The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, January 25, 1865, Image 1

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    ffA. LRAVEN,
bunting flags,
' Ui«lr Stan from 137 M. THIBD St.,
IST will keep » /all lias of—
i, aueimeru, udVeetiun.
Bibbom, and Drew Ooods.
- and Balmorals,
id White Good,.
. Kmfcioideriee.
Jr «
653 Chestnut Street.
offer for rale, by the package.
,LS; \
ffl. of &11 leading mannfaotnrei;
Hava Just raoelved a lot of
Wake house;
Can always find a foil a took of *
.west wholesale prises. at
W. oor. EIGHTH a»<J MAEKBT Sis.
ittonUoo to Us l»n Msortment of
a for the present season.
a bargain, and far sale toe.
TABLETAKS, (o ait,
extensive assortment of HAN DKEBCHIEEB,
’MBBOIDBEIEB, Sc., all of n hloE are offered
11Mb below the present cold rateß.
0/ “008 OWN MAKB."
lOit eomplste assortment la the ettr, w&mntea
perlorln of style and finish, the most
3, ana really the cheapest Skirts In the market,
agents for the FLEXIBLE 1 ’ SKIET,
it pliable Hoop Skirts made equal to Bradley’s
x Sliptic,” and at tench lower prices, together
lines of tow-priced jSastern-made Skirt*. from
brings, from t 6 cents $1.60. Skirts made to
tiered and repaired, wholesale and retau.
Merfnoes at $1 60.
Lupin’s Kerlnoes at ,$i 60.
Lupin’s Merinoes, aU. colors,
oaiest bargain offered In these goods. Call and
ie them. Compare them. JMlltn* fast- Asaort
(ood. at JOHN H. Br<>lD*S'.
, g ttnd ARCH. Ho. 703.
jLIAMBYILLB, hew yoek
MILLS* WsmsnUa,and oilier first-class Shirtings.
>tica*nd Hutnenot *ide Sheetings
Unbleached Extra Heavy Wide Sheetings,
Beat Unbleached Muslins made.
Good Linens for Shirt Front*
Diapers, Towels, Napkins, Doylies, ic.
Ballardarale. Sbfiker. and other Fiannele.
Ida and Unde Winter Goods, Heavy Dress Goods,
Styles do. Also, Blankets, Heavy Flannels, Ac.,
Balmoral Skirts at loir prices.
& JL cornet NINTH and HABKBT,
•» great v .'or bargains, as we are.. .met!
lose oat onr stools, if great lednetlonsln prioee will
t- We are bow aeiung our entire assortment of
IS Goods and Staple Drj Goods, at lower prices time
’tiler house in the city.
..STJfc. CALICOES BEmiCED toSSe. , ~
1-4 BLEtGBID MUSLINS at GQe. worth «!>*.
It»e BEST Utullne of all kl^dsatlo w PBIOSS.
-<fodw, r W&teSt Ao
/ taw Pllin Bluk Silks.
J «7Slik* ofyariona strlsa.
Trish MoLrs Astivu*. *
'k.Watsrad Silks.
andsMa«iiFSr»BUkTaints foi Cloaks, real
Terr ss®sri« mulltaL?"*'' WMOloths.
iid finest Qnau _
Oo.» Brldgetoa. if. J" Salesroom.
Fas Wbrs, payable t«
iciitora oat of the city*
icrs Dollars akd Vmr
Doliabb Ain) Twwnrr
!<■ ls adr»s«o
b DoiiAKa Pkk ton, la
W. T. Kuxts.
-10 DART &_BRO.»
orfh SBCr Sir
YOL. B.—NO. 152.
of Ho. 103 7 WALNUT Street.
» „„ On Urn following Diseases:
p..»r,«^,^S? OATI,IS *ABES IN OBNKEAL. ,
*O6 CHESTNUT gtreot, and at all Bookseller*'. l*rloe.
One Dollar. '
The, author, Dr.VON MOSCHZIBKEB. can be eon.
galled on all these n>aladles,aad all NERVOUS AFFEC
TIONS. which he treats with the surest success. “
Office, 1087 WALNUT street. ja2i-3m
DR. S. W. BECKWITH, Successor.
Formerly Principal Operator.
AH Acute and Chronic diseases cured hy special gua
jnuUee, if desired, and iu case of failure no charge Is
Electrical investigation .has proved that the human
body acts on the principle of the galvanio battery. The
Drain* maens and fieroas membranes, ibe ski a. lUsaes*
andflaidaconstlrate the negaUwe and poaitlve forces,
fiwry action, whether mental or physical, lathe remit
cf these antagonistic forces. Digestion, respiration, cir
culation, secretion, and excretion are due solely to
Electrical Influence. There is a polar action established
tnroogbont the -nervous system which connects with
every part of the body, estab ishing and preserving a
proper balance of the electrical element, waich consti
tutes health and a disturbance of which causes disease.
Thexeare strictly but two conditions of disease—one of
inflammation, or positivef the other weak, debilitated,
negative : aad as Electricity contains these two condi
tions In the aetion ofthe positive and negative currents,
all we have to do is to neutralize the disease and restore
proper healthy action:
_w« do not wishtb convey thelmpression thit we cure
all fliesm is,«ll conditions. W. cannot care consump
tion alter theiunre arssll destroyed; yet we da Assert',
and are prepared to practically demonstrate, that hnn
dreds of caees of almost every form of chronie dtsease,
prono\inced,incurable by the best medical practitioners
Of the eountrv, have .been radically cubed, tome of
them in an< incredibly short time, by our Bleotrioal
treatment. Its greet superiority over other practices in
tee cure of disease is also attested in the fact that, with
in the pact five yean, over fourteen thousand patients
have been treated at this office, suffering, from almost
every form and condition of disease omhni >n to hu
manity, and in pearly all eases a benefit or perfect cure
has been effected. Therefore, with these FACTS to
grove onr theory and treatment of disease, we are wili
ng to guarantee any of tee following dtsaAsesfby
special contract, if the patient desires. With very nuny
others not here enumerated: - - ■
,1- Diseases of t As Brdtji and Servo s Button —Boi
lepsy, Chorea or St VltuA’ Dance. Paralysis (Hetfiple
tia and Farai legiahNeuralgia, HysteHa, NatirduSnaes
Palpitation of the Heart. Loch law.ecc.. etc
■ 8. Organs and Tissues connected 101 l hike Digesttve
System —Sore Throat. Dyspepsia. Diarrhoea. Dysen
tery, Obstinate Constipation,. Hsmorrhoids or Puss,
Bilious, Flatulent. and Painter’s Colic, and ail affec
tions of thb Liver and Spleen
8. Respiratory Organs.— Catarrh, Cough, Influenza,
A chma (when not caused by organic disease of the
heart). Bronchitis. Pleurisy, Pleurodynia or Rheuma
tism of the Chest, Cosenmpiion in the early etsgei.
■5. Fibrous and Muscular System.— Rhanmatlsm,
gout. Lumbago, Stiff Neck, Bpinal Curvature, Htp
Disease. Cancers, Tamers.
6 Urinary and genital Organs.—Graven, Diabetes
and Kidney Complaints, Impotence and Seminal Weak
ness. The latter complaints never fall to > leld rapidly
to this treatment.
A Diseases peculiar to Females —Uterine Com
plaints, involving a mal-posltion. as Pro’apses, Ante
verslon, Retroversion. Inflammation. Ulceration, and
various other affections of the Womband Ovaries. Pain
ful, Suppressed, Scanty or Profuse Menstruation, Leu.
7. Skin Diseases.— Scrofulous Eruptions, Glandular
Swellings, Ulcere of every kind, Felons, Erysipelas,
Hbipsb or Totter; In fact, iu every description of Bain
disease the Galvanic Bath has proved vastly more effi
cacious than all other means combined. Also, diseases
of the Eye and Bar.
TO LA DIBS can we recommend this treatmentas one of
UNVARIED SUCCESS. AlmostinsnmeraUe cases have
come under treatment at our office who can testify to this
fact. Mrs S A FULTON, a lady of groat experience
and ability, has sntite charge of the Ladies’ Depart
ment, and all delicacy will he used toward those who
entrust themselves to her cafe. In female diseasee as
mentioned in the above list, with others sot mentioned,
she has had a large experience, and can confidently
promise the mo-t gratif, log results.
TO TiE AFFLICTED.-The treatment is mild and
gentle, producing no shock or unpleasant sensation
whatever. Our professional intercourse with the af
flicted will ever be characterized by perfect candor and
honesty, and these whose complaints are incurable, or
do not admit of amelioration, will bo frankly told as,
and not accepted-for treatment. It matters not what
may he yenr complaint, or how long yon may have snf
fared, or how niuoh, or what course of treatment yon
may have been subjected to, or what disappointments
yon have experienced; if the system is not worn out—
tf sufficient vitality remains for reaction—there is a fair
protpect of recovery.
REFERENCES. —The diseased and ail interested are
referred to the following-named gentlemen, who have
been trei’ed and witnessed our treatment on others, at
No. 1220 Walnut street
■A. J. Pleasanton, brigadier general, Philadelphia;
ATFleasanton, major general, St. Louts; W. B. Smith,
No. 1088 Hanover street,Philadelphia ; George Douglass,
No. 26 South Fifth street; William it bhriver. Baines
street, Germantown; L. C. Stockton, Bo 2::6 Market
street, Philadelphia; Charles H Grigg, Nos. 819,and 881
Church alley; Bmanuel Bey, No 707 Sansom street, at
torney at law; H Craig, No 1786 Arch street. No. 138
Brotd street; Robert D. Work, No. 61 North Third
street; A G. Croll, B. E. corner Tenth and Market
streets; George Grant. No. 610 Chestnut' street; H. T.
Denilver, No. 1786 Chestnut street; Ed. McMaUon, No
1227 Front street. •
Consultation free. Descriptive- circulars of cure*
effected, with numerous references, can be had by ap
plleation at th* office. All letters addreBsedto_
1330 WALNUT Street,
ja2s-wftal2t Philadelphia.
8rootB«. 81„y* Button,, Armlet,, Bneelata, Soar?
Tin, and Beta, lea Ktahaia.
Walter,. Goblet,. Foika.
Spoona, A«.
mr- Wataßaa npalred and Warrantad. Old Sold,
Olamonda, and SUtut bOMbt
icrtion* and statements lately made in the public prints
with the design of detracting from the high repute en
joyed by our Thread, "we bos'to state that onr standard
has never been changed daring the past Thirty Years;
and tbat now, as heretofore, no pains and expense are,
or will be spared to maintain for this Spool Cotton its
present character. *
The attention of Bayers and Consumers Is drawn to
the fact that most of the new Threads offered to the pub
lic, from No. 30 upwards, are marked up, and that the
difference In the coarseness of nnmhers, supposed to cer-,,
respond with our numbers, often varies from tea (10) to
twenty (20) per cent.
g H. SLEEPER & CO. ,
* 515 mmOB STREET,
manufacturers, agents, and wholesale
Hive now In store a full assortment of the above goods,
which we offer at the lowest market rates.
Being sole agents for the SALEH GREEN GLASS
WORKS, we sre prepared to make and work private
moulds'to order.
superior color and finish.
OFATBIC VIALS, and Druggists Glassware generally.
■apupaoTCnnp BY tbs
B. M. FELTWELi.. Snp-t.
JaB-Bm-fp ■ ;
Dealer in Pine Groceries,
no - tt . Corner ELEVENTH and VINU Streets.
V and CANVAS, of all nnmbors and bra de.
Tent. Awning, Trunk, and Wagon-cover l-.ick. also,
Pap, r Manufacturers’ Drier FelU, from 1 to Sleet wide;
Paulina Belting* Hall Twine, No. . .
noS-tf No, 103 JONLS’ Alley.
OLD apple whisky.
010 barrels pure old Jersey -
' For sale by AFPI * B , WHI | K J; 3rO N,
I js2f 'Sl* 5 North FROb r Street.
A -Cateup, in quart and pint bottles, ofchoi.ieqnalitr,
Also, barrels. For sale by RHODES * wIL-lams,.
nolO 10T South WATER Street.
C| t fhess.
The Taxes Paid In the Fifth District.
We publish this morning, by permission of the
Treasury Department, and In the Interest of the
revenue, a detailed statement of the Incomes paid
by onr citizens under the special Income tax of 1864.
We print the lnocmes ia full. The reader will un
derstand the exaot nature of these sums by reading
the following statements of deductions authorized
to'be made:
The expenses necessarily inonrred and paid In
carrying on any trade, business, or vocation, such
as rent of store, olerk hire, Insurance, fuel, freight,
Ac. Exempted by law (except In the ease of a citi
zen of the United States residing abroad), $606.
Amount actually paid fay rent of the dwelling-house
or estate occupied as Other national,
Btate, and local taxes assessed and paid for the year
1862. and net elsewhere Included. Amount actually
paid by a property, owner lor necessary repairs, In
surance, and Interest on Incumbrances upon his
property- Income from Interest on bonds, or other
evidences of indebtedness of any railroad company
o: corporation from which 8 per cent, thereon was
withheld by tee officers thereof, between Sep
tember Ist and December 31st, 1863, inclusive.
Inoome from interestjer dividends on stock, oapltal,
ordeposits In any bank trust company, or savings
if stltntlon Insurance or railroad company, from
which 3 per cent, thereon was withheld by the
officers thereof, between September let- and Decem
ber 31st 1862, inclusive Amount paid by a lbrmer
or planter lax-hind labor, including the subsistence
of the laborers, t ter-necessary repairs upon Us term
or plantation, and' for Insurance, and Interest on
lneumbnbebn upon his farm or plantation. Sala
richer cflloerK) or payments to persons In theolvll,
BdHfary. naval, or other service of the United
states, in excess of $660. Income from advertise
mention which a per oent. was paid, from Septem
ber-lshto December alst, 1862. Inclusive.
: The returns of the Fifth district embrace the fol
lowing parts of the city: The Fifth and Sixth divi
sions of the Twenty-second ward. Eighth and Ninth
divisions ol the Twenty-third ward, Seventh and
xentu divisions oi tne in eney-mtn ward, and First,
Second, Third,, and Fourth divisions of Bucks
Aertsen, JasM $13,710 02 Jacoby, Edward 390 00
Aextacn, James M. Johnson, Chas If 123 00
trustee forMrsT Johnson, Norton 614 84
F Smith S;9 80 Jackaon, Frauds A 780 s 7
Aeitteu, JohnP 650 00 Jenkins. Joshua G 3,668 75
Aertgen, R B 2,149 83 Jester, Oliver * 84 00
Aertsen, &B* tros- Johnson, Henry N 623 82
tee for Harriet O Johnson, Chas Sf 532 00
Watson 420 55 Johnson, Wm 8f» 2,006 98
Aertsen, RB, trus- Johnson, Blwood 11,830 35
tee Marg’t Chris* __ Jones, Ales: H 699 (XI
tie 36013 JoneSjCiara g . 6159
Arnold, GeoE 1,350 00 Kay, Elisabeth 3,412 99
AH ins, A B 1,200 00 Knox. Chas McLean 88u 35
Bacon, ffm H, tins- Kay, Mary 285 00
tee for Jane R Kay, J Alfred 4,689 00
Baines 2.658 37 Karsner, Charles 175 CO
Baikei, Geo R 174 30 Kelly, John M 907 00
Barnes, Wm 271 00 Keyser, Daniel L 134 00
Bayard, Chas M 14,216 24 Kille, Samuel K 4 715 00
Bayard, GhasF 49 f 4i0 00 Kimball,-F S 15,32 i 64
Barry, Jos B 163 50 Kheedler, J S 14,094 £8
Bartlett, Thoa 464 46 Krickbaum, H 1,049 20
Bed tack, Ea ward 794 £7 Kingsbury, J 177 09
Benner, Jesse 130 00 Keyser, Samuel 30 59
Bennett Edward 2,902 08 Lingsfcroth, Elis * 1,412 00
Benner, Wm 115 00 Lamodin. Geo C 400 00
Benson, G A 425 80 Landis, ThOBY 1,078 00
Bergroaon, Chea C 137 18 Large, Jesse 45 00
Biddle, Edward - 1,096 35 Laws, James 1»(H@ 77
Burney,Horace, Jry Lea, ThosT 3,457 50
trustee Elizabeth Leavitt, H A -093 00
B C Hare 907 92 Le Bouteilier, C 17,9G* 09
Biich&ll, Eliaß 7,900 00 Lehman, Chas 1,4J0 00
Bishop, John B 9© 50 Leibert, Wm W 9 200 00
Blight, J O 1,150 00 Leiuau, Sami M 4,756 00
Bodine, Sam’lF 8,668 88 Leyich, Richard 2,176 20
Becking, Sarah 79 79 Lewis, Geo 828 04
Bolling, Kobt 490 00 Lightfoot, Jesse 1,232 50
Brcck, John Penn 25,877 63 Linnard, Emily L 924 00
Bronson. Geo 1,200 00 Linnard, Eugene 700 93
Brown, Thornton 626 00 Livezey, David H 99 (X)
Brown, Wm H 1,890 00 Livezey, Jonathan 98 00
Bradley, J W 2,100 00 Langstrotb, T B 4,166 00
Brightly, Fred C 789 00 Love, Jno B 6,439 76
Brewster, C has O, 400 CO Levering Jr, Jno 645 03
Bruner. Henry B 757 08 Lovett, Titos R 521 00
Buckingham, L H 312 53,Lovett, TE, trustee
Btrgin, Geok 1,650 00 Louisa Fletcher, 4,514 99
Burgin, Chas If 1,625 00 Loagwlil, BH 119 31
Burns, CM 275 CO Livezey, Thos 1 775 45
Burkhart, Sarah 131 60 Lewis, TheeG- 3,470 03
Burk, Wmß . 1,395 67 MacTaughlin.G W 100 00
Burrows, E J 800 00 Marie, Matthias 1,378 00
Burroughs, John 2,0C0 C 0 Meehan, Thos 1,47514
Bullitt, JnoC 9,980 21 Merchant, GW 2,23169
Bush, John , 300 CO Middietou.LjdiaC 228 40
Bustier, Jos B 4,123 58 MlUer, Harry 600 00
Butler, E H 15*748 23 Mite, Wm 37,900 72
Button, Conyers 8,400 00 Mmman, Chas • - 491 25
Button, Jos 9,400 00 Miller, Allen B 865 60
Button John 2 9.'6 00 Miller, Joseph 1,095 CO
Buck, Francis If 1,465 OO MUkey, Jacob A 1,510 00
Boiar, A J H 6 40 Miskey, Anthony 6 S9l 64
Cadbury, Joel 2,033 72 Mitchell, Jos B 5 273 31
Cadburj , Joel, Jr 1.4C0 CO Mitchell, J B 6.757 02
Chew, Henry B Mitchell, J E,trustee
(Executor of B Mre A Mitchell 1,275 12'
! Chew) t 815 90 Montgomery, O C 92 09
Chew.B.B,on trust _ Montgomery, T 9 1,05168
for B Chew 766 88 Moore, Thomas 1,079 75
Chew, Henry, as Morgan, Chas E 23,788 0Q
Trustee 202 25 Morgan TheoH 3,800 00
Camden, RL M_ 687 72 Mtte,*Wm H 1,050 00
Garpenter, Geo W 1,577 84 MuUineux, Thos 39 00
Carpenter, Ellen D 1,516 95 Molten. WmR 209 00
Caipmter, Ellen 1> Moon, W F 97 €0
(guardian) 3,844 02 McCailura, Wm 37,165 00
Catherwood, A J 3,665 OOjMcCallum, H. 24,841 79
Oi aplain, w J IS) 00 McCarthur,• Wm & 18'
Chapman, Henry 4,c0 McCnUougu, R F 1,975 57
€1 a anon, J C 411 41 McDarmond, R 400 00
Chew, Sami 752 40 McFadden, Wm H 285 14
Chiles,C P 417 SO McFarland J B 1,028 23
Christian, Fred F 66 65 Mcllwafos, R L 1,250 00
Cliriiimaß, Bdwd SCO 00 McKee, Mr, C 1.47 L 28
Clark. Michael F 6,790 97 Nesdlss, Wm N 2.779 77
Clark, B B 226 87 Niblock, Alex 400 00
Clement, B 400 00 Niehcls, Geo 263 91
Colem.a, Anna C 4,104 76 Nixon, Martin 60,638 83
CoUison, Wm H 463 00 Noble, Chas M 6,060 03
Comtoit, Ezra 1,450 00 Sortie, Henry Ir 10,613 46
Cope, Thos P 3,462 38 Norris, .Richard 32,676 77
Cope. Henry 38,133 3S Nneenl, Geo 6,749 77
Cope, Francis B 4,BiS 29 Ogilbe, Samuel 686 00
Cepe, Edward, Jr >.732 66 Owen, Roger 480 00
Cope, Edwin R 9,451 26 Own, Joshna T 1,846 00
Cope, Edward, Sr 244 18 Pancoaat Chas 8 3,600 00
Cope, Wm 231 16 Parkinson, Robs B 3,735 39
Coggshail, H S 4,720 00 Parker, Joseph 1,235 79
CoKgshall.Mre M J 2,018 00 Parrish, Sarah 64 DO
Correy, Harg 8 689 26 Pearsall, Mary 1,27116
Courtney, Geo S 200 CO Potts, lease ,W 1,400 00
CcWpeithwalt, J B 830 00 Pease, James O _ 4,600 00
Cook, John N 4CO 00 Peirce, Maurice K 411 00
Crenshaw, Edw A 2,111 4S Perot, Jos B 3,730 58
Crowson. Mary 160 00 Peterson,lVarsons 3 696 77
Crowson, Caroline 160 00 Peterson, Henry 2,633 93
Croweon, Joseph 200 00 Ph‘pps, Samuel S 1,238 00
Crowder, Joseph 304 00 Phipps, M M 75 Off
Cummingg.Chaa H 8,000 00 Ploya, Jacob 76 00
Barrach, James 4,244 24 Pooley, David 635 60
Davidson, Eliinor 1,368 66 Potter, Beckman 840 SI
Davidson, Geo W 4.023 63 Potter, Wm H 3.000 00
Denison, Geo 63 65 Prall. O B. 6,0 00, Geo W 242 86 Raifnel, William 2,214 10
De Witt, Lenis B 2,231 60 Rex, Jeorce V 270 80
Donath, James A, Kesid. WilHam B 1,785 00
trustee lor J V __ James B MS 00
Mazarie, * 1,633 52!
Dooiey. Beary 42 37
Dorr, Benjamin 2,406 28
Dorrance, Margaret 1,219 73
1)0x867, Stanton 4 780 57
Doney, 'William 6,832 82
Downs, Bobert JST 1 344 00
Drake* Thomas 10,39115
Dnnton, Wm £ 268 %
Dutton, Henry B 887 94
Damming, Eobt B 431 S 3
DetwDler, Franklin 100 00
Engle, Alnertus 165 25
Earp, Thomas 8,000 00
Evans, Thoa W 11,886 81
Elm es, Charles E 686 00
Engle, Charles B 226 86
Evans, Robert E 283 89
Evans, D Z 1,144 76
Eller, DF 14 CO
Far®me. Jas A Bao 00
Firih, Thomas F 3.126 4?
Dander, Henry 1,340 00
Fortescue, Walter S 240 00
Fraser, Wm 2 938 4S
Freas, Henry • 825 22
Freidman, M 3,501 00
trance, Jno 400 00
France, Irwin 400 CO
Foggo, W G 5«2 00
Garrett, Thos H 482 6S
Garreu, Geo H. 2*116 C 6
Garrett, John 28,400 Cl
George, &t John 800 00
Godfrey, Andrew 350 CO
Gold. James L 605 60
Goodman, Morris 325 00
GorgaS, Joseph 30 29
Gorges, Elizabeth £66 71
Gowen, James ' 98l> 72
Gowen, James B 2,01316
Graff, Rbas H 7,980 94
Gratz, EobtH 24*124 11
Grata, Mrs E A 2,724 GO
Gloves, Anthony 11*833 00
Gommere, Wm 2,32-5 44
Gnmmey, Thos A 230 00
Barvey, S, trustee
for wile 240 48
Hanley, J A € 682 CO
Baas, Mathias 360 65
Haines, JohnP 3,094 03
Baines, Ann 1,592 86
Ballowell, Wm P 2,653,75
Hallowell, EHzab D 203 00
Bamersley, Geo W 2,432 00
Bamergley.G W, Jr 409 00'
Banly, John 167 16 ’
Banna®, Catharine 178 92
Hi.n£ell, BB 13,075 08
Bare leg, WmW 9.585 00
Harding, Geo 15,974 04
Hari is, J Andrews J 63 14
Ha)kinsr n, B, -Exr
est of J Hsrainson2,2lS 66
Barkinson; £obt 1(0 00
Barkinson, Chat 4 00
Darkness. M W 13 £64 4s
Batson, Geo B 200 00
Banco, Ei H 4,298 86
Bart, Borman L 4,386 76
Barvey, Sami, Jr 5,382 10
Barvey, £ Jr* Ex
i Harvey, dec 588 14
Barvey, S Jr, Ex
p F McCutcheoh 616 05
Harvey, 8 Jr, Ex
CJsas Kogers 727 76
Hazard, Willis P 405 98
Bfcberton, G*-:o 763 26
FebF.rton.WmT 763 26
Hetlig, Albert B 200 00
Helfenttein, J S 666 36
Henry, Samuel 75 00
Henry, Banline E 2,648 81
Beretiie, DW 4,464 41
H* ratine. D W, Gdn
Alfred Stoner 460 00
Hnlingß. Edwin P 5.660 00
Hiidehura, John 2,730 CO
BUI, James A 200 00
Bill. Joseph 2,617 00
Hinkle, Feter B 410 GO
Bodgden, ft A 147 00
Bousion* WmC 54,903 70
Houston, HH 9*053 0*
Bortter* Jacobß 889 32
Homer, Benj 13,630 00
Bone, M H 2,718 60
Howell, Joshua E 2>185 64
Hughes, "Wm 150 00
Hunter, Wm, Jr 15,000 00
Bustcn, Alexander 227 12
Bunrlcker, Eliza A 5,050 0Q
Hyndsbaw, Jas B 819 00
Barvey, Sami, Jr*
trustee Baker’s
estate 17513
Barvey, Semi, Jr,
trustee Mary L
hiebardeon - 1,683 39
Hire*, WmL 4,000 00
inners, fi Frank 1,160 00
Adamson* Wm $15,361 66
Afh- Jas. M D 792 00
Aehmeadi Al* 2,3<5 CO
Asbmead, George 711 50
Atbmtad, G,Uus*
tee 254 75
Ashtread.Wm.M D 2,624 00
Athmesd, Gr as F 3i9 29
Sshmesd. Kate 132 29
Atherton, Sarah H 6.931 56
Albert, Luther £ 240 00
nibeTiedn, Chas 422 (6
'iibefctiM-n, Henrr 6 883 79
AlJtn, Be\j 3,810 00
AUen, John , * S.Hll 03
Allen, Wm 4.CC9 Coj
linker, Franei* SOD 00
Rittenhouse, Peter 161 37
Bit teahouse, Jot a 9ls 05
Bobbins, Jeremiah 3»854 03
Roberts, John 308 83
Roberts, Jesse 800 CO
Kobinson, C A 233 94
Bobinson, € W 1,000 00
Robinson, Q.Frank 16,687 25
Robinett, J Percy 117 76
Rodney, J DuvaL 600 00
Rodney. John 732 f 0
Borer Henry S 1.445 80
Rowland, James 27,2 >8 85
Rue, Francis J 5,959 84
Rue, Jno R 6,0X1 09
•Kuan, Sarah C 600 00
Ruth, Ansa Maria 600 00
Rush, Mrs EM 2.978 16
Sallada, K Y 3,220 32
Spackraan, H 8 421 CO
Snyder, John 0 Ifil 32
tchell. 18. 738 63
Bchock, Geo W 764 47
Schaeffer, EayC W 387 13
Schaeffer, George 1.000 00
Sellers, Edwin M 1,400 00
Shaw, Edward T 43,600 00
Sheppard, Oath’e j,58? $8
Sheridan, Elizabeth 400 00
Shingle, Geo 60 00
Shoemaker, Frank*
lift 5,658 00
Shoenbeiger, Mrs.
Sarah S. .8,460 09
Sellers, Wm. H. 900 00
Shriver, Wm, H. 298.00
khueter, Joseph C. lid 20
Siddons, Ghva P, 296 90
Simmons, Ed 8. 2 059 09
Smith, George D. 1,600 00
Smith, Wm. F. 900 00
Smith, Wm. K. 219 20
Smith, Daniel B. 1,061 91
Sowers, Wm. H. 10,71 l 67
Sowers, Mrs. L 361 55
Spooner, Chas. H. 2,769 63
Springer, Enos 7 CO
Sanire, Wm. H. 1,238 35
Stallman, John 199 00
Stevenson, Suian 3U l 0
btevensonn, E. W. 353 00
Stevens, Jas. E P, 4/49137
Stephens, Wm. 844 42
Stout, A. G. 36 &3
Slyer, Orlando 8 232 85
Sykes, Joseph S 601 28
Taylor,-Wm. M 769 32
Tftrr, Henry S. 905 50
Taws, Lewis 23,171 01
Taylor, Enoch I,o*o 00
Taylor, Wm C 6,900 00
Thayer, M. Ruki’l 3.260 00
Thomas, Geo. U. 9,uC6 00
Thomas, Wm. 251 60
Thomas, S Harvey 5,222 60
Thomas, Chas 1> 840 64
Tiers- John 7.650 00
Tingley, J a 2 075 21
Trotter, Wm H 37,' 04 98
Tourfcelot. Frank J 1,003 54
Trump, Daniel MBB SO
Tiyon, Edward K 2.606 00
Tryon, Jr, Ed K 8.332 00
Tryon, Jr, Geo W 7 640 00
Tull, Francis D 785 00
Trego. F Augustus 2.700,00
Onrab, John R 367 00
william, Howard 100 00
Walker, Matthf w 1256 15
Walter*, Tnos U 9,137 81
WaudeU, Sr, Jn;> 2,619 06
Warner, John 1,215 44
Warner,Redw’d F 6,894 60
Warner, Redwood
F, trustee S W _
. lewis 319 58
Warner, Mrs Mar
tha Ann 1,650 67
Weaver, B Iza 138 00
Webb, WH 2.177 29
Welea.Chas 2,848 60
Welch, John 41Q no
Wei'sa, Gatharfre 7 87
Wentz, EG 80 00
Wharton, Sasar'h 14143
Whyte, Isaac E 2,289 12
White, John 826 06
Williams, Robt ? 481 63
Williams, Reed A 2.000 OC
Williams, Jacob V 4,168 85
Williams. Howard 1-186 00
Wister, Chas 7,23 a 12
Wiater, John 2>OUB 00
Wister, Mary 981 00
Wister, Annie - ISO 00'
Woddrop. K S 357 00
Wnnder, Syive? ter 671 0o
Tatea, D Gordon 650 00
Tocum. James 3,674 10
Tcune, JS 4,218 03
Zell, T Eiwood 14 14
Zell, Hannah 12.01
Lafferty, James $1,978 00
Lancing, James 2 459 43
Leedpm. Baoj 3,018 00
Leedcm, J M,M 0 1,929 10
Lees, Thomas - SSB 00
Lehman, 3.607 19
Lehman, R K 359 70
Lennfg, Jos-pti 909 0*
L ocard, Samuel 4,623 00
Lewar«, James R 1,029 70
; Lewis, Bdward .'I,
5 trustee 299 67
! Lister Jr, Tbos 141 00
• Lltteß, John s 6,136 &
Lt'teH, John S . '
trustee, • - - 149 90
AnfciU, Joseph- 177 00
Armstrong John. 3- 678 00
Arnutrong. Ed w 1,400 (X
Armstrong, Thos G 4,030 00
Arundel, Jftkn M 300 CO
Bnmneli, Sami 524 CO
Bradford. V L 2,880 00
Backus, F B 1,058 10
Balae. Alex 6,316 40
Baker, WES I,SOI 7ft
Brewster, F Carr 0120,921 00
Beckel, J C 73 00
Benton. Stephen CiO CO
Bezeskie, Anthony 212 90
Berger, wm 1,150 oo
. Bettin, Thos F 2.489 00
Biddle, Marks J 200 00
Biddle, Wm 8,000 00
Bristow, James , 200 00
Bristow, Henry 200 00
Bine, Sami M 4.468 84
Bowman, David 308 58
Bcaidmap, John 342 60
Bock ins. AR 260 00
Bockin*, Ohaa B -1,660 00
Bbckius, Jacob U 870 00
Bookies, Sami K 1,040 00
Borden, Julia B 843 98
Borden, J (guardian) 683 84
Borie, John J 4,780 00
Brooks, Matthew 6,606 00
BowenrWm E 11,247 C 0
Brown, Geo , 160 00
Brownhoitz, Marg’t 166 00
Brownholtz, S K 100 00
Bnad, Joseph 1,25? 02
Burk. Geo W 290 00
Bump, | A 1.000 00
Barn*. Christian 6 50
BurLMaryL 5,490 85
Batcher, TB 48113
Batcher. Bayard 1,039 60
Batts, Chas A 3,267 00
Craig, Col H K 1,634 00
Chase, Edwin T 3,002 00
Canon, HL 8,470 GO
Cambios, Chas 31,926 68
Cardwell,, Geo C 26 00
Calami!, J&s E 29,766 74
Caldwell. John D 324 62
Cabeen, Robt B 16,119 64
dark, Ed WV 76,363 98
Clapp, Jonamn 1.628 84
Cresaou, J Clarence 2*786 75
Ghesebroaghi G 718 74
Cox, WmK 636 00
Cox, Elias 325 Ou
Co niter. Stephen 2.4G0 0,
Corse, Wjb L 648 OO
Cook, Wm * 400 00
Cope, Alfred 31,680 74
Comfort, Edward 1,5(8 86 '■
fGoUins, Samuel H 806 00
‘Church, W i 6io 53
Churchman, C W 14,379 00 .
•Davis,-Chas E 9 10
.Davis,-John 24 CO ;
Davie, Wm Morris, 2,869 00
Dickinson, E 50 00
D’lnvilliers. C 8.760 On
Due bridge, Garret 400 00
Dutton, Isaac 198 00
Dutton, Thos 69 00
Dyoit, TbosW 798 J 00
Dickson, James 988 67
Earle, Henry ' 3,700 00
Estlaek, Frauds F 2UO 00
Evans, Franklin 3,782 02
Evans, John H 180 CO
Eherle, GhasL 1,000 00
Eckel, Louis 3*5 00
Ernies, Deborah 327 19
Eznlen, Samuel, in
Eorcpe, 'Thomas
Stewardson at*
torney -3,14147
Eppeleheimer. JF 1,102 81
Emhardt, F K m 60
Brringer, J L 7.624 73
Freas, PR 6,00 i 82
Felton; John 109 30
Flu, Chas 140 84
Plin, J Milton x 80 Oo
Fling, Joseph 661 OS
Fling, George 1,997 00
Flbs, G W 827 70
Fisher, Sarah L 1,(02 00 1
Fisher, LetitirE 469 46
Fifiher, Ei ilcott 162 58
Fisher, Elijah B 2,067 00
Fisher, Chas H
Estate of 10,039 69
Fisher, Elisa G 7,36182
Fox, Chas P 3,668 48
Fox. Geo Estate of 15,713 69
Finaem.Wm 60159;
Ford, Sami C 4,789 £6 i
Folwell, Etch’d It 237 60 1
Folwell, Chas S 8,378 65 !
Fulforth, Wm 1,200 00 !
Faseell, Joseph 668 79 l
Fry, Wm £ 481 95 <
Gardel, Bertram 363 00 I
Garritt, John B 4,31? 98 1
Garriti, Philip C 4,846 FT
Garrett, Thos C 6,299 62
Gates, Jabez 3,879 48
Gatec, Jamesß 1,653 82
Gaalbert, Missimer 469 00
Gaulbext, John 400 00
Green, Aif W, M D 1,243 00
Green, Catharine 18 60
Gxffn. William 434 36
Griffith, J Clarkson S, 882 CO
Godfrey, Ben G 14,744 72
Gummey, Henry R 1,300 00
Gam mej, John M 250 00
Hacker, Bolah M 1,158 40
Hacker, leaiah .. 2, £3 23
Stoker, William 123 13 ;
Hacker, Jeremiah 8,611 87
Hale, James O 1,775 00
Hallowall, Thus 660 00 i
BaUowell, Wm -64 68
Handsbecry. Jos 166 *9
Barmer, Alfred C 16.387 45
Harper, Rathan &0 00
B arptr, Reuben 365 29
Hart, Joan 23165
Hay. Lienfc T H 672 00
Hayes J Henry 301 83
Hazzard, Bfl 47,739 37
Hilffensiine, Eev J 676 00
Bdnsley, F W . 6.6i9 71
Henderson, Henry 2,618 60
BenTy,Elizabeth J 2,637 72
Henry, Samuel B 2,070 00
Henry, T C 50;655 06
Henson, Wm 2,800 CO
Hewitt, Alex 115 06
BBI.JobM 390 60
Benckle, Wm 920 00
John A 812 CO
Hine, EC.MD 477 93
Hirst,«) * 400 00
Holgdon, Samuel 364 47
Hoffman, F . 705 10
Hoffhsr, Elisa 850 00
Hogg, James 742 02
Qoiiis, T C, trustee
, ' of Maud Fisher -1, 532 53
Hollis. T G. trustee
of JaaL Fisher 3,332 63
Hollis, T a, trustee
of Eliza G Fibber 620 03
Hollis, T C, trustee
of Ellen Fisher 1 332 63
Hoes, John 14.667 99
Houghton, Jas S 200 90
Bo well, Arthur H 14,348 77i
Howell] Wm H 1.000 00
Howell, Joseph . 16,660 03
~ Howell, Joseph,
trustee 62815
HowtU, Joseph,
trustee, 2.343 79
Hoyt, FA 8,230 00
Hoyt, HT 7.3U0 CO
Hawr, Jas S 2,869 60
Hut heb. Smith S 5(0 00
Holly, D T - 1»G€0 00
Ingeraol, Edward 22 3. 1
Ingersol, Harry 6,630 62
iDgereol, Harry,
trustee 22,583 44
Ml. S P 60 00
Jack, Lewis 1,866 43
Jacket zr, Chas C 2,826 00
Jackson, Chas M SOL 23
Johnson, Chas S 262 50
Johnson, WmC 600 00
Joses, Jr. Thomas 6,341 96
Jones, ChaJkley L 480 00
Jones, Charles 343 00
Jones, Jr, Daac C 595 S 5
Jones, Janies S 617 77
Jones, Josiah F 671 00
Jones, Samuel 571 00
E&upp, Jacob 84 00,
Kenderdine, Jos E 6GO 00 !
Knfshr, Wm A 200 00
Knight, Wm W 3,634 00
Kenney. W Eev 200 00
King, Ch&s M 801 02
Kinsier, James SB5 00
Knos, JHHBev 1,216 20
Longstreth, Jas F 55,175 06
Ainsworth, Wm H 168 00
Allen, Ed H 105 50
Barnard, Wm 37 00
Ball, Jos 2,769 60
Bail, Bebecca H 631 87
Baldwin. Wm 1,638 69
Banes, Thos 1,107 4Q
Band, Wm 2,600 00
Bray, John J 270 50
Brenm r, Jno G 9,638 (0
Bemt, SV 4,229 13
Beppioe. Christian 72 00
Brooke, Sami - 465 30
Borce, Bdw 83 10
Bolton, Anna 228 00
Bolton, Sami 612 78
Bolton, Bobt 39160
Bolton, Chas 33 24
Broadbent, John 397 £6
Bcate, Wm - 121 70
Browning, RS 93 00
Brous. Lewis 62 00
Brows, Chas 198 00
Burns, Eobt 607 COj
Baiter, John G 312 20;
Caetor, fiirsm 112 50
Chadwick, Jas 263 66,
Chapman. Wm 16174
Clark, Lewis J 127 37;
Cheetcn, Wm E 358 73
Clendennfng John 382 60
Coats. Levi J 19396
Cox, Peter J 249 25
Coates. Durett 316 00
Deal, Francis _ 374 00
Deacon. BenjH 1,484 03
Denn. Clayton 122 10
Dodeon, Henry 95 48
Dobfoc- Wm 830 00
Duffieid, Edwin F 5u 75
Dongan, George l£6 20
Dungan, Wm J 200 00
Dongan, Jas 42 08
Dungan,Thos 139 25
Banian. Biram 318 76
Evans, Sami W 424 76
Everts, Fredk 20 10
Ervien, Wm 4,168 75
Ellis, Amos E 1,600 00
Farr, John T IBiW
Filchefcfc. L 960 71
Filton, Edmund 8918
Foulkrcd, Jane A 195 00
Garsed, Richard 1,904 00
Garstd, John OO
Greenwood, Jos , 86 85
Giffen John 227 89
Gilbert, Chas B 655 25
Griscom. Wm 34115
Gro’iu, Thos* ■" 85 84
Guernsey, Wm F 300 00
Baku, Mary 1,"521 (4
Harper. Henry S 297 00
B&llowel], D A 122 79
Hatses. John 467 07
Bayes, Edward 5.4»0 00
Billes, Wm Eet, 761 01
BiiJea, Samuel S'O (0
Hitles, Kaiban 1,348 67
Hilt, Mattson 50 99
Horrocks, Jas 40fl 00
Bonseman, T B 476 47
Hoi., Haney 220 00
Bohwood, James 102 (0
B.dden, Milton D 80 CO
Hackle, Eobert 6.9 49
Hackle. Samuel 1,104 10
Hyer, AlexC 32181
Jacobs. Benjamin 1,123 67
Kehy, Geo 29 00
Kremer, Chas E 858 00
Kenyon, b&muel 11 00
Kedward, Wm 699 81
Laweon, la cob 335 68
Leake, E F 702 64
Lenox, J H * 4 00
Lee, Edward G • 141 00
Lotett, WmH 258 04
Lukene, Chas 127 CO
Markle, 8 C 99 80
Maberry, Lloyd 281 00
Mickle. Alex 83 00
Miller, D B 1,082 65
Miller, Jas 2,289 00
altorger, Abm 49 fio Nevltl, George ' 13 00
Alburger, Phillip 37 60 Pegas, ThontasC 437 J 9
Arrisoo, Peter 47U 00 Penrose, Morris 310 39
Bl&oaltton. P 2,768 Clifford S 470 00
Baldwin. M W -iee,t74 62 Pattern, Robert 942 00
Banks. 808 92L QU Patteeon. John F 360 00
Bartolett. Bow 269 49 Parry, Wilson 281 68
Baxter. Robert 6 87 Parris, Morris 605 OJ
bavington, W 98 00 ttyerss, Joseph W 7,195 00
Bavington. B 278 90 Reading, Alfred 635 84
Bases, Emily 8 769 05 Reading. John R 625 00
tdafce. John. 8r _ 562 &i Heading, WDton 64040
Blake, George 1,062 00 Readlig- Wm 7 312 64
Beth *l, Geo » 860 00 Reese, John V . 400 00
Blikmas, Geo 2®o 10 Rtehardsoa, JofciT 20 00
Bowman, Henry 1,222 00 jvicha2de>m,Rathanl 80? 77
Brown, AHx 17,642 10 Ridge, Wm W 100 03
Brott'.Chasß 865 0 Rowland, Samuol 2J«4 0)
Bookman, A Jr *7 92 Rowland, Wm 2,304 00
Buchanan, Edw T 631 jg Rowland, Chaa 2,524 00
Cralt, John IDO 00 Rowland, Maxwell 2,177 28
Clayton, Jeha _ 2.724 67 Boot, John 138 Oi
Chapmans h&rah B 700 iO Roads, Casper 1.012 27
Carter, Thomas 170 Op Boolnsoji, James 200 0J
Carter, William 204 CO Roberts, James 160 oo
Carver, John 3’6 )7 Roberts, Thomas 86 04
Carver, Mahlin ’ 315 )7,Roberts, Charles 4176
Cannfrli, 8 W 27.237 00 Roberts. John 8 872 00
Cidwallaoer, Jao 390 00 Rowland. Harvey 9.44194
Clark. Geo 5.6C6 00 Rhoads. Samuel 211OQ
Clark. John 3.98 i 00 Roshworth Wm 473 8J
Caetur, EUz& 2«5 00 Rnpnts, John if 106 uO
Carbon, Geo C 16.881 00 Ryan. Isaac • • • 195 00
Crispin, Bn>j F 2,194 18 Staokbonse, T 164 48
tollman# Edw 8 259 U 0 '•badcroes. Geo M . 49 00
Contuse, John C 2, »62 00 Shalloroes. GUsb S 613 00
Cornelias, Oh as E 9uo 00 B>arkev. B&nlel v SS2 79
Cornelius, Bobt - 9,867 00 Saul, Dafid -1,222 00
Lovering, Jos 8 76.802 24
Lovering, JosS Jr-33.827 27
Lister, The mas 300 75
Mackellar, Thoa * 2.201 97
Hag&rgee, Chas 59.9L7 50
Hagargee. Thos 1 620 >29
Malta, Geo W.M D 3 857 80
Malta, John, HD l 8 SO
Matiatratt, Sami V 48 0$
Harsh, Benj V 10 240.00
Mason, Mart’t '2Ol 24
Mason, Sami 6.893 05
Hail&cfc, Gh& F, O 238 83
H&tl&ofc, Sarah A 221 70
Hears Charles 9UO 00
Hears, Geo De B 433 a 4
Hears, JosT. “51 3
Medary. Bennett 117 DO
Mehl, Jacob • 528 40
Hefal, Thao A 2.830 79
Jtfofoer, Hall W 6,G00 00
HlUei.OF 178 00
Miller,uDaniel 85 00
Mills, William 849 S 3
Mitchell, EdwjP 6,1t0 4Q
Monkhouse, fm 126 00
Moore, TheoS 138 21
Morsv, Harriet J 2,102 00
Morris, BUieton F 306 12
Morris, B Wister 1,554 20
MorHn.RP - 1,204 00
Morton, B P (adm) 614 00
Moss, John 1,350 00
Mottram* Thoa 660 00
MuLUn. Geo & SO 14
ttyer, B Seed 6,175 GO
McKean, HP 537,000 00
McKim. JM 698 00
Hcllhenney, WmH 1,700 00
Mclntyre, Arehd 4,580 40
Mclntyre, Aroh, ex
of Wm Oamm 8,123 89
Napfle 60.00
Newha’L FC 4,028 0J
Jfewhall,TA 7,452 00
Nice, Wm . 50
Hicolle, Hilary 707 50
Nixon, Mary Ann 400 00
Noble, WS 445 00.
O’Kane, Edward 62 00
Gffce, Jas B 43,300 00
OTtO, ChSs W 900 00
Por:«er,Wm A 4.890 82
Pettit, Caroline S 376 20
Patterson. Joseph 9,050 00
Patten. W W 806 00
P*rot, BUiafcon 34182
Perot, Blllston* true 936 22
Bexvtr Bllieton, tr as 760 00
Perry, Vincent . 128 50
Price, y W 220 00
Price, Wister ,230 00
Pickering Henry* 200 00 ;
Tlnckney, Elisha S 68 25
Pettit, wm 600 OOP
Beeves, t B 4,798 00
Beeves. Stacey 37 48
Reger, Sami H 132 00
Rey, Emanuel 10 69
Rice, John 7,800 00-
Richards, Wm T 700 00
Ridgiray.x Alien 2 500 oo
Roberts, W S 400 00
Roberts, Joseph 46 48
Roberts, Spencer 1,000 00
Robinson, D M 3,600 00.
Robinson, Margaret 1,477 00
Sogers, ChasH 31,568 41
Rogers, Ghas R 382 92 -
Rdgers, f B, Jr 816 90
Ranter, B, MO 529 00
Roop, Sami W 37,803 18
Boop, Sami W, ex<
center of W F
Washington 12,996 63
Borer, David 267 10
Borer, £U - 127 00
Borer, Jacob , 950 00
Royal, Rdw 7.730 00
Royal, Bdw L 615.00
Royal, WmC 1,880 00
Buie, John 2.500 00
Sharp, Beni 1,899 47
Shaw, Benj ? 648 0Q
Stallman, Wm , 440 00
Stanbridge, J*.ne V 1,971 89
Stewßrdfco&,Ths, Jr 3,036 49
Stewardson, Thoi,
Jr, trustee __ 772 98
Stevenson,* J.H 6XIOO
Stein, AG 6,488 00
Steever. HD L 139 S 3
Steel, WW 900 00
Spencer, W G '15,913 89
Spencer, Wm.dec’d 2.868x7
Spencer, Obaa 88,813 34
8«lsor, George 400 00
Stiles, W C» Jr 1,278 08
Smith, RotttP 500 00
Smith, Lloyd P 1.200 00
Smith, John Jay 2.133 39
Mniih, Edmund 1,200 03
Smith, Horace J 1,055 00
Unitb, DOW 28,000 00
Smith, Benj R 925 00
Skirvtag, John ' 900 00
Single?, £ W 505 00
Simon, Elizabeth 20* 11
Sidd&li, Joe H ‘ 537 52
Shipley, Thomas 2,004 47
Shtpley.Thos, tras
tee Ann Stewart 192 54
Shipley, Thoa, trus
tee A H WUstaoh. 1,457 27
Shipley, Thos, trus
tee Sarah A GriSUh 482 82
Shipley, Thoa, trus
tee MaryG fiender
aon 856 25
Shipley, Thoa, trus
tee Emma F Hen
derson 371 25
Shipley, Thoa, trus
tee Robt J Render
sm 615 86
Shipley, Tbos, trus
tee Laura H Da-ie 572 35
Shipley, Thoa, trus
tee Martha / Chil-
ton . 1,457 27
Shingle, John 85 00
Shields, Wm J ' 1,849 04
Stoever, Wm H 1,074 36
Stokei, Francis 2,900 00
Siolcee. John' 1,278 05
Stokes, W H 971 37
Stone, J Emory 5,873 03
Stone, Wm B 23.300 00
Sower, J it 94 OO
comers, WE 543 55
Somers, J 9 142 74
Somers. Chalkley 1,481 36
dnowden, Edwd 2,000 00
Shore, Thomas 500 56
Shoemaker, Benj H 9,332 65
Schofleld. H B . 7,063 55
Scall, Gideon D IL2'O1 L 2'0 00
Swan, John 1,000 90
Swlit, Joseph 14,905 00
Swift, Jos, trustee
of Mary Brown 1,200 00
Tarr, Wm 139 00
Taylor. Lewis,BlDl,472 7$
Tiige, J Henry 2,640 03
Thompson,Har’i L 1,240 33
Thompson, Luc P 17,618 00
Thompson, Lnc P
(guardian) 630 00
Thompson, Mrs R H 4,459 41
Tolana, George W 2.519 50
Toland, Margaretta 52139
Tomlinson, Wm 1,030 00
TJaderkoffer, 900 00
Dhler, AS, MD 590 00
Wade, Susannah 200 00
Wagner, Wm 4,513 01
Watson, Harriet C 984 84
Watson, Harriet 0
(guardian) L 884 84
Watson, Wm 0 1,234 84
Way, Wm P 8 103 71
Wharton. Chas W 19,223 00
Weber, Carl 5 00
Wether&tine, Henry 60 00
Withingtoß, J H 100 10
White Jr, D W 2U 18
Wright, Robt K 600 OO
Whitman, W 14 00
Widmer, John 2,452 50
Wiener, Henrich 3‘,620 00
Williams, Chas B 4,032 54’
Williams, David 836 60
Winner, Wm E 547 30
Wister, Alex W 208 30
Wister, C J 3,335 43
Wister, Owen J 4,468 00
Wister, Wm 1,832 00
Wister, Wm R0^ch6,239 77
.WEiter, Wm Botch
! (trustee) 2.285 00
Wister Wm Wynne 2,462 55
Wood, GeC £ Jr 650 00
Wood, Horatio O 20,741 50
Wo >druff, Abigail £2,J56 63
Woodward. J P 12,438 88
Zogbadm, Charles 79 00
Mites, Thos M 83 25
Miller, Thomas 823 00
> Monk, Edward 190 00
i Mortimer. Jas 81 00
Honach, James 804 00
> Morgan, Chas W 1,742 60
i Murphy, Thos 400 00
i Murphy, Matilda 487 IS
i Murray, M McN 390 8?
i Myers, Vr L 3,785 00
: Me *»an, Jas 376 25
i McKelyey, Wm 202 67
i McMillan, Wm 143 96
i McMullen, John 200 00
i Oram, Chas G 531 40
I Overinafcon. Wm 8,440 00
I Pratt, Edmund 2,168 36
i Pratt, Jas D 3,172 22
i Patterson, Kobt 78S 26
i Page. John 714 98
t Perkins, B 8 542 00
i Phillips, Oliver G 300 00
( Pilkin’fton, Eobt 150 00
iPlgot.WmH 43161
i.Powell, John 89 26
I Pryor, Geo A 37 95
: Quicksail, Harrey 1,136 OS
:Ehawn, H - 960 62
; Kebiohon, Smite 210 00
Rorer, Thos 37 35
i Bowland,HarveyJr6,oUl7
; Rowland, Beaj 6,023 00
i BoaerJck, A 4 00
■ Bose, Geo G 11 50
! Rockwell,' G F 312 20
I Bnssum, John 103 50
l fchallcrosß. Wm 4l*» 70
1 Schrader, Wm 7»0 03
; Stackhouse, Chas P 228 33
i Shatlcross, John 300 00.
i Shallcross, Lewis 6 S 3
i Shallcross, Edw A 600 GO
i Shailcros*. Isaac 536 49
> Stanfer, Jacob S' 58 40
i Street, Wm IS6 80
t Stearne, Thaddeuß 237 25
i Smadiey, Wm W 2,100 00
i Schlichter, Francis 400 00
l -tcfeel, Joseph F 446 CO
Sidebotham, Thos 32 44
; Schoch, uhas 6% 8 16
i i-wopa, Chas O 2,098 43
i Swope.EdwT 123 42
Shoe, John M 794 00
i Swope, Jane F 317
• Shocb, Joseph 89 67
; Snyder, bimoaP 3,686 09
i Trautman. L M 103 00
, Taylor, Bichd € 709 00
> Taylor, Leonard A 200 00
I Tayjcr, Samuel 115 25
i T&ylor, Geo M 89 00
i Taylor, John 74 50
’ Trefts, Freak 60 00
i Tibbon. Banj 220 75
. Thorn. Thomas 640 69
\ Thompson, Jas C 850 00
Trum*>auor, Jos 1,199 25
i Vaniirk, JosT " 7,887 09
i Vanklrk, C A 3 687 6*
Vankirk. Lewis D 1,805 IS
i Walton, Bern F 393 33
i Warhnrst, Geo 314 60
i Walton, Albert G 1,235 GO
t Walton, b&lens 14 05
i Wagner. Jacob F BUO 00
Ward, Beni - 137 67
' Warner, wm J 158 00
I W*nzeU, Anthony 165 32
> Wright, Wm 665 26
I Wright, Wm T 28 69
! Wilson. Abßt J 108 25
I Wilde, Solomon 4,760 03
i Wibiams, KT 202 86
i WUcock, John - 274 52
i Wilson, Chas H _ 5t9 80
> Womrath, Anth K - 6fB 00
l Womrath, Fr*dk K 733 00
i tieo F 7,706 63
> Woodward. Byron 430 00
i WorieU.Thos B 313A0
» tonag, Francis 145 98
I Touter, MB 76 76
Com. P&rnnel sa on:
Cornly. Alfred fffo ooi
Cojoiy, BobtE 1.991 07;
Ccxnly. jeaae - 442 00
Cktniy, John * 400 00!
Crxnly, Watson : 442 GO!
U&ZDCKi I'aac.MD 1.212,02
Cotely. Wm B aaßftl
Bengali. B Morga n 40Cn&
Dongao. Lewie a 200 00
Dyer; David J «7T>9
JVyar A/lfin B*9 38
B&etbiirnk#nriffto*h > 600 00
Evans. Dadler 341 00
Stbbs. WnrE ■ 2:2»8 75
Ekhardt D* 102 00
Eawarda. joese SGOOOi
Eiwin WmF - - r 874 001
Ervin. Andrew 8 00J
Eieenbeig. Philip i.OOO*jSm
FainniD. John S.OOOOOj
Fa' ter, George 466 26 j
Fisher, John M 1.200 00
Fteber, Jemea C 8.179 36'
j&ia®sC' ' 2,915 00
Saa man Morr S 344 97
tShallciosa. Thoa 1M 80,
j Hal o m ew s 1 8714 T
ShalJcro/s. Ezra _ 371,502
Kha>iorOßß. Bbdj • &*4 3«j
SOL> lkQj>4 0J
i 1.033 93
100 00
Sralth.-Jesse B 6.65 s (B
6ml h K Hamil on lOr ffi
Smith. Jacob 242 82
I Smith. Stephan 3.600 21
) Singer. Chas 4 303 00
JSHfehs'Gso 100 00 A. 200 00
iSfriey. John . . 1 010 'B7
) Stuart, Geo. H. 38,825 76
$ Snyder, George 40CTGQ
) Snyder, Charlei RBLOO
I Tramp, John W. 50®00
’ Taylor, Jacob ? 400 00
l Tredicb, Benj. F. 82.250 03
i TasHere. Eliza C 1,844 70
i TremppT, Allcs 316 00
i Titu?. Jacob ICO 00
i TiUyerGhaa 266%)
Tomlinson. Edwin 200 00
T/mJinson. John 123 30
Tomlinson. I W. 793 20
T/jmMoßon. Word. 500 liO
Tompains. Joel 206 68
Thornton. James ,400 00
Thompson. Lewis .■ 7.915
Tomlinson. Isaac " 200 00
Tomlinson. James: '; 638 00
Tomlinson. Lint d ■/, 44*2 00
Tomlinson Thotf 797 17
Tr ' **.Spe#«' ’9lB 00
650 CO
Box, Georg* , 698 17
Fulmer, Charles 850 CO
FalUr.-WASr 867 00
Gatzme’v Wm H 8,219 06
Gran*,'Jr. Samuel 1,000 00
Qilham. ]*aac 30J 00
Griffith, Jes*e 76 10
Guthrie, James 102 40
Hartal, Andreas 8,084 89
Bsrxison, Chas W 480 00
Hartley. Josiah 150 00
Bail, Fitlier 94 CO
Handy, Ed S 18,885 09
Handy, B S.bttstee 1,442 00
Bandy. 1 P, estate. 2.095 f 9
Halverson, Wn 925 00
Heller, Ctoas 412 62
Hell orman, John 222 85
H« lO5 5f
Belletman, Harvey 800 r
Holme. GeoW 250
Hoff, Geo Jr 1,1i7
; Humphrey. H 280 i
: Ingham, John!).. 459 ■;
. Jams, .Thomas 800 j
' Jenke, Vr aroer, 1,000 i
Jobsson Franklin 285 1
Kneweonj J&oub 4to i
. Keene, Jas 2,851
• Seas, Jacob 2001
: Kentos, Thoa 8 266 I
Kcmpton, Geo IfiO i
Serper Josiah 400 <
i Knight, Daniel 8001
{Knight, Jonathan 400 i
Knight. Kbenezer SS6!
Knight, Richard 245
Xetici, Robert 9,980 '
Livezey, Myers F 7241
Leeher. Jacob 926-<
Lott,-Jamison 600
Lodre* Jonathan. 3*400-..
Lnkefts,Ohu W« « 631-&>
Xukens; William • ■ 9i4 *S>6o
Lynd, Jertmtah 10.401
iftiartlikd&le; Ohas 1 16-4?
[Mete*. George- 600 r
■Micbsner, Thos 480
Middleton. Sdw 1.160 .
Morris. Casper W
Morgan, HarrietA ' 090 1
Morris. Bsftl&h 63.
Montague* Kdm T 'S4B i
(Hurry. Edmund 420 i
iHyers. Eendallr , 96*
jMcMnlhn William- 302
‘Hanorede, BamlGh 776
iKeall, JSanratl W 408 *
• Armstrong. Luke 86. 198 00
rAVIs, Basil 128 315 GO
'Barley, Albeit B 830 195 85
Barnard, Wm B 10 lu 00
Berkhener. Wm 638 98 01
Blhn,George F 1,096 i,700 00
Brows, Franklin 120 600 00
Brodie. Edward J 43n 0000 00
®iu*, Elbert H SCO 0000 00
Bcoksor. Hr, A J 8,732 0000 00
Bncknor, Jr, A J 2,000 0000 00
Back, Isaiah D S 3 300 00
Caliendeiv Thos B 2,0C0 100 09
Carter, Robert '419 54 00
Carroll, John S 2 482 v. 83 75
C&therwood, H W 9,194 I7h 216*00
Chamber**, EdmH 3.810,00 Paul, B~A Mrs 11,86? 58
Cline, Wm H H ; Patti, Mary W Mrs 636 72
CJabby, William 12 13 Pani, Q,W Mlhh • 292 60
Ccet«B. TboeP 12$ OO.Pfttil aa*,M D 270 00
Coolr, Geor« J® ISi Pori, Frod M. M B ICO 00
Cook, Jacib 803 OGlPotteri Dennis J 226 00
Cos:, George S 971 03 Fait, A;E Mrs 93 00
Davis, Jesse 3 217 48 Keeney* Robt L 263 12
De Crane, Felix F 1,738 40 Reynolds, Hetbit 3,220 00
DeCr&ne,Eram.a Hiss 600 00 Robbins, ( bus W , 174 00
Dickson, Wm H 36 00iRoderick. Wm A 128 00
Dodge, Lowell .-4CO 00 RiwbsU,'xhbs, Jr 70 00
Draper, John 7,232 56 Saunders. tieoG 1 025 00
J ttngan, Ellis 097 91 Savage;. JR 3c wife 947 82
Emerson, Jew 187 70 fccrantotx, Henry 90 34
Emery, Jobs E t 59 87 Schwely. Mrs M A»1 40
Evans, Oliver 385 08 Simon. Michael 60 30
Ervin, John E 234 03 gingerly. Jos 15,222 39
leather. Henry 2,150 00 Smith, Ira ban L 67 60
Flinn, Wm / 130 00 Smith, John H 29166
Fisher, Elizabeth : 1,000 00 Smith, Ezekiel 110 09
Fort, This R 51 697 19 SpftDgieiy Wash 400 00
Fcx. John ,■ 02 Spangler. John 1,050 00
Frets, John 780 2$
GilVJabezH , 400 00
Green. Thoa W 1,294 25
Grlllet, Alex' 425 00
Griffiths, C'.has K 813 00
Hague, Audrey .138 00
Baines, Gwen 144 00
Bassinger, D^vidS 89* 82
Bartley, Henry SOU
Hodgkirson, J S 664 91
Hopkins, Joseph B 1,870 CO
Booseman. Jacob B 75 10
Husband. Vm ISO 80
James, Wm A 23 70
Jenkc, Its. 250 83
Jenkc, Barton H 74,249 94
Jenkfi, E A Mrs 593 56
Keller. August 1C6:70
Earn, Richard 110-80
Keys Bobert B 188 00
Knight, Amos, 109 22
Kroesen, Jacob Y 160 00
Lindsey. BenjF* . -.MOD
Magee, John 205 00
Magee, James 1,310 00
Btetser, Jol n 230 0C
Steele, Wm M ' 17 6 00
Stlrk, Isaac 3,Cb7 66
StHwellrWash - 857 00
Stitt, John 290 OP
Sullivan, Mich 1,6 U 68
Sullivan, Jag 139 03
TaylorJWmF 3,783,35
Turner* John 476 11
Walter* Phoebe 1,285 CO
Wareh&m Robt 180 80
Webster John H 1,187 67
Welsh, Wm 76,6)3 96
Whartenby, C F 95 00
Wetbam, Jas 0 630 00
Williams Sami 849 00
Wiiilmaa. Jos 612 00
Wilson, MO 400 00
Wilson Wm P , 1,926 00
Wilkins, John 40 43
Wilkey, John 98 46
Young, John 9J 58
1 oang, Chie £ 541 S 3
Allen, John H 3, KM] 00
Baker, Sr, Jos SBB 00
Baker, Jr, Jos 178 00
Boucher, Joseph £2B 00
Boyd,if b *•. moo
Bn ck ins,' Buddlph
Clarke, Geofit -IsM
CJase* Sami : 3SO 00
Clay, BG * 834 00
Olay, John B 814 00
Clonser, Emajmel 535 00
Corson, Robert li 900 00
Coffman, Joseph • 7$ 00
Cianmer. A 670:00
Cullen, James 800 00
Dawson, John 4,685 00
Edfc#ds, C S 2,000 00
EdwTrds, Francis 3,430 to
Edwards, Amos 1,614 00
>Evaos, Thos C 311 &0
Ewing, John 1,(29 00
lavUy, JohnS 297 IK)
Fell. Reese D S,S?B 00
Fraley, St; Thos S 250 00
G< tz, Francis W 183 00
Geisse, Geo W 1,634 00
Gei&se, Chas H 1,240 00
Hay, Samuel T • 104 00
Hamilton, James 1,000 00
Houston, Susan ti 886 00
Honston, Mary J 1,277 CO
Hunter, WmH 1,061 CO
Janvier. Edgar 1,540 00
Ebtclmm. Andrew 1,052 00
Eevlii Kt Herman 409 00
imeioir, '
Lesley, E A. 1,288 00
Lo;g, Margaret 399 00
Lytle, JohaS ~ 8 870 00
Martin, James 1,943 00
Mentis, Thomas 864 00
Martin, TJ- - • - B'4 00
Mendenhall,;G W- 750 00
Hiller, Michael. 503 00
Mitchell, J Q 89,536 00
Monaghan, Thos 200 03
Morse, M&nson 675 00
McManus. Fi ancle 9L2 00
ttaCntefceos. J&s . 247 00
Mcßride; JH 544 00
McCoy. Chas 933 00
Nyce, William, 2.109 CO
Pickup, Ed 57aid 2,198 00
Raker, J H 252 00
Rheiner. Josenh 700 o >
Risk, Mency K 1,027 00
Rash, John C 959 00
Seaman, Cornelias 750 00
Shoe, Bonaparte 1,350 00
Shubert, Francis 922 00
Stanhope, Hiram 480 00
Taylor, Sr. Wm 8,237 00
Taylor, H M 923 00
Walton, Lewis 436 00
Wetherill, Bdm’d 3,030 00
Wetherlll, Rebecca 1,600 00
Wetherill. Marth B 1,183 03
Whitechnreh B 41 00
Wooten, John E 350 00
Wrigjins, Thos 3,053 00
Allabacb, Christian $65 00' Kauffman, Jacob M 134 00
Allabacb,, John B 67 CO.Kr&tz, Jaeae 77 00
Artman, Enos - 85 00 Krafcz, Jacob 3) 00
Ackerman, John B 76 OOKemrasrer, David 600 00
Applebacb, Paul 400 00 Kemmerer, Charles 840 00
Apple bach., Paul, Kemme«er. Henry 160 00
trustee 1,178 CO Kline, Joseph 03 00
Applebarfu Henry 300 00 Kline, Peter 150 00
Apple bach. Wo 260 00 Krout, Bamuel 700 00
Attierholt. Joseph SCO 00 Landes, Samuel 222 00
Apple, *Can P IS2 00 Landes, John 62 00
Aker, William 18 00 Lanbauch, Sami J 150 (Xh
Albright. John 296 00 Leidy, B 212 00
Ahlum, Johnß 24 CO Leidy, Jonas 100 0Q
BradBhaw, Saml C 464 00 iievick, Samuel J 2,600 00
Barndt, If- - 66 OOLinderman, A J 48 00
Barunger, Am<up 167 00 Mann, Samuel 38 CO
Bartholomew, John lfi( 0! Markley, George 169 00
Bartbolomew,Petei2,263 OO.Maltras, John H 179 00
Bruieh, David J 400 00j Mather, Banhol’W 66 85
Benner, Jonas ' 78 00 Mas ate, John 16 00
Benner. Abm . 82 00 Missimer, John B 15 45
Biehn, Manaaeah • * 300 DO Morgan, Antrim t 20 25
Bitz Henry ISO 00 Moyer, Wm B 7 85
Bohie, Fr 174 00 Moyer, Joseph M 16 85
Bloom, Wm 300 00 Moyer, Abm D S 3 80
- fironer, Chas 460 CO Moyer, John S 4 00
Bush, Sami T 200 00 Moyer, Henry B 28 90
Buah,Wm H 1,876 00 Moyer, Christian ¥ 190
Carey, Samuel 133 GO Moyer, Isaac H 3 95
Campbell, Wm 12100 Moyer, Wm K 1 00
Carl, Sam K , 60 00 Moyer, Henry S 6 94
Casßel,JK 37100 Moyer, IF 2 10
Creesm&n, Nathaar 864 00 Moyer, Samuel H 25 00
Creseman, Abm 69 00 Moyer, Samuel W 95
Czeasman, Jas 8,000 00 Mumb&uee, Peter 16 00
Cressman, H S 1,049 0C atumb&nes, Reuben 4 25
Cressman, Joe 1.456 00 Morris, Thos 4 00
Crestman. Lewis 10 00 Nace, Henry K 7 50
Clyxner, Samuel 200 00 Nace, Oliver H 3 75
cirouthamel, 3 6 lflS 00 Oche. B T 25 00
Corner, Wm 258 00 Oberhoiizer, Join E 10 00
Obrietman, LP 90 00 Oberloltzer,_Wm H 1210
Dailey, Daniel 100 00 Pearson, A B 19 75
Detwiler, Henry 83 00 Penrose, Aaron „ 1 75
Detwiler, Jacob 100 00 Penrose, Aaron, exe'r 65 10
Dektine, Michael 400 00 Penrose, Ev*n 1 30
Deistine, Enos 351 00 Phillips, Lewis H 16 SO
Dabbs, Jesse 36.00 Reinhart, JDK 37 00
Bakin, John 523 00 Bickart, David B 39 00
'Eroman, George 622 00 Roberts, Milton 31 00
Frantz; Zeno 39 00 Roberts, Jas 200 00
Prankemeld, W H 71 00 Raedea, Sami C 287 00
Frankenfeld, Wm 6 00 Kaedes, ffathan C 103 00
Bellman. Gluts 869 00 Rosenberger, Thos 8J 00
Breed, Henry W 6 00 Rosenberger* MD - 45 CO
Fjetz, Jonathan - 881 00 Kosenbe ger, Jos 400 00
Fretz, Henry 300 00 Rosenberier, H 307 00
Fietz, Christian 200 00 Rosenberger, J D 34 00
Frefcz, John 67 00 Ruble, Tobias 286 00
Frick, Chas 20 00 StraiHbargeT, BY 600 00
Frick, John L 208 00 SwartLey. Henry R 300 00
Fuck, Samuel 80 OOisw&rtley, Philip 300 00
Frick, Henry 280 00 Strawn, Eli W 7 00
Fculke, BenjG 420 00'Btatd Daniel 23 00
Funk, Hauffman . 44 OO.Sch&ntz, JohnK 76 GG
Fruit, Jacob i -. v 4SMX) Scbautz, Abna 364 00
Flack, John B 65 CD Scheetz, Sami F 350 00
Foulke, Caleb 469 00 Scheetz, Aloert F 36 00
Giant, Tobias 174 00 Scbiichter, A P 300 00
Geisinger-John 500 00 Sohlerfer, Joseph 634 00
Ueorget Abm v 250 00 Sell, Christopher 8100
Gerhart, SamlS £6 00 Sen, Peter 160 00
Gerhart, J G 98 00 Shelly, Jacob N 100 00
GodshaU, Charles 109 GO.SheUy, Levi 8 60 00
Groff, Abm . 49 OoESUUiy, Joseph 8 . 27 00
Grower, Jesse 873 GO Shßlv, Bemy T 340 00
Grower, WmH 716 OO.BhelUnberger, Elias 55 00
Begercoari Geo 100 00 Bhellenberger, J L 438 00
Harley, Jan B 712 00 Shlve, Isaac 176 00
Hartman, Francis 400 00 Shlve, Tobias 600 00
Hartzel, Abm G 129 00 smith. Peter 15 00
Eartzell. HenryC 38 00 Snyder, Jimas, 340 00
BartzeL Ellas 173 CO Snyder, Peter L 47 00
Berwick, Abm 29 00 Snyder, Francis 200 00
Harwich, Jacob , 276 00 Sterner, S Y a 2,800 00
Headman, Michael 100 00 Spnner. David 496 00
Headman, John 8 7 00 Scholl, Jacob L 600 00
Heckle*- Samuel 120 00 Sorter, Abm 230 00
Berst, Daniel S . 422 00 Sorvar, Jacob 200,00
Herat, Owen L ' 153 00 stover, Abrm 22 00
H«ee, Joseph R 63 00 Stover, Samuel a 260 QO
Hess, David R 337 00 Stover, Jacob 378 00
Hess, Ralph 384 00 Stover, Jonas 239 00
Bess, Jacob 136.00 Taylor, Charles 63 00
Bess! Edw T I,ZBS 00 Tajlor, Hathan 200 00
:: 60 00 Thatcher, Sami B 111 00
HBlegass, DaaleL 86 00 Tranger, Jacob K 412 00
Billegaas, J«el 21 00 Ttoxel, Henry 711 00
Bimmelwxitht, F 413 00 Trombaner, H T 29 (H)
Himmel wright, K 186 CD Thomas, Edward 178 00
Bln son, George 166 00 Waip, Aaron B 307 00
Hornery, Joseph 34 00 Walp, Charles 124 00
Honpt, Abm 677 00 Walp, George 12i 00
Honpt, John t 316 00 Wamoold, Soah 457 00
Bonpt, John 1,125 00 Warwick,.Obas F .16 00
Hunsberger, Enoe Samuel 41 00
Himer, David 410 00 West Peter 14U 00
JamUon, David R 499 00 Wimmer, James 83 00
Johnson* Charles 172 00 Wiser, Jacob 104 00
Johneoßt BK 140 00 Wolf, Samuel 69 00
Jones, Oliver P 13 00 Yost. George, 600 00
Kau, Solomon 600 00 Young, John J . 28100
iitee, WesUy M $1,655 00
Leedom, David T 250 00
Leedom, Bdw* Jr 715 42
Leedom, Edw, Sr 787 60
Leedcm, Tnos, Sr 18 14
Leffarts! 047 81
Livingstone, WF 414 63
Lewie, Morton 1,126 00
Leslie, Hannah 200 00
Livezey, William 35 10
Linton, John . 67 14
Linton. Thos B 82 00
Longshore, Jolly 9 90
L'oid, tfeojamln 42113
Lloyd, William G 2,963.12
Lloyd, William 45S 09
Lovett. David H 216 29
Lovett, JoaephS' 60 0)
Lukecs, David 487 60
Hartind&U, Elijah 1,079 20
Martin,Mil*B 90 00
Mather, Rowland 210 00
Mauleburr, Abel 205 10
«facoMß- f Oornelia S9s>»
Merrick, John 180 00
fterdton, Joel 0 600 00
Middleton .Bathan 14,370 CO
Miller. Wm, Est 26tf 61
Mitchell, John S 69120
Mitchell, J Paul 910 69
Mitchell, Parson 67 00
Mitchell Parson, .
gxofJAMitoheil 262 39
MiUtken, 8 /, Sev. 170(0
Moon, Chas . 692 2.
Moon, Daeiet . 176 00
MoOi< f 'E«nnL IPS 00.
Mooau.JssH 1,019 00
Morris. Benj Y MT 00
Morrison, Joseph . - 80 00
ißster «
AHen-MW, trustee
for 8 U Hill MSfl7
Allen, Uainaadtik* 104 SO
Allen. •WiUtam.H,
guardian otft C
aid Bleu Allen 143 60
Alien, Wm H 613 06
Allen.fßH, 1,014 20
Addle, Join Jr 2»7„9t
Atkinson- Bsml ‘ 188 31
Abbott, Wm ■ 100 00
Ashton. Joseph MS 60
Ball.WtnW 1.600 W
elackfan, Geo 0 670 21
Baker, Sami . 80S 88
Balderson. Datrld 85 76
Baldraon, Bdward «58 00
Baldereon. Johnß 1,078 68
Ba rarity, Join 467 00
maker. Alfred 833 00
Blal er, tjhas O ISP 58
Blaker, Jerboa C 38140
B.akey, W W, agent
.of Ann:Wroisty -160 80
Bailey, John W a 7 *
Betts, Joseph 410 00
Bette, Thotnaa 1,866 60
Beans. Benjamin 660 (0
Beans, Charles 164 26
Beans, Seneca 634 00
Beans, Win 653 34
Beanmont, John A 710 Oj
Beatty, BoberJ O 1.401 23
Beasley. Fred’k W *O4 JO
-Brook, Georae »7 70
Briggs, Beotamln 918 TO
Jno*oke»tarl,6J4 Sf
,Bond. John 13 ®
Booz, Henry G 60 00 Mall, Wm B 210-00'
Booz. Isaac 74 44 Miles, iMwinHs If 609 28-
Brows, Geo W 134 00 Motivates. A M 393 62
Blows.Gao W, true- McDowell. Wm 10000
tie for Loot Page 46 00 Newbold, Halm 848 00
Brown, lease 112 €0 Hewbold, Hebert 271 60
Brows, J Jenninge . 800 00 Nicholson, BSW 775 00
Biown. Moses 1,340 II Hlppes, Henry - 400 00
Brown, Stacy 2.115 CO Osborn, John H 1 13 06
Biwen, James 68 76 obdjke. Geo 220 00
B lllean, Edw _ 471 76 Parry, John* E 300 00
B letinch, WilsonH 2,000 00 Palmer, David 139 41
Bouusher, Chaa S 61 00 Palmer, Jaslp 114' 26
Bachman, Alfred C 103 00 Palmer, dames 63 47
Bnckman, Edward - 579 00 Palmer, John- 442 00
Bachman, Ely . 1,070 00 Palmer! Mark 212 19
Bachman,Franklin 131 33 Packer, Albert L 276 38
Bnckman, Beyl 48110 Faff, Wm, Sr . 48159
Bnckman, lewis 1,010 00 Patterson, Titos 800 00
Bpchman, Band T 1.114 00 Parsons, Alfred BE B 5 00
rmckman, B W 132 00 Parsons, Chas A 143 81
Bnckman, Smith 80u 00 Paxson, Joshua 11168 96
Bnckmani_Thos 768 O0(-Paxso6, Isaac 319 00
Borgese, Hiram 181 00. Paxson, Israel 313 00
Bunting, Blakely 366 00'Paxton, Sami H' .76 00
Banting. Hannah, ex-' : I Paxson, Wlllet It MS 60
center of Jos Paul 783 00 Pranl, John 700 00
Bourrougbs, BP 63 00 Pranl, Wm . 700 00
Burton, Anthony 10,398 00 Pranl, Francis 900 00
Burton, Charles 243 48 Pierce, Chaa W, 5r2;900 CO
Burton, BUwr.od : 185 CO Pierce, ohas W, Jr 1,279-78
Burton, Jonathan 760 SS Pierce, Jos- 8 460 00
Cabe, Jesse 46 00-plerce. Jos 8, Bxr
Cary, Silas 299 30 of Ji Pierce .1,000 00
Cammr Joseph C 13 71 P,ke, Samuel 300.00
Carman, Samuel 400 OO Pike, Thornton 5;33»62
Chapman, lasae 1,036 00 Price Daniel B 346 00
Cadwalleder, A 8 348,00, Phillips, Deborah 426 00
-htdwallader, John 160 00 Phillips,Ljmington4,(ioo 00
Cat wallader. Sami C Ml 00 Paletherp, J H, est 1,600 00
Cadwalleder, WtnL 859 70 Beeves, Elisha 195 001
Cabeen, Samuel 2,440 00 Biehardeon, Joshua 736 17
Carter, Franklin 176 79 Klchardaon, W. H. 171 25
Carver, Aden 66 66 Bice, Bdw. ' 481 00
Carver, Jesse D 665 00 Bldge, Mahlim 620 60
Carver, Wm K ■ 468 61 Bldge, Wm. 824 37
Oreasdale.Kobt M 163 16 Robb, Casper T. 600 00
Croasdale. J Will- . _ Bon, Wash’n 93 00
400 00
500 00
,oia 70
925 37
.030 00
600 00
194 30
717 35
400 00
97 00
eon 125 50
Coleman, Pat’k 757 50
Cornell, Adrian 165 45
Cornell, David 761 00
Cornell, Jae C 245 00
Cornell. Jesse 9 80
Corliee, Joseph 870 00
Comfort, Geo 479 00
Comfort, Geo M 574 00
Comfort Jeremiah 2,12100
Comfort, Moses • 210 2?
Crozier, Andw 557 00
Crozier,. Robt 866 91
Comly, Joseph 351 68
Oymer, Thos W 2,327 83
Clymer. Thoß W,
ex.’r Francis Cly
mer 98107
Cl i me r, Mary - 1,341 fO
Comfort. John S 1,013 50
Davis, John 98177
Dean, Geo IHLO7
Delaney. Isaiah 652 00
iDixon, Fite E . 4,676 18
Doan, Benjamin 66 00
Doran, Biwood 1,600 00
Dorance, John 6,300 00
Drier, 1 Thomas 641.00
Dnffield, AT 11645
Drnmm, John H 102 CO,
iEattbnrn, Bsnj 677 18
hastbnrn, IS 220 00
kastbnrn, John 1*705 00
East burn, JohhS 388 90
Bastbnrn, Jos • 996 00*
Everett, David 42 00
Ellis, Chas 1712)
< Ewing A, executor f
of Jacob Ewing 819 84;
Eyre, Isaac 1,660 66
Eyre, Preston 26194
Farrand, Jaa H 845 50
Feaater, David 1,262 84
Fenton, Simeon 474 76
Fish, Win 600 32
Fisher, TV 2,0:0 00
Force, JasW 438 10
Fox, Geo, MD 2,117 60
Flowers, Joseph 1,013 00
Flowers, Thos K 250 00
Graham, John __ 46 00
Gearhart, Isaiah W 195 23
Green, Gilbert 2,303 CO
Green, John B 1,100 03
Green, John K.ex’r
of John Green, 4,699 00
Green, John 95 00
Gillam, J W 1,439 56.
Giiiam, bimon 532 75
Giondy, Edward 1,100 001
Halsey, Bev A O 176 86,
Bart,. Thos H 494 95
Bart, W B, ex’r of
Richard Kobb 266 60j
Hazzard.Alex T 419 00
Banco, Bed man 216 90
Harper, Jesse K 4r6 00
Harper, Wm ' SB 65i
Harvey, Kinsey 201 oo
Harris, Henry B 110 00,
Harrißon, kdmd G 711 02;
Harrison, Sami H 204 45;
Headley, John B 162 00
Headley, Thos, en 7 r
of Jos Headley 487 23
Headley, Thomas 80 20
Bill, Charles B 285 60
Headley, Thos C 353
Bendrickson, J 184 23
Hes on, Jeßze 8 1,708 29
Bibbs, Jas 40 00
Hibbs.JasG 870 00
Bibbs, Jos S 7eo 00
Hibbs. Mahlon G 300 00
Bow* 11. Amouß 7 00
Howell, D, Estate 125 00
Howell, Brack 8,353 37
Howell, Esack,
guardian of Hen
ry Lippincott 73 98
Bogdana, Elias 47 00
Eogeland, Ira 212 50
Hoselard, Isaac 4SS 00
Homeland, Wm 165 00
Holcomb, Oliver H '6OO 00
Boicomc, Sami 1,336 00
Heimet, Lewis A . 1,844*80
Holme, Sami :. '260 oo
HntchinfcQO, D 133 00
Hutchinson, Jos-B 6480 CO
Headley. Jane 176.75
Ivins, Barclay 141 64
Ivint, Hector 45 QC
Ivin?, Isaac 1,3i8 78
Ivins, Bobfc 478 84
J&nney, Chas 245 00
Janney, John L 61 00
Janney, Bichard 5f6 0G
' Janney, Stephen T 759 90
Janney, Thomas 35 0G
Janney,- Wiiliam 3 8 97
James,'Jesse 631 20
Jarvis, Lemuel 1 898 00
Jacoby, Francis 861 76
Jonhs, Geo A 37 6u
Jenks, Michael H 890 CO
Johns, Allen 86 00
Joyce, Anthony K 1 200 00
Johnbort, Edwin -71 S 37
Johnson, Geo K 425 94
Johnson, JasD 95 40
Justice, George 840 93
Kelly, David W 666 67
Keith. JohnS 550 00
Kremson, Henry S 249 00
King, Cbasß 655 27
King, Chas B, trus
tee of S Lewis 3,683 29
King. James O 131 00
Kirk bride, Mahlon 188 75
Knight. Aaron 275 76
Knight, .Barclay 872 OX
Knight, Jeite w 237 SO
Knight, Jonathan 830 00
Knight, Phineas 632 40
Knowles, MK 1,498 68
Klrkbride, John,
Estate of 13186
Lander, Bichard 3,600 00
Large, Wilson 239 00
Larrelere, Wm 497 10
Landretb, David 5,0*8 95
Lean, Jos C 212 86
245 2L
,790 14
25 00
3(30 00
520 00
.694 89
,638 64
150 00
728 00
SOO 00
120 00
406 25
.426 42
.127 CO
190 00
250 00
603 00
239 75
589 00
,270 00
,310 00
Atherton, Tbos SICO uu Lear, M«hlonC 13429
Bach man *ReubenK 102 20 Long, Wm S 320 60
Beider. Jcmeph 17 Morgan 420 38
Berd, Nathan 132 SO Megianie, Jas 300 GO
Boiieau, Jas R. 247 83 Mood, Uriah 116 £8
Barer* Abm 600 00 Mpod, Enos 14116
Calf, John 63 76 Moyer, Jonas D 604 60
Cooper, Alfred M 2 (XL Myers, Reuben 7 539 00
Delp, Jacob 702 BOiMyers, John P 100 00
Dickson, John 236 00 Myers, Jonas 436 00
Drnckeumller»Reu- | Myers, Henry 7 305 00
ben 49 00 Myers Joseph 7 5?717
Eichlen, Lewis 79 50 Nash* Abm 253 82
Fretz, Tobias 204 CXLNaeiu Samuel 730 00
7rel2, Heniy 94 32 JPursel, Brice M 435 00
Fretz, Jonas 1,608 60 Rawlings, Thos 120 70
Fretz, Elias 219 00 Rich, Wm 400 00
Fretz, Joseph * 589 05 Bidse, Wm 189 59
Fretz, Jacob 617 86 Ruth, Geo 182 26
Fietz, Christian 278 40 Bufe.Jaeob 167 22
Tank, Henry M 614 00 Shaddinger, Abm 1,000 00
George* Samuel 404 60 Shaddinger, Henry 167 00
Grose, John 342 73 Sigafoos*. Geo 269 60
Grose, JchnS 175 32 Slotter, Jacob SO 74
Gutwals Daniel 865 00 Stover, Ralph 11149
Harp*!, ThosC 231 GO Stover, Jonas 373 00
Harpel, John 107 00 Stover, Isaac S _S49 22
Billpot, Fred G. 272 93 Steete, Christian 297 00
Hillpot, Sami B T 114 63 Stover, Sami 132 04
House!? Jacob M 212 94 Stover, Cyrus .96 00
Knlp* Jacob 150 DO Snmstone* Jacob 600 00
Knight, David -410 00 Treicoler, Wm N 1,640 00
Kratz, Jacobs 465 00 Uhler, Michael 1,052 00
Kratz, Henry 375 00 Whitaker, Geo W 2,125 00
Daubach, Wm 305 37 Warford, Wm C 249 16
Daubach, Aaron 305 80 Weaver, Resde C 358 72
Lawrence, 7 W 406 39 Woman, Tobias 286 00
Leatherman, Eli 77 80
Andrews, Silas M 560 87
Angesy, Josephs 330 00
Artmas, Enosß £6O 06
Atkinson, Mahlon 1,500 00
Aiklnson, Thomas 300 00
Atkinson Joseph S 75 00
Ealdenton,; Oliver 19697
Barber, Alfred H 449 00
Barnsly. Joseph 494 55
Beans, John C 384 34
Beatty, John . ■ 67140
Beck, Michael 189 00
Bette, Stephen ' 862 00
Bes&ey, Jesse 306 CO
Blaekfan. John 1,734 00
Ely, Jonathan Kx’r 1, 198 00
Blaekfan, WmC 46*29
Broad bent, BamlE 918 00
Brock, John J 24 00
Brooks, Joseph 600 00
Bromer, JSatnan.P 92 98
Brown, John g. 740 00
Bachman. Monroe 252 S 8
Bnrgen, Joseph 926 72
Carr,* Courtland 78 77
Carr, Wm W 177 00
Carre 11, Ezra? 49 00
CaAeU, Hugh J 10236
Carver, Jameß M 640 00
Cornea, Arthur D 883 00
Chapman, Henry 2,818 CO
Clemens John 63116
Cook. Geo A 212 48
Cowell, John W -8,108.64
Darlington. Henry T 222 66
Davis W W H 2,148 96
Davis, Jonathan 1,288 00
Davis, Samuel IS6 47
Dubous, Cbas E 2,21164
Dubous, John L 47158
Eaitbnrn, Moses 943 12
Ely, Richard EUas 3,0X4 69
Ely. agent ior Mar- «£ •
garet E. Rhoads 2,878 16
Ely, Isaac 1,177 09
Ely, James H 611 33
Ely, John H ~~ 78 27
Ely, Thomas 115-00
Farren. John 765 00
Fell, Joshua . 436 21
Fell, Cbas K 557 02
Fell. Bii 177 60
Fetter* Samuel S 61 00
F&rnl' y, Isaac G 336 63
Fox, Margery 1,373 85
Fretz, Nathan 977 28
Fretz, Philip K 562 60
Fnnk* Joseph 330 46
Gibbs, A Halsey 746 60
Gilbeit, John W 400 CO
Giikyson, James 92 14
Ginsly, Samuel F SOX 02
Graham, Wm C 369 40
Greir, John S . 339 40
Gross, Joseph S 27 10
Grove, ChasK 358 22
Halderman, Jacob / 544 90
EaMennan, Johnß 122 72
Malaejman, C 89 30
Hamilton, B W 802 80
Hamilton, Chas 18 63
Hampton, Joseph 732 53
Hart, Geoige 339 CO
Bart, Josiah 226 41
Harley, John M 407 00
Harley, Jonae M 394 00
Barvey*, Geo T 6SO 60
Beaton, A M 44 00
Hendrie, Wm P jg 6 00
Hendrie* Jas D. 1,000 00
Bibbs, Sami H 45 W
Bolmes, Ribert 899 00
Bngfaes, Edward 0 41 31
Jacoby* John ml 00
Jsm es, M G 2,820 00
James, Oliver P 294 00
Jamieon,George 1*676 00
Jamison, B T 64 60
When the rebels apeak to Gen. Sherman about
the impossibility of subjugation he has a very terse
way of getting rid of their objections, To a proud
lady who said to him; 11 General, you may conquer,
but you can’t subjugate us,” he Instantly replied,
“ I don’t want to subjugate you, I mean to kill you,
the whole of you* if you; don’t stop this rebellion,”
To another, who wanted to know of him how long
the war would last, he said, « Well, well,” in his ra
pid, earnest manner, «I don’t know, perhaps six or
eight years, and then twenty or.twenty-five years of
guerilla warfare—long enough to destroy this whole
generation* and then we’ll begin anew.” In this
* way he dashes their arrogance, right and toft, to the
winds, “and they leave Ills presenoe utterly con
founded, and, at least, with due respect to the Yan
Roads, Charles 92 90
Rowland, Wa. D. 195-50/
Borer, Lewis W. 430 00
Bodgers, Wm B. 287 00
Rosse&u, L V. MD, IQ7 00
Robbins, Sector C. 207 14
Robbias, Isaac J. 402 80
Robbins, Jas. T. 460 00
Robbins,'John , 1, 136 74
Bobbins, Jos. 746 91
Roe, J&mes, guar
dian of J Praui, 65375
Safcterthwait, Ann. 60 00
Satterthwalt, Ehz. 275 00
b&tterthwait, Jos. 42 89
Satterthwalt, Jos. EL 6*26 00
Satterthwalt, Mich 94(9
Satterthwait, Sarah 140 00
Saiterthwalt, Thos. 670 00
Saifcerthwaii, Wm 680 00
Slack, Abm K 343 tf>
Slack, Josiah B 512 21
Siaates, Tomlinson. 280 20
Stapler, Edw. 830 00
Stapler, Jos B 34 67
Swain, Anthony 350 00
Swain* Anthony
Executor of John
Myers 1,893 00
.Swain, Anthony
Trustee of S
Warner 230 28
Stackhouse, Jaa B 458 50
Stackhonse.J P 6,048 S 3
[Stackhouse, J B 437 25
Stackhouse, Mercy 495 00
Serch, Jacob M . mil
| Stevens, Benj 490 87
.Steliwaggen, H G 465 00
Spencer, John G 83 00
SUbert, Philip 100 00
Simon, Geo W ‘ 80-65
Simon, Wm 373 09
Mnith, Benj 24 50
Smith, Barclay J 509 00
Smith, Joaiah B 470 00
Sterling, Hugh 263 20
Scott, Andrew 303 65
Scott, John .197 00
Scott, Lucius H 6,216 75
Shoemaker, I L 900 03
Shoemaker, 3ST 900 00
-“tory, Sazzmsl __ 1.521 00
Stockton, Isaiah V 106 60
Schofield. JonathT 189 85
Suttod, Samuel 239 89
Ssurdevant, Alex H 219 05
Stnrdevant, Chester 722 00
Taylor, Beni 209 00
Taylor, Benj F 870 00
.Taylor, Caleb 17 1,400 00
I Taylor, Char W 1,800 00
i Taylor, C W, trus
tee for Sarah Pan! -370 00
Taylor, David 518 87
Taylor, Edward 291 39
Taylor, Franklin 183 58
.Taylor, Henry B 146 95
Taylor. Jacob H 645 00
tTaylor, MahlonK 1,332 10
Taylor, Wm 1,459 50
(Twining, Chas • 2,000 00
Tw sing, Cyrus B 1,000 CD
Twining, Jesse B 141 5J
'Twining, Thos B mm
Tomlinson, Allen 507'03
Tomlinson. Christ V 202 79
Tomlinson, Jr, Fran 106 00
Tomlinson, Francis 222 75
Tomlinson, Gilbert 562 64
Tomlin ton, John 25S 00
Tomlinson, SB 70 12
Tomlinson, Silas 42 00
Torbert, Jamee 1* 893 09
Tvrbertj John K 22i 5‘J
Torbert, Wm S 1,377 16
Townsend. Paul 1,806 00
Thomas, Benj B 3,964 00
Thomas, Edward. 1,750 00
Thomai, Jonathan 1,750 00
Thompson, John W 956 80
Tubbs, James lb 7 00
Tully, .Andrew 3G6 00
Tyler, Nathan 78 48
Vacartsdalen, C T 592 00
Vanartsdalen, TM B 0 00
Vaahirt, Thos , 1,400 00
Vaoftant, John 265 00
Vaneint, Nathaniel 111 55
Vandegrift, Chas 8 145 00
Vandegrift, Joseph 335 97
Vanhorn, Isaac 1,553 60
-Vanhorn, Jas S 870 00
Vanhorn, Joseph H 472 76
Warner, Amos 72 62
W&roer, Joseph 10i 86
Warner, Sarah Ann 209 00
Watson. Josenh 436 94
Watson, Mitchell 4DO O')
Waifoa. Stacy • 109 72:
Wild man, Edward 614 00
Wildman, J K 1,684 75
Wildman, Jno (Mid
dleton) 407 00
Wudm*n,*John (L
Makefleld) 478 00
Wildman, John K 496 76
Wildman, Saral 0 187 00
Wiaglns, Benj 799 36
Williams, Esther 786 80
Williamson, Jesse 75146
Williamson, Peter 1,792 00
White, Arthur 547 76
White, Malachl 166 67
Whitaii, Maria 400 00
Wright, Henry M 110 00
Wright, John 1,000 00
Wright, Mark 635 00
Wright, Robert 9 00
Wright. Stephen 605 90
Wood. Wm J 38 20
Woelston, J W 9,172 41
Worstell, Ed H 165 00
Woolston, Stephen 26 90
Worthington, A 265 80
Worthington, Benj 700 00
Wyncoop, Goradus 50 00
Wyncoop, Henry 662 25
Wyncoop, Thos L 23150
Wood, Thomas 273 00
Yardley Chas 758 00
Yardiey, John 15 L 38
Tara ley, Jos H 266 00
J&rrett, George 176 50
Ken (erdine. J E 161 00
Kirk, Wm J 285 41
Kirk, Stephen 100 00
msseis; s 2B
Kratz, Abraham 207 40
Krout, John 263 62
Krout, Joseph 283 62
Large, Chas P 438 00
Large, Wm R 275 03
Large, Wm P 74 61
Lapp, Sami W 975 GO
Larne, And J . 975 00
barusire, Abm 3*B 93
Lear* George 4,660 U
Lippincott, Martin 130 00
Lloyd, B Morris 1,297 78
Lovett, James 105 95
MaglH. Joseph E 854 00
Batons," James 137 26
Malone, Le wis 228 00
Matthews, Margaret 227 00
Maredlth, James SO7 50
Michener, Isaiah 307 66
Moyer, Martin 124 90
Murray, WH 103 21
McCoy, GR 490 61
McNair, John ISS 50
Jtece,Levi, 165 00
Oakford, Samuel 100 00
Paul, Morris 441 00
Parson, Oliver 488 83
Paxson, SUas R 646 92
Paxson, Howard 498 02
Pearson, Wilson 402 00
Pettit, Wm 49 05
Phillip*, Charles 287 07
Prizer, Enos 238 80
Pagh, Johnß 1,426 72
Ramsey, Robfc H 136 11
Reeder, Jos R 613 86
Reeder, David K IS 67
Reeder* Stokes L 947 64
Reeder, Bdw I* I..XM 00
Borer, Edw 1,937 26
Rosett, Join 913 39
Rose, John 7 90
Ross, Thos 1,356 80
Boss, Henry P 1.124 27
Ruth, Henry 294 25
Boss. Thos trustee
of Ross, John 826 00
Scarborough, Hirm 345 0)
Scott Jr, John 2)0 00
Shaw* Thompson D 1,253 0)
Shaw, Chas AT 3i2 00
Shutt, Samuel 27 94
Simpaon, JohnT 956 00
Soiltday, Sam 1,400 00
Souder, Sami T 500 00
Stackhouse. J 1.35 t 60
Stavely. wm 1,081 Of?
Stacker!, Wm H 244 00
SwarUey, George 526 CO
Swartley, Philip 266 OS
Swartley* Joseph 111 16
Thomas, Lukena 700 00
Thompson Lewis B 418 44
Thompson, Wm 400 00
Th orntoa» Rutledge*
estate 179 45
Trowers, Thomas 234 82
Turner, Douglass K 68 B 9
Twininf, Jas ' 40 28
Vanhorn, Isaac B '234 00
Vanhorn. Jams® 6i)o 00
Walton, Smith B 167 00
Warner, baac.Sr 60) 00
\ Watson, Richard 1,631 26
1 Watson, William 19 92
i Weisel,Francis F IBS 87
Wilkinson, dam’i T 349 60
Williams. John S 434 00
Wilson, Samuel 95 60
i Worthington, Lewis
i Yardley, Mahlon 662 00
fkvldiiirf Families. X
To the Editor of The Preset
Sib : I eeo thaSjou are gonmwhat rallsveafirom
tbs pressure upon tout columnrby Holiday affror
tlseaients, and are’gMng apace fer the discussion of
usefalsubjecta; subjects such ah- most command
the attention of every right-minded'and hosest da
mn. There la a point beyond wMCfi human na
ture cannot' stretch a point 1 at whleti it will
declare that lts elasticity is alt exhaasted.
tv hen that point hi reached, there may
he bread-ilots worselhan NewYorkj and'then wo to
army contractors. The most unprinclpledyinhaman
being on God’s earth this" day is the contrac
tor, who puts In a low estimate to get the
job, and calculates to make Ms large proflts eff
tie blood, bones, -sinews, and lire of tbeworklns
women and their starving families. Facts- speak
louder than words, and I-wIU give you foots;- I*6
us wind carefully up thegFßtafrs—up to the garret;
There fits a widowed mother and three children,
oldest acout thirteen years. She has two sons*ln
tie Union army : one she has not heard from” for
two years, still she hopes he is living; the"other
is with Thomas, striking hlg sturdy blows ■ for the
Union, and teaching Hood now to manage a disks*
trous " skedaddle.” She is busy with her needle'
on Government work, and so Is her oldest Iltttd
girl.. Bemember, now, that this Is Arsenal work-.
Both canmake a lot in the week, for which her rs>'
quits! varies from three dollars to three dollars and'
eighty-seven cents. For her room sliepaye so cento
a week; for coal, ten'cents a bucket. Ten buckets,
with great economy, last a week, which cost a dollar
and fifty cents. For room rent and coal she pays two
dollars, leaving four of a family to subsist fora week
on one dollar and about forty cents, or twenty cents
a day to feed fonr persons. She was then getting
the best work In the Arsenal, Ndw her work con
sists of sMtts, the least remunerative of aU G-overa.-
ment work, and a lot for two weeks which she could
easily make In one week; Now dednot the difference
in price between the Arsenal and contrite tor's
work, as stated in your paper a day or two ago, and
how much Is lelt wat widow with three children to
live on 1 Just one-half of three dollars and forty
cents, for contractors, I see, pay just one-half on
blouses. That Is one dollar and seventy cents
a week paid by contractors for the support of
a family of four personsl This woman, -when
getting good Arsenal work, I knew to bo in the
greatest want for the common necessaries of life,
and ain glad to state, by way of grateful acknow
ledgement, that I was able to relieve these wants,
to some extent, with the funds sent me to your oare
some weeks ago. Now, Mr. Editor, this" is one of a
thousand eases. I am myself conversant with scores
of such cases, and by my appeals through the press
have obtained much for their relief. How much
suffering might be prevented it those who have
would only do what they could for our noble, honest,
hard-working women. The evil of contrasts Is upon
them, and help from some quarter they must have
until this evil is remedied, and even then many
Worthy ones will need assistance. 1 aakthls woman,
“Can you get even bread for that to keep youlivtagl”
■She says, “ We try to get along, but it’s pretty hard.”
She mace no complaint’. She seemed thankful that
she was : able to keep her children from absolute
starvation. The idea of anything like a oooked meal
never enters her mind., A piece of dry bread and a
cup of water twice a day Is sweet to the hungry.
Such oases need no oomment. They appeal to
humanity with a pathos Irresistible, and to Chris
tianity—for thlß widow was a Christian—they appeal
ln the touching words of one who was poor—“ Had
not where to lay his head.” .'. . “whomsoever
shall give a oup of water- to one of my disciples
shall not lose his reward.” . . “You have done It
nnfo me.” Hr. Editor, the time has come when
both our National and State Governments should
take Into consideration the wants of soldiers’ fami
lies and disabled soldiers. No pen can describe their
§ resent suffering. I speak what I know. lam In
ally contact with facts, and I confess that ttlaa
matter of surprise to me that our oppressed women,
soldiers’ wives and daughters, have so patiently
borne It all; borne it till nature oan no longer bear,
and now pressing, plnohlng want, hunger, starva
tion, drive them before the public to proclaim their
wants, their wrongs. Sir, 1 have had my heart
often touohed to tears, while riding In some of our
city passenger oars, to note the sad, pale, care-worn
faces, the thin and many patched garments of those
women, wives, widows, daughters, fatherless, who
bore home with them the big bundle, a week’s
work, from the contractors, to fall asleep over
It .at midnight, for a starving remuneration.
One day In the oars my sympathies were
so' aroused at a poor creature with her Mg
bundle, that I felt I must talk to her, and give
her something. She shrank away from me with
that bashfulness of feminine delloaoy which sent a
keen pang of pain through my heart. It was
poverty and woman’s deUeaoy enthroned; and
while I felt sad that my well-meant efforts to be
kind were not oordlally received, I sat and admired
honest labor, and pure nobility clothed In rags.
God help and bless our poor, haTd-worklng, noble,
honest, pure-hearted worn Bn.
Now, sir, what should be done under the clrcnm
stances 1 I line* of no thorough way to relieve the
wants of soldier™families except to provide for them
an asylum—an asylum for thedlsabledsoldler,giving
him Ms oholce to find a home for life, by relinquishing
Ms pension, or to depend on that pension for Ufa—
an asylum for the widow and the fatherless of those
brave men who have lOught and bled to make our
country to-day what she is. For this class some
thing Bhould be done—done by our State—done
by our nation—done by our wealthy and noble
hearted citizens. Is It not our national and loeal
sin and shame, too, that the soldier shonlddleonthe
battle-field for Ms country— our country—and his
wife and children should be left In beggary and
want 1 Is It not more our sin and shame that thou
sands of dollars should be sent to Savannah to those
who were rebels before Sherman took it, and who
are now the wives and oMldxen of rebel soldiers
stabbing the life of the nation and slaying our
soldiers on the battle-field, and yet our soldiers’
Wives and children left'to starve 1 The Bible
save £.i’Jfools,.when wise-will ye grow 1” Humanltv
is a noble principle of ourtiaturo, but 1110 lmuiaully
that oan feed rebel soldiers’ wives and children and
pass by our own, Is a very questionable humanity,
or phllenthropy. Why should not our princely
merchants, men of wealth, Influence, power, orga
nize, set a subscription on foot at home, appeal to
the Government lor aid. and raise four grand and
lasting monuments—one asylum In each quarter of
our city, right In sight of where It Is needed—a 3 a
home lor our disabled brave, and the destitute
families of those who have fallen bn every battle,
field 1 Should not this be donel Could It not be
done i In view of the thousands of patnlul facts be
fore us, might it not to be done 1 Get the matter
underway. and see If It does not succeed. Inthe
meantime-.any contributions sent to “ City Pastor,”
oare of the Editor of The Press , will he appUed at
once for the relief of those who are really suffering,
and with whom I am brought Into dally contact.
A City Fastob,
Philadelphia, Jan. 23,1865.
The market atm continues feverish, and excited.
Prices at t tmi ettled* though the transactions in stocks
are large. Governments begin to feel the fall In gold,
and the quotations are lower. The 1881 loan sold at 109)4,
a decline of 1; and the five-twenties at 1&73£, a decline
of %. The ten-forties only are firm, and sold yes
terday as high as 107. State' fives advanced IK,
and the sixes of '79 told at MO. The State war
loan sixes, however, were dull, h&vbg fallen off &.
Gity sixes fell off &, the new selling at 97>£ and the
old at 92&. Railroad and other company bonds were
dull. Schuylkill of ’£2 declined 2, sell
ing at 80; Chesapeake and Delaware 6s at 99#; Cam
den mid Amboy 6s of- ’B9 at 200; Beading 9s of *44 af 99:
Elmira 102; Lehigh 6s of *B4 at 100; Saaquehauna
Canal 6s at C 4; Allegheny county coupon 5s at 77; pitta
burg coupon 5s at 75, and heading 6s of *79 at 101 Thera
was less demand for railroad shares, and the tendency
of prices continued downward. Beading declined )4,
Little Schuylkill Land Camden and Amboy 1 MinehiU
was firm at 67, Norristown at 57>£, and Lehigh Valley
at 78. The: e was some demand for the coal stocks, with
sales of Preston at 30, Clinton at 1, Shamokin at 14R,
aid Big Mountain at 6. The-oil stocks continued de*
pieased. Basks and passenger railroad securities were
net Inquired for. ■
The following were the quotations for gold at the
houiß named: <
10 A. 12M. v
10. SC A. 51......-.-—.2ooklp. M-—~. .........
11 A. M~ - 19»Ji 4 P M- 301
The Board of Directors of the Maple Shade Oil Com
pany have declared a dividend of four per cent., pay*
able on and after the 80lhinci.
The Bank of Louisville has declared a dividend, .for
the past six months, of three par cent., clear, of Govern?
meat tax. Stockholders on the Philadelphia list will
be paid, at the Bank of North America, on the 27th but.
The following is the amount of coal transported over
the Lehigh Valley Bailro&dfor the week ending Janua
ry 21, 1866:
Where shipped from. Tons Cwt Tons Gwt Tons Cwt
Hazleton.... 3,195 06 23,142 04 26,337 10
East Sugar L0at.......... 1,606 C 5 9,96303 11,668 OS
Council Bldge---—*«*•*♦!,o47 13 8,421 09 9.489 02
Mount P1ea5ant........... 671 OS 3,21211 3.833 19
Spring Mountain 994 12 8,496 10 9,491 02
C01eraine.....799 03 4,369 07. 6,16810
Beaver Meadow. > 55 12 56 12
Mew Fork and Lehigh.. 94410 5,79610 6,74100
Honey Brook, 1,665 11 12,84211 14.508 02
Jeddo....*—V 1,637 12 12,474 00 14,111,12
Harieigh 958 06 6,334 07. 7,29213
German Feima. Coal Co-• 933 19 5 577 38 6,fiU 17
BberyaleCoal C 0..-...-. 354 02 2,697 04 3.05106
Stout Coal C0...•.....***»* 643 01 3,63216 4,275 17
Buck Mountain... 784 CO 4,756 11 5.539 11
Mahauoy, ... 2,268 06 15,896 09 17,664 15
Baltimore-C0a1..348 08 3,083 19 3,432 02
Franklin 433 G 9 2.55 L 08 S,M4 17
Consolidated... 1,067 09 4,91210 3,969 19
Audesreid. 872 04 1,91416 2,287 00
Lehtah and Susquehanna 316 13 2 458 10 2,775 03
Lasdmesser s.. * 25101 1,35012 1,601 13
Wilkeab’e Coal & Iron Co - 450 08 450 PS
Other Shippers... 117 C 9 724 07 . 841 16
Total 21,399 02 144,635 12 166,034 14
Corresponding week last
yearf.— rTf 1........... .26,629 00 97,418 IS 124.04716
Increase 47,216.16. _ 41,988 18.
Pecre&ie.................. 6,229 18 .»
Amountof coal transported over the Delaware, Lacka
wanna, and Westem Bailroad for week ending Bator*
day* Jan, 21, 1865: _ __
* Week._ •. Tew.,
Tons. Cwt. Tone. Cwi.
Shipped North -2.850 11 10,906 12
™ 50uth.—.12,636 C 9 89,163 07
Total...——* *15,486 CO 50,059 19
i4.® i 0
. Boutfa. 18,898 08 48,768 08
. Total-..-.. 20,308 02 61.418 07
Decrease...—-11,856 08
At a meeting of the ‘ ‘ New York Board of Fire In
surance Companies,** held Uih January, 1865, the fol
lowing rules were adopted by a nearly unanimous
vote, and were ordered to take effect on and after the
20th Inst :
L No abatement or rebate from the established rates
shall be made or allowed to the assured. 2. No com
mission or brokerage shall be given, to any officer*
clerk, or employee of any local iasuranoe company.
3. No commission, brokerage, or other compensation
for the procurement or presentation of risks for insur
auce shall be paid to any person acting as agent for any
company, who has not In writing subscribed t. the rates
and rules of this Board; and who. alter having so sub
scribed, does not in good faith adhere and act up to the
seme. Such an agent claiming brokerage must subscribe
to the terms required of brokers in the fifth section of
these rales, 4. A commission not exceeding te a £to> per
cent, of the premium may be paid to brokers on risk* in
the cities of New York, BwqfEyn, Jweey City, and Ho
boken, which shall comprise all and every allowance,'
of whatever name or nature, for all services relating to
the procurement of risks, surveying or examining the
same, and the collection of the premium therefor. 5.
Ito company belonging to this board shall in Any man
ner employ ox pay, or make present to any broker, or
to any person acting as broker or agent, other than the
ten per cent commission on the premium by rule al
lowed. Nor shall commission be allowed or paid to any
uieh broker, or agent, or parson who shall not nave
prevlonslv signed a writing tothe effeot: That *he will
aotdWde MsoommSaion with the assured; thatthey
will not present risks for insurance, nor take policies or
renewals »om any company or agency which has not in
writing signified its assent to the rates, rules, Aud regu-
Sionsofthis Board; and that he will not *xchauge~Bu«
with, nor divide commissions with »ny other
broker or agent who shall deal with companies desltna
tod aa net stbecriblm to onr rates and rules. The evi
dence teat snob broker has subscribed each a iocnmemt
Shall be a certl&oate givenhim. signed by the chairman
of the Deviation Committee, which commi. tee shall
have cognisance of the whole matter, and shell resort
from time to time on delinquencies, if any mere shall
be. -
The Cincinnati Gazette of the 81st lost, tor mina the
following in respect to the markst in that c!tj
In regard to commodities inhnenced directly by the
price of gold, there is a manifest want of omftdencei
and while holders refrained generally free pressing
sales, it was found very difficult to realize evi,nat beaTy
sacrifices. Holders showed a disposition to await (at
ther developments in regard.,to , peace mm /fa,- while:
•buyers were still mote decidedly In the. gun* frame of
U7ILE wak pumas.
The Wax Fbhs will he sent to snbMrtbsri W
m»u (per mwa is advassel it—
Three copies. 9M
Five eoplee—— 8 JJ
Lerier Club* than Ten will be eharsed at the earn*
late. H.BO pet eepy. ’
The money must always accompany the orde K seeds
In no instanee eon these terms be deviated/tom, P$
they of ord very little more than the cost of paper.
49* Postmasters are reqneeted to set ns scents ttt
The Wak Faxes. . ,
DBt Te the getter-op of the (Sob ol ten or twenty, Ml
extra copy of the paper will be given.
mind. There is.want of faith in the favorable result
Of a cessation ofhostilities at present, by meane of ns-
Eptlattons, and the result, we apprehend, will Justify
v. these doubts; hut still there is sn impression, based os
the military sitc&tion»that the «nd ol the rebellion
is not far distant Of course, if paace move*
'meats fail, we may expect -the speedy disappear™
. wee of the panic, if cot a recover; of prices; but the
1 Xperience of yesterday and to*4ay, m view of tho
Bt> tggcrisxeondition of the rebellion, will serve to keep l
mV eolation in check, as the effect of peace upon prices:
can teadi’y he calculated from the foreskadowiags wo
have had. With peace we shall have a contraction, ot
tha ox. vrency, and with this a depression of value*; for
mm thrt currency te withdrawn, what remains will ap~
nreclafe V *ad the purchasing capacity of this will in*
cTMce i v. a greater proportion than the contraction* 7
because, when once in the rising scale of financial
inmroveai *®t. operators will discount the contraction*
as they ha ve heretofore discounted the inflation.
ThefollO \ ng is from the Chicago Times of the 20th r
The uresev * tendency in commercial circles la decided!
It "panics’. * ,i Everything is going down with irasit
and Hds fair i * lower. with a promised reevit-fac
frAnTniAßiniTU.’ hie to speculators, whose success depends
nMnKSai aus f enhancement of values, or rather &
iffiSeraJSrTcte Won in Currency. This decline is very
totbeverylhvotft. hie character presented by affairs!*
the field and c&bino 'V „ , . ...
The Chicago TW&t %n&o * the same date refers to the
* effect oaths produce, market in that city as fifilowss -
1 Yesterday cold ™ tumbling down quicker than
■ WIB comfortable to ho* „ffmr^rrMrh^iilntvr
: ayerfeefc panie took pla duriagwMcliwdomP
*f»m4@He3l bushel fee. 'SS“MSSf"
iMona. .Provisionswere.
l tbasa market was scarce ty grime maw
j POrtc was sold atadeclim. Go@2^barrelonformec
; The- Boston Advertisers * Monday thus refers to tfcff
tftedlfifiin. that dty: ,
There te more demand for »«•!>.
anppiiej, in consequence of ’
aUMra. The first-class horr W€^!,*5 U
ready accommodation on eat
. tinuee unsettled by; the declii t* ju and offer* n®
: fassture of special interest. Th * stock market continues
-in a disordered condition, and si V*** heavily preeaei
ifor sate. The list of dividena paving, shares show*
,variable quotations, but in most ®*®e» without any es
sential improvement, and in *oi prices wera
The speculative classe few exception*
remaan J dnll and heavy.
■ Diesel & Co. quote:
flew United States Bonds, 1861. ~ ‘ *
Sew IT. & Certificates of Indebtedn w******* 98
Hew ir. Notes...*. Jf W-gß-
QUartennasten 1 V0ucher5.......... a '”■****•.” ®9| 4 -
Sterlingßaa?hange....~».~ wul
Five-twenty BoadMr.+,.~.e~*~
Ten-forty »••••• »!oOE@ld
f BXCHAR OK JjUf. 34,
100McClinU 'Cfc-.s6wa.»:
10a do.— V*—~bfr.T,
200 d 0...; ■—...loloVJt
200 Atlas.™ 1 9$
100 Excelsior- * ..... IX
200Kea«n£ It -—(>3B 52
board. , ,
63 norrtetooralßJbts. 67}£
100 HestMOVllle te.... IsS
12 Lehigi .-Coal Jfcßav TOt
25 Daiaw. are
100 ScS Ns. T Prf-«e£. S»
MOO Bis Mol mt—loSw 0
200 Cow On „ 25«- ■
200 Clinton; Coal.— i •
600 Dnakari Ct«k.,rJi-is
300 Egbert 0, il—lota. sBg
.300 Hibbard.; , , Ijg
100 McOUatoe. fcOll.M. V*
800. do lota..bS «X
460 do-....* lots &£■
2io. do .a.lo, ts~*.b6 9*>-
600 Sharmaa ... **~lota I fc
1000 a©.™*ats..iis us
loco _do " ;.M9 lH
100 Shamok Goa l*bSo. l4g&
200 Boss 0i1.......*a§. jjf
"100 Dalzel3loll..3*lys.
300 d 0.... Bs£
100 B3fe
200 McClintock OU.bSO W
400 do 6 H
100 do e*
400 d0....~..™~. 8%
100 d0........w.adys 6Jf
€OO do lots 7
400 U 8 5-90 Coupons.. 108
4000 do.*. 20t54071£
fiOO d0.............107*
100 do ;IQ7&
2000 do new.sSwn.lo7K
ICO U S 10-40 C0up5...107
1000 City 6s Gas-s6wn. 93
d0—...... new. 97*
1400 CUyfe due Aug ’65 96%
3000 State 5b 94K
10.000 SchHavBs’B2.ltS 80
200Ches&Del 6s 99%
ICO Beading 8.....56. 61*
147 doi.-—........ slg
100 do*.««*..-cash. 61%
34 Little Seh Betels'. 40
74Min«bill 8...10t5. 57
Homsetead .. 6
300 Union Petrol-lots. 1%
100 Shamok Coal.hSO-16
Crow Creek....... 234
500 McCiintock Oil-lts 6*
100 do .....hS. 6*
700 do«...lots.hb). &A
750 do*. ,b3O. 6*
750 d 0...... 654
1C0M'a5...... Z 56
200 Sherman-.....-be- 134
1(9 do'.»-»'-««»-*b30.1 44
2 I*hiffc Valley...-. tS
11 2f Bank Keerf&F.iag.
1000 Cam & Amb 6s ’69-109
1000 Keadin* 6« 187D.~*101
8000 Permaßa 1879..*. <.lOO
25Delaware THy..... »1T
5000 City 6b Gis 93*
600 Walnut Mand.... 2h
200 d 0... cash. 2*
10 Wyoming Valley. 67
2 CO Elmira 7h~,.~,,,,102
200 Bibberd.*™ 1 81
200 do .....bSO. Vi
200Dalzell 8%
SCOUS 5-20 Coup.lts. 107*
6000City6s ov ’mits.. 92*
3500 State Loan 6sJts..l63K
30C0 Pittsburg Coupss 75
3000 Allegheny co Cp 6s 77
50CC Susq, Canal 65..b6. 54
40HoriiBt*nB.s5wn. 67%
60Preston Coal.-—.. 30
600AtIas.« baa 1%
600 do.. ...bSO. 1 50
1700 do lots. 156
200 Gald veil. 6J£
20D Crescent City 00. uj ,
500 Big Tank.....lts. SK '
10G Oil 8abin........... 9
■ &0 Dalzell BAT
100 McClxnfcock. ..blO. OK
600 do. ~b 6, OK
600 do lots. OK
200 6 K
200 Hibberd Oil \%
25. Tack Petroleum*. SK
400 Caldwell 6% 23 Cam& Amb R. Its. 139 *
lOOMcCiint’kOfl b3O. 6X 200XeMsb6s 84 100
300 do . 6% 200 Dalzell Oil-....—. 8 K
SCO do. 0% 1600City6s STew,.~«~ 97? l
300 *o. b 4. OK IOOOTJSCa, ’Bl~ lt&K
7CO do*...bS. lets.. OK BCooReading6s’44..... 99
30G8fory Farm 2Jf|6GOO US 5-20 Bonds ~~.1Q7M
ICO Hdubeny 0i1.b30. 6%\ fcOQ Sherman 1$
200 Heading 0.... 62 <lOOO Hibberd 2
[fiOOMcClintock 6% 200 Walnut Island.... 281
2CoSherman 0i1...... .IK 7CoDankard b3O. K
40OPennaCenC&OL K 609 d 0 .% >
The Hew Tori Post, of yesterday, says;
Gold opened at 199%, and after rising to 200% grad'd
ally sold down to 198, closing at 198%. The loan market
is working more easy, and at sis and ssven per cant,
brokers have no difficulty in obtaining on choice seen*
rities all the loans they require for the limited business
now doing. The stock market opened with considera
ble animation, and a general advance wan obtained ok
the speculative list.
Governments are heavy; ten-forties are offered a£
lCO3f, coupon sixes of ISSI at 109, and five-twenties at
10?% for the old issue and 107% .for the new. Cartifi
cates are rather more firm, and. are wanted at 9756.
roia agjatp£boß.g t - the iwaii
compared with those oryee tertfay afternoon.*
Mon. Sat Adr. Dee 4
United States Bs, 1881; coup ••-lE® 109% .. £?
United Statess-20 Coapohß.—lo7% I(?% ..
United States 10*40 Coupons..-100% 100% % .«
United States Certificates...... 97% 97% % - ,«
Beading Rai1r0ad..............100% 102%
littebnrg Bailroad..... SB% Si SM «.
After the call the market was lees active, and quota
tions receded. Reading 102, Pittsburg 82%.
Beml-Weefely B«view of the FbJladelplKlft
The Produce markets continue very dull andunsst«
tied, owing to the decline in gold, and the transactions
are in a small way only. Quercitron Bark is very
quiet- Flour continues dull, and prices have faitaa.
off. Wheat and Corn have also declined. Oats ara
Without change. Coal is very duIL There is very little
demand for Cotton, and prices are lower. Fish and.,
Fruit are quiet at about former rates. Naval Stores ar»
rather lower. Coal Oil 1b dull and unsettled. Linseed
Oil baa-declined. The Provision market is very dull*
and prices are drooping. Sugar is quiet Seeds hare
declined. Whisky has fallen off. In Wool there i$
little or nothing doing.
There is very little demand for Flour, either for ex*.
port or home use, and prices have declined about 25c
bbL Sales comprise about 750 bbla Western extra
family at $11.25@1i. 75 3 bbl. The home trade are hay
ing in a small way at from 99.25® 10 for superfine; $lO fid
til for extra; SIL2G@I2 for extra family, and $l3 60
bbl for fancy brands, as to qua : Ry. Bye Fleur
is mlisgln a email way at $9@9.25 f. bbl. Com Meal
continues quiet.
GRAlN—There is very little demand for Wheat, and.
prices have declined Prime red is offered at 269 c, and
white at 290 c $1 bush. Bye is quoted at 275@l77cffc
bush. Corn has also declined; small sales of new yel--
low are making at 170 c buah, in the cars. Oats era
whhout change; small sales are makiag at92@93cft
-The market is dull, and prices ar*
lower; email sales of Mess Pork are making at s4Q@h
41 barrel; dressed Hots are coming in and sell**
ing freely at $27(2117.50 the 100 Jbs: Bacon is scarce;.
unaJl sales of Hams.are making at 2i!@i4 cants for
plain, and fancy bagged; Sides at 23)£c, and Shoul
ders at 21c slb, cash. Green Meats are coming in
more freely. Pickled Hams are selling at 203£@21c, sad
Shoulders atlS&@l9c $ ib. Lard isin demand, with sales
of tierces at 24@24Xc. Butter lain limited demands
small sales of solid packed arem&king at 3S@4sc; roll at
4£@sCc, and Goshen at 52®55c ib . New York Cneesa
Is selUug at 22@26c figga are scarce at 4fi@4Ss Ht
METALS.—In Fig Metal there is very little doing!
small sales of anthracite are reported at $45@55 v*
ton for tide three numbers. Manufactured Iron is lit.
fair demand, but prices are lower. Lead is scarce, and.
- we heer of no sales.
! BABE. —Quercitron is dull, and we hear of no sales £
, first No ,1 is held, at $42 $ ton.
COTTON. —Price* have decliued, and the market is
dnll; small sales of middlings are makiug at from 85®
M CAKM,EB.-Ia TaUow. Can dies there is very lita«
doing; Adamantine are selling at full prices.
COAL.—The market continues dull, and prices re*
main about the same as last quoted; cargo sales at*
mal ing from Port Richmond at SSAO@9 # ton.
COFFEE. -*The market is quiet, and i here is very little
doing in the way of sales; we quote Bio at 4C@42e fi>.
FleH HMackerel are firmly held, but there is very
little doing: small sales from, .store are making at $25(9
26 for shore Is, $lB for bav do. SI7.SG@4S for shore No
2s, $l5 for bay do, and $16@14 % bbl for iarve and small
Sb. Pickled Herring are seliiugaS Cod
; fish range at from $8 to SESO the 100 lbs.
FRUIT.-Theieis very little doingin foreign, and all
kinds, continue scarce and high. Green Appies are Bel
ling at $5.5C#6 bbl- Dried Apples are selling ins
small way at lb... Peaches are scarce; smalL
sales of unpaired quartern and halves are making at 26#
NaVAL STORES.-=Tbe market continues dull. au4
we hearbf no sales. R-ain is quoted at $26@309 bbU
and Spirits of Turpentine at $2 20 gallon.
OlLS.—Lard OB is stare*. No. 1 winter is held at
$2.2t@2.25- In Fieh Oils there is very little doing, but
prices are firm. Linseed Oil is selling at $1.67@168 ft
gallon. Petroleum is dull an d unsettled. We quota
* crude at 4S@«e, refined in Bond at 7C@72c, and free at
9t@92c 3 gallon, as to quality.
RICE coctinues.very scarce. Small sales of R&ngooa
ate making at 13K@14c 9 lb.
SEEDS. —Cloverseed has declined; prime is offered ah
$15.50 64 lbs, with sales of about 1,200 bushels, in
at nc@16.60 % 64 Timothy is held at $6.25@6.60
but we hear of no sales. Flaxseed is selling
at $3 bus. ' . . .
SPIRITS. —There is no change to notice in foreign.
’ Whi»ky is dull and lower; small sales are making at
SUGAR.—The market is quiet; small lots of Cuba sold.
4 «?-Tbe market is very quiet, aud wa h«ar of
no sales worthy of noticerfieeee is quoted at 100@iO3c»
and tub at from H9@l26c Mi, cash.
The following are the receipts of Hour and grain at
this port to-day; „
Flour... 1.300 bbla.
Wheat... —* .4,750 boa.
Bew York Markets, lan. 2*.
Asmbs continue dull and nominal. __
Bbeapstop^.—The market for Stats and Western.
Flour is duti. and heavy; sales 4.890 barrels at $9 v
9.45 for superfine State; $9 50@9.60 for extra State; $9,651
@9.75 for choice do; sk2s@9:4Sfor superfine Western;
$9.61@10.10 for common to medium extra Wee tern?
$10.65@10.76 for common to good shir pingbranda extra,
round* hoop Ohio, and i0.75®11.60f0r trade brands.
Southern Flour is dull and drooping. bbig
atslo.2C@ll 60 for common, and siL6s@l4 60 for fancy
Sites 300 bbla ah
$9.CD@9.75 lor common, and $9.80@1L50 for good to
choice extra. , „
Bye Flour is dull.
Com MfiSrl is dttJL
Wheat is dull and 2@Sc lower. Sales 7,000 bus com—'
noamwlXsClnKt *806:12.000 ba 3 rood
Fprine at #IM, Md 14 000 bos amW KeoiMlcy ab
#?34}i@2.38 Eye i« dull. Barlsy ib dcU acdhWTy..
Bailey Matt 1b doll.
Oala bib doll at ,104 for Wastern.
Ihe Gom market 1b doll and nominal at * for
mixed Weßtern; Bales B.OC»> baa now yell«* Jersey at
*1 7?@l 78. ; '
* Peovisiokb —Tie Port market ie de-ddedlT lowar-
Bales 6,200 bblaatmCOSSSfoi, new Mess;
fcn«B-4dd. ca*b and waplar way, closing at JWS.ffIK
caen, and #31.H0 for primaj alao. S.OOOhti:* new Mesa
b. and b. fox Peb. andsMarcb, at $38@35,73. and 600 hid*
68 4MeßßforPeb b. o. at*3B. ”
* The Beef market is heavy: salsa ItQ bbla at abod nre
liSsiSVvtals, myks. at 17®BXcfor
sales 1.000 bbk.
at Wm® t » C haavTwnd declining. Sales BDO bbla at
@ Ta S LL°wTalS?'Bßles 87.000 lbs at U%m*.
Besioii Marteafi**, »S. "
Fr.ocK.—The receipts since yesterday hays been IBK
bbls The market Is steady, wttha nmderate demasdC
Bales of Western superfine at *lo® 10. Oh common ex
tra, ,10 76®1l ®: metUrnn do., |JJLK@I2; coed an*
chO'CO do V112.25®1*26 bbl.
Ga"i“ -*.e iMeipts since yoaterday haw.been,*
bus (lorn. 750 do. Oats. Corn is firm, bat the demand la
moderate 8*le» of Western,mixed at $107; new Boath
ernyeHow*a.osMbn Oats are in n od demand. Salsa
of JfOfibf n> and Canada at 86@98cw bn. Bvei«st«ea r
at $!.9C®l 9*#. bn. ■ Short* are selling at *6B®iis Saw
Feed. *sf@6o; Middlings, (on. "j -
PnovißiOKß —Pork is stesoy -with a fair dtmaiii:
SsleßofPrSe CIear.MBJM,
bbl, caßn. Beet tain good, dsmiuid. 6ales«f»«^i
ahd'Weeteni Mess and extra M—. at
raab. hard Is aoaree bwaat|B,;7^
-ft; cash. Hams ftWaslimg at 82@22X9 ¥ ft. «W
200 City 6s 97S
700 do .~2d»a. 97£
300 Hock 0i1.....* se
47E©sdifl?H..(raa4-- fil£f
100 Union ■petroleam- IK
75 MmeMU_R : ..lot*. 5?
2,200 boa.
..ft.a 3,830 bug.