Oil COMPANIES. |ggF*» COXTBB 14BM OIL COMPACT PHILADELPHIA, CAPITAL STOCK *1.000,000, DIVIDED INTO 300.000 SHADES AT $5 PEE SHARE. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE FOR A LIMITED NUMBER OF SHARES $2.30 PER SHAKE. STOCK ISSUED PULL PAID. $90,000 CASH APPROPRIATED AS WORKING! CAPITAL. ISAIAH LUKENS. M. D.» President, WH. M. STEWART. Vice President, WM. D. SMITH. Treasurer, E. J, HARRISON, M. D., Secretary. This comp»By owns la fee simple over FOUR SQUARE MILES OF TERRITORY. la the choicest I*. calittes east and west of the Allegheny river, sod boisg TWO SQUARE MILES, known as the Cotter Farm. situate on the Philadelphia and J Erie Railroad, one and a half miles west of Garland Station, la Warren county, Pennsylvania, within eighteen hours’ ride of Philadelphia; and TWO SQUARE MILES on the North. Ealmon Creek, Forest county, Pennsylvania, just over the border of Venango county. These lands are acknowledged by oilmen, geologists, etc., to be In the very centre of the great oil region. Developments are rapidly progressing In all direc tions around the lands of the company,and within two miles oil Is being abundantly obtained. The company is already receiving a revenue equal to an ordinary producing well from their saw mill and timber. They have lumber sufficient to keep their mills running for fifteen years. On the property on Salmon Creek, Fo rest county, there are also large deposits of Bituminous Coal, which can be worked and will increase the pro fits of the company very materially. The Cotter Farm is situate about ten miles north of the celebrated Tide oute, on the Allegheny river, which was the first spot where wells were drilled and oil obtained. FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS is approprlatsd as a ‘ • working capital, ’ ’ and the work of development is being vigorously pushed forward. Engines are already on the ground, and five wells are to be immediately sunk on the properly, by the most experienced hands the region can produce, under competent superinten dence. No labor or necessary expense will bo spared in makingthis a “dividend-paying company," at the earliest possible moment, and alto in making it one of the best companies in tha market. This company have decHied to purchase small inte- rests in producing wells, for the purpose of making it a “dividend-paying company" at the commencement, as many others have, and, therefore, have precluded all possibility of a decrease of the value of their stock from a partial or total cessation of the production of the' wells, as so often occurs by the dose proximity of neighboring companies in their operations. They invite all who desire investing in Oil Compa nies with a really solid basis, to call at thelroffice and examine prospeotUßes, draughts, etc. All orders through the Philadelphia Board of Brokers or Bankers, throughout the State, will receive prompt attention. Subscription Books are now opened, and subscriptions to the Capital Stock received at the Offices of the Com- Nos. 83 and 21 Washington Building, SOUTH THIRD STREET, And at the Office of PHILIP H. BRIOB & CO., No. 305 WALNUT STREET. FARJ.SWORTH OIL COMPANY. CAPITAL, 81,000,000. 300,000 SHARES-PAR VAXI7B #5.00. WORKING OAF IT Alt, $40,000 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE*. ♦, „ The valuable Oil territory of this Company is located - on the Eanawhariyer, Gilmore county. West Virginia, some distance above Its confluence with the Ohio at Parkersburg (the terminus of the Baltimore and Ohio - Railroad), and lies directly neon and is a direction across the great *‘Oil Belt M of this region (as may he seen upon the map), in the iipmediate vicinity of the wonderful “Burning Springs,” now regarded as a sure indication of the presence of oil, fro m the fact that it 1b the oil gas that rises to the emf&ce and bums upon the water. This property consists of an area of 1,18-5 acres of magnificent oil and mineral lands, of which the Company owns an undivided-half interest in fee sim ple, extending miles on the Kanawha river, which is navigable to the Ohio. Other streams, tributaries of the Kanawha, traverse this tract, presenting along their margins every surface indication of a rich yield of oil. The Company holds the right to putdown wells ati over this extensive boring surface, and oil has already bean discovered on this property, near the river, at the depth of 36 feet. TliMjtaking of two wells to the depth of 800 feet, if necessam was provided for in the purchase of the land, all of which is paid for without touching the working or reserved capital of the Company. In addi tion to this, the Company owns an important interest (also paid for) in a well located within 400 yards of the great-Lewellya well, which has flawed 2,500 barrels per day, and is directly among the celebrated Bathbone group (see map). These are, it is said, the greatest pro ducing wells In the country. The former owners of this well were forced to abandon it on the breaking out of the rebellion, but the Company has now made ar-~~ r&ngements to reopen and tube it, when a large yield ot oil may reasonably be expected from this source alone. In addition to the above described properties, the Com pany owns in fee simple some 400 acres of mineral lands in Pennsylvania. This Company is most fortunate in poe* es« ing every facility for rapidly developing the oil, having on its own property both timber and coal In gTeat abundance, end in also having the resident Su fierintendent of the works, Hr. T. G. Farnsworth, aggely interested as a stockholder. The manage ment being in the hands of practical men, of indomi table energy and perseverance, the stockholders may reasonably expect *oon to find their shares ranking with the beet dividend pitying stocks on the market; for, being out of debt, and having a large working capital, the holders of stock in this Company take no risk of being called upon for additional means to cany on the operations of the Company, but on the contrary, as soon as oil shall be obtained in suSLsient Quantities, a dividend on the capital stock will be declared. The remaining portion of the' 20,000 shares reserved stock only is now being sold for additional working capital, at the subscription price of two dollars par share.' It can be bad by applying at the oSce ot the Company, No. 400 CHESTNUT Street, up staiTS, room No. 16. and at the counting-house of the President, No. 504 MARKET Street. _ PUBSTOEKT:- F. PAXSON, No. 6(4 Market street. _ TREASURER: A. A. SHUHWAY, Noth Market street. DIRECTORS: F. PAXSOff, No. 604 Market street TBOHAS D. WATT6ON, of the house of Truitt & Co. • 628 Market street. CHAB. BLOOMINGDALE, of Bloomlngdale, Rhine, * Co., 333 Market street „ „ ‘ a _ EDWARD J. SEED, of George W. Reed & Co., 423 Market street M. J. JOYCE, of A. A. Slamway & Co., 221 Market street. JO SI AH BASSETT, Js., Ho. 423 Market street. D. D. T. FABHStfoirfH, Esq... West Virginia; . EDWaedm. PAXSON, Solicitor. del9-tf A. D. HARLAN, Secretary. - arc M- BERRY FARM Ott COffIPASY.- WP CAPITAL |1,000.000, DIVIDED INTO 900,000 SHAhES OP THE PAR VALUE OS' S 3 EACH. WOBKIHG CAPITAL. *40,00,0. Books of Subscription for a limited number of Share* of Stock, at TWO DOLLARS pot Sbare. opened at the Office of the Company, No. 358 South THIRD Street, first floor,or subscriptions maybe left with any member of the Board of Directors. PRB9IDHHT, JAMES J. DUNCAN. BBCBETARY AND TREASURES, WILLIAM HACKER. DIRECTORS, JOHN B. NEWMAN, 1716 Spruce streak JOHN fi. GRAHAM, 627 Market street. EDWIN T. COKE, 624 Walnut street. - THOS. H. WILSON, 716 North Broad street. THEODORE ADAMS Broad and Parrish streets, E. POTTSL624 Walnut street. THOMAS K SEABLE; Germantown. SAMUEL kUNN, New York. HENBT WARNER. 762 Franklin street. The following' yalnable Gil Lands constitute the basil of the Compart?: * „ Tract No. I—Known as the ‘‘Berry Farm,” eontala* lag 164 acres, owned by the Company in fee simple, situated in Wood county, West Virginia, directly upon the Ohio river. Several competent judges have visited this property, all of whom agree in the opinion that it presents nnnsn&l evidences of large subterraneous re* servoirs of oil. Tract No. 2 consists of a tract of land in Washington county .Ohio, also on the Ohio river, aboutlK mils* above Newport, containing 134 acres. It presents the most extensive ravines, and certain evidences of the presence of Oil: also, innumerable sites for Wells, with several large Oil Springs on one of the runs. There Is also In the bluffa vs.luab’e vein of Coal, fully developed »say six to eight feet thick). Tract No. 3, containing SO acres, adjoining the above. . with similar developments. The lengthy river front gives to these properties many advantages, avoiding expensive land carriage for the oil and coal. . . _ No. 4 is a tract in fee of 100 acres, near Franklin, Venango connsy, Pennsylvania, on French Greek. In addition to the above, there are belonging to the Company two superior twelve horse engines, with boil ers. &c.» complete; Alto two substantial derricks, with Bo2np.’etesetsH>f boring tools. . . v The Company are now engaged in developing the pro perty. working with double sets of hands, under the superintendence of their efficient President. Prospectus, maps, and further Information, on appli cation at the Office. del3-12t THE HUSTON FARM OIL CON* faE* PAftY —The property of this- Company is situated on the Allegheny River, in Venango county, and consists of the fee simple of two tracts of land, with a frontage of one hundred and thirty (130) rods capita of twentT-five thoMaod ($55,000) dollars is it served in the. treasury for developing the oil resources of the lanes. • Books open for the subscription of stock for a few day. at the office of WALTON S TOST, No. 25 Sooth THIBD Straet, w'hsrt aleo a pronwetna MlJ* OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. Hon. ELLIS LEWIS, President- DIRECTORS.. _ Hon. Ellis Lewis, (E. W. Ball, John Anspach, Jr,, jC. W. BchrOPP. Thomas!. Koblnaoa, UmkH BOYS georeta^ JAMES B. WALTOS, THMarsr, dalt-KB* THE PRESS.—raiI,ADELPHLE FRIDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1864: ISW* NEW YORK A» PHILADEL. WP I PHIA PETROLEUM COMPANY, ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF NEW YORK. TRUSTERS, FRANCIS A, PALMER, President Broadway Bank, New York. NATHAN RANDALL, ex-PreddentUnited States Tele graph Company, New 'fork. ALBERT H. HICOLAY, of Albert H. Nicolay St Co.. Brokers and Auctioneers, 52 William street, New York. EUGENE 3. JACKSON, of Polhamius & Jackson, Bank- ers and Brokers. 43 Exchange Place, New York. EDMUND C. STEDHAN. Secretary New York Petro leum Stock Board, and Broker, No. 80 Broad street. New York. ANDREW MEHAFFEY, Philadelphia. ' FRANCIS A. GODWIN, Philadelphia. ROBERT CLARKSON, of Clarkson * Co., Bankers, 121 South Third street, Philadelphia. JAMES M. CLARKE. Oil City Pennsylvania, PRESIDENT. ALBERT 11. NICOLAY, - NEW YORK. VICE PRESIDENT. ANDREW MEHAFFEY, PHILADELPHIA. TREASURER, A. V. STOUT, PRESIDENT BHO AND LEATHER BANK, NEW OFFICES OF THE COMPANY: NO. 52 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK. 121 SOOTH THIRD STREET, PHILA. CAPITAL STOCK 800,000 SHARKS, AT THE NOMINAL FAR OF *5 EACH. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER SHARE. STOCK SUBJECT TO NO FURTHER ASSESSMENT. 50,000 Shares, or #lOO,OOO, Beseryed for Working Capital. A LARGE MAJORITY OF THE SHARES OF THIS COMPANY HAVING BEEN ALREADY TAKEN IN NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, THE SUB SCRIPTION BOOKS .WILL REMAIN OPEN BUT FOE A FEW DAYS LONGER. AT THE OFFICES NAMED BELOW. HEW YORK SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS. FRANCIS A. PALMER, At Broadway Bank. Ho. 237 BROADWAY., Albert h. nicolay & co., No. 3% WILLIAM Street - POLHAMIUS U JACKSON, v No. 43 EXCHANGE PLACE. PETROLEUM COMPANY, PRESIDENT, VENANGO CO.* PA, ORGANIZED UNDER 188 LAWS 01 PENNSYLVANIA- .OFFIOKBS: Freeiaeui—AMOßY EDWAUDS. Esq.. Sew Tori. Treurarer-L. H. SIMPSON, Esq., Now York. Secretary—J. EDWIN CON AMT, an., New York. JOHN H. CLAPP, Esq., General EeaUent Boperin krndeut. Couuuel—Messrs. PLATT, GBBABD, & BUCKLEY, Sew Yoik. *. DIRECTORS: AMOBY EDWAEDS, Esq., New York. EBEN B. CKOCKEB, Esq., of Crocker St Warren, Maw Fork. FLETCHEE WESTEAY, Esq., of Weetray, Gibbs, & Hardee* tie, Sew York. X H. CLAPP, Esq., President. Vstanjoeountv,Pa. L. H. SIMPSON, Esq,, of L. H. Simpson ft Co., Mew York. - . Its lends aro pat Into the Company at the unprece dented low price of Ons Hundred Hollars per Acre, tke lowest 6Yer known for Oil-beaiug territory, and form Its CAPITAL STOCK, *5,000,000! In Shares o/*25 each, par value, Subscription price 9b per Share, being in full payment for a *2S Share. Mo farther call or assessment to be made. Mo subscription received for less thin TWENTY SHAKES-*l6O. *O,OOO SHAKES, or *lOO,OOO BESBBVKD FOB WOBKING CAPITAL. Parties subscribing in this Company will receive an equal amount of etoeh in tmrcther companies ad joining without further clui rue. The Lands- of these Companies are located on the Allegheny river, and on Hemlock, Porcupine, and Mc- Ciea creeks, MAKING AM OIL-BORING TEEKITOEY. OF OVEE TEN AND A HALF MILES IN EXTENT. The wells on this property are being sunk with great vigor, and promise large snpplies of oil. To the capitalist and to parties of limited means un surpassed inducements are offered. Persons Investing in this Company get *S stock and the above BONUS for each SI invested. Without farther call or assessment. Subscription books, maps, and all other Information can be obtained at the oflee of the Subscription Agents, L. H. SIMPSdN A CO., del-lm 6* CBDAB Street. NEW YOEK. »Tsr° WASHISGTON AHI» WALNUT BEND OTJJ COMPANY. 100,000 SHAKES BACH. BUBBCKIPTION PWCK.—.—„ ..*». 10,000 Shares Beserved as Working Capital. OFFICE, 314 MABKET BTBEBT, PHILADELPHIA. *- f-„'7fJ„ 0 "°R Creei - now pumping ten barrels per oar* ua increasing. Vo. 2. A well on Oil Greek, now oyer 300 feet deep. With large show of oil. Near this is the Corn Planter well, which is now pumping 300 barrels of oil per day. Vo.' 3. A well os Oil Greek, 520 feet deep, now ready for tubing, with splendid show of oil; every prospect of producing largely. Vo. 4. One-fifth interest in a tract of five hundred acres on the Allegheny river; six wells, now pumping 10 Barrels of oil.per day; three more wells now going down, with near a mile of river front; ail good boring territory. Vo. 5 A half acre at Tidecrate, near the Seonomiie wells, which are now pumping sixty barrels per day. Vo. 6. Six acresln fee, In Walnut Bend, on the Alle gheny river. Immediately surrounding this property are fine producing wells. This tract will be developed rapidly. SUBSCRIPTIONS are new being received, and a large portion of the stock already taken. Theprospectus and all information can be obtained at the office of the Com paay, now at Vo. 313: MARKET Street, de!3-12t MAPI*® AIttBEH OIL COMPANY, “-OAPITAL. *500.0a0. SHARES, 100.000. P&JhKHrG CAPITAL OOO SHABBS RBSBEV£D AS Fiesideut.JßLD FLING. THOMAS T. MAS9N, Trea surer. D. L. LEEDS, Secretary. DIRECTORS; H. D.Fljng, . [ Josiah'Bafsett, Jr., * Geo. Perkinpine, m _ I Thomas T. Mason, , —B. B. Hanes. Subscription Books are now open at the office, No. SJOS South FOTJETH Street, -where a limited number of shares will be sold at $1 per share, subject to no for ther assessment. do2Q 9£» WATSON PEXBOLEPM COM* PANT. DeobmbjsrS, 1861 The Aniual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Office of the Company, Vo. 414 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, January 2d, 1865, at 12 o ‘clock noon. An Election for-Five Directors for the year 1865 will be held at the same time. The S ock Transfer Books will be closed from Dee. I6ib» 1864, until January Sd* 1866. de9-tja2 M. B. KBILT, Secretary. rar OFFICE OF THE PARKER PE* SOP TBOLEDM COMPANY, _ No 411 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Dee. 16,1864. In pursuance of a resolution of the Board of Directors, a Special Meeting of the Stockholders of the PARKER PETROLEUM COMPANY will be hell at4U WAD NUT Street, Philadelphia* on WEDNESDAY, the,2Bth day of December, A. D- 1864, at 10 o clock A. M.* to take into consideration an offer for the Purchase of a Portion of the Lands of said Company. By order of the Board. WM. MOONET-, delMQt Secretary. MW PUBLICATIONS. THE NATIONAL QUARTERLY 'EE- A VIEW. VOL X , No. XIX -DECEMBER, ISM. CONTESTS; - I.—PericTi s acd His Times. ll.—TJae Civilizing Forces, 111. —Chief Justice Taney. IV. Bpanith Literature: LopeDe Vega. V. —Currency—Causes of Depredation. Vl.—Leo X. and Hia Times. VII. Chemical Analysis by Sp2etral Observations, VIII. I The President's Message. IX,—Notices and’Criticisniß. Termo— $4 rer 3 ear m advance. Genekat. Agent-JAMES K. SIMOX, " . 33 Sooth SIXTH Street, PMlada. EDW. J. SEARS, XiL. 8., Editor and Proprietor, de?3-3t No, 43 BIBLE HOUSE, New York. TIJAWKBGIVING B3ER,M:O3V. READY THIS MORNING. PRICE »S CENTS. WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, It - 606 CHESTNUT Street. THE HOUBAXS. OHARLIS DICKENS’ NEW CHRISTMAS STORY. * PRICE TEN CENTS, HARPER & BROTHERS, NEW YORE, PUBLISH THIS DAY DICKENS’ NEW CHRISTMAS STORY, MIS. LIRBIPER’S LEGACY. I. MBS. LIRRI PER RELATES HOW SHE WENT ON, AND WBNT OVER. ' 11. A PAST LODGER RELATES A WILD LEGEND OF A DOCTOR. ... 111. ANOTHER PAST LODGER RELATES HIS EX PERIENCE AS A POOR RELATION. IV. ANOTHER PAST LODGER RELATES WHAT LOT HE DREW AT GLUKPER HOUSE. V. AHOTBER PAST LODGER RELATES HIS OWN GHOST STORY. VL ANOTHER PAST LODGER RELATES CER TAIN PASSAGES TO HER HUSBAND. - TIL MRS. LIBhIPER RELATES HOW JEMMY TOPPED UP. BVO.. PAP Hit, PRICE TEX CBXTS. 60,000 COPIES Of the English Edition were ORDERED IN ADVANCE OF PUBLICATION !• Prom the London Examiner, Dec. 3, 1854. All the world has accepted Mrs. Llrriper as One of the most genial and individual of those sketches ef charac ter m which Mr. Dickens blends humor and pathos, the trnesfipoetry of life with the most whimsical of its ex ternal accidents. She is an angel who lets lodgings, a pathetio heroine who talk’s comically and makes u» laugh, except when now and then, by a chance turn of Phrase, we see to the depth of the simple love and charltyin her puie soul. From the London Review, Dec. 3. Mr. Dickens has thoroughly identified himself Witte the merry yet tender and thoughtful Christmas season. * * * Thirty years of authorship have, as yet failed to exhaust the power, the beauty, and the creativenees of Mr. Dickens* genius. It: has still the fteßhness of youth, combined with the maturer know ledge of advancing life. ■BSf- HARPER it BROTHERS will send'“MßS/ LIRRIPER'S LEGACY " by Hall,'postage free, to any part of the United States, on Receipt of Ten Cents. It JJOLIDAY GIFTS OT? REAL VALUE. 8,000 YARDS OF NEW STYLES OF MOLSLIH DE LAMES AT 44 CENTS. MERRIMACK PRISTS, 40. AMERICAN PRINTS, 874. - 4 4 CHINTZES REDUCES TO/50. ALL DRESS GOODS REDUCED. , EDWIN HALL & C 0„ 26 South SECOND Street. de33-ftn2tr | JJOOKS FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS,' T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS bare now in store a very large and HANDSOME COIIECfION Of BOOKS, of all kinds, suitable for Presents, ladies and gentle men of taste are invited to call and look at some rare and elegant BOSKS IN CHOICE BISTJDIXOS. T. B, PETERSON & BROTHERS, Publishers and Booksellers, It 305 CHBBTNUT Street, Philadelphia. TtJBT PUBLISHED—A KEW A^D ” interesting GAME OF THE AMERICAN REBELLION, a suitable Christmas Gift for boys and girls Pries 60 cento. Sent by mail on receipt of price. It* Mo, O North ElQMH^t™t™hUada. JJICH AND BARE B O OK S. Purchasers for (be Holidays can gratify)* 1? I their tastes, j JS 0* (obtaintbe most Megan*Standard Books,J *T|/r ( beautifully illustrated, j iIL L*f and buy at about one-half the prices/ #ll t charged by any other house, 5 -D 5 whether for American or Imported Books, f * T e at the Rooms of the. } *J D* | LONBONPEINTIIffG AND PUBLISHING I ★•TO I COMPART. 5 A*|4B7 BroiMlWtty, N«wTerft, 4S7}*M V*l or i>y order, for Which purpose a deecrip- s*o * ) ■ dye price list-will be seat. J 0 HENRY A. BROWN, delMtaVn JJOLIDAY PRESENTS. ' FAMILY BIBLES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, THE CHEAPEST AND BEST - PRAYERS, HYMNS, FAMILY AND POCKET, BIBLES. photograph; albums, NBW AND BEAUTIFUL STYLES, RICH TTJEKEY MOROOOO, ANTIQUE, RE LIEF, AND GOLD. WILLIAM W. HARDING, MANUFACTURER, • No, 336 Chestnut Street, del7- 7tU Below Fourth, South Side* -[J6EPUL GIFTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Gan be found at J. COWFERTHWAIT CO.’S "CHEAP” DRY GOODS STOBB, S. E. ear. NINTH and ARCH STREETS. ' BestDe Laines reduced 4s - First* rate Be Laines f0r.............................. 373 d Best Calicoes reduced t 0... 3735 Good Calicoes for 31 FINE DRESS GOODS Of all kinds, at very low prices. ■** , FRENCH MERINOS!i( Good quality reduced from $2.50 to $1 GO. <■ Extra fine do. only $2. _ Double-width all-w* olDe Laines, $1.25 andsl.6o. Single-width do., 62Kc to $L Fine quality figured all-wooLDe Laines reduced to $l. Figured Merino*, only $1 60. ■ t . • FANCY PLAIDS in great variety. A very cheap Jot at 75 cents. Plaids from 75 cents upwards, , _ . Cne lot extra fine dfc . reduced from $3 GO to $2.59. SHaWLS! ! SHAWJLfi! ’! Blanket Long Shawls, best quality, $lO. Firtt-rate do., for $9. Having jut t added an extensive CLOaK aND HOOP-SKIRT DEPARTMENT to our Store, we are now prepared to offer the best Cloaks snd Skirts at prices that will defy competition. We invite an examination of our celebrated ONE-SPRING HOOP SKIRTS, which are made of one-piece of steel, making them more durable than any other Skirts in the American market. . _ , CLOAKS!!! Cloaks, splendid styles. Cloaking Cloths, of all kinds. Cloaks maoe to order. please gWe us a call, and save money by buying your Houday Gifts at our store. ~ J. COWPERTHWAIT & CO.. . S. R. corner NINTH and ARCH, J de23 Philadelphia. pBRISTMAS IS NIGH—DON,’T PUT V off till then if you want PiG PnSBS: go at once and early in tbs day. Avoid the holiday rush. KEI AKR’S, SECOND Street, above green. It* T?OB HOLIDAY GIFTS GET B. F. REI -I- MER’S exquisite CARTES DE VISITS. Bon‘t de lay, but f o at once apo early in the day, and avoidthe throng- 6%* ARCH Street. It* PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, ARTICLES A suitable for Holiday Gifts.—Persona iu search will find-afine&atbitmentof best styles at 5. F. KEIiLBR’S Photograph Gallery, 634; ARCH Street. It* A CHANGE TO AVOID THE DR AFT. Principals Furnished with Substitutes at the shortest notice*, a*d at low prices. JOHN MANSFIELD AGO. Office 403 LIBRARY St , second story. d«23 : lm* THE CHEAPEST. BEST PLACE •* inths city to e*t Head-dieises, Plain or Fancy Cips, to at No, 904: ARCH Street. de3*-6t* TKGBAM’S TEAS FOR CHRISTMAS A, PRESENTS, fresh and good, 43 South SECOND, below Market, Try them, , . It* jgUPERB NEW XL LUSTRATED CHRISTMAS SEASON. Mr. JAMBS G. GREGORY, No. 840 BROADWAY. NEW YORK, has published for the Holiday Season several volumes of unusual elegance. *- FOREST PICTURES IN THE ADLRONDAGKS. / ' BT JOBS A.HOIVS. WITH OEIfiIXAIi POEMS, BT AOTRBJ) B. gfltSBT. A Superb series of Ulnstrations depicting that region In Northern New York whioh recently hah become so greatly the favorite of artiste, tourlßta, and'sportsmen. The distinctive features of its “Forest Piotufes " have been happily caught by Mr/Hows’ pencil. The vol ume will eommend itself to all lovers of the pictu resque, and to friends of American art. It la one of" the most .BOTABnErOEiGiNAu, and artistic issues yet pro dneed from the-American press. Quarto, doth, extra gilt, $4.60; full morocco, $B. , - „ LYRICS OF THE WAR. V - t ILLUSTRATED BT X. 0. C. DAKLST. A most beaufcifal- volume, containing a selection of Lyrics on the War, each poem illustrated by a fall paged-drawing by F. o, C. Dailey. The book is in every way elegant and unique, and wi I be valued as a . worthy art monument of the war. One quarto, 82 pages. Cloth, extra, beveled boards, gilt sides and edges. Price, $2.50; full turkey morocco, antique or cut, *6. m. _ THE SHOW IMAGE; A CHILDISH MIKACLE, BT BATHAKIBI HAWTHOBBE; V ttI.TOTB4.rBD IS BOMBS, BTMAKOUS WATEKMAS, , The * ‘ Sa&w Image ’ ’ is perhaps the most exquisitely ‘beautifnl of all the minor sketches by the late lamented Nathaniel Hawthorne. The present edition is hand- Bomely illustrated with six dealers in colors, and print ed with elegance, on heavy calendered paper; It Is one of fche.mcst unique and attractive minor gift volumes of the season. Cloth, extra, beveled hoards, gilt sides. Price, $1.50. XT. ” ' - LITTLE RED KIDIKa HOOD. 1 TOLD nr VKKSK, 111. H. BTODDABB, SUMPTUOUSLY ILEUBTBATED IN COLORS, BY ALFRED This Utils work is perhaps'the finestspedmen of color printing yet executed hi America, It ranks altogether abOYe ordinary pictorial boohs for children, and Mr.. Stoddard has the adventures of Biding Hood in verses that give a new and extiuisUe charm to the story. The work ia novel, unions, and elegant.- Quarto; ilin jainated paper cover. Price, 80 cents. • ■ V. • SPBCTHOPIA; 08, BUEPBISIHH SPECTRAL ILLUSION 8, SHOW IHG GHOSTS EVEBTWBBBB, AffD OB ANY COLOB. , -WITH SIXTEEN ILEUBTHATIOXS. This hook affords' exhaustless parlor, amusement. ■Weird and ghostly (lgnres can he projected upon any White surface by its aid withbufapparatua, the booh it self containing everything requisite for that purpose. Quarto, boards, with colored Illustrations. Pries, $l. A chanting little narrative, that willalmost rival the fame of • ‘ Bed Biding Hood. ’ ’ Square lino., cloth ex tra, gilt sides. Priee, 7S cents. 'M- m SHOW-FLAKES; AND THE STOBIES THEY TOLD TflE CHILDREN. A beautiful English juvenile. Square 12m0., cloth extra. Price, $1.60. . , _ Containing “Star-Spangled Banner;" “American Blag," “The Liberty Bell," and other national Ban ner Songs, with illustrations hr Barley, and with titles in colors. Illuminated cover. .Quarto, paper. Price, dO cents. , ' XX. LITTLE SOHGS 808 Lnfj’LE SINGERS. Original and Selected; Arranged for the piano forte, by Karp Redes. Cover in colors, 'Biexible, small quarto. Price; dO cents. The above boohs are all new. Attention is Also in vited to our list of fine illustrated boohs and elegant juveniles of previous issue, most of which are in hew editions. mention, in brief, Bryant's “Fo rest Hymn, ’ ’ “An the fYoodsT" “ Christmas Poems andlTetnres,” “Christmas Carol,” - “Visit from St, Nicholas,” “Men Who Haveßisen,” etcf,etc. Ether of the above works mailed post free on receipt of price. ' JAMES G.‘ GREGORY, Publisher, deM-mwfgt No. 540 BSOADTVAT, New York. iJBE PRESBYTERIAN BOOKSTORE A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OP . SUIT ABLE F'O.a PjftßßSTg. . Including all theheet Works of the different publishers. JUVENILE BOOKS and TOT BOOKS. BIBLES and TESTAMENTS, with, and without the Psalms in Metre. HYMN; BOOKS, PSALM BOOKS, and PKAYER BOOKS. In plain and handsome bindings CHILBBIN’S GAMES and BIWABD GABOS. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. PHOTOGBPHS, of /arsons sizes, plain atd colored. PICTUREPBAMES, &C.V&C. To be had 1834= CHESTNUT STREET. de22-3t' . ■ OPPOSITE THB MINT. , »»••«.»*«• •*♦*.MHa....ls 00 ▲ MOST SUITABLE PRESENT FOR HOLIDAY .GIFTS. A most exquisite POCKET. ALBUM, containing a fine collection ofitoOßt piquant French Pictures, only.. .$4 50 - Address th«V‘Novelty Album C 0.,” Post Office Box 5488*N ew - York city, giving address, Sand any of the above will be immediately sent by express, who will collect on delivery. - de7«wfmBia A LL THE HOLIDAY NOVELTIES ENOCH ARDEN. ILLUSTRATED. ASB ALL THB HEW CHRISTMAS BOOKS. . WRITING DESKS, PORTFOLIOS, Ac , ' - PHANTOM FLOWERS. . IVOR? CARD CASES, JUVENILE ASK TOY BOOKS. IMMENSE ASSOET- J. . MBNT SIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS, • LITTLE BED HIDING HOOD. Also, our own Standard Holiday Publications. PAPETRISB OF NOTE PAPER, with Envelopes to match, and name or iuitials stamped plain or in eolurg, make an appropriate-present, " Aliaiticles promptly delivered. CHALLEN, Publisher, Bookseller and SUtioner, deB2-6t ' 1308 CHESTNUT. TUST ISSUED. V EASTERS TALES. Br W. G. Caldc'eogb. Pall of wonderful Stories of intense interest, to the Young. * CHALLEN,-. Publisher. de22-61 . . 1308 OHEBTNUT. MANAGER. A SUITABLE BOOK FOB A LADY TO PRESENT TO A GENTLEMAN —The CYCLO PEDIA OF COMMERCIAL AND BUSINESS ANEC DOTES, being Sketches and Incidents in the. lives of bankers, merchants, and* men of business, with steel and wotd engravings, bound in handsome presentation style, in half calf andjnoroceo. Interesting, amusing, and instructive. . .. & Sold atthe Agency, 33 S. SIXTH Street, de!7-6t ’ Office of APPLETON’S CYCLOP&DJIA. E. MUBTHY & SONS, Bid ACTS ' rfOOKS, ** * .'f STATIONERS, ~ . N«.i 3&9 Chestnut Street. A large and complete assortment of 3LAHK BOOKS ADWAYS OH We make it a speciality in manufacturing Bocke for Banks, Merchants, anil Oil Companies de2S-feye4t TO HOUSEKEEPERS. The sutißcribcr As s on Hand a choice selection of I OLD F.;BEAKDY,fromsl2tosl6. MADEIRA AHD SHERRY WIHK3, from *3 to $B. OLD MOMOHGAHELA WHIKKY, from *3 to *5. GIHGEB.WILD CHERRY,ana RASPBERRY BBAH DIES, ROSE CORDIAL, Ac., from $2.50 to $3. Also, F. BRANDY, from $3 to $5. SHERRY and MADEIRA WISES, from *3 to $5. To bo Lad at. No. lAS Nortli Second Street. IJ 1 H E CE LB BRA. TE D hid Gloves, A. RUSOH * 00., IMPORTERS, 34,9 Broadway, New Yopß, del-lm • ’ onn nnn cans peaches—very *UU,UUU SDPERIOB—PUT HP BY C. P. MOR TON A GO., at the BOUND TOP PBAOH FARM, Md , now anivice and for aale by R* .K. NEFFr No. IDO South WHARVES. Philadelphia. dein-13t* TOSHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, V COTJ6ET.LOR AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR OF CLAIMS Office, 2SIF Street, near Fonrteenta. St., Wathfanton, D. C. ~ deSSO 8m SLEEPER’S. UMBRELLA,MANU "I ~ FACTORY, MARKgT (Street, one Door aboye A Tenth, - aeSßßt* THE HOLIDAYS. BOOKS FOB THE FREDERICKS, VI. ' LITTLE BLUB HOOD. TTITK ILLTOTBATIOSa IK COLORS. RICHLY ILLIIriTKATKD IIT COLORS. VIII. . THE BOV’S BANNER BOOK. OFPEHPOE SALS 800 KS, A FULL ASD HEAVY STOCK OP MANUFACTURERS OF PRINTERS, FOR COOKING PURPOSES. HENRY HUDDY, ISAAC J. EVANS! NEW AND ELEGANT CUT. THE HOLIDAYS. JTNB GOODS for presents. We liave recently added to our Urge and sxtsuslva Stock a fine collection of newest etyles of . , JEWELRY, BRONZES, DIAMONDS, : SILVERWARE, ' CLOCKS, and FANCY GOODS, All of recent manufacture and importation, appropriate for tin Holidays, BAIUEY So CO., No. 819 CHESTNUT Street. MEW YEAR’S GIFT CAMP LI -*N BRABIEB. The United States Christian CommisslJu, in response to numerous and earnest appeals from surgeons, chap-' lains, and field officers, -will receive, forward, and place under the eare of proper ilhrarians, ONE THOU SAND FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY CAMP AND GUNBOAT LIBRARIES of one hundred and’jfty'vo., lumee caqji. if the friends of our soldiers- and sailors will forward them to its’rbrancliaa, or to the Central Office, during the holidays. It wbut a small 'matter foYeach purchaser of holiday gifts for Mends at home to hny a handsome ‘and pleasant book for his friends in camp or hospital, write hie name in it, and direct the bookseller to send it to the Commission. It .will he a positive pleasure to hundreds of wives and mothers to take down the choicest volumes from their hook-oases, and send them thus, where their loved ones can enjoy the pleasure and protit of perusing them. Bend none but the hosts onrsoldisrsdeservethehest. Thestandard essayists, Mstories, biography, travels, science,poetry, . magazines, standard works of Action, whatever, in short, yon would pnt into the chamber of your own brother, confined with a broken limb, will be accept able, as well as religions works. Forward the parcel, marked CAMP LIBRARY, to any of the branches of the ..Christian Commission, or to GEORGE H. STUART, Chairman Christian Commission, 11 BANK Street, Philadelphia, del6-tial JJOLIDAY PRESENTS. CHARLES DDMMIG, No. 812 CHESTNUT STREET, Begs leave to inform his esteemed customers that his present stock of FANCY GOODS AND TOYS Surpasses that of any former Importation. Having se lected with care every article himself, he can only say there is no similar establishment in the country that can compare with Ms. As to prices, gettilig Ms goods from the first manufacturers and artists in Europe, those dealers who buy from the Importers here to sell again can certainly not compete with Mm. Of the following goods he keeps so large a variety,' and In snoh entirely new styles, as no other store in this city can offer: LAD,IBS’ WORK BOXES. JBWBEBY, ODOR, AND GLOVE BOXES. NECESSARIES FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. WRITING DESKS, DRESSING CASES FANS, PARIS GILT AND BRONZE GOODS, PARIAN WARE, BOHEMIAN GLASS. - VASES, OF FINEBT ANTIQUE AND MODERN. CUTLERY, FINEST ENGLISH WALKING-CANES. . CRICKET AND ARCHERY IMPLEMENTS. FANCY LEATHER GOODS. • - LADIES’ BAGS-OVER TWENTY DIFFERENT KINDS. ... CABAS, POCKET BOOKS, CIGAR CASES. • PURSES AND PORTMONNAIKB. . GAMES OF ALL KINDS. CHESS, DOMINOES, LOTTOES. CRIBBAGE COUNTBBB, CHESS, AND BACKGAM MON BOARDS. - BAGATELLE AND TIVOLI. . ’ , IN TOYS.—This Department is complete in every va riety known; with many novel things never before im ported, Dolls, the very large variety of every kind known, kept in this Btore, surpasses in beauty and taste fill dressing anything known here and in Europe. This is no idle boast. Ladies should call and see them, de7-tde24if - . ’ . pHRISTMAS PRESENTS.—I OFFER a large stock of useful and substantial articles for Present*. Blankets at SS; larger Bize and heavier at $10; better at $11; and one of the. beet makes in the market &fe $l2; .. , Comfortables, good# and weighing SH pounds, at $5. 'White Counterpanes at ss t $6, $3, and $lO. Marseilles Counterpanes, fine, l&rge*and heavy, at $l2, $l5, and $2O; one lot at $25 that are extra heavy and largest size made, worth at least $35 - - Napkins, warranted all linen, at $3, $4 and $5; among them are some beautiful patterns; the finest we sB.' Bed- Border Napkins of various qualities. Doylies at $2,50 and $3. Doylies colored, for fruit; aUo» the half bleached. Table-Cloth?, yards long, extra quality, at $6, beautiful small patterns. . Table-Clothe,foil 3)i yards long, handsome; Damask, With double centre-pieces; these are very fine, and will be sold low. Towels,.at $3 50 per dozen up; some very handsome mes withheantifnl colored borders. Table Linens, by the yard, in’very great variety, at every prise, of various patterns and qualities. Barnsley double Batin Damask, full two yards wide, of beautiful designs and quality, unsurpassed. Cloth Table-Covers, In all the colors, from $2.50 up to $6. Among there will be found some of the most useful presents that can be given. GRANVILLE B. HAINES, No. 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. F. S. —Also, a nice lot of Linen Handkerchiefs, both In ladies’ and gentlemen’s; ladies’, all linen, from $3 up, and gentlemen’s large size from $5 up. d*2l*4t G. B. H. T7ATHEES AND MOTHERS—CALL A at GOULD A CO. ’S Union Farnitnre Depot., N.-B. corner of NINTH and MARKET and SECOND'and RACE, and (ratify your children by the purchase of a Chriatmas - memorial. A .splendid asaorement from which to aelect may be found there, cheapest and best. del4-tial ' rm BARGAINS FOR THE HOLI DAYS. —DRESS CAPS and FANCY BONNETS, HAT AND BONNET FRAMES, Also, Dolls’ Hat Frames, Wholesale and Retail, at de2l-6t* S. T. MORGAN B. AOS ARCH St RETAIL DRY GOODS. QURTAIN DEPARTMENT. SHEPPARD, TAN HiBLINGEF, & ARBISOS, No. IOOS CHESTNUT STREET, Have received from the late AUCTION SALKS IN NEW YORK ' ‘ A large addition to their splendid stock of LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAINS, BEQCATELLB, SATIN DELAINES, REPS, TERRY JAPANESE CLOTH, And the yarlons other materials most desirable for PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING BOOM, AND LIBRARY CURTAINS. Estimates for furnishing single rooms, snits of apart ments, or a whole house, based on a large deduction from former prices, promptly famished, and the work tranotnally and faithfully performed by experienced and reliable hands. de2-finwlot riURWEN 6TODDART & BROTHER V Present a large and attractive stock of Desirable Goods to buyers for the selection of HOLIDAY GIFTS. All of which have beau purchased at the late auction sales, and will be sold at REDUCED PRICES, To effect rapid sales. Baxcny Dress Goods at 37& 50,60, and 70. Double width striped Poplins, 00. Double-width plain Poplins, £O. All wool Poplins, 00. Stik and wool Poplins. Empress Cloths. And a foil line of choice colors . FRENCH- MERIHOKS. Prices ringing from $1.25 to $2. . Rieb Plaid Poplins. Rich Plaid Merinoes. Rich Plaid Cashmeres, 87>f cents. BROCHE LONG SHAWLS, of Viennese andT&tis fabrics, In choice derive■ ■ Of new and desirable styles, at - Seduced Prices. CUEVraNETODIfART ’&JBBOTHER, Nos. 450, 45A. and 454 North SECOND Street. dea-iS Above WiHow. • ■RLAGK LYONS VELVET, 9 . FOR CLOAKS. From auction, at _ ' . -. REDUCED PRICES. 28-inch Lyons Velvet, $l6. 82-inch & BROTHER, , Nos 450, 45a, and 454 North SECOND Street, de2l-4t Above Willow IOR4 CHESTNUT STREET. E. M HEEDLIS ' 2t»AiirxßdxzTzxa | SOVELTIE S | s r . m |■“ - a g LACES, | | . WHITE GOODS. | I EMBBOIUEEIEB, I | vaiLS, % § w . HANDEEROHIBFS, dbo. ' In every variety and at REDUCED PRICES, Suitable for CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY PRESENTS, . 1 CHltSi-tt OT STREET. EXCURSIONS. SnaU WEST CHESTER IWi WJ W" .fltt aRd PHILADELPHIA RAIL- CHRISTMAS EXCURSION. Excursion Tioiete to WEST CHESTER will be-sold rood Rom December 24th to January 2d, inclusive Fare for round trip $1,35. H. WOOD, 4e23-4t ' Superintendent. gCaa CUMMINGS & JENNYB, III" 1 _ Manufacturers of - GRAND, SQUARE, AND COT CAGE-UPRIGHT PIANO-FORTES, No. 726 BROADWAY. Nllw YORK. Each instrumenLwarrantedfive years. At wholesale and retail 25 per cent, leas than the s&mt class Piano elsewhere. Dealers will do well to examine our instruments. _ Ag* Send fora c&taloyqg. del-tham' j§ PARK LING CATAWBA WINE, in Quarts and Pints. Also, SWEET AND DRY CATAWBA WINE AND CATAW- BA BRANDY, made from the Pure Juice of the Catawba Grape. For eaie at HARTLEY’S Caiawba Wine Agency. d026-12t 58 North FIFTH-Street, TO SPORTSMEN—THE LAST chance i« now bffered tb make a handiome Christ mas present of a SUPERB GUN, from a lot to be sold at BIRCH & SON'SiAnotion.at 12 o’clock, on FRIDAY, the 23d inat.. and no mistake. de242t* . “ pATAWBA GRAPES.’’—IOO BOXES -A and half boxes of those “ Gmpes,” Inst ihe. thing for the holidays, recelyed direct froi*. e Erie, by JAMgg HOMES & BMT. grown. ■ 4«SO-St» SEYEKTH eutd NOBLE SWcw. A GEHTS WASTED FOR THE NURSE AHD SPY—The most interestingand exciting bookeyer published, embracing the adventures of! woman in the Union army as Horae, Scout, aud Spy. Giving ft most vivid inner picture of the war. Returned and disabled officers aud soldiers in want of profitable employment will find it peculiarly adapted to their condition.. JOUSS BROS. & GO., 600 CSBSTHOT Street, Philadelphia. de23-t]al4* A TOUNG MAN (SINGLE), WHO **** four years’ experience in the drygoods and about one year in the grocery business as sales* man. and who can command some Pennsylvania trade, would like a SITUATION in either of the above. Good references given. ' Address **L; M. P. t * r Press office. de22-2t* A PARTNBB, SPECIAL OR ACTIVE, wanted by thelst of Janaary, A SSISTANT BOOK- KEEPER WANT In a HAT AND STHAW GOODS HOUSE on Jißiktt street.. Address 4I A. ,B.,”thia Office de2j-6t* PjA SHIER.—WANTED, BY A YOTJNG MAN. a position as Cashier or’Assistant Cashier Best of references furnished: Country Banks notice. Address “W.,** Press Office. d&23-3t* EMPLOYMENT HOUSE, THE LARG eet and most reliable, for city and country. Has always a good selection of capable persons, with good references. Americans, Irish, English, French, Ger man, Scotch. Welsh, and newly-landed emigrants, as gardeners, Farm Hands, Coachmen, Watchmen, &c. coons, Chambermaids, Seamstresses, Laundresses, waitresses, and general Housework Servants Also, Sh™ IWos ‘ 80» and 804: LOCUST Street, above Eighth. ,; delS-lm PACKER.—AN EXPERIENCED wanted in a Market-street Hat and Straw goods house. Address ‘*B. office. de23-6.* TO OIL COMPANIES.—THE UNDER- A SIGNED, having had experience in oriranizSn\T* 3t b reference and particulars, Post Office Box 704, Philadelphia, Pa. It* WANTED—A SITUATION AS SALESMAN in a wholesale Dry GooSs House, by a Gemleman from the country, who has thirteen years' experience In the dry goods bosinees. Would be will ing to sell on commission. Adduce “M.,’’ Press office. de22 2t* WANTED—BY A MARKET-STREET gRT GOODS fobbing House, TWO EFFICIENT SALESMEN. Address Box 1008, Poet Office. de2l-st* WANTE D—-AN ACTIVE, INDUS * " TRIOUS Young MAN, who has had experience amon g Jacquard power looms.. One who is acquainted with the Jacquard and the tying up of figured goods, without overmuch pretensions, will likely find a situa * tion that will satisfy him, bv applying to the deg) St FRANKFOBD DAMASK FACTORY. WANTED— AN EXPERIENCED Salesman in the Hosiery and Notion business, one who is acquainted with the Illinois and lowa trade. Address Box 47 Philadelphia P. 0. del7-6t* WA NTED AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN lathe Hosiery and Notion business; onewho can influence a New. Jersey trade Address Box 47, Philadelphia P. 0., del? ft* WANTED, AGENTS.—ANENTS IN , V . every Connty, at $7O a month, expenses paid, to tatrodscejSrfeen new and wf/«( article*, the beet sell- Ing ejer offered. For particulars, address OTIS T. GIRBY, BIDD3FOBB, MAINE. 0c26-d&W3m .tin nnn and $3,000 to in tR)AVJ,UUU, VEST OK MORTGAGE. Apply lo • „ „ ALFRED FITLER, Conveyancer, doI7-6t* . Ko. 51 North SIXTH Street. A MONTH—WANTED— N pxAJor AGENTS everywhere to introduce tbe new SHAW ft CL ARK BIXTEEN DOLL AS FAMILY SBW IHG MACHINE, the only low price Machine in the coratry which is licensed^ y Grover ft Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, Howe, Singer ft Co., and Bachelder. Salary and expenses, or lane commissions allowed All other Machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and user liable. Illus trated circulars met free. Address SHAW ft CLARK, noIS-d&w3m BIDDSFOED, Maine FOB SAM AMD TO LET. T?OB SALE CHEAP—3,OOO BURLAP. ~ BAGS, in large or small quantities, 4:3,5. THIRD Street, up stairs. de2l-3t* T?OR SALE—THE FOLLOWING MA- X GHINEBY, at j; CLENDENNING’S Frankford Damask Factory; ' Four Power- looms, 70 inches wide, single box, made by Jenks: eight Looms, 63 Laches, wide do. THE ABOVE LOOMS ABE ADAPTED FOR MAKING , DOUBLE-WIDTH FLANNELS. Six double-box Looms, 40 inches wide, 6 treadles, 4 shuttles. One of Dauforth’s Doubling and Twisting Machines, and one of Jenks & Son’s Spooling Frames. de2o- 6tif O il ' TERRITORY.— SOME CHOICE v -^ f i Tracis of Land in Wirt, Wood, Ritchie, aud Plea sants counties, West Virginia, for tale at tempting prices, by R. JJ. JONES, de23«Stij* 80. 504: WaLNUT Street. MFOR SALE-THE GREATEST ®rtS?y4S.y THEAGE—The larse four and dye stow BUILDING, N. W. corner THIRD Street and HARMONY Court (opposite the Exchange) ' Lot22feet front by 120 fe,-t deep on Harmony court. Price $26,000; cost $40,008, will rent for $B,OOO. Only $6,003 cash re- Qnlred. -•dell- 4ttf HILLEB, 15* Korth SIXTH Sliest. ®FOR SALE—NO. 336 NORTH THIRD Street, LARGE STORE and DWELLING. Lot 20 feet front by 180 feet deep to DUwyn street, with • two- story warehouse on that door. A drat rate locality for a wholesale Lionor Dealer or Leather .tore. de2l-4tif MILLER, IS* North SIXTH Street. £TO MANUFACTURERS.—TO RENT—A NEW FACTORY -BUILDING, lust com plated, with twenty-horse power, to a practical spinner, witmthree or four sets of first-class machine? y, adapted to spin from 16 to 40 cut yarn. The building i« two - story, double floors, high ceilings, finished in the best manner, and lighted from four sides. It is built ex pressly for the purpose; the power is uniform. This is a good opportunity for parties renting power and spin ning for the market, as I expect to use all the yarn on the premises that four seta can turn off. Apply to „ _ JOBN CLENBBNNIBG, deSO 6tif Frafikford. Philadelphia. LEGAL. Pr THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND_COJJNTY_OFJ‘HII.iDEEPHIA. Estate ofMARY~fcICHABDS'DU PAY, deoeased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of T.HAWKIHS PD PAY. aekioK Exe tutor of the Estate of MARY BICHA&DS DU PAY* deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties in terested for the purposes of hie appointment, on THURSDAY, January sth. 1855, atone o’clock P. M « at his Office. No. 14:2 South EIGHTH Street, iu the city of Philadelphia. - JOHN B. COLAHAN, de23'fmwst Auditor. r!t THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY ABB COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. „ Estate of MARTHA PEARSON. The Auditor Appointed bp tie Court to audit, settle, and adjust the Dual account of THOMAS F SCATTBR GOOD, Administrator d. b. n. of MAKTHA PSARSON, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the' hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on WED #BSD AY, ■ Jammry 4tb. 1865, at U o’clock A. M , at his Office, No. 133 South FIFTH Street (sscord story), in the city of Philadelphia HOEiTIO O. JOKES, de23-fmwSt ' Auditor.' LOST.’ AND FOfJNEL A PPLIC ATION WILL BE MIDI to the Manaiers of the MERCANTILE LIBRA RY COMPANY' for renewal of Certificate or one eh&Te of Stock, No. 1405, standing in the pame or J«. B. LIPPINCOTT, the same having been lost or mis laid. ■ It* Notice . five promissoby NOTES, payable to the order of JOHN GOQDGE, at Cedar Rapids, lowa, as follows—to wit: $l,OOO, first da? of January* 1566. $l,OOO, do do issr. $l,OOO, do do 3868. §l,OOO, do do 1860. $l4OO, do do 1870, Bated oth day of December, 1864, and all signed b? ThomarA. Scott. The foregoing notes were the desk of the Undersigned, on the 19th day of Decern* her* 1864 The public are cautioned against receiving or negotiating either or ail of said notes TBOMAS A. SCOTT, Swdeao-et No. 238 South THIRD Street. Lost ob mislaid-a certifi- CATE. No. 90, for One Hundred Shares of the * * Ir win Petroleum Oil Company. J s Application has been made to the Company for a new Certificate. Any person having found it (No. 90) will please return it to SAMUEL R. PHILLIPS, deSO it Nos 30 and 33 South SEVENTH Street. BOARDING. Board waited—west, of Broad and north of Spring Garden street, in a private family, for one or two couples. Reference ex cbanged. Address Bon 2ff7B Post Office de23-3t FANCY FURS. ~ _ : ,, ,_ r 1864. wxjbs. !864. k, I. & F, I. WOMRAffI, ocbssobe to the late oeo. t. womrath. i No. 415 Arch Street, tun now omnr . A roM ASSORTMENT OF LADIES’ FANCY FURS, To which they invite the attention of buyer*. QOO-lm - - JJANDSOME HOLIDAY PRESENTS. SIBERIAN SQUIRREL MUFFS, $B. MINK cSABLE MUFFS, $l2. HUDSON’S-BAY SABLE MUFFS, $3O. Also, a general assortment of FURS, nr FITCH, STOH&MABTEN, HOTAL EEMIirE, AND CHINCHILLA. A. K. & F. K. WOMRATH, Jelo-12t 4:IS.ARCH Stmt, Philadelphia. RADIES’ FANCY FURS. JOHN FAREIRA, So. TlB ARCH Street, above Seventh Rmt, At hli old established item. IMPORTER, . MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS , LADIES AND CHXLDBEN. Having nowln«tuni a tktlane andbeaatlftii uur|. ■ Blent of til the different kindeandqnalities of FANCY FOES FOR LADIES’ AHD CHILDREN'S WRAS, 3 lollelt * call from those In want Remember the name and uumber, JOHN FABETRA. TIB ARCH Street, above Seventh. I hive no wtrtaer or eonheotljr.’ with acy other stors |n this city. eeg-SBlf AUCTION SALES. NmTB AND aA *- AUCTION SALEOF HORSES, CAR’JIAGFB. Ac ,ON SATURDAY MORiiRGNBXT, ' At 10 o'clock, com|.naiUf^bont *® harnes**and the FuU deecnption at tale. chlldrenf b6atttilllt 'black Shetland Pony, suitable fee carriages of d «lrable new ani second-hand Gri^ladT&tel 1 ’ belo ”^ n * *« «» <* Also, single and donhle harness Whips, coyer*, halter*, Sc. s, « l « a, . bridle,. S - No pcstpenementon account of weather Sale of Horses, Sc., on WEDNESDAY * Carriages and Harness at private kui* ‘ ' ALFRED H. HEttfuEVR, deB3-2t If AnctioJ^. AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY 09 MUSIC,' Lessee and Manajrar T. FOR®. „( Also of the Hpfiday-street Theatre, Baltimore i Ford’* New Theatre, Washfoeton; and the Alexandria (Va.* staea Manayer.....— —JOHN B. WRIGHT. last five nights. JUDGE CONRAD’S CELEBRATED TRAGEDY, JACK CADE; THE KENTISH’REBELLION To-srimw . ... ... EDWIN FORREST miticTharariefof 0 ” “ rigorous and dra. JACK CADE: ' OB* _ . THE KENTISH REBELLION. Supported hy MADAME PONISI . MARIANNE. ME. JOHN McCULLOUGH CLIFFORD. MONDAY, Dec. 26, EDWIN tOREEST „„ m METAMOHA. POSITIVELY FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY. of E Mu a F^r e b e a 4iSt; rfcho lAsr FIVB HI! * HTS —„__EErDAYr December 30, bekefjt LASTAPPBARANCE of Dooraopenhalf paste; curtain rises half past T. It AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUBICL CHRISTMAB MATINEES, ° IU " WEDNESDA Y; A Nl> SATURDAY, Deo 28 and SR THE GRAND FLORAL SPECTACLE OP TBE CORONATION OF THE ROSB. BY - , goo 7°W& &ADIES AND CHILDREN. Keserved ’seats 25 Cents; may now he obtained •» GOULD’S Music Store, Seventh and Doors open at 1 o’clock; commence at a o’clock. deSS TSJEW CHESTNUT-ST THEATRK— FRIDAY EYBNING. December S 3. LAST NIGHT BUT OWE - OF THE GREAT TRIUMPH Of Dion Boccjcanlt’s Great American drama. li OCTOROON, . ■ „ OCTOROON, . AND LABE SIGHT BUT ONE Of the engagement of _ „ mIIIoIhygimbIIIHII; Whowi! appear <-ndUtat of latrodncing during the drams, On compliance with tbs many reaoest* daily made.) the beaottftu Ben*. ~ . . .. SWEET MItSISSIPFI, 1 * *" assisted by the entire company in the GRAND CSORUS. COMB AND SEB THIS GREAT PICTURE OF southern mb* with the Beautiful Scenery, Great Cast, and ThrlHlu Tableaus, »-***«*« Including THE MHEDEB OF THE BOY PABJi. THE BDBHISQ STEAKEK, ‘ THE SHAVE SAM. And tie . APOTHEOSIS OF VENGEANCE. rattUntTFaref?' entertainment will conclude with !h« TO PABl’s AND BACK FOE F:VB FOCMDF. OS S A TraD ,J«T|KSOOT.^. &i r GHrECTTa Wien tie _ OCTOROON Wrilbe presented. WALMUT-STREET THEATRE. TT PBID AT NIGHT. Dw. 25, BENEFIT BENEFIT BENEFIT of the ra^'f « fe|? |^ S ata e BISS LUCILLE WESTERN ; . MlfcS LUCILLE WESTERN’! W&o appears to-n!f it as - , „ . HENEI, H AMET, and MATHILDB, in Madame Celeste 'sMLrljjal MIL tary Drama of the FRENCH SET; o|, the stobmiwg of’algiebs. To TO S» TOMIJ6 ° F JU SKETCHES IN INDIA. WALOTT-STEEET THEATKS. ? wswtwt* B CFridar) BVBSriKG, Bee. 23d. BENEFIT BENEFIT Of the charming yonne Actress, LUCILLE WBSTBBN. ’ „ _, ei ~ FRENCH SPF. Henri St. Aline* (A French. Lancer)) MaArab Boy) t Lucille Melhlldede Meric. (a lariciaa lady) > To conclude pleaMng Comedietta of tha Box Office open irom S. Curtain riees at Bf. ■jVTRS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ABCB -I*- BTEEET THEATRE. BENEFIT OF J. S. CLAHKB. _ TO-NIGHT (Frida-.), Dec 23TU64. LEAP TEAR. THE YANKEE PSDLAB, THE "BUSSIAN ADMIRAL,” Ahd “ITT NEIGHBOR'S WIFE," “ DodE6 '” “ “Mdslin.” CHEAT BILL CHRISTMAS EVE. it fIHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOUSE. / V No. 1331 CHESTNUT Street. ALLINSOH & HINCKSN Proprietor*. moban's minsVeels appear every evening in an elegant . . ETHIOPIAN ENTBKTaISMINT. Boow open at 7. commencing at S o'clock precisely. Admission 25 cents- “ o»riock7iD«ute!‘ WltiCh C3n » mCaKi «»»&»« "yESTYALI LUND THEATRE, CAIm ' LOWHlLL,betmwn Fourth and Fifth streete. * MISS BLISS VBSTVALI LUND. THIS (Friday) 284. Mlee EL (EE YESYAM LUKW Performance commences at 8 o’clock precisely, it* NATIONAL CIRCUS-WAD-. ™ J? DT gIBBET, ABOVE EIGHTH. » Directress, MRs, formerly KRg.- ATTRAimOM. ' The great wild-rider of the West, LE JBUNB BUST. Will appear every evening during the week. He i* with immense applause. CHABLBS BEBD, the worlo renowned aomas** fault and piroutte equestrian, wUI also perform durinjf the present week. *>**uam XOUNG SICOLO in a new and daring act. TALLBEK will gracefully acconi* SIXTY FAEr’IJi'THE AIR 1 " 1 ° a Periloujs trapes*. em£e SgSMSSi “* b