ott COMPANIES. OF THS JU \m HUGHES UITERS () ll> COMPANY, *iOS South Fourth Street, I , II ir,ADET,PH:iA. STOCK 5i,000,000. PRKS.DBNT, c WALBORN. DIRECTORS, SHALL, J, E, RIDO-WAY, LIiiATH, ELISHA W. DAYIS, Vf. H. KEMBLE. TRBASORBB, • f B. RIDQWAY. r?l9 ;s KECIITBB AT THE OFFICE OP NO. 808 SOOTH POUBTHST. At so. 305 CHESTNUT STREET. ~W ) OS* HUNDRED THOUSAND SHAKES DOLLARS BACH, OP WHICH f NTT THOUSAND SHARES ARE SET '«ET TO be sOI ‘ D AT 08 50 PEB '%.IKS. MAKING *50,000 “ WORKING CAPITAL, TO HE expended in developing ~518 AND FATING THE NBOB3SABT ‘ ssrI ;SSIS OP THE COMPANY. „,u c ; this Company conaletsof the fas slm " (jjl iso® of between 1,000 and I,lo} acres WDtpOanttea, Western Virginia. ‘’mm in iee simple, and contain about 170 Ksr.swha Stallon, on the Northwest !*,V about tea miles above Parkerebur*. Va., ‘ K j Mß tariw, the Parkersburg nnd Staun ,j. al i Hie Northwestern Kallroad Company ,ttar. i, propf ti ts situated the Kanawha S tatlon of WS !o.'« Kailroad, which Is the most advan ' ~a i ,r shipment for the oil produced in the MuKaaserbaand its tributaries. ( ... of land perpetually leased from James gidfostsins not less than SCO acres, and ad* Util colobrated Boblnson tract, under a per* and contains SO2 acres, situated In Wirt A .ai twelve miles above the former traits, on ... ofthe Hughes River, and near its comlu ,< Kanawha, and has a boring front on Bock irro miles. or t* he paid on these loatss is eno-eighth of ccols after the Company being reimbursed .. .nd outlay in prodncing the ell. cuact on the Kanawha Is the celebrated ; ; r.cs, and near that on the Hughes are many [Veils. action of these two streams will be found the iltctog territory In West Virginia. . ~ r giteatlon of this land affords a boring tor , teven miles on the.two fivers and their . de3l-6t HUOW GLEN PETROLKDH «?AHT. CAPITAL, #BOO,OOO. ,510 80,000 SHARES, OR TH3 PAR VALUE OP $9 RAOH. [OSKING CAPITAL, "ES^OOB. r shares yet remajplng nnsnbsorlbbd may be irplitiJion at the office of the Company, or lilrettors. ntsnvm. ' JAMES M. CONRAD, IErfiETARI ANB TREASURER, JOHN H. OARS. BIRBOTQRS, 3 m. CONKAL, 623 Market street. ■yfl. GT’.AHAM, 627 Market street. ■s *H£peATd>, IC«S Chestnut street, n* WALTON, 623 Market street fciKT CASK, 1334 Bomtfc Bro&i street. » >;» cu the Company coma Ist of the following tmbrswing in ul one hundred and fifty 'i:f-; . l-G u .aisi fifty-six (18) seres, situated at 11;* Union’ Hun and the Ohio river, with a Kfeofc the river and ran. li-Cottaios fort? (40) aare* adjoisiag So-1. 2 leaded for fifteen years, three-fourths m:r.>n? to ibe Company. They embrace the ; j d the ? on for nearly erne mue. o. fc-C-wataa fifty*six awes, owned by the ia fee located on Flfteea Creek, whioh. tb the Li Mnsklntma river. The tfeasrs, tfc**rs, rr£o haye- been so smceeasftd. en the it in Virginia, are now * inking a 'it adjoiniuft tract, within six hundred met deU-lm (TIE JERSEY WEM. OIL, COMPANY. SHARES, AT *3 PER SHARE. PRESIDENT, ALBERT G. EGBERT, OF YEITABQ9 COTOTT. iiCSETARY AND TEBASIMS. ILHAM M. BARLOW, ■Kj I® A BARIOW, PHIXiABBLPHIA. HE CEUT. PBB MOUTH OH *300,000. tta attention of capitalists t© this enter* ;':dorB have no hesitation in expressing in si their return from it will be more cer* •*» !:o, on the Hyde and Egbert Farm, r !< wltlt the acre of land on which the well la hss been towing since e&ly in r k ’ rat©of about 360 barrels daily, and is psithjtiata, thus yielding t# the company AMD SIXTY BABKELS DAILY, prices, TWENTY THOOSAHD DOB which will pay to the Stockholders SiS 'THKIE PEE CBHT. PER MOUTH. There is reem o» tke land fer several - ! *o of rbieh will be immediately com* * ft* company, and ia wbiob we shall have - in tile Jersey. The character of • r ->\ k% cii laud, is well-kacwa; it ia only ne that lo vrtll on it has ever failed in get- U hi,i already produced the Maple : a ad the Jersey. , Ho. a. * *’f i«?» la fee on ths east aids of ths ills- the month ef Big Sandy, This ' rty ro-Ja’ fronfc'on the river and coa of borioi surface. Oil wells jield- V.Lid near this property,* Among them '■ &c. The company intend to i> develop this fine property, and feel ti ‘aceaia. , No. 3. fifteen yeats on tie Wa, B. Wilson farm, flock Run, in Lawrence cennty, Pa. ___ ls -> r,an& 8 aTB also leases on Slippery Bock ? »a?e obtained in April* 1864, by Dr. Eg ■ t’iniie for fifteen years from their date, '•■■o the lessees all the oil and ether minerals l ‘‘the several tracts* with the right t* divide other rights and privileges oon -1 the holiness of mining for oil, coal and ard reserve a royalty ef only one- or minerals. Beck territory is ft mew and only par oil region; 'but the success already ob tad on fha Mahoning river, a few miles ‘; £t * with the large quantities of eil found. and west of it, lead us to hope that ,T * *. Bsweißfnl oJU region, have already[»n excellent engine, tools, fixturecon the grounds, with a well 1 sad shall proceed to develop the property KulMe. iV* 4 l«Mes were *U selected for oil pur '' fr *sldont of tills Company, whose groat t ‘'otHrasinese, sterling integrity, and force Mo 100 well known to require comment 11 ’>ti idceived at tko oHoo of b Y.VKD & BARLOW, No. 439 CHESTNUT Street, number of share* are for sale. KOSTON FARM OU COM- property of fcMa Company is i», ~«*X*shea y River, in Yenango county, J *iiL r f «e simple of two tracts of land, in f M of nay hntored and thirty (13®) rod* '^S'S 31 . twenty-flv« ftoius*d (*56,000) >i treasury for developing the |4 13BCS. %i °“C6 of r lhQ of stock for a few WALTON* TOST, . No, as SotttkTHlßD Street, » b " oW*^- H&t op tmb company. • i*EWIB, Presideat. 4 Uw. DIRECTORS K it 15- S BaU, *■ 0- w - Bohiopp. 5 »«i„- ’» JAMBS BOYS Societary. Troasnrer. deU-nt* con. i** l #®*.- ... „ DhosmbbiB,lBM. S't “ill' 1? th « Stockholders will beheld Ho- *l* WALtffrr? ‘StM 0 ” MOHDAY - January 2d. 1865, year 1866 trill U ' loMd ftom Bee. M. 33. ETSILT, Secretary, PAKK ® It ** E - No 1 411 W AIiSTJT Street, I S °' a re, n i„ -Rea 1". 1864. U~V'P,i; of tlo al on i V 1 ,6 3oar# of Directors, <> v; ; 'iWr&v ,„';fi i, f lde e rs , tir 4,18 pahkb4 , S !U J&iSSA,* 4 411 wal '&« « WEDH|SDAr, tta Mth MiKkn'Si a l 1* o’clook A. M., to '«'«&&* Mw feaor. 8 Fn,ok “ B ° f * Std - WM. MO9NBY, SeoMtarr. Oil. COMPANIES. FARNSWORTH OIL COMPANY. OAPITAXi, Sl 3 000,000. 200,000 SHAKES—par TALUK $5.00. WORKING CAPITAL, I^I4O,OOO. sorscßimoK deice. nn T Rbl 01 J of tills Company Is located Ja *lv9r», Gilmore county, vVest Virginia, pi!£L£v tftac^J!'bo y e * ta confluence with the Ohio at RalW'Sn lr Lff h f) tBr .™ inn ' ot th o Baltimore and Ohio and. lies directly upon and in a direction across the great CHI Belt” of this region Css may be 4a the immediate vicinity of the wondeittu Burning; Springs,” now regarded as a sure indication of the presence of oil, fro m Ike fact that it- *“ * 8®?. that rises to the surface and burns upon the water. This property consists of an ana of 1,185 acres of magnificent oU ana mineral lands, of which the Company owns an undivided half interest in fee sim ple, extending on the Kanawha river, which navigable to the Ohio, Other streams, tributaries of the Kanawha,traverse this tract, presenting along their t&tFQ 11 * every surface indication of a rich yield'of oil. The Ct mpany holds the right to put down wells all over this extensive boring surface, and oil has already been discovered on this property, near the river, at the denth of 86 feet. The sinking or two wells to the depih feet, if necessary, was provided for in thepnrchaseof the fond, all of which is paid for without touching the working or reserved capiial of the Company, in aSUK* J ! Company owns an important interest TT J°, Within feo yards of the great Lewellin Well,which has flowed 2,600 barrels per ‘tHv a ? - « among the celebrated Rathbone Sccini « ,? faesB ar ®’ it is said, the greatest pro ?FtzJ? tF® 118 l tt the country. The former owners of well were ft reed to abandon it on the breaking ont of the rebellion, but the Company has now made ar rangements to reopen and tube it, when a large yield of oil may reasonably be expected from this source alone, in addliion to the above described properties, the Com pany owns In fee simple some 400 acres of mineral lands m-rennsylvania. This Company is most fortunate in e very facility for rapidly developing the oU. having on its own property both timber and coal in great abundance, and in also having the resident Su perintendent of- the works, Mr. T. G. Farnsworth, largely interested as a stockholder. The manage ment being in the hands of practical msn. of indomi table energy and perseverance* the stockholders may !!?*l oa *t bl^ e ? p !? fc t ? to tod their shares ranking With the beet dividend paying stocks on the market; for, being out of debt, and having a large working capital, the holders of stock in this Company take no risk of being called upon lor additional means to carry on the operations of the Company, but on the contrary, as soon as oil shall be obtained In snffioient quantities, a dividend on the capital stock will be declared. The remaining portion of the 20,000 shares reserved stock omy is now being sold for additional working capital, at the subscription price of two dollars per share. It can be by apply log at the office oi tho Company,' Ho. 400 CHEBTHUT Street, up stairs, room Ho. 16, of *ba President, So. 504 MAxvKiiT street. president; F. PAXSOH, Ho. 6C4 Market street. . _ treasurer: A. A. SBUMWAY, Ho 221 Market street. _ directors: Market street. , Tl *£££, s ?• WATTSOH, of the house of Trnltt dr Jo , 628 Market street. CHAS. BLOOMINGBALE, of Bloomlngdale, Rhine, t Ce.,882 Market street EDWARD J. SEED, of George W. Reed Is Co., 423 latkei "street. . ■ , M. J, JOYCE, of A. A. Bhumway & Co., 221 Market treet. JtiSIAH BASSETT, Jr., No. 423Marfeetstreet D. D. T. FARNSWORTH, B?q., West Virginia. EDWARD M. PAXSON, Solicitor, A. D. HARLAN, Secretary. fleW-tf WASHnttfTOsr asb waujbt BESD OIL COMPANY. MMfsoo;oo9< 100*000 EACH* SUBSCRIPTION PRICB* $3. 10, COO Shares Reserved as Working Capital. OFFICE, 314 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Hb. 1* A veil on Oil Greek, now pumping ten barrels per day, and increasing. No. 2. A veil on Oil Greek, now oyer SOO foot deep, with large show of oil, Bear this is the Corn Planter well, which is now pumping &50 barrels of oil per day. 80. 3. A well en Oil Creek, 620 feet deep, now ready for tubing, with splendid show of oU; every prospect of producing largely. No.'4. One-fifth interest in a tract of five hundred acres on the Allegheny river; six wells, now pumping fp hanels of oil per day; three more wells now going down, with near a mile of river front; all goed boring territory. No. 6 A half acre at Tldeoute, near the Bconomite wells, which are now pumping sixty barrels per day. No. 6. Six acres In foe, in Walnut Bend* on the Alle gheny river. Immediately surrounding this property are fine producing wells. This tract will he developed rapidly. SUBSCRIPTIONS are new being received, and a large portion of the stock already taken. „ Theprospectus and all information can be obtained at the office of the Com pany, now at No. 314 MARKET Street. delB-12t *S5f“ THE MORGAN OIX, COMPANY. mB& CAPITAL STOCK $300,000. 60,000 SHARES, PAR VALUE $5 PER SHARK - SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PEE SHARI. WORKING CAPITAL $24,000. FBESIDBNT. HORACE J. SMITH. VICE FSBSIDBNT, R. STEWART, M. D. -TREASURER, HENRY H. WILSON. PEERS. . B. T. JANNEY. SUPERINTENDENT, JASPER COPE WAY. Horace J. Smith, - william L. Maddoclc, S. Stewart, M. D., i Mordecai D„ Erans, Ja*. Wilson, S. M. Janney, , Samuel Baugh, • I A. Marshall, ■ Jason L. Fanuiinore. OPTICS, 33 and 3* WASHINGTON BUILDINGS, »7* B, THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA The properly of the MORGAN OIL COMPANY con sists of 446 acres in fee, all of which la dear of any in cumbrance ; SOS acres are tituate In Morgan and Homer township/, Morgan county, Ohio, and 140 acres on a tributary of the Clarion river, in Jefferson county, Pa. Prospectus and Maps at the Office of the Company, which will be opened on MONDAY, the 19th Inst., for .subscriptions to the stock. *el7-6t* |pgjF° NEW YORK AMD MVEEPOOL PETROLEUM COMPANY. CAPITAL STOCK, 31,000,000, 100,000 SHARES AT *lO EACH. ' Subscription Price #6 per Bbaro. LANDS YIELDING- LARGELY. OFFICERS: HON. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, President. WH, T. PHIPPS, Ylco president .ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary. Boohs are open for snbscrlpticn atthe offlee'o? the Com pany, No. *4 Empire Building, 71 BROADWAY, N. Y. The lands of the Company are situated In the heart oi the Oil Redon, and Include portions of those well known localities, “ the HcElheny.Farm, the two Me- Olintock Farms,"’ ’ and other proved and valuabfs work ing territories, Including over Two Thousand acres pi •the beet Oil Territories along Oil Creek and in Went Virginia, now nidor process ofsnocessfnl development, and oil 1« already Tegulariy and largely produced from several wells upon them. ocSO-44tW3m Addreae the Company. **P. O. BoxEiSB. ” New York. FANCY FUKS. 1864. vuna. 1864. A. S. & F. K. WOMATH, COEBSORS 70 THJJ LATE 080. 7. WOKRATH.I Ho. 415 Arch Street, rats sow opss A PULI, AJSBORTKBBT 07 LADIES 1 FANCY FIJBS, _ 7o wild tb«r Inyite the attention of buyer*. oe2o-Sm ' 'U AND SOME HOLIDAY FKESENTS. SIBERIAN SQUIBB EL MUFFS, ?8. MINK SABLE MUFFS, $l3. HUDSON’S BAY SABLE MUFFS, $3O. Also, a general assortment of LADIES’ FTJBS, IN . fitoh, btone-toakten, royal ermine, AND CHINCHILLA. A. K. & F. K. WOMRATH, delo-12t 415 AECH Street, Philadelphia. RADIES’ FANCY FUES. JOHN FAREIRA, No, 718 ARCH Street, abate SeTsntl Street. At Ms .Old established. store. IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS LADIES AND CHILDREN, H&ttal now in store a JOT lartbendtaraUMTOa* Best of all the different kinds and qnalitio. of 7AITGY JuBB TOR LADIBS’ AND CHILDREN’S WEAK. I solicit a call from those In want. Remember the name and number. JOHN FAREIRA, 718 ARCH Street, above Bereath. I have no partner or eonnectlon with any other item la this city. ow-imu RABIES’ FANCY FURS. JOHN A. STAMBAOH, IMPORTS* AJTD MANUFACTURER OF LADIES’ FANCY FUBS, NO. «W ARCH STBEET, BELOW NINTH. Jaat oyened. a large and handsome etoek ot LADIES’ ADD CHHDBM’S lASTCI FVBI Ofevery deadly tion, and in the neweit and mort a*. yroTed etylee, at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. oel-tatheSm ■ TO SPORTSMEN.—THE LAST -a. chance 1. now offered to make a handsome Chrlit mas present of a „„„ from a lot to be eold at BIRCH & SON 8 Auction, at 12o’clock, on FRIDAY, the 23d Inst., and no mistake. df23 2.* . - • TTOLIDAYS;—DON’T PUT IT OFF H too late going to REIMER’S to bare your Cartes de Visits taken Go early ? always crowded during toe Holidays. SECOND Street, above Graon. 11 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.—GIT -V/ Photograph* of life size, colored in'Ml; splendid Portraits. B.P7KEIMEB*B Gallery. 634 b ARCHStreet.• G o early, and avoid the crowd; days short, U* THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1864.* NEW PUBLICATIOSS. JJON’T FORGET THE CIIILDRE.SL AtlncUvenaw 'uvenik*. jest ::.,ned LITTLE BUDT, AND OTHER TALES. By Hans Christian Akdbrses, X YOl,, I6moe Illus trated, Cloth, 90 cents. lira MCD-KING’S DAUGHTER, AND OTHB ft TALKB. \ Bv Hake Christian axdeksex. 1v01.,18m0. Illna trated. Clotit» 90 cents. THE DANISH STORY-BOOK. By Hans Christy an Anpebsen. 1 thick voltune* 16mo. Hlnetrated. Cloth, $L 26. \ THE JLIGEL UNAWARES, AND OTHER STORIES. By Mart Howitt. 1 vol., 12mo. IHustiated. Cloth, $1.26. ‘ ’ PETER DRAKE’S DREAM, AND OTHER STORIES. By Mart Howitt. 1 vol.. 12mo. Illnstratod. Cloth, *1.26. THE YOUNG FORESTERS, AND OTHER TALES. By W. H.‘ G. Kinoston, anther of "Peter the Wha ler.’’ 1v01.,12m0. Illustrated. Cloth, $1.26, CLEVER JAOK, • and Other storikb. " By Anne Bowman, author of " The Kangaroo Hunt ers. ’ ’ 1 vol., 12mo. Illustrated. Cloth, *1.25. CAMP-intES or THE REYOLUTIOJf; OR, THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE. Hlnetrated by Thrilling Events and Stories. By Henry C. Watson. One handsome vol., Bvo, With a profusion of engravings. Cloth extra, $2.60. THE CHILDREN’S BIBLE PICTURE-BOOK. Illustrated with 60 engravings. One thick vol., 16mo, Cloth, *1.60. THE SAMF, COLORED ILLUSTRATIONS, $1.75. For sale by all Booksellers. JAMES, MILLER, Publisher, 538 BROADWAY. N. Y. H E ATLANTIC MONTHLY FOR JANUARY, 1865, IS NOW READY. The January Number .begins the. Fiftbentk. Vo lumb. it ccutains contributions from the following writers:’ W. C. BRYANT, H. W. LONGFELLOW, J. H. LOWELL, NATHAN’L HAWTHORNE, 0. W. HOLMES, Mbs. H. B. STOWE, J. G. WHITTIER. T. W. HIGGINSON, BAYARD TAYLOR, D. A, WASSON, GAIL HAMILTON, FITZ HUGH LUDLOW, He. and Mbs. S. C; HALL, AND others. UST OF CONTENTS: ANOTHER SCENE FROM THE DOLIYEB ROMANCE THE WIND OVER THE CHIMNEY. BETWEEN EUROPE AND ASIA. I MY AUTUMN WALK. FIVE-SISTERS COURT AT CHRISTMAS TIDE. ICE AND ESQUIMAUS. 11. EALLUNDBORG CHURCH. GEORGE CEUIKSHANK IN MEXICO. LEAVES FROM AN OFFICER’S JOURNAL. 11l THE AMERICAN METROPOLIS. NEEDLE AND GARDEN. ' I. MEMORIES OF AUTHORS: MOORE. ON BOARD THE SEVENTY-SIX. THE CHIMNEY-CORNER. I. GOD SAVE THE FLAG. ANNO DOMINI. REVIEWS AND LITERARY NOTICES, Terms or the Atlantic, Single Subscriptions—Fonr Dollars per year. ClurEates.—Two Copies for SoTen Dollars: Five Copies for Sixteen Dollars; Ten Copies for Thirty Dol lars, and each additional copy Three Dollars. For every Club of Twenty Subscribers an extra copy will be furnished oratiq, or Twenty-one Copies for Sixty Dollars. Postage.—The Postage on the-Atlantic is 24 cents per year, and must in all cases he paid at the-office wheie it Is received. CLUBBING WITH "OUR YOUNG FOLKS.’’-The • ‘Atlantic” and "Our Young Folks” will be fur nished to one addrt ss. for Five Dollars per year. TICKNOE jv SIMPSON’S SONS, NoS?o3!d AND 024 PINE STREET, jf.l L L O PEN . FROM NEW YORK AUCTIONS, . * & Several Lots of EMBKOLDEBED CURTAIS MUSLINS. -- Af - - ' ■ " ‘ - 60$alrs Very Rich LACE CURTAINS. Lace curtains from $l4 to seo per pair. At. These Goods yloffsrei much lower than the Original Cost of Importation. The above goods will prove useful and appropriate FOR PRESENTS. sons, ; deSB-St 03a and. 024: PINE' Street. CLOTH TABLE, PIANO, : . - AND, . ‘COVERS, , aagprtifbent to he found In the city, . FOR SALE BT SHEPPARD, TAN HARLINGEN, & ABRISON, dry goods store, . deao.tnthsßt » -No. 1008 CHESTNUT Street. "\YED lUM-PRICE XU- DRESS GOODS FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS: - Mouseeilue e. eeeeeeeee,M4S - EttXOUy Flaid**e«eee« .... .....50 DO. dO* ............60 Do. do* m** >««.» ►«-*. ...... ~70 Closimg out Dree* Goods at - REDUCED PRICES. & BROTHER, - 450, 45% auct4s4 Koxth SECOND Street, de22-3t above Willow*. yiKB GOODS. Wc have yecentl/'ailded .to our large and extensive Stock a fine collection ofnewest styles of JEWELRY, * BEIONZBS, ''■ 'v‘. mAM^NTBS, SILVERWARE, . CLOCKS, and FANCY GOODS, All of recent manufacture and importation* appropriate for the Holidays. **. •■Jfcj, JACOB LABOMUS, 618 MARKET STREET, I QUIS MIYIR’B NSW MUSIC -LI STORE, 1333 CHESTNUT Street, first doorhelow U. B. nffiafc, Depot for American'and Foreign Music. Has justpuplished the followlng very, desirable novelties, Mirffilie' Quadrille«V.'i**.-»..V......40 cents. MlreHle Galopev— ..30 cents. Both from Gounod’s New Opera MlreiUe, and ar- Tangad by F. Losse. TxebUli Mazurka. •••». ...........40 cents. ' A xjfiost charming piece, very brilliant, yet easy to play4>-., - 1 Saw the Moon Rise C1ear.......... cents. A Finland Love Song: words by Moore. This is a perfect gem, and-will be warmly welcomed by all lovers of good music. Kissing in Fur, by G. HarriSs*—...Bo cents. This is a very popular style of melody, and will soon be one of the most favorite eougsexieting. Mi. LOUIS MET 358 has a very, choice stock of Music* and special care willhe taken by him to accommodate Teachers and artiste,* whose peculiar wants hi* know ledge of Musi cal Literature-vml, he trusts, enable him tosupply- ■•••• Oi ders will mebt withprompt attention. On hand an excellent atockof Musical presents forthe Holidays, de!7-7t THE HOMDATS. 'J'E E PRESBYTERIAN BOOKSTORE OFFER’FOB SALE A LARGE AND. VARIED ASSORTMENT OP BOOHS, , 'SUITABLE FOE FEES ENTS,' Including all tbe best Works of the different publishers. A PULL AMD HSAVT STOOX OP JUVENILE BOOKS and TOY BOOKS. BIBLES and TESTAMENTS, with and without tbs Psalms in Metre. HYMN BOOKS, psalm BOOKS, and PRATES 8008 S, In plain and handsome bindings, CHILDREN'S GAMES and REWARD CARDS. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. I’HOTOGRPHS, of various sizes, plain and colored. PICTURE FRAMES, &c.» &c. - To he had at . 1884 CHESTNUT 'STREET. deMr3t ' OPPOSITE THE MINT. •pfOLIDAY PRESENTS. .FAMILY BIBI.ES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST BIBLES. IJiDles and Prayer-Books, Photograph Albums. ASHMEAD & EVANS, (HAZARD’S OLD STAND,;)' 5 ’ No. 724 CHESTNUT STREET, delS tothttt -' FOR PRESENT®. BAYtiEY & CO., No. 819 CHESTNUT Street. BEAT3TIFTJI, HOLIDAY PRESENTS, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, SETS OF FINE GOLD JEWELRY, DIAMOND RINGS, SILVER AND SILVER _ PLATED WARE, All ot which, will he soli at the lowest price!, and transited to he as represented. t 618 MARKET STREET, degfclOt Comer DECATUR, ffOLIDAY PRESENTS. CHARLES EpikCMIGS-, No. 812 CHESTNUT STREET, Begs leave to inform hls esteemed customers that his present stock of FANCY GOODS AND TOYS Bnrpaasos that of any farmer Importation. Having se lected with care every article himself, he can only eay there ie no elmilar establishment ia the eonntry that can compare with his. As to prices, getting Us goods front the first manufacturers and artists in Kttrepe, those dealers who buy from the Importers here to sell again can certainly not compete with him. Of the following goods he keeps so large a yarlety, and in. each entirely new styles, as no other store in this city can offer: LADIES’ WORK BOXES. ’ v JEWELRY. ODOR, AND GLOVE BOXES. NECESSARIES FOR LADIBS AND GENTLEMEN. WRITING DESKS, DRESSING CASES, • FANS. PARIS GILT AND BRONZE GOODS. FABIAN WARE, BOHBMI4JJ GBASS. VASES, OF FINEST ANTIQUE AND MODERN. CUTLERY, FINEST’ ENGLISH WALKING CANES. OBICKET AND ARCHERY IMPLEMENTS. FANCY LEATHER GOODS. LADIES' BAGS —OVER TWENTY DIFFERENT KINDS. 1 CABAS, POCKET BOOKS, CIGAR CASES. THESES AND POBTMOHNAIES. GAMES OF ALL KINDS CHESS, DOMINOES, LOTTOES. CRIBBAGB COUNTERS, CHESS. AND BACKGAM MON BOARDS. BAGATELLE AND TIVOLI. IN TOYS.-Thie Department i« complete in every va riety known. with many novel things never before im ported. Dolls, the very largo variety of every kind known, kept in this Btofe,Barpasse6 in beauty and taste* ful dressing anything known hero and in Europe. Thin is no Idle boast. Ladies Bhonld call and see them. d«7-tdfB4.if - xxolida-y gifts.—a variety of heaniiful and Imprcvtd. styles of Photograph Al hnmslor skle atß. F. REINER'S Gallery, 6i84 ARCH Street, Qo early, and avoid the crowtl It* J' M. lIAFLEIGH, -TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6tb, A Saw Department, running through the centra of Us Store, 60 ftet in length, to be known as Whloh will be devoted exefueivßlr to the'exhibltlon BEDTOBD TO OHE-HAIiF TEE FBIOE SOLD AT THE BEGIfIhiIHG OF THE SEASOH. •J.' M. H. baa made arrangements to furnish to hie .natomers from FRENCH AND ENGLISH PURCHASED AT A GBEAT SACRIFICE AHD FBOM To be Bold through this channel without reserve driving THE HOLIDAY SEASON. deS-6-Athstutf OWEN EVANS & CO.. Ho. 45 Worth EIGHTH Street „ „ . .GOODS AT KEDOCBD KATES. USKFBI, HOtIBAT PKESEHTS. Honey being scarce (judging from ourselves), we In tend Bellies off onr steok at reduced prices, to enable all to make a useful present daring the holidays, if they , wish. 60 pieces rich Plaids, doable width, 76 cents, worth $l. 100 pieces elegant Plaids, doable width,sl to $1.50; very low, 37 pieces Lapin’s Herinoes, $1.25, $1.50, $1.65. A bar gain. . UOpieees Empress Cloths and Poplins, doable width, .$1.25 and $1 50. u 2opieces Crape Poplins, doable width, $1.50. Beaa ultu. . EM pieces black Alpacas, 37%* 50* 75 cents, and $l. JBtlk Plaid Poplins, handsome designs, 58 cents, worth 75cent8. „ 1,000 pieces Dress Goods, 50, 56, 62, and 75 cents. Great loss. . ... All onr Dress Goods stock can he benight cheap. BALMORALS. . SHIRTING LINENS, j.SCO Wool Balmorals, $2 62% to $4,50-*heapT 650 white and. black Balmorals, $2 75 to ss—low. I,C§O Gilbert’s celebrated Balmorals, $4, 60. A hand some present. 100 pieces Shirting Linens, 62% and 75 cents to $l. No rise. _ ’ SHIRTING AND CLOAKING CLOTHS, CLOTHS AND CaSSIMBRES. Shirting Cloths, $l, $1.60, $2, double and single width —■very low. Men’s and Boys’ Casslmeres and Satinets, sl, $1.50, $l l5 to s2—bargains. . Heavy double-width Cloaking Cloths, $1.25,. $L 75, $2 to $3, for Children’s Cloaks and SSating Suits. Beavers, double width, $2.75, for. Boys* All-wool Frosted Beavers, $3.50, double width. MUSLINS. FLANNELS, CALICOES. All-wool Flannels, 50 cents, that can't be beat. Shaker and Domeb Flannels, 45, 50 to 75 cents, and $l. wash without shrinking. Calicoes, 22, 28,37% cents—less than cost prices. Merrimack and Purples, all very cheap. Muslins at our low prices—no rise. BROCHE SHAWLS, BLANKET SHAWLS. . Blanket Shawls, $6 50 to sls—great reduction. . Open Centre Broche Shawls, at low prices. „. Gents’ all.wool Shawls, very cheap. All kinds of Goods for valuable presents, w* „ OWEN EVANS At CO., - ' Cheap Mammoth Dry Goods House* No, 45 North EIGHTH Street. F. S —Selling off cheap, Ladies* and Children’s Hem-stitched Handkerchiefs, 28, 31, 37, 50 to 75 cents. Ladies* and Children's Handkerchiefs, 10, 12%, 15 to 50 cents, warranted all linen. Beautiful Scarfs, cheap Per fumery, Ac. CASSELBERRY, de2l-2t No: 45 North EIGHTH Street. BELOW BldfaH. piJKWEN STODDART & BROTHER V/ Present a large and attractive stock of Desirable Goods to buyers for the selection of HOLIDAY GIFTS, - All of which have been purchased at the late auction sales, and will be sold at - REDUCED PRICES, To effect rapid sales. < Saxony Dress Goods at 37%. 50,60, and 70, 'Double width striped Poplins, 90. Doabie-wtdthplain Poplins, bO. All wool Poplins, 90, * Silk and wool Poplins. Empress Cloths. And a foil line of choice colons FRENCH MERINOES, Prices ringing from $1.25 to $2. Rich Plaid Poplins. Rich Plaid Mens 08& Rich Plaid Cashmeres, 87% costs. , BROCHE LONG SHAWLS, ■' of Viennese and Paxiß fabrics, In choice designs and colorings. BLANKET SHaWLS, Of new And desirable styles, at Reduced Prices. Balmoral Skirts. Ac., &c. _ _ CUR WEN 6TODD ART * BROTHER, Nos. 450, 459, and 454 North SECOND Street, dea-at AboyeWillow. X>LAOK LYONS VELVET, o . FOR CLOAKS, Proin suction, at REDUCED FRIGES. 28-inch Lyons Velvet, $l6, , * S - inch Lyons Velvet, $l9. . CUB WEN StODDART Sc BBOTHER, Nob. 460, 46a, and *54 North SECOND Street, deZMt Above WiUpv VEILS, HANDKERCHIEFS, *o. In every variety and at SEDUCED PEICES, Suitable for CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY PRESENTS. jpw SKIRT FOB 1864, A NEW AND GEKAT INTENTION IN HOOP SKIRTS. THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OB DOUBLE) STEEL spring. J. I. &J. O. WEST, No. «7 CHAMBERS STBBET, NEW YOBX, Are the owners of the patent and exclusive mannf&e tnrere of this, PATENTED DUPLEX ELLIPTIC STEEL SPRING * SKIRTS. ' This Invention connate of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most el&#- tie, flexible, and durable spring ever u«ed, enabling the, wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity and flexi bility, to place and fold the'shirt when in use as easily and with the a&me convenience .as a silk or muslin dress. It entirely obviates and silences tbe only objec tion to hoop skirt*, viz: the annoyance to'the wearer as well as the public, especial! y in crowded assemblies, carriages, railroad cars, chnrch pews, or in any crowded place, from thedifflculty of contracting them to occupy* lug a small space. This entirely removes the difficulty, while giving the skirt the usual full and symmetrical form• and is the lightest and most stylish and graceful appearance for the street, opera, promenade, or house drops. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirt for a single day, will never afterward willingly dispense with the use of them. They are the best quality in ever; part, and by far the lightest, most durable, comfortable; and economical skirt made. Mer chants will be supplied as above, and ladies in most first-class retail stores in this city and throughout the different States. 4@“ Inquire for the DOUBLE ELLIPTIC SPRING SHIRT. "DRADLET *S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT, Very flexible, folded easily when In use to occupy a small space, miking the most agreeable skirt worn. ]?or sale by J. M. HAFLBIGH, 003 CHESTNUT Street. -RRAULEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIBT—The greatest improvement we have ever Keen in LADIES’ SKIRTS, and an article of SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. . ' CUBWSN STODDART & BRO., 450, 453, and 454 N. SECOND St, ab. Willow. aolS-im ' • • ••' • COQ HOOP BS2BTS. UXO. “OUS OWH MAKS.” The most complete assortment and hast quality and styles in the market, wholesale and retail, at manu factory* : Ko. 688 ABOH Street* Together with the “KBW FLEXIBLE SKIST.” just anti the most pliable Hoop Skirt in the market, equal to the ‘ 4 Duplex Eliptic, ”< and atmuch lower prices. Also, constantly in receipt of famines of low-priced Eastern- made Skirts, kid padded and xivited—ls springs* 86 cents; 20 springs* $1: 25 springs, $1.15; 80 springs, $1.25: and 40springs, SL6G* no2o-lm* WH. T. HOPKIITB. SUPER 108 QUALITY BROCHA BO ARTS, In great variety of sizes. Plaid Silk Scarfs. - Plain Silk Scarfs. Plaid Poplin Scarfs. Plaid Cashmere Scarfs. _ Embroidered, hem-stitch and plain Cambric Hand kerchiefs. Lace Collars, Linen Collars, Cambric Collars, and other Lace *oo . EDWIN HALL * CO., No. 26 S. “SECOND Street. PHEAF AND USEFUL GOODS FOB V CHEI&TMAS PKESENTS for the Helps about tbe house. Merrimack Printer4oc, New Styles de Lames, 41c. American Prints, 87JSc. Bright Ha*d Cashmeres. Dress Goods, at reduced prices. . _ EDWIN HALL & CO., No., 36 8. SECOND Street CUPEHIOR QUALITY CLOAK VEL k? VETS, pore Bilk, Lyons manufacture, 2>, S 2, and S 6 inches rride. Best quality Frosted Bearer Cloths, Beaver Cloths of various kinds. Cloaks, ready made Cloaks made to order, EDWIN HALL * co.; delt-frinthr Ho gfl 8 BBCOND Street, Notice.— five promissory NOTES, payable to the.order of JOHN GOODSB, at Cedar Bapias, lowa, as follows—to wit: $l,OOO, first day of January, 1566. $l,OOO, do do 1837. 6,000, do do 1868. $l,OOO, do ' do 1889. SL4oK do do 1870. Dated 9th day of December, 1864, and all signed by Thomas A. Scott. The foregoing notes were stolenfrom the desk of the undersigned, os the 19th day of Decern* ber, 1864 The public are cautioned against receiving or negotiating either or all of said notes THOMAS A. SCOTT, de2o-6t No. 338-South THIRD Street. Lost or miblaid-a certifi- CATE. No. 90, for One Hundred Shares of the *‘lr win.Petroleum Oil Company. l *. Application has been made to the Company for a pew Certificate. , . Any person haring *»md|«No.W) ■ deSO-tf Nob 30 and 3a Son!h SEVENTH Street. . TOBHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, */ COHSELLOK AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR Of CLAIMS Office, 361 E Street, near Eourteenfch St., Watbinaton,D. <3, : iW-em THE HOLIDAYS. 999 efIIBISVI RIBEEI, WILL OPEN THE CHEAP DEPzIRTMENT, mi Bala of DRESS FABRICS, 300,000 10 350,000 yards at DRESS HOODS, # AUCTION SALES; ketail obi goods. 1034 CHESTNUT STREET. I, M, lEID LBS si 9At&T Kscsnrore NOVELTIES LACES, WHITE! GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, 1034 CHESTNUT STBBBT. J. W. BRADLEY’S losf iiß w&imn* A YOUNG MAN (SINGLE), WHO has bad four yearn’ experience in the drygoods and about one year in tbe grocery business as sales* man, and who can command some Pennsylvania trade. Would like a SITUATION in either of the above. Good references given. Address «L« M. P; t »..VPrW ogee. de22-2t* TO THE SILK AND DRY GOODS ~T., JOBBIBGTE ADR—An experiencedSALESK4.N,' Sir 1 o- iarge city and country acquaintance, desires a Situation. Has been in a large Silk House a number of -years. ; at this office. It* T7MPLOYMEST fiotisi7assLAS£ , eat and moßt reliable, for city and ertantrr. Has always a good selection of capable persons, wife good references Americans, Irish, English, French, Ber man, Scoich.Welflh. and newly-landed emigrants, as Gardeners, Farm Hands, Coachmen, Watchmen, &c. .Cooks, Chambermaids, - Seamstresses, Laundresses, Waitresses, and general Housework Servants Algo. Colored Servants. Nos, 803 and 804; LOC OST Street! above Eighth. de!9-lm TO THE -WHOLESALE DRY GOODS THADB.—A yonngman who has had several years’ experience in one of the largest Wholesale Houses, wishes a situation as SALESM AIT, Address “Harry,” Press office. de2o-2t* TO CAPITALISTS.—TWO GENTLE “■ MEH, of about twenty year’s experience in the Dry (joods business on Market street, and who can com mand a large and'first* class trade, desire to secure a person with capital {say $2G,000) to join them in busl ??f& e nf} ?•* B Pec*iU. ox general partner. Address atJZii c * tbjs office. AU communications will be strictly confidential • de2l*2t* T^rOm. COMPANIES.—THE UNDER . bavin* bad experience In organizing and believes that parties toMWMimone^ l tocoßsnft\toi, adTantaseoM ' *° th ** CHAB, HENRY BROCK, No. 12 Mercantile Library, fie22-6t* . S<, - IiBSS -^&. TO GROCERS AND PROVISION A DBA LEES—WANTED—A SITUATION, by a young man 19 years of age, who is not afraid of work, and tho roughly posted in the above. Beatofrefereneeinthifecifcy and New York. Address **Ba.nies,** this office. de22gt* WANTED— A SITUATION AS SALESMAN in a wholesale Dry Goods House, by a Gentleman from the country, who haw thirteen years’ experience in the dry goods business. Would be will ing to sell on commission. , « Address Press office. deK 2t* WANTED—A SITUATION, BY A * » Young MAN of experience, in a Dry Goode Com mission or Jobbing House, as SALESMAN, or in some position where a thorough acquaintance with the art of English composition wonld be desirable. Address ‘*H. U. C.," Box 2672, P. 0. It* WANTED AT ONCE—FOUR GOOD V H»“8 Forgers i four good Wrot Bit Forgers. Cal) at once at Messrs. BAEDEB, BILAHEY, «t ADAMSON’S, de2l-2t* Ha. 14, South FQHSTH Street. WANTED—A SITUATION BY A V of expeiitnes as SALESMAN, in awhole snle boot and shoe house. Can infiuonce a good trade. Address “H. E, M de2l-2t* ..Media P. 0., Delaware co., Pa. WANTED—BY A MARKET-BTREET SALESMEN GOOl>S Jobbill2 House, TWO EFFICIENT Addrera Box IPOS, Post Office. deM-BC WANTED—AN ACTIVE, INDUS • ' TEIODS Young MAN, who has had experience among Jacquard power looms. One who is acquainted With the Jacquard- and the tying np of figured goods, Without overmuch pretensions, wiillibely find a situa .tion that will satisfy him, bv applying to the de2P fit FBANKFOBD DAMaBK FaCTOEY. WANTED—IN A WHOLESALE SILK ’ . House, two experienced SALESMEN, to whom liberal salaries will be paid. Address “Merchant.” at office this paper, de2o-3s WANTED TO PURCHASE A „•* Well-established Gentlemen’s FURNISHING BTOBI, in a good location. Address, stating amount of capital required, location. &c., “Y. 0..” at the ofiioe of this paper. de2o-3t* WA NT E D—AN EXPERIENCED Salesman in ,the Hosiery and Notion business. One wbo is acquainted witb the Illinois and lowa trade. Address Box 47 Philadelphia F, 0. del7-6t* WANTED —AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN in the Hosiery and Notion business; ore who can influence a New Jersey trade Address Box 47, Philadelphia P, 0, de!7 6t* WATOB, AGENTS.—AGENTS IN * * every County, at $7O a month, expenses paid, to IntroduceJw teen neto and useful articles, tbe best sell ing ever- offered. For particulars, address OTIS T. GABBY, BIPLETOBP, MAINS. osSC-d&W&a WAITED.-RETURNED AND DIB * t ABLBD Officers and Soldiers in want of Froflfeaole Employment peculiarly adapted to their condition should address JONES, BROTHERS, & CO.•.Phila- del4-lm* A WANTED TO RENT—A HOUSE MSA with seven or eight rooms. Address ■ ‘ John Wil son,” Press office, stating location, terms, Ac. do2Q.3t* mo o®n $5,000, SB,OOOTO IN fIUjUUU, YEST ON MORTGAGE. Apply 10 ALFRED FITLER, Conveyancer, de!7-gt* No. 51 North SIXTH Street. fIOR A MONTH-WANTED— wIgtI AGENTS everywhere to introduce the new SHAW & CLARK SIXTEEN DOLLAB FAMILY SEW ING MAGHINB, the only low price Machine in the country Which is Ueenseabr Grover & Baker, Wheeler it Wilson, Howe, Singer & Co., and Bachelder. Salary and expenses, or large commissions allowed Ail other Machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are i7kfringements, and tbe seller and user liable. Illus trated circulars seht/ree. Address SfTAW & CLARE, noJS-dAw3m BIDDSFOBD, Maine F3R SALE—THE STOCK AND Fixl TUBES of a COAL AND LUMBER YARD, situated on the Schuylkill river, above themouthof Mill creek., Aleo, a neat little Cottage Home. ■' For parti cc lara apply to J. ROZELL, de23-thstu3.* . At the Yard; TfOR RENT—PBOM FEBRUARY Ist next, a very desirable STAND on MARKET St., between Fourth and Fifth. Streets. Apply at _ . 330 WALNUT Street, dfc22-theta2i* Office No. 2, aecoud story. ■POR SALE CHEAP—B,OOO BURLAP . BAGS, in large or small quantities, 43 S. THIBD Street, up stairs. _ ■- de2l-3t* T?OR SALE—THE FOLLOWING MA CHMEET, et J. CLESDESHIOT’S Fiankford Bsiossk Factory: Fonj Power- looms, 70 laches wide, single box, made by Jenbs; eight Looms, 63 ioehes, yride do. THE ABOVE MAKING DOUBLE- WIDTH FLANNELS. Six double-box Looms, 40 inches wide, 6 treadles, 4 shuttles. _ , One of Damforth’s Doubling and Twisting Machine?, and one of Jenks & Son’s Spooling Frames. de2o-6tif F)B SALE CHEAP —a DANIELS PLACING MACHINE* 16 feet long; also, a.large SAW TABLE, complete for squaring posts, All in good running order. Apply to a WILT, Bash, Door, and Shutter Manufacturer, de2Q*St* No. 4»5 North FRONT Sweet. s as * a i a i f)TL TERRITORY.—FOR SALE—A tract of Oil Territory, of 140 acres, on Oil Creek. The Creek pssset through, tee property, leaving a frontage on pach side of ab«nt half a mile in length. The property will he sold upon very favorable terms if applied for immediately. For farther information apply to COCRRaN & BUSSbLL, ds22-3t ga North FRONT Street. rjFFICE DESK ROOM TO RENT, IN V' a central and very desirable location. At-pvfco KEITH & BROADBENT, deS2-3t* 4c 3g CttIsBTNOT Street, nprttfk OTEAM ENGINE AND BOILEHS FOB SALE'—I Steam Engine, 15-horse power. 3 Flue Boilers, 15 horse tower. Apply to MORGAN OER & CO., deSl-St No 1319 CALLOWHIGL Street. "VALUABLE OIL LANDJ3 IN WEST VIRGINIA POE SALE One tract of 2SO acres, having a fronting of two miles on the Kanawha river,immediately opposite Elizabeth, Wirt connty,C.^B , known as the HaNNAMaN, or BOUND BOTTOM FARM, and on which Oil was first discovered in 1790 (see map), and is well known for its Oil indications • Another tract on the opposite side of the river from the above, containing 240 acres, with over a mile of river front,or boring aur'ace,and on which is the well-known gas well (see map), which was commenced and dug to the depth of some 150 feet, when oil fell is price to one dollar per barrel, and the work was suspended. The oil indication® of these properties are well known in the neighborhood. Also, two tracts on Tucker’s Creek, containing abont 266 acres. ThS&e lands will be sold together, or sepa rate, to suit purchasers. To parties wi» king to form a reliable company for de velopment, tnese lands cannot be surpassed. Exami nation will substantiate this statement. For terms, and further particulars, address, fora few dByS ’ WM. H. PARMENTEE, Hl7 Norti EIGHTH Street; or, care of del6-6l* D. S. KETLBB, 38 S..FOURTH Bt., Philo. WESTEBN VIRGINIA OIL LAND.— D 297 Acres on MI DDLS ISLAND CREEK, Tyler County, all good-boring territory, with abundant evi dences of surface oil. Prof. 'Williams, of Allegheny College, certifies, after a personal examination, to the great value as. Oil' Territory of this locality. Price, $46.CQ9. Apply to J. EVANS, 4e22-St* No. 4r35 WALNUT Street, second floor. Mfob sale-the gb«atest BARGAIN or THB AGRr-The larxe four and fire story BUILDING, N. W. corner THIRD Street and HARMON'S Court (opposite the Exchange) Lot 22 feet front by 120 feet deep on Ha-mony court. Price $29,000; cort $30,000, will rent for $5,000, Only $6,001 cash ra gde2l. BAZAAR, NINTH AND SAN *; BOM AUCTION BALE OF HOBBEB, CABOTAGES, &c„ ~ ... , OBSaTUKD AY MOESIHG NEXT, * w o'clock, comprising about Sotted to harnessand thcusaddlli^' Full detenptiouat eale. children? b6autlla lhlaclt Shetland Ponr, soite.l, fee i»ftlSee o M*htwBraL 4^^ 8 “owaalaioomd-luiat SwiU TOmmeJSf • 4,arl>0 ™>. *«•. wl tHwait* , bridled halters, Ac. , ’■ * Ho postponement on acengnt of weather. Sale of Horses, &c. , on WjBDHBSDAY. w* Carriages and Harness at private sale. ALFRED M. HBRKHBBS, Agctfcnaar. deS2-«lf AMUSEMENTS. OF MPSig LerseeSßiMiniurer ..JOEEIT T. FOE® ’ iro. o *'? 1 * Bond ay> street Theatre, Baltimore; Ford’i 6 ’ Waa^ nston; tt» Alexandria (Va.J Stage Manager .. —.JOBS B. WEIGHT. liAST BIX SIGHTS EDWIN foBBBST THURSDAY EVENING, December ». EDWIN FOBBXST te of^ e&r tbis B ® asQttJ i* Ws grsat cbm** 6r ° SPARTACTTS, SPAJtTACHS, ln THE GLADIATOR, THE GLADIATOR, Supported by gAD. POKTSI as SENONA-. HISS ALICE GRAY as JULIA. JORH HcC 17LLOUGH „ ' ' PHASAEIIJS. Hew Meiflry, Goettunes, aiid AppointaeMta. FBIDAY. Dec. 23, EDWIN FOBKSBTm JACK CAD& MONDAY, Dec. 28. EDWIN FOKEESTa. _ HBT&MOBA, • POSITITELY ONE NIGHT ONLY. A?* SEATS BECPBSD BIX DAYS IK ADVANCE. Doojaoped ball past G: Curtain rises half past". deft'! A MBEICAN ACADEMY OF MUafi; ■ Q - CHJSISTMAS MATINEES, WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, Dec 28 aadSA THE GBAUD FLOKAL SPECTACLE COBO»ATroH° r of THE BOSK. BT 200 young ladies and children. 25 Cents; may now be +fet*ine& Off GOULD'S Mtisic Store, Seventh and Chesthnt itrnnfv Doors open at 1 o'clock; comraenceat 2o’clock. dalS-ft ¥EW CHESTOTJT ST THEATRE.— OTOwSfPSSSr® I®™* 1 ®™* above TWELFTH, GaOYJSR & SlNN...Lessees and THUBSDAY EVENING. December 22. EAST NIGHT BUT TWO nr r>. „„ _. OF THE GBEAT TBIUMFH Of Dion Bonclcault'e Great American drama. ODTOBOON, , OGTOBOON nr «. AOT) EA ? T NIGHT BUT TWO Of the engagement of MBS. SOPHY GIJfBER KUHN. . MBS. SOPHY GIMBEB KUHN, Wno will appear in her beautiful rendition of . THE OCTOROON GIRL. SOB, introducing during tbe drama, fin compliance with tie many leanest, daily made.) tbe beantifal Bonn. . a'a «. “SWBBT MIrSISSIPPI,’- assisted by the entire company in tbe GBAND CHOBUS. OOMR A NT) cTtij' 1 Witbfh? SHS ? I AND BXCMTBMES*. The great wild-rider of the West, LE JEtJITB BOB*, win appear every evening during the week. He 3s HBhUvreceived withimmoiiae applause. Hr. CHABEES BEBB. the worlo renowned some*, eanlt and pirontte equestrian, will also perform dnrin* tuB pT^Sd&t YoTJHG NICOIsO ia a now and darinsr act The BEOJHpSTAI,I,BBK Wifi aecoa gllir h *fc d f r iSfT e STir “ ttB perilous trapeses. i-^sKssss^srsM^s^asgruafe man, and pantomimic power, grace, and beaoty of me enure corps of artistes. ’ Admission—ltat Tier, 50 cents- Second Tier, 25 cental Private Boxes, $3 and $6. * Performance commencing eack evening at 7 40. on WBJOIfBSBAY and SAjMJSDAY AFTB&NOOJTS, commencing at 2iS o'clock Getyoor tickets doxiegthe day. T) EPUBLICAN INVTNCIBLEB* 7*;_ of there-elee- T COLS ’J Io , 8 ,,e lll * ld at 4 he ACA DEMY OF MUSIC, Ja.unary 12.1865. Tickets are now readY f»* ES??Si"ers. and cue be procured at the SA TIOfiAL UNION CLUB, 1103 CHESTNUT Street,or e£ de2Q-3t Bi HUCKEL, Treasurer. ASSEMBLY BUILDING, TENTH a and CHESTNUT Street*. • _ SIGNOR BLITZ, The Great NECROMANCER and VENTRILOQUIST. ■«52&!£?1 3 y21 3 Every Evening at 7}f o’clock, taM aa3 SATT7K DAY Afternoons, at 3, era* MYSTERIES ofc EXTRAORDINARY POWERS OF YKNTBILOQUI&Ik producing aatonishirg effect# of the human voice. th* LEARNED CANARY BIRDS’ Admission Si cents; Children 15 cents: Reserved 50 cents. QEBMANIA OROHESTRA.-*PUBLIG P H SS ,?| i lrP l tf SX&C, SATURDAY, at m o’doek r. M.. at MuSICAL FDbp HAT.y, . Sin vie Ticket* is cents. Six Tickets, $l, to be nad it Gon»d’.. ii& * and Meyer’s Music Stores, and atthe Hull no7-tf (CHRIST REJECTED , ■V This admirable Picture, the greatest production o, Hoa at the ACADEME wT, ARTS. T 0125 CHESTNUT Street, together with the entire collection of the fcantation, Admittance twenty-five cents. mol4<2m* •EXHIBITION OP WORKS OF ART. S™® 11 OPTHB CHRISTIAN QOM? * ACADEMY OP FINE ARTS , Ao of a Private Collection of Works ot ««> 1“ Painticgß. Sculptiire, Water Color,'and other Drawings, Engravings, Ac., is now ooen at the Pens glvania Academy of fine Arts, No. 1035 CHBSTSW Krcet, from 9 A. H. to 10 F.M., for the Benefit of the Christian Commission. Admission 25 eta.; Season tickets SO etc. no&tjanl THB acabbmy of fins ARTS ,r Street, ls OFIS DAILY f for visitors, from 9 A. M. toSP. M. }&£ PEBSOKAL. JF THE PFBSO3SF WITH PANDY hair and whiskers who was seen to pick up a , BOLL OF NOTES In front of the Philadelphia Bank, on the 10th in stant, will please leave it with Receiving Teller of tha Philadelphia* Bank he will be liberally rewarded. Otherwise decisive measures will be taken to obtain it. as the person is known. It* OILLIABD CHALLENGE.—I HSBJS *-* BY CHALLENGE the present Billiard ChamuioiL of ihe State of Pennsylvania, VICTOR ESTRPHB, to play mi a Hatch-Game of Billiards The number of Points to be the same as that of the preceding match— l,2tD points op, caroms, on a Phelan A Colleoder table, according to the rules adopted by the Pennsylvania Billiard Congress, for the eum of sl(Qaeid«, and the Champion Cue. The match to come off some time da ring the month of February. JOHN W. MONTGOMERY. Philadelphia, Dec. 20,1564. it PERSONAL- - LOGH BEFORE YOH leap. Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry, chaanost la the city, 916 RACE Street. d«2l-2t* Jg PA RULING CATAWBA WINE, in. Quarts and Flute. Also,. SWEET AND DRV CATAWBA WXKE AND CATAW. . BA BRANDY, made ftom the Pore Joitse of the Catawba Grape. Foreale at BARTLEY'S Ca'awba Wine Agency, deSO-lSt 53 North FIFTH Street FOR BATAVIA—THE DANISH “"“berk' SALAMANDER, Dtttesson. master, new loading at New York for abode port, will hare quick ac . 01 freight, BOHLEtf &c 0 defl-6t 331 and 833 South FOURTH street. WRITTEN AND VERBAL DR. SCRIPTION6 of Character, Coastituttoii, aadTfc. lent, with AOVIOE .on Bceinesß. Health, E-ltiSS. .