o ji, rOMFAyiES. _ •„i SiwiIXVAKJA ISI’iSIAI Oil 1U» South FIFTH Gt,, I’WlftdslpMa. 0 ii'jo 000-aoo.ooo shaeis at *s each. ■ j.UiVSD CAPITAL, JiSWO.OOO. M-fir.BXAKDBR K, MCCLURE. I>2 LECTORS. John M. PoMERor, Rusha W. Davis, Peter B. hrudred ac-ei, in fee simple in the cole ' . Koa district, immedlataly adjoining , ivtrolottffl Company, whose stock is now . Silt 1 P er share. The Company now has will bo ecoeptsd. for sinking weUs on i- «t car er st to the corporation, and one-half to go to the Company. Th« Curtin and St. ui panics are in this immediate locality, and -i' ■, ;. now commanding a large preraiam. In ,t' Company has.4oacres, tn fee simple, on . Km, wliitlt ompttes into OH Croer, and tn joringstetionof the Oil Territory, and 110 ■, |,f s’aiploi on Walnut Bend, five milee above . ' pit Creek, and not over two mites from Heed well, now prodnolag over 200 ■enla}'. , !«sM of three tracts of land, two. oa Oil Creek, ...'suing over ten barrels per day, and one on tiv-.r, predating (on barrels per day ofhfavy ;t urn fd per barrel, The Company now re * . ... unities of the proceeds of the tast-aamed " r ) one half cf the other two Bach of these ic developed by the Company by sinking ,»r,)r. and the engluesand fixtures arc now ja it. of this Company moan to prosecute the ! .'..|ai.it of these lands most energetically, and ',-uiite confidence that they will.yield yery , -, ai „s oa the capital stock, mntthe made promptly, ae more than •."V '..iitcstoik is already engaged. .aw will be received at the office of the 1 del4-6t the hcstos FARH Oil, COM- I-.'V -The property of thu Co jjpudv la riuiiHi'gbeurKtvßr, in Vehaniio canty, ! iai-!:. of • foo simple of two tracts of laid, \ ,-r,,a:«|iof ona nm-drad and thirty (133} rods 'ly'ifsrMpHa’of twcnti-«ye th-nsand (*IS,COJ) .V.Msferud in the treasury for davaloptns the lands. . ' open for ths subscription of atoch for a few tij o.iice of „ „ „ WALTON 4 YOST, No. 35 Sooth rHIUD Strict, i.tprofptctntmay ha obialnad. •" ' oi-FICf!iSO*'TBB COMPLY. Hoa. JESLLIti JjE 18, i*rdßideat» DIRECTORS nr t*vri* |E. W. Ball, tv-u&'Jfr., jo. W. Hahropp. \ Kubineon, .1 ' „ r m iTAMBS BOYS, Secretary. , .H Waltos. Treasurer, de!4 lot* iIITIDIIIII NOTICE.—THE 1»I -FKCTOKf) Of th? CBEKHY RUN PE rBOLEff S > v A”.Y£ *Ma day declared a Dividend of (10) tS CKNT., payable at tie Offlse of ttia Oora ll!i WALNUT Bueet, on and after tie 23d In ,.ir of taxes i will be dosed from tie Kill to ilia 27th Instant, _ BESET S. PAUL, Secretary. twiOTrr.it. Pecemttr I,'), lSrft. del4-at Tfl£ JDIKEITU»S «FTHE TACK , Ft: 'XOLEUM COBPAN » lavs this day de .ijtiviißndof TWO PJtH OEBT oat of too eain ; the Company for tha month of November, pay. , : tad after the »thinst, afth. office of tho Ttea . Sr. OEOBQBI H. MILLINGTON, No *a rX ,;.;k PLACE. TraaefeT bogpscio-ed fr.>m ch» 17tti . v .;b infant. HEtiHAif JSf. OROHES, Secretary. T rk, December 10,1564 it io the Phiiadfllph t& Stockholder?? at the office :». Iho.t ftEc! Go » 9X7 WALifOT Street* on and ’Musi. .defeat* THE DIRECTORS fflhe UOBLB & DEL A METES PETROLEUM hnveillsduy deCaratl, thelreiiilitkmoiithly ,-J . p ER-»-PBNT,, payable free'of Stats .iHtSltb i“eb BeojtecloseSth, end reopen 2lst. HOi'fßE, Secretary. deS-fct THE GREAT? WESTERN OIL [OHTAJITi , „ .. , . Bbcember 8, 1884. „>nii«l Meeting of tlaStoobboidais will be bald of I tha Company, No. 41* WALNUT \ :;i .iATELPH[A, on MONBAT, January 3d, ii 12 rt*clcclc noon. : *, K-ios for fire Directors for the year 18-36 will he isufce same time Transfer Books will be closed from Decern -IS6J, until January 3d,1836 M, B. KEILY, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE HYI»E FARM Oil, COMPANY, •M3’ Shitli FOOSTH Street. FHii,ADr,i,[‘nia, Dec. 12th, ISM. •srl of Directors hare 'THIS DAY deola el a ' oilH PBB CEhT. ou the capital etooK, being 15 1 ,-o, parable on and after TUESDAY, De ' of State tax ' closed WEDNESDAY, the 14th, at '•’DNESBAY, thflSlet, * M. CARTER, Treasurer. KACPHIH AKD llll^lHtlin OOhD MIHIHQ COMFAHT Chartered by the Stele of PeansylT&nl*. JH^iSm.g* 000 ' 000 * PresldeaWOßK B. AJTDIBSOar, DIRECTORS. j i. Bwtt,- James B. Magee. *:?»». John W. H&UvJlarrislmr*. !. i Maw, t. tt : do, f. Baj, Joha Brady, do. 3S- w a'^D'“ 9 * beeoenter. .Mdrer. „oMm^, 0 ™ 49 ' comm,. tbeniicat«a -hay* teen procured from '/ tiie Cturpany’slodesrand have been assayed I'fejsars and-Oamtt with the most gratify-* yts. Sabacription lists hare been opened at the tc« Company and at the Treasurer’s Oflce (Ip. Jrepue), No. CHBSTNBT Street, Farmers* -lutes’ Bank Building, To original sutjscrihflr*. ,’f ware, for a limited number of shares, rt.ar*, pamphlets, or Information esui be obtained -f Eca of the Company after the 17th Inst. . 14, IBS*. o«15-3m omcs -P£im Misrise con- PANT OF LAKE BOFEEIOB, 319. WALNUT Ibiladelphia. CE is Hereby given, that an Instalment of One Share on each and every Bhareol the Capital ; the Penn milling Company of Lake Superior .jdHjbeen called h; the Board of Directors of nmr, duo and payable at the Office of the its, on or before thelflthday of December, inrt. a still be charged bn all instalments after the ill lave become'dne it of the Board of Directors. .D A BETL, Sec -Streets* December 6, 1864, •; Thirty* third Annual Meeting of the Asaocla* •Muslowiug named gentlemen were elected offi» BiU&gers for 1864-'6fi: PBEBDEKT, ... . SAMUEL H. PERKINS. VICK •PBESIDEJfTPi CSARD D. WOOD, J. FISHES LEAKING. S'SD WILCOx!'no B 4ol’ CHESTNUT BfafMt, CORRESPORDIITG SBCBBTARt* l. Montgomery bond. RBCORDISO BBORB'f ARY, JOHN H. ATWOOD. . , MANAGERS, , ;-3.arnla Coatee, Thomas A. Bndd, :•‘ , ®m uatimer, Charles Rhoads, Richard Wood, J Patvqs, Charles 8 Worts, M, D., • twG. Coffin# E, B. Wood, >a:ainio Orne, Jamas Bayard, saW, Claghcra, Joseph A. Clay, - oas Wattaon, Alfred M. CoHius, -tphH. Dalles, Charles W. Coshman# ■ ; s tshhnrst, Philip C Garrett. 8. C. Cooper and Thomas Evans are the only duly authorized to collect fund s for the hasoela- JOHN H ATWOOD, Recording Secretary. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PBSI* SVLYAJfIA. —A paper on “The. Ste«e of jftlor- C.,” will be lead before the boatety by W, H. Davie, of DOylestowii»'at the. Hall, v£i# BoUdißg, on SIXTH Street, below Walnut, EVllSfllsrO, the 14th lust., atBo’eiook. ~ FINANCIAL. •iSDRY DEPARTMENT,' W ahhikotok. D.O. • Decomber 10,1894. IB HEREBY QIVStf or the readiness of this “wot [3 redeem on presentation, bj payment in 1 -ccy, or by conversion into bonds as autbo ; ‘raw, the three-year* Treasury Hotes hearin* if 111 the rate of seven and three-tenthspSrcant - -.Si under theaet of July 17th, 1881. interest cr. ail saeh Treasury notes not so presented months from this date, at »Meh time.neder p right of conversion Ceases, Holders will '‘-Helves _ TBI public.— I thankful to '■’•ri.'fldg and the public for the liberal p&tronas© upon us, we "would inform them that, having alterations ia our establishment,we are Spared to execute Pictures to the satisfaction ot -''may favor us with a call. Haying now at our -tad increased facilities* we take measure in bo mb discerning public to compare the ex*aatioa of ■ Ji -'tk with that produced at any other establish ''* ;fce United States. We would also state that GALLERY IS PBBB TO ALL a asamination of, specimens Notwithstanding material used and wages of hands em !-We are yet furnishing Pictures , AT THE QIBfRIOBS, Miniatures. 'v,\ J * Heads In Crayon, Oil, ana Pastel., , ! jau ?i/fl heads in Crayon, Oil, and Pastel. „ s' Photographs of ail the prominent' Generals ‘...'spilshed men, &e., Ac. taken at short notice. HMW * OT gg I BEgSSS t :, ; '•‘NITUB&—IF TOU jFANT' V T$. J,' hosy place, (to to th% Union Furniture Ttepots taSb 1 *OO.. at the N E. corner ot NINTH and ■ ,tt»ed SECOND and BACK. Tiioir large stock i>sr, Furniture is attracting the attention of the '.itt l r generally, 60 that their employes are kept ! tr ;L en r a ged attending to the demands of buyers, ■ . ftnpioaches, the calls upon their attention vi U I ' c, ,as ing, so that parties wishitg to purchase n J, 5S 'tent an immediate call. AH kinds of?nr .^■aPfStaoATIS, PORTER Sc 00., No. 31 Soutli SlactSi. Street, (between chebtndt and ms os streets, l «s?*tTarl«ty of BOOKS FOR CHIT,- Driatsd In )a?fl BrorM ««•. » high wain? e /& D XT, re e volumes, viz.: Elions ICE ' or > AaT»nmre» in the Polar otfu Fiji ™C™fo WHALES • «• *>°'W “d D*n*«m B«u|dlansand’FMTrad®r» H rf KOTt'i AmertcT 11 * ““ n . m » !s beautifully embellished with Pour Colored Plates, and boond in cloth, gilt. Thar are not upieahardiiomebcjr. aodarethe 1 p,lt CHEAPEST AKB ATTKACIIVE BOOKS FOB published this season. ms- Order DAVIS, FOSTER, & CO ’S E11H»„ OInSIBSE S 11TTLE EfBItARTV. I)i|>*Sn!UOTIBI,K TOT BOOKS, kidi»6 hood, tox wn.?nV SI .f 1 '? fcXKOK, and CHILDSEtf IN' thk In vr’h?t n o i* ri f a ’ P r! nt«fon heavy calendered linen J?*!?! 11 coioja and latue pictures These booka are truly Indefitmctible and tofr putty, are In A.t.Tn aize. and Very cheap Tory are muoV waJtad aa tK high pr ice of mnslin haß prevented their being made** 1*B«E UiTTEBS FAB THE J.IXrLE TMs, a new alphabet four inch's Meh mmami. uTsThonirht'tobS th« h£3 Bpsof Err ? ce * U! ‘chi I Iron? and “ i 5„i On S? t 5° bO J“S handsomest a phabet ever ia*nnd ia D J Ti “* *^ rter >. 4 po’s edition ib a verv cSao 18 Pages 8vo.» 11] ii an(ls om p coven nrlatai in theaa colors. Also, another edition with a efn|iei?tW la SQnarelfmo. ,nUia “ ay “ iated ia 011 c3loc °- 33sages? KHW HOOKS, BY THE AUTHOR OF “SI-OVFSty fZTvu ' V 1 J. SHE SPARK THAT WERT SPARKING bn a &67len ofchaimiag ideas and drawings, wuh bumnron^ SS? a, *h I,lt S°? e ? ils verse, by Dr. Heary Roffman 8 the author of that wood«rfm fanny Ktfir*?' chiIIIIK «j , COMICAL RHYMES. OF AaCISST TIMS* An v m« ?i™n J u ke t fo i r s .?' aU Po,k s-*>r OHH. a* iTOrtSrtr droll book of rhymes and dra *ims to thaHhia ones Printed ]n colorsSmiu 4to S” Mndini IrfcfLSj Potter, & Co’, edition, as insdSufi*: 17 the best and cheapest edition. Over 35.000 conina nf . tils nook was eoldiuLonoon iaif.wmoutas 1 910T11K1C fIOOSE, VARIOUS EOIIIOHB ' SQ. 13KO. • eiS 01 ?? 1 ! 00811 ’ 8 MELODIES, illustrated with new designs, by Bennett 6qnare 12mo Colored on evnrv P a S« a j 200 engravings, aod more published* 1 ** 8 ' iilneS ’ Melodies than any edition ! MaMHA’S SIX SHORT STORIES POE THE NURSE BY ; a series of unpro rint tales for little rirla in of one and two syllables, by a aivtaer, with rix colored engravirgfs from designs by Georae White bquare New and handsome binding. 7,5 cents * JUTTLB FANNIE'S PICTURE a se tUs of thoTt stories and easy reading ■lossoas. ia words 1 fi.2 lie _ aa A 1 tWO 1 85 li^ 1 i 8 * fcyfl,iBBll ® BWe » WitiiSJbto- I llndinu Idceit*" 84 ’ 6uaare lamo - Hbw and showy ! LIMXE BEBSIE’B STOUT BOOK, tn big typo Short I , a ,? d * as ? Itor1 tor H 8 ia -“ords ot single syllables printed ii : typequarter of-anlnch high, withSO brisbtfy-colorad ctnts Bauara 12m °. New and showy bindicg, 75 LITTLE BISSIB'S PICTURE BOOK, in big type A collection or m pictures with stories, in words or two three, and four letters. In type quarter of aa inch high a oonipasion to too abov«, with to colored pictures ina most attractive binding 75 cents iu a O.UBBABS-6 PICTURE BOOK, containing many of the b(sinur« e iy talos: with 100 brhUanUy.cjLSd nl«: lores- Prettily bonjid in a new s’yle.* 75 cents 81 8 KDSSGKI BOOK, ooiitsi&iiir a great variety ofnnrsery rhymes and stories,with UjCipiotares PAvMTR e irn^tP|i t i I r^5 0 ' uld 7 i fen's ~~A TALES 5 comprising House thAt Jack Built, Cock Bobin t Old Dame and ttBi* Three Bea.e, Simple Simon, Acf, fo . cents co^orea Plotures. 12 md. New style of binding! THJASDHY OF PLEASURE BOOKS; containing the favorite tales of Charmed Fawn, Ugly Buck Hals in < G ?S? y Two SjSX,Jeuiy Wrem lews!yiU?Wndf B | r!^ tly - COloredlsiot “ as ' 12 »»' THE HIETORY OF THBEE'KITTEKS WHO T.ow THBIE MITTENS ; their Courtship and Marriage, their Death and Burial, All re and Well Again - Wow ff SSlf e^rt«?rn ? r * * ad ~W olld erfal events in their Pri&dlf ESF&K? SSSMSSi gS?o'rlg? i 1 f W n ' in * «i>d InstrnotiTe stories for little folks. bimHn/ ‘ft 1 Boyal Blro, In a BOW and sbowy NURSERY FAIRYTALES,- the best Fairy Tales in easy tognate, comprising Tom Thumb, Red Biding Hood, Children in the Wood, Jack the foiaat KlUerT Hop O'-My-Thumb, Aladdin. &c. Illustrated with oft picture?, brilliantly illuminated in oil colors, Boyal Bro. In a new and attractive binding y, printed on circu lar card boaid and colored \ a series of comic figaxes. and combinations produced by revolving the circle on a, handle; affording a great deal of amusement for eve ning parties. Six kinds done up in a package. $1,50 ! THE MAGIC PANTOMIME—a series of large dancing figures, brightly colored, which are made to operate in a mysterious and amusing manner. Six kinds assort ed in a package. These dancing figures are gayly colored, and, bring double-jointed, will dance very naturally. .They are much ufced for children’s theatres or shows, for dancing on the piano to the music,. Ac, They are very amusing, cheap, and pretty. • INSTANTANEOUS PHOTOGBiPHS-wamuted cor rect ! This novel instr ament for taking portraits mu»t be Been to be appreciated! There are four kinds assorted to the dozer, any of which will create mirth in the household. THE GHOST IN THE srEBEOSGOFE-a new and beautiful dlvertisement for the by Which a variety of spectres can be conjured up. Tne instrument ana nine ghosts are put in a neat wrapper. By a simple change of litht, ghosts and spectres are shewn instantaneously. The clauges are rerynovel and beam iful. Price only 50 cents. THE GAME. OF NIPATITWICH, THE BELLMAN. A new round game for avenlngparties affording a great dealof mirth. In doiored, lOc. THE GAME OS TEE HAPPY FAMILY. A new gams tor the amusenent of the evening circle. In neat box. Colored, eoc. THE GAME OF MOTHER GOOSE AND HER' GOS LINGS. Amw amneing game, just ready. Inneat box. Brightly colored. 40c. ”*■ NEW ALPHABCT BLOCKS. JFBSSBSDB&, •rf ibeTreasr LITTLE DAELING’S ALPHABET BLOCKS. Con taining an ornamental alphabet.' highly colored and mounted on block.. In a neat box > ODE PET'S ALPHABET BLOCKS. Containing an ornamental alphabet of large size, highly colored and mounted on blocks. In a neat wooden box. . PonriMs, SEW DISSECTED PICTOHES mounted on wood, bilghtlj colored, and in a. neat wooden box— yizi “*• Hot? Boat Excursion. Pennsylvania Dairy Scene. ■William and Mb Sister, P.sWn*, llary andSaLlT, Feedin* tke Pet Pony. ' , JKf Besides.* very large assortment of most attrac tive Toy Books, very nriihtly colored on every pa?*. . ' VAIIIABIE BOOKS FOR FHBBESIS, ' V pfeuBTOD OB POR SAIB BT BATTS. POBTJSif, * CO., %i & SIXTH, PHTIrAD’A, TBK SPIB2kJ>ID_LAEOH^PAP3BH J •• MILTON,. MILTON’S ttfOBKS. Case ton edition. oa large paper. This is tie flr«t complete edition of Milton ever issued ip this country. Xfc is moat; sumptuously ptinted at The Canton Press* on the best heavy laid paper, made expressly for it. The * * Poetical Works are from the text as printed by Pickering, with Life aad Notes by Mitfoid and others, in a bold and very distinct typa; mad * * The Prose Wort s * * are from the edition superin tended by the late Kafns W. Gris nv old, and printed from the text of Pickering’s edition, as there baa been Srir ted bnt a small edition of 290 copies, and it can not e*reprinted, as the plates have been melted up, this superb large-paper issae of Milton must rank as tbo best for the library of the gentleman of .taste, and in crease in value. Price in 4 vols., Imperial Bvo., fold* ed, Slfi; Cloth, uncut, sl6;haUßoxbaTgh Morocco, un cut, top edge gilt/ $22 60; Half Calf Gilt, or Antique, ,25 ; Full Calf extra, $3O. ■ A copy of this edition would make a snparb presenta tion hook, and be an ornament to any library. SHAESmBFS WORKS, 3 TolS, THE ILLUSTRATED BHAKSPBARE, with 75 illus trations on steel and wood, elegantly printed on fine paper, with large type, forming three handsome vol ume?!, Eoyal Bvo.. half Turkey morocco, antique or gilt, or full Turkey morocco antique, a splendid library or presentation editton.v . Also, a fine edition of Sh&kspeare, complete in 1 vol, Eoyal Bvo-.»-wiih 15 steel traits, elegantly bound, in hafffßoxbnrghmoroeco, jd>t tops, or half calf antique. Also, Sfeakspeare complete in lvoL, r*mo. * with 15 plater, bound in half morocco, half calf antique, or Tnrkey morocco antiqe. BYRON *8 COMPLETE WORKS. Bow Riverside edi tion. printed on the finest tinted and laid paper. With fine portrait, and illustrations on steel. Pour volumes. . sroaJl 8vo.» moth, neat, orhalf morocco, Roxburgh WWfecAt -WORKS. Sw Riverdd. edi tin, bo.irtltally printed with largo typo, on thefineet tinted laid paper.' With portrait "Two volnmes. snail Bvo., clotl, orbalf morocco^Boxburghstyle, topooge * KEBLE’S CHRISTIAN TEAR: axqnUHely printed, with fine portrait.’ AGmo., cloth gilt edges, or half calf ““GERMAN LYRIC POETRY SoleotloiiH from the beat Oounan Poet., translated, ly Prof translator of ’‘Titan,'' •*Paust,"«to..*l«ga»«JWl»‘- »d on'tinted paper, lGmo., cloth, aatlqy. red edgea WiINOS’S AMERICAir ORSn'HOLOOT. AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY: OS, THE HISJWRYOP •thb bibdsqs the united States, by aiombwi IO MAKE CBBISTSiS MERRY, NEW BISSECTEII PICTURES. COMPLETE. 1 THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA,’ W BHEW PUBLICATIONS. Wilson; with the additional dec-iptione by Charles Ln citn Bonaparte Edited by Robert Jameson. 4vois., of cap, Bvo., with a folio volume or plAtes, most ela borattly colored, from Wiieon’s drawing*. acid printed ou hea'vy laid paper, with large margin, ibo whole bound in half mon coo, marbled edges. X’rice $5 ), Another copy, printed on large papsr, 4|rola., past Bvo , with the folio Toluene of plates, the whole e*e gentjy bound in half morocco, gilt, uncut, top edge gilt, price $6O. . x . Cophs of Wilson, the standard classic of American Ornithology- are sow seldom for sale, as it has -ong been out of print, and early application ehould be made to obtain those. It would make a superb hotidar pre sent. del4 tf PUBLISHED NEXT SATURDAY. MBS. GREY'S NEW BOOK, LION-HEARTED. BY MRS. OBEY, PRINT2D FROM THE AUTHOR'S ADVANCED SHEETS. ONE VOLUME, OCTAVO. PBICB TO CENTS. LlOif-HEARTEO. By Mrs. GREY. Author of “The Gambler s Wife,'* “GoodSociety,** *'Lake aud Cou sin, * * etc., etc. Complete In one large octavo volume. Price Seventy five Cents. (InPrehe.) GOOD SOCIETY. 'By Mrs. GREY. New and beauti ful edition. Complete in one large octavo volume. Price 75 cents. MARY SEATTAM. By Mis. GREY. Sew and bsauti fal edition. Complete la one luge octavo voluma. I’rice 76 cento, PASSION AND PRINCIPLE. By Mr». GREY. Sew end beautiful edition. Complete In one large octavo volume. Friee74c«nte. SEW EDITIONS OF MBS. GREY'S OTHER WORKS. Cousin Harry, The Lilt.e Beauty, Gipsey’a Daughter, Lena Cameron, Belle of the Family, Sybil Lensard, Duke and Cvneia, The Little Wife. Manoeuvring Mother, Published and for sale at the Cheapest Book House in the world to buy or send for a siockof books, which is at T, B. PETERSON & BROTHERS’, - PUBLISHERS OF PETERSON'S COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR AND BANK NOTE-LIST. .PRICE $1.60 A YEAR. NO. 306 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Pit Copies of any ofthe above will be sent everywhere, at once, free of postage, on receipt ofthe price by ns. ALL NEW BOOKS AT PETER JON'S. JJ U R D & HO UG H T OH, Ho. 401 Brondimy, corner of Walker ' • street, Hew York, PUBLISH THIS DAY ; JOHN GODFREY'S FORTUNES, Bkt.atbd bt Hnr !«r. A story of American life. By Bataed Tatsob. anther of ‘ ‘ Hannah Tbnrston. ”, ** El Dorado, ’ 'dtc., &o. lvol., crownBvo. Fries $2. 26. ' TUESDAY,’ DIC. 13. A YEAR IN CHINA: With av Account of thk Yoy- AOB, TUB CAFTBtRE OB SCKB YESSBr, BT A COBFEDEKATB Cruiser, Ac., Ac. By H.Dwiaar Wileiams, with an Introductory prefaoe by Wm. Cullen" Bryant. 1 vol., crown 6vo. $2. NEARLY READY: m. AUTUMN LEAYES, A Series of Essays. By the late Samuel J. Gamwbb. 1 voL, crown Bvo. $2. THE FIBB ON THE HEARTH IN SLEEPY HOL LOW—A Christman Poem of the Olden Times. By Ed ward Hopper. 1 vol., neat ISmo, with vignette title. Bonnd In extra cloth, gilt side stamp. Price $1,25. V. \ . MY OWN STORY.. By Marian- Lews. I vol., 12moi $2. GOOD LITTLE HEARTS: or, Storirs about Child ren IVHo Tried to hk Good and do Good. By Aunt Fakht, anther of the “ Nightcap Storieß,” Ac.,-Ac. i vola., ISmo. Price 90 cento, or in a neat box, $3.60. For sale by all Booksellers. Sent by mail on receipt of prices annexed. del2-3t AVOID THE BUSH!! A • COME EARLY! COME EARLY I NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. G. W. PITCH E R ’ S ON&FBICB BOOK, ALBUM, PICTURE AND FRAME STORE: 80S- CHKSTNUT STREET. FRAMES! FRAMES ! FRAMES! RUSTIC FRAMES, ALL SIZES AND STYLES. WALNUT « « « G-ILT ■> « « Frames madeto order, and particular attention given to FRAMING- PICTURES, to., to. ALBUMS ! ALBUMS ! ALBUMS! Our stoekiof PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS IS THE LARGEST IN THE CITY. Oyer 500 stylos, many of them NEW, and made ex pressly for onr own’sales. Prices from 15 Cents to $6O. ALL SOLS , LESS THAN IffANTTFACTUEEKS’ PRICES. BOOKS t BOOKS I BOOKS I ALL NEW BOOKS RECEIVED ON DAY OP PUBLI CATION, AND BOLD AT A DISCOUNT. t 2 00 Books for SI. IS. 1.15 Books for SI. 50. SL 60 Books for #1.25. #1.25 Books for #l.OO. BIBLES AND FSAYER-SOOKS in various styles of Binding. DIABXXS, PORTFOLIOS, Stc., &c., at low prices, JUVENITES AND PICTURE BOOKS,. In great Va riety. PHOTOGRAPHSt PHOTOGRAPHS! IMPERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS, 21x27—over 200 snbjects. MEDIUM PHOTOGRAPHS, 10x14—over 700 subjects, CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, plain—over 2,000 subjects. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, colored—over 1,000 subjects. NEJY SUBJECTS ADDED EVERY WEEK. PITCHEB’S, , 808 CHESTNUT ST. defl-tf- BOOKS! BOOKS!! BOOKS!!! The attention of the public Is directed to the fine assortment of new and popular BOOKS on hand and for sale by CHARLES DKSILVER, -- . I»39CHB3TNUT Street. A large and well-selected stock of handsomely-bound and fine copies of all the Standard Work* of the day, designed especially for Gifts during the approaching Holidays. Also, a variety of Juveniles, Toy'Book!, Games, Photograph, Autograph, and Scrap Albums, Diaries, Bibles, Ate., Ac. Also on iband, three seta of the popular Chinese same, 44 The Race Course. * * th« only sets in the coun try not in private hands. Price $75. READY ON THE 15th INST., A new Steel-plate Map of the State of Virginia, show ing the Oil Regions, new Railroads, &c., Stc. Sent by mail post-paid. Price 60 Cent?. • • CHARLES DESILVKR, delO-tjal 1330 CHESTNUT Street. PROM ATLANTA A SOLDIER '•*- writes “ All through Hie tedious campaign the Qolpeh Treasury has been my constant , %7 meet coirpqniin, and has enlivened many an how* which y>tmla otherwise have been spirit in-yawning and lift Itmness." Thiste the famous GOLDEN TftEASUttY ui Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language, .£?&£* ESS?# * T - The other volumes of the aameseriei are as follow* • A rev and beautiful edition of the PILGRIM’S PROGRESS, witbStothard's illustra tions: Jdmoj. vail am cloth. Price $2. mra DKEaM CBILDIiEiS: A most elegant and fascinating juvenile. delightful allfce la feeling and in fancy, baau tifolly illustraied; 16mo. vellum cloth, $1,25. THE B »OK OP PRAISE, from tha best Bag-lislr btmnw lters, arranged by Rotxsdeli, Palmer oon tainisgtheehoitesihymnswbich have been written, whether lay or clerical,.jndgrd only by a pure religion, and a high poetic standard ; 16mo, vellum cloth. Price 92. THE CHILDREN’S GARLAND, from the best Poets. reVcied and arranged by Covextrit Patmore r a choice cabinet of precious gems, or better sttlt, a dainty wreath of Mobmhds; X6n.o, vellum cloth. Price $175. All the above worhs are among the handsomest and most tasteful issues of the American Press, and are especially appropriate for holiday gifts. This is also ttufi oftbe splendid Cambridge edition of „ DETOCaOEYILLE’S DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA ; 2 volumes, Bvo. Price $5; These Boofirs are for sale by all Booksellers, or will be sent by mail on receipt of price, bv the Publishers, BEYER & FRANCIS, Cambridge, Mass. dell-wmSt INJOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. IEHMS OS STBaoHlrTIO!: TO pe person's COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR-MB. V. Monthly, net annum.. .... *1.60 Semi- Monthly, per annum . *lOO Single numbers— ..IS cents. To agents $lO per hundred net cash. . Subscriptions may commence with any month. Terms always to advance. All letters must be addressed to T. B. PKTERSOH & BROTHERS, Publishers and Booksellers, 306 CHESTNUT street. It Philadelphia. Pa. PETERSON’S DETECTOR FOR DS. A CBMBBR 10th now ready: 83 NEW OOONTBR FEJTS are fully described. Also, full list of broken Banks. Price 16cents.. ■ . It PETERSON’S DETECTOR IS THE A only reliable one published. Official list of a’l the national Banks to December l£th issue, - Price 16 cu. it PVEBY ONE SHOULD SUBSCRIBE Aj for PETI EBON’S CODHTP’BPEtT DETEOTOR. Monthly, one year, $1,60; semi-monthly, one year. %3; Kuhßcrltoiqne can conimenca - a t any time. T & PE- I RESOW'* BROTHERS. 3P.6 CHESTNUT ladelphla. All the new are for sale atlPeter eons. n VANAMAKHt it BfiOVfL Baronet's Daughters, TouogPcima Donna/ Old Dower Ho tee, Hyaclnthe, Alice Seymour,' Mary Seaham, Passion and Principle, The FJirt, Good Society. $lOO Bootes for 80 cents. 75 cent Books for 00 cents. 60 cent Book e for 40 cents. 26 cent Books for SO cents. JJALLSCK’S HEW POEM. "" " D. APPLETON A* OO m 2 os. 443 and 445 BROADWAY, PUBLISH THIS DAT, YOUNG-AMEKIOA, A POEM Bt Fitz Greene HAxlbck, lvol. 12mo Illustrated, cents. -Th’BPoemis pronounced by Critics equal to any of the l est productions of this Poet. B. A. &CO ALSO POBLIBK lIALLECK’S POEMS: . , A HEW BDiTiOH, REVISED. 1 vol. 12mo, Cloth, giltelges, $2. Morocco, $l. 1 vol. S2mo, Morocco Antique, $3 50. JUST PUBLISHED, CHRISTIAN BALLADS, Bt Rp.v. A. .CLHVELiSD COXE. Illustratedl with Original Pes-gns by Johx A. Hows. 1 vol. Byo, 256 pages, printed ou Tinted paper, *6- Mo rocco, extra, $9; Ciusned Levant Turkey, sto. ~ LIRA ANGLIC ANA, OK A HYMNAL OF SACRED POETRY, SELECTED FROM THK BEST ENGLISH WRITERS, AND arranged after the ordsr of THE APOSTLES’. ORBED. „ . .By tetk Set. Osohks T. Rhmbr, M. A. I vol. 12mo, Antique Cloth, red eCges Price $2. Mo i occo Antique, $5. ' LYRA AMERICANA, VBESES OF PRAISE AHD FAITH, AMERICAN POETS. SELECTED AND ARRANGED. By the Rrv. Gkoi-.gk 7. Ricek. M. A, 1 vol. lar.o, nnUawy $2. Morocco, $3. THE HOLIDAY"CATALOGUE OF BOOKS FOE CSRIKTMAB PRESENTS, now nfiA»T. de!4-2t “JJEBE IS ANOTHER GLORIOUS BOOK PGE BOYS.’' A COMPREHENSIVE HISTORY OF THE REBEL LION, FOR AMERICAN YOUTH, IS , tf'u A Y E IL ’ S TOFTH’S HISTORY OF IRS REBSLLION. ByWK. M, THAYER, Author of “The Pioneer BlSy,** -&C.,. Ac. SnperMy Illustrated. Price $l5O. The Indianapolis Journal, la speaking of its merits, * * By reading it a boy cut speak understa&diagly of «he great struggle through which we are now pass ing. Even men will not injure themsslYes by master ing the contents ofthe book^’ 1 For Sale byEvery Bookseller, or Sent by Sfail on re ceipfc of $1.60, by WALKER, WISE, & CO; s PUBLISHERS, BOBTOH, MASS, JfXS* NOTICE.“ACTIVE CANVASSING AGENTS WANTED to sell this book in every town in the coun try. Apply to the above address. deH-wfm3t VALUABLE B O OKS FOR LIBRA * KIES. For pale. by A J PRICE. I uporter of English Books, Ac., No. SlSoothSlXi’H Street, above Chestnut:. WAVERS* NOVELS. Abbotsford edition. ISyols, royal, Bv«> , half morocco extra,, gilt tops, SLSO. WAVERbY FCrVELS. Llbiary edition, with 204 Steel Engravings. 2d Yt>hr\ Bvo., half morocco, gilt tops, $J'O„ BURKE'S WORK'S Best edition. 8 vola. .half morocco, extra. $6O. ROME AND SMOILETT’S ENGLAND, London Trade edi ioDi large type. 10 vole., Svo,, half OFTBUSTEES. Alexander WhUldin, - 3. Edgar Thomson, Hon. James Pollock, Hon Jos. Alliaon, Albert C. Roberts, Henry K. Bennett, Samuel T. Bodine, Philip B? Mingle* Geo.- Nugent, John Aikman,' m J. Howard, Isaac Hazlehurst, Samuel Work. 'ALEXAHI>BE WHILLDIH, President. ' • . SAMUEL WOBK, Vice President.- 8018 Smlf JNO. 8. WILSON, Sec’y and TnaanffiT. LEOAI. “E'STATE OF ALBERT HERGESHEI •*-* BfEß.—Letters of administration upon the Estate ofALBEHT HBBGESHEX&IEB having been granted to -the undersigned,'all persons indebted'to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having c» vims to present them to AWtfA E. HERGBSHBIMEB, - - - Administratrix, d,14-w6t No.agS.SIXTEEHrgSt.PIufa. FI THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AKD COUBTY OF P HIL AD ELPHIA. Estate of JACOB BEGBB, Deceassd. « The Auditorappointeil b- the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of WM. H. BEGEE and THOB. MAGAKGE, Executors of the last S'Will and Testament of JACOB B33GEh, deceased, and to report distribution of the balatfCe in the bands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appoint meat, oa TUESDAY, December 2*tn, 1861? at 4 'o’cloci P M,, at his Office, ao. 3*5 fioith SI2LTH Street, in the citj o ade pa. JQHIf L SHOEMIKEE, Auditor. deH-’wfmSl* TNTHE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE A CITY AND COUNTY OF PHfLABELPHIA* Estate of PERRY O. COPE, deceased.”* The Auditor appointed by the Conrt io audit, settle*. an da d just the accormt'of ELIZA COPE, Administratrix of PEEKS C. COPE, deceased, and to report diatrlbu tion'of the balance in tne hands of ihe accountant, will meetthe parties interested for the purposes of. hie up pointmeaVen WEDNESDAY, January 11.18®. atfour o’clock P. his office No. 131 South FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia, , GEGEGE M. CONARBOE, d»l4-wfmsi ATrn&or. rS THE ORPHANS’COURT FOE THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. - Batata of GEORGE LUD WICK, deceased. The Auditor appointed by Conrt to audit, settle, and adjust the account of PETBR FRAILBY, executor of the estate of GEOBGE LUDWICX, deceased, and to repo rt distribution of the balance iu the hands of the ae constant, will meet the parties interacted, for the pur* poseßof his appointment, on WJsDN£SDA¥i'T>ecerabar fstbV ISCI. at 4 o’clock P. M., at the WETHERILL BOuSBI in the city of Philadelphia. del4-wfm3t Psr THE OBPHAK6’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND _COON TT__O_FPH tLjU) BLPH Ti. Estate of r KATHAy STABKEYT decWed. Notice is hereby given that ELIZA STARKEY,'widow ofthe decedent* a lunatic, byTRoS. BRADFORD her Committee,'Has filed In said Coart an appraisement or the personal property she elect* to re tain under the Act of April 16riS51. and it* supplements, and will piesent her petition to th e-Court to confirm the same. FRIDAY, January 6th, 1865* unless exceptions thereto be filed. • deU*wf4t* TO THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THB ■*- CITY ABC COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate orCATHAEIRE fiTAhLSB, dec*aaedV , The Anditor appointed by the Court to audit. Betts, and adjust the accountof s. B; WARRINGTON, excel-* tor of the will of CATHARINE STABLER, - deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hand* of the accountant, ■will meet the parttet interested for the purposes of hie appointment, /. On TUESDAY, the 27th day of Dacembar. 1864, pt 11 o’clock A. M., at his Office, No. 431 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. . „ THOMAS E. MoBLROY, delfi-thsmwfft* Auditor.; LOST AND FOUND. A PPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO the. Managers of the MERCANTILE LIBRARY company for renewal of Certificate of On* Share of Stock, No. 8028, standing In the name of The Pennsyl vania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind* the same having been lott or mislaid. It*! T OST OB MIFLAID— A CERTIFI CATE. K 6. 80. for One Hundred Shares of the “Ir win Petroleum Oil Cotupaiiy. *' . Application has been made to the Company for a new certificate. . . Any person having found It (No 90) will please re turn it to SAMUEL R. PHILLIPS, -It* Nos. 30 and 33 South SEVENTH Street. T OST OR mislmd-a: negotiable " NOTE, for $5BO. 'Payable at NBW CaSTLS COUNTY BaNK. Payment has been stopped. Any pet son finding the same will please leave it with .. JOHN C. SPEAR. MiPBLBTOWK, Del , Bee. 13, 1861. It* r OST OB DESTROYED-ONE -A-J Share of the Delaware Mutual Insurance Com* Sany's Stock, No 8,898, date 1651, in the name of OfcEVfi S. MED AHA A CO. Application will be made forthe renewal of the same. December 7, 1864. daS thimw4t* XT OTICE.—W HERE A.S, ** A CERTIFICATE OF ONE SHARE OF TBJR STOCK ON THIS PHILADELPHIA, GER MANTOWN,- AND NORRIbTOWN RAILROAD COM PANY, dated February 6, 18*8, and numbered £391, belonging 10 and issued in tee name of the under signed, was taken from zny boarding-house; in Getty s-. burg, at the time of the rebel invasion of the place la 2863, notice is.hereby given -that application will be ZBfedeto the Boaid of raid Company for a new. CER TIFICATE. and all persona are called upon to show cause why said CERTIFICATE should not he is-* surd. , ~ del* wsBt* QTOLEN.—AT A STATED MEETING K? of tie KBPTOHB BOSE OOMPAST hold on Mon day Evening. December la. iSM,itwaß. on mrtion, Kr&ol'otd, That a reward if TWEKTI-fIVB UOL- I, AKb be offered lor tbe return of the castings and orna ments belonging to onr fancy carriagejnbjoh have bean 6‘olen from the liof© hou»e» and FiFxY BOLLaBS for tbe arrest end couYiotioh of the thief or thieves. Jnnk abops and metal Secretary* Ko. lOia XEMt>M fittest. GREAT OEKTJtAIt CLOTHING- HODSE, IDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1864 THE HOLIMYS. ■J.OODS SUITABLE 108 PBESE NTS, JE*' M. NEEDLES, 10524 CHESTNUT STREET, OSe-B for sale A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF XINEN HMMERCIIIEFSj In all.varieties, for CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY PRESENTS, At very Low Prices, Eft' J»em-*tltoliBd Handkerchiefs. all limn, 35c. Cfcildmt’s •« <* «« o^: Wain B&ndfeercMera, all linen, 20c. Lac© Ban o Kerchiefs, $3 to $5O. Embroidered. Handkerchiefs, $i to $lO. » M f n,B » y omen's, and Children’s Handkerchiefs, all S?is S# Ra< * prltes very mach. below the present gold IiCE GOODS, EMBHOIDBEtBP, and WHITE HOODS Of ail kinds, suitable for Presents, at d*'BAaS - OVER TWENTY DIFFERENT KINDS. ’ . ,i CABAS, POCKET BOOKS, CIGAR CASES. PURSES AND PORTMONNAIES. GAMES OF ALL KINDS. CHESS, DOMINOES, LOTTOES. CBIBBAGE COUNTERS, CHESS. AND BACKGAM MON BOARDS. BAGATELLE AND TIVOLI. IN TOYS.- This Department ie complete In every va riety known,, with many novel things never before Im ported. Dolls,. the very large variety of every kind, known,-kept in this storetstupasses in beauty and taste ful dressing anything known here and in Europe. Tide i» no idle beast. Ladies should call and see them. del'tdeZllf ’ QHRIBTMAS BOOKS! We are. ao.wjirepinSSf to'offer onr etoekof ILLUS TRATED SWKS>Dd WOKKS, in FINE BISDIB9B. eswclallj iSfeiffia-’to chs HOLIDAY SEASON, at LOW moss. ,J •' LIMDSaY & BLAKISTJH, ■ Fnkliehers and Booksellers, Eo. 23 Sonttf SIXTH Sfcet. ■DEDUCTION Or PRICES J:t> O F . STAPLE STYLES DRESS GOODS. CURWKN STODDART. & BBO.’S slock, comprise a large and varied assortment of articles that would ho appieciated^aa GIFT. From late Auction Sales : , FRENCH, MERINOS, . PARI*. POPLINS. PARIS BPINGLES. . RICH PLAID POPLINS, RICH PLAID MERINOS, RIOS PLAID CASHMERE, ROM*N PLAIDS. And ft large Hue «-f DRESS GOODS ranging, from ODEw"EtPsTODD ART, & BEO., . 45(R43*, end 434 North SECOND Street. de!4 Js-. above WILLOW. Presentation books' of a VALUABLE CHARACTER. Appleton's New American Cyclopedia, Cyclopedia of Commercial and Bastness Anecdotes, 2voiB. Rebellion Record* BrFrank Moore. Washington living’s works; fine editions. “ Coocer’s Novels; illustrated. Dickens* Wojbs:illnstr&ted. Bancroft’s United States. Kcrivale’s Histo.-y of the Romans. Gems from the Duaseldorf Gallery^ Lights and Bfcadowiof sew York Picture Galleries. Martin’s History of France, age of Louie XIV* Waverly Novels f illustrated. Snakepeare s Works. Pm.cott r s Works v Bancroft’s United States. Bayard Taylor’s Works, Bood’e WorkSiT Lord Bacon's Wk>rbs; fine edition, BaUam’s Works, 10 vols. „ ■ • At JAb. E. SIMONS’ Book Booms, del& 12fc - 33-B"t»fit.BlXTH Street, second story. B. B. A liberal discount made on all purchases. PHALLEN’S HOLIDAY PUBLICA yj time. . We publish this day— ‘ Ei Si-BEE TALES.TBustrated, . ' . BIBLE STtBIBS, in--verso, on tinted paper. Dins trated. - little pilgrims ih the holt. laud. And a large assortment of ' . ■ BOOKS FOBTHE YOUNG. , Also, new editions of their „„ .STAHtfABD Bf-LTDAY BOOKS, palesiTheY’ast AHD P,RESENT’ FRUITS A2fB.FLOWEBS.OF PALESTINE. EL KHUDS. THE HOLY CITY. CITY OF THE GRBAT KING. . ' All magnificeiatly Ulustrated,' and hound in eyory 8< Writing Desks,-Portfolios, Herr Holiday BMks, In gif at variety. * . C UAL LEST. del3-3t : ’ - 1308 CHBtSTKUT. BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. WTNFISM), THE LAWYSB’S SOY. A LIFE OF MAJOR GEEBEaL HANCOCK- An irathenttc life of the boyhood and subsequent career of Gon. Hancock, containing a correct portrait and many beautiful , iltus tiatlons. One of themost entertaining hoys' hooks yet published. Price ,1 50. _ ... SEASIDE AND FIRESIDE FAIRIES. Translated from the German by A. L Wlater. A charming colleo tion of German Fairy-Tales, linked tot ether with a piety narrative; beautifully printed and illustrated. Price $1 75. By John GSsxe. .Illustrated by W.L. Champnsy. ■ FOLK SONGS. A new edition of that most popular book. A new edition of BITTERSWEET, with additional 11- lustrations. r from American Post*. . . LYRA ANGLIC AN A; oiv A Hymnal of Sacred Poetry. Variety * hTASDAED WORKS and hooks of All kinds In every variety of binding,placed on long counters running the full length of cur store, where they can be examined ‘ carefully and leisurely. We invite their Inspection be fore the usual holiday rush of purchasers. For sale by asHbEaD & EVANS, (Snoosssonaro W P. Hazabb), delO Bo Ml CHESTNUT Street. V MAS.—THE BEST CHRISTMAS -xV present gentlemen can make to their ladyfrtendsis some useful article of Furniture, such asan Esontoire, with Music Stand. Reception, or Rockta* Chair. Plano Stool, Marble Top Table. Ac.; ail of which may he had, cheapest and best, at GOUi.O a. CO. ’SFnlou E. corner SKCOBi) and EaOE and BIRTH and M ABKBT Streets. > deli-tjal pATHEFS AND MOTHERS—CALL J- at GOPLD & CO. 'B Dnlon Furniture BeDOti. K. B. corner of EJHTiI aad MARKET _and SECOND and BACK, and- .ratify your children by the purchase of a Christmas memorial. A splendid assortment from which to select may be found there,-cheapest and best. O'cHi.iai - " , ~ - BETAIL DRV ROODS. TNDIA SCARFS, •*- IN GREAT VARIETY. J. M. HAFLEIGH, 903 CHESTNUT STREET. IACEB, LACE COLLARS, LoCS SETS DUCHESS COLLARS. EMPRESS COLLARS' QUEEN MARY COLLARS, > At Low Prices. *« of Dnplex Cor two) Elliptic Steel Springs, Ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, mafcingthe toughest, most elas tic, flexible, and durable spring ever med, enabling the fearer, in consequence onto great elasticity and flexi bility, to place and fold the skirt when in use as easily and with the same convenience as a rfUr or muslin dress. It entirely obviates and silences the only objec tion to noop skirts, viz* the annoyance to.the wearer as well as the public especially in crowded assemblies. g carriages, railroad;oars, church pews, or in anycrowded ace, from the o lflfculty of contracting them to occupy* g a small space. This entirely removes the difficulty, wnUe giving the skirt the usual full and symmetrical form, and is the lightest and most stylish-and graceful appearance for the street, opera, promenade, or house dre/a. A lady haying enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenieitoe of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirt for a single day, will never afterward willingly dispense with the use of them. They are the best quality in every part, and by far the lightest, most durable, comfortable. and economical skirt made. Mer chants will be supplied' as above, and ladies In most first-class retail stores In this city and throughout the different States. Inquire tor the , • DOUBLE ELLIPTIC SPRING BKTBT. ■RRADLBt’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC X) SKIRT, Very flexible, folded easily when In nee to octfnpy a email space, jnakHiKihe moot .agreeable sklrtworn, • For sale bsr " ’ J. M. HiFLEIGH, 903 CHESTNUT Strok TJRADLBY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKlHT—TJidffroatfiet improvement we bays ever eeenln UJJIMIjKIBTS, andanarttoleof SOTBEOR EXCELLENCE. CUB WES STOBDAET & 880., 450, 453, and 454 IT. SBCOSD fit., ab. WIUoW. noI9-lm 628. HOOF skirts. 628 factory, _ Ko. eas_ABCH Street; Together with the' * 1 NBwyliEXlßLs SKTST, 1 ’ just out, the most pliable Hoop Skirt in the raarkeLeauai to the “Duplex Elliptic, ’ 5 and at mueb lower prices. Also, constantly in receipt of full lines of low-priced Eastern-made Skirts, kid padded and rivited—ls springs, 85 cents; 20 springs, $1; 25. springs, 91.15; SO springe, 91.25: and 40 springs, SL6O. no2o-lm*. . WM. T. HOPKINS. “T ’EMAIL HE PARIS” IS NOT A -AJ paint, powder, or paste, bni a most delicions preparation that gives both tbe color and texture of po- Hshed ivory to tie skin. EUGENE JOUIN, No. m TBNTH.Street, below Chestnut; « T ’EMAIL BE PARIS” CAN BE used by all ladies in the privacy of the toilette. It removes all spots and roughness, and its purifying effect on the skin calls forth freshness, color, and beauty. B, JOUIK, 80, 111 TShTH Street. « T ’EMAIL DE PARIS” QUICKLY ' and effectually removes those unsightly black worm specks which detract so much from thebe&uly of the skin. B. JOUIN, ffo. 111T&NTH Street. «T’EMAIL DE PARIS” IS ES -JU PEGIALLY endorsed by Sfad’Uo Veetvali, Lu cille Western, Mrs. D. P. Borers, and many ladies in private life, whose commendatory letters, for obvious reasons, cannot be published. S. JOTJIN, H 1 SOOIH TENTH Street. . . , ■ . Officers and soldiers whose complexions have become tanned or bxonsedbv the exposure Incident to a camp life, will find the “Email” invaluable. ’ Orders by mail should be addressed, JARED d RENE, General Importers, Philadelphia- deg-smw tf FANCY yiTRS. JJANDSOME HOLIDAY PRESENTS. SIBERIAN SQUIRREL MUFFS, $B. MINK SABLE MUFFS, $l2. HUDSON’S .BAY SABLE MUFFS, *BO. Also, a general assortment of Ladies’ furs, ETTOH, STONE-MARTEN, ROYAL ERMINE, AND CHINCHILLA. A, K. & f. E. WOMMTH, 413 ABOH Street, Philadelphia. FANCY FURS. "■s - ■■ i—■ JOHN FiIBEIBA, So. 718 AKCH Street, above Beventh Street, At hlc old established store, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER HSt FANCY FURS *o* r.APTES AND OHJXiDEEN. Biaringnow la store a very largc andbs&utlfttl asgwt. meat of &ll the differ«nt kinds and qnaUUej of FAHOI FDBB FOB .LADIES’ AHD CHILDBXE S WEAR. 1 solicit a call bora those In want. Kemembez the name and number, . JOHN FAREIRA, 718 -AKCH Street, above Seventh. I hive ns partner or connection with any other store Inthlaclty. • oeMmlf . 1564. wots. 1864. LltlX WOMBATH, CCBBSOKS TO THE LATE GEO. F. WOMKATH.I No. 415 Arch Street, Ham vow onr A FULL ABSOBTHEXT OF » LAmES> FANCY FURS, To width they Invite the attention of burera. ortO-Sm . . PERSONAL. PERSONAL.—LOOK BEFORE YOU A LEAF I— Solid Gold aid Fitted JBWELEY, oheap* est In the city. 916 BACE Street. doU-2t» TNFOBMATION WASTE D.—TH7a a undersigned desires to hear from the Bister of I. .'K, uusiosc “ B HUME, Sheriffs Offiv a. nolft'lm Placervlll®. Kl Dorado «waUy , OftL PURE PALM -OIL SOAR, MANiUFAC- A TUBED by ,h si£B-J%Fi2fTo2f. dela-.lm* 116 MAKGAKEVta Street. 1 flfin SPRING HOBBY-HORSES 1 1 V (new and fanqy styles), goose-nook Sleds, Express Carts, Sts.. for sale gngTo!f , delO-tf , . 137 and 159 Korih THlKDStreet. TASTEFUL OLOTKCNG WANTS. k 8 EXPERIENCED MALE TEACH. 5* BR desire a Beat re f slvatL. Ad draßß *«P. fi.»* Inguir rnffio. PMlv d*»V». 6 * TO PHOTOGHAPHEKB. WAITED, -f~ a situation ia a flf-t-cUea Photograph Oailery for tna glister, fey a gput'eman from KasHacbmetts who - a 4, twenty yearn' practice in ft gallery of hU ?T- } n fil9 aelgthorh -nd of Boston. Can give the beer oirefexeaee. liquire of or addreea deli.wfsSt* 'TO DRUGGISTS.—TWO ACTIVE m*A v».nteditta Wholesale Era* Paint, Ura«it£t^S lu< #' jaufat be able to iaflaeoee a }J3£S*^*e4 of ,”^ An applications- will be wlth TO TEE WHOLESALE DRY GOODS tea j^g UAHOK a> TO COAL DEALERS,—ANY PERSON ~ Wiebin* to reiinanteh the business max And a nnr cbaaei-tj-T etatinsrlocalitj, So., •■*B. J. H.," Box SB'S PM ladelphia Poßt Office. dslS 2 “ WANTED-A SITUATION AS BOOK IT KEEPER ana Financier in an established bujl new, With a view to an interest; can furnish $16,0f!) SSiu Address “Book keeper," Box 625 PhiU-tel phta f - O- ; dell 6.* WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN * ,J rom the country, by the Ist of January, a S tu araodbSSSS!,!^5 * 0 , 1 ™ 1 ® oafe as SALESMAN Has ?i tv °?JEIS! m ae trainiEg. Can spealc German. Best of |Uj reference given. Address “Energy;” Pres* of' ■-———- It* W — SET ORHED' AND D IS g|raieff«, i d fi «s.*i oi aor& GBipma, Fa. delf-lxa* W ANTE d immediately—CAN- La VABSEEB for a LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, to wfeni Hberai commissions wiu be paid, At«« addresa’ a * tke^® oBu * P»PSr, giving® arae^and WANTED-A SITUATION IN A Commission or. Impartial; House, by a votTSG TfHi 51 Vn rs of age, who has a knowledge of bnsiaess. Address “ Box 672.' > p 0 Office. dell ws2t* WANTS D—A GOOD SALESMAN, IN ,ii ~a Hat Hourw, for country trade, Ad- Philadelphia, P. 0., with name and re ference, __ del4-8t« WANTED TO PURCHASE, A SMALL tbecity AS M “ear 4 Esilroad Station, within 28 miles of deiß-gi* D, L BEEPS. IQB South FOURTH St. wanted-by a young lady, a as J™£ E l7m T b°? *1 CouYtst.or copying to do at home. Address ». B, F., ,a Press office. de!3-2t* WANTED—A FIRsT-CLASS SALES “Kcergyf"thfi office,* 0166 * 19 Cl ° tk Hoa,e - WANTED-A SITUATION BY A \J _ Yonng Man in a wholesale stores to make him* gJLir- w y affi. sffiss.. r6fwmc °detfe a - W ANTED-B°ARD, WITHA PLEA • SANT room* for a lady, two children, and imrsa* witi i Private familA Ifnrtsuimd in £®* townin.neieh'boThoodbfGer-o mastownor West Philadelphia Goodrefe.’encß- H s ven 4rip^M dreB6> fo ! tto6 da >* °«»ss*s«- WANTED—BY JANUARY Ist, A ' ’ e'ioaHoniua retail gents’ fnrnishicg store by a yotrng man of ability and experience Good references £JS?‘ "• N. B.,’’ Press office, for one weea - ■ dels 2t* WANTED.—A YOUNG MAN OP EX _ m P®r^sP ce fa active Mercantile business, and ha a moderate amount of onpit&t* is desirous of con. necSbnbjicßelf with an esrabli/bed WodS?eS? ous or iom with an active young man, nese 60lT ,V fe, 5 I,cBs J ! ? Tsn and required. Goramn ?«?i lo f. K v‘? >llS,dere Box 3019 Post Office. - del2-6t* WANTED-A SUITABLE PERSON I ’ to act as CANVASSER for an old- established Life Insurance Company. Address “Life Insurance," Press office. de!2 St* WANTED-A YOUNG MAN, WHO ,'.i , thowngbly understands drugs, chemicals, and tnto sole chargeof thlsdepaTtmentinaMer- S“^£l e „?T, okel .f. offiM ;, d» U eommunicati one treated. ooHjdenilaUy. Address “ Merchandise Brokers.” office of The Press. . deK-St* WANTED TO SELL-THE STOCK I * and Fixtures of an old-eßtablished Hardware House, doing an ,exceilent business. The stock is well selected and suitable for Pennsylvania and Ohio trade. To one wishing to engage in the business gre.t induoe ments will be offered, as the party wishes to retirefrom -bUBIUGSB. • • r . real name, “H. &C 0.,” Mo. 639 U. BROAB street. - delo-6t» "Vy ANTED—A SITUATION AS BOOK .\ T KEEPER. Best city reference for ability, and integrity given, Address “Bookkeeper," Press Office. ; - " nc 30-161* WANTED, AGENTS.—AGENTS IN . *l’ , every. County, at *7O a month, expenses paid, to introdaceJlrtasß nets and useful articles, the best seH ffFnSfv 1 .For particulars, address OTIS T. GABBY, -BiEDBKFOBD, MAIHR.- tsst-iews. -* MIKTS.WAM TBPS'OB THENURBK excitingbooks ever pttifliawyJL. adventures a .Woman in the Union army aaSurseT' Scout, %nd Spy. Giving a most vivid inner picture of --tie war, Beturned and disabled officer* ana soldiers nol9-Im» 600 CHESTNUT EL. Philadelphia, At. ® NOTICE.—WANTED—A. GOOD three-story HOUSE, for a smiil family, In good location. Kent not to exceed *5OO. Aunty or address W. G. HUBy, Banker,- dfel4-3t* , - . 54: Sontk THIRD Strata m A PUBLISHED HOUSE •B»t WANTED. Address Bos 1840 Philadelphia Post Office. del4-G,* •f 4 HOD 0B 15,000. —A PERSON with good business qualifications, of ten years 2 experience, ■wishes a POSITION in some well established, safe, and profitable business. Unexcep tionable references given. Address *‘l). 8.,” Press office. ded-Gt* &10R A MOJTTH-IVAMBD AGENTS everywhere to introduce the new SHAW & CLASH SIXTEEN DOLLAR FAMILY BB ST IES MACHINE, the only low price Machine in the country which is licensedbj Grover & Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, Bowe, Singer A Co., and Baehelder. Salary and expenses, or large commissions allowed All other Machines now-sold for less than forty dollars each are ittft insrementSt and the seller and user liable. Dios trated circulars sent free. Address SHAW & CLARK, nclS-d&wSm BIDDEFORD, Maine FOR- SALE AND TO LET. F)R VALUABLE LOT OP GROUND, southeast corner of EIGHTEENTH and RITTEN&OUSE Streets; front on Eighteenth street 63 feet, on Kitte&houee street US feet. Also, the Lot of Ground northwest comer Chestnut and Twenty-second streets; front on Chestnut street 139 fees by 120 feet on Twenty-second street Apply to THOMAS H. CONNELL, . Counting-House of Dr. 3); Jayne & Son. de!4»3t* %fi-S CHESTNUT Street. POK BALE—A LARGE LOT OF A SHELVING, COUNTERS, Ac., In good condit on. Apply at 525 MARKET Street, up stairs, deli St* TJOR SALE-THE GOODWILL AND ■*- Furniture'of a first-class DAY and BOARDING SCHOOL, nowm fall operation. Address ‘‘Principal of Seminary, * * Woodhnry, N. J. no2l-mwfl3t* •pOR RENT—THE LARGE PHOTO graphic Boom, formerly occupied by W. L. GBE MOK, cornet of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Street*. Also,, eve ra! other rooms over the Photographic .Rooms. Inquire at 018 WASHINGTON Square. . no!4 T? LET—THE SECOND AHD'THULD STORIES OF THE COMMONWEALTH BUTLDING, 611 and 613 CBEsTNUT Street; second story suitable for coal oil or other offices. Also, the fif-h and Sixth, stories of the old Post Office Building, Dock street, be low Third. THOMAS H. CONNELL, • . . Counting-House of Dr. D. Jayne & Son, dell-31* . „ aiS CHESTNUT Street. TO LET—THE LARGE SECOND- A STORY ROOM, No. 41 North T BIRD Stieet. A®* Ply to W, HELLBRM4N, ael3-3t* __ Third floor. m REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE, JBSiL BEAL ESTATE, EBAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE; *6,000, COO WORTH FOR SALE. #6 000.000 WORTH FOR SALE. „ *5, COO,OOO WORTH FOR SaLE. No person should fail to call on me If they wish either to purchase or sell. Very elegant DWELLING on the north side of w| ARCH, west of Fifteenth street. Lot 22 by 120. ■BSfl Only *20,C00. Immediate possession. oTwft very large first class DWELLINGS on ARCH, west of -Tenth street. Lot 21 and 25- feet front, and 160 and ISO feet deep. Stable, Ac. $25,* OCO&ndS2S,OCO. - ' Large fiisfc. class DWELLING, ARCH*, east of Bp Sixth street. Lot 26 by 276 feet deep to. Cherry •»'street. Stable. &e. $25,000. Neatfour-Btory DWELLING on ABGH»_west of fla Twenty-first street. Lot 18 by 125 feet to. a. street. JEft $9,600.' «Neat four-story DWELLING on „west side of BbOAD, south of Oxford. $10,600. ' Neat new tide-yard D WELLING on WALLACE, fln west of ‘ewßutieth Lot 24 by- 111. $8,300* A MEM. splendid yard. Neat DWELLING, .258 South. TENTH Street. wSrTwelve rooms. Only .$6,600. Immediate po*see- Aal sion. Lot 18 by 90 feet deep. 4Bf SACRIFICE. —DWELLING; 1642 PINE Street. me* Lot 18-by HO to Helmuth street., only S4>4QQ. • MTico elegant four-story DWELLINGS on PINE,, west o& (seventeenth and Eighteenth, struts. $12.- 600 each. ~ _ „ . Besides nearly 2,000 oEjer.Propertie*. Call to M ‘ samiß * rexister an 4 VBSif SIXTH Street. £9 FOR SALE— UHPRS- JmCLDENTED.—The large four and five-story Build ing, ». W. comer of THIRD Street and HARMONY C* -—- op*n between the hoop of 9Lt ixTin)?}* 69 ** *** Admission, 60 and 35 cents. * Secured Seats CO cents additional ACADEMY OF MUSIS' BOIEBE°inWTArES, BT TUB . .-.WTBES aoaobmk cadets, (WM. F. WXERt, A. H:. PrlMiiaU ■WEDHBSDAT EVEKINB, Bee, 21si, IgSt,- Biider the direction of MAJOR Q. ECKEKBOSFr, EIEGPELB-seBLEBEATEI)”BAH“J ra ' tOC; . at£^dlT4e e dlrec,l is wifi' Blunt . . ‘' n yfeSKZ* at2 C o?lo 0 o P k°? e t ct«iy. OCk; *» MEW CHESTRUT-8T THEATER orcwrr * Street, abova.Twelfth* GROVER S SINN. .. & Manae** L-AST ' Of Dion Bonckanlt’s beantifnl- Military and Saaaattoa OB* BBLIEy OF LUCKNOW, raEroWjSJSSfWvbbVpaSS with _ . PHILADELPHIA'S ELITE, WJTH Who haye manifested their delight nightly hr the MOST BAPTOBOUS APPLAUSE. Dr “* . TBB BNTIBE PBESS hare exivesraedjieir delieht at its nrrdactionin . . THE MOSTFLATTERINO NOTICES. And pronounce it nndonbtedly the - 5 ’ _ SUCCESS OP TfiE SEASON - SSSSS3 Si r^d^°“ < " iy 111 ‘^C 6 ® “*«• for the first time ha this ettr iormany years, called * „ „ LAUGH WHEN YOU CAN. Oeorge Gossamer Mr. Lewis Baker. Will he produced on .. Mow DAT EVENING, Dec. J9th, . Lo e mSiSrc , 2u“d !! “ t EeaKm '. tilat tree. Picture of THE OCTOROON. SATURDAY AFTSEDOOB; Dec 17th 1 SEVENTEENTH BRAND FAMILY m vhneb aV» PAST MATHS EE OP JESSIE BROWN ' d ljS THEATRE. THIS (Wednetday) EVENING. Dec. Htfc. MISS LUCILLE WESrBttN * _ r'i l?.? e r a ? 111 her * reat impersonation of ‘ vAMJXiXiEb* f!A M 1 T.T.E A HIIL camieeb; _f)n vorn¥£ positively iheiast time mams**: WALjSFDT- STEEETTHEATKES^ -^ ’ ' WALNUT-STREET THEATER. . m __”IVAL NUT-STREET theater THIS (WEDNESDAY) NIGHT, Dec M.- THIS (WEDNESDAY) NIGHT, Deo iC MISS LUCILLE WESTERS, MISS IHCIILE western! MISS LUCILLE WESTERN. HISS LUCILLE WESTERN. „„By nrgect req.a«t, ana for 111 HIS SMS’ POSITIVELY, THE LAST TIME, POSITIVELY, • . AS CAMILLE! (In Matilda Heron’s version- by her permission,! CAMILLE: CAMILLE; CAMILLE; . cabille; Ob, THE FATE OF A COQUETTE. Ob, THE FATE OF A COQUETTE . Ob,. THE FATE OF A COQUETTE, __ «»,.the fate of a coquette TO-MORROW—THE SPY OF ST MARC, and fBB ACTRESS OF PADUA FRIDAY—EAST LYNNE, and BENEFIT NIGHT. lyrßS: JOHN DREW’S NEW .ARGH XYX STREET THEATRE-. „„ „THIED WBEE OF J. S. CLARKE. TO SIGHT (WBDSRSdaY), DEC 14m. 1904. “EVERYBODY’S FRIEHT).” and * ■_. r ■ , ‘‘JONATHAN BRADFORD.” SterllnFComedv and Comic Drama. CLARKE AS MAJOR DB BOOTS. ChARKE AS CALEB BCRIMWTDOE. FRIDAY, CLARKE'S BBWBFtT. OBEAT NATIONAL CIRCUS—WAL- V* EBT STREET. ABOVE EIGHtA Directress, MBS. CHARLES WASHER, formerly JOB. . Dan rige YOUNG HICOLO, YOUNG NICOLO. THE great child wonder, __ the great child wonder, Wiu appear every Evening and on Wednesday and Sa turday Afternoons this week; He is- immense, and hag no rival on the FLYING TRAPH2H . The TALLEBN BROTHERS; HBKR NIOOLO, Messrs. MURRY and HUTCHINSON, the SHERWOOD. PaBL LY, Mr. and Mrs. TOM KING, Mrs.-WABNBK. the week. Brilliant entres at every,performance, /dmiseieu— Tier. 50 Tier, S cents; Private Boxes, $3 and $6. Performance commence—Kvcithig7.4o. > Afternoon 3J£ o-elock- Oome early on all occasions,.and get choice seats at sights. deM ASSEMBLY BUILDING, TM T H ■**- and CHESTNUT^rMi^^ The Great NECROMAN < f»Rand%ENTEII.OQUISr. Performances Every Evening at 734 o&loch.' and aud SATURGAf i Admission 25 cents; Children 15 cents; iAeserved Seat* SO cents. - , n 035 ASSEMBLY BUILDINGBis-FIFTH -AM-CLASSICAL MASiNBE of the PHILADELPHIA CLASSICAL CdINTSTTB CLUB. " At halfpast three o’cle^s December WISH. Single tickets, at the doer, 60 ceuLs. de^ft SANFORD’S- NEW . RACE Street, below Third. OPEN FOB THE ■ SAMUELS. BAITEORD Prcsß«lorandKanager. m SANFORD’S OPERA fAOoPR. The largest and best Minstrel Company In existence. Sanlord appears in Songs, his Bur£e,Uaas. Doors open (matter- to 7 commsnos quarter to 8. .Adgsmon Si cents; Orchestra s»*ents; Bettes *5, M, TNSTJTWBION BLIND.— EXHIBITION EVERY WJ9NE-DAY at 33* P M. Adrriießior. ten cents. 6tor;,No. IX Scnth BIGHFM Street ’ " 1^ /iBBMANIA OBC3EBSTRA—PUBLIC U REHEARSALS tgerv S«fCBDA!E, at o’clock P. H., M EPICAL PUBIhHALL. Single Tickets. 3S cents. Bix Tieketß, *!, ta.be,nadat Csuid’s, Andre’s, and K,yer’B Music Stores, and. at the Hell nol-tt ri 3LB IST aEJ so Tl?.- ■y This admirable pittnre, the prodncUon of nm J^we r %’md ts JSa. O S,SS SI) ®»»a t the aCADEKT twenty-Sve cents. noI4-2m* "EXHIBITION OF WORKS OP ART, Si K>» THE BgKBFIT OS,THE CHRISTIAN COM ACADEMY of fine ARTS. An Exhibltiopof a Prl-mta Collection orWorkaof Art, In Palutings, Scnlptnra, Water Color, and other. Drawings, Euiravins;,. &c., is now ocenatthePenn sylvania orPlna Aits, No. lOsSCHESTsUT Btrtet. from IA. M. to 13. P. JL. for Me Benefit of the Christian Commission. _ . , „ , Admits!on 23 eta.; Season Tickets 50 ctp. n 076 tjanl THE ACADEMY OF FIBS ARTS, A CHESTNUT StTMt above Tenth, M OPEN DAILY;' for visltore, from 9 A Hi to CP. M. jegf. rro. YOUNG ACTRESSES.—VOUBB B- actresses mho are little acenetomed to the n» at “stage making-up’* will find that the *?>Emaa dn ParieJ’ will remove aU the evilsnsnltieifrom the oar of paints, powder, and range. The -* Email” is not» paint, hnt it. preserves and beautifies tbenkin. by ra- Chestnut, In .thu only agent In thip city. aolS-nnrcSf ' BOAHMSB. - . A ROOM AND BOARD FOR A ®EN TLBMAH, nt So. !48S South FOUSTS Htreet BefezeneeriKQuired T7TJ.LAGE GREEN SEMINARY. — » MILITARY BOARDING BCHOOL. four mllecfrani MEDIA, Pa. Thorough coarse in Mutbematios. Ola Mice, Natural Sciences, and English: pra«ic*l lesrans In Ciril EagfseeHng. Pnplis reoelved at say time, and of alt agn*. ana enjoy the benefits of a home. Refers to Join C, Capp & Son, as South Third stroei; J. Clayten, Ara., Fifth and Prone etreeta: <«-ShertffKem. and others. Add race Bey. J. HERVEX BARTON, A. M.» VILLAGE GREEN, Pennsylvania. not-fim a'MUSEJWEIVTS. W CHESTHDTST. TBSATBE. EXTBAKOTICE. EDUCAYIONAI*. DEPABXMENT FOB GUSTO® WORK.