PB£»S, ,sH*aJ i »AII.T {SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) V Y join V. WWMI, JlOfc *«■ 111 BOITTH PW* TH STBBBT. T int D4H T i-bess, .„ h „rtb«rii. I»tbk Dollab* Fib Amnm, la If nr ywairrr Cbstb P»b Wm, payable to " ° Matted to Snbecribere oat of tbs city, Pbb abkijh ; Soph Dollabb ahd Pott ‘ l g, T mokthss Two Dollabb abd Twaimr. jJJ, yo* tsbbb Months, imvarfably loadyaact <®'rtilJmcnU Inserted at the nmal ratac. (lU.WKRKI.T JPMtESS, Fitb Sola abb Paa Ahhto, la HOUSES. [OVAJ* iICK, STOKES, & CO., JOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, have bbmovbd to 0 _ ©ass Chestnut Street, tuy offer lor tale, by the package, BANKERS. JOB. AND exchange brokers. gold, silyeb, ' NOTES WANTED. AND BILE BROKER, BBMOVED -south third street. BA.IS" HERS, SOUTH THIRD STREET, DEALERS Ilf jAN AND FOREIGN GOLD, FOREIGN EXCHANGE, rNITED STATES rarkiment Bonds* Oil and Miscellaneous flit and eold'on. Commission at the Board of )e*lers in Foreign Exchange. Letters of ore* T ffer to the irada a choice sto. h > CHEMICALS, a stDck of WINDOW ,sL &e. Alio. WHITE LEAD, ZINC, -i.. —’xrgßL \BB, ti owa I-HEAT IN O APPARATUS 40 AND YBBTOATiaO TOBWO IS AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES. ■mnmoTOßiD bt tub STEAM AffD WATEB-HEATING COMP AM OF PENNSYLVANIA. P. WOOD & CO., *1 SOUTH FOTJBTH STEBBT. B. M. FEL.TWELB, Sup’t. suun mantowamsbooms, ILB TOPS. Ao.. Ao.; 023 C&eßtnut Btaceet. rHIIiADHtTHU, BUOEWHHA.T FLOUR. white oloveh hobby. ~ nsw FAKED PEiGHBS. CULTIVATED CBAEBBKEIES, 40, O. ROBERTS. Dealer la Tine Grooei _____ IOH, . NBl South SBGOHD Straat, . ~ ■to follow tha decline lath* market lath Mew YOL. 8.-NO. 156. J # E. WALRAYEN, MASONIC HAUL, Tl 9 CBE ST NUT STREET. OFFERS LACE CTJRTA.IJVS, ;• PIANO AND TABLE COVERS, WINDOW SHADES, OF NEWEST DESIGNS . AND OOEORS, XJ.-S. BUNTING FIiAGS, AITD CURTAIN HOODS/ ■j AT THAN PRESENT GOLD BA.TIIS, WALRAVBN, jaM-tt i Tl 9 CHBBTHUT Street. RENTS’ ■ FURNISHING ROOM. QHRISTMAB PRESENTS - FOB GEWXLESMEnV. • ' ~— * SPLENDID ASSOBTHJUIT O* JCJABF3, GLOVES, TRAVELLING SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS, MUFFLERS, HDKFSaj Aid «Y*rr d«ssr!ptioi of SENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING HOODS, SUITABLE POS FRESBHTS. UNFORD LUKBNS, «el4-tl If. W. aoi. SIXTH and CHBSMTOT. DINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. A- The «nb«orlbers would invite attention to their IMPROVED CUT OF BHRITB, which they make a specialty in their business. Also, ” Mt gO'i®Tl]sS , foß SBKTLBMKR’S WBAB. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. A FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, “■* SILVER AND PLATED WARE, COBWEB ARCH AMD TBSTH STRBBTg. troches. Sieve Buttons, Armlets, Bracelets. Searl Pint and Rlnis. Tea Sets, lee Pltehere. Writers, Gohlsts, Porks, Spoons, *«. MT-Wstehee repaired and Warranted. Old Soldi Diamonds, and Silver booxht. . . ._ »o»-9m HABRIBOW JA.BDEB. P. KELLY, 612 CHESTNUT STREET, WINTER STOCK Pbitabelpeia. BEDUCED PHICXS9. JsM-tf ~ K, CALOTTEM. two*, n Van Gak? Bush* gUSH & KURTZ, IKEKB} Hare BEMOVBDtheir Stow toons 137 K. THIBO St: 49 NORTH THIRD STREET. ■There they will Keep a fall line of— Cloths, Oasetmeree, aid Testian. Bilks, Bibbons, and Dress Goods. Shawls and Balmorals, Linens and White Goods. Laces and Embroideries. Jeans, Ginghams. Bleached Shirtinis, Colored Caratries.&c. jaM-lm Id SUY« aa&salt ox g M. NEEDLES, Invites attention to his lane assortment of PHILADELPHIA. !n SLBEVBS, COLLARS, SETB, HAHDKBBCHIBFS, ke. 7 snitable tor the present ssasop. 1,000 TABDB OF S-YABD WIDB FRENCH MUSLINS, bcurkt a Baroatft* and for salt low* Also. TABLBTAHS,' ILLUSIONS, ted other *ood«, «Ut£bie foFBRIDAL AHD PARTY DRRSSEB. A Terr exteaslYe Msortanont ofHANpKERCHnSPS. 7E11.5. EMBROID2KIEB, Ac., all of * Mck ut offered It prlcee uratb below tbe preseat cold rates. K. M. NEEDLES, 10i»* CHKBTSPY Street. JJOTEL PBOFRIETOKS HC O U S S 3 K E JE I* E » S BLANKETS, QUIETS, LINEN GOODS, SHEETINGS, st»*«. CURTAIN ROODS. J. W. SCOTT <& CO M GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, Four du>rs below the Continental. MERCHANT TAILORS. JOHN KERRY, TAJOROI6S, Are now gelliar from tlieir SCALES. gCAUES WAREHOUSE, ns upsnnn wrauunr. IBJ OOODB JOBBERS. IMPOSTERS AND JOBBEBB IST DRY GOODS, RETAIL DRY GOODS. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET, LACE GOODS, Gan always And a full stock of * O THE PEOPLE, A WOEK Bt^R 7 VON D Mnn'« Jlymn f«Te»ce, Paso Vobiscui Raoommended £b be snug by Oongiisos IntoH.-soi , aBa>, all standing:. Tima —Old Grimes, How do the llltla busy Blalra * Improve the shining hours, And load their mfitds with pondarot*e>eßC»B To close tbls‘ war of ours! H"matter ofhlstory it might be woS 'to give it publicity-—Bhowing the perfect troth 4; Schuylkill Navigation sixes of ’72 at 90; Elmira sevens at 102; Lehigh Valley sixes at 100; Camden and Amboy mortgage sixes at 106* The share market was. generally steady; Reading was a shade lower, but Pennsylvania Railroad, Philadelphia and Erie, Mine hill, little Schuylkill, and Cat&wissa sold at about previoo s prices,. The oil stocks were moderately active. Of coal stocks the only sales were of Shamokin at 143 V», and Pulton at 63£* . City passenger railroad shares con tinued dull, and there was nothing done $,44 was hid for Tenth and Eleventh;.24 for Thirteenth and Fifteenth; 15 for Chestnut and Walnut; 28K fox Green and Coates, and 23 for Girard College; 67 was asked for Second and Third * 46 for Fifth and Sixth ; 70 for West Philadelphia; 17 for Arch street, and 103 V for Race and Vine. Bank stocks are held firaiy, with sales of Corn Exchange at 59; Union* at 05&» and Mechanics’ at 83. The following were the quotations for gold at the hours named; 10.30 A- M .....„..210 lass “ mi 11 " ..220 ilm " - sw IIISO —2lBs .....217K lasop M....... 2HX l •* I.SO “ The following were the c Saturday for the principal' stocks Bid. Ask. Sckuyl !(&▼•*•• *«• 25 28 Sekiiyl Hgy.pref. SI 32 gwn fiftnal..lB 14 Big Mountain Coal 5 534 Butler Coal.-.- lfiHj Clinton Coal.<"** 1 IH Conn Mining. X. n X Diamond C0£1.... .. 17 Fulton Coal. ••*••• 8 •• Feeder Dam... J 6 Green Moun Coal. 3 4 Keystone Zinc.... 1 NT & MiddleC F 8 9 New Creek Coal •• X 1 Penn Mining.....* .. If Swataia Falls Cl. «■ f , Atlas* 1.66 1^ Allegbeny.Biver.. .. 2- AHegh & xideoute .. IX Big Tank.....» 2k Branden Island.. .. 1* Beacon OB.*..**** .. 1 Bruner Oil******.. IX Bull Creek.**...*. 2 2k Briggs Oil**.. .♦*** .. 4k. .Continental 0i1... 2 2k Crescent City..*.. M 2 Curtin. 12 14 Corn Planter...** 6k • Caldwell********** 6X 6M Cow Creek*****... 2k 2X Cherry Bun***..*. *■ 27 Dxuakard Oil. *.. • * k k Dtmkard Cr’kO,, 1 1 MS DenamoreOil..**. 6 oft I i* «ao:u."™ i | barrel Oil.™ -- Jg Franklin Oil 136 lli Great Western.». 3 4 The amendatory finance bill introduced in the House of BepresentsilTeß by Mr. Thaddens Steven., which authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to issue seven, thirty notes in lien of bonds, authorized by the act or June 80» 1884* has passed the Senate without amend ment. These notes, as So laterally known, are eon" vertlbie. after three years, Into six psr.eent. cold bear ink bonds, hnt in the meantime hear only seven and threetenthsper cent, interest In currency. The cold, debt will thuß he indirectly lncreasedto the extent of the further Issue of these notes, and about two hundred 'Simons remain unissued under the present act,, about seventy millions being undos the first section of the tell and one hundred and twenty- five millions uhder the second section. The quantity of oil aaoumulated In' the oil region, waltinc transporiaboss to market, tasted to he beyond precedent This blockade st the wells is caused in part by the requisitions made on the Atlantic and Great 'Western Btelroad for can at station* west of Carry, fn on* month, in 1884, the Atlantic and Great Western Hallroad forwarded 91,11} barrels of oil. and for three conseentlve months the averse* number of barrels for warded over that read was 87,818. Thaawholo number of barrels of oil carried over the Atlantic and Great Western Ballroad In ten months, In 1864, was 688,187 barrels, equal;to an averste of 68.818 barrels for each month. The cashier of the Bank of Crawford telegraphs to j this city that ihe bask hat wesired all hut Umntv Sntfs cur* < COO d 0... *r..coup. 108J4 Rosa 00/..’..-.-.,, \% -stOOUSeß’Bicoup;.*..llO 100 %% 1£ 00TI610 40Bdsltaep.l0lJV CO Caldwell OiL.lots . 97 100 Walnut'faland.r.. 2.81 : 3.7 Hecbanlea’ S4t.—. S 3 100 J\herman>‘*—*-*-. U 4 S>.Onion Bank. r*.... 66% 100 Hfhberd Bfi after Boards. _. - - Ca1dweU.......b30 6K 24R 63 SCtJSitamokin USOH* IOOCujtU .iw..bs 14 . 2ftKrPennaß2dnioH'..3Q43i 100 do>>* bfi 14 ICOO Ci Vm &Am mzt 0&,!P6 200 do. ••* -Icte b 33 14M 4aar yesterday ha s to-d#given plaeotdtlie languor of reaction Gold, wjhich rose yes ter CaylO >pf> cent. , has fallen to day al'out half tit«t amoann ai*d stocks sympaShize to some extent with the downward-anovement Gbld has sold as.high ak3£lK thte morniuk. and mm low as-2!6. There ie A ut.littte ex eltement/anii the tendency 1m downward. 4£t the closing 216)4 was bldv The loan market is still crowing ocsier, he incertitude arising from the sudden a nd violent fluctuations in prices, ho vever, makes" criminating. Atfi per cent, money h%B offered to certain firms* by pajties who* have large unemployed, balances. The-ehief transaettonsw however, at e at 7per cent,, with’&n increasing prqpoxtiomat'6. Commerctel paper is more plentiful, and passe* readily at 7@9isr cent. . 2F. M—~ —.215* 3 SOP. M— c-..«...216% 4 “ .......215* 4.30 “ 214 X 4.45 “ 8.30 " 212 X 9.15 “ *~*—2l3 9.46 --215 X 9.50 “ .—214 dosing quotations at 4P. M. navigation, mining, and oil Sid. Ask. Germania. .*♦*#•*.. % l Globe 0i1.... . IX - Hbwe’sEddy Oil. IX IK Hibberd 0i1....*. 1$ 2 Hyde Farm....... 1 .. Irwin 0i1....—** 8* 10X Keystone Oil.——* 2>« Krotxer-—W Maple Shade 3IX 25 McClintock. 0i1.., 0X 634 Mineral 0i1.234 2*£ Mingo —. 3.55 8X HcßihenyOil—. 434 5 HeCreakCherTS. 13d IX Noble & De 1...... «X 7X Oil Creek— .*♦**. 7X 7X Orianie 0i1... * 1 OlmeteadOil 2813 Perry 0i1...* 3X 4 Phila & Tide out- .. 3 Pope Farm Oil— X IX Petroleum C entre. 3 '3H Philada. & Oil Cr. IX IX Phi11ip5............ SJ4 4 Revenue. .. 2X Roberts 0i1... 2 Sock Oil.*—****** 3X 4 Sathbone Petro.. 1 2 Sherman********** 1.44 IX Seneca Oil *•••**** .. 4 Story Farm 0i1...2 1-16 2X Sob &.Qll Creek- 1 IX St Nicholas......'. 4 41-16 Story Centre...... 6 6X Sun Durr.—*.*-. 1 IX Tarr Farm........ 2X 3 Tair Homestead.'. 6X 6X Onion Petrol IX IX Venango Oil—**** .. 1 Walnut Island— 281 2X Watson.***♦*— 2 3 fH£ WAB FR£3SS» (PUBLISHED WEEKLY.) Tits War Fkxbs will be sent to subscribers by mall (per lusui in Rdvauie) at~—o9 Three copies***-*-***'**** 1 .**™*** ***•»■*« ■■■mnn*** 09 Five copies***-—****—******* B OO Tea copies.——. .*«■—« —— —ED 00 Larger Clubs than Ten trill he charged At the atttte rate, $l5O per copy. - The money mast aftoags accompany the orders dad in no instance edn these terms he detridefed from, a* they afford 5 OK" SCO Mingo-Jote.cash S* . 100 Noble & Pel IK ft©- do 7* ICO d0....-.—* ,7 ICO do .... b5 a 7 lffr do -ii>5 3 7 100 Oil Or’k & Chlfiin ’4 2)oSeneca-.. %K } SCO do ....lots 4 ICO St Nicholas 4 goo , do ...lets 3.94. 200 union Petro-...b5 jl% 330 . 100 Webaat. Island.... s£«. 300 OJn^tead.—..-lots 2/4 ' 100'Scii BaT. pref.b3o 32 W do.. cash SIK ' ICO- d 0...... b*i3l* affTßißk-Ky C & P. 135 , 30Copi fetch Bank SO 120Wmsi0.40alts coup.lol# • r Bo&BBsr. 25'gSgthQrB den ...... St GO'9Paab.in.Eion Gas.. 21 30 ECfctiyl JSay 0s *72. fiO 46 B'fiftrt In scrip *6l. 90 lOnoUrttanPefc b3O Mf , 100 Co a*“Creek. . 23-10 200FaItoifCoal.....b5 6% " 4000 lO4 €OO Penn a R 2 mett bs:}o4>£ Reading R m lots 53 100 do bto‘633d 800 d0.........vhSO J SSH 200 d 0..-, 63- ICdPernaß Idte*6B - Little6ch R...10ts 63 17 Lehigb Vailey.... 75 10 Elmira 209 Cataw R**bnl*pref 3r. 100Phiia&Brie£.... %% 8 Wyoming Val..*..- C 8 • 9 Lehigh Goal & Hav 190 Orescent City Oil.. I%‘ SCO Dunkard Oil-lots # 2000 Logan Oil. w -lots U 100Eldorado.... 1 66 VTO do-—. ....lots 1 k 300 Great 8a5in........ ik SCO do- b 5 2& iOO d 0..-.- ......b5 2H 700 • do.. ..b5 2 H 2G) Keystone OU..**t£ 2_h BETWEEN SCO Egbert Oil—..lute 334 600CaSdweU....—.bfi .6% 10 Fhila & Site B. bsO 25% 300 do - 26 H f 100 Corn Planter...... 6% ,100 d 0... .cash 5% 40CCU S 6-20 80nd5.....1083V SMtn#>hHL.... 5734 • ICO McCliitock 0i1—... 6% SECOND .1400 US 5-20 Eds re.lts 109 BOABD 13 Penn*8.\........ 63 The stock-mark et is irregnlir* Cfovemmentt are ra ther better,-five-twenties selling freely at 109. acoapo*g and ten- forties ablOOSf. Railroad* shams are excited.and irregular. Illinois Central, Beading, and Hudson being the strongest on the list. . The following quotations were mode at the board compared with those of yesterday-afternoon; Sat. Fri. Adr, Dec. United ft&tes 6ss 1881, coup*. IQ9& United States 6-20coupobs.-..10834 108 K % United States 19-40:coupons...1003V 1003 S % United States certificates ..... 97& 973 V New lorkCentiat Railroad..llo 109 .1 Brie Railway. 73# 72# % Brießailwaypreferred........ 91 90 1 Hudson River Rai1r0ad........107fi. 10434 23V Reading After the Board New York Central’was IO3X, Brie 73, Hudson 2063V* Readihg 105 Michigan ni, Hj. chigon Southern, 66%. fllinois Central H7#llB, Pitts burg SG&, Toledo 113@315, Rock Island 933 V, Fort Wayxe93, Mariposa H34t. ttembfetland 46, Canton3l.' „ Fkiiodelpliia Markets. , Jaxoaet 28—Evening. The Produce markets are rather firmer, owing to the advance in sole ,but the transactions are limited. There is very little demand 1 for Flour, but holders are less anxious to selL Wheat is firmer. .Com and Oats are nnchanged. Cottom ie rather better. Provisions are looking up. Seeds are rather firmer. Whisky continues dull. There is very little demand for Flour* eiihsr forex port or home use, but holders are 'rather firmer in their views;theonly sales we hear of are inasmall way to the retailers and bakers at from $9. So@lo # bbi for su perfine; slo.6f@ll for extra: sll 2S@i2 25 for extra fa* miiy. and $l2 to@l3 'S’bbl for fancy brands, as to quali ty. Rye Flour it rather lower; email sales are matetag at $6.7£@9 bbl. Com Meal is dull at former rates. GRAlN.—Holders of Wheat are asking an advance, but there is very little doing in the way of sates. Prime red Is offered at $2.69, and white ats2 BG@2 90$bashal, as to quality. Rye is quoted at $l 73@L75 iibusheL Com la dull; about 5*600 bushels new yellow sold at $1 fO in the cars. Oats are dull and quoted at 91@92c bushel. BARK. —There is more doing; about 49 hhds Ist No. 1 Quercitron sold at $4O ton COTTON. —Holders ars firmer in their views, but there is verylittle doing is. the way of salts. Bui ail lota of middlings are reported at 90c lb. 'cash; BAT .—Baled is selling at $33@35 ton. GBOCEEIES. —Sugar is scarce and firmly held, bat we hear of no sales worthy of notice. Coffee is quiet, butprices ate rather better. PKTBOLECM. —The receipts and stocks are very light, and prices are unsettled. We quote crude at 48© 51c. Be fined in bond at 6S@7lc, and free at from BS@9lc gallon, as to quality. KEEDB. —The demand is bettsr, and prices are look ing up- Small sales of Clover are making at #15.25® 64 »s, Timothy isheld »ts 6 bo. PiaxseedS selling, in a small way, at $3 75@3 SO B bn. IB OK.—Pig Metal continues very dull. Anthracite is quoted at $4S@55 3 ton for the three numbers. PBOYIBiOSfS.—The market is firm but inactive, and. prices have an upward tendency. Mess Pork is qaoted at $$ @4l bbl Bacon is selling in a small way at 30© 24c 3lb for plain and fancy-canvassed Bams. Batter ia rather dull. WBJSKY.—There is very little doincvand the market is dull; bblfl are quoted at $2,353% gallon. • The following are the receipts of flour and grain at this port to-day: Flour-.--*-.-**. Wheat-....**.*** G0m....*..—.*. Oats ............ Hew York Markets, Jan* 28, Ashes are dull and nominal. Übeadhtuffs. —The marks} for State and Western Floor is IQ@ 15c better- Sal*s 6.000 bbls at $9.45@9.55 for supesfine State, $9.65(5)9 75 for extra State. $9 80@ 9 SO for choice do., $9.6C@9.83 for superfine Western, f for common to medium extra Westers, 10 £o@lo 95 for common to good shipping brands extra round-hoop Ohio, and 91L lli@-lt.2D for trade brands. ('anadian Flour is 10@l5o better. Sales of 400 bbls at 99.7C@1Q for common, and $10.1C@11.75 for good ito choice extra. Southern Flour is firmer Sites 700 bbls at $lO 65@11.80 for common, and $11.90®14 50 for fancy and extra Bye Flour is quiet Corn Meal is dull. Wheat is 2@3e better; sales 7,502 bus choice amber Michigan at $142. Bye is quiet Bar ley is dull. Barley Malt is dull, oats are quiet at 91.06 for Western. The Corn market is steady; sales 1,700 bus at $1 8?@ I 86 for-mixed Western, and si.77@L 80 for yellow Jer sey. Provisions —The’Pork market is unsettled,but prices are without decided change; sales 4,oCobbls at $37.50@ 38 for new mess; sS€@3B 60 for ’63-4 mess, cash and regular-way. closing at 936 S 5; $3O 55@31,24 for prsme. and $34.5C@35f0r pnise mess: a 150,2,000 bbls new mesa for Feb., b. option, at 93S 60@39. The Beef market is steady; sales 350 bbls at about pro vionspriees < B o ai Qom< d« ttoartT Cut Meats are firm; salessoo packaies at for Shoulders, and I£@22forMams. .The Bard market is firm and quiet; sales 500 bbls at 19@23& Whisht is steady; sales 900 bbls Western at $2.30. Tallow is firm; sales 125 000 lbs at !6&@L7c. Boston Markets, Jam. 28. Floitr. —The receipts since yesterday have been 2,275 bbls. The market is steady, with a moderate demand; sales of Western superfine at $9 75©10 35; common extra 91Q.6t@10.76: medium do 911@i1.75; good and choice do $12@14 - ... , ' _ Grain.—The receipts since yesterday have been 375 bus Com, 1,800 do Oats, £76 do Bye, i. 600 do Shorts Corn is in moderate demand; sales of Western mixed, at S2.CO; new Southern yellow hu. Oats are in steady demand; sales of Northern aud Canada at 98o@l fibu. Bye is steady at $1 90@I. 93 bn. Shorts an sellingat $52@55; fine Feed ssfi@6o; Middlings $55@70 ¥ ton. Provisions. —Pork is steady,, with a moderate de mand; sales of prime at 935@37; mess $39@42; dear $46@47 % bbl, cash. Beef is firm, with a steady de mand ; sales of Eastern and Western mess and extra. me*sat cash. Lard ib dull; sales in bbls cash. Hams are selling at 2lj£@22)£c lb, cash. ' Pittsburg Petroleum Market—Jan. 28. Business in the oil way has been doll As regards crude there was no stock to operate with, nor is there any prospect of any receipts untilnavigation is resumed in the Allegheny.. So far as prices are concerned we hare no change to notice. As long as we are without the material to dispose of it would be out of the ques tion io furnish correct figures " We hear that at the wells prices are unchanged, ranging from $3 to 8.60, ac cording to location. These are certainly steep figures, and will not admit of export at the present Hastens figures in our market. The latest from the oil regions reports holders firm in their views, we continue to quote Crude nominally at 39®4Pc, pH*!? returned, and 4l<§W4Xc, pigs included. Refined was steady, with only a limited demand Bonded rangel from Cs@o6«, according to quality. Free is quotes at 87@68e. Frank lin heavy oil sold at 45c, pkgs returned. The only ope rations that we heard of were as follows: Refuted. —Buyers appear ehv at the present prices. We note a sale of 600 bb) s bonded at 66c, free on board cars. This sale was made to fill an Eastern order. Free was nominal and unchanged. Arrival and Sailing; or Ocean Steamers* _ TO ARRIVE. SHIPS FROM _ FOR DATS United KSngdom.Glaagow---.New York-*--. Dec. ?S City of Limerick.Liverpool*.*.—New Y0rk...... .Jan, 7 Virginia **.......Liverp001......New York. Jan 16 Washington .*.. .Havre • -New York *. Jan.ll Boruseia.A..... .Southampton. .New York.. Jau.ll G1a5g0w....... -.Liverpool......New York...... Jan. II Cuba * Liverpool...... New >ork---. Jan.l4 America Southampton. -New York -Jan. 18 Africa ............Liverpool Boston-.*.*. Jan. 92. TODSPAST. G. of Baltimore-New Y0rk....-Liverpool......wJan 38 Corsica ,—-**—New York—. Havana, &c—**Jan.3Q Matanzas.........New York Havana. .Feb. 1 Canada -Boston —.Liverpool.Feb. I Washington New York.. Havre ..**Feb. 1 North S ar.......New York-**..Aspin wall.—Feb. S livening Star**—.New York—New Orleans,-Feb. 4 Boruftsia New York Hamburg--..—Feb. 4 Virgtoia —....-NewYork Liverpool —»-Feb. 4 City of London-New York.— .Liverpool——fab. 4 Caledonia—... -NewYork Glasgow-.* Feb. 4 Liberty—*—*...NewYork—. .Havana.- Feb, 4 • MTTEB BAGS AT THE MERCHANTS* BXCHAVOE, PHILADELPHIA Bark Linda, Hewitt Gienfiiegos, soon. Bark Sea Ragle, Howes. Spain, soon. Brig Homing, (P 01.).. -Rio. Janeiro, soon. Brig Anns! Morrow. - —B6. Thomas, soon. Brig Herald, Pavia,■———«*.-..——Havana, soon. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TBA DE. Jas. B. Campbell. ) u Samllw. DbOoCBSBY, >COiDI2PpBROF THE MOSTTH. Hasp. j MARINE INTE'IijSJiGENCE. X OF PHILABRLeHIA, IRN. 28.. Soy Bx&es—<7 021 Son Set%-4«8 IHicjk Water--4» ARRIVED. Steamship E C Knight Gallagher, 24 bourn from New, York, with mdze to Tfca Taylor & C 0 Tyl«v Steelman, siiys fr.t3B.Fort Monroe. in ballatt to casSain. „ * CLKiBHD. Steamship Saxon, Mattbea*, Bolton. , Stesnißiiip.so Knight, QaUagher, Hew Vor K. Bark Nin{veb,,Btackpoiß, Hew Orleans. Schr Sarah Cullen, Cullen, Fort Monroe. Schr E W Gardner, Somers, do. rCorreßsoadence ofth* Philadelphia Kvchange-1 - Lewes. D»n73an. M One steamer, twelve square-rigged vseseU, aatt iw. i choonera, comprise the flee! at the Breakwater, hut the ice Inshore, prevents communication with them. Wind west; weather cold. ‘ , Tours, to ,> AABOH MtBBHAI.L- MEMOBIHDA- Bteamahip John Qihion, Bowen, heaoe at Hew York o> Ths Stainer Franconia, About 800 ton* register, built at Kent ebunk in 1831, haa been purchased hr Use Hew Sngiand Screw Steamship Company of Porflaud She la expected to arrive in time to take her place on the route between Portland and 5*H OH S&tutdajt next. 1,400 bbl*. 4 ,100 boa. 2.100 baa. - 3.200 btt&