... "oil, COMPANIES. ••■;.• j-sia'j KllsKY WJEM ' S' Otl> COMPANY. SHAKES, AT $3 PEE SHAKE, PRESIDENT. r)1 , ALBERT G. EGBERT, OF VENANGO COUNTY. gjer.ETARY AND TREASURER, WILLIAM M- BARLOW, jfISPWED A BARLOW, PHILADELPHIA, jjj per CERT- PER MONTH ON 9000,000. tiisir the attention of capitalists to this enters jsifpctora have no liositation in expressing 'WtHHhair return fro® it will be more eer- Q pre liberal than from any new company now s, ,heecfflinnnity. The property of the company tue following . .Irtiiis of tie working interest In the cele *!|mkSET WELL, oath* Hyde and Efbert Farm, with tho aore of land on which the wall Is * Hi* wall has been flowing since early In rjjij a t the rataofabout S5O barrels daily, and Is H'hri’iisnt that rate, thus yielding to the company Sk ntn AMD SlX ' ri ' barbels daily, i atpraneatprioes, TYVEHTY THOHSAHD DOL ?',,ioeaih- which will pay to the Stockholders ,j,TH«r three per cbkt. per mouth. There is reran on the land for several jL t lb, two of which will be immediately com ply the company, and in whioh we shall have die initrat as in the Jersey. The oharacier of rP KIr, ns Cii land, is well-known; it is only ns. isy that no well on it has ever failed in get f" nttiie It has already produced the Maple and the Jersey. Ho. 2. ~n tf. «ve sews In fee on the east side of the Alle ! .riser, trpwlt* *he month of Big Sandy. This !bss*b«.f «yrods’ fronton tho river and eon i- a larrr asiornt oi boring snrfaoe. Oil wells j ield :7 iro fomid near this property; among them ibbs, Its Hoover, &c. The company intend to 1 jisorce to develop thie fine property, and feel &<***"• Ko . 3 . j [Btior dfleen years oh the Wm. B. Wilson, farm, Ljtiy Kock Hub, in Lawrence-oonnty, Pa. L j j, 5,7,#ni 8 are also-leasee on Slippery Book , ney were obtained in April, 18M, by Hr. Eg ' i cn.rinue for fifteen years from their date. Jidwe to the lessees all the oil and otherminerals 'igi la the several tracts, with.the right do divide Sl»t> with all other rights and privileges eon p«ith the bnsiness of mining for oil, coal and ,(literals, and reserve a royalty of only one trf raid oil or minerals. ' ; spp«r Bock territory le a new and only par ,:ireloped ell region; bat ike encoess already ob ,liMe and on tba Mahoning rlyer, a yaw miles aether witb ihs large quantities of oil found icotli, east, and west of it, lead us-to hope, that prore a successful ell region. bays alreadyfan excellent engine,tools, 's;’ necessary fixtures on the ground*, wife a well jivira. and shall.proceed to deyeloptha property til as p& sible. **j3nds and leases were all selected for oil pur ntythc President of this Company, whose great in tie oil business, sterling Integrity, and force , s{ ter are too well known to moire comment jßtlpUost tecelved at the office or LED YARD & BARROW, Ho, 430 CIIESTHUT Street. ji limited niuahsr of shares are tor B»lg. V. FARNSWORTH IL COMPANY. capital, 5i,000,000. 1,000 SHARES—HAB VALUE $5.00, fOKKIHG CAPITA*, *40,000 OIPTIOH. PRIOR, $3, inlnalla Oil territory of tills Company Is located iiac.wiia river, Gilmore county, West Virginia, i tones above its confluence with, the Ohio at vsLari? (the terminus of the Baltimore and Ohio ::*!), and lies directly uuon and in a direction mb gioat ‘ Oil Belt’’ of this region (as may be :r a the map), in the immediate vicinity of the Mai “Burning Springs,” now regarded os a ration of the presence of oil, from the fact that uivil gis that rises to the surface and bums upon mi. This property consists of an area of 1,185 (idtiagciiicent oil and mineral lands, of which the ?i:?ows3 an undivided half Interest in fee film* ■sadisg IK miles on the Kanawha river, which. qiU* to the Ohio. Other streams, tribataries-uf ifaaKha, traverse this tract, presenting along their /amer y BuTface Indication of arleh yield of oil. holds the right to put down welts'all over irxreußive boring surface, and oil has algeady been ht»d on this properly, near theriver, at the depth Skat. Hie sinking of two wells to the dep’h of 800 ill Mces-taTF, was provided forin thepnrchaseof tuiD, a’u •.! ■ftbioh is paid for without touching the Ww or nnm d capital of the Company. In aadi taiiis, fie Company owns an important interest hutd tot) ma well located within dKLm*** -*•**”- \;leveJ!} a well, which.ha* flowed CoOObaxrels per t ’d is directjy among the celebrated Bathbone t a map). These ate, it la said, the greatest pro- L, tails la the country. The former owners of n; 1 were f< reed to abandon it on the breaking out xntellion* but the Company has now made ar •iKts to reopen and tube H, when a large yield of reasonably be espeotedfrom this source alone. .i±m to the above described properties, the Com r:fa* in fee simple some 400 acres of mineral lands kjylvaaia. This Company is most fortunate in mn every facility for rapidly developing the oil, :i on ua oitn property both timber and coal in utendance, and in also having the resident Su mim of the works, Mr. T. G. Farnsworth, lt interested as a stockholder. The manage cWs* in the bands of practical men, of indomi tiseigy and, perseverance, the stockholders may ativ expect toon to flna their shares ranking ktW dividend paying stocks on the market; i t&i ont of debt, and having a large working folk? holders of stock in this Company take no w. » called upon for additional means to oarry fojjcuiona of the Company, button the contrary, ¥:i* oil shall be obtained in sufficient quantities, on the capital stock will bo declared. The m portion of the 30,000 shares reserved stock being sold for additionsd working capital, inscription price of two dollars per share. It :?:*dhy applying at the office of the Company, 1 100 CHESTNUT Street, up stairs, room No. 16, 1 1: coanting*house of the President, Jwo. 504 -IT Street. , PRESIDENT: Ho, K 4 Market attest. i SBDMWAT, ffiffSSU street. BIBKOTOBS: ■ F-ISOtr, Si. 604 Marketatreet. . _ ~, . 1). WATT6ON, of the honae of Trattt & i BLOOMIHGDALE, of Bloomingdale, BWne, •SS Market street. _ . _ } SSD J. BEEP, of George W. Boed & Co., 423 itjjrggt ' JOYCE, of A. A, ShmAwayS Co.. 221 Market JH BiSSETT, Jb., Ko. 453 Market street. . T. FAKNBWOKTO, Em- . West Virginia. EDWARD M. PAXSOff, Solicitor. A. D. HAKIiAN, Secretary. * THE MOHG*S OH COMPANY. „„ CAPITAL STOCK *300,000. • JOO SHARIS, PAR TALCS t 5 PER SHARE. sense bipti6n pa ice #» per share. WORKING CAPITAL *34,000. PRBaiDßirr, HORACE J. SMITH, TICK PBBSIDBKTt K. BTISWABT, M. D. TRXASTOSK* « HENKY H. WILSON. CLERK. B. T. JAN HEY. SUPEBTNTBKDBKTf _ JASPER COPE WAY. l Smith, DiaECTO willtom I*. Haddock, M. D.. MoTdecai 3>. Byuls, 8. M. Janney, ..tlßingh, A. Marshall, Intro Jason It. Fenutmore. «!' n 33 „ a ,s SILVER AND SILVER PLATED WARE, All of wMch will lie sold at the lowest prices* and 'wairaatod to 1)6 as reprsßentad. 618 MARKET STREET, de2Mot Corner DKCATUB. JS& FOR BATAYIA—THE DANISH ■aS&Bibart SALAMANDER, Dittesson, master, now loading at New Tort for above pert, will have quick despatch. For freight, agg, B n, BoHLEN & deH-8t 331 and 333 Sonth FOURTH Street. J HOLMES GROVER. ENAMELLED SLATE MANTEL WABEBOOHS, •pa-as* TABLE TOPS, &c., &c., No. 033 Cliestru.it {Street, deS-3m PHILADELPHIA. , FACTORY, TENTH AND SANBOM. Q.REAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. PORTRAITS 15 CENTS EACH, OR SI PER DOZEIf. Engravings 10 cants each, or 75 cents per dozen. Colored Cards SO cents each or $2 par dozen. Xarge or medium Photographs 50 cents each,orslsQ per dozen/ Photographs received as soon as published. McAllister & brother, delS-Ct 738 CHESTNUT Street. fJOLD SPECTACLES, GOLD EYE VA GLASSES, So., in great variety. McAllister & brother, (Established 1798,1 del6-8t 738 CHESTNUT Street. "PLASTIC STEEL-FRAME SPECTA -LU CLES—A large aseortment. MCALLISTER St BROTHER. . aelff-8t 738 CHESTNUT Street HPERA GLASSES IN EVERY VA KIETY of mounting—Pearl, Enamelled, Japanned, &c ,&c McALLISTEE & BROTHER, de!s-0t 7%8 CHESTNUT Street. mathematical instruments, AvA f or schools. MoALLISTERi* BROTHER, de!s-6t 738 CHESTNUT Street. "PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS—A YARIE- A TV of etyles. MCALLISTER A BROTHER, delfi 6t 738 CHESTNUT Street. SUPERIOR PHOTOGRAPHB. —IF O yon ‘would avoid delays and disappointment in get* tins pictures, go at once and early in the day* to B F. RBIMES’S O3& ABOB Street. /CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS SUGGEST V Christmas glfte, and we suggest to ell who" deelre Photographs far the purpose, toiraxry npto REIMER'S, SECOND Street, above Green. Pays are short. It* XTOLIDAYS-BEAUTIFUL STYLES AA ana accurately executed CARTES PE VISITS, Go at once, and avoid the Utah of the Holidays, to B.F, BIIMBR'S popular gallery, 634: ARCH Street. It* TUST PUBLISHED —A NEW AND if interesting Game called “The Game of the Ame rican Behelllon.” Price 35 cents. Sent hy nml on re ceipt of price. W. A. HOFMANN. c s ■ 9 North EIGHTH Street. It* Philadelphia; "PURNITURE.—IF YOU WANT TO J- see a busy place, go to the Union Furniture Depots nf flOtfLD & 00,, at the B. S. corner of NINTH and MARKET and SECOND and BAGS. Their large stock of ralendid Furniture is attracting the attention of the community generally, so that their employes are kept encaired attending to ths demands of buyers. A« MSSmS aroroachee, the caUs upon their attention are'that paxtte.^^wishte g should give them an immediate call. of Fur niture, oheapeet and best. , ffUfry.'R . “ fIATAWBA GRAPES. "-1W BOXES \J and half hoses of those celebrated just the thing for the holidays, received direct from Lake Erie, by * |ON. &rce«L de» 61* BtVSNTH and NOBLE Streets. “DID ON THE BRAIN,” (80NG AND Street. .... THE PRESS;—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1864: 'THE lIOUPAYS. HOLIDAY BOOKS. IK SVIKT TABI&TI OF BlSßOrfi, IUBLISHEIf AND FOR SALK BY J. 33. X.IPPINCOTT dfc CO.* SIS AND 737 MARKET STREET. INCLUDING; THE COURT OF JfAPOLEON, Or, Society under the First Empire, with portraits of its Beauties; wits and Heroines, engraved on Steel. By Frank B. Goodrich. Quarto, IL EARTH’S SILENT VOICES. FLOWERS, Earth's Silent Voices,sketched and paint ed by Miss Sophfna Gordon, with appropriate Pcelieal Selections. Qnarto. m. THE JOSEPHINE GALLERY. Edited by .Alice and Phoebe Carey, with, elegant Steel Portraits of Josephine, Mile. Colombier (Napoleon's First Love), Charlotte Corday, Mme. Roland, Mole. Tallinn, Mme. Jtmot, Pauline Bonaparte. Mile. Lenor mand, *Vc. Qnarto. ... IV. IRVING’S SKETCH BOOK ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED. _The Artist's Edition of Washington Irving's- Sketch Book, punted on paper of the choicest description, and illustrated with 125 EJiraylngs, from original designs hy eminent artists. Quarto. PARABLES OF OUR LORD. Beautifully printed In ornate Saxon type, on tinted paper, andmagnificently Illustrated with Engravings on Steel. Folio. THE LOVES AND HEROINES OF THE POETS. Illustrated with real and ideal portraits of Petrarchis Laura, Tasso's Leonora. Burry's Geraldine. Johnson’s Celia, Snakspoare’s Love, Wailar’s Saoharissa, Pope's Martha Blount. Byion's Maid of Athens, Barns’ High- Jard Maty, Coleridge's .Genevieve, Longfellow's Min nehaha, and Tennyson’s Maud. By Richard Henry fitoddard, Quarto.- v THE WAGONER OF THE ALLEGHENIES'. A Tale of the Days of Seventy-six. By T. Buchanan Read. 12mo , doth, and full Vellum Gift Top. I8mo“ blue and gold. Till. MISS BRIDGES’ POEMS. ' MARBLE ISLE, LEGENDS OF THE BOUND TABLE, and Other Poems, by halite Bridges. ISmo . cloth, gilt top. *1.25. PRESCOTT’S COMPLETE WORKS. NEW CROWN OOTAVO EDITION. INCLUDING HISTORY OF THH CONQUEST OF MEXICO. S volB,» Svo. HISTORY OF THE CONQUEST OF PERU. 2 vote., Bvo® HISTORY OF THE REIGN OF FERDINAND AND ISA- BELLA. 3 vote. Bvo. HISTORY OF THE REIGN OF CHARLES THE SE- COND. 3 vote , Bvo. HISTORY OF THE REIGN OF CHARLES THE FIFTH. 3 vote., Svo. ' PRESCOTT’S MISCELLANIES. I vol., Svo. JBGBF Each work sold separately. THE WHOLE UNIFORM IK ELEGANT BINDINGS, Muslim, half Roxburgh, half calf, half calf antique* half calf gilt, extra, &c. KIRK’S CHARLES THE BOLD. History of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy. By John Foster Kirk. 2 vote;, Byo. , with portraits. Cloth, half vellum, half calf, neat; half calf, antique marble edges; half calf, gilt extr*. Concluding volume (third) in press. XI; CHAMBERS’ BOOK OF DAYS. . The Book of Days; A Miscellany of Popular Antiqui ties, in connection with the Calendar, Including Anec dote, Biography, mid History, Cariosities of Literature, and Oddities of Human Life and Character. Edited un der the supervision of Robert Chambers, In 2 vote., Royal Svo. XII. SCOTT’S WAVERLEY NOVELS, In various styles, including I. AN ABBQTTSFORD EDITION. —Complete in twelve volumes, demt-octavo, with illustrations. 11. A ROYAL OCTAVO ILLUSTRATED EDITION.— In twelve volumes, splendidly illustrated with over 300 engravings, comprising Landscapes,. Incidents, and Portraits of the Historical Personages described in the Woiks. 111. A'PICTORIAL EDITION.—In twenty* four vo lumes, duodecimo, illustrated with over 330 steel and Wood engravings. IV. A PEOPLE’S EDlTlON.—Complete* in six vo lumes, octavo, illustrated. V. A NEW AND. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED EDITION.—In forty-eight volumes, cap Svo ,"printed on a beautiful Long Primer Type, and illustrated with over 1,300 wood-cats and steel engravings. (Published In connection with the Messrs. A. ft C.'Black, of Edin burgh.) XIII. BULWER’S NOVELS. A New Edition of the Novels of Sir Edward Lytton Bulwer, in iG volumes, neat ISmo., viz; TheCaxtonFamily..2 vols Eugene Aram.,.*....2 vote My N0ve1........••••4 “ 2anonl. .2 .** What will He do with Pelham. ...2 “ It ....'3 ** The Disowned*.*.*».2 “ Devereux ~.....**#..2 ** Paul C1iff0rd.........2 ** Ti e Last Bay b of Pons - Godolniiin..*«v i,rbi ioir Tja3._.-,r<.-. pait.« .«..».2VOIS LeUa, Ca1der0n......! vol ErnestMaltravers, 2d The Lari of the Ba- ? .. .2vote Ntghtand Morning.. 2 Haiold«..i 2 “ Lucre«a~- —“ Pilgrlme of the Ehinel vol Each work lumished separately if desired. XIV. LIFPINCOTT’S PEOTOTJNOIISrGb GAZEX- TEER OF THE WORLD, Or, Geographical Dietionary, containing I A Descriptive Notice of the countries, islands, ri vers, mountains, cities, towns, etc., in every part ofc the globe. 11. The Names or 811 important places, etc., both in their native and foreiinlanguages, with the pronnncia tion of the same—a featnre never attempted in any other work. ni -The classical names of all ancient places, so far as they can be accurately ascertained from the best au thorities. IV. A complete etymological vooabnlary of geogra bbical names. By J. Thomas, M. D.., and T. Bald win In one volume of over 2,000 imperial Bvo. pages. WEBSTER’S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY; new Illustrated .edition. Thoroughly revised and enlarged. j CONTAINING OVER 3,000 FINE ENGRAVINGS, AXD ' 10,COO WORDS and MEANINGS not found in other Die ‘ ttonaries. IN ONE VOLUME OF 1840 ROYAL QUARTO PAGES. SUPERIOR PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, MADE WITH LINEN GUARDS. We* respectfully invite attention to our extensive and elegant aeßortment of SUPERIOR 11TOTOGRAI H AL BUMS. made with Linen Guards, and bound in a, great variety of styles, thus combining in the greatest degree the essential features or elegance and durability. We also invite attention to our STEREOSCOPIC PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, a beautiful novelty, which we have just introduced, combining with the Card Album the attractiveness of Stereoscopic effect. STANDARD EDITIONS OF BIBLES AND PRAYER BOOKS, Printed In the best manner, with beautiful type, on the ffueet-sized paper, and hound in the most splendid and substantial styles. Warranted to be correct, and equal to the beet English Editions, at a much, less price. Il lustrated with Steel Plates and Illuminations, by the first artists. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & GO., PUBLISHERS, 715 and 717 MARKET Street. A N ACCEPTABLE Xjl AND APPROPRIATE HO LIDAY GIFT FOR THE JUVENILES. A YEAR’S SUBSCRIPTION TO “ OUB YOUNG FOLKS’” MAGAZINE. Persons in search «f PRESENTS FOR CHILDREN cannot do better than to subscribe for this elegant and delightful little Periodical , AS A GIFT FOR THE HOLIDAYS. The name of thechild can be inserted in neatly printed receipts for ihe purpose, and sent with the first number of the work, which le now ready for delivery, PRICE, S 3 PER YEAR, ' T. B. PUGH, SIXTH and CHE3TNUT Streets. Agent for the Publishers, . TIOKNOR & FIELDS,^ It BOSTON. Maee. JJ.ICH AND RARE BOOKS. H* | Purchasers for the Holidays can gratify \ their tastes, Oft (obtain the most Elegant standard Books, 1 beautifully illustrated, Lftfand buy at about one-half the prices' t charged by any other house, I* t whether for American or Imported Books, i ) at the Rooms of the D *j LONDON PRINTING PUBLISHING j A* {4187 Broadway, KewYwk, 487 Yft I or by order, for which purpose a descrip l ttve price Hat wul he sent. HENRY A. BROWN, del6-fmw7t A SUITABLE BOOK FOR A LADY TO PRBSEHT TO A GENTLEMAN.-The CYCLO PEDIA OF COMMERCIAL AND BUSINESS ANEC DOTES, being Sketches and Incldenta in the lives of hankers, merchants, and men of business, with steel and woed engravings, bound in handsome presentation style, in half calf and morocco. Interesting, amusing, and. instructive. Sold at the Agency, 33 S SIXTH Street, del7-6t Office of APPLETON’S CYCLOPEDIA. OffANAMAKEP. & BEOWft", THE HOT.IPAYS. jgUPERB NEW ILLUSTRATED BOOKS FOB THE CHRISTMAS SEASON. Mr. JAMES O. GREGORY, No. 510 BROADWAY. NEW YOBK, has published for the Holiday Season several volumes of unnsnal elegance. FOREST PICTURES IN THE ADIRONDACK*. BY JOHN A. HOiVS. WITH OEIOIHAI POEMS, BY AX.FBED B. STRfiRT. A superb series of illastratlons depicting that region te Northern New York which recently has become so greatly the favorite of artists, tourists, and sportsmen. The distinctive features of its “Forest Pictures’’-have' been Happily caught by Mr. Hows’ pencil. The vol ume will commend itself to aU lovers of the pictu resque, and to friends of American art, It Is one of the most 'HdTAMGg, orisihab, and artistic issues yet pro duced from the American press. Quarto, cloth, extra gilt, $4.50; full morocco, SS. 11. LYRICS OF. THE WAR. ILLUSTHATJB BY P. O. o.' DAKf.KY. A most- beautiful volume, containing a selection of .Lyrics on the War, each poem illustrated by a foil paged drawing by F. O. C. Dariey, ,The book is in every way elegant and unique, and wi l be valued as a worthy art monument of the war. One quarto, 32 pages. Cloth, extra, beveled beards, gilt sides and edges. Price, $2.60; full turkey morocco, antique or gilt, $6. 111. THE ENOW IMAGE; A CHILDISH MIRACLE. BY'HATHANISB HAWTUOBKB. JILUiTBATED IN OOBOXS, BY MARCUS WATKBMAX. The “Snow.lmage” lapcrhapsUae'mostexquisitely beautiful of all the minor sketches by the late lamented flathaniel Hawthorne. The present edition is hand somely illustrated with Six designs in colors, and print ed with elegance, on heavy calendered paper. It leone of the most unique and attractive minor gift volumes of the season. Cloth, boards, gilt sides. Price, $1.50. . - IT.’ LITTLE RED BIDING-HOOD. Torn is vebss, nr n. it. sTomuao, SUMPTUOUSLY ILLUSTRATED IN CONORS, BY ALFRED FREDERICKS This Utile work is perhaps the finesfcspedmenof color printing yet executed la America. It ranks altogether above ordinary pictorial hooks for children, and Mr. Stoddard, has told the adventures of Biding Hood in verßes that give a new and exquisite charm to the story. The work is novel, unique, and elegant. Quarto, iliu< initiated paper cover. Price, 80 cents. V. SPBCTROHTA? " 08, SURPRISING SPECTRAL ILLUSIONS, SHOW ING GHOSTS. EVERYWHERE, AJD, OF ANT COLOR. WITH SIXTEEN ILLUSTRATIONS, This book affords exhaustless- parlor amusement, Weird and ghostly figures can be projected upon any white surface by its aid without apparatus, the book it self containii g everything requisite for that purpose. Quarto, boards, with colored illustrations* Price. $L . VT. LITTLE BLUB HOOD. WITH IBSOTTBATIOSS IK COLOB3. A chancing little narrative, that will almost rival the fame of *' Red Riding Hood. * * Square 16m0,, cloth ex tra, gilt sides. Price, 75 cents. vir. SNOW-FLAKES? AND THE STORIES THEY TOLD THE CHILDREN. RICHLY ILLVSTRATBD IN COLORS. , A beautiful English juvenile. Square 12m0., doth extra. Price, SLSO. ' mi. THE BOY’S BANNER BOOK. Containing “Star-Spangled Banner,” “American Flag,” ”The Liberty BeU,” and other National Ban ner Songs, with illustrations by Harley, and with titles in colors. Illuminated cover. Quarto, paper. Price, 50 cents. IX. LITTLE SONGS FOB LITTLE BIHGIBS. Original and Selected. Arranged for the piano forte, by K4Kl* Beden. Cover in colors. Flexible, small quarto. Price, 50 cents. * The above books are all new. Attention is also in-, vited to our list of fine illustrated books and elegant" juveniles ofprevions issue, most of which axe in new editions. We would mention, in brief, Bryant’s “ Fo rest Hymn,” “In the Woods,” “Christmas Poems and Pictures, 1 ? “Christmas Carol,” “Visit from St. Nicholas, ” “ Men Who Have Risen, ’ * etc. ,ete. Either of the above works mailed poet free on receipt of prlee. JAMES a. GREGORY, Publisher, del9-mwf3t No. s*o BROADWAY, Bow York. QTJT THIS OUT FOR REFERENCE. AS THE HOLIDAYS APPROACH THE QUESTION NATURALLY ARISES, WHAT BOOKS CAN I BUY FOR MY CBDDbBRBNf / In these times, when hooks are plenty, It Is a difficult matterte “get the best. ” You may be aura to get a good ono if you select from the following list of HEW BOOKS OF BEAL VALUE AND INTEREST, BOYS, AND GIRLS. THE YOCNG CRUSOE; or, Adventures. of a Ship- Wreoked-Boy. Wit), tWQntv fi}ei7,-!.7it Price t 1.60- -- ■ „ -'A YOUTH’S MSTOBY OF THE REBELLION. By 'William M. Thayer, author of “The Pioneer Boy,*’ ho. Price $1.60- THE FXOHEBB BOY, and How he Became President. By William M. Thayer. This Is the test one of the Boy Boots. -Price $1.60. Twenty-seven thotisdnd copies of this famous Booh have been sola. IV. THE FEBBY BOY. By a regular contributor to the ‘Atlantic Monthly.” A splendid book. Price $1.60. THE FARMER BOY, and How he Became Oomman der-in-Chief. Price *1.60. THE FAMOUS “SPECTACLE SERIES.” By Miss Lander. . Five Tolames in a handsome case. With.one hundred and twenty-fine new and original illustra tions, engraved hy Andrew. Price per set $6, Any volume sold separately. These hooks are tor sale hy every bookseller In the country, or will he sent to any address free, on re ceipt of above prices, hy WAXJBaSXt, WISE, & CO,, PUBLISHERS, del6-fmw3fc‘ gOOKS POE CHRISTMAS MB HEW IRAK’S PRESENTS. The attention of the Mends of the PRESBYTERIAN BOOK-STORE and tie nubile Is incited to tie. large assortment of valuable Hew and Standard Books, suitable for Gifts, comprising the publications of the PKBSBYTERIAN PUBLICATION COMMITTEE, and the best works of other publishing honses. The Stock of CHILDREN’S BOOBS ie very foil, in cluding new htsues and the old favorites. Children’* Games, Picture Cards, and Toy Books, in great variety. BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, PSALM BOOKS, and PBAYER BOOKS, in plain and handsome Bindings, at all prices. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, PHOTOGRAPH AND PIC. TUBE FRAMES. PLEASE CALL AND IXAMINB AT 1334 Chestnut Street, OPPOSITE THE D. S. HINT. del7-smwSt ♦ TSJEW YEAR’S GIFT CAMP LI JN braries. The United States Christian Commission, in response to numerous and earnest appeals from surgeons, chap lains, and Held officers, -will receive, forward, and place under the care of proper librarians, ONE THOU SAND FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY CAMP AND GUNBOAT LIBRARIES of one hundred and fifty vo lumes each, if the friends of our soldiers and sailors will forward them to its branches, or to the Central Office, during the holidays. Ills but a small matter for each pnrehaser of holiday gifts for friends at home to buy a handsome and pleasant hook for Ms friends In eamp.or hospital, write his name in it, and direot the bookseller to send it to the Commission. It will be a positive pleasure to hundreds of wives and mothers to take down the choicest volumes from their book-cases, and send them thus, where their loved ones can enjoy the pleasure and profit of perusing them. Send none bnlthebest; oursoldiersdeservethebest. The standard essayists, histories, biography, travels, science,poetry, magazines, standard works of fiotion, whatever, in short, yon would put into the chamber of your own brother, confined with a broken limb, will be accept able, as well as religious works. Forward the parcel, marked CAMP LIBRARY, to any of the branches of the Christian Commission, or to GEORGE H. STUART, Chairman Christian Commission, deie-tial 11BANK Street, Philadelphia. WOVELTY ALBUM COMPANY. „ I” Ah elegant Album, eon taming Photographs of all the Generals In the United States * * * • •* * A Splendid Album, containing Photographs of all the Presidents of the United 5tate5................ ®5 00 ‘ A Beautiful Album, containing a collection of all our Naval Heroes.". The three together, comprising the whole collec tion..*. .........Ifi 09 A HOST SUITABLE PRESENT TOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. A most exquisite POCKET ALBUM, containing a fine collection of most pianant French Pictures, only •••$4 50 Address the ‘ * Novelty Album Co. Post Office Box 6458, New York city, giving address, Sand any of the above will be immediately sent by express, who will collect on delivery. de7-wim3m T OUTS MEYBR’B NB¥ MTJBIO Ju STORE, 1333 CHESTJNTJT Street, Aset door below XT. S. Mint, Depot for American and Foreign Mnsic. Has just published the lolloping very desirable novelties, Mireille Quadrille..... .....40 cents. Mireille Galop .......SOcents. • Both from Gounod’s Kew Opera Mireille, and ar ranged by F. Loses . .. Trebilli Mazurka........... v .... .40 cents. A most charming piece, very brilliant, yet easy to ? Raw the Moon Rise. Clear. .SQcexits. A Finland Lots Song: words Moore. This is a perfect gem, and will be warmly welcomed by all lovers of good music. . Kissing in Fan, byG. Harris.*** .SO cents, ' This is a very popular style of melody, and will soon be one of the mortfevorite songs existing. - Mr BOUTS HE! BB has a very choice stock of Music, and special care will be taken by him to accommodate Teachers and Artiste, whosepeeuliar wants hi* know ledge of Musical Literature, will, he trusts, enable him “oiTeifwill meet with prompt attention. hand an excellent stock of Musical presents rorihe onn nnn cans peaches—veby AUUjUUU SDPBHIOH-POT 0P BT C.P. HOE TON S CO., at the HOUND TOPPEACH FABMffed, now anlvlng and for sale by 3L' K. &J53tS?, N0. .106 SuPTB WHARVES. Philadelphia- delO-126* CPABKLINC CATAWBA WINE, IN bJ Quarts and Pints. Also, Sweet and Dry Catawba Wine and Catawba Brandy, made from tbs Pore Jmee of the Catawba Grape. For sate at HARTLEY’S Oa taw ha Wine Agency, sa N. FIFTH Street de2o-12t OSEAX OENXBAt. CIrOTttINa ttOUSE, 's - ' . , THE HOLIPAYg. gUTFOSTiffIIaOTJDAm I. WATSON’S MANUAL OF CALI'STHENICS.*fI’.3S 11. HAND-BOOK OF CALISTHENICS AND GYMNASTICS.......... $3.00 111. THE IjfAMB. In Heavy oilt.~.. v .sa.so Sent by mail, prepaid.eA recciptof the price. Each volkme is an .pi&ted on fineand tinted pspor, richly and illustrated from original designs, with music aycojapany the exer cises. These works positively, surpass all others on physical culture, in harmoniously blending the scien tific and the practical, in the variety and completeness of the claeses of movements, and in Hie adaptation of the exercises to the wants of both sexis and persons of ali ages. In the first, all 'the exercises a'r& without ap« / parafcns? in£he second, complete oohnseaof exercises are given, both withandwithout apparatus;. The ex ercises are adapted to the parlor, snd embrace some.of the most excellent life-infusing games andsports ever known. < • To,consumptives, dyspeptics, invalids in general,and the sedentary, to all .who wish to secure" physical beauty,/muscular, strength and the use of these books will prove invaluable. It is whemhealfch Is lost or impaired that one can sympathize with the assertipn.ojf. Kloss, that “He who bas itfbasall things'; he who lacks it has no thing. These hooka are superbly hound, and will grico'aay library’or tablei ■ The work is tie most complete and elaborate, —fit. T. Evening Post. We tearing commend it to all who prize physical culture, health, wm}' symmetrical education. It will find its .way into all our schools and families.—Cojitii nentul MOTUtiq/, . Every-p Orson notaoeustomsd to dally manuallahor in the open air. ought to pursue this system of exercise. The health of the whole community would be promo ted.—A. T. Observer. . A volume both valusible and beautiful; it surpasses all its predecessors.—Life Independent. It teaches file test moans of educating the human bpir eJmttltaneoußly with the human mind.—The AUrtoni *« ,■ It Is very «omprehenfhmily should have. The whole enta efepl thorough bbdil’y exercise ie made as attractivejrflll£Jmporta&t. •*&arper , s Weekly.. The hook cannot be tjo highly recommended. —Home Jourbal, . _ We practiced these" exercises fo recover health: we advise others: to practice them to keep it. *s . These books are a credii to the American pr &*.—London Reader. -mmnsiwm2 mmn, & w.;. 1 •* ’'‘fN PUBLISHER?, 130 GRAND Street (near Broadway), N. Y. 513 ABCH Street, Philadelphia. ' del»-3t pHRISTMAS PRESENTS.—I OFFER v a large stoiteofusefnl land substantial articles for Presents Blgnketu at SS; larger size and heavier at *10; tetter at $11; and-one of the- test makes in the market at *l2. ■ . Comfortables, good, and weighing 6K pounds; at $5. White Counterpanes at $5. and flO.* flne,.large, and heavy, at $l2, $l5, and s®;;onc-lot at $25 that are extra heavy anAlargeßt riaMgade,?S|forthat leasts3s Napkins,_}SJisain|ed jail linen," at $4 and $5? among (hen|&f some -beautiful patterns? the -finest are $B. ’ - »w'-> Bed- Border Napkins of various qualities. Doylies at $3,50 and $S_ Doylies, for frtdt: also,, the half bleached. Table* Clothe;, yards long? extra quality, at $6, beautiful small patterns. Table-Cloths*yards long,.handsome; Damask, with double centre-pieces; these we very fine, and will be sold low. - : Towels, at s^so : per up ; some very handsome ones with beautiful colored borders. Table Linefis, by the yard, in'very great variety, at every price, of various pattema-and qualities. Barnsley double Batin Damask,, fu3l two yards wide, of beautiful designs and quality* unsurpassed. Table-Covers, in all the >OOlO7B, from $2.50 up Among he found some of the most ueefal presents that can be given. • GSAN’UILLE B- HAINES, a INo. 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. . F. S.—Also* a nice lot of LinemHandkerChieft; both in ladies’ ana gentlemen’s; ladle!’, all linen, from $3 up, and gentlemen’s large sire from $6 .up* - 1 deH-4t G. B. H. ; ' PRESENTS. EmbK»fdereA : nzno and Metodeoii Covers. Table r aJxd Stand Covete Blanteits, Quilts, Chamber Towels. Napkins, D^gUes,-Bath Towels. Cotton 6beetps6.-Billow and Bolster Linens. Damask Table Clotha from 2 to 7yar4& long. Table,' Diaprr, and Damask, by the yard. * Table Nepkine, (all qualities). Doylies. _ Table Covers and Table Covering by the yard. ALSO, Lcce and Embroidered Collars, Sets, Sleeves. ‘ Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, in every variety. Silk Handkerchiefs foVGsntlemen and Children. 1 The largest asjßortmehLto be'found in the city. Foreale by ;*(■-. EHBITABDi YAN HARLINGEN. & ARRIBON, defl-3t i-J- m. 1008 CHESTNUT Street. ff® BARSPSS FOR THE HOLI- aod FANCY BONNETS, .. • HAT AND. BONNET FRAMES. Also, Dolls’ Hat Piam«s,Whol«Kale and Retail, at de2l-Ot* S. T. MORGAN'S, *OB ABCH St RUSTIC ■ ADORNMENTS • . FOB , t • HOMES OF S’ASTS: , ‘ ' HANGING YABEB.. FEKN CASES; . IYY TASKS, 4 Filled wltk Bare and Choice Plants. . MIGNIONETTE POTS, OKANGI POTS, HYACINTH POTS, With Snperb Aitlcles for the CONSIEVATOBY. TBS. TIBULE, PABLOB, LIBBABY, and BOUDOIB. - 1 IVOBT TABLE CBTLEBYy In mahosany and Boserrood Cases. A complete aßSOßtraant of v ' LADIES’, QBITS’, ADD CHILDREN'S SKATES. Fox sale, wholesale ant retail, by BUEHLBB, HOWABD, & CO., 437 MAKKET Street. PRESENTS. BOSTON, MASS. CHARGES DUM3MCIG, No„BIff%HESTNUT STREET, Begs leave to Inform Mb esteemed easterner* that hi* .present stock of , FANCY GOODS AM) TOYS Surpasses that of anyToraer Importation. Haying se lected "with care every article himself, he can only say there Jb no similar establishment in theeooatry thatean compare with Mb. Ajs to prices, getting Ms goods from the first m&nnfcoturers and artists in Europe, those dealers who buy from the importers here to a ell again can certainly not compete with;him. Of the following, goods he keeps so large a variety, and in such entirely new styles, as no other store in this city can offer: '■ LADIES’ WORE BOXES. JEWELRY. ODOB, AND OLOYE BOXBS. NECESBABIES FOB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WRITING DESKS, DRESSING CASES. . PANS, PARIS GILT AND BBONZE GOODS. PARIAN WARE, BOHEMIAN GLASS. TASKS, OP PINEST 'ANTIQUE AND MODERN. CUTLERY, PINEST ENGLISH WALKING OAHBB. CRICKET AND ABOHERY IMPLEMENTS. FANCY LEATHER GOODS. LADIES’ BAGS OyBB TWENTY DIFFERENT KINDS. CABAS, POCKET BOOKS, CIGAR CASES. PUBSES AND, POBTMONNAIES. GAMES OP ALL KINDS. ' . CHESS, DOMINOES, LOTTOES. CEIBBAGE COUNTERS. CHESS, AND BACKGAM MON BOARDS. BAGATELLE AND TlVOlil. IN TOYS.—TMs Department is complete in every va yfgfcy ImnWtl, -with llOYfil things never bgfbre Id ported/ Dolls, the very large variety of every kind known, kept in this store,surpasses in bsanty and taste ful dressing anything known here and in Europe. This ls no idle boast. Ladies shonld call and see them. de7-tae24lf TWARBHAL’ S SALE.—BY VIRTUE AIL of- a Writ of Sale by the Hon. JOHN CAD WALADEK, Judgo or the District Court of the United States, in and for the Astern District of Pennsylvania, in 'Admiralty, to mo directed, will bo sold at Pnblic SalSto the highest and best bidder, for cash, .at Sa vannah Steamship Company s Wharf, above YINE ffit, oh WBDNESDA&ecember 28th, 1884, at 12 o’cloofc M., tho SteKjerSUSANA, bmltof iron, on the Clydo s her JefiitballrMß fee 19 inohes, brMdth 18 feet, depth 7 feet. - inohes; net tonnage 282 6-95 tons; is of very light draft of water, and represented as being very fast. At the same time w>U I>*.S& d ,AS. 1 y : «r2»n 9r ’ 1 Octant, 1 Quadrant. WILLIAM MILL WARD, ’ u. S. Marshal B. D. of Pennsylvania. , PBiIADBiiPBiA. Dec. 16, 1864. de!7-6t MARSHAL’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE UI Of a Writ of Sale by the Hon. JOHN CAD WALA DEBe Judge of the District Court of the United States,ln. and for the Eastera District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty, to me directed, will he sold.at; to the highest and best bidder; for cash, at MIGHENBRS Store, No. 143 North FRONT Btrset, on PEtDAY, Dec. 30th, 1884, at 12 o’clock, M,, the cargo of the steamer SUSANA, consisting of 100 bales ana S 7 packages of cot frvm o ■barrels of Raw bread, and 4 kegs of salt beef, ton, a parrern o> LIAM MILLWARD, U. S. Marshal Eastern Dimrlct of Penna. PBn.JJinLPHiA. Dec. 16,1584. de!7-6t ■PERSONAL.-LOOK BEFORE YOU A leap- Solid Gold and Plated Jewelry, cheapest in the city, 010 RACE Street. ; de2l2t* TO HOUSEKEEPERS. The subscriber has etffhAnd a choice selection of OLD FrHRANDY, from *l2 to *l6. MADEIRA AND SHERRY WINE 3, from *3 to *B. OLD MONONGAHELA WHISKY, from *3 to *5. GINGER.WILD CHERRY, and KASPBEBBY BRAN DIES, BOSE CORDIAL, Ac., from *2.60 to *3. Also, F. BRANDY, from *3 to *5, SHERBY and MADEIRA WINES, from *3 to *5. FOB COOKING PURPOSES. To he had at No. 14=5 North Second Street. TOBHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, O COUSBLLOR AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR OP CLAIMS Office, 351 F Street, near Fonrteenth-St.. Washington. PrC. . i deZO-tm' S, E, COE. S£S,TH-«NI> MARKET STREETS. .USEFUL, BEAUTIFUL, HEALfII.BEGUIIMG bogss. FLOWEBjPOTS, Of Najaorous Styles and Pitteme, and for sale h 7 S. A. HARRISON, : . "No. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. MARSHAL’S SALES. PERSONAL. HENRY HTDDY, ISAAC J. EVANS 3 _„ BETAa PRY GOODS. owiFsvlir&co~ „„„„„ No.4s'North ElGffSttf Street. ... GOODS at KEBDCBD bates. »r™iL 11 H O DID ATPR E S B JT® S , scaica , Ijotigiiit from la im^wl°^ r , ®^ atrethiced prices, to enable wish mafee a ÜBeflll W*»* duiUg theholidaya, jffthey 60 pie ce.ricli Plaids, double width, 75 cents wmtb'*l. low p i°° ta dkgsntFlalds,double wiatb,Bl to 81.60 i v«v Ka!n PleC6a Lnpla ’ 15 *1.25. *1.50, *1.65. A bar* jlwi’ll'e'BmpreaCloths and Poplins, doable width, tlS P!CCeS ora ® 9 iihblo width, 81.50. Bean- Very cheap WaBk ' M * iacaPl M, 75 cents, and *L 75 B centa! la ® i ’ op^l “ , te 4««me designs, 50 cents, worth Jom!°° PlMe ’ Dr6Bß Gooi3 . 68. w. 02, and 75 cent#. Great •^lmokals” 048 “ t , Saxony Dress Goods at 37#, 50, 60, and 70. ; He able width striped PopUns, SO. . Double-width plain Fopline, SO. All wool Poplins, SO. Silk andwool Poplins. Empress Cloths. And a foil line of choice colors ■. . FRENCH MEBIHOES, Pr wes-ringing from $1.25 to $2. - - ; ~ Rich Plaid Poplins. Rich Plaid Mertnoes. Rich Plaid Cashmeres, 87# cents. . BROCHE LONG SHAWLS, - j t of Ytenneee and Paris fabrics, In choice designs and colorings. BLANKET BHA.WLS, Of new and desirable styles, at Seduced Brices. Balmoral Skirts, &c. , Sc. „ .. . CUBWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 45», and 454 North SEGOND Street, de2l-4t Above'Willow. "CLACK LYONS YELYET, “h? ... FOB CLOAKS, From auction, at „ BIDHCBD FEIOBS 28-lnch Lyons Velvet, *l6. • 32-inch Lyons Velvet, J*lB. _ CTJEWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Noa. 450, 45», and 454 Worth SECOHD Street, de2l-«t Above Willow. TNFANTS’ EMBROIDERED WAISTS, a Very large assortment! from 2£Lcents to $3.40 a waist. BLACK STENCH YEILS, from 90 cents to $3 each; many choice patterns, much better thannsual for the same price. • BEAL THREAD COLLARS, Point Applique, Point Jsng qnie, Pbmt Maximilian, Ac.' The most remarkable point Is the do wprlce&t'which they areoffered. ~ EMBROIDERED JACOHET COLLARS- —One lot of a few bj&drecovery elegant Collars at§L4o each.' EMBROIDERED JACOHBT ABD SWISS SETS, Col lar ana _.CnfijB. The .especial attention of Ladies after items for Presents is invited to thielarge and elegant lot of Sets. The-price for the Sets would he a low mice for the Collars. B ABDKERGHIEFB for holiday presents; a large as sortment of. Embroidered, Hemmed, Hemmed with Tucks,’Sheer Linen Striped Borders, Colored Borders for Gentlemen* &e.. at low prices. WOOI.EJS>TIDIEB t elegant colors and patterns; a nice holiday present. Ladies, please remember WORNE’S Lace and Em broidery Store, Ho. 38 Hortn EIGHTH Street, Is re markable ffcr tne laige qnantity of goods, and very low prices for them—two important items of presents for the holidays. - It* J. COWPBRTHWAIT & CO., S. E. cor. BISXE and ABCH streets. THE GREAT BLANKET STORE. BLANKETS AT RETAIL. BLANKETS AT WHOLESALE. BLANKETS FOR HOUSEKEEPEBS. BLANKETS FOB HOTELS. BLANKETS FOB THE ARMY. BLANKETS FOB THE NAVY. 1 / »T i'Krtnp'rc nv »tt ctvoc Jph&fflvulD UJc aJLJj Ouihbt BLANKETS OF ALL QUALITIES. —Blankets to suit everybody, AT THE jBXwiA.I?n m\ ■* * X ISAUxiiJitji S. E. eor. NINTH and ARCH STREETS, nod-fmwtdeSl QURTAIN DEPARTMENT. SHEPPARD, TAN HARLINGEN, & ABBISON, Ho. 1008 CHESTHUT STEEET, Have received from the late AUCTION SALES IN NEW YORK A large addition to fhoir splendid stock of LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAINS, BROCATELLE, SATIN DELAINES, REPS, TERRY JAPANESE CLOTH, And the various other materials most desirable for PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING- ROOM, AND LIBRARY CURTAINS. Estimates for furnishing single rooms, suits of apart ments, or a whole house, based on a large deduction ftom former juices, promptly furnished, and the work punctually and faithfully performed by experienced and reliable hands. . deS-DnwlOt Our Cloak room contain* a line show of properly- ande and elegant garments, for fall and winter wear. RICH VELOUR CLOAKS. HANDSOME BEAVER DO. PINEST FROSTED BEAVER DO. BLACK TRICOT AND BEAVER DO. FINE BLACK GARMENTS. WATER PROOF CLOAKS. CLOAKS MADE TO ORDER. COOPER A CONARDj ceM-smwSn Southeast corner NINTH and MARKET. 1034 CHESTNUT STREET. E, M, REEDIES £8 SAUiT ESOBITIKQ S‘ SOVELTIEB 1 a ■ # g • M a | LACES, § | WHITE GOODS* § I EMBROIDERIES, j | . VEILS. * HANDKERCHIEFS, OsO. ’ la. every variety aud at EEDUGKD PBIGSB, Suitable for CHSISTMAB HOLIDAY PRESENTS, i9ii OHBSTFUT STREET. “ *l ‘“r Au Ukelyfinff aShS will satisfy him, by applying to the deSOfit . g EARifyQRp. BamaSK FACTORY. CAPITAL.—TO- lEEKOHANTS AMD OTHERS—‘An. energetic young man., havizurcapital ®t hiB disposal, is desirous of engaging in some remone- Sfil* 8 T l%h parties. Haa*beeo TOnne ct edwHhalareemer<»ntUe house in this- city. Communications couSrential. Addsesa ”L. E.,” Box 2190 post Office. deSKJ’Jt*' WAHTED-IN AWWM*E&ALE SIEK ‘House, two experienced 6ALBSMEN, to whom liberal salaries will he* paid. Addkess ’‘Merchant,” at office this paper. do2o-3t WANTE D—in A WHOLESALE Straw.Goeds House, a-competent SALESMAN, ac jraaihted with Country Trfide. Address Bex 267% Posts Office. ■ dea>-2t» WANTED TO PURCHASE A Y Y well-established Gtalemen’s FHBHISHING STOSB, ifi a good location. * Address, stating amount of capital required, location, “ Y. 6*., " at the office of tbiß paper. de2o-St* •TO THE WHOLESALE DRY GOODS - 1 - TRADE.—A young man who has had several years’ experience In one of the largest Wholesale Houses, wishes a situation as SALESMAN. Address-‘’Harry,” Press office. de2D-2t» jffl| WANTED TO KENT—A HOUSE •■“• with seven or eight rooms Address “'John Wil son." Press office, stating location, tonne, Ac. de2o-:it’ EMPLOYMENT HOUSE, THELARG " est and most reliable, for-city and country. Has man, Scotch, Welsh, and newly-landed emigrants, as Gardeners, Farm. Handß, Coachmen* Watchmen, Ac. goose, Coamtomajjls, Seamstresses, Laundresses, Wait r eases, and-general Housework Servants. Also, Colored Servants. Mob. 80»and 804 LGCHST Street, above Eighth. deß-lm TPO GROCERS AND PROVISION HEALERS. —Wanted, a Situation by a Young Man, M year; of age, who is not afraid to work, and is thoroughly posted in the above. Best at reference in tMs city and Slew York. Address "Barnes,” at this office. del9-3fc* WANTED—BY ANj£Ogi: Af ,. and &AB7 SIGHT BE? THREE Of the sagaaement or " Stl:lS?U« r » • ®a.aKSSsfsras?ssaf- i ss2sa’. ■ Her great personation of ocTOKOtar gibl, am - bolder n * warmest ccnlrHen 6verybfr«' WiaSF ffBSAT LXPB Witk Us Beaatsfol Sceaery, Great Cast, sad Thrift Why AM! Tableaa», Til I^V^Se! 0 * PAffl “ . . „ THE SLATE SALB, ' And the Including APOTHEOSIS OF VENGEANCE; lit eonseqnenee of Hie extreme ftngth and (treat I »v -ssteysKasE*"-ii wm •<£>«£*■£?£& 02$ SATUBDAY AFTERNOON, Decs- 24, riCimilll'llßlL OEAND FAMILY MA3INEE, U S&KH ™ * Wien th» OCTOROON Will be presented. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUBML •** „ „ GRAND SOIEEE MILITAIEK BT THR (wR EB » D TS.f& 1) . D “- “■ •“*. MAJOR 9. ECKENDOEFF, _ BUtOPELD’S CELEBEATEI^B 3 AND! nUlt#t '- AtlSdMco* dlI FIFTY GENTS.' A MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC: CHFIBTMAS MATINEES, WBDHESBAY AND SATURDAY. Dae 5* mj m - THE GBAND FLOBAi SPECTACLE ®" will also perform diSS v TALEIIN wufKfoUy aoom. fllxY FAETLtf THE Alf 3 ttB P erU ‘ >B s‘^S r lfe“^lof I SS. BOWei ’ graCe * andbeSQty « f *• PriTS^S^fsSSb 80 “ nte ‘ Sacond ®« r * 2s «■•** A^IfIf^^^MS^ASBEDAW Street. yc EEPUBLICAN IKVINCIBLES* QSAKB BALL, in cobhhbidoifttion of ths rs-dlse* ABB A HAM LINCOLN, to be held at the ABA 4>EM¥ OF MTJSIC, January 32.1865. Ticket's are noir ready for subscribers, and can bejprooured at the RA TIONAL UNION CLUB, 1105 CHESTNUT Street, or of de2o-3t B, HUCKBL, Treasurer.. RATIONAL SKATING PARK, . TWENTY-FIRST AND COLOMBIA AVENUE. BABE COMPLETELY CLEARED OF THE OLD IC* AT A GREAT EXPENSE. Clear Surface of water covering one square of groan* rapidly freezing into A PUKE SHEET OP ICE. Placards on the Bulge Avenue Cars will aunoanc* Only twenty minutes’ ride from the centre of the cHv- Bids© Avenue Gars ran within one Square. Jfo Liquors sold on the premises, and every attentio* paid to LADIES AKD CHILDREN. Open Day and Evening. SK aT IK Gtl SKATING! 1 THE finest skating of the season at the UNION BKATIKCI FAEK, FOOETH and DIAMOND sseete, a cc?Slb" b? the Fourth and Eighth, Fifth and Sixth, Second aid Third, Frank ford and Germantown passenger cam. Illuminated every evening from 7to 10 o'clock. Also, a brs ss hand in attendance performing choice selection* of music. Instruction siren in skating every morning from 10 to IP. M, jj*" CRATING ! SKATING j •J FINE SEATING ON PABK. THIRTY-FIRST and WALNUT Streets. It* SAMUEL SIMES, Treasurer. ASSEMBLY BUILDING, TENTS "■ and CHESTNUT Streets. _ „ . SIGNOR BLITZ, The Great NECROMANCER and VENTRILOQUIST. Performances Every Evening at 7}f o'clock an* WEDNESDAY^amd bracing the WONDSBS AND MYSTERIEBOF M AGIO, EXTRAORDINARY POWERS OF VBNTRILOQUHUIL S reducing astonishingeffecta of the human voice.and is LEARNED CANARY BIRDS’ ENTERTAINMENTS? Admission SO cents; Children IS oents: Reserved Seats 80 cents, no» A SSEMBLY BUILD IN G-SIXTH AA CLASSICAL MATINEE of the PHILADELPHIA CLASSICAL QUINTETTE CLUB; At three o’clock, , December 21, ISM. Biagle tichetß, at the door, 50 cents. del7-4fc fJERMANIA ORCHESTRA.—PUBLIC! REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at SK o’Mode P. M., at MUSICAL RUED HALL, angle Tickets,* tents. Six Tickets, *l, to hehad at Gould’s, Andre’s. and Meyer’s Music Stores, and at the Halt noT-tt CHRIBT BE JEO T E D.— Thia admirable pictaTe, the greatest production of the painter West, is now on exhibition at the ACADEMY OP PINE ARTS, 1035 CHESTNUT Street, togefkec with the entire collection of the Institution. Admittance twenty-live cents. noM-Stm* EXHIBITION OP WORKS OF ART, THE BENEFIT. OP THE CHRISTIAN COM? MISSION, at the ACADEMY OP PINE ARTE . An Exhibition of a Private Collection of Works a* art, in Paintings, Sculpture, Water Color, and other Drawings, Engravings, Ac., is now open at the Pease sylvania Academy or Pine Arts, No. 1035 CHESTNUT Street, from 9A. M. to 10 P. M., for the Benefft of the Christian Commission. Admission 28 cts, j Season Tickets 80 cts, nota-tint npHE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS; A CHESTNUT Street, aboye Tenth, la OPEN DAILY, foryUltors, fromB A. M. togP. M. lota TO YOUNG ACTRESSES.—YOUN® A actresses who are little accustomed to the use etc “stage making-up” will find- that the ’•Email do Paris’’ will remoye all the evils resulting from the M of paints, powder, and rouge. The “ Email’ ’ u not • pausi, but it preserves and beautifies the skin, by re moving all black spots and impurities, and is endom* by M’lie VestvoU. Mrs. DTP. Bowers. Mrs. Emm* Waller, and many other adtressesuftslent and EUGENE JOUIN, No. 11l South TENTH Street, below Chestnut, is the only agent in this city. nolß-mwatt EDUCATIONAL. - fWFTENDEN’S COMHBECIAL COL- V LEGE, Ho. 637 CHBBTITUT Street, cor. Serenth* Thorough and practical instruction in Bookkeeping Penmanship, Commercial Calculations, TelegraphißC* &c. Bay and Evening Set along. de2Q*Bt* PENNINGTON SEMINARY ANB A female collegiate ins nruTE. T Second Term of Fourteen Weeks be®ns January t ■VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— I MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, four mßesfWtar. MEDIA, Pa. Thorough course in Mathematics, Claudes, Natural Bdencee, and English; prarticallessonsin has®Uyattaaaed to them, randan assfipassasfg sst Sills, Baton, BeU«, Thojtm, Znndel, sndjcrA&ik & large assortment of other ■ •■ pisno«» for aale and to rent, v ‘ „??S[ACNEIWa *>■ 3lo DATS 0. J. MOULDEK, Superintendent.