New IPnbiteetions. Mr. Henry H. Holloway's contribution to the ax set OClOnees Is a 12mo volume, pp, 241, published by J. B. Lippinoott & Co., entitled " Mental Geome try, or Generallzatlonis of Geometries! Demoastra- Dins In Planes, Solids ; and Spherics : designed as a Manual for teachers, and • for students of High Schools, Normal Sohools, and Colleges; and In tended to subserve the same purpose In Ge ometrical Science as a Mental Arithmetic in Arithmetical Selene." In, the body of the book it Is called A, Momenta 'of Solid Geometry," and divided into three Haines, treating of planes, solids, and vile. tics. The declaratory, unusually full, describes the work; and without attempting to be critical upon it, ours being a newspaper and not a, Selentiflo journal, we may add that several mathe matical writers and teachers of acknowledged reps. tation have strongly testified in favor not only of hl r. Holloway's extensive knowledge, but the clear manner In which betas placed it before the public). Max Muller, of the University of Oxford, one Of the best modern philologists, having delivered a second series of Lectures on the Science of Lan guage, to large audiences at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, in the spring of ices. has collected them into a volume, with thirtyone illustrations, uniform with the first eeriest, published in 1862 by Mr. Charles Scanner, New York. The two vo lumes are handsomely printed. on tinted paper, at the Riverside press, and Mr. Scribner allows the author a pecuniary Interest In both. There are new living four truly accomplished philologers, who have devoted themselves to the closest research Into the origin and history of the English language. These are Max Moller, the Rev. Dt‘ Trench, (now Archbishop of Dublin,) George P. Marsh, United States Ambassador in Italy, and Benjamln W. Dwight. The last•namod two are Americans.- Mr. Marsh Is from Vermont, and Mr. Dwight nUll continues, we believe, head of the Rural High School, at Clinton, Oneida county, New York. Already, English publishers have reproduced Mr. Marsh's valuable work on "The Origin and History of the English Lan rine, and of the Early Literature it embodies," and Mr. Dwight's two volumes on "Modern Philo logy ; its Discoveries, History, and Influence," (the first appeared as tar back as 1809), require only to be known tp be accepted as valuable contribu tions to the knowledge of the Science of Language. In works of this description a great deal of amuse• went May be blended with instruction—particularly when the author has to show not only the origin of words, but the changes which gradually are made In them. Such, for example (pp. 5.10-50), are Max Muller's notices of what he calls hieroglyphio my thology, the Plume of Feathers (Prince of Wales' Crest), obanged to the Plum and Feathers, and finally to Feathers and a Plum. The Hi rondelle, to The Iron Devil; la Rego des (lintel; Sabots to the Bose of the Quarter Sea• *ions; the Bellerophon to The Billy Ru f fian; the George Canning to The George and Cannon, and The Goat and Compasses out of the old Puritan slgn•board "God encompaseeth ns." He might have added The Bell Savage, originally the portrait of the fair and unfortunate Lady Arabella or Belle Savage, whose portrait hay been displaced by the true effigies of a Savage of the woods. Who would think (p. 272) that the Latin rex, the French roi, the Sanscrtt rajan, all come from the Latin regere, to steer, and meant originally steersman 1 or that the Teutonic KOnig, or King, meant father, the father Of a family, a olan, a people; "the King of his own Kin," and its German feminine, Konigen, readily makes the word Queen? Almost every page supplies varieties as curious as the few we have gleaned now. Received from J. B. Lippincott x Co. Mr. Scribner has published, translated from the French, under the superintendence of the author, I. Meditations on the Emma° of Christianity, and on the Religious Questions of the Day,” by M. Guizot. This is the first portion of an extensive work, and treats of Creation, Revelation, the In spiration of the Scriptures, God according to the Biblical account, and Jesus according to the Gospel narrative. There aro few thoughts In the volume before us that have not already been uttered by. other authors. Still, it is pleasant to find a retired statesman, now near his eightieth year, bearing testimony to the truth of Revelation. As a literary Composition, the book is slight enough. Received from J. B. Lippincott & Co. The Rev. Dr. C. M. Butler, professor of Boldest statical History in the Divinity School, Philadelphia, lately delivered a series of lectures, in the Legation of the United States at Rome, whlch, collected into a volume, entitled " St. Paul in Rome," have just been published by J. B. Ltppinoott & Co. The sub. jest is comprehensive, and Dr. Butler has freely availed himself of much Information relating to it In secular works as well• as In Holy Writ. The chapter on " Cfmar's Household, and the Saints," is almost equal to Merivale'S description of Im perial Rome. Dr. Butler, we notice, denies St, Peter's episcopate In Rome, and declares that from his history, as it is found in the New Testament, there is not the slightest evidence that he ever oame to Rome. The closing lecture, delivered in reply to a sermon by Dr. Manning, Is a decided assault on the claim of the Church of Rome to Banality, In fallibility, and Unity. The " cui bone 7" of such controversy we need not investigate. This volume wants an Index, which we hope to find supplied in future editions. To the Editor of The Press: Stn: In answer to a query, propounded by a per son signing himself an "Officer," in your edition of the 10th inst., as to Detective Frank/in affirming that General Hancock's Ist Army Corps would be perma nently located in Washington, D. (J., I beg leave to reply that my advertisement and circular were for representative recruits for myself (not being liable to the draft), being anxious to relieve the citizens Of this city, to some extent, from the approaching draft, and was under the same Impression of almost every citizen in this city, that the veterans were only Intended for duty In Washington. In fact, handbills were issued to that effect by patriotic citi zens in the different States. I have no authority to 80 state; on the contrary, I am Informed, by letter from Major (len. Hancock, dated Headquarters jet Army Corps, Washington, D. C., February Bth, /805, that this clause should be stricken out from my advertisements ; that "it may bo so, bui there is no authority eo to state, and the men might 00n- Older themselves deceived."' It may, however, be proper for me to state that to-night I have thirty men enrolled, who have fur nished me with honorable discharges and transporta tion to Washington, in order to be mustered into the service for one or more years, and some of them are entitled to Commissions as officers, for services rendered. 1 1 , et they all enlist with the full know ledge that ae soldiers they are liable to bo sent to any point where the emergency arises. Your obedient Servant, BEVJANIF Fite:orm, Chief Deteo. Police. PHILADA., Feb, 9, 1805. A Hint to Oil Operators. To the Editor of 77te Press : SIB: Would it not Do exceedingly appropriate in those whom petroleum has made rich, to now assist those whom petroleum has made poor. Yours, &0., TIME CITY. BII:LITARY. umgcbcic's corers There has been a slight alteration in the adver tieement of Chief Franklin, as will be seen in ano ther part of The Press to-day. lie has alreadyire crafted 36;veterans, who made a street parade on Saturday, and will make another this morning. All veterans, naval, artillery, Infantry, or cavalry, will be received into this corps. NAVAL. • ARRIVAL OP THE MASSACHUSETTS. The United States transport steamer Massachu setts, Lieut. West, arrived at the Navy Yard on Saturday last, having on board a large number of discharged seamen and invalids, from the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron, and a number of bales of prise cotton. When the Massachusetts sailed there were thirty vessels at Savannah loaded with cotton, which were to leave for New York on the Bth inst. ALMMLI6INEOIUS. HEAVY SNOW STORM-ITS EFFECTS February, the last winter month, Is generally re markable for its snows, and not unfrequontly heavy snow storms, with high wind. On Sunday, the 22d of February, 1883, a very heavy fall of snow took place,whioh, drifting under the resistless power of a fierce northentat gale, blocked up the railroad °hail• nets of conimunioation for some time. The next very heavy fall of snow In and ,around and about Philadelphia, was that of yesterday, whiohreporters experienced, and which el:ltems generally would rather read about than introduce themselves per. sonatly to such blinding drifts as whirled through the Streets. Saturday, midnight, there was not a aloud to intercept the rays of the full moon. At one o'olook yesterday morning a thin, flimsy veil Spread gradually over the pale blue dome, from the south west, the wind at the same time springing up from the northeast, showing unmistakably the counter. current, or whirling of the wind. This' la a sure In dication of a storm of rain or snow, according to the temperature of the atmosphere. Sometime before daybreak, the white flakes fell thick and fast ; the wind commenced howling, the shuddering trees creaked In the eddying blasts; window-shutters slammed to and fro, or rattled In their fastenings; rign.boards swayed In the ele mental war ,• and everything out-doors was speedily clothed in the pure white livery of winter. It was one of those kind of storms which come under the head of" all sorts." The snow-flakes whirling like so many Starlets against the opened windows, adhered • to the panes because of the artificial heat of stoves within, and thus were painted many frostscenes upon the glass, interesting to look upon. There is an immense amount of beauty in a snow -storm, but people co not generally see it. Such a storm as that of yesterday has its disadvantages. It was the most Insinuating storm of the winter. The little snow flakes sought out many crevices, and intruded their presence beneath the windward barge.boards, or even backboards of dwelling-houses, and the great probability IS that many a loft Is, this very morning, pretty well filled with show, which, if not speedily removed, will melt, and drip through the ceiling into otherwise cosy bedrooms. It may be safely predloted that railroad, as well as aji other kinds of travelling, will be impeded for a day or two. The business man will not receive his usual letters became of the delay. The Chest nut Rill Railroad runs through a deep gully ent In solid rock. In some places this "gut, as it is called, is twenty feet deep. The snow here yester day was even with the top of the rooks, and, comm. quently. the surface was at least a dozen feet higher than the smokestack of the locomotive. Tne mana gers Of the company are doing their best to clear the track. The snow In the, "deep out" on the Amboy road is very heavy. It is also reported heavy on the Baltimore road, but the continuous running of ,the trains kept it from aeoumulating, or piling Reel( - Into an undisturbed heap. The passenger railroad companies bad their snow plougba in service—eome of them as early as ten o'clock in the morning. Forte horses were attached to the early.movlng illonahs, but before getting over half the route this number of animals proved Inefficient to the task. Six horses were brought into requisition, and the snow was cleared from the track to be whirled back again under the power .ef the breeze. During the day the wind fitfully veered from the northeast to north, and then north west, and then back again; this baffling of the ibret7 , ool l .lletd gone an Interesting warfare among the drM/I, Which had the ee tremendousl the snow somewhat. Durin these blasts the " white mantle of winter" was blown like superfine flour from the housetops down into the streets, and being caught up again by the many little whirl winds blinded all pedestriane. SO thick wail the snow at Maas that It was impossible for the keen• est eyesight to penetrate beyond a diaance of two httedred or two - hundred and d'ty feet. The !emcee which enclose the yards of dwelling houses, form excellent barriers to catch the snow, and In come placeS, within these private enclosures, we saw teem rl4C material piled up to bete.h height ol ronr tO slz feet. Snow should Moved from the pita of dwelling hawse ag loon as possible, to prevent cellars from beaming over flowed in ease of sudden thaw. It h estimated tact the.snow which fell yesterday was twelve lashes "on a level." As the day waned the storm abated. The eurtsba of olonds lifted In the west and let in the rays of the departed sun. =LIEF FOR THE AUFFBRIffte. The sum of vans° was been received by Mayor Henry for the relief of the sufferers by the resent conflagration. The total amount reoelved by Mr. John Kelley, lumber merchant, at Eighth and Catharine streets, treasurer of the fund, up to the closidg bank hours on Saturday afternoon amounted to something over ,0,000. The subscriptions should continue. How ever large or small, let them be made, for every lit tle helps. The Individual who reads this paragraph perhaps can well spare five, twenty, fifty, or a hun dred dollars. The petroleum companies, the banks, the passenger railroad companies, and the retired gentlemen of fortune Should respond at once. The subscribers to ' The Press at a distance may remit to this Milos by mall, and the proper acknow ledgment will be made as heretofore, as may be seen this morning under the head of the paper. All clothing, beds. bedsteads, sw , Bco., should be forwarded to the House of Industry, Catharine street, above Seventh ; though if more convenient to send them to this office, we shall take pleasure In forwarding the same to the aforesaid destination. SUDDEN DEATH OF CAPT. RICHARDSON. Captain William D. Richardson, who has been In this city as a recruiting officer, fell froM the plate form of a passenger car on - Saturday morning at Ridge and Girard avenues, and was picked up In an Insensible condition. Ho was taken to the Tweet. MAXI-ward station house, where he soon died. Coro. nor Taylor held an Inquest, and the jury rendered a verdict of death from congestion of the brain. Do- ceased resided at 21.18 Sherwood street, and was 45 years of age. Between two and three delook yesterday morning Patrick Mallon was stabbed in the abdomen, at his brother Dennis Mallon's grog shop, Manayank, In an affray. He is In a critical oondition. The offi. tens arrested Michael Nester and Thomas Magen. They will have a hearing today at noon. On Saturday fire broke out In the fifth story of Jayne' 8 granite buildlng'On Dook street, below Third. The room was used for the storage of lumber. Littledamage was done by the fire, as the steam engine belonging to the building was pat into service, and the plaoe flooded. Thatenants is the second, third, and fourth stories suffered by water. Mr. 11. 0. Lelsenring, who occupies the second floor as a printing establishment, estimates his loarby water at from $3,000 to $5,000, which Is covered by insurance, Mr. W. W. Harding, who occupied the third tlocr as a bible and photograph album manufactory, will lose about $5,000, fully in sured. The firm was confined princip ally to the roar of the building towards Oarter's alley, and much loss was saved by the removal of the stook In Lelsenring's and Harding's establishments to the front kart of the building. On aaturday night about ton o'clock fire broke out in the second story of No. 905 Market street, occu pied by Charles Burkhardt as a basket manufactory. The fire was confined to the second Story, and its contents were destroyed. The damage sustained by Mr. Burkhardt will reach 000, upon which there Is no insurance. The first floor, which was 000tt pied by Mr. Harding Newhouse, clothier, was da named by water. He had a heav y ? stook of clothing and - gentlemen's furnishing oode on hand, and his loss will reach $12,000, to which amount he is in sured in theßoyal Delaware and Mutual Insurance. The basement was occupied by Martin Burkhardt as a lager-beer saloon. He suffered greatly by water. He has no Insurance on his goods in the basement. He lived in the third ajory, and all his furniture was damaged by water and smoke. He had an insurance of $5OO on his furniture, which will cover his loess. The second story back room was occupied by Hymen Wortf and wife. They were flooded out, and their furniture totallydestroyed. No insurance. The building belongs to the Waddell estate, gnats insured In the Fire Association. The lose to the building is not heavy and Is principally by water. "The ffre must have originated from a stove In Mr. Burkhardt's willow-basket manufac tory. It was discovered by Mrs. Burkhardt, who was coming down stairs, and saw smoke Issuing from under the door. The chair manufactory belonging to Samuel Tu dor, rear of 938 South Eighth street, took fire on Saturday night about half-past eleven o'clock, and destroyed stock of the value of sboo. No insurance. A alight fire occurred yesterday Morning about Seven o'clock in a kindling wood yard on Washing. ton avenue, above Eighth street, From an investigation made by Fire Marshal Blackburn, It seems that the fire which occurred on Friday morning at 2 o'clock. at the carriage house and stabie belonging to Elias Yarnell, on School Rouse lane, was the work of a robber. The stable had, previous to the fire, been robbed or a quantity of harness &0., and then, either accidentally or for the purpose ot hiding the robbery, had been fired by the thief. Ills footprints were tracked nearly a mile, and the stolen property found behind logs and shelving rocks on the banks of the Schuylkill river. Watoli was placed at these places la anticipation of the the thief returning for tee goods, but he did not make his appearance. HOG-CATCHING EXTRAORDINARY On Saturday, a man giving the name of John P. Jones, was arraigned on the charge of stealing a valuable hog, that had already been converted into pork. It seems that some time since the amused employed a drayman to take the hog from a store front, near Vine•etreet wharf, to a certain place, as he had purchased it. The • drayman was arrested, but upon explaining the affair, was discharged. On Saturday he met Jones in the street and had him arrested. The prisoner was committed to answer. (Before Mr. Alderman Welding.) SOLDIER BEATEN AND ROBBED. John Smith and Ellen Brensin were arraigned an the charge of having committed an assault and battery upon a soldier and robbing him of 8100. The affair, it is alleged, happened In a low drinking. house, near Front andoLock streets. There was no special evidenee that the accused robbed the soldier, but there was sufficient to show thilt, he lost the amount of money named during the Mille. The accused were bound over to answer. IMPUDENT SOLDIERS. Three men wearing the uniform of military offi cers,attempted to get into the National Circus on Saturday evening without fast procuring their tickets at the office. The rush of people was very great. The three men were stopped by the door keeper, The crowd of people blocked up the en trance. Officer Morgan, of the establishment, was called into requeltion, and he finally landed the in truders into the street. They made another at tempt to get in. and were very insolent. One said, with a profane oath, that he wished he had Mr. Morgan "In front of Petersburg," The officer told them they should not enter the establish. meat. He was attacked by three men, but he placed them hors du combat, arrested one, and, with the assistance of two police °Moore, the other two were taken into oustoay and looked up in the Eighth ward station house. They wore bound over to an swer at court, on a Charge of assault and battery upon Officer Morgan. Daring the affray Mr. Mor gan received a pretty severe blow on the back or his head from a weapon in tho hands of one Of these paper officers. Supreme Court—Before Woodward, C. J., and Thompson, Strong, and Read, Ins. Rusband's appeal. Rule to show cause why ap. peal should not be dismissed. Argued by Edward Ingersoll for the rule, and by Bullltt and Dickson against. Yeager's appeal. Ordered in this case that a ve• rare facial de novo be awarded. Adjourned. Court or Common Pleas—Judge Thomp• 8011. • TH2 STBINICIITZ WILL OAHE. Shannon and wife, and Nyco and wife vs. Stein metz, Miler, et al. In this case, which was an Issue to try the validity of two codicils which purported to have been made by Jacob Steinmetz, deceased, to his will, and the trial of *MUM occupied the better part of last week, the Jury, on Saturday, rendered a verdict for the defendants. This verdict decides the codicils to be invalid. The amount involved was 'so,ooo—that sum being claimed by plaintiffs under the codicils. A TangNEP. ()Court of Quarter Sessions—Hon. James B. Ludlow, Associate Justice.. Mr. O'Byrne called up the cases of three boys con fined in the Douse of Refuge, and asked for their discharge. In cones quenee of the absence of wit nesses, the case went over until neat Saturday. Mr. O'Byrne preeented the return to a writ in the Cage of a boy named Donohue, and asked the court to say it was insufficient. He stated the boy had been committed to the Rouse of Refuge, and subse quently bound to a man in Illinois. Judge Ludlow instructed the counsel for the House of Refuge to amend the return, and the case went over for two weeks. A very respectable looking female was heard on a writ of habeas corpus. The evidence showed that she passed a ono-dollar bill altered to a ten. She produced a gentleman from whom she obtained the note, he having collected some money for her. He stated that he received a check on her account, which he deposited, and she desiring some money, be paid her from some received from an agent in Delaware. The lady was promptly discharged. There being no other business, the court *di cursed. Arrival and Sailing of Ocean Steamers. . TO _LIMITS. MIPS PROW MOIL DATII Kangaroo........Liverpool....•.New Y0rk.......Jan II Britannia........olasgow New York Jan 26 lens ••.. • • .Live rpool ....... lie w 1 ork ......... Feb. 1 Asia - Liverpool Boston Feb. 4 Faxonia Sonthampton-New Y0rk...... Feb. 8 Lafayette Havre - New York.. .....Feb. 8 Hansa............Sonthampton..New York Feb.l6 TO DBFABT. Costa Rica.... .• •New York.... Aspinwall Feb.l9 Africa Boston .........Llverpool Feb. L 5 Moro Castle 'New York..... Havana Feb 16 Monett, Star..-. New York New Orleans.... Feb.lB City of London ..New Y0rk.....L1verp001....«...Feb.18 Bolden Rule.... Mew York Pan Juan Feb.2o Anstralasian.....lfew York Liverpool Feb 11 Montezuma New York.....Ringaton. de.— Feb 23 Ocean Queen.... New York.• ...A.pitt wall .. ..... Feb. 23 Bina.-- .......New York Liverpool .... ...Feb.2s Oniding Etsr....New Tork.....New Orleans.... Feb.lS C0r5ica...........New York Havana. &a Feb.Bo LETTER. BAGS AT THE HEACHANI'B' EXCHANGE. PHILADELPHIA. Brlg.ffeconine, (Pol.)." ••••—• ..... 810 Janeiro, noon. Brig Herald, Davin HOWL PEILADELPRIA BOARD OP MADE. JAB. It. CAMPBELL. SAML. W. DECOURFIET, } COMMITTEE 07 MI MONTH JAmits C. NAND, 14Z1);4 al) 4: KV) tV, MBI4 Box Bias... 6 47 I Sox Varre. —6 19 I Hies WAITE-4 09 United States ganboat Massachusetts. W H West, commanding, from the South Blockading Squadron via Charleston, 61 urs. arrived at the navy yard Re. ports about thirty veisels, lath n with cotton. were to have left Port Royal Feb 5, for Now Tort, convoyed by men. of-war. Passed below the Ledge ship Wastmore• land, from Pensacola; below Reedy Wand saw ship Tonawanda, from Liverpool. and several barks, brigs, and schooners bound up; also, the tug America. with ship Squads , for St Jobs, B, and bark Linda, for Cisnlnagos, in tow, going down. Pair Mary Lonias, Hammond. 12 days from Backs. port, with lumber to Twills G; Co. . . Brig Altavela. from Cardenas, at Breakwater. Bohr J J Spencer, from, at Delaware City CLIMBED. Sleituothip John Gibeon, Bowen. Vow York. Steamship Saxon, Matthews, Boston. Bark Manzonl. Carlon, "atria la Grande. Sam S B Bailey, ItobinsOn, Fortress Monroe (Oorrerpoudence of the Philadelphia Meehan's.) Lawns, DeL. Feb. 11. Bark Blomidon, from Liverpool for Philadelphia: brigs Italia, from Beaufort; Samuel O Adams, from New York, together with nearly all the 'het before repotted at the Breakwater, bound up. left the harbor during lest night and early this morning. Weather cold. Harbor clear of Ice. Yours, ac., AARON MARSHALL. . fhip Wm Wilcox,illlanter. Chlueha Islands Bth ult, to sail for Rotterdam. Brit Fredonia, Weill , . from Meteors; for. this port. was epoken fizb In et. off Winer Quarter Shoals. Bohr SamuelThase, at New Bedford from Nadia.- wore, reports that bark Albion Lincoln broke in two at surfl af moon of Sth that and wen is please, the rolling in very heavy. The beachstrewn with the wreck. The 8 0 saved the man Capt Everett Staples. of Beareport, Me., late mas'er of bark Alias (destroyed by the pirate Shenandoah), has arrived borne. Hie yeee>l was captured Oct W. Capt etre: "They took all the spare rope, canvas, blocks. cabin furniture, small Mores, and all nautical blare menus. allowing us our clothing. what was not • gob bled up' by them , the cabin. being full of men while we were packing them. While I was on board the Shenan doah triers was no discipline, audit Is my opinion they can never have any h vessel was built for the mer chant service, and is not able to stand the recoil of the heavy Late Hence she can offer bat feeble resietance agolust a Well-armed and disciplined gunboat." STABBING AFFAIR. THE POLICE. [Before Mr. Alderman Poland.) THE COURTS. ARRIVED BELOW MEMORANDA. NOTICES. • tar NOTICAI. ♦ OPSOIAL MOWING OF TEM OTOOKHOLDIOGS M'OLINTOOKVILLE PETROLEUM COMPANY Will 'ha held at the OFFICE OF THE COMPAZ(I. Ao. 411 WALNUT ET.. OA THURSDAY. /KEPT Id, I 8 At 12 o'clook M., to 0011FIRlif A SALE Of a portion of their tend, made by the Board of Di restore Janneu Ity order of the Board. JalLttlB ligr. APPEAL OF THE UNION BEDE VoLENT ASSOCIATION, WHO WILL ATTEND TO THE POOR? That we have in the city of Philadelphia a large number of peons in necessitous circumstances, cannot be denied Many who are aged and feeble, and una ble to work; many whose former position In life was comfortable, now (owing to the mutations of condition) reduced to poverty; many widows and chicle women whom" nutty gentian scarcely keep soul sad body to gether; many with large families of children, whose 11. ratted pay is insufficient to meet their wants, and 6V.n when employment is to be had, the necessaries of life are so enormously high, that at least temporary aid must be afforded them. And how are their deprive,. Mons hcrealsed when the riser of winter is upon them, and pitching cold and hunger, and shivering nakedness and starvation, stare them In the face? • to What is to be done for our poor at home, at our very doors? We cannot comp lain . We ought rather be in , earnest to relieve , for, ' for some good reason, the poor shall never cease out of the laud. " To whom, then. must they look, but to those more highly favored, and to whom God has given abundance. The citizens of Philadelphia have not been backward in their regard for the suffering poor; our city is dis tinguished for its public and privai• charities. and it to believed that no really deserving case of want, where it is known, will be allowed to suffer. 'The Union Be nevolent Association, whose appeal Is hereby preeented, offers itself as the dispenser of the alms of the charita ble. After an experience of more than thirty-three years in its work of mercy, It ie no presumption to offer its mode of operation as ore of the hest for aiding the poor. Visitation and personal examination before re- Bet is a fundamental principle of this association. Our visitors are ladies, the mothers. wives, daughters and slaters of many of our well known citizens and who,' without fee or reward, In• summer's heat and winter's cold, are active and sympathising in the work of relief. They know the poor, and the proper time and way to turn to the best account the charities of the benevolent. Shah they, then, go to the homes of the poor 'without the means to relieve their esoessities and gladden the heart, while there is bread enough and to spare? These ladies relieved last year 3 , 443 families. They reads 11.5 visits. Oh, ye favored children of health and wealth, think of the vielt of a kind Woad to the home and the bed of the sick and poor, the lonely room. the empty hearth, the desolate covering, the selnty meal, the wan fact , and place a value on it if Eni can ! Thee have found employment for more than persons. They have minietered to the nick and dy -I,3lnearly M. They have distributed upwards of 0 tons of coal, and more than $3, MO in money. A/1 this has been done by a kind, discriminating eye. both to the good of the receiver and to prevent imposi tion on the giver. We bespeak, therefore, a high place for the Union Be. nevolent Association, and now in this pluolittig season. upon the appeal for a depleted tressary, they ask a hearty response from a benevolent public. What a privilege and how God• like it is to give The only authorized collectors are Messrs. Cooper and Evans, who wilimake an early 'rail upon our citizens, or contributions may be left at the office, N. W. corner SEVENTH and SANSOM Sta.. or with the treasurer, EDWARD WILCOX. Bret . 404 CHU (*NEM Street . RANDAL B. PERKINS, President. JOHN H. ATWOOD, decretarY. felO•St OFFICE OF THE FAIRMOUNT I PASSENOF‘E RAILWAY COMPANY, CAL LOWRILL Street, below Wire Bridge, PHILADELPHIA. JAIL 91, 1865. BIOTIC& IS HUBBY GIVEN to the Stockholders of the Fairmount Passenger Railway Company that a me sting of the Stockholders will be held at Room No 26 PHILADELPHIA EXCHANOE, on WEDNESDAY, February 16th, 1866, at 12 o'clock M.. to take into con eideration the agreement made on this day between the Directors and 'tanagers of the Flestonville, Mantua, and Fairmount Passenger Railroad Company. and the Di rectors and Managers of the Fairmount Passenger Rail way Comparey. for the merger and consolidation of the corporate rights. powers, privileges. franchises, and property of the Fairmount Passenger Railway Comps • ny into and with the liestcwrille. Mantas and Fair mount Passenger . Railroad Company, an d Tote for the adoption or rejection of the same let 46Itis 14 us-8 JOHN B. BAUM. Preeldent. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE lIRSTONVILLR, MANTUA, AND FAIR MOUNT PASSEgOER RAILROAD OOMPAN : NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN to the Stockholders of the above Company that a meeting of the Stockholders will he held at the Office of C. B Damian. Esq., No 436 WALNUT Street, Phila.:lel phis, on WISDNIId DAY, the 16th of February, at 1 o'clock P. M., to take into consideration the agreement made this day bet wean the Directors and Managers of the Fairmount Passenger Railway Company and the Directors and Managers of the Reetonville, Mantua., and Fairmount Passenger Railroad Company, for merger and consolidation of the corporate rights. powers, privileges, franchisee, and Property of the Fairmount Passenger Railway Compa ny into and with the Bentonville. Mantua, and Fair mount Passenger Railroad Company, and to vote for the adoption or rejection of the same. D Duzia AR. President PHILADBLIIILI, ha. 81,18666. fel-4 811 13 lletE IV im PHILADELPHIA. FEBBLIARY I 1866.—The following-named gentlemen have been appointed by the cttizens,of the EIGHTH. WARD as a collecting committee to raise money for the EIGHTH-WARD 110138TT FUND: First Precinct—Wm. Brotherhead, 911 Locust 'threat; Owen Petted. Tenth street,- below Ransom. east side; E. R. Smith, 216 Washington : Square; Edward T. Law rence, 208 Washiegton Square; C. W . Smith, 216 Wash. inaton Square L George Banters, Eighth and Flamm streets; James B. Earle, Jr. Second Precinct—John M. Wolf, Twelfth and Locust streets; W. W. Davis; James Evans; Richard Park, Eleventh street, below Locust; Matthew Patton, Rte. yeath street, below Locust. Third Precinct—Caleb Jskneon, Theodore Frothing ham, A.tdrew M. Jones, A. J. Catherwood, W. P. Cresson, Clement Barclay, M. W. Baldwin, Geo. H. Boker. Fourth Precinct—W. H. Patton, 1908 Chestnut street; Edward Irvin, 1607 Ransom Street; Hugh Hawkins, 1927 Moravian street: H. C. Brolasky, 108 South Thir teenth street; Francis Wells. 124 South Thirteenth street; George F. Reed, 1(30 Ransom street; Robert M. Hooker, 1326 Walnut street. Filth Precinct—J. W. Huff. 1714 Rittenhouse street; Isaac G. Coleeberry; Frank Field, 226 South Twentieth street; George Danaher, Twentieth, below Locust st. ; John W. Sexton, Twentieth, below Locust street; Wil liam Devine INS Rittenhouse street; Jame' McKinley. Sixth Precinct—Joseph H. Flanigan, 121 South Eigh teenth street; John Comber: 8 F. Cohen, 120 South B.e. venteenth street; Solomon K. BOreY. Chestnut. above Twentieth street; Wm. Maul, Chestnut, below Eigh teenth street; Wm. Sommers. 1933 Bansom street; Ed ward Shama, 110 South Twentieth street; Edwin treble, nineteenth, above Walnut street. CHARLES L. DR SADQUE, President Eighth- Ward Bounty nand. BD WARD BBOWMIMM, Treasurer. CRABLEB W. 8111TH, Secretary. T WELTY IL WARD BOUNTY P PVND.-CITY BOUNTY. OEN YEAR MEN. FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS; TRUE YEARS, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, cash in Rand. 1(o recruit need wait for hie money in this ward. BOUNTI33 NOW PAID: One• Year Men •••••• ..........« « 66ffi Two• Year Men e•••••••• ••• • 676 Three-Tear Men ....... 825 RhZ CORPS, TWO-YEAR VITIRANS One Year. ••••• 04. ..... INA •NO • • 42 . I . j TWO ..... ...... 976 Three _ 1 186 .. .. . . Committee to muster in and _pay recruits meet every day at F. & L. Ladner's, Northern Military Hall, TRIAD Street. below Green. JOHN H. SUM% I JOHN S. HEYL. L. B. BNOLES, OHAS. H. MASSON. 030. BUTZ. fe7M Diabzuving Committee. ATTNNTION NVLUBTEEMS:- BIORBST BOUNTY! IPOUETRENTH. WARD. The Recruiting Committee are now prepared to lay in CASH the LARGEST BOUNTIES to all recruits ac credited to this ward They will sit at the'Scutheast corner of THIRTEENTH and GREEN Streets EVERY DAY from 9 to 4 o'clock. where all information will be cheerfully given. BO Avoid tbe in brok CSH. ers. come ° to us and receive PULL T/ES BOUNTIES. For one year For two year 5......... ...... .......... • kW 00 tbree yearn 810 0:1 FOR TWO TEAR VETERANS JOLNIISO RANC . OOE'S CORPS. For one year... ••• • •••• ••••114.11* ••• ........ • ••• •••• 0 4640 00 for two years For three years«oo Dr. J. MACA . I7IIiFIL, J. W. TRACKARA. Recruiting' fo7-0t - PRID'IC. vex CLWYD, Committee lar. THB socurary FOR SUPPLYING THB POOR WITH SOUP, No. BSB OR(SOOM Street, between Fpruce and Pine Streets, appeal to the benevolent for aid in meeting the material demands upon their treasury which the severity of the present teneon and the greatly increased cost of materials have occasioned. The noses of all families receiving tickets from this Society are inspected to prevent imposture, and this kind of charity is believed to be one of the least exceptionable. Donations will be received by either of the following members • JSllliktiKll HACKER, President, 316 South Fourth street. THOMAS EVANS. 817 Arch street. SAMUEL BOSTON, northwest corner of Tenth and Filbert street R. JOSEPH S. LEWIS. 1217 Walnut street. CHARLES P. PEROT, 901 Routh Broad street WILLIAM EVANS. JR . Treasurer, fell 31 252 South FRONT Street lagr OFFICE OF THE CITY BOUNTY. FUND OOMMISSIOar. 430111MOSWE AL TH BUILDIAG, 611 CHESTNUT Street, rHILADRLERIA. Jan 27, 1806. Notice is hereby given that the Commission for the payment of the Oltrßounty are now prepare(' to receive and adjust the claims of all new recruits ander the pro visions of (herniae° of Jannau 26, 1866. Volunteer ofor One Year , will rettive a Warrant for FOUB: HUNDRED.DOLLARi. Volunteers for Two Years will receive a Warrant for POUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS. - - . Volunteers for Three Years will receive a Warrant for FIVE HUEDRED DOLLARS. Enrolled citizens who shall place in the service of the United States a Substitute for not lees than Three Years, in advance of a draft, and who shall thereupon be ere ! dlted upon the quota of the city of Plalladehls, win receive a warrant for THEE HUNDRED DOLLARS. By_order of the Commission. ion•tf C. COOPER. Boonton tar DRAFT...DEAFT, DRAFTI— MTH WARD. —A meeting of the Citizens of TENTH WARD will be held cu. TUESDAY SVEN NO. the 14th Feb' at 7.80 P. M.. in the basement of BAP ' TIST CHURC H. . northwest corner BROAD and ARCH Streets. to adopt measures to avoid the Draft. It le de sirable that ail interested should attend s . A H. FR iNCII3CUS, fe9.6t Treasurer of Tenth Ward Bonny land. tar OFFICE WASHINGTON AND VAN BUREN OIL pOhiPANITS. PHILADELPHIA. February 8.18e6. A special Meeting of the Stockholders of the above commies will be held at the offloe Zro 10 . CHANTS' BBCBABOB, on WEDNESDAY. 1 8th , at 33i; o'clock P IL, for the purpose or consulting as to the propriety of selling all or part of the property of the campmates. By order of the Board, ' WM. 0. STILES, Jr., fe9.llt Secretary. ALIIIHNI ASSOCIATION OEN TEAL HIGH SCHOOL The eemi-annual meeting of the ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OP THE CEN TRAL HIGH SCHOOL will be held at the High School Building, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, Feb. 16, 18rd, at 8 o'clock. Huainan, of importance will be brought before the meeting. feB HENRY IL EDMUNDS, Secretary. I 7 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, CEN TRAL HIGH SCHOOL.—The Annual Address before the ALUMNI ASSOCIATION of the Central High School wlll be delivered b HEBEI E. EDMUNDS, Esq., =FRIDAY STRIVING , February 17th, 1885, at 8 o'clock, st CONCERT HALL. The Introductory Ad diens will be delivered by 080. ALFRED TOOWN SENO, Beg Tickets may be obtained of HENRY R. IDEUBDS, 22.1.50 nth FIFTH Street E. H. D. FRALEY. feB 9t" Chairmen of Board of Manager.. W. BILEUCANTILE LIBRARY COM. PANT, PHILADBLPITTL. 'Feb. 6,1866. The Annual Bleetton for Officers for the ensuing year will take Ware on TUESDAY, 21st Inst., at the LI BRARY It‘Olf. Polls open at! P. M,. and close atB P. M. JRO. A idoALLISTER. fe7-13t Recording Searetary. KirT H E QUICKSILVER MINING COMPANY. No. _gl NASsetT Street. Nsw YORK. February 1, 1866. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the CONTINENTAL HOTEL, In the city of Phibidet- Oita. on WEDNEBDA.Y, February ZIA, at one o'clock P. if The Annual Election of DIRECTORS will be held at the same place, on the same day, between the hours of two and three P. M. The Transfer Books will be closed on SATURDAY, February 18th, and reopened on MONDAY, February Vtla- J. B. RANSec DOL, " f _lst retary. COLLECTOR% OFFICE, UNITED I STATES INTERX AL. REVENUE FOURTH DISTRIOT,PENNSYLVAPIA, 424 CHESTIILFT Street, Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank Building, PHILADELPHIA. F0C118,17 1, Mb. NOTICE Is herebr given. that, having received from the Aesessor the official lists of aseessment of the SPE CIAL 1110016.11 TAR for this district, the duties have become due and payable. and will be received at this office until the 13th lust After that dale TEN PER CEISTICE. with costs of collection, will be added to all bills remaining nnysis. Official notice will be served oa all done ona whosees appear on said lista. fel-lit JOHN. RILEY, Collector. SIXTH WARD. —VOLIINTRERS and all Interested will please observe that the Sixth Ward Recruitia and Dlebursing Agent Is at tie Provost Marshal's °M g _ oe, No. 9145 - South TRI.B.D Street, every day from 10 o'clock A. Y. until 3 o'clock P. N., to nay Bounty and to attend to fi lling theymota of the Ward. JOHN RAO a.N. Recruiting and Disbursing Agsat. M. 4 _ S.-0 :I . I °IITA., MONDA' FEBRUARY 13, 1865. CRAB. L. DOUGLABB, Seemetarr Dro. tem irnvANcuu: IL . S. LOAN. By authority of the Secretary of the ?roman the nadersigned has assuuned. the .Beneral 'Subscription Ateae : f for the sale of United States Treasury Motu bearing seven and three-tenths per font. Interest Per annsun. known as Ms SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Notes are lamed under date of Anirrist 16. 1854. and are payable three years from that thus, is ow remoy:or are convertible at the optlap of the holder into 11. S. 540 SIX FEE CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These Bond! arenow worth a - Premium of nine PeF cent., Inoluding gold interest from November, which makes the actual profit en the 7.3) Loan, at current rates, including interest, about ten per aent: per an num, besides its ecernition from State and municipal taxation. which adds from one to three per cent. more, according to the rate lecied on other property. The lutenist is payable semi• annually by coupons attached to each note, which maybe cut of and sold to any bank or banker. The interest amounte to one 'sent per day on a, $OO note. Two cents per day on a $lOO note. Ten rents per day on a $5OO note. Twenty cents er day on a $l.OOO note. One Dollar per day on a $5.000 note. - Notes of all the denominations named will be prompt. ly furnished upon receipt of subscription.. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN BIAHKET now offered by the Government, and It Ls confidently expected that Its superior advantages will make It the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OP THE PEOPLE. Less than 'goo ! 000,poo remain unsold. wlileh will pro bably be disposed of within the next sixty or ninety daye, with the notes will undoubtedly command a Premium, as bite uniformly been the ease on closing the subscriptions of other In order that citizens of every townwnd section of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the Loan, the tfallOnal Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the stunky have generalty agreed to re. oeive Inbseriptions at par. Subscribers will soled their own agents, in whom they have conlidenee, and who only are to be responsible for the Mayer,' of ntO nete7 for which they receive orders. JAY COONE. SUBSORIPTION AGENT. No. 114 SOUTH THIRD- STREET, PHILADELPHIA. HMO , 10-40 10-40 COUPONS, DUE ILIMUI LA BOUGHT AT nuunmr MARKET RATE BY DICJFAXIME4 it CO., fet.lut 34 South THIRD Street. 7 3-10. 19EVIM-TIECCEttrY NOTES, IN AMOUNTS TO SUIT, FOll sus BY DREXEIJ 8z CO., fee-1m 34 Soutti THIRD Street THE NEW 7-30 U. S. NOTES FOR SALE, IN SUMS TO BIET PITROBASSIIIL DAVIES BROTHERS BANKERS AND BNOKERS, DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES GENE. BALLY. C . T. YERKEIS, 00.1 BANKERS; STOOK AND •EXOTIANGE MOMS. GOLD, StLVElto BANK NOTES WANTED. No. 20 South THIRD Street. JUIS.DIIL CHAS. T. TRIMS, JR., STOCK AND BILL BRORER, REMOVED TO No. 20 SOETEI THIRD. STREET. is26-1m DRRXRL 84 CO., BANKERS, 84 SOUTH THIRD STREET, DBAIIIIiB IA ANERIOAN AND FOREIGN GOLD, FOREIGN EEC:RAE/3M, uriiTRD STATES BONDS, QUARTERMASTERS , FODOR:10S, AND UNDUREENT MONEY. STOOKS AID BONDS BOUGHT AND BOLD ♦T BOARD 07 BROKERS. Janata Cenntriu. J. K. CALDwarz. CALDWDLL & CO., $ Na ItO South THIRD Street. STOOKS IXD Witte moUGHT AID SOLD ON 00MISIOSION TES REGIILAIi BOYER OF BROKERS. 010IIEBENT BANK SAD AND TEOLDS. _SPE , WS; iko.,BOllOllT S_ COLLECTIONS NADI And LATENBST ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT. .1&17.I e *tam=s 4 010 n. War. InaOlt an CH/41138 EMORY 4 Co., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 1,5 South Third Street, THILADIELPILTA. An muds of unoorrent Nadir 5$ (fold and =vox *ought and sold, and Oollostiona Pariltrular attention shsU to the Introluallo and nob if eavarnlnana. Rata, and other Stooks and Loan► on sommisdox. n018431a ft B. LBECTIA COMPANY, BANKERS AND STOCK BROKERS, No, 14 FARCUTILAB BUILDINGS, (WALNUT BT., . MOW:TRIED), Prumenta,Prta. Gold, Boyernment Bondi, Otl and Mlseellansons Stooks, bought and sold on Clournalseion at the Board of Brokers. louden in Foreign Rtobange. Letters of ore• /it leaned on Londoa, Faris, Antwerp, to. jal7-9ra HABFBR, D'URNEY, 4-00" BANKERS, STOOK )S.WD EXOTIANGE BROKERS, PArttoular ittontiott paid. to ourolutoo ottil We W 011 ttoolto If SOUTH TRIAD 81/M37. nutADnpara. sawArarrrose.---Droard # Co.. PhltaaoLoh% ; J. I Alup , tti. Padden% Southwark Bank. noylB-10 TREASURY DEPARTMENT OFFICE -A- OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, WAraturavon. January 20, 1236 Whereas, By satisfactory evidence - presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that ?HS NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, in the city of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadel phia, and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly orga nized under and acoordiFig to the requirements of the Act of Congress entitled 'An act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds. and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof,' approved Jup.3, 1954, and has complied with all the provisions of said not required to be complied with before commencing the business of banking under said Act— .... . . . " Now, therefore. I. 1111GIE1 MCCULLOCH, Com_p troller of the Currency, do hereby sertify_lbst Tilli RATIONAL CIE SAAB OP PIEILAMILPHIa. In the fatty of Philadelphia, in the smutty of Philadel phia, and State of Pennsylirenia,. is authorized to com mence the buslaess of banking under the act aforesaid. 1„ th e Qom In testimony whereof. witness my Beal -oar ha d and east of Oleo Me twentr troller of te .4 day lsn a„,,. ., 1856 'Carrency. •••• HUGH oCULLOCH. fel. &X Comet tiller o the CcirentY. 2g5 DOGE STREET, SHERIFF'S ALE. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Espouse, to me d ireoted, will be exposed to public sale or rendue,on MONDAY Eiening, March 0, 1806, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street. Hall. All that lot of grotuod 8111111313 on the Wait, side of Adams street, west of Tulip Street. In the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on Adams street thirty-six feet, and in dente along Tally street one hundred and fifty feet three inches to Enien street." (Which pre mites William F. Emien et al. by deed d October 91, 1046, recorded in Deed Dooll.T. H., No 32, , - -oase 315. dm; conveyed unto Henry W. Heirs in fee, reserving ground rent of thirty-six dollars.) (C O. P. ; M., '66. 6. Debt. $18.60 Pile.) Taken in execution and to be Bold as the property of Belay W. Mdse. HENRY-C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Feb.ll, 1360. fell•fit SHERIFF'S SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF a - writ of Venditioni Exponae,to me directed, will pe exposed . to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening; learch 6, 1860, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-streettHall, All that lot of ground, situate on the south side of Wood street, one hundred and sixty-Mx feet Sass of Am ber street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Wood street thirty feet, and in depth one hno.- dred feet. to Bough. and Ready street [ Which pre mises George T. Lewis, et at.. by dealt dated July 14, 1848. reeorded in Deed Book T. H., No 182, page 464. &0., conveyrd unto Christopher Manta in fee. Boserr lug ffrenaid rent of $213.2.5,1 CC. C. P.: M , '65. 5. Debt, 1618 M. Pile.) Taken in execution and to be sold 66 the property of Christopher Hunts. BENNY 0. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office Feb. 11.1£65. na.s-9t p„,HERIFF'S SA_LE.-BY VIRTUE OF KJd. writ of Venditioni Expense, to me diiemod will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Ivan lug, March 0,1886, at 4 o'clock, at gansonvetreet Ball, Ail that three story brick inessuage and let of ground situate on the north elde of Murray etreot two hand red •ard thirty-two feet el: inches east of Twenty. first street, in the city of Philadelphia' containlog In front on Murray street fifteen feet. and to depth sixty feet. [Which premiees , Edward Taylor Randolph st az . by deed dated September 80th, 1801, ['worded in Deed Boot( 0. W. C.. No. 1.18, page 104, oonYestil boloVinClot Bleeper in fee, reserving ground rent of sevent y nve dollar's.] EC. O.P. ; IL, 'O5. 10. Debt Ira 05. NUS.) Taken in execution and to be sells Ite propel Of Vincent Sleeper. HURT P. 11 WS .19, Ober) . Philadelphia, Sheriff's MC fele. $ . SITIRRIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTV:I3 a writ of Vend Mont Expourts, to um Cribotid will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MORN, Y fratt• ing, March 6, 1886, at 1 o'clock. at Sensom.street I nilt all that lot of ground, situate on. the north nide of Wood street, 146 feet east of amber etreet In the city of Philadelphia; containing In front on W ood street 89 feet. and in dtptb. 100 feet to Hough and Ready street. (Which 111111111Et6 George T. Lewis et al., by deed dated dprll 19th, MIL recorded in Deed Book, 0. W. 0 1(0, pegs 19 &o , conveyed onto William Webster In fee. Reserving ground rent of $34.12 CC. C. F. ; Id. 66.. 16 Debt, $17.30. Mercer.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William Webster. HENRY O. ROWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Shellfire °face, Feb. 11, 1865. fel3 St SOTTIREFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vondue, on MONDAY Evening, March 6. 1860. at 4 o'clock, at &mama-street Hall, All those two. story brick and liwo-atory frame men manes and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Third street and north side of Poplar street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Third street forty feet, and in depth one hundred feet, narrowing to thirty feet on the west. [ Which premises Abraham Collings et ox., by deed dated March 23, 1790, recorded in Deed Book D., Fo. Z. page 67, eko,, conveyed unto John Joe. Leibinger in fee. reserving a ground rent of fifty-three and one-third dollars [C. C. P. ;M. '65. 17. Debt, 1597.12. Letchworth.] Taken In execution and to be sold as the _property of John Jost Leibinger. HENRY C. HOWItt..I., Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's 061ce, Peb.-11. 1863. fell-Ht SIFIRRIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTITE OF 'writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, Will be exposed to Public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning Marche. 1866, at 4 o'clock, at Stinsom-street -Ali that three-story brick meesnage Rua lot of ground situate on the south side of Pine street, two hundred and twenty two feet west of Beach street. in the city of rhilad &hada ; containing in front on, rtes Street fifteen feet. and. in depth sixty five feet (Which premises William B. Ledo° et oz. ; by deed dated May 29th, 186; recorded in Deed Book B. D W., No. 134, page 129, , conveyed unto Edward S. Wheaten in fetal CD- 0. F. • K., '65. M. Debt. 4177.80. Bucksialter.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property or Francis E. Levering and Tames Barclay HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Feb. 11, 1866. fel3Bt SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed. to public sale or vendue,on MONDAY Evening., March 6, 1865, at 4 o'clock. at Saneom-street Hall, All that three story brick mossuage and tot or ground situate on the north side of Fitzwater street. 188 feet east of Twentieth street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fitzwater- street 16 feet, and in depthto lest. Bounded south by Fitzwater street, west by ground now or late of ,John McCrea, east by a fear feet alley leading into sundry alleys leading into pens• berton street, with the privilege of all of said alley s, and north by a fonr-feet alley. Which. premises John McCrea et ox., by deed dated April 10th, BM recorded in Deed Book A. 0. H Ito. 64. page 371, dtc , conveyed onto Isaac Smith and James W. Elliot in fee, reserving ground rent of $46.1 CC:' O. P. ; M., '66. 8 Debt, 11124.34. Biddle.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Isaac Smith and James W. Elliott. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Feb. 11, 18%. fell-It SHERIFF'S BALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of•Venditioni9lxvonas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vend ue, on MONDAY Svenlnif, March 6,1565, at 4 o'clock, at Saneom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the month side of Prime street and west eldeuf a twenty-feet wide street running south, at the distance of 122 feet east of Ninth street. In the city of Philadelphia; contaibing in front on Prime street 12 feet, thence south 92 feet to a two feet six. inches alley, thence east along same 16 feet to said menty.feet street, thence along sane 31t feet to beginning. [Which premises Heuryn. Beck at nx. ,by deed dated May 11 1946, recorded in Deed Book A. W. M.. No. 17, page 961, 6to , conveyed unto Joseph Winter in fee reserving a ground rent of twenty.dollars, with the Privilege of said street and alley.] [O. C. P, ;M. , '65 19. Debt, 19120 60. J. 0. Price, Taken in execution and to'be sold as theprofserty of Joseph Winter. HENRY C. HOWELL - , Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Feb. 11, 1865. fell.3t gUERIFF'S SALE.—EY VIRTUE OF a writ of Tenditioni Exponns, to me directed,will be exposed to public s o'clock,endne, on MONDAY Evening, Idarch 6, 1.M6, at 4 at Sansom-street Hall, All that two-story frame house, front on Monroe street, (1 7 0 am, ) end two•ntory stable on Stanley etreet and lot of ground situate on the south side of Monroe, late Plum etreet, between Third and ponrth streets, in the City of Philadelphia; containing in front on Monroe street eighteen rest, and in depth eighty-nine feet to Stanley etreet. Bounded north by Monroe street, east by, premises formerly of Hash McConnell, south by Stanley street, and west by ground formerly of Samna Cowpertbwaite and others. [ Which premises Ann Arroitt, by deed dated July 10th. 1795, recorded in Deed Desk IW.' No. 7, pa. a 457,, dic , conveyed. unto James Gilmour in fee, reserving ground rent of twenty ur rs j f 0 D. P. N. '65 , 14. Debt, 4112 36 AehmeadJ Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James Gilmour, with notice to John S. Lister. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Feb. 11. 1865. fel3.3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF an order of sale in Partition to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening. March 6, 1:MO, at 4 o'clock, at Saneom street Hall. AU that lot c omposed of two lots of ground situate on the north•east corner of Locust and Thirty-seventh, (late Park) streets, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on-Locust street one hundred feet, and in depth one hundred and seventy five feet B.—On the above lot is emoted a tWo-story frame dwelling on Locust street. a frame stable on Thirty 'seventh eteeet, a two story frame dwelling and a three story frame dwelling en Thirty •seventh street. CD. 0.7 HE N R Y 4 H. C,. Townsend.) HER C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Odic*, Feb. 11.1860. febll-3t LEGAL. T PET T ERB TESTAMENTARY TO .a-A the Estate of RICHARD WETHERILL t Jr.. de ceased,. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to sold Estate are requested to make PaYmegt,and those having claims to present the same to ;BUILT WETHERILL, I Exeentors. fellt•St* CLINTON ANDERSON, VSTATE OF JOSEPH WAYNE, DE. GEARED.—Letters testamentary upon the estate of Joseph Wayne, deceased having been granted to the undersigned, all persons i ndebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against the same will weeent them without delay, to J• , JOSEPH WAYNS, ht.. Executors, No. PO South FOURTH Street. ial6-m6 * TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND CObterx OF PRIAADETAPHIA, Estate Oft The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle. and adjust the account of PHILEMON COLEMAN, Ad ministrator of the Estate of said deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the account ant. will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on MONDAY, February 20th. 1865, at 4 o'clock P. M. at No. 128 South SiXTEI Street, in the city of Philadelphia. felo-fmtv6t H. S. WALLACE, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR giTy_I.NT! COUNTY 07,,,ITILIDEL.PHLA. .13otAte of 1:1410f , tiliANDOAcbecTairia. The Auditor appointed by the lacmrt to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JOSEPH PRICE, Executor of Samue R. Simmons, who was Esecntor of Hartt Gran dam, deceased, and to report distribution of the ba lance in the hands of the accountant will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, the 28th day of February, 1865, at 11 o'clock A. M. at his office, NO. 271 South FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. fed. rawfBt JOSEPH A. CLAY, Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR -IL THB CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA Estate of JOHN MILLS, Deceased. The-Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. mettle. and adjust the account of JOHN D. SIDEHOTHAM, administrator of John Mills, deceased. and report dis tribution. will meet the pai ties interested for the pur poses of his appointment, on MONDAY. February N), lENS, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, No. 114 South SEVENTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia CHAELES.H. DOWNING. Ja., fea-romf St* Auditor. N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND OONTPX OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JOHN OEJOG. decelised The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adiust the account of NANCY M GRIGG and JOBN W. GRIGG, Administrators of the Estate of JOHN GRIGG, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the Accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY, February 20th, 1865. at 4 o'cicck. P. Of . at his Office. S, E. corner of SIXTH and Wki.lsll7T Streets, in the City of Philadelphia feB-wfmlit* D. W. O'BRIEN, 'Auditor. lot IL SLEEPER &. CO., B. • 515 MINOR Eirrnwrgrjr, PdANTJFAOTITRERS, AGENTS, AND WHOLE. SALE DEALERS IN FLINT AND GREEN GLASSWARE ) Haire now in store a full assortment of the Om goods, which we offer at the lowest market rates. Being sole agents for the SALEM GREEN GLASS WORKS, we are prepared to make and work private moulds to order. PORTER, MINERAL, and WINE BOTTLES, of a auperior color and Amish Also, LAMP CHIMNEYS, APOTHECARIES' SHOP FURNITURE, SHOW BOTTLES, SYRINGES, HOWE orinaciviALs. and Druggists' Glassware generally, -T. A, EVANS dr 'CO, 'S PITTSBURG GLASS VIALS constantly on hand at factory prices. felo-3m DEAN'S GRBAT TOBACCO, CIGAR, AND PIPE STQRS, No. 415, CHESTNUT Street, Illalladelphia. Ts. Dean keeps the greatest assortment. Dean keeps she greatest variety. Dean keeps the largest general stork. lon can get any kind of Tobaeso. You can get any kind of Chun. Yon can get anykind of PiPetis Yon tan gid_ani kind of Snuffs, AT Dick N'S GREAT TONACCO MIL No. 413 CHESTNUT Street. PhiladelPhis, ra. When you go to Dean's _yo Sm og can get anything yen want in the way of Plug, ripe Out and g Tobae. toes, Domestle and Havana (Egan, Pipes, iss. Dean keeps the largest_ 'imam stook of Tobago°, Cigars. Pipes, de., in the United States. Dean's sales are so extensive that he eau &ford to sell at about one half what others sell for. Dean sells to the Army of the Potomac. Dean tells to the Army of the James. Dean sells io the AtIZEI7 of the Tennessee. Dean sells to the Army of the (timberland_ (itutboats all order their Tobacco, CigarePipes, from DEAN'S, No. 413 CHEMMT Street. Pennsylvania merchant, all buy at Dean's. New Jersey merchants all buy at Dean's, Delaware merchants all buy at Dean's. " callAlware get just what they want, and at. much lower price than they can elsewhere, and they to not have to pick up their goods at a dozen little stern. m goodi ordered axe gassantes4 tonlys satistastion. Order once end you will always order from Derv's, is his plug and fine cut chewing and smoking tobiusrose cud sigare sire far seperior to all others end he sells for much less. DUN'S, Jo. 4111 oaxsTNirr Street, Philadelphia. IPL FTERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS AIID- SOUP& 1.000 11.1 z Sancaris Meat. OtO Boast Beef. 660 " do Veal. 600 " do Mutton.. 1.000 " do TILTIER Y. • L do Chicken, 3.030 " &motto& Soups. Int, 2. W„lb. cane. For sale by ELLODF.6 & M-tr 107 South WATS& Stmt.. FISH AND CANNED MEATS. 500 bbls Mess and No 1 Mackerel. 2,000 rases canned Meats, Lobsters. dte . For rate br P- 0 BURAOUO.II, de9o• • UN North. FRONT Street. PROPOSALS. fIFFIOB OF- POST QTTARTERMAS TER. pp. 721 MARKET Street, • PRILAMILPHIA. P• 11111617 IL INS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Of ßoe until noon of FRIDAY, 17th inst., for fernishing to the . United States for four months. commutates JUROR 1, INS, all the Wood that may be required for 1,811.41 from this Poet, to be delivered when and where ordered, and in inch womanise as may be needed. Proposals most Mate the price per cord for Oak and Pine Wopd separately. which upset inelede the poet of delivery. No proposals will be received except those which may be properly Ailed Upon blank tonne. to be had at this °Roe. The Untied Skates reserves the right to relect all -bide deemed objectionable. ALBERT S. AI3HIfEAD. felo.7t . —• • • Baptiste and Aut. Qoartermeuster. OFFICE OF. POST QUARTERBI9.B - No. 721 MARKET Street, • . • PRILLDELPHIA., February 10, DM. SEALED rsorossui will be received at this once until noon of FRIDAY, 17th Inst., for furnishiog to the United Stites, for four months, commencing March 1, MB, all the 'iota that may be required for Bute from this Pact, to be delivered when and where Ordered. and 11 nab quantities as may be needed. The Coal to be of the hest quality anthracite, broken, egg, or stove size, free from slate or other Impurities . Proposals must state the price per ton of 2 240 pounds, which must include the cost of delivery. _ No proposala will be received except those which may be properly filled upon blank forum to be had at this olEce. The United States reserves the right to reject all bids deemed objectionable. ALBERT S. ASHMEAD, B10•7t Captain anti Assistant Quartermaster. nIIARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, `aug Corner TWELFTH and GIR/LED Streets. PgmanamrstA. Feb. ,7 IBM. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at Cali owes until 12 o'clock M. on MONDAY, February WI NN. for the Immediate delivery at the United States store house' iIA NO FIR- Street Wharf, properly packed, and ready for trareportatien, of 200 SETS gir.x.muLE 'WAGON HARNESS. complete. Tbe sums lobs of the beet quality and make, and sob loot to the inspection Of an inepector appointed on the Pre of the Government. The above-degoribed Harness to be made in accord !hie with sample and speci fi cations, to be seen at the Nipper- argot Stershonso, Mader! will state pries both in writing and fi gure' (to include boxes and delivery), the quantity bid for. a he shortest time they can deliver them in. All proposals must be made out on printed blanks, which may be had on application at this office, Mher wipe the bid will be rejected- Isch bid must be guaranteed by two reeponffible per sons,whose signaturesmust be appended to the guaran tee, and certified to as being good and sufficient security for the amount Involved,_ by the United States District Judge, Attorney. or Collector, or other nubile officer; otherwise the bid will net be considered. The right Is reserved to reject ail bide deemed too high. Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that do not folly comply with the requirements of this advertise- , ment. will not be considered. By order of Col. Herman Bigp 11. & A.. Chief Quiz termeaWm GIORGI. R. Olt. fez-at Captain and A. Q. H. EDUCATIONAL. CRITTENDEN'S COMMERCIAL COL LEGE, No. 637 CHESTNUT St., cor..of Seventh. ESTABLISHED 164 e. INCORPORATED 1815.' Youn men prepared for the Counting-House and Bu siness Life. Thorough and practical lastroction in BOOK KEEPING. in all its branches, as practiced by the best accountants and business men. ERMAIT Plain and Ornamen P tal, is taught SHlP. by one of the most competent of penw,en. Commercial C,alculatione, Business Fenno. Commercial Law, ' Detecting Counterfeit Notes, &c. • TELEGBAPHING. by sound and on paper, taught in thorough and.pras• Heel manner by a long expetienced operator. STUDENTS INSTRUCTED SEPARATELY, and received at any time. Catalogues containing terms, students' names, &a., furnished grails on application.* S. H. CRITTENDEN St CO. 10tRYANT, STRATTON, & BANNIS. A- , TER'S NATIONAL COMMERUILL COLLEGE, ASSEMBLY SUILDINO. 8. W. corner of CHESTPITIT and TENTH Streets. Instruction, both day and evening, id Boob-keeping. in all its departments and applications, Commercial Arithmetic, Commercial Law. Penmanship, and Tele graphing. Call or send for a Circular. fell-Et PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN STITITTS POE -YOUNG L eDIRS. 1530 ARCH Street. Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D.,and E. 05.11- 101 DOE SMITH. A. H., Principals. fe7.6V VILLAGE GREEN BENINARIn- MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL. four mil* from MEDIA, Pa. Thorough coarse in Mathomatiu, Classics._ Natural Sciences, and English practical lea. sons in Engineering. Pupils received at cur time, and of all ages, and enjoy the benefits of a home. He. fere to John C. Cann & 50n,911 South Third street; Thos. J. Clayton. Esq. ;Fifth and Prune atreets; ea-Sherif Kern, and ethers, Addrees Rey. J. HERVEY BAR. TON. A. AL. VILLAGE GREEN, Pen's. noS4lnt "LOCHIEL," err'e Hotel,) Corner of TH IR Dand IifaRKST Streets, HARRISSURG, Pa. The attention of the travelling public ls most respect fully ea/led to this old established stand, which far the past five months has been closed to trade, and during Mit time has been thoroughly remodeled, repaired, and newly furnished throughout, until it now _possesses all the conveniences pertaining to a first clam hotel, which are In any manner calculated to manna the perfect com fort of - its guests. Its situation alone would recommend it as a stopping place,being only two and a half squares from the depots; near enough to prove convenient, sufficiently ;natant to avoid the annoyance of railroad noted and bustle. The furniture is entirely new, rooms large and well ventilated, table supplied with everylnartry the market San afford, while as to the management, it Is trusted to theludgment of a discriminating public to decide. The Proprietor, having determined to make the cha racter and reputation of the house the object, without regard to cost, hopes to merit the patronage and favora ble opinion of those Who design stopping in the State capital. ESPIIT THOMAS, ja2l-1m Proprietor. JONES HOUSE, 1 . Oor. IILEKST STREW and HAUNT MUNI. HAERIEBUSH, Pa, The Proprietor respectfully returns his sincere thank' to his friends for the very liberal Patronage bestowed to the House since under bis• management, and would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. delB.3in O. H. IL/11111. Proprietor. MEDICAL. BLECTRICAL INSTITUTE, 164 North ELEVENTH, below Race street.—Dr. THO MAS ALLEN, very successful in the cure of almost every kind of disease, invites all to call at his Of- Ace, and see that his treatment is free from shocks. lit- COM VIILSIONS. —A discovery has been made which seldom falls in the cure of Epilepsy or FDA of tbls rr h agic k e in letarraga;tr kn fvrigav Mona- (lards and Tsetimoniala at the °Mee. Hours IZO L. M. to 6F. M. Consultations free. Dr. THOS. ALLEN, Electrician, ial7.3m 1511. ELEVENTH St.. below Saco. Rio ECTROPAT HI ESTABLISH. 'L a laParrjor the care of diseases incurable with me• divine, by Dr. A. H. STSVPDII, one of the discoverers of an entire new system of BLECTBICIAL PHAOTION. at 1418 Pouth PROM SQUIBB. Mr Please call, or send for a pamphlet and learn par , ticulars. No chargefor amen Untion. My- Physicians and others desiring instruction esa enter for a full course any time after MONDAY, Jinn. cry Id. 1865. Any member of the class ilia Inishod may rellew without any charge. THOS. J. HEENAN. J. D. HANCOCK. KEENAN & HANCOCK, • ATToRms & LAW, fNo. Si DIAMOND STREET, pirrssime, /AND HERR'S LAW BLOCK, FRANKLIN, Venanso Co., Pa. One of the above firm being permanently lecated in each of these places: tiler will perform with thorough ness, neatness, and despatch all professional business, especially that connected with the 011 interest, which may be entrusted to their care. Refer to Chief justice Woonwenn, Wlthesharre, Ex Chief Justice*Lowniu, Pittsbarg. Pa. Hon. H. W. WlLL.T.Ams,•.Judge District Conrk Pittsburg. Pa. NlO TICE .-PARTIEB _RAYING A. their own Patterns of Heaters,. Ranges, fitoyes.EaLl ing, Seising Macbines, eanhave superior Castinee made on liberal terms by addressing LANG/ATER STOVE WOES, Lancaster, Pa, 1e6.71. DITHRIDGE I B XX FLINT GLUE m LAMP cmsdrifft IE6AIrr The worldwide reputation which these Chimneys have acquired is alai to their acknowledged superiority over ell others. This superiority is derived from three sonrses• let. Reins fifty per cent, heavier than the common Chimney, they may be handled with mach lose care. 2d. The oval shape is an adaptation to the fiat name, the Chimney being at all points the same distance from the heat, so that the danger of elllektiMbi unequal Pension is avoided. 3d. The material of which these Chimneysare menu- Lectured is unequalled by any other glass as a rapid conductor of heat; and, practically, it is found that Me combination renders them almost entirely free from liability to destruction by the heat of the flame. Hence the obstacle in the way of the universal use of Carbon Oil, found In the unreasonable expense for Chimneys, has been met and removed by the introduction of DITHEIDOWS FIRE-PROOF lowimilmy B. The popularity of these Chimneys has induced 'OM* unprincipled persons to makeuse of our name and trade marks,and their reputation has been partially impaired by the worthlesenessof spurious Chimneys sold as ours. Parties who have been annoyed with the cracking of some_glas t s Chimneys would do well to call and try the X.X. Min. We b r ave appointed Name. PERRINB & DRYDEN. No. 10% South SBOOND Street, Sole Agents for our Ohitneye in Philadelphia, from whom they can be ob- tained in any quantity, at manufacturer's prim, with the addition of freight E. D. DITHRIDOS. FORT PITT GLASS WORKS, 1818-2 m WASHINGTON St . Pittsburg. Peuna. .B U DL IE r AFIELD iS OVERLAND Office, S.W. corner SIXTH AM CHESTNUT Streets. A THROUGH FREIGHT LINE ban been established, prepared torscalve all Glasses of yreinht in the principal 'titles east of the IlleadislPPl river. and to transport the same from point of shipment TO ALL POI/SITS IN COLORADO, IDAIIO, 'UTAH. MID MONTANA TILERITOBIES, • UPON TR - ROUGH CONTRACT RAM AND BILLB OP Lenin. Through Rates include ALL CHARGES—BeiUwe'. • Transfer, Storage, and Foe wardir.g Commissions ...on the Infouri river, and transportation anon the Plains— thus es Wien the Shipper to obtain a THROUGH Coif - TRACT for his freight for a distance of OVER THREE THOUSAND ISILES.and relieving him from all respon sibilities and anxieties incident to the past disorganized and irresponsible system of Plains transportation. Our Agents in New-York. Boston. Philadelphia,Pitts- burg, Chicago, St. Louis, and Bur l ington , lowa, are prepared at ail seasons to receive and ship at the LOWEST THROUGH TARIFF RATES. This Company assumes ALL THE RESPONSIBILITY of Losses, Damages, or Overcharges on Freight while In transit from point of shipment to plate of destination. The New York office is in possession of a fat/ set of TRACE BOORS. showing the date of- shipment, the time it passes the Mississippi river. Is received at and chipped from the COMPARY'II Warehouses at Atchison (Kansas), the character of the trains moving upon the Plaine, the date it passes Port Kearns', arrives at Den- ! ver, is received at destination, and the apparent condi. i tion of the Wares along the entire route. MP* If Damages or Losses occur, Shippers are notified in time to duplicate any important portion of the ship meat. These books era open for the iturpection of our cus tomers at all times, and parties shipping by this Line will be kept informed by sorrespond.ence o f the exact condition of their_ ;shipments. Merchants and. Minim Merlin the Territories ordering Goods, should be articular toitha instructions to mark eases "Via B OVERLABD DESPATC El, Atchison, llamas," and have them shipped under the Instructions of oar Agent all point of 'Moment. Letters of Inquiry addressed to our ogles at ATCHI SON, Kansas; No. 1 VESEY Street, Astor Hone New York; or Southwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia, will be prontiy and reliably answered. D. A. BUTTEHTINLD.ProPristor, WM.SPALDING, General Agent,. New York. H. MOORE. Agent. Philadelphia. delS•tf MACKEREL, HERRING, BRAD, &o. —2403 bbl! Has& Nos. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, late-caught flat Ash, In assorted pac k age bbls. New Eastport, Tartans Bay, and Halifax Herring. WM bonen Lubec. healed. No.' 1 Herring. 160 Ws. new Mess Shad. 260 box es Herkimer. smutty Obese!, &c. In store and for Bale lky MURPHY & KOONS, jale-tf 80. 146 NORTH WHARVES. COTTON AND FLAX BAIL DUCK and CANVAS, of all numbers and brands. Tent. /want, Trunk, and Wagoa..cover Duck. Also. Paper Itannfasturers' Drter Folta, from 1 to f feet. wide; Paiallas, Belti n g. Sall Twin* &e . JOE, * immix CO. aolt-tf 103 JONES' Alas. sitovELß A.llll_ SPADES. ,_1 300dez at redn Drive.. t 010 DROV.III FACTORY , nortwest a serner . QUADifY and BREAD &mete. between Arab and Rio. and Seem! tad Third streets. tSLEEPER'S U. MAXIMA:WORT, MARKET STREET, 01141 door above Tenth. fe4-190 COG- w tiEEL CLOTHES WRINGER, —The very best article made; mho, all the other IN Proved Wringers., at loweat market juices. ROWE, EUSTOA. & 00.. - • 140-le 11.57 end 09 North THIRD erreet. FOR SALE AND TO LET. To LET—THE THIRD STORY 17/ RIES ' COMMONWEALTH. BUILDING, 011 and 013 caseriarr Street. LIGHTED BY TWENTY-EIGHT WINDOW& CAR BE ARRANGED TOR 01PEOZ9. THOS H. CONNELL, Gountbur-lionume or Dr. D. JAYNE & SON. fer.ft• 21451 cassratrr strimlL HOTEL FOR BAER, IN THE CITY OF NEW VOW. A large. somnsodiotis, long established }total, ii Mt lower Part of the city of Now York. doing &flourishing business. is offend at private sale, Including the pre. r a ms . furniture, he. complete In all re spects. Property In fee. Apply to A. J. BLEEOICER, SON, & CO., Auctioneers and Real Estate Brokers. fel9-wfm7t 77 CEDAR Wrest New York. dalinFOß BALE—A BEAU - TITER, AND Alra VALUABLE PROPERTY, In West .Philadelphla, lane garden. large stone mansion. bath hoaxes, hot and cold water, water closet, farneaes. ice boots. large stone stable and coach house. plenty of shade. fruit and Sowers. Price 1Y26.(10. For farther Particu lars apply at Ho. 112 South roORTH Street,. third. story, front building fa9-Br. al FOR SALE OR TO RENT—SETE imutei commodious NEW DWELLINGS. In northern part of the city, with all the/ modern son venlences. Rent 413 to 616 per month. APP/Y to TATLoW JAMESON, Or. JOA 614 N C JAC KHEST SON". SILT Street: fel-12t' 1858 North TWELFTH -Street. LARGE AND VALUABLE PRO PERTY FOR BAIL—Ms sere largo and commie- Motu LOT and ROILD7NO, No. 308 CHERRY Street, near the centre of business. containing 60 feet on Cherry street, depth 1136 feet, being 76 feet wide on the roar of the tot. and at that width opening to a large eart-way leading to ()harry tamed. Ito adTatitaie , of SIZE AXI) POETIC/le are rarely met with. Apply on the premise'. 1012.4ine fa FOR SALE.—THE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale his country' seat, -within half lOW of Wilmington, Delaware. on the Newport pike. eon. tabling eight acres of good land, in the centre of which Ie a large lawn with a fine variety of bade trees, ma ples, lindens, evergreens, ets. ' in ail over a hundred fall• grown trees. improv ements contial of a large and commodious Mansion, leaked on the west by two towers, one of which is four stories in hellrilt. There are four large rooms on a door, with a hall eleven by forty-two feet. The house has the Modern, improve ments. A hydraulic ram forces water from a spring into the upper story of the tower. There Is also au iron Damp and hydrant under a covered area at the kitchen door. The out-buildings consist of a carriage house and stable sufficient for four horses and several carriages; also, a hen, Ice, and smoke houses. The stable haw a hydrant In it. Good garden, with several varieties of dwarf-pear and grape vines In fall bearing. There are also several varieties of apple. cherry and chestnut trees. Terms accommodating. Possession given at any time. Apply to LEVI G. CLARK, n094-tf 831Markei street. Wilmington, Del. di GRES ER COUNTY.—FOR rwaSAL`g, a desirable business FARM. in Willes town township, adjoining lands of Isaac Miller and others. 187 acres of excellent land, 40 aorta woodland; stone mane ion hones, tun tat ni gl4 rooms; double-decker atone barn; tenant house, and all neoessar out build ing'. This farm Is 16 miles from Philadelph ia, Rti miles from Paoli Station. on Pennsylvania Central Railroad. Watered by several springs and stream of water. Sold by order of executors. Price 3116 par acre. JAR R aummvss. 5041 WALINUT N. B.—Call for Catalogue Delaware and Cheater. enmi ty Farms, jot out. fele It di A FARM TO RENT, OF 118 ACRES—One of the beet In CHESTER Counts , : — O -• Within half a mile of the borough. Wet aide; formerly known as Jasper Hoopes' farm. Apply to DAME, O.BOLIN, No. 403 MECHAM' St.. Between Fourth and Fifth felo-0# and Market and Chestnut atieete. M, FOR SALE-VERY DESIRA.- BLit IRON FURNACE PROPERTY. situated McVeytourn, Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, within a short d.stance of the Pennsylvania Railroad and Canal. The freehold property comprises a Furnace, with machinery of ample power to blow. using either charcoal or anthracite coal; about thirteen hundred acres of Timber Lands also the celebrated Greenwood Pine Iron Ore Bank, containing about seventeen acres, which produces in abundance the same Ore from which John A. Wright, Esq.. makes his renowned and justly celebrated locomotive tire and car axles This is the only available property in the State which produces the co , e requisite for establishing a tusinees of alive cha racter. There are also about one hundred land Aft - yams of land within half a mile of the Furnace, held under long leases, from which abundance of excellent herma tits ore can be taken, on which shafts have been re cently stunk, and which will p*oduce sufficient ore to supply the Fames. Soft Fossil Ore is also abundant in the neighborhood. Charcoal in any quantities can be had, delivered at the Furnace This Furnace is well situated for the markets, having water and railroad communisation with Philadelphia, Pittsbarg, Balti more, Harrisbnrg, and other important manufacturing towns. • • • Also (*Duetted With the above, a Fore Property now in operation. manufacturing 'hammered tdooms , and robed slab blooms. Motive power, steam, and water. For price and farther particulars. apply to hi BURROUGHS. fe2-1m 105 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. Ma FOR BALE-FIRST-CLASS ipft PARR and CIVNTRY ERSIDRNCR, at Greenwood Station, Big tiniore Central Railroad Chea ter county. Inquire of NATHAJA JOR/SS, OIL the pro mises fe6-11t* al B. J. BROTH & CO., RBA", Ma ESTATE AGENT& Newtown, Backs county.. Pa., offer for sale in Bucks county and vicinity; over 60 FARMS of from 10 to 200 acres; moot of them are highly improved and remunerative fames, with fruit, water. good buildings, and veil located. The early attention of buyers is directed to them. Letters of in quiry answered. ia7.4-181 el FOR SALE-LARGE FOUNDRY • andlidolll2l3BlloF in fall operation, with the working stock and tools, patterns, he., of every de • serlotlon necessary for doing a large and aueoessfal bn rineSa, situated on a railroad. about twenty Wien from rbilaaelphia. B. F. GLENN. fell-tf 123 Battik FOURTH Etraet. en FOR SALE—THE WELL-BUILT, MA. double. front (36 feet) BOUM northwest corner of NINETEENTH and GREEN Eta. Possession soon. B. P. GLENN, If 3 South FOURTH Street or fell-tf S. W. tor. asvarnimili and GREEN. FOR BALE—A DELIGHTFULLY -811 Mt rim COTTAGE fora summer residence. on " Locust Peak," near a railroad station, two miles above Bordendown, N. J., with Barn, Carriage -house, he. and about 18 acres of Land. IL V GLEBA, - fell 183 South FOURTH Street. O FFICES FOR RENT, IN GOOD business locations. Several Gan be furnished in the same building. Apply to JACOB H. ET.LI& fell-sinta 3t* 154 Eolith FOURTH Bt., (Zd story. ) O IL LANDS: FOR SALE—ELIGIBLY located in VENANCIO and CLARION Counties. Mao, 1000, 30.000, and 00,000 Ames, in WESTERN malt IL. Companies about organizing, desiring to secure choice lands, should address for List or apple to //UTICA'S hi. MITCHIION. N. E corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets fell-7t Philadelphia. OIL LANDS. FOR SALE, in HiteTie County, West Virginia, near PETRO LEUM WELLS, and in Ilionoagalla County. West Vir ginia, near the celebrated WiLEY WSLLS,ou Dan hard Creek, Pa. A rare amuse to buy good oil lands cheap. Apply for slew days only at American Hotel. LEWIS S LAYTON. To oz COMPANIES. •••• TO BBIST—The large, well ventilated and lighted third-story Office of the Building northeast corner FIFTH and WALNUT Streets. Applyp B. A. MITCHELL, In building. fee-6t" OITBRRITORY. i j OR SALE—A Tract of Land, containing 95 acres, situated in the celebrated Mecca district, Trumbull county, Ohio. This district pt od aces the famous Mecca Lubricating OIL Also, a Tract of 623 i acres on Bast Sandy Creek, Ve• nango county, two and a half Who; from its month, and opposite Kingston Oil Company's Property. For particulars apply to COCHRAN & RUSSELL, fa& (It 22 North FRONT Street. TOR SALE-A LARGE LOT, CORNER -R. of Richmond and Plum streets, Kensington, near Cramp's Shipyard. 177 feet by 130 feet, with office and dwelling thereon. . • lot adjoining. IC , O feet by DO feet, with four small houses thereon. Large lot on the Delaware river, between Westmore land and Ontario streets, SOO feet front on the river, 2,672 feet deep, having eleven fronts. A lot on Pennsylvania avenue, corner of Orford !greet, SOO feet front. 200 feet clasp; a flue stone quarry with railroad @Waling into the ouarrY. A lot corner of Somerset street and Trenton avenue, 60 feet by 190 feet A lot corner of Somerset street and Gunner's Run Canal, 180 feet by 212 feet. A clay lot, near liicetown, on the Plank road, ad /Wicking Ilowlett'sbrick yard,3oo feet front.2oo feet dean. A lot on Costello street, Germantown, 162 feet front, 226 fest deep. Will be sold very low. Terms easy. Apply to J. or A. LONGSTRZTII, 619 WALNUT ia76lm" 152 Street. or North ILNVISITH Street. T 0 L E T—FOR SALESROOMS OR not manufacturing P . the ripper stories of building northwest corner of /METH and bigatglir. Apply in the store. FOR BENT-SEVERAL WOMB IN -a- the THIRD STORY sadeMßA on the sonth. west corner of SEVENTHCHESTISIOM Streets. Ay. ply et this office. ja1341 I'OR SALE.-KAGNBTIC IRON ORB -a- FOB BALE —The GARRISONS' MINING CON. PANT ie now_prepared to make contracts for sale of their superior Om, delivered on the Hudson river, or.- positeiWert Point. Apply st. the Office of the Company. WILLIAM Meet. New Yor ia3o-16tv WEST VIRGINIA LAND • 6FFICE, PARKERSBURG_ IMPORTANT TO 016 COIKPAMEE AND CAPI TALISTS. BURGESS at P.AIST. (formerly of Philadelphia.) SURVEYORS, CONVEYANCERS. DEA UGHTEWEN, AND DEALERS IN OIL LANDS. Rave opened an Office in PAREP.ESSURG for the purchase and sale of Oil Lands, Surveying and. Omit veyancing Lands surveyed and) mapped, Titles ex amined, Deeds and Lemma drawn. companies and in dividual interests attended to Parties destrinl in formntion regarding Lands. Companies, Wells, dm., by mail or otherwise,promptly answered. Persons visitis the great oil regions of West Virginia Will find it to the interest to Ball upon RiTRGESS ft PLUM. fo3-1m Parksrstrarg, West A. R BURGESS. Jos. R PALIBT. COAL. TRoxes J. °Luc. - ROBERT J. RIBIBITILL. ORAM ECEMPHILL, LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL. Of all sizes and of best quallttea. Carenlly nicked and screened. and Invariably at the lowest sash prices Ofilee and Yard, WILLOW, below FIFTEENTH Street. sir Orders can be left at 146 North SIXTH Street. 653 North TENTH Street, 1433 BARCLAY Street, or through the Poet OSlce, which will be p r ompt satisfactorily tiled. jail 3m V SCHREINER, NEW COAL DEPOT, - , 1-A• NOBLE Street, above Lath street. Constantly on band anpsrior qualities of Lettish ani Schuylkill Coal, selected expreeslr family purposes, at the lowest market prices. Wharf Twenty-thlrd street, below Anil street. OSice 119 Sonar NOW= Street. odlo-6si GENUINE EAGLE VEIN COAL, EQUAL, IF NOT SUPERIOR TO LEMUEL A trial will secure Tour gustom. Ere and Stove glass, 110 per ton; Large Ent * $9 Oise 131 South FOIDITE Street. below Chestnut. Depot 1.41 U OALLOWEEML Streak above Broad. aol4-6m ELLIS BRANSON. 0. 0A L .-2 IT GAR LOAF, BEAVER ",-/ MEADOW, and Spring lionatatn Lehigh Cktal, and beat Locust Moantain, from Schaylklll, proves,' ay. PressAy for faintly nee. Depot N. W.corner EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. ONce No. LI South BRGoAD Street_ raD6-tfl J. WALTON di CO. . ' 1 :40 Q I . MOORE . A6l South IIISOONDAMPIOff Etrakt. aft prolared to follow the decline In the market a la Wee of tholpfarnilun. Plinth/tilers will plasm awswina Oar stalk seti•lho im DENTISTRY. -DR. BASSET Inserts A.RTIFIOI&L TEETH on Gold. Bliver, Vulcanite, from $6 to $4O Teeth filled.- 60 rests- and upwards. Rezairinc Baforenoea.24-5,51114TH West. Wow Locust. uol7-3m •-, L :VANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER. Slal OR 16 sorra F O UR TH uREBT. RL PIADIHI A. • large variety of rum MP moop re_ band. hATßSysaways oe 11101103014% LONDON MIMI =BR, OR RIIROPRAR BANGS, for innglies. hotels. or publieinetitntions, ta TWISTV DM FRRBBT SIRES. Aleo, Philndelphie Ranges. Hot-ate Furnaces, Portable Heater*, Lowdown Grates,, Pireboard Stove*, Bath Boilers, Ettewhole Plates.Broll eve. the msaufac Cooking S t to rutir*, etc.. at waoleaale and retail. by Pt• oat Natalie ,RASI. SHARPE, & THOMSON. ' Igo. $11,19 N. FiltoolED Street. • AUCTION SALTA FRNESS, BRINLBY, co lie. 615.CH118T3FITT and on )ATE: FIRST SPRING BALE OT BRITISH, pg,. NAB!. AND .ABLISHIOAN DRY OS TUESDAY MOHNINS, "b' 'February 14, lißki. at 10 o'clrek. oft foar KO packages and lots of hussy and vol .: DOMESTIC GOODS FOR go Also, or a fall assortment of cotton and it g . .ds t molt BLAMIG BROS- DR RUMS .p&pp rr GRAINS, ADD AISHURRI, ti pieces high lustre black arcs de rp iu , —places Bonnet's make black toff.M4 —pieces best quality black grog grata, pi cogs best quality royal *more& Weer cbangeable area d'Atrioite. pieces black finrea poult sol i , pieces halt-nro g aralog do. DOUBLE CHAIN BLACK —piece&ljsst4Monty doubt,* chatt g! BLACK ALPseio,i, A Millie of all Qualities black good. Imported. J j ooo DOZ LEANN OLIEBRIC HAIFDRE., 11) dot 8 ard 3-4 plain and heap.' cambric handkerchiefs. TASHI GRIINADINE THilg A large assortment orrorts Doane fer dine veil& "t: JOHN B. MYERS & CO., AC, REES, Nos. 2311 and 234 11A1Urrr LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OP 8.0 ff., BROOARE,ASMY GoODS. TRATELLitig ON UESDAY kidEigiNG. .Feb. 14th , at 10 o 'clock, will be solo. L., on four months' credit. about 1.140 0. shoes; brogans, =vary boots, travellti,!' of city and eastern manufacture, eiriLm : :' and prime assortment of seasonable KO .46, 1 be open for examination. with eatal4gt i s morning of sale. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOCbt TRAVELLING BAGS. &c. NOTICE. —lnOluded ln oar large wife if 4..„ TUESDAY MORNING. February 14th, will be found la part the folly, and desirable assortment. viz.: lean's, boys', and youths calf, double,. welt. and pump-sole dreee boots; me... I . louths' kip and buff leather boots; men'aj. ong leg cavalry boots; man's and bore 'osIll) ; ', COL(regle booteand balmorala ; rcen's,bo7.• super buff. and p +Palled grain helf-we'i tee brogans; ladles' tine kid , goat, Inom e ii smelled patent. sewed balmorsis and Goer-,a women's. misses', and chtldraa's calf /tea balmorale and lath boots; chtldren's Last; city made lace boots: fancy sewed balinorab.: ties; ladies' line black and colored lasting Ce ei .' side lace gaiters; women's. misses'. sad goat asd morocco copper-nailed 'ace boot.:Lj. kid litAPera. travailing bass. metallic ovar•ir. ALSO—t,TOCI[ OF DAMAGED 000 e, Included in above sale will be found a dal damaged by a ialirasid collision, oompristagz. boys' calf boots, shoes; women's, =lamas' , dren's balm orals and Googrese gagers. •Llppe , He overshoes. &c , of fine quality , and tention of dealers. LARGE POSITIVE HALE OF ORME& 121 GERMAN, AND PokiESTIC DST We will hold a large sale of foreign and I t " ) ". by cathlegne.on a wait of fear month,, for nth, ON THERSDATILOANWG. February . 16th. at IO o'clock. atnacacial Packages and tote of staple and fawn artitt. ens. worsteds, linens, eirke, and cottons. 14 Invite the attention of dealers N. B —Samples of the same will be arra tp.; amlnatioa. with catalogues, ear/Y .on t he :Sr sale. when dealers will find it to their attend. FIRST LARGE PORITLVE BALE OP Ckl?: . CARTON AED COCOA BUTTING% z ; SPRIPG OF 1863. OR FRIDAY MORNING Febroarr 17th, at It o'clock, by eatalorle, months' credit. rarticniars luersaber. - VANCOABT & WARNOCK, TIONESES. Xll4l *LWOW Street. FIRST LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF MEV, IMPORTED DRY GOODE, LINEN AOD - : 000D_R, HOOP. BRUITS. CORSETS, ae, k FOE erßuxe OF 18105. by Catalogue. ON WEDNESDAY, Feb. 16th. commencing at ID o clock, c about 800 lots new and desirable good.. r t, approaching season. ltir THOMAS & SONS, 111• 108. 139 sad 141 South POIIRTI cul SAI,IIB OF STOCKS AND REAL 16Ttti At the SIECRANOL every TUISDAY, et noon. Handbills of sash property timed n, t and on the Saturday prenone to_ each ea 1411: icZpi D U zfrrin e ae r iTteg i ge rn /n:ti eecr'. o2 TItIiESDAY. Particular Attention Oren to Wes Residences, As. DBAL ESTATE AND STOCKS I.4TH 39-- Cs RD.—Oar .ale TIISSDAY next will inclti• able City Dwellings. large Lots on Arch sal • streets, Sublimes Stands, “Chestnut Oros. Media: Stocks. Loans, Ito., including Bee pamphlet catalogues. SALE OF BARE AND VALUABLE THEW: ADD MISOELIANIIOIIB 1300Ke. ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON, February 19th, at the auction storm rare mit theological and miscellaneous books from a. Also a number of old German Bibles. Administrators' Sale ,No. SW North Elevemi , OUT HOUSEHOLD ' Fax PETS brruit , ets, PM! -4PINE CARc. ON FRIDAY MORIVING,_ 171 h bast, at 10 o'clock. at /to 9315 North Eleven above Brown, by order of administrators. tt, hold furniture, oaf. of Farrel R Herring, taw. pate, feather bode. &e. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the metal:. sale. IDBILIP FORD & CO., AUCTION A- 525 MARKET and 522 COMMERCE h . :- POSITIVE SALE OF 1.200 OASES BOOT , SHONE. ON TRURfiDAY MORNING Feb. lath, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely,: sell by catalogue, for cash. 1.200 eases prim shoes, brogans. balmorals, cavalry boots. a: from city and Eastern manufseturers; agslusin signed goods. POSITIVE SALE OF 1.500 CASES BOOT; SHOES. ON THTIRSDAY MORNING, February 10, commencing at 10 o'clock unser _will sell by catalcgue, for each. 1,14) cases urtL. ohoes. brogans, belmorals, Oxford ties. emits ; &e.. from city and Eastern manufacturers. CJ. WOLBERT, AUCTIONEER .16 SOME SIXTH srazar. PURE OLD CHAMPA G NE . WHISEPN. OW, CLARETS, &. On TUESDAY MOBBING a - t,_the I4M Jae . o clock, at Do 16 S. SIXTH Street .. demijohns. and casks. comprisi i %ure old Madeira sad sherry wines, of h grads. L c and Kong whistle% lalliaioa gnaws b genuine champagnes, clarets, ho.. including pa stock of a city wine merchant declining air Catalogues now ready. IL&CHUVERY AND WM. M. FABER & CO., HAM- ZDTGLIF:I BUILD: 11104_70111TDRS, OKNISAL ReOHINISTS, AND BOILER ID TIM PENNSYLVANIA RAILRO NRAZ AD PASSENGER 6:1 PITTSBURG. PENNA.. Mannfactare all kinds of STEAM INGIREtz, from three to one haadrsd and fifty horse-Ww• suited for Grist KM% Saw Milla, Mast Wells, he.,dos. Give parlealar attention to the constn2ser.: tines and Machinery for oil boring and pnrs:!'w ttone. Rave always on hand, finished and ;-• shipment. INGINES and. 1301 LEES of every lion. Orders from all parte of the eonntry sat' Promptly filled. L VAUGHAN MOSZNICrE. WILLIAN L SOUTHWARK FO U NDRY, IC Flynt Air, WASHINGTON ET: PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK ds SONS, INGINSERS AND huotinusrs. Manufacture Ilia and Low Pressure Steam for land, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Hoag , kI ince of all kinds, either iron or broom. Iron-frame Roofs for Gas Works, WorkstO road Stations, &s. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest awl; proved construction. Every description of Plantation Xachinetyd Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum r'