton. from Bolton; Jane ltnrfee troop Savannah. for New York Mat 7 Igetson, in ballast. and P Wnstaon. with Vera' have arrived at the Itirealtwater atnee my /4• 11 p°ll - lints Is jut coil-intim AARON hayaI,NALL. NSHORLVD.L Billy Sarah Podtirrew. from Foochaw (or New York. ran spoken 224 Bloy. It 988, lon 49 B B Bee Mew. Senile. from Idantentllo fe; WILCO. Alt Into Kinersteue. 2sa rats leskr• Brig Capra°, for thin port in dam was et TrinlesuL Cuba, 2d met Bohr ,4 a French, Cruelty, ai Makatea. ja. MM. reported from Philadelphia. ftha Ida L Bower& frqns Plttladelpttle. Were re .rted sebore at Point Alderson. was iet el on, attAilkoot iA4 Wype, itvis 160 tick Nay Prof Jots W- I 20,Wronitrar Valley. 65 I 26 Maar' Hood Bk. b 5 31X 10360 Sugar Creak..•.b6 6 • do • 900 300 Calddo • wali.... 616' b(10 - 6 6 300 Bgbert bilaota 3," 100 ..... Ite El Diorsdo. 1 100 Hibbard...........1 • 25 Male - Shade 100 No looo 22U(m as 11000 Pidlad ti a O Ck. lts 1 44 100 She 'man—. —.ad ly. cso fit Nicholas °Hats 4 103 Davis Oil MO Rory Ceatre•aote 603 Bilzuto .. • •. •. lote-3 1.14 200 TarrHeno4Btead. b 6 634 - HO do 100 Noble &e2Dmeter 8 600 bleMtetoelc 011-Its BOARDS. 160 Maple NI( 1030 17 8 1043 100 ZO N Penns 2500 Cam &'Ainti Y6e..10471 700 Corn Plantnt '4l Penns R. es 7 Amain L....... 67 100 do .......•...... so% 100 Caldwell • • •••.• 6X 103 do • • ••••••b6O IEO Atlas • • ' lit